Thread | Title | Description | Tags | Added | Score |
December 2007 |
856019 | Locate City - Nuke | A thread initially asking about player dickery with regards to Apocalypse from the Sky and Eschew Materials evolves into a method on how to use Locate City to create a 90-mile-radius nuke at 9th-level and a 440-mile-radius nuke at 20th-level. | locate city, nuke, powergaming | 2007-12-01 | 35 | |
April 2008 |
1513305 | Doc Aquatic Presents: Motherfucking Crazy Liches of History | An Exercise in Bullshit and Fluff. | Doc Acquatic, Liches | 2008-04-12 | 12 | |
1614919 | Far-Post-Robo-Apocalypse | After the fall of civilization, AIs are worshipped as living gods as humanity ekes out a tribal existence. "Understanding so lost that technology appears as magic." | game design, ideas, ai, robots, apocalypse | 2008-04-27 | 25 | |
June 2008 |
2050562 | Internet Pact Warlock | /tg/'s take on 4e Internet Pact Warlock and it's abilities | warlock, internet pact | 2008-06-21 | 4 | |
August 2008 |
2314383 | I am what? | Okay, fa/tg/uys, it's a normal day. Could be tomorrow, could be next week, could be October 22nd.
Everything's pretty normal, everything's pretty cool.
Except shit, there's no food in the house. And you're hungry. | LHC, 22 October | 2008-08-07 | 46 | |
September 2008 |
2629697 | How LCB should have ended. | The continuing mystery of what happened in the end of LCB has commentary given by Miko on how she wanted it to end. Panels are provided. Anon bravely comments, jokes, and trolls. | LCB, Miko, jocularity | 2008-09-22 | 12 | |
October 2008 |
2742715 | The Post-Apocalyptic Roadmap | Epic writefaggotry ensues as Anons provide "on the ground intel" of what their local area is like three years after a nuclear war. A setting with win begins to take form. | Post-apocalyptic, roadmap, writefaggotry, setting | 2008-10-06 | 7 | |
2794073 | Monsterpocalypse | Monsterpocalypse thread about the different factions, places to buy the pieces you want without leaving it to chance (for cheap), etc etc | Monsterpocalypse | 2008-10-16 | -2 | |
November 2008 |
3055726 | Mike’s All-Purpose Insanity Table! | Had enough of being a big, bad goddamn hero all the time? Try investigating elder Gods and deathless monstrosities – guaranteed to invoke madness!
| madness CoC insanity table roll | 2008-11-25 | 0 | |
3066231 | Which way to the waterworks?! | You turn a corner to see a blue booth of some sort, and a rather sharply dressed man dashing towards you, yelling "Which way to the waterworks?!"
ITT Doctor Who, going from quite good to exceedingly awesome | Doctor Who, Warhammer 40K, Daleks | 2008-11-26 | 6 | |
3070610 | Apocalypse Maps | It's the end of the world. Where did you fit? | Apocalypse, Jericho, Maps, Twilight: 2000 | 2008-11-27 | 1 | |
January 2009 |
3382387 | Radio Free Wasteland II | It's the end of the world. But wouldn't you know it? The radio's still on. Anon writes up the stations playing after the fall. | Radio, Apocalypse | 2009-01-13 | 10 | |
3416837 | The adventures of blockhead | What starts as anon offering to do a quest game and making /tg/ rage gets hijacked by blockhead's adventures. Awesomeness follows | collective game, quest, blockhead | 2009-01-16 | 8 | |
3469190 | Dorf psychology 101 | Let us discuss the psychology and behavior of Fortress Dorfs. | Dorfs , Dorf Fortress , Cold blooded murder , socks | 2009-01-21 | 5 | |
February 2009 |
3635915 | Post-Apocalyptic Fireside Chat | Genteel discussion of post-apocalyptic america in it's various forms | post-apocalyptic | 2009-02-07 | 5 | |
March 2009 |
4102739 | Dethklok goes int RPGing | Best system discussion quickly turns BRUTAL | Metalocalypse | 2009-03-27 | 26 | |
April 2009 |
4259103 | Dethklok does D&D | heads are impaled on spiked codpieces, killer riffs are made, possibly a beginning of a series. | dethklok, D&D, metalocalypse | 2009-04-12 | 11 | |
4278898 | /tg/ builds a city | /tg/ comes up with various ideas for a steampunk mountain city including slave cockroaches, various guilds and more. | city, mountain, steampunk, cockroach | 2009-04-14 | 7 | |
May 2009 |
4575516 | Life after Zombies | A zombie webcomic inspires discussion about how to survive after the initial outbreak has passed, and how to rebuild. | Zombies, Zombie Apocalypse | 2009-05-17 | 2 | |
June 2009 |
4742975 | In Whitest Antarctica | The myths and legends of the early colonization of the White Continitent | original content oc | 2009-06-02 | 10 | |
4772110 | Cocky PCs getting into shit. | A thread about how your players get a bit over their heads and get into trouble. Some very good stories, including the story about a paladin dying very heroically. | d&d cocky players paladin | 2009-06-05 | 5 | |
4878401 | The Aristocrats, FATAL-style | A troll thread gets counter-trolled by clever use of "The Aristocrats" joke. | FATAL, The Aristocrats, Trolls | 2009-06-14 | 36 | |
July 2009 |
5107759 | Boatmurdered, Post-Apocalyptic Campaign | OP wants to run a Fallout style campaign of exploring the world as dwarves, after dwarf-caused worldwide apocalypse of lava triggered by the Boatmurdered fortress. /tg/ decides this is awesome and offers suggestions. | Boatmurdered, Fallout, apocalypse of lava | 2009-07-06 | 8 | |
5250103 | Shodan mentors Cortana | What began as an intelligent discourse on Shodan's sentience and underlying motivations immediately devolved into a 'hawt' AI-on-AI Lez Librarian SlashFic. | "SHODAN, System Shock, Cortana, Halo, LezSlash, Deep Thinking, Sentience, Componants" | 2009-07-25 | 9 | |
August 2009 |
5399382 | Post-Apoc Pokemon | Op takes suggestions on a BESM3e pokemon campaign. | Pokemon, Post-apoc, Suggestions | 2009-08-10 | 1 | |
5436194 | Post-ice age setting | After the apocalypse, man retreats to massive, vertical underground cities built into the permafrost.
Most of man. | setting, ice age, post apocalypse, cyberpunk | 2009-08-13 | 1 | |
5451127 | A (not so) brief history of Target Games and Swedish RPGs | As the title says, Lazy DM V takes it on himself to give /tg/ a good long history lesson. | Obscure, Target Games,Drakar och demoner,Mutant Chronicles | 2009-08-14 | 7 | |
September 2009 |
5895415 | The Idylls | Nobledark post-apocalypse with a debate on the noble/grim/bright/dark axis of classification, plus minotaurs with Browning M2s. Unfortunate dive into idiocy. | Idyll, nobledark, debate, post-apocalypse, WoD, BESM, M&M | 2009-09-18 | 6 | |
October 2009 |
6103018 | COROT-7b | Your new campaign setting. | COROT-7b, rocks fall, | 2009-10-03 | -1 | |
6127804 | How to be a BBEG without trying to hard | Little situations in everyday life that we always find ourselves plucked into. Yes, the BBEG was behind them all. Also, Toblerone | Toblerone, BBEG, Campaign, Nuts, Chocolate | 2009-10-04 | 13 | |
6188951 | Post-Apocalyptic Setting: Wal-World | In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only Wal-Mart. | Setting, Post-Apocalypse, Robots, Wal-Mart | 2009-10-08 | 21 | |
6218622 | Wal-Mart Apocalypse Pt. 2 | Wal-Mart writefaggotry and more concepts. | writefaggotry, wa-mart, robots, Setting, Post-Apocalyspe | 2009-10-11 | 3 | |
6246976 | WalPocalypse 3 | More tales of the Wal! More epic writefaggotry! More awesome! | Setting, post-apocalyptic, Wal-Mart, writefaggotry, story | 2009-10-13 | 3 | |
November 2009 |
6628802 | Diamond Rain Arthurian Apocalypse | Guy comes to /tg/, says doubles posts determine his post-apoc campaign setting. Winners are bizarre, idea snowballs. | game design, post-apocalyptic, roll for | 2009-11-09 | 1 | |
December 2009 |
6970461 | Rifts: LXG | The League is reformed with the likes of Inspector Gadget, the A-Team, MacGyver, Robocop and Connor MacLeod, all to take down a rogue and insane James Bond. | RIFTS, LXG, Robocop, Inspector Gadget, A-Team, MacGyver, Highlander, 80's | 2009-12-02 | 14 | |
7143991 | Post WWIII setting | Discussion on post World War III political geography.
Interesting debate on how and where WWIII would begin accompanied by elaborate maps. | world war three, III, world war, WWIII, post apocalypse | 2009-12-15 | 2 | |
7178968 | Flu-Apocalypse Setting | In this thread several anons work with op to develop a setting based off of the idea of a disease-based apocalypse that only leaves about 1/20 of the human population alive. No Nukes. No Zombies. No Aliens. | Post-Apocalyptic, Setting, RPG | 2009-12-18 | 2 | |
January 2010 |
7423531 | Clockwork Quest | Alred Nonymous and Nikola Teslsa on a quest for SCIENCE | steampunk, clockpunk, quest | 2010-01-04 | 1 | |
7736697 | Jacob's Fire | An unnatural wildfire is slowly consuming the entire world. Summon elder god of ice? Lead refugees in invading another plane? | fire, campaign seed, apocalypse | 2010-01-24 | 8 | |
February 2010 |
8045039 | 4e Character Builds, Bonus Thread: The Peerless Wind God | OH MY GOD I'M SLIDING AND OBLITERATING TOFU LIKE I'M THE MOTHERFUCKING FIST OF THE NORTH STAR! | D&D, 4e, warlock | 2010-02-13 | 0 | |
8217390 | Post-apoc roleyplay thread | Some sort of post-apoc roleyplay in a world where apparently demons have joined the general populace. Rather shadowrun. It's good. | roleplay postapocalyptic demons bars shadowrun | 2010-02-22 | 2 | |
8269156 | Lamentations of a Sociopath | A fixation with falsities leads to the unraveling of society and sweet revenge for one fa/tg/uy | sociopaths, raisins, goodburger, phylactery | 2010-02-25 | 2 | |
March 2010 |
8377758 | ChronoChess | /tg/ gets shit done, timetravel chess. Send your queen back in time to save your rook, then have your queens new and old pair up to pin his queen and knight - who then captures your rook the turn before. | Chess, shit gets done, Chronochess, TimeTravel | 2010-03-03 | 14 | |
8388281 | Tau Quest | Despite copious amounts of trolling, the story continues | Tau, Quest, Collective Game, System Shock, Survival, Horror, necron | 2010-03-04 | 16 | |
8407630 | Tau Quest | We destroy a Necron Wraith
Moot bans some pesky trolls | Tau, quest, Necron, System Shock, 2, Collective Game | 2010-03-05 | 6 | |
8426561 | Tau Quest | Necron Lorf induces paranoia.
Surprisngly troll free. | Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 2 | 2010-03-06 | 5 | |
8434179 | Tau quest | It continues | Tau, quest, necron, system shock | 2010-03-06 | 5 | |
8441332 | Tau Quest | First flight and victory, but something's not quite right. | Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 2 | 2010-03-07 | 7 | |
8456231 | Tau Quest, the numbers are lost to the ages | Like Weaver, the cheeful Nekron lass we meet.
And fix.
FUCK YEAH. | Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 2 | 2010-03-08 | 5 | |
8478487 | Tau Quest | What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger. Also Rez Orb | Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 2 | 2010-03-09 | 5 | |
8498317 | taucron quest | because tau quest.... becomes less and less true, as we get lady deathstrike claws :3 | Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 2 | 2010-03-10 | 7 | |
8538456 | Tau quest, the after party | Includes people's thoughts on the whole thing, and a compliation of all the tau quest inspired images. | Tau, quest, Necron, System Shock, 2, Collective Game | 2010-03-12 | 5 | |
8570043 | Apocalypse Quest | Post Apocalypse in New Anchorage. Currently messing with shop owner (with delicious weapons/supplies) and hostage. | Quest Thread, Post Apocalyptic, Apocalypse Quest | 2010-03-14 | 5 | |
8597154 | Elven Cutebold Genocide / Adventure Continuation Thread | Part 2 of Janus & co.'s fight against the Nazi Elves of the Forest of Ulthar. WARNING: Cutebolds and Soul-crushing despair ahead. | cutebolds, adventure, elves, genocide, bad-ass paladins, | 2010-03-15 | 5 | |
8638632 | Throwing knives are so silly | Throwing knives are kind of ridiculous and rocks are underpowered in d20 | rules, weapons, D&D, throwing knives, rocks, katanas, d20 | 2010-03-18 | 0 | |
8642684 | Rockworld | Pretty much what it says on the tin. World based around multitudes of caves, flying boulders and other assorted rockery, as well as the races who call it home. | rockworld, homebrew setting, homebrew | 2010-03-18 | 6 | |
8694943 | Remnants Quest Part 1: The Shattering | Post apocalyptic quest where we play a soldier on his way to secure shelter and survive. | Eagle, Quest, Apocalyptic, Remnants | 2010-03-21 | 3 | |
8716037 | Life After the Bomb, by Erin Webster | Anon wakes up and discovers that not only is he the little girl, he's nearly been turned into dinner by cannibals. The rest of the thread is a tense escape, basic scavenging, and group-think on the backstory and goals for the next thread. | Erin Webster, Cold War, Missile Crisis, Post-Apocalypse | 2010-03-22 | 2 | |
8879803 | LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 5 | Rachnus and Alpharius conquer the chaos-ridden planet, and the Emprah calls for a family reunion! | RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, SMURFS, ALPHARIUS, TIALOC, SKY SERPENTS | 2010-03-31 | 7 | |
April 2010 |
8904549 | LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 6 | Isstvan V, the glassing of Rachnus' homeworld, and the capture of Tialoc. | RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, ISSTVAN V, SKY SERPENTS, TIALOC, ALPHARIUS, HORUS HERESY | 2010-04-01 | 5 | |
8895534 | Wormhole Cyberpunk setting | Aliens seek refuge, but end up crash landing and screwing up the planet big time. Cyberpunk without the 80's feel. | scifi apocalypse post-apocalypse post postapocalypse alien refugee immigrant war science fiction SHTF future cyberpunk punk white knight whiteknight | 2010-04-01 | 2 | |
8924172 | LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 7 | Regrouping, a message from Alpharius, and HEADING TO TERRA FUCKERS | RACHNUS RAGEOUS, CORAX, ALPHARIUS, TIALOC, VULKAN, HORUS HERESY | 2010-04-02 | 5 | |
8963143 | LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 9 | Generic puttering around in the aftermath of the heresy - Also, NECRONS! | RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, SMURFS, ALPHARIUS, TIALOC, SKY SERPENTS | 2010-04-04 | 5 | |
9027232 | Tlaloc Quest | Sequel to old primarch quest. | Tlaloc Quest, Quest, Collective Game | 2010-04-07 | 1 | |
9152579 | Arthropocalypse - Bug RPG | More ideas, bugs | bugs, Arthropocalypse | 2010-04-13 | 3 | |
9215462 | Rockworld Part II | Continuation of Rockworld. | Rockworld, homebrew, world building, creation | 2010-04-16 | 3 | |
9215116 | Pokemon Tabletop Adventures discussion thread | Another disscusion thread about P:TA. Axiom and Halfwing show up to talk about their progress, A kamen rider build is posted, and team rocket is revealed to have been the good guys all along. | Pokemon, Tabletop, Homebrew, Team Rocket, Kamen Rider | 2010-04-16 | 7 | |
9314617 | The adventures of Vocks Castor, Hero of the Imperium | More writefaggotry of Vocks Castor, hero of the Imperium. | 40k, Warhammer 40k, James Bond, character, writefaggotry, Vocks Castor | 2010-04-20 | 0 | |
9408898 | SUCK THREE DICKS | What began as a simple edition war troll became an enlightening discussion about ascertaining the culinary qualities of various dicks. | dicks, edition war, Mr. Rage, three, books, cocks, dick, cock | 2010-04-25 | 11 | |
9496804 | Remnants Quest: Part 2: The Shelter | We reach the base, and go inside. | Eagle Remnants Apocalypse Quest | 2010-04-29 | 1 | |
May 2010 |
9587327 | VeloCITY Part Deux | Discussion of the /tg/ homebrew continues. It mostly concerns the fluff of the setting, but it's still a nice read. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Mirror's Edge, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-04 | 12 | |
9605580 | VeloCity part 3 | More fluff discussion. People pitch ideas for equipment, places, and other things. | VeloCity, homebrew, tagging, Jet Set Radio, Aire Gear, running, blading, biking, boarding, skating, | 2010-05-04 | 8 | |
9613988 | VeloCITY Part Four | Even more fluff is discussed. Things start getting organized, and the PDF gets cleaned up. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-05 | 6 | |
9619371 | VeloCITY Part Five | The discussion of the quickly-blossoming homebrew continues even *further*. The system gets a little crunchier, concepts are clarified and ideas are pitched. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-06 | 5 | |
9653086 | VeloCITY Part 6 | More VeloCITY stuff. Thread gets temporarily derailed by stupid bullshit about somehow making a canyon with dam below sea level for some reason, but gets back on track fast enough. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-07 | 5 | |
9659445 | VeloCITY Part 7 | More of the awesome homebrew. Amongst other things, jumping gets covered, status ailments, gang organisation and Velo City's power supply are discussed, and gear barely gets considered despite Nothing Man's request. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-08 | 5 | |
9696982 | VeloCITY Part 9 | More fluff discussion from all and progress reports from Nothing Man. Part 8 was never archived. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-10 | 5 | |
9741714 | VeloCITY #10 | The big tenth thread as it enters autosage. Character sheet, pictures, little bit of trolling and some stories. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Mirror's Edge, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-11 | 5 | |
9746989 | Tinyhammer part 2 | The tinyhammering spreads over the face of the earth, and not just with wargame minis. | Tinyhammer, apocalypse, oshit | 2010-05-12 | 5 | |
9785892 | VeloCITY 11 | General discussion about VeloCITY and what it is to be a grey. | VeloCITY | 2010-05-13 | 0 | |
9903789 | Worst catastrophies/body count inflicted by PCs | Anon shares their tales of the worst genocides and destructive catastrophes ever wrought by their player characters. | epic, stories, rpg, roleplaying, awesome, Writefaggotry, disaster, atrocity, tpk | 2010-05-19 | 7 | |
9978546 | Creatures of Nightmare | /tg/ discusses creatures of nightmare, that may live near you! Most creatures posted are real and are documented, but then there are the occasional falsehoods. | san loss, nightmare fuel, ocean creatures | 2010-05-22 | 1 | |
9995590 | The What, Where, and How of Elemental Stones | A discussion of how technology and society would develop with the help of elemental stones | game design, rockworld, bucketworld, worldbuilding, world building, homebrew, steampunk | 2010-05-23 | 3 | |
10168474 | The Breaking Point | Break shit. Break everything, break the rules, even break the game. Now. | system, rpg, pnp, pen and paper, oc, original content, earthflame | 2010-05-31 | 16 | |
10162640 | VeloCITY Revival | Revival of the VeloCITY system/setting. Repost of some fluff, discussion and plans to actually get a game started contained within. Also, Nothing Man returns! | homebrew, Mirror's Edge, Velocity, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-31 | 4 | |
June 2010 |
10216464 | HEAVY MYTHRIL | The Gods of Rock look down upon you - bring glory to their name! A new campaign setting. | campaign setting, rock, heavy metal, heavy mythril, homebrew, fluff | 2010-06-02 | 23 | |
10266724 | HEAVY MYTHRIL - Part 2 | The Gods of Rock look down upon you - bring glory to their name! A new campaign setting.
...continues. | campaign setting, rock, heavy metal, heavy mythril, homebrew, fluff | 2010-06-04 | 9 | |
10670113 | OctoSamurai | new villain octosamurai | samurai, octopus, new villain, villain | 2010-06-22 | 15 | |
10781374 | RETURN OF ARTHROPOCALYPSE | /tg/ discusses games that are too cool to be real | arthropocalpyse | 2010-06-28 | 2 | |
July 2010 |
11143565 | Zerg Quest | Cerebrate Anon begins the "What the fuck" brood. Hilarity ensues. Also, rape. | Cerebrate Anon, rapelings, dicklings, cocklisks, ernie, bernie | 2010-07-15 | 39 | |
11251782 | After the Brick: A Lego Quest one-shot | Post-apocalyptic fun with Legos | Lego Quest, post-apocalyptic | 2010-07-21 | 14 | |
11254899 | After the Brick pt. 2 | The Wanderer continues his journey across the post-apocalyptic baseplate | Lego Quest, post-apocalyptic | 2010-07-21 | 12 | |
11316275 | After the Brick pt. 3 | The Wanderer continues his journey across the badlands. | Lego Quest, post-apocalyptic | 2010-07-24 | 12 | |
11432949 | After the Brick pt. 4 | The final episode of After the Brick! The Wanderer takes on the raiders, steals the food truck, and leaves a trail of bodies across the badlands! | Lego Quest, post-apocalyptic | 2010-07-30 | 13 | |
August 2010 |
11558305 | Dogscape | The earth is carpeted by a layer of Dog. The only sustenance for the remaining humans is what can be hacked from the all-consuming carpet of flesh. | Dogscape, dog, horror, post apocalyptic, fucking terrifying | 2010-08-07 | 13 | |
11874640 | Doppleganger Damacy XXII | We are hungry. Hungry for KNOWLEDGE! | Doppleganger, Damacy, Quest, Collective Game, OM NOM NOM, 5 ranks of Knowledge (Local-Cult of the Devourer) | 2010-08-30 | 29 | |
September 2010 |
11995407 | Storytiem: part the somethingth. | STORYTIEM continues the adventures of Saburo, Al'Sham, Knock, Halfling and co. | storytime, storytiem, al'sham, saburo, knock, halfling, blood bowl, awesome | 2010-09-08 | 28 | |
October 2010 |
12293398 | The Slacker Crackdown (ver 4.0) | Compilation and feedback on a not entirely bleak setting in an Earth after financial collapse. | Slackers, OC, compilation, setting | 2010-10-02 | 1 | |
12357292 | Lord of Cocks | "At the end of the session that I just came from, one of my players declared himself, publicly, the Lord of Cocks."
And then the thread was full of ideas about the proper response and repercussions for this | Cocks, dicks, God, God of Cocks, One-eyed King, Cock Salesmen, Cock Duel | 2010-10-07 | 39 | |
12359001 | "Monster" races and artistic forms. | Figure out the signature artistic forms of (mostly) D&D monster races. | d&d, dungeons and dragons, monsters, society | 2010-10-07 | 7 | |
12372468 | Planes and Mercs Quest Discussion | Request for info regarding P&M turns into quest planning thread | Planes & Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries, quest, OC | 2010-10-08 | -1 | |
12459883 | CoC Monster in the Mirror | A story of monsters, mirrors, and bad ends. | CoC, Call of Cthulhu, Bad End, Creepy | 2010-10-16 | 5 | |
12507912 | Design Your Own Zombie Apocalypse | A discussion on various zombie types, traits, abilities and plausibilities. Everything from SCIENCE!!! to "I don't gotta explain shit" | Zombie, discussion, fluff, zombie apocalypse, apocalypse | 2010-10-20 | 0 | |
12527708 | War of the Oceans | What starts with OP simply telling us of a rapeable dilemma he's having, ends with declarations of war across the ocean. | dolphins, funny, rape, chaos, ocean, squid, sharks, war, water | 2010-10-22 | 6 | |
12570119 | Realistic space game | Some discussion and ideas being tossed around for a game set in space 20 minutes into the future | Realistic, Space, 20 minutes into the future, OC, Planetes | 2010-10-26 | 2 | |
12600373 | Planes & Mercs discussion | What it says on the tin, maybe some homebrew as well | Planes, Mercs, Planes & Mercs, OC, planefaggotry | 2010-10-28 | -2 | |
12604884 | Monster in the Mirror : Act 3 | Sometimes winning costs everything else. | CoC, Call of Cthulhu, Creepy | 2010-10-29 | 0 | |
November 2010 |
12648340 | /tg/ Chooses a Party | OP "ribbonfag" asks /tg/ who they would choose to bring along on an adventure from 32 different personas. /tg/ responds with great scenarios and ideas. Third or fourth variation on threads with similar premises. | character, characters, OC, ideas | 2010-11-02 | 1 | |
12661791 | Rock and Roll CoC | Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Nat King Cole, and Frank Sinatra play a benefit concert for the damned, hijinks ensue. | Call of Cthulhu, Rock and Roll, DM, CoC | 2010-11-03 | 2 | |
12653918 | Not your ordinary corporate logo thread | From military badges to discussions over corporate responsibility | logo badge evil inc. corporation dystopia cyberpunk weyland ocp | 2010-11-04 | 15 | |
12726929 | Omegle RP | Fa/tg/uys collectively introduce the concept of roleplay to Omegle. Hilarity- and epic- ensue. | omegle, improv, roleplay, epic, adventure, infocom, quest, giant, barbarian, knight | 2010-11-09 | 2 | |
12867375 | System of ROCK | /tg/ gets shit done by making a system. Ends up revolving around bands, d12s, and has sex, drugs, and Rock & Roll as stats.
Glorious | /tg/ gets shit done, homebrew, d12, Rock and Roll, Metal, Heavy Metal | 2010-11-21 | 5 | |
12875873 | Locate City Nuke | LCN discussion ends up bridging D&D to Square/Enix settings, Fallout and more. | locate city nuke, lcn, rules abuse | 2010-11-21 | 1 | |
December 2010 |
13050054 | Funny stuff that has happened in your games. | Starts off with a man trying to kill himself with a dog that walks on TWO FEET. And just sky rockets from there. | CoC, Humor, Fun, TWO FEET | 2010-12-06 | 12 | |
13345067 | After the Brick: Dead by Dawn | Lego Quest returns to the badlands as the Wanderer takes on slavers and the army! | Lego Quest, post-apocalyptic | 2010-12-31 | 10 | |
January 2011 |
13378007 | Apocalypse Brainstorming | Coming up with some creative new ways for society to be destroyed. | apocalypse, apocalyptic, discussion, brainstorming | 2011-01-03 | 0 | |
13385827 | Why /tg/ cannot be trusted | A DM comes to ask /tg/'s advice on his players' genocidal behavior, only to find that one of his players very recently came to /tg/ for the same purpose! hilarity ensues, and much aid is given by the most beneficent board. | Orcs, Pathfinder, Genocide, Massacre, Warlord Mustache | 2011-01-04 | 10 | |
13404486 | Real Stuff for games | An archive of mysterious artifacts and places for your next game if you are feeling particularly unoriginal
| Artifacts, Locations, Wonderment, | 2011-01-05 | 1 | |
13435135 | Arts and Crafts, take Deus. | Arts and Crafts guy comes back for a second go.
