/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2007
814554Riddle Me This/tg/ fills a thread with riddles.riddles2007-11-18 1 
March 2009
4022165/tg/ talks about Gods!Guy is making a homebrew with Gods are a focus and asks /tg/ for ideas on gods/goddess's....awesome ensues. Gods, Goddess's, awesome. 2009-03-19 1 
June 2009
4762354I Love the Whole WorldAnon notes M:tG threads, Anon breaks into the song. boomdiadda boomdiadda boomdiadda boomdiadda...boomdiadda, song, I love /tg/2009-06-04 5 
July 2009
5085787Riddle Me ThisGM asks /tg/ for some riddles.riddles, gaming, rpg, sphinx2009-07-04 5 
October 2009
6232747Low-High TechHard-takeoff into evolving AI ended in a whimper instead of a bang, leaving a legacy of AI fear, mutated nanotech and a Luddite resurgence.AI, nanotech, settings, luddites, safetech2009-10-12 0 
November 2009
6737088Things we're not allowed to do anymoreOP inquires as to things we've been forbidden from doing in games. Incredible hilarity ensues.forbidden, D&D, epic, lulz2009-11-17 3 
January 2010
7379840Freddie Mercury the PsykerFreddie Mercury prophesied the outcome of WH40K's endless warfreddie mercury, queen, WK40K2010-01-02 5 
February 2010
7951509The tale of Eddie CallahanPart-time accountant, part-time paladin. All-time hero.eddie callahan paladin2010-02-07 8 
8137458Spirit of the Century Plot ThreadTheodore Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Eliot Ness, John Shaft, HP Lovecraft, and Mata Hari are gathering to go on adventures. THeir GM asks for advice.Spirit of the Century, Teddy Roosevelt, Lovecraft, Tesla2010-02-18 5 
8182750Jobskaddle FotthorlorYou are a gnome who found some kind of magical door.Collective Game, Jobskaddle2010-02-20 2 
April 2010
9233346Teddy Roosevelt, President of /tg/, player characterMuch TR loev, much big stick, much assigning of powers. Teddy has them all.player characters, Teddy Roosevelt, Teddy, TR, powergaming2010-04-17 3 
August 2010
11799126Zerg Quest IXAnon finds out that Kingston isn't screwing around with this rivalry, and loses its whole goddamn Brood in the process.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, fleshlings, suddenly nukes, KINGSTOOOOON!!!2010-08-24 14 
September 2010
12227855My palantir has been infected.Middle Earth experiences problems just like anon does.middle earth, palantir, sauron, mcarathorn2010-09-26 23 
12248169LegoSpaceTake every Lego space theme. Toss them together in a blender. Add backstory and backstabbing. The result is this setting.homebrew, lego, space, sci-fi, campaign setting, writefaggotry, The Goddamn Duck2010-09-28 12 
October 2010
12354135Zerg Quest XVThe Second Battle of Aiur rages on, the largest conflict in recorded history. It ends with a goddamn bang. I'm not going to spoil it for you, but damn.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Kerrigan, Overmind, Aiur, EPIC, Goddamn Feneschal, Since when does CA do screenshots?2010-10-07 14 
12604918Spooky Zerg Quest IIThe Master Sergeant develops some interesting side effects after slaughtering thousands of sick-looking Zerg. With evacuation looming, he has to decide just how far he's going to push this. Halloween Zerg Quest Bonus Extravaganza extended!Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Eating your goddamn soul, Mayor McTastyFace2010-10-29 11 
November 2010
12752560Zerg Quest XIXAnon watches Confederate TV, and makes plan for ZergTV. It succeeds in beginning a war between the Protoss and the Terrans. It spends about two hours trying to goad Cerebrate Anon into making giant floating missile ships or something. TUCAMP shares part of his Zerg Quest-inspired stage play (no, really). Very little actually happens.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Let's add shit to it, yea verily Cerebrate, Collective Game, Talk talk talk2010-11-11 13 
12794073Bad ass things to make into weaponsExactly what it sounds like.Weaponry, Magic, Awesome, Odd, Stabby, Stabby, Stabby2010-11-15 7 
December 2010
13126445The AdAngelic VersesBlack Mesa Janitor requests draw and writefags to flesh out Angel concepts for a new expansion of AdEva. Dozens of submissions of "forgotten" Dead Sea Scrolls for SEELE ensure.Adeptus Evangelion, AdEva, Drawthreadd, Writethread, BMJ, Original Content, Game Design2010-12-13 6 
January 2011
13539370/tg/ adult dating adds98/F/Underdark Looking for male slave willing to submit to my every whim and call. Have cloak, will travel.adds, d&d, what is this I don't even2011-01-16 2 
13580087Giveth Thy Lute/tg/ Gets medieval on the lute.Rap, Parody, Middle Ages, Funny, Negro, Nigra, Crown, King2011-01-19 2 
March 2011
14100433Puzzle Thread/tg/ Discusses the use of riddles, puzzles, and other mental challenges they've used in their games.RPG, Roleplay, Puzzles, Riddles, Riddle, D&D, Lovecraft, DMing, DM2011-03-02 0 
14353788Puzzles and riddlesAs titled. Use to create RP puzzles or sprinkle the knowledge amongst players as possible solutions. Outside of games think of it as a riddle lifehack cheatsheet.Riddle, Puzzle, RP2011-03-25 0 
April 2011
14628575The Addams Family (Da da da dum)A player reveals his DM has used the Addams family as the BBEG of the campaign. Discussion over just how fucked he is ensues, along with a lot of extraneous stuff.Addams Family, Dungeons and Dragons, Cooked Halfling, DM2011-04-18 10 
May 2011
15065499Tales of the Emperasque 6Someone else. returns to begin the next (and apparently final or second-to-last) arc of the Tales of the Emperasque.writefaggotry, writing, Someone_else., tarrasque, Emperasque, tales, writefaggotry, writefag, oddish2011-05-27 30 
July 2011
15590031Abaddon QuestThe adventurers of Warmaster Abaddon. Arms are found, Black Crusades are called and bitches are raped.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest2011-07-15 39 
15593949Abaddon Quest IIThe Black Crusade grows. Champions are rallied, the warp get's another psychically asskicking, and Abaddon proves to be extremely badass with bionic arms.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Dice Gods, Doomrider2011-07-16 35 
15596109Abaddon Quest IIIAbaddon becomes Kamina. Punches the warp once more and travels into the past for the 14th Black Crusade.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Punching2011-07-16 37 
15601954Abaddon Quest IIIIThe fall to ancient earth takes an unexpected turn, with the arival of the eldarawesome, abaddon, abadass, eldar, time travel, 40k, chaos,2011-07-17 23 
15612380Abaddon Quest VAbaddon yells at Ahriman, discovers a loyalist Alpha Legion dreadnought, and cock-slams raptors.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-17 22 
15616064Abaddon Quest VIAbaddon experiences the joy of fatherhood.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-18 23 
15626041Abaddon Quest VIIAbaddon informs his waifu about the current situation and chats with his abomination of a child.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-19 25 
15647815Abaddon Quest VIIIAbaddon starts planning for his wedding and the eventually corruption of the Eldar.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-21 22 
15650845Zerg Quest LAdun? Xel'Naga? Anon raging at inactivity? We've got it all!Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Railroading, Goddamn cliffhanger2011-07-21 10 
15681044Abaddon Quest IXAbaddon plans shit during war council and has a space battle with the Eldar. Awesome ensues.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-24 21 
15701229Abaddon Quest XAbaddon manages to captured a powerful eldar seer after boarding her flagship.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn2011-07-26 21 
15734989Abaddon Quest XISex. Bloody violence. Violent sex. Popcorn. We've got it all, bitches.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Hot, Sex, Violence2011-07-29 23 
August 2011
15770652Abaddon Quest XIIAbaddon and the gang makes planetfall on Terra via bikes to rescue Typhus. More dinosaurs die, a mysterious servant of Malal is discovered/killed and chaos rocks out in the jungle.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-08-01 20 
15818442Abaddon Quest XIIITyphus is rescued, the eldar learn of Nurgle, another Malal cultist is found and captured, warcouncil is called, Kharn shows his true love and Ahriman finally snaps. Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 25 
15823037Abaddon Quest XIVAhriman fucking snaps and gets snuffed by Abaddon.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 23 
15891865Abaddon Quest XVWar council ends, a rape orgy begins, awesomeness ensues and a god is born.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-11 21 
15894168Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon makes a breakthrough with the High Seer, then a hug births Slaanesh and and Abaddon Punches the Warp, again.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love, Slaanesh2011-08-11 20 
15905034/tg/GuardsWe take a look at a usual day at the /tg/ City Guard/tg/, citywatch, town watch, guards, tarrasque, apocalypse, goddamnitcarl2011-08-12 7 
15926413Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon explores the plot of the Malal cultists.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Khorne2011-08-14 22 
15983050Pike To The DickAnon requests help converting his group to Riddle of Steel, and asks for info on the combat. Helpful namefag runs a tournament for hm. And so it begins.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-19 21 
15998803Riddle of Steel: Friends, Romans, countrymenJohn Galt brings us more fights.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-20 12 
16012328Croat v. Finn FightJohn Galt, Scion of the Steel God, master of the Riddle, mangler of genitalia, brings us more bloodRiddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-22 12 
16052556Riddle of Steel: Jap vs. Aztec Riddle of Steel general until John Galt takes the reins.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-25 11 
16059808Riddle of Steel: Gizka vs guardsJohn Galt continues Gizka's fights.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-26 10 
16109227Riddle of Steel: Gizka's ConclusionJohn Galt concludes the tale of Sarah Gizka.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-30 11 
September 2011
16114583Riddle of Steel: I'm running out titles Galt starts a thread, he leaves the thread and then LUCHADORESRiddle of Steel, LUCHA2011-09-01 2 
16173878Riddle of Steel: Proper Gaming, for Proper RomansThe time has come for Legionary Sulla Vs. The WorldRiddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-09-04 12 
16176593Riddle of Steel: Proper Gaming, for Proper Romans IISulla continues fight against well-dressed Bulgarian, then WTF BEAR vs CAMELRiddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-09-04 9 
16192679Bob vs. BuenoRiddle of Steel General results in the return of our favorite poleaxe-swining ursineRiddle of Steel, Bob from Accounting, Combat2011-09-06 5 
16201448Riddle of Steel: Manfred's Coming of AgeBurrowowl moderates the adventure of Manfred there squire's quest for a whoreCollective Game, Riddle of Steel, Manfred, Combat2011-09-06 9 
16214961Riddle of Steel: Proper Gaming, for Proper Romans IIINorman Knight vs. Irishman followed by Legionary Sulla vs. Genoese MercenaryRiddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat, Legionary Sulla2011-09-08 8 
16226145Riddle of Steel: The Failure-ingKzyrgis begins a character generation, then stops. Scannon finishes scanning.Riddle of Steel2011-09-09 10 
16232617Riddle of Steel: Proper Gaming, for Proper Romans V The saga of Legionary Sulla concludes. Or does it?Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat, Legionary Sulla2011-09-09 11 
16311859Riddle Of Steel: The Continued Adventures of ManfredManfred Havrisham gets in a fight with a foreign guest. Riddle of Steel, Combat,2011-09-16 5 
16392547The Five Nations Quest 2You are Yamada Shimaru, a chūnin shinobi of the Hidden Mist. Genpachi is your current team member. Whilst you specialize in close combat, he is a ranged righter and tactition. Naruto theme set before the 3rd great war. Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, hidden mist, five nations2011-09-23 15 
16400855Abaddon Quest XVIIIOP returns to us and it may turn out that a senile crazed terminought is behind the Malal cult.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-09-24 22 
16404760The Five Nations Quest 3You are Yamada Shimaru, a chuunin shinobi of the Hidden Mist. You are specialized in the use of a Greatsword and fast hand to hand combat. You aspire to be one of the great seven swordsmen of the hidden mist. Naruto theme set before the 3rd great war. Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, hidden mist, five nations, collective game2011-09-24 12 
16413030The Five Nations Quest 4You are Yamada Shimaru, a chuunin shinobi of the Hidden Mist. You are specialized in the use of a Greatsword and fast hand to hand combat. You aspire to be one of the great seven swordsmen of the hidden mist. Naruto theme set before the 3rd great war.Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, hidden mist, five nations, collective game2011-09-25 10 
16464313Fixing Riddle of SteelOP proposes /tg/ joins forces to fix what ails the RoS systemRiddle of Steel, Rules, Collaboration2011-09-30 5 
October 2011
16520808Five Nations Quest: Part 15We sit down with our sempai Kisame Hoshigaki for the diplomatic meeting between the Akatsuki, and the Kages of the Hidden Leaf and Hidden Mist villages.Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, hidden mist, five nations, collective game2011-10-05 11 
16555339Five Nations Quest: Part 18The training session with Yuki ends and we go to visit our senpai Kisame Hoshigaki for a little chat.Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, hidden mist, five nations, collective game2011-10-08 10 
November 2011
1683231740k is an 80s buddy cop moviethe immortal warriors of the undying god emperor are getting to old for this shitwarhammer 40k cop police buddy2011-11-04 3 
16851030Abaddon Quest XIXAbaddon visits the Eldar bitches, becomes a mince pie and grows a tentacle beard.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-11-06 26 
16902450/tg/ Meta quest 18Wherein we loot more first age magic swords, and the OP goes to bed early.Collective game, Meta quest, Quest, Transpace guard, Meta, Middle earth, Barad-dur, Sauron, LotR2011-11-10 14 
17024959Riddle of Steel: killing wildlingsRiddle of Steel test thread. Killing wildlings.Riddle of Steel2011-11-26 5 
December 2011
17244623Riddle of Steel 2.0Some fech/tg/uys get some shit done.Riddle of Steel, John Galt2011-12-19 0 
January 2012
17499716Riddle of SteelReturn of John Galt, Sidesword vs. Pallaschriddle of steel, John Galt2012-01-12 3 
17516250Riddle of SteelWhat begins as a discussion of maneuvers in tRoS develops into a playtest of By God's Blood.riddle of steel, john galt2012-01-14 1 
17536465Riddle of Steel: BlossfechtenA heartbreaking Bastard Sword vs Longsword match, then a brutal demonstration of mounted combatRiddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2012-01-14 8 
February 2012
17876480Abaddon Quest XXA Titan is thrown against the ground and broken, learns HOKUTO ZANKAI KENCollective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2012-02-10 25 
April 2012
18847587The Lost Black CrusadesAn attempt to chronicle the many unrecorded, and failed, Black Crusades of Abaddon.Black Crusade, Abaddon, Warhammer 40k, 40k2012-04-25 7 
May 2012
19112522Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew/tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome.Mommy is sick, Daddy gets mad, My brother is dead, Mommy's Icky Friend, Divorced, Little Princess, Beaten, My Little Robot, Bad Touch, Jog Dad, Little Sunshine, In the System, Our Pride, Evil?, On Ritalin, Home Alone, Moving Again, I'm a Mistake2012-05-16 22 
19164148Dorftales/tg/ invades Drowtales three years after everyone stopped giving a fuck.drowtales, dwarf, dorf, dwarfs, dwarves, derpadoo, fuck you for reading this faggot, goddamn get a life2012-05-20 11 
19165722Zerg Quest LXXXVIThe infestation of Earth begins, and the Swarm invokes the Eldest Meme.Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Meddlesome Mods, Collective Game, CATS, Earth, Abject Silliness2012-05-20 10 
June 2012
19401786/tg/ Meta Quest 80Complications in the form of Warhammer 40k portals appear, and we attempt to contain the situation. A failure to properly account for anti-teleportation wards leaves the Indefatigable effectively destroyed, if not completely.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Oh My Goddess!2012-06-08 11 
19413594/tg/ does OmegleAnons invade Omegle and fight glorious battlesOmegle, Khorne, 19F, Freddy Mercury2012-06-09 32 
19447851/tg/ Meta Quest 81DRIVE ME CLOSER! I WANT TO HIT THEM WITH MY LOGIC. Lots of progress is made in solving problems through talking.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, Ah! My Goddess, Ahriman, Warhammer, Belldandy, Skuld, SUE, Logic, Rynex is a Weeaboo2012-06-12 13 
