/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

April 2008
1475977Inquisitor FrolloFrollo is revealed to be a perfect example of an Inquisitor. Shit goes down.Disney, GRIMDARK, Frollo2008-04-05 6 
1477678More Inquisitor FrolloFrollo's role in the Imperium gets fleshed out more, and he starts to get a retinue. Cont. from 1475977 Disney, GRIMDARK, Frollo2008-04-06 4 
1538763The McSphereWelcome to the McSphere, a megastructure of astronomical proportions where fast-food empires and disturbed mascot-themed AIs battle for dominance and survival.Campaign Setting, Sci Fi, grim and dark, what the fuck2008-04-16 -5 
1552477McSphere: The ReturnWhoppaladins, Footlongs and more are explained in tl;dr infodumps. Still better than watching it peter out!Campaign Setting, Sci Fi, grim and dark, what the fuck, tl;dr2008-04-18 -6 
May 2008
1752285GRIM DARK Wizard of OzWritefaggotry about the Emerald Hive CityOz, Grim, Dark, Wizard, ORIGINAL CONTENT2008-05-17 5 
1788654TA and 40k ReduxFurther ruminations on the nature of GRIMDARK; Total Annihilation and 40k fans again manage to avoid a total shitstorm.total annihilation, 40k, grimnfukndark2008-05-22 21 
August 2008
2284586K59K59, ex-Commissar and grimdark extraordinaire, gets invited to tell some stories. Maybe.Grimdark, K59, Executions, Stories, Schrodinger2008-08-02 76 
October 2008
2776654Even More Grimdark MarioAs the title says. Read and enjoy.Mario, stories, grimdark2008-10-11 5 
2900429VampireA lazy storyteller searching for clues how to run a high school game in VtM. Quite unprecedented, he actually gets great advice. Archived for the purpose of showing how it should work.Vampire The Masquerade, World of Darkness, Getting Shit Done2008-10-29 10 
November 2008
3059084Dark Heresy Campaign WritefaggotrySomeone's DH campaign arc ended. They wrote up the results in dense, hard-to-read format. Discussion of what to do with the little girl one PC rescued from a chaos orphanage and subsequently adopted ensuesDark Heresy, writefag, little girl2008-11-26 8 
January 2009
3410482Slaanesh on safari/tg/ expands on the idea of a 'big game hunter' style daemon-weapon-toting BBEG, and comes up with Slaaneshi perversions slightly more interesting than the usual LOL DONGS.Dark Heresy, 40k, GRIMDARK2009-01-15 6 
March 2009
3856783BBEG Bitch DeathsVillains set up to be intimidating and be a threat to the party fail to do so miserably, and people mock them. DnD, Dark Heresy2009-03-02 47 
3883192The continued exploits of Grendel the AdeptParty member with Grendel posts another session of Grendel doing ridiculously awesome things.Grendel, Dark Heresy2009-03-05 38 
3921415Grendel Update: ORKS AND DAEMONSGrendel's adventures continue, and he somehow tops himself. Multiple times.Grendel, Dark Heresy2009-03-09 38 
4027777Grendel and the ThoriansGrendel returns once more, only to be rewarded for his badassery with a visit from the Thorians. Benadicta returns!/tg/, Dark Heresy2009-03-20 36 
4126213Dark Heresy CharactersTales are told of various DH characters and, surprisingly, most are good.Dark Heresy, Uskanda2009-03-30 7 
April 2009
4177500Grendel Story EndsGrendel faces challenges that dwarf all prior ones, and the story ends with GOOD END.Dark Heresy, /tg/2009-04-04 32 
4191444Recto BladesIt starts with something stupid, gets retarded quickly as a new dark eldar weapon is created. Everything great about /tg/is in this thread.recto blade, warhammer, warhammer 40k, dark eldar, 40k2009-04-06 22 
4238797F.E.A.R. Dark Heresy IdeaAn anon posts a short DH campaign based on F.E.A.R., and others add on and expand.Dark Heresy, DH, FEAR, Campaign2009-04-10 7 
4329164What is it like to hold a Doomguard in your arms?Etc. etc. one of those for each faction. Moderately entertaining and so forth.Planescape, doomguard, Pentar, dark sun2009-04-20 7 
4371028Darkplace VS AzathothAzathoth is discovered and Ric and the gang take action!Darkplace, Azathoth, Lovecraft, Cthulhu2009-04-23 6 
May 2009
4500784DH Acolyte Gear and weapons DuexA continuation of the last thread and further discussion of the Sister of Battle.DH, Dark Heresy, weapons2009-05-08 0 
4559501Warhammer 40k for beginnersITT: Explain the Warhammer 40K universe to a total noob in as much or little detail as you want.40k, grimdark, summary, awesome, good, evil2009-05-16 0 
4584041Inquisitor BadasiousA concerned GM asks /tg/ their opinion on his Inquisitor40k, Dark Heresy2009-05-18 2 
4697371Dark Heresy - Buildan A WorldanAnon uses the 40k Dark Heresy World Builder to...well, build a world. End result is surprisingly awesome.Dark Heresy, Warhammer 40k, World, Buildan2009-05-29 8 
4699668Xomula is bornA friendly anon wants help creating a world for DH. Things rapidly spiral out of control.Xomula, Dark Heresy2009-05-29 5 
4703459Xomula continued.More on the planet XomulaXomula, Dark Heresy2009-05-30 2 
June 2009
4727976Tiji Sector Part DeuxMore discussion of /tg/ created DH worlds, from mining to shrining to floating hive city battling.Dark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-06-01 3 
4732383How to win at Dark HeresyOP discusses how to "win" at Dark Heresy; Techpriests are generally considered badass. Thread degrades into discussion about a scum with way more money than sense and how everybody is going to kill him and his friends.Dark Heresy, 40k, powergaming2009-06-01 6 
4735553Tiji Sector ContinuedMore horrifying worlds are added to this scary sector.Dark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-06-02 2 
4744902Random Cult Generator/tg/ tries to make a Random Generator for Dark Heresy Cults.40k, Dark Heresy, Cult2009-06-02 3 
4811028Tiji sector returns.More Tiji Sector.Tiji sector, Dark Heresy, Planet Generator2009-06-08 1 
4820902Shotgun ModellingAnon gives a tutorial on how to model shotguns for Dark Heresy and Necromunda using a boltgun and some brass rods.modelling, shotgun, warhammer 40k, warhammer, dark heresy, necromunda2009-06-09 3 
4857133Tiji SectorAnother Tiji Sector threadTiji Sector, Planet Generator, Dark Heresy, warhammer 40K2009-06-12 2 
4941851What not to do with little girls.Anonymous asks how to get rid of a little girl NPC stalking his party. Just when the thread can't get any worse, it is saved by a grimdark derail.little girl, bad DM, Dark Heresy, awesome DM2009-06-20 6 
4942706Tiji Sector - Back with a vengeance.Tiji Sector is still alive. Planets and summaries are made.Dark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-06-21 0 
4983560WoD musings/tg/ on why WoD is too gimdark for it's own good.World of Darkness, Grimdark, WoD, oWoD, nWoD2009-06-24 -5 
5029930Xomula campaign/tg/ helps plan the start of a campaign on XomulaXomula, Dark Heresy, Planet Generator, Tiji Sector, Campaign2009-06-28 5 
July 2009
5077906Event Horizon, DH-styleAnon outlines a general Event Horizon scenario for Dark Heresy. It turns out pretty good.Dark Heresy, Event Horizon, Horror, Homebrew2009-07-03 5 
5092027Tiji SectorThe Tiji Sector Approaches it's conclusionDark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-07-05 3 
5156923WolfTigerBear DaemonhostWhat starts off as a description of some Acolytes being well and truly fucked on a routine assignment becomes a discussion on GREY KNIGHT MODE.40k, Dark Heresy, Daemon, Grey Knights,2009-07-14 7 
5175040Popular Movies Made GrimdarkPost a movie, change the description to involve 40k.40k, popular movies, grimdark2009-07-17 13 
5185112Tiji Sector Part 8Further refinment of the sector and it's peoples.Dark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-07-18 2 
5197253This is your BBEGLet's get a gargoyles game going? 40K Dark Heresy Homebrew2009-07-19 3 
5222041Yet another Wasteland Warrior storyWasteland Warrior delivers another story, this one about a Dark Heresy campaignWasteland Warrior, story thread, Dark Heresy2009-07-22 24 
5255435Tiji Sector part 9Further fluffing of the Tiji Sector.Dark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-07-26 1 
August 2009
5363656Meeting PeopleSo what if some pskyer sneezed while explaining murphy's law to a guardsman and caused all the warp and webways and inertialess drives and propellant bladders in the galaxy to stop working and the only way to travel anywhere was on the bus. What kind of conversations would happen while waiting at the bus stop?40k, grimdark, busstop2009-08-07 5 
5503797Grimdark Kingdom HeartsWhat began as a dump of evil versions of the ladies of Disney took a very evil turn when someone brought up kingdom hearts, ideas got tossed around and some very scary thoughts brought up.Disney, Kingdom Hearts, Grimdark2009-08-19 5 
5605691Monstrous GirlsOP wants a monstergirl thread. What he gets is GRIMDARK and NO GOD NO.monstergirl, grimdark, writefaggotry, horror, discussion2009-08-27 15 
September 2009
5774945Witch Girl Thread, Part 2The first thread turned out popular enough, and was continued. Anon reveals the secret plot behind Witch Girl, and manages to GRIMDARK a game for teenage girls.Witch Girl, Grimdark2009-09-08 14 
5870863Grimdark Pokemon settingOP shows /tg/ an explanation to the post-war pokemon world, /tg/ discusses.Pokemon, Grimdark, Homebrew2009-09-15 31 
5881187NobleDark GrimBrightness!Someone makes an odd sentence construction. Anons bicker for a while. Then, Dr. Baron von Evilsatan arrives and generates win.Dr. Baron von Evilsatan, Evil, Satan, Noble, Dark, Grim, Bright, Grimdark, etc, too many tags, oh god how did this get here.2009-09-16 17 
5895415The IdyllsNobledark post-apocalypse with a debate on the noble/grim/bright/dark axis of classification, plus minotaurs with Browning M2s. Unfortunate dive into idiocy.Idyll, nobledark, debate, post-apocalypse, WoD, BESM, M&M2009-09-18 5 
5993014The Canonization of Acolyte GrendelOn this day Acolyte Grendel finally earned his place in Dark Heresy canon. Maybe. And there was much rejoicing. Grendel, Dark Heresy, epic, 40k2009-09-25 38 
October 2009
6084736Meet FlashThe randomly-generated pyromanic obsessive-compulsive transgender Nobleborn Assassin, complete with write and drawfaggotry.Dark Heresy2009-10-01 1 
6091366Oregon Adventure Trail Dungeon Keeper Mess Part DeuxStats for a nonsimulationist system? buh?Darkstalkers homebrew systems2009-10-02 0 
November 2009
6613937Darkness Beyond TimeYou did it, you broke reality, and with your sin of paradox, you brought everything crashing down around you. Your world no longer had the right to exist, you had undone that, destroyed that privilege you weren't even aware of with your carelessness. Its essence and lifeblood, the mercurial sands of time, seeped from the cracks you wrought into it, escaping this dying place, evaporating into dimensions beyond your ken.Darkness Beyond Time, Collective Game2009-11-08 15 
6625870Darkness Beyond Time pt 2The Darkness Beyond Time saga continuesDarkness Beyond Time, Collective Game2009-11-09 13 
6641759Darkness Beyond Time pt 3The Darkness Beyond Time saga continues We learned our name and fragments of our past Dmitri is a stylish badassDarkness Beyond Time, Collective Game2009-11-10 14 
6672189Dark Heresy MinmaxingSomeone asks what pistols to take for a gunslinger. /tg/ obliges with suggestions and discussion about firepower in DH.Dark Heresy2009-11-13 2 
6717352Tau HeresyA possible version of Dark Heresy centering on the Tau Empire.Tau, 40K, homebrew, Dark Heresy2009-11-15 0 
6730953Ethereal Dawn: Tau Heresy pt2More work on spec ops in the Tau Empiretau, warhammer 40k, dark heresy, homebrew2009-11-16 0 
6734050Ethereal Dawn: Tau Heresy 3More about the special defenders of the Tau Empire.Tau, 40K, Dark Heresy, homebrew2009-11-17 0 
6746251Ethereal Dawn: Tau Heresy 4Continuing the Ethereal Dawn plans. Fluff is almost finished?Tau, 40K, homebrew, Dark Heresy2009-11-18 0 
6750414World of Derpness/tg/ discusses the most mindnumbing aspects of the old World of Darkness' metaplot.world of darkness, discussion2009-11-18 4 
6760923Ethereal Dawn: Tau Heresy 5More ED stuff.Tau, 40K, Dark Heresy, Homebrew2009-11-19 -2 
6764015World of AwesomeA continuation of World of Darpness, where /tg/ talks about what it liked in old World of Darkness.World of Darkness, tg, awesome2009-11-19 4 
6840922The JanitorIt lurks. It waits. It is. Dark Heresy, rpg, Creepy2009-11-24 10 
6849822Ethereal Dawn: Tau Heresy 6Some more crunchy parts.Tau, 40K, Dark Heresy, homebrew2009-11-25 0 
6885970Luke, Plagueson of Nurgle, and Other Guys/tg/ finds catharthic release in relating their experiences of some of the most horrific That Guys to disgrace Creation. If you ever feel down and disheartened, read this thread - you'll know that you're nowhere near as bad as these creatures, and your morale will perk right back up.That Guy, 40k, Dark Heresy, D&D, Edgerunners, Shadowrun, faggotry, nightmare fuel2009-11-27 63 
6898745Luke, Plagueson Of Nurgle Part IIThe legend of The Luke continues, told from the Point of View of one of his other housemates. Remember, this guy could be treating you in hospital.That Guy, 40k, Dark Heresy, D&D, Edgerunners, Shadowrun, faggotry, nightmare fuel, The Luke2009-11-28 30 
6910746Luke, Plagueson of Nurgle: The RelapseSequel to thread nos. 6885970 and 6898745. If any browser of sup/tg/ is feeling down and disheartened, read this thread - your morale will be spurred to new heights with the relief that, whatever troubles may weigh you down, you are not Luke. Some 40k enthusiasts will insist that Nurgle is a good god, who wants only the best for his worshippers and to armour them against the hurt of the universe. THEY ARE WRONG. LUKE IS WHY.That Guy, 40k, Dark Heresy, D&D, Edgerunners, Shadowrun, faggotry, nightmare fuel, The Luke2009-11-29 30 
December 2009
7043149How grimdark are your settings? Dr. Baron von Evilsatan and others make this a fun thread full of good setting ideas.settings, Grimdark Noblebright2009-12-08 2 
7123739Dark Heresy Noir40K noir... gloriousWarhammer 40K, 40K, Dark Heresy, writefaggotry2009-12-14 4 
7128586Pokemon: Tabletop AdventuresDiscussion of the WIP Pokemon RPG.Pokemon Grimdark2009-12-14 16 
7286867Adeptus Evangelion ReleaseBlack Mesa Janitor delivers /tg/ a Christmas present. A 263 page supplement for Dark Heresy based on the Evangelion anime. Someone give that guy a hug.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, Christmas, supplement2009-12-26 29 
7292468Grimdark Adeptus AstartesMarines get some goddamn grimdark put back into them.Grimdark, Space Marine, Astartes2009-12-26 -2 
7307326Lace the PrometheanA depressing tale of Promethean done right. Desperate striving for humanity gone horribly wrong due to incomprehension and lack of empathy.Promethean, World of Darkness, story2009-12-27 22 
January 2010
7425121Grimdark Inspector GadgetWhere /tg/ discovers Nanopunknanopunk grimdark gadget2010-01-04 4 
7426439Spy: The BackstabbingStarts out as a rage thread, but turns into an awesome campaign where each player has conflicting objectives, but must grudgingly work with the others to fulfill it. Oh, and each player is secretly working with the ST to screw over the others, without them knowing.WoD, World of Darkness, Rage, Backstab, Spy2010-01-04 0 
7460504MONSTER!/tg/ discusses a new setting and such about Victorian era adventurers and classical monsters using the Dark Heresy system.Dark Heresy, Victorian, adventure, monsters, hunting, classic fiction2010-01-07 2 
7544679Adeptus Evangelion 2: The SequelBlack mesa janitor decided that his 263 page book WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH for /tg/, so he asks Anon to tell him how to make it better. Brainstorming ensues with a grimdark bent.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-12 20 
7572034Adeptus EvangelionAnonymous had many a question and the Black Mesa Janitor did deliver. A brainstorm followed shortly after as many alternatives and extensions to the setting were discussed.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-14 12 
7725665AdEva LogsBlack Mesa Janitor posts the requested logs of some online Adeptus Evangelion logs, and kicks off another AE brainstorming thread.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-23 12 
February 2010
8077315ITT: Real-world locales that are just begging to appear in the World of Darkness.Real world areas that are just begging to be the center-pieces of creepy adventures. WoD optional.World of Darkness, Creepy, Real World2010-02-14 14 
8151409Adeptus Evangelion Discussion/tg/ discusses Ad EVA some more, updates about the next version are revealed. Some anon's detail their current campaignsEvangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, Mecha, Mech, Adeptus Evangelion, Fuck yeah, AE2010-02-18 4 
March 2010
8382189Gav and BobA Tale of two Ogryns.Ogryn, 10k, Manly tears, grimdark2010-03-03 79 
8482321If 'fantasy football' actually meant something worth a damn.Thread takeover with some epic (read: funny) dark heresy roleplaying at the end.Takeover, Dark Heresy, Psyker2010-03-09 -2 
8587779Cybernetic spider invaders writefaggotryWritefag delivers a long but very satisfying story about the human resistance fighting against cybernetic invaders guerilla-style. Thankfully lacking in the humanity FUCK YEAH department, yet still manages to be badass. Includes a guy tackling a killer robot and attention to in-universe technical detail.writefaggotry, awesome, grimdark, killer robots, la resistance, tl;dr2010-03-15 5 
8587949Mecha musume gone grim darkA "This is your <x>" thread goes horribly wrong in all the right ways involving girls in war machinery.grimdark mecha_musume mecha loli war2010-03-15 2 
8871558Loli Heresy and Child SoldiersA discussion of how to make young Dark Heresy characters turns into writefaggotry and a "Children soldiers in the 41st Millenium" batch of grimdarkness.40k, child soldiers, Dark Heresy2010-03-30 0 
8881939Gundam40kA "really stupid" idea turns out to be awesome in retrospect.Dark Herisy, Adeptus Evangelion, Epic, Setting2010-03-31 2 
April 2010
8971202Inquisitor BatmanBatman as an Inquisitor? It works better than you'd think. Includes 40k translations for much of the Rogues Gallery.Batman, Inquisitor, Dark Heresy, 40k2010-04-04 6 
9063660Champion: The EscalationA discussion on the merits of Princess: the Hopeful (there are none) turns into a surprisingly engaging discussion of how to handle heroes the World of Darkness way.World of Darkness, weeaboo, homebrew, shit gets done2010-04-09 2 
9079059Shitty Dark Heresy CharactersWasteland Warrior tells about a shitty dark heresy character concept he receives, and asks if any can do worse. Anon replies with Victus Khan, hero of the REDACTEDwasteland warrior dark heresy 2010-04-09 28 
9109678Sibellus Noir II -> 3Dark Heresy done noir, part IIIDark Heresy, noir2010-04-10 -2 
9113931A cult you will likeA GM comes to /tg/ asking for a cult leader. /tg/ promply gives him the Badass Normal cultleader he needs.40k, Dark Herisy, RPG, DH, 2010-04-11 2 
9231221Silent Hill World of DarknessMonsters to keep you up at night are created. Some from the Sins, some from the Virtues perverted.Silent Hill, World of Darkness, writefaggotry, monsters2010-04-16 2 
9232905Darkest Hersy (discussions about character, strategy and history)fa/tg/uy asking about what DH character advice, discussion about strategy ultimately turns into admec talk, where Dr. Baron von Evilsatan explains just how this shit went downhill fast. some techdickery40k, Warhammer 40k, Dark Heresy2010-04-17 3 
9303668Dark Sun Magical GirlsWait, what?magical_girls, dark_sun2010-04-20 -2 
9341844Ork HeresyYous lousy grotz ready to serve in the 'oly Orkos of the Orkquisition?!Ork, Dark Heresy, Ork Heresy2010-04-22 10 
939166040k replaced with animated mouseswhat happens when you mix dark herisy and mouse guard. Awesome happens thats what.Dark herasy, Mouse guard, 40k, mice2010-04-24 -2 
9494350Yet another Pokemon: Tabletop threadAnother thread. Builds for an Average Joe with no trainer class, that enters a rage and kills everything if his pokemon dies, A ninjask trainer that can dodge any attack, A normal-type trainer that specializes in ghost types and brings them back to life, and then stark shows up to answer some confusion about the alpha, while /tg/ works on some fakemon.Stark, Pokemon, P:TA, builds, zombie, grimdark, ranger, feats2010-04-29 1 
May 2010
9568405Adeptus Evangelion: AT, N2, JA, and other 2LAsAdeptus Evangelion thread discussing the role of Jet Alone, the functioning of the AT Field and its interaction with N2 mines, with a side discussion on the source of the AT Field and its implications for Angel psychology and NGE's philosophical/theological basis.AdEva, Dark Heresy, Adeptus Evangelion, Evangelion, anime, mecha, AE, DH 2010-05-03 4 
9692211Adeptus Evangelion 2.0Black Mesa Janitor & the dev team deliver the new version of AE. Good times for all.Adeptus Evangelion, Black Mesa Janitor, Dark Heresy, Homebrew2010-05-08 27 
9816575Gritty magical girlsIdeas for gritty magical!girls settings. magical girls, gritty, grimdark, idea thread2010-05-14 1 
9823914Dark SunAnon posts some old Dark Sun info, which is awesome.Dark Sun, 2e, 4e, D&D, fluff2010-05-15 5 
9860177Unmasqued WoDSpeculations on what the World of Darkness would be like if the supernaturals were revealed to mortal eyes.World of Darkness, WoD2010-05-17 2 
9921994Nazis vs. DrowHitler opens a portal to the Underdark, trains wizard corps, and prepares to show the Drow what real racism is.Hitler, Drow, Underdark, Nazis2010-05-20 5 
10075911Dark Heresy Player IssueA GM tells of one of his characters making a terribly obvious Mary Sue and asks for advise for what to do about him.Dark Heresy, GM Advise2010-05-27 3 
10078442Adeptus Evangelion: WWEBMJ drops by to ask /tg/ about fluff for World War EvaAdeptus Evangelion, Black Mesa Janitor, Homebrew, Dark Heresy2010-05-27 7 
June 2010
10702457Spetsnaz Deathsquad in the UnderdarkSetting gets posted.hilarity ensues. including write faggotry!Spetsnaz,Underdark,Writefaggotry,russians2010-06-24 63 
10799324Tau Dark Heresyfa/tg/uys world on making a DH supplement, for playing under a Tau organization. Surprisingly little trollingTau, Dark Heresy2010-06-28 3 
10806071Tau Dark Heresy Part 2continuation of the creation of a Tau Dark Heresy supplementTau, Dark Heresy2010-06-29 0 
10816539Spetsnaz Deathsquad in the Underdark 2: The People's Republic of FaerunMaxim's Squad of Russian badasses continues to badass it's way through Faerun. They now have their own country too. writefaggotry, soviets, russians, underdark, faerun2010-06-29 21 
July 2010
10944812Spetsnaz Deathsquad in the Underdark Part 3Maxim's Squad of Russian badasses once again continues to badass it's way through Faerun. Now with warforged singing Russian Tankist's hymn.writefaggotry, soviets, russians, underdark, faerun, spetsnaz2010-07-05 11 
August 2010
11633267I Love You, NPCNPC's are in every game. They give you missions, die at your hands, and, sometimes, you love them hell out of them. /tg/ shares about times when their players got really attached to a NPC.NPC, DM, GM, D&d, Dark Heresey, manly tears2010-08-13 10 
11665005Mysterious, dark and brooding charactersThe OP complains about dark, brooding characters in his campaign. It ends up with an idea of brooding guild and how brooding should be distributed to the publicDark, brooding, mysterious, funny2010-08-14 26 
11764346Gladiator Manager QuestWe take the role of a veteran ex-gladiator in Dark Sun, setting up a gladatorial school of our own and getting business going.Gladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest2010-08-21 12 
11865919Gladiator Manager Quest 2.5In which 'Unstoppable' wins a heroic endurance match and the Thrikreen gets a snackGladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest, Tordek, Gladiator2010-08-29 13 
September 2010
11959468Gladiator Manager #3In which training gets introduced, and we make another trip to the arenaGladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest, Tordek, Gladiator2010-09-05 4 
11971324Gladiator Manager #4In which Unstoppable proves he really is, we make an important contact and purchase more gladiatorsGladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest, Tordek, Gladiator2010-09-06 6 
12000838Gladiator Manager #5We use our Noxii for the first time and Unstoppable gets challenged by a badass veteranGladiator Manager, Gladiator, Dark Sun, Unstoppable2010-09-08 8 
12141617DuskWood Hearts IIJoseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid start the storytelling proper, and begin retelling their Inquisitorial mission alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus.story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-19 11 
12161415DuskWood Hearts IIIJoseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid continue the storytelling, retelling the record of their first two battles alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus.story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-21 9 
12171225DuskWood Hearts IVJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today they storm the Red's stronghold and finally get Hart.story, dark heresy, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-22 8 
12236243DuskWood Hearts VJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today they have drama in space, land on a swamp world, and someone almost gets shot in the head!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-27 7 
October 2010
12317098DuskWood Hearts VIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's a cult ritual, a dismemberment, nightvision goggles, and someone gets engaged!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-04 7 
12325360Gladiator QuestIn tribute to the new Dark Eldar Codex, a quest thread is made detailing the circumstances of a human slave captured by Dark Eldar.Dark, Eldar, Quest, Role Play, Discworld, Slave, Gladiator 2010-10-05 0 
12346811Eldar quest reduxNew initiate dark eldar, getting ready for her first big raid! yay!dark eldar quest2010-10-06 1 
12358484Eldar quest redux2Continuing the tale of Caraten, our lonely and neglected dark eldar, as she begins her first raid on an Imperial worlddark eldar quest2010-10-07 0 
12400927DuskWood Hearts VIIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an interrupted wedding, another crazy person joins, an- WTF DID HE DO TO THAT DINOSAUR!?!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-11 7 
12481769DuskWood Hearts VIIIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an ambush, rotting gorillas, hammer-space hijinks and two team members are more insane than previously thought!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-18 7 
12481821Napoleonic HeresyDevelopment thread for a Dark Heresy supplement taking place in the Napoleonic Era.Dark Heresy Napoleon Napoleonic Era Muskets Setting Building Rules Development2010-10-18 2 
12501374Running the Show - Camarilla QuestMeet Oglivi: The Camarilla Prince of Toronto. With his vast wealth and cadre of elite henchmen, he must retain his power while growing outside forces threaten it.Collective Game, World of Darkness, quest thread, awesome2010-10-20 3 
12526117What happens when a starship goes into a Black Hole? LETS FIND OUT.Some DH players shoot a ship straight into a black hole. Wat do.dark heresy, space, rush, lear, dm, black hole2010-10-22 0 
12540811Dark Sun Campaign ReportCampaign from 12255684 begun, description of characters & play session, more campaign world developmentChrono Trigger, D&D, Dark Sun, settings2010-10-23 1 
12597675Scholomance revivedAn attempt to revive the old /tg/ project ScholomanceScholomancer, homebrew, magic, school, Grimdark2010-10-29 33 
12612385Grimdark'd/tg/ Grimdarks Harry Potter and... Spongebob? Wait, what?Harry Potter, Spongebob, grimdark, awesome, lulz2010-10-30 -2 
November 2010
12717096DuskWood Hearts IXJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. A funeral, a genocide, crippling depression, someone gets dramatically slapped, and there are fancy clothes!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-11-08 7 
12726031Pokemon Tabletop AdventuresOP inquires about a fun and light hearted game only to learn that Pokemon is deadly and grimdarkPokemon Tabletop Adventures, Pokemon, Grimdark2010-11-08 2 
12746130Grimdark songwriting, THE REVENGE OF!Some new stuff to be added to the soundtrack of the 41st Millenniumgrimdark songwriting, songs, 40k, sabaton, karaoke 2010-11-10 0 
12798995DuskWood Hearts XJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Murders on a funeral worlds holiday? What are the odds!?story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-11-15 8 
12844530Dark Heresy Statting - Iron Warriors Dreadnought/tg/ helps to stat a Dreadnought for use in a DH game against the acolytes, a near unstoppable killing machine is created, needless to say Heresymaker's players will soon encounter this TPK clad in armour and bristling with Chaotic energy.Dark Heresy, Dreadnought, TPK, Stat, Iron Warriors, Acolytes, GM dickery,2010-11-19 3 
December 2010
12990190Shit, let's be an Inquisitor/tg/ becomes Delessa Kravos, an ascended psyker with a love of good cigars, booze, and better women, and outfits a group of acolytes for investigation.Inquisition, Dark Heresy, Group, 2010-12-01 1 
13043740RPG Character ConceptsOP: If you post in this thread, I shall assign you a character concept that you must use the next time the chance arises, even though you don't want to.RP, Name, concept, character, DnD, Dark Heresy, WoD, Halfling, Gnome, Squat2010-12-06 4 
13153489How to do a Dark Setting ProperlyTheory and details on how to make a grimdark setting. Concise and excellent DM advice.Grimdark, DM, GM, World Building, RPG, advice, setting, grim and dark2010-12-15 17 
13177890Alien: The OutsiderA request for interesting or comical World of Darkness titles turns into the beginnings of a homebrew involving Lovecraftian gods.homebrew, world of darkness, Lovecraft2010-12-17 21 
13192270Xeno GeneratorGiving the Dark Heresy Xeno Generator a workout, complete with some writefaggotry on the various horrors created.Xeno, Dark Heresy, Writefaggotry, 40k2010-12-18 7 
January 2011
13425174Requiem the Chevalier VampireA poster decides that Requiem, a story about Nazi Vampires in hell, is a great setting to be statted, and posts the first and second volumes for everyone to read. Requiem, GRIMDARK, Vampires, Nazis2011-01-07 6 
