Thread Title Description Tags Added Score May 2008 1680005 Rogue Trader Conversions Scriptarius cooks up a batch of Rogue Trader minis for our enjoyment Rogue Traders , Conversions , Scriptarius 2008-05-07 5 August 2009 5500667 Rogue Trader Talk Discussion of Rogue Trader ends up with thinking up what an ork or kroot would do as a part of the team. Also: Eldar Pirate Rogue Trader 2009-08-18 3 October 2009 6132940 Zagmund Hippocratork Smartboy the ⑨th /tg/ comes up with a brand new character for Rogue Trader, and boy is he dapper... Ork , Dapper , Rogue Trader , 40k 2009-10-05 5 January 2010 7428027 RT Ork infested ship What starts out as an anons conundrum of onboard orks, ensues into Inquisitor Brannigan. orks , Rogue trader , Zapp brannigan 2010-01-05 10 April 2010 9124763 Mass Effect Conversion to Roleplaying Game Anon begins the beta stages of a Mass Effect RPG using the rules of Rogue Trader. Much discussion ensues. mass effect , rogue trader , conversion , adaptation 2010-04-11 1 9314175 Village drawing RPG 2 Conitniuation from previous thread, we start with a refuge from the fishing village. Commerce, water worship and toll collecting. And, of course, awesome art from the elusive OP who refuses to get a tripcode. Village , awesome , water , good , trade 2010-04-20 29 9329948 Village drawing RPG 3 Continuation from previous threads, we start with another refugee from the fishing village. A new fishing village springs up, and for the first time /tg/ supports neither gods nor demons. Village , awesome , athiest , fish , trade 2010-04-21 28 June 2010 10688408 Rogue Trader Warrant small print A discussion of possible complications to include in a warrant of trade. Biggest contribution is a full Warrant of Trade based on a Dutch West Indies corporate charter. Roleplay , 40K , RPG , Rogue Trader 2010-06-23 8 October 2010 12294425 Rogue trader Quest: The Beginning Presenting Dolemite Deadlift, the newest Rogue Trader in the Imperium. In which Dolemite meets his crew, and gets into all sorts of fun shit. Best Crew Ever. Rogue Trader Quest , Rogue Trader , Quest , Collective Game , Wahammer 40k 2010-10-02 28 12305396 Rogue Trader Quest: Part 2 We meet more of our... unique crew. Creepy psykers are wooed. Rogue Trader Quest , Rogue Trader , Quest , Collective Game , Wahammer 40k 2010-10-03 13 12317800 Rogue Trader Quest: Part 3 We plan our first mission. The inevitable occurs with a creepy psyker. Rogue Trader Quest , Rogue Trader , Quest , Collective Game , Wahammer 40k 2010-10-04 12 12331592 Rogue Trader Quest: Part 4 Planetfall. We tend to the vital issue of our hat. Rogue Trader Quest , Rogue Trader , Quest , Collective Game , Wahammer 40k 2010-10-05 11 12343410 Rogue Trader Quest Part 5: Planet Conquering We delay the conquering for some HIGH ADVENTURE! Rogue Trader Quest , Rogue Trader , Quest , Collective Game , Wahammer 40k 2010-10-06 10 12356534 Rogue Trader Quest Part 6: Space Negotiations Afte rthe battle, Captain Dolemite and the senechal go aboard the strike cruiser from the battle to enjoy a banquent in honor of the victory. Intrigue ensues. Rogue Trader , Quest , Collective Game , Rogue Trader Quest, 2010-10-07 13 12367395 Rogue Trader Quest Part 7 Busy day. Meetings and mourning. Rogue Trader Quest , Quest Thread , Collective Game 2010-10-08 11 12378977 Rogue Trader Quest Part 8: Good Times Dolemite aatends his meeting with Captain Cetus, and almost gets some from Invidia again. Later goes to see Jet, who informs him about the seneschal. Tablet drunkenly runs the quest. Rogue Trader , Rogue Trader Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Warhammer 40k 2010-10-09 10 November 2010 12640960 Kaptin Katiklyzum In a normal thread about Rogue Trader, a possibility of xeno Rogue Traders is mentioned. /tg/ almost instantly produces Kaptin