/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

December 2011
17272040living with nonhumansLiving with nonhumansnon-humans, modern fantasy, 2011-12-20 10 
17275130further living with nonhumansLiving with nonhumans, continuednon-humans, modern fantasy2011-12-20 6 
August 2012
20281466Gargoyles QuestIn which Nero Noctos, Corporate Wizard and Researcher of mystical knowledge discovers Esther, a cursed Gargoyle whose spent the last 1200 years as a statue. Nero Dubs the Gargoyle Esther, does his best to get her taught english, helps the Department of Defense with a group of soldiers who've been turned to stone and sets up his own corporate department.Collective_Game, Quest, Gargoyles Quest, Nero_Noctos, Esther, Wizard, Gargoyle, Modern Fantasy2012-08-12 10 
20333505Gargoyles Quest 2Esther can now speak to us in a bad Boris Karlov Dracula accent, and we take on a job for the FBI. The mission: find out who's been eating werewolves in a werewolf town.Collective_Game, Quest, Gargoyles Quest, Nero_Noctos, Esther, Wizard, Gargoyle, Modern Fantasy2012-08-16 6 
November 2012
21495514Modern NecromancyA girl gets hit by a car and resurrected; asks /tg/ for advice. /tg/ runs with it.roleplay, improv, worldbuilding, setting, necromancy, flesh golem, undead, modern fantasy2012-11-09 6 
July 2013
25928126Fantasy Races in MilitaryAnon ask for help about a crazy elf in his squad. Elves, Modern Fantasy, Military, Roleplay2013-07-10 6 
August 2014
34498343Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 3 (Part 1)We get down and dirty with some ruskies and talk to a goblin, we currently considering how to or not to teach the goblin the electric boogaloo (Part 2 tomorrow after I improve format and get a new dialog style)MFSKQ, Edgy, Dark, Murder, Funny, Limblesslivingonaholeteasing, short thread, no dice, OP slightly off his game, Nobody gets shot with a 22., Collective Game, Quest, Modern Fantasy Serial Killer, 2014-08-30 1 
March 2015
38395797Surreal Workplacesanon asks for creepy quirks and horror ideas for an office/workplace setting. /tg/ provides.creepy, horror, modern fantasy, office buildings2015-03-02 26 
38465635Surreal Workplaces Part 2/tg/ continues discussing creepy workplaces, provides more ideas and quirks.creepy, horror, modern fantasy, office buildings2015-03-09 15 
38753465Extranatural Consultant QuestA pair of Extranatural Consultants get a case about a series of accidents involving ice sculptors and no cold puns are made.Collective Game, Extranatural Consultant Quest, Modern Fantasy, Mystery, MagicalGrill2015-03-17 7 
38771852Extranatural Consultant Quest 2Interviews are held under disguise and some history is revealed about the suspects in this mystery, a cold pun is finally made.Collective Game, Extranatural Consultant Quest, Modern Fantasy, Mystery, MagicalGrill2015-03-18 6 
June 2015
40304800Modern Fantasy Life 1We become David Whiteman, Monsterology graduate and we look for a job as a dungeon squireModern Fantasy Life, Quest, Collective Game2015-06-04 2 
August 2015
41670248Weird World Quest #1In which our Dwarven protagonist stumbles to work after a drunken night, and realizes that he should have called in for back-up.Weird World Quest, Modern Fantasy, Dwarf Protagonist, Collective Game2015-08-05 4 
41729767Weird World Quest 2Rowyn Thorekson exchanges bullets with museum thieves, OP is dead after the first round.Weird World Quest, Modern Fantasy, Dwarf Protagonist, Collective Game2015-08-08 2 
December 2015
44172416Modern Day Magical ItemsIn this thread /tg/ plays a little game, making up paranormal powers and properties for mundane modern day objects. Some are wonderful, some are wicked, but all are pretty weird.Magic items, modern fantasy, brainstorming, surreal2015-12-15 6 
January 2016
44716135Badge and Bullet Case File 01A golem serves the city as a private detective. Today he gets a new partner fresh out of the academy.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-13 7 
44733710Badge and Bullet Quest #2The detective finishes the case and hangs out at the Rivet Club.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-13 4 
44752662Badge and Bullet 3Badge and Bullet 3Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-13 20 
44774870 Badge and Bullet 4 Badge and Bullet 4Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-14 2 
44794964Badge and Bullet Case File 05A drug bust goes terribly wrong when the dirty rat shows his face.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-16 3 
44861082Badge and Bullet Case File 06Russo cuts her teeth on a simple car theft operation. Open and closed case, right?Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-19 2 
44879336Badge and Bullet Case File 07You awake with a mouthful of sawdust and one hand less. It turns out to be a surprisingly good day.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-20 2 
44941801Badge and Bullet Case File 08Shit gets real.Collective Game, Noir, Badge and Bullet, Modern Fantasy2016-01-23 2 
April 2016
46873791The Road Goes on Forever: A Hard Rock WesternWhether you're a lawman, a vigilante or just another long-hauler, you better slam that hammer down and keep on truckin'.Rock, western, truckers, bikers, homebrew, setting, modern fantasy, brainstorming2016-04-26 10 
May 2016
47036472Underworld Delve Quest #1 Wherein we meet ourselves, join up with the Russian mob, and then have the QM pass out on us. Colllective Game, UDQ, Underworld Delve Quest, Modern Fantasy, Horror, Dungeoncrawl2016-05-02 0 
