/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

June 2009
4762354I Love the Whole WorldAnon notes M:tG threads, Anon breaks into the song. boomdiadda boomdiadda boomdiadda boomdiadda...boomdiadda, song, I love /tg/2009-06-04 5 
4889030/tg/ creates a setting/tg/ creates a setting which includes pirates, songships, cloudsea, dorfs, cyborgs, Zalgo, trains ran by blood and orcs!setting, orc, dwarf, dorf, songship, pirate, zalgo, elf, elves2009-06-15 0 
September 2009
604192640K songtime!The OP's Challenge? Modify a song to fit 40k. The response? Epic win.Warhammer 40k, 40, Warhammer 40000, songs2009-09-28 12 
December 2009
7018103Fighter Got ShieldWhen a fighter walks in with an itty bitty mace and a big shield in your face...Baby got back, fighter got shield, shield, shields, songs2009-12-06 3 
January 2010
7403186Spacey songsParodies of songs, made 40k/sci-fi-ey.song, parodies, 40k2010-01-03 0 
March 2010
8413729Zombie themed Irish folksongsAnon needs help with songs for his modern d20 bard. /tg/ delivers.zombie, irish, drunk, drink, folksong2010-03-05 2 
November 2010
12746130Grimdark songwriting, THE REVENGE OF!Some new stuff to be added to the soundtrack of the 41st Millenniumgrimdark songwriting, songs, 40k, sabaton, karaoke 2010-11-10 0 
12929447ManoWAAAGH!!!Thread about 40k Orky science fair gets derailed with Manowar songs replaced with Orky lyrics40k humor, Songs, Orks2010-11-26 -2 
January 2011
13488330Cartoon VoicesThe thread begins with the king of the hill cast explaining their days in the 40k universe staying remarkably true to character, it goes on to various famous cartoon videogame, tv, and movie characters doing likewise, including adaptations of many Disney songs.Cartoon in my voice quotes 40k tv videogames movies characters songs singing2011-01-12 20 
13561058Like A BossThe Emperor and cie breaks into song40k song2011-01-18 -2 
September 2011
16346534Der Emprah's FaceA noble Anon rescues a long forgotten song from /tg/'s distant past. Soon, others join in, causing all of /g/ to lift up it's vocie in songSongs, Music, Parody, 40k, Der Emprah's Face, 2011-09-20 10 
October 2011
16522070Song of fire and ice questPart duece of Song of fire and iceSong of fire and ice Collective Game 2011-10-05 10 
16525254Song of Fire and Ice P3StrongCock starts to consolidate their hold, crazy shenanigans start happening Song of Fire and Ice Quest, Collective Game, Strongcock Quest 2011-10-05 8 
16534349Song of Fire and Ice P4Durian finally arrives, hunt goes wrong, crazy shenanigans Song of Fire and Ice Quest, Collective Game, Strongcock Quest 2011-10-06 8 
16542494Song of Fire and Ice Quest P5Song of Fire and Ice quest P4 Edyth gets married to DurianSong of Fire and Ice Quest,Stroncock quest, Collective Game2011-10-07 8 
16572797Song of Fire and Ice P6Song of Fire and Ice, discovered who was behind the plot of bandits, then watched as Stark DISPENSED JUSTICESong of Fire and Ice Quest, Strongcock Quest, Collective game2011-10-10 7 
16594675Song of Fire and Ice P7Song of Fire and Ice, found a mercenary camp set out to fight you, paid by an unknown benefactorSong of fire and Ice quest, Strongcock quest, collective Game2011-10-12 8 
16616021Song of Fire and Ice P8Coal mine was finished and quarry has been enlarged, Merwyn needs supplies to help CalumSong of fire and Ice quest, Strongcock quest, collective Game2011-10-14 6 
February 2012
18043629WHFB Lizard Men Thread/tg/ discusses various things about WHFB Lizard Men (the Slann being Stonemasons for example).Lizard Men, WHFB, Warhammer, Stonemasons, Parody, Song2012-02-22 16 
June 2012
19497569House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 2House Bulwark continues its activities in Kings Landing, a duel is fought, a threat is made, and we have an audience with the Hand.House Bulwark, Game of Thrones, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, A Song of Ice and Fire, Not One Step Back2012-06-17 11 
19516190House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 3Donatello meets Syrio Forel, the heir to House Dannett is discovered, and fighting in the streets of King's LandingGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-18 7 
19543603House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 4Orten accuses the Bulwarks of murder, Lord Bulwark duels Ser Naton, and Thoros of Myr wields the Fire SwordGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-20 7 
19566657House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 5April Bulwark is a homicidal tsundere, Arya comes to visit, and Donatello hires Gendry. Good bye canon!Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-21 6 
19580181House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 6Arya and April run around House Bulwark and annoy a farmerGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-22 7 
19614941Game of Thrones Quest IILord Dustain Karban of Saltmouth hunts down smugglers, but in the end he is left with more questions than answers.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire,2012-06-25 31 
19628133Game of Thrones Quest II!Where we finish the Visit by Lord Redwyne and find we are just average at jousting.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire,2012-06-26 33 
19661849Game of Thrones Quest 3We enjoy some pie, bust one of our men from getting glassed and start the investigation on the stolen wine. Oh look, autosage is up.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire,2012-06-29 26 
19663876Game of Thrones Quest 3 1/2Lifeboat thread, since a cranky mod autosaged the last one. Also: We delve deeper into the wine-smuggling mess. Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire,2012-06-29 25 
July 2012
19767602Game of Thrones Quest IVThe mystery-plot thickens a bit, we meet Davos, and that Tourney of Vines finally starts.Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, House Karban2012-07-07 27 
19777016Game of Thrones Quest IV LifeboatThe tourney continues after the old thread began to autosage, and we are busy being pretty good at the joust, and we knock Robert Baratheon off a horse with a stick.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-07 27 
19837339Game of Thrones Quest VWe complete the Tourney of the Vines, nearly die, and investigate the happenings on the bitch front.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-12 27 
19846606Game of Thrones Quest VI!We dig deeper into the whole mystery deal and talk to the Lady Jeyne, a secretive information broker in Saltmouth about many topics.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-12 22 
19853151Game of Thrones Quest VI and 1/2We start uncovering the true working of the Clawwater wine smuggling ring, and do awesome shit.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-13 27 
19898022Game of Thrones Quest VIIAfter months of investigating, we finally bring the hammer down on House Clawwater, and find that things are darker and more tragic than they first appear.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-16 23 
19910719Game of Thrones Quest VIIIWe deal with the aftermath of the invasion of Clawwater lands, clean up the debris left over, and make a startling discovery.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-17 22 
19915412Game of Thrones Quest VIII and 1/2The DM launches a lifeboat after the thread starts autosaging, we bury some Wildfire in a cave, and get part of our reward before the trial begins.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-17 26 
19954516Game of Thrones Quest IXWe deal with lady troubles, the trial of the Clawwaters, and many questions about bannermen.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-20 24 
19959122Game of Thrones Quest IX and 1/2The trial finishes up, more problems with bitches, and we finally get the fuck back home.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-20 23 
20060801Game of Thrones Quest XWe finally head home after our time away, and try and get shit shorted.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-28 24 
20067945Game of Thrones Quest X and 1/2We get our house in order and get ready for MAD MONEY jousting tourney!Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, House Karban, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire2012-07-28 23 
August 2012
20134147Game of Thrones Quest XIClawwater girls are still down but we don't despair. Winter is Coming so we upgrade our small city and build some silos and junk. Get swarmed with letters from everyone, oh and the huge tracts of land came to visit.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, House Karban, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire2012-08-02 25 
20140791Game of Thrones Quest XI and 1/2The lifeboat is launched as the Cargill visit proceeds apace, we finally figure out what to do with those new islands, grant Ser Crane a great gift, and hear wedding bells in the distance.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-02 24 
