Thread Title Description Tags Added Score December 2007 862962 Catgirl Campaign thread. Catgirls, 40K-inspired cults, and a tripfag who just won't shut up. /tg/ in a nutshell. Catgirls 2007-12-03 4 April 2008 1605777 Gender Bending ca/tg/irl asks if anyone ever played their opposite gender. A few stories and epic writefaggotry occurs. story , ca/tg/irl , writefaggotry 2008-04-27 5 May 2008 1641968 World Building, Part 2 A continuation of an earlier thread about worldbuilding. Magic, Steampunk, and Races, Oh My! worldgen 2008-05-01 -2 1728031 Magical Girl Roleplaying Ideas on systems to play Magical Girl-based games. Magical Girl , RPG , Sailor Moon , Tri-Stat dX 2008-05-14 6 1803964 Revised Goo Girl Stats More monstergirls monstergirl 2008-05-24 4 June 2008 2050562 Internet Pact Warlock /tg/'s take on 4e Internet Pact Warlock and it's abilities warlock , internet pact 2008-06-21 4 September 2008 2515817 World of Blades Odd, semi-original setting for an unspecified fantasy game. Weapons attached to souls, and the consequences thereof Fantasy , Homebrew , World 2008-09-06 7 2608192 Our own campaign world An attempt to revive /tg/ actually ends up with some good ideas. worldbuilding 2008-09-19 0 October 2008 2711290 Humans are Insane Part 3 Part 3, more writefaggotry, thread starts to discuss more of the setting humans , fluff , worldbuilding 2008-10-01 27 2900429 Vampire A lazy storyteller searching for clues how to run a high school game in VtM. Quite unprecedented, he actually gets great advice. Archived for the purpose of showing how it should work. Vampire The Masquerade , World of Darkness , Getting Shit Done 2008-10-29 10 November 2008 2963651 Flatworlds A writefag details a fantastic setting of multiverses and high magic, where every world is flat. Flatworld , story , setting 2008-11-09 1 3029632 Imperial Guardsman Briefing #4585: Pleasuring a Woman Imperial briefing on how to finger a girl. Accurate and entertaining, later leads on to Eldar Vagina Tentacles. 40K , Self Help , Girls , Tentacle Vaginas 2008-11-21 27 3049699 Get out of here M.A.R.T.I.A.N It seems there has been a time shift! Steampunk STALKER, an not-fully-thought-out cyberpunk setting with some potential and Macross 1942. And More! Steampunk , Time Shift , Macross , STALKER , World War 2 , War of the Worlds 2008-11-24 5 3059084 Dark Heresy Campaign Writefaggotry Someone's DH campaign arc ended. They wrote up the results in dense, hard-to-read format. Discussion of what to do with the little girl one PC rescued from a chaos orphanage and subsequently adopted ensues Dark Heresy , writefag , little girl 2008-11-26 8 December 2008 3102178 World Eater TheArbiter explaining his often requested campaign setting:
Since a couple people requested it yesterday, so I've gathered my notes and I'm posting a summary from a campaign I ran a while ago called World Eater. It was a large arc in an ongoing campaign in a worldgen of my own design, and it took about a full year to play through. Granted, this is largely because we play entirely online and admittedly, things go much more slowly than in person. Further, because we don't all live in the same time zone, sometimes just finding the time to play was difficult, and there would be long stretches with no progression.
For as long as this campaign arc is, I'll try to trim it down as much as possible while still maintaining all the details that made it worth playing.
Though this campaign took place in a unique worldgen, it could easily be adapted to a traditional D&D-style setting, or any other world, as needed. I'm sure the proper analogs are all there.
I'll do my best to address the wishes and questions of anyone interested. World Eater , Homebrew , Campaign Setting 2008-12-03 62 3118172 Girl Genius d20 A tripfag makes stats for a Girl Genius game. d20 , Girl Genius 2008-12-06 0 January 2009 3458846 World War Magic Anon crafts a version of World War II where everyone has SCIENCE and MAGIC and the players are caught in the middle. World War 2 , SCIENCE , Magic , Homebrew 2009-01-20 8 February 2009 3633522 World building 101 A brief but useful collection of tips for creating a campaign world from scratch. Or stealing it from someone else. Only one death threat in the entire thread. world building , campaign 2009-02-07 3 3668696 Homeworld in 40k 1 What if the Kushani try to take Holy Terra? Homeworld , warhammer , 40k , Kushani 2009-02-10 12 3670053 Homeworld in 40k 2 We just agreed that Kushani are lootier than da orks Homeworld , warhammer , 40k , Kushani 2009-02-10 5 3671425 Homeworld in 40k 3 Now we know Orkz can add moar dakka to Kushani Mothership, Progenitors can fuck everyones shit up and are the reason why the nids are running from their previous galaxy, given enough time Hiigarans can be a real pain in the ass or even a major threat to the IoM, and Karan S'Jet is hot and should become The God-Empress if she isn't one already. Homeworld , warhammer , 40k , Kushani , Karan 2009-02-11 6 3674599 Homeworld in 40k 4 Yes it's still going, yes I'm shocked too, yes this IS getting ridiculous. Homeworld , warhammer , 40k , Kushani , Karan 2009-02-11 5 3677459 Homeworld in 40k 5 This is the thread that never end, and it goes on and on my friends... Homeworld , warhammer , 40k , Kushani , Karan 2009-02-11 5 3679875 Homeworld in 40k 6 My's full of stars! Homeworld , warhammer , 40k , Kushani , Karan 2009-02-11 5 3687417 Homeworld in 40k 7 Ancient ones, they watch and listen, Carry our wishes, Took upon themselves to guide us Through the endless skies.
Homeworld , warhammer , 40k , Kushani , Karan 2009-02-12 3 3693195 Homeworld in 40k 8 I can see forever... Homeworld , warhammer , 40k , Kushani , Karan 2009-02-12 6 3726453 The World of Aarn A promising-sounding homebrew world, with unimaginable deities, numerous ancient catastrophes, and lighthearted whimsy. At least that's how the OP described it. homebrew , world building 2009-02-16 7 3784614 Afterlife Gaming /tg/ realizes the truth about life, the afterlife, and what it all really is. Civility , afterlife , gaming , lich kings on behemoths 2009-02-22 13 March 2009 3938847 World War I Crusades A picture plus a quick paragraph of story sparks speculation about what if the Crusades had access to World War I chemical weapons. world war 1 , crusades 2009-03-12 11 4046947 Baron Von Make-a-fucking-world-satan Baron tells us how to make a map with all the important shit on it. Without it looking like it was made by some retard (even though it was made by some retard) Homebrew , World Building , Namefag , Maps 2009-03-22 37 4061124 A Song To Save The World /tg/ debates what song will save the planet in the face of imminent destruction. music , end of the world 2009-03-23 2 4139522 Fantasy trench warfare /tg/ creates the beginning stages of a fantasy world caught in the throes of WW1 style trench warfare. worldbuilding , homebrew , WW1 , alternate fantasy 2009-03-31 11 April 2009 4161791 Planescape Magical Faction Girls! The PCs are magical girls imbued with power by their factions, sent by Big Sis Pain-chan to fight evil throughout the planes! D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious 2009-04-02 18 4225841 Wonderland as a Campaign Setting Inspired by a flash animation/song, /tg/ discusses a campaign set in a dark version of Alice's Wonderland. Alice , Wonderland , campaign , setting 2009-04-09 10 4247421 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 2 Oh Jesus, he's actually going to RUN it. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious 2009-04-11 12 4255435 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 3 The game ends up actually being run and... nothing is creepy about it! It's actually FUN!
Oh Jesus God, what have we done. WHAT HAVE WE DONE. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-04-12 15 4324227 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 4 If this is what happens 'That Time of the Week,' I dread knowing what 'That Time of the Month' will be like. The goddamn magical girls are back again! D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-04-19 11 4398034 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 5 Third session of the Planescape Girls Game, and the last in the adventure! They actually get into a fight for once! There is EXCITEMENT and ADVENTURE! D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-04-26 10 May 2009 4465475 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 6 Fourth actual game-session. This time we go to the beach and Bleaker-tan's Player crit-succeeds at sandcastle-building. ADORABLE. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-05-03 7 4539347 Battlefleet Hiigara General Homeworld thread becomes Homeworld in Battlefleet Gothic thread. Shit gets done. homeworld , warhammer 40,000 , hiigara , taiidan , kushan , kadesh , battlefleet gothic , bfg 2009-05-13 0 4695827 Neckbeard Finances A thread about spending habits turns awesome. Money , army prices , debt , George Carlin , savings 2009-05-29 2 4697371 Dark Heresy - Buildan A Worldan Anon uses the 40k Dark Heresy World Builder to...well, build a world. End result is surprisingly awesome. Dark Heresy , Warhammer 40k , World , Buildan 2009-05-29 8 4715727 Homeworld 40k Discussion and a bit of fluff on how Homeworld would operate in the 40k world Homeworld , 40k 2009-05-31 1 June 2009 4732463 Sailor moon suddenly invades /tg/ Disturbingly, some of our fa/tg/guys know sailor moon in intimate detail. Sailor moon , magical girls , want to be the little girl , wtf 2009-06-01 2 4837545 Random dungeon Guy posts simple dungeoncrawling game, using /tg/'s dice program. /tg/ makes it awesome. collective game , girls , random 2009-06-11 2 4941851 What not to do with little girls. Anonymous asks how to get rid of a little girl NPC stalking his party.
Just when the thread can't get any worse, it is saved by a grimdark derail. little girl , bad DM , Dark Heresy , awesome DM 2009-06-20 6 4983560 WoD musings /tg/ on why WoD is too gimdark for it's own good. World of Darkness , Grimdark , WoD , oWoD , nWoD 2009-06-24 -5 5020019 Overlord Quest? Text adventure. You wake up in a ring of bloody meat, in a lab that seems to be yours. Your servants inform you that a Great Doom is coming. Might be set in 40K. text adventure , writefaggotry , Leibowitz , Overlord Quest 2009-06-28 6 July 2009 5062793 Discworld Time /tg/ has an awesome discworld thread. discworld , terry pratchett 2009-07-02 3 5138369 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Return! They're back! (Last thread wasn't archived.) Now in session 10, the girls are dealing with the Modron March and need help stopping them from trampling a town in Celestia. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-07-12 7 5173594 Realistic Fantasy Societies Anon discusses the impact of magic-heavy social structures as opposed to the traditional MIDDLE AGES BUT WITH MAGIC settings. discussion , world-building 2009-07-16 5 5198252 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Unswerving Path Modrons are assholes. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM , modrons 2009-07-19 10 5267562 Games: Toonami Style IN A WORLD WHERE FATGUYS EXPLAIN THEIR FAVORITE GAMES USING PETER CULLEN'S VOICE...
THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO HAVE A CLUE Game Description , Peter Cullen , IN A WORLD 2009-07-27 30 5277833 Games: Toonami Style Part 2 Same as the old one, but with talk of an Exalted/Nobilis movie and its plot, Imperators punching a Yozi in the face and a common cause to stop the Kukla from destroying Creation. awesome , nobilis , exalted , IN A WORLD , Peter Cullen 2009-07-29 9 August 2009 5352392 Slaaneshi Salesgirl Slaanesh would just like a moment of your time. Slaanesh , Salesgirl 2009-08-06 21 5431157 Six Million Dollar Chan Little amputee girl is going to be Six Million Dollar Chan. Further exploring the reconstruction of a surviving guro victim. dawww , sad little girl , cyborg , reconstruction 2009-08-13 7 5480720 World building Captain teaches /tg/ how to build worlds. world , building , terrain , geography 2009-08-17 3 5511229 How to make a setting Solid thread on making a good setting. game design , d&d , homebrew , useful , dm , gm , world building , ideas 2009-08-19 21 5605691 Monstrous Girls OP wants a monstergirl thread.
What he gets is GRIMDARK and NO GOD NO. monstergirl , grimdark , writefaggotry , horror , discussion 2009-08-27 15 5655084 POWquest I You are a colonel in the British Army during World War II. You and several others have been captured by the Axis forces, and have been moved into a German Prisoner of War camp. Day I. Collective Game , Quest , World War , Nazi , War 2009-08-30 1 September 2009 5772445 Witch Girl thread A Witch Girl RPG thread. /tg/ discovers just how evil and sadistic girls with absolute power can be, several comics are posted, discussions on systems of morality are had. Witch Girl , comic , evil 2009-09-08 26 5774945 Witch Girl Thread, Part 2 The first thread turned out popular enough, and was continued. Anon reveals the secret plot behind Witch Girl, and manages to GRIMDARK a game for teenage girls. Witch Girl , Grimdark 2009-09-08 14 5778327 Witch Girl Thread, Part 3 After 2 autosages, it still didn't end. Witch Girl 2009-09-09 20 October 2009 6144666 Captured rogue planet WorldBuilder starts, well, building a world. Biology, geology and planetology discussions abound as fa/tg/uys debate on the conditions under which a planet travelling millions of years would be captured in the solar system. Includes a huge stellar body almost PLOUGHING THROUGH JUPITER. worldbuilder , science , sci-fi , planetology , custom setting 2009-10-05 1 6171811 Trench Setting Generic "events in the X" turns into the whole setting discussion full of ideas and characters world war , setting , ideas , trench , warfare , discussion 2009-10-07 0 6195607 Cheerleader writefaggotry Some entertaining writefaggotry about a pair of cheerleaders getting introduced to the geek subculture. Girls , Writefaggotry , Geeks , D&D 2009-10-09 10 6364430 Deathwish Quest 4.75 WE FINALLY MADE THAT DAMN AXE, AND IT IS A FORCE OF NATURE. Charles , Bronson , Deathwish , HOLY , SHIT , WEJUSTKIILEDSOMEGODDAMNDRAGONS 2009-10-21 7 6383429 Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting An obvious troll turns into a discussion on excellent campaign settings. D&D , Forgotten Realms , Wilderlands , Known World , Mystara , Newhon , Judges Guild , Campaign 2009-10-22 -2 November 2009 6598082 Anon's Guide to Mapping Helpful anonymous describes how to draw reasonably-realistic fantasy world maps. fantasy worldbuilding map 2009-11-07 5 6645341 Meta-War: The Nerd-Raging A thread about the Unified Setting suddenly takes a turn for the Awesome when /tg/ starts talking about a setting where every fa/tg/uy becomes powered up, factions based around games and ideas form and war begins, encouraged by the sinister Troll-lord world building , homebrew , /tg/ , trolls 2009-11-10 2 6750414 World of Derpness /tg/ discusses the most mindnumbing aspects of the old World of Darkness' metaplot. world of darkness , discussion 2009-11-18 4 6764015 World of Awesome A continuation of World of Darpness, where /tg/ talks about what it liked in old World of Darkness. World of Darkness , tg , awesome 2009-11-19 4 6913800 Anna Quest, part two /tg/ continues its railroad quest, and THE PLOT THICKENS. Quest , Questthread , monstergirl 2009-11-29 0 December 2009 7026512 Homeworld RPG Anon asks /tg/ to combine homeworld and BSG into a RPG, most of the fluff from homeworld gets posted and some ideas, but no crunch fluff , setting , homeworld 2009-12-06 1 7143991 Post WWIII setting Discussion on post World War III political geography.
Interesting debate on how and where WWIII would begin accompanied by elaborate maps. world war three , III , world war , WWIII , post apocalypse 2009-12-15 2 7176389 Fluff a monster Anon posts a monster pic and anon creates back-story for the monster. It contains some truly sickening stuff! Monsters , BBEGs , World Building 2009-12-17 5 7227453 Overlad Quest Recap Basically the most awesome thing since a while.
Contains evil, elves, incest, shota/loli, awesome, gratuitous blood, etc. Overlad Quest , Collective Game 2009-12-21 21 7307326 Lace the Promethean A depressing tale of Promethean done right. Desperate striving for humanity gone horribly wrong due to incomprehension and lack of empathy. Promethean , World of Darkness , story 2009-12-27 22 7357007 World of Miasma An anon presents a bizzare and wonderous world for /tg/'s consumption. /tg/ is amused by the flavor of floating islands, cloud seas, and floating rivers. World of Miasma 2009-12-31 0 January 2010 7410817 Fogworld Anon attempts to design a world shrouded in fog, and speculates on the types of creatures and societies that might live there. world building , original content , biology , climate 2010-01-04 5 7420335 Girlfriend Quest! Girlfriend quest, No serisouly its pretty cool Girl , Quest , Collective Game , FUCK YEAH 2010-01-04 2 7426439 Spy: The Backstabbing Starts out as a rage thread, but turns into an awesome campaign where each player has conflicting objectives, but must grudgingly work with the others to fulfill it. Oh, and each player is secretly working with the ST to screw over the others, without them knowing. WoD , World of Darkness , Rage , Backstab , Spy 2010-01-04 0 7423974 To Warlord or not to Warlord A collection of information about warlord titans as well as templates to build your own titans, also OP decides to get back at his aggressive tournament runners with a Creed-bound warlord titan. Warlord , Titans , Creed , Tournaments , Lists , Templates , 40k , Revenge. 2010-01-04 1 7424288 Girlfriend Quest 2 The quest continues under new management. It gets worse before it gets better. Girl , Quest , Collective Game , Evil , Vampires 2010-01-05 5 7708457 Train World OP comes to /tg/ asking for help creating a setting themed around trains. Awesomeness ensues as a desolate wasteland connected by slowly degrading tracks emerges from the hivemind. tracks , setting , world build , trains , conductor 2010-01-22 5 7765656 lets make a high fantasy setting /tg/ re imagines your classic races into a startling panoply of eclectic propositions. fantasy , high-fantasy , orc , elf , dwarf , human , halflig , gnome , world building 2010-01-25 14 7770300 Teegeescape, pt 3 (Teegeescape is the name I picked for the continuing of "let's make a high fantasy setting" homebrew , world building 2010-01-25 10 7774991 Tegeescape IV It starts slowing down, but Tegeetia is still developing. Also, Tarr poop Homebrew , World Building , Tegeetia 2010-01-26 5 7809299 Reincarnation Would Suck What if modern-day scientists figured out how to cheat death, via a process that replaces the mind of a 9-year-old with your own? /tg/ discusses ethics & tries to predict what'd happen to society. Dagda , World Building , Cyberpunk , Ethics , Serious Business 2010-01-28 2 February 2010 7893309 Girl Friend Quest Redux Hopefully, this time we don't end up as an undead monstrosity Girlfriend , Quest , Collective Game 2010-02-03 2 7956950 Mrs. Scorpion In /tg/'s own inimitable way, it manages to turn a monstergirl thread into something much more interesting, from cute images of scorpion schoolkids to discussion about exoskeletal physiology and the effects of decompression. monstergirl space d'aww 2010-02-07 5 8045039 4e Character Builds, Bonus Thread: The Peerless Wind God OH MY GOD I'M SLIDING AND OBLITERATING TOFU LIKE I'M THE MOTHERFUCKING FIST OF THE NORTH STAR! D&D , 4e , warlock 2010-02-13 0 8077315 ITT: Real-world locales that are just begging to appear in the World of Darkness. Real world areas that are just begging to be the center-pieces of creepy adventures. WoD optional. World of Darkness , Creepy , Real World 2010-02-14 14 8134925 mythics /tg/ discusses modern everyday life in a world filled with monsters. monster , monstergirls , fluff , rp 2010-02-17 3 8140585 Discworld Arkham Horror Characters Discworld characters for use in Arkham Horror Discworld , Arkham Horror 2010-02-18 5 8175884 How To Sandbox DM, Part 2 A request from a DM turns into a discussion on sandbox DMing, references and Ars Ludi. DMing sandbox worldbuilding world building 2010-02-20 2 8197622 Taiidan Quest We get to see the events of Homeworld from the otherside... As the Taiidani fleet who burned Kharak.
Taiidan Quest , collective game , Homeworld , Adaigo for Strings , Kharak , Kharak is burning 2010-02-21 1 8221751 Modern Mythics worldbuilding /tg/ attempts to hammer out a solid setting from several roleplay threads, with a measure of success. worldbuilding , monsters , fluff 2010-02-22 3 8242260 4e Character Builds, Bonus Thread: A Lazy, Lazy Clever Commander A build for a warlord who never makes attacks. D&D , 4e , warlord 2010-02-24 4 March 2010 8471014 Tsunder Anubis Gods, riddles, and emotional whiplash abound Gods , Tsunder , Anubis , Monstergirl , Tsundere , Egypt 2010-03-09 10 8506441 Infrared Squid & Radioactive Jellyfish The creation of the Zxyksi, uplifted squid who communicate with infrared radiation. They were uplifted for entertainment and fell into the dark ages. Zyxksi , Squid , World building , creature , sci-fi 2010-03-10 3 8512705 Create a Species Thread Take Two This time we create an unnamed species of trilobite snakes who indulge in cannibalistic violence, prompted by their genetic rage, and rule the stars. Possibly they were the uplifters of the Zxyksi? Zxyksi , species , creature , world building , scifi 2010-03-11 2 8523765 Species: Demonweb Dancers /tg/ created another species. This time, it's a bunch of huge, curious and philosophical spiders made of animated cloth and felt who maintain the Demonweb and do vaudeville performances for Lolth. Yeah. Zxyksi , world building , species 2010-03-11 3 8529717 A species let us make /tg/ creates a race of undead plant constructs that devour souls, the Helltree. fluff world_building horror 2010-03-12 4 8580300 good succubus worldbuilding Request for "Make succubi good but not shitty or fapfest" works succubus , worldbuilding , god , YHWH 2010-03-14 2 8581610 Brave new World (Quest) Let's see if lightning strikes twice Brave , New , World , Quest , Collective Game 2010-03-15 12 8620706 Brave New World Part 2 We go hunting, observe an execution, and switch scenes. Next up, Fighting in the Middle East. quest , collective game , brave , new , world 2010-03-17 5 8642684 Rockworld Pretty much what it says on the tin. World based around multitudes of caves, flying boulders and other assorted rockery, as well as the races who call it home. rockworld , homebrew setting , homebrew 2010-03-18 6 8662299 Touhou / Discworld Crossover Some short Touhou/Discworld crossover writefaggotry is posted. Touhou , Discworld 2010-03-19 7 8705790 Grailquest 1: The Castle of Darkness /tg/ begins to explore the first of this classic gamebook series. gamebooks , chickens , merlin 2010-03-22 1 8730788 Deathworld earth A continuation of the previous alternative history/fantasy thread "What if the Soviets and the Nazis struck an accord?"
Setting is expanded and some decent writefagging gets done. Alternative History , writefagging , worldbuilding 2010-03-23 5 April 2010 8909497 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Season 1 Planescape: Magical Girls finally returns a year after it was created, on April 1. The Great Modron March has concluded. Game is still awesome. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM , modrons 2010-04-01 10 9039418 Deathworld pt3 Metathread becomes a continuation of weeks-old worldbuilding. Alternate History , Commubama , Worldbuilding 2010-04-07 4 9044287 Deathworld pt4 Even moar worldbuilding involving Nazis, Soviets, and Constitutionalists. Japan is finally hammered out and China is touched upon. Alternate History , Commubama , Worldbuilding 2010-04-08 2 9050967 Adventuring Acadamy A proposed academy/school for adventurers prompts a flood of ideas for something you could drop in any fantisy setting. game design , world building , rpg , setting , ideas 2010-04-08 4 9063660 Champion: The Escalation A discussion on the merits of Princess: the Hopeful (there are none) turns into a surprisingly engaging discussion of how to handle heroes the World of Darkness way. World of Darkness , weeaboo , homebrew , shit gets done 2010-04-09 2 9079169 Discworld with GURPS /tg/ teaches a troll about the beauty of Discworld and GURPS femanon GURPS discworld troll mary sue 2010-04-09 -3 9097545 Console World You know the odd conventions of a console RPG like save points? /tg/ is bringing that to table top. worldbuilding , rpg 2010-04-10 2 9146018 The Fall anon gives us a description of the basics of Fall, essentially a bottomless pit. /tg/ fleshes out the world and discusses living in Fall Homebrew , World Building 2010-04-12 74 9215462 Rockworld Part II Continuation of Rockworld. Rockworld , homebrew , world building , creation 2010-04-16 3 9224379 Lord Faggatron the 3rd and His Flying Mansion A mispost gives way to Lord Faggatron III, who discovers that his house is flying away, his newest maid is half-cat, and his friends are due any minute for a game of cards at the (now flying) house!
/tg/ spontaneity at it's finest Victorian era , Cat-Girl , Meido , Steampunk , Lord , Faggatron , Silliness , WIN , Snake Oil 2010-04-16 2 9231221 Silent Hill World of Darkness Monsters to keep you up at night are created. Some from the Sins, some from the Virtues perverted. Silent Hill , World of Darkness , writefaggotry , monsters 2010-04-16 2 9235939 Random Setting Generation Inexplicably starts with a picture of Orson Welles. People roll using a random table and describe the setting that results from the roll. Dice , Orson Welles , Worldbuilding , Fluff 2010-04-17 0 9242793 The City Imagine a city you wont want to leave, because its just so safe and well maintained, and will kill you if you try it. game design , RPG , Setting , world building , homebrew 2010-04-17 0 9303668 Dark Sun Magical Girls Wait, what? magical_girls , dark_sun 2010-04-20 -2 9368957 Isolated Worlds Many ideas for new worlds with isolated communities and dangerous travel. World Building , Namefag , Collaboration , Isolated , Self-sufficient , 2010-04-23 2 9434393 /tg/ Debates Scientific Accuracy of Picture Troll photo deconstructed in true /tg/ style. Granite , Metamorphic , Dragons , High Pressure Worlds 2010-04-26 23 9480839 Setting Building RPG OP describes a RPG where players change the setting. worldbuilding setting rpg 2010-04-28 2 May 2010 9596971 Nyarlathotep Game ideas RE: Nyarly. Many horrible (in the good way) scenarios. cthulhu , nyarlathotep , call of cthulhu , lovecraft 2010-05-04 2 9639118 Bucket World A new setting with dozens of isolated communities that have adapted to their hostile environments. Travel is difficult, and the world is harsh. setting , namefag , world building , world , settings , bucket , isolated 2010-05-06 2 9781583 Species: Working Parts Introducing the Working Parts, a species of ant-sized and cat-shaped amorphous metal blobs that are highly individualistic and the product of a partially successful experiment to create a more efficient alternative to steam in a steampunk world! Zxyksi , world building , species 2010-05-13 5 9810737 Sacrifice A gaming group running the heroes of horror rule set have an epic and heartwarming end, despite the grim darkness of the world.
They saved that little girl. D&D , Heroic , Necromancer , Girl 2010-05-14 50 9816575 Gritty magical girls Ideas for gritty magical!girls settings. magical girls , gritty , grimdark , idea thread 2010-05-14 1 9845296 Endless Isles thread 2 Brainstorming and writefagging continues for the world of deathless pirates world building , Eternal Isles , development , pirates 2010-05-16 0 9860177 Unmasqued WoD Speculations on what the World of Darkness would be like if the supernaturals were revealed to mortal eyes. World of Darkness , WoD 2010-05-17 2 9972391 Walk like an Egyptian World building thread, with the main nation based on Ancient Egypt, just starting to explore it's surroundings in a strange and hostile world. A low-fantasy, low-tech, rare-magic setting in the works. Setting , World Building , Low fantasy 2010-05-22 0 9995590 The What, Where, and How of Elemental Stones A discussion of how technology and society would develop with the help of elemental stones game design , rockworld , bucketworld , worldbuilding , world building , homebrew , steampunk 2010-05-23 3 June 2010 10417239 Dawn of World IV Part 2 More divine shenanigans. Collective Game , World Generation , Map Generation , World , Map , Generation , God , Gods 2010-06-11 2 10508768 Lich U Ravelor, bane of ten thousand planes! Corrupter of ten thousand souls! Dean to ten thousand unruly students! Wait, what? Worldbuilding , Lich , Ravelor , University , Dean , Necromancy 2010-06-15 29 10757102 Feral World Religion Some things got lost in translation... or not. Feral world , 40k , sororitas , salamanders , space marines , horus heresy 2010-06-26 40 August 2010 11730759 The Story of Super Dave An anon tells the story of Super Dave's finest hour. Story , heartwarming , IRL 2010-08-19 184 11835868 Reality check This thread needs to be seen. Ork and paranoia in the flesh ork , paranoia , tea shop girl , why? 2010-08-27 20 September 2010 11899573 Sneak Attack Stories Fa/tg/uys share stories of epic sneak attacks, both ingame and irl. sneak attack , story , irl 2010-09-01 14 12083010 Toonpunk - Life in the Animated World Discussion of a setting set in the future of 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?'. The mega-animation houses of Disney and Toei vie for supremacy, while in the shadows, independent animators and toons fight over the scraps. toonpunk , toonware , homebrew , setting , world building , awesome 2010-09-14 18 12103981 Cardpunk Worldbuilding /tg/ creates a world run entirely by CHILDREN'S TRADING CARDS. Cards , Magic , MTG , Cardpunk , Worldbuilding , Setting , Yu-Gi-Oh 2010-09-16 8 12131737 Death Quest We died but then we got better. Or got a second chance. We're not sure yet. Then we found our long lost childhood love interest, and god damn she's hot. Also, the world is going to be destroyed in 5 days by an asteroid and we need to get to NASA if we hope to survive. Worst rolls since Tau Quest, here we go! Death Quest , collective game , smoking hot farmgirl , bloodquest dice 2010-09-18 11 12144906 Death Quest 2 LOOTAN' TIME gives us crazy good rolls, and we roll out of Orlando with a gas guzzler, a gun, and our girl. NASA, here we come. Death Quest , collective game , looting , smoking hot farmgirl , AWESOME DICE 2010-09-19 9 October 2010 12325360 Gladiator Quest In tribute to the new Dark Eldar Codex, a quest thread is made detailing the circumstances of a human slave captured by Dark Eldar. Dark , Eldar , Quest , Role Play , Discworld , Slave , Gladiator 2010-10-05 0 12407754 Imperial Armour IX Scanon tells all Forgeworld , 40k , Scanon , Imperial Armour 2010-10-12 2 12501374 Running the Show - Camarilla Quest Meet Oglivi: The Camarilla Prince of Toronto. With his vast wealth and cadre of elite henchmen, he must retain his power while growing outside forces threaten it. Collective Game , World of Darkness , quest thread , awesome 2010-10-20 3 12536809 The Judge of Worlds A bit of epic storyfaggotry, detailing the adventures of a homebrew space opera discovering an ancient superweapon, Manly tears were shed. Judge of Worlds 2010-10-23 8 12539605 Timeless World A brainstorming session about a setting with immortal humans and concept of time. world building , worldbuilding , setting , Worldbuilding World Building , Setting , time , Time 2010-10-23 2 November 2010 12724034 "Caliburn" Creation Drive! A game designer comes to /tg/ to beg our wisdom. The best and brightest of this noble board help craft new factions and fluff for what is said to be an upcoming tabletop game.
Will it succeed? Only time will tell. What is known is that it's got space elves playing Stalingrad, sahuagin with lasers, and the Brotherhood of Nod meets Alpha Centauri. Who could resist? Tabletop Game , Creation , Caliburn , Design , World Building 2010-11-08 1 12781103 XS writesfags about mithra and viera relationships it's rather cute and such.
anon talks about making a setting with both of them in it, and discuss FF bunny and cat girls XS , FF , writefag , world building , storyteller 2010-11-14 4 12785312 Jester Thread A discussion of Jesters are archetypes, player character, historical figures, and also as a reoccurring figure in media.
Filled with historical anecdotes and tons of Harley Quin pictures. D&D , 3.5 , jester , fool , harlequin , Harley Quin , fluff , story , funny , roleplay , character , discussion , character , history , anecdote 2010-11-15 7 12832694 Historical Campaign Historic settings you consider essential to the progress of mankind as a species, from apes banging rocks to the World Wars worldbuilding , historical 2010-11-18 0 December 2010 13025479 Dawn of Worlds Another Dawn of Worlds game is played on /tg/. Gods are made, terrain mucked about with and general chaos all around. Dawn of Worlds , Collective Game , creation , roleplay 2010-12-05 0 13050521 Dungeons and Discourse OP wants to make a D&D game that takes place on an island where everyone worships philosophers. Horrible puns and awesome awesomeness ensue. homebrew , world building , philosophy 2010-12-07 1 13072673 Serious discussion about slavery in your game. Specifically how it can be used constructively in campaign or character backstory, and its pitfalls in being used such a way. Serious , world building , setting , slavery , fantasy , campaign setting 2010-12-08 7 13089743 Dawn of Worlds: The First Age The first age of a Dawn of Worlds game. Features lava filled land, fire raining wasteland, eternally dying forests, and mountains with plenty of riches. Dawn of Worlds , Collective Game , creation , roleplay 2010-12-09 1 13111020 Dawn of Worlds: Land is boring, acquire civilization. Dawn of Worlds game where a race gets started quite early. Much shenanigans included. Dawn of Worlds , Collective Game , creation , roleplay 2010-12-12 0 13123435 Dawn of Worlds: RACES AND AVATARS. Races and avatars everywhere! Continuation of the previous Dawn of Worlds thread. Dawn of Worlds , Collective Game , creation , roleplay 2010-12-12 0 13153489 How to do a Dark Setting Properly Theory and details on how to make a grimdark setting. Concise and excellent DM advice. Grimdark , DM , GM , World Building , RPG , advice , setting , grim and dark 2010-12-15 17 13155274 Lamia Dreams An anon relates a dream he has about a depressed lamia in a coffee shop. Writefaggotry and discussion about lamia biology follows. story , writefaggotry , monstergirl , Lamia 2010-12-15 17 13177890 Alien: The Outsider A request for interesting or comical World of Darkness titles turns into the beginnings of a homebrew involving Lovecraftian gods. homebrew , world of darkness , Lovecraft 2010-12-17 21 13215659 Dawn of Worlds: Most convuloted family tree EVER!!! So two Gods made a God that made them before... and everyone live happily thereafter.
Nature prevailed! Dawn of Worlds , Collective Game , creation , roleplay 2010-12-19 1 13237239 Biggs and Big Iron What starts out as a wizarding troll thread becomes one of an epic tale of one Goliath and the hammer that broke an entire campaign. Includes a sarcastic bro-priest, a rules lawyer of justice, a little girl and a CE barbarian who gains levels in Paladin of Freedom after killing a man 3 times his level.
Contains copious amounts of heroics and fuck the GM. Shit GM , That Guy , Biggs , HAMMERTIME , Little Girl , Paladin , storytime 2010-12-21 23 13254106 /tg/ island The world gets wiped clean and split into seperate islands, each populated solely by people who have visited 4chan in the past 24 hours. You go to the island belonging to the board you visit most frequently. island , new world , /tg/ island 2010-12-23 1 13336580 Real World Legendary Weapons A list of real world weapons that have mythological abilities or otherwise detailed histories. weapons , world building 2010-12-30 3 13347013 Amongst the Aether Op asks /tg/ to take part in a world building exercise, based on the roll of the dice. World Building , Collective Game 2010-12-31 2 13346845 The Engineers OP asks about making a universe with mister fixit engineers, slightly modeled after Dead Space. Truly awesome writefaggotry ensues, everyone rejoices. Dead Space , Engineers , setting , space , sci-fi , scifi , world building , writefag , writing 2010-12-31 11 January 2011 13385827 Why /tg/ cannot be trusted A DM comes to ask /tg/'s advice on his players' genocidal behavior, only to find that one of his players very recently came to /tg/ for the same purpose! hilarity ensues, and much aid is given by the most beneficent board. Orcs , Pathfinder , Genocide , Massacre , Warlord Mustache 2011-01-04 10 13393514 Social Failure. "Professor asks in class what the council of Nicea was."
"Its when the Emperor forbade the use of Psykers."
"What?" Fail , funny , humor , derp , natural 1 , Omnissiah , STORYTIEM , stories , story , RPG , Real Life , IRL , AFK , Traditional Games , Nat 20 2011-01-04 38 13458341 Dies the Fire: Sans Fail /tg/ takes S.M. Sterling's incredibly homosexual wiccan masturbatory fantasy series, and transforms it into a vibrant struggle between the post-apocalyptic remnants of North America.
Who will endure? The Catholic New Roman Empire of California, the Communist States of New England, or the caliginous Yoeman tribes of the great plains? Only one thing is certain: Sterling is an ass grabbing moron. Dies the Fire , World Building , Rome Has Conquered , Communism , Post Apocalyptic 2011-01-10 7 13559636 Earth: 2300 In which /tg/, asked politely to give suggestions for a tabletop game's fluff about post-apocalyptic Earth's surviving nations and their militaries, supplies the OP with a torrent of information and suggestions.
Herein you will find:
-Allied Australia and Indonesia fighting the Japanese Empire
-Scandinavia doing battle with Cossacks
-Africa successfully united under Zimbabwe
-Americans killing many, many Quebecois
-China and Russia invading India for the lulz (and the food)
-Serbia trolling the rest of Europe
-Turkey finally getting what's been coming to them since 1453
-And much, much more! Worldbuilding , Post Apocalyptic , Homebrew , Game Design 2011-01-18 12 13616393 JTTRPG discussion A short question about Japanese games turns into a pic dump, anon offering scans, and others offering translations: 2 different systems linked, plus buy links for Sword World Japanese gaming , downloads , Japanese , Sword World 2011-01-22 2 February 2011 13784418 Unconventional Fantasy Extravaganza In which the OP requests help with a campaign set in Fantasy Numidia. The discussion quickly expands and exceeds expectations, blossoming into an enlightening discussion of cultural development, African and Asian warfare and history, and Islamic poetry. As usual, /tg/ gets shit done. Pathfinder , Worldbuilding , Islam , Traditional Games , Records of the Lodoss War , Rome 2011-02-05 3 13796767 Harlem Quest Duke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead. Harlem Quest HarlemQuest 2011-02-06 28 13808265 Harlem Quest II Duke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead. Harlem Quest HarlemQuest 2011-02-07 25 13827354 Ostrakon Let's create yet another steampunk setting. Ostrakon , Steampunk , World Building 2011-02-08 3 13868014 Harlem Quest III racking up heavy kills. Collective Game, Black Company 2011-02-07 0
13808265 Harlem Quest II Duke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead. Harlem Quest HarlemQuest 2011-02-12 23 13878831 Deathworld Quest I /tg/ starts off with a small, barren planet and expands from there. Deathworld , Quest , Deathworld Quest , tg-built 2011-02-13 13 13880430 Deathworld Quest II Continuation of previous quest. Here, a race becomes sentient, the pros and cons of self-propelled space travel are discussed, and life continues Deathworld , Quest , Deathworld Quest , tg-built , Celestial Bukkake 2011-02-13 5 13882364 Deathworld Quest III The thumbite servitor space marines continue their invasion of New Majora. Deathworld , Quest , Deathworld Quest , tg-built 2011-02-13 5 13892779 Harlem Quest IV Duke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead. Harlem Quest HarlemQuest 2011-02-14 23 13928333 Harlem Quest V Duke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead. Harlem Quest HarlemQuest 2011-02-17 23 13954825 Eclipse Phase Magical Girls Planescape Magical Girls was such a *great* idea, so why not bring the joy to other settings? eclipse phase , magical girls , firewall-tan , -tans , game design 2011-02-19 1 13975067 You are the Final Boss An entertaining and creative survey/contest on the music/setting/quote of a Final Boss. final boss , creative , epic , game design , funny , carl sagan , awesome , original content 2011-02-21 6 13986169 Harlem Quest - VI The newest Installation of Harlem Quest. Harlem Quest , Duke , Ellington , Enforcer , Prohibtion , Quest 2011-02-21 24 14051043 Apocalypse World Quest The apocalypse happened about 50 years ago. The oldest people still around have childhood memories of it: cities burning, society in chaos then collapse, families set to panicked flight, the weird nights when the smoldering sky made midnight into a blood-colored half-day. Nobody knows what really happened or why, though. Maybe nobody ever knew. Apocalypse World , Apocalypse , Quest , Collective Game 2011-02-27 -1 14065396 Harlem Quest - V The next in the Sudding Quest ark. Join Ellington and Pals in their Travels through Prohibition Era Harlem as the Black necromancer. Duke. Harlem Quest , Duke , Ellington , Enforcer , Prohibtion , Quest 2011-02-27 22 March 2011 14098093 Low magic setting with Dwarves/Elves/Humans Anon asks for a low magic setting involving dwarves, elves and humans. With dwarves being greedy, metal-hungry bastards. /tg/ get shit done. Some discussion in relation to how a NEET-like race of dwarves can even survive with little-to-no trade. setting , world building , dwarf , dwarves , elf , elves , humans , trade , economics 2011-03-02 0 14114290 Harlem Quest VIII Duke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead. Harlem Quest HarlemQuest Ellington 2011-03-03 25 14150546 Dark Sun Magical Girls First it came for Planescape, then it came for Eclipse Phase, now it's coming for Dark Sun.
WHAT'S NEXT? Definitely not GURPS, because no one likes GURPS. magical girls , dark sun , game design 2011-03-07 3 14200992 AD&D World Gen A bored anon roles up a campaign world, AD&D style. Creates an internal water-world with kelp-islands, Sylvan elfs all up in the motherfucker, and a pantheon of warring dicks. world creation , AD&D , fucking elfs 2011-03-11 3 14247259 Discworld 40,000 What happens when characters from the Discworld go to 40k? Hilarity ensues. Discworld , 40k , warhammer , funny , Warhammer 40000 2011-03-15 6 14310642 Become DMeguca The OP and his friend are interested in getting into D&D, but a fateful demonstration of a session makes the OP think twice about becoming a D&D player. Will he give in and take his first steps as a roleplayer, or will he resist and hesitate? D&D , DnD , puella magi madoka magica , mahou shoujo madoka magica , madoka , magical girls , roleplay , parody 2011-03-21 7 14372065 Genesis: Ti'gee /tg/ is called on to play god and build a new universe from scratch. So they do. cutebold , kobold , collective game , elf , elves , man , humans , setting , dwarves , dwarf , world building 2011-03-26 1 14384797 Harlem Quest IX Harlem Quest returns for more derring doing. Harlem , Harlem Quest , Ellington , HarlemQuest 2011-03-28 20 14374990 Magical Burst OP said... "So, the guy that translated Maid RPG watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, liked it, and used it as inspiration for an RPG, Magical Burst." And as it was written, it was done. puella magi madoka magica , loli , magical girl , mahou shoujo , despair , horror , magic , wishes , dark , maid rpg , anime , manga , weeaboo 2011-03-29 1 April 2011 14435926 Magical Girl Storytime A GM recounts his group's military magical girls fighting a mysterious alien enemy in a magitech setting resembling that of the Nanoha series. magical girl , mahou shoujo , military , gm story , setting , storytime , magical girl lyrical nanoha , nanoha , magitech 2011-04-02 8 14461884 Harlem Quest X Duke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead. Harlem , Harlem Quest , Ellington , HarlemQuest 2011-04-04 21 14475678 How anon ran a game for elderly Well, this kind anon volunteered to host a "game night" at the local old folks house. Although he was supposed to play Scrabble, he decided to run DnD instead. A fun night ensued, with badass old men and lots of people remembering the Biker DnD thread. The thread features the epic storitiem, /tg/ never changing, Watership Down, some guys being faggots and lots more. Surprisingly, no edition wars. DnD , elderly , veteran , storytiem , storytime 2011-04-05 22 14523263 Harlem Quest XI Duke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead. Harlem , Harlem Quest , Ellington , HarlemQuest 2011-04-09 20 14526718 Stranded on an alien world. /tg/ regulars get sucked off to an alien world with all the gear they can carry. A typical thread until writefags start churning out awesome. stranded alien world writefag 2011-04-10 6 14540119 Stranded on an alien world 2 The thread continues, an argument starts off between agriculture and hunter gather and the writefag marches on. stranged , alien world , writefag 2011-04-10 5 14542831 Stranded on an alien world 3 More writefagging by 008 and company, drama, suspense and alien artifacts. writefag , alien world , stranded 2011-04-11 6 14579731 Stranded on an alien world part 4 Writefags beat the odds and another thread continues the awesome with more journals and stories. Suspense, Drama, gunshot wounds! alien world , stranded , writefag , lenore 2011-04-14 7 14594217 Stat Leech OP describes a character encountered in his game, with the horrific ability to absorb others' stat levels. character , game , what do , stats , 3.5 , girl , DM , Pun Pun , overpowered 2011-04-15 4 14591373 New World Warriors OP makes Dwarf Badger Riders, and fa/tg/uy creates silly stereotypes on WAR war , homebrew , dwarfs , USA , fantasy , canadians , north america , New World Warriors 2011-04-15 0 14606431 Stranded on an alien world part 5 4channers stranded on a hostile alien world. The writefagging continues. How can this be? alien world , stranded , lenore , writefag 2011-04-16 7 14608679 Sword World plans for scans in which we find /tg/ is a bunch of weeaboos who wanna play japanese tabletop rpgs Sword World , Japanese gaming , planning 2011-04-17 3 14637058 Horror in the Trenches /tg/ talks about horror in the trenches of the Western Front of World War 1. Some great ideas and inspiring images. world war 1; horror; trenches; depression; 2011-04-19 13 14644599 Stranded on an alien world 6 TG'ers enter their second year stranded on this world as the third wave of arrives start appearing. Drama, Suspense, Sex, writefagging. writefag , Lenore , alien world , stranded 2011-04-20 7 14674927 Fantastic Flora Fantastic Flora thread, plant ideas for a fantasy setting. Not plant type monsters. setting , fantasy , plant , plants , fruit , food , homebrew , world building , wordbuilding , home brew, 2011-04-22 1 14694234 Harlem Quest XII Duke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead. Harlem , Harlem Quest , Ellington , HarlemQuest 2011-04-24 16 14697839 Disarmed Policeman Redux Returning with stories of the current situation of his game, Disarmed Policeman also goes into detailing a past event: the often talked about Formal Ball Disarmed Policeman , Disarmed , Policeman , Roleplay , game , thread , plot , story , That Girl 2011-04-24 7 14704581 New World, New Powers Fa/tg/uys discuss a setting where the five most powerful countries suddenly disappeared. world building , ideas , game ideas , Awesome 2011-04-25 24 14707433 New Worlds, New Powers 2 Continuation of discussing a world where Russia, Britain, America, China and India suddenly disappeared world building , ideas , game ideas , Awesome 2011-04-25 14 14709097 The Realm of Darkness An image inspires a new setting, where the Darkness isn't that bad, and the Light will kill you blind. Realm of Darkness , Campaign Setting , Original Content , Worldbuilding 2011-04-25 8 14721752 Planet Scaper: Antartica /tg/, with the help of a dog in a fort, creates a planet that outside, looks like its going to kill you, but inside it's lovely and just wants to BLAST YOU APART WITH ITS TITAN planet creator , 40k , death world 2011-04-26 3 14738127 Harlem Quest XIII We play Tango with Troy but our intimate dance is cut down short by 4chan going down Harlem , Harlem Quest , Ellington , HarlemQuest 2011-04-28 15 14727329 World LARP thread In which one anon asks innocently "Does anyone LARP?" and ends up with the world answering. Side notes include links to weapon construction, forums, and a little history discussion. LARP , history , world 2011-04-28 1 14749353 Worldbuilding. TG builds another world from scratch. Crab people , worldbuiding , floating island 2011-04-29 2 14763820 Making underwater races Fa/tg/uys decide to explore underwater settings using new aquatic races. Xenophobic Crab people, coral farming and interactions with the air-breathing aliens above ensue. underwater , worldbuilding , racebuilding , fluff 2011-04-30 2 May 2011 14777527 Beast World Humanity has been laid low by the Gods and their Beastmen descendants must rediscover what it means to be human beast world , post apocalyptic , fantasy , homebrew 2011-05-02 3 14829225 Praise the Walkers OP thought up of a post-apocalyptic future where the warmachines of the apocalypse gets worshipped by human survivors. Interesting fluffmaking happened. Did I mention about what happened to the space colonization projects, and the bioweapon-turned-symbiote? homebrew , post-apoc , sci-fi , world building , walker 2011-05-06 8 14838352 Blacksmithing Thread: Great Information for Newbies! The elegan/tg/entlemen once more prove they're the best of the boards, this time rising to the challenge of aiding aspiring dwarflings in the art of blacksmithing! Great information for any newby or experienced craftsman looking to get better at their most-metal art! armor,blacksmithing , how to be an rl dorf , smithing , 2011-05-07 16 14897507 Dark Lord Quest Part 2 In which we recruit an assassin, and continue working on our plans for world domination. Also, SPIDERS! quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , witch , contract , bind , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS 2011-05-12 10 14904666 Dark Overlord Quest 3 We meet the old boss. And manipulate him. quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS 2011-05-13 10 14918470 Dark Overlord Quest 4 With success comes annoying adventurers, parasitic merchants, and fucking elves. Oh those fucking elves. quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS 2011-05-14 8 14928381 Dark Overlord Quest 5 We find out who the plotter spying on us was, form a plan for dealing with him, and get closer to Shaiara. We also have a revelation: bonsai is evil! quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS , bonsai , evil bonsai 2011-05-15 10 14939603 Dark Overlord Quest 6 We have a tournament and meet an uppity drow. We also find an orc ronin without a katana folded a million times. quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS , drow , orc 2011-05-16 10 14949512 Dark Lord Quest Part 7 The torture go on, the orc samurai becomes our servant, and our spiders became torturers and can even talk! quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS , drow , orc , torture 2011-05-17 9 14948908 Spirit of War(archival title) After the /tg/ gets shit done, sometimes, some asshole starts yelling at people to get Deathworld hammered out Deathworld , homebrew 2011-05-17 3 14954504 Dark Overlord Quest 8 Taunting the drow, who KEEP ON PISSING US OFF! Also a nice meal. quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spider , torture , drow 2011-05-17 9 14957599 Surema: the flavors of magic /tg/ accumulates fluff and lore until world, which can be described only as "bizarre", is born. world building , fluff , setting , weird 2011-05-18 3 14960957 Dark Overlord Quest 9 Not much gets done, BUT we do learn a lot. And seem to have some horrible Shadow Magic disease. Also, Succubai! quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , witch , contract , bind , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS , Succubai , Shadow , Archon 2011-05-18 10 14969510 RL admech encounters and adventures The omnissiah approves of this thread. /tg/ tells of RL invokations of various machine gods to fix things. also interns will do anything. admech IRL RL story storythread storytime 2011-05-18 2 14976361 Girl Quest A girl named Issabella lives alone in the forest, and as far as she can remember, the world. When threatened by an invader, she must use her imagination to win the ensuing battle. But why has someone else appeared so suddenly? collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map 2011-05-19 5 14987470 Girl Quest Chapter 2 Issabella's instinct to protect Mallory despite her past gets her in trouble. collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map , Issabella , Mallory , Penelope 2011-05-20 5 14997995 Girl Quest Chapter 3 The players get a fresh start due to Issabella's sudden defeat. Mild meta-shenanigans ensue, along with hints as to what is actually going on, and another battle. collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map 2011-05-21 5 15008341 Girl Quest Chapter 4 Titania has tea, cake, and attempts to build an empire out of two girls and a frog. collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map 2011-05-22 5 15019784 Girl Quest Chapter 5 Titania manages the world that she now owns. collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map 2011-05-23 2 15043904 Homeworld Tabletop Strategy Wherein ThatAnimaGuy describes rules for Homeworld table top game. Tabletop homeworld game 2011-05-25 1 15054705 Girl Quest Chapter 6 Titania gains some magical power from... something. Lawful evil science is used to narrow down what that specific thing is. collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map 2011-05-26 4 15058985 Warriors of the Eight Tombs II (New Necron Tombworld Continued) We continue trying to flesh out the back-story of the Necrons, and Drawfags begin to crawl out of the woodwork Necron , Eight Tombs , Tomb World , Teracotta Necrons , Collective 2011-05-26 0 15059585 Hive Fleet Atlas 1 The creation of a new Hive Fleet (to many Space Marines, apparantly). Tyranids , Tyranid , Homebrew , Hivefleet , WH40K , Atlas , Charles Atlas 2011-05-26 -1 15080684 Craftworld Enohar #2 /tg/'s Ynnead-worshipping craftworld continues to be drawn up, with additional fluff, speculated special characters and stories. Ynnead , Eldar , Craftworld 2011-05-28 1 15089605 /tg/ homebrew world: Kharak /tg/ comes up with a world covered in flame, ruled mostly by descendants of fire elementals while sentient races live in great walking citied. Notably awesome homebrew , awesome , kharak , setting , worldbuilding 2011-05-29 1 15109627 Otherworld Quest Little girl is afraid of the dark, loses control, wakes up in some other world. Short but sweet. otherworld quest , quest 2011-05-31 0 June 2011 15207274 Human Space: Hedonism is our Specialty Humanity's "hat" in the interstellar community isn't the warrior race, or the interstellar diplomat, or the explorer. Humans know how to have fun more than any other race in the galaxy! humanityfuckyeah hedonism pleasure slaanesh fluff worldbuilding space 2011-06-09 26 15256952 Mary Sue Chapter More perfect than the Ultramarines, deadlier than the Grey Knights and smarter than the Alphas. These battle sisters have geneseed from every 1st founding legion, and are the greatest of them all. Female marines , girls , mary sue , deathwatch , heresy , awesome , perfect , chapter creation , Warhammer , Emperor 2011-06-14 12 15267522 Golden Aquilas 2 Continuing creation of a Mary Sue marine chapter. Female marines , girls , mary sue , deathwatch , heresy , awesome , perfect , chapter creation , Warhammer , Emperor , Half-eldar , troll , awful , horrible 2011-06-15 10 15278303 Golden Aquilas 3 More horribly beautiful writefaggotry and Sue creation. Female marines , girls , mary sue , heresy , awesome , perfect , chapter creation , Warhammer , Emperor , Half-eldar , awful , horrible , kawaii , custodes 2011-06-16 10 15287443 Golden Aquilas 4 More writefaggotry, including the tale of the Aquila's only ever male marine. Female marines , girls , mary sue , heresy , awesome , perfect , chapter creation , Warhammer , Emperor , Half-eldar , awful , horrible , kawaii , custodes , Golden Aquilas 2011-06-17 10 15350349 Golden Aquilas 5 Crunch gets done and a rival warband of Chaos Sues is created. Female marines , girls , mary sue , heresy , awesome , perfect , chapter creation , Warhammer , Emperor , Half-eldar , awful , horrible , kawaii , custodes , Golden Aquilas 2011-06-23 7 July 2011 15681622 World Setting: Surreal Dark Fantasy A horrific yet awesome setting idea, where people end up in a surrel world and always return from death as increasingly bizarre creatures. Brainstorming ensues. dark , fantasy , setting , surreal , world , world-building 2011-07-24 28 15715013 Surreal Dark Fantasy Con't A sequel to the first thread, where things are hardly the same after a while and people can't die permanently. Czarnosc is the world's name. The discussion continues. homebrew , dark , fantasy , setting , surreal , world , world-building 2011-07-27 14 15724140 Starmap Tg build a starsystem. Worldbuilding , Stars , Space , Planets , Maps , Science Fiction , Environment , Resources, 2011-07-28 2 15738776 Vhara Quest Act 1 JOIN THE ADVENTURES OF MAGICAL DEMON GIRL NOT-ETNA AS SHE PUNCHES ANGELS IN THE SNOUT TO ESTABLISH DOMINANCE! Collective_Game Vhara_Quest Quest Vhara Demon_Girl Demon 2011-07-29 8 15748550 Vhara Quest Act 2 Vhara's back with a brand new invention! Fighting angels, corrupting everything in sight, running into horrible tentacle beasts, and more! Collective_Game , Vhara_Quest , Quest , Vhara , Demon_Girl , Demon , Angel 2011-07-30 7 15759474 Vhara Quest Act 3, Part 1 Vhara's back again, and face to face with a cranky mage! But they must band together to face the dreaded tentacle beasts! Collective Game , Vhara Quest , Quest , Vhara , Demon Girl , Demon , Mage 2011-07-31 5 August 2011 15905034 /tg/Guards We take a look at a usual day at the /tg/ City Guard /tg/ , citywatch , town watch , guards , tarrasque , apocalypse , goddamnitcarl 2011-08-12 7 15908737 A glimpse of old /tg/ A request for a book goes awry and transforms into a monstergirl fap thread. Discussions about old /tg/ are made. Nostalgia is had. fap , old , /tg/ , monstergirl , nostalgia 2011-08-12 22 16010222 Dawn of Worlds Part 1: Pink Swamps A vibrant pantheon paints the world in their varied images, laying the foundations for high adventure. Dawn of Worlds , Collective Game 2011-08-21 1 16019862 Dawn of Worlds Part 2: Elder Races New deities join the pantheon and living things populate the world. Collective Game , Dawn of Worlds 2011-08-22 3 16031813 Dawn of Worlds Part 3: Flourishing Mortals In this rather short session the barren land is all covered over, and the elder races make some advancements in technology. The world also sees its first armies. Collective Game , Dawn of Worlds 2011-08-23 1 16031563 Dungeon Idea Brainstorming /tg/ discusses ideas for dungeon encounters. Ideas range from silly to terrifying world building , brainstorming , dungeon design 2011-08-24 3 16042889 Dawn of Worlds Part 4: Tensions Rising The Humans solidify their presence and all the races expand, with Naga blood being spilled by the Orcs. Torrmal arrives to bestow curses. Gabu technology advances by leaps and bounds, and the subterranean sun is sundered by Nzrqnr. All in a day's work for our Pantheon. Collective Game , Dawn of Worlds 2011-08-24 1 16054713 Dawn of Worlds: Return of Neutrality 1 Dawn of Worlds game where neutral alignments dominate the pantheon and the first age is completed in record time. Collective Game , Dawn of Worlds , Neutrals 2011-08-25 0 16052444 Adeptus Evangelion: Cold War It is 1961. It has been fifteen years since the Second Impact. Pilots are from the respective countries in either NATO and Warsaw. Their mission? Desperately work together while making the other side look weaker. EVA homebrew setting worldbuilding AdEva Adeptus Evangelion AdeptusEvangelion Neon Genesis NGE fluff 2011-08-25 -2 16062108 Enjou Kosai Adventure In the wein of being weaboo, this thread is dedicated to enjou kosai(componsated/paid dates).
General faggotry started, and somebody is trying to make a RPG for it. rpg,enjou kosai , enjou kosai adventure , prositution , magic girl , mahou shoujo , monster girl , RPG making 2011-08-25 12 16068442 Dawn of Worlds: Return of Neutrality 2 The second part of Return of Neutrality. The Second Age is filled with Faerie civil war, spider invasions and demon Minotaurs (Demotaurs) mining their volcano. Collective Game , Dawn of Worlds , Neutrals 2011-08-26 0 16078790 Considering: a modern fantasy Wilderness setting Anon proposes a setting with some modern tech, encroaching wilderness, and a reason for adventures. We contribute monsters and justifications. Homebrew , Getting Shit Done , original content , pokemon , modern fantasy , setting , world building 2011-08-28 8 16097344 Dawn of Worlds: Explosive edition 1 After quickly jumping into the second age there's a purple crystal forest, fire dwarves, and interdimensional elemental exploding musicians. What else is there to say? Collective Game , Dawn of Worlds 2011-08-29 1 16110309 Dawn of Worlds: Explosive edition 2 A short session expanding the world of Explosive Musicians, Walking Egyptian Statues, and now Specters. Collective Game , Dawn of Worlds 2011-08-30 1 16121546 What's so great about White Wolf? OP asks the question, wondering why the black urban-fantasy World of Darkness is so beloved. The fa/tg/uys reply with an epic debate and discussion about the pros, cons, and details of the world of Kindred, Garou, and Changelings. white wolf , world of darkness , vampire , werewolf , fae 2011-08-31 3 September 2011 16402290 Modern Fantasy Evolution Semi-Scientific discussion of Magic and Monstrous races evolving side-by-side with humanity Moder Fantasy Monstergirls Evolution 2011-09-24 5 October 2011 16511386 The Editors: A Setting In Progress OP has an idea about sending agents in to remove Mary Sues from canon settings. A few like-minded Anons later, a meta-fanfiction setting is born. game design , world building , discussion , planes , Mary Sue , settings , metafiction , game ideas , 2011-10-04 22 16529282 The Editors II We continue world-building our freshly popularized meta-fanfiction campaign setting. game design , world building , discussion , planes , Mary Sue , settings , metafiction , game ideas 2011-10-06 10 16545159 Diterlizzi AD&D Monstrous Compendium Annual Vol. 1 Descriptions and pictures of Diterlizzi, the man who made AD&D what we picture it to be today. Diterlizzi , 90s , 1990s , AD&D , artwork 2011-10-08 8 16565527 MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS /tg/ gets a hold of something /v/ cooked up earlier and rolls with it MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS , /v/ , Lamia , Monstergirls 2011-10-09 10 16576071 Warehouse World /tg/ is stuck inside a Costco for the rest of their lives. Alliances are forged, Assassinations are planned, and Oreos are eaten. /tg/ , Collective Games , Warehouse World , Costco 2011-10-10 20 16581079 funtime 2 another thread, more fun was had. MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS , /v/ , Lamia , Monstergirls 2011-10-12 2 16633959 The Paladin Code of Boxes A naive basemen/tg/uy tries to start a hypothetical discussion about paladin code, but his picture is too interesting for /tg/ to care. derail , paladin , paladin code , funny , classic /tg/ , humor , box , boxes , carl sagan , schrodinger 2011-10-15 12 16656193 MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS 3 More fun with the ADVENTURE FRIENDS MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS , /v/ , Lamia , Monstergirls 2011-10-18 2 16740295 Rogue Trader group gets their's A RT group gets their comeuppance Rogue Trader , 40k , Craftworld Assault , Butthurt 2011-10-27 27 16757356 bee girl quest a worker bee's quest to get laid. Collective Game , Bee Girl Quest 2011-10-28 10 16762176 40k Inspired Drink Recipes + Worst Craftworld A picture of a Drunk Farseer causes a thread to discuss the goings on of the worst craftworld ever, and post amazing drink recipes. Also Brighter Lance 40k , Eldar , Brighter Lance , Craftworld 2011-10-28 14 16776536 On Cyberpunk and Art Deco A lovely thread full of brainstorming and fluff ideas for a 1920's punky setting. fluff , worldbuilding , setting idea , 1920s , cyberpunk 2011-10-31 6 November 2011 16830576 The story of the Emperor Heresy What would have happened if the big E and Horus had switched roles? The writefag Ahriman's Aide has worked it out. Heresy , Warhammer , 40k , reverse heresy , mirror world , GRIMDARK 2011-11-04 12 16853743 Hella Funtime Adventure Friends 4 Now with enemies! MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS , /v/ , Lamia , Monstergirls 2011-11-06 5 16859494 Bagworld A dimension where all Bags of Holding placed inside each other deposit their treasures. d&d , dungeons , dragons , bagworld , treasure , bag of holding 2011-11-06 68 16867884 Bagworld cont. In continuation of the Bagworld Setting, some parameters are defined. d&d , dungeons , dragons , bagworld , treasure , bag of holding 2011-11-08 6 16949853 Yet more IRL random encounters Druids, Larpers, Hobos, /tg/ recalls it's strangest moments. Random encounter , real life , IRL , druids 2011-11-18 11 December 2011 17138060 Monster Girls Quest 1 After narrowly escaping corruption by a great evil, an amnesiac mage begins the long journey to a magical land with two female companions. Monster Girls Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Quest 2011-12-08 28 17170526 Monster Girls Quest 2 Part 2; the mage and his two female monster companions encounter a group of minotaurs and decide to aid them in eliminating a large group of bandits, or so it seems... Monster Girls Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Quest 2011-12-11 20 17179837 Tabula Gloria Dev Thread IV The monsterfluff threads which became a setting unto itself continues! Also with a wiki now! Tabula Gloria , monsterfluff , settingfluff , original content , setting , worldbuilding , writing , game design , For'Channar , Vashial , Weylos , Benalor , Animar , too many damn tags to count 2011-12-13 2 17217545 Monster Girls Quest 3 Part 3; the mage wishes to aid the Lady of Crosswalk. In order for him to help, however, he must submit himself to an interesting condition. Monster Girls Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Quest 2011-12-15 21 17213660 Tabula Gloria Dev Thread V Wiki gets built, cultures get a little more fleshed out, and even cosmology and magic systems hard at work! It's Tabula Gloria! Tabula Gloria , monsterfluff , settingfluff , original content , setting , worldbuilding , writing , game design , For'Channar , Vashial , Weylos , Benalor , Animar , too many damn tags to count 2011-12-17 1 17261364 Monster Girls Quest 4 Part 4; the mage finds himself in a trap by a seductive charmer and attacked by one of his precious companions. Monster Girls Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Quest 2011-12-19 20 17293627 Monster Girls Quest 5 Part 5; the Mage recovers from his ordeal and prepares for a fast travel to the college of mages. Monster Girls Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Quest 2011-12-22 20 17299963 Legends of Divinity Quest Karla Henssler begins her adventures, finds a demon, and puts a 12 year old in an arm-bar LoD Quest , Karla Henssler , Legends of Divinity , Collective Game 2011-12-23 5 17306554 That Guy Thread Another field reports of horrific That Guys. Everybody is awed and scared. that guy , real life , irl , storytiem , horribad 2011-12-24 10 17316672 The Editors III Continued development of the setting, incorporating elements from /tg/ Meta Quest. The Cold War with the TSAB is lightly touched upon, and relations with the other Meta-aware factions. game design , world building , discussion , planes , Mary Sue , settings , metafiction , game ideas , Editors , The Editors 2011-12-24 8 17319851 Santapire II More fleshing out of the jolly old Ventrue who loves sharing Christmas joy with good girls & boys! Vampire , Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire the Requiem , WoD , VtR , World of Darkness 2011-12-25 3 17340913 Monster Girl Quest 6 Getting settled in the college, only to escape a trap. Early end due to teachnical difficulties. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2011-12-27 20 January 2012 17449324 Overlord Quest: Part 1 Overlord quest, where we make some skeletons, swear loudly, and argue till we decide on a badass name. Collective Game , Overlord , Overlord Quest 2012-01-07 17 17469506 Overlord Quest: Part 2 We make first contact with a few new races... those poor, unfortunate souls. Overlord Quest , Collective Game , Overlord 2012-01-09 12 17519063 STALKER homebrew Version playable with Savage worlds system. STALKER , Rpg , Savage Worlds , GM 2012-01-13 5 17529804 Formless Quest 2 Our attempts to escape trigger a full-scale riot at the prison. Mutations, shit blowing up, and killing lots of Nazis ensues in the mayhem. Formless Quest , Collective Game , Nazis , World War II 2012-01-14 10 17598005 So this one time.. IRL shenanigans. Encounters and such. Ýncludes a guard tackling a thief in a medieval fair and getting promoted... Guard , IRL , Random Encounter , Story , STOP RÝGHT THERE CRÝMÝNAL SCUM! , Larp 2012-01-19 5 17597062 InfiniCon /tg/ tosses around ideas for a convention that never ends, where turf wars are fought between weaboos, LARPers and Trekkies alike over kiosk space and hotel rooms. Writefaggotry also ensues. Infinicon , Infinity City , world building , writefaggotry 2012-01-20 23 17603755 InfiniCon continued More fluffing out and discussion of the setting, and more stories. Infinicon , Infinity City , world building , writefaggotry 2012-01-20 13 17611512 The Magus Dilemma What /tg/ assumes will be a THAT GUY story, turns into a twist that we didn't see coming, and the OP has no idea what to do next. We try and come up with reasonable approaches. magus , warlock , homonculus , clockwork heart , advice , 2012-01-21 13 17684321 Humanity Analysis A writefag writes a really good analysis of humanity, and then creates a setting humanity , writefag , aliens , goo-girls 2012-01-27 13 February 2012 17753957 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 8 While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. We bum about in the base for a while. Nothing happens. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Interlude , Writefagging , Writefaggotry , Mastermind , Kali , Butthurt 2012-02-01 6 17810362 Old World of Darkness Storytime Alice in Wonderland in a post apocalyptic America run by Technocrats post apocalyptic , Alice , World of Darkness , oWod , Changeling , Technocrat , Storytime 2012-02-05 5 17887539 Monster Girls Quest 7 We find an old friend, discover our past and fight an ice construct. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-02-11 18 17901201 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 10 Dwarf Fortress dwarves invade Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. We defeat the dwarves, and make progress towards looting the fuck out of the dungeon. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Crawl , Stone Soup , DCSS , Dwarf , Fort , Fortress , DF , Fuck the world lever 2012-02-12 7 17976707 Monsterquest /TG/ tries to make a fetish monstergirl, but the quest runner is having none of that shit. We begin as a blue imp named Chlaon WHO IS CLOTHED AND WILL NOT BE WHIPPING HIS DICK OUT AT PEOPLE. Jesus. imp quest , blue imp , monstergirl fetishquest averted? 2012-02-16 13 17990621 Monster Girls Quest Part 8 Heavy mood, a companion departing and diplomacy with a Youko. We have 30 days to avoid death. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-02-18 12 17998217 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 5 Hito's morning become weird when he got a crocodile girl in his bed and it lead to the discovery of secret passages in the mansion. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Ecchi , Team Fortress 2 , Magical Girl 2012-02-18 2 18005405 Erf World Kingdom Quest Second thread (the first one was lost).
We get our first units, wrestle a croc and raid a caravan. Collective game , Erf world , Erf , Quest 2012-02-19 10 18033291 Erfworld Quest 3 Austin Powers and Fu Manchu join our band of ne'er-do-wells and ruffians. We get moneys and find that we are no Steve Irwin Collective game , Erf world , Erf , Quest 2012-02-21 7 18046999 Erfworld Quest 4 We get a sharp dressed Elrond and we get a FUCKTON of cash money. It's promptly used to upgrade our town. Collective game , Erf world , Erf , Quest 2012-02-22 6 18082318 Monster Girls Quest 9 Destination reached, we encounter the Queen who enroll us into some shenanigans. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-02-25 13 18084594 Metahuman Renaissance Quest 12 Dan kills flesh golems, and doesn't afraid of anything Metahuman Renaissance Quest , superheroes , wild talents , javelin , collective game , night at the museum , flesh golem , wolf-girl , advice dan 2012-02-25 20 18087216 Erf World Kingdom Quest We tame some gwiffons, capture the hobgobwin, and then Titan's Mandate's internet craps out. Collective game , Erf world , Erf , Quest 2012-02-25 4 18096184 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 6 Hito got himself a temporary butler Genki Shirou and he continue explored the secret passages. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Luchador , Crocodile Girl 2012-02-26 2 18101148 Erf World Kingdom Quest So the coalition falls to the wrath of the Khan, we take on a few refuges, and other stuff gets done. Collective game , Erf world , Erf , Quest 2012-02-26 5 18111726 Metahuman Renaissance Interlude 1 Despite autosaging, Omega attempts to get a quest off the ground, and gets a character created Metahuman Renaissance Quest , collective game , wild talents , Dava'kaal Sythras Vedi'ras , metahuman renaissance interlude , cyrean 2012-02-27 8 18113213 Erfworld Quest 7 OP once again leads players into Erfworld. We take the frozen barbarian city, and engage in battle with the Khan's forces for the first time. Collective Game , Erf world , Erfworld Quest , Quest , Erf 2012-02-27 6 18138266 Changeling is Horrible fa/tg/uy reads changeling, enjoys, finds it horrific nWoD , World of Darkness , Changeling 2012-02-29 6 March 2012 18152223 How to fight monstergirls Stories of tragedy and loss in the fight to keep humans from being raped to death by monsters. monstergirl , rape , storytime 2012-03-01 22 18155068 Erfworld Quest 8th Edition! Charlie comunicates with us, offer help, at a price. The hordes of the Khan are close, Erworld , erf , world , quest , Collective Game , erworld quest 2012-03-01 5 18167062 Erfworld Quest 9 The Doomenorians attack the Khan forces. Charlie's archons arrive at our capital, they were already paid to lend their services to us. We raise our forces to fight the khanate. Erworld , erf , world , quest , Collective Game , erworld quest 2012-03-02 3 18165669 How to fight monstergirls, part 2 Stories of tragedy and loss in the fight to keep humans from being raped to death by monsters. Continued. monstergirl , rape , storytime 2012-03-02 9 18193135 Erfworld Quest 10 we play out a turn then have an argument and op calls it a night Collective game , Erf world , Erf , Quest , Erfworld Quest , Erworld , erf , world , quest , erworld quest 2012-03-04 4 18228367 TG and the Spoony Argument of DOOOM. The SpoonyOne posted a new Counter Monkies video, what follows is a very rapidly moving internet-argument about game mastery and how /tg/ would handle the situation. Spoony , Game masters , Thieve's World , Acid in the face 2012-03-06 49 18320539 Overlord Appreciation The people of a newly formed merciless dictatorship thank the overlord for improving their lives. Evil , Evil Overlord , Propaganda , Roleplaying , Campaign Setting , Commoners , Common Folk , Bastard Elves , Asshole Elves , Goodguy Badguy 2012-03-14 51 18350298 Middle Eastern Myth OP creates a starter-kit for making Arabian Nights themed settings, based on mythology, folklore, and history. Arabian , Mesopotamian , Egyptian , mythology , folklore , world building 2012-03-16 62 18389513 Be Excellent to Each Other: The RPG What started as a chicks-in-armor dump became a most righteous design for a Bill & Ted RPG! gnarly , righteous , excellent , bodacious , design 2012-03-20 20 18398432 War Of The Worlds game /tg/ is given a copy of the War Of The Worlds strategy vidya. Much nostalgia is had. War Of The Worlds , HG Wells , Scifi , Martians , Tripods , Strategy , vidya , game 2012-03-21 12 18442707 Monster Girls Quest 10 Friendly game of dice, teasing a spider woman, helping the Queen and encountering a Hero. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-03-25 10 18452035 InfiniCon Another foray into developing the Con that never ends InfiniCon , Infinity City , World building , Setting , Homebrew 2012-03-26 10 18468343 Infinicon Thread 2 Fluff and writefaggotry continue infinicon , homebrew , worldbuilding , setting 2012-03-28 6 18518605 Dawn of Worlds: A broken world: Age 3 The third age begins in bloodshed and death. Dawn of worlds , collective game , creation 2012-03-31 1 April 2012 18529307 Monster Girls Quest 11 Wake up covered in webbing, report to the Queen, and spend some time with Athena. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-04-01 10 18551164 Monster Girls Quest 12 In wish we almost screw up badly Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-04-03 5 18570018 Hell at your doorstep. Earth is a death world. /tg/ explains why. IRL 2012-04-04 10 18614869 The Lich Overlord of Shez B'zahd What starts out as a request for adventure hooks becomes... a thread for adventure hooks. adventure hooks lich overlord shez bzahd 2012-04-08 23 18641182 Monster Girls Quest 13 Prank war with the Spider silently declared, and a serious talk with the angel. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-04-10 10 18640517 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Nyaruko-san will wuv yuu! nyarlathotep , cthulhu , anime , japan 2012-04-10 13 18699804 Monster Girls Quest 14 Exploring our companions past, descision, losing control, pep talk. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-04-14 11 18669582 InfiniCon: Yet again What would you do at the Con that never ends? Yet another thread about Infinity City and its costumed citizens InfiniCon , World Building , Writefaggotry , Setting 2012-04-14 2 18805899 A Tale of Monsters- 15 Taking it easy before departing, but we spend some quality time with the Queen-Mother. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-04-22 10 18837867 Magical Girl Dystopia Magical Girls take over and stunt human emotions by making everything into happy land. Rebels use gene therapy to become monsters and fight them. Fluuuuuuuuuffff fluff , magical girls , setting , game ideas , writefag , getting shit done , dystopia , world building , discussion , magicpunk , 1984 , mahou shoujo , gene therapy 2012-04-24 21 18872357 Monster Girls Quest 16 A show of magic by Tsukiyomi, then we set out and intimidate bandits Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-04-27 11 May 2012 18927361 NearFuture Cyborg Quest 6 In which SHOPPING SPREE! We get lots of cool stuff, all three AI are awake, and we have a job to do tomorrow. Collective Game , NearFuture Cyborg Quest , Cyborg , Exabyte , Mysterious nat100 futuregirl 2012-05-01 15 18989638 Monster Girls Quest 17 Getting some precious updates with a Tanuki, and a sad revelation. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-05-06 10 19080639 Monster Girls Quest 18 Complicated situation because we care too much, but we finally reach the capital. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-05-13 10 19085077 Magical Girl Dystopia III More fleshing out about the girls and the resistance fluff , magical girls , setting , game ideas , writefag , getting shit done , dystopia , world building , discussion , magicpunk , 1984 , mahou shoujo , gene therapy 2012-05-14 5 19119894 Magical Girl Dystopia IV The setting is solidified, ideas are developed, and issues from the last thread are snipped in the bud. fluff , magical girls , setting , game ideas , writefag , getting shit done , dystopia , world building , discussion , magicpunk , 1984 , mahou shoujo , gene therapy 2012-05-18 2 19150253 Generation A Quest Monstergirls(people) in the year 2032 after the apocalypse where it seems that humans disappeared and were replaced by monsters. MC finds out he has a fatal genetic disease and a month to live. Also some HUEHUEHUE Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N 2012-05-19 31 19151344 Monster Girls Quest 19 part 1 Leaving the angel and centipede in good shelter, the situation tense up before meeting the regent. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-05-19 11 19162244 Monster Girls Quest 19 part 2 Diplomacy, escalating situation and a character shift, things are looking bad. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-05-20 10 19189280 Generation A Quest II Monstergirls post-apoc 2032. Break the bad news to the family, get some info on places to start looking for a cure. Real romance with Karin in thread 2. Real HUEHUEHUE returns with a die-hard vengeance. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue 2012-05-22 22 19203944 Magical Girl Questing Malai Malai Mindy Chamberlain's quest as a magical girl begins. Power is obtained. Fat kids piss themselves. Catbomination avoids stereotypes. Collective Game , Magical Girl Questing Malai , Magical Girl , Quest Thread , catbomination , Eldritch Abomination , Dark Magical Girl , cyberpunk 2012-05-23 7 19206472 Magical Girl Questing Malai 2 You are Malai, eldritch powered magical girl and wielder of the Bat of Donny Donnovitch Collective Game , Magical Girl Questing Malai , Magical Girl , Quest Thread , catbomination , Eldritch Abomination , Dark Magical Girl , cyberpunk 2012-05-23 6 19211609 Generation A Quest III Monstergirls post-apoc 2032. Scales in the morning, raiders in the afternoon. Does this dark ship spell eternal night for our hero? Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue 2012-05-24 23 19227809 Magical Girl Questing Malai 3 In which a CERTAIN IDIOT becomes a catboy, and we gain access to the Mahou Shoujo FAQ Collective Game , Magical Girl Questing Malai , Magical Girl , Quest Thread , catbomination , Eldritch Abomination , Dark Magical Girl , cyberpunk 2012-05-25 7 19251885 Monster Girls Quest 20 ACTION, wounded companion and a generally heavy mood. At least the alliance is secured. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-05-27 10 19279527 Zerg Quest LXXXVIIIa Part one, due to mod faggotry. Screw 'em. Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Cerebrate Anon , mod faggotry , Worldship poking 2012-05-29 7 19302078 30 Days of Worldbuilding - Day 1 The 30 Days of Worldbuilding month kicks off, with the guide being shared and some great links posted. Day 1 - Climate and Variety 30 Days of Worldbuilding , worldbuilding , 30 days , thirty days 2012-05-31 6 19303155 Generation A Quest IV Monstergirls post-apoc 2032. Meet our friends Ivan and Bill. Bill pursued by samurai Kitsune. Fluffy tails Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-05-31 22 19310246 Generation A Quest IV- Overtime Fend off gorilla ambush and ambush them back, head into the Frost ruins inside the jungle mountain. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-05-31 22 June 2012 19327408 Monster Girls Quest 21 Poisoned companion! Of course we pull through, that angel is a real guardian. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-06-02 10 19337990 Monster Girls Quest 22 A villain in the shadow is it? Also, swag, but overall everything is looking good. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-06-03 11 19348726 Generation A Quest V Investigate the Frost ruins. Contend with a sneaky giant monster. Find cool armor. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-06-04 23 19352504 Zerg Quest LXXXIX Tassadar doesn't even stop to take a breath. Three cerebrates in danger in two threads! Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Tassadar , Clever girl , Cliffhanger 2012-06-04 7 19369009 Manic Sousuke Quest You are Sagara Sousuke. A Mithril operative and Bureau Trainee. These are the chronicles of the less then ordinary days you spend in this less than ordinary place. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Soldier , Landing Gear , getting gungirls , all of the bontas 2012-06-05 16 19385639 Generation A Quest VI Rescue the idols, try on sweet armor, visions reveal things to us. Also more fluffy tails and ears. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-06-07 23 19421884 Monster Girls Quest 23 Eventful book reading, ominous details and ironing out some of what happened 5 years ago. At least nobody came close to dying. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-06-10 10 19425475 Mobile x Destiny OP reboots a 40+ thread CYOA from /a/. Our young Nathan Explosion lookalike goes about his peaceful days in high school surrounded by girls. The secret organizations and mechs should come soon to ruin all that, if the last run is any indication. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu, 2012-06-10 12 19437631 Mobile X Destiny Continuation of Anon-kun's school life, having more encounters with the girls. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu 2012-06-11 7 19471031 Generation A Quest VII The year is 2032, and it is the age of monsters. And Sky Pirates. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-06-14 29 19484260 The Eternal War The tale of a 10-year-old Civ II savegame inspires the creation of a setting. The Eternal War , TEW , Civilization II , CivII , Worldbuilding 2012-06-15 13 19489889 Magical Girl Noir Quest A previously drunk and slightly amnesiac magical girl smokes cigs and witches. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , guns 2012-06-15 48 19496114 Mobile X Destiny More high school antics in the MxD universe. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu 2012-06-16 8 19505867 Monster Girls Quest 24 Flashback, speaking with a father and then having a relaxing time with our companions. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-06-17 9 19509096 Mobile X Destiny 4 Bully encounters and foreshadowing in this high school adventure? Hmm collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu 2012-06-17 8 19517724 Generation A VIII Papa-N !!z0ABcqUnNAP You replay the events of ten seconds ago, still quite unsure that they were reality. Tomoe and Bill had fought, it had been a draw, you'd said some incredibly stupid shit, and then... "Did... Did she just propose to Bill?" Ivan asks quietly. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N, 2012-06-18 25 19525939 Generation A Quest VIII - Ovoretime It's been one of THOSE days indeed. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-06-18 22 19554306 Magical Girl Noir Quest A currently drunk and slightly amnesiac magical girl gets another to smoke and hallucinates Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whisky 2012-06-20 38 19566127 Magical Girl Noir Quest 3 A painfully sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl crushes the pride of several security men and meets with her principal in a bodyguard gig. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whisky 2012-06-21 38 19579302 Magical Girl Noir Quest 4 A painfully sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl with minty fresh breath secures the room and things go badly from there. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whisky 2012-06-22 38 19586108 Mobile X Destiny 5 Apologies, conversations, truth or dare, and promises. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu 2012-06-23 12 19595750 Monster Girls Quest 25 Where a Nightmare strike, thankfully things didn't go for the worse. Also wings Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-06-24 9 19599628 Mobile X Destiny 6 Soon, they will come. And they did. Shit gets real this time around. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu 2012-06-24 14 19618989 Magical Girl Noir Quest 5 A painfully sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl wakes up from an illusion and makes some otaku regret their life decisions. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whisky 2012-06-25 38 19637849 Generation A Quest IX The Russian Bear. The plotting Echidna. A choice of life and death. We begin to ready ourselves for the deadlands. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-06-27 23 19647104 Magical Girl Noir Quest 6 A thankfully much less sober magical girl gets debriefed, followed by visitors. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whisky 2012-06-27 38 19671721 Magical Girl Noir Quest 7 A hungover magical girl gets cuddled. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whisky 2012-06-29 38 19671858 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 2 With the basics of character creation done, Minifig now works on specific animals. Suggestions are made, things are refined, alliances are forged. RPG , rpg , Palladium , Savage Worlds , TMNT , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , homebrew , SW , /tg/ gets shit done , shit gets done , win , character creation , mutants , cordova is awesome 2012-06-30 2 July 2012 19687920 Monster Girls Quest 26 Could it be? A somewhat romantic night with the angel? Cloudflare interruption slow much of the progress, but we are heading back home. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-07-01 12 19693145 Magical Girl Noir Quest 8 A hungover magical girl goes to meet the target at a yakuza bar. A fight ensues. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey 2012-07-01 37 19707604 Magical Girl Noir Quest 9 A angrily sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl picks up some guns and backup to rescue a friend and retire a former colleague. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey 2012-07-02 38 19721538 Magical Girl Noir Quest 10 An angrily sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl retires a fellow magical girl. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey 2012-07-03 38 19738083 Monster Girls Quest 27 ‘’The golem’’ Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-07-05 9 19741278 Zerg Quest XCII Following the crossover and a major battle, the Swarm discusses its future. Also, Zerg World. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Major surgery , Daddy issues , Zerg World , Amusement park IN SPACE 2012-07-05 7 19746791 Magical Girl Noir Quest 11 A somewhat sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl gets debriefed and begins to interrogate a competitor. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey 2012-07-05 38 19761802 Magical Girl Noir Quest 12 A temporarily sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl finishes questioning a drunk magical girl, might have succeeded in flipping her, and gets brand-new smartphone. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey 2012-07-06 37 19770913 Mobile X Destiny 7 Aftermath of the big mech fight. Slow thread and return from a week break due to OP being out of state. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-07-07 7 19778960 Monster Girls Quest 28 Where we must march on regardless of consequence. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-07-07 9 19783535 Mobile X Destiny 8 Lunch preparation, return to school, and strange happenings. Anon-kun is keeping Chiyo in the dark and generally taking things slow, like Tadashi suggested. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-07-08 5 19789230 Magical Girl Noir Quest 13 A sober magical girl gets drunk and then sobering things happen. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey 2012-07-08 38 19803303 Magical Girl Noir Quest 14 A slightly drunk but very sober magical girl does a little better socially and is given a choice. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey 2012-07-09 38 19817308 Guardsman Quest: The fight for Amerigo Secondus In this quest we take the role on the role of Fineas Edward Line, minor noble man and all around suave motherfucker. The planet gets handed over to the Tau by Governor nixon and Fineas sets off on a quest to defeat the Tau. He meats a gang of feline abhumans, gets recruited by an inquisitor and has nightmares while he's awake. Collective_Game , 40K , Imperial_Guard , Guardsman_Quest , Amerigo_Scondus , Tau , Catgirls , Heresy , Inquisition , Pancakes 2012-07-11 10 19833002 Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark Eldar Brother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER. Collective Game , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Chapter Master Quest , Ghosts of Retribution , Space Marine , Warhammer 40,000 , WH40K , Imperium of Man , Power Garrot , Strategic Girth , Spin-Off , Adeptus Sororitas , brother , sister , prisoner , Big Daddy , Dark Eldar , Feudal world , webway , Commoragh , slaves , rape , Sororitas 2012-07-12 10 19842679 Magical Girl Noir Quest 15 A confusingly sober magical girl gets dressed and picks up the gun once more. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey 2012-07-12 38 19850327 "Magical" Girl Quest In which Daedalus begins scouting out the local 'talent' for magical girl candidates. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2012-07-13 32 19859151 Magical Girl Noir Quest 16 A maidenly sober magical girl debates the fine line between drink and duty. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey , guns , operators operating operationally , 2012-07-13 38 19867941 "Magical" Girl Quest 2 Reimu plays doctor, and other shenanigans. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2012-07-14 24 19859727 GuardsMan Quest: Fight For Amerigo Secondus: Chapter Four: Rallying Cry In this quest we recruit beastmen, Squats, devour our first piece of living tech, Impregnate Anevka, and reccieve the blessing of the omnisiah. Guardsman_Quest , Inquisition , 40k , Imperium , Catgirls , Beastmen , Dark_Age_of_Science , Hunting_Rig , Tau , Underhive , Squats , Collective_Game , Quest 2012-07-14 10 19867446 Mobile X Destiny 9 Lunch was delivered, and an explosion in the distance. Chiyo seemed to be a bit withdrawn, but things are looking better. Now, a party for the following night has been set! collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-07-14 5 19875084 Magical Girl Noir Quest 17 An annoyingly sober magical girl discusses work and checks out swag. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey , guns , swag 2012-07-14 38 19878633 "Magical" Girl Quest 3 Daedalus finishes up her aquatic homebase, Anne talks of her all-nighter, and other shenanigans 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2012-07-15 24 19878847 Generation A Quest X Back to the carrier to find some radiation gear able to withstand the deadlands. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-07-15 25 19878883 Monster Girls Quest 29 Various emotions and we end up in a drinking game with the Queen-Mother Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-07-15 7 19882519 Mobile X Destiny 10 Exercise, texting, temptations... and a possible confession from Chiyo?! collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-07-15 7 19894317 "Magical" Girl Quest 4 In which the recruitment is nearing completion, we learn what the Replicators are weak to, and other shenanigans. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2012-07-16 23 19904854 Magical Girl Noir Quest 18 A jelly magical girl resists the urge to kill 2 separate men. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , swag 2012-07-16 38 19919510 Magical Girl Noir Quest 18 A tiredly sober magical gets a little red eyed and calls for backup. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey , guns , swag , terminator 2012-07-17 38 19923674 "Magical" Girl Quest 5 We introduce the girls to ALEX L. BARKER, THE RED COMET WHO GRASPS VICTORY FROM DEFEAT, Icarus is born and takes her first steps, and other shenanigans 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2012-07-18 22 19938869 "Magical" Girl Quest 6 Icarus is a hedonist, Daedalus checks in on the other girls, and other shenanigans. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence , Hedonism 2012-07-19 22 19953109 "Magical" Girl Quest 7 In which Alexa is forked, Manguard Armor happens, and other shenanigans. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2012-07-19 22 19963787 Magical Girl Noir Quest 19 A bloodstained and sober magical maid girl takes on a demon with some help of a big friend and avenges a fallen little friend Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey , guns , terminator 2012-07-20 38 19972695 Mobile X Destiny 11 End of the Notebook Arc. A tamer end than most would've thought, but it ended on good terms. However, something is bothering Miyuki... collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-07-21 7 19981094 Monster Girls Quest 30 Lazy morning, trying to comfort a broken girl, duel and speaking with the Angel, time to delve into her memories. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-07-22 10 19985144 Mobile X Destiny 12 We stand up for Roslyn, miss gym class again, and hang out with Chiyo while waiting for the party to begin. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-07-22 5 19988546 Magical Girl Noir Quest 20 A bloodstained and not sober for long magical maid recruit a new lickable drinking buddy. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey , soul gem 2012-07-22 38 20005554 Elven biomechanics - theorizing the elf as brachiating arboreal humanoid Re-designing the classical elf to biologically, culturally, and metally correspond to their tree-loving ways, a group of elegan/tg/entlemen reaches some unexpected and most startling conclusions. game ideas , elf , concept , world building , ape , biology , science 2012-07-23 31 20006429 "Magical" Girl Quest 8 In which we join omnIRC and other shenanigans. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2012-07-23 22 20021091 "Magical" Girl Quest 9 In which Icarus takes a shower, grabs lunch, and something intrudes upon Beta Site. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2012-07-25 23 20031398 Magical Girl Noir Quest 20 A heavily buzzed magical girl has girl trouble with a past friend, current roommate, and new coworker. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey , midori , soul gem , Cripple Jousting 2012-07-25 38 20045550 Magical Girl Noir Quest 23 A refreshingly sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl goes to say goodbye, and has a conversation with a maid. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , whiskey 2012-07-26 38 20056236 Magical Girl Noir Quest 24 A sober and slightly unsociable magical girl destroys a stack of pancakes and a young girl's heart. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , pancakes 2012-07-27 38 20064193 Mobile X Destiny 13 The party commences, and we make some bad decisions collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-07-28 5 20070632 Magical Girl Noir Quest 25 A not drunk and slightly sad magical girl pats an arms dealer on the head and bro fists a Terminator. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Terminator 2012-07-28 38 20075216 Monster Girls Quest 31 Where we head into Hadraniel mind, meet a cute angel, get briefed and enter Groundhog Day Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-07-29 11 20078537 Mobile X Destiny 14 Miyuki stays the night, and we forget something of dubious importance collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-07-29 6 20087955 Generation A Quest XI Find the radiation gear, blow up the carrier, get drunk and crash plane Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-07-30 24 20093863 Magical Girl Noir Quest 26 A cheery magical girl makes pancakes and gets a heads up from her employer Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , pancakes 2012-07-30 37 20093888 Mobile X Destiny 15 We go to the mall, meet our dark reflection, and vent our fury upon the unjust. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-07-30 7 20100476 Magical Girl Noir Quest 27 A upbeat but worried magical girl heads into a barrier and finds a wounded comrade Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , mami 2012-07-30 38 August 2012 20134661 Monster Girls Quest 32 Where a stubborn angel press forward, and we talk. A long talk. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-08-02 14 20161365 Magical Girl Noir Quest 28 A exhausted but happy magical girl dives headfirst into battle and needs saving of her own. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , mami 2012-08-03 38 20169800 Mobile X Destiny 16 The conflict intensifies between Anon-kun and Ramius as the fight for Sayuri erupts at the docks. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-08-04 7 20184738 Mobile X Destiny 17 We reunite the group, see our hanger-on safely home, then collapse for some well-deserved sleep collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-08-05 5 20190993 Magical Girl Noir Quest 29 A busily drunk magical girl makes a few phone calls and goes gift shopping. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , mr Kong, 2012-08-05 38 20193011 Emulsiworld Anon describes a dream where mankind is drawn to a new planet through portals on Earth. There they find a hollow but still living tree where they make a new home: Hope. The planet, as big as Jupiter, is host to other such trees, some with other splinter evolutions of mankind, at war with the Keepers, a race of machines which cull mankind's divergent evolutions until extinction. Homebrew , original content , crunchless fluff , science fiction , post-apocalypse , Hope , arcology , game ideas , world building , The Archivist 2012-08-05 17 20196913 Present-day Earth becomes a setting In a parallel universe, the most grimdark setting of all is created. Earth. setting , parallel universe , earth , rl , real life , grimdark 2012-08-06 10 20199012 Mobile X Destiny 18 We uncover Miyuki's secret, Enjoy a lazy Sunday, and come to terms with Sayuri's affections collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-08-06 8 20220426 Guy Fieri, Prince of the Camarilla OP is playing the part of the Prince in a VtM LARP as a favour to a friend; he plays it as a TV chef because he is fat. /tg/ advises. Vampire the Masquerade , World of Darkness , Guy Fieri , LARP 2012-08-08 23 20253633 "Magical" Girl Quest 10 Icarus discovers Daedalus' modification to her ARglasses, helps Veritas get back on her feet, and other shenanigans. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2012-08-10 23 20269376 Mobile X Destiny 19 Return downstairs, decide to head out after all, and gain an unexpected companion collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-08-11 6 20272839 Magical Girl Noir Quest 30 A somewhat sober and socially awkward magical girl goes gift shopping and stumbles upon an uncomfortable discovery. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , doujin 2012-08-11 38 20271366 World Building Resources OP dumps some useful tools and resources, particularly for sci-fi worldbuilding. World Building , Resources 2012-08-11 25 20280807 Mobile X Destiny 20 We head back home, Miyuki makes a decision, and we encounter something unsettling on the way home collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-08-12 7 20301050 Magical Girl Noir Quest 31 A slightly drunk magical girl has a chat with her boss and teary eyed pancake delivery Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , pancakes 2012-08-13 38 20318026 "Magical" Girl Quest 11 In which pancakes are obtained, Omnitube audvids are watched, training happens, and other shenanigans. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2012-08-14 22 20329840 Magical Girl Quest 32 An in flight magical girl consumes porn and pancakes. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , pancakes , doujins 2012-08-15 38 20336130 "Magical" Girl Quest 12 Daedalus distributes the Derivation, freaks out a little over Anne having built it, checks in on the Clean-Up Crew, and other shenanigans. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2012-08-16 24 20343723 Magical Girl Noir Quest 33 A sober magical girl patiently watches another spill her heart out. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , pancakes , doujin 2012-08-16 38 20346545 Overlord Quest tg/ liberating a desert nation while honoring the memory of your mother, the previous Overlord. Collective Game , Overlord Quest , Mother 2012-08-17 7 20357148 Magical Girl Noir Quest 34 A painfully sober magical girl gets a visit from an old flame Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir 2012-08-17 38 20371699 Magical Girl Noir Quest 35 A temporally sober magical girl meet a new old friend in the land of the bears. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Kharn , Siberia 2012-08-18 38 20373239 Mobile X Destiny 21 We have an interesting morning explaining things to Chiyo, some time with Miyuki, and we have a moment or two with Sora in class. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-08-19 5 20386832 Generation A Quest XII A little insight into Bill's backstory. A bit of kitsune petting. A fateful call from Rick. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-08-19 25 20357575 Lenore writefaggotry 008 and co come out again to write. stranded , alien world , lenore 2012-08-20 9 20389334 Dawn of Worlds: The First Age Gods Descend Upon a Barren World, Jungles, Tundra,and all manner of landmarks are created and Lizardmen walk the developing world Collective_game dawn_of_worlds Gods Winter_Is_Coming 2012-08-20 0 20403237 Dawn of Worlds 2nd Era The second Era of the Dawn of Worlds game hosted by Satlof where the gods now create races for the terrain created last age. [Collective Game][Dawn of Worlds][2nd Era] 2012-08-21 0 20423553 Magical Girl Noir Quest 36 A painfully sober magical girl exploit a kitchen and make a subordinate cry. Again. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Midori , Kharn , Siberia , Takoyaki 2012-08-22 38 20437302 Magical Girl Noir Quest 37 A worryingly sober magical girl wakes to find things not as she left them. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Midori , Kharn , Siberia 2012-08-23 38 20471383 Monster Girls Quest 33 Back after sick leave, shorter thread where we spent our time recalling the past and act upon our newfond knowledge. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-08-26 10 20473748 Mobile X Destiny 22 We join Sora for lunch, Make dinner for two, and just manage to avoid making things horribly awkward with Miyuki. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-08-26 7 20475337 Magical Girl Noir Quest 38 A severely sober magical girl prepares to hunt bears with a pacifist, a terminator, and the bro-est Betrayer. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia 2012-08-26 37 20483789 Amnesiac Quest 4 We meet Doll, have an exchange of differences with Alice, plot with holograms, and attempt to steal some tech for Doll's mission. Collective Game , Amnesiac Quest , Hazard , The Watch , Hazmat , Mystery , Horror , Future , Doll , Raptor , Catfish , Alice , Titan , Crazy Earl 2012-08-28 10 20506252 Magical Girl Noir Quest 39 A horrendously sober magical girl talk about the past with a old friend but have to cancel the glorious bear hunt. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Midori , Kharn , Siberia 2012-08-28 38 20529095 Magical Girl Noir Quest 40 A coldly sober magical girl prepare for battle and confront a new opponent. Also bears. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Kharn , Mirai 2012-08-30 37 20542537 Magical Girl Noir Quest 41 A coldly sober magical girl barely keeps the violence in check. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Kharn , Mirai 2012-08-31 38 September 2012 20572374 Spriggans Aquatic Civilization thread part 1 Mutation leads to the birth of two species and We gaze into the deep blue yonder. Spriggan , Civilization , Collective_game , Civ , Coral , Murlocs 2012-09-03 0 20570055 Monster Girls Quest 34 Where we decide to go back to our homeland and talk with the necessary peoples Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-09-03 12 20573067 Mobile X Destiny 23 We focus on our childhood friend, and the plot thickens with our secretive foe. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-09-03 6 20587196 Erfworld Quest TG spins a tale about Pendwagon and his city of Camel-lot Collective Game , Erfworld , Erfworld Quest 2012-09-04 6 20593427 Magical Girl Noir Quest 42 A tiredly sober magical girl returns to base and gets some much needed rest and alcohol in her. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Kharn 2012-09-04 38 20584312 Monster Crabs OP finds a crab-fighting card game being developed by an 8-year old. The kid's dad also finds the thread. Monster Crabs , Games Save The World , kickstarter , Crabs , Cards , Card Game 2012-09-05 32 20600515 Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest Today is a fine day for piracy. Redbeard the Cleanshaven leads his(her) crew of monstergirls to raid the Jewel of Celeste, and captures an angelic healer. Monstergirl Sky Pirates , Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Pirates , Sky Pirates 2012-09-05 16 20619626 Magical Girl Noir Quest 43 A russian powerful magical girl starts her day someone in her bed and gets interrupted by her underling. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-09-06 38 20623953 Monster Girls Quest 35 Where a man goes back home, talk to family, and meet his objective. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-09-07 10 20627024 Erfworld Quest 2 The story of Pendwagon continues Collective Game , Erfworld , Erfworld Quest 2012-09-07 1 20636078 Generation A Quest XIII Fight a house (mimic), burn down some forest. Oh, and make it to the most hostile place on the planet. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-09-08 25 20639117 Mobile x Destiny 24 We break the news, meet up with Sora, and receive an ominous text with our best lead. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-09-08 6 20645072 Magical Girl Noir Quest 44 A powerful russian magical girl acquires a trophy and is briefed on a murderous incident Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-09-08 38 20660866 The Harem Knights of TeeGee In this thread the Gentlemen of /tg/ took the tired old premise of, "Wizard takes you to a fantasy world, WAT DO?" and made a thing of beauty. harem , knights , knight , waifu , monstergirl , rub ears , peace , perfection 2012-09-10 25 20662021 Monster Girls Quest 36 Where a fight is started and a man lose sight of himself. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-09-10 10 20666515 Tales of the Harem Knights Building off of a previous thread many anons donned names and stories, all of good quality at least. Teegee , harem , knight , storytime , stories , waifu , monstergirl , roleplay , writefaggotry , world building 2012-09-10 22 20671486 Magical Girl Noir Quest 45 A powerful russian magical girl learn what happened and make a judgement. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Mami , Murderface 2012-09-10 38 20674762 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Three Third thread in TeeGee Harem Knights. More stories, equipment to bring to fantasy worlds, plus a bar song! Teegee , harem , knight , storytime , stories , waifu , monstergirl , roleplay , writefaggotry , world building , bar song 2012-09-11 23 20684912 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Four Fourth volume of the escapades of our TeeGee nation Teegee , harem , knight , storytime , stories , waifu , monstergirl , roleplay , writefaggotry , world building 2012-09-11 16 20698883 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Five We reach the fifth thread of this amazing saga full of writefaggotry, now with an Ork invasion and a look into the Merchant Guard! TeeGee , Harem , Knights , Storytime , Stories , Waifu , Monstergirl , Writefaggotry , World Building 2012-09-13 17 20675064 Amnesiac Quest 6 So a one-legged Russian Giant, an android girl with split personalities, and an amnesiac walk into a gun shop... Collective Game , Amnesiac Quest , Hazard , The Watch , Hazmat , Mystery , Horror , Future , Doll , Alice , Titan , Crazy Earl 2012-09-13 7 20709419 Magical Girl Noir Quest 46 A powerful russian magical girl annoys her subordinate then tries to start a war but get QBblocked. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-09-13 37 20710103 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Six The writefaggotry continues, with orcs, necromancy, and a spot of political and economical discussion. harem , knights , waifus , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , harem knights , monstergirls , elf ears 2012-09-14 12 20720158 Magical Girl Noir Quest 47 A powerful russian magical girl get informations about her new enemy and meet her subordinates. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Mami , Sayaka , Kyouko , Murderface 2012-09-14 38 20722412 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Seven This time we delve into the workings of magic, the aftermath of the Ork invasion, and much more. harem , knights , waifus , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , harem knights , monstergirls , elf ears 2012-09-15 11 20727086 Mobile X Destiny 25 We make nice with Sayuri, get to Roslyn's house, and form up a plan to get Sayuri back. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-09-15 6 20740292 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Eight The waifu train has no brakes. The death of the Knight-Sergeant, and other stories. harem , knights , waifus , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , harem knights , monstergirls , elf ears 2012-09-16 9 20748067 Monster Girls Quest 37 Catastrophe is avoided at the cost of a magic weapon, and we come face to face with a certain brother. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-09-17 10 20751338 Flyte Rap Battles Flyte Battle TG style Flyte , Flyte Rogue , MC Warlock , Psion 9 2012-09-17 6 20751328 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Nine. Stories of the knights continue. Fencing, a diplomatic incident, and Harbringer pisses of the Fae. harem , knights , waifus , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , harem knights , monstergirls , elf ears 2012-09-17 10 20762850 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Ten Mostly Worldbuilding with lighthearted fare. Scottish Rabbit-folk are detailed. Harbinger has a slice of life moment. harem , knights , waifus , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , harem knights , monstergirls , elf ears , fey , bunny girls 2012-09-18 10 20772373 Magical Girl Noir Quest 48 A powerful russian magical girl ride to destr- meet another office. Which is totally not a trap. She also annoys her new subordinate on the way. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Murderface 2012-09-18 38 20779169 Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest 2 Redbeard talks to the crew and gets a date, then an angel and gets a lecture, then a governer and gets paid. Monstergirl Sky Pirates , Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Pirates , Sky Pirates 2012-09-19 10 20780005 Generation A Quest XIV Run from deathworms, get pulled into a Hind. Find out why it's never catgirls. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-09-19 26 20792853 Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest Special In the past, Redbeard had to take command of a sabotage mission. Can a small crew of pirates take down the biggest ship in the navy? Monstergirl Sky Pirates , Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Pirates , Sky Pirates 2012-09-20 9 20809974 Magical Girl Noir Quest 49 A powerful russian magical girl leaves her weapon at the door and stares at a painting. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Murderface 2012-09-21 38 20823000 Magical Girl Noir Quest 50 A powerful russian magical girl engages in fruitful negotiations. Also war. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Murderface , Ahriman 2012-09-22 38 20813165 TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 14 More writefaggotry, a few ghouls, battle tactics, and castle designs await you in this installment of Harem Knights. Harem Knights , Ears , writefaggotry , Waifus , ear rub , worldbuilding 2012-09-22 8 20822620 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 30 Hito and his friend Koutarou had preparing for the trip to Notthingham and checking out the Warhammer World. And also sidestory with Sasha. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Slender Man , Warhammer World , GW , Games Workshop 2012-09-23 2 20840437 Monster Girls Quest 38 Politics and paranoia Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-09-24 11 20844036 Mobile X Destiny 26 We execute the plan, and Ramius gets what he so justly deserves collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-09-24 7 20828926 TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 15 NRF Uniform talk (now with template!), adorable slice of life, and an Interview with a Fey Lord. Harem Knights , Ears , writefaggotry , Waifus , ear rub , worldbuilding 2012-09-24 5 20864527 Magical Girl Noir Quest 51 A powerful russian magical girl and her two allies murder ninety-eight enemy magical girls Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Murderface , Ahriman 2012-09-26 38 20866609 TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 17 Joint stories and new characters emerge, GearHeart writes erotica Harem Knights , Ears , writefaggotry , Waifus , ear rub , worldbuilding , TeeGee , Colective story time, 2012-09-27 5 20891621 Magical Girl Noir Quest 52 A powerful russian magical girl and her anti-magical aide have a boss fight. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-09-28 37 20912712 Martial Arts School, TG-Style OP wonder's what would happen if there was a school of martial art's Shit get's done... nostalgia is abound. video_games,Worldbuilding , martial_arts school 2012-09-29 5 20919642 Generation A Quest XV Out of the frying pan and into the freezer? Inside the mountain hardly seems safe at all. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-09-30 24 20923276 Martial Art's School Round 2! The school get's a name, some details are fleshed out, and more crazy tales of badassery appear. Oh yeah, the chicks are hot. video_games , martial_arts , worldbuilding , school , anime , 2012-09-30 4 20923500 Mobile x Destiny 27 We enter the realm of dreams, where thought is given form, and Sora's garden provides odd insight into our distant friend collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha 2012-09-30 5 20929809 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 31 After Hito get to know Kelly a Warhammer 40k player, he suddenly encounter his challenger in the Warhammer World Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Warhammer World , GW , Games Workshop 2012-09-30 0 20930586 Magical Girl Noir Quest 53 A powerful russian magical girl has very bad luck. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-09-30 38 October 2012 20933995 Monster Girls Quest 39 Alliance forged and taking some time to talk with the people around us. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-10-01 11 20959658 Magical Girl Noir Quest 54 A powerful russian magical girl will protect her dearest friend and her new subordinate, whatever the cost. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-10-02 38 20953217 TeeGee Harem Knights Vol. 21 TeeGee gets a witch, and other tales. Harem Knights , writefaggotry , worldbuilding 2012-10-04 5 20992258 Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest 3 Captain Redbeard goes shopping, picks up a Were-tiger cartographer, and nearly assaults a waitress over a chicken salad. Monstergirl Sky Pirates , Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Pirates , Sky Pirates 2012-10-05 8 20999517 Magical Girl Noir Quest 55 A not-for-long sober magical girl listened to a story and is making a phone call. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Kharn , Mami 2012-10-05 38 20990709 Borderlands at the tabletop? Pandora seems like the perfect place for everything from murderhobo-ing to ancient eldritch intrigue. So why not? Some ideas were even thrown around for a system... Borderlands , Setting , System , Handsome Jack , Butt Stallion , Tables , More Tables , Dakka , Moar Dakka 2012-10-05 9 21007373 Mobile X Destiny Interactive Omake We take a step out of the story to explore a bizarre place collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , side-quest , MxD 2012-10-06 5 21012948 Magical Girl Noir Quest 56 A still slightly sober magical girl talks on the phone while finishing off a bottle of vodka Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Kharn , Mami , Kyoko 2012-10-06 37 21013734 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 32 Hito encounter four stranger who are searching for somebody. And also a mini sidequest with Rachelle the southern maid. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Chaos Space Marine , Chaos , Warhammer World 2012-10-07 1 21011512 Borderlands Pen And Paper Sort of continuing where the last one left off, more BL PnP discussion, now with more tables! Borderlands , Setting , System , Tables , More Tables , Dakka , Moar Dakka 2012-10-07 4 21020490 Mobile x Destiny 28 We awake from our odd dreams to discover the real world implications of our adventures collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-10-07 5 21030662 Monster Girls Quest 40 Where we deal with part of our past and talk with a child Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-10-08 10 21032829 Mobile X Destiny 29 We discuss our strange dreams, help Sora with her "fan club", and the storm finally breaks collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-10-08 5 21038744 TeeGee Harem Knights Vol. 24 We start fleshing out the Teegee University, introduce rabbitgirls, describe farming life and more Rogue Trader shenanigans. Waifu , Harem Knights , Knight , Writefaggotry , Worldbuilding 2012-10-10 4 21063034 Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest 4 Captain Redbeard goes rectuiting, is stalked by a chef, and gets into a street brawl. Monstergirl Sky Pirates , Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Pirates , Sky Pirates 2012-10-10 7 21068324 Magical Girl Noir Quest 57 A suitably intoxicated Magical girl confuses her incubator and thinks about her relationship. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Kharn , Midori , Misaka 2012-10-10 38 21100270 Mobile X Destiny 30 We manage to get out of a tight spot, comfort Miyuki, then decide to spend a day enjoying the girls' company. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-10-13 5 21086394 TeeGee Harem Knights Vol. 25 More succubus shenanigans and slavers take Shacklebane's eye Harem Knights , Ears , writefaggotry , Waifus , ear rub , worldbuilding , TeeGee , Colective story time , monstergirls 2012-10-14 1 21096309 Magical Burst Chargens Anon posts a helpful site that randomly generates magical girls. Much fun is had. Magical Girl Gilgamesh is born. Magical Burst , Chargen , Magical Girls , Gilgamesh 2012-10-14 12 21113724 Mobile X Destiny 31 Weget the girls together for Breakfast and head out for a lazyday of non-life-threatening adventure collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-10-14 5 21124199 Monster Girls Quest 41 Where a young girl is pampered and a angel find herself in doubts Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-10-15 10 21136546 Magical Girl Gilgamesh More work on turning the Epic of Gilgamesh into a story about underage magical lesbians is done. Magical Burst , Magical Girl , Gilgamesh , History 2012-10-17 11 21156229 Strike Witches Quest 89 Carts full of liquor and nightwitches with good memory. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , gap an elf , strike witches , World War Pantsu 2012-10-17 32 21158787 Strike Witches Quest 90 You know, we should let Paddy have his moment. Let's get smashed. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , gap an elf , gaiden , strike witches , World War Pantsu 2012-10-17 33 21164426 Revolutio Daedali; Revolution and industry in the Ancient World In the effort to be a positive influence on his little brother, the OP of this thread decided to craft a homebrew setting based on an alternate vision of the Ancient World in the throes of an industrial, political, and social revolution, brought on by the inventions of Daedalus. Setting , Homebrew , Ancient , Ancients , Rome , Greece , Macydonia , Egypt , Industrial , Revolution , Worldbuilding , world building , The Archivist 2012-10-17 28 21164535 Grimoire Quest We start a quest that seems to be originally a pick your choices picture. We switch characters three times before we come to a showdown between Leet, the main character for now, against three novice? wizards. It ends in shenanigans. Grimoire Quest , Collective Game , Pick Your Choice , Warlocks , Witches , Demons , Fae , Eldricth Horror , Mythical Creature , Magic 2012-10-18 13 21164570 Magical Girl Gilgamesh 2 Yet more work is done on making Gilgamesh into the little girl. Magical Burst , Magical Girl , Gilgamesh , History 2012-10-18 11 21135856 TeeGee Harem Knights Vol 26 In which Clover tells of singing Ilithids and other stories are shared. Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , World Building, 2012-10-18 4 21138478 InfiniCon again Another InfiniCon thread, aiming to turn more onto the setting. InfiniCon , world building , writefaggotry , setting 2012-10-18 1 21179458 Magical Girl Noir Quest 58 A sleepily drunk magical girl consult her phone and start exploring the russian secret base. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Kharn , Midori 2012-10-18 38 21190429 That Feel: The Saddest Thing I Know OP needs a tragic background story for a character. Halfway through the thread a Dane tells the story that he calls 'The Saddest Thing I Know', /tg/ doesn't have time to brace before the impact and is blown away by what can only be described as possibly the worst feel ever. That Feel , The Saddest Thing I Know , First World War , World War 1 , Denmark , Danish , Dane , worst feel ever , feels , sadness , storytime 2012-10-19 22 21199638 Mobile x Destiny 32 We enter the game, accept a challenge, and head on out from the arcade collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-10-20 5 21173333 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume 27 Coininoch, Catmas, and conspiracies! Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , World Building 2012-10-20 3 21211154 Magical Burst Random Generator Stuff, Continued More messing around with using the Magical More messing with the Magical Burst random character generator and interpreting the results. Magical_Burst , Magical_Girls , random 2012-10-22 1 21225598 Monster Girls Quest 42 Where an angel exit the stage, a blade is upgraded, memory is seen and we make it back home for more business, never a dull moment. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-10-22 10 21229811 Mobile X Destiny 33 We return from the arcade, get treated to delicious lunch, and watch movies on a rainy afternoon collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-10-22 5 21238483 Magical Girl Noir Quest 59 An instantaneously sober magical girl faces danger and gold. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Kharn , Pinky 2012-10-22 38 21241405 Mage Quest: Prologue You are a mage, you were were born into a world where the gods have been dead for as long as anyone can remember. Your mother was a Witch and a Seer she raised you and foretold 3 prophecies on her deathbed in the hopes that she would be able to help you make your way in the world. So far you've managed to save a group of refugees from slavers and make contact with plane touched gypsies.
