Thread Title Description Tags Added Score April 2009 4207769 Deadlands Lovecraft Ideas for Deadlands campaign set in Britain. Lovecratian horror meets steampunk with a dash of folklore and myth. deadlands , lovecraft , steampunk , folklore 2009-04-07 6 June 2009 4847968 Vampire lore A Mythfag presents itself to /tg/ explaining the origins of the vampire. Facts are awesome. vampires , myth , folklore 2009-06-12 8 January 2011 13522237 The Elderscrolls Lore Strange and lesser known elements of the lore of The Elderscrolls are explained. Elderscrolls , Lore , Morrowind 2011-01-15 11 February 2011 13841580 Morrowind Lore Thread Originally a request for Morrowind mods, becomes a lore thread where Alpharius basically answers anything. And Vivec's "spear" is discussed. Morrowind , Elder , Scrolls , Vivec , Lore 2011-02-10 5 13986767 Assorted TES Lore Dagoth Ur singing Queen, then TES general, then dumped TES books, including all the Seven Flights of Aldudagga. Ho ha ho. morrowind , elder , scrolls , elderscrolls , lore , dagoth , ur , TES 2011-02-22 0 March 2011 14294047 oWoD fluff OP asks a quick question about Caine.
Thread soon turns into a massive lore dump. oWoD , Lore 2011-03-19 2 July 2011 15491610 Roman Americans /tg/ fluffs a setting where some Roman legions conquered the Americas and whose resulting empire is discovered by European explorers(the PCs). Romans , Alternate history , Setting , Indians , Explorers 2011-07-06 17 November 2011 17037845 Concerning Goblins Anon asks what goblins were like in the original folktales. Cue discussion of goblin lore, Red Caps re-fluffed as rebels against Faerie, and decent writefaggotry. goblins , folklore , red caps , setting 2011-11-28 10 March 2012 18350298 Middle Eastern Myth OP creates a starter-kit for making Arabian Nights themed settings, based on mythology, folklore, and history. Arabian , Mesopotamian , Egyptian , mythology , folklore , world building 2012-03-16 62 18442709 Vampire Lore OP posts information about Slavic vampire folklore and myth. vampires , vampire , myth , mythology , folklore 2012-03-24 11 September 2012 20576660 Elder Scrolls Lore Discussion A trip into the crazy world of the Elder Scrolls. I am and I are all we, /tg/. Elder Scrolls , Lore Discussion , TES , CHIM , Amaranth , Vivec , Lorkhan , lore 2012-09-03 8 December 2012 21940711 Saving the World of Warcraft Anon accepts Mission Impossible: Fixing the mess that is the Warcraft Lore and trying to turn it into a playable setting Warcraft , WoW , World of Warcraft , Settings , Lore , lore change 2012-12-08 11 February 2013 23223077 Supernatural Americana OP wants to discuss supernatural stories of the United States. Multiple good stories and anecdotes are relayed. folklore , US , United States , America , Cowboys , Ghosts , Monsters , Tall Tales , Weird West 2013-02-18 14 23348526 Victorian Bogeymen Go to bed on time, don't play in the dirt, and don't talk to strangers, or Nicky Nocks, Mr. Sweeps, and Penny Pinchfingers are going to pay you a visit. Boogeymen , Bogeys , folklore , horror , fae , creepy , steampunk , Victorian , England , goblins 2013-02-24 15 December 2013 28965839 Russian Setting and Lore discussion OP starts a thread asking /tg/ about Russian mythology and lore. Interesting discussion ensues between classic Russian folklore and the Soviet Era revisionist stuff. The Archivist , setting , worldbuilding , world building , homebrew , Russia , folklore , folk lore , campaign setting 2013-12-20 21 29026431 Kamen Rider Myth Quest 1 The Hero's Arrival! Clash with the Crimson Crowned Coot! Kamen Rider , Kamen Rider Myth Quest , Collective Game , The Gentry , Irish Mythology , Folklore 2013-12-23 0 January 2014 29193473 King of Dragon Pass: Sacred Time special In honor of the incoming new year, Heortson uploads the myths of King of Dragon Pass. Glorantha scholars answer questions. King of Dragon Pass , Glorantha , KoDP , Rune Quest , /tg/ plays , Heortson , lore 2014-01-01 2 February 2014 30232212 asteroid explorer 3 We build more shit, we fight some aliens, we mine some crystal. asteroid , explorer , colony , Mincorp , Ostrich , Civ , pixel art , Pixel-art , 2014-02-14 4 March 2014 30617033 Kamen Rider Myth Quest 3 Library. Friend of a friend. Goblins! Kamen Rider , Kamen Rider Myth Quest , Collective Game , The Gentry , Irish Mythology , Folklore 2014-03-05 0 April 2014 31346570 Necromancer Family A player seeks to play a necromancer, but fears becoming an edgemeister. The thread turns for the better, when suddenly... game ideas , writefaggotry , lore ideas , fluff , original content , necromancer , necromancers , family 2014-04-09 39 31736311 Pacific Rim + EVA Crossover What starts out as figuring out a system to run a Pacific Rim game almost immediately turns into a Pacific Rim and Evangellion crossover thread. Pacific Rim , Evangelion , ADEVA , Homebrew , Lore , Crossover 2014-04-27 22 31753617 Pacific Rim + Evangelion Crossover Thread #2 The development of the JaEVA crossover universe continues. Pacific Rim , NGE , Evangelion , AdEVA , Crossover , Lore 2014-04-27 17 31764373 Pacific Rim + Evangelion Crossover Thread #3 In this thread we begin developing some more detailed lore Pacific Rim , NGE , Evangelion , AdEVA , Crossover , Lore , Homebrew 2014-04-28 7 31780494 Pacific Rim + Evangelion Crossover Thread #4 We lay down some actual mechanics since the whole point was a system to play this in. Pacific Rim , NGE , Evangelion , AdEVA , Crossover , Lore , Homebrew , JAEVA Project 2014-04-29 7 May 2014 31812335 Pacific Rim + Evangelion Crossover Thread #5 In which rules are codified, lore is forged, and /tg/ gets shit done. Pacific Rim , Evangelion , Crossover , Lore , Homebrew , JAEVA Project 2014-05-01 6 31854928 Pacific Rim + Evangelion Crossover Thread #6 In which we refine the rules, start to generate example characters, and argue over it being a crossover Pacific Rim , Evangelion , Crossover , Lore , Homebrew , JAEVA Project 2014-05-04 6 June 2014 33060206 Post Apoc Lost Space Explorer Civ Quest Part 1 Space: the last border. That was the voyage of the Expeditionary Mission 8472. But it's interstellar journey interrupted by a crash landing on a Type II civilization in a state of eternal war. Now this far flung band of humans from another world must learn to survive in this hostile alien planet of zombies, monsters, and eternal war.
Join us, as we brashly go where no man has gone before, In another exciting episode of Expedition 8472! Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Explorer 2014-06-29 0 33071790 werewolves Info and new takes on werewolves werewolves , myth , folklore 2014-06-30 2 July 2014 33168538 Post Apoc Lost Space Explorer Civ Quest Part 2/Fin Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, we regret to inform you that the continued production of Expedition 8472 episodes has been cancelled until further notice. We suffered a technical breakdown due to a lack of water. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Explorer 2014-07-04 0 33199976 Pre-Columbian Native American Fantasy OP asks for help in devising a Native American themed setting for an upcoming game. /tg/ supplies helpful information. myth , folklore , history , world building , indian , native american , 2014-07-06 5 August 2014 34338430 Ancient Baatorians Thread in which /tg/ discusses D&D lore about the Baatorians, the Archdevils, demons and other fluff dealing with the ancient history of the Multiverse. D&D , lore , Planescape , Baatezu , Baatorians , Baator , Nine Hells , devils , demons , history 2014-08-24 11 November 2014 36418438 Space Superstitions Exactly what it says on the tin. space , superstitions , folklore 2014-11-29 12 April 2015 39340525 MTG Decks in Lore Magic decks and games are described in setting from the perspective of creatures, planeswalkers, and one bystander muck farmer. Magic , MtG , deck , lore 2015-04-17 5 May 2015 40136463 Unexplored World Quest 1 We set off on an adventure as a swordmage named Tiberius Collective Game , Unexplored World Quest , Swordmage , Tiberius 2015-05-24 1 June 2015 40400160 The Quietening of the Warp pt 1 Anon surmises what would happen if the Warp Gods suddenly vanished. Write Faggotry ensues. writefaggotry , WH40k , What if? , Lore Thread 2015-06-05 7 July 2015 41025832 True Names Discussion on true names in folklore and culture, why they are dangerous, and use in games. true name , truename , language , folklore 2015-07-08 10 41216783 Monsters innawoods An /x/ poster asks /tg/ how one would defeat various deep-forest monsters and mythical creatures of American lore. /tg/ delivers in spades. innawoods , lore , monsters , skinwalkers , fae , /x/ , /k/ 2015-07-14 18 August 2015 41537612 Spiders! Spiders in 3.5x as race and culture? /tg/ sets to fleshing out the concept. Spider , spiders , worldbuilding , lore , d20 , D&D , Pathfinder , homebrew 2015-08-01 6 41910800 Native Continent Anon makes thread about native american flavored fantasy. Native Americans give input. lore , world building , stories , history , native americans , incas , aztec , lakota , iroquois, 2015-08-18 6 41729483 Of Folklore Monsters and Other Tales In which /tg/ discusses the existence, knowledge and lore of various monsters, fae, night creatures, boogeymen and other urban story beings. Encounter , Fluff , Folklore , IRL , Random , Spooky , Stories , Story 2015-08-19 5 January 2016 44551658 Wendigos and were to find them. Anon got books on wendigos for Christmas and shares their incite. Also Wendigo Apocalypse setting. Wendigo Information , Apocalypse , Algonquian Legends , Indian Lore 2016-01-06 10 May 2016 16387 Shipgirl Commander 1.0 You are a failed applicant to the Admiralty. You sit on a bench eating anpan... and wait for your bus. But the fates might have a different Kantai Collection , Heavy Dialogue , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-05-04 18 56949 Shipgirl Commander 2 MC is sent by Tenryuu to the Admiral. Just what is it that he wants? Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-05-08 10 81799 Shipgirl Commander 3 It's time for MC to decide his Division members. But sleep beckons... and maybe something else Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-05-12 9 115418 Shipgirl Commander 4 It's the dawn of a new day, and the Commander undertakes his first Op, but is there more than meets the eye? Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-05-17 6 143052 Shipgirl Commander 5 With their backs to the wall, the Commander's Squad is in dire straits. Will his team survive? Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-05-20 7 158472 Shipgirl Commander 6 After the disastrous mission, Commander takes a short RnR... right? Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-05-26 6 176390 Shipgirl Commander 7 With the dawn of a new day, the Commander has to attend a conference to decide just what is going to happen to his assigned District. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-05-29 7 June 2016 199886 Shipgirl Commander 8 The Vice-Admiral and the Commander enter a discussion, but not before a shocking fact is revealed. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-06-05 6 213799 Shipgirl Commander 9 Kaga offers a solution to the Commander's problem - but is it a solution he wants? Hard R. Reader Discretion advised. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-06-08 5 236567 Shipgirl Commander 10 The Commander gets out of bed - a week and a half later - to find a backlog of assignments. What a way to start the day. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-06-13 5 254149 Shipgirl Commander 11 The Commander has a lot on his plate, and even more on his pelvic region. Mission time looms. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-06-18 5 47922177 Jewish folklore is terrifying An anon discovers how grim and dark Jewish folklore is. Jewish anons pitch in to make it worse. folklore , discussion , mythology , myth 2016-06-24 13 272318 Shipgirl Commander 12 The Commander earns his stripes with a completed mission. Revelations abound. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-06-25 5 290747 Shipgirl Commander 13 It's the afternoon of Day 15. On the back of his successful mission, another period of R&R begins. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-06-29 4 July 2016 48113536 Spacefaring Superstitions More superstitions for you spacers out there space , superstitions , folklore 2016-07-06 13 381181 Shipgirl Commander 14 RnR continues, with the Commander finding out a little more of his charges. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-07-24 6 409407 Shipgirl Commander 15 In which Samidare-Hunting yields a few more surprises than usual Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-07-30 3 August 2016 426535 Shipgirl Commander 16 The hours go by and the Commander discovers a thing or two about his charges. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-08-08 2 447917 Shipgirl Commander 17 Day 17 continues and it's not looking good for the Commander. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-08-16 2 478975 Shipgirl Commander 18 The Commander discusses things with Murakumo on just what he expects of her. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-08-29 2 September 2016 518136 Shipgirl Commander 19 The Commander continues his investigation and learns that he's not as well-liked as he previously assumed. Also... it's Open Mic Night Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-09-11 2 49294049 Check out this setting OP goes whole hog into making a game setting. Amazement ensues. map , lore , technicolor moustaches , setting 2016-09-12 44 547270 Shipgirl Commander 20 The Admiral interrupts Open Mic Night to bring everyone back on duty. For you, Commander, it's time to suit up. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-09-18 5 578996 Shipgirl Commander 21 The mission is successful. But for you, Commander, it's back to the grind Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-09-26 5 October 2016 49492001 Check Out Anon's Cool Setting #2 sequel of sorts to the first one(also has a neat name generator) map , lore , technicolor moustaches , setting , worldbuilding , name generator , fantasy 2016-10-01 6 614120 Shipgirl Commander 22 A well-known Diva looks to join the numbers. You, The Commmander, decide to look deeper into the case of the missing Battleships. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-10-02 5 659764 Shipgirl Commander 23 For you, Commander, the day begins with a rather lusty Houshou. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-10-10 5 684299 Shipgirl Commander 24 Scratching Nachi's itch and coming face to face with our assigned submarine, dechi. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore , Shipgirl Commander 2016-10-17 6 697134 Starcaller Quest: Episode 1 A starship captain has a misunderstanding with a pretty girl, says a pun, meets his biggest fan, and talks with a grand admiral. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2016-10-17 16 728998 Starcaller Quest: Episode 2 A starship captain arrives on Mars, buys some chairs, does some gangster things, and gets a dog. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2016-10-26 10 716450 Shipgirl Commander 25 It's the day you and Tenryuu have talked about for some time. A trip inland beckons! Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-10-27 3 November 2016 755017 Starcaller Quest: Episode 3 A starship captain gets patched up, has a nightmare, goes shopping, and discovers something interesting about his ship. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2016-11-01 7 784608 Starcaller Quest: Episode 4 A starship captain has mechanical problems, meets a pirate, and goes to a festival on Ganymede. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2016-11-08 5 777128 Shipgirl Commander 26 The day with Tenryuu and Iowa nears its end - It's almost time to head back to Yokosuka, Commander. Shadilay. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-11-09 3 809749 Shipgirl Commander 27 A new day arrives on Yokosuka base. Your weekend continues, Commander. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-11-14 3 812350 Starcaller Quest: Episode 5 A starship captain defuses a bad situation, meets some interesting people, and hires a new crew member. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2016-11-15 5 50162990 Americana Several anons dump loads of good American folklore Folklore , Americana , American Folklore 2016-11-17 5 838314 Starcaller Quest: Episode 6 A starship captain tells some war stories, goes shopping again, leaves Ganymede, and finds a ghost ship. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2016-11-22 5 827501 Shipgirl Commander 28 The die is cast and you're about to embark where no fat man has gone before: on a black ops mission into hostile territory. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-11-23 5 December 2016 865063 Shipgirl Commander 29 In the aftermath of the mission, you learn a few things... and not all of them good, Commander. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-12-04 6 890354 Starcaller Quest: Episode 7 A starship captain investigates a derelict war wreck, finds some gold, and has a nightmare. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2016-12-07 5 50545751 Sub-Saharan African Settings OP requests inspiration for a Sub-Saharan African setting and /tg/ obliges with interesting pictures, stories and cultural discussions. Africa , Sub-Saharan Africa , History , Folklore , Culture , Inspiration , Setting 2016-12-07 10 903313 Shipgirl Commander 30 In which we have a very short thread which ends with the mission select screen. The Commander is back in the saddle. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2016-12-10 3 920923 Starcaller Quest: Episode 8 A starship captain arrives on Triton, makes preparations to fence some gold, and meets a strange character living in the vents. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2016-12-15 4 942502 Starcaller Quest: Episode 9 A starship captain remembers the past, talks with his mechanic, and meets up with his crew while shopping. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2016-12-21 5 959356 Starcaller Quest: Episode 10 A starship captain meets a paranoid officer, opens a long box, and prepares to leave Triton. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2016-12-28 4 January 2017 980281 Starcaller Quest: Episode 11 A starship captain has a much-needed talk with his engineer, makes an FTL jump, and discusses alien space wizard politics. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-01-01 3 998391 Starcaller Quest: Episode 12 A starship captain makes a phone call, arrives on New Albany, and meets a rebel commander Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-01-08 3 992737 Shipgirl Commander 31 The day comes to a close for you, Commander. Time to suit up. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-01-10 3 51148976 wendigo folklore An anon dumps large amounts of wendigo folklore and the Skinwalker Apocalypse setting idea from a few years back gets revisited. wendigo , folklore , skinwalkers , setting , apocalypse , worldbuilding , 2017-01-12 10 1019998 Starcaller Quest: Episode 13 A starship captain gets a truck, goes to a party, and finds himself in a world of trouble. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-01-13 3 1028642 Shipgirl Commander 32 The mission begins - and there may be more than meets the eye. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-01-18 3 1044728 Starcaller Quest: Episode 14 A starship captain escapes from a place of great danger, makes some new friends, and returns to his ship. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-01-23 3 1076971 Shipgirl Commander 33 You return from the successful mission, battered but otherwise alive. But your short stay in Ominato... might not be so event-free, either. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-01-27 5 February 2017 1092118 Starcaller Quest: Episode 15 A starship captain heads to a boneyard, finds a mysterious new weapon, and runs into a militia roadblock. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-02-02 3 1115768 Shipgirl Commander 34 You return to Yokosuka after your frightening experience with Shigure. A Commander's work is never done. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-02-06 3 1120957 Starcaller Quest: Episode 16 A starship captain escapes from the Militia's clutches, tests out a new gun, and has a conversation or two on the way to Thalos. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-02-09 4 1142718 Shipgirl Commander 35 Returning from Ominato, you find yourself (unwillingly) back in the full swing of things. A busy day awaits you, Commander. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-02-18 3 1146416 Starcaller Quest: Episode 17 A starship captain arrives on Thalos, goes to a funeral, and discusses space wizard politics Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-02-19 3 1181357 Shipgirl Commander 36 You approach the end of Day 44 at the Army Mobile Command, where you encounter faces new.. and old. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-02-28 3 March 2017 1199802 Starcaller Quest: Episode 18 A starship captain thinks back to his time in the military, watches a fight, breaks some bones, and returns to his ship. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-03-02 3 1226619 Wizard Explorer Quest 1 A wizard wanders the forest armed with American Meme Magic Dolomite , Wizard Explorer Quest , Wizard , Trump 2017-03-06 1 1223272 Starcaller Quest: Episode 19 A starship captain witnesses a fight, goes out on the town, and receives some job offers. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-03-10 3 1220722 Shipgirl Commander 37 It's Day 45, Commander. Time for you to settle a few things before you turn it in. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-03-11 2 1252072 Wizard Explorer Pip uses his American meme magic to help fend off waves of skeletons. Dolomite , Wizard Explorer , Wizard , Fantasy , Skeleton 2017-03-13 1 1251749 Starcaller Quest: Episode 20 A starship captain goes to a temple, sends his first officer on a job, and goes into town for parts. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-03-17 3 1245060 Shipgirl Commander 38 Another day comes... and with it, more problems than you're comfortable with. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-03-18 2 1279875 Wizard Explorer 3 Pip harasses some girl in a library Dolomite , Wizard Explorer , Memes , Fantasy , Magic , Trump , Wizard 2017-03-20 1 1272785 Shipgirl Commander 39 The meeting over and done with, you decide to accompany Kongou and Tenryuu