47043968Underworld Delve Quest #2 In which we meet our team, go into the Basement, and shoot teenagers. Also, we meet our first demon. Colllective Game, UDQ, Underworld Delve Quest, Modern Fantasy, Horror, Dungeoncrawl2016-05-03 1 
47072181Underworld Delve Quest #3 In which we nearly die, run off a shadow demon, and find out that our heavy weapons guy can survive being cooked like a goose. Colllective Game, UDQ, Underworld Delve Quest, Modern Fantasy, Horror, Dungeoncrawl2016-05-06 2 
July 2016
390600Samsara Quest 1We are Jasmine Angwaz, a young wizard at wizard school. We try to break physics, sell our friend's phone number to people, and are very tinCollective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-07-21 21 
423700Samsara Quest 2In which we are still Jasmine Angwaz, researching our new teleportation magic.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-07-31 12 
August 2016
457843Samsara Quest 3In which we finally go out to explore other worlds.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-08-16 12 
September 2016
544624Samsara Quest 4In which we prepare to take on a villain from the other world!Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-09-15 11 
October 2016
628731Samsara Quest 5In which we take down the Black Witch and gain the spoils.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-10-03 8 
665936Samsara Quest 6We learn a lot about magic and pocket dimensions, and help with a prison.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-10-14 5 
710213King of New Avalon QuestA one-shot following Arthur of the Summer Court and his quest for the CrownCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-10-20 21 
736919Samsara Quest 7In which we settle down after the events of the past few weeks.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-10-30 5 
December 2016
904794Scarred by Thorns QuestJesse the Darkling comes home to find things are not as they ought to be.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-12-12 13 
955323July At Christmas Quest - Thread 1Zoe "Zippo" Morris is asked to ensure a seasonal celebration takes place, and everyone decides to be dicks about itCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-12-27 11 
979788Monstergirl Legend Quest 1: REBIRTHA Legend is Reborn...as a Monster girl? Will they accept or deny their old destiny?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2016-12-27 25 
976880July At Christmas Quest - Thread 2We meet back up with an old rival, an old enemy, and our old-ass KingCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-12-31 13 
January 2017
1005544Monstergirl Legend Quest 2:DragonMay Mcnarren, Now a dragon, begins her life as a monster girl in Tartarus city. Maybe the countryside's fresh air will calm her down a bit.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-03 21 
1029584Monstergirl Legend Quest 3:LegendMay adjusts to living with a roommate, Yvette the dryad.But a story for a legend is begging to be told.Will it be a peaceful tale?Not likelyCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-10 20 
1057919Monstergirl Legend Quest 4:BonesWhat can a cat do to a dragon? What can a whole gang of cats do to one? The fishbone gang steps up its efforts to make May show some respectCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-17 16 
1088921Monstergirl Legend Quest 5: Brawl1 Dragon and 1 minotauress vs a whole lot of cat girls and 1 Griffin. I like those odds, lets get this party started.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-25 17 
February 2017
1116893Monstergirl Legend Quest 6: ReputationWord spreads about May trashing the Fishbone gang. And she gets a lot of unwanted attention.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-01 16 
1143279Monstergirl Legend Quest 7: Lion's denThe Truth is revealed, and May Goes clubbing. Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-08 16 
1164471Monstergirl Legend Quest 8: MagicDo you believe in magic and fairytales? A witch seeks out May...or is it the otherway around?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-15 16 
1193087Monstergirl Legend Quest 9: NidhoggrThe past is finally revealed and May's world is turned upside down.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-22 17 
March 2017
1219352Monstergirl Legend Quest 10:Confusion May starts to try to adjust to her new world of legends and her new relationship with YvetteCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-01 17 
1247690Monstergirl Legend Quest 11: Day outMay has a day out. Wonder if its going to be nice or bloody.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-09 13 
1271186Monstergirl Legend Quest 12:AttackWho would attack a dragon? May is about to find outCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-15 15 
1315085Monstergirl Legend Quest 13: TyrantChanges aren't just skin deepCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-29 13 
April 2017
1342663Monstergirl Legend Quest 14: Bad PuckBad Luck rides on the wings of PuckCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-04-06 12 
1363269Monstergirl Legend Quest 15: Territory May discovers just how bad territorial disputes between dragons can beCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-04-13 12 
May 2017
1428143Monstergirl Legend Quest 16: KidBeing a little kid can feel like a curse. Especially when it is one! Can May break it?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-04 10 