/tg/ agrees is awesome, and then contributes nothing. More content is put forward. | arts, crafts, oc | 2011-01-08 | 1 | |
13458341 | Dies the Fire: Sans Fail | /tg/ takes S.M. Sterling's incredibly homosexual wiccan masturbatory fantasy series, and transforms it into a vibrant struggle between the post-apocalyptic remnants of North America.
Who will endure? The Catholic New Roman Empire of California, the Communist States of New England, or the caliginous Yoeman tribes of the great plains? Only one thing is certain: Sterling is an ass grabbing moron. | Dies the Fire, World Building, Rome Has Conquered, Communism, Post Apocalyptic | 2011-01-10 | 7 | |
13539834 | Arts and Crafts part the third | After a bit of a lengthy break, Arts and Crafts guy comes back to talk more about his setting/game/whatever.
Almost no response, due to his horrible timing. | arts, crafts, oc | 2011-01-16 | 0 | |
13559636 | Earth: 2300 | In which /tg/, asked politely to give suggestions for a tabletop game's fluff about post-apocalyptic Earth's surviving nations and their militaries, supplies the OP with a torrent of information and suggestions.
Herein you will find:
-Allied Australia and Indonesia fighting the Japanese Empire
-Scandinavia doing battle with Cossacks
-Africa successfully united under Zimbabwe
-Americans killing many, many Quebecois
-China and Russia invading India for the lulz (and the food)
-Serbia trolling the rest of Europe
-Turkey finally getting what's been coming to them since 1453
-And much, much more! | Worldbuilding, Post Apocalyptic, Homebrew, Game Design | 2011-01-18 | 12 | |
13649912 | Critical Failure Table | An elegan/tg/entlman dusts off some of his old campaign sheets, and uncovers a critical failure table of absolute wackiness. | OC, funny, wall of text | 2011-01-25 | 10 | |
13678046 | Zombie Survival | For once /tg/ has a zombie discussion that lasts over 30 posts | zombies, zombie apocolypse, survival | 2011-01-28 | 1 | |
13696742 | The Bloody Magpies and Bjorn | The Blood Ravens are 'gifted' with Bjorn the Dreadnought. Bjorn is not pleased. | Bjorn, OC, Bloody, Magpies, Blood Ravens | 2011-01-29 | 44 | |
13712986 | ITT: Organized Rangers. | OP asks for ideas for Ranger organizations.
/tg/ obliges. | Rangers, OC | 2011-01-30 | 2 | |
February 2011 |
13853348 | Kalang, the Bat-people | /tg/ proves its awesomeness once more by creating the Kalang, a race of humanlike bats who specialize in sound-manipulating sculptures, being badass flying monks, and hating the undead. Vampire bats? Those are to them what Ogres are to humans, horrid disfigured monsters. Kick their asses. | race creation, bats, kalang, monks, echolocation, sculptures | 2011-02-11 | 17 | |
13901851 | SENTENCES YOU NEVER THOUGHT YOU'D SAY IN A TABLETOP GAME (BUT THEN TOTALLY DID) | Anon shares some funny quotes, WHM shows up and contributes. | OC, funney, whm, storytime? | 2011-02-15 | 5 | |
13928781 | Octoquest | a simple roleplay as an octopus turns in to a horrifying example of what /tg/ can make with a simple "wat do". | Quest, octopus | 2011-02-17 | 38 | |
13997286 | Total Annihilation of The Imperium of Man (and everyone else) | What began as a thread over the background of Total Annihilation escalated into a thread filled with OC about how WH40K would never stand a chance, | Total, Annihilation, OC, writefaggorty, Core, Arm, Commander, Krogath | 2011-02-23 | -3 | |
14017473 | Clockwork Man Quest | After losing his commanding officer, a clockwork warmachine tries to follow orders he barely understands. | Collective game, Quest Thread, Clockwork | 2011-02-24 | 5 | |
14051043 | Apocalypse World Quest | The apocalypse happened about 50 years ago. The oldest people still around have childhood memories of it: cities burning, society in chaos then collapse, families set to panicked flight, the weird nights when the smoldering sky made midnight into a blood-colored half-day. Nobody knows what really happened or why, though. Maybe nobody ever knew. | Apocalypse World, Apocalypse, Quest, Collective Game | 2011-02-27 | -1 | |
March 2011 |
14188616 | STORYTIEM: The Final Chapter | STORYTIEM makes his emmy award-winning return to /tg/ and unveils the climactic conclusion to his mind-shatteringly epic campaign. | storytiem, saburo, joseph knock, al'sham wyles, evennia, spelljammer, the fist, frank the fiendish centipede, crazy hassan, epic, campaign | 2011-03-10 | 53 | |
14288556 | Call of Cthulhu advice and file dump | Running a Call of Cthulhu game plus the books you need. | CoC, Cthulhu, GM Tools, Downloads | 2011-03-19 | 0 | |
14338126 | Omnomnomaru - first test report | Fabricator-General Scriptarius gives his initial impressions on oyumaru, and how effectively it may be used to duplicate tabletop miniatures. | 40k, miniature copy, oyumaru, omnomnomaru, ochinchinmaru, copying miniatures, copying minis, copy minis | 2011-03-23 | 5 | |
14375710 | Sorcerer Quest 9 | We go back in time to experience life as Algers. But the question is, can we get back to the future? | Sorcerer, Quest, Collective Game, Gnoll, Doc Brown | 2011-03-27 | 5 | |
14394648 | DRYH DMing tips | A DM goes above and beyond to bring the creepiest game of Don't Rest Your Head on record to his players. | Don't Rest Your Head, DRYH, The Doctor, DM | 2011-03-29 | 23 | |
14408256 | Sandwich Spread Fantasy | /tg/ roundtables a game that doesn't exist, and soon wishes it did. | game design, OC, original content, sandwiches, food, collective design | 2011-03-29 | 10 | |
April 2011 |
14462638 | Lego Quest: The Big Burn (part 2) | The Wanderer crashes the party, finds a new ride, and makes a big impact on the Warlord's base! | Lego Quest, post-apocalyptic | 2011-04-04 | 6 | |
14489139 | Low Level Magic Items | OP asks /tg/ for small magic items to give his greedy low level player. If examined closely, the thread is actually a snake. | OC, awesome, items | 2011-04-06 | 3 | |
14615734 | RPS Army Suggestions | /tg/ debates the relative merits of the the three powerhouses of the classic game. Sadfrog says to make a RPS army system. | RPS, Rock Paper Scissors, Janken, Fake Rules,Sadfrog | 2011-04-17 | 1 | |
14629922 | Bianary Warfare | Interesting idea for a wargame is posted.
Started slow, got interesting. | homebrew, OC, wargame | 2011-04-18 | 1 | |
14641073 | Binary Warfare | Technically the second thread in the series, this is the first real thread with progress on both the game and the fluff | binary warfare, oc, wargame, homebrew | 2011-04-19 | 1 | |
14687423 | Binary Warfare, part the second. | Second real thread for binary warfare. Crunch is expanded on considerably. | binary warfare, oc, wargame, homebrew | 2011-04-23 | 0 | |
14701650 | Binary Warfare part the third | Progress is made.
Nothing of particular note. | binary warfare, oc, wargame, homebrew | 2011-04-24 | 0 | |
14755334 | Tabletop 'NOPE' Moments | OP invites /tg/ to post tales from their game tables which have made them 'nope'.
One tale from CoC in particular captures /tg/'s attention. | Call of cthulhu, CoC, nope, scary, terrifying, story time, stories | 2011-04-29 | 10 | |
May 2011 |
14777527 | Beast World | Humanity has been laid low by the Gods and their Beastmen descendants must rediscover what it means to be human | beast world, post apocalyptic, fantasy, homebrew | 2011-05-02 | 3 | |
14829225 | Praise the Walkers | OP thought up of a post-apocalyptic future where the warmachines of the apocalypse gets worshipped by human survivors. Interesting fluffmaking happened. Did I mention about what happened to the space colonization projects, and the bioweapon-turned-symbiote? | homebrew, post-apoc, sci-fi, world building, walker | 2011-05-06 | 8 | |
14840615 | Space Pirate/Metroid Dwarf Fortress | They did it. We can't archive the idea and not archive the result. Alpha version of Space Pirate fortress. | Space Pirate, Metroid, Dwarf Fortress, OC, Samus, Mod | 2011-05-07 | 7 | |
14912932 | Rogue Trader Thread As Dumb as Them | OP describes his 'brilliant' creation in rogue trader, leaving /tg/ to wonder what the fuck he just did there. | Fuck You Guys Are As Dumb As Them, Rogue Trader, Heresy, 40k, Predators, Doctor Who | 2011-05-13 | 12 | |
14997775 | Vagrant Quest 1 | 18 year old Penny, a thief running from a town that falsely accused her of messing with their solar panel finds a new settlement as well as Jim the shopkeeper. We also fixed a tractor and got supplies. | Post apocalypse, collective game, quest, Vagrant Quest, thief, Penny | 2011-05-21 | 6 | |
15025659 | Vagrant Quest II | We trade away our iPod and headphones for a water purifier and a Leatherman, have a nice bath, helped Jim close up his shop, then go have dinner with the council and learn a bit about the town we are in | Penny, Vagrant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, apocalypse, thief | 2011-05-24 | 4 | |
15084412 | Irradiant | Friendly Mad Max post apoc setting. | fluff, Irradiant, post-apocalyptic, cute | 2011-05-29 | 8 | |
June 2011 |
15187045 | The Epic of John Cockburn | Drawfag unites with /tg/ to craft a battle scene between two random shmucks. Hilarity ensues | John Cockburn, Oswald Jones IV, Fish, Mop | 2011-06-07 | 20 | |
15236326 | Fantasy M.D. | Doctors in fantasy settings and the patients they deal with. | Medical, Fantasy, Doctor, Writing | 2011-06-12 | 37 | |
July 2011 |
15476704 | Monk of the way of the GENTLEMAN | Most monks follow a path from a sacred text. This one shall be a dapper gentleman pugilist, battling the world's scoundrels and ruffians. TALLY-HO! | monk, gentleman, pugilist, boxing, tea, monocle, tophat | 2011-07-05 | 23 | |
15652957 | Village Quest | You are the chosen one! Go and figure out why the river isn't flowing anymore before everyone in your village dies. You get a sidekick/guard and a book! | Village Quest, VillageQuest, Collective Game, LiarManPost Apocalyptic, River, | 2011-07-21 | 3 | |
15664087 | Google+ Requests | /tg/ embraces the future of social networking! | Google+, G+, foreveralone, social networking | 2011-07-22 | -13 | |
August 2011 |
15905034 | /tg/Guards | We take a look at a usual day at the /tg/ City Guard | /tg/, citywatch, town watch, guards, tarrasque, apocalypse, goddamnitcarl | 2011-08-12 | 7 | |
15975401 | Crocodile Quest II | Renekton decides to side with Set. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD. | crocodile quest, sobek, two, II, 2, Renekton, Set, Nile, Egypt | 2011-08-18 | 0 | |
15981439 | Crocodile Quest III | Renekton, gifted with his new form and awesome hat, slew some fishermen. Now on a mission from Set, he goes North. | crocodile quest, sobek, three, III, 3, Renekton, Set, Nile, Egypt | 2011-08-19 | 3 | |
15990640 | Melek Tau - the psionic peacocks | In their world, beauty is power, and they are the most beautiful. Peacock feathers and camp-gay elegance everywhere. Also, psychic knife-fighting. To them, David Bowie is Chuck Norris. FABULOUS! | peacocks, psychic, psionic, beautiful, FABULOUS, bitch you did not just diss my haircut | 2011-08-20 | 23 | |
16017027 | A Questus Mechanicus 1 | Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster wakes up, kills a fat guy, and serves his Mech Lord. | Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread | 2011-08-22 | 7 | |
16042017 | A Questus Mechanicus 2 | Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster loots, gains minions and prepares to trap HERETICAL SPIES. | Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread | 2011-08-24 | 7 | |
16077369 | A Questus Mechanicus | Heregaster decides to make some robo-booty and Solid snakes his way through a warehouse. | A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread, Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, Collective Game | 2011-08-27 | 7 | |
September 2011 |
16173551 | Innocence: Lost Future | Magnificent homebrewing of original vidya. A childlike android, living its life, learning, until tragedy befalls his vault-esque home and everything goes Terminator. Fantastic concept. Fa/tg/uys are pleased. | innocence, robot, monkey, vidya, children, terminator, skynet, original content, yahtzee, manly tears | 2011-09-04 | 62 | |
16219172 | Innocence: Lost Future 2 | More brainstorming on Inn0cence, concept art, and the foe is named something other than Skynet. Finally. | Terminator, Innocence, vidya, original content, children, many tears | 2011-09-10 | 21 | |
16362820 | Ten Thousand Dicks for a werewolf game | OP posts some serious hyperbole and suffers for it. Serious thread derailment ensues. | Derailment, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, nwod, dicks | 2011-09-20 | 33 | |
16453010 | Drakar och Demoner | Anon translating Swedish D&D clone, Drakar och Demoner. | RPG, Tabletop, project, fluff, fantasy, Drakar_och_Demoner | 2011-09-29 | 3 | |
October 2011 |
16525254 | Song of Fire and Ice P3 | StrongCock starts to consolidate their hold, crazy shenanigans start happening | Song of Fire and Ice Quest, Collective Game, Strongcock Quest | 2011-10-05 | 8 | |
16534349 | Song of Fire and Ice P4 | Durian finally arrives, hunt goes wrong, crazy shenanigans | Song of Fire and Ice Quest, Collective Game, Strongcock Quest | 2011-10-06 | 8 | |
16542494 | Song of Fire and Ice Quest P5 | Song of Fire and Ice quest P4 Edyth gets married to Durian | Song of Fire and Ice Quest,Stroncock quest, Collective Game | 2011-10-07 | 8 | |
16572797 | Song of Fire and Ice P6 | Song of Fire and Ice, discovered who was behind the plot of bandits, then watched as Stark DISPENSED JUSTICE | Song of Fire and Ice Quest, Strongcock Quest, Collective game | 2011-10-10 | 7 | |
16594675 | Song of Fire and Ice P7 | Song of Fire and Ice, found a mercenary camp set out to fight you, paid by an unknown benefactor | Song of fire and Ice quest, Strongcock quest, collective Game | 2011-10-12 | 8 | |
16616021 | Song of Fire and Ice P8 | Coal mine was finished and quarry has been enlarged, Merwyn needs supplies to help Calum | Song of fire and Ice quest, Strongcock quest, collective Game | 2011-10-14 | 6 | |
16699613 | Vault-Tec Vault Ideas | Some really excellent ideas for Vaults in a Fallout game world from /tg/. | Fallout, Vault, Horror, Senseless Cruelty, Post-Apocalyptic | 2011-10-23 | 9 | |
December 2011 |
17069430 | Kobold Sorcerer Quest Ch. 5 part 10 | You spend a bit more time in the future before returning to home sweet home. | Kobold, Quest, Collective Game, Kobold Sorcerer Quest, Doc Brown | 2011-12-01 | 5 | |
17321717 | The Parrot Shipping Company | Anon GM turned a simple character trait into full-fledged game experience for one PC, but made it simple enough that it doesn't piss off the rest of the party. | OC, Homebrew, Macroeconomics, Houserules, GM, DM | 2011-12-25 | 17 | |
17382585 | Creepy Call of Cthulhu notes. | What do you hand your player when they lose sanity? One GM shares his tricks, while others chime in with their own experiences. | CoC, Creepy, Cthuhu, Madness, GM, rpg, | 2011-12-31 | 7 | |
January 2012 |
17449318 | Megacorp Quest: A New Beginning | It's not the old one, but it might be just as good. We'll just have to see where our new found cocaine addiction leads us. | Megacorp, corp, corporation, cocaine, XCOM, quest, collective game, Megacorp Quest | 2012-01-07 | 5 | |
17459560 | Fallout: Special Election: #2 | Two Vault Dwellers have adventures in Vault 50 before getting kicked out for bad behavior. | Fallout, Special Election, Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Jihad, Democracy | 2012-01-08 | 5 | |
17508118 | The Return of VeloCITY | The free-running, Jet Set Radio-ing, love love loveing /tg/ homebrew is back! | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2012-01-13 | 7 | |
17586818 | Chapter Quest I - Arrival and Withdrawal | Rising Sons chapter arrives to their domain and immediately gets into a fight with corrupt Rogue Trader. After a costly battle he is finally defeated and Rising Sons organise genocide on Heidrun. | Collective Game, Chapter Quest, genocide, Rogue Trader, Chapter Master, Space Marines | 2012-01-19 | 17 | |
17611512 | The Magus Dilemma | What /tg/ assumes will be a THAT GUY story, turns into a twist that we didn't see coming, and the OP has no idea what to do next. We try and come up with reasonable approaches. | magus, warlock, homonculus, clockwork heart, advice, | 2012-01-21 | 13 | |
17637446 | Zerg Quest LXX | Sunday Zerg Quest? Inconceivable! In this thread, LOTS of internal politics. Nuclear politics. | Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Bernie, Kerrigan, Nukes, Lying to genocide/rape survivors, Not even thinking twice about it, Group Therapy | 2012-01-23 | 10 | |
17639463 | Disappointing Fantasy | Series of short tales starting with standard fantasy tropes ending in disappointment and mediocrity. Highly amusing. | disappoint, story, story time, mediocrity, disappointment | 2012-01-23 | 14 | |
17689732 | /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 3 | While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Shit gets fucked up and significantly more complicated. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Harry Potter, X-Men, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, COMMON SENSE, Mario, Digimon, Street Fighter, Sailor Moon, Warcraft, Wakfu, Pokemon, Vocaloid, Neckbeard | 2012-01-27 | 6 | |
February 2012 |
17784681 | Aberration Wars and crazy geometry. | A discussion on how a war between mindflayers and tsochar would go. Also, how to run 4-5+ dimensional labyrinths. | Mindflayers, tsochar, Tesseract dungeon | 2012-02-03 | 12 | |
17810362 | Old World of Darkness Storytime | Alice in Wonderland in a post apocalyptic America run by Technocrats | post apocalyptic, Alice, World of Darkness, oWod, Changeling, Technocrat, Storytime | 2012-02-05 | 5 | |
17785546 | Another TGquest planning thread | archived so future readers can see our thought processes | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo, Orz, OrzAreStillATagBecauseWeAreWaitingForThemToComeBackAndBiteUsInTheAssForStupidity | 2012-02-06 | 6 | |
17837890 | The Lost Future-9 With More Guns and Bigotry | A revival of 17560757 with more fluff, and now art. | robots, engine heart, original content, post-apocalyptic, post-apoc, guns, futuristic | 2012-02-08 | 9 | |
18096184 | Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 6 | Hito got himself a temporary butler Genki Shirou and he continue explored the secret passages. | Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Luchador, Crocodile Girl | 2012-02-26 | 2 | |
18132665 | Comedy Marines | What starts as an innocent question about what Marines do in their spare time turns into puns, one liners, did you hear that one about the guardsman jokes, and so on. The Comedy Marines are born. | Comedy, OC, Space Marines, Marines, Comedy Marines, Parody | 2012-02-28 | 50 | |
18137641 | Metahuman Renaissance Quest 14 | Dan rides down the police station in the APC of awkwardness, and chats with detectives | Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, metacops, fae, black rock box | 2012-02-29 | 18 | |
March 2012 |
18177425 | Metahuman Renaissance Quest 15 | Dan freaks out, gets out, goes to sleep, wakes up, and works out. | Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, metacops, black rock box, the hammer | 2012-03-03 | 21 | |
18485978 | Rave And Die | A setting in which holographic raves spawn eldritch monstrosities. An organisation has been formed that issues agent with their own visualisation device, producing their own creatures to fight hostile entities. All the while fighting for the support of the crowd. | homebrew, RAD, Rave And Die, 3DJ, Pocket Rave Monsters, Music | 2012-03-29 | 5 | |
18519935 | IRL Instances of Sanity Loss | Anecdotes about hallucinations and other bizarre experiences. | sanity,CoC,mental illness | 2012-03-31 | 26 | |
April 2012 |
18551672 | Zombie and witch quest 10 ish(?) | Socrates gives us his autograph | Witch, Zombie, papa-n, collective game, quest, zombie&witchquest, Socrates | 2012-04-03 | 22 | |
May 2012 |
18997281 | Creepy alchemist thread | Anon notices how D&D alchemists are really creepy folk, things quickly degenerate beyond horrible. | alchemist, alchemy, D&D, pathfinder, plague, doctor, vivisection | 2012-05-06 | 25 | |
19043505 | Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 2 | While the first was not archived (nor is it worth archiving), this discussion thread proves to be full of brainstorming concerning the next stage of life on that wild, wild world.
Previews of Part 5 as well as links to the new 1d4chan page are included. | brainstorm, Deus vs Machina, discussion, ecologyfag, evo game, evolution game, evolution, Father, Fortune Evolution, FortuneHost, nongent, occasional silliness, preview, sneak-peek, Stooge, zeppelin sex, | 2012-05-14 | 10 | |
19117954 | Gaming Club Despot / Economists and Epochs | OP begins by asking how to keep his gaming club pure, and is quickly revealed as a god-tier troll. /tg/ responds by derailing into a homebrewed setting where martial arts cults pay homage to the warring gods of Economic Theory. | troll, OP, faggot, god-tier, 10/10, rage, derail, tg, /tg/, Economists and Epochs, gaming club, homebrew, setting | 2012-05-16 | 22 | |
19151544 | Free forum RP invasion | starts out just like any old online RP storytime thread,then gets to invading a RP forum to fuck shit up | Freeforum, Apocalypse Now, Fuck Yes, | 2012-05-19 | 8 | |
June 2012 |
19424737 | Enter The Shadowside | spooky tales of uncanny coincidences at the game table | Shadowside precognition cat spooky voce | 2012-06-10 | 8 | |
19455107 | Turning Point | A Dark Age dieselpunk homebrew. Armored cars and flying gay districts. | Homebrew, Dieselpunk, Dark Age, Post-Apocalyptic, Tanks, USA | 2012-06-12 | 22 | |
19457386 | For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXV | Repairs are started, equipment looked over and plans are made. Do we aid our wingmen or turn our ship into an unstoppable beast? | process. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, | 2012-06-13 | 11 | |
July 2012 |
19689797 | Lost Future Quest Part 1 | /tg/ picks a mechanic robot that can bend things, wanders around post-apocalyptic Cancun. Noob questrunner apologizes for noobishness. | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Jarritos, Lost Future, Quest | 2012-07-01 | 18 | |
19743015 | Lost Future Quest Part 2 : The Bending Continues | Clarke meets other humans and gets shot at. Plot is exposited; turns out, everything is all terminator now. | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest | 2012-07-05 | 14 | |
19770519 | Lost Future Quest part 3: Follow the Black Asphalt Road | Clarke listens to classical music, gets his shit together, and continues on his quest, Bending anything that gets in his way, alongside his new ally, Cindy the Valley-girl Robot. | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest | 2012-07-07 | 14 | |
19766361 | Freeform Tale | Op and his friends have made actual good characters in an online Play-by-Post freeform game that's full of Mary Sues. Sit back and watch the magic happen. | Freeform, Posting, Mary Sue, Bullshit Powers, OOC Knowledge, Poor Spelling | 2012-07-08 | 25 | |
19850413 | Lost Future Quest part 4: Internal Alpha | Clarke and Co dive the Networked SAP, and go all inception/matrix on its ass. Title changed because screw you, it's cooler. | lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game | 2012-07-13 | 13 | |
19863172 | Civ Game: Post-Apocalyptic Edition | The survivors of the Star City National Guard try to survive and make a place for themselves in the apocalyptic wasteland that was once the American north-west. | Collective Game, Civ Game, Post Appocaliptic, Quest, Star Guard, Salient Blue | 2012-07-14 | 20 | |
19870867 | Civ Game: Post-Apocalyptic Edition 2 | Their position secure, the Star Guard improves their infrastructure and discovers a raider fortress. | Collective Game, Civ Game, Post Appocaliptic, Quest, Star Guard, Salient Blue | 2012-07-14 | 11 | |
19878957 | Civ Game: Post-Apocalyptic Edition 3 | The Star Guard destroys the raider fort, finds tribals at a hospital, and begins research. | Collective Game, Civ Game, Post Appocaliptic, Quest, Star Guard, Salient Blue | 2012-07-15 | 11 | |
19892493 | Civ Game: Post Apocalyptic Edition 4 | The Star Guard learns of a cure for the Redbulls' rage and fights their way to a naval base to find it. | Collective Game, Civ Game, Post Appocaliptic, Quest, Star Guard, Salient Blue | 2012-07-16 | 11 | |
19899641 | Tea & Gateau | The Moderators are resting.
May I humbly propose that we place our monocles, don our finest top hats, trim our moustaches and have a fancy tea party with gateau? | Classy, Relaxing, Cake, Tear, Monocle, Top Hat | 2012-07-16 | 20 | |
19899086 | Civ Game: Post-Apocalyptic Edition 5 | The Star Guard gets helicopters, explores the river, meets a megacorp, and sends guardsmen to live at the naval base. | Collective Game, Civ Game, Post Appocaliptic, Quest, Star Guard, Salient Blue | 2012-07-16 | 12 | |
19904025 | DIS A TRAG'DY! | >Dere ar' curantly sixty millon billon Orks in da universe (not countin' da gitz lost in da Warp, haha.)
>At any giv'n time dere be less den on trillion Orks fightin' a WAAAAGH!
