/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2008
1316306The Eclipsion TerrorguardA continuation of >>1312058, further fleshing out of the scariest Traitor Guards ever created.Eclipsion Guard, Lost and the Damned, Corrupted Starchild,2008-03-11 14 
1321750Eclipsion Terrorguard, part 3Continuation of >>1316306Eclipsion Guard, Lost and the Damned, Corrupted Starchild2008-03-13 5 
November 2008
2971130John Fuklaw's Letter HomeCommissar Fuklaw writes a response to a letter from his ex-wife, resulting in many manly tears, as well as various conspiracy theories.Fuklaw, Angry Marines, Starchild2008-11-11 31 
February 2010
8160505Animorph NostalgiaA single picture sparks a massive Animorphs nostalgia thread. May be responsible for 25% of the world's furry.animorphs, awesome, childhood, nostalgia2010-02-19 5 
March 2010
8871558Loli Heresy and Child SoldiersA discussion of how to make young Dark Heresy characters turns into writefaggotry and a "Children soldiers in the 41st Millenium" batch of grimdarkness.40k, child soldiers, Dark Heresy2010-03-30 0 
December 2010
13165814Zerg Quest XXIIIAfter squandering some resources, the Swarm finds that Kingston's assault is Blitzkrieging through the third-wave colonies. Gorn and Warbrate work together to fight it back, and Anon turns to Bernie for an offensive.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, KINGSTOOOON!!!, Quest Thread, Bernie, May our children forgive us2010-12-16 11 
May 2011
15053294Scary MarinesWe take the scary marines and flesh them out some using rites of battle.Scary Marines, Children of Istvaan, Rites of Battle, Space Marines2011-05-26 0 
August 2011
16101160Children of The Imperium What would it be like to be a child in the grimdark future?Children, Warhammer40k, Writefaggotry2011-08-30 9 
September 2011
16173551Innocence: Lost FutureMagnificent homebrewing of original vidya. A childlike android, living its life, learning, until tragedy befalls his vault-esque home and everything goes Terminator. Fantastic concept. Fa/tg/uys are pleased.innocence, robot, monkey, vidya, children, terminator, skynet, original content, yahtzee, manly tears2011-09-04 62 
16219172Innocence: Lost Future 2More brainstorming on Inn0cence, concept art, and the foe is named something other than Skynet. Finally.Terminator, Innocence, vidya, original content, children, many tears2011-09-10 21 
January 2012
17547932Kamen Rider WARP CORE BREACHIn what starts as another request for a nonexistent toku RPG, a fa/tg/uy gives a short storytiem about being sent into orbit and then Rule of Cooling back to earth. kamen, rider, warp core breach, henshin, justice, teleporting is for wimps and children2012-01-15 7 
February 2012
18086322Immortal Child SoldiersOP describes how his GM unwittingly gave him child soldiers. Shenanigens ensue.Child, Soldiers, Immortal, Children2012-02-25 6 
October 2012
2130866140k Children's ShowsChildren's Entertainment in 40k!40k, Children, Kids, Television, Shows2012-10-27 7 
November 2012
21460436Monster GuardOP's intent is a thread where /tg/ pretends to be the monster under the bed. Due to OP's image selection, it turns into something darker, where the monster under the bed (and in the closet!) defends the child from abusive parents. OP returns, decides to reveal his writefag power level... and makes a setting out of this concept.Homebrew, original content, crunchless fluff, world building, monsters, nightmares, abuse, child, children, The Archivist2012-11-06 21 
21478303Relive your childhood, make gun shooty noises/tg/ nostalgias hard and relives playing with nerf guns or pointed fingers. Some operators show up and are swiftly ignored.pew pew, guns, operators, childhood, playing pretend, the original traditional game2012-11-08 13 
21523416If Lies To Children Were TrueThere's no sex, you can make boys with snips, snails and puppy-dog tails, and stepping on a crack will break your mother's back. More neat suggestions inside.game ideas, scary, creepy, humor, setting, worldbuilding, childhood, myths2012-11-11 18 
January 2013
22445335Space Marine MountsA discussion of Space Wolves, noting the fact that the chapter uses what it names itself after as war mounts, leads to a series of hilarious photoshops of other Space Marine chapters on titular mounts.Space Marines, 40K, Hilarious, Mounts, Space Wolves, Fists, Children2013-01-07 20 
February 2013
23095520/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 2We flank and dispose of a minor pony sue while venturing further into the city.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, ponies, MLP, tardchild, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse2013-02-11 8 
July 2013
25872894Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread OneA civilisation thread about a tribe of trolls sitting on a mountain. Goblins are taken prisoner and a war is in the offing.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-08 36 
