Thread Title Description Tags Added Score September 2012 20824331 The Iron Crusade What starts of as a mediocre Chapter Generation Thread become awesome, when we roll Crusading Iron Hand descendants, searching for The Grail, which will revive the lost heroes of the past! The Iron Crusade , The Iron Blades , Iron Hands , Deathwatch , Rites of Battle , Crusaders , Bard 2012-09-23 14 November 2012 21531655 Crusader Quest: Chapter One, the taking of Damascus You are William MacMahon of the Knights Hospitaller, and your day starts with the seizure and sack of Damascus. Ridire , Crusader Quest 2012-11-12 11 21553234 Crusader Quest: Chapter Two William MacMahon continues to do his duty to God. Ridire , Crusader Quest , Collective Game 2012-11-13 5 21626407 Crusader Quest: Chapter Three We meet William MacMahon's father. Ridire , Crusader Quest , Collective Game 2012-11-18 5 21637596 Crusader Quest: Chapter Four William MacMahon defeats an army and meets a king. Or three. Ridire , Crusader Quest , Collective Game 2012-11-18 5 21680615 Crusader Quest: Chapter Five Edessa, a duel, and plotting. Also, OP was a faggot and passed out. Ridire , Crusader Quest , Collective Game 2012-11-21 5 21692073 Crusader Quest: Chapter Six In which there is a battle, and MacMahon flusters a goddess. Ridire , Crusader Quest , Collective Game 2012-11-22 3 21723467 Crusader Quest Chapter Six You are continuing to prove a source of frustration for goddesses. Ridire , Crusader Quest , Collective Game 2012-11-24 3 December 2012 21941314 Crusader Quest: Chapter 7.2 There is a shopping trip, and a hospital visit. Ridire , Crusader Quest , Collective Game 2012-12-08 3 22174357 Crusader Quest: Chapter Eight No politicking, no fighting, no romancing. There is gyro and a play. Ridire , Crusader Quest , Collective Game 2012-12-23 0 January 2013 22328448 Crusader Quest Chapter Nine MC presides over a conclave of Knight-Brothers. There's an eulogy. Ridire , Crusader Quest , Collective Game 2013-01-01 0 June 2013 25527010 Crusader Quest I The Knight Jacques Fontaine arrives in the holy land in an attempt to wrest it from Saracen control. Collective Game , Crusader Quest, 2013-06-19 1 25532419 Crusader Quest II The Knight Jacques Fontaine arrives in the holy land in an attempt to wrest it from Saracen control. Collective Game , Crusader Quest, 2013-06-20 -2 25546030 Crusader Quest III Jacques Fontaine joins the Knights of the Order of St John and starts causing shit with the Templars Collective Game , Crusader Quest, 2013-06-20 0 July 2013 25776489 Succession game CK2 succession game video game , grand startegy , succession , game , crusader kings 2 , paradox interactive , grand strategy 2013-07-03 1 September 2013 27023797 The Steel Crusaders What happens when you create a Chapter of Marines that put immense emphasis on mechanized warfare? You get these guys. After much debating the Chapter was called the Steel Crusaders. Steel Crusaders , Space Marines , 40K , Astartes , Mechanized 2013-09-05 4 August 2014 34104261 Crusader Quest Part 1 The young knight Wilhelm of Koblenz takes up the badge of the Crusade, recruits allies, and bluffs monks. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction 2014-08-13 27 34214633 Crusader Quest Part 2 Wilhelm battles bandits, befriends farmers, and attempts to seduce a noblewoman Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction 2014-08-18 23 34376027 Crusader Quest Part 3 Wilhelm continues his adventures in the city of Sidon Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction 2014-08-25 17 34447545 Crusader Quest Part 4 Wilhelm battles and defeats the battles and returns to the city of Sidon Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction 2014-08-28 20 September 2014 34542810 Crusader Quest Part 5 Wilhelm deals with the consequences of last night, rescues a new companion, and agrees to an important mission. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction 2014-09-01 16 34707163 Crusader Quest Part 6 Wilhelm deals with a bandit attack and meets a small group of pilgrims on the road to Jerusalem. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-09-08 16 34868068 Crusader Quest Part 7 Wilhelm continues his journey to Jerusalem to make his fortune in the Holy Land. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-09-15 17 35029551 Crusader Quest Part 8 Wilhelm journeys toward Jaffa, deals with a confession and faces perilous battle. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction 2014-09-22 16 35092688 Crusader Quest Part 9 Wilhelm awakes in Jaffa and is drawn into a conspiracy. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-09-25 16 35180605 Crusader Quest Part 10 Wilhelm makes plans, hunts lions and begins the last leg of his journey to Jerusalem Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-09-29 15 35192254 Crusader Quest Part 11 Wilhelm arrives in Jerusalem at long last Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-09-29 15 October 2014 35349452 Crusader Quest Part 12 Hugo scours Jerusalem for his lost comrades. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-10-07 15 35360675 Crusader Quest Part 13 Hugo discovers a traitor Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-10-07 17 35484583 Crusader Quest Part 14 Hugo rides out with the King Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-10-13 15 35551478 Crusader Quest Part 15 Hugo and Wilhelm are reunited Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-10-16 15 35634171 Crusader Quest Part 16 The trial. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-10-20 23 35644352 Crusader Quest Part 17 Wilhelm rides out from Jerusalem Collective Game , Crusader Quest , In Nomine Patris , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-10-20 18 35785921 Crusader Quest Part 18 Wilhelm is installed as the Lord of Ramla Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-10-27 17 December 2014 36511148 Crusader Quest Part 19 Wilhelm travels back to Sidon and makes an alliance Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-12-02 15 36900320 Crusader Quest Part 20 Wilhelm deals with the nobility of Sidon Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2014-12-22 14 February 2015 37984975 Crusader Quest Part 21 Wilhelm continues to pursue his political ambitions while Hugo enters a tourney Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-02-11 20 March 2015 38895239 Crusader Quest Part 22 Wilhelm becomes embroiled in Byzantine intrigues Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-03-24 14 April 2015 39171248 Crusader Quest Part 23 Wilhelm has an attempt on his life while Hugo bonds with the Templars Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-04-06 18 May 2015 39781961 Crusader Quest Part 24: The Shitstorm Thread! A princess gets raped while we watch and we neglect a lady giving birth to our child. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Ruh Roh , Wilhelm , Cowardice , HistoricalFiction 2015-05-06 20 40186376 Crusader Quest Part 25 Wilhelm reunites with Malik and rides out against Egyptian raiders. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-05-26 22 June 2015 40337450 Crusader Quest Part 26 Wilhelm feasts in Jaffa Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-06-02 16 40343010 Crusader Quest Part 27 Wilhelm returns to Ramla with his entourage, and hosts Christmas for Queen Melisende. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction 2015-06-02 16 40632242 Crusader Quest Part 28 Wilhelm is faced with a moral crisis when Princess Hodierna inadvertently reminds them that he broke one of the promises he made to his betrothed. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Barbam Vult , Wilhelm , Beards , HistoricalFiction 2015-06-16 16 40639375 Crusader Quest Part 29 Wilhelm deals with Irish troubles. Solomon ends them. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-06-16 23 40734346 Crusader Quest Part 30 Wilhelm, Mathilde and Hugo enjoy the new year Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-06-21 13 40916069 Crusader Quest Part 31 Wilhelm's father and the Archbishop of Trier arrive in Ramla. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-06-30 12 July 2015 40936631 Crusader Quest Part 32: The Shitstormening! OOPSY DAISY. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Damn Dice , Hugo , WAR , HistoricalFiction 2015-07-01 17 41102797 Crusader Quest Part 33 Wilhelm introduces the Bishop of Trier to Jerusalem Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-07-09 14 41109981 Crusader Quest Part 34 Wilhelm reunites with Ioveta Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-07-09 13 41357821 Crusader Quest Part 35 Wilhelm garners support for his invasion while indulging his worst vices Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-07-21 12 41364337 Crusader Quest Part 36 Mathilde discovers a spy in Ramla Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-07-21 11 41551358 Crusader Quest Part 37 Mathilde hunts for the spy in Ramla Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Charisma , HistoricalFiction, 2015-07-30 12 October 2015 43357730 Crusader Quest 38 Mathilde resolves the conspiracy in Ramla Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Mathilde , HistoricalFiction, 2015-10-30 13 November 2015 43436610 Crusader Quest part 39 Wilhelm deals with the aftermath of Ramla's disturbance Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , HistoricalFiction, 2015-11-03 16 December 2015 44081359 Crusader Quest 40 Hugo is in Tripoli to negotiate trade deals for his brother, Wilhelm Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Hugo , HistoricalFiction, 2015-12-10 14 44313747 Crusader Quest Part 41 Hugo gets his arm broken due to railroading Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Hugo , HistoricalFiction, 