20210395Game of Thrones Quest XIIRulership continues, with questions asked and answered. Also, prolonged debate over just what we should be taking into our marital bed.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-07 23 
20218233Game of Thrones Quest XII and 1/2The lifeboat deploys, and some serious work and discussion gets underway. It ends when OP becomes tired and heads to bed after answering a pile of questions. Also: We need to get laid.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-07 25 
20434992Game of Thrones Quest XIII TeaserThe OP finally reappears after nearly two weeks in captivity. Minor events are kicked off, people complain a bit, and then OP runs off to sleep after promising a pastebin update and more time.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-23 25 
20534293Game of Thrones Quest XIVThe Redwynes swing through, the normal thursday schedule picks up again, and we dive back into politics, investigation, and bitch-hunting. Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-31 32 
September 2012
20674762TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume ThreeThird thread in TeeGee Harem Knights. More stories, equipment to bring to fantasy worlds, plus a bar song!Teegee, harem, knight, storytime, stories, waifu, monstergirl, roleplay, writefaggotry, world building, bar song2012-09-11 23 
October 2012
20976897Lich's Employee Quest pt 4Daniel has a song and dance to beat Mort, and stumpbles gets an apprentice.Skeleton quest, jazzy, sing song, spider2012-10-04 20 
21145950What do you do with a drunken guardsmen!'What do you do with a drunken sailor' meets Warhammer 40k40k, game, Collective Game, songs, drunken sailor2012-10-16 16 
January 2013
22638638GoT Quest: House Dredd "The Hand is Strong" Another /tg/ House is created, this time in the well-defended but relatively lawless Mountains of the Moon. Dredd references abound as bringing law to the Vale is made our top priority. Right after hand jokes and women.Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, House Creation2013-01-17 8 
22657728GoT Quest: House Dredd (Creation Finalised)We make our final adjustments to House Dredd, and our until-now nameless character. Rollan Dredd, son of Lord Josephus Dredd will make his mark on Westeros. We also spend an almost certainly unhealthy amount of time decking out our lesbian-broette, Alyse Stone.Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, House Creation, House Dredd2013-01-18 1 
22839538Ravnica is a-changin' Come gather round clans, who just feed and destroy. And hear about the labyrinth, and Niv-Mizzet's ploymtg, card game, song, parody, OP is not a faggot2013-01-28 31 
February 2013
23023418I Believe In Myrkul!So where you from you sexy lich?/tg/ songwriting, Myrkul2013-02-07 37 
23289523/tg/ sings "I love the Whole Board" Inspired by the Discovery Channel. Various amounts of heretical song ensue, epic, 40k, /tg/, funny, writefaggotryWarhammer 40k, songs, grimdark songwriting, 2013-02-21 26 
April 2013
24074738/tg/ sings Be Aggressive/tg/ actually does something, and sings a silly song together.sing, song, /tg/, /tg/ sings2013-04-05 5 
24207612A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House HarrockYou are Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, and though your people have suffered hard times, through betrayal and loss, they can rise again under your banner. Will they take back the mountains, or be crushed by the barbarian clans? You decide!Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards2013-04-13 42 
24249484John Galt Returns, Runs Fecht ThreadJohn Galt himself returns and runs a Riddle of Steel/Song of Swords fecht thread! In it, we fight the Hef, a race of rapetastic minotaurs. Can the sea elf pirate Rade best these foul creatures?Riddle of Steel,John Galt,Jimmy Roman,Song of Swords,Sword,Hef,Rade,Rhade2013-04-15 22 
24264225A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 2In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, interrogated captured mountain barbarians to discover their numbers and location of their camp, got in good with our family, reorganised our ranger forces to better patrol our lands, and beat our son in a sparring match, teaching him respect and forging a bond twixt father and son.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-16 28 
24340519A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 3In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, negotiate a military alliance and a trade agreement with House Eben, met his family and our potential daughter-in-law, ran down and slaughtered mountain men who tried to hold us up on the road home, and met Ser Lyn Corbray, envoy of Lord Royce, who gave us wealth from House Arryn, and called our son a fat bastard who needs beating into shape, which will lead to future hilarity.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-20 26 
24402084A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 4n which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, does all sort of things to help advance his house, from recruiting hunters and poachers to cutting ties with House Belmore. In addition, the savages finally make their move with some mysterious help.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-23 25 
24475272A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 5In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, musters his army and summons his ally. He makes ready for full scale war against the Milk Snakes clan.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-27 24 
24532547A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 6In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, concludes his negotiations with House Egen, gaining their aid in the war against the Milk Snake mountain clan, and took the arrow and sword to the barbarians' warriors, children and womenfolk, slaughtering their raiders to a man and taking their chief captive, our rangers harrying their fleeing families, though to great cost to our allies, who lost near half their men in the hard-fought victory.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-30 26 
May 2013
24598986Song of Swords: The Swords Sing AgainExcellently informative discussion on Team Galt's Song of Swords, with extra info on everything from Finnish knives to Japanese swords.Song of Swords, John Galt, Jimmy Rome, Shinto Onna, Japan, Finland, History2013-05-04 9 
24607844A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 7In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, builds a few plans for turning Westpass into an economic powerhouse. Many ravens are sent out across the land to different lords and a fascinating guest known only as Maahira of Qohor arrives at High Harrock with a small escort of Unsullied and a big secret in tow.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-04 25 
24666929A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 8In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, dealt with his neighbours in matters of trade and diplomacy, helping to better his relations with his ally House Egen, and received a pointed missive from Lord Yohn Royce, Castellan of the Vale, relating to his dealings with Lady Maahira of Qohor. In addition, settlers arrived from elsewhere in the Vale, helping to develop the land of Westpass, and much discussion was had over the buying of goats.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Goats2013-05-07 26 
24749571A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 9In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, received an invitation for his House to attend a tourney, featuring a joust and melee, to be hosted by his rivals House Belmore, and it was decided that Artys and Ser Morys would joust, and Brock, heir of Westpass, would join the melee. Much discussion was had with their allies of House Egen, including further unity of the military forces of the Houses, and the prospect of an alliance through marriage. Brock also shows he is learning, and finds Lorenna, daughter of Lord Egen, to be a most attractive girl, and a prime potential wife.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-11 30 
24846460A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 10In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, travels with his family and Lord Egen to Grimarbour, the port-town of House Belmore, though rightfully being Harrock land, and location for the regional Tourney. Discussions were had with Yohn Royce, who seemed pleased to see Lord Harrock, and much jousting occurred, whereby Ser Morys progressed into the second round, as did Lord Harrock, though only after gravely injuring Lord Lyonel Corbray, Ser Lyn's brother.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-16 31 
24884613A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 11We wine and dine at the evening feast with the Lords of the Vale. Intrigue abounds as Lord Artys does his best not to reveal too much to the wrong parties. Much discussion is had on the information gleaned from these encounters, our situation is not as secure as we might have hoped.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-18 30 