Katiklyzum, Mad Mek of the Calixis Sector an Ork who looted a vessel and the Writ and wants to one-up the emperor with wacky shenanigans that almost always fail Rogue Trader , Ork , Awesome 2010-11-02 3 12736193 Rogue Trader Quest - Part 3 The continued adventures of Jacobius Dolemite Othmar, now out among the Heathen Stars. Rogue Trader , Quest , Warhammer , 40k 2010-11-10 1 12743608 Rogue Trader Quest part 9: The Return of Tablet Rogue Trader Quest returns! A month later, the repairs are complete, and we get another message from our brother. After a trip through the warp, we finally make planetfall on the unclaimed planet, and manage to form and alliance with a badass viking king. Good times Rogue Trader , Rogue Trader Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Warhammer 40k 2010-11-11 10 12773523 Rogue Trader Quest part 10 We play as Bob, an inquisitorial acolyte in the past. And also maybe our future. We're not quite sure. Rogue Trader , Rogue Trader Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Warhammer 40k 2010-11-13 6 January 2011 13361451 Rogue Trader Quest Another attempt at getting an RT Quest thread going. Slow, but added in case it continues. "Rogue Trader" , "Quest" 2011-01-02 3 13386233 Rogue Trader Quest Pt II Yet another day in the life of Lonallyn Victrix IV Von Juggdrall - we finally see our ship, and hire a Bro Missionary. "Rogue Trader" , Quest 2011-01-04 6 13443467 Rogue Trader Quest Part III In which we gain an arch-militant, set up some deals, and make an appointment to get our very own regiment! Also, we get distracted by the idea of tits and the aviary we would have to build to keep them in. "Rogue Trader" , Quest 2011-01-09 3 13493107 How not to run a RT Campaign A regular Sci-Fi Quest thread goes off the rails when a GM and a player recount their Failure of a First rogue trader Endeavor RT , Rouge trader , Funny , Endeavor 2011-01-12 1 March 2011 14098093 Low magic setting with Dwarves/Elves/Humans Anon asks for a low magic setting involving dwarves, elves and humans. With dwarves being greedy, metal-hungry bastards. /tg/ get shit done. Some discussion in relation to how a NEET-like race of dwarves can even survive with little-to-no trade. setting , world building , dwarf , dwarves , elf , elves , humans , trade , economics 2011-03-02 0 14115238 30 Meter Murphy's Tales of the Warp : Rogue Trader 30 Meter Murphy drops in and lays down the tale of A great Rogue Trader ship and its crew. Rogue trader , Dark Heresy , 40k , Storytime 2011-03-03 3 14169390 Tales of High Adventure /tg/ swaps Rogue Trader anecdotes. Awesomeness and Lulz abound Rogue Trader , WH40K 2011-03-09 4 14198776 30 Meter Murphy's Tales of the Warp Part 2 The Rogue Trader crew is down a few members. A planetary government is overthrown in two shots and the Astropath has a very bad day Rogue Trader , Storytime , WH40K 2011-03-11 -1 14201552 Is this the normal level of awesome for Rogue Trader? I'm never going back to other RPGs. Heretek , Rogue Trader 2011-03-12 3 14252439 30 Meter Murphy's Tales of the Warp Pt 3: Bonk's Adventure The Rogue Trader crew cleans out the rest of an ork infestation on a new colony through an ingenious use of mind control and precision bombardment. Then there's a misunderstanding with the Adeptus Mechanicus. Story Time , Rogue Trader , 40K 2011-03-15 0 14332793 Rouge trader stories Starts with a story involving Benny Hill, and Shas pops in for some story time in Commorragh Rouge trader , stories , Warhammer 40k , Commorragh 2011-03-23 5 14351173 30 Meter Murphy's Tales of the Warp Pt 4: The Molestation of Vorgen Thayle The Rogue Trader crew Veer into the strange of space and all blame is focused on the Eldar. Story Time , Rogue Trader , 40K 2011-03-24 0 14384760 Rogue Trader Quest part 11 Quest returns, kinda short. We arrive at