/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

June 2008
2061989Put that in your pipe and smoke it!Anonymous posits a 3.5 wizard with Profession (Tobacconist) and Craft (Pipe) skills and the Create Wonderous Item feat. Ideas for tobacco-based magic shows up. Also, log from a myconid tea trip.Drugs, Smoking, Tobacco, Pipes2008-06-23 5 
August 2008
2427551Meikyu KingdomA game-play synopsis on Make You Kingdom, a dungeon exploring/kingdom building RPG, possibly coming out with an English edition.kingdom, dungeon crawling, sim city2008-08-26 0 
November 2008
3035413Viking threadLots of links to viking resources, pdfs, campaigns, systems, etc.Vikings, vikinger, norse, midgard, asgard, Odin, Loki2008-11-22 6 
February 2009
3784614Afterlife Gaming/tg/ realizes the truth about life, the afterlife, and what it all really is. Civility, afterlife, gaming, lich kings on behemoths2009-02-22 13 
April 2009
4196287/ck/ recipes for fa/tg/uysA cooking anonymiss drops by /tg/ to deliver several recipes. They meet approval. This thread is archived for the purpose of holding onto these treats./ck/, Banana and Rose Petal smoothies, cookie tarts, EZ Caramel fudge, cooking, baking, food2009-04-06 15 
4393415Cooking Mama, the BBEG EditionOP asks for people to use Cooking Mama as BBEG. Starts with crazed housewife stumping for PETA, ends with Chilean Communist bomber living out her life in the suburbs until her secret is revealedCooking, Mama, BBEG, Stats, Epic2009-04-26 15 
June 2009
4866214/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass IIContinuation from the previous thread. Javelin surfing, manly deaths, dragon slaying and mature Loricon.Loricon, King of Dragon Pass, Collective game2009-06-13 12 
4867597/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass IIIThird thread. Yorsar and Orlgard, badass warrior brothers and Loricon just being an ass. Fightan, fightan and more fightan.Loricon, King of Dragon Pass, Collective game2009-06-14 8 
4885901/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass IVAnother thread about the teegee clan and their struggle for dominance. Fire juggling, trolls of all kinds and questan.King of Dragon Pass, Loricon, Collective Game2009-06-15 6 
4887317/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass VThe teegee continue to struggle against insurmountable odds. We suffer our first defeat against the hated Greenwing, and Loricon dicks about.King of Dragon Pass, Loricon, Collective Game2009-06-15 7 
4945783Yet another King of Dragon Pass game/tg/ plays yet another game of King of Dragonpass. Now with a very war-focused clan with a very King of Dragon Pass, Collective Game2009-06-21 -4 
4947106Yet another King of Dragon Pass game 2The year continues, a few raids are launched. In general, the year was productive, though a little eventless.King of Dragon Pass, Collective Game2009-06-21 -4 
4953917Yet another King of Dragon Pass game 3Teegee meets the ducks, and raid them good. Drought sets upon the clan, and a rush for food is made. The tretcherous Toranthos raid, and bring flying warriors, which does not amuse us. King of Dragon Pass, Collective Game2009-06-22 0 
July 2009
5128932Viking QuestMjollnir has been stolen! Our many-named hero of Valhalla sets forth to find it. Includes punching ice giants to death with iron gauntlets and mushroom-fueled fury.viking quest2009-07-11 8 
5250103Shodan mentors CortanaWhat began as an intelligent discourse on Shodan's sentience and underlying motivations immediately devolved into a 'hawt' AI-on-AI Lez Librarian SlashFic."SHODAN, System Shock, Cortana, Halo, LezSlash, Deep Thinking, Sentience, Componants"2009-07-25 9 
August 2009
5503797Grimdark Kingdom HeartsWhat began as a dump of evil versions of the ladies of Disney took a very evil turn when someone brought up kingdom hearts, ideas got tossed around and some very scary thoughts brought up.Disney, Kingdom Hearts, Grimdark2009-08-19 5 
September 2009
5818593Epic RP Story ThreadMore great tales of roleplaying from the hearts and minds of /tg/.Story, Roleplay, Fucking Negi2009-09-12 9 
November 2009
6558083Exalted 101Despite a little meandering, this topic soon became quite the primer for anyone asking after Exalted.Exalted, Exalted 101, newbie seeking help2009-11-04 2 
6639269My First Quest Thread Greed !!u95zbWX8j7r Greed takes /tg/ On a riveting tale involving Kings/skeletons/ And a scepter of powerQuestthread, Quest, Thread, Questhread, King2009-11-10 -1 
6651866Forgotten King Quest Part 2 Greed !!u95zbWX8j7rThe King explores some more, And meets his BROTHER DUN DUN DUNQuest, Thread, Questhread, King 2009-11-11 -2 
6656019Fastfood mafia in D20Anon frames the mascots of major fast food companies as members of organized crime. Shi/tg/ets done for the most part.mcdonalds, fast food, mafia, d20, burger king2009-11-11 13 
66792676 Forgotten King Quest Part 3 Greed !!u95zbWX8j7rThe king finally gets out of the crypt, and with Gorewarp discovers a new town, and the king's riveting tale continues.Quest, Thread, Questhread, King, Greed2009-11-13 -1 
6879343Dungeon Keeper Greed QuestA quest thread combining Overlord, Dungeon Keeper, and Greed !!u95zbWX8j7r's previous Forgotten King quests.Quest, Thread, Questhread, King, Greed2009-11-26 0 
6893700Dungeon Keeper Greed Quest Part 2A quest thread combining Overlord, Dungeon Keeper, and Greed !!u95zbWX8j7r's previous Forgotten King quests. Part 2.Quest, Thread, Questhread, King, Greed2009-11-27 0 
6899791Dungeon Keeper Greed Quest Part 2 (Part 2 of Part 2)A continuation of part 2 of the Dungeon Keeper Quest line, which was mislabeled Part 3 in OP's subject line.Quest, Thread, Questhread, King, Greed2009-11-28 0 
6907127Dungeon Keeper Greed Quest Part 3A quest continuing Greed's adventure into the world of the underdark, A quest taking influences from Dungeon Keeper, Overlord, and Greed's previous Forgotten King quest line.Quest, Thread, Questhread, King, Greed2009-11-28 0 
December 2009
7170900Kingdom Hearts Homebrew SystemSome weaboo faggot shows up with a system for- HOLY SHIT I CAN BE A NINJA THAT KILLS EVEYONE USING ONLY A PEN AND GETS AN ASSLOAD OF EXTRA ACTIONS A TURN?Kingdom Hearts, Weaboo, Ninja, Homebrew, System2009-12-17 0 
January 2010
7628418KoTH RoleplayDiscussing classes and alignments for characters from King of the HillKing of the Hill, classes, alignments.2010-01-17 -4 
7629364Lord Quest XII - Arc II Part IILord Quest gets underway, although early on those pesky /b/tards try and ruin everything for everyone, with predictable results. Also, our feudal society decides to go into the market for... soap?Lord Quest, collective game, Quest, FUCKING AWESOME2010-01-17 32 
February 2010
8022037District 9 strategiesA discussion of a nonexistent tabletop wargame based on the movie District 9. Much wishful thinking ensues. "district 9" "homebrew" "wishful thinking"2010-02-11 12 
8108324ADVENTURE NOW!Rage viking goes on a quest.Quest thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-02-16 10 
8144567ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 2Rage viking goes on a quest with his wench, time for some pillaging.Quest thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-02-18 6 
8189189VinlandWhat if the short-lived Viking colonies established in North America didn't fail?vikings alternate history 2010-02-21 1 
8194984ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 3Rage viking now lost in a crappy forest. Where the fuck is the wench?Quest thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-02-21 5 
8208190Pokemon Quest. Get your nostalgia gogglesHello there! My name is Oak. Some people call me the Pokemon Professor. This world is inhabited by creatures we call Pokemon! Some people play with Pokemon, while others battle them. I study Pokemon. I am here to serve as your guide through the world of pokemon training.Pokemon, Collective Game, Gary MOTHERFUCKING oak, Treecko, Quest2010-02-21 -3 
8210509 Pokemon Quest 1b. Get your nostalgia gogglesYou are Sarah a 12 year old pokemon trainer from pallet. Having received your brand new Treecko your are now battleing Red and Gary your childhood friends. Red has a Hoot Hoot named Dr. Hoo and Gary a Whismur. You are Jungle Jack , your pokemon, is on the ground trying to ward of as series of peck attacks from the good doctor as whismur charges into the fray having now deflated to normal size.Pokemon, Collective Game, Gary MOTHERFUCKING oak, Treecko, Quest, Battle2010-02-22 -4 
8233038ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 4IN WHICH OLAF WANTS A MACHETE AND ARMWREASTLES A BEARQuest thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-02-23 7 
March 2010
8406328The /tg/-teamBrother Sharp is revealed to us, joining Professor Badass and Techno Viking. But is there a fourth member yet to be unveiled? And who stands against our force of unmitigated badassery?badass, technoviking, tgteam2010-03-05 12 
8281670ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 5IN WHICH OLAF FINDS A SECRET CAVE (manually restored)Quest Thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-03-23 4 
8749783ADVENTURE NOW PART 7IN WHICH OLAF BECOMES A TIME TRAVELLING GENTLEMAN PILLAGERQuest Thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-03-24 5 
8871718Enter the SargeFairly normal "what if" thread leads to our first encounter with Sarge, a badass wood elf on the edge, and leading role in the upcoming film epic: Full Metal Bodkin.Elves, Eldar, Sarge, All Goblins must fucking Hang, Fluff2010-03-30 14 
April 2010
8947433Lego Quest - Viking EditionViking based interlude, in which the fearless viking Arnold seeks mighty orange transparent mjöllnirLego Quest, viking2010-04-03 13 
May 2010
9587327VeloCITY Part DeuxDiscussion of the /tg/ homebrew continues. It mostly concerns the fluff of the setting, but it's still a nice read.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Mirror's Edge, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-04 12 
9605580VeloCity part 3More fluff discussion. People pitch ideas for equipment, places, and other things.VeloCity, homebrew, tagging, Jet Set Radio, Aire Gear, running, blading, biking, boarding, skating, 2010-05-04 8 
9613988VeloCITY Part FourEven more fluff is discussed. Things start getting organized, and the PDF gets cleaned up.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-05 6 
9619371VeloCITY Part FiveThe discussion of the quickly-blossoming homebrew continues even *further*. The system gets a little crunchier, concepts are clarified and ideas are pitched.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-06 5 
9653086VeloCITY Part 6More VeloCITY stuff. Thread gets temporarily derailed by stupid bullshit about somehow making a canyon with dam below sea level for some reason, but gets back on track fast enough.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-07 5 
9659445VeloCITY Part 7More of the awesome homebrew. Amongst other things, jumping gets covered, status ailments, gang organisation and Velo City's power supply are discussed, and gear barely gets considered despite Nothing Man's request.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-08 5 
9684276Cartography ThreadA general discussion on map-making, with some bad points, and then some really really good points.Mapping, language-making2010-05-08 0 
9710181Sane editions discussion!It's clearly the end of the world!Editions, 4e, 3.5, pathfinder, fantasycraft, no fucking way2010-05-09 0 
9696982VeloCITY Part 9More fluff discussion from all and progress reports from Nothing Man. Part 8 was never archived.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-10 5 
9741714VeloCITY #10The big tenth thread as it enters autosage. Character sheet, pictures, little bit of trolling and some stories. Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Mirror's Edge, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-11 5 
9815315KingmakerKindly Anon dumps the Kingmaker kingdom rules for /tg/ to use in their gamesKingmaker, ruling, kingdom, Pathfinder, birthright, ruler2010-05-14 5 
10162640VeloCITY RevivalRevival of the VeloCITY system/setting. Repost of some fluff, discussion and plans to actually get a game started contained within. Also, Nothing Man returns!homebrew, Mirror's Edge, Velocity, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-31 4 
10164825L5R Haiku ContestA Scorpion throws a haiku challenge to /tg/, poetry is discussed and composed. Fluff discussion ensues. Koi prove to be incredibly fascinating.L5R, Rokugan, haiku, competition, koi, koi_fucking_everywhere, fascinating2010-05-31 2 
August 2010
11513034Zerg Quest VICerebrate Anon obtains Kerrigan, infests Raynor, prevents the destruction of Tarsonis, and meets a human nemesis who flat-out embarrasses it. More to come!Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, fleshlings, KINGSTOOOOON!2010-08-04 14 
11558305DogscapeThe earth is carpeted by a layer of Dog. The only sustenance for the remaining humans is what can be hacked from the all-consuming carpet of flesh. Dogscape, dog, horror, post apocalyptic, fucking terrifying2010-08-07 13 
11600995Zerg Quest VIIAnon hacks the Confederate Intelligence network, personally organizes the Invasion of Aiur, and THEN the epic starts.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, fleshlings, Starcraft, KINSTOOOOON!!!, Giant fucking crystals, Shit just got real2010-08-10 13 
11799126Zerg Quest IXAnon finds out that Kingston isn't screwing around with this rivalry, and loses its whole goddamn Brood in the process.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, fleshlings, suddenly nukes, KINGSTOOOOON!!!2010-08-24 14 
11888966Zerg Quest XThe Brood is isolated, but works to regain control. Plans are made, plots set into motion, and Anon rediscovers the Protoss. Then we argue about the best one-liner to leave the Toss.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, KINGSTOOOOOON!!!, All your Aiur, Starcraft2010-08-31 12 
September 2010
12103536Zerg Quest XIIThe Swarm waffles about for a long time, but pulls itself together to stage a JUST AS PLANNED rescue mission. One-on-one banter with Kingston ensues.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, KINGSTOOOON!!!, Warbrate rescue, Labbrate in pain, Starcraft2010-09-16 12 
12131737Death QuestWe died but then we got better. Or got a second chance. We're not sure yet. Then we found our long lost childhood love interest, and god damn she's hot. Also, the world is going to be destroyed in 5 days by an asteroid and we need to get to NASA if we hope to survive. Worst rolls since Tau Quest, here we go!Death Quest, collective game, smoking hot farmgirl, bloodquest dice2010-09-18 11 
12144906Death Quest 2LOOTAN' TIME gives us crazy good rolls, and we roll out of Orlando with a gas guzzler, a gun, and our girl. NASA, here we come.Death Quest, collective game, looting, smoking hot farmgirl, AWESOME DICE2010-09-19 9 
October 2010
12281662Trollphysics/tg/ tries out Trollphysics- and it's surprisingly plausible FUCK NO IT ISN'T LOLOLOLOLITROLLUTroll physics, bullshit, fucking magnets2010-10-01 25 
12357292Lord of Cocks"At the end of the session that I just came from, one of my players declared himself, publicly, the Lord of Cocks." And then the thread was full of ideas about the proper response and repercussions for thisCocks, dicks, God, God of Cocks, One-eyed King, Cock Salesmen, Cock Duel2010-10-07 39 
November 2010
12670760Zerg Quest XVIIIRegular Zerg Quest returns. Bernie is immediately shipped to boarding school, and Anon gives a touching pep talk to Labbrate. Anon aims Kingston at the Protoss. Will it backfire?Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Bernie, Starcraft, Motivational Speaking, Subterfuge2010-11-04 12 
12739472Flora Wars/tg/ shares strategies for the game Flora Wars, which turns out to be surprisingly popular around the world.flora wars, epic, fucking awesome2010-11-10 6 
12834871Zerg Quest XX20 threads of mutation! The Brood decides to rush the DNA scanners, and all hell breaks loose. As usual. TUCAMP announces Terran Quest. Another planet is glassed. We go through so many!Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, KINGSTOOOON!!!, Planet Glassing, Down with the Bourgouis Confederacy!2010-11-18 13 
December 2010
12996357Zerg Quest XXIBack from the holiday, Cerebrate Anon hosts his Quest once more. A new species is planned, a bit of subterfuge is had, and the Brood stumbles into an invasion in the making! It's suspenseful, damnit!Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Quest Thread, Collective Game, KINGSTOOOON!!!, double trips2010-12-02 12 
13165814Zerg Quest XXIIIAfter squandering some resources, the Swarm finds that Kingston's assault is Blitzkrieging through the third-wave colonies. Gorn and Warbrate work together to fight it back, and Anon turns to Bernie for an offensive.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, KINGSTOOOON!!!, Quest Thread, Bernie, May our children forgive us2010-12-16 11 
13330984Zerg Quest XXVAnon learns what the strange Protoss are about, discovers that Kingston has developed Valkyries, watches Bernie get beaten up, and fights off a pretty bad Terran infestation one of its colonies.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Quest Thread, Collective Game, KINGSTOOOON!!!, TossTalk, Bernie, Conspiracy Theories2010-12-30 11 
January 2011
13580087Giveth Thy Lute/tg/ Gets medieval on the lute.Rap, Parody, Middle Ages, Funny, Negro, Nigra, Crown, King2011-01-19 2 
13585573Zerg Quest XXVIIThe Zerg actually sit down and talk with VoidGate, the not-quite-Skynet-but-basically-Skynet. In the end, Anon blows the shit out of some Terrans, like strategic superiority is an afterthought, or something.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Diplomacy, Skynet, Are we actually talking with people now?2011-01-20 11 
February 2011
13759933Zerg Quest XXIXAnon meets with Little Sister, and her irritability is lessened substantially when Anon comes up with a tactical plan that surprises even Cerebrate Anon. A battle of pretty epic proportions ensues, and the political climate of the Koprulu Sector changes. A LOT.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Kerrigan, Planet Glassing, Out-Kingstoning2011-02-03 11 
13843993Zerg Quest XXXAnon's Brood takes the initiative after watching Kingston destroy a pivotal part of the anti-Zerg equation to wreak havoc on his unguarded flanks. A dangerous element from like, 20 threads ago reappears, and two unidentified forces appear at the cliffhanger.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Planet Glassing, Out-Kingstoning, Fuck Your Ban Nigga!2011-02-10 15 
March 2011
14134349Lineage Quest A quest full of pseudovikings coming to conquer the Savagelands full of savagethings.Lineage Quest, vikings, ship, Kjorstav2011-03-05 9 
14167662RPG Rules for HackingThread containing a discussion of computer security, and how it can be mechanically applied to an RPG.Hacking, Computers, Mechanics, Rules, RPG, Homebrew2011-03-08 1 
14200992AD&D World GenA bored anon roles up a campaign world, AD&D style. Creates an internal water-world with kelp-islands, Sylvan elfs all up in the motherfucker, and a pantheon of warring dicks.world creation, AD&D, fucking elfs2011-03-11 3 
14298932Lineage Quest IIIn which Randevi Kjorstav and his squad of badasses plan and carry out an assault on a Savage village. Eye-loss ensues.Lineage Quest, vikings, Kjorstav, assault2011-03-20 3 
14390923Dead King's QuestThe beginnings about a ritual gone awry and a soul now inhabits the risen corpse of the king. The new king must solve his people and countries plights all the while keeping the secret that he is a false ruler.quest, king, undead2011-03-28 34 
14397093(Dead) King's Quest IIThe first year of the second reign of (supposedly) Holy Duke Liuva III over the duchy of Tautila is tumultuous. Bandits are routed, crops are sown, and the treachery of Tautila's neighbors begins to surface. The possibility of a romance sparks, and our liege takes his first steps away from the throne. Also, the fearsome phrase "The Wizard is bored" first rears its head.Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila2011-03-29 37 
14411970(Dead) King's Quest IIIThe continuing adventures of (supposedly) Holy Duke Liuva III over the duchy of Tautila. Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila2011-03-30 40 
April 2011
14465165(Dead) King's Quest lVThe continuing adventures of (supposedly) Holy Duke Liuva III over the duchy of Tautila.Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila2011-04-04 39 
14473285Game-Breaking/tg/ discusses new and exiting ways to break fantasy universes.Game Breaking, funny2011-04-05 3 
14585186Zerg Quest XXXVIIIAnon continues its vicious pogrom against the VoidGate AI, going so far as to get Kingston in on the carnage. Yet more planets are rendered balls of superheated glass, and yet fewer people are willing to fuck with the Zerg.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Planet Glassing, Skynet, Kingston teamwork?, Oops2011-04-14 11 
14617677The MonumentA giant hollow planetoid was made to house the peoples of the stars to survive the heat-death and rebirth of the Universe. However, things inside were not as utopian as planned and the peoples degenerated into the warring societies they once were. This thread is for the development of such a setting.Monument, energy legos, walking squids, sentient nanites, token humans2011-04-17 2 
May 2011
14817054(Dead) King's Quest VThe Oracle has been captured. What now for the skeletal ruler of fair Tautila, and his loyal court?Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila2011-05-05 49 
14849478Beware of King QuestA kingdom manager quest, uses Mors' "Dead King Quest" play-style, story remotely inspired by "Dragon Quest" (at least it seems so). You are Cave Drako Rex Meus, a (red) dragon woken up after long slumber to find your kingdom shattered, amidst civil war, impoverished and stricken by plague. Now it is up to you and your inner council to restore it to its previous magnificence. (thread cut short by OPs disappearance, presumably due to his prehistoric Internet connection)Beware of King Quest, Beware of King, Quest, Collective Game2011-05-08 6 
14967696Bill's QuestAn ex-astronaut, a talking chimpanzee who invented a fusion power plant, and a handful other other geniuses team up to build a boat and escape a desert island they were imprisoned on by the Illuminati.Bill's Quest, Illuminati, astronaut, ex-astronaut, chimpanzee, talking chimpanzee, talking chimp, quest, collective game, tripping balls2011-05-18 4 
14959093Modern LovecraftOP asks about running a CoC game in the mnodern era, but not based on on Delta Green. Some good suggestions for how to handle cellhpones, and memetic mind destroying Kings.Call of Cthulhu, Modern horror, Horror, Modern, Cthulhu, King in Yellow, Yellow Sign2011-05-20 5 
July 2011
15664087Google+ Requests/tg/ embraces the future of social networking!Google+, G+, foreveralone, social networking2011-07-22 -13 
August 2011
15869516Vidya Game Name Generator/tg/ fluffs out names into games that put the game industry to shame. Can you type faster than the Nazi's in 'Stupendous Typing Over Normandy'? Enjoy quality edutainment with 'Viking Robot Phonics'! Experience the total sum of wargaming in 'Enormous Chainsaw - Total War'! Strain your brain over 'M.C. Escher's Bandicoot Melee'! AND MORE!vidya, game, name, generator, viking, nazi, hitler, time, travel, space, hillbilly, gokart, race, japan, werewolf, blast, mario, writefaggotry, awesome, barbie, beatdown, bible2011-08-09 9 
15972097Board Quest VWe finally get to have fun storming the castle, and play tennis with a lich!Collective Game, Board Quest, Quest, Lich, Boss Battle, Tunnels, About Fucking Time2011-08-18 15 