Addendum: This is Day 45. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-03-22 2 1274832 Starcaller Quest: Episode 21 A starship captain buys a much-needed appliance, visits an old friend, reminisces about the War, and leaves Thalos. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-03-26 3 1303124 Wizard Explorer 4 Pip convinces a slightly crazy geomancer to share his knowledge. Dolomite , Wizard Explorer , Wizard , Fantasy , memes 2017-03-27 1 April 2017 1311512 Shipgirl Commander 40 It is the morning of your weekend... you meet with The Court of Admirals for the first time. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-04-06 1 1318307 Starcaller Quest: Episode 22 A starchip captain goes to Mars, meets up with a mechanic, and not much else happens. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-04-07 3 1352939 Wizard Explorer 5 Due to low responses the quest is cancelled early. Dolomite , Wizard Explorer , Wizard , Fantasy 2017-04-10 1 1337096 Shipgirl Commander 41 Your trial/meeting with the Court of Admirals has its ups... and downs, Commander. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-04-15 3 1343875 Starcaller Quest: Episode 23 A starship captain arrives on Mars, does some things, and leaves. Oh, and he gets stopped by the authorities on the way out. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-04-15 3 1368907 Starcaller Quest: Episode 24 A starship captain is stopped by the authorities, learns a bit about his passengers, and arrives on Earth. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-04-24 3 1373390 Shipgirl Commander 42 In which a whole thread is dedicated to your visit to your Senpai, the First Admiral. Oh, and Bismarck, if you're into that kind of thing. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-04-27 2 May 2017 1424177 Shipgirl Commander 43 The rest of the weekend proceeds as well as it could. Many a hardship, however, remains lurking just beyond the horizon, Commander. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-05-14 3 1494947 Starcaller Quest: Episode 25 A starship Captain makes a rather unpleasant trip to Earth. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-05-30 3 June 2017 1489422 Shipgirl Commander 44 The Super Dreadnought Musashi pulls you in - literally and figuratively - for a discussion. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-06-02 2 53604513 Fluff for the Wasteland Thread /tg/ comes together to write fluff, backgrounds, and stories for pics of the Wasteland. May be a useful resource! Fluff Writing , Community Worldbuilding , Community Writing , Fluff , Wasteland , Post-Apocalyptic , Grim , Lore 2017-06-06 7 1517496 Starcaller Quest: Episode 26 A starship captain begins a dicey operation on Ganymede. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-06-08 3 1542999 Shipgirl Commander 45 It's time to go about with the rest of the day; your line of questioning with Shigure continues, Commander. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-06-13 3 1571312 Shipgirl Commander 46 It's Day 48 and some developments are running a little more wild than you had previously expected. Hard R. Reader discretion advised. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-06-21 2 1591181 Starcaller Quest: Episode 27 A starship captain completes his mission on Ganymede. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-06-29 3 1595009 Shipgirl Commander 47 It's a showdown with destiny - will the late Atago finally get the resting place her sister so covets? That's up to you, Commander. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-06-30 3 July 2017 1629090 Shipgirl Commander 48 Apparently, after all this time, it turned out that you did believe in a higher power, Commander. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-07-10 1 1663743 Starcaller Quest: Episode 28 A starship captain escapes Ganymede, speaks with some of his crew on the way to Ceres, and takes a nap. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-07-21 3 1680077 Shipgirl Commander 49 Due to real life circumstances, this is a very short thread with little to nothing happening. Apologies. - QM/DM/GM (MECHANIC) Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-07-29 3 August 2017 1701234 Starcaller Quest: Episode 29 A starship captain docks his ship for upgrades, wanders the town, and runs into someone familiar at a War memorial. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-08-01 4 1729094 Shipgirl Commander 50 Kaga's gone. Maybe for good, maybe not. Nonetheless, you must push on. War doesn't wait. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-08-10 1 1780855 Reckoning Quest 1 Strange dreams make us shook. We head to Lake Ceryana to investigate. Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-08-20 8 1795629 Reckoning Quest 2 We poke corpses with sticks, be sneaky, have more strange dreams, and finally make it to the lake. Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-08-24 4 1786005 Starcaller Quest: Episode 30 A starship captain spends his downtime on Mars chatting with contact and his crew. On the horizon, another party looms... Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-08-28 2 1808849 Reckoning Quest 3 We finish up at the lake and start training up Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-08-30 4 September 2017 1811598 Shipgirl Commander 51 You begin the first of a series of offensive campaigns, more than a little unprepared. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-09-06 1 1835637 Reckoning Quest 4 Truly finish up our training with Moest, and prepare to set off and slay the possessed. Short thread cause QM is a terrible person Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-09-13 3 1880150 Shipgirl Commander 52 Alongside Musashi and Nachi, you move to do acquire as solid a foothold as you're able. OOC: Screw clutch rolls. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-09-30 2 October 2017 1903234 Starcaller Quest: Episode 31 A starship captain speaks with a sergeant, oversees the construction on his ship, and runs some errands. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-10-07 2 1939932 Wild Hunter, a (Failed) Digimon Adventure Mechanic fails miserably to start a Digimon campaign due to his own retardation. A shining example of what NOT to do when starting a quest! Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-10-08 5 55689939 Comfy Folkloric Magic A collection of comfy low-magic spells taking inspiration from folklore. comfy , magic , folklore , spells , fluff 2017-10-09 20 55706379 Folklore Creatures Various anons describe and discuss monsters from their local folklore, ghost stories, urban legends and cautionary tales. monsters , creatures , folklore , myth , urban legends , worldbuilding, 2017-10-13 3 1940681 Starcaller Quest: Episode 32 A starship captain meets a paranoid tech genius, returns to his mechanics, and gets a phone call. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-10-16 2 1943211 Shipgirl Commander 53 Your mission continues, but as always, things aren't as they seem. It's the final stretch - but what lurks beneath the waters? Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-10-17 2 1969138 Shipgirl Commander 54 You wake up, dazed and confused ... but when are you ever not, Commander? Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-10-26 1 2005095 Shipgirl Commander 55 'I told you not to touch the white girl, but you didn't listen. How many times did I warn you? Masha'Allah!' - MECHANIC (GM/QM/DM) Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-10-30 2 November 2017 56265579 Word Creation and Fluff Anons come together to make up fantasy terms and write out lore for them. May be a fun and useful resource! Fluff , Lore , Lore Creation , Terminology , Fantasy , Fluffing Thread , Resource 2017-11-09 6 2026093 Shipgirl Commander 56 After making an important phone call, our Commander attempts to recruit Grand Master Tenryuu. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-11-10 1 2057312 Shipgirl Commander 57 It's the weekend, but it doesn't feel like a break at all, does it, Commander? Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-11-23 2 2093476 Reckoning Quest 5 We fight the possessed Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-11-29 3 2087536 Shipgirl Commander 58 Thought For The Day: 'Learn to keep it in your pants, Commander. This is getting out of hand.' Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-11-30 2 December 2017 2108195 Shipgirl Commander 59 The day begins with a lengthy argument, some revelations and you, once more, proving that you are the most unorthodox of the unorthodox. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-12-08 2 2112123 Reckoning Quest 6 Head back to Moest's Cabin after fighting the possessed, chaos ensues. Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-12-12 1 2113972 Starcaller Quest: Episode 33 A starship captain discusses an interview, plans the interview, and indulges his second-in-command's spy LARPing tendencies. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2017-12-16 2 2154885 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 01 Struck by amnesia, you are afforded precious hints about your identity. New friends are made and their kindness is precious. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , 2017-12-23 12 2135337 Shipgirl Commander 60 "There is no try. There is only ... do." Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-12-25 2 2161774 Shipgirl Commander 61 Your stance is apparently ... beside the rest of humanity. You choose not to be drawn into politics, yet ... Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2017-12-31 2 January 2018 2158825 Starcaller Quest: Episode 34 A starship captain does an interview, returns home, and reminisces about a certain mission during the War. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2018-01-02 3 2181961 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 02 We awaken as a mage, make new friends, face some bullies and meet Sieglinde unique sister, all of it coming with lots and lots of discovery. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-01-08 3 2233958 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 03 We get a taste of magic and take our first step in improving ourselves. A bully is confronted and politics is thrown into the picture. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-01-24 2 2227279 Starcaller Quest: Episode 35 The war flashback nears its conclusion Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2018-01-26 2 February 2018 2276203 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 04 Arawn and the girls enjoy a much needed evening to calm down... only to catch a glimpse of troubles. What is Sabbath? Alas, duty await! Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-02-12 2 2271099 Shipgirl Commander 62 You sort your business out. Sorting out the District, fulfilling requests and everything else in between. Just another day, Commander. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-02-13 2 2292661 Shipgirl Commander 63 You really shouldn't have gone drinking that night, Commander ... but maybe some TLC will get you right as rain! Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-02-21 3 2305487 Starcaller Quest: Episode 36 More flashback stuff. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2018-02-25 2 2314330 Shipgirl Commander 64 Your adventures with Samidare in dissecting the perils of leadership continue ... and you find something shocking regarding an old friend. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-02-26 5 March 2018 2338898 Starcaller Quest: Episode 37 A starship captain finishes a story, gets some sleep, and begins talking over some important things with a crew member. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2018-03-07 1 2359732 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 05 A successful completion of our adventure brings the introductory phase to an end. We catch our angelic friend in a forlorn mood afterward. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-03-12 2 2392504 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 06 A successful operation is celebrated with a game of dice that leave a goat drunk and us with 4-1 winnings. Life is good. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-03-22 2 2411670 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 07 Training might be something we are skilled at. We meet our tribal refugee and find a solution to a conundrum. Maid! Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-03-28 2 April 2018 2438291 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 07 A serious talk of things to come evolve into relaxing shenanigans and we end up learning a little of Sieglinde past during the evening. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-04-05 2 2444978 Shipgirl Commander 65 Or should it be Vice-Admiral now? Be it Unofficial, or Official, you have a whole new world ... of bureaucracy and tasks to maneuver. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-04-10 5 59048749 Mankind Conquers Hell A group of anons come together to ask the question 'What if mankind invaded and conquered hell', including world-building and a full comic Hell , HFY , Humanity Fuck Yeah , Worldbuilding , Demons , Corruption , Sci-Fi , Lore 2018-04-12 14 2452695 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 08 We learn disturbing news about Sieglinde, enjoy a goat monstrous bits and proceed to train on the next day, ending with duels. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-04-15 2 2490126 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 09 Our day ends with confronting our resident antagonist and sniff out a nefarious plot. In the end, we ask a very important someone to come... Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-04-23 2 May 2018 2525599 A Tale of Monsters - Godling 10 Meeting the Demon Lord leads into our first visit to Throne Town. We end up making a mess while helping a little girl. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-05-07 2 2506825 Shipgirl Commander 66 It's a busy continuation of your responsibilities as a ... Vice-Admiral? Whatever. You're always busy, anyway. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-05-09 3 2519372 Starcaller Quest: Episode 39 A starship captain speaks with his first officer about some things. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2018-05-12 1 2576825 A Tale of Monsters - Godling 11 A casual suggestion yields precious answers about our identity. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-05-24 4 2561073 Shipgirl Commander 67 It's Day 59, "Vice-Admiral". You have promises to keep, deadlines to meet and an array of tasks to sort out. The day is yours to seize. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-05-28 2 June 2018 2583475 Starcaller Quest: Episode 40 A starship captain discusses gainful employment with his first-officer. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2018-06-02 1 2611331 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 12 A fateful meeting, a glimpse into an anomalous world and a gentle night; our busy day isn't over yet. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-06-09 3 2602448 Shipgirl Commander 68 It's the weekend, Vice-Admiral. Time for you to take a well-earned ... break? Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-06-12 3 2642506 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 13 Heart-to-heart with an angel ending on a good note, unfortunately, someone is trying to frame us... Never a dull moment! Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-06-19 3 July 2018 2659440 Starcaller Quest: Episode 40.5 A starship captain goes to work as a carpenter. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2018-07-01 2 60665650 Conquered Hell Thread 3 /tg/ continues the discussion of the Conquered Hell thread, with a massive body of writing and ideas presented. Hell , Lore , Worldbuilding , Conquered Hell , Demons , Demon 2018-07-09 1 2701275 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 14 A duel is held and we quickly move to repair broken pieces afterward. Your fate with these girls is becoming intertwined... Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-07-09 1 60785125 Endless Hell Thread Further Worldbuilding for /tg/'s endless hell setting with links to previous threads worldbuilding , endless hell , hell , lore 2018-07-13 1 2690017 Shipgirl Commander 69 In which we find the GM's updates becomes sporadic until its too late. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-07-15 2 2715121 Starcaller Quest: Episode 41 A starship captain chats with coworkers. Science Fiction , Starships , Original Setting , Quest , Lore 2018-07-21 2 2745617 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 15 We make great progress with our personal training, enjoy an evening with our friends only to end the night by reading a strange letter. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-07-27 2 August 2018 61228659 Photo Fluff Thread A short but productive thread where Anons come together to write out lore for random pictures that get posted. Lore , Fluff , Community Writing , Fluff Thread 2018-08-04 5 2792497 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 16 We attend a tea party, a contract is established, another pact is made. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-08-15 3 61460915 /tg/ makes a hexmap - Mundane Edition Once again they attempt to create another world in a team effort with a hexmap, except this time there's no more ridiculous science-fantasy hexmap , worldbuilding , lore , fluff , medieval fantasy , fantasy 2018-08-21 1 61576895 /tg/ makes a hexmap - Mundane Edition Continuation In which they carry on, adding several new things. hexmap , worldbuilding , lore , fluff , medieval fantasy , fantasy 2018-08-24 1 2832224 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 17 A sudden call for adventure leads us into human lands where we meet many interesting people and try our best to handle duties. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-08-31 2 September 2018 2813911 Shipgirl Commander 70 Bismarck, Prinz Eugen and the First Admiral arrive for a casual visit, allowing you to catch up. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-09-02 1 61966611 Dwarven Subraces/Cultures A fantastically comfy and productive thread discussing all the flavors and permutations dwarves can have and some other interesting concepts Dwarf , Worldbuilding , Discussion , Lore , Resource , Dwarven , Subraces 2018-09-17 14 2884043 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 18 Our investigative adventure is successful, we learn prodigious things about our new friend and inevitably needs to handle politics. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-09-19 2 2864951 Shipgirl Commander 71 "Got carried away with Monster Hunter World - GM/DM/QM" Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-09-20 2 October 2018 2901072 Shipgirl Commander 72 "Writer's block and GM's mercy are friend and foe locked in a dizzying dance" - Procrastinating GM Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-10-04 0 2940643 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 19 Who could have guessed this Moot would unravel a link to our past? Such tense moments aren't easy but thankfully, we managed to do good. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-10-08 2 2954051 Shipgirl Commander 73 In which the GM had to handle the unholy mix of 4chan bans and real life commitment. Filler. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-10-23 2 2979629 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 20 A troubling meeting is thankfully no herald of things to come. We enjoy well-earned reprieve to help our knight adjust with our life. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-10-25 3 November 2018 3021773 A Tale of Monsters – Godling 21 Our day end in discovery, emotions and strengthened ties. Communications truly make for strong foundations. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-11-10 1 3029298 Shipgirl Commander 74 A complete session? Impossible! - Everyone, probably Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-11-24 1 3061029 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 22 We hear a story of our past and proceed onto a busy day. Foreign Mamonos are here. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-11-29 2 December 2018 3045533 Shipgirl Commander 75 You wander around town, hoping to encounter something that's out of the norm for once. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-12-03 1 3110547 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 23 A dream herald a very busy day. Machinations are unraveling, are we making the right choices? Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2018-12-24 5 3103035 Shipgirl Commander 76 Dechi fails at stealth. Apply headpats to soothe. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2018-12-31 1 January 2019 3147229 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 24 We find important information, an opportunity... that we have to let go. It's easier to earn forgiveness than asking permission, right? Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-01-06 2 3170459 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 25 We fight and triumph; later, a friend make a precious offer. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-01-19 2 3150395 Shipgirl Commander 77 Everything's beginning to settle in nicely. Tomorrow might not be such a bad day after all. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2019-01-22 1 February 2019 3198982 Shipgirl Commander 78 We have a nice talk with Nachi and nearly fuck up our relationship with her. Again. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2019-02-08 1 3254404 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 26 Having to indulge a fox is almost becoming a habit. Thankfully nothing else impede our well deserved day off... right? Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-02-17 1 March 2019 3345432 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 27 We jump into a desperate fight for survival against foes assailing the entirety of the Demon Lord fortress. Saving lives isn't easy. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-03-20 1 3341092 Shipgirl Commander 79 You try to sort out the trickier nuances of your Division. An old friend gives some insight on your current ... "methodology". Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2019-03-27 1 April 2019 3392436 A Tale of Monsters - Godlings 28 The assault on the Demon Lord fortress has ended. Things have changed, is her fairytale truly over? Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-04-05 3 3383449 Shipgirl Commander 80 The mission briefing goes as well as it should. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2019-04-13 3 June 2019 66593561 Dwarven Lore and Culture Thread /tg/ comes together to write out fluff and lore for dwarves! A useful resource for anyone worldbuilding or playing as a dwarf! Dwarf , Dwarves , Dwarven , Lore , Fluff , Worldbuilding , Oddly comfy, 2019-06-12 0 July 2019 3604865 A Tale of Monsters - Lullaby (29) Our story resume in a very small land of souls. We make a new friend, we seek those close to us in a place of emotions. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-07-05 1 August 2019 67616337 What if Warhammer 40k was a french production ? OP asks /tg/ what 40k would look like if the french made it. A lot of old french /tg/ content & art are then brought up for discussion 40k , Sci fi , Awesome , Metal Hurlant , French , Old School , discussion , Lore , knights , Tanks 2019-08-11 14 3749361 Blood of Heroes Quest Lord Mentioc Auberon of Cambrey Keep begins his journey to reclaim the Deepwood for his family. Collective Game , Lorekeeper , Civ , Fantasy , Blood of Heroes , Lord Auberon , Roleplay , Strategy 2019-08-20 2 September 2019 3804377 A Tale of Monsters - Lullaby (30) The Witch Game begins. We are far from everyone now... Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-09-14 2 October 2019 3843840 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (31) We awaken amongst strangers in a strange land. With a collar around our neck, we make sense of our situation. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-10-01 1 3878201 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (32) We learn that warrior species aren't easy to deal with and have a very busy day in Muribel capital, Marleon. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-10-24 2 3871077 Necromancer Detective 45 The gang manages to beat the Ooze Queen, nobody dies, and everything is amazing The Lorekeeper Is A Liar And An Asshole , Necromancer Detective Quest , Necromancer , Detective , Horror , Adventure , Collective Game 2019-10-31 0 November 2019 3902776 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (33) Reuniting with an old companion made things tricky in the capital. Ultimately, we manage to find the source of Lady White influence. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-11-11 0 3936891 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (34) We make full use of our day by meeting and allying with a gang leader. However, our actions don't go unnoticed... Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-11-27 1 December 2019 3956880 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (35) What was supposed to be a calming day of tinkering change very quickly. Getting out of the palace is getting dangerous. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2019-12-16 1 January 2020 4011329 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (36) We struggle and triumph against a most disgusting pig. Then comes well-earned celebrations, everyone's survival is worthy of cheers. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-01-17 2 February 2020 4083402 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (37) We meet an evil big sister, spend time to heal a grieving heart and then... a successful reunion. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-02-19 1 March 2020 4118315 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (38) We take quick actions and have to get out of the city. How quickly things change... Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-03-13 2 April 2020 4179405 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (39) Our travel to Myrtidal has us learn more about Muribel as we meet interesting people. A rare two days of peace in timultuous time. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-04-14 1 May 2020 4189390 Shipgirl Commander 81 In which a doughnut proves to be most elusive. Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2020-05-10 2 4249974 Mystery Investigation Quest: Rumors of Clubs Ace and Lorelei summon a demon Mystery Investigation , Lorelei , drawthread , Peekay 2020-05-14 8 4260438 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (40) We make our opening in Ama game and reunite with old faces... and luckily find the Cat but things get complicated. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-05-27 1 June 2020 4298257 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (41) We make some magic and sneak around. Myrtidal is not a friendly city, the climax of this part of her game is starting soon. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-06-17 2 4283646 Mystery Investigation Quest: Rumors of Membership Ace and Lorelei recruit their succ, Jubilee, and then Peekay loses motivation to continue the thread. It will return. Mystery Investigation , Ace , Lorelei , Jubilee , drawthread , Peekay 2020-06-27 8 July 2020 4304404 Shipgirl Commander 82 [QUEST CANCELLED] Kantai Collection , Dialogue Heavy , 2nd Person , Action , Lore 2020-07-11 0 4344459 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (42) The game begins and the city drowns in blood. We fight and struggle and finally reach a finale to help a black cat. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-07-20 0 73880485 MTG Card design derailed by schizo Someone derails a boring Custom Card General with surprisingly well thought-out 10-color Magic schizophrenia they found on the internet. MTG , Magic , purple MTG , yellow MTG , brown MTG , orange MTG , pink MTG , deeplore , color-theory , color theory 2020-07-22 3 August 2020 74398585 The Omnisssiah invents AM:tG Sasha Vyoks-childer/The God-Emperor's Waifu fixes WoTC's cowardice. MTG , Magic , purple MTG , yellow MTG , brown MTG , orange MTG , pink MTG , deeplore , color-theory , color theory , cyan MTG , cinnabar MTG , cream MTG 2020-08-19 -1 74410233 o/nWoDg gets crashed by The Omnissiah The God-Emperor's waifu/Sasha Vykos's childer invades WoDg with SASS and VULGAR MAGIC ADVICE FOR /tg/ CUCKS! oWoD , nWoD , AdMech , Sasha Vykos , MtG , deeplore , 40k , Warhammer 40k , Vampire , Vampire 2020 , cyberpunk , CCGs , lolcows 2020-08-19 -4 74432909 ADVANCED Magic the Gathering shitposting Omnissiah is Sasha Vykos' IRL/Sims-childr, Digimon is dark MTG , Magic , purple MTG , yellow MTG , brown MTG , orange MTG , pink MTG , deeplore , color-theory , color theory 2020-08-23 -1 4409403 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (43) We get a small lesson in what makes a paladin with one last battle against the duchess elite force. Mamonos are strong indeed. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2020-08-29 0 September 2020 4418935 Mystery Investigation Quest: Rumors of Membership Part Deux The mystery continues as Ace, Lorelei, and Jubilee investigate rumors about the old principal Mystery Investigation , Ace , Lorelei , Jubilee , drawthread , Peekay 2020-09-07 9 October 2020 4476184 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (44) We find the ugly secret of Myrtidal and reach the ending of a very dangerous game. The witch labor has been fruitful. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , 2020-10-10 0 November 2020 4530158 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (45) We make a deal with a witch, reorganize and proceed with a long walk back into the capital. Thankfully we avoid any complications... so far. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist, 2020-11-20 0 January 2021 4590262 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (46) Our well earned night of rest herald a startling confrontation. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist, 2021-01-11 0 4590216 The Mossdeep Disaster A expedition into the depths of the earth goes horribly, horribly wrong. Lorekeeper is a faggot 2021-01-31 2 February 2021 4612908 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (47) What should have been a calm day become something else. Hearts are moved, death is missed by an inch. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2021-02-09 0 March 2021 77845202 British Folklore creatures and stories Looking for creatures and stories that would make for good encounters. Creatures , Folklore , Myths , Legends , Britain , Creatures , Monsters , Folklore 2021-03-03 1 4628551 Mossdeep Disaster Part 2 An expedition into the depths of the earth goes horribly, horribly wrong. Lorekeeper is a faggot 2021-03-04 0 78221475 Fantasy Race Street Food What do the various classic races have for street food? Lore , fantasy , food , discussion , urban , races 2021-03-23 3 April 2021 4679892 The Mossdeep Disaster Part 3 The Final Chapter! Lorekeeper is a faggot 2021-04-06 0 4713968 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (48) A touching reunion is the healing our soul needed because we dive headfirst into horrific revelations. At least we make new friends. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist, 2021-04-08 0 June 2021 4828791 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (49) Our escape is a narrow success. The land of Zipangu is welcoming, we find new people, new hope and our relationships are beginning to change Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2021-06-07 0 July 2021 4873592 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (49-2) Our day in Zipangu continues, pleasant duels herald the arrival of a goddess, from there we strategize. Things might not be hopeless. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2021-07-06 0 September 2021 4964337 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (50) We have to face harsh reality before the assault even begins. Our return to Muribel is a fiery vengeance, to arms! Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2021-09-17 0 October 2021 5017841 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch Game (51) We fight against our strongest foes yet, what a struggle it is... Early end due to a little difficulty. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2021-10-15 0 February 2022 5137995 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch End (52) The Pharaoh machination has failed and her life came to a gruesome end. The events that have unfolded might affect the entire world. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2022-02-27 0 March 2022 5175718 Body Horror Quest, 50th Vein Shu engages in tough negotiations with Two of the Three Apocalypse Amalgams, one of whom has delivered an Ultimatum. Body Horror Quest , bhop , BHOP , Body Horror , Female MC , Gore , Apocalypse Amalgams , Ziz , Leviathan , Behemoth , Negotiations , Lore bombs 2022-03-18 5 April 2022 5211698 A Tale of Monsters - The Witch End (53) The world may indeed never be the same after the Pharaoh's demise. We witness a mother's resolve. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2022-04-27 0 5211274 Body Horror Quest, 51st Vein Shu arranges a cosmic phone call to contact God, watches a rocket launch with the family, and engages in emotional therapy for a friend. Body Horror Quest , bhop , BHOP , Body Horror , Female MC , Apocalypse Amalgams , Lore bombs , calling God , rocket launch , surprisingly wholesome 2022-04-28 7 May 2022 84620887 Slavic Mythological Creatures Anon shares a variety of creatures from Slavic myth. Slavic , Monsters , Folklore , Mythology 2022-05-27 39 October 2022 5419820 A Tale of Monsters - Repose (54) We finally earn some rest, and make sure to take care of our bonds, to create harmonious blossoms. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2022-10-31 0 January 2023 87244104 40k Primarch Rolling Tables The sequel to the original. Alternative lore , Warhammer 40k , rolling table 2023-01-05 6 87387345 40k Primarch Rolling Table #2 Rollan more primarchs and writing more lore Alternative lore , Warhammer 40k , rolling table 2023-01-19 4 87435138 40k Primarch Rolling Table #3 Yet more rollan and lore Alternative lore , Warhammer 40k , rolling table 2023-01-29 3 May 2023 5654967 A Tale of Monsters - Repose (55) A well-earned vacation full of events, preludes to inevitable upheavals. Monstergirls , Lots of Dialogues , Lore , male protagonist , Tale of Monsters, 2023-05-15 0 5627757 The Goblin King is Bored! The goblins find a Magi-horror inside a giant tortoise leg, bully a witch in Mad Enchanted Forest Hiddledink and voyage on the Metal Ur-sea Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Neigh 2023-05-16 2 July 2023 5667937 Goblin King is Bored #2 Quiet the goblin is given a chance to become a noble. QM ends up regretting doing a solo gob quest and almost flakes. Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Quiet , Sologob 2023-07-06 1 August 2023 5704813 The Goblin King is Bored#3 The Goblin King sends goblin bakers straight to Heck! The trip is educational. The tooth fairy tries to assassinate the QM. Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Vampires , Demons , Baking 2023-08-25 2 October 2023 5749533 The goblin king is Bored! #4 The goblins go on a quest to restore the nation of Lennessa. However, they crash a ball and end up in a time loop! Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Goblin Nuns , Knights 2023-10-07 0 June 2024 6012263 Silver Knight Quest You play as Argia Candente, a cursed trainee Knight with silvery hair, fighting to show your valour and free your family. Silver Knight Quest , Argia Candente , Sunseeker QM , Fantasy , Paladins , Knights , Medieval , Worldbuilding Galore 2024-06-26 21 August 2024 6049645 Silver Knight Quest #2 Argia faces her hardest trial in the Night Well, and then faces its consequences. At least she’s making friends. Will it be enough? Silver Knight Quest , Argia Candente , Sunseeker QM , Fantasy , Paladins , Knights , Medieval , Worldbuilding Galore 2024-08-26 21 November 2024 6098808 Silver Knight Quest #3 Our Knight goes on a 'diplomatic' mission on behalf of the Angel of Ansàrra. Along the way, Salicera involves Argia into her deepest secr Silver Knight Quest , Argia Candente , Sunseeker QM , Fantasy , Paladins , Knights , Medieval , Mages , Isekai , Worldbuilding Galore 2024-11-02 17 December 2024 6121545 Mystery Investigation Quest: King of the Forest The Mystery Investigation Team gains a new member and plays pretend in the woods Mystery Investigation , Ace , Lorelei , Calamitas , Jubilee , drawthread , Peekay 2024-12-05 4 January 2025 6179729 Cambion Quest: Volume 4 Two gobbo sisters suffer a false start and an attack by spider-fey as they seek out an ancient dwarven dungeon to plunder with their party. ReptoidQM , dungeon-crawling , ettercaps , unseelie fey , goblins , orcs , dwarves , demons , LGBT , adventure , romance , stigma , drama , lore 2025-01-20 1 February 2025 6154957 Silver Knight Quest #4 You explore the Temple, get quints, and discover the truth about some of your friends. Also your Master gets arrested. Oops. Silver Knight Quest , Argia Candente , Sunseeker QM , Fantasy , Paladins , Knights , Medieval , Mages , Isekai , Worldbuilding Galore , Mogging 2025-02-02 9