1451724Monstergirl Legend Quest 17: Two DragonsMay finally confronts Faith, who cursed her into being a little brat again. Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-12 8 
1500700Monstergirl Legend Quest 18:Hammer TimeMay's made a hammer worthy of legend, but is she worthy of it? Who cares its fucking awesome!Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-26 8 
1521345Monstergirl Legend Quest 19: Old ProblemsOld problems come under new faces. May's day might end up going bad.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-31 10 
July 2017
1643258Cinderella Sanction Quest #1Prologue: They Are A-Changin' & BEGIN PART ONE: TAKE ME TO WONDERLANDCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-07-10 21 
1668718Cinderella Sanction Quest #2We lose our shit on Fancy and learn more about our new alliesCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-07-22 11 
1692740Cinderella Sanction Quest #3We have a dream about hamCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-07-29 11 
August 2017
1718417Cinderella Sanction Quest #4We investigate Carroll HouseCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-08-06 11 
1751566Monstergirl Legend Quest 21:Knight nightModern day "knights". Or angry people who want to prove that normal humans are better than any kind of monster girl, by fighting them.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-08-08 7 
1744605Cinderella Sanction Quest #5We dredge up a whole lot of shit from the pastCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-08-13 10 
1768574Cinderella Sanction Quest #6We have a date with Fancy in a slow threadCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-08-20 10 
1804229Monstergirl Legend Quest 22: Beach fightMay's Beach party is interrupted by a glory seeking knightCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-08-24 7 
1792556Cinderella Sanction Quest #7We perform a blessing and start the fight.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-08-27 10 
September 2017
1813361Cinderella Sanction Quest #8END PART ONE: TAKE ME TO WONDERLAND & BEGIN INTERLUDE: HEATHENSCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-09-02 5 
1855293Monstergirl Legend Quest 23: DragonslayerMay has an "interesting" Day, as a few old grudges come a calling.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-09-10 10 
1845189Cinderella Sanction Quest #9We talk to a friend, accept a favor, and have a slow threadCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-09-15 5 
1867883Cinderella Sanction Quest #10We talk to King Raven and Queen RamonaCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-09-24 6 
October 2017
1897121Cinderella Sanction Quest #11Surprise hiatus to handle the QM's stress levelsCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-10-01 5 
1958872Monstergirl Legend Quest 24:Melee a troisMay's "Honorable" Duel with the "modern day" knight is interrupted by a legendary ThotCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-10-12 8 
1934680Cinderella Sanction Quest #12We meet about the future of the motleyCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-10-14 5 
1964514Cinderella Sanction Quest #13Justice is doneCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-10-23 6 
November 2017
2001847Cinderella Sanction Quest #14We conclude our day at courtCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-11-03 5 
2035568Cinderella Sanction Quest #15Winter retail work kidnaps the QMCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-11-13 6 
December 2017
2121658Monster Girl Legend Quest 25: FateFate makes itself known in nasty ways for May. But is it fate? or just bad dreams? Either ways its pissing her off Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-12-04 8 
January 2018
2206422Monster Girl Legend Quest 26: SistersMay spends some quality time with her older sister.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2018-01-06 6 
2194822Cinderella Sanction Quest #16We journey into the Hedge 'neath the blood moonCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-01-13 5 
2229871Cinderella Sanction Quest #17We pay off our debt and enjoy the hospitality of the RookCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-01-25 5 
February 2018
2256505Cinderella Sanction Quest #18We see the Rook's dreamCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-02-05 5 
2310591Monster Girl Legend Quest 27:DenyPuck is once again a thorn in may's side, but with an actual purpose this time? What's her problem anyways?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2018-02-14 10 
2285021Cinderella Sanction Quest #19We attend the Feast of StrengthCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-02-17 5 
March 2018
2325843Cinderella Sanction Quest #20We finish our duel and enjoy the FeastCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-03-03 5 
2354795Cinderella Sanction Quest #21We adopt a dogCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-03-13 5 
2383230Cinderella Sanction Quest #22END INTERLUDE: HEATHENS & BEGIN PART 2: THAT PAIN AGAINCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-03-17 3 
April 2018
2410109Cinderella Sanction Quest #23Now featuring side blog linkCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-04-02 5 
2441455Cinderella Sanction Quest #24The scent of flowersCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-04-09 3 
2463094Cinderella Sanction Quest #25We journey into the Deep HedgeCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-04-21 2 