16062108Enjou Kosai AdventureIn the wein of being weaboo, this thread is dedicated to enjou kosai(componsated/paid dates). General faggotry started, and somebody is trying to make a RPG for it.rpg,enjou kosai, enjou kosai adventure, prositution, magic girl, mahou shoujo, monster girl, RPG making2011-08-25 12 
September 2011
16219389Zerg Quest LVIIHowdy. Name's Jim Raynor. I've been a lot of things. I used to be a man.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Raynor, Starcraft Noir, KINGSTOOOON!, GOTCHA BITCH2011-09-08 14 
16298685Zerg Quest LVIIIRaynor continues to hunt Kingston like the dog he is. Kingston, I mean...Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Raynor, Starcraft Noir, KINGSTOOOON!, FUCKING KILL HIM ALREADY2011-09-15 11 
16379670Zerg Quest LIVWill Kingston rage against the dying of the light, or somesuch poetic stuff?Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Raynor, Starcraft Noir, KINGSTOOOON!, PTSD Raynor2011-09-22 9 
October 2011
16708343King Alfonso Civilization Game 2We get bad ass magic, meet some snakes, and blood for the blood god.civilization game, alfonso, sanguine kingdom, fucking dorfs, collective game2011-10-23 21 
16716025King Alfonso Civilization Game 3The confrontation with the dwarves is on. civilization game, alfonso, sanguine kingdom, fucking dorfs, collective game2011-10-23 13 
16717231King Alfonso Civilization Game 4New races made, new races discovered, and gunpowder. Decisions, decisions...civilization game, alfonso, sanguine kingdom, fucking dorfs, collective game, lizardmen, goblins2011-10-24 12 
16726480King Alfonso Civilization Game 5We meet Stoner Dragonling and Demon-Summoning Elves. Stuff happens.Hagan, Dragonlings, Civ, Demons, Portal, Elves, Lizardmen, King Alfonso2011-10-25 9 
November 2011
16857518Tribe to Empire QuestArising from a shitty troll copy paste thread, OP creates a quest thread where we must managed a small tribal empire. tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy2011-11-06 6 
16859102Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIAdvisor Anon continues his quest. Our settlements grow as we meet a mysterious envoy from the foresttribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-06 7 
16869061Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIIThe quest continues, featuring smooth tribal diplomacy checkstribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-07 6 
16882132Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIIIWar is slowly coming. We still havent got a wife. And lots plot deepens a lot. We also build new buildings train some raiders, check on our twin albino slaves and much more. Also shenanigans ensue as Bjorn mixes some stuff into Berserkers meal...tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-08 7 
16897653General Advice for Quest CraftingOP asks how to make a good quest, people respond.quest, help, create, noob, making2011-11-10 5 
16906033Tribe to Empire Quest Part VGlorious battle with Aville (there is another part V here as suptg was down http://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/16894414)tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-10 12 
16947528Tribe To Empire Quest Part VI First HalfAfter the battle with Aville we return to Ravenhold and begin interrogation on the POWstribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-17 5 
16970602Tribe To Empire Quest Part VI Second HalfAfter the battle with Aville we finish interrogating our prisoners... then join the great feast. Cyrillia confesses some interesting thigs.tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-20 2 
16989597TribeToEmpireQUESTAftermath of battle... We discuss waifu... Train some soldiers and organize an offense against Aville.tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-22 2 
17052425Fantasy cuisineAnon asks for fantasy foodstuffs to entice his players with. What he gets is speculation on the cuisine of common fantasy races.Food, Cooking, Culture, Fantasy2011-11-30 11 
December 2011
17352046Tattúínárdǿla SagaIn which an Anonymous skald, in the Yuletide spirit, shares the tale of Lúkr Anakinsson and Veidr.Vikings, Skalds, Duel, Read Closely, Lúkr Anakinsson, Veidr, Hani, King Falfaðinn, 2011-12-28 14 
January 2012
17444374A Study of DwarvesOP opens up with a huge multipost dissertation about dwarven biology and physiology, adolescent development, and even some cultural details like courtship. /tg/ jumps on it, and soon things like death and burial rituals, farming, homelife, and even brewing and cooking get expanded upon. Also, apparently Giant Cave Worms are basically just big writhing sausages made of Spam.dwarves, study, information, biology, puberty, death, burial, farming, brewing, cooking, spam2012-01-07 8 
17508118The Return of VeloCITYThe free-running, Jet Set Radio-ing, love love loveing /tg/ homebrew is back!Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2012-01-13 7 
17637446Zerg Quest LXXSunday Zerg Quest? Inconceivable! In this thread, LOTS of internal politics. Nuclear politics.Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Bernie, Kerrigan, Nukes, Lying to genocide/rape survivors, Not even thinking twice about it, Group Therapy2012-01-23 10 
17650114/tg/ Meta Quest 55A lot of chaff gets thrown around, but we are able to figure out how to use the book that leads to the Kingdom Hearts world. There is a book there that will return our team, and we attempt, unsuccessfully, to get to it.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Kingdom Hearts2012-01-24 10 
17664704/tg/ Meta Quest 56Our second attempt to get to the return-book is foiled by an incredibly low roll, and our team is captured. We go to Plan B, and wait for the S.U.E.'s to return back to the Baseline World then have Tosh and the others attempt to make their escape. Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Kingdom Hearts2012-01-25 10 
February 2012
17781794TG Quest 57: The SubtitlingSUEs get killed, ArchSUE comes out, we run.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Kingdom Hearts2012-02-03 10 
17794854TG Quest 58:We turn around, we make a Plan, ArchSUE dies.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo2012-02-04 15 
17785546Another TGquest planning threadarchived so future readers can see our thought processesCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo, Orz, OrzAreStillATagBecauseWeAreWaitingForThemToComeBackAndBiteUsInTheAssForStupidity2012-02-06 6 
17927799Eldar, adoption, and baking.Do Eldar adopt cross faction? What if Vect's daughter was raised by a Baker?Dark, Eldar, d'awww, Lofn, Writefag, Baking, <32012-02-15 6 
March 2012
18340884Viking QuestWe are Urist McHammerfist, last of the vikings! And we begin our journey to find a wife.collective game, viking quest, viking, dragon, jotun, iceland, barbarian, punch, fist, badass, awesome, boobs2012-03-16 12 
18377279A gift from /ck/Random anon from /ck/ gives us the gift of sharing by sharing some cooking recipesCooking, /ck/, CK, recipes2012-03-19 11 
May 2012
1903303640k Postal ServiceMessaging goes postal in 40kcollective game, mail, warhammer 40k, 40k, spess mahreen, intergalactic postman should be a fucking go in his own right,2012-05-09 12 
19044770Please do not take these itemsNORSE NORSE NORSE NORSE NORSEYou fucking people2012-05-10 17 
19279527Zerg Quest LXXXVIIIaPart one, due to mod faggotry. Screw 'em.Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Cerebrate Anon, mod faggotry, Worldship poking2012-05-29 7 
July 2012
19882409Zerg Quest XCIVaSomething lurks in the galactic core, and no amount of mod-faggotry will keep us from investigating.Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Zerg Quest, PORTENT, fucking mods2012-07-15 6 
August 2012
20150289/tg/ cooksA horrifying failure of a meatbread turns into gentlemanly discussion of food and foodstuffs, including recipes in the classic style.food, cooking, eating, meatbread, the horror, interesting, original content,2012-08-03 20 
September 2012
20685312/tg/ makes a character sheetMaking a system for said sheets, however, may prove impossible.RPG, characters, sheets, hats, fucking MAGNETS, anal circumference 2012-09-11 11 
20708030this is not a place of honorA discussion of warnings surrounding radioactive waste sites and their effectiveness--or lack thereof.history, warnings, DONTFUCKINGDOIT2012-09-13 10 
October 2012
21008795HoboQuestA hobo wakes up and stumbles around like the drunkard he is. Hey receives a mysterious prophesy that is way to vague to be taken any sort of seriously.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, prologue, Collective Game2012-10-06 20 
21084480Lich's Employee Quest pt 10Daniel returns home for the harvest festivities.Skeleton quest, frenemies, drinking, seduction2012-10-12 11 
21139816 XWF Manager Quest, Part 2The Superhuman Wrestlan Adventure continues with the Brass ReaperXWF quest, Quest, wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-10-16 8 
21159260XWF Manager Quest, Part 3Superhuman wrestling is planned, as we take the Brass Reaper's old partner, Python, into our stable. XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, wrestling, the king of all night's dreaming2012-10-17 6 
21174680XWF Manager Quest, Part 4Ned Salter, rookie manager of wrestlers in the Extreme Warfare Federation, once again proves his worth as he manages former superstar Brass Reaper into a win and uncovers something of a conspiracy.XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, wrestling, the king of all night's dreaming2012-10-18 6 
21190840XWF Manager Quest, Part 5Python wins his match, and we discuss our recruits' futuresXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, wrestling, the king of all night's dreaming2012-10-19 6 
21235924XWF Manager Quest, Part 6Brass and Python win an epic tag matchXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, wrestling, the king of all night's dreaming2012-10-23 5 
21251783XWF Manager Quest 7: Beware of greeks bearing giftsAfter Brass and Python winning their tag team match, the group goes to celebrate to a private club. We arrange fights for Brass and Python, get Mai´s emergency contact number, and begin finding things about Bomber LordXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-10-23 6 
21267436XWF Manager Quest 8: All American Boy The King Of All Night´s DreamingBrass and Python have their hardest fights to date as Python faces the problem of hitting someone in flames, and Brass goes head to head against a former queen of all three XWF divisionsXWF, Collective Game, The King of All Night´s Dreaming, Brass Reaper2012-10-25 3 
21271381Street Fighter Quest 11At last, after finishing a boatload of paperwork, Anon has his first official fight of the World Warrior tournament. Meanwhile, Ellie and Belle begin the hunt for a third member for their King of Fighters team.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-10-25 10 
21282598XWF Manager Quest 9: What doesn´t kills you The King Of All Night´s DreamingWe have Phalanx train with us, and move to his fight vs Brass. An ally reveals his new final formXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-10-25 2 
21271988/tg/ Gets a CakeAnon posts pic of cake they decorated for us, thread becomes pile of awesome recipes.cooking, don't need other boards, shit gets done, cake, cookies, scroll addiction, perfect roast2012-10-26 6 
21294867XWF Manager Quest 10: A big enough magnet The King Of All Night´s DreamingPython fights Wavelength as the lady stretches and bends the rules as much as she can!XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-10-26 2 
21297765Street Fighter Quest 13Anon begins "training" for his next opponent in the World Warrior tournament, while Ellie and Belle hold tryouts to find the third member of their King of Fighters team.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-10-26 11 
21315449HoboQuest Part IIProphecy Shmophecy. You make your way to Lee's circle, engage in fisticuffs with a dimensional portal, musically fight spearmen, and try to play the hero with a shopping cart.Collective Game, The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo2012-10-28 13 
21319241FATAL "Friday" Pt. 1/tg/ creates Hortamundus, the dwarf who spends 9 hours a day making bread and has done so for 105 years in FATAL FATAL, Bread_making, My_eyes2012-10-28 8 
21322501FATAL "Friday" Pt. 2/tg/'s dwarf baker takes on a troll in a surprisingly short fightFATAL,Bread_making,My_Eyes2012-10-28 7 
21339435XWF Manager Quest 11: Of the ideology of Quantum Ned finally goes through with having Mai train him, and then theres delicious meal. We also finally arrange a fight for AmiXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-10-29 3 
21340000The Cost of the CrownA cunning, upcoming young Heir apparent talks through political intruige and how to deal with the other PCs. As more is revealed, the rabbit hole goes deeper than expectedCost of the Crown, King, Evil character, dickery, Planning, Destiny, doomed hero2012-10-29 14 
21343145Street Fighter Quest 14Anon vs. Boss Honda: The Rematch (with flashback)Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-10-29 12 
21355540Street Fighter Quest 15An interlude starring the nascent King of Fighters team training and getting to know each other. Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-10-30 10 
21368824XWF Manager Quest, Part 12: The wild heart in Africa The whole team goes to AfricaXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-10-31 1 
21372839Street Fighter Quest 16Now an official World Warrior, Anon starts scoping out the competition and planning his training for the global stage. Meanwhile, a redeemed Boss Honda reconnects with his old life. Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-10-31 10 
November 2012
21384368XWF Manager Quest, Part 13Ami finally, FINALLY has her debut. It´s a huge success. We also go in a photo safari with Brass, and get a hot secretaryXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-01 2 
21386922Street Fighter Quest 17With under a month to prepare for the global stage, Anon heads to Southtown for some "accelarated training." Meanwhile, full-fledged karate hobo Boss Honda heads for Idaho and begins a most fantastic adventure.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-11-02 11 
21392361HoboQuest Part IIIYou awake in a hospital, and are confronted with the horror of sobriety. Escape, make out with a wall, get recaptured by military. THE MONSTERGIRLS HAVE COME.HoboQuest, Collective Game, hobo, The-Hobo-King, monstergirls, dimensional shenanigans2012-11-02 10 
21398761XWF Manager Quest, Part 14We finally reach the opening bouts of the title belt tournament!XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-02 2 
21417858HoboQuest Part IV: A New HUEGet hired by military, constantly piss off a general. A LIFETIME SUPPLY OF BOOZE. Invading army comes, invading army goes. Flee your authority figures and meet a Night Post batgirl. HUEHUEHUE rears it's head at last.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-11-04 10 
21433028HoboQuest Part VSave a batgirl, get some guns, acquire a Soldier Bro. Get drunk, get slimegirl drunk, bottle slime girl. Get to town, find a bar, meet a red oni. A drinking competition turns into an alcoholic fight to the death. /tg/ nearly crit fails Lincoln to death.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-11-05 10 
21440131XWF Manager Quest Thread 15: The Final BellPython vs Mamba in a flash-fast fight of box vs muay thaiXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-05 2 
21444444Street Fighter Quest 18On the day of Ellie, Belle & Moira's inaugural fight as an official King of Fighters team, their original fourth woman can't show up; a still-training Anon is promptly recruited as the team's substitute striker.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-11-06 11 
21449675HoboQuest Part VILincoln wakes from the drinking game two days later, gets booze, questions barkeep, and has no fucks to fly in the face of an angry Red Oni. Also: Slimegirl Snowglobes?! The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls 2012-11-06 10 
21455507 XWF Manager´s Quest 16: Brass vs BossA regular slugfest that ends with a DDT and somone almost literally buried into the ringXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-06 1 
21459469Street Fighter Quest 19After spontaneously claiming Anon as her fiance in front of her father, Belle finally settles some personal and family issues. The adventures of Sir Honda continue.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-11-07 11 
21469353XWF Manager´s Quest 17: Between BattlesNed becomes a superior, more build discussion XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-07 1 
21472734Street Fighter Quest 20Belle out of the closet and high off the team's first win, Anon and company kick back and celebrate at King & Duck King's bar & club, King's Court. In Idaho, Boss Honda confronts his dark side before fighting a dragon. Yes, a real one. Kinda.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-11-08 10 
21483465XWF Manager Quest Part 17: Show me the moneyDeal making left and right in Japan and the USAXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-08 2 
21487333Street Fighter Quest 21Days from his global debut, Anon picks a fight venue and goes shopping, buying some new sticks and finally getting a new wardrobe. Also, Moira the aikido nun tells her story.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-11-08 10 
21492704Saint Elegius, the Relic HammerWelder Anon discovers an ancient relic and embarks on an epic quest to forge a legendary hammer. In real life.Epic, Real Life, Elegius, Artifact, Metalworking2012-11-09 69 
21499271XWF Manager Quest Part 18 The King Of All Night´s DreamingBrass vs Salamander in a heated up fightXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-09 1 
21503441Street Fighter Quest 22Atop a Metro City skyscraper, Anon of the United States makes his global World Warrior debut against Rebecca Lane of Ireland, a worldly woman of many styles.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-11-09 11 
21509308Fabrique Generale Quest: Bow to her MajestyThe vice lords fall, the mollochians learn their place, the Men In White are revealed, and we meet an enemy that may prove to be our greatest challenge yet.Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City2012-11-10 14 
21533075Fabrique Generale Quest: Bickering Gets you nowhereUpgrade our rovers and preform attacks on Majesty units. Lots of development, Joint Project with DBRL and trade for silk producing equipmentFabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City2012-11-12 12 
21546051XWF Manager´s Quest Part 19 The King Of All Night´s DreamingDiscussion on exp usage, BBQ, and just a little bit of plottingXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-12 1 
21550359Street Fighter Quest 23In the nerdy holy land of Japan's Akihabara, Anon of the USA battles The Otaku, a guy who never stopped growing up with Kamen Rider. Ellie, Belle and Moira serve as the peanut gallery back in Southtown.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-11-12 11 
21561368XWF Manager´s Quest Part 20: Boxing with ShadowsPython knocks out a shadow with a shocking fistXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-13 0 
21566235Street Fighter Quest 24Anon vs. The Otaku, Part Deux! Plus, the King of Fighters team battles a most curious and almost grotesque team at an ungodly hour in the morning.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-11-14 10 
21566417Fabrique Generale Quest: Muties be hatinWe complete a lot of research and make our troopers awesome, then mutants attack, darwin claims they were from Majesty and we discus better Viktry town protection.Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City2012-11-14 13 
21573705Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: Rock and Roll AngelIn which we upgrade V-Town, work on producing better equipment, and take control of a sattelite and learnj about the machine eat machine world of near Earth orbit.Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City2012-11-14 11 
21576894XWF Manager´s Quest Part 21 The King Of All Night´s DreamingBrass vs Clarymore in a fast but bloody matchXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-14 0 
21581196Street Fighter Quest 25On an immediate plane ride to Germany to fight World Warrior finalist and professional sellout Erich, Anon expresses concern for the legitimacy of the tournament with his handler before falling asleep and embarking on another vision quest. On the other side of the world, Boss Honda reunites with the old man at last.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-11-15 12 
21594343Street Fighter Quest FinalThanks for playing! Presented by /tg/. Enter your name: _ _ _Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2012-11-15 26 
21611825Fabrique Generale Civilization QuestIn which we execute some slavers, make a treaty with some tribals, finish off one of our tanks, make headway with our satellite, and have a christmas celebration.Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City2012-11-17 12 
21651877XWF Manager Quest, Part 22: I shall never again discuss organized belief about the afterlife The King Of All Night´s DreamingBomber Lord vs El Nova Santo for the Omega division title belt!XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-19 0 
21629619HoboQuest Part VIIIn which Lincoln goes to the Post Office, and learns the sorry state of affairs about Monstergirls and his current location. And the World in general. Righteous fury leads us to the castle, which leads to drunken merriment, explosions, a kitchen fire and a pissed off SpecOps CO. Whoopsie?The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-11-20 14 
21668267XWF Manager´s Quest Part 23: Youth vs ExperiencePython vs PaladinXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-20 0 
21665666HoboQuest Part VII 2The Madness continues! Bowing out of the Diplomatic talks, Lincoln wanders off in search of Zuli the Red Oni girl, only to find pain. Escaping the consequences of his actions yet again, our hero returns from death's doir in time to rescue Zuli from an unjust execution. The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE 2012-11-21 11 
21683288XWF Manager´s Quest Part 24: Championship Road The King Of All Night´s DreamingWe can have delicious BBQ, and also planning, lots of planningXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-21 2 
21698257XWF Manager´s Quest Part 25 The King Of All Night´s DreamingWe bring el Nova Santo back to the land of the awake, and get him as a new friendXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-22 1 
21700306HoboQuest Part VIIILincoln and company manage to escape the burning castle, engage in song and dance routines, and determine an agreement that is most certainly going to end in hedonism. Rick Rolling HUEHUEHUE appears.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-11-23 11 
21712802XWF Manager´s Quest Part 26 The King Of All Night´s DreamingThe Gold Title Fight!XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-23 1 
21749782HoboQuest Part IXIn which Lincoln does the Monster Mash and gets the hell out of dodge - or whatever this town is called. The Monstergirl 'Intelligence Assets' meet Johnson and the A-Team, everything goes just as planned. Another impromptu flight courtesy of Air Zuli lands us next to the portal, and... hold up, are those Foxgirls? Holding us up? This can't end well. For them. HUEHUEHUE yet again.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-11-26 11 
21758634XWF Manager´s Quest Part 27 The King Of All Night´s DreamingSeason 2 starts!XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-26 2 