24940637A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 12In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, spends time with his family, discovering potential husbands for his daughter Katrin, including the heir of Yohn Royce himself, and gifted a new weapon to his son, that he might bring the House honour in the Grand Melee. The second round of the jousting was had, where Ser Morys proceeded through to the third round, matched against Yohn Royce, and Lord Harrock suffered defeat at the hands of Ser Marwyn, of the rival House Belmore. Progress towards recruiting hedge knights into the service of Harrock was also made.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-21 31 
25016399A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 13In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, meets with other lords, discussing the tourney and festivities, as well as politics of the region, though not all goes well with the initial discussion of Brock marrying the daughter of Lord Egen. This run of bad luck continued into the third round of the joust, where Ser Morys was badly hurt in his tilt against Bronze Yohn Royce, and it was discovered that some of the matches were fixed by Lord Belmore, the "Mummer of Strongsong", to ensure that his son would go up against Royce, which proves to be a choice Belmore will regret...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Belmore2013-05-25 38 
June 2013
25158316A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 14In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, gains a new sworn sword, Ser Banton, after gifting him back his armour and steed, snatching him from the grasp of House Belmore. The jousting came to a close, with Lord Yohn Royce, Castellan of the Eyrie, proving victorious after a viscous set of tilts against Ser Belmore, and the teams for the melee were announced, following a discussion between Lord Harrock and Lord Coldwater over a potential swapping of wards. Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-06-01 38 
25222776A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 15In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, negotiates the acquisition of a new spymaster, Lymorian of Braavos, a master of disguise and wit. Lord Artys also bears witness to the final event of the tournament, the melee, in which Brock fights to the best of his ability, and with so many veterans of sword and mace, shield and armour, almost anything can, and does, happen...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Brock2013-06-04 49 
25361633A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 16In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, celebrates with his newly knighted son, Ser Brock Harrock, saying how proud he is of him, and that he has earned his place as the heir to Harrock. Artys also met with Lord Egen, now a supporter of the marriage proposal between Brock and his daughter, before going aboard Lord Yohn Royce's ship, where the three lords discussed the events of a few weeks ago, when Lady Maahira of Qohor visited the lands of Harrock and Egen, discovering a disturbing possibility for her presence in Westeros...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Brock2013-06-11 44 
25568016A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 17In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, discusses and plans the future of Westpass with his sworn swords and family, receiving a number of marriage offers for both Ser Brock and Katrin, throwing the previously certain plans into disarray. The rumours of House Egen engaging in full wartime conscription prove to be correct too, raising the theory that Ser Crowlys, marshal of House Egen's forces and no good friend to House Harrock, might be planning to take matters into his own hands...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-06-22 43 
25624200A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Episode 18In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, sets plans in motion in regard to the marriage proposals made, so that his House might prosper with strong allies for trade and defence. Lord Artys also deals with the fallout of his uncle's revelation, that Artys' bastard brother, Ulfir Stone, was to be legitimised and made Lord of Westpass on his father's death, rather than him. The military build-up of House Egen is also further scrutinised, and the development of House Harrock's lands are planned.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-06-24 40 
July 2013
25875846King in the North QuestHe has arisen, with a thirst for vengeance. Lead to Lord Beric by Harwin.King in the North Quest, Collective Game, game of thrones, a song of ice and fire, undead, wolf, king, revenge, vengeance2013-07-08 34 
25894366A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 19In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, deals with the potential economic and famine crisis that will be quick to come following the ceasing of trade with Harrock by House Frey, became close with his wife after discovering that she is potentially pregnant with their third child, discussed the potential for alliances with his sworn swords, and spoke with his daughter over the prospect of her becoming betrothed.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-07-09 37 
25916853 King in the North Quest Part 2He has found two kin; one dead, one alive. one human, one wolf.King in the North Quest, Collective Game, game of thrones, a song of ice and fire, undead, wolf, king, revenge, vengeance2013-07-10 20 
25968902I got friends on the other side.../tg/ at its finest, paroding Dr Facilier's songsong, dr facilier, voodoo2013-07-12 39 
25997374The King in the North Quest 3We ambush some Freys and take a few notable hostages.King in the North Quest, Collective Game, game of thrones, a song of ice and fire, undead, wolf, king, revenge, vengeance2013-07-14 11 
26031660A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 20In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, deals with the arrival of Lady Lorenna of House Egen, potential wife for Ser Brock, and Ser Crowlys, her escort and sworn sword to Lord Egen, and sets about learning more about her, as well as allowing Brock time with her, in order to find if they are a good match, both in love and for politics. Lord Harrock also discovers that Crown Crag, the home of House Egen, has been closed to all outsiders bar Lord Royce's men, prompting no small amount of curiosity and paranoia, and deals with the upcoming food shortage with a series of new deals for iron.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-07-16 29 
February 2014
30409619Do you want to serve the Emprah?OP make a chaos version of do you want to build a snowman and other frozen songs. A based anon makes a vocaroo recording.Songs, Chaos, 40k, Frozen, 2014-02-22 10 
March 2014
30754093What /tg/ does with the drunken sailorWe have discovered a horrifying reality. There are people who have never heard that song and new versions are pitchedSea Shanty, Songs, What Should We Do With The Drunken Sailor, The Drunken fa/tg/uy, Cowardly Guardsman, Muppets Treasure Island2014-03-12 9 
31172536Boom De YadaIt's that time of year and /tg/ lets the geek flag fly!Collective Song, Boom De Yada, Board Initiative2014-03-31 20 
July 2014
33751236Digimon QuestMC gets kidnapped by digimon, partners with pompous claw, and saves friend in digital worldDigimon Quest, Collective Game, Levonsong, Quest, Digimon2014-07-30 2 
August 2014
33817976Digimon Quest #3In which Betamon stops being so beta and we get some plotCollective Game, Digimon Quest, Levonsong, Digimon, Quest, Keramon2014-08-01 1 
33912793Digimon Quest #4We say goodbye to Arukenimon and clear the air with JordanDigimon Quest, Digimon, Quest, Keramon, Collective Game, Levonsong2014-08-05 1 
July 2015
41327948A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (House Creation)In which House Brachen, Scourge of the Ironborn, Guardians of the Tumblestone Coast, Left Hand of the Lannisters is created, and Lord Garrette Brachen and his child Trystan Hill are named.Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-07-20 13 
41349112A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Lord Creation)In which Lord Garrette Brachen is given form via character generation, and much discussion was had about what weapons to use and our hatred of the IronbornCollective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-07-20 11 
41456560A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Part 1)In which Garrette Brachen, Lord of Brachenhall, learns of the state of his lands and the bandits plaguing them, bonds with his bastard son, and begins his war to purge the brigands from his lands, one spear at a time.Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-07-26 14 