25892379Mountain Troll Civilisation: Thread 2 (Part 1)Gronk, the fearless leader of the Children, battles the chieftain of the God Eata trolls and, with the secret of fire at his command, emerges triumphant.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-09 24 
25898050Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 2 (Part 2)A shaman named Ragnar has joined the tribe, Moruk finallay returns and a Dwarven mine is located. A new war will surely follow!Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-09 21 
25912720Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 3A great raid is pulled off against the new goblin camp, a diplomatic messenger is sent to the dwarves and aggressions are made towards the south lands. The next thread will see two important missions come to fruition.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-10 21 
25933487Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 4The new slaves are put in their place and the trolls receive a grievous insult from the dwarves.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-11 21 
25993977Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 5War between the trolls and dwarves breaks out, and several victories are won inside the dwarf mine.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-14 20 
26030864Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 6The dwarves are sent running still further and Gronk shows that nothing is beyond his power, by eating a god.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-16 22 
26072197Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 7The dwarves are defeated and the Children of the Mountain adopt the mine as their new home. Gronk has a new son, one quite unlike the others.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-18 20 
26093727Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 8After being sent out, Ragnar returns with news of three other troll clans. Gronk, then, decides to challenge all their leaders to a free-for-all battle for total dominance over all the mountain's trolls.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-19 20 
26100534Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 8 (Part 2)The battle for dominion over the mountains begins, and Gronk makes an early victory. By the end of the thread, only two chiefs are still standing.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-19 18 
26114680Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 9The duel is finished, Gronk emerging victorious. Gronk then heads back to the mine and begins preparations for his next conquest.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-20 15 
26143217Stories from the 41st MilleniumA few writefags do 40k stuff, until one blows us away in a "Waiting for Godot 40k" style story.40k, writefaggotry, Ultramarines, Alpha Legion, cultist, Emperor's Children,2013-07-21 9 
26174012Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 10Mating rights are given to Moruka and the winner of a contest, and Vulug returns from Märlas with news.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain, Collective Game2013-07-23 12 
August 2013
26373695Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 11Gronk readies the trolls for war while maintaining discipline in his wayward trollkin son. At the end of the thread, the stage is set for the attack on Märlas.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain, Collective Game2013-08-02 9 
26411470Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 12The battle kicks off, a new sport is invented and an attack comes from a rear.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain, Collective Game2013-08-04 7 
26528490Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 13Märlas is taken and the spoils are to be divided. Vulug asks for a particular female, while The Scrivener tries to tempt his audience with a little teaser for next time. Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain, Collective Game2013-08-10 8 
26563709Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 14A mysterious messenger from the east arrives at Märlas to both congratulate the Big Papa on his victory and request the tribe's help.Collective Game, Civilisation Quest, Children of the Mountain2013-08-12 7 
October 2013
27488162All-children ADVENTURE party ideasOP asks if an all-kids adventuring party would be acceptable. /tg/ jumps on the idea and awesome ensues.campaign ideas, campaign, Children, Adventure, loli, /tg/_gets_shit_done, I wish to be the little girl, Monsters, Digimon, Game Ideas, little fears2013-10-02 16 
27992233Childhood Fears for Use in SettingsA bunch of fa/tg/uys came together and talked about their traumatic childhood delusions so that others can adapt them for use in settings.child chlidhood fear setting brainstorm neat cool shit2013-10-29 2 
November 2013