May 2018
2495027Cinderella Sanction Quest #26We hunt for high fashionCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-05-02 5 
2522705Cinderella Sanction Quest #27End PART TWO: THAT PAIN AGAINCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-05-11 3 
2552277Cinderella Sanction Quest #28June hiatus beginsCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-05-23 4 
July 2018
2751344Monster Girl Legend Quest 29: KAIJU problemsSo turns out being big and living her dream isn't as easy as May thought it'd be. Ah well! no time to worry! time to be a STARCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2018-07-22 7 
August 2018
2754094Cinderella Sanction Quest #29PART THREE: LORD HERE I COMECollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-08-05 3 
2785810Cinderella Sanction Quest #30Overly. Dramatic. POLITICS!Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-08-18 3 
2815686Cinderella Sanction Quest #31We talk to Natalia and remain trapped in short thread hellCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-08-29 3 
September 2018
2845618Cinderella Sanction Quest #32We remain imprisoned in short thread hellCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-09-04 3 
October 2018
2920477Cinderella Sanction Quest #33We settle up with Erin for the ritualCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-10-10 2 
2957335Cinderella Sanction Quest #34"Suzie Bee?"Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-10-21 3 
November 2018
2987289Cinderella Sanction Quest #35We talk to Astrid Moore and visit the old prison.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-11-03 2 
3024049Cinderella Sanction Quest #36We meet with the Queen of Flowers. One day, threads will stop being short.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-11-18 3 
December 2018
3053544Cinderella Sanction Quest #37Vox gets a new job and it kicks his bitch assCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-12-02 2 
3086875Cinderella Sanction Quest #38We take a tour of BetsoniaCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-12-16 2 
3113425Cinderella Sanction Quest #39A short hiatus beginsCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-12-31 2 
January 2019
3166025Cinderella Sanction Quest #40Short thread! Archived due to attacks of depression. We'll be back, folks.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2019-01-21 1 
April 2019
3386927The Big Bad Wolf Quest #1Selling nude photos of high school girls is hard work, and totally professional!Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-02 6 
3377689Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 2Tristan lies to, then kills an overweight pastor before running awayCollective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-04-05 1 
3401882The Big Bad Wolf Quest #2Mary's a fellow woman of the trade, Goldilocks is a pervert, and Little Red Riding Hoods has become leashed! Also, cleavage factory.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-08 2 
3416319The Big Bad Wolf Quest #3Morioka starts to break minds, grab ass, grope titties, and make love for eight hours straight.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-13 1 
3413603Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 3Tristan helps wash dishes, studies, and learns pyromancyCollective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-04-16 1 
3429492The Big Bad Wolf Quest #4Morioka experiences a special Saturday and Kitasawa finally arrives, neatly packaged. Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-19 1 
3445322The Big Bad Wolf Quest #5A decadent-breasted clash between Hanami and Mary has begun at day, Kita's Robin Hood reveal at night! Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-23 1 
3456685The Big Bad Wolf Quest #6Goldilocks shows a sign of Morioka's consequence. He later ends up having sex with three of Hanami's personas.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-29 1 
May 2019
3447023Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 4We talk to our operator in Paris, spar with an old man, and decide to go drinking.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-05-03 1 
3470733The Big Bad Wolf Quest #7Morioka might've brought a dark elf to his world. But that matters not -- the N.R.O. has come!Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-04 0 
3481461The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8Morioka begins tested copulation with Kitasawa. But QM gets a warning and the thread is archived for some reason.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-04 1 
3483261The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8.5Morioka is given a late night surprise! The tower is attacked! Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-09 1 
3490722Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 5Tristan meets the Maverick Exorcist, gets reassigned to another city, and visits an empty church at night.Collective Game. Modern Fantasy Quest2019-05-23 1 
June 2019
3530031Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 6 MoleQMTristan looks through a woman's purse, returns said purse, and talks about employment prospects in Winterpine.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-06-12 0 
3576024Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 7Tristan bumps into a Winterpine Ghoul, heads to Winterpine Chapel, and meets a fellow Templar. QM flakes for two days straight.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-06-28 1 