13510539The Case Files Of 30 Meter MurphyIn which a Arbitrator, Assassin & 2 Psykers try to investigate a tech-cult without getting themselves killedDark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites2011-01-14 4 
13537293Statting Xenomorphs(Aliens) for Dark HeresyAnon asks for help on statting the Xenomorphs for Dark Heresy, gets help.Aliens, RPGs, Dark Heresy2011-01-16 3 
13595580Super Robot Wars RPG mechaThe schismatic AdEva anons continue their homebrewed Super Robot Wars game with a massive stat dump of delicious mechaMecha, Homebrew, Game Development, Dark Heresy mods, AdEva, SRW RPG, RPG2011-01-21 4 
13680077The Case Files of Castus "30 Meter" Murphy Pt. 2"30 Meter" Murphy rides again with an enthralling retelling of his adventures.Dark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites2011-01-27 1 
13681951SRWRPG Part 3A new alpha of the Ad-Eva based Super Robot Wars RPG is out, and Anon is picking it apart. Also, Murder!SRWRPG, Dark Heresy, Homebrew, Game Development2011-01-28 0 
13706389Grimdark Gadget rides once moreAn epic retelling of Grim Dark inspector Gadget. With mind fucking endingGrimdark, gadget, writefag2011-01-29 5 
February 2011
13938478Rebellion Quest 5Things take a dark turn, very fast.Quest, Rebellion, Murder, Invasion, Dark Side of the Moon2011-02-18 1 
March 2011
1411523830 Meter Murphy's Tales of the Warp : Rogue Trader30 Meter Murphy drops in and lays down the tale of A great Rogue Trader ship and its crew.Rogue trader, Dark Heresy, 40k, Storytime2011-03-03 3 
14153991Victorian Inspector GatchetGrimdark, cogpunk Inspector Gadget, what more do you want?writefag, story, fluff, inspector gadget, victorian, cogpunk, grimdark, gatchet2011-03-07 3 
14150546Dark Sun Magical GirlsFirst it came for Planescape, then it came for Eclipse Phase, now it's coming for Dark Sun. WHAT'S NEXT? Definitely not GURPS, because no one likes GURPS.magical girls, dark sun, game design2011-03-07 3 
14218777Dark Millenium 40k/tg/ speculates on the upcoming MMO, translating the fluff to a game perspective and the difficulties presented therein.Warhammer, 40k, Dark Millenium, MMO, vidya2011-03-13 -2 
14352827Alce in Dark Heresy/tg/ succeeds in making a children's character even more Grimdark and will make you shit bricks.Alice, Dark Heresy, Oh shit2011-03-24 2 
14374990Magical BurstOP said... "So, the guy that translated Maid RPG watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, liked it, and used it as inspiration for an RPG, Magical Burst." And as it was written, it was done.puella magi madoka magica, loli, magical girl, mahou shoujo, despair, horror, magic, wishes, dark, maid rpg, anime, manga, weeaboo2011-03-29 1 
14408651Warhammer 40k Roleplay Necron stats.Some guy comes up with Necron stats for Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/DeathWatch.Necrons, stats, warhammer, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Death Watch2011-03-30 1 
April 2011
14486484Slaanesh and his ServantsOP asks for help fluffing out a Slaaneshi cult he has for an upcoming game. /tg/ answers with some truly grotesque things, and some more subtle thingsSlaanesh, fluff, Dark Heresy, cultist2011-04-06 2 
14640939/tg/'s fearsWhat makes you afraid /tg/?horror, fear, question, afraid, dark, silence, scary2011-04-19 1 
14709097The Realm of DarknessAn image inspires a new setting, where the Darkness isn't that bad, and the Light will kill you blind.Realm of Darkness, Campaign Setting, Original Content, Worldbuilding2011-04-25 8 
May 2011
14893882Dark Lord QuestThe Dark One try to control the entire world with an army of spyders."Dark Lord Quest, collective game2011-05-12 9 
14897507Dark Lord Quest Part 2In which we recruit an assassin, and continue working on our plans for world domination. Also, SPIDERS!quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, witch, contract, bind, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS2011-05-12 10 
14904666Dark Overlord Quest 3We meet the old boss. And manipulate him.quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS2011-05-13 10 
14918470Dark Overlord Quest 4With success comes annoying adventurers, parasitic merchants, and fucking elves. Oh those fucking elves.quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS2011-05-14 8 
14928381Dark Overlord Quest 5We find out who the plotter spying on us was, form a plan for dealing with him, and get closer to Shaiara. We also have a revelation: bonsai is evil!quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, bonsai, evil bonsai2011-05-15 10 
14939603Dark Overlord Quest 6We have a tournament and meet an uppity drow. We also find an orc ronin without a katana folded a million times.quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, drow, orc2011-05-16 10 
14949512Dark Lord Quest Part 7The torture go on, the orc samurai becomes our servant, and our spiders became torturers and can even talk!quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, drow, orc, torture2011-05-17 9 
14954504Dark Overlord Quest 8Taunting the drow, who KEEP ON PISSING US OFF! Also a nice meal.quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spider, torture, drow2011-05-17 9 
14960957Dark Overlord Quest 9Not much gets done, BUT we do learn a lot. And seem to have some horrible Shadow Magic disease. Also, Succubai!quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, witch, contract, bind, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, Succubai, Shadow, Archon2011-05-18 10 
15068132Dark Eldar CreationInspired by the recent frenzy of creation over new Space Marine Chapters, Chaos Warbands, Necron Tomb Worlds, etc, a bunch of fa/tg/uys get together and start planning a /tg/-original Coven or Kabal of Dark Eldar. Many ideas are discussed, none are decided on...yet."Dark Eldar", "Chapter Creation", "40k", "Coven", "Kabal"2011-05-27 2 
15091388The Enshrouded #2/tg/ continues fleshing out The Enshrouded, a secretive confederation of DE Haemonculi Covens with various areas of interest between them. Crunch options are investigated and drawfags contribute.Dark Eldar, Chapter Creation, The Enshrouded, Haemonculi, Coven, 40K2011-05-29 3 
July 2011
15462654The Legend of PIGDOGA tale is told of a THAT GUY of legend, with IRC quotes to back it up. The man himself eventually appears in the thread.that guy, D&D, dark sun, autism, psychopathy, funny, horror2011-07-05 24 
15494324Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy StorytimePeg Leg Dave continues telling stories as promised, this time he introduces his Dark Heresy Character, Shenanigans Ensue.Peg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime2011-07-07 27 
15503442Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy Storytime I2Storytime with Pegleg Dave, he continues where he left offPeg-Leg Dave, Dark Heresy, Storytime2011-07-07 27 
15520509Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy storytime 3Peg-Leg dave shares the continuing saga of Silon and Co.Peg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime2011-07-09 24 
15546106Peg-Leg Dave's Dark Heresy Story-time part 4Peg-Leg Dave returns for Dark Heresy StorytimePeg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime2011-07-12 24 
15598929Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy Storytime 5Peg Leg Dave returns for more Adventures in CrimePeg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime2011-07-16 23 
15610421Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy Storytime 6The game turns bad with new players added. Dave ejects people out into space.Peg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime2011-07-17 23 
15619823Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy Storytime (THE END)The end of Silon's Adventures in Dark Heresy, For now.Peg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime2011-07-18 28 
15621909Dark Heresy Loot List /tg/ comes up with a strange and wondrous list of items for Dark Heresy DMs. Puns and references to vidya, comics and literature abound DM, funny, 40K, Dark Heresy, DH, scifi, awesome, items2011-07-19 27 
15629987When in the Galaxy is Carmen Sandiego?V.I.L.E Heretic Carmen Sandiego has stolen the Imperial Truth, and then just about everything else in the Imperium. Are you bad enough Inquisitorial Acolytes to get it back?40k, Carmen Sandiego, Dark Heresy2011-07-19 22 
15681622World Setting: Surreal Dark FantasyA horrific yet awesome setting idea, where people end up in a surrel world and always return from death as increasingly bizarre creatures. Brainstorming ensues.dark, fantasy, setting, surreal, world, world-building2011-07-24 28 
15715013Surreal Dark Fantasy Con'tA sequel to the first thread, where things are hardly the same after a while and people can't die permanently. Czarnosc is the world's name. The discussion continues.homebrew, dark, fantasy, setting, surreal, world, world-building2011-07-27 14 
15749543Generating InquisitorsThree new inquisitors as well as some old ones are written up for 40k RPGsWarhammer 40k, Dark Heresy2011-07-30 3 
15767555Ork Heresy DevelopmentAn Orky supplement for Dark Heresy.ork, dark heresy, ork heresy, warhammer rpg2011-07-31 0 
August 2011
15797189The tale of the shepherd boyA truly epic myth of the God-Emperor.40K, Emperor, Dark Heresy, mythological2011-08-03 74 
16121546What's so great about White Wolf?OP asks the question, wondering why the black urban-fantasy World of Darkness is so beloved. The fa/tg/uys reply with an epic debate and discussion about the pros, cons, and details of the world of Kindred, Garou, and Changelings.white wolf, world of darkness, vampire, werewolf, fae2011-08-31 3 
September 2011
16389889Caught Off GuardITT shit players said that caught you off guard and/or made you laugh out loudPlayer stories, Dungeons & Dragons, Roleplaying, GURPS, Call of Cthulhu, Warhammer 40k, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer2011-09-23 15 
16425991Yet another story threadCool stories, a temporary devolution into argument, and then more cool stories. Also Pavarotti.cool stories, bro, cool story bro, dark heresy, D&D, bear spy, pavarotti,2011-09-26 2 
16458695Starship Troopers: Medieval editionOP tells of his setting idea and ideas start getting thrown around.grimdark, Starship Troopers, medieval, weapons, bug, bugs, settings2011-09-29 6 
October 2011
16597555Dark Heresy StorytimeOP storytimes a three-year campaign.Dark Heresy, Storytime, DH, writefaggotry, 40k2011-10-12 41 
16607700Dark Heresy Storytime 2The conclusion of the three-year DH campaign of Lazarus, Sister Athena, and Tidus.Dark Heresy, Storytime, DH, writefaggotry, 40k2011-10-13 39 
16680180/tg/'s most glorious character deathsIn which we relate some of the best PC deaths we've seen, including a Hunter calling YOU SHALL NOT PASS to clockwork minions, a Guardsman calling in Exterminatus on his own position, and a cleric of Kord who died arm-wrestling Kord himself.storytiem, D&D, Dark Heresy, Hunter, stories, deaths, glorious2011-10-20 8 
16687872Geshtinanna, Unbound Daemonhost/tg/ creates a Daemonhost. They had no idea how horribly wrong everything would go.daemonhost, Geshtinanna, dark heresy2011-10-21 10 
16729747/tg/ Meta Quest 6We finish up on the Fallout world, download the TG station's logs, and head back to Sector HQ. We pick up a team of X-COM scientists, then head to the last Branch Office, located in a Dark Matter setting world, in the Mulder Building.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Fallout, Dark Matter2011-10-27 13 
16760239/tg/ Meta Quest 7On our way back to HQ to get help to deal with the Sandmen that compromised our branch office, we have a run-in with the G-Man. It's time to prepare for unforeseen consequences.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Dark Matter, Half-Life, G-Man2011-10-29 11 
November 2011
16791722/tg/ Meta Quest 8We lose Gaunt in the retaking of the Mulder Building, but are able to capture the Sandmen and retrieve critical base systems, leaving behind sentry guns and nerve gas to deter trespassers. We then head over to the local branch of the TSAB to see how they've fared the past month of raped reality.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Dark Matter, Half-Life, G-Man, TSAB, Nanoha2011-11-01 11 
16830576The story of the Emperor HeresyWhat would have happened if the big E and Horus had switched roles? The writefag Ahriman's Aide has worked it out.Heresy, Warhammer, 40k, reverse heresy, mirror world, GRIMDARK2011-11-04 12 
16960401Dark Souls PnP CampaignDiscussion about using Dark Souls as a setting/campaign for PnP gamesDark Souls2011-11-22 8 
17027063Kamen Rider LathanderOP makes a Grimdark RPG and one player breaks the mold creating a Monk who worships the Sun God Lathander. Hilarity ensuesLathander, Kamen Rider, Grimdark, Nemesis, Awesome2011-11-27 15 
December 2011
17072435dark heresy archivesAll dark heresy books... HERESY!! HERESY EVERYWHERE!!!Dark Heresy, 40k, RP, Megaupload links,2011-12-01 14 
17115539Bark Heresy*WOOF*homebrew, awesome, ideas, dark heresy, warhammer, 40k, rpg2011-12-05 15 
17181094Grim Dark RacingThe Announcer runs a jolly race involving a crab on a hover-board, Dick Dastardly, the Wolf Lord, and Khaldun the Eternal battle it out for victory.Collective Game, Grimdark, Racing, random, funny, 2011-12-12 7 
17229840Inquisitor DarkhammerWe learn all about the wonders of the Imperium's greatest InquisitorInquisition, Darkhammer, Warhammer, 40k2011-12-16 9 
17319851Santapire IIMore fleshing out of the jolly old Ventrue who loves sharing Christmas joy with good girls & boys!Vampire, Vampire the Masquerade, Vampire the Requiem, WoD, VtR, World of Darkness2011-12-25 3 
January 2012
17565311Living Toy TabletopOP makes idea of tabletop game of toys coming to life. Full of grimdark ideas and extra winliving, toys, Toys, grimdark, win2012-01-17 15 
17577516Toy Tabletop Thread IIAka Why don't we have a name for this yet? We continue fleshing out the new setting. Much more win is had but some people forgot to read the original thread.living, toys, Toys, grim, dark, win, setting, story, fluff, campaign setting2012-01-18 5 
17592472The Discarded: A Living Toy RPG setting - Thread 3In this thread we discuss the role of 40k minis and such and the role of repair and the different properties a certain construction materials provide to toys. Some faggotry happens over the 40k minis but it's overcome. Unfortunately a lot of shit still doesn't get done.living, toys, Toys, grim, dark, win, setting, story, fluff, campaign setting, the discarded2012-01-20 5 
17618098Chapter Quest IV - First BloodRising Sons answer Tyr's plea to bring them food from Stygia(agri-world in Sub-Sector Tyranus). On their way back they are ambushed by Dark Eldar corsairs and Chapter Master himself loses an arm in epic battle aboard Dark Eldar flagship. Despite this, Rising Sons prevail and even manage to take over one of the ships. Tyr is saved and Rising Sons grow even stronger.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Mandrake, Chapter Master, ambush, sub-sector, STC, warhammer 40k, Space Marines2012-01-22 9 
17648303Weapon generatorAn anon shares a weapon generator for Dark heresy and rogue trader.It becomes awesome40k, weapon, DarkHeresy, rogue trader2012-01-24 5 
17683493Chapter Quest VII - Friend or FoeThe Rising Sons receive word of an old enemy and a new one, but things don't go quite as planned.Space Marines, Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, Warhammer 40000, 40k, Warhammer 40k, WH40k, roleplay2012-01-27 9 
17696790Chapter Quest VIII - Justified ViolenceRising Sons decide to mount a daring infiltration mission against their old enemy Rogue Trader Moriarty...Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, roleplay, rpg, 40k, Chapter, Space Marines, infiltration, stealth, kidnapping, Rogue Trader2012-01-28 10 
17701185Warhammer 40k Weapon Generator #2The 2nd thread of the weapon generator. Expect lulz, lolwut, and awesome.40k, Dark Heresy, random generator, weapon2012-01-29 -1 
February 2012
17798062Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 4.5Hito Hijikatai faced Ward Liesterman on the tournament and it ending something very unexpected. Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Luchador, Warhammer 40k, Dark Eldar2012-02-04 1 
17810362Old World of Darkness StorytimeAlice in Wonderland in a post apocalyptic America run by Technocrats post apocalyptic, Alice, World of Darkness, oWod, Changeling, Technocrat, Storytime2012-02-05 5 
17927799Eldar, adoption, and baking.Do Eldar adopt cross faction? What if Vect's daughter was raised by a Baker?Dark, Eldar, d'awww, Lofn, Writefag, Baking, <32012-02-15 6 
18107071The Inquisitor - Chapter IChapter 1 of an Inquistitors assignment. Grimdarkgritty. Film-noir style.Inquisitor, Noir, Grimdark, 40k2012-02-26 0 
18136464The Inquisitor - Chapter IIArcturus finds the person he's looking for. But at what price?Inquisitor, Film-noir, 40k, grimdark,2012-02-28 0 
18138266Changeling is Horriblefa/tg/uy reads changeling, enjoys, finds it horrificnWoD, World of Darkness, Changeling2012-02-29 6 
March 2012
18458666I am OverwatchIn which the new player Autismo makes a GM look like a boss, and players are amazedstorytime, Dark Heresy, Deathwatch, Autismo 2012-03-26 65 
18519535Deffwotch: Episode 26 - HeroA final, cataclysmic showdown between Necoho and Da Kill Team. The penultimate episode of Deffwotch.storytime, orks, ork, deffwotch, dark heresy, hero2012-03-31 4 
18517205Wacky Racing 40kOp asks a simple question: What are the DE Reaver races like? What follows is an discussion about racing in 40k, and how to make a game about it. Who knew that 40k and Redline would fit this well together?Racing, Discussion, Homebrew, Dark Eldar, 40k, Redline2012-03-31 20 
April 2012
18587064Commorragh QuestWe are a dark eldar bounty hunter and we hunt a Heamonculus.collective game, dark eldar, commoragh2012-04-06 1 
18637565Dark Spirit Quest 1At last! After 10,000 years we're free to conquer the world! We start building an army and consuming delicious, delicious souls.Dark Spirit Quest, Collective Game, evil2012-04-09 10 
18641111Dark Spirit Quest 1.5We continue to gather our forces, destroy a human settlement, and make a new champion.Dark Spirit Quest, Collective Game, evil2012-04-09 11 
18734234A concept of Human Ingenuity and madnessDurendal shares his idea for a space setting where spaceships are all biological; grown from humans. /tg/ takes the concept and runs with it; yielding interesting results and both clean and slightly-fetishy variants of the setting.setting, development, space, ship, grimdark, transhuman, giant, giantess, war, freaky, biological, bioship, The Archivist2012-04-16 11 
18829626Necrons ain't got nothing on usOP with his merry band of ragtag rank 2 IG takes on Deathwatch 'Crons and wins like a baus40k, Dark Heresy, Imperial Guard, HFY2012-04-24 34 
18921617A-Team Guardsmen vs Necrons - Part 2The unluckiest GM alive once again tries to to kill our heroes, this time with a Necron Tomb. Shenanigans ensue.40k, Dark Heresy, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Funny, Awesome2012-04-30 37 
May 2012
19012677A-Team Guardsmen vs Necrons - Part 3The GM has realized that his Necrons have become ineffectual Saturday Morning Cartoon villains and just rolls with it.40k, Dark Heresy, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Funny, Awesome2012-05-08 35 
19027333Metahuman Renaissance Quest 40Dan decides to go some where more local before heading to space, picks Japan, and is forced to choose who to bring. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the darkness is growing2012-05-09 12 
19137029Eclipse: Dark Spirit Quest 2After a stormy start we started to dominate the Lands around us, gain two new Champions and started building a infrastructure for our new forces.Dark Spirit Quest, Collective Game, evil2012-05-18 9 
19203944Magical Girl Questing MalaiMalai Mindy Chamberlain's quest as a magical girl begins. Power is obtained. Fat kids piss themselves. Catbomination avoids stereotypes.Collective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-23 7 
19206472Magical Girl Questing Malai 2You are Malai, eldritch powered magical girl and wielder of the Bat of Donny DonnovitchCollective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-23 6 
19227809Magical Girl Questing Malai 3In which a CERTAIN IDIOT becomes a catboy, and we gain access to the Mahou Shoujo FAQCollective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-25 7 
June 2012
19455107Turning PointA Dark Age dieselpunk homebrew. Armored cars and flying gay districts.Homebrew, Dieselpunk, Dark Age, Post-Apocalyptic, Tanks, USA2012-06-12 22 
19458284Chapter Quest VIIGhosts of Retribution visit Nestorius to reap the rewards of their previous mission to retrieve STC.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, roleplay, rpg, 40k, super heavy battle tank, Baneblade, stealth power armour, Adeptus Mechanicus2012-06-13 4 
19470363Chapter Quest VIII - Visiting the Dark SisterGhosts of Retribution go on a joint mission with Rogue Trader to retrieve an artifact from a Space Hulk, but what happens next was not expected by anyone...Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, roleplay, rpg, 40k, Eldar, Space Hulk, Spirit Stones, Rogue Trader, Chaos Space Marines, Traitors2012-06-14 4 
July 2012
19833002Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark EldarBrother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, Dark Eldar, Feudal world, webway, Commoragh, slaves, rape, Sororitas2012-07-12 10 
19859727GuardsMan Quest: Fight For Amerigo Secondus: Chapter Four: Rallying CryIn this quest we recruit beastmen, Squats, devour our first piece of living tech, Impregnate Anevka, and reccieve the blessing of the omnisiah.Guardsman_Quest, Inquisition, 40k, Imperium, Catgirls, Beastmen, Dark_Age_of_Science, Hunting_Rig, Tau, Underhive, Squats, Collective_Game, Quest2012-07-14 10 
19969075Commoragh Quest IBrother Montus dives into the webway, trying to save Sister Judith from her Dark Eldar captors, however instead ends up in Commoragh, while on the way creating a personal warp spawn in the form of an Chaos Ork...Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Soulstone, Chaos Orks, Arena2012-07-21 6 
19981203Commoragh Quest IIMontus participates in a deadly battle royale in Death Arena.Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Soulstone, Arena, Wytches, Battle Royale2012-07-22 6 
20007819Commoragh Quest IIIBrother Montus awakes to find yet another sentient tinkering with things in his chest! Emperor protect his soul, Montus is forced to negotiate with the vile xenos to continue his quest to save Sister Judith.Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2012-07-24 8 
20075193Commoragh Quest IVThe trials of Montus continue as the Wytch Xynthia begins tormenting him. Though Sister Heidra's trapped soul is returned, the Wytch slays the enslaved guardsman Marcharius and tricks Montus...Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2012-07-29 6 
August 2012
20135355Chapter Quest VXynthia cries.Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches, Slaves2012-08-02 4 
20196913Present-day Earth becomes a settingIn a parallel universe, the most grimdark setting of all is created. Earth.setting, parallel universe, earth, rl, real life, grimdark2012-08-06 10 
20194318Commoragh Quest: Astartes CreedMontus' assassination mission goes off perfectly, and when he returns Xynthia is more than grateful. Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2012-08-06 13 
20223200Commoragh Quest VII: Assassins after SexMontus is interrupted from cuddling with his Mistress by another assassination attempt and realises that their attackers are ex-Elysian Drop Troopers...Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2012-08-08 10 
20220426Guy Fieri, Prince of the CamarillaOP is playing the part of the Prince in a VtM LARP as a favour to a friend; he plays it as a TV chef because he is fat. /tg/ advises.Vampire the Masquerade, World of Darkness, Guy Fieri, LARP2012-08-08 23 
September 2012
20611402Commoragh Quest XWe continue our preparations to regain Judith from Vorl-Xolanth.Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2012-09-06 3 
October 2012
21038431Dark Heresy StorytimeA Dark Heresy game where everything that can go wrong does. Repeatedly. And, as always, it's the Psyker's fault.Dark Heresy, Daemonhost, TPK, Storytime, Story, Tumble-Dryer of Blood,2012-10-08 75 
November 2012
21420351Humanity: Dethroned/tg/ makes a setting. In brief, humanity used to have a galaxy wide empire, but it collapsed when the leaders of humanity decided to have everything descend into chaos for fun. Sol system is a militaristic fortress system, there are monster people (who are really just gentically deviant humans) Mechs, power armor, and bioengineered monsters everywhere (some of them are even space capable.) Make_A_Setting, Scifi, grimdark, Humanity Dethroned2012-11-04 5 
December 2012
21869883Paladin: The Redemption Are you a bad enough dude to hold back the night in the World of Darkness? Listen to the Music and get ready to quest. Onwards, my brothers!World of Darkness, Paladin The Redemption, Paladin, Splat, The Music, Quest, Vimes2012-12-04 31 
22031832/tg/ talks about AnimorphsAs you could probably guess, it degenerates into having sex with Andalites. /tg/ also rediscovers how grimdark the series is.animorphs, creepy, grimdark, nightmare fuel, cute, andalite2012-12-14 -13 
22074509Underdark Quest: 1 DuergerThe folks of /tg/ take on the Duerger to live in the under dark. They learn how to sense things in the earth. Meet a bear. And get shit done.Underdark, Civ, Claws, Dark Dwarves2012-12-17 1 
January 2013
22680856GW gets new managementMatt Ward meets the Emperor and they take over GW. Dark times follow. "The other writers will not sit still for this."Matt Ward, star wars, emperor, dark side, GW, order 662013-01-20 16 
22823971Part I of Rolo Bronzejaw's TaleA thread about Law and Order in Middle Earth is derailed into one anon's spectacular writefaggotry.Rolo, Bronzejaw, Rolo Bronzejaw, Noir, Dames, Detectives, Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Dwarf, Dark Elf2013-01-28 8 
22836946Dark Heresy Quest, Chapter 2this time Nora is confermed to be a party member, Sebastiano hits on our lesbian love-birds and fails he seduces the machine sprit though, Hadrak gets us all out safely and poor Berold is shy as usualCollective Game, Dark Heresy quest, 2013-01-28 7 
22894580Dark Heresy Quest, Chapter 3So our loveable lesbains take the back seat for none other than Berold who gets a waifu HUZZAH! and we introduce the next BBEG also we learn of Hadrak making alot of cool stuffCollective Game, Dark Heresy quest2013-01-31 5 
February 2013
22912421Dark Heresy Quest, Chapter 4Well mainly a combat loot-fest ended up with a powerfist, autocannon, heavy stubber, plasma rifle (not in working condition yet), and other assorted weapons. Sebas got a cool kill with his eye laserCollective Game, Dark Heresy quest2013-02-01 3 
22944423Commoragh Quest XIIWe jump onto a speeding skimmer, massacre a few Dark Eldar and stomp on a few knees, you know, typical weekday in Commoragh.Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2013-02-03 7 
22949900Dark Heresy Quest, Part 5The acolytes face their new nemesis, Berold and Ellyn go a bit further, and they finally finish their first courier job, so get free time!Collective Game, Dark Heresy Quest2013-02-03 4 
23194574Chapter Creator : Dark Angels Successors (name not yet decided)/tg/ creates a chapter, a dark angels successor and hammers out the fluff / tabletop for it. Working on a name for it.Chapter Creator, Dark Angels, Successors, Homebrew, Warhammer, 40k, wh40k, fluff, worldbuilding2013-02-16 5 
23215009Chapter Creator : Angelus Petrus - Dark Angels Successors/tg/ creates a chapter, a dark angels successor and hammers out the fluff / tabletop for it.Chapter Creator, Dark Angels, Successors, Homebrew, Warhammer, 40k, wh40k, fluff, worldbuilding, Space Marine, Warhammer 40k, Dark Angels, Angelus Petrus2013-02-18 6 
23289523/tg/ sings "I love the Whole Board" Inspired by the Discovery Channel. Various amounts of heretical song ensue, epic, 40k, /tg/, funny, writefaggotryWarhammer 40k, songs, grimdark songwriting, 2013-02-21 26 
March 2013
23742138Faechan 2we create the dark ones, the deep sewers, and several interesting characters, also discover people apparently eat halflingssetting, Faechan, Pallitards, alternate reality, dark ones, bums, monstergirls2013-03-18 -2 
23812845The Kreiger Medic, and other talesOP asks for advice on how to RP a Kreiger Medic, /tg/ responds with excellent writefaggotryWH40K, Kreig, writefaggotry, grimmdark, The Stig2013-03-22 37 
June 2013
25479311Kabal of the Pale CollarWritefaggotry thread derails, creating a Corporate Kabal Dark Eldar, Pale Collar, 40k, Warhammer, funny2013-06-17 22 
25652783Ultimate Faction War Quest: Humans Part 1Human-Heretic joint task force goes scavenging, blunts an Alien invasion, and accidentally gives the Machines valuable intel.Ultimate Faction War Quest, UFWQ, Strategy, Heretics, Humans, Tactics, Grimdark, The Storyweaver, Quest2013-06-26 10 
July 2013
26179955Stories of the board/tg/ comes forth with many new stories. Of course it's gonna get archived!story, stories, Undead, Necromancy, necromancer, storytime, DnD, 40k, Dark Heresy2013-07-23 5 
26300551New 40k Sector/tg/ has decided it needa new playground to get all creative about. And for once they are trying to avoid referencing shit. Good fucking luck.Dark_Heresy, homebrew, Warhammer_40k,2013-07-29 5 
26308644Oestalan sector - thread 2/tg/ has a name for the place! the first system gets fluffed out a bit more. Orks, Eldar and Tau, oh my!Oestalan_Sector, Dark_Heresy, homebrew, Warhammer_40k2013-07-30 0 
26321505Oestalan Sector thread #3In which the first system is fluffed out, personalities are introduced, and the crusade begins.Oestalan_Sector, Dark_Heresy, homebrew, Warhammer_40k2013-07-30 1 
26316219Tales of the lone voter/tg/ paints a horrifying vision of the future and those that fight and die in itquest, parody, grimdark, cyberpunk, lone voter, waifu, worldbuilding2013-07-30 11 
26328720Oestalan System Thread 4In which we argue about what should or shouldn't be put in the setting, flesh out the crusading force and begin work on tau and mechanicus forcesOestalan_Sector, Dark_Heresy, homebrew, Warhammer_40k2013-07-30 1 