Armaggedon, troll a rear-admiral, and discuss getting rid of Indvidia rogue Trader , Rogue Trader Quest , Collective Game 2011-03-28 6 14354130 Frozen Reaches The fate of Billions depends on which female faction leader a powerful Rogue Trader wants to bone more, under /tg/s advice he decides to reach for the stars and try for a threesome. Also general Frozen Reaches/Rogue Trader discussion. Rogue Trader , Frozen Reaches , Orks , Pirates , 40K , Warhammer , Awesomeface 2011-03-28 7 14408651 Warhammer 40k Roleplay Necron stats. Some guy comes up with Necron stats for Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/DeathWatch. Necrons , stats , warhammer , Dark Heresy , Rogue Trader , Death Watch 2011-03-30 1 April 2011 14431487 30 Meter Murphy's Tales of the Warp Part 5: Promotions! The Rogue Trader crew purge a Nurgle infestation on their ship, deliver a box of psykers and get mindwiped about it, then Howling Banshees kill one of them. Rogue Trader , Storytime , Warhammer 40K 2011-04-01 1 May 2011 14865918 Rogue Trader Storytime Rogue Trader Story time with Enterprise-level disregard for red shirt lives. 40k , Rogue Trader , Story Time 2011-05-09 5 14912932 Rogue Trader Thread As Dumb as Them OP describes his 'brilliant' creation in rogue trader, leaving /tg/ to wonder what the fuck he just did there. Fuck You Guys Are As Dumb As Them , Rogue Trader , Heresy , 40k , Predators , Doctor Who 2011-05-13 12 July 2011 15685286 Macarthur Cortez: Rogue Trader Quest /tg/ takes to a life of high adventure in the void. Bananas. 40k , Rogue Trader , Rogue Trader Quest , Collective Game , Bananas 2011-07-24 -2 15694591 Macarthur Cortez: Rogue Trader Quest Part 2 Sultan-Trader Cortez continues his life of high adventure in the void. Bananas. 40k , Rogue Trader , Rogue Trader Quest , Collective Game , Bananas 2011-07-25 0 August 2011 15807166 Sharing is caring non-trip namefag gives away some of his collection. he knows nothing about this archive, so don't tell him. If you want a free resource of game manuals that should last until late august, make sure it doesn't drop off. legit , PDF , RPG , Setting , Game , fluff , crunch , Rogue Trader , Ninja Burger 2011-08-04 13 15974215 Zerg Quest LIV Ecological disaster complete. Mantalisks ahoy! Ooo, charts and graphs! Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Starcraft , Cerebrate Anon , Manta Ray Feudalism , Sir Geoffrey of Zerg , Exciting Research , Ballustrades 2011-08-18 11 October 2011 16740295 Rogue Trader group gets their's A RT group gets their comeuppance Rogue Trader , 40k , Craftworld Assault , Butthurt 2011-10-27 27 January 2012 17586818 Chapter Quest I - Arrival and Withdrawal Rising Sons chapter arrives to their domain and immediately gets into a fight with corrupt Rogue Trader. After a costly battle he is finally defeated and Rising Sons organise genocide on Heidrun. Collective Game , Chapter Quest , genocide , Rogue Trader , Chapter Master , Space Marines 2012-01-19 17 17648303 Weapon generator An anon shares a weapon generator for Dark heresy and rogue trader.It becomes awesome 40k , weapon , DarkHeresy , rogue trader 2012-01-24 5 17696790 Chapter Quest VIII - Justified Violence Rising Sons decide to mount a daring infiltration mission against their old enemy Rogue Trader Moriarty... Collective Game , Quest , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Dark Heresy , roleplay , rpg , 40k , Chapter , Space Marines , infiltration , stealth , kidnapping , Rogue Trader 2012-01-28 10 February 2012 17809038 Deffwotch 19 - To All Things Da ladz in Deffwotch have an aerial face off against a Warboss with a kannon that dakkas worlds. Deffwotch , Orkz , Rogue Trader 2012-02-05 7 18087612 Deffwotch 21 - Me Against The World Tupac's alive in Cuba, and the Weirdboy dies. Deffwotch , Orks , Rogue Trader , 