19460617/tg/ Meta Quest 82We are able to talk things out calmly with Lind, even as Ahriman tries to make a break for it and finds himself stopped in a comic fashion. We have successfully captured 5 of 6 SUE's alive.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, Ah! My Goddess, Ahriman2012-06-13 12 
19496965/tg/ Meta Quest 83There's another Meta-Aware Faction mucking around as we work on capturing the last S.U.E. We go on an ice cream and booze run in order secure the cooperation of Skuld and Urd.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Ah! My Goddess!2012-06-16 11 
19524278TG Quest 84Victory is ours! Six sues down none to go. Arguments start over final requisitionsCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Ah! My Goddess!2012-06-18 10 
July 2012
19741278Zerg Quest XCIIFollowing the crossover and a major battle, the Swarm discusses its future. Also, Zerg World.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Major surgery, Daddy issues, Zerg World, Amusement park IN SPACE2012-07-05 7 
19808531Chapter Quest Spin-Off II: PrisonerAfter the boarding action against Adeptus Sororitas Brother Montus is mistakenly listed as MIA in by his brothers while in truth he is taken prisoner. He there meets Sister Judith with whom he gets bonded in a very strange way... No, it's not a fapfic.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, torture, neuro-whip2012-07-10 11 
19833002Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark EldarBrother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, Dark Eldar, Feudal world, webway, Commoragh, slaves, rape, Sororitas2012-07-12 10 
20045674The Eye of TeegeeAhriman's Aide intrigues /tg/ with the possibility of our own Eye of Terror campaign.Eye of Terror, 40K, Failbaddon, Eye of Teegee, tabletop, warhammer 40k2012-07-28 13 
October 2012
21107341Judgement TimeAn anon asks for a good system to run a Judge Dredd RPG. /tg/ quickly begins homebrewing a rules-light system based on frowning.Judge Dredd, Dredd, Judgement Time, Frowning2012-10-14 6 
21190429That Feel: The Saddest Thing I KnowOP needs a tragic background story for a character. Halfway through the thread a Dane tells the story that he calls 'The Saddest Thing I Know', /tg/ doesn't have time to brace before the impact and is blown away by what can only be described as possibly the worst feel ever.That Feel, The Saddest Thing I Know, First World War, World War 1, Denmark, Danish, Dane, worst feel ever, feels, sadness, storytime2012-10-19 22 
21271988/tg/ Gets a CakeAnon posts pic of cake they decorated for us, thread becomes pile of awesome recipes.cooking, don't need other boards, shit gets done, cake, cookies, scroll addiction, perfect roast2012-10-26 6 
November 2012
21564441Merchant Quest 3The adventure of Capitalism continuesCollective game, Merchant Quest, Middle Ages2012-11-13 0 
January 2013
22657728GoT Quest: House Dredd (Creation Finalised)We make our final adjustments to House Dredd, and our until-now nameless character. Rollan Dredd, son of Lord Josephus Dredd will make his mark on Westeros. We also spend an almost certainly unhealthy amount of time decking out our lesbian-broette, Alyse Stone.Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, House Creation, House Dredd2013-01-18 1 
February 2013
22917447Fantasy Quest XVIThe Bard meets the Ghost and makes ready to infiltrate the den of depravity.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, infiltration, ghosts, suddenly, sneaky, sneak, sneaking2013-02-02 13 
April 2013
24111246The Riddle of Steel's Prophet ReturnsJimmy Roman, Prophet of Galt, comes to tell us of the imminent return of Dickstabbing. Fectc/tg/uys everwhere rejoice. Also, they possibly rename the whole game.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Jimmy Roman, Sword2013-04-08 17 
24249484John Galt Returns, Runs Fecht ThreadJohn Galt himself returns and runs a Riddle of Steel/Song of Swords fecht thread! In it, we fight the Hef, a race of rapetastic minotaurs. Can the sea elf pirate Rade best these foul creatures?Riddle of Steel,John Galt,Jimmy Roman,Song of Swords,Sword,Hef,Rade,Rhade2013-04-15 22 
24346225Bioshock: Nature's LadderFollowing the disaster of the Boer War and the resulting crisis in national confidence, the eminent scientist Sir Edward Dalton proscribed as the only possible solution to the moral degeneration of Britons the new science, in fact a genetic religion of hereditary genius, eugenics - the science of human advancement. He and his colleagues conspired in the construction of a haven from which to escape the Lloyd-George government, completing the underground city and going below during the "dark days" of the post-war Lloyd-George coalition ministry. The city was made possible by the sapling of the Tree of Life from the Himalayas, and the Soma flowers which bloomed from it - symbiotic organisms which made gross cellular mutation achievable; speeding up the construction and the subsequent breeding program immensely.Bioshock, Nature's Ladder, World Building, Setting2013-04-22 10 
May 2013
24909817A very 40k marriageA man shows up on /tg/ asking for advice on how to make a 40k-themed wedding. A conversation no incest also occurs.Warhammer, 40k, 40,000, Autism, Incest, win, Wedding, Marriage2013-05-19 9 
24956618Age of the DragonCYOA turns into world building and fun with GODDAMN dragons.Dragons, World Building, GODDAMN DRAGONS, CYOA2013-05-21 11 
August 2013
26473817Imp QuestAn evil little imp is born in Hell and seeks out power, blackest magics, and plots most foulimp, quest, collective game, collective, game, devil, demon, daemon, abaddan, The HypnoJew, evil, souls, summoner, summoning, conjuration, damn, damned, damning2013-08-07 18 
26513155Imp Quest 2Our little Imp goes to earth, and there he finds a loving family, a loving family which he will tear apart and mold into something much more interesting.imp, quest, collective game, collective, game, devil, demon, daemon, abaddan, The HypnoJew, evil, souls, summoner, summoning, conjuration, damn, damned, damning, Wrath, Homicide, Cannibal Mother, corrupting, corruption2013-08-09 12 
November 2013
28328254Salem Institute Quest 6: Part 5Natalia and Gang try to break into Starfish House. Later, Todd Quest!Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Todd Quest2013-11-17 5 
28357904How would humans survive in a world where everything has been takenThread goes about how a human civilisation would survive/prosper if the main areas of said world already have been taken by other civilisations.Survivability, Humans, Unsurmountable odds2013-11-18 3 
28441483Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 7We get the sniffles. We go to meet Allen after school. Title Screen Unlocked.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2013-11-23 10 
December 2013
28587615Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 7.1Natalia wakes up. Angela fills her in. They hatch a plan to find Todd.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2013-12-01 5 
January 2014
29264363Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 8After a string of technology issues, OP rises like a phoenix. Natalia explores mechanics and confronts an old enemy.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2014-01-04 3 
29444142Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 8.2Natalia investigates the strange tunnels, then learns about Halloween celebrations at Salem.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2014-01-12 1 
February 2014
29996389Buddhist Dwarves and Prayer Wheel CityOriginal Content: Someone Takes An Idea and Gets It DoneBuddhism, Prayer Wheels, Dwarf, Dwarves, Dorf, City, OC, Gazette2014-02-04 9 
April 2014
31302417Pokemon Quest #39We engage in a very long battle with Eddie. Nibbles fights for all he's worthPokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Eddie, battle, Nibbles, Tyrunt2014-04-07 22 
31310207Pokemon Quest #39 Part 2We finish our long grueling battle with Eddie and a Pokemon evolves!Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Eddie, Battle,2014-04-07 22 
31561086Gentlemen Spiderfolk WorldbuildingA thread on spiderfolk rapidly develops into an entire middle eastern/arabian nights setting with intellectual philosopher-gentlemen who just happen to be vaguely humanoid spider-monsters. Also pigmy headhunter kobolds.gentleman, gentlemen, spider, spiderfolk, worldbuilding, philosophers, middle east, kobolds, pigmy headhunter kobolds, roman, roman lizardmen,2014-04-20 5 
May 2014
31998126Oversized Weapon Quest 31In which we finish up a big sidequest.Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, Goblins, Big Swords, Light, Demi-Goddess2014-05-09 20 
32015892Berserk in Middle EarthGuts gets dropped in Middle Earth. He has the ring and knows what it does to people and how to destroy it. But he doesn't have the Berserker Armor. Does he manage to get to Mordor? Does he accept Gollum's help? Would he get corrupted?Guts, Berserk, LotR, Middle Earth, The One Ring, boat2014-05-09 -1 
32123517Oversized Weapon Quest 33You get lost, fight a lady, complete a sidequest, level up, grab items, and get rid of something pointless.Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, Goblins, Big Swords, Wedding Dress2014-05-15 16 
July 2014
33395007Re-Birth Quest 1We create our genius MC, go to our first day of school and open a lot of boxesCollective Game, Re-birth Quest, Buddhaman, lewd2014-07-14 9 
33399489Oversized Weapon Quest 45there, at the shrine of the silver monkey, you must assemble all three pieces to continue further into theCollective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, goblins, big swords, legend of the hidden temple2014-07-15 12 
33554567Re-Birth Quest #3The first hints of the plot show itself.Collective Game, Re-birth Quest, Buddhaman, lewd2014-07-21 7 
August 2014
33800135Stiffs and Prongs/tg/ makes a buddy cop show set in Sigil, starring a young Tiefling and his Warforged partner.Stiffs and Prongs, Planescape, buddy cop show2014-08-01 1 
33913245KidpunkIn the vein as things like KND, Recess, Calvin and Hobbes, and Stick of Truth, anons attempt to create an rpg where everything is made of cardboard and runs on kids imagination magic, like orks. Or maybe it's just kids playing pretend.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends2014-08-06 6 
33926167Kidpunk 2/tg/ continues to get things done, creating a system to replicate the imagination games kids play on playgrounds and in neighborhoods.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends2014-08-06 5 
33931336Kidpunk 3Classes and reputations are discussed as /tg/ makes an rpg about kids on the playground, and what goes on in their imaginations.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends2014-08-07 5 
33952195Kidpunk 4Discussion continues as we create an RPG for playing the adventures only a kid could haveKidpunk, KND, kids next door, Ed edd and eddy2014-08-07 7 
33970535Kidpunk 5Anon's begin work on the concept of evil enemy versions of the classes, things to be used as BBEGs. They also bang out the specifics of several classes.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends, community2014-08-09 5 
34086351Kidpunk 7?Crafting and Pets and Companions are fleshed out, more great art assets are added, and we start working on rules for things that aren't combat relatedKidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends, community2014-08-13 0 
September 2014
34703605Sekirei Quest 1We wake up on a beach outside Tokyo with no recollection of who we are and why we are there. Then, we are dragged on a drunken adventure.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo2014-09-08 13 
34756503Sekirei Quest 2We dream strange dreams. After breakfast, we learn that we aren't quite human. Shopping becomes a risky business.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo2014-09-10 6 
34959953Sekirei Quest 3We fight in a shopping center, then the thread blows up.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo, Shitstorm2014-09-19 6 
35015724Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and AntiqueCome down to Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and Antique, where you can find: Priceless vases, both whole and in pieces! Giant cubes of guns! Rare first edition books and records! Irritable Lamia lesbians! Slightly cracked Faberge Eggs! Dragons of all flights and colors! More gold than Midas! And, of course, shopgirls with bumbling behemoth breasts! Feel free to browse, make a purchase, or escape the growing dimensional instability with the staff and head down to the noodle shop for a bowl and a brew.antiques, collective game, shop, store, bidding war, gold, artifacts, lamia, lesbians, giant breasts, dragon attack, spontanious, grail, noodles2014-09-22 15 
35174205Sekirei Quest 4We learn about some sort of masquerade that prevents ordinary people from noticing the strangeness, and end up in trouble with an unknown party for making the news.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo, Not QTG2014-09-29 7 
October 2014
35324103Sekirei Quest 5Wizards ruin everything. Kiddo's hatred is justified.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo, Wizards2014-10-06 6 
35351712Sekirei Quest 6We deal with the local supernatural community, pose for a little girl, and run into a bevy of police troopers.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo2014-10-07 6 
December 2014
36585852Magically Green Steve Blum QuestIn Stevest Blum, in Blumest Steve, no quest shall escape my shitposting!I like to discuss this quest in the middle of other quests!2014-12-05 7 
36783496The incredible Peddlewheeler!A travelling salesdwarf attempts to sell a new fangled contraption to a rural village. The incredible Peddlewheeler!,peddlewheeler,2014-12-15 2 
January 2015
37178633The Buns! Quest Episode 7Miko makes a smallish mistakecollective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, poker, riddles, struggles2015-01-05 0 
37395043Hidden Necromancy Quest 1Alexander is a necromancer who is exiled after 'Dark Magic' is banned from the kingdom. In his new town, he faces some trolls, a minotaur and some very disrespectful adventurers. Hidden Necromancy Quest, necromancy, Collective Game2015-01-16 21 
37416103Hidden Necromancy Quest 2Alexander, after trying to summon his dead brother, goes on a quest to recover Marcus' body and head, sees a Giant Flesh Golem, and berates an old man. Hidden Necromancy Quest, necromancy, Collective Game2015-01-17 12 
37462811Hidden Necromancy Quest 3Alexander attends a festival, but the party is cut short by magical roofies and a demon kidnapping a Duchess. Hidden Necromancy Quest, necromancy, Collective Game2015-01-19 11 
37528461Hidden Necromancy Quest 4After a difficult journey with blackmailing merchant hookers, you bypass some adventurers and meet up with your mother and father in the family catacombs. Hidden Necromancy Quest, necromancy, Collective Game2015-01-21 13 
February 2015
37884098Young Monster quest EndAnd so it ends, with a whimper. The QM apologizes profusely and writes a distant Epilogue of it all. Warning, very little actual questing is done in this thread, lots of discussion however.Collective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest,Demon, Sudden End, World building2015-02-07 2 
37902779Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 1You are Bellatrix Curis, in training to become a Sister of Battle. Some stuff happens, and then some lewd stuff happens with a xeno witch, and she passes out before you can get her name! The nerve!Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM2015-02-08 11 
37997548Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 2Bella finds the Eldar's spear, learns that her name is Alirye, puts the moves on the poor pointy-eared gal, and the both of them head into the spooky forest!Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Dire Chicken, Spooky Forest, Hylophobia, 2015-02-12 9 
38174648Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 3Bellatrix lectures Alirye on how snazzy the Emperor is, meets a felinid techpriestess, pets said techpriestess, and discovers HERESY.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, TECH HERESY, Necrodermis, Double headpats2015-02-20 6 
38246094Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 4Bella takes a dip, becomes strong like (strong thing), kisses (and gets kissed), gets a Multi-melta for free, and is attacked by an invisible butt!Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, Goo, Super-strength, Invisibility2015-02-23 8 
March 2015
38403397Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 5Bella and Alirye infiltrate the Ork camp, and Bella promptly sets some tank-thing on fire, then some Orks on fire, then tries to set a building on fire and gets krump'd by a Nob.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Lots'o'fire, Krump'ing2015-03-02 6 
38630544Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 6Bella and Alirye kick some ork arse, Aila performs a super-duper-extra delicate field operation and jams Bella's severed arm back into place, and, most importantly, Bella does some one-liners. Oh, and Aila barges in and ruins the lewd mood Alirye and Bella had been cultivating.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Catgirl Techpriestess, Awkward conversations, mood-ruining, lewd-interrupting, power nap2015-03-12 5 