21773430XWF Manager´s Quest Part 28Talking with more of the guysXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-27 2 
21788842XWF Manager´s Quest Part 29 The King Of All Night´s DreamingWe decide on the comics, anime and figures, with spectacular resultsXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-28 0 
21805537XWF Manager´s Quest Part 30 The King Of All Night´s DreamingWe discover shocking truths about Bomber Lord´s domestic staff and the power of throwsXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-29 0 
21820300XWF Manager´s Quest Part 31 The King Of All Night´s DreamingDeal making with the manager of El SantoXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-11-30 0 
December 2012
21825767Murdo McRitchie QuestDerailing /a/-quests into the adventures of Scottish Rance for fun and profit!McRitchie Quest, Scottish Rance, Hot Dickings2012-12-01 8 
21859626Death in GamingQuestions of handling death in worlds, GET IN THE FUCKING BAG, sorrow over Terry Pratchett, and some very disturbing ideas...Death, Terry Pratchett, Discworld, GET IN THE FUCKING BAG2012-12-03 16 
21861621(Dead) King's Quest ???After disappearing for years Mors returns to us! Perhaps the adventures of Duke Liuva and the fair kingdom of Tautila will continue.Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila2012-12-03 27 
21883345XWF Manager´s Quest Part 32 The King Of All Night´s DreamingMeeting Adam, deciding the game´s launch, going shopping, discussing some powersXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-12-04 0 
21873734HoboQuest Part XFoxgirl Negotiations are in full swing whilst the Bruce's get debriefed by General Williams. And we hold all the balls. Err, cards. Hold all the Cards. The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE 2012-12-05 12 
21916976XWF Manager´s Quest Part 33 The King Of All Night´s DreamingThe last of the new kids arrive. May the XWF survive?XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-12-06 -1 
21991581XWF Manager´s Quest Part 33: HornyDr Minamikami tries to tell us Bomber Lord is afraid of fire, and I feel free to mention it here because noone will ever check it, mwahahaha!XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-12-11 -2 
21999263(Dead) King's Quest VIThe good Duke learns of something Outside, and is resurrected again, this time from the foul curse of the Zlatan. Just in time, for Heva is at war.Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila, Collective Game, Dead King's Quest2012-12-12 51 
22003738HoboQuest Part X-2 And Part XIPart X-2 is recapped! We rampage across New Orleans after escaping from an angry General, buying booze for all, pissing off the cops, getting sweet new threads, and lying our way into a fancy restaurant.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-13 10 
22022799XWF Manager´s Quest Part 34Slow day, just launched the game and argued with management about the reality showXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-12-13 0 
22037531XWF Manager´s Quest Part 35We pick up smoking, for health reasons. Mental healthXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-12-14 0 
22033489HoboQuest Part XIILincoln and his companions go to dinner! Moira gets a bite to eat. Lincoln lights a goddamned restaurant on fire and skip out on the bill. Do military briefing with General. Steal a tank. Back through the rift we go!The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-16 10 
22086561Jon and Savora's Fabulous Quest for Bitches.OP joins an NWN2 ERP server, and posts the (hilarious) results. ERP, NWN2, Neverwinter Nights, Kingdom of Haven, Troll2012-12-17 37 
22074427HoboQuest Part XIIIBack in Riftia! Learn how to drive a tank, get to skip a combat encounter for free! Examine stolen weapons. 192 Proof Gun Practice. Everybody's HUEHUEHUEing.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-18 10 
22099336XWF Manager´s Quest 36 The King Of All Night´s DreamingBusy morningXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-12-18 -1 
22115305Rebalancing D&D nextOP's disappointment in D&D Next leads /tg/ to start fixing it themselves.D&D Next, Fighter, Reworking system2012-12-19 0 
22150495XWF Manager´s Quest Part 37 The King Of All Night´s DreamingOkaba vs KhaliXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-12-21 1 
22162960HoboQuest Part XIVHobo-ing about, more drinking debauchery, blowing up Lord Farnsworth's retaliation with a tank! And Moira goodness.The Hobo King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-23 10 
22199544XWF Manager Quest, Part 38Aura vs PaladinXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2012-12-24 4 
22213338HoboQuest Part XVYou awaken to have to deal with the consequences of your actions. And by that, you mean bullshit your way out of having to do any such thing. Lots of exposition. FINALLY on the way to Riftia!The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-27 10 
22269100/tg/ Plays King Of Dragon Pass/tg/ creates the Thunder clan, a force of honorable, thunder warriors bent on having the fresh blood of their enemies on their blades. Things get off to a good start when we get a blessing from Humakt to raid this year before we are raided ourselves. We take up his blessing, and come out on top in all raids, even when things looked cloudy.King Of Dragon Pass, Dragon Pass, /tg/ plays 2012-12-29 5 
22258991HoboQuest Part XVIHaving FINALLY gotten underway into Riftia, Lincoln is faced with a pivotal choice: WHICH WAY TO TURN. Deciding to head to the non-human lands, you split the party, do science, and introduce yourselves to a village of foxes by way of epic musical posing.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-29 11 
22292541HoboQuest Part XVIIA mysterious brief time rewind. Hobo Meteorslime Punch. Outdrink an entire village. Meet the inari matriarch, IMMEDIATELY piss her off. Hobo spin-offs everywhere.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-31 11 
January 2013
22359030(Dead) King's Quest VIIMors returns from the holidays, and the Holy Duke once again takes Tautila's reins. We learn more of the nature of the Ur-Flesh. "The Viscountess is in love with the Black Thane."Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila, Collective Game, Dead King's Quest2013-01-03 34 
22330382HoboQuest Part XVIIIFoxgirl mother/daughter faceoff, discuss an alliance, blow up half a village via demonstration. The sidequests hit a new level of meta.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-01-03 7 
22372239 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 39Party time!XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2013-01-03 0 
22369671HoboQuest Part XIXYou try (and sort-of succeed) to score with everyone, during an absolutely avalanche of crit fails and successes. Make a deal with the inari matriarch, get rewarded with tons of exposition that tell you things you'll probably forget anyway. HUE EVERYWHERE.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-01-05 6 
22447570XWF Manager Quest, Part 40: The Succubi is in the detailsParty time, and some work(?)XWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2013-01-07 1 
22417715HoboQuest Part XXYou FINALLY get out of the foxgirl village. Arriving back at the rift, you get a new radio! And then immediately run away again. So begins the adventures in the Corpselands! No good can come of this.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-01-08 7 
22506940XWF Manager Quest, Part 41Last touches on the tv show preparationXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2013-01-10 0 
22599521XWF Manager Quest, Part 41Red Jane(x2) vs EquitasXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2013-01-15 -1 
22657458XWF Manager Quest, Part 42Our guys go party, and we get offersXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2013-01-18 -1 
22696643HoboQuest Part XXI: REBOOT HARDERZombie Fightan, Body Swapan, Flash Game Makean, wait what?The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-01-23 7 
22766982XWF Manager Quest, Part 43The show is just about to start, amorous birds and allXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2013-01-24 -1 
22839002XWF Manager Quest, Part 44Poolside snack and conversationXWF Manager Quest, Collective Game, Wrestling, The King Of All Night´s Dreaming2013-01-28 0 
February 2013
22917447Fantasy Quest XVIThe Bard meets the Ghost and makes ready to infiltrate the den of depravity.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, infiltration, ghosts, suddenly, sneaky, sneak, sneaking2013-02-02 13 
23087131Breaking L.A. Part 1The semi sequel to Harlem Quest.Breaking L.A. Quest, Ellington, Harlem Quest, Collective Game2013-02-10 13 
23089425Breaking L.A. Part 1.5An immortal journalist in the midst of the Great Depression who can speak to the spirit of anything starts work on his next big scoop: digging up dirt on a Texan oil tycoon coming to Los Angeles.Breaking L.A. Quest, Ellington, Harlem Quest, Collective Game2013-02-11 12 
23067256HoboQuest Part XXII: LOOK AT DEM DOUBLE DUBSTomb exploring, foxgirl petting, hobo-king promising updates, disbelief all around. The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-02-12 6 
23136657Bizarre Adventure Quest IYou wake up in a dark forest, naked and half buried in dirt. Looks like it's time for a bizarre adventure!bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada2013-02-13 11 
23152392Bizarre Adventure Quest IIWhere you get hungry, punch a tree, and get a face full of crotch. This Bizarre adventure is just getting started!bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada2013-02-14 7 
23166660Recreational WritingWritefag uses /tg/'s suggestions to write a story of magical cowboys, Bikini warriors, Vikings, mummies, and robots.Viking, Mummy Cop, Bikini Battalion, Los Lobos, cowboys, chainmail bikini2013-02-15 2 
23172870Bizarre Adventure Quest III: Singles Awareness Day EditionYou and Lisa Lisa manage to find the camp without further trouble. You meet a few of your fellow stand-users, get fed, and get a nickname, among other thingsbizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!2013-02-15 6 
23200334Bizarre Adventure Quest IVYou are a viking man, and a viking man never backs down from a fight! For the glory of Valhalla! WRRRRRRRRYYYYYY~!bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!2013-02-16 5 
23189536HoboQuest Part XXIIILincoln and company fight shadows with fire and explore a weird underground crypt. Lincoln learns necromancy. NEW UNDEAD MONSTERGIRLS AHOY!The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-02-17 8 
23218706Bizarre Adventure Quest VWhere you get registered, get fabulous threads, meet your stand, the equally manly and Fabulous Tryggr The Warrior's Code, and get to know Lisa Lisa some more.bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!2013-02-17 5 
23240088Bizarre Adventure Quest VIWhere you wake up from a vision, then have a rather revealing breakfast with the Joker. Then you meet and do honorable battle with a true man.bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!2013-02-18 6 
23306075Bizarre Adventure Quest VII: ReduxWhere you grab a drink and promptly get kicked out of camp. Bizarro gets called out on not being Jojo enough. Can he rise to the challenge or will the quest die before it's realized?bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!, collective game2013-02-22 4 
23374610/tg/ is the worst king ever/tg/ assumes the role of an intensely pyschopathic king whose tomboy daughter has gone out to engage in lesbian sociopathy. Also robot daughters.Humor, Humour, Collective Story, King, Lesbians, Funny, Insanity, Robots2013-02-25 20 
March 2013
23433290Unweddable PrincessesOP asks for a series of hilariously unmarriable princesses for his Kingmaker campaign. /tg/ delivers.Princess, politics, status, marrying into power, daaw, Pathfinder Kingmaker2013-03-01 21 
23461439HoboQuest Part XXIVThe least productive thread of all time. At least Lincoln gets drunk again.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-03-04 10 
23627493Street Fighter Quest: Street Fighting Ops Character CreationStreet Fighting Man returns to us with plans for a new SFQ, starting with building our new protagonist! Secret agents, fighting doctors, and other nonsense is discussed.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2013-03-12 10 
23662206Street Fighter Quest: Street Fighting OpsOur new protagonist in the SFQ saga, an Air Force-turned-Interpol agent, begins her quest taking her last field test to join AEGIS, a secret UN taskforce.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2013-03-13 10 
23785063Who's the best starfighter pilot in Star Wars?/tg/ geeks out over Wedge Antilles, then discusses the awesomeness and the bullshit of the Star Wars EU.starfighter, star wars, x-wing, wedge antilles, yub yub, wraith squadron, rogue squadron, geeking out2013-03-21 5 
23804139Street Fighter Quest: Street Fighting Ops IILindsay Douglas, rookie Agent of AEGIS goes on her first official operation. She punches some mooks and makes a new friend!Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2013-03-21 11 
23893119Street Fighter Quest InterludeWe check in on our previous protagonists. Anon fights a big-game hunter of a Scandinavian World Warrior champ, and Ellie helps in Belle and Moira's training before reminiscing.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2013-03-26 10 
23926104Street Fighter Quest: Street Fighting Ops IIILindsay gets chewed out by command before heading home and having a not-so-chance encounter with a certain mysterious Chinese agent.Capcom, Collective Game, King of Fighters, SNK, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest2013-03-28 10 
April 2013
24112454Big Fucking Sword QuestWe start off as a Big Fucking Sword that talks and proceeds to level an entire forest, then turn into a real boy before slaying a dragon.Big Fucking Sword Quest, Collective Game, Swords, HEUG,2013-04-08 6 
May 2013
24573876Japanese and other foreign gamesDiscussion about various Japanese and other foreign games of /tg/ related nature. And some official localization input.Meikyuu Kingdom, Make You Kingdom, Golden Sky Stories, Yuyake Koyake, Night Wizard, Tenra Bansho Zero, Nechronica, Touhou Danmaku Yuugi Flowers, Maid RPG, Sword World, Ryuutama, Red Dragon, Record of Lodoss War, Double Cross, Shinobigami, Japanese gaming, Japanese TRPGs2013-05-06 10 
24997191/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - 1Ring Speaker begins a new playthrough of an old /tg/ favorite, King of Dragon Pass. Soon the Sky Sons are raiding, feasting, and having terrible personal relations with others.collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-05-24 3 
25083020Fate/Stay Again, Forty-third VerseIn which we try to cook, but get sidetracked endlessly.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Espionage Cooking2013-05-28 16 
June 2013
25575996Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Fourth VerseIn which we calm down for the night, chat with Assassin, and get kissed by Sakura in front of everyone. Wait, what!?Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical panicking action2013-06-22 20 
July 2013
25776489Succession game CK2 succession gamevideo game, grand startegy, succession, game, crusader kings 2, paradox interactive, grand strategy2013-07-03 1 
25847799Ghost Quest 11: Dark Wings SpreadDelta Phoenix rescues some civilian ships at Kilaro, and helps rebels fight the Dominion. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Poor decision making2013-07-06 15 
25875846King in the North QuestHe has arisen, with a thirst for vengeance. Lead to Lord Beric by Harwin.King in the North Quest, Collective Game, game of thrones, a song of ice and fire, undead, wolf, king, revenge, vengeance2013-07-08 34 
25916853 King in the North Quest Part 2He has found two kin; one dead, one alive. one human, one wolf.King in the North Quest, Collective Game, game of thrones, a song of ice and fire, undead, wolf, king, revenge, vengeance2013-07-10 20 
25997374The King in the North Quest 3We ambush some Freys and take a few notable hostages.King in the North Quest, Collective Game, game of thrones, a song of ice and fire, undead, wolf, king, revenge, vengeance2013-07-14 11 
26097793/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 2After far too long, we return to the Sky Sons. Things are rough to begin with, but after learning a powerful ritual, luck begins to turn around. Will it hold?collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-07-19 0 
26179369The Lowbishop of Rotree part 1The skaven under the leadership of the lowbishop plot against the goblins and trolls that inhabit the dwarven layer of the undercity.Skaven civ, Lowbishop, rotree, fucking crazy ratmen, horned rat, plaguemonk, Collective game2013-07-23 5 
26194946/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 3Things go rather poorly for the Sky Sons, though things start to turn around with a new year and a few new cows. If things hold up, the clan will be turned around.collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-07-24 1 
26215956/tg/ does scienceAnon starts That Guy thread. Other anons find the OP pic hot and commence scienceing to find out why.SCIENCE!, Classic Blunder, derail, funny, why boner, seeking answer to why boner, Soul Eater, Maka, bonerology2013-07-25 39 
26237478/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 4The Sky Sons rebound from despair into glory, thanks to a sucessful Hero Quest. Humakt be praised!collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-07-26 0 
26335235/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 5Weal and woe visit the Sky Sons this year. Successes and failures in raids and trading, though we always remain honorable. Curse the Vostangs!collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-07-31 0 
August 2013
26464615Academy Quest II and a HalfHairy McTerrorcastle dances with... something, and then rushes off to tell the Magister all about it.Collective Game, Academy Quest, Magic, Luckiest fucking Quest2013-08-06 17 
26473540/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 6The Sky Sons recruit a bunch of new workers, make allies and fail to smite the Vostangs. And next thread will begin with a hero quest!collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-08-07 0 
26513061/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 7Disaster strikes as our clan chief is slain in a hero quest. The Clan ring is rearranged to avoid Eurmal's wrath, and we find a big-ass hole.collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-08-09 0 
26605417/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 8The Sky Sons endure much hardship and chaos assaults, but survive them and end up building on their fortunes. Praise be to Urox!collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-08-14 0 
September 2013
27049411Lamia Daughter Quest 94The Dawnchasers prepare to storm Castle Newgate. We finally have a clear understanding of Kingfisher's primary motive, that is if he isn't lying again.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-06 22 
27067473Lamia Daughter Quest 95The Climax of the series, the conflict with kingfisher, and the commune with citadel.Quest, Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-07 29 
27077630lamia daughter quest 96- epilogueDragons turn out to be pretty scary. Ssen is finally off of Citadel's wild ride. Music, jubilations, and possible vacation follow.Quest, Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-07 24 
27299626Space Marine Jokes thread"YOUR PRIMARCH IS SUCH A PUSSY, IT'S NO WONDER THEY CALL HIM THE LION."Fucking rekt, rekt, zing, funny, camoflage, reasonable, joke 2013-09-18 25 
27429508Dragon King QuestA dragon sets out to start a new lair.Collective Game, JPH, Civ, Civilization, Dragon King Quest, DKQ, Dragon, KoDP2013-09-26 4 
October 2013
27548787Kingdoms of the ZodiacThe Western and Eastern Zodiacs as a fantasy setting. Not much else to say at this point.Kingdoms of the Zodiac, astrological signs, setting creation2013-10-03 9 
27623274Kingdoms of The Zodiac 3Despite the efforts of several idiots (including, tragically, the fallen OP) to turn the discussion towards the issue of the appropriateness of adult content in RPG supplements, smarter people manage to stay on topic and continue building the setting. Also featuring: shapeshifters. Kingdoms of the Zodiac, astrological signs, setting creation, faggotry, butthurt2013-10-07 2 
27607884RuneQuest kicks all kinds of assA pitiful attempt at trolling backfires, and /tg/ ends up talking about how awesome RuneQuest is.glorantha, discussion, Glorantha, RuneQuest, don't fuck with the ducks, King of Dragon Pass, king of dragon pass2013-10-07 5 
November 2013
28095823Fantasy Food GeneralImpressive writefaggotry about the culinary dishes and foci of various fantasy creatures & species. You will love yourself some Minotaur made Fish Curry.Fantasy food, cooking, recipe, dwarf bread2013-11-04 21 
28187316King of Dragon Pass: FimbulvetrHeortson a forms a clan named for the winter preceding Ragnarok and rearranges the clan ring.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, Collective Game, Heortson2013-11-09 3 
28216972King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 2Success and failure in equal measure. Orlanth and Aroka is performed, and everyone wants a piece of the tribe.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, Collective Game, Heortson2013-11-11 5 
28241983King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 3The clan manages a Fire season without getting raided, performs a heroquest and actually uses that Resurrection ritual.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, Collective Game, Heortson2013-11-12 3 
28269461King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulveltr 4The clan's luck starts to turn around, with good omens and successful raids. The winning streak comes to an abrupt end when the Stag Hearths burn ten steads to the ground.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-14 3 
28279345King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 5Revenge against the Stag Hearths begins, but is derailed by an unexpected betrayal.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-14 3 
28306228King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 6The tribe brings down the hammer, and several long term problems come to an end. Tricksters gonna Trickster.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-16 3 
28348686King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 7In which the clan explores Dragon Pass.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-19 5 
28400964King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 8A new leader appears, and the clan forms new alliances.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-21 3 
28422148King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 9Preparations for tribe forming come together, and the Jenestni default on their payments.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-22 5 
28529787King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 10The Colymar tribe bullies, the Goodseller sells goods, cattle raids are dispersed and the Storm Tribe is made. Tribe making time.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-28 6 
28563321King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 11Tribe Avaltvar is born, and Elusu is elected to lead it. Hail Fimbulvetr, kings in the North.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson, king me2013-11-30 5 
December 2013
28658549King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 12Tribes for everyone! Also, our enemies are being stupid again.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson, king me2013-12-05 7 
