/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2001
CollectionFrost Giantess QuestYou awaken on a rocky steppe, transformed into a frost giantess.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2001-01-01Thread Collection
January 2010
7648044Frost Giant Quest 1You awake on a rocky steppe. You have become transformed into a female frost giant. You have no magical powers beyond those of a baseline frost giant. You were originally a normal human male from modern-day earth surfing 4chan.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-19 44 
7657405Frost Giant Quest 2 You have become transformed into a female frost giant. You have no magical powers beyond those of a baseline frost giant. You were originally a normal human male from modern-day earth surfing 4chan. Part 2 of the critically acclaimed series.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-19 31 
7725747Frost Giant Quest 3You have become transformed into a female frost giant. Shit gets done. Specifically, plowing. Apparently we also have a demon living in our head.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-23 28 
7735825Frost Giant Quest 4You have become transformed into a female frost giant. We hunt, harvest loam for fertilizer, and fire ice from our fingers.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-24 27 
7757289Frost Giant Quest 5You have become transformed into a female frost giant. We learn, plan, work ourselves into exhaustion, and finally figure out how to use magic on our own.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-25 26 
7760828Frost Giant Quest 6The quest continues, as we figure out long-term goals and consider pitfalls along the way. Lots of information about the community and world comes about.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-25 26 
7828305Frost Giant Quest 7The quest continues as we find acquire some books and continue studying cold based spells. Also-FUCK WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT THING? Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-30 37 
7831571Frost Giant Quest 8We slay a demon and hug a guy, and find out that the thing has many useful parts, among them blades that can be used to TURN OUR AXE INTO A HALBERD, FUCK YEAHFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-30 32 
7833144Frost Giant Quest 9The night winds down with the promise of actual smithing and a test of some more awesome magic.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-30 31 
7845823Frost Giant Quest 10Continuation of Lord Quest with blue vagoo, we repair some buildings, finish windbreaks, explore some cav-HOLY SHIT I'M THE FIST OF THE NORTH STAR.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-31 30 
February 2010
7861503Frost Giant Quest 11After the demon-slaying, we've got money. Lots of it. And no way to spend it without arousing suspicion. Much discussion is had.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-01 30 
7864234Frost Giantess Quest 12Averron is eaten, infrastructure is constructed, and Demon-monies are spent. Life is good.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-01 33 
7936458Frost Giantess Quest 13We continue building up the village. Plus more people + magic types.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-05 29 
7950962Frost Giantess Quest 14Apparently, our head is super valuable...on a pike.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-07 30 
7955181Frost Giantess Quest 15We'll kill if we have to, but we'd rather not. Be good, won't you?Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-07 28 
7968446Frost Giant Quest 16Spam invades, but work continues.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-07 29 
7972055Frost Giant 17Large scale timeskip, much advancement to the town.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-08 28 
8050660Frost Giantess Quest 18We are SimCity for a god. Awesome.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-13 28 
8055304Frost Giantess Quest 19The village gets new villagers, and apparently /tg/ doesn't trust anyone who might be smarter than them.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-13 28 
8067796Frost Giantess Quest 20We take a break, make some snowmen and OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK WAS THATFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-14 28 
8073204Frost Giantess Quest 21Critical roll failures will not stop a god from kicking an elemental in the balls.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-14 30 
8084990Frost Giantess Quest 22We look for a way to be ourselves without fear or reprisal.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-15 27 
8089424Frost Giantess 221 giant vs 2 dozen trolls. THERE WERE NO SURVIVORSFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-15 31 
8173045Frost Giantess Quest 24Oh hey, what's this? A town we haven't seen yet? Well, let's just see what- OH FUCK DEMONSFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-20 28 
8179193Frost Giant 25Dealing with the loot, getting armored up, practicing a new sphere of magic (Healing), time skip to Tax Day.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-20 27 
8208403Frost Giantess Quest 26Blacksmith Acquired! End of the year celebrations commence, and the villagers are introduced to the a certain space opera...Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-22 29 
March 2010
8421993Frost Giantess Quest 30We charge headlong into battle, destroying all enemies in our path. But even we cannot save everyone.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-06 25 
8455920Frost Giantess Quest 31Hey. You know what we haven't done yet? Journeyed to the CENTER OF THE EARTH, of course. BURN, BABY BURNFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-08 25 