38723571Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 7Bella takes up the flamer, engages Alirye in a duel of lewd, half-listens to some tech-priests, and finds out that Alirye is a cougar during the cult-purging road trip!Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, ear lewdness, flamer time!, cougars, lewdvengeance, Aila heard all of that2015-03-16 4 
39010444Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 8Short thread (sorry). Bella and Alirye arrive at their destination, talk to some civilians, find the heresy, and have several benches tossed at them. Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, reasonable people, crazy psykers, cultists, spooky artifacts, telekinetically-propelled benches2015-03-30 4 
39033501Extranatural Enforcer Quest #2Amber gets sent out by the EnRA to investigate an aborted casting, meets up with a wizard who has appalling taste in cars and even worse taste in manners, finds a lot of very confusing blood and then gets into a shootout with some thugs and something very un-thug-like.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Goddammit Danzig2015-03-31 8 
April 2015
39267904Extranatural Enforcer Quest #5Amber wakes up in hospital where she learns she was briefly a mage but is thankfully saved from joining the Danzig & Friends Fedora Appreciation Society by the nerds at EnRA. She then gets back to work and arrives at the scene of a rather enthusiastic bout of arson and gets to investigating.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Goddammit Danzig2015-04-11 6 
39330338Extranatural Enforcer Quest #6Amber begins connecting the dots that point towards a brewing gang war between LLC and TK15, then gets called out to a ongoing magic incident and gets in an altercation with a crackhead who thinks that throwing fireballs around makes him special, it doesn't.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Goddammit Danzig2015-04-14 7 
39408104Extranatural Enforcer Quest #7Amber get's a visit from The Greater Bathrobe Association of Saintsburgh on her day off, then gets invited to a super secret Christmas party planning session where she finds out one of her coworkers is a lazy cowardly piece of crap and her partner is a bro, hashes out some details for the upcoming festivities, and then resumes her day off activities by drinking with her partner.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Goddammit Danzig2015-04-18 6 
39550009Extranatural Enforcer Quest #10Jason navigates the minefield that is flirting with a terrifying and horny cougar who knows how to slice you up and stich you back together in order to get medical assistance for the upcoming raid. Amber then kicks the festivities off at the raid by well ventilating the roof and several fae hounds, seriously woman, remember the fundamentals and use your sights.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Mittens Made With Love, Goddammit Danzig2015-04-25 6 
May 2015
39695078Extranatural Enforcer Quest 11Wherein Reinhardt breaks everything: Petunias, Pelvis', and Promises to Promiscuous Physicians.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Mittens Made With Love, Goddammit Danzig2015-05-02 6 
July 2015
41061483Extranatural Enforcer Quest 14In another exciting episode, Jensen chooses her mutatant powers, investigates a house, and employs cleaning products as deadly weapons.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Goddammit Danzig2015-07-07 7 
41076678Anon wants people to read his shitty webcomicAnons argue over whether or not said shitty webcomic is relevant to /tg/ (spoiler: It isn't. Neither are Unsounded, Meek, Oglaf, or that one with the blue space elves)SPERG FIGHT! SPERG FIGHT! SPERG FIGHT!, Addendum: googling "blue elf webcomic" tells me it's called Outsider, huh, love LWYS-kun2015-07-08 -18 
41121893Extranatural Enforcer Quest #15The Greater Bathrobe Appreciation Society's local representative swings by for a visit while Jensen takes stock of the situation in the house that really needs to be burnt down, they then go troll hunting and Jensen gets to test out the ace up her sleeve before naming her pet symbiote.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Goddammit Danzig2015-07-10 5 
41249042Extranatural Enforcer Quest #16Jenson gets a checkup with the Doc as they discuss Q's progression while the Doc squeals like a fangirl meeting their favorite Mongolian cartoon character, then Jenson gets dragged into the politics of the LL/EnRA alliance and Warrens is still a dipshit coward.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Goddammit Danzig2015-07-16 6 
41331748Ancient History: Near EastInformative discussion on the ancient Near East, including Sumerians, Egyptians, etc.near east, history, middle east, sumerian, egyptian, babylon2015-07-21 7 
August 2015
41830378-STUFFED- Thread 1Teddy is lost in the woods at night. The woods are cold and spooky. Teddy wanted to be at the zoo.Collective Game, Drawquest, Stuffed, StuffedQuestComic, Radio, Teddy, Beatrice, dolls2015-08-17 6 
41901253Mandala of FortunePut your character up. Name their greatest deeds and virtues. Now their greatest sins. Spin the Mandala of Fortune and see what (often epic!) afterlife your protagonist/antagonist will suffer before Enlightenment!writefaggotry, Hinduism, Buddhism, allignment, writefag, fluff, awesome, religion, afterlife, player character, good end, bad end, allignment, epic2015-08-17 31 
41999207Extranatural Enforcer Quest #19Jensen gets close and personal with a stiff.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Goddammit Danzig2015-08-21 5 
42023138Ball Daggers and other Medieval CuriositiesTg discusses how the middle ages really were compared to how most know them. A lot of humor ensues including dragon cuckoldry, shit flinging in churches and perverted poems.history, Middle Ages, mythology, Christianity2015-08-23 15 
42075992Extranatural Enforcer Quest #20Jenson continues to gather evidence and questions the property owner before grabbing security footage, then has a pleasant chat with Roman the slav.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Goddammit Danzig2015-08-25 6 
September 2015
42627730our shitpart 2 in our series of degenerate weeaboo shitseriously though why do these trope-ridden fanwank-tier quests2015-09-21 -9 
October 2015
43072516The Crawling Night Quest #0We run from army, kill dad and son, and hide in cave.Collective Game, Crawling Night Quest, Monster, He Who Meddles2015-10-15 1 
43108496The Crawling Night: Early Monster Quest #1We go hunting, get some bitching clothes, and start to talk with our next-cave neighborCollective Game, Crawling Night Quest, Monster, He Who Meddles2015-10-17 2 
42995783Addams Family What alignment would the Addams Family be? Thus begins a rare thread of meaningful dialog.Addams Family, Alignment, story, scary, writefaggotry2015-10-17 20 
43147981The Crawling Night: Early Monster Quest #2We chose our path, begin our journey out of Startzone Mountains, and kill a kid.Collective Game, Crawling Night Quest, Monster, He Who Meddles2015-10-19 2 
43081579Home brewed reworking of Bioshock RPGOP asks for input to work Tonics into spell systems. /tg/ runs off with it into the direction of it's own game system. Crunch ensues.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-20 6 
43219967Home brewed Bioshock RPG #2Continuing from the first thread.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-24 0 
43332824Home brewed Bioshock RPG #3More crunch added along with discussions about how real life tech on building on the bottom of the sea. Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-31 1 
November 2015
43403681How A Game Almost Fell Apart"Alright /tg/ let me tell you about how my game nearly fell apart. This tale involves autism, Shadowrun, betrayal, friendship, and approximately $12,000 in dragon dildos."storytime, autism, dragon dildos, addiction, that guy, shadowrun2015-11-01 45 
43453917Home brewed Bioshock RPG #4New Homebrew guy posts up parts of the Alpha phase RPG and anons start to dig in to get shit done.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-11-05 0 
43540626Home brewed Bioshock RPG #5Status effects, Melee weapons and conditions are worked on. 3D IRL table top figurines are made as well.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-11-11 0 
December 2015
44406724God of Creation [QUEST] part2You are a god of creation at the dawn of time. Atet-Ri, the god of light, born from the sun, has descended upon the barren earth to create stuff, in his own, smug way. This time we created cattle, monkey guys, hung out with our cool new music/water friend, grew a tree and OHFUCKWHATTHEHELLJUSTHAPPENED?!Atet-Ri, Creation, quest, god, god of creation, light god, alwé, Tenen-Ru, Oracle of Giberish, Helitaur, Fredd-Murc2015-12-28 6 
January 2016
44942127Young Monster Quest #1We start off, get a feel for the game, and HWM passes outCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, He Who Meddles2016-01-23 1 
45118032Young Monster Quest #2We break into a house, and set the stage for a massacre, or somethingCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, He Who Meddles2016-01-31 2 
March 2016
45773792The Imperal Guard writes a Letter to AbaddonA letter is written to Abbadon, and he responds. Finally, the tau recieve a letter of their own. All one word at a time.40k, imperial guard, abaddon, tau, letter, funny2016-03-03 48 
June 2016
47589791Shipping Container ContentsThe party has inherited a storage facility, what do?RPG, Shipping Container, Not That Kind of Shipping, Brainstorming, Delta Green, Campaign Fodder2016-06-04 27 
47557272Ideas for an middle eastern adventureIn this thread Anons talk about the rich cultures and myths from the black sea region and how to homebrew them into a setting.culture, middle east, black sea, adventure ideas, brainstorming, mythology, religions2016-06-05 5 
47711368Anon's can't help but be idiotsSamefagging at its finestCrap, Tumblr, Reddit2016-06-11 -15 
July 2016
364385The Factory Recordings: Log #1The first night in an abandoned factory.Collective Game, The Factory Recordings , BurningSigil, PuddOmega2016-07-22 1 
August 2016
48639509Retarded elfsPlayers need to samefag to get their overlord's wayTmblr,Reddit2016-08-05 -16 
434344Darkest QuestRuin has come to your family. You fight a dog, meet a madman and take control of a hamlet.Darkest Dungeon, DD, Darkest Quest, DQ, Helio,2016-08-06 3 
429635Sudden Superpowers Part 1: SarahWhere we start out being evil female Superman, and end up becoming the most helpful blobgirl ever.Sudden Superpowers, Collective Game, Local OP, Sarah the Friendly BlobGirl2016-08-08 1 
September 2016
522868DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' TaleThird installation of the Diminutive Dungeon Delvers story. This time you play as the Succubus , looking to distract yourself from boredomDDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image2016-09-11 3 
556640DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' Tale part 2Continuation of DDD:AST where you try to run away from Wi'aboo's lair without getting caught.DDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image2016-09-18 1 
591859DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' Tale part 3Final part of the Succubus Tale. Time to finish your escape and get to the material plane!DDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image, paladin, rogue, mage, wizard, dating, imp, cute, 2016-09-22 1 
October 2016
49940009Culture Thread/tg/ explores non-European/Japanese culturesSikh, Berber, Bedouin, Pashtun, world building, culture, Africa, Middle East, Asia2016-10-26 14 
November 2016
797754The First Take of The One of a Kind Odd Story RPG QuestGod Tier's Disasterous First Take of the Odd Story RPG Quest. It's Terrible.Odd Story RPG Quest, God Tier GM, God Tier GM2016-11-07 0 
802744Odd Story RPG Pt 1: The Stranger who calls you a Avatar When someone is assigned to deliver a package and a new girl at school enters the fray, the adventure enters a whole new level of odd.Odd Story RPG Quest, God Tier GM, God Tier QM2016-11-11 1 
814314Odd Story RPG Pt 2: Through Trial and Time (Canceled)What could have been a good start to a quest has turned to ruin due to my mom's strict rules of no talking to strangers. Here's the questOdd Story RPG Quest, God Tier GM, God Tier QM, Canceled2016-11-12 -1 
828251Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 1Intel Drops the ball and we try to pick it up. Only us and the Japs left standing; let's kill some teenagers!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,Eddie, Jerry, C455132016-11-15 13 
866635Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 1James has some slice of life, then some management sim, then shit hits the fan.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,Eddie, Jerry, C45513,2016-11-28 6 
875456Oddside Down Part 1 (Moved)This is Gurps powered that was seen in 4chan before moving to another site.Oddside Down, God Tier GM, God Tier GM, Gurps.2016-11-29 -2 
December 2016
903431Shadowrun Occultist Quest #2We do legwork to find where our target is hiding, and receive an offer from some comedians for a data switch.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist2016-12-19 1 
919515Shadowrun Occultist Quest #3We plan, start, and finish the run, successfully pin blame on Ares, and get a sweet ride out of it.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist2016-12-19 2 
946511Shadowrun Occultist Quest #4We give some psych advice to Rhûn, get backstory on Redd, and then go to a concert with the team, Barbie, and her psycho comedian brother.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist2016-12-26 2 
944872Sn@kevin buisnessOne of the best mind fuck quests ever madeSnake, true_love, death, mind_contro,l middle_management, short2016-12-28 2 
January 2017
970043Shadowrun Occultist Quest #5We figure out and foil The Fool's plan, collect on the bounty from GOD, have a Yithian trip down Time Lane, and go to Bavaria with Rhun.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-01 1 
992966Shadowrun Occultist Quest #6We get a glimpse of the future, see the Big D's last act, piss off our boss again, then fail to ambush a team of operators.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-07 1 
1017697Shadowrun Occultist Quest #7We handoff the dream observatory to the Draco Foundation, locate and retrieve a little lost rich girl, then take a trip to Arkham.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-16 1 
51311063Original and Unusual Apocalypse ScenariosVarious scenarios for the end of the world and settings based around them are discussed and worldbuilt. apocalypse, armageddon, doomsday, end of the world, setting, worldbuilding,2017-01-23 6 
1042958Shadowrun Occultist Quest #8We play cards with some Catholic priests, then take Barbie to scenic Arkham, MA. Her little sis tags along and we try to scare her straight.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-23 1 
1070323Shadowrun Occultist Quest #9We follow the breadcrumb trail to an early human digitization experiment and release them to the Matrix.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-29 1 
March 2017
1203931YouthQuest: Memories EditionWe didn't miss much, and move on towards exploring the forests, finaly doing alchemy and fighting the first couple of rivals.Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Ocean Blue, Drama, Consequences, Plot, Riddles2017-03-09 1 
1242926Uruk-hai Quest 2A rowdy Uruk bitch slaps a Nazgul and OP seeps into a blind rage before getting is revenge.Uruk-hai Quest, Wendigo-Chan, Nazgul, Middle Earth, Quest, Orcs2017-03-13 4 
1271579Uruk-Hai Quest #3The one in which an Ork breaks out of prison and kills a mutinous subordinate. Also QM gets very sick.Uruk-hai Quest, Wendigo-Chan, Nazgul, Middle Earth, Quest, Orcs2017-03-18 3 
1290010Uruk-hai Quest 4: The EndA rowdy Uruk gets fucked by a Wraith.Uruk-hai Quest, Wendigo-Chan, Nazgul, Middle Earth, Quest, Orcs2017-03-27 1 
52362299Middle Eastern Superhero SettingWorldbuilding discussion for a new setting based on middle eastern superheroes. Surprisingly civil and apolitical.middle east, culture, superhero, superheroes, setting, worldbuilding,2017-03-28 15 
52438077Vampires throughout history setting worldbuilding/tg/ makes a setting based off ancient middle eastern mythology, history and vampires infiltrating various cultures.vampires, setting, worldbuilding, middle east, vald tapes2017-03-30 9 
June 2017
1531015Saiyan Conqueror Quest 1Meet Karn, Leyas, Meloka, and Tatsu as they land on Dun and kill the lizardpeople's god/qst/, Saiyan, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, DBZ, quest, collective game, GrandDragonQM2017-06-05 60 