Mage_Quest. Collective_Game , Quest , Go_Fuck_Youself_Churl 2012-10-23 7 21243887 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume 29 This time, it's mostly discussion on major events. Also, more Thai. Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , World Building 2012-10-23 2 21255482 Magical Burst Random Generator Stuff, Even More /tg/'s love affair with randomly generating fucked up magical girls continues. Magical_Burst , Magical_Girls , random 2012-10-24 1 21270006 Angrydorf's God Game: Edora #1 An experiment that was recieved well! Venture into the chronicles of Edora, read on as our demented players take on the role of gods and create ridiculously impossible things on the poor planet known as Edora. (Angrydorf tag taken out, that tag shall be reserved for civilization games.) Collective Game , God Game , World Building , Quest 2012-10-24 7 21269023 Grimoire Quest III We get a magic shotgun, and then Sours, Arch-Magus of Earth becomes the protag. Eldritch Lord promises candy and happiness. Grimoire Quest , Collective Game , Fae , Warlocks , Witches , Demons , Angels , Eldritch Lord , Narrative Magic 2012-10-25 10 21276512 Angrydorf's God Game: Edora #2 This time shit goes down, demons, ancient dragons, politics, and a whole slew of other stuff! Collective Game , God Game , World Building , Quest 2012-10-25 7 21276437 Grimoire Quest IV We explore the tower and converse with the demon butler. Ignavia totally calls it. Collective Game , Grimoire Quest , uraemrys , grimoire , narrative magic , leet , roxie , fae , demons , eldritch , warlocks 2012-10-25 11 21285241 Magical Girl Noir Quest 60? A rather hungry Incubator starts its day and then thread is canceled on account of storm. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyubey , Incubator , Mami 2012-10-26 33 21273032 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume 30 Pinochle, a pool/lake, and more Catmas. Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , World Building 2012-10-26 0 21299012 Angrydorf's God Game: Edora #3 This time our pantheon creates some interesting new regions, creatures, and events! Particulary the vicious frogars, the hungry warls, and the stout urangens. Collective Game , God Game , World Building , Quest 2012-10-27 4 21302907 Mobile X Destiny 34 We go back to school, take a quiz, and finally get somewhere with Sora. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-10-27 6 21309791 Magical Girl Noir Quest 60 - part 2 A stoic Incubator enjoys his meal and decides what to do. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyubey , Incubator , Mami , Sayaka 2012-10-27 38 21326630 Angrydorf's God Game: Edora #4 We create an afterlife of booze, pretzels and evil shadows. We're not good at this. Collective Game , God Game , World Building , Quest 2012-10-29 3 21328607 Monster Girls Quest 43 where an expedition to the Cursed Land begins Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-10-29 11 21333372 Mobile X Destiny 35 We continue texting Sora, much to Miyuki's amusement, and again enter the realm of dreams. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-10-29 5 21306474 Teegee Harem Knights Vol 31 In which touching stories are told. Teegee Harem Knights , Co-op writefagatry , writefagatry , world building , monster girls , knights. 2012-10-31 2 21358140 Generation A Quest XVI Defeat the ice witch, turn her into a pet. Continue on down toward finding the sword we need. Papa back in proper hueform. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-10-31 26 November 2012 21370813 Grimoire Quest V We try to fix Leet, play god, and eat dairy Grimoire Quest , Collective Game , Uraemrys , quest , magic , tropes , archetypes , summoning , warlocks 2012-11-01 7 21365172 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume 32 We get an architect! Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , World Building 2012-11-01 4 21385173 Magical Girl Noir Quest 61 A quite miffed Incubator takes care of business and prepares to form a contract. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyubey , Incubator , Mami , Sayaka , Kyoko 2012-11-01 37 21392361 HoboQuest Part III You awake in a hospital, and are confronted with the horror of sobriety. Escape, make out with a wall, get recaptured by military. THE MONSTERGIRLS HAVE COME. HoboQuest , Collective Game , hobo , The-Hobo-King , monstergirls , dimensional shenanigans 2012-11-02 10 21399465 Magical Girl Noir Quest 62 A calm Incubator converses with a promising young girl and studies the lawn. So ends the curse of the Kyuubey, or does it? Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyubey , Incubator , Mami , Yuma , Kyoko 2012-11-02 37 21406718 Mobile X Destiny 36 We finish up our dream, decide to start work on the stall, and head up to the roof for lunch before working. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-11-03 5 21416064 Monster Girls Quest 44 Short session, but we get a taste of the Cursed Land. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-11-04 10 21417858 HoboQuest Part IV: A New HUE Get hired by military, constantly piss off a general. A LIFETIME SUPPLY OF BOOZE. Invading army comes, invading army goes. Flee your authority figures and meet a Night Post batgirl. HUEHUEHUE rears it's head at last. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-11-04 10 21394317 TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume 33 This time, we have mind reading therapy and the nature of magic. Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , World Building 2012-11-04 3 21430338 Angrydorf's God Game: Edora #5 Stealth penguins. Need I say more? Collective Game , God Game , World Building , Quest 2012-11-05 2 21435501 Mobile X Destiny 37 We put a dent in the work needed to get done for the festival stall and invite the girls back to our house for fun times, and reveal an interesting tidbit of knowledge to the girls. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-11-05 5 21433028 HoboQuest Part V Save a batgirl, get some guns, acquire a Soldier Bro. Get drunk, get slimegirl drunk, bottle slime girl. Get to town, find a bar, meet a red oni. A drinking competition turns into an alcoholic fight to the death. /tg/ nearly crit fails Lincoln to death. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-11-05 10 21445759 Discworld Holy Grail War Discussion of pop-culture characters as Servants eventually brings up Vetinari as an Assassin. Hilarity ensues. Discworld , Nasuverse , Fate/Stay Night , Crossover 2012-11-06 4 21449675 HoboQuest Part VI Lincoln wakes from the drinking game two days later, gets booze, questions barkeep, and has no fucks to fly in the face of an angry Red Oni. Also: Slimegirl Snowglobes?! The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls 2012-11-06 10 21460436 Monster Guard OP's intent is a thread where /tg/ pretends to be the monster under the bed. Due to OP's image selection, it turns into something darker, where the monster under the bed (and in the closet!) defends the child from abusive parents. OP returns, decides to reveal his writefag power level... and makes a setting out of this concept. Homebrew , original content , crunchless fluff , world building , monsters , nightmares , abuse , child , children , The Archivist 2012-11-06 21 21435510 Teegee Harem Knights volume 35
Vampire Khanates
Rumors abound!
Currency Discussed
Elderitch horrors born of attempts to make life put down. Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , World Building 2012-11-08 3 21495514 Modern Necromancy A girl gets hit by a car and resurrected; asks /tg/ for advice. /tg/ runs with it. roleplay , improv , worldbuilding , setting , necromancy , flesh golem , undead , modern fantasy 2012-11-09 6 21501734 Archetypal Fantasy Magic Starts about barefoot characters; /tg/ makes it about magic done by following an archetype like the warrior, the mage, or the thief. Fantasy , World Building , Derailed , /tg/ gets shit done 2012-11-09 10 21499989 Magical Girl Noir Quest 63 An amnesiac magical girl wakes up from surgery and try to find out who she was. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Kharn , Misaka , amnesia 2012-11-09 38 21508616 Mobile x Destiny 38 We fix our food problem, enjoy a cute moment with Sayuri, and set off with Chiyo to see her home. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-11-10 5 21505956 Archetype Fantasy Magic 2 In which the nascent setting is fleshed out significantly. Fantasy , World Building , /tg/ gets shit done 2012-11-11 0 21523416 If Lies To Children Were True There's no sex, you can make boys with snips, snails and puppy-dog tails, and stepping on a crack will break your mother's back. More neat suggestions inside. game ideas , scary , creepy , humor , setting , worldbuilding , childhood , myths 2012-11-11 18 21535593 Angrydorf's God Game: Edora #6 Fuck everything, shit is going down, apocalypse everywhere, multiple extinctions. This is the beginning of the end. Collective Game , God Game , World Building , Quest 2012-11-12 1 21536163 Monster Girls Quest 45 Welcoming commitee of the Cursed Swamp Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-11-12 10 21540523 Mobile X Destiny 39 We finish taking Chiyo home, spend a bit more time with the girls and then see Sayuri home. Time skip commences. Collective game , Quest , /a/ style quest , Girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-11-12 5 21595624 Bard Dad part 2 Bard dad returns with more tales of his amazing daughter Kat. d'awwww , bard , Bard , IRL 2012-11-16 49 21606507 Magical Girl Noir Quest 64 A still very amnesiac magical girl eats adequately and still manages to get in to embarrassing situations despite her memory loss. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Kharn , Souji , amnesia 2012-11-16 37 21613623 Harem Knights Volume 37 Did this early because, well, we lost the last one. Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , World Building 2012-11-17 3 21616469 Mobile x Destiny 40 We come up on the far end of a time jump, get late texts from Sora, and the Festival begins! collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-11-17 5 21623452 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 38 Hito have finally banish Nurgle back to Warp but he must face the last Chaos God, Khorne the Lord of Rage and Blood. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Chaos , Chaos God , Nurgle , Khorne , Merlin , Stonehenge , Caledfwlch , Rhongomyniad 2012-11-17 -2 21635951 Magical Girl Noir Quest 65 An amnesiac Magical girl chooses her weapon and makes a bet. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Kharn , amnesia, 2012-11-18 38 21639387 Angrydorf's God Game: Edora #7 As the second draws nearer and the threat of total anihilation becomes greater, what do our gods do to prevent the impending doom? Collective Game , God Game , World Building , Quest 2012-11-19 2 21641222 Monster Girls Quest 46 Where a boss fight happen and a scroll is used Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-11-19 11 21647922 Bard Dad part 3 The Bard Father returns once again. /tg/ gathers round the fire to hear his words. d'awwwww , bard , Bard , IRL 2012-11-19 33 21629619 HoboQuest Part VII In which Lincoln goes to the Post Office, and learns the sorry state of affairs about Monstergirls and his current location. And the World in general. Righteous fury leads us to the castle, which leads to drunken merriment, explosions, a kitchen fire and a pissed off SpecOps CO. Whoopsie? The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-11-20 14 21665666 HoboQuest Part VII 2 The Madness continues! Bowing out of the Diplomatic talks, Lincoln wanders off in search of Zuli the Red Oni girl, only to find pain. Escaping the consequences of his actions yet again, our hero returns from death's doir in time to rescue Zuli from an unjust execution. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-11-21 11 21681224 The Sphere RPG concept Order collapses in a vast Dyson Sphere; as an explorer, travel across the ruins in search of wealth, technology and adventure. Dyson Sphere , game ideas , roleplay , World Building 2012-11-21 2 21699881 Magical Girl Noir Quest 66 An outmatched and amnesiac magical girl chooses a golden weapon and slanders the wrong person. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Kharn , amnesia, 2012-11-22 37 21657425 Teegee Harem Knights Vol 38 The Bats story ends, with the promise of a vamipiric war, and a gunrunner makes his debut, with lead Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , World Building 2012-11-23 0 21700306 HoboQuest Part VIII Lincoln and company manage to escape the burning castle, engage in song and dance routines, and determine an agreement that is most certainly going to end in hedonism. Rick Rolling HUEHUEHUE appears. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-11-23 11 21713146 Magical Girl Noir Quest 67 A 'heavily armed' amnesiac magical girl finds herself in trouble and then, throws a punch. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Kharn , amnesia, 2012-11-23 38 21720746 More Deathworld Dozens of ideas being laid down for /tg/'s Deathworld homebrew setting, featuring soviet Obama Deathworld , homebrew 2012-11-24 3 21746990 Deathworld Rebirth - Part 2 /tg/ throws yet more ideas at a grimdark wall and watches as some stick and grow demonic tentacles and stuff Deathworld , homebrew 2012-11-26 5 21711417 Harem Knights Vol. 39 more on the gunrunners and boss. Discussions of the city plans and layout Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , World Building 2012-11-26 2 21747390 Monster Girls Quest 47 Where a twin crit and debriefing happen. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-11-26 10 21749782 HoboQuest Part IX In which Lincoln does the Monster Mash and gets the hell out of dodge - or whatever this town is called. The Monstergirl 'Intelligence Assets' meet Johnson and the A-Team, everything goes just as planned. Another impromptu flight courtesy of Air Zuli lands us next to the portal, and... hold up, are those Foxgirls? Holding us up? This can't end well. For them. HUEHUEHUE yet again. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-11-26 11 21794066 Generation A Quest XVII The journey begins to draw to a close. Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2012-11-29 24 21793539 Deathworld Rebirth - Part 3 /tg/ continues thinking about dead presidents, soviet supertechnology and South-East Asian Geopolitics homebrew , Deathworld, 2012-11-30 2 21820186 Magical Girl Noir Quest 68 An amnesiac Magical Big Sister drinks the clear liquid and prepares for the interrogation. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Kharn , amnesia , Mirai, 2012-11-30 38 December 2012 21814423 Cross Species Dating Advice Anon begins with asking for advice on dating Mermaids, thread snowballs with anons both monstrous and not begging for help Mermaids , Monstergirl , Dating Advice 2012-12-01 14 21831384 Dawn of Worlds Dawn of Worlds the cooperative world building game. A game in which multiple gods build a world dawn of worlds , gods , world , creation 2012-12-01 3 21845316 Dawn of Worlds 2 Most of the world is built and multiple races are created. Then suddenly killer vegetables. dawn of worlds , gods , world , creation , Killer Vegetables 2012-12-02 1 21846105 Worldbuilding Aegis-352 The World of Aegis-352 is slowly built but not to much fanfare due to more popular threads. sci_fi , clone , worldbuilding , space , war 2012-12-02 0 21859626 Death in Gaming Questions of handling death in worlds, GET IN THE FUCKING BAG, sorrow over Terry Pratchett, and some very disturbing ideas... Death , Terry Pratchett , Discworld , GET IN THE FUCKING BAG 2012-12-03 16 21856746 Monster Girls Quest 48 Where mindgames happen and we finally reach the hero Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-12-03 13 21869883 Paladin: The Redemption Are you a bad enough dude to hold back the night in the World of Darkness? Listen to the Music and get ready to quest. Onwards, my brothers! World of Darkness , Paladin The Redemption , Paladin , Splat , The Music , Quest , Vimes 2012-12-04 31 21873734 HoboQuest Part X Foxgirl Negotiations are in full swing whilst the Bruce's get debriefed by General Williams. And we hold all the balls. Err, cards. Hold all the Cards. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-12-05 12 21907531 Deathworld Rebirth - Part 4 /tg/ talks Djinn, Australian super-science and VATO - the Voodoo Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Deathworld , homebrew 2012-12-06 5 21931774 Magical Girl Noir Quest 69 An alarmed and green magical girl does her best to handle the situation. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Kharn , Souji , Misaka , Faust, 2012-12-07 37 21940711 Saving the World of Warcraft Anon accepts Mission Impossible: Fixing the mess that is the Warcraft Lore and trying to turn it into a playable setting Warcraft , WoW , World of Warcraft , Settings , Lore , lore change 2012-12-08 11 21951711 Nation Game RP - Part Two Homebrew Nation Building Game played every week on Skype as I writefag weekly updates for /tg/. This week our Professor takes us through the second turbulent year of the Proto-Age, where the thunder of war increases and violence accelerates with the rapid expansion of the new city-states. nation , nation builder , roleplay , writefaggotry , writefag , homebrew , worldbuilding , storytime 2012-12-08 8 21942464 Mobile X Destiny 41 Anon-kun helps Tadashi out, then comes to Sayuri's aid, but then things start to get a bit worrisome. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2012-12-09 2 21960657 Magical Girl Noir Quest 70 An apprehensive green haired magical girl talks with an eldritch abomination and begins her rescue mission. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Faust , Misaka 2012-12-09 37 21914061 Harem Knights 40.5 In which we search for sulfur, make a Geigeresque castle in two weeks, and attempt to kill nobility with good ol' Southern Cooking. Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , World Building 2012-12-10 0 21965977 Monster Girls Quest 49 Where the finale of the swamp happen Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-12-10 14 21997124 The World's Monitor Civilization Quest Civilization quest in which we research some stuff and just get setup for the first game The World , Lizardfolk , Collective Game , Civilization Quest , Monitors 2012-12-12 1 21998609 Deathworld Quest 1-2 We survive a planecrash only to end up running from American Zombies. And then there is a necro-bear. Quest , Collective Game , Deathworld , Soviet , 2012-12-12 1 22007320 Magical Girl Noir Quest 71 A nervous, green haired magical girl rides the Pink emotional roller coaster and presses on. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Madoka, , 2012-12-12 34 22003738 HoboQuest Part X-2 And Part XI Part X-2 is recapped! We rampage across New Orleans after escaping from an angry General, buying booze for all, pissing off the cops, getting sweet new threads, and lying our way into a fancy restaurant. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-12-13 10 22022779 Magical Girl Noir Quest 72 A pretty cool green haired magical girl soothes an emotionally trigger happy god... IT draws near... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Madoka, 2012-12-13 37 22037900 Magical Girl Noir Quest 73 A kind, green haired magical girl helps her companion wake up her beloved friend and has her heart wrenched. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Madoka , Moemura, 2012-12-14 37 21973299 Harem Knights 41 Dwarven Menopause, Foreign Language Made EZ, and Capitalist Pig vs. Glorious Socialist Leadership whose benevolence ensures the means of production are used for the good of all. Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , Worldbuilding 2012-12-15 0 22033489 HoboQuest Part XII Lincoln and his companions go to dinner! Moira gets a bite to eat. Lincoln lights a goddamned restaurant on fire and skip out on the bill. Do military briefing with General. Steal a tank. Back through the rift we go! The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-12-16 10 22076049 A Web Between Stars /tg/ takes a spatial map of the internet ( and turns it into a space homebrew homebrew , worldbuilding , space , internet , game design , internet map , setting , original content , oc , http , browser spaceships 2012-12-17 26 22073456 Monster Girls Quest 50 Could it be the opening gambit of the war? Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2012-12-17 16 22080667 A Web Between Stars 2 A Web Between Stars continued. homebrew , worldbuilding , space , internet , game design , internet map , setting , original content , oc , http , browser spaceships 2012-12-17 11 22049273 Harem Knights 42 Marriage customs, more writefaggotry, pizza, life, the universe, and everything. Teegee , Harem Knights , Writefaggotry , Worldbuilding 2012-12-18 5 22074427 HoboQuest Part XIII Back in Riftia! Learn how to drive a tank, get to skip a combat encounter for free! Examine stolen weapons. 192 Proof Gun Practice. Everybody's HUEHUEHUEing. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-12-18 10 22099036 Magical Girl Noir Quest 74 A desperate, green haired magical girl runs for dear life and explains the situation to her companion. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Madoka , Moemura , Souji , Misaka, 2012-12-18 38 22146679 /tg/ Prophesizes their OWN end-of-the-world /tg/ bands together with an ancient evil, a virgin, a dog, a half-fae catboy, akuuuuuu, and for some reason michael bay to end all time mayan calendar , end of the world , lol , lulz , funny , humourous indeed , greentext , foolish samurai warrior 2012-12-21 14 22162960 HoboQuest Part XIV Hobo-ing about, more drinking debauchery, blowing up Lord Farnsworth's retaliation with a tank! And Moira goodness. The Hobo King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-12-23 10 22190425 Strike Witches Quest 91: It's Time MC is drunk, Minna is high-strung, someone said "Robin" and "fire" in the same sentence... it must be SWQ. Strike Witches , Strike Witches Quest , Collective Game , planefag , World War Pantsu 2012-12-24 39 22214092 Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1 A fuming mad magical girl makes plans to teach her stupid friends about true holiday cheer and MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyouko , Yuma , MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS 2012-12-25 38 22213338 HoboQuest Part XV You awaken to have to deal with the consequences of your actions. And by that, you mean bullshit your way out of having to do any such thing. Lots of exposition. FINALLY on the way to Riftia! The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-12-27 10 22244846 Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2 A determined magical girl decides on what presents to buy for her fathead friends and finds out that some things aren't MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS at all. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyouko , Yuma , Kirika , Oriko , MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS, 2012-12-27 37 22263174 Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 3 An out of breath magical girl continues her mission to bring the christmas cheer to her officio while dealing with painful memories and concerned loved ones. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyouko , Yuma , Kirika , Oriko , MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS, 2012-12-28 38 22258991 HoboQuest Part XVI Having FINALLY gotten underway into Riftia, Lincoln is faced with a pivotal choice: WHICH WAY TO TURN. Deciding to head to the non-human lands, you split the party, do science, and introduce yourselves to a village of foxes by way of epic musical posing. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-12-29 11 22278963 Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 4 A maximized magical girl meets her very own clone while her companion meets her very own... leg? the time for presents is upon us! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyouko , Yuma , Kirika , Oriko , MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS, 2012-12-29 38 22292541 HoboQuest Part XVII A mysterious brief time rewind. Hobo Meteorslime Punch. Outdrink an entire village. Meet the inari matriarch, IMMEDIATELY piss her off. Hobo spin-offs everywhere. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2012-12-31 11 January 2013 22330382 HoboQuest Part XVIII Foxgirl mother/daughter faceoff, discuss an alliance, blow up half a village via demonstration. The sidequests hit a new level of meta. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2013-01-03 7 22368625 Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest Mission Starts. Joanna Constantine, agent 029 of the Bureau, is given a mission on her day off. She isn't pleased one bit. Collective Game , Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest , Cyberpunk , Magical Girl , Platonic Forms , Joanna Constantine 2013-01-03 12 22381994 Magical Girl Noir Quest 75 A determined green haired magical girl continues her rescue mission, but is then forced to flee and hide. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Moemura , Murderface , Madoka 2013-01-04 37 22397962 Monster Girls Quest 51 Back after break, we don't catch any. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-01-05 10 22369671 HoboQuest Part XIX You try (and sort-of succeed) to score with everyone, during an absolutely avalanche of crit fails and successes. Make a deal with the inari matriarch, get rewarded with tons of exposition that tell you things you'll probably forget anyway. HUE EVERYWHERE. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2013-01-05 6 22408772 Acid Trip - The World A land being created, truelly wonderful and weird. Ancient races, obelisks and sky elves OH MY! World Building , - Acid Trip , - Sky Elves , - Ancient Races , 2013-01-05 12 22424863 Acid Trip - The World Thread #2 A land being created, truelly wonderful and weird. In todays episode; the fluffing of the ancient races, the adding of new races to the world and other shananigans World Building , Acid Trip , Ancient Races , 2013-01-06 15 22417715 HoboQuest Part XX You FINALLY get out of the foxgirl village. Arriving back at the rift, you get a new radio! And then immediately run away again. So begins the adventures in the Corpselands! No good can come of this. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2013-01-08 7 22455434 Monster Girls Quest 52 Where we talk down an angel and gain some valuable insights. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-01-08 10 22478164 Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 02 Homeland security proves to be a minor nuisance as we attempt to gather the team together. Collective Game , Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest , Cyberpunk , Magical Girl , Platonic Forms , Joanna Constantine 2013-01-09 10 22480480 A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand A nice quest, that just so happens to be set in the world of Neon Genesis Evangelion. After character creation is done things hit the ground running and the first angel battle starts moments later. Collective Game , Some Faggot , Adeptus Evangelion , Neon Genesis Evangelion , World Ending 2013-01-09 14 22485923 Magical Girl Noir Quest 76 An unsure and green haired magical girl hangs around a ramen shop and learns about a few things going on inside the barrier. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Moemura , Murderface , Madoka , Malal , Kharn, 2013-01-09 38 22509238 "Magical" Girl Quest 13 In which the plot is entirely derailed by time shenanigans and sends Anne into a comparatively dystopian alternate timeline. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2013-01-10 11 22516506 Magical Girl Noir Quest 77 A brave green haired magical girl and her companions attempt to save a tortured fragment of her beloved's soul. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Moemura , Murderface , Madoka , Malal , Kyuubey , Kharn , KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARN 2013-01-11 37 22536559 A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 2 Adeptus Evangelion Quest continues, this time Samantha emotionally scars a very unfortunate Nicolas. She also heads off to school and learns of the cut throat world of the inter school tournament. We all get to know our other pilots better. Collective Game , Some Faggot , Adeptus Evangelion , Neon Genesis Evangelion , World Ending 2013-01-12 17 22534310 Mobile X Destiny 42 OP is able to come back after a month due to computer issues. Anon finds Tadashi, talks to the principal, and is dealt punishment. Uh oh. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2013-01-12 3 22568533 Monster Girls Quest 53 Where we take a descision, and then Q&A happen Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-01-14 10 22571328 "Magical" Girl Quest 14 In which Anne goes to the MedBay and other shenanigans. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2013-01-14 11 22567417 Mobile X Destiny 43 Anon-kun & co. spends time together for the first day of the festival, then the second day is spend as bro-times with Brodashi collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2013-01-14 5 22588695 GOOD MORNING, VIETNYAN What starts off as our unnamed grunt in Vietnam getting stabbed in the head quickly turns into...catgirls? Vietnam Quest , Collective Game , Catgirls 2013-01-15 23 22588239 Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 03 You retrieve Gertrude from the cell, discover that the Lonesome Rose protocol is in effect, and abandon Victor Charlie Alpha on the chance that its been compromised. Collective Game , Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest , Cyberpunk , Magical Girl , Platonic Forms , Joanna Constantine 2013-01-15 10 22592074 A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 3 Samantha finishes up her day at school by watching a duel between Terrance and Nicolas. Afterwards she is invited by the pair for lunch. Then they show her around town before heading back to NERV. Collective Game , Some Faggot , Adeptus Evangelion , Neon Genesis Evangelion , World Ending 2013-01-15 15 22627138 Fantasy Quest Fat 30-year old neckbeard gets a birthday gift of becoming a Female Elven Bard. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard 2013-01-17 34 22627591 "Magical" Girl Quest 15 Mother and Daughter bonding, Firewall systems Upgrading, and other shenanigans. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2013-01-17 10 22630838 A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 4 We finish our fight with the thugs, and Nicolas practically tears them to shreds. Then after getting to NERV we step into our Eva, unfortunately something rather odd happens inside the plug. Collective Game , Some Faggot , Adeptus Evangelion , Neon Genesis Evangelion , World Ending 2013-01-17 14 22650862 Fantasy Quest 3 A fat, lonely, 30-year-old neckbeard virgin is turned into a female elven bard. Shit. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard 2013-01-18 14 22656331 Magical Girl Noir Quest 78 An enraged green haired magical girl bares her teeth against the betrayer, then passes out. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Moemura , Murderface , Madoka , Malal , Kyuubey , Kharn , KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARN 2013-01-18 38 22659959 Fantasy Quest IV Go out adventuring with our Orc Ranger friend, and get ambushed & captured. Fuck. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , bard , elf , girl 2013-01-19 10 22666194 Vietnyan Quest 2: 'Nam Harder You are Lance Corporal "Anon" of the USMC. You were KIA in an ambush during the Tet Offensive. When you awoke, you were in some shithole fantasy land populated by human-animal things. Apparently fuckin' Hitler, under the guise of Hii'tlar (Real fuckin' original) has been invading the land and you're the promised savior of the land from prophecy. You objectives remain the same as they were in 'Nam: defeat and kill any adversaries to the United-fucking-States. Vietnam Quest , Vietnam , Vietnyam Quest , Vietnyam Collective Game , Catgirls , Quest 2013-01-19 8 22664785 Mobile X Destiny 44 Anon-kun made a deal with Crossfire and then proceeded to have interesting times with Miyuki. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2013-01-19 6 22677919 Fantasy Quest V We bluff the hell out of people, meet a racist fuck of a Sheriff and play out Star Wars with illusions. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard 2013-01-20 12 22696244 Fantasy Quest VI We masturbate furiously in front of everyone, then some serious shit hits the fan. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard 2013-01-21 14 22702307 robot girl characterization What makes a robot girl a good character? robot girl clang_glang character GitS 2013-01-21 12 22701194 Monster Girls Quest 54 Where the plot thicken. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-01-21 10 22707838 Bizarre Slime Alt 1 part 2 The beginnings of Ash Kingley, a middling musician in a sci-fi world of monster girls. Bizarre Slime , Monster Girls , Richter Bromont , Collective Game , 2013-01-21 14 22715800 Fantasy Quest VII Relationship troubles start showing, and then suddenly train robbery. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard , train , train robbery , robbery 2013-01-22 10 22723262 Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 04 You invade the Department of Homeland Security's dairy farm, unlock a new power, and search for your kidnapped comrades. Collective Game , Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest , Cyberpunk , Magical Girl , Platonic Forms , Joanna Constantine 2013-01-22 12 22696643 HoboQuest Part XXI: REBOOT HARDER Zombie Fightan, Body Swapan, Flash Game Makean, wait what? The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2013-01-23 7 22750613 Magical Girl Noir Quest 79 A comforting green haired magical girl reflects on her actions and learns of the Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Moemura , Murderface , Malal, 2013-01-23 38 22753651 Fantasy Quest VIII We evade one of the criminals, meet a ganja-loving Orc and finally get to Newport Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard , orc , weed , carriage , guards , reggae 2013-01-24 13 22758523 "Magical" Girl Quest 16 Dealing with a cyborg virus, interrogations of a fork of the Emperor, and other shenanigans. 'Magical' Girl Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Transhumanism , Artificial Intelligence 2013-01-24 10 22770990 Fantasy Quest IX The train situation is resolved and new problems arise in Newport. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard 2013-01-25 18 22788509 Fantasy Quest X Plans are made, holsters are purchased, music duels are fought. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard 2013-01-26 10 22805714 Fantasy Quest XI Jack and Varaia tell the bard stories and then sail out of the city. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard 2013-01-27 10 22822844 Fantasy Quest XII In this thread, our Bard once again proves that she can't board a vehicle without having it wrecked along the road. Featuring Deep Ones Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard , crash , boat , deep ones , deep , ones 2013-01-28 10 22826690 Monster Girls Quest 55 Where we make a deal with the Demon Lord, and finally get a day off. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-01-28 11 22842711 Fantasy Quest XIII The Bard struggles with some existential issues before continuing her journey. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard 2013-01-29 14 22879019 Fantasy Quest XIV The Bard and her friends reach the city of Mild and set out to take on the underworld. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard , underworld , seedy , arson , prostitutes 2013-01-31 8 February 2013 22899166 Fantasy Quest XV We recover, explain our situation to Millie, and commence pre-planning warm ups for the next operation Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard 2013-02-01 7 22899648 Waterworld - The Adventure Continues The continuing adventures of the HMS Centurion, as she takes on the psychopathic pirates of the Bragley Bunch. Collective Game , Quest , Waterworld 2013-02-01 6 22905526 Magical Girl Noir Quest 79 A resolute green haired magical girl decides to aim for all or nothing, and receives a Faustian offer. Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Moemura , Murderface , Malal , Madoka 2013-02-01 36 22917447 Fantasy Quest XVI The Bard meets the Ghost and makes ready to infiltrate the den of depravity. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard , infiltration , ghosts , suddenly , sneaky , sneak , sneaking 2013-02-02 13 22924521 Teegee Harem Knights S2 Vol 1 In which the tales of the knights resumes in truth. The Boss saga comes to a close, a new guy does a bit, and Gale is a cool guy. Teegee , Harem Knights , World Building , Writfaggotry , Fantasy , Monstergirls 2013-02-02 -2 22934652 Freak Quest 1 A quest set in Gigerworld, created by /tg/ Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Collective Game , Giger 2013-02-03 22 22936347 Waterworld - The Long Preparation The HMS Centurion deals with the aftermarth of the battle of the rigs, and prepares to fulfil promises made to her new allies. Collective Game , Quest , Waterworld , HMS Centurion , Supercarrier , pirates , civ game 2013-02-03 2 22936067 Fantasy Quest XVII Nona goes shopping for clothes and a gun, then gets ambushed by the Unseelie Court. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard , seelie , unseelie , fae 2013-02-03 10 22973497 Fantasy Quest XVIII Nona untangles an intricate enchantment, then infiltrates a high society event. Fantasy Quest , Fantasy , Quest , Collective Game , elf , girl , elf girl , bard , seelie , unseelie , fae 2013-02-05 18 23029387 Blatant Fetish Quest I Our half-incubus protagonist begins her trip to become a student at the Scholomance. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-08 39 23034410 Blatant Fetish Quest II Our protagonist explores Paris and seeks forgiveness from the girl she wronged. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-08 39 23043090 Magical Girl Noir Quest 80 The bravest magical girl faces the fire. Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Moemura , Murderface , Malal , Madoka 2013-02-08 38 23048817 Blatant Fetish Quest III Our protagonist has a romantic evening in Paris, then heads back to the hotel, exhausted. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-09 35 23056123 Blatant Fetish Quest IV Our protagonist soars through the air on a parkour training course. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , parkour 2013-02-09 38 23064813 Blatant Fetish Quest V Our protagonist starts seriously studying and flies from Paris to Romania. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-10 34 23064091 Freak Quest 2 We set out to a pumping station but get tied up in a fetchquest. Also bodymodding. Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Collective Game , Giger 2013-02-10 15 23087131 Breaking L.A. Part 1 The semi sequel to Harlem Quest. Breaking L.A. Quest , Ellington , Harlem Quest , Collective Game 2013-02-10 13 23084572 Blatant Fetish Quest VII Our protagonist starts meeting classmates and making friends for the coming year. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-11 34 23089425 Breaking L.A. Part 1.5 An immortal journalist in the midst of the Great Depression who can speak to the spirit of anything starts work on his next big scoop: digging up dirt on a Texan oil tycoon coming to Los Angeles. Breaking L.A. Quest , Ellington , Harlem Quest , Collective Game 2013-02-11 12 23091239 Blatant Fetish Quest VIII Our protagonist finally arrives at the Scholomance and starts learning healthy paranoia. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-11 33 23089746 Monster Girls Quest 56 Shorter session, but we get a valuable discussion. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-02-11 11 23104232 Blatant Fetish Quest IX Our protagonist starts properly exploring the site that may be their new sanctum. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-11 33 23108216 Blatant Fetish Quest X Wherein our protagonist encounters an unexpected meta-demon Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-12 34 23113709 Blatant Fetish Quest XI Our protagonist gets to know her estranged father, a prisoner in a magical city. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-12 35 23067256 HoboQuest Part XXII: LOOK AT DEM DOUBLE DUBS Tomb exploring, foxgirl petting, hobo-king promising updates, disbelief all around. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2013-02-12 6 23123454 /tg/'s Nighttime Horrors III Fa/tg/uys discuss the supernatural terrors that set upon them in the night, for the third time. Horror , Real Life , IRL 2013-02-12 5 23124466 Blatant Fetish Quest XII In which our protagonist learns about blood bonds and binds her father. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-12 35 23130331 Blatant Fetish Quest XIII Our protagonist spends nearly an entire thread deciding how to feed her father, then waits. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-13 39 23143283 Blatant Fetish Quest XIV Our protagonist grills her father for information and prepares to move. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-14 32 23149687 Blatant Fetish Quest XV Our protagonist learns that decisions have consequences, even if you don't see them yet. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-14 34 23142009 /tg/'s Nighttime Horrors IV Fa/tg/uys discuss the supernatural terrors that set upon them in the night, for the fourth time. Ghostfuckeranon does not come back. Horror , Real Life , IRL 2013-02-14 3 23162303 Blatant Fetish Quest XVI Our protagonist gets better-acquainted with the Lotus and their special brand of magic. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , Jeff Bridges 2013-02-14 32 23166502 Blatant Fetish Quest XVII Our protagonist learns more about dryads and her unique mystical physiology. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-15 36 23178841 Magical Girl Noir Quest 82 A fading green haired magical girl gathers the strength to make things right. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Murderface , Madoka, 2013-02-15 38 23181629 Blatant Fetish Quest XVIII Our protagonist studies and gets a better lay of the land. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-15 29 23183187 Elemental plane of breakfast fa/tg/uys build a world of breakfast, adventure, and the most villainous BBEG ever. world building 2013-02-16 30 23187537 Blatant Fetish Quest XIX Our protagonist finds trying to deal with a vampire lord positively infuriating. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-16 31 23191861 Blatant Fetish Quest XX Our protagonist learns what it means to hate. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-16 32 23199993 Blatant Fetish Quest XXI Our protagonist makes some use of a Vampire Lord heart. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-16 36 23194574 Chapter Creator : Dark Angels Successors (name not yet decided) /tg/ creates a chapter, a dark angels successor and hammers out the fluff / tabletop for it. Working on a name for it. Chapter Creator , Dark Angels , Successors , Homebrew , Warhammer , 40k , wh40k , fluff , worldbuilding 2013-02-16 5 23205363 Building a city state We build a city state in every aspect! Collective Game , Worldbuilding 2013-02-17 2 23200081 Freak Quest 3 We wake up, bash a bunch of gangers and then Jack Bauer one of them. Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Collective Game , Giger 2013-02-17 13 23189536 HoboQuest Part XXIII Lincoln and company fight shadows with fire and explore a weird underground crypt. Lincoln learns necromancy. NEW UNDEAD MONSTERGIRLS AHOY! The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2013-02-17 8 23214994 DiscWorld Adventure Terry Pratchett comes to /tg/ to test out new book ideas in the guise of a dm wanting to run a campaign DiscWorld , Terry Pratchett , idea 2013-02-17 26 23219023 Blatant Fetish Quest XXII Our protagonist spends a lot of her time on phones and learning how to meditate. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-18 31 23226745 Blatant Fetish Quest XXIV Our protagonist has her first day of classes. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-18 30 23224527 Monster Girls Quest 57 Where we get to the hot spring and we get denied sushi, but we do get something else. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-02-18 11 23215009 Chapter Creator : Angelus Petrus - Dark Angels Successors /tg/ creates a chapter, a dark angels successor and hammers out the fluff / tabletop for it. Chapter Creator , Dark Angels , Successors , Homebrew , Warhammer , 40k , wh40k , fluff , worldbuilding , Space Marine , Warhammer 40k , Dark Angels , Angelus Petrus 2013-02-18 6 23239733 Blatant Fetish Quest XXIV Our protagonist acquires the missing second key to her sanctum and learns she has room to improve. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-18 27 23243016 Generation A Final And so the journey Comes to an end Collective Game , Quest , Writefagging , Generation A , Monstergirls , Papa-N , Huehuehue , Fluffy Tails 2013-02-19 31 23246185 Blatant Fetish Quest XXV Our protagonist passes a week with studies. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-19 29 23266545 Blatant Fetish Quest XXVI Our protagonist forges a metal monster from acid and pain, then ties a pretty bow on it. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-20 35 23282256 Blatant Fetish Quest XXVII Our protagonist's monster wins the pet monster olympics. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-20 27 23288414 Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIII Our protagonist stands vigil outside Liz's testing, then unwinds at home. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-21 26 23300890 Blatant Fetish Quest XXIX Our protagonist tests modifications to the monster and makes good on a promise. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance 2013-02-21 28 23305373 Blatant Fetish Quest XXX Our protagonist hatches a dryad and becomes a mother. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-22 29 23317681 Racer Queens In the extreme glamour of the future-90s, mechanized idols racing comps are the shock! nineties , 90s , race queens , motorball , cyberpunk , modempunk , worldbuilding , racing 2013-02-22 13 23319954 Blatant Fetish Quest XXXI Our protagonist fails at studying and tries to figure out how to help her baby see. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-22 28 23325421 Blatant Fetish Quest XXXII Our protagonist spends quality time with her girlfriend and baby girl. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-23 28 23334762 Magical Girl Noir Quest 83 A weakened green haired magical girl loses her close friend and passes judgement on the betrayer.
so ends the Siberia arc. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Chiaki 2013-02-23 37 23337654 Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIII Our protagonist introduces Breakfast to her daughter. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-24 26 23338124 Freak Quest 4 We have a chat with Joey while riding to the bazaar. Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Collective Game , Giger 2013-02-24 13 23344801 Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIII We let Breakfast express her motherly instincts, give Liz her due punishment, and FemCOCK's internet dies. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad , Miau 2013-02-24 25 23358747 Blatant Fetish Quest XXXV Our protagonist finally figures out some proper Sorcery. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-24 27 23363513 Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVI Our protagonist gets some valuable books from the library and chats with the Lotus grand master. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-25 26 23376729 Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVII Our protagonist handles discipline and begins research on new projects. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-25 28 23383305 Humans as mythological beasts A bit of discussion, a bit of HFY, and a bit of world building. world building , Humanity fuck yeah 2013-02-26 5 23381753 Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIII Our protagonist hardens her mind and learns even more about dryads. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-26 28 23394049 Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIX Our protagonist crafts a focus to help craft foci. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-26 25 23394127 Trickster Daemon Quest In which Anomaly is freed from it's prison, and on a whim, chooses to protect a small girl named Mari. Collective Game , Daemon , Not The Little Girl , Trickster Daemon Quest 2013-02-27 27 23398224 Blatant Fetish Quest XL Our protagonist teaches her daughter words and helps Liz on her pet project. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-27 27 23413574 Blatant Fetish Quest XLI Our protagonist studies, plays with Selene, makes a dildo ejaculate, and gets a faceful of ethics. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-28 28 23421507 Blatant Fetish Quest XLII Our protagonist clears out some more space and deals with the fallout of spell experimentation. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-28 28 23433860 Blatant Fetish Quest XLIII Our protagonist learns a lot about tattoos. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-02-28 27 March 2013 23438771 Blatant Fetish Quest XLIV Our protagonist gets her ass kicked. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-01 27 23442548 Blatant Fetish Quest XLV Our protagonist socializes with the other members of the Lotus. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-01 28 23449450 Blatant Fetish Quest XLVI Our protagonist gets a lot of knowledge about the nature of reality dropped on her. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-02 25 23454705 Blatant Fetish Quest XLVII Our protagonist gets some work done around the tower. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-02 26 23466054 Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIII Our protagonist improves her custom spell and crafts a healing focus. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-03 27 23465174 Freak Quest Side Story Playing a mute freak with a huge mouth in his chest, we eat a creepy stalker, then get taken to talk with 'Momma'. OP then takes a nap. Collective_game , Freak_Quest , Gigerworld , Giger 2013-03-03 8 23472092 Blatant Fetish Quest XLIX Our protagonist boosts her strength and has a few family chats. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-03 25 23461390 Racer Queens 2 The game about sexy cyborg racer girls shall be a card game. nineties , 90s , race queens , motorball , cyberpunk , modempunk , worldbuilding , racing , card game 2013-03-04 1 23484324 Blatant Fetish Quest L Our protagonist makes a seeing eye golem for her daughter. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-04 27 23483816 Freak Quest 5 Taking a quick detour on the journey to the Yellow Bazaar, we visit a bar in the Alleyways. It seems that there was another survivor from the fight at the boil. Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Collective Game , Giger 2013-03-04 14 23491855 Blatant Fetish Quest LI Our protagonist gets some tattoo design done and then has an awkward family moment. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-04 24 23489847 Monster Girls Quest 58 Where we get slapped with an heavy dose of plot Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Ques 2013-03-04 11 23461439 HoboQuest Part XXIV The least productive thread of all time. At least Lincoln gets drunk again. The-Hobo-King , HoboQuest , hobo , Collective Game , monstergirls , HUEHUEHUE 2013-03-04 10 23503501 Blatant Fetish Quest LII Our protagonist gets a tattoo and then gets into a dangerous situation. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-04 26 23508021 Blatant Fetish Quest LIII Our protagonist has a bad, bad day. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-05 27 23510878 Blatant Fetish Quest LIV Our protagonist begins recovering from a barely-escaped ambush. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-05 28 23528551 Blatant Fetish Quest LV Our protagonist prepares to ruin a person. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-06 26 23532345 Blatant Fetish Quest LVI Our protagonist learns about real paranoia. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad , tengu 2013-03-06 29 23542678 Blatant Fetish Quest LVII Our protagonist lets a little sunshine in. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad , tengu 2013-03-06 32 23547323 Blatant Fetish Quest LVIII Our protagonist plans how to subvert the mind of a rival. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-07 27 23550587 Blatant Fetish Quest LIX Our protagonist handles her captive's equipment. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-07 29 23560690 Blatant Fetish Quest LX Our protagonist shaves her head and chats with friends and family. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-08 26 23566280 Blatant Fetish Quest LXI Our protagonist gets her tattoos finished. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-08 27 23577238 Blatant Fetish Quest LXII Our protagonist starts turning an enemy into something else. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-08 26 23581443 Blatant Fetish Quest LXIII Our protagonist breaks in a new ally. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-09 25 23593558 Freak Quest 6 We get into a bad situation upstairs at the bar. Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Collective Game , Giger 2013-03-10 15 23594254 Blatant Fetish Quest LXIV Our protagonist introduces her new pet to the whole family. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-10 25 23608199 Magical Girl Noir Quest: Recap thread A pink haired, cheerful eldritch horror hosts a recap of previous threads. With guest appearances and Q&A! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Mami , Sayaka , Pinky , 2013-03-10 37 23610060 Blatant Fetish Quest LXV Liz fixes Lunch and takes some punishment. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-11 26 23629222 Blatant Fetish Quest LXVI Our protagonist isn't the main character for once. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-12 28 23646396 Monster Girls Quest 59 Where the entirety of the quest change, a betrayer is born. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-03-13 10 23641994 Blatant Fetish Quest LXVII Our protagonist has breakfast and patrols the area outside her base. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-13 24 23661498 Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIII Our protagonist makes plans and learns lessons. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-13 25 23667501 Blatant Fetish Quest LXIX Our protagonist works on class work and relaxes at home. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-14 26 23679659 On Childhood, Death, and Warhammer An eleven-year-old girl joins her big brother's Warhammer Fantasy game, his character being a childhood hero of hers. In her first session, a single botched roll leads to both killing her brother's character and her own death as a result; she leaves the table crying. /tg/ has it out. Discussion , WFRP , Warhammer , Warhammer Fantasy , GM , death , girl , PC , player character 2013-03-14 49 23689435 Blatant Fetish Quest LXX Our protagonist gets ready to watch a movie with her daughter for the first time. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-15 25 23705732 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXI Our protagonist deals with some of her girlfriend's personal issues. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-16 24 23717547 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXII Our protagonist makes some progress on the learning game and gets a text from Dane. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-17 25 23733493 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIII Our protagonist helps Dane with an assassination and has a good meditation session. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-17 24 23737682 New setting, Faechan OP whines about how his waifu is a new lesbo, but he says she was turned by vamp. /tg/ makes a setting where all monsters have rights. Faechan , pallitard , bum , setting , Boxcar joe , monstergirls 2013-03-18 -2 23742138 Faechan 2 we create the dark ones, the deep sewers, and several interesting characters, also discover people apparently eat halflings setting , Faechan , Pallitards , alternate reality , dark ones , bums , monstergirls 2013-03-18 -2 23752510 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIV Our protagonist teachers her blind daughter how to see. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-19 25 23756630 Monster Girls Quest 60 Slower thread, first part of our vacation is over Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-03-19 10 23773785 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXV Our protagonist gets productive and has family time. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-20 24 23785428 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVI Our protagonist has a series of massive frustrations. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-21 26 23793405 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVII Our protagonist bakes and contemplates the creation of entire ecosystems from scratch. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-21 24 23803483 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIII Our protagonist wants to go fast and read books. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-22 24 23812082 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIX Our protagonist is apparently a natural when it comes to spiritual ecology and taxonomy. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-22 25 23820937 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXX Our protagonist teaches her family tai chi. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-23 24 23829492 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXI Our protagonist cuddles her girlfriend. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-23 25 23838393 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXII Our protagonist begins working on some tricky new school work. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-24 25 23855496 Freak Quest 7 After a creepy, poison-induced dream sequence, we awaken back upstairs in the bar. Collective Game , Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Giger 2013-03-25 13 23855880 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIII Our protagonist works on some new spell design in class. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-25 27 23860654 Monster Girls Quest 61 An insightful talk with a Hero as well as a ghost, and we may be ending up in some shenanigans. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-03-25 10 23862328 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIV Our protagonist learns about spirit-forges and applications of areas of effects. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-25 25 23872011 The Sundered Realm of Jhalom /tg/ makes a cool setting. freeform , vanillamancy , world building 2013-03-25 5 23871034 Magical Girl Noir Quest 84 A complete-again magical girl starts her trip home, but is accosted by presents, cryptic messages, and dreams. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , sweet hat , Chiaki , Pinky , Malal , Wendy 2013-03-25 38 23873611 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXV Our protagonist cooks breakfast, meditates, and plans an outfit. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-26 25 23882642 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVI Our protagonist makes plans for fun in Paris and spends time with her family. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-26 24 23882734 Lich Quest 1 - The Living Intruders Carl, an amnesiac lich, confronts a pair of young adventurers and makes them his pupils. Lich Quest , Collective Game , Carl the Amnesiac Necromancer , Nano , Kip , Library Labyrinth 2013-03-26 10 23878366 tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 7 We escape the subway and slow down the angry mob with explosives. As the mishmash team escapes on GI Joe land vehicles, they finally find the library, defended at the front by a certain Sayaka... Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse , Chuck Norris , Space Ghost , GI JOE , Starcraft , Magical Girl Noir Quest , Magical Girl , Sayaka 2013-03-26 1 23899591 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVII Our protagonist refines her class project and tutors a fellow student in the library. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-27 25 23908600 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIII Our protagonist suffers frustrating failures and close successes. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-27 24 23913536 Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIX Our protagonist enjoys a specific application of meditation after getting her ass kicked by a former enemy. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-28 24 23913055 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 8 The Editors declare Martial Law. It's a fight for the last trove of free knowledge. While multiple sides fight each other without end, more Joes pour in and the Editors deploy killer robots to quell resistance. We also learn the secret behind the Sue-pocalypse. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse , Chuck Norris , Space Ghost , GI JOE , Starcraft , Magical Girl Noir Quest , Magical Girl , Sayaka , Martial Law , Editors , Riot 2013-03-28 0 23930571 Blatant Fetish Quest XC Our protagonist passes the week and proves to be an attentive and caring mother. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-29 24 23930866 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 9 We get pushed back under the Editor onslaught. The Library begins to collapse. We try to hold out until we can. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse , Chuck Norris , Space Ghost , GI JOE , Starcraft , Magical Girl Noir Quest , Magical Girl , Sayaka , Martial Law , Editors , Riot 2013-03-29 1 23942591 Blatant Fetish Quest XCI Our protagonist begins to learn living alchemy from an older member of the Lotus. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-29 24 23946851 Blatant Fetish Quest XCII Our protagonist learns gland manipulation. Makes a realty stupid joke and prepares for a night out. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-30 23 23959086 Blatant Fetish Quest XCIV Our protagonist has a fun time with her daughter and works on plans. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-31 24 23967691 Blatant Fetish Quest XCIV Our protagonist explores and enjoys Paris with the girl she loves for the second time. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-03-31 25 23951129 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 10 The end. The battle. The aftermath. Things turn around for us, or not. And yet there is a silver lining waiting for us. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse , Chuck Norris , Space Ghost , GI JOE , Starcraft , Magical Girl Noir Quest , Magical Girl , Sayaka , Martial Law , Editors , Riot , Equilibrium , Grammaton Clerics 2013-03-31 4 23975171 Magical Girl Noir Quest 85 A well rested and less amnesiac magical girl, has come home. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , sweet hat , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko , Mami , 2013-03-31 38 April 2013 23980235 Lesbian Schoolgirls: The RPG 2 First draft of rules PDF posted, suggestions and discussion follows. Game Ideas , Homebrew , Lesbian Schoolgirls , Yuru Yuri 2013-04-01 12 23976929 Blatant Fetish Quest XCV Our protagonist goes to the first club of the night in Paris and makes a big commitment. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-01 24 23985571 Blatant Fetish Quest XCVI Our protagonist transitions back to the club in Paris and relaxes with friends and drinks. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-01 24 23981531 Monster Girls Quest 62 We have reached the end of our vacation, now a new page will be turned. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-04-01 10 23995831 Blatant Fetish Quest XCVII Our protagonist helps a friend in trouble, and tries to work out if she needs a hospital. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-02 24 24021340 Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIII Our protagonist is presented with a new social challenge. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-03 24 24041620 Blatant Fetish Quest IC Our protagonist learns that even when things go wrong, some things can still be salvaged. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-04 24 24052347 Blatant Fetish Quest C Our protagonist has coffee and goes shopping with friends. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-05 24 24079749 Blatant Fetish Quest CI Our protagonist begins teaching her daughter how to read. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-06 24 24087643 Freak Quest 8 Eavesdropping on a conversation between two Vat Mothers, we discover an important hint about the purpose of the syringe. Collective Game , Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Giger 2013-04-07 11 24088525 Blatant Fetish Quest CII Our protagonist learns about mind magic and puts some finishing touches on her school project. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-07 24 24106236 Blatant Fetish Quest CIII Our protagonist refines her techniques and those of others. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-08 25 24110401 Monster Girls Quest 63 Our deployment is set, first target: Amarantha Amisi, chieftain of the Onis. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-04-08 10 24113225 Blatant Fetish Quest CIV Our protagonist leans the utility of sabotage in competitive environments. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-08 25 24127024 Blatant Fetish Quest CV Our protagonist Has an important Talk with her girlfriend. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-09 25 24136818 Blatant Fetish Quest CVI Our protagonist continues preparations for a pivotal class presentation. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-09 25 24155307 Blatant Fetish Quest CVI Our protagonist works on the projects due tomorrow. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-10 24 24187585 HPNQ Interlude: Kiritsugu's Long Night You're Kiritsugu von Einzbern, and your Daughter and your Apprentrice just went upstairs to watch the Princess Bride. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Interlude 2013-04-12 26 24210692 Girls und Panzer Quest 1 In which our heroes dispatch a Churchill, eat bad festival food, and protect the honor our tank. GuPQ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Collective Game , Tanks , Girls , Pershing , Black Jack 2013-04-13 38 24210259 Drilling for Black Mana Black Mana can be stored as Oil. Factions fight and scheme to exploit it, birthing eldrich abominations in the process. setting , world building , dieselpunk , fantasy , necromancy , original content 2013-04-13 12 24220641 Freak Quest 9 After receiving a quest from the Vat Mothers, we instead go behind their backs and reunite with Ivas and Javak. Collective Game , Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Giger 2013-04-14 11 24237412 Magical Girl Noir Quest 86 A calm magical girl makes a sticky mess on her boss's desk and draws a lot of attention to herself. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , sweet hat , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko, 2013-04-14 38 24239867 Blatant Fetish Quest CVII Our protagonist finally presents her class project to the teacher. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-15 24 24248013 Blatant Fetish Quest CVIII Our protagonist helps a friend and plans for the future. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-15 24 24260665 Blatant Fetish Quest CIX Our protagonist does the time warp again. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-16 24 24285577 Girls und Panzer Quest 2 In which we inspect our tank, ride on a boat and puke a lot. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks , Vomit 2013-04-17 26 24301016 HPNQ Interlude: Kiritsugu's Long Night Part 2 You're Kiritsugu von Einzbern, and you've just been cockblocked by Kingsley Shacklebolt, master of perfect timing. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Interlude 2013-04-18 26 24296685 Blatant Fetish Quest CX Our protagonist makes some dresses for the pets, and goes to class on Halloween. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-18 24 24317175 Blatant Fetish Quest CXI Our protagonist has an interesting and informative series of failures on Halloween. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-19 24 24323006 Blatant Fetish Quest CXII Our protagonist has a talk with her daughters' biological mother. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-19 24 24326035 Girls und Panzer Quest 3 In which our driver gets slapped by a Sodoclone and we do damage control. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks , Vomit 2013-04-19 25 24337382 Blatant Fetish Quest CXIII Our protagonist makes her Halloween costume. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-20 24 24344063 Blatant Fetish Quest CXIV Our protagonist has a homecoming of sorts. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-20 24 24345195 Girls und Panzer Quest 4 Garupans! GARUPANS EVERWHERE! Also Roy gets punished and then gets lucky. We also get knocked. The fuck. OUT! Girls und Panzer Quest , Girls und Panzer , GuPQ , Tanks , Collective Game , BlackJack 2013-04-20 25 24356602 Blatant Fetish Quest CXV Our protagonist goes trick-or-treating. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-21 24 24365454 Blatant Fetish Quest CXVI Our protagonist works to improve her body. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-21 24 24375548 Magical Girl Noir Quest 87 A stoic magical girl surveys the golden tools of insanity currently in her possession, talks to the magical girl inhabiting one such tool and find her hand reaching for the phone... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Yuu , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko, 2013-04-21 37 24377520 Blatant Fetish Quest CXVII Our protagonist is getting more used to this mother thing now. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-21 24 24346225 Bioshock: Nature's Ladder Following the disaster of the Boer War and the resulting crisis in national confidence, the eminent scientist Sir Edward Dalton proscribed as the only possible solution to the moral degeneration of Britons the new science, in fact a genetic religion of hereditary genius, eugenics - the science of human advancement.
He and his colleagues conspired in the construction of a haven from which to escape the Lloyd-George government, completing the underground city and going below during the "dark days" of the post-war Lloyd-George coalition ministry.
The city was made possible by the sapling of the Tree of Life from the Himalayas, and the Soma flowers which bloomed from it - symbiotic organisms which made gross cellular mutation achievable; speeding up the construction and the subsequent breeding program immensely. Bioshock , Nature's Ladder , World Building , Setting 2013-04-22 10 24383377 Blatant Fetish Quest CXVIII Our protagonist gets a jump on solving new problems. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-22 24 24387944 Girls und Panzer Quest 5 One part Quest, One part WoT General, One part waifu debates. Girls und Panzer Quest , Girls und Panzer , GuPQ , Tanks , Collective Game , BlackJack 2013-04-22 26 24399194 Blatant Fetish Quest CXIX Our protagonist talks to her daughter about responsible mind control. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-23 24 24406353 Blatant Fetish Quest CXX Our protagonist rings the bell. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-23 24 24408734 Come on and Slam OP asks what system to run a Space Jam game in. Homebrews and storytime follow. Charles Barkley , Come on and Slam , Welcome to the Jam , Space Jam , Homebrew , Storytime 2013-04-23 21 24409531 Borderlands PnP Ideas Ideas are thrown around about a Borderlands PnP, guncrafting is discussed and the horror that is the Female Psycho, better known as a Slag Harpy, is revealed. Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming 2013-04-24 10 24436538 Blatant Fetish Quest CXXI Our protagonist learns about the intimately related topics of history and death. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-25 24 24443305 Blatant Fetish Quest CXXII Our protagonist has a chat with Lin. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-25 24 24428558 Borderlands PNP thread #2 In which we hammer out HP, the Torgue Midget EOD is proposed, and system arguments begin Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming , 25 Greesy , TORGUE 2013-04-25 5 24458756 Borderlands PNP Thread #3 The Andrews Sisters as Slag Harpies, a unique currency, and a frank discussion of melee weapons Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming , 25 Greesy , TORGUE , Guns - Glorious Guns 2013-04-26 5 24479699 Girls und Panzer Quest 6 In which we arrive on the carrier, meet the student council, and buy a hat. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-04-27 25 24489331 Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIII Our protagonist begins learning about how science and magic mix. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-28 24 24485566 Borderlands PNP Thread #4 Ideas on Slag Harpy powers and mechanics, claptraps, and a dice system. Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Slag Harpy , Claptrap , TORGUE 2013-04-29 5 24509259 Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIV Our protagonist studies sorcery with Pierre and deals with children fighting. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-04-29 24 24518330 Skyworld: Developing a Setting In response to questions about life on a skyworld, /tg/ develops a setting, featuring bird-riding nomads and giant, dew-harvesting spiders. Fluff , Fantasy , Setting , Skyworld , Worldbuilding 2013-04-29 16 24506736 Changing the Mass Effect Plot Good discussion on what to add and remove to run a good mass effect PnP Mass Effect , Sci-Fi , Shepard , Collectors , World Building 2013-04-29 6 24524816 Magical Girl Noir Quest 88 A slightly awkward magical girl calls up an idol, arranges to meet for some coffee, and talks to another hateful magical girl. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2013-04-29 38 24538012 Girls und Panzer Quest 7 In which we trip over a sleepy Garupan and decide to have some lunch. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-04-30 27 May 2013 24518837 Borderlands PnP Thread #5 Discussion of possible system titles, a little bit of healthy crunch development takes place, class archetypes and skills get tweaked, corporate factions explained, and more. Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Whack Foo , TORGUE , Claptrap , Greesy , France , Dakka , Moar Dakka 2013-05-01 5 24568370 Freak Quest: Tale of Thrax The second session of a freak quest side story created for testing combat rules. Collective game , Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Giger 2013-05-01 7 24612304 Girls und Panzer Quest 8 In which we skip class, watch a film on Senshado, and try not to kill Anzu. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-05-04 25 24618154 Girls und Panzer Quest 8.5 In which we successfully keep from murdering anyone.
A continuation from thread 8. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks , Blue Jack 2013-05-04 25 24623075 Freak Quest 10 At long last, we arrive at the Yellow Bazaar. Collective game , Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Giger 2013-05-05 11 24638901 Magical Girl Noir Quest 89 A peaceful magical girl arrives at her new apartment, to find it quite comfortable. Dreams are had and a new day dawns for the officio. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Wendy , Hat, 2013-05-05 38 24573876 Japanese and other foreign games Discussion about various Japanese and other foreign games of /tg/ related nature. And some official localization input. Meikyuu Kingdom , Make You Kingdom , Golden Sky Stories , Yuyake Koyake , Night Wizard , Tenra Bansho Zero , Nechronica , Touhou Danmaku Yuugi Flowers , Maid RPG , Sword World , Ryuutama , Red Dragon , Record of Lodoss War , Double Cross , Shinobigami , Japanese gaming , Japanese TRPGs 2013-05-06 10 24647065 Monster Girls Quest 64 A dark, ugly side of Zipangu is shown to us, the sin of a certain queen mother. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-05-06 10 24642651 Low-Fantasy RPG (Norse) OP hashes out several fae races: elves, dwarves, trolls, and nixes, and delineates magic. Witches and cunning-men use apparently fae-derived magic accompanied with personal sacrifice in the form of a curse. Hermetic magicians and alchemists of the call upon the angels and demons of a religion incipient in the south, which is spreading. Other facets of the setting are also described, such as the relationship between the fae, humanity, and religion. World-building , setting , Norse , Magic , Fae 2013-05-06 7 24593221 Borderlands PNP Thread #6 d6fag posts a draft, the janitor does his job for once, and we start hammering out character abilities Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Whack Foo , TORGUE , Claptrap , Greesy , France , Dakka , Moar Dakka , Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming , 25 Greesy , Guns - Glorious Guns 2013-05-07 4 24663074 Blatant Fetish Quest CXXV Our protagonist has a good fight. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-05-07 24 24690672 Girls und Panzer Quest 9 In which we enjoy sweet potato ice cream, show off Black Jack, and knock most of the Oorai Senshado club on their ass. GuPQ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Collective Game , Tanks , Girls , Pershing , Black Jack 2013-05-08 25 24706043 The Discopocalypse at the invitation to create a setting /tg/ comes up with a post-apocalyptic setting world building , original content , discopocalypse 2013-05-09 5 24725515 Blatant Fetish Quest CXXVI Our protagonist rearranges the rooms of her sanctum. Blatant Fetish Quest , Fetish Quest , Quest , Collective Game , futanari , incubus , dickgirl , Scholomance , dryad 2013-05-10 30 24755971 Girls und Panzer Quest 10 In which we look for a tank in the dark damp bowels of the ship. And we find one. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-05-11 26 24770074 The Overlord Quest /TG/ plays an evil overlord. One shot The Overlord Quest , Collective Game 2013-05-12 5 24772893 Girls und Panzer Quest 11 In which we wash tanks, chat amicably with our teammates, and ogle them. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-05-12 28 24781997 Magical Girl Noir Quest 90 An experimenting magical girl, checks on her green haired friend and learns more about her hat. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka , Mami , Kyuubey , Hat, 2013-05-12 37 24813758 Girls und Panzer Quest 12 In which we discuss with Miho the selling of old, obsolete tanks to purchase newer, better tanks and how to coordinate with a team. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-05-14 24 24817286 Girls und Panzer Quest 12.5 In which we finally put an end to the President's Shenanigans, meet the new Coach and amaze ourselves at her lack of coaching. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-05-14 24 24832686 Girls und Panzer Quest 13 In which we get our first taste of Japanese Senshado in a practice match with the rest of Ooarai Senshado Club. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-05-15 25 24851083 Girls und Panzer Quest 14 In which we talk with Miho and Yukari about their victory and discuss things with Chouno over cake. Collective Game , GuPQ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Girls und Panzer , Garupan , BlackJack 2013-05-16 24 24889966 Girls und Panzer Quest 15 In which we attend a tank commander meeting, watch Hana become increasingly heated as she fires a tank cannon, and plan a little meetup with Miho. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-05-18 24 24917371 Magical Girl Noir Quest 91 A Frighteningly sober magical girl decides which missions to take and receives a new office. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka , Mami , Kyuubey , Hat , Kumatora , 2013-05-19 39 24924684 Monster Girls Quest 65 Where our protagonist tries to free himself of his past. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-05-20 10 24945416 Girls und Panzer Quest 16 In which we talk with the gals of Saint Gloriana, and try to get together an emergency meeting with Miho. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-05-21 25 24950478 Girls und Panzer Quest 16.5 In which we talk to our grandfather and have Yukari and Miho over for strategizing. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-05-21 24 24953554 Magical Girl Noir Quest 92 An annoyed magical girl finds more trophies and reschedules an appointment. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Mami , Kumatora , Iori 2013-05-21 33 24956618 Age of the Dragon CYOA turns into world building and fun with GODDAMN dragons. Dragons , World Building , GODDAMN DRAGONS , CYOA 2013-05-21 11 24971957 Magical Girl Noir Quest 93 An overwhelmed magical girl continues her first day as Warmaster and buys a boxed lunch. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Mami , Kumatora , Midori , Waifu Special 2013-05-22 28 24969934 Fantasy Geography Collaboration /tg/ comes up with ideas for fantastic geographic locations. geography , worldbuilding , game ideas , ideas , world building 2013-05-23 5 24991467 Magical Girl Noir Quest 93 An embarrassed magical girl makes a sweet gesture and drives a girl to tears. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Mami , Midori , Kyoko, 2013-05-23 37 25010670 Magical Girl Noir Quest 95 A frustratingly sober magical girl has coffee and a conversation with an idol. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kumatora , Iori 2013-05-24 35 25045893 Mobile x Destiny 45 The triumphant return of OP sees us awaking from a long night's rest, and going on a shopping run with Miyuki. collective game , quest , /a/ style quest , girls , animu , mecha , Mobile x Destiny 2013-05-26 6 25055954 Monster Girls Quest 66 Where our sorry hide is saved by the Demon Lord and we decide to forge our own path Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-05-27 10 25063638 Titanic skeleton city We come up with a city that lives inside of a giant animated skeleton. Turns out they really enjoy Mexican holidays. Skeletons , Skeleton , Giant , Titan , 2spooky , Mr. Bones , Worldbuilding , Sombreros 2013-05-27 6 25067720 Magical Girl Noir Quest 96 A melancholic magical girl continues to struggle with her feelings, and those of a certain Idol. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kumatora , Iori 2013-05-27 31 25109115 Magical Girl Noir Quest 97 A desperate magical girl really needs a drink, she heads to her favorite bar. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kumatora , Pinky, 2013-05-29 37 25152871 Magical Girl Noir Quest 98 An agitated magical girl delivers her gruesome package and makes a dangerous decision. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kyuubey , Pinky, 2013-05-31 31 June 2013 25163023 Vampire Doll Quest 10: Investigation We apologize to Scarlet, give Blackford his ship, and discuss leads on who killed us. Vampire Doll Quest , Isabella Katarina Markova , Eyesocket , Shadescast , Mark , Grand Victoria , Ulvenwald , Porcelain Dolls , Collective Game , Tea Party , Fleshcrafted Horrors , Scarlet 2013-06-01 21 25175088 Vampire Doll Quest 10: Hunters We settle our itinerary, find an intriguing individual amongst our chattel, and do some fleshcrafting personally... Vampire Doll Quest , Isabella Katarina Markova , Eyesocket , Shadescast , Mark , Grand Victoria , Ulvenwald , Porcelain Dolls , Collective Game , Tea Party , Fleshcrafted Horrors , Scarlet 2013-06-02 17 25195380 Magical Girl Noir Quest 99 A perplexed magical girl has a strange feeling of deja vu and begins an important meeting. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kyuubey , Mami , Sayaka 2013-06-02 34 25197713 Vampire Doll Quest 12: Household Matters Vampire daily life is strange. Instruct stubborn servants. Plan horrible grisly murders. Pick up dresses from the tailor's. Vampire Doll Quest , Isabella Katarina Markova , Eyesocket , Shadescast , Mark , Grand Victoria , Ulvenwald , Porcelain Dolls , Collective Game , Tea Party , Fleshcrafted Horrors , Scarlet 2013-06-02 23 25203730 Monster Girls Quest 67 Where we settle an attempted coup, get wounded and gain one very big spell Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-06-03 10 25226777 Girls und Panzer Quest 17 In which we discuss tactics with Miho and Yukari on how to defeat the British tanks, and receive a call from the Student Council for a tank commander meeting the following day. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-04 22 25234611 Magical Girl Noir Quest 100 A slightly paranoid magical girl attends a party to celebrate her promotion and gets her hair done Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kumatora , Mami , Sayaka , Kyouko , Misaka , Midori , hair fashion montage 2013-06-04 37 25248308 Girls und Panzer Quest 18 In which we discuss our plans with the rest of the team, Momo cries and you wonder what the Anglerfish Dance is. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-05 23 25269048 Girls und Panzer Quest 19 In which we try to encourage our teammates before riding off to battle and still remain in the dark over just what the hell the Anglerfish Dance is. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-06 21 25275115 Girls und Panzer Quest 19.5 In which we enter combat against Saint Gloriana, and watch as the Freshmen team panics under fire. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-06 22 25338961 Magical Girl Noir Quest 101 An indifferent magical girl, awakens with a new hair style and brings a certain eldritch horror the gift of pancakes. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Pinky, 2013-06-09 34 25338686 Freak Quest 11 An encounter with tiny assassins during the night. Collective game , Freak Quest , Gigerworld , Giger 2013-06-09 13 25345504 Monster Girls Quest 68 Where the Church and Zipangu clash and we have our own battle. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-06-10 10 25367086 Girls und Panzer Quest 20 In which we Miho's tank takes a beating but soldiers on, and we set up to ambush Saint Gloriana. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-11 21 25372078 Girls Und Panzer Quest 20.5 Wherein we knock out the Matildas and Rommel is a magnificent bastard. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-11 20 25374626 Magical Girl Noir Quest 102 A weary magical girl suppresses various urges and get's ready for her first assignment since returning from Siberia. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Pinky , Midori , Just a Hat, 2013-06-11 33 25378819 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 35 Finale to the Pirate Warlord arc as we deal with our decisions from last week and the months previous. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates , worldbuilding 2013-06-13 15 25404268 Girls und Panzer Quest 21 In which we go tank hunting street by street in the city. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-13 20 25410425 Girls und Panzer Quest 21.5 In which we go URBAN COMBAT, hold our rage for Anzu, and go heaven or hell with St. Gloriana. Let's rock. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-13 20 25467444 Magical Girl Noir Quest 103 An on edge magical girl takes her hate buddy along on a mission and will never look at her in the same way again. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Pinky , Sayaka , Just an idol, 2013-06-16 37 25473810 Monster Girls Quest 69 An agreement is reached and we get thrown in a cell to spend quality time with our golem Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-06-17 10 25477273 Girls und Panzer Quest 22 In which we finish the Black Prince and win our training match GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-17 15 25497266 Girls und Panzer Quest 23 In which we are debriefed and argue with Anzu. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-18 15 25501228 Girls und Panzer Quest 24 In which we eat ice cream and op learns how to quest; also Miho is the commander now GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-18 14 25517084 Girls und Panzer Quest 25 In which we walk and talk with a pre-sugar-rush-crash Yukari. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-19 20 25517789 A Lonely World: One-Shot Quest The ambient story of a nameless man in a place where time holds no meaning... Collective Game , Nameless MC , Lonely World , Ambient , Observer 2013-06-19 2 25523116 Girls und Panzer Quest 25.5 In which we escort Yukari to her house, meet her parents, talk tanks, and watch Kelly's Heroes. Also she borrows our jacket. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-19 21 25551547 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 34 Bob the Builder arrives and we begin fixing the base up, training the paper pushers to be MS pilots and we have to deal with an asshole DJ. We go to a school to give a presentation and my laptop craps out. Gundam AGE Quest , Collective Game , DJ , Construction , Scarlet , Crocker 2013-06-21 28 25555962 Evil Precure Quest 1 In which we are born, get hungry, sorta befriend a hungry hungry intelligent bear and meet our enemy. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Preure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-06-21 25 25572733 Girls und Panzer Quest 26 In which Black Jack becomes Green Jack, and we become Grizzly. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-22 17 25590859 Girls und Panzer Quest 27 In which we plan on how to demonstrate to the girls that Tanking is safe. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-23 17 25599634 Magical Girl Noir Quest 104 A disgruntled magical girl is really, truly sure about giving her ticket away, and sneaks around with an unpopular girl. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Spaghetti , Just an idol. 2013-06-23 37 25607915 Evil Precure Quest 2 In which me make a truce. React to cute critters in the typical Japanese schoolgirl fashion and realize that Cure Blade may probably suicidally reckless. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Preure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-06-24 16 25606235 Monster Girls Quest 70 A discussion with the big shot along with an unexpected visit at night. No time for regrets! Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-06-24 10 25618919 Magical Girl Noir Quest 105 An increasingly agitated magical girl suffers along side her Eversor companion. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , 2013-06-24 36 25629003 Girls und Panzer Quest 28 Rose finds out about us and Yukari. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-25 20 25636117 Girls und Panzer Quest 28.5 In which we have target practice with the Lee. With us inside it as a target. Also the Rabbit Team names their tank. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-25 18 25638718 Magical Girl Noir Quest 106 A suspicious magical girl feels nostalgic as things slowly starts to turn terrible again. Just like how they used to be. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , 2013-06-25 37 25647592 Girls und Panzer Quest 29: Welcome to Jackass Edition In which we finish showing the Rabbit Team that their tank is fight and we go to school. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-26 21 25652914 Bromont Quest Whatever Bromont finally learns how to put quest in the subject field. Maybe he will actually put it to use in the next thread Monstergirl , Collective Game , Bromont Quest , erp , shotacon , lolicon , futanari , monstergirl , is it really proper to call em girls when they all have dicks 2013-06-27 -4 25685591 Yet Another Magical Little Girl Quest This time we are evil! SO ORIGINAL. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Preure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl , I wish I could think of a joke tag but this shit is already a joke 2013-06-28 24 25687280 Girls und Panzer Quest 30: Rustled Jimmies Edition In which we are locked with Patrick in a stare down and try not to let him get the better of us. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-06-28 18 25733104 Magical Girl Noir Quest 107 A professional magical girl secures the hotel room and confronts a few uninvited guests. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko, 2013-06-30 35 July 2013 25739430 Monster Girls Quest 71 Where we tune our golem and get stuck on one important choice. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-07-01 7 25744545 Girls und Panzer Quest 31 Everyone's favorite tea lover arrives at Oarai uninvited. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks , Tea 2013-07-01 24 25754449 Magical Girl Noir Quest 108 An extremely diplomatic magical girl checks in with her boss while an idol cries in the bathroom. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyuubey 2013-07-01 30 25763912 Magical Power Armor /tg/ rationalizes the existence of magical power armor power armor , magic , worldbuilding , magic , wizards , don't gotta explain shit 2013-07-02 3 25771391 Magical Girl Noir Quest 109 A strict but fair magical girl listens to the bodyguard's side of the story and inadvertently hurts someone's feelings... again. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyuubey 2013-07-02 31 25781275 Girls und Panzer Quest 32 In which we make a bet with Gloriana GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-03 17 25789102 Girls und Panzer Quest 32.5: Everything on Red Edition In which the bet with Saint Gloriana is finalized. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-03 17 25820912 Evil Precure Quest 4 Where we finish our fight with Cure Blade. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-07-05 18 25831757 Magical Girl Noir Quest 110 A Stoic magical girl, speaks to the bodyguard again and socializes with a very awkward girl. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyuubey , Kyosuke 2013-07-05 36 25862368 Girls und Panzer Quest 33: Top Shot Edition In which our little bet gets underway. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-07 20 25868586 Magical Girl Noir Quest 111 A surprised magical girl learn a few new things and scouts the stadium. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyosuke 2013-07-07 36 25877216 Evil Precure Quest 5 In which we do after-fight talk and make an important decision. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-07-08 11 25875891 Monster Girls Quest 72 A shorter thread than usual, a certain Purifier reveal why our sword is precious to her. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-07-08 6 25907991 Magical Girl Noir Quest 112 A professional magical girl finishes her phone call and gets ambushed! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyosuke 2013-07-09 37 25919146 Girls und Panzer Quest 34: Breakfast of Champions Edition In which we seek to wake up a sleepy garupan with a breakfast chock full of FREEDOM. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-10 15 25926502 Girls und Panzer Quest 34.5: Garupancakes Edition In which we hope Mako awakens before her breakfast gets cold. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-10 17 25941184 Girls und Panzer Quest 35 In which we anger the automotive club and try to figure out what tank we won from Gloriana. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-11 18 25963009 Shitty China Waifu Quest #1 You are a... Damn it /tg/, stop derailing me on the first post Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty 2013-07-12 9 25971010 The Armoured Village OP proposes a setting where everyone is always covered, and /tg/ works its magic. What results is a village where absolutely everyone wears full plate armour all the time as a result of a contagious curse. Better than it sounds. game ideas , world building , armour , village , worldbuilding 2013-07-13 17 25998760 Girls und Panzer Quest 36: Ollie Ollie Oxen Free Edition In which we play Hide and Seek with the rest of the garupans. With tanks. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-14 21 26006907 Magical Girl Noir Quest 113 A merciful magical girl has more dealings with Kyosuke and Iori Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyosuke 2013-07-14 37 26014051 Evil Precure Quest 6 Questions are answered and we are welcomed into our new, possibly permanent home. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-07-15 11 26012841 Monster Girls Quest 73 Where we get to play Inquisitor for a little while, the joy! Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-07-15 6 26025769 Magical Girl Noir Quest 114 An impressed magical girl gains several cup sizes and a few Inches in height. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Kyosuke , Kyoko , Midori 2013-07-15 36 26036855 Girls und Panzer Quest 37: Ollie Ollie Oxen Free Edition: Electric Boogaloo We troll poor, poor Roy. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-16 22 26067149 Magical Girl Noir Quest 115 An intrigued magical girl learns more about a very special weapon and talks about hair. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Noriko, 2013-07-17 34 26078864 Girls und Panzer Quest 37: Ollie Ollie Oxen Free Edition: Electric Boogaloo The Continuation The Hunt Continues! Also spaghetti ejection averted...for now. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-18 22 26099174 Shitty China Waifu Quest #2 You are Witold Urbanowicz, British Triple Ace, and you are speaking Chinese. Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-07-19 4 26122431 Jerkoff Thread 52 Some more bitches die unnecessarily grimderp deaths. Collective Game , Joker Quest , Waifus , Slice of Life , Grimderp , Edgy , Mecha , Not mechas , Waifus , Dead Waifus , Waifu Wars , Waifus are really the main draw of the quest you know , Its written by a girl so you know its good! 2013-07-20 16 26121860 Girls und Panzer Quest 38 The training match continues! GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-20 21 26135904 Detergent Quest - Uncapped Because we really need more quest threads where no one actually runs a quest on this board. Collective Game , Bleach , A reference to that one shitty overblown magical girl anime , recap episodes always suck 2013-07-21 21 26148953 Magical Girl Noir Quest 116 A somewhat sleepy magical girl briefs Vindicare Squad Hiryu on their mission and finds herself at the center of an unexpected family reunion. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Noriko , Enishi , NECO 2013-07-21 38 26157555 Evil Precure Quest 7 In which we meet again with our other hairy friend. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-07-22 17 26156276 Monster Girls Quest 74 A long winded plan to avoid tragedy is pulled off without complications! Rejoice. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-07-22 10 26179795 Girls und Panzer Quest 39 The lesson concludes. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-23 20 26222087 Girls und Panzer Quest 40 In which we excite some girls. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-07-25 23 26240092 Evil Precure Quest 8 In which we trick our bear friend into seeing reason. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-07-26 11 26240902 Girls und Panzer Quest 41 The Fight for Water Supremacy Continues! GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks , Panzer 2013-07-26 25 26232720 MERCWORLD:Thread 5.5 The Worst Part's of TG Come to light once again, Ideas are Rejected... Creation comes from Flexibility, not rigidity. worldbuilding , Mercenary , homebrew , fantasy , science , 2013-07-27 -2 26285463 Magical Girl Noir Quest 117 A very serious magical blueberry escorts the Warmaster's Equerry, along with some less pleasant company. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Sayaka , Malal , Kirika, 2013-07-28 28 26292209 Monster Girls Quest 75 And so, we finally see the first response to our betrayal. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-07-29 7 26260125 Worldbuilding: Seratartes Homebrew Project Thread 6 More work and some fluff is done, slower than usual due to the project reaching the point of concepts being polished. worldbuilding , homebrew , mercworld , mercenary , FATE 2013-07-29 1 26305437 Magical Girl Noir Quest 118 A Irritated magical blueberry can't stay away from the strange pink haired girl and reaches her boiling point. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Sayaka , Malal , Kirika , Pinky , Mary, 2013-07-29 30 26316219 Tales of the lone voter /tg/ paints a horrifying vision of the future and those that fight and die in it quest , parody , grimdark , cyberpunk , lone voter , waifu , worldbuilding 2013-07-30 11 August 2013 26358749 Girls und Panzer Quest 42 The water war is over, now we deal with the aftermath! GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-01 23 26379884 Shitty China Waifu Quest #3 You are Witold Urbanowicz, and you just realized how crazy Hump pilots really are. Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-08-02 3 26379789 Girls und Panzer Quest 43 In which we discuss the ramifications of the tank-washing incident. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-02 16 26388898 Magical Girl Noir Quest 119 A trained magical blueberry crushes her opponent and goes for another elevator ride. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Sayaka , Amber, 2013-08-02 31 26396269 Evil Precure Quest 9 Where we temporarily stop being humongous bitch. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-08-03 10 26398604 YELLING ABOUT MAPS IN THIS THREAD AN ANON TALKS ABOUT MAPS AND TELLS /TG/ HOW TO MAKE A PASSINGLY REALISTIC SETTING USING SCIENCE. worldgen , climate , maps 2013-08-03 22 26417775 Girls und Panzer Quest 44 In which we consult with Anzu over finding a way to counsel the rest of the garupans after the tank-washing incident. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-04 16 26427722 Magical Girl Noir Quest 120 A heavily armored magical blueberry tries to collar an insane plague bearer. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Sayaka , Sabrina , 2013-08-04 29 26433518 Monster Girls Quest 76 Where we get roped into war and roll a 1 Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-08-05 7 26447963 Magical Girl Noir Quest 121 A decaying magical blueberry is coming apart at the seams and has had enough. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Sayaka , Sabrina, 2013-08-05 30 26463769 Minotaur Culture/Society Thread /tg/ gets shit done in the best way possible: by taking a weird, heavily derailed fetish thread and using it as the basis for an extremely in depth discussion of minotaur history, ecology and society. Monstergirls , Worldbuilding , Minotaurs , Minotaur wet-nurse 2013-08-06 31 26468972 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 3 Minifig finally gets off his fanny and finishes off the conversion, then gives a storytime. RPG , rpg , Palladium , Savage Worlds , TMNT , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , homebrew , SW , /tg/ gets shit done , shit gets done , win , character creation , mutants , Savage Worlds 2013-08-06 0 26496414 Girls und Panzer Quest 45: Water Balloon Raid Edition In which we find ourselves being ambushed with water balloons by an unknown assailant. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-08 21 26505148 Magical Girl Noir Quest 121 A ticked off magical girl reports her findings to her Incubator and cheers up one of her subordinates. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Sayaka , Sabrina , Enishi , Kyuubey 2013-08-08 31 26500691 Hive mutant OP somehow managed to roll the most mutated Acolyte we've ever seen. dark_heresy mutant tentacles inquisition monster_girl 2013-08-08 18 26514677 Evil Precure Quest 10 In which find some moments of peace after our absurdly chaotic first two days. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-08-09 11 26516666 Yet Another Strike Witches Quest For those that hate lesbians, but love lesbian animes. ERP , Strike Witches , Harem , Utterly pointless male MC 2013-08-09 -1 26515365 Girls und Panzer Quest 46 In which the water war comes to an end. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-09 21 26531159 Monster Girls Quest 76 Where we fight an old comrade...until everything take a turn for the very worst Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-08-10 9 26541547 Magical Girl Noir Quest 122 A sarcastic magical girl finds out she has a long way to go to be on friendlier terms with her blueberry colleague. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Sayaka, 2013-08-10 31 26565579 OP brings storytime. OP tells a freeform role play experience he had, about the brawler Edgardo, who after pissing off generic_anime_person#infinity has to ally himself with the other misfits just to survive. story time , free form , role play , Edgardo , A Guy Called Squid , Goldnharl 2013-08-12 278 26568329 Evil Precure Quest 11 In which we suffer from a mild case of /tg/ paranoia. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-08-12 14 26578684 Magical Girl Noir Quest 123 A sleeping magical girl has a very pleasant dream, better that any she has had in weeks! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Wendy , Sayaka , 2013-08-12 30 26590015 Girls und Panzer Quest 47 War. War never changes. We get outfoxed by Miho and check out the EXCELSIOR! GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-13 21 26604934 Let's Build a World /tg/ has an imagination and creates a unique setting from absolute scratch. world building , original content , fluff , sci-fi , shamanistic horseshoe crabs 2013-08-14 12 26646432 Evil Precure Quest 12 In which more paranoia develops as anon tries to come up with plans. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-08-16 11 26646786 Shitty China Waifu Quest #5 Witold's biggest fangirl teaches a class. I think. Forbidden Love does not happen. Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-08-16 3 26648217 Girls und Panzer Quest 48 In which we look for our errant loader, and try to figure out who he's chatting up. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-16 17 26646664 Let's Build a World 2 /tg/ continues to build the Winder Civilization world building , original content , fluff , sci-fi , shamanistic horseshoe crabs 2013-08-17 3 26662700 Monster Girls Quest 77 Today, a Hero is dead. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-08-17 6 26666192 Crossover Magical Girl Quest Fantastic Phantasm's first Ep. We assume the role of Itonami Juritsu, a powerful summoner. We dream about fucked up shit, fight a dragon then pass out. Crossover Magical Girl Quest , magical girl , female protagonist , Fantastic Phantasm , Collective Game 2013-08-17 8 26665025 Planet Home pt. 2 Lt. Col. Space Helicopters returns to expand on the planet he's been creating. /tg/ hardly notices the poor guy, but faith remains strong and the setting is lovely. World Building , Exobiology , SPACE , HELICOPTERS 2013-08-18 2 26683155 Girls und Panzer Quest 49 In which we find our errant loader with a member of the OH WAIT THAT'S A SPOILER and then go look for our driver. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-18 15 26680643 Crossover Magical Girl Quest 2 We wander through the desert, find an ally then pass out. We wake up in a city, make new friends and look for Raid. Crossover Magical Girl Quest , magical girl , female protagonist , Fantastic Phantasm , Collective Game 2013-08-18 4 26692324 Magical Girl Noir Quest 125 A well rested magical girl prepares for the concert and gets thrown off balance by Pinky. fixed thread numbering, there are two 121. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Ruri , Sayaka , Noriko , Pinky, 2013-08-18 28 26700322 Planet Home pt.4 Planet home gets expanded once more; Honnêtes, the hexapedal cephalopods, develop intelligence and a name. World Building , World Buildan , Lt. Col. Space Helicopters , Helicopters in Space , /sci/ incursion 2013-08-19 0 26700744 Monster Girls Quest 78 Where we slooooowly climb the ladder of power despite doing the impossible. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-08-19 10 26710429 Magical Girl Noir Quest 126 Codename:Deepthroat is traumatized and plans are finalized Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Ruri , drawfag 2013-08-19 28 26723478 Girls und Panzer Quest 50 The 'Date' Continues. Archived somewhat early. Also holy shit Rose is scary. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-20 18 26759192 Girls und Panzer Quest 51 In which we continue our double date/date crash. Archived early. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-22 20 26765522 Girls und Panzer Quest 51.5 Our movie night with Yukari and a discussion about our tanks. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-22 20 26779217 Evil Precure Quest 13 We meet with the invisichameloen and figure he is an ass. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-08-23 11 26779762 Shitty China Waifu Quest #6 Oh, look, it's just Joseph Stilwell and a hurt Witch. NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-08-23 4 26799273 ITT we pretend world map is homebrew We make believe Earth is a homebrew setting. Mass bitching about borders, inconsistent fluff, and map projections follows. Earth , map projections , Pangaea , world 2013-08-24 15 26810809 Planet Home 5: Inflection Point A cataclysm causes the worlds of the Winders and Honnêtes to cross and both are changed forever World Building , World Buildan , Lt. Col. Space Helicopters , Helicopters in Space , Honnetes , Winders 2013-08-25 0 26828791 Evil Precure Quest 14 In which we decide to face or avoid what we did last night. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-08-26 11 26827639 /tg/ Text Adventure We lose our beloved buisness to the alliance and leave the city to build up an rebellion. On that way we fuck arround with some Catgirls. And manage to get their leader in our ranks Collective Game , Necromancer , Text Adventure , Catgirls , Critfails 2013-08-26 9 26826750 Monster Girls Quest 79 Where a tense conversation with the High General ends on a good note. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-08-26 7 26847633 Girls und Panzer Quest 52 In which we hang out with Yukari. Archived early. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-08-27 24 26858529 tg Text Adventure Quest: Chapter 6 We mindbreak Elyria and Daya, fuck them both, invade a city and take control of it, meeting Katya the assassin catgirl and The Immortal, among other things. Text Adventure , Quest , Text , Adventure , Minotaurs , Collective Game , Dryads , Catgirls , Gratuitous Sex 2013-08-28 9 26884808 Evil Precure Quest 15 Where we realized we missed some shit going down. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-08-29 13 26865471 Vampire Girlfriend What begins as a logistics question on vampire girlfriend blood intakes actually produces a nice piece of fluff. Vampire , girlfriend , logistics , blood 2013-08-29 11 26907240 Shitty China Waifu Quest #7 The Martians are attacking... WITH ENOUGH FORCE TO LEVEL YOUR MOTHER Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-08-30 2 September 2013 26940856 Crossover Magical Girl Quest 3 We continue our search for Raid. We end up saving a suicidal girl, fight some mooks and run from kidnappers. We also argue with royalty. Crossover Magical Girl Quest , magical girl , female protagonist , Fantastic Phantasm , Collective Game 2013-09-01 -1 26944746 Girls und Panzer Quest 53 In which we're the recipient of a rude awakening by Miho. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-01 15 26940376 Space Knights A setting where you're an Arthurian knight in space fantasy world building , sci-fi , space fantasy , original content , game design 2013-09-01 6 26951647 Girls und Panzer Quest 53.5 In which we boil water and give out hugs. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-01 17 26955176 Cybertron Quest You are Overload, a loader grunt at the spaceport in Pre-War ere Cybertron. Your boring, mundane life is about to be turned head over heels Collective Game , Cybertron Quest , Decpticon , Overload 2013-09-01 12 26963513 Monster Girls Quest 80 Where we have a nice, long talk with a Purifier and get an info dump Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-09-02 5 26969275 Girls und Panzer Quest 54 In which we hug Miho and talk about the Jellyfish doughnut dance. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-02 14 26977768 Magical Girl Noir Quest 127 A thankful Magical girl continues her thrilling mission while discovering the wonderful world of fan art and encounters something unexpected blocking her path. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag, 2013-09-02 29 26990741 /tg/ Text Adventure Quest: Chapter 10 Now begins the story of the Rollin Bones, half-dryad mage and son of Mr. Bones. Collective Game , Mage , new beggings , succubi , slime girl 2013-09-03 4 27030044 Evil Precure Quest 16 Where we try to figure out what to do with a sister that was made from what is arguably a part of one of our friends. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-09-05 22 27059829 Magical Girl Noir Quest 128 A stoic magical girl lights one up while standing guard and sees Kyosuke in a completely new light. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-06 34 27071233 Girls und Panzer Quest 55 In which we talk to Rose about our girl problems. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-07 14 27078135 Girls und Panzer Quest 55.5 In which we talk to Anzu, (She knows...Knows what?) look at the duck team's new tank, and are asked a favor by some English chick. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-07 15 26990453 Vampire the Requiem- Blood and Smoke: Burning Some namefag tells the tale of his Vampire: The Requiem campaign, complete with murder, politics, impressively competent Ghouls and color commentary Vampire , Storytime , World of Darkness 2013-09-07 15 27100952 Magical Girl Noir Quest 129 An appreciative magical girl finishes the conversation with her favorite golden weapon and the concert finally begins! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-08 30 27114722 Girls und Panzer Quest 56 We have to fight against a Centurion, American senshado style. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-09 14 27129641 Blood and Smoke: Burning, Part 2 The namefag continues his tale as the coterie tangles with a demon and prepares for a very special Hanukkah party. Vampire , Storytime , World of Darkness 2013-09-10 11 27146876 Persona Quest Where we play Persona 4: Nyarlathotep edition Persona Quest , Collective Game , Nyarlathotep , Yu Narukami 2013-09-11 15 27160052 Magical Girl Noir Quest 130 A concerned magical girl watches a young bodyguard go up in flames and plans to deal with the Yakuza and their knees. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-11 33 27201793 Monster Girls Quest 81 Where a mystery concerning our golem is solved and we talk with our inner ghost. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-09-14 5 27229350 Girls und Panzer Quest 57 In which Black Jack still can't remember the names of his crew. Also we continue stalking/being stalked by Darjeeling's tank. Archived somewhat early. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-15 12 27242257 Warlord Quest The hero is Esalar, a steppe nomad near a crumbling Empire. As the call to arms echoes to his homeland, he decides to raise his own troops, and make his own way in the warring world. Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-09-16 15 27244364 Monster Girls Quest 82 A discussion with the Beast follow a day off, perfect opportunity to complete much needed business. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-09-16 5 27251335 Girls und Panzer Quest 58 In which we meet the commander of the Centurion, an American like us. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-16 12 27262429 Warlord Quest 2 Esalar leads his men to the rescue of a band of Imperial gentry, chooses to visit friendly tribes and deal with them honestly, and is rewarded with an attempted lashing and a spell in detention. Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-09-17 7 27269790 Girls und Panzer Quest 59 In which we talk to Roy about Akebi and Miho about stuff GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-17 13 27307576 Clashworld 2 The first thread started the world. Now we're making it bigger, better, and easier to read. clashworld , game ideas , game design , original content , /tg/ 2013-09-19 8 27333026 Monster Girls Quest 83 Shopping, shopping! Aint it fun? Important discussions inevitably follows Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-09-21 5 27332710 Warlord Quest 3 Esalar is surprised to turn from prisoner into guest. Having learned much news from Dokas, the noble hosting him, he then becomes an accomplice in Dokas' plan to get what he deserves... Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-09-21 7 27328051 Veterans of the Second Dragon War An 'Ask a veteran of the Second Dragon War' thread evolves into reminiscence of the war and it's horrors roleplay , second dragon war , not world war two with dragons , elves , lizardmen , lich , dragons , second dragon war , veterans 2013-09-21 8 27348486 Dawn ofWorld, third part Some new Gods showing up, craters, coral, stockpiling, and some more in this yet in first age world. Collective Game , Dawn of World 2013-09-21 0 27361743 Magical Girl Noir Quest 131 A Stoic magical girl decides who to interrogate and receives a call from her boss regarding her methods. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-22 32 27370679 Evil Precure Quest Thread 17 In which we follow our slightly crazy, smarter-than-us sister to someplace important Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-09-23 21 27364809 Warlord Quest 4 Esalar suggests a plan, and goes on a mission to achieve it, only to be betrayed. After taking heavy losses, he wreaks vengeance on the Sparrow tribe. Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-09-23 8 27389803 Girls und Panzer Quest 60 In which we talk to Miho about our relationship and Anzu about the festival. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-24 13 27397076 Magical Girl Noir Quest 132 An increasingly angry magical girl is given an ultimatum. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-24 31 27417248 Warlord Quest 5 Esalar participates in the battle between two tribes, moves south, learns how to read Imperial, and occupies a massive, fortified pass. We are now in the Empire! Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-09-26 6 27423433 Evil Precure Quest 18 Where we meet the other us living inside our mind, she's a bit of a selfish bitch. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-09-26 22 27386067 What is the most grimdark setting? /tg/ wrestles with that age-old question /tg/ , discussion , 40k , Kult , Drakengard , Beserk , Exalted , Call of Cthulhu , call of cthulhu , World of Darkness , Drakengard , Midnight , grimdark , edgy , Grimdark , GRIMDARK 2013-09-27 5 27447918 Magical Girl Noir Quest 133 An enraged magical girl tries to keep her anger in check as she stalls for time while her opponents enjoys her own little monologue. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-27 35 27471262 Monster Girls Quest 84 Where a chance to relax with our bodyguard grow into something quite different. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-09-29 5 27474092 Girls und Panzer Quest 61 In which we ride in the Excelsior. The ride never ends, even when its over. Also, Saori Knows. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-29 14 27480288 Magical Girl Noir Quest 134 A battle ready magical girl uses her superior strength to beat the ever living crap out of her delusional opponent. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-29 32 27490530 Evil Precure Quest 19 The choice has been made, its time to follow through with it. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-09-30 24 27492011 Girls und Panzer Quest 62 In which we talk to Saori, and a promise is made. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-09-30 14 October 2013 27515811 Magical Girl Noir Quest 135 A surprisingly calm magical girl gets used to the feeling of having three spears stuck through her chest and gives her now airborne opponent the finger, all ten of them. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-01 34 27519382 Warlord Quest 6 Esalar's men win an easy victory, come across some very, very phat loot, and he finally learns to read. Well, minimally. Also, a new village is in the works. Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-10-02 5 27488162 All-children ADVENTURE party ideas OP asks if an all-kids adventuring party would be acceptable. /tg/ jumps on the idea and awesome ensues. campaign ideas , campaign , Children , Adventure , loli , /tg/_gets_shit_done , I wish to be the little girl , Monsters , Digimon , Game Ideas , little fears 2013-10-02 16 27541392 Evil Precure Quest 20 We realize that we might possibly most likely be a terrible person after all we've been through. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-10-03 15 27582362 Magical Girl Noir Quest 136 A lightheaded magical girl staggers away from the field and receives help from an unknown girl. Who could it be? Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-05 36 27592089 Girls und Panzer Quest 63 In which we go to the parade, play some (rigged?) carnival games, and have fun with Miho. Archived early. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-10-06 14 27601345 Magical Girl Noir Quest 137 An injured magical girl gets patched up, decides to schedule a few lessons in melee combat and receives a phone call. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-06 37 27611001 Evil Precure Quest 21 Where fe finally get to choose the sports we're supposed to be good at. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-10-07 12 27625514 Warlord Quest 7 Esalar's base at Nienshari Pass comes under siege, and he carries out a counterstroke. Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-10-07 7 27633790 .hack//QUEST #0- Initialization Wherein we register a character, and take our first steps into "The World". Collective Game , .hack//QUEST , Apeiron , The World 2013-10-08 7 27633295 Girls und Panzer Quest 64 In which we practice rapid gunnery and the bracket for the tournament is announced GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-10-08 13 27665563 Evil Precure Quest 22 After the hectic day we had we go back to relatively magic-free normal life. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-10-10 15 27682697 .hack//QUEST #0- First Steps In which we explore a dungeon and OP fulfills a promise he made last thread. Collective Game , .hack//QUEST , Apeiron , The World 2013-10-11 5 27695341 Washed up Villain quest The beginning of Dick Vilian Bethany Dastardly the third's tale. In which he signs a rather dubious contract for freedoms, takes over a gang, executes the former leader via train, Makes his henchmen look presentable, learns the arcane arts, and dabbles with necromancy Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , Necromancy , Evil , Villain 2013-10-12 22 27701305 Magical Girl Noir Quest 138 A fumbling magical girl reschedules a dinner date and talks to her 'favorite' Super-Idol. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-12 30 27710495 Girls und Panzer Quest 64 In which we talk tactics with Miho and eat chilli. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-10-13 13 27707106 Washed up Villain quest 2 In which we start our less than legal businesses, spend a day with a zombie in the town, meet an old woman who isn't as she's seems, hit a demon with a train, see the world from the eyes of John fritz, and decide to set out sights on the Devils Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , Train , Evil , Villain , 2013-10-13 12 27628570 Lamia cultural discussion A question about the burial practices of mixed lamia/human communities continues into worldbuilding. lamias , worldbuilding , sacrifice 2013-10-13 1 27725005 Monster Girls Quest 85 A torture session with our bodyguard, that girl is a real champ. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-10-14 11 27726113 Washed up Villain quest 3 In which Dick Vilian Bethany Dastardly the third takes up pupeteering creates a drug to control the minds of others, Gets a car and goes for a trip in the woods with Mr.Fritz and Miss Smith, Frees and Binds a fae creature, takes ownership of a cottage fit for a necromancer by fight a horde of skeletons with a cane, Corrupts a sword of justice and heroism into an abomination of a weapon, among other things Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , Necromancy , Evil , Villain , random events 2013-10-14 12 27737730 Magical Girl Noir Quest 139 A slightly agitated magical girl just has to get through one last night with her principal Idol and she will be free. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Protoculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-14 37 27749631 Girls und Panzer Quest 65 In which we talk tactics with Miho and consume magm---I mean our grandfather's chilli. Also meta-talk about tanks. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-10-15 12 27767275 AoPH Quest 1 Humanity lives in exile. They hide in domes built to protect them from the great beasts that prowl the wilderness. As a young child born into this world, you have just finished the operation needed to become a ranger; superhuman soldiers granted their abilities by organic transplants from the monsters they are trained to hunt. Will you become the very best ranger that the corps will have to offer? Or will you die as ignominiously as the rest? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-10-16 36 27775715 nWoD STORYTEIM A slow OP regales /tg/ with tales of THE MACHINE and its Owner nWoD , STORYTEIM , THE MACHINE , Harlem Braxton , Lillum Dawnbreak , crazy shit 2013-10-16 14 27781447 Evil Precure Quest 23 Some slight quick timeskips happen to ge things rolling. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-10-17 16 27812454 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest Prologue The main conflict is established and we board the Lafayette Girls Academy ship. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , 2013-10-19 39 27834237 Girls und Panzer Quest 66: YukariQuest Edition In which we, Akiyama Yukari, infiltrate Saunders' carrier. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-10-20 11 27849138 Evil Precure Quest 24 Where we meet our magicless match. We better not cheat this time. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-10-21 12 27846385 Washed up Villain quest 4 We suddenly become a god, plan our villainous marriage to the goddess of justice (out of character) and turn a mighty demon into a little girl because Bethany though it was funny Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , Necromancy , Evil , Villain , God 2013-10-21 10 27846206 Monster Girls Quest 86 We get a crash course on Fantasy mechs and then meet up with dear mother Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-10-21 10 27856903 AoPH Quest 2 (Part 2) Part 1:
