Thread Title Description Tags Added Score March 2009 4022165 /tg/ talks about Gods! Guy is making a homebrew with Gods are a focus and asks /tg/ for ideas on gods/goddess's....awesome ensues. Gods , Goddess's , awesome. 2009-03-19 1 October 2009 6364430 Deathwish Quest 4.75 WE FINALLY MADE THAT DAMN AXE, AND IT IS A FORCE OF NATURE. Charles , Bronson , Deathwish , HOLY , SHIT , WEJUSTKIILEDSOMEGODDAMNDRAGONS 2009-10-21 7 September 2010 12248169 LegoSpace Take every Lego space theme. Toss them together in a blender. Add backstory and backstabbing. The result is this setting. homebrew , lego , space , sci-fi , campaign setting , writefaggotry , The Goddamn Duck 2010-09-28 12 October 2010 12354135 Zerg Quest XV The Second Battle of Aiur rages on, the largest conflict in recorded history. It ends with a goddamn bang.
I'm not going to spoil it for you, but damn. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Kerrigan , Overmind , Aiur , EPIC , Goddamn Feneschal , Since when does CA do screenshots? 2010-10-07 14 12604918 Spooky Zerg Quest II The Master Sergeant develops some interesting side effects after slaughtering thousands of sick-looking Zerg. With evacuation looming, he has to decide just how far he's going to push this. Halloween Zerg Quest Bonus Extravaganza extended! Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Eating your goddamn soul , Mayor McTastyFace 2010-10-29 11 November 2010 12794073 Bad ass things to make into weapons Exactly what it sounds like. Weaponry , Magic , Awesome , Odd , Stabby , Stabby , Stabby 2010-11-15 7 May 2011 15065499 Tales of the Emperasque 6 Someone else. returns to begin the next (and apparently final or second-to-last) arc of the Tales of the Emperasque. writefaggotry , writing , Someone_else. , tarrasque , Emperasque , tales , writefaggotry , writefag , oddish 2011-05-27 30 July 2011 15650845 Zerg Quest L Adun? Xel'Naga? Anon raging at inactivity? We've got it all! Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Railroading , Goddamn cliffhanger 2011-07-21 10 August 2011 15905034 /tg/Guards We take a look at a usual day at the /tg/ City Guard /tg/ , citywatch , town watch , guards , tarrasque , apocalypse , goddamnitcarl 2011-08-12 7 May 2012 19164148 Dorftales /tg/ invades Drowtales three years after everyone stopped giving a fuck. drowtales , dwarf , dorf , dwarfs , dwarves , derpadoo , fuck you for reading this faggot , goddamn get a life 2012-05-20 11 June 2012 19401786 /tg/ Meta Quest 80 Complications in the form of Warhammer 40k portals appear, and we attempt to contain the situation. A failure to properly account for anti-teleportation wards leaves the Indefatigable effectively destroyed, if not completely. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Oh My Goddess! 2012-06-08 11 19447851 /tg/ Meta Quest 81 DRIVE ME CLOSER! I WANT TO HIT THEM WITH MY LOGIC. Lots of progress is made in solving problems through talking. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , Ah! My Goddess , Ahriman , Warhammer , Belldandy , Skuld , SUE , Logic , Rynex is a Weeaboo 2012-06-12 13 19460617 /tg/ Meta Quest 82 We are able to talk things out calmly with Lind, even as Ahriman tries to make a break for it and finds himself stopped in a comic fashion. We have successfully captured 5 of 6 SUE's alive. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , Ah! My Goddess , Ahriman 2012-06-13 12 19496965 /tg/ Meta Quest 83 There's another Meta-Aware Faction mucking around as we work on capturing the last S.U.E. We go on an ice cream and booze run in order secure the cooperation of Skuld and Urd. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Ah! My Goddess! 2012-06-16 11 19524278 TG Quest 84 Victory is ours! Six sues down none to go. Arguments start over final requisitions Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Ah! My Goddess! 