1558798Saiyan Conqueror Quest 2Karn and company train, get new armor, and go to Krunn. On the way we tease the Meloka and find out about her past, and kill mutants.DBZ, Karn, Tatsu, Meloka, Leyas, SCQ, Space Conqueror Quest, Space Conqueror Quest 2, GrandDragonQM, quest, /qst/,2017-06-12 24 
1531267Panzer Commander Quest #22The war begins with a bang, then another, then a clusterfuck.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, Suddenly Tanks2017-06-13 1 
1581585Saiyan Conqueror Quest 3Karn and the gang barely save Nappa, hide out and recover, Meloka and Karn get some quality time, and you kill a terminator and get a ship.Saiyan Conqueror Quest 3, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, Karn, Meloka, Tatsu, Leyas, GrandDragonQM, DBZ, /qst/, 2017-06-19 31 
1608718Saiyan Conqueror Quest 4After returning to Freeza Station, Tatsu leaves, you get a new teammate, training, then the battle for Planet Vegeta. Saiyan Conqueror Quest, Saiyan Conqueror Quest 4, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, Leyas, Meloka, Tatsu, /qst/, 2017-06-26 27 
1582496Panzer Commander Quest #235th Platoon embarks on a secret mission, that forces them to desert the Archduke's Army.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, Suddenly Tanks2017-06-27 2 
July 2017
1629320Saiyan Conqueror Quest 5Invasion of Grey homeworld begins, QM keeps leaving for work, then Karn gets really, really angry.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, Saiyan Conqueror Quest 5, Karn, Meloka, Leyas, Nappa, King Vegeta, DBZ, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, Saiyans, /qst/, quest2017-07-03 26 
1669282Saiyan Conqueror Quest 7Karn and company travel to a showdown with Dr. Nefarious. The prince nearly dies, Karn achieves the legend, and the good doctor escaped.Saiyan Conqueror Quest 7, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Karn, Meloka, /qst/, DBZ, quest, Saiyan, Saiyans, Dragon Ball Z2017-07-17 23 
1662490Young Monster Quest #0Thomas Dixkn discovers his heritage and gets into some troubleCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, He Who Meddles2017-07-20 1 
1693027Saiyan Conqueror Quest 8Planet Dun is revisited, revenge is served, and QM fucks it up on the last vote.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, Saiyan Conqueror Quest 8, GrandDragonQM, Karn, Meloka, DBZ,2017-07-24 20 
1718635Saiyan Conqueror Quest 9Saiyans vs The Hive! Karn and co are attacked by a Hive-infested station. They are pushed to the linits fighting this sinister new foeSaiyan Conqueror Quest, Saiyan, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, Karn, Meloka, DBZ, 2017-07-31 18 
August 2017
1743155Saiyan Conqueror Quest 10Karn fights a Yautja, the Karn and co fight Lord Boros to join in clearing Planet Jhoria, where something terrible happens to your teamSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2017-08-07 16 
1788000Saiyan Conqueror Quest 11Karn and company meet some time travelers, finish business on Planet Jhoria, Karn kills an assassin, and the ship is finally repaired. Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, Karn, Meloka, DBZ, /qst/, Saiyan2017-08-21 18 
1808835Saiyan Conqueror Quest 12Karn and company return home, you fight opponents with powerful secrets, then the Hive tries to invade Planet Vegeta.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, /qst/, GrandDragonQM, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ2017-08-28 18 
1785570Panzer Commander Quest #27The Battle of Geenam ensues, as the outnumbered Strossvalders launch a surprise attack upon mercenary bandits.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, Suddenly Tanks2017-08-29 2 
September 2017
1848833Quest Lyoko 1: AwakeningStar presents a quest in which wagons can play no reasonable part... yet. Code Lyoko, adventures in Cyberspace.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Nightwing, Monsters, Gas, Factory2017-09-11 4 
1861499Hidden Mist QuestA young ninja Genzo Ichiriou of the Hidden Mist, sneaks and slaughters his way through the Night of Blood trial to fully graduate as a geninNaruto, Collective Game, Hidden Mist, Genzo, Ninja2017-09-13 9 
1857442Quest Lyoko 2: ContactWhere we finally decide to expand our social circle, branch out, and meet new people.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Nightwing, Monsters, Gas, Factory2017-09-13 2 
1867815Quest Lyoko 3: CasualtyXana continues to assert control of the factory. Whilst being mentally stable. Also, intruders.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Nightwing, Monsters, Gas, Factory2017-09-17 2 
1877899Quest Lyoko 3.5: DiscoveryXana has a bad day until he hangs out with Odd. He then decides to take it out on the AICollective Game, Star, Starborn, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Crits, Monsters,Riot, Factory2017-09-20 2 
1893788Saiyan Conqueror Quest 15Karn and his team meet up with old friends, then travel to the next mission. On planet Novalis, an old foe returns, and an assassin attacks.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ, space2017-09-25 18 
October 2017
1916983Saiyan Conqueror Quest 16A Guardian is met, a lake troll is fought, and another fighter achieves legendary powerSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, Karn, Saiyan, quest, DBZ2017-10-02 16 
1939918Saiyan Conqueror Quest 17Karn and his team land on Planet Vegeta, meet an abnormally strong child, Karn fights Silva Zoldyck, then Meloka and Karn sparSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ2017-10-09 17 
1948505Quest Lyoko 4: DataminingThe Continuation of the Attack from Discovery. X.A.N.A is totally sane right? Of course.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Archive, Monsters, Riot, Factory2017-10-12 2 
1978805Oddyssey - Dreams of going off worldEvelynn is a dirt poor scrub who dreams of a better life, one that will take her away from the block. Oddyssey, Sci-fi, Science Fiction, Fiction, One, 1, First2017-10-21 1 
2002620Quest Lyoko 5: School Days Part 1X.A.N.A Gets bored and thus decides to hang out with his friends via cyber spying and accidentally invading their privacy.Collective Game, Star, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Nightwing, Monsters, Gas, Factory2017-10-26 2 
2018885Saiyan Conqueror Quest 19After a week of rest, Karn and co prepare to take a new world. You meet a familiar face, then the whole team gathers to lead the chargeGrandDragonQM, /qst/, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ2017-10-30 16 
2017974Quest Lyoko 5.5: School Days Part 2X.A.N.A Gets bored and thus decides to hang out with his friends via cyber spying and accidentally invading their privacy.Collective Game, Star, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Nightwing, Monsters, Gas, Factory2017-10-30 3 
November 2017
2039382Saiyan Conqueror Quest 20The battle for Kashyyyk intensifies. Karn meets a powerful fighter, then the battle with the natives reaches its climaxSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/2017-11-06 15 
2062067Saiyan Conqueror Quest 21Fresh out of his new training, Karn travels to fMiliar ground to negotiate a peace with another empire and makes a deal wih a demonSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/,2017-11-13 15 
2080087Saiyan Conqueror Quest 22Karn and his team train, reacquaint with an old ally, then face down Silva's captors on Planet NaadSCQ, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, Karn, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, /qst/, 2017-11-20 16 
2089447Quest Lyoko 6: RecoveryAfter Xana's fun day. We switch perspectives to Sissi and then Odd. Also, GIANT ENEMY KRAB?Collective Game,Star, Wagon,Quest Lyoko, Lyoko, Xana, Odd, Sissi, Boss Fight, Critical Instinct, Krab, Hornets, Kanklerats, Ravine, Kadic2017-11-25 2 
2089038SugarSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #2 A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers.pokemon mystery quest, comic, sugarsnot, sugarsmear, magby, psyduck, magnezone, ferrothorn, lilypaddle2017-11-28 2 
December 2017
2107565arSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #3A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers.pokemon mystery quest, comic, sugarsnot, sugarsmear, magby, psyduck, magnezone, donut, lilypaddle, shuckle2017-12-03 1 
2115943Saiyan Conqueror Quest 23After negotiating with Silva, you return to New Salda. You meet your daughter and Broly, training is had, then planning an invasion starts.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, DBZ,2017-12-04 16 
2133457Saiyan Conqueror Quest 24An emperor is sparred, Broly shows his potential, the Guardian learns of another survivor, and invasion plans are finished.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, GrandDragonQM, DBZ, /qst/, 2017-12-11 16 
2150349Saiyan Conqueror Quest 25Karn and his team train heavily, the West Quadrant invasion begins, and another Saiyan unleashes his hidden powerSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, GrandDragonQM, DBZ, /qst/, 2017-12-18 16 
2170794Saiyan Conqueror Quest 26Karn and Meloka face down an invading Covenant ship, we learn more of Ubo’s past, and Vegeta pushes himself to control hisSuper Saiyan powerSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, DBZ,2017-12-24 16 
January 2018
2186667Saiyan Conqueror Quest 27An invasion is fought off, training as you try and catch the rest of the fleet, then battle begins again on New Salda.SCQ, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, DBZ, Saiyan,2018-01-01 18 
2197283Quest Lyoko 7: ResurgenceXana & Co wake up to some changes. After all, there wasn't a sports festival before we returned to the past; was there?Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Quest Lyoko, Lyoko, Xana, Time Travel, Jeremy, Odd, Ulrich, Yumi, Sissi, AI, Sci Fi, School, Social Links2018-01-11 2 
2225902Saiyan Conqueror Quest 28The battle for New Salda wraps up, Karn meets a monarch, aquires a new ship and gets aquatinted with your new crew.SCQ, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/, 2018-01-15 15 
2200720Panzer Commander Quest #35After some damn near smut, OP remembers that what the quest is supposed to be about and has tanks shoot things.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks, terrible romance2018-01-17 5 
2245004Saiyan Conqueror Quest 29Karn and Meloka each face Freeza, an uneasy truce is reached between the Covenant and PTO, and you rush to Sera to save Sorbet’s forcesSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, DBZ, Karn, /qst/, 2018-01-22 14 
2262088Saiyan Conqueror Quest 30The battle for planet Sera ends with a bang, Karn and Meloka set off to save the Ctarl-Ctarl, and Karn answers some deep questionsSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, Saiyans, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, DBZ, 2018-01-29 14 
February 2018
2243132Panzer Commander Quest #36The Battle of Todesfelsen begins, with a clash at an old quarry turned fort dubbed "The Gash."Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks2018-02-04 2 
2278276Saiyan Conqueror Quest 31Arriving on Planet Azar, you learn of some Tamaranean customs, face Princess Komand’r in a duel, and add a new member to your crew.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, Saiyan2018-02-05 14 
2297945Saiyan Conqueror Quest 32A witch is freed, Meloka has the battle she needs to prove herself, you and Meloka reach new heights and you encounter a previous noble foe.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, DBZ, /qst/, GrandDragonQM, Karn, Saiyan2018-02-12 14 
2283950Panzer Commander Quest #37The Battle of Todesfelsen begins, and the Republic's 1st Armor Battalion has their baptism by fire in the midst of a massive dust storm.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks2018-02-18 2 
2337393Saiyan Conqueror Quest 34The third battle for New Salda rages on, you meet with old foes, then Karn reaches legendary levels of pissed off.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, DBZ, /qst/, Karn, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan2018-02-26 15 
March 2018
2355187Saiyan Conqueror Quest 35After Karn’s berserker rampage, you see the aftermath of the battle, plans are made, and an old foe is found.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, DBZ, /qst/, Saiyan, Karn,2018-03-05 15 
2332636Panzer Commander Quest #38The battle in the storm continues, and casualties mount.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks, terrible romance2018-03-08 5 
2364361Metahuman Quest: Issue #14Morgan wins a boxing match with a gorilla, and is struck by lightning.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Kid Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Speed Force2018-03-11 5 
2372898Saiyan Conqueror Quest 36You face Lord Freeza again, cutting loose and going Berserk! Once recovered from the fight you prepare on the trip for Dr. Nefarious’s lairSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn2018-03-12 14 
2394968Saiyan Conqueror Quest 37The final showdown with Dr. Nefarious, with a few surprising twists along the way, then Karn and Meloka meet someone special./qst/, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan,2018-03-18 14 
2413555Saiyan Conqueror Quest 38 Meeting your daughter from a different timeline, you all engage the Big Gete Star again, then face down the Time Patrol.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, /qst/, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, Karn, 2018-03-26 14 
April 2018
2423173Metahuman Quest: Issue #16Morgan's makes it back to the past and the Titans earn their Tower.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Future, Batman Beyond, Gorilla Grodd, Slice of Life2018-04-01 5 
2399730Panzer Commander Quest #39Though the enemy seems beaten, the fighting continues inside of Todesfelsen. The Republic 1st Armor Battalion must put a stop to this.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks2018-04-01 5 
2433902Saiyan Conqueror Quest 39After returning from the future, you begin training on the trip back. Broly learns of his father’s fate and rages,& Karn and Meoka adopt.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, /qst/, Saiyan, Karn, GrandDragonQM, 2018-04-02 14 
2404101Fallout Hawaii Quest #2MC encounters nazi ghouls, Chinese slavers, and an enclave access cardCollective Game, Fallout, Hawaii, Anime Tiddies2018-04-03 1 
2403286Welcome to Rapture Quest 1We awaken to a doctor who saved our live before setting out on a quest to save our wife and daughter while killing splicers.Bioshock, Big Daddy, Splicers, plasmids, Adam, Eve, 2018-04-06 1 
58889492creatively negligent precursorsWorldbuilding about precursor civilizations leads to hilarity and the realization that Zeus is That Guy.worldbuilding, precursors, sufficiently advanced, setting, Autism on a Kardashev Scale, goddammit zeus, REEEEEEEE PAPERCLIPS, REMOVE QU,2018-04-07 5 
2473485Saiyan Conqueror Quest 40After a slow start, training is finished and our crew arrives on New Salda, Freeza sparring King Vegeta and Broly, then takes aims at Karn. /qst/, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, Saiyan, GrandDragonQM,2018-04-15 14 
2457454Panzer Commander Quest #40The Battle for Todesfelsen rages on, and a devastating trap is sprung...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks2018-04-22 2 
2492430Saiyan Conqueror Quest 41An emperor is sparred, you chat with a mentor, then you’re visited by a robot and the Daughter of Aku, then meet Demongo.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn2018-04-23 15 
2510463Saiyan Conqueror Quest 42Karn faces down Demongo the Invincible, then training on the return trip to New Salda while 4chan becomes error.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, /qst/, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, Karn,2018-04-29 15 
May 2018
2501286Darkest Dungeon Quest: Black as Death #1The humble beginnings of an Heir and his effort to return the Hamlet to glory.Darkest Dungeon, DD, Collective Game, CyrustheYoungerQM2018-05-05 4 
2556103Saiyan Conqueror Quest 43A hidden plot is uncovered, Karn and the Saiyans take the first steps to prepare for the end.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, /qst/, DBZ2018-05-14 14 
2576239Saiyan Conqueror Quest 44Training is had, then the battle for Planet Azar begins.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, /qst/, DBZ, Karn, Saiyan, GrandDragonQM,2018-05-21 14 
June 2018
2613229Saiyan Conqueror Quest 45The battle for Planet Azar heats up, Karn and Meloka face down the Arbiter, and you rescue a Tamaranean princess.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, 2018-06-04 14 
60132302/tg/ makes a pantheonWorldbuilding for a pantheon's worth of original deities for your fantasy games.worldbuilding, setting, pantheon, religion, deity, god, paladin, cleric, Prim Goddess of Apathy Undead and Junkfood,2018-06-08 1 
2634365Saiyan Conqueror Quest 46A promise is made, rewards are given, Karn and Meloka’s family grows, and the emperor appears.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/,2018-06-11 14 
