Thread Title Description Tags Added Score March 2009 4097623 More advanced miniature creation faggotry Ifuritasfan returns for additional mold making mold pirate mini 40k epic 2009-03-27 11 June 2009 4889030 /tg/ creates a setting /tg/ creates a setting which includes pirates, songships, cloudsea, dorfs, cyborgs, Zalgo, trains ran by blood and orcs! setting , orc , dwarf , dorf , songship , pirate , zalgo , elf , elves 2009-06-15 0 May 2010 9832207 Endless Isles brainstorming From a basic "Pirates Fuck Yeah!" thread, a crazy setting where almost everyone is a pirate begins to emerge. pirate , setting , development 2010-05-16 3 9845296 Endless Isles thread 2 Brainstorming and writefagging continues for the world of deathless pirates world building , Eternal Isles , development , pirates 2010-05-16 0 9922370 Endless Isles 3.2 we had some less successful threads in the past that we didn't bother archiving, but here is all that really matters in the third thread of Endless Isles. writefag pirate setting community 2010-05-20 0 September 2010 12015899 Space Pirate Fortress Continuation of one mans work to create a Space Pirate themed Dwarf Fortress mod. First thread wasn't archived unfortunately. Dwarf Fortress , Space Pirates , Metroid , TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBES 2010-09-10 8 12118053 An ass-ton of obscure games Seriously, a game where you play a prairie dog, two games where you play cats fighting Cthulhu, and two games about Baron Munchausen. And that's not even mentioning the one with the high school for randomly-encountered monsters. indie games , pirate , obscure 2010-09-17 16 12269050 Dragon Quest V More investigating a disappearance. For cash and considerations, of course. May have accidentally drowned the person we're trying to find while trying to loot a pirate ship, and ran into Jerrik, our manservant and now P.R. agent again. All in a days work for an dragon among the lesser races. Also: /tg/'s dice are sentient, and hate us. Viciously. Dragon , dragon quest , quest , fantasy , dragons , D&D , rpg , writing , dungeons , devil , wizard , magic , pirate , orc, 2010-09-30 24 October 2010 12304272 Dragon Quest VI Slow start, but we get a good start on our hoard, including some magical gubbinz, learn some new things about certain people, and find an elder-god style cult. Damn elder gods always screwing around in our reality. Dragon , dragon quest , quest , fantasy , dragons , D&D , rpg , writing , dungeons , devil , wizard , magic , pirate , orc , cult , 2010-10-03 23 12314471 Dragon Quest VII Cibach Azaladon, young-adult age category red dragon, is out to see the world, gain empire, hoard, love (or at least mate,) and power. Glorious power. Under the 'knowledge is power' theory, we manage to bust up an evil cult, and rescue a servant the local god of knowledge who is as much more than she seems as we are. Also, we get to drop the hammer in dragon-form. Dragon , dragonquest , dragon quest , quest , fantasy , dragons , D&D , rpg , writing , dungeons , devil , wizard , magic , pirate , orc , cult , gold , VII , 7 , seven 2010-10-04 24 12329848 Dragon Quest VIII Cygnis, the Gold we rescued, offers us an in on local politics, as well as a fairly decent bribe. We accept, and start plotting about how to off her. Necessities are arranged for, and meetings are scheduled. Wonderfully productive. Short, but lots of text. Plotting and maneuvering. Dragon , dragonquest , dragon quest , quest , fantasy , dragons , D&D , rpg , writing , dungeons , devil , erinyes , wizard , magic , pirate , cult , gold , VIII , 8 , eight 2010-10-05 22 January 2011 13535971 Pirates and Krakens initial Brainstorm for a High-seas adventure 4E setting. Features classic piracy and sailing above-water, political intrigue beneath the waves. Work in progress, name pending.
Selkies, Abe sapien, Dagon, and voodoo! 4E setting pirates merfolk lovecraft 2011-01-17 3 13573887 Pirates and Krakens 2 Second thread on Ocean Punk 4E setting. Brainstorm and critique of race stats, re-thinking setting geography. 4E setting homebrew pirates merfolk races 2011-01-19 2 March 2011 14354130 Frozen Reaches The fate of Billions depends on which female faction leader a powerful Rogue Trader wants to bone more, under /tg/s advice he decides to reach for the stars and try for a threesome. Also general Frozen Reaches/Rogue Trader discussion. Rogue Trader , Frozen Reaches , Orks , Pirates , 40K , Warhammer , Awesomeface 2011-03-28 7 May 2011 14840615 Space Pirate/Metroid Dwarf Fortress They did it. We can't archive the idea and not archive the result. Alpha version of Space Pirate fortress. Space Pirate , Metroid , Dwarf Fortress , OC , Samus , Mod 2011-05-07 7 15078411 Blackpowder a Naval homebrew wargame where the player controls a ship and a crew Blackpowder , Wargame , ship , pirates , alchemists , naval , 28mm , homebrew 2011-05-29 1 July 2011 15656040 3.5 Piracy Yarr ! A DM describes his plans for an upcoming D&D campain with a swash buckling atmosphere d&d pirate campaign 2011-07-22 7 15744538 Pirate Lords of the 41st Millenium /tg/ gets to wondering about the space pirates in Warhammer 40K. As might be expected, things get awesome in relatively short order. Warhammer 40K , pirates , homebrew 2011-07-29 17 15759678 Pirate lords of 40k II we get the results of the first playtest, have a debate about the rules, revise movement to be faster, and get in an argument over weather 'nids, Knights, and sisters should be allowed. We also create a dedicated forum, swap shanties, an theres a pic of a parrot with pauldrons. Pirates , 40k , 40k pirates , homebrew , warhammer , space , sci fi , space pirates , skirmish , kill team , battlefleet gothic 2011-07-31 3 January 2012 17585606 Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XVII High Seas adventure with the Dark Eldar twins. Collective Game , Heretical Love quest , 40k , quest , warhammer , XVII , max decarus , necron , pirates , heretical love , papa-n 2012-01-18 28 17605495 Chapter Quest III Rising Sons are ambushed by pirates in Nordgrim, but manage to bluff their way out and find traces of STC. Collective Game , Quest , Chapter Master , ambush , corsairs , pirates , Sororitas , space marines , chapter , simulation 2012-01-21 7 April 2012 18645891 Shadowrun Storytime 9 2D and crew finally corner Two-Times in Bogota. The Sixth World is marred forever. Shadowrun , Storytime , Shadowrun Storytime , TwoDee , 2D , Dervish , Geppetto , Bend , Bogota , Sensei , Pirates , Aztechnology 2012-04-10 62 May 2012 19199088 For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXII Promotions go through, items are stolen and we plan for what we'll buy after our upcoming mission for House Intelligence. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Pirates 2012-05-23 11 19288711 For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century 23 Tracking down pirates so we can give them stuff. Seems legit. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Dice , Pirates , Rogue Trader 2012-05-30 11 July 2012 19868766 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Fourteen We talk about politics, Democracy up, make some good headway in dismantling the Hulk, and accidentally wake up something terrible in the core of the Hulk by abysmally failing a roll. Planetary Governor Quest , Collective Game , Space Marines , Astartes , Imperial Guard , IG , PDF , RT , Rogue Trader , Xenos , Warhammer , 40K , Tyranid , Tyranids , Genestealer , Pirates. spiders , oh god why , SOB , Sisters of Battle 2012-07-14 11 September 2012 20600515 Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest Today is a fine day for piracy. Redbeard the Cleanshaven leads his(her) crew of monstergirls to raid the Jewel of Celeste, and captures an angelic healer. Monstergirl Sky Pirates , Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Pirates , Sky Pirates 2012-09-05 16 20779169 Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest 2 Redbeard talks to the crew and gets a date, then an angel and gets a lecture, then a governer and gets paid. Monstergirl Sky Pirates , Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Pirates , Sky Pirates 2012-09-19 10 20792853 Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest Special In the past, Redbeard had to take command of a sabotage mission. Can a small crew of pirates take down the biggest ship in the navy? Monstergirl Sky Pirates , Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Pirates , Sky Pirates 2012-09-20 9 October 2012 20992258 Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest 3 Captain Redbeard goes shopping, picks up a Were-tiger cartographer, and nearly assaults a waitress over a chicken salad. Monstergirl Sky Pirates , Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Pirates , Sky Pirates 2012-10-05 8 21063034 Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest 4 Captain Redbeard goes rectuiting, is stalked by a chef, and gets into a street brawl. Monstergirl Sky Pirates , Quest , Collective Game , Monstergirls , Pirates , Sky Pirates 2012-10-10 7 November 2012 21672766 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 10 Unsatisfied with the prospect of mere front line combat we sign on to do another special mission for the Rovinar. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2012-11-22 16 December 2012 21762566 Primordial Evo: Western Civ. Part III K'nia has an adventure in space.
The threat of the Vyrii are eliminated, or so it seems. Collective Game , Primordial , Evo , Evolution , Civilization , Pirates , War , Bord 2012-12-04 1 21887708 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 12 Two weeks on the road eventually lead back to combat along side our Wing. In a shocking display players turn down a boarding action for the right reasons. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2012-12-06 23 22117243 The Sister's Lust The most foul, heretical, notorious and hilarious piratical Rogue Trader in the whole of the Tiji Sector! Tiji , 40k , funny , Space , Pirate , Rogue Trader , Setting Building 2012-12-19 7 January 2013 22459737 Marine Quest I