August 2013
26378286Oestalan Sector thread #8Aeternus Mechanum empire fleshed out and a drawfriend contributes an awesome map of the sector.Oestalan_Sector, Dark_Heresy, homebrew, Warhammer_40k2013-08-02 0 
26403040Oestalan Sector thread #9Additional discussion on an Eldar craftworld and the Ten Kings pirate bandOestalan_Sector, Dark_Heresy, homebrew, Warhammer_40k2013-08-04 0 
26426265Fallen from GraceA writefag starts a story about a "gentle" Dark Eldar.writefaggotry, Dark Eldar, Varia2013-08-04 13 
26451101Fallen from Grace pt 2A writefag continues his story about a "gentle" Dark Eldar.writefaggotry, Dark Eldar, Varia2013-08-05 11 
26500691Hive mutantOP somehow managed to roll the most mutated Acolyte we've ever seen.dark_heresy mutant tentacles inquisition monster_girl2013-08-08 18 
September 2013
26990453Vampire the Requiem- Blood and Smoke: BurningSome namefag tells the tale of his Vampire: The Requiem campaign, complete with murder, politics, impressively competent Ghouls and color commentaryVampire, Storytime, World of Darkness2013-09-07 15 
27129641 Blood and Smoke: Burning, Part 2The namefag continues his tale as the coterie tangles with a demon and prepares for a very special Hanukkah party.Vampire, Storytime, World of Darkness2013-09-10 11 
27109692Oestalan Sector Building Thread 10Oestalan sector generation returns, with a massive wave of fluff, and generally much more constructive than before. Oestalan_Sector, Dark_Heresy, homebrew, 40k2013-09-11 1 
27181870Oestalan Sector Building Thread 11Once again, the Oestalan Sector rides forth. Much fluff is generated. More is needed, but PROGRESS!Oestalan_Sector, Dark_Heresy, homebrew, 40k2013-09-13 1 
27386067What is the most grimdark setting?/tg/ wrestles with that age-old question/tg/, discussion, 40k, Kult, Drakengard, Beserk, Exalted, Call of Cthulhu, call of cthulhu, World of Darkness, Drakengard, Midnight, grimdark, edgy, Grimdark, GRIMDARK2013-09-27 5 
November 2013
28340649Eldritch Souls questThe story of out hero begins with her death and her adoption of the name Owlman after awaking from death to find herself with the head and talon hands of an owl. She then proceeds to do fuck all besides get clothes and interact with some fellow former humansScholarofSouls, Eldritch soul quest, Owlman, The godamned Owl man, Death, Dark souls, Strange,2013-11-18 1 
February 2014
30008887/tg/ fixes a combi-boltgunAnon shows up with a gun tailored for pose striking, and /tg/ can't help but squeal 'makeover!'. Also tech-heresy.dork angles, Dark Angels, 40k, weapons, /tg/ gets shit done2014-02-04 9 
March 2014
30683899Uredium SectorHomebrew 40k sector that's the 30 Years' War meets the Protestant Reformation in SPACE!40k, Homebrew, Setting, Fluff, Grimdark, Worldbuilding, 2014-03-07 5 
30698382Uredius sector thread #2Moar Ideas40k, Homebrew, Setting, Fluff, Grimdark, Worldbuilding, Uredius, Uredius Sector2014-03-09 2 
30807502Subject 23 Quest - Mass EffectWe meet our protagonist, Eric, who has been kidnapped along with his brother and taken to an unknown facility. After finding out his brother died, Eric is forced into a death match with a frail girl, and tortured until he kills her. He meets 90, a psychopathic rapist, and is taught about the facility.Subject 23, Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Grimdark2014-03-13 22 
April 2014
31271134How to Avoid a Boss Fight in Dark HeresyAnon tells the story of how attempting to talk his way out of a boss fight landed him a daemonette girlfriend. Additional storytime follows.Dark Heresy, Storytime, Story, Time, Warhammer, 40k, daemonette, Scott Pilgrim2014-04-06 5 
31609204Dark Age of Technology AIOP's Rogue Trader players found an AI from the DAoT and for some reason decided to plug it into their ship. OP requests inventive ways for this to backfire horribly on them and /tg/ delivers. What comes next is best described as nightmare fuel with a side of Clippy.Rogue Trader, Dark Age of Technology, AI, doomed, skynet, SHODAN, GLADoS, Clippy2014-04-21 7 
May 2014
32334070Four Heroes of Light Quest You're an amnesiac from another world that also discovers you are a dark knight. Your friends from the previous world find you.Four Heroes of Light, Quest, Dark knight, collective game, revo2014-05-25 2 
June 2014
32550987Kouga: Saint of Mars 4Kouga meets a nice girl and fights a punk named Eden! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Darkness Mode, 2014-06-04 4 
32632301Ghost titan and predator blimpThree new Dark Heresy xenos are generated, with mindblowing results.dark heresy, aliens, monster, kaiju, sneaky blimps, toxic punches, ghost2014-06-08 5 
32698934Dark Life QuestThe seas have risen and we follow the life of Josh Finn who lives on an underwater farm. Shit happensDark Life Quest, Collective Games,2014-06-11 1 
33092130Monsterous Humanoid Quest: 1Seeking to give the world a new race to fear and work with. /tg/ picks up their Drow and start working with tinkering.Collective Game, Drow, Civ, Technology, Underdark, Tiamat2014-06-30 1 
33080907Light/Dark dichotomyIts historical, and how to play with it. culture, light, darkness, myth, alignment2014-06-30 3 
July 2014
33450098drow civday 1 of drow civ questDrow,Civ,Dark Elf,Shmeh2014-07-17 0 
33471055drow civ2Day 2 of the drow civ quest by shmehShmeh, Drow, Dark Elf, Civ, Civ Quest2014-07-18 1 
33492762Drow civ3Drow Civ quest day 3 by shmehDrow,Civ,Dark Elf,Shmeh, Civ Quest2014-07-19 5 
33560253Dark Eldar playing PretendTypical Dark Eldar discussion.warhammer, 40k, dark eldar, itt, roleplay, rpg, commoragh, decadence2014-07-22 2 
33660810High Mortality Party StorytimeThe most convoluted dark heresy origin story ever and a few more lighthearted stories.Dark heresy, Only War, Shoggy, Storytime, Mortality, Deaths, DnD, Tulip, Shane, Tommy, Troll Fucker, Volg, Paradox, Death2014-07-26 110 
August 2014
34095013All Guardsmen Party StorytimeHoly shit this campaignStorytime, Dark Heresy, Guardsmens, Story2014-08-13 198 
34333783The Case of the Missing PsykersThe All-Guardsman Party Returns! A PC is lost, and duct tape is used!All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2014-08-23 152 
34498343Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 3 (Part 1)We get down and dirty with some ruskies and talk to a goblin, we currently considering how to or not to teach the goblin the electric boogaloo (Part 2 tomorrow after I improve format and get a new dialog style)MFSKQ, Edgy, Dark, Murder, Funny, Limblesslivingonaholeteasing, short thread, no dice, OP slightly off his game, Nobody gets shot with a 22., Collective Game, Quest, Modern Fantasy Serial Killer, 2014-08-30 1 
September 2014
34660239The All Guardsmen Party and The BoxThe All Guardsmen Party goes off with their new interrogator to investigate a regiment's new weapons.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Story, Shoggy, The Box, Only War, Guardsmen2014-09-06 275 
34985468The All Guardsmen Party and Nubby's GirlfriendThe All Guardsmen Party gets a smokin hot Interrogator and goes to purge some genestealers.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Nubby, Girlfriend, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2014-09-20 156 
October 2014
35267979Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated QuestIn which we puke glowing rainbows, and gain tits. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-03 20 
35284076Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 2In which we transform for the first time, shower, and satisfy shadow.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-04 11 
35304874Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 3In which we have a chat with our Shadow and go take a shower. Probably ended early.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-05 10 
35391019Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 4In which we go clothes shopping, and fight our first demon! Also get our second Change Temp this time.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-09 11 
35413220Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 5We watch a movie with Beth and cook some dinner.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-10 10 
35434352Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 6In which we have a nap, get busy with ourselves, and finally go hang out with JohnCollective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-11 10 
35461504The All Guardsmen Party Purge Some HereticsThe All Guardsmen Party checks out why a wasteland world hasn't been praising the Emprah.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Crisp, Fallout, Heretic, Heretics, Purge, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2014-10-12 144 
35461168Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 7We hang out with John, Fight a Demon, save a Katgirl, and Johns house. Dad completes a bucketlist item.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-12 10 
35485611Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 8 We talk to Beth, cuddle with Kat, Have a good dream, fail at cooking, go running and shower.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-13 10 
35548407Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 9We drive Beth home and hang out with Kat. Things get hot when we go underwear shopping with her.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-16 10 
35568888 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 10We manage to save our self some embarrassment, go home, shower, cook, learn magic shit, free Alex, and Lewd the Kat again.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-17 7 
35592114Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 11We hang out with Shadow Alex and Kat, then decide to go on a date with Shadow Alex but get sidetracked with demon hunting.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-18 6 
35692666Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 12Alex and Shadow Alex play a joke on Beth. Beth is not amused.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-23 5 
35713395Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 13Beth turns the tables and gets a chance to play with Alex while she is still extra sensitive.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-24 6 
35838286Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 14We invite Beth to Dinner, act normal about Shadow Alex, and have a moment with Mother.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-30 5 
November 2014
35896443Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 15In which we sleep, cook, go running, and then have a serious discussion. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-02 6 
35923989The All Guardsmen Party Buys a ShipThe All Guardsmen Party goes to help purchase a used starship. Nothing could possibly go wrong.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Buy, Ship, Occurrence, Border, Nubby, Warp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2014-11-03 177 
36065174Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 16We finish our talk, have a shower, and go help John with a small wolf problem.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-10 5 
36192637Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 17We finish our chat with John, get a mysterious job offer, and are forced with a dilemma at the end of the thread. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-17 6 
36338781The All Guardsmen Party Teaches SchoolThe All Guardsmen Party goes to train some fresh recruits how be proper Inquisitorial Goons.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Cutter, School, Teach, Train, Necron, Necrons, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2014-11-23 176 
36337481Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 18We introduce ourselves to the other magical girls and start working on the job.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-23 8 
36355695Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 19We get to work killing demons and tease some of our teammates.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-24 6 
December 2014
36608521Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 20We fight a fallen god with our teammates.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-07 12 
36743949Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 21We exchange numbers with the other magical girls and finally head home.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-14 5 
36781030Necromancer Civ Thread #3We learn some magic and experiment on our thrallsLeonin, Octavia, necromancer, civilization, thrall, dark magic2014-12-16 0 
37009758Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 22We deal with a temporary change, Kat practices her powers and we indulge our Mom.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-28 5 
37073773Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 23We head to the mall, and find a pet store.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-31 10 
January 2015
37147327Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 24We finish at the first shop and treat Beth and Kat at a bakery.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-04 6 
37264000Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 25Kat tries her new key and we decide to hunt some demons with Kat and Beth.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-10 5 
37339037The All Guardsmen Party and the Super SpyThe All Guardsmen Party teams up with an Interplanetary man of mystery to investigate corruption in the Imperial Guard.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Tink, Deserter, Bane, Fumbles, Necrons, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-01-13 175 
37400124Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 26Beth and Kat finish off the demon and get some temporary changes.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-16 6 
37449287Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 27Beth and Alex have some fun breaking rules.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-18 7 
37474903Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 28We make our way home with Beth, and Shadow Alex shows us something different about her room.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-19 5 
37550331Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 29A bath with Kat and a talk with Dad.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-23 6 
37636822Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 30Hunting a demon and keeping fit.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-27 11 
February 2015
37907510Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 31A small bout of amnesia, before collaring Kat finally.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-08 8 
38028553Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 32We have quite a few conversations, and watch Kat learn to cook.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-14 5 
38066665Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 33We get some maybe good news from Mom, and went to Johns. Ended early to 4chan dying.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-15 7 
38134473Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 34We get everyone together to save John! Things got a little messy.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-19 6 
38181397The All Guardsmen Party and the Greater GoodThe All Guardsmen Party go to Tau space to track down some vile, xenos-loving traitors.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Tink, Deserter, Bane, Fumbles, Tau, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Greater, Good2015-02-20 172 
38164240Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 35We question Kim, let Tenka do his thing, and meet Sarah and Nicky. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-20 6 
38245304Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 36We ask Sarah some questions and Shadow Alex has a new experience. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-23 6 
38369930Dark General QuestIn which you, a relatively ordinary office drone, are offered the opportunity of lifetime.Collective Game, Dark General Quest, shaderic2015-02-28 5 
March 2015
38446178Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 37We get John home, and give him shit about Summer. Then we head home and deal with changes.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-05 6 
38542811Villainous love and Dark HeresyA thread asking anons about times when Villains go starstruck for players turns into a thread about The plight of a dark heresy player's guardsman, Johna Foulk.Yandere, Dark Heresy, Campaign Ideas2015-03-09 27 
38547581Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 38We help Amy out with her favor and have a chat with Beth.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-09 7 
38852076Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 39We get some ice cream, collect Kats belongings, and nearly make a mistake.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-23 6 
38992460Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 40We relax for a while before going on a run, ended early.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-30 5 
April 2015
39142107Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 41We finish our run, and find out what Summer wants. Beth also admits to something.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-05 5 
39165875The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P1The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-04-06 135 
39185203The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P2The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-04-07 141 
39200349Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 41.5We collect half our allowance, learn about the noise, and talk to Beth about revealing secrets. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-09 5 
39286303Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 42We steal John, play some games, and then cook dinner. It was steak.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-13 5 
39449388Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 43We talk to John, play some games, find out about mages from Dad, find an addicted Kat, and take a trip down nostalgia.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-21 5 
39567654 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 44We cook breakfast, ask Shadow Alex somethings, and call Anna during a rough time.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-27 5 
May 2015
39715896 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 45We hang out with Anna, going for a run, grabbing lunch, and overall talking about magical girl stuff.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-05-04 7 
39854919Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 46We say goodbye to Anna, find Kat and Dad didn't starve, and turn invisible. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-05-11 6 
39949689GM vs. That Guy: Dark Heresy editionA GM and a That Guy hash it out on /tg/ in front of everyone. Logs were posted, macros were made, laughs were had.GM, That Guy, Dark Heresy, Skittles, Star Wars Episode 2, drama, ow the edge2015-05-14 14 
39977307Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 47A thread where not much at all happens.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-05-17 5 
40173120Dark Prince Quest Episode 1: The JailAstar, former prince of the Empire of Thoden, decides to escape the prison he's been locked in for two years. Amazingly, he does just that.Dark Prince Quest, Collective Game, jail, escape, undead, Chimera2015-05-25 21 
40284592Lost Primarch Quest 5We search for lost technology, a year after we free the slavesCollective Game, Lost Primarch Quest, Eleventh, Primarch, Dark Age Of Technology, Relics2015-05-31 12 
June 2015
40586568 Dark Observer Quest: Into Gen IIThe story goes back to Jim finally. The Dark observer helps him along for the next generation to begin.Dark Observer Quest, Overlord, Demon2015-06-14 1 
40638877Dark Prince Quest Episode 2: Get a Man out of Jail, and He'll Become a Jailer.Astar hunts, becomes a local hero, have a bad meal and flees through the night.Dark Prince Quest, Collective Game,2015-06-17 9 
40718783Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 48Finishing up a fight, and moving onwards.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-06-20 5 
40747009The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Acquisition ExpertsWorking alongside Astartes! Meeting Orks and 'Nids again! Critfails galore! It's episode 12.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Sarge, Twitch, Nubby, Doc, Tink, Aimy, Interrogator Greg Sargent2015-06-22 169 
40867323Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 49In which we deal with a change, and move on wards. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-06-28 5 
40871545Black Company QuestIn world where the races of the Free Alliance are beset by a myriad of Warlords, Tyrants and Dark Mages, hard men with hard steel fight for cold silver. The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The new employer of the Black Company is decided upon, our gear and corps is selected and a new squad is formed.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Mercenary, Quest, 2015-06-28 30 
July 2015
40932672Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 49.5 In which we go do something memorable!Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-01 5 
40993044MiasmapunkWorldbuilding thread creates unique setting about a dead god and all the people who live in it.worldbuilding, setting, grimdark, factions, collective game2015-07-04 9 
41018471Black Company Quest #2In world where the races of the Free Alliance are beset by a myriad of Warlords, Tyrants and Dark Mages, hard men with hard steel fight for cold silver. The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Corporal's history is fleshed out a bit, decisions are made and the idea of a band is considered.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Quest, Band2015-07-05 27 
41074194Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 50We relax in a chair, accept a job, and lose an eventful change.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-08 5 
41185840Black Company Quest #3In a world where the races of the Free Alliance are beset by a myriad of Warlords, Tyrants and Dark Mages, hard men with hard steel fight for cold silver. The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Corporal finally does what he does best, which is kill people for money. Something worse than skeletons are found in the cultist's closet.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Quest, Kill People Acquire Currency2015-07-13 23 
41244304Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 51We wake up, have a discussion with Beth and make a phone call.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-16 5 
41291137Devil Hunter Quest 4Everyone kinda dies on me, so i just archive it.Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-07-18 3 
41379535Devil Hunter Quest 5In which we meet the ex elites, and duel another dark magic userDevil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-07-22 3 
41231456Of Elves and other Fair FolkAnon asks what people thoughts on races who are beautiful, ethereal, and better than the norm, but also flawed in many ways, /tg/ discusses.Elf, Elves, dark elves, drow, fluff, high elf2015-07-22 3 
41397761Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Discussion/EpilogueA sudden end to a comfy quest, and the tale of how Alex lived beyond it.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-23 8 
41420313Devil Hunter Quest 6In which we watch two of the elites fight, and get a warning from ourselves.Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-07-24 0 
41464173Black Company Quest #4In a world where the races of the Free Alliance are beset by a myriad of Warlords, Tyrants and Dark Mages, hard men with hard steel fight for cold silver. The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Discount prices, oh yeah. Elite mission, oh yeah. Double pay? Oh yeah. Kreigstrom Operators operating? Oh yeah. Giant HellGate summoning portal? ...Oh no.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Quest, Double Pay, Why me?2015-07-26 22 
August 2015
41611778Devil Hunter Quest 7In which we train, talk to Jack, have a deep discussion with our team and revisit our pastDevil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-08-02 2 
41696382Devil Hunter Quest 8In which we discover something cool, talk about MC's junk, and relive an old story.Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-08-06 3 
41778266Devil Hunter Quest 9In which we get captured, inspect a ring and make allies.Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-08-10 2 
41879081Devil Hunter Quest 10In which we start the Labyrinth and start fighting a spiritDevil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-08-15 2 
42204030The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DewarpA short look into how much of a bitch it is to transport a live Zoanthrope across the galaxy.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Zoanthrope, Dewarp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-08-31 114 
October 2015
43192350The Elder Scrolls: Dark Brotherhood QuestThe Elder Scrolls: Dark Brotherhood Questcollective game, elder scrolls, arena, skyrim, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, dark brotherhood, quest,2015-10-21 3 
43262963Devil Hunter Quest 11We come back from the hiatus and kill shitDarkTart, Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game,2015-10-25 4 
43288004The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 1The all Guardsmen Party tries to make a simple supply run.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-10-26 161 
November 2015
43526355Underdark Builder Thread 2Underdark Builder is a fun game of conquering the underdark with your zany/vanilla fantasy race, or/And the British!collective game, quest, builder, underdark builder2015-11-09 1 
43782487Underdark Quest 1: Character creationSomewhere, deep in the underdark in the city of Granthabur, Rahymus Razenbur, a male member of the Razenbur house starts his day and decides to train a bitCollective Game, Underdark Quest, SpiderGod, Drow, Horrible awful things, Evil, Underdark,2015-11-23 5 
43831239Tokyo Ghoul Quest 1We create the character, and establish the environmentTokyo Ghoul Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-11-26 11 
December 2015
43990923The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 2The party slowly limps their way across the galaxy in their shitty ship, while their passenger steadily ruins everything.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-12-05 109 
44027113The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 2 The SequelThe party slowly limps their way across the galaxy in their shitty ship, while their passenger steadily ruins everything. Part 2.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-12-07 124 
January 2016
44496286'Lost Source' setting worldbuilding thread #2/tg/ continues worldbuilding a post-singularity setting in the spiritual tradition of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne.engine heart, eclipse phase, demon's souls, dark souls, bloodborne, singularity, posthumans, transhumans, exhumans, cyborgs, robots, AI, worldbuilding, setting,2016-01-01 7 
44525340Lost Source 3#Lost Source gets fleshed out some more Still needs a skeleton AKA metaplot and system.Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,2016-01-04 5 
44651355Lost Source #4The metaplot and mechanics are worked on, mods and weapons are added.Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,.2016-01-11 4 
44732534Lost Source #5The crunch continues! Albeit slowly. Also, hopefully a plot or two.Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,2016-01-15 2 
44896570Lost Source #6. For Reals, this time.Our first documented playtest! Albeit it's a TPK. Darn bloopers.Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,playtest2016-01-22 4 
45007539Lost Source #7An alternative setting is proposed, and more enemies are statted.Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,2016-01-27 2 
February 2016
45160885Lost Source #8In which not a lot happened. Dam it, college...Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,2016-02-05 2 
45563908Tokyo Ghoul Quest 2We hunt for the first time, and have a confrontation with a familiar CCG memberCollective Game, Tokyo Ghoul Quest, DarkTart,2016-02-22 7 
March 2016
45867427Dark Side Adept Quest: Prologue OneKane Gerric, a fifteen year old Miraluka, roughs up some thugs and decides to rob a rich man.collective game, dark side adept quest, dark side adept, !7NT0C2//qk, star wars2016-03-09 3 
45887133Dark Side Adept Quest: Prologue TwoKane Gerric goes for a balloon ride, hugs Twi'leks and uses the force. Once!Collective Game, dark side adept quest, dark side adept, !7NT0C2//qk, star wars2016-03-09 3 
45855689Dark Power Quest #1An adventure for Agoth, a young farmer to rid a curse that has plagued his family.Dark Power Quest, 1, Curse, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Adventure,2016-03-10 3 
45961462Dark Side Adept Quest: Prologue ThreeIt's real. The Force, the Jedi, all of it.Collective Game, dark side adept quest, dark side adept, !7NT0C2//qk, star wars2016-03-13 4 
46054700Kobold New Clan Quest 1: The KoboldingA Kobold comes to his warren to find it destroyed! He saves some criminals bringing them back to his new home.Collective Game, Kobolds, Quest, DarktalkerKobolds2016-03-17 3 
April 2016
46575971The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] ConspiracyThe party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution. All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2016-04-10 124 
46600041The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] Conspiracy Part 1.5The party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution. Part 1.5 because it's very small.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Demonthrope, Tyranid, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2016-04-11 100 