28699812King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 13Two more heroquests completed. In the other months, exploration and trading. Derik sees his family killed, starting him on the path to destiny.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-12-07 5 
28719793King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 14Even more Heroic combatants; Anmangarm clan just won't stop feuding. Sisters-in-law and uncles are revenged for.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-12-08 4 
28825673King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 15Poor Rangor is left forever alone; women burn the tavern of Mule Deers, to be never rebuilt; Elusu tears through "Elmal Guards the Stead". And then Horse-Spawn capture Baranthos in his thrall rescue mission, curse them!King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-12-13 4 
28966548King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 16We please the ancestors, do well in war, and show Saraska Bright-Eyes the door.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-12-20 5 
29111366King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 17Omens of war prove false, the carls are buried under mountains of gifts, and Cragspider sends an ineffectual warning.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-12-28 3 
January 2014
29195523Mushroom Kingdom Quest 1: The Adventure BeginsLeonardo Koocaprio and Sal Guy get ready to kidnap Princess Peach.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-01 14 
29193473King of Dragon Pass: Sacred Time specialIn honor of the incoming new year, Heortson uploads the myths of King of Dragon Pass. Glorantha scholars answer questions.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson, lore2014-01-01 2 
29258357The King of Fighters CYOA Round 1: Creation and FormationWe begin the tale of Katja Hartkern, Kyokugen Karateka as the QM battles laziness, connection issues and sleep.SNK Collective_Game King_of_Fighters KoF_CYOA 2014-01-04 6 
29282628Mushroom Kingdom Quest Part 2: Of Clones and KoopasLeo and Sal's adventure continues! In this installment, they finish the Peach clone and set the real one on her date with Wario!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-05 11 
29281776The King of Fighters Quest Round 2: Properly Formatted & Tagged EditionIn which Katja learns that Mr. Karate, crooked cops, poorly-translated scrolls and trippy dreams don't always mix.SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_CYOA, 2014-01-05 6 
29294659Pokemon Quest #4Steal a wallet, catch a zubat, swipe some booze and precious stones, and get Robin plasteredPokemon Quest, Pokemon, drinking, zubat2014-01-06 24 
29303736Pokemon Quest #4Drinks are had, Robin learns we lied about our name and like to steal stuff, she nicknames us Kat ('Robin' when we're alone), and we catch a HorseaPokemon Quest, Pokemon, Quest, drinking, lesbian, horsea, zubat2014-01-06 24 
29309631Kaiju Quest: King Of All MonstersGuide the evolution of a kaiju from birth to become king of all monsters. The first thread deals with figuring out our abilities, exploring the world as an infant Kaiju, gaining a new toy, and fighting off an insect trying to steal our food.Collective Game, Kaiju Quest: King Of All Monsters, Kaiju, Giant Monster2014-01-06 28 
29325136 The King of Fighters Quest Round 3: Violent Fighting to Come AgainIn which Katja hangs out at the Pao Pao Cafe 2, makes some friends, takes a job as a Bouncer for a night and gets an epiphany while the QM starts WRITING.SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_CYOA2014-01-07 6 
29331679Kaiju Quest 2As the light of a new day breaks over the horizon, the Prince awakens to find his growth spurt has finished. He puts his new found strength to the test by punishing some interlopers to his territory.Collective Game, Kaiju Quest: King Of All Monsters, Kaiju, Giant Monster2014-01-07 23 
29353056King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 18A difficult heroquest is accomplished after much frustration, Derik leaves to seek his destiny, and the Jenestni move closer to their doom.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-01-08 3 
29376259Mushroom Kingdom Quest Part 3: A Peach by Any Other NameLeo, Sal and Lily crash with Broque Monsieur. Meanwhile, we visit Tanoomba and his fast-talkin' boo friend as they bust outta jail.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-09 7 
29377301 The King of Fighters Quest Round 4: The Infinite Match Never EndsKatja begins to train for the biggest Martial Arts Competition of her life while the QM battles to keep the quest going...SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_CYOA2014-01-09 6 
29408308Lights Out GamingA storytime thread wherein OP begins to tell us about tabletop gaming with an excellent if socially maladjusted group. OP then dies of food poisoning.story time, vikings, homebrew, fate, fudge, arts and crafts, that guy, food poisoning2014-01-12 10 
29438947King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 19All your treasure are belong to us. We do the last of heroquests - Chalana Arroy with Elusu for absence of Chalani (guess that's their name). Kentvent gets onto the battlefield to prove that even our sages are better than their warriors. Soon.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-01-12 2 
29436442The King of Fighters Quest Round 5: The Infinite Match 2: Electric BoogalooKatja can't seem to catch a break as her personal misfortunes continue, recuperating her body in the hospital once again as her mind embarks on yet another Dream Sequence, all while her particiation in The Infinite Match hangs in the balance.SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_CYOA2014-01-12 6 
29467511Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 4: Tanoomba's TroubleThings get more exciting as Tanoomba joins his friend Darryl Bones in a plot to board the Comet Observatory and Lily dons a strange violet mask...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-13 5 
29476260Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-Fourth VerseIn which we accidentally the Second Magic.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical I have no fucking Idea what I'm doing2014-01-14 25 
29515872King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 20Trading rivalry continues, nobody cares. Got Ernalda's oven. Otherwise, routine stuff: raids, courts, blasting Jensteni's earth...King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-01-15 2 
29512178The King of Fighters Quest Round 6: The Infinite Match daws Near...Katja's unbelievably bad luck continues as she's locked in a race against time to get ready for the King of Fighters... But not before getting a job as a shop keeper for Lee Pai Long.SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_CYOA2014-01-15 6 
29540004Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 5: Rosalina's Last StandShit gets real in Mushroom Kingdom Quest! Tanoomba and friends wreak havoc on the Comet Observatory, while Donkey Kong enters the mix!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-16 10 
29580936The King of Fighters Quest Round 7: Prelude to a Dream MatchKatja spends a night on the Town with Yuri, Robert, King, The Bogard Brothers and Mai as tempers flare, battles rage on and the passage of time seems to slow to a crawl...SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_CYOA2014-01-18 6 
29589655Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 6In this chapter, The Boo forgets to title his chapters!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-18 5 
29611565Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 7: Saving Sergeant Blueford Shit gets REALER in Mushroom Kingdom Quest! Darryl's true nature is revealed and Tanoomba has second thoughts about where his loyalties lie!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-19 5 
29635763Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 8: Let's-a Go!Mario and Luigi finally make their appearance in this chapter!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-20 5 
29604704The King of Fighters Quest Round 8: Prelude to a Dream Match ReduxKatja's bad luck seems to be infectous, as we find out that the Kyokugen Dojo got attacked while she was out partying the night before... However, Katja decides to take the day out, get an accupuncture session in and somehow ends up agreeing to pose for Shermie's swimwear catalogue, but not before confronting a dark part of her past.SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_CYOA2014-01-20 6 
29683069The King of Fighters Quest Round 9: Fanservice Filler and "TRAINING!" EditionKatja questions her true motivation for competing in "The Infinite Match" and lets her paranoid delusions color her actions while she prepares for her photo shoot with the girls and looks to check into "The Imperial"... Also, the QM talks about recieving death-threats via Facebook and in no way derails the Quest.SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_CYOA2014-01-22 6 
29711497Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 9: Despicable DarrylIn this chapter, Donkey Kong gets a second chance in fighting the abominable Darryl Bones!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-23 6 
29775127The King of Fighters Quest Round 10: Getting Back on The HorseLife's a real Beach for Katja as she's overcome with a burning desire to fight Mai Shiranui over a few fliipant comments while on location at a photoshoot for a swimwear catalogue, which then quickly leads to an all-out Brawl Between her, the rest of "The New Gorgeous Team" (Fiona Graves & Tsuyako Horikawa) and newly Re-Electrified Shermie...SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_CYOA2014-01-26 6 
29788974Pokemon Quest #14 Part 2We collect our Pokemon and have a drunken game of truth or dare.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Quest, drinking, lesbian2014-01-26 21 
29809851Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 10: Sal the GumshoeLeo and Sal get ready to leave for Cackletta's lab, but they get an unforseen visitor...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-27 0 
29814791New Faggot Quest (Waifu Summoning v.II)WE FIGHT, WE LEARN, WE LOVE.Fara, icetear...really?, futaamazon, crazy, niggers, fucking, christ, another, collective game, parafaggot quest2014-01-27 7 
29856010King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 21Good night, sweet Orstalor, you shall forever be missed. Oh, and Jaldon Goldentooth ravages Dragon Pass, but that's not really important.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-01-29 5 
29850166The King of Fighters CYOA Round 11: Forgetfullness and Shame EditionIn which the QM screws up the Title, the players go off on a side-quest with Fiona Graves & Tsuyako Horikawa while Katja sleeps off a boozy night and participation slows to a crawl... Could this truly be the end?SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_CYOA2014-01-29 6 
29884057Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 11: The DoorIn this chapter, Leo's crew discovers the shocking truth of Broque Monsieur's origin, and Tanoomba finally rids the world of Darryl Bones.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-30 5 
February 2014
29923525The King of Fighters Quest Round 12: "What were we talking about again?" EditionKatja returns to Quest's spotlight and begins her (Possible) courtship with Shen Woo... By fighting him in a back alley. Also, the QM freaks out a little over the lack of particpants as time takes a toll on all involved...SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_CYOA2014-02-01 6 
29972934Digger Quest: Chapter 8Bass single-handedly fights a city-destroying Reaverbot, decides to waterproof his gun, and buys crappy gifts for his friends.Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure, No Seriously Bass Is Really Bad At Picking Out Gifts2014-02-03 12 
30001078If you had a vorpal grindstone...Using a powerful artifact to turn the world into a hellish deathtrap, but there's no need to lose your head about it.Vorpal, Wizards, Dullahans, Magic Items, Artifact, Baking2014-02-04 16 
29994580The King of Fighters Quest Round 13: Baker's DozenKatja gets her motorcycle fixed, endures a lot of pain at her accupincture appointment and has to wean herself off of fighting for a full week... Can she do it? Or will she give in to temptation? Also includes dice shenanigans and other tomfoolery.SNK, Collective_Game, King_of_Fighters, KoF_Quest2014-02-04 6 
30022060King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 22The Lonisi literally start shit, a new clan buds off of ours, and the Horse-Spawn have a new queen.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-02-06 1 
30047277Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 11: The Melancholy of Haruhi TanoombaTanoomba, Yelmont and Blueford get on the road again, while our heroes meet back with their boss in this torturously slow 'sode!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-02-06 0 
30061099The King of Fighters Quest Round 14: "Not just Another Yuri-Fest on /tg/"-EditionKatja douses the paparrazi following her with TRUTH, gets in touch with her spiritual side through Tai-Chi, tries out some fine cuisine and continues her (Possible) courtship of Shen Woo, this time in the company of Gangsters that might want her pushing up daisies...SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern2014-02-07 6 
30145506The King of Fighters Quest Round 15: "No Thread Title, No Worries!"-Edition In which the players guide Katja on one of the most boring days of her life since arriving in South Town... And THEN things start to (Possibly!) happen. SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern2014-02-11 6 
30197975Mushroom Kingdom Quest 13: Time to Pay the PlumberTanoomba, Yelmont and Blueford meet up in the newly-formed Toadsworth Consulate to discuss how to fix Darryl's mess. Meanwhile, a high-stakes MK Grand Prix starts to take shape...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-02-13 2 
30220030King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 23The true horse-shitters are found out, three useful nobles appear, and someone takes a piece out of the Lunars.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-02-14 2 
30255313The King of Fighters Quest Round 16: "Forever Alone"-EditionIn which the QM goes to far and the players revolt in-turn.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Instant Shitstorm2014-02-16 6 
30302964The King of Figher's Quest Round 17: Picking up the PiecesKatja's fortunes start to turn around after slaps the merciful crap out of Bizuki Iijima for screwing with her psyche, gets sound advice on how to channel her Ki properly and somehow, some way, becomes a secret agent working with Seth, Ramon & Vanessa...SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern2014-02-19 6 
30394914King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 24The clan wins a string of victories, bids farewell to a favored elder, and prepares to play peacemaker in a tribal war.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-02-22 4 
30480309The King of Fighters Quest Round 19: "No Title" - Edition ReduxKatja goes on a pretty odd "Dream Sequence" involving old adventure movie cliches while a few players ask "Where's Round 18 in the archives again?"SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern2014-02-26 6 
30487808King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 25Building the town of Hoddmimis, trying to end a feud, and making between between men and wolfmen.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-02-26 5 
March 2014
30608713The King of Fighters Quest Round 20: "Who's Quest is it Anyway?"-EditionThe players bounce between several different characters as The Infinite Match draws ever-closer, Katja getting a chance to fight Ryuji Yamazaki and (Possibly!) date a certain CEO of a group that's been after you since the beginning.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Bizuki Iijima, Jean-Claude Gabriel2014-03-05 6 
30755859The King of Fighters Quest Round 21: "Anti-HYPE"-EditionYou go out for a night with King & Yuri Sakazaki, go on a Dream Sequence and set the stage for your date with one Jean-Claude Gabriel as "The Infinite" Match looms large...SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel2014-03-12 6 
30871270The King of Fighters Quest Round 22: "Start The Damn Tournament Already!"-EditionKatja somehow manages to survive her "Date" with Jean-Claude Gabriel (Gaining some valuable intelligence for "The Agents") while debating whether to attend a fancy dress gala that'll kick off "The King of Fighters: Infinite Match" or not... SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel2014-03-18 6 
31016391The King of Fighters Quest Round 23: The Calm before the StormKatja's unconscious embarks on another trippy dream while Gabriel & Kazahaya attempt to track down the rather uncouth Bizuki Iijima, all before the sun has even risen and preparations could be made for the fancy dress gala that's supposed to kick off the media blitz in store for "The Infinite Match". SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Bizuki Iijima, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Kazunori Kazahaya, 2014-03-24 6 
April 2014
31226418King of Dragon Pass FinaleAfter much struggle, the saga of clan Fimbulvetr and the Avaltvar tribe comes to a close. Hail to the Kings of Dragon Pass.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson, Praise Elusu2014-04-03 5 
31180663The King of Fighters Quest Round 24: "It Might be Finally Happening"-EditionKatja seems to finally catch a few breaks after foiling a half-hearted kidnapping attempt, then helps out King getting over a mental block about wearing dresses before attending "The Infinite Waltz" that's set to kick off "The Infinite Mtch"... Oh, and the QM had to call it quits early following health issues.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel2014-04-04 6 
31299479The King of Fighters Quest Round 26: "The Infinite Waltz" ReduxKatja talks with Yuri, King, Fiona & Tsuyako as "The Infinite Waltz" continues to match on before going off as Jean-Claude Gabriel once more... (With the 25th Round 404'ing before it could get properly archived.)SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Andrew Draco, Kazunori Kazahaya2014-04-07 5 
31490389The King of Fighters Quest Round 27:Katja finishes up helping out Mai Shiranui and beats Andrew Draco in a fight as the 22nd of May FINALLY ends, though there are a few things she has to tend to before "The Infinite Match" can really begin.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern2014-04-16 5 
31683387The King of Fighters Quest Round 28Katja gets into a sparring match with Mai Shiranui as the "The Infinite Match" inches ever-so-closer to officially starting... (Also, the QM done'goofed on the numbering of the topic title)SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern2014-04-25 5 
May 2014
31914636Heathen Western RPGDevelopment of a game system and setting based on a mix of the Wild West and Norse/Native American mythologies.Wild West, Western, Norse, Viking, Homebrew, RPG2014-05-05 3 
31958701The King of Fighters Quest Round 29: "Actually the right number this time!"-Edition Katja's somewhat shady past FINALLY gets some light shed on it.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern2014-05-07 5 
June 2014
32651349VIKING NASAJotunheim cannot into space.vikings, awesome, funny2014-06-08 13 
32664983Three Kingdoms QuestWe, the minor noble Zhu Xing, take our first step on the road to becoming a General of the High Heavens. Also, we serve Lu Bu! For now, anyway.Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time2014-06-09 25 
32683252Three Kingdoms Quest 2 Zhu Xing defends Luoyang, becomes Commandant of the Guards, and makes friends with other officers. Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms2014-06-10 18 
32767117Three Kingdoms Quest 3Ding Dong the witch is Dead Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms2014-06-14 14 
32811583Three Kingdoms Quest 4 We return to our hometown and head south for a new beginning Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms2014-06-16 18 
32811308Shaman King Renegade 2: FateThe seeds of fate have been sown, and Claude unleashes the fires of hell in a dreamworld.GardenMaster-NORG, Shaman King, Alternate Universe, Collective Game, Ghost2014-06-16 -5 
32908522Three Kingdoms QuestAnon get buttmad over Chinese ettiquetesThree Kingdoms, Collective Game, Quest, Zhu Xing, Buttmad, Lu Linqi, anus2014-06-21 13 
33052045Three Kingdoms Quest Part 6 This finger of mine is telling me to defeat youCollective Game, Three Kingdoms Quest, Bickering, Quest, Raian, Lu Linqi2014-06-28 15 
July 2014
33115171Three Kingdoms Quest Part 7In the late 1st century AD China, there is only war, and the laugh of thirsting Lu Bu, which his daughter is getting closer to Zhu Xing as days goes by Boner plsRaian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Lu Linqi2014-07-01 15 
33158397A Robot Yankee in Kings Landing: QuestTony Stark and Reed Richards' Excellent Adventures in Westeros. Ho ho ho, "Stark". Get it?ARYKLQ, A Robot Yankee in Kings Landing, Collective Game, Quest Master 2014-07-03 13 
33259543Three Kingdoms Quest Part 8We regroup and battle Wang Lang. Thread cut short due to circumstances.Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Lu Lingqi2014-07-08 18 
33399865Homeless Mutant Quest #80Everything's coming up JJ! Horrors to come.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, dolla, dolla dolla, bill y'all, making money2014-07-14 32 
33411203Three Kingdoms Quest Part &#9320;Zhu Xing invents a new dish that consists of cooked wheat dough in the form of long, slender, solid strings, and then proceeds to spill it.Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi, Strategic Blunders2014-07-15 13 
33463193Cooking thread continuedA follow-up to the cooking thread. dryads and salads are discussed. it gets lewd.food, inspiration, cooking2014-07-17 7 
33570642Three Kingdoms Quest Part 10We begin our battle against Yuan Shu's army Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Lu Lingqi2014-07-22 18 
33632523Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 27We pay off our debts to the supernatural yakuza and embark on a job in the sewers. And then a miracle occursCollective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Oni, Mandala, Lucking out2014-07-25 13 
33734908Three Kingdoms Quest Part 11Zhu Xing continues his political intrigues in Jing provinceRaian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-07-29 16 
August 2014
33785942Karl Pilkington ClericKarl Pilkington is a Cleric in Eberron. What could go wrong?head like a fucking orange, Karl, Pilkington, DnD, Cleric, Atheist2014-08-01 3 
33900226Three Kingdoms Quest Part 12Zhu Xing becomes the prefect of Wu and makes progress with a certain someone Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi 2014-08-05 22 
33912798Tarrasque Carnival/tg/ comes up with the idea of a moving city carnival that follows a Tarrasque. Also no one is capable of seducing anything as the dice gods frown upon such things.Tarrasque, fucking dice gods, Tarrasque Carnical2014-08-06 13 
33923041Three Kingdoms Quest Part 13Zhu Xing tries to govern the city, parties hard, and prepares for his next campaign Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-06 15 
33983008The Guardsmens last gambitOutnumbered guardsmen undertake a daring plan to try and stop the Ork hordes. Things don't go as aplanned.Orks, chaos, Guardsmen, space wolves, clusterfuck, fucking recruitment trap2014-08-08 3 