>DAT TOP ONE PERCENT TAKEN ALL THE WAAAAAGH FOR DEMSELVES AND DAT AIN'T ROIGHT! | occupy, waaaghstreet, waaagh, ork, /pol/, crossover | 2012-07-16 | 137 | |
19908799 | Civ Game: Post-Apocalyptic Edition 6 | The Star Guard explore the city via helicopter and try to liberate the airport island and the Gold Stars. | Collective Game, Civ Game, Post Appocaliptic, Quest, Star Guard, Salient Blue | 2012-07-17 | 12 | |
19912279 | Civ Game: Post-Apocalyptic Edition 7 | The Star Guard liberates the airport, starts spreading the Star Guard movement to other cities, and begins the Redbull offensive. | Collective Game, Civ Game, Post Appocaliptic, Quest, Star Guard, Salient Blue | 2012-07-17 | 15 | |
19913270 | Lost Future Quest part 5: Public Beta | We NOPE past the lair of a killbot, Arrive at Tulum, and after a dazzling display of Cindy's social kung-fu, finally enter the city of Tulum. | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest | 2012-07-17 | 11 | |
19808680 | Fortune: Evolution Game 6-4 (Open Ocean) | At last, Fortune returns to its roots in this session of aquatic evolution, though a bunch of folks seem to think we're trying to crawl *out* of the sea. | Fortune Evolution, evolution, evo, game, ocean, aquatic, sharks | 2012-07-17 | 5 | |
19926666 | Civ Game: Post-Apocalyptic Edition 8 | Star Guard liberates Redbulls and kicks some tribal ass | Collective Game, Civ Game, Post Appocaliptic, Quest, Star Guard, Salient Blue | 2012-07-18 | 14 | |
19930293 | Civ Game: Post-Apocalyptic Edition 9 | The Star Guard liberates child soldiers and establishes protected trade routes. | Collective Game, Civ Game, Post Appocaliptic, Quest, Star Guard, Salient Blue | 2012-07-18 | 14 | |
19941696 | Civ Game: Post-Apocalyptic Edition 10 | The Star Guard trades, expands, prospers, and then the main base explodes. | Collective Game, Civ Game, Post Appocaliptic, Quest, Star Guard, Salient Blue | 2012-07-19 | 16 | |
19986383 | WETSUIT | An RPG based on the 90s TV show of the same name. | WETSUIT, SeaQuest, scan, submarine, post-apocalyptic | 2012-07-22 | 11 | |
20039214 | Lost Future Quest part 6: It's Dangerous to go Alone | Clarke and Co get fixed up, talk shop with Hyacinth the Seraphim mechanic, and dive into Clarke's memories... right into the plot of Die Hard 6: now with robots! | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest, Die Hard, | 2012-07-26 | 13 | |
August 2012 |
20125155 | Doc Roday's Civilization Game: Illithids #1 | We find some lizards, tame them, eat their children, and get some minor advancments. | Collective Game, Tribal Quest, Civilization, Civilization Game, Doc Roday, Quest | 2012-08-01 | 4 | |
20129547 | Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 5 | The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed. | Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Titanocracy, At This Point The Scraplootas Are Just As Interesting As Blue, Boris | 2012-08-01 | 8 | |
20137272 | Lost Future Quest part 7: No place for Cowboys | Die Hard 6 continues as Clarke attempts to resolve the hostage situation in the resort. | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest | 2012-08-02 | 12 | |
20141824 | Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 7 | The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed. In specific, Farseer Vaedrisa and Warboss Urtylug. In case the tags haven't been fixed, the last thread is here: | Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Titanocracy, Fanseer, Mugs, | 2012-08-02 | 7 | |
20160608 | Black Locks 2nd thread. SET WARP DRIVES FOR ADVENTURE. | Furher fleshing out of the Black Locks Space Marines homebrew /tg/ Chapter. | Black Locks | 2012-08-03 | 5 | |
20176298 | 3rd Black Locks thread (restarted). The Flesh-Out continues (and Void Krakens run amok). | 3rd Black Lock thread. | Black Locks | 2012-08-04 | 3 | |
20191144 | Black Locks 4th Thread. Loads and loads of loot edition. | The 4th Black Locks thread. With Two new companies created. The Void Plunderers and Warp Cutters. | Black Locks | 2012-08-05 | 4 | |
20193011 | Emulsiworld | Anon describes a dream where mankind is drawn to a new planet through portals on Earth. There they find a hollow but still living tree where they make a new home: Hope. The planet, as big as Jupiter, is host to other such trees, some with other splinter evolutions of mankind, at war with the Keepers, a race of machines which cull mankind's divergent evolutions until extinction. | Homebrew, original content, crunchless fluff, science fiction, post-apocalypse, Hope, arcology, game ideas, world building, The Archivist | 2012-08-05 | 17 | |
20252613 | Lost Future Quest part 8: Stay a while, and Listen | Clarke and his allies engage in a daring rescue operation requiring duct-crawling, seduction, and light switches. Deckard Cain reveals his true nature. | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest, Die Hard, | 2012-08-10 | 11 | |
20279609 | Lost Future Quest part 8.5: Tears in Rain | Cain begins the endgame, drama occurs, and we find out how Clarke wound up in a trash heap. | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest, Die Hard, | 2012-08-12 | 11 | |
20281466 | Gargoyles Quest | In which Nero Noctos, Corporate Wizard and Researcher of mystical knowledge discovers Esther, a cursed Gargoyle whose spent the last 1200 years as a statue.
Nero Dubs the Gargoyle Esther, does his best to get her taught english, helps the Department of Defense with a group of soldiers who've been turned to stone and sets up his own corporate department. | Collective_Game, Quest, Gargoyles Quest, Nero_Noctos, Esther, Wizard, Gargoyle, Modern Fantasy | 2012-08-12 | 10 | |
20333505 | Gargoyles Quest 2 | Esther can now speak to us in a bad Boris Karlov Dracula accent, and we take on a job for the FBI. The mission: find out who's been eating werewolves in a werewolf town. | Collective_Game, Quest, Gargoyles Quest, Nero_Noctos, Esther, Wizard, Gargoyle, Modern Fantasy | 2012-08-16 | 6 | |
20366845 | Shadowrun Storytime 16: The Tale of Felix Ramirez | The team initiates their newest member, ex-Aztechnology Eagle Warrior Felix Ramirez. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Felix, Felix Ramirez, Locke | 2012-08-18 | 70 | |
20415792 | Syn City: Civilization thread, cyberpunk style. | Another civilization quest, this time with cyberpunk, and acreepy building. | Collective_Game, quest, syn, chrome_boys, cynerpunk, post_apocolypse | 2012-08-22 | 6 | |
20430687 | Lost Future Quest Part 9: The Saga of Klurk Trollslayer | Clarke and Cindy go off to slay an insane old killbot, find the spoils of a kwik-e-mart, and encounter people they previously met. | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Jarritos, Lost Future, Quest | 2012-08-23 | 10 | |
20476321 | Corruption of Champions: ANGER EDITION | In which a young Angry Marine and Musclewizard by the name of ANGER boldly strides into a new world, to cast Fist upon heretical abominations in the Emperors name. | Corruption of Champions: Knighthood, Angry Marine, Collective Game, CoC, Corruption of Champions, SPACE MARINE , 40K, Emperor, Muscle Wizard | 2012-08-26 | 21 | |
20510160 | A Giant Gave Me a Sword | And thus, awesome copy-pasta was born. | Giants, swords, awesome, social commentary, penises | 2012-08-29 | 5 | |
20534202 | Lost Future Quest Part 10: Gone with the Wind | Clarke just wants to watch the goddamn thunderstorm, is that too much to ask? Also, we meet Hoss, the Doc Smartgunner, and consider what to do with the deactivated Garry and his ill-gotten swag. | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest, Righteous Beatdown | 2012-08-31 | 12 | |
September 2012 |
20572374 | Spriggans Aquatic Civilization thread part 1 | Mutation leads to the birth of two species and We gaze into the deep blue yonder. | Spriggan, Civilization, Collective_game, Civ, Coral, Murlocs | 2012-09-03 | 0 | |
20574772 | After the Brick: Leftovers pt. 1 | The Wanderer and his new friends go to a surprise party! | Lego Quest, Collective Game, post-apocalyptic | 2012-09-03 | 8 | |
20584298 | After the Brick: Leftovers pt. 2 | The Wanderer and friends get acquainted with their new digs. | Lego Quest, Collective Game, post-apocalyptic | 2012-09-04 | 6 | |
20598949 | After the Brick: Leftovers pt. 3 | The conclusion of After the Brick: Leftovers! | Lego Quest, Collective Game, post-apocalyptic | 2012-09-05 | 7 | |
20627131 | Lost Future Quest part 10.5: A Gathering of Widgets | Clarke and Co get their shit together, reactivate Ladybird, and dive into the memories of Q1N: Medicine Robot. | lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game | 2012-09-08 | 11 | |
20675265 | Fortune: Evolution Game 6-9 (Abyss) | We dive far more than 20,000 leagues under the sea to encounter hair metal squids, giant slugs, and life around the undersea vents. | Fortune Evolution, evolution, evo, game, ocean, aquatic, abyss, trench, slugs, squids, hair metal | 2012-09-11 | 3 | |
20691143 | Zerg Quest CIII | The war against the Xel'Naga, it seems, shall be a battle of extremes. | Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Xel'Naga, Was I supposed to run a quest tonight?, Hot drop o'clock, War never changes | 2012-09-12 | 7 | |
20702416 | Lost Future Quest part 11: Free Boat Ride for 6 | Clarke and Co get out of dodge, On A Boat. Clarke deals with inter-group friction and sees some dolphins. | lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game | 2012-09-13 | 11 | |
20751338 | Flyte Rap Battles | Flyte Battle TG style | Flyte, Flyte Rogue, MC Warlock, Psion 9 | 2012-09-17 | 6 | |
20798635 | Ork Musical Theatre | What starts with a conversion of the Rick Roll opens the box to other Orkified songs... | Orks, Space Orks, Warhammer 40k, Music, Original Content, OC, Theatre | 2012-09-20 | 8 | |
20801834 | Lost Future Quest Part 12: Smithers; Release the Hounds | Clarke and his party are attacked by a group of robotic BigDogs, led by a rather menacing Network bot called The Huntsman. | lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game | 2012-09-21 | 11 | |
20840584 | GrotQuest | You are a grot. But not just any grot! You're gonna make it big in this crazy Grotocracy of Titanopolis, the city that dwells within Boris the Titan or die trying! A weird blue grot is met and a deal is struck. | GrotQuest, Collective Game, Orkz, Blue, Scraplootas, Boris the Titan, Grotocracy, Diplomacy, Makin It Big | 2012-09-24 | 17 | |
20879390 | Kender Suprise | Our feeble attempt to fight back only made them stronger. | Kenders, Pockets, only the dead can know peace from this evil | 2012-09-27 | 40 | |
20881111 | GrotQuest 2 | Squigbozz dodges spikes, fires, and gungrots and finally makes it to the 60 Second Market to find out whats what in this crazy place, only to find himself in co-ownership of a shop! CAPITALISM, HO! | GrotQuest, Collective Game, Orkz, Blue, Scraplootas, Boris the Titan, Grotocracy, Diplomacy, Makin It Big | 2012-09-27 | 10 | |
October 2012 |
20950596 | Shadowrun Storytime 17 | Happy birthday, 4chan! TwoDee returns with a very Dervish-heavy tale. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Felix, Locke, trolls, Fight Club | 2012-10-02 | 78 | |
20977253 | GrotQuest 3 | Our brave hero hits the casino! Much gambling and race fixing to had by all, with a touch of Grotocratic intrigue. Stompslap proves himself to be one smooth operator, except when he isn't. | GrotQuest, Collective Game, Orkz, Blue, Scraplootas, Boris the Titan, Grotocracy, Diplomacy, Makin It Big | 2012-10-04 | 7 | |
21056469 | Walmart Apocalypse | Survivors living in abandoned super-store lose all proportion | Walmart, Apocalypse, setting | 2012-10-10 | 16 | |
21057598 | CoC Haunted House Brainstorm | OP asks for non mythos stuff to put in a haunted house, gets it. | Call of Cthulhu. CoC, Lovecraft, haunted, horror, scary, spooky | 2012-10-10 | 2 | |
21072413 | GrotQuest 4 | Chaos ensues! Our hero escapes the casino in the midst of a riot right into the thick of a plot to overthrow the current regime before overthrowing that himself. But sneaky forces are still conspiring behind the scenes. | GrotQuest, Collective Game, Orkz, Blue, Scraplootas, Boris the Titan, Grotocracy, Diplomacy, Makin It Big | 2012-10-11 | 8 | |
21083240 | Wlmart Apocalypse Thread 3: We have a drawfag this time, what's your thrad got? | anons homebrew fluff for a setting where walmart buys the world, we get art for the crazy rafter dwelling ninja and more fluff on the Dorfen nevergrows.
good times. | Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-10-12 | 8 | |
21093664 | Walmart Apocalypse Thread 4 | Some writfagging, draw fagging, class descriptions, Superb Owl Sunday is explained, and the rise of the ambuleceti. | Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-10-13 | 4 | |
21103728 | Walmart Apocalypse: rise of the Teslawatt | In this thread we learn that the 'Tronboys worship the Teslawatt, the Topdwellers live in constant migration, running away from an endless horde of omnivourus dire birds, and Hardware isrun by fueding, fuedal merchant houses called "Franchises" | Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-10-14 | 4 | |
21124413 | Walmart Apocalypse Thread...What are we up to? 6? | More Fluff and Draw Faggotry, not much write faggotry this time around. | Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-10-15 | 2 | |
21141286 | Walmart Apocalypse Thread 7 | More fluff, faggotry of all sorts | Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-10-17 | 2 | |
21164535 | Grimoire Quest | We start a quest that seems to be originally a pick your choices picture. We switch characters three times before we come to a showdown between Leet, the main character for now, against three novice? wizards. It ends in shenanigans. | Grimoire Quest, Collective Game, Pick Your Choice, Warlocks, Witches, Demons, Fae, Eldricth Horror, Mythical Creature, Magic | 2012-10-18 | 13 | |
21168384 | GrotQuest End | GrotQuest is cancelled due to lack interest, leaving our hero's journey in limbo. Saved for posterity, in case OP ever decides to return. | GrotQuest, Collective Game, Orkz, Blue, Scraplootas, Boris the Titan, Grotocracy, Diplomacy, Makin It Big | 2012-10-18 | 7 | |
21171989 | Walmart Apocalypse....who's been counting again? | Setting again gets visited and faggotry gets done. Seems to be winding down for the moment | Walmart Apocalypse | 2012-10-20 | 1 | |
21201927 | Danny Devito-s | So, I want to make a setting where everyone is Danny DeVito, but I'm encountering a lot So, I want to make a setting where everyone is Danny DeVito, but I'm encountering a lot So, I want to make a setting where everyone So, I want to make a setting where everyone is Danny DeVito... | Danny, Devito, late night tg, actor, cockroaches, science, what, the, fuck, is, going, on, in, this, thread | 2012-10-20 | 46 | |
21203058 | Ghost Ships, 2012 | OP from /k/ spawns a setting about ghost ship hunters in the 21st century. | ghost, ship, setting, fluff, locker, reds, religion, exorcism | 2012-10-20 | 24 | |
21210163 | CATastrophe thread 3 | The third thread discussing the world of CATastrophe | catastrophe, setting, flood, blue apocalypse, chlorine, williams | 2012-10-21 | 2 | |
21214326 | CATastrophe thread 4 | We begin to work on the social and technological aspects of kemonomimi society. | catastrophe, setting, apocalypse, chlorine, williams, blue apocalypse, kemonomimi | 2012-10-21 | 3 | |
21269023 | Grimoire Quest III | We get a magic shotgun, and then Sours, Arch-Magus of Earth becomes the protag. Eldritch Lord promises candy and happiness. | Grimoire Quest, Collective Game, Fae, Warlocks, Witches, Demons, Angels, Eldritch Lord, Narrative Magic | 2012-10-25 | 10 | |
21276437 | Grimoire Quest IV | We explore the tower and converse with the demon butler. Ignavia totally calls it. | Collective Game, Grimoire Quest, uraemrys, grimoire, narrative magic, leet, roxie, fae, demons, eldritch, warlocks | 2012-10-25 | 11 | |
21283482 | Boisterous Psychopomp | MOTHERFUCKER GET IN THE BAG | death, CAPS LOCK, psychopomp, get in the bag | 2012-10-25 | 29 | |
21273541 | A Good HFY Thread | With reposting of classics, statement of what HFY is, and plenty of new OC. | HFY, Humanity Fuck Yeah, good thread, OC, writefaggotry, Drake MacDougal, | 2012-10-26 | 21 | |
21308228 | Goddamn Roombas | "Did we just get beat down by a Roomba?!" | D&D, Living Greyhawk, Mordenkainen, chocolate golem, gelatine cube, Pelor, scorpions | 2012-10-27 | 21 | |
November 2012 |
21370813 | Grimoire Quest V | We try to fix Leet, play god, and eat dairy | Grimoire Quest, Collective Game, Uraemrys, quest, magic, tropes, archetypes, summoning, warlocks | 2012-11-01 | 7 | |
21417377 | Lost Future Quest part 13: Better, Faster, Stronger | The Huntsman is vanquished, Quinn's psychological issues become apparent, and cuteness returns to the Quest. | lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game | 2012-11-05 | 12 | |
21489423 | General Fabrications Civ Quest | General Fabrications, a MegaCorp specializing in the research and development of robots and automated manufacturing processes opens its doors 200 years after the apocalypse.
shenanigans ensue. | Collective_Game, General_Fabrications, Post_Apocalypse, Vice Lords, GunRover, PostNuclearNerd | 2012-11-09 | 13 | |
21502953 | Fabrique Generale Civilisation Quest. | The adventures of the Corporate Cooperative continue! We build some large, automated wrecking machines, learn about geddonite, build a wall, shoot the crap out of the Vice Lords, and meet the Molochians.
Oh, and the dude who ran Star City Quest says hi. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover, Light_City | 2012-11-10 | 22 | |
21509308 | Fabrique Generale Quest: Bow to her Majesty | The vice lords fall, the mollochians learn their place, the Men In White are revealed, and we meet an enemy that may prove to be our greatest challenge yet. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City | 2012-11-10 | 14 | |
21533075 | Fabrique Generale Quest: Bickering Gets you nowhere | Upgrade our rovers and preform attacks on Majesty units. Lots of development, Joint Project with DBRL and trade for silk producing equipment | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City | 2012-11-12 | 12 | |
21537368 | Lost Future Quest part 14: The Island of Misfit Robots | Clarke and Co butcher the Watcher in the Water, and seek out the source of the mysterious signal. Cindy goes off to scout, and meets a new friend. Or does she...? | lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game, kraken, | 2012-11-12 | 11 | |
21566417 | Fabrique Generale Quest: Muties be hatin | We complete a lot of research and make our troopers awesome, then mutants attack, darwin claims they were from Majesty and we discus better Viktry town protection. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City | 2012-11-14 | 13 | |
21573705 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: Rock and Roll Angel | In which we upgrade V-Town, work on producing better equipment, and take control of a sattelite and learnj about the machine eat machine world of near Earth orbit. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City | 2012-11-14 | 11 | |
21595360 | Fabrique Generale quest: Case of the Missing OP | Meet the republic and the Cincinatus armed forces, get our Helo shot to hell, then the Cincinatus armed forces along side with the Majesty and the Mollochians all invade at once, but then OP disappeared. | Fabrique Generale, quest, post apocalpyse, robots, power armor, Light city, OP went missing, | 2012-11-16 | 10 | |
21611825 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest | In which we execute some slavers, make a treaty with some tribals, finish off one of our tanks, make headway with our satellite, and have a christmas celebration. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City | 2012-11-17 | 12 | |
21625086 | Fabrique Generale Quest - ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ | We build a fear-inducing, 70mph tank with missile racks, a huge fucking gun, and full auto anti-materiel guns. Oh, and we make a heap of economic progress and give our troops a slogan. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-18 | 11 | |
21640512 | Fabrique General Civilization Quest: Atom and Evil | In this thread we switch over to Months instead of weeks (and get a greater scale of action) Finally develop a fleet of aerial drones and helos, mass produce our tanks, make progress with our research, and come to unbderstand the true nature of The Majesty. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-19 | 10 | |
21646579 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: Rise And Fall | In this quest we finally start to take the fight to the Majesty, we develop defenses and weapons, build vehicles, drones, artillery, and gadgets, and then we field them. Our Merger with DBRL is on the line, can we defeat The Majesty and Claim Light City as our Rightful Domain? | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-19 | 17 | |
21653814 | Techno-Kobold Post-apocalyptic Quest | In a Post-apocalyptic science fantasy world, deep within a derelict facility. Kobolds awaken, and they have machine-guns. | Collective Game, Techno-Kobold Quest, Post-apocalyptic science fantasy | 2012-11-20 | 9 | |
21671623 | Techno-Kobold Post-apocalyptic Quest | The kobolds secure their underground base. Then suddenly a perfect imortal machiiiiiine called SHODAN VI convinces some of them to release its bonds. All hope seems lost as OP is pulled into SHODANS reality! | Collective Game, Techno-Kobold Quest, Post-apocalyptic science fantasy, SHODAN | 2012-11-21 | 7 | |
21675712 | Lost Future Quest part 15: The Life Of C1nd3 | Cindy explores the troubled pre-loss world, being the most awesome personal assistant she can be. | lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game | 2012-11-21 | 11 | |
21676786 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: Under Blood Red Skies | We start this installment off by getting the living hell kicked out of us by Majesty Orbital Weapons Systems, from there we make contact with the Pawn-King and learn more about the Majesty's true nature. Oh and we begin setting up a New Spartan Coup De Etat. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-21 | 11 | |
21683084 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: expansion and liberation | Development of a basic AI begins with man's best friend, we encourage the population to be the best possible human they can be and deal with the New Sparta leadership who has lost touch with reality. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-21 | 12 | |
21645749 | VeloCITY Reloaded | Interest in the /tg/ homebrew game "VeloCITY" is rekindled. Archived for posterity and information. | VeloCITY, The Wind in Your Hair, /tg/, homebrew, discussion, Jet Set Radio, Tony Hawk, Air Gear, parkour, freerunning, rollerblade, skateboard, bike | 2012-11-21 | 5 | |
21717537 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: All Roads Lead... | In this installment we we finish a network of roads between the surrounding settlements, back a Mafioso who doesn't mind getting his hands dirty, finish upgrading SAURON and recieve a disturbing message from our mysterious friend The Pawn-King. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-24 | 14 | |
December 2012 |
21836440 | Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 40 | Hito slowly recover himself after the fight with Chaos Gods and he finally returned to his more peaceful moment... | Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Hospital, Doctor, Medic, Team Fortress, The Rocky Horror Show | 2012-12-02 | 1 | |
21969458 | Lost Future Quest part 15.5: My Life as a Teenager's Robot | In the grim darkness of the near future, Detroit is still a shithole. Searching for Rachel, Cindy finds herself trapped in the middle of a multi-party protest that turns ugly. And after that, there's still a Concert to go to! | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, Lost Future, Quest, Islam, Protest, Robocop, Detroit | 2012-12-10 | 12 | |
21978091 | Fabrique Generale: Tripping The Red Light Fantastique | Thanks to a lucky series of natural 100s and some dogged determination we develop better armor, laser weapons, rail guns, better geddonite batteries, an expanded AEGIS defense system, and we give our allies better gear. Kind of a slow thread really. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-12-11 | 13 | |
22010575 | RFabrique Generale: Diggin' a hole edition | In which we dig a hole, develop anti kinetic Kill weapons and argue a great deal. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-12-13 | 8 | |
22012929 | Roulette, and the Super Powers Idea Market | /tg/ discusses neat new powers and comes up with the epic character Roulette | Roulette, Super Powers, Ideas, Doc, Schrodinger, Schrödinger, Visage, Wish, Tattoo, heroes | 2012-12-13 | 9 | |
22034277 | Demon Lord Succubi Quest - Part 2 | This adventure our "Hero" figures out how to use his brand new powers! ...And also poke at his dead body. | Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter | 2012-12-14 | 11 | |
22047037 | Lost Future: ttRPG brainstorming | Resistor returns, asking for some help piecing together a nWoD mod for his post-apoc setting. | Innocence, Inn0cence, Robot, AI, Lost Future, nWoD, crunch, brainstorming | 2012-12-16 | 6 | |
22070118 | Magical Rocket Out Of a Decanter Of Endless Water | /tg/ creates a functional rocket for D&D available to lift up to 52 tonnes of cargo with all math needed. | decanter of endless water, physics, rocket, D&D, spelljammer | 2012-12-16 | 22 | |
22076049 | A Web Between Stars | /tg/ takes a spatial map of the internet ( and turns it into a space homebrew | homebrew, worldbuilding, space, internet, game design, internet map, setting, original content, oc, http, browser spaceships | 2012-12-17 | 26 | |
22080667 | A Web Between Stars 2 | A Web Between Stars continued. | homebrew, worldbuilding, space, internet, game design, internet map, setting, original content, oc, http, browser spaceships | 2012-12-17 | 11 | |
22094978 | Succbus Lord Quest | Join Brooklyn as he goes to a bathhouse, gets a date, finds lackies, and talks to the alcoholic Reaper! | Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game | 2012-12-18 | 14 | |
22112102 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 4 | Brooklyn defeats the Science Lords, goes on a date, and visits the Queens with Mina. | Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest | 2012-12-19 | 21 | |
22163212 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 5 | Join Brooklyn as he has a tea party to begin corrupting the local noble girls AND learn how to spell Succubus! | Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest | 2012-12-23 | 20 | |
22181221 | Succubi Lord Quest Part 5 | In which we shit bricks, and the loom of fate does not tell us when we can slap succubutt | succubus, quest, lord, post apocalyptic | 2012-12-23 | 12 | |
22252818 | Lost Future Quest part 16: I Know Now Why You Cry | Hoss and Hound stage a daring rescue attempt. Cindy needs an adult. | Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Jarritos, Lost Future, Quest | 2012-12-28 | 11 | |
January 2013 |
22316221 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 8 | The trilling conclusion of Miyu's flashback and followed by Mina stealing Brooklyn's innocence. | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, mad science, SCIENCE!, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-01-01 | 20 | |
22368848 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 9 | Brooklyn goes out on his date with the twins and the Demon Lord comes to town! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-01-04 | 23 | |
22400891 | Rocket Quest 1 | In which an Experimental Poochyena and Ghastly are acquired and a careless trainer is relieved of his pokemon. | Collective Game, Rocket Quest, Pokemon, LabRats | 2013-01-05 | 7 | |
22423839 | Grand Ocean Quest | You control Ophelia Reers! Merchant Extraordinaire! At least, that's what you'll say in the future.. | Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest | 2013-01-06 | 26 | |
22497008 | Lost Future Quest part 17: Bright Lights, Big City | Clarke and Co deal with the aftermath of Cozumel, and dock their boat, protecting their hiding place with Cindy's social-fu. But it turns out to be a bit crowded in Cancun... | lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game | 2013-01-10 | 7 | |
22500075 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 10 | The long awaited fight with Demon Knight Blizzarios! Also slapping of Mina's ass. | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-01-10 | 20 | |
22519125 | Grand Ocean Quest II | Ophelia Reers discoveres buisness oportunities in a city held hostage by pirates. JoJo reveals his awesome power and she eats a devil fruit. Also, Rules of Acquisition. | Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ferengi-Wisdom | 2013-01-11 | 20 | |
22527155 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 11 | Where we met a grumpy old man with a rifle, Queen's mock a pedophile, followed by long term planning. | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-01-12 | 20 | |
22535280 | Rocket Quest 2 | In which we get promoted, make a Doppleganger and mother some hoodlums. | Collective Game, Rocket Quest, Pokemon, LabRats | 2013-01-12 | 7 | |
22571179 | The Payphone Network | An anon presents an intriguing setting in which the diminishing numbers of payphones are used to control supernatural beings and summon unworldly favours. Just make sure you have enough minutes left on your card, or the Operator may make you call Collect... | setting, payphones, operator, phonecard, occult, unknown armies | 2013-01-16 | 33 | |
22627992 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 12 | In this Quest, we go to the bath house, use Hokuto Shinken to vaporize bandits, and play DnD | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Fist of the North Star, DnD | 2013-01-17 | 20 | |
22668580 | Rocket Quest 3 | In which we order our hoodlums around. | Collective Game, Rocket Quest, Pokemon, LabRats | 2013-01-19 | 5 | |
22715392 | Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 1 | We are Wyatt Brown, specialist in Applied Dimensional Mechanics and Summoning. We have been tasked to rebuild Team 108 after they disastrously went rogue. We go to grab the first member of the team, and land right in the middle of some Lovecraftian shit they've uncovered. | Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Occult Intelligence, Lovecraft Mythos, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Weird Science | 2013-01-22 | 5 | |
22745010 | Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 2 | Doc Brown assembles his team, performs SCIENCE!, interrogates a prisoner, and fights shoggoths beneath Grand Central Station. | Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Occult Intelligence, Lovecraft Mythos, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Weird Science | 2013-01-23 | 5 | |
22760532 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 13 | Join us as we discuss Willpower with Lance and learn what is inside of the MYSTERY BOX! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Mystery Box | 2013-01-25 | 20 | |
22795868 | Rocket Quest 4 | In which we set up a watch on Team Aqua and get spooky vibes off of Mount Pyre. | Collective Game, Rocket Quest, Pokemon, LabRats | 2013-01-26 | 5 | |
22886959 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 14 | Join as we melt Brooklyn's mind with a hard new book and continue our corruption with the noble girls! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-01-31 | 23 | |
22885537 | Lost Future Quest part 18: City of Broken Glass | Clarke and Co prove, unquestionably, for all time, that NO problem cannot be solved with sufficient bending. Also, we meet the wacky leader of the Free Machines, LT. Joshua Percival Cogson. | lost future, mexico, bending, mexico, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game, Lost Future | 2013-01-31 | 12 | |
February 2013 |
22925281 | Rocket Quest 5 | In which we have strange dreams and hold up the local Pokemon Center | Collective Game, Rocket Quest, Pokemon, LabRats | 2013-02-02 | 7 | |
22926079 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 15 | Join Brooklyn as he continues to corrupt the noble girls! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-02-02 | 20 | |
22985164 | Grand Ocean Quest III | Ophelia Reers explores the use of her powers, talks to her guns in creepy ways, and acts a hero. Sail on the winds of Profit! | Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo | 2013-02-05 | 12 | |
23016285 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 16 | Join us as Brooklyn meets with two of the noble girls and then meets up with Mina in a bar! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-02-07 | 20 | |
23035776 | /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 1 | A scout team of the Free Towns hears news of a library calling for help in the heart of a mary sue nation. | Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse | 2013-02-08 | 9 | |
23037379 | Grand Ocean Quest IV | Ophelia Reers "acquires" the spoils from defeating the pirates, and calms down angry villagers. Voyaging to Loguetown... | Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo | 2013-02-08 | 10 | |
23055416 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 17 | Join Brooklyn as he meets Amanda and has happy fun time! Also part 17 should be in the title in the thread. | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-02-09 | 25 | |