Cerulean feels some self-doubt, but is reassured by Byran's lazy wisdom and begins to do better in training. Brimming with confidence, she challenges a senior cadet to a duel. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-10-21 28 27864045 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #1 We get on the hunt for tanks and recruit a new crew. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , 2013-10-22 28 27886400 Washed up Villain quest 5 Bethany attends a wedding, learns the meaning of fear and also loses one of his most trusted companions Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , Necromancy , Evil , Villain , god , 2013-10-23 6 27905793 Girls und Panzer Quest 67: YukariQuest Edition PT2 In which we make it to the Saunders carrier and meet Kay. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-10-24 11 27924141 Girls und Panzer Quest 68: YukariQuest Edition PT3 In which we talk with Kay, see some of Saunders' tanks, and eavesdrop on a meeting. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-10-25 13 27935581 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #2 We get dicked over by Fredendall and recruit some more crews. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , 2013-10-26 23 27940241 AoPH Quest 3 Cerulean participates in cross-gym training drills and sees how everyone has progressed. When they move on to 1-on-1 sparring exercises, Cerulean finds herself matched up against a Saffron gym psychic. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-10-26 28 27952511 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #3 We recruit another crew, raise some money, and have dinner. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-10-27 21 27956521 Washed up Villain quest 6 : End of part 1 In which We fight nature itself, start the Apocalypse, fight with our fellow gods, and commit the ultimate Sacrifice with Justice to save the world from the void we opened. Meanwhile two children are born in the world of Albion Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , Villany , Justice , Rebirth 2013-10-27 7 27958167 AoPH Quest 4 Cerulean teams up with her fellow cadets, Bruise and Goldenrod, for their practical test inside the Veridian Wood. Their goal: to hunt down and catch the wild waterfowl monster that nests within. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-10-27 29 27966838 Magical Girl Noir Quest 140 A sober magical girl gets up early in the morning to see her client off. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-27 28 27977365 Evil Precure Quest 25 In which we fight a surprise opponent and you feel like she is going to be of the persistent sort. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-10-28 14 27971849 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #4 We find a new tank, run into trouble with the law, and start a thread late. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-10-28 21 27973870 Monster Girls Quest 87 Where we inform our party of the plan and then get in the fantasy mech the morning after Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-10-28 6 27977013 Girls und Panzer Quest 69 We now return you back to our regularly scheduled broadcast. In which we talk to Miho. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-10-28 12 27985185 Magical Girl Noir Quest 141 A mentally exhausted magical girl tries to do the right thing and gets a double incubator for her trouble. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-28 27 28008605 Washed up Villain quest 7 Gunther uses Jimmy's bone to give a bad wolf more than he can chew on, gets a tatoo, and learns THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAY Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , Albion , Knothole glade , balverines , random events , THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAY 2013-10-30 11 28027857 Evil Precure Quest:Halloween edition Time for something scary, like a which inside a ghost house sort of scary. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-10-31 8 28027663 Warlock Quest 1 You are a Warlock of Biel-Tan. And today's gonna be one of those days. 40k , quest , Warlock quest , collective game , eldar 2013-10-31 9 28028288 Girls und Panzer Quest 70 In which we look in the bowels of the Oarai Academy ship for Yukari. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-10-31 10 28034746 Magical Girl Noir Quest 142 A sore magical girl finishes her debriefing and learns something unexpected. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag , so many drawfags 2013-10-31 29 November 2013 28041185 Washed up Villain quest 8 Guther meets Justice 2.0 and they have a lovers spat Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , Albion , Demon door , 2013-11-01 10 28043165 AoPH Quest 5 Cerulean's team encounters a beedrill nest as they enter the wood. After a brief skirmish, an accident forces the group to separate itself, which leads Cerulean into a chance encounter with the prize... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-01 29 28050468 Magical Girl Noir Quest 143 A tactful magical girl has an exchange with her last Culexus while on their way to meet a very broken girl. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-11-01 28 28053677 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #5 We go to school, raise some money at the club fair, and get shitposted. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-02 20 28055358 Monster Girls Quest 88 Where we set out on familiar grounds and meet a pretty angry man. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-11-02 6 28068729 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #6 We make an interview without punching anybody, encounter the Ace tankers, and watch the BEST FUCKING MOVIE EVER. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-03 20 28075098 Girls und Panzer Quest 71 In which we find a tank, but not our tank nerd. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-11-03 11 28067404 Tale of the Scholarly Knight Quest A oneshot fantasy quest about a knight who discovers a very peculiar book. Time travelling, alternate time lines, and dragon slaying action all included. Tale of the Scholarly Knight Quest , fantasy , collective game 2013-11-03 6 28082414 Magical Girl Noir Quest 144 A chivalrous magical girl visits one prophet and gets a bead on another. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Yuma , Haruka , drawfag 2013-11-03 26 28086323 IRL Sanity Loss The elegen/tg/entlemen discuss maggots, furbies, and other things that force sanity loss rolls. sanity , random , irl , horror , terror , furbies , maggots 2013-11-03 6 28092703 Evil Precure Quest 26 Where we fight our greatest enemy...ourselves? Or is it really ___? Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-11-04 10 28087910 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #7 We encounter the Ace Tankers again, meet the Instructor, train, shower, and accidentally post in the wrong thread. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-04 15 28089913 Monster Girls Quest 89 Where we go mech to toe with a hero, get to know our wingman and try our best to plot. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-11-04 5 28101580 Magical Girl Noir Quest 145 A nervous magical girl sees flashes of pink and looks at life through a mirror. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Yuma , Haruka , Oriko , drawfag 2013-11-04 26 28111981 Lovecraft Horror Discussion /tg/ discusses Lovecraftian horror as a genre, considering descriptions, the uncanny valley and the author as an individual. Lovecraft , Horror , Cthulhu , Nyarlathotep 2013-11-06 6 28125732 Washed up Villain quest 9 Gunther goes Berserk, Removes a mans arm, destroys a forest, becomes a hero, kills some bandits, and encounters and beats the shit out of something not even in this setting Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , Albion , THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAY , heroes , 2013-11-06 11 28147088 Girls und Panzer Quest 72 In which an interview is conducted, we talk with the auto club about their tank, and someone tries to shit up the thread. Archived somewhat early. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-11-07 11 28166112 Shitty China Waifu Quest #8 3 Months later, a bomb drops. Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-11-08 3 28164354 AoPH Quest 6 With the prize in hand and Bruise searching for their lost leader, Cerulean and Goldenrod head for the exit to lay claim to their victory. However, as they make their way, they receive a broken transmission telling them to head south... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-08 28 28178021 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #8 We have run ins with Hall Monitors, get lost and find a new tank, and get banned from 4chan. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-09 16 28184758 Girls und Panzer Quest 73 In which we review Yukari's espionage footage, screw with Anzu, and prep our crew for the interview. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-11-09 8 28192140 Magical Girl Noir Quest 146 A bloody magical girl gains another enemy and reports her findings. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Yuma , Haruka , drawfag 2013-11-09 26 28207906 Magical Girl Noir Quest 147 A surprisingly supportive magical girl comforts her boss and finds a goddess sleeping in her bed. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Mami , Kyuubey , drawfag 2013-11-10 28 28219412 Evil Precure Quest 27 Where we try to negotiate with an angry, stubborn person by being angry and stubborn. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-11-11 11 28196355 Harpies IN SPACE! Harpies IN SPACE opera, their customs and technology. harpies , science fiction , space opera , world building 2013-11-11 8 28218341 Washed up Villain quest 10 we make men fly and make crab people fly even higher. Trouble involving an irishman, a real bastard and a little demon space! also we get the voice out of our head and gain another one as a twig loses her eyes Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , albion , Crab people , Space, 2013-11-11 5 28220038 AoPH 7 On a night that should have been filled with celebration and excitement for three newly inducted Rocket Junior cadets, they instead receive a very grim reminder on the reality of the world they live in... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-11 30 28235508 Monster Girls Quest 90 Where we are warned that the Demon Lord is running out of time, and manage to avoid one nasty trap. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-11-12 5 28256791 Clade Quest I /tg/ rolls up a booky College student and gets involved with racial politics in a world of animal-human hybrids of some kind. Starbucks and backpack-fu ensue. Collective Game , Clade Quest , Abhuman , Catgirls , AlmostSortaWaifuQuest, 2013-11-13 10 28256205 AoPH Quest 8 Cerulean and Bruise enter the Lavendar Spire to bid their fallen friends their final farewell. While there, they meet a strange and bewildering medium named Lilac. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-13 28 28265086 Magical Girl Noir Quest 148 A lone magical badass infiltrates deep in to a shitty, hellhole of a city to save an unlucky rookie, finding an old friend in the process. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Mala 2013-11-13 31 28277315 Girls und Panzer Quest 74 In which the interview commences and we talk to the freshman team GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-11-14 8 28288778 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #9 We meet one of the Ace Tankers, become a play director, help build sets, and get unbanned from 4chan. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-15 20 28265015 Kowloon Penteract /tg/ fluffs out a 5-dimensional hypercube city, based off of the Walled City of Kowloon. Setting , Setting Building , Worldbuilding , Hypercube , Non-Euclidean Geometry 2013-11-15 24 28290654 Washed up Villain quest 11 Dick dastardly faces his greatest challange yet...a family reunion. He also ruins the story line of fable, by beating jack of blades and goes to a rather bizarre world. Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , albion , Jojo's bizzare adventure 2013-11-15 4 28305893 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #10 We get dressed, get our head eaten off by some Ace tankers, get interviewed, meet a Film club, and do other stuff. Not necessarily in that order. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-16 14 28307476 Monster Girls Quest 91 Where we finally get to meet our mark face to face. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-11-16 5 28318411 Magical Girl Noir Quest 149 A fast going magical biker speeds off on her rescue mission and receives word of another girl in trouble. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Malal 2013-11-16 28 28273175 Lenore Thread 5 Festivities are had, Shipbuilding commences, Camp Abaddon is established, the Elf War starts and many other things happen. Lenore , Collectivegame , alien world 2013-11-17 6 28324715 Clade Quest 2 Felicia gets interrogated, meets a new player, and hopefully saves a little girl. Collective Game , Clade Quest , Abhuman , Catgirls , UnWaifuQuest 2013-11-17 7 28322668 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #11 We go to school, help a Freshmen learn how to swim, get our tanks fitted with judging equipment, and have dinner with Officer O'Hara Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-17 16 28335824 Magical Girl Noir Quest 150 A cautious magical biker meets the professor, reluctantly accepts the deal and receives some shocking news. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Malal 2013-11-17 29 28340726 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #12 We flash Officer O'Hara, see some Swedish tanks, and get in our first mock battle. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-18 14 28346281 AoPH Quest 9 Terrible surgeries, medically questionable walking, and detective work ensue. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-18 28 28350530 Girls und Panzer Quest 75 In which the interviews continue. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-11-18 8 28353712 AoPH Quest 9 (Part 2) Cerulean and Bruise's search for Goldenrod leads them to Saffron Gym. Entering alone, Cerulean meets Sabrina. The psychic still bears a grudge over Cerulean's previous battle with one of her students and coerces Cerulean into battling Alexis again before permitting her to meet with Goldenrod. Accepting her conditions, Cerulean faces off against a changed Alexis... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-18 30 28356109 Magical Girl Noir Quest 151 A sneaky magical biker with awesome powers finds her girl worse off than she initially feared and the situation quickly starts going south. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Malal , Kharn , Souji 2013-11-18 29 28363383 Monster Girls Quest 91 part deux Where we finish the fight and meet an old acquaintance Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-11-19 5 28385124 AoPH Quest 10 Safely meeting with Goldenrod, Cerulean is relieved of all her worries... She spends the remainder of the week recuperating from her operation. Just the day before Rocket training begins, Cerulean decides to pay one of her eerier acquaintances a visit. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-20 28 28405208 Evil Precure Quest 28 Where we talk to our double, which would be a copy of a clone. And find out taht shit might or might not be starting to go down. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-11-21 12 28420531 Scorpion Girl Quest A monster is born. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , blood , grammar 2013-11-22 31 28430432 Magical Girl Noir Quest 152 A killer magical biker disposes of a few thugs and needs to decide how to get the hell out of Varrigan City. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Malal , Kharn , Souji , Vomit-tan 2013-11-22 26 28430909 Selyn world information and unrelated Waifu Drunkfag tells us about Fridays and a magical world Selyn, may or may not be Terry Pratchett World-building 2013-11-22 7 28436126 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #13 We get a new feature in the shop, have some auditions, then cry our eyes out. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-23 15 28442628 Girls und Panzer Quest 76 In which we are now the subject of the interview. We talk about our tank and his history. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-11-23 8 28451789 Scorpion Girl Quest 2 Training begins. Raw meat is sampled. Mr. Clicks appears. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster , monster girl , alcoholism 2013-11-24 24 28454186 Clade Quest 3 Felicia meets the boss, takes a job, and heads north for some disastrous diplomacy. Collective Game , Clade Quest , Abhuman , Catgirls , Politics 2013-11-24 6 28454124 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #14 We learn some things about Heinlein Academy, practice some Tankery, refuse a bet, tickle our Kitten, and get banned from 4chan. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-24 14 28458817 AoPH Quest 11 Rocket Training begins in earnest and Cerulean dives into it with gusto. She establishes relationships with fellow Rocket recruits while strengthening her bonds with her friends from before. A year passes by... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-24 29 28460464 Girls und Panzer Quest 77 The interview continues to its conclusion, and we avoid releasing our spaghetti. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-11-24 11 28467491 Magical Girl Noir Quest 153 A plotting and wanted magical biker receives a call while making her escape. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Malal 2013-11-24 26 28472360 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #15 We break up a fight, start on our history project, hold a strategy meeting, and keep on the sunny side. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-25 16 28475154 Scorpion Girl Quest 3 Hunzuu's first battle. The mystery of where a giant maggot came from. Mr. Clicks is a naughty scorpion. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster , monster girl , combat , loot 2013-11-25 24 28487620 Magical Girl Noir Quest 154 A Flowery pink magical biker delivers burning death upon her monstrous assailant and ends her business in Varrigan City. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Malal , Homura 2013-11-25 28 28497517 Magia Recreant - Episode 01 A pink haired girl finds her world about to come apart at the seams. Magia Recreant Quest , Magical Girl Noir Quest , Crossover , Collective Game , /a/nonymous magica , 2013-11-26 6 28516047 AoPH Quest 12 Cerulean makes amends with a psychic. And then she celebrates her birthday. Did someone say "Beach Episode?" Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-27 31 28522042 AoPH Quest 12 (Part 2) A hardcore beach volleyball war begins between Cerulean and Devon's teams! And the conclusion of this fated battle is...? Afterward, Giovanni arrives to the party in all his glory. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-27 29 28535389 Evil Precure Quest 29 Where we kick Matilda the illusion bitch's ass so hard that Momoko goes temproraril crazy. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-11-28 11 28533185 Scorpion Girl Quest 4 Hunzuu makes her first public appearance. Ku-Aya shows her colors. The King is met. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster , monster girl , amnesia 2013-11-28 24 28576486 Magical Girl Noir Quest 155 A troubled magical girl contemplates what she just learned and remembers her date. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko 2013-11-30 28 December 2013 28581489 Clade Quest 4 Felicia has some drinks, negotiates a political deal, and beats up an angry dog girl. Same shit different day. Collective Game , Clade Quest , Abhuman , Catgirls , Politics 2013-12-01 7 28579466 Scorpion Girl Quest 5 The Footmen are assholes. Centaurs are assholes. Giant mole-taurs are assholes. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , alcoholism , scorpion , scorpgirl 2013-12-01 27 28581413 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #16 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Robert A. Heinlein Military Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-01 25 28588845 Girls und Panzer Quest 78: GAIJIN SMASH Edition In which we go to the festival and eat funnel cake. Also we run into Erika and meet Maho. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-12-01 8 28595050 Magical Girl Noir Quest 156 A nervous magical girl uses paranoia to distract herself and finally makes it to her date. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag 2013-12-01 29 28600231 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #17 We get a girl into her club of choice, and that's it, because we got banned again. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-02 16 28609421 Girls und Panzer Quest 79 In which we inform Miho that we spoke to her sister, and try to snap her out of the resulting catatonia. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-12-02 7 28617703 Times your group has had to end for the night Times a campaign has had to restart, be rewritten, or put on hold because of silly bullshit players pull. Also a small bit of advice on worldbuilding. DM , GM , DMing , GMing , worldbuilding , story , stories , storytime , PC , GMPC , DMPC , bard , paladin , seduction , cancer , Elder evil , EE , BBEG 2013-12-02 5 28619384 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #18 We wash some tanks, do some BUSINESS, and meet an old friend. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-03 11 28621517 Monster Girls Quest 92 Where we enjoy making our bodyguard suffer while planning a sidetrip to the Demon Lord bedside. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-12-03 6 28642439 AoPH Quest 13 Finishing morning practice, Cerulean is summoned by Giovanni to his office. He has a job he wishes for her to take from a woman that works in Silph Co. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-04 31 28649635 AoPH Quest 13 (Part 2) After selecting her team mates for the job, Cerulean leaves to meet with a friendly face from the distant frozen wastes. The man, named Gustav, bears a message from Cerulean's mother. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-04 28 28657292 Selyn Facts, Vol. 2 Semi-sober Drunkfags gives further insights about Fridays and the magical city of Selyn. Now with narrated entries. World building , humor , 2013-12-05 3 28660098 Scorpion Girl Quest 6 Relics are discovered. Hunzuu is very careful with a clay ball. A fancy man is very fancy. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , training , scorpion , scorpgirl 2013-12-05 27 28676963 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #19 We advertise, goof off, do some tanks, and buy some swimsuits. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-06 14 28692270 Magical Girl Noir Quest 157 A socially awkward magical girl wants to know more about her green haired date but the plan is uncovered! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , not really MAXIMUM SPAGHETTI , Chiaki , Midori 2013-12-06 38 28697005 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #20 We have a POOL PARTY! And that's it, filler episode. We also purchase a tank. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-07 11 28704358 Girls und Panzer Quest 80 In which the therapy session continues, archived a bit early to avoid false archiving GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-12-07 8 28700112 A.I. Quest 18 The Wild Speaks Ophion learns of Red's impending demise, and goes to rescue him. When he arrives, however, he finds the entire world is against him. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , Wild , World , Eshareth , Violent , Plants , Mutant , Fauna 2013-12-07 15 28714238 Scorpion Girl Quest 7 Hunzuu negotiates an alliance with the Slingers. A joint night patrol threatens to end in violence before the festival. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , training , scorpion , scorpgirl 2013-12-07 26 28716743 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #21 We get mentioned in the news, make a deal with a Hall Monitor, practice more tanks, then end a thread early. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-08 12 28715801 Clade Quest 5 Felicia wants to entrap a Senator, the dice decide she wants to be mauled by a dog. Collective Game , Clade Quest , Abhuman , Catgirls , Politics , /tg/ Dice 2013-12-08 5 28726086 Girls und Panzer Quest 81 In which we talk to Maho. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-12-08 11 28734812 Magical Girl Noir Quest 158 A trembling magical girl experiences something so soft and warm it should be illegal and receives a call. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Rabu Rabu 2013-12-08 33 28739779 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #22 Part 1 We play matchmaker, get some dresses, and our ensuing shitstorms cause a new thread to be created. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-09 14 28744513 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #22 Part 2 We start a new thread, Nancy visits us, and then laze around for a while. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-09 13 28745872 Evil Precure Quest 30 Masako meets a street shark and then promptly hits him with a street light Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-12-09 11 28757355 Magical Girl Noir Quest 159 An oblivious magical girl takes her green haired lady inside to give it to her. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori 2013-12-09 37 28803562 Scorpion Girl Quest 8 A wicker man marries a wicker lady. A new monster shows itself. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl , lammasu 2013-12-12 23 28806013 Evil Precure Quest 31 The immortal question. What would Kevin Bacon from Tremors do? Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-12-12 11 28808653 Girls und Panzer Quest 82 In which we eat cake with Kay. Archived early GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-12-12 10 28839332 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #23 Homecoming! New people to meet and dances to be had! Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-14 11 28845506 AoPH Quest 14 Cerulean meets a belligerent man on the tram and upsets Sanna with her upset stomach. When she goes to visit Lilac, she's met with the rather unfortunate news that she has a phantom possessing her. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-14 28 28854341 Magical Girl Noir Quest 160 An achy magical girl recovers from an unusually long rest and goes looking for her missing bed warmer. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori 2013-12-14 37 28857017 Scorpion Girl Quest 9 War draws near. The priests make a new monster. Hunzuu goes shopping. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl , wemic 2013-12-15 25 28859703 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #24 Books are had, an Ace is recruited, we learn about the enemy, and we play World of Tanks. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-15 12 28876489 Magical Girl Noir Quest 161 An extremely focused magical girl is really particularly about the syrup and butter on her pancakes while discussing one of her least favorite felines. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko , Kumatora 2013-12-15 31 28881199 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #25 We return to our studies, direct a play, get our hair cut, then almost burn our dorm down. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-16 11 28886630 Evil Precure Quest 32 The fight against the street shark ends and we are so very, very rudely interrupted by someone we hate. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-12-16 12 28883834 Monster Girls Quest 93 Where we take our time to properly heal up a Demon Lord Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-12-16 5 28889512 Girls und Panzer Quest 83 The match with Saunders begins! GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-12-16 11 28886751 AoPH Quest 15 Lilac eats a ghost for her friend. Afterward, Cerulean goes to meet the man from the tram to question him about his accounting troubles... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-16 30 28897088 Magical Girl Noir Quest 162 A calm magical girl tells green everything she knows about the Prophet and attends a memorial for a girl she barely knew. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko , Kumatora 2013-12-16 35 28903956 Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #1 In which we make some new friends, become captain of tankery, find and lose a dog, and acquire two new tanks Collective Game , Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Quest , Tanks , Canada 2013-12-17 11 28908928 Breaker Quest 2 Young man, now a young woman, tries to find out why he transformed. Genderswap , Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl 2013-12-17 15 28914063 Over(Human)Limit Quest 1 Asher Smith's world suffers from a "reality check." With the loss of an eye, he awakens with power over the force of the sea. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Colective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2013-12-17 22 28893399 Sonar Dwarfs Dwarf physiology is reexamined and reinvented under the assumption that darkvision is actually a form of echolocation. dwarf , dorf , worldbuilding , biology , echologcation 2013-12-17 8 28926917 Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #2 In which we find a tank or two, recruit a crew or two and hire an Ace instructor. Girls und Panzer , GuP , Tanks , Canada , Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke 2013-12-18 6 28931230 Breaker Quest 3 A young man becomes a Magical Girl to attempt to reverse his transformation into a woman. Genderswap , Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl 2013-12-18 14 28948596 Scorpion Girl Quest 10 The king isn't the king. Hunzuu gets help with her blood magic homework. An old friend is suddenly colorless. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2013-12-19 25 28953379 Girls und Panzer Quest 84 In which the battle continues. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-12-19 11 28968696 Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #3 In which we meet our Mountie team, Find a Tank and find our lost luggage. Girls und Panzer , GuP , Tanks , Canada , Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke , Collective Game 2013-12-20 6 28971452 AoPH Quest 16 The team is assembled and the investigation is underway! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-20 28 28965839 Russian Setting and Lore discussion OP starts a thread asking /tg/ about Russian mythology and lore. Interesting discussion ensues between classic Russian folklore and the Soviet Era revisionist stuff. The Archivist , setting , worldbuilding , world building , homebrew , Russia , folklore , folk lore , campaign setting 2013-12-20 21 28985454 Breaker Quest 4 A young man fights some demons, and grows stronger. Genderswap , Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl 2013-12-21 11 28985424 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #26 We go to school, and practice some tanks, and Wendy tells us off. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-21 11 28991832 Over(Human)Limit Quest 1.5 Asher meets his savior and finds a drowned out whole foods, the city is in absolute ruins. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Colective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2013-12-21 14 29003516 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #27 We immediately sell a tank, lay a foundation, learn some stuff about our Aces, and go shooting. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-22 11 29009260 Breaker Quest 5 A young man plays Truth or Dare. Genderswap , Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl 2013-12-22 13 29009614 Over(Human)Limit Quest 2 Asher and Reina find their way through a ruinous San Diego, to be greeted by the strange "enlightened ones." He's told to follow the light. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Colective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2013-12-22 16 29022453 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #28 We get in a 4v4 Flag match, get an A+ on a History paper, and read a COOKBOOK. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-23 11 29030378 Girls und Panzer Quest 85 In which the hunt for the Firefly begins in earnest. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-12-23 13 28943773 World of Lenore 14 in which many things happen and we gain a few new writers. Gearing up for a counter attack on Fedoran lands and kickstarting industry in our towns, mars gun pattern highly debated collective game , lenore , lenore quest , writefag , alien world , stranded , irc 2013-12-24 6 29045212 Monster Girls Quest 94 We are finally allowed to relax and have a sweet, tender moment with our bodyguard. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-12-24 7 29028697 Breaker Quest 6 Rebellion and Loyalty Genderswap , Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl 2013-12-24 14 29047290 AoPH Quest 17 Laws are broken. Nightmares are had. Night arrives and comrades are lost. The hunt is on! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-24 27 29056693 Magical Girl Noir Quest: Recap, the Second A one eyed, red haired magical girl hosts a Q&A session with various cast members while she recounts what has happened since the last recap. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Kyoko 2013-12-24 27 29093889 Scorpion Girl Quest 12 The siege of Turtak begins. Hunzuu has the worst birthday ever. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2013-12-27 24 29099586 Breaker Quest 7 A young man learns many things. Genderswap , Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl 2013-12-27 14 29101449 Girls und Panzer Quest 86 In which we swat a fly and mop up GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-12-27 9 29112195 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #29 We go to the Dentist, unlock a Loyalty Subquest, then travel to Dorset. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-28 11 29116812 Breaker Quest 8 A young man spends time with his girlfriend. Genderswap , Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl 2013-12-28 16 29127188 Magical Girl Noir Quest 163 An increasingly agitated magical girl deals with trust issues and gets trolled by a cat in a cold room. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , NECO 2013-12-28 24 29131533 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #30 “Have you heard this saying? This is a Jackdaw, my children, and I saw him attempt to sweep upon a great ram as an Eagle does. Remember that, because he would claim to be an Eagle.” Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-29 14 29138254 Girls und Panzer Quest 87 In which we hunt the rest of Saunders' tanks. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-12-29 8 29146467 Magical Girl Noir Quest 164 A sharp magical girl unlocks all the diary entries! But wait, there's more! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , NECO 2013-12-29 27 29148592 Scorpion Girl Quest 13 Hunzuu goes deep into enemy territory. Sewer monsters are too spooky. Centaurs are tossed. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2013-12-30 23 29158243 Genderbent Everloli Magical Monstergirl Exhibitionist Quest How did it come to this, /tg/? Fetish , Monstergirls , Loli , Voyeur , Genderbending , Why is this even a thing , It makes me sick; how far we done fell 2013-12-30 16 29151228 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #31 We go to the Rally, meet William Adams and Walter Christie, cameo some characters, and finally learn how to cook. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-30 13 29159729 Girls und Panzer Quest 88 The battle with Saunders continues, archived early. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2013-12-30 11 29158136 Over(Human)Limit Quest 3 Friend holds a brief Q&A session for Asher and two others. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Colective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2013-12-30 12 29156793 Evil Precure Quest 33 Where we sort of make up with shorty, Red. But most importantly: Misa is pissed off at us. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2013-12-30 10 29154670 Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #4 In which we fulfill the minimum requirements for Tankery by recruiting a couple more crews. Girls und Panzer, GuP, Tanks , Canada, Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke 2013-12-30 5 29172627 Genderbent Everjailbait Magical Monstergirl Exhibitionist With Big Hips Transformation Quest This should be more accurate Fetish , Monstergirls , Loli , Exhibition , Yuri , Genderbending , Harem , Why is this even a thing , It makes me sick; how far we done fell 2013-12-30 39 29174838 Monster Girls Quest 95 Some strategizing with the Demon Lord followed by a long awaiting meeting with a certain fluffy tails. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2013-12-31 8 29178235 AoPH Quest 18 Cerulean and Devon come upon a village hidden outside of the Dome. Within, they find the missing repel tech materials, a woman, and... a man with a crooked nose. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-31 27 29190493 Magical Girl Noir Quest 165 An angry magical girl finalizes the deal and has to decide which weapon to use for Eversor training. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2013-12-31 27 January 2014 29219135 Evil Precure Quest 34 Where we confront a very angry Misa. Archived Early Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-01-02 11 29220058 Breaker Quest 11 A young man wakes up after a night with his girlfriend to face another day Genderswap , Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl 2014-01-02 10 29216340 Scorpion Girl Quest 14 Hunzuu attacks the front gates. Negotiations begin. Hunzuu learns an important name. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-01-02 22 29216707 Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #5 In which we have a picnic, recruit a crew, and watch some unsettling news. Girls und Panzer , GuP , Tanks , Canada , Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke , Collective Game 2014-01-02 6 29230052 Magical Girl Noir Quest 166 A (totally not)noodly magical girl provides some entertainment for Blueberry and finds out just how badly in shape she is. "Let me axe you a question." Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-01-02 36 29256694 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #32 We do some get some BUSINESS done, both tanks and otherwise. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-04 11 29262577 Monster Girls Quest 96 Where politics and recents events are discussed... until war come calling. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-01-04 5 29265834 Girls und Panzer Quest 89 In which Mako receives a phone call GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-01-04 8 29268869 AoPH Quest 19 The situation gets heated as Devon takes the rein. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-04 28 29278390 Scorpion Girl Quest 15 Hunzuu returns home after meeting a human centipede. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-01-04 20 29281102 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #33 We get rained out, practice tanks anyway, and help the injured, physically and emotionally. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-05 11 29201755 World of Lenore 16 Fedorans shoot babies off towers and strike back against the 6th Column, while Ms Fortune deals with the Whizzard in Kitycity. New Babel Founded and more fluff on the world of Lenore. Thread 15 included in archivefoolz link. Collective Game , lenore , lenore quest , writefag , alien world , stranded , irc 2014-01-06 7 29295269 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #34 We get the band back together. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-06 14 29306276 Girls und Panzer Quest 90 In which we wake take a trip. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-01-06 9 29317541 Magical Girl Noir Quest 167 A violent magical girl agrees to 'a little fun', things escalate rapidly. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-01-06 38 29327409 Monster Girls Quest 97 Where a hero is summoned and we head to war, this time without double crossing. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-01-07 6 29328631 Girls Und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #6 In which we find some tanks while digging around the ships bowels, and recruit a new crew. Girls und Panzer , GuP , Tanks , Canada , Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke , Collective Game 2014-01-07 6 29354452 AoPH Quest 20 Devon and Cerulean return to the dome. Cerulean wakes from a dream. The aftermath of the night's events is...? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-08 26 29372744 Monsterloli Vore Quest Little girls eats people. Nuff said. Monstergirls , lolis , vore , arabs 2014-01-09 4 29378280 Evil Precure Quest 35 Where we find out that us apologizing is apparently an even bigger deal than we thought. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-01-09 10 29369446 Tropical Island Setting Worldbuilding A question of orcs and clams grows into worldbuilding an island setting with a slant on realistic reasons for cultural/physical adaptations. worldbuilding , island , tropical , crocs , orcs , elves , dwarves , halflings , humans , 2014-01-10 18 29401341 Girls und Panzer Quest 91 In which we meet Mako's grandmother. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-01-10 8 29402841 Washed up Villain quest: Redo The beginning of former arch villain Wilhelm Valentine's quest to get back on the top after he was insulted one to many times, and deals with demons and assholish super heroes Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , Washed up Villain quest:Redo , Demons , Superheroes 2014-01-10 3 29322950 World of Lenore 17 Manx and Ms.Fortune finally meet, Lewis Carrol gets some love, the Expat returns, Population figures are discussed and New Babel in /int/ gets new fluff. Collective Game , lenore , lenore quest , writefag , alien world , stranded , irc 2014-01-10 6 29413628 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #35 We run the Pacer into the ground, practice with our tanks, and prepare for tomorrow. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-11 11 29431539 Magical Girl Noir Quest 168 An out cold magical girl watches a part of her world burn and wakes up to pain, cigarettes and Blueberry. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-01-11 30 29437241 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #36 We rally up some pep and watch the Saunders vs. Walter Christie match. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-12 14 29445086 AoPH Quest 21 Ceru is back at the dome with her friends and Giovanni has sent a team to take care of the Hypno village. All loose ends in this case have been tied u- where's Chuck? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-12 27 29469103 Magical Girl Hunter Quest You are Alice, a retired Magical Girl who now makes a living hunting her former comrades. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-01-13 26 29463417 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #37 We meet the Girl Scouts of America and then have dinner with William Adams and Walter Christie. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-13 11 29471210 Evil Precure Quest 36 Where we panic unnecessarily, feel intimidated by an older woman and relax. Almost a normal day in the life of Masako. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-01-13 13 29468387 Monster Girls Quest 98 Glorious battle! But our enemies certainly aren't showing mercy, either. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-01-13 6 29474320 Girls und Panzer Quest 92: RichardQuest edition In which we're the incredibly charismatic and awesome driver for Team Grizzly. And we're spying on our commander's date. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-01-13 11 29484858 Magical Girl Noir Quest 169 A battered but healing magical girl finds a bit of common ground between her and Blueberry. She also learns something more sinister? Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-01-13 30 29499629 Girls und Panzer Quest 93: RichardQuest Edition Pt 2 In which we continue to support our commander in his romantic endeavors. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-01-14 9 29435172 World of Lenore 18 In which Matthew and ButterRoot Mayor have some words, Commander Manx and Ms. Fortune set plans for the fate of Kitty City, A convoy sets out from Honeypot and Various new creatures are fleshed out. Oh and the 8th wave is starting to appear. collective game , lenore , lenore quest , writefag , alien world , stranded , irc 2014-01-15 7 29536902 Scorpion Girl Quest 17 Hunzuu deals with kings and ghosts. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-01-16 21 29536750 Washed up Villain quest Redo 3 In which Willheim Vallentine finds a new hat, finally gets over his hangover, and gets some new threads (with the side effect of a massive debt) Mustache Twirler , Collective game , Washed up villain quest , Prinny , Debt , Nothing much happens, 2014-01-16 0 29539678 AoPH Quest 22 Ceru and company find Chuck. After a rather sober discussion with Rocket Leader, Ceru leads her team to the Vermillion power plant... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-16 30 29576190 Magical Girl Noir Quest 170 "Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse." Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-01-17 28 29583211 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #38 We visit a spa and Walter Christie. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-18 11 29606083 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #39 We get banned, Angelic takes over along with MachineSpirit, and along the way we find some planes. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-19 13 29607124 Monster Girls Quest 99 Character shift, battle, double cross, wounded fluffy tail and a incoming boss fight. Quite the eventful day indeed. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-01-19 5 29622461 Over(Human)Limit Quest 4 Asher is sent back out into the city after a little chat with Friend. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-01-19 10 29613544 Over(Human)Limit Quest 5 Asher kills a banshee and meets his old group then heads back to base. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-01-19 10 29625354 Magical Girl Noir Quest 171 An informed magical girl tells her three new acquaintances about the current world. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2014-01-19 26 29635980 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 2 Alice gets to meet the rest of her fellow Hunters. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-01-20 16 29538459 World of Lenore 19 The 8th wave begins! The Confed Counsel debates gun control and the new thread rising from Fedoran Lands. A cease fire is brokered with /y/ and /b/. Lucky takes over running Camp Abaddon and the Confed counsel starts the Department of Wave Affairs. The EMC spreads it's network and mounts a rescue operation to /sci/ lands. The rise of Bloke's 8th waver city starts as does the appearance of a strange Bearded with a unlikely ally. collective game , lenore , lenore quest , writefag , alien world , stranded , irc 2014-01-20 8 29630313 Scorpion Girl Quest 18 Hunzuu and Ninlil have a monsters' day out. The king comes to feast and gets more than he bargained for. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-01-20 20 29636785 Evil PreCure Quest 37 In which we finally take off that damn nekomimi maid outfit. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-01-20 10 29640267 Girls und Panzer Quest 94 In which the date continues and we try not to lose our cool GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-01-20 9 29650485 Magical Girl Noir Quest 172 A watch wearing dild- magical girl spends her time running her officio like a true warmaster. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2014-01-20 26 29662823 Monster Girls Quest 99 part B And so we fight, and thankfully we come back but the thrill of victory isn't quite there... A man live up to his legend. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-01-21 5 29712333 Evil Precure Quest 38 We win a race and then take a stroll into (justified) paranoia town. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-01-23 10 29712241 AoPH Quest 23 With the help of Surge, the Vermillion power plant is secured and cleared of brainwashed personnel. The immediate threat now averted, Ceru and her team close in on the hybrid... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-23 29 29724134 Magical Girl Noir Quest 173 A decisive magical girl voices her opinion about her best friend leaving to join the Posh Templars. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko 2014-01-23 26 29728264 Gnoll Society Worldbuilding Discussion on what gnoll society should be like, taking inspiration from the hyena and writing some interesting mythology. worldbuilding , gnoll , gnoll society , hyena , D&D , races , pseudopenis 2014-01-24 5 29737477 Over(Human)Limit Quest 6 Asher take a breather and learns more about magic, along with creating his first contract! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-01-24 10 29753112 Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest #41 We wake up, shave our Kitty and go find planes. Then we get a surprise call. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-25 11 29762417 Girls und Panzer Quest 95 The date continues and Miho is drunk. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-01-25 11 29775921 Civilization Quest: Goblins Gorlnash Tribe seeks to take over the world! Collective Game , Civilization Quest , Gorlnash Tribe , Goblins 2014-01-25 1 29777329 Scorpion Girl Quest 19 Hunzuu goes for a little rise and has some real talk with the real king. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-01-26 20 29777154 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #42 We deliver, we practice, and we drink and slumber. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-26 11 29779892 Monster Girls Quest 100 Artefact collecting ending in a very pissed off Demon Lord and a maturing little girl. A good day indeed. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-01-26 5 29788095 Magical Girl Rising Quest: Resuffering In which we are introduced to Sparkling Snake, magical girl and PMC soldier. Collective Game , Magical Girl Rising Quest , Metal Gear , Magical Girl , RULES OF NATURE 2014-01-26 5 29796676 Magical Girl Noir Quest 174 An eager Magical Girl reads the mission dossier and gets her Shield working again. Somewhat. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-01-26 26 29809317 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 3 Alice is "encouraged" to go on a mandatory vacation. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-01-27 13 29802805 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #43 We plan for tomorrow. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-27 11 29811326 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #-- Holy shit what the hell is going on this is a crazyass dream Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , Don't , Lose , Your , Way 2014-01-27 20 29816252 TSAB Quest Chapter III In which we make preparations and feel the burning fervour of true Japanese Fighting Spirit. Preliminary spell and load-out discussion. TSAB_quest EnforcerStandby , yamato damashi , samurai , male protagonist , Magical guy , magical girl 2014-01-27 2 29823598 Magical Girl Noir Quest 175 An elucidated magical girl shoves her best friend out the back of an airplane. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-01-27 31 29815741 Magical Girl Rising Quest 2 Sparkling Snake gets debriefed and reflects on her history. Collective Game , Magical Girl Rising Quest , Metal Gear , Magical Girl , Madoka Magica , Sparkling Snake 2014-01-27 1 29837241 Evil Precure Quest 39 we take the reigns of Aomi and have to sniff out Matilda. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Preure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-01-28 12 29836414 AoPH Quest 24 With the hybrid detained, the team finally begins to settle down. As the night sky darkens, Cerulean's thoughts are of her friends and companions... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-28 28 29775059 World of Lenore 20 New settlements are founded, /b/ and /y/ negotiate peace with the Confederacy of /tg/, and the Decaying Empire attacks Monstergirlopolis. lenore_quest , lenore , Collective_Game , writefag , alien_world , irc , 2014-01-28 5 29859618 Over(Human)Limit Quest 8 The fight in the Assembly Hall rages on against the Government agents... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-01-29 10 29861276 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 4 Alice tries to enjoy her vacation. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-01-29 12 29886672 Shitty China Waifu Quest CNY Special I AM A CHINESE HAMSTER AND THIS IS HOW I CELEBRATE CHINESE NEW YEAR. Also, you're not flying a plane for once! Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2014-01-30 0 29892230 TSAB Quest Part IV In which we talk to Toshiiro, get a bunk, and 4Chan starts hating on Enforcer's tablet. Collective Game , TSAB Quest , Nanoha , Magical Guy , EnforcerStandby magical girl 2014-01-30 5 29918976 Magical Girl Noir Quest 176 A frantic and angry magical blueberry watches her girlfriend and warmaster get taken, goes sneaking and breaks stuff. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-01-31 30 February 2014 29928727 A.I. Quest 24 Deep Roots Ophion investigates the strange fungus found at Aquil, among the pirate ships. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , Wild , World , Eshareth , Violent , Plants , Mutant , Fauna 2014-02-01 14 29925267 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #44 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. William Adams Naval Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-01 23 29934367 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #44 Part Two The immediate aftermath of the Lafayette Girls Academy versus William Adams match. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-01 11 29937103 TSAB Quest chapter V In which QM slowly gets drunk, we talk to Lisa, and nearly deepen, to start Collective Game , TSAB Quest , Nanoha , EnforcerSetup , Magical Guy , magical girl 2014-02-01 2 29948698 Scorpion Girl Quest 20 Hunzuu learns more blood magic and wonders what it means to be a good parent. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-02-02 20 29944240 Nanoha FORCE Quest 3 Tohma has no fear, calls devils cute and asks them on dates. Lily also starts her journey to save her man. Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Cute Devil , White Devil , Lily Interlude,, 2014-02-02 6 29948152 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #45 We enjoy the last day of Shore Leave. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-02 11 29955845 Evil Precure Quest 40 Where Aomi attempts to interrogate an uncooperative illusionist. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-02-02 7 29957616 Girls und Panzer Quest 96: RichardQuest Redux We're Richard, and we're spying on our Commander's date once again GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-02-02 9 29972120 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #46 We wear a scarf because it's cold, then work on some council business. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-03 21 29980679 Over(Human)Limit Quest 9 In the aftermath of Susej's death. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-02-03 8 29975903 Monster Girls Quest 102 A night dedicated to a fluffy queen. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-02-03 6 29982774 Girls und Panzer Quest 97 In which we resume our date, go to the movies, and see Frozen. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-02-03 11 29989367 Magical Girl Noir Quest 177 A faithful magical blueberry dodges a dirty situation and finds out where her objective is, among other things... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-02-03 31 30002131 AoPH Quest 25 Lilac is offered the chance to make her dream come true, but Ceru is worried of the risks that come with this opportunity. However, as long as she sees the ghost of a chance of success, Lilac presses on... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-04 28 30026181 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 5 Alice's battle against the Magical Girl assault squad continues. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-02-05 12 30020112 TSAB Quest chapter VI v2 In which we eat dinner, decide squad names and members, assign a squad leader, and talk to some higher ranked officers. Collective Game , TSAB Quest , Nanoha , EnforcerSetup , Magical Guy , magical girl 2014-02-05 5 30020024 Monster Girls Quest 103 We get some last minutes revelations and take the advice of the Demon Lord to be merry when we can, time to enjoy a well-deserved break.
Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-02-05 9 30045275 Scorpion Girl Quest 21 Hunzuu fends off a heartless giant and its talking heart. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-02-06 20 30048265 Evil Precure Quest 40 In which Blue isn't just a spectator anymore. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl , Masako 2014-02-06 7 30051732 Girls und Panzer Quest 98 In which the movie continues and we go to the bathroom. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-02-06 11 30061998 D&D Discussions: Economic systems Also known as: A treatise on the problem with gold vs what player characters go around to buy. The Archivist , homebrew , economics , money , gold , setting , world , worldbuilding , world building , 2014-02-06 3 30068197 AoPH Quest 26 A nightmare causes Ceru to almost harm a friend and her visits to close companions are tinged with melancholy. On the bright side, Ceru receives a free makeover and a few compliments on her looks. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-07 28 30070717 Girls und Panzer Quest 99 The movie ends and Mako discovers expresso. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-02-07 7 30081522 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #47 We find Waldo, switch around a team, and practice. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-08 10 30102310 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #48 We get a surprise visitor. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-09 11 30130526 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 6 Alice finds out she's sort of a mother now, thanks to SCIENCE! Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-02-10 16 30124774 Scorpion Girl Quest 22 Hunzuu learns why we can't have nice things. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-02-10 20 30124804 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #49 We watch the Kursk Girls versus Black Forest Peak match, our instructor leaves, and dress rehearsal occurs. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-10 11 30128185 Monster Girls Quest 104 A smaller update with exchange of information and planning a very important trip Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-02-10 5 30132596 Evil Precure Quest 42 Where we finish our briefing, get letured by a miniature bear and follow Masako's clone on her first outside experience in her own body. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-02-10 5 30135062 Girls und Panzer Quest 100: One-Hundredth Thread Spectacular! In which we are Miho Nishizumi and we have a killer headache. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-02-10 9 30132013 Over(Human)Limit Quest 10 Asher and co take a pounding while heading out of the city, Anons argue about Oaths Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-02-10 10 30155388 TSAB Quest chapter VII In which we get woken up by alarms, volunteer for scouting duty, and the QM hates twelve hour shifts. Collective Game , TSAB Quest , Nanoha , EnforcerSetup , Magical Guy , magical girl 2014-02-11 1 30166681 TSAB Quest chapter VIII In which we enter the mission, knock out some bad guys, tactically insert a building, and find out that medium comes with twins. Collective Game , TSAB Quest , Nanoha , EnforcerSetup , Magical Guy , magical girl 2014-02-12 2 30193928 Magical Girl Liberty ... and the escape from Gibraltar! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-02-13 15 30215954 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #50 We attend the play, Red Dawn: The Musical Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-14 11 30227450 TSAB Quest chapter IX In which we almost die, get saved, and get a little insulted. Collective Game , TSAB Quest , Nanoha , EnforcerSetup , Magical Guy , magical girl 2014-02-14 0 30231869 Selyn Thread No. CALLTHEPOLICESEEIFIFUCKINGCARE Some more tales from Selyn. And more Mustard Seed.
"It's Ankh-Morpork, except that its Pratchett is suffering from alcoholism rather than Alzheimers." -Anon World-Building , Humor , drunk 2014-02-14 0 30237559 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #51 We're welcomed to the jam, meet the Anime Club, and get a bit sick. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-15 11 30239957 Monster Girls Quest 105 A little side trip inside a newly freed city result in a surprising meeting. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-02-15 5 30247230 Lemure Quest part #1 You wake up as a lemure in the pits of limbo. Wat do ? lemure devil girl 2014-02-15 14 30258049 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #52 We get some Questing done, and get even more sick. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-16 10 30273938 Magical Girl Noir Quest 178 A maimed magical girl has a short conversation with her interrogator and resolves to beat her to death with her own arms, Professionally. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-02-16 31 30288727 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 7 Alice get dropped off on a tropical island of ADVENTURE. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-02-17 14 30280651 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #53 We are Carol "Kitten" Smith. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-17 12 30287430 Evil Precure Quest 43 Where Masako finally gets her ass kicked. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-02-17 6 30289279 Girls und Panzer Quest 101 In which we plan a party and talk to Mako GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-02-17 5 30330605 Magical Girl Liberty Quest ... and the Island of Doom! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-02-19 11 30342292 Youma Quest 1 In what might be a one-shot, we battle Youma and magical girls in a heist gone wrong. Youma Quest , Magical Girls , Youma 2014-02-19 11 30347627 The 90s Anon who grew up in the 90s asks /tg/ to help him design a setting set in the 90s. What follows is a discussion on 90s pop culture, music, movies, entertainment, and everything else. Warning, Nostalgia. The Archivist , homebrew , setting , worldbuilding , modern , 1990 , 90s , nineties , world building , nostalgia 2014-02-19 22 30352615 Magical Girl Liberty Quest #2 ... and the New York Raid! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-02-20 10 30354900 Scorpion Girl Quest 23 Hunzuu battles the giant blight demon and meets the goddess Ishtar. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-02-20 16 30357276 Evil Precure Quest 43 In which Masako wakes up injured. Again. This is becoming a habit. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-02-20 12 30378453 AoPH Quest 27 Ceru takes on responsibility for a friend while unloading some of her own burdens on another. Then, a call from Alexis summons Ceru to Saffron for a meeting with the special "guest" being kept there... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-21 25 30380196 Girls und Panzer Quest 102 In which we're Nishizumi Miho, and we're trying to help Russells unsee what he saw. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-02-21 6 30388422 Magical Girl Noir Quest 179 A nearly untied magical girl tries (and fails) to dissuade an idiot from making terrible life choices and springs in to action. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-02-21 24 30392562 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #54 Our new instructor arrives, we get practice done, and we kick each other in the feet. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-22 10 30394501 Monster Girls Quest 106 A strategic meeting end on a crucial decision about to change the entire war. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-02-22 6 30398867 Over(Human)Limit Quest 11 Asher dreams of power. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-02-22 11 30413563 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #55 We witness the aftermath of a successful panty raid, then travel aboard the Venture. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-23 10 30422152 Badass Overlord Quest A oneshot about Overlord Embra's quest to become the most badass evil overlord. Collective Game , Drawquest , Overlord , Oneshot 2014-02-23 21 30420960 Nanoha FORCE Quest 8 In which Tohma meets a pair of kings once again, fixes a hate machine's life, and makes a hard choice. Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Cute Devil , White Devil , Magical Guy , Dead End , Hard Choice , Huckebein , Best Girl , 2014-02-23 6 30430809 Magical Girl Noir Quest 180 A free magical girl shows her former captor the error of her ways and extends a helping hand to her Fiery comrade. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-02-23 27 30442674 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 8 Alice's vacation is briefly interrupted... again. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-02-24 12 30436017 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #56 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Saunders High School Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-24 21 30445799 Girls und Panzer Quest 103 In which we're Nishizumi Miho and we're looking for Mako. We also recruit the gest--Sodoclones. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-02-24 7 30442896 Over(Human)Limit Quest 12 Five hundred and twelve. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-02-24 11 30439121 Decolonilist settings Wherein a discussion is had about creating settings with no Western influence - in the Christian and Roman sense of the word. The Archivist , homebrew , setting , worldbuilding , history , alternative history , alternative , campaign setting , world building , mesoamerica , precolonial , africa , asia 2014-02-24 4 30447299 girl gamer looking for group Anon post a flyer he found at his FLGS. Other anons join in to share stories both amusing and horrifying. There is also some discussion about just HOW and WHY people could sperg out this hard. FLGS , LGS , horror , neckbeard , autist , girl gamer , gurl gaymer , nerd , geek , nerd girl , nerdlings , pop culture , culture , 2014-02-24 16 30462497 Monster Girls Quest 107 We end the strategic meeting and proceed with a chat with our big brother Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-02-25 5 30488020 AoPH Quest 28 An interview with the hybrid, Ni'Rena, reveals unintended information for Ceru. Loyalties are tested, secrets revealed, and a question is asked without words: Are you a Ranger or a Rocket? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-26 27 30504774 Magical Girl Liberty Quest #3 ... and the Fight aboard the Kleine Fraulein Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-02-27 10 30509427 Evil Precure Quest 44 In which Masako tries really hard, and finally gets some ice-cream. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-02-27 10 30509142 Over(Human)Limit Quest 13 The group hits civilization for some R&R on the way to Vegas. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker 2014-02-27 12 30519810 On Peasants Were they really dirty, uneducated, ignorant and as expendable as they are portrayed? Or is there something more to the Medieval and Fantasy peasant than what we know? Answers to this and more to be found here. The Archivist , peasants , peasant , peasantry , setting , world building , settings 2014-02-27 7 30522169 Wuxia 40K An amazing anon repaints 40K with Chinese paint. World-Building , 40K , Wuxia 2014-02-28 14 March 2014 30547299 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #57 We repair our tanks, learn to read the map, plan the match, then pray for tomorrow. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-01 10 30558420 TSAB Quest chapter X In which we discuss creepy twins, learn a little about cyborgs, and discover exactly how deep in it we are. Collective Game , TSAB Quest , Nanoha , EnforcerSetup , Magical Guy , magical girl 2014-03-01 3 30564306 Magical Girl Noir Quest 181 A confident magical blueberry teaches an angry robot the rules of nature and calls for reinforcements. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-03-01 24 30568762 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #58 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-02 22 30577727 Girls und Panzer Quest 104 In which we learn of some new tanks that may be lurking in the bowels of the ship. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-03-02 9 30589779 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #59 We return to LGA and celebrate Kitten's birthday. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-03 13 30598167 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 9 The vacation is finally over, and Alice gets back to work. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-03-03 14 30595945 Evil Precure Quest 46 Fixed archive tread number. Masako enjoys a good day and finds out she has a fan club. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-03-03 10 30599505 Girls und Panzer Quest 105 In which we get some more details about the missing tanks and introduce the Sodoclones to their tank. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-03-03 11 30606927 Magical Girl Noir Quest 182 A curious magical blueberry talks to a hallucination, sends Tiny Pete off with a gift and breathes a sigh of relief. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-03-03 23 30614670 Monster Girls Quest 108 An upset mantis emotionally explodes and we witness a fight, the new arrival proves himself a worthy combatant. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-03-04 5 30617347 AoPH Quest 29 Ceru fetches Lilac from the hospital and spends a day seeing what Celadon has to offer with her and Sanna. Happy memories are made, yet the day is marred by a coming storm on the horizon. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-04 29 30639180 Over(Human)Limit Quest 14 A morning at a Deny's is a poor one for a certain waitress. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-03-05 11 30658040 Scorpion Girl Quest 24 Hunzuu fights a giant wasp-girl. She also gets tossed. Straight-up tossed. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-03-06 15 30655688 Magical Girl Liberty Quest #4 ... and the Battle of Whitmore's Mansion! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-03-06 11 30661180 Evil Precure Quest 47 Where Matilda awakens something inside o her and is promptly defeated. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-03-06 12 30689095 Magical Girl Noir Quest 183 A somewhat relaxed magical pilot listens to Blueberry's complaints and asks for advice. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-03-07 25 30683899 Uredium Sector Homebrew 40k sector that's the 30 Years' War meets the Protestant Reformation in SPACE! 40k , Homebrew , Setting , Fluff , Grimdark , Worldbuilding , 2014-03-07 5 30693380 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #60 We go to school, then try and Stand and Deliver. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-08 11 30712114 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #61 We practice the tanks, receive our gift from Black Forest Peak, then study harder. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-09 15 30721050 Girls und Panzer Quest 106 In which we talk to the automotive club about their Porsche Tiger and get other things done. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-03-09 7 30698382 Uredius sector thread #2 Moar Ideas 40k , Homebrew , Setting , Fluff , Grimdark , Worldbuilding , Uredius , Uredius Sector 2014-03-09 2 30730241 Magical Girl Noir Quest 184 A curious magical girl learns about forbidden love times three and finds out what is in the mystery box. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-03-09 22 30734466 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #62 We make some money and recruit and other things. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-10 10 30744106 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 10 Alice has to figure out a way to defeat the Magical Battleship Yamato. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-03-10 14 30742649 Evil Precure Quest 48 Where Masako finally fights anger monsters and these are beefed up. And the doctor seems to have an ace up his sleeve. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-03-10 10 30736785 Monster Girls Quest 109 Crash course on corruption ending in a certain someone needing some time to recuperate… Investigations will follow. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-03-10 8 30741727 AoPH Quest 30 A freak storm strands a civilian boat out at sea and Ceru is recruited for a salvage and rescue mission. The smell of blood and a sudden fatality mark her squad's entrance to the ship. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-10 20 30745096 The Night Shift: Second Shift The second thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift (also known as the "Graveyard Shift") is discussed, more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and the merits of NPCs and additional tables are debated. Night Shift , Graveyard Shift , surreal , horror , setting , homebrew , world building , brainstorming 2014-03-10 20 30753469 Magical Girl Noir Quest 185 A shocked magical girl finds out more about the core and about what happened in a different timeline. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-03-10 24 30759697 Magical Girl Liberty Quest #5 ... and the Magisch Korps strikes back! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-03-11 11 30763437 The Night Shift: Third Shift The third thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed, even more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and a talented Anon continues to crunch things out. Night Shift , Graveyard Shift , surreal , horror , setting , homebrew , world building , brainstorming , crunch 2014-03-11 11 30780530 Magical Girl Liberty Quest #6 ... and the escape from the Magisch Korps! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-03-12 9 30796508 The Night Shift: Fourth Shift The fourth thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed, yet more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and a thoughtful discussion of the crunch and fluff take place. Night Shift , Graveyard Shift , surreal , horror , setting , homebrew , world building , brainstorming , crunch , fluff 2014-03-13 12 30800950 Magical Girl Liberty Quest #7 ... and the daring rescue! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-03-13 9 30808334 Girls und Panzer Quest 107 In which we find parts for tanks and some ammo and keep looking GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-03-13 8 30819947 Magical Girl Liberty Quest #8 ... and the day of rest! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-03-14 10 30822843 Girls und Panzer Quest 108 In which we find a gun GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-03-14 8 30821351 Over(Human)Limit Quest 15 Sunday happenings. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-03-14 11 30833889 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #63 We celebrate Halloween aboard LGA. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-15 11 30848483 Magical Girl Noir Quest 186 A pissed off magical girl hates it when her incubator makes sense and has a fit of extreme jealousy. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2014-03-15 19 30852652 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #64 We earn the loyalty of a crew. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-16 11 30851860 Primarchs Return #3 - Writefaggotry follows A continuation of the second thread, writefaggots pursue the angles of retaking Cassini Array, the lost Primarch and Battle for Terra 40k , /tg/ , Writefaggotry , original content , manly tears , space marines , worldbuilding , warhammer 40k , Primarchs Return , Awesome , Alternative setting 2014-03-16 2 30869118 Magical Girl Noir Quest 187 A much more at ease magical girl decides how to handle the prisoners and talks to Risa about the world's favorite magical girl. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Mami , Risa 2014-03-16 18 30873203 Scorpion Girl Quest 25 Hunzuu spends some quality time in the underworld. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-03-17 16 30880258 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 11 Alice learns that the Magical Menace might be even larger and more powerful than she initially thought. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-03-17 14 30873176 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #65 We go camping innawoods. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-17 12 30889707 Magical Girl Noir Quest 188 An irritated magical girl checks up on her favorite fist and steps in to a complete bitch's magical realm. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Yuu , Kirika 2014-03-17 18 30894998 Nanoha FORCE Quest 14 In which love is another battlefield, and Mira is being cute too! Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Cute Devil , White Devil , Magical Guy , Sleeping Girl , 2014-03-18 5 30900302 AoPH Quest 31 Hungry, tired, and lost, what awaits Ceru as she explores the tropical island she's washed up on? However, no matter what mysteries lie in wait for Ceru, one thing's for certain: things are going to be "apeshit" crazy. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-18 29 30925160 Island Lamia Development /tg/ helps OP flesh out lamias in his setting as a group of rad fishing island-dwellers lamia , island , setting , world building , GURPS 2014-03-19 11 30936535 Magical Girl Liberty Quest #9 ... and the Tomb of the Unknown Pharaoh! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-03-20 10 30936602 New Breaker Quest 5 We get buy some clothes and then assault a demon singer. Patience , Breaker Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl 2014-03-20 5 30942637 Evil Precure Quest 49 Masako escapes the belly of the beast and meets a new friend, frienemy? She sounds like a spoiled brat anyways. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-03-20 8 30942068 Over(Human)Limit Quest 16 Sunday continues with a battle. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-03-20 8 30963875 Girls und Panzer Quest 109 In which we attempt to recover a tank. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-03-21 11 30975202 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #66 We earn some more loyalty and spend the day with Bernadette F. Fairless. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-22 11 30982807 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #--- fuck i should not be QMing i'm so tired so sleepy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , Don't , Lose , Your , Way , NUDIST , BEACH 2014-03-22 12 30992964 Magical Girl Noir Quest 189 A fed up magical girl plans to end the blood vendetta and reaches an agreement with the bitch blade. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kirika 2014-03-22 19 30998257 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #67 We get our physicals and do some council business. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-23 10 30999943 Monster Girls Quest 110 Where an angel is tested and a mystery is cleared. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-03-23 5 31005857 Girls und Panzer Quest 110 Miho recieves our gift and we talk to the Hippo team girls. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-03-23 9 31014638 Magical Girl Noir Quest 190 A livid magical girl has had it with these cryptic messages and decides to enjoy a nice relaxing shower. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kirika , Enishi 2014-03-23 19 31028139 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 12 We see things from Mirai's point of view. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-03-24 13 31019248 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #68 We do the midterms, practice, and debate. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-24 10 31026801 Evil Precure Quest 50 Masako formally meets the princess of pride and tries to get her a place to stay Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-03-24 12 31043562 Monster Girls Quest 111 We finish the last preparations of a long awaited exorcism. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-03-25 5 31070514 AoPH Quest 32 Ceru follows her avian companions back to their "shity". There, she is properly acquainted with the Kahkori and receives their help in exchange for "speaking". And while Marine's safety is decided by what could be the most important cultural exchange ever done by a ranger, Ceru gets stalked by a certain angry simian. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-26 27 31083102 New Breaker Quest 6 After defeating a demon singer and almost killing the human host, we return to our home and cuddle up with our bunny. Sexy times is expected to ensue. Patience , Breaker Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl 2014-03-27 3 31082387 Magical Girl Liberty Quest #10 ... and the Cyborg and the Daughter! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-03-27 10 31084202 Scorpion Girl Quest 26 Hunzuu meets the hostage prince of Turtak and envoys from the distant city of Zagros. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-03-27 16 31088661 Evil PreCure Quest 51 In which Masako peacefully starts fights with other girls, and gets a new sword. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-03-27 11 31087098 Over(Human)Limit Quest 17 An uphill battle continues within the church!
Ancient goddesses are stingy, and Lucifer is... A woman?! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-03-27 10 31086171 Random Dimensional Quest 10: Of Flashbacks and Moving Forward In which Nick Trimmers reminisces about his time on Arsenal, then begins to explore a new world. Collective Game , Random Dimensional Quest , Nick Trimmers , barber , Slow Ass , Quest , Arsenal , Palladium , Megaversal , wanderlust , elementals 2014-03-27 2 31104083 Cyberpunk Chef Quest #1 /tg/ decides on a cute brown girl protagonist, has a lucky first day at work. Cyberpunk , Cyberpuk Chef Quest , Brown Girl , Collective Game 2014-03-28 7 31108537 Girls und Panzer Quest 111 In which we work on our tank to the shock of our teammates and prepare Miho to face her sister. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-03-28 11 31120369 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #69 We spend some time with Bernadette Fairless after school and catch the Domino Lady. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-29 11 31122811 Imperator Dirae, aka: Hell Harlots We roll the dice to make another guard regiment and end up with a collection of knife-loving, bloodthirsty female convicts. Only War , Imperal Guard , Imperator Dirae , Hell Harlots 2014-03-29 6 31127687 AoPH Quest 33 Warned of a terrible beast that stalks the jungle at night, Ceru sets off to search Marine with Kurojo. Will she find her lost friend in time? Or has Marine succumbed to the "Nar-kage"? Is Ceru next in line? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-29 26 31135554 Magical Girl Noir Quest 191 An uncomfortable magical girl makes her way towards the certification ceremony. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-03-29 18 31140088 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #70 We practice our tanks again and prepare for a visit from Black Forest Peak. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-30 11 31140368 Witch Quest #5 We save a new friend and we become adventures Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-03-30 6 31148294 Over(Human)Limit Quest 18 Fuck-all happens and Dranule falls asleep. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism , Not moe 2014-03-30 8 31169997 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 13 A young Alice figures out that Magical Girls may not be as good as they seem to be. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-03-31 15 31161012 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #71 We get a visit from Black Forest Peak and travel all the way to Spain. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-31 10 31164606 Monster Girls Quest 112 A briefing follows discussion; a girl lurking in the background is slowly brought to light Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-03-31 7 31169525 Over(Human)Limit Quest 19 Donner doesn't like mech flesh and Asher fails at summoning a sandworm to carry us to Vegas Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-03-31 11 31169228 Girls und Panzer Quest 112 In which we practice gunnery, fake damage to our Pershing, and meet Miho's sister. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-03-31 12 31178338 Magical Girl Noir Quest 192 A fairly competent magical girl continues her work as warmaster and has more social interaction with blueberry. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-03-31 20 April 2014 31191040 Shitty China Waifu Quest CNY Special #2 Witches and insane Martian planes do not match, damnit! Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2014-04-01 0 31204948 Witch Quest #6 We reveal our big secret and send some Orcs packing Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-04-02 4 31217711 Hero Quest: Chapter Chiaki A very confused magical girl finds herself in a new world with some very confusing powers and title to match. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Dildo , Hero Quest Rena 2014-04-02 29 31225548 Scorpion Girl Quest 27 Hunzuu pulls her grand prank and causes chaos in Ligish. It's all right, though. She's on a mission from Ishtar. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-04-03 15 31228869 Evil PreCure Quest 52 In which we break the fourth wall to answer creepy questions from the voices in our head. Also, the bear gets taken home. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-04-03 10 31228287 AoPH Quest 34 With Marine's rescue and Mukon's timely arrival, Ceru's group make their way back to the Kahkori's home. They are beset by wild monsters along the way, but after a short scuffle, Mukon drives them away... and ends up attracting something more fearsome... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-03 32 31241836 New Breaker Quest 7 GM fucks up a bunch of stuff, runs off early Patience , Breaker Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl 2014-04-04 2 31246626 Over(Human)Limit Quest 20 A desert road is walked, an enemy encountered, and a friend lost. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-04-04 10 31249116 Girls und Panzer Quest 113 In which we talk to Maho and Erika, and propose a duel. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-04-04 12 31260296 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #72 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Chi-Ha-Tan Women's Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-04-05 21 31282115 Scorpion Girl Quest 28 Hunzuu goes treasure hunting and meets some snake-people Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-04-06 12 31279383 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #73 We visit Black Forest Peak, shoot the shit with Bernadette Fairless and Elouise Buchalter, and try to do yoga again. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-04-06 11 31278708 Witch Quest #7 We fight a Lich and gain a new addition to our team Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-04-06 5 31285446 Girls und Panzer Quest 114 In which we discuss Tiger hunting. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-04-06 12 31295879 Magical Girl Noir Quest 193 An emotional magical girl does not remember the girls who gave their lives to save hers and delivers a short speech. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-04-06 19 31298167 TSAB Quest: Wonderland Wars I In which we report to Hayate, get our ribs checked out, have a small flashback, and shoot at targets Nanoha , Collective Game , EnforcerStandby , TSAB Quest , Magical Guy , Wonderland Wars 2014-04-06 2 31308399 Evil PreCure Quest 53 In which Lubu is adorable. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-04-07 6 31310965 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 14 Alice tries to save her friend Kanako. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-04-07 13 31313225 Evil PreCure Quest 53b Where we begin to hand out punishments to our teammates. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-04-07 10 31330421 AoPH Quest 35 A young Kahkori named Kurojo, through trial of blood and death, has become a man. But all is not well; the White One and her friend are sick with the Red Tide. To repay a debt, he must seek out the Blue Burst, the only known cure to the illness, to save them from death. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-08 28 31367123 Magical Girl Liberty Quest #11 ... and the underwater fight! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Savage 2014-04-10 10 31359885 /tg/ discusses Afterlives and Religion Wherein ideas are thrown about for what happens when your character dies. Heaven , Hell , Afterlife , Gods , Religion , Deity 2014-04-10 0 31369193 Scorpion Girl Quest 29 Hunzuu battles with the Maggot King and then sheds her skin. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-04-10 18 31372551 Evil PreCure Quest 54 Masako does her very best at telling the disbelieving sensitives about magic. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-04-10 10 31323207 Alternate Reproduction Worldbuilding Brainstorming for culture and biology of how fantasy species reproduce. Less lewd than it sounds, also has golem-dorfs and deep ones being fantasy-setting salarians. Reproduce , worldbuilding , species , dwarf , golem , dryad , deep one , less lewd than it sounds 2014-04-11 2 31395143 Girls und Panzer Quest 115 In which we name the B1 and begin preparations for our duel with Erika's Tiger II. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-04-11 14 31394287 AoPH Quest 36 Healed and with Kurojo promising to act as their guide, Ceru and Marine make ready to find their way back home, but not before receiving two gifts from the Kahkori... the spoils of a hunter's conquest... and the gift of Aura. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-11 28 31426129 Magical Girl Noir Quest 194 A spiteful magical girl turns a cat's head into mush and gets into other people's beeswax. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Enishi 2014-04-12 19 31430893 Scorpion Girl Quest 30 Hunzuu bonds with Crazy Blood Dad, then helps heal the king. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-04-13 15 31433232 Monster Girls Quest 113 We visit Athena soul and prevent our foe from breaking it apart. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-04-13 5 31431605 Witch Quest #8 We talk our way through the adventure and kill the lake guardian Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-04-13 4 31436397 Over(Human)Limit Quest 21 Helia may not be long for the world and Asherah wants a favor to heal her. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-04-13 8 31446138 Magical Girl Noir Quest 195 An unsatisfied magical girl looks down upon the filthy peasant cat and realizes something. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Noriko , NECO 2014-04-13 19 31458153 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 15 Alice spearheads the assault on the Magical Girl stronghold of Atlantis. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-04-14 11 31457648 Evil PreCure Quest 55 Where we sort of finally work out Aomi's issues. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-04-14 10 31476888 Monster Girls Quest 114 We get torn apart, fortunately our objective is met. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-04-15 5 31501070 AoPH Quest 37 The journey back home begins with a giant monster ride. On their first stop along the way, the group goes on a hunt to gain entry to the home of the locals, the Ferrines. The day comes to a close with a hot, hot bath. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-16 23 31522243 Scorpion Girl Quest 31 We see things from Nakurtum's point of view. Hunzuu delivers a message she's been meaning to deliver for a while. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-04-17 13 31527180 Evil PreCure Quest 56 Masako vs Love: Round 1 Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-04-17 5 31519643 New Breaker Quest 7.1 We get pounced on by a GM and make conservatively dressed elven sorceresses. Patience , Breaker Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl 2014-04-17 3 31536124 Magical Girl Noir Quest 196 An extremely paranoid magical girl forces herself to calm down long enough to deal with the situation. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , 'Midori' 2014-04-17 19 31538422 The Fire died, but the Heat Remains What originally started as a troll thread got derailed into an amazing desert worldbuilding thread. Worldbuilding , derail , Black Spires 2014-04-17 28 31531323 Designing a Dungeon with Comedic Traps OP's going to raid a dungeon organised by newbie kobolds who are pretty naive on dungeon building.
He requests ideas for poorly-designed traps.
Hilarity ensures as do kobold skeletons with hard hats and Indiana Jones shoutouts. Kobold traps dungeon worldbuilding Indiana Jones 2014-04-18 5 31548348 Evil PreCure Quest 57 In which we talk about feelings and punish an insolent clock. Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure,Pretty Cure, Magical Girl 2014-04-18 6 31549904 Girls und Panzer Quest 116 In which Rose takes a long shot. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-04-18 12 31556336 Magical Girl Noir Quest 197 A talkative magical girl watches green eat her greens and is escorted to bed. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , 'Midori' 2014-04-18 29 31583463 TSAB Quest: Wonderland Wars II In which we select upgrades, and Alice Wakes Up Nanoha , Collective Game , EnforcerStandby , TSAB Quest , Magical Guy , Wonderland Wars 2014-04-20 1 31581725 The Bugs are our Bros OP requests help in fleshing out a race of horrifying insectile monsters allied to humanity. /TG/ pulls through. Then writefags and drawfags show up with awesomly heartwarming results. Bugs , aliens , xeno , humanity , heartwarming , worldbuilding , fluff , writefags, 2014-04-20 24 31561086 Gentlemen Spiderfolk Worldbuilding A thread on spiderfolk rapidly develops into an entire middle eastern/arabian nights setting with intellectual philosopher-gentlemen who just happen to be vaguely humanoid spider-monsters. Also pigmy headhunter kobolds. gentleman , gentlemen , spider , spiderfolk , worldbuilding , philosophers , middle east , kobolds , pigmy headhunter kobolds , roman , roman lizardmen, 2014-04-20 5 31609590 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 16 Alice continues her sneaking mission on Atlantis. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-04-21 12 31604465 Witch Quest 9 We go into the ruined city and dicover that it is crawling with demons. Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-04-21 2 31630140 AoPH Quest 38 Ceru finishes up a Hot bath with Kurojo, her heart aflutter with many strange feelings in her heart.
What awaits them the now? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-22 24 31649987 Undeniable Assholes Quest Deniable Assets Quest parody to kill time. Ridiculous. Collective Game , Deniable Assets Quest , Fall Guy , Fall Girl , Parody 2014-04-23 13 31666442 Scorpion Girl Quest 32 Ninlil is laid to rest, and those left behind tell stories to comfort each other. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-04-24 14 31696931 AoPH Quest 39 Cerulean sets off on the next part of their adventure! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-25 17 31687964 New Breaker Quest 8 The dramatic conclusion with Michael's father is resolved with an anticlimax, then suddenly demons attack. Patience , Breaker Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl 2014-04-25 2 31693332 Skullgirls Quest We take a short trip into the world of Skullgirls, following a robot-controlling nerd named Natalie on her quest to find the Skull Heart. Skullgirls , Skullgirls Quest , Collective Game , drawquest 2014-04-25 5 31693713 Evil PreCure Quest 58 We spend some adorable moments doing SoL shenanigans until we gen an unexpected guest. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-04-25 10 31693370 Girls und Panzer Quest 117 In whichwe deal with a media circus and Anzu places a bet whose details we are not privy to. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-04-25 11 31716476 Over(Human)Limit Quest 23 Previous thread at
Asher returns to Jackie's, preparations are underway for the mission! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-04-26 10 31709362 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #74 We leak nudes, get our grades, earn loyalty, operate, and repair tanks. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-04-26 14 31712118 Monster Girls Quest 115 Things look bleak, have we ultimately failed our wife-to-be? Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-04-26 5 31719645 Forgotten Overlord Quest Part 2 Part 1: Forgotten Overlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-04-26 5 31736391 Scorpion Girl Quest 33 Hunzuu and Soul-of-Lightning begin their quest for revenge. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-04-27 14 31733223 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #75 We read smut, play Halo, practice tanks, find a book, and build a (small) tank. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-04-27 12 31733107 Witch Quest #9.5 We find a new pet and fight a hoard of salesmen Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-04-27 3 31752994 Magical Girl Noir Quest 198 A pair of green magical cat ears counts down to the end of the world. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Yuma 2014-04-27 19 31766603 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 17 Alice deals with the aftermath of the previous mission. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-04-28 12 31761947 Sweetie's Six Quest: The Heists The 24/7 Store Job Collective Game , Cute Girls , Heist , Sweetie's Six 2014-04-28 7 31765210 Evil PreCure Quest 59 A fight between siblings leads to much unnecessary stress. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-04-28 10 31763959 Monster Girls Quest 115-B We get some very needed help, but events don't seem to improve... Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-04-28 5 31758365 Witch Quest #10 We have a strange dream and lose our mind Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-04-28 3 31777543 Magical Girl Noir Quest 199 A pair of green magical cat ears sets about the tasks given to her by her rank leader. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Yuma 2014-04-28 18 31789290 Over(Human)Limit Quest 24 A painter is awakened, and a city has an infestation of bad luck. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-04-29 18 31800325 Magical Girl Noir Quest 200 A pair of green magical cat ears tries to process everything she has just learned and makes a decision... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Yuma 2014-04-29 19 31821394 Magical Girl Noir Quest 201 A pair of green magical cat ears lives with the consequences of her choices... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Yuma 2014-04-30 18 May 2014 31825744 New Breaker Quest 9 We fight a demon. Patience , Breaker Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl 2014-05-01 2 31828541 Scorpion Girl Quest 34 Hunzuu meets a band of naga and then confronts Ku-Aya. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl , lamia , naga 2014-05-01 14 31831147 Evil PreCure Quest 60 A heart to Heart with Misa and planning. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Preure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-05-01 6 31843876 Magical Girl Noir Quest 202 A pair of green magical cat ears looks for comfort in the arms of a traitor. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Yuma 2014-05-01 19 31855556 Evil PreCure Quest 61 A disturbing nightmare fucks up the rest of our day. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-05-02 10 31855332 Girls und Panzer Quest 118: Twintail Midget Edition In which we are Kadotani Anzu and we like screwing with Russell's fragile mind. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-05-02 12 31875591 AoPH Quest 40 A Young Rocket finds herself in the company of a rough crowd.
A ship is chartered and a dangerous sea traversed! Will Kurojo get his sea legs?! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-03 24 31844870 Alternate Industrial Revolutions OP asks for alternate histories where a country other than Britain industrializes first. /tg/ delivers with a greater Ottoman Empire worldbuilding , alternate history , ottoman empire , industrialization , steam engine , printing press 2014-05-03 3 31875548 /tg/'s Bestiary /tg/ creates a bestiary with homemade fluff and stats for various original monsters. Bestiary , monster manual , monsters , fluff , worldbuilding 2014-05-03 3 31889199 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #76 We swim, comment on relationships, get wrecked in the boxing ring, and have dinner with an Ace. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-04 10 31887526 Witch Quest 11 We threaten two armies into retreating due to our SUPER ULTIMATE DEATH MAGIC ATTACK. By the way, we're lying through our teeth. Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-05-04 4 31920944 Magical Girl Hunter Quest 18 Alice tries to figure out how to defeat Mother. Magical Girl Hunter Quest , Magical Girl , Science Fiction , Collective Game 2014-05-05 20 31921731 AoPH Quest 41 Cerulean, Marine, and Kurojo fight against a great beast of the sea with a company of Native Rangers.
Will they fend it off from the ship or bag it and tag it? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-05 15 31912991 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #77 We pelt Fredendall with snow, practice tanks, review the exchange students, work on some sponsorships, then learn how awesome a kotatsu is. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-05 10 31891756 The Knights of Falconwood A mysterious shower of magical energy kills off every last female human in the world. What follows are are a surprisingly civil discussion, GALLANTRY and tanks. Also conan. worldbuilding , battletanx , gender , post-apoc , apocalypse , magic , settingbuilding , setting building , world without women , SCIENCE , artificial humans , gallantry , modern knights , matriarchy , conan 2014-05-05 0 31931297 Magical Girl Noir Quest 203 A pair of green magical cat ears receives new orders and... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Yuma 2014-05-05 26 31959623 Noneuropean settings: inuitworld A discussion of mythologies shifts to an Inuit inspired setting featuring demon whales and weather trolls world building,mythology,Inuit,demon whale 2014-05-07 0 31973281 Magical Girl Noir Quest 204 A pair of green magical cat ears confesses for the third time that day. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Yuma 2014-05-07 18 31979066 Scorpion Girl Quest 35 Hunzuu brings a prisoner back to the pyramid and shares stories with the naga ambassadors. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-05-08 10 31977592 Inuit Setting Continuation A mostly mediocre, but decent continuation of the inuit themed setting. Now with vikings inuit,worldbuilding 2014-05-08 0 31984400 Evil PreCure Quest 62 Where two pinks calm each other down somehow. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-05-08 12 31981363 Scorpion Girl Quest 35 fix Hunzuu brings a prisoner back to the pyramid and shares stories with the naga ambassadors.
-now with proper archiving! Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-05-08 14 32000009 New Breaker Quest 10 In which Michael recovers from his defeat and eats a demon essence. Patience , Breaker Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl 2014-05-09 1 32000669 Mecha Musume Quest #1 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch. Collective Game , War , Mecha Musume , Tanks , Cute Girls 2014-05-09 7 32003403 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 16 We scout out the location and it's beyond bad. Meetings with the priestess and GB Worldwide have lead us to a plan. We're gonna stike it at its Corrupted Essence Collective game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Akira , GB Worldwide, 2014-05-09 14 32006334 Girls und Panzer Quest 119: Twintail Midget II: Trolling Boogaloo Edition. In which we're, once again, Kadotani Anzu, and we enjoy making Russells squirm a bit more. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-05-09 11 32018858 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #78 We do our part as good citizens and vote and assist in firefighting duties. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-10 13 32022444 Monster Girls Quest 116 A foe who lingered in the shadows strike forward. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-05-10 5 32026044 Girls und Panzer Quest 120: Hamster Wheel Edition In which a hamster is taught how to fire a gun. A big gun. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-05-10 12 32039547 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #79 We fix up things in the aftermath of the fire. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-11 11 32059165 Magical Girl Noir Quest 205 A pair of green magical cat ears arms herself and finally sets off towards certain death. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Yuma 2014-05-11 17 32062366 Witch Quest #12 We defend the city and defeat the Night Mother Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-05-12 1 32063502 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #80 We raise funds and go on a date with a surprise visitor. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-12 10 32070608 Evil PreCure Quest 63 In which much ado is made about underwear. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-05-12 10 32067894 Monster Girls Quest 117 A late night battle between two heroics rivals Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-05-12 7 32079236 Magical Girl Noir Quest 206 A pair of green magical cat ears loses precious time and finds herself stranded in a bloody nightmare. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Yuma 2014-05-12 18 32075160 Horrorworld OP posts the beginning of a story in which the Old Ones return bringing with them all humanity's fears then requests contributions. What follows is absolute nightmare fuel and spiders. Lots of spiders. Horrorworld , stories , story , worldbuilding , Old Ones , spiders , 2014-05-13 16 32112773 Over(Human)Limit Quest 25 Asher trains in the desert with the mad Jackie. Their time in Vegas has not gone unnoticed... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-05-14 9 32126782 Scorpion Girl Quest 36 Hunzuu brings the naga ambassadors to the king and meets Hillalum the scorpion-boy. Many blushes are had. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-05-15 20 32129576 Evil PreCure Quest 64 The Grand Tournament! Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-05-15 12 32147743 AoPH Quest 42 Cerulean finds herself in the city after her journey between islands, the Smolodhans hunting party leaves, and she, Marine, and Kurojo find themselves alone in the big city! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-16 13 32142597 Mecha Musume Quest #2
Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch. Collective Game , War , Mecha Musume , Tanks , Cute Girls 2014-05-16 7 32150186 Girls und Panzer Quest 121: Top Tip Edition In which a Hamster fires a gun. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-05-16 11 32182624 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #81 We get Council Business done and bunk with Bernadette Fairless. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-18 10 32187362 The Story of Charles We are told the story of Charles, and get saddened because it's sad. Collective Game , Charles , The Story of Charles , Sad , Feels 2014-05-18 0 32202165 Scorpion Girl Quest 37 Hunzuu calls for aid from the Footmen and then goes hunting with Hillallum. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-05-19 13 32201686 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #82 We wake up with Bernadette Fairless, fix the tanks, practice with them, and sleep with Kitten. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-19 11 32209150 Evil Precure Quest 65 In which a tourney bout is fair play, followed by unfair play. Also a jerk gets broken ribs, but not from Masako. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-05-19 11 32205316 Monster Girls Quest 118 We take some time to deal with personal matter, allowing ourselves to relay business to others. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-05-19 7 32218269 Magical Girl Noir Quest 207 A pair of green magical cat ears chooses a group, deals with a princess and makes a promise. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Yuma 2014-05-19 20 32223637 Witch Quest #13 We finally get some food and we beat up the goblin king Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-05-20 3 32236060 [Setting] A twist on fantasy We try to make fantasy original again. It work. fantasy , setting , world building , homebrew , god 2014-05-20 9 32247033 Deep Breath worldbuilding We continue the worldbuilding marathon of Solod; it's been 24 hours, and it's still running. fantasy , setting , worldbuilding , homebrew , god , Solod , Deep , halfling are demonic deathseekers and orcs are junkpunk-borgs treants 2014-05-21 4 32237404 Earth, Population: NOPE A collection of fauna and flora that we really wish just weren't. NOPE , Nature , Fauna , Flora , Death World 2014-05-21 8 32262297 Worldbuilding: Dockworker Edition In which Halflings ride on giant scorpions in the deserts of a cakeshaped world. Worldbuilding 2014-05-21 0 32270403 Over(Human)Limit Quest 26 Asher fights against an old foe! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-05-22 11 32267309 Scorpion Girl Quest 38 Hunzuu debates whether to make a new monster in time for next mission. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-05-22 13 32292288 AoPH Quest 43 Cerulean talks out the aftermath of her duel to the death with a Smolder leader! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-23 20 32287421 Mecha Musume Quest #3
Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch. Collective Game , War , Mecha Musume , Tanks , Cute Girls 2014-05-23 6 32308517 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #83 We introduce the Japanese Girls and work on some loyalty. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-24 10 32310055 New Breaker Quest 11.1 Previous: Patience , Breaker Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl 2014-05-24 2 32307546 Control Squadron Over-ranger A /tg/ custom-made Sentai team, based on dictators. worldbuilding , setting 2014-05-24 10 32331944 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #84 We practice with our tanks, resolve a small feud, and head on the way to Australia. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-25 10 32349227 Magical Girl Noir Quest 208 A pair of green magical cat ears awakens once to find her mentor flashing the universe and a second time to face the grim reality. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Yuma 2014-05-25 21 32353820 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #85 We plan for the Match and camp out. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-26 10 32357129 Monster Girls Quest 118-B Side activities with Athena heralding (potentially) suicidal shenanigans, who said knights, have to be boring? Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-05-26 3 32357636 Witch Quest 14 We find out about what's happening in the wider world and it isn't that good. Time to help jumpstart the revolution. ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-05-26 6 32359888 Evil Precure Quest 66 Hey sister, can ya spare a coffee? Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-05-26 14 32400513 Digimon World Q #1 A new quest taking part in an AU of Digimon World 1. Our protagonist, Bulk, meets his partner Gabuman and fights their first digimon. Digimon World Q , Collective Game , Ori , Gabumon , Digimon 2014-05-28 5 32404606 Forgotten Overlord Quest Part 3 We get some identification. Forgotten Overlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-05-28 3 32422690 Scorpion Girl Quest 39 Hunzuu and Hillallum trade fighting lessons. There is a battle in the mountain pass. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-05-29 17 32447322 Over(Human)Limit Quest 27 Asher spends some time with Lucifer... And meets Overwatch. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-05-30 11 32466473 AoPH Quest 44 Cerulean and her team hunt an Ordile to prove themselves as hunters and start on her first steps to home! Will she capture it dead, alive, or get sent packing?
Pokemon Hunter! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-31 28 32463735 Monster Girls Quest 119 We start a game of truth & dare Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-05-31 5 32456996 Magical Realm to setting /tg/ takes Magical Realms and lifts them out for use as a setting. Setting , Monstergirl , Magical Realm , Homebrews 2014-05-31 0 32462213 New Breaker Quest 12 Breaker Quest Patience , Breaker Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl 2014-05-31 2 June 2014 32483140 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #86 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Pravda High School Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-01 21 32502148 Magical Girl Noir Quest 209 An unreasonably happy magical girl expects the universe to take everything away from her soon. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori! 2014-06-01 18 32508319 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #87 We arrive back home and earn more loyalty. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-02 10 32515380 Evil Precure Quest 67 A hostage situation that DOESN'T go completely FUBAR. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-06-02 6 32525548 Magical Girl Noir Quest 210 A very tired and shaken magical girl shifts in to high gear in a race against time to attend a crash course in melee combat. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayakar , Kyouko 2014-06-02 17 32528147 Cute horror-like supernatural happenstances OP posts the idea of creepy/adorable stuff. /tg/ delivers with OC in the form of Merlin Township. Heartwarming results. horror , monsters , cute , ghosts , haunted , ghost puppy , merlin township 2014-06-03 58 32538856 Girls in Love Quest Chapter 2 Mariko and Rina get closer to eachother. Maybe too close? Yuri , Romance , Collective Game , Anal , Girls in Love Quest 2014-06-03 5 32550270 Ryukuza Quest A largely light hearted Quest about Dragon Girls and Their Insane Families. Really light hearted and utterly rediculous. dragongirls , oni , puns , elementals , collective game , insanity , comedy , 2014-06-03 24 32554516 Reclaiming Might Quest The beginning. You recall a small fraction of your power. Reclaiming Might , Evil Overlord , Tactics , Strategy , Exploration , Empire Building , Smut , Collective Game 2014-06-04 9 32556406 Girls und Panzer Quest 122 In which we talk to Miho about Erika. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-06-04 6 32573616 Scorpion Girl Quest 40 Hunzuu meets the naga king. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-06-05 14 32577623 Forgotten Overlord Quest Part 4 We meet some new minions. Forgotten Overlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-06-05 2 32587931 Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light Hearted Quest About Dragon Girls Ryukusa's best friend is neat. Apparently she stole an oni's rain. HOLY CRAP WE CAN FIGHT! collective game , dragongirls , oni , elemental battle , lesbians , romance , comedy 2014-06-05 23 32582835 Cute Horror-Like Supernatural Happenstances 2 More spooky-cute stories of happy hauntings and musings on the magic and mysticism of Merlin Township are to be found in this second thread. Come sit a spell in the Bluebell Diner, have yourself a slice of pie and a damn fine cup of coffee and enjoy. Horror , monsters , cute , ghosts , haunted , town , heartwarming , Merlin Township 2014-06-05 26 32592293 Mecha Musume Quest #4
Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch. Collective Game , War , Mecha Musume , Tanks , Cute Girls 2014-06-06 5 32598008 Girls und Panzer Quest 123 In which we are Richard Hammond and we are trying to interview Itsumi Erika. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-06-06 6 32607278 Makai Knight Quest The conclusion of We are a Makai Knight, a warrior who hunts evil creatures known as Horrors. Sometimes with magical girls. Makai Knight Quest , Collective Game , GARO , Magical Girls , Joker 2014-06-06 5 32606315 Interstellar Monstergirl Mercenary Quest Part 1 After being dishonorably discharged from the Galactic Navy, Tucker Keating locates gainful employment. His first job: to kidnap a young lamia. Collective Game , monstergirl , mercenary , IMMQ , Interstellar Monstergirl Mercenary Quest , KN Eureka 2014-06-06 11 32610282 Ryukuza Quest: Ahhh nooo, plooooot! Well, Yui's nice and soft, and STRONK. Onee-sama is so cool! Akari is gonna kill us...What, wat? Collective Game , comedy , romance , dragon girls , dragongirls , oni , Smile Prototection 2014-06-06 21 32612207 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #88 We recruit the 20th Crew and return home. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-07 10 32634606 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #89 We see some classic cars, practice with some of our crews, and get kissed by Bernadette Fairless. (On the cheek). Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-08 10 32652222 Magical Girl Noir Quest 211 A responsible magical girl tries to say goodbye to her healthy green lover and meets up with a very agitated blueberry. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko , Sayaka , Rea , Kumatora 2014-06-08 18 32659998 Monster Girls Quest 1120 We choose to incarnate Athena and enjoy some shopping with Emeth; technical difficulties shorten the thread considerably Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-06-09 2 32691116 Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light hearted Quest about Dragon Girls and Their Insane Families Our cute imouto-minions get along, and meet kiki-san...who needs our help! Oh and STUPID SECURITY GUARDS, WHO DO YOU THINK RYUKUSA IS! Collective Game , Ryukuza , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni , Quest , parthenogenesis 2014-06-10 21 32715050 Reclaiming Might Quest Thread 2 Reclaiming Might , Evil Overlord , Tactics , Strategy , Exploration , Empire Building , Smut , Collective Game 2014-06-11 6 32717816 Scorpion Girl Quest 41 The history of the world, my sweet, is who gets eaten and who gets to eat. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-06-12 11 32716392 Magical Girl Liberty Quest: And the Fate of Atlantis! The resolution of the Atlantis arc! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2014-06-12 7 32724536 AoPH Quest 45 Cerulean chooses her name amongst the Guild as they welcome her into their ranks. Yet, what might the governer of this city have to say about strangers? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-12 27 32719968 Evil PreCure Quest 68 In which we face the consequences of our actions while everybody else is high on painkillers. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-06-12 10 32723004 Girls und Panzer Quest 124 Just a dream, nothing more. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-06-12 8 32732001 Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light-Hearted Quest about Dragon Girls and Their Insane Families Demons and Dragons and FUCKIN' SUSANO-O, GODDAMN! Collective Game , Ryukuza , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , Quest , parthenogenesis , oni , 2014-06-12 13 32740955 AoPH Quest 46 Cerulean listens to the history of the islands from the Kahkori's perspective. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-13 24 32739476 Forgotten Overlord Quest Part 5 Getting information. Forgotten Overlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-06-13 3 32754656 Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families. TLC. Smiles. Hearts. Lilies. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , amputee 2014-06-13 24 32763860 AoPH Quest 47 Cerulean makes Lord Hao's acquaintance. Yet what does the lord regent have in mind for the young hunter? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-14 22 32757625 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #90 We meet Jo Ekins. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-14 10 32757803 New Breaker Quest 13 Face a witch. Patience , Breaker Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl 2014-06-14 2 32775053 Magical Girl Noir Quest 212 A decisive magical girl finishes her business with Blueberry and meets up with Mami and the representatives of the sect. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , new hotness 2014-06-14 19 32779873 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #90.5 We are Ramirez. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-15 11 32781924 Monster Girls Quest 120-B WE warp in the college of magi covered in snow and get to meet a very unique Lilim. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-06-15 4 32801428 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #91 We celebrate Thanksgiving. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-16 12 32804536 Shark world Op's world where megalodon still exists, world building ensues world building , sharks , megalodon 2014-06-16 -2 32819697 Magical Girl Noir Quest 213 A pained magical girl faces a very real 'ghost' from her past and discusses the Prophet. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Wendy , Mami 2014-06-16 20 32826118 Hammer Girl Quest 1 A nobleman's daughter finds that she has an affinity for hammers and the noble art of butt whup. Also finds she is her own Abyss. becomes a Squire without a combat sequence. Basically Character Setup. HammerGirl , Quest , collective Game , 2014-06-17 10 32839377 Ryukuza Quest 6: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls Etc. Anonimous attacks, and magic is discussed, and one-armed-swordfighting is done. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , amputee 2014-06-17 15 32859503 Reclaiming Might Quest Thread 3 Reclaiming Might , Evil Overlord , Tactics , Strategy , Exploration , Empire Building , Smut , Collective Game 2014-06-19 4 32863619 Scorpion Girl Quest 42 The long-awaited battle for revenge Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-06-19 11 32866925 Evil PreCure Quest 69 Karaoke and Citizens Raging Against Precure or C.R.A.P Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-06-19 10 32861498 Witch Quest 15 We try to ambush the church's forces hiding in a cave and discover one of their magic users. ollective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-06-19 2 32878146 Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families. Anonimous revealed (to be idiots), secret agents revealed (to be foreign), lolidragons revealed (to be pyros). Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , amputee 2014-06-19 16 32885500 AoPH Quest 48 Cerulean and Marine return from their meeting with Lord Hao, Kurojo faces his fears and doubts, and... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-20 24 32881018 New Breaker Quest 14 We face down an insane witch. And finish act 1. Patience , Breaker Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl 2014-06-20 1 32895699 Magical Girl Noir Quest 214 A scheming magical girl continues to exchange information with the sect and temporarily changes scenery. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Wendy , Mami 2014-06-20 18 32905295 AoPH Quest 49 Ceru and her hunting team take on a new hunt, their prey? The Narga-Kage! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-21 22 32900135 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #92 We jog, watch Crimson Skies, and try some team building exercises. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-21 10 32906830 Girls und Panzer Quest 125 In which we have a chat with Miho about her family. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-06-21 9 32917770 Magical Girl Noir Quest 215 An all time crazy magical girl explains her plan and talks about love. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Wendy , Mami 2014-06-21 19 32921850 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #93 We watch Saint Gloriana versus Kursk and then sing the Star Spangled Banner. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-22 10 32940310 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #94 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Anzio Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-23 21 32947975 Evil PreCure Quest 70: Late & Short Edition Masako never has things MAID easy for her Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-06-23 12 32962750 Card Priestess Masami Quest 1 Where we wake up in a strange, disturbing room, hide in the ceiling, and then meet a strange, disturbing lady. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Magical Girl , Not Yu-Gi-Oh 2014-06-24 17 32968470 Girls In Love Quest 4 Yuri, Romance, Collective Game, Anal, Girls in Love Quest Yuri , Romance , Collective Game , Anal , Girls in Love Quest 2014-06-24 1 32977299 Ryukuza Quest 9: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families. Discovering some serious new juju, Ryukusa manages to find something that scares her. A new enemy is revealed, and her best friend is injured... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , amputee 2014-06-24 16 32982585 Hammer Girl Quest 2 In which we take sweet revenge and meet a female knight from far away who likes to hammer things. Upon agreeing to a practice bout the weather gods dictate a short game. To be continued in Hammer Girl 2.5: The Hammering Hammergirl , quest , collective game 2014-06-25 5 32980844 Card Priestess Masami Quest 2 Where we learn to trust, get shown some not-neat things, and develop a fear of cupcakes. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Magical Girl , Not Yu-Gi-Oh 2014-06-25 15 32988246 Girls und Panzer Quest 126 In which we check our tank and talk to a reporter for a bit. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-06-25 7 32998917 Ryukuza Quest: Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Kiki confesses. Ryukusa commits. Kiku admits. Yui promises. Akari sleeps. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , amputee 2014-06-25 15 33009074 Girls und Panzer Quest 127 In which the grudge match begins in earnest. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-06-26 7 33014702 Unified CCG/TCG Seting OP: Okay /tg/. You know how in these typical "Children's game is obscenely popular and people duel/fight with them all over the world" anime there's the megacorp who basically produces this shit and runs the world almost? Well a thought occurred to me. What if there was a setting where all those corporations had to actually coexist and interact. OC , worldbuilding , ccg , tcg , digimon , yu-gi-oh , yugioh , shadowrun , mmbn , megaman battle network. mtg , magic 2014-06-26 10 33019923 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Kiku relates the tale of her captured Void dragon - side quest, playing as Kiku! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , amputee 2014-06-26 15 33040710 Magical Girl Noir Quest 216 An understanding magical girl does not like being deceived but realizes her companions could have chosen a much easier and quicker solution. some Stuff happens... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Wendy , Mami 2014-06-27 19 33049973 AoPH Quest 50 White and her party engage a beast known as the Terror of Death. A friend suffers a mortal wound... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-28 6 33044345 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #95 We work and strut our stuff. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-28 10 33072239 AoPH Quest 51 The Araraki's hiding something.
Jojo and Ceru recover after the hunt. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-29 5 33070340 The Verdant Moon OP proposes a setting in which one day in the year 2014, when absolutely nobody was looking, the moon suddenly turns verdant and habitable, accompanied by the mass empowering of prior astronauts.
Things get awesome. Deified Neil Armstrong and paladins of SPACE EXPLORATION! are involved. Terraform , Moon , Lunar , Space , NASA , Exploration , Worldbuilding , Astronauts , Verdant , Neil Armstrong, 2014-06-29 3 33065981 Card Priestess Masami Quest 3 Where we try on a cute school uniform, find out that the night is scary, and meet a scary man. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Magical Girl , Cute 2014-06-29 13 33067398 Monster Girls Quest 121 Negotiation with frigid ladies isn’t an easy task. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-06-29 4 33074513 Girls und Panzer Quest 128 In which the duel with Erika continues and comes to its conclusion. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-06-29 7 33086340 Card Priestess Masami Quest 4 Where we watch an iron man disintegrate, get shown around school some, and run into an unfriendly face. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Cute 2014-06-30 13 33086261 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #96 We practice tanks, work on the Pep Rally, promote a new Officer, watch the Nations of the World argue, and sleep with Bernadette Fairless. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-30 12 33087664 The Overlord Who Could Not Be Evil Storytime of a wannabe Dark Lord whose attempts at "evil" all backfire making him beloved by the people as a great hero, much to his displeasure. Wipes out a religion? Later everyone finds out it was into human sacrifice. Imports evil creatures such as liches? Necro-industry! Kicks a puppy? The damned thing was a plague carrier! Overlord , Evil , Heroic , Failure , Story , Writefag , Heartwarming, 2014-06-30 20 33096840 10th Crusade The year is 2034. Over the past two decades fundamental Islamic groups have risen to power across the Middle East and North Africa, establishing a new United Islamic Caliphate. Terrorist activity has risen dramatically in Europe, and the UIC has begun training jihadi armies in preparation for an invasion of Europe and eventually, world conquest. The West braces itself for war, and the Catholic church is no exception. Pope Alexander IX decides to re-establish The Order of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, more commonly known as the Knights Templar, to serve as an elite force of warriors to help defend the Church and Christendom against the coming storm. 10th Crusade , worldbuilding , oc 2014-06-30 6 33104099 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Kiku explains some things, and gets petted. Kiki decides enough is enough and has her way. Anonimous is taken off the hit list. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , amputee 2014-06-30 15 July 2014 33116278 Girls und Panzer Quest 129 In which the duel with Erika comes to an end. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-07-01 8 33125592 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. A short recap. Also Ryukusa being edgy, bathed, and then set on fire. Really. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , amputee 2014-07-01 13 33120151 Harpy Species, Intelligence and Mannerisms What starts off as a thread discussing the likelihood of Harpies becoming a world power through aerial martial strength (d)evolves into a discussion about dumb Dodo-Harpies, foul-mouthed Cockney-Harpies and, of course, Harpy mating habits. Harpy , harpies , dodo , dumb , cockney , fetish , world building , monsters , monstergirls , I'll fight u m8 I swear on me mum 2014-07-02 21 33152746 AoPH Quest 52 Nala's party recovers and returns from the Narga-Kage hunt... There Lord Hao has a surprise for them. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-03 10 33148899 Tower Quest Knight Princess is tasked to save the princesses from the evil towers strewn about the kingdom. Her plans are... unusual. Collective Game , Drawquest , Tower Quest , Towergirls , Knight Princess , regicide , Knight Queen 2014-07-03 27 33149953 Scorpion Girl Quest 43 Hunzuu rescues two heroes, one of whom might be insane. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-07-03 11 33152341 Evil Precure Quest 71 In which we warp our mind with violent movies. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-07-03 10 33146955 Witch Quest #16 We test out our new broom and get paid Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-07-03 2 33168925 Card Priestess Masami Quest 5 Where we continue our tour of the school, discover a mystery, and sound crazy in front of our peers. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Cute 2014-07-04 11 33172909 Girls und Panzer Quest 130 In which we participate in a post-game press conference and get high praise from Instructor Chouno. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-07-04 7 33183798 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Side Quest 2: Akari's run , a little flashback for the holiday. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , Akari 2014-07-04 14 33182127 Magical Girl Noir Quest 217 A somewhat regretful magical girl needs to make haste to save her littlest sister. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Wendy , Mami 2014-07-04 17 33149503 /tg/ deity invention OP requests ideas for gods and pantheons. Worldbuilding, original content and the TF2 Pyro as a deity results.
Also, native amarican raccoon-people. Deity , Deities , Pantheon , God , Gods , Worldbuilding , Brainstorming , Paladin, 2014-07-04 3 33186152 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #97 We practice the tanks, make up some work, and Kitten learns how to draw an owl. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-05 10 33204505 Magical Girl Noir Quest 218 An unprepared magical girl witnesses some drastic redecoration and presses onward! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Wendy , Good for nothing 2014-07-05 18 33208069 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #98 We work on tanks, practice with them, then drive them into ditches innawoods. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-06 10 33199976 Pre-Columbian Native American Fantasy OP asks for help in devising a Native American themed setting for an upcoming game. /tg/ supplies helpful information. myth , folklore , history , world building , indian , native american , 2014-07-06 5 33227598 Nanoha FORCE Quest 26 Personal Issues and Brother! Isis has it all! Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Magical Guy , Isis Interlude, 2014-07-06 1 33229859 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #99 Part One We wrestle Clara Savage, plan for the match, work on the Pep Rally, and head to Dinner. And work on starting a new thread. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-07 10 33232957 Monster Girls Quest 122 Heavy handed diplomacy come with a certain flair amidst monsters, our wife put on a brilliant show. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-07-07 5 33237880 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #99 Part Two We arm wrestle with Oryola Kuznetsov, talk to Francis Dales for once, and head onto the match. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-07 10 33233022 Witch Quest #16.5 We finally set off to fight for the revolution Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-07-07 1 33236496 Card Priestess Masami Quest 6 Where we watch a really cool fight, see some magic powers, and then SUDDEN EXPOSITION. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Cute 2014-07-07 11 33248043 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Ryukusa reunites two lovers, teaches magic, embarrasses lots of people...oh, and Kiki summons a god. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-07-07 14 33277283 AoPH Quest 53 Cerulean wakes up hung over... She really overdid it last night... But what did she do? The festival continues! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-09 8 33275749 Card Priestess Masami Quest 7 Where we ask some weird questions, get some weird answers, cry a whole lot, and then wear a dress that slays evil. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Cute 2014-07-09 11 33280350 Weeb Quest 1 /tg/ gets into some real anime shit. Johnny hones his mack sense. Jay is an asshole. Weeb , Quest , Weeb Quest , Collective Game , Real , Anime , Shit , Magical Girl 2014-07-09 10 33290960 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Happy tears, welcoming of the new harem member, and loving ceremony is had...then plans. Dark plans. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , amputee 2014-07-09 14 33296888 Scorpion Girl Quest 44 Hunzuu finishes dealing with the naga, and assesses the damage to her city. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-07-10 12 33300068 Evil PreCure Quest 72 We fall victim to Mirror Shield's evil plot of making us pay for her food! Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-07-10 10 33299673 Weeb Quest 2 Johnny battles a magical girl instead of fapping, and hears a tale of demons and sorcery. Weeb , Quest , Weeb Quest , Collective Game , Real , Anime , Shit , Magical Girl 2014-07-10 9 33301677 Girls und Panzer Quest 131 In which we go for a walk and talk with Erika. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-07-10 8 33317239 Reclaiming Might Quest 6.1 The battle continues.
Troll tags for 3, 4 and 6: edge, shameless Reclaiming Might , Evil Overlord , Empire Building , edge , shameless , smut , Collective Game 2014-07-11 1 33323575 Girls und Panzer Quest 132 In which we FEAST and everyone's favorite mother makes an appearance. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-07-11 11 33332251 Magical Girl Noir Quest 219 A worried magical girl rains blueberries and death upon her enemies. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Wendy , Tiny Pete , Misaka , Red hot chili pepper 2014-07-11 17 33334231 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Er Yin explains things about her past, and how Ryukusa can get her arm back...Akari finally gets her just dessert...the earth moves for them. Literally. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-07-11 13 33337116 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #100 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Konigsberg Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-12 22 33359105 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #101 We defeat Clara Savage and brainstorm for a play. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-13 11 33362047 Card Priestess Masami Quest 8 Where we have two girls touch us all over, find out that we may be seeing things, and then get embarrassed in front of our friends. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Cute 2014-07-13 11 33363654 Minor Magic Items /tg/ invent minor magical items D&D , worldbuilding 2014-07-13 1 33381005 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #102 We write, practice, resolve, and read. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-14 11 33383450 Monster Girls Quest 123 We get to know a handful of new people and talk of the past, perhaps it’s finally time to put it behind us. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-07-14 5 33382219 Witch Quest 17 We have a bad dream and watch a fight Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-07-14 1 33393181 Godbuilders OP tells of how he got his players to develop a pantheon for an original setting. Awesome and storytime results. Worldbuilding , Pantheon , Gods , Storytime 2014-07-14 7 33410005 Evil? PreCure Quest 73 A POV switch, we get inside Momoko's head. Somebody had to make use of the all the vacant space. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-07-15 12 33411100 Girls und Panzer Quest 133 In which Shiho makes an impression on us. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-07-15 11 33423056 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Demon-possessed-spirit-centipedes. Half-naked-dragon-girls-gone-wild. Hugs. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-07-15 13 33423173 Card Priestess Masami Quest 9 Where we talk about stuff, cry about stuff, and hug about stuff. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-07-16 9 33458709 Girls und Panzer Quest 134 In which we seek medical attention and talk to Anzu. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-07-17 8 33479645 Girls und Panzer Quest 135 In which a plot is hatched GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-07-18 8 33490542 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Ryukusa makes the hefty decisions, and the kidnappers of Jinyuu-onee-sama make themselves known. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-07-18 14 33489493 Magical Girl Noir Quest 220 An exciting magical girl watches over her little sister and fulfills her, watch wearing dildo, duties. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Misaka 2014-07-18 16 33495084 Esper Quest- Thread 2 Thread 1 is mislabeled as "Edge Sperg Quest" Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-07-18 13 33500444 AoPH Quest 54 The feast with Lord Hao continues. Leaders bicker and... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-19 12 33493340 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #103 We are a Naval Studies Student for the day, then help some people get over things. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-19 10 33515486 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 12 Immediately after buttfucking Chara, our hero is confounded by a threat which threatens his very sanity: economics. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-07-19 2 33512323 Magical Girl Noir Quest 221 A cruel and unusual magical girl discusses rule breaking and punishment with her one-eyed drill sergeant. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko 2014-07-19 18 33514996 Card Priestess Masami Quest 10 Where we talk to Mom, talk about Mom, and show her our new threads. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-07-20 8 33516564 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #104 We work, get into a snowball fight, and buy a pencil for Clara Savage. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-20 11 33544144 AoPH Quest 55 Ceru discovers something with potential to shake her world... The way home becomes more clear. Yet not without its dangers. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-21 21 33583381 Esper Quest: Thread 3 We start off with Mami, and then go back to Akari-chan!
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-07-22 10 33583693 AoPH Quest 56 Ceru and Marine share a moment to decide their future.