28176952Mountain Troll Civilization: Thread 15Gronk returns to /tg/, learns some new magic and begins negotiations with the undead. He also cooks up a cunning plan with Moruk.Collective Game, Civilisation Quest, Children of the Mountain 2013-11-08 3 
28286757Mountain Troll Civilization: Thread 16A duel is fought and a few new things are learned. Gronk decides who will rule in his place while he seeks adventure and glory in the east.Collective Game, Civilisation Quest, Children of the Mountainb2013-11-15 1 
May 2014
31885048Nanoha FORCE Quest 21Vs Dragon Princess and her Dragon Rulers! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Dragons, Childhood Friends, 2014-05-03 4 
31978081Nanoha FORCE Quest 21.5Vs Dragon Princess and her Dragon Rulers Part 2Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Childhood Friend, Friendship, 2014-05-08 3 
32073245Sexbot Child Rape QuestBut its okay because the robot is raping a boy~!Sexbots, Child Rape, Quest, Choose your own Child Rape2014-05-12 15 
November 2014
36353393Epic Quest 4Zach meets with a recruiter, then is sent to school. He then plays capture the flag.Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game 2014-11-18 1 36330052 Epic Quest 3 Zach picks up a small child to join him on his extremely dangerous quest and fight the KKK. Then they eat ice cream Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-24 6 
April 2016
46564172Be the BEG Chapter 18We wage war, and find out a few thingsCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Children2016-04-10 5 
46840672Random Power Generation GameA champion of Slannesh is coming to do things to your orifices you cannot even imagine. Do you survive?Random Power Generation, Emperors Children, 40k, orifice invasion, slannesh, 2016-04-23 2 
August 2016
436775Civilization Quest Thread (Children of ASSUR)A thread in which horrible luck leads a druidic society to ruin twice in as many days.Children of Assur, Civilization Thread2016-08-08 5 
453583The Children of Assur, Thread Two: Spiteful AjaxThe Exodus of the Assii, and their union with the MazdiiChildren of Assur, Civilization Thread2016-08-16 4 
April 2017
1386320Heavenly Child Quest #1The Heavenly Child falls to Earth.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-04-21 14 
1410372Heavenly Child Quest #2Heirs to a magical legacy.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-04-28 10 
May 2017
1429795Heavenly Child Quest #3Creation, in the hands of mankind.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-05-05 7 
1450786Heavenly Child Quest #4The Executioner's giftQuest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-05-12 8 
1475898Heavenly Child Quest #5The dragon of the fens.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-05-19 8 
1499418Heavenly Child Quest #6In the city of dream and memory.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-05-27 9 
June 2017
1527371Heavenly Child Quest #7The god-queen of the abyss.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-06-02 7 
1555168Heavenly Child Quest #8The Crow and the TemptressQuest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-06-11 8 
1577780Heavenly Child Quest #9Ghosts from the past.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-06-18 9 
1604426Heavenly Child Quest #10The due to the dead.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-06-25 7 
1624519GoT builderHistoryOP's GoT builderHistoryOP, GoT builder, Giants, Children of the Forest2017-06-30 1 
July 2017
1626386Heavenly Child Quest #11The air of suspicion.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-07-02 7 
1645844Heavenly Child Quest #12The weight of familial duty.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-07-09 8 
1689004Heavenly Child Quest #13Ancient rites and modern scienceQuest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-07-24 8 
1715506Heavenly Child Quest #14Through the Looking GlassQuest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-07-29 7 
August 2017
1739575Heavenly Child Quest #15Further down the spiralQuest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-08-06 8 
1762697Heavenly Child Quest #16Beach episode!Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-08-13 6 
1784711Heavenly Child Quest #17Alice and EVE.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-08-19 6 
1806022Heavenly Child Quest #18The words of an Oracle.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-08-27 6 
1809362 Abhuman Quest: Issue #1In our first thread we meet our protag, and escape the facility that held him.Abhuman Quest, SleepyQM, Abhuman, Child Soldier, Bio-Powers, Mega Corps, Mercenaries2017-08-30 10 
September 2017
1829310Heavenly Child Quest #19The paths begin to converge.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-09-04 7 
1836577 Abhuman Quest: Issue #2Our MC considers his options as a Super Villainess offers him help to get on his feet in the real world.Abhuman Quest, SleepyQM, Abhuman, Child Soldier, Bio-Powers, Lilith, Perfect Roll, Singing2017-09-12 7 