23095520 | /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 2 | We flank and dispose of a minor pony sue while venturing further into the city. | Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, ponies, MLP, tardchild, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse | 2013-02-11 | 8 | |
23128694 | Fallout Civ: Enclave Take Over of the Mid-West | Civ thread based around the Enclave take over of the east coast and the mid west. We made 2 allies along the way. | Collective Game, Civilization, Apocalyptic, Action, Fallout | 2013-02-13 | 1 | |
23152153 | /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 3 | We crawl through underground tunnels and encounter a bunch of mechs on the other side. | Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse | 2013-02-14 | 9 | |
23154565 | Grand Ocean Quest V | Ophelia Reers ports in Loguetown and find a man and woman arguing.. She sticks her nose right inti it, and what does she smell? PROFIT! | Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest | 2013-02-14 | 12 | |
23174036 | Grand Ocean Quest VI | Ophelia Reers continues her adventures in Loguetown! Tending to Nicolas's wound, she finds the Havoc that Jojo and Bartleby have caused. Later, we find out Jojo's secret... | Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers | 2013-02-15 | 10 | |
23167385 | A magus on yahoo answers | Fa/tg/uy trolls superstitious idiots on yahoo answers while coming up with awesome occult setting ideas. | Yahoo Answers, troll, fantasy, magic, occult | 2013-02-15 | 37 | |
23193893 | /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 4 | We get caught in between mech fights and a multi-way shootout. | Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, mechs | 2013-02-16 | 6 | |
23193462 | Grand Ocean Quest VII | Ophelia Reers continues her tromp around in Loguetown! She visits the merchant Guild and takes on a deal that directs her to the Grand Line's Alabasta to investigate illegal trade! Also, Jojo gets some real clothes. | Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger | 2013-02-16 | 7 | |
23209880 | Grand Ocean Quest VIII | Ophelia Reers acquires gun upgrades and buys new gear for her employes/crew. | Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger | 2013-02-17 | 9 | |
23229598 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 18 | Join Brooklyn as he performs the summoning ritual in front of the girls! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-02-18 | 22 | |
23250894 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 19 | Join Brooklyn as he races to help Erika from danger! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-02-19 | 20 | |
23273170 | Grand Ocean Quest IX | Ophelia Reers gains a new crew member and bails Bartleby out of jail. | Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger | 2013-02-20 | 11 | |
23270352 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 20 | Join Brooklyn as he begins to plan how to take on an Adventurer party! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-02-20 | 20 | |
23289078 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 21 | Join Brooklyn has he and his group go head to head over a group of Adventurers! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Paladumb | 2013-02-21 | 20 | |
23310317 | /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 5 | We get past a mech fight, leave one of our guys, piss off a frenzied mob, and discover a surprise at a crash site. | Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, mobs, mob mentality, preacher, book burning | 2013-02-23 | 0 | |
23343269 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 22 | Join us for Erika's transformation party where she becomes an Ayarian Succubus! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Paladumb | 2013-02-24 | 21 | |
23419511 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 23 | Brooklyn gets snazzy new armour and makes the plan of how to get Erika out of the castle! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-02-28 | 22 | |
March 2013 |
23424514 | Engine Heart Waterworld Metropolis | Viral reports about the upcoming kickstarter, nono makes a postapocalyptic Engine Heart setting, everybody wins. | Engine Heart, viral, nono, robot, bot, droid, android, drone, wall-e, free, homebrew, epic, survival, apocalypse, water, ocean, sea | 2013-03-01 | 9 | |
23506779 | Whiteshield Training | Thread about whiteshields gets some classic whiteshield training OC | whiteshields, drill sergeants, imperial guard, IG, OC | 2013-03-05 | 3 | |
23550141 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 24 | Join Brooklyn as he heads to the bar, meets friends, and plays card games! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Card Games | 2013-03-07 | 23 | |
23584800 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 25 | We begin the mission to rescue Erika! Nat 100's all about! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-03-09 | 20 | |
23600893 | GoT Knock off Quest | William Bordain, the angry murdering lord of Iron, Steel who hates everyone, especially his own population. | GoT, Quest, Knock off Quest | 2013-03-10 | 23 | |
23616738 | GoT Knock off Quest Part II | William Bordain, the angry murdering lord of Iron begins setting his realm right. Mostly by beating the hell out of his loudest detractor. | GoT, Quest, Knock off Quest | 2013-03-11 | 22 | |
23669420 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 26 | Join us as we settle Amanda's Teenage angst and talk to the Adventurers! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-03-14 | 20 | |
23685113 | Vocaroo requests | An elegan/tg/entleman takes requests for vocaroo. | vocaroo, beautiful man, much fun | 2013-03-14 | 1 | |
23688765 | Knock Off GoT Quest part V | William Bordain convinces the hill tribes to follow him, and discovers his own totem animal. The Warpick. | Game of Thrones, Knock Off Quest, Quest | 2013-03-15 | 23 | |
23707839 | Knock Off GoT Quest part VI | William Bordain decides that his army isn't big enough, and so he doubles it, and enlists two new banner men. | Game of Thrones, Knock Off Quest, Quest | 2013-03-16 | 22 | |
23723925 | Knock Off GoT Quest part VII | William Bordain visits his neighbor, meets his neighbors daughter, and discovers that people consider him a blood drinking, no pants wearing, lunatic. He agrees. | Game of Thrones, Knock Off Quest, Quest | 2013-03-17 | 23 | |
23743919 | Knock Off GoT Quest part VIII | William Bordain, Lord of Murder rides with his betrothed to the Ayrie for Lord Arryn's Fete. Along the way he erects a row of human scarecrows. | Game of Thrones, Knock Off Quest, Quest | 2013-03-18 | 23 | |
23759967 | Knock Off GoT Quest part IX | William Bordain, Lord of Murder, is taken to court and proves that he can't be beaten even in a court of law. | Game of Thrones, Knock Off Quest, Quest, Collective Game | 2013-03-19 | 33 | |
23762482 | Space Princess Quest 3 | Wherein Princess Lydia Tannhäuser Von Cygnus gates the third celebrates a successful suborbital launch and gives an announcement to the kingdom. | Princess quest, Quest thread, space, rockets | 2013-03-19 | 7 | |
23778247 | Space Princess Quest 4 | Wherein Princess Lydia Tannhäuser Von Cygnus gates the third plans a party. | Collective game, Space princess quest, princess quest, space, rocket, princess | 2013-03-20 | 10 | |
23790238 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 27 | Join us as we train with Brooklyn then take control of Erika for a small arc! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, psychic, telepathy | 2013-03-21 | 20 | |
23795054 | /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 6 | "What are the Editors?" "LA LI LU LE LO." We find a crashed Terran Wraith. Chuck Norris, Space Ghost and GI Joe take down several Pony SUEs of the Conversion Bureau with our assistance. The Editors finally reveal themselves, and what they plan to do with Meta-Earth, and especially with the library. | Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, Ponies, MLP, Starcraft, Conversion Bureaumobs, mob mentality, book burning | 2013-03-22 | 3 | |
23813278 | Space Princess quest 5 | In which Princess Lydia Taunhauser has a bad problem and does not go into space today. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-03-22 | 7 | |
23807640 | Voice Acting Thread | Bored /tg/ers + vocaroo = auditory hilarity/awesomeness/weirdness. | Discussion, Vocaroo, Voice Acting | 2013-03-22 | 3 | |
23830717 | Space Princess quest 6 | In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser gets help from her brother and the Royal Navy. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-03-23 | 7 | |
23848896 | Space Princess Quest 7 | In which the dice hate us. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-03-24 | 6 | |
23865791 | Space Princess quest 8 | In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser's luck improves considerably. | Collective game, space princess quest, space, princess, rocket | 2013-03-25 | 7 | |
23878366 | tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 7 | We escape the subway and slow down the angry mob with explosives. As the mishmash team escapes on GI Joe land vehicles, they finally find the library, defended at the front by a certain Sayaka... | Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka | 2013-03-26 | 1 | |
23884344 | Space Princess Quest 9 | In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser deals with the press and makes plans to talk to Parliament. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-03-26 | 7 | |
23913055 | /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 8 | The Editors declare Martial Law. It's a fight for the last trove of free knowledge. While multiple sides fight each other without end, more Joes pour in and the Editors deploy killer robots to quell resistance. We also learn the secret behind the Sue-pocalypse. | Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot | 2013-03-28 | 0 | |
23930866 | /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 9 | We get pushed back under the Editor onslaught. The Library begins to collapse. We try to hold out until we can. | Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot | 2013-03-29 | 1 | |
23934246 | Space Princess quest 10 | In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser learns the terrible secrets of space. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-03-29 | 7 | |
23948694 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 28 | Join us as Erika and Co. investigate a suspicious town where something is admist! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, psychic, telepathy, Necromancy | 2013-03-30 | 20 | |
23951129 | /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 10 | The end. The battle. The aftermath. Things turn around for us, or not. And yet there is a silver lining waiting for us. | Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot, Equilibrium, Grammaton Clerics | 2013-03-31 | 4 | |
April 2013 |
24002269 | Space Princess Quest 11 | In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser talks with the members of the Appropriations Committee. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-02 | 6 | |
24043889 | Space Princess quest 12 | In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser secures funding and makes a new friend. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket | 2013-04-04 | 6 | |
24064762 | Space Princess quest 13 | In which Princess Lydia Lydia Tannhäuser Von Cygnus Gates the third becomes duchess of her own tropical island and begins plans for an even larger rocket. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-05 | 6 | |
24082149 | Space Princess quest 14 | In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser realizes she will need an even larger rocket, and makes plans to meet with the press. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-06 | 7 | |
24091998 | Tavern Quest | Tallius Urist, disgraced noble and wanted man, makes his first forays into the wonderful world of Tavern ownership. He buys a property, scouts out the nearby area, and sets out to renovate the abandoned crossroads outpost into a place worth getting hammered in. | Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire, | 2013-04-07 | 37 | |
24098692 | Space Princess Quest 15 | In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser entertains the press and has another idea. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-07 | 6 | |
24130315 | BioShock multiverse | What other universes in fiction have a man, a lighthouse and a city?
The nature of the multiverse, vidya BioShock, and revolution. | multiverse, vidya, BioShock, revolution | 2013-04-09 | 10 | |
24141034 | Space Princess Quest 16 | Another turn is passed, we join Sir Harker on his airplane, Quest is ended early since /tg/ is asleep | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-09 | 6 | |
24157553 | Space Princess quest 16.2 | In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser experiences microgravity and launches a sub-orbital rocket. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket | 2013-04-10 | 6 | |
24170351 | Chapter Creation Thread: Blades of Winter | OP starts a chapter creation thread using dicerolls, ends up creating a successor chapter of Blood Angels, inspired by the legends of the Wendigo. Drawings and writefaggotry ensue. | 40k, space marines, oc, chapter creation | 2013-04-11 | 4 | |
24178851 | Space Princess Quest 17 | In which Princess Lydia wants pictures, pictures of SPACE! | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket | 2013-04-11 | 6 | |
24196099 | Space Princess Quest 18 | In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser publishes her pictures, and realizes she hasn't been giving her rockets names. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-12 | 6 | |
24207612 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock | You are Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, and though your people have suffered hard times, through betrayal and loss, they can rise again under your banner. Will they take back the mountains, or be crushed by the barbarian clans? You decide! | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards | 2013-04-13 | 42 | |
24212908 | Space Princess quest 19,Yuri's night edtion | In which we honor Yuri Gagarin, and then the Duchess of Taunhäuser starts the Tournament. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Quest, Rocket, Yuri, Yuri Gagarin | 2013-04-13 | 7 | |
24225064 | Tavern Quest: Chapter 2 | Tallius Urist, disgraced noble seeking to start a new life as a Tavern owner, recruits Martellus the barman, Sif the barmaid, and Miaya the elven huntress/chef into his employ. He then proceeds to be scammed by a cart salesman. Damned cart salesmen. The night is to be spent in Gearwatch, Tallius and friends taking his extremely overpriced cart to the outpost on the morrow. | Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire, | 2013-04-14 | 26 | |
24230985 | Space Princess quest 20 | In which Intruders are detected on the island! | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Quest, Rocket | 2013-04-14 | 5 | |
24264225 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 2 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, interrogated captured mountain barbarians to discover their numbers and location of their camp, got in good with our family, reorganised our ranger forces to better patrol our lands, and beat our son in a sparring match, teaching him respect and forging a bond twixt father and son. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-04-16 | 28 | |
24288737 | Space Princess quest 21 | In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser tests her champions mettle. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-17 | 5 | |
24308072 | Ripoff Civ: Thread 4 | This thread was mainly about witches. We also built a wall, had an accident, and met some irritable harpies. | LegoCiv quest, Collective Game, cave, LEGO, civ quest, Ripoff Quest | 2013-04-18 | 4 | |
24309610 | Space Princess Quest 22 | In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser oversees and Aerial Duel to decide the winner of the Tournament. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-18 | 5 | |
24328791 | Space Princess quest 23 | In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser plans the schedule for the launch of the first manned rocket. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-19 | 8 | |
24338691 | Doomquest part 2 | In which the skrulls of Slovakia are dealt with, and our dinner date isn't a total failure | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-04-20 | 11 | |
24340519 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 3 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, negotiate a military alliance and a trade agreement with House Eben, met his family and our potential daughter-in-law, ran down and slaughtered mountain men who tried to hold us up on the road home, and met Ser Lyn Corbray, envoy of Lord Royce, who gave us wealth from House Arryn, and called our son a fat bastard who needs beating into shape, which will lead to future hilarity. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-04-20 | 26 | |
24347486 | Space Princess quest 24 | In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser celibates her 17th birthday. This episode is incorrectly numbered as 23. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-20 | 5 | |
24358152 | Doomquest | 3 thread | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-04-21 | 11 | |
24361326 | Tavern Quest: Chapter 3 | Tallius gathers his employees and associates and leaves Gearwatch for the outpost. Along the way he runs afoul of a patrol of Paladins, and stares death in the face. | Tavern Quest, Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Clockwork Empire | 2013-04-21 | 24 | |
24380074 | Doom quest 4 | In which Valeria Richards becomes a magical girl, construction begins on not-hogwarts, and we get presents from Namor | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-04-22 | 11 | |
24346225 | Bioshock: Nature's Ladder | Following the disaster of the Boer War and the resulting crisis in national confidence, the eminent scientist Sir Edward Dalton proscribed as the only possible solution to the moral degeneration of Britons the new science, in fact a genetic religion of hereditary genius, eugenics - the science of human advancement.
He and his colleagues conspired in the construction of a haven from which to escape the Lloyd-George government, completing the underground city and going below during the "dark days" of the post-war Lloyd-George coalition ministry.
The city was made possible by the sapling of the Tree of Life from the Himalayas, and the Soma flowers which bloomed from it - symbiotic organisms which made gross cellular mutation achievable; speeding up the construction and the subsequent breeding program immensely. | Bioshock, Nature's Ladder, World Building, Setting | 2013-04-22 | 10 | |
24402084 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 4 | n which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, does all sort of things to help advance his house, from recruiting hunters and poachers to cutting ties with House Belmore. In addition, the savages finally make their move with some mysterious help. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-04-23 | 25 | |
24405433 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 29 | Join Brooklyn as he finally fights off against Langy for control of Fort Hope! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha | 2013-04-23 | 20 | |
24418674 | Doomquest part 5 | In which we recruit Morgana le fey to be our new headmistress, Valeria invents the hoverboard and the fantastic 4 return from mars | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-04-24 | 10 | |
24426769 | Electric Rock Pagans | /tg/ takes the term ERP and makes a heavy metal setting out of it, detailing the music of fantasy races. | ERP, Electric Rock Pagans | 2013-04-24 | 5 | |
24422100 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 30 | Join Brooklyn as he attends to the more immediate aftermath of what happened in Fort Hope! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha | 2013-04-24 | 20 | |
24428618 | Space Princess Quest 25 | In which preparations are made for a manned lauch! Also, hamster powerplant. | Collective game, Space princess quest, princess quest, space, rocket, princess | 2013-04-24 | 7 | |
24438264 | Doom quest 6 | In which relations with the fantastic 4 become more rocky, and we chat with Morgana le fay. Shortest one, due to our useless servant OP being ill. You just can't build the staff these days | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-04-24 | 7 | |
24448247 | Space Princess quest 26 | In which Dame Kateryn Cobham of the Royal Air Force becomes the first person in space. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Quest, Rocket | 2013-04-25 | 14 | |
24465718 | Space Princess quest 27 | In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser plans her next move. | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-26 | 6 | |
24475272 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 5 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, musters his army and summons his ally. He makes ready for full scale war against the Milk Snakes clan. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-04-27 | 24 | |
24482025 | Space Princess quest 28 | In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser has an interview with Mr Radio. | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, princess, Rocket | 2013-04-27 | 5 | |
24491084 | Doomquest 7 | In which we go to the UN, Learn how to scry and run out of fanta | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-04-28 | 7 | |
24494453 | Tavern Quest: Chapter 4 | Tallius deals with Santher's impropriety, counts his profits, and has one hell of a dream. Sif kicks elven ass, and an Orc is stabbed in the balls. Good times at The Clock Tower Tavern. | Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Clockwork Empire | 2013-04-28 | 23 | |
24498650 | Space Princess quest 29 | In which Sir Harker goes into space. | Collective Game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-04-28 | 5 | |
24516149 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 31 | Join us for Brooklyn meeting with Amanda+Erika and groping of Mina's ass! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-04-29 | 20 | |
24530468 | Doomquest part 8 | In which Valeria stays briefly, we give Morgan le Fey a lot of fanta, and Magneto moves to Mars | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-04-29 | 7 | |
24532547 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 6 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, concludes his negotiations with House Egen, gaining their aid in the war against the Milk Snake mountain clan, and took the arrow and sword to the barbarians' warriors, children and womenfolk, slaughtering their raiders to a man and taking their chief captive, our rangers harrying their fleeing families, though to great cost to our allies, who lost near half their men in the hard-fought victory. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-04-30 | 26 | |
24530346 | JoJoCalypse Quest 2 | In which little progress is made and the GM leaves early. | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Collective Game, Joe Joestar, JoJoCalypse | 2013-04-30 | 5 | |
May 2013 |
24550561 | Doom Quest part 9 | In which our faithful servant needs repairs, we give Namor a present, and we attend and almost win an Atlantean tournament without personal participation | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-01 | 7 | |
24557851 | Space Princess quest 30 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser sights an unidentified flying object in the northern sky. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-05-01 | 8 | |
24560756 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 32 | Join Brooklyn as he becomes Head Mage and is with Erika when she unveils her form to Leona! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Paladumb | 2013-05-01 | 22 | |
24570341 | Doom Quest 10 | In which we talk with the victor of the atlantean tournament, We get richards to allow Valeria to go to magic school, and we plan the school's opening | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-02 | 6 | |
24593613 | Space Princess quest 31 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser launches one last rocket before Typhoon season. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, princess, Rocket | 2013-05-03 | 5 | |
24607844 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 7 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, builds a few plans for turning Westpass into an economic powerhouse. Many ravens are sent out across the land to different lords and a fascinating guest known only as Maahira of Qohor arrives at High Harrock with a small escort of Unsullied and a big secret in tow. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-05-04 | 25 | |
24623905 | Doom Quest part 11 | In which Mutants attack during our school opening, OP gets killed and Deadpool gets ready to record his best show yet | Doom Quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-05 | 6 | |
24626800 | Tavern Quest: Chapter 5 | Tallius meets Reginald Brittanius, leader of the mercenary group known as the Rose Brotherhood. He then attempts to learn hunting, but really just ends up having a tumble in the mud with Miaya. And a boar. The boar is significant there. | Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire, | 2013-05-05 | 20 | |
24628888 | Space Princess Quest 32 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser visits the western isles and calls her mother. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket | 2013-05-05 | 6 | |
24644348 | Doom Quest 12 | In which deadpool interrogates our prisoners, Richards gets caught out and lessons begin at the Latverian institute of thaumaturgy and technology | Doom Quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-06 | 6 | |
24665069 | Doom Quest part 13 | In which we interrogate Wolverine, Rehabilitate X-23, and learn of the Illuminati | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-06 | 6 | |
24666929 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 8 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, dealt with his neighbours in matters of trade and diplomacy, helping to better his relations with his ally House Egen, and received a pointed missive from Lord Yohn Royce, Castellan of the Vale, relating to his dealings with Lady Maahira of Qohor. In addition, settlers arrived from elsewhere in the Vale, helping to develop the land of Westpass, and much discussion was had over the buying of goats. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Goats | 2013-05-07 | 26 | |
24683861 | Doom Quest 14 | In which we talk to Xavier, Attend an illuminati meeting and go on a picnic | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-08 | 6 | |
24688854 | Space Princess quest 33 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser meets with some merchant princes and goes to the Fall Equinox festival. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-05-08 | 6 | |
24704495 | Doom Quest 15 | In which we deal with teen angst, pass sentence on prisoners and get Wolverine out of the country | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-09 | 6 | |
24707557 | Tavern Quest Gaiden: Lucretia | Lucretia Le'Eforet is a woman without honor. Things are amiss at the Meridian Academy, and the Order is deployed to find out what's wrong. Mysterious encounters ensue, and Lucretia gets a lead on her true quarry. | Collective Game, Lucretia Le'Eforet, Tavern Quest, Gaiden, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire, | 2013-05-09 | 20 | |
24708013 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 33 | Join Brooklyn as he gets a new maid and talks the merchant twins into becoming Succubi! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-05-09 | 20 | |
24706043 | The Discopocalypse | at the invitation to create a setting /tg/ comes up with a post-apocalyptic setting | world building, original content, discopocalypse | 2013-05-09 | 5 | |
24734816 | Space Princess Quest 34 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser meets a mysterious boy. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-05-10 | 5 | |
24749571 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 9 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, received an invitation for his House to attend a tourney, featuring a joust and melee, to be hosted by his rivals House Belmore, and it was decided that Artys and Ser Morys would joust, and Brock, heir of Westpass, would join the melee. Much discussion was had with their allies of House Egen, including further unity of the military forces of the Houses, and the prospect of an alliance through marriage. Brock also shows he is learning, and finds Lorenna, daughter of Lord Egen, to be a most attractive girl, and a prime potential wife. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-05-11 | 30 | |
24765970 | Doom Quest 16 | In which we take a break, Talk with Nick Fury, defeat some skrulls and eat some cake | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-11 | 7 | |
24768489 | Tavern Quest: Chapter 6 | CQC basics not remembered. Sexy dreams had. An Alliance is formed. War comes to the Tavern. War,as it is, has casualties. | Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire, | 2013-05-12 | 20 | |
24786650 | Doom Quest 17 | In which we talk with Magneto, fix an inconvenience in our school, and arrange our appearance on the Daily show | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-13 | 11 | |
24806290 | Doom Quest 18 | In which we appear on the Daily show. Then Richards shows up. Probably drunk. | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-14 | 24 | |
24846460 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 10 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, travels with his family and Lord Egen to Grimarbour, the port-town of House Belmore, though rightfully being Harrock land, and location for the regional Tourney. Discussions were had with Yohn Royce, who seemed pleased to see Lord Harrock, and much jousting occurred, whereby Ser Morys progressed into the second round, as did Lord Harrock, though only after gravely injuring Lord Lyonel Corbray, Ser Lyn's brother. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-05-16 | 31 | |
24848112 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 34 | Join us as we talk to Roselle then a really big debate. | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, drama | 2013-05-16 | 20 | |
24863634 | Doom Quest 20 | In which we read a Skrull's mind, Ward the School better and make everyone at the UN shit themselves | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-17 | 13 | |
24869220 | Space princess quest 35 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser talks to a computer and gives a lecture at the Academy. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket | 2013-05-17 | 5 | |
24875077 | Hikikomori, the nothing happening and the penis cracking | our fa/tg/uy hikikomori proceeds to get nothing done but shatter his own dreams and we get a lovely recording. | penis, hikikomori, notaquest, vocaroo, nothing, happens, move, along, collective game | 2013-05-17 | 13 | |
24884613 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 11 | We wine and dine at the evening feast with the Lords of the Vale. Intrigue abounds as Lord Artys does his best not to reveal too much to the wrong parties. Much discussion is had on the information gleaned from these encounters, our situation is not as secure as we might have hoped. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-05-18 | 30 | |
24904629 | Tavern Quest: Chapter 7 | Tallius takes drastic action to aid an employee. A corner is turned. The night of fire and death comes to an end, as a deep connection is forged. | Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire, | 2013-05-19 | 20 | |
24908691 | Game of Thrones Quest: Iron and Hate | Lord William Bordain returns to action after a hiatus, to begin planning an extravagant wedding | game of thrones, Collective Game, Knock-Off, Iron and Hate Quest | 2013-05-19 | 22 | |
24938861 | Doom Quest 21 | We develop further the plans of counter attack the enemy. Also there is deep discussion on how to troll Stark for not brining us the take out. | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-21 | 12 | |
24940637 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 12 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, spends time with his family, discovering potential husbands for his daughter Katrin, including the heir of Yohn Royce himself, and gifted a new weapon to his son, that he might bring the House honour in the Grand Melee. The second round of the jousting was had, where Ser Morys proceeded through to the third round, matched against Yohn Royce, and Lord Harrock suffered defeat at the hands of Ser Marwyn, of the rival House Belmore. Progress towards recruiting hedge knights into the service of Harrock was also made. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-05-21 | 31 | |
