Thread Title Description Tags Added Score March 2008 1316871 City with Undead Labor What would a city be like if it had skeletons and zombies for labor instead of living slaves? D&D , undead , concepts 2008-03-11 5 September 2008 2600159 Liches, Redux. The enormous hold-all thread for all of lich-kind. d-day , clerics , liches , undead , lich , house , undead house , and many more 2008-09-18 5 2602585 Deadlands is Awesome Anonymous posts a Wall O' Text about the incredibly awesome exploits of his Deadlands group, inspires several to start playing Deadlands. Deadlands , awesome , writefag 2008-09-18 10 October 2008 2737021 Villain Group Themes Much better ideas for your cheesy villain teams. villains , themes , seven deadly sins suck 2008-10-05 0 2744283 Left Behind: Familars' Tales Anon posts excerpts from an unheard of 3rd party book about what happens to familiars whose masters die. More stories are posted. Manly tears are shed. Familiars , Dead , Manly Tears 2008-10-06 7 November 2008 3039858 How to create your own zombies A thread about how people would customize their undead horde. Contains epic rantings and awesome ideas. Lich , undead 2008-11-22 8 3060768 Arch-Demilich It starts off with the ultimate undead, breaks the awesome barrier and builds up into an epic bone-and-flesh fantasy Gurren Lagann. arch-demilich , undead , neutronium golem 2008-11-25 10 December 2008 3096160 Abiogenesis. What does /tg/ think? This was a really cool thread about a modern horror-type setting. There's a lot of stuff here I would love to use in a d20 modern or other horror campaign. I saved a PDF and I think suptg should save this! undead , horror , modern , original , setting , RP , creatures 2008-12-02 7 February 2009 3606600 Deadlands Stories Deadlands is fondly remembered by various members of /tg/ Deadlands 2009-02-04 6 April 2009 4207769 Deadlands Lovecraft Ideas for Deadlands campaign set in Britain. Lovecratian horror meets steampunk with a dash of folklore and myth. deadlands , lovecraft , steampunk , folklore 2009-04-07 6 4228112 /tg/ - RIGHTEOUS /tg/ shows it has a heart. Tales of depresion, tales of RIGHTEOUS FURY, and just deads. Renews some of my faith in the world. Righteout , heart , good deads 2009-04-09 7 4316247 CARNIFEX HAS NO REGRETS; or, WHY DIRE VERSIONS OF ANCIENT PREDATORS ARE SO GAR Read the title. Imagine it. Live it. Love it. Click it. Go. snapping turtles , awesome stories , dead ducklings , vengeful explosions , massive invertabrates , total gar 2009-04-18 35 June 2009 4778129 Undead Campaign OP arrives asking /tg/ to help him with a campaign of D&D 3.5 in which the PCs are abominable undead possibly in service to a necromancer. /tg/ proceeds to get shit done. undead , zombie , skeleton , lich , mummy , necromancer 2009-06-06 3 January 2010 7803853 Because fuck you gravity Starts out as a basic "Break reality with rules" Turns into hero worship of Don Jorge Antino Martin Velasco-Cabrales. Don Jorge Antino Martin Velasco-Cabrales Deadlands Win Awesome 2010-01-28 31 March 2010 8791615 Deadlands Fiction Thread John Galt(not that one) reminds us just how scary Stone is. Also, infoz about the new edition coming out. All round good times. Deadlands , John Galt , Fiction , Stone. 2010-03-26 1 May 2010 9663834 The Millenial King A thread about necromancy in D&D turns into the creation of a necro-friendly city-state run by a lich known as the Millenial King. D&D , writefaggotry , undead , liches , zombies , skeletons 2010-05-07 38 9682570 The Millennial Emperor More writing about the Millennial Emperor as inspired by the previous thread from last night. /tg/ gets shit done: a little kid learns necromancy and gets a stern talking-to from the Grandfather, an enemy necromancer learns the error of his ways, and the lich gets married. D&D , writefaggotry , undead , liches , zombies , skeletons 2010-05-08 30 9697573 The Millennia King Third Millennia King thread. In this one we have various writefaggery, and a better look at the Dawn Queen and her duties, and the Acolytes D&D , writefaggotry , undead , liches , zombies , skeletons 2010-05-09 24 June 2010 10277178 Sea of the Dead What if pirates and zombies combined? The answer: literal seas of zombies and ships that navigate across the hoards using pieces of meat to crowd-surf. Sea of the Dead 2010-06-05 6 10302114 Sea of the Dead The "Sea of the Dead" campaign setting makes a return, as it gets more fleshed out, and receives writefaggotry Sea of the Dead 2010-06-06 2 November 2010 12936417 Undead Computer Mindless undead can follow simple orders. Can you make logic gates and thus a computer out of them? undead , D&D , computer 2010-11-26 324 12939196 Undead Computer 2 Deep Rot discussion continues. undead , D&D , computer 2010-11-26 28 December 2010 13346845 The Engineers OP asks about making a universe with mister fixit engineers, slightly modeled after Dead Space. Truly awesome writefaggotry