46864402The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] Conspiracy Part 2The party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Demonthrope, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2016-04-24 106 
7233Upperdark Kobold Civ QuestKobold refugees from the razed kingdom of Drakka struggle to survive in the caverns of the Upperdark.Civ Quest, Civ, Fantasy, Underdark, Survival, Kobold2016-04-27 3 
May 2016
34532Black Company Quest #5The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Double Pay isn't worth this. We ditch orphans and break the cutie.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Double Pay, No Parents, Cutie Paladin2016-05-02 26 
42150Dark Gate Academy QuestAn academy where students do battle with monsters from an evil dimension. You're the transfer student, and have no idea what's going on. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-03 98 
35728Unseen village questA small band of Unseen attempt to settle down in a haunted forest. It goes well, until stupidity burns down their village. Humans too.Civ quest, Unseen, Dark Forest2016-05-03 1 
51055Dark Gate Academy Episode 2You try to leave the academy behind, but things just keep getting weirder.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-04 32 
52211Upperdark Kobold Civ part 2We get lost in spooky tunnels and find things that lurk in the dark, then take a lesson in pyromancyCiv, quest, kobold, under dark, magic2016-05-04 2 
58400Dark Gate Academy Episode 3In which you become heavily involved in the elections for Class President.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-05 30 
66302Dark Gate Academy Episode 4A stress-free day to relax comes with more than a few difficulties.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-06 30 
72994Dark Gate Academy Episode 5Akio and Seishiro make a stupid bet, and you become acquainted with two other members of the class.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-07 24 
83065Dark Gate Academy Episode 6In which you chase a cat, skip classes, make new friends, and visit the nurse's office a few times.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-08 24 
94645Dark Gate Academy Episode 7A team is made to search for the human-like Darkworlder. They can't get along.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-09 23 
97108Black Company Quest #6The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We achieve a hat trick of awful rolls. And also kill our other bossBlack Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Shit rolls, No Parents, Daemons2016-05-09 26 
116967Dark Gate Academy Episode 8You do some research in order to uncover the identity of the Darkworlder named Alice. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-13 23 
117093The Laughing Dog: Chapter 1Kejeral Roericar awakens buried deep within a tomb, surrounded by the undead bodies of his kinsmen. He rallies the few survivors and escapesNobledark fantasy quest2016-05-13 8 
122586Dark Gate Academy Episode 9Rini is paranoid of the other students, and picks a fight with Saki in the courtyard.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-14 21 
127949The Laughing Dog: Chapter 2Korathi survive the desert, find shelter, and recover some memoriesNobledark fantasy quest2016-05-15 2 
128149Dark Gate Academy Episode 10Your flirting with Rei is interrupted, and you take a trip to the principal's office.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-15 21 
119312OutsideVillager is exiled from his home, the outside is a mysterious place, full of weird creatures. He attempts to survive in this bizarre worldQuest, Outside, Collective game, Dark fantasy2016-05-15 2 
137017Black Company Quest #7The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Brothers are saved, faces are ruined and dragons are -not- tamed.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Daemons, not the face, local man ruins everything, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD,2016-05-16 26 
140816The Laughing Dog: Chapter 3The Korathi remember a piece of their past and encounter a party of Gnollish scouts. They barter for the fate of two slaves.Nobledark fantasy quest2016-05-17 1 
144914Dark Gate Academy Episode 11Class 2 bandies together in order to help Ryoji escape from the paranoid and violent Class 3.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-18 20 
145671The Laughing Dog: Chapter 4Keje is nearly killed by sandcats. The Korathi buy two slaves from Gnolls, and start to head to the native girl's hometown.Nobledark fantasy quest2016-05-18 1 
148967Dark Gate Academy Episode 12Some members of Class 2 decide to go on a camping trip.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-19 20 
154453The Laughing Dog: Chapter 5The Korathi and their new companions make the dangerous journey to Kiyya's people. A storm and tragedy strikeNobledark fantasy quest2016-05-20 1 
158162Dark Gate Academy Episode 13You come face-to-face with Raiden again, and encounter Alice in the Darkworld once more.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-21 20 
144394Kabalite Quest 3The thread takes a turn towards the seedy underbelly of slave pits and fight clubs. Are you not entertained?Alchemical Abomination, Alcehmical Abomination, Kabalite Quest, Dark Eldar, Deldar, Collective Game2016-05-22 3 
167196Dark Gate Academy Episode 14You are given a personal tutor, meet with Alice, and learn something new about Yamato.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-23 18 
169688Black Company Quest #8The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We spend ALL our double pay, and fail at both boxing and flirting.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Double Pay, Fist of the North Longhorn, Smoking Kills, Flattery Failures2016-05-23 24 
172473Dark Gate Academy Episode 15Class 3 come for Alice, and it's up to you to fight them off.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-24 15 
181298Dark Gate Academy Episode 16A festival in town is just what is needed to lift the class' spirits in the aftermath of the battle with Class 3.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-26 13 
163672Outside 2Boyo and his mustached companion visit butterflies.Outside, Collective game, Dark fantasy2016-05-26 2 
189688Dark Gate Academy Episode 17The School holds a dance on the last day before Summer break.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-28 13 
195054The Laughing Dog: Chapter 6The Korathi ride out the storm, explore the depths of a cave, and discover a dark secretNobledark fantasy quest2016-05-28 1 
199974Dark Gate Academy Episode 18You are held prisoner by a Darkworld worshipping cult, who shed some light on your condition.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-05-30 15 
June 2016
213999Dark Gate Academy Episode 19Class 3 help you escape the clutches of a freaky cult.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-06-03 11 
180410Judgement's CryAn attempt of a low fantasy quest with gothic elements...maybe.Gothic, Judgement's, Cry, Judgement's Cry, Quest, Dark Fantasy, Low Fantasy2016-06-04 1 
217285Dark Gate Academy Episode 20You attend a funeral for a friend, and deal with your emotions.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-06-04 22 
225516Dark Gate Academy Episode 21Nanami throws a party in the dorms to help people relax.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-06-06 21 
224914Elf QuestEnter the shoes of a half human, half elf, completely hated, and very pissed off individual. What path will he carve out for himself?Elf, Drama, War, Grim, Dark, Genocide, Boo2016-06-06 2 
236643Dark Gate Academy Episode 22The Endless Night has begun, and the group work to survive.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-06-09 12 
246046The Laughing Dog: Chapter 7The Korathi escape the subterranean caverns and the serpents within, Kejeral communes with the apparition that has followed themNobledark fantasy quest2016-06-11 2 
246100Dark Gate Academy Episode 23You fill Rei in on what she's missed, and you try to raise Nanami's spirits. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-06-12 12 
273108Dark Gate Academy Episode 24The Group scales a mountain on their journey to fight Settan.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-06-19 11 
273341The Laughing Dog: Chapter 8The Korathi endure the desert, are captured by an Imashet patrol, and brought to the tribe's warlord. We politics now.Nobledark fantasy quest2016-06-19 1 
277600Dark Gate Academy Episode 25The Season 1 finale, where Ryoji has his final battle with Settan!Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-06-20 20 
301486The Laughing Dog: Chapter 9The Korathi meet with Kiyya, learn about the city's politics, and then find a new ally in Imala et SolatheiNobledark fantasy quest2016-06-26 2 
295473Dark Spirit Quest 1A dark spirit awakens to the world, deals with some pirates, and then begin a search for a magical little girl.Collective Game, Dark Spirit Quest, Spirit, Oscuro2016-06-28 16 
268325Aimless Travels of the Wild Bunch - Thread 3You clear out the remaining chapel before moving on to the Undead City and discover a new kind of Sorcery: Animism.The Wild Bunch, Collective Game, Dark Souls2016-06-28 2 
301094Black Company Quest #9The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The WORST possible thing happens to poor Corporal Prince.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, PROMOTIONS!2016-06-28 25 
July 2016
313875Dark Spirit Quest 2A dark spirit explores some ruins, secures a new friend, and then gets called a coward.Collective Game, Dark Spirit Quest, Spirit, Oscuro2016-07-02 6 
328805The Laughing Dog: Chapter 10The Korathi enjoy the company of Imala et Solathei, but are set upon by an ambush in the streets of Tel Amarset. Civil war erupts.Nobledark fantasy quest2016-07-03 1 
333329Black Company Quest #10The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Give Lieutenant Prince battle over paperwork and people any day.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, Battle of Berwick Road2016-07-05 26 
328620Dark Spirit Quest 3A dark spirit steals a crown, gets hit by lightning, and offers its soul to a greater being.Collective Game, Dark Spirit Quest, Spirit, Oscuro2016-07-06 6 
356520The Laughing Dog: Chapter 11The Korathi consider how to restore order to Tel Amarset, consult with Kiyya, and find themselves under siege from rebel insurgentsNobledark fantasy quest2016-07-11 1 
357937Black Company Quest #11The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince accidentally leaves his flirt on while doing paperwork.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Paperwork, Band, PROMOTIONS!2016-07-11 25 
345391Dark Spirit Quest 4A dark spirit escorts a little girl, desecures a friend, and covenants a naïve pirate.Collective Game, Dark Spirit Quest, Spirit, Oscuro2016-07-12 5 
370778Dark Spirit Quest 5A dark spirit ventures to an island with a newly accorded mortal, and the quest ends.Collective Game, Dark Spirit Quest, Spirit, Oscuro2016-07-17 7 
380974The Laughing Dog: Chapter 12The Korathi fend off an attack by Imashei rebels, are forced to conceal Kirari's arcane talents, and dive deeper into Imashei politicsNobledark fantasy quest2016-07-18 2 
378378Black Company Quest #12The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT puts duty before lewds, sneaks into town and is afraid of dogs.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cunning Plan, Grenn are NOT furries shut up2016-07-18 25 
391447Dark Spirit Quest 6The quest continues as the dark spirit explores a city, negotiates a sea spirit, makes friendly with madness, and looks at mortal scribbles.Collective Game, Dark Spirit Quest, Spirit, Oscuro2016-07-26 5 
424507Dark Spirit Quest 7A dark spirit gains many secrets, stays true to its words bound to soul, escapes hunger, and unleashes an ancient storm.Collective Game, Dark Spirit Quest, Spirit, Oscuro2016-07-31 7 
August 2016
429326Black Company Quest #13The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. During knifework we meet exciting new Adventurers, then kill them.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Knifework, Adventurers, Rangers lead the way2016-08-01 25 
48586572Peg-Leg Dave StorytimePeg Leg Dave returns after years of lurking for yet another story. Peg-Leg Dave, Storytime, Dark Heresy2016-08-02 32 
434344Darkest QuestRuin has come to your family. You fight a dog, meet a madman and take control of a hamlet.Darkest Dungeon, DD, Darkest Quest, DQ, Helio,2016-08-06 3 
465083Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 1You are Kazuma Asai, the son of a former teacher in Dark Gate Academy. Here, you are introduced to your new school and classmates. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-08-13 21 
479172Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 2You meet members of Class 2, run an errand, go to the arcade and raid an Order base.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-08-17 20 
497408Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 3You pull an all-nighter, and get prepared for the mission to save Ryoji.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-08-23 13 
512523Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 4In which you are lost in your head.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-08-28 20 
September 2016
530786Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 5Kazuma struggles to deal with his damaged psyche. Even worse, he gets dragged on a date.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-09-04 15 
529049Medieval Mercenary QuestYou are Griffith of the Golden Lion, a mercenary band leader in the war-torn medieval land of Kivan. Medieval Mercenary Quest, Quest, Low Fantasy, Medieval Fantasy, Dark Fantasy2016-09-09 1 
547260Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 6Ryoji gets caught up on everything he missed over summer, and finally gets that date with Saki.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-09-10 11 
555009The Deadpan Arroyo Massacre: Part 1You are outnumbered, outgunned, and have limited ammo. Two bullets for every enemy is more than you need.Collective Game, Gunslinger, Dark Tower, Blood, Guns, survival, monsters2016-09-11 8 
565061Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 7Kazuma spends a night with the guys, and goes on a mission with Class 3.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-09-15 11 
600949Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 8Ryoji returns to his classes, then sets out on a mission to track down an Archdemon.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-09-21 11 
618037Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 9Akio finishes his training in the mountains with one last challenge from his uncle.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-09-24 11 
October 2016
645753Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 10The DGA Students are afforded a week long break from demon fighting, and hold a School Festival.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-10-02 12 
49591185Nobledark 40k part deuxAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. First chapter was not archived.Eldar, human, nobledark, emperor, Isha2016-10-09 31 
703963Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 11Kazuma and his team are sent on a mission to Kingudoro, the city where Kaz grew up.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-10-15 11 
49762274Soulsborne RPG DiscussionDiscussion of RPGs in the Dark Souls and Bloodborne universes. Miniature game adaptation suggested. Wargame, Original Content, Souls, Bloodborn, Dark Souls, OC, Game Design, homebrews2016-10-16 5 
720411Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 12Ryoji rebels against the new authority in the school.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-10-19 11 
49707496Nobledark 40k part tetheraAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. A sequal threadEldar, human, nobledark, emperor, Isha2016-10-21 28 
736331Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 13Kazuma and his gang are held captive by the mysterious demons, who have an interesting offer for Alice.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-10-22 11 
742179Magical Girl For Hire Quest: Izumi #1Side-story: Izumi Yayoi, friend of Miranda, is tasked with helping a certain student of a Dark Academy through a dangerous trial.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game, Dark Gate Academy2016-10-24 24 
49889220Nobledark 40k Part Quadra-something(?)Alternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Another sequel thread, gone too soon.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha2016-10-25 27 
752652Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 14Ryoji and Class 2 visit the home of Kosuke's wealthy family.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-10-27 11 
770359Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 15Kaz settles in to the new changes in school, and explores the Darkworld.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-10-31 11 
50033219The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1The party prepares to get ready for their new mission, while being hated by their new boss and everyone else.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition,2016-10-31 100 
November 2016
49948023Nobledark 40k The FifthAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Attempts to focus on War of the Beast, derails quickly.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-02 26 
792027Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 16: RyojiThe students of Dark Gate celebrate Halloween with a dorm party.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-11-05 11 
50077670Nobledark 40k de la SixAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Died too soon, again.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-05 26 
806219Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 17The club hold an intervention for Kaz's obsession with the stone.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-11-08 11 
818534Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 18Ryoji and Saki go to visit Ryoji's home village, and the parents he can't remember.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-11-12 12 
50119235Nobledark 40k de la Six part IIAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Krieg is chillingly fleshed out and Sangy's tale is finished.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-16 25 
834558Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 19Kaz and his crew follow the trail leading to a showdown with Yami.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-11-17 12 
845929Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 20The final showdown against Yami.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-11-20 12 
840492Black Company Quest #14The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The town is seized, doggos are dominated and we suffer casualties.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Grenn are NOT furries shut up, Casualties of War2016-11-21 28 
50279880Soulsborne RPG Discussion 2Further development of existing /tg/ Souls rpg adaptations and new homebrews Original Content, Souls, Bloodborn, Dark Souls, OC, Game Design, homebrews, soulsborn, lost source2016-11-22 3 
50263743Nobledark 40k 8.040k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Cleaned up fluff, did Eldrad & Corax, beginning to overhaul 1d4chan page.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-27 23 
882695Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 21Kaz rest around the school after the battle with Yami, learning more about his classmates. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-11-29 11 
871773Black Company Quest #15The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince struggles to cope with his comrades, dead or dastardly.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War2016-11-30 25 
December 2016
896670Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 22Ryoji lays it low in the school during a week where a lot of the class' birthdays fall.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-12-04 11 
50535024The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1 ReduxThe party gets on the trail of "The Conspiracy" while having to deal with Sciscitat, his team, and other assorted bullshit.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition,2016-12-05 108 
911415Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 23Kaz has an important talk with Mayu, has more therapy, and visits Agent White's office.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-12-08 11 
924938Black Company Quest #16The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Prince makes his mark as a brutal disciplinarian. And a sex maniac.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, No Brakes On The My Blood For His Train2016-12-11 23 
928492Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 24A look into the backstory of Gado, and his life with a mercenary group. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-12-12 11 
50425952Nobledark 40k 8.140k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Russ firmed up, planning for Lion and Horus being started.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-12-13 21 
939606Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 25Ryoji welcomes Nina's spirit back to existence, though she's having trouble adjusting.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-12-15 11 
50684106Nobledark 40k Niner40k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Died too soon, again.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-12-16 21 
945172Black Company Quest #17The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We hire a doctor and convince comrades to let bygones be bygones.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War2016-12-17 25 
952064Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 26The students take part in mandatory blood tests in order to identify a hidden demon.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-12-18 11 
962076Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 27Ryoji goes on a mission with Alice to retrieve an artefact from a cavern.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-12-22 12 
968695Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 28The chase for Taiyo and Tsuki begins.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-12-23 12 
983042Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 28.5The chase for Tsuki and Taiyo comes to a head.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-12-29 12 
990760Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 29Ryoji deals with a day of classes after returning from his mission.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2016-12-31 12 
January 2017
50874097Nobledark 40k X(mas)Some seriously good writefaggatory including but not limited to WotB, slice of life and the origin of the Greater GoodEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-01 20 
1004646Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 30Kaz spends time around the school while recovering from the previous mission.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-01-03 10 
1014043Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 31Ryoji and the gang travel to the Darkworld in search of the demidemon Hermes.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-01-07 12 
1016204Black Company Quest #18The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Erhus are acquired as we tune up our bro-skill for a troubled Mask.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Always Bet on Red, Erhu, Band, Wuxia2017-01-07 23 
50992723Nobledark 40k XIA.I. overlords, military structure, Jubblowski, Q'orl and attempts to unfuck up the technocracy.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-07 20 
1028760Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 32The Conqueror's tournament begins.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-01-10 12 
1038360Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 33Round 1 of The Conqueror's tournament concludes!Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-01-14 11 
51105718Nobledark 40k X + IIDetail of military organization and equipment, notes on the Chaos Eldar and their relationship with Dark Eldar and Orks, slice of life etcEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-14 18 
1060538Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 34The second round of The Conqueror's tournament.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-01-18 11 
51257007Nobledark 40k XIII: Based Horus editionSome drawfagging, some ushankas, some speculation on the pantheons and the great game. Other stuff.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-20 18 
1050013Black Company Quest #17The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. A traitor is in the ranks, and Prince meets Prince.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War, Mute Flirting2017-01-21 24 
1098409Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 35The conclusion of The Conqueror's tournament!Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-01-29 25 
51441824Nobledark 40k XIV: Remember, No Gothic editionAdBio, writefagging, list of godly things, Calgar and the Swarmlord and the 1st Bug WarEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-30 18 
February 2017
1094211Dark Lord's Concubine QuestNialla Virden is a young beautiful pure maiden, that caught the eye of a Dark Lord, who lusted after her and claimed her as his own.Collective Game, Dark Lord's Concubine Quest2017-02-02 6 
1122891Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 36The group takes a trip to some hot springs to relax after the tournament.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-02-04 11 
51524369Nobledark 40k XV: Bug-hunt, crazy Necrons Sororitas discussion, Kryptman, Nemesor Zahndrekh, Vampires, Big Ships and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-05 16 
1128653Black Company Quest #20he Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We influence Saint, and have our Dragonbluff called by the Vampires.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War, Vampires, Bluds and Crypts2017-02-05 24 
51646615Nobledark 40k XVI: War of the Wiki Edition Chaos Eldar warrior fluff, religions of the Imperium, stuff about Erebus, a mad bastard elder called Rommel and more oh my!Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-12 16 
1155480Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 37Kazuma has a busy day, not made better by the clumsy Hanako following him.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-02-12 11 
1169727Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 38Ryoji does some Christmas shopping and has a heart to heart with Raiden.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-02-17 11 
1146896Antimage QuestOur hero(?) kills a strange peasant, stalks a butcher, and fights pig abominations.antimage, quest, violent, grimdark2017-02-18 12 
51730871Nobledark 40k XVII: What The Fuck Is Going On editionPrimarchfag writes some stuff about Fulgrim,more stuff on vampires, sororitas, religion and Imperial policy.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-19 16 
1175868Black Company Quest #21The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We acquire a Soul. And get our hands on some Drugs for our Dragon.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Drugs, Cutie Paladin2017-02-19 22 
1192130Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 39Kaz pursues Io in her hometown, hoping to bring her back to the academy.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-02-22 10 
1171348Antimage Quest IIIn which we deal with the consequences of biting off more than we could chew.antimage, quest, violent, grimdark, low fantasy2017-02-25 4 
51833468Nobledark 40k XVIII: Perils of the Warp EditionThe Prince gets a rewrite, Chaos Eldar get some good shit, Dr Bile is getting shit done, Outsider be crazy, Phoenix Lords, Orks getting realEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-25 16 
March 2017
1215835Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 40Christmas comes to Dark Gate Academy!Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-03-01 11 
1226658Black Company Quest #20The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. A surefire plan goes bad and then Prince accidentally a Dragon.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Drugs, Cutie Paladin, Dragon, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD2017-03-04 23 
51972949Nobledark 40k XIX: Whose Grimdark Is It Anyway EditionArguments over Tau, Tau Doomguy, Ursh, Navigators, Armageddon and the lunatics who live on it, and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-03-07 15 
1240941Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 41Kaz celebrates New Years back home alongside Kiriko and Mayu.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-03-07 12 
52094866Nobledark 40k Part 20: Fuck Roman Numerals editionOld Eldar Empire was fucked up, attempts to make some new eldar characters, Chaos Soldiery fleshed out, a bit more writefagging Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-03-15 15 
1253092Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 4Jerry and Terry Become Exterminatorschangeling, World of Darkness2017-03-17 12 
1280388Black Company Quest #23The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Prince cows the Vamps with his Dragon. The offensive is launched.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Drugs, Cutie Paladin, Dragon, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD2017-03-20 23 
1290220Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 42The DGA students are all domed in and separated, and must fight to escape.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-03-21 13 
1268320Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 5/6Jerry saves a marriage and finds a family. Also gets a stalker.Changeling, World of Darkness2017-03-22 11 