24958007 | Doom Quest 22 | in which we begin an counter attack against the Skrulls | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-22 | 10 | |
24962445 | Space Primcess quest 36 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser returns to her island to rebuild. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-05-22 | 5 | |
24978522 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 35 | Join us as we meet Brodin's boss, learn about death, and nearly have a heart attack! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-05-23 | 18 | |
25003354 | Vampire Doll Quest 4: The Chattel Trade | Isabella finds a vampiric buyer for her newly-acquired slaves and begins negotiations for the sale. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party | 2013-05-24 | 20 | |
25001275 | Space Princess quest 27 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser gets back to work. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-05-24 | 4 | |
25016399 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 13 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, meets with other lords, discussing the tourney and festivities, as well as politics of the region, though not all goes well with the initial discussion of Brock marrying the daughter of Lord Egen. This run of bad luck continued into the third round of the joust, where Ser Morys was badly hurt in his tilt against Bronze Yohn Royce, and it was discovered that some of the matches were fixed by Lord Belmore, the "Mummer of Strongsong", to ensure that his son would go up against Royce, which proves to be a choice Belmore will regret... | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Belmore | 2013-05-25 | 38 | |
25034174 | Doom Quest 24 | In which we meet with the Shi'ar, learn about our birthday party and show off our floating gardens | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-26 | 12 | |
25035807 | Vampire Doll Quest 5: Blood and Brass | We retrieve a certain musclehead from his time with the dolls, discuss various fleshcrafted horrors to make, and take possession of an airship yard. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Airships | 2013-05-26 | 24 | |
25036680 | Tavern Quest: Chapter 8 | Tallius ends some blackmail, mends things with Martellus, and has doubts about just what he's doing with his life. | Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire, | 2013-05-26 | 20 | |
25039669 | Space Princess quest 38 | In which the First Lady of Merika puts people into space while the Duchess of Tannhäuser watches. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket, | 2013-05-26 | 3 | |
25041888 | Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 2 | The returned Knock-Off Game of Thrones Quest continues, with William finsihing up his wedding preparations, his wife slapping him, and a surprise from Tywin Lannister | Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest | 2013-05-26 | 22 | |
25052735 | Vampire Doll Quest 6: Lady of the Night Sky | We take full control of our airship yard. Plans for revolution are discussed. Dresses are ordered. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Airships | 2013-05-27 | 23 | |
25057663 | Knights of the Semi | /tg/ creates the Knights of the Semi, a paladin order of modern warriors in plate who roam the land slaying zombies from their trailer fortresses. | Knights of the Semi, semitrailor, knight, zombie, post-appocolyptic | 2013-05-27 | 14 | |
25071822 | Doom Quest 25 | In which we send deadpool to North Korea, Repaint our spaceships after Stark interference and spy on parents evening | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-28 | 10 | |
25081242 | Vampire Doll Quest 7: Servants Lost, Servants Found | We find that one of our servants has gone missing... But the Dolls have made us a number of new horrors to run her down with. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors | 2013-05-28 | 20 | |
25092431 | Doom Quest 26 | In which we catch Doctor Strange in our school, Send Lyja to talk to Johnny Storm, and then Endure Richards' Presence | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-29 | 10 | |
25098728 | Space Princess quest 39 | In which Sir Harker defies death once again. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-05-29 | 3 | |
25116709 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 36 | Join us as we reassure the noble girls about a nightmare then have a really big debate about firefighting for some reason! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, firefighting | 2013-05-30 | 20 | |
25121055 | Vampire Doll Quest 8: Red Like Roses, Red like Blood | We send Scarlet to retrieve Rose from the forests of Ulvenwald, shifting viewpoint character for the first time. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors | 2013-05-30 | 21 | |
25125714 | Vampire Doll Quest 8, Part 2: Cultivating Roses | An interlude in a garden. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors | 2013-05-30 | 20 | |
25136460 | Doom Quest 27 | In which we mingle, have our Chandelier replaced by a North Korea fanboy and have a "surprise" Birthday party | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-05-31 | 10 | |
25141541 | Vampire Doll Quest 9: My Long List of Enemies | We entrust one servant to another, review who wants to annoy us, and take a snack break. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Blood Everywhere | 2013-05-31 | 21 | |
25142124 | Space Princess Quest 40 | In which Dame Palmer slays a sea monster | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-05-31 | 5 | |
June 2013 |
25158316 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 14 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, gains a new sworn sword, Ser Banton, after gifting him back his armour and steed, snatching him from the grasp of House Belmore. The jousting came to a close, with Lord Yohn Royce, Castellan of the Eyrie, proving victorious after a viscous set of tilts against Ser Belmore, and the teams for the melee were announced, following a discussion between Lord Harrock and Lord Coldwater over a potential swapping of wards. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-06-01 | 38 | |
25163023 | Vampire Doll Quest 10: Investigation | We apologize to Scarlet, give Blackford his ship, and discuss leads on who killed us. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Scarlet | 2013-06-01 | 21 | |
25175088 | Vampire Doll Quest 10: Hunters | We settle our itinerary, find an intriguing individual amongst our chattel, and do some fleshcrafting personally... | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Scarlet | 2013-06-02 | 17 | |
25176235 | Doom Quest 28 | In which we receive our birthday gifts, drive Richard in alcoholism, and have a serious talk with Susan. | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-06-02 | 10 | |
25180133 | Tavern Quest: Chapter 9 | Tallius and Miaya begin a journey to Patch, and run into some old friends on the way. You would like to know more. | Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire, | 2013-06-02 | 16 | |
25184770 | SONG OF IRON AND HATE QUEST: "I STOPPED COUNTING" EDITION | Lord Bordain finally greets Lord Oberyn Martell, King Robert Baratheon and chats with Jon Arynn. | Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest | 2013-06-02 | 21 | |
25197713 | Vampire Doll Quest 12: Household Matters | Vampire daily life is strange. Instruct stubborn servants. Plan horrible grisly murders. Pick up dresses from the tailor's. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Scarlet | 2013-06-02 | 23 | |
25220748 | Doom Quest 29 | In which we send Richards family home, have a chat with Doctor Strange and hire the villains for scinece | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-06-04 | 10 | |
25222776 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 15 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, negotiates the acquisition of a new spymaster, Lymorian of Braavos, a master of disguise and wit. Lord Artys also bears witness to the final event of the tournament, the melee, in which Brock fights to the best of his ability, and with so many veterans of sword and mace, shield and armour, almost anything can, and does, happen... | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Brock | 2013-06-04 | 49 | |
25246625 | Space Princess Quest 41 | In which the first daughter of Merika makes another milestone in space. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-06-05 | 3 | |
25261713 | Doom Quest 30 | In which we get Namor to wear more, Build Robo-wizards and bicker incessantly | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-06-06 | 11 | |
25267452 | /tg/ Hates the Ocean | Where /tg/ discusses all the reasons to stay away from any body of water anywhere. | water, ocean, awesome, tg | 2013-06-06 | 15 | |
25289860 | Vampire Doll Quest 13: Dresses & Airships | Outfits are fun, both of the type you wear and the type you finance. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Airships | 2013-06-07 | 14 | |
25292176 | Vampire Doll Quest 13 Part 2: Airship Interlude | Wherein we recieve news of Nalus and finalize our airship order. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Airships | 2013-06-07 | 11 | |
25286749 | Space Princess quest 42 | In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser refuses to bow to the military's demands, and Prince Orion returns. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, princess, Rocket | 2013-06-07 | 2 | |
25301344 | Vampire Doll Quest 14: Predators and Prey | We hunt down Nalus like the beast he is... but can we really subdue the feral vampire? | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Wolves | 2013-06-07 | 18 | |
25320400 | Doom Quest 31 | In which we plan to undermine Russia's economy, Find the Thing in our courtyard and our Prime Minister is surprisingly effective at counterterrorism | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-06-09 | 10 | |
25330161 | Vampire Doll Quest 15: Lazing About the Castle | Wherein we talk a lot and do very little. At least we sorted out Sophia and the chattel. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors | 2013-06-09 | 13 | |
25326353 | Space Princess Quest 43 | In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser returns home to celebrate her 18th birthday. | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-06-09 | 2 | |
25328855 | IRON AND HATE QUEST 4: THE QUICKENING | We bro out with Jaime, and then beat the shit out of some people at the Tournament, before our sister breaks our heart. | game of thrones, Collective Game, Knock-Off, Iron and Hate Quest | 2013-06-09 | 21 | |
25360247 | Doom Quest 32 | In which we give Doctor Strange a tour of our school, Get shouted at by an imprisoned Richards and wake half the people in New York up in the middle of the night | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-06-11 | 11 | |
25361633 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 16 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, celebrates with his newly knighted son, Ser Brock Harrock, saying how proud he is of him, and that he has earned his place as the heir to Harrock. Artys also met with Lord Egen, now a supporter of the marriage proposal between Brock and his daughter, before going aboard Lord Yohn Royce's ship, where the three lords discussed the events of a few weeks ago, when Lady Maahira of Qohor visited the lands of Harrock and Egen, discovering a disturbing possibility for her presence in Westeros... | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Brock | 2013-06-11 | 44 | |
25385706 | Vampire Doll Quest 16: A Date with the Locals | A humble worker on a privately-owned airship yard is one thing, but the chief of an entire tribe of professional monster hunters? Now that's something special. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors | 2013-06-12 | 15 | |
25384760 | Space Princess quest 44 | In which the Royal Rocket Corps is hit with a parliamentary committee. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket | 2013-06-12 | 5 | |
25397676 | Doom Quest 33 | In which She hulk visits, we interrogate Richards, and discover he'd got Susan to wipe his memory | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective game | 2013-06-13 | 10 | |
25402027 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 37 | Join us as we have a talk with Mina then a serious discussion with Amanda! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-06-13 | 20 | |
25452935 | Doom quest 34 | In which we get to search Richards' lab, get Hank Pym to make a memory restoring solution, and Foot Dive Richards | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective game | 2013-06-16 | 10 | |
25455146 | Tavern Quest: Chapter 10 | Tallius and Miaya deal with Reginald, arrive in Patch, and engage in the festivities while headhunting for an entertainer for the Tavern. Beware stampeding musicians. | Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire, | 2013-06-16 | 15 | |
25457068 | Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 5 | The Tourney continues. We fight Willas Tyrell, and get knocked unconscious. A brief shitstorm, before we have a surprisingly happy ending. | game of thrones, Collective Game, Knock-Off, Iron and Hate Quest | 2013-06-16 | 21 | |
25458303 | Vampire Doll Quest 17: Sponsors | Wherein we come to a deal with the Espowye tribe and order valuable supplies. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors | 2013-06-16 | 15 | |
25456973 | Space Princess Quest 45 | In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser rallies her forces and plans a counterattack. | Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-06-16 | 3 | |
25490072 | Doom Quest 35 | In which we find out Richards was going to teleport to a skrull ship, capture the skrull ship, and find out about their new infiltration program | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-06-18 | 11 | |
25530501 | Doom Quest 36 | In which we earn lots of money, buy more doombots and get presents from Morgana left Fey | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective game | 2013-06-20 | 10 | |
25536557 | Space Princess Quest 46 | In which Colonel Smith has to talk to Parliament. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-06-20 | 3 | |
25551547 | Gundam AGE Quest: Part 34 | Bob the Builder arrives and we begin fixing the base up, training the paper pushers to be MS pilots and we have to deal with an asshole DJ. We go to a school to give a presentation and my laptop craps out. | Gundam AGE Quest, Collective Game, DJ, Construction, Scarlet, Crocker | 2013-06-21 | 28 | |
25568016 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 17 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, discusses and plans the future of Westpass with his sworn swords and family, receiving a number of marriage offers for both Ser Brock and Katrin, throwing the previously certain plans into disarray. The rumours of House Egen engaging in full wartime conscription prove to be correct too, raising the theory that Ser Crowlys, marshal of House Egen's forces and no good friend to House Harrock, might be planning to take matters into his own hands... | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-06-22 | 43 | |
25584652 | Doom Quest 37 | In which we invent magic grenades, visit faraway places and then go to hell, in with h we fail miserably | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective game | 2013-06-23 | 7 | |
25603965 | Song of Iron and Hate part VI | William Bordain's wedding tournament comes to an end with a bang. William gets married, seals the deal, hires a number of hedge knights, and successfully doesn't die to poison. | Game of Thrones, Collective game, quest, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate | 2013-06-24 | 21 | |
25624200 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Episode 18 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, sets plans in motion in regard to the marriage proposals made, so that his House might prosper with strong allies for trade and defence. Lord Artys also deals with the fallout of his uncle's revelation, that Artys' bastard brother, Ulfir Stone, was to be legitimised and made Lord of Westpass on his father's death, rather than him. The military build-up of House Egen is also further scrutinised, and the development of House Harrock's lands are planned. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-06-24 | 40 | |
25622454 | Doom Quest 38 | In which we freeze a giant monster without making any puns, realize Doctor Strange is ki and of incompetent and go medieval on mephisto | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective game | 2013-06-25 | 7 | |
25636892 | VeloCITY Reborn: New Update Released | After years of languishing in homebrew limbo, VeloCITY -- the homebrew game about freedom of movement -- rises from the ashes with a new, rewritten, vastly improved rules document. Hype ensues. | VeloCITY, The Wind in Your Hair, homebrew, rules, release, document, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Mirror's Edge | 2013-06-26 | 17 | |
25647339 | Space Princess Quest 47 | In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser celebrates the solstice. | Collective game ,Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket | 2013-06-26 | 1 | |
25664080 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 38 | Join as as the twins become Succubi and Queen Janine has a mental breakdown! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-06-27 | 18 | |
25665553 | Velo-City The Revival-2 | Another Thread of Delicious VeloCityGoodnes | VeloCITY, The Wind in Your Hair, homebrew, rules, release, document, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Mirror's Edge,Air Gear | 2013-06-27 | 6 | |
25680468 | Doom Quest 39 | In which we get mother's soul back, Plan our new armour convention, and explain why we don't have any grandkids to mom | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-06-28 | 10 | |
25686482 | Space Princess Quest 48 | In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser goes looking for her friend | Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-06-28 | 2 | |
25718020 | Doom Quest | The next thread will be in a week due to a Funeral for OP. | Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game | 2013-06-29 | 7 | |
25720204 | Space Princess Quest 49 | Episode 49 of space princess quest. | Collective game, Space Princes Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-06-29 | 3 | |
July 2013 |
25757526 | Vampire Doll Quest 18: The Lion's Court | Wherein we avenge our two untimely deaths. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Lioncourt, Mori, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors | 2013-07-02 | 18 | |
25778886 | Space Princess quest 50 | The 50th episode of Space Princess Quest | Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-07-03 | 2 | |
25800578 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 39 | Join us as we help solve the twins 'accident'! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-07-04 | 20 | |
25826870 | Shadowrun Storytime 19: The Final Run Part 1 | Lo, the beginning of the end. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Bend, Geppetto, Locke, Sensei, Wildcard | 2013-07-05 | 99 | |
25858373 | Space Princess Quest 51 | The Fifty First episode of Space Princess Quest. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-07-06 | 5 | |
25862511 | Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 8 | William chats with those close to him, impregnates his wife, starts several ambitious plans, and hires 4 men to do 1 job because he's made of DIAMONDS. | Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest | 2013-07-07 | 22 | |
25894366 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 19 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, deals with the potential economic and famine crisis that will be quick to come following the ceasing of trade with Harrock by House Frey, became close with his wife after discovering that she is potentially pregnant with their third child, discussed the potential for alliances with his sworn swords, and spoke with his daughter over the prospect of her becoming betrothed. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-07-09 | 37 | |
25915194 | Space Princess Quest 52 | In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser attends the equinox party with her friend and teaches prince Orion how to dance. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-07-10 | 3 | |
25938555 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 40 | Where we achieve the thread early to avoid a troll! Stuff happens! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-07-11 | 20 | |
25957685 | Space Princess Quest 53 | In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser returns to her island early and repairs the storm damage. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-07-12 | 2 | |
25975526 | Vampire Doll Quest: Timeskip | Wherein we learn that revolution is a delicate art. | Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Lioncourt, Mori, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors | 2013-07-12 | 10 | |
25995400 | Space Princess Quest 54 | The Fifty Fourth episode of Space Princess Quest | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-07-14 | 2 | |
25998631 | Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 9 | Page finally updates the opening info. WE get called out for ignoring our hillmen allies, and hire an architect to build them nice houses. Then, on our way to the Eyrie, bandits attack | Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest | 2013-07-14 | 23 | |
26031660 | A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 20 | In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, deals with the arrival of Lady Lorenna of House Egen, potential wife for Ser Brock, and Ser Crowlys, her escort and sworn sword to Lord Egen, and sets about learning more about her, as well as allowing Brock time with her, in order to find if they are a good match, both in love and for politics. Lord Harrock also discovers that Crown Crag, the home of House Egen, has been closed to all outsiders bar Lord Royce's men, prompting no small amount of curiosity and paranoia, and deals with the upcoming food shortage with a series of new deals for iron. | Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones | 2013-07-16 | 29 | |
26052671 | Space Princess Quest 55 | The end of the year and some mechanics discussion. | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-07-17 | 2 | |
26095956 | Space Princess Quest 56 | Not much happens, Thrusdays suck. | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-07-19 | 2 | |
26133448 | Space Princess Quest 57 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser Attends a briefing. | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest. Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-07-21 | 3 | |
26194185 | Space Princess Quest 58 | In which the duchess of Tanhauser Launches the Meteor 3's first mission. | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-07-24 | 2 | |
26216580 | Succubus Lord Quest: Part 41 | Its a legitimate empire building strategy! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha | 2013-07-25 | 5 | |
26235345 | Yet Another Meta Crossover Quest | We can never have enough of these! You are so, so clever for doing what has been done a million times before! | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Redundancy, About as original as a Chinese knockoff | 2013-07-26 | 5 | |
26224352 | VeloCITY One Month Anniversary Thread | Celebrating the one-month anniversary of the release of the highly anticipated /tg/ homebrew VeloCITY, a new version is released with some fluff added. Old fluff on locations is compiled and compared. | VeloCITY, The Wind in Your Hair, homebrew, rules, release, document, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Mirror's Edge | 2013-07-28 | 2 | |
26332708 | Space Princess Quest 59 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser meets with general Dean. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-07-31 | 2 | |
August 2013 |
26394598 | Space Princess Quest 60 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser loses the trail of Private Haus. | Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, princess, Rocket | 2013-08-03 | 2 | |
26417703 | SONG OF IRON AND HATE QUEST 11: I CAN'T FIND 10 IN THE ARCHIVES! | William initiates intrigues in the Eyrie, inspects an invitation by Littlefinger, and ingratiates himself with the upper crust. | Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest | 2013-08-04 | 20 | |
26471891 | Space Princess Quest 61 | In which a secret base is discovered on the dark side of the moon. | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, princess, Rocket | 2013-08-07 | 2 | |
26529711 | That Guy Ruins Psion Campaign | A GM tells a player to minmax or gtfo, so along comes a wizard that destroys the universe. | Psions, Henderson, 2 full Hendersons, full Henderson, Henderson, That Guy, That, Guy, asshat, plot derailment, total plot derailment, TPK, plot, derailment, rocks fall | 2013-08-10 | 44 | |
26551133 | SONG OF IRON AND HATE QUEST 12: Bordain's Dozen! | William goes home, goes hunting, and gets his Dogs sorted out | Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest | 2013-08-11 | 21 | |
26605310 | Space Princess Quest 62, Dislexia edt. | In which the Duchess of Tanhauser learns the true cause of the great war and GM can't count. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-08-14 | 4 | |
26629656 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 42 | Where we archive to beat a troll! Drama! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-08-15 | 20 | |
26662463 | Space Princess Quest 63 | In which the Duchess of Tanhauser talks to her Mother | Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-08-17 | 3 | |
26735005 | Space Princess quest 64 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser travels east to meet Orion's mother. | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-08-21 | 3 | |
26760943 | Succubus Lord Quest: Part 43 | Join us as we teach the girls about Succubi and have a small emotional outburst. | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-08-22 | 20 | |
26788660 | The Black Locks return. | After a year, the schwasbucklers return with new stuff. | Black Locks | 2013-08-24 | 0 | |
26792324 | Space Princess Quest 65 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser hears a story. | Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, rocket | 2013-08-24 | 4 | |
26805144 | Black Locks 6th thread. | Even more stuff about the Locks. Plus the first new sketches of the Lock's weapons are made. Progress... | Black Locks | 2013-08-25 | 1 | |
26813598 | MTG custom Shrek unset | Anon posts his friends custom MTG cards, with a heavy Shrek vs. Peter Griffin theme. So bad they're fantastic. | Magic: the Gathering, mtg, Shrek, custom cards, oc | 2013-08-25 | 17 | |
26837893 | Black Locks 7th thread. Alestorm edition | The 7th thread about the Black Locks. Sadly there was little commotion and not all of the stuff I was hoping for appeared. Simply put, today there wasn't that much interest. | Black Locks | 2013-08-26 | 1 | |
26859067 | Black Locks 8th thread. | This thread was more about fleshing out the marines, but voices from other anons caused me to revise all the stuff about them. THEY NEED TO GET SERIOUS (the marines of course). With a better story. | Black Locks | 2013-08-27 | -1 | |
26887458 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 44 | Join us as Brooklyn finally goes to old TO! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-08-29 | 20 | |
September 2013 |
27006077 | Octopus Quest | We are an octopus in a tank, an experimental subject. Massively enhanced, we begin talking to the two-legged lobsters. | Octopus, Collective Game, Octopus Quest | 2013-09-04 | 10 | |
27025803 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 45 | Join as we kick ass and chew bubblegum, but we're all outta gum... | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter | 2013-09-05 | 21 | |
27048688 | Post Apocalypse Civ Quest 2 | The Think tank loses some people to the toxic environment, sends a goodwill mission to the tribes, gets shot at by a robotic tank, and agrees to meet up with some Post Apocalyptic Lawmen | Collective Game, CONTROL !R5CmcJTjQI, Post Apocalypse, Civilization, Mutants, Zombies, Robots | 2013-09-06 | 0 | |
27107811 | A Black Comedy | You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And you are going to do horrible, horrible things. | Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption | 2013-09-09 | 39 | |
27131188 | A Black Comedy, Thread 2 | You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And boy oh boy are you up to no good. | Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption | 2013-09-10 | 39 | |
27144018 | Space Princess Quest 66 | In which the duchess of Tannhauser attends the solstice ball with Klaus. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-09-11 | 4 | |
27164629 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 46 | Join us as Brooklyn has a reunion with his sister and uncle! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2013-09-12 | 23 | |
27282527 | Space Princess Quest 67 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser looks at schematics. | Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-09-18 | 5 | |
27286857 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 47 | Join us for more adventures in the Library and meeting a shameless Greed Demon! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, Old Spice | 2013-09-19 | 21 | |
27418931 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 48 | Join us as Brooklyn reunites Mary with her mother Oksana! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2013-09-26 | 23 | |
27443603 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 16 | And on this day, the gods of dice smiled on us. New base. New allies. New technologies. New heroes. New victories. But a battle looms over the horizon. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, expansion, discovery, lucky | 2013-09-27 | 5 | |
27455234 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 17 | Another day in the war, another day of gains and victories. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind | 2013-09-28 | 5 | |
October 2013 |
27502674 | Space Princess Quest 68 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser launches the Trailblazer prototype. | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space Princess, Rocket | 2013-10-01 | 2 | |
27523685 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 49 | Join us as we fight of a Miyian gang and talk to Arum! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, gattai | 2013-10-02 | 29 | |
27521902 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 18 | Another close encounter with She Who Hungers. Test out a parasite, to undesired effect. We make a mark on the Ghouls, who make their mark on the land. Mutually assured destruction. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, zombies, psionic, parasite, MAD | 2013-10-02 | 5 | |
27529778 | Teef ( a 40k short story) | A Cunning Imperial Navy Officer plays the zenos off against each other. | Imperial Navy, Freebooterz, Tyranids, OC, fiction | 2013-10-02 | 8 | |
27540682 | End of Days Quest | Rodger Grant witnesses his coworkers drop dead, survives a massive earthquake, and has a bad dream. | End of Days Quest, Collective Game, apocalypse, Patmos | 2013-10-03 | 15 | |
27553611 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 19 | Mostly prepping for war. A rather successful day. New good ideas tossed around, manage to avoid too much disaster, get some goods, and create something new and profitable. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, preparation, ideas, alchohol | 2013-10-04 | 5 | |
27561099 | Mages Guild Meeting | Mages meet to discuss world-ending means of keeping drafts out of their studies. Bearsalisks are transmuted, beards are misplaced, skin is refurbished, and the elemental plane of pizza is ruined. | Wizards, mages, pizza, beards, -omancy, genocide, dirty Druid hippies, bearsalisks | 2013-10-04 | 1 | |
27569625 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 20 | We continue to hold out until the great Ghoulish charge, but find ourselves intertwined in a bandit war. Our hunter hunts down an enemy hero, but now we have two battles to deal with. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, bandit war, hunt | 2013-10-05 | 5 | |
27608560 | End of Days Quest 2 | Rodger meets his neighbors, goes out for supplies and gets in a fight | End of Days Quest, Collective Game, apocalypse, Patmos | 2013-10-07 | 7 | |
27625217 | Space Princess Quest 69 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser launches two successful missions before the storm hits and puts an unmanned lander on the Lunar Surface. | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-10-08 | 3 | |
27681259 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 21 | We drive off the bandits, and together we and the Ghouls headway into the zombie infestation. New scientific discoveries are found.
A most unfortunate case of 4chan connection error abruptly pauses the thread. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, bandit, zombie | 2013-10-11 | 5 | |
27695983 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 22 (The End) | This is the way the world ends.