8549748Frost Spirit/Giantess Quest 32Even in death, we still serve.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-13 25 
8584677Frost Spirit/Giantess Quest 33Despite hilarious server problems, the quest continues. Reincarnation is a bit like buying a car, only with more potential pitfalls. Like eventual, inescapable insanity.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-15 25 
8666502Frost Giantess Quest 34First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes horrible screaming death. Or maybe that one comes first, you can never tell.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-20 24 
8706196Frost Giantess Quest 35Feasting. Training. Trying to figure out what exactly we are supposed to be feeling. It's all good, man.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-22 24 
8294980Frost Giantess Quest 27Hey, let's go off and explore these ruins by ourselves. Armor? Fuck armor. (manually restored)Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-23 25 
8311245Frost Giantess Quest 28Healing. Meeting a righteous bro-god. Joining the army. Par for the course. (manually restored)Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-23 25 
8332562Frost Giantess Quest 29Finally we get into a fight and manage to NOT ALMOST DIE. (manually restored)Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-23 25 
8801449Frost Giantess Quest 36Goal: Become noble. Method: Haggle for it. This is what we do.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-27 24 
8820012Frost Giantess Quest 37We are going to be the best damn alchemist ever. All we need now is some prosthetics, a pocketwatch, and shortness.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-28 24 
8839638Frost Giantess quest 38Today, we go shopping and Bem buys half the town for a nickel and a smile.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-29 24 
April 2010
9088542Frost Giantess Quest 39The bad rolls return. At least this time we aren't dying, just failing horribly at alchemy. And this is the skill we want to use to make a nuke.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-10 24 
9108613Frost Giantess Quest 40You know what happens when you give a medieval society plans for generators, locomotives, and rockets? We're about to find out.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-11 24 
9128774Frost Giantess Quest 41Generator test: successful. Also, Forus is apparently centered around a massive volcano that will probably explode and kill us all.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-12 24 
9234259Frost Giantess Quest 42Looks like the universe will do anything to keep us from becoming a noble. Up to and including CREEDing hundreds of thousands of guys directly into our country. Seriously.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-17 25 
9274286Frost Giantess Quest 43Thus did Maya Terrasdottir, Frost Giant mage, royally fuck up the enemy's shit.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-19 37 
9382537Frost Giantess Quest 43It's a trap!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-24 25 
9424460Frost Giantess Quest 45Racing through fog, being chased by a shadow beast, then suddenly OH YEAH KOOLAID MAN!"frost" "Giantess" "Quest"2010-04-26 26 
May 2010
9531360Frost Giantess Quest 46Things quiet down a bit. We make some batarangs, cage some lightning, and catch up with Kel. All good.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-01 24 
9549247Frost Giantess Quest 47You can't win 'em all. For us, that usually means death or maiming, but this time, we escaped intact. Does that make it better or worse?Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-02 25 
9672525Frost Giantess Quest 48Yeah, let's just sign this contract forcing us to follow the orders of a bunch of government wizards. WHAT COULD GO WRONGFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-08 24 
9713601Frost Giantess Quest 50GUESS WHO'S BACKFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-10 24 
9817416Frost Giantess Quest 51Soldier. Alchemist. Lumberjack. War is hell.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-15 24 
9856237Frost Giantess Quest 52Men are lost, a beast is slain, and tales, both dread and inspiring are told.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-17 24 
9965818Frost Giantess Quest 53War is a dirty business.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-22 24 
9986925Frost Giantess Quest 54FIGHT SPIDERS WITH SPIDERSFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-23 24 
10117592Frost Giantess Quest 56Very short session. Link to quest #55. Events after the battle. We finally get to the capital and get our noble title. We countess now.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-29 22 
10161840Frost Giantess Quest 57Good to be back. Hey, you know what this place needs? A railway. And a giant house. And FACTORIES EVERYWHERE. Time to jump-start this revolution.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-31 22 
June 2010
10274944Frost Giantess Quest 58Back to the industrial grind. More people, more resources, more expansion. Some spam near the end, but hell, who doesn't get spammed nowadays.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-05 22 
10320460Frost Giantess Quest 59Knights, mages, and indoor plumbing. The life of a town is a merry one. Also, spam, but it's not like we aren't familiar with it.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-07 22 
10602809Frost Giantess Quest 60Back in the swing of things. Railways, new alliances, plenty of solid discussion. SPAM-FREE!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-20 20 
10739498Frost Giant Quest 61Build up our railroad and town and start making plans to expand outwards.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-26 17 