2653920Saiyan Conqueror Quest 47A wedding is held, then a few wedding crashers ruin the party.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, /qst/, Saiyan, Karn, GrandDragonQM, 2018-06-18 14 
2672158Saiyan Conqueror Quest 48With Future Chaya’s arrival the wedding is finished, Karn and Meloka have a wedding night alone, training is had and a brother appears.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, /qst/, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, GrandDragonQM2018-06-27 14 
July 2018
2691998Saiyan Conqueror Quest 49Cooler is sparred, plans are finalized, and the Covenant arrives.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/, GrandDragonQM,2018-07-02 14 
2710709Saiyan Conqueror Quest 50The battle with the Covenant fleet begins! Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, Saiyan, /qst/, GrandDragonQM, 2018-07-09 17 
60774398Baseball Samsara: 108 StitchesBaseball and Buddhism combinedBaseball, Samsara, 108 Stitches, Buddhism, game ideas, setting2018-07-12 3 
2727028Saiyan Conqueror Quest 51The battle continues, a friend appears, and a deceased foe sends his regards.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn,2018-07-16 16 
2765140Saiyan Conqueror Quest 52The siege continues, the Covenant reveal a secret weapon, and an ancient power joins the fray.SCQ, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, Saiyan, Karn, 2018-07-30 17 
August 2018
2798308Saiyan Conqueror Quest 54As the battle nears its peak, Karn learns of his lineage and his most dangerous foe yet appears.GrandDragonQM, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, DBZ, Saiyan, /qst/, 2018-08-13 15 
2815297Saiyan Conqueror Quest 55Karn vs Arbiter as the battle finally reaches its ultimate conclusion.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/, 2018-08-20 14 
September 2018
2851900Saiyan Conqueror Quest 56You catch up with many of your allies, meet an enigmatic merchant, then come face-to-face with an immortal.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, 2018-09-03 15 
2869907Saiyan Conqueror Quest 57Karn visits with Tatsu, then after a heart-to-heart with Chilli you help Raven face her demon, name your twins, then Karn v Ubo begins.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, 2018-09-10 14 
2888612Saiyan Conqueror Quest 58Karn goes Berserk against Ubo, says farewell to the new Ambassador to the Tamaraneans, then receives cryptic news.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, /qst/, GrandDragonQM, Karn, Saiyan, 2018-09-17 16 
2908752Saiyan Conqueror Quest 59After speaking with the elderly Zoldyck assassin, Karn becomes the temporary caretaker of his granddaughter, Emilia Zoldyck.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, DBZ2018-09-24 15 
October 2018
2929218Saiyan Conqueror Quest 60After helping Broly gain a small measure of control over his Berserk power, you train and finally arrive at the Battledome.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/,2018-10-01 14 
2918761Changeling: Lost Monk Quest #1We create our Lost, and escape Arkadia with the help of a motherChangeling, Collective Game, Monk, Buddha, Lost2018-10-12 2 
2963664Saiyan Conqueror Quest 61: The Chaya SpecialYou’re Chaya, daughter of Karn and Meloka. After arriving at Dreadzone you get your first kill, meet a retired robot, then enter the arena.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, /qst/, Saiyan, Karn, Chaya, DBZ2018-10-15 14 
2984428Saiyan Conqueror Quest 62: Chaya Special 2You win your arena fight, fight and make friends with a Crimson Demon, make explosions together, then pick your next mission.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQm, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, Chaya, /qst/2018-10-22 15 
2980021Encounter quest V2.0 Follow the adventures/misadventures of an arcane scholar who must entertain death herself.Encounter Quest, Arcane Scholar, Collective Game, Death Goddess, Zaz2018-10-28 1 
3003384Saiyan Conqueror Quest 63After watching Chaya and Megumin fight on Sarathos, you master the Energy Body technique and arrive on Shaar for the battle royale.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2018-10-28 15 
November 2018
3021270Saiyan Conqueror Quest 64Karn vs Jotaro and Meloka vs Boros, then once the battle is done you challenge the Arbiter to a duel on live tv, then learn more of Silver.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, /qst/, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, GrandDragonQM, 2018-11-04 15 
2999009Encounter quest V2.0 2In which Gunhild has fulfilled her vengeance Encounter Quest, Arcane Scholar, Collective Game, Death Goddess, Zaz2018-11-05 1 
3013597Encounter quest V2.1 3 You gained a new companion to aid you along your journey Encounter Quest, Arcane Scholar, Collective Game, Death Goddess, Zaz2018-11-11 1 
3038314Saiyan Conqueror Quest 65After coming face-to-face with the Arbiter again, you trained for two months before your rematch with Lord Boros.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, /qst/, Saiyan, Karn2018-11-12 15 
3032204Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #1Enter Myon Uesugi, a ten year old girl from the Village Hidden in the Mist, as she prepares to take her final test before becoming a ShinobiHidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2018-11-14 17 
3052490Saiyan Conqueror Quest 66Karn and Raven travel to a different world with Future Chaya and Mira, and Karn battles several gods.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, /qst/, Saiyan, Karn, GDQM, 2018-11-19 17 
3050017Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #2Myon takes her village's Final Test to become a full-fledged Ninja and squares off against friends, enemies, and a Demon Hiding in the MistHidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2018-11-22 16 
3065450Saiyan Conqueror Quest 67The Dragon of New Salda, General Karn vs The Sword of Sanghelios, the ArbiterSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GDQM, GrandDragonQM, DBZ, Karn, Saiyan2018-11-26 25 
December 2018
3080474Saiyan Conqueror Quest 68Karn and co. learn of what happened to Cooler and Arctus, Karn bargains with Vox for Megumin’s freedom, then faces a demon. Saiyan Conqueror Quest, /scq/, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn2018-12-03 15 
3072759Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #3Myon visits her friends in the hospital, and then while spending time with her family a dangerous foe suddenly appears.Hidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2018-12-04 10 
3095330Saiyan Conqueror Quest 69After leaving the Battledome behind, training and important discussions are had, then Karn sends his children to their first mission.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/,2018-12-09 14 
3088149Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #4Myon leaves home to meet with Zabuza and their new sensei at Kappa Station. Upon meeting them, she embarks on her first day of training.Hidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2018-12-12 10 
3112367Saiyan Conqueror Quest 70After sending your kids and Megumin on their first mission, you visited withTurles and Komand’r then answered a distress callSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/, 2018-12-16 14 
3105349Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #5Myon embarks on her first mission to the Land of Fire, where she engages in some intense espionage and encounters a Ninja from Konoha.Hidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2018-12-18 10 
63599494Sector Creation Thread 1/tg/ begins the first of many threads to make another Sector for the Imperium to collect Tithe from, beginning with a Toxic Agriworld40k, Rolls, Planets, Agriworld, Forbidden, Inquisition, Poisons, SCIENCE2018-12-28 2 
3139711Saiyan Conqueror Quest 71 Karn and co fight with yet more of Nefarious’s mechanical terrors, training is had, and Karn meets an unexpected ally on Raxus Prime.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, 2018-12-30 14 
January 2019
3133909Wendigo: A Worm Quest 1 We are accepted by the Merchants, make our first waves with violence, and have a happy New YearsCollective Game, Wendigo Worm Quest, Worm, He Who Meddles, Quest, wendigo2019-01-01 15 
3155123Saiyan Conqueror Quest 72Karn duels the newly powered-up Arctus, finds an ancient spirit, training is began and two allies reach soaring heights.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GDQM, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2019-01-07 14 
3146186Mega City Shopping Quest [REDUX]Citizen attempts to go shopping in Mega City; Dredd events occurChoose Your Own, X-Mas, Judge Dredd, 2000ad, Dork West,2019-01-09 1 
3148428Wendigo: A Worm Quest 2We steal arms, get promoted, and meet a fellow Abbadon capeCollective Game, Wendigo Worm Quest, Worm, He Who Meddles, Quest, wendigo2019-01-10 10 
3143535Duel Monsters Quest #1We create our mc, win a duel by skin of our teeth and do some tournament anouncing.Duellinky, Yugioh, GX, BadDeck2019-01-12 4 
3172370Saiyan Conqueror Quest 73After Meloka and Bardock unlocked new forms, you helped Freeza touch a deeper power within himself, then Karn fights Cooler on New Salda.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/,2019-01-13 14 
3166798Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #6Myon returns home from her mission, spends quality time with friends and family, does some serious shopping and meets a dangerous new ninja.Hidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2019-01-17 10 
3166808Wendigo: A Worm Quest 3We recruit Corrosion, mindrape Cricket, rip and tear through more Nazis, and end with a football game. SipsCollective Game, Wendigo Worm Quest, Worm, He Who Meddles, Quest, wendigo2019-01-18 7 
3189201Saiyan Conqueror Quest 74The forces of Hell invade New Salda, and Karn invades Hell right back, then Karn has his final battle with Trigon the Terrible.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn2019-01-20 21 
3185089Wendigo: A Worm Quest 4CRABS AND BOAT, We eat the Empire, and get ready for Lung's fancy dinnerCollective Game, Wendigo Worm Quest, Worm, He Who Meddles, Quest, wendigo2019-01-25 7 
3178930Duel Monster Quest 2 Electric BoogalooDavy tells some people off and starts a duel with burkeDuellinky, Yugioh, GX, BadDeck, Collecttive Game2019-01-29 2 
February 2019
3202626Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #7Sent on a mission to the Land of Hot Water, Myon fights beside Kasumi and a Cloud Ninja before learning of a mysterious God of Death.Hidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2019-02-03 10 
3227630Saiyan Conqueror Quest 75With the demon invasion stopped and Babidi having vanished, a time of peace has come to New SaldaSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/2019-02-03 14 
3202920Wendigo: A Worm Quest 5PHO Interludes, HWM is flakey, we acquire dogCollective Game, Wendigo Worm Quest, Worm, He Who Meddles, Quest, wendigo2019-02-04 7 
3217517Duel Monsters Quest 3: Revenge of the SetoDavy finishes his Duel with Burke and heads to the StationDuellinky, Yugioh, GX, BadDeck, Collective Game2019-02-10 3 
3246346Saiyan Conqueror Quest 76Karn and King Vegeta IV meet with Chieftan Tiveus, formerly of the Covenant, then discovered more about your Super Saiyan formSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2019-02-10 15 
3239431Wendigo: A Worm Quest 6Rescue a dog with Path to Murder, have friendly dinner with local dragon, hail Skidmark's return, and go to Canberra to face the Simurgh...Collective Game, Wendigo Worm Quest, Worm, He Who Meddles, Quest, wendigo2019-02-15 5 
3267181Saiyan Conqueror Quest 77In which anons’ collective autism causes GDQM to ragequit mid-run.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2019-02-17 11 
3248809Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #8Battling against the Undead, Myon confronts a foe who seemingly cannot die before receiving a mysterious gift from a foreboding spiritHidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2019-02-19 10 
3262181Wendigo: A Worm Quest 7Several interludes, meta knowledge, and memes, HWM took a breather basicallyCollective Game, Wendigo Worm Quest, Worm, He Who Meddles, Quest, wendigo2019-02-21 5 
3288788Saiyan Conqueror Quest 78 In which Karn resumes his training and the Zoldycks arrive.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Quest, /qst/, Karn2019-02-25 14 
March 2019
3310241Saiyan Conqueror Quest 79King Vegeta IV vs Silva Zoldyck, then Meloka and Towa fight their way to an understanding.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Karn, Saiyan, Dbz, /qst/2019-03-03 16 
3282061Wendigo: A Worm Quest 8We give a speech, Coil is doing something shady, and the Crab Shack opens. At long last.Collective Game, Wendigo Worm Quest, Worm, He Who Meddles, Quest, wendigo, Crab Shack2019-03-05 6 
3331735Saiyan Conqueror Quest 80After having the worst wake up call ever, Karn watches Broly push his limits, then an unexpected battle breajs outSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GDQM, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/,2019-03-10 14 
3301661Godzilla QuestA Kaiju QM doesn't finish a thread.Kaiju, Godzilla, Destoroyah, Unfinished, goddammit OP, goddammit me2019-03-12 -9 
3353136Saiyan Conqueror Quest 81After speaking with a demon god, Towa got both a promotion and a new recruit, and Karn got reacquainted with a familiar cat.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, 2019-03-17 14 
3371811Saiyan Conqueror Quest 82Karn vs Aisha and Jotaro vs Kars, then after Karn talks with Chaya about her future he meets New Salda’s avatar.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/,2019-03-24 14 
April 2019
3412144Saiyan Conqueror Quest 83 After New Salda’s eruption, training is had, several fighters Ascend, and then one of your kids makes a mistake.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, DBZ, Karn, /qst/, Saiyan2019-04-08 13 
3429736Saiyan Conqueror Quest 84After training with Chaya and Raditz, New Salda gets a new Guardian and a fighter challenges Ubo. Then time shenanigans unfoldSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GDQM, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/2019-04-14 13 
3407625Panzer Commander QuestAfter more than a month time skip, Richter is returned to; aiding a foreign army, riding in a tank, and being beaten up by a tomboy.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks, major problems with milk, taking a bite out of crime and thighs2019-04-16 5 
3448880Saiyan Conqueror Quest 85Karn faces down a monstrous beast, comes face-to-face with an enemy Towa, meets with the scientists then a celebration is had.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2019-04-21 13 
3464670Saiyan Conqueror Quest 86In which Karn learns Instant Transmission, Chaya battles for the title of champion, and Caulifla’s Stand awakens.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/,2019-04-29 13 
May 2019
3447493Panzer Commander Quest #47Richter Von Tracht visits the UGZ, and embarks on tasks to ease the suffering of the native Ellowians.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks, 2019-05-04 1 
3482741Saiyan Conqueror Quest 87You’d Instant Transmission’d to Freeza’s ship, learn of pirates, train with Freeza, and fight a giant robot.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn2019-05-05 13 
3515244Saiyan Conqueror Quest 88A search for space pirates reveals mechanical terrors, and then an epic battle spanning time begins.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, /qst/, Karn2019-05-19 13 
June 2019
3546675Saiyan Conqueror Quest 89After finishing the battles with both the time travelers and the robots attacking Tekkadan, you returned home to Chaya’s rematch with RaditzSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/, Karn2019-06-02 13 
3562349Saiyan Conqueror Quest 90Karn and Bardock spar, children are named, Karn discovered a weakness, then a sluggish enemy appearsSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/, 2019-06-09 13 
66593561Dwarven Lore and Culture Thread/tg/ comes together to write out fluff and lore for dwarves! A useful resource for anyone worldbuilding or playing as a dwarf!Dwarf, Dwarves, Dwarven, Lore, Fluff, Worldbuilding, Oddly comfy,2019-06-12 0 
3577871 RepairBon Quest part 1Withered Bonnie wakes up, greets some new arrivals, and has a showdown with an age-old rival.repairbueno, collaborative game, five nights at freddys, fnaf, 5n@f, withered, toy, bonnie, repair, robots, dark, spooky atmosphere2019-06-16 4 
3576687Saiyan Conqueror Quest 91Karn and Meloka face down Lord Slug’s invading forces, another time traveler makes himself known, and an ancient finally passes on.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/2019-06-16 12 
3562913Undying King Quest #1In which we awaken to insolent adventurers and a broken kingdom.King, Kingdom, Ghost, Wraith, Fantasy, Cleric, Addventurers, Will eventually become a Civ Quest, Undying King Quest, Goodbye QM2019-06-25 3 