34072613Three Kingdoms Quest Part 14Zhu Xing builds up an army to campaign against Yuan Shu and battles Sun CeRaian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-12 12 
34079694Three Kingdoms Quest Part 14.5Zhu Xing finds out whether his waifu survives an encounter with a pyromaniac Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-12 12 
34258027Salami Sandwich Quest.A salami sandwich quests to save his lover, Miss bologna who has been kidnapped from the kitchen, things take an un expected turn as the dark wizard plans to change all sandwiches as we know it. Action, Adventure, Romance, This story has it all!Comedy, Salami Sandwich, Agro, Brain, Romance, Lewd, Action, Suspense, Drama, Collective Game, Quest, The best fucking thing ever, HotSandwichlove, Funny, Great, 10/10,2014-08-20 8 
34261928Three Kingdoms Quest Part 15Zhu Xing teams up with Gan Ning and battles Sun Ce's forcesRaian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-20 12 
34401049Three Kingdoms Quest Part 16Zhu Xing attempts to take Lu Jiang commandery from Sun Ce and Yuan Shu. Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi 2014-08-26 21 
34509156The King of Fighters Quest Round 37The King of Fighters tournament finally begins and Katja can dance if she wants to.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, dance battle2014-08-31 6 
September 2014
34556300The King of Fighters Quest Round 38: "It's Happening" -EditionKatja caps off her Perfect OCV, and Angel vs Terry - fight!SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern2014-09-03 6 
34703313Speak with AnimalOP wonders what sort of personalities animals should have when Speak with Animal is used. Hilarity ensues, with people each giving their own interpretation of how animals would speak and act.speaking with animals, interpretations2014-09-09 10 
34907559/tg/ discusses Arthurian legendKing Arthur summation turns to religious theoryLegend, King Arthur, discussion, myth2014-09-16 3 
October 2014
35476410The King of Fighters Quest Round 39Katja's back, and Jean-Claude Gabriel is having an aneurism.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, It's Back2014-10-13 5 
35563637The King of Fighters Quest Round 40Jean-Claude Gabriel recovers from his aneurism while Katja Hartkern flies to Japan with her friends.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel2014-10-17 5 
35820704The Walking Persona Rider Quest, Part 1A quest born of a conversation in QTG takes off.Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Persona, The Walking Dead, Zombies, 2014-10-29 0 
35855806The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E02SOCIAL LINK GO!The Walking Persona Rider Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Persona, The Walking Dead, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen2014-10-31 2 
November 2014
35916403The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E03The scavenging of the military base goes much worse than expected.The Walking Persona Rider Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Persona, The Walking Dead, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen, Zombies, Demons2014-11-03 0 
35979953The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E04Revelations about someone we thought we knew, and the arrival of Legion.The Walking Persona Rider Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Persona, The Walking Dead, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen, Zombies, Demons2014-11-06 1 
35986024Makin' a GameWorking on designing an RPG about ridiculous over the top Sci Fi Bullshit.SciFi, Sci Fi, Sci-Fi, Ridiculous, Space Vikings2014-11-06 0 
36015163The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E05Finally, the showdown with Legion! ...and Sariel?The Walking Persona Rider Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Persona, The Walking Dead, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen, Zombies, Demons2014-11-08 0 
36045537Disney Villains Victorious: VIThe sixth thread, in which we discuss skills and traits and heroesDisney, Disney villains, worldbuilding, brainstorming, setting, homebrew, heroes, fluff, crunch, game design, Scar, Grimhilde, Maleficent, Horned King, Jafar, Facilier2014-11-09 14 
35995258The King of Fighters Quest Round 42The girls finally get to square off against Mr. Karate and "The Oyaji Team" in the heart of Shinjuku, Japan.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Yuri Sakazaki, King, Mr. Karate2014-11-09 6 
36202274The King of Fighter's Quest Round 43: "The Shodown in Shinjuku""The Women's Team" Vs. "The Oyaji Team" fight concludes, Jean-Claude Gabriel moans & groans about 1st-World problems and "The Agents" close in on a certain, mischievous woman in Shinjuku...SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Blue Mary2014-11-17 6 
36316393The Buns! Quest Episode 2Miko breaks into a restaurantcollective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, freaking out, in a restaurant, tfw almost bunny get2014-11-22 1 
December 2014
36664948The King of Fighters Quest Round 44Blue Mary, agent extraordninaire, becomes intimately acquainted with her quarry. It's all rather tawdry - but not as much as it would appear.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Blue Mary2014-12-10 6 
36707659DBZ Human Quest #10Kaguya has an interesting match with Chiaotzu, and, with his training nearly complete, takes a trip to the past in the pendulum roomCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Kami, Popo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Goku, King Kai, Raditz, Vegeta, Bardock, Tora, Shugesh, Borgos, Fasha, Dodoria, Frieza2014-12-12 14 
36882809DBZ Human Quest #15After recovering in the hospital, Goku and Kaguya set course for Namek, and their training begins with a match that makes it clear who's the strongest of the twoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Bulma, Chi Chi, Roshi, Goku, Chiaotzu, Korin, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Frieza, Vegeta, Namek, Kaio-Ken, King, Kai, Capsule Corp2014-12-21 14 
36856528Bitch Angel Quest 1Heels, the prideful bitch angel, get thrown out of heaven, commandeers a bike and rider, and visits church.Collective Game, Bitch Angel Quest, PSG, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, Anime, Quest2014-12-21 4 
January 2015
37359196DBZ Human Quest #34A friendly game of Tag is cut short as a group of planet pirates plant the seeds of destructionCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, tree, Gohan, Goku, Nappa, King, Kai, Turles, Saiyan, of, might, Crusher, Corps, Earth2015-01-14 12 
37515775DBZ Human Quest #39Kaguya makes a deal with Yamcha, and meets an old foe during trainingCollective Game, Quest, Dbz, Human, Saiyan, Frieza, Yamcha, Kami, Popo, Goku, Gohan, King, Cold, Cooler, Vegeta2015-01-21 12 
37650871DBZ Human Quest #46Kaguya's mightiest enemy comes to Earth for revenge, and he's not aloneCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Bulma, Frieza, King, Cold2015-01-27 13 
37687843DBZ Human Quest #47Frieza and Kaguya finally settle the scoreCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Frieza, King, Cold, Kamehameha, Death, Ball, Supernova2015-01-29 14 
37692005DBZ Human Quest #48Long live the kingCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Namekian, Earth, King, Cold, Frieza, Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, Nappa, Gohan, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Puar, Bulma, Kamehameha, Tri, beam, Destructo, Disk, Gallick, Gun, Special, Beam, Cannon, Masenko, Multiform, Kaio-ken, Spirit, Bomb2015-01-29 20 
February 2015
37823985DBZ Human Quest #56After intense training, Kaguya suffers awful nightmares, and devises a plan to help Goku and Gohan become Super SaiyansCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Namekian, Earth, Namek, Frieza, Vegeta, Nappa, King, Cold, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Androids, 17, 18, Kami, Popo2015-02-04 13 
38030486DBZ Human Quest #64An enemy leaves on surprisingly peaceful terms, and the camping trip resumesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Earth, Piccolo, Goku, Krillin, Salza, Cooler, Dore, Frieza, King, Cold, Icarus, Oolong2015-02-13 11 
38178889DBZ Human Quest #74Piccolo and Kaguya confront the creature that consumed GingertownCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Piccolo, Vegeta, Frieza, Goku, Nappa, King, Cold, Gohan, Cell, Doctor, Gero2015-02-20 10 
March 2015
38473874DBZ Human Quest #90Kaguay trains in the Pendulum Room, watches TV, and heads far back in the pastCollective Game, Quest, Cell, Videl, Krillin, Yamcha, Piccolo, King Kai, Bardock2015-03-05 6 
38615629A Tale Of Witches: Chapter Thirty-sixIn which PLOT happens and Silvereyes McOglespeasantbutt makes her first appearance. A Tale Of Witches, collective game, female protagonist, original setting, Weisman, fucking Sanya,2015-03-13 3 
39004206Joker Quest 128Joker makes his presence known. Haze is increasingly confused. The timestream gets slightly fucked.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, fucking tachyons how do the work2015-03-29 11 
April 2015
39285326Old Fucking Lich Quest - AwakeningAncient senile lich reawakened after eons of slumber.Collective Game, Lich Quest, Old Fucking Lich Quest2015-04-12 25 
39307324Old Fucking Lich Quest 2 - Preparations We acquire waifu and prepare invasion of world orderCollective Game, Lich Quest, Old Fucking Lich Quest2015-04-13 22 
39347928Old Fucking Lich Quest 3 - EnemySwords, Guilds, and Adventures!Collective Game, Lich Quest, Old Fucking Lich Quest 2015-04-15 25 
39528534The King of Fighters Quest Round 45: "Lazarus Would Be Proud"-EditionKatja takes stock of her life, gets a little paranoid at the airport and considers feeding a troll.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, It's Back2015-04-24 7 
39591349DBZ Human Quest #129Kaguya and friends reach Cooler's capital, and things quickly go south.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Cooler, Frieza, King, Cold, Gohan, Videl2015-04-27 4 
39618571DBZ Human Quest #131Kaguya gets more bad newsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Piano, Piccolo, Videl, Gohan, Demon, King, Cooler2015-04-28 5 
39638346DBZ Human Quest #132Pointless drama.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, DBZ Human Quest, Who actually writes every character that appeared in the thread in the tags its fucking stupid2015-04-29 7 
May 2015
39673342Kant-O-Celle Quest #13In which the Regia Marina saves the day and no spaghetti is spilled.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest, Il Duce heard you were talking shit2015-05-01 20 
39676031DBZ Human Quest #133Gete with GarlicCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Dende, King, Kai, Videl, Gohan, Garlic, Jr., Piccolo, King, Frieza, Moori, Porunga, Shenron2015-05-01 7 
39696785DBZ Human Quest #134A fierce battle is waged on the Lookout, and a warrior falls defending East CityCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Goku, Gohan, Videl, Moori, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, Bulma, Nappa, King, Piccolo, Tambourine2015-05-02 6 
39718209DBZ Human Quest #135Kaguya saves Bailey and plans are made for a group to go to space, while the rest hold the line against King PiccoloCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Goku, Gohan, Videl, Moori, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, Bulma, King, Piccolo,2015-05-03 6 
39775855Pokemon Quest #88We escape the Slakings, rescue Meloetta from opportunistic poachers, and go see the stars at night until an old enemy shows up.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Meloetta, Slaking, Delmer, kidnap2015-05-06 20 
39913671The King of Fighters Quest Round 46Katja asks and answers tough questions, then goes out on a date with the strongest woman on earth.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Angel2015-05-13 6 
39953874The King of Fighters Quest Round 47The date continues, we drink tequila and cry, King worries, notKatja is cheesy movie cheesecake, and can you smell what The Angel is cooking?SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Angel, notKatja2015-05-15 5 
39946954Old Fucking Lich Quest 4Chariots, Dwarves, Orcs, and Very Angry Red Heads. Technically Thread 4 and 4.5 because 8chan didn't work out.Collective Game, Lich Quest, Old Fucking Lich Quest2015-05-17 12 
40052723Old Fucking Lich Quest 5We build an army in more ways than one to prepare to sack an unsuspecting town. Collective Game, Lich Quest, Old Fucking Lich Quest2015-05-20 9 
40068100Everyone is Fucking Psychic QuestWe become Malcolm King, and we discover our psychic powers, meet a blonde and a crazy tittymonster, and solve her puzzles to use her powers.Everyone is Fucking Psychic, Quest, Collective Game2015-05-20 8 
June 2015
40902167Champion of the Key Quest #1In which Chuckles and Eail made a Kingdom Hearts Quest, what could go wrong?Chuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-06-29 14 
July 2015
41051856shitty weeb quest #420during this pantyquest you'll choose from one of many waifus to argue aboutcollective wanking2015-07-06 10 
41168570Eail's Quest Discussion ThreadIn which QM Eail and his fans discuss current and possible future questsDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Saiyan, Chuckles, Metal Gear, Kingdom Hearts2015-07-12 0 
41198268Champion of the Key Quest #3We're archiving this one early, so who knows?Chuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-07-13 11 
41204769Champion of the Key Quest #3.5 HD REMIXIn which our adventure continuesChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-07-13 10 
41269539King of Men Quest 0An introduction to the kingdom management Quest revolving around the new King, Valorian Vastov.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-17 15 
41286961King of Men Quest 1The Battle of Baskor came and went. With decisive military force and skill King Valerion united his Kingdom and began solidifying his rule.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-18 11 
41186204A Tale Of Witches Chapter 45In which Sora is revealed to be a woman of many talents.a tale of witches, weisman, collective game, waking up covered in bitches, dual wielding, original setting,2015-07-19 4 
41325172King of Men Quest 2We hunt down the intruders from last thread, build our bonds with the Khazidites, and grab a meeting and start relations with the Mavens. War is coming.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-20 8 
41347258Champion of the Key Quest #4Vasi walks through a long ass field in her pajamas, presumably other things happen tooChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-07-20 10 
41417042King of Men Quest 3We take the Oaths of Allegiance from our counts, learn about the story of Eleisha's sordid past. And, of course, we march to war.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-24 8 
41483065King of Men Quest 4We butt heads with the Order, reclaim Vastov Minor, get a new buddy, and start this war for real.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-27 6 
41493314King of Men Quest 4-Part 2We duel the dread Bjorn, King of the Zestreid. Things go nicely.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-27 6 
41548206King of Men Quest 5We go to the party in La Faresse and it is quite the event.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-30 5 
41554855King of Men Quest 5 part 2We gain some new talent, get some new vassals, and make decisions!Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-30 6 
August 2015
41571465The Cuisine of Fantastical RacesA thread is had in which the food and drink preferences of Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves, Men, Orcs and other fantastical races is discussed at length. Some real world recipes are mulled over as well.worldbuilding, culture, food, drink, fantasy races, cooking, discussion2015-08-01 10 
41649265Champion of the Key Quest #6In which early archiveChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-08-03 12 
41951592Champion of the Key Quest #8In which we continue our adventures in NarniaChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-08-18 9 
42015876KOF Quest #1We are introduced to the main team, as well as being invited to the North American Tag Team TournamentKing Of Fighters, KOF Quest, Collective Game2015-08-22 6 
42152280KOF Quest #2We meet our own personal stalker and plan the trip to QuebecSNK, Roy Armada, King Of Fighters Quest, KOF Quest, Collective Game2015-08-29 5 
September 2015
42285419KOF Quest #3We have a nightmare, screw around as Danielle and cut it close while driving to the airport.SNK, Roy Armada, Danielle, King Of Fighters Quest, KOF Quest, Collective Game2015-09-05 0 
42294785KOF Quest #3 (for real this time)Technical difficulties on the last thread, this one is the actual oneSNK, Roy Armada, Danielle, King Of Fighters Quest, KOF Quest, Collective Game2015-09-05 5 
42379847Hive Mind - Insect Civ #1Thus begins the story of a hive on a flying island who hunt some rabbits, capture alligators and of course try to welcome them into the hive. We also build some walls and FARMS.Collective Game, Hive Mind, Civ Quest, Insect Civ, GodKing2015-09-09 5 
42394729Hive Mind - Insect Civilization #2We continue forth, leading an attack against the blacks. Then throwing them into the prisoner pit before mindmolesting them into submission. We continue to build our colonies infrastructure with a high focus on farms. It's a bugs life.Collective Game, Hive Mind, Civ Quest, Insect Civ, GodKing2015-09-10 4 
42401441Dungeon King #1We decide on being a golem warlord, and loot our first village.Collective Game, Dungeon King, evil, golems2015-09-10 5 
42418670Dungeon King #2We conquer a village, take an apprentice, and learn some thingsCollective Game, Dungeon King, evil, golems2015-09-11 5 
42442061KOF Quest #4Roy and friends take a whole thread to board a plane and we end up knowing a little bit more about DanielleSNK, Roy Armada, Danielle, King Of Fighters Quest, KOF Quest, Collective Game2015-09-12 3 
42479802Dungeon King #3We get stormed by a hero with mages, and find some frogmen.Collective Game, Dungeon King, evil, golems2015-09-14 5 
42516902Dungeon King #4We beat a wizard senseless and get pissed at our apprenticeCollective Game, Dungeon King, evil, golems2015-09-16 5 
42577123Dungeon King #5We conquer Dvor, and make a golem for a sultan (but really for us)Collective Game, Dungeon King, evil, golems2015-09-19 4 
42586316KOF Quest #5 (part 1)Roy arrives at Quebec with his team and gets promptly interviewedSNK, Roy Armada, King Of Fighters Quest, KOF Quest, Collective Game2015-09-21 4 
42724236KOF Quest #5 (part 2)We arrive at the hotel, answer some questions, and subdue a stalkerSNK, Roy Armada, King Of Fighters Quest, KOF Quest, Collective Game2015-09-26 4 
42757055Twinned Legend Quest #2Our character grasps the power of a white sun, gaining a goddesses blessing. One of many that he lost. Then he wakes up to a group of mercenaries before dicking around and trying and successfully trying out his activate blessing.Collective Game, Twinned Legend, GodKing, Godking, Quest2015-09-28 1 
October 2015
42873623KOF Quest #6We hang around with a fellow contestant and fight some stalkers (Different from Danielle)SNK, Roy Armada, King Of Fighters Quest, KOF Quest, Collective Game2015-10-04 4 
42907652The King of Fighters Quest Round 48 (Part 1)We take at look at Andrew Draco's morning. It only raises questions about "The Infinite Match" and Jean-Claude Gabriel.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Andrew Draco2015-10-06 7 
42982008KOF Quest #7The day is finally here! We cut it close for the opening of the tournament, and start our most important match!SNK, Roy Armada, King Of Fighters Quest, KOF Quest, Collective Game2015-10-13 2 
43110483KOF Quest #8Giorgio is up to the ring as he goes against Lucky Glauber!SNK, Giorgio Ambresso, King Of Fighters Quest, KOF Quest, Collective Game2015-10-17 1 
November 2015
43646188/tg/ creates utopiaIn which OP asks how /tg/ posters would create a utopia if given reality warper powers. Discussion of human nature, religions and the need for evil results. Surprisingly civil.ethics, utopia, dystopia, god, power, good, evil, Skull-King The Giant Robotic Scourge Of Mankind,2015-11-15 2 
December 2015
43967090Monstrous Wolves WorldbuildingA discussion on the role of wolves as a monster in mythology derails into worldbuilding. Original monsters and nightmare fuel ensues.wolf, wolves, werewolves, worldbuilding, monsters, dogs, rat king, horror, breath weapon,2015-12-04 5 
44196461Princes and Tsars Quest: 000.5 The thread that should've never happened. But at least something did happen or may happen.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Shameless 80s references, drinking2015-12-16 1 
January 2016
44630173Undead Civ 1Yorik Darkemind washes up, recruits a vampire and some zombies. The natives attack.Collective Game, Undead, Lich Pirate King Quest2016-01-08 1 
44643729Undead Civ 2In which natives are slaughteredCollective Game, Undead, Lich Pirate King Quest2016-01-09 2 
44720826ProxyQuest Part TwoYou stop dragging a body around behind you, nearly make an even more lethally stupid mistake, and worst of all: you're out of smoothies.collective game, drawquest, proxyquest, LIS, scifi, amnesiac soldier, adventure game, even worse critical thinking, balancing the budget2016-01-13 2 
45084461Real Life ShadowrunnersDisturbing real-life tales that would make great inspiration for Shadowrun games! And whose participants are essentially shadowrunners.Holy fucking shit, the fuck did I just read, is this shit for real, oh god this is real isn't it, Shadowrun2016-01-29 23 
45133662Champion of the Key Quest #9In which Vasi returnsChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2016-01-31 8 
February 2016
45643060King of Men Quest 6The Quest returns. We stop the conspiracy that was brewing and start paying a visit to our new acquisitions.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2016-02-26 6 
March 2016
45746104King of Men Quest 7We investigate our new territory in Hoogstrad and deal with the slippery Vella. Quest nearly dies, doesn't quite yet.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2016-03-02 5 
April 2016
46394792The King of Fighters Quest: RebornWe take a quick peak at the life... Who, exactly? Also, the QM gets injured.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest2016-04-02 6 
46437068The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #2The "Friday Night Real Bout" Tournament begins and leaves our MC in a tight spot.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest2016-04-04 5 
46481009The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #3"Friday Night Real Bout" ends under a shroud of controversy and the MC gets an offer for some 'Wrasslin while licking her wounds.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest2016-04-06 5 
46502219The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #4We live a little, keep our options open , deal with a poltergeist using FightChan... Oh, and can the real Katja Hartkern please stand up?SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-04-07 6 
46545437The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #5We commit (Legal) assault & battery at The Pao Pao Cafe, shake hands with a Legend and deal with more spooky stuff.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-04-09 5 
46565312The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #6We get our spiritual lives in order and make a stunning observation at the end of our second "Friday Night Real Bout".SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-04-10 5 