July 2010
10891493Frost Giantess Quest 63Railroads, zeppelins, Hugo Boss and terrorism. It's great to be back!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-03 14 
10911008Frost Giantess Quest 64Saboteurs are rounded up and made to think real hard about who they're working for. If we'd put in the same amount of thought, that train might still be here.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-04 13 
11035643Frost Giantess Quest 65Construction, archaeological digs, and founding Zeppelin attack squadrons stocked with ridiculous quantities of bombs and machine guns. We've got steam-powered lasers and everyone else is riding our awesome trains. Life is good.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-10 15 
11035643Frost Giantess Quest 65Construction, archaeological digs, and founding Zeppelin attack squadrons stocked with ridiculous quantities of bombs and machine guns. We've got steam-powered lasers and everyone else is riding our awesome trains. Life is good.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-10 15 
11055182Frost Giantess Quest 66Ancient highly advanced city destroyed by fire gods. Let's go in and touch stuff!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-11 13 
11055182Frost Giantess Quest 66Ancient highly advanced city destroyed by fire gods. Let's go in and touch stuff!Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-11 13 
11073680Frost Giantess Quest 67"No, it's IN the system, you idiot! All the medical consoles have been infected" .............................................END OF LINEFrost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, ohgodwhat2010-07-12 15 
11173181Frost Giantess Quest 68Ancient AIs? Techno-viral infections? Difficult choices? ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROLFrost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-17 14 
11191313Frost Giantess Quest 69Going to heal the heir to the throne, do some real good, then suddenly POLITICSFrost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-18 14 
11308994Frost Giantess Quest 70Internal combustion engines. Rail artillery. Nuclear weapons. With our luck, we'll end up fighting in the astral plane.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-24 14 
11329508Frost Giantess Quest 71When you've come as far as we have, well, let's just say an Air Navy is just reward.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-25 13 
11446506A Frost Giant is Thee ★One of the worst, Longest-running quests is still continuing why won't they give it up already?Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-07-31 21 
August 2010
11462073Frost Giantess Quest 73At some point, you ask yourself whether you're doing the right thing. Well, if saving an entire race is wrong...Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-01 14 
11656229Frost Giantess Quest 74Bitching. So. Much. Bitching. Later, we capture a SHITTON of feral frost giants for re-education and open up another fleet base.Frost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, bitching2010-08-14 13 
11682951Frost Giantess Quest 75Mistakes are made. Bases are found. One of them full of enough tanks and missiles to win a war in a small desert country. Hooah!Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-16 13 
11756369Frost Giantess Quest 76Yet more cool hardware that we must find a way to use as a weapon. Talking, diplomacy, and even more rage against the nobles. Life is good.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-21 13 
11782555Frost Giantess Quest 77Back to town to see how things are going. Then it's back off into the wasteland to dig up possibly homicidal AIs and have them make chairs. Also laser telescope. Love this job.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-23 14 
11847023Frost Giantess Quest 78Learning. Assessing projects. Working through politics. Sometimes, to take care of the boredom, you just have to go for a walk in the cancerous forest and check for shiny things.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-28 12 
11872738Frost Giantess Quest 79More Zeppelin rides and plenty of politics. Exploration, planning, and the testing of a very important ship designed to kill sky castles.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-30 13 
September 2010
11938570Frost Giantess Quest 79Politics, planning, and nuclear devices everywhere. Also, shit goes down. But not in the manner expected.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-09-04 12 
11965730Frost Giantess Quest 81 - The endand a flight of angels sing thee to thy restFrost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, GAR, The End2010-09-06 21 
April 2012
18734234A concept of Human Ingenuity and madnessDurendal shares his idea for a space setting where spaceships are all biological; grown from humans. /tg/ takes the concept and runs with it; yielding interesting results and both clean and slightly-fetishy variants of the setting.setting, development, space, ship, grimdark, transhuman, giant, giantess, war, freaky, biological, bioship, The Archivist2012-04-16 11 
July 2015
41319771Yet Another Fetish Worldbuilding ThreadThis time it was spawned by Weekend Smut Thread, no lessTransforming Giantess Vore Robots, The shame we all live with2015-07-19 -10 
August 2016
48876421Shrunken PCsA blatant fetish thread with some interesting ideas for shrunken adventures.shrunk, giantess2016-08-21 0 
September 2022
85887781How can OP put giantesses in his setting without being horny?/tg/ assists OP in trying to help insert giantess stuff, actually does a pretty good job.Setting discussion, Giantess, not!porn (probably)2022-09-05 0 
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