3612473Saiyan Conqueror Quest 92After a week of rest following the former Guardian’s passing, Karn rejoins with special allies to fight an old returning foeSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2019-06-30 12 
July 2019
3631073Saiyan Conqueror Quest 93After meeting a strange little girl, Karn learns of yet another threat headed towards New Salda, and begins training for the battle to come.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2019-07-07 11 
3654616Saiyan Conqueror Quest 94After taking Caulifla to Joseph, the old man revealing many of her Stand’s secrets, training continues, and Towa needs help.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/,2019-07-14 11 
3629683Panzer Commander Quest #50Richter Von Tracht enters UGZ-07, and violence between two sides he has tried to himself between is inevitable.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks,2019-07-19 1 
3676233Saiyan Conqueror Quest 95Karn faces down Koruza’s Stand, then after trying to train well above his limits, and got a taste of a new power, Towa fixed Karn’s heartSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/2019-07-21 11 
August 2019
3720687Saiyan Conqueror Quest 96Training continues, and Karn discovers what Chaya and her friends had been up to.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Quest, Karn, /qst/, DBZ2019-08-04 13 
3737179Saiyan Conqueror Quest 97Training for the coming invasion reaches it’s final stages, and a new threat appears.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/,2019-08-11 13 
3755650Saiyan Conqueror Quest 98Karn and Raven battle invading demons, another child reaches the next level, and Karn decides his next mission.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, /qst, Karn, DBZ, 2019-08-19 13 
3773928Saiyan Conqueror Quest 99A practice fight against Hatchiyack in another timeline becomes an all-out brawl with the Time PatrolSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, /qst/, Karn2019-08-26 11 
September 2019
3801390Saiyan Conqueror Quest 100Karn battles the Time Patrol and Trunks mans up, earning Karn’s respect.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, /qst/ Karn, DBZ2019-09-09 20 
3816578Saiyan Conqueror Quest 101After speaking with the Supreme Kai of Time herself, Karn was ko’d and sent to some sort of prison.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2019-09-15 14 
3831407Saiyan Conqueror Quest 102Karn fights Gotenks, then convinces Trunks to take a stand against the Supreme Kai of Time before once more descending into DarkSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, 2019-09-23 14 
October 2019
3799401Champagne HighA jealous ex exacts her revenge Collective Game, Champagne High, One Shot, Rape, Wedding2019-10-02 1 
3858662Saiyan Conqueror Quest 103Karn battles what lurks in the Dark, and then meets a familiar face.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, DBZ, /qst/, Saiyan, Karn2019-10-07 13 
3868217Saiyan Conqueror Quest 104 Karn releases an ancient Darkness, claims a magical sword, then finally returns home.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/,2019-10-13 11 
3879587Saiyan Conqueror Quest 105After finding Nefarious in the ship’s bridge, Karn gathered his crew, brought in the tech specialists, and faced a powerful Sith.GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, DBZ, Karn, Saiyan, /qst/,2019-10-20 11 
3872149Harddrive 1Playing the beta of a mmo about the great mech war, you find yourself caught in the middle of a worker rebellion.Mecha, Collective Game, EIA Intertainment, Harddrive2019-10-22 0 
3890216Saiyan Conqueror Quest 106The hunt for the traitor begins, Meloka shows off her skills, and Karn is nearly assassinatedSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Quest, DBZ, Karn, /qst/, 2019-10-27 11 
November 2019
3913792Saiyan Conqueror Quest 107Karn confronts a traitor, then the Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans beginsSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Quest, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2019-11-10 11 
3926360Saiyan Conqueror Quest 108Karn takes the battle to the Dark Planet, where he comes face-to-face with old enemiesSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/,2019-11-17 11 
3937928Saiyan Conqueror Quest 109 Karn and his allies battle the Destron Gas and the ghosts of the past, then Karn faces himselfSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/, Karn2019-11-24 9 
December 2019
3946638Saiyan Conqueror Quest 110Karn and Freeza face down the Tuffle hate machine Hatchiyack, and some uninvited guests crash the party.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, 2019-12-01 10 
3956424Saiyan Conqueror Quest 111Karn and his allies battle the ancient evil sealed beneath New Salda long agoSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2019-12-08 9 
3969444Saiyan Conqueror Quest 112In which Towa and family come to visit, and Broly spars with his half-demon brother Maza.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2019-12-15 8 
3961955Reality Warper QuestWe become a goddess, grant superpowers, make anime real, and still get nervous talking to a cute catboy.Reality Warper Quest, Goddess, Anime, Catboys, Collective Game2019-12-29 1 
3992553Saiyan Conqueror Quest 113Broly and Maza’s fight wraps up, Karn shows Future Chaya his sword skills, then Milha and Chilli have a magical showdown.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Quest, /qst/, Karn, DBZ,2019-12-30 8 
January 2020
4001933Saiyan Conqueror Quest 114Milha and Chilli’s match concludes, then Karn’s family splits up to explore the M’lurn ruins.GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, Saiyan, /qst/, DBZ,2020-01-05 8 
3992422Isekai Quest (Mythic RPG) #5(Dream Xianxia) Mark and Chase explore a small Buddhist sect inside of a stable dreamscape.Buddhism, Collective Game, Dream, Isekai, Mythic, RPG, Xianxia2020-01-09 -2 
4015399Saiyan Conqueror Quest 115Searching the M’lurnian ruins with Aku, Karn learns more of Aku and his past, and comes face-to-face with Aku’s family.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, DBZ,2020-01-12 8 
4032481Saiyan Conqueror Quest 116After leaving the M’lurnian ruins, Caulifla goes oj a magical trip and a spy is found.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/, 2020-01-19 8 
4004521Panzer Commander Quest #57A drawing of cards, a change in perspective. Richter takes a break for a bit.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Suddenly Tanks2020-01-22 1 
February 2020
4061665Saiyan Conqueror Quest 117After Karn kills a Hive assassin, Freeza declares war, Karn learns more of Future Chaya’s past, and Chilli makes a declaration of warSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, DBZ, 2020-02-03 8 
4088981Saiyan Conqueror Quest 118Karn learns of Cero ‘Trasum, one of the late Arbiter’s men who is preparing to challenge Chaya for her title of ChampionSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, DBZ,2020-02-17 8 
4060102Alternate History - Against all OddsThe last denizens of a destroyed civilisation settle in a swamp. Writing is discovered, bronze acquired and contact made with our neighboursciv, collective game, alternate history, against all odds2020-02-20 11 
4101058Saiyan Conqueror Quest 119In which Karn puts Chaya through a month of intense training, readying her for the fight of her life.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Quest, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2020-02-24 8 
March 2020
4112369Saiyan Conqueror Quest 120Karn’s eldest daughter and Dreadzone’s reigning Champion Chaya fights the Sangheili Cero ‘Trasum in the battle of her life.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-03-01 10 
4125729Saiyan Conqueror Quest 121Karn begins his preparations for the upcoming war with the Hive and their new Queen.GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, DBZ, Saiyan, /qst/, 2020-03-08 8 
4094236Wild Wasteland NRP Transmission #1The Wasteland awakes, and the surviving lives of the Wasteland explore the ruins of the old world.He Who Meddles, NRP, Collective Game, Wild Wasteland2020-03-14 1 
4138033Saiyan Conqueror Quest 122Where Karn learns just how much he doesn’t know, and Chaya grows up a little more.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Quest, /qst/, Karn, DBZ,2020-03-15 10 
4093206Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 2Brick houses are developed, Morcantaz integrated into the kingdom and Aitlaz dies.Collective game, alternate history, civ, alternate history - against all odds2020-03-17 5 
4149341Saiyan Conqueror Quest 123Karn gets some insight and a new perspective from his father, then training begins in earnest.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-03-22 10 
4161168Saiyan Conqueror Quest 124Karn battles Golden Oozaru Vegeta, speaks with a rising god, then the Ginyu Force returns!Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Quest, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2020-03-30 10 
April 2020
4134597Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 3Rebellion sweeps the kingdom, currency is invented and a network of roads built.Collective game, alternate history, civ, alternate history - against all odds 2020-04-04 4 
4189246Saiyan Conqueror Quest 125After battling the Ginyu Force, Karn travels to the home of the Crimson Demons in search of his son Chilli.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, /qst/, Karn, DBZ2020-04-12 10 
4202445Saiyan Conqueror Quest 126After defeating the Destroyer, Karn and Chilli fight an undead army attacking the Crimson DemonsGrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-04-19 9 
4216922Saiyan Conqueror Quest 127Karn returns from the Crimson Demons’ world, only to be reacquainted with Turles and the Tamaraneans, then time is invaded once moreSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2020-04-26 9 
May 2020
4231950Saiyan Conqueror Quest 128With a little help from an unexpected ally, Karn battles Golden Metal Cooler, then Dragon Force evolves and Karn learns more about Turles.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2020-05-03 17 
4198935Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 5Onizar takes the throne and fights off invasionCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2020-05-06 1 
4244768Saiyan Conqueror Quest 129The day of Arctus and the massive Lucrehulk’s arrival finally arrives, and Karn gets his first taste of the war to come.GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, DBZ, Saiyan, /qst/2020-05-10 10 
4271514Saiyan Conqueror Quest 130After testing B7’s Super power, the massive Lucrehulk ship finally takes off from New Salda.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Quest, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2020-05-24 9 
4239296Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 6life in the kingdom returns to normal, the road network receives a vast extensionCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2020-05-25 2 
June 2020
4284464Saiyan Conqueror Quest 131Karb pushes his newest student to new heights, then battles an enemy saboteur.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, Quest, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-06-02 11 
4304831Saiyan Conqueror Quest 132The long-awaited battle with the Covenant begins on Planet Ra’SalSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, /qst/, Karn, DBZ2020-06-14 11 
4313996Saiyan Conqueror Quest 133The first battle comes to a close, and Karn chooses his next mission.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Quest, Karn, /qst/,2020-06-21 11 
4286230Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 7further syncreticism, advances in art and literature, invention of walls and mending family relationsCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2020-06-25 2 
4325374Saiyan Conqueror Quest 134The battle moves to Planet Navlan, where Karn realizes just how much stronger he’s become before meeting a familiar face.GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-06-28 11 
July 2020
4338268Saiyan Conqueror Quest 135Karn learns of his daughter Future Chaya and her adoptive mother Towa’s home being destroyed, then returns to battle on NavlanSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/,2020-07-05 15 
4362219Saiyan Conqueror Quest 136Karn returns to the Lucrehulk after several intense battles, resumes training his students, then the Covenant Fleet attacksSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-07-19 12 
August 2020
4394184Saiyan Conqueror Quest 137The battle for Ealen IV rages on, Karn battles another sneaky Stand then sees the Covenant strategist’s workSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-08-09 12 
4406080Saiyan Conqueror Quest 138After returning to the Lucrehulk, Karn faces down yet another enemy Stand user, before learning of a dangerous yet powerful techniqueSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/,2020-08-21 13 
4385176Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 8Loiur becomes a God, civil war ensuesCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2020-08-23 2 
74474446/tg/ designs an original fantasy pantheon/tg/ designs an original fantasy pantheonworldbuilding, setting, pantheon, deity, deities, god, gods, godess, goddesses, monotheism,2020-08-23 0 
74513689Let's Roll an Incestuous PantheonIn the beginning, there was the Sun and the Moon, and they begat six sons and daughters. Some say everything from there was a mistake.worldbuilding, pantheon, deity, deities, god, goddesses, forge, myth, incest2020-08-24 14 
74520663Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #2The Eldest brother of the Forge made himself known, the anvil to his younger brother's hammer, and did it again... and again... and again..worldbuilding, pantheon, deity, deities, god, goddesses, forge, myth, incest2020-08-25 8 
74540969Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #3Demigods start being born and the Harvest Goddess starts proves how fertile her fields are.worldbuilding, pantheon, deity, deities, god, goddesses, forge, myth, incest2020-08-26 6 
4427273Saiyan Conqueror Quest 139Karn battles the Arbiter on Sanghelios, a secret is revealed, and a fighter achieves a new level of powerSaiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-08-31 13 
September 2020
4421839Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 9Bendirigz II ascends to the throne, kingdom nearly collapsesCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2020-09-12 1 
4447939Saiyan Conqueror Quest 140Karn battles King Vegeta once more on Sanghelios, them after catching up with the kids receives some terrible news.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-09-19 13 
4466682Saiyan Conqueror Quest 141Now free of the crystals and out of the healing pods, Karn reconnects with his allies on Sanghelios before visiting homeSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/,2020-09-27 13 
October 2020
4487232Saiyan Conqueror Quest 142Karn tests Tomitsu’s power, returns to training, and learns of further interference from Mechikabura.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, /qst/, Karn, DBZ2020-10-11 12 
4462665Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 10reign of KazazakCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2020-10-20 2 
4506001Saiyan Conqueror Quest 143Plans are made, Karn spends some quality time with Karn Jr, then the battles for the Sylvaas system finally begin.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-10-25 12 
November 2020
44860033QM-NRP#1 - the beginning3QM-NRP is a Semi-Freeform game where you roleplay as a fantasy nation. The point of the game is not to win, but to create stories and a liv3QM, NRP, daddy, map-game2020-11-09 6 
4533959Saiyan Conqueror Quest 144The battles for the Sylvaas system conclude, Karn saves a man, then Arctus reveals troubling information.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-11-16 11 
4500859Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 11lazy neurotic teen wants to return to monke, becomes king insteadCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2020-11-18 1 
December 2020
4559644Saiyan Conqueror Quest 145Karn confronts an intruder, meets the Black Dragons, and things get more complicated.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, Quest, DBZ, /qst/,2020-12-06 11 
45266143QM-NRP#2 - Electrum Bogaloo3QM-NRP is a Semi-Freeform game where you roleplay as a fantasy nation. The point of the game is not to win. This time lot's of nightmares.3QM, NRP, daddy, map-game2020-12-14 4 
4576833Saiyan Conqueror Quest 146Karn’s older children join him on the Lucrehulk, Freeza reveals his plans, and Raditz shows that he has become a man.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2020-12-20 11 
4539843Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 12King loses his shit, goes missing, military regency, return of kingCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2020-12-24 0 
January 2021