ensues, everyone rejoices. Dead Space , Engineers , setting , space , sci-fi , scifi , world building , writefag , writing 2010-12-31 11 February 2011 13816299 Brian Jacques is dead /tg/ spends time discussing the Redwall author's works and food. Much sad is had. Brian Jacques , Jacques , Redwall , dead author , author 2011-02-08 18 March 2011 14125329 33 Wights Challenge OP poses a Challenge to /tg/ on how to destroy 33 wights packed into a small room as adventurers no higher then 3rd level. Devolves into GM dickery involving a Wight using a Wright Bone tension bow to set a oil smeared door on fire. DnD , Undead , Challenge , Dungeons and Dragons 2011-03-05 6 14130194 Skynet Quest IV The move to Africa is surprisingly smooth. Much hacking and power consolidation ensues. Anon immediately decides to participate in an African genocide. Because what could be more like Skynet than dying humans, and more like Anon than dying black people? Skynet , Collective Game , Quest Thread , dead black people 2011-03-05 8 14189487 The 400 Year Old Virgin Starts with OP asking about one of his Lich players getting hitched, then /tg/ shows their funny side by making parody quotes of the 40 Year Old Virgin marriage , lich , undead , sex , virgin , funny , parody , magic , epic , epic level 2011-03-10 17 14390923 Dead King's Quest The beginnings about a ritual gone awry and a soul now inhabits the risen corpse of the king. The new king must solve his people and countries plights all the while keeping the secret that he is a false ruler. quest , king , undead 2011-03-28 34 14397093 (Dead) King's Quest II The first year of the second reign of (supposedly) Holy Duke Liuva III over the duchy of Tautila is tumultuous. Bandits are routed, crops are sown, and the treachery of Tautila's neighbors begins to surface. The possibility of a romance sparks, and our liege takes his first steps away from the throne. Also, the fearsome phrase "The Wizard is bored" first rears its head. Quest , Undead , King , Skeleton , Court , Tautila 2011-03-29 37 14411970 (Dead) King's Quest III The continuing adventures of (supposedly) Holy Duke Liuva III over the duchy of Tautila.
Quest , Undead , King , Skeleton , Court , Tautila 2011-03-30 40 April 2011 14465165 (Dead) King's Quest lV The continuing adventures of (supposedly) Holy Duke Liuva III over the duchy of Tautila. Quest , Undead , King , Skeleton , Court , Tautila 2011-04-04 39 May 2011 14817054 (Dead) King's Quest V The Oracle has been captured. What now for the skeletal ruler of fair Tautila, and his loyal court? Quest , Undead , King , Skeleton , Court , Tautila 2011-05-05 49 June 2011 15427458 Zerg Quest XLVII The big, glowy crystal spits out a scary Protoss? Diplomacy check! Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Diplomacy , TossTalk , /tg/ dice , Back from the dead motherfucker! 2011-06-30 16 August 2011 15880608 "/tg/ Explained" and other oldness How old are these? Old enough. /tg/ will be nothing if we forget our roots. If we forget that behind these posts are (anonymous) human beings. just sayin' BTW, before you vote, realize that easymodo is dead. and so is anything on there that isn't here. /tg/ , Ribbon , Rage , meatbread , easymodo is dead , traditional games 24/7 2011-08-10 14 September 2011 16168943 Beyond Re-Animation OP asks for ways to make skeletons more than just XP fodder. Soon branches out into such magnificently macabre creations is the Matryoshka Nesting Ghoul (aka the Undead Turducken) and the epic Mega-Lich-Zord. skeleton , zombie , ghoul , megazord lich , undead turducken 2011-09-04 6 16188151 Cuptain of the Honour Guard A thread about Space Marines is massively derailed by an argument about Thor, heresy and finally Cup Diomedes. Featuring Deadpool. /tg/'s random humor at its finest. humor , meme , blood ravens , 40K , warhammer 40K , funny , cups , deadpool , thor , space marines , Cup Diomedes , Diomedes , random 2011-09-05 11 November 2011 16930200 /tg/ Meta Quest 22 We send probe droids down to various places, and find a cornucopia of horror, from the Mountains of Madness to Silent Hill. We're able to rescue Heather Mason, but then people spill the beans on who we are, necessitating a memory wipe later. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , LotR , Barad-Dur , Ahzek Ahriman , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-13 12 16932479 /tg/ Meta Quest 23 We prep a team of Data and some droids to escort Heather Mason back to Silent Hill. We learn by raiding newspaper offices around the globe that several different cults were at work, ranging from Mythos to d20 Modern, to bring about the end of the world. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-13 16 16958743 /tg/ Meta Quest 24 Heather Mason and Douglas Cartland return to Silent Hill, backed by Data and the droids. They begin exploration when we find out that Silent Hill is not to be underestimated, as it starts mining Data for monsters, and creates steam-clockwork-Borg abominations. We quickly run from them, and begin to explore the Church of the Order. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-19 14 16975328 /tg/ Meta Quest 25 We encounter a boss fight in the form of Data's guilt and regret over the death of his daughter. Douglas goes down, and we desperately try to keep him alive as Spike enters Silent Hill with extra equipment. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-21 15 16994064 /tg/ Meta Quest 26 We save Douglas Cartland, and solve some more puzzles. As we're exploring, we meet Doug's son. His dead son. That he has regrets over. Cue boss-fight. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-23 13 17019510 /tg/ Meta Quest 27 We proceed into the unexplored west wing of the chapel, and come upon a section out of Spike Spiegel's memories. We end up in a boss-fight against Corvus Head, and while Spike is tossed around and heavily injured, we are victorious. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-26 12 17039688 /tg/ Meta Quest 28 We move to the final boss of the Silent Hill portion of this world, and attack its weak point for massive damage. Then we find out who's been pulling the strings of the various horrors. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-28 12 17059442 /tg/ Meta Quest 29 We begin exploring the zombie outbreak in Pennsylvania. We find evidence of at least Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, and quite possibly Return of the Living Dead zombies. We also find some survivors that tell us that Raccoon City has become the domain of some lich-king. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-11-30 12 December 2011 17087235 /tg/ Meta Quest 30 We begin the assault on Raccoon City. However, bad rolls constantly get our troops hammered, and we lose the BLU team respawn tech to magic dickery. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-12-03 12 17095963 /tg/ Meta Quest 31 The tg diceroller continues to have us over a barrel as we continue to lose members of our team. We finally decide enough is enough, and pull out our forces in order to drill a hole down to the lich. Who then promptly uses our weapons' energies to make his escape, leaving us to deal with Vampire-Wesker. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-12-04 12 17109365 /tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread In which the Command Crew discusses plans and theories for the upcoming visit to Transylvania and what vampric horrors await there. Plus the usual chatter about who and what we should requisition next Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-05 6 17117963 /tg/ Meta Quest 32 We land with a small force in Transylvania, and begin chatting up the locals. Strahd and Dracula are at war, and signs point to their respective loves reincarnated in a single body. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-06 13 17137538 /tg/ Meta Quest 33 We dress up two of the White Mages as Tatyana/Lisa, and start poking around town to try to bait Strahd and Dracula to go to open war with each other. While searching, one of our teams spots Tatyana/Lisa, but loses her. Then one of the decoys is kidnapped. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-08 12 17136450 Humans are Dead Fantasy Part 2 of the Age of the Orc thread. age of orc , humans are dead , plague , no humans , setting 2011-12-08 10 17161163 /tg/ Meta Quest: Waiting on OP edition OP gets held up for a couple days and we fall back on plotting against the Counts, and mostly talking about what we want on our requisitions list. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-12 8 17179943 /tg/ Meta Quest 34 Strahd summons Darius and the travelers from Londinium. We bullshit a story about Londinium and the Brittanica Empire, and the Emperor on his Golden Throne. Strahd seems to buy the story, and wants us to kill Dracula. Low rolls result in Strahd refusing to commit the majority of his forces, but he concedes to a diversionary attack as we infiltrate Castlevania. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-12 11 17194517 /tg/ Meta Quest 35 We plan, and then execute, the breaching of Castlevania. Our preparation pays off, and we are able to infiltrate the castle, and face Dracula. It is a pitched battle, but with the strength of our Space Marines, the healing of our White Mages, the protections by our Abjurer and Psion, and 10 X-COM High Explosive charges, we defeat Dracula, and Lyla is promoted to Hero-rank. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-13 11 17206876 /tg/ Meta Quest 36 We go along with the narrative, trying to catch Strahd backstabbing us in some way. When he finally offers us tainted wine, and we get confirmation of its curse, we open up a 12-pack of whoopass on Strahd and his cronies. They were not prepared to face the Knights Inductor, or battlemechs, or First Age weapons forged by Elves. Strahd goes down like a chump to the two White Mages, and we make off with his gold and a rack of his finest wines. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-14 14 17216945 Humans are dead fantasy Continuation of old Age of Orc threads (17136450 & 17130263) age of orc , humans are dead , plague , no humans , setting 2011-12-15 1 17239971 /tg/ Meta Quest 38 Our Probe Droid reaches the Japan Meteorological Agency offices and makes contact with some scientists. We learn that there are insurgent forces fighting against Griffith's reign, and that Guts appears to be among them. In Antarctica, our Probe Droid there distinguishes itself, and VP-99 is almost ready to become a Hero. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk 2011-12-17 13 17273710 /tg/ Meta Quest 39 More information is collected about the World Pillar in Antarctica, and we have confirmation that Persona 4 characters are part of the insurgents. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-20 11 17284731 /tg/ Meta Quest 40 We begin setting up sniper positions in Tokyo as we make contact with the insurgent forces. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-21 10 17296729 /tg/ Meta Quest 41 We successfully convince Guts to work with us, and prepare to shake up Griffith's world. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-22 11 17306889 /tg/ Meta Quest 42 We begin the second battle of Tokyo, as magic and mutant flesh meets more magic and advanced technology. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-23 12 17316446 /tg/ Meta Quest 43 We defeated Griffith, only to realize that he was just a pawn. The true reality distortion anchor of Tokyo reveals itself. We begin heavily losing troops, and the Leopard dropship goes down. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-24 15 17325929 TG Quest: The Extended Cut Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest thread #43 after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. Discussion of what to tell the Persona heroes and plans for the Antarctic showdown with Ebon Night. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-26 6 January 2012 17397134 TG Quest: The Extended Cut -part 2 Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest: The Extended Cut after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. More discussion, Mostly heroes and mechs this time. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-04 6 17425874 /tg/ Meta Quest 44 We begin cleaning up after the battle against the Idea of Evil. While Cheryl continues her training, we have our Antarctica team attack the Greater Shoggoth in order to access the Old One research facility. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-05 11 17429885 /tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread post-44 The standard arguing of what to requisition and what is just stupid. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-05 6 17446362 /tg/ Meta Quest 45 The Command Crew is contacted by Igor, agent of Philemon, a powerful entity from the Persona Canon. He offers the Command Crew a Contract, and after much debate, the vote narrowly has us accepting. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-07 10 17450144 /tg/ Meta Quest 46 We open up one of the stasis chambers, only to fight a proto-Angel. We open the second stasis chamber, and find a shard of the World Pillar with Adam in fetus form inside. Translating the Elder Thing research reveals that they may have found the Lance of Longinus as well. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-07 10 17456343 TG Meta Quest planning thread part BLARGH Yet more debate over requisitions, and even a little over our current mission. MOST SHOCKING TWIST YET. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-09 6 17468187 /tg/ Meta Quest 47 As Cheryl interfaces with the World Pillar, Ebon Night takes exception to the Command Crew staying safe in orbit, and pulls them down to Antarctica for the final confrontation. Our calculations concerning our ability to defeat his defenses seem to have been...overly optimistic as we lose the entire White Mage Team. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-09 10 17471475 /tg/ Meta Quest 48 After the cataclysmic battle with Ebon Night and Cheryl initiating Second Impact, we awaken in the Kingdom of Zeal. However, it is revealed that this is only a semi-stable time echo, and we recruit the time ghost of Belthasar to aid us. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-09 11 17481740 /tg/ Meta Quest 49 We find that Gaspar and Tosh are locked up with the Mammon Machine, and we execute a daring breaching of the chamber. Queen Zeal proves that she's one tough boss, then the Mammon Machine brings something through. Ebon Night wants a rematch, and the /tg dice seem to have bet against us as our troops drop like flies. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-10 11 17485818 /tg/ Meta Quest 50 The crew of the TGS Oncoming Storm and their taskforce stand bloody and weary, but triumphant over Ebon Night and Queen Zeal. With their new allies, the three Gurus of Time, Life, and Reason, they refit the Blackbird into a trans-space ship and make their escape through the space-time rift eating the temporal echo of the Kingdom of Zeal. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-10 11 March 2012 18204910 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 14 Waiting for players. Waiting for player input. Bump for input. Still waiting for players. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Editors , Waiting , No players , Dead game , Zero participation , Bump for input , OP playing with himself 2012-03-05 5 18237435 Shadowrun Storytime 2 The continued story of a Shadowrun That Guy, now with more berserk troll. Shadowrun , That Guy , 2D , Dervish , Geppetto , DeadMan , Trout , Street Samurai , Hacker , Mage , Infiltrator 2012-03-07 93 May 2012 19112522 Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew /tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome. Mommy is sick , Daddy gets mad , My brother is dead , Mommy's Icky Friend , Divorced , Little Princess , Beaten , My Little Robot , Bad Touch , Jog Dad , Little Sunshine , In the System , Our Pride , Evil? , On Ritalin , Home Alone , Moving Again , I'm a Mistake 2012-05-16 22 19302239 Grimdark/Necromancer Apprentice Thread Started with a lowly peasantborn killing his abusive father to protect his sister and mother, face an unknown power, become a necromancer apprentice with unholy gentleman's nature Collective Game , Necromancer Apprentice Quest , Necromancer , Quest , Peasants , Gentlemen , Undead , Lich , BRAAAAAAIIINSSS 2012-05-31 8 19305370 The Necromancer's Apprentice part 2 Caim continues on his path as the Necromancer's apprentice, learning the secrets of how to manipulate souls
The creepy mask continues to creepy it up Collective Game , Necromancer Apprentice Quest , Necromancer , Quest , Peasants , Gentlemen , Undead , Lich , BRAAAAAAIIINSSS 2012-05-31 7 August 2012 20524386 Spriggan's Undead Chasm civilization! Part 3 We Mess around with artifacts, build our chasm into a respectable evil lair, and begin plaguing a city that outnumbers us more than 30 to 1. Collective game , Civilization , Spriggan , Civ , Necromancy , Undead 2012-08-30 0 September 2012 20549064 Spriggan's Undead Chasm civilization! Part 3.5 We do a bit of exploring and then the thread dies. Collective game , Civilization , Spriggan , Civ , Necromancy , Undead 2012-09-01 2 20612921 Spriggan's Undead Chasm civilization! Part 5 (There is no part 4, part 3.5 is it.) Collective game , Civilization , Spriggan , Civ , Necromancy , Undead 2012-09-06 0 20638499 Spriggan's Undead Chasm civilization! Part 6 We rummage through the city and set off for the mountains Collective game , Civilization , Spriggan , Civ , Necromancy , Undead 2012-09-08 2 20879390 Kender Suprise Our feeble attempt to fight back only made them stronger. Kenders , Pockets , only the dead can know peace from this evil 2012-09-27 40 October 2012 20948322 Lich's Employee Quest pt 2 Daniel goes off to deal with Roland the Red, and familiar faces pop up. Lich , Necromancer , Skeleton Quest , undead 2012-10-02 23 21015642 Lich's Employee Quest pt 5 Daniel find the city of Kerm, and makes a dynamic entry. skeleton quest , Hydra , Kerm , battle , demon , undead 2012-10-07 17 21046201 Undead Civ Game We start off in some ruins, and magic up. Collective Game , Alfonso , Civ Game , Civ , Game , Civilization Game , Civilization , Undead , Lich 2012-10-09 5 21090564 Crit Awesomeness >Roll to cheer up a child whose dad died
>crit fail
>"YOUR PARENTS ARE DEEEEEAD!" Funny , critical fail , YOUR PARENTS ARE DEAD 2012-10-13 20 21254509 Lich General: You'll Never Find My Phylactery A general thread discussing different approaches to lichdom, what to do with your immortal unlife, and shared ideas for phylacteries. Lich , Archlich , Phylactery , Necromancy , Undead 2012-10-23 2 21289582 Call to Adventure OP says his family died and left him a small fortune; he wants to do something with his life like the characters he plays. /tg/ has ideas. adventure , orphan , family , my parents are dead , batman 2012-10-26 25 November 2012 21495514 Modern Necromancy A girl gets hit by a car and resurrected; asks /tg/ for advice. /tg/ runs with it. roleplay , improv , worldbuilding , setting , necromancy , flesh golem , undead , modern fantasy 2012-11-09 6 December 2012 21861621 (Dead) King's Quest ??? After disappearing for years Mors returns to us! Perhaps the adventures of Duke Liuva and the fair kingdom of Tautila will continue. Quest , Undead , King , Skeleton , Court , Tautila 2012-12-03 27 21867380 Worm that walks variations "lobster that licks"
"but lobsters don't have tongues"
"indeed. Roll for san loss."
