Thread Title Description Tags Added Score April 2012 18730396 QUEST BUILDING: HOLY GRAIL WAR EGO runs off of an idea for Holy Grail War quest based off of F/SN. Discussion of Servants and shitting of pants ensue nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , 2012-04-16 16 18761397 Holy Grail War Quest 1 We are a young mage about to take part in the Holy Grail War. Our servant is Odysseus, Archer. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night, 2012-04-18 16 18830824 Holy Grail War Quest 2 Things heat up in Seattle as our MC Eliza Alexander squares off against Assassin. Later, we have a tense luncheon with the other masters and learn more about the combatants of this Grial War nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night, 2012-04-24 12 May 2012 18936856 Holy Grail War Quest 3 Killan dudes, car chases, motorcycle knights, LESBIANISM (or is it). GOING FULL NASU nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night, 2012-05-02 16 19113800 Holy Grail War Quest 4 In which we lose our virginity and fight Shagnasty nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night, 2012-05-16 15 19239056 Holy Grail War Quest 5 In which we hit an Eldritch Abomination with a boat, meet a Mysterious Stranger, and pin a doll to the wall. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night 2012-05-26 11 19288793 Holy Grail War 6 Archer is a boss with a bow, everybody's dead, Dave, and Caster pisses off the Church nasuverse,collective game,Holy Grail War Quest,Fate Stay Night 2012-05-30 11 19302093 Holy Grail War Quest 7 Anon can into diplomacy, Eliza is a Sorcerer, and Shirou is a teddy bear. nasuverse,collective game,Holy Grail War Quest,Fate Stay Night 2012-05-31 11 June 2012 19433811 Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising Bob is ALIIIIVE, David is all growed up, our best friend is oogling our mothers, and WOLF WOLF WOLF WOLF nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Side Story 2012-06-11 11 19517319 Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 2 In which we team up with a tsundere vegetarian killing machine and accidentally blow up a drug dealer. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , fate stay night , Side Story 2012-06-18 11 19607812 Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 3 We learn the true nature of the Enemy, tell off our mother, and discover that the killer nun has cute bush (Yes this is relevant. Welcome to Nasu, gents). nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Side Story 2012-06-25 13 July 2012 19697056 Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 4 Our ex is a werewolf, Lancer has ridiculous luck, we play chicken with a locomotive, and meet Rip Van Winkle nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Side Story 2012-07-02 11 19791780 Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 5 We go shopping, discover that we are a walking paradox, and attempt to skinny dip with our superhuman harem. Also, BOOBS trumps demonhood. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Side Story 2012-07-09 11 19892453 Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 6 People get kidnapped, we blow shit up, and consequences will never be the same. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Side Story 2012-07-16 10 19908625 Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 7 Things take a turn for the better (not that that was HARD or anything). We make deals, get molested by a weasel, and much d'aww is had by all. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Side Story 2012-07-17 10 19923967 Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 8 Our taser is the taser that shall pierce the heavens! Also, armour, Rip van Winkle's uncle, and SPIRALS nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Side Story 2012-07-18 10 19939857 Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 9 We make deals, acquire The Knife of Promised Victory, and Bob goes Star Trek nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Side Story 2012-07-19 10 20090370 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 1 The more things change, the more they stay the same. Bob is back in action, our Master likes CIRCLES, and our Servant is Ackbar-Approved. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night 2012-07-30 10 August 2012 20117618 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 2 We trample over our competition, create the Geas to end all Geases, Geek the Mage, and experience some NO HOMO bonding with Rider. Also, some chucklefuck says Slim Jim's name. I shiggity diggity. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night 2012-08-01 12 20149775 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 3 Involving a puppy, a Naked Apron, and a bag of blood. We meet the Witch of France for tea, drive poor Rider to tears, try to figure out where in the world Assassin is, and meet a cowboy who speaks in Ebonics. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night 2012-08-03 11 20179257 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 4 We find out a horrible truth about our Master, ask a Heroic Spirit on a date, and eat a burger with a man in a suit. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate Stay Night 2012-08-05 5 20208251 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 5 TONIGHT: Master goes on a date, Rider gets hot and bothered, and we meet the biggest dick in human history. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Fate/Clusterfuck 2012-08-07 7 20222944 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 6 Yet another investigation goes horribly wrong, Master finds himself in a confrontation without a leg to stand on, even the holiest of chicks dig scars, and some painful accounts prepare to be settled... nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate Stay Night 2012-08-08 8 20263992 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 7 We steal some hinges, blow up a horse, break glass, fire Five Rounds Rapid, and finally EGO gets his wish. But STILL no hips moving by themselves. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate Stay Night , Fate/Clusterfuck 2012-08-11 5 20333341 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 8 We meet the best damn foul-mouthed, chain-smoking airship pilot this side of Gaia, visit the Troll Emperor of Phallomancer-kind, and contemplate causing Angel Notes by accident. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Fate/Clusterfuck 2012-08-16 5 20388541 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 9 We learn things about Arry, get bothered by someone who comes a-knocking, send him heading west, and plan a safari. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Fate/Clusterfuck 2012-08-20 6 20415181 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 10 More for the Butcher's Bill, Stealing armor, messages written with bullets, Roofie Landmines, and lots and lots of rain. nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Fate/Clusterfuck 2012-08-22 5 20496499 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 11 We fight with the Devil, lose faith and plot revenge. Also, David still has CLASS nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Fate/Clusterfuck 2012-08-28 5 September 2012 20544549 Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 12 The Student has become the Master, traumatized Servants, and Luke getting tackled by a kuudere nasuverse , collective game , Holy Grail War Quest , Fate stay night , Fate/Clusterfuck 2012-09-01 8 October 2012 20951966 Fate/Only War Discussion on developing a conversion of the Only War RPG system to run a Fate/Stay Night-esque RPG. Shit gets done. Fate , Fate/Stay Night , F/SN , FSN , Holy Grail War , HGW , System , Homebrew , Nasuverse , Noble Phantasm , anime , ideas, 2012-10-02 4 21336915 Fate/stay Again Someone proposes a reboot of Fate/Stay as a quest. A second man arrives and makes it awesome. Nasuverse , Kirei-sama , Grail-Kun , Collective Game 2012-10-30 36 21360774 Fate/Stay Again, Second Verse. Archer begins psychological warfare, we accidentally close off the Issei route, Ilya's a terrible kidnapper, and Lancer's a cheating bastard. Nasuverse , Kirei-sama , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-10-31 22 November 2012 21393285 Fate/Stay Again, Third Verse Kirei-sama ragequits. AC-Guy takes over. Nasuverse , Kirei-sama , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-11-02 17 21420087 Fate/Stay Again, Fourth Verse. We learn more about circumstances, troll Rin, save a girl, and piss off Archer. Kirei-sama can go fuck himself with a rake. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-11-04 15 21451465 Fate/Stay Again, Fifth Verse. Talk to Caster, And the Sakura situation becomes... complicated. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-11-06 14 21479653 Fate/Stay Again, Sixth Verse. We bring Sakura into the fold, and learn projection Magic. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-11-08 15 21495963 Fate/Stay Again, Seventh Verse. Guest QM nowhere man rocks the whole day. Shirou well on his way to being a real Hero. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-11-09 13 21573105 Fate/Stay Again, Eighth Verse. One Master's run comes to an end, and we discover that routers are dicks Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-11-14 15 21603597 Fate/Stay Again, Ninth Verse. Someone messes with Rin's stuff, we learn a bit about vampires, Raiga and Caster call back, and Issei gets his mind blown. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-11-16 12 21619110 Fate/Stay Again, Tenth Verse We get in a slap fight with some shady characters, Dead Apostles get mentioned, and Ilya doesn't swallow. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-11-17 13 21770729 Fate/Stay Again, Eleventh Verse Kirei sells vampires and vampire accessories. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-11-27 20 December 2012 21845534 Fate/Stay Again, Twelfth Verse In which we find that projecting chairs is a really, really bad idea Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , This Chair 2012-12-02 17 21863195 Fate/Stay Again, Thirteenth Verse We cure Sakura, and then find out why letting Archer run around without supervision is a Bad Idea Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-12-03 27 22241236 Fate/Stay Again, FourteenthVerse Please stop tripping the ban filters AC-Guy ;_; Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-12-27 16 22258035 Fate/Stay Again, FifteenthVerse We continue our search for Caster and Saber, and epically troll KinKaiser. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-12-28 22 22293511 Fate/Stay Again, SixteenthVerse We blather like a boss, have a frightful existential revelation, phone home, and decide to cook vegetarian. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-12-30 26 22312117 Fate/Stay Again, Seventeenth Verse In which we seriously consider seducing True Assassin Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2012-12-31 27 January 2013 22348192 Fate/Stay Again, Eighteenth Verse In which we fight Archer with double twenties, receive a magic crest and kiss Rin. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-01-02 21 22367529 Fate/Stay Again, Eighteenth Verse, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo We hit bump limit with the last thread. This is a continuation of Eighteenth Verse. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-01-03 20 22463860 Fate/Stay Again, Nineteenth Verse In which we learn that some based dice gods just want to watch the world (and Shirou) burn. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-01-08 40 22480940 Fate/Stay Again, Twentith Verse In which we deal with THIS BIKE, Plushies, and FUCKING BANFILTERS. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-01-09 26 22633521 Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-first Verse In which we learn that If it weren't for Shiki, Acr would have been out Trollmate. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-01-17 26 22726328 Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-second Verse In which we ask Kirei questions, discern Rider's true identity and almost name the dog Sir Bedivere Diamutt the Third, Esqire. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-01-22 22 February 2013 22891737 Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-third Verse In which we comfort Ayako, Learn what Archer has discovered, and had awful ideas shot down. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-02-01 20 22911939 Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-fourth Verse You're strong... Bahsaka. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-02-01 29 23038835 Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-fifth Verse The mystery of Rin's skirt is solved. (She could totally be going commando and nobody would know) Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-02-08 20 23137320 Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-sixth Verse We talk about mana transfers and not much else. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-02-13 20 23232088 Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-seventh Verse We subdue Shinji, save Satsuki and release a Dead Apostle in the process. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-02-18 25 March 2013 23553981 Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-eighth Verse In which /tg/ furiously back peddles and unhelpful quest descriptions continue. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-03-07 15 23604320 Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-ninth Verse We have a conversation with our brother and ponder the state of the alliance. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-03-10 21 23828663 A Grail War in Reflection Nicholas Ignatiavich summons Caster, traps a summoning circle, and discovers Assassin's Master. Collective Game , Fate/Stay Night. A Grail War in Reflection , UmarChauhdry , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , 2013-03-23 6 23949347 A Grail War In Reflection 2 We share war info, get threatened by Jack, Give Assassin a cup of Hot Cocoa, and get guns. Collective Game , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , Umar Chauhdry , A Grail War In Reflection, 2013-03-30 4 April 2013 24045042 Fate/Stay Again Quest, Thirtieth Verse Vampire is killed, Taiga is rescued, and we finally meet Lancer's master. Also, after 30 threads, this is now OFFICIALLY a quest. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Fate/Stay Again Quest 2013-04-04 20 24078979 A Grail War in Reflection 3 We Build a Myr, Enter Monster's magical realm, Talk to Tomoko, and debate stealing the souls of little girls. Collective Game , A Grail War in Reflection , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , UmarChaudhry 2013-04-06 0 24118869 Fate/Stay Again Quest, Thirty-First Verse In which Shirou survives a seriously angry Gilgamesh, and discovers his true Noble Phantasm. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Fate/Stay Again Quest , Tactical Grail War Action 2013-04-08 26 24138862 Fate/Stay In a Box, Thirty-second Verse We confuse Saber, apologise and then confuse her again. Also, after 32 threads this is now OFFICIALLY a tactical espionage action. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Seduction Action 2013-04-09 33 24211387 A Grail War In Reflection Quest 4 The dream sequence starts, Assassin stalks Archer-ko, We get advice from hobo-saber, Jack up and murders a woman, and We say goodbye to assassin. Collective game , UmarChauhdry , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , A grail war in reflection 2013-04-13 2 24232601 Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-third Verse In which Sir Golden Wank tries science, Rider chats about her love life, and Caster extends the cease-fire. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-04-14 27 24290016 Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-fourth Verse We have our tailbone examined and ask questions to the only real wizard we've met. Also, Ayako is apparently not okay with sharing. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Question Action 2013-04-17 24 24345086 A Grail War In Reflection Quest 5 Assassin gets the shit beat out of her, Tomoko learns magic, and heals Assassin by taking everyone's bodily fluids at once. Collective game , UmarChauhdry , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , A grail war in reflection 2013-04-20 3 24369660 Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-fifth Verse We fail at magic, sleep and are woken up by Rider. The rest is history. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Makeout Action 2013-04-21 23 24390643 Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-sixth Verse We have our morning strategy meet and more Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again, 2013-04-22 21 24466070 Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-seventh Verse We almost uncover the secret of the runes, talk about relationships with Souichirou and practice relationships with Rin. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Espionage Kissing 2013-04-26 22 24479886 A Grail War In Reflection Quest 6 "Monster" kills Archerko, and we have a talk with our Servant about what his former employment entailed. Collective game , UmarChauhdry , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , A grail war in reflection , We were such fools 2013-04-27 2 May 2013 24561659 Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-eighth Verse Sakura cheers us up instead of the other way. Lunch with Bazett ended with Geas of nonaggression. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-05-01 20 24611310 A Grail War In Reflection Quest 7 We suck at teaching magic, we learn Monster kept Archerko in her magical realm, and we make good progress on becoming Roa. Collective game , UmarChauhdry , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , A grail war in reflection 2013-05-04 3 24717919 Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-ninth Verse We got new info on Kirei and Bazett.
Zouken apparently killed the priest and decided to chat with us for a while. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Trolls 2013-05-09 14 24816257 Fate/Stay Again, Fortieth Verse In which shit hits the fan. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Espionage Assassin 2013-05-14 30 24855000 Fate/Stay Again, Forty-first Verse In which we defuse a crisis and try to dispose of a dead body. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Paranoia Action 2013-05-16 20 24888735 A grail war in reflection 8 We test out the results of our Kyubey procedure. Do some spying and get confused. Collective Game , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , Umar Chauhdry , A Grail War In Reflection, 2013-05-18 -1 24931176 Fate/Stay Again, Forty-second Verse In which Souichirou is being denser than a neutron star. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Natsuru Action 2013-05-20 21 25083020 Fate/Stay Again, Forty-third Verse In which we try to cook, but get sidetracked endlessly. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Espionage Cooking 2013-05-28 16 June 2013 25162842 A Grail War In Reflection Quest 9 We spring an ambush, get stabbed in the back, and Monster gets a Bad End. Collective game , UmarChauhdry , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , A grail war in reflection 2013-06-01 1 25306475 A Grail War In Reflection Quest 10 Try and fail to screw Villain bugs, Find interesting leyline, Cubes summons magical girl Jeckyll, Old buddy John seems to be missing.
Collective game , UmarChauhdry , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , A grail war in reflection 2013-06-08 -1 25370204 Fate/Stay Again, Abridged edition 1 In which we discuss the general storyline, insane theories, glorious crazy moments, Archer's skirt trolling, cooking, the Box and more. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Recap Action 2013-06-11 11 25441097 A Grail War In Reflection 11 We check out the leyline at the school, watch Rook gank our Familiar, and then fight him in a battle to the death. Collective game , UmarChauhdry , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , A grail war in reflection 2013-06-15 -1 25571148 A Grail War In Reflection 12 Nicholas returns, We steal another body, change to a new base,Refuse a new alliance, See what Tomoko was up too lately, Collective game , UmarChauhdry , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , A grail war in reflection 2013-06-22 -1 25575996 Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Fourth Verse In which we calm down for the night, chat with Assassin, and get kissed by Sakura in front of everyone. Wait, what!? Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical panicking action 2013-06-22 20 July 2013 25820915 A Grail War in Reflection 13 Nicholas finds a sleeping hotel, sleeps with a psychopath, and talks about sleep with an eldritch abomination. Collective game , UmarChauhdry , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , A grail war in reflection 2013-07-05 1 25978980 A Grail War in Reflection 14 Nicholas goes scuba diving, learns more about the war, and meets a new Servant. Collective game , UmarChauhdry , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , A grail war in reflection 2013-07-13 -1 26122942 Fate/Fuck Again A Grail War quest. That's new! Collective Game , Fate/Stay Night , Fetish , Genderbender , ERP , More Grail Wars , Redundancy 2013-07-20 13 26226268 Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Fifth Verse we dream of sexy blindfolded women, foregone conclusions, fires, and Wizards. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical archiveing action 2013-07-25 15 26262965 Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Sixth Verse In which the plot does in fact progress. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-07-27 14 August 2013 26399990 Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Seventh Verse In which we attempt 'group recon' and get blinded by sudden plot twists. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Archiveing action 2013-08-03 12 November 2013 28168868 Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Sixth Verse Events unfold at a rapid pace, Avenger keeps us occupied again, and one confrontation is avoided rather anticlimactically. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Returning Action 2013-11-08 16 28260176 Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Ninth Verse In which Shirou repeatedly fails sensing, disrupts a three-way stand-off, and narrowly save the loli. (Archived thread on 2013-11-08 is the "Fourty-Eighth Verse") Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-11-13 13 28426034 Fate/Stay Again, Fiftieth Verse In which Rin mostly recovers from the grail mud and learns how distorted we really are. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical E-ranked luck action 2013-11-22 17 December 2013 28590293 Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-First Verse We get slapped, discuss seducing Zouken, and find that Ilya has her priorities straight. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2013-12-01 16 28667094 Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-Second Verse In which we spar with Saber and investigate the camp in the woods. With mixed results. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Critfail Action 2013-12-06 15 January 2014 29311485 Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-third Verse In which we try to solve a jigsaw puzzle with three different boxes and a Jenga set. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Metaphysics Ignorance Action 2014-01-07 22 29476260 Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-Fourth Verse In which we accidentally the Second Magic. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical I have no fucking Idea what I'm doing 2014-01-14 25 29776973 A Grail War in Reflection 15 The resumption of our quest, Nicholas creates some Mystic Codes and sends his Servants looking for others. Collective game , UmarChauhdry , Fate/Stay Night , Puella Magi Madoka Magica , A grail war in reflection 2014-01-26 -1 March 2014 31110356 Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-Fifth Verse We talk with Merlin while AC-Guy bleeds. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2014-03-29 13 April 2014 31356438 Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-sixth verse We call Caster and Archer, then train projections. THIS ROUTER prevents us from hugging Rider. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2014-04-10 14 31484265 Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-seventh verse We meet with Archer, have a serious talk and deal with Zoukon once and for all (probably). Then shit hits the fan once more. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2014-04-15 16 31504335 Fate/Stay Again, Verse 58 Situation Normal All Fucked Up Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again 2014-04-16 12 September 2014 35015724 Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and Antique Come down to Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and Antique, where you can find: Priceless vases, both whole and in pieces! Giant cubes of guns! Rare first edition books and records! Irritable Lamia lesbians! Slightly cracked Faberge Eggs! Dragons of all flights and colors! More gold than Midas! And, of course, shopgirls with bumbling behemoth breasts! Feel free to browse, make a purchase, or escape the growing dimensional instability with the staff and head down to the noodle shop for a bowl and a brew. antiques , collective game , shop , store , bidding war , gold , artifacts , lamia , lesbians , giant breasts , dragon attack , spontanious , grail , noodles 2014-09-22 15 March 2019 3320983 Fate/Mania I Eleven-Chan goes on her adventure to fight in the Great Grail War. She meets Illya von Einzbern along the way. REDthunderBOAR , Fate , Eleven-Chan , Great Grail War 2019-03-15 0 January 2020 3986514 Dovahkiin of Earth XII Asia is chosen as a master for the grail war. After arriving in fuyuki, she pick a house, makes new friends and summons her servant. Highschool DxD , Nun , Dragonborn , Fate , Holy Grail War 2020-01-13 1 3996085 Dovahkiin of Earth XIII: The Holy Grail War part I Asia and Rider fight against Archer and Berserker. Two possible allies appears, but can they be trusted? Highschool DxD , Nun , Dragonborn , Fate , Holy Grail , Murders War 2020-01-13 1 February 2020 4035398 Dovahkiin of Earth XVI: Holy Grail War Part IV After healing Rin, Asia continues her search for Assassin. Homever, what she found is not quite what she expected. Highschool DxD , Nun , Dragonborn , Fate , Holy Grail , Investigation 2020-02-02 1 4050173 Dovahkiin of Earth XVII: Grail War Part: V Asia returns from her meeting with Assassin, and makes a new deal with her allies. They then proceed to fight Zouken for the last time. Highschool DxD , Nun , Dragonborn , Fate , Holy Grail , Dragon 2020-02-07 3 4064769 Dovahkiin of Earth XVIII Holy Grail War Final The holy grail war comes to a end after Asia and her allies fight their last opponent and a unexpected figure arrives to bring gifts Highschool DxD , Nun , Dragonborn , Fate , Holy Grail , Vampires 2020-02-29 0 January 2021 4591534 Grand Grail War Quest Bartleby the Archivist joins a new Holy Grail War, summoning Archer. Nasuverse , Holy Grail War , Collective Game , Grand Grail 2021-01-28 4 March 2021 4629759 The Grand Grail Thread 2: Impossible Dreams Bartleby acquires new power as he and Marisa recover from the results of the fight with Lore Caster. Nasuverse , Holy Grail War , Collective Game , Grand Grail 2021-03-02 0 November 2023 5832322 Fate Catastrophe/Superposition 10 Years after the Fuyuki Grail War came to an end, Marshall Vrilizadre is chosen by the Grail and summons his Servant. Avenger Fate , Type-Moon , Fate Catastrophe/Superposition , Servants , Grail War 2023-11-29 0 December 2023 5859064 Fate Catastrophe/Superposition #2 After a heart to heart with Avenger, Marshall finds out he is to head off to Russia. Meeting the competiton before his plane crashes Fate , Fate Catastrophe/Superposition , Grail War , Servants , Hassan of 1,000 IP Addresses 2023-12-23 0