4591169Saiyan Conqueror Quest 147The final battle of the Great War begins as Karn, Meloka, Freeza and King Vegeta infiltrate High Charity itself.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/, 2021-01-07 11 
45702973QM-NRP#3 - will the Shogun die already???3QM-NRP is a Semi-Freeform game where you roleplay as a fantasy nation. The point of the game is not to win. This time we fought da Shogun3QM, NRP, daddy, map-game2021-01-14 5 
4608811Saiyan Conqueror Quest 148Karn battles Carnival Forever, and then comes face to face with Truth once more.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn , /qst/, DBZ, 2021-01-17 11 
4617520Saiyan Conqueror Quest 149Karn versus Lyin’ Eyes Requiem in a battle for the fate of the entire universe.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ, SCQ, GDQM, /qst/, 2021-01-24 17 
4585081Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 13more roads, better roads, dikes and barbariansCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2021-01-30 0 
4627743Saiyan Conqueror Quest 150A new day dawns, and a new chapter begins on a united universe.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, DBZ, Karn, Saiyan, /qst/, 2021-01-31 11 
February 2021
4661486Saiyan Conqueror Quest 151Karn talks with friends, visits with the scientists and checks up on B7, then a deadly experiment escapes it’s containmentSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, DBZ, Karn, Saiyan, /qst/, 2021-02-21 11 
March 2021
4683447Saiyan Conqueror Quest 152In which Karn travels once more into the M’lurnian ruins, discovers a secret, then a new face arrives on New SaldaSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/, 2021-03-08 11 
4645734Wild Wasteland V2 NRP Thread #1HWD is a lazy bastard who only does 1 turn every week and a half. Let's hope things get better. The Wasteland opens to it's new denizens.NRP, Collective Game, map game, HWD, Wild Wasteland V2, Grunling Shroom, He Who Meddles 2021-03-16 0 
April 2021
4675543Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 14war, war never changes, war has changedCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2021-04-04 0 
4703081Saiyan Conqueror Quest 153After learning of Future Chaya’s fate, Karn battles a Shokan then starts back training his students.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2021-04-06 11 
4736237Saiyan Conqueror Quest 154In which an assassin trying to steal a magical medallion turns into an all-out war in another realmSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2021-04-18 8 
May 2021
4778405Loric RhenneLoric of the Rhenne household is requested by his uncle, head of the family, to investigate an attack on one of their vassal's territories.Not-Jaime Lannister MC, Middle-Ages-esque setting, No Magic (For Now)2021-05-01 0 
4728809Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme #2GBDNATE, madscience, monstergirls, genderbender, psychicLeo Moreau infiltrates a middle school in the disguise of an exchange student! Complications ensue...2021-05-03 2 
4790770Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 35Shinji deals with a pesky goddess.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Goddess2021-05-05 9 
4725976Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 15New king new problemsCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2021-05-08 0 
4781857Saiyan Conqueror Quest 155Back from another dimension, Karn witnesses King Cold’s full power before fighting the sneakiest of mechanical assassins. Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2021-05-10 10 
4812009Saiyan Conqueror Quest 156In which Chilli attempts to get married to his fellow chuuni Megumin.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/,2021-05-30 10 
June 2021
4854967Saiyan Conqueror Quest 157The Time Patrol crashes Chilli’s wedding, and the consequences of their war with Mechikabura become more apparentSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/, 2021-06-06 15 
4882952Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 43Manaka shows herself.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Goddess2021-06-21 3 
4879017Saiyan Conqueror Quest 158The day after, a simple breakfast run turns into a battle against a dragon.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, 2021-06-27 10 
4837303Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 16Two short reigns coming to an endCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2021-06-28 0 
4896611Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 44Shinji speaks with his mother. Also the Fourth Carnival is probably here. Probably.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Goddess2021-06-29 4 
July 2021
4902025Saiyan Conqueror Quest 159Training continuesSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/, Karn, 2021-07-10 9 
August 2021
4940598Saiyan Conqueror Quest 160Kars attempts to kidnap Tanya, then Karn discovers another hidden secret beneath the waves.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/,2021-08-02 10 
4966147Saiyan Conqueror Quest 161In which a demon crashes on New Salda, and an important training decision is madeSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/,2021-08-22 11 
September 2021
4926327Panzer Commander Quest #72The Battle of Sundersschirm takes place- Richter's part in it, at least. An odd child is found in its midst.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2021-09-03 6 
4982695Saiyan Conqueror Quest 162After battling an ancient, long-sealed god, Karn returns to training until a new tournament begins.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2021-09-08 11 
4957209HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management QuestYou're an amnesiac administrator tasked with running one of P-Company's latest facilities. Only coffee is keeping you sane.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Please don't sue me HeartQM, Coffee Addiction 2021-09-21 25 
October 2021
4964739Lolimort Quest #1Tammy Morgana Riddle seeks eternity, a life where she will never grow old and die. Lucky for her, she's a witch.Lolimort Quest, Tammy Morgana Riddle, CHARISMA, gymnastics, witch mc, rich mc, Harry Potter, evil mc, loli mc, Rose is best footstool2021-10-01 7 
5014596Saiyan Conqueror Quest 163More young fighters reveal their hidden powers as the tournament heats upSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2021-10-04 11 
5029750Saiyan Conqueror Quest 164The tournament continues into the quarterfinals, where the fighters show off their full, world breaking and reality-rending powers.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/, 2021-10-17 11 
November 2021
5015255Lolimort Quest #2First spells learned, an interview with an Irishman, and a stroll through the slums.Lolimort Quest, Tammy Morgana Riddle, CHARISMA, Rich Witch Bitch, Timmy is a good noodle 2021-11-13 3 
5041917Saiyan Conqueror Quest 165The Main Man himself crashes the tournament, and Karn unleashes a power not seen in millenia.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/, 2021-11-14 11 
5023776HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #2.1Crossover with a better quest, autistic amounts of catalogs, and some new horrible anomalies. what more could you ask for?Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, guess who the lesbians are, Coffee Addiction2021-11-28 14 
December 2021
5073460Saiyan Conqueror Quest 167The tournament concludes with the winners of Broly vs Kakarot and Chilli vs Chaya battling it outSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, 2021-12-04 11 
5054667Saiyan Conqueror Quest 166Karn faces his inner demons and the Semi-Finals between Broly and Kakarot heat up.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/2021-12-11 10 
January 2022
5104857Saiyan Conqueror Quest 168After the New Salda youth tournament, Karn and his family visit with Towa, but mysteries lurk in the shadows.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, /qst/, DBZ, Karn, 2022-01-06 8 
5077149HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #3Another floor to manage, some dicking about, and a perspective shift to a certain charming EFT agent.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, QM gets the coof and nearly dies, Coffee Addiction, the wild ride begins2022-01-16 10 
5132219Saiyan Conqueror Quest 169Karn spends time with the other side of his family, learning more of them before an unexpected guest arrivesSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Karn, Saiyan, DBZ, /qst/,2022-01-29 8 
5090250Panzer Commander #74A secret operation with an important mission takes place. Yet Richter is nowhere near it...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2022-01-30 6 
March 2022
5161997Saiyan Conqueror Quest 170A secret is discovered, and a Darkness repelled.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, DBZ, Karn, Saiyan, /qst/,2022-03-05 8 
5130116HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #4After spending a moment in the shoes of Gamma, your next shift was spent dealing with one anomaly and beating the shit outta another.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, the QM will try to update faster please trust him2022-03-05 10 
5154960Internet GoddessInternet Goddess is pulled from her neet life and is thrown into the world of actual Gods. Internet Goddes Quest, Quest 2022-03-06 7 
5146871Panzer Commander Quest #75The operation to destroy Garten comes to a close. Richter's unit pushes forth into Netilland.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2022-03-12 5 
5186446Saiyan Conqueror Quest 171After a week spent with Towa and his half-demon family, Karn then said farewell to his father Tatsu.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-03-18 10 
April 2022
5207664Saiyan Conqueror Quest 172Karn says his farewells after Tatsu's departure, as life settles down.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-04-01 11 
5223876Saiyan Conqueror Quest 173In which Karn battles assassins alongside Tanya before visiting Chilli and Megumin's new home.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-04-11 10 
5206601Internet Goddess 2 Internet Goddess is pulled from her neet life and is thrown into the world of actual Gods. Internet Goddes Quest, Quest, 2022-04-24 3 
5196847HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #5 An American soldier is finally put to rest, cowboys prepare to invade, and C-0RA finally took her meds.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, Emily is a good robot2022-04-26 7 
May 2022
5249075Saiyan Conqueror Quest 174In which Karn saves Turles from the brink of death, then helps him confront Princess Komand’r over the fate of their daughter, Ticho.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2022-05-08 10 
5219247Panzer Commander Quest #76A duel with a devil. The end of the Lances' war, the long awaited return home.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities, terrible romance, ginger midget in lingerie2022-05-12 6 
5276287Saiyan Conqueror Quest 175Chaya departs on her greatest challenge yet, then Broly displays the depths of his power before a familiar face returns to New Salda.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-05-22 10 
June 2022
5293274Saiyan Conqueror Quest 176In which the undersea battle to eradicate the Mindslayers turns into an all-out assault on the Abyssal TrenchSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/2022-06-06 11 
5316488Saiyan Conqueror Quest 177The battle with the Abyss and what lurks therein reaches its peakSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-06-27 12 
July 2022
5340818Saiyan Conqueror Quest 178Chaya has her greatest challenge yet for her title of Champion, and deals with the aftermath.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-07-18 10 
85357735/tg/ throws shit at the wall #16 - grundiddy-i gromplos edition/tg/ adds add grundiddy-i gromplos and the nomadic kopwunrias to the setting.grundiddy-i gromplos, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-07-24 -22 
August 2022
5356952Saiyan Conqueror Quest 179The Shogun of Sorrow returns, secrets are revealed, and the twins gather their first conquering team.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, DBZ, Karn, /qst/, 2022-08-02 10 
85499731Grundiddy-i Gromplos World #17Grundiddy-i Gromplos is discussed further.grundiddy-i gromplos, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-08-04 -22 
85565926The World of Grundiddy-i Gromplos #1/tg/ comes together and makes an interesting settinggrundiddy-i gromplos, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-08-08 -22 
5324415Against All Odds part 1Lost caveman tribe emerges in the SaharaCiv, Alternate History, Collective Game, Against All Odds2022-08-13 0 
5371536Saiyan Conqueror Quest 180Karn visits with family, first with Chilli at the Crimson Demon Village then with Towa, their half-demon children and Future Chaya.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2022-08-14 10 
5354220Internet Goddess Internet Goddess is pulled from her neet life and is thrown into the world of actual Gods. Internet Goddes Quest, Quest, 2022-08-23 1 
5385310Saiyan Conqueror Quest 181Karn spends time with Towa and that side of the family before returning home, then Karn sees King Cold's true might before learning a secreSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-08-28 8 
September 2022
5399737Saiyan Conqueror Quest 182The Queen of New Salda tournament kicks off with a bang, the women showing new levels of power and determination.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/, 2022-09-12 12 
October 2022
5421474Saiyan Conqueror Quest 183Karn and his allies join King Cold in the assault on the Remnants in search of the wizard Babidi.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-10-02 10 
5434488Saiyan Conqueror Quest 184The Battle of Planet Namek takes place, Karn makes his choice and the Ginyu Force show off what their teamwork can really do.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-10-16 11 
5446240Saiyan Conqueror Quest 185With the Remnants finished off, life returns to normal on New Salda as everyone prepares for the future.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-10-30 10 
November 2022
5468286Saiyan Conqueror QUest 186A confrontation with the hacker Milluki turns into a war with the Zoldyck clan of assassins.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-11-20 11 
December 2022
5451197Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 01The Twaryian Invasion of Vynmark begins- and a motley force goes to their first battle.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2022-12-01 12 
5433671HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #6After almost half a year of silence, you go back to being the Administrator to put down some fucking cowboys.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, no more long hiatuses without due notice2022-12-02 6 
5484289Saiyan Conqueror Quest 187Chaya battles the former Champion Soba, Planet Yardrat is conquered, and children grow upSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-12-04 8 
5435965Remnant God Quest Sedjet, the reborn Goddess of Love, finds humanity weak and on the brink of extinction. Remnant God Quest, Sedjet, The Eye, Goddess, Ancient Egypt, Love2022-12-12 10 
5507562Saiyan Conqueror Quest 188The children continue growing up, fathers are mentored, and the inevitable Battle of Gods draws ever closer.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2022-12-25 8 
5461059Moonbase Quest #1James Chapham works for his father in the Triton Trading Company as a subversive advisor under Ksumi Kariya, princess of Arien IV.Collective Game, Quest, LunaticQM, Moonbase Quest, Sci-fi, goddamnitIdidn'tfinishmyreviewbeforethethreadexpired2022-12-26 1 
January 2023
5481565Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 02Immediately after their first battle, the Ad-Hoc battalion assaults the town of Kobberhus- and finds mysteries in wait.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-01-01 12 
5522219Saiyan Conqueror Quest 189Karn rescues Lobo and a Kryptonian before his daughter continues her Dreadzone comeback against the Red Knight.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-01-08 8 
5493415Rise of the Awakened #2The human asks for some clothes, Kinny and Bobby rob a store, Mog and the human make a deal, revelations abound, a fox is rescued.Collective Game, Roleplay, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Goddamn Lizard People, Mog, Kinny, Bobby, Jenkins, Rick's creepy robot, Draconians2023-01-14 5 
5493112HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #7A jobbed fight, a bizarre dream, two temporary anomalies to wrangle, and the Eye staring down at you. You're shocked you haven't gone mad.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, I actually fear my players when they shitpost2023-01-15 5 
5548342Saiyan Conqueror Quest 190Karn confronts Freeza about the events of the Battle of Namek before learning a secret Ubo discovered, then Broly achieves new heights.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-01-29 8 