August 2015
41606279A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Part 2)In which Lord Garrette of House Brachen completes his elimination of the outlaw band to Brachenhall's south-eastern border, gains lands from them for future exploitation, gains the praise of his smallfolk and sworn swords, and prepares his lands for his absence as he is invited to Ashemark by House Marbrand.Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-08-02 20 
41750379A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Part 3)In which Garrette, Lord of Brachenhall, journeys to the castle of Ashemark, seat of Lord Damon of House Marbrand, to work on forging an alliance against the Bastard of Castamere and his rebels, on establishing new trade routes with which to fund your expansion, and in which Garrette finds out many interesting new facts, and receives a princely gift...Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-08-09 13 
42070737A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IIn which we meet the new Lord Malroy and discover the fate of his family while he was gone in Essos. He also meets with Lord Varys, also known as The Spider, and agrees to dye his silvered hair and bend the knee with little effort to the new King.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-08-25 31 
42167147A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IIIn which Lord Brynden receives his pardon from the King, angers the Queen, and receives his House's penalties. Also we discover a cache of rare items in the family's villa, have an offer placed for said villa, and return home to Steadhold. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-08-30 23 
September 2015
42253209A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IIIIn which, we manage our Houses resources. Gaining a cadre of veteran archers, begin to regrow our fields and our Lord gets learned. We make promises to old friends, take stances against rivals, and make gains in the land in preparation for warding off the neighboring Langwards. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-03 21 
42309700A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IVIn which we continue rebuilding our House's fortunes. Learn to be more convincing, defeat a group of bandits with resounding ease, and gain the northern forest with our House's strength. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-06 18 
42418466A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIn which we travel to King's Landing, gain the services of a Hedge Knight and his squire, make sweet love to a seamstress's daughter, and find Ser Wilson Celtigar's truths to be lacking. Also the QM messes everything up. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-11 15 
42559544A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIIn which we storm off from our dealings with House Celtigar, take out our wrath on some thugs and a fine woman and meet with our Mother's family, the Hanfords. We checked a deal with them at length and come to one of great benefit.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-18 14 
42579966A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIIIn which we finish our dealings in King's Landing. Having a private audience with the Hand of the King, Jon Arryn. And entertain a Pentoshi banker with a lavish banquet. We also make great gains in Wealth from several sources and begin work upon rebuilding our prized Rare Bloodline. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-19 13 
42703341A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIIIIn which our Lord Brynden Malroy plans a melee to recruit Knights of quality in the future. Pays for his dear friend's brother's release from captivity. Ties up some loose ends in Steadhold and takes an absolute thrashing from the hands of his Uncle.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-25 12 
October 2015
42834474A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IXIn which we attend the Tourney in King's Landing. Attend our trial, find our seed is strong, and we take over as Dontos for a moment bringing forth a righteous fury upon Ser Boros Blount in defense of our good name in the Trial by Combat. We also agree to accompany Lord Arryn to Dorne, and finally lay eyes upon Royce Redward.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-02 16 
42868396A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIn which Lord Brynden Malroy meets with the Longwaters, considers marriage proposals for the future, gains trade of iron and sale of horse. He then goes on to compete in the Archery contest, going to the final round against the Summer Islander Jalabhar Xho and it all coming down to sudden death.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-04 28 
42996572A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIIn which House Malroy celebrates Lord Brynden's victory in the archery contest, he meets a saucy little dornishwoman, finds his Aunt, Isabella Malroy, to be alive but distressed and he competes in the melee. A glimpse of revenge is finally seen. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-11 14 
43070421A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the final days of the Tourney in King's Landing. Making small trade deals, beginning new alliances, and being the best wingman he can be. He also meets with a saucy little Dornishwoman again, and finds truths from all of the ladies he considers courting.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-15 13 
43217275A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finds many ways to spend his vast wealth. Gains a lordly set of armor with intentions of self improvement. Raises troops. And makes leave for Dorne. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-23 12 
43351901A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIVIn which we visit Myr as Illiad, Lord Brynden Malroy's dear friend and third in command of The Sons of Gold. We collect a fair amount of Myrish goods, allies, and participate in a mission to free his younger brother, Illion, from captivity. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-30 14 
November 2015
43484905A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy travels to Dorne, stopping in Estermont for a short stay. He also meets with the Hand of the King again, finds confusion when dealing with a Lady, arrives in Dorne and has a pregnancy scare. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-06 11 
43521219A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the many activities in his visit to Dorne in service to Lord Jon Arryn. He meets with the local flavor, fights those from abroad, and finds that many of the truths in his life, could very well be lies. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-08 14 
43541572A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy continues his affairs about Dorne in aid of the HAnd of the King, Lord Jon Arryn and his peace talks. He takes part in a pissing contest most strong, meets again with the fairer Ladies of his life, and he finally finds a truth he did not know there was to be had.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-09 13 
43725454A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy continues his trip in Dorne aiding in the ongoing peace talks in his own ways. We speak to Lord Arryn of truths unknown, race Lord Quentyn Qorgyle to finally wrap up our pissing match, and spend some quality time with Lady Giselle about Dorne. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-20 15 
43841789A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy meets with the upper crust of the Realm, and finds himself as but mere player in a game stacked against him from the beginning. Long term decisions are finally made and more than a few dances are had. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-27 16 
December 2015
43967330A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finishes up his affairs in Dorne. Gains a betrothal. Returns home to Steadhold. And proceeds to make a lot of cash. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-12-04 14 
44093184A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the needs of his Household in the month leading up to the Grand Melee of Steadhold. His dear friend Illiad returns in a far graver state than he had left, promises to aid House Longwaters are made, and the quest for a dragonbone bow is begun.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-12-11 15 
January 2016
44921451A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy returns to form and enjoys the day prior to the Melee in Steadhold. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-01-22 13 
44961159A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends the opening the Melee in Steadhold and begins talks of a larger alliance.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-01-24 14 
45070850A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the many matters of assuring his House's future success.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-01-29 15 