May 2016
169688Black Company Quest #8The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We spend ALL our double pay, and fail at both boxing and flirting.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Double Pay, Fist of the North Longhorn, Smoking Kills, Flattery Failures2016-05-23 24 
June 2016
218571Three Kingdoms Quest 1Zheng Li founds a small army, wins a duel to assume command, breaks a bandit force and gets a pittance for his trouble.Three Kingdoms Quest, Arpeggio2016-06-04 13 
225289Save Viva Piñata Princess Part 2Pirates and Stephn KingSave the Princess, princess, Quest, Collective Game, candy, Stephen King, Pirates2016-06-10 13 
223953Three Kingdoms Quest 2Zheng Li duels a mean old bully named Zang BaThree Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Apreggio2016-06-11 6 
244601Three Kingdoms Quest 3Zheng Li refuses service under Tao Qian and joins the Han forces. He saves Lu Zhi from peril.Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Arpeggio2016-06-12 7 
238811Mage Academy 001Please archive your stuff here as well! // A normie with high magic potential ends up in a mage academy. He has no idea what he's in for.Collective Game, Mage Academy, Hardmode, Handshaking2016-06-17 1 
266966Three Kingdoms Quest 4Zheng Li becomes acquaintances with governor Han Fu and Zhang He. He leads a defense against rebels and kills Guan Hai.Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Apreggio2016-06-18 6 
278576The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #7Katja gracefully backs out a "Friday Night Real Bout" after a concussion scare. Also, allegorical dreams ahoy!SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-06-20 6 
47947046 Post-Apocalyptic CanadaDiscussion of a post-apocalyptic setting in Canada. Includes Haida vikingsCanada, Vikings, post-apocalyptic, setting, apocalypse2016-06-26 6 
July 2016
48057301How That Guys Can Ruin a Good Game Pt. 2OP is back with a followup and an update: GOOD END GET.Oriental adventures, that guy, problem player, cringe, storytime, poetic justice, fucking rekt, lol2016-07-01 2 
317290The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #8We join a new gym, go out on a date and unleash "G-Mantle Lady", the greatest scourge South Town may have ever seen...SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-07-02 6 
318712Three Kingdoms Quest 5Zheng Li and the Han forces defeat the rebels in Ji. Lu Zhi is imprisoned. Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Apreggio2016-07-03 6 
338441 The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #9We beat up Andy Bogard, make-out with Mai Shiranui off-screen and steal some new clothes as "G-Mantle Lady" runs amok in South Town.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, G-Mantle Lady2016-07-06 7 
357857Three Kingdoms 6Zheng Li tempts Yuan Shao. The Yellow Scarves are defeated, Zheng Li seeks his own destiny.Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Apreggio2016-07-15 6 
384993Three Kingdoms Quest 7Zheng Li gains a commandery. Lu Fan joins the team and creates China's first 7-Eleven with Yang Jing.Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Apreggio2016-07-24 7 
August 2016
455722Three Kingdoms Quest 9Zheng Li fights Lu Bu's army. Yang Jing duels Hua Xiong. Sun Jian defeats Hua Xiong but the Coalition is disbanded. Zhang He joins the teamThree Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Apreggio2016-08-10 5 
493271Three Kingdoms Quest #10Sun Jian gets his bacon saved. Also SunCefagpls dank meme has returned.Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Arpeggio2016-08-22 6 
512825The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #10We get out of a hospital, reflect on our life choices, go out drinking with a kindred spirit and decide upon a future while fighting a gang.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-08-30 6 
September 2016
519005Three Kingdoms Quest 11Poor Han Fu is given charity. Zhang He slaps a bitch, Wang Yi becomes the Grinning Demon. Runan is captured.Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Arpeggio2016-09-01 5 
532197King of Dragon Pass: Part 1Based on the PC Video game of the same name as they leading a clan into a journey the likes has never seen before. Led by OrlanthOrlanth, Collective Game, King of Dragon Pass2016-09-06 1 
537931Three Kingdoms Quest 12Zheng Li plays the Chinese Cupid and matchmakes. Cao Cao trolls around. Jiangxia is taken and people rage about benevolence.Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Arpeggio2016-09-09 5 
537062The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #11We get into a fight, get patched up and then start to get "Red-Pilled" on who the MC really is.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Kazunori Kazahaya2016-09-10 6 
522868DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' TaleThird installation of the Diminutive Dungeon Delvers story. This time you play as the Succubus , looking to distract yourself from boredomDDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image2016-09-11 3 
556640DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' Tale part 2Continuation of DDD:AST where you try to run away from Wi'aboo's lair without getting caught.DDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image2016-09-18 1 
580821Three Kingdoms Quest 13Zheng Li bangs Cai Shi, builds a relationship with Wei Yan, and attacks Yuan Shu for raiding his villages. Also Cao Cao attacks Tao Qian.Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Arpeggio2016-09-21 5 
591859DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' Tale part 3Final part of the Succubus Tale. Time to finish your escape and get to the material plane!DDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image, paladin, rogue, mage, wizard, dating, imp, cute, 2016-09-22 1 
October 2016
648462Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #1We do character gen, almost lose an egg, discuss sexually molesting a rock, and get a new companionPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-02 34 
651566The End of the Aftermath: A Ryukuza Side QuestA 1-4 shot sidequest, of what may happen in other places after the end of Ryukuza Quest...Collective Game, madness, Hastur, Cassilda, the King in Yellow, Yellow Sign, blood, sex, weird, short, monsters2016-10-02 8 
653540Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #2We catch our first Pokemon, get pranked, and get an infodump about the islandPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-03 24 
661271The End of the Aftermath: A Ryukuza Side Quest 2Cassilda takes her new companion to Lake Hali near her home....but was it the wisest choice? For now she is the sought sister.Collective Game, Cassilda, The King in Yellow, horror, blood, pain, madness, strange, mystery, love2016-10-04 7 
665271The End of the Aftermath: A Ryukuza Side QuestPart three begins with Cassilda and Nyean parting ways at the shore of Lake Hali....what dangers lurk in Carcosa for the young mystic?Collective Game, madness, Hastur, Cassilda, the King in Yellow, Yellow Sign, blood, sex, weird, short, monsters2016-10-05 5 
669713Norseman Saga, Volume 1Four hour chargen, followed by a test of manhoodViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-10-07 26 
49651484Wisdom of the Great Frog of the Southern Pond of the Western Woods of the Eastern Kingdom of the NorthRikki Tikki Tavi in a fantasy setting, plus a healthy dash of political intrigue, and delivered by way of Terry Pratchett?worldbuilding, setting, politics, kingdom, frog, pepe,2016-10-07 9 
678525Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #4Two days long! We man up, go into caves, get lost, man up some more, and bond a lot with Laki. Egg hatches too!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-10 23 
662180Being Super In a Megacity Quest 1you made things blow up on a massive scale, suffered employment problems, and finally decided to work with an usual villain.Super Heroes, Super Villains, Walking the path of explosions, Genie 2016-10-11 4 
682995Three Kingdoms Quest 14Part 1: We kick the everliving shit out of Yuan Shu's forces. Part 2: We make nice with the people of Pei Commandery.Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Arpeggio2016-10-13 5 
691281Norseman Saga, Volume 2We have an axe throwing contest, pick some equipment, and leave for a jobViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-10-13 21 
687690Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #5We bond with our new budew, help a beached wailmer, have a run in with Jane, and meet a fisherman who teaches us a few thingsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-14 22 
705914Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #6We visit home, battle Polu, train, explore, battle a Nuzleaf and get a palm readingPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-17 22 
693636The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #12We spar with Joe Higashi, contemplate existence out on the road and fight in an underground tournament being run by an old friend.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart, Andrew Draco, Kazunori Kazahaya2016-10-17 5 
674611Being Super In a Megacity Quest 2We enter the Scar, make THE show, and leave because cool guys don't watch explosions.Super Heroes, Super Villains, Walking the path of explosions, Genie2016-10-17 2 
49840229Food Critic in FantasylandA discussion of unusual fantasy restaurants opens the tale of Gormack, Orc Adventurer, Warrior, and Traveling Food Critic. Hilarity ensues. Gormack, Cooking, Cuisine, Funny, Writing, OC, Parody2016-10-18 30 
694499Being Super In a Megacity Quest 3Boss figures out that when he tells us to go do something, we really do that thing. Also we met a special lady in a wasteland church.Super Heroes, Super Villains, Walking the path of explosions, Genie 2016-10-19 2 
722042Norseman Saga, Volume 3We fight off a group of bandits, discover our destiny, buy some weapons, and beat up AndersViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-10-22 15 
742635Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #7We go on a fashion and shopping spree, bond with the girls, encounter ruffians and start a battle with JanePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-26 21 
728350Being Super In a Megacity Quest 4 We trained, we fought brood, we talked epically and we partiedSuper Heroes, Super Villains, Walking the path of explosions, Genie2016-10-29 1 
765225Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #8We finish our battle with Jane, have a conversation over ice cream, get Mace checked out and meet a shady dealer in the spooky forest at nigPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-31 21 
November 2016
761678Being Super in Megacity Quest 5/ENDOf sex and explosionsSuper Heroes, Super Villains, Walking the path of explosions, Genie 2016-11-02 2 
794778Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #9You, Laki, and Val have lewd misunderstandings. Mace has a close call in a tube. You battle a gym mechanic for valuable info.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-11-07 21 
785037Three Kingdoms Quest 15Chen Gong and Lu Bu are rejected. Sun Shang Xiang is a bitch, but a new waifu is born.Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms Quest, Arpeggio2016-11-09 5 
807641Norseman Saga, Volume 4We leave for the Baltic, kill some vampires, and get abandoned by Handler.Viking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-11-17 17 
824700Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #10You do some training and bonding with your pokemon and Hana. Mace learns to go fastPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-11-19 22 
848697Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #11We have a dream, sleep-molest Keira, remember a recipe, and begin our first gym battle.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-11-27 23 
859045 Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest # 2You are Sir Durwin, Bandit Chief of the south-lands of Entor. ready to do intelligent banditry and get your dick wet. ignoble king, low fantasy, medieval, banditry, smut,2016-11-27 4 
873645 Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest # 3You are Sir Durwin, Bandit Chief of the south-lands of Entor. time to figure out what to do with all that loot.ignoble king, low fantasy, medieval, banditry,2016-11-27 4 
December 2016
876860Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #12You finish your first gym battle at the electric gym at Kaitwe townPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-04 22 
884140Norseman Saga, Volume 5The raid on the trading post commences. Link to 4.5 inside.Viking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-12-07 15 
898861Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #13We watch Hana's battle, search for a runaway pichu, meet two Pokemon in a cave, and find KeiraPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-09 20 
916565Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #14You bond with Keira, help free Hydreigon, stand up to a gym leader, ruin Valerie's day and visit home.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-12 21 
910086Norseman Saga, Volume 6Anders has a moment, we pull a barrel of spice from a burning building, and we go home.Viking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-12-15 15 
937156Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #15You chatted with your sister, invited Laki along, hosted dinner for everyone, and had an non-hostile Jane encounter.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-18 20 
949583Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #16You bonded with Polu, fished with Hana, and made friends with a dangerous shark (no, not Jane.)Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-23 20 
966693Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #17You go to the Electric temple and learn the secret of the difficult but filling baco bread.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-29 20 
January 2017
959593Norseman Saga, Volume 7We get back to the village, trade some spice, and get some work done on our equipmentViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2017-01-03 12 
984165Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #18Bella evolved! You got involved in a temple debate. You had an underwear adventure with a girlPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-01-05 20 
51018882Field Rations and Camp Cooking How much effort does you and your team put into RP for food when traveling?Food, camp, rations, cooking, brainstorming, world building2017-01-07 4 
1008839Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #19You meditate, battle Polu, lose Mace, get capture by wild pokemon, and Gobble is a dickPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-01-09 21 
1018630The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #13We dream about a played-out meme, talk about our past, find a new name and begin our training for the 14th King of Fighters Tournament.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Fortuna Mistral2017-01-09 6 
1002973Norseman Saga, Volume 7.5You beat up a guy, make friends with him, then have some sort of dream, likely of the prophetic natureViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2017-01-11 14 
1029149King of Dragon Pass QuestIntroduction to the Ernaldoli clanKing of Dragon Pass, KoDP, Collective Game2017-01-12 1 
1032590Alchemy Escape- Part 1Dan farnick want out of this room, and will sacrifice however many cheetos he requires to do so.Alchemy Escape, Alchemy Escape Quest, Collective game, alchemy, cheetos, so many cheetos, god damn thats a lot of fucking cheetos, part one2017-01-15 2 
1033223Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #20You rescued Mace and his boldore friend, ran into Val and Belladonna, and had to discipline the small Grass pokemon for mischief.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-01-15 20 
1030603Norseman Saga, Vol. 8Haskell talks to people and enters a dispute about the best fighting styleCollective Game, Viking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2017-01-18 15 
1048983Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #21Bonding with Bella and Val, Dice the Totodile joins the team, fish, and desecrate the snow of EelileePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-01-19 20 
1067282The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #14We fight to the top of "Shangri-La" for $20, meeting and beating up all kinds of people along the way in the name of "Training".SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Fortuna Mistral, Katja Hartkern2017-01-23 7 
1074352Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #22You met with the high ranking clergy on Eelilee and decided to go on a vision quest to prove your worth.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-01-29 20 
February 2017
1100564Pokemon Island Adventure quest #23We go on a vision quest and prove we are not dangerous to the priestsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-02-04 20 
51527767Red Kings Thread 1Tg rolls up and starts to fluff the "Red Kings", a chaos marine warband from the Night Lords who are vampire piratesChaos, Warhammer 40k, warband creation, Night Lords, Red Kings2017-02-06 1 
1113929Norseman Saga, Volume 8.5We continue making the same new friends, then have a training sessionViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2017-02-08 12 
1128474Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #24You bond with Dice, have sexy massage time, and have a very awkward conversation with Keira.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-02-12 20 
1153121Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #25You do a lot of overdue training, race Jane, and watch a battle.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-02-19 20 
1175308Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #26You battled over a flaming structure for your second badge, and went fishing with Keira and HanaPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-02-21 18 
51770825Communal Worldbuilding: Bryss EditionTg builds a cold, wintery world full of danger, dead titans, magic and lots of witchesCommunal Worldbuilding, Bryss, Winter Kingdoms, Worldbuilding2017-02-23 5 
March 2017
1197087Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #27Hana gets zapped, we go to Take, awkwardly flirt, and turn down a sidequestPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-03-02 20 
1222683The Third KingdomThe continuation of Balancer Quest. You play as Arien Fisher, adopted son of Father John Fisher, in exploring haunted areasCollective game, Third Kingdom Quest, sadAnon, Supernatural2017-03-03 5 
1223118Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #28We do errands, sleep with Valerie, act like team mom for everyone, train, make Laki blush, and have coffee with JanePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-03-06 22 
1216288The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #15The MC plays some D&D while stuck in the hospital, we get our masked vigilante on and conclude with some women's pro-wrestling.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Fortuna Mistral, G-Mantle, Ultima2017-03-07 6 
1233319Thief King Quest #1An up and coming thief is put to the test.Thief King Quest, Tungsten2017-03-09 1 
1256393Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #29You hug the shark, have seedy encouners in the sketchy part of Take, train, and start Truth or DarePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-03-13 20 
1279955Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #30Truth or Dare with the thread ending lewdly.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-03-22 20 
1297101Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #31Truth or dare finally wraps up, Jane's shell begins to crack, and there's a ghostly encounter in the kitchenPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-03-24 16 
April 2017
1345118The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #16The MC uncovers something that could be big, but the players leave and it looks as though the quest will end prematurely...?SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Fortuna Mistral2017-04-08 5 
1318271Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #32You and Polu take on the Teotake island's poison gym and it's strange trialsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-04-09 13 
1349132Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #33We take the Poison Gym leader's mission to take her brother's right to his ship, in order to keep him away from the island.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-04-23 13 
1372375Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #34You had a fashion-off with a pirate captain! You helped Hana catch a ChinchouPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-04-23 13 
1390449Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #35You massage Laki get lewdPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-04-30 20 
May 2017
1371193Double King Quest IYou are the Double King. You want crowns. But two crowns are not enough to sate your hunger for more crowns. You want ALL of them.Double King Quest, Awesome, Sociopath, surreal2017-05-02 2 
1414140Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #36We set off once again! Herb, Laki, and Kiera continue with the Fisherman's requests and must capture 30 Kecleon. We meet Max, he's a dick.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-05-08 12 
1412575Double King Quest IIYour hunger and lust for crowns leads you on a valiant conquest of exotic lands, but all rulers must fall eventually.Double King Quest, Awesome, Sociopath, surreal2017-05-09 1 
1442952Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #37You catch a bajillion Kecleon.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-05-14 12 
1456542Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #38We negotiated and brought the Kecleon to a new home and engaged in an aura mixing ritual with Keira.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-05-22 13 
1483710Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #39You meet and train a Tauros, find a new power in yourself, have a painful moment with Dice, and morePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-05-23 15 
1504223Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #40We bond with Keira, work out, battle a strong gentleman, and come home to visitPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-05-29 14 
June 2017
1490921Norseman Saga, Volume 9A very social thread where we talk to a few people. Not every thread can be killing people for being different.Viking, Norseman, Handler, Pillaging, Raiding2017-06-01 6 
1536751Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #41You give Jane a Moon Stone and have a battle. Dice vs Nidoqueen!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-06-16 20 
1583730Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #42We have a date with Jane, almost join a Team, and get indecisive about girls some morePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-06-19 15 
1594085Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #43We have a talk with Hana, go to bed, and head downstairs for breakfast.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-06-21 20 
1598713Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #44We explore the woods, our own motivations and feelings, meet Kat, get the girlsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-06-25 20 