2012-06-18 10 May 2013 24956618 Age of the Dragon CYOA turns into world building and fun with GODDAMN dragons. Dragons , World Building , GODDAMN DRAGONS , CYOA 2013-05-21 11 November 2013 28328254 Salem Institute Quest 6: Part 5 Natalia and Gang try to break into Starfish House. Later, Todd Quest! Collective Game , HP-Verse , Harry Potter , Salem , Natalia , Snowball , Todd , Todd Quest 2013-11-17 5 28357904 How would humans survive in a world where everything has been taken Thread goes about how a human civilisation would survive/prosper if the main areas of said world already have been taken by other civilisations. Survivability , Humans , Unsurmountable odds 2013-11-18 3 28441483 Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 7 We get the sniffles. We go to meet Allen after school. Title Screen Unlocked. Collective Game , HP-Verse , Harry Potter , Salem , Natalia , Snowball , Todd , Salem Quest , Mask of Decoudreau , Mask , Decoudreau 2013-11-23 10 December 2013 28587615 Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 7.1 Natalia wakes up. Angela fills her in. They hatch a plan to find Todd. Collective Game , HP-Verse , Harry Potter , Salem , Natalia , Snowball , Todd , Salem Quest , Mask of Decoudreau , Mask , Decoudreau 2013-12-01 5 January 2014 29264363 Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 8 After a string of technology issues, OP rises like a phoenix. Natalia explores mechanics and confronts an old enemy. Collective Game , HP-Verse , Harry Potter , Salem , Natalia , Snowball , Todd , Salem Quest , Mask of Decoudreau , Mask , Decoudreau 2014-01-04 3 29444142 Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 8.2 Natalia investigates the strange tunnels, then learns about Halloween celebrations at Salem. Collective Game , HP-Verse , Harry Potter , Salem , Natalia , Snowball , Todd , Salem Quest , Mask of Decoudreau , Mask , Decoudreau 2014-01-12 1 May 2014 31998126 Oversized Weapon Quest 31 In which we finish up a big sidequest. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Light , Demi-Goddess 2014-05-09 20 March 2015 39033501 Extranatural Enforcer Quest #2 Amber gets sent out by the EnRA to investigate an aborted casting, meets up with a wizard who has appalling taste in cars and even worse taste in manners, finds a lot of very confusing blood and then gets into a shootout with some thugs and something very un-thug-like. Collective Game , Extranatural Enforcer Quest , UncleVinny , Goddammit Danzig 2015-03-31 8 April 2015 39267904 Extranatural Enforcer Quest #5 Amber wakes up in hospital where she learns she was briefly a mage but is thankfully saved from joining the Danzig & Friends Fedora Appreciation Society by the nerds at EnRA. She then gets back to work and arrives at the scene of a rather enthusiastic bout of arson and gets to investigating. Collective Game , Extranatural Enforcer Quest , UncleVinny , Goddammit Danzig 2015-04-11 6 39330338 Extranatural Enforcer Quest #6 Amber begins connecting the dots that point towards a brewing gang war between LLC and TK15, then gets called out to a ongoing magic incident and gets in an altercation with a crackhead who thinks that throwing fireballs around makes him special, it doesn't. Collective Game , Extranatural Enforcer Quest , UncleVinny , Goddammit Danzig 2015-04-14 7 39408104 Extranatural Enforcer Quest #7 Amber get's a visit from The Greater Bathrobe Association of Saintsburgh on her day off, then gets invited to a super secret Christmas party planning session where she finds out one of her coworkers is a lazy cowardly piece of crap and her partner is a bro, hashes out some details for the upcoming festivities, and then resumes her day off activities by drinking with her partner. Collective Game , Extranatural Enforcer Quest , UncleVinny , Goddammit Danzig 2015-04-18 6 39550009 Extranatural Enforcer Quest #10 Jason navigates the minefield that is flirting with a terrifying and horny cougar who knows how to slice you up and stich you back together in order to get medical assistance for the upcoming raid. Amber then kicks the festivities off at the raid by well ventilating the roof and several fae hounds, seriously woman, remember the fundamentals and use your sights. Collective Game , Extranatural Enforcer Quest , UncleGino , Mittens Made With Love , Goddammit Danzig 2015-04-25 6 May 2015 39695078 Extranatural Enforcer Quest 11 Wherein Reinhardt breaks everything: Petunias, Pelvis', and Promises to Promiscuous Physicians. Collective Game , Extranatural Enforcer Quest , UncleGino , Mittens Made With Love , Goddammit Danzig 2015-05-02 6 July 2015 