February 2016
45215402A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy's melee continues. Deals are finalized and a few mental breaks are had.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-05 13 
45281923A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy discusses the grimness of the Hayford's future, the brightness of others and enjoys the end of the melee.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-08 14 
45359137A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIIn which Brynden Malroy finishes up the Melee in Steadhold and all that entails.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-12 13 
45496860A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIIIn which Brynden Malroy actually finishes up with the events of the Melee in Steadhold. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-19 13 
45558347A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to his House and her needs. And finds a web of secrets that finally brings everything together.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-22 13 
45637731A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIn which Brynden Malroy meets with many members of his family. Both old and new. And finds many new truths in the ever expanding web.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-26 12 
March 2016
45779266A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIIn which Brynden Malroy returns to Steadhold, assembles his war council, makes great gains in preparation for war, and finds a spy. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-04 11 
46075291A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy is reunited with many members of his family. Schools some, loves others. Wedding? Soon.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-18 14 
46224548A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIIIIn which Brynden Malroy entertains his many guests. Meets with Dornishmen and women alike. And finally is married to Lady Obella Qorgyle.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-25 11 
46290534A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIVIn which Brynden Malroy begins to plot the escape of his sister from Lord Royce Redward's clutches and watches the first day of the TourneyCollective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-28 11 
46303217A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIV-iiIn which we continue discussion regarding the Quest, House Malroy past and future, and answer some questions. No new story progression here.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-29 10 
April 2016
46374362A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy sees to the bedding of his new wife, makes decisions for the future, and the Tourney comes to an end.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-01 11 
46556904ASOIAF House Creation Thread: Riverlands EditionAnd lo, House Gauthier was born. "With a Soft Hand."A Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-09 5 
46567400ASOIAF House Creation Thread: House Gauthier pt. 2Our slow attempts to finish house creationA Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-10 5 
46590446A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXVIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy sees to his House's needs just prior to the Invasion of the Princewood. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-11 13 
46645642ASOIAF House Creation Thread: House Gauthier pt. 3Where we add more details and stat up Rotrick GauthierA Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-14 5 
46671276A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy begins to Invasion of the Princewood attacking the Southern Camp.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-15 12 
46780545ASOIAF House Creation: Dorne EditionThe Creation of House Chancer, a load of up-jumped pirates nobody had heard of.ASOIAF, house creation, house chancer, A Song of Ice and Fire2016-04-21 -2 
46815422A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy makes plans for the Siege of the Forgotten Hall, engages in a pursuit through the Princewood.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-22 12 
46838982A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIn which Lord Brynden Malroy and his twenty good man perform a raid of suicidal proportions. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-23 14 
46865891A Song of Ice and Fire: House Gauthier Quest, part 1Where we survey all we're destined to lord overCollective Game, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Game of Thrones, Gauthier2016-04-24 2 
May 2016
47233947A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finishes up the Invasion of the Princewood, gets a little close to the fire, and has a baby.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-05-14 12 
47506660A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy deals with the fallout of the Invasion of the Princewood. Meets many interesting people and makes grand plans. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-05-30 12 
June 2016
47627184A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy, deals with matters at home. Including gathering information regarding the Langwards and with family.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-06-06 11 
47857058A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy make leave for the Tourney in Highgarden and all that entails. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-06-19 13 
47864980ASoIaF House Creation Thread 1/tg/ begins the process of creating House Malbrand, an ancient house of dubious moral standards from the Westerlands.A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, Creation, House, Malbrand2016-06-22 1 
47973182A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIIn which Brynden Malroy meets and mingles with varying Lords and Ladies of the Reach during the Tourney in Highgarden. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-06-27 11 
July 2016
48091950A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy continues to attend the events of the Tourney in Highgarden. Such as the Squire's Melee and Lord Tarly's feasCollective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-04 10 
48209420A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy goes on a hunt with Lord Randyll Tarly, meets some old friends and finally gets what he has been seeking. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-11 14 
48340135A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy jousts for the first time in several years, gains a huge opportunity, and participates in an Archery Contest.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-19 17 
379810You awaken in Westeros... (QUEST, pt. 1)You wake up buck ass naked in Westeros, armed with the knowledge of the book series. Let's not get killed alright? Collective Game, Game of Thrones, You awake in Westeros Quest, A Song of Ice and Fire2016-07-20 6 
48435299A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finishes the Archery Contest. And takes a man to trial. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-25 11 
August 2016
452818Life of a Bastard QuestAdventures of Ser Lucerys Waters, mercenary captain and slaver, in the service of LysMercenary, Slaver, Westeros, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones2016-08-08 -4 
September 2016
591524A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Recap I-L & Q&AIn which, Lord Brynden Malroy is introduced to /qst/ after a hiatus. Questions are answered, recaps are had, and Father returns home.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-18 10 
547639A Song of Storms and Time: A House Deschain Quest House Deschain is a house located in the middle of Dornish Marches. You play as Ser Wil Deschain, having just earned his knighthood.Collective Game, House Deschain, Deschain, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-22 1 
558058A Song of Storms and Time: A House Deschain Quest #2Ser Wil Deschain arrives in Kings Landing to sort out inheritances and watch some tournaments.Collective Game, House Deschain, Deschain, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-22 1 
604018 A Song of Storms and Time: A House Deschain Quest #3Ser Wil Deschain meets with a Prince and talks about the state of the Seven Kingdoms and Dorne. Collective Game, House Deschain, Deschain, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-22 1 
January 2017
1012240Gunsmith Quest Thread OneChi Long Qua the best GUNSMITH this world has ever seen. Also hopefully isn't dead.Gunsmith, Quest, Chi Lonq Qua, Research, Song Dynasty China, 13 Century China2017-01-14 1 
February 2017
1136879A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LI - A Black Flower's TaleIn which Ser Mason Flowers is granted land and titles befitting his leal service to Steadhold and House Malroy.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, House Blackflowers2017-02-14 10 