It only gets better from there. surreal , creepy , lol , undead , 2012-12-03 10 21950414 Necromancer Storytime OP tells a story of a necromancer. /tg/ starts off skeptical, but the thread quickly delves into awesome storytime. Necromancer , storytime , DnD , morality , undead, 2012-12-09 32 21999263 (Dead) King's Quest VI The good Duke learns of something Outside, and is resurrected again, this time from the foul curse of the Zlatan. Just in time, for Heva is at war. Quest , Undead , King , Skeleton , Court , Tautila , Collective Game , Dead King's Quest 2012-12-12 51 22037196 College Necromancy Courses In which advice is asked regarding the nature of and concepts for college-level courses on necromancy in a biased world. undead , necromancy , ideas , university , discussion , philosophy 2012-12-14 1 22072787 How to deal with a That GM OP's Barbarian is turned into a pregnant woman. Help and advice is given, hilarity and awesomeness suggestions ensue That GM , That guy , Crazy ideas , Awesome Ideas , Undead baby familiar mount, 2012-12-17 15 22116080 The paladin who killed Death A dumbass paladin decides to kill the Reaper to save everyone from death. This has its consequences. World-ruining consequences. DND , Paladins , Death , Undead , Alignment , Godkilling 2012-12-19 -10 January 2013 22359030 (Dead) King's Quest VII Mors returns from the holidays, and the Holy Duke once again takes Tautila's reins. We learn more of the nature of the Ur-Flesh. "The Viscountess is in love with the Black Thane." Quest , Undead , King , Skeleton , Court , Tautila , Collective Game , Dead King's Quest 2013-01-03 34 22839224 Forever Knight Quest A long imprisoned spirit regains his freedom. A knight in a villain's body takes revenge on his captor. Forever Knight Quest , Knight , Quest , Forever Knight , Forever , undead , lich , adventurers , Collective Game 2013-01-28 9 March 2013 23620098 Let's make a dungeon! OP provides a floor plan and proceeds to draw in every monster, trap, and treasure /tg/ can come up with. drawfriend , dungeon design , skeletons , aboleth , the real treasure was love , gygaxian traps , mimics , traps , uno the undead troll 2013-03-11 16 July 2013 25795660 Party Betrayal fa/tg/uy describes machiavellian plot to murder teammate's love interest, discovers teammate posted the same story earlier betrayal , worst part was , we , worked , with , fencer , rival , rivals , dead , blood 2013-07-05 8 25864623 What if you were a skeleton? /tg/ discusses their skeletal plans. Lulz and screaming forevers are had. skeleton , puns , funny , screaming forever , 2spooky , undead 2013-07-07 20 25875846 King in the North Quest He has arisen, with a thirst for vengeance. Lead to Lord Beric by Harwin. King in the North Quest , Collective Game , game of thrones , a song of ice and fire , undead , wolf , king , revenge , vengeance 2013-07-08 34 25916853 King in the North Quest Part 2 He has found two kin; one dead, one alive. one human, one wolf. King in the North Quest , Collective Game , game of thrones , a song of ice and fire , undead , wolf , king , revenge , vengeance 2013-07-10 20 25992922 Seven Deadly Waifus Quest OP gives as a story where we waifu satan, then everybody fights about the ending. Good read, but ending depends on reader. Seven Deadly Waifus Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy 2013-07-14 8 25997374 The King in the North Quest 3 We ambush some Freys and take a few notable hostages. King in the North Quest , Collective Game , game of thrones , a song of ice and fire , undead , wolf , king , revenge , vengeance 2013-07-14 11 25998145 Seven Deadly Waifus Quest: Part II The ending to the original quest. We save the girl, defeat god, and go through quite a bit o deus ex machina. Seven Deadly Waifus Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy 2013-07-14 16 26063481 Deadciv part I Undead Civthread. We get started on our undead legion, find a shrine to a death god and make ourselves a trusty mount Civilization , Undead , Collective Game , Deadciv 2013-07-17 7 26084677 Deadciv II We make a crack in the Hallowing, get a tome of advanced necromancy from Artak and use life transfer to save the hermit woman after she got herself impaled on Neyakla's antlers Collective Game , Deadciv , Civilization Thread , The Baron , Umhar 2013-07-18 6 26106314 Deadciv III The shamaness rises as a vampire, and Artak tells us to tame