Akabaron returns after a long trip. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-22 10 33581064 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Ryukusa's hideout revealed; can she live with the shame? Er Yin explains, Ryukusa decides, and Akari is lewd. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-07-22 13 33588029 Card Priestess Masami Quest 11 Where we get a new card, get a new suit, and dote on Mom some more. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-07-23 7 33607926 AoPH Quest 57 Ceru r4eadies herself for the hunt and visits the new homeland of the Araraki! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-23 7 33610508 Scorpion Girl Quest 45 Hunzuu negotiates for the release of Iltani, gives Jaya relationship advice, and prepares to take the fight to the enemy. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-07-24 10 33612980 Evil PreCure Quest 74 - Probably not misarchived Edition In which we are definately not being followed by a box. Also, tickles. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-07-24 12 33615681 Girls und Panzer Quest 136 In which we read some mail addressed to us from a mysterious benefactor and a trip is planned. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-07-24 7 33626346 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Gathering power, giving up power, kissing dragonettes and oni-girls, and kicking demigod ass. Sounds about Ryukusa. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-07-24 13 33634727 AoPH Quest 58 A long time waiting for Akabaron has worn Ceru's patience thin. A trip to Smelda awaits! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-25 5 33646939 Magical Girl Noir Quest 222 A silent magical girl has heard enough and starts dealing with Heartcatch Squad. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2014-07-25 18 33659049 AoPH Quest 59 Cerulean embarks on the final hunt of the Empire Islands! Enter: The Lord Of White Waves! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-26 6 33652100 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #105 Part One We work, finish a script, work with the Magicians, and start a new thread. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-26 10 33661051 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #105 Part Two Things happen. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-26 11 33659918 Warhound Quest Jack, an elite mercenary, kills a whole bunch of people for money. Collective Game , Mercworld , Warhound Quest , Mercenaries , Eyepatch Girls 2014-07-26 13 33675165 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 13 In which our brave hero goes to a local festival. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-07-26 3 33671926 Magical Girl Noir Quest 223 A sisterly magical girl breaks the news to her little arms dealer, escorts her to the iron giant and makes another promise. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Misaka 2014-07-26 17 33676193 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #106 More things happen, school rally Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-27 10 33658912 Monster Girls Quest 124 Our mother hash out some harsh truth before the return of our wife-to-be; another threshold to cross in our limited time. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-07-27 5 33683798 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #106 Part Two We practice, earn the loyalty of others, then head to bed with the girls. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-27 10 33686105 Girls und Panzer Quest 137 In which we set off to Anzio's Academyship. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-07-27 7 33702308 Esper Quest: Thread 4 We start off as an idol with some shady 'hobbies', and then get on with figuring out just what the heck happened last night! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-07-27 8 33705276 Card Priestess Masami Quest 12 Where we find a new side of Aiko, find a bad sign from Kaori, and find good food from Maeda Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-07-28 7 33721554 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Kiku tells Ryukusa about Hinata's Temple, Hinata, and gets a nosebleed. Kushinada bleeds a lot more, from worse than teasing. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-07-28 13 33757139 AoPH Quest 60 (Season Finale) Cerulean and company face of against the Lord Of White Waves, the last thing between them, and home. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-30 -29 33751371 Witch Quest #18 Everyone falls asleep and we learn to never go full heresy Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-07-30 1 33764678 Magical Realm Quest You must avenge your father's honor and cleanse the Magical Realms which broke him. Will you succeed in your quest or become broken as your father was? Magical Realm Quest , Collective Game , smut , monstergirls 2014-07-30 21 33772703 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Ryukusa faces Kushinada and Hidesato... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , blood 2014-07-30 14 33777137 Esper Quest: Thread 5 We start out with an infodump and go on to find out that AC's 10th District, 'The Strange,' is... sandy? Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Cosplay Gangsters 2014-07-30 7 33780124 Warhound Quest: Hunters Hunted Wolf takes his first assignment as team leader. He hates his new position Collective Game , Mercworld , Warhound Quest , Mercenaries , Creepy Twins 2014-07-31 4 33783918 Girls und Panzer Quest 138 In which we eat Italian food cooked by a Japanese girl! GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-07-31 7 August 2014 33785942 Karl Pilkington Cleric Karl Pilkington is a Cleric in Eberron. What could go wrong? head like a fucking orange , Karl , Pilkington , DnD , Cleric , Atheist 2014-08-01 3 33818109 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Hidesato-san vrs Ryukusa, the duel continues. Hinata reveals a secret. Kiku is cute. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , fight , blood 2014-08-01 12 33816105 Magical Girl Noir Quest 224 A busy magical girl mediates between two weapon enthusiasts, heads back to slay the paperwork monster and more... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Misaka , Rea 2014-08-01 18 33821963 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #107 Part One Winter Ball Happens Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-08-02 11 33826481 Card Priestess Masami Quest 13 Where we finish up the clubs, meet a polite man, and learn something unfortunate. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-08-02 8 33845348 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 14 Post-petting, pre-coppergirl. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-02 3 33845290 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #107 Part Two and #108 We have a duel with an Ace and learn a little from her. We also finish off the Winter Ball. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-08-03 11 33873118 Evil PreCure Quest 75 C.R.A.P is still dumb, Mirror Spear is still a bitch. film at 11. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-08-04 10 33893248 Insect WorldBuilding A world-building thread becomes a crazy world of Insect races and awesomeness bugs , insects , worldbuilding 2014-08-05 5 33893623 Card Priestess Masami Quest 14 Where we taunt a suspicious man, lose Maeda somewhere, and get helpful advice from Mom. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-08-05 8 33894064 Monster Girls Quest 125 Info dump on the working of blood magic, important information indeed. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-08-05 6 33890567 Witch Quest #18.5 We meet an angel and stop the sleeping spell Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-08-05 1 33898471 Checkerboard World Idea for a world where people become the "gods" of a small 5x5 mile plot of land, with complete control over it's appearance and it's inhabitants. world building , World Building , settings , Settings , setting idea , Setting Building , Original Setting , original setting , setting creation , checkerboard world 2014-08-05 2 33912787 Re-Monster Ex Quest 1 Ego runs a monstergirl quest. Hilarity ensues. monstergirls , RE:Monster Ex Quest , REQM , Re-Monster , Collective Game 2014-08-05 40 33916513 Esper Quest: Thread 6 We start off with Fate, who's had a bad day, and learn some stuff about evil plots! Then it's back to Akari and the law. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Temporary Despair 2014-08-05 6 33884947 Crafting a Cute Singularity Familiar The OP claims to have stumbled across a black hole while adventuring, and wants to turn it into a "problem" disposal system disguised as a cute young girl. A bit of fluff and hard science is discussed. black hole , singularity , familiar , monster girl , wizard , golem , little girl 2014-08-06 14 33936630 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Ryukusa gets magical stuff. Akari has been busy. The Landlord/lady/thing is met. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-08-06 14 33915461 Outcast Pantheon The small gods and their characteristics. gods , magic , setting , small gods , religion , religions , faith , old gods , new gods , otherworldly , death , 2014-08-07 11 33946433 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E1 Overhuman returns! Asher meditates through imprisonment until a new ally(?) releases him! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-07 11 33938711 RE:Monster Ex Quest More spiders, more webs. Nightmares & Sisters. monstergirls , Re-Monster , RE:Monster Ex Quest , REQM 2014-08-07 38 33947086 Evil PreCure Quest 76 Masako and pals lose track of time. Clearly this is the work of an enemy Stand. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-08-07 10 33960151 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Chi-chan drives badly, Ryukusa-chan deals with the landlorladything, and kisses are had. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-08-07 13 33969184 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E2 The VTOL lands and Asher learns about his new allies, what are their goals? Their aim? Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-08 9 33968704 The World of Chitin and Ichor A continuation of the bugworld worldbuilding that happened. Periwinkle's fate is revealed. bugs , insects , worldbuilding 2014-08-08 1 33972599 Girls und Panzer Quest 139 In which we are Akiyama Yukari and we are infiltrating Anzio to find out information about their new tanks. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-08-08 6 33983331 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Secretaries, Subordinates, Subbes, and Slaves. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-08-08 12 33981759 Magical Girl Noir Quest 225 An unsuspecting magical girl cooperates closely with the church and has questions. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Wendy , Mami 2014-08-08 18 33988074 Esper Quest: Thread 7 We start out with Mokarin and run an errand with Fate; then Mato gets a tongue-lashing and Akari tries not to burninate everything. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Scolding 2014-08-08 6 33986280 RE:Monster Ex Quest 03 Harpies and spiders and wolves, oh my monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , collective game 2014-08-09 32 34011209 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 15 In which our hero fights a coppergirl and probably gets killed for it. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-09 -1 34006797 Magical Girl Noir Quest 226 A social magical girl takes a well deserved break together with her Equerry. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko 2014-08-09 17 34016928 Witch Quest 19 In which we try to get a drink. Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-08-10 0 34041781 Card Priestess Masami Quest 15 Where we get scared, again! And then try to get to the bottom of a most devious plot! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-08-11 7 34042265 Warhound Quest: Hunters Hunted 2 Archive of first part Collective Game , Mercworld , Warhound Quest , Mercenaries 2014-08-11 5 34063688 RE:Monster Ex Quest 04 Lightning wolves are a thing. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-08-12 28 34073802 Girls und Panzer Quest 140 In which we experience some Italian hospitality! (No, not the kind that ends in concrete shoes and a long walk off a short pier!) GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-08-12 6 34108582 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Teaching dragon-girls new things. Healing of several sorts. Gentle reminders. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-08-13 13 34101223 Nanoha: Innocence Lost In which we use Yuuno as a pillow, disregard breakfast to acquire punctuality and have a meeting with a friend we almost forgot. Nanoha:Innocence Lost , collective game , hexer , fanfiction , magical girls 2014-08-13 1 34114457 Esper Quest: Thread 8 Mami makes a decision, Kyuubey wonders whether or not he should grant the wishes of a little girl, and the hunt for Precia truly begins! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-08-13 7 34110651 RE:Monster Ex Quest 05 Spidermom was scared, spidersister is magic. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-08-14 27 34119092 Crazy Evil Precure Quest 77 A day in the life of Mirror Spear Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-08-14 10 34123241 Girls und Panzer Quest 141 We are Akiyama Yukari, and two of our friends are sick! GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-08-14 5 34156658 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Shower-time continues; pearls touch; dinner is had; sleeping? What is sleep? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-08-15 13 34154724 Magical Girl Noir Quest 227 A well fed magical girl enjoys a noisy lunch with her best friend and her best Blueberry. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko 2014-08-15 18 34161166 Esper Quest: Thread 9 Akari's shadowruns intensify... needlessly.
Also, patrollin' and random encounters! Yay! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , JUSTICE 2014-08-15 7 34158628 RE:Monster Ex Quest 06 An early cliffhanger end. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-08-15 27 34159785 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #109 We train with Black Forest Peak. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-08-16 10 34162204 Card Priestess Masami Quest 16 Where we continue to climb Fortune HQ while encountering some resistance. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-08-16 6 34170937 Girls und Panzer Quest 142 In which we are Akiyama Yukari and we watch our two best friends get kidnapped(?) by Anzio. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-08-16 6 34180469 Magical Girl Noir Quest 228 A socially stunted magical girl asks about relationships, very intimate relationships. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko 2014-08-16 18 34184617 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 16 After his vicious and humiliating throat rape of the coppergirl, our hero emerges from the mines with her in tow. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-16 2 34178317 Makai Knight Quest 02 We are KELL, a Makai Knight. Tonight we hit the club. Makai Knight Quest , Collective Game , GARO , Magical Girls , Joker 2014-08-16 12 34182925 RE:Monster Ex Quest 07 Lizards aren't nearly as intimidating as they think. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-08-17 26 34208829 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #110 We boost the spirits of our crews and get ready for Freddy. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-08-18 10 34215365 Evil Precure Quest 78 Napping and plans for tree visitation occur. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-08-18 8 34212891 Monster Girls Quest 126 It's said the war is won before it even begin, preparing for the engagement is far from easy. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-08-18 6 34212058 Card Priestess Masami Quest 17 Where we become impatient, find an evil looking guy, and hear some evil things. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-08-18 6 34229422 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. A complicated conversation takes a dangerous turn; Akari shows why upsetting her is bad; Yumiko makes a very bad mistake. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-08-18 14 34232374 RE:Monster Ex Quest 08 A child is missing. Things get violent. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-08-19 25 34237371 Card Priestess Masami Quest 18 Where we tell someone to pound sand, finally decide to fight evil, and get hugs from mom. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-08-19 7 34249940 Slav Shit Future Knights OP: I had an idea today, tentatively entitled "Slav Shit Future Knights" inspired by the game Destiny and the book One Soldier's War In Chechnya. Players are knights of the last city on Earth (St Petersburg) who venture out beyond the walls armed with an array of slavic weaponry from the last 100+ years (statted up with MotSP's equipment building system) to do battle with bandits, chechens, aliens, stalinist ape-men and assorted mutants, recover mystical treasures and technology and you get the idea Worldbuilding , world building , OC , awesome , jews , bears , russia 2014-08-19 6 34259610 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E3 The tradition of gathering around a bonfire... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-20 7 34257694 Newest Hero Quest - 3 Avalon has Scions explained to her and goes to steal her things back Collective game , monstergirl , Newest Hero Quest, 2014-08-20 7 34256329 Warhound Quest: Intermission The first of hopefully many intermissions Collective Game , Mercworld , Warhound Quest , Mercenaries , Elfs 2014-08-20 6 34256118 Witch Quest #20 We get set a mission in the city Collective Game , Witch Quest , Magic , Witch , Magical girl 2014-08-20 1 34257696 Baring All A surprisingly civil discussion on the culture of (non) clothing around the world and in fantasy games. Also featuring the bro demon husbando. worldbuilding , nudity , witch , druid , tribal culture , wizards , armor proficiency , nudism culture 2014-08-20 0 34262424 Girls und Panzer Quest 143 In which we have a chat with Anchovy. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-08-20 5 34283182 Esper Quest: Thread 10 We meet a pair of 'magical girls,' and IT'S AKARI'S BIRTHDAY! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , WIZARDS AND BIRTHDAY PARTIES 2014-08-21 7 34276240 RE:Monster Ex Quest 09 Operation: Moth Rescue draws to a close. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-08-21 28 34297562 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Putting our lovers to bed, and bedding our lovers. And a phone call. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-08-21 13 34305008 Esper Quest: Thread 10.5 THE BIRTHDAY PARTY NEVER ENDS!
Continuation of thread 10! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , BIRTHDAY PARTIES 2014-08-22 7 34308100 Girls und Panzer Quest 144 In which we are Carpaccio and we're facing off against Maginot Academy. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-08-22 6 34317475 Magical Girl Noir Quest 229 A fully ratified magical Warmaster suffers through part of the celebration and inspects her shield... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Pinky 2014-08-22 18 34328186 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E4 New friends go through meditation, some are having issue with it. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-23 7 34320618 RE:Monster Ex Quest 10 Slow thread- Day to day life. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-08-23 25 34321859 Space Pirate Naga Quest 12 Our daring captain makes her equally daring escape, meets an old flame of a member of one of her crewmates, and recruits a city. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Girlfriend troubles , Freebird 2014-08-23 6 34343491 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 17 Chara's got a collar, and Patina's still waiting to be raped again? All this and more, on tonight's episode of Child Rapist Quest. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-23 4 34340893 Magical Girl Noir Quest 230 A stressed magical girl suffers some more and returns to the party. Time for a show! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Pinky 2014-08-23 18 34343404 RE:Monster EX Quest 11 A trip back to the waterfall. We're a big girl now. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-08-24 27 34375075 Evil Precure Quest 79 Fungicide, Document forgeries, and Image dumps. Oh my! Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-08-25 10 34373064 Card Priestess Masami Quest 19 Where we get interrupted at breakfast, learn how to make cool things, and then learn some stuff from Mom. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-08-25 6 34389860 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hea Yui and Akari get personal attention. Mysterious phone calls. Threats and things that aren't threats. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-08-25 14 34415620 RE:Monster Ex Quest 12 Spending time with brothers and sisters. Sara might be a bit crazy. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-08-27 26 34435569 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Ryukusa skips sleeping; sisterly love (of the platonic kind); the dreaded training decisions. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-08-27 13 34445020 Card Priestess Masami Quest 20 Where we try to give Aiko back her phone, find out Maeda is missing, and find someone who dresses weirdly. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-08-28 6 34459836 Esper Quest: Thread 11 We start with Mami, whose day has been (and will continue to be) full of robots! Then, the plot thickens! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , JUSTICE , LASERS , ROBOT DINOSAURS , GOOD OLD-FASHIONED NEWFANGLED FISTICUFFS 2014-08-28 6 34470637 Girls und Panzer Quest 145 In which we assault some of Maginot's tanks. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-08-29 7 34481885 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts. Speaking with the Goddess of the Sun; making breakfast; training! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , Amaterasu 2014-08-29 13 34492165 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E5 Asher awakens after a frightful injury. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-30 6 34484732 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #111 Part 1 We dig a few holes, teach some math, and then begin recording animation. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-08-30 10 34483725 RE:Monster Ex Quest 13 A hunting trip to test new capabilities. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-08-30 26 34489978 Warhound Quest: Intermission Wolf bites an elf. Gets away with it. Collective Game , Mercworld , Warhound Quest , Mercenaries , Elfs 2014-08-30 4 34509225 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 18 Our hero goes to his parents' keep to investigate his older brother's murder. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-30 4 34515414 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E6 Asher's having a hard time sleeping... Later he spars with Saphira. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-31 7 September 2014 34538650 Card Priestess Masami Quest 21 Where we chase a masked girl, are suspicious of our friends, and wish we had siblings. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-09-01 6 34537993 Monster Girls Quest 127 The investigation begins, traitors can't hide forever. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-09-01 6 34541860 Evil PreCure Quest 80 Putting the "Fun" in Fungicide Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-09-01 11 34557919 RE:Monster Ex Quest 14 Posting issues, and a trip into town. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-09-02 27 34581702 Esper Quest: Thread 12 We start off with a certain wheeled cyborg, and go looking for a friend! Then, things continue to get crazier!
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , WHEELS 2014-09-02 5 34599498 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the Sun Apparently, goddesses have an effect on people. Teasing, training, and trouble. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-09-03 13 34611202 Girls und Panzer Quest 146 In which the match between Anzio and Maginot continues. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-09-04 5 34621820 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the Sun A Cat. A Fight. A Threat. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls 2014-09-04 14 34623785 RE:Monster Ex Quest 15 A tour, some armour, and a thread cut short. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-09-05 24 34632013 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7 Someone died during training, the Old Lady is younger. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-05 8 34651268 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7.5 Asher trains up a new discovery of his magic, an intruder blatantly intrudes, and it's time for a parade. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-05 7 34645041 Magical Girl Noir Quest 231 A less nervous magical girl plays along with the former Warmaster and expresses her undying love of paperwork. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Vintage , Kyuubey 2014-09-05 19 34675824 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 19 Having finished up with Elisetta's side quest (and fucked her), our hero continues in his investigation of his older brother's murder. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-06 4 34680876 Scorpion Girl Quest 46 Hunzuu learns what happened while she was gone. Iltani is sad, but then there are kittens. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-09-07 11 34677021 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #112 We practice with Oryola Kuznetsov. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-09-07 10 34684207 Card Priestess Masami Quest 22 Where we have another strange dream, wake up in a scare, and try on some new clothes Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-09-07 7 34700029 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #113 We work for tomorrow. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-09-08 11 34707520 Evil Precure Quest 81 A master spy he is not. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-09-08 12 34707138 Card Priestess Masami Quest 23 Where we scare Aiko, come across a fight, and release a magical girl back into the wild. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-09-08 6 34724656 RE:Monster Ex Quest 16 We smear a few wolves around, and wake up to an early surprise. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-09-09 27 34760111 Girls und Panzer Quest 147 In which we are Akiyama Yukari and we are continuing to trail our kidnapped(?) friends. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-09-10 7 34770380 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the Sun Angry dragonette is angry. Picnics are good. Psycho sycophants not so much. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko 2014-09-10 13 34772501 RE:Monster Ex Quest 17 Jin: Nocturnal, or really lazy? You decide. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-09-11 25 34779704 Card Priestess Masami Quest 24 Part 1 Where we run the thread for about thirty minutes before 4chan dies. RIP 4chan. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-09-11 6 34812496 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the Sun Demon cats, diabolical plans, and dragonettes with attitude. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko 2014-09-12 15 34809789 Magical Girl Noir Quest 232 An angry looking magical girl tells her lover to get good and attends a super secret meeting. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Vintage , Kyuubey 2014-09-12 18 34837564 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 20 Our hero plans to head south and meet Sir Arthur. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-13 4 34841917 Esper Quest: Thread 13 We start off with Akari, who is worried about the sanctity if Mato's rockin' "bod."
And, y'know, her safety and health and stuff.
And it's still July 25th! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , WORRYING 2014-09-13 5 34836978 RE:Monster Ex Quest 18 We hear a story, and then make own of our own. Arachne don't take kindly invasion. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-09-14 24 34838515 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #114 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Ooarai Girls Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-09-14 21 34843027 Card Priestess Masami Quest 24 Part 2 Where we finally go to Fortune, bake a gigantic cake, and then have alarms go off in our ears. RIP ears Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-09-14 6 34848990 Girls und Panzer Quest 148 In which we face off against a superior force. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-09-14 6 34869635 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8 Returing from the Parade, Faust has some things to think about. He goes out to do some training and returns to find... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-15 6 34862630 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest Epilogue The main conflict is finished and we save Lafayette Girls Academy ship. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-09-15 39 34868529 Scorpion Girl Quest 47 Hunzuu attempts to write a love letter and meets the new lizard-girl Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-09-15 13 34866099 Evil PreCure Quest 82 De-clawing the kitty Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-09-15 11 34878166 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8.5 Gertrude a monster, Asmodeus a shit. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-15 6 34890954 Monster Girls Quest 128 Where strategies are put forth and we end up making plans for a trip down south. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-09-16 6 34908834 RE:Monster Ex Quest 19 We have a heartwarming day with the family when we finally wake up monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-09-17 26 34918332 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E9 Faust makes a choice for a comrade Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-17 7 34930098 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the Sun Training in the park. Playing in the park. Fighting in the park. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko 2014-09-17 13 34933889 Card Priestess Masami Quest 25 Where we kidnap a magical girl, and marvel at Mom's amazing hug-based powers. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-09-18 6 34908471 Lewd Text RPG Worldbuilding OP and anons brainstorm ideas for a lewd text RPG. RPG , lewd , worldbuilding , 2014-09-18 -2 34953601 RE:Monster Ex Quest 20 Players continue to collect monsters like pokemon monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , collective game 2014-09-19 24 34985468 The All Guardsmen Party and Nubby's Girlfriend The All Guardsmen Party gets a smokin hot Interrogator and goes to purge some genestealers. All Guardsmen Party , Storytime , Dark Heresy , 40k , Warhammer , Story , Shoggy , Nubby , Girlfriend , Only War , Guardsmen , Guardsman 2014-09-20 157 35000017 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 21 Our hero has a firm suspect: Lorenne, his brother's paramour. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-20 2 35001232 Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux The glorious return of Lady Liberty and her stalwart companions. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2014-09-21 13 35009583 Girls und Panzer Quest 149 In which we are facing down the Char. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-09-21 7 35022120 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 22 Our hero has sex with a small child and then heads off to the mountains on his quest for an heir. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-21 3 35026658 Esper Quest: Thread 14 We start out with Strength, who has no idea what's going on.
Then, we realize that the gang's all here. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-09-21 5 35026983 Scorpion Girl Quest 48 Hunzuu chooses where to look next. SHe also gives rides to children, because of course she does. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-09-22 10 35029003 Evil Precure Quest 83 We explain the situation to Satoshi... with our fist. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Preure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-09-22 11 35045438 RE:Monster Ex Quest 21 Take the new dog for a walk! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , collective game 2014-09-23 24 35065283 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the Sun Training and playing and...finally, Ryuu Wakaba. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko 2014-09-23 14 35090203 Card Priestess Masami Quest 26 Where we become a private detective, learn some things best left unspoken, and continue to pursue the masked girl. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-09-24 6 35087578 RE:Monster Ex Quest 22 Dad comes home and the thread runs hot. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-09-25 24 35084915 How do dwarves measure time Anon asks a simple question. Brainstorming and worlbuilding begins. Worldbuilding , Setting , Dwarf , Time , Clocks 2014-09-25 7 35120111 Girls und Panzer Quest 150 In which we return to our regularly-scheduled tank commanding couple. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2014-09-26 10 35137172 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10 After speaking with the real Faust, there's time to kill as a week goes by. The end? A fashionable enterprise! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-27 7 35152884 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23 Our hero adventures in the Allimas, having met Erosette once more. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-27 -5 35153074 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23 Our hero adventures in the Allimas. (Actual thread.) Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-27 4 35148894 Magical Girl Noir Quest 233 A painfully sober magical girl reviews what she learned the previous night. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Vintage , Kyuubey 2014-09-27 18 35153894 RE:Monster Ex Quest 23 A little bit of hunting, a little bit of exploring monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-09-28 24 35174614 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 24 After getting his arm slashed open, our hero continues to fuck his way through life. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-28 3 35170783 Magical Girl Noir Quest 234 A hungover magical girl goes to hear what the prisoner has to say and receives a very polite letter. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Yuma 2014-09-28 17 35177127 Esper Quest: Thread 15 STRIPES! (heh).
We start out with Mato, and then she and Akari have some good breakfast-time conversation!
What happens next is up to the players! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , JUSTICE 2014-09-28 5 35175628 Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #2 We spend some time back home before we're called to duty again. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2014-09-29 10 35201306 Card Priestess Masami Quest 27 Where we get a frightening power, and use it indiscriminately. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-09-29 5 35197921 RE:Monster Ex Quest 24 We take the dust and our royal spiderbutt back to home. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-09-30 27 35216398 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the Sun Facing Wakaba's madness; homeward bound; decisions and decisions and other decisions. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko 2014-09-30 11 October 2014 35224465 Monster Girls Quest 129 Visit down south always end up full of events, our mission might just need a detour to fix the political situation…and take revenge for old wounds. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-10-01 4 35244144 Card Priestess Masami Quest 28 Where we, um, actually I don't know who we are. This is an identity crisis! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-10-02 6 35253871 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10.5 Asher shares some time with his allies before the big event... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-02 7 35243214 Generation A OPFOR: I Quest Father returns and with him a new story begins. Set in the same timeline as Generation A but after Erik's adventure, a werewolf in powerarmor operates with a new team only to have his milk stolen. Collective Game , Papa-n , Quest , Generation A , Monster Girls , Monstergirls , 2014-10-02 20 35261630 RE:Monster Ex Quest 25 Early archive to ward off food monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-10-03 24 35268740 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E11 Asher wraps up in Dorothy's shop, trains, and then...
It's time for a showstopper. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-03 6 35280077 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the Sun Returning home; gathering intel; a surprising discovery. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko 2014-10-03 12 35267979 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest In which we puke glowing rainbows, and gain tits. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-03 20 35284076 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 2 In which we transform for the first time, shower, and satisfy shadow. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-04 11 35302762 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 25 Our hero confronts a brown girl on some rocks. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-04 4 35299452 Magical Girl Noir Quest 235 A careful magical girl interrogates a prisoner. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-10-04 18 35304874 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 3 In which we have a chat with our Shadow and go take a shower. Probably ended early. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-05 10 35302391 RE:Monster Ex Quest 26 A visit to town. Jin shows off her thing. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , collective game 2014-10-05 25 35311578 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12 The battle for fashion continues! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-05 6 35305527 Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #3 Welcome to Doctor Savage's Fortress of Solitude! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2014-10-05 8 35313602 Towergirls System Trial A test of a d10 success system in a FTL/Oregon Trail style game. Goes a bit off-kilter the further things progress, but had a solid idea behind it. Some NSFW near the end. collective game , tower girls , towergirls , d10 , test , trial , development , game design , smut , drawfag 2014-10-05 4 35326929 Esper Quest: Thread 16 We start with Minami, who becomes aware that it's way too early, and then go to a meeting!
Oh, also, there's some giant robots or something.
No big deal, really. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-10-05 6 35328734 Card Priestess Masami Quest 29 Where we try to comfort a crazy girl, then try to take her to dinner, wait, something is wrong with this. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-10-06 8 35331439 Evil PreCure Quest 84 You know what goes well with fungicide? Sleepovers! Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-10-06 10 35345190 RE:Monster Ex Quest 27 Giant Enemy Crab. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-10-07 25 35391019 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 4 In which we go clothes shopping, and fight our first demon! Also get our second Change Temp this time. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-09 11 35398922 Assassin School quest 7 part 2 Lyla's African adventure continues, her guide dies to mysterious circumstances (Layla), and invades the camp of a warlord, things quickly go sour and the hunter becomes the hunted Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , African warlord, 2014-10-09 10 35405072 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the Sun Anonimous returns, and won't take no for an answer. Rie explains something. Ryukusa gets angry. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , blood , graphic injury 2014-10-09 10 35413762 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12.5 (remaster) A thread's redone because the QM has a problem. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-10 7 35413220 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 5 We watch a movie with Beth and cook some dinner. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-10 10 35415617 Catboy Quest Part 1 The freshly-named Purrwin Schrödinger is sent into a fantasy world which the whims of the dice gods have set to maximum cruelty. Things start going badly for our cuddly protagonist as soon as the game begins, as he deals with a dangerous fall, a dark forest, and unfriendly town guards. Catboy Quest , collective game , drawquest , cbqdm , catboy , Purrwin Schrödinger , cruel world , falling , cats always land on their feet 2014-10-10 10 35427519 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the Sun The secrets of cat youkai. Triumphant returns. Dreams. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , 2014-10-10 13 35425406 Magical Girl Noir Quest 236 A decisive magical girl has had it with the demands and honor, so she chooses her own method. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Yuma , BBQ 2014-10-10 18 35434548 Card Priestess Masami Quest 30 Where we find out something terrible, and then we are sad. Everyone is sad forever. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-10-10 6 35429497 RE:Monster Ex Quest 28 Crab moving, celebrating, sleepy monstergirls. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-10-11 23 35438361 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E13 Asher recovers from the fashion show. Continuing on to bigger and better things? Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-11 7 35392648 Chess World World Building OP asks for ideas on building a grid world, kinda like Ravenloft if there were squares other than gothic horror. Lots of cool ideas come about despite the fact the abandons the thread in his faggotry. chess,checkers,world building,setting 2014-10-11 2 35434352 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 6 In which we have a nap, get busy with ourselves, and finally go hang out with John Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-11 10 35453839 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 26 Having finished raping a brown girl, our hero is shot at by some redhead bitch. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-11 1 35458769 Esper Quest: Thread 17 Akari and Co. take on Not!Mechagodzilla... and... Co.?
Oh boy.
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , GIANT ROBOTS , ROBOT DINOSAURS , THE GREAT EVIL , MAGIC , JUSTICE 2014-10-12 2 35455055 Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #4 Skull Island is not a good place to be. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2014-10-12 8 35468875 Generation A OPFOR Quest: II A brief visit with a certain Iceman as he battles literacy and boredom. Then its back to Sulla where things heat up during a friendly chat. Collective Game , Papa-n , Quest , Generation A , Monster Girls , Monstergirls 2014-10-12 15 35461168 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 7 We hang out with John, Fight a Demon, save a Katgirl, and Johns house. Dad completes a bucketlist item. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-12 10 35478217 Scorpion Girl Quest 49 Hunzuu goes back to Turtak. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-10-13 11 35486626 Evil PreCure Quest 85 Follicle Fiasco Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-10-13 10 35485611 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 8 We talk to Beth, cuddle with Kat, Have a good dream, fail at cooking, go running and shower. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-13 10 35509335 Card Priestess Masami Quest 31 Where we stall for time with the student council, come face to face with a haunted mansion, and then try to rationalize with the stubborn. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-10-14 5 35503379 RE:Monster Ex Quest 29 A bit of training, a bit of sleeping, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-10-14 23 35524833 RE:Monster Ex Quest 30 Monster hunting with mom, dungeon prep, and a whole pile of surprises. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-10-15 25 35542823 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer Emi's Promise is made, and Rie leads Ryukusa back home. But is Rie done with Ryukusa? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , 2014-10-15 10 35548407 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 9 We drive Beth home and hang out with Kat. Things get hot when we go underwear shopping with her. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-16 10 35563376 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer Playing as Mizumi Shoko, we learn what happened to the original God of Destruction. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , gore , death 2014-10-16 8 35567762 Esper Quest: Thread 18 Akari and Co. learn that Mop-man is a big jerk, just like his robot:
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , GIANT ROBOTS , ROBOT DINOSAURS , THE GREAT EVIL , MAGIC , JUSTICE 2014-10-16 5 35565040 RE:Monster Ex Quest 31 Dungeons!
Early archive. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-10-17 23 35568888 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 10 We manage to save our self some embarrassment, go home, shower, cook, learn magic shit, free Alex, and Lewd the Kat again. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-17 7 35583032 Magical Girl Noir Quest 237 A singed magical girl finally has a lead to the location of the prophet! Now she just needs that lead to wake up... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Yuma , Kyoko 2014-10-17 18 35593742 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E14 Wood and Blood. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-18 8 35588124 RE:Monster Ex Quest 32 Dungeon diving part 2: Wizard Frustration station monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-10-18 24 35592114 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 11 We hang out with Shadow Alex and Kat, then decide to go on a date with Shadow Alex but get sidetracked with demon hunting. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-18 6 35608257 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 27 Having finished brutally raping Lorenne, our hero deals with the fallout of Erosette's battle. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-18 1 35613954 Esper Quest: Thread 19 Is it the calm before the storm?
Or the calm of the aftermath?
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-10-19 5 35610186 RE:Monster Ex Quest 33 Our dungeon adventure concludes. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , collective game 2014-10-19 23 35609257 Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #5 The daring fight in the ruins and the aftermath. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2014-10-19 7 35612985 Monster Girls Quest 130 Puzzle of the mind and preparation for the duel. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-10-19 3 35625963 Magical Girl Noir Quest 238 A benevolent magical girl finds out what the young Culexus did to her. All of it. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Yuma , Kyoko 2014-10-19 18 35637705 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E15 Asher is pulled into a pond for a bit of "business" with a nymph in the Otherworld. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-20 8 35629302 Code Geass Quest: Stage 2 Shirley Fenette investigates into the reasoning behind Drill Sargent Delson's evil actions. Her quest for truth and revenge quickly unlid and envelope her in the depths of a conspiracy she's completely ignorant of. Blood is spilled and a young girl's mind goes to tatters in Stage 2. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-10-20 10 35634830 Evil PreCure Quest 86 Masako's cromulent hair cuts and eggs is open for business Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-10-20 10 35655000 Card Priestess Masami Quest 32 Where we try to see who is more stubborn, Us or Kaori. We have lots of practice on our side! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-10-21 5 35654335 Generation A OPFOR Frost Vikings Quest: I A Generation A spinoff taking place in the other world, Pre-2012 event. Still isn't catgirls instead Ice vikings! Doing what Ice vikings do best; Helping distribute wealth and rescuing damsels in distress. Collective Game , Papa-n , Quest , Generation A , Monster Girls , Monstergirls , Generation A sidestory 2014-10-21 15 35686810 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer Ryukusa decides what to do with her new staff; spells and plans are made... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko, 2014-10-22 13 35695012 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E16 Pondscum a shit. A SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-23 6 35692666 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 12 Alex and Shadow Alex play a joke on Beth. Beth is not amused. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-23 5 35707898 RE:Monster Ex Quest 34 A new spiderbutt dawns. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-10-24 27 35713395 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 13 Beth turns the tables and gets a chance to play with Alex while she is still extra sensitive. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-24 6 35727071 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer Landlordladything stuff. Secretarial ooze. A fellow shinobi. Cuddles. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , 2014-10-24 13 35732757 Scorpion Girl Quest 50 Hunzuu carefully deals with Nur-Sin and has some real talk with Iltani. Unrequited love is a bitch. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-10-25 10 35737363 Fantasy 'Murrica Hey there, American smar/tg/uys and intelligen/tg/irls.
What would a medieval fantasy setting look like, in your state? america , fantasy , worldbuilding, 2014-10-25 7 35750114 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 28 With Lorenne taken as his rape toy, our hero should be wrapping up his business in the Allimas soon. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-25 3 35747172 Magical Girl Noir Quest 239 A sore magical girl confers with the three Stooges about the upcoming mission and decides who to bring... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Yuma , Kyoko 2014-10-25 18 35754680 Esper Quest: Thread 20 Nee-chan returns, and a decision must be made:
WHAT IS BEST IN LIFE? Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryo-Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , The Eye of Judgment , Hospital food , THE RETURN OF THE NEE-CHAN 2014-10-26 5 35750302 RE:Monster Ex Quest 35 Experimental magic use and an arsenal addition! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-10-26 23 35751375 Code Geass Quest: Stage 3 Shirley ascends to the rank of Private First class and leaves for the Tokyo Settlement on an escort mission. Tragedies and hatreds are revealed as blood is split once more... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-10-26 7 35773294 Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #6 A sparring match or two and a talk with the prisoners. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2014-10-27 9 35786546 Assassin School quest 11 part 2 In which Layla kidnaps a witch (partially for turning her into cat girl), introduces a witch to a nun, gets some catnip, and tries to take a shower Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , witch , cat girl , kidnapping, 2014-10-27 10 35795049 Card Priestess Masami Quest 33 Where we kidnap a little girl and take her home. All things considered, I'm amazed this didn't happen sooner! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-10-28 6 35812704 RE:Monster Ex Quest 36 Bath construction and a bit of dinner.
monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-10-29 23 35823915 MOTA Quest 1 In which we are oriented by a book, and Anai claims her first companion/mount. Collective Game , MOTA , Anubis Girl , Anai , Homebrew 2014-10-29 3 35815630 Assassin School quest 12 In which Layla learns a bit about her witch, and gets her a new abode, and she later takes an enthusiastic walk through the forest and goes on a mission with a somewhat familiar face Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Witch , Catgirl 2014-10-29 10 35827958 Assassin School quest 12 part 2 Layla returns to brausrburge, to track down the attacker of the local peasants, it ends with a rather impressive fireworks display Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl, 2014-10-29 10 35831770 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer Yuuhi reveals less than stellar news; Oba-san's weaknesses discussed; sleep is chanced. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , 2014-10-29 10 35838286 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 14 We invite Beth to Dinner, act normal about Shadow Alex, and have a moment with Mother. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-10-30 5 35855642 RE:Monster Ex Quest 37 A bit of forging, a bit of scaring random people around town monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-10-31 23 35872173 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer Mending, talking, sleeping. The fateful day arrives. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , 2014-10-31 10 35870773 Magical Girl Noir Quest 240 A funny magical girl tries to soothe worries with jokes, but it does not go as planned. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Risa , Misaka 2014-10-31 17 November 2014 35877585 Assassin School quest 13: Halloween special Layla tries to get the cowardly Maria to enjoy Halloween, And something fantastic happens, as love blooms beneath the moon Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl , Halloween Special , love 2014-11-01 22 35893634 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 29 Having impregnated his wife, our hero completes his journey home. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-01 4 35891463 Magical Girl Noir Quest 241 A socially skilled magical girl does not ask her visitor why she is a robot and deals with inter-officio relations. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Risa , Misaka 2014-11-01 18 35897723 Esper Quest: Thread 21 Akari is released from the hospital... and greeted by some... unexpected visitors.
The question is- are they friend, or foe? Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion 2014-11-01 3 35902074 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E17 Asher has a chat with Saph, then goes to see an old friend... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-11-02 5 35893656 RE:Monster Ex Quest 38 Food, friends, and storytelling. And a tiny bit of alcohol. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-11-02 23 35895192 Code Geass Quest: Stage 4 After a fierce battle in the ruins of the Special Administration zone and a gamble of a rescue, Xinlu Kuu finds herself rewarded by a chance to join the Special Corp. But is this really a reward? Or a trap? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-11-02 8 35898293 Assassin School quest 14 Layla and Maria decide to go for a walk on halloween night, which eventually turns to Layla hunting a demon Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl , Demon 2014-11-02 14 35896443 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 15 In which we sleep, cook, go running, and then have a serious discussion. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-11-02 6 35923834 Card Priestess Masami Quest 34 Where we deal with the aftermath of having a sibling. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-11-03 6 35918282 Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #7 We go swimming and swimming. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2014-11-03 10 35923968 Evil Precure Quest 87 The children need more violence in school. Also, anon is lewd. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-11-03 11 35923282 MOTA Quest 2 LionBearDogs and Necromancers, Oh my! There are other Atlas-users? We level up as well. Collective Game , MOTA , Anubis Girl , Anai , Homebrew 2014-11-03 2 35938517 RE:Monster Ex Quest 39 Training, sleeping, and smithing.
Also waking up in strange rooms. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-11-04 25 35942359 Assassin School quest 15 Layla And Maria go to the beach, and then fight a knight of god Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , nun , Catgirl , vampire , righteous fury 2014-11-04 13 35976468 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer The duel against Kurao Goto; a surprise interruption; the lines are drawn. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , 2014-11-05 13 35982344 Generation A OPFOR Frost Vikings Quest: II Fun with maps until a sea monstrosity shows up. It's never catgirls, is it? Collective Game , Papa-n , Quest , Generation A , Monster Girls , Monstergirls , Generation A sidestory 2014-11-06 12 35976464 Disney Villains Victorious A 'Your next campaign' thread turns into full-on worldbuilding of a setting where the villains of Disney movies won. Disney , Villains , Victorious , Worldbuilding , Scar , Grimhilde , Maleficent , Hans , Jafar , Facilier 2014-11-07 47 35997084 RE:Monster Ex Quest 40 A spar, and a starry eyed harpy monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-11-07 26 36006513 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E18 Asher has a conversation with Camille... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-11-07 7 36002479 Assassin School quest 16 Layla is bedridden from her and Maria's battle with the holy knight. But not for long as she rejects her humanity. Also room 1856 is renovated Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl , Vampire 2014-11-07 11 36009627 Disney Villains Victorious In a world in which all the villains from Disney's animated films have won, a brave few stand up to try and bring light and goodness back to the world. More worldbuilding and brainstorming is to be had in this third thread of Disney Villains Victorious. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew 2014-11-08 22 36023529 Disney Villains Victorious: Thread Four Victorious In a world in which all the villains from Disney's animated films have won, a brave few stand up to try and bring light and goodness back to the world. More fluff is spun of course, and work on the crunch begins. Heroes and villains, the living and the dead, might and magic, despair and hope. Tune in to find out more! Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-08 17 36039362 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 30 Having returned home, our hero has to manage his harem some more. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-08 3 36035076 Magical Girl Noir Quest 242 A very trusting magical girl finds time to relax in ways she never knew, and never wants to stop. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori 2014-11-08 17 36043183 Esper Quest: Thread 22 After last thread's 'close encounter,' it's time for learning!
Because knowing is half the battle! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , ZAPPY-ZAP , Xenos filth , invasion , LEARNING 2014-11-08 5 36039228 RE:Monster Ex Quest 41 A hunt with a friend!
Also a lot of snark. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-11-09 24 36037296 Disney Villains Victorious: Thread Five In a world in which all the villains from Disney's animated films have won, a brave few stand up to try and bring light and goodness back to the world. Things get really crunchy, but remain just as fluffy as before. The bells are ringing, the spirits are fighting, the dwarves are digging and the Disney is strong. Tune in to find out more! Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-09 14 36045537 Disney Villains Victorious: VI The sixth thread, in which we discuss skills and traits and heroes Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design , Scar , Grimhilde , Maleficent , Horned King , Jafar , Facilier 2014-11-09 14 36040835 Code Geass Quest: Stage 5 Shirley makes it into the Special Corp but is quickly discovered by Suzaku! After cutting a painful deal she learns what she'll be piloting and has a pleasant reunion with her doctor before ending the day peacefully for once. But will this peace last? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-11-09 6 36049715 Disney Villains Victorious: VII In a world in which all the villains from Disney's animated films have won, a brave few stand up to try and bring light and goodness back to the world. In this seventh thread, Anons and Nameholders alike get down to the nitty-gritty of this setting's game system while continuing to provide quality fluff and world-building ideas. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-09 12 36056960 Disney Villains Victorious VIII In a world in which all the villains from Disney's animated films have won, a brave few stand up to try and bring light and goodness back to the world. In this eighth thread, a lot of game system discussion is had and things begin showing signs of a little bit of structure. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-09 12 36060260 Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #8 A very messy prisoner exchange. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2014-11-10 8 36062468 Disney Villains Victorious IX In a world in which all the villains from Disney's animated films have won, a brave few stand up to try and bring light and goodness back to the world. This is the ninth thread, three times three. Resist. Withstand. Endure. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-10 12 36064777 Monster Girls Quest 131 The somber night change into something a little more cheerful but the duel remains in everyone mind, what sacrifice will be needed to see victory? Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-11-10 4 36065174 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 16 We finish our talk, have a shower, and go help John with a small wolf problem. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-11-10 5 36077760 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer Ryukuza faces the oni and his oni-sword; unlikely timing; turmoil. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , blood 2014-11-10 10 36070014 Disney Villains Victorious X In a world in which all the villains from Disney's animated films have won, a brave few stand up to try and bring light and goodness back to the world. In this tenth thread, much discussion is had about character creation, traits and powers, amongst other topics. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-10 12 36079994 Disney Villains Victorious XI In a world in which all the villains from Disney's animated films have won, a brave few stand up to try and bring light and goodness back to the world. In this eleventh thread, the game system is neatly summarized, the map is reorganized, and more flavorful crunch is discussed. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-10 12 36079161 RE:Monster Ex Quest 42 A successful hunt and a chat with a friend! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-11-11 24 36084081 Disney Villains Victorious XII In a world in which all the villains from Disney's animated films have won, a brave few stand up to try and bring light and goodness back to the world. In this twelfth thread, many more game mechanics are discussed, as are more map alterations and the legitimacy of live action Disney properties within the setting. Progress continues to be made and much fun is had. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-11 12 36084742 Card Priestess Masami Quest 35 Where we drag someone back to school, and learn something very frightening about the enemy. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-11-11 6 36089341 Disney Villains Victorious XIII In a world in which all the villains from Disney's animated films have won, a brave few stand up to try and bring light and goodness back to the world. In this thirteenth thread, a sample low-level adventure is laid out, discussion of the nations takes place, and more fantastic writing is written. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-11 12 36096939 Disney Villains Victorious XIV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-12 12 36105822 Disney Villains Victorious XV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the fifteenth thread in five days, everyone blows off a little steam and things get a little weird, but more fluff and crunch are worked out, and everyone feels a little better for it. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-12 12 36104726 Assassin School quest 17 Layla and Maria go to kill a good man for no reason other than money. And then lewd happens Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-11-12 20 36111407 Disney Villains Victorious XVI Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. The sixteenth thread is another laid back thread, with calm, relaxed discussion of the Villains and the world. Some writing is done, and a lyricist pops in to take suggestions for songs. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-12 12 36123404 Disney Villains Victorious XVII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the seventeenth thread, the magic versus anti-magic debate comes to a head, but things are settled and continue on as productively as they have before. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-13 11 36129027 Disney Villains Victorious XVIII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the eighteenth thread, a great deal more discussion is had, and a number of pieces of writing are written, and things keep rolling right along at a breakneck pace. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-13 10 36139899 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer Nightmares and ghosts and bakemono, oh shit. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , monsters 2014-11-13 13 36136120 Disney Villains Victorious XIX In a world in which all the villains from Disney's animated films have won, a brave few stand up to try and bring light and goodness back to the world. In the nineteenth thread, our day shift contributors continue brainstorming, fluffing and crunching, as Brazilian folklore is also discussed. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-13 10 36140792 Disney Villains Victorious XX Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. We've reached our twentieth thread, and the game system is very nearly complete! Reasons to celebrate abound! Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-14 10 36149524 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E19 Asher opens a portal to another world... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-11-14 5 36141058 RE:Monster Ex Quest 43 Time skips and moths! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-11-14 23 36148225 Disney Villains Victorious XXI Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. After our triumphant twentieth thread, the twenty-first is a more sedate affair, with contributors creating example characters using our (mostly) completed game system and discussing the intricacies thereof. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-14 8 36150875 Mysteries of the Atlas Quest Chapter 3: Nolan for Old Men Anai discovers that Atlas users carry a reputation for disaster, and learns about the city of Nolan. Collective Game , MOTA , Anubis Girl , Anai , Homebrew 2014-11-14 2 36146598 Young Monster quest 5 Razsezsunael and Majazal decide to finally go kill the duke, however, Raz gets distracted by learning things and kidnapping the duke's daughter, who is a half breed of monster and human, named Elizabeth. Also gets a cool looking coat Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , , Demon , kidnapping , monster girl, 2014-11-14 7 36157492 Magical Girl Noir Quest 243 An agitated magical girl takes a call from her best friend in the whole world! ... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , KHARN! 2014-11-14 17 36156847 Disney Villains Victorious XXII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. The twenty-second thread in our blockbusting series features more character creation, some new pieces of fluff, and a renewal of the Magic versus Anti-Magic debate. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-14 10 36166222 Disney Villains Victorious XXIII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. The twenty-third thread is a giant, swirling magical maelstrom of crunch, Beastly Belle makes an appearance, and songs are sung in the cool moonlight. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-15 5 36174516 roleplay/A Particularly Average Day/thread 1 Ibi wakes up to a day which is not particularly average, starting with her coming out of the closet. Collective Game , Drawquest , roleplay , A Particularly Average Day , Ibi , Wendell 2014-11-15 0 36174056 Disney Villains Victorious XXIV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. The twenty-fourth thread, as will sometimes happen during one of /tg/'s long-haul projects, devolves into a battle over whether or not to include Ghibli influences. Despite this, there are still many nuggets of goodness to be found. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-15 5 36182407 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 31 Our hero is home at last, managing his harem. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-15 4 36182471 RE:Monster Quest 44 More spiderbutt on harpybutt on wolfbutt action monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-11-15 24 36181067 Orc Warlord Quest 1 A young orc hunts, loots tombs, and plans treachery. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-11-16 40 36188990 Esper Quest: Thread 23 We start off with LOLIBOT PRI- err, Precia Testarossa, and begin work on something to combat the alien menace!
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! 2014-11-16 2 36183699 Code Geass Quest: Stage 6 Shirley has a long discussion with Suzaku and learns that the Red Barons might have been behind the attack on the Special Administrative Zone of Japan. A request arrives from the military and Shirley goes back to settle the score with the rebels who attacked the Mt. Odake base... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-11-16 5 36191100 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E20 The portal is open upon one day within the time of Samhain. Through come the fae in a glorious way... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-11-16 6 36182412 Disney Villains Victorious XXV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the twenty-fifth thread of the series, Nob hosts his first alpha playtest of the D.V.V. system, many more example characters are statted, and Belle's daughter is both a bastard and a Beast. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-16 5 36185837 Assassin School quest 18 In which Layla has a friendly talk with the witch, learns how to cast some basic spells, unlocks stealth class, and tastes Maria, going a slightly crazier after the fact. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Yandere 2014-11-16 13 36200835 Magical Girl Noir Quest 244 A curious magical girl gets told the wonders of pregnancy and awaits the mission briefing. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Kharn 2014-11-16 18 36196425 Disney Villains Victorious XXVI Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the twenty-sixth thread, a lot more discussion is had based on the alpha play test, some more songs are written, and contributors continue to be productive. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-16 5 36205375 Code Geass Quest: Stage 6.5 Shirley assists in a raid on the rebel base during her first deployment in the Sutherland Club. Things become complicated when a bomb goes off and wipes out the taskforce sent to deal with them forcing Shirley to pursue the rebels. Ancient ruins, a dark conspiracy, and a strange boy buried in a mountain... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-11-17 5 36209469 Mysteries of the Atlas Quest Chapter 4: Pubthumpin' Anai beats the tar out of some pub creeps, and ponders her reason for having power. Her habit of having bad days does not improve. Collective Game , MOTA , Anubis Girl , Anai , Homebrew 2014-11-17 3 36209159 Disney Villains Victorious XXVII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the twenty-seventh thread, things continue apace, with class power discussion and recalculating rules after the first playtest. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-17 5 36192637 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 17 We finish our chat with John, get a mysterious job offer, and are forced with a dilemma at the end of the thread. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-11-17 6 36220192 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 0: The unfortunate last Magical girl Elizabeth Walters, an ordinary if lazy highschool student is woken up by a foul mouthed goblin, and forced into becoming a magical girl, the only one, apparently, as all the others have joined the side of chaos. Uh oh Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , Character Creation , The Headmaster , 2014-11-17 14 36224437 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer How does one cope with possession? Akari's projects. A gift. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , 2014-11-17 10 36218965 Disney Villains Victorious XXVIII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. The twenty-eighth thread rolls by in a flash as the fluff and crunch fly in the wake of further play testing and brainstorming. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-17 4 36230161 Card Priestess Masami Quest 36 Where we find out that the bad guys are powering up without us, how rude! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-11-18 5 36228861 Disney Villains Victorious XXIX Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In this, the twenty-ninth thread of D.V.V., more songs are written, more stories are told, and the crunch gets intricate and technical with discussion of enemy power levels, punchfairy mechanics and more debate on the "M-Word." Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-18 4 36226612 RE:Monster Ex Quest 45 Early archive after an interrupted thread. monstergirls , Re-Monster , RE:Monster Ex Quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-11-18 27 36234567 Disney Villains Victorious XXX Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. D.V.V. has reached its THIRTIETH thread in only about TEN days! This is certainly something to celebrate! Debate on the inclusion of PC-wielded magic in the setting continues but is mostly civil, and a great deal more crunch along with a bit of fluff is discussed. Everyone should feel proud! Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-18 4 36229391 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 1: Crimson Dream, the red mage of the comet Elizabeth Walters, or rather Crimson Dream, fights her first, and rather destructive, battle against two weak monsters. And learns that she is the new star of her sister's favorite show. She then goes hunting monsters to let of steam, and Encounters the corrupted magical girl, Emerald Yellow Twirl. Will the town survive it's destructive savior? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2014-11-18 12 36244890 Orc Warlord Quest 2 Ur'shal seizes control of his clan with the aid of two good friends and a big axe. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-11-19 31 36244501 Disney Villains Victorious XXXI Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In this thread, the second playtest is run, crunch is re-examined, fluff is written, and things generally go smoothly. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-19 4 36254106 Orc Warlord Quest 3 Ur'shal, Chieftain of the Stonetusk Clan, celebrates his victory. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-11-19 27 36183416 roleplay/A Particularly Average Day Part 2 Ibi converses with Wendell and explores their surroundings. Not much progress is made at all. Collective Game , Drawquest , roleplay , A Particularly Average Day , Ibi , Wendell 2014-11-19 0 36251356 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 2: The Twintailed girl In which Crimson Dream and Emerald Yellow twirl fight a giant school after Elizabeth and Charlotte finish school for the day, and tell Elizabeth's little sister of their secret. Only for her to be kidnapped be continued Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Tree monster 2014-11-19 12 36258251 Disney Villains Victorious XXXII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In this thirty-second thread, more characters and more fluff is generated, a greater understanding of Empress Yzma's Sunless Empire is gained, and a general timeline discussion is begun. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-19 4 36268341 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 1 Ed wakes up in a world filled with bizarre trees and has no recollection of his past at all. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-11-20 6 36269958 Disney Villains Victorious XXXIII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In this thirty-third thread, the discussion about the timeline becomes a debate which is eventually resolved, many, many polls are held, and various bits and pieces of crunch are soused out. Also, a third alpha test game is scheduled. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-20 4 36285110 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer Kurou Kyota tries to cope. Akari is apologetic. What wishes are for. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , 2014-11-20 14 36277501 Disney Villains Victorious XXXIV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the thirty-fourth thread, some good fluff is had and several songs are written, and a debate blows up about inclusivity and changing core mechanics. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-20 4 36285129 Orc Warlord Quest 4 Ur'shal organizes his new clan and prepares to head north against a potential threat. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-11-21 27 36289822 Disney Villains Victorious XXXV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the thirty-fifth thread, the third play test gets under way, refinements are made to the nitty gritty of the game system, and tensions remain somewhat elevated. With luck, this will pass soon like a summer squall. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-21 4 36303972 Magical Girl Noir Quest 245 A commanding magical girl enters the Akashic realm to finally confront the Prophet. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2014-11-21 18 36294966 Disney Villains Victorious XXXVI Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the thirty-sixth thread, not a whole lot is accomplished. While a number of good concepts are brought up, they are not followed through to their conclusions, as many of our regular posters appear to be indisposed. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-21 4 36314108 Over(Human)Limit Quest 21 Asher fights against the forces that defy the Fae's foothold on the world as he's hunted by an old friend. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-11-22 6 36306803 Space Pirate Naga Quest 18 In which our fearless, peerless Captain finds a new toy, learns a little about her First Mate, and receives unlikely help in a dire situation. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Nearly Naked Catmen 2014-11-22 6 36309144 Disney Villains Victorious XXXVII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the thirty-seventh thread, a great deal of discussion is had on a number of crunchy topics, and another playtest is run. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-22 4 36307888 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 2 An encounter with a bear, a boar, and some herb picking. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-11-22 6 36311490 Assassin School quest 19 Layla goes on a wild goose chase with a blind girl, fights a teacher, loses, sees a new show with Maria, and decides to start hunting a rat Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Yandere 2014-11-22 13 36327695 Card Priestess Masami Quest 37 Where we try to plan ahead of our enemies by baking sweets. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-11-22 5 36328568 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 32 Our hero fugs Chara in the butt, again. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-22 4 36316290 Disney Villains Victorious XXXVIII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the thirty-eighth thread, more fluff is fluffed and more crunch is crunched. A play test is run, and tempers continue to simmer as we near the homestretch of the game's core build. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-22 4 36336536 Over(Human)Limit Quest 21.5 Asher uses a fossil for a ritual. Frightful company makes an appearance. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-11-23 6 36330731 Code Geass Quest: Stage 7 Shirley's battle against the rebel continues as she clashes against the taiga family and investigates what they were transporting. Her curiosity gets the best of her and she comes face to face with what could only be a monster. Will Shirley win through determination, or is something more needed to survive this fight? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-11-23 5 36329726 Disney Villains Victorious XXXIX Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the thirty-ninth thread, there is no bickering or arguing to be had at all, and the fluffing and crunching rolls on just as smoothly and politely as you please. Things are getting more polished and complete by the day. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-23 4 36337481 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 18 We introduce ourselves to the other magical girls and start working on the job. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-11-23 8 36348277 Magical Girl Noir Quest 246 An accurate magical girl ponders the offer presented to her while her companion fights for their lives. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Homura 2014-11-23 19 36352176 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 3 The conclusion of Otherworldly Arboretum Quest. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-11-24 2 36352609 Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux Finale The Shard of the Immaterium comes to a close. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2014-11-24 10 36346718 Disney Villains Victorious XXXX Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the 40th thread, things continue to inch painfully towards a working beta, but fluff creation continues apace and a special guest makes an appearance. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-24 4 36357069 Mysteries of the Atlas Quest Chapter 5: The First Assault Anai and Winter incapacitate the elven strike force, only to be confronted with a new enemy. Collective Game , MOTA , Anubis Girl , Anai , Homebrew 2014-11-24 1 36355757 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 3: The duty of an older sister Elizabeth saves her sister from the grasps of a monstrous owl, and then recruits a pink haired girl named Amanda Mimi Hill to the side of order, and she becomes Pink Holiday. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2014-11-24 11 36355695 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 19 We get to work killing demons and tease some of our teammates. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-11-24 6 36372784 RE:Monster Ex Quest 46 Some ruins exploration with the family! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-11-25 24 36364318 Disney Villains Victorious XLI Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the 41st thread, things are rather laid back as contributors poke at various aspects of the fluff and crunch, discuss PC agency within the setting, and make plans to finish up the game's alpha version. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-25 4 36378655 Monster Girls Quest 132 A rematch with a champion and old nemesis. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-11-25 4 36390636 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon Diplomat Happiness is a warm dragonette. Revelations. Petting. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , 2014-11-25 13 36396138 Esper Quest: Thread 24 We start out with Mato, and probably end up doing cute things for most of the thread.
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! 2014-11-25 5 36385215 Dreamers vs Succubi Setting Worldbuilding Anon starts a thread involving Succubus Catfights. /tg/ proceeds to turn it into a setting vaguely inspired by Psychonauts and Inception and a discussion on the nature of true love, also, historic fiction. Not bad from a thread that started as Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors meets bikini wrestling. succubi , lucid dreaming , setting , worldbuilding , historic fiction , WTF , catfight 2014-11-26 5 36390759 orc warlord quest 5 We bang an ogress orc warlord quest , collective game 2014-11-26 29 36387515 Disney Villains Victorious XLII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the 42nd thread, both new characters and new villains are statted, more KLRs and fluff pieces are written and things proceed at a sedate pace as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-27 4 36428029 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 3.5 (Revamp) A new addition to the group, and a tenuous bridge crossing. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-11-28 3 36429479 Orc Warlord Quest 6 The Stonetusk Clan celebrate their victories and plan their next move. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-11-28 27 36429972 RE:Monster Ex Quest 47 Lyra gets a last name. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-11-28 29 36430950 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 4: The destructive Savior VS ??? Elizabeth has a sleep over, which ends with Amanda needing pampering and a movie. The next morning, the magical girls save kids from a monster, and sign a few autographs. And then Elizabeth sees a familiar face, or rather two Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster, 2014-11-28 11 36445938 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon Diplomat The Church, The Military, the Haunts. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , blood 2014-11-28 12 36422115 Disney Villains Victorious XLIII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. The 43rd thread, started around Thanksgiving, proceeds at a leisurely pace and includes playtesting, further refinement of the game system and fluff discussion about the Kings and their roles in the world are had. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-29 4 36463019 Magical Girl Noir Quest 247 A cautious magical girl discourages golden weapon use and confronts the strange Red Culexus. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko 2014-11-29 17 36467861 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 4 The group meets with the warden and then discusses a plan with a dissenter. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-11-30 3 36463953 Magical Gems and worldbuilding /TG/ tries to get shit done with things involving magic gems. worldbuilding , magic , gem , mining , blacksmith , weapon 2014-11-30 1 36469358 Assassin School quest 20 Layla catches a rat, a rather drunk one at that, and spends some quality time with her better half's other half, and then challenges the CQC teacher again, and wins. and We learn dice gods love cats. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Yandere 2014-11-30 14 36455301 Disney Villains Victorious XLIV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the 44th thread, a surprisingly large number of things get done, with multiple villains, new races, and another discussion on the most forbidden topic. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-11-30 4 36486626 Card Priestess Masami Quest 38 Where we find some new monsters, and some new toys! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-11-30 6 36488319 Esper Quest: Thread 25 We begin with Mato in a room full of nerds.
Meanwhile, Nee-chan knows much about making superheavy tanks. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , LEARNING 2014-11-30 2 December 2014 36481423 Disney Villains Victorious XLV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the 45th thread, there is a flare-up of debate over the power of individual enemies, but work still gets done. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-01 4 36493589 Over(Human)Limit Quest 22 Zeitgeist fights on through the night until the morning. It's time for a counterattack! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-12-01 6 36485640 Living Planet Worldbuilding and Debate /tg/ proposes a planet made of living, dogscape-ish organic flesh as a setting. The resulting discussion involves parasite cults, Star Trek ships vs Hellstar Remina, cities covered in biohazard-proofed walls and several new setting's worth of fluff. dogscape , gigerworld , meat , organic , planet , star trek , hellstar remina 2014-12-01 3 36506112 RE:Monster Ex Quest 48 A spot of kidnapping! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-12-02 25 36492514 Disney Villains Victorious XLVI Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the 46th thread, more fluff is written and more crunch is worked out as preparations are made for another playtest, this time set in the Sorcerous Sultanate of Agrabah. Please stay tuned to see how things turn out! Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-02 2 36523954 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon Diplomat Dealing with cats, grunts, and oni. Oh, and grenades. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , blood 2014-12-02 12 36523119 Orc Warlord Quest 7 Koz'rak launches a raid on the human Cloud Tribe for slaves and loot. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-02 25 36521125 Disney Villains Victorious XLVII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the forty-seventh thread, the seventh and final playtest is run in preparations for a beta test campaign. As always, fluff is fluffed and crunch is crunched and discussion is had. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-03 1 36549261 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 5 A day of investigating the claims of the treefolk and playing with some rocks. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-04 6 36552398 Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest Interlude 1 In which we are a megacorp exec. And we're on a boat. Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest , Interlude , HaikuDeluge , Collective Game 2014-12-04 10 36569466 Esper Quest: Thread 26 Psi-amplification is a wonderful thing!
No alternate PoV intro today.
Only glorious honks. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , HONK , 4chen 2014-12-04 5 36566560 RE:Monster Ex Quest 49 Mom loses her pasta. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-12-05 23 36565590 Orc Warlord Quest 8 Ur'shal goes out hunting strange creatures spotted on the borders of his clan's lands. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-05 26 36578254 Disney Villains Victorious XLVIII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the forty-eighth thread, we continue statting out Villains and a King or two, including Jafar, and we update the Beast list. Things are going smoothly. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-05 1 36551267 Disney Villains Victorious XLVIII (true) Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the forty-eighth thread, we continue statting out Villains and a King or two, including Jafar, and we update the Beast list. Things are going smoothly. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-05 2 36589982 Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest Interlude 1.2 In which we are a megcorp exec. And things get emotional. Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest , Interlude , HaikuDeluge , Collective Game 2014-12-06 5 36589325 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 5: a stange day Elizabeth and Charlotte have a friendly chat on the roof, and meet the weird new teacher with Amanda. She turns out to be a witch, a rather friendly one. And later Elizabeth and Amanda fight a giant mole Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2014-12-06 11 36604642 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 33 Our hero probably spends some quality time with Adelle or something. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-12-06 4 36607834 Esper Quest: Thread 27 Akari thinks on her dreams, potentially changing the nature of her personal reality even further.
At least Mato's hungry enough for some breakfast! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , DREAM SEQUENCE 2014-12-06 6 36605137 RE:Monster Ex Quest 50 Lyra critically fails all day long.
monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-12-07 27 36605698 Code Geass Quest: Stage 8 Shirley sleeps into a strange world and awakens to find herself injured, but alive aboard the Avalon. After some bickering and discussion, she decides to head home for a week to heal. All in all, a pretty slow thread due to my sleep schedule issues. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-12-07 6 36608521 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 20 We fight a fallen god with our teammates. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-12-07 12 36624092 Card Priestess Masami Quest 39 Where we either get the best Christmas gift ever or the worst idea we've ever had. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-12-07 7 36626350 Over(Human)Limit Quest 23 The Purging of Faerie Chicago begins... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-12-08 6 36623693 Cyberpunk Civilian Life Anon asks what citizen life in a cyberpunk world would be like. A discussion on freedoms vs effectivity, multiple already existing works of cyberpunk and feels-inducing stories takes place. Also a bit of on-topic discussion, cyborg lawyer hiveminds, recommendations for how to make insects edible and a discussion on christ figures in fiction. cyberpunk , worldbuilding , writefag , feels , insects, 2014-12-08 5 36625583 Homeless Mutant Quest #94 Will they dare hire Laura? Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , Carlos 2014-12-08 31 36627578 Mysteries of the Atlas Quest Chapter 6: The Long Road Anai befriends the two elves in her company, Niccolo and Maria, and learns more about the current state of affairs. We also get to see the world from a very...unique perspective. Collective Game , MOTA , Anubis Girl , Anai , Homebrew 2014-12-08 1 36610057 Disney Villains Victorious L Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. Multiple kings are statted this, thread, including notably Queen Grimhilde. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-08 1 36626557 Assassin School quest 21 In which Layla terrifies a teacher, and goes to kill a cult with Maria and Emily, for a large sum of money. Kaboom Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-12-08 15 36599531 Rat and other Rodent People Anon requests images for his ratfolk Hedge Witch in Pathfinder. Discussion of rat people takes place, including anedoctes from pet owner, the realization that mice are the true assholes of the rodent world and that hamsters are brain-devouring psychopaths. Ratfolk , Rat People , Nezumi , Skaven , Hamsters , Mice , Pathfinder , Worldbuilding , World Building 2014-12-08 13 36645542 RE:Monster Ex Quest 51 Little sister slays a Hydra.
Sadly inedible. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-12-09 27 36650260 Monster Girls Quest 133 The end of the duel and the inevitable dawn of new development, an unseen shadow may be coming to light… Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-12-09 2 36641357 Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest Interlude 1.3 In which we are a megacorp executive, and we get mixed up in the biohazard lockdown. Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest , Interlude , HaikuDeluge , Collective Game 2014-12-09 7 36661452 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon Diplomat Facing the threat of Anonimous, Wakaba's minions, and seeing how far you can trust Horobi's minions. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , blood 2014-12-09 12 36662484 Orc Warlord Quest 9 Ur'shal leads his clanmates in pursuit of a necromancer hiding out in The Wastes. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-09 26 36636975 Disney Villains Victorious LI Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the fifty-first thread an off-topic anthropological debate occurs, but discussion is also had about the Core game and the next expansion, featuring Disney's more modern films. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-10 1 36681867 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 6 An intense battle with a warden and a new found weapon. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-11 5 36701699 RE:Monster Ex Quest 52 A celebration is cut short and decisions are made. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-12-12 24 36700399 Orc Warlord Quest 10 The Dead Fall. The Fire Rises. Orc Warlord , Collective Game 2014-12-12 24 36671352 Disney Villains Victorious LII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the fifty-second thread, things progress slowly due to many Anons and Names having jobs and academic obligations, but more enemy stating and brainstorming takes place regardless. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-12 2 36719150 Magical Girl Noir Quest 248 A reluctant magical girl battles against the Red Culexus. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Red Bitch 2014-12-12 20 36741120 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 34 Our hero terrifies his captive and continues his investigation. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-12-13 3 36744844 Over(Human)Limit Quest 24(Finale Part 1) The Spirit of the New Age. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-12-14 7 36742279 RE:Monster Ex Quest 53 A slow thread. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-12-14 25 36741834 Orc Warlord Quest 11 A study in proper warbeast care and the dangers of unexpected weather conditions. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-14 26 36742087 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 7 A converstation with Ryg, an encounter with a old enemy, and an encounter with a young mage. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-14 5 36721017 Disney Villains Victorious LIII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the fifty-third thread, discussion is held at more leisurely pace, preparations are made for a commissioned art piece, another session of our first test campaign is run and a Drawfriend joins our ranks! Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-14 2 36742202 Code Geass Quest: Stage 9 Shirley begins her journey down the road of recovery, eating healthily, buying hentai games, and finally chatting with friends. However a trip to the supermarket reveals that she’ll have no time for anything but fighting as her worst enemy has already begun making his move…
Also, people lose their minds over sausages. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-12-14 6 36743949 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 21 We exchange numbers with the other magical girls and finally head home. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-12-14 5 36744538 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 6: Witch? What a strange word On a boring sunday Morning, Elizabeth meets a rather friendly orc in an anime shop, gets a dog, and goes to break into a witch's with her friends Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2014-12-14 11 36744825 Grombworld Evolution Game /tg/ directs the evolution of 5 small organisms, starting in the shallows of an ocean. Collective Game , evolution , evogame , Grombworld , kerp , sat , pholl , gromb , fennet 2014-12-14 2 36760841 Card Priestess Masami Quest 40 Where we negotiate with terrorists, and meet a new face. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-12-14 6 36766713 Mysteries of the Atlas Quest Chapter 7: Bad Moon Part 1 The party reaches an abandoned farmhouse, and Maria immediately freaks out about the ambient energy. There's a bad moon on the rise. Collective Game , MOTA , Anubis Girl , Anai , Homebrew 2014-12-15 1 36767757 Evil PreCure Quest 88 The Quest is lives!...which is more than one might say for [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]! Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-12-15 12 36752626 Disney Villains Victorious LIV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the fifty-fourth thread, not much is crunched out but a great deal of delicious fluff is written, and our new artist shares more of his work. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-15 0 36779674 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon Diplomat Your cousin the demigod; insanity and the consequences; Yuuhi a cute; Akari is bold. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2014-12-15 13 36781029 RE:Monster Ex Quest 54 The journey north continues.
Lyra is cranky when awoken late at night. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-12-16 24 36782988 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 8 An unsightly harvesting of magic, an encounter with a pair of forest trolls, and finally entering the next piece. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-16 3 36784473 Bug Girl Quest 1 We pick find out we've got super powers, then do everything in our power to avoid using them. Bug Girl Quest , Parasite Master , QM swap , Possible one shot , Convenience Store 2014-12-16 10 36784629 Assassin School quest 22 Layla pays the nun a visit, and then plays Maria's new video game on the hardest difficulty and after some calming down, decides to visit the witch and study a bit of magic Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-12-16 13 36761184 Grombworld Evolution Game 2 Surface life becomes difficult with a long-term drought. Collective Game , evolution , evogame , Grombworld , kerp , sat , pholl , gromb , fennet 2014-12-16 2 36798584 Orc Warlord Quest 12 Ur'shal battles a rock troll and celebrates with his clan in the traditional orcish manner. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-16 25 36803568 Mysteries of the Atlas Quest Chapter 7: Bad Moon Part 2 We begin by flexing our newly acquired fire muscles by burning down a barn full of zombies, then gain an unlikely(and kinda creepy) ally. Collective Game , MOTA , Anubis Girl , Anai , Homebrew 2014-12-17 2 36803706 Bug Girl Quest 2: Where rescue our comrades and fight a war, then we do some investigating and accidentally the soul of a God. Bug Girl Quest , Parasite Master , Collective Game , 2014-12-17 12 36817161 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon Diplomat Dealing with your defeated cousin, Er Yin's pain, and Kiku's anguish. Oh, and youkai fucking everywhere. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2014-12-17 12 36802090 Grombworld Evolution Game 3 Evolution continues on this desert world. Collective Game , evolution , evogame , Grombworld , kerp , sat , pholl , gromb , fennet 2014-12-17 1 36820577 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 9 The group stumbles upon a strange woman in the sand, an invisible tower is climbed, and some scorpions are dealt with. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-18 4 36821215 Generation A OPFOR Quest: III Sulla meets a certain Incubus, Iceman, and Werebear. Hugs are given, drinks are downed, and mistakes are made leaving Sulla to wake up only to find out, that his milk was stolen again. Collective Game , Papa-n , Quest , Generation A , Monster Girls , Monstergirls 2014-12-18 11 36779657 Disney Villains Victorious LV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. Another king statted, more crunch, more art and some more discussion about the futuristic splat. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-18 0 36837092 Orc Warlord Quest 13 Ur'shal plans his next move against rival clans and learns more about one of his slaves. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-19 25 36840400 Bug Girl Quest 3 We receive brain hugs and operate our shiny gun. Bug Girl Quest , Parasite Master , Collective Game, 2014-12-19 10 36860086 Bug Girl Quest 4 In which we steal tank manuals from a library and trade our Mom for wings. Bug Girl Quest , Parasite Master , Collective Game , Brain Hugs 2014-12-20 10 36837181 Grombworld Evolution Game 5 The ice age finally begins to dissipate.
Thread 4 has the wrong title. Collective Game , evolution , evogame , Grombworld , kerp , sat , pholl , gromb , fennet 2014-12-20 0 36876645 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 35 The interrogation of Lorenne continues. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-12-20 2 36877235 RE:Monster Ex Quest 55 The trip continues.
Also giant eyeballs?
monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-12-21 25 36877924 Code Geass Quest: Stage 10 Shirley infiltrates a Black Knights base, questions why the female uniforms are so skimpy, and manages to leak incredibly valuable info before walking out without so much as a suspicious glance. But will the information she sent out be of use? Or have Zero's plans already reached their inevitable conclusion? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-12-21 6 36880806 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 7: Labyrinth of the witch Elizabeth continues looking for the witch of mazes Min. She visits a strange castle and takes a very unrelaxing stroll through a garden, and meets something dreadful that's stuck in a closet. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster, 2014-12-21 10 36895472 Card Priestess Masami Quest 41 Where we are challenged to a duel! Or something! It's not really clear. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-12-21 5 36892600 Magical Girl Noir Quest 249 A changed magical girl tries to sort through the messy mission as time ticks away for her best friend. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Wendy 2014-12-21 21 36898294 Esper Quest: Thread 28 We pick up where we left off last time- BREAKING THE FAST!
And silliness returns with a vengeance!
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , Dice be praised! 2014-12-21 2 36900348 Over(Human)Limit Quest 24(Finale Part 2) All things come to an end. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-12-22 6 36837736 Disney Villains Victorious LVI Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the fifty-sixth thread,a great deal more fluff is written and art is drawn, mainly focused around Atlantis and its role in the world of Disney Villains Victorious. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-22 0 36897198 Code Geass Quest: Stage 11 Shirley is invited to the palace expecting praises and promotions, only to wind up with a gun to her head. Zero has made his move and now Shirley needs to make her own... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-12-22 8 36896621 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 10 Difficult questions were asked and answered, an oasis was reached, and the group took down some strange creatures. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-22 4 36899903 Assassin School quest 23 Layla and Maria have fun in the snow and take a walk in the forest. And then they meet something weird, that is a horrible singer Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-12-22 13 36902382 Space Horror Campaign Concept OP proposes a scifi campaign based off Alien and the Thing. Discussion derails into Dave, the PTSD-suffering AI that isn't a killer no matter how much it seems like one. Campaign , Scifi , Space , Horror , Worldbuilding , AI , Feels , Subverted Expectations 2014-12-22 13 36874815 Grombworld Evolution Game 6 A period of relative peace and HARMONY HARMONY OH LOVE descends upon the planet, but not for long. Collective Game , evolution , evogame , Grombworld , kerp , sat , pholl , gromb , fennet 2014-12-22 1 36918130 RE:Monster Ex Quest 56 Lyra faces her most preferred foe. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-12-23 27 36923814 Evil PreCure Quest 89 Taking some precuremon back to the precurecenter Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-12-23 10 36920492 Bug Girl Quest 5 We accidentally commit suicide, pick a new protagonist, finally conduct ourselves in a manner befitting a hero and then die again. Bug Girl Quest , Parasite Master , Collective Game , Sara Shields 2014-12-23 7 36922928 Monster Girls Quest 134 With the end of a crisis come a time for relationships. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-12-23 4 36935575 Orc Warlord Quest 14 Ur'shal makes plans for his conquest of the Stormhowler and Goatfoot Clans. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-24 25 36941707 Orc Warlord Quest 15 Ur'shal prepares to challenge the Stormhowler Chieftain and reaps the benefits of strange magics. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-24 25 36939303 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 8: Christmas special Santa claus has been kidnapped, and there's snow everywhere, it's up to Elizabeth, Charlotte, Amanda, and Min the witch of mazes?! to rescue him and SAVE CHRISTMAS Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2014-12-24 11 36945618 Kantai Collection Christmas Special Part 2 The plan to save Christmas is underway! No? Then won't you do it for a Scooby Snack? Collective Game , Kantai Collection , Kancolle , Christmas , Christmas special , Quest , Hakarl. Scooby-Doo , Scooby Snax , Scooby Snack 2014-12-24 -4 36913762 Disney Villains Victorious LVII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the fifty-seventh thread, more villains are statted, Ice Anna pays a visit, and discussion of the first expansion, DVV: GRIDLOCK begins in earnest. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-24 0 36959316 Bug Girl Quest 6 We wake up in a Void, start a co-op campaign, and play hero to a hero. Bug Girl Quest , Parasite Master , Collective Game, 2014-12-25 6 36969781 Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: The haloing A heavenly magical redhead hosts another round of interviews and summarizes recent events. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Kyoko 2014-12-25 18 36976298 Bug Girl Quest 7 We accept a job for the Feds with our Sister, bribe some day laborers, gut check a hero, and start a revolutionary government. Bug Girl Quest , Parasite Master , Collective Game , Sara Shields 2014-12-26 5 36914923 Grombworld Evolution Game 7 Harmony ends. The event table returns the world to rage. Collective Game , evolution , evogame , Grombworld , kerp , sat , pholl , gromb , fennet 2014-12-26 0 36985884 Symbiote Girl Quest An office girl becomes host to an alien parasite and turns into a monster. Hijinks ensue. Symbiote Girl Quest , Collective Game , Symbiote , Horror 2014-12-27 15 36987734 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 11 A nighttime chat, a strange dream, and meeting with a merchant. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-27 3 36956404 Disney Villains Victorious LVIII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the fifty-eighth thread, more discussion on DVV: Gridlock and Classic take place, fluff an crunch and produced and we all take it easy on account of the holidays. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-27 2 37002440 Symbiote Girl Quest 2 Cattle mutilations, indecision & learning revenge is the human trait we enjoy most. Symbiote Girl Quest , Collective Game , Symbiote , Horror 2014-12-27 13 36990700 Scorpion Girl Quest 51 I don't even follow this quest, I'm just archiving it because sup/tg/ temporarily died forever. A girl wot has monster legs does things. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2014-12-28 10 37004670 RE:Monster Ex Quest 57 Wandering through the woods... monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-12-28 24 37005877 Orc Warlord Quest 16 Ur'shal duels Ya'zada, chieftain of the Stormhowler Clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-28 25 37007323 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 9: SLEEPOVER!?? Elizabeth teaches her "Dog" to not look terrifying, gains Ice magic, fights a large wolf monster with her friends, and after they defeat it, they celebrate with a sleepover. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2014-12-28 11 37009758 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 22 We deal with a temporary change, Kat practices her powers and we indulge our Mom. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-12-28 5 37026473 Esper Quest: Christmas/Winter Holiday Special It's a bit too late to call it a Christmas special, but it's still the winter holidays, right?
We start with Feito-chan so the QM can hint that her relationship with her mother has improved greatly. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , CHRISTMAS , SNOWBALL FIGHT , HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2014-12-29 5 37024042 Code Geass Quest: Stage 12 Shirley is freed and brought back to the Avalon. After giving a comforting speech to a maddened Princess she goes off to save her friends, only to come face to face with an enigmatic machine. Bad luck forces her into a terrible situation. Will Shirley survive, or will the strong consume the weak? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-12-29 7 37028981 Evil PreCure Quest 90 Tag team finishers and Psychonauts: Imouto version Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2014-12-29 10 37028014 Monster Girls Quest 134-2 Where we try out best to keep someone form having a nervous breakdown. Monster Girls Quests , Collective Game , Monster Girls , Quest 2014-12-29 6 37043752 GuP - Scarridge High Quest - Thread 1 We hear rumours, and Emily leads us on a mission to find out the team secret! Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer , GUP , SHQ , Scarridge High Quest , Tanks 2014-12-29 5 37044094 RE:Monster Ex Quest 58 A wolf gets better. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2014-12-30 24 37044823 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 12 The group enters a maze of giant rocks and finds their way to the warden's fortress. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-30 3 37007084 Disney Villains Victorious LIX Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the fifty-ninth, more fluff and crunch of DVV: Gridlock is had, more art is shared and more laughs are had. Please stay tuned for more! Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2014-12-30 -1 37066341 Orc Warlord Quest 17 In which Ur'shal negotiates complex inter-clan politics by way of bloody duels to the death. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-31 24 37064472 GuP - Scarridge High Quest - Thread 2 We choose a tank, attend our first training session, go to a team dinner, and cuddle up in bed with the girls! Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer , GUP , SHQ , Scarridge High Quest , Tanks 2014-12-31 7 37073773 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 23 We head to the mall, and find a pet store. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2014-12-31 10 37087203 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Pain and suffering, danger and healing... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2014-12-31 13 37088733 Girls und Panzer: LGA Quest - New Years We celebrate the New Year. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-12-31 16 37090508 Card Priestess Masami Quest 42 Where we find out that the mystery man is a pretty cool guy! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2014-12-31 5 37047010 Infinite Castle Setting OP proposes the Elemental Plane of Castle. Worldbuilding and stories follow. Dyson Sphere , Castle , Elemental Plane , Planet , Setting , Worldbuilding 2014-12-31 3 January 2015 37091356 Assassin School Quest 24 Layla spends sometime Pampering a sick Maria, creates a terrible new poison and finds a test subject for it, and decides to figure out what the strange orb she found is exactly. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Poison 2015-01-01 12 37064882 Disney Villains Victorious LX Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the sixtieth thread, more discussion of DVV's new modern expansion, GRIDLOCK, is had, and we celebrate a New Year of Disney Villains. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2015-01-01 -1 37107613 Orc Warlord Quest 18 Ur'shal organizes his rapidly growing clan and has a good night ruined by strange magic. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-02 24 37123300 Symbiote Girl Quest 3 Mercy awakes cocooned and terrified. A suicide attempt backfires, and she relocates. Symbiote Girl Quest , Collective Game , Symbiote , Horror 2015-01-02 12 37127629 RE:Monster Ex Quest 59 Talks about the past monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-01-03 25 37126851 GuP - Scarridge High Quest - Thread 3 We sleep in, clean the tank, get shouted at, then get drunk. Happy New Year! Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer , GUP , SHQ , Scarridge High Quest , Tanks 2015-01-03 5 37138137 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 36 Our hero must confront a shadow/slimegirl alone and unarmed. Is this the end for him? Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2015-01-03 3 37138699 Orc Warlord Quest 19 Ur'shal faces down a horror of the Abyss and deals with the real world fallout of his impromptu dream quest. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-04 24 37122120 Night Shift: Minimum Wage, Maximum Weird. 2015 Edition Night Shift Anon returns with some play test stories and some new event ideas are pitched. Night Shift , Graveyard Shift , surreal , horror , setting , homebrew , world building , brainstorming 2015-01-04 6 37147327 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 24 We finish at the first shop and treat Beth and Kat at a bakery. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-01-04 6 37161664 Code Geass Quest: Stage 13 Shirley's crash pits her against fearsome foes and leads her to trying to rescue her comrade. However a rescue attempt leads her coming face to face with the man she set out to kill so long ago... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-01-05 12 37161244 Card Priestess Masami Quest 43 Where we find out Ryouta has a plan! It's just not a very good plan. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-01-05 6 37168050 Evil PreCure Quest 91 Mirror Shield gets mind loved tenderly Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-01-05 13 37171170 The Book of Sauron OP makes a "Sauron did nothing wrong" joke thread. /tg/ proves untrollable and starts worldbuilding the Book of Sauron and his possible return. LotR , Sauron , Worldbuilding , Writefag , Book , City , Dystopia , Horror 2015-01-06 6 37120364 Disney Villains Victorious LX Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the sixty-first thread, work on Gridlock rolls along, much brainstorming and fluff is produced, and we revisit the Classic game for some more work on villains and stats. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2015-01-06 -5 37201141 Orc Warlord Quest 20 Ur'shal organizes his clan and goes to recruit the Wargriders and Wyrmkillers before his enemies can destroy them. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-07 24 37201620 RE:Monster Ex Quest 60 Conversations and hunting for buried boats. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-01-07 25 37222627 GuP - Scarridge High Quest - Thread 4 We recover from a hangover, go to planet fitness, go to a real gym, fix the tank, then go to bed. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer , GUP , SHQ , Scarridge High Quest , Tanks 2015-01-08 5 37227655 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 10: "Ordinary" Day The sleepover continues and Elizabeth tells Amanda what happened to her mother Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2015-01-08 10 37245394 RE:Monster Ex Quest 61 A happy day of sailing, wolves and chatter. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-01-09 26 37243700 Orc Warlord Quest 21 Ur'shal battles the undead to defend his newest clanmates, and fate proves most unkind to his mate. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-09 23 37251259 Orc Warlord Quest 21.2 Ur'shal returns from his mission with new clanmates and finally gets some time to relax and unwind. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-09 24 37249898 Assassin School quest 25 Layla decides to take her Vampiric Nun, Clementine to Brausrburge for a bit of fun, but then they that it's being terrorized again, this time by a werewolf.
short thread to be continued Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Cat girl , Vampire 2015-01-09 12 37264000 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 25 Kat tries her new key and we decide to hunt some demons with Kat and Beth. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-01-10 5 37266522 Card Priestess Masami Quest 44 Where we find out that Kaori is meeting her father at the absolute worst place! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-01-10 5 37285544 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 37 With the letter of intent in hand, our hero prepares for the last conflict. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2015-01-10 4 37282185 Magical Girl Noir Quest 250 A commanding magical girl slaughters her enemies and pushes her boundaries. Thread interrupted by Moon tremors. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-01-10 19 37284555 Orc Warlord Quest 22 Ya'zada, lieutenant of the Stonetusk Clan, fights off an abyssal parasite in a very strange place. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-11 24 37287712 RE:Monster Ex Quest 62 Hunting accidents and a tiny surprise! monstergirls , Re-Monster , RE:Monster Ex Quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-01-11 25 37287025 Code Geass Quest: Stage 14 Shirley fights against great foes and succeeds, but does winning a battle mean anything when you're losing the war? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-01-11 10 37200257 Disney Villains Victorious LXII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the sixty-second thread, we continue to fluff out the DVV: GRIDLOCK setting which includes: maps and boundaries drawn and redrawn, new pieces of art by a variety of Drawfriends, and in-depth discussion of the various Villains and Lands. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2015-01-11 -6 37315775 Esper Quest: Thread 29 "The Search for Mato"
Some other stuff happens, too, but that's the starting point. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , WHERE'S YOUR WIFE , MATO PLS , Geeze , put that thing on a leash before it glomp-maims somebody! 2015-01-12 3 37283570 Weird War II German U-boat mission through a gateway in the ocean depths. WWII , Cthulu , worldbuilding 2015-01-12 3 37333781 RE:Monster Ex Quest 63 Introductions, breakfast, and a bath. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-01-13 25 37333429 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 13 Recovery from the encounter with the warden and a new pet. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-01-13 2 37337512 Card Priestess Masami Quest 45 Where we find out that we have to go someplace that we REALLY don't want to go. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-01-13 6 37352022 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Makign deals with the Yakuza, the Nogitsune Clan, and the Devil. No, really, the Devil. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-01-13 0 37352150 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Making deals with the Yakuza, the Nogitsune Clan, and the Devil. No, really, the Devil. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-01-13 12 37359196 DBZ Human Quest #34 A friendly game of Tag is cut short as a group of planet pirates plant the seeds of destruction Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , tree , Gohan , Goku , Nappa , King , Kai , Turles , Saiyan , of , might , Crusher , Corps , Earth 2015-01-14 12 37364665 DBZ Human Quest #35 As the planet pirates fall, Kaguya and Goku clash on the subject of mercy. This, along with a discovery of great power leads Kaguya to seek advice Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Saiyan , Human , Earth , Tree , of , Might , Turles , Goku , Gohan , Nappa , Kami , Lookout , Popo , Mr. , Kamehameha , Ginyu , Force 2015-01-14 12 37357622 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 11: Oh lord wake the dead In today's episode, the girls fight an undead horde and meet a rather shy corrupted magical Girl, Violet Shade. And Charlotte gains the odd ability of fusion and she and Elizabeth proceed to test it out with each other. Shenanigans ensure Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Fusion 2015-01-14 11 37300018 Disney Villains Victorious LXIII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the sixty-third thread, a lot of discussion can be found on just how large Gridlock is as a setting, Doofenshmirtz starts a blog and DTP Modern go on a road trip. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2015-01-15 -5 37393227 Orc Warlord Quest 23 Ur'shal, chieftain of the Stonetusk Clan, prepares for his first go at the time honored orcish tradition of raiding elf villages. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-16 24 37394534 RE:Monster Ex Quest 64 Snakes. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-01-16 25 37400124 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 26 Beth and Kat finish off the demon and get some temporary changes. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-01-16 6 37415556 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette The best made plans are those made over lunch. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-01-16 10 37413213 Magical Girl Noir Quest 251 A bloodthirsty magical girl works with her team to take apart the angry giant. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko , Mami , Wendy 2015-01-16 19 37421882 Assassin School quest 26 Layla and Clementine go hunting for a werewolf, and Layla nearly gets buried alive before coming back to a very displeased "Maria" Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , Cat girl, 2015-01-17 11 37417946 Card Priestess Masami Quest 46 Where we break into Fortune HQ to spy on our sister! Also maybe take things for ourselves. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-01-17 5 37435457 How do cultures develop? discussion about creating original cultures for settings. Anthropologist anon gives info and dumps pdfs world building , cultures , pdfs 2015-01-17 24 37440558 RE:Monster Ex Quest 65 Rapids and Snakes and the trouble with moth monarchists. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-01-18 25 37438066 Orc Warlord Quest 24 Ur'shal enters the jungle and launches his attack on the elven settlement. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-18 24 37448031 Orc Warlord Quest 24.2 Ur'shal battles a dangerous adversary, narrowly cheats death, and finishes his first ever raid. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-18 23 37441617 Code Geass Quest: Stage 15 Shirley makes some kickass pizza and goes out for some R&R in Hawaii! However those she trusts might not be all they seem to be... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-01-18 8 37449287 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 27 Beth and Alex have some fun breaking rules. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-01-18 7 37467100 Esper Quest: Thread 30 Yuri, bad puns, yuri, and a huge freakin' tank.
And that's just the beginning! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , extra yuri , makeup? 2015-01-19 3 37471519 Evil PreCure Quest 92 Mind over family matters Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-01-19 8 37474903 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 28 We make our way home with Beth, and Shadow Alex shows us something different about her room. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-01-19 5 37488115 RE:Monster Ex Quest 66 Home at last! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-01-20 25 37491823 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 12: And then there were four This Episode, Elizabeth learns that her mother used to be a Magical girl, and her father used to fight monsters alongside her. Then she and the girls fight a bull and crow, and go pay a visit to the Witch of Mazes Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-01-20 11 37505504 Orc Warlord Quest 25 Ur'shal returns to his camp with the spoils of victory, but encounters another foe along the way. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-21 24 37386478 Disney Villains Victorious LXIV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the sixty-fourth thread, more brainstorming is spun up around the Gridlock setting. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2015-01-21 -6 37530924 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 14 A second attempt to infiltrate Talrith's fortress. Collective Game , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-01-22 1 37538499 Fruitsnackia /TG/ Forum RPG (Name Pending) The first thread for a new rpg forum, now called TransGalactic TransGalactic , Forum RPG , World Building , Game Development 2015-01-22 4 37548781 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Family trouble, and convincing Chisato that yes, monsters exist. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-01-22 8 37549625 Orc Warlord Quest 26 Ur'shal organizes the spoils of his clan's raid and gets to know his new slave a little better. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-23 24 37551095 RE:Monster Ex Quest 67 Timeskips and a festival begins! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-01-23 25 37556035 Ignitrix's Sidequest #3 In which Waaaaghterworld becomes a thing. Collective Game , Khornette , Lady of Change , Tzeentchette , Just as Planned , Not as Planned , Waaaaghterworld , Orks , Shoggy , ELH 2015-01-23 11 37555223 TransGalactic (Formerly Fruitsnackia) /TG/ Forum RPG Second thread for TransGalactica. Races are hammered out more clearly and we begin expanding the lore in other regards as well. TransGalactic , Forum RPG , World Building , Game Development 2015-01-23 5 37550331 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 29 A bath with Kat and a talk with Dad. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-01-23 6 37568375 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Hows does one convince people that the supernatural is real? The hard way, of course. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-01-23 10 37573234 Assassin School quest 27 Layla gets a strange letter, and finds out she's been invited to join the newly formed Double faced coin, a group of students created to find and kill the supernatural. Their first Job? to kill or remove the ghost in the orchard Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-01-24 13 37570291 TransGalaxia 3: Electric Chickadee/(Rip Fruitsnackia)/TG/Forum RPG Third thread, shit goes down, races are hammered out, player progression and classes as well. Maybe this one won't be erased. TransGalactic , Forum RPG , World Building , Game Development 2015-01-24 3 37589214 RE:Monster Ex Quest 68 A timeskip draws to a close. Clothes may be involved. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-01-25 25 37587295 Orc Warlord Quest 27 Ur'shal celebrates his victory with his clanmates and slaves, and learns more about the lands to the south. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-25 25 37592164 Code Geass Quest: Stage 16 OP is late due to internet shenanigans and Shirley wakes up after a horrendous hangover trying to figure out what happened on the beach that night. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-01-25 6 37592462 Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 2nd Chorus Akalade gets laids! The Gorgon Empire Abolishes Slavery! Mycea: Mother & Father of Fungi, Nature Demi-god, ex-slave of Elves and expression of the Moon has been healed! We also dip our toes into the Grasslands. Cyclops , quest , Cyclops quest , Cyclops civilization , Civilization , Gorgon , Medusa , Collective Game , Elf , Mushroom , Monster Girl , 2015-01-25 11 37594719 Card Priestess Masami Quest 47 Where we- Wait, We're not "we" at all! This is an odd change in perspective! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-01-25 6 37601439 TransGalaxia 4: Electric Door/RememberFruistnackia/TG/ForumRPG/ baseline races semi-finalized, progress continues. TransGalactic , Forum RPG , World Building , Game Development 2015-01-25 0 37611246 Magical Girl Noir Quest 252 A fidgeting magical girl negotiates with Ahriman and... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Mami , Wendy 2015-01-25 22 37614891 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 15 Talrith is finally dealt with and the group progresses to the next piece. Collective Game , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-01-26 0 37620769 DBZ Human Quest #43 Nothing but Garlic, but Garlic was nothing Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonballs , Human , Saiyan , Namekian , Demon , Makyo , Star , Krillin , Maron , Yamcha , Bulma , Chi Chi , Master , Roshi , Garlic , Junior , Spice , Mustard , Salt , Vinegar , Popo , Kami , Goku , Gohan , Piccolo , Vegeta 2015-01-26 12 37622640 Evil PreCure Quest 93 Insight to Dad and oh snap! We're gonna have to name them aren't we? Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-01-26 10 37517516 Disney Villains Victorious LXV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In the sixty-fifth thread, more discussion is had on the modern setting Vanellope gets some fluff stories and slews of characters are statted up. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2015-01-26 -6 37633285 Magical Girl Noir Quest 253 A fallen magical girl struggles to regain herself. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Mami , Wendy 2015-01-26 23 37640182 Esper Quest: Thread 31 We start out with Yuu/Strength, picking up where we left off last time- at the park with Mato and Akari (and some ice cream!). Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , imouto acquisition , the true power of yuri 2015-01-26 1 37637834 RE:Monster Ex Quest 69 A spider wakes with an itch. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-01-27 27 37644275 DBZ Human Quest #45 Studying with Gohan leads to a trip to a familiar set of ruins, and two friends reaching new levels of power. Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Saiyan , Human , Gohan , Goku , Chi Chi , Nappa , Kami , Popo , Olibu , Garlic , Junior , Frieza , Vegeta 2015-01-27 12 37640045 Card Priestess Masami Quest 48 Where we witness Kaori being a crybaby, and mommy healing magic! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-01-27 6 37636822 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 30 Hunting a demon and keeping fit. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-01-27 11 37658640 Orc Warlord Quest 28 Ur'shal holds a council to plan his clan's next move. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-28 23 37586083 Harpy Adventurers Worldbuilding OP asks how a civilization of harpies could get anything done without hands. /tg/ responds by a massive debate on bird-people and the creation of a new setting. Worldbuilding , Harpy , Harpies , Setting , Bird , Feathers, 2015-01-28 2 37661221 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 16 An argument with an archer, some down time, and the group travels into the next piece. Collective Game , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-01-28 0 37683875 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 13: The cat of ill Omens This episode: Elizabeth receives some dire news from Charlie the mook. A human turned monster, by the name of Layla Miller.So by means of magic, they travel to see exactly what's going on at the Academy of the lucky coin. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Crossover , Assassin School Quest 2015-01-29 12 37686919 Ignitrix's Sidequest #4: Waaaaaghterworld pt 2 In which we mess with a Repentia's dreams and meet the Dea'cin. Collective Game , Waaaaghterworld , Orks , Khornette , Lady of Change , Tzeentchette , Just as Planned , Not as Planned , ELH 2015-01-29 12 37685658 Flying Tigers & Crimson Skies A planefag wants to run Crimson Skies in Savage Worlds. /tg/ provides discussion and resources. P-51 best plane planes , crimson skies , fighters , flying tigers , savage worlds , air combat , pulp fiction 2015-01-30 3 37706897 Headstarter Crowdfunded Assassinations worldbuilding , oc , awesome , cyberpunk 2015-01-30 5 37730796 Assassin School quest 28 part 1 Layla choose her code name, and so Supernatural Agent: Cheshire is born, wearing a really cool outfit too.
And learns that her little sister has been kidnapped those religious nutters who've tried to kill her, twice Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-01-31 13 37741498 Assassin School quest 28 part 2 The Mission to rescue Layla's little sister from the religious nutters continues. And we learn Layla's little sister likes fire. Also, a small tour of the Academy is given Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-01-31 13 February 2015 37744637 Joker Quest 121 In which the Leukocyte is finally fired, and Red Joker parts with Cybele. Collective Game , Joker Quest , Joker , Best Girl Never Wins 2015-02-01 10 37749466 RE:Monster Ex Quest 70 Lyra signs up. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-02-01 27 37752440 (Not)Overlord Quest The Lich Overlord is dead. All hail the Lich Overlord! Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , Bello , Human of LousEngelus 2015-02-01 15 37750819 Code Geass Quest: Stage 17 Shirley succeeds in getting Euphemia a new identity but is attacked in her sleep by a mystery assailant. Trust is betrayed and dark truths are revealed, Shirley has only begun her transformation and her journey only just begun. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-02-01 7 37753639 Card Priestess Masami Quest 49 Where we find out Mom is an even bigger crybaby than we are. Who is the mature one around here? Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-02-01 5 37752291 Orc Warlord Quest 29 Ur'shal finishes up the council meeting and we take control of Vor'zal hunting down his clanmate's mysterious killer. Cut short due to internet issues. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-01 22 37769775 Orc Warlord Quest 29.2 Vor'zal, priest of the Stonetusk Clan, hunts a strange creature in the mountains to avenge the death of a clanmate. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-01 23 37770699 Magical Girl Noir Quest 254 A transformed magical girl receives word from her Equerry and soars to new heights. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Mami , Wendy 2015-02-01 19 37778401 Esper Quest: Thread 32 Miku gets jealous because Akane's spending way too much time talking on the phone in a language she doesn't speak, and construction on the big tank progresses!
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Yuri , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , Defense bolstering , Hand-holding 2015-02-01 1 37780413 (Not)Overlord Chapter 2 Max takes the job as the new Lich Overlord. And he does a bang-up job in it too. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-02 11 37784077 Evil Precure Quest 94 Landscaping, new names, and chores oh my! Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-02-02 7 37799179 RE:Monster Ex Quest 71 Badges, harpies and wolves. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-02-03 26 37801389 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 17 Some tea and a discussion with a warden. Collective Game , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-02-03 0 37802505 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 3 Max makes his first decree as Overlord.
Then he get's to meet the other Pillars. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-03 11 37801752 Card Priestess Masami Quest 50 Where we find out the Chairman is not a friend of justice! Which makes him justice's enemy! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-02-03 7 37818481 Orc Warlord Quest 30 Contact is made with the Skyhunter Mining Camp, and a betrayal is planned. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-04 23 37823865 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 14: the red handed ghost In this episode, Rumors of a murderous ghost, a violent red head seeing the spirit of foolish wolf, and a sparing match between Elizabeth and Charlotte Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-02-04 11 37825659 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 4 Having personal time with our main boys Zimbil, Poly, and the Kappa team. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-04 7 37635505 Disney Villains Victorious LXVI Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In this thread we get a bucketload of new villains, stats for Alice and Monstro and many suggestions and informations on possible space setting factions. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2015-02-04 -6 37794163 Britbongsteros Storytime In world geographically the same as our own, fantasy tropes meet local mythology. Gather around, and listen to the story of purging necromancy, assassinating nobility, and fighting the terrors of this world. And remember, act in accordance to the Purple Penguin's will. Opening post is required reading. storytime , storytiem , purple penguin , world building , writefaggotry , awesome 2015-02-04 44 37838434 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Rie gets told off by Kiki, of all people; Chisato sees things in a new light. Oh, and necking. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-04 13 37843324 Assassin School quest 29 Elizabeth Miller gets used to her new life at the academy, while Layla tries to make Napalm in the dorm room, she makes a new friend, goes to a few classes, and learns some skills, mostly about how to burn things. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-05 16 37846929 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 5 Meet the humans Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-05 10 37859446 Orc Warlord Quest 31 Ur'shal springs his trap on the Skyhunter Chieftain Dra'koz, despite unexpected complications. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-06 20 37860291 RE:Monster Ex Quest 72 Betrayal in the nest! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-02-06 26 37843250 American Fantasy (Fantasy in a pre-Europe America setting) /tg/ mulls around ideas and inspiring facts about the land west of the atlantic and all its glory and curiosity before the West got a hold of it. america , american fantasy , setting , fluff , discussion , worldbuilding , collaborative , indians , native americans , atlatl , pueblo , hype as fuck 2015-02-06 2 37879167 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Page 725 Interlude: Inari paints a picture for the readers. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-06 8 37884098 Young Monster quest End And so it ends, with a whimper. The QM apologizes profusely and writes a distant Epilogue of it all. Warning, very little actual questing is done in this thread, lots of discussion however. Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest,Demon , Sudden End , World building 2015-02-07 2 37904799 Code Geass Quest: Stage 18 Shirley escapes and is tended to by a strange pair of individuals. Blind and helpless, she finds briefly at peace with the mysterious Nemo and Rai. Are they really what they appear to be? Or are the lies truly unending? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-02-08 7 37910293 Space Crusade Quest Thread #1 We drop onto an alien planet and promptly wreck havoc and steal the aliens data on their latest and greatest weapon developments, and steal a couple things of our own. Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen 2015-02-08 12 37907510 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 31 A small bout of amnesia, before collaring Kat finally. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-02-08 8 37924495 Magical Girl Noir Quest 255 A witchy magical girl fights to separate Ahriman from Oriko. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko 2015-02-08 17 37834678 Disney Villains Victorious LXV Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. We got several new Kings and Villains, but the thread died early. DVV may go into hibernation until interest in the project returns. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2015-02-09 -6 37924661 Space Crusade Quest Thread #2 We learn the name of our female prisoner, find the station under attack, determine that Tempas is our personal slave, and fight a Xeno spec ops agent out of rage. Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves 2015-02-09 6 37937069 Evil PreCure Quest 95 itching for a duel MAID in heaven Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-02-09 6 37931065 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 6 Meet the hero. Also, go out for a quest. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-09 7 37948915 Magical Girl Noir Quest 256 A barely standing magical girl stares in the face of her impending demise. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko 2015-02-09 22 37953081 RE:Monster Ex Quest 73 Spider dresses happen. Whether you want them or not. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-02-10 24 37956613 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 18 A long night at the hands of the warden. Collective Game , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-02-10 0 37954580 (Not)Overlord Lich Quest Chapter 7 Meet the bandits Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-10 7 37948360 Space Crusade Quest Thread #3 We have flashbacks and meet another agent Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves 2015-02-10 6 37972975 Orc Warlord Quest 32 Ur'shal claims the Skyhunter Clan and spends some time enjoying their former chieftain's possessions. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-11 21 37977336 Assassin School quest 30 Elizabeth meets someone new, and goes to kill a rogue cyborg of the guild of the twisted rose with the help of her new friend and her older sister, Layla Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-11 11 37997548 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 2 Bella finds the Eldar's spear, learns that her name is Alirye, puts the moves on the poor pointy-eared gal, and the both of them head into the spooky forest! Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , Collective Game , Warlock , Dire Chicken , Spooky Forest , Hylophobia , 2015-02-12 9 38018050 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Family time for Ryukusa at last. Time for healing of many sorts. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-12 9 38018856 Orc Warlord Quest 33 Ur'shal returns to camp and finds out who is the spy. Orc Warlord , Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-13 20 38019341 RE:Monster Ex Quest 74 Talking, planning, evolutions and an early archive. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-02-13 25 38024719 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 15: The Hunter vs The Mage The Huntsman of Chains comes to town, goes a hunting for four little rabbits of order, he "finds" them, and gives Crimson Dream the fight of her and her friends' lives. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Crossover , Assassin School Quest 2015-02-13 11 38015618 Space Crusade Quest #4 We almost got raped by Violet Storm, rape him back, capture 2 Xenos, restore the AA guns, and fight Violet Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves 2015-02-13 3 38039354 Space Crusade Quest #5 We are Court-Martialed, meet a new agent, and succesfully defend ourselves in court Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves 2015-02-14 6 38047298 DBZ Human Quest #65 Kaguya and friends enter the World Martial Arts Tournament Junior Division Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , World , Martial , Arts , Tournament , Announcer , Yamcha , Goku , Videl , Gohan , Chi Chi 2015-02-14 11 38048802 Girls und Panzer Quest 151 In which BlackJack returns. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2015-02-14 13 38028553 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 32 We have quite a few conversations, and watch Kat learn to cook. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-02-14 5 38062338 RE:Monster Ex Quest 75 Discussions for the future! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-02-15 24 38063611 Code Geass Quest: Stage 19 The day begins with sniffing Nemo's panties and eating Chinese pancakes, and ends with a car chase and the capture of a cute assassin. Will Shirley escape China? Can Nemo be trusted? Can ANYONE be trusted? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-02-15 8 38065862 Esper Quest: Thread 33 AKari outwits a rude maybe-vampire, cuddles Mato, and will probably never find out why everyone but her and Mokarin seemed so convinced that it was Valentine's Day... Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Yuri , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , rude possible vampire , Valentine's Day 2015-02-15 1 38060445 Space Crusade Quest #6 We fuck elves...alot. We also checknout the ship, get the elves to decide to follow us...and fuck them some more. Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves , Spess elves , Unending Sex 2015-02-15 3 38076794 40k Skaven Worldbuilding /tg/ sets out to fluff an adaptation of Skaven into 40k. Lab rats, biotech horrors, DAoT AI, Pinky and Brain, Mass Effect Collectors and Portal get involved. The results would probably make a really weird army. Skaven , Rats , 40k , Warhammer , Worldbuilding , Fluff , AI , DAoT, 2015-02-15 5 38066665 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 33 We get some maybe good news from Mom, and went to Johns. Ended early to 4chan dying. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-02-15 7 37940238 Disney Villains Victorious LXVIII Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. In this edition some more (possible) Gridlocked Villains, the reposting of some Villain statblocks that were lost in previous threads and more important we begin working on the pdf document. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2015-02-16 -6 38082594 Space Crusade Quest #7 We wake up and prepare for a new day, check out the ship some more, get outfitted and get some new armor and then have some fun in it, and finally get back to work on the planet below, infiltrating the last Xenos held city on the planet. Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen 2015-02-16 3 38109761 Space Crusade Quest #8 We battle the powerful xeno commander and finish up the battle for the last xenos held city on the planet, then we return to our ship to learn about our newest captives and have some tender time with our slaves and followers. Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen 2015-02-17 2 38129933 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Restless Ryukusa realizes rather remiss reminiscences, righting respectfully. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-17 10 38130692 Orc Warlord Quest 34 Ur'shal finishes up the interrogation of his captive, and plans for how to deal with a spy. Thread cut short due to IRL. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-17 20 38134463 Space Crusade Quest#9 We talk to the Holen and learn shes just like us. Then feels. Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves , Spess Elves , Feels 2015-02-18 5 38138432 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 8 Who do you choose? Poly or Poly? Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich , ChoosePoly 2015-02-18 7 38148484 Magical Girl Noir Quest 257 A scantily dressed magical girl gets her Equerry back and prepares to extract. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2015-02-18 18 38134473 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 34 We get everyone together to save John! Things got a little messy. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-02-19 6 38157734 Assassin School quest 31 Layla, her witch and the double sided coin members, Thomas and Lily, Go to a rather unfortunate town that shares the name with a certain horror writer's work. It seems people have been disappearing lately, and they're going to kill who or rather what has been stealing people away. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-19 13 38156490 Space Crusade Quest #10 We get a crew, recruits, then rage at elves Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves , Spess Elves , More sex 2015-02-19 4 38174439 RE:Monster Ex Quest 76 Contracts, baths and a lot of questions. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-02-20 26 38174648 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 3 Bellatrix lectures Alirye on how snazzy the Emperor is, meets a felinid techpriestess, pets said techpriestess, and discovers HERESY. Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , Collective Game , Warlock , Felinid/Catgirl , Techpriest , Mechanicus , TECH HERESY , Necrodermis , Double headpats 2015-02-20 6 38164240 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 35 We question Kim, let Tenka do his thing, and meet Sarah and Nicky. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-02-20 6 38194199 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Nightmares and dreams, and sleep. Or was that the other way around? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-20 9 38191475 Magical Girl Noir Quest 258 A shocked magical girl deals with the aftermath of the mission. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2015-02-20 17 38176242 Space Crusade Quest#11 We lose an allied cruiser, destroy a battleship, then meet the first person to massively outrank us Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves , Cruiser , war 2015-02-21 6 38204439 Girls und Panzer Quest 152 In which Yukari saves us with woobie-ness. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2015-02-21 10 38215578 Orc Warlord quest 35 Ur'shal engages in a time-honored orcish tradition. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-21 20 38218825 RE:Monster Ex Quest 77 A bathhouse is built and a spider applauded monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-02-22 25 38221376 Card Priestess Masami Quest 51 Where we find out we're a weirdo, get teased for being a weirdo, and then get brained by another weirdo! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-02-22 6 38222143 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 9 Choosed Poly. So Poly needs to fight you now. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich , WhyDidntYouChoosePoly 2015-02-22 7 38223329 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 16: A restful day Elizabeth takes her little sister on a walk and decides to Visit Min with her and Belladonna, to try and train in the magical arts. The Elizabeth and Charlotte have a friendly spar, and Love blooms and burns brightly under the magical night sky. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-02-22 11 38215019 Space Crusade Quest #12 We continue the boarding action on-board the disabled xenos battlecruiser, then come face to face with its commander who proves to be a worthy opponent. Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves , Cruiser , war 2015-02-22 2 38109092 Disney Villains Victorious Thread LXIX Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. We get a new King and new Villains, along with more progress on the core book. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2015-02-23 -5 38246094 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 4 Bella takes a dip, becomes strong like (strong thing), kisses (and gets kissed), gets a Multi-melta for free, and is attacked by an invisible butt! Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , Collective Game , Warlock , Felinid/Catgirl , Techpriest , Mechanicus , Goo , Super-strength , Invisibility 2015-02-23 8 38245304 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 36 We ask Sarah some questions and Shadow Alex has a new experience. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-02-23 6 38241294 Space Crusade Quest #13 In which we play as Kemos and almost die and as Violet being a psionic badass Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves , Cruiser , war 2015-02-23 2 38172946 Abyss Thread Two: Aquatic Vorealoo Continued discussion of the horrors of the abyss, both real and /tg/-made. Deep Sea , Monster , Abyss , Terror , Kill It With Fire , Merfolk , Abomination , Cute Girls Doing Terrifying Things , Underwater Vore Dimension 2015-02-24 3 38269187 RE:Monster Ex Quest 78 House construction and Elf Irritants. Also cliffhangers. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-02-24 24 38275734 (Not)Overlord Lich Quest Chapter 10 Previous overlord did not do such a goodjob Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-24 8 38288382 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Sleepless nights are made for trouble-making. So is Ryukusa. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-24 9 38289867 Space Crusade Quest 14 We go back to our ship, fuck tempas, comfort Kemos, then make Kemos a badass Collective game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves , More Sex , Kemos 2015-02-25 3 38277831 Abyss Thread Three: Abyss Harder More discussion, more worldbuilding, more fleshing out the mermaids of the deep. Deep Sea , Monstergirls , Abyss , Terror , Kill It With Fire , Merfolk , Abomination , Cute Girls Doing Terrifying Things , Underwater Vore Dimension 2015-02-26 1 38317946 (Not)Overlord Lich Quest Chapter 11 Choo Choo! Make way for the Mind Train. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-26 7 38321281 Girls und Panzer Quest 153 In which Russells and Miho arrive stateside to meet with a mysterious benefactor. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2015-02-26 10 38330195 Orc Warlord Quest 36 The battle with the Tongueripper Clan begins. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-26 20 38333650 RE:Monster Ex Quest 79 The village prepares for battle.