52262671Nobledark 40k Part XXI: Return of the Roman NumeralsAngry renegade Dark Eldar, bit moar on Fulgrim, bit on Dr. Bile, the shadier things of the Alpha Legion, Monty Python.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-03-27 15 
1279480Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 7After some family time at the movies, Jerry goes to a nightclub.Changeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Jerry Woodheart2017-03-28 12 
1317293Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 43Kazuma and Class 1 defend Kingudoro from the demidemon Selene.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-03-31 16 
April 2017
1325299Black Company Quest #24The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Skalds are in LT Prince's way. So he removes them. Brutally.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Drugs, Cutie Paladin, Skalds, BRUTAL2017-04-02 25 
52451994Nobledark Imperium: The Shining Bunkers of Civilization EditionTimeline hammerin out, Necron Titans, Gutsmek Wazdakka, Macharius, A &#937; Hydra, Kinebrach blades and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-04-07 14 
1349722Black Company Quest #25The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. A Traitor is revealed, foul misfortune dooms LT Prince.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Traitor, Crits2017-04-10 30 
1321440Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 8, Part 2Jerry trolls a party crasher.Changeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Jerry Woodheart, Teller-of-Tales2017-04-10 10 
1339669Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 9Jerry faces down an Asian InvasionChangeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Jerry Woodheart, Teller-of-Tales2017-04-16 10 
52634996Nobledark 40k Part 23: Return of the Thread Numbering editionTankred Enduring, character of Isha All-Mother discussed, more of Fulgrim's story, on Kinebrach blades, Khine awaits his Chariot and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-04-16 14 
1372129Black Company Quest #26The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. A disfigured LT Prince awakes to his anxious comrades and Captain.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Will Senpai Notice Me, Highlander, NE2017-04-18 20 
1327931Admor CivQuest 7Kobolds reappear and disappear again. Three races of bird people plot evil. Moths and Cats enslave gobs and dorfs. Merfolk pirates reappear.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Divine Influence, Underdark2017-04-18 1 
1377712Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 44Ryoji and the crew arrive in Raibaru, and face their last challenge before Tsuki.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-04-19 13 
1356398Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 10Wyndham gets sent to the madhouse, and Jerry follows.Changeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Jerry Woodheart, Teller-of-Tales2017-04-21 11 
1371192Lost in the Seventies: School SpecialWe Mary now.Changeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Mary Freedman, Teller-of-Tales2017-04-23 10 
1376244Star Wars: Dark Empire #1You are the Reborn Emperor Palpatine, are you a bad enough dude to retake your Galaxy from Rebel Scum and traitorous warlords?star wars, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev2017-04-23 30 
52769445Nobledark 40k Part 24: Fyodor Flips His Shit editionInquisition Schism, Angron writefaggatory, 5 Big Bastards written about, Chaos Eldar are dicks, Dark Mechanicus origins, Fenris Ultramar etcEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-04-25 12 
1389866Star Wars: Dark Empire #2The Retaking of Coruscant and the rather bloodless aftermath. Oh and an Imperial Captain's first taste of real combat.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-04-25 30 
May 2017
1417623Black Company Quest #27The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The boy-heir is handed over, Prince reaffirms his love for the 7th.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, No Parents, Mecha, PROMOTIONS!2017-05-01 24 
1420113Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 45The Season 2 Finale, as the team has their climactic battle with Tsuki!Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game,2017-05-01 14 
1404884Star Wars: Dark Empire #3Plans are laid and the reunification of the Galactic Empire starts in earnest.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-02 15 
1389349Lost in the Seventies: Earth DayTerry is the Orkin ManChangeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Terry Freedman, Teller-of-Tales2017-05-02 11 
1421822Star Wars: Dark Empire #4Our Imperial Captain has her Finest Hour yet by coming to the aid of a planet beset by Rebel Scum. Afterwards, the Empire then consolidates.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-04 13 
52931666Nobledark 40k Part 25: ROADTRIP YEAAAAAAAAAH editionHell that is Cadia, Caerys, Kayleth, Relationships of the gods, moar on Arrotyr, moar Chaos Eldar troops/atrocitiesEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-05-05 11 
1361892Admor CivQuest 8Elves and Fae fight zombies in caves. Birds build a trading post. Gnolls build temples, walls and wheels. Fae plan a giant library.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Divine Influence, Underdark2017-05-06 1 
1391684Admor CivQuest 9Elves accidentally summon a god and then go canoeing. Gnolls finish building the greatest stronghold on the planet.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Divine Influence, Underdark2017-05-06 1 
1430538Star Wars: Dark Empire #5Palpatine determines the Hierarchy of his Dark Side organizations, including the ascension of Mara Jade into his new Sith Apprentice.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-07 12 
1440506Star Wars: Dark Empire #6Alana deals with mutinies aboard her warships and attempts to resolve a hostage crisis.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-10 12 
1409236Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 13Jerry gets fired and moves into a basement.Changeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Jerry Woodheart, Teller-of-Tales2017-05-10 10 
1423117Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 14Terry goes on his first operation.Changeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Terry Freedman, Teller-of-Tales2017-05-15 11 
53143370Nobledark 40k Part XXVI: Roman Numerals ReloadedNature of Preatoria and Mordia, Dark City social changes, Crone Eldar, Malal deamon-prince, Hrud, Qah, Unnaground, Hubworlders, Legienstrass Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-05-16 11 
1456857Star Wars: Dark Empire #7Immediately after dealing with mutinous scum, Alana gets into a brawl with a Rebel Fleet carrying the newest model starfighter: The E-Wing.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-18 13 
1468689Star Wars: Dark Empire #8Darth Cythera and Sedriss go off in search of Luke Skywalker while Palpatine is presented a most wonderful gift by Isard.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-22 12 
1440635Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 15Mary and the Scooby Gang have shit get real.Changeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Mary Freedman, Teller-of-Tales2017-05-24 8 
53338185Nobledark 40k Part 27: Roman Numerals are Shit EditionSomeone steps up to the plate for Dorn, Crone Eldar WMDs, Badab War, Feast of Blades, Interex and their warriors, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-05-26 11 
1491184Star Wars: Dark Empire #9Palplatine holds a meeting with his Admirals, Thrawn included regarding the next step of his Campaign while Alana finally gets a break.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-28 11 
June 2017
1477237Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 16-1Jerry goes innawoods and fights a lumberjack's nightmare.Changeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Jerry Woodheart, Teller-of-Tales2017-06-02 4 
1504495Star Wars: Dark Empire #10Alana goes into what may be the hardest fight of her life: A High Society Gala. Meanwhile, Darth Cytera gets Sith-style Pep talk.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-06-02 11 
1525008Star Wars: Dark Empire #11With the Imperial Victory Ball taken care of. Darth Cythera closes in on her target of Rhen Var, Luke Skywalker, and the hidden Jedi Academystar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-06-06 7 
53557919Nobledark 40k 28: Imperial Grand Tour editionSavlar, felinids, Damocles Gulf, more Old Earth, Silent King, what are Zoats and should (the tyranids) be eating them, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-06-09 11 
1509111Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 16-2Jerry Goes to HollywoodChangeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Jerry Woodheart, Teller-of-Tales2017-06-11 2 
1560366Star Wars: Dark Empire #12In this thread: Luke Skywalker shows just why he's a Jedi Master and deals with Darth Cythera just like his father did with Dooku.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, like father like son2017-06-17 5 
1532103Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 17We find out more about Mary.Changeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Mary Freedman, Teller-of-Tales2017-06-18 2 
1575903Star Wars: Dark Empire #13Brakiss investigates Alana's backroom dealings, Alana accidentally gets involved in Dark Side Politics, and gets a new assignmentstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists 2017-06-18 7 
53787726Nobledark 40k 29: Multi-Drug withdrawal edditionUrkrathos the Chaos Fleet Master, more on Savlar, Saharduin, Indigo Crow and the Raid, Tyrant Star and Harrowing, nature of AssassinsEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-06-23 11 
1602845Black Company Quest #28The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day One. There is much weeping an gnashing of teeth.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, No Parents, Punished Kid2017-06-25 22 
July 2017
53972235Nobledark 40k 30:Lost and Damned guide to Shaa-Dome real estate EditionGods, Tau, Changeling, Ceggers, Daemonculaba, Adoption, Hector Rex, Dark Mechanicus, Eisenhorn, 1st Dorn draft, Malal, Dark Sun, WarpstoneEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-07-05 11 
1589068Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 18Wyndham done fucked upChangeling, World of Darkness, Lost in the Seventies, Jerry Woodheart, Teller-of-Tales2017-07-06 2 
1629305Star Wars: Dark Empire II #1After a nearly month long hiatus, Dark Empire returns with Dark Side politics and Alana climbing up the ladder.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-07-07 6 
1659467Star Wars: Dark Empire II #2After meeting her new subordinates and comrades, Alana leads an attack on the Yevethan world of Aradiastar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-07-17 10 
54215770Nobledark 40k: Bureaucrat's Wetdreams (or nightmare) editionCurrency, Draco is a freak, Angron and slavery, Minotaurs,Doomtau Kais, Preatorians and sexy nuns, floaty skulls, Titus is building a LegionEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-07-21 11 
54453838World of The Black Suna dystopian nightmare fantasy setting of corruption, horrors, and petty political squabblingsetting, apocalypse, grimdark, spooky, collective game2017-07-22 44 
54471141Rise of the Black Sun Part 2 of /tg/'s attempt to make a dystopian nightmare fantasy setting. setting, apocalypse, grimdark, spooky, collective game, continuation2017-07-24 18 
1680835Star Wars: Dark Empire II #3The conclusion of the Battle of Aradia and a return to Palpatine star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-07-25 6 
1702597Black Company Quest #29The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day Two. God versus Gold, Prince kills some brave men.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Drugs, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD2017-07-25 21 
54578358 The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 2The All Guardsmen Party Returns!All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2017-07-29 79 
54594909The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 3The party assists in the acquisition of a spooky box. All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2017-07-30 81 
54498490 Black Sun Rising GeneralPart 3 of /tg/'s attempt to make a dystopian nightmare fantasy setting.setting, apocalypse, grimdark, spooky, collective game, continuation2017-07-30 8 
1705797Star Wars: Dark Empire II #4 Alana deals with the "lost" Super Star Destroyer Intimidator. The Empire plans next steps and Palpatine gets a new Admiral.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-07-31 5 
August 2017
54503379Nobledark 40k 32: Survivor Civilization editioTaldeer has Slutty Ears, Ultramar Draft 1, Iybraesil, Damocles Crusade, Tigurius, Demiurg, Titus and Mira, Savlar wear vault suits.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-08-03 11 
54573292Nightmare setting Creation: Dark Sun Weekend GeneralPart 4 of /tg/'s attempt to make a dystopian nightmare fantasy setting.setting, apocalypse, grimdark, spooky, collective game, continuation2017-08-06 6 
1731183Star Wars: Dark Empire II #5Alana is tasked with Taking the young Duchess Ederlathh Palopides to Byss and keeping her entertained on the way.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-08-09 5 
54715863 Nobledark 40k 33: Orkz is da greenist and bestest edition Featuring the Saruthi, Lady Celestine, Cyrene Valantion, actual agreement on Eversors, Ulthran Cartel politics, and (attempts at) OrksEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 402017-08-16 11 
55001131Nobledark 40k 34: Orkz IIDied far too young, but contains discussion and Bjorn writefaggotry worthy of archiving.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 402017-08-24 11 
1775693Star Wars: Dark Empire II #7Plans are made for the conquest of the Southern reaches of the Galaxystar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-08-27 3 
1798898Star Wars: Dark Empire II #8The Battle for Corellia, meta discussion about dice systems and the Emperor takes matters into his own hands in the Rock Crab Nebulastar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-08-29 4 
September 2017
1830681Black Company Quest #30The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day Three. A time of harsh measures and grim examples.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Will Senpai Notice Me2017-09-02 20 
55066206Nobledark 40k part 35: the Old (and new) Gods editionMostly Necrons, C'tan, and Blood Angels, along with associated things.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-09-04 11 
1821051Star Wars: Dark Empire II #9After the Battle of the Rock Crab Nebula, the Empire regroups and plans next stepsstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-09-08 5 
1848716Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 1The Demon Called Fame! The students of Dark Gate Academy need to adjust to their newfound popularity. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2017-09-08 11 
1849694Lost in Da'ta Quest 1Da'ta, a popular VRMMO set in the world of Da'ta, a place of fantastical horror and terrifying beauty.Sounds fun besides what could go wroCollective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-09-08 20 
1863000Lost in Da'ta Quest 2Sadie, a fun loving griefer, gets trapped in the world of da'ta and ends up leading a mob as Belua Pangolynn. But is she in over her head?Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-09-13 12 
1860939Star Wars: Dark Empire II #10Alana gets intimate with Lobkin, Sedriss and Cythera's rivalry comes to a head, and Palpatine leads a Raid on Dac.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists,2017-09-17 5 
55313386Nobledark 40k part 36: Citizen Khaine editionSquats, shrikes, Slaugh and the Rangdan Xenocides, adorable proto-orks, more Ultramar, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-09-19 11 
1889574Lost in Da'ta Quest 3Sadie/Belua tries to adapt/accept her new reality and sees the consequence of her actions. While dealing with the crap of the other players.Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-09-22 10 
October 2017
1928217Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 2The Boy Who Blooms in Snow! Ryoji and Saki are confronted by a young boy claiming to be Manabu Misawa... Yamato's brother.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2017-10-03 12 
55583946Nobledark 40k part 37: Hive Architecture 101 and Remedial Political History EditionWe finally talk about the Tau. General Eldar stuff, Black Legion, the Imperial Aquila.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-10-07 10 
1918763Star Wars: Dark Empire III #1Dark Empire returns, Alana deals with intruders, Isard deals with the Imperial Council, Palpatine deals with the Mon Calamaristar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists,2017-10-08 4 
1920396Black Company Quest #31The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day Four. Training, talking, bathing and speaking. Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary2017-10-08 14 
1937908Spooky Girl Quest #0Alice Cherna is an average girl. Well, an Average spooky girl. Her life sucks, but something strange is in the autumn air. Something spooky.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, halloween, autumn, haunted2017-10-09 10 
1966342Lost in Da'ta Quest 4Sadie/Belua tries to make the best of/ have some fun in her new world, but trouble/danger won't let her!Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-10-14 10 
1952527Star Wars: Dark Empire III #2A meeting in the Tion Cluster reveals where loyalties lie and Alana gets a new assignmentstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists,2017-10-15 3 
1965435Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 3Awkward Reunions and Unspoken Words! Kazuma's return to academy life sees the need for some uncomfortable conversations. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2017-10-17 25 
1966723Spooky Girl Quest #1First day back at school after your friend joined you. Your friend helps you try to improve your life.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-10-17 6 
1979401Star Wars: Dark Empire III #3Palpatine navigates his way around the Maw and through Hutt Space on his journey back to the Core star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-10-18 5 
55824461Nobledark 40k part 38: Master of Meatkind EditionMore of Lion's story, Tarellian colonies and culture, Xun'bakyr and the Maynarch Dynasty, and the crazy stuff on GanymedeEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-10-19 10 
2000347Kingdom Hearts QuestQuinn becomes a keyblade wielder, starts a game of hide and seek and gets DARKNESS Kingdom Hearts, Cereal, Darkness,Quinn2017-10-23 15 
2014030Spooky Girl Quest #2Alice meets people in a graveyard and makes plans for Sam and EllieSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-10-29 3 
1985438Broken Horizon Quest 1The adventures of a captain on his flying ship in a broken world gone mad.Collective Game, Dark, Adventure2017-10-30 1 
November 2017
2034808Spooky Girl Quest #3Alice hangs with Sam and Franz and learns more about her friend before Ellie comes overSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-11-03 3 
56059361Nobledark 40k part 39: Spooky Scary Necrons EditionMore on the Silent King and Maynarkh Dynasty, more High Lords, spess combat, and Bile's projects and relationship with Commorragh.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-11-04 11 
2026303Kingdom Hearts Quest #2Quinn meets a rival, goes hunting, and goes to the Other SideKingdom Hearts, Into the Dark, thread 2, 2017-11-06 6 
2039470Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 4Get Buff! Class 2's Ultimate Challenge! Saki devises a set of trials in order to train herself and her classmates. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2017-11-06 11 
2045881Kingdom Hearts Quest #2.5Quinn looks inside his heart, he goes to a spooky land and makes some money. Also Ford and Xehanort show up.Kingdom Hearts, Cereal, Darkness,Quinn, Into the Dark2017-11-10 6 
2032610Star Wars: Dark Empire III #4Alana takes control of the Naboo sector fleet and Palpatine makes plans to destroy the Rebellion. And executes them.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-11-11 5 
2073685Lost in Da'ta Quest 5Sadie/Belua faces both the living and the dead with her wonderful tainted sidekick, Erret Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-11-15 10 
56286128Nobledark 40k part 40: Skiing in Space Austria editionAsdrubael Vect and the Dark Eldar, Reri Hesperax, Ratlings, Eldar Empire logistics, Asurmen and Phoenix Lords, Legienstrasse & Draco storiesEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-11-16 11 
2070777Spooky Girl Quest #4Alice learns more about her friend, hangs with Sam and Zack Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunte2017-11-22 3 
2098410Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 5A Stranger Adrift! Ryoji encounters The Drifter, an Archdemon intent to take over the world one village at a time.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2017-11-25 11 
2099432Lost in Da'ta Quest 6Belua leads a raid of players against a bandit fort. People are probably going to die!Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-11-25 7 
56468501Nobledark 40k part 41: Fear and Loathing in Savlar editionMore on the Phoenix Lords, Tau, Inquisitor Valeria, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-11-27 10 
December 2017
56684946Nobledark 40k part 42: Unpronounceable Tau name editionDied way too soon, but a little done including a complete writeup for Kryptman.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-01 10 
2096431Black Company Quest #32The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day Four. Holy warriors are slain, an ex-pirate falls.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Pirate2017-12-03 11 
2118802Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 6The Lady of Death! Kaiya awakens from her slumber, while Kaz tries to keep a secret.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2017-12-03 10 
56706040Nobledark 40k part 42a: Unpronounceable Tau name edition part IIFulgrim returns, Catachan, Slaugth get a writeup, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-08 10 
2136202Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 7A Glamorous View on a Glamorous World! Chihiro begins her internship as a model while her friends investigate a demonic disturbance.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2017-12-11 10 
56930616Nobledark 40k part 43: WAAAGH! editionThread died too quickly again, but some discussion of Vandire and the Imperial Civil WarEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-15 10 
2152691Black Company Quest #33The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince does not fall to the dark side, he leaps in feet first.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, PROMOTIONS!2017-12-17 11 
2124350Spooky Girl Quest #5Alice finishes hanging with Zack and sets her sights on meeting Cliff Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-12-17 2 
2154501Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 8The Search for Vanity! Ryoji and the gang try to discover the identity of the Archdemon loose in the city.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2017-12-17 10 
56947494Nobledark 40k part 44: Coming around for another go editionFenris versus the Olamic Quietude, more squats, Cain's assistant, more Vulkan, are Orks edible, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-21 10 
2171831Lost in Da'ta Quest 7Belua and her motley raid group deal with a "little" Bandit Problem. Lets hope seven is their lucky numberCollective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-12-23 8 
57055511Nobledark 40k part 45: SCREEE! editionFinally get the fluff of the Astronomican fixed, Elysian Drop Troopers, Octarius, Tarellian religion, Cthonia, and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-28 10 
2145189Stray Demon Quest #1A demoness escapes from hell, seduces a man, corrupts a farm house, acquires two more party members, and kills a man for his home.Stray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game 2017-12-28 5 
January 2018
2192138Lost in Da'ta Quest 8Belua gets a day of well deserved rest, to check out her new cursed house. and is given an offer she can refuse, to be a "noble" knightCollective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-01-01 7 
2184182Undead Era QuestChapter 1 of that dark souls inspired campaign that exists now.Undead Era, Dark Souls, RPG2018-01-04 1 
2178632Spooky Girl Quest #6A meeting with Cliff is scheduled again, some truths are discovered about Franz and your Friend.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-01-04 2 
57242663Nobledark 40k part 46: One Crusade Man editionIsha worship, tyranids, and some other discussion. Died way too early, archived for completeness sake.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-01-05 10 
2180662Black Company Quest #33.5The Black Company is good at avoiding paperwork and skirting duties. Not a whole lot is achieved in this thread. But that's okay.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Punished Kid2018-01-08 8 
2214870Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 9A Lonely Dove Enters Spring! Chihiro end her apprenticeship with Kanako. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-01-09 10 
2182493Stray Demon Quest #2The demoness gets a job, meets a vampire, acquires a bodyguard, gets back her foothold in hell, and discovers the secret of the stolen houseStray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game2018-01-11 5 
57265950Nobledark 40k part 47: The End Times editionHopefully not the End Times. Craftworld Kaelor, Khaine, Taldeer, Wyverns, Obliterators, Kroot, Genehounds, Moons of Shaa-Dome, and more. Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-01-12 12 
2223983Black Company Quest #34The Black Company is good at avoiding paperwork and skirting duties. LT Prince breaks not one, but two legions. Today is a day for Eagles.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Eagle, Hail to the Prince2018-01-14 8 
2216220Spooky Girl Quest #7Talking with Chad, Cliff, Friend, and a secret admirerSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-01-18 2 
57452096Nobledark 40k part 48: Not The End Times editionQah died for your sins subedition. Hrud, Tau-Imperium cultural friction, pre-Raid Macha, wraithguard, Crone Eldar abominations, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-01-21 12 
2252309Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 10A Press Conference? All Eyes on Dark Gate! Wei gives the first major press conference on behalf of the Academy. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-01-23 10 
2236411Stray Demon Quest #3The demoness loses her job, does some punishment, leads astray few humans for their souls, gets raped, and starts house renovation.Stray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game2018-01-29 4 
2253281Spooky Girl Quest #8School, a strange encounter, reading about Goat Gods, and hanging with SamSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-01-31 2 
February 2018
2279142Lost in Da'ta Quest 9Belua/Sadie finishes looking through her new, slightly cursed home. What darkness still lurks inside it?Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-02-03 7 
57661171Nobledark 40k part 49: Big Slapfight in Heaven editionBloodtide, Marines Malevolent, Sisters fluff starts to get fixed, Celestine, Imperial Civil War, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-02-05 10 
2273387The Dark Lord is Dead: Dark City SiegeThen Dark Lord conquered the world, and then he disappeared. What happens next? Dark Lord is Dead, Dark Lord, Fantasy2018-02-06 3 
57828105Nobledark 40k part 50: Big 5-0 editionLion finally gets finished, Khorne's Avatar, more debate over non-militant Sisters, Stern, Titus, Morty was right: vermin get the last word Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-02-12 10 
2274034Stray Demon Quest #4The demoness fights pirates, turns women into fly, upgrades her domain in hell, corrupts her friends, throws a party and acquires followersStray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game2018-02-12 6 
57974535Slaanesh vs. Tenacious ESlaanesh is challenged to a rock-off.Warhammer 40k, Slaanesh, songs, grimdark songwriting2018-02-15 17 
2323021Lost in Da'ta Quest 10Belua's new home still has evil lurking.but there are more pressing matters. Like her first knightly duties,and how she's going to clean iCollective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-02-18 7 
2318464Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 11Arrival of a Lonely Samurai! Mayu's mother Act arrives to teach at the academy and immediately creates tension. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-02-19 10 
2296157Black Company Quest #35The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. 7th Platoon cements their reputation as the Best at what they Do.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Highlander, Double Crits2018-02-19 11 
2293090 Quest 1You wake up in a strange and utterly uncomfy placeSpace, Dark, Slow, Quest, Faster than Darkness, Collective Game2018-02-19 1 
2308311Spooky Girl Quest #9Hanging out with Sam and texting boys.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-02-21 2 
57999291Nobledark 40k part 51: Galactic. Eldar. Conspiracy. EditionOlamic Quietude, [Redacted] about the Cabal and Gahet, A.I. related stuff, Viskeon, Luther's world in the Eye, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-02-23 10 
58159093The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 4The return of the nightmare superiors.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-02-25 96 
58177335The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 5In which a lot of shit blows up.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-02-26 79 
March 2018