1203163A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LI-i - A Black Flower's Tale IIIn which Ser Mason Flowers deals with unrest amongst the Cronwnlands, Princewood, and Fairbanks while Brynden is away in Highgarden.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, House Blackflowers2017-02-28 10 
March 2017
1238116A Song of Blood and Water: House Blackett Quest | House and Character CreationThe creation of House Blackett and meeting our liege lord, Jason Mallister.Collective Game, House Blackett, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-03-12 8 
1254516A Song of Blood and Water: House Blackett Quest IIStuff happens.Collective Game, House Blackett, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-03-21 6 
April 2017
1293511A Song of Blood and Water: House Blackett Quest IIISome stuff happens.Collective Game, House Blackett, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-04-02 5 
1293395A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LII In which Tourney at Wendwater, feast and opening of the Archery Contest. Flashback thread between the Melee of Steadhold and the Wedding.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-04-06 10 
May 2017
1418429Song of DamborillA quest told in verse. Nobles, Strangers, and Friends shelter together and remember a tale of the end. Song, Damborill, Verse, Londry, Noble2017-05-12 1 
July 2017
1705407Game of Thrones House CreationIn which we generate House Grallner, a Knightly House of the Vale. And Ser Landor Grallner, the Knight of Whitestone Keep.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-07-29 14 
August 2017
1719632A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter IIn which we meet Ser Landon Grallner, the Knight of Whitestone Keep and welcome our liegelord's heir, Ser Cador Belmore.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-08-04 15 
1759900A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter IIIn which Ser Landon Grallner battles Moon Swallows, beheads turncloaks, and continues seeking the traitor.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-08-17 10 
1782413A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter III In which Ser Landon Grallner deals with the continued sabotage of his House.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-08-24 7 
1803801A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter IVIn which Ser Landon Grallner deals with the fallout of the Betrayal of Whitestone Keep and brings his crusade to the enemy's turf.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-08-30 5 
September 2017
1820037A Song of Blood and Water: House Blackett Quest IVWe're done with the weddingCollective Game, House Blackett, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-09-09 4 
1845542A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter VIn which Ser Landon Grallner visits his liege, Lord Benedar Belmore in Strong Song.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-09-11 5 
1880771A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter VIIn which Ser Landon Grallner continues his time in Strong Song. Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-09-23 5 
1907597A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter VIIIn which Ser Landon Grallner finishes up his time in Strong Song.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-09-29 5 
October 2017
1945478Song of Ice and Fire House Creation DM - GenieAfter talk and skill. We made a leader of men, grower of oranges, and a man of 3 children. Now Lord Norbert Melrose, enlighten thyself.Song of Ice and Fire, Genie, A Song of Blood and Oranges, 2017-10-12 2 
1951721A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter VIIIIn which Ser Landon Grallner returns home to Whitestone Keep, reviews his military's progress, and makes leave soon after for Krayenport.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-10-13 5 
1953716House Melrose Quest 1Finished some paper work on the castle banner, chatted with the Mrs of our house, and meet with the smallfolk of land we had claims on.Song of Ice and Fire, Genie, A Song of Blood and Oranges, 2017-10-21 1 
1978388A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter IXIn which Ser Landon Grallner attends the Melee in Krayenport. Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-10-24 5 
1983203A song of Blood and Oranges: House Melrose Quest 2 Sent out a letter for archmaester help, pushed a claim for land, and filled our kids stat sheets.Song of Ice and Fire, Genie, A Song of Blood and Oranges, 2017-10-31 2 
November 2017
2028883A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter XIn which Ser Landon Grallner participates in the Battle of the Dawntower Foothills.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-11-07 5 
2024362A song of Blood and Oranges: House Melrose Quest 3 Slade met our friend Falkner. We got an Archmaester's help reviving the Godswood in the Small Castle. Then set sail to pay our respects. Song of Ice and Fire, Genie, A Song of Blood and Oranges, 2017-11-12 1 
December 2017
2126014A Tale of Gods & Men: Bronzestone Quest, Session 0The creation of the Bronzestone tribe and their leader, Aethan.Collective Game, Bronzestone, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-12-12 5 
2150804A Tale of Gods & Men: Bronzestone Quest, Session 1Aethan's first day as the Thane of Bronzestone and the Low Thenns.Collective Game, Bronzestone, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-12-21 3 
2167612Viserys Quest IIn which we sail to Myr, make new friends, get laughed at and start our own Free Company.Asoiaf, Viserys, Game of Thrones, Quest, A Song of Ice and Fire,2017-12-24 10 
January 2018
2180053A Tale of Gods & Men: Bronzestone Quest, Session 2A criminal is punished and the Bronzestone clan encounter a familiar tribe.Collective Game, Bronzestone, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-01-02 3 
2194236Viserys Quest IIIn which we march, and march, and march some more.Viserys, Asoiaf, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, Beneath the Gold the Bitter Steel2018-01-07 6 
2212194A Tale of Gods & Men: Bronzestone Quest, Session 3Aethan and the people of Bronzestone prepare for battle.Collective Game, Bronzestone, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-01-21 4 
February 2018
57974535Slaanesh vs. Tenacious ESlaanesh is challenged to a rock-off.Warhammer 40k, Slaanesh, songs, grimdark songwriting2018-02-15 17 
March 2018
2374870The Fate of that Blood #1In the Stormlands of Westeros, an old and distinguished, if small, family stands proud.BrotherQM, Fate of that Blood, Collective Game, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones2018-03-16 5 
May 2018
2557646Panzer Commander Quest #42More post-battle wrap up is done, and Glockenblume shows its hand. Richter is also thrown through a piano.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, a curious lack of tanks, sing us a song you're the piano man2018-05-27 2 
August 2018
2806215Game of Thrones House Gen: Thread 1In which House Blacksand and Lady Lissara is made, a hubby is picked, and hedge knights are recruitedCollective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-08-20 17 
2819624A Song of Sand and Steel 2We go on the road, and visit Yronwood. Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-08-26 12 
September 2018
2837975A Song of Sand and Steel 3We leave Yronwood, Ser Ascar fights a duel, Ellaria mothers us, Oberyn poisons us, and we get stabbed. Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-09-01 8 
2852457A Song of Sand and Steel THREAD 4We recover from being stabbed, and prepare a banquet for a rich fat man. We find out who tried to kill us, and prepare to make war on them. Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-09-10 8 
2877461A Song of Sand and Steel THREAD 5We retake Vulture's Roost, fight the war, win the war, find out some really bad news, and QM becomes ill. Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-09-22 9 
October 2018
2909057A Song of Sand and Steel THREAD 6We go to Storm's End, meet Bobby B, killed a beast and watch Carth try his best at the archery tournament.Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-10-07 9 
April 2019
3403168House Reynold Creation ThreadThe thread where we create House Reynold, a former cadet branch of House Reyne, now sworn to the Lannisters.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, 2019-04-08 24 
3440967House Reynold Quest Chapter 2Mervyn learns of the future plans for war, resists his wifes seductions, absolutely pummels his squire and rides for Hornvale. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, 2019-04-22 20 
May 2019
3469966House Reynold Quest Chapter 3Where we face our darkest fear, slay a bastard robber knight, and realize we're involved in a plot. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-05-02 20 
