Thread Title Description Tags Added Score April 2008 1505986 The Rehnian 7th "Ironstorm" Anon makes an army list that unleashes the IG's inner potential for STEEL RHEEN. 40k , army list 2008-04-11 5 August 2008 2356939 Stranger than fiction /tg/ tells crazy stories of odd happenings around them. Unkown Armies in real life. Unkonwn Armies , /x/ , Kult , stories 2008-08-17 7 October 2008 2883764 UA Rumors: Wiki Style List of Unknown Armies rumours spawned by Random Wikipedia searches. Some of which wrote themselves Unknown Armies , wiki , wtf 2008-10-27 6 December 2008 3144478 Firearms Schools An anon brings up the idea of making schools for firearms in the same vein as schools for magic. After some dicking around, fa/tg/uys start tossing ideas around. firearms in fantasy , rule of cool , exalted , /k/ommandos , pistol clips 2008-12-10 9 3219079 Hordes of undead. Defeat them. Endless hordes of the undead are advancing on your location. You must build a stronghold to defend yourself. zombies , drawfaggotry , lincoln clone army 2008-12-22 6 3273215 Unknown Armies plot hooks Some good plot hooks for Unknown Armies Unknown Armies plot hooks 2008-12-30 2 March 2009 3925150 Bungs & Barmaids /tg/ makes a card game about running rival taverns in a fantasy setting. SHIT GETS DONE! Bars , Bungs & Barmaids , Tavern , Alcohol , Homebrew , MuppetMaster 2009-03-10 10 4089627 Indian Setting Anonymous asks why no one seems to play in India, Bollywood ensues India,Dharma 2009-03-26 6 May 2009 4695827 Neckbeard Finances A thread about spending habits turns awesome. Money , army prices , debt , George Carlin , savings 2009-05-29 2 June 2009 4748059 Merrygate and friends Imagedump of Merrygate from AC:4A turns to a general discussion on mecha ending in the creation of an Armored Core homebrew system. And Anonymous rejoiced. Armored Core , dat ass , dem titties 2009-06-03 6 July 2009 5202277 I hope this finds you well A jaded gamer shares a tale of innocence regained, tears are shed. epic , heartwarming 2009-07-19 11 August 2009 5348400 Imaginary Army Men /tg/ gets shit done and truly examines the popular Imaginary Army Men (IAM) System with the meticulous zeal it deserves, from the cheesy, min-maxing tactics of Red Army troop choices to the oft-overlooked fluff and possible fascist leanings of the mysterious Grey Army. Also Tan Army players are weaboos. warhamm faulty kai , plastic army men , neckbeard , wargame 2009-08-05 3 September 2009 5761657 Armored Core Tabletop /tg/ brain storms an Armored Core tabletop game armored core , homebrew , mecha 2009-09-07 2 December 2009 7245628 Armor Quest, Pt. 1 The adventures of a leman russ crew. Armor Quest , Leman Russ , Tanks , Quest , imperial guard 2009-12-22 0 January 2010 7425040 That fucking castle /tg/ gets all nostalgic about toys. Heartwarming read, for the whole family toy , castle , heartwarming 2010-01-04 3 7489764 Charmander Quest A Charmander hatches inside a laboratory of some sort. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-08 8 7492639 Charmander Quest 2 Now with Magnemite and Snover in tow, our heroine gets into a brief scuffle with some humans. And feasts on Rare Candies. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-09 6 7496367 Charmander Quest 3 Char..Char.. Cha-
WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-09 6 7506844 Charmander Quest 4 Charmander and company finally escape from the lab... but what do they bring with them? Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-10 7 7511068 Charmander Quest 5 Char finally leaves the base and discovers
SUSPENSE Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-10 7 7514860 Charmander Quest 6 Dun dun dun
EXPOSITION Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-10 7 7523827 Charmander Quest 7 A plan of action Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-11 3 7528751 Charmander Quest 8 A brief change from Tits to charming spell (same person) and we're good to go Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-11 2 7556848 Charmander Quest 9 The party arrives at Sarina's home town and explores a local marsh. A human trainer is defeated, and another Magneton is sighted... Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-13 3 7561211 Charmander Quest 10 Oh fuck, A battle and whatnot Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-13 5 7618220 Charmander Quest 11 Evolution, plans, and schemes... Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-17 5 7623159 Charmander Quest 12 Z dicks around with the players and Sarina. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-17 5 7700900 Charmander Quest 13 An alliance is made with Team Magma Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-21 2 7741518 Charmander Quest 15 Our heroes escape the wrath of Skarem and take refuge inside a tower in the middle of the desert. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-24 2 7781157 Charmander Quest 16 Lots of exposition in the desert. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-27 3 7785094 Charmander Quest 17 The group reaches a crossroads and deliberates on which path to take. Skarem shows up. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-27 2 7811339 Charmander Quest 18 A fight and a talk with Ari. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-29 2 7841303 Charmander Quest 19 The party heads back to Mauville. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-31 2 7849257 Charmander Quest 19 (cont'd) A stranger visits Charmeleon in the night. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-01-31 2 February 2010 7889304 Charmander Quest 20 Infiltration of Mauville Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-02-03 0 7922605 Charmander Quest 21 The Underground Resistance of Mauville begins Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-02-05 0 7950751 Charmander Quest 22 Nothing much happened, all the participants are gone, but Skarem's on the roof! Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-02-07 1 8000504 Charmander Quest 23 Charmander and co. go on separate missions into Mauville. A new comrade joins the cause. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-02-10 -2 8033260 Charmander Quest 24 A contact is made within the civilian population of Mauville. The party goes back to rescue Sarina. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-02-12 -2 8066662 Charmander Quest 25 A botched rescue, another frantic chase... Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-02-14 -2 8118620 IA Apocalypse 2 Kind anon delivers a scan. IA , scan , Imperial Armour 2010-02-16 1 8120367 Charmander Quest 26 The Mauville struggle continues... Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-02-17 -2 8156243 Charmander Quest #27 Figured I'd archive this since the GM seems to have taken an hour-long potty break Charmander Quest , Charmander , Pokemon , Quest , Pokémon , Gratuitous use of ascii 2010-02-19 -2 8190000 Charmander Quest 28 The Resistance begins Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-02-21 -2 8245455 Charmander Quest 29 Team Aqua finally arrives. Skarem returns, and the Resistance makes their move. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-02-24 -4 March 2010 8436979 Charmander Quest 32 A quick fight in Fallarbor. Pokemon , Charmander , Quest 2010-03-07 -4 8522358 Army Men Wargame A simple question about the prospect of an Army Men rpg/wargame turns into an awesome preview what the game could resemble. Army Men , Wargames , Ideas , Homebrew , Awesome 2010-03-11 2 8887735 /tg/ discusses firearms in 4th edition Try getting shot in the face and see how long it takes to realize your skull just imploded. Firearms , guns , homebrew 2010-03-31 0 May 2010 9823368 Army Men Chronicles The green army unites with the pinks and legos to annihilate the tan menace. Nostalgia and fun ensue. Army men , toy soldiers , awesome , wargames 2010-05-15 7 9892286 Polearms don't get any attention Polearms actually get attention and discussion Polearms Earspoon Talhoffer 2010-05-18 3 June 2010 10759751 Thaumaturgical USA The thaumaturgical America has two primary magical traditions...
Pretty awesome setting writefaggotry. Really nice. Would be good for UA. America , Magic , Unknown Armies , Writefaggotry 2010-06-27 5 August 2010 11730759 The Story of Super Dave An anon tells the story of Super Dave's finest hour. Story , heartwarming , IRL 2010-08-19 184 September 2010 12131737 Death Quest We died but then we got better. Or got a second chance. We're not sure yet. Then we found our long lost childhood love interest, and god damn she's hot. Also, the world is going to be destroyed in 5 days by an asteroid and we need to get to NASA if we hope to survive. Worst rolls since Tau Quest, here we go! Death Quest , collective game , smoking hot farmgirl , bloodquest dice 2010-09-18 11 12144906 Death Quest 2 LOOTAN' TIME gives us crazy good rolls, and we roll out of Orlando with a gas guzzler, a gun, and our girl. NASA, here we come. Death Quest , collective game , looting , smoking hot farmgirl , AWESOME DICE 2010-09-19 9 October 2010 12407754 Imperial Armour IX Scanon tells all Forgeworld , 40k , Scanon , Imperial Armour 2010-10-12 2 12469639 Engine Heart module "On The Farm" A module for the /tg/ original game Engine Heart called "On The Farm" engine heart , original , content , engine , heart , farm 2010-10-19 3 12561850 Symbol Liches What starts out as an idea for more abstract phylacteries turns into a group of lichs who created written language, paladins who speak in 1337, and cultists with added alliterative appeal. Lich , letters , symbols , unknown armies , dnd , language , 1337 , cultists 2010-10-25 13 November 2010 12809641 New World Setting Awesome Unknown Armies-style setting awesome , original content , setting , unknown armies 2010-11-16 5 12938067 Larp costume help Thread about creating costume for larp wanders into discussion of actual armor construction and types. armor , LARP , advice 2010-11-26 2 February 2011 13824919 4X Lessons "What have turn-based games taught you about how you would run a country?"
/tg/ shares its vision of the world. Ghandi the Insane Conqueror, Dierdre the Filled With Mindworms, unstoppable spearmen, space travel without engines, cheating AIs, and the Pope. Civilization , SMAC , spearmen , awesome , games , 4X , Ghandi , peasants , Master of Orion 2011-02-08 10 13997286 Total Annihilation of The Imperium of Man (and everyone else) What began as a thread over the background of Total Annihilation escalated into a thread filled with OC about how WH40K would never stand a chance, Total , Annihilation , OC , writefaggorty , Core , Arm , Commander , Krogath 2011-02-23 -3 March 2011 14399398 Army Men Wargame
Funny thread about the Plastic Army Men Wargame/Parody of Warhammer. Warhammer , Army Men , Sarge , Green , Plastic , Wargame 2011-03-29 8 April 2011 14545566 Disarmed Policeman Rides Again! The Disarmed Policeman returns to update his progress and answer some questions. Disarmed Policeman , Disarmed , Policeman , Roleplay 2011-04-11 10 14697839 Disarmed Policeman Redux Returning with stories of the current situation of his game, Disarmed Policeman also goes into detailing a past event: the often talked about Formal Ball Disarmed Policeman , Disarmed , Policeman , Roleplay , game , thread , plot , story , That Girl 2011-04-24 7 May 2011 14800584 serious knighthood It's just a normal armor thread everything fine an...
WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE A SERIOUS KNIGHTHOOD. armor weapon imagedump 2011-05-03 10 14838352 Blacksmithing Thread: Great Information for Newbies! The elegan/tg/entlemen once more prove they're the best of the boards, this time rising to the challenge of aiding aspiring dwarflings in the art of blacksmithing! Great information for any newby or experienced craftsman looking to get better at their most-metal art! armor,blacksmithing , how to be an rl dorf , smithing , 2011-05-07 16 14982910 Making a combat system OP asks for help on his combat system. combat system firearms guns 2011-05-20 0 14958866 Alternative TTGs Discussion of many TTGs as alternatives to GW TTG malifaux infinity warmahordes flames of war brushfire mercs battletech heavy gear 2011-05-20 -1 July 2011 15488939 Reverse tomb of Horrors The ultimate test for a group of expert, jaded, dungeon delvers. Reverse , Tomb , Horrors , dungeon , dungeon design , clever , harmless 2011-07-06 15 15629987 When in the Galaxy is Carmen Sandiego? V.I.L.E Heretic Carmen Sandiego has stolen the Imperial Truth, and then just about everything else in the Imperium. Are you bad enough Inquisitorial Acolytes to get it back? 40k , Carmen Sandiego , Dark Heresy 2011-07-19 22 15652957 Village Quest You are the chosen one! Go and figure out why the river isn't flowing anymore before everyone in your village dies. You get a sidekick/guard and a book! Village Quest , VillageQuest , Collective Game , LiarManPost Apocalyptic , River , 2011-07-21 3 August 2011 16013611 Unknown Armies Rumors (and facts) for Unknown Armies Unknown Armies , Rumors 2011-08-21 16 September 2011 16218346 That Guy/That Bro Thread OP starts a rage thread, but in the end a good time is had by all as people share stories of their 'That Guy' and 'That Bro.' army , that bro , that guy , D&D , stories 2011-09-08 11 November 2011 16802724 Agriculture in Gaming A surprisingly informative and friendly discussion about agriculture in games, along with ideas. agriculture,farming,horticulture,food,soil,harvest,ideas 2011-11-01 22 16809106 Storytime Thread: Part Two Storytiem continues his tale, the Pope of Faerun is created, and a drawfag drops in. Awesome , storytiem , storytime , Dungeons and Dragons , Faerun , Alphonse , armchair 2011-11-02 47 16817316 Farming Quest I It starts with Bill, son of John, and a murder of the lord's messenger to fertilize the soil. Who knows where it will go? Plans for wheat-baron/wheat-lich with Transmuted wheat and Necro-labor/wheat-Danish-farmer-union-slash-mafia were talked about. Collective Game , Farmer Quest , Agriculture , Bloody Murder 2011-11-03 13 16865876 Farming It Quest II We continue with Bill making deals with fae, and then comes the elf who is part bloodhound, or spicehound, and we get to ask a second favor from the fae... It's gonna be bloody. Collective Game , farmer , Farming It Quest , bloody murder , Khorne farming , fae , elf 2011-11-08 7 16900817 Farming it Quest, Pt III, to kill a god we've been told to kill a lord, go to a festival, and somehow manage to get into a fight with a monster in the woods. Bloody farming , farming it quest , farmer 2011-11-10 6 December 2011 17245560 Imperium of Cat /tg/ discusses their 40kat army builds cat , cats , 40k , tabletop , army , warhammer , funny 2011-12-17 10 January 2012 17444374 A Study of Dwarves OP opens up with a huge multipost dissertation about dwarven biology and physiology, adolescent development, and even some cultural details like courtship. /tg/ jumps on it, and soon things like death and burial rituals, farming, homelife, and even brewing and cooking get expanded upon. Also, apparently Giant Cave Worms are basically just big writhing sausages made of Spam. dwarves , study , information , biology , puberty , death , burial , farming , brewing , cooking , spam 2012-01-07 8 February 2012 17764918 MAQuest 1 A young Newtype pilot is rescued by the Federation, along with her experimental Mobile Armor. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-02-02 21 17778417 MAQuest 2 Shannon gets another taste of combat and makes a new friend. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-02-03 20 17791313 MAQuest 3 Shannon explores the ship and finds something entirely unexpected. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-02-04 15 17804566 MAQuest 4 Another Mobile Armor shows up for a beating and is not disappointed. Now with 50% more Luna II. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-02-05 13 17819391 MAQuest 5 Team Ex-Zeon gets a new member, and Shannon's luck remains incredible. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-02-06 13 17833809 MAQuest 6 We investigate the ruins of Side 2, meet a Ball that has no pilot, and recover a necklace and a binder. Then we wake up back on the Trafalgar, and are told we were never anywhere near Side 2. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-02-07 13 17888142 MAQuest Part 7 We beat up a Zaku, and find the most expensive blueprint we're probably ever going to get. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-02-12 10 18056305 Farming it redux In which we turn into a chrysilad. Bloody farming , farming it quest , farmer , Collective game 2012-02-23 5 18123969 MAQuest 8 After the ship faceplants, our Newtype has another encounter with the dead, and meets Garma, somewhat less pretty than expected. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-02-29 6 March 2012 18163355 MAQuest 9 Despite technical difficulties, we get this session off the ground. We convince Garma to a prisoner exchange, and have him lead us to his men. David Lister gets the drop on us, however. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-03-03 11 18266408 MAQuest 10 We get back to the Trafalgar, and as its crew performs repairs with the help of Garma's guerrillas, we take Lister back to the abandoned Zeon base for a second look. As we snoop around, the Blue Zaku that tore apart the Nachtmaren shows up, tears through our Gundam's armor, and is only barely stopped by words. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-03-12 8 18320662 The White Wall OP wants to know how to end the story of his warrior. /tg/ obliges. writefaggotry , stories , fantasy , warrior , armor , The White Wall, 2012-03-15 28 18374616 Planetary Givernor Quest part three: A Day Late Edition In which we buy hotshot lasguns, gain a Space Marine Chapter, and get swamped by Genestealers with pet Hormagaunts. Planetary Governor Quest , Genestealers , RT , Rogue Trader , Chimera , lasgun , Astartes , Space Marines , Salmanders , Tyranids , Chimeras , Swarmed 2012-03-19 21 April 2012 18541552 ChromeStrike RPG OP reveals his rules-light mech-based PnP game, seeking feedback. ChromeStrike , Mech , Mecha , Armored Core , Chromehounds , Mechanized , RPG , Tabletop , Original Content 2012-04-02 5 18590061 MAQuest 11 We wake up well rested, and begin our mobile suit training with David and Zolomon. Technical difficulties make the going slow. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-04-07 5 18642682 Fist of Shadow Quest 1 In which we go unarmed Predator on some asses. Collective Game , Fist , Shadow , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-04-10 14 18658585 Fist of Shadow Quest 2 In which we hunt down a Mucktouched and show it how we do. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-04-11 13 18697008 Fist of Shadow Quest 3 In which we encounter the Dawnchasers, and steal a Shard. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-04-13 11 18747684 Armored Core Quest 14: TRAINING DAY We get some much-needed practice in the sims. Having already taken down 5 ACS without having fired a single shot, a mysterious stranger livens up the game a little Armored Core Quest , Collective Game , Armored Core , Mech , Mecha , Mechs 2012-04-17 13 18739874 Fist of Shadow Quest 4 In which we get lost in an underground jungle and horror awaits. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-04-17 11 18792855 Fist of Shadow Quest 5 In which we arrive at Terec and resolve a hostage situation. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-04-20 11 18829289 Fist of Shadow Quest 6 In which we fight like 8 dudes at once for a nice amount of cash. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-04-24 11 18884233 Fist of Shadow Quest 7 In which we do a bit of bounty hunting, and find a lead about our Sifu. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-04-28 11 18897317 Fist of Shadow Quest 7-2 In which we finally get our bounty and Batman so hard. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-04-28 11 May 2012 18921230 Fist of Shadow Quest 8 In which we learn more about the city and blow a lot of cash. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-05-01 11 18927835 Fist of Shadow Quest 8-2 In which we finish shopping and... go on a date?! Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-05-01 11 18974928 Fist of Shadow Quest 9 TOURNAMENT ARC Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-05-05 11 18984111 Fist of Shadow Quest 9-2 The tournament continues with us beating the former champion, a little girl AND NOW WHO WILL EMERGE THE CHAMPION! The answer lies in the heart of battle! Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-05-05 11 18988032 Fist of Shadow Quest 9-3 The tournament comes to a close as Khan, our hero's self-professed ETERNAL RIVAL, gets his rematch. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-05-05 12 19011960 Fist of Shadow Quest 10 Our hero and his buddy Khan are invited to dinner with High Master Blaine, the leader of Terec. Revelations are had, and Blaine asks (or is it demands?) a favor. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-05-07 11 19021618 Fist of Shadow Quest 10-2 Though not of his own volition, our hero finally has his confrontation with Master Richards, the man who turned his world upside down. It turns out Richards makes for quite the Bond villain. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-05-08 11 18951007 MAQuest 12 We arrive at Jaburo, and try to make Zeon reconsider their attack by trying to scare them off with an entire MS team of Gundams. Then we unexpectedly meet with Char. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-05-09 1 19067210 Fist of Shadow Quest 11 In which our hero gains a party member, rodeos a beholder, and brings the mad Master Richards to an ignominious end. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow 2012-05-12 11 19075436 Fist of Shadow Quest 11-2 The Shadow Sun reveals itself. The Student ascends. The Adept appears. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow , Shattered Sun 2012-05-12 13 19101734 Fist of Shadow Quest 12 In which we shop, round up the party, and head for the Starry Seas... only to get ambushed in the night. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow , Shattered Sun 2012-05-15 11 19114176 For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXI More ground combat, this time exploring the depths of the city and freeing slaves. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , power armor 2012-05-16 11 19149444 Fist of Shadow Quest 13 Our hero and his party arrive in the coastal town of Sandoval only to realize they're still not going anywhere for a while. Resolving to make some dosh to pay the ferry fare, the party (sans Khan) makes a detour to the dreaded -- and predictably dark -- Darklands. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow , Shattered Sun 2012-05-19 8 19186159 Fist of Shadow Quest 14 In which we find FUCKING VAMPIRES. A TON OF THEM. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow , Shattered Sun 2012-05-22 11 19223358 Fist of Shadow Quest 15 In which we lose Khan and Erin, and learn a bit about Pale Luna. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow , Shattered Sun 2012-05-25 9 June 2012 19366586 Fist of Shadow Quest 16 In which our hero becomes a narc and cleans up the streets of drugs. Collective Game , Fist , Fist of Shadow , Fist of Shadow Quest , Quest , monk , unarmed , shadow , Shattered Sun 2012-06-05 8 19458284 Chapter Quest VII Ghosts of Retribution visit Nestorius to reap the rewards of their previous mission to retrieve STC. Collective Game , Quest , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Dark Heresy , roleplay , rpg , 40k , super heavy battle tank , Baneblade , stealth power armour , Adeptus Mechanicus 2012-06-13 4 July 2012 19854980 True traditional games TG discusses the finer points of jacks, hoopstick, and plastic army men. Jacks , Plastic Army Men 2012-07-13 15 August 2012 20378749 Zerg Quest XCIX The testing continues and OH FUCK LOOK OUT Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Cerebrate Anon , Xel'Naga , Starcraft , Ow my brains! , TPK , OH GOD THE PAIN , /tg/ dice , Arm wrestling pro-tip 2012-08-19 7 20393892 Introduction to Unknown Armies Fairly good description of the mechanics of Unknown Armies for some interested noobs. Unknown Armies , unknown armies 2012-08-20 7 20470313 Neil Armstrong memorial /tg/ weighs in on the death of Neil Armstrong. Lego Quest posts a memorial slideshow. Neil Armstrong , moon landing , Lego Quest 2012-08-26 46 20478611 Pax Americana Quest 1 What if, instead of carrying out a psychotic quest to genocide every mutant in the world, half the Enclave rebelled and fled to the american midwest, encountered Brotherhood of Steel outcasts and set out to rebuild America in the image of the old world? Civilization_Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Fallout , Enclave , Brotherhood_of_Steel , Alternate_History , Power_Armor , Vertibird , Robot , Super_Mutant , Ghoul , Human , Cyborg , Mutant 2012-08-26 15 20485061 Pax Americana Quest 2 The American Union expands its borders, both in terms of territory, and socially. Civilization_Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Fallout , Enclave , Brotherhood_of_Steel , Alternate_History , Power_Armor , Vertibird , Robot , Super Mutant , Ghoul , Human , Cyborg , Mutant , Squirrel Force Recon , Intellapuma 2012-08-27 18 September 2012 20596712 For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 12 End of our adventures in the Smugglers Run if all things come together. Rapidly turns into Indecision 4024. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , power armor 2012-09-05 14 20701207 MAQuest 13 Char had best start believing in ghost stories; he's in one. MAQuest , Mobile Armor , Collective Game , Gundam , Federation , Zeon , Newtype 2012-09-15 1 October 2012 21255552 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 6 Adventures continue aboard the TCS Loreto as the team fights it way to one of the control centers. How will the AI problem be dealt with? Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Stealth , Power Armor , AI 2012-10-24 13 21356417 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 7 Efforts to retake the Loreto ratchet up while time begins to run out. We also test out the Fusion Gun. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , Stealth , Power Armor , AI 2012-10-31 13 November 2012 21595360 Fabrique Generale quest: Case of the Missing OP Meet the republic and the Cincinatus armed forces, get our Helo shot to hell, then the Cincinatus armed forces along side with the Majesty and the Mollochians all invade at once, but then OP disappeared. Fabrique Generale , quest , post apocalpyse , robots , power armor , Light city , OP went missing, 2012-11-16 10 21614755 Tank Witches Quest '89 1 Bad news, followed by worse news, followed by recon and stealing explosives! Strike Witches , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-11-17 22 21677377 Zerg Quest CXII Somebody has already summarized this entire thread by saying, "shit just got real." Starcraft , Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Collective Game , Zeratul , Xel'Naga , Nukes , Irreparable harm , here's us on the raggedy edge , /tg/ dice , the dice hate you 2012-11-21 10 21733324 Tank Witches Quest '89 2 Technical issues, followed by cityfighting! YAAAAY Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-11-25 22 December 2012 21840743 Tank Witches Quest '89 3 Starting with amazing breakfast, ending with briefing, ROUNDED OFF WITH FUUUHHHTTBAAAWWWLLLL Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-12-02 25 21952184 Tank Witches Quest '89 4 Fightan with Special Forces! Executan Witches! Not staran at boobs! Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-12-09 22 22044002 Tank Witches Quest '89 5 Let's see, combat is scary, girls are worried, Wittmann is a bitch. yep, sums it up. Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-12-15 22 22157399 Tank Witches Quest '89 6 In which we fly to France, and get some awesome and or bad news. You decide! Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-12-22 22 January 2013 22402947 Armamentarium Infernis Quest Our protagonist sells her soul to a devil corporation in exchange for a power that will hopefully impress her father. The plan fails. Miserably. Collective Game , Armamentarium Infernis Quest , Hell , Armory , Weapons , Touhou , Vampires , Alucard 2013-01-05 11 22477288 MAQuest: The Return We're back, ladies and gentlemen. MAQuest , Newtype , Armor , Mobile , Gundam , Quest , Collective Game 2013-01-09 3 22571179 The Payphone Network An anon presents an intriguing setting in which the diminishing numbers of payphones are used to control supernatural beings and summon unworldly favours. Just make sure you have enough minutes left on your card, or the Operator may make you call Collect... setting , payphones , operator , phonecard , occult , unknown armies 2013-01-16 33 February 2013 22940744 Army Answers A nice armybro answers some questions army , what , artillery , amurrica 2013-02-03 2 April 2013 24540211 Harvest Moon Quest 3.5 We help Melissa get settled in and talk with Dahlia about the Harvest Goddess Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-04-30 13 May 2013 24577690 Harvest Moon Quest, Volume 4 Time skips, alcohol, and what could be interpreted as a musical number are what Keith is up to today Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-02 10 24614310 Harvest Moon Quest #5 What starts off somewhat what rocky, ends in a half nude jog as Keith's manhood is in check! Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-04 10 24631269 Harvest Moon Quest 6 A stunning development followed by a "rousing" romp in the "hay". Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-05 11 24652240 Harvest Moon Quest 7 We try to get ore for a wedding present, hijinks ensue, minds are blown and a wedding conducted Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-06 7 24674542 Harvest Moon Quest 8 We wake up from our wedding night and begin laying the foundations for our future. Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-07 10 24692996 Harvest Moon Quest 9 We talk to cats, save the village, promise to gather the relics, and get a new house. Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-08 7 24718918 Harvest Moon Quest 10 A short one, we plant some trees and decide to go relic hunting. Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-09 10 24773430 Harvest Moon Quest 11 We find a raw meat buddy, die for a bit and see an angel in delicious lingerie Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-12 7 24796318 Harvest Moon Quest 12 We go into the mountains and have ourselves a skeleton boss fight. Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-13 10 24835995 Harvest Moon Quest 13 We have some important talks, celebrate Christmas, and find a box. Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-15 8 24853107 Harvest Moon Quest 14 We add a room for relic storage, take a trip into town with Rezna, extend the trip to a graveyard, lose at strip poker.
Winter ends and farming begins. Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-16 6 24872188 Harvest Moon Quest 15 We go pick up our cart, order a seed drill, get punched by Hamad, Rezna's dark past is delved into, Rezna and Daliah both go full yandere. Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-17 6 24890598 Harvest Moon Quest 16 We get some meta out of the way first. We go out to bury the Hellcube, have a medical emergency, meet some bandits, Rezna shows how she can hate someone to death, and learn of a town under oppression. Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-18 7 24908004 Harvest Moon Quest 17 We go to Pirate Town, come up with a plan to clear it of pirates, and Rezna crits harder than when we demolished that mountain. Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-19 8 25003887 Harvest Moon Quest 18 We look through a pirate's loot, get drunk on magic booze, meet someone else like us, and dance. Harvest Moon Quest , Collective Game , Farming , Dating 2013-05-24 7 25088321 Blacksmith Discussion A quick update on Blacksmith Quest turns into a blacksmith-advice thread Blacksmith , Discussion , Armour , Weapons 2013-05-28 1 July 2013 25763912 Magical Power Armor /tg/ rationalizes the existence of magical power armor power armor , magic , worldbuilding , magic , wizards , don't gotta explain shit 2013-07-02 3 25971010 The Armoured Village OP proposes a setting where everyone is always covered, and /tg/ works its magic. What results is a village where absolutely everyone wears full plate armour all the time as a result of a contagious curse. Better than it sounds. game ideas , world building , armour , village , worldbuilding 2013-07-13 17 August 2013 26532634 Tank Witches Quest '89 18 In which we go out shopping, pick up Sushi, and 'talk' with the Baltimore PD Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2013-08-10 21 26702524 BADDASS SPACE QUEST A FUCKING BADDASS KILLS SPACE MONSTERS! YEAH I SPELLED BADDASS WRONG! LIKE I GIVE A FUCK PUSSY BADDASS SPACE QUEST , COLLECTIVE GAME , BIG DICKS , HUGE GUNS , MUSCLES , HEARTWARMING , FUCKING GOD DAMNIT , GAY ALIENS 2013-08-19 20 September 2013 27084917 Armor Renegade Quest Earth has been conquered by aliens. We are a German vet whose past was just dredged up. Collective Game , Armor Renegade Quest , Space Elves , Alt History , Power Armor 2013-09-08 7 27242432 Armor Renegade Quest 2 We meet the family and punch an elf. Then we start to assemble the team, starting with our good friend and war buddy Heihachiro Hojo. Collective Game , Armor Renegade Quest , Space Elves , Alt History , Power Armor 2013-09-16 4 27351008 Armor Renegade Quest 3 We make the deal with our friend. The next day, we're woken up and told to get moving. We start to assemble the team. Collective Game , Armor Renegade Quest , Space Elves , Alt History , Power Armor 2013-09-22 3 27468601 Armor Renegade Quest 4 As we assemble the last of our team, the rebels start their offensive. We navigate through the city and get shot by the ISF. Collective Game , Armor Renegade Quest , Space Elves , Alt History , Power Armor 2013-09-29 3 October 2013 27586713 Armor Renegade Quest 5 After more Sidarxi intrigue and backstabbing, we finally go on a mission: tank hunting. Unfortunately, we end up with an entire infantry battalion chasing after us. Collective Game , Armor Renegade Quest , Space Elves , Alt History , Power Armor 2013-10-06 2 27685205 Heartwarming General /tg/ shares heartwarming stories from the games past storytime , story , heartwarming 2013-10-13 5 27797261 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 19 Yer a magus 'Arry. And with your latest scheme you're doomed to be a Butler too. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception , Jubstacheit's Maid Army 2013-10-18 25 27826630 Armor Renegade Quest 6 We fight off a battalion of infantry and run away. Then, the desire to know more intensifies. Collective Game , Armor Renegade Quest , Space Elves , Alt History , Power Armor 2013-10-20 2 November 2013 28068122 Armor Renegade Quest 7 We talk with another space elf, and get somewhat angry at their mentality. We then wander the Sidarxi base. Beware the clipboard. Collective Game , Armor Renegade Quest , Space Elves , Alt History , Power Armor 2013-11-03 2 28472050 Armor Renegade Quest 8.1 We get drunk, try out some pickup lines, and go to bed. Our Sidarxi flatmate does not take the bait. Thread 8 was inconsequential. Collective Game , Armor Renegade Quest , Space Elves , Alt History , Power Armor 2013-11-25 1 December 2013 28549699 Unknown Armies Happenings OP lists some wonderfully bizarre Unknown-Armies related oddities, and continues for a majority of the thread. Other anons follow suit, and inspiration for UA campaigns and horror ideas populate the rest of it. horror , creepy , UA , Unknown Armies , campaign ideas , inspiration 2013-12-03 4 28778423 Chicken Armor OP commits the classic blunder with a smut image. /tg/ makes it /tg/-related. writefaggotry , armor , cursed items , lewd 2013-12-11 14 28793153 Chicken Armor Pt. II /tg/ revisits the Bondage Chicken, drawfags get involved and we end up with a holy relic writefaggotry , armor , cursed items , holy items , lewd , drawfaggotry 2013-12-12 14 January 2014 29287335 Armor Renegade Quest 9 We steal a prototype suit of Sidarxi power armor. Collective Game , Armor Renegade Quest , Space Elves , Alt History , Power Armor 2014-01-06 2 29437262 Armor Renegade Quest 10 We learn about our armor, hijack a plane, and leave for New Orleans. Collective Game , Armor Renegade Quest , Space Elves , Alt History , Power Armor 2014-01-12 2 29606011 Armor Renegade Quest 11 Things do not go as planned when we lose our ride to a fighter plane. Collective Game , Armor Renegade Quest , Space Elves , Alt History , Power Armor 2014-01-19 4 29882263 Random Dimensional Quest 2: Of Arms Dealers and Happenstance In which Nick Trimmers visits intergalactic arms dealers and offers them a magic mushroom. Collective Game , Random Dimensional Quest , Nick Trimmers , barber , Slow Ass , Quest , arms dealers , Arsenal 2014-01-30 2 February 2014 30045217 Random Dimensional Quest 3: Of Drug Deals and Dream Whales In which Nick Trimmers discovers more of his abilities and comes down from his high. Collective Game , Random Dimensional Quest , Nick Trimmers , barber , Slow Ass , Quest , arms dealers , Arsenal , magic mushroom 2014-02-06 1 30540055 Frank the Balor Farmer A new (potential) piece and character for awesome writefaggotry emerges from an intelligent discussion on allignment biassing and NPS morals DnD , Balor , Farmer , Carrots 2014-02-28 6 April 2014 31583480 Convict Cyborg Quest: Iteration Four You are Clark Weston. Incarnation of genius, rifle maestro and the happiest husband in the world. WHY IS OUR WIFE SO CRAZY. convict cyborg quest , collective game , Herbert , cyberpunk , sci-fi , AI , power armour , military 2014-04-20 3 31581725 The Bugs are our Bros OP requests help in fleshing out a race of horrifying insectile monsters allied to humanity. /TG/ pulls through. Then writefags and drawfags show up with awesomly heartwarming results. Bugs , aliens , xeno , humanity , heartwarming , worldbuilding , fluff , writefags, 2014-04-20 24 31713995 Swordless Sage Quest 1 Hector, the MC, has his family business wrecked. He seeks restitution for it. Saucy , Swordless Sage Quest , Unarmed Swordsage , Martial Arts , Collective Game 2014-04-26 5 May 2014 32437444 Oversized Weapon Quest 36 You finish the coup, reunite with the boys, and get a move on with the next objective. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Big Swords , Goblins , Forests , Army Management 2014-05-29 16 June 2014 32582835 Cute Horror-Like Supernatural Happenstances 2 More spooky-cute stories of happy hauntings and musings on the magic and mysticism of Merlin Township are to be found in this second thread. Come sit a spell in the Bluebell Diner, have yourself a slice of pie and a damn fine cup of coffee and enjoy. Horror , monsters , cute , ghosts , haunted , town , heartwarming , Merlin Township 2014-06-05 26 33070340 The Verdant Moon OP proposes a setting in which one day in the year 2014, when absolutely nobody was looking, the moon suddenly turns verdant and habitable, accompanied by the mass empowering of prior astronauts.