2347556Spooky Girl Quest #10Alice hangs with Sam, talks with Michael, and has a strange dream.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-03-02 2 
58286435The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 6Shit goes down with Bane, and Asshat lives up to his name.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-03-04 89 
2364145Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 12Dark Gate Film Club?! Saki's responsible adventure! The newly formed DGA Film Club decide to document Saki's day. Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-03-06 13 
2335553Stray Demon Quest #5The demoness pays a visit to nobility, meets another demoness, seduces ton of people (and kills them) and temporarily acquires a dullah.Stray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game2018-03-08 1 
2370750Black Company Quest #36The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. In the wake of a great victory, LT Prince plans a vampire raid.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Vampire2018-03-10 10 
2374644Lost in Da'ta Quest 11Belua is bored. Carolton is safe, her new home is mostly safe and she isn't in mortal danger anymore (for now, at least).so what to do now?Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-03-10 6 
2377932Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 13A Movie Star?! King Thunder arrives! The famous actor/hero pays a visit to Dark Gate and gets on everyone's nerves.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-03-12 11 
58264906Nobledark 40k part 52: Prospero University EditionTaskmaster of Shaa-Dome, Pastoral Worlds, Anval Thawn, an alternate future, Siege of Terra, AdMech and the Fab-General, DOOMRIDER, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-03-12 10 
2386817Monster Girl Legend Quest 28:KAIJU MAYMay may want to keep her head out of other people's bullshit about fate. But they just won't leave her alone! AND NOW SHE'S THE BIG PROBLCollective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-03-14 9 
2386103Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 14An Unorthodox School Trip! Select members of Class 1 are taken to a very dreary beach by Agent Blue.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-03-15 10 
2402636Lost in Da'ta Quest 12Its time to go tomb raiding. Our hero decides to spend some time with her best friend/favorite servant, looting the dead.Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-03-19 8 
58563280Nobledark 40k part 52: Szarekh Does Not Serve EditionOrk diplomats (now making more sense than the ones in canon), the cost of eternal war, blanks and Sisters of Silence, dreadnaughts, and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-03-26 10 
2422717Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 15To Be A Hero! Ryoji speaks to some wannabe heroes in the school, as flashbacks show us their pasts.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-03-27 9 
April 2018
2410749Oekaki Quest CHA0.2Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. NOTE: This is NOT the 1st threadDark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-03 12 
58818593Nobledark 40K Pt 54: Let's Number This Right EditionDiscussion of unsaved old ideas, coop Imperial Army units, the Laer, and wonder metal neutronium. Died early, archived for organization.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-04-05 10 
2433024Black Company Quest #37The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince leads the first ever draconic vamp-air raid.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Closed Waifu Route2018-04-08 10 
2468842Spooky Girl Quest #11Alice wakes up in the woods, at night, alone. Then later she deals with the presence in Zack's cabin.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-04-13 2 
2477616Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 16Ryoji searches for King Thunder, but Isamu and Nanami encounter him first.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-04-15 7 
2451526Oekaki Quest CHA0.3Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread we figure out combatDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-16 7 
59020817Nobledark 40k part 55: Dorn's Last Stand editionElysium system, Blacklaw the Freeboota, discussion and planning of various aspects of the setting, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-04-16 10 
2484184Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #1Alana fights for the Hutts and Palpatine rebuilds his navy, talks with Bothans, and has a vision in the Force.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-04-20 6 
2486875Oekaki Quest CHA0.4Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread we figure out combat. You awaken in a strange place...Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-21 5 
59183440Nobledark Imperium Part 56: Bug War EditionMore Blacklaw, armored warfare, Space hulks, Brain Boyz, Tau-Imperial relations, Angron and his children, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-04-27 10 
2510394Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 17The Pride Will Fall! Roka, Ken and Kazuma stand up to The Pride in a final battle.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-04-28 7 
2503142Spooky Girl Quest #12Visit the occult bookstore, then hang out with Zack Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-04-30 1 
May 2018
2522574Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 18The Delinquent and The Dork! Saki and Ryoji visit Saki's cousins. Can Ryoji survive the weekend?Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-05-03 15 
2521513Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #2Alana deals with the Hutts and Palpatine takes his next steps to Galactic domination.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-05-03 6 
2502934Fuck Your Isekai Quest Season 2You're Saul Beckett. Can you and your companions get out of a cartoon hellscape? Not if anime tropes have anything to say about it.isekai, anime, army of darkness2018-05-04 3 
2529079Oekaki Quest CHA 1Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. Jackson And Kae travel to the next town...Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-05-05 3 
2501286Darkest Dungeon Quest: Black as Death #1The humble beginnings of an Heir and his effort to return the Hamlet to glory.Darkest Dungeon, DD, Collective Game, CyrustheYoungerQM2018-05-05 4 
59412072Nobledark Imperium Part 57: Gold And Silver EditiionRedneck Tau, vox-warfare in Navy doctrine, Blacklaw finished, and a "cute HumanxEldar romance" - an Anon who had their wish fulfilled.Nobledark,Eldar,Human,Emperor,Isha,40K,Warhammer 40K2018-05-07 10 
2545065Spooky Girl Quest #13Alice finished her date with Zack and has an unexpected encounter.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-05-10 1 
2540673Mid Boss QuestIn the struggle of heroes against the forces of evil a Mid Boss will distingish himself for better or worseMid Boss Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Dark Fantasy2018-05-15 13 
59566862Nobledark Imperium Part 58: Doom'Tau EditionDeathwatch, Nazdreg da Git, more writing, Sons of Antaeus, Mortifactors, Novamarines, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-05-17 10 
2569136Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 19Let's Go Camping, Class 1! Kazuma and crew go on a camping trip after the battle with The Pride.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-05-17 7 
2567772Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #3Alana finishes her dealings with the Hutts and engages with the Rebels. The Battle of Da Soocha V,star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-05-18 10 
59767125Nobledark Imperium Part 59: SPESS MARINE EditionHereteks, life of the average Joe, the expedition of Por'O M'arc, Chief Psykana of the Adeptus Astronomica, location of Cthonia, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-05-23 10 
2593325Oekaki Quest CH.1.2Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae is drunkDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-05-26 2 
2585942Spooky Girl Quest #14Alice deals with the after-effects of talking with Rot and goes to the mall.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-05-28 2 
June 2018
2604000Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #4Palpatine decides on new ship designs, Alana deals with the aftermath of Da Soocha and goes drinking with Vellsstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-06-01 10 
59905153Nobledark Imperium Part 60: Ringworld EditionIron Minds versus Old Empire, galaxy map, Interex society and government, Rednecks versus Aliens, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-06-03 10 
2627734Dark Magical Girl Quest Dark Magical Girl Quest Dark Magical Girl Quest 2018-06-09 11 
60232637The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape?Internment in and escape from the laundry-brig All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-06-10 81 
2653567Oekaki Quest CH.1.3Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae Hangs out with a new friendDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-06-16 2 
60121526Nobledark Imperium Part 61: Rednecks v. Xenos EditionMinor xenos backgrounds fluffed out, Mont'Kau suit finished, Chaos commanders get developed, & Imperial architectural trends are discussed.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-06-17 10 
2644993Spooky Girl Quest #15Alice finishes her "Date" with Michael and talks with Rot and Friend.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-06-18 2 
2663416Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #5The Battle of Zalloriis and decisions about the future Slice Campaign.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-06-22 3 
2641818Dark Magical Girl Quest #2Akane further breaks and trains Chouko, but the thread is cut short by life. Dark Magical Girl Quest, Revenge, SpiderAnon, Corruption, Villain2018-06-23 5 
60492600Setting Worldbuilding "Moth Balls"Crazy mishmash of postapo, bio and cyberpunk, eldritch horrors, kaiju making a unique setting began in:archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/60471109settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax_holiday, moth_balls, megacorps2018-06-27 5 
60371811Nobledark Imperium Part 62: Imperial Propaganda EditionUllanor, New Men writefaggotry, the Ilmaea of Commorragh, the voyage of Por'o M'arc, Space Marines on Old Earth, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-06-29 10 
2688188Oekaki Quest CH.1.4Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae runs away from Jackson.Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-06-29 1 
60529899Moth Balls The ThirdFunny/Disturbing Write-faggotry is deployed and some of Moth Balls' more bestial inhabitants are described.settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-06-30 5 
2688565Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 20Maro's Regret! A demon threat plagues Maro with thoughts of the past.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-06-30 6 
2683119Spooky Girl Quest #16Things build toward a conclusion and the dance approachesSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-06-30 2 
July 2018
2686449Witch Hunter Quest 1A medieval lord and his men hunt witches in a haunted forest. Creepy things start to happen very soon. Witch Hunter Quest, Horror, Witches, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, WitchHunterQM2018-07-01 13 
60621322The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape? pt.2Oak has a drink with the boys and the final mission is plannedAll Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-07-02 81 
60587793Moth Balls The FourthNations other than the US get a little screen time, the nature of the Mega-cities is discussed and the Cyber is put in Cyberpunksettingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-03 4 
60647720Moth Balls the FithMore Beasties. More Writefaggotry. More Moth Balls. At least, until the thread is ended prematurely and shoved to /qst/settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-06 2 
60776206Building Grimdark Sci-Fi settingAn an first seemingly failed attempt to create an engaging Sci-Fi setting. The subsequent sequel threads ended in disssaster.worldbuilding, grimdark, sci-fi2018-07-12 0 
2716034Witch Hunter Quest 2A dark fantasy story about a sadistic priest sent to hunt down witches and heretics. Witch Hunter Quest, Horror, Witches, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, WitchHunterQM2018-07-13 12 
2719041Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #6The counter attack against the Consortium and the Slice Campaign gets underwaystar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-07-13 5 
60604925Nobledark Imperium Part 63: Lady Malys' Quotebook EditionLineup for the Raid, nature of humanity and abhumans, Codex entries, Rak'gol, the corrupted Man of Gold, the Cthonian Ring, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-07-14 10 
2726139Black Company Quest #38The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince crushes the Free Alliance and meets his dread Employer.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Undead2018-07-15 10 
2736777New God QuestThe old gods lie dead, and the old world rests on their graves. But hope is not gone. As a new divine, can you make a new world from ash?Collective Game, New God Quest, God, Divine, Divinity, Godhood, Post apocalypse, after the end, Fantasy, dark fantasy2018-07-16 9 
60859322Nobledark 40k part 62a: Yet another Man of Gold Awards editionDIed far too soon, but contains good writing that needs to be archived.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-07-17 7 
60784267Moth Balls The SixthThe Church and the Powers get more detail, we meet some more nasty beasties, including some Kaiju and more general miscellanea is described.settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-18 3 
2740920Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 21Parents' Day Peril! It's Parents Day at Dakugeto, but some visitors are less welcome than others.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-07-19 7 
2739695Spooky Girl Quest #17Halloween. The dance and the finale decision. This is the End of Spooky Girl QuestSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-07-20 3 
2756228Lost in Da'ta Quest 13In search of treasure, what sorts of terrors will Belua stumble onto under the earth, in this long forgotten tomb.Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-07-25 6 
2756625OVERLORD QUEST IAwaken, Master! Your slumber is ended, and it is time to conquer once more!Fantasy, Collective Game, Overlord, Dark Lord, Evil, Magic, Orange Juice2018-07-25 1 
2751453Witch Hunter Quest 3A young prince returns home after a year of adventure and suspects that witches have corrupted the capital in his absence.Witch Hunter Quest, Horror, Witches, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, WitchHunterQM2018-07-26 11 
60898868Nobledark 40k part 62a: Wrapping Things Up edition?Crone Berserkers, Demiurg, Goge Vandire, naval battles, life in the Cadian Gate region, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-07-28 9 
2764681Oekaki Quest CH.1.5Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae Figures out what to do with her life.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-07-28 2 
August 2018
2764223Black Company Quest #39The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Black Company is Victorious. This means recruits and paperwork.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Undead, PROMOTIONS!2018-08-02 13 
61049391Moth Balls The EightIn which there are a series of long, in-character, religious arguments and a certain amount of dickwavery. Seventh thread died far too youngsettingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-08-02 2 
61123571Nobledark imperium part 65: This is (Not) The End editionMotivations of Lady Malys, Tindalosi and Ordo Chronos, High Lady of the Psykana, Death of Argel Tal, Davinite Lodges, Blood Pact, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-08-06 10 
2776692Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #7The Conquest of the Slice continues against the Consortium.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-08-09 2 
2773632Dark Queen Questyou are Freya Godsbloods, the princess of the kingdom of Ordamark, And you find yourself married against your will to the dark lord Lazarus.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess,Medieval, Fantasy, Amex,2018-08-11 28 
2799665Black Company Quest #40The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The contract is fulfilled. When the dust settles what is left?Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Undead, PROMOTIONS!2018-08-12 10 
2816835Oekaki Quest CH.1.6Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae is held captive by Jeraldo.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-08-19 1 
61372827Nobledark imperium part 66: Get in Luther, We're Going Black Crusading editionMalys and Be'lakor, Duke Severus XIII, Sly Marbo, webway gates of Sol, eldar psychology, Saim-Hann, Inquisitor Valeria, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-08-21 10 
2825121Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 22Deep Breath, Deep Breath. Kazuma reveals his relationship with Mayu to her volatile mother.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-08-21 11 
2808982Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #8Alana makes plans at Byss and visits with the Grand Inquisitor. Palpatine plots his next steps.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-08-23 2 
2799006Dark Queen Quest 2In which we burn a maid, meet stupid heroes, free slaves, acquire an orc servant, and have prophetic dreams. a normal day for a dark queen.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-08-23 21 
September 2018
2852582999 QuestSCP 999 awakens in a room, breaks out and meets a god and ends up making a bunch of friends where he goes.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, cute, Magic2018-09-02 18 
2831289Dark Queen Quest 3Where we enter a magical place, talk to a deer, recruit a zealot kid, find ourselves in a bloody hunt, and learn about our husband's past.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-09-03 12 
61588973Nobledark imperium part 67: Daemons 101 for Dummies editionLynn Mywin and Ephrael Stern, Freri and Geki, Ahriman, Blood Pact, Medusae, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-05 6 
2864290Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #9Palpatine deals with the Jedi attack on the Imperial Palace, Alana dates Vende.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-09-06 6 
2867159Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 23Yamada's Truth! TV personality Takaaki Yamada comes to Dark Gate, hoping to reveal the academy as frauds.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-09-07 6 
61833502Nobledark imperium part 68: I Am Alpharius editionDied far too soon, but included good discussion on the Harrowing, Thexians, Enoulians, more Quietude, and TerranisNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-10 6 
2868472999 Quest 2999 successfully lands in the Arcadian domains, avoids getting eaten and meets some old friends, along with a mysterious stranger.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, SMT2018-09-10 6 
2881194Dark Queen Quest 4In which we act as Cupid for a boy and a dark elf, meet a circus, kill zombies, take a bath, meet the black moon and are crowned Empress.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-09-12 12 
2858575Dark Queen Quest 4 (real)In which we act as Cupid for a boy and a dark elf, meet a circus, kill zombies, take a bath, meet the black moon and are crowned Empress.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-09-12 12 
2899333Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 24The Eyes of Truth! Ryoji and the gang face off against Daisuke's enraged and grieving father.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-09-18 6 
2888821999 Quest 3999 ends up in an alien realm of gold, meets up with his friends once more, and face down things not meant to be.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood2018-09-19 5 
61899944Nobledark Imperium part 68b: [planet]-chan editionMen of Gold get a writeup, bolters, Istvaan, Prometheanism, Fra'al, Hruds and Terranis, and FEELSNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-19 7 
62080203Nobledark Imperium part 69: Two Year Anniversary, Boyz editionDied too soon, but more Ulmeathic League, Alpha Legion versus Be'lakor, felinids, gretchen rebellion, Rogue Traders, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-25 8 
2908760999 Quest 4999 and Dr Spanko get through the city's defensive systems, take down some unpleasant constructs, meet up with Blackwood and face pure evil999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, Dr Spanko, Slenderman2018-09-29 6 
October 2018
2915320Dark Queen Quest 6We burn another person, make one of our friend ruler of Asoevia, then celebrate the new year. We also meet a strange man from the east.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-10-04 12 
62171748Nobledark Imperium Part 70: Tau Secretary EditionBlanks, M'kar, Barbarus and Typhon, Féin-Cineál, Sslyth pirates, more Ingethel, life and death of empires, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-10-06 7 
2943066Dark Queen Quest 7We meet our husband "ex-lovers", tame an ancient beast (?) and beat up an arrogant elf. We also learn about a prophecy.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-10-16 11 
2946806O5 Council QuestThe O5 Council awakens in a reality that is not their own, meet a vampire, engage and secure horrors from beyond and get a new addition.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Interlude, Magic, vampires, O5 Council2018-10-16 8 
2950382Necromancer Quest 1, the beginningsA story of the Dark Elf Alice, and her new unlife as necromancer Dullahan.Necromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2018-10-18 6 
62359978 Nobledark Imperium Part 71: Ssylth Shenanigans EditionAhmontekh and Suhbekhar Dynasty, Lucius, Word Bearers and Monarchia, Idranel, building inspectors (really), Lynn Mywin, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-10-21 7 
2964024Shovelhead Quest 1Juan has a bad day and a worse night as his life takes a very strange, very bloody turn.Shovelhead Quest, Vampire, World of Darkness, Sabbat2018-10-26 7 
2974460Dark Queen Quest 8You take a boat to Lynn, the capital of Hagëndorff's Empire, made a promise to the deer god. and finally reach the great city.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-10-26 12 
2984375999 Quest 5999 and company reunite with Vuindred once again, before venturing into a mentalscape and facing Abyssal vileness. Clone shenanigans ensue.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, clones, Zelda2018-10-28 4 
2994664Necromancer Quest 2, the beginnings pt. 2Alice and Tina learn more about their situation and decide to go hunt banditsNecromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2018-10-31 3 
November 2018
2993093Shovelhead Quest 2Juan adapts to his new life and family as he heads north on his first mission.Shovelhead Quest, Vampire, World of Darkness, Sabbat2018-11-01 5 
2982694ControlA short and spooky cyoa about saving a little girl.Collective Game, cyoa, Control quest, drawfag, female protagonist, meta, horror, grimdark2018-11-02 21 
3001881Control thread 2A short and spooky CYOA about saving a little girl... again.Collective Game, cyoa, Control quest, drawfag, female protagonist, meta, horror, grimdark2018-11-02 17 
62597893Nobledark Imperium Part 72: BLOODQUEST editionLelith Hesperax, more Lucius, servitors, treatment of mutants, Istvaan V, and assorted miscellaniaNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-11-02 6 
3001004Dark Queen Quest 8 part 2After meeting the Great Emperor, Irene, Ruriska and Shelur won a gladiator fight, we recruited Aleanor the Valkyrie, then we went shopping !Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-11-05 11 
62883008Planet Creation Thread Fireball/tg/ makes a new planet in 40K that spirals into a Marine Chapter on a Sunblasted Prison Mining Colony 40K, Marines, Everything is on Fire in the Summer, Moons, Dark Angels2018-11-07 2 
3019966Control thread 3A short and spooky CYOA about saving a little girl...FinaleCollective Game, cyoa, Control quest, drawfag, female protagonist, meta, horror, grimdark2018-11-08 14 
3033833 Necromancer Quest 3, the beginnings The aftermath of the raid on the banidt camp and some moral dilemmasNecromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2018-11-09 3 
62972087The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.1The Guardsmen get sentenced to a penal legion and Oak forgets that they are not, in fact, trained Inquisitorial infiltrators.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-11-12 84 
62813095Nobledark Imperium Part 73: Mystery Tech editionDemiurg, Crone Wild Hunt, more Ulumeathic League, more Fulgrim, Hubworlder Grudges, Void Dragon dreams, Crone plots, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-11-13 6 
3015589Reluctant Werewolf QuestA boy with weird canid abilities and an even stranger guardian meets with his best friends, share in jokes, and foil a dark plot.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Werewolves, cliffhangers, OPIsMiserable2018-11-16 -1 
3034477Shovelhead Quest 3Juan and his pack attack the Camarilla semi-fortified outpost of Laredo, achieving victory with surprising ease. Things get spiritual.Shovelhead Quest, Vampire, World of Darkness, Sabbat2018-11-17 3 
3043519The Tainted Horde - 1OP puts us as the leader of the Darkspawn in an alternate world where all the old gods are dead. Also we get a brood mother. And crap WIFI.Key, Collective Game, Darkspawn, Dragon Age, Broodmother, The Tainted Horde.2018-11-19 3 
3033954Dark Queen Quest 9We face the trials to unlock our potential, then learn the true identity of the deer god. Then we start our journey to the Old Forest.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-11-21 11 
3057371The Tainted Horde - 1.5We continue where we left off. Meet some demons, and gather a raiding party. Yay!Key, KeyQM, Collective Game, Darkspawn, Dragon Age, Broodmother, The Tainted Horde.2018-11-25 1 
3064141Visual Novel Quest!A cute and light-hearted quest about finding love at your new school!Collective Game, cyoa, Visual Novel Quest!, drawfag, meta, horror, grimdark, gore, oneshot, anime2018-11-26 32 
63044149Nobledark Imperium Part 74: Fleshing out the Great and Bountiful Human Dominion editionSurprisingly lively debate of Spirit of Integrity, Malal, Isha, Hubworlders, Tarellians, Vespid, more Legi and Draco, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-11-28 7 
December 2018
3080267Necromancer Quest 4, the beginningsAlice, Tina and their new companion Sierra come to blows with the misterious Anubis creature.Necromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2018-12-01 2 
3076055The Tainted Horde - 2We raid a Wilder village. Make a human Broodmother, and find out we're about to be attacked by Dwarves.KeyQM, Collective Game, Darkspawn, Dragon Age, Broodmother, The Tainted Horde.2018-12-03 1 
3050278The Greatest War Quest 10We decide the fate of Hauptmann and navigate the French trenches.The Greatest War, Germany, Grimdark2018-12-03 6 
3054392Dark Elf Civ ThreadSeven Clans of dark elves settle a new land and enslave some halflingsSeven Clans, dark elves, civ thread, civilization thread2018-12-06 3 
3060873Dark Queen Quest 10We meet Queen Titania, who's quite the liberated woman, Dillon play the champion of a goddess and get an harem, then we catch assassins.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-12-07 11 
3052360999 Quest 6999 and co land in a park, encounter mad mercs, face a demon car and meet up with an old acquaintance.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Zelda, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, SMT2018-12-07 2 
3068668Shovelhead Quest 4The pack moves out from Laredo. Short thread.Shovelhead Quest, Vampire, World of Darkness, Sabbat2018-12-08 1 
3098492Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 25Aoki's Army Part 1! A group of unwelcome guests arrive at the gates of DGA.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-12-09 5 
63265340Nobledark Imperium Park 75: Missing Pieces of Malal EditionMore Malal, Crone "Society", Geography of the Eye, Ingethel, Czevak, Jubbowski gets a rewrite, Order of the Old Tree, Handmaidens, and morNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-12-12 6 
3096948Oekaki Quest ReCapIn This Thread we recap everything before starting up again!Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-12-14 1 
3114673Necromancer Quest 5, the beginningsAlice, Tina and Nar start the thread in Jail, well, sort of.Necromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2018-12-16 2 
3117969Oekaki Quest CH.1.7Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae returns after a hiatus Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-12-18 2 
3109131Star Wars: Dark Empire V #1Aftermath of Amenge date and the Empire getting back to businessstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-12-21 3 
3096455Dark Queen Quest 10 part 2We deal with the assassins, meet the goddess Luna, spank Titania, and pull a little prank on Lazarus. We go back home and talk to Metraton.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-12-22 11 
63691964How the Arbites saved EmperormasA bunch of incompetent Arbites fail their way through a Dark Heresy CampaignAdeptus Arbites, 40K, storytime, Emperormas, Dark Heresy2018-12-25 -11 
63512037Nobledark Imperium Part 76: Tenta-Crones and Wyches EditionNightbringer versus Khorne, more Tarellians, Isha's daemons, more Czevak and Jubblowski, central themes, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-12-29 5 
3095262999 Quest 7999 and friends, led by Stephen, enter a bizarre 'network' reality and face a fierce angel. They then meet some not too pleasant werewolve999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, Stephen Hawking, SMT, Werewolf The Forsaken2018-12-29 1 