Out with a Bang, not a whimper. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, Fin | 2013-10-13 | 6 | |
27727696 | A Black Comedy, Thread 3 | You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And misplacing your hyperweapon isn't going to stop you. | Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption, Missing Hyperweapons | 2013-10-14 | 39 | |
27723865 | Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 1 | Thus begins the story of Aduro Industries. Trying to scratch and claw at resources in hell itself. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry | 2013-10-14 | 5 | |
27737730 | Magical Girl Noir Quest 139 | A slightly agitated magical girl just has to get through one last night with her principal Idol and she will be free. | Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Protoculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag | 2013-10-14 | 37 | |
27742714 | Space Princess Quest 70 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser attends a naval review and a war starts. | Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-10-15 | 4 | |
27735860 | Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 2 | We try to find water in a volcano, and scrape for precious resource. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry | 2013-10-15 | 6 | |
27763121 | End of Days Quest 3 | Rodger and Mariah look for relief but only find more trouble. | End of Days Quest, Collective Game, apocalypse, Patmos | 2013-10-16 | 4 | |
27765269 | A Black Comedy, Thread 4 | You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And you've successfully retrieved your hyperweapon from storage. | Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption, Succubi | 2013-10-16 | 39 | |
27760838 | Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 3 | And the dice gods said "let there be light." And there was light. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry, light | 2013-10-16 | 5 | |
27793883 | Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 4 | The ravagers finally make their move, and we drive them out (with a little providence). Money flows in and out of our pockets like sand, as we bolster our security and technology. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry | 2013-10-18 | 5 | |
27812826 | Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 5 | Darkness encroaches the light. Will the candle hold? | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry | 2013-10-19 | 5 | |
27829639 | Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 6 (The End) | The darkness snuffs out the light. The spark must wait to try again once more. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry, fin | 2013-10-20 | 5 | |
27835372 | Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 1 | Bandits, zombies, and crazy, crazy ravagers. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, bandits | 2013-10-20 | 5 | |
27846610 | Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 2 | They call him Cuban Pete | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, bandits | 2013-10-21 | 5 | |
27870080 | OPM Hero Quest | On our way home buying lasagna, our Hero is attacked by a tentacle monster, and The Monster Maestro. She forces both of them to flee and is drafted into being a Rank D Hero.
Oh, and she is completely powerless. Whoops. | Collective Game, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-10-22 | 39 | |
27866158 | Space Princess Quest 71 | In which the Duchess of Tannhauser receives a transmission from aliens. | Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Rocket, Princess | 2013-10-22 | 2 | |
27885862 | End of Days Quest 4 | We meet Brandie. We're surprised by the dog. Flashbacks are had. | End of Days Quest, Collective Game, apocalypse, Patmos | 2013-10-23 | 4 | |
27884010 | Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 3 (Hiatus/Fin) | We hold out until winter at last blows over, and the spring sun shines.
OP bids farewell and shall return after a time. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry | 2013-10-23 | 5 | |
27888790 | Snails: The Menacing. | /tg/ finally realizes the true dark enemy of the world- snails. They begin to take preparations. | snails, snail, over the top, amazing, funny, awesome, apocalypse | 2013-10-23 | 14 | |
27883999 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 50 | Join us as we escape from, then have tea with Brooklyn-Draugr! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2013-10-23 | 23 | |
27904589 | Hero Quest Rena 2 | Rena confronts the Monster Maestro (on her day off) and gets what she deserves from MM (Freshly made Lasagna).
Oh, and we almost get eaten by the Monster Master. Whoops. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-10-24 | 39 | |
27953159 | Hero Quest Rena 3 | Rena meets with A-rank hero CHET MANLYSTACHE, and other heroes to learn how she can gain powers. Afterwards, we head out and confront the B-rank Villain, The Queen Of the World.
Who then proceeds to use her Charisma to enslave us. Whoops. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-10-27 | 39 | |
27958764 | Hero Quest Rena 4 | Magical Girl Sparkle notices Rena has fallen under Queen of the World's control and rushes to free her. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-10-27 | 39 | |
27989835 | Hero Quest Rena 5 | After training for a week, Rena goes out and takes on The Deviant Artist and the Rogue Wizard. Rena also gets a visit from the Monster Master while she's still on duty. Crap. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-10-29 | 39 | |
27988603 | Space Princess Quest 72 | In which The Duchess of Tanhauser Replies to the Foe Stars' message. | Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-10-29 | 6 | |
28027663 | Warlock Quest 1 | You are a Warlock of Biel-Tan. And today's gonna be one of those days. | 40k, quest, Warlock quest, collective game, eldar | 2013-10-31 | 9 | |
November 2013 |
28040175 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 51 | Join us as we have a date with the twins and then find out more about Brooklyn-Draugr! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2013-11-01 | 25 | |
28065919 | Magus Quest | Ayaka Sajyou arrives at the Clock Tower, and takes the first steps towards being a magus. | Magus Quest, Clock Tower, Ayaka Sajyou, Socially Awkward, Nasu, Self-Loathing | 2013-11-02 | 14 | |
28086458 | CoC Advice Thread | Good advice for new Call of Cthulu DM's and players | CoC, Call of Cthulu, advice | 2013-11-03 | 5 | |
28092117 | End of Days Quest 5 | Rodger and Brandie chat. Rodger and Mariah pick up supplies and a dog until they meet the neighbor | End of Days Quest, Collective Game, apocalypse, Patmos | 2013-11-04 | 4 | |
28108547 | Hero Quest Rena 6 | After getting to Rank B, Rena is 'captured' by her arch-enemy, the Monster Maestro. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-11-05 | 39 | |
28107065 | Space Princess Quest 73 | In which the Foe Stars introduce themselves | Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket | 2013-11-05 | 5 | |
28159645 | Hero Quest Rena 7 | The Monster Maestro attempts to teach Rena how to cook, and Rena quite the realistic nightmare... | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-11-08 | 39 | |
28161905 | Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 4 | OP has returned, and we begin to explore and unite the compound. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, bandits | 2013-11-08 | 7 | |
28181808 | Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 5 | We continue to conquer the compound, when old foes and fears come to haunt us again. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, bandits | 2013-11-09 | 6 | |
28220038 | AoPH 7 | On a night that should have been filled with celebration and excitement for three newly inducted Rocket Junior cadets, they instead receive a very grim reminder on the reality of the world they live in... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-11-11 | 30 | |
28256205 | AoPH Quest 8 | Cerulean and Bruise enter the Lavendar Spire to bid their fallen friends their final farewell. While there, they meet a strange and bewildering medium named Lilac. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-11-13 | 28 | |
28252403 | Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 6 | Our friends in the snow keep things frosty, and a great evil is unleashed as we attempt to appeal to it. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, bandits | 2013-11-13 | 6 | |
28253652 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 52 | Join us for the rescue of Belkarian Knight Fredika! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2013-11-14 | 25 | |
28295060 | Hero Quest Rena 8 | Rena manages to successfully pull off the sleepover/kidnapping but everything just keeps getting worse... | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-11-15 | 39 | |
28290201 | Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 7 | Where we're going we don't need rails to train. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, bandits | 2013-11-16 | 5 | |
28299305 | Hired to Kill Dethklok | You've been hired to kill Dethklok. How do you do it? /tg/ collectively decides that it's not possible. | Metalocalypse, Dethklok, Music, Metal, What Do?, Cartoons, | 2013-11-17 | 10 | |
28315936 | Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 8 | I don't think a train is supposed to do that to a ship.
Winter arrives, we have some good, bad, and ugly rolls. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, bandits | 2013-11-17 | 5 | |
28346281 | AoPH Quest 9 | Terrible surgeries, medically questionable walking, and detective work ensue. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-11-18 | 28 | |
28353712 | AoPH Quest 9 (Part 2) | Cerulean and Bruise's search for Goldenrod leads them to Saffron Gym. Entering alone, Cerulean meets Sabrina. The psychic still bears a grudge over Cerulean's previous battle with one of her students and coerces Cerulean into battling Alexis again before permitting her to meet with Goldenrod. Accepting her conditions, Cerulean faces off against a changed Alexis... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-11-18 | 30 | |
28363011 | Fabrique Generale Quest: Nomad Edition #1 | We are John Varkov, medic and survivalist, as he tracks down his missing sister south of Light City and encounters the Pawn-King. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Fabrique_Generale_Quest_Redux, Collective_Game, Quest, Post_Apocalyptic, Equity_Lord | 2013-11-19 | 3 | |
28362785 | The Eater of the Dead | OP makes several foolish mistakes while playing Dominions 3, and unleashes an ever-growing eldritch horror upon an unsuspecting world. Fa/tg/uys watch its rampage in awe. | Dominions 3, apocalypse, undead, Ermor, PC game, OM NOM NOM | 2013-11-19 | 149 | |
28381651 | Soldier Quest 2 | We get our eyeballs singed, montage through basic and meet our noble, valiant mount. | Collective Game, Soldier Quest, Bathroom Griffon, Havocfett | 2013-11-20 | 5 | |
28385873 | Hero Quest Rena 9 | Rena arms herself against two villains with her new powers and finds her Ex outside her apartment. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-11-20 | 39 | |
28354580 | Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 9 | Or how to lose 6 heroes in one turn. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, bandits | 2013-11-20 | 3 | |
28385124 | AoPH Quest 10 | Safely meeting with Goldenrod, Cerulean is relieved of all her worries... She spends the remainder of the week recuperating from her operation. Just the day before Rocket training begins, Cerulean decides to pay one of her eerier acquaintances a visit. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-11-20 | 28 | |
28422641 | Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 10 | Don't try and trick a genie. Dice gods mock us. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, bandits | 2013-11-24 | 3 | |
28458817 | AoPH Quest 11 | Rocket Training begins in earnest and Cerulean dives into it with gusto. She establishes relationships with fellow Rocket recruits while strengthening her bonds with her friends from before. A year passes by... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-11-24 | 29 | |
28460841 | Earth Survivor Quest | Our hero, Rock, reclaims the Johnson Space Center and discovers the leftover mind of another survivor. | Collective game, Eclipse Phase, Earth Survivor Quest, Post-Apoc, References | 2013-11-24 | 2 | |
28495584 | Hero Quest Rena 10 | Bridgette, with the help of Rena and Queen of the World, go out to rescue Mr. Kitty from MM+'s clutches. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-11-26 | 39 | |
28506260 | Polite Society Quest | We have five men coming to kill us, and four bullets in our rifle. | Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim | 2013-11-27 | 36 | |
28514678 | The End of End of Days Quest | Patmos calls it quits, gives quest notes. | End of Days Quest, Collective Game, apocalypse, Patmos | 2013-11-27 | 0 | |
28516047 | AoPH Quest 12 | Cerulean makes amends with a psychic. And then she celebrates her birthday. Did someone say "Beach Episode?" | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-11-27 | 31 | |
28514427 | Soldier Quest 3 | Frederick Wilhelm Rommel practices flying, has a drink, and learns the benefits of house-trained griffons | Collective Game, Soldier Quest, Bathroom Griffon, Havocfett | 2013-11-27 | 7 | |
28522042 | AoPH Quest 12 (Part 2) | A hardcore beach volleyball war begins between Cerulean and Devon's teams! And the conclusion of this fated battle is...? Afterward, Giovanni arrives to the party in all his glory. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-11-27 | 29 | |
28515224 | Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 11 | We prepare to leave our beloved island to partake in a great crusade. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, bandits | 2013-11-28 | 3 | |
28549890 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 53 | Join us as we learn more about the wrath demons, watch as Fredrika gets her act together and try to comfort some of our companions. | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2013-11-30 | 22 | |
December 2013 |
28575430 | Europe 2212 | OP Comes up with the idea of a modern-futurist and realistic attempt at a post apocalyptic setting after a nuclear war. Yeah, that doesn't last long. Cool thread though. | setting, campaign, post-apoc, post-apocalypse, OC | 2013-12-01 | 1 | |
28578761 | Polite Society Quest 2 | In which the good are punished as we make our way to our payment. | Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Action, Baby, Maxim | 2013-12-02 | 22 | |
28642439 | AoPH Quest 13 | Finishing morning practice, Cerulean is summoned by Giovanni to his office. He has a job he wishes for her to take from a woman that works in Silph Co. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-12-04 | 31 | |
28649635 | AoPH Quest 13 (Part 2) | After selecting her team mates for the job, Cerulean leaves to meet with a friendly face from the distant frozen wastes. The man, named Gustav, bears a message from Cerulean's mother. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-12-04 | 28 | |
28647267 | Titanor! | Crack of thunder!
Howl of wind!
The will of evil men!
When our courage is in doubt,
Titanor comes on the scene! | Giant Robots, Titanor, only true way to play any D&D, pickpocketing by giant robots, all your power combined | 2013-12-04 | 68 | |
28657261 | Digger Quest | Bass Tremble wants to be a digger. But he needs money. Unfortunately he instead finds a man named Metalman, a Giant Purple Refractor with a prize inside, Pirates, and torture! This is ether the start of an adventure, or a legend. | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure | 2013-12-05 | 17 | |
28655350 | Polite Society Quest 3 | We escape the city and meet up with Rachim. | Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim | 2013-12-05 | 17 | |
28661138 | Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 6 | Defeating devious decadent degenerates and deranged diseased damsels. Also we find a rock. | Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Rock | 2013-12-05 | 25 | |
28696636 | Digger Quest: Chapter 2 | Bass attempts to escape from a pirate ship! How the players forget one important thing; In Megaman Legends, there must always be a crash landing. | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure | 2013-12-07 | 14 | |
28696329 | Freighter Quest | Sean Newell is made. The Master of a Steam-Powered Break-Bulk Freighter. He picks up his first cargo and brings a passenger to a deserted island. | Freighter Quest, Collective Game, Ocean, Adventure, Horror, Low-Fantasy, Merchant Seamen, Post-WW1, South Seas, Alternate Earth | 2013-12-07 | 5 | |
28700045 | Streloks Post Apoc Mutant Civ Quest | We find ourselves awoken in a research lab within the city, and proceed to carry out mutagenic experiments and exploration. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, Darwinyan | 2013-12-07 | 3 | |
28719200 | Hero Quest 11 | Rena years for affection and found it from an unexpected source. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-12-08 | 39 | |
28721694 | Streloks Post Apoc Mutant Civ Quest Ch 2 | We continue to survey our surroundings as the Dr makes good of new samples and we encounter ghouls | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, Darwinyan | 2013-12-08 | 0 | |
28738068 | Freighter Quest Pilot part 2 | Sean Newell gets off the beach and delves into the mysteries of Fumoa | Freighter Quest, Collective Game, Ocean, Adventure, Horror, Low-Fantasy, Merchant Seamen, Post-WW1, South Seas, Alternate Earth, Romance | 2013-12-09 | 5 | |
28801964 | Hero Quest Rena 12 | The Monster Family Reunion is underway. Monster Marauder is fast approaching the city. It's up to Magical Girl Sparkle to take him down! | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-12-12 | 39 | |
28804452 | Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 7 | We agree to help a lady from out-of-body opera and become the cure to a dreaded disease. | Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Rock | 2013-12-12 | 23 | |
28838955 | Digger Quest: Chapter 3 | Bass gets a Digger's License and gains an ally! He gets ready to go on his first dig, but takes it slow and prepares. He has a good time with his new found friend and we learn of his one true fear... | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure | 2013-12-14 | 14 | |
28845506 | AoPH Quest 14 | Cerulean meets a belligerent man on the tram and upsets Sanna with her upset stomach. When she goes to visit Lilac, she's met with the rather unfortunate news that she has a phantom possessing her. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-12-14 | 28 | |
28839741 | Streloks Post Apoc Mutant Civ Quest Ch 4 | We go into the Rabbit Hole. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, Darwinyan | 2013-12-15 | 1 | |
28860128 | Polite Society Quest 5 | Maliki is recovered. Polite Society 4 available on foolz. | Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim | 2013-12-15 | 14 | |
28886751 | AoPH Quest 15 | Lilac eats a ghost for her friend. Afterward, Cerulean goes to meet the man from the tram to question him about his accounting troubles... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-12-16 | 30 | |
28942664 | Polite Society Quest 6 | Maliki's contact is found. | Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim | 2013-12-19 | 12 | |
28950349 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 54 | Join us as we set up plans for the Succubi village! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2013-12-20 | 20 | |
28971452 | AoPH Quest 16 | The team is assembled and the investigation is underway! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-12-20 | 28 | |
28986298 | Hero Quest Rena 13 | Rena wakes up and deals with the aftermath of the terrible Monster Family Meeting. Also, Robot Maid. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-12-21 | 39 | |
28985042 | Digger Quest: Chapter 4 | 20's Galore! Bass Digs in his first ruin, uncovers a Refractor, and fights with a fearsome foe... | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure | 2013-12-21 | 14 | |
29026943 | Hero Quest Rena 14 | We take a look at Magical Girl Sparkle's first day as a Hero! A magical and happy chapter. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-12-23 | 39 | |
29047290 | AoPH Quest 17 | Laws are broken. Nightmares are had. Night arrives and comrades are lost. The hunt is on! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-12-24 | 27 | |
29059232 | Skies of Damocles Quest | A Lesser Lord of Earth gets his ship boarded by pirates, and now he's determined to pick up the pieces and get revenge. | Skies of Damocles Quest, Ship Captain, Xenoarcheology | 2013-12-25 | 5 | |
29065332 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 55 | Join us as we talk to the Ayarian leader then take control of Amanda! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2013-12-26 | 20 | |
29104223 | Skies of Damocles Quest 2 | A Lesser Lord of Earth gathers a crew and armaments for his new ship. | Collective Game, Skies of Damocles Quest, Spaceships, Ship Captain | 2013-12-27 | 5 | |
29117552 | Hero Quest Rena 15 | Go karts, water balloons, and Queen of the World getting blown up. Also cheating. Lots and lots of cheating. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2013-12-28 | 39 | |
29176649 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 56 | Join us as we archive early to avoid a troll! Amanda talks to the Miyian Leader! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2013-12-31 | 20 | |
29178235 | AoPH Quest 18 | Cerulean and Devon come upon a village hidden outside of the Dome. Within, they find the missing repel tech materials, a woman, and... a man with a crooked nose. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2013-12-31 | 27 | |
January 2014 |
29217154 | Shadowrun Storytime 20: The Final Run Part 2 | The tension keeps up as the team struggles to hunt down their quarry. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Bend, Geppetto, Locke, Sensei, Wildcard | 2014-01-02 | 119 | |
29297217 | Hero Quest Chapter 16 | Rena hangs out with Robomaid and her best friend Bridgette. Also Robomaid's Yandere button is pressed. Whoops. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-01-06 | 36 | |
29295883 | Digger Quest: Chapter 5 | We awake and learn many things. Dicks are punched, enemies are made, friends are enlightened, and we come to question the very nature of our greatest enemy. Oh and we totally forgot it was our birthday tomorrow. | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure | 2014-01-06 | 12 | |
29354452 | AoPH Quest 20 | Devon and Cerulean return to the dome. Cerulean wakes from a dream. The aftermath of the night's events is...? | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-01-08 | 26 | |
29389458 | Bio Shock Quest: Chapter 1 | Jim Clarke, PI and undercover spook of Rapture, awakens on his floor with a sore head and a ransacked house. With his trusty hand canon he sets off after the looters for vengeance and to reclaim that which is his. Along the way he meets a foppish English teacher named James, who also has a stake in catching the looters. Together, they venture deeper into the city. | Bio Shock Quest, Collective Game, Bio Shock | 2014-01-09 | 8 | |
29369446 | Tropical Island Setting Worldbuilding | A question of orcs and clams grows into worldbuilding an island setting with a slant on realistic reasons for cultural/physical adaptations. | worldbuilding, island, tropical, crocs, orcs, elves, dwarves, halflings, humans, | 2014-01-10 | 18 | |
29376751 | Goat wizards, goatanon and an African Witchdoktor. | From goat wizards, to 6.9 gigs of goat pictures, finishing with a discussion on the relative merits of an African Shaman in D&D. | Goat, Goat Wizard, Witchdoctor, Homebrew | 2014-01-10 | 11 | |
29409389 | The X Card | The X Card means never having to explain yourself. | card, X, X card, privilige, autism, social retardation, feelings | 2014-01-10 | 3 | |
29412421 | BioShock Quest: Chapter 2 | Upon moving further into the Bounty, Jim and James are invited to help bring down a big daddy by a few desperate splicers. Instead of helping them, the PI and his bumbling sidekick help their target, though Jim receives a harpoon to the shoulder for his troubles. They end up finding a place to rest for the night. | BioShock Quest, Collective Game, BioShock | 2014-01-11 | 7 | |
29445530 | Hero Quest Rena 17 | Magical Girl Sparkle saves Rena and fights her most dangerous foe, Dark Witch EdgeMurder. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-01-12 | 39 | |
29445086 | AoPH Quest 21 | Ceru is back at the dome with her friends and Giovanni has sent a team to take care of the Hypno village. All loose ends in this case have been tied u- where's Chuck? | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-01-12 | 27 | |
29464006 | The Origins of the Black Locks | In this thread, the origin story of the Black Locks is presented. How they came into being, how they changed into who they are, as well posted some short summaries on each of the companies. | Black Locks | 2014-01-13 | 2 | |
29494509 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 57 | Join us as Brooklyn meets and angelic hit squad and learns about magic classes! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-01-15 | 16 | |
29532493 | 10th Black Lock Thread | There is actually some progress going on. Still needs more fleshing out. | Black Locks | 2014-01-16 | 1 | |
29538122 | Hero Quest Rena 18 | Rena meets a newly returned Monster Master! She finds out a terrible secret about her Vampire powers... Also Queen of the World. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-01-16 | 39 | |
29539678 | AoPH Quest 22 | Ceru and company find Chuck. After a rather sober discussion with Rocket Leader, Ceru leads her team to the Vermillion power plant... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-01-16 | 30 | |
29578811 | New Novellas | A lot of screencaps, but among them are new content, and two (so far) good long OCs | HFY, sci-fi, aliens, Humanity Fuck Yeah, OC | 2014-01-18 | 15 | |
29629932 | Red Sands Redux | We choose a bandit leader and lay some waste in the wastes. | Postapoc, Collective Game, Red Sands, Redux, NamelessQM | 2014-01-20 | 5 | |
29631930 | Digger Quest: Chapter 6 | Bass convinces Cruiser to turn his beloved AE86 into a amphibious gun touting death machine. He enters the first of the islands three remaining ruins, fights metal crocodiles, and levels up. | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure | 2014-01-20 | 12 | |
29663498 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 58 | Join us as we explain our situation to Rebecca about being the son of a Hero Trainer! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-01-21 | 17 | |
29712241 | AoPH Quest 23 | With the help of Surge, the Vermillion power plant is secured and cleared of brainwashed personnel. The immediate threat now averted, Ceru and her team close in on the hybrid... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-01-23 | 29 | |
29728264 | Gnoll Society Worldbuilding | Discussion on what gnoll society should be like, taking inspiration from the hyena and writing some interesting mythology. | worldbuilding, gnoll, gnoll society, hyena, D&D, races, pseudopenis | 2014-01-24 | 5 | |
29755267 | Hero Quest Rena 19 | Rena has to fight off her desperate cravings of blood for one whole week... Will she survive? | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-01-25 | 37 | |
29836414 | AoPH Quest 24 | With the hybrid detained, the team finally begins to settle down. As the night sky darkens, Cerulean's thoughts are of her friends and companions... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-01-28 | 28 | |
29890362 | The Train | OP comes up with a really creepy steampunk setting. Dare you go outside the Train? | Steampunk, Trains, Railroad, Awesome, Horror, Stewardess, Clockpunk, Setting, Homebrew | 2014-01-30 | 21 | |
29912778 | Hero Quest Rena 20 | Bridgette fights some Heroes and goes up to A-Class! Shortly after she has a run-in with a certain cat-eared creature... Also Rena is at her party. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-01-31 | 39 | |
February 2014 |
29948682 | Digger Quest: Chapter 7 | Bass continues to explore the Bronze Tower! Keys are found, bodies are discovered, and limbs are nearly lost! Will Bass find treasure awaiting him or will he only find sorrow and death? | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure | 2014-02-02 | 14 | |
29972934 | Digger Quest: Chapter 8 | Bass single-handedly fights a city-destroying Reaverbot, decides to waterproof his gun, and buys crappy gifts for his friends. | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure, No Seriously Bass Is Really Bad At Picking Out Gifts | 2014-02-03 | 12 | |
29996389 | Buddhist Dwarves and Prayer Wheel City | Original Content: Someone Takes An Idea and Gets It Done | Buddhism, Prayer Wheels, Dwarf, Dwarves, Dorf, City, OC, Gazette | 2014-02-04 | 9 | |
30002131 | AoPH Quest 25 | Lilac is offered the chance to make her dream come true, but Ceru is worried of the risks that come with this opportunity. However, as long as she sees the ghost of a chance of success, Lilac presses on... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-02-04 | 28 | |
30046236 | Hero Quest Rena 21 | Rena goes and visits her friend in the hospital. The team gets closer to finding out about the mysterious QB(?) | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-02-06 | 39 | |
30052056 | Hero Quest Rena 22 | In this chapter Rena fights Dark Witch C-Lass and finally closes in on the mysterious QB(?) | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-02-06 | 39 | |
30068197 | AoPH Quest 26 | A nightmare causes Ceru to almost harm a friend and her visits to close companions are tinged with melancholy. On the bright side, Ceru receives a free makeover and a few compliments on her looks. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-02-07 | 28 | |
30148554 | Errant the Star-Crossed Knight Quest | Send this Knight on a Glorious quest to find the family cockring! | Collective Game, Star-Crossed Knight, Cockring | 2014-02-11 | 12 | |
30149606 | Succubus Lord Quest part 59 | Join us as the fire as the Pride demons begin a crackdown and we free out Dad! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-02-12 | 15 | |
30170247 | Post Apoc Robot Civ Quest Start/Fin | The end of the hiatus is marked with good intentions, bad executions. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, robots | 2014-02-12 | 3 | |
30197235 | Hero Quest Rena 23 | This time we play as Magical Girl Sparkle. This chapter is filled with fighting, daemons, and cuddles. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-02-13 | 39 | |
30194446 | Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 1 | Thus begins the next tale of Vault 101, who knows what the future will hold for these hopeful scientists. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault | 2014-02-13 | 7 | |
30204804 | Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 2 | Where we meet shifty corporations, discuss SCIENCE, and try to sell things. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault | 2014-02-14 | 5 | |
30221345 | Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 3 | The Monsters Cometh | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault | 2014-02-14 | 5 | |