1867718Heavenly Child Quest #20Best laid plans sometimes go awry.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-09-17 7 
1888728Heavenly Child Quest #21A world of nightmares.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-09-24 6 
October 2017
1913413Heavenly Child Quest #22A pure and shining faith.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-10-01 7 
1961047Heavenly Child Quest #23Paradise awaits those who resistQuest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-10-15 6 
1988295Heavenly Child Quest #24Lies and false oracles.Quest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-10-22 6 
2015485Heavenly Child Quest #25The festival of the abyssQuest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-10-29 8 
November 2017
2036674Heavenly Child Quest #26To fulfill one's dutyQuest, Collective Game, Heavenly Child Quest2017-11-06 11 
February 2019
3258739Sworn to Valour Quest #7His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei and his companions celebrate, sparking a tryst with the foreign Wastelander woman. The Vigil awaits.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Knight is Sworn to Child Support2019-02-18 23 
3268662Children of sin thread sadly gets hijacked by imposters but the story's...meh and cliche riddenCoS, collective game, demon, half-demon, seven deadly sins, children of sins quest 2019-02-19 -2 
July 2019
3684790Child of a Dead Empire: PrologueThe Valkans are on the rampage, and our captain has to survive and stop them. But not everything is as it seems...Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Navy, Space Battle2019-07-30 20 
August 2019
3722252Child of a Dead Empire #1Twenty years after the war, a young girl is caught up in the legacy of the Valkans.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-08-18 18 
September 2019
3765021Child of a Dead Empire #2Tiiris continues on the trail of Valkan relics, although all she seems to be finding is a trail of corpses and relics.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-09-07 7 
3805020Child of a Dead Empire #3In a junkyard, Tiiris makes a new discovery and a new friend.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-09-29 6 
October 2019
3852454Child of a Dead Empire #4Tiiris spends time with a few friends and brings a few into her inner circle while adjusting to her new 'assistants'.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-10-19 6 
November 2019
3882927Child of a Dead Empire #5Tiiris almost gets hammered on her day off, and has a pleasant day trip through the countryside.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-11-10 6 
3914806Child of a Dead Empire #6Tiiris begins making big plans - and makes a very strange new ally.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-11-29 6 
December 2019
3947359Child of a Dead Empire #7Now with the ticket into Y'avel she needs, Tiiris just needs to figure o- well, everything else.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-12-19 6 
January 2020
3980982Child of a Dead Empire #8Breaking into a military facility couldn't be any easier, but why does that fill Tiiris with fear?Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-01-12 6 
4013488Sky Orphan #1An orphan Jean-Baptiste and his caretaker Svetlana try to survive in the middle of a floating city ravaged by famine.Sky Orphan, Child Character, Floating Islands, d20 rolls, Collective Game2020-01-18 0 
4019100Child of a Dead Empire #9Tiiris explores the grave of her ancestors.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-01-28 6 
February 2020
4055315Child of a Dead Empire #10Robots and augments and crayons, oh my.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-02-21 6 
March 2020
4099480Child of a Dead Empire #11Tiiris starts to experience the magic of space puberty.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-03-17 6 
April 2020
4142774Child of a Dead Empire #12Tiiris tries to settle back into some normalcy, only to discover that she's not normal anymore.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-04-05 6 
4177401Child of a Dead Empire #13Tiiris stumbles through finals and gets accused of being edgy.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-04-24 6 
May 2020
4214653Child of a Dead Empire #14Tiiris finds herself wishing her friends were just coming out of the closet.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-05-16 6 
June 2020
4257809Child of a Dead Empire #15Tiiris does some investigating, finds new questions and gets uncomfortable answers.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-06-06 6 
July 2020
4296555Child of a Dead Empire #16Tiiris has a heart to heart with some friends, and meets someone new.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-07-02 6 
August 2020
4334802Child of a Dead Empire #17Tea and a heart to heart with an old Valkan gardener. Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-08-02 6 