40k 2012-02-25 7 18107084 RT Player Has A Small Nerveous Breakdown Gm does an eerie RT game, which ends prematurely with one of the players crying. Rogue Trader , Eerie Game , Spooky , Eldrich 2012-02-26 10 March 2012 18205767 The Burnscour Lictor The great Rogue Trader Mathias Fellburg shares the tale of a Tyranid beast that hounded his every move. Rogue Trader , Storytime , funny 2012-03-05 21 18286800 Planetary Governor Quest Part Two We uncover a Genestealer infestation under our capitol and begin containment. Sisters of Battle and Ultramarines are called in and we begin preparation for Operation Napalm Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer , 40K , Eldar , Guns , discussion , Ultramarines , Sisters of Battle , RT , Rogue Trader , Genestealer 2012-03-11 23 18374616 Planetary Givernor Quest part three: A Day Late Edition In which we buy hotshot lasguns, gain a Space Marine Chapter, and get swamped by Genestealers with pet Hormagaunts. Planetary Governor Quest , Genestealers , RT , Rogue Trader , Chimera , lasgun , Astartes , Space Marines , Salmanders , Tyranids , Chimeras , Swarmed 2012-03-19 21 18443550 Planetary Governor Quest: Part four In which we finally deal with the Genestealer problem, rebuild infrastructure, settle the Iron Dragons into their new home, and get a visit from your friendly neighborhood Departmento Munitorum Tax Collector. Planetary Governor Quest , Genestealers , Space Marines , Ultramarines , Salamanders , Tyranids , Orks , ork , RT , Rogue Trader , collective game , Rhino , Squats , furry , mutant , Ogryns , Imperium , Warhammer , 40K 2012-03-25 20 April 2012 18616487 Deffwotch Epospde 27 - Da Lights In Da Sky Are Boyz Deffwotch comes to its exciting end. Deffwotch , Orks , Rogue Trader , 40k 2012-04-08 5 May 2012 19288711 For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century 23 Tracking down pirates so we can give them stuff. Seems legit. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Dice , Pirates , Rogue Trader 2012-05-30 11 June 2012 19470363 Chapter Quest VIII - Visiting the Dark Sister Ghosts of Retribution go on a joint mission with Rogue Trader to retrieve an artifact from a Space Hulk, but what happens next was not expected by anyone... Collective Game , Quest , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Dark Heresy , roleplay , rpg , 40k , Eldar , Space Hulk , Spirit Stones , Rogue Trader , Chaos Space Marines , Traitors 2012-06-14 4 July 2012 19868766 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Fourteen We talk about politics, Democracy up, make some good headway in dismantling the Hulk, and accidentally wake up something terrible in the core of the Hulk by abysmally failing a roll. Planetary Governor Quest , Collective Game , Space Marines , Astartes , Imperial Guard , IG , PDF , RT , Rogue Trader , Xenos , Warhammer , 40K , Tyranid , Tyranids , Genestealer , Pirates. spiders , oh god why , SOB , Sisters of Battle 2012-07-14 11 19886971 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 15 The continuation from 14.5, we bro it up with insect Xenos, piss of the SOB, and finally finish with that Hulk Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Space Battle , Orks , RT , Rogue Trader , HTML , Space Hulk , Politics , Spiders 2012-07-15 13 December 2012 22117243 The Sister's Lust The most foul, heretical, notorious and hilarious piratical Rogue Trader in the whole of the Tiji Sector! Tiji , 40k , funny , Space , Pirate , Rogue Trader , Setting Building 2012-12-19 7 May 2013 24641278 Captured Chaos Cruiser A GM asks /tg/ if the imperium can use a captured chaos ship. /tg/ produces the Reluctant Machine Spirit. Rogue Trader , 40k , Machine Spirit , Event Horizon , Warp , Chaos , Spaceship , Reluctant 2013-05-05 7 September 2013 27203076 A.I. Quest 7 Mourning There After Ophion learns a little more about humans, as he expands his sphere of control. With a little trading, and some luck, we secure ourselves a rather nice haul, and immediately spend it on lots of goodies. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , repairs , Gas , V.I. , Casualties , hack , battle , trade 2013-09-14 20 27368841 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 13 Continue to heal from what happened last time. Richard goes missing again, for good reason. Alexis comes back with even more opportunities and info. Caravans return and offer a bargain. Unfortunate thread timing. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Exploration , Trade 2013-09-23 6 March 2014 31054593 Slave Trade Quest Your hard work has finally paid off, the slaver ship you invested in has come back to port. Since you didn't invest much you get the dregs of the catch, hopefully enough to start you on your way to becoming a wealth slave trader. Slave Trade Quest , Collective Game 2014-03-25 10 31071573 Slave Trade Quest 2 You pursue a career in accounting and find some jobs for your slaves. Slave Trade Quest , Collective Game 2014-03-26 8 April 2014 31609204 Dark Age of Technology AI OP's Rogue Trader players found an AI from the DAoT and for some reason decided to plug it into their ship. OP requests inventive ways for this to backfire horribly on them and /tg/ delivers.
What comes next is best described as nightmare fuel with a side of Clippy. Rogue Trader , Dark Age of Technology , AI , doomed , skynet , SHODAN , GLADoS , Clippy 2014-04-21 7 May 2014 32110981 In The Utter Darkness of the 56th Millennium, There is nothing Anon's Rogue Trader campaign is caught in a Warp eddie and thrown forward in time to the 56th Millennium to find that the entire galaxy is dead. Discussion, possible causes, Battlestar Galacticas and backstabbing result. Lots of backstabbing. Rogue Trader , Warp , Time Travel , Future , Rock Falls Everybody Dies , Backstabbing 2014-05-14 9 August 2014 34445383 Khornette Quest #7 In which we get our ass handed to us by Grey Knights before being saved, invited to dinner with a Rogue Trader, and defuse a bomb. Collective Game , Khornette , Grey Knight , Lady of Change , Roge Trader , ELH 2014-08-28 4 34466527 Khornette Quest #8 In which we play psychiatrist to Acerea and Ignitrix, get new armor and upgraded claws from Wormbag, and visit Commissar Silent before going to Dinner with a suave Rogue Trader. Collective Game , Khornette , Lady of Change , Commissar , Rogue Trader , ELH 2014-08-29 4 October 2014 35545524 Poor Trader Quest You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic Shop Quest , Poor Trader Quest 2014-10-16 20 35689290 Poor Trader Quest #2 You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic Shop Quest , Poor Trader Quest 2014-10-23 20 35834348 Poor Trader Quest #3 You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic Shop Quest , Poor Trader Quest 2014-10-30 16 November 2014 35979007 Poor Trader Quest #4 You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic Shop Quest , Poor Trader Quest 2014-11-06 11 36122864 Poor Trader Quest #5 You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic Shop Quest , Poor Trader Quest 2014-11-13 2 October 2015 42974188 Storytime with Lady Bianca Dolcetto Amaretto Tales of a Rogue Trader bent, for those of a devout or somewhat lewd leaning! Rogue Trader , FFG , Amaretto , Polio , Ramius 2015-10-14 16 43150931 Rogue Trader: Astra Incognita Rogue Trader Story Hecator Rifts Adventure Rogue Trader , Warhammer 40K , Storytime , Story , Roleplaying 2015-10-19 8 November 2015 43522068 Rogue Trader Storytime A bunch of hilarious Rogue Trader writefaggotry Rogue Trader , Warhammer 40k , 2015-11-09 22 April 2016 46903744 Pentecost and the Last Crusaders Anon asks /tg/ for