41061483 Extranatural Enforcer Quest 14 In another exciting episode, Jensen chooses her mutatant powers, investigates a house, and employs cleaning products as deadly weapons. Collective Game , Extranatural Enforcer Quest , UncleGino , Goddammit Danzig 2015-07-07 7 41121893 Extranatural Enforcer Quest #15 The Greater Bathrobe Appreciation Society's local representative swings by for a visit while Jensen takes stock of the situation in the house that really needs to be burnt down, they then go troll hunting and Jensen gets to test out the ace up her sleeve before naming her pet symbiote. Collective Game , Extranatural Enforcer Quest , UncleGino , Goddammit Danzig 2015-07-10 5 41249042 Extranatural Enforcer Quest #16 Jenson gets a checkup with the Doc as they discuss Q's progression while the Doc squeals like a fangirl meeting their favorite Mongolian cartoon character, then Jenson gets dragged into the politics of the LL/EnRA alliance and Warrens is still a dipshit coward. Collective Game , Extranatural Enforcer Quest , UncleGino , Goddammit Danzig 2015-07-16 6 August 2015 41999207 Extranatural Enforcer Quest #19 Jensen gets close and personal with a stiff. Collective Game , Extranatural Enforcer Quest , UncleGino , Goddammit Danzig 2015-08-21 5 42075992 Extranatural Enforcer Quest #20 Jenson continues to gather evidence and questions the property owner before grabbing security footage, then has a pleasant chat with Roman the slav. Collective Game , Extranatural Enforcer Quest , UncleGino , Goddammit Danzig 2015-08-25 6 June 2016 47589791 Shipping Container Contents The party has inherited a storage facility, what do? RPG , Shipping Container , Not That Kind of Shipping , Brainstorming , Delta Green , Campaign Fodder 2016-06-04 27 November 2016 797754 The First Take of The One of a Kind Odd Story RPG Quest God Tier's Disasterous First Take of the Odd Story RPG Quest. It's Terrible. Odd Story RPG Quest , God Tier GM , God Tier GM 2016-11-07 0 802744 Odd Story RPG Pt 1: The Stranger who calls you a Avatar When someone is assigned to deliver a package and a new girl at school enters the fray, the adventure enters a whole new level of odd. Odd Story RPG Quest , God Tier GM , God Tier QM 2016-11-11 1 814314 Odd Story RPG Pt 2: Through Trial and Time (Canceled) What could have been a good start to a quest has turned to ruin due to my mom's strict rules of no talking to strangers. Here's the quest Odd Story RPG Quest , God Tier GM , God Tier QM , Canceled 2016-11-12 -1 875456 Oddside Down Part 1 (Moved) This is Gurps powered that was seen in 4chan before moving to another site. Oddside Down , God Tier GM , God Tier GM , Gurps. 2016-11-29 -2 September 2017 1848833 Quest Lyoko 1: Awakening Star presents a quest in which wagons can play no reasonable part... yet. Code Lyoko, adventures in Cyberspace. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Nightwing , Monsters , Gas , Factory 2017-09-11 4 1857442 Quest Lyoko 2: Contact Where we finally decide to expand our social circle, branch out, and meet new people. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Nightwing , Monsters , Gas , Factory 2017-09-13 2 1867815 Quest Lyoko 3: Casualty Xana continues to assert control of the factory. Whilst being mentally stable. Also, intruders. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Nightwing , Monsters , Gas , Factory 2017-09-17 2 1877899 Quest Lyoko 3.5: Discovery Xana has a bad day until he hangs out with Odd. He then decides to take it out on the AI Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Crits , Monsters,Riot , Factory 2017-09-20 2 October 2017 1948505 Quest Lyoko 4: Datamining The Continuation of the Attack from Discovery. X.A.N.A is totally sane right? Of course. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Archive , Monsters , Riot , Factory 2017-10-12 2 1978805 Oddyssey - Dreams of going off world Evelynn is a dirt poor scrub who dreams of a better life, one that will take her away from the block. Oddyssey , Sci-fi , Science Fiction , Fiction , One , 1 , First 2017-10-21 1 2002620 Quest Lyoko 5: School Days Part 1 X.A.N.A Gets bored and thus decides to hang out with his friends via cyber spying and accidentally invading their privacy. Collective Game , Star , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Nightwing , Monsters , Gas , Factory 2017-10-26 2 2017974 Quest Lyoko 5.5: School Days Part 2 X.A.N.A Gets bored and thus decides to hang out with his friends via cyber spying and accidentally invading their privacy. Collective Game , Star , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Nightwing , Monsters , Gas , Factory 2017-10-30 3 November 2017 2089447 Quest Lyoko 6: Recovery After Xana's fun day. We switch perspectives to Sissi and then Odd. Also, GIANT ENEMY KRAB? Collective Game,Star , Wagon,Quest Lyoko , Lyoko , Xana , Odd , Sissi , Boss Fight , Critical Instinct , Krab , Hornets , Kanklerats , Ravine , Kadic 2017-11-25 2 January 2018 2197283 Quest Lyoko 7: Resurgence Xana & Co wake up to some changes. After all, there wasn't a sports festival before we returned to the past; was there? Collective Game , Star , Wagon , Quest Lyoko , Lyoko , Xana , Time Travel , Jeremy , Odd , Ulrich , Yumi , Sissi , AI , Sci Fi , School , Social Links 2018-01-11 2 March 2018 2364361 Metahuman Quest: Issue #14 Morgan wins a boxing match with a gorilla, and is struck by lightning. Quest , Metahuman Quest , Collective Game , DC , SleepyQM , Gray Ghost , Teen Titans , Kid Flash , Gorilla Grodd , Speed Force 2018-03-11 5 April 2018 2423173 Metahuman Quest: Issue #16 Morgan's makes it back to the past and the Titans earn their Tower. Quest , Metahuman Quest , Collective Game , DC , SleepyQM , Gray Ghost , Teen Titans , Future , Batman Beyond , Gorilla Grodd , Slice of Life 2018-04-01 5 58889492 creatively negligent precursors Worldbuilding about precursor civilizations leads to hilarity and the realization that Zeus is That Guy. worldbuilding , precursors , sufficiently advanced , setting , Autism on a Kardashev Scale , goddammit zeus , REEEEEEEE PAPERCLIPS , REMOVE QU, 2018-04-07 5 June 2018 60132302 /tg/ makes a pantheon Worldbuilding for a pantheon's worth of original deities for your fantasy games. worldbuilding , setting , pantheon , religion , deity , god , paladin , cleric , Prim Goddess of Apathy Undead and Junkfood, 2018-06-08 1 October 2018 2980021 Encounter quest V2.0 Follow the adventures/misadventures of an arcane scholar who must entertain death herself. Encounter Quest , Arcane Scholar , Collective Game , Death Goddess , Zaz 2018-10-28 1 November 2018 2999009 Encounter quest V2.0 2 In which Gunhild has fulfilled her vengeance Encounter Quest , Arcane Scholar , Collective Game , Death Goddess , Zaz 2018-11-05 1 3013597 Encounter quest V2.1 3 You gained a new companion to aid you along your journey Encounter Quest , Arcane Scholar , Collective Game , Death Goddess , Zaz 2018-11-11 1 March 2019 3301661 Godzilla Quest A Kaiju QM doesn't finish a thread. Kaiju , Godzilla , Destoroyah , Unfinished , goddammit OP , goddammit me 2019-03-12 -9 June 2019 66593561 Dwarven Lore and Culture Thread /tg/ comes together to write out fluff and lore for dwarves! A useful resource for anyone worldbuilding or playing as a dwarf! Dwarf , Dwarves , Dwarven , Lore , Fluff , Worldbuilding , Oddly comfy, 2019-06-12 0 December 2019 3961955 Reality Warper Quest We become a goddess, grant superpowers, make anime real, and still get nervous talking to a cute catboy. Reality Warper Quest , Goddess , Anime , Catboys , Collective Game 2019-12-29 1 February 2020 4060102 Alternate History - Against all Odds The last denizens of a destroyed civilisation settle in a swamp. Writing is discovered, bronze acquired and contact made with our neighbours civ , collective game , alternate history , against all odds 2020-02-20 11 March 2020 4093206 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 2 Brick houses are developed, Morcantaz integrated into the kingdom and Aitlaz dies. Collective game , alternate history , civ , alternate history - against all odds 2020-03-17 5 April 2020 4134597 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 3 Rebellion sweeps the kingdom, currency is invented and a network of roads built. Collective game , alternate history , civ , alternate history - against all odds 2020-04-04 4 May 2020 4198935 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 5 Onizar takes the throne and fights off