2015-12-22 17 44414789 Crusader Quest part 42 Hugo faces adversity in his flight from Antioch Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Hugo , HistoricalFiction, 2015-12-28 13 January 2016 44996738 Crusader Quest part 43 Wilhelm readies his forces for Ascalon Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , HistoricalFiction, 2016-01-25 12 45119754 Crusader Quest part 44 Mathilde is introduced to Jerusalem Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Mathilde , HistoricalFiction, 2016-01-31 11 February 2016 45166151 Crusader Quest part 45 Mathilde conspires in Jerusalem on her brother's behalf Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Mathilde , HistoricalFiction, 2016-02-02 12 March 2016 46210187 Crusader Quest part 46 Hugo's Trial Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Mathilde , HistoricalFiction 2016-03-24 13 46276584 Crusader Quest part 47 The march to Ascalon begins Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Mathilde , Wilhelm , HistoricalFiction 2016-03-27 12 46298653 Crusader Quest part 48 The Crusaders find battle on the Ascalon road Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , HistoricalFiction 2016-03-28 12 April 2016 46465746 Crusader Quest part 49 As the siege begins, a force is sent to attack Gaza while Hugo makes a confession Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Hugo , HistoricalFiction 2016-04-05 15 46903744 Pentecost and the Last Crusaders Anon asks /tg/ for their best results on random tables, like space bats that can carry Baneblades or the nicest heretics ever. /tg/ 40000 , Last Crusaders , Pentecost , Aurum Space Bats , Rogue Trader , Space Marines , Dice Stories 2016-04-26 2 July 2016 48346106 Crusader Quest part 50 Wilhelm manages Italian diplomats, oversees a baptism, and orders the opening volley on the walls of Ascalon Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , HistoricalFiction, 2016-07-19 13 48376198 Crusader Quest part 51 We fend off a saracen sally but not without losses while Mathilde shares a tender moment with Elias Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Mathilde , HistoricalFiction, 2016-07-21 13 48475254 Crusader Quest part 52 Wilhelm leads an assault on Ascalon's wall Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , HistoricalFiction, 2016-07-27 13 August 2016 48575109 Crusader Quest part 53 The politics of the camp demand attention Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Mathilde , HistoricalFiction, 2016-08-02 13 48696265 Crusader Quest part 54 Wilhelm and Hugo have a confrontation Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Hugo , HistoricalFiction, 2016-08-09 12 48816723 Crusader Quest part 55 Hugo seeks advice about his situation Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Hugo , Mathilde , HistoricalFiction, 2016-08-16 13 49047174 Crusader Quest part 56 The Walls of Ascalon are captured Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Mathilde , HistoricalFiction, 2016-08-29 14 September 2016 49172151 Crusader Quest: The End Our story draws to a close. Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Deus Vult , Wilhelm , Mathilde , Hugo , HistoricalFiction, 2016-09-05 27 October 2016 753869 Crusader Quest Halloween One-Shot Happy Halloween. Something dark stirs in the bowels of Ascalon. Wilhelm must root it out while terror stalks his domain Collective Game , Crusader Quest , Halloween , Wilhelm , HistoricalFiction, 2016-10-27 10 December 2016 909215 What Came Next We die. We also like Crusading and Films. Then we wake up in a weird place and get our afterlife together. Collective Game , Scarlet , Inpu , Hidoi , Starborn , Star , Betty , Afterlife , Dead , Crusader , Film , Murdered , Slums 2016-12-08 4 959668 What Came Next 2:Slumdog Suka wakes up, flashbacks to the day before which takes up most of the thead, giths a boss then gets her first convert! Collective Game , Scarlet , Inpu , Hidoi , Starborn , Star , Betty , Afterlife , Boss Fight , Crusader , Film , Sukāretto Sutorenjā , Slums 2016-12-23 2 February 2017 1160713 Fantasy Crusader Quest In which Victor Reis, Teutonic Knight-Captain finds himself... elsewhere, after fighting Saracens. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight 2017-02-14 12 1169788 Fantasy Crusader Quest #2 In which Victor leaves camp, enters a forest, and meets elves. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-02-18 5 1179559 What Came Next 3: Slumdog Deputy Sukaretto tracks down the mysterious Pervert and is given a lesson on how weak she is, before she learns how strong she is! Collective Game , Scarlet , Inpu , Hidoi , Ishi , Star , Betty , Afterlife , Training , Crusader , Film , Sukāretto Sutorenjā , Slums 2017-02-20 2 1184486 Fantasy Crusader Quest #3 In which Victor Reis travel through the woods. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-02-21 3 1194101 Fantasy Crusader Quest #4 In which Victor Reis survives the Wild Hunt. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-02-24 3 1200580 Fantasy Crusader Quest #5 Where Victor buries his fallen brothers, and rests. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-02-26 3 March 2017 1216085 Fantasy Crusader Quest #6 Where Victor Reis takes a walk and has a talk. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-03-01 3 1225811 Fantasy Crusader Quest #7 Victor rescues his men from the Dark elves, but is left with several scars. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-03-08 2 1251511 Fantasy Crusader Quest #8 In which Victor returns to camp, and Natalia tells a story. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves , Natalia 2017-03-14 2 1279234 Fantasy Crusader Quest #9 Where Natalia finishes telling her story. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves , Natalia 2017-03-24 1 April 2017 1346314 Fantasy Crusader Quest #10 Training and rotten luck. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-04-12 2 1372160 Fantasy Crusader Quest #11 Victor has a sparring match with his friend Marcus. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-04-26 2 May 2017 1424110 Fantasy Crusader Quest #12 You meet the other Teuton Knight-Captains for a tactical meeting, and bring Kathrin along, as well. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-05-09 1 1457345 Fantasy Crusader Quest #13 You resolve the meeting and run into a serious problem. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-05-17 1 1472033 Fantasy Crusader Quest #14 In which Victor talks to St. Herard and Gabriel. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-05-26 1 June 2017 1509842 Fantasy Crusader Quest 15 In which we tell our friends about what happened. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-06-06 1 1575343 Fantasy Crusader Quest #16 In which Victor and his fellow knights head out on a Crusade to the north, through the mountains. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-06-21 1 July 2017 1654718 Fantasy Crusader Quest #17 Wherein Victor and company charge the enemy, and meet them in combat. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves 2017-07-19 1 1701629 Fantasy Crusader Quest #18 In which you win a battle, Cellica leaves, and you learn more about the valley. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves , Dwarves 2017-07-27 2 August 2017 1774440 Crusade Quest #1 Play as a Knight, killed some bandits, moved north, and became a Lord. CrusadeQM , Collective Game , Crusader , HRE , Knight , Christian 2017-08-23 2 October 2017 1878744 Fantasy Crusader Quest #19 In which you break the siege of Ardon Glen. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves , Dwarves 2017-10-10 1 1944149 Stardust Crusaders Quest 1 You are 17 year-old Hitomi Furuya. In the 17th of August, 1988, you encounter the vampire Dio accosting your classmate, Kakyoin Noriaki. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-10-12 24 1970273 Stardust Crusaders Quest #2 Hitomi awakens Jotaro's stand as they both try to fix Kakyoin's condition JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-10-27 10 November 2017 2050112 What Came Next 12: What Came Before Nothing bad happens as we flashback to a red haired teenager on her first date. What Came Next , Wagon , Suka , Sukaretto , Flashback , Living , Bleach , Bleach Quest , Rukongai , Ukitake , Lucifer , Crusader , God , Christian 2017-11-10 2 2021121 Stardust Crusaders Quest #3 After getting on a plane and starting their jorney back to Egypt, the group encounters their first enemy stand. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-11-11 10 2061508 Stardust Crusaders Quest #4 Hitomi engages in a duel with Silver Chariot and learns an useful ability with Joseph. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-11-18 10 2080186 Stardust Crusaders Quest #5 Hitomi and co. embark on a ship to Singapore while having a few problems along the way. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-11-23 10 2093814 Stardust Crusaders Quest #6 Hitomi fights a monkey and upsets Polnareff. Minor shitposting ensues JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-11-24 10 2087092 Fantasy Crusader Quest #20 We play as Cellica, briefly, before returning to Victor, and regaining our resolve. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves , Dwarves 2017-11-26 1 2095239 Stardust Crusaders Quest #7 After arriving in Singapore, Hitomi makes things up with Polnareff and is informed of terrible news. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-11-29 10 December 2017 2109027 What Came Next 13: A Happy Ending Sukaretto fights a tentacle monster while her brother watches. What Came Next , Wagon , Suka , Sukaretto , Flashback , Living , Bleach , Bleach Quest , Rukongai , Ukitake , Lucifer , Crusader , God , Christian 2017-12-02 2 2115957 Stardust Crusaders Quest #8 Hitomi learns about her Hamon origins, but doesnt really have an overall good time in India. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-12-07 11 2130625 Stardust Crusaders Quest #9 Hol Horse route gets BTFO and Jotaro's world is prematurely awakened. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-12-13 20 2143996 Stardust Crusaders Quest #10 The Joestar Group enjoys some downtime before meeting Iggy. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-12-18 10 2162417 Stardust Crusaders Quest #11 On the road to Pakistan, the Crusaders have some trouble dealing with the nearby traffic JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-12-24 11 January 2018 2191364 Stardust Crusaders Quest #12 Hitomi fights an old hag and a complete sadist. She also bonds some more with the group too. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-01-04 11 2209339 Stardust Crusaders Quest #13 In which Hitomi saves the Crusaders from a plane crash and discovers that camels are the worst thing to ever exist. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-01-10 11 2226012 Stardust Crusaders Quest #14 Our girl finally arrives in Egypt and confesses her feelings to Jotaro. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-01-16 11 2248444 Stardust Crusaders Quest #15 All you had to do was follow the damn train, Hitomi! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-01-24 10 February 2018 2312070 Stardust Crusaders Quest #16 The crew deals with a few more stand users and talk shit about Pepsi. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-02-19 11 March 2018 2353112 Stardust Crusaders Quest #17 The Crusaders try to rest for a day before reaching their final destination with varying degrees of success. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-03-05 21 2391647 Stardust Crusaders Quest #18 Hitomi plays a mean game of chess and finds the way to Dio's mansion. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-03-19 14 April 2018 2430655 Stardust Crusaders Quest #19 Sono Chi No Sadame! JOOOOJO! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-04-02 23 2473547 Stardust Crusaders Quest #20 Hitomi says goodbye to her friends and fails to watch a movie with Jotaro. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-04-16 16 May 2018 2527844 Stardust Crusaders Quest #21 The Crusaders start their search for the magic stand arrows. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-05-07 11 2552699 Stardust Crusaders Quest #22 Polnareff leads his friends into Italy and almost ruins everything. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-05-14 15 2591040 Stardust Crusaders Quest #23 New town,new Jojo and something about Italian food. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-05-28 11 June 2018 2631072 Stardust Crusaders Quest #24 Josuke discovers his innate talent for gardening. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-06-12 10 July 2018 2688776 Stardust Crusaders Quest #25 Another day, another arrow. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-07-04 10 October 2018 2980253 Sworn to Valour Quest A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Ser Gabriel Rousseau, Kingsman of Aubres, sets out on Errantry to prove himself as the world's greatest knight Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed 2018-10-21 44 2984548 Stardust Crusaders Quest #26 Jolyne gets trained (sort of) and her parents meet a new friend. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-10-22 11 November 2018 3006762 Stardust Crusaders Quest #27 Not-Halloween arrives with 2 new Stand users! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-11-01 10 3018178 Sworn to Valour Quest #2 His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Emile Andrei of Romaine aids his father in battle and travels west to hunt the Creeping Horror of Grenmire. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Monster 2018-11-05 26 62947627 Silver Crusaders Thread #2 More work is done, but everyone leaves, leaving a single anon to roll out the Moons Moons , Marines , Silver Crusaders , Dracoths , Jungles , More Moons 2018-11-13 1 3038358 Stardust Crusaders Quest #28 Kakyoin jobs to Rohan, who almost stole the spotlight for this thread. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-11-13 10 3052528 Stardust Crusaders Quest #29 The third arrow is secured, only three more to go! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-11-21 10 3049678 Sworn to Valour Quest #3 His Blade Defends the Helpless. On his way to the Capital Sir Andrei apprehends a murderous false knight, political consequences be damned. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Crime 2018-11-26 24 December 2018 3078342 Stardust Crusaders Quest #30 Hunting sharks, killing rats and playing wingman, all in a day's work for Hitomi. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-12-05 10 3122242 Crusader Quest: Advent Part 1 Wilhelm of Ascalon celebrates hristmas as the shadows of war loom Crusader Quest , Advent , Wilhelm , HistoricalFiction , Collective Game, 2018-12-28 7 January 2019 3140876 Sworn to Valour Quest #4 His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei skirts the political fallout of the trial of the murderous knight and ensures that justice is done. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Justice 2019-01-05 26 3153081 Stardust Crusaders Quest #31 The serial killer Yoshikage Kira appears and sets himself up for failure. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2019-01-07 10 3172544 Stardust Crusaders Quest #32 Payback time! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2019-01-18 8 3173679 Sworn to Valour Quest #5 His Word Speaks Only Truth. Sir Andrei witnesses the execution of the false knight and battles against foul beastmen on the King's Highway. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Shekels 2019-01-20 25 February 2019 3226132 Stardust Crusaders Quest #33 Hitomi dies, gets sent back in time and kills Kira with the help of Josuke. The perfect send off to end the quest! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2019-02-04 20 3221640 Sworn to Valour Quest #6 His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei brings grim tidings to House Rousseau and the caravan finally arrives at the great Capital, Aubrey. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Homecoming 2019-02-10 24 3258739 Sworn to Valour Quest #7 His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei and his companions celebrate, sparking a tryst with the foreign Wastelander woman. The Vigil awaits. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Knight is Sworn to Child Support 2019-02-18 23 March 2019 3333941 Sworn to Valour Quest #8 A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Emile Andrei stands the Vigil and agrees to protect pilgrims on the way to the next holy site in Fallavon. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM, 2019-03-21 22 June 2019 3559231 Sworn to Valour Quest #9 His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei escorts the pilgrims through the glades of Fallavon. A fell creature stalks them in the night. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Black Company Quest 2019-06-22 23 July 2019 3599087 Sworn to Valour Quest #10 His Blade Defends the Helpless. Having safely escorted the pilgrims to Motte-Fallavon, Sir Andrei goes to attend a small tournament nearby. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM, 2019-07-04 24 3648621 Sworn to Valour Quest #11 His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei forms rivalries and friendships alike at the tournament. Meanwhile, plots thicken on the sidelines. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Why did you have to Crit 2019-07-23 23 August 2019 3725756 Sworn to Valour Quest #12 His Word Speaks Only Truth. Having resolved to find his brother, Sir Andrei first makes preparations and stands the Vigil at Motte-Fallavon. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Spooky Visions 2019-08-14 22 September 2019 3803080 Sworn to Valour Quest #13 His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei and his companions set out in the Fallavon woods in search of his brother. Much danger awaits them. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Into the Woods 2019-09-14 22 October 2019 3848849 Sworn to Valour Quest #14 A Knight is Sworn to Valour. A secret war brews in the depths of the Fallavon woodlands. In the midst of this, two brothers are reunited. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , The Secret War 2019-10-06 22 November 2019 3894083 Sworn to Valour Quest #15 His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei throws in his lot with his brother, a desperate gambit while the main battle rages. The die is cast. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , The Secret War , No dice yet 2019-11-04 22 3924727 Sworn to Valour Quest #16 His Blade Defends the Helpless. The rescue mission is successful. But there is a darker, terrible secret at the heart of this conspiracy. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , The Secret War , Blasphemy 2019-11-24 23 December 2019 3958282 Sworn to Valour Quest #17 His Might Upholds the Weak. A foul evil is defeated. Sir Andrei survives a trying ordeal only to nearly be eaten alive by a serpent. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , The Secret War , SNEK 2019-12-21 26 October 2020 4430603 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders During the chaos of the 2nd American Civil War, a meth cook forms a cult of crusaders to retake America, starting with rural Arizona. 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2020-10-01 11 4473866 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #2 The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with unexpected events, meet strange characters, & continue to build up their presence. Features a major battle. 