/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2009
4539347Battlefleet HiigaraGeneral Homeworld thread becomes Homeworld in Battlefleet Gothic thread. Shit gets done.homeworld, warhammer 40,000, hiigara, taiidan, kushan, kadesh, battlefleet gothic, bfg2009-05-13 0 
February 2011
13944326Battlefleet GothicBattlefleet Gothic Thread. A good start for picking up this much loved system."Battlefleet Gothic", "BFG"2011-02-20 1 
May 2011
15017980Battlefleet GothicGeneral BFG Thread. Contains templates for papercraft games or scratch built comparisons and general advice. "Battlefleet Gothic", "BFG"2011-05-25 -2 
July 2011
15759678Pirate lords of 40k IIwe get the results of the first playtest, have a debate about the rules, revise movement to be faster, and get in an argument over weather 'nids, Knights, and sisters should be allowed. We also create a dedicated forum, swap shanties, an theres a pic of a parrot with pauldrons.Pirates, 40k, 40k pirates, homebrew, warhammer, space, sci fi, space pirates, skirmish, kill team, battlefleet gothic2011-07-31 3 
September 2015
42536664a gothic setting plays at Call of cthullhuin the making of a horror campaign some interesting things are discussedInspiration, Gothic, Innistrad, Bloodborne, horror, Brainstorming, insight2015-09-22 3 
June 2016
180410Judgement's CryAn attempt of a low fantasy quest with gothic elements...maybe.Gothic, Judgement's, Cry, Judgement's Cry, Quest, Dark Fantasy, Low Fantasy2016-06-04 1 
May 2017
53443820Hollow DeedsAn Anon starts a world building thread on vampires, which evolves into an expansive gothic horror setting.Gothic Horror, Vampires, Hunters, Guilds, Therians, The Church2017-05-29 8 
December 2017
2131062RVQ - Rosefield Valley QuestViktor Voss arrives at Heaven's Port after a heretical welcome party and visits important people.Collective Game, Gothic, Horror, Tragedy, Heretics, Inquisition, Rosefield Valley2017-12-11 1 
February 2021
77268004Nechronica Thread: Big and Tall edition - More Gravel storytimeSecrets come to light for the A-team as the intro arc of Gravel Storytime concludes. Anon talks characters and cannibalism.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, cannibalism, Nine, Nai, Ivana, necromancy, gothic2021-02-05 1 
December 2021
5094509G A L E R N EPRELUDE Beyond the jewelled isles of the Thalassarchy of Galerne, all that separates the conqueror from the vanquished is the Dreamsend Seafantasy, gothic, adventure, sword, gun, witch, magic, tarot, pirate, island, horror, barbarian, monk, collective game, quest2021-12-27 9 
January 2022
5121867GOLGOTHAPRELUDE You dwell not in yourself when the night bleeds in. Through the thousand eyes of the city you see only the abyss.collective game, quest, modern, gothic, tarot, magic, gun, phone, urban, dark fantasy, horror, adventure, vampire, wizard, witch2022-01-16 9 
February 2022
5131732GOLGOTHA: Afterlife (includes Golgotha meta at beginning)Urban dungeon crawl mode to GOLGOTHA story campaign, after the main narrative concluded. The Descent Into The Underworld begins...collective game, quest, modern, gothic, tarot, magic, gun, phone, urban, dark fantasy, horror, vampire, wizard, witch, dungeon, crawl, OSR2022-02-07 6 
April 2022
5195343Barovian Legends #1Aranuel Caniella, Cleric of Kossuth, searches for her sister, protects a girl from a vampire, and gets acquainted with the land of Barovia.Fantasy, D&D, Magic, Female Protagonist, Gothic Horror, Vampires2022-04-24 6 
June 2022
5242633Barovian Legends #2Aranuel meets the devil Strahd face-to-face. She leaves knowing that Ireena is in trouble, but now she's driven by a new lead on her sisterFantasy, D&D, Magic, Female Protagonist, Gothic Horror, Vampires2022-06-07 1 
July 2022
5299975Barovian Legends #3Still in search of her sister, Aranuel uncovers the horrors of the Abbey of Saint Markovia.Fantasy, D&D, Magic, Female Protagonist, Gothic Horror, Mutants, Vampires2022-07-14 2 
August 2022
5343551Barovian Legends #3.5Aranuel's fate takes a turn for the worst, as she discovers a new ally and meets the girl she has been looking for... to disappointment.Fantasy, D&D, Magic, Female Protagonist, Gothic Horror, Vampires2022-08-22 1 
November 2022
5421222Barovian Legends: Twice-Told TalesWith her sister in tow, Aranuel heads off to rescue a friend. Pointy-eared and porcelain complications ensue Fantasy, D&D, Magic, Female Protagonist, Gothic Horror, Vampires2022-11-28 1 
June 2024
6037279UPYRPRELUDE Father took us to the foreign land, But what was lost lingers in the blood. quest, collective game, horror, vampire, LA, noir, guns, urban gothic, romance, drama, occult, supernatural, beach, dystopia, collapse2024-06-16 1 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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