July 2019
3620137Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 8Tristan experiences Italian cuisine, questions Ike about Winterpine, and almost gets killed by a Ghoul.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-07-15 1 
3663180Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 9Tristan has a long chat with DelilahCollective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-07-30 1 
August 2019
3713201Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 11Tristan has a conversation with Benjamin, tries to visit Jungczant, and has the crap kicked out of him by an unexpected enemy.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-08-16 1 
September 2019
3752026Modern Fantasy Quest ACTUAL Thread 11Tristan gets captured by Jungczant's men, escapes, sprains his ankle, and tells Ike to pick up his luggage.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-09-02 0 
3794669Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 12Tristan is on the run from both Jungczant and the police, but that won't stop him from catching a quick nap.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-09-22 0 
October 2019
3838400Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 13Tristan contacts Benjamin and explores Winterpine Chapel's basement, before completely losing track of time.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-10-11 0 
3869399Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 14Tristan tries to set up a ward, faints, and ends up staying with Ike's family instead.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-10-27 0 
November 2019
3895794Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 15Tristan talks about whether it's safe to stay at Ike's home, enjoys dinner with Ike's family, and sets off on an investigative foray.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-11-17 0 
December 2019
3931569Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 16Tristan and Ike discuss their teacher's teacher's teacher's before embarking on a ... productive ... investigative foray.collective game, modern fantasy quest2019-12-10 0 
3961977Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 17Isolde visits Tristan and drops off his Atelier before abruptly giving him and Ike an errand to do.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-12-31 0 
February 2020
4059413Cinderella Sanction Quest #41The long hiatus ends at last! We begin a thread from Vickie's perspective.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2020-02-17 1 
March 2020
4103218Cinderella Sanction Quest #42Vickie talks to Arthur about things back at homeCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2020-03-18 2 
December 2021
5049208Antichrist QuestA successful media personality awakens to his true nature as the Antichrist, and sets to workAntichrist Quest, 666, modern fantasy, religion, satanism, politics2021-12-24 2 
February 2022
5106549Magic Militia School QuestAntosha starts his 3rd year of school, gets horny, some pussy, and gets painted.Magic Militia School Quest, Modern Fantasy, Collective Game2022-02-10 7 
April 2022
5165666Magic Militia School Quest Part 2Antosha returns home, scares his mother into fainting, and watches anime with his Homies and Long.Magic Militia School Quest, Modern Fantasy, Collective Game2022-04-02 1 
April 2023
5587251Transcendence: A Delta Green Quest #1Max Jacobson, a USMC SOF officer, finds himself in a world of the supernatural after a bad fate befalls his team. Welcome to Delta Green.Modern, Modern Fantasy, Delta Green, Horror, Eldritch, Monsters2023-04-05 15 
September 2023
5718342Prinzessin QuestTroupe flutist Emi gets involved in her colleagues' shenanigans while juggling responsibilities of adulthood. prinzessin quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration2023-09-03 26 
December 2023
5763949Prinzessin Quest 2Troupe flutist Emi and stage combat choreographer Zorn take part in a play and meet others in the industry.prinzessin quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, romance, theater troupe2023-12-19 9 
February 2024
5877267Loveless Gal (and those damned females)Addicted to masturbation and bloodletting, Gal feels stuck in life - but one fateful evening puts him on the path of healing once more. loveless gal quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, romance, addiction, incest, historical trivia2024-02-06 7 
April 2024
5946861The Inside PlaceUnderachieving renter finds a mysterious, impossible tunnel in his storage room.Quest, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Weird fiction, liminal space, One-Shot, drawquest2024-04-14 4 
5950010Loveless Gal and those damned kidsIn pursuit of thieves, Kommgal “Gal” and his colleagues steps further and further into the world of low company. loveless gal quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, romance, espionage, historical trivia2024-04-26 6 
July 2024
6033253Haunted Game QuestPlay as an eldritch god stuck in a video game, but you might not be the only one in this predicament...Drawing, Modern Fantasy, Horror2024-07-08 4 
September 2024
6072622Loveless Gal in a BindOn the path to rectitude, Kommgal encounters the low company he intended to pursue… and ones he did not. Old wounds do not fade so easily.loveless gal quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, romance, espionage, self harm, buddhism2024-09-27 6 
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