A spider assists. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-02-27 24 38342029 Evil Precure Quest 96 Brief thread with an equally brief duel. And C.R.A.P is doing stuff again Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-02-27 8 38336999 Assassin School quest 32 Layla and Co continue trying to kill a cult, but the fucking fish people keep getting in the way, fucking fish people, and eldritch abominations. And we lose a dear friend Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-27 12 38331926 Space Crusade Quest 15 We determine Violet nor the other Xeno is contagious, get a sweet mace, and meet the new agent trainer Collective game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves , Violet Storm 2015-02-27 2 38352589 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Hunting Wakaba; the politics of Religion; Noppera-bo. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-27 9 38357533 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 17: Choices This episodes starts with Elizabeth Confessing to Charlotte, and they decide to go on a "date" and end up fighting a rather pitiful clown. Then Elliote comes out to play and draws the attention of a rather strong monster, at least compared to the clown Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-02-28 11 38351221 Space Crusade Quest 16 We fought the xenos we captured...then rush to help Violer Collective game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Slaves 2015-02-28 2 March 2015 38376240 Code Geass Quest: Stage 20 Shirley questions a chocolate assassins, grows suspicious of the unusually helpful Nemo, and ends up nearly killed. Shirley's own war against Zero soon becomes the entire world's war... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-03-01 7 38374683 Card Priestess Masami Quest 52 Where we have a very slow day. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-03-01 5 38400786 Code Geass Quest: Stage 21 Shirley recovers her voice but finds it is not her own. The chocolate assassin tells her of a mysterious power and she learns there are even fewer people she can trust then she first believed... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-03-02 7 38408807 Evil PreCure Quest 97 Let's hug it out bitch! Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-03-02 10 38403397 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 5 Bella and Alirye infiltrate the Ork camp, and Bella promptly sets some tank-thing on fire, then some Orks on fire, then tries to set a building on fire and gets krump'd by a Nob. Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , Collective Game , Warlock , Hylophobia , Orks , Lots'o'fire , Krump'ing 2015-03-02 6 38388054 Cthulhu has been murdered Cthulhu's mangled form has washed up on a beach, whomever killed him/it is still at large. Who did the deed? Cthulhu , Write-fagging , Lovecraft , Waifu Nyarlathotep 2015-03-03 4 38420191 Space Crusade Quest 17 We board a pirate ship, run a small army to maximum efficiency, and get beatdown by the Pirate boss Collective game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , beatdown , pirate 2015-03-03 3 38445212 RE:Monster Ex Quest 80 Something begins. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-03-04 24 38473669 Card Priestess Masami Quest 53 Where we destroy a monster and ruin a perfectly good set of clothes. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-03-05 5 38446178 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 37 We get John home, and give him shit about Summer. Then we head home and deal with changes. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-03-05 6 38488714 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to Youkai Hunting Ryuu Wakaba. Catholic Conundrum. Bakemono vrs. Bakayaro. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-05 8 38492429 RE:Monster Ex Quest 81 Boss fight? monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-03-06 26 38487555 Space Crusade Quest 18 We start playing with our new slaves then OP gets sick Collective Game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen 2015-03-06 1 38513360 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to Youkai Wakaba is Losing it, the Catholics have Backup, and Ryukuza is stuck without Clan Ryo help... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-06 10 38246491 Disney Villains Victorious Thread LXX Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole. We have hopefully recruited a new drawfriend and got some new writefaggotry. Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design 2015-03-06 -5 38520427 Assassin School quest 33 Layla decides to pay a visit to her Vampire and her newest prisoner, and ends up making her feel like a mouse in a house, with cat. Meanwhile Elizabeth worries a bit about her older sister Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , transformation 2015-03-07 11 38542490 Card Priestess Masami Quest 54 Where we find everything falling apart. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-03-08 6 38557341 Magical Girl Noir Quest 259 An amnesiac magical good-for-nothing spirals into insanity and bullies some dolls. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-03-08 18 38561643 RE:Monster Ex Quest 82 Wake up, clean up. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-03-09 25 38565797 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 18: Burn Bright, Flame of love In this episode, Elizabeth decides to let of some steam by hunting for a monster, and then has a rather steamy bath with Charlotte Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-03-09 12 38547581 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 38 We help Amy out with her favor and have a chat with Beth. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-03-09 7 38585029 RE:Monster Ex Quest 83 Dealing with a neurotic spider. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-03-10 24 38538049 Space Crusade Quest 19 We participate in the Space battle and wreck everyone Collective game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Space battle , badass 2015-03-10 2 38605236 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to Youkai Sorcery vs Power, Wakaba's fate, and the complexities of plans. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-10 10 38602906 Orc Warlord Quest 37 The battle with the Tongueripper Clan is concluded, and preparations are made for the celebration. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-03-10 23 38593402 Space Crusade Quest 20 We have a PTSD flashback to Remina, talk to Horok, then we have feels. Collective game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , PTSD , feels 2015-03-11 2 38630544 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 6 Bella and Alirye kick some ork arse, Aila performs a super-duper-extra delicate field operation and jams Bella's severed arm back into place, and, most importantly, Bella does some one-liners.
Oh, and Aila barges in and ruins the lewd mood Alirye and Bella had been cultivating. Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , Collective Game , Warlock , Hylophobia , Orks , Catgirl Techpriestess , Awkward conversations , mood-ruining , lewd-interrupting , power nap 2015-03-12 5 38675358 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to Youkai Seeing thing through Kiki-hime's eyes, and feeling with her heart. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-13 10 38648289 Space Crusade Quest 21 We drop onto the planet and wage WAR Collective game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , WAR 2015-03-14 0 38702152 Card Priestess Masami Quest 55 Where we are taunted by a big jerk and deal with the problems he causes. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-03-14 7 38699730 RE:Monster Ex Quest 84 Mom talk. Not the easiest. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-03-15 25 38702621 Assassin School quest 34 Maria freaks out when she realizes Layla will out live her, Elizabeth walks in on her older sister and Maria and then fights the CQC teacher with her friend, Katherine. All the while, someone comes to try and save the witch, maybe. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-03-15 12 38709616 Girls und Panzer Quest 154 In which we have a chat with Han and Miho. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2015-03-15 10 38720194 Magical Girl Noir Quest 260 A considerate magical girl learns something about her new companions and gets a visit from her Incubator. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-03-15 16 38723927 Re:monster Snake Quest 5 Our brave young snek manages to kill and eat an alligator thing and then /tg/ goes full fucking spaghetti. Re:monster Snake Quest , spaghetti overload , Dr.Unorigional 2015-03-16 8 38698457 Space Crusade Quest 22 We meet none other than our best friend and show her around the ship. Collective game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Emma, 2015-03-16 5 38587340 Re:Snake quest 1 Some guy decides we need yet another one of these things, shenanigans ensue. Collective Game , Snake quest , Monstergirls,Re-Monster,Dr.Unorigional 2015-03-16 14 38724952 Code Geass Quest: Stage 22 Shirley arrives in the homeland and plots with an assassin who is no unable to kill to bomb an OSI facility for information... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-03-16 8 38725140 Scorpion Girl Quest 52 Hunzuu faces off against Pazuzu with the fate of the world in the balance. Collective Game , Scorpion Girl Quest , Mesopotamia , monster girl , scorpion , scorpgirl 2015-03-16 11 38727882 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 19: Convention Confrontation In this Episode, Elizabeth decides to join a club or two before going to an anime Convention with her friends and little sister, then the Queen of chaos appears and everything goes wrong. The day is one, but at what cost? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple 2015-03-16 13 38765255 Magical Girl Noir Quest 261 A scary magical girl is debriefed and gains some trust. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-03-17 18 38768200 RE:Monster Ex Quest 85 Moth-Baiting! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-03-18 24 38771916 Generation A OPFOR Frost Vikings Quest: III The Hue returns with a vengeance devouring and leglocking new and old fans alike. Also an assassin, maps, plans. Collective Game , Papa-n , Quest , Generation A , Monster Girls , Monstergirls , Generation A sidestory 2015-03-18 13 38789966 Card Priestess Masami Quest 56 Where we try to figure out what to do with a magic ring. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-03-19 5 38790122 Re:monster Snake Quest 6 Hey, you know what helps when you drop all your pasta in front of complete strangers? A delivery of dead pigs! Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster 2015-03-19 16 38813279 MORTAL KOMBAT!!!! TG Slowly builds a Mortal Kombat Character. A Biracial Viking biker with ice powers. Awesome Mortal Kombat , TG Get's Shit Done , Worldbuilding , Writefag , Drawfag 2015-03-20 1 38825833 Magical Girl Noir Quest 262 A Perturbed magical girl stands on the verge of a crisis and receives unexpected help. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-03-20 17 38831671 Assassin School quest 35 Layla Tries to cheer up Maria by taking her to the beach, Dragging Elizabeth along with her. And nothing really bad happens, surprisingly Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-03-21 12 38849858 RE:Monster Ex Quest 86 Lyra wiles her day away
monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-03-22 24 38849264 Re:Monster Snake Quest 7 Featuring the gaining of gainful employment! Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-03-22 11 38852565 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 20: Broken Dream A week has passed since Elizabeth lost the use of her legs, however she goes back to school a week earlier than she's supposed to stop her friends from worrying about her, and ends up recruiting Delia wick to the side of order, who becomes Tangerine Jubilee Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple 2015-03-22 11 38852361 Card Priestess Masami Quest 57 Where we attack a scary mansion, and find a cute kid, like, thing. Something. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-03-22 5 38852076 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 39 We get some ice cream, collect Kats belongings, and nearly make a mistake. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-03-23 6 38893449 RE:Monster Ex Quest 87 Fishing. Awkwardness. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-03-24 23 38928908 Magical Girl Noir Quest 263 A concerned magical girl resigns herself to the silent room, tries to get a new outfit and ... Oh no. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Pinky 2015-03-25 18 38930499 Re:monster snake quest 8 We finally meet some neighbors, and possibly start a huge shitfit. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-03-26 10 38936982 Re:monster snake quest 8.5 Apologies and sleepovers ensue, all because of crackhead assault. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-03-26 9 38949448 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters After blood and tears comes healing...and interrogation. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-26 9 38951588 RE:Monster Ex Quest 88 Chitin related breakdowns. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-03-27 23 38960564 Girls und Panzer Quest 155 In which we schmooze with other tankers. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2015-03-27 10 38973160 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 21: Sunshine days Charlotte comes to visit and she and Elizabeth have a bit of fun, they then decide to go on a little hunt and end up meeting a monster called Reluna, the dancer of petals and blades. fun fun, the contractor, Lady Petal is born. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple , Fusson 2015-03-28 11 38988592 RE:Monster Ex Quest 89 House spider! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-03-29 23 38989463 Re:monster snake quest 9 We eventually realize we are filthy, and come back into the possession of a seriously gamey by now deer. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-03-29 9 38991045 Card Priestess Masami Quest 58 Where we figure out someone is missing, go hunting for them, and then have someone else go missing. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-03-29 8 38991193 Assassin School quest 36 Layla takes Maria to see her pet vampire and mouse eared girl. However their little date is interrupted by the arrival of the order of the lord's blade. The double faced coin is given the task to even the odds. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl. 2015-03-29 11 39010176 Code Geass Quest: Stage 23 Shirley is picked up by a helpful young man who gives her a way straight to her friends. However she learns something horrible and soon finds herself as an enemy of nearly the entire world... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-03-30 6 39018031 Evil PreCure Quest 98 Lets hug it out bitch! Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-03-30 10 38992460 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 40 We relax for a while before going on a run, ended early. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-03-30 5 39028867 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters Disarming bombs, disarming foes, disarming smiles. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-30 10 39031322 RE:Monster Ex Quest 90 Talking with our wolf prisoners. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-03-31 23 April 2015 39049808 Re:monster Snake Quest 10 We eventually actually deal with being filthy, have numerous snake related problems, and continue getting people in trouble by being nearby. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-04-01 9 39053213 Generation A OPFOR Frost Vikings Quest: IV Frost Viking: The Frost Giant rises. Diplomacy, fat cat tats, and beach kegers viking style Collective Game , Papa-n , Quest , Generation A , Monster Girls , Monstergirls , Generation A sidestory 2015-04-01 15 39067723 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters Bomb disposal, and interrogating the prisoners, who aren't really in the mood... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-01 9 39066322 Magical Girl Noir Quest 264 A careful magical girl walks a very thing line across the pink abyss. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Pinky 2015-04-01 14 39054250 Malal/Malice Worldbuilding Anon starts a thread asking where the pictures of Malal's daemons were from. /tg/ starts brainstorming ideas for how Malal cults would work. Worldbuilding , cult , Chaos , Malal , Malice , Chaotic , Gods , troll , metaphysics , Joker , /tg/ is incapable of staying on topic, 2015-04-02 5 39094048 Re:monster Snake Quest 11 We finish our bath, have more awkwardness, and make internal discoveries. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-04-03 9 39090840 RE:Monster Ex Quest 91 Deciding what to do with our wolf prisoners. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-04-03 23 39105800 Magical Girl Noir Quest 265 An out of breath magical girl did reasonably well. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Pinky 2015-04-03 16 39127811 Magical Girl Noir Quest 266 A thirsty magical girl is visited by her Equerry and shares a drink. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2015-04-04 15 39137395 Magical Girl Noir Quest 267 Risa did nothing wrong. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Risa , Jager , Chiakipuss , Pinky 2015-04-05 9 39140039 Card Priestess Masami Quest 59 Where we have another change in perspective, which lets us discover new things about old foes. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-04-05 5 39142107 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 41 We finish our run, and find out what Summer wants. Beth also admits to something. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-04-05 5 39158829 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 22: Petals and Fellows The is episdoe, It's the destructive Saviors vs Sparkwitz, the fallen contractor. 5 vs 1...wait, even when the 1 is a monster that doesn't seem fair at all. Also a shocking secret is learned About Amanda and her mother. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple 2015-04-06 11 39178299 RE:Monster Ex Quest 92 Nin visits home. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-04-07 24 39177509 Re:monster Snake Quest 12 How can you tell a quest has gotten popular? By all the claims of samefagging! Also, fuck panthers. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-04-07 12 39182159 Assassin School quest 37 Layla goes to check on her sister to make sure she doesn't blow up, and ends up burning things with her and teaching her how to make poisons. Short thread Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , transformation 2015-04-07 11 39200349 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 41.5 We collect half our allowance, learn about the noise, and talk to Beth about revealing secrets. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-04-09 5 39223363 Generation A OPFOR Frost Vikings Quest: V That is how you get ants! And yes, tails or no, fire is still fire. Collective Game , Papa-n , Quest , Generation A , Monster Girls , Monstergirls , Generation A sidestory 2015-04-09 12 39236608 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters Interrogating the prisoners; making the next move; unexpected kisses. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-09 9 39234964 Magical Girl Noir Quest 268 An inebriated magical girl is reunited with her softest love in this hard world, then stuff happens. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2015-04-09 16 39238405 Orc Warlord Quest 38 The celebration begins and Ur shares some stories with two of his lieutenants. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-04-10 20 39259747 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters Diplomatic dragonette is diplomatic. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-10 10 39260375 Re:monster Snake Quest 13 In this episode, the little snake battles with unconsciousness. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-04-10 7 39265830 Re:monster Snake Quest 13.5: Schollar Of The First Sin edition A continuation of Nightmare mode's nightmare, then OP leaves us on a cliffhanger, the dick. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-04-11 6 39277321 Magical Girl Noir Quest 269 A dominant magical girl wants to know about after care and can't seem to catch a break. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Wendy 2015-04-11 16 39281335 RE:Monster Ex Quest 93 Dreams and moth alcohol. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-04-12 23 39282505 Re:monster Snake Quest 14 We wake up from our blood loss induced fever dream, meet a doctor with poor bedside manners, and finally finish up with a heartwarming scene. Off topic is a whole other story... Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-04-12 8 39277228 Post a picture, get wouldbuilding written for it Post a image of a creature, magical item or character. The anon below must worldbuild fluff for it. Awesome worldbuilding results. fluff , backstory , worldbuilding , monsters , characters , magic items, 2015-04-12 2 39281799 Code Geass Quest: Stage 24 Shirley arrives on the Avalon and meets up with her friends. After gaining their support she hatches a plan to strike out against Pluton and finally take the fight to her enemies. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-04-12 9 39284574 Assassin School quest 38 Layla's cat side becomes a bit antsy as spring comes around as some instincts kick in, and to get her mind off of Maria, she decides to go kill some poor students to try and calm down. It doesn't work for long and well you know what happens next Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Lewd 2015-04-12 11 39282377 Card Priestess Masami Quest 60 Where we find out that everything is even worse than we realized! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-04-12 5 39286303 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 42 We steal John, play some games, and then cook dinner. It was steak. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-04-13 5 39307248 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 23: Secrets and truths In this Episode, Elizabeth spends a rather calm day around her house, and a reformed Sparkwitz comes to visit Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-04-13 11 39383438 RE:Monster Ex Quest 94 A chat with a snake. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-04-17 23 39382577 Orc Warlord Quest 39 The celebration continues, now with drunken knife throwing contests. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-04-17 20 39373864 Carcer Americana The United States of America disappears for two days and returns as a fantasy setting. worldbuilding , setting , fluff , Carcer Americana 2015-04-17 5 39401193 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters With the enemy left confused and wondering, the next part of the plan is Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-17 10 39424663 Re:monster snake quest 15 We're finally out of the hospital and in the caring hands of little girls.
Also, 420 blaze it or something. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-04-19 6 39428062 Card Priestess Masami Quest 61 Where we make a decision, and our friends undermine us. Hey I wonder what Mom is doing? Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-04-19 6 39468589 Re:monster snake quest 16 We demonstrate talents, and OP gets drunk. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-04-21 6 39449388 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 43 We talk to John, play some games, find out about mages from Dad, find an addicted Kat, and take a trip down nostalgia. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-04-21 5 39485053 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters Kiku-chan's concerns. Seeing the landlord/lady/thing. Escape to the litterbo-I mean, beach. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-21 13 39491041 Post-Modern Magical Goyle Quest It's tough being a gargoyle in the modern age. Back when art and architecture was all Gothic, you could assume a nice, respectable form like a snarling beast or sneering winged gremlin, but nowadays it's all cubes, chrome, and pissing in spaghettios cans. Collective Game , Statues , Gargoyles , There Is A Point Where This Should Have Ended And We Have Clearly Passed It 2015-04-22 10 39504163 Magical Girl Noir Quest 270 An angry magical girl has had enough. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Malal , Midori 2015-04-22 19 39512596 Generation A OPFOR Frost Vikings Quest: VI A new day, a new adventure, a new girl to bully. Living the Viking life. Collective Game , Papa-n , Quest , Generation A , Monster Girls , Monstergirls , Generation A sidestory 2015-04-23 11 39527586 Re:monster snake quest 17 Timeskips occur, skills are learned, and sick door combos are performed. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-04-24 7 39528072 RE:Monster Ex Quest 95 A whole lot of talking snakes. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-04-24 24 39527186 Orc Warlord Quest 40 The Stonetusk Clan's celebration draws to a close. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-04-24 20 39544663 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Recovering from a trip through N'Kai, Ryukusa recuperates at the beach. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-24 14 39548793 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest Part 3 Scavenging in an old training facility for things we can use. Also, first one of this series to be archived correctly. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-04-25 22 39550252 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 24: Destructive Saviors Vs Sparkwitz Contractees This Episode, It's Magical girl vs Magical girl, times five as the Fallen Contractees of Sparkwitz attack the Destructive Saviors. It begins Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , 2015-04-25 11 39565228 RE:Monster Ex Quest 96 Jin shares her opinions and Ezzy takes the spotlight. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-04-26 23 39568843 Assassin School quest 39 Layla's instincts finally calm down and she decides to finally set up her poison club, teaching them how to make Ghoul, before she gets into an argument with a certain student, by the name of Martin Fredricks.
Also an alternate universe side story is told at the end of the thread Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , Cat girl, 2015-04-26 12 39567654 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 44 We cook breakfast, ask Shadow Alex somethings, and call Anna during a rough time. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-04-27 5 39650743 Card Priestess Masami Quest 62 Where we disregard common sense and go blind into a big scary building. We need to stop doing that. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-04-29 5 39667937 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Beach party continues, and Ryukusa makes some life decisions. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-30 9 May 2015 39672038 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 5 Raiding the Movie Studio Collective Game , Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , EchoGarrotte 2015-05-01 17 39669879 RE:Monster Ex Quest 97 Snakes hunting rabbits, moths trying to cheat monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-05-01 24 39669075 Orc Warlord Quest 41 Plans are laid down for the future of the clan, and Slaagyr's spy is uncovered. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-01 16 39674271 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 25: The destructive Saviors vs Sparkwitz's Corrupted Contractess second part The battle continues, and ends due to A sudden case of Elilotte, which isn't too surprising. And a new foe is revealed? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-05-01 13 39676031 DBZ Human Quest #133 Gete with Garlic Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Dende , King , Kai , Videl , Gohan , Garlic , Jr. , Piccolo , King , Frieza , Moori , Porunga , Shenron 2015-05-01 7 39688461 Magical Girl Noir Quest 271 A sleepless, green magical girl wake up to find strange things happening around the girl she loves. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori 2015-05-01 12 39714420 Assassin School quest 40 Maria wants to run a Pen and paper Rpg, so Layla decides to invite all her "Friends" to it, and things quickly get out of hand. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Game within a game 2015-05-03 11 39713237 Card Priestess Masami Quest 63 Where we see a whole world full of jerks! Everyone is a jerk here! Especially Asai. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-05-03 7 39726758 Magical Girl Noir Quest 272 A determined green haired magical girl Stares into the abyss... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-05-03 17 39732226 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 6 Cult Beat Down Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-05-03 13 39715896 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 45 We hang out with Anna, going for a run, grabbing lunch, and overall talking about magical girl stuff. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-05-04 7 39750744 RE:Monster Ex Quest 98 Wolves being dealt with. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-05-05 23 39758595 Shark Tits and Sexual Dimorphism Anons have a lengthy chat about gender in fantasy races and aliens, and how to make it interesting. world building , sharks , star trek , sexuality 2015-05-05 3 39757020 Paranormal Investigator Quest In which you ask lots of questions and learn more about your shady employer. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , RL 2015-05-05 10 39767579 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Swimming with Kiku. Three choices. A question of amorality. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-05-05 13 39796259 Paranormal Investigator Quest 3 You do some college stuff and investigate a puking girl. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , QM RL 2015-05-07 10 39807179 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Crime and punishment. Deals and coercion. A Hell of a show. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-05-07 10 39813270 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 7 Shopping Trip and Choices Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-05-08 12 39813507 Mimic Girl Quest Our hero wakes up hungry and seeks food and information Collective Game , Mimic , Mimic Girl Quest , Chest-chan , Quest 2015-05-08 11 39808817 Orc Warlord Quest 42 The caverns are explored and Ur discovers the value of trading. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-08 16 39817769 Arcane Desert Quest Winston Hamilton the 30-year-old buff as hell farmer deals with a shady trader and drops his flaming house atop a demon. Arcane Desert Quest , Appy , Collective Game , Quest , Quest thread , Magi , Magical girl , AppyQM , Magical , Demon 2015-05-08 11 39839644 Paranormal Investigator Quest 4 In which you try to help zombie girl, but then posting goes down. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , QM RL 2015-05-09 7 39838663 Re:Monster snake quest 18 A new OP occurs, and we spin our wheels a bit in the transition. Hopefully. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-05-09 2 39849276 Re:Monster snake quest 18.5 In which we spin our wheels slightly less, but still have trouble getting used to things. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-05-10 2 39851883 Card Priestess Masami Quest 64 Where we wander around in the dark, pretend to be helpful, and encounter an unseen foe! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-05-10 7 39853119 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 26: Chaos Cracks This episode, The Queen of chaos goes for a walk and revisits the past, while the destructive Saviors and Min fight a "Snake thing" Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple 2015-05-10 11 39849411 That Roleplaying System- NOPE. WRAITH WORLD. One fa/tg/uy makes a thread about roleplaying systems /tg/ as a whole made as kids, it gets hijacked simply because of his description and /tg/ begins to GET THINGS DONE(tm). Wraith World 2015-05-10 25 39868789 Magical Girl Noir Quest 273 A green haired magical girl drags her love rival off to a deserted classroom. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-05-10 17 39873690 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 8 Car repair and meeting another Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-05-10 13 39854919 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 46 We say goodbye to Anna, find Kat and Dad didn't starve, and turn invisible. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-05-11 6 39868640 Orc Warlord Quest 43 Ur'shal finishes up his trading and takes loot back up to his clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-11 16 39876116 Orc Warlord Quest 43.2 Ur'shal tests out magic items and makes plans to deal with a troublesome corpse. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-11 15 39873497 Re:monster snake quest 17? I have lost order of the number. Also, fires. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-05-11 2 39872174 RE:Monster Ex Quest 99 Lann has an addition, and Lyra has to reassure her. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-05-11 29 39877869 Assassin School quest 41 It's mothers day, and a somewhat sad day. Layla chases after a blur and ends up fighting a wizard, carrying a scythe. and becomes legion/ a fuckmothering vampire Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-05-11 12 39888037 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 8b Escape from van and beat the crap out of the cult leader with the rookie Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-05-11 14 39917113 Arcane Desert Quest #2 Winston awakens in Clarice's home, asks many questions, then sets out on his quest to save the town from going hungry. Arcane Desert Quest , Appy , Collective Game , Quest , Quest thread , Magi , Magical girl , AppyQM , Magical , Demon 2015-05-13 4 39935130 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Fight on the beach, Chinese demons 101, family matters. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-05-13 13 39951033 Orc Warlord Quest 44 Ur'shal deals with some issues around the camp, then gathers a force to deal with the Kulakin nest. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-15 15 39955688 Card Priestess Masami Quest 65 Where we fight dirty monster tricks with dirty tricks of our own! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-05-15 7 39962761 Arcane Desert Quest #3 Winston sets off, staves off dehydration, and accepts a job to rid some bandits for the town he finally arrives in. Arcane Desert Quest , Appy , Collective Game , Quest , Quest thread , Magi , Magical girl , AppyQM , Magical , Demon 2015-05-15 2 39978918 Paranormal Investigator Quest 5 You help Liza more and make friends with her, then head back to HQ. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , QM RL 2015-05-16 8 39977307 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 47 A thread where not much at all happens. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-05-17 5 39996125 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 9 Back story, Dark secrets, and everyone is a inbred redneck. Break into a prison for lady on radio. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-05-17 14 39992465 RE:Monster Ex Quest 100 One step on the road.
It's a big one. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-05-17 35 39996426 Card Priestess Masami Quest 66 Where we have a short thread about how much of a jerk Asai is. It's too bad Julie had to learn this way. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-05-17 8 39997519 Assassin School quest 42 Layla takes a job, and drags along Thomas to, to kill some Vampires running a club and draining some kids dry. A member of a another guild, the society of distinguished gentlemen, joins in on the fun as well. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2015-05-17 8 40039768 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 27: Ra ra rasputin In this Episode, Elizabeth and Charlotte attend a seance held by Ms weaver and the supernatural club. short thread Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple 2015-05-19 10 40043100 Re:monster snake quest 20 End of Re:monster snake quest
Discussion. Collective Game , Snake Quest , Monstergirls , Dr.Unorigional , Re-Monster , Snake 2015-05-19 2 40054622 RE:Monster Ex Quest 101 A fresh start and some introductions. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-05-20 27 40092161 Orc Warlord Quest 45 Ur'shal clears out the kulakin, and makes a poor decision. Orc Warlord Quest , collective game 2015-05-22 20 40096363 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 10 Shadowrunner mode earned, play hide and seek with POJ and loot the mansion Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-05-22 12 40099090 Orc Warlord Quest 46.2 Ya'zada and the survivors of the raiding party make a tactical retreat Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-22 13 40097579 Card Priestess Masami Quest 67 Where we threaten a jerk, and meet up with an old friend. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-05-22 7 40099100 Arcane Desert Quest #4 Winston murders 5 bandits, one of them a magi, and ends up taking responsability for her young sister. Arcane Desert Quest , Appy , Collective Game , Quest , Quest thread , Magi , Magical girl , AppyQM , Magical , Demon 2015-05-22 3 40092708 RE:Monster Ex Quest 102 Lyra acquires a new meat to try. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-05-22 26 40134231 Card Priestess Masami Quest 68 Where we reason with a monster, and try to fight fire with stubbornness. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-05-24 6 40136463 Unexplored World Quest 1 We set off on an adventure as a swordmage named Tiberius Collective Game , Unexplored World Quest , Swordmage , Tiberius 2015-05-24 1 40182849 RE:Monster Ex Quest 103 A bit of scouting, a bit of confusion. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-05-26 28 40202533 Underground Kingdoms "A lot of tabletop fantasy settings have races who live primarily underground, like dwarves, kobolds, gnomes, drow and so on..." A thread about underground kingdoms of creatures develops in a fun and detailed fashion. A scholarly anon drops by and dumps his own detailed research and thinking on the matter. Excellent resource for GMs! worldbuilding , dwarves , dwarfs , kobolds , underground , gnomes , drow 2015-05-27 14 40216488 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Ryukusa interrogates, Yui medicates, Akari hesitates. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-05-27 14 40223338 Assassin School quest 43 Layla and Maria go one a date to brausrburge, and Layla asks Maria an important question. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Marriage Proposal 2015-05-28 11 40226688 Magical Girl Thor Quest In which you play Gretchen, daughter of Johan the Smith, as she fights off Frankish invaders with the power of Thor. Collective Game , Magical Girl Thor Quest , Lolithor , Saxons , Pagans , Marvel? , Franks , Mjolnir 2015-05-28 10 40231857 Paranormal Investigator Quest 6 You talk with Liza and investigate the whole zombie thing, then have talk together with Alice. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , QM RL 2015-05-28 7 40239998 Orc Warlord Quest 47 Ya'zada engages in orcish negotiation tactics, while Ur'shal wakes up on a strange island. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-29 17 40241240 Card Priestess Masami Quest 69 Where we get some answers from Mom, and find out that not everyone wants a happy family. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-05-29 5 40244301 Mimic Girl Quest Chest-chan eats a 100 and finds a friend. Collective Game , Mimic , Mimic Girl Quest , Chest-chan , Quest 2015-05-29 10 40257809 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Strange things afoot in the Diet of Japan... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-05-29 10 40263497 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 28: Supernatural Seance Celebration The seance ends, and Elizabeth decides to free an old king of chaos to beat the shit
out of with the help of her friends, the sparkwitz contractees, and Min the witch of mazes
and makes a rather selfless wish
also theres an alternate universe story at the end Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , BOSS FIGHT 2015-05-30 11 40285204 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 11 We take command of the back up, navigate through an ambush and watch the RNG cause shenanigans Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-05-31 12 40281183 Card Priestess Masami Quest 70 Where we learn adults can't be trusted, and then we meet up with an old friend! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-05-31 6 40282781 Best Dad Ever Quest #1 In this episode, you send off your daughter Eve to her first day of school, then rescue her with Papa Wolf Fury, and then have a d'aww. Best Dad Ever Quest , Best Dad Ever , D'aww , Collective Game , Artemis , ArtemisQM , Eve , Magical Girl , Slice of Life 2015-05-31 13 June 2015 40300996 Best Dad Ever Quest #2 You wake up, eat breakfast, head to the clinic, meet Jackie and get new leg, and I make my worst writing mistake ever. Fuck. Disgusting. Sorry. Best Dad Ever Quest , Best Dad Ever , D'aww , Collective Game , Artemis , ArtemisQM , Eve , Magical Girl , Slice of Life 2015-06-01 8 40344173 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Finishing the questions, and moving on to bigger and better things, like marshmallows and fireworks. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-02 10 40352404 Shitty /a/ Fetish Quest CATGIRL SO KOWEII DESU NE~~~ Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirl fags are closeted furries , I want /a/ to leave 2015-06-03 2 40369825 RE:Monster Ex Quest 104 Pun related assaults, and a mystery!
The mystery is a dead horse. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-06-04 25 40372300 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 12 Part 2 of Pytor, Ray and Amelia's Magical Ride Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-06-04 11 40385805 I Just Read A Lewd Manga And Now I Want To Run A Quest Based On It? You are so impressionable and feeble minded, anon-kun! collective game , catgirls are scum , /a/ is shit , /d/ is worse 2015-06-04 2 40387449 Orc Warlord Quest 48 Ur'shal escapes the dream realm and returns to his Clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-06-05 15 40392309 Mimic Girl Quest 2.5 We arrive at a house and begin to explore the basement. Thread cut short. Collective Game , Mimic , Mimic Girl Quest , Chest-chan , Quest 2015-06-05 6 40387553 Card Priestess Masami Quest 71 Where we realize our best friend is in trouble! Then our sisters put us in trouble. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-06-05 5 40396631 Do you believe in magic? An interesting question, what's your answer? /tg/ , ideas , irl , magic , mechanics , opinion , tg 2015-06-06 0 40415329 Paranormal Investigator Quest 7 We finish up investigating Liza's thing, and then incoming timeskip. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , QM RL 2015-06-06 5 40432494 Card Priestess Masami Quest 72 Where we discuss something important with Kaori, and then realize that our house is too small. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-06-07 5 40458563 RE: Human Quest 1 You die, and then you're born. And yes that is the right order Quest , Collective Game , RE: Human Quest , Human , Fantasy , Monstergirls 2015-06-08 27 40481151 RE: Human Quest 2 You take your first job as an adventurer, and knock some heads. Quest , Collective , Game , RE: Human Quest , Fantasy , Magic , Adria , Monstergirls 2015-06-09 23 40496075 RE:Monster Ex Quest 105 Horse related mysteries. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-06-09 24 40502344 RE: Human Quest - 3 in a row addition. You learn about yourself and your friends, and also deal with some racist sons of b*tches. RE: Human , RE: Human Quest , Collective game , quest , adventure , Adria , Human , Monstergirls 2015-06-10 22 40500270 Assassin School quest 44 A War is on the horizon, But who cares about that? Enter Marla Miller, one of Layla and Elizabeth's older sisters, who's life is about take an interesting turn. The miller sisters are reunited at last Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2015-06-10 11 40501261 Lost Primarch Quest 11: Worldbuilding Edition We take a break from Sol and do some weird worldbuilding for Kilionos! Collective Game , Lost Primarch Quest , Eleventh , Primarch , Worldbuilding , Not much really happened plotwise but it was still fun 2015-06-10 6 40521456 Edgy Grimderp Magical Girl Quest SO ORIGINAL JUST LIKE MY MADORKAS 11/10 Collective Game , Edgy bullshit , Magical Girls are all sluts anyways 2015-06-11 21 40525216 RE: Human Quest 4 You uncover the mystery of the compass, deal with some outlaws, and get offered a bento by a criminally shy fox girl RE: Human , RE: Human Quest , Collective game , quest , adventure , Adria , Human , Monstergirls 2015-06-11 22 40537884 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Picnics and Sand and water. And other important things. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-11 12 40543581 Card Priestess Masami Quest 73 Where we babysit our new annoying sisters, and try to find our best friend. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-06-12 5 40539388 Orc Warlord Quest 49 Ur'shal meets with his lieutenants to discuss the clan's future, and reunites with his mates. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-06-12 15 40561475 Waterlogged Quest Chapter 1 The beginning of a journey between a girl, an island, and her boat. Collective Game , Waterlogged Quest , Drawquest , Limebreaker 2015-06-13 4 40562166 RE: Human Quest 5 You have lunch with a Fox. She's adorable. RE: Human , RE: Human Quest , Collective game , quest , adventure , Adria , Human , Monstergirls 2015-06-13 22 40575899 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Mermaids, Fireworks, and a Bronze Blade. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-13 14 40579873 RE: Human Quest Episode 6, Return of the Thread You uncover a lost temple and your luck gets you smashed into a wall by a hulking brute. Among other things... RE: Human , RE: Human Quest , Collective game , quest , adventure , Adria , Human , Monstergirls 2015-06-14 23 40590706 RE: Human Quest Episode 6.5 You finish the fight and are rewarded for your efforts RE: Human , RE: Human Quest , Collective game , quest , adventure , Adria , Human , Monstergirls 2015-06-14 21 40586568 Dark Observer Quest: Into Gen II The story goes back to Jim finally. The Dark observer helps him along for the next generation to begin. Dark Observer Quest , Overlord , Demon 2015-06-14 1 40609238 Prisioners of war: prologue Where we find out about the worlds lore and nothing more Collective Game , World War III , Prisioners of war quest 2015-06-15 1 40605592 Assassin School quest 45 We see the world through Jasmine Miller's eyes as she makes her sisters and Maria Breakfast, and worries about Layla. And Layla tells a few stories at the end Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-06-15 10 40625998 RE: Human Quest 7 You have a talk with a goddess. She insists that you call her 'mom'. RE: Human , RE: Human Quest , Collective game , quest , adventure , Adria , Human , Monstergirls 2015-06-16 22 40644448 RE:Monster Ex Quest 106 Lagomorphs and boredom.
And then some excitement. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-06-17 27 40648247 Pvt. Human /tg/ Makes a Monstrous Regiment in 40k WH40k , Character Creation , Funny , Writefaggotry , Worldbuilding , Warhammer 40k 2015-06-17 41 40660307 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Immortal Beach Bunny The tale, fireworks, and other kids of fireowrks. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-17 13 40668149 RE: Human Quest 8 There's a raid on Reiln, and so you get on your brand new horse and scout the landscape. You also meet some new people. RE: Human , RE: Human Quest , Collective game , quest , adventure , Adria , Human , Monstergirls 2015-06-18 21 40681965 Card Priestess Masami Quest 74 Where we save our friend! Eventually! Oh this is tough. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-06-18 6 40680965 RE:Monster Ex Quest 107 Stories and interference! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-06-19 25 40697216 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Immortal Beach Bunny Immortality, egg laying, and the art of war. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-19 10 40702486 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 30: A certain girl Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2015-06-20 7 40718783 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 48 Finishing up a fight, and moving onwards. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-06-20 5 40721568 Card Priestess Masami Quest 75 Where we make something, to find someone. This will go well, I'm sure! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-06-21 5 40720483 Best Dad Ever Quest #3 You wake up, cook delicious breakfast, grab some new threads, flashback to your days of Chivalrous, and get snatched at the end. Best Dad Ever Quest , Best Dad Ever , D'aww , Collective Game , Artemis , ArtemisQM , Eve , Magical Girl , Slice of Life 2015-06-21 5 40742431 Best Dad Ever Quest #4 You wake up in the witchspace, go blind (resulting in a mini shit-storm), hear some dastardly plans, get un-blind and destroy a vat of something spooky. Eve gets a Voice, and plays Chivalrous. Best Dad Ever Quest , Best Dad Ever , D'aww , Collective Game , Artemis , ArtemisQM , Eve , Magical Girl , Slice of Life 2015-06-22 5 40747621 Paranormal Investigator Quest 8 The timeskip begins and takes a lot longer than expected, thanks to a certain storage closet. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , QM RL 2015-06-22 7 40773651 forgeworld founding quest a techpriest heads down to a nearly empty planet to found a forgeworld collective game , forgeworld founding quest 2015-06-23 1 40799786 RE:Monster Ex Quest 108 A new town, and new problems. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-06-25 26 40802860 RE: Human Quest 9 You and your party has its first encounter and discovers potentially troubling news. All is not well. RE: Human , RE: Human Quest , Collective game , quest , adventure , Adria , Human , Monstergirls 2015-06-25 21 40808547 RE:Monster Ex Quest 108.5 A continuation. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-06-25 24 40816420 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Military interventions, family interventions, and divine interventions. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-25 13 40819281 Card Priestess Masami Quest 76 Where we scare our friends with frightening new powers! Then we meet new friends to scare! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-06-25 5 40843021 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 31: Order? This episode, We see the "Average" Day of Elizabeth's Mom, what will happen, who knows?! Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-06-27 8 40835125 Orc Warlord Quest 50 Ur'shal organizes his clan for a raid on the dwarf camp. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-06-27 13 40864864 Card Priestess Masami Quest 77 Where we find out that our siblings and friends seem to have inherited some of our stubbornness. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-06-28 5 40867323 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 49 In which we deal with a change, and move on wards. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-06-28 5 40865904 Bard dad part 4 The bard father returns with more stories of his daughter. bard , Bard , IRL 2015-06-29 23 40903586 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Reassurances are made, as is an escape! But who is caught in our heroine's clutches? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-29 10 40918857 forgeworld founding quest ii we meet an orgyn read some books and arrange for construction to begin collective game , forgeworld founding quest , adeptus mechanicus 2015-06-30 2 40923444 Magical Girl Noir Quest 274 A green haired magical girl chases after a doll. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-06-30 16 July 2015 40927475 Mass Effect Fate RPG Taken Down What happens when a fan RPG gets taken down after it gets nominated on a well known RPG website? Discussions on copyright! Mass Effect , Fate , copyright law , ENworld 2015-07-01 1 40932672 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 49.5 In which we go do something memorable! Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-07-01 5 40936127 Fallout: Okinawa Fallout in Japan, around the US military base in Okinawa Fallout , Post Apocalyptic , Japan , apocalypse , world building , setting 2015-07-01 20 40967451 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette The Kitsune, the Dragonette, and the Nogitsune. The Secrets of Water. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-02 12 40991702 Card Priestess Masami Quest 78 Where we finally confront Marie, and ask her why we're so alike. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-07-03 5 40992424 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 14 Swatting the beehive to find the Joy-In-Ruin Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-07-04 11 40988047 RE:Monster Ex Quest 109 Insulting swords and forging! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-07-04 27 40993044 Miasmapunk Worldbuilding thread creates unique setting about a dead god and all the people who live in it. worldbuilding , setting , grimdark , factions , collective game 2015-07-04 9 41006193 Magical Girl Noir Quest 275 A green haired magical girl is late to class. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-07-04 16 41014195 Card Priestess Masami Quest 79 Where we clash with the ultimate enemy of all! Someone who is even more stubborn than we are! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-07-05 6 41028238 Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me. You still have not learned and I am ashamed. The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens , that's why I shitpost on the archives , coming out of retirement , I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is , please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works , it takes two seconds of your time , consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too , thanks , sincerly LWYS , XOXO 2015-07-05 -21 41028146 Orc Warlord Quest 51 Ur'shal leads a raid on the dwarven camp and plans for the future of his clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-06 13 41035597 RE: Human Quest 10 You bring home the prisoners, and catch wind that your mom is leaving Reiln soon. RE: Human , RE: Human Quest , Collective game , quest , adventure , Adria , Human , Monstergirls 2015-07-06 22 41053864 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Changing tactics; confrontations; disasters foretold. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-06 13 41055462 RE:Monster Ex Quest 110 Idiots and swords don't mix.
Also Sheszka gets bigger. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-07-07 29 41074194 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 50 We relax in a chair, accept a job, and lose an eventful change. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-07-08 5 41081186 Assassin School quest 46 Layla decides to have some fun and spend some quality time with her older sister Marla. And what better way to spend time with your sister than to go kill something in the backwoods of Louisiana that's been stealing children? Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-07-08 12 41097144 RE:Monster Ex Quest 111 We find a species that isn't extinct in this world, and wonder what it would taste like. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-07-09 28 41119660 Card Priestess Masami Quest 80 Where we try to find a way to break through a brick wall shaped like Marie's head. One way or another. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-07-09 5 41121110 RE: Human Quest 11 You begin your journey to bleakwind with a bad dream, then get to spend some quality time with your mother. RE: Human , RE: Human Quest , Collective game , quest , adventure , Adria , Human , Monstergirls 2015-07-10 23 41135159 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Facing the enemy hordes; being as clever as you think you are. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-10 13 41153668 Magical Girl Noir Quest #276 A green-haired magical girl conspires with a concerned instructor. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-07-11 12 41164511 Card Priestess Masami Quest 81 Where we pick up our things and go home. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-07-12 5 41165174 Girls und Panzer Quest 156 In which we schmooze a bit more and perhaps talk to Pravda. Archived early. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2015-07-12 11 41176136 Magical Girl Noir Quest 277 A green haired magical girl tries her hardest to keep it together. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Iori 2015-07-12 16 41184684 Girls und Panzer Quest: Glory Seeker You are Gloria Sotohiko, and you just blew all your command points to lose a Pershing that was chasing your Flag tank. Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , Glory Seeker , Quest , TheDoctorIsIN 2015-07-14 5 41191889 Transforming Robot Homebrew and Setting Development of a homebrew setting about the aftermath of earth's conquest by transforming alien robots. Together, humans and robots team up to fight crime Writefaggotry , Worldbuilding 2015-07-15 2 41240141 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Time to see what Colonel Blitzenberg is really like. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-15 13 41238911 Magical Girl Noir Quest 278 A green haired magical girl tells an idol her name. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Iori 2015-07-15 16 41244304 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 51 We wake up, have a discussion with Beth and make a phone call. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-07-16 5 41279387 Magical Girl Noir Quest 279 A green haired magical girl soothes her bedridden comrade. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-07-17 17 41286355 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 32: FOOLISH FRIDAY This episode, it's a normal and Lazy friday day, maybe. Also, there's a new magical girl? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-07-18 9 41289560 Paranormal Investigator Quest 9 You finally call Summer. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , QM RL 2015-07-18 6 41309706 Card Priestess Masami Quest 82 Where we comfort our crying sister, we'll be doing lots of that. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-07-19 6 41304954 Best Dad Ever Quest #8 Check Twitter for the others! In this one, you jog with daughters, play frisbee, and mess around in the underground! Best Dad Ever Quest , Best Dad Ever , D'aww , Collective Game , Artemis , ArtemisQM , Eve , Magical Girl , Slice of Life 2015-07-19 3 41311703 Girls und Panzer Quest 157 In which we finally talk to Nonna and Katyusha GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2015-07-19 10 41329342 Assassin School quest 47 Desmond Miller, Layla's father whom she poisoned and killed, wakes up in a familiar yet strange place. But what kept him alive, or brought him back? Meanwhile, Marla wakes up from a nap, and tosses away her humanity, to become a werewolf. sisterly shenanigans ensue Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Werewolf , transformation 2015-07-20 7 41344170 Magical Girl Noir Quest 280 A green haired magical girl reluctantly explores all the options presented to her. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-07-20 17 41342242 Of bunnies and /tg/ interesting Ideas of how rabbit people can be a viable replacement for goblins and extra uses in settings are talked about, and then a writefag drops a feels nuke and it a good thing too. fluff , bunnies , creative , writefag , /tg/ isn't always a cruel place , world settings 2015-07-21 5 41325398 Racism in Fantasy settings OP asks for derogatory terms and plausible sorts of racism in fantasy worlds, /tg/ delivers. Elves , Dwarfs , Humans , Orcs , Trolls , racism , specism , setting , worldbuilding 2015-07-21 2 41371562 RE:Monster Ex Quest 112 A spider gets bigger. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-07-22 32 41390758 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Breaking wards, breaking walls, breaking heads, and maybe breaking even. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-22 12 41397761 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Discussion/Epilogue A sudden end to a comfy quest, and the tale of how Alex lived beyond it. Collective Game , Breaker , Magical Girl , Genderswap , Darkness Extrapolated Quest 2015-07-23 8 41397235 Spacer Slang What types of slang would Spacers develop to describe the day to day duties and dangers of living and working way out there in the deep dark? The posters in this thread comes up with more than a few choice words and phrases as /tg/ does some sci fi linguistic brainstorming. Spacer , slang , brainstorming , world building , sci fi 2015-07-23 21 41417371 Card Priestess Masami Quest 83 Where we help our sister dream, and then wake up for our big day. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-07-24 5 41433613 RE:Monster Ex Quest 113 Armour and... additions? monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-07-25 32 41460702 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 15 We learn about the End from the Ruin of the old world on top of a skyscraper Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-07-26 11 41474985 Magical Girl Noir Quest 281 A green haired magical girl has a war-machine in reserve and goes to meet the leader of the church. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-07-26 18 41455056 Best Dad Ever Quest #9 You hold your Chivalry game, crush them at that, then crush Gerald with the good ol' times, then go have a fun little magical parent meeting, and FINALLY go monster hunting with the girls. Best Dad Ever Quest , Best Dad Ever , D'aww , Collective Game , Artemis , ArtemisQM , Eve , Magical Girl , Slice of Life 2015-07-26 5 41483957 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 33: FIRST OF THE GENERALS, RASPUTIN This episode, The first of the generals of chaos, Rasputin, makes his attack. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-07-27 12 41479120 Girls und Panzer Quest 158 In which we meet our mysterious benefactor and find out who he is. GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2015-07-27 11 41503244 Card Priestess Masami Quest 84 Where we try to think of a way to turn a mean person into a good one. Sadly, it probably won't work on Masami. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-07-27 6 41503356 RE:Monster Ex Quest 114 Getting closer to the city, and learning all sorts of things monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-07-28 30 41519945 Orc Warlord Quest 52 Ur'shal organizes his clan for their move south. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-28 12 41524794 Orc Warlord Quest 52.2 Ur'shal gets some first-hand experience of Szar Tzasian culture. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-28 13 41541333 Magical Girl Noir Quest 282 A green haired magical girl asks about exorcisms and is tight lipped with handing out information concerning her Warmaster. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-07-29 17 41569630 Card Priestess Masami Quest 85 Where we find a strange girl, and she tells us a stranger story. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-07-30 5 41521864 LotW Magical Girls Storytime Storytime of a LOTW-Based Magical Girl game + Rules discussion storytime , lotw , magical girl , nanoha , Legends of the Wulin 2015-07-31 11 41584822 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Facing the youkai-child; the soldier's decision; that damn cat, one more time... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-31 12 41519516 Real Life Random Encounters Thread As title describes. Encounter , IRL , Random , Real , Life , Stories , Story 2015-07-31 8 August 2015 41571465 The Cuisine of Fantastical Races A thread is had in which the food and drink preferences of Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves, Men, Orcs and other fantastical races is discussed at length. Some real world recipes are mulled over as well. worldbuilding , culture , food , drink , fantasy races , cooking , discussion 2015-08-01 10 41537612 Spiders! Spiders in 3.5x as race and culture? /tg/ sets to fleshing out the concept. Spider , spiders , worldbuilding , lore , d20 , D&D , Pathfinder , homebrew 2015-08-01 6 41611656 Card Priestess Masami Quest 86 Where we introduce the new girl, and try to find out some things about cards. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-08-02 6 41609415 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest Part 16 A fight without honour or humanity Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-08-02 11 41624000 Afterlife Quest 1 You are Reginald Clayton a secret agent you kill a lion, some Africans and a manticore. RIP dirtbike. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-03 15 41627844 Girls und Panzer Quest 159 In which we continue our discussion with Boone and AnchovyWriter reappears! GuPQ , Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , /ak/ , Girls und Panzer Quest , Black Jack , Pershing , Tanks 2015-08-03 12 41652292 RE:Monster Ex Quest 115 Arrival!
And problems. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-08-04 31 41646128 Afterlife Quest 2 Reginald makes friends with goblins, becomes the tribe’s mightiest warrior and wins a death match without being hurt. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-04 5 41666826 Magical Girl Noir Quest 283 A green haired magical girl is being stalked and changes location again... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-08-04 17 41666817 Orc Warlord Quest 53 Ur leads his raiding party into the dream realm for loot. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-05 14 41670248 Weird World Quest #1 In which our Dwarven protagonist stumbles to work after a drunken night, and realizes that he should have called in for back-up. Weird World Quest , Modern Fantasy , Dwarf Protagonist , Collective Game 2015-08-05 4 41693132 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 34: DREAM REBORN This episode, Elizabeth gets used to being able to walk again as the forces of chaos reel back from the loss of Rasputin. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-08-06 11 41686548 Afterlife Quest 3 Reginald delves into some ruins, kills some fish, then some spiders and loots everything. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-06 4 41709724 RE:Monster Ex Quest 116 Lyra gets involved in politics. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-08-07 31 41718143 RE:Monster Ex Quest 117 Aunts are not ants. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-08-07 31 41707367 Afterlife Quest 4 Reginald heads into a forgotten tomb, gets a bunch of goblins killed but slays the lich in the end. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-07 3 41612411 LotW Magical Girls Storytime Part 2 Storytime of a LOTW-Based Magical Girl game continues storytime , lotw , magical girl , nanoha , Legends of the Wulin 2015-08-07 8 41680792 Empyrean: The World-Eaters a thread about cosmic-level capmpaigns ends in a predictably /tg/ way, and with homebrew Cosmic , Galactus , Epic Level , Space , All-Consuming Vore Loli , Planet Eating , Empyrean: The World-Eaters , Homebrew 2015-08-07 -20 41735439 Card Priestess Masami Quest 87 Where we make a card, and then make bad feelings. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-08-08 5 41729767 Weird World Quest 2 Rowyn Thorekson exchanges bullets with museum thieves, OP is dead after the first round. Weird World Quest , Modern Fantasy , Dwarf Protagonist , Collective Game 2015-08-08 2 41730797 Empyrean: The World-Eaters 2 Continuing the discussion of cosmic-scale campaigns with all-devouring PCs. Discussion of experience system and fluff Cosmic , Galactus , Epic Level , Space , Planet Eating , Empyrean: The World-Eaters , Homebrew 2015-08-08 -19 41748185 Afterlife Quest 5 Reginald spends some time teaching the goblins then convinces the Sickeater tribe unify with the Bonetooth tribe. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-09 5 41756536 Card Priestess Masami Quest 88 Where we craft a special card, so we can make more problems. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-08-09 5 41767728 Magical Girl Noir Quest 284 A green haired magical girl dreams. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-08-09 17 41774483 Prinny Overlord Quest The humble beginnings of a great Prinny. Collective Game , Prinny , Overlord , Lotus Eater 2015-08-10 10 41774543 Assassin School quest 49 Happy days with Layla and Maria! early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-08-10 11 41789291 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Black Fox Friend Chisato is captured, the Yakuza are in trouble, and the fox-children are in danger; Peta-chan has to fix everything, as usual! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-08-10 18 41789107 Afterlife Quest 6 Reginald continues his training of the goblins, buildings get built, plants get killed and then suddenly plot. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-11 3 41826615 Afterlife Quest 7 The Foulcurse tribe joins up and then Reginald does some magic training with the shamans. Then war is beginning. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-13 3 41828732 RE:Monster Ex Quest 117 A human makes a mistake. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-08-13 39 41849233 Magical Girl Noir Quest 285 A green haired magical girl compares assets and sets the plan in motion. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-08-13 17 41809637 It is actually you, who is inside the skeleton necromancers use all parts of the body separately, wasting none. Skeleton , Nervous System , Necromancy , Body World , Low Waste , Flesh Golems , Spooky , Plastination 2015-08-14 7 41857363 Evil Precure Thread Back after an extremely long hiatus. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-08-14 11 41849702 Afterlife Quest 8 Reginald is challenged by the Darkfury tribe. They cheat and use a giant robot. In the end the tribes are unified. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-14 3 41853002 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 16 We finally meet Voice face to face. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-08-14 11 41866507 Orc Warlord Quest 54 The Stonetusk Clan moves south to the jungle in search of better hunting grounds and new enemies. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-15 14 41872348 Orc Warlord Quest 54.2 Zaria's past. It's not a fun tale. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-15 13 41894612 Assassin School quest 50 Naturis tries to assassinate Layla in revenge. early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-08-16 11 41889261 Afterlife Quest 9 Reginald repels an inept attack by the researchers then invades them back via teleport and meets some dudes. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-16 2 41912087 Card Priestess Masami Quest 89 Where we try to understand a difficult problem. If only we had a smart person. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-08-16 5 41908717 Magical Girl Noir Quest 286 A green haired magical girl and her burger-butt accomplice are going to save their Sempai/Kong. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko 2015-08-16 14 41909259 Afterlife Quest 10 Reginald continues to explore research ring four, kills Steve, kills a pretty cool guy, then diplomancers everything. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-17 2 41901253 Mandala of Fortune Put your character up. Name their greatest deeds and virtues. Now their greatest sins. Spin the Mandala of Fortune and see what (often epic!) afterlife your protagonist/antagonist will suffer before Enlightenment! writefaggotry , Hinduism , Buddhism , allignment , writefag , fluff , awesome , religion , afterlife , player character , good end , bad end , allignment , epic 2015-08-17 31 41910800 Native Continent Anon makes thread about native american flavored fantasy. Native Americans give input. lore , world building , stories , history , native americans , incas , aztec , lakota , iroquois, 2015-08-18 6 41958961 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 35: Crimson Dreams 1: alternative universes Elizabeth Dreams some strange dreams. early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Alternative universe 2015-08-19 10 41954315 Afterlife Quest 11 Reginald spends some time re-exploring ruins and building up the tribe. Then he goes after the flying beasts. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-19 2 41729483 Of Folklore Monsters and Other Tales In which /tg/ discusses the existence, knowledge and lore of various monsters, fae, night creatures, boogeymen and other urban story beings. Encounter , Fluff , Folklore , IRL , Random , Spooky , Stories , Story 2015-08-19 5 41971022 Orc Warlord Quest 55 Ur'shal leads his raiding party into the southern jungle. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-20 12 41977241 Orc Warlord Quest 55.2 The Harpies are finally raided, salt is had, and the harpies don't mind (yet?) Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-20 12 41972155 Afterlife Quest 12 Reginald battles the flying beast leader, experiments on himself and then awakens a mighty djinn. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-20 2 42006676 Surfer Ghouls Setting Worldbuilding OP proposes a setting in which a nonhuman intelligent species of "ghouls" appears in the modern world, claiming to be fleeing something. Worldbuilding results. ghouls , ghoul , surfer , beach , colors , neon nightmare , worldbuilding , setting, 2015-08-21 18 42013922 Card Priestess Masami Quest 90 Where we learn about the plan to get Cirrus back. Unfortunately, we've learned about the plan to get Cirrus back. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-08-22 5 42009026 Afterlife Quest 13 Reginald researches, takes a blonde trio out on a tour, readies tech advancement, starts training and then names Ayla. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-22 3 42016258 Evil Precure Quest 100 Masako does her best either avoid a horrible fate or embrace it. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-08-22 10 42010663 RE:Monster Ex Quest 118 Spiderghost. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-08-22 33 42020487 Surfer Ghouls Setting Worldbuilding 2: The Neon Nightmare A second thread discussing the arrival of hippy-surfer-slacker "Ghouls" on Earth, the friendships they make and the secrets they keep about their native culture and the fate of their old home in the Neon Nightmare. ghouls , ghoul , surfer , beach , colors , neon nightmare , worldbuilding , setting, 2015-08-23 13 42046987 Magical Girl Noir Quest 287 A green haired magical girl deals with the unexpected and leaps into the abyss. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-08-23 18 42047472 Afterlife Quest 14 Reginald improves the goblin city and resolves a fight between a djinn and an AI, then he enters the AI’s magical realm. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-24 2 42068649 Afterlife Quest 15 Reginald meets a herald from hell, then goes to hell and kills the hopes and dreams of the monster proletariat. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-25 2 42087952 Afterlife Quest 16 Reginald consumes souls and destroys an army then invades research ring three, Ayla adopts Sazglangolor the winged snake Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-26 2 42090231 RE:Monster Ex Quest 119 Sibling rivalry takes the stage, and Lyra gets swept up in it- monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-08-26 35 42112606 Assassin School quest 51 Layla continues fighting off Naturis' assassins, who continue trying to end her wonderful unlife. early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-08-27 11 42105954 Orc Warlord Quest 56 Ur'shal returns to his camp following the raid, and sets off into the Deep Wastes. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-27 12 42106591 Afterlife Quest 17 Reginald hunts down a giant cat, enters the hyperbolic time chamber, researches the things, then goes to hell for a date Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-27 2 42111565 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 18 The breaking of the Fellowship (Part 17 was misarchived as 16) Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-08-27 11 42134326 Card Priestess Masami Quest 91 Where we find out that adults are crazy. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-08-28 5 42127723 Afterlife Quest 18 Reginald finds a holy warrior and goes to a heaven of sorts, then back to hell to find an ongoing invasion of his city. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-28 3 42173857 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 36: School days This episode, Elizabeth faces her greatest challenge yet, going back to school. How will she explain her now working legs, and what danger could hide in the shadows? Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-08-30 9 42084350 Golden Princess Dilemma OP brings in a 'wat do' for a princess that's been magicked into a gold statue by a dragon. Shenanigans, economics, and fetishes ensue. golden , princess , D&D , Dungeons & Dragons , what do , wat do , economics , monstergirls 2015-08-30 6 42166760 Afterlife Quest 19 Reginald returns to hell, sets up immigration and tournaments, then makes poor choices backed up by bad rolls. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-30 2 42192632 Afterlife Quest 20 Reginald solves the giant crab and outpost problems. Then kidnaps and interrogates the outpost’s commander. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-08-31 2 September 2015 42216505 Afterlife Quest 21 Reginald trains Ayla and himself then fights an army alone to give Hestia the needed time to develop a countermeasure. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-01 2 42218798 RE:Monster Ex Quest 120 In which idiot combat occurs. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-09-01 36 42234513 Orc Warlord Quest 57 Ur'shal continues his journey to the ruins in the wastes. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-01 13 42237211 Afterlife Quest 22 Reginald stops some scouts from spying on the city and meets Director Burgess then gets some social links. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-02 2 42253632 RE:Monster Ex Quest 121 Bonus scenes all thread long monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-09-03 32 42270375 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Deciding dooms, dreaming, and petting your cute kohai. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-09-03 14 42288599 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Catching up to the family; going home a message from a priestess. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-09-04 10 42292420 Assassin School quest 52. AU 1 While Layla recuperates from being stabbed in the chest, we explore an alternate reality, a could've been what if maybe if you would. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-09-04 6 42287737 Afterlife Quest 23 Reginald finds out that there are consequences, then researches, trains, hatches gryphons and goes to the hell arena. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-05 2 42296425 Evil Precure Quest 101 Everyone is a bitch or an asshole. Our heroine (surprisingly) doesn't look so bad anymore. For now at least. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-09-05 8 42290389 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #1 Chapter One: Liberty's Wound, the Atlas of Forever, and Rough Landing Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-09-05 6 42315183 Card Priestess Masami Quest 92 Where we try to stop Mom from doing something dumb, and then do something dumb. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-09-06 5 42306939 Afterlife Quest 24 Reginald ditches the rails and eats the second lord, then finds a sphere and a queen. Hestia is a bit clingy too. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-06 2 42327352 Magical Girl Noir Quest 288 A green haired magical girl and her burger companion infiltrate camp Homu. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-09-06 18 42331394 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #2 Chapter Two: Rebels, nightmares, and Tiny. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-09-07 6 42361677 Card Priestess Masami Quest 93 Where we find something possibly useful, and scare someone who is possibly useless. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-09-08 6 42355815 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #3 Chapter Three: Ghosts, more Tiny, and Baths. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-09-08 7 42352916 Afterlife Quest 25 Reginald heals a queen, meets some pegasi, humiliates a Marquis, creates some upgrades and is the best at learning. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-08 5 42383659 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 37: CRIMSON DREAM...MAGICAL GIRL TRAINER!? This episode, Elizabeth is dragged into acting as the personal trainer for a few other magical girls. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-09-08 11 42381661 RE:Monster Ex Quest 122 Family visits. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-09-09 32 42377539 Afterlife Quest 26 Reginald give Hestia an organic physical body, then tries out some power armor, and uses the void to battle some blood. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-09 2 42397233 Afterlife Quest 27 Reginald talks with Evangeline before ditching her to solve the horror of the prison, also someone has been watching. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-10 2 42416955 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Relief, Recovery, Resolution, Ramifications. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-09-10 12 42417102 Afterlife Quest 28 Reginald invades research ring one, but a trap is triggered. Then takes Evangeline on a mission to the city above. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-11 3 42419474 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #4 Chapter Four: Ghosts. Lots of Ghosts. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-09-11 8 42433300 Orc Warlord Quest 58 Ur'shal leaves the ruins, which proves to be a lot bloodier than getting into them. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-12 12 42463720 Card Priestess Masami Quest 94 Where we see our friends do something really cool! Too bad we're just way cooler than that. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-09-13 5 42458800 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #5 Chapter Five: Daring escapes, new orders, and gifts. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-09-13 8 42455977 Afterlife Quest 29 Reginald and Evangeline seek out a secure location encounter some wannabe rapists and bump into a nosey thief. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-13 4 42480056 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 38: Elliotte?! Elliotte. A Randy, inappropriate, dangerous fusion of the calm and often Lazy Elizabeth, and the Energy filled, wild and often battle hungry Charlotte.
The combination of young lovers love given life.
But, can she stand on her own as a person, outside of the din and chaos of fighting monsters.
Or is she just basically a monster herself.
early Archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-09-13 9 42474640 Magical Girl Noir Quest 289 A green haired magical girl finds what she has been looking for? Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Midori , Wendy 2015-09-13 18 42475259 Afterlife Quest 30 Reginald finds the orange goblin tribe, infiltrates the casino and kills the Don. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-14 2 42521625 Assassin School quest 53 Layla spends some quality time with Maria, and the last surviving Naturis assassin probably has a really bad day. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-09-15 8 42536957 Afterlife Quest 31 Reginald consolidates control over the casino, talks to the orange tribe, and then starts to seek out the blue tribe. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-17 4 42539094 RE:Monster Ex Quest 123 Aunts and the start of something big. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-09-17 31 42557631 Overlord (Light Novel) Quest #0 Initial planning and discussion. Overlord (Light Novel) Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-17 -1 42563454 Monster Girl Academy Quest 1 Lucy Gates, An "ordinary" teenage girl, catches a mysterious disease that turns her into a monster girl! She's then forcibly enrolled in a special academy for other victims of the disease. How will she deal with her new life and body? Early Archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy 2015-09-17 18 42560997 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #6 Chapter Six: The Doctor, The Pigs, and the Russian Winter. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-09-18 10 42567671 Overlord Light Novel Quest 1 The start and happenning Collective Game , Overlord Light Novel Quest , Cocktease 2015-09-18 0 42578698 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Flying high, attempted murder, and Flaming Telepaths. No, the song. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-09-18 7 42587295 Card Priestess Masami Quest 95 Where we have a rude dose of reality. Then we get down to business. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-09-19 5 42581764 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #7 Chapter Seven: Fires, Car Chases, and Bribes. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-09-19 6 42578571 Afterlife Quest 32 Reginald unites the orange and blue goblin tribes, Aurora is brought to the goblin city, and slavers get killed. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-19 2 42607822 Noon in Aurora #6 OP is reminded to put a certain word in the subject line. harlequins clowns 2015-09-20 -3 42609942 Evil Precure Quest 102 Masako is faced with the option of punching her father or act as a bodyguard. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Precure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl 2015-09-20 7 42600424 Afterlife Quest 33 Reginald locates the slavers auction, kills the slavers, frees the slaves, then becomes the true king of the goblins. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-20 3 42606912 Overlord Light Novel Quest 2 Get finished with introduction, make and meet our first guild NPC. Overlord Light Novel Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-20 8 42621437 Magical Girl Noir Quest 290 A green haired magical girl is paranoid. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Wendy 2015-09-20 16 42630206 Monster Girl Academy Quest 2 Lucy's first day at Tartarus Academy. What adventures will she have? will she make friends? Enemies? Or even get used to being made out of slime?!. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-09-20 11 42626819 Magical Girl Noir Quest 290 Part 2 A green haired magical girl tries to wrap her head around what she just learned. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Wendy 2015-09-21 16 42623996 Afterlife Quest 34 Reginald fights a Marquis, introduces Hestia to everyone, creates some strange new things, and gets a magical sword. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-21 2 42652968 Overlord Light Novel Quest 3 We have our first fight, find our new servant, and hire a dwarf. Overlord Light Novel Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-22 7 42651668 Exterminator Quest #14 The old man and the KFC. collective game , exterminator quest , horror , insects , fungus , cats , rats , earwigs , braineaters , shopping , murder , sea monsters , british girls , espionage 2015-09-22 7 42663936 Magical Girl Noir Quest 291 A green haired magical girl concludes the emotional reunion with her sempai. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Wendy 2015-09-22 17 42663397 Orc Warlord Quest 59 Ur'shal returns to camp with the new addition to his clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-22 13 42681161 Afterlife Quest 35 Reginald gets a crocodile, makes Evangeline all sweaty, and battles a giant endless army of insect demons. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-24 4 42707381 Card Priestess Masami Quest 96 Where we get scolded over cookies, and we realize that our time is shorter than we realized. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-09-25 5 42708561 Overlord Light Novel Quest 4.1 In which we get some loot and run into a pack of kobolds. Overlord Light Novel Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-25 3 42704518 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #8 Chapter Eight: Interrogations, the Atlas, and Dreams. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-09-25 7 42718141 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Facing off against an undeniable and implacable threat; hoping to reunite with the family. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-09-25 8 42722882 Assassin School quest 54: Belated Anniversary Edition So much can change in just one year, as Layla and Maria become second year, Thraddrick brausr steps back into the stop light. What will be lost? find out now, Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-09-25 11 42718193 Afterlife Quest 36 Reginald gets a marriage proposal, remembers mom, meets skeleton pirates, gets a familiar, and kills the third lord. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-26 2 42736503 Afterlife Quest 37 Reginald frees the skeleton pirates from their curse, gets interrupted by A DRAGON, then trains everyone and researches. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-09-27 3 42745552 Paranormal Investigator Quest 10 More experimenting with powers, and then party time. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , QM RL 2015-09-27 5 42762743 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 39: THE LOVELY BLUE...DEMON!? This episode, Lovely Blue returns with a vengeance, determined to destroy Crimson Dream for interfering with her last villainous plot. Early Archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-09-27 9 42760256 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 19 Musor the bear joins us in Charybdis Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-09-28 11 42800847 Monster Girl Academy Quest 3 Another Day at Tartarus Academy. What sort of a day will it be for Lucy? Good or Bad? Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-09-29 11 42789070 Deep Sea Terror and Worldbuilding A discussion of deep sea wildlife develops into worldbuilding for two original settings. Also, it is reaffirmed that the deep sea is horrifying and our primordial ancestors left the water as the lungfish equivalent of "fuck this, I'm out of here." deep sea , mermaids , worldbuilding , deep ones , great flood , lovecraft , future , elder things , water , sea , ocean , terror, 2015-09-30 2 October 2015 42817537 RE:Monster Ex Quest 124 Wheat and dungeons. Wheat dungeons. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2015-10-01 34 42814981 Afterlife Quest 38 Reginald ends a lizard invasion, kills a big lizard, frees some phoenixes then meets the djinni heading a hell invasion. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-01 4 42849673 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Playing with swords; reunions. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-10-02 8 42849196 Afterlife Quest 39 Reginald captures the djinni, rushes back to speak with Director Burgess, then accepts a mission from him. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-03 2 42847877 Orc Warlord Quest 60 Ur'shal spars, sets his clan to work preparing for new arrivals, and takes some time to relax. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-03 12 42851458 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #9 Chapter Nine: Zeps, planes, and disguises Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-10-03 8 42856617 Orc Warlord Quest 60.2 Ur has an unexpected visitor and prepares to potentially walk into a trap. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-03 11 42871933 Modern Monster Quest 40: A FATEFUL BATTLE This Episode, Lovely Blue Reveals her trump card. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-10-03 7 42867562 Magical Girl Noir Quest 292 A green haired magical girl experiences some slightly unfortunate events... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Wendy 2015-10-03 18 42873245 Card Priestess Masami Quest 97 Where we try to find something missing, and realize our problem is bigger than imagined. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-10-04 5 42889668 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #10 Chapter Ten: Sabotage, Stupefaction, Savages Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-10-05 8 42910161 Assassin School quest 55 Layla has a strange dream, and gets sick? somehow. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-10-05 7 42922065 Orc Warlord Quest 61 Ur makes a deal with a completely untrustworthy individual, and inducts the new orcs into his clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-07 13 42940308 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Healing in many ways; returning home; a question of time. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-10-07 12 42939892 Afterlife Quest 40 Reginald kills a mayor, kidnaps a merchant, resolves the Ghaele invasion, rescues? a marquis, and saves the marquis men. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-08 2 42963744 Card Priestess Masami Quest 98 Where we realize that Asai has been tricking everyone! If only everyone was smarter. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-10-09 5 42975626 Afterlife Quest 41 Reginald kills a fire elemental, makes a badass suit and doesn’t get raped by a dragon because it’s obviously consensual Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-10 2 42978218 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #11 Chapter Eleven: Ants, Caves, and the Plan. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-10-10 9 43018390 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #12 Chapter Twelve: Knives, Starfire, and Escapes Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-10-12 10 43033083 Magical Girl Noir Quest 293 A green haired magical girl will not take this lying down... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Mami 2015-10-12 18 43039398 Monster Girl Academy Quest 4 The spirit of Halloween starts to seep into Tartarus Academy for Monster girls, and with it comes many strange happenings... if this is the lead up, I can't wait for the holiday itself. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-10-12 10 43056569 Overlord Light Novel Quest 4.2 Very short thread, though we finish off thread 4. Overlord Light Novel , Collective Game , Dull 2015-10-14 4 43069434 Afterlife Quest 42 Reginald placates Hestia by designing her a new core, says yes to having kids, then trains and goes to slay a dragon. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-15 2 43074652 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 20 A happy reunion Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-10-15 12 43087579 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Trauma, healing, and trauma and healing. No, it isn't redundant. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-10-15 10 43084306 How an Imperium Falls? tg ponders upon the age old question of how imperiums end up falling. history , real world , Rome , Byzantine , imperium , British , empire , education , philosophy , 2015-10-16 7 43087321 Afterlife Quest 43 Reginald makes plans, lets the twins move in, studies spiders, interrogates and then kills the captive djinni noble. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-16 2 43104559 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Cat fight between fox and dragon? Kisses to follow? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-10-16 10 43109124 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 41: Recovery, Drago This episode, The girls have a calm day of recovery and first, but who knows what waits around the corner. Early archive. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-10-16 9 43111831 Card Priestess Masami Quest 99 Where we find ourselves in a very bad place, fortunately Asai is here to make things worse. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-10-17 5 43106908 Magical Girl Liberty and the Beach Quest Interlude: Tanning, baseball, and beach antics. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-10-17 10 43104468 Afterlife Quest 44 Reginald heads off to Djinnistan, kills the annoying king of the djinn, and then has Ayla become their ruler instead. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-17 2 43122554 Orc Warlord Quest 62 The stonetusk clan prepares for its raid on the dragon cultists and heads south into the jungle. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-17 12 43123177 Afterlife Quest 45 Reginald help Ayla look regal, goes shopping, stops a civil war and makes the giant lizard and Ayla his familiars. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-18 4 43147387 Assassin School quest 56 Layla and Maria move out of the first year dorms, and into the second year ones. Of course trouble and blood shed probably awaits them. early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-10-18 14 43177535 Orc Warlord Quest 63 The assault on the dragon cultist compound continues. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-21 13 43187139 Orc Warlord Quest 63.2 Ur'shal secures the cultist compound and celebrates his victory. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-21 16 43196822 Afterlife Quest 46 Reginald purifies a bunch of djinn that have been tainted by the grasp of Iblis, multiple times, and ends a rebellion. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-22 3 43221263 Monster Girl Academy Quest 5 Another day at Tartarus academy, That starts off with an annoying PSA. Meanwhile the spirit of halloween gets closer and closer, and some students get a little wild. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-10-22 9 43234681 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette A vacation on the Island of Pearls? Well, okay... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , nudity , blood 2015-10-23 10 43237436 Card Priestess Masami Quest 100 (Part 1) Where we find that all of our fears have come true. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-10-23 6 43235520 Afterlife Quest 47 Reginald finishes dealing with Djinnistan for now and bonds with Hestia and Nana before being ambushed by succubi. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-24 2 43253917 Afterlife Quest 48 Reginald deals with the aftermath of succubi and salt, goes steady with Evangeline, and messed with some mages. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-25 2 43247321 Skull-Mask Monster Species Worldbuilding OP posts a picture of a weird creature and asks /tg/ for ideas for backstory. Interesting wordbuilding and sentient mystical hivemind algae result. species , monster , worldbuilding , skull , mask , ghosts , sentient mystical hivemind algae, 2015-10-25 1 43279071 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #13 Chapter Thirteen: Policemen, Gifts, and the Trio Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-10-26 10 43276217 Afterlife Quest 49 Reginald prepares the ball and chain, the goes to hell for undead dinosaurs, skeleton knights, and Nazis. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-26 2 43286199 Crystal Quest #1 In which we aren't a Crystal Gem Eail , Steven Universe , Crystal Quest , Gem , Leon , Steven , Pearl , Garnet , Amethyst , Collective Game 2015-10-26 21 43301178 Assassin School quest 57 Layla tries to help Maria get used to being a vampire. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-10-26 8 43318425 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 42:Destructive training This Episode, The destructive Saviors decide they need to get back into monster hunting shape, and make Elizabeth/Crimson Dream help them with it. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-10-27 7 43331326 Afterlife Quest 50 Reginald assumes direct control of the Nazis and some demons, then finds some space elves and takes them home. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-10-29 2 43370910 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Probing the past; calling home; dealing with ningyo. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-10-30 7 43374891 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 21 This is what happens when you poke the bear. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2015-10-31 11 43394465 Monster Girl Academy Quest 6: HALLOWEEN SPECIAL Ghouls, ghosts and spooks roam the halls, it's that magical time of year, Oh what fun a slime can have today. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-10-31 8 November 2015 43396152 Card Priestess Masami Quest 101 Where we try to talk down a very dangerous foe. If not dangerous, at least very stubborn. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-11-01 5 43389749 Afterlife Quest 51 - Halloween Special Reginald is busy, so the goblins get their stories told for once and manage to get some things done. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-11-01 3 43407079 Magical Girl Noir Quest 294 A tormented magical girl wakes up to dehydration physical pain and... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-11-01 19 43411355 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest # Chapter Fourteen: The fight, the kiss, the slump. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-11-02 7 43432045 Assassin School quest 58 Layla and Maria's first job after the latter Vampirizations continues, and Layla needs to find a way out of the rebels base. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-11-02 8 43450179 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 43: Crimson Nightmare...awakens? This episode, A clone of Crimson Dream? What's going on here? Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-11-03 11 43460515 Abandoned Moonbase Worldbuilding OP requests ideas for encounters and backstory of a lunar outpost abandoned since nuclear war broke out on earth, now rediscovered by the rebuilt terrestrial civilization. Good ideas, nightmare fuel and Moon Morlocks result. worldbuilding , setting , moonbase , space , moon , abandoned , morlocks , mutated monstrosities, 2015-11-04 22 43463057 Afterlife Quest 52 Reginald continues his battle in hell ending four more armies, then manages to get back to Evangeline on time. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-11-05 2 43483372 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Er Yin teaches; Kiki learns; Ryukusa copes. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-11-05 9 43502283 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette The price paid for the truth, and the truth is heaven to pay. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-11-06 9 43501196 Magical Girl Noir Quest 295 A near nuclear magical girl wakes up... again. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko 2015-11-06 17 43507590 Monster Girl Academy Quest 7 A witch? Wait witches aren't real, what's going on here?! and why is she so interested in Lucy? early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-11-06 9 43545590 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 44: A walking nightmare. This Episode, Crimson Nightmare enters the human world, and starts her royally given quest, is this the end of the destructive saviors? early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-11-08 9 43543089 Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #15 Chapter Fifteen: Anneliese, the Strike, and Otto Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-11-09 10 43478161 Kindly Skaven and noble vampires: Bizarro Warhammer! Compiler, Grimgor, the King of the Halflings, and Skeetch spin a tale of knightly vampires and fair Skaven, and the Empire that threatens to destroy the peace. Skaven , Vampire , Empire , Orcs , Warhammer Fantasy , story , Getting Shit Done , worldbuilding 2015-11-09 12 43565048 Assassin School quest 59 It's a peaceful, and cold autumn day. And like usual, it probably won't last. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-11-09 7 43575749 Orc Warlord Quest 64 Ur returns home from the raid on the cult compound and ambushes some pursuing adventurers. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-11 21 43590598 Afterlife Quest 53 Reginald powers up some girls, gets a bit distracted between realities and gets confronted by Nantosuelta. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-11-12 1 43623598 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Looking at the world through Yui's eyes. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-11-13 8 43640792 Card Priestess Masami Quest 102 Where we fight an actual dangerous foe. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-11-14 5 43671521 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette The world through Yui's Eyes continues. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-11-16 10 43693798 Monster Girl Academy Quest 8 Lucy Gate tries to handle the knowledge that she's the reincarnation of legion, and why hasn't Baba Yaga gotten her own room yet?! early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-11-17 7 43706039 Afterlife Quest 54 Reginald adopts a dragon, chats up some elves, enters his own magical realm and finally catches Director Snow. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-11-19 1 43743409 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 45: CRIMSON DREAM VS NIGHTMARE, BATTLE OF FATE This Episode, A BATTLE OF FATES SPARKS. DREAM'S FURY PEAKS AND NIGHTMARES RESOLVE TO PROTECT HER QUEEN HARDENS. WHICH DREAM WILL COME OUT ON TOP!?! Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-11-20 10 43757874 Card Priestess Masami Quest 103 Where we free a little girl, and then get in trouble for it. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-11-21 2 43763771 Magical Boy Quest Prologue Caleb begins his supernatural awakening. Collective Game , Magical Boy Quest , Magical Girl , Magical Boy 2015-11-22 6 43776777 Assassin School Quest 60 An Assassin from the Lord's dagger appears in Layla's and Maria's room and...wait? She doesn't want to fight!? Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-11-22 8 43789904 Orc Warlord Quest 65 Ur'shal sends scouts into the tunnels in preparation for a sneak attack on the Shifter camp. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-24 12 43807277 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Rescuing swords, making dragons, and fighting princesses. Really. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-11-24 11 43807708 Afterlife Quest 55 Reginald invades the administration’s holdings with overwhelming force, ‘friendly’ golems assist, but then giant lasers. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-11-25 3 43823237 Afterlife Quest 56 Reginald assists the golems take over, helps an AI, lectures a marquis, then meets up with some cool guys. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-11-26 0 43862481 Paranormal Investigator Quest 11 Attempts to pump Mark for information, aborted due to poor quest start timing. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , QM RL 2015-11-28 2 43853771 Afterlife Quest 57 Reginald almost messes with dragons, then trains, but not as good as a lizard and passes out more power to everyone. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-11-28 0 43875586 Monster Girl Academy Quest 9 A new legend arises and decides that Tartarus Academy would make a wonderful nest. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-11-28 8 43878956 Card Priestess Masami Quest 104 Where we are tasked with a very delicate hostage situation. Don't make Masami your negotiator. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-11-29 5 43873725 Paranormal Investigator Quest 11 Continued We finish talking with Mark and arrive at Alice's house. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , QM RL 2015-11-29 4 43890055 Afterlife Quest 58 Reginald spends some time with Nazis, Ghaele, Ayla, and Tslah, then meets a bubbly mermaid who loves chocolate. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-11-30 1 43894252 /tg/ designs a pantheon /tg/ designs a pantheon and an array of primordials, gods and demigods are created. And the Laughing god. He's there too pantheon , worldbuilding , the Laughing God , gods , demigods , primordials 2015-11-30 11 December 2015 43924087 /tg/ designs a pantheon part two The concept is fleshed out. Bonds are made, Myths are written and the Laughing god keeps laughing. Oh god. pantheon , worldbuilding , the Laughing God , gods , demigods , primordials 2015-12-01 5 43929359 Afterlife Quest 59 Reginald makes some new sensors, investigates some demons, and finally gets to his destination in hell. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-12-02 2 43931279 /tg/ designs a pantheon part three This time, we focus less on gods and more on worldbuilding. Everything, from poems to maps, are made, and the Laughing God just laughs pantheon , worldbuilding , the Laughing God , gods , demigods , primordials 2015-12-02 5 43951202 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 46: RISE AGAIN, CRIMSON DREAM THIS EPISODE, After her defeat, Crimson dream wakes up back home, with the fires of determination burning bright in her heart, and new threats on the horizon. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-12-02 8 43969910 Assassin School Quest 61 Another day at the academy of the guild of the lucky coin, what excitements await today? early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-03 6 43965015 Afterlife Quest 60 Reginald encounters another lord, becomes plant zerg, invades in undead’s lands, and then meets some bugs. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-12-04 1 43908563 Awoken Overlord Quest I Your Name is Alice and you are the overlord now. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-04 5 43925515 Awoken Overlord Quest II Alice starts her new job as the overlord and recruits the first few followers. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-04 1 43949255 Awoken Overlord Quest III Alice continues her quest, finds mighty allies and some other guys. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-04 1 43967090 Monstrous Wolves Worldbuilding A discussion on the role of wolves as a monster in mythology derails into worldbuilding. Original monsters and nightmare fuel ensues. wolf , wolves , werewolves , worldbuilding , monsters , dogs , rat king , horror , breath weapon, 2015-12-04 5 43979509 /tg/ Builds a Pantheon #5 /tg/ Builds a Pantheon thread Worldbuilding , Pantheon , Gods , Storytime, 2015-12-05 3 44002792 Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #1 Chapter One: State of the World, and the Baroness. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-12-06 8 44001045 Afterlife Quest 61 Reginald discovers an ancient spirit, goes to Alfheim, then talks to everyone and does it at the same time. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-12-06 2 43980634 Awoken Overlord Quest IV Alice continues her journey to become a supreme overlord, only stopped by OP's schedule Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-07 1 44018196 Awoken Overlord Quest IV.V (NSSF-Edition) Alice again continues her journey, this time with a QM who hasn't slept for two days. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess , No sleep since friday Edition 2015-12-07 1 44041262 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Pearl diving takes on a whole new set of meanings for Ryukusa. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-12-07 10 44047415 Card Priestess Masami Quest 105 Where we panic over our reckless little sister, and then witness a series of humiliating defeats! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-12-08 5 44056530 Orc Warlord Quest 66 Ur enters into a contest with Aza'ra to pass the time until the Shifter raid, and takes his second visit to a dream realm, this time for more pleasant reasons. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-08 21 44063401 Monster Girl Academy Quest 10 Legends are a real pain sometimes, Maybe it's just better to ignore them. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-12-08 9 44060082 Afterlife Quest 62 Reginald finds out a bit too much about elves and lays the ground work to bring the elves he found to Alfheim. Collective Game , Quest , Afterlife Quest , Apophis , fantasy , afterlife 2015-12-09 2 44080902 Mimic Girl Quest: Reboot #1 In which we are a newly born mimic. We eat an arm and learn some stuff from our big brother Sir Oliver. Collective Game , Mimic Girl Quest , Chestchan , dungeon , monster girl , Sir Oliver 2015-12-10 6 44095840 Assassin School Quest 62 Sometimes the price for knowledge is itself, And Layla knowing where the location of the Lord's dagger itself could be a hefty price, for both parties. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-10 7 44109386 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Meeting the Ama divers, ocean waters, and things that blood attracts. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-12-11 14 44134815 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 47: TRAPPED IN A GAME!?!? This Episode, A fun trip to The Arcade turns into a nightmare for the destructive saviors! Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-12-12 8 44138001 Card Priestess Masami Quest 106 Where we finally confront our biggest problem. Which is of course, our cowardice. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-12-13 3 44132315 Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #2 Chapter Two: The Oslo Orphanage Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-12-13 7 44043160 Awoken Overlord Quest V: Fell asleep in the middle of the last thread edition Alice is back, after being interrupted by sleep. Also, a boar is caught and such. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess , fell asleep edition 2015-12-14 1 44176832 Homebrew species and cultures worldbuilding /tg/ invents and discusses new species and their cultures. Interesting worldbuilding results. worldbuilding , species , race , cultures , civilization , caterpillar people, 2015-12-16 3 44189651 Awoken Overlord Quest VI Alice is finally back and continues her conquest, even against some pretty bad odds. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-16 1 44212488 Overlord Civ3 Based on the RPG, as a Civ instead. Overlord Quest , Overlord , Civilization , Civ 2015-12-17 2 44216116 World Trigger Quest #1 We meet our protagonist, a rookie agent of Border World Trigger , Collective Game 2015-12-17 2 44231542 Monster Girl Academy Quest 11 Wait, why does a slime have to take a physical fitness test?! it makes no sense! Early archive
Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-12-17 7 44243892 Orc Warlord Quest 67 Ur puts his plan to deal with the shifters into action. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-19 21 44252788 Card Priestess Masami Quest 107 Where we feel slightly more bratty than usual. We must be playing as some other punk kid this time. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-12-19 3 44269098 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 48: THE MASTER OF GAMES, ALVEXI This episode, The battle between the Destructive saviors and the Game master continue in the digital space! early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-12-19 8 44267166 Magical Girl Liberty and the Spirit of Christmas Quest Interlude: The 1938 Christmas Eve Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2015-12-20 7 44306962 Assassin School Quest 63 What is it with people and breaking into Layla's room? early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-21 7 44335537 Magical Girl Noir Quest 296 A talk with Kharn about religion, and a disturbing revalation Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kharn 2015-12-23 17 44342153 Orc Warlord Quest 68 Ur duels the shifter alpha. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-24 18 44369059 Cosplay Mimicry Magic and Worldbuilding /tg/ is asked what would happen if Cosplayers gained powers themed around whatever they cosplayed as. Worldbuilding, body theft, refluffed clerics and existential philosophy results. cosplayers , worldbuilding , setting , magic system , mimicry , existentialism, 2015-12-26 1 44388513 Magical Girl Noir Quest The recappening A half blind, part robot magical girl hosts the fourth(and last?) recap of the quest so far. With guest appearances! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Kyoko 2015-12-26 15 44395032 Monster Girl Academy Quest 12 Twas the day after christmas, and very few monster girls were stirring, since a great cold fell over the school, ah well, staying inside is fun to? right? early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-12-26 8 44395618 Military Magical Girl Quest A middle school Japanese girl gets kidnapped and is forced to join the magical military Collective Game , Military Magical Girl Quest 2015-12-27 3 44427160 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette New friends, new family, old enemies. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-12-28 10 44430753 Card Priestess Masami Quest 108 Where we find out what makes Asai tick, but then realize how much of a problem this creates. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2015-12-28 5 44431212 Assassin School Quest 64 The ancient first generation, Sitári vs Layla Miller, which Vampire will prove stronger, the Lady of the waking dead or the Lady of tainted blood? Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-28 6 44449004 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 49: Chess Finally, we're leaving the digital world. Hopefully. How long will the enraged first of Checkerboard last? early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-12-29 8 44464042 /tg/ builds a world /tg/ builds a world, a god dies, stuff happens worldbuilding , deicide , custom setting, 2015-12-30 1 44468572 /tg/ builds a world pt.2 Laughing god gets put on trial, outsider gets rekt inquisition , rekt , worldbuilding , trial , custom setting 2015-12-31 1 January 2016 44485010 Magical Girl Noir Quest 297 A caring, self destructive magical girl can only wait, and ask questions. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kharn 2016-01-01 18 44496286 'Lost Source' setting worldbuilding thread #2 /tg/ continues worldbuilding a post-singularity setting in the spiritual tradition of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne. engine heart , eclipse phase , demon's souls , dark souls , bloodborne , singularity , posthumans , transhumans , exhumans , cyborgs , robots , AI , worldbuilding , setting, 2016-01-01 7 44487979 /tg/ builds a world pt.3 Where the thread dies. worldbuilding , custom setting 2016-01-02 1 44525150 Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #3 Chapter Three: The Wolf Pack and the Town Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2016-01-03 7 44549040 Monster Girl Academy Quest 13 After having a pretty bad week, Lucy has to take Sex education again, fuming all the way. What kind of bad luck can find her today? Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-03 6 44534606 Military Magical Girl Quest 2 Rankings, talking with the squad, and the first prelim match Collective Game , Military Magical Girl Quest 2016-01-04 2 44525340 Lost Source 3# Lost Source gets fleshed out some more
Still needs a skeleton AKA metaplot and system. Lost Source , homebrew , world building , bloodborne , dark souls, 2016-01-04 5 44571031 Card Priestess Masami Quest 109 Where we discover that no one likes talking to Asai. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-01-05 3 44570303 RE:Monster Ex Quest 125 We return to our spider in a dungeon. An unimpressive dungeon. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-01-05 39 44619608 Magical Girl Noir Quest 298 More discussion with Kharn. Dots are connected. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kharn 2016-01-07 18 44651857 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 50: Elliotte, Schoolgirl This episode, Elizabeth has a lot more to worry about in school than just classes. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-01-09 8 44644203 Orc Warlord Quest 69 Sascha begins her infiltration of Slaagyr's forces. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-09 11 44650022 Military Magical Girl Quest 3 School life, Lunch with Maiya, and Getting Ready for the next Prelim match Collective Game , Military Magical Girl Quest 2016-01-09 2 44670317 Card Priestess Masami Quest 110 Where we confront our problems head-on. Like we do best! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-01-09 3 44668714 Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #4 Chapter Four: Captured at the Castle. Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2016-01-10 6 44670039 Military Magical Girl Quest 4 Prelim match, Annoucements, and Readying for Contraction Collective Game , Military Magical Girl Quest 2016-01-10 1 44651355 Lost Source #4 The metaplot and mechanics are worked on, mods and weapons are added. Lost Source , homebrew , world building , bloodborne , dark souls,. 2016-01-11 4 44756818 Monster Girl Academy Quest 14 Fenris Howls. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-14 20 44776834 RE:Monster Ex Quest 126 Wheat dungeon adventures continue. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-01-15 34 44732534 Lost Source #5 The crunch continues! Albeit slowly.
Also, hopefully a plot or two. Lost Source , homebrew , world building , bloodborne , dark souls, 2016-01-15 2 44789678 Magical Girl Noir Quest 299 An angry magical girl seeks more answers to questions she doesn't want the answers to. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kharn 2016-01-15 18 44797175 Assassin School Quest 66 Like clockwork, the calm follows the storm. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-01-15 6 44805034 Military Mage 5 Contraction and last day of school Collective Game , Military Magical Girl Quest , Military Mage 2016-01-16 1 44817163 Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #5 Chapter Five: The Lair of the Wolves Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2016-01-16 7 44819675 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 51: Rainbow spin This Episode, Spin spin spin the wheel of chance and luck. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-01-16 9 44821802 Card Priestess Masami Quest 111 Where we try to deal with a problem which we've only made smaller and more annoying! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-01-17 5 44883387 RE:Monster Ex Quest 127 The dungeon gets better. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-01-20 32 44895427 Magical Girl Noir Quest 300 An angry magical girl interrogates her Incubator to the point of angering him. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyuubey 2016-01-20 15 44897559 Alien World Quest In which you begin to explore, and your squad is kidnapped Collective Game , Alien World , Oculus 2016-01-20 1 44891100 Sympathetic Eldritch Abominations A discussion on eldritch abominations which find us just as strange and SAN Loss-inducing as we find them. worldbuilding , monster , monsters , cosmic horror , lovecraft , CoC , Alienist, 2016-01-21 6 44896570 Lost Source #6. For Reals, this time. Our first documented playtest! Albeit it's a TPK. Darn bloopers. Lost Source , homebrew , world building , bloodborne , dark souls,playtest 2016-01-22 4 44944657 Monster Girl Academy Quest 15 Life in Tartarus academy continues as usual, despite the four legendary monsters living inside of it. What will today bring? early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-22 7 44945222 Noah's Park Quest #1 We begin our adventure as Jake Clark the NEET, stuck in a sick game. There, we meet a waspgal and cuddle a leechgirl. Collective Game , Quest , Noahs Park , We do things properly this time. 2016-01-23 3 44965739 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 52: Choice Choices reflect who you are, they define you. And sometimes they lead to horrible places. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-01-23 7 44824495 Military Mage 6 Military stuff, deployment, and going onwards to war Collective Game , Military Magical Girl Quest , Military Mage 2016-01-24 0 44962647 Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #6 Chapter Six: High-ho, Silver! Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2016-01-24 6 44967048 Military Mage 7 Moving towards the Yutai, Mountain ambush, and attacking the enemy enplacement Collective Game , Military Magical Girl Quest , Military Mage 2016-01-24 2 44992746 Assassin School Quest 67 And Boredom follows the calm, as Layla tries to find something to do to spice up her unlife. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-01-24 7 44998926 Original Monsters and PC Species /tg/ invents various bizarre monsters and sentient species. monster , monsters , species , races , worldbuilding, 2016-01-27 2 45007539 Lost Source #7 An alternative setting is proposed, and more enemies are statted. Lost Source , homebrew , world building , bloodborne , dark souls, 2016-01-27 2 45067949 Orc Warlord Quest 70 Sascha arrives at Slaagyr's camp and begins her investigation. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-28 11 45077126 Card Priestess Masami Quest 112 Where we run from the law! Oh no! At least Asai is the one in prison and not us. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-01-29 3 45096059 Monster Girl Academy Quest 16 A bored Slime? Oh how horrible! Well you can always find something to do!. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-30 7 45095535 RE:Monster Ex Quest 128 Adventurers and information. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-01-30 32 45108800 Magical Girl Noir Quest 301 A decisive Magical Girl mulls on what to do with her collection. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyuubey 2016-01-30 17 45116900 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 53: Trouble in the manor THIS EPISODE, Trouble falls upon Min's Manor, and it's up to the destructive Saviors to end it before things get to nasty! Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-01-31 8 45113258 Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #7 Chapter Seven: The Convoy Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2016-01-31 6 45122713 Lego Quest Presents... QUEST FOR DRYWATER My world... is water. Lego Quest , Collective Game , Waterworld 2016-01-31 5 February 2016 45141979 Assassin School Quest 68 Oooh, Dirty deeds will sour any luck, but what if you control fortune itself. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-01 6 45160885 Lost Source #8 In which not a lot happened. Dam it, college... Lost Source , homebrew , world building , bloodborne , dark souls, 2016-02-05 2 45252560 Magical Girl Noir Quest 302 A slightly drunk Magical Girl spends the night in her comatose girlfriend's room. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Suikawari 2016-02-06 18 45255659 Card Priestess Masami Quest 113 Where we run from an even scarier authority: Crazy Moms! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-02-06 3 45261510 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 54: Tick tock, goes the clock This episode, the meister of time, the great general of clocks, Mr.Tick tock takes the center stage, finally. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-02-07 9 45257591 Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #8 Chapter Eight: Berlin Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl 2016-02-07 6 45286295 Assassin School Quest 69 Time to take a job, and cull the supernatural.
Which is a problem,when others are out hunting,and you are yourself unnatural. Early archi Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-08 8 45301289 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette The Triumphant return of Ryukusa begins with a recap, and an evil twist. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-02-08 14 45268554 Weirder Wizards Worldbuilding OP asks for original ideas for wizards and systems of magic. /tg/ complies with worldbuilding and discussion. wizard , wizards , magic , worldbuilding , no sense of right and wrong, 2016-02-09 1 45326198 RE:Monster Ex Quest 129 We pick a path in the dungeon. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-02-10 39 45300495 /tg/ designs a noblebright setting Anons from all over the multiverse build a noblebright setting together worldbuilding , noblebright 2016-02-10 11 45364363 Card Priestess Masami Quest 114 Where we run from our problems, and no one is happy. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-02-12 5 45336400 /tg/ designs a noblebright setting, thread 2 Continuation of previous thread: Anonymous contribute fluff for a new noblebright setting. worldbuilding , noblebright 2016-02-12 3 45377892 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette To eat or not to eat. Why is this even a question? Well...... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-02-12 9 45401352 Monster Girl Academy Quest 17 Miranda wants to talk to Lucy about something? But seems urgent. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-02-13 8 45425571 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 55:Dream meister, Crimson Dream This episode, Crimson dream is going berserk!Obsessed with bring the shroud of sleep to everyone she meets,a hard battle awaits Earlyarchive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-02-14 10 45431073 Overpowered Magic User Quest A oneshot where /tg/ is handed both unreliable ultimate power and complete freedom and proceeds to piss it all away on making anime real. Collective Game , Oneshot , smug anime girl 2016-02-15 8 45441112 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette The most dangerous phone call ever; diving with the Ama. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-02-15 8 45502836 Card Priestess Masami Quest 115 Where we go along with a dumb action movie plan, but it's the best we have! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-02-19 5 45511648 Girls und Titan Quest A fluffy haired giant robot enthusiast has a grand old time. Collective game , GutQ , Girls und Titan Quest , Girls und Panzer 2016-02-19 21 45472841 BIO-SHIFT: Metamorphosis Setting about suited humans being the oldest aliens in the universe. All of the other aliens wonder why they have so many sub-species. suits , space suits , humans , setting , worldbuilding , world building , aliens 2016-02-20 4 45539187 Monster Girl Academy Quest 18 Two slimes in love, well this can only go well! Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-02-20 7 45563499 Assassin School Quest 70 Layla, Maria, Elizabeth, Marla, And Jasmine get to experience the high life in brasurburge Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-22 7 45479944 Lost Source a thread for the Lost Source game setting; now with playtest feedback. Lost Source , Homebrew , World Building 2016-02-22 2 45575056 Girls und Titan Quest 2 A fluffy haired giant robot enthusiast finishes up business. Collective game , GutQ , Girls und Titan Quest , Girls und Panzer 2016-02-22 16 45578456 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Psychic phone play, sharks swimming secretively, warfare within water. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-02-22 12 45598329 Orc Warlord Quest 71 Sascha's investigation of Slaagyr's Camp continues. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-24 10 45636799 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Sharks are fish, but what are youkai? The Generals Two attack! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-02-25 8 45637975 Fledgling Super Quest .5: How and Why In which FSQM explains the setting and the groups and thinking within Fledgling Super Quest , Collective Game , Superheroes , FSQM , Worldbuilding 2016-02-26 3 45664389 Card Priestess Masami Quest 116 Where we hear out the crazy person, and do not make new friends. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-02-27 5 45659526 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 In which we arrive on board LGA, receive our first salute, a couple hunna bucks, and take a look at some tanks. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-02-27 25 45664890 Valkyrie Quest 1 In which we bring in the New Year with a bang. Valkyrie Quest , Collective Game , Cute Nazi Girls 2016-02-27 10 45683343 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 56: Lovely days This episode, Lovely's back to normal...but her life isn't. A cruel twist of fate, through her own eyes. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-02-28 8 45679305 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #1 In which we go to the club fair and meet some members of the crew. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-02-28 15 45707897 Assassin School Quest 71 Of course, after a vacation, you always have to go back to work, and in this case, that work is killing. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-29 8 45699941 Orc Warlord Quest 72 Ur sends his scouts out investigating his enemies, and potential allies, in preparation for the battles to come. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-29 11 45709198 Perfect World Quest We tame a wolf, kill a elk and find a comfy cave Collective Game , Perfect World Quest , Perfect Rune World Quest 2016-02-29 1 45702977 Valkyrie Quest 2 We unlock our powers and get our first taste of combat. Valkyrie Quest , Collective Game , Cute Nazi Girls 2016-02-29 8 March 2016 45728869 Perfect World Quest #2 We decline to form a contract w/ fox, kill 30 elks and get alot of runes Perfect World Quest , Collective Game 2016-03-01 1 45778435 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater The final showdown agaisnt the Clan Ryo Warlords. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-03-03 8 45798013 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater While defeating Oh cost no blood, Ah is another matter...especially in Yui's body! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-03-04 9 45745116 Perfect World Quest #3 We make a contract with Fox, learn more about the world, and grind + timeskip Perfect World Quest , Collective Game 2016-03-05 1 45799778 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #2 In which we drive around a Centaur and have a picnic. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-05 12 45819209 Card Priestess Masami Quest 117 Where we bully a clown, and then consider bullying Asai. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-03-05 5 45819157 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #3 In which we have our first practice battle. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-06 13 45812664 Bug World I /tg/ discusses how might a setting of just bug-people work? Bug World , World Building , Moth , Hornet 2016-03-06 6 45844285 Valkyrie Quest 3 We recover from our nap, attain a new companion, and meet a kind, gentle man. Valkyrie Quest , Collective Game , Cute Nazi Girls 2016-03-07 6 45944160 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #4 In which we learn more about Kursk and Ingrid and find a place to buy parts. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-12 11 45965739 Card Priestess Masami Quest 118 Where we bully a big monster, and then get bullied by Asai. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-03-12 5 45967651 Monster Girl Academy Quest 19 Demon and Slime, Sisters reunited! early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-03-13 6 45993485 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 57:Dreams of Dreams Lovely blue is finally freed, and now, Crimson Dream can finally relax after weeks of work. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-03-14 8 45989120 Valkyrie Quest 4 After meeting more possible frienemies we head north to find new allies. Valkyrie Quest , Collective Game , Cute Nazi Girls 2016-03-14 7 45988195 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #5 In which we buy things. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-14 10 46009102 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Ryukuza meets her real father; the aftermath of the battle of Mikimoto. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-03-14 12 45844874 Bug World II: Moth People Edition /tg/ continues building Bug World Bug World , World Building , Moth , Beetle 2016-03-14 2 46093585 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater The aftermath is always the hardest part. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-03-18 9 46104131 Card Priestess Masami Quest 119 Where we witness a cool new power! Then wish it didn't exist. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-03-19 5 46095698 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #6 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Kursk Girls Boarding School (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-19 10 46101967 Humanity's Last Words Ayy lmaos ask the last human what our species's epitaph should be. /tg/ discusses. feels , heartwarming , munchkin , worldbuilding , cloning instructions , you just lost the game , extinct, 2016-03-19 6 46116943 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #7 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Kursk Girls Boarding School (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-20 11 46142673 Assassin School Quest 72 Two weeks, and no sign of the thing killing agents. And Layla is starting to getting a little tired of all the waiting. Early archive. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-03-20 9 46125138 Nanoha Quest: TSAB Captain Edition #5 OP forgets to put the quest in the subject field. Collective Game , Nanoha , TSAB Captain Quest , Magical Girl 2016-03-25 1 46254248 Card Priestess Masami Quest 120 Where we are too stubborn to know when to quit! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-03-26 2 46246771 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #8 In which we embark on our first job. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-26 11 46271490 Assassin School Quest 73 A dreadful plan clicks into motion, and the gears of fate begin to turn, as Layla enjoys being pampered like a fat little cat. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-03-26 11 46335205 Assassin School Quest 74 The first of a new breed of monster has risen, and her name is Layla Miller. May god have mercy on anything that gets in her way. E A Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-03-29 8 46351203 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater We meet a blood relative for the first time; the dangers of dealing with kappa are revealed. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-03-30 8 April 2016 46417529 Card Priestess Masami Quest 121 Where we have a very difficult time with a very awful person! Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-04-02 5 46412265 Orc Warlord Quest 73 Ur'shal and friends go hunting in the jungle while they await the return of the clan's scouts. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-03 16 46438168 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #9 In which we get wet and we dump more money into things. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-04 10 46436764 Sheepgirl Civilization Quest Part 1 Sheepgirl sheeptaurs starting a new settlement in a woodland vale. First strides in building and stocking for the winter are taken. Collective Game , Civilization , sheep , sheeptaurs , monstergirls 2016-04-04 20 46484420 Assassin School Quest 75 Layla heads out on a job that would be suicide for anyone but her, to secure her and Maria's happy ending. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-04-05 10 46326422 Vasenica Sector main thread #3? A continuation of earlier threads in which /tg/ creates a sector for warhammer 40k role playing games. Vasenica Sector , 40k , World Building 2016-04-06 1 46499191 Orc Warlord Quest 74 Ur returns from his hunting trip and hears back from two of his scouting parties. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-07 13 46530151 Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest Interlude Episode: Knightmare We cut back to focus on the enigmatic enemy of the Peacekeeper's. Collective Game , Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest , Sentai , plot , Interlude Episode 2016-04-08 2 46545350 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #10 In which we attend to the Captain's needs and go on adventure below decks. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-09 8 46567800 Orc Warlord Quest 75 Sascha carries out her very first assassination on behalf of the Stonetusk Clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-10 14 46566610 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #11 In which we go to the pool. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-10 11 46612491 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Ryukusa battles the spirit of the Forest of Suicides for the spirit of her sister... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-04-11 12 46636307 Assassin School Quest 76 Layla's story ends with one final slaughter before she retires to peace. The shadow war ends in blood. Thank you so very much for playing.E Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-04-12 14 46667304 Orc Warlord Quest 76 Sascha returns home and Ur prepares for the assault on Slaagyr's camp. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-14 14 46676997 Card Priestess Masami Quest 122 Where we have a happy family. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-04-15 3 46700945 Script Kitten Quest #1 First Episode of Script Kitten Quest script_kitten_quest , skq , cyberpunk , collective_game , catgirl , waifu 2016-04-16 3 46692889 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #12 In which we search rooms, cook lunch, and get ready for the Gagetown set. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-16 8 46750368 Orc Warlord Quest 77 Ur'shal begins his assault on Slaagyr's lair. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-19 12 46814550 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Finishing up with our sister, Ryukusa faces off with one of the Spymaster's lackeys... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-04-21 10 46814677 Orc Warlord Quest 78 Ur'shal and the Stonetusks fight Slaagyr. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-22 10 46820603 Orc Warlord Quest 78.2 Ur'shal explores the remainder of Slaagyr's lair. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-22 14 46843372 Card Priestess Masami Quest 123 Where we have an annoying family (Epilogue thread #2) Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-04-23 3 46841208 Sin Princess Quest 3 Take Two! Another Excursion into the Wyld leads our heroine to victory, but what to do with the spoils? Sin Princess Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Monsters , Envy 2016-04-23 2 46837986 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #13 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Camp Gagetown (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-23 11 46859660 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #14 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Camp Gagetown (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-24 10 46901221 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Dealing with the spy master's henchman; getting back to family and planning to do it again. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-04-25 12 46908531 Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest Interlude Episode: Ivory Moon We take a look at the origin of our greatest rival. Collective Game , Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest , Sentai , plot , Interlude Episode 2016-04-26 2 46840826 The Headmaster Tale: Part 1 Anon asks /tg/ help for defending aganist Elven siege lead by the Dm's GF, awesomeness happens, nice list of siege tips The Headmaster , Storytime , Siege , That Dm , That Girl 2016-04-26 23 46858409 The Headmaster's Tale Part 2 Headmaster prepares for his last stand aganist the Death Knight The Headmaster , Storytime , Siege , That Dm , That Girl 2016-04-26 21 46872600 Worldbuilding General General worldbuilding thread, some handy ideas to steal Worldbuilding , Creation , DM Resource 2016-04-26 2 1573 Autistic Goat Girl Quest The former warchief of a village of goat-people destroyed by a fat human woman wanders around looking for drugs. Autistic Goat Girl Quest , Tristram , Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-27 1 46941066 Orc Warlord Quest 79 Ur finishes investigating Slaagyr's lair and clears out the rest of the tunnels. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-27 11 46985667 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #15 In which we find a tank and need to find an engine. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-30 10 13604 Sin Princess Quest 4 A journey through a magic mirror! Exposed to villagers? An amicable conversation and a possible ally! Sin Princess Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Monsters , Envy 2016-04-30 2 May 2016 47010010 Card Priestess Masami Quest 124 Where we have a loving family. (Epilogue thread #3) Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-05-01 2 3861 Australian World Domination Quest It's literally all shitposting. Recommended for Australians. Collective Game , Australia , shitposting , drawquest , poorly drawn, 2016-05-01 1 3503 Poorly Drawn Mage Quest A mage finally escapes his tower after 25 years only to find the lands destroyed Poorly Drawn , Mage 2016-05-01 1 47023281 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #16 In which we get a personal assistant and build some strength. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-02 10 120 Planescape Quest: Fluffy Tails: Impromptu and Casual Prologue An arcanaloth who is a cute anime foxgirl visits Sigil, befriends other cute anime girls (and a trap), and joins the Society of Sensation. Collective Game , Planescape Quest , Planescape , Fluffy Tails , Magical Girl , Female Protagonist , D&D , Fantasy 2016-05-02 3 47036472 Underworld Delve Quest #1 Wherein we meet ourselves, join up with the Russian mob, and then have the QM pass out on us. Colllective Game , UDQ , Underworld Delve Quest , Modern Fantasy , Horror , Dungeoncrawl 2016-05-02 0 47043968 Underworld Delve Quest #2 In which we meet our team, go into the Basement, and shoot teenagers. Also, we meet our first demon. Colllective Game , UDQ , Underworld Delve Quest , Modern Fantasy , Horror , Dungeoncrawl 2016-05-03 1 47061047 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Healing kiku; Ginka's decision; going home. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-05-03 12 40442 Greentext Quest 1 James gets captured by catgirls, marries one to get away while pretending to be a god. , Collective Game , Monter Girls , lewd , dice 2016-05-04 10 47067831 Vat-cloning and robots worldbuilding OP complains about robots with artificial wombs being magical realm. /tg/ proves otherwise with stories and worldbuilding. vatclone , artificial womb , robots , engine heart , heartwarming , worldbuilding , kriegers, 2016-05-04 11 51460 Greentext Quest 2 James finds a musclegirl orc to marry. On the way to a shrine, he stops by the elf town. , Collective Game , Monter Girls , lewd , dice , orc , elf 2016-05-05 6 47072181 Underworld Delve Quest #3 In which we nearly die, run off a shadow demon, and find out that our heavy weapons guy can survive being cooked like a goose. Colllective Game , UDQ , Underworld Delve Quest , Modern Fantasy , Horror , Dungeoncrawl 2016-05-06 2 76896 Sin Princess Quest 5 A talk with a witch! Aggressive negotiations and tea! A struggle home! Sin Princess Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Monsters , Envy 2016-05-07 1 47117653 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #17 In which we polish a statue and get firearms training. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-07 9 76095 Catgirl Quest We're a catgirl lawyer, making sure that swine doesn't pay. Drawquest with cute art. Catgirl Quest , Drawquest , Quest , Collective Game 2016-05-07 5 47139913 Card Priestess Masami Quest 125 Where we have the best family. (Epilogue thread #4, check for future updates) Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute 2016-05-08 5 47135124 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #18 In which we get promoted and get painted GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-08 11 71514 Digimon World Mystery Adventure Your journey begins as a human sucked into the digital world! But wait, there's a catch!
