/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2011
16960401Dark Souls PnP CampaignDiscussion about using Dark Souls as a setting/campaign for PnP gamesDark Souls2011-11-22 8 
March 2012
18342780Dark Souls: the aftermath of the Best Campaign Ever.In which /tg/ discusses Dark Souls as a campaign gone awry.Dar Souls, Video Games, Vidya,2012-03-16 6 
July 2012
19969075Commoragh Quest IBrother Montus dives into the webway, trying to save Sister Judith from her Dark Eldar captors, however instead ends up in Commoragh, while on the way creating a personal warp spawn in the form of an Chaos Ork...Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Soulstone, Chaos Orks, Arena2012-07-21 6 
19981203Commoragh Quest IIMontus participates in a deadly battle royale in Death Arena.Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Soulstone, Arena, Wytches, Battle Royale2012-07-22 6 
July 2013
25746862Demon Quest IVWe get our man to attempt a burglary, and the thread is shorter than usual.Collective Game, Demon Quest, Nathaniel, Emily, Souls2013-07-01 2 
25865391Demon Quest VIShort thread, we get an in with EricDemon Quest, Collective Game, Nathaniel, Souls, Emily2013-07-07 0 
August 2013
26473817Imp QuestAn evil little imp is born in Hell and seeks out power, blackest magics, and plots most foulimp, quest, collective game, collective, game, devil, demon, daemon, abaddan, The HypnoJew, evil, souls, summoner, summoning, conjuration, damn, damned, damning2013-08-07 18 
26513155Imp Quest 2Our little Imp goes to earth, and there he finds a loving family, a loving family which he will tear apart and mold into something much more interesting.imp, quest, collective game, collective, game, devil, demon, daemon, abaddan, The HypnoJew, evil, souls, summoner, summoning, conjuration, damn, damned, damning, Wrath, Homicide, Cannibal Mother, corrupting, corruption2013-08-09 12 
November 2013
28340649Eldritch Souls questThe story of out hero begins with her death and her adoption of the name Owlman after awaking from death to find herself with the head and talon hands of an owl. She then proceeds to do fuck all besides get clothes and interact with some fellow former humansScholarofSouls, Eldritch soul quest, Owlman, The godamned Owl man, Death, Dark souls, Strange,2013-11-18 1 
July 2015
41064652Two Souls QuestWe meet our Spirit Pair, Tiamat, and engage in combat against revenants and a Greater Lich.Collective Game, Two Souls Quest2015-07-07 3 
41085335Two Souls Quest 2We enter the realm of Eris, learn more about the nature of the setting and fight some more Lessers. Collective game, Two Souls Quest2015-07-08 2 
41166827Two Souls Quest 3We head into the Dragon Citadel, which is a bit surreal, and level up for the first time!Collective game, Two Souls Quest2015-07-12 4 
41191061Two Souls Quest 4We head into the centre of the Dragon Citadel, meet Dr. Mario, remember things and discover we are way more powerful than first thought.Collective Game, Two Souls Quest2015-07-13 6 
41231742Two Souls Quest 6We decide to team up with the Bretonnians after hearing both sides of the story and then proceed to join the battle and go a little bit crazy.Collective Game, Two Souls Quest, Warhammer Fantasy2015-07-15 2 
41336210Two Souls Quest 7We are badly poisoned, and Mario makes it worse before making up for it by summoning THE STEED OF LEGEND!Collective Game, Two Souls Quest, Warhammer Fantasy 2015-07-20 3 
41464738Two Souls Quest 8, Ultima EditionWe play as Zophagros for one thread and discover that, yes, he is utterly broken, we discover a bit about the MC's past and more about the history of the setting. Giant explosions are had and a fight to begin and end universes takes place.Collective game, Two Souls Quest, Mirage, Zophagros2015-07-26 2 
August 2015
41612679Two Souls Quest 9We wake up from a week long poisoned knock out, get the king of vampires on our side, learn that Mario now kicks ass and fight alongside him.Two Souls Quest, Collective Game, Mirage, Warhammer Fantasy2015-08-02 1 
December 2015
44479445Random Vidya Circlejerk ThreadIt's like Dark Souls, BUT IN DUH FOOTURE!Dork Souls, Bleedbarn, Vidya2015-12-31 9 
January 2016
44496286'Lost Source' setting worldbuilding thread #2/tg/ continues worldbuilding a post-singularity setting in the spiritual tradition of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne.engine heart, eclipse phase, demon's souls, dark souls, bloodborne, singularity, posthumans, transhumans, exhumans, cyborgs, robots, AI, worldbuilding, setting,2016-01-01 7 
44525340Lost Source 3#Lost Source gets fleshed out some more Still needs a skeleton AKA metaplot and system.Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,2016-01-04 5 
44651355Lost Source #4The metaplot and mechanics are worked on, mods and weapons are added.Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,.2016-01-11 4 