3139716Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 26Aoki's Army Part 2! Class 1 make their way into Rubi, where the dangerous Major Kage is waiting for them.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2018-12-30 5 
January 2019
3129672Dark Queen Quest 11Our husband is back, we rule our empire, and declare our interest in other women, as our birthday and the threat of a rebellion, draw near.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-01-05 12 
3153988Oekaki Quest CH.1.8Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae meets up with JacksonDark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-01-05 2 
3153977Gumby's CYOA Simulator!A CYOA Simulator starring you and an empty house!Collective Game, cyoa, Gumby's CYOA Simulator, drawfag, meta, horror, grimdark, gore, oneshot, anime2019-01-06 26 
3170881Gumby's CYOA Simulator v2.0A CYOA Simulator starring you and an empty house...again!Collective Game, cyoa, Gumby's CYOA Simulator, drawfag, meta, horror, grimdark, gore, oneshot, anime2019-01-13 20 
3154986Dark Queen Quest 12We celebrate our birthday, get awesome presents, become the pillow fighting champion, before working on a baby with our dork of a husband.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-01-15 11 
63751904Nobledark Imperium Part 77: Fleshing Things Out EditionInquisitor Heldane, Vect and Malys have a spat, Yvraine's social life, Aun'va and the Emperor, capital ships, Vandire's rise, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-01-16 3 
3168123Star Wars: Dark Empire V #2Handling unfinished business on Byss and dealing with an invasion.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-01-18 2 
3187508Oekaki Quest CH.1.9Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, its the day of the harvest festival. Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-01-19 1 
3155153999 Quest 8999 and co enter the woods, being led to the grounds of the local wolf pack. As expected, things end poorly, in tides of flesh & bone.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, Werewolf: The Forsaken 2019-01-25 1 
3184496Dark Queen Quest 13You have a party in town, meet Dillon chilhood friends, a mercenary grope you in a bar, and you make a huge mistake with an ogre.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-01-28 11 
February 2019
3202410Star Wars: Dark Empire V #3The Battle for the Core commences!star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-02-01 2 
3223244Oekaki Quest CH.1.10Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae sneaks back into the fortress.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-02-01 3 
64151956Nobledark Imperium Part 77: Manifest Ectasy EditionWritefag delivers on a lot of Sisters of Battle writing, Necrons versus tyranids (twice), how humans and eldar see each other, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-02-02 3 
3223954SacrificeA cute and fun quest about school politics and the escapades of you and your blind little sister!Collective Game, cyoa, Sacrifice Quest, drawfag, horror, grimdark, gore, oneshot, anime2019-02-04 21 
3212812Dark Queen Quest 14We celebrate Silviana 18th birhtday, and make love to her for the first time, and negociate with the wood elves and dark elves respectively.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-02-04 12 
64394033Nobledark Imperium Part 79: Rise of the Imperium The Musical Edition More Sisters, Arrotyr gets the Monty Python treatment, Nightsiders, Imperial bureaucracy, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-02-15 2 
3241361Star Wars: Dark Empire V #4War plans are made against Thrawn and Alana gets a chance to spend quality time with Ederlathhstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-02-15 5 
3209710999 Quest 9999 and company face down Varis in a final fight, but casualties are had, and Blue is down999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, Werewolf: The Forsaken 2019-02-15 1 
3266003Oekaki Quest CH.1.11Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, we reach the climax of the chapter. Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-02-16 3 
3240273Dark Queen Quest 15We deal with scientific, magical and religious matters, learn with Luna, and have a barbecue party with Shelur and the maids of the palace.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-02-17 11 
3258479Behind the DoorA Fantasy/God-like quest where you play as a Dark Lord banished to a plane of nothingness. Behind the Door Quest, Dark Lord Quest, Collective Game2019-02-20 2 
3279842Necromancer Quest 6, the beginnings Alice, Tina, Sierra and Nar-Khur have a little shopping trip and then decide to drink and play dice, what could go wrong.Necromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2019-02-20 2 
3244262Gumby's CYOA Simulator v3.0The third thread where walking out without any hearing protection results in an instant bad end. It does contain meta knowledge however.Collective Game, cyoa, Gumby's CYOA Simulator, drawfag, meta, horror, grimdark, gore, oneshot, anime2019-02-23 0 
64663397Nobledark Imperium Part 80: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD KING OF THE GALAXY editionRatlings, space battles, tabletop in the nobledark, Blood Pact society, Gathrog and Dregruk, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-02-23 4 
3271518Dark Queen Quest 15 part 2We take a bath with the maids, learn Feral Form, celebrate the Day of the Drack Empire, and the traitors finally reveal themselves.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-02-27 11 
3301956Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 27Aoki's Army Part 3! The battle against Aoki's forces continues, now with Colonel Goa standing in the way.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2019-02-28 7 
March 2019
3283910Star Wars: Dark Empire V #5Holonet problems foreshadow even worse events to come. Is this the End of the Empire?star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-03-01 2 
3308211Oekaki Quest CH.1.12Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae fights her way through a blazing city.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-03-02 1 
3283178Guns, Magic and Madness IIn an highly industrial fantasy world, Amelia Weisseblume, a young idealistic cleric, is thrown into a new kind of war.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror2019-03-05 3 
3300653Guns, Magic and Madness IIAmelia and her squad experience a brutal reality of urban warfare as an unknown danger draws closer.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action 2019-03-05 2 
3270636999 Quest 10999 and a now-braver Red dive into the very soul of Blue to save him, but find something wholly unwanted. 999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood2019-03-06 1 
3317906Guns, Magic and Madness IIIAmelia and her new companion find themselves trapped in the middle of hell on earth. Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action2019-03-09 1 
3302498Dark Queen Quest 16We fight an angel until Metraton save us, we punish the traitors, and Ellisa burns her father, then we go back to ruling our empire.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-03-09 11 
64830871Nobledark Imperium Part 81: Milk for the Khorne Flakes EditionChaos Felinids, the World that Wasn't/Veiled Region, Kiavahr, Spirit of Integrity, more space battles, leader of Carlos McConnell, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-03-13 3 
3325931Necromancer, the beginnings. pt 7Alice, Tina, Nar and Sierra leave Wyverns bazar and head to Oaksberg, with an unpleasend encounter along the way.Necromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2019-03-13 1 
3326304Star Wars: Dark Empire V #6The threats to the Empire mount and the loyalists spring into action against all enemies, internal and external.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-03-15 7 
3368627Oekaki Quest CH.1.13Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, we may actually finish this chapter.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-03-22 1 
3367803Star Wars: Dark Empire - End of EmpireThis is the end. It's all come down to this.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-03-22 15 
3340617Dark Queen Quest 17We have a little argument with our husband, meet the Tharque ambassador and his legionaries, and are being called a furry by an angry girl.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-03-23 11 
3325514999 Quest, A Blue SkyBlue awakens within an abstract void, fights against some broken shades, meets a man in red and faces a bunch of really nasty spiders.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, SMT, Destiny, motherfucking darkness2019-03-26 1 
65114001Nobledark Imperium Part 82 : Eldar Tallarnian Holidays editionThe idiot playboy of McConnell Corp, mythical Trials of Isha, Zarakynel tries to be a homewrecker, daemon weapons, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-03-30 2 
April 2019
3372045Dark Queen Quest 18We build our empire and train, lick Titania's ears, then we catch Shelur, who seduced ALL the maids of the palace, before flirting with herDark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-04-03 12 
3406406Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 28Aoki's Army Part 4! The gang move forward to a final confrontation with General Aoki.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2019-04-04 5 
65418021Nobledark Imperium Part 83: Nurglite Wight King Edition Necron terriforming, writeups for Obyron's duel and Veiled Region, Mandragora and the lost Necron homeworld, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-04-06 3 
3417991Necromancer, the beginnings. pt 8The group reaches Oaksberg, Tina gets to training and everyone passes their time with some selfimprovementNecromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2019-04-10 1 
3425290A Dark Fantasy Quest CH.1.EpilogueThe chapter is over? But what will Kae do now?Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-04-11 1 
3406300Dark Queen Quest 19Lazarus go on a little journey, We go out with Gweyr, learn about her past, and spend a whole day riding on the back of our Giant wolf Sif.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-04-14 12 
3450717A Dark Fantasy Quest CH.1.Epilogue p2The chapter is over? But what will Kae do now?Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-04-21 1 
3461617Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 29Aoki's Army Part 5! The final confrontation against General Aoki!Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2019-04-26 6 
3439658Dark Queen Quest 20We rule our empire, learn the localisation of Wells of Magic, welcome our parents, plan the End-Year and face an assassination attempt.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-04-28 11 
May 2019
3447922999 Quest 11-11.5999 awakens in the dark, frees Red and helps Blue in his fight, and finally strikes down the dark. 999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, fucking demons2019-05-04 1 
3450542Dark Souls: Forossa #1An undead rises in Forossa to set off on a journey across the cold land of the Tsardom.Dark Souls, drawquest, fantasy2019-05-07 2 
66179418The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.2The infiltration attempts beginAll Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2019-05-12 71 
3471644Dark Queen Quest 21We meet the Goddess Gefian and conviced her to return. You then visited a wood elf village and get to know Dillon's childhood friends.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-05-12 11 
3477317Dark Souls: Forossa #2After defeating the Tsar, the Disturbed Champion visits the cathedral and outland caves next, continuing the journey.Dark Souls, Souls, drawquest, fantasy2019-05-15 2 
3506539Necromancer, the beginnings. pt 9Our Group of misfits continues their stay in Oaksberg, training and curious happenings includedNecromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2019-05-16 1 
3531654A Dark Fantasy QuestDark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae seems to be lost in the woods.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-05-26 3 
3497897O5 Council Quest 2O5-10 alongside O5-4 entertain some very strange and very dangerous lunch guests. Things get even weirder when a mage brings terrible news.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Magic, fucking wizards, Interlude, O5 Council, Nobilis2019-05-28 3 
3506611Dark Queen Quest 22We work on the relationship between the elves, welcome our guests for the End-Year Celebration and witness the birth of our little brother.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-05-29 11 
June 2019
3577871 RepairBon Quest part 1Withered Bonnie wakes up, greets some new arrivals, and has a showdown with an age-old rival.repairbueno, collaborative game, five nights at freddys, fnaf, 5n@f, withered, toy, bonnie, repair, robots, dark, spooky atmosphere2019-06-16 4 
3544910Dark Queen Quest 23Lazarus is finally back but only with the remains of Orelliel, your guests for the End-Year Celebration are here, and the party begins.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-06-18 11 
3549501999 Quest 12999 wakes up, catches up with the others and gets some food, before dealing with crazy clowns and crazier spiders.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, Magic2019-06-23 1 
July 2019
3599728Vampire The dark ages QuestIn which we finally start off on our own two feet and get a village to start mining. Vampire The Dark Ages Quest, Vampire the Masqurade, Tzimisce2019-07-01 3 
3588472Dark Queen Quest 2 part 2We discuss with our guests, make some deals and plan our next projects for next year. We also reveal our pregnancy to everyone.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-07-02 12 
3607224Dark Lord Civ QuestThe evil Sorcerer-Lord of the Crumbling Palace begins his quest for immortality and conquest of the material world.Collective Game, Sword & Sorcery, Dark Lord, Civ2019-07-07 39 
3636849Dark Lord Civ Quest, #2The evil Sorcerer-Lord of the Crumbling Palace sires a herculean paragon of martial prowess and continues his studies into golem-craftCollective Game, Sword & Sorcery, Dark Lord, Civ2019-07-16 27 
3634637Dark Queen Quest 24Short thread, where Metraton make us choose something that could change the future.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-07-16 11 
3612928999 Quest 13The battle to save Red and Blue rages on, complete with the addition of several new allies, and 999 gains some new powers for his troubles.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood2019-07-18 1 
3682212Guns, Magic and Madness IV3 months later, Amelia and other survivors try to deal with their trauma as their own goverment turns against them.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action2019-07-28 1 
67512797The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.3In which Tink and Twitch bring the dead back to life.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2019-07-29 66 
August 2019
3675896Dark Queen Quest 25We start the negotiations with Hagëndorff, Parsifal and Titania for an alliance between the four kingdoms, but things did not go as planned.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-08-02 11 
3687090Dark Lord Civ Quest, #3The evil Sorcerer-Lord of the Crumbling Palace runs away from a slug and consumes the soul of his firstborn son.Collective Game, Sword & Sorcery, Dark Lord, Civ2019-08-06 18 
3737000Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 30100 Episodes, Distant Memories! Ryoji and Wei go on a fishing trip, and we see into the past of the school's principal.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2019-08-10 11 
3680441999 Quest 14999 and allies continue a frantic battle against an unfathomable evil,new tactics are created, and 999 enters the belly of the beast.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-08-11 1 
3702035Guns, Magic and Madness VAmelia rushes straight into the danger and finds herself fighting for her life yet again.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action2019-08-12 1 
3724463Dark Queen Quest 26After talking with the gods we have a private party with our friends before starting the Royal Council meeting.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-08-18 10 
3767874Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 31Valentine's Day at Dark Gate! The 14th rolls around, and most of the students are in a panic.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2019-08-21 6 
September 2019
67964177Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry RegimentDysfunctional Imperial Guard camp fights off wave after wave of enemies. Featuring: a cat, frenchmen, Commissars, a deathclaw, and fapbait40k, writefaggotry, IG, Felinid, Necron, Custodian, Chaos, Slaanesh, smut, Tau, Dark Eldar2019-09-01 4 
68123185Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry Regiment Part 2Short lived second part to the Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry Regiment40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tau, Dark Eldar, Sisters of Battle2019-09-02 2 
3752566999 Quest 15999 finally fights against the core of the anomaly, alongside Red and Blue, with them pooling all their strength as one, for the last clash.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Magic2019-09-07 0 
3778725Dark Queen Quest 27We throw a birthday party for Ellisa, talk with Kazeel Thorn himself and prepare our unofficial involvement in the war in the south.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-09-09 10 
3794389Catalyst QuestFather Richard Anscham fights demons. He seeks the cure for humanity's greatest weakness: The Catalyst.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2019-09-14 32 
3815616Skeksis Quest #1We are born, We Feast, We Fight Doors in our quest to devour the world.Collective Game, Skeksis Quest, SkekDiem, The Dark Crystal2019-09-15 8 
3843850Catalyst Quest #2Father Anscham fights his own demons.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback2019-09-27 23 
3845071Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 32A Sports Festival Exhibition! The crew make an appearance at a regular school's sports day, but find themselves surprised by one student.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2019-09-30 6 
October 2019
3814765Dark Queen Quest 28We find ourselves face to face with Filarion, and after playing with his pride we finally put an end to the trouble he is causing us.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, 2019-10-04 14 
3839901Skeksis Quest #2SkekZar is given a task and makes an unfortunate discovery Collectice Game, Skeksis Quest, SkekDiem, The Dark Crystal2019-10-08 4 
68704690The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 5In the thick of winter, the Imperials try to advance into Tau territory but old and new enemies appear to complicate their plans.40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition, Grot2019-10-12 6 
3861157Dark Elf QuestYou are a creature of evil! A denizen of the under realm! A blight on all things good! You are... A DARK ELF!Antagonist, Dark, Fantasy, MySojourn, Elf, Comedy2019-10-13 1 
3831455999 Quest 16999 and all of his friends finally put an end to the anomaly, bid farewell to new allies and journey onwards.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, Mage: The Awakening2019-10-16 1 
3879593Catalyst Quest #3Father Anscham and his new allies are on a divine mission, deep within the ruins.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2019-10-19 20 
3866691Dark Queen Quest 29Short thread, where we help the three elves leaders establish the elven council and have their people gain citizenship in our empire.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-10-26 10 
November 2019
3881903999 Quest 17999 and company return to the physical world, meet an old friend, and finally complete a long quest.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-11-02 1 
3912347Catalyst Quest #4Father Anscham swears to aid an archdemon, in exchange for everything he's searched for.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2019-11-10 13 
69181640The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 6As winter ends, deep fog engulfs the region, and all sorts of spooky enemies appear40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Inquisition, Genestealers2019-11-11 5 
69404754World of Darkness storyimeseveral stories from a WOD DMworld of darkness, storytime, 2019-11-16 1 
69440369World of Darkness Storytime 2Continuing the tale from the previous thread. The gang gets out of trouble temporarily.World of Darkness, storytime2019-11-17 2 
3902086Dark Queen Quest 30After spening time in Uirebglad with our friends, we are blessed by Luna as she gift us the Blood of the Eldars. We then return home.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-11-20 10 
3946406Catalyst Quest #5Father Anscham finds Mercy in a different form.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2019-11-30 15 
December 2019
3916100999 Quest 18999 and company awake to a brand new day and finslly hit the city. They then encounter some desperate friends in need.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-12-02 0 
3935131Dark Queen Quest 31We manage our empire, start some ambitious projects with the dwarves, try purifying Lazarus harem and celebrate Aleanor birthday.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-12-08 7 
3964338Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 33Act's Tournament Part 1! Sixteen of the best in Class 1 begin to battle to claim the role as Act's apprentice.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2019-12-12 5 
3967771Catalyst Quest #6Father Anscham has never had a vacation.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Downtime2019-12-13 10 
69925790The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7First part of the final chapter in the DL series. Nids show up and are fought with a mix of nukes, volcanos, guns, and good ol' melee comba40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tyranids, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Inquisition, Orks, Tau2019-12-22 3 
January 2020
3965998Dark Queen Quest 32We manage our empire, spend time with Lazarus and take a look with Gweyr at the vault where your husband kept Thoreric's treasure.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-01-02 7 
70060601The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.5Part 2 of the final thread. As another nuclear explosion goes off in the distance, our remaining heroes continue to fight the Tyranid horde.40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tyranids, Tau, Chaos, Inquisition, Orks, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar2020-01-03 4 
3971627999 Quest 19999 and company encounter a very upsetting Grandma, meet an old friend, and venture into places old and terrible.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2020-01-04 0 
70248496The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.5.5Part 3 of the final thread, the forces of Chaos return in force while our heroes struggle to survive across the map.40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tau, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Inquisition2020-01-05 2 
4004914Catalyst Quest: AvowedFather Richard Anscham conquered the ruins. Is the rest of the world ready for his return?Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Avowed, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-01-06 10 
3975365Tim Quest #2Tim gets some answers, and werewolves carry out a kidnapping.Collective Game, World of Darkness, Tim2020-01-12 1 
3997667Skrimland [Skirmish]The start of the Skrimland Saga begins! Three realms in contention with one another, a monstrosity from the swamp, and a feast for Curse!fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, skeleton, slime, junkie, bagmen, high fantasy, dark fantasy, high lethality, dog,2020-01-15 1 
70300545The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.6Part 4 of the final thread. The story comes to an end with an epic titan fight. Epilogue in another thread.40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition, Tyranids2020-01-22 4 
4042082Catalyst Quest: Avowed #2Even a land of Gods and demons was not ready for Father Anscham's return.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Avowed, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-01-23 7 
70585421The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, EpiloguePosters discuss the fates of their characters, their favorite parts of the seven month saga, and next steps.40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition2020-01-27 6 
4016939Tim Quest #3Ordered to take a night off, Tim introspects over a burrito before deciding to finish the novel.Collective Game, World of Darkness, Tim2020-01-29 3 
February 2020
4013244999 Quest 20999 and company take down a werewolf, and finally begin to search for the local wolf packs, as all kinds of things go astray.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, Magic2020-02-01 0 
4032701Dark Queen Quest 33We spend some time in the city with Gweyr, get an idea for an imperial zoo, learn more about Lazarus past and get taught a new spell.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-02-02 7 
4073467Catalyst Quest: Avowed #3Father Anscham commits to his recovery.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Avowed, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-02-08 7 
4049316999 Quest 20.1999 and friends enter a gaping wound in reality to combat its horrors, face a woof cult and confront their dark master.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, Magic2020-02-22 0 
4055339Tim Quest #4Dauntless Silver Raven intercepts a faerie infiltration.Collective Game, World of Darkness, Tim2020-02-24 1 
March 2020
4077130Dark Queen Quest 34A short session, where we spend most of our time with our friends.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex2020-03-01 6 
4125648Catalyst Quest #10The King's city is in turmoil, and He's charged you with saving it.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-03-07 7 
4131360Warhammer 40K: Blood CovenA fresh Imperial Guard regiment deploys for battle on a world beset by Chaos.Warhammer, 40k, Imperial Guard, Astra Militarum, Blood Coven, TimeKiller QM, Dark Imperium2020-03-19 1 
4153459Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 34Act's Tournament Part 2! The tournament reaches the quarter-finals!Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2020-03-24 5 
4123677Dark Queen Quest 35We use the Far Sight spell and watch around important places we visited, then spend time with Dillon, Emelyne, Adeleine and Isabella.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-03-24 6 
4159591Catalyst Quest #11The Goddess, your lover, old allies, new enemies, and a city in peril.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-03-29 7 
4130206Tim Quest #5Silver Raven battles a dragon, uncovers treachery and unveils his true colours.Collective Game, World of Darkness, Tim2020-03-31 1 
April 2020
4137489Across the Sea: Awakening Thread 1Our heroine explores the colony, makes some unlikely allies, and starts her first voyage in her quest to save this dying world. Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Aberrant Dilettante, Across the Sea: Awakening2020-04-02 2 
71693957Jungle RumbleBunch of characters from different factions get send to a jungle deathworld. What could possibly go wrong?40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Necrons, Tyranids, Kroot2020-04-07 1 
4176970Catalyst Quest #12You try to learn what it means to be healthy.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-04-09 7 
4159741A Road of FewDonovan runs into a familiar face, meets a new companion, kills a corrupted demon hunter, and takes someones soul from a chapel. Fantasy, Dark Souls, medieval2020-04-15 0 
4161745Dark Queen Quest 36We get giant eagle eggs from Ellisa, contract the service of a certain mercenary, and welcome Titania as the birth of our child draw near.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-04-16 6 
4168846Tim Quest #6Silver Raven hunts Cloaked in Deepest Blue to the northern satrapy of Hoarfrost.Collective Game, World of Darkness, Tim2020-04-19 1 
4200658Catalyst Quest #13You are a man of alliances.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-04-23 7 
May 2020
4231905Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 35Act's Tournament Part 3! The semis and the finals to the tournament take place!Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2020-05-03 6 
4202533Dark Queen Quest 37In which we give birth to a daughter, and organise a meeting of the Royal Coucil to discuss on what to do during the following months.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-05-07 6 
4252780Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 36Ryoji and the gang investigate a casino for demon activity, but the owner is a lot more upfront than expected.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2020-05-15 6 
4218256Tim Quest #7Silver Raven infiltrates Tepet Lagen's Ivory Tower to search for him and Blue.Collective Game, World of Darkness, Tim2020-05-17 1 
4245139Catalyst Quest #14A flight for your life, legendary heroism, old enemies, and a revolutionary alliance.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback2020-05-22 7 
4257125Dark Fantasy Inquisition QuestYou are a freshly graduated official of the inquisition, a most honorable organisation, sent to the local chapter to begin your service.Dark Fantasy Inquisition, Inquisitor, Collective Game2020-05-25 1 
4243407Dark Queen Quest 38We agree to follow Ellisa when she'll go meet the witches, commissioned ships and celebrated several birthdays.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-05-26 6 
June 2020
4274153Catalyst Quest #15Well over 489 lives at stake, dual invocations, a hidden congregation in need of your aid, and one VERY long day.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-06-06 7 