3461801GoT Essos Quest, Aego EimosA Homebrew of Essos families is tried, a council is attended, and decisions are taken.Collective Game, Essos, The Eimos Family, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-05-11 1 
3468399A Song of Sand and Steel THREAD 7QM returns, and the tournament is concluded. Jamie Lannister looses a bet, and Robert continues to be Robert. Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-05-11 7 
3498963House Reynold Quest Chapter 4Where we return from Hornvale and meet Andrea Brax, and then switch to play as Tyrus, our squire trying to earn his knighthood.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-05-17 17 
3521000A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy gains some degree of revenge in a Trial by Seven.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-05-22 16 
June 2019
3499861A Song of Sand and Steel THREAD 8A short thread where we play as Jelissa before the QM disappears againCollective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-06-03 5 
3534534House Reynold Quest Chapter 5Where we continue our vacation from Mervyn as Allysa, schmooze some lords, than participate in the melee as Merv, and discuss kids names.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-06-06 16 
3558247A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LIVIn which Brynden Malroy returns home, finds an unexpected gift and unwelcome guests, makes trade deals and becomes a Captain Planet villainCollective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-06-07 12 
3567514House Reynold Quest Chapter 6Where we meet Ser Remus Webber and haggle over some horses, joust reasonablet well but fall short in the quarters, and hire on a new lance.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-06-21 15 
July 2019
3585736A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finalizes the plans to repel the Langward Invasion and participates in the Blitz of the Violet Plains.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-07-03 8 
3623970A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LVIIn which, Victus Waters participates in the Battle of the Northern Princewood. And Ser Mason Flowers leads the defense of Steadhold. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-07-10 7 
3628939House Reynold Quest Chapter 7Where we attend some more planning, head to Lannisport, get some armour and other things and spar with Cardyn "Cheapshot" LantellGoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-07-16 14 
3667899House Reynold Quest Chapter 8Where we do some dirty deeds for dirt cheap, pull Cardyn's fat out of the fire and return home, and get a flashback from Merv's childhood.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-07-26 14 
August 2019
3669679A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LVIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to his House and family's needs in King's Landing. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-08-04 5 
3698978House Reynold Quest Chapter 9Where we do battle, surrender, and watch Elleanor prove why she is the true power of Ember Peak, before meeting our infant son.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-08-07 13 
3747573A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LVIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finishes up in King's Landing, making some incredibly difficult decisions. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-08-16 5 
3728649A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread I]We’re playing as Ser Cormaic Boggs, Knight of the Boggwood. A 19-year-old Knight with unconventional and cunning strategies.Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-08-18 10 
September 2019
68085623Epic Song of Swords fecht thread.What started as a Song of Swords thread quickly turned into an epic fecht thread : Katana vs Sword and Oberyn Martell VS Gregor Clegane.Song of Swords, SoS, Game of Thrones, Oberyn Martell, Gregor Clegane, Katana, Sword, Fecht, Ronin, Knight2019-09-01 2 
3783881A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy returns to Steadhold to celebrate the marriage of Ser Mason Flowers.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-09-05 5 
3757324A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread II]In which you get married, jump over a fire, then start another much larger fireCollective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-09-06 5 
3784041House Reynold Quest Chapter 10Where we assist Tygon in dealing with the fallout of conflict, get Allysa pregnant again, and acquire some new duds. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-09-11 13 
3792352A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread III]In which you gained a powerful sponsor, snatched up a house, knighted a fat kid, and sowed the seeds of a new alliance. Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-09-22 5 
October 2019
3826468A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread IV]You deal with a bunch of politics and are finally welcomed back into the King's Peace.Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-10-09 4 
3837836House Reynold Quest Chapter 11Where we travel to Fair Isle, defeat Tygett Lannister, plot with Tygon and hear the Rains of Castamere...GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-10-10 11 
3861080A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread V]You have a nasty fight within the city walls, gain a new ally, and Ciara gets married.Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-10-22 4 
3865523A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LXIn which we finally get to lys and drama happens Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-10-29 6 
3882156House Reynold Quest Chapter 12Where we joust some more, talk with Elleanor and Joanna, help Ser Austin find love and fight pirates. And help Tygon do some dirty deeds.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-10-31 10 
November 2019
3884266A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread VI]A battle against pirates, a new alliance, and a return home.Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-11-09 3 
3917735House Reynold Quest Chapter 13Where we visit the ruins of Castamere with Lady Elleanor Reynold before heading off to Harrenhal and finding out about our teammates. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-11-30 8 
December 2019
3910813A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread VII]A fateful decision is made and an investigation has begun.Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-12-01 1 
3949050House Reynold Quest Chapter 14Where we begin the festivities at Harrenhal, fighting through the team rounds of the melee, feasting, and meeting a son of House Malroy.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-12-18 7 
February 2020
4042256A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LXIWhere we wrap up our time in Lys by meeting an old lover, meeting our daughter and getting our new family heirloom. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-02-10 5 
4050221House Reynold Quest Chapter 15Where we finish up the Grand Melee at Harrenhal before getting to meet with the Hand of the King regarding Elleanor's ambitions.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-02-14 7 
4060119ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #1Captain Aurion Shryke, a lowborn dragonseed, sets the founding moments of his House in motion with a sellsword company at his back.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-02-26 27 
March 2020
4100027ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #2In which you finally return home and make friends and enemies alike.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-03-17 18 
4108967House Reynold Quest Chapter 16Where we finish our time in Harrenhal and travel to the Golden Tooth where House Reynold gains a betrothal but Mervyn loses a squire.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-03-20 7 
April 2020
4133369ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #3Negotiations and plots along with a brief POV shift.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-04-01 16 
4163380House Reynold Quest Chapter 17Where we meet with Lord Tywin Lannister and agree to serve his interests, before hearing of war and sailing south to Goldengrove. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-04-16 7 
4167440ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #4The Calm Before the StormCollective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-04-19 13 
May 2020
4203477ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #5Separating lies from truths and then forcing others to do the same.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-05-06 13 
4238752ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #6Tying up loose ends.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-05-25 12 
June 2020