invasion Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2020-05-06 1 4239296 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 6 life in the kingdom returns to normal, the road network receives a vast extension Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2020-05-25 2 June 2020 4286230 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 7 further syncreticism, advances in art and literature, invention of walls and mending family relations Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2020-06-25 2 August 2020 4385176 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 8 Loiur becomes a God, civil war ensues Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2020-08-23 2 74474446 /tg/ designs an original fantasy pantheon /tg/ designs an original fantasy pantheon worldbuilding , setting , pantheon , deity , deities , god , gods , godess , goddesses , monotheism, 2020-08-23 0 74513689 Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon In the beginning, there was the Sun and the Moon, and they begat six sons and daughters. Some say everything from there was a mistake. worldbuilding , pantheon , deity , deities , god , goddesses , forge , myth , incest 2020-08-24 14 74520663 Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #2 The Eldest brother of the Forge made himself known, the anvil to his younger brother's hammer, and did it again... and again... and again.. worldbuilding , pantheon , deity , deities , god , goddesses , forge , myth , incest 2020-08-25 8 74540969 Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #3 Demigods start being born and the Harvest Goddess starts proves how fertile her fields are. worldbuilding , pantheon , deity , deities , god , goddesses , forge , myth , incest 2020-08-26 6 September 2020 4421839 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 9 Bendirigz II ascends to the throne, kingdom nearly collapses Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2020-09-12 1 October 2020 4462665 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 10 reign of Kazazak Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2020-10-20 2 November 2020 4500859 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 11 lazy neurotic teen wants to return to monke, becomes king instead Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2020-11-18 1 December 2020 4539843 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 12 King loses his shit, goes missing, military regency, return of king Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2020-12-24 0 January 2021 4585081 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 13 more roads, better roads, dikes and barbarians Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2021-01-30 0 April 2021 4675543 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 14 war, war never changes, war has changed Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2021-04-04 0 May 2021 4790770 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 35 Shinji deals with a pesky goddess. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Goddess 2021-05-05 9 4725976 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 15 New king new problems Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2021-05-08 0 June 2021 4882952 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 43 Manaka shows herself. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Goddess 2021-06-21 3 4837303 Alternate History - Against all Odds Part 16 Two short reigns coming to an end Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2021-06-28 0 4896611 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 44 Shinji speaks with his mother.
Also the Fourth Carnival is probably here.