4288707DARK FANTASY INQUISITION QUEST #2 You are a freshly graduated official of the inquisition, a most honorable organisation, sent to the local chapter to begin your service.Dark Fantasy, Inquisition, Inquisitor, Gore, Collective Game2020-06-07 0 
4264770The Quarantine of a Harbor City #5The Plague is spreading, infected children are rotting alive, horrible religious sacrifice and the Organ Harvester is still active.Plague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Fantasy, Inquisition, Dark Fantasy, fantasy, alchemy, disease, dark fantasy, Collective Game 2020-06-12 0 
4287883Threefold Oblivion - Warhammer 40kWe learn about the world of Texalar and its problems and make efforts to clean the planetWarhammer, 40000, 40k, Planetary Governor, Threefold Oblivion, chaos, Dark Imperium, TimeKiller QM2020-06-24 0 
4289306Dark Queen Quest 39A thread where we spend the most time managing our empire, everything seems to be fine.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-06-27 5 
4328933Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 37Akio's Gamble Part 2! The incident within the casino comes to a head.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2020-06-29 7 
July 2020
4313892Catalyst Quest #16Harvey Jay Algrith is a cunning loyalist, and the bravest man you've ever met. He promised to tell you his story.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback2020-07-02 7 
4300458999 Quest 21999 and company engage in a discussion with Linggan Zhao and receive some ominous answers.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, Magic2020-07-09 0 
4302874The Quarantine of a Harbor City #6After many revelations, romances and political games, you are setting the final stage and prepare for the final dungeon to save th CityPlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Fantasy, Inquisition, Dark Fantasy, fantasy, alchemy, disease, dark fantasy, Collective Game 2020-07-11 0 
4310544Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 14Arthur explores a demon infested city.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Demons, Dark Lords2020-07-12 3 
73702746Anon Makes African SettingAnon posts a really detailed post-apocalyptic African fantasy setting, /tg/ adds some detail.Africa, fantasy, grimdark2020-07-13 4 
4339365Catalyst Quest #17An archdemon of Time. Love. Mourning. Cults, betrayal, and an unexpected destination. The conclusion to your investigation!Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-07-14 7 
4362107Sea of Light Quest Civ IIThe continuation of the saga of the sea of light, now moving on from the civilizations of the white sea, to the barbarian tribes of the darksea-of-light, medieval, goths, Alans, Dark sea, Black sea, Civ, civilization, Sol2020-07-23 0 
4377764Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 38Class 1's Last Call! Kazuma and Anri set out to finally discover who or what killed Yasunari.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2020-07-28 6 
August 2020
4336980Dark Queen Quest 40We leave for Asoevia with our friend Ellisa, and witness the gathering of witches before discussing with their leader.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-08-01 5 
4373245Catalyst Quest #18Royal affairs, countless answers, bitter good-byes, new friendships, and the start to a grand homecoming.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-08-01 7 
4353495999 Quest 21.1999 and company finally finish their discussion with a powerful spirit, gain new info and new goals, and 999 finds something quite strange.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, Magic2020-08-07 0 
4350362The Quarantine of a Harbor City #7The endPlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Fantasy, Inquisition, Dark Fantasy, fantasy, alchemy, disease, dark fantasy, Collective Game 2020-08-08 1 
4353266Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 15Everything goes horribly wrong... again.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Demons, Dark Lords2020-08-10 1 
74256898Dark Catholic Inspired World BuildingAnon played Blasphemous and got inspired to start world building and run a game. A bunch of other anons help out too.World Building, Story Ideas, Game Ideas, Homebrew, Setting, Grimdark, Creepy, Fantasy2020-08-11 -9 
4404551Catalyst Quest #19When you hit the road in Corcaea, the road hits back.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-08-22 7 
4387870Dark Queen Quest 41A short session, where we persuade the Dragon Rimmirra to let us meet with Queen HelennaeDark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-08-26 4 
September 2020
4397757Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 16Arthur grows more powerful while he is trapped within his dreams.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Demons, Dark Lords2020-09-02 1 
4398006Leviathan QuestLocked away in a place unfamiliar to it, 682 begins its path of vengeance and hate.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, Leviathan Quest, Mage: The Awakening2020-09-05 0 
4468306Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 39The Broken Class Part 1! Kiriko and the rest of Class 1 enter the Darkworld to rescue Kaz and company.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2020-09-29 7 
October 2020
4432627Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 17Arthur finally awakens.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Demons, Dark Lords2020-10-02 2 
4446865Duke of Darkness QuestGob gets summoned into a secret research facility and tries to escape, among other things.Drawquest, Duke of darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-10-09 6 
4477151Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 18Arthur and the gang take a train before getting rudely interrupted by a powerful being.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Demons, Dark Lords2020-10-29 3 
4495380Catalyst Quest #20The Father of Compassion returns to the Church of Mercy, and we put the dark back into dark fantasy.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-10-29 10 
November 2020
4486682Duke of Darkness Quest #1.5Gob frees some prisoners, opens a bunch of doors, fights against an 'Alpha' guard and finds the engine roomDrawquest, Duke of Darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-11-10 4 
4522193Catalyst Quest #21There are a lot of things that mankind was not meant to witness, and distorting concepts of reality is one of them.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-11-17 10 
75946522Iron Falcons #2Anons flesh out the lore and roll up the Dark Eldar. Sector is getting a bit crowded.Space Marines, Primaris Marines, Chapter Creation, Iron Falcons, Perturabo is an Autist, Dark Eldar2020-11-18 10 
4538671Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 40Broken Class Part 2! With the truth revealed, Class 1 begins to unravel.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2020-11-21 7 
December 2020
4532009Duke of Darkness Quest #2Gob gets a power rush and discovers he just basically caused a prison riotDrawquest, Duke of Darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-12-08 4 
76118364What're some strange, interesting and unique forms of government for a sci-fi setting?/tg/ attempts to design original systems of governance and cultures for scifi. Things get weird.worldbuilding, scifi, funny, planet of hats, unintended consequences, if it's not a nightmarish hellhole then it's not Dark Heresy,2020-12-08 2 
4553068999 Quest 22999 wakes up from an exhausting night, meets with Blue, and ends up encountering a very startling revelation.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, Magic2020-12-21 0 
4558294Catalyst Quest #22War is declared on the cult of Inertia. The lord of judgement has a field day, and news reaches you from across Time, memory, and the sea.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-12-23 7 
January 2021
4582898Catalyst Quest #23Weaponizing trauma, confessions from 7 traitors, and surgery within the tunnels dug under your city.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2021-01-09 7 
4601223Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 40Ken's Justice Part 1! DGA is rocked by the arrival of Ken's father, and his startling revelation.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2021-01-13 6 
4600195Catalyst Quest #24A sermon with the Goddess of Mercy, nightmare fuel, open roads, and a new beginning.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2021-01-29 8 
February 2021
77353236Kaiju Sector Clusterfuck Faction Generator IIRolls further create two fanatical Guard regimentum, a renegade Blood Angel Chapter, an insane DEldar Kabal and an insaner Necron Dynasty.Warhammer 40k, Tyranids, Orks, Tau, Space Marines, Eldar, Imperial Guard, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Creation Tables, Clusterfuck2021-02-08 3 
March 2021
4651674999 Quest 23With the threat of the Robber Barons overhead, 999 and his friends end up being taken by surprise at an odd stranger and his situation.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, Magic2021-03-21 0 
May 2021
4782981Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 42Ken's Justice Part 2! Ryoji joins Ken and his father in hunting down Tori, but is Kenshiro honest with his son?Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2021-05-06 5 
79147814Realistic UnderdarkWell-versed anons discuss what a realistic Underdark would be, considering real life caverns and cave life. Yes, we read Veins of the Earth.setting, underdark, cave, cavern,2021-05-21 5 
June 2021
79479764Chocolate and Corruption in 40k #2 - Wonka LandAn Eccentric mix of characters explore the perils of Wonka Land. Some continue to slide into corruption. 40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Tyranids, Inquisition, Orks2021-06-04 8 
4788445STAR WARS - Interregnum #3.1Annie gets an interlude, we gather information about Nomi and the Blazing Chain, and Larid's tragic backstory is revealed.Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Dark, Si(th)ck, and Twisted Arthurian Backstory, Boardroom Meeting, Dweemward Bound2021-06-04 20 
July 2021
4901899Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 43Mayu's Frost Part 1! Mayu gives in to the cold inside her, but can her mother save her?Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2021-07-05 6 
4905857PANOPTICON QUESTJack Ryan(no relation) makes a career move from shitposting to rampantly out of control government surveillance.Panopticon Quest, AllSeeingQM, Surveillance, Glowing in the Dark2021-07-30 9 
August 2021
80736338Draw your party thread: Bug, Glug, and ChugDrawings of parties and people people talk about games. A Lasgun happens.Draw, party, storytime, d&d, 5e, Only War, dark heresy, cyberpunk, Pathfinder, shadowrun, Lasgun, Black Crusade, Nechronica, template2021-08-17 0 
September 2021
4926394Hapless Guardswoman Quest #2 - Beach EpisodeRhea Silvia blunders through even more bizarre encounters, but is offered the chance to empower herself, for a price...40k, Inquisition, Chaos, Orks, Necron, Dark Eldar, Tau, Chocolate, Corruption2021-09-01 1 
4975227Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 44Mayu's Frost Part 2! Kazuma and Mayu are reunited, but can he save her from The Frost?Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2021-09-02 6 
4931101The Graverobber's DaughterChlotsuintha, a Witchlet, might have lost her father. She prepares to flee her home, while trying to maintain her cover as a gravedigger. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-09-05 22 
4960900Dynastic Ruler Quest 7: Last in the Reign of ThreeThe last few years of Foric's life, the King must prepare for the coming of what his dynasty feared. Collective Game, Ruler QM, Grudges, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Foric, West King, Darkness2021-09-29 1 
4978921Dynastic Ruler Quest 8: The Great WarThe bells toll as Daedric ascends to the throne. In these times he must face off against the Dark Lord!Collective Game, Ruler QM, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Daedric, Dark Lord, 2021-09-29 0 
4995716Dynastic Ruler Quest 9: The War ContinuesDaedric must recover from his previous wounds inflicted by the Dark Lord himself. He will not stop fighting though!Collective Game, Ruler QM, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Daedric, Dark Lord,2021-09-29 0 
October 2021
4960755PANOPTICON QUEST 2Jack Ryan gets his ass beat, gets reconstructive surgery, saves his coworker's and superior's asses in a trial, and heads off to boot campPanopticon Quest, AllSeeingQM, Surveillance, Glowing in the Dark, Great Quest2021-10-01 2 
4979125Hapless Guardswoman Quest #3 – Corrupted, or Very Corrupted?Rhea experiments with forbidden powers, then gets cold feet and cuts a deal with the Dark Eldar instead.40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Chocolate, Corruption2021-10-03 0 
5017935Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 45Ryoji's Death Part 1! Ryoji prepares for the final showdown with Tori, as Class 3 prepare for his rescue.Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2021-10-07 6 
5011759Dynastic Ruler Quest 10: A War to RememberWith the siege of the fortress housing the Dark Lord, the battle for humanity and dwarvenkind is at hand. Collective Game, Ruler QM, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Daedric, Dark Lord, Ritual, Epic Battle2021-10-16 2 
4975653Mindflayer QuestIn which our physically superior illithid goes on a quest to secure two drow nobles, adventure shenanigans, and plots to take over Marveil!Mindflayer Quest, Collective Game, Idle Thoughts, Fantasy, DnD, Mindflayer, Illithid, Underdark, Yphor, Marveil, Great Quest2021-10-20 4 
4981015Pizzeria QuestDarkwood inspired FNAF Quest with Tycoon elementsFNAF, Darkwood, Tycoon, Horror2021-10-24 5 
81767754 How do you portray the CIA in your games?former intel analyst talks about his job, the agencies, the detailsstory, storytime, NSA, CIA, intel analyst, glow in the dark, glowie2021-10-25 15 
November 2021
4994632The Graverobber's Daughter IIChlotsuintha has a run in with the Inquisition, realizes she has implicated herself as magic user, and will eventually be hunted by them. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-11-04 20 
82269828Dark Eldar (And More) Creation ThreadA creation thread for a Deldar Kabal delivers lore, art, worldbuilding, and even more factions. Shit's pretty lit40k, Creation Tables, Dark Eldar, Imperial Guard, Chaos Space Marines2021-11-26 1 
December 2021
5015461Hapless Guardswoman Quest #4 – Spooky EditionRhea babysits a cursed artifact and a haunted house, gets tangled in a Halloween themed Chaos ritual, then scouts out an isolated island.40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Eldar, Chocolate, Corruption2021-12-01 1 
5014911SCARY QUESTIn which the Dark Knight Odysseus tries to find his head before Halloween! Many shenanigans, hot babes, and an inconclusive ending.MySojourn, Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, Comedy, Halloween, Dark Knight, Headless Horseman, Odysseus, WickedQM2021-12-06 -1 
82330143Kabal of the Cloaked Void thread #2A continuation of 82269828, involving norse feral world guardsmen and a Grotesque monstrosity made from a Dreadnought.40k, Creation Tables, Dark Eldar, Imperial Guard, Cloaked Void,2021-12-08 1 
82427376How would you design a Dark Rabbitfolk race /tg/?ITT, we get territorial, child-killing, rapidly multiplying rabbitsskaven, hostile wildlife, dark rabbits 2021-12-08 -4 
82642938Dark Forest cosmology game ideasHow would you run a game in a setting that adheres to the Dark Forest theory of alien civilizations?scifi, cosmology, fermi paradox, dark forest, the killing star, Charles Pellegrino, George Zebrowski, three-body problem, Liu Cixin2021-12-27 0 
January 2022
5061777Graverobber's Daughter IIIAfter buying clothes, Chlotsuintha's escape plan is hampered by a new curfew in the Midden, and aided by an unexpected gift from mother.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2022-01-04 13 
5075383Scumbag Antipaladin QuestA crazed deserter goes on a hunt for blood, meets an orc, and has an unholy amount of luck.Collective Game, Edgy, Edgelord, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Scumbag Antipaladin2022-01-07 27 
5074164Hapless Guardswoman Quest #5 – Candlemas in GroxbridgeChristmas themed thread where Rhea fights in a mall, does a Die Hard, and makes an unlikely alliance to fight Krampii.40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Chocolate, Corruption2022-01-13 0 
5114522Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 45Ryoji's Death Part 2! Dakugeto holds off Tori's forces in a climactic battle!Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2022-01-16 6 
5121867GOLGOTHAPRELUDE You dwell not in yourself when the night bleeds in. Through the thousand eyes of the city you see only the abyss.collective game, quest, modern, gothic, tarot, magic, gun, phone, urban, dark fantasy, horror, adventure, vampire, wizard, witch2022-01-16 9 
5084905Kobolt Klan Adoption 1Local knight accidentally adopts a kobolt klan and is cursed. Hijinks ensue.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Dragons, 2022-01-19 20 
February 2022
5131732GOLGOTHA: Afterlife (includes Golgotha meta at beginning)Urban dungeon crawl mode to GOLGOTHA story campaign, after the main narrative concluded. The Descent Into The Underworld begins...collective game, quest, modern, gothic, tarot, magic, gun, phone, urban, dark fantasy, horror, vampire, wizard, witch, dungeon, crawl, OSR2022-02-07 6 
5111607Scumbag Antipaladin Quest #2The paladins arrive in Dalhurst, Melvin gets new followers, Sadie and Melvin fight, we meet a Antipaladin, our sacrifices begins, QM flakes.Collective Game, Edgy, Edgelord, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Scumbag Antipaladin2022-02-15 8 
5120915The Graverobber's Daughter IVWhere His Gaze falls, Judgement comes. After, Chlotsuintha has to kill. Then the Lifting Oil Refinery she is robbing goes all Chernobyl.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-02-23 8 
March 2022
5126523Kobolt Klan Adoption 2 Local knight adopts a kobolt klan and is cursed. Hijinks ensue. Today we deal with a town, the curse, the sewers, and E M O T I O N SKobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Dragon, curse, Kobolt, Buff autistic plague doctor waifu2022-03-03 13 
5125693Hapless Guardswoman Quest #6 – Treasure HuntRhea joins a Rogue Trader's expedition, helps lead a landing party, and encounters some old enemies, things don't go well.40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Eldar Corsairs, Rogue Trader, Chocolate, Corruption2022-03-04 0 
5174490Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 12A lizard-lady molests and murders her way through allies and enemies to fulfill a dark pact and a darker destiny in this penultimate threadReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, dark fantasy, villainy, assasination, spycraft, mind-control, transformation, cuckoldry, reptilians2022-03-25 5 
83846747apocalypses on a space opera rather than planetary scaleSpace opera apocalypses.worldbuilding, setting, apocalypse, space, dead space, alien, dark forest,2022-03-31 0 
April 2022
5210247Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 46Ryoji's Life! The final battle against Tori begins, while Nina explores Ryoji's inner memories!Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2022-04-02 4 
5180605The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IThe QM's schedule implodes just as he starts to work through a massive backlog. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-04-17 5 
5184655Kobolt Klan Adoption 3Local knight adopts more kobolts, slays more monsters, uncovers a terrible conspiracy, gets drunk with friends.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Dreygaun, Mutants, Sci-fi Fantasy2022-04-18 12 
5185262Hapless Guardswoman Quest #7 – Jungle AdventuresRhea survives the ruins, makes new friends, then goes and visits her evil clone.40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Eldar Corsairs, Rogue Trader, Chocolate, Corruption2022-04-22 0 
May 2022
5198441Hopelessly Lost: A Chronicle of DarknessA man escapes after years of being tortured by an insane witch and discovers that this isn't unusual.Collective Game, Quest, Chronicles of Darkness, Changeling the Lost, Hopelessly Lost2022-05-01 6 
5232198The Graverobber's Daughter VChlotsuintha returns from the Refinery and after a few hours of sleep and a false start manages to make a decoy graven ball. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-05-31 6 
June 2022
5232674 Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante QuestSimon P. Campbell awakens to the power of superdurabilty, and begins his one man war on all the scum strangling the life out of the megacityCollective Game, Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante Quest, Grimdark, Capeshit, Cyberpunk, Vigilante, Quest, Slumlord2022-06-02 11 
5236717Kobolt Klan Adoption 4Local knight finds a friendly wizard to help his issues, additional shenanigans ensueKobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Dreygaun, Mutants, Sci-fi Fantasy 2022-06-04 11 
5238849Hapless Guardswoman Quest #8 – Fun in the DesertConclusion of the thread 6-8 arc. Rhea picks which evil waifu should get godlike powers.40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Tau, Rogue Trader, Chocolate, Corruption2022-06-05 0 
84882054The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.4Everything goes sideways repeatedly. Again.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2022-06-12 88 
5288520Dark Ones Return #1The return of a powerful forceCollective game, Dark Ones Return, Fantasy2022-06-29 1 
July 2022
5289203The Graverobber's Daughter VIChlotsuintha has a close call in a public house, then comes across a gull that has Scarification Glyphs, possibly scrivened by her father.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-07-05 5 
5293419Kobolt Klan Adoption 5Local knight partners with a troubled waif of a knight to exterminate werewolves along the way to stop the dragon apocalypse.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Dreygaun, Werewolves, Sci-fi Fantasy2022-07-09 10 
5294441Hapless Guardswoman Quest #9 - Gothic NobleA new world is introduced, and Rhea finds herself plunged into intrigue once more as she tries to keep allies happy.40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Chocolate, Corruption2022-07-13 0 
5328027Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 48Chuichi's Control! The finale to the Broken Class Arc!Quest, Dark Gate Academy, Collective Game2022-07-15 4 
5321454Dark Ones Return #2The dark one travels around. Commits theft and makes "friends"Collective Game, Dark Ones Return, Fantasy2022-07-27 1 
August 2022
5333328Kobolt Klan Adoption 6Local knight meets some of the archmage's people and has a small touch of drama as a result. Addendum: squire goes bald and freaks out.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Werewolves, Sci-fi Fantasy, Paracelsus, magic is lead poisoning2022-08-14 8 
5340808The Graverobber's Daughter VIIAfter dealing with the Glyphed Gull, Chlotsuintha finds two sets of Strange footprints, partially cleansed, possibly by magic. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-08-22 5 
October 2022
86390441The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DebriefDon't worry, everything's going Just As Planned. Or it WOULD BE IF YOU HADN'T-All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2022-10-16 65 
5383072The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IIChlotsuintha investigates the Strange footprints, and the QM’s schedule implodes again.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-10-20 3 
February 2023
5514043Rage Across Pennsylvania #1A high school student called Sam finds out he's a werewolf. Weird shit ensues.Collective Game, Quest, World of Darkness, Werewolf the Apocalypse, Rage Across Pennsylvania2023-02-05 26 
5522877Grimdark PrincessPrincess simulator based in the Warhammer 40k settingCollective game, 40k, princess, grimdark2023-02-15 7 
March 2023
5548589Fantasy Neckbeard Warlock QuestAfter his witch mother dies, Lucas commits a massacre, gets a bird's eye view, and pioneers drone warfare. Much spaghetti is spilled.Collective Game, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Warlock, Neckbeard, Fantasy Neckbeard Warlock Quest2023-03-03 12 
5562590Rage Across Pennsylvania #2Sam completes his initiation rite and gets into a fight.Collective Game, Quest, World of Darkness, Werewolf the Apocalypse, Rage Across Pennsylvania, Hench2023-03-08 12 
5568115Grimdark Princess IIPrincess Marie and her DAoT ship set out on a crusade across the Questarai ThreadWarhammer 40k, Collective Game, Grimdark Princess2023-03-15 5 
April 2023
5594684Quest Within #1The glorious city of Url'Ryoness has fallen into deepest dark, you Vank the court jester seek your missing wife in the warped castleDungeon Crawl, Fantasy, Steller, Jester, Collective Game, Darkness2023-04-05 3 
5603641Grimdark Princess IIIPrincess Marie confronts the servants of ChaosWarhammer 40k, Collective Game, Grimdark Princess2023-04-27 2 
June 2023
5661862The Graverobber's Daughter VIIIChlotsuintha extricates herself from the 'Poonist's Perch, she retrieves her riding dress and buys a coach. But time is truly running out.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-06-29 6 
August 2023
5700233The Graverobber's Daughter IXChlotsuintha extricates herself from another mess in another public house, finishes shopping, and then begins to investigate Aldoin's house Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-08-15 5 
September 2023
5737272The Graverobber's Daughter XChlotsuintha continues investigating, though both the emitter-Organs of the Constructs and what exactly transpired there still elude her.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-09-29 9 
October 2023
5768100The Checkpoint #1A tale of intrigue and personal exploration navigated by Cthaii Agent Burden Deo. The world is dark and blood soaked, but not without hope.The Checkpoint Quest, Burden Deo, Dark, Fantasy, Checkpoint Guy, Collective Game, 2023-10-13 3 
November 2023
5794787The Checkpoint #2Cthaii Agent Burden Deo continues his story which is peppered with suffering, danger, and hard choices. Hopefully it will be told again.The Checkpoint Quest, Burden Deo, Dark, Fantasy, Checkpoint Guy, Collective Game 2023-11-01 1 
5792714World of Darkness: Chicago Quest #1A day at Ryan Moore's life! A meetign with his co-workers at the Tabloid during day, and a celebration with his best friend at night.Collective Game, Quest, World of Darkness, WoD, Chicago, Mortals, Oracle19902023-11-22 -2 
5793943The Graverobber's Daughter XIChlotsuintha continues investigating Aldoin's house, but after some successes she accidentally ends up injuring one of the Constructs.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-11-27 5 
91014901Valhallans on an Anchor worldThe Valhallan 545th are redirected to an Anchor world to reinforce other regiments40k, IG, valhallans, skitarii, chaos, tyranids, dark angels, writefaggotry, mordians, felinids, beastmen2023-11-29 5 
December 2023
5811050Vampire the Dark Ages: Athens By NightKalina of Damascus is initiated into as a NeonateVampire the Dark Ages, Athens By Night, World of Darkness, WoD, Crassus, Tzimisce, Byzantium, Constantinople2023-12-14 7 
January 2024
5839149World of Darkness: Chicago Quest #2Ryan Moore wake up next day and talks with his work friend about a weird sensation.Collective Game, Quest, World of Darkness, WoD, Chicago, Mortals, Oracle19902024-01-08 0 
5850982The Graverobber's Daughter XIIAfter answering a few of her many questions and some unexpected finds, Chlotsuintha concludes investigating Aldoin's house.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-01-17 6 
5861389Dark Lord QuestAn insane dark lord on a quest to destroy the world leads an army of golems and bandits to conquer parts of the kingdom of Noen.Dark Lord Quest, Fantasy, Strategy, BBEG2024-01-24 3 
February 2024
5904737Black Magic QuestA high-school student discovers a sinister grimoire and his ancestors' dark secrets. he sets out to use them for fun, profit, and 'justicedark magic, hypnosis, blackmail, sex, demons, edge, family drama, brazzers.com2024-02-08 10 
March 2024
5901404Dark Lord Quest 2Abrupt end and epilogue.Dark Lord Quest, Fantasy, Strategy, BBEG2024-03-02 0 
5895788The Graverobber's Daughter XIIIFrom Aldoin's, Chlotsuintha heads to a Clerking House, avoiding Guards, servants and neighbors as she prepares to forge a Family Patent.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-03-04 7 
5920813Third World Leader Quest (Ethiopia)"The Marshal" navigates the politics of Ethiopia, trying to avoid civil-war, and juggling various international superpowerstriller, tom clancy, Africa, Ethiopia, Hearts of Darkness2024-03-14 5 
April 2024
5946039The Graverobber's Daughter XIVChlotsuintha leaves the Clerking house without forgeries, then a terrible realization compels a reckoning over her actions of late.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-04-18 5 
May 2024
5982823The Graverobber's Daughter XVChlotsuintha allows a Thief-Taker to chaperone her at a Coaching house dinner to collect her stage and hear of the disturbance on the roads.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-05-31 5 
June 2024
6016258Black Magic Quest 2: Rise of the Grey MageA burgeoning black mage uses his demonic powers to enhance himself and his social life, but also to uncover corruptiondark magic, hypnosis, blackmail, sex, demons, high school, municipal politics, brazzers.com2024-06-21 5 
August 2024
6053771The Graverobber's Daughter XVIChlotsuintha extricates herself and stage from the Coaching house to board at another, as time runs out she must make a difficult decision.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-08-29 6 
September 2024
6100752Swords and Little Girl; Dark Fantasy One-shotYou are a Knight in a desolate world, pursued by many who wish to claim the young princess under your protection.Fantasy, Medieval, Dark Fantasy, Grimdark, Knight, Princess, Loli, Child, Little girl, Vermis2024-09-18 2 
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