A journey and adventure begins for our protagon Collective Game , D-mon , Digimon World Mystery Adventure , Digimon , adventure , Consume and Evolve , Benevolent MC 2016-05-08 5 47152627 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #19 In which we meet Perrine Hobart and Commission Durocher. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-09 11 47200081 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Ginka's decision; finally home. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-05-11 14 47093356 Superhero Worldbuiding #1 superhero general thread rolls up a team with Mutants and Masterminds, later spirals into fleshing out a whole worldwide setting. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , capes 2016-05-11 4 47104581 Superhero Worldbuiding #2 M&M team gets more fleshed out and drawfagged. Anons dive into making Hollywood and Vegas heroes, plus a bit around the world. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-11 4 47183895 Obtuse Currency /tg/ creates a currency system that is deliberately obtuse, confusing, circular, and illogical as possible. money , humor , setting , absurdity , worldbuilding 2016-05-12 30 47201939 Valkyrie Quest 5 The Finnish resistance asks for our help rescuing their friends, and we oblige. Hilarity ensues. Valkyrie Quest , Collective Game , Cute Nazi Girls 2016-05-12 5 47137832 Superhero Worldbuiding #3 Next anons make up Japan with all their different subgenres and UK with Arthurian heroes and Machiavellian villains. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-12 4 47063627 Superhero Worldbuilding #0 the Secret Origin of Cape World worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-12 3 47162883 Superhero Worldbuiding #4 German roboticists, Oceania full of villain lairs, some more British Irregulars, and the beginning of Statesmen, 50 heroes 1 for every state worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-12 2 47180960 Superhero World Building #5 The Cape World's mythology is expanded with creepy additions such as Florida Man, The Haunter, The Mad Gasser, and George Bauchmann World Building , Super Hero , Cape , Superhero 2016-05-13 2 47199970 Superhero World Building #6 The 50 Statesmen are completed. Interesting features of Cape World USA are discussed such as lake monsters in the Great Lakes. Superhero , Super Hero , Worldbuilding , Cape 2016-05-13 3 47234963 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #20 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Robert A. Heinlein Military Academy (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-14 11 47233704 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 22 The quest returns, and Joy-in-Ashes explores a building dedicated to peace. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2016-05-14 8 110799 Whirlpool Quest A drawquest based on Waterworks where a futanari in a cat-eared diving suit goes on an adventure in the planet of Cymbio IV. Whirlpool Quest , Collective Game , Waterworks , Drawquest 2016-05-14 11 47253044 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #21 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Robert A. Heinlein Military Academy (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-15 11 80902 Mercenary Quest V2 A scorpiongirl mercenary in Soviet Russia during WW2 where everyone is monstergirls. We befriend a hellhound after breaking her arms. Collective Game , Mercenary , Soviet Russia , WW2 , World War 2 , Monstergirl , Monstergirls , Scorpiongirl , Scorpiongirls , Mercenary Quest 2016-05-15 2 96808 Greentext Quest 4 James has a near death experience , Collective Game , Monter Girls , dice , Greentext Quest 2016-05-16 2 47285141 Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 5 #1 Worst Dads Bookmaker , Collective Game , Mechagirl , mecha , girl , pit fighter , mechagirl pit fighter 2016-05-17 10 47213603 Super Hero Worldbuilding #7 The bad guy thread, from the mystical GM to the armored Science Tyrant. Super Hero , Worldbuilding , Cape , Superhero 2016-05-18 2 47227809 Super Hero Worldbuilding #8 The first bits of the Cape World Cosmology are brainstormed and Australia is written up with magic serpent gods and Kellymen. Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding 2016-05-19 4 111214 Mercenary Quest V2 Part 2 We informally adopt an elf child, and discover that a job was a trap for a blood-crazed centaur. Collective Game , Mercenary , Soviet Russia , WW2 , World War 2 , Monstergirl , Monstergirls , Scorpiongirl , Scorpiongirls , Mercenary Quest 2016-05-19 1 129580 GreenText Quest 4.99 A fanfic that gets retconned by the actual QM about 2/3 down the thread. MC chills with goblins. , Collective Game , Monter Girls , dice , Greentext Quest 2016-05-20 4 47251816 Super Hero Worldbuilding #9 Mexico and Africa are written up. The cosmology becomes more defined and solid with definitions given to certain terms. Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding 2016-05-21 3 160280 Sin Princess Quest 6 A well-earned rest! A hunt for resourcess or allies in the Wyld! An abrupt end and a critical success as well as failure! Sin Princess Quest , Critical Success , Critical Failure , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-05-21 1 47354819 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #22 In which we get our personal office and investigate a mystery. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-21 11 47355753 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 23 Joy-In-Ashes has a chat with her grandmother, and then prepares for the trip home. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2016-05-21 7 138145 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 2 After dispelling a tense situation, you fool around in an unusual place: A massive, WIP luxury resort located in Cymbio IV's jungle. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest 2016-05-22 8 47371709 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #23 In which we meet the Griffiths GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-22 11 47389604 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #24 In which we spend a day having fun. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-23 11 47276284 Super Hero Worldbuilding #10 /shg/ writes up Canada full of super-political troubles and struggles what do about Koreas. A bit of United Nations superteam and etcetera. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-23 2 47297029 Superhero Worldbuiding #11 Spain&Portugal as super-suppliers; political clusterfuck of Brazil; Middle East religious variations; splatter of here and there heroes. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-24 2 47309996 Superhero Worldbuiding #12 Fleshing out a couple alien species; some general non-capeworld discussion; fleshing out the original Mn M team. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-24 1 163787 Map Game Worldbuilding an alternate Earth, nation by nation on a world map Map Game , Worldbuilding , Collective Game 2016-05-24 1 47437274 Steven Universe RPG worldbuilding worldbuilding for a potential Steven Universe RPG Steven Universe , worldbuilding , rpg 2016-05-26 -15 170488 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 3 You explore and meet new people in the Transport District and the Red Light District. You also have a makeover using your REPAIR MODULE. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest 2016-05-26 8 47325510 Superhero Worldbuiding #13 Thread focuses on fleshing out previously started characters. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-26 1 47442369 original undead monster worldbuilding /tg/ worldbuilders invent original types of undead. Nightmare fuel ensues. undead , zombie , body horror , monsters , worldbuilding, 2016-05-26 10 47358480 Superhero Worldbuilding #14 Super Heroes head off to war as WW2 heroes and baddies are discussed with particular attention given to Axis characters. Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding , Capes , Superheros , Super Heros 2016-05-27 1 133463 Mercenary Quest V2 Part 3 We enter the town hall and head off to a train to protect rockets bound for Tskov. Collective Game , Mercenary , Soviet Russia , WW2 , World War 2 , Monstergirl , Monstergirls , Scorpiongirl , Scorpiongirls , Mercenary Quest 2016-05-27 1 47472232 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Homeward Bound; religious repercussions; most importantly: who gets cuddles first?! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-05-27 14 47475790 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 24 Joy-In-Ashes assaults the People Of Joy's assault on the Confessors and Genesis. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2016-05-28 7 47392590 Superhero Worldbuilding #15 Cold War supers are discussed along with the Nazi Olympia Project and a team of misfits named The Outliers Superhero , Super Hero , Worldbuilding , Cape , Capes , Superheros , Super Heros 2016-05-28 1 151647 Mercenary Quest V2 Part 4 We team up with a minotaur, and attempt to assassinate an Ushi-Oni. Collective Game , Mercenary , Soviet Russia , WW2 , World War 2 , Monstergirl , Monstergirls , Scorpiongirl , Scorpiongirls , Mercenary Quest 2016-05-28 1 47490228 Valkyrie Quest 6 We delve into the history of the Valkyrie and the Great War, then have a night on the town. Valkyrie Quest , Collective Game , Cute Nazi Girls 2016-05-29 7 154180 Greentext Quest 5 James dances and enjoys his friend's handmade meal. , Collective Game , Monter Girls , dice , goblins , Greentext Quest 2016-05-29 1 166454 Mercenary Quest V2 Part 5 We attempt to run and fight several Russian soldiers under a corrupt Spidergirl Major and are getting forced to join the Secret Police. Collective Game , Mercenary , Soviet Russia , WW2 , World War 2 , Monstergirl , Monstergirls , Scorpiongirl , Scorpiongirls , Mercenary Quest 2016-05-29 2 47412930 Superhero Worldbuilding #16 A team of misfit teens called the Outliers is created, a randomizer for 90's characters is discussed. Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding , Capes , Superheroes , Super Heroes 2016-05-29 2 205747 Sin Princess Quest 7 A mechanics reshuffling! A surprisingly sexy prey-turned-predator! Does diplomacy prevail? Sin Princess Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Monsters , Envy , Monster Girls 2016-05-31 3 47508773 Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 6 stressful feelings fly and shopping is done. Bookmaker , Collective Game , Mechagirl , mecha , girl , pit fighter , mechagirl pit fighter 2016-05-31 10 47433165 Superhero Worldbuilding #17 Recapping on global supers organizations; some WW2 Russia; some more random gens and other assorted concepts Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding , Capes , Superheroes , Super Heroes 2016-05-31 1 June 2016 47481992 Superhero Worldbuilding #18 More generalized discussion; also there was an attempt at cape world questrunning Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding , Capes , Superheroes , Super Heroes 2016-06-01 2 47556791 Wendigo Apocalypse Setting Discussion of a setting based around an infestation of skinwalkers. Wendigo , Skinwalker , cannibalism , monsters , worldbuilding , flamethrowers , setting 2016-06-02 10 203115 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 4 You return back to the tribespeople you met earlier and learn who they are and their origins. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest 2016-06-03 7 47592870 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #25 In which we spend a lot of money and get pelted with paint again. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-06-04 11 47593539 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 25 Joy-In-Ashes goes to rescue Wren from the People of Joy. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2016-06-04 6 47610428 Valkyrie Quest 7 We continue to assist the Resistance, and get to test our mettle, tank to tank. Valkyrie Quest , Collective Game , Cute Nazi Girls 2016-06-05 5 47614920 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 26 Joy-In-Ashes and her team break into OLYMPUS. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte 2016-06-05 6 47628845 RE:Monster Ex Quest 130 A recap thread as the spider comes out of hibernation. It was much anticipated. Don't leave us again, spider. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-06-06 39 213487 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 5 You hang out with Errai and learn about each other's pasts. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest 2016-06-06 6 47628442 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #26 In which we celebrate the 3rd of July. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-06-06 11 204681 Greentext Quest 7 James encounters a demon , Collective Game , Monter Girls , dice , Greentext Quest 2016-06-07 2 177123 Greentext Quest 6 James explores the Dragon's Den , Collective Game , Monter Girls , dice , Greentext Quest 2016-06-07 1 230512 Green Text Quest 8 James Finally Heads Out To B̶a̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ Fuck The End , Collective Game , Monter Girls , dice , Greentext Quest 2016-06-12 1 236098 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 6 The obligatory romance arc where you confess your feelings to Errai and go on a dinner date before staying in her place for the night. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest 2016-06-12 5 254041 YOU ARE A DICTATOR OF A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY 08:49 PGT
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
The Capital City erupts in gunfire as soldiers run across the streets, knocking on ever Dictator , Third World Country , Paupa New Guinea , Australia 2016-06-13 1 253464 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 7 The romance arc concludes on intense sexytimes with Errai. Then you prepare for the mission ahead and finalize plan details in the morning. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest 2016-06-16 5 47602271 Superhero Worldbuilding #19 Batch of expanded statesmen, general discussion. Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding , Capes , Superheroes , Super Heroes 2016-06-17 2 254435 Greentext Quest 9 James impregnates the Elemental and permanently learns the Tree spell , Collective Game , Monter Girls , dice , Greentext Quest 2016-06-18 1 47822042 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #27 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. George Washington Military Academy (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-06-18 11 47823802 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 27 FINAL We kill Love, and witness the end of the world. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game , EchoGarrotte , End 2016-06-18 20 47858092 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #28 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. George Washington Military Academy (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-06-20 10 47856948 Origin stories for humanity and general mythology worldbuilding /tg/ invents new fantasy mythologies and discusses hybrids. humans , origin , pantheon , mythology , worldbuilding , deities , elf/dwarf hybrid, 2016-06-20 4 47913767 RE:Monster Ex 131 Recap continues, with a extra of sisterly evolution. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-06-23 39 276530 Overlord Quest An evil lad trains for his rite of passage Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-06-23 6 279739 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 8 The mission begins, you and Errai meet the head of the Medical District. Afterwards you visit a waiting Nicotine in the Red Light District. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest 2016-06-25 4 286839 A Safe Haven 2 The gang breaks free of Mother's castle and begins their journey through the Astral Plane Monster girls , Narrative , adventure , drama , KeeperofSafe 2016-06-27 11 300400 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 9 Nicotine makes dramatic revelations then tags along. Later, you meet the district heads Saccharin (Consumer) and Caffeine (Residential). Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest 2016-06-28 3 293214 Overlord Quest Ch. 2: A Fallen Star The Overlord Begins His Reign Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-06-29 2 July 2016 312748 Where The Rising Sun Reaches 1 Our hero descends into a dark, dark cavern Collective Game , World War 2 , Magic Realism , Soldiers 2016-07-01 1 48022437 It's a town, people live there (communal worldbuilding #0) A description of the people of the town of Reddon Communal Worldbuilding 2016-07-01 2 48077222 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #29 In which we start becoming a celebrity and start camping. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-03 11 310373 A Safe Haven 3 You and the gang time travel, and journey into the melodic Eversong Forest. Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe 2016-07-04 10 316473 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 10 You are sent to the hospital after being knocked out by an alcoholic dessert. Afterwards you have a social walk then have an encounter. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest , GuardianTempest 2016-07-05 3 328132 World of Fantasy I You lost your memories. Armed with only a phone, you go and get them back. ArticQM , Pokemon Quest , Collective Game , World of Fantasy 2016-07-06 1 315581 Overlord Quest Ch. 3: History of Evil The Overlord expands his domain and finds the Reds Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-07-06 1 327050 Where The Rising Sun Reaches 2 The squad decide to assault the Armory Collective Game , World War 2 , Magic Realism , Soldiers 2016-07-07 1 48155358 Stories about a city and village A picture and a request for backstories are posted. /tg/ delivers awesomely. city , village , worldbuilding , stories , setting, 2016-07-09 2 340380 World of Fantasy...ish II You kicked a dark elf in the pridelands and jumped out of a trains path. collective game , ArticQM , World of Fantasy 2016-07-09 1 48194069 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #30 In which we gain a new retinue member and learn some maneuvers. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-10 8 340173 Overlord Quest Ch. 4: Heroes' Folly The Overlord discovers the location of the Greens and gets in a drinking contest Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-07-11 1 339321 A Safe Haven 4 The gang fights off siren slavers and tries to spend a relaxing time at the beach, but instead ends up fighting in a war Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe 2016-07-11 10 48210450 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #31 In which we recruit a new crew. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-11 9 48225529 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Finally home and all loved ones reunited,a shadow lies upon Clan Ryuu Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-07-11 11 340386 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 11 The plot thickens as the people you encountered turn out to be affiliated with the Management District. You also have another makeover. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest , GuardianTempest 2016-07-12 3 48185231 Cyberpunk 2077/Asiawave Anons get together and create a cyberpunk setting where the Japanese economic bubble never burst. Fun times are had. Cyberpunk , Homebrew , Setting , Worldbuilding 2016-07-13 2 48259863 Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 7 Mostly a shopping day. We purchase clothes, enjoy friendship, shop for weapons, and pick up a new hire. Bookmaker , Collective Game , Mechagirl , mecha , girl , pit fighter , mechagirl pit fighter 2016-07-14 7 48242575 LotW Magical Girls Storytime Part 3 After an extremely long wait, storytime of a LOTW-Based Magical Girl game continues storytime , lotw , magical girl , nanoha , Legends of the Wulin 2016-07-14 6 48290774 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter The perils and pleasures of home. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-07-15 9 48261041 Cyberpunk 2077/Asiawave #2 Shitposting and Cyberpunk continues with more discussion and worldbuilding Cyberpunk , Homebrew , Setting , Worldbuilding 2016-07-17 1 48308598 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #32 In which we experiment with fashion and run out in full kit. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-17 11 48323896 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #33 In which we take a lot of pictures and plan for tomorrow. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-18 11 358374 A Safe Haven 5 The Gang ends A 25 year war, hangs out on the beach, and witch near the accursed lands. Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat 2016-07-18 7 360007 Dungeon World Quest The adventures of Jon Bronzesmith, Fighter Dwarf begins Dungeon World , RPG 2016-07-18 1 48328430 Paranormal Investigator Quest 12 Shorter session. Some exploring around Alice's house, and the start of new spooky investigations. Paranormal Investigator Quest , Collective Game , fae , QM RL 2016-07-18 4 358942 YOU ARE A DICTATOR OF A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY 08:49 GST
Muscat, Oman
The Capital City erupts in gunfire as soldiers run across the streets, knocking on everyone's doors and f Dictator , Third World , Oman 2016-07-20 1 371014 Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest #1 You rescue a defector from Nazi controlled France, and get acquainted with the the occupants of Camp Eisenhower. Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-07-20 5 48371330 Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 8 The fight with our newest scarf wielding foe is completed, along with a suite of upgrades.
Also, dancing. pick up a new hire. Bookmaker , Collective Game , Mechagirl , mecha , girl , pit fighter , mechagirl pit fighter 2016-07-21 7 48387664 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Can Ryukusa save Akari from a fate worse than death? Okay, stupid question... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-07-21 14 48392429 RE:Monster Ex Quest 132 The recappening continues. Nin gets much better at storytelling. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-07-22 39 360009 Cape World Presents: Baron Bizarre in: Hijack on the Infinite Railroad Issue 1 Our hero outwits death, meets the Monkey King, scares humanity, and gets some sleep. Collective Game , Cape World , Baron Bizarre , Super Hero , Superhero , Cape , Magic , Cosmic , Questguy 2016-07-22 2 365710 Overlord Quest Ch. 5: Eyes In The Darkness The Overlord looks for Isa, finds a spine (Short because OP is a faggot) Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-07-25 1 385055 Cape World Presents: Baron Bizarre in: Hijack on the Infinite Railroad Issue 2 Our hero goes through his morning routine and reconnects a young lady with her unicorn. Collective Game , Cape World , Baron Bizarre , Super Hero , Superhero , Cape , Magic , Cosmic , Questguy 2016-07-26 2 388693 Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest #2 Victory is deployed into Egypt to meet with a contact, but attempts to infiltrate a Hexenkraft hideout, and fights the undead. Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-07-27 5 389331 A Safe Haven 6 The smaller gang begins their trek into the Accursed lands and meet a dragon. Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat 2016-07-27 7 48485618 Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 9 Hacking is done, and strangers are talked to. Our parents neglected to mention whether we should talk to strangers. Bookmaker , Collective Game , Mechagirl , mecha , girl , pit fighter , mechagirl pit fighter 2016-07-28 6 48517397 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Er Yin gets some much needed attention, as does Ryukusa. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-07-29 8 48519018 Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 9 We visit a cop, and draw rad notebook doodles. Bookmaker , Collective Game , Mechagirl , mecha , girl , pit fighter , mechagirl pit fighter 2016-07-30 6 48537162 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #34 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Sherbrooke Girls High School (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-31 12 August 2016 48551561 Urban Warlock Quest I Sand, Bones, Neon, and a Faerie Lady Urban Warlock Quest , Urban Warlock , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-08-01 37 48554175 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #35 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Sherbrooke Girls High School (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-08-01 11 48571864 RE:Monster Ex Quest 133 A final recap, and the dungeon picks up again. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-08-02 39 410744 Overlord Quest Ch. 5.1:More Questions, Less Delays The Overlord heads to the pirate cove and removes a new spine along the way. Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-08-02 1 48586784 The Martian War /tg/ dicusses the idea of a campaign set during WWII fighting Martians from War of the Worlds. war , world building , mars , warships , creative , HMS Exeter , War of the Worlds , WW2 2016-08-04 6 414759 A Safe Haven 7 The Gang traverse the accursed lands, fight a firebird, ride a dragon, meet back up with your friends and get your legs back! Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat 2016-08-04 7 433084 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 12 After a hiatus, the quest resumes and you encounter even more people from the Management District. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest , GuardianTempest 2016-08-06 -2 417871 Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest #3 We fight the Hexenkraft as they attempt to steal treasures from the Mausoleum, capture one of their magical girls, and get possessed Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-08-07 3 438498 Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest #4 We let a spirit into our body, and duel a Nazi who did the same, get transferred to Patton's command, and have weird dreams Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-08-07 3 48670599 Urban Warlock Quest II Larceny, Trade, Terror and a Heist Urban Warlock Quest , Urban Warlock , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-08-07 25 429635 Sudden Superpowers Part 1: Sarah Where we start out being evil female Superman, and end up becoming the most helpful blobgirl ever. Sudden Superpowers , Collective Game , Local OP , Sarah the Friendly BlobGirl 2016-08-08 1 48705024 Urban Warlock Quest III Witchcraft, Wizardry, Cocktails and a Spell of Protection Urban Warlock Quest , Urban Warlock , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-08-09 25 437859 Overlord Quest Ch. 6: A Pirate's Life For Me The Overlord, having successfully taken the pirate cove, begins look for the Blues. Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-08-09 1 450659 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 13 The action ramps up and you learn more about the people in the Management District, including their mysterious leader: Petroleum. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest , GuardianTempest 2016-08-09 0 48723882 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter We are an insomniac hyperactive dragonette. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-08-10 13 441553 A Safe Haven 8 The gang works with the harpies to get to the bottom of the silencing of a goblin kingdom, and meet a strange man along the way Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat 2016-08-12 7 48776101 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #36 In which we recruit a new crew. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-08-14 11 48762940 Monstrous Beasts Worldbuilding The sequel to this thread. Now with xenomorph dragons, giant toads and scytheducks! scytheducks , monsters , worldbuilding , nature , horror , awesome , scytheducks, 2016-08-14 5 475556 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 14 We finally meet and recruit Stoddard, head of the Maintenance District. Then we begin the assault on Petroleum and the Management District. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest , GuardianTempest 2016-08-17 -2 48852023 RE:Monster Ex Quest 133 A boss fight and a Lesson in Blessings. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-08-18 38 48865828 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Keeping a promise, and causing trouble. Because that's what Ryukusa does. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-08-18 9 458550 Overlord Quest Ch. 7: A Mermaid's Melody The Overlord heads into mermaid caves to get the blues back. Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-08-18 1 447009 The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #5 We infiltrate the Hexenkraft controlled Tower of Babylon, steal a German walker, and rescue prisoners. Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-08-19 3 459475 The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #6 You have your first encounter with Dracula, as well as your first encounter with a new and improved Mercy. Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-08-19 3 478317 The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #7 After escaping the Tower of Babylon, you take a well deserved break. You meet a magical carny, and catch up with your sister. Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-08-19 2 48884215 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Dealing with abominations, spymasters, and other strange things. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-08-19 8 456302 The Spaces Between - Chapter 1 "The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault." Except now it's a pile of rubble and that kind of was my fault. Oops. Collective Game , The Spaces Between , Magical Girl, 2016-08-20 1 48914283 Magical Girl Noir Quest 303 A dreadful magical girl awakens after what feels like MONTHS of sleep, and remembers exactly who she is. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2016-08-21 20 48918864 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #37 In which we learn a new tactical maneuver, greet some visitors, and spray each other with water. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-08-22 10 48936123 Urban Warlock Quest IV Fire, Guns and Faerie Law Urban Warlock Quest , Urban Warlock , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-08-22 21 467670 A Safe Haven 9 The gang spends some time off in the harpy village, checks back in with Auriel and begin their journey through the warring land of Wa. Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat 2016-08-23 7 501209 Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor Chapter One: Introducing the Witch Doctor Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Magical Girl Bomber , guns 2016-08-25 8 48974414 RE:Monster Ex Quest 135 Loot and Conversations. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-08-25 38 48935703 Great Powers in the 2060's Worldbuilding a Transhuman Space style return to the Great Powers era (the collapse of the Superpower era, basically) as a setting. worldbuilding , cyberpunk , military , future , setting , great powers , politics, 2016-08-25 -13 496503 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 15 The assault on the Management District continues as the group faces a serious opponent after a brief respite. Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest , GuardianTempest 2016-08-26 -2 49003345 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter We slaughtered them, cooked them, and now we're going to feed them to the spymaster. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-08-26 12 48986588 unique/weird sapient species worldbuilding A discussion of nonhuman PCs and worldbuilding original species. species , race , PCs , monsters , worldbuilding , sentient ducks, 2016-08-27 2 49023957 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #38 In which we learn a horrifying secret and hang around with Jeep Jockey a bit. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-08-28 12 501742 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #1 The tales of Miranda Styles- A mercenary Magical Girl. We finish an easy mission by killing a demon dog then help a kid find his sister. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-08-28 37 513191 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #2 The tales of Miranda Styles- A mercenary Magical Girl. We embark on our second mission in a sword-and-sorcery setting. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-08-29 26 49043182 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #39 In which we discipline an entire shift and unlock a loyalty quest. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-08-29 10 49056821 Magical Girl Noir Quest 304 A cold, absolutely sober magical girl prepares for departure to the moon. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2016-08-29 15 September 2016 516955 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 16 After having dinner, the group begins the assault on what could be Petroleum's hideout in the Management District. Violence ensuess Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest , GuardianTempest 2016-09-01 -2 496353 The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #8 Victory goes on a date with a mob boss, and discovers something sinister about her Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-09-02 2 511020 The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #9 You offer a mobster safe harbor in exchange intel, and run afoul of a Hexenkraft submarine and it's crew Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-09-02 2 49131867 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter On the way home, some things happened to some spirit children... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-02 12 502123 A Safe Haven 10 The gang talks with a dragon,takes some time off in the demon lands and becomes a the Demon Lord's and a kitsune's olde Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat 2016-09-02 5 49132860 Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 11 We finish up with cops, and move on to arms deals and angry dads. Bookmaker , Collective Game , Mechagirl , mecha , girl , pit fighter , mechagirl pit fighter 2016-09-03 8 532197 King of Dragon Pass: Part 1 Based on the PC Video game of the same name as they leading a clan into a journey the likes has never seen before. Led by Orlanth Orlanth , Collective Game , King of Dragon Pass 2016-09-06 1 49258356 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Scoldings, spankings, and other sweet things. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-09 8 550571 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #40 GuP moves to Quest GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-09-11 10 556169 Hitmaid Special - A Phantom's Shadow Experience a heist with the Scarlet Tux!
Followed by SoL with girls Hitmaid , Heist , Thief , Cute , Girls , Scarlet Tux , Psychic 2016-09-12 2 556889 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #41 The NATO Team vs. the ITL Team GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-09-12 10 542992 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #3 The tales of Miranda Styles- A mercenary Magical Girl. We get challenged to a duel and investigate Alban's darker side. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , magical girl , collective game 2016-09-13 24 532750 A Safe Haven 11 The Gang has some heart to heart with a spy and leave the warring island of Wa to meet a witch, and the curse escalates. Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat 2016-09-13 5 565617 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #4 We continue plotting against the church of Alban secretly, and learn a couple of things about some of the locals. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-09-14 24 49305720 Custom Army Thread A number of contributors share custom army fluff. Space Marines , 40K , Writefaggotry , World Building 2016-09-15 -5 574453 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter No longer a nascent demigod, but an actual one. Doesn't mean it's not Ryukusa. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-15 8 579273 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter After the kisses comes the hugs, and after hugs comes...? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-16 12 529734 The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #10 We go to the Bureau's resident super genius, and use his gadgets to infiltrate a mob hideout. Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-09-17 2 548577 The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #11 We encounter a fire wielding magical girl, find out about Majestic, and discover the elusive Enrico Salvatore himself. Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-09-17 3 591586 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #42 In which we have a Tank Exhibition Fair GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-09-19 10 598767 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 17 The group continues to fight their way towards Petroleum, but it seems someone takes the initiative and strikes first! Surprise boss fight! Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest , GuardianTempest 2016-09-20 0 603085 RE:Monster Ex Quest 136 Looking to the future. Also, spears. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-09-21 32 606883 Magical Girl Noir Quest 305 A troubled magical girl goes to the moon. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2016-09-21 20 568271 A Safe Haven 12 The gang revives the dead, gain a new little sister and start to learn more about centaurs Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat 2016-09-22 5 609605 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Morning Sickness, relaxation, and appointments. A day in the life, perhaps. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-22 12 544955 Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #2 Chapter Two: The Auction Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Magical Girl Bomber , guns 2016-09-23 5 591020 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #5 The tournament begins, and we deal with various issues during it- including an encounter with a zealot hero. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-09-23 24 570135 /qst/ Discussion Thread Board Discussion Thread for /qst/ brainstorming , Comical , politics , Diplomacy , design , Death World 2016-09-23 22 607815 Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #3 Chapter Three: Picking up the Pieces Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Magical Girl Bomber , guns 2016-09-24 2 619037 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #43 In which everyone but you is sick. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-09-25 7 612754 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #6 After a lot of struggle, espionage, combat, and irritation, Miranda completes her contract in the sword and sorcery world. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-09-25 23 625320 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #44 In which we're a little sick. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-09-26 7 637947 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Family, lovers, friends, and companions...all good things, save for the shadow that hovers over them. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-29 11 October 2016 49492001 Check Out Anon's Cool Setting #2 sequel of sorts to the first one(also has a neat name generator) map , lore , technicolor moustaches , setting , worldbuilding , name generator , fantasy 2016-10-01 6 635455 Starborn Quest 11: On the Road Again Lex gets to training Luc the tiny timestoppers. He becomes a sneaky sniper - his daddy gets pissed and we fight him. Things get serious. Collective Game , Purps , Starborn , Lex , Luc , Tiny Dio , Remy , Feelings , Emotions , Combat , Boss Fight , Magic , Fantasy World , Civil War , Hona, 2016-10-01 4 622774 A Safe Haven 13 The Gang hit the books and infiltrates a centaur camp while condoning to lewd activities Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat 2016-10-02 2 648366 Starborn Quest 12: One Last Lesson Lexington gears up to stop one of his rampaging students once again. A battle of magic, keikaku and an old man going all in on one last hand Collective Game , Purps , Starborn , Remy , Magic , Feelings , Emotions , Combat , Boss Fight , Magic , Fantasy World , Civil War , Lex, 2016-10-03 3 659006 RE:Monster Ex Quest 137 A spear is forged. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-10-04 34 651926 Magical Girl Noir Quest 306 A cautious magical girl may or may not regret this later... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2016-10-04 18 634647 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #7- Interlude Miranda goes back to the intersection, and takes some time off to hang out with friends. She also meets a vampire girl. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-10-05 23 49651484 Wisdom of the Great Frog of the Southern Pond of the Western Woods of the Eastern Kingdom of the North Rikki Tikki Tavi in a fantasy setting, plus a healthy dash of political intrigue, and delivered by way of Terry Pratchett? worldbuilding , setting , politics , kingdom , frog , pepe, 2016-10-07 9 643950 The Bizarre Adventures of Victory Issue #13 We extract a couple of rookie magical girls from a sticky situation, and then get sent back to Europe Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-10-08 2 669091 Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #4 Chapter Four: Rest and Planning Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Magical Girl Bomber , guns 2016-10-08 5 676908 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #45 In which we help Stack GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-09 6 681490 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #46 In which we get to know the retinue a bit more and realize we're bad at video games. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-10 10 670405 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #8 We, as a scary celestial-looking bug thing, get started on whipping some youngster heroines into shape. There's...a lot of work to be done. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-10-10 24 653186 A Safe Haven 14 The Gang confronts a jerk chieftain, seduces a noble, and turn a man into a cute centauress. Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat 2016-10-11 2 49744075 Pathography - Forgotten Places, Lost Spaces The OP proposes a setting in which the United States is secretly a patchwork of both real and surreal places, states and territories. Original Content , Brainstorming , Metaphysics , Paranormal , Worldbuilding , Setting , Campaign , Department of Transportation 2016-10-13 41 700544 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #9 Early Archive. Round 2 with the Shining Hearts Squadron in hopes they learn a thing or two. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-10-15 24 704978 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #47 In which we duel the Roberts sisters. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-16 11 708157 Warlock Quest [1] We begin our foray into the world of magic. Warlock Quest , Warlock , Magic , Latin , Nocta Anima , Collective Game 2016-10-17 1 710437 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #48 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Hugo Gernsback School for the Arts (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-17 9 684299 Shipgirl Commander 24 Scratching Nachi's itch and coming face to face with our assigned submarine, dechi. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore , Shipgirl Commander 2016-10-17 6 697637 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 18 The group finds Petroleum's group already waiting for them in the R&D District! After some dramatic reveals, it's time to finish this ques Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest , GuardianTempest 2016-10-17 0 724259 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Family time, bonding with Yuuhi, a shadow from the past. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-10-19 8 729983 RE:Monster Ex Quest 137.5 Bonus Scenes & Q+A monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-10-21 29 674578 The Bizarre Adventures of Victory Issue #14 Victory and the girls are dropped into Poland to lend the Resistance there a helping hand! Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-10-22 2 724667 Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #5 Chapter Five: Storming the Mansion Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Magical Girl Bomber , guns 2016-10-22 3 735239 Magical Girl Noir Quest 307 Trick steals the quest Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Trick 2016-10-22 2 49846384 Aliens and Hard Sci-Fi /tg/ discussed how to design properly alien creatures. Anon's bird waifu is mocked. worldbuilding , hard sci-fi , chemistry, 2016-10-22 5 737279 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #49 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Hugo Gernsback School for the Arts (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-23 6 735546 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #10 Ultimate battle is joined between the heroic Shining Hearts Squadron and the 'villainous' MC. We put on an acting job worthy of Shakespear Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-10-23 24 742775 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #50 In which we start the week long Expansion and get a new Loyalty Quest. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-24 6 742179 Magical Girl For Hire Quest: Izumi #1 Side-story: Izumi Yayoi, friend of Miranda, is tasked with helping a certain student of a Dark Academy through a dangerous trial. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game , Dark Gate Academy 2016-10-24 24 710382 A Safe Haven 15 The Gang meet up with Mother, lewd some more, and head back to Wa to deal with some unfinished business. Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat 2016-10-25 2 49940009 Culture Thread /tg/ explores non-European/Japanese cultures Sikh , Berber , Bedouin , Pashtun , world building , culture , Africa , Middle East , Asia 2016-10-26 14 756347 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Aftercare with Yuuhi, collaring your niji-chans, and dressing up for your princess. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-10-27 7 49958633 /tg/ makes a pantheon People discuss deities and religions they invented for their games. Interesting worldbuilding results. clerics , deity , deities , gods , pantheon , religions , worldbuilding , 2016-10-28 3 750489 Starborn Quest 19: Luc Pilgrim vs The World Luc Quest continues, real life keeps QM mostly away. Collective Game , Purps , Starborn , Lex , Luc , Tiny Dio , Remy , Feelings , Emotions , Combat , Boss Fight , Magic , Fantasy World , Civil War , Hona, 2016-10-29 2 49998783 Post-Apocalyptic Myths, Tall Tales and Urban Legends Some time after the End, a group of weary scavengers gather around a campfire to share stories, tall tales and urban legends. Post Apocalyptic , stories , setting , worldbuilding , fallout , creepy , storytime , urban legends , tall tales , myths , lies, 2016-10-29 22 765009 RE:Monster Ex Quest 138 A spear gets a name, a spider gets some food and we move down the checklist! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-10-30 29 764799 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #51 In which we start plugging a hole and start mending some fences. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-30 6 771058 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #52 In which we talk with Iris a bit and remember something we forgot. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-31 6 November 2016 776242 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #?? the fuck is going on GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest , War of the Worlds 2016-11-01 6 49998254 Cyberpunk Plot Hooks /tg/ creates plot hooks for cyberpunk games. worldbuilding , plot hooks , cyberpunk , AI , megacorps, 2016-11-01 5 760264 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #11 Miranda begins her latest gig- with an ally. We cowgirl up and head to a magical Wild West. Then the QM's work schedule futzes things up. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-11-02 23 779776 Demon Overlord Quest 1 Young upstart demon Gneotho enters a tournament to become Overlord. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny 2016-11-02 7 773280 Whirlpool Quest - Thread 19 We finally defeat Petroleum. Now the plot winds down as we begin to wrap things up. Thank you for playing (or lurking/reading at least). Whirlpool Quest , Waterworks , Drawquest , GuardianTempest 2016-11-02 0 784340 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter We play with our toys; we take some time out; we paint a picture for someone. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-11-03 7 734713 The Bizarre Adventures of Victory Issue #15 Victory and company break through German lines, and find themselves deep in the heart of Warsaw! Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest , Collective Game 2016-11-05 1 792920 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #53 In which we discover something below LGA and find out who our new sponsor is. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-06 5 771581 A Safe Haven 16 The Gang convince the forces of Wa to unite and head on to confront the Sorceress and Snake Lord in war. Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat , Lewd 2016-11-06 2 797650 Girls und Panzer: Cromwell State College Quest In which we arrive at CSC and discover our team a shit. GuP , Girls und Panzer , CSC , Collective Game 2016-11-06 6 798696 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #54 In which we spend the day with Winona. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-07 6 780811 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #12 Miranda goes monster hunting and meets a strange native. She and Lorelei also defend a ranch from tactically sound beasts. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game , western 2016-11-07 23 803046 Bio Armor Quest Aw shit, it's motherfucking Brundlefly Collective Game , BioArmor Quest , 80s Anime , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2016-11-08 8 794988 Demon Overlord Quest 2 Quest Prinny goes on a 3-day bender. Gneotho meets NPCs, fights a Bear and becomes a badass leader. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , conspriacy , tournament 2016-11-08 7 807442 Demon Overlord Quest 3 More allies are gained and the plot thickens! Gneotho fights an obsessive doppelganger and sets the stage for victory! Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , conspriacy , tournament 2016-11-10 5 811414 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter We finish up with Chisato, check on the hot loli and her cool mystic, and see what the wife has been up to. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-11-10 7 809604 Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #6 Chapter Six: The Final Battle Collective Game , Magical Girl Liberty , Pulp , Magical Girl , Magical Girl Bomber , guns 2016-11-11 5 823153 Girls und Panzer: Cromwell State College Quest #2 We find our tanks and then have to end early. GuP , Girls und Panzer , CSC , Collective Game 2016-11-13 4 803162 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #13 We head out on the trail to take on the gluttonous giant beast Monstro. It's a rough fight! Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game , MGHandler 2016-11-14 23 820139 Demon Overlord Quest 4 Gneotho and the gang do their legs of the mission preparations, then Quest Prinny gets sleepy. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , conspriacy , tournament 2016-11-14 6 798624 A Safe Haven 17 The Gang make their way through a forest/warzone and confront the Snake Lord and a dangerous sorceress. Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat, 2016-11-16 1 832659 Demon Overlord Quest 5 Anasael fights a monk and Gneotho enacts the plan. Victories all around! Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , conspriacy , tournament 2016-11-17 6 50253038 Where do monsters come from? /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds backstories for monsters. backstory , worldbuilding , monsters , horror, 2016-11-18 3 50240157 Original Races besides the traditional orcs/elves/dwarves combo OP asks /tg/ for their ideas for new player races. Interesting worldbuilding and in-setting mythology result. races , species , worldbuilding , monsters , setting , mythology , ghouls , neon nightmare, 2016-11-18 8 842001 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Ryukuza demosntrates her skills as a seamstress and fashion designer; a date of sorts; and of course... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-11-18 9 842771 Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest 1 Our (anti-)hero carefully considers his first steps into the world of killing and pillaging. warlord , low fantasy , durwin , outlaws , medieval 2016-11-19 5 846933 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #55 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Candido Mariano Da Silva Rondon University(ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-20 6 831701 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #14 We take down the giant stomach, Monstro, and switch perspectives to Miranda's partner Lorelei, who instantly finds herself some trouble. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-11-20 23 851887 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #56 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Candido Mariano Da Silva Rondon University(FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-21 6 806555 Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 12 In which we help out Ash and get rebuked by our Dads. Collective Game , Mechagirl , Bookmaker , Questguy , Robot , 2016-11-21 8 866450 Girls und Panzer: Cromwell State College Quest #3 In which we get our tanks repaired GuP , Girls und Panzer , CSC , Collective Game 2016-11-26 2 870980 RE:Monster Ex Quest 139 Snakes realize their own greatness and Lyra feigns maturity. monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-11-27 33 870791 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #57 In which we dig our way out of some financial trouble. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-27 8 875854 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #58 In which we meet a spy in our midst. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-28 8 December 2016 50437971 What do demons want with souls anyway? /tg/ is asked why demons want to collect souls for. Worldbuilding and a discussion of brainwashing, free will and programing results. demons , worldbuilding , souls , afterlife , free will , brainwashing , programing, 2016-12-01 3 889342 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Ryukusa and her elite team face off against the enemy, while Rie is tended to by the family... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-12-01 7 852275 A Safe Haven 18 The Gang begins finding out the truth of the war in Wa, while also growing increasingly concerned with their humanism Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat, 2016-12-02 1 897334 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #59 In which we grab our first Unlimited Tankery chassis. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-12-04 7 893159 Acid Girl Quest #1 A short, trippy quest centered around a living embodiment of music and feminine psyche. Trippy , Acid , Girl , Music , Magic , Dream , Sex , Art , Tangerines 2016-12-04 2 893943 Demon Overlord Quest 6 Its the housekeeping thread! Gneotho breaks the news to the gang before announcing her Overlordship to the peasants. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , conspriacy 2016-12-05 6 915346 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter We wake up in bed....but WHOSE bed?! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-12-08 7 909215 What Came Next We die. We also like Crusading and Films. Then we wake up in a weird place and get our afterlife together. Collective Game , Scarlet , Inpu , Hidoi , Starborn , Star , Betty , Afterlife , Dead , Crusader , Film , Murdered , Slums 2016-12-08 4 50572576 Sisters of Battle as Daemons of the Emperor /tg/ writes a new backstory for Living Saints and other warp-spawned manifestations of Imperial faith. An army of Imperial Daemons results. worldbuilding , daemons , sisters of battle , imperial cult , ecclesiarchy , chaos , warp, 2016-12-09 15 919192 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Meeting Mo Wang, His Most Loathsome Majesty, Ruler of the Underworld, King of Hell...and he's got an agenda. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-12-09 7 919313 Girls und Panzer: Cromwell State College Quest #4 We prepare for the club fair and get our first crew. Unfortunately, they can't drive. GuP , Girls und Panzer , CSC , Collective Game 2016-12-10 5 902915 Acid Girl Quest #2:Mescaline Edition Join Skribl, a streetwise Acid Girl, as she parkours around a surreal urban dreamscape using psychedelic graffiti powers Acid , Girl , Psycadelic , Graffiti , Art , Urban , Drugs , P.S.U.P 2016-12-10 1 894737 A Safe Haven 19 The Gang ends a war, decides who gets to be ruler of an island and chill in the demonlands Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game, 2016-12-11 1 892945 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #15 Lorelei asks around town about the suspicious people in blue, then we switch back to Miranda, who is accosted by would-be heroes. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-12-12 24 924885 Demon Overlord Quest: The Beach Episode After cementing her position as Overlord (in training) Gneotho and company go to the beach to relax... New allies and a Volleyball game, too Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , Beach Episode , volleyball 2016-12-14 5 50634307 SoB as Imperial Daemons, Second Verse Continuing from the last thread. Expanding the New Empire of Man now that The God-Emperor of Mankind is a literal Chaos God. Fluff abounds! worldbuilding , daemons , imperial cult , chaos , The Emperor is a literal Chaos God 2016-12-15 2 50661608 How would you set a high fantasy setting in the ruins of our world? Discussion and worldbuilding of a a post apocalyptic fantasy setting. Post Apocalyptic , setting , worldbuilding , mythology , Thundarr the Barbarian 2016-12-15 3 50634760 Giant Guardians Every village has a giant that protects it from monsters and other giants. /tg/ tries to figure out how it would work. Worldbuilding , Collaborative Creation , Giants , Titans , Game Design 2016-12-16 11 929789 Magical Girl For Hire Quest 16 Back to Miranda. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-12-18 24 915293 Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 13 In which we help Ash heal and get to play as a Cat Samurai and her captive. Collective Game , Mechagirl , Bookmaker , Questguy , Robot , 2016-12-19 6 955844 World War II JoJo Quest #1 The Blue Division soldier Julian de la Torre and his Stand [EUROBEAT] hit the GAS Quest , JoJo , JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure , World War 2 , Nazi , Communist , Vampire , Stand , ROAD ROLLER , Eurobeat 2016-12-19 20 958986 RE:Monster Ex Quest 140 Spears, planning, and an overdue letter! monstergirls , re-monster , re:monster ex quest , REQM , Collective Game 2016-12-21 43 929008 A Safe Haven 20 The Gang spends some time with their girlfriends, leave Wa, and face a life changing confrontation Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat , Lewd 2016-12-21 1 50722355 SoB demons, probably the last thread Final iteration of the Imperial Daemon threads. May the Emperor protect us as we create the fluff for this world. worldbuilding , daemons , imperial cult , chaos , The Emperor is a literal Chaos God 2016-12-21 4 50724053 Gnolls, Nurture or Nature, Furry Waifus. What starts off as a thread about gnolls goes through all kinds of weird subjects. Gnolls , Nurture Nature , /d/ickgirls 2016-12-22 -3 943362 New Overlord Quest Ch.1: New Beginnings A New Overlord Has Been Found Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-12-23 2 959668 What Came Next 2:Slumdog Suka wakes up, flashbacks to the day before which takes up most of the thead, giths a boss then gets her first convert! Collective Game , Scarlet , Inpu , Hidoi , Starborn , Star , Betty , Afterlife , Boss Fight , Crusader , Film , Sukāretto Sutorenjā , Slums 2016-12-23 2 979788 Monstergirl Legend Quest 1: REBIRTH A Legend is a Monster girl? Will they accept or deny their old destiny? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2016-12-27 25 952725 Magical Girl For Hire Quest Thread #17 "Avoiding collateral is a flat 25% increase on top of the base contract." Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-12-28 23 987212 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Kenji Soomi is ordered to find out something - anything - for her Majesty, Peta-chan. Can Soomi help Ryukusa's family? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-12-29 7 963446 A Safe Haven 21 The Gang gets ambushed and decides to call on all its favors to take out an ever present menace Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat , Lewd 2016-12-31 1 January 2017 50935040 Space Opera Adventure Hooks Plot hooks and worldbuilding for running space opera games. plot hooks , adventure hooks , space opera , worldbuilding, 2017-01-01 3 987786 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #1 An autistic goatgirl with a shovel and a bucket wanders the land for adventure. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , Collective Game 2017-01-02 26 968879 World War II JoJo Quest #2 The missing archive. We narrowly avoid crashing into a Nazi outpost, and do driving shenanigans JoJo , Cars , World War 2 , WW2 , DungeonQM , Eurobeat , Nazis , 2017-01-02 16 1005544 Monstergirl Legend Quest 2:Dragon May Mcnarren, Now a dragon, begins her life as a monster girl in Tartarus city. Maybe the countryside's fresh air will calm her down a bit. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-03 21 998168 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #2 An autistic goatgirl bonks someone on the head, meets people, and goes into town. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , Collective Game 2017-01-04 18 1001859 Demon Overlord Quest 7 Quest Prinny tries to start, but then gets sick. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere 2017-01-05 1 998777 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #1 EPISODE I: Character creation, and a job for a Hutt. Then, a homecoming, to Carida, where a battle rages... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-05 6 1014127 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Waking up in bed again; Inau-kun is injured, and an expected visit from an unexpected visitor. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-01-06 7 983210 YouthQuest: Online Edition Event-Bossrush happens, and we even get a bit more lore. And students engage in... Did I mention that a not-so-much-angel gets his wings? Manhorse , Youth Quest , freelance , Multi-PC , Open World , Events , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern 2017-01-06 3 1011675 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #3 An autisticute goatgirl meets some adventurers, causes a minor heart attack, and goes to sleep. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , Collective Game 2017-01-07 14 51018882 Field Rations and Camp Cooking How much effort does you and your team put into RP for food when traveling? Food , camp , rations , cooking , brainstorming , world building 2017-01-07 4 51034567 Sea Serpent Setting A discussion on sea serpents and their potential effects on ocean travel. Worldbuilding and hypothetical biology discussion results. sea serpent , worldbuilding , sailing , ships , ocean , ecosystem , monsters, 2017-01-08 3 1019024 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #60 In which we return from a long break. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-08 8 995363 A Safe Haven 22 The Gang worms their way out of an akward situation and head out with Azura for a "tour" Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game, 2017-01-08 2 1009967 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #1.5 An overflow thread, continuing the last one. SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-09 5 51022369 WW1 turns post-apocalyptic Someone posts greentext of their latest campaign set in a much more destructive WW1. /tg/ likes the general idea and starts worldbuilding. ww1 , trench warfare , post apocalyptic , horror , worldbuilding, 2017-01-09 11 1023221 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #61 In which we build up more of Winona's tank. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-09 5 1027034 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #4 An autistic goatgirl runs off to find a big snake. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , Collective Game 2017-01-10 14 51092288 original monsters with backstories /tg/ posts pics of various creatures and provides them with suitable fluff. Good resource for GMs needing something new to put into a game. monsters , worldbuilding , backstory , fluff, 2017-01-10 3 51111821 Scarlet Phalanx/Red Lords Thread 1 We first roll up the chapter and begin work on fleshing it out. 40k , Chapter Creations , Red Lords , Scarlet Phalanx 2017-01-10 2 1029584 Monstergirl Legend Quest 3:Legend May adjusts to living with a roommate, Yvette the dryad.But a story for a legend is begging to be told.Will it be a peaceful tale?Not likely Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-10 20 51118479 Worldbuilding: The Afterlife OP asks /TG/ users what is the afterlife in their setting worldbuilding afterlife afterlives setting gods religion 2017-01-11 5 1005758 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #18 Miranda lets herself go to jail, and some poor shumcks get called in to do her work for her. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-01-12 23 51148976 wendigo folklore An anon dumps large amounts of wendigo folklore and the Skinwalker Apocalypse setting idea from a few years back gets revisited. wendigo , folklore , skinwalkers , setting , apocalypse , worldbuilding , 2017-01-12 10 1035289 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Petting the kitten, hugging the reverse trap, and healing. Busy day for Ryu-chan. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-01-12 7 1038588 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint A slightly drunken dragonette. Lessons of the Ryuu Clan. A kitten lost and confused. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-01-13 7 1015645 YouthQuest: Tito "Dick" Dickman Baby Edition The students prepare for the FINAL event-boss, lewdness get shut down, and the kill count goes up drastically. And that's pretty much it. Manhorse , Youth Quest , freelance , Multi-PC , Open World , Events , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern , Cults , Ocean Blue 2017-01-14 2 1033713 Damned World Quest Immortality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Damned World Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-15 1 51165803 A Cozy, Creepy, Winter Campaign Part 2 Winter campaign ideas based around a crawler vehicle. fluff , cozy , winter , crawler , worldbuilding 2017-01-15 12 51194361 American Hell A hell based off the most hellish aspects of each American state is created. hell , afterlife , dystopia , american , worldbuilding , funny, 2017-01-15 4 1044515 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #62 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Glenn Curtiss School of Engineering and Technology (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-16 7 1045139 Cat and Canary: A Shop Keeper's Quest 1 A certain demihuman finds herself with the run of an item shop. As bills come due though, there's only one way out. Economics! Collective Game , item shop , cat girl , economics , bananon 2017-01-16 6 1048901 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #63 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Glenn Curtiss School of Engineering and Technology (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-16 6 1035175 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #2 EPISODE II: In which there are politics, dogs, and war plans. SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-17 2 1044821 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #5 An autistic goat gives a bird a name, says goodbyes, and meets a walking bush. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , Collective Game 2017-01-17 13 1057919 Monstergirl Legend Quest 4:Bones What can a cat do to a dragon? What can a whole gang of cats do to one? The fishbone gang steps up its efforts to make May show some respect Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-17 16 51220893 WW1 Setting adventures with supernatural elements and weird science Worldbuilding and adventure hooks. World War One , WW1 , setting , worldbuilding , adventure hooks , plothooks, 2017-01-18 6 51248833 Kulmorost Divided fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting. Kulmorost Divided , Kulmorost , worldbuilding , setting , fantasy , humans , dwarves , elves , orcs , trolls 2017-01-18 24 51189129 Tang Dynasty in Space Setting Worldbuilding /tg creates a setting that's basically the Tang Dynasty in scifi. More interesting than it sounds. worldbuilding , setting , space dynasty , historic , chinese 2017-01-20 8 51288620 Kulmorost Divided 2 fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 2 Kulmorost Divided , Kulmorost , worldbuilding , setting , fantasy , humans , dwarves , elves , orcs , trolls , grimbright 2017-01-21 12 1054931 Star Wars: Warlords Quest #2.5 We win the battle over Carida, at heavy cost. From there, we decide to head to Phaeda, by way of Anobis, where a civil war rages... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-21 1 1074706 Titanfall Quest: A Girl and her Titan Holly delves into the world of Titanfall... A Girl and her Titan , Titanfall Quest , Titanfall , Sci Fi , Collective Game 2017-01-22 12 1035505 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #19 "I hope we get another opportunity to draw a dick on that guy's face." Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-01-22 23 1072876 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #64 In which we do a lot of subquesting. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-22 5 1043864 Magical Girls Skirmish Beta test A team of magical girls participates in a vicious combat practice. Cheese is done and ice cream privileges are lost. Collective Game , Skirmish , Magical Girls 2017-01-23 3 51307588 Ancient Magitek AI Setting A fantasy setting based in the remnants of an apocalyptic singularity with superhuman magitech AIs. Arcane Intelligences , AI , pantheon , worldbuilding , setting , spirits , magic system , apocalyptic, 2017-01-23 22 51311063 Original and Unusual Apocalypse Scenarios Various scenarios for the end of the world and settings based around them are discussed and worldbuilt. apocalypse , armageddon , doomsday , end of the world , setting , worldbuilding, 2017-01-23 6 1077485 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #65 In which the players refuse to let me go to sleep. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-23 5 1073258 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #6 A fairy does fairy things in the village of bush people, and a goat stabs a branch with a shovel. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , Collective Game 2017-01-24 12 1044194 YouthQuest: Internal Suffering Edition Things FINALLY return to normal, but plot twists happen left and right. We also get a lot of exposition, and like that the TRUE game begins. Manhorse , Youth Quest , freelance , Multi-PC , Open World , Events , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern , Cults , Ocean Blue , ROMANCE , Drama 2017-01-24 1 51380847 Kulmorost Divided 3 fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 3 Kulmorost Divided , Kulmorost , worldbuilding , setting , fantasy , humans , dwarves , elves , orcs , trolls , grimbright 2017-01-24 10 1088177 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint ryukusa struggles with her injured friends and family; a visit from on high; a prayer that might get answered. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-01-25 6 1088921 Monstergirl Legend Quest 5: Brawl 1 Dragon and 1 minotauress vs a whole lot of cat girls and 1 Griffin. I like those odds, lets get this party started. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-25 17 1073579 Star Wars: Warlords Quest #2.5.5 TRAINING MONTAGE! Star Wars , Star Wars Warlords Quest , Empire , Space , Sci-Fi , Collective Game 2017-01-26 1 1049012 A Safe Haven 23 The gang have a mental confrontation Monster girls , Narrative , Adventure , Drama , World Building , KeeperofSafe , Collective game , Combat , Lewd 2017-01-26 1 1089782 Unto Death Quest A lich wakes up with no memory in some sort of tomb. Unto Death , Death Lord , Serial , fantasy , worldbuilding , magic system 2017-01-26 6 1085232 Magical Girls Skirmish (beta test) part 2 It's a boss fight! Versus a stuffed cat! It makes sense in context. Collective Game , Skirmish , Magical Girl 2017-01-26 3 51387486 Making Monsters More Than Statblocks A discussion on how to improve generic monsters and use them in original adventure hooks. worldbuilding , adventure hooks , improvement , backstory, 2017-01-27 5 51394142 Nazi Europe Setting Worldbuilding A discussion of the standard alternate history cliché of a nazi victory and how to turn it into a setting. setting , worldbuilding , alternate history , nazis, 2017-01-27 4 51391822 /tg/ worldbuilds and discusses theologies A discussion on original ingame religions and worldbuilding tips to create them. theology , setting , worldbuilding , religion, 2017-01-28 3 1067611 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #20 "If nothing else, we avoided saddle sores." We wrap up the mission in the old west. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-01-28 23 1095260 Cat and Canary: A Shop Keeper's Quest 2 Felicity goes cat hunting and stumbles on a valuable and possibly dangerous secret. Negotiations ensue. Collective Game , item shop , cat girl , economics , bananon 2017-01-29 2 1102104 Titanfall Quest: A Girl and her Titan Part 2 Holly is sent to investigate strange activity around Demeter. A Girl and her Titan , Titanfall Quest , Titanfall , Sci Fi , Collective Game 2017-01-29 12 1099254 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #66 In which we clear things up. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-30 6 1105798 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #67 In which we talk about dreams and tradition. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-30 6 1077229 Multi-Civ Quest #2 First thread was not archived here in time:
No more room for description. Fun stuf happens th Civ Quest , Fantasy , Factions , Hardcore Survival , Rare Magic , Butterlord , Quarterly-Seasonal Turns 2017-01-31 1 1099727 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #7 An autistic goatgirl participates in a frog experiment and gets listless. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , Collective Game 2017-01-31 8 51485832 Kulmorost Divided 4 fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 4 Kulmorost Divided , Kulmorost , worldbuilding , setting , fantasy , humans , dwarves , elves , orcs , trolls , grimbright 2017-01-31 6 February 2017 1116893 Monstergirl Legend Quest 6: Reputation Word spreads about May trashing the Fishbone gang. And she gets a lot of unwanted attention. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-01 16 51508401 /tg/ creates a town map By adding one building at the time /tg/ created a glorious town of Stankonia. Light-hearted world building thread with extensive map making. town , map , world building , /tg/ , collaborative creation , original content 2017-02-02 25 51490413 original liches /tg/ brainstorms alternate forms of lichdom. lich , undead , worldbuilding, 2017-02-02 0 1089316 Fight of the Forgotten: Making it Among Monstergirls In which we meet our hero and augmented veteran, Wedge "Bobby" Antilles. Monstergirls , Mamono , Supersoldier 2017-02-03 4 1086324 YouthQuest: Nanomachine Edition In the aftermath of the raid on the greenhouse, every man is free to fight their own wars again. But not for the better, but for the worse. Manhorse , Youth Quest , Multi-PC , Open World , Events , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern , Cults , Ocean Blue , ROMANCE , Drama , Consequences 2017-02-03 2 1099138 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #3 Mystery and intrigue abound as we go planetside to track down the dissidents. We go to a town, and learn of a man called Silaf... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-02-04 1 51526278 New Star Trek Civilizations Worldbuilding /tg/ invents new civilizations, species and cultures for star trek. star trek , worldbuilding, 2017-02-05 1 1129061 Titanfall Quest: A Girl and her Titan Part 3 Holly finds out just what the IMC were up to around Demeter... A Girl and her Titan , Titanfall Quest , Titanfall , Sci Fi , Collective Game 2017-02-05 12 1095150 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #21 We shop for supplies, get an interesting job offer, and engage in friendly date shenanigans. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-02-06 22 1127272 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #68 In which our parents arrive. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-02-06 5 1132877 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #69 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-02-06 6 1106119 Multi-Civ Quest 3 Things start to get magical then OP gets burnt out. New Management happens. Civ Quest , Factions , Hardcore Survival , Butterlord , Seasons 2017-02-07 1 1127609 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #8 A wolf-girl searches for her goat, witnesses a bug be useful in a prison break, and runs into a lot of birds. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , mitts , Collective Game 2017-02-07 10 51586269 Space Opera plothooks, adventures and hazards OP requests adventure hooks for an upcoming space opera game. /tg/ delivers. plot hooks , setting , space opera , worldbuilding 2017-02-07 5 51491227 Making werewolves menacing rather than fetishbait Worldbuilding ideas as to how to fix werewolves. werewolf , werewolves , wolf , worldbuilding, 2017-02-08 2 1143279 Monstergirl Legend Quest 7: Lion's den The Truth is revealed, and May Goes clubbing. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-08 16 1136626 Alien World: Evo Game 1 We begin an evogame in the shallow seas of an alien world, evolving the Irako, Idrai, Rilva, Quas, and Dengh. evo , evolution , evogame , Alien World , WheelieOP 2017-02-09 1 51622963 /tg/ fixes vampires In which we worldbuild genuinely intimidating and interesting redesigns for vampires. vampires , worldbuilding , monsters , redesign, 2017-02-10 3 51620899 Stating the Qu Someone asks for stats for the Qu from All Tomorrows. /tg/ gets to work envisioning an entire All Tomorrows-inspired game. All Tomorrows , Speculative Evolution , Dougal Dixon , Worldbuilding , Setting , Stat Me , Qu , Remove Qu, 2017-02-11 2 51629545 Rounding out evil species and/or cultures A discussion on what the cultures which produce XP fodder might be like. worldbuilding , orcs , evil , morality , ethics, 2017-02-12 -2 1122937 Resistance Quest pt1 The nation of Awsbet has been conquered and subjugated, but Iwo Malinowski will fight for his nation's freedom. Red White and Britfag , collective game , resistance , modern , world war , fantasy , rebellion , Resistance Quest 2017-02-13 5 1156060 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #70 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-02-14 8 51679781 Interesting Creatures /tg/ invents some original monsters. backstory , fluff , worldbuilding , monsters , creatures, 2017-02-14 3 1159630 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #9 A goat-girl encounters a man and his birds, accomplishes a stealth mission, and then comes right back for a face-full of feathers. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , mitts , Collective Game 2017-02-15 11 1163907 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Asking for help restoring the nekomata Rie's powers, Ryukusa makes some waves. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-02-15 6 1164471 Monstergirl Legend Quest 8: Magic Do you believe in magic and fairytales? A witch seeks out May...or is it the otherway around? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-15 16 1133809 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #22 Called 21 because QM can't keep track of his shit. We finish up date shenanigans, and the sky's suddenly the limit! Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-02-17 22 1176165 Titanfall Quest: A Girl and her Titan Part 4 Holly and her team move to make contact with some IMC mutineers. A Girl and her Titan , Titanfall Quest , Titanfall , Sci Fi , Collective Game 2017-02-19 12 1179559 What Came Next 3: Slumdog Deputy Sukaretto tracks down the mysterious Pervert and is given a lesson on how weak she is, before she learns how strong she is! Collective Game , Scarlet , Inpu , Hidoi , Ishi , Star , Betty , Afterlife , Training , Crusader , Film , Sukāretto Sutorenjā , Slums 2017-02-20 2 1159652 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #23 Called 22 because the QM still can't keep track of his shit. Miranda splits the party and things go downhill from there. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-02-20 22 1173693 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #71 In which we welcome the newcomers. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-02-20 6 1179395 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #72 In which we dance and sling mud. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-02-20 5 51775926 American Pantheon /tg/ comes up with the mythos of a post-apocalyptic American Pantheon. worldbuilding , setting , religion , cult , apocalyptic , rushmore, 2017-02-21 4 1192281 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint We are a young Yuuhi-chan, who is trapped in a shed waiting on execution... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-02-22 8 1165276 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #4 OJ returns after a long slumber. We blitzkrieg into Silaf's estate, where a Rebel taskforce awaits... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-02-22 1 1193087 Monstergirl Legend Quest 9: Nidhoggr The past is finally revealed and May's world is turned upside down. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-22 17 51824115 Interesting drawbacks to immortality /tg/ discusses and invents new interesting drawbacks to immortality more original than just "no eternal youth." worldbuilding , drawbacks , immortality 2017-02-23 5 51770825 Communal Worldbuilding: Bryss Edition Tg builds a cold, wintery world full of danger, dead titans, magic and lots of witches Communal Worldbuilding , Bryss , Winter Kingdoms , Worldbuilding 2017-02-23 5 1189562 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #10 The confrontation with the Baroness. The curtain call for the rebellion at Silvercrest. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , mitts , Collective Game 2017-02-24 12 1205502 Titanfall Quest: A Girl and her Titan Part 5 Holly teams up with Hess to help repair a damaged power conduit. A Girl and her Titan , Titanfall Quest , Titanfall , Sci Fi , Collective Game 2017-02-26 11 1180616 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #24 Last of the misnamed. Miranda barely stops things from getting worse, and has a strange meeting with the enemy. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-02-26 23 March 2017 1216571 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #11 A short thread. An epilogue to the first arc. A slice of life before the journey starts again. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , mitts , Collective Game 2017-03-01 8 1219352 Monstergirl Legend Quest 10:Confusion May starts to try to adjust to her new world of legends and her new relationship with Yvette Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-01 17 1225796 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint The nine-tailed kitsune heals Rie, but at a cost. Ryukusa gets bullied. A phone call. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-03-03 7 1192635 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #5 We catch Silaf, but he loses his head in the interrogation. We hunt down two snipers, and take one of them to the miners... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-03-04 1 1231524 Titanfall Quest: A Girl and her Titan Part 6 Holly fights to defend the power conduit she had just fixed. A Girl and her Titan , Titanfall Quest , Titanfall , Sci Fi , Collective Game 2017-03-05 11 51900239 a lesser god takes the role of a greater god for a day /tg/ discusses theology and the spread of myths through cultures. theology , myths , pantheon , worldbuilding 2017-03-07 6 1229759 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #73 In which we earn a girl's loyalty. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-07 5 1233190 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #74 In which we practice and that's about it. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-07 6 1208816 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #25 Miranda has an intriguing conversation with the enemy and prepares for a stealth operation. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-03-08 23 1203931 YouthQuest: Memories Edition We didn't miss much, and move on towards exploring the forests, finaly doing alchemy and fighting the first couple of rivals. Manhorse , Youth Quest , Multi-PC , Open World , Events , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern , Ocean Blue , Drama , Consequences , Plot , Riddles 2017-03-09 1 1247690 Monstergirl Legend Quest 11: Day out May has a day out. Wonder if its going to be nice or bloody. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-09 13 1250936 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint rie says goodbye - for now. Ryukusa takes a hard time-out. Kisses and hand holding. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-03-10 8 1253902 Magical Girl Noir Quest 307 (the real one) A barely restrained magical girl does not recognize the girl before her. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Not Ded 2017-03-11 13 1251219 What Came Next 4: Slumdog Fight Club Sukaretto vs Ishi to the death! Who will win? The dice gods decide! Collective Game , Star , Wagon , Boss fight , Suka , Scarlet , Inpu , Hidoi , Ishi , Dice Gods , Trip Crit , Murder , Magic , Spells , Lucifer 2017-03-12 2 51980267 Frontier Freaks Setting Worldbuilding A setting which can basically be described as "biopunk wild west" is invented. worldbuilding , western , wild west , bioengineering , biotech , biopunk , bioshock , transhumanism , Pasteur , 1800s pseudoscientific beliefs, 2017-03-12 5 1256922 Titanfall Quest: A Girl and her Titan Part 7 Holly has to learn to share a ship with her new IMC friends. A Girl and her Titan , Titanfall Quest , Titanfall , Sci Fi , Collective Game 2017-03-12 11 1264941 PHASE Superhero Quest with Tyler Fortune Tyler Fortune learns he may fail his major and be forced to do another year of school, one he can't afford. Super Powers , Superhero , worldbuilding , character , modern , futuristic 2017-03-14 1 52009083 Making Hive Minds Legitimately Terrifying A worldbuilding challenge leads to horror and discussions of interesting hive minds from fiction. hive , eusocial , worldbuilding , horror, 2017-03-14 3 1244344 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #26 Miranda spars with Izumi and deals with an enemy pursuit the only way she knows how. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-03-15 23 52139661 /tg/ makes Builds 9 Fantasy Armies out of Random Pictures #1 /tg/ grabs a large amount of random army art, divides it among 9 factions, and attempts to construct a setting and wargame from the results. worldbuilding , setting , fantasy , collaborative creation , game design 2017-03-15 11 1271186 Monstergirl Legend Quest 12:Attack Who would attack a dragon? May is about to find out Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-15 15 1238810 YouthQuest: Of Mice and Nomads Rivals taken care of, things return to (relative) normality. New players join in, and so do... old friends? Prepare for the Last Stand! Manhorse , Youth Quest , Multi-PC , Open World , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern , Ocean Blue , Drama , Consequences , Plot , Bossfight , RP 2017-03-16 3 52099134 Gigerworld Thread #6 Yet more Gigerworld worldbuilding. Now with more Baryx related arguments horror , giger , fantasy , Worldbuilding 2017-03-16 5 1268492 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #12 A sheep does nothing useful, and a goat sings a siren song for a ball of fluff. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , mitts , Collective Game 2017-03-17 8 1253092 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 4 Jerry and Terry Become Exterminators changeling , World of Darkness 2017-03-17 12 1275979 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Yui's nightmares are now Ryukusa's dreams of revenge. But for whom? And why? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-03-17 6 1268567 PHASE Superhero Quest #2 Tyler gets in over his head. There's no going back from this. PHASE Quest , PHASE , Quest , Superhero , Super powers , character , modern , futuristic , worldbuilding 2017-03-18 1 1278076 Magical Girl Noir Quest 308 An out of time magical girl saves the day? Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2017-03-18 13 1280717 Titanfall Quest: A Girl and her Titan Part 8 Seems like the fight isn't quite over... A Girl and her Titan , Titanfall Quest , Titanfall , Sci Fi , Collective Game 2017-03-19 12 1277178 Vault Hunter Quest 1 Welcome to Pandora! You are former middle manager, Baal, and you do awesome things with your new friends! Also loot! Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars 2017-03-20 4 1268129 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #27 Miranda and company seize a hidden laboratory with surprisingly little fuss, and Lorelei develops body problems, as in can't stay in hers. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-03-20 24 1278735 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #75 In which a rival becomes a friend. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-20 6 1283898 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #76 In which we help Jeep Jockey train. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-20 6 52266243 Reasons to worship an evil deity A discussion on cultist motivations and ways to worldbuild them to be more interesting. cultists , cult , motivation , religion , worldbuilding , evil, 2017-03-22 10 1268320 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 5/6 Jerry saves a marriage and finds a family. Also gets a stalker. Changeling , World of Darkness 2017-03-22 11 1283919 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #28 Miranda gets two new hires for Silver Eye Solutions, and blows up a floating island. These events are extremely related. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-03-24 24 1296978 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #29- Intermission To celebrate another finished job, the girls have a Bad Movie Night, and Izumi proves that 'Don't Try This At Home' warnings are for chum Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , MGHandler , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2017-03-24 23 1303160 Titanfall Quest: A Girl and her Titan Part 9 END Holly participates in her biggest mission yet. A Girl and her Titan , Titanfall Quest , Titanfall , Sci Fi , Collective Game 2017-03-26 11 1297158 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #13 A goatgirl meets a strange not-person, then a strange earth-person, then eats some mushrooms. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , mitts , Collective Game 2017-03-26 7 1296967 PHASE Superhero Quest #3 Tyler uncovers the plot of the Razors gang. PHASE Quest , PHASE , Quest , Superhero , Super powers , character , modern , futuristic , worldbuilding 2017-03-27 1 52362299 Middle Eastern Superhero Setting Worldbuilding discussion for a new setting based on middle eastern superheroes. Surprisingly civil and apolitical. middle east , culture , superhero , superheroes , setting , worldbuilding, 2017-03-28 15 1279480 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 7 After some family time at the movies, Jerry goes to a nightclub. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Jerry Woodheart 2017-03-28 12 1301716 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #77 In which we spend a day with Josephina. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-28 5 1304908 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #78 In which we welcome more tankers to LGA. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-28 5 1315085 Monstergirl Legend Quest 13: Tyrant Changes aren't just skin deep Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-29 13 52438077 Vampires throughout history setting worldbuilding /tg/ makes a setting based off ancient middle eastern mythology, history and vampires infiltrating various cultures. vampires , setting , worldbuilding , middle east , vald tapes 2017-03-30 9 52252594 original fantasy races /tg/ worldbuilds ideas for original fantasy races and what their cultures might be like. species , races , worldbuilding , fantasy , setting 2017-03-31 4 52431346 The Treasure of Isra Abishalim Various treasures are detailed within the vaults of the world's richest man Isra Abishalim. worldbuilding , treasure 2017-03-31 10 1303161 Underlord Quest #1 The Underlord awakens and summons his first minions, finds a champion, gets some sick Basilisks, and murders some dudes. Underlord Quest , Dungeon Keeper , Dungeon Heart , Dungeon , Villain protagonist 2017-03-31 4 1319996 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Ryukusa makes some plans. Er Yin has a few of her own. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-03-31 6 1310313 Starborn For Hire 1: The Stars Have Aligned The Crossover Quest of Starborn and Magical Girl For Hire Begins. Miranda arrives in Munis for a bodyguard job, meeting Purps. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover , Musical , Introduction 2017-03-31 21 April 2017 1314992 Vault Hunter Quest 2 Baal and crew enter town, things get dark, then QM has to leave Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars 2017-04-01 3 1324330 Girls Und Volksport: Lafayette Girls Academy #162 In which Ingrid pitches the game of her life. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest , Baseball , April Fools 2017-04-05 5 1328711 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #79 In which we have a spar with Mei. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-04-05 6 1342080 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Er Yin makes breakfast whileKiki tries to convince Ryukusa. Kaga Kei gets talked to. Date time?! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-04-06 4 1342663 Monstergirl Legend Quest 14: Bad Puck Bad Luck rides on the wings of Puck Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-04-06 12 1333511 Starborn For Hire 2: Sirens Sing Several Suspicious Songs The prologue ends and the tour is soon to begin! We get on the road and make new friends like only Purps and Miranda can. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover , Musical , Introduction 2017-04-07 10 1345203 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint A day out on the town for our heroine. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-04-07 6 52535995 Implementing shinto in D&D thread full of ideas, mechanics, adventure hooks, and comfy all about everyone's favorite weeaboo animism religion D&D , fantasy , fluff , touhou , catgirls , foxgirls , cute , comfy , not-trash-I-Promise , gods , mythology, 2017-04-08 5 1342839 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #14 A goatgirl walks around a big city, decides not to REMOVE UNDEAD, and gets dressed up. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , mitts , Collective Game 2017-04-08 11 52496694 Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland Bazzar /tg/ invents items for sale and plothooks at a post-apocalyptic street market. worldbuilding , loot , plot hooks , post apocalyptic, 2017-04-08 4 52477373 evil space empires inspired by real world cultures A discussion of real world cultures to make evil space empires derived from. worldbuilding, 2017-04-08 5 1299020 YouthQuest: Reborn - Thread I So run that by me one more time; why is this a good idea again? I dunno, but we are back at it again, bigger and just a bit better! Manhorse , Youth Quest , Multi-PC , Open World , Magic , Guns , Modern , Ocean Blue , Plot 2017-04-09 2 1324946 Underlord Quest #2 The Underlord gathers various minions to his cause, completes a summoning circle, and deals with the amateur adventurers Underlord Quest , Dungeon Keeper , Dungeon Heart , dungeon , Villain Protagonist 2017-04-10 2 1321440 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 8, Part 2 Jerry trolls a party crasher. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Jerry Woodheart , Teller-of-Tales 2017-04-10 10 52513662 Space Encounters and Adventure Hooks /tg/ invents plot hooks for scifi games. worldbuilding , space , starship , scifi , plot hooks , encounters , adventure hooks, 2017-04-11 6 1348395 Starborn For Hire 3: Isn't this Magical? The Godswatch show begins after a little chafing and a siren going a little bit nuts. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover , Musical , Godswatch 2017-04-11 6 1352336 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #80 In which someone gets arrested and Elodie is proposed to. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-04-12 8 1342897 PHASE Superhero Quest #4 Tyler decides to get some answers - only to gain more questions. PHASE Quest , PHASE , Quest , Superhero , Super powers , character , modern , futuristic , worldbuilding 2017-04-12 1 1328572 Youthquest Reborn - Thread 2 Where things don't go wrong for once, The newbies make a name for themselves, and a player faces judgement from God. Manhorse , YouthQuest , Multi-PC , Open World 2017-04-13 1 1363269 Monstergirl Legend Quest 15: Territory May discovers just how bad territorial disputes between dragons can be Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-04-13 12 1360494 Starborn For Hire 4: #JustSirenThings The show must go on and All That Jazz. We interrogate, discover and sing. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover , Musical , Godswatch 2017-04-14 6 1365393 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint A date with someone who makes Ryukusa feel like a girl. Kiku is appeased and appreciated. An ominous sign. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-04-14 5 1339669 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 9 Jerry faces down an Asian Invasion Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Jerry Woodheart , Teller-of-Tales 2017-04-16 10 1363461 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #15 A goat feeds leaves to a tortoise, has something sweet, and visits a classroom. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , mitts , Collective Game 2017-04-16 7 1353574 Underlord Quest #3 The Underlord learns more about daemons and decides to finally take the mine from the dwarves and their human workers. Underlord Quest , Dungeon Keeper , Dungeon Heart , Dungeon , Villain Protagonist 2017-04-18 1 1380777 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Kiku dressed for desire! Shibuya, shopping district of the gods (literally)! Kiki-hime's nefarious plans! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-04-19 7 1371367 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #81 In which we strike gold. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-04-20 7 1356398 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 10 Wyndham gets sent to the madhouse, and Jerry follows. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Jerry Woodheart , Teller-of-Tales 2017-04-21 11 52728388 Reverse Mythical Creatures /tg/ worldbuilds reverse versions of mythological monsters with hilarious results. worldbuilding , monsters , creatures , mythical, 2017-04-21 9 1355807 YouthQuest Reborn: Thread 3 The end of act I. Last stand is finally done, and the nomads leave the school. the dictatorship at the school has come to an end. Manhorse , YouthQuest , Multi-PC , Open World , Ocean Blue 2017-04-21 1 52803944 Space Opera Conspiracy Theories The deluded theories of a space opera setting's equivalent of the Ancient Aliens guy. conspiracy theories , worldbuilding , space opera, 2017-04-21 2 1381463 What Came Next 5: What Are You Doing With Your Afterlife? Waking up with a bad case of starving and a worse case of everything hurting. Suka decides to play along with the bandits... for now. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover , Musical , Godswatch 2017-04-22 5 1383855 Starborn For Hire 5: Lambs to the Slaughterhouse Well isn't this lovely? A horde of undead, a slaughterhouse pumping them out in mass fabrication? So long as we don't CRITFAIL... Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover , Musical , Godswatch 2017-04-22 7 1371192 Lost in the Seventies: School Special We Mary now. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Mary Freedman , Teller-of-Tales 2017-04-23 10 1376048 Underlord Quest #4 Not much is accomplished, QM probably shouldn't run on a monday Underlord Quest , Dungeon Keeper , Dungeon Heart , Dungeon , Villain Protagonist 2017-04-24 1 52736110 Ancient Egyptian Cyberpunk Setting /tg/ makes a setting based off a mixture of ancient egyptian mythology, culture and magitech cyberpunk. worldbuilding , setting , cyberpunk , magitech , 2017-04-25 4 1389313 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #82 In which a boy goes flying. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-04-27 5 1393519 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #83 The All-Star Game GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-04-27 7 52871104 Original Dystopias /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds ideas for new dystopian settings. worldbuilding , setting , dystopia , dystopian , 2017-04-29 3 52923212 Tomes of Eldritch Lore /tg/ invents various books of dark magic and their effects on their readers and the surrounding world. necronomicon , worldbuilding , horror , lovecraftian , body horror, 2017-04-29 2 52954490 Original Apocalypses /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds ideas for new post-apocalyptic settings. worldbuilding , setting , apocalypse , apocalyptic , 2017-04-30 4 1408627 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #16 A goat talks with a nice old teacher, meets little metal constructs, and does some learning about the world around her. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , mitts , Collective Game 2017-04-30 7 May 2017 1386614 YouthQuest Reborn -Thread 4 The players take their time to prepare for what comes next. Studying, training, brewing, constructing, planning... Manhorse , YouthQuest , Multi-PC , Open World , Ocean Blue 2017-05-01 1 52957277 post-apocalyptic factions and societal systems /tg/ discusses what sorts of new cultures would develop in the aftermath of an apocalypse. civilizations , apocalypse , worldbuilding, 2017-05-02 5 1389349 Lost in the Seventies: Earth Day Terry is the Orkin Man Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Terry Freedman , Teller-of-Tales 2017-05-02 11 1420996 What Came Next 6: The Magnificent 4 Let's get down to business - to defeat, the huns did they send me heathens. When I asked, for nuns! Collective Game , Star , Wagon , Boss fight , Suka , Scarlet , Inpu , Hidoi , Ishi , Dice Gods , Trip Crit , Murder , Magic , Spells , Lucifer 2017-05-04 2 1427625 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Dating with Er yin and Kiku; Harajuku days, Shibuya Nights. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-05-04 3 1428143 Monstergirl Legend Quest 16: Kid Being a little kid can feel like a curse. Especially when it is one! Can May break it? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-04 10 53002034 Anti-Magic and Anti-Technology The idea of something with an anti-magic effect is fairly standard. In this thread, /tg/ puts a wholly original twist on it. magic system , technology , worldbuilding, 2017-05-05 5 1429973 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint The wonders, terrors and delights of The Tokyo Tenderloin belong to Ryukusa and her loved ones! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-05-05 6 1428046 Starborn For Hire 6: For I would walk <100 Miles & I Would Walk <100 More In a short thread, Purps excercises & spends time with Hona whilst Verde and Trish bond. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover , Musical , Godswatch 2017-05-07 6 53056631 /tg/ invents original superheroes As the title suggests, in this thread /tg/ worldbuilds original superheroes. Surprisingly funny. characters , superhero , cape , superpowers , names , plot hooks , worldbuilding, 2017-05-08 7 53006207 self-replicating megadungeon setting Worldbuilding for a setting entirely inside a single absolutely massive dungeon enchanted to continually expand itself. dungeon crawl , worldbuilding , setting , von neumann, 2017-05-08 4 1409236 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 13 Jerry gets fired and moves into a basement. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Jerry Woodheart , Teller-of-Tales 2017-05-10 10 1440293 Starborn For Hire 7: SHOWTIME Purps sets off her trap. Then a running battle is joined. Meet; S.T.A.L.K.E.R Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover,Boss Fight , Travelling, 2017-05-11 6 1432930 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #84 In which we have a day learning things from other commanders. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-05-11 6 1451724 Monstergirl Legend Quest 17: Two Dragons May finally confronts Faith, who cursed her into being a little brat again. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-12 8 53172974 /tg/ redesigns vampires In which various ideas for alternate vampires are discussed and worldbuilt. vampires , worldbuilding , backstory, 2017-05-14 3 1423117 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 14 Terry goes on his first operation. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Terry Freedman , Teller-of-Tales 2017-05-15 11 1455458 Vineyard; A Starborn Sidestory A sidestory in Munis, going deep into a secret area of the world; it's most prominent Vineyard. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire,Purps , Orc , Sidestory , Vineyard , Kobolds 2017-05-15 5 1473175 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Meeting the top rival of Harajuku Fashion; introducing Er Yin to modern niceties; trying new things. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-05-18 7 1468221 Starborn For Hire 8: Leno-n Me And I'll Be Your Friend Short Thread due to QM curse and busy schedules. A watch happens, Miranda meets Luc and Hona kidnaps Purps. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover , Musical, 2017-05-19 5 53166234 Demonic culture and motivation worldbuilding A discussion on how a civilization made up entirely of evil beings could work and motivations for demons. demons , worldbuilding , setting , culture , civilization , morality , motivations, 2017-05-20 2 1473799 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #17 Night. A goat makes a decision, and looks for a friend. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , mitts , Collective Game 2017-05-20 7 53279065 Holy Sites /tg/ invent the holy sites of fantasy religions and generally worldbuild. worldbuilding , religion , pantheon , dungeon design, 2017-05-20 3 1478541 Starborn For Hire 8.2: Leno-n Me And I'll Be Your Friend Same as 8. Life's a bitch for both QMs right now. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover , Musical , Introduction 2017-05-23 6 53376560 American Nightmare An unfinished Savage Worlds setting about 50s rockers facing supernatural and alien threats shows potential Worldbuilding , Setting , Rock And Roll , Supernatural , Horror , Rockabilly 2017-05-23 6 1440635 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 15 Mary and the Scooby Gang have shit get real. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Mary Freedman , Teller-of-Tales 2017-05-24 8 1478801 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #84 In which we try to reunite the crew of Thaddeus. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-05-25 6 1482246 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #86 In which we help Athena and Tessa get back on the team. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-05-25 7 53428238 American Nightmare, Pt 2 The setting is expanded upon, with biker gods and O.W. Grant Worldbuilding , Setting , Rock And Roll , Supernatural , Horror , Rockabilly , American Nightmare 2017-05-26 4 1499627 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint From Harajuku to Shibuya, where magic happens and meetings occur. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-05-26 4 1500700 Monstergirl Legend Quest 18:Hammer Time May's made a hammer worthy of legend, but is she worthy of it? Who cares its fucking awesome! Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-26 8 1497059 World Struck: Universe 3 This is a GURPS Session that is both a Campaign Comic and a Story-line RP. This game is on a hiatus and it might revisit the idea later. World Struck , GURPS , QSTs on hiatus. 2017-05-27 0 1493910 Starborn For Hire 10: Let's Get This Show Back On The Road It's time to play poker, bitches. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover , Musical, 2017-05-27 5 1497501 A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #18 Struggles with things from the outside. Dawn, and an ending. GFQ , autisticgoatgirls , mitty , mitts , Collective Game 2017-05-27 8 53383831 Heroic Hiveminds Hive-minded cultures and species which aren't villainous and general hivemind-related worldbuilding. assimilation , altruism , eusociality , hive , hivemind , worldbuilding, 2017-05-27 2 1508656 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 1:A world of Monsters Magic has returned,to a world that already has its own and plenty of monsters.To protect against the intruders, new Magical Girls are needed Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-05-28 11 1517429 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 2:Atomic Legionnaire, The Tireless and Radioactive Protector Carol Hiral, or rather Atomic Legionnaire continues taking her first lessons in being a magical girl in a world of monsters. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-05-30 11 1521345 Monstergirl Legend Quest 19: Old Problems Old problems come under new faces. May's day might end up going bad. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-31 10 June 2017 1521797 Demon Overlord Quest 8 The quest continues after a hiatus! Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere 2017-06-01 4 1477237 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 16-1 Jerry goes innawoods and fights a lumberjack's nightmare. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Jerry Woodheart , Teller-of-Tales 2017-06-02 4 53444133 /tg/ fixes Enterprise /tg/ anons rewrite the infamously terrible Star Trek Enterprise show into something which would have actually been entertaining. story , worldbuilding , star trek , rewrite , enterprise , shran, 2017-06-03 0 1521299 Starborn For Hire 11 We'll Reach Leno Eventually The party make it to Leno and take up watch. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover,Boss Fight , Travelling, 2017-06-03 5 53604513 Fluff for the Wasteland Thread /tg/ comes together to write fluff, backgrounds, and stories for pics of the Wasteland. May be a useful resource! Fluff Writing , Community Worldbuilding , Community Writing , Fluff , Wasteland , Post-Apocalyptic , Grim , Lore 2017-06-06 7 1541660 Starborn For Hire 12 Star is Sick Edition The finale approaches as the investigators begin to put some puzzle pieces together. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover , Musical , Leno 2017-06-08 5 1552539 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 3: The Monsterous Trio Three monsters at once? and Carol has to protect a girl who can't see them?! This is going to be a long day! Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-06-08 8 1509111 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 16-2 Jerry Goes to Hollywood Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Jerry Woodheart , Teller-of-Tales 2017-06-11 2 53690952 Empire Building Ideas for worldbuilding interesting original evil empires and the motivations behind them. setting , worldbuilding , empire, 2017-06-13 1 1559755 Starborn For Hire Finale: The Phantom of the Opera Interrogations. Curtain Call. Reality is at Stake. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover,Boss Fight , Leno, 2017-06-13 5 1549542 Demon Overlord Quest 9 Gneotho continues to prepare and converses with allies. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere 2017-06-13 2 53501636 Monsters for modern horror /tg/ invents original modern-day monsters. cryptids , monsters , modern , worldbuilding, 2017-06-13 2 53684402 Old School Aircraft RPGs After watching "Porco Rosso," OP makes a thread suggesting the idea of an RPG set in the golden age of flight. Aircraft , Aiplanes , Flight , Retro , Worldbuilding , Brainstorming , Adventure , Exploration , Porco Rosso , Tail Spin 2017-06-13 3 53797683 Original Monsters Worldbuilding and Discussion /tg/ invents new monsters monsters , worldbuilding , fluff , backstory , setting, 2017-06-15 1 1578048 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Murder on Love Hotel Hill, what happens there stays there, and the Play Is The Thing. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-06-16 4 1578517 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 4: Back up Two Magical girls VS two monsters and a fallen magical girl!. Carol receives some much needed back up. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-06-16 7 1532103 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 17 We find out more about Mary. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Mary Freedman , Teller-of-Tales 2017-06-18 2 53745725 Living Statue World Worldbuilding for a setting based around the creation of magically animated statues. golem , statue , magic , weeping angel , pygmalion , worldbuilding , sculptor , setting, 2017-06-19 5 53867735 Knightpunk setting worldbuilding /tg/ brainstorms a setting where being a Knight is like being a cartoon Luchadore Worldbuilding , fluff , knights , luchadores 2017-06-19 1 1583041 Starborn For Hire Finale: The Phantom of the Opera Pt2 A closed performance begins, but will it be the end of our dynamic duo? Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover,Boss Fight , Leno, 2017-06-20 5 1594020 Starborn For Hire Finale: The Phantom of the Opera Pt3 The Finale continues to continue. This time though we get C-C-COMBO Collective Game,COMBO , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover,Boss Fight , Leno, 2017-06-21 5 53856823 original magic systems /tg/ discusses magic in their games. worldbuilding , magic system , wizard , setting , magic, 2017-06-21 4 1578871 Bugworld Adventure a adventure in a world inhabited by bugs in this thread characters are picked and the adventure begins adventure , bug , crab , bugworld, 2017-06-22 1 53918453 A Post-Apocalyptic Journey By Rail A group of wanderers rides the last train bound westward in the hopes of finding some bastion of civilization at the end of the line. Post-Apocalyptic , Railroads. Rail Travel , Trains , Supernatural , Worldbuilding , Brainstorming 2017-06-22 10 1601119 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Ryukusa deals with a new emotion; Er Yin is outfitted; Kiku-chan is fit to be tied. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-06-22 6 53828679 Space Magic A discussion on how to do magic in science fiction settings. magic , scifi , worldbuilding , star wars , force , destiny, 2017-06-22 4 53922267 The Patchwork God A D&D campaign involving a bunch of frankensteinian cultists and their patchwork creation is discussed. frankenstein , mad scientist , divine , deity , cultist , monster , storytime , campaign , adventure hook , D&D , worldbuilding, 2017-06-23 5 53982827 Change One Letter Anons change/remove/add a letter in the name of a /tg/ game, and then describe what it's about. /tg/ , edits , worldbuilding , setting 2017-06-25 8 1612855 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 5: New Life Lyra finds herself in a strange, scary new world. And its up to Carol (and maybe Juniper) to help her out! Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-06-25 6 1608517 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #87 In which we learn to DEUS VULT GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-06-30 5 1612319 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #88 In which we meet Ingrid's mother. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-06-30 6 53990655 non-abrahamic monotheistic religion worldbuilding Worldbuilding and setting discussion about hypothetical monotheist religions derived from sources other than rehashed abrahamic mythology. worldbuilding , setting , religion , mythology , monotheistic , deity , god, 2017-06-30 6 1626539 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Tying up the Fire dragonette. Playing with plastic. The truth comes out. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-06-30 6 July 2017 54037215 tg creates a town map part 2 Once again, tg created a fun little town, Hermits Bay, trough collaborative effort.Light-hearted world building thread with extensive map ma town , map , world building , /tg/ , collaborative creation , original content 2017-07-01 26 54080432 lovecraftian stargate setting /tg/ worldbuilds a setting based off Stargate and Charles Stross's A Colder War. exploration , stargate , a colder war , lovecraft , call of cthulhu , worldbuilding , setting, 2017-07-02 8 53944400 An Ancient Evil Awakens! Activities for recently unsealed ancient evils besides world conquest and potential tactics for the conquest of the modern world. sauron , ancient evil , BBEG , worldbuilding , conquest , cyberpunk, 2017-07-02 5 54084756 Martian Myths and Legends In this thread, posters world-build a colonized Mars reminiscent of the old west and offer up myths and legends that "Dusters" might share Mars , Space , Sci-Fi , Myths , Legends , Urban Legends , World-Building , Brainstorming 2017-07-03 11 54146350 Post-apocalyptic worldbuilding Anon makes a post-apocalyptic world World building , post apocalyptic , random tables 2017-07-04 4 53916206 Communism in Cyberpunk Worldbuilding for a cyberpunk setting where rather than megacorporations, communism has taken over society. kafkaesque , dystopia , cyberpunk , communism , soviet , eastern bloc , setting , worldbuilding , 2017-07-05 1 1589068 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 18 Wyndham done fucked up Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Jerry Woodheart , Teller-of-Tales 2017-07-06 2 1646036 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint A sweet kiss goodbye; the strangest of truths; a lie undone. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-07-07 7 1641228 Vault Hunter Quest 3 QM returns and Baal and the gang assault the Triumvirate. QM also tries to explain his level system. Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars 2017-07-08 3 1632791 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #89 In which we go to a ball. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-07-08 5 1646422 CATastrophe Quest #1 In which our protagonist Jack wakes up from a long freezer-nap to find that he's been transported to a world with animal-eared girls galore CATastrophe Quest , Quest , Kemomimi , catgirl 2017-07-09 5 54201965 /tg/ develops an apocalyptic sci-fi setting The universe is dying, the milky way is the last safe space, and aliens are hell-bent on conquering it. Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Space , Post-Apocalyptic 2017-07-10 6 1650667 What Came Next 7: Brother Who Art Thou? Just a day of teaching, nothing to see here. Why would anyone be concerned? Collective Game , Star , Wagon , Boss fight , Suka , Scarlet , Inpu , Hidoi , Ishi , Dice Gods , Trip Crit , Murder , Magic , Spells , Lucifer 2017-07-11 3 1666192 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Philosophical questions for our heroine; an unexpected visit; Kiku gets it. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-07-14 7 1641664 Bugworld Adventure #2 The party goes off in search of information on the leviathan. Bug is lazy. Bug , Bugworld , Crab , Leech , Spider , Adventure 2017-07-15 1 1650550 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #90 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Joan D'Orleans Women's Academy GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-07-15 5 1659424 Starborn For Hire Finale: Curtain Call All good things must come to an end. The big guns come out on the grandest stage of them all. Bah Gawd. Collective Game,COMBO , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Magical Girl for Hire , MGFH , SAL , Miranda , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Crossover,Boss Fight , Leno, 2017-07-15 7 1666211 CATastrophe Quest #2 In which Jack gets in a fight, resists the urge to touch ears, avoids a cliché misunderstanding, and starts to get /fit/ with a certain dog. CATastrophe Quest , Quest , Kemomimi , catgirl , doggirl , nekomimi 2017-07-18 7 1683272 Monstergirl Legend Quest 20: All father May Meets the all father... or all daughter rather. Will the grudges of the old world finally die? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-07-19 6 1652917 A Safe Haven 24 The gang readies for war and performs ancient necromancy monster girls , combat , keeperofsafe , drama , story heavy , text heavy 2017-07-20 1 1670023 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #91 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Joan D'Orleans Women's Academy (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-07-22 5 1693869 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 6:Night terrors This epidermis, something is going bump in the nights of Brausrburge. Will the girls be able to bump it back? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-07-22 6 1689127 CATastrophe Quest #3 In which Jack takes a trip to the city with a certain doggirl and mousegirl. CATastrophe Quest , Quest , Kemomimi , catgirl , doggirl , mousegirl , nekomimi , animal ears 2017-07-28 5 1715640 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Mid-date crisis management; a new flame; hotel rendezvous. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-07-28 6 54556497 Hourglass Worldbuilding /tg/ makes a setting that takes place in an hourglass watched over by a mad god. world building , desert , madness 2017-07-29 7 1688886 World Tree [Skirmish][Floors] A Scholar Looking:
For hearty adventurers experienced or new to explore a recent phenomenon that is [Dungeons] World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-07-30 4 1684635 A Safe Haven 25 The Gang fight for their lives in the battle with the demonic forces of the No-Named Man monster girls , combat , keeperofsafe , drama , story heavy , text heavy 2017-07-30 1 1705238 Magical Girl For Hire #30 With a new employee in tow, Miranda learns she's moving on up in the world. So she goes drinking. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , MGHandler , Collective Game , mercenary 2017-07-31 23 August 2017 1737868 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 7:Framed Bat The girls face a crafty foe. Something unknown is leaving people drained of blood, but alive and influenced by chaos. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-08-03 9 1739767 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Ryukusa plays naughty games with Kiku and Er Yin; Kiku serves a reminder; Ryukusa explores different sides of everyone. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-08-04 6 54724370 Fictitious Theology & Mythology Worldbuilding Discussion Worldbuilding fictitious religions for use in games. theology , mythology , pantheon , deity , deities , worldbuilding , religions , philosophy, 2017-08-06 2 1746252 Digimon Trigger Quest: Episode 1 Initializing. A new adventure begins. A Hero chooses a blue speedster and a training mission goes awry. Collective Game , Digimon , World Trigger , Crossover , Sentai , Action , Sci-Fi 2017-08-07 1 1723522 Midworld (1?) Midworld game Midworld 2017-08-07 1 1715697 CATastrophe Quest #4 In which there is an abrupt ending. CATastrophe Quest , Quest , Kemomimi , catgirl , doggirl , mousegirl , nekomimi , animal ears 2017-08-07 1 1751566 Monstergirl Legend Quest 21:Knight night Modern day "knights". Or angry people who want to prove that normal humans are better than any kind of monster girl, by fighting them. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-08-08 7 1727688 Magical Girl For Hire #31 The new hire gets her outgoer license and her trial-by-fire mission is to assassinate evil captain planet MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , MGHandler , Collective Game , mercenary 2017-08-09 23 1759522 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Little pleasures; the play; a fateful meeting. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-08-10 6 1729225 World Tree-Day 2, The First City [Skirmish] The party rests in Avalon, before returning to Dunndirk World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-08-13 1 1724066 A Safe Haven 26 The gang does battle with the no named man and deals with aftermath politics monster girls , combat , keeperofsafe , drama , story heavy , text heavy 2017-08-14 3 54693330 Deadlands Discussion and Inspiration Talkin' about the meanest game in the west, pardner. Deadlands , Savage Worlds , Cowboy 2017-08-15 2 1778514 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 8:Wicked Things Even a nice day, can hide the most wicked of things. Carol and her friends have a day to "relax", hopefully Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-08-16 9 1744629 Wicked Waters Quest 1 We were given a golden ticket by our grandpa. Soon used it to become our own boss in a new world colony, with our skills as a shipwright. Golden ticket , 1800esk , Exploring New world , Genie , Swole of body and mind 2017-08-17 1 54903035 Tg creates a horror setting: Fog world /tg/ comes together to make a world of biomechanical horrors lurking in the misty ruins of the old world. Fog world , create a setting , sci fi horror 2017-08-18 20 1784869 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint meeting the God of Storm and Sea; The Play is the Thing; A 'Chance' meeting...? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-08-18 6 1754458 Magical Girl For Hire #32 Investigations started, shots hit and missed, rookies panic- it's kinda like XCOM. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , MGHandler , Collective Game , mercenary 2017-08-18 22 1775701 Vault Hunter Quest 4 Baal begins his less subtle mission with Henrietta. QM falls asleep for far too long and has to resume in a new thread. Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars , Robots , Hyperion , Dahl 2017-08-19 3 1780855 Reckoning Quest 1 Strange dreams make us shook. We head to Lake Ceryana to investigate. Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-08-20 8 1787985 Vault Hunter Quest 4.5 The dramatic conclusion to the thread. Baal does some badassery. QM gets sleepy again. Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars , Robots , Hyperion , Dahl 2017-08-20 2 1765921 World Tree- Day 3. Midnight of the Third Day. The Night dips for our enemies, and here we are given the first taste of our adversary. World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-08-23 2 1795629 Reckoning Quest 2 We poke corpses with sticks, be sneaky, have more strange dreams, and finally make it to the lake. Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-08-24 4 1804229 Monstergirl Legend Quest 22: Beach fight May's Beach party is interrupted by a glory seeking knight Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-08-24 7 1777967 Magical Girl For Hire #33 Miranda and crew blow things both old and new up. and by that I mean a museum and some heroes (and a villian.) A job well done! MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , MGHandler , Collective Game , mercenary 2017-08-24 23 1806346 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint A different perspective, this time from the point of view of the one person who is at once most and least like Ryukusa - Inau-kun. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-08-25 6 1788959 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #92 In which we give our parents a visit. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-08-26 5 1808849 Reckoning Quest 3 We finish up at the lake and start training up Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-08-30 4 September 2017 1812398 Sburb Quest - Part 1 Valve releases a new game on steam. A silver haired bug enthusiast buys it. bad anime is mentioned. The power of air pressure is utilized. Homestuck , sburb , sburb quest , quest , collective game , part 1 , pesterlogs are boring without color , Garzey's Wing is the best anime ever 2017-09-01 1 1829483 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Inau-kun faces a dilemma of epic proportions, explains a complicated relationship, and Ryukusa makes her feel. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-09-01 6 1830282 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 9:Among wolves This episode, a crimson cat sows chaos among wolves. Carol and co meet a dangerous and wily foe. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-09-01 8 1801665 Magical Girl For Hire #34 Miranda gets back, tries to work on a new technique, but...Interdiction wants words with her. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , MGHandler , Collective Game , mercenary 2017-09-03 24 1802772 World Tree- Day 3, What Comes Down from the Tree The party retreats to Avalon to lick wounds and rethink their strategy World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-09-04 1 1809366 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #93 In which we learn an awful truth. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-09-04 5 1820470 Skullgirls quest #1, A Gigan with a mission Our protagonist is sent on a mission from Gilgamesh himself to hunt down the Skullgirl and get's tangled up in it's colorful cast! Skullgirls quest , 2017-09-05 1 55197427 Pact Magic /tg/ worldbuilds a setting and magic system based around faustian bargaining. magic system , setting , worldbuilding , devil , demon, 2017-09-06 7 1849048 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Ryukusa learns a little about Shoko and Inau-kun's date; once again demonstrates she can be diplomatic; the play begins. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-09-08 6 1849694 Lost in Da'ta Quest 1 Da'ta, a popular VRMMO set in the world of Da'ta, a place of fantastical horror and terrifying beauty.Sounds fun besides what could go wro Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-09-08 20 1855293 Monstergirl Legend Quest 23: Dragonslayer May has an "interesting" Day, as a few old grudges come a calling. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-09-10 10 1833610 Magical Girl For Hire #35 Miranda gets a call about one of the newbies. Due to QM issues, that's about it. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , MGHandler , Collective Game , mercenary 2017-09-11 22 1835637 Reckoning Quest 4 Truly finish up our training with Moest, and prepare to set off and slay the possessed. Short thread cause QM is a terrible person Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-09-13 3 1863000 Lost in Da'ta Quest 2 Sadie, a fun loving griefer, gets trapped in the world of da'ta and ends up leading a mob as Belua Pangolynn. But is she in over her head? Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-09-13 12 55355216 Anon turns Down Syndrome into a Fantasy Race Anon asks what would happen if down syndrome didn't exist in real life but was a fantasy species in a tabletop game. Worldbuilding ensues. Down Syndrome , worldbuilding , why 2017-09-14 2 1845516 Bugworld Adventure #3 The party sees a setpiece, fights a boss. bug , bugworld , adventure , crab , leech , spider 2017-09-16 1 1839603 World Tree- Day 4, The First Knot Extermination As darkness falls a storm rolls in while monsters roam. World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-09-18 1 1886452 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Meeting with the Shinkai; the Play continues; Hime-chan is a beauty. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-09-21 6 1855066 Skullgirls quest. Our favorite Gigan hunts down a regenerating cat lady, almost gets killed by an egyptian queen and finally puts beowulf on the chopping bloc skullgirls , skull , 2017-09-21 2 1889574 Lost in Da'ta Quest 3 Sadie/Belua tries to adapt/accept her new reality and sees the consequence of her actions. While dealing with the crap of the other players. Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-09-22 10 1880552 Magical Girl For Hire #36 Miranda (reluctantly) goes to a recruiting event in the Intersection, and has a very interesting fight... MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , MGHandler , Collective Game , mercenary 2017-09-28 22 1874607 World Tree- Day 5 - A Town called Dunndirk Midnight breaks and the weather clears- the battle may have concluded below but the feathers above shadow us still.