Probably. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Goddess 2021-06-29 4 September 2021 4926327 Panzer Commander Quest #72 The Battle of Sundersschirm takes place- Richter's part in it, at least. An odd child is found in its midst. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2021-09-03 6 January 2022 5090250 Panzer Commander #74 A secret operation with an important mission takes place. Yet Richter is nowhere near it... Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2022-01-30 6 March 2022 5154960 Internet Goddess Internet Goddess is pulled from her neet life and is thrown into the world of actual Gods. Internet Goddes Quest , Quest 2022-03-06 7 5146871 Panzer Commander Quest #75 The operation to destroy Garten comes to a close. Richter's unit pushes forth into Netilland. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2022-03-12 5 April 2022 5206601 Internet Goddess 2 Internet Goddess is pulled from her neet life and is thrown into the world of actual Gods. Internet Goddes Quest , Quest, 2022-04-24 3 May 2022 5219247 Panzer Commander Quest #76 A duel with a devil. The end of the Lances' war, the long awaited return home. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities , terrible romance , ginger midget in lingerie 2022-05-12 6 August 2022 5324415 Against All Odds part 1 Lost caveman tribe emerges in the Sahara Civ , Alternate History , Collective Game , Against All Odds 2022-08-13 0 5354220 Internet Goddess Internet Goddess is pulled from her neet life and is thrown into the world of actual Gods. Internet Goddes Quest , Quest, 2022-08-23 1 December 2022 5451197 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 01 The Twaryian Invasion of Vynmark begins- and a motley force goes to their first battle. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2022-12-01 12 5435965 Remnant God Quest Sedjet, the reborn Goddess of Love, finds humanity weak and on the brink of extinction. Remnant God Quest , Sedjet , The Eye , Goddess , Ancient Egypt , Love 2022-12-12 10 5461059 Moonbase Quest #1 James Chapham works for his father in the Triton Trading Company as a subversive advisor under Ksumi Kariya, princess of Arien IV. Collective Game , Quest , LunaticQM , Moonbase Quest , Sci-fi , goddamnitIdidn'tfinishmyreviewbeforethethreadexpired 2022-12-26 1 January 2023 5481565 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 02 Immediately after their first battle, the Ad-Hoc battalion assaults the town of Kobberhus- and finds mysteries in wait. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-01-01 12 5493415 Rise of the Awakened #2 The human asks for some clothes, Kinny and Bobby rob a store, Mog and the human make a deal, revelations abound, a fox is rescued. Collective Game , Roleplay , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Goddamn Lizard People , Mog , Kinny , Bobby , Jenkins , Rick's creepy robot , Draconians 2023-01-14 5 March 2023 5546421 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 1 A bunch of camp work is done up, then, despite the victories on the front, the unit must retreat... Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-03-02 12 April 2023 5588058 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 2 The Battle of Jagterfisk Pools continues- right when it seems to be over, there is another foe... Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-04-06 10 May 2023 5636306 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 3 The Battalion finds victory, in spite of all the weapons deployed against them. Yet will it last? Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-05-03 10 August 2023 5709549 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 04 The final battle begins- the fate of Vynmark is unknowingly decided as east and west converge. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-08-28 10 September 2023 5750090 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish - Finale The war does not end for Vynmark- but the story of the Hageldorf Combined Battalion does. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-09-16 10 November 2024 6109639 Isekai Cheat Harem #1 After being hit by a truck you get a masochistic goddess and start a slave harem in another world. Machines are made and goblins are slain. IseQM , NotIseQM , John Doe , Isekai , Herta , Goddess of Artifice , Steampunk , Mecha , Savant , Slavery , Harem , Slave-Wives , Dungeon , Goblins 2024-11-19 7 January 2025 6149927 Isekai Cheat Harem #2 You go to a city, add a cute fox hag to your harem, get money, repel a bandit invasion, and have a mandatory beach episode. NotIseQM , John Doe , Isekai , Herta , Goddess of Artifice , Steampunk , Mecha , Savant , Slavery , Harem , Slave-Wives , War , Bandits , Trade 2025-01-23 4