1587240Norseman Saga, Volume 10A tiny abortion of a thread where we talk to a skald and our friendsViking, Norseman, Handler, Pillaging, Raiding2017-06-29 6 
July 2017
1629320Saiyan Conqueror Quest 5Invasion of Grey homeworld begins, QM keeps leaving for work, then Karn gets really, really angry.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, Saiyan Conqueror Quest 5, Karn, Meloka, Leyas, Nappa, King Vegeta, DBZ, GrandDragonQM, Saiyan, Saiyans, /qst/, quest2017-07-03 26 
1630849Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #45You have a man-to-man with your dad, think up some fashion for your pokemon, and have a Dragonair encounterPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-07-05 14 
1636781Norseman Saga, Volume 10.5We get to Ireland, meet a vampire that doesn't try to eat us, and agree to kill a CardinalViking, Norseman, Handler, Pillaging, Raiding2017-07-15 6 
1651345Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #46You finish the Rod quest, take the spice challenge, and unlock your pokemon's potentialPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-07-16 15 
1671016Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #47You get a new pokemon, give Laki some attention, have a strange moment with her and dreamPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking, Vulpix2017-07-23 13 
August 2017
1694345Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #48We cooked, had an aura journey, and a shard ceremonyPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-08-03 12 
1721025Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #49You traveled the long way, had a Burmy swarm encounter, came to a tiny community of mainlanders, meet another trainer, meet Murkrow againPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-08-10 12 
1747752Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #50We agreed to help Murkrow out with his stash. Gobble jobbed a Snorlax. We agreed to help another injured MurkrowPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking, Murkrow2017-08-20 16 
1769302European Dragon Quest 70In this episode, we manage to fail exerting complete control over Finland, appoint Mannerheim to be it's ruler, and deal with the kobolds.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Collective Game, When will this fucking quest die?, 2017-08-23 1 
1770079Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #51You healed a wing, Hana busted a finger, astral projected with KeiraPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-08-31 11 
1793795Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #5You and Keira double battle Laki and Abigail using SorbetPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-08-31 10 
September 2017
1855070Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #53Herb does the deed.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-09-20 11 
1895614Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #54You train each other's Pokemon, visit the Grass Temple, and decide to help fix itPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-09-30 10 
October 2017
1908192Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #55You battled Beauty Branch girls in the grass temple, got the beauty branch leader to agree to a fashion show, and discussed religious doubtsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-10-08 11 
1941564Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #56The conservation "branch" sends Herb on a sidequest. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-10-18 15 
2000347Kingdom Hearts QuestQuinn becomes a keyblade wielder, starts a game of hide and seek and gets DARKNESS Kingdom Hearts, Cereal, Darkness,Quinn2017-10-23 15 
2003322Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #57You got to know Gardevoir, more about Hana's past, got confronted by Fug, called Val, and Bella learned Grass Whistle!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-10-29 12 
November 2017
2020909Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #58You fought your way to see Laki, had a heart to stone heart with Mace, and bonedPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-11-05 10 
2026303Kingdom Hearts Quest #2Quinn meets a rival, goes hunting, and goes to the Other SideKingdom Hearts, Into the Dark, thread 2, 2017-11-06 6 
2045881Kingdom Hearts Quest #2.5Quinn looks inside his heart, he goes to a spooky land and makes some money. Also Ford and Xehanort show up.Kingdom Hearts, Cereal, Darkness,Quinn, Into the Dark2017-11-10 6 
2041239Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #59You console Keira about her doubts, help prepare the event, and encounter a new entity with Jane while meditatingPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-11-13 10 
2081510Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #60You thwarted attempts to ruin the show and dressed up all pretty-likePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-11-19 11 
2065342Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #60 (real)(Other one is 61)You thwarted attempts to ruin the show and dressed up all pretty-like.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-11-20 11 
December 2017
2117174Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #62Girl Fight!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-12-16 11 
56972187Dog MonarchyAnons contemplate what would happen if a Dog became the ruler of a realm.Dog, Monarchy, king, mayor, assasins, plots, bark2017-12-17 11 
2152014Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #63Herb fights a polite, racist gym leader.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-12-28 14 
January 2018
2206958Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #64Things change, we refuse to let our friends go, and we get spooked.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-01-09 16 
2210990Viking Quest Creating Alrik the Hunter, who hunts animals and tries to become a huscarl. viking, quest, viking quest, vikings, northmen2018-01-16 1 
2231796Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #65Herb explores his inner self, and anons discuss religion. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-01-22 11 
2249409Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #66Laki and Herb battle Kat and Robin in a 12v2 battle. Surprisingly, we haven't lost yet.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-01-29 11 
February 2018
2279604Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #67You & Laki battled Kat & Robin, Kat gave you some battling advice sorta, you learned about aura from JeaninePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-02-11 10 
2299687Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #68You say have a run in with Jacob who dumps plot hints, say goodbye to Kat and co, and plant a plantPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-02-17 10 
2335608Kaleidoscope QuestA witch goes on an expedition for feathers from a roc.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Incredible Decision Making 2018-02-26 5 
2320159Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #69Got lewd with Laki, trained, crit failed a few times and ended up lost on a beach!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-02-27 6 
March 2018
2369798Kingdoms in the StarsThe story of the Three Kingdoms begins with Matt Millar, a simple smuggler.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-03-09 20 
2357042Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #71You reach your stamina limits and are forced to rest, and had some very complicated discussions about your relationship with Laki and HanaPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-03-11 10 
2342661Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #71You found your way into a hidden Normal type temple/home, earned the trust of the resident/priest, and spent the night.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-03-11 10 
2380775Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 2The crew arrive on a ship called the Lone Star, where the Sheriff is a blast from Crooks' past.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-03-12 10 
2375401Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #72You and Abigail hung out, you trained, and there were moves exchanged between Mace and GardevoirPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-03-17 7 
2406152Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 3The search for a cook leads to meeting an eccentric woman named Krista.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-03-21 9 
2396833Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #73You met most of Laki's family, made a good impression, got drunk and included their only daughter in unprotected late night debauchery.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-03-25 8 
2427491Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 4A broken generator forces the crew to dock on a Camelot ship, where a trap may be laying in wait.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-03-29 8 
April 2018
2415489Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #74Herb bonds with Abigail and Laki's family, and works at a construction site.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-04-08 11 
2448999Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #75Hana vs. (The hot new reality show)Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-04-18 13 
2489640Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 5The Maribelle crew deal with another bounty hunter, with an interesting spore ability. Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-04-20 6 
2494572Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #76Herb pitches expanding the harem to Laki, encounters a Cubone and saves Laki's pole and Laki's feelings, calls KeiraPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-04-29 7 
May 2018
2516480Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #78Herb protected Cubone against a Mandibuzz attack,got messed up, and had some spiritual journey whole recoveringPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-05-03 11 
2549434Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 6Matt and the crew encounter the last member of the soda gang, the leader Prosecco.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-05-11 6 
2523501Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #78You have a spirit journey, Keira came back, you helped Cubone get armed.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-05-12 10 
2557003Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #79You bonded and trained aura with Keira, embraced your girls in front of an audience, and chased after and stopped CubonePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-05-21 10 
June 2018
2580418Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #80 Herb gets his battle on.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-06-01 11 
2638450Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 7The crew are taken aboard the Noah, the fleet owned by Marco Shao.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-06-11 6 
2659994Keeper of the Kingdom Key Quest #1Mick Frost gets made into a hologram, given a Keyblade, and has a lot of questions.Kingdom Hearts, Disney World, Kingdom Key Quest, DiZ2018-06-19 3 
2635854Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #81Herb finishes getting his battle on.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-06-24 20 
2667030Keeper of the Kingdom Key Quest #2After nearly getting murdered by the animatronics at It's A Small World, Mick battles the Horned King.Kingdom Hearts, Disney World, Kingdom Key Quest, DiZ2018-06-24 2 
July 2018
2673924Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #82With our Auras COMBINED!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-07-03 10 
2708135Keeper of the Kingdom Key Quest #3Short thread. Mick gets a clue about what the Overtakers are looking for. The hunt for the decoder slates begins...Kingdom Hearts, Disney World, Kingdom Key Quest, DiZ2018-07-10 1 
2720077Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 8After the attacks on the fleets, a summit is called by Marco Shao.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-07-12 5 
2701829Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #83Herb continues his aura journey from Keira to HanaPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-07-15 11 
2733425Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #84More aura exploration with Hana and LakiPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-07-26 12 
August 2018
2759089Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #85Waking up after aura sharing.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-08-08 12 
2808247Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 9The battle with the Yellow Turban rebels begins with a bang!Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-08-15 5 
2827890Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 10Hearts are broken as Matt and the gang face off against Liang Tao and his strange ability!Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-08-23 5 
2816699Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #86Herb finished up at the Fighting Temple and learned to make a hearty soup that's great for stamina recovery. Laki & Hana resolve issuesPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-08-26 17 
2830374Duel Monsters Quest: Turn 01A young Duelist named Yukari is introduced, almost dies, and travels through time.Yu-Gi-Oh, Duel Monsters Quest, King of Games2018-08-29 3 
September 2018
2852582999 QuestSCP 999 awakens in a room, breaks out and meets a god and ends up making a bunch of friends where he goes.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, cute, Magic2018-09-02 18 
2836344Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #87We set off for the fighting gym, and battle a bully. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-09-05 13 
2869653Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 11The alliance of fleets must deal with the notorious Kingpin Dong, and his outlandish demands. Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-09-09 5 
2871732Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #88Herb and Co face difficulty in the Fighting Gym. Complicated 6v6 battle!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-09-17 10 
2896570Duel Monsters Quest, Turn 02Yukari and Jaden clash with the Society of Light, and the identity of the Belial agent is revealed.Yu-Gi-Oh!, Duel Monsters Quest, King of Games2018-09-23 2 
October 2018
2896866Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #89Recently: Herb, Laki, and Hana all earned a Fighting Spirit badgePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-10-03 10 
2913790Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #90The party splits up to get the maximum help possible in finding PoluPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-10-03 10 
2938295Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #91Herb catches a new Rotom, but there's pokeball trouble! Jane joins Herb and Laki to lead the search for Polu!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-10-14 10 
2992047Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 12The location of the Tao brothers is revealed and the battle to stop the Yellow Turbans begins.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-10-23 5 
2965522Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #92Herb and co. spy on Polu!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-10-23 7 
2984375999 Quest 5999 and company reunite with Vuindred once again, before venturing into a mentalscape and facing Abyssal vileness. Clone shenanigans ensue.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, clones, Zelda2018-10-28 4 
November 2018
3032112Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 13The fight with Bao Tao continues, as Matt encounters the Athens general Metis.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-11-07 6 
3004806Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #94Polu's gang is given a new direction, and the Halloween spooktacular prank time beginsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-11-11 7 
December 2018
3088575Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 14Matt and Marco finally come face-to-face with Shaman Tao. Negotiations crumble.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2018-12-04 5 
3061157Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #94 (real)You engaged in Halloween traditions, learned the background of the fugs with Jane, and had a cultural exchange with a psychic girl!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-12-09 7 
3085352Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #95Herb hangs out with everyone, and has some quality time with his loved ones and pokemon.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-12-12 7 
3106794Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #96Rotom earns the name Ghost Pepper, and Herb begins a long pokemon battle with PoluPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-12-22 10 
3095262999 Quest 7999 and friends, led by Stephen, enter a bizarre 'network' reality and face a fierce angel. They then meet some not too pleasant werewolve999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, Stephen Hawking, SMT, Werewolf The Forsaken2018-12-29 1 
January 2019
3127595Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #97We continue the battle with Polu. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-01-04 10 
3156148Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #98Laki expresses concern over Gardevoir, Herb and company arrive at the Dark type gym and begin battlePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-01-13 11 
3173646Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #99Herb continues his battle against the Dark Gym!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-01-21 10 
February 2019
3222755Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 15The Maribelle crew dock on a Camelot ship to see a performance from the galaxy's most popular music idol.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2019-02-01 2 
3217535Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #100Herb battled the dark type gym leader, then had an extra-planer encounter with the Rayquaza of ill-intentPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-02-08 7 
3239593AFDBQ 1Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest begins. Poorly.AFDBQ, Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest, Ultraman, Ultraseven, Dragon Ball2019-02-14 1 
3260532AFDBQ 2Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest CONTINUES STILL POORLYAFDBQ, Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest, Dragon Ball, Collective Game2019-02-18 1 
3241376Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #101Gym Leader BluesPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-02-18 7 
March 2019
3289801Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #102Herb gave Laki the ol' yogurt cannon without protection! The crew arrives at the festival!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-03-10 12 
3331755Fantasy Restaurateur QuestA fired cook opens a restaurant in the borderlandsWatdo, Fantasy Restaurateur Quest, Restaurant Management, Cooking2019-03-11 8 
3334044Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #103Glass Reflections Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-03-19 7 
3353266Fantasy Restaurateur Quest #2Gaston deals with sentient fungi, dwarf contractors, and thieves Watdo, Fantasy Restaurateur Quest, Restaurant Management, Cooking 2019-03-19 5 
3349387Fate/Mania II Character Creation & Pt. 1After the death of Eleven-Chan, the Anons take over Cold War-San and King Protea as her Servant. REDthunderBOAR, Fate, Cold War-San, King Protea2019-03-24 0 
3325514999 Quest, A Blue SkyBlue awakens within an abstract void, fights against some broken shades, meets a man in red and faces a bunch of really nasty spiders.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, SMT, Destiny, motherfucking darkness2019-03-26 1 
3353905A Thief's Quest: 1st RunThe up and coming thief Ailas realizes he's been thinking small, and moves on up.Quest, A Thief's Quest, Sneaking, Robbery, Fantasy, SleepyQM2019-03-26 8 
3354860Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #104Herb and his pokemon stop the ferris wheel. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-03-28 6 
3373494A Thief's Quest: 2nd RunAilas completes a tricky job and buys a serious amount of gear in preparation for the manor job, his own project.Quest, A Thief's Quest, Sneaking, Robbery, Fantasy, OC Setting, SleepyQM2019-03-31 6 
April 2019
3372883Fantasy Restaurateur Quest #3Gaston visits the farmers, strikes a deal, then plans for the dwarf's feast.Watdo, Fantasy Restaurateur Quest, Restaurant Management, Cooking2019-04-03 2 
3389987Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #105Fun Conversation editionPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-04-09 6 
3388524The Animal KingdomsSapient animals begin to found their own groups, and everything goes to hell for everyone.Collective Game, Civ, Animal Kingdoms2019-04-11 0 
3410775 The Quest of the Branded Ones Pt 1A viking is named, a Princess is found, and a royal guard is confused.Ursd, Edgar, Ana, Prison, Brand, Immortal, Viking, ShogunRyuusha2019-04-11 2 
3407625Panzer Commander QuestAfter more than a month time skip, Richter is returned to; aiding a foreign army, riding in a tank, and being beaten up by a tomboy.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks, major problems with milk, taking a bite out of crime and thighs2019-04-16 5 
3441950Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 16Matt meets a woman who helped raise him as a child, and she comes with a job for the crew.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2019-04-17 4 
3427860Kingdom of Animals #2The animals struggle to surviveCollective Game, Civ, Animal Kingdoms2019-04-19 1 
3431046Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #106Herb battles in an amateur contest tournament and teases poor HanaPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-04-20 5 
3446315Kingdom of Animals #3The kingdoms begin to advance to the neolithic age, adopting more advanced stone tool creationCollective Game, Civ, Animal Kingdoms2019-04-26 1 
3447945Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #107Herb introduces someone to Abigail, and battles in an amateur contest tournament using GardevoirPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-04-28 5 
May 2019
3447922999 Quest 11-11.5999 awakens in the dark, frees Red and helps Blue in his fight, and finally strikes down the dark. 999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, fucking demons2019-05-04 1 
3465943Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #108Herb calms down Gardevoir, gets busy with Hana, and continues into the Contest Battle TournamentPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-05-05 6 
3461468Kingdom of Animals #4Most of the animals begin to switch to agriculture as their main food sourceCollective Game, Civ, Animal Kingdoms2019-05-13 1 
3484077Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #109We finish the Amateur Contest Tournament, and begin watching Valerie's showPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-05-19 6 
3497897O5 Council Quest 2O5-10 alongside O5-4 entertain some very strange and very dangerous lunch guests. Things get even weirder when a mage brings terrible news.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Magic, fucking wizards, Interlude, O5 Council, Nobilis2019-05-28 3 