Things get awesome. Deified Neil Armstrong and paladins of SPACE EXPLORATION! are involved. Terraform , Moon , Lunar , Space , NASA , Exploration , Worldbuilding , Astronauts , Verdant , Neil Armstrong, 2014-06-29 3 33087664 The Overlord Who Could Not Be Evil Storytime of a wannabe Dark Lord whose attempts at "evil" all backfire making him beloved by the people as a great hero, much to his displeasure. Wipes out a religion? Later everyone finds out it was into human sacrifice. Imports evil creatures such as liches? Necro-industry! Kicks a puppy? The damned thing was a plague carrier! Overlord , Evil , Heroic , Failure , Story , Writefag , Heartwarming, 2014-06-30 20 July 2014 33514753 PACYOA: TE: Operation Avalanche Algebra runs a Side-Quest for PACYOA:TE, against the usual enemies. Colllective Game , Quest , Power Armor , CYOA 2014-07-20 0 33583699 Bureaucracy Quest Thread 2! We become the Incarnation of Polearms, and learn some mechanics! Collective Game , Celestial Bureaucracy Quest , Polarms 2014-07-23 0 33618606 The Witch Paladin — Evolution of a concept OP brings gifts from the lands of dA. /tg/ does as it's wont to do and makes it actually work. concept fix , armour , the witcher , paladin , witch , mary sue 2014-07-24 4 August 2014 33815206 Cursed_Apprentice_Quest Your a wizards apprentice who gets back-stabbed and turned into a shota wacky hijinks ensue on a quest to reverse the curse before we unage into an infant shota , Agro , Cursed_Apprentice , Quest , huge cocks , pumpkin farming , OP needs to sleep, 2014-08-01 12 34045584 Armour Quest Pt.2 [Formerly Item/Weapon Quest] Having survived a traitorous wizard, we ensnare a new host and regenerate our powers. collective game , item quest , armour quest 2014-08-11 5 34184602 PACYOA:TE Operation Metal Fury Part 3 of the 'Opalite Technologies' side-story arc of PACYOA: Teamwork Edition. Collective Game , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE , Power Armor , Operation Metal Fury , Zipline 2014-08-17 0 34231093 PACYOA:TE Operation Storm Watch A side mission for PACYOA: Teamwork Edition, in which a tornado turns out to be more than it seems. Collective Game , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE , Power Armor , Operation Storm Watch , Zipline 2014-08-19 -2 34257696 Baring All A surprisingly civil discussion on the culture of (non) clothing around the world and in fantasy games. Also featuring the bro demon husbando. worldbuilding , nudity , witch , druid , tribal culture , wizards , armor proficiency , nudism culture 2014-08-20 0 34343589 PACYOA:TE Operation Eyes Wide Open Part 1 of the 'Relay' main arc of PACYOA: Teamwork Edition. In which Armor Corps desperately attempts to recapture JORN. Collective Game , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE , Power Armor , Operation Relay , Zipline 2014-08-24 -2 September 2014 34630519 PACYOA:TE Operation Lurker A side mission for PACYOA: Teamwork Edition, in which a world-ending entity lurks in the Mariana Trench. Collective game , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE , Power Armor , Operation Lurker , Zipline 2014-09-05 -2 October 2014 35411506 TG Does Strange OP asks for stories of worst settings. Stories of Stabbings, Space Operas, Fast Food Warriors, and Phallus Themed Islands ensue. Space Opera , Thor , Armadillo God , Fast Food , Taco Bell , Pizza Hut , Stab 2014-10-10 11 January 2015 37132287 Explaining the real world to utopia's natives OP ask /tg/ how we would explain the IRL world and it's problems to an innocent native of a fantasy realm where bad things can't happen. Writefags arrive and heartwarmingness results. Ethics , writefags , heartwarming , evil , good , Alfred Pennyworth 2015-01-04 7 37438653 SIMPLE QUEST A tale of bears, and the simple men who love them. SIMPLE QUEST , Bears , Romance , Caves , Weak-ass Grue , Epic tales , Collective Game , Tragedy , Deconstruction , Heart-warming 2015-01-17 5 37733076 DBZ Human Quest #49 A stranger from the future brings a warning of terrible things to come Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Saiyan , Android , Trunks , Goku , Gohan , Piccolo , Nappa , Vegeta , 17 , 18 , Red , Ribbon , Army , Doctor , Gero 2015-01-31 13 37737479 DBZ Human Quest #50 Kaguya spars with a Super Saiyan, and has a serious conversation with his parents Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Saiyan , Human , Namekian , Piccolo , Nappa , Goku , Gohan , Vegeta , Trunks , Doctor , Gero , Red , Ribbon , Army 2015-01-31 12 May 2015 39875604 TransHuman Hero Quest: Part 2 We fight our first villain and get our Hero name Collective game , TransHuman Hero Quest , Nanomachines , Swarm , Nemesis 2015-05-11 4 June 2015 40660304 Superhuman Legacy Quest 8 Thomas disarms a criminal, reaches Grandpa's house, and uncovers a secret. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark , Disarming 2015-06-18 7 July 2015 41188275 Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest We awaken in our bunker deep beneath a mountain, and don our power armor to face the vicious beasts in the snow! Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , strelok , government , remnant , power , armor 2015-07-14 2 41267162 Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 2 Power Armor is not 100% guaranteed against giant psionic mutant dog things. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , strelok , government , remnant , power , armor 2015-07-17 2 41335901 Combat Armor Quest 01 The story begins. Our team kicks ass at the tournament finals and we meet our manager before getting a terrible phone call. Collective Game , Combat Armor Quest , Mecha 2015-07-20 2 41359362 Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 3 Spring cleaning during those long winters is a task that pleases your AI. We find out we're not the only power armored fellows in the underworld. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , strelok , government , remnant , power , armor 2015-07-21 2 41507612 Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 4 We venture deep into a deadly research base of frightening fungi, crazed robots, and monsters and mutants, and face both a mad scientist and a moral dilemma. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , strelok , government , remnant , power , armor 2015-07-28 2 August 2015 41592121 Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 5 We nuke ourselves, and then proceed to disable our base defenses and disarm our weapons and armor and approach an incoming bandit horde in the snow completely vulnerable and in our birthday suits.
It was a really good day! Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , strelok , government , remnant , power , armor 2015-08-01 1 41612082 Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 6 A series of very, very unfortunate events Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , strelok , government , remnant , power , armor 2015-08-02 1 41715004 Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 7 Our first battle. Hey, we're not dead! Yes! We manage to repulse the ghouls in an awesome pitched battle and kicked them so hard their leaders had to extract them, and conveniently free up a lot of space from our previous prisoner hold room shortage, also aquired some loot to make up for our loses. Did I mention the nat100 repulsor point defenses? It was a good day. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , strelok , government , remnant , power , armor 2015-08-07 2 41858814 Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 8 Robotic Overlord Queens demanding our fealty and to make amends with evil scientists, having to barter our very own stolen vehicles back, blowing up monster nests and sending ghouls to feast on them, and close encounters of the psionic variety with horrific canine abominations after handing them a treat. Another exciting day in the frozen Post Apoc. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , strelok , government , remnant , power , armor 2015-08-17 1 42048368 Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 9 We meet and befriend a megacorp on Shrooms, and spend a ton of bling on awesome new gear and tech and a giant train. The bugs get moved into a new home as finally those damn stealth drones are ready.
We meet a kickass energy tech hero. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , strelok , government , remnant , power , armor 2015-08-24 1 42152280 KOF Quest #2 We meet our own personal stalker and plan the trip to Quebec SNK , Roy Armada , King Of Fighters Quest , KOF Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-29 5 September 2015 42285419 KOF Quest #3 We have a nightmare, screw around as Danielle and cut it close while driving to the airport. SNK , Roy Armada , Danielle , King Of Fighters Quest , KOF Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-05 0 42294785 KOF Quest #3 (for real this time) Technical difficulties on the last thread, this one is the actual one SNK , Roy Armada , Danielle , King Of Fighters Quest , KOF Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-05 5 42442061 KOF Quest #4 Roy and friends take a whole thread to board a plane and we end up knowing a little bit more about Danielle SNK , Roy Armada , Danielle , King Of Fighters Quest , KOF Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-12 3 42586316 KOF Quest #5 (part 1) Roy arrives at Quebec with his team and gets promptly interviewed SNK , Roy Armada , King Of Fighters Quest , KOF Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-21 4 42724236 KOF Quest #5 (part 2) We arrive at the hotel, answer some questions, and subdue a stalker SNK , Roy Armada , King Of Fighters Quest , KOF Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-26 4 October 2015 42873623 KOF Quest #6 We hang around with a fellow contestant and fight some stalkers (Different from Danielle) SNK , Roy Armada , King Of Fighters Quest , KOF Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-04 4 42951096 Military Q&A for your Stories/Games An army CPT answers questions about the military, its equipment, doctrine, tactics, and etc., to help you build more convincing military campaigns and stories. Reference , Q&A , Military , Army 2015-10-08 10 42982008 KOF Quest #7 The day is finally here! We cut it close for the opening of the tournament, and start our most important match! SNK , Roy Armada , King Of Fighters Quest , KOF Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-13 2 November 2015 43718046 A Farmer's Quest Part 1 Follow the life of Farmer Joe, who had lost his family home to the king, and thus travels to the city of Aldres in search of a better future. Collective Game , Farmer's Quest , Quest 2015-11-19 4 43734131 A Farmer's Quest Part 2 Farmer Joe, after a day of harsh adventure, finds himself traveling around the woods ahead, fighting against many a foe and feeling bitter injury. Also healers to bully. Collective Game , Farmer's Quest , Quest 2015-11-20 2 43799887 A Farmer's Quest Part 3 Joe the farmer finally arrives in the City of Aldres with his companion, David, where he meets new friend, finds work, and even joins the adventurer's guild. Collective Game , Farmer's Quest , Quest 2015-11-24 3 43805023 Nuns with glaives Design thread for a Sororitas order devoted mainly to melee weapons, writing and drawings in progress. Sisters of Battle , Melee only , No power armour 2015-11-25 2 43821682 Order Of The Armoured Heart-Nuns With Glaives More writefaggotry and drawfaggotry in this second installment, now with the adventures of Canoness Superior Boudicea! Sisters of Battle , Melee only , No power armour , Order Of The Armoured Heart , Drawfaggotry , Writefaggotry. 2015-11-26 3 December 2015 43926594 Rise of the Swarmlord The first thread of 'Nid Quest. MIGHT be extended. Collective Game , Swarmlord , Tyranid 2015-12-03 3 43974811 Swarmlord Quest II Pie Collective Game , Swarmlord , Tyranid 2015-12-04 1 March 2016 46101967 Humanity's Last Words Ayy lmaos ask the last human what our species's epitaph should be. /tg/ discusses. feels , heartwarming , munchkin , worldbuilding , cloning instructions , you just lost the game , extinct, 2016-03-19 6 May 2016 47067831 Vat-cloning and robots worldbuilding OP complains about robots with artificial wombs being magical realm. /tg/ proves otherwise with stories and worldbuilding. vatclone , artificial womb , robots , engine heart , heartwarming , worldbuilding , kriegers, 2016-05-04 11 125261 Metal Chronicles Quest #1 In which we realize Mecha Dogs are assholes. Collectiva Game , Metal Chronicles Quest , Power Armor 2016-05-19 1 July 2016 48444329 The Huge Marines/The Arms of Atlas /tg/ creates and discuss the Huge Marines,a marine chapter made completely of enhanced ogryns and whose tactics are HUGE! fluff , marine chapter , Huge Marines , The Arms of Atlas , St Gav , ogryn 2016-07-28 7 417579 Armored Core: Broken Wing The Raven completes his first mission, then dotes on his daughter. Armored Core , AC Quest , Robots , FromSoft , Typical Harem Anime 2016-07-29 2 424186 Starship Idols Quest #1 The formation of the Starship Idols Group Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2016-07-30 10 August 2016 443568 Starship Idols Quest #2 The last Idol to recruit and assigning the Classes Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2016-08-05 5 471693 Bullshit Quest - Thread #1 Where the goals don't matter, the enemies are shit, and OP is a faggot. bullshit , quest , comedy , fun , RPG , Manhorse , karma , combat , PvP , PvE , demons , angels , challenging 2016-08-14 5 447985 BioArmor Quest: 1st VHS 80's cult classic Bio Armor Manu Beetalion presented in glorious low definition. Contains all of episode one and part of episode two. Collective Game , BioArmor Quest , Questguy , Science Fiction , 1980s , OVA , Henshin , Conspiracy , Ultraviolence 2016-08-16 -9 466134 Starship Idols #3 Lunch time and home time Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2016-08-19 3 486355 Starship Idols Quest #4 Camp Sugar Watkins Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2016-08-19 6 September 2016 522673 Starship Idols Quest #5 The Dismounted Citadel Course and a bit of drinking to go with it. Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2016-09-03 5 555892 Bullshit Quest - Thread #2 A small group finds a strange new world full of memes and evil-- good thing nobody knows what the fuck they're doing. bullshit quest , hard , bullshit , fighting , memes , karma , lewd , Collective Game 2016-09-11 1 513726 BioArmor Quest: 2nd VHS In which we continue our marathon of the early 90's OVA classic Bio Armor Manu: Beetalion Collective Game , BioArmor Quest , Questguy , Science Fiction , 1980s , OVA , Henshin , Conspiracy , Ultraviolence 2016-09-12 -10 571305 Starship Idols Quest #6 Suits and Mars Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2016-09-17 5 606293 BioArmor Quest: 3rd VHS In which we finally become the BioArmor. Collective Game , BioArmor Quest , Questguy , Science Fiction , 1980s , OVA , Henshin , Conspiracy , Ultraviolence 2016-09-23 -13 October 2016 635282 Starship Idols Quest #7 Graduation Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2016-10-02 5 642746 Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 1: Welcome to Sunnyvale A new QM, Mayor, opens a slice-of-life quest inspired by the farming life-sim Harvest Moon. We meet our protag, Jacky Richmond. Collective Game , Mayor , Harvest Moon , Harvest Moon Quest , Jacky Richmond , Sunnyvale , Farming , Slice of Life 2016-10-03 17 681893 Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 2: Tara the Terror The slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. The MC, Jacky, confronts Tara, accepts a challenge, plants some crops, and explores the farm. Collective Game , Mayor , Harvest Moon , Harvest Moon Quest , Jacky Richmond , Sunnyvale , Farming , Slice of Life 2016-10-11 10 49723017 Releasing Prometheus Should modern humanity should try to rescue Prometheus from his eagle torture?