30281809 | Digger Quest: Chapter 8.5 | Bass goes shopping and does some research at an old ass library. Thread stops short due to shitty OP internet connection during a storm. | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure | 2014-02-17 | 10 | |
30308129 | Succubus Lord Quest: Part 60 | Join us as Brooklyn gains her father's freedom and we escape from the Pride Demon raid! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-02-18 | 14 | |
30315128 | Hero Quest Rena 24 | Rena and Bridgette have a nice evening out together. Sparkle shows up at the end. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-02-18 | 39 | |
30331956 | Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 3 | And to think we spent this whole thread trying to get out of one danger. Only to succeed and land in an even BIGGER one | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault | 2014-02-19 | 5 | |
30362496 | Hero Quest Rena 25 | We find ourselves in the shoes of Lyrical Princess Raindrops as she ruffles hair and fights evil! | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-02-20 | 39 | |
30378453 | AoPH Quest 27 | Ceru takes on responsibility for a friend while unloading some of her own burdens on another. Then, a call from Alexis summons Ceru to Saffron for a meeting with the special "guest" being kept there... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-02-21 | 25 | |
30377240 | Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 5 | It's moving day, welcome to Ashad | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault | 2014-02-22 | 3 | |
30389899 | Warforged Storytime | Featuring Tim and Jim the Warforged brothers, Lichforged, Nanoforged, the 3/4ths golem, the Iron Giant, and an obscenely corny yet somehow endearing story of friendship and slapping death's shit, among other things. | story, time, storytime, warforged, Pinocchio, lichforged, nanoforged, nanohaforged, 3/4ths golem, FRIENDSHIP, Iron Giant, character concepts | 2014-02-22 | 9 | |
30468311 | Hero Quest Rena 26 | Magical Girl Sparkle takes time off from heroism to deal with impending motherhood. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-02-25 | 39 | |
30479545 | Freighter Quest Episode 2: Sean Newell and the Frozen Island | On Sean Newell's Second Adventure he investigates the mystery of a freezing island while facing off against a cold Rusky. | Freighter Quest, Collective Game, Ocean, Post-WW1, Adventurer, Low-Fantasy, South Seas, Alternate Earth, Merchant Seaman, Mystery | 2014-02-26 | 5 | |
30488020 | AoPH Quest 28 | An interview with the hybrid, Ni'Rena, reveals unintended information for Ceru. Loyalties are tested, secrets revealed, and a question is asked without words: Are you a Ranger or a Rocket? | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-02-26 | 27 | |
30483948 | Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 6/FIN | Yes anon, your fluff did win. Evil does not prevail. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault | 2014-02-26 | 11 | |
30527135 | Post Apoc Insect Civ Quest Part 1 | Evil never dies. Thus begins the start of the great insect brood. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Insects | 2014-02-28 | 1 | |
March 2014 |
30550975 | Hero Quest Rena 27 | Rena meets her new protege. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-03-01 | 33 | |
30590811 | Digger Quest: Chapter 9 | Bass gets his gear and attempts to go to the Silver Tower, but is forced to retreat. He goes searching for a job and gets to search for lost kittens. Word of a murder catches his ear and things taken an unusual turn... | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure | 2014-03-03 | 10 | |
30617347 | AoPH Quest 29 | Ceru fetches Lilac from the hospital and spends a day seeing what Celadon has to offer with her and Sanna. Happy memories are made, yet the day is marred by a coming storm on the horizon. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-03-04 | 29 | |
30662484 | Hero Quest Rena 28 | Shadowman gets friendzoned | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-03-06 | 34 | |
30656703 | Succubus Lord Quest: Part 61 | Join us as we meet the Leader of the Aides and the Pamille Church and Leona makes a friend for life. | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-03-06 | 12 | |
30741727 | AoPH Quest 30 | A freak storm strands a civilian boat out at sea and Ceru is recruited for a salvage and rescue mission. The smell of blood and a sudden fatality mark her squad's entrance to the ship. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-03-10 | 20 | |
30784285 | Hero Quest Rena 29 | Queen of the World accompanies Lyrical Princess Raindrops and explores some old ruins. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-03-12 | 35 | |
30781923 | Grow Corp Civ 1 | Plantpocalypse Begins | Post Apoc, Hivemind, Megacorp, Plants | 2014-03-12 | 6 | |
30802645 | Succbus Lord Quest Part 62 | Join us as meet a new Miyian Friend and take the twins on a date! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-03-13 | 13 | |
30820282 | Post Apoc Grow Corp Civ Quest Part 2 | We require more minerals | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Grow, Corp | 2014-03-14 | 5 | |
30827631 | Obscure Christian Mythology | Weird shit in Judeo-Christian tradition turns into a legitimate discussion on religion, Christianity and a primer to the Kabbalah. /tg/ gets shit done again | Religion, God, Christianity, Angels, Apocalypse, Kabbalah | 2014-03-15 | 10 | |
30853082 | Digger Quest: Chapter 10 | Bass is forced to take kittens home as a women is taken into police custody. He tries to find leads on who the real killer is, but ends up fighting a deadly sniper. He confronts the local militia general and things become heated. | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure | 2014-03-16 | 10 | |
30873380 | Digger Quest: Chapter 11 | Bass is sent to the hospital and learns he might not entirely be human. He asks Tom for additional weapons and pays Hunter a visit, only to be attacked by a ridiculous looking robot. | Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure | 2014-03-17 | 10 | |
30900302 | AoPH Quest 31 | Hungry, tired, and lost, what awaits Ceru as she explores the tropical island she's washed up on? However, no matter what mysteries lie in wait for Ceru, one thing's for certain: things are going to be "apeshit" crazy. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-03-18 | 29 | |
30939084 | Hero Quest Rena 30 | Bridgette tries to go out and get a drink but gets much more than she bargained for. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-03-20 | 36 | |
30959451 | Post Apoc Grow Corp Civ 4/Fin | We get attacked by bandits and die. No surprises there really. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Grow, Corp | 2014-03-22 | 1 | |
31016677 | Avatar Quest #1 | Waterbending and battling are a great start to any quest | Collective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, MINOC, Waterbending | 2014-03-24 | 11 | |
31026244 | Avatar Quest #2 | Revenge is sweet, and so is humiliating your foes after death | Collective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, MINOC, Waterbending | 2014-03-24 | 6 | |
31070514 | AoPH Quest 32 | Ceru follows her avian companions back to their "shity". There, she is properly acquainted with the Kahkori and receives their help in exchange for "speaking". And while Marine's safety is decided by what could be the most important cultural exchange ever done by a ranger, Ceru gets stalked by a certain angry simian. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-03-26 | 27 | |
31084173 | Hero Quest Rena 31 | Weird time stuff, everywhere. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-03-27 | 32 | |
31063278 | CoC Mythos scenarios and plothooks | A collection of mostly original plothooks for Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green games. Also has Mister Trashbags, the baby shoggoth. | CoC, Mythos, hooks, plothooks, shoggoth, | 2014-03-27 | 5 | |
31127687 | AoPH Quest 33 | Warned of a terrible beast that stalks the jungle at night, Ceru sets off to search Marine with Kurojo. Will she find her lost friend in time? Or has Marine succumbed to the "Nar-kage"? Is Ceru next in line? | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-03-29 | 26 | |
31143522 | Hero Quest Rena 32 | In which our Hero fights the Spine Ravager, tries on some clothes, and learns more about herself and the alt-universe. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-03-30 | 31 | |
April 2014 |
31183937 | Avatar Quest Part 5 | Part 5 | Avatar Quest, Avatar, Waterbending, MINOC | 2014-04-01 | 2 | |
31202307 | Magical Girl Rena Quest | Rena finds herself in a new and confusing world | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock, MGNQ, April Fools | 2014-04-02 | 34 | |
31204732 | Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 4 | A day for the fools of April, and ethical conundrums. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, splicer | 2014-04-02 | 2 | |
31228287 | AoPH Quest 34 | With Marine's rescue and Mukon's timely arrival, Ceru's group make their way back to the Kahkori's home. They are beset by wild monsters along the way, but after a short scuffle, Mukon drives them away... and ends up attracting something more fearsome... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-04-03 | 32 | |
31243985 | Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 5 | Where the people who free slaves are getting killed by them | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, splicer | 2014-04-04 | 3 | |
31305552 | Hero Quest Rena 33 | We find out what happened to Dark Witch EdgeMurder and meet up with the Lord of Death. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-04-07 | 30 | |
31327202 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 63 | Join us for making our sister Excel meet our Dad! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-04-08 | 13 | |
31330421 | AoPH Quest 35 | A young Kahkori named Kurojo, through trial of blood and death, has become a man. But all is not well; the White One and her friend are sick with the Red Tide. To repay a debt, he must seek out the Blue Burst, the only known cure to the illness, to save them from death. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-04-08 | 28 | |
31341207 | High Octane Shadowrun | OP plans on running his players through some Payday-styled heists and asks /tg/ for ideas. Features exploding buses, the Umbrella Corporation, and detailed notes on a drone heist. | Shadowrun, Payday, High, Octane, Heists, Umbrella, Grand, Theft, Drone | 2014-04-08 | 11 | |
31347992 | Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 7 | What do you mean our base got up and wandered away? | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, splicer | 2014-04-09 | 3 | |
31390313 | Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 8/Fin | Our hopes and dreams, our despair and folly. Out with a bang once more. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, splicer | 2014-04-11 | 3 | |
31394287 | AoPH Quest 36 | Healed and with Kurojo promising to act as their guide, Ceru and Marine make ready to find their way back home, but not before receiving two gifts from the Kahkori... the spoils of a hunter's conquest... and the gift of Aura. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-04-11 | 28 | |
31474729 | Hero Quest Rena 34 | Rena tries to solve a problem between the two most powerful people on the planet. Also we deal with a certain coffee based hero and a dullahan. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-04-15 | 32 | |
31501070 | AoPH Quest 37 | The journey back home begins with a giant monster ride. On their first stop along the way, the group goes on a hunt to gain entry to the home of the locals, the Ferrines. The day comes to a close with a hot, hot bath. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-04-16 | 23 | |
31543618 | Post Apoc Grow Corp Civ Quest Part 3 | Being really really small fish in a very big very violent pond. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Gearhead | 2014-04-18 | 2 | |
31563182 | Hero Quest Rena 35 | In this chapter we deal with two characters that haven't had much time in the spotlight, Robomaid and Jade Revolver. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-04-19 | 32 | |
31630140 | AoPH Quest 38 | Ceru finishes up a Hot bath with Kurojo, her heart aflutter with many strange feelings in her heart.
What awaits them the now? | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-04-22 | 24 | |
31648825 | Post Apoc Gearhead Garrison Civ Part 4 | We almost get wiped, but manage to avoid it through no especially clever means at great cost. Our attempts at growth are frustrated. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Gearhead | 2014-04-23 | 1 | |
31650014 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 64 | Join us as we raid a Vampire base! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-04-24 | 11 | |
31696931 | AoPH Quest 39 | Cerulean sets off on the next part of their adventure! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-04-25 | 17 | |
31687152 | Post Apoc Grow Corp Civ Quest Part 5 | The ground is bleeding, falling up into the sky, and monsters are coming. Another day in the adventure of the gearheads. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Gearhead | 2014-04-25 | 1 | |
31716085 | Hero Quest Rena 36 | In this chapter we join Rena and her group as they visit Queen of the World's newly constructed beach. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-04-26 | 30 | |
31808378 | Post Apoc Gearheads Garrison Civ Part 6/Fin | Out with Madness, not Sadness (or so we tell ourselves). Not enough anons around to object to a flawed plan, and the Darklands claim another victim. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Gearhead | 2014-04-30 | 2 | |
May 2014 |
31808787 | Succubus Lord Quest Part 65 | Join us as we escape the vampire base and have a chat with a new 'friend'! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-05-01 | 11 | |
31827521 | Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 1 | One night in Kokaido makes the hard man humble. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Outcast | 2014-05-01 | 1 | |
31875591 | AoPH Quest 40 | A Young Rocket finds herself in the company of a rough crowd.
A ship is chartered and a dangerous sea traversed! Will Kurojo get his sea legs?! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-05-03 | 24 | |
31875136 | Hero Quest Rena 37 | Vampire related shenanigans. We also get to spend some time with Magical Girl Sparkle. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-05-03 | 30 | |
31856152 | Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 2 | Not much between despair and ectsasy.
We buy pleasure slaves from traders, hold off starvation and dehydration, and spend time elaborating on a tactically sound operation to raid some farmers. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Outcast | 2014-05-03 | 0 | |
31921731 | AoPH Quest 41 | Cerulean, Marine, and Kurojo fight against a great beast of the sea with a company of Native Rangers.
Will they fend it off from the ship or bag it and tag it? | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-05-05 | 15 | |
31891756 | The Knights of Falconwood | A mysterious shower of magical energy kills off every last female human in the world. What follows are are a surprisingly civil discussion, GALLANTRY and tanks. Also conan. | worldbuilding, battletanx, gender, post-apoc, apocalypse, magic, settingbuilding, setting building, world without women, SCIENCE, artificial humans, gallantry, modern knights, matriarchy, conan | 2014-05-05 | 0 | |
31961297 | Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 3 | Another raid successful raid with our fast growing friends, more recruitment, members, encounters and events; and we host a funeral for the Old Man. A good thread. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Outcast | 2014-05-07 | 0 | |
31983513 | Hero Quest Rena 38 | In this thread we deal with a new Magical Vampire and an alternate Magical Girl. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-05-08 | 28 | |
32000034 | Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 4 | Today, we tried raiding a, didn't go so well. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Outcast | 2014-05-09 | 0 | |
32045976 | Hero Quest Rena 39 | The Queen of the World is confronted by someone almost as fabulous as her, the evil Lolu. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-05-11 | 30 | |
32061103 | /tg/ scanlates Orc&Elf comic, derailment ensues | /tg/ being /tg/, after /a/ turned out to be unproductive. Scanlation, interpretation and maggot-infested vaginas. | derail, elf, orc, comic, doujinshi, doctors feeling physically ill, nostalgia | 2014-05-11 | 32 | |
32110981 | In The Utter Darkness of the 56th Millennium, There is nothing | Anon's Rogue Trader campaign is caught in a Warp eddie and thrown forward in time to the 56th Millennium to find that the entire galaxy is dead. Discussion, possible causes, Battlestar Galacticas and backstabbing result. Lots of backstabbing. | Rogue Trader, Warp, Time Travel, Future, Rock Falls Everybody Dies, Backstabbing | 2014-05-14 | 9 | |
32147743 | AoPH Quest 42 | Cerulean finds herself in the city after her journey between islands, the Smolodhans hunting party leaves, and she, Marine, and Kurojo find themselves alone in the big city! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-05-16 | 13 | |
32144906 | Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 5 | Of Ravagers and Super Tanks | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Outcast | 2014-05-17 | 1 | |
32226228 | Hero Quest Rena 40 | In this chapter Rena decides to investigate the rise of pirated Hero footage. She quickly decides that's stupid and instead makes her own videos. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-05-20 | 31 | |
32245380 | Post Apoc Grow Corp Civ Quest Part 6 | We are called to a summons of the vile, and must eliminate zombies who have taken up the dark pact. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Outcast | 2014-05-21 | 1 | |
32292288 | AoPH Quest 43 | Cerulean talks out the aftermath of her duel to the death with a Smolder leader! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-05-23 | 20 | |
32291434 | Fading Republic Quest | We are a mysterious agent of The Eye, the chief intelligence service of a Romanesque Republic. After exploring inter-service politics between various military branches we decipher encoded messages from spies in our employ and fall under attack by barbarians. | Fading Republic Quest, Collective Game, Spy, Republic, Democracy, Politics | 2014-05-23 | 6 | |
32336411 | Hero Quest Rena 41 | We find out the limits of Bridgette's powers and join Robomaid as she reunites with her former master. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-05-25 | 27 | |
32399247 | Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 7 FIN | Thus ended Outcast civ, nuked themselves, eaten by feral ghouls, and the leftovers eaten by zombies | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Outcast | 2014-05-28 | 0 | |
32442765 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 2 | In which we flood the land, shoot laser beams from our eyes, get brains, and meet an Abomination | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant | 2014-05-30 | 1 | |
32466473 | AoPH Quest 44 | Cerulean and her team hunt an Ordile to prove themselves as hunters and start on her first steps to home! Will she capture it dead, alive, or get sent packing?
Pokemon Hunter! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-05-31 | 28 | |
June 2014 |
32488289 | Hero Quest Rena 42 | In this chapter Rena tries to save her best friend from an evil fedora wearing genius. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-06-01 | 32 | |
32511774 | Succubus Lord Quest part 66 | Join us as we have 'fun' times with Mina and go to our study group! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-06-03 | 10 | |
32553830 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 3 | A tale of farming and Umbra. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant | 2014-06-04 | 1 | |
32639064 | Hero Quest Rena 43 | In this chapter we visit a dear friend in a hospital and Jade gets a visit from her idol! | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-06-08 | 27 | |
32656527 | Halfling Quest III: Wyrm Eater | Heilyn copes with having just killed someone, and works towards escaping her father's "Training". | Collective Game, Halfling Quest, Drunken Antics, Dead Fathers, Deadbeat Fathers, Massive CoC, Wyrm Eater | 2014-06-08 | 4 | |
32671533 | Succubus Lord Quest part 67 | Join us as we go out on a date and corrupt an innocent cleric! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-06-10 | 8 | |
32686631 | Edgelord Design and Implementation Handbook | Edited by Anonymous. /tg/ press | Edge, edgelords, mary sue, sue, sues, oc | 2014-06-11 | 2 | |
32697200 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 5 | How fast can we poison mum and drown the forest edition.
Previous thread unarchived. Part 4: | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant | 2014-06-12 | 0 | |
32724536 | AoPH Quest 45 | Cerulean chooses her name amongst the Guild as they welcome her into their ranks. Yet, what might the governer of this city have to say about strangers? | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-06-12 | 27 | |
32740955 | AoPH Quest 46 | Cerulean listens to the history of the islands from the Kahkori's perspective. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-06-13 | 24 | |
32763860 | AoPH Quest 47 | Cerulean makes Lord Hao's acquaintance. Yet what does the lord regent have in mind for the young hunter? | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-06-14 | 22 | |
32737851 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 6 | Double Nat100s, Double Nat1's, Quadruple the fun. We reach Psionic potentials hiterto unseen by any other previous civ. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant | 2014-06-14 | 0 | |
32762540 | Rated M for Manly | OP asks for stereotypical action movie "ass pulls". /tg/ ends up developing a stereotypical action movie style RPG from it. | Rated M for Manly, game design, epic, awesome, oc, original content, homebrew | 2014-06-14 | 38 | |
32781297 | Hero Quest Rena 44 | In this chapter we join Rider on her day off. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-06-15 | 26 | |
32855664 | Rated M For Manly Thread #2 | The work continues | Rated M for Manly, game design, epic, awesome, oc, original content, homebrew | 2014-06-18 | 2 | |
32885500 | AoPH Quest 48 | Cerulean and Marine return from their meeting with Lord Hao, Kurojo faces his fears and doubts, and... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-06-20 | 24 | |
32844199 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 8 | Shara creates monster warrens, Vece is a big mean, and we roll 69s | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant | 2014-06-20 | 0 | |
32905295 | AoPH Quest 49 | Ceru and her hunting team take on a new hunt, their prey? The Narga-Kage! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-06-21 | 22 | |
32902031 | Hero Quest Rena 45 | Cynthia's big day of villainy! | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-06-21 | 30 | |
32887295 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 9 | Special Edition. We salvage a potential death sentence. Paladins, why does it have to be paladins... | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant | 2014-06-21 | 0 | |
32946268 | Succubus Lord Quest part 68 | Join us as Brooklyn has the meeting with the Succubus heads! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-06-24 | 8 | |
33014702 | Unified CCG/TCG Seting | OP: Okay /tg/. You know how in these typical "Children's game is obscenely popular and people duel/fight with them all over the world" anime there's the megacorp who basically produces this shit and runs the world almost? Well a thought occurred to me. What if there was a setting where all those corporations had to actually coexist and interact. | OC, worldbuilding, ccg, tcg, digimon, yu-gi-oh, yugioh, shadowrun, mmbn, megaman battle network. mtg, magic | 2014-06-26 | 10 | |
33049973 | AoPH Quest 50 | White and her party engage a beast known as the Terror of Death. A friend suffers a mortal wound... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-06-28 | 6 | |
33047426 | Hero Quest Rena 46 | A day off at the hot springs takes a darker turn. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-06-28 | 25 | |
33029380 | Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 11 Fin | Thus ends the Guanyin who were never Guanyin, the Hivemind Mutants who had no hivemind, and the most promising civ to date.
But we kept our promise, that we would stick to this civ till the end, even in the offer of another. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant | 2014-06-28 | 0 | |
33062572 | Don't Zap to the extreme | OP: Hail /tg/, I bring you something my friend and I have created for the CWC forums - a DRYH-style horror game that is set in CWCville, with pcs being the citizens who have become aware that something is wrong with the city. | oc, cwc, sonichu, chris-chan, DRYH, don't rest your head | 2014-06-28 | 5 | |
33072239 | AoPH Quest 51 | The Araraki's hiding something.
Jojo and Ceru recover after the hunt. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-06-29 | 5 | |
33060206 | Post Apoc Lost Space Explorer Civ Quest Part 1 | Space: the last border. That was the voyage of the Expeditionary Mission 8472. But it's interstellar journey interrupted by a crash landing on a Type II civilization in a state of eternal war. Now this far flung band of humans from another world must learn to survive in this hostile alien planet of zombies, monsters, and eternal war.
Join us, as we brashly go where no man has gone before, In another exciting episode of Expedition 8472! | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Explorer | 2014-06-29 | 0 | |
33096840 | 10th Crusade | The year is 2034. Over the past two decades fundamental Islamic groups have risen to power across the Middle East and North Africa, establishing a new United Islamic Caliphate. Terrorist activity has risen dramatically in Europe, and the UIC has begun training jihadi armies in preparation for an invasion of Europe and eventually, world conquest. The West braces itself for war, and the Catholic church is no exception. Pope Alexander IX decides to re-establish The Order of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, more commonly known as the Knights Templar, to serve as an elite force of warriors to help defend the Church and Christendom against the coming storm. | 10th Crusade, worldbuilding, oc | 2014-06-30 | 6 | |
July 2014 |
33120151 | Harpy Species, Intelligence and Mannerisms | What starts off as a thread discussing the likelihood of Harpies becoming a world power through aerial martial strength (d)evolves into a discussion about dumb Dodo-Harpies, foul-mouthed Cockney-Harpies and, of course, Harpy mating habits. | Harpy, harpies, dodo, dumb, cockney, fetish, world building, monsters, monstergirls, I'll fight u m8 I swear on me mum | 2014-07-02 | 21 | |
33152746 | AoPH Quest 52 | Nala's party recovers and returns from the Narga-Kage hunt... There Lord Hao has a surprise for them. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-07-03 | 10 | |
33163699 | Succubus Lord Quest part 69 | Join us as we deal with the aftermath of the meeting! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-07-04 | 6 | |
33168538 | Post Apoc Lost Space Explorer Civ Quest Part 2/Fin | Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, we regret to inform you that the continued production of Expedition 8472 episodes has been cancelled until further notice. We suffered a technical breakdown due to a lack of water. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Explorer | 2014-07-04 | 0 | |
33211575 | Hero Quest Rena 47 | In this chapter we try to fix Cynthia's life. The results are unexpected. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-07-06 | 26 | |
33192092 | Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest II Part 5 | Thus germinates the seed of our cult, the gods are both angered and appeased, as blood flows as it must. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Cult | 2014-07-06 | 1 | |
33196649 | Vyrii Growth Game | In a strange cave-like world, mineral based beings evolve into strange and frightening forms. (Spinoff of the Primordial Evolution games) | collective game, vyrii growth game, rocks, crystals, primordial evo, evolution game | 2014-07-07 | 1 | |
33277283 | AoPH Quest 53 | Cerulean wakes up hung over... She really overdid it last night... But what did she do? The festival continues! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-07-09 | 8 | |
33252932 | Succubus Lord Quest part 70 | Join us as we meet Luna and plan to save he leaders! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-07-09 | 6 | |
33275551 | Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest II Part 2 | The last archive before this should be Part 1. Despite the previous edition of "Anon can't number the threads right" today is another stunning success following last times shedding of zombie blood, as we sacrifice the corruption for our temple and perform our dark festival to the gods via combat to the death, the winners now our chosen warriors of the gods. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Cult | 2014-07-09 | 2 | |
33317712 | Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest Part 3 | And only now I realize I left the "II" when this is the first of such quests.
Today is Genie's birthday, so we gift him with tripple nat100s. We manage to oust the zombies, but end up finding an ocean more in our quest to get to the holy grail of resources. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Cult | 2014-07-11 | 0 | |
33340468 | Hero Quest Rena 48 | In this chapter Bridgette gets a promotion and fights her arch-nemesis. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-07-12 | 25 | |
33390339 | On Players and Social Anxiety | OP asks how to lessen his player's burden. /tg/ gives decent advice for once. | rpg, social anxiety, advice | 2014-07-16 | 2 | |
33429740 | Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest Part 4 | More zombie blood is spilled, as we imbue weapons with the power of the Jungle in the name of our Gods. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Cult | 2014-07-17 | 1 | |
33451186 | Succubus Lord Quest 71 | Join us as we prepare for the big fight! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-07-18 | 7 | |
33473911 | Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest Part 5 | We seek forth the names of our gods, and further intertwine ourselves with our bandit allies. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Cult | 2014-07-18 | 0 | |
33500444 | AoPH Quest 54 | The feast with Lord Hao continues. Leaders bicker and... | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-07-19 | 12 | |
33496421 | Hero Quest Rena 49 | In this chapter Jade Revolver tells a story of BenBen's adventures as he fights his arch-nemesis. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-07-19 | 26 | |
33544144 | AoPH Quest 55 | Ceru discovers something with potential to shake her world... The way home becomes more clear. Yet not without its dangers. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-07-21 | 21 | |
33583693 | AoPH Quest 56 | Ceru and Marine share a moment to decide their future.