3515954Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #111The crew watches Valerie's contest and begins Truth or Dare!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-05-29 7 
June 2019
3551774Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 17Matt and crew are invited to the home of Sun Boros, leader of the Shinto fleet.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2019-06-07 2 
3560225Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 18One of Marco's advisers is conspiring against him, but who?Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2019-06-08 2 
3538932Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #111We finish Truth or Dare, and things got steamy!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-06-09 6 
3553578Body Horror Quest - 22nd VeinDream Daughters, Downtime, and a Drinking Party at The Dragon's Lair. A well-deserved respite for Shu's Friends and Family.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror, downtime, Dreams, Drinking party, Respite, Family2019-06-09 21 
3563433Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #112Herb, Laki, and Hana 'educate' Keira. Short threadPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-06-15 6 
3578788Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 19Gawain and his troops board the NOAH to get rid of the traitorous advisers.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2019-06-16 3 
3575382Pokémon Island Adventure Quest 113Dice gets in trouble and Gobble dies. Quest over, go home.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-06-17 6 
3562913Undying King Quest #1In which we awaken to insolent adventurers and a broken kingdom.King, Kingdom, Ghost, Wraith, Fantasy, Cleric, Addventurers, Will eventually become a Civ Quest, Undying King Quest, Goodbye QM2019-06-25 3 
3571604 My Better Angels: A Mad Monarch Management QuestQueen Ophelia I begins her reign of the Kingdom of Vetesil, engages in intrigue, defends attacks from Amberland, and takes up gardening.Collective Game, Mad Monarch, Kingdom Management, My Better Angels2019-06-30 13 
July 2019
67088011/tg/ talks dragons/tg/ talks about dragons, artistic representations of dragons, heroic and villainous coding, female kings, and what dragons represent.dragons, medieval, saber, king emotionlessly watching a dragon fuck his woman from the closet2019-07-06 0 
3613623Commentarii de Bello Sinica II - CAPVT VCaesar agrees to a betrothal with the powerful Sun Clan, and joins the punitive expedition against Dong Zhuo.Commentarii, Carthage, Caesar, FortunaQM, Rome, China, Collective Game, Three Kingdoms2019-07-09 3 
3615503Undying King Quest #2A much shorter thread, in which we arrive at a riverside fort, get kingnapped, and then used as a flailKing, Kingdom, Ghost, Wraith, Fantasy, Cleric, Adventurers, Will eventually become a Civ Quest, Undying King Quest, Goodbye QM2019-07-12 1 
August 2019
67396007how to improve necrons/tg/ discusses how to improve necron fluff and stats.necrons, worldbuilding, backstory, tomb kings, mondasian cybermen,2019-08-02 5 
3680441999 Quest 14999 and allies continue a frantic battle against an unfathomable evil,new tactics are created, and 999 enters the belly of the beast.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-08-11 1 
3702062Vegeta's Quest IA quest where we control Vegeta. We fight some bugs, get in a hot mess, find help, and interact with Earth.Vegeta, Dragon Ball, DBZ, KingQM,2019-08-17 28 
September 2019
3801397Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 20A look into Majors and Generals of the Athens Fleet.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2019-09-09 0 
3829101Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 21The day before Sun Si is brought to marry the kingpin, Sun Chen assists his father in informing the generals of Shinto.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2019-09-21 0 
October 2019
3831455999 Quest 16999 and all of his friends finally put an end to the anomaly, bid farewell to new allies and journey onwards.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, Mage: The Awakening2019-10-16 1 
3848843DE VITA CAESARISThe Dreamer, reborn in the North.FortunaQM, Caesar, Viking2019-10-17 6 
November 2019
69166723Cooking With A TechpriestA servant of the Adeptus Mechanicus shows how to make a tasty, nutritious treat for your Servo Skull.Warhammer 40k, Techpriest, Cooking, Recipe, /ck/2019-11-01 28 
3885071DE VITA CAESARIS - CAPVT IIEnd of Prologue.FortunaQM, Caesar, Viking2019-11-02 3 
3881903999 Quest 17999 and company return to the physical world, meet an old friend, and finally complete a long quest.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-11-02 1 
3931998Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 22Matt and his crew infiltrate the NOAH, but can they trust anyone they meet there?Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2019-11-21 0 
3916726Dovahkiin of Earth VII Asia learns more about Shirone past. Later, she and the girls enjoy the night out at Rome, before departing for their next mission.Highschool DxD, Dragonborn, Nun, Devils, Motorcycle, Cooking2019-11-22 1 
December 2019
3931941DE VITA CAESARIS - CAPVT IIIIn a routine patrol, Vakur familiarises himself with the new responsibilities entrusted to him as an adult.FortunaQM, Caesar, Viking, Collective Game2019-12-02 3 
3916100999 Quest 18999 and company awake to a brand new day and finslly hit the city. They then encounter some desperate friends in need.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-12-02 0 
3938445Blood of Heroes Quest Redux: The Stone Shore Ser Harald StoneBreaker is created and makes his first moves as a free knight. Op has to leave but will returnBlood of Heroes, House Stonebreaker, Stone Shore, Raider, Sea King, Fantasy, Collective Game, Civil War2019-12-08 0 
3961897DE VITA CAESARIS - CAPVT IVThe tail end of his second youth.FortunaQM, Caesar, Viking, Collective Game2019-12-26 3 
3955281Panzer Commander Quest #56Trouble in town is resolved with a change of seats, Kelwin gets a first taste of leadership, and the past comes for Richter's neck.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Not Hacking the Elections2019-12-29 1 
January 2020
3971627999 Quest 19999 and company encounter a very upsetting Grandma, meet an old friend, and venture into places old and terrible.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, Dr Spanko, Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2020-01-04 0 
3999008Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 23Sun Chen needs to be escorted back to his father, but an attack from one of Dong's men puts a wrench in that plan.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2020-01-04 0 
February 2020
4037873King of WolvesAn aging King nearing his end protects the kingdom he forged of blood, sweat, and tears.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-02-07 4 
March 2020
4123802King of Wolves #2An aging King nearing his end protects the kingdom he forged of blood, sweat, and tears. King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-03-28 2 
April 2020
4212300Vegeta Quest 2Vegeta deals with an invader of Earth and proves that he deserves the title of Prince, then meets with Capsule Corps to hear of their plans.KingQM, Vegeta, DBZ, Dragon, Ball, Z, Quest, Saiyan2020-04-27 25 
4221671Kingdoms in the Stars Chapter 24Gawain and the Camelot crew come across an abandoned base, where a trap lies in wait.Quest, Kingdoms in the Stars, KitS, Collective Game2020-04-29 0 
May 2020
4229332Vegeta Quest 3We have a duel with Kakarot after talking about the history of the Saiyans. QM gets afflicted by the corona-curse.KingQM, Vegeta, DBZ, Dragon, Ball, Z, Quest, Saiyan2020-05-18 24 
June 2020
4271331King of Wolves #3The plot reveals itself; somewhat.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-06-10 2 
July 2020
4336761King of Wolves #4A Moot is called.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-07-27 2 
August 2020
4405461Northern Prince QuestA classic sword and sorcery quest about a viking prince slaying trolls.Northern Prince Quest, Viking, /qst/2020-08-23 0 
October 2020
44306032nd US Civil War: Sun Belt CrusadersDuring the chaos of the 2nd American Civil War, a meth cook forms a cult of crusaders to retake America, starting with rural Arizona.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-10-01 11 
44738662nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #2The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with unexpected events, meet strange characters, & continue to build up their presence. Features a major battle.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-10-30 6 
November 2020
75778206Of Trolls and TreesA short writing prompt about trolls under bridges inspires /tg/ to create a charming fantasy setting with an interesting history.trolls, bridges, Oak, worldbuilding, kings, fantasy2020-11-05 30 
December 2020
45141852nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #3The Crusaders grow in size, develop a patron/client relationship, get a quest, and have a Thanksgiving dinner in a slight breather episode.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-12-05 6 
January 2021
45592722nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #4Two simultaneous missions give a look into two very different parts of Arizona during the war. Features guns, beer, & cow manure!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-01-03 6 
4573185Zerak Rise Quest #1You're King Andros III of Zerak and you got the responsibility to rule your country since your father passed away.Zerak, Rise, medieval, fantasy, kingdom simulator, crusader kings, court, king, zerak rise quest2021-01-17 1 
February 2021
45929692nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #5The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with industrial meth production, Indian intrigue, deranged raiders, UFO-Lizardperson-NWO conspiracies, and more!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-02-05 5 
4610793Panzer Commander Quest #68Richter's travels back to his unit are cut short, and he has a long night of fighting against those he once fought for.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Cajun Cooking, deep frying, a smattering of actual tank2021-02-18 5 
4610638Zerak Rise Quest #2We go around getting witches naked.Zerak, Rise, medieval, fantasy, kingdom simulator, crusader kings, court, king, zerak rise quest2021-02-18 1 
4633673HuscarlA skirmish made in 24 hours for Skrimjam. Vikings cross the sea to raid England, but their return is blocked by the lord's soldiers.Huscarl, Skirmish, Vikings, Medieval2021-02-19 1 
4642362Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 17Shinji plays kingmaker, accidentally.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Kings2021-02-20 11 
March 2021
46390602nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #6The unexpected death, burial, and resurrection of the Sun Belt Crusaders.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-03-13 4 
4676551Lute and Pillage: A Skirmjam SkirmishCognis' entry for Skirmjam. Vikings loot lutes for random loot!cognis, skirmish, skirmjam, lute, viking, gatcha, loot box2021-03-23 0 
May 2021
4726209King of Wolves #5The Moot is informed, and things come to a head.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2021-05-12 0 
June 2021
4801139Ruler Quest 1Young Alaric has a rough childhood growing up holding some painful grudges.Collective Game, Ruler QM, Grudges, Alaric, Orcs, Barbarian, Fantasy, Dwarves, Bastard, High King2021-06-08 10 
4829850Dynastic Ruler Quest 2: GrudgesAlaric awakens in the care of Dwarves and sets out to build his army a year before the coming battle.Collective Game, Ruler QM, Grudges, Alaric, Orcs, Barbarian, Fantasy, Dwarves, Bastard, High King, Greentext2021-06-09 6 
4860994Dynastic Ruler Quest 3The first hold of Man is established, Alaric unites the tribes, and meets destinyCollective Game, Grudges, Alaric, Orcs, Barbarian, Fantasy, Dwarves, Bastard, High King, 2021-06-20 4 
79831083Let's Stat Mr Blobby/tg/ learns about the UK's #1 horrible pink monster, reacts with fascinated horror, amusement, nostalgia and statting.Mr Blobby, UK TV, 90s, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Infohazard, The King in Pink and Yellow, horror2021-06-25 12 
July 2021
4883951Dynastic Ruler Quest 4In which the King learns the perfidy of the Elves and makes things Godly.Collective Game, Grudges, Alaric, Orcs, Barbarian, Fantasy, Dwarves, Bastard, High King, 2021-07-20 1 
48821932nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #7The "second season's" first thread, featuring action packed combat, big-brain discussion, intrigue, a coup, a new faction, & also sufferi2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders, Second Season2021-07-27 4 
August 2021
4924776Dynasty Ruler Quest 5: The Third King Foric starts consolidating his rule and avenges his father after ending the rule of the traitor in the cold north.Collective Game, Ruler QM, Grudges, Alaric, Barbarian, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Theoric, Arsonist, Foric2021-08-03 2 
4943402Dynasty Ruler Quest 6: Rule of the GrudgebearerForic tames a new beast to serve as his steed and an agreement is struck with the west king.Collective Game, Ruler QM, Grudges, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Foric, West King2021-08-13 2 
September 2021
4970293Vegeta Quest 4After a year, Vegeta Quest is back. We make peace with the earthlings after a rough duel and our spaceship plan comes to fruition.KingQM, Vegeta, DBZ, Dragon, Ball, Z, Quest, Saiyan2021-09-11 23 
49355652nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #8A breather episode focusing on introducing new faces, gaining influence, and setting up for conflicts to come. Features salary negotiations!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-09-11 3 
4960900Dynastic Ruler Quest 7: Last in the Reign of ThreeThe last few years of Foric's life, the King must prepare for the coming of what his dynasty feared. Collective Game, Ruler QM, Grudges, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Foric, West King, Darkness2021-09-29 1 
4978921Dynastic Ruler Quest 8: The Great WarThe bells toll as Daedric ascends to the throne. In these times he must face off against the Dark Lord!Collective Game, Ruler QM, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Daedric, Dark Lord, 2021-09-29 0 
4995716Dynastic Ruler Quest 9: The War ContinuesDaedric must recover from his previous wounds inflicted by the Dark Lord himself. He will not stop fighting though!Collective Game, Ruler QM, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Daedric, Dark Lord,2021-09-29 0 
October 2021
4991281Vegeta Quest 5We head off for our first space adventure and battle foes.KingQM, Vegeta, DBZ, Dragon, Ball, Z, Quest, Saiyan2021-10-12 24 
5005718Wasteland Royale w/ Cheese QuestA wasteland king looks to keep her throne.Wasteland King Quest, drawquest2021-10-15 2 
5011759Dynastic Ruler Quest 10: A War to RememberWith the siege of the fortress housing the Dark Lord, the battle for humanity and dwarvenkind is at hand. Collective Game, Ruler QM, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Daedric, Dark Lord, Ritual, Epic Battle2021-10-16 2 
November 2021
49924432nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #9A fierce fight in Phoenix followed by a country doctor distributing charity (i.e. meth) to the poor and needy (i.e. junkies) of Maricopa!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-11-05 5 
December 2021
5044429Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 9A subversive serpent-girl seduces friends, bimbofies enemies, uncovers origins, and falls in love as she prepares for an important mission.ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infltrator Quest, collective game, fantasy, romance, coom, spycraft, dungeon-crawling, politicking, crime, drama2021-12-10 5 
50478712nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #10Scouting south of Maricopa as the Messenger playing peacemaker. Brace for gallant charges, eccentric elders, a red sickle's specter, & more2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-12-24 3 
February 2022
5088234Slavegirl QuestKimsey, Halfling Beguiler and Priestess of Liberation, becomes friends with a catgirl amazonian and a magi, liberates herself from slavery.Slavegirl Quest, Kimsey, Slavegirl, Halfling Beguiler, Benjamin Walsh, King of Liberation, Firearms, DnD, Catgirl Amazonian, Great Quest2022-02-06 -7 
50965882nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #11The rogues' gallery grows as the fated POZ-Maricopa face off takes a turn for the strange. Comes with limited edition Advent box art!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2022-02-10 5 
5115951King of Stonekeep #1Branford Bronzebiter ascends the throne as 28th king of Stonekeep and the siege of Blue Ridge begins.collective game, male protagonist, fantasy, magic, demons, kingdom management, civ, war2022-02-21 3 
March 2022
51592702nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #12A quieter episode with preparations before anticipated action.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2022-03-27 4 
April 2022
5174571King of Stonekeep #2 Branford Bronzebiter, the 28th king of Stonekeep, engages in battle.collective game, male protagonist, fantasy, magic, demons, kingdom management, civ, war2022-04-05 3 
May 2022
5252007Shinigami Schemer Quest #1It takes great talent and skill to hide one’s talent and skill.Shinigami Schemer Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, KingWormmy2022-05-03 15 
5265138Song Of The Oath And WildPRELUDE The pathless forest whispers and beckons.fantasy, fairy tale, elf, sword, viking, adventure, wizard, poem, legend, myth, economics2022-05-19 2 
5219329King of Stonekeep #3New allies arrive, and the diplomatic situation with the camp begins to complicate.collective game, male protagonist, fantasy, magic, demons, kingdom management, civ, war 2022-05-30 1 
July 2022
5298973Shinigami Schemer Quest #2We should not be upset that others hide the truth from us, when we do often hide it from ourselves.Shinigami Schemer Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, KingWormmy2022-07-06 6 
5316456My childhood best friend is a (trans)girl?!A clever anon baits the /pol/locks of /qst/ by being wholesome, just long enough to cost a bold-but-foolish player his left nut.KING, trans rights, human rights, friendship, social justice, bait, trolling2022-07-26 -14 
October 2022
5381067Shapeshifting Lizard Person QuestA shitpost quest revived with effort into about being a magic lizard man (trans) out to save the world so he can conquer it.We are here to kill The Destroyer, We must kill The Destroyer, My quest is to kill The Destroyer, The Destroyer will die, I can't fucking (2022-10-02 2 
December 2022
5436238Vegeta Quest 6The new saiyans are jobbers, Piccolo provides Turles with his daily dose, Vegeta kicks Goku's ass once more, and the QM hibernates again.KingQM, Vegeta, DBZ, Dragon, Ball, Z, Quest, Saiyan2022-12-06 9 
5442528Rise of the Awakened #1A post apocalyptic RP where you play as animals. Follow Mog and Kinny as they pull off a heist and discover the truth of the Old Ones.Collective Game, Roleplay, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Post Apocalypse, Talking Animals, Mog, Kinny, Bobby2022-12-06 5 
February 2023
5542291WalterquestYour name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. Today is your 50TH birthday. What will you do?Breaking Bad, Walterquest, BANEQM, Indefinite Hiatus, Drawquest2023-02-03 13 
5552267Shinigami Schemer Quest #3It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted in a profoundly sick society.Shinigami Schemer Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, KingWormmy2023-02-22 2 
April 2023
5599014Shinigami Savant Quest #4, Part 1The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself.Shinigami Savant Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, KingWormmy2023-04-19 1 
5602287Kingdom Hearts Otherverse: /qst/ EditionEglwyswrw (Egg) the Black Mage goes on a quest with his buddy Bronadon and Oswald the lucky rabbit to save the universe from the Darkness.Kingdom Hearts, Eglwyswrw, Egg, Bronadon, Oswald, Hectictude, World A supremacy2023-04-27 -1 
July 2023
5684185MonsterRune (Erased Lives.) #1A certain branchy bastard and his gang try to scam their way to success.MonsterRune, Deltarune, Undertale, Thistle, Muffet, Muffet Mom, Catti, Berdly, Undyne, W.D Ghaster, Ghaster, King Dorado2023-07-20 0 
August 2023
5704813The Goblin King is Bored#3The Goblin King sends goblin bakers straight to Heck! The trip is educational. The tooth fairy tries to assassinate the QM.Goblins, Collective Game, Total Goblin Death, Labyrinth-like goblins, Roguelite, Fantasy, Folklore, Fae, Steller, Vampires, Demons, Baking2023-08-25 2 
November 2023
5848264Walterquest: ReduxYour name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. Today is your 50TH birthday. You are driving your son and yourself to J.P. WYNNE HIGH SCHOOL. Your adventure is reduxed, what will you do?Breaking Bad, Walterquest, Walterquest Redux, BANEQM, Drawquest2023-11-23 9 
February 2024
5881146Lingdom Quest 2Rika continues to live her life and make more Memories.Slice of Life, Lings, Lingdom, Memories, Rika, Bubu, Kari, Puki, Hand Holding, Princess, Cooking2024-02-17 7 
March 2024
5929453Star Wars: Against the Republic II (part 1)The Krant operation starts but the unceasing desecration of Star Wars kills the QM's motivation.Collective Game, Star Wars, Against the Republic, Whills, Clone Wars, Legends, CIS, I just hate Star Wars so fucking much2024-03-22 4 
May 2024
5976207Walterquest: REDUX 2Your name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. You have just woken up after your 50TH birthday. It's time to go to the hospital.Breaking Bad, Walterquest, Walterquest Redux, BANEQM, Drawquest2024-05-06 5 
5981826Star Wars: Against the Republic II (Part 2)The Krant operation wraps up, and Taen's future in the CIS is discussed.Collective Game, Star Wars, Against the Republic, Whills, Clone Wars, Legends, CIS, I just hate Star Wars so fucking much2024-05-22 4 
October 2024
6088909Fire Emblem: Sorcerer Kingdom QuestTristain d’Rusalka embarks on a journey to the Desert Kingdom of Morfis to win the hand of its Princess in a strange competition. Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Sorcerer Kingdom, TreeHouses QM2024-10-18 16 
60890482nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #13A daring counter-raid to the one against the caravan floods the Gila region in blood in the most intense fighting up to now. Plus hydration!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2024-10-26 3 
December 2024
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February 2025
6156570Halo: Spartan II War Reports. Thread 1 [Boot Camp]Sven-033 a boy with a big heart, temper and body, is conscripted to the SPARTAN-II Program, and becomes the leader of Purple TeamHalo: Spartan 2 War Reports, Halo, Spartan, Spartan 2, UNSC, Viking, Quest, Collective Game, 404TormentedCache2025-02-01 18 
61649352nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #14A desert madman's visions forge a secret pact against another as the Crusaders explore west simultaneously to last time's fight in the eas2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2025-02-09 3 
March 2025
6175744Fire Emblem: Sorcerer Kingdom Quest #3Tristain encounters the Cult of the Serpent, attempts to acquire a new mount, and defends against an invasion.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Sorcerer Kingdom, TreeHouses QM2025-03-04 1 
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