The world enters a new era after the Battle of Marineford, where the notorious Whitebeard Pirates attempted to free one of their captains, and failed. Two years have passed since then, and the Marines are in desperate need for heroes. Do you have what it takes to rise up and lead the Marines in a crusade of justice? One Piece , Collective Game , Pirates , Marines 2013-01-08 27 22473624 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 14 Game resumes following a 3 week hiatus. Players get to work planning how to steal a starship from an enemy stronghold. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-01-09 16 22498724 Marine Quest 2 Newly institutionalized as the captain of his own ship after pulling a mutiny against his slave-trade conspirator of an old captain, our hero picks his new cabinet of officers. Afterwards, the Marines do what Marines do best: bust some pirate ass. One Piece , Collective Game , Pirates , Marines 2013-01-10 21 22584289 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 15 We start off with some time on leave and begin station upgrades. More combat is sure to follow. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-01-15 17 22667993 Marine Quest 5 The Captain and his crew continue their hunt for the criminal Jeremiah Crowe on the explosive island of Failsafe. Disguises are donned, teeth are punched in, pirates are wrestled, and okama are appeased. Marine Quest , Collective Game , One Piece , Pirates , Marines , Anime , Manga , Roleplay 2013-01-19 23 22737146 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 16 There is such a thing as capturing too many ships in a short period of time. With the station swamped with refugees we need to hire mercenaries to supplement our Marines. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-01-23 16 22844469 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 17 Plans for the South Reach Cluster devolves into politics. Meanwhile news arrives the Republic will soon be adding their weight to the fight. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-01-29 14 22869297 Epsilon Drive - Cayman - Kurage Maru Assault Epsilon Drive begins with an assault on a freighter by the Cayman Pirates. They encounter Triumvirate conscripts inside... and proceed to pop pop pop, watching commies drop. Collective Game , Epsilon Drive , bullethazard , cayman pirates , space , tacticool 2013-01-30 5 February 2013 22936347 Waterworld - The Long Preparation The HMS Centurion deals with the aftermarth of the battle of the rigs, and prepares to fulfil promises made to her new allies. Collective Game , Quest , Waterworld , HMS Centurion , Supercarrier , pirates , civ game 2013-02-03 2 22994199 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 18 Some old friends decide to drop by and blow up the station while we're still on it. Players nearly get Linda and themselves killed. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-02-07 17 23057433 Epsilon Drive - Cayman - Kurage Maru Assault pt 4 Parts 2 and 3 can be seen here:
The wrap-up of the assault, in which only two casualties on Caymans' side (and a lot on Triumvirate's). We head to the Cayman hideout of Blue Angel while Hoshino explains stuff about the setting. Collective Game , Epsilon Drive , bullethazard , cayman pirates , space , tacticool 2013-02-09 1 23126805 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 19 Follow up boxing match to resolve our previous bout some time ago. The Wing is taken off active duty for repairs and training. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-02-13 16 23154339 Epsilon Drive intermission - Blue Angel The crew relaxes a bit after their first mission. Captains get introduced, fluff gets explained, and the nature of Epsilon Drive gets revealed a bit. Collective Game , Epsilon Drive , bullethazard , cayman pirates , space , tacticool 2013-02-14 0 23242800 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 20 Our time on leave is interrupted by an enemy counter attack. We rapidly end up with more pilots than ships.
Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-02-20 15 23349422 Epsilon Drive - Cayman - Blue Angel Docks Defense The Aquilas arrive upon Blue Angel! The Caymans valiantly defend their hideout. Bastards have teleportation and personal electroshields! Collective Game , Epsilon Drive , bullethazard , cayman pirates , space , tacticool 2013-02-24 3 March 2013 23893885 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 25 Things get back to combat as pirates try to board the Vieona. We run around in Recon armor causing havoc once again. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-03-27 16 April 2013 24148991 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 27 Operation Typhoon kicks off and we begin strike operations in advance of the invasion force. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-04-12 14 24353939 Mundus Novus Quest 1 Our hero gathers support from the King of Portugal, hires a shifty jewish accountant gnome, and battles sirens. Mundus Novus , Quest , Pirates , Discovery , Fantasy 2013-04-21 5 24422968 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 28 Operation Typhoon continues despite delays both in and out of game. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-04-25 15 May 2013 24552165 8 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 29 Wanting to take away the enemy's eyes we search a nebula for stations making up part of a larger sensor array. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-05-01 16 24684671 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 30 Not wanting to give the enemy more chances to track us we take down the second sensor array and try for the shipyard. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-05-09 12 24826552 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 31 Operation Typhoon continues. Getting into the 3rd oversector we smash up more of our ships and start working more closely with allies. Not necessarily in that order. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-05-15 14 24963736 Privateer Quest Reboot Privateer Quest returns, and a new character is born. Unfortunately, some issues come up and the adventure falters for the night. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships 2013-05-22 3 24958724 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 32 We finish off one escaping convoy and deal damage to a second. Salvage is tallied and we trade ships after the EX-K takes a bad hit. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates , Salvage 2013-05-23 17 25094448 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 33 Heading out on a simple convoy raiding mission we strike our biggest salvage haul yet. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Pirates , Salvage 2013-05-30 13 June 2013 25240589 Privateer Quest Reboot: Prize Captain Percius Aurex speaks with his prisoners and gains access to loot! Hat collection grows to 4! Gotta loot 'em all. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2013-06-05 2 25239933 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 34 After squaring away some issues for the Wing's salvage, you check the state of your financial investments and move out. The last Warlord strong hold awaits. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates 2013-06-07 17 25379021 Privateer Quest Reboot: Captain's Hat Percius Aurex visits Caseblanco, buys a hat befitting his new rank, and plays a game of Assassin with his officers. If it were in black and white, it might actually be entertaining. Slow as always Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2013-06-12 5 25378819 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 35 Finale to the Pirate Warlord arc as we deal with our decisions from last week and the months previous. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Survey , Pirates , worldbuilding 2013-06-13 15 25643997 Privateer Quest II #6 Percius Aurex embarks upon his first adventure as a pirate Captain. Will his first endeavor bring riches or sorrow? Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships 2013-06-26 1 July 2013 25773465 Ghost Quest 3 Dark Phoenix gathers the last resources to repair the Hydron. Henderson proves himself again. Will we ever know what was in the box? Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Pirates 2013-07-02 16 25800902 Ghost Quest 6: Freedom Jump is successful but resources are scarce. Delta Phoenix deals with the ghosts of the past. A hostage is taken. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Pirates 2013-07-04 20 25806765 Ghost Quest 7: Death Race Delta Phoenix attempts a solo mission as Corporal Henderson races to save the love of his life, Mia Rodriguez. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Pirates , Space Bikers , Vulture bike, 2013-07-04 21 26051341 Privateer Quest II: Forbidden Fruit The adventures of Percius Aurex resume, and his crew goes about searching the aft portion of an Imperial cruiser wreck. Will they find loot or only death? Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot 2013-07-17 3 26098248 Privateer Quest II #8: Ransom Broker Percius Aurex ransoms his prisoners to the Rogue Trader Alexander Kerr, then looks into some trade options Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships 2013-07-19 1 26192280 Privateer Quest II: That's a Piratin' The adventures of Percius Aurex and his crew continue, a secret of the ship is discovered, and the ship leaves Folkvangr in search of more loot. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2013-07-24 4 26332705 Privateer Quest II: Return to Vectes Captain Percius Aurex leads his crew back to the forbidden system of Vectes to investigate the previously located Asteroid Base. Will the system's silent guardians catch up with the interlopers upon their return? Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2013-07-31 5 August 2013 26603176 Privateer Quest II: Farewell to Deus Captain Percius Aurex and his crew rejoin the wolf pack and depart Sector Deus. Will they survive the challenges of the void beyond Imperial space? Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2013-08-14 4 26606470 A.I. Quest 3 Ticking Clock You act quickly, and set up defenses to prepare for the incoming Pirates. The crew grows restless, luckily you have a way with words for a sentient A.I. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0,sentience , control , time pirate , repairs 2013-08-14 27 26734639 Privateer Quest II: Family Reunion Captain Percius Aurex returns home during an infiltration mission for his pirate wolf pack, finding his noble family in ruins. Emperor help him, he's added two sisters to his pirate crew. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2013-08-21 0 26778346 A.I. Quest 4 Great Black Sea This time around, Ophion takes on those damn dirty pirates. Things...don't go fully as planned. Chaos ensues. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0,sentience , control , pirate , explosion , death 2013-08-23 22 26860574 Privateer Quest II #13: Steward's Gate Captain Percius Aurex braves the Imperial Navy stronghold of Steward's Gate and sleeps with the enemy. He acquires her hat, though. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2013-08-28 1 September 2013 27007995 Privateer Quest II #14: Corgus Bound Captain Percius Aurex completes his primary mission to obtain the 'Corridor' into Sector Corgus from Sector Paxia by talking his way into an Imperial Navy convoy under an assumed name. A short thread Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2013-09-05 5 27283034 Privateer Quest II #15: Entering Corgus Percius Aurex and his crew successfully make their way to Sector Corgus, despite being separated from their convoy. The Captain and the Navigator have a little chat and the Celentis system is investigated... Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2013-09-19 1 27334616 A.I. Quest 8 First Steps Ophion earns some upgrades this time around just in time for a pirate attack! The Fleet expands, but V.I. usefulness is in question. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , fate , prisoner , repairs , Gas , V.I. , Casualties , Accident , Pirate , Attack , Upgrade 2013-09-21 20 27455732 A.I. Quest 9 Chrono Horizon Ophion learns of alien life, before confronting the pirates in one final showdown. Things do not go as planned, however, and V.I. 1 has a new name. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , repairs , Gas , V.I. , Pirate , Attack , Battlecruiser , Kronos 2013-09-28 20 October 2013 27522643 Privateer Quest II #16: Into the Frontier Percius Aurex rejoins his pirate wolfpack. Short thread due to slow OP and real life. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2013-10-03 1 November 2013 28124795 Privateer Quest II #17: Morix's Escape Percius Aurex spends a bit of time with his sisters, explores the wolfpack's new home planet, and unexpectedly blunders into Captain Morix and her armsmen shooting their way out of the wolfpack. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot 2013-11-08 5 December 2013 28657261 Digger Quest Bass Tremble wants to be a digger. But he needs money. Unfortunately he instead finds a man named Metalman, a Giant Purple Refractor with a prize inside, Pirates, and torture! This is ether the start of an adventure, or a legend. Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure 2013-12-05 17 28696636 Digger Quest: Chapter 2 Bass attempts to escape from a pirate ship! How the players forget one important thing; In Megaman Legends, there must always be a crash landing. Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure 2013-12-07 14 28838955 Digger Quest: Chapter 3 Bass gets a Digger's License and gains an ally! He gets ready to go on his first dig, but takes it slow and prepares. He has a good time with his new found friend and we learn of his one true fear... Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure 2013-12-14 14 28926658 Rum & Booty Quest 1 We're a pirate, and we find booty to plunder. Collective Game , Rum & Booty Quest , Quest , pirates , ships 2013-12-18 8 28984840 Rum & Booty Quest 2 In which we trade and help a fellow pirate out. Collective Game , Rum & Booty Quest , Quest , pirates , ships 2013-12-21 6 28985042 Digger Quest: Chapter 4 20's Galore! Bass Digs in his first ruin, uncovers a Refractor, and fights with a fearsome foe... Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure 2013-12-21 14 29042703 Rum & Booty Quest 3 We get into a bar fight and get summoned to the mysterious council of pirates. Collective Game , Rum & Booty Quest , Quest , pirates , ships 2013-12-24 5 29151376 Rum & Booty Quest 4 We find a ship seemingly abandoned. But what is it doing out here? Collective Game , Rum & Booty Quest , Quest , pirates , ships 2013-12-30 6 January 2014 29237262 Privateer Quest II: #18 Percius Aurex returns and heads after the Traitorous Captain Morix, but has to reconcile with the fact that he let her go in the first place. Will Morix escape? Next time on Dragon Ball Z! Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships 2014-01-04 5 29257135 Rum & Booty Quest 5 We almost die after boarding a ship. Collective Game , Rum & Booty Quest , Quest , pirates , ships 2014-01-04 6 29295883 Digger Quest: Chapter 5 We awake and learn many things. Dicks are punched, enemies are made, friends are enlightened, and we come to question the very nature of our greatest enemy. Oh and we totally forgot it was our birthday tomorrow. Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure 2014-01-06 12 29349398 Privateer Quest II #19 The chase for Captain Morix concludes, and Captain Aurex decides to not return to the wolfpack empty handed. A new system is discovered, and it has ships ripe for pirating... Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships 2014-01-10 0 29425099 Space Pirate Quest Space Pirate Quest Collective Game , Space Pirate , TUUUUUBES , Space Pirate Quest , Metroid 2014-01-11 0 29464754 Rum & Booty Quest 6 The trip to Tortuga! Collective Game , Rum & Booty Quest , Quest , pirates , ships 2014-01-13 7 29631930 Digger Quest: Chapter 6 Bass convinces Cruiser to turn his beloved AE86 into a amphibious gun touting death machine. He enters the first of the islands three remaining ruins, fights metal crocodiles, and levels up. Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure 2014-01-20 12 29684512 Privateer Quest II #22: Sorting the Prize Captain Percius Aurex returns to the wolfpack with his first prize and sets about sorting through crew and cargo. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot 2014-01-22 1 29855326 Privateer Quest II #23 Percius Aurex returns to the wolfpack, has a meal with some of his officers, and reports to Lord Wilson Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , techpriests , psyker 2014-01-30 1 February 2014 29948682 Digger Quest: Chapter 7 Bass continues to explore the Bronze Tower! Keys are found, bodies are discovered, and limbs are nearly lost! Will Bass find treasure awaiting him or will he only find sorrow and death? Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure 2014-02-02 14 29972934 Digger Quest: Chapter 8 Bass single-handedly fights a city-destroying Reaverbot, decides to waterproof his gun, and buys crappy gifts for his friends. Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure , No Seriously Bass Is Really Bad At Picking Out Gifts 2014-02-03 12 30021794 Privateer Quest II #24 Captain Aurex attends a meeting of the wolfpack's Captains and sees to his growing list of assets Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot 2014-02-06 2 30166941 SW: Infinite Legacy IV Leacim and Dacyna fight off pirate-like treasure hunters, and he decides she needs conditioning. Collective Game , Infinite Legacy Quest , Star Wars , Imperial , Dantooine , Training , Pirates , Combat , I Am the Law 2014-02-11 4 30281809 Digger Quest: Chapter 8.5 Bass goes shopping and does some research at an old ass library. Thread stops short due to shitty OP internet connection during a storm. Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure 2014-02-17 10 30332000 Privateer Quest II #25 Percius Aurex embarks upon a short expedition to further explore a planet before embarking upon a raid with other Captains of the wolfpack. A snowstorm leads to an interesting find. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Exploration , Snow , Survival 2014-02-21 0 March 2014 30590811 Digger Quest: Chapter 9 Bass gets his gear and attempts to go to the Silver Tower, but is forced to retreat. He goes searching for a job and gets to search for lost kittens. Word of a murder catches his ear and things taken an unusual turn... Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure 2014-03-03 10 30853082 Digger Quest: Chapter 10 Bass is forced to take kittens home as a women is taken into police custody. He tries to find leads on who the real killer is, but ends up fighting a deadly sniper. He confronts the local militia general and things become heated. Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure 2014-03-16 10 30873380 Digger Quest: Chapter 11 Bass is sent to the hospital and learns he might not entirely be human. He asks Tom for additional weapons and pays Hunter a visit, only to be attacked by a ridiculous looking robot. Digger Quest , Collective Game , Megaman Legends , Megaman , Pirates , Bass , Treble , Puns , Airships , Ocean , Adventure 2014-03-17 10 30918298 Privateer Quest II #27 Captain Percius Aurex hunts and kills a beast the size of a small tank and plots his escape from the snowstorm that has cut off his exploration group from his ship and crew. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Big Game Hunting 2014-03-19 4 May 2014 32420966 Rum & Booty Quest 7 new recruits and a few bounty hunters Collective Game , Rum & Booty Quest , Quest , pirates , ships 2014-05-29 10 June 2014 32507172 Rum & Booty Quest 8 We set sail to the Atwoods Keys. Collective Game , Rum & Booty Quest , Quest , pirates , ships 2014-06-02 5 32622372 Space Pirate Naga Quest You are Captain Valdessa Atroxius, Pirate Captain of the spaceship The Sol Regret and it is high time you got back to some piracy! But first we gotta go bug the crew. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Trust the Crab 2014-06-07 13 32659321 Rum & Booty Quest 9 We board the Repentance. Collective Game , Rum & Booty Quest , Quest , pirates , ships 2014-06-09 6 32736594 Rum & Booty Quest 10 We reach the Atwoods! Collective Game , Rum & Booty Quest , Quest , pirates , ships 2014-06-13 7 32809063 Space Pirate Naga Quest 2 Valdessa learns about what exactly it is that she stole. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Trust the Crab 2014-06-16 12 32869254 Space Pirate Naga Quest 3 The fearless, fearsome Space Pirate Captain Valdessa Atroxius faces a particularly unyielding foe, followed by downtime with the crew. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs 2014-06-19 12 33024516 Rum & Booty Quest 11 We fight Captain Gorne, find a chest and get a shave. Collective Game , Rum & Booty Quest , Quest , pirates , ships 2014-06-27 5 33092965 Space Pirate Naga Quest 4 The only two human crew mates pull a bank heist and then the crafty captain fights a cyborg Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs 2014-06-30 11 July 2014 33278272 Space Pirate Naga Quest 5 We finally meet the ship's doctor and get into a drinking contest. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Yohoho and a bottle of rum 2014-07-09 11 33323098 Space Pirate Naga Quest 6 Some quality time is spent with the first mate and our fearsome captain begins the strangest of raids. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs 2014-07-11 11 33582012 Space Pirate Naga Quest 7 Battle is joined, Lessons learned, and a new threat emerges. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs 2014-07-23 11 33605632 Space Pirate Naga Quest 8 Our fearless captain singlehandedly braves the depths on an unknown ship in order to take back the one thing more precious to her than treasure. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Homemade Dryad Moonshine 2014-07-24 12 August 2014 34136338 Space Pirate Naga Quest 9 Our daring captain drags her nonexistent feet waking up and then we meet some old friends of one of the crew. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Dinosaur Cyborgs 2014-08-15 6 34137934 Privateer Quest II #34: No Good Will Come of This Captain Percius Aurex returns after a hiatus. Summary of events and Percius begins to examine the murder of two people who had their skulls removed on his ship. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2014-08-16 1 34208899 Space Pirate Naga Quest 10 Our brave, unstoppable captain faces her most devious foe yet: high fashion. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Dress up , Despair 2014-08-18 6 34277992 Space Pirate Naga Quest 11 Our brave captain makes fun of rich people, runs into some old friends, and then learns why a good driver is the key to any heist. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Dino Heist , Trains 2014-08-21 10 34321859 Space Pirate Naga Quest 12 Our daring captain makes her equally daring escape, meets an old flame of a member of one of her crewmates, and recruits a city. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Girlfriend troubles , Freebird 2014-08-23 6 34301979 Privateer Quest II #35 - Green Tide The ork attack on Barivia in sector Paxia goes poorly and we get a first hand look at the fight. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2014-08-23 0 September 2014 34534678 Space Pirate Naga Quest 13 The fearless Captain Val meets her old nemesis and attends a birthday party for another familiar face. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Fancy Birthday Parties 2014-09-01 7 October 2014 35282462 Space Pirate Naga Quest 14 Our fearless captain braves the depths of a forgotten ruin belonging to the disgusting Lamias before meeting an old friend. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Ruin Looting , Lamias are just the worst , Smooth Jazz is the bane of all things good 2014-10-04 5 35463815 Governors Quest 4 We deal with the space pirate problem through guile, trickery, and the application of extreme violence. Governor Quest , Governors Quest , Collective Game , Known Space , SciFi , colony , MURIKA , Transmetropolitan , Space Pirates , Space Slavers 2014-10-12 7 35512848 Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter Seven We spend the entire thread running over Space Bugs in our BOLO and laughing maniacally, until we get into a fight with some kind of coral...symbiote...thing. Also creepy foreshadowing ignored in favor of arguing about allegations of samefagging. Collective Game , Governors Quest , Governor Quest , SciFi , Science Fiction , Space , Known Space , Pirates , Slavers , Bugs , Wall of text , Starship Troopers , Transmetropolitan 2014-10-14 6 35586462 Space Pirate Naga Quest 15 Our fearless captain bravely runs away from her unkillable nemesis and toys with ancient sciences that should probably never be touched and makes everyone else uncomfortable. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Ruin Looting , Lamias are just the worst , Don't think about dirty things while broadcasting your mind to the entire ship 2014-10-18 6 November 2014 35893736 Space Pirate Naga Quest 16 In this spooky Halloween special, our brave captain investigates a haunted planet that claims the lives and ships of all those who dare approach it! Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Robot Skeletons , Why are the walls screaming at me 2014-11-02 6 36165828 Space Pirate Naga Quest 17 Deep in the bowels of the cursed planet Bermudos, our intrepid captain faces off against a most ancient foe with the aid of some unlikely friends Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs 2014-11-15 5 36306803 Space Pirate Naga Quest 18 In which our fearless, peerless Captain finds a new toy, learns a little about her First Mate, and receives unlikely help in a dire situation. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Nearly Naked Catmen 2014-11-22 6 36452568 Pirate Quest 1 In which the son of a pirate lord seeks to create his own crew in the port city of Caelos Pirate Quest , Collective Game , Blackbeard , Pirate 2014-11-29 11 36468452 Pirate Quest 2 In which our hero steals a ship and talks with his crew Pirate Quest , Collective Game , Blackbeard , Pirate 2014-11-30 11 December 2014 36490155 Pirate Quest 3 In which our crew raids a small fishing village Pirate Quest , Collective Game , Blackbeard , Pirate 2014-12-01 10 36491869 Space Pirate Scientist Assistants What would be a good system for running a game where the players are Space Pirates working for Science Team? Metroid general , Space Pirate , Samus , vaporforbrains 2014-12-02 6 36531275 Pirate Quest 4 In which stowaways are found aboard, oh my! Pirate Quest , Collective Game , Blackbeard , Pirate 2014-12-03 5 36569688 Pirate Quest 5 In which we interrogate the intruders and train the crew. Pirate Quest , Collective Game , Blackbeard , Pirate 2014-12-05 5 36646241 Pirate Quest 6 In which we escape from our pursuers and end up in port. Pirate Quest , Collective Game , Blackbeard , Pirate 2014-12-09 3 36705993 Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna III Privateer quest side mission, the continuing adventures of General Hienrich defending his world from orks. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2014-12-13 2 March 2015 38420191 Space Crusade Quest 17 We board a pirate ship, run a small army to maximum efficiency, and get beatdown by the Pirate boss Collective game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , beatdown , pirate 2015-03-03 3 38972396 Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna #4 We finally get to Brexen Fortress and set about fortifying and defending it, and while the planet burns around us there is hope yet. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2015-03-29 3 April 2015 39093314 Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna #5 We consolidate our forces in Brexen Fortress, search the grounds and prepare for the coming greenskin storm. Also we piss blood. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2015-04-05 4 August 2015 41777649 Corsair Quest 1 Darmund and his ship leave on a diplomatic mission, and are attacked mid-voyage. Collective Game , Pirates , Ships , Corsair 2015-08-10 1 41894820 Corsair Quest 2 The battle with the black ship begins. We find our affinity with decay, and use it to grapple with a Kraken. Collective Game , Pirates , Ships , Corsair , hugesquids 2015-08-16 1 41918937 Corsair Quest 3 Our new corsair returns homes, and is given a test. We finally have our own ship. Collective Game , Pirates , Ships , Corsair 2015-08-17 1 November 2015 43661624 Steal Back the Stars Quest Part 1 We join our hero, former Pirate Lord Liam King in a prison transport and help him escape from his captors Space Pirate , Pirate , Quest , Steal Back the Stars , Steal Back the Stars Quest, 2015-11-16 27 43855721 Steal Back the Stars Quest Part 2 We meet Regi and play some Blackjack Space Pirate , Pirate , Quest , Steal Back the Stars , Steal Back the Stars Quest, 2015-11-28 20 December 2015 44152957 Steal Back the Stars Quest Part 3 We win some serious creds and get a shiny new bounty on our head Space Pirate , Pirate , Quest , Steal Back the Stars , Steal Back the Stars Quest, 2015-12-14 12 44291928 Corsair Quest 4 Darmund ends up having to fight his way to some new clothes and recruits. Collective Game , Pirates , Ships , Corsair , Psychic , Monks 2015-12-21 1 January 2016 44630173 Undead Civ 1 Yorik Darkemind washes up, recruits a vampire and some zombies. The natives attack. Collective Game , Undead , Lich Pirate King Quest 2016-01-08 1 44643729 Undead Civ 2 In which natives are slaughtered Collective Game , Undead , Lich Pirate King Quest 2016-01-09 2 February 2016 45146238 Pirates of the Caribbean as an RPG Campaign A few writefags re-invent various scenes from the Pirates of the Caribbean as the antics of group of RPG players. Writefag , stories , Pirates , Pirates of the Caribbean , story , what if 2016-02-02 57 April 2016 46379404 Beast in the Sky Quest You are Isaac, a revolutionary that steals a government-owned flying fortress in the land of Prism. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship 2016-04-01 12 46399780 Beast in the Sky Quest 2 You discover the source of the mysterious light out on the lake, spend a day in the clockwork town of Peck, then see something unusual. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-04-02 8 46489044 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 1 In which our hero Roarke Susan "Dude McCool" Starwind acquires a name, a backstory, and builds a mech in a crater with a bunch of scraps Mecha Space Pirate Quest , quest thread , mecha 2016-04-06 35 46531774 Beast in the Sky Quest 3 Isaac and crew rescue a damsel in distress, then make their way to Ao, only to run into two more. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-04-08 8 46548855 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 2 In which our hero, Roarke Starwind, pistol-whips a mugger, plays checkers with a senior citizen, and is reunited with his squad. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , quest thread , mecha 2016-04-09 27 46573862 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 3 In which Roarke Starwind, Space Pirate, scores his first onscreen victory in a mech against the UJCIDF. Roarke acquires a fan. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-04-10 22 46599011 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 4 In which First Mate Roarke Starwind becomes Captain Roarke Starwind, discovers the pedigree of his mech, and fixes it. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-04-11 21 46656446 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 5 Waifu Wars begin. Roarke's first real raid. Knuckle Kaiser shows off its new power by putting the fear of God into Martians via criticals. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-04-14 21 46657202 Beast in the Sky Quest 4 Isaac and crew work out plans to get into the governor of Ao's palace, then are treated to an unwelcome surprise... Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-04-14 6 46675887 Beast in the Sky Quest 5 Isaac and crew escapes the governor's palace with him in tow and makes it to his brother's, only to be given a new task. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-04-15 6 46697892 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 6 Our first two-parter. Roarke kidnaps a girl and makes money. A weeaboo appears, but he can't dattebayo. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-04-16 20 46720807 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 6.5 The battle with Captain Oda ends, and he makes a truly strange request in exchange for agreeing to become Roarke's subordinate. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-04-17 20 46759645 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 7 In which Roarke Starwind fulfills Oda's request, adds Martians to his Crew, and has a date with Karen. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective game , mecha 2016-04-19 16 46822729 Beast in the Sky Quest 6 Isaac and crew face off against a group of bandits holed up in the Longfall mountains, then make their way back to Ao. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-04-22 6 46822873 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 8 In which Roarke Starwind returns to California Station, hangs out with Yoritomo, has another critical hit, and prepares for his date. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-04-22 15 46845191 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 8.5 The second two-parter concludes. Roarke goes on a date, a cute girl's smile is protected. We learn more about the Green Skulls and UJCIDF Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-04-23 13 46887543 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 9 In which Roarke Starwind greatly improves his crew's mecha, angers Rashad, double-upgrades the KK, and Red Siren makes A HEROINE'S ENTRANC Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-04-25 13 46930317 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 10 Trouble with the law. The invasion of Suleiman 1 begins, Roarke personally murders eleven of the Green Skulls' Harpies by himself. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-04-27 16 46951386 Beast in the Sky Quest 7 Isaac and company have a night out on the town only to discover that someone hasn't been completely honest with them. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-04-28 5 46950986 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 11 In which someone other than Roarke is briefly the protagonist. First starship combat, and Samantha joins the team for now. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-04-28 13 May 2016 47010491 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 12 A breather episode, massive upgrades to the KK. An unholy alliance is formed. Roarke gets laid. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-01 12 47068941 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 13 A scouting mission turns into a rescue mission. Roarkemania runs wild. The new upgrades earn their points in a two-on-one brawl. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-04 13 47088343 Beast in the Sky Quest 8 Isaac and crew take some things up with Kakei regarding his "employees" and learns of a darker side to Tabby. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-05-05 6 47122658 Beast in the Sky Quest 9 Isaac discovers something deadly serious and must get to the bottom of it before things get much, much worse. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-05-07 5 47122506 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 14 The S-Tarrasque appears, much to everyone's dismay. It's very rad. Roarke is kind to children and haughty Martian heiresses. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-07 14 47140268 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 15 Roarke wades knee-deep in the blood of the Green Skulls. Shit blows up everywhere forever. Starships and superweapons alike lose to FISTS. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-08 16 47147361 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 15.5 The previous part 15 thread becomes the longest yet and sinks into autosage, Wong is forced to make a second. End of the Introductory Arc. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-08 13 47174869 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 16 Roarke arrives at Auditorium and tries to get some R&R. Video games are won and lost, and a terrifying ultimatum is made. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-10 13 47207354 Beast in the Sky Quest 10 Isaac gets closer and closer to solving the murder and discovers something that was almost left behind. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-05-12 5 85592 Early 1700's Adventure Part 1 Young farm girl turned mercenary dreams of buying Iceland and learns to never trust cute swedes. Schizophrenia , Mount and Blade , Protestants are scum , 1700's , mercenary , Swedish treachery , Pirates. 2016-05-12 1 47206627 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 17 Turn your sorrow into anger! Roarke gets laid least. Emotions run high, but the Admiral is battle-ready at the end. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-12 14 47257394 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 18 Waifu wars erupt again, Red Siren hatches a plan to save Roarke's reputation, Oda's moneymaking scheme is revealed, a raid begins. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-15 12 47273446 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 18.5 Roarke and Red Siren defeat many enemy mecha, including new grunt units. Then, Roarke gets to be on television and seduces the audience. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-16 13 47325301 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 19 The first segment of the UJCIDF interlude. We meet Caesar, Caesar gets savage, spills spaghetti, and meets a nice girl. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-19 13 47342116 Beast in the Sky Quest 11 Isaac and Tabby pay their respects at Blakkaz, then head back to the ship for more intrigue regarding the murders. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-05-20 3 47341924 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 20 Caesar's savagery continues, he goes on a date, spills spaghetti, and finds out that Naomi likes pasta. Assertiveness leads to pillaging. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-20 13 47375522 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 21 Caesar and company get their orders and prepare for their mission. Fairchild gets angry. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-22 13 47393859 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 22 Another two-parter. Caesar discovers sabotage, knows Morse Code, and is challenged to and wins a duel with an unwilling foe. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-23 12 47401044 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 22.5 Part 2. Captain Oda gives some information to an initially reluctant Caesar, who takes Mohammed back to the Jaburo. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-23 11 47413601 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 23 Roarke returns, to deal with the fallout of the duel and negotiate with the UJCIDF. Includes a long discussion on starship combat tactics. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-24 11 47429692 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 24 Metal Gear Mohammed. Brave Mohammed engages the Boss in CQC. Division amongst the UJCIDF becomes apparent and the Terran appears. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-25 13 47478207 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 25 Roarke Starwind versus the Green Skulls' First Mate. That's all that needs saying. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-28 13 47494450 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 26 The glorious climactic space battle against the Green Skulls. Possibly the end of an arc. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-29 12 47531402 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 27 Part 1 of a 2-parter. The shortest thread yet, mostly discussion due to Wong having to leave early. Samantha and Roarke discuss the future Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-05-31 11 June 2016 47546996 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 27.5 Roarke negotiates and solves problems. He also wins one duel and loses another, but ends up being fussed over by the Double Girl Alliance. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-06-01 14 47582962 Beast in the Sky Quest 12 Isaac talks business with some fellow traders. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-06-03 3 47597903 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 28 Roarke learns who defeated him, signs autographs, gets an upgrade for his ship and has a touching moment with the siren. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective game , mecha 2016-06-04 10 47615167 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 29 Clemmy versus Red Siren Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-06-05 11 47652930 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 30 A rescue mission turns into a deadly ambush, Roarke and Red Siren against SOUL B. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-06-07 13 47700146 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 31 Dialogue and duels, mostly duels, a running battle that leads into the second direct confrontation with the First Mate. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-06-10 13 225289 Save Viva Piñata Princess Part 2 Pirates and Stephn King Save the Princess , princess , Quest , Collective Game , candy , Stephen King , Pirates 2016-06-10 13 47747749 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 32 Roarke learns the truth about many things from Doctor Clancy, then is forced into a high-stakes duel with the Butcher. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-06-13 14 47793814 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 33 Roarke deals with Captain Ashta and encounters a familiar but ominous mech. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-06-16 11 47810334 Mecha Space Pirate Quest Discussion 1 The first discussion thread Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-06-17 6 47827336 Beast in the Sky Quest 13 Isaac has some chats with his crew. Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-06-18 2 47844530 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 34 Another breather. Waifu wars erupt IC. A very Fatima episode. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-06-19 13 47947377 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 35 Part 1 of another 2-parter. A farewell to Fatima, an encounter with Avalon, and revelations. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-06-25 12 47962003 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 36 End of the two-parter. Roarke finishes tea with the Duke, rejects the offer to aid Avalon, and begins training with the Undefeated Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-06-26 10 48033181 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 37 Training from hell! Roarke gets stuck in a tiger trap. A wild Karen appears. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-06-30 11 July 2016 48081075 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 38 Training continues. Roarke gets the Taser Knuckles upgrade, and decides to rescue Fatima. Schemes are generally revealed. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-07-03 14 48151529 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 39 Roarke fails to punch a boulder to death, experiences popularity, and rejoins his crew. The new Rhinehawk is unveiled. A plan is hatched. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-07-07 13 351463 Beast in the Sky Quest 14 RIP Sky Pirates , Flying Fortress , Collective Game , Air Ship , Beast in the Sky Quest , AM in the PM , AM-PM 2016-07-09 0 48264740 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 40 Rosita and Samantha pull a prank. A look into the daily life of General Fairchild. Roarke hangs out with his bros. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-07-14 13 48297087 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 41 Mission to Mars Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-07-17 13 48377547 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 42 A boss battle in the desert. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-07-21 13 48410333 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 43 Escape from Mars, handholding. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-07-23 13 48524399 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 44 Roarke does it again, immediately returning to piracy, this time preying on an Avalonian Countess. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-07-31 14 August 2016 48576346 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 45 The true stage boss emerges, Knuckle Kaiser versus Paladin Anseis. The most difficult enemy thus far. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-08-02 17 48610091 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 46 A difficult choice emerges, negotiations with the Countess and the General. Fatima's treatment. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-08-04 15 48696514 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 47 A plan for the hostage is devised. Fatima gets something long overdue. Roarke meets the new Captains. Red Siren receives a gift. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-08-09 20 48763297 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 48 Roarke dares someone to hit him and provokes swooning. The sidequest begins, introducing Amos and the blooding of the Pumpkinseed II. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-08-14 16 48782951 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 49 The conclusion of the battle. Amos finally gets his bacon cheeseburger. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-08-14 13 48855068 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 50 Roarke has a busy day with several different girls. Excellent fanart. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-08-18 12 48890850 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 51 Amos attends an emergency briefing, makes enemies, goes fishing, and takes a captive prior to his next mission Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-08-20 14 48906618 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 52 Battle at the Great Zinn Dam. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-08-21 14 48976141 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 53 Amos versus Shinji, Amos versus Irina. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-08-25 15 September 2016 49103567 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 54 The interview Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-09-01 17 49120702 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 55 The Q&A portion of the interview, along with the unveiling of Roarke's new ride. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-09-02 13 49172713 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 56 Amos wakes up with company, deals with Simon's disciplinary problem and the prisoner, then gets forced into making a very manly decision. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-09-05 12 49230324 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 57 A very Clemmy (and Karen) episode, complete with another look into the daily life of General Fairchild. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-09-08 15 572315 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 58 Amos vs. Paladin Berenger Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-09-16 15 608224 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 59 Do you hear Qu'liri sing, singing the song of angry cats? It is the music of a people who shall not be paid in pats! Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-09-25 12 October 2016 636052 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 60 In which Roarke learns about Alexander Starwind, Bruce Kelly returns, and Roarke has a very near brush with death Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-10-01 12 648820 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 61 A continuation of the last thread. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-10-02 12 691678 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 62 Date with Fatima. The raid on 16-Psyche begins. Moe vs Caesar round 2. Tasty meals all around. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-10-15 11 725195 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 63 In which Roarke achieves his longest streak of consecutive kills. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-10-23 12 754025 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 64 Victory and sorrow, the conclusion of the 16-Psyche raid. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-10-30 12 November 2016 794947 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 65 Exploring the inside of 16-Psyche and Dame Gray snaring her prey. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-11-13 11 835961 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 66 An attack in the night and addressing the troops. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-11-20 12 December 2016 887171 One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 2 We say goodbye to Yuto and Big Bean, and make our way to Rougetown. After accepting a mission from a shady woman, shit hits the fan. One Piece: Shining Seas , Quest , Pirates , Cyborgs , YOB OP 2016-12-02 5 861833 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 67 Amos battles the instigators of a terrible cat-astrophe, both in his mech and on foot. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-12-03 12 894376 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 68 A continuation of the last thread. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-12-11 12 933831 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 69 Amos is recognized for his achievements by General Fairchild, then demonstrates the potential power of his SOUL mech in the sims Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-12-17 12 957157 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 70 Roarke interferes with a duel, plans his next heist, gets laid, and is trapped in the worst situation a man can be in Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2016-12-27 11 January 2017 977517 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 71 Roarke and Red Siren do some kidnapping, rob a museum exhibit, and rumble with the Jovian Praetorian Guard. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-01-01 12 50965957 Ship quirk thread A thread about space ship quirks gives birth to a tiny race called the "Borrowers" Borrowers , space borrowers , space , tiny , aliens , grandma , quirks , pirates , traveller , ai , Cessna 2017-01-11 15 1028314 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 72 The conclusion of the museum robbery, and beginning of the final Qu'lir arc. Things go to hell in a handbasket. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-01-14 11 1055175 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 73 S-Delphinius team versus S-Squilla Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-01-21 11 1082116 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 74 Fungus in the dark. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-01-30 11 February 2017 1127019 One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 3.5 After some difficulty, we make our way into the Grand Line. We meet Crorcus, get a Jolly Roger, and end up captured by bounty hunters. One Piece: Shining Seas , Quest , pirates , bounty hunters , YOB OP 2017-02-06 1 1117605 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 75 Amos versus the last member of the Kestrel Team. Jesus nearly learns something. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-02-09 10 1151990 One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 4 The end One Piece: Shining Seas , Quest , pirates , bounty hunters , YOB OP 2017-02-15 1 1146955 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 76 The last battle of Qu'lir Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-02-18 10 1179282 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 77 A tourney discussion thread turns into an interlude thread with the tourney pilots Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-02-27 11 March 2017 1213620 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 78 The conclusion of the interlude, a return to Roarke, a look at Avalonian machinations, and the last pre-tourney thread. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-03-06 12 1209743 Cloak and Colony Quest 1 It begins in a small colony on a world of isles in a pirate's nest of a system, our charisma leads to early wins but causes us some trouble Pirates , Zealots , Space Colony , Superhero , Gigolo life ain't easy , Ancient Ruins , Tropical Islands , Genie 2017-03-09 1 1238242 Cape and Colony Quest 2 After some strangeness we obtain great alien artifacts, so we buy a ship to put them on; and our hero tells his crush how he lost his v-card Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-03-13 1 1241664 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 79 The first Tournament Thread, comprising the first half of the first round Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-03-14 11 1288139 One Piece Muscles Quest 1 Thrill as Maximillion T. Strongarm faces off against the Marine Captain Van Damn in a Ohara elimination match in the ring of fire. Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-03-24 11 1307978 One Piece Muscles Quest 2 In a underground cage match heavyweight superstar Maximillion goes against Moran's crew. Only on OPM pay per view! Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-03-30 10 1294484 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 80 The second Tournament Thread, comprising the second half of the first round. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-03-31 11 April 2017 1295051 Cape and Colony Quest 4 Our luck with not being vindictively attacked by monsters is the worst. Fortunately our luck with killing them is not. Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-04-08 1 1336925 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 81 The return of Caesar between tournament rounds. He makes important decisions, launches a daring plan, and gets into brawls. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-04-11 11 1325357 Cape and Colony Quest 5 Rhys and the guards make their way back to town, only to find the shit is about to hit the fan Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-04-13 1 1364281 One Piece Muscles Quest 3 Fresh out of the hospital, can Maximillion survive a ladder match with the vicious Minmax brothers and belligrant dice? Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-04-18 5 1356438 Cloak and Colony Quest 5.5 We chase after a kidnapper in the rain amidst the embattled colony Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-04-21 1 1361135 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 82 Caesar becomes a knight and gets into a duel, the tourney resumes with a match between the Jager and Templar despite Wong's ill health Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-04-21 11 1380710 One Piece Muscles Quest 4 Miyuki Soge, sidekick to the daring Captain Strongarm, is set to face off in a gruelling no holds barrel flashback. Who comes out on top? Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-04-25 5 1384121 Cape and Colony Quest 6 We board a pirate option to attempt a rescue mission, but things go horribly wrong; a desperate gambit averts disaster, but not without cost Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-04-29 1 May 2017 1399295 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 83 Two more matches of round two of the tourney, before Wong's internet suffers catastrophic failure. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-05-05 11 1411436 Cape and Colony Quest 7 In which it takes us the entire thread to decide who to recruit Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-05-08 1 1440794 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 84 In which Roarke meets someone even more dangerous than he is, is given an offer he might not want to refuse, and accepts a bounty Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-05-18 11 1481273 Pirates of the Pacific Your name is Theo. You are a twenty one year old kid. And you want to be a pirate. pirate , piracy , potc , pacific , pirates of the pacific 2017-05-24 1 1471715 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 85 The conclusion of Round Two, and a legendary teamup between two female aces who hate each other. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-05-27 11 1493933 Pirates of the Pacific II You are Theo, a 21 year old kid from a pacific american coastal town, and you want to be a pirate. pirate , piracy , potc , pacific , pirates of the pacific 2017-05-28 1 1438175 Cape and Colony Quest 8 We hire a manager and at last board our new (to us) AI mining ship, discovering things are... not great there Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-05-29 1 1476798 Cape and Colony Quest 9 The rebellious bot Ahbr and Advanced AI Rel still hate each other, but we got them to stop shooting at each for now at least Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-05-29 1 June 2017 1505350 Pirates of the Pacific III Your name is Theo. You are a 21 year old Pacific coast American. And you are a pirate pirate , piracy , potc , pacific , pirates of the pacific 2017-06-02 1 1522051 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 86 Roarke straightens things out, and then Round Three happens. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-06-08 10 1509013 Cape and Colony Quest 10 We finish checking out our new ship and return planetside to manage our new hires Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-06-13 1 1571158 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 87 Rosita finally is reunited with Irina, a dark deed is committed, and the tournament reaches its conclusion Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-06-21 11 1543162 Cape and Colony Quest 11 We have a big woopsie involving gravity grenades Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-06-26 1 July 2017 1605714 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 88 A short thread with more of Caesar's Avalonian shenanigans, introducing Turpin. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-07-01 11 1580055 Cape and Colony Quest 12 We manage to fail our way to victory, saving the town from the gravity anomaly we accidentally caused Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-07-07 1 1617022 Cape and Colony Quest 13 We begin the lengthy process of dealing with the aftermath of the gravity anomaly Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-07-13 1 1636692 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 89 King me Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-07-14 11 1661860 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 90 The duel against Cabot commences. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-07-18 12 1643778 Cape and Colony Quest 14 We decide to throw a pirate party, and roll a critical failure to do so. Need I say more? Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-07-26 1 1684163 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 91 The Avalonian delegation departs, and Caesar vows to prove his mettle assailing a prison colony on Titan. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-07-28 11 August 2017 1674919 Cape and Colony Quest 15 Pirate party is in underway in the colony and something odd is happening with our ship AI Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-08-04 1 1728579 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 92 The return of an old foe mars Caesar's victory Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-08-09 10 1723755 One Piece Muscles Quest 5 In which Strongarm gets a new crew member and kicks a man in the nuts. Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-08-12 1 1764844 One Piece Muscles Quest 5.5 In which you have a practice match against Pirate Hulk Hogan and don't die. Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-08-16 0 1709888 Cape and Colony Quest 16 Last one, pity since things were going okay for once Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-08-17 1 1773355 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 93 Roarke and the Knuckle Kaiser versus Colonel Stern and the S-Lionfish. Also, Roarke versus the Gauntlet of Women! Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-08-22 10 1799311 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 94 In which Roarke gets married and fights a mech with his fists Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-08-30 10 September 2017 1824912 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 95 In which General Fairchild's chickens come home to roost and the situation with Lysa and Rebecca is explained fully. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-09-07 7 1845985 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 96 The introduction of Rudolph Merrow and Pope Joan II. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-09-17 8 1885073 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 97 The Summit for the junior partners of the Solar System League, and everything that goes with it. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-09-28 6 October 2017 1916842 One Piece Quest! Character Creation Edition! Endless Ocean starts a One Piece Quest, and O'wiley Keel is made! One Piece , Pirate , Marine , Endless Ocean , OP , Devil Fruit , Treasure 2017-10-02 3 1926642 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 98 rules of nature Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-10-11 6 1951449 Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna #6 It's been a long time. But Heinrich's back to finish the fight. Collective Game , Privateer Quest 2 , Warhammer 40k , Pirates , Spaceships , Loot , Poke'Hats 2017-10-14 3 1953006 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 99 Caesar sees Naomi again Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-10-19 10 November 2017 1955529 One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 2 Three eyes get plant powers, collects plants to study and cuts off his foot! Collective Game , One Piece , Ghost , Starter Quest , Haunted Pirate Quest , Devil Fruit 2017-11-04 4 1983385 One Piece Haunted Pirate Quest 3 Three Eyes watches a fights, Doc Sicko goes besetting, the Captain’s Devil fruit get stolen and he goes in a rampage. Collective Game , One Piece , Ghost , Starter Quest , Haunted Pirate Quest , Devil Fruit 2017-11-04 3 2027838 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 100 Thread 100! Roarke invades California station and fights a space battle Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-11-10 5 2036971 One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 4 Three Eyes goes to the North Pole, after the Captain, then gets in a fight with Krakens, collects some plants, & fights in the Arena. Collective Game , One Piece , Ghost , Starter Quest , Haunted Pirate Quest , Devil Fruit 2017-11-13 2 2071222 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 101 Roarke and Clemmy go dancing and the space battle shifts in Roarke's favor. Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-11-20 6 2077111 Locked Cannons and Split Timber Pirates Pirates 2017-11-27 1 December 2017 2092597 MAR Quest 1 Onishi Kana beats up bullies before being teleported into a world of fairy tales and legends. Teams up with Pirates and kicks ass! MAR Quest , marchen awakens romance , isekai , delinquent , Onishi Kana , SixWingZombi , pirates , magic items , Collective Game 2017-12-03 5 2096431 Black Company Quest #32 The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day Four. Holy warriors are slain, an ex-pirate falls. Black Company Quest , Collective Game , Dark Fantasy , Cutie Paladin , SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD , Mercenary , Pirate 2017-12-03 11 2092863 One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 5 Three Eyes beats a Brute, gets a working vacation, and starts a recruitment drive Collective Game , One Piece , Ghost , Starter Quest , Haunted Pirate Quest , Devil Fruit 2017-12-07 2 2100980 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 102 Roarke runs from an awkward conversation into new danger, then confronts the Hextarchy and Captain Marx of the Five Man Band Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-12-08 5 2129773 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 103 In which Caesar loses to a GIRL Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2017-12-18 5 2144304 MAR Quest 2 Kana changes clothes, trains up, and deals with the Chess's nefarious activities. MAR Quest , marchen awakens romance , isekai , delinquent , Onishi Kana , SixWingZombi , pirates , magic items , Collective Game 2017-12-25 5 January 2018 2175741 One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 6 Three Eyes tries his hand at recruitment. Collective Game , One Piece , Ghost , Starter Quest , Haunted Pirate Quest , Devil Fruit 2018-01-07 1 2200946 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 104 Caesar deals with a mysterious attack on the train Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2018-01-14 5 2236903 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 105 Caesar makes a fateful deal, and Roarke makes a fateful mistake Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2018-01-28 3 February 2018 2270688 Mecha Space Pirate Quest 106 Roarke solves the problem and meets a kid Mecha Space Pirate Quest , Collective Game , mecha 2018-02-13 3 March 2018 2323875 One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 7 really! The real haunted pirates! After recruiting Sword Boy, Three Eyes and the crew attempt to escape the marines on the island. Collective Game , One Piece , Ghost , Starter Quest , Haunted Pirate Quest , Devil Fruit 2018-03-03 0 2355222 MAR Quest 4 Kana meets with the important members of the Cross Guard and spars, while a certain Pawn wakes up to a pleasant surprise. MAR Quest , marchen awakens romance , isekai , delinquent , Onishi Kana , Albern Aylmer , SixWingZombi , pirates , magic items , Collective Game 2018-03-12 3 April 2018 2404605 Mar Quest 5 Kana does her morning routine. MAR Quest , marchen awakens romance , isekai , delinquent , Onishi Kana , SixWingZombi , pirates , magic items , Collective Game 2018-04-02 2 August 2018 2756662 Avatar: the firebender quest #4 Kazuki is here to drink tea and kick pirate ass, and he's all out of ass
Wait... Avatar , firebender , sifuhotman , pirates , ass , azula's ass 2018-08-07 3 September 2018 2859733 MAR Quest 6 Cecily returns from her training and the Chess separate the wheat from the chaff. MAR Quest , marchen awakens romance , isekai , delinquent , Onishi Kana , SixWingZombi , pirates , magic items , Collective Game 2018-09-14 2 October 2018 2985440 One piece of Freedom Quest 1 A story told on the blue blue seas begins again. But who is the hero of this tale? Collective Game , One Piece of Freedom Quest , The Headmaster , One piece , Adventure , Devil Fruit , Devil fruit users , Pirates , Marines , Sailing 2018-10-20 5 2981741 MAR Quest 7 Kana unwinds after the deadly prelim round MAR Quest , marchen awakens romance , isekai , delinquent , Onishi Kana , SixWingZombi , pirates , magic items , Collective Game 2018-10-30 1 November 2018 62961898 Crimson Skies and related coolness A comfy discussion about a nostalgic game, that spins off into all things dwelling in the crossover between "flies" and "is awesome". Crimson Skies , Planes , Zeppelins , Sky Pirates 2018-11-20 3 February 2019 3256917 Piratical Quest In which we take a job from a pirate, get into a gunfight, and a free ship. Also, some political intrigue! Also curses! Pirates , Piratical , Fantasy , Sailing , Ships , Original , QuestPhreak 2019-02-26 1 March 2019 3338650 Space Empire Quest Our perky band of pirates encounters an alien relic. Space , AI , Pirates , Empire , SciFi , Collective Game 2019-03-23 1 February 2021 77215826 Psy-Wrens Thread Roll thread that turns up Metal Dream Infesting Space Pirates Chaos , Pirates , Warhammer 40k , Dreams 2021-02-01 -1 August 2021 80648267 Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 7, HOLY DIVER From the worst plane trip in existence to an ever worse underwater treasure hunt, Shortfuse and his group are in for an epic fight! Shadowrun , Storytime , Shadowrun Tale , Shortfuse , Wolfhound , BYTE , Dice , Airplane , Douglas , Pirate , Treasure Hunt , Kraken , Sp1r1t 2021-08-06 2 4924220 X-Men: Plunder and Wonder Quest #1 In which Aurelio Baluyot, pirate and chef, unlocks hydrokinetic powers, raids several vessels, and steals from the American navy. X-Men , Plunder and Wonder , PlunderQM , Madripoor , X-Men: Plunder and Wonder , Pirate 2021-08-30 6 October 2021 4979378 X-Men: Plunder and Wonder Quest #2 In which Aurelio Baluyot escalates the violence and makes several new enemies. X-Men , Plunder and Wonder , PlunderQM , Madripoor , X-Men: Plunder and Wonder , Pirate 2021-10-19 2 December 2021 5094509 G A L E R N E PRELUDE Beyond the jewelled isles of the Thalassarchy of Galerne, all that separates the conqueror from the vanquished is the Dreamsend Sea fantasy , gothic , adventure , sword , gun , witch , magic , tarot , pirate , island , horror , barbarian , monk , collective game , quest 2021-12-27 9 April 2022 84114886 Pirate Setting World Building World building thread for a pirate setting pirate , world building , sea 2022-04-14 0 September 2022 5402943 One Piece: Game of the Seas A man wakes up in the World of One Piece and quickly discovers that the government sucks. ShiveringTimber , Collective Game , One Piece , Pirates , Marines , Revolutionaries , Isekai , One Piece: Game of the Seas 2022-09-23 10 November 2022 5451870 Sworn to Valour Quest #30 His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei sets sail for the Cathagi Strait across open water, facing all the perils the sea has to offer. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Ship , Boat , Pirates , Sea Shanty 2022-11-04 25 5412943 One Piece: Game of the Seas 2 Copper recruits a crew, hunts for bounties and sets sails to take down Arlong. ShiveringTimber , Collective Game , One Piece , Pirates , Marines , Revolutionaries , Isekai , One Piece: Game of the Seas 2022-11-05 3 January 2024 5839835 Planet Pirates Quest #1 Crew customization, a successful raid on a commerce station. Sci-fi , pirates , Master Adept 2024-01-06 5 5865235 Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age Ramza Valentine helps to discover a sinister plot by one of the Merchant Kings and goes on a journey to Threespice to investigate it. Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age , Lodestar , Sky Pirates , Fantasy , Hollow World , Magic , Original , Homebrew , Collective Game , Quest , Watcher 2024-01-18 17 February 2024 5883189 Planet Pirates Quest #2 The captain enjoys shore leave on the Point before embarking on a mission to retrive a mysterious cargo on a forbidden planet. Sci-fi , pirates , space , Master Adept 2024-02-16 1 March 2024 5903865 Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 2) Gigas fields investigations in Threespice, touching base with Lobo, recruiting Gremory the Demon, and interrogating Stillwater. Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age , Lodestar , Sky Pirates , Fantasy , Hollow World , Magic , Original , Homebrew , Collective Game , Quest , Watcher 2024-03-08 13 April 2024 5951440 Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 3) Val Lasombra learns a great deal about Demons, dived into Stillwater's blackmail, saved Aito, and encountered the Gaoth raidship Skyseer. Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age , Lodestar , Sky Pirates , Fantasy , Hollow World , Magic , Original , Homebrew , Collective Game , Quest , Watcher 2024-04-14 6 May 2024 5986131 Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 4) The crew learns more about Gaoth culture, participates in a revenge raid on The Raven and his crew, and meets a True Dragon on the way home. Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age , Lodestar , Sky Pirates , Fantasy , Hollow World , Magic , Original , Homebrew , Collective Game , Quest , Watcher 2024-05-29 4 July 2024 6031360 Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 5) Val recruits a chatty shipwitch, Gigas is tricked into helping Nocturne kill Stillwater during a prison break, and Ramza recruits minions! Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age , Lodestar , Sky Pirates , Fantasy , Hollow World , Magic , Original , Homebrew , Collective Game , Quest , Watcher 2024-07-14 2 December 2024 6127701 STAR WARS - INTERREGNUM #3.5 Farren does a checkup on the MSDF Fleet, learns about the Blazing Chain, the Sapphire Star, and the Coral Ship. Then Kaz dies. THE END. Collective Game , Star Wars Interregnum , Star Wars , Kaz , Fat Blue Togruta Asses , Fat Blue Pirate Queen Asses , Fat Blue Chiss Asses 2024-12-25 11