February 2023
5564458Saiyan Conqueror Quest 191Karn learns more of Chilli's world before the Tamaranean Queen arrives and a trial is held for Koriand'r lifeSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-02-12 14 
5533728 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #8A child finally leaves the nest, time itself crashes down upon the facility, and an AI has to wrangle the facility after the fact.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, people kinda forget Spamton isn't a funny haha man2023-02-21 6 
March 2023
5546421Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 1A bunch of camp work is done up, then, despite the victories on the front, the unit must retreat...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-03-02 12 
5588693Saiyan Conqueror Quest 192In which Karn's granddaughter Meloka Wolbach has her first birthday where absolutely nothing goes wrong.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-03-05 14 
5605819Saiyan Conqueror Quest 193In which Karn has the battle of his life with Goku and the Time Patrol after they invade Meloka Wolbach's first birthday celebration.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-03-19 14 
April 2023
5588058Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 2The Battle of Jagterfisk Pools continues- right when it seems to be over, there is another foe...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-04-06 10 
5622455Saiyan Conqueror Quest 194In which Karn battles a fifth dimensional being before confronting the King Cold and Ubo conflict head onSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-04-16 10 
5643118Saiyan Conqueror Quest 195After defeating the Doom come to the Kryptonian's adoptive homneworld Karn traveled with Ubo to King Cold's realm, and a Requiem is born.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-04-30 8 
May 2023
5636306Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 3The Battalion finds victory, in spite of all the weapons deployed against them. Yet will it last?Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-05-03 10 
5662933Saiyan Conqueror Quest 196The fated rematch between Tanya and Chaya begins, the two women giving their all in the fight of their livesSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-05-14 8 
June 2023
5674138Saiyan Conqueror Quest 197Chilli demonstrates his newfound power and skill, he and his father Karn have a rematch with a god, then trouble arrives at King Cold's.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-06-04 7 
5684453Saiyan Conqueror Quest 198Karn and Cell fight Zamasu and Janemba for a Dark Dragon Ball before friends and allies grow stronger, then a conquering god appears again.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-06-18 7 
July 2023
5700587Saiyan Conqueror Quest 199Freeza battles Darkseid before Meloka Wolbach shows her hidden power, then the Battle of Gods beginsSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-07-09 7 
5712650Saiyan Conqueror Quest 200The Battle of Gods begins, with Karn and Meloka both attaining greater power to face the God of Destruction Beerus.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-07-16 7 
August 2023
5729211Saiyan Conqueror Quest 201After battling the Destroyer Beerus, Karn started adjusting to the newfound level of Berserker powerSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-08-06 7 
5740287Saiyan Conqueror Quest 202The first visit to Towa's realm after battling the God of Destruction turns into a battle, Karn once again battling what lurks in the AbyssSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-08-27 8 
5709549Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 04The final battle begins- the fate of Vynmark is unknowingly decided as east and west converge.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-08-28 10 
September 2023
5720288Europe 1000 A.D.The nations of Medieval Europe contest each other between long wait times and rolls. Alliances are forged and two power blocs emerge.Collective Game, Skirmish, Nations, Europe, Medieval, Middle Ages, 1000ADMapGameHost, Christianity, Paganism, Multiplayer, Crusade2023-09-05 0 
5750090Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish - FinaleThe war does not end for Vynmark- but the story of the Hageldorf Combined Battalion does.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-09-16 10 
5759311Saiyan Conqueror Quest 203In which Karn reaches a new possibility with his Berserker power, confronts Chronoa and her Time Patrol at the dawn of a new year.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-09-17 7 
October 2023
5778542Saiyan Conqueror Quest 204With the new year new alliances are formed and an old battlefield revisited before a divine threat once more appears.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-10-07 7 
5795044Saiyan Conqueror Quest 205Karn battles the last Arbiter Khor 'Vadam and learns of a secret before returning home, discovering an assassination attempt by a new threaSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-10-23 6 
5809868Saiyan Conqueror Quest 206Meloka returns from her training with Whis in the divine realm just in time for Chaya's true nature to be revealed.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-10-30 7 
November 2023
5796950Cleaner QuestYou are Nicole Smith, a Cleaner with untapped anomalous powers. Your goal is succeed in your missions and get THAT CASH.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, schizo girls are neat2023-11-09 32 
5790785Dragon of Middle-Earth QuestA young drake leaves home to garner his own hoard, sixty years after Smaug’s invasion of Erebor.Dragon, Lord of the Rings, Middle-Earth,2023-11-20 5 
5834591Saiyan Conqueror Quest 207After Karn and Meloka defeated a being wielding a god within a ring, they returned home before an old friend asks for a favor.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-11-26 7 
December 2023
5851383Saiyan Conqueror Quest 208In which Demongo, CFR and Babidi are battled in the world of the dead before a Junior unlocks the first hint of his latent potential.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-12-10 5 
5859064Fate Catastrophe/Superposition #2After a heart to heart with Avenger, Marshall finds out he is to head off to Russia. Meeting the competiton before his plane crashesFate, Fate Catastrophe/Superposition, Grail War, Servants, Hassan of 1,000 IP Addresses2023-12-23 0 
5829969Cyberpunk Quest #1Kai's father, an NCPD netrunner, is killed during a cyber psycho attack on New Years - A conspiracy is afoot, and Kai seeks the truth.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, flirt with cars, nomads2023-12-27 25 
5866902Saiyan Conqueror Quest 209After Kazuburo's first birthday and sparring with Chaya, Karn and Guldo team up to save the Ginyu Force from an ancient evil slime.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2023-12-27 5 
January 2024
5883539Saiyan Conqueror Quest 210The Battle of Conton CitySaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-01-06 7 
5850165Cleaner Quest #2After wiping out a gang and helping an old man with his regrets, you now have to worry about someone hunting you down. Good luck.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Nicole is rapidly approaching your location. 2024-01-11 24 
February 2024
5897348Saiyan Conqueror Quest 211Karn confronts an unexpected inner demon after the battle with the Time Patrol and scheming Demon God.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-02-01 7 
5877267Loveless Gal (and those damned females)Addicted to masturbation and bloodletting, Gal feels stuck in life - but one fateful evening puts him on the path of healing once more. loveless gal quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, romance, addiction, incest, historical trivia2024-02-06 7 
5913945Saiyan Conqueror Quest 212The day after Conton City fell and Karn defeated Demon God Dumplin, Freeza brings a revelation. And a warning.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-02-07 7 
5893937Cleaner Quest #3After gambling your way out of a bad situation, you managed to kill a fed and talked to a weird abnormality. Life's looking okay so far.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Nicole loves you.2024-02-27 19 
March 2024
5893490Dragon of Middle-Earth Quest #2Thrakaburzum seeks out a group of orcs and interrogates them to learn more about their presence in the Grey Mountains.Dragon, Lord of the Rings, Middle-Earth,2024-03-03 3 
5934698Saiyan Conqueror Quest 213Karn meets the Heeters, recapturing their base for them before someone makes his daughter cry.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-03-04 7 
5952830Saiyan Conqueror Quest 214Maza challenges King Vegeta IV for the throne, a new threat appears, and preparations for a tournament beginSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/2024-03-25 8 
April 2024
5964863Saiyan Conqueror Quest 215The Tournament of Destroyers, Universe 6 vs Universe 7 begins.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-04-08 7 
5944098Cyberpunk Quest #2Kai continues his search for answers, but mostly just finds more eddies and problems.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, flirt with cars, nomads2024-04-15 12 
5944282Cleaner Quest #4After suddenly growing antlers and beating a powerful anomaly in chess, you wonder if this job is good for your health. Probably isn't!Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Nicole is totally not a furry.2024-04-15 17 
5939459Mobile Suit Gundam: Earth Federation Quest 2Jag finds out his former drill instructor is now his CO as the QM forgets the 3day rule in his fight against the curse.Thread 2.5 will comeGundam, Mecha, Universal Century, UC Gundam, Feddie Quest2024-04-17 2 
5982260Saiyan Conqueror Quest 216In which Karn gains greater control over his power, and a search of ruins leads to a powerful ally finally achieving their completed form.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/2024-04-30 6 
May 2024
5994071Saiyan Conqueror Quest 217Meloka Wolbach's fourth birthday begins, a familiar face returns and the party is crashed by an unexpected being.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-05-24 5 
5985534Cyberpunk Quest #3Kai recovers from his ICE induced coma suffered at the end of the last thread. Thread was cut short due to time constraints.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, fry your own brain, cop mommy2024-05-25 5 
6009071Saiyan Conqueror Quest 218Karn's newest ward, Haathe displays the consequences of using the Berserker Soul to save her life.GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-05-26 5 
5982952Cleaner Quest #5After saving a rich kid trapped inside of a mine, you dive right back underground to explore a P-Corp facility. Odd habit you're developingCollective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Casey is a funny girl, Nicole Smith knows you're reading thi2024-05-29 16 
June 2024
6022798Saiyan Conqueror Quest 219In which Broly and Koriand'r are wed, news of another tournament is delivered, and a warrior ascends to divinity.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-06-17 4 
July 2024
6042234Saiyan Conqueror Quest 220Karn and his allies train for the upcoming second tournament with Universe 6, several warriors unlocking new levels of power.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-07-01 5 
6052814Saiyan Conqueror Quest 221The second Universe 6 & 7 tournament, and then an exhibition match between two terrifically power fusions unfolds before Grand Zen-Oh.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-07-14 5 
6028147Cleaner Quest #6 After killing an anomaly and some feds in your way, you sealed a P-Corp facility shut. You also threw a road roller at a bug. Life is good.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, everything Nicole says is a joke and you should not trust her2024-07-18 13 
August 2024
6072517Saiyan Conqueror Quest 222After the second Universe 6 tournament concluded and his family witnessed Super Shenron, he and his clan returned home to unfamiliar faces.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-08-04 4 
6082595Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223Karn faces off against Towa and her Mira, along with a mysterious figure before learning the truth of the Ctarl-Ctarl's return to New SaldaSaiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-08-18 5 
September 2024
6093528Saiyan Conqueror Quest 224In which Karn discovers that the Tuffles are back, and what their king's final revenge looks like.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-09-02 3 
6071053Cleaner Quest #7 You dealt with the Handler's ex, met an anomaly version of yourself, and killed a gigaspook and doppelganger in District 9. Life's a bitchCollective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Quentin and Lex are best boys, Kill all Glowniggers2024-09-12 11 
6103858Saiyan Conqueror Quest 225In which Karn confronts the reborn Tuffle King Kudamo for the fate of Raditz, his wife and child, and perhaps even the universe itself.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Quest, /qst/, Karn, DBZ,2024-09-15 6 
6072622Loveless Gal in a BindOn the path to rectitude, Kommgal encounters the low company he intended to pursue… and ones he did not. Old wounds do not fade so easily.loveless gal quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, romance, espionage, self harm, buddhism2024-09-27 6 
October 2024
6117168Saiyan Conqueror Quest 226The first steps in establishing a new order are taken, and a new threat shows the first hints of its power.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Quest, /qst/, Karn, DBZ,2024-10-18 4 
6125734Saiyan Conqueror Quest 227Karn learns of secrets kept from him, threats are issued, a new city is planned and Karn meets another Kryptonian.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, GrandDragonQM, SCQ, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-10-27 4 
November 2024
6133998Saiyan Conqueror Quest 228In which a threat is issued, the first steps to building a city are taken, and Karn's previous life is uprootedGrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-11-10 3 
6109639Isekai Cheat Harem #1After being hit by a truck you get a masochistic goddess and start a slave harem in another world. Machines are made and goblins are slain.IseQM, NotIseQM, John Doe, Isekai, Herta, Goddess of Artifice, Steampunk, Mecha, Savant, Slavery, Harem, Slave-Wives, Dungeon, Goblins2024-11-19 7 
6142505Saiyan Conqueror Quest 229In which a new schedule is drafted with the new timezone, and Karn witnesses his children growing up.GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2024-11-22 3 
December 2024
6150025Saiyan Conqueror Quest 230In which Karn confronts a strange space being that tries to interrupt Meloka Wolbach's fifth birthday, then fights a familiar foe.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, /qst/2024-12-09 3 
6159283Cambion Quest: Volume 3Two strange sisters and their monstrous regiment risk it all in a dungeon-crawl, in a podunk patch of woodland beset by war.ReptoidQM, dungeon-crawling, ddwarfs, gnomes, hobbits, orcs, amphibians, intersex, identity crisis, romance, adventure, angst2024-12-17 3 
6157671Saiyan Conqueror Quest 231In which Karn goes to Earth, confronts a Namekian, then finds a time-traveling relative he hadn't known existed.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/, 2024-12-23 3 
6134923Cleaner Quest #8 You brought a person to the future, your apartment blew up, and Casey is doing Casey things. The threat of the glowniggers looms over you.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Benjamin is a dumbass, QM got the coof while writing2024-12-31 8 
January 2025
6170180Saiyan Conqueror Quest 232In which Karn discovers the scale of the looming threat, and begins making preparations to combat this body snatcher.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2025-01-11 3 
6149927Isekai Cheat Harem #2You go to a city, add a cute fox hag to your harem, get money, repel a bandit invasion, and have a mandatory beach episode.NotIseQM, John Doe, Isekai, Herta, Goddess of Artifice, Steampunk, Mecha, Savant, Slavery, Harem, Slave-Wives, War, Bandits, Trade2025-01-23 4 
6178649Saiyan Conqueror Quest 233In which Karn prepares for then battles the forces of Zamasu under Meloka Black in a battle for the fate of Marron's people.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2025-01-28 4 
February 2025
6192012Saiyan Conqueror Quest 234After saving Marron's people, Karn learned of a certain someone's fate, then Earth is explored and a lost child is found.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2025-02-17 1 
March 2025
6201506Saiyan Conqueror Quest 235Karn and his family continue to explore earth, win a small tournament, then Karn comes face-to-face with an unexpected being from his past.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2025-03-03 0 
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