4277377House Reynold Quest Chapter 18Where we participate in the Battle of Ashford, and start to deal with it's aftermathGoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-06-16 7 
4274280ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #7Plotting and drinking and making new friends. You also become more learned. Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-06-18 12 
July 2020
4318940 House Reynold Quest Part 19 - ASoIaFWhere we siege Felwood, fight a duel and have many conversations. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-07-13 7 
4314488ASOIAF Quest - Ironborn House GenerationWhere we create House Redhand, an ancient ironborn house and its current heir, young Victara Redhand.Collective Game, House Redhand, Game of Thrones, GoT, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, QM Ironboi, Ironborn2020-07-18 5 
4322907ASOIAF Quest - House Redhand Thread 1The story of Victara Redhand begins with a disturbance by the Brothers, a band of Faithful wanting to bring down the ironborn. Collective Game, House Redhand, Game of Thrones, GoT, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, QM Ironboi, Ironborn2020-07-24 3 
August 2020
4341421ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #8You rub a head for good luck and incite a mobCollective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-08-05 12 
4374593House Reynold Quest Chapter 20For I may be small, but I will stand tall, While giants fear to walk in the light...GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-08-15 4 
4389754ASOIAF: House Silverbank Creation ThreadIn which we create House Silverbank, a Riverlands House on the Western end, beset by complete lawlessness. The MC is a bastard of the Lady.House Silverbank, Silverbank, Bastard, ASOIAF, Game of Thrones, GoT, A Song of Ice and Fire2020-08-25 0 
4412533ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #9Dice are cast with lives on the line. A storm brews.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-08-28 12 
4370656ASOIAF Quest - House Redhand Thread 2Part 2 where Ironboi disappearsCollective Game, House Redhand, Game of Thrones, GoT, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, QM Ironboi, Ironborn2020-08-28 0 
September 2020
4471475A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LXIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy returns to Westeros and takes the fight to his enemies upon the seas and within the courts.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-09-30 2 
October 2020
4490118House Reynold Quest Chapter 22Where we go to Kings Landing and seek answers to many unanswered questions. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-10-12 -10 
4453899ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #10The AftermathCollective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-10-14 11 
December 2020
4560012Season Unending: ASOIAF Smallfolk QuestOne-shot quest in which you play a smallfolk hunter in the North, slowly getting involved in bigger and bigger conflicts.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2020-12-27 18 
4585852A Song of Steel and Storms: Chapter 1Where our quest begins as Ser Ardrian Borlund, the first Knight of Stonegrove. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Borlund, Borlund2020-12-29 1 
February 2021
4650432A Song of Steel and Storms: Chapter 2Where Ardrian finds a witch and matters of faith and justice are tested...GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Borlund, Borlund2021-02-13 0 
4616851ASOIAF: Alchemist QuestWe start off in Oldtown and lay the groundwork for our future.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Alchemist Quest2021-02-24 5 
March 2021
4667429ASOIAF: Alchemist Quest #2In which we finish our preparations in Oldtown and set sail for Lys.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Alchemist Quest, ASOIAF: Alchemist Quest2021-03-26 2 
April 2021
4711493ASOIAF: Alchemist Quest #3We arrive in Lys and meet with House MorelleonGame of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Alchemist Quest, ASOIAF: Alchemist Quest2021-04-04 1 
4735610You Awake in Westeros as Joffrey Baratheon - PrequelIn which the QM performs a post-birth abortion on the fetus of a quest idea just beginning to emerge from the narrative womb. Joffrey SI.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-04-11 29 
4737100Joffrey QuestYou are going to be late for your first day as monarch!Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-04-20 16 
4749924Joffrey Quest #2Choo choo.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-04-21 14 
May 2021
4771347Joffrey Quest #3To Winterfell we go!Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-03 9 
4786430Joffrey Quest #4A Lion feasts with direwolves at Winterfell.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-10 6 
4791072ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #11You travel West.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2021-05-13 7 
4801100Joffrey Quest #5The Baratheon siblings get some cute pets!Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-21 1 
4799062Joffrey Quest #5.5Fuck you jannies.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-21 2 
4808110Joffrey Quest #5.6Fuck you JanniesGame of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-22 0 
June 2021
4794644ASOIAF: House Physeter Part 1In which a whale decides to swim to the land of the LionsCollective Game, House Physeter, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Whale, LeviathanQM2021-06-05 7 
4839262ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #12You set sail for home and have a fateful encounter.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2021-06-17 2 
4816355ASOIAF: House Physeter Part 2The little whale sails to the Westerlands, negotiates trade deals, and asserts his dominanceCollective Game, House Physeter, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Whale, LeviathanQM2021-06-18 5 
July 2021
4874362ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #13You return to your lands after a long absence and set your house in order.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2021-07-07 3 
4878276ASOIAF: House Physeter Part 1After inking a trade deal and rejecting a betrothal, the little whale proceeds to make a series of increasingly stupid decisionsCollective Game, House Physeter, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Whale, LeviathanQM2021-07-11 3 
September 2021
4918749ASOIAF: House Physeter Part 4The little whale gets a loan and then the votes deadlock until the thread diesCollective Game, House Physeter, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Whale, LeviathanQM2021-09-03 1 
January 2023
5493637A Bastard of Westeros Quest #1In the years before the Blackfyre Rebellion, you are Edric Flowers, a Dornish bastard of the Reach. Fight for your place in it.A Song of Ice and Fire, Maester Munkun, Collective Game, Westeros, Blackfyre Rebellion, A Bastard of Westeros Quest,2023-01-11 34 
February 2023
5526613A Bastard of Westeros Quest #2Rescued from peril by the mysterious Knight of the Blackwater Rush, Edric fights through the tourney at Highgarden.A Song of Ice and Fire, Maester Munkun, Collective Game, Westeros, Blackfyre Rebellion, A Bastard of Westeros Quest,2023-02-10 10 
November 2023
5790032Westeros: Interregnum Quest 1About 100 years after Robert’s Rebellion, war has come to the Crownlands. Alyn Celtigar seeks his destiny, but first seeks a family heirloWesteros:Interregnum, Herald, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, House Celtigar2023-11-15 16 
January 2024
5842433Westeros: Interregnum Quest 2Alyn emerges from the ocean beaten and broken and sets about returning to Dragonstone.Westeros:Interregnum, Herald, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, House Celtigar2024-01-06 4 
February 2024
5904464ASOIAF: House Duntreow Creation ThreadIn which we create House Duntreow, a dying Andal house of the Rainwood with an aging lord and a daughter for an heir. Collective Game, House Duntreow, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2024-02-21 10 
March 2024
5931804ASOIAF: House Duntreow Quest 1Lady Gwynfryd Duntreow and companions are captives of a Tyroshi sellsword in the Stepstones. Collective Game, House Duntreow, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2024-03-27 17 
April 2024
5959556Westeros: Interregnum 2.5Alyn encounters an old house retainer and hears the tale of the Crab KingWesteros:Interregnum, Herald, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, House Celtigar2024-04-28 3 
May 2024
5967803ASOIAF: House Duntreow Quest 2Lady Gwynfryd Duntreow and Vaaro Orlios take steps to secure their futuresCollective Game, House Duntreow, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2024-05-15 10 
June 2024
6028531Another Lord of WesterosA one shot about a Lord from Skagos, whose aim is to bring the island under his power.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2024-06-14 9 
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