September 2020
4397831Child of a Dead Empire: RedshiftIn celebration of one year, we shift perspectives to someone a little unusual.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-09-04 6 
October 2020
4436677Child of a Dead Empire: Redshift #2 + #17.5Netana discovers exactly what lies at the heart of the cloister- and so does Tiiris.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-10-04 6 
November 2020
4478480Child of a Dead Empire #18Meeting someone precious, an escape, and soon enough, a reunion.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-11-04 6 
December 2020
4520564Child of a Dead Empire #19Tiiris has a tearful reunion (Offscreen: Bentus has a mental breakdown).Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Navy, Space Battle2020-12-07 6 
January 2021
4585754Children of Hubris PrologueA noir quest in the WH40k setting starring the Adeptus ArbitesWH40K, Arbites, CoH, Children of Hubris2021-01-08 4 
4567363Child of a Dead Empire #20Tiiris discusses plans for the future and has some meetings.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Navy, Space Battle2021-01-12 6 
February 2021
4612535Child of a Dead Empire #21Tiiris goes on a Road TripChild of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Navy, Space Battle2021-02-16 6 
March 2021
4669323STAR WARS - Interregnum #3Farren talks with Troxl, Kreia and Scrapper Squad, gets branded like cattle, interviews younglings, and finally takes a padawan.Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Sith BDSM, Youthful Hijinks on the Front Line, Traditional Jedi Child Grooming2021-03-31 20 
April 2021
4679040Child of a Dead Empire #22Tiiris meets some potentially hallucinatory critters.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Navy, Space Battle2021-04-04 6 
May 2021
4726165Child of a Dead Empire #23Tiiris meets someone new and discusses plans (and arson).Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2021-05-05 6 
June 2021
4790767Child of a Dead Empire #24Tiiris observes a cultist drug drop and heroically goes back to relaxing with her friends.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2021-06-13 6 
March 2022
5166064Knight of a Dead Empire: BackflashNineteen years before the events of COADE, we spend a day in the life of Jeanne Elson- also known as Kallis aust Tanoh. Valentine's specialChild of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2022-03-26 5 
October 2022
5376428Children of Hubris Chapters 2-3Charles and Janus beat back the food lines. Redmore takes the unit on an interplanetary investigation. It's an agri-world episode!40k, CoH, Children of Hubris, Collective Game, Arbites, Noire2022-10-02 0 
December 2022
5424481Children of Hubris: Chapter IIII (IV)The team gets back to Icarus and narrows down the suspects to 3. Janus and Groves are sent to investigate one, but run into resistance.WH40k, 40k, Children of Hubris, Coh, Collective Game, Arbites, Noir2022-12-02 0 
April 2023
88282893How do you deal with Ice Planet, /tg/?"/tg/ discusses the state of the Lego wargame, moans about Ice Planet being op, dies of nostalgia overloadLego, worldbuilding, Sci-Fi, fictional wargame, pure imagination, transparent orange chainsaw, space, castle, awesome, childhood, nostalgia2023-04-07 7 
June 2023
5655115STAR WARS - Interregnum #3.4Farren returns from Kessel with the Conclave, checks in with the Kakari, wakes up a Vong sleeper ship, and begins training Ceyla in earnest.Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Potkin Kangaroo Court, Lizard Bros, Vong Invasion RSVP, Traditional Jedi Child Abuse2023-06-23 22 
October 2023
5776263Seeker of the Esoteric: A Mage Apprentice's QuestBefore she was the greatest mage of a generation, she was just your classmate at wizard school. And remind me... Who were you again?ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, occultism, esoterica, fantasy, wizard school, child abuse, race-mixing, school life, rivals, fairies2023-10-01 27 
5761600Mage Quest #1Mona mac Muirgen seeks to become the very pinnacle of hydromancy, and she's more than willing to bend a few rules for her ambition.Collective Game, Quest, Mage Quest, Fantasy, Dungeons, Adventurers, Hydromancy, World Building, Childhood Friend Wins2023-10-11 20 
December 2023
5815814Unwanted Children and Forgotten GhostsA tale of a retainer, a family in its twilight years, and spirits unseen. With one heir at death's door, their lives intertwine once more.unwanted children quest, drawquest, historical fantasy, inspired by TCOAAL2023-12-12 7 
September 2024
6100752Swords and Little Girl; Dark Fantasy One-shotYou are a Knight in a desolate world, pursued by many who wish to claim the young princess under your protection.Fantasy, Medieval, Dark Fantasy, Grimdark, Knight, Princess, Loli, Child, Little girl, Vermis2024-09-18 5 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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