44732534Lost Source #5The crunch continues! Albeit slowly. Also, hopefully a plot or two.Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,2016-01-15 2 
44896570Lost Source #6. For Reals, this time.Our first documented playtest! Albeit it's a TPK. Darn bloopers.Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,playtest2016-01-22 4 
45007539Lost Source #7An alternative setting is proposed, and more enemies are statted.Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,2016-01-27 2 
February 2016
45160885Lost Source #8In which not a lot happened. Dam it, college...Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,2016-02-05 2 
April 2016
1962Souls questFair vessel of ashes, rise from your naught. Begin anew. Save us from the shackles of the dark age. Collective Game, Souls, Souls quest2016-04-27 6 
May 2016
19695Souls quest 2The vessel of ash ventured in Ioa's sea and 'married' to the father of many. The vessel has killed of Shard Othlom. Pilgrims woods awaitsCollective Game, Souls, Souls quest2016-05-01 3 
49072Synth SoulsJourney in a dungeon crawling game where the QM makes 80s style pixel art. The QM takes suggestions and runs another test dungeon.synth souls, 80s, 80s souls, pixel art, dungeon crawler2016-05-05 6 
54683Souls quest 3We ventured into the heart of the black marshes. You were blessed/cursed with the children of the huskCollective Game, Souls, Souls quest2016-05-07 2 
88345Souls quest REDUXYou started your journey as a vessel of Ash. You are yet to find the one who brought you to this forsaken worldCollective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-05-08 2 
114242Souls quest REDUX 2The vessel of ash contiunes exploring the Ashen end forming allies and foes as he started to taste the horrors of this barren world. Collective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-05-15 2 
138292Souls quest REDUX 3With the help of Lishro, you conquered the fallen prince of Coris and his bride. Your time in Pilgrim's woods was brimmed with surprises..Collective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-05-21 2 
163046Souls quest REDUX 4You explored most of Pilgrim's wood.You bested Wick Qurso after a couple of attempts.You barely touched the Graves of Old&the Eater of nameCollective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-05-27 2 
June 2016
187428Souls quest REDUX 5The rekindling of the age of fire has been forsaken. A new path awaits...Collective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-06-03 2 
238231Souls quest REDUX 6The vessel of Ash encountered a hazed noble, the sister of the spider of the chasm and Accursed weir once more in the of the eater of namesCollective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-06-16 1 
268325Aimless Travels of the Wild Bunch - Thread 3You clear out the remaining chapel before moving on to the Undead City and discover a new kind of Sorcery: Animism.The Wild Bunch, Collective Game, Dark Souls2016-06-28 2 
October 2016
49762274Soulsborne RPG DiscussionDiscussion of RPGs in the Dark Souls and Bloodborne universes. Miniature game adaptation suggested. Wargame, Original Content, Souls, Bloodborn, Dark Souls, OC, Game Design, homebrews2016-10-16 5 
November 2016
806798City of Souls Quest Part 1You discovered your name is Tallia, were joined by the spirit of your deceased dog, and have successfully beheaded another ghoul. City of Souls, MostlyDead, Tallia, Quest2016-11-12 1 
50279880Soulsborne RPG Discussion 2Further development of existing /tg/ Souls rpg adaptations and new homebrews Original Content, Souls, Bloodborn, Dark Souls, OC, Game Design, homebrews, soulsborn, lost source2016-11-22 3 
December 2016
50437971What do demons want with souls anyway?/tg/ is asked why demons want to collect souls for. Worldbuilding and a discussion of brainwashing, free will and programing results.demons, worldbuilding, souls, afterlife, free will, brainwashing, programing,2016-12-01 3 
January 2018
2184182Undead Era QuestChapter 1 of that dark souls inspired campaign that exists now.Undead Era, Dark Souls, RPG2018-01-04 1 
May 2019
3450542Dark Souls: Forossa #1An undead rises in Forossa to set off on a journey across the cold land of the Tsardom.Dark Souls, drawquest, fantasy2019-05-07 2 
3477317Dark Souls: Forossa #2After defeating the Tsar, the Disturbed Champion visits the cathedral and outland caves next, continuing the journey.Dark Souls, Souls, drawquest, fantasy2019-05-15 2 
April 2020
4159741A Road of FewDonovan runs into a familiar face, meets a new companion, kills a corrupted demon hunter, and takes someones soul from a chapel. Fantasy, Dark Souls, medieval2020-04-15 0 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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