Akabaron returns after a long trip. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-07-22 | 10 | |
33585868 | Fantasy Noble Ranger Civ Quest Part 2 | We acquire tools, survive an ambush, and gain several heroes. We continue to wait until someone in the region has need for Rangers for hire. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Noble, Ranger | 2014-07-23 | 0 | |
33607926 | AoPH Quest 57 | Ceru r4eadies herself for the hunt and visits the new homeland of the Araraki! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-07-23 | 7 | |
33634727 | AoPH Quest 58 | A long time waiting for Akabaron has worn Ceru's patience thin. A trip to Smelda awaits! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-07-25 | 5 | |
33659049 | AoPH Quest 59 | Cerulean embarks on the final hunt of the Empire Islands! Enter: The Lord Of White Waves! | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-07-26 | 6 | |
33685365 | Hero Quest Rena 50 | In this chapter we finally fight the Alternate Rena. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-07-27 | 24 | |
33757139 | AoPH Quest 60 (Season Finale) | Cerulean and company face of against the Lord Of White Waves, the last thing between them, and home. | Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World | 2014-07-30 | -29 | |
August 2014 |
33765380 | Sci-Fi Nomade Civ Quest Part 1 | In which we propose numerous sci-fi civs, capture a mysterious ghost vessel with a loose AI, and OP tries to deceive us into believing railguns aren't magical. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Nomad, Space | 2014-08-01 | 0 | |
33815206 | Cursed_Apprentice_Quest | Your a wizards apprentice who gets back-stabbed and turned into a shota wacky hijinks ensue on a quest to reverse the curse before we unage into an infant | shota, Agro, Cursed_Apprentice, Quest, huge cocks, pumpkin farming, OP needs to sleep, | 2014-08-01 | 12 | |
33871813 | Succubus Lord Quest 72 | Join us for the fight against Lord Dio! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life | 2014-08-04 | 10 | |
33918893 | Hero Quest Rena 51 | In this chapter Rider helps out the spirits of the fallen heroes. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-08-06 | 24 | |
33940760 | Imperial Beurocrat Quest | Rise from your lowly job in the Adeptus Administratum to hunt Orks among the ranks of the Inquisition! | Imperial Beurocrat Quest, Collective Game, Quest | 2014-08-07 | 6 | |
34094243 | Succubus Lord Quest 74 | Join us as we start policy making for Old TO! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics | 2014-08-13 | 6 | |
34100725 | Neo Survivor quest 1 | You awaken in a cryogenic tube, the news feed thats been plugged into your sleeping form tells you its Y2Kx10 shit happens and then more shit happens, its pretty good | Neo Survivor, Quest, First, Robots, Mutants, Mild Humor, Collective Game, Apocalyptic, Pls read, Brain, Agro, | 2014-08-13 | 5 | |
34101223 | Nanoha: Innocence Lost | In which we use Yuuno as a pillow, disregard breakfast to acquire punctuality and have a meeting with a friend we almost forgot. | Nanoha:Innocence Lost, collective game, hexer, fanfiction, magical girls | 2014-08-13 | 1 | |
34116291 | Hero Quest Rena 52 | In this chapter Rena makes her first attempts at fixing the associations. Also there are cats involved. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-08-14 | 23 | |
34249940 | Slav Shit Future Knights | OP: I had an idea today, tentatively entitled "Slav Shit Future Knights" inspired by the game Destiny and the book One Soldier's War In Chechnya. Players are knights of the last city on Earth (St Petersburg) who venture out beyond the walls armed with an array of slavic weaponry from the last 100+ years (statted up with MotSP's equipment building system) to do battle with bandits, chechens, aliens, stalinist ape-men and assorted mutants, recover mystical treasures and technology and you get the idea | Worldbuilding, world building, OC, awesome, jews, bears, russia | 2014-08-19 | 6 | |
34259195 | Succubus Lord Quest 75(!) | Join us as we defuse a hostage situation! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics | 2014-08-20 | 7 | |
34372220 | Hero Quest Rena 53 | In this chapter Rena deals with the aftershock of Queen's fashion show. We also join Bridgette as she goes on a date. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-08-25 | 23 | |
34476717 | Protoculture drawthread | Archiving for those that missed it. | Protoculture, Drawthread, drawfag | 2014-08-29 | 4 | |
September 2014 |
34546988 | Lego Quest Presents... After the Brick | The origin of the Wanderer! | Lego Quest, Collective Game, post-apocalyptic | 2014-09-01 | 7 | |
34625977 | Hero Quest Rena 54 | In this chapter Rena attends the first annual Hero and Villain meetup. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-09-05 | 23 | |
34674810 | Rock Quest #1 | In which a businessman is sent on a mission by the rock gods. | Rock Quest,Collective Game,HaikuDeluge | 2014-09-07 | 36 | |
34701240 | Rock Quest #2 | In which an accountant finds religion and gets a strange medical treatment. | Rock Quest,Collective Game,HaikuDeluge | 2014-09-08 | 26 | |
34756635 | Succubus Lord Quest 76 | Join us fpr the Celestian invasion! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics | 2014-09-10 | 5 | |
34777402 | Rock Quest #3 | In which an accountant gets a gig, the band argues, and everything is cut off by a 4chan bug. | Rock Quest, Collective Game, Haiku Deluge | 2014-09-11 | 17 | |
34836064 | Rock Quest #4 | In which the band takes a road trip and prepares for the concert. | Rock Quest, Collective Game, HaikuDeluge | 2014-09-14 | 11 | |
34865905 | Rock Quest #5 | In which an accountant defuses a fight, gets his guitar back, and plays a concert. | Rock Quest, Collective Game, HaikuDeluge | 2014-09-15 | 11 | |
34979706 | Hero Quest Rena 55 | The last chapter of Hero Quest. In this chapter Rena says goodbye to her friends as she gets ready to explore beyond the dome. | Collective Game, Drawquest, Hero Quest Rena, One Punch Man, pocket rock | 2014-09-20 | 40 | |
34998231 | Rock Quest #6 | In which an accountant goes out with a bang, and a priest racks up a high score. | Rock Quest, Collective Game, HaikuDeluge | 2014-09-21 | 11 | |
35024811 | Rock Quest 7 | In which our party rescues hostages and teach demons the rules of nature. | Rock Quest, Collective Game, HaikuDeluge | 2014-09-22 | 11 | |
35084915 | How do dwarves measure time | Anon asks a simple question. Brainstorming and worlbuilding begins. | Worldbuilding, Setting, Dwarf, Time, Clocks | 2014-09-25 | 7 | |
35152145 | Rock Quest #8 | In which an accountant comes to the rescue, and a fish gets bigger. | Collective Game, Rock Quest, HaikuDeluge | 2014-09-28 | 10 | |
35177125 | Rock Quest #9 | In which an accountant rock-battles demons and DOES COCAINE | Collective Game, Rock Quest, HaikuDeluge | 2014-09-29 | 10 | |
35203846 | Rock Quest #10 | In which we rock-battle a fallen angel, and things END. | Collective Game, Rock Quest, HaikuDeluge | 2014-09-30 | 11 | |
35211228 | Warring America States Era | What if America has a Warring States period, just like Japan? | oc, original content, awesome, politics, america, warring american states | 2014-09-30 | 1 | |
October 2014 |
35509987 | Succubus Lord Quest 77 | Join us as the Greed Demon's drop a bombshell of information at us! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics | 2014-10-15 | 7 | |
35632491 | Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest Part 6 | At long long last, the Hiatus is over, and we return once more to our Jungle Cult Civ | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Cult | 2014-10-20 | 0 | |
35714073 | Sick With Love Quest | Hideki Saito, Hideki Saito, Hideki Saito
you love him, he loves you too, right? he's just perfect | Collective Game, Yandere, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-10-24 | 2 | |
35733098 | Sick With Love Quest 2 | The stunning conclusion to Sick With Love Quest. Ms. Matsubara... and your beloved Hideki? Time for that bitch to pay... | Collective Game, Yandere, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-10-25 | 0 | |
35794495 | Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 1 | The story of an operator and his (crazy) hostage. Will they? Won't they? Only time will tell. | Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, !!72oOCCJ1+cj | 2014-10-28 | 12 | |
35814187 | Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 2 | Our hero talks with and investigates his charge. Also, some people samefag a decision to wipe a girl's butt. | Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-10-29 | 6 | |
35832462 | Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 3 | Our protagonist investigates his captive, who continues to throw herself in his general direction. | Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-10-30 | 4 | |
35842631 | Tank Hunters Quest | First thread! Where we figure out what tank we own and put a crew together. | Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel | 2014-10-30 | 7 | |
35855993 | Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 4 | Our hero finally fucking unties his victim. Also, some people get shot. | Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-10-31 | 4 | |
November 2014 |
35875195 | Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 5 | Investigations, drama, and the truth is almost in sight... at least Maxine has called off her goon squad! | Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-11-01 | 6 | |
35923989 | The All Guardsmen Party Buys a Ship | The All Guardsmen Party goes to help purchase a used starship. Nothing could possibly go wrong. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Buy, Ship, Occurrence, Border, Nubby, Warp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2014-11-03 | 177 | |
35946941 | Tank Hunters Quest 2 | Our first drills as a team, and a mysterious man approaches us about our father. | Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel | 2014-11-04 | 7 | |
35997978 | Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 6 | Our hero wins and gets the girl. | Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-11-07 | 6 | |
36080307 | Disquiet Quest 1 | Our hero, a hyperactive boy, tries to woo Daisy Miller, a shy girl with pyrokinetic powers and a controlling, fundamentalist mother. | Collective Game, Disquiet Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-11-11 | 12 | |
36101867 | Disquiet Quest 2 | Our hero continues his quest to woo Daisy Miller! But many an obstacle comes in his path... will he come out of this one okay? | Collective Game, Disquiet Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-11-12 | 4 | |
36123142 | Disquiet Quest 3 | The thrilling conclusion! Will Daisy and the MC stay together? Read to find out! | Collective Game, Disquiet Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-11-13 | 6 | |
36102458 | Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 1 | Thus begins the story of the Blackwood Republic, deep in the forest they had lived for countless generations. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Government | 2014-11-13 | 0 | |
36144349 | Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 2 | Glorious biofuel! | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Government | 2014-11-14 | 0 | |
36193637 | Lego Quest Presents... After the Brick part 2 | Road trip! | Lego Quest, Collective Game, post-apocalyptic | 2014-11-16 | 2 | |
36227142 | Paranormal Romance Quest | Our heroine meets a smexy vampire boy who seems really into her. Then the OP gets banned for a URL in a post without a URL. | Collective Game, Paranormal Romance Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-11-17 | 1 | |
36250452 | Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 3 | What's this? A civ quest woefully underpopulated by bees? My research into bees will put a stop to this. Also flamethrowers. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Government | 2014-11-19 | 3 | |
36248611 | Paranormal Romance Quest 2 | Is our heroine going to have to shoot a bitch? | Collective Game, Paranormal Romance Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-11-19 | 0 | |
36268235 | Paranormal Romance Quest 3 | The thrilling conclusion to the series. | Collective Game, Paranormal Romance Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-11-20 | 0 | |
36290122 | Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 4 | Viva la Revolución! We pick a new path, and get awesome heroes. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Government | 2014-11-21 | 0 | |
36398457 | Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 5 | It is the day of the Zombies | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Government | 2014-11-27 | 0 | |
36430419 | Burger Girls Quest | “Welcome to McDougall’s, can I take your order?” | Collective Game, McDougall's, Ham, Cheese, Bacon, Avocado | 2014-11-28 | 15 | |
December 2014 |
36483393 | Desert Aurora Quest #1 | Unit A-213 follows orders from the mainframe and finds a creator. | Desert Aurora Quest, Collective Game, post apocalyptic, one-shot, one shot | 2014-12-01 | 5 | |
36453622 | Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 6 | And then something really bad happened. We experience a disaster and try to brace ourselves. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Government | 2014-12-02 | 0 | |
36476119 | Lego Quest Presents.... After the Brick part 3 | The Wanderer gets back to nature | Lego Quest, Collective Thread, post-apocalyptic | 2014-12-02 | 3 | |
36518972 | Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 7/FIN | Thus ends Blackwoods | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Government | 2014-12-03 | 0 | |
36533029 | Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 1 | Once there was an evil genius who wanted to take over the world. But you can't take over the world if it's destroyed. Now he seeks to rebuild it, so he can destroy it! Or something, don't question the boss | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Evil, Genius | 2014-12-04 | 0 | |
36559260 | Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 2 | We rise in strength as our foes fall and become as slaves to us. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Evil, Genius | 2014-12-05 | 1 | |
36645459 | Teacher's Pet Quest 1 | Our protagonist gets in a relationship with a teacher and keeps getting blue-balled before he can fuck her. | Collective Game, Teacher's Pet Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-12-09 | 25 | |
36646467 | Fallout Quest #2 | Our hero escapes the toxic jungle of O'ahu, sails to Maui, and meets some strange new people. | Fallout Quest,Collective Game,Fallout, Hawaii,Sci-Fi,Post-Apocalyptic | 2014-12-09 | 10 | |
36663875 | Teacher's Pet Quest 2 | In a world... where the protagonist still can't get his dick wet... what lengths will he go to to have some sweet, sweet loving? | Collective Game, Teacher's Pet Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-12-10 | 11 | |
36667115 | Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 3 | We get attacked by sirens and lose all our women, find some tanks, and a secret facility under a volcano. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Evil, Genius | 2014-12-10 | -1 | |
36682325 | Teacher's Pet Quest 3 | Our hero meets his teacher's parents, but not how he'd like, and has a heart-to-heart before blowing his load down her throat. | Collective Game, Teacher's Pet Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-12-11 | 8 | |
36702180 | Teacher's Pet Quest 4 | As our hero approaches the conclusion, an evening of passion descends into the depths of debauchery. | Collective Game, Teacher's Pet Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-12-12 | 5 | |
36707659 | DBZ Human Quest #10 | Kaguya has an interesting match with Chiaotzu, and, with his training nearly complete, takes a trip to the past in the pendulum room | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Kami, Popo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Goku, King Kai, Raditz, Vegeta, Bardock, Tora, Shugesh, Borgos, Fasha, Dodoria, Frieza | 2014-12-12 | 14 | |
36711538 | Teacher's Pet Quest 5 | The conclusion of TPQ. | Collective Game, Teacher's Pet Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-12-12 | 7 | |
36746600 | DBZ Human Quest #11 | Kaguya learns the fate of Bardock, and the clash with the Saiyans begins | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Bardock, Fasha, Tora, Borgos, Shugesh, Dodoria, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Saibamen, Krillin, Gohan, Yajirobe, Tien, Chiaotzu, Goku | 2014-12-14 | 16 | |
36743632 | Succubus Lord Quest 78 | Join us as we see the eyes of the world through Brodin! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics | 2014-12-14 | 7 | |
36761332 | Victarian Mortas necromancer thread | Mortas goes to parley with the goblins and a disaster befalls him and octavia | Victarian Mortas, necromancy, collective game, civilization, goblins, undead, octavia | 2014-12-14 | 2 | |
36781030 | Necromancer Civ Thread #3 | We learn some magic and experiment on our thralls | Leonin, Octavia, necromancer, civilization, thrall, dark magic | 2014-12-16 | 0 | |
36781754 | Bottle Baby Quest | Wherein /tg/ is the blueballing former assassin turned high school girl wench. | Collective Game, Bottle Baby Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-12-16 | 5 | |
36800441 | Bottle Baby Quest 2 | Our hero scores a date, cons her boyfriend's parents, puts her assassin skills to use, and rewards herself. | Collective Game, Bottle Baby Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-12-17 | 2 | |
36805824 | DBZ Human Quest #13 | The Z Fighters desperately try to hold off Vegeta until Goku arrives, at a great cost | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, human, Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, Saibamen, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Gohan, Piccolo, Goku, Frieza, Dodoria, Bardock, Kamehameha, Destructo Disk, Dodon Ray, Wolf Fang Fist | 2014-12-17 | 14 | |
36819607 | Bottle Baby Quest 3 | The thrilling conclusion. | Collective Game, Bottle Baby Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2014-12-18 | 1 | |
36818416 | Necromancer civ quest 4 | We diplomance, learn new schools of magic, and qm crashes for the night. | Leonin, Octavia, Collective game, necromancy, Civilization, Undead | 2014-12-18 | 2 | |
36856528 | Bitch Angel Quest 1 | Heels, the prideful bitch angel, get thrown out of heaven, commandeers a bike and rider, and visits church. | Collective Game, Bitch Angel Quest, PSG, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, Anime, Quest | 2014-12-21 | 4 | |
36921319 | Gunderson Nuts Presents: Succubus Lord Quest 78 | Join us for this holiday special by Gunderson nuts! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics, buy Gunderson Nuts | 2014-12-23 | 5 | |
36995529 | Shadowrun Storytime 21 | Merry Christmas, chummers. Shadowrun Storytime comes to a long-awaited end. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Locke, Wildcard, Bend | 2014-12-27 | 92 | |
37016947 | Shadowrun Storytime 21.5 | Wrapping up loose ends. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Locke, Wildcard, Bend, Trout, Geppetto | 2014-12-28 | 107 | |
37024508 | Xenocide Quest | The opening quest. You awaken 18 years after the Fall of Earth. You are alone, as you struggle to leave the solar system. | Xenocide Quest, AI, Space, Collective Game | 2014-12-29 | 31 | |
37051951 | Succubus Lord Quest 80 | Join us for the aftermath of the Old TO battle! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics | 2014-12-30 | 5 | |
January 2015 |
37096727 | Tank Hunters Quest 3 | Drills then a trip to town for jobs. | Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel | 2015-01-01 | 8 | |
37105387 | Capitalizing Cthulhu | OP proposes a CoC campaign based off Ayn Rand. /tg/ proves itself impossible to troll and Bioshock+Lovecraft, Galt as a Mi-Go trying to lure the "best" of humanity into a trap so he can extract their brains, railroads spelling out the Elder Sign and Yithians complaining about people stealing their technology. | Objectivism, Bioshock, CoC, Cthulhu, Lovecraft,Cultists, Campaign Hooks, Better then it sounds, | 2015-01-01 | 12 | |
37128451 | Xenocide Quest 2 | We search the moon for supplies, but end up searching our minds. 4chan shuts down, ending the quest early | Xenocide Quest, AI, Xenocide, Space, Xendocide Quets, Collective Game | 2015-01-03 | 21 | |
37182390 | Sanguine Quest 1 | Our hero becomes a vampire, necks his friend-zoned BFF, murders a random girl, drains another random girl to near death, and gets to go steady with his crush. | Collective Game, Sanguine Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2015-01-06 | 0 | |
37202178 | Sanguine Quest 2 | Our hero murders a witness, secures another blood doll and generally acts like a complete shit. | Collective Game, Sanguine Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2015-01-07 | -3 | |
37223601 | Sanguine Quest 3 | Our hero nails his BFF, confirms he's got it on with Madison, and is generally a sociopathic cock. Also, he takes it up the ass to cover his ass. | Collective Game, Sanguine Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2015-01-08 | -3 | |
37286095 | Xenocdie Quest 3 | More fun on Trade Hub 7. Decisions are made, and they're probably the wrong ones. Knowledge is found, and fights are had. | Xenocide Quest, AI, Xenocide, Space, Collective Game | 2015-01-11 | 13 | |
37354909 | Dictator Quest 1 | President Baako consorts with dark powers to shore up his rule. | Collective Game, Dictator Quest, 72oOCCJ1 | 2015-01-14 | -2 | |
37378736 | Succubus Lord Quest 81 | Join us as we sort out our after battle prizes! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics | 2015-01-15 | 5 | |
37384403 | Slaver Quest | Where the MC is fucked by cannibals and has to survive in a desert of death | Slaver, Collective Game, Post Apoc | 2015-01-16 | 0 | |
37441850 | Xenocide Quest 3 | The bar fight escalates. Loot is had. Things sort of go south. | Xenocide Quest, AI, Xenocide, Space, Collective Game | 2015-01-18 | 10 | |
37533837 | Succubus Lord Quest 82 | Join us for Matriarch Ishtar's secret! | Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics | 2015-01-22 | 5 | |
37572476 | Xenocide Quest 5 | We play doctor, happy times are had. Thread has to end early. | Xenocide Quest, AI, Xenocide, Space, Collective Game | 2015-01-24 | 9 | |
37611420 | Cancerbugs: The Civilization | there is a limiter on the mutation, I swear! | insect, civ, civilization, collective game, formian, Scarcock Trollfister | 2015-01-26 | 2 | |
37629415 | Coconut and Lychee Juice: a Story of Endurance | An anon's foray into a possible DM-side drink has gone wrong. Oh so horribly wrong. | drink, fortitude save, CON check, put the juice in the coconut, possible trading card game, /ck/ related, just go to the hospital already | 2015-01-26 | 7 | |
37689198 | Gnome Colonization Civilization Quest III: But Wait, There's More! | Our Colony faces a threat mightier than any they could have imagined, and make a hard decision to preserve their only allies. | collective game, quest, civilization, phantom of the cm, gnomes, colonization, landfall, fantasy, gnome, minotaur, minotaurs, hornlings, cyclops, monoculus | 2015-01-29 | 1 | |
37706897 | Headstarter | Crowdfunded Assassinations | worldbuilding, oc, awesome, cyberpunk | 2015-01-30 | 5 | |
37733076 | DBZ Human Quest #49 | A stranger from the future brings a warning of terrible things to come | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Android, Trunks, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Nappa, Vegeta, 17, 18, Red, Ribbon, Army, Doctor, Gero | 2015-01-31 | 13 | |
37737479 | DBZ Human Quest #50 | Kaguya spars with a Super Saiyan, and has a serious conversation with his parents | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Namekian, Piccolo, Nappa, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Doctor, Gero, Red, Ribbon, Army | 2015-01-31 | 12 | |
February 2015 |
37885105 | Journal of the Occult Quest 1 | Our protagonist Sophia explains a bit about being an occultist, chats with a traveling merchant, and journeys into another realm. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-02-07 | 14 | |
37904849 | Xenocide Quest 6 | Oppenheimer joins out crew, we get da money. We finally leave Trade Hub 7, but things could be better | Xenocide Quest, AI, Xenocide, Space, Collective Game | 2015-02-08 | 7 | |
37935956 | DBZ Human Quest #59 | Kaguya talks to his parents, tries to patch things up with Vegeta, and begins training under Mr. Satan himself | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Vegeta, Nappa, Bulma, Yamcha, Doctor, Brief, Satan, Goku, Gohan, Capsule, Corp, Caroni, Parozhki | 2015-02-09 | 12 | |
37934009 | Journal of the Occult Quest 2 | Sophia pays a visit to the Occultist guild, gives a debriefing on her first delve, and then takes home a new pupil. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-02-09 | 10 | |
37997548 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 2 | Bella finds the Eldar's spear, learns that her name is Alirye, puts the moves on the poor pointy-eared gal, and the both of them head into the spooky forest! | Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Dire Chicken, Spooky Forest, Hylophobia, | 2015-02-12 | 9 | |
38002127 | Journal of the Occult Quest 3 | A day spent primarily messing with our new apprentice. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-02-12 | 10 | |
38024205 | Journal of the Occult Quest 4 | A buyer is secured for the blood and a new apprentice is shown the ropes. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-02-13 | 7 | |
38048816 | Tank Hunters Quest 4 | Rescuing loli tank drivers! Them bandits were better equipped than we thought! | Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel | 2015-02-14 | 5 | |
38063646 | Xenocide Quest 7 | We survive the Rauwept attack, and get some loot from salvaging. | Xenocide Quest, AI, Xenocide, Space, Collective Game | 2015-02-15 | 8 | |
38087959 | DBZ Human Quest #69 | The fearsome battle with the Androids continues, and Vegeta shows up with a surprise for everyone | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Android, 19, 20, Trunks, Vegeta, Gohan, Goku, Nappa, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Doctor, Gero, Wolf, Fang, Fist, Destructo, Disk | 2015-02-16 | 10 | |
38092897 | DBZ Human Quest #70 | Androids 19 and 20 are defeated, but more of Doctor Gero's creations are on the loose | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Android, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Doctor, Gero, Vegeta, Krillin, Tien, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Nappa | 2015-02-16 | 10 | |
38096066 | DBZ Human Quest #71 | The Z-Fighters prove no match for the Androids, and a desperate plan is made by Piccolo | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Vegeta, Trunks, Android, Piccolo, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Android, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Doctor Gero, Krillin, Tien | 2015-02-16 | 10 | |
38089937 | Journal of the Occult Quest 5 | A day spent setting up for a delve, an accidental turn of events, and answering questions from a large slug. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-02-16 | 6 | |
38157664 | Journal of the Occult Quest 6 | Sophia and Marissa pay a visit to the guild, meet the mysterious woman again, and return home to train Ellie. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-02-19 | 6 | |
38134108 | Horrific monstrosities of the deep sea | /tg/ talks about some of the real-life abominations native to the deep sea, concludes that Aquaman is actually pretty badass. Also worldbuilding. | Deep Sea, Monster, CoC, Terror, Abyss, Kill It With Fire, Abomination, Aquaman, Mermaids, Merfolk, | 2015-02-19 | 10 | |
38178889 | DBZ Human Quest #74 | Piccolo and Kaguya confront the creature that consumed Gingertown | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Piccolo, Vegeta, Frieza, Goku, Nappa, King, Cold, Gohan, Cell, Doctor, Gero | 2015-02-20 | 10 | |
38174648 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 3 | Bellatrix lectures Alirye on how snazzy the Emperor is, meets a felinid techpriestess, pets said techpriestess, and discovers HERESY. | Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, TECH HERESY, Necrodermis, Double headpats | 2015-02-20 | 6 | |
38200786 | Journal of the Occult Quest 7 | Sophia receives a gift and some advice from Ali, "trains" Marissa, and then sets up for her first necromantic ritual. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-02-21 | 6 | |
38245546 | Khornette Quest #22 | Cinder works on raising her social links. Then THE HAPPENING happens. | Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, The Happening, Social Links, Infodump, ELH | 2015-02-23 | 13 | |
38250008 | Journal of the Occult Quest 8 | The second attempt at Necromancy goes much better and Sophia delves to an unknown realm. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-02-23 | 6 | |
38246094 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 4 | Bella takes a dip, becomes strong like (strong thing), kisses (and gets kissed), gets a Multi-melta for free, and is attacked by an invisible butt! | Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, Goo, Super-strength, Invisibility | 2015-02-23 | 8 | |
38358142 | Journal of the Occult Quest 9 | Sophia receives a gift, has an encounter with a hostile vagabond, and finds Matthais with some help. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-02-28 | 6 | |
38362521 | Tank Hunters Quest 5 | Fights with a Turtle in the Fulda tank graveyard. | Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel | 2015-02-28 | 5 | |
March 2015 |
38405380 | Journal of the Occult Quest 10 | A deal is struck with Matthias and a new guardian joins Sophia. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-03-02 | 6 | |
38403397 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 5 | Bella and Alirye infiltrate the Ork camp, and Bella promptly sets some tank-thing on fire, then some Orks on fire, then tries to set a building on fire and gets krump'd by a Nob. | Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Lots'o'fire, Krump'ing | 2015-03-02 | 6 | |
38473874 | DBZ Human Quest #90 | Kaguay trains in the Pendulum Room, watches TV, and heads far back in the past | Collective Game, Quest, Cell, Videl, Krillin, Yamcha, Piccolo, King Kai, Bardock | 2015-03-05 | 6 | |
38498447 | Journal of the Occult Quest 11 | Matthias holds up his end of the deal, a tense encounter with other Occultists occurs, and Sophia gains more control over her mind. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-03-06 | 6 | |
38525563 | Tank Hunters Quest 6 | Aftermath of the battle, and meeting some interesting people. | Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel | 2015-03-07 | 5 | |
38574259 | DBZ Human Quest #95 | Kaguya and Videl work together to face the Saiyan Raditz | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Videl, Raditz, Bardock, Kakarot | 2015-03-09 | 9 | |
38630544 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 6 | Bella and Alirye kick some ork arse, Aila performs a super-duper-extra delicate field operation and jams Bella's severed arm back into place, and, most importantly, Bella does some one-liners.
Oh, and Aila barges in and ruins the lewd mood Alirye and Bella had been cultivating. | Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Catgirl Techpriestess, Awkward conversations, mood-ruining, lewd-interrupting, power nap | 2015-03-12 | 5 | |
38658983 | Journal of the Occult Quest 12 | Sophia has a nighttime encounter, has an extensive talk with Ali, gives Matthias some advice, and ends the day by starting a delve. | Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri | 2015-03-13 | 6 | |
38662574 | DBZ Human Quest #97 | Cell pays a visit to the Lookout, and Kaguya pays a visit to Capsule Corp | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, |