Of course we should. The dude did us a huge solid. setting , ethics , heartwarming , debt , greek mythology , gods , titans , zeus , zeus is an asshole , prometheus , eagle , liver , chains , hfy, 2016-10-11 7 694088 Starship Idols Quest #8 The Last Day on Mars Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2016-10-15 5 693714 Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 3: Ero and Peaceful The slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. Barrels, girls, monsters, and ecchi. Collective Game , Mayor , Harvest Moon , Harvest Moon Quest , Jacky Richmond , Sunnyvale , Farming , Slice of Life 2016-10-18 8 697511 BioArmor Quest: 4th VHS In which we take a quick jump into a possible future, a future of hunger and desperation. Collective Game , BioArmor Quest , Questguy , Science Fiction , 1980s , OVA , Henshin , Conspiracy , Ultraviolence , Post-Apocalypse , 2016-10-25 1 721108 Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 4: Bad News Bears A bear maiden, a movie night, and a heroic rescue. The slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. Collective Game , Mayor , Harvest Moon , Harvest Moon Quest , Jacky Richmond , Sunnyvale , Farming , Slice of Life 2016-10-27 9 November 2016 781982 Starship Idols Quest #9 The first performance Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2016-11-05 5 803046 Bio Armor Quest Aw shit, it's motherfucking Brundlefly Collective Game , BioArmor Quest , 80s Anime , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2016-11-08 8 784960 Harvest Moon Quest Sunnyvale, Chapter 5: Ded Edition Farming, Women, and Dungeons! But not at the same time. Collective Game , Mayor , Harvest Moon , Harvest Moon Quest , Jacky Richmond , Sunnyvale , Farming , Slice of Life 2016-11-17 6 861339 Starship Idols Quest #10 Photoshoots and Fleet Battlestation Knox Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2016-11-26 6 December 2016 843253 Harvest Moon Quest Sunnyvale, Chapter 6: Dungeon Continued The slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. Collective Game , Mayor , Harvest Moon , Harvest Moon Quest , Jacky Richmond , Sunnyvale , Farming , Slice of Life 2016-12-03 2 912455 Starship Idols Quest #11 Myrmido Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2016-12-10 5 January 2017 980513 Panzer Commander Quest #11 A strange encounter results in a stranger capture and the base of the Imperialists is infiltrated. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War 2017-01-06 2 1008484 Starship Idols Quest #12 Heading to Titan Station Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2017-01-07 5 1015895 Panzer Commander Quest #12 The base of the Dawnseekers is infiltrated, and the missing battalion located. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , a curious lack of tanks 2017-01-15 1 1061320 Starship Idols Quest #13 Back on Titan Station... Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2017-01-22 5 51311063 Original and Unusual Apocalypse Scenarios Various scenarios for the end of the world and settings based around them are discussed and worldbuilt. apocalypse , armageddon , doomsday , end of the world , setting , worldbuilding, 2017-01-23 6 1047552 Panzer Commander Quest #13 A whole bunch of mysteries are wrapped up, some other questions appear. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , a curious lack of tanks 2017-01-23 1 February 2017 1116723 Starship Idols Quest #14 Charlie's first concert Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2017-02-05 5 1096524 Panzer Commander Quest #14 The party escapes from the base of the insurgents and delays what would be a disastrous attack Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , a curious lack of tanks 2017-02-05 1 1160048 Starship Idols Quest #15 Titan Station Raid. Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2017-02-20 5 March 2017 1199686 Panzer Commander Quest #16 The platoon gets transferred south, where war threatens to spark. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , a curious lack of tanks 2017-03-06 1 1244256 Starship Idols Quest #16 Apollo City Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2017-03-15 6 1251679 Panzer Commander Quest #17 The platoon arrives at Salzburg, and gets established on the river island. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , a curious lack of tanks 2017-03-20 1 1293544 Starship Idols Quest #17 Naka's big debut Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2017-03-28 6 April 2017 1320998 Panzer Commander Quest #18 We look around town and find new allies, and enemies. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , a curious lack of tanks 2017-04-10 1 52841660 Army Men Nostalgia Op wondered what a War game set in the universe would be like nostalgia ensues. Army Men , Nostalgia , Videogames , vidya 2017-04-24 3 May 2017 1389939 Panzer Commander Quest #19 A new enemy shows their face Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , a curious lack of tanks 2017-05-03 1 53129838 Warmasters Triumvirate What starts as an Astartes Legion Creation Thread starts being developed into another AU space_marines , warhammer 40k , 40k , AU , WT , W3 , Warmasters Triumvirate 2017-05-12 3 53181029 Warmasters Triumvirate II The AU continues to be developed, the name is settled on, the seperatist start getting some development space_marines , warhammer 40k , 40k , AU , WT , W3 , Warmasters Triumvirate 2017-05-13 3 53211711 Warmasters Triumvirate III The legion list is almost filled up and the reasons for the Brotherwar start getting fleshed space_marines , warhammer 40k , 40k , AU , WT , W3 , Warmasters Triumvirate 2017-05-15 3 1430913 Panzer Commander Quest #20 Finalization of clerical duties and an encounter with a stray wizard Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , a curious lack of tanks 2017-05-16 1 53238307 Warmasters Triumvirate IV The 21 legion slots are filled up, the SepMech makes it's first appearance and the Council of Nikaea gets discussed space_marines , warhammer 40k , 40k , AU , WT , W3 , Warmasters Triumvirate 2017-05-17 5 53271527 Warmasters Triumvirate V! Flushed out more of the Legions, ponder on the finer points of Inter-Legionary Politics and Closed out the current Legions at XXI Warmasters Triumvirate , 40k , AU , WT , W3 , space_marines 2017-05-18 3 53298379 Warmaster's Triumvirate VI: Horrific Casualty Rate Edition In which no casualties are had, legions exchange hands and the debate on technology within the Sepratists begins. Warmaster's Triumvirate , 40k , AU , WT , W3 , space_marines 2017-05-20 3 53336365 Warmasters' Triumvirate VII Seventh thread for the 40K AU where there's traitor primarchs who aren't really Chaos. Warmaster's Triumvirate , 40k , AU , W3 , space_marines 2017-05-22 5 53371919 Warmasters' Triumvirate VIII The Thread Where We Talked Relationships AU , 40K , Warhammer , Warmasters Triumverate , WT 2017-05-25 5 53427256 Warmasters' Triumvirate VIIII The Thread Where We Talked Secession. AU , 40K , Warhammer , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-05-27 3 53449408 Warmasters' Triumvirate X The thread where we figured out how the seps separate. AU , 40K , Warhammer , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-05-28 5 1494734 Starship Idols Quest #17 Accepting a new mission. Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2017-05-31 2 53473114 Warmasters' Triumvirate XI The Thread Where We Talked Relationships AU , 40K , Warhammer , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-05-31 3 June 2017 1482321 Panzer Commander Quest #21 We go to Luigi's Mansion and drink some shitty brew. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , tanks soon 2017-06-01 1 53537257 Warmasters' Triumvirate XII The thread where we usurped the other other warmaster AU , 40K , Warhammer , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-06-03 2 53592279 Warmasters' Triumvirate XIII The thread where we did more stuff AU , 40K , Warhammer , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-06-06 2 1531267 Panzer Commander Quest #22 The war begins with a bang, then another, then a clusterfuck. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , Suddenly Tanks 2017-06-13 1 1549315 Starship Idols Quest #19 Mission to Thrace. Collective Game , not-Starship Troopers , powered armor , idols , propaganda 2017-06-16 1 53874593 Warmasters' Triumvirate XVII The Thread Where Somebody Forgot The Apostrophe Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-06-22 2 1582496 Panzer Commander Quest #23 5th Platoon embarks on a secret mission, that forces them to desert the Archduke's Army. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , Suddenly Tanks 2017-06-27 2 53944330 Warmasters' Triumvirate XVIII The Thread where we finally beheld Raj's glorious visage Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-06-27 2 July 2017 1608645 E.V.A Beta 2 Power armour contractors deploy to a comet and encounter infested miners! collective game , skirmish , EVA , tacticool , power armour , cognis 2017-07-01 1 54036165 Warmasters' Triumvirate XIX New names for the Ist Legion, Lambach got a face, loads of writefagging and a new anon for the XIth legion. Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-07-03 3 1632582 PACYOA:TE - Operation Dogmeat Allied forces drop into China to push back the VA from Juijiang city. Colllective Game , Quest , Power Armor , CYOA , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE 2017-07-12 0 1629994 Panzer Commander Quest #24 The time has come for a road trip. A long one through multiple shitshows. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , a curious lack of tanks 2017-07-13 1 54280118 Warmasters' Triumvirate XXI Characters got introduced, timelines got hashed out and someone even got a waifu in there. Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-07-18 2 54376470 Warmasters' Triumvirate XXII Loads of discussion relating to the use of xenos slaves by the Imperium and Separatists. Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-07-25 2 1689306 Panzer Commander Quest #25 The group manages to get out of the mountains, and finds themselves with an oppurtunity. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , a curious lack of tanks 2017-07-31 1 August 2017 54506699 Warmasters' Triumvirate XXIII Loads of write-ups, and the first attempts to move beyond the Brotherwar Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-08-01 2 54639397 Warmasters' Triumvirate XXIV The Ogre Legion are replaced by the Corsairs Gallant and we lay eyes on the faces of both Einchurt and Zelbezis Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-08-10 2 1726699 Panzer Commander Quest #26 Preparations are made in the town, and strange news comes from the maze in the mountain road. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , a curious lack of tanks 2017-08-12 1 54788355 Warmasters' Triumvirate XXV Primarch busts, logos, and special units. Also plenty of writefagging and discussion on Hashut, the Emperor and the Siege of Terra. Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-08-18 1 1769607 My Father's Country 3 You blow up a convoy carrying nukes, then take Salt Lake City and Denver. The Coalition strikes back by appointing a North American Viceroy future , america , us army 2017-08-20 1 1782308 Starborn Quest 34: Woooooah We're halfway there. Ohhh Sleeping in a Chair A lot of travelling happens and we meet a new fella. Lex looks worse for wear before Honamurei takes on the stranger. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Travel , Honamurei , Luc , Tessius , Gine , Lexington , Gine , Sparring , ARMBAR , Academy Arc 2017-08-20 1 54933349 Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVI The Sothanids, a contest among Marines called "The Great Joust" and Elsu's relationship with his brothers all get some work done on them. Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-08-25 1 1786959 My Father's Country or 4 You right to defend your cities you've captured. You find a suitable candidate for the president of the us. China and India start a landwar Strategy , America , Us Army , Villain Quest? 2017-08-27 1 1785570 Panzer Commander Quest #27 The Battle of Geenam ensues, as the outnumbered Strossvalders launch a surprise attack upon mercenary bandits. Panzer , Tank , Commander , Quest , Armor , War , Collective Game , Suddenly Tanks 2017-08-29 2 September 2017 55048815 Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVII We get to see more faces, we make terrible movie references and we pick up the slack on the Soaring Host and Emperor's Dragoons Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate , WT , W3 , AU 2017-09-03 2 1834462 My Father's Country, Pt. 5 Nathan helps destroy China, gets into trouble in the windy city, captures an engineer, and the players have a debate over government. US Army , Civ , Quest 2017-09-05 2 55195803 Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVIII Two anons come two blows, and Frederic and the Dragoons are brought up to snuff after a new anon picks them up. Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate , WT , W3 , AU 2017-09-10 3 1832716 PACYOA:TE - Operation Bullet Hell An AC organised task force sorties to neutralise an automated weapons network. In space. Colllective Game , Quest , Power Armor , CYOA , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE 2017-09-13 2 1833368 Panzer Commander Quest #28 Lieutenant Von Tracht and his team get established in Sosaldt, land of the brigand lords. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a curious lack of tanks 2017-09-16 6 55312395 Warmasters Triumvirate XXIX In which more primarch faces are unveiled and work continues on pinning down what happens after the Brotherwar Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-09-21 2 1874560 Panzer Commander Quest #29 Preparations are made for the future of the Republic, and the mission. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a curious lack of tanks 2017-09-28 2 October 2017 55623873 Warmasters Triumvirate XXXI The last regular thread. Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate , WT , W3 , AU 2017-10-02 1 1944149 Stardust Crusaders Quest 1 You are 17 year-old Hitomi Furuya. In the 17th of August, 1988, you encounter the vampire Dio accosting your classmate, Kakyoin Noriaki. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-10-12 24 1920457 Panzer Commander Quest #30 The exercise is concluded in educational catastrophe and Richter goes to a party. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a curious lack of tanks 2017-10-12 2 55905374 Warmasters Triumvirate XXXII The first of the bi-weekly threads plays host to discussion about crusades (of Black, Iron and Golden varieties)along with some writing Alternate Universe , Horus Heresy , 40k , Warmasters Triumverate 2017-10-22 2 1961998 Panzer Commander Quest #31 Todesfelsen is infiltrated and Richter loses patience. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a curious lack of tanks , terrible romance 2017-10-23 5 1970273 Stardust Crusaders Quest #2 Hitomi awakens Jotaro's stand as they both try to fix Kakyoin's condition JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-10-27 10 November 2017 2019328 [PACYOA] Operation Hunt for Chile October A group of suits heads to a (mostly) abandoned research base to retrieve valuable samples and the mission takes an unexpected turn. Colllective Game , Quest , Power Armor , CYOA , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE 2017-11-07 1 2019957 Panzer Commander Quest #32 The investigation into Todesfelsen ends, and preparations for battle begin, including a massage. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a curious lack of tanks but technically they're still there 2017-11-10 5 2021121 Stardust Crusaders Quest #3 After getting on a plane and starting their jorney back to Egypt, the group encounters their first enemy stand. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-11-11 10 2061508 Stardust Crusaders Quest #4 Hitomi engages in a duel with Silver Chariot and learns an useful ability with Joseph. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-11-18 10 2080186 Stardust Crusaders Quest #5 Hitomi and co. embark on a ship to Singapore while having a few problems along the way. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-11-23 10 2093814 Stardust Crusaders Quest #6 Hitomi fights a monkey and upsets Polnareff. Minor shitposting ensues JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-11-24 10 2095239 Stardust Crusaders Quest #7 After arriving in Singapore, Hitomi makes things up with Polnareff and is informed of terrible news. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-11-29 10 December 2017 2078336 Panzer Commander Quest #33 An obstruction to the coming battle is disposed of. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a curious lack of tanks 2017-12-01 5 2115957 Stardust Crusaders Quest #8 Hitomi learns about her Hamon origins, but doesnt really have an overall good time in India. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-12-07 11 2130625 Stardust Crusaders Quest #9 Hol Horse route gets BTFO and Jotaro's world is prematurely awakened. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-12-13 20 2133585 [PACYOA] Operation Dogmeat; The Real Deal A simple mission to go after a comms server in China that goes somewhat awry following a micro-singularity containment failure. Colllective Game , Quest , Power Armor , CYOA , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE 2017-12-17 1 2143996 Stardust Crusaders Quest #10 The Joestar Group enjoys some downtime before meeting Iggy. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-12-18 10 2143066 Starborn Quest 41: Welcome to the Jungle Academic things continue Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Travel , Honamurei , Luc , Tessius , Gine , Lexington , Gine , Sparring , ARMBAR , Academy Arc 2017-12-20 2 2136707 Panzer Commander Quest #34 In which there are mercenaries Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a curious lack of tanks 2017-12-22 5 2147638 E.V.A Skirmish Beta 3 Civil War erupts and mercs seize control of an enemy drone carrier. collective game , skirmish , eva , tacticool , cognis , power armour , E.V.A 2017-12-23 1 2162417 Stardust Crusaders Quest #11 On the road to Pakistan, the Crusaders have some trouble dealing with the nearby traffic JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2017-12-24 11 January 2018 2191364 Stardust Crusaders Quest #12 Hitomi fights an old hag and a complete sadist. She also bonds some more with the group too. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-01-04 11 2209339 Stardust Crusaders Quest #13 In which Hitomi saves the Crusaders from a plane crash and discovers that camels are the worst thing to ever exist. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-01-10 11 2226012 Stardust Crusaders Quest #14 Our girl finally arrives in Egypt and confesses her feelings to Jotaro. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-01-16 11 2200720 Panzer Commander Quest #35 After some damn near smut, OP remembers that what the quest is supposed to be about and has tanks shoot things. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , suddenly tanks , terrible romance 2018-01-17 5 2248444 Stardust Crusaders Quest #15 All you had to do was follow the damn train, Hitomi! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-01-24 10 February 2018 2243132 Panzer Commander Quest #36 The Battle of Todesfelsen begins, with a clash at an old quarry turned fort dubbed "The Gash." Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , suddenly tanks 2018-02-04 2 2283950 Panzer Commander Quest #37 The Battle of Todesfelsen begins, and the Republic's 1st Armor Battalion has their baptism by fire in the midst of a massive dust storm. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , suddenly tanks 2018-02-18 2 2312070 Stardust Crusaders Quest #16 The crew deals with a few more stand users and talk shit about Pepsi. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-02-19 11 March 2018 2353112 Stardust Crusaders Quest #17 The Crusaders try to rest for a day before reaching their final destination with varying degrees of success. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-03-05 21 2359296 [PACYOA] Operation "Sigma Oscar Sigma" part 2 Conclusion of the operation in Canada. Computers are figuratively and literally hacked. Collective Game , Quest , Power Armor , CYOA , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE 2018-03-06 1 2332636 Panzer Commander Quest #38 The battle in the storm continues, and casualties mount. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , suddenly tanks , terrible romance 2018-03-08 5 2391647 Stardust Crusaders Quest #18 Hitomi plays a mean game of chess and finds the way to Dio's mansion. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-03-19 14 2413803 [PACYOA] Operation Mountain Rush The initiation of a full scale assault on enemy forces near Cheyenne mountain. Collective Game , Quest , Power Armor , CYOA , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE 2018-03-30 2 2401253 Guardsman Quest Protagonist is defined and named and enters service in a planetary militia. Warhammer , W40k , Bolter , Armstrong , Bolter Armstrong , Warhammer 40k , Imperial Guard 2018-03-31 4 April 2018 2399730 Panzer Commander Quest #39 Though the enemy seems beaten, the fighting continues inside of Todesfelsen. The Republic 1st Armor Battalion must put a stop to this. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , suddenly tanks 2018-04-01 5 2430655 Stardust Crusaders Quest #19 Sono Chi No Sadame! JOOOOJO! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-04-02 23 2441826 Guardsman Quest II A post-battle thread where we talk big time with our lieutenant and see what we're gonna train next. Interrupted due to a 4 day hiatus by Q Warhammer , W40k , Bolter , Armstrong , Bolter Armstrong , Warhammer 40k , Imperial Guard 2018-04-05 2 2455801 [PACYOA] Operation Mountain Rush Pt 2 The mission is concluded with an assault on the mountain complex, though not without cost. Collective Game , Quest , Power Armor , CYOA , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE 2018-04-14 1 2473547 Stardust Crusaders Quest #20 Hitomi says goodbye to her friends and fails to watch a movie with Jotaro. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-04-16 16 2457454 Panzer Commander Quest #40 The Battle for Todesfelsen rages on, and a devastating trap is sprung... Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , suddenly tanks 2018-04-22 2 2474574 PACYOA:TE Operation: American Memory A team of relatively inexperienced pilots is sent to cut their teeth on a milk run. Some complications arise. Collective Game , Quest , Power Armor , CYOA , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE 2018-04-25 1 2483926 Olbaria Quest A WW1 style army is destroyed in a foreign continent by a bunch of germanic style tribes. Surviving units gather to live another day. WW1 tech , WW1 , Olbaria , Army , Collective Game , Civ , Civ-like , Typhus , Typhus QM 2018-04-25 1 2497474 PACYOA] [QUEST] OTB Operation "Holey Moley" An off the books mission is organised to forcibly extract a cartel boss. Things take a turn for the silly. Collective Game , Quest , Power Armor , CYOA , PACYOA , PACYOA:TE 2018-04-26 1 May 2018 2502934 Fuck Your Isekai Quest Season 2 You're Saul Beckett. Can you and your companions get out of a cartoon hellscape? Not if anime tropes have anything to say about it. isekai , anime , army of darkness 2018-05-04 3 2527844 Stardust Crusaders Quest #21 The Crusaders start their search for the magic stand arrows. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-05-07 11 2512768 Panzer Commander Quest #41 The Battle of Todesfelsen finally ends, along with the 1st Republic Armor Battalion's role in the fighting. Richter Von Tracht takes a rest Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , terrible romance 2018-05-11 2 2552699 Stardust Crusaders Quest #22 Polnareff leads his friends into Italy and almost ruins everything. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-05-14 15 2557646 Panzer Commander Quest #42 More post-battle wrap up is done, and Glockenblume shows its hand. Richter is also thrown through a piano. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a curious lack of tanks , sing us a song you're the piano man 2018-05-27 2 2591040 Stardust Crusaders Quest #23 New town,new Jojo and something about Italian food. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-05-28 11 June 2018 2631072 Stardust Crusaders Quest #24 Josuke discovers his innate talent for gardening. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-06-12 10 2619604 Panzer Commander Quest #43 Some more wrap up is taken care of in Wossehnalia, and a strange gift from Loch is recieved. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a distinct lack of tanks , terrible romance 2018-06-18 2 2643985 Umbra City Quest QM has rocky start but tries his best to maintain. Thread died due to lack of interest before the action could pick up, sadly. cyberpunk , biopunk , action , henshin , henshin heroes , tranformation , original setting , original quest , 1/1 , Taleteller , Bio-Armor 2018-06-21 1 July 2018 2660718 Panzer Commander Quest #44 The glorious return home turns out to not be so glorious, as Richter's Hero's Welcome turns out to be a Court Martial. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a curious lack of tanks 2018-07-01 5 2688776 Stardust Crusaders Quest #25 Another day, another arrow. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-07-04 10 2713611 Panzer Commander Quest #45 The current arc finally comes to an end and the next assignment from the Intelligence Office is received. Richter gets beaten up by a girl. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a distinct lack of tanks , pull my tomboy trigger 2018-07-21 2 August 2018 61556718 rogue homunculus civilization /tg/ worldbuilds a faction of unintentionally sentient, alchemically-created artificial lifeforms originally intended as a disposable army. golem , homunculus , frankenstein , undead , alchemy , species , steampunk , setting , worldbuilding , army , civilization, 2018-08-26 4 2813651 Lufpanzer Quest #1 The Grossreich's Luftpanzer Project Unit, along with Luftpanzer squadron commander Captain Roth-Vogel, are deployed on a special mission. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer , Everything Goes Wrong Basically Immediately 2018-08-31 3 September 2018 2853551 Luftpanzer Quest #2 Captain Roth-Vogel arrives back to his unit, and embarks on a mission to secure a powerful and much needed ally. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer , Tanks Now 2018-09-13 2 2892657 Luftpanzer Commander Quest #3 Lieutenant Bartholomeu is sent home and the 1st Luftpanzer Company attacks an attack. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer , Tanks Now 2018-09-30 1 October 2018 2950190 Luftpanzer Quest #4 Griffon Company of the Kaiser's Luftpanzer Battalion manages to break through the lines of the Revolutionaries, and contact their allies. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer 2018-10-21 1 2984548 Stardust Crusaders Quest #26 Jolyne gets trained (sort of) and her parents meet a new friend. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-10-22 11 November 2018 3006762 Stardust Crusaders Quest #27 Not-Halloween arrives with 2 new Stand users! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-11-01 10 3038358 Stardust Crusaders Quest #28 Kakyoin jobs to Rohan, who almost stole the spotlight for this thread. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-11-13 10 3015275 Luftpanzer Quest #5 Captain Reinhold Roth-Vogel chases after a hothead and gets shot. Afterwards, the mission to relieve the siege on the Royal family is begun. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer , Where are the tanks 2018-11-15 1 3052528 Stardust Crusaders Quest #29 The third arrow is secured, only three more to go! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-11-21 10 December 2018 3051169 Luftpanzer Quest #6 Captain Roth-Vogel and the Luftpanzer 1st Company, with allies, makes their way through enemy lines to reach the besieged Castle Delamil. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer , Tanks Now 2018-12-01 1 3078342 Stardust Crusaders Quest #30 Hunting sharks, killing rats and playing wingman, all in a day's work for Hitomi. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2018-12-05 10 3092759 Luftpanzer Quest #7 The militarists are encountered, a battle is avoided, and Reinhold loses a tank, but finds a royal family. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer 2018-12-23 5 January 2019 3153081 Stardust Crusaders Quest #31 The serial killer Yoshikage Kira appears and sets himself up for failure. JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2019-01-07 10 3176158 Animated Armor Quest We Come in to consciousness as armor from a meteor and troll a blacksmith Armor , Animated Armor Quest , Armor QM , Collective Game 2019-01-15 0 3149551 Luftpanzer Quest #9 The march back to the unit is begun. Mysteries of the Halmeggian throne are hinted at, and conspiracy festers. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer 2019-01-16 10 3172544 Stardust Crusaders Quest #32 Payback time! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2019-01-18 8 February 2019 3185076 Luftpanzer Quest #9.5 The paratroopers are returned to, the mission complete...but there is a complication, and Reinhold must remain behind. And this is actual #9 Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer , Where are the tanks 2019-02-01 2 3226132 Stardust Crusaders Quest #33 Hitomi dies, gets sent back in time and kills Kira with the help of Josuke. The perfect send off to end the quest! JJBA , Jojos Bizarre Adventure , Stardust Crusaders Quest , Karma Chameleon , DusterMan 2019-02-04 20 3217641 Animated Armor Quest 2 The previously mentioned plan is hatched, fails semi-spectacularly, and we start fighting the bandits again. Armor , Animated Armor Quest , Armor QM , Collective Game 2019-02-10 1 3222937 Luftpanzer Quest #10 Reinhold and his crew continue to lay low and wait for rescue from the Reich. Meanwhile, Reinhold nabs an Owl. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer , Where are the tanks 2019-02-14 5 3256923 Animated Armor Quest 3 - The End We fight for a while, realize the pace is glacial,and choose the next quest tobe made by the QM Armor , Animated Armor Quest , Armor QM , Collective Game 2019-02-18 1 3260112 Luftpanzer Quest #11 Reinhold Roth-Vogel is ambushed by an old friend, who after some convincing, is able to aid in effecting his and the Royal Family's escape. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer , Where are the tanks 2019-02-24 5 March 2019 3296677 Luftpanzer Quest Epilogue Captain Reinhold Roth-Vogel returns home and has some much needed R&R. With such, the side story comes to a close. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer , Where are the tanks 2019-03-11 2 3337683 Bio Armored Titan 1: Heroes Rise Again We select our armor and get to know how to use it somewhat before finding out that Gilgamesh is a pacifistic pussy. Cut short by GM retard. Bio Armored Titan , Biotech , Alien Invasion , Not Earth , Mr.C , Collective Game , That Warrior is totally coming back , Titan Gilgamesh 2019-03-17 2 April 2019 3407625 Panzer Commander Quest After more than a month time skip, Richter is returned to; aiding a foreign army, riding in a tank, and being beaten up by a tomboy. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , suddenly tanks , major problems with milk , taking a bite out of crime and thighs 2019-04-16 5 3456667 Animal Farm Revolution Quest An interesting premise, but The Curse(tm) strikes! We get no furry revolution on this day, my friends! animals , farm , revolution , violence , nature , fandom 2019-04-30 1 May 2019 3447493 Panzer Commander Quest #47 Richter Von Tracht visits the UGZ, and embarks on tasks to ease the suffering of the native Ellowians. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , suddenly tanks , 2019-05-04 1 3462233 Life Life Quest Life , Drawquest , Baby , You , Soft Warm Safe 2019-05-13 1 3485115 Panzer Commander Quest #48 Richter Von Tracht does his best to keep the holiday season peaceful. Or at least not disastrous. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Spending Money Wisely 2019-05-24 2 3514945 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest We create our character, fight for our life, meet a princess, and go to villain school. The Monitor of E-16 , Young Justice , Meta Human Slave quest , Cape shit , not!prototype/pillarman protag , Fuck HIVE , Collective Game 2019-05-25 17 June 2019 3553097 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 3 Where we visit Caitlin in the hospital and OP flakes. The Monitor of E-16 , Young Justice , Meta Human Slave quest , Cape shit , not!prototype/pillarman protag , Fuck HIVE , Collective Game , RIP 2019-06-22 6 3562610 Panzer Commander Quest #49 A king's assassination is prevented, a town is burned, new friends are made and this friendship is immediately tested. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Where are the tanks 2019-06-24 1 July 2019 3629683 Panzer Commander Quest #50 Richter Von Tracht enters UGZ-07, and violence between two sides he has tried to himself between is inevitable. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , suddenly tanks, 2019-07-19 1 August 2019 3689820 Panzer Commander Quest #51 After Richter's contribution to suppressing the uprising in the UGZ ends, strange things are afoot. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Where are the tanks 2019-08-10 1 September 2019 3770161 Panzer Commander Quest #52 It's time to wake up, Richter, whether you want to or not. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Where are the tanks 2019-09-09 2 October 2019 3811927 Panzer Commander Quest #53 Richter takes his shaky first steps in a journey having broken free of his trance. Will it have been a good thing? Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Gourmet Eating , terrible romance 2019-10-03 1 November 2019 3877022 Panzer Commander Quest #54 Richter arrives back to his comrades. There have been several developments to say the least. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , there were battles but you don't get to have been a part of them faggot haha 2019-11-05 1 3914030 Panzer Commander Quest #55 Richter dines with a king in name only, clashes with the forces of the elusive enemy Andej Gerovic, and tries to regain what was lost. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor 2019-11-30 1 December 2019 3955281 Panzer Commander Quest #56 Trouble in town is resolved with a change of seats, Kelwin gets a first taste of leadership, and the past comes for Richter's neck. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Not Hacking the Elections 2019-12-29 1 January 2020 4004521 Panzer Commander Quest #57 A drawing of cards, a change in perspective. Richter takes a break for a bit. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Suddenly Tanks 2020-01-22 1 February 2020 4052447 Panzer Commander Quest #58 You are no longer Anya. Now you are Von Metzeler. Richter is seen briefly. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , It's Time to Duel 2020-02-21 6 March 2020 4118836 Super DC Quest We become Michael Carmichael, son of a multibillionaire and student of Deathstroke. We head to Star City and begin carving a life. Star,Wagon,DC Quest , DC , Super DC , Super DC Quest , Aether , Michael , Carmichael , Manhunter , Star City 2020-03-12 0 4114394 Panzer Commander Quest #59 The nemesis across the border, Captain Gerovic, makes a powerful assault. The battle will be fierce indeed. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Disarmed and Dangerous 2020-03-24 2 April 2020 4151644 Super DC Quest 2: The second one Star City continues to welcome it's newest metahuman. Cinderblock does not welcome us. Star,Wagon,DC Quest , DC , Super DC , Super DC Quest , Aether , Michael , Carmichael , Manhunter , Star City 2020-04-02 0 May 2020 4193404 Panzer Commander Quest #60 Preparations are made for the downfall of Captain Gerovic. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Blondie 2020-05-05 1 4237095 Panzer Commander Quest #61 The hunt for Gerovic concludes. At what cost, though? Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Where Are the Tanks 2020-05-25 2 June 2020 4276763 Panzer Commander Quest #62 Gerovic is handed in. The day of the duel with Bertram arrives, and Richter goes to take him on. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , It's Time to Duel 2020-06-21 2 July 2020 4320536 Panzer Commander Quest #63 All of Richter's direct enemies handled, preparations are made for battle, and Alpha Two. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Face Off 2020-07-18 1 August 2020 4378735 Panzer Commander Quest #64 The Eastern Resistance Army begins their great uprising, sending the Border Zone into turmoil. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Twisted Pair 2020-08-23 5 74472758 spacefaring undead OP suggests that spaceflight becomes much more convenient once you no longer need life support. Then the writers and worldbuilders show up. space , undead , liches , blindsight , carmen miranda's ghost , dawson's christian, 2020-08-26 5 October 2020 4435222 Panzer Commander Quest #65 Richter Von Tracht finally goes home. Though it won't be for long... Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Go Home and be a Family Man 2020-10-04 1 November 2020 4483883 Panzer Commander Quest #66 A short leave is enjoyed, before it comes time to join the Elite Silver Lances for the uncertain future. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , All You Can Eat Buffet , terrible romance , dog 2020-11-09 1 December 2020 4506554 Bug Army of the Locustmotive [Skirmish] Under the purview of a scorching sun lies the remnants of Dry Hive. Early one morning scouts notice a train stationed nearby. Hope perhaps? fenster , collective game , collaborative game , skirmish , drones , bug army , bugs , bug , army , locustmotive , train , bug puns 2020-12-01 1 4550605 Panzer Commander Quest #67 Richter dives into his first battle alongside the Silver Lances, in the familiar wastes of Sosaldt. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , dog , Flighty Females 2020-12-27 5 February 2021 4610793 Panzer Commander Quest #68 Richter's travels back to his unit are cut short, and he has a long night of fighting against those he once fought for. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Cajun Cooking , deep frying , a smattering of actual tank 2021-02-18 5 April 2021 4679667 Panzer Commander Quest #69 Richter Von Tracht returns to his unit, and is given a special mission in the wake of new troubles. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Cow 2021-04-05 2 May 2021 4748949 Panzer Commander Quest #70 Time passes. The war goes on, though not everywhere. A look all around. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor 2021-05-13 5 July 2021 4852983 Panzer Commander Quest #71 The persona of Sleepwalker is commanded, and his mission undertaken. The dead speak. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Ghosts of Panzer Past 2021-07-08 2 August 2021 80785841 Nechronica thread. Translation Update: Armed Set. Armed Set, a short 3rd party sourcebook for the Japanese TTRPG Nechronica, gets an unofficial English translation. Anon asks how to Chariot. Nechronica , update , book , rules , spiders , armed set , translation , Thanatos , Requiem , Stacy , armaments , Chariot , class 2021-08-21 0 September 2021 4926327 Panzer Commander Quest #72 The Battle of Sundersschirm takes place- Richter's part in it, at least. An odd child is found in its midst. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2021-09-03 6 October 2021 4985519 Living Armour Quest 1 A living armour wakes up with a soul, and begins wandering in search for adventure and a purpose in life. Living Armour Quest , Mordragon , Collective Game 2021-10-26 7 November 2021 5011815 Panzer Commander Quest #73 The Silver Lances rest and recuperate after their latest battle. Richter has down time. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , An Utter Lack of Tanks 2021-11-18 5 December 2021 5046025 Living Armour Quest 2 Mordragon breaks the Geneva Convention and fails at riddles. Living Armour Quest , Mordragon , Collective Game 2021-12-21 5 January 2022 5090250 Panzer Commander #74 A secret operation with an important mission takes place. Yet Richter is nowhere near it... Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2022-01-30 6 February 2022 5088234 Slavegirl Quest Kimsey, Halfling Beguiler and Priestess of Liberation, becomes friends with a catgirl amazonian and a magi, liberates herself from slavery. Slavegirl Quest , Kimsey , Slavegirl , Halfling Beguiler , Benjamin Walsh , King of Liberation , Firearms , DnD , Catgirl Amazonian , Great Quest 2022-02-06 -7 March 2022 5146871 Panzer Commander Quest #75 The operation to destroy Garten comes to a close. Richter's unit pushes forth into Netilland. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2022-03-12 5 5145112 Living Armour Quest 3 Mordragon loots an asp temple and sets out on an expedition against necromancers. Living Armour Quest , Mordragon , Collective Game 2022-03-17 5 May 2022 5203611 Living Armour Quest 4 Mordragon strikes a deal with the Burnt God, defeats a demonic invasion and reaches the Silver Eye fortress. Living Armour Quest , Mordragon , Collective Game 2022-05-02 4 5219247 Panzer Commander Quest #76 A duel with a devil. The end of the Lances' war, the long awaited return home. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities , terrible romance , ginger midget in lingerie 2022-05-12 6 July 2022 5285388 Panzer Commander Quest #77 Business at home is wrapped up before the wedding. Visiting and retrieving friends. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , An Utter Lack of Tanks , terrible romance 2022-07-03 5 85350538 Wizard Chess Anon stops taking his meds and invents a board game using super glue super glue , schizo , board game , chess , playing cards , armies 2022-07-21 7 August 2022 5352909 Panzer Commander Quest #78 Richter Von Tracht is finally married, after all his hardships. A honeymoon abroad is had before the end of the arc. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , An Utter Lack of Tanks , Repeated Veal Pounding 2022-08-10 6 December 2022 5451197 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 01 The Twaryian Invasion of Vynmark begins- and a motley force goes to their first battle. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2022-12-01 12 5459740 Living Armour Quest 5 Mordragon defeats the Silver Eye, kills some spiders and travels to Orbrin, meeting the White Lady on the way. Living Armour Quest , Mordragon , Collective Game 2022-12-24 1 January 2023 5481565 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 02 Immediately after their first battle, the Ad-Hoc battalion assaults the town of Kobberhus- and finds mysteries in wait. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-01-01 12 March 2023 5546421 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 1 A bunch of camp work is done up, then, despite the victories on the front, the unit must retreat... Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-03-02 12 April 2023 5588058 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 2 The Battle of Jagterfisk Pools continues- right when it seems to be over, there is another foe... Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-04-06 10 May 2023 5636306 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 3 The Battalion finds victory, in spite of all the weapons deployed against them. Yet will it last? Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-05-03 10 June 2023 5654776 True Neutral Conquest Quest A True Neutral Wizard embarks on a quest to conquer the entire world for the sake of learning more magic. Wizard , World Conquest , Different Army Alignments , Alignment , Ninja 2023-06-22 0 August 2023 5687489 PCQN- The Revolutionary Man - Thread 0 The prologue. Palmiro Bonaventura is a young and bright eyed Futurist- with no idea what said future has in store for him... Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Pizza Pasta , terrible romance 2023-08-03 21 5709549 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 04 The final battle begins- the fate of Vynmark is unknowingly decided as east and west converge. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-08-28 10 September 2023 5729109 Adventrarous Time: a tale of grief and coom You are fan and you are ready for some Adventrarous Time (the most deranged quest I've seen in a while, surprisingly enjoyable). Adventure Time , fan , jak , Marmelade , ice Craig , the land of oh , Adventrarous Time , The Real Pendleton Ward , David Duke 2023-09-04 -9 5750090 Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish - Finale The war does not end for Vynmark- but the story of the Hageldorf Combined Battalion does. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , Skirmish , War , Armor , Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities 2023-09-16 10 October 2023 5764197 Mystic Harvest 1 Where we meet April Bythewood, our naked amnesiac protagonist, and she acquires the Henderson Homestead and become a farmer. Mystic Harvest , SysQm , Farming , Cozy 2023-10-12 11 5771752 PCQN- The Revolutionary Man - Thread 0.5 The war against the Reich continues- the cost mounts, and Palmiro Bonaventura survives. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Pizza Pasta , terrible romance 2023-10-24 12 5792391 Mystic Harvest 2 We have our shopping delivered by a cute patch-face girl and we start clearing more of the farming field. Mystic Harvest , SysQm , Farming , Cozy , Fantasy , Supernatural 2023-10-29 4 December 2023 5805575 The Lady Knight's Quest #1 In which you play Dame Louise le Blanc, a titan of a woman who leads a cadre of men-at-arms to fight heretics in the highlands. The Lady Knight's Quest , Lady Knight Quest , Lady Knights , Paladins , Chivalry , Fantasy , Fanaticism , Heretics , Worldbuilding , Armor is OP , Rip and Tear Orc Guts 2023-12-01 30 5810248 PCQN- The Revolutionary Man - Thread 0.75 One war ends. Another begins. Palmiro Bonaventura presses on towards an unknown future. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Pizza Pasta , terrible romance 2023-12-10 5 January 2024 5855948 The Lady Knight's Quest II In which our heroine confronts the Witch of Depravity inside of her mind, and receives her new orders from the King himself. The Lady Knight's Quest , Lady Knights , Paladins , Chivalry , Fantasy , Fanaticism , Heretics , Worldbuilding , Armor is OP , Rip and Tear Orc Guts 2024-01-20 22 February 2024 5879252 PCQN- The Revolutionary Man - Thread 0.99 With the close of the Gilician War, Bonetto is forced to start a new life in exile. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Pizza Pasta , terrible romance 2024-02-12 5 March 2024 5915513 The Lady Knight's Quest In which our heroine departs from Liliendorf after a dear servant reveals herself as an adherent of the Dark One... The Lady Knights Quest , Lady Knight Quest , Lady Knights , Paladins , Chivalry , Fantasy , Fanaticism , Heretics , Worldbuilding , Armor is OP , Rip 2024-03-18 20 5953028 Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Chocolat Noir Son Gohan has been injured, and as the Inspector on this case, you have to get the dirty details from one Son Peppa. Good luck! Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Tuffle , Tuffle Quest , Not Kato , bullying , self-harm , grooming , drug use , violence , suicidal ideation , rape 2024-03-21 -3 April 2024 5944961 PCQN- The Revolutionary Man - Thread 0.99999 Prologue Finale A wrong from long ago is made right. The wayward son of Vitelia returns the future. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Pizza Pasta , terrible romance 2024-04-18 5 May 2024 5991914 Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Blanc Quest Inspecter Momiji is getting closer to the truth, but will Son Peppa let her find it? Will they crack the case, or crack to pieces? Find out. Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Tuffle , Tuffle Quest , Not Kato , bullying , self-harm , grooming , drug use , violence , suicidal ideation , rape 2024-05-02 -3 5967085 PCQN- The Romance of Trench Face- Anya Drawquest Part 1 Away from the familiar trials of battle, Sergeant Anya Nowicki navigates the untested waters of courtship and companionship... Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Otome Mode , terrible romance 2024-05-16 3 July 2024 6017241 PCQN- The Romance of Trench Face- Anya Drawquest Part 2 The specters of past deeds and new times are met- and dealt with- and the three trials to compete for a man's heart begin. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Otome Mode , terrible romance , motorcycles 2024-07-02 3 6063050 Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Pêche Quest Will Peppa be able to weather the storm of the QM's OCs coming her way, or will they all reap the whirlwind? Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Tuffle , Tuffle Quest , Not Kato , bullying , self-harm , grooming , drug use , violence , suicidal ideation , rape 2024-07-21 -3 August 2024 6060873 PCQN- The Romance of Trench Face- Anya Drawquest Part 3 The Otome comes to an end- a duel in the moonlight, the sound of motorcycles and the spatter of blood and love. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Otome Mode , terrible romance , motorcycles , ritual scarification 2024-08-31 3 September 2024 6072622 Loveless Gal in a Bind On the path to rectitude, Kommgal encounters the low company he intended to pursue… and ones he did not. Old wounds do not fade so easily. loveless gal quest , drawquest , slice of life , early modern fantasy , first person narration , romance , espionage , self harm , buddhism 2024-09-27 6 December 2024 6120387 PCQN- The Revolutionary Man #1 Crepusculo Palmiro Bonaventura becomes the leader of the Eastern wing of the Vitelian Revolutionary Leagues. There is much to do to bring forth dawn. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Pizza Pasta , terrible romance , Begin the Revolution 2024-12-05 6 February 2025 6155384 Luftpanzer Quest Langenachtfest Special A Holiday themed extra conclusion- An eventful end of a year for Reinhold Roth-Vogel. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Luftpanzer , terrible romance , Christmas Special 2025-02-02 2