their best results on random tables, like space bats that can carry Baneblades or the nicest heretics ever. /tg/ 40000 , Last Crusaders , Pentecost , Aurum Space Bats , Rogue Trader , Space Marines , Dice Stories 2016-04-26 2 June 2016 47585205 Opera Imperialis THE PIRATES OF THE EXPANSE or THE LOST SON OF SCINTILLA. Comic Opera in Warhammer 40K. opera , Warhammer 40k , 40k , awesome , funny , rogue trader 2016-06-03 23 47597039 Opera Imperialis Act.II THE PIRATES OF THE EXPANSE or THE LOST SON OF SCINTILLA. Comic Opera in Warhammer 40K. Second and last part. opera , Warhammer 40k , 40k , awesome , funny , rogue trader 2016-06-04 20 July 2016 355077 Fallout 1 Fallout Trader begins, we bought The Drag Special. Fallout , Fallout Trader , Fallout OP , Merchant , Trader , Boats , Drag Queens 2016-07-13 9 January 2017 1081711 /RTQ/ Rogue Trader Quest 0 Glorious Rogue Trader Character Generations, made a Captain, a ship, and a crew Rogue Trader , RTQ , Warhammer , 40K , Quest , Lord-Captain Pallas 2017-01-29 3 February 2017 1091845 RTQ Chapter One: Port Iridescence With the paperwork finally filed, our hero strikes out for adventure! Rogue Trader , RTQ , Warhammer , 40K , Quest , Lord-Captain Pallas 2017-02-06 1 1117792 RTQ Chapter Two We beat off the collective fleet and consolidate our hold on Othhaw Rogue Trader , RTQ , Warhammer , 40K , Quest , Lord-Captain Pallas 2017-02-16 1 March 2017 1293367 Rogue Trader Quest #1 Rogue traders Emily, Kay and Fitz take a job scouting a jungle world. Rogue Trader Quest 2017-03-30 1 February 2018 2297908 Rogue Trader M42 Quest Chapter I Rogue Trader in the 42nd Millennium y'all Rogue Trader Quest , M42 2018-02-16 1 September 2019 68113304 The battle of Damnatum Lutum, part 4 With winter rolling in and the Tau having settled down, the anons of the thread worldbuild with some giant battles on the side 40k , writefaggotry , world building , IG , Eldar , Tau , Rogue Trader , Chaos , Orks , Imperial Fists , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition 2019-09-10 6 December 2020 76454598 Draw your party thread People talk about their games, share advice, & post cool drawings. Campy musicals, grim mythology, treacherous techpriests, & more. draw , painting , party , byzantine , human sacrifice , dnd , Savage Worlds , 40K , nechronica , robotica , pathfinder , FATE , Rogue Trader , musical 2020-12-22 1 March 2022 5125693 Hapless Guardswoman Quest #6 – Treasure Hunt Rhea joins a Rogue Trader's expedition, helps lead a landing party, and encounters some old enemies, things don't go well. 40k , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Eldar Corsairs , Rogue Trader , Chocolate , Corruption 2022-03-04 0 April 2022 5185262 Hapless Guardswoman Quest #7 – Jungle Adventures Rhea survives the ruins, makes new friends, then goes and visits her evil clone. 40k , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Eldar Corsairs , Rogue Trader , Chocolate , Corruption 2022-04-22 0 June 2022 5238849 Hapless Guardswoman Quest #8 – Fun in the Desert Conclusion of the thread 6-8 arc. Rhea picks which evil waifu should get godlike powers. 40k , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Tau , Rogue Trader , Chocolate , Corruption 2022-06-05 0 January 2024 5872086 City Management Quest In this thread Marjun is elected as major of Trenfel, and must wrestle with the council to achieve his goals. City Management , Economy , Trade , Management , Trenfel , Marjun , City Management Quest , Drawing 2024-01-30 6 January 2025 6149927 Isekai Cheat Harem #2 You go to a city, add a cute fox hag to your harem, get money, repel a bandit invasion, and have a mandatory beach episode. NotIseQM , John Doe , Isekai , Herta , Goddess of Artifice , Steampunk , Mecha , Savant , Slavery , Harem , Slave-Wives , War , Bandits , Trade 2025-01-23 4