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2020-10-30 6 December 2020 4514185 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #3 The Crusaders grow in size, develop a patron/client relationship, get a quest, and have a Thanksgiving dinner in a slight breather episode. 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2020-12-05 6 January 2021 4559272 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #4 Two simultaneous missions give a look into two very different parts of Arizona during the war. Features guns, beer, & cow manure! 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2021-01-03 6 4573185 Zerak Rise Quest #1 You're King Andros III of Zerak and you got the responsibility to rule your country since your father passed away. Zerak , Rise , medieval , fantasy , kingdom simulator , crusader kings , court , king , zerak rise quest 2021-01-17 1 February 2021 4592969 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #5 The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with industrial meth production, Indian intrigue, deranged raiders, UFO-Lizardperson-NWO conspiracies, and more! 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2021-02-05 5 4610638 Zerak Rise Quest #2 We go around getting witches naked. Zerak , Rise , medieval , fantasy , kingdom simulator , crusader kings , court , king , zerak rise quest 2021-02-18 1 March 2021 4639060 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #6 The unexpected death, burial, and resurrection of the Sun Belt Crusaders. 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2021-03-13 4 July 2021 4882193 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #7 The "second season's" first thread, featuring action packed combat, big-brain discussion, intrigue, a coup, a new faction, & also sufferi 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders , Second Season 2021-07-27 4 September 2021 4935565 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #8 A breather episode focusing on introducing new faces, gaining influence, and setting up for conflicts to come. Features salary negotiations! 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2021-09-11 3 November 2021 4992443 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #9 A fierce fight in Phoenix followed by a country doctor distributing charity (i.e. meth) to the poor and needy (i.e. junkies) of Maricopa! 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2021-11-05 5 December 2021 5047871 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #10 Scouting south of Maricopa as the Messenger playing peacemaker. Brace for gallant charges, eccentric elders, a red sickle's specter, & more 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2021-12-24 3 February 2022 5096588 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #11 The rogues' gallery grows as the fated POZ-Maricopa face off takes a turn for the strange. Comes with limited edition Advent box art! 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2022-02-10 5 March 2022 5159270 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #12 A quieter episode with preparations before anticipated action. 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2022-03-27 4 February 2024 5871209 The Prodigal Son Returns The long-fled heir to Blackthorn Keep returns from the crusades to confront old hurts and fulfill his responsibilities fantasy , crusader , knight , lord , romance , drama , trauma , healing 2024-02-08 6 May 2024 5976163 The Prodigal Son: Another Life Your name is Caden Blackthorn and you're back to your early years, before the crusade. Why do you feel that something seems off about this fantasy , crusader , knight , lord , romance , drama , Writer , Writer QM , The Prodigal Son 2024-05-17 6 October 2024 6089048 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #13 A daring counter-raid to the one against the caravan floods the Gila region in blood in the most intense fighting up to now. Plus hydration! 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2024-10-26 3 December 2024 6124482 SDC: Smack-Dab in Cairo (JJBA) #2 Itsaso pays a visit to her local businesses SDC , JoJo , JJBA , JoJo's Bizarre Adventure , Siderite , Collective Game , Smack-Dab in Cairo , JENOVA , Stardust Crusaders , Itsaso Munteanu 2024-12-14 2 6152987 The Siege: A Crusader Horror Story A medieval horror story in the cradle of civilization reaches breaking point.
crusader 2024-12-30 1 February 2025 6164935 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #14 A desert madman's visions forge a secret pact against another as the Crusaders explore west simultaneously to last time's fight in the eas 2nd US Civil War , Civil War , Modern , Quest , Breaking Bad , Crusade , Sun Belt Crusaders 2025-02-09 2