World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-09-28 2 1913683 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The play continues; Ryukusa admits a truth; a second and private meeting with the Shinkai. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-09-29 6 1894209 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #94 In which we spend a little more time with Ingrid. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-09-30 5 October 2017 1935907 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The play continues; Shinkai Yamada tries a new tactic; the power of a Nue. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-10-06 6 1937908 Spooky Girl Quest #0 Alice Cherna is an average girl. Well, an Average spooky girl. Her life sucks, but something strange is in the autumn air. Something spooky. Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , halloween , autumn , haunted 2017-10-09 10 1949021 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 10: Bloody Boss! This episode, Carol and co fight the furious Crimson Count, who's gone completely rabid with rage!Can they overcome their first Boss battle Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-10-09 8 1928352 Magical Girl For Hire #37 The fight ends prematurely, and as a palette cleanser we take on a new job- and become a wolfgirl who becomes a vengeful spirit. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2017-10-11 22 1958872 Monstergirl Legend Quest 24:Melee a trois May's "Honorable" Duel with the "modern day" knight is interrupted by a legendary Thot Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-10-12 8 55706379 Folklore Creatures Various anons describe and discuss monsters from their local folklore, ghost stories, urban legends and cautionary tales. monsters , creatures , folklore , myth , urban legends , worldbuilding, 2017-10-13 3 55671882 how does /tg/ like their werewolves /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds various original twists on lycanthropy werewolves , worldbuilding , fluff, 2017-10-13 3 1966342 Lost in Da'ta Quest 4 Sadie/Belua tries to make the best of/ have some fun in her new world, but trouble/danger won't let her! Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-10-14 10 1966723 Spooky Girl Quest #1 First day back at school after your friend joined you. Your friend helps you try to improve your life. Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2017-10-17 6 1988677 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The fight agaisnt Shinkaai Hiei takes a terrible turn; Natto reveals his involvement; Ryukusa double-downs. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-10-20 6 1954921 Magical Girl For Hire #38 The new hire notches her first blood, and Miranda gets a bit childish after. We also prep for a solo job! MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2017-10-21 22 1973882 Magica Quest #1 In which MC fights a witch, meets some new friends, and gives a hug. MagicaQM , magical girl , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , magica quest , male protag 2017-10-23 5 1960032 World Tree- Day 6 - The Battle of Hachibana We arrived at night to assist in relieving the previous group from a day's worth of fighting. World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-10-23 1 1955266 World Tree General [Nothing Doing] General generalyness World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-10-23 1 1978687 Magical Invasion #1 You are a hard-boiled Japanese schoolboy detective fighting alongside other resistance fighters against invading magical girls. Lettuce , Magical Invasion , Magical Girls , Mahou Shoujo , Comedy , Collective Game 2017-10-26 1 2001800 Magical Invasion #2 You are a hard-boiled Japanese schoolboy detective fighting alongside other resistance fighters against invading magical girls. Lettuce , Magical Invasion , Magical Girls , Mahou Shoujo , Humor , Comedy , Collective Game 2017-10-26 2 55920632 The future of human evolution /tg/ theorizes about what evolution may hold next for humanity. speculative biology , evolution , human , posthuman , worldbuilding, 2017-10-26 4 1994276 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #95 In which we give a classroom lecture. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-10-26 5 1987910 Quest Subjects II 13 strangers awake in a cave with strange objects and no memories of anything. Be the Little Girl Subject Quest , Quest Subject , Quest Subjects , Dork West , Fantasy , Scifi , Little Girl, 2017-10-27 2 2015777 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The battle agaisnt the abomination Hiei and it's aftermath; the play continues. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-10-27 6 2014030 Spooky Girl Quest #2 Alice meets people in a graveyard and makes plans for Sam and Ellie Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2017-10-29 3 1994212 Magical Girl For Hire #39 Miranda embarks on a mission to remove a mob family. We intimidate, inquire, and sneak. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2017-10-31 24 November 2017 56194507 who is this semen demon? No, seriously. Who? vampire the masquerade , jeanette , bloodlines , kirk , vampire , harley quinn 2017-11-02 -1 2012583 Will of Worlds The protagonist Coralie is introduced and the motive of fear is behind her wanting to leave her home world Will of Worlds , Sci-Fi , Fictional Worlds , Collective Game 2017-11-03 -1 2034808 Spooky Girl Quest #3 Alice hangs with Sam and Franz and learns more about her friend before Ellie comes over Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2017-11-03 3 1997552 Resistance Quest pt2 At long last, Iwo resumes the resistance, making an ally of Aneta and leading a daring but unsuccessful attack on the Federation's censors. Red White and Britfag , collective game , resistance , modern , world war , fantasy , rebellion , Resistance Quest 2017-11-04 3 2001115 World Tree- Day 7 - Midnight of Day 7. Battle of Hachibana Through artillery barrage and moblin charge, the battle wages on. World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-11-05 1 2055566 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Dealing with Yamada; the play continues; Ryukuza keeping herself together, rather literally. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-11-09 6 2034963 Azeroth Quest #1 We prepare for our journey across Azeroth as a Blood elf Paladin called Aeldras Sunforge. World of warcraft , Vepala , Azeroth Quest , Blood elf , WoW 2017-11-09 1 2039989 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #97 In which we spy on Zhou Enlai. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-11-11 5 2043470 Magical Girl For Hire #39.5 Miranda begins her task in earnest, and in just a couple days, takes down her first mark. Aaand now the mob boss is coming. Big steps! MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2017-11-15 21 2073685 Lost in Da'ta Quest 5 Sadie/Belua faces both the living and the dead with her wonderful tainted sidekick, Erret Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-11-15 10 2077079 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The play concludes; the fans are, well, they are fans; Ryukusa faces certain death in the form of her fiance. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-11-17 6 2077743 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 11:Deserved Rest Carol and the girls get some much deserved rest for their hardwork. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-11-17 7 2059321 Azeroth Quest #2 We accept some quests and spend some money. World of warcraft , Vepala , Azeroth Quest , Blood elf , WoW 2017-11-18 1 2070777 Spooky Girl Quest #4 Alice learns more about her friend, hangs with Sam and Zack Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunte 2017-11-22 3 56431330 mildly magical creatures /tg/ creates a bestiary. worldbuilding , monsters , creatures, 2017-11-23 7 2095289 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Reunited at last; thee fallout of the fight; escape from Shibuya. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-11-24 7 2080568 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #97 (Part One) Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics. (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-11-25 5 2099432 Lost in Da'ta Quest 6 Belua leads a raid of players against a bandit fort. People are probably going to die! Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-11-25 7 2080474 Magical Girl For Hire #40 We play poker, and pretend we're slightly less magical than we really are. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2017-11-27 24 56627210 /tg/ Discusses the Light The board discusses what "The Light" is from fantasy, and what it's supposed to be. A wealth of concepts presented as well! /tg/ , The Light , Priest , Cleric , Gods , God , Worldbuilding , Resource , Light 2017-11-29 3 2093476 Reckoning Quest 5 We fight the possessed Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-11-29 3 December 2017 2113804 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The Great Theater Escape; secrets of the heavenly servant; home again. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-12-01 6 2121658 Monster Girl Legend Quest 25: Fate Fate makes itself known in nasty ways for May. But is it fate? or just bad dreams? Either ways its pissing her off Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-12-04 8 56592246 Adventure in the SPECTACULAR FUTURE OF THE YEAR 2000 Discussion and worldbuilding to create a setting based off vintage scifi. retrofuturistic , zeerust , pulp scifi , setting , worldbuilding 2017-12-06 3 56570631 Imprisoned Ancient Evils /tg/ discusses the concept of hibernating cosmic horrors and worldbuilds their own examples. lovecraft , call of cthulhu , CoC , eldritch abomination , worldbuilding, 2017-12-07 6 2109440 War of the Roses #1 Duke Will Seymour of Somerset makes plans and conducts war on his enemies. Who will claim the crown of England? War of the Roses , War , England , Alternate History , Richard III , 1930s , World War 2 , Medieval Politics , TimeKiller QM 2017-12-09 7 2104611 Magical Girl For Hire #41 Miranda takes an odd job in order to do her actual job. It's very very odd. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2017-12-10 22 2116362 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #97 (Part Two) Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics. (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-12-11 5 2112123 Reckoning Quest 6 Head back to Moest's Cabin after fighting the possessed, chaos ensues. Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-12-12 1 2124350 Spooky Girl Quest #5 Alice finishes hanging with Zack and sets her sights on meeting Cliff Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2017-12-17 2 2140770 War of the Roses #2 The fight for Bridgwater begins, Duke Seymour has to pull on stops to defend his fief. War of the Roses , War , England , Alternate History , Richard III , 1930s , World War 2 , Medieval Politics , TimeKiller QM 2017-12-17 4 56913333 Bizarre Botany /tg/ worldbuilds new fictitious plants and plant monsters for their games. plants , worldbuilding , setting, 2017-12-18 2 56984041 Drow NPC Backstory /tg/ is challenged to provide an original, non-sue and genuinely interesting backstory for a drow NPC character. storytime , story , worldbuilding , writing , drow , NPC, 2017-12-18 5 2163018 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 12: Royal trouble There's a city wide party today,b something that is like candy to chaos. So the girls don't get to join in on the fun sadly or ... do they Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-12-20 7 2130898 Magical Girl For Hire #42 Miranda has to deal with some creeps, and some (not so) doity rats. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2017-12-21 23 2142928 The Greatest War #1 We meet our soldier of the great German Empire, romance the childhood friend, and pass graduation. Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2017-12-22 15 2154885 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 01 Struck by amnesia, you are afforded precious hints about your identity. New friends are made and their kindness is precious. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , 2017-12-23 12 2148023 Metahuman Quest: Issue #8 Morgan deals with a deluge of villains in Gotham's chilly night air. Quest , Metahuman Quest , Collective Game , DC , SleepyQM , Gray Ghost , Artemis , Batgirl , Robin , Firefly , Mister Freeze , Man-Bat , High Roller , 2017-12-23 6 2171831 Lost in Da'ta Quest 7 Belua and her motley raid group deal with a "little" Bandit Problem. Lets hope seven is their lucky number Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-12-23 8 56897286 Interesting Original Monsters A collection of ideas for new monsters to add to your games. creatures , monsters , worldbuilding , setting , suicide bomber drop sloths, 2017-12-25 4 57052746 Weirder Wizards Worldbuilding thread #2 The second thread in which /tg/ brainstorms original ideas for wizards and systems of magic. wizard , wizards , magic , worldbuilding , no sense of right and wrong , personal pocket cephalopods, 2017-12-27 3 57118226 Skeleton civ Discussion about technologically advanced skeletons(also, puns, but what else did you expect) funny , spooky , undead , differently alive , fluff , ideas , world building , setting 2017-12-27 3 2163822 The Greatest War #2 We do something that no other soldier would have, making a long term friend in the process. We then learn about the horrors of war. Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2017-12-28 6 January 2018 2192138 Lost in Da'ta Quest 8 Belua gets a day of well deserved rest, to check out her new cursed house. and is given an offer she can refuse, to be a "noble" knight Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-01-01 7 2164874 Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 1 As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic. Youjo Senki Quest , Saga Of Tanya The Evil , Collective Game , World War 1 2018-01-03 4 2199663 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Home, finally. Scoldings and healing. Changes and challenges. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-01-04 5 2178632 Spooky Girl Quest #6 A meeting with Cliff is scheduled again, some truths are discovered about Franz and your Friend. Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-01-04 2 2182202 War of the Roses #3 Plans are laid for the invasion of Devonshire, and plans are made with your wife. War of the Roses , War , England , Alternate History , Richard III , 1930s , World War 2 , Medieval Politics , TimeKiller QM 2018-01-05 3 2162806 Magical Girl For Hire #43 The situation rapidly changes. Miranda now needs to stick and move. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-01-05 22 2202453 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Healing the deepest wounds; basking in the warmth of home; setting things straight - in a manner of speaking. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-01-05 6 2206422 Monster Girl Legend Quest 26: Sisters May spends some quality time with her older sister. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2018-01-06 6 2180869 Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 2 As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic. Youjo Senki Quest , Saga Of Tanya The Evil , Collective Game , World War 1 , Blitzweeb 2018-01-07 2 2181961 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 02 We awaken as a mage, make new friends, face some bullies and meet Sieglinde unique sister, all of it coming with lots and lots of discovery. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-01-08 3 2182505 The Greatest War #3 We find ourselves in a horrifying place, and the Banshee's Choir calls to us Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2018-01-09 5 2184021 Metahuman Quest: Issue #9 Morgan gets let in on the secret and spends a normal day doing normal things. Quest , Metahuman Quest , Collective Game , DC , SleepyQM , Gray Ghost , Artemis , Batgirl , Robin , Wildcat , Slice of Life 2018-01-10 6 2218818 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 13: Joy & Sorrow Like Chaos and Order, Joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin, Carol and Co find out today. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2018-01-10 6 2223001 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord An unexpected visitor; a difficult choice; marking time and gaining strength. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-01-12 7 57399586 Sleep Dealer /tg/ creates a dystopic industrial fantasy setting based around a world without sleep Worldbuilding 2018-01-14 8 2231961 Card Priestess Masami Quest, One Year Later Where we grapple with a difficult problem, and become difficult ourselves. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute , Continuation 2018-01-15 2 2205946 Magical Girl For Hire #44 Miranda's too hot to handle! Not literally, though. There IS fire involved, however. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-01-16 23 2216220 Spooky Girl Quest #7 Talking with Chad, Cliff, Friend, and a secret admirer Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-01-18 2 2226349 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #98 (Part One) Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics. (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-01-20 5 57534306 Make a campaign from a songlist In which posters put on a random album and use the songs therein to inspire a campaign Worldbuilding 2018-01-21 1 2219307 The Greatest War #4 Jäger meets back up with Seven, and has a friendship confirmed. A brief run in with The Choir follows. Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2018-01-21 5 2221499 War of the Roses #4 Harold declares himself rightful king, Devonshire is attacked, plans for the war continue War of the Roses , War , England , Alternate History , Richard III , 1930s , World War 2 , Medieval Politics , TimeKiller QM 2018-01-22 3 2233958 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 03 We get a taste of magic and take our first step in improving ourselves. A bully is confronted and politics is thrown into the picture. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-01-24 2 2257078 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Deal with the priestess of youkai; redressing; checks and balances. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-01-25 6 57591980 Weird Little Western Town A brainstorming thread about a weird little western town, built in the shadow of a strange mountain, low on luck and high on mystery. Brainstorming , western , supernatural , paranormal , horror , mystery , plot hooks , worldbuilding 2018-01-27 30 2233703 Magical Girl For Hire #45 More members of the Giogionne Crime Family are swatted down, but then, as soon as we get a lucky break... MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-01-28 22 2230836 Early Space Colonization Builder Part 1 Nibbas in space early , space , colonization , builder , part , 1 2018-01-28 1 2253281 Spooky Girl Quest #8 School, a strange encounter, reading about Goat Gods, and hanging with Sam Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-01-31 2 2245458 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #98 (Part Two) Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics. (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-01-31 5 2262492 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #98 (Part One) Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics. (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-01-31 5 February 2018 57739952 /tg/ makes a map The anons create a beautiful mixed-genre clusterfuck congealed into an amazing little hexcrawl map , worldbuilding , robots , Getting Shit Done 2018-02-02 7 2275477 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Dealing with Hinata-hakase; a dark spirit visits; comforting times. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-02-02 5 2257833 War of the Roses #5 Meeting with your family and preparations to receive Duke Harold for Christmas, as well as the siege of Plymouth War of the Roses , War , England , Alternate History , Richard III , 1930s , World War 2 , Medieval Politics , TimeKiller QM 2018-02-03 1 57731361 Franken/tg/ /tg/ makes characters by stitching together attributes from other characters, with surprisingly good results. character creation , brainstorming , worldbuilding 2018-02-03 11 2279142 Lost in Da'ta Quest 9 Belua/Sadie finishes looking through her new, slightly cursed home. What darkness still lurks inside it? Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-02-03 7 57726099 Evil lair, catacombs edition /tg/ discuss best evil lair, until french anon derail it with his IRL skulls throne. worldbuilding , IRL , storytime, 2018-02-04 5 57761266 Sword and sorcery thread Anons make a sword and sorcery setting Sword and sorcery , worldbuilding 2018-02-06 7 2255978 The Greatest War #5 We do what's best for Nixie, and get to the rear of the front. We also try to help Siegfried as best we can. Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2018-02-07 4 57688684 Fantastical Creatures Worldbuilding A collection of ideas for original magical creatures and monsters. creatures , monsters , bestiary , worldbuilding, 2018-02-07 6 2292995 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Making your clan even more yours; dealing with Natto's father; the inevitable collapse. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-02-08 5 57791145 Franken/tg/: The Resurgence /tg/ stitches together some more characters, expands on existing ones and fleshes out the world. character creation , brainstorming , worldbuilding , Franken/tg/ 2018-02-08 7 57851689 Franken/tg/: Return of the King /tg/ continues to expand upon the frankenverse, creating the final of the five kings and his apprentice, a port town, its mayor, and a hag. character creation , brainstorming , worldbuilding , Franken/tg 2018-02-10 5 57729395 Even More Fantastical Creatures Worldbuilding The second thread collecting miscellaneous ideas for original magical creatures and monsters. creatures , monsters , bestiary , worldbuilding, 2018-02-11 3 2265195 Magical Girl For Hire #46 The job is finished- albeit only partially. We return to The Intersection- and decide to go back to where it began. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-02-11 22 2276203 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 04 Arawn and the girls enjoy a much needed evening to calm down... only to catch a glimpse of troubles. What is Sabbath? Alas, duty await! Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-02-12 2 57853937 /tg/ makes a map: episode 2 In which our fine elegan/tg/entlemen come together once more to create another awesome hexcrawl as our board culture slowly returns. collab , worldbuilding , robots , Getting Shit Done , /tg/ gets shit done , hexcrawl , map 2018-02-12 3 2262486 Metahuman Quest: Issue #12 Morgan spends a day with his friends, almost gets shot with an arrow, and spots a cyclops. Quest , Metahuman Quest , Collective Game , DC , SleepyQM , Gray Ghost , Artemis , Batgirl , Robin , Slice of Life , Deathstroke 2018-02-12 5 2284435 Warlord Quest #1 Arch Magnus returns to wreak havoc upon the lords of the Moon and their puny knights Warlord Quest , Warlord , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-02-12 17 57709449 Chronomancer Nobility Worldbuilding /tg/ develops a setting where the nobility are all time travelers. chronomancers , time travel , paradox , worldbuilding , setting, 2018-02-12 1 57894014 Franken/tg/: Son of /tg/ /tg/ develops the coastal starting town of Happy Landings and stitches together some of it's unsavoury residents. character creation , brainstorming , worldbuilding , Franken/tg/ 2018-02-13 1 2310591 Monster Girl Legend Quest 27:Deny Puck is once again a thorn in may's side, but with an actual purpose this time? What's her problem anyways? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2018-02-14 10 2315235 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Facing a nightmarish yokai, Ryukusa stands fast. Healing recommences. Perhaps love blooms? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-02-16 8 2298311 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #98 In which we spend some time with the boyfriend. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-02-18 5 2301844 Warlord Quest #2: The Raidening Magnus sets out to raid and pillage and other warlordly things. Giants are befriended and berserk sheriffs thoroughly rekt Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-02-18 12 2323021 Lost in Da'ta Quest 10 Belua's new home still has evil lurking.but there are more pressing matters. Like her first knightly duties,and how she's going to clean i Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-02-18 7 2295902 The Greatest War #6 We do what's right, and find our selves punished for it. The Unit takes on a new mascot. Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2018-02-20 2 2308311 Spooky Girl Quest #9 Hanging out with Sam and texting boys. Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-02-21 2 58080068 Creating forge world Blandius II /tg/ creates a forge world and the surrounding system. worldbuilding , 40k 2018-02-22 8 2322657 Warlord Quest #3: Magnus Rising Arch Magnus leads his warparty through the valley of the moon, bedding a pair of lovely new Thralls and dueling everyone. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-02-22 11 58098523 Forge World Blandius second thread Fluffing the system surrounding Blandius II with antagonists worldbuilding , 40k 2018-02-23 2 2312979 War of the Roses #6 A relaxing Christmas with the family full of drama and intrigue. War of the Roses , War , England , Alternate History , Richard III , 1930s , World War 2 , Medieval Politics , TimeKiller QM 2018-02-23 1 2334298 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Ryukusa in Hell. Really. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-02-23 5 2335093 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 14:Sister Sister Carol's search for her lost little sister brings her a world of trouble and chaos beyond her imagining, this episode Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2018-02-23 10 2299314 Magical Girl For Hire #47 We are Lorelei. Lorelei gets into robo-fighting! MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-02-24 22 2319140 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #100 In which some stuff gets broken. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-02-26 5 58175558 Occult national security threats Brainstorming persons of interest for a secret Occult branch of the CIA to deal with Worldbuilding , Supernatural , Modern , CIA 2018-02-26 5 2332276 Warlord Quest #4:Bloodsoaked Casanova Magnus gets to his share of MoonBend's treasure, gets to know Keera and gets really drunk Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-02-26 10 58147220 Africa and Egypt as a sci-fi setting A discussion thread for using Africa for sci-fi settings World-Building,sci-fi,Africa 2018-02-27 14 March 2018 2344340 Warlord Quest #5: Spiritual Steroids. Magnus spends some time at home, upgrading his skills and gear before being cockslapped in the soul. OP delivers some tasty lore Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-03-01 7 2347556 Spooky Girl Quest #10 Alice hangs with Sam, talks with Michael, and has a strange dream. Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-03-02 2 2351933 War of the Roses #7 Final preparations to begin the Middlesex Campaign and trouble in Bristol. War of the Roses , War , England , Alternate History , Richard III , 1930s , World War 2 , Medieval Politics , TimeKiller QM 2018-03-02 2 58291364 Solarpunk A discussion of solarpunk as a genre with explanations, examples and miscellaneous worldbuilding. setting , worldbuilding , solarpunk , genre 2018-03-04 4 2325958 The Greatest War #7 We push the front, and show the others what Sturmtruppen can do. Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2018-03-05 5 2351106 Warlord Quest #6 Poached Eggs edition Arch Magnus and Co. go hunting for beasts and make like foxes in the roost. Only a few griffins were punched. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-03-06 7 2366279 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Ryukusa in Hell - literally - and the message from her family. Visitation rights are explored. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-03-07 6 2334978 Magical Girl For Hire #48 Lorelei gets her first win on a clueless kid. No, not via his virginity. She also sets up for her big tournament debut! MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-03-08 21 2341672 Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum #5 Where a witch is born, a woman is mechanized, and Kyoko gets speared. Collective Game , PMMM , Magical Girl , Witch , Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum 2018-03-08 2 2368648 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 15:Devilish Delight This episode, Carol has to deal with her sister's sadistic/silly side, as well as the confusion of her friends, and more! fun isn't it? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2018-03-08 8 2350346 Smee Quest The biggest quest since the silent era. Smee , CIA , Bane , Kino , Kinoplex , Collective Game , Nolan , Bravo , Smee Quest , Wreckage Brother , Interlinked , UUUU 2018-03-10 5 2374644 Lost in Da'ta Quest 11 Belua is bored. Carolton is safe, her new home is mostly safe and she isn't in mortal danger anymore (for now, at least).so what to do now? Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-03-10 6 2355921 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #101 In which Ingrid's loyalty is earned. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-03-11 5 2359732 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 05 A successful completion of our adventure brings the introductory phase to an end. We catch our angelic friend in a forlorn mood afterward. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-03-12 2 2364213 Warlord Quest #7 Batshit Crazy Magnus has bad dreams, a conversation with a shaman and hunts a giant bat monster. OP sucks a lot of dick but shit gets done. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-03-13 4 58409169 Prehistoric Fantasy Gaming in an Early Man setting is discussed Prehistory , Neolithic , worldbuilding 2018-03-14 5 2347526 Overlord Lair Quest 1 Welcome to the Dungeon The Magi who sought forbidden knowledge. Made a deal at a fine price. A Dungeon core was given placed in a magma Ocean and Goblins summoned. Genie , Overlord , Dungeon , Worried Dungeon with to many goblins , Of Goblins and Mecha 2018-03-14 4 2386817 Monster Girl Legend Quest 28:KAIJU MAY May may want to keep her head out of other people's bullshit about fate. But they just won't leave her alone! AND NOW SHE'S THE BIG PROBL Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-03-14 9 2391780 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Ryukusa meets the Judge of the Dead; returning to life; decision time. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-03-16 6 2369023 Slime Time #1 We wake up from our death, eat some orcs and begin to remember our past. Slime Time , Collective Game , Slime , Slime Girl 2018-03-16 11 2392153 Fleet Maidens Quest #1 Wise up, it's the 21st century and global warming is here to stay. Humanity's newest Fleet Maiden is given a rude awakening. Fleet Maidens , PixelAxon , Kantai Collection , Shipgirls , Collective Game 2018-03-18 5 2369221 Magical Girl For Hire #49 Lorelei fights officially, WITH and then unofficially- AS a robot. And THEN things get weird. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-03-19 22 2402636 Lost in Da'ta Quest 12 Its time to go tomb raiding. Our hero decides to spend some time with her best friend/favorite servant, looting the dead. Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-03-19 8 2383901 Warlord Quest #8 Tribal Beatdown Arch Magnus and Co. encounter rival tribals and maybe start a small war. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-03-19 3 2364694 Overlord Lair Quest 2 Magma Rising Goblin Boss was a mistake. We did some upgrades to the dungeon and the goblins called forth 4 factions, with 1 bomb.Then someone bigger came Genie , Overlord , Dungeon , Lava Lord cometh 2018-03-19 1 2392504 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 06 A successful operation is celebrated with a game of dice that leave a goat drunk and us with 4-1 winnings. Life is good. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-03-22 2 2402444 Warlord Quest #8.5 Tomb Raider Edition Arch Magnus and Co. murder the dogfuck out of some Servants of Nyx. Sick insults are tossed and a carefully crafted miniboss is rekt. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-03-22 4 2411514 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The Judge of the 10th Level of Hell; Er Yin's mother; returning to life. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-03-23 6 2395724 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #102 In which Winona is a little sick and we welcome a new crew. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-03-26 6 2387357 Overlord Lair Quest 3 The Flood One Orc for a garden, Two Wretch to work, Three Dwarves to forge, and Undead to follow. Genie , Overlord , Dungeon , Undead , Dwarves , Wretch Hive 2018-03-26 1 2411670 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 07 Training might be something we are skilled at. We meet our tribal refugee and find a solution to a conundrum. Maid! Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-03-28 2 2400110 Magical Girl For Hire #50 Prima gets a new look, and Lorelei is become the life-bringer, the soul-giver. There are hugs aplenty. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-03-30 22 April 2018 2404257 Slime Time #2 We establish a place in the world, have slime problems, and have to contend with water. Slime Time , Collective Game , Slime , Slime Girl 2018-04-01 3 2414402 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #103 In which we spend some time with Miss Dillon. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-04-02 5 2430570 Magical Girl For Hire #51 We end the bot battling, but NOT the bot buddying! As Prima and Jago come along with us, we prep for a major outing taking some ruins. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-04-02 23 2441982 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Home again, but there is little time for rest. But there is always time for love and plans. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-04-02 6 58901514 modern mythology A discussion of how post-apocalyptic religions might misinterpret the modern world. worldbuilding , mythology , religion , cultists , cult , future , post-apocalyptic , funny, 2018-04-04 2 2438291 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 07 A serious talk of things to come evolve into relaxing shenanigans and we end up learning a little of Sieglinde past during the evening. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-04-05 2 2447913 Fleet Maidens Quest #2 Mahan acquits herself well in her first skirmish, and gets debriefed. Fleet Maidens , PixelAnon , Kantai Collection , Shipgirls , Collective Game 2018-04-06 2 58971906 Dwarven Political Parties A group of anons attempt to come up with a dwarven nation's political factions dwarf , dwarves , fantasy , worldbuilding 2018-04-07 5 58889492 creatively negligent precursors Worldbuilding about precursor civilizations leads to hilarity and the realization that Zeus is That Guy. worldbuilding , precursors , sufficiently advanced , setting , Autism on a Kardashev Scale , goddammit zeus , REEEEEEEE PAPERCLIPS , REMOVE QU, 2018-04-07 5 2434678 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #104 In which we meet Josephina's parents. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-04-08 5 2418770 Overlord Lair Quest 4 Enlightening Ordeals Minions lacking leadership made good gains. We summoned again with out protection and lacking equipment. Outsiders became mad at our waste. Genie , Overlord , Dungeon , Summoning in the wrong neighborhood 2018-04-10 1 59047820 Fear And Loathing In Wonderland Anons come together and talk about their experiences in a world gone mad. Magical Girls and horror abound. Horror , madness , Roleplay , Magical Girls , eldritch , demons 2018-04-11 5 59048749 Mankind Conquers Hell A group of anons come together to ask the question 'What if mankind invaded and conquered hell', including world-building and a full comic Hell , HFY , Humanity Fuck Yeah , Worldbuilding , Demons , Corruption , Sci-Fi , Lore 2018-04-12 14 2442745 Artificer Quest Thread #20 ft MGFH The first AQ&MGFH Crossover thread. Miranda, leading a full team, journeys to an unnamed deathworld to secure an Airship for a mafia family. Artificer Quest , MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , Crossover , MGHandler , StorytellerQM 2018-04-12 28 2468842 Spooky Girl Quest #11 Alice wakes up in the woods, at night, alone. Then later she deals with the presence in Zack's cabin. Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-04-13 2 2452695 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 08 We learn disturbing news about Sieglinde, enjoy a goat monstrous bits and proceed to train on the next day, ending with duels. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-04-15 2 2453773 Slime Time #3 Ghosts are busted, wounds are healed, living quarters are re-arranged, and a pet appears. Slime Time , Collective Game , Slime , Slime Girl 2018-04-15 4 2457006 Hive World Governor Quest Dad's dead and leaves us with a Hive World to unfuck before Tyranids eat it. PersonQM , 40k , Hive World Governor , Collective Game 2018-04-15 4 2410420 Warlord Quest #9: Bloodthirst Arch Magnus upgrades his spirit and OP sails the oceans of faggotry Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-04-15 3 2489860 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Reiha's worries; Rishi-chan's strange attraction; Ryukusa's solutions. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-04-20 5 2492289 Magical Girl Noir Quest 309 A tired ACTING Warmaster meets with her favorite 'people'. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2018-04-22 13 2490126 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 09 Our day ends with confronting our resident antagonist and sniff out a nefarious plot. In the end, we ask a very important someone to come... Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-04-23 2 59220808 Hip-Hop in roleplaying An anon seeks help for rhyme-based casting, worldbuilding ensue setting , Samurai Champloo , worldbuilding , Hip Hop , hip-hop , brainstorming 2018-04-24 6 2469358 Artificer Quest Thread #21 ft MGFH The second AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. A boat ride is taken, and a Ruin that is far more than it first seem is slowly explored. Artificer Quest , MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , Crossover , MGHandler , StorytellerQM 2018-04-25 22 2456745 Overlord Lair Quest 5 Complex Problems Dungeon Growing Genie , Overlord , Dungeon, 2018-04-25 1 2483568 The Sands of Nowhere Quest #1 You have been introduced to the weird desert of Nowhere, the hub city, and have embarked on your first journey out into the sands. Sands of Nowhere , Story-focused , Adventure , Open-world 2018-04-26 4 2508014 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragonette Diplomat Getting Rishi settled in; lunch with family and friends; a private matter. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-04-27 6 2505731 Magical Girl Noir Quest 310 A one-eyed magical girl WILL find her best friend. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2018-04-29 10 2503142 Spooky Girl Quest #12 Visit the occult bookstore, then hang out with Zack Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-04-30 1 2493272 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #105 In which we try to convince Josephina's parents that tanks are fun. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-04-30 5 May 2018 2494480 Slime Time #4 Sadie Slime, temporal investigator. Slime Time , Collective Game , Slime , Slime Girl 2018-05-01 4 2478352 Warlord Quest #10 Jolly Coooperation Magnus consults Throth and sets out on a joint raid with Dagmar and his boi's Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-05-02 3 2501118 Warlord Quest #10.5 Jolly Cooperation Cont. Magnus continues on his journey with Dagmar and his increasingly cuntish boi's. Real life arises and OP's free time is slain Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-05-02 3 2493591 Hive World Governor Quest 2 Surviving an assassination attempt, we wake up to see our Hive gone to hell. We guide the separated forces of the Hive to take it back. PersonQM , 40k , Hive World Governor , Collective Game 2018-05-02 1 59266224 Planeforger IV: Pheroxa We rolled up a plane with dice, made a map, and created a post-phyrexian world with a twisted history that views yawgmoth more positively. Magic the Gathering , worldbuilding , Planeforger , MTG , art , phyrexia , yawgmoth , fluff , crunch 2018-05-02 4 59436349 Putting the Punk in Cyberpunk Discussion of new cyberpunk setting creation and keeping the "punk" element. cyberpunk , setting , worldbuilding 2018-05-04 3 2527956 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragonette Diplomat A look into Ryukusa's future encounters; dealing with family problems in the worst way and the best way. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-05-04 12 59468882 /tg/ makes a comfy setting In which many anons come together to create the comfiest possible setting, with plenty of emphasis on hearths and fireplaces. worldbuilding , comfy 2018-05-05 10 2504819 Artificer Quest Thread #22 ft MGFH The third AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. Enemy mercenaries are engaged, secrets are slowly unraveled, and a nightmare is unleashed. Artificer Quest , MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , Crossover , MGHandler , StorytellerQM 2018-05-07 22 2525599 A Tale of Monsters - Godling 10 Meeting the Demon Lord leads into our first visit to Throne Town. We end up making a mess while helping a little girl. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-05-07 2 2490138 The Greatest War #8 We shoot a bitch and it inspires fan art. Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2018-05-07 2 2531457 Magical Girl Noir Quest 311 A one-eyed magical girl finds a shocking surprise! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2018-05-08 10 2506080 The Sands of Nowhere Quest #2 You have found the lake that holds the memories of the dead, rescued some miners and found the last memory for the Ticking Mechanist. Sands of Nowhere , Story-focused , Adventure , Open-world 2018-05-09 1 2545065 Spooky Girl Quest #13 Alice finished her date with Zack and has an unexpected encounter. Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-05-10 1 2508478 World Tree: 1st Spring - 1st Night of Mosstone Night has arrived. Monday , World Tree , Skirmish 2018-05-11 2 2532442 Hive World Governor Quest 3 We secure the hive only for the Inquisition fortress to go nuclear. Then waifu wars part 2 PersonQM , 40k , Hive World Governor , Collective Game 2018-05-17 1 2548294 Slime Time #5 Monster hunters, Hunting monsters, and visitors from a higher plane. Slime Time , Collective Game , Slime , Slime Girl 2018-05-18 3 2539082 Artificer Quest Thread #23 ft MGFH The fourth AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. The Scourge, the Shadow, and the Sanctum. Artificer Quest , MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , Crossover , MGHandler , StorytellerQM 2018-05-19 23 2556159 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #106 In which we learn the postseason seedings and spend the day with Iris. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-05-20 4 2576825 A Tale of Monsters - Godling 11 A casual suggestion yields precious answers about our identity. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-05-24 4 2551431 World Tree: 1st Spring - 2nd Dawn of Mosstone Cranidyne makes a splash. Preparations for a new dat. Mission thread 3. Thread 1: Monday , skirmish , world tree 2018-05-26 1 2585942 Spooky Girl Quest #14 Alice deals with the after-effects of talking with Rot and goes to the mall. Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-05-28 2 59950336 What animal species do you have in your setting? Several anons come together to create several random creatures that anyone can steal for their fantasy settings worldbuilding , comfy , creature , fantasy , monster, 2018-05-30 3 59987035 Alternate Species Anons come together to describe and discuss Alternate Species to use in place of fantasy classics. Good for spicing up your worldbuilding. Alternate , Species , Race , Alternate Species , Alternate Race , Worldbuilding , Resource , Worldbuilding Resource 2018-05-30 1 June 2018 2576695 Hive World Governor Quest 4 We deal with a bunch of crap in the office and start building a kill team PersonQM , 40k , Hive World Governor , Collective Game 2018-06-02 1 2577676 Artificer Quest Thread #24 ft MGFH The fifth AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. With some spare time on hand, the team continues investigating the frigate and the final team arrives. Artificer Quest , MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , Crossover , MGHandler , StorytellerQM 2018-06-03 22 2594156 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #107 In which we show Josephina's Mom some Tankery. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-06-06 2 2622184 Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! Quest : 1 Dad handbooks should include how to talk to your daughter about the dangers of becoming a magical girl. Quest , Collective Game , HaikuDeluge , MG , Magical Girl , Shotgun Dad 2018-06-06 29 60128900 Techno-Barbarians Discussion, Examples & Worldbuilding Advanced technology but primitive culture. worldbuilding , setting , techno-barbarian , horizon zero dawn , schizo tech , space conan, 2018-06-07 3 2592669 Slime Time #6 Heists, unethical slime experiments, and farmland. Slime Time , Collective Game , Slime , Slime Girl 2018-06-07 2 60132302 /tg/ makes a pantheon Worldbuilding for a pantheon's worth of original deities for your fantasy games. worldbuilding , setting , pantheon , religion , deity , god , paladin , cleric , Prim Goddess of Apathy Undead and Junkfood, 2018-06-08 1 2625318 Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! Quest : 2 In which we do dad things - Remodeling, Family Talks, Grilling, and Killing Demons Quest , Collective Game , HaikuDeluge , MG , Magical Girl , Shotgun , Dad 2018-06-08 23 2627734 Dark Magical Girl Quest Dark Magical Girl Quest Dark Magical Girl Quest 2018-06-09 11 2611331 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 12 A fateful meeting, a glimpse into an anomalous world and a gentle night; our busy day isn't over yet. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-06-09 3 60146809 post-scarcity society theorization and worldbuilding A discussion on what how a post-scarcity civilization might work. setting , worldbuilding , post-scarcity , future , replicator , utopian , dystopian , fully automated luxury gay space communism, 2018-06-10 1 2596515 World Tree: 1st Spring - 2nd Afternoon: Battle of Mosstone We rest, recuperate and begin our attack with the sunrise. Previous mosstone threads archived under Monday, Skirmish, World Tree World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2018-06-11 2 2617700 Magical Girl Noir Quest 312 A one-eyed magical girl continues to avoid FunTimes (On-going) Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2018-06-11 6 2629825 Warlord: sidestory-oneshot Thallos the defiler adventures with ultraviolence. GuestQM. Warlord Quest , Warlord , Collective Game , Fantasy , Thallos 2018-06-11 5 2614247 Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #108 In which we spend some time with Oryola GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-06-12 3 2639338 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #3 In which we drink, acquire a haunted sword, meet other dads, and maybe start a mafia Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-06-14 25 2648573 Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! quest: 4 The first pieces of the legitimate business come together and the company's first hostile takeover. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-06-16 21 2644993 Spooky Girl Quest #15 Alice finishes her "Date" with Michael and talks with Rot and Friend. Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-06-18 2 2618113 Artificer Quest thread #25 ft MGFH In this thread we fight off the last team and their big axe wielding girls, kill a giant monster, And talk with Izumi about things. Artificer Quest , MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , Crossover , MGhandler , StorytellerQM 2018-06-18 21 2642506 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 13 Heart-to-heart with an angel ending on a good note, unfortunately, someone is trying to frame us... Never a dull moment! Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-06-19 3 2659994 Keeper of the Kingdom Key Quest #1 Mick Frost gets made into a hologram, given a Keyblade, and has a lot of questions. Kingdom Hearts , Disney World , Kingdom Key Quest , DiZ 2018-06-19 3 2635672 Lost in the Rain: Zombies, Rain, Tunnels, Trains A strange little thing finds Warmth in a cold and empty world. Bullying ensures. LITR , mitts , autisticzombiegirls 2018-06-19 10 2646930 Warlord Quest #11 Life in The Valley Arch Magnus returns! A mysterious woman is immediately boned and Magnus skates through a duel yet again Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-06-20 3 60272130 hivemind religions What kind of religious beliefs would a sentient eusocial species develop? worldbuilding , religions , hivemind , eusociality , aliens , species , missionaries , space vatican, 2018-06-21 -2 2660302 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #5 In which we make a deal with a dragon Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-06-22 22 2641818 Dark Magical Girl Quest #2 Akane further breaks and trains Chouko, but the thread is cut short by life. Dark Magical Girl Quest , Revenge , SpiderAnon , Corruption , Villain 2018-06-23 5 2667030 Keeper of the Kingdom Key Quest #2 After nearly getting murdered by the animatronics at It's A Small World, Mick battles the Horned King. Kingdom Hearts , Disney World , Kingdom Key Quest , DiZ 2018-06-24 2 2632296 The Greatest War #9 We finish off our battle, and the levity of Hauptmann's situation dawns. Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2018-06-27 6 60492600 Setting Worldbuilding "Moth Balls" Crazy mishmash of postapo, bio and cyberpunk, eldritch horrors, kaiju making a unique setting began settingbuilding , worldbuilding , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , grimdark , tax_holiday , moth_balls , megacorps 2018-06-27 5 2647303 Slime time #7 Meetings are had, positions are acquired, and constructions completed. Slime Time , Collective Game , Slime , Slime Girl 2018-06-28 1 60529899 Moth Balls The Third Funny/Disturbing Write-faggotry is deployed and some of Moth Balls' more bestial inhabitants are described. settingbuilding , worldbuilding , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , grimdark , tax holiday , moth balls , megacorps 2018-06-30 5 2683119 Spooky Girl Quest #16 Things build toward a conclusion and the dance approaches Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-06-30 2 2647716 World Tree: 1st Spring - 2nd Night: Battle of Mosstone Fika becomes a maid, Vickens plays boardgames, and two new classes are introduced after we take care of a moblin invasion. World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2018-06-30 2 2678398 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #6 Finally visit the in-laws, none of it goes well. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-06-30 22 July 2018 2672775 Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #108 In which we give a lecture. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-07-01 2 2664025 Artificer Quest Thread #26 ft MGFH The seventh AQxMGFH Crossover thread. Out of enemies to kill, all parties enjoy the remainder of their time in the Ruin before returning. Artificer Quest , MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , Crossover , MGHandler , StorytellerQM 2018-07-03 21 60587793 Moth Balls The Fourth Nations other than the US get a little screen time, the nature of the Mega-cities is discussed and the Cyber is put in Cyberpunk settingbuilding , worldbuilding , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , grimdark , tax holiday , moth balls , megacorps 2018-07-03 4 2682683 Warlord Quest #12. Bloody Crescent We improve our relationship with Urhost, claim a steed and begin the assault. Anon sees the future but cannot change his fate. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-07-05 3 60647720 Moth Balls the Fith More Beasties. More Writefaggotry. More Moth Balls. At least, until the thread is ended prematurely and shoved to /qst/ settingbuilding , worldbuilding , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , grimdark , tax holiday , moth balls , megacorps 2018-07-06 2 2706205 Warlord Quest #12.5 Brush with Death Magnus fights in the raid of crescent hall, performs his best Koolaid man impression, fights some more and very nearly bites it. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-07-08 3 2698672 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #7 In which we complete out visit to the in-laws, and things go to Hell Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-07-09 24 60665650 Conquered Hell Thread 3 /tg/ continues the discussion of the Conquered Hell thread, with a massive body of writing and ideas presented. Hell , Lore , Worldbuilding , Conquered Hell , Demons , Demon 2018-07-09 1 2701275 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 14 A duel is held and we quickly move to repair broken pieces afterward. Your fate with these girls is becoming intertwined... Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-07-09 1 2708135 Keeper of the Kingdom Key Quest #3 Short thread. Mick gets a clue about what the Overtakers are looking for. The hunt for the decoder slates begins... Kingdom Hearts , Disney World , Kingdom Key Quest , DiZ 2018-07-10 1 2692373 Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #110 In which Jeep Jockey arrives. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-07-11 2 60776161 Carthage-Inspired Punic Setting An anon comes to /tg/ for assistance on developing his rough sketch of an idea, receives /his/-tier discussion. Carthage , Canaan , Semitic Peoples , Sumer , Mesopotamia , worldbuilding , history 2018-07-11 3 2701298 Artificer Quest Thread #27 ft MGFH The eighth and final AQxMGFH crossover thread. Returning to Shirahoro, the team enjoys a day and night off before the end. Artificer Quest , MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , Crossover , MGHandler , StorytellerQM 2018-07-11 21 60776206 Building Grimdark Sci-Fi setting An an first seemingly failed attempt to create an engaging Sci-Fi setting. The subsequent sequel threads ended in disssaster. worldbuilding , grimdark , sci-fi 2018-07-12 0 60785125 Endless Hell Thread Further Worldbuilding for /tg/'s endless hell setting with links to previous threads worldbuilding , endless hell , hell , lore 2018-07-13 1 2716637 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #8 A small talk with Sue about the dangers of becoming aristocracy during daylight. Friendly Magical Girl fights at the quarry by Moonlight. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-07-16 22 2719724 Warlord sidestory: 2, its not a oneshot at all! Thallos is back, and visits a familiar face. warlord , collective game , ultra violence , fantasy 2018-07-17 2 60784267 Moth Balls The Sixth The Church and the Powers get more detail, we meet some more nasty beasties, including some Kaiju and more general miscellanea is described. settingbuilding , worldbuilding , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , grimdark , tax holiday , moth balls , megacorps 2018-07-18 3 2739695 Spooky Girl Quest #17 Halloween. The dance and the finale decision. This is the End of Spooky Girl Quest Spooky Girl , High school , possession , ghosts , goth , dark , Halloween , autumn , haunted 2018-07-20 3 2693954 World Tree: 1st Spring - 3rd Foray: The Black Pearl Yggdra's Roots deploy to defeat an ancient magus menace. Battle is had, friends are lost! World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2018-07-22 1 2751344 Monster Girl Legend Quest 29: KAIJU problems So turns out being big and living her dream isn't as easy as May thought it'd be. Ah well! no time to worry! time to be a STAR Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2018-07-22 7 2728218 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #111 In which Elodie does this and that. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-07-23 3 2756228 Lost in Da'ta Quest 13 In search of treasure, what sorts of terrors will Belua stumble onto under the earth, in this long forgotten tomb. Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-07-25 6 2756625 OVERLORD QUEST I Awaken, Master! Your slumber is ended, and it is time to conquer once more! Fantasy , Collective Game , Overlord , Dark Lord , Evil , Magic , Orange Juice 2018-07-25 1 2745617 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 15 We make great progress with our personal training, enjoy an evening with our friends only to end the night by reading a strange letter. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-07-27 2 2737556 Warlord Quest #13 A Beast of Iron, A Lady of the Wood Arch Magnus has a vision of a terrible warlord in the north. Cameera's blossom is planted and Magnus recieves big news Warlord Quest , Warlord , CursedQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-07-28 2 2753283 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #9 In which we guilt our sister into visiting, and things get just a touch crazier. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-07-29 20 2729876 Magical Girl For Hire #52: Home Sweet Home Miranda and the gang finally get back home, just in time for Miranda to find different duties await her there... MGFH , Magical Girl , Collective Game , MGHandler , mercenary 2018-07-29 20 August 2018 2747889 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #112 In which a certain someone arrives. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-08-02 2 61017447 New xeno races in 40k Ideas for new xeno races and factions in the 41st Millennium. worldbuilding , 40k , xenos , species , races , factions, 2018-08-02 1 61049924 Starblazers Setting Worldbuilding /tg/ makes a setting combining pulp scifi flash gordon retrofuturism and lovecraft. starblazers , worldbuilding , setting , flash gordon , retrofuturism , zeerust , cosmic horror , lovecraft , call of cthulhu, 2018-08-02 6 61049391 Moth Balls The Eight In which there are a series of long, in-character, religious arguments and a certain amount of dickwavery. Seventh thread died far too young settingbuilding , worldbuilding , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , grimdark , tax holiday , moth balls , megacorps 2018-08-02 2 2770968 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #10 In which we deal with the morning after, and fight a demon lord, and eat pizza Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-08-05 21 2765962 Warlord Quest #13.5 Dreams of Blood Magnus visits the villagers of the Wolves Belly and is pulled into a dream of ancient battle. Cursed is forced to leave, once again .( Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-08-08 2 61149136 fish people discussion and worldbuilding /tg/ brainstorms ideas for aquatic and amphibious sentient races. worldbuilding , ocean , aquatic , amphibious , species , races , deep ones , mermaids , underwater vore hell, 2018-08-11 1 2767976 Warlord sidestory: 3 The adventures of Thallos and son. I am dissapoint. Warlord Quest , Warlord , Collective Game , Fantasy , Thallos 2018-08-12 2 2767668 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #53 Settling the kids in and showing them around. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-08-13 22 2789222 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #11 In which we finish the pizza, have some very normal days at work, go drinking with our new assistant, and give a PSA about drugs. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-08-14 21 2792497 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 16 We attend a tea party, a contract is established, another pact is made. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-08-15 3 61483547 The Pudding Is All Gone /tg/ builds a sci-fi setting one sentence at a time. It ends as you'd expect. Worldbuilding 2018-08-18 0 2782573 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #113 The last day. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-08-18 2 61434851 creation myths of your setting /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds ideas for in-setting fictitious religions. worldbuilding , setting , pantheon , religion , gods , deities , creation myths , mythology, 2018-08-19 2 2810674 Lost Valyrian Quest 1 A start. Game of thrones , asoiaf , narrative , valyrian , girl , typhus 2018-08-21 3 61460915 /tg/ makes a hexmap - Mundane Edition Once again they attempt to create another world in a team effort with a hexmap, except this time there's no more ridiculous science-fantasy hexmap , worldbuilding , lore , fluff , medieval fantasy , fantasy 2018-08-21 1 2806271 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #12 In which we take our wife on a date, and find out it's mating season Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-08-22 22 61576895 /tg/ makes a hexmap - Mundane Edition Continuation In which they carry on, adding several new things. hexmap , worldbuilding , lore , fluff , medieval fantasy , fantasy 2018-08-24 1 2802242 Magical Girl For Hire #54 The kids try a simulated job. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-08-25 21 61556718 rogue homunculus civilization /tg/ worldbuilds a faction of unintentionally sentient, alchemically-created artificial lifeforms originally intended as a disposable army. golem , homunculus , frankenstein , undead , alchemy , species , steampunk , setting , worldbuilding , army , civilization, 2018-08-26 4 2815856 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #114 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Camp Gagetown GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-08-28 3 2832224 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 17 A sudden call for adventure leads us into human lands where we meet many interesting people and try our best to handle duties. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-08-31 2 September 2018 61552704 what happens to the supernatural world in event of AI apocalypse What happens to an urban fantasy in event of killer robots derails into worldbuilding Skynet as Ravenloft's newest Darklord. worldbuilding , robots , apocalypse , terminator , urban fantasy , ravenloft , setting , infinitely respawning John Conner is Skynet's Curse 2018-09-02 0 2852582 999 Quest SCP 999 awakens in a room, breaks out and meets a god and ends up making a bunch of friends where he goes. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , fucking wizards , cute , Magic 2018-09-02 18 61741595 Birth of gods A new god generator was made. Anons test it out. Game Ideas , World Building 2018-09-03 7 61752507 Birth of gods part 2 We continue the thread from where we left off. worldbuilding ensues. Game Ideas , World Building 2018-09-04 1 2831745 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #13 In which we deal with hormonal issues and witness the creation of a goddess. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-09-05 20 2846667 World Waifu Wrestling Stable Quest Time to put Battle to Bakas, as Vlad Dimmadone Shekelstein can you make your small town wanna be waifu wrestling show the Next Big Thing? collective game , waifu , wrestling , www , ironheart is best girl, 2018-09-05 2 61772790 Crafting a Setting 1 As Anons finish god creation, they start on the setting at large. Game Ideas , World Building 2018-09-05 2 2838695 Magical Girl for Hire #55 In this short thread, Miranda reminisces about beginners mistakes, then brings the kids over to HQ to meet Owlia. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-09-07 21 61824408 rng-worlbuilding thread 3 Anons try going deeper when it comes to biology and Daemonology. Thread has some results, but mostly lives trough lifesupport. roling table , creation table , worldbuilding 2018-09-09 0 2858976 Lost Valyrian Test II A lost Valyrian girl tries to find her way in the world Quest , Valyrian , girl , Typhus , Lost , awoiaf , a world of ice and fire , game of thrones , got 2018-09-10 2 2868472 999 Quest 2 999 successfully lands in the Arcadian domains, avoids getting eaten and meets some old friends, along with a mysterious stranger. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , SMT 2018-09-10 6 61936163 Cassette Futurism 4: Spooky 70s and Eerie 80s A fourth thread discussing retro-futuristic sci-fi aesthetics of the 1970s and 1980s, including interesting ideas for CF horror games. Surreal , Worldbuilding 2018-09-14 4 2866121 World Waifu Wrestling Stable Quest Your wrestling legacy continues as Iggy goes to the hospital and Ironheart goes to jail collective game , waifu , wrestling , www , ironheart is best girl, 2018-09-15 0 2868354 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #14 In which we host a barbeque and uncover a government conspiracy? Also, another rat fight. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-09-16 21 2870527 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #115 In which we spend a day relaxing before the match with JWC. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-09-17 3 61966611 Dwarven Subraces/Cultures A fantastically comfy and productive thread discussing all the flavors and permutations dwarves can have and some other interesting concepts Dwarf , Worldbuilding , Discussion , Lore , Resource , Dwarven , Subraces 2018-09-17 14 2888821 999 Quest 3 999 ends up in an alien realm of gold, meets up with his friends once more, and face down things not meant to be. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2018-09-19 5 2884043 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 18 Our investigative adventure is successful, we learn prodigious things about our new friend and inevitably needs to handle politics. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-09-19 2 2875199 Magical Girl For Hire #56: We Are (Not) A Babysitter We introduce some younger kids into the life of an Outgoer, and then set off on a job to be a servant to one. Life ain't grand sometimes. MGFH , Magical Girl , Collective Game , MGHandler , mercenary 2018-09-22 21 2899909 World Waifu Wrestling Stable Quest 3 You have your first paperview as a indie weeb wrestling show. collective game , waifu , wrestling , www , ironheart is best girl, 2018-09-27 1 2908760 999 Quest 4 999 and Dr Spanko get through the city's defensive systems, take down some unpleasant constructs, meet up with Blackwood and face pure evil 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Dr Spanko , Slenderman 2018-09-29 6 October 2018 2902261 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #15 In which we sort of catch up with and old friend, and just generally make sure things are ok. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-10-01 20 2906402 Magical Girl for Hire #57 Miranda gets her Fate/stay night on in a magical academy, helping her client get through a series of tests. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mnary, 2018-10-03 20 2936207 Let's Build A World A new world has been created, but we find it is a planet full of psychic niggers, hellfire catgirls, a plant/fungi collective and more! collective game , worldbuilding , dice , nigger , funny 2018-10-07 -2 2927237 Long Lost Stars #1 The tale of a horned girl wandering through eternal night. Of meetings and partings. Of trials, of seeking, and of dimming light. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-10-07 8 2940643 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 19 Who could have guessed this Moot would unravel a link to our past? Such tense moments aren't easy but thankfully, we managed to do good. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-10-08 2 2929894 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #116 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-10-11 4 2953993 A Quest of Adventure and Truth Come along for a journey through a fantasy land with the three adventurers, assorted anons, and LORD GRIMDARK and his demonic GRIMGOBLINS! collective game , worldbuilding , dice , funny , fantasy , gay, 2018-10-12 2 2915412 School of Conformity 1 Your only option is to Obey. Conform,Obey,Femdom,Girls 2018-10-12 3 2937736 School of Conformity 2 Your only option is to Obey. Conform,Obey,Femdom,Girls 2018-10-12 2 2939571 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #58 The first two tests, a side mission, and things aren't as simple as they appear. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-10-14 20 2946806 O5 Council Quest The O5 Council awakens in a reality that is not their own, meet a vampire, engage and secure horrors from beyond and get a new addition. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Interlude , Magic , vampires , O5 Council 2018-10-16 8 2956871 Magical Girl - Lovesick We are Nawakubi Hanano, an onee-san who just loves her brother too much. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magical Girl , Hairbrush, 2018-10-16 10 2955728 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #16 In which we have an encounter with a young man in our bedroom, and get involved in a legal discussion. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-10-16 22 2946268 Petty Conqueror Quest In the aftermath of an eldritch apocalypse, narcissistic monarchist mutant Malcardor Grey attempts to conquer the Himalayas Collective Game , Petty Conqueror Quest , Post-Apocalyptic , Eldritch , Warlord 2018-10-17 2 2972988 Magical Girl - Lovesick #2 Things doesn't go well for Nawakubi too fast... Collective Game , Fantasy , Magical Girl , Hairbrush 2018-10-18 8 62530908 Scripts and Snails This thread involved sharing humorous medieval manuscript margin drawings and then making them into world design. World Design , Fluff , Medieval , Manuscript , Snail , Snails , Rabbits , Knights, 2018-10-18 9 2932990 Overmaster Quest #1 No good deed goes unpunished. Or without a chance at redemotion fantasy , monsters , dungeon , overlord , 2018-10-21 1 2961643 Long Lost Stars #2 The hunters, and their prey. The will of those that came before. Wishes, and light. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-10-21 5 2955589 School of Conformity 3 Your only Option is to OBEY Conform,Obey,Femdom,Girls 2018-10-21 2 2979629 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 20 A troubling meeting is thankfully no herald of things to come. We enjoy well-earned reprieve to help our knight adjust with our life. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-10-25 3 2977432 Magical Girl - Lovesick #3 Nawakubi escapes a month of captivity, but on the other hand, QM disappears from existence. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magical Girl , Hairbrush 2018-10-25 3 2964024 Shovelhead Quest 1 Juan has a bad day and a worse night as his life takes a very strange, very bloody turn. Shovelhead Quest , Vampire , World of Darkness , Sabbat 2018-10-26 7 2965630 Magical Girl For Hire #59: Work Hard, Play Hard Miranda decides to take to training her client a bit. But the carnival waits for noone... MGFH , Magical Girl , Magical Girl for Hire , Collective Game , MGHandler , mercenary 2018-10-26 20 2968703 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #116 Part Two Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-10-27 3 2974452 Mahou Shoujo Response Unit Quest The journey of our protagonist Ichijou Sakurai begins with his first mission as a SWEAR operative! quest , Magical Girl , MSRUQ 2018-10-28 5 2988224 Mahou Shoujo Response Unit Quest #2 The adventure continues, battle with a certain lightning mahou shoujo. quest , Magical Girl , MSRUQ 2018-10-28 5 2984375 999 Quest 5 999 and company reunite with Vuindred once again, before venturing into a mentalscape and facing Abyssal vileness. Clone shenanigans ensue. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , fucking wizards , clones , Zelda 2018-10-28 4 2990465 School of Conformity 4 Your only option is to OBEY. Conform,Obey,Femdom,Girls 2018-10-31 3 November 2018 3006224 School of Conformity 5 Your only option is to OBEY. Conform,Obey,Femdom,Girls 2018-11-01 2 2993093 Shovelhead Quest 2 Juan adapts to his new life and family as he heads north on his first mission. Shovelhead Quest , Vampire , World of Darkness , Sabbat 2018-11-01 5 3016583 School of Conformity 6 The one the Nazi mods killed, thanks qst. Conform,Obey,Femdom,Girls 2018-11-01 0 2984390 Overmaster Quest #2 Landscape check in every sense of the word. A little overlording around dungeon , fantasy , overlord , monsters, 2018-11-01 1 62644239 The Long Shore The sun was replaced, oceans shrank, and now only the strongest and most bizarre can survive in the shallow seabed’s of this new world. Dwarf Fortress , Homebrew , Worldbuilding , Crabs , Elves , Sultanate , Salt Necromancy 2018-11-02 23 3005960 Where the Seas Lay Still The fires of a battle have you reborn. Where the Seas Lay Still , Collective Game , Scifi , Shipgirls 2018-11-02 1 62760862 Driag-Nahl Thread # 3 Continued work on the /k/raftworld of Driag-Nhal. More work done on backstory and stuff Eldar , Warhammer , Craftworld , Arts and Crafts , /k/ , Traps , Avatar is mad 2018-11-03 5 3001789 Long Lost Stars #3 Silkworm Quest! Silkworm Quest! Long Live Silkworm Quest! Broken light, lost hope. New meetings, new mysteries. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-11-04 4 62702904 world pitch: Ookraia The basics of the setting and how it was made worldbuilding 2018-11-04 3 2997953 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #17 In which we perform fatherly and brotherly actions to assuage the damaged hearts of various girls and women. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-11-04 20 3000444 Magical Girl For Hire #61 Miranda and Lysan take part in some carnival games. And then get games played on them. MGFH , Magical Girl , Magical Girl for Hire , Collective Game , MGHandler , mercenary 2018-11-04 20 3003878 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #116 Part Three Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-11-05 3 62637832 polytheistic america religion /tg/ devises a pantheon based on americana. americana , worldbuilding , pantheon , alternate history 2018-11-06 2 62871954 Only eight spells Only eight spells exist. Suggestions abound. magic , ideas , world building , wizard , spells 2018-11-07 1 62827250 Actaul Driag-Nahl Thread #3 More work is done on the Craftworld and friends. Kabals are fluffed up nicely Craftworld , Kabals , Mad Max , Backstabbing , Eldar 2018-11-09 2 3021773 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 21 Our day end in discovery, emotions and strengthened ties. Communications truly make for strong foundations. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-11-10 1 3006160 Mahou Shoujo Response Unit Quest #3 An ending to Detective Takahashi's sidestory. A thread unfortunately cut short. quest , Magical Girl , MSRUQ 2018-11-11 1 62828193 Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu A conjoined centaur gets some art, stats, and a nice greentext or two worldbuilding , pushmi-pullyu , doubletaur , monstergirls 2018-11-11 29 3036072 Fleet Maidens Quest Mahan wakes up, and gets situated on base. Fleet Maidens , PixelAnon , Kantai Collection , Shipgirls , Collective Game 2018-11-11 3 3031412 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #18 In which the party continues. And we encounter a faery circle. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2018-11-14 21 62964795 Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu part 2 A continuation of the previous thread, with further worldbuilding and several stories. worldbuilding , pushmi-pullyu , doubletaur , monstergirls 2018-11-16 27 3015589 Reluctant Werewolf Quest A boy with weird canid abilities and an even stranger guardian meets with his best friends, share in jokes, and foil a dark plot. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Werewolves , cliffhangers , OPIsMiserable 2018-11-16 -1 3034477 Shovelhead Quest 3 Juan and his pack attack the Camarilla semi-fortified outpost of Laredo, achieving victory with surprising ease. Things get spiritual. Shovelhead Quest , Vampire , World of Darkness , Sabbat 2018-11-17 3 3036521 Long Lost Stars #4 Things that mimic life, or live? Strange and stranger creatures. Strange and stranger places. The dreamer dreams of lost wonders. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-11-18 4 3025368 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #61.5 Thread marked #61 is actually #60, this is #61. Some reading, the Test of Mind, a not-date, and the start of Test of Might. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-11-18 20 63063309 Adorkable Dragon Part 3 Writefaggotry, worldbuilding, character interactions, and quirky quests in the world of this adorkable dragon. Dragons , Storytime , Worldbuilding , Campaign Ideas , Cute , Comfy , Dork 2018-11-19 22 63018295 Ratfolk (And Rabbitfolk) What is your preferred way to use ratfolk/rabbitfolk in your setting as a PC race, anons? Why do you like them so much? Ratfolk , rats , art , Skaven , Worldbuilding , brainstorming 2018-11-19 9 3024415 Overmaster Quest #3 We get our first hired lackey, and learn about the guardian of the Bazaar dungeon , fantasy , overlord , monsters , short, 2018-11-21 1 63073544 Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu Part 3 In this third thread, posters continue to brainstorm the origins of the Pushmi-Pullyu and many more stories by different authors are shared. worldbuilding , pushmi-pullyu , doubletaur , monstergirls , brainstorming , fae , magical creatures , fairytales , writing , greentext 2018-11-22 25 3031276 Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum - Neo #1 In which the quest is rebooted. Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum , Magical Girl , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , Witch 2018-11-23 2 3038813 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #117 In which the rules change. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-11-23 2 3061029 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 22 We hear a story of our past and proceed onto a busy day. Foreign Mamonos are here. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-11-29 2 63267863 Yughio Characters Work done on making a cast of Yughio characters, themes discussed and some contestants added. Yughio , Characters , World-building 2018-11-30 0 63266622 can a lack of humans work in a rpg setting? namefag asked some anons if such an act is possible. a lot of bug pics ensue. bugs , moths , no humans , humans , bugfolk , worldbuilding 2018-11-30 2 December 2018 63311777 Homebrew Thread Anon asks for links to good home brews. Tg obliges Homebrew , Worldbuilding , compilation 2018-12-03 8 63331889 Yughio Characters thread 2 bit of writefaggotry and a handful more characters made with minor talk about a side arc and ritual of ending the world. Yughio , Characters , World-building 2018-12-03 0 3063626 Metahuman Quest: Issue #26 Morgan continues his days of down time. Today, he talks about his feelings and gets a little closer to Donna. Quest , Metahuman Quest , Collective Game , DC , SleepyQM , Gray Ghost , Wonder Girl , Counselling 2018-12-04 5 63292437 Vikingr: the Stand Still Stay Silent RPG Lively discussion of the world of SSSS. PDF’s of Vikingr are shared, pictures are posted, and decision on who is the most best. Collective Fame , Homebrew , Worldbuilding , Troll , ideas , brainstorming , 2018-12-05 25 63326780 Island Pulp Adventure Discussion of how an island can be used in a pulp adventure game. The mysterious island, Lost World, and Jungle Opera Genre are discussed Worldbuilding , Brainstorming , Homebrew , Lost World , Pulp , Jungle Opera 2018-12-07 11 3055956 Magical Girl for Hire #62 We finally come to the last test of the mission, a classic fighting tournament. MGFH , Magical Girl , Magical Girl for Hire , Collective Game , MGHandler , mercenary 2018-12-07 20 3052360 999 Quest 6 999 and co land in a park, encounter mad mercs, face a demon car and meet up with an old acquaintance. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Zelda , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , SMT 2018-12-07 2 63403473 Yughio Characters thread 3 Talk about the cult and artifacts made, confusion is had, maybe possibly the end of the project.
Its purpose sinking into the sands of O Yughio , Characters , World-building 2018-12-08 0 3068668 Shovelhead Quest 4 The pack moves out from Laredo. Short thread. Shovelhead Quest , Vampire , World of Darkness , Sabbat 2018-12-08 1 3065861 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #118 In which we get some help. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-12-09 2 3078769 Long Lost Stars #5 Doubt and uncertainty. An answer, a wish. An ending that can't be reached. Tonight too, the dream marches on. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-12-09 4 3060774 Overmaster Quest #4 short session about learning new magics, and getting new friends, dungeon , fantasy , overlord , monsters, 2018-12-10 1 3099245 Sentient Weapon Quest - 1 A NEET who died from a random truck accident finds himself as an ancient spear, deep within a dungeon. Collective Game , Fantasy , Adventure , Another World , Isekai , Sentient Weapon Quest , SeaUrchin 2018-12-17 1 3108813 One Piece: Broken Chains Mako escapes slavery and makes some friends OP has internet problems One piece , Fishman , Early Archive 2018-12-20 1 3095945 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #119 The match begins. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-12-22 2 3096345 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #63 Finishing the tournament, and finishing the job. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2018-12-22 20 3110547 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 23 A dream herald a very busy day. Machinations are unraveling, are we making the right choices? Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-12-24 5 63599494 Sector Creation Thread 1 /tg/ begins the first of many threads to make another Sector for the Imperium to collect Tithe from, beginning with a Toxic Agriworld 40k , Rolls , Planets , Agriworld , Forbidden , Inquisition , Poisons , SCIENCE 2018-12-28 2 3127729 Long Lost Stars #6 New wishes fall to frozen earth. Night grows darker, and hunger threatens their light. A meeting with a young star. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-12-28 2 3095262 999 Quest 7 999 and friends, led by Stephen, enter a bizarre 'network' reality and face a fierce angel. They then meet some not too pleasant werewolve 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Stephen Hawking , SMT , Werewolf The Forsaken 2018-12-29 1 3142356 Card Priestess Masami Quest, The Christmas Special! Where we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Collective Game , Card Priestess Quest , Card Priestess Masami Quest , Magical Girl , Original Setting , Female Protagonist , Cute , Continuation 2018-12-30 1 January 2019 63786389 Lizards vs Wizards ideas are thrown about on how to improve a “Lizards vs Wizards” game Collective Game , Worldbuilding , Homebrew , brainstorming , ideas , silly 2019-01-02 11 3125252 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #64 Errands back at the Intersection. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-01-02 21 63632103 Lizard-verse Creating a world where only reptilian beings exist to reach civilization. Collective Game , Worldbuilding , Homebrew , brainstorming , ideas , Lizard , Turtle 2019-01-03 4 3128256 Magical Girl Revenge Quest 1 Junko wakes up with a revenge in mind, saved her mother, hobo-ing at the yatch and welcomed by one of the richest man in the city. Magical Girl , Villain , Corruption , Revenge , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-01-06 14 3147229 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 24 We find important information, an opportunity... that we have to let go. It's easier to earn forgiveness than asking permission, right? Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-01-06 2 3153268 Fleet Maidens Quest #4 Short thread. Mahan goes to sickbay and talks a lot. Fleet Maidens , PixelAnon , Kantai Collection , Shipgirls , Collective Game 2019-01-06 2 3140129 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #120 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics (PART ONE) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-01-07 5 3152304 Early World Quest We awake in a plain, go to a forest, and then follow a guy to a river village. Early World Quest 2019-01-07 2 3119500 An Exalted Game! Prologue Part 1/? Sinbad in the making. Starting in a trade city in the south.
Exalted Quest , Sinbad , Brown Girls , Collective Game, 2019-01-11 0 3149224 Magical Girl For Hire #65 Miranda finishes up her errands, gets to know a new item, and gets stinking drunk. The sudden lost of a lot of motes means job time! MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-01-13 20 3159298 Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! #19 In which we encounter Actually Satan. And he's not that bad a guy? Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2019-01-16 20 3156773 Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2 Where we stole a journal, killed a boss shadow, prevent a kidnapping and then tortured and converted a new minion. We also stole a muffin. Magical Girl , Villain , Corruption , Revenge , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-01-17 10 3170459 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 25 We fight and triumph; later, a friend make a precious offer. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-01-19 2 3173070 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #121 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics (PART TWO) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-01-24 2 3155153 999 Quest 8 999 and co enter the woods, being led to the grounds of the local wolf pack. As expected, things end poorly, in tides of flesh & bone. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Werewolf: The Forsaken 2019-01-25 1 64088456 Biotech/Biomechanics Worldbuilding /tg/ discusses organic technology. biotechnology , biomechanics , genetic modification , cloning , biomancy , fleshcrafting , posthuman , transhuman , bionicle , worldbuilding , setting 2019-01-26 2 3176457 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #66 We fight more shadows, help bears fight shadows, upgrade a disused weapon, and show why monologuing is a bad idea. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-01-27 20 64206468 Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu Part 4 The fourth thread. Posters brainstorm new characters, campaign ideas, and some new stories are shared (including the start of a novella). worldbuilding , pushmi-pullyu , doubletaur , brainstorming , fae , magical creatures , fairytales , writing , greentext 2019-01-29 25 3185233 Magical Girl Revenge Quest 3 Junko trains with Mary, Yuu smash, kills shadow, chased by shadow and saved by Okada. Then vacation and Mary bizzare adventures. Also Drama! Magical Girl , Villain , Corruption , Revenge , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-01-30 8 3204867 Magical Girl Lovesick: Another Red String The being that is Hanano Nawakubi returns. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magical Girl , Magical Girl Lovesick , Yandere , Hairbrush 2019-01-31 2 3204875 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #66.5 Q&A thread, including discussion about the learning/upgrade system. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-01-31 20 February 2019 3220949 Magical Girl Lovesick: Episode Mordred We follow the mishmashed being that is Mordred. We gain two maids too. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magical Girl , Magical Girl Lovesick, , Hairbrush 2019-02-04 1 3231768 Episode Mordred #2 Maids are nice!~ Collective Game , Fantasy , Magical Girl , Magical Girl Lovesick, , Hairbrush 2019-02-07 1 3218112 Magical Girl For Hire #67 Miranda meets an overeager archer, hears news of a regime change, meets a pair of elite lizard warriors, and fights berserker elves. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-02-11 20 3226528 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #122 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics (PART THREE) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-02-11 2 64518341 Night of the Lively Dead - tales from the tombcity /tg/ worldbuilds a city-state populated entirely by miscellaneous varieties of undead. undeadtopia , setting , worldbuilding , city-state , undead , zombies , liches , vampires , paladin hate crimes, 2019-02-11 3 3247038 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #123 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics (PART FOUR) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-02-13 2 3229771 Magical Girl Revenge Quest 4 In which we have a heart to heart talk with our best friend, corrupt our ex-teammates and became our minion. Also things about to go down. Magical Girl , Villain , Corruption , Revenge , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-02-13 9 3209710 999 Quest 9 999 and company face down Varis in a final fight, but casualties are had, and Blue is down 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Werewolf: The Forsaken 2019-02-15 1 3254404 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 26 Having to indulge a fox is almost becoming a habit. Thankfully nothing else impede our well deserved day off... right? Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-02-17 1 3275148 Fate Character Creation Fate Character Creation for a later game. Ended up making American Airline Eleven-Chan and Rasputin becoming the chosen Servant. American Airlines Eleven-Chan , REDthunderBOAR , Fate 2019-02-21 1 3252162 Magical Girl For Hire #68 “Push me closer! I want to kick them with my giant rabbit feet!” MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-02-21 20 64808673 Conspiracy Theories A collection of conspiracy theories for use in games conspiracy theories , resource , Worldbuilding 2019-02-24 3 3271963 Magical Girl Revenge Quest 5 Prelude to Final Battle. Junko plays a game, saves a friend, and reunites with family. Short thread. Magical Girl , Villain , Corruption , Revenge , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-02-25 8 64763346 Hollow Knight RPG Tg gets buggy with hollow knight Collective Game , Worldbuilding , homebrew , Hollow Knight , Bug 2019-02-26 15 March 2019 3281235 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #20 In which we make a lot of phone calls, some involving gods and others who should be long dead. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2019-03-01 17 3274425 Starlost Quest After 5 months alone on a damaged spaceship, our hero jumps at the opportunity to land at a giant wandering spaceship. space , sci-fi , psi , psychic , starlost, 2019-03-02 2 3300768 Warlord Quest 14:Short and continued Magnus awakes in the valley and engages in some arm wrestling to prove a point Arch Magnus , Warlord Quest , CursedQm , Fantasy , Collective game , Command , Role Play 2019-03-06 2 3286838 The Greatest War Quest 12 Jäger returns from the French lines, reunites with Siegfried and Hauptmann and sets out on Operation Gottzunge after resting with Nixie. Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2019-03-06 3 3270636 999 Quest 10 999 and a now-braver Red dive into the very soul of Blue to save him, but find something wholly unwanted. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-03-06 1 3287541 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #69 Talking with spiders, a sidequest for books, and the rat city. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-03-08 21 3297964 Magical Girl Revenge Quest 6 A boss shadow fight with a surprising reward, The truth is revealed to friends and family, problems arise, A magical girl's trap backfires. Magical Girl , Villain , Corruption , Revenge , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-03-08 8 3310580 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #124 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics (PART FIVE) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-03-10 2 3318685 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #21 In which we talk to more gods and generally prepare for battle. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2019-03-11 8 65094051 tectonics first worldbuilding jump to post no. 65100177 for an easy to follow process worldbuilding , tectonics , unemployment , wasted degree 2019-03-13 1 3321250 Warlord Quest 14. 1:Shorter and continueder Magnus takes a short walk and visits some old friends. Arch Magnus , Warlord Quest , CursedQm , Fantasy , Collective game , Command , Role Play 2019-03-17 1 3324140 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #70 Finally testing the Gauntlets, and a little more backstory. These are completely unrelated. Also investigating a warrior Blackweb. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-03-17 20 3353948 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2: Epilogue In which we say goodbye. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-03-18 5 65177142 What do YOU romanticize in your settings? A thread discussing what we romanticize in our settings and what elements of storytelling we find most comfy. worldbuilding , storytelling , romanticism , brainstorming,discussion , themes , ideas , settings 2019-03-19 9 3345432 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 27 We jump into a desperate fight for survival against foes assailing the entirety of the Demon Lord fortress. Saving lives isn't easy. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-03-20 1 3338532 Magical Girl Revenge Quest 7 The Final Countdown. The fallout from the previous night, Junko gets a check-up, A potential new ally appears, The team gets back together. Magical Girl , Villain , Corruption , Revenge , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-03-21 8 3321529 The Greatest War #13 Jäger finds out the secret of the Uhermacher, and his newly formed unit run into EXCAL. Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2019-03-23 2 3325514 999 Quest, A Blue Sky Blue awakens within an abstract void, fights against some broken shades, meets a man in red and faces a bunch of really nasty spiders. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , SMT , Destiny , motherfucking darkness 2019-03-26 1 3363276 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #22 In which we deal with several people and watch TV, in preparation for going in on the rats. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2019-03-27 6 3357954 Magical Girl For Hire #71 Taking care of an ambitious spider, letting Gartoum do his thing and recruiting for our spider's coup d'etat MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-03-30 21 April 2019 3392436 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 28 The assault on the Demon Lord fortress has ended. Things have changed, is her fairytale truly over? Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-04-05 3 3380696 Magical Girl Revenge Quest 8 Sachiko strikes back, A dangerous rescue for a new ally, More rescues, More answers, An intervention, and Junko an Yuu dance the night away Magical Girl , Villain , Corruption , Revenge , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-04-05 5 65451378 Chimerae Galore Anons name three random animals and write feasibly fantastical monsters out of them. worldbuilding , monsters , chimera , fantasy 2019-04-06 3 3402787 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #23 In which we talk to people as part of continuing preparations. Dear god, these threads are getting shorter and shorter. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2019-04-12 6 3392457 Magical Girl For Hire #72 Short thread, we start figuring out a flamethrower spell, check in with Carrang, and listen to her ramblings. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-04-12 20 3400249 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl Quest! APRIL FOOLS! In which we ask about our dad in an April Fool's future Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad , April Fools 2019-04-13 5 3416737 Magical Girl Revenge Quest 9 Junko teams up with Arc, Battles with Natalya, Some interrogation, and Junko receives an unwelcomed house guest Magical Girl , Villain , Corruption , Revenge , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-04-17 5 65610037 Making better monsters and people Anons create a bunch of races and monsters based on living and extinct animals, speculative evolution and some alien influences World building , Original , Dinosaurs , Races , Monsters , Evolution , Discussion 2019-04-17 6 65759207 Fractured Singularity Thread 1 Work begins on the world of Fractured Singularity, home to the advancement obsessed ISA and the rather tech-conservative Jovian Federation Fractured Singularity , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Human-centric , Space , Transhumanism , Setting , ISA , Jovian Federation, 2019-04-21 11 3452594 Magical Girl Revenge Quest 10 The finale to magical girl revenge quest and epilogues. Magical Girl , Villain , Corruption , Revenge , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-04-26 5 3431273 Magical Girl For Hire #73 Miranda gets a new accessory, Gartoum meets our clients, and we meet Topi and Bechel, bounty hunters extraordinaire! MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-04-28 20 65900619 Noble vampires /tg/ discusses how vampires could work as actual functional feudal lords Vampires , Worldbuilding, 2019-04-29 2 65850840 Fractured Singularity Thread 2 Work continues on the world of Fractured Singularity. Factions fleshed out, micro fiction written, sample locations proposed and more. Fractured Singularity , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Human-centric , Space , Transhumanism , Setting , ISA , Jovian Federation, 2019-04-29 2 May 2019 3446409 NatRP Game3 Part1 NationsRP game 3 part 1 of ? NatRP , NationsRP , World building , Civ building 2019-05-01 1 65960580 Realms of Lord Killblood Deathbane A fairly metal science-fantasy setting with battlemutants and hover-longship riding void-vikings. Lord Killblood Deathbane , Fantasy , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Science Fantasy , World Building , brainstorming , Brainstorming , mutant , 2019-05-03 14 3447696 Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Magical Girl! Quest: #24 In which we perform hig-priestly duties, despite claiming we are in no way a high priest, despite what everyone says. Shotgun Dad , Shotgun , HaikuDeluge , Quest , MG , Magical Girl , Dad 2019-05-04 5 3447922 999 Quest 11-11.5 999 awakens in the dark, frees Red and helps Blue in his fight, and finally strikes down the dark. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , fucking demons 2019-05-04 1 66019519 The Last House OP writes of a dark place. Horror , World Building 2019-05-05 2 65973574 Fractured Singularity Thread 3 Our collaborative creation expands, further filling the lore with micro-factions, defined technologies, and more. Fractured Singularity , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Human-centric , Space , Transhumanism , Setting , ISA , Jovian Federation, 2019-05-06 3 3441738 An evening with Lex Luthor The Call Girl from Metropolis adventures begin with an encounter with Lex Luthor and Superman Collective Game , Call Girl Quest , DC , Lex Luthor , Superman , Metropolis 2019-05-06 2 66107232 The Last House 2 Discussion continues slowly on The Last House. Horror , World Building , The Last House 2019-05-09 1 3463915 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #74 Telling lies to dumb driderkids, meeting and defeating Khaom, yet another drider prisoner, and where's that big black portal thing going to MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-05-10 20 66202771 Radon and Raiders (working title) A follow up on the apocalyptic cavalry thread, where anons continue to fluff out a medieval radioactive England and the things living in it Setting , world building , post-apocalypse , medieval 2019-05-15 61 3476658 NatRP Game3 Part2 NationsRP game 3 part 2 of ? NatRP , NationsRP , World building , Civ building 2019-05-15 1 3507592 Strike Mech '90 The elite, international mercenary company, Edgeline, engages in operations in Cameroon using their combat mechs. Mecha , mercenary , war , combat , TimeKiller , Strike Mech , Strike mech 90 , cyberpunk , retro-future , 1990s , 1980s , World War Three , WWIII 2019-05-17 8 3487423 Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest 1 A villain goes undercover as a teacher to deal with a team of incompetent, destructive magical girls while working to build his dream mecha Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest , CorruptorQM , Magical Girl , Villain , Robots , Teacher , Superscience 2019-05-18 6 66255181 Radon and Raiders 2 Creating of a radioactive feudal Britain from the 50s continues, now with more mutants! Setting , post-apocalypse , medieval , world building 2019-05-18 40 3469312 The Call Girl’s Adventures in Metropolis (And other places): 1 The call of the Penguin Collective Game , Call Girl Quest , DC , Penguin , Metropolis 2019-05-18 0 66288903 Radon and Raiders the Third Anons continue to develop the medieval radioactive isles, as wars are fought and maps are made Post apocalypse , setting , world building , medieval 2019-05-19 40 66321936 Radon and Raiders IV Anons continue to build a radioactive medieval Britain, now featuring more raiders and SAS fighting wizards in radioactive hellholes Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building 2019-05-23 37 66379684 Radon and Raiders V Anons continue work on medieval irradiated Britain, as a religious schism occurs and lighthouse duty is a death sentence Medieval , post apocalyptic , setting , world building 2019-05-27 34 3499038 Magical Girl For Hire #75 Miranda and Izumi cheat to kill- ahem, Miranda and Izumi pragmatically resolve the situation with Lord Kolm with minimal loss. Explosively. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-05-27 20 3497897 O5 Council Quest 2 O5-10 alongside O5-4 entertain some very strange and very dangerous lunch guests. Things get even weirder when a mage brings terrible news. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Magic , fucking wizards , Interlude , O5 Council , Nobilis 2019-05-28 3 66435735 Radon and Raiders VI Anons continue to work on medieval irradiated Britain. Setting , world building , Medieval , post apocalyptic , setting , world building 2019-05-28 32 3526616 Strike Mech '98 #1 Eight years after the slaughter at Barnake, we join Sparks and Reznick at the start of a new chapter in Edgeline's history. Mecha , mercenary , war , combat , TimeKiller , Strike Mech , Strike mech 90 , cyberpunk , retro-future , 1990s , 1980s , World War Three , WWIII 2019-05-31 2 66458350 Radon and Raiders VII Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as railway guns are worshipped and the Welsh fight a war for the rails Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building 2019-05-31 32 June 2019 3519322 Incompetent Magical Girls Quest 2 Otto schemes his way into owning a mining company, starts an RC car destruction derby, begins work on the mech,& the team shows improvement. Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest , CorruptorQM , Magical Girl , Villain , Robots , Teacher , Superscience 2019-06-01 4 3496847 The Greatest War #14 Jäger begins his engagement against EXCAL Greatest War , LukaLuu , World War 1 , Grim , Collective Game 2019-06-01 2 66521629 Radon and Raiders VIII Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as rad-wizards are cloaked, giants roam, and Ireland is paranoid. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-06-07 31 66593561 Dwarven Lore and Culture Thread /tg/ comes together to write out fluff and lore for dwarves! A useful resource for anyone worldbuilding or playing as a dwarf! Dwarf , Dwarves , Dwarven , Lore , Fluff , Worldbuilding , Oddly comfy, 2019-06-12 0 3534271 Magical Girl For Hire 76 Doing various things in The Intersection and going on a run with the two bots. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-06-12 20 66636388 Raiders and Radon IX Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As prompts are made and Turingists are examined. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-06-13 31 66728292 What would the world be like if it went the My Hero Academia route Anon asks what What would the global socio-political arena look like if things went the MHA route, high quality discussion happens MHA , world creation , My Hero Academia 2019-06-13 2 3558983 Strike Mech '98 #2 Sparks makes a date with Sheila, Reznick gets to know his team, and the mission at El Gancho gets underway Mecha , mercenary , war , combat , TimeKiller , Strike Mech , Strike mech 90 , cyberpunk , retro-future , 1990s , 1980s , World War Three , WWIII 2019-06-14 2 3545196 NatRP Game3 Part3 NationsRP game 3 part 3 of 3 NatRP , NationsRP , World building , Civ building 2019-06-15 1 3550940 Incompetent Magical Girls Quest 3 Otto goes on a date, builds some things for Hifumi, deals with some familiar investigators, and starts up a new class project. Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest , CorruptorQM , Magical Girl , Villain , Robots , Teacher , Superscience 2019-06-17 4 3562452 Mortal Kombat: Champion of Outworld Satsujin competes in the mortal kombat ternament to pretect outworld from the fallen thunder god raiden and his army of earthrealm warriors Collective Game , Champion of Outworld Quest , Action , Mortal Kombat 2019-06-17 1 66715619 Interesting Warlock Deals /tg/ asks for original and interesting premises for warlock deals and their payments. worldbuilding , magic , plot hooks , deal with the devil , warlocks , the house always wins, 2019-06-18 6 66739109 Raiders and Radon X Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as Numbers Stations broadcast in the Zone. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-06-19 31 66727157 religions of the future /tg/ worldbuilds fictitious religious and/or cult beliefs in an attempt at predicting the future. worldbuilding , pantheon , religion , deity , deities , god , gods , future , setting, 2019-06-20 -2 3549501 999 Quest 12 999 wakes up, catches up with the others and gets some food, before dealing with crazy clowns and crazier spiders. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , Magic 2019-06-23 1 66842550 Raiders and Radon XI Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the Scotland zone warps itself and the London Swamp dragon hides in the sewer. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-06-25 31 66942901 GM asks for advice on his calander An INSANE level of detail on orbital mechanics, tidal mechanics for a fantasy world worldbuilding 2019-06-26 2 3575114 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #77 Getting acquainted with this world and its inhabitants. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-06-27 20 3588776 Strike Mech '98 #3 Scythe Team is dispatched for the fighting in Mexico Mecha , mercenary , war , combat , TimeKiller , Strike Mech , Strike mech 90 , cyberpunk , retro-future , 1990s , 1980s , World War Three , WWIII 2019-06-28 2 66946028 Raiders and Radon XII Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the Red Army marches eternally and Turing Radicals manipulate their flesh. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-06-30 30 July 2019 3585104 Mortal Kombat: Champion of Outworld #2 satsujin competes in the next round of the tournament and gets some help facing some unexpected foes Collective Game , Champion of Outworld Quest , Action , Mortal Kombat 2019-07-01 4 3589213 Puella Magi Stalingrad Quest Episode 1 Katya, an orphan, finds herself caught up in the world of magical girls during the Battle of Stalingrad and draws the eye of the incubator. Puella Magi Stalingrad Quest , Magical Girl , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , WWII , Stalingrad , Stalin 2019-07-03 4 3600855 (Slightly) Incompetent Magical Girl Quest 4 Otto heads in to the PTA meeting and finally meets Hifumi’s father. Short thread. Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest , CorruptorQM , Magical Girl , Villain , Robots , Teacher , Superscience 2019-07-03 1 3604865 A Tale of Monsters - Lullaby (29) Our story resume in a very small land of souls. We make a new friend, we seek those close to us in a place of emotions. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-07-05 1 67033338 Raiders and Radon XIII Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the Fomorian leader Balor was once a cosmonaut whose helmet holds back his gaze. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-07-06 31 67020685 Hollow Knight RPG Discussion on the Hollow Knight RPG with links to the pdf’s. Hollow Knight , discussion , worldbuilding , homebrew 2019-07-06 5 3622314 Strike Mech '98 #4 The mission at El Gancho is concluded, tempers flare and crew let their guard down. A colelctive 'letting off of steam' Mecha , mercenary , war , combat , TimeKiller , Strike Mech , Strike mech 90 , cyberpunk , retro-future , 1990s , 1980s , World War Three , WWIII 2019-07-06 1 3603685 Magical Girl For Hire #78 Blowing up a secret laboratory on our second mission for Aegis, we meet some of the locals. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-07-11 20 67124296 Radon and Raiders XIV Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the conflicts within Ireland are hammered out more clearly. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-07-11 31 3622508 Puella Magi Stalingrad Quest Episode 2 Katya saves a rival magical girl and deals with the reaction from her friends. Puella Magi Stalingrad Quest , Magical Girl , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , WWII , Stalingrad , Stalin 2019-07-12 3 3617720 Magical Contractor Quest 1 Octavian leads Alice away from her cult’s farm to form a contract with her. The pair set out on the road, work on magic, and fight a monster Magical Contractor Quest , Magical Girl , Familiar , Octavian 2019-07-12 4 67202225 combination monster bestiary /tg/ designs weapons for when wizards with owlbear-tier magics capable of combining animals to create new monsters fight a biotech war. monsters , worldbuilding , owlbears , chimera , body horror , umbrella corporation , wizards , no sense of right and wrong, 2019-07-13 7 67213231 Dramatic Dame Duelists OP presents the idea of a setting where honor duels among highborn ladies have evolved into dramatic spectacles of swordplay and pageantry. worldbuilding , brainstorming , nobles , royalty , swordplay , sword fighting , sport , martial arts , lady knights 2019-07-13 20 67205326 Radon and Raiders XV Work on radioactive medieval England continues, as Cornwall gets some attention and the Loch Ness Monster lurks about Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , radon and raiders 2019-07-14 31 67213307 Stranded at a Sci-Fi Desert Outpost in an abandoned mining station on a desolate desert planet, a stranded crew of spacers must endure a harsh environment and the paranormal. Horror , sci-fi , brainstorming , oneshot , worldbuilding , eldritch entities , paranormal , supernatural , outer space , space ship , space station 2019-07-15 24 3612928 999 Quest 13 The battle to save Red and Blue rages on, complete with the addition of several new allies, and 999 gains some new powers for his troubles. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-07-18 1 67247308 Radon and Raiders XVI Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as battle lines are drawn and we see the difference between Touched and Turned. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-07-19 30 3659133 Magical Contractor Quest 2 Octavian defuses a fight, Alice gets some practice with her powers, goes on a shopping trip, and we stumble upon a monster in a small town. Magical Contractor Quest , Magical Girl , Familiar , Octavian 2019-07-26 2 67345810 Radon and Raiders XVII Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as the central kingdoms have politics and Cheyenne is mysterious. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-07-26 30 67354155 /tg/ presents their knights A discussion about chivalry, knights and how to properly worldbuild them, complete with large numbers of original example characters. knights , chivalry , worldbuilding, 2019-07-28 2 3658718 Magical Girl For Hire #79 Short thread, where Miranda tries blind fighting in the pit and going on errands for local Scrappers. MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler 2019-07-29 20 3687743 Warlord Quest #15: A return to Arms Magnus returns to the Valley of the Moon, upgrades his shield a bit and ventures off to reclaim a ancient fortress Arch Magnus,CursedQm,Collective Game , Warlord quest , collective game , Fantasy 2019-07-30 2 3669591 Super Robot Pilot Thing #10 Space cowboy Fester Winchester kills some mecha beasts with his new friend, space cop Jester Frenks. notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-07-30 1 67510490 Industrial World Ecology and Geography Anons speculate on what the ecosystem and geology of a 10000 year old industrial world would be like worldbuilding , sci fi 2019-07-31 8 August 2019 67477623 Radon and Raiders XVIII Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As some small history is made and recapped, and weapons stats are started. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-08-01 32 67396007 how to improve necrons /tg/ discusses how to improve necron fluff and stats. necrons , worldbuilding , backstory , tomb kings , mondasian cybermen, 2019-08-02 5 67577808 Raiders and Radon XIX Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as more stats are listed, maps are finished, and Nessie and Champ could meet. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-08-07 32 67744810 Lego Space 1995 Anon proposes a sci-fi setting based on old Lego Space sets. Worldbuilding and decade old additions come to light. Lego , worldbuilding , epic , Sci-Fi 2019-08-11 9 3680441 999 Quest 14 999 and allies continue a frantic battle against an unfathomable evil,new tactics are created, and 999 enters the belly of the beast. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , fucking wizards , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-08-11 1 3706668 Warlord Quest 15.5: The Gathering Storm Magnus and Co. venture to the fortress of Grimspear to confront a growing threat. Magnus punks out a ancient god and becomes Thor Arch Magnus , Warlord Quest , CursedQm , Fantasy , Collective game 2019-08-11 1 67616337 What if Warhammer 40k was a french production ? OP asks /tg/ what 40k would look like if the french made it. A lot of old french /tg/ content & art are then brought up for discussion 40k , Sci fi , Awesome , Metal Hurlant , French , Old School , discussion , Lore , knights , Tanks 2019-08-11 14 3702767 Magical Contractor Quest 3 Alice defeats a monster, saves a woman, and convinces Octavian to form a contract with her. Magical Contractor Quest , Magical Girl , Familiar , Octavian 2019-08-12 5 3713942 Super Robot Pilot Thing #11 Jester fucking dies notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-08-12 1 3739270 Warlord Sidestory #4 Restless Dreams Thallos the Defiler makes his way further north in search of his fate. Fury sees him through a hellish dreamscape where he accepts his past Thallos , Warlord Quest , Warlord Sidestory , Collective Game , Nongent , Fantasy 2019-08-12 1 3699759 Magical Girl For Hire #80 Miranda ends things with the Scrappers, and returns to her ACTUAL job to get promptly chewed out and punished. We turn lemons into lemonade. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-08-14 20 67709083 Radon and Raiders XX Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as some maps are finalized, mapmakers wander, and a Balor statue is made. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-08-15 30 67858598 Radon and Raiders XXI Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as NPC’s are made and the Wire Weed grows in the Industrial Zone. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-08-28 31 3748238 Magical Contractor Quest 4 The girls have a fairly quiet day. Jeanette gets to know her new abilities. Alice uses her strange magic on Alonso. Alice gets a family. Magical Contractor Quest , Magical Girl , Familiar , Octavian 2019-08-29 2 September 2019 3745994 Magical Girl For Hire Quest #81 In this short thread, we discover Prima is Magic!(al), test Owlia's universal communicator, and prepare for the next mission. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-09-02 20 3768904 Strikers 2016 Reboot 15+Merlin Quest We play a day in the life of Best Aunt while Ghost gets back in the swing of things, and get settled in on the USS George H.W. Bush. GhostDivision , Strike Witches 2016 , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Strike Witches 1989 , Merlin Quest 2019-09-02 11 3747555 Super Robot Pilot Thing #12 Shenanigans happen as Space Pirate Edward is assailed by voices in his head. notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-09-07 1 3752566 999 Quest 15 999 finally fights against the core of the anomaly, alongside Red and Blue, with them pooling all their strength as one, for the last clash. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Magic 2019-09-07 0 68095390 Halls of Bardoz 1 TG makes a ex-dwarf fort dungeon dwarf,Dwarf Fortress,dungeon,worldbuilding 2019-09-08 5 3762509 World Tree : The Boughs The manor is assaulted and we encounter Fithson, keeper of hunts. World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-09-08 0 68056499 Radon and Raiders XXII Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as both the Industrial Zone and Horned Men are fleshed out. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-09-10 25 68113304 The battle of Damnatum Lutum, part 4 With winter rolling in and the Tau having settled down, the anons of the thread worldbuild with some giant battles on the side 40k , writefaggotry , world building , IG , Eldar , Tau , Rogue Trader , Chaos , Orks , Imperial Fists , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition 2019-09-10 6 68099411 /tg/ original superheroes and superpowers /tg/ comes up with an original superhero setting's worth of heroes and villains. superheroes , setting , worldbuilding, 2019-09-10 1 68341253 Trains on a deathworld Featuring post apoc america, weird occult shit in the background, steam trains of all sorts, and a giant land squid working as bouncer. trains , post apocalyptic , weird , squid , world building , post apoc 2019-09-13 2 3804377 A Tale of Monsters - Lullaby (30) The Witch Game begins. We are far from everyone now... Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-09-14 2 3789176 Magical Contractor Quest 5 Octavian and the girls head out for a nice family dinner. Alice starts learning how to write. A pair of monsters launch a surprise attack. Magical Contractor Quest , Magical Girl , Familiar , Octavian 2019-09-14 1 3782187 Edgeworld Quest 1 Emma Handel has a bad morning Edgeworld Quest , NitroExpress , Collective Game 2019-09-22 0 3800701 Super Robot Pilot Thing #13 Edward proves himself to be a much more effective protagonist. Unfortunately Fester is revived. notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-09-22 1 68282965 Radon and Raiders XXIII Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as an atomic Phoenix appears, anti-Rad vine can become tea, and the thread dies. Medieval , post apocalypse , setting , world building , Radon and Raiders 2019-09-24 21 3803941 Magical Girl For Hire #82 Miranda, Prima, and Jago discover a long abandoned military facility...which seems to have more than a couple of secrets. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-09-30 20 3803194 World Tree : 2nd Night of the Boughs Casualties and disasters mount up, yet we snatch the from the jaws of defeat a victory all the same. World Tree , Floors , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-09-30 0 October 2019 3843840 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (31) We awaken amongst strangers in a strange land. With a collar around our neck, we make sense of our situation. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-10-01 1 3827585 Magical Contractor Quest 6 Short thread due to QM absence. Octavian reacts poorly to some bad news. Magical Contractor Quest , Magical Girl , Familiar , Octavian 2019-10-07 1 68704690 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 5 In the thick of winter, the Imperials try to advance into Tau territory but old and new enemies appear to complicate their plans. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Eldar , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition , Grot 2019-10-12 6 3847549 Magical Girl For Hire #83 After the job is accomplished, the clients decide they'd rather not pay. This does not end well for them. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-10-15 20 3831455 999 Quest 16 999 and all of his friends finally put an end to the anomaly, bid farewell to new allies and journey onwards. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , fucking wizards , Mage: The Awakening 2019-10-16 1 3862572 Magical Contractor Quest 7 Octavian recalls some past events, discovers a little more about humanity, strikes up a relationship,& makes another possible discovery. Magical Contractor Quest , Magical Girl , Familiar , Octavian 2019-10-22 2 3878201 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (32) We learn that warrior species aren't easy to deal with and have a very busy day in Muribel capital, Marleon. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-10-24 2 3852954 Super Robot Pilot Thing #14 Fester bumbles his way through the plot as a new enemy group is discovered notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-10-26 0 69098789 Anon Designs Islamic Grimdark Setting OP asks for help making an Islamic-inspired grimdark religious setting and it actually turns out to be cool instead of bait. Islam , worldbuilding 2019-10-30 5 November 2019 3872501 Magical Girl For Hire #84 Girls Night In, with poker and movies! And then we join Izumi's mission. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2019-11-01 20 3881903 999 Quest 17 999 and company return to the physical world, meet an old friend, and finally complete a long quest. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , fucking wizards , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-11-02 1 68972978 /tg/ Makes a Monster Manual /tg/ invents a bunch of new monsters for your games. monster manual , worldbuilding, 2019-11-03 5 69063118 /tg/ Makes a Monster Manual Thread Two A continuation of the prior thread, now with stats. monster manual , worldbuilding, 2019-11-03 2 69191066 Merlin, part 1 A card game created during OP's school days merlin , card game 2019-11-04 3 69212212 Merlin, part 2 A card game created during OP's school days merlin , card game 2019-11-04 3 3887777 Magical Contractor Quest 8 Octavian reacts to possibly being a fae& gets drunk for the first time. We see things from other’s perspectives. Octavian has a bad “dream”? Magical Contractor Quest , Magical Girl , Familiar , Octavian 2019-11-08 1 3879830 Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #1 Innerworld returns in a new, revised setting. Playing as spiderfolk, you finally take up arms against the gnolls who seek to purge you. HareQM , Innerworld Redux , Civ , Civ Quest , Fantasy , Collective Game 2019-11-09 0 3902776 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (33) Reuniting with an old companion made things tricky in the capital. Ultimately, we manage to find the source of Lady White influence. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-11-11 0 3901984 Where the Seas Lay Still #2 For the first time in a long time, you find Sanctuary. Where the Seas Lay Still , Collective Game , Scifi , Shipgirls 2019-11-11 0 69181640 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 6 As winter ends, deep fog engulfs the region, and all sorts of spooky enemies appear 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Chaos , Space Marines , Navy , Sisters of Battle , Eldar , Dark Eldar , Inquisition , Genestealers 2019-11-11 5 69344689 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 6.5 Contains planning for Part 7 since Part 6 archived before people got the chance to discuss next steps 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding 2019-11-12 2 69109695 MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPG The Pinoy anon behind Karanduun returns to share the English-translated version of their new RPG, MAHARLIKA. Meching ensues. Homebrew , pdf share , Philippines , Filipino , Pinoy , Maharlika , Mecha , Sci-fi , Mystical , game design , giant robots 2019-11-13 21 3890315 Super Robot Pilot Thing #15 Fester bumbles his way through the plot some more as OP dies repeatedly notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-11-15 0 69404754 World of Darkness storyime several stories from a WOD DM world of darkness , storytime , 2019-11-16 1 69298643 Radon and Raiders XXIII Anons continue to work on the isles, this time with some more focus on weapons and disease Post-apocalypse , setting , worldbuilding , medieval 2019-11-17 7 69440369 World of Darkness Storytime 2 Continuing the tale from the previous thread. The gang gets out of trouble temporarily. World of Darkness , storytime 2019-11-17 2 3897255 Magical Girl For Hire #85 Izumi gets closer than she'd like to one of targets, we meet a shocking contact, and a stakeout goes south. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-11-20 20 69251279 /tg/ presents their original species and monsters Anons invent and share original monsters and species for their games. monster manual , worldbuilding, 2019-11-23 2 69591333 South American Bestiary Brazilian anon provides great insight on mythological creatures of South America. bestiary , monster manual , fluff , worldbuilding , mythology 2019-11-25 29 3936891 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (34) We make full use of our day by meeting and allying with a gang leader. However, our actions don't go unnoticed... Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-11-27 1 69566972 MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPG, thread 2 further updates to MAHARLIKA and it's english translation. Homebrew , pdf share , Philippines , Filipino , Pinoy , Maharlika , Mecha , Sci-fi , Mystical , game design , giant robots 2019-11-29 8 3913949 Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #2 The gnoll conflicts boil over several times more, and we encounter strange, dark magic harnessed by them and their god. HareQM , Innerworld Redux , Civ , Civ Quest , Fantasy , Collective Game 2019-11-30 0 December 2019 3916100 999 Quest 18 999 and company awake to a brand new day and finslly hit the city. They then encounter some desperate friends in need. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , fucking wizards , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-12-02 0 3933303 Body Horror Quest - Capillary An Interlude where bhop explores the perspectives of other characters in the Crucible world: Featuring: Sam, 'A', and Isabelle. Body Horror Quest , Body Horror , bhop , BHOP , Female MC , Gore , Horror , Act 3 , interlude , Capillary , slice-of-life , Isabelle , Sam , 'A' 2019-12-02 12 3927777 Magical Contractor Quest 9 Octavian makes a couple of breakthroughs. A new MG determines her course of action. Alice makes a second attempt at fixing Alonso. Magical Contractor Quest , Magical Girl , Familiar , Octavian 2019-12-05 1 3927372 Magical Girl For Hire #86 We interrogate people, capture people, and do Paladin things. Things are going well, but for how long? MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , Magical Girl Revenge Quest , MGHandler 2019-12-07 20 69814013 Labyrinthia The Dungeon Succubus A vast sentient ever-changing dungeon complex, existing purely to draw adventurers into her depths, where if they fall will have their life Succubus , LivingDungeon , Worldbuilding 2019-12-08 -9 3925622 Super Robot Pilot Thing #15 It's almost the end, and Fester is still incredibly cursed by shit rolls. notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-12-09 0 69507836 more original species and monsters A continuation of the prior thread in which anons invent and share even more original monsters and species for their games. monster manual , worldbuilding, 2019-12-14 0 69946100 Sciencemaster setting A dystopian setting without emotion is made, autist claims that it is a utopia. it isn't. Autist , Setting , Worldbuilding , distopia. 2019-12-15 25 3956880 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (35) What was supposed to be a calming day of tinkering change very quickly. Getting out of the palace is getting dangerous. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-12-16 1 69925790 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7 First part of the final chapter in the DL series. Nids show up and are fought with a mix of nukes, volcanos, guns, and good ol' melee comba 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tyranids , Chaos , Space Marines , Navy , Sisters of Battle , Eldar , Dark Eldar , Inquisition , Orks , Tau 2019-12-22 3 3955945 Magical Girl For Hire #87 We figure a lot out in a short amount of time, and promptly kick things into high gear with some kidnappings. We're competent like that. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2019-12-23 20 3954434 Monstergirl Highschool #2 In which Terry and the gang try to get their principal to change the location of their field trip. monstergirl , science fantasy , slice of life 2019-12-29 1 70071839 Which genre of setting has the best girls? Anon's discuss which genre has best girls, devolves into Arthurian Lady Kight and Squire Boy lewds Lady Knight , Girls , Lewd , Writefags , Fetish , Cyberpunk , Arthurian 2019-12-30 0 January 2020 3982014 Monstergirl Highschool #3 In which Gekky convinces Mrs Attercop to let them go to a museum for a field trip. monstergirl , science fantasy , slice of life 2020-01-01 1 3956599 Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #3 We continue to fight the gnolls, but begin to gain the upper hand with our population size. Lastly, a quick visit to Ier. HareQM , Innerworld Redux , Civ , Civ Quest , Fantasy , Collective Game 2020-01-03 0 3971627 999 Quest 19 999 and company encounter a very upsetting Grandma, meet an old friend, and venture into places old and terrible. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , fucking wizards , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2020-01-04 0 3982045 Super Robot Pilot Thing #17 The final episode. Everything is incredibly cursed both in and out of thread notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2020-01-06 0 70308393 The Prince Of Elysia - Part 3: The Core Worlds The god-game expands campaign settings, suffers casualties, and encounters plot twists Storytime , Elysia , Core , Worlds , Daies , Hitsito , Dowjin , Tel`ryn , Destamona , Stefan , Sahzralaith 2020-01-06 5 3997796 Joker Quest: Episode 166 Frost Cestus has finally climaxed and Kazuya feels the weight of being a hero. Joker Quest , Collective Game , Bonding time with best girl 2020-01-07 10 3978303 Magical Girl For Hire #88 The Queen finally comes over and gets punched across the forest. Ladies and gentlemen - we got 'em. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler , Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2020-01-08 18 4001267 Monstergirl Highschool #4 In which we fight a pair of formidable villains at a museum in an attempt to steal artifacts before they do. monstergirl , science fantasy , slice of life 2020-01-10 0 3975365 Tim Quest #2 Tim gets some answers, and werewolves carry out a kidnapping. Collective Game , World of Darkness , Tim 2020-01-12 1 70392912 /tg/ talks about a fake wargame /tg/ complains about the meta of a fictional wargame and stumbles into a neat setting in the process. Orpheus is OP. wargame , worldbuilding , game ideas , brainstorming 2020-01-12 7 4011329 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (36) We struggle and triumph against a most disgusting pig. Then comes well-earned celebrations, everyone's survival is worthy of cheers. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-01-17 2 3994634 New World Goblin Quest Our goblin arrives at the new world, escapes slavery, meet the gods, explore alchemy and starts to leave a mark on this strange new world New world , goblin , collective game , america , jungle , alchemy , rogue 2020-01-18 1 70438836 Alien Planet Biomes /tg/ discusses various possible biomes that an alien planet could have, and then develops into speculating about worldshapes. worldbuilding , alien , planet , biome , ecosystem , brainstorming , 2020-01-18 4 3994136 Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #4 A new ally, a near wipe, and finally, a successful war against the gnolls, hopefully the first of many. HareQM , Innerworld Redux , Civ , Civ Quest , Fantasy , Collective Game 2020-01-18 0 4020169 Monstergirl Highschool #5 In which Terry and the gang leap from realm to realm, snatching up cool stuff on the way. monstergirl , science fantasy , slice of life 2020-01-19 0 4004903 Magical Girl For Hire #89 Bit of a short thread. Teaching the kids about merchants, looking into a spate of layoffs, and learning about some A-list Outgoers. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2020-01-21 17 70300545 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.6 Part 4 of the final thread. The story comes to an end with an epic titan fight. Epilogue in another thread. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Eldar , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition , Tyranids 2020-01-22 4 70585421 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Epilogue Posters discuss the fates of their characters, their favorite parts of the seven month saga, and next steps. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Eldar , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition 2020-01-27 6 4016939 Tim Quest #3 Ordered to take a night off, Tim introspects over a burrito before deciding to finish the novel. Collective Game , World of Darkness , Tim 2020-01-29 3 February 2020 4013244 999 Quest 20 999 and company take down a werewolf, and finally begin to search for the local wolf packs, as all kinds of things go astray. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2020-02-01 0 70688808 In which /tg/ makes a fantasy setting OP shows a great map, /tg/ goes on to fluff it up. fluff , worldbuilding , Sakria 2020-02-03 13 4032689 Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #5 A massive civil war erupts in Nichitin, two faiths finally coming to blows... HareQM , Innerworld Redux , Civ , Civ Quest , Fantasy , Collective Game 2020-02-08 0 4035685 New World Goblin Quest 02 The gods continue their blessings, but shadows make things difficult for Zuzu New world , goblin , collective game , america , jungle , alchemy , rogue 2020-02-09 2 4039631 Magical Girl For Hire #90 In this short thread we learn more about the Intersection and it's inhabitants. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , MGHandler , collective game 2020-02-10 15 71012886 Metals vs. Magic Anons work out what metals affect magic and how Worldbuilding 2020-02-17 12 4083402 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (37) We meet an evil big sister, spend time to heal a grieving heart and then... a successful reunion. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-02-19 1 4049316 999 Quest 20.1 999 and friends enter a gaping wound in reality to combat its horrors, face a woof cult and confront their dark master. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2020-02-22 0 4055339 Tim Quest #4 Dauntless Silver Raven intercepts a faerie infiltration. Collective Game , World of Darkness , Tim 2020-02-24 1 March 2020 4076277 Magical Girl for Hire #91 Managing our home front: team training, new hire and learning more about the strange events in the Intersection. Then it's job time! MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , MGHandler , collective game 2020-03-02 15 71235429 Night Shift: Different Night, Same Supernatural Shit The Attendants assemble for another shift, discussing personal experiences and brainstorming more paranormal happenings at the gas station. Night Shift , Graveyard Shift , surreal , horror , setting , homebrew , world building , brainstorming , crunch , fluff 2020-03-08 5 71372884 Freaks races in RPGs, yes or no ? A discussion about freak races evolving into an amazing translation of an artists worldbuilding. Freaks , freak , races , art , rust world , uhia , utlh , translation , frog , french 2020-03-12 4 4118315 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (38) We take quick actions and have to get out of the city. How quickly things change... Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-03-13 2 71536695 Anon makes cyberpunk E-girl cults Anon floats the idea of modern e-girl culture being taken to a violent extreme in the gritty cyberpunk future. cyberpunk , e-girl 2020-03-21 13 4113541 Magical Girl For Hire #92 We meet our clients and wander around their flying magic school. Then we relieve them of violent giant birds and some dangerous contraband. MGFH , Magical Girl For HIre , magical girl , mercenary , MGHandler , collective game 2020-03-24 12 71521805 Cozy, creepy, winter Campaign OP is reminded of an old thread and polar vehicles are posted and life in the cold is discussed. Cozy , creepy , winter , worldbuilding 2020-03-25 6 4153917 Monstergirl Highschool #7 The Theo/Vireen Vainglory arc reaches its chilling conclusion as the story actually starts to make sense! monstergirl , science fantasy , slice of life 2020-03-29 0 4130206 Tim Quest #5 Silver Raven battles a dragon, uncovers treachery and unveils his true colours. Collective Game , World of Darkness , Tim 2020-03-31 1 April 2020 4139944 Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #7 - 6 can be found here. The civil war is over, and a golden age begins. HareQM , Innerworld Redux , Civ , Civ Quest , Fantasy , Collective Game 2020-04-04 0 71780037 Let's make a cosmology! An attempt at mimicking Jennifer Diane Reitz's style of worldbuilding quickly spirals out of control regarding time distortion. Multiverse , worldbuilding , physics , cosmology , pseudoscience 2020-04-06 3 71693957 Jungle Rumble Bunch of characters from different factions get send to a jungle deathworld. What could possibly go wrong? 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Eldar , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Necrons , Tyranids , Kroot 2020-04-07 1 4170284 Monstergirl Highschool #7.5 The gang returns to school, gets jumped by a pair of drug running yukionna, and investigates a field making Terry's symbiote malfunction. monstergirl , science fantasy , slice of life 2020-04-08 0 4150601 Rimworld - Medicine Man A young tribal living on a lawless planet on the edge of the galaxy embarks on a journey Rimworld , Sci-fi , Tribal , Draw Quest , Dolomite 2020-04-10 1 4148358 Magical Girl For Hire #93 The team arrives on the island and delves into cultist's dungeon. Things go really well at first, but... MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , MGHandler , collective game 2020-04-11 12 4179405 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (39) Our travel to Myrtidal has us learn more about Muribel as we meet interesting people. A rare two days of peace in timultuous time. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-04-14 1 4175866 Rimworld - Medicine Man 2 Quest discontinued Rimworld , Sci-fi , Tribal , Draw Quest , Dolomite 2020-04-18 0 4168846 Tim Quest #6 Silver Raven hunts Cloaked in Deepest Blue to the northern satrapy of Hoarfrost. Collective Game , World of Darkness , Tim 2020-04-19 1 4184381 Magical Girl For Hire #94 Owlia's headache continue, Cylica chops a bear in half, Nura visits the informant, and we head back home with a nice fat bonus. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , MGHandler , collective game 2020-04-26 12 72054055 religions in scifi /tg/ worldbuilds some original religions and cults for any of your games with scifi settings. worldbuilding , religion , cult , scifi , singularitarianism , 2020-04-28 -2 May 2020 72290573 Iceball Worldbuilding In which we get to work building a setting based around The Great Ice Ball theory. worldbuilding , lizardmen , table , generation , city , volcano , rolling , dice 2020-05-01 4 4200682 Catgirl Raising Quest Our protagonist rescue a catgirl from the streets, but living with her is hard than it seems. She has a lot to learn from him Catgirl , cuteness , sad moments , comfort 2020-05-01 0 4217050 White man's burden: Apocalypse now Colonial governor finds himself cut off from the metropol area with limited supplies. Collective Game , White man's burden Quest , post-apocalyptic , history , alternate history , world building , politics , 2020-05-02 5 4226210 Girls Und Panzer Quest 1 Fritz is defines and we board the Ōoarai schoolship. We also kill a Pershing. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther Girls , Tanks , 2020-05-03 25 4238081 Otome Gone Wrong Quest Prologue Follow the girl Maria as when she was only ten killed an Emperor and his successor, as well as develop through her childhood. Otome , Real World Mockery , Dracula , Pope , 2020-05-12 14 4237903 Girls Und Panzer Quest 2 We face off against the St. Gloriana and Maginot Sensha-Do teams as well as St. Gloriana's secret weapon. We also get a girlfriend. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2020-05-13 21 4218256 Tim Quest #7 Silver Raven infiltrates Tepet Lagen's Ivory Tower to search for him and Blue. Collective Game , World of Darkness , Tim 2020-05-17 1 4250793 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 1 Maria finally enters the Holy Academy Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , Dracula , Pope , OtomeQM 2020-05-21 23 4257585 American High School Quest #1 In the mid-1990s, an lesser-known son of the Thundercock dynasty finds himself stranded on a strange new world! chad , thundercock , isekai , catgirl,adventure 2020-05-23 3 4263566 Mario Worldbuild Sandbox A /qst/ chronicler where users add unto the history of a Mario based universe Mario , Worldbuild , Collaborative , Writing 2020-05-23 0 4254650 Girls Und Panzer Quest 3 We help Anzio; fight our first league duel; get some new tanks; fight Maho and then Saunders. There is also a beach episode. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2020-05-25 16 4261905 Otome Gone Wrong Quest Ch.2 Maria meets capture targets, participates in a duel and plans a pilgrimage. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , Dracula , Pope , OtomeQM 2020-05-25 12 4260438 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (40) We make our opening in Ama game and reunite with old faces... and luckily find the Cat but things get complicated. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-05-27 1 4240969 White man's burden: Apocalypse now Colonial governor finds himself cut off from the metropol area with limited supplies. Collective Game , White man's burden Quest , post-apocalyptic , history , alternate history , world building , politics, 2020-05-28 2 June 2020 4275597 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 3 Nobody expects Maria's inquisition Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , inquisition , church , OtomeQM 2020-06-09 11 4287846 Body Horror Quest - 44th Vein QM BHOP finds out his mother's health is in critical condition, and stops the session early. Feels are shared, Anons send their condolences Body Horror Quest , Body Horror , bhop , BHOP , Female MC , Gore , Horror , Act 5 , irl INTERRUPT , Mother , feels , 4 is death 2020-06-12 7 4275332 Girls Und Panzer Quest 4 We get a sponsor; dine with Shiho; duel Erika, Darjeeling and some internationals; meet our sister; put on a tinfoil hat and spend money. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2020-06-14 9 4296316 American High School Quest #2 Bruce Thundercock faces off Arikzastan of the Rolling City! chad , thundercock , isekai , catgirl,adventure 2020-06-16 2 4298257 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (41) We make some magic and sneak around. Myrtidal is not a friendly city, the climax of this part of her game is starting soon. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-06-17 2 4302810 Leave The Cave You must get out of the cave alive, or you know, get a harem of monster girls... Illik , Monster Girl Harem , Cave , Ninja 2020-06-18 2 73260627 magical petshop What creatures might you find being sold in a shop for magical exotic pets? worldbuilding , plot hooks , pseudodragons , mimics , cute , greentext, 2020-06-21 1 4317311 Cold War shithole simulator, /k/ Edition The split Island of Sahrani is home to a socialist and a republican state. Which one will prevail in the struggle during the cold war??? Collective game , history , weapons , warfare , world building , tactics , strategy 2020-06-27 2 4301440 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 4 Maria's return to the academy and her continued dominance in the sparring yard Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , training , OtomeQM 2020-06-30 10 July 2020 73457352 Bakunawa, Iron Dawn and Ver'Nam An OK thread where an interesting Imperial world is rolled up together with a Space Marine Chapter stationed there and their sworn Enemy. Space Marine , WH40k , World , Chapter Creation , Bakunawa 2020-07-02 6 4309917 Girls Und Panzer Quest 5 We play as Erika, Have a sleepover, Sell tanks, buy things and beat Anzio. Erika also almost commits several homocides. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2020-07-06 8 4300458 999 Quest 21 999 and company engage in a discussion with Linggan Zhao and receive some ominous answers. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2020-07-09 0 73604240 post-post-apocalyptic worldbuilding OP asks what happens when civilization reestablishes itself after the end of the world. /tg/ discusses technology vs luddism and filk music. apocalypse , apocalyptic , post-apocalyptic , worldbuilding , civilization builder, 2020-07-10 -1 4325521 Cold War shithole simulator, /k/ Edition #2 The Island remains divided throughout the 1950's despite the short victorious war. Collective game , history , weapons , warfare , world building , tactics , strategy CWSS 2020-07-10 3 4329382 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 5 War plans are being drafted when the otome protagonist shows up. Sparks fly. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , dating , OtomeQM 2020-07-18 10 4344459 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (42) The game begins and the city drowns in blood. We fight and struggle and finally reach a finale to help a black cat. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-07-20 0 4324657 New Light Flights Melanie Dread, callsign 'Radiant', delivers packages in a cyberpunk world. Cyberpunk , Motorcycle , Radiant. Radiantqm , deliverly , collective quest 2020-07-21 2 4317848 Warlock Quest You are a young second daughter of a ruthless merchant secretly studying heretical magic. Collective Game , Warlock Quest 2020-07-21 0 73938020 dystopian solarpunk A combination of worldbuilding and discussion as to the difference between cyberpunk and solarpunk. solarpunk , worldbuilding , environmentalism , dystopian, 2020-07-30 2 4363572 Skeleton Island 2, part 13 Separate storylines n shieet notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2020-07-30 0 4346181 Girls Und Panzer Quest 6: End of the Half term! Match with Pravda! We fight Pravda; go to a ball; go on a scavenger hunt and Erika has an accident. We also score. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2020-07-31 7 73993406 Gloria-Etalia #1 First thread about the Creation of the Gloria-Etalia setting which is a random mash up of historical and post apocalypse born of Anon's map Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-07-31 9 August 2020 74043516 /tg/ makes a Super Highschool As per title, /tg/ makes superpowered students and faculty. character , original content , world building , 2020-08-01 2 74085209 /tg/ makes a Super Highschool 2 continuation of last thread, we make more students and start a fight club. character , original content , world building , super 2020-08-02 1 73990291 the future of medicine Worldbuilding and speculation as to the future of medical technology. worldbuilding , future , medicine , medical , doctors , transhumanism 2020-08-03 -4 74079412 Gloria-Etalia #2 - Worldbuilding needs to go on! The second thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and people doodled things on it Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-04 4 4366384 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 6 Getting dressed for success. Both in assassination and the ball. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , intrigue , OtomeQM 2020-08-05 10 74141144 Lamia Furniture We speculate on what their body shape would imply for their architecture and interior furnishings worldbuilding , lamia , monstergirl , comfy 2020-08-06 2 4353495 999 Quest 21.1 999 and company finally finish their discussion with a powerful spirit, gain new info and new goals, and 999 finds something quite strange. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2020-08-07 0 74150461 Gloria Etalia #3 The second thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and people doodled things on it Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-07 2 4354314 Cold War shithole simulator, /k/ Edition #3 Stuck in a war against the north half of the island in 1963 Collective game , history , weapons , warfare , world building , tactics , strategy CWSS 2020-08-08 0 74206746 original scifi gangs and post-apoc raider factions /tg/ worldbuilds ideas for original scifi gangs and post-apoc raider factions. worldbuilding , scifi , cyberpunk , post-apoc , street samurai, 2020-08-09 0 74211056 Gloria Etalia #4 - It's full of Lore! The second thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and people doodled things on it Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-10 2 74256898 Dark Catholic Inspired World Building Anon played Blasphemous and got inspired to start world building and run a game. A bunch of other anons help out too. World Building , Story Ideas , Game Ideas , Homebrew , Setting , Grimdark , Creepy , Fantasy 2020-08-11 -9 74247212 Gloria Etalia #5 - of Hordes and Ordes The fifth thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and people doodled things on it Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-12 4 4362744 Magical Girl For Hire #95 After a time away, we catch up with Miranda, and have a bit of a ice cream outing with...scary results. Sorta. Then we dragon up for a job! MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2020-08-12 12 74284894 Gloria Etalia #6 - Weirdos of Westrasi The sixth thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-14 2 74250450 Fantasy Western Planning What are some interesting factions, weapons, magic, races and themes would a Fantasy Wild West setting have? Worldbuilding 2020-08-15 -1 4387149 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 7 Maria the Villainess' designs with the Otome protagonist begin in earnest. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , intrigue , OtomeQM 2020-08-15 11 74321167 Gloria Etalia #7 - Glutton Edit-Wars Edition The sixth thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-16 1 74378026 Gloria Etalia #8 - Snow Elves are for Breeding Edition This post-post-apoc high fantasy setting just keeps on growing. Now with landwhales and elf pin-up. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-18 4 74406128 Gloria Etalia #9 - Coat of Arms Edition The ninth thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-20 3 74440536 Gloria Etalia #10 - Derailed by Boobs and 1d4chan's Death Edition he ninth thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-21 2 4385218 Girls Und Panzer Quest 7: The End of the Duelling League! Build up to the finals! We enter the second stage of the duelling league and prepare for the finals. Werewolf team also gets a job offer. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2020-08-22 7 74466108 Gloria-Etalia #11- Recent Events Edition The eleventh thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-23 3 74404212 Dystopian Cyberpunk Setting /tg/ attempts to worldbuild a cyberpunk dystopia, only to discover everything they propose has actually happened. worldbuilding , cyberpunk , dystopia , metafictional , depressing 2020-08-23 -4 74474446 /tg/ designs an original fantasy pantheon /tg/ designs an original fantasy pantheon worldbuilding , setting , pantheon , deity , deities , god , gods , godess , goddesses , monotheism, 2020-08-23 0 74513689 Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon In the beginning, there was the Sun and the Moon, and they begat six sons and daughters. Some say everything from there was a mistake. worldbuilding , pantheon , deity , deities , god , goddesses , forge , myth , incest 2020-08-24 14 74494072 Gloria-Etalia #12- Screaming and Kicking Edition The twelfth thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-24 0 74520663 Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #2 The Eldest brother of the Forge made himself known, the anvil to his younger brother's hammer, and did it again... and again... and again.. worldbuilding , pantheon , deity , deities , god , goddesses , forge , myth , incest 2020-08-25 8 74520302 Gloria-Etalia #12- Writing and Lore Edition The thirteenth thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-25 0 74540969 Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #3 Demigods start being born and the Harvest Goddess starts proves how fertile her fields are. worldbuilding , pantheon , deity , deities , god , goddesses , forge , myth , incest 2020-08-26 6 74454586 Space Faith /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds religions for scifi settings. roko's basilisk , simulation hypothesis , singularitarianism , worldbuilding , religion , cultists, 2020-08-28 0 74545990 Gloria-Etalia #14- Writing and Lore Edition The thirteenth thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-28 1 4409477 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 8 Maria is having a ball. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , intrigue , OtomeQM 2020-08-28 10 4409403 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (43) We get a small lesson in what makes a paladin with one last battle against the duchess elite force. Mamonos are strong indeed. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-08-29 0 4409559 Slime Quest You're a ball of slime. You eat things and get bigger. Slime Quest , Slime , Slime Girl , Gelle , Tatsuo , SLimy 2020-08-30 4 74598279 Gloria-Etalia #15- Map Wars and Dwarf Holocaust Edition The thirteenth thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-08-30 1 September 2020 4399412 Magical Girl For Hire #96 Miranda begins searching for the Lockstones to free her boss. The first is easy enough. The second...proves more complicated. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2020-09-02 11 74636875 Gloria-Etalia #16 - Ancient Conundrums Edition The sixteenth thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-09-02 3 4422023 Girls Und Panzer Quest 8 Meeting Yuzu's Parents! Two weeks to the finals! collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , Pedobear 2020-09-02 7 74680656 Gloria-Etalia #17 - Spooky Mermaid Edition The 17th thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-09-03 4 74587014 Core elements for a 'fantasy japan' setting Discussion of weeb settings and what it needs Worldbuilding 2020-09-03 2 4398006 Leviathan Quest Locked away in a place unfamiliar to it, 682 begins its path of vengeance and hate. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , Leviathan Quest , Mage: The Awakening 2020-09-05 0 74696024 How do you do low-fantasy wuxia/fantasy-china? Anons discuss wuxia/xianxia. Good ideas on what makes the setting tick world building , ideas , game ideas 2020-09-05 -1 74693160 Gloria-Etalia #18 - Spooky Mermaid Edition The 18th thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-09-06 4 74765024 Spooky Sci-Fi A worldbuilding and writing thread on horror in science fiction settings, with examples from various preexisting works. scifi , worldbuilding , horror, 2020-09-09 3 74753817 Gloria-Etalia #19 - of Kings and Adventurers Edition The 19th thread developping and deepening GE. And more to come! Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-09-10 4 74816419 Gloria-Etalia #20 - Ruskatan Renessaince Edition The 20th thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-09-11 4 74802194 solarpunk vs cyberpunk discussion thread A thread about solarpunk is derailed into worldbuilding an all-new twist on cyberpunk dystopias. solarpunk , cyberpunk , worldbuilding , setting, 2020-09-12 -2 74847949 Gloria-Etalia #21 - One Small Problem Edition The 21st thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-09-14 -1 4429799 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 9 Maria and the otome protagonist square off directly for the first time. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , intrigue , OtomeQM 2020-09-15 10 74889763 Gloria-Etalia #21 - History FTW Edition The 22nd thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-09-16 2 4419637 White Rabbit in Wonderland The Alice radar activates, and we get new clothes. Collaborative Game , Alice in Wonderland , Isekai 2020-09-18 0 4453601 Girls Und Panzer Quest 9 Fighting Black Forest! Ooarai vs the All-Stars! collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2020-09-18 6 4429764 Slime Quest #2 You're now a girl of slime. You're a bit more discerning about what you choose to eat. Slime Quest , Slime , Slime Girl , Gelle , Tatsuo , SLimy 2020-09-19 0 4429379 Magical Girl For Hire #97 Miranda continues to assault the keep for the second Lockstone. Soldiers and strange things abound. Oh, and we pop some pills. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2020-09-21 10 74927765 Gloria-Etalia #23 - Proceeding very slowly The 23rd thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-09-21 3 4427869 Flooded Quest In an alternative world, our MC has to survive while handling his curse. K8 the 8 QM , Flooded World , Mutant , Non-human MC 2020-09-27 2 4452824 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 10 After finishing her exams, Maria went to Albert's home in Altmer Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy 2020-09-27 10 75014958 Gloria-Etalia #24 - Random Stuff Edition The 24th thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-09-27 -1 October 2020 4439592 CobraQuest - Tape 1 - Appetite for Destruction A crusade for global domination begins! We fill the shoes of Cobra Commander and lead Cobra from relative obscurity CobraQuest , GI Joe , World domination , terrorism , terrorist , TimeKillerQM 2020-10-04 8 75134641 Gloria-Etalia #25 - End of the Journal Edition The 25th thread about Gloria-Etalia, a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave us an Empty map and we doodled stuff on it. Gloria-Etalia , Worldbuilding , Map , Writefaggotry 2020-10-05 0 4445977 Flooded Quest 2 The MC completes there quest, sends the Kin to war with another species, signs a peace treaty, and starts a new adventure. K8 the 8 QM , Flooded World , Mutant , Non-human MC 2020-10-08 1 4470728 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 11 After getting to know Albert's family, Maria discovers a demon running an auction house after using her Karen powers. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong,Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , Demon , Knight 2020-10-09 8 4476184 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (44) We find the ugly secret of Myrtidal and reach the ending of a very dangerous game. The witch labor has been fruitful. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , 2020-10-10 0 75306716 non-corporate cyberpunk What are some alternatives for cyberpunk dystopias where the power of the megacorps has been broken? worldbuilding , cyberpunk , dystopia,80s Czechoslovakia , fall of the soviet union, 2020-10-10 -1 75433221 Cyberpunk Faith Worldbuilding /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds religions for cyberpunk settings. Somehow this ends up involving prosthetic hearts for giant lobsters. worldbuilding , cyberpunk , religion , cults , leviathan lobster god, 2020-10-19 1 4457993 Magical Girl For Hire #98 Synth-Seither...not even once...We snatch the 2nd Lockstone, recuperate from crash and travel to Alminia, where the 3rd Lockstone is hidden. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2020-10-20 10 75487733 Frog World Amphibian focused Fantasy Worldbuilding world building , fantasy , setting , original , races 2020-10-23 2 4490667 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 12 Maria finishes off the demons on Altmer. After meeting the Patron Saint of the city, she and Melody depart towards the Miaphate. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , Demon , Priest , Saint 2020-10-24 7 November 2020 75656650 Violated Earth An edgy world building gone right. A corpse world who's inhabitants lives are fueled by suffering and watched by the horrid Rape Moon God. World Building , Rape , Grimderp , Violated Earth 2020-11-01 11 4480550 CobraQuest - Tape 2 - Venomous Ideology With new allies in high places, Cobra Commander enacts his plan to destroy EAGLE. CobraQuest , GI Joe , World domination , terrorism , terrorist , TimeKillerQM , Cobra 2020-11-04 6 75778206 Of Trolls and Trees A short writing prompt about trolls under bridges inspires /tg/ to create a charming fantasy setting with an interesting history. trolls , bridges , Oak , worldbuilding , kings , fantasy 2020-11-05 30 4508239 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 13 Maria arrived into the Miaphate, where after catching up with Sol and heading to the capital decides on what she's gonna do next. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , Demigod , Monsters , Spy 2020-11-09 7 4484948 Flooded Quest 3 A clever deal is made with the metal man, the MC discovers a new, even larger archipelago, A party member dies, and they all head back home. K8 the 8 QM , Flooded World , Mutant , Non-human MC 2020-11-10 1 75838039 Lamplighter Thread Interesting world/mythology/Deity building by the Lamplighter worldbuilding , gods , lamplighter , 2020-11-12 0 4497628 Magical Girl For Hire #99 Miranda finds out the general location of the next Lockstone, and goes searching for it, winding up in a small, sleepy village... MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2020-11-17 10 4516002 Girls Und Panzer Quest 10: After the All-Stars! The Show match and the Unlimited Class! We fight a show match and learn of Tankathlon. We also leave for America collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2020-11-18 5 4530158 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (45) We make a deal with a witch, reorganize and proceed with a long walk back into the capital. Thankfully we avoid any complications... so far. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist, 2020-11-20 0 4526266 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 14 Maria managed to solve an inner dispute in Solomon's domain rather easily and with the help of her new maid she found an inside traitor. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , Demigod , Spy , Maid 2020-11-22 6 December 2020 4520808 CobraQuest - Tape 3 - Bullets Bombs and Bigotry Freed of his previous predicament, Cobra Commander sets his sights on the final prize. CobraQuest , GI Joe , World domination , terrorism , terrorist , TimeKillerQM , Cobra 2020-12-03 6 4521576 MGDF Quest #1 Our protagonist Elizabeth Wyvern joins the Magical Girl Defense Force, makes some friends, fights enemies, and fights her friends. MGDF , Magical girl , Collective game , Female Protagonist 2020-12-05 6 4546218 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 15 Maria goes on a pilgrimage towards Ca'Ren with her maids, Solomon and the morsemen. On the way she has her luckiest kill and saddest choice Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , Dragon , God , Deus Ex Machina 2020-12-06 6 4538871 Magical Girl For Hire #100 Thread #100! It's mostly an in-character Q&A, along with small blurbs about Intersection life. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2020-12-07 10 76162495 Nechronica Thread - Happy Thanksgiving Edition General discussion and mechanics talk, plus an undead trio's happy home life goes off the rails in a one-shot storytime. Nechronica , Storytime , Ethwyn , Nephele , Shirley 2020-12-07 0 76118364 What're some strange, interesting and unique forms of government for a sci-fi setting? /tg/ attempts to design original systems of governance and cultures for scifi. Things get weird. worldbuilding , scifi , funny , planet of hats , unintended consequences , if it's not a nightmarish hellhole then it's not Dark Heresy, 2020-12-08 2 76386969 The World of Transperentia A new campaign setting is started as a trope filled joke, but unintentionally does every trope better than any modern author. game ideas , awesome , campaign , writefaggotry , world building , homebrew , character concepts , getting shit done , brainstorming 2020-12-11 12 4528860 Flooded Quest 4 The shrine is completed, but the magma woke up a mechanical vault. K8 the 8 QM , Flooded World , Mutant , Non-human MC 2020-12-14 0 76439786 The World of Transparentia 2 Second thread for the transparentia setting game , ideas , awesome , campaign , writefaggotry , world building , homebrew , character , concepts , getting shit done , brainstorming 2020-12-16 8 76482649 Original Cyberpunk Gangs /tg/ invents some original factions for cyberpunk and burgerpunk settings. cyberpunk , burgerpunk , worldbuilding , blackpowder muskets, 2020-12-18 4 4562623 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 16 After returning to Austin, Maria learned of Chloe's heretic translation of the holy book and it has spread into large portions of society. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , God , Schism , Heresy , Cultist 2020-12-20 6 4553068 999 Quest 22 999 wakes up from an exhausting night, meets with Blue, and ends up encountering a very startling revelation. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2020-12-21 0 76520719 Original Cyberpunk Gangs Thread #2 In which Hereditary CEO X Æ A-12 Musk the fifth is overthrown by commies and the Society for Creative Anachronism is infiltrated by the FBI. cyberpunk , burgerpunk , worldbuilding , Society for Creative Anachronism , martians , communism , cyberpunks in space, 2020-12-21 -1 76561000 Original Cyberpunk Gangs Thread #3 In which genetically engineered catgirls for domestic companionship have a civil rights movement and everyone misunderstands Blade Runner. cyberpunk , burgerpunk , worldbuilding , blade runner , blade runner 2049, 2020-12-22 -6 76454598 Draw your party thread People talk about their games, share advice, & post cool drawings. Campy musicals, grim mythology, treacherous techpriests, & more. draw , painting , party , byzantine , human sacrifice , dnd , Savage Worlds , 40K , nechronica , robotica , pathfinder , FATE , Rogue Trader , musical 2020-12-22 1 76629733 Magical Girl Noir Storytime A GM gifts /tg/ with long-winded storytime from a campaign played by a bunch of MNGQ writefags. There are pictures. Storytime , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Ratty 2020-12-26 15 4547582 Magical Girl For Hire #101 We skip puzzles by letting the young do-gooders do all the hard work, beat them up and snatch the Lockstone. Then it's side-mission time! MGHF , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2020-12-27 10 4585852 A Song of Steel and Storms: Chapter 1 Where our quest begins as Ser Ardrian Borlund, the first Knight of Stonegrove. GoT , Game of Thrones , A Song of Ice and Fire , House Borlund , Borlund 2020-12-29 1 January 2021 4580041 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 17 After winning against the false saint in the debate, the battle for the electors is on and the end approaches. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , God , Heresy , Miracle , Final Thread 2021-01-01 10 4589423 Rescue the Catgirl Quest A Dude tries to rescue a cute catgirl that got trapped atop a tree, what could go wrong ? Cats , Catgirl , Funny , Silly , Stupid , Adventure , Interactive , 2021-01-02 0 76699814 you've been charged with making the next great cyberpunk setting /tg/ discusses cyberpunk. worldbuilding , setting , dystopia , cyberpunk, 2021-01-02 -1 76642581 Techno-Barbarism Examples and Worldbuilding In which /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds about technobarbarians and examples of them from various media. worldbuilding , technobarbarian , barbarians , DAoT , Unification Wars , Thundarr , tv tropes post apocalyptic , mad max , Protector, 2021-01-03 2 76585688 Draw your party thread: Christmas 2020 and New Years Drawings of parties, GMing advice, people talk about games, storytime, a drawfag starts on a new template. Draw , party , storytime , noir , Black Crusade , Nechronica , Genesys , d&d , WFRP , Only War , cyberpunk , Pathfinder , Ubiquity , Savage Worlds 2021-01-03 1 76782537 Trench Rats and where to find them A thread about ratmen during the great war, surprisingly beautiful. Worldbuilding , ratmen , ww1 , trenches 2021-01-04 20 4563341 CobraQuest - Tape 4 - Year of the Snake Preparation begins for Cobra's plan to destroy EAGLE and Duke once and for all. CobraQuest , GI Joe , World domination , terrorism , terrorist , TimeKillerQM 2021-01-05 5 4562940 MGDF Quest #2 In this thread Elizabeth attends a party and gets in a fight. Later, a deer meets an old friend and deals with a strange problem. MGDF , Magical girl , Collective game , Female Protagonist 2021-01-06 3 76534829 Fantasy World Wildlife Original monsters and fauna for fantasy settings. worldbuilding , monster manual , speculative evolution, 2021-01-07 2 4584474 Highschool with Monstergirls Matthew E Trone, a courageous and innocent angel, teams up with the streetwise kobold Charlie Canicula! Monstergirl , Highschool , angel , frog , kobold 2021-01-10 1 4590262 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (46) Our well earned night of rest herald a startling confrontation. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist, 2021-01-11 0 76960319 Different Giants A discussion on frsh new takes on giants. Giant,giants , Worldbuilding , worldbuilding 2021-01-15 2 4590497 Space Station 13 Quest: Station 1 A new quest in the world of the infamous game of the same name. Otome QM , Badmin QM , Space Station 13 , Space , Clown , Lizard , Weed , Trip , Cyborg , Anime Girl , Douglas MacArthur , Goblin 2021-01-18 8 4576693 Girls Und Panzer Quest 11: Trip to America! Fighting in the unlimited class We explore Los Angeles and fight in the Unlimited class. We also go to the beach. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2021-01-19 6 77082863 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-01-23 3 77123700 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 2 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-01-27 2 77247441 What would life be in post-industrial Dwarf hold? Anons discuss how technical progress would affect dwarvenkind. Dwarf , fluff , world building 2021-01-31 3 4588635 Magical Girl For Hire #102 Bad news: the locals have corrupted our client's shadow magic, causing our direbat mount to strain itself and crash-land on a minor island. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2021-01-31 10 77198244 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 3 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-01-31 3 February 2021 77262004 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 4 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-02-02 2 77298086 Trench Rats Redux A new thread is had, discussing the "Trench Rats" specifically and weird WWI ideas generally. Worldbuilding , ratmen , ww1 , trenches , brainstorming , supernatural , horror , setting 2021-02-06 11 4597384 MGDF Quest #3 Leshi has a trip to the hospital and learns about child care and Elizabeth takes on a case of kidnapping outside the city. MGDF , Magical girl , Collective game , Female Protagonist 2021-02-08 2 4612908 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (47) What should have been a calm day become something else. Hearts are moved, death is missed by an inch. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2021-02-09 0 77299284 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 5 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-02-09 2 4650432 A Song of Steel and Storms: Chapter 2 Where Ardrian finds a witch and matters of faith and justice are tested... GoT , Game of Thrones , A Song of Ice and Fire , House Borlund , Borlund 2021-02-13 0 4604478 The Silver Marches 1 Ulf the Giant ventures into untamed north in search of new fortunes and adventures. Silver Marches , Silver Marches Quest , Fantasy , Giant , Collective Game , Quest , World Building , Archer 2021-02-15 5 77438293 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 6 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-02-18 1 4633673 Huscarl A skirmish made in 24 hours for Skrimjam. Vikings cross the sea to raid England, but their return is blocked by the lord's soldiers. Huscarl , Skirmish , Vikings , Medieval 2021-02-19 1 77597774 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 7 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-02-20 1 March 2021 4635062 My Daughter's a Magical Girl! (not actually a one shot) Local Dad discovers daughter is a magical girl, goes on magical demonslaying adventure, more at 9. Quest , Collective Game , Anon , Anonymous , MG , Magical Girl , Shotgun Dad , dad , magic , My Daughter's a Magical Girl! 2021-03-01 5 77633881 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 8 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-03-02 -1 77767794 /tg/ makes a Steampunk Setting /tg/ makes a Steampunk Setting worldbuilding , Steampunk , MASS 2021-03-03 7 77733759 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 9 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-03-03 0 4632129 Magical Girl For Hire #103 We manage to talk our way out of issues with the clergy, and set sail. Also fight a Kraken. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2021-03-06 10 77863557 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 10 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-03-09 -1 77857286 /tg/ makes a Steampunk Setting #2 /tg/ makes even more in a Steampunk Setting worldbuilding , Steampunk , MASS , maps , setting, 2021-03-12 5 77961635 Would you be the mini-boss and husband for a doting lawful evil empress? /tg/ is asked an ethical question and responds by concluding that it'd make a great anime and arguing over potential titles. ethical question , morality , alignment discussion , BBEG , Evil Overlord , Waifu, 2021-03-15 2 78042699 /tg/ makes a Steampunk Setting #3 /tg/ makes even more in a Steampunk Setting. The civil war of Arvantha gets detailed worldbuilding , Steampunk , MASS , maps , factions , heraldry 2021-03-16 6 77967285 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 11 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-03-17 1 4648931 Girls und Panzer Quest 12: Return to Japan! Doing Tankathlon! We fight in Tankathlon as Azusa and the Commemorative cup begins. We also treasure hunt. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2021-03-17 6 78105088 contemporary cyberpunk What would cyberpunk based upon modernity's fears of the future rather than those of the eighties be like? cyberpunk , worldbuilding , dystopia, 2021-03-18 -12 4652281 MGDF Quest #4 Elizabeth and Lucy enjoy a party and deal with a group of fairy kidnappers. MGDF , Magical girl , Collective game , Female Protagonist 2021-03-20 1 4657890 Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme #1 A monstergirl-loving scientist goes forth to introduce transhumanism to the masses!
Complications ensue. GBDNATE , madscience , monstergirls , genderbender , psychic 2021-03-21 1 4651674 999 Quest 23 With the threat of the Robber Barons overhead, 999 and his friends end up being taken by surprise at an odd stranger and his situation. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2021-03-21 0 78144460 demobilizing veteran cyborg supersoldiers Once the war is over, what happens to the cybernetically augmented veterans? worldbuilding , cyberpunk , supersoldier , robocop , six million dollar man , cyborg , transhuman , posthuman , storytime , writefag, 2021-03-22 0 78142363 trilobite civilization What if a sophont species had evolved during prehistory? What evidence would be left today? prehistoric , cambrian period , elder things , civilization , worldbuilding, 2021-03-23 2 78136134 Races Based on Art Styles How surrealist can your art movement get before it manifests in non-Euclidean ways? races , art movements , worldbuilding , history 2021-03-23 21 78116186 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 12 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-03-23 0 78248159 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 13 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-03-31 2 April 2021 4671958 A Giant in the Silver Marches 2 We track down a caravan of settlers and acquire a new bow. More giants arrive in town. Silver Marches , Silver Marches Quest , Fantasy , Giant , Collective Game , Quest , World Building , Archer 2021-04-02 5 78328758 solarpunk made punk How to make a dystopian solarpunk setting? worldbuilding , solarpunk , cyberpunk , dystopia , setting, 2021-04-03 0 4681541 Magical Girl For Hire #104 We talk to an old dragon, and head off to a dangerous island in search of the next stone. Problem is, someone got there already... MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2021-04-07 10 4713968 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (48) A touching reunion is the healing our soul needed because we dive headfirst into horrific revelations. At least we make new friends. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist, 2021-04-08 0 4686688 Magical Girl PeaceMaker Quest Not-Madoka gets shanked, then post avalanches, then gay, then nigga. Read this Magical Girl , PeaceMaker , Hush , peaceful 2021-04-10 2 78394248 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 15 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-04-11 0 4690852 My Daughter's a Magical Girl! PT2 Local father learns magic and is paranoid. Quest , Collective Game , Anon , Anonymous , MG , Magical Girl , Shotgun Dad , dad , magic , My Daughter's a Magical Girl! 2021-04-16 2 78604370 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 15 (2) anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-04-20 0 4710924 MGDF Quest #5 Lucy tells the truth, the city is under threat, and Elizabeth has a cliffhanger boss fight in this season finale. MGDF , Magical girl , Collective game , Female Protagonist 2021-04-20 1 4700116 Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon You're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander. 2nd Person , Azur Lane , Shipgirls , Mechanic Special , Slow Posting 2021-04-22 5 4771388 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 32 Shinji begins to wonder if this day will ever end. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Merlin 2021-04-26 10 78764922 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 16 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-04-30 -3 May 2021 78944717 /tg/ Gets Conscripted OP conscripts /tg/ to fight the Holy War, and unfolds his army and the world it fights in while doing so. world building , worldbuilding , roll , conscription 2021-05-03 12 4725648 Magical Girl For Hire #105 At the end of our island tour, we run into a bit of a...complication. Now where's that DAMN fourth Lockstone... MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2021-05-06 10 78936923 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 17 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-05-09 1 78914526 Trench Crusade Anons discuss about the horrific setting created by Mike Franchina. Trench Crusade , worldbuilding , WW1 , Trenches 2021-05-10 5 79097963 Your GM's fetishes Anons share their GM's fetishes. Turns out even good GMs can have "recurring themes." DM , GM , campaign , storytime , tomboy , musclegirl , slave 2021-05-10 -3 4745612 My Daughter's a Magical Girl! Pt3 Local Dad goes mole hunting, almost dies. Quest , Collective Game , Anon , Anonymous , MG , Magical Girl , Shotgun Dad , dad , magic , My Daughter's a Magical Girl! 2021-05-13 2 4750312 Girls und Panzer Quest 13: The Commemorative Cup! The Saunders Culture Festival! The Commemorative Cup continues. We also fight as Erwin. Collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks, 2021-05-15 5 79099665 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 18 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-05-15 1 79245009 Recursive Map Worldbuilding Dark Continent time worldbuilding , map , collaborative , recursive 2021-05-22 1 79366619 Chocolate and Corruption in 40k #1 - Chaos Pamphlets Bunch of guardsmen fill out some multiple choice pamphlets that cause most to turn to Chaos. Meanwhile Wonka Land isn't what it seems. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Chaos , Orks 2021-05-29 20 4782770 Magical Girl For Hire #106 After a mid-air fight and an assault on an ancient temple, we finally acquire the fourth Lockstone. Now all that's left is the last... MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2021-05-30 7 79212994 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 19 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-05-31 2 June 2021 79479764 Chocolate and Corruption in 40k #2 - Wonka Land An Eccentric mix of characters explore the perils of Wonka Land. Some continue to slide into corruption. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Tyranids , Inquisition , Orks 2021-06-04 8 79496556 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 20 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-06-05 1 4797128 The Last Sunhawk #1 Warlock cripple "Lynestra Dawnstrider" the Last Sunhawk arrives in Alterac, enjoys Alteraci hospitality, and joins The Shadow Council elit Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2021-06-05 12 4828791 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (49) Our escape is a narrow success. The land of Zipangu is welcoming, we find new people, new hope and our relationships are beginning to change Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2021-06-07 0 4804619 Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 2 You're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander. 2nd Person , Azur Lane , Shipgirls , Mechanic Special , Slow Posting 2021-06-11 0 79669577 Snowcrawlers, and surviving on the ice fields OP is reminded of an old thread and polar vehicles are posted and life in the cold is discussed with additional discussion of game mechanics fluff , cozy , winter , snow , crawler , snowcrawler , worldbuilding , supernatural , paranormal , creepy 2021-06-13 15 79632581 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 21 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-06-16 0 4822108 Girls und Panzer Quest 14: The end of the Cup! Filming a movie! The last battles of the cup happen and we begin filming a movie. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2021-06-17 6 79823550 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 22 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2021-06-18 0 79773892 Cozy Icecrawler apocalypse OP posts to discuss actual mechanics that could be done in such a cozy and creepy ice land. fluff , cozy , winter , snow , crawler , snowcrawler , worldbuilding , supernatural , paranormal , creepy , pdf 2021-06-18 11 79693580 prosthetics and mutations /tg/ creates a post-apocalyptic setting where on account of radiation and bioweapon damage, everyone's got mutations and cybernetics. worldbuilding , mutation , cybernetics , prosthetics , cyborg , mutant , body horror , tables 2021-06-22 11 4838171 Magical Girl For Hire #107 Darkness and death blankets the land as we finish the tasks of our dark master. And then we go home and fret about our new pet. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2021-06-25 7 79894893 prosthetics and mutations thread #2 A continuation of thread >>79693580. Backstory and skinwalkers are involved. worldbuilding , mutation , cybernetics , prosthetics , cyborg , mutant , body horror , tables 2021-06-27 6 July 2021 80022374 Cozy Icecrawler apocalypse 2 OP talks about some mechanics and cooking is discussed a bit more. fluff , cozy , winter , snow , crawler , snowcrawler , worldbuilding , supernatural , paranormal , creepy , pdf 2021-07-01 7 80049491 modern cyberpunk What would cyberpunk based off the modern zeitgeist rather than that of the eighties consist of? cyberpunk , worldbuilding , dystopia , feudalism, 2021-07-02 -5 4866191 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #2 David captures a pirate, raids a gang HQ, meets an old Grey and goes hunting. HFY , HFW Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2021-07-02 30 80023768 prosthetics and mutations thread #3 A continuation of >>79693580 and >>79894893, in which mutation tables are made and backstory and stats written. worldbuilding , mutation , cybernetics , prosthetics , cyborg , mutant , body horror , tables 2021-07-03 4 4873592 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (49-2) Our day in Zipangu continues, pleasant duels herald the arrival of a goddess, from there we strategize. Things might not be hopeless. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2021-07-06 0 80171648 The Mushroom Thread A compendium of resources for everything mushroom-related in tabletop RPGs. mushrooms , mushroom , fungus , fungi , worldbuilding , monster , myconid , myconids , shrooms , shroom 2021-07-07 0 4866235 The Last Sunhawk #2 Lynestra ponders the allegiance of Church, has a hilarious misunderstand, and tries to make friends. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2021-07-14 11 80146160 Turning real places into RPG locations We take real life locales into places easily insertable into our fantasy settings. worldbuilding , geography , places , fantasy 2021-07-14 1 4865172 Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 3 I was side-tracked by several new purchases for my game library and duly apologize for this detour. - The QM 2nd Person , Azur Lane , Shipgirls , Mechanic Special , Slow Posting 2021-07-16 0 4889043 Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme #3 Chimerization is at last introduced to the masses. Demihumans become known to the public, and Dr. Moreau makes some alliances. GBDNATE , madscience , monstergirls , genderbender , psychic 2021-07-18 3 4893557 Girls und Panzer Quest 15: Investigating the gold! Ooarai Drift! We film a movie and go to port. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks, 2021-07-23 3 4886989 Magical Girl For Hire #108 Miranda gets involved in the movie business. Also engages in petcare and childcare. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2021-07-31 7 August 2021 4900701 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #3 David goes hunting, gets hunted himself, gets into trouble, builds some armor and goes scavenging HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Collective Game 2021-08-01 29 80661561 Mages and Wands Originally a conversation regarding the point of wands, then the wand appraiser comes in Magic , Mages , Wands , Review , Cool Shit , world building 2021-08-14 15 80786629 Anon's Inspired Original Setting Anon explains his setting, its magic systems, and some of the history, both mortal and demonic. A trove of good ideas. Original setting , homebrew , magic , worldbuilding 2021-08-23 9 80949796 How to make fantasy genre more interesting Discussion on merits of high fantasy and low fantasy, how to make them better, and how to better DM. Worldbuilding , Fantasy , DMing 2021-08-25 1 4941633 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #4 David takes care of some pirates, recruits a cabinboy, a robot and the best girl. Also he punches a ghost to death. HFY , HFW Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2021-08-27 26 4919200 Borderlands Civ Quest: Pre-Quest Admiral Mikey awakes with the smarts and heads to Pandora to slap General Noxx. QM's job interferes with updates and thread dies early Admiral Mikey , ATLAS , Borderlands , Collective Game 2021-08-28 1 September 2021 4929317 The Last Sunhawk #3 Lynestra fights a Death Knight, dreams of her past, and has a anachronistic skype call with a grumpy undead. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2021-09-03 10 4919710 Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 4 You're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander. 2nd Person , Azur Lane , Shipgirls , Mechanic Special , Slow Posting 2021-09-03 1 4929917 Magical Girl For Hire #109 Hanging around the Intersection, we take our talents to the movies. Only to find ourselves in a mystery... MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2021-09-04 9 4948874 Girls und Panzer Quest 16: The Saunders Culture Festival! We attend the festival and do some treasure hunting. We also prepare for the Unlimited-lite. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2021-09-08 5 81216566 Jewish/mesopotamian Mysticism as a setting Bronze Age Middle East worldbuilding with gnostic weirdness Mesopotamia , Judaism , mythology , world building 2021-09-13 1 4964337 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (50) We have to face harsh reality before the assault even begins. Our return to Muribel is a fiery vengeance, to arms! Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2021-09-17 0 October 2021 4976072 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #5 David forges some funky metal, trains with his crew, finally gets laid and ATF's someone's dog HFY , HFW Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2021-10-02 25 81597519 /tg/ creates an original cosmology Tired of common tropes, the board sets out to build a world from the ground up. worldbuilding , map , cosmology , space 2021-10-09 0 5017841 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (51) We fight against our strongest foes yet, what a struggle it is... Early end due to a little difficulty. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2021-10-15 0 4982139 Magical Girl Fore Hire #110 We solve the crime, and then hold a team meeting to get our crap straight. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2021-10-20 8 November 2021 4992051 The Last Sunhawk #4 Lynestra encourages the duke, makes a scene with a drunk priest, loses a bet and starts an investigation. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2021-11-01 8 81836286 Differentiating Types of Magic A discussion on how to thematically represent different types of magic or supernatural abilities. Worldbuilding , Magic 2021-11-02 0 4983794 Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 5 You continue your assignments for the day, playing chaperone and failure in the same stride. 2nd Person , Azur Lane , Shipgirls , Mechanic Special , Slow Posting 2021-11-05 1 82044245 Functional Vampire Rulers Worldbuilding A discussion of how vampires might serve as a functional and relatively non-dystopian aristocracy based on blood intake requirements. vampires , worldbuilding 2021-11-10 2 5031026 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest A son of the Emperor is found adopted by a pair of Techpriests and raised on a Forge world. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , 2021-11-20 47 5014552 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #6 David hijacks a ship, makes contact with Gron and decides to change sides. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2021-11-22 27 December 2021 82409791 Atmospheric Vore Hell What if a perpetually airborne ecosystem similar to that of the deep sea existed? deep sea , monsters , speculative evolution , speculative biology , sky , gas giant , upper atmosphere , worldbuilding , The Horror of the Heights, 2021-12-04 2 82475934 Burgerpunk tg brainstorms what burgerpunk is in a 2000s style punk burgerpunk , punk , worldbuilding 2021-12-09 8 5029050 Magical Girl For Hire #111 More management stuff, then Miranda visits the Coven's HQ for favors and spooks, and an 11 year old vampire competes in an eating contest. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2021-12-10 9 5040377 Girls und Panzer Quest 17: Another match! The holidays approach! We fight in the Japanese Unlimited Class collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2021-12-16 2 5049040 The Last Sunhawk #5 Lynestra discovers a betrayal and a secret, almost loses to an imp, begins her mystery solving, and tries to make a new friend. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2021-12-21 7 5065826 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 2 After creating the first of his sons Tal0S goes on a crusade against the Plastoids. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , 2021-12-26 30 82642938 Dark Forest cosmology game ideas How would you run a game in a setting that adheres to the Dark Forest theory of alien civilizations? scifi , cosmology , fermi paradox , dark forest , the killing star , Charles Pellegrino , George Zebrowski , three-body problem , Liu Cixin 2021-12-27 0 January 2022 82656869 what risk is acceptable in exchange for superpowers? There's a drug that either gives you superpowers or kills you. What'd be the ratio of death versus success before people stopped using it? superpower , superpowers , superhero , superheroes , Mutants & Masterminds , M&M , worldbuilding , setting, 2022-01-01 0 5047906 Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 6 [Same as the last one] 2nd Person , Azur Lane , Shipgirls , Mechanic Special , Slow Posting 2022-01-02 1 5062182 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #7 David and Cylia deal with a worm while Clank flexes on some aliens. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-01-04 26 82716476 origins of humanity in your setting Fa/tg/uys share and discuss their original cosmologies. setting , worldbuilding , religion , mythology , cosmology , theology, 2022-01-06 -2 82843513 /tg/ makes a hexcrawl In which we fill an empty hexmap with a campaign setting. hexmap , hexcrawl , worldbuilding , australians , canadians , setting , geography , places , fantasy 2022-01-08 7 82890060 Forgeworld Hanzien /tg/ plays with creation tables and makes an Imperial Chinese-themed Forgeworld menaced by Orks and a particularly dickish Rogue Trader. creation tables , adeptus mechanicus , admech , forgeworld , techpriest , china , chinese , imperial , terracotta skitarii, 2022-01-10 1 5075063 Magical Girl For Hire #112 Izumi decides to help her friend Ai, which leads to her and Miranda taking a joint mission with Flashpoint. It's job time! MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2022-01-16 8 5077149 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #3 Another floor to manage, some dicking about, and a perspective shift to a certain charming EFT agent. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , QM gets the coof and nearly dies , Coffee Addiction , the wild ride begins 2022-01-16 10 February 2022 5088234 Slavegirl Quest Kimsey, Halfling Beguiler and Priestess of Liberation, becomes friends with a catgirl amazonian and a magi, liberates herself from slavery. Slavegirl Quest , Kimsey , Slavegirl , Halfling Beguiler , Benjamin Walsh , King of Liberation , Firearms , DnD , Catgirl Amazonian , Great Quest 2022-02-06 -7 5098704 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 3 The glorious beginning of the Federal Empire of Lucius. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan, 2022-02-06 29 5125916 Body Horror Quest, Intermezzo Intermission An interlude thread featuring: An honorable Bumblebee, A titanic thunderbird, a Socratic sage, a living battleship, and a simple woman. Body Horror Quest , bhop , BHOP , Body Horror , Female MC , Gore , intermission , interlude , side stories , slice-of-life , Yamato , birbs 2022-02-09 5 5113819 Magical Girl For Hire #113 Miranda, Izumi, and Zipper raid a house of the dead, charge through a city full of biohazards, and clear a gang with rather dark souls. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2022-02-11 9 5108810 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #8 Clank partakes in a tournament and the crew meets the red and blue sisters. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-02-13 28 5110944 Girls und Panzer Quest 18: The End of the Match! Holidays are here! In which we take the time to enjoy our holiday. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2022-02-15 3 83296655 /tg/ makes a setting based on pictures - part 24.5 anon posts a map and encourages other anons to add nations and lore based on interesting images they have world building , worldbuilding , map 2022-02-16 -3 5118694 The Last Sunhawk #6 Lynestra leaves her new dwarf friend, mulls over her findings in Mercer's diary, makes an enemy of a piece of jewelry, goes to get help. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2022-02-21 5 5112768 Forklift Operator Isekai Golden Dorifto becomes forkknight forlkift , soyjak , isekai , collective game 2022-02-21 -1 5137995 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch End (52) The Pharaoh machination has failed and her life came to a gruesome end. The events that have unfolded might affect the entire world. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2022-02-27 0 March 2022 83616992 Fae as Old Ones OP requests help fleshing out his fae folk themed campaign with ideas for weird, eldritch horror. /tg/ obliges. Fae , Fairy , fantasy , horror , folk , weird , worldbuilding , DMing , ideas , Aberrations , roleplaying , rpg , RPG , Fair Folk 2022-03-18 11 83735116 designing a strange culture An unique culture for sword & sorcery style settings. worldbuilding , culture , masks, 2022-03-19 0 83771123 What makes spacers such great villains? Anon asks what makes spacers such great villains. /tg/ concludes that it is jealousy. worldbuilding , space , colonization , escape, 2022-03-19 0 5154586 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 4 The war of the Empire of Lucius and the Mitu Conglomerate burns hot. The fleet commences a raid and pillage campaign through alien space Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-03-24 28 5168609 KNIFE GIRL KNIVES KNIVES KNIVES knife , knife girl , slug god 2022-03-25 7 5146245 Azur Lane: Beyond The Blue Horizon 7 These are your first steps ... 2nd Person , Azur Lane , Shipgirls , Mechanic Special , Slow Posting 2022-03-26 1 5160214 Magical Girl For Hire #114 Strange strangers cause strange happenings, causing us to relive the past and more. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2022-03-28 9 5186643 Girls und Panzer Quest 19: The End of the Holidays! Back in Business! We prepare for the first match of the Winter Cup collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2022-03-29 6 5165346 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #9 David and Gron go hunting for a lost crewmember, but encounter trouble almost immediately. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-03-31 28 83846747 apocalypses on a space opera rather than planetary scale Space opera apocalypses. worldbuilding , setting , apocalypse , space , dead space , alien , dark forest, 2022-03-31 0 April 2022 83841016 Astraplex RPG Zoomer OP requests feedback for his homebrew RPG system and is met by helpful advice and nostalgia for the 2000s internet. worldbuilding , system , homebrew , RPG , anime , shonen , weeaboo 2022-04-05 8 5174645 Horror World A nameless power user scavenges the wastes and encounters terrible forces. Horror World , horror , Male MC , Argent , Terra Hypnagogica , Collective Game 2022-04-09 6 84114886 Pirate Setting World Building World building thread for a pirate setting pirate , world building , sea 2022-04-14 0 5185361 The Last Sunhawk #7 Lynestra gets to know Falconcrest, has a heart to heart with Church while perhaps revealing too much, and finally reveals her borrowed books Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2022-04-18 7 5211698 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch End (53) The world may indeed never be the same after the Pharaoh's demise. We witness a mother's resolve. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2022-04-27 0 May 2022 5208383 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 5 As Lucius burns and the Blackstone Fortress activates, the Great Crusades arrives. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-05-04 31 84395413 Terrible Real Life Worldbuilding Man, real life has no imagination. Who designed this setting anyway? Worldbuilding , Real Life 2022-05-08 0 5206666 Magical Girl For Hire #115 Our delivery girls slay a giant beast on their path to the Avion City and encounter local survivor factions. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2022-05-08 8 84409765 Fantasy African Nations/Cultures Empire Comparison, Yoruba Culture, lots of links Africa , Fantasy , not!Africa , Worldbuilding , Setting 2022-05-08 3 5213826 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #10 David licks his wounds, interacts with the crew and does some cooking. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-05-11 30 84398883 practical usage of Umbrella Corporation BOWs and associated technologies What traits would actual weaponized bioengineered monsters require to be practical and how could they be integrated into an actual military? worldbuilding , monsters , military , resident evil , umbrella, 2022-05-12 0 5225669 Dawn of Worlds: Apoch - First Age #1 A gaggle of gods collaborate to remake the dead world of Apoch. Collective Game , God Game , World Building , Quest , Dawn of Worlds , Apoch , Multiplayer 2022-05-12 4 84573052 Can au/tg/ists fix Harry Potter's magic system? In which the partially organized chaos of JK Rowling's imagination is attempted to be deciphered and fixed. Harry Potter , Magic System , /tg/ gets shit done , Potterverse , Magic , Wizarding World 2022-05-19 3 5223302 Horror World #2 The nameless power-usee continues scavenging the wastes of the dead world, evading various threats along the way. Horror World , horror , Male MC , Argent , Terra Hypnagogica , Collective Game 2022-05-20 3 5255409 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 6 Tal0S has a vision Machine God and goes on a pilgrimage to gather allies in preparation for a crusade of his own. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-05-27 30 June 2022 5245924 The Last Sunhawk #8 Lynestra seeks wisdom from a seer named Sayge, (yes, really) buys poison, has a super meta convo with Jarad, the quest sadly goes on hiatus. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2022-06-06 5 5240896 Azur Lane: Beyond The Blue Horizon 8 Don't look at me like that. You know that I'm slow. Also, you just finished a meeting. Ain't life grand? 2nd Person , Azur Lane , Shipgirls , Mechanic Special , Slow Posting 2022-06-09 0 84774616 New /tg/ makes a setting thread /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-06-09 -22 5248759 Magical Girl For Hire #116 (In-thread number is mislabeled.) The mission is completed...but Izumi has a bit of a souvenir from it that she has to take care of now... MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire Quest , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2022-06-10 7 84847594 New /tg/ makes a setting thread 2 /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-06-10 -22 5248985 Girls und Panzer Quest 20: The first match of the Winter Cup! The Beginning of the End! We fight Pravda and begin preparing for what's next. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2022-06-11 4 84864673 New /tg/ makes a setting thread 3 /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-06-15 -22 84877899 New /tg/ makes a setting thread 4 /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-06-15 -22 84890048 New /tg/ makes a setting thread 5 /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-06-15 -22 84902347 monsters reflecting modern cultural anxieties What new monsters can /tg/ create to represent modern fears? worldbuilding , monsters , history , fear , representation, 2022-06-16 0 84918731 New /tg/ makes a setting thread 6 /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-06-17 -22 84930206 New /tg/ makes a setting thread 7 /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-06-17 -22 84908693 /tg/ makes a Bioshock game A discussion of steampunk vs dieselpunk aesthetics leads to worldbuilding a setting based around a Company Town. bioshock , alternate history , worldbuilding , setting, 2022-06-17 -1 5285621 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 7 The pilgrimage arrives at the Holy Planet and the 2nd legion is reunited with it's primarch Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-06-20 29 5263368 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #11 In which David pushes his ship and his equipment to their limits. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-06-22 30 84963046 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #9 yet another worldbuilding thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-06-23 -22 84990296 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #10 yet another worldbuilding thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-06-23 -23 5253825 Dawn of Worlds: Apoch - First Age #2 The age of Land and Beasts continues, and reaches a conclusion. Collective Game , God Game , World Building , Quest , Dawn of Worlds , Apoch , Multiplayer 2022-06-24 0 5278157 Dawn of Worlds: Apoch - Second Age The second age, of Culture and Strife, begins anew. Collective Game , God Game , World Building , Quest , Dawn of Worlds , Apoch , Multiplayer 2022-06-24 0 5275413 Horror World #3 The nameless power-user awakens after a deathly encounter and finds a warehouse full of dark secrets. Horror World , horror , Male MC , Argent , Terra Hypnagogica , Collective Game 2022-06-26 3 85052418 The Oobakiri Anon posts a species they invented and associated in-universe mythology and an alignment system involving cleansing your soul of impurity. worldbuilding , species , race , setting , mythology, 2022-06-29 6 July 2022 5290397 Mahou Shoujo Academia A quest about an Academy that trains magical girls in a far future post-apocalyptic setting. Our MC is a holy maiden, diligent and pure. Collective Game , Magical Girl , Mahou Shoujo Academia , Demons , Magic , Artificial Gods , Shrine Maiden , Post-Apocalypse , School Setting , Nudism 2022-07-03 25 85001905 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #11 yet another worldbuilding thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-07-03 -22 85025361 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #12 yet another worldbuilding thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-07-03 -22 85034498 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #13 yet another worldbuilding thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-07-03 -22 5295171 Magical Girl For Hire #117 Movie Making and Making Moves in The Intersection. We're a busy girl. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2022-07-09 8 5307134 Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Vol. 2 A young dragon-man conquers kobolds, bangs a bug-woman, ends his enemies and appeases his allies in an effort to realize a divine destiny. ReptoidQM , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , fantasy , adventure , monstergirls , family , friendship , war 2022-07-14 5 85074457 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #14 yet another worldbuilding thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-07-15 -24 85181021 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #15 yet another worldbuilding thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-07-15 -22 85273765 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #15-2 yet another worldbuilding thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-07-22 -22 85357735 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #16 - grundiddy-i gromplos edition /tg/ adds add grundiddy-i gromplos and the nomadic kopwunrias to the setting. grundiddy-i gromplos , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-07-24 -22 5310880 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 8 The Reconquista crushes the Ork hordes before marching towards the Mitu Collective. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-07-26 27 5313079 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #12 David and the crew begin work on cleaning up after the battle and discover a little more of the truth behind AI technology. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-07-28 31 5318272 Horror World #4 The nameless power-user once more encounters The Hound, before stumbling across a curious and strange entity. Horror World , horror , Male MC , Argent , Terra Hypnagogica , Collective Game 2022-07-29 1 85453380 The Illusionary Kingdom A kingdom under an illusion of utopian plenitude, which only works for people who believe in it and the infohazardous consequences. setting , worldbuilding , feywild , matrix , perception, 2022-07-31 -13 August 2022 85499731 Grundiddy-i Gromplos World #17 Grundiddy-i Gromplos is discussed further. grundiddy-i gromplos , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-08-04 -22 85442583 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #17 yet another worldbuilding thread, grundiddy troll forgot to archive this one, 85499731 is also a part of this setting throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-08-05 -22 5326152 Magical Girl For Hire #118 Short thread in which Miranda goes through her ever-growing list of to-do's. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2022-08-06 6 85554910 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #18 yet another worldbuilding thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-08-07 -22 85565926 The World of Grundiddy-i Gromplos #1 /tg/ comes together and makes an interesting setting grundiddy-i gromplos , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-08-08 -22 85580942 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #21 yet another worldbuilding thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-08-09 -23 5327075 Girls und Panzer Quest 21: Round 2! Fighting Jatkosota! We spend the week recovering and preparing to fight Jatkosota. collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2022-08-10 4 85573466 Collective Worldbuilding pt 2 The second part of /tg/ trying to escape a dumpster fire. Collective game , Worldbuilding , Maps 2022-08-10 -22 5352204 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 9 The shadow of the Blackstone Fortress hides the Reconquista on the Mitu Collective Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-08-11 25 5354485 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #13 David picks through the wreckage of his spectacular dogfight, kills yet more Wraiths and Demons, and has a not so restful sleep. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-08-11 28 5337401 Your Little Mermaid Your girlfriend proposes to you and reveals that she's actually part fishwoman. A mix of slice-of-life fluff and supernatural marriage prep mermaid , monstergirl , monogamy , waifu , comfy , Delta Green , Lovecraftian , fishfucker 2022-08-11 7 5332516 Mahou Shoujo Academia #2 Parva and friends continue through the survival training they were thrown into as punishment for missing orientation. Collective Game , Magical Girl , Mahou Shoujo Academia , Demons , Magic , Artificial Gods , Shrine Maiden , Post-Apocalypse , School Setting , Nudism 2022-08-11 21 85591402 Collective Worldbuilding pt 3 /tg/ continues to do lore. OP gets butthurt. Collective game , Worldbuilding , Maps 2022-08-14 -22 85647965 Collective Worldbuilding pt 4 /tg/ continues making a world. OP misnumbered the thread and we all make fun of him for a few minutes. Collective game , Worldbuilding , Maps 2022-08-16 -22 85686282 /tg/ throws shit at a wall #22 will probably get downvoted below -20 by the grundy troll, but still useful so link can be included in next thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-08-18 -22 85661451 Comfy spaceship setting building Starship talismans, fermented foods and courier families - A /tg/ collective of lore snippets and fluff for a comfy spacefaring game. fluff , cozy , space , worldbuilding, 2022-08-24 6 85775039 /tg/ throws shit at a wall #23 will probably get downvoted below -20 by the grundy troll, but still useful so link can be included in next thread throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-08-25 -22 5344524 Final Girl Quest A small town with a dark past.
A sprawling mansion.
A party gone wrong.
A maniac with an axe.
Help Stephanie survive the night. Final Girl Quest , Collective Game , Horror , Slasher Movie , Teen Drama , '80s , Female Protagonist , Violence , Gore , Strong Language , NC-17 2022-08-27 20 September 2022 85866948 Collective Worldbuilding pt 5 /tg/ continues worldbuilding. Also, to the ass who keeps randomly downvoting these threads; stop. Grundiddy-i gromplos are no longer a thing Collective game , Worldbuilding , Maps 2022-09-01 -22 5358723 Magical Girl For Hire #119 We go on a job as part of a bargain we made. It's only somewhat spooky, really. But game shows are their own special brand of horror. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2022-09-04 5 5355429 Horror World #5 Having returned to base, the Power User and the little module discuss recent events. Some questions are answered. Horror World , horror , Male MC , Argent , Terra Hypnagogica , Collective Game 2022-09-04 1 85795737 What would the state of the world be like after centuries of industrial warfare? Worldbuilding for a thematically different post-apoc game from a more standard nuclear wasteland. ww1 , ww2 , world war , worldbuilding , setting , trench , dieselpunk, 2022-09-08 7 85797761 Comfy/Wholesome/Bittersweet Thread Anons share bittersweet moments from their games & settings; One anon shares a bronze-age world of black winters and Hearth-Mothers. worldbuilding , setting , winter , snow , cozy , comfy , bittersweet 2022-09-11 0 86150840 /tg/ makes a setting 26 - Good dogs and puking cats Edition for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-09-25 -22 86105763 some philosophical debate Which D&D classes would make the ideal waifus? D&D , roleplay , classes , best girl, 2022-09-27 3 October 2022 5379135 Your Little Mermaid #2 After some discussions with the waifu about personal issues, you meet her mother and possibly her ancestor. Some bonus content, too. mermaid , monstergirl , monogamy , waifu , comfy , Delta Green(?) , Lovecraftian , fishfucker , mermaid II mer harder 2022-10-02 7 86258892 /tg/ makes a setting 27 - Lucy's present to the Emperor Edition for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-10-05 -22 86355397 /tg/ makes a setting 28 - Vengeful spirits from the past for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-10-13 -22 5390745 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #14 David meets back up with Clank, takes down some mercs, makes a deal with a gun runner and meets with the owner of a whorehouse. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-10-18 28 5391649 Girls und Panzer Quest 22: Another day, another fight! We begin our fight with Jatkosota collective game , Rafael , GuP , Girls und Panzer , Panther , Girls , Tanks , 2022-10-22 3 5393091 Magical Girl For Hire #120 Miranda takes part in game show subterfuge. MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2022-10-22 5 5392504 Final Girl Quest - Chapter II There's a storm raging outside, and someone's at the door. Twenty bucks says it's not the pizza boy... Final Girl Quest , Collective Game , Horror , Slasher Movie , Teen Drama , '80s , Female Protagonist , Violence , Gore , Strong Language , NC-17 2022-10-22 15 5393107 Horror World #6 The Power User grows his strength,eats some bad food, and once more enters a terrible dream under a strange green sky. Horror World , horror , Male MC , Argent , Terra Hypnagogica , Collective Game 2022-10-24 1 5395761 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 10 TalOS returns to Mars in triumph, and becomes the new Fabricator General of Lucius Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-10-26 22 5419820 A Tale of Monsters - Repose (54) We finally earn some rest, and make sure to take care of our bonds, to create harmonious blossoms. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2022-10-31 0 86504173 /tg/ makes a setting 29 - We still need more dates edition for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-10-31 -22 November 2022 5446598 Magical Girl For Hire #121 Magical Girl For Hire #121 MGFH , Magical Girl For Hire , magical girl , mercenary , collective game , MGHandler 2022-11-01 4 86662491 /tg/ makes a setting 30 - Smiling Gnoll edition for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-11-19 -22 5443267 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 11 Meeting fellow Primarchs, not all went well. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-11-29 22 December 2022 86786745 /tg/ makes a setting 31 - The fuck is a neepus? edition for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-12-04 -22 5437189 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #15 David cleans up a homeless encampment, turns in some bounties, designs his new ship and goes on the search for a big-ass nanofabricator. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-12-08 30 5442123 Horror World #7 The Power User continues his struggle within the dream, faced with multiple dangerous entities guarding a mysterious white flame. Horror World , horror , Male MC , Argent , Terra Hypnagogica , Collective Game 2022-12-12 0 5489899 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #16 David hears worrying news about an outbreak on other stations, takes some time to deal with the captured AI and develops an android body for SHODAN. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-12-14 29 5493690 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 12 'What shall be done, which cannot be taken back.' Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , Pariah 2022-12-15 22 86924239 /tg/ makes a setting 31#2 - Just Alchemists having fun edition for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2022-12-19 -22 5459697 Elf Maiden Quest The story of an elf maiden's Travails as she seeks the renewal of ancient treaties between Hume, Stout, and Elf. Elf Maiden Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Elves , World Building , Cleric , Divine Magic , Thirsty MC , Sacred Prostitute , Smut Serves Plot 2022-12-22 31 5471260 Your Little Mermaid #3: Family Matters Slow thread. You introduce waifu to the hometown and reveal the secret to Mom. Grandad was a monster hunter, a doctor offers help and a job. mermaid , monstergirl , monogamy , waifu , comfy , Delta Green(?) , Lovecraftian , fishfucker , mermaid III revenge of the mer 2022-12-28 5 January 2023 87072460 /tg/ makes a setting 32 - We need a bigger compass edition for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2023-01-01 -22 87171716 /tg/ makes a setting 33 - Seasons Greetings edition for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2023-01-01 -22 5478100 Final Girl Quest - Chapter III Power's out at Hughes Mansion, but it looks like the cavalry's on the way. Will Megan and Sarge get there in time...? Final Girl Quest , Collective Game , Horror , Slasher Movie , Teen Drama , '80s , Female Protagonist , Violence , Gore , Strong Language , NC-17 2023-01-04 13 87267880 /tg/ makes a setting 34 - Moths the size of albatross edition for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2023-01-17 -22 87388478 /tg/ makes a setting 35 - Lore, lore, lore! Edition for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2023-01-17 -22 5505378 Elf Maiden Quest #2 Continuation of Lagneia, the elf maiden, and her journey to renew the ancient treaties. She finds a spear that can make people orgasm. Elf Maiden Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Elves , World Building , Cleric , Divine Magic , Thirsty MC , Sacred Prostitute , Smut Serves Plot 2023-01-26 28 5502106 Transgirl Transfer Student Quest One QM starts a quest about a sickly boy crushing on a new transfer student. Another QM turns it into a supernatural tale of terror. Tzeentch , Not Tzeentch , transgirl , slice of life , student , romance , supernatural , adopted quest 2023-01-28 -1 February 2023 87550989 /tg/ makes a setting 38 - Witch Supremacy Edition for archival purposes throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-02-01 -22 87563268 Magical Girl Games Anon watches Madoka and wants to run a Magical Girl themed campaign. Arguments, memes, and weebs arguing over stupid things. Magical Girl , Anime , Kamen Rider , Worldbuilding , OVA , BESM , Setting Discussion , superheroes , magic 2023-02-04 -22 5514043 Rage Across Pennsylvania #1 A high school student called Sam finds out he's a werewolf. Weird shit ensues. Collective Game , Quest , World of Darkness , Werewolf the Apocalypse , Rage Across Pennsylvania 2023-02-05 26 87572477 Paleo Monster Thread Anons discuss using extinct animals and plants as encounters. Autism ensues over scientific accuracy. Dinosaurs , Monsters , Worldbuilding , 2023-02-08 3 87627406 /tg/ makes a setting 39-2 - Greedy Gods and Goddess Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep. Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-02-15 -22 5523772 Martin's School For Superhumanity Quest 1 A reticent power-copying superhuman finds new meaning and purpose at Martin's School. We outsmart bullies, learn judo, and play pinball. MS Quest , Martin's Quest , Superhero , School , Capeworld 2023-02-16 15 87612096 Magical Girl Games 2: Electric Boogaloo A second thread about weebs talking about Magical Girl themed campaigns. More arguing ensues. Will there be a part 3? Magical Girl , Anime , Kamen Rider , Worldbuilding , OVA , BESM , Setting Discussion , superheroes , magic 2023-02-19 -22 5533592 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #17 David holds a few spars, has a fight mid-warp and starts clearing out one of the drone ships. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-02-22 29 5534759 Your Little Mermaid #4 - Bridging the Gap General backstory expansion, especially with regards to the nuclear family. Some fun chats with Meryl, too. A bit short, new device. mermaid , monstergirl , monogamy , waifu , comfy , Lovecraftian , Lovecraft Lite , fishfucker, 2023-02-23 5 March 2023 5542073 Mechanicus' Primarch 13 Time starts to pick up as the Great Crusade begins filling itself with the Primarchs upon its ranks. Half of the Primarchs found, the other Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , Pariah 2023-03-03 20 5548589 Fantasy Neckbeard Warlock Quest After his witch mother dies, Lucas commits a massacre, gets a bird's eye view, and pioneers drone warfare. Much spaghetti is spilled. Collective Game , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Warlock , Neckbeard , Fantasy Neckbeard Warlock Quest 2023-03-03 12 87775238 Biology in fantasy and sci-fi Fantasy creatures discussed from the scientific point of view. Biology , Fantasy , Sci-fi , Monsters , Worldbuilding 2023-03-04 2 5551351 Elf Maiden Quest #3 Lagneia receives a very indecent proposition from a baron, fights her way through mercenaries and tries to capture an ugly noble Elf Maiden Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Elves , World Building , Cleric , Divine Magic , Thirsty MC , Sacred Prostitute , Smut Serves Plot 2023-03-06 28 87795959 /tg/ makes a setting 40 - Weird Monsters Out of Nowhere Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep. Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-a-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-03-06 -22 5562590 Rage Across Pennsylvania #2 Sam completes his initiation rite and gets into a fight. Collective Game , Quest , World of Darkness , Werewolf the Apocalypse , Rage Across Pennsylvania , Hench 2023-03-08 12 5561322 Local Lord Quest VII Our local lord travels to meet his liege, fights strange Lombards, gets quite drunk, is jailed, and then must explain himself while hungover Local Lord , Medieval , Mudcore , Fantasy , Intrigue , Battle , Nearly Naked Guelphs 2023-03-11 11 87927878 MEATWARS Political Compass /Tg fills in a political compass that measures Flesh, Steel, Rot, and Robustness, and does a little worldbuilding Setting , Political Compass , Meatwars , Body horror , Worldbuilding 2023-03-14 11 5574482 Martin's School Quest 2 Izzy takes a trip to the land of Dragons to meet Monster's dad, then goes to dine with the dead. MS Quest , Martin's Quest , Superhero , School , Capeworld 2023-03-16 13 87956630 /tg/ makes a setting 41 - Empress on a Coin Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-a-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-03-20 -22 5577522 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #18 David and SHODAN raid their own ships and do a little hacking. David has another strange dream and meets back up with his crew. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-03-28 26 April 2023 88125000 /tg/ makes a setting 42 - Fucking Snoloths, how do they work? Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-04-01 -22 5585079 Mechanicus Primarch Quest 14 The Horus Heresy nears as a Primarch meets a true Ancient. Said Ancient is quite cranky. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , Pariah 2023-04-06 20 88282893 How do you deal with Ice Planet, /tg/?" /tg/ discusses the state of the Lego wargame, moans about Ice Planet being op, dies of nostalgia overload Lego , worldbuilding , Sci-Fi , fictional wargame , pure imagination , transparent orange chainsaw , space , castle , awesome , childhood , nostalgia 2023-04-07 7 88278726 /tg/ makes a setting 43 - Birds with Plenty of Eyes Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-04-08 -22 88372296 /tg/ makes a setting 44 - Cowboy Aliens from Outer Space Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-04-16 -24 88453902 Wargame Political Compass #1 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-04-18 21 88499775 Wargame Political Compass #2 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-04-21 12 88521841 Wargame Political Compass #3 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-04-22 -6 88465385 /tg/ makes a setting 45 - The Great Temples Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-04-23 -22 5599265 Your Little Mermaid #5 - Collecting Yourself Lots of trials and tribulations lead into the most important choice in the whole quest- your daughter's name. Marilyn joins your family. mermaid , monstergirl , monogamy , waifu , comfy , Lovecraftian , Lovecraft Lite , fishfucker, 2023-04-24 25 88546020 Wargame Political Compass #4 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-04-24 -20 5614557 Martin's School Quest 3 In which we finish hanging out with pirates, visit a superhero coffee shop, and go on hiatus. MS Quest , Martin's Quest , Superhero , School , Capeworld 2023-04-27 12 88573764 Wargame Political Compass #5 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-04-27 -21 5602287 Kingdom Hearts Otherverse: /qst/ Edition Eglwyswrw (Egg) the Black Mage goes on a quest with his buddy Bronadon and Oswald the lucky rabbit to save the universe from the Darkness. Kingdom Hearts , Eglwyswrw , Egg , Bronadon , Oswald , Hectictude , World A supremacy 2023-04-27 -1 88609944 Wargame Political Compass #6 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-04-30 -21 May 2023 88563258 /tg/ makes a setting 45 - Dark Sorcerers Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-05-01 -22 88644608 Wargame Political Compass #7 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-05-01 -21 88673440 Wargame Political Compass #8 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-05-03 -21 88692518 Wargame Political Compass #9 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-05-04 -21 5611746 Extremely Low Effort Fetish Isekai Quest A guy who died is turned into a spidergirl and sent to another world by a goddess who hates her. Or cares about her. Maybe both. Collective Game , Isekai , Arachne , Spidergirl 2023-05-04 -10 88708594 Wargame Political Compass #10 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-05-06 -21 5617991 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #19 David heads back to Xebric station only to discover shit hit the fan. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-05-08 28 88666593 /tg/ makes a setting 47 - You've been gnomed Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-05-08 -22 88727682 Wargame Political Compass #11 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-05-09 -21 5623520 In the Land of Cotton: A Confederate Magical Girl Quest A flying magical girl and her squad start their fight in the American Civil War before the QM calls for a pause. Collective Game , Magical Girl , Alt-History , Wide Pride 2023-05-11 -8 5654967 A Tale of Monsters - Repose (55) A well-earned vacation full of events, preludes to inevitable upheavals. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2023-05-15 0 5627299 Mechanicus Primarch Quest 15 The Horus Heresy begins. TalOS becomes the Omnissiah. Perturabo is sent to Lucius and TalOS goes to rescue Mars from the traitors. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , Pariah 2023-05-15 20 88762012 /tg/ makes a setting 48 - Funny Turtles Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-05-16 -22 88778228 Wargame Political Compass #12 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-05-18 -21 88870359 Wargame Political Compass #13 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-05-21 -21 88855281 /tg/ makes a setting 49 - Maps in need of Completion Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-05-23 -22 5636366 Final Girl Quest - Chapter IV The carnage at the Hughes House is broken up by the arrival of an alcoholic rookie cop and her trusty canine companion. Final Girl Quest , Collective Game , Horror , Slasher Movie , Teen Drama , '80s , Female Protagonist , Violence , Gore , Strong Language , NC-17 2023-05-24 9 88914758 Wargame Political Compass #14 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-05-25 -21 5638663 Paranomal Crossdressing School, Part 1 Denied the peace in death, Yui Nakamura once again proves his name is NOT yet Aki... Girl(male) , Trap , RESistance , Escape , Cosmic Horror , 'Innsmouth' People , Trap-On-Trap Yaoi , Quasi-Yuri! 2023-05-28 -22 88977888 Wargame Political Compass #15 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-05-30 -22 88948871 /tg/ makes a setting 50 - All I see I give to me Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-05-30 -23 June 2023 89025754 Wargame Political Compass #16 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-06-07 -22 89035095 /tg/ makes a setting 51 - Have at thee, Snoloth! Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-06-07 -23 89115225 Wargame Political Compass #17 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-06-14 -22 89127240 /tg/ makes a setting 52 - A year of Giantstep Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-06-14 -23 89215539 /tg/ makes a setting part 53 We talk about title cards Collective game , Worldbuilding , Maps 2023-06-14 -22 5666785 Mechanicus Primarch Quest 16: Siege of Terra The End has arrived. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , Pariah , Ends 2023-06-19 21 5658149 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #20 David and crew make their way through the ruined Xebric Station, encounter someone unexpected and (eventually) reach their target. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-06-20 22 89200203 Wargame Political Compass #18 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-06-21 -22 5654776 True Neutral Conquest Quest A True Neutral Wizard embarks on a quest to conquer the entire world for the sake of learning more magic. Wizard , World Conquest , Different Army Alignments , Alignment , Ninja 2023-06-22 0 5693395 Elf Maiden Quest IV Lagneia the sacred prostitute makes her glorious returns as she attempts to extract her quarry from al-Fasek & his harem of deadly femboys Elf Maiden Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Elves , World Building , Cleric , Divine Magic , Thirsty MC , Sacred Prostitute , Warned for Gay 2023-06-24 28 89297989 Wargame Political Compass #19 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-06-28 -22 89309033 /tg/ makes a setting 54 - Witchbog Trade Shenanigans Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-06-28 -23 July 2023 89382116 Wargame Political Compass #20 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-07-05 -22 89389607 /tg/ makes a setting 55 - Weird Creatures from the Jungle Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-07-06 -23 5676561 Jail Quest thread #1 The traveling con artist Rosa Montagni gets roped into forming a team to save the world of Gongalla from a reality storm. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-07-08 10 89461008 Wargame Political Compass #21 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-07-12 -23 89472549 /tg/ makes a setting 56#1 - Comfy Wooden Palace Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-07-13 -23 89544852 Wargame Political Compass #22 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-07-19 -23 89552939 /tg/ makes a setting 56 - Goblins in the Snow Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-07-20 -23 89631080 Wargame Political Compass #23 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-07-26 -23 89637453 /tg/ makes a setting 58 - Flags of the wold Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-07-27 -23 August 2023 89770311 Armoured Whale worldbuilding OP seeks ideas for armoured whales in his setting; it gets religious worldbuilding , fluff 2023-08-01 0 89713196 Wargame Political Compass #24 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-08-02 -24 89718352 /tg/ makes a setting 59 - Behemoths in the Field Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-08-03 -23 5692338 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #21 The assault on Xebric station continues. David faces several dangerous opponents to maintain control of the station. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-08-07 18 89797226 /tg/ makes a setting 60 - Maps, Maps and more Maps Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-08-10 -23 89792722 Wargame Political Compass #25 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-08-10 -23 89868753 /tg/ makes a setting 61 - The Ogre Ride Never Ends Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep. Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-08-17 -23 89869127 Wargame Political Compass #26 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-08-17 -23 89944865 /tg/ makes a setting 62 - Wizards and Magic Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-08-23 -24 89947037 Wargame Political Compass #27 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-08-24 -24 5709159 Jail Quest thread #2 The gang continues their journey to Goblinton, Rosa gets surprise reunion'd, and they investigate some strange men. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-08-28 8 90013461 /tg/ makes a setting 63 - Back to the Bestiary Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-08-30 -24 September 2023 90025795 Wargame Political Compass #28 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-09-02 -23 5718342 Prinzessin Quest Troupe flutist Emi gets involved in her colleagues' shenanigans while juggling responsibilities of adulthood. prinzessin quest , drawquest , slice of life , early modern fantasy , first person narration 2023-09-03 26 90087220 /tg/ makes a setting 64 - Caves for Sporggo Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-09-06 -24 90105561 Wargame Political Compass #29 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-09-08 -20 90211242 Lich Dungeon Crafting A thread where I (OP) requested help crafting a Lich Dungeon World Creation , Lich , Dungeon 2023-09-12 -3 90241895 /tg/ makes a setting 64 - The Fields of Excretium Anons continue to discuss the scatlogical aspects of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-09-14 -7 90181640 Wargame Political Compass #30 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-09-16 -8 90255685 /tg/ Makes a Setting 1 Anons begin to discuss an epic new setting Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2023-09-22 -2 90307311 /tg/ makes an industrial setting #1 /tg/ begins a many thread long worldbuilding session Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2023-09-22 0 90325677 /tg/ Makes a Setting - #1 /tg/ makes a new and unique setting throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2023-09-22 -1 90267064 /tg/ builds a world /tg/ discusses cultural things in a new setting worldbuilding 2023-09-22 -2 5732362 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #22 David gets Cylia's hand fixed, clears out a hospital and makes a deal with a lizard-person. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-09-22 15 90257150 Wargame Political Compass #31 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-09-23 -6 90336310 Wargame Political Compass #32 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-09-30 -6 October 2023 5751430 My best friend is a (trans)catgirl~!! A skeptical detective befriends a mysterious (trans) catgirl coroner to solve a mysterious (magical?) murder CatOP , LGBT , detective , crime , frienship , trans rights , youkai , Japanese culture , catgirl 2023-10-01 -20 90389784 /tg/ makes a setting 68 - Mischievous Wisps Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-10-05 -6 90413108 Wargame Political Compass #33 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-10-08 -6 5761600 Mage Quest #1 Mona mac Muirgen seeks to become the very pinnacle of hydromancy, and she's more than willing to bend a few rules for her ambition. Collective Game , Quest , Mage Quest , Fantasy , Dungeons , Adventurers , Hydromancy , World Building , Childhood Friend Wins 2023-10-11 20 5761275 Jail Quest thread #3 We recount our travels to the Southern anchor's deity, Sierra, heard a story about Gobson, got Craig a book, and headed North. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-10-11 7 90469380 /tg/ makes a setting 69 - The Witches' Tree Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-10-12 -6 90499203 Wargame Political Compass #34 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-10-14 -5 5762853 Warlord's Legacy Dagur Khan leads a small horde of nomadic horsemen across a sea of golden grass. Warlord 2023-10-15 10 90556756 /tg/ makes a setting 70 - The Old Druid Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-10-19 -6 5770776 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #23 David pieces the station back together and prepares to go home - to earth. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-10-20 14 90584650 Wargame Political Compass #35 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-10-21 -6 5774217 Rise of the Awakened #8 The gang beat the deer, recover their gear minus their guns, confront history in a museum town, experiment with polymorph rings, and relax. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Maggie , Back from hiatus , Yawn chain , R&R , Downtime , Worldbuilding , Quest 2023-10-24 4 90644647 /tg/ makes a setting 71 - Yet Again, Maps Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-10-26 -6 90673309 Wargame Political Compass #36 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-10-29 -6 November 2023 90721419 /tg/ makes a setting 72 - The Bonefort Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-11-02 -6 90753468 Wargame Political Compass #37 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-11-05 -6 90795696 /tg/ makes a setting 73 - Surprise in the Crops Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-11-09 -6 5796950 Cleaner Quest You are Nicole Smith, a Cleaner with untapped anomalous powers. Your goal is succeed in your missions and get THAT CASH. Collective Game , Coffee Addiction , Cleaner , Anomaly , inspired by Project Moon , schizo girls are neat 2023-11-09 32 90829747 Wargame Political Compass #38 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-11-13 -5 90871350 /tg/ makes a setting 74 - Trading across the South Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-11-16 -7 90915649 Future Warfare thread /tg/ discusses realistic future warfare. Will it be drones, drones, or more drones? Answer: probably less drones Worldbuilding , Sci-Fi , Technology , Warfare , Setting 2023-11-20 1 90908926 Wargame Political Compass #39 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-11-21 -5 5792714 World of Darkness: Chicago Quest #1 A day at Ryan Moore's life! A meetign with his co-workers at the Tabloid during day, and a celebration with his best friend at night. Collective Game , Quest , World of Darkness , WoD , Chicago , Mortals , Oracle1990 2023-11-22 -2 5791812 Jail Quest thread #4 We head North, Craig learns 2 spells, we failed to shoot at a thief, and was about to stop at Crypt. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-11-22 5 90944099 /tg/ makes a setting 75 - Witches Having Fun Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-11-23 -6 5832267 Lingdon Quest A slice of life quest devised from prior worldbuilding threads about a race of pygmies called Ling. worldbuilding , slice of life , conlang 2023-11-25 10 90986494 Wargame Political Compass #40 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-11-27 -5 91020650 /tg/ makes a setting 76 - Running Away from the Monster Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-11-30 -7 December 2023 5805575 The Lady Knight's Quest #1 In which you play Dame Louise le Blanc, a titan of a woman who leads a cadre of men-at-arms to fight heretics in the highlands. The Lady Knight's Quest , Lady Knight Quest , Lady Knights , Paladins , Chivalry , Fantasy , Fanaticism , Heretics , Worldbuilding , Armor is OP , Rip and Tear Orc Guts 2023-12-01 30 91065344 Wargame Political Compass #41 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-12-04 -5 5803136 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #24 David encounters a giant space squid and finally makes it back to earth. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-12-05 10 91093365 /tg/ makes a setting 77 - There be Whales Here Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-12-07 -8 5810404 The Monster Girl Facility #1 Mikhail and his men enter the ruins of the facility for the first time. They encounter two subjects and a scientist and kill 3 guardsmen. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2023-12-07 22 91097573 Valhallans on an Anchor World Part 2 The Valhallan 545th and their allies fight chaos and tyranids while an Inquisitor goes on a secret mission 40k , IG , valhallans , skitarii , chaos , tyranids , deathwatch , writefaggotry , mordians , felinids , eldar , harlequins 2023-12-08 4 5809593 Warlord's Legacy #2 Tarkhan annexes the Erkin Tribe and takes his first concubine. Warlord 2023-12-11 5 91137325 Wargame Political Compass #42 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-12-12 -5 91159667 /tg/ makes a setting 78 - Merfolk Summer Palace Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-12-14 -6 5811050 Vampire the Dark Ages: Athens By Night Kalina of Damascus is initiated into as a Neonate Vampire the Dark Ages , Athens By Night , World of Darkness , WoD , Crassus , Tzimisce , Byzantium , Constantinople 2023-12-14 7 5763949 Prinzessin Quest 2 Troupe flutist Emi and stage combat choreographer Zorn take part in a play and meet others in the industry. prinzessin quest , drawquest , slice of life , early modern fantasy , first person narration , romance , theater troupe 2023-12-19 9 91204984 Wargame Political Compass #43 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-12-19 -5 91224988 /tg/ makes a setting 79 - Demon Tieflings Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-12-21 -5 91275538 Wargame Political Compass #44 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2023-12-27 -5 91291528 /tg/ makes a setting 80 - The Wicked Witch of Littlestep Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2023-12-28 -7 January 2024 91338794 Wargame Political Compass #45 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-01-02 -6 91353551 /tg/ makes a setting 81 - Vampire Cult Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-01-04 -6 5839149 World of Darkness: Chicago Quest #2 Ryan Moore wake up next day and talks with his work friend about a weird sensation. Collective Game , Quest , World of Darkness , WoD , Chicago , Mortals , Oracle1990 2024-01-08 0 91416168 Wargame Political Compass #46 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-01-10 -5 91432606 /tg/ makes a setting 82 - The Cosmic Staircase Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-01-11 -6 91525253 /tg/ makes a setting 83 - Small Magical Argument Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-01-18 -6 5865235 Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age Ramza Valentine helps to discover a sinister plot by one of the Merchant Kings and goes on a journey to Threespice to investigate it. Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age , Lodestar , Sky Pirates , Fantasy , Hollow World , Magic , Original , Homebrew , Collective Game , Quest , Watcher 2024-01-18 17 5855084 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #25 In which David gets his earthly affairs back in order, starts looking for his old friends and finds a way to take care of his family. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-01-19 8 91510472 Wargame Political Compass #47 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-01-19 -6 5855948 The Lady Knight's Quest II In which our heroine confronts the Witch of Depravity inside of her mind, and receives her new orders from the King himself. The Lady Knight's Quest , Lady Knights , Paladins , Chivalry , Fantasy , Fanaticism , Heretics , Worldbuilding , Armor is OP , Rip and Tear Orc Guts 2024-01-20 22 5874503 Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest We select our villainess character and get thrown into another world. Can Kuroda Haruka survive? villainess , collective_game , magical_girl 2024-01-20 17 5860474 The Monster Girl Facility #2 Mikhail and his men enter the green section, Zaria is hurt by a chameleon subject, and a side-story reveals just how bad things can get... Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-01-23 16 91592820 Wargame Political Compass #48 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-01-24 -6 91607015 /tg/ makes a setting 84 - A Small Summoning Mishap Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-01-25 -8 5894665 False World Online - Session 1 We delve into the False World, save a manlet from a flesh silo, and build something new from its remains False World , FWO , Infliction , 2024-01-26 6 February 2024 91698476 /tg/ makes a setting 85 - Long Leng Labyrinths Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-02-02 -5 91701936 Wargame Political Compass #49 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-02-02 -6 5877267 Loveless Gal (and those damned females) Addicted to masturbation and bloodletting, Gal feels stuck in life - but one fateful evening puts him on the path of healing once more. loveless gal quest , drawquest , slice of life , early modern fantasy , first person narration , romance , addiction , incest , historical trivia 2024-02-06 7 91779025 /tg/ makes a setting 86 - Dark Gods Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-02-09 -6 91784100 Wargame Political Compass #50 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-02-11 -7 5880376 Jail Quest thread #5 We fix a broken thief at Crypt, arrive at Pinewatch early, and Craig passes out in a brothel. Jail Quest, Collective Game, Rosa Montagni, Nemo, Craig Snorlison, Brother Valencio, con artist, prison, Gongalla Gaol 2024-02-12 5 91852462 /tg/ makes a setting 87 - The Bone Dome Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-02-16 -6 91857566 Wargame Political Compass #51 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-02-17 -7 91919615 /tg/ makes a setting 88 - Tragic Werespiders Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-02-23 -6 5903834 Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 2 Kuroda Haruka becomes King of Camelot and starts the first steps as a villainess. villainess , collective_game , magical_girl 2024-02-24 12 5907607 False World Online Chapter 2 In which Cian meets a Misguided soul, replaces his arms with psyberware, and heads out to hunt down some bots. False World , FWO , Infliction , Collective Game , False World Online , VRMMO 2024-02-28 6 March 2024 91925480 Wargame Political Compass #52 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-03-01 -7 5896153 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #26 In which David secures his fortunes, reveals all to his sister and picks up an old friend. And a method of creating psychics? HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-03-05 7 5903865 Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 2) Gigas fields investigations in Threespice, touching base with Lobo, recruiting Gremory the Demon, and interrogating Stillwater. Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age , Lodestar , Sky Pirates , Fantasy , Hollow World , Magic , Original , Homebrew , Collective Game , Quest , Watcher 2024-03-08 13 92084027 /tg/ makes a setting 89 - Back to Work Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-03-11 -6 5904571 The Monster Girl Facility #3 Mikhail and his men deal with some more guards, terrible scientists, a friendly yet simple mosquito subject and a murderous rabbit subject. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-03-12 15 5915513 The Lady Knight's Quest In which our heroine departs from Liliendorf after a dear servant reveals herself as an adherent of the Dark One... The Lady Knights Quest , Lady Knight Quest , Lady Knights , Paladins , Chivalry , Fantasy , Fanaticism , Heretics , Worldbuilding , Armor is OP , Rip 2024-03-18 20 92067118 Wargame Political Compass #53 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-03-18 -9 92133409 Wargame Political Compass #54 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-03-18 -8 92198903 Wargame Political Compass #55 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-03-18 -8 April 2024 5934576 Jail Quest thread #6 Rosa plans and mounts a not-so-daring rescue of Craig! Rumors, secret passages, secret room?? Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2024-04-01 5 5948262 Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 6 A young mage is forced to play diplomat in his own homeland, to confront personal prophecies, and to strike a balance between light and dark ReptoidQM , Reptilian Infiltrator , Dragonborn Antipaladin , ethnic tension , world peace , imperialism , predestination , relativism , futanari 2024-04-06 6 5935291 Final Girl Quest - Chapter V Miles survived, Sheriff Campbell's on his way, and Stephanie is about to unmask the horned brute. Is the nightmare finally over...? Final Girl Quest , Collective Game , Horror , Slasher Movie , Teen Drama , '80s , Female Protagonist , Violence , Gore , Strong Language , NC-17 2024-04-07 8 92268614 Wargame Political Compass #56 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-04-08 -9 92338736 Wargame Political Compass #57 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-04-08 -8 92346917 /tg/ makes a setting 90 - Party through the Wheat Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-04-08 -7 5952624 Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 3 Kuroda Haruka scores a few successes and setbacks during and after her first Quest in Japan. villainess , collective_game , magical_girl 2024-04-09 12 5951440 Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 3) Val Lasombra learns a great deal about Demons, dived into Stillwater's blackmail, saved Aito, and encountered the Gaoth raidship Skyseer. Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age , Lodestar , Sky Pirates , Fantasy , Hollow World , Magic , Original , Homebrew , Collective Game , Quest , Watcher 2024-04-14 6 5943919 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #27 David goes looking for a pickle, but ends up finding a man in black first. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-04-19 10 5975312 Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 7 Growing up means putting aside childish adventures to attend to relationships, responsibilities, and royal land reserves for 'Tips' the ma ReptoidQM , religion , marriage , polygamy , politics , esoteric magic , world travel , predestination , pregnancy scare , elves , italian in-laws 2024-04-20 7 92416368 Wargame Political Compass #58 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-04-22 -7 92493882 Wargame Political Compass #59 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive. One year anniversary! Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-04-22 -7 5950010 Loveless Gal and those damned kids In pursuit of thieves, Kommgal “Gal” and his colleagues steps further and further into the world of low company. loveless gal quest , drawquest , slice of life , early modern fantasy , first person narration , romance , espionage , historical trivia 2024-04-26 6 5950624 The Monster Girl Facility #4 Mikhail and his men defeat the rabbit, meet Morgan the knight subject, fight some extremely paranoid guardsmen and learn of a queen subject. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-04-26 12 5963640 Mippi Glittershine's Final Hours The last survivor of a royal house faces her due fate. But how did she get there? Collective Game , interview , fantasy , post-apocalypse , magical , girl 2024-04-28 8 May 2024 92579565 Wargame Political Compass #60 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive. One year anniversary Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-05-01 -8 92669064 /tg/ makes a setting 91 - The Cosmic Staircase Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-05-08 -7 92646124 Wargame Political Compass #61 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inq Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2024-05-09 -7 92679993 Wargame Political Compass #62 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inq Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2024-05-09 -7 92748455 Wargame Political Compass #63 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-05-24 -7 92815189 Wargame Political Compass #64 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-05-25 -7 5981316 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #28 David works on some guns, spends some time relaxing with the crew, gets attacked by the Chinese and responds proportionally. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-05-27 6 5987729 Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 4 Kuroda Haruka hunts down a terrible monster that dared attack her vassals. Vengeance will be hers! villainess , collective_game , magical_girl 2024-05-28 12 5986131 Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 4) The crew learns more about Gaoth culture, participates in a revenge raid on The Raven and his crew, and meets a True Dragon on the way home. Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age , Lodestar , Sky Pirates , Fantasy , Hollow World , Magic , Original , Homebrew , Collective Game , Quest , Watcher 2024-05-29 4 5982952 Cleaner Quest #5 After saving a rich kid trapped inside of a mine, you dive right back underground to explore a P-Corp facility. Odd habit you're developing Collective Game , Coffee Addiction , Cleaner , Anomaly , inspired by Project Moon , Casey is a funny girl , Nicole Smith knows you're reading thi 2024-05-29 16 5993366 Jacob’s Ladder Quest Atticus dies of a mysterious illness and finds himself on a dirt path surrounded by nothing. Storytelling and bonding with strangers ensues. Oneshot , afterlife , mystery , short stories , nature. 2024-05-29 1 June 2024 5987532 The Monster Girl Facility #5: Burnt rabbit edition Mikhail and his men discover and barely survive a secret lair and encounter some of the queen's forces. Meanwhile, Kiyohime hunts for booze Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-06-04 12 92951280 /tg/ makes a setting 92 - Designing Cards Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-06-08 -7 92949461 Wargame Political Compass #65 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-06-13 -7 93012689 Wargame Political Compass #66 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-06-16 -7 6015486 Dark Investigation: Rabbinic Tunnels (Mythic RPG) Investigating the Chabad-Lubavitch tunnels to find missing children. Call of Cthulhu , Conspiracy , Google Street View , Horror , Modern , Mythic , Nyarlathotep , Paranormal , RPG , Wux 2024-06-22 13 93073590 Wargame Political Compass #67 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-06-24 -7 93122130 /tg/ argues about a game that doesn't exist OP gives a QRD about edition changes for a game nobody's ever played. Antics ensue. Trismagistus , worldbuilding , wargame , homebrew , collaborative storytelling 2024-06-25 10 6012263 Silver Knight Quest You play as Argia Candente, a cursed trainee Knight with silvery hair, fighting to show your valour and free your family. Silver Knight Quest , Argia Candente , Sunseeker QM , Fantasy , Paladins , Knights , Medieval , Worldbuilding Galore 2024-06-26 21 6014298 Eternal Vengeance #1 Following the arrival on the Homeworld, Iifrit Taambur declares Paaura against the Taiidan Imperium. Eternal vengeance, now and forever. Homeworld , Collective Game , Kiith-SaQM 2024-06-28 5 July 2024 6019065 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #29 Gunny finally returns to Xebric and starts settling back in, but finds some vultures have started picking at the station among other issues. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-07-06 7 6053748 UTUTU: A Multiplayer Kaiju Quest! Kaiju battle for dominance over the fantasy world of UTUTU - a land of scale and claw, tooth and talon! Kaiju , Multiplayer , World of Titans , Lesches 2024-07-08 0 93142524 Wargame Political Compass #68 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-07-08 -7 93213106 Wargame Political Compass #69 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-07-08 -7 93217145 /tg/ makes a setting 93 - Two years going and only now we're moving on to the game part? Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-07-08 -7 6023968 Jail Quest thread #7 Craig finally rescued, we change into cold weather gear, and slog through fanfiction in order to investigate a lumberyard. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2024-07-09 5 6030057 M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Girl Quest #1 In the far future, magical girls created by the Sirius Empire fight in the war against the opposing empires for what they believe is right. magical girl , tactics , war , sci-fi 2024-07-12 4 6031360 Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 5) Val recruits a chatty shipwitch, Gigas is tricked into helping Nocturne kill Stillwater during a prison break, and Ramza recruits minions! Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age , Lodestar , Sky Pirates , Fantasy , Hollow World , Magic , Original , Homebrew , Collective Game , Quest , Watcher 2024-07-14 2 6028862 Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 5 Kuroda Haruka doesn't have a great time against Gareth and dies. Don't worry she gets better, rescues her vassals and returns to Camelot. villainess , collective_game , magical_girl 2024-07-15 11 6027666 The Monster Girl Facility #6: Regicide edition Artyom gets injured from a trapped corpse, Mikhail and his men ambush some of the queens forces, and make more sinister discoveries. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-07-17 13 93343390 Wargame Political Compass #70 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-07-30 -7 93406555 Wargame Political Compass #70 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-07-30 -7 August 2024 6029286 Reincarnated as a Peasant Quest #1 A quest about reincarnating in another world. Certain things will be randomly decided like your parent's professions, nature and terrain of quest , isekai , reincarnation , reincarnated in another world , peasant 2024-08-01 2 93679484 $20 Dollars a Dwarf /tg/ bemoans some truly egregious pricing shat out by Games Workshop yet again Games workshop , cost , Hall of cost , dawrves , miniatures , Warhammer , WHFB , the old world 2024-08-21 1 6051065 Resistance Quest pt3 Resistance Quest returns from the mists of time, albeit not without difficulties. In this thread: Racism! Red White and Britfag , SaltyStoryteller , collective game , resistance , modern , world war , fantasy , rebellion , Resistance Quest 2024-08-25 0 93611222 Wargame Political Compass #72 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-08-26 -9 6049645 Silver Knight Quest #2 Argia faces her hardest trial in the Night Well, and then faces its consequences. At least she’s making friends. Will it be enough? Silver Knight Quest , Argia Candente , Sunseeker QM , Fantasy , Paladins , Knights , Medieval , Worldbuilding Galore 2024-08-26 21 6052775 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #30 In which Ronnie discovers how fucked up his situation really is, and experiences a little trauma. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-08-28 6 93679678 Wargame Political Compass #73 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-08-31 -7 September 2024 93813764 Wargame Political Compass #74 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-09-13 -7 6066311 Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 6 A feast and promise to a Goddess fulfilled, the Kingdom of Camelot is set on some tasks and new visitors from away arrive! villainess , collective_game , magical_girl 2024-09-15 9 6100752 Swords and Little Girl; Dark Fantasy One-shot You are a Knight in a desolate world, pursued by many who wish to claim the young princess under your protection. Fantasy , Medieval , Dark Fantasy , Grimdark , Knight , Princess , Loli , Child , Little girl , Vermis 2024-09-18 5 6072622 Loveless Gal in a Bind On the path to rectitude, Kommgal encounters the low company he intended to pursue… and ones he did not. Old wounds do not fade so easily. loveless gal quest , drawquest , slice of life , early modern fantasy , first person narration , romance , espionage , self harm , buddhism 2024-09-27 6 93876241 Wargame Political Compass #75 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-09-29 -7 October 2024 93937759 Wargame Political Compass #76 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-10-03 -7 6077160 The Monster Girl Facility #7: Monster girl Adoption edition After taking the girls somewhere safe, Mikhail and his men encounter Vinisha, trick Nikita and face more of the Queen's forces. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-10-08 11 94186729 tg builds Ganalon Yet another worldbuilding thread, but this time the map already existed for years with nothing on it. Setting , worldbuilding , Ganalon 2024-10-19 2 6099832 Tyranid-Girl Quest A quest about Subject Ninety-Nine, a half tyranid and half human creation made to fight the tyranids and other xenos. Collective Game , Quest , Tyranid-Girl Quest , Warhammer , Warhammer 40k , AU , Krypt-Chan 2024-10-22 15 94053855 Wargame Political Compass #77 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-10-22 -7 6098726 Jail Quest thread #8 The raid on the cultist cave begins in earnest, with an unexpected ally. Kids get rescued and a new enemy confronted. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2024-10-22 5 6091170 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #31 David takes the pirate raiders on a bug-squashing run, and Cochrane announces the end. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-10-28 3 94152611 Wargame Political Compass #78 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-10-29 -8 November 2024 6098808 Silver Knight Quest #3 Our Knight goes on a 'diplomatic' mission on behalf of the Angel of Ansàrra. Along the way, Salicera involves Argia into her deepest secr Silver Knight Quest , Argia Candente , Sunseeker QM , Fantasy , Paladins , Knights , Medieval , Mages , Isekai , Worldbuilding Galore 2024-11-02 20 6109142 Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 7 Haruka deals with the Romans and the task of governing Camelot. She discovers more about Avalon and her Kingdom, but will it be enough? villainess , collective_game , magical_girl 2024-11-09 8 94264995 Wargame Political Compass #79 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-11-17 -7 6108349 Dragon Girl Quest #1 The tale of Eve and Nabi, the daughter of a witch and the dragon she raised since birth. dragon girl quest , dragon girl , dragon , girl , adventure 2024-11-18 3 94369301 worldbuilding threads people come together to discuss the issues with worldbuilding threads on /tg/ worldbuilding , meta 2024-11-22 0 December 2024 6128176 Tyranid-Girl Quest #2 A quest continuation about Subject Ninety-Nine, a half tyranid and half human creation made to fight the tyranids and other xenos. Collective Game , Quest , Tyranid-Girl Quest , Warhammer , Warhammer 40k , AU , Krypt-Chan 2024-12-06 12 6122269 The Monster Girl Facility #8: Roasted Soldier Edition Mikhail and his men get beaten by Feng's forces and discover a beast in the flooded parts. A sidestory showcases the past of the facility. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-12-11 11 94405801 Wargame Political Compass #80 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-12-14 -7 January 2025 6131428 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #32 In which Cochrane makes little to no progress in ending the quest HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2025-01-03 5 94589801 Wargame Political Compass #81 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2025-01-06 -7 6143578 Jail Quest thread #9 We defeat a serial killer, confront Millie's past, and return to a suspicious autowagon. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2025-01-08 5 6146425 Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 8 Kuroda Haruka decides to recruit humans for her kingdom. Unfortunately, they're all crazy. Now she has to deal with missing vassals... villainess , collective_game , magical_girl 2025-01-12 5 6157506 Tyranid-Girl Quest #3 Ninety-Nine makes some friends, fights a tyranid splinter fleet and evolves into her juvenile phase. QM messes up thread count. Collective Game , Quest , Tyranid-Girl Quest , Warhammer , Warhammer 40k , AU , Krypt-Chan 2025-01-29 7 February 2025 6187454 Mirtelcio's Magical Girl Quest #1 A magical girl is born. Somehow. It's time to decide what that magical girl will be like. Magical Girls , Action , Collective Game 2025-02-01 0 6154957 Silver Knight Quest #4 You explore the Temple, get quints, and discover the truth about some of your friends. Also your Master gets arrested. Oops. Silver Knight Quest , Argia Candente , Sunseeker QM , Fantasy , Paladins , Knights , Medieval , Mages , Isekai , Worldbuilding Galore , Mogging 2025-02-02 11 6153604 Fog of War: Overture Wherein Viscount Alessandro Galliota, our hero, is called forth to raise an regiment of troops by his Prince, invades the Republic of Nera, and fights off a regiment of Condottieri. A military strategy quest set in the era of Pike and Shot. Collective game , Strategy , Tactics , Gunpowder , Pike and Shot , War Game , Early Modern , Fantasy , Politics , Fog of War , Management , TercioQM 2025-02-02 7 6157764 The Monster Girl Facility #9: Spider-wife edition Mikhail and his companions travel through Titania's chamber, encounter more subjects and traverse a high threat level containment sector. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2025-02-09 8 6189036 Fog of War: Overture (Conclusion) Wherein the Battle of Costat Hill has been won and Alessandro seizes the city of Panergo. The conclusion to the first thread of Fog of War Collective game , Strategy , Tactics , Gunpowder , Pike and Shot , War Game , Early Modern , Fantasy , Politics , Fog of War , Management , TercioQM 2025-02-12 1 6161985 You're DATING a Magical Girl! You're a regular janitor with an admiration for magical girls that discovers that your girlfriend is one. Chaos ensues. Tenders , Tenders QM , You're DATING a Magical Girl! Quest , Magical Girl , Mahou Shoujo , Genderbender , Ecchi , Yandere , Crossdress , Prejudice 2025-02-12 0 94893612 Wargame Political Compass #82 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2025-02-14 -6 6183472 Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 9 Kuroda Haruka makes a choice to stand and fight against the fake Cath Palug. QM gets blindsided by trade war, causing hiatus. villainess , collective_game , magical_girl 2025-02-16 2 6161727 Loveless Gal bows out The roadway they are on is nearing its end. Fresh wounds are made. Teeth are unmade. Low company does not bow out empty-handed. loveless gal quest , drawquest , slice of life , early modern fantasy , first person narration , historical trivia 2025-02-16 2 6168593 Deities Adrift, Chapter One A multiplayer god game using rules created by GodScribe, ran by GodScribe as well. Multiplayer , God Game , Fantasy , Mythology , GodScribe , Collective Game , Rules , God , Creation , Worldbuilding 2025-02-24 0 94921297 /tg/ creates a setting The days of the Sybellon Empire are long gone. Now, various nations squabble in the ashes. Setting , Worldbuilding , Fantasy 2025-02-24 0 March 2025 95024451 Wargame Political Compass #83 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2025-03-07 -3