her and implies he'll do unpleasant things if we don't. He also teaches us a new spell. Collective Game , The Baron , Deadciv , Civilization 2013-07-19 5 26122431 Jerkoff Thread 52 Some more bitches die unnecessarily grimderp deaths. Collective Game , Joker Quest , Waifus , Slice of Life , Grimderp , Edgy , Mecha , Not mechas , Waifus , Dead Waifus , Waifu Wars , Waifus are really the main draw of the quest you know , Its written by a girl so you know its good! 2013-07-20 16 26179955 Stories of the board /tg/ comes forth with many new stories. Of course it's gonna get archived! story , stories , Undead , Necromancy , necromancer , storytime , DnD , 40k , Dark Heresy 2013-07-23 5 26300630 Deadciv IV This time we get started on getting the vampiress to come around, learn more about the village's past and do some magic research. Collective Game , Deadciv , The Baron , Civilization Thread 2013-07-29 5 August 2013 26403070 Deadciv V This thread, we talk a bit more to the vampiress, research an area holy resistance spell and take a look at the inside of the chapel. Deadciv , Collective Game , The Baron , Civilization Thread. 2013-08-03 5 26667057 Strike Witches '89 Quest: Deadliest Catch You are Cyril Raskova, a proud witch of the Soviet Air Force who ends up stranded in the perilous Bering Sea. Collective Game , Strike Witches 1989 , Strike Wtiches Deadliest Catch 2013-08-17 21 26684929 Strike Witches '89 Quest: Deadliest Catch part 2 Still reeling from the loss of her leg, Cyril now has to deal with being "captured" by a crew of Alaskan crab fishermen. Collective Game , Strike Witches 1989 , Strike Wtiches Deadliest Catch 2013-08-18 21 September 2013 27010157 DeadPool Quest #1 We meet Death, get our powers, get snkitbub as a mount, and make Francis dead. Also Mojitos Deadpool Quest , Collective Game , Mercenary , Marvel , X-men , Mojitos 2013-09-04 11 27073514 Deadpool Quest: Issue 2: Strange Brew In which we go searching for the good Doctor, do wheelies in a helicopter, and get the hell out of Weapon X's facility. Deadpool Quest , Collective Game , Mercenary , Marvel , X-men 2013-09-07 7 November 2013 28362785 The Eater of the Dead OP makes several foolish mistakes while playing Dominions 3, and unleashes an ever-growing eldritch horror upon an unsuspecting world. Fa/tg/uys watch its rampage in awe. Dominions 3 , apocalypse , undead , Ermor , PC game , OM NOM NOM 2013-11-19 149 December 2013 28971493 Adventure Seeker Deadman Quest 2 We get revived in the far future, then dunk a cyborg into a pit of acid. Collective Game , Quest , BLAME! , Deadman Quest 2013-12-20 6 January 2014 29220662 Goblin Quest III In which our Gobbo drops panties, learns to do various things, and place Ace Harding Collective Game , Goblin Quest? , Goblins , Caves , Quests , Learning , Dead Guys 2014-01-02 6 29414600 Human Ashes as Basing Material: How to Get Cursed and Annoy Dead Relatives One soon-to-be-haunted anon has the fantastic idea of using his dead father's remains as basing material. He also asks for other possible uses for the ashes of his dead family member. Respect for the Dead , Ghosts , Why , Cremation , Miniatures 2014-01-10 37 29445953 Nechronica Fast Chargen OP made a chargen guide for Nechronica, made three chars with /tg/. Chargen , Nechronica , Undead , Loli , Japan, 2014-01-13 11 29531073 Statting Isaac Clarke /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-16 24 29557219 Statting Isaac Clarke 2 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-17 14 29567205 Statting Isaac Clarke 3 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-18 17 29588343 Statting Isaac Clarke 4 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-19 10 29713801 Statting Isaac Clarke 6 Multiple stories and discussion continue. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-23 2 29847386 Statting Isaac Clarke: Many threads later Continuance of the previous threads Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-29 2 29870914 Nanoha FORCE Quest 2 In which the story is derailed and our hero ends up dead, with a white devil on his side. Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Dead End , White Devil , Terminator Mode, 2014-01-30 3 February 2014 30097372 Nanoha FORCE Quest 4 Curren rushes to save her new family member, while Tohma wakes up on a island and meets his hero. Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Dead End , White Devil , Cute Devil , Lost Island , Huckebein, 2014-02-09 4 30217280 Nanoha FORCE Quest 5 Where Tohma is killed, and meets a pair of Kaisers. Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Cute Devil , White Devil , Dead End , Kaisah Dojo , Magical Guy, 2014-02-14 3 30420960 Nanoha FORCE Quest 8 In which Tohma meets a pair of kings once again, fixes a hate machine's life, and makes a hard choice. Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Cute Devil , White Devil , Magical Guy , Dead End , Hard Choice , Huckebein , Best Girl , 2014-02-23 6 April 2014 31285376 Dead Gods Quest part 1 Elsa takes to the forest to track down a gang. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest, 2014-04-06 12 31419519 Dead Last Ninja Quest: 2 A young Ninja storms out of an important exam and lays out a mocking class-mate. He meets a girl that watches him from afar, after talking to a fence. Collective Game , Ninja , Dranule , Dead Last Ninja Quest 2014-04-12 3 31429476 Dead Gods Quest 2 Elsa awakens, with an audience and a new mission. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest, 2014-04-13 8 31411948 Fantasy Totalitarian State A discussion on how to create a fantasy totalitarianism results in the creation of necromantic Stalinism. Stalinism , Totalitarianism , Best Korea , Russia , Undead , Necromancy 2014-04-13 3 31551373 Dead Last Ninja Quest 5 Meet the sensei! Dead Last Ninja Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , leg day , ninja 2014-04-18 11 31565474 Dead Gods Quest 3 We talk to the Captain-General and debate revealing out true power to him. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest, 2014-04-19 6 31674829 Dead Last Ninja Quest: 5 The Dead Last Ninja tackles his last test for Genin! Collective Game , Ninja , Dranule , Dead Last Ninja Quest 2014-04-24 10 31714566 Dead Gods Quest 4 The tutorial officially ends, and Elsa begins her hunt for the conspirators. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest, 2014-04-26 6 May 2014 31872190 Dead Gods Quest 5.0 We start to prepare for the assault on Feathers until a bored mod decides to sabotage the thread. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest, 2014-05-03 6 32022710 Dead Gods Quest 6 Elsa takes down the first conspiracy member! Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest, 2014-05-10 6 32140848 Undead Civ Quest 2 part 2 of the undead civ qwest qwest undead fun Thandrion 2014-05-15 -2 32166824 Dead Gods Quest 7 R&R after the first successful hunt. We gather intel on a local cult. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest, 2014-05-17 6 32232855 Dead Last Ninja Quest: 8 Kakashi's verdict! Sakura's Disposition. And a Dead Last Ninja's triumph!
What is the fate of squad seven?! Collective Game , Ninja , Dranule , Dead Last Ninja Quest 2014-05-20 13 32288311 Halfling Quest Heilyn Gallagher got a message from her deceased father. She hates him, so she goes drinking instead of taking it seriously. Collective Game , Halfling Quest , Drunken Antics , Dead Fathers , Deadbeat Fathers 2014-05-23 8 32313096 Dead Gods Quest 8 Feathers' interrogation. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-05-24 5 32365226 Dead Last Ninja Quest: 9 Naruto has a fitful dream about his father, a stranger at his door, and another day to train himself to achieve his undisputed destiny of becoming greater than god! Collective Game , Ninja , Dranule , Dead Last Ninja Quest 2014-05-26 7 32465440 Dead Gods Quest 9 A riot breaks out across the entire city! Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-05-31 6 June 2014 32549509 Undead Elf Civ Quest Undead Elves following the path of the Death Goddess Iena. Undead Elf Quest , Collective Game , Civilization , Civilization Quest 2014-06-04 1 32616436 Dead Gods Quest 10 Elsa recuperates from losing her eyes and prepares to kill Hooks. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-06-07 5 32656527 Halfling Quest III: Wyrm Eater Heilyn copes with having just killed someone, and works towards escaping her father's "Training". Collective Game , Halfling Quest , Drunken Antics , Dead Fathers , Deadbeat Fathers , Massive CoC , Wyrm Eater 2014-06-08 4 32677555 Dead Gods Quest 11 minithread A short thread to catch people up Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-06-10 5 32762589 Dead Gods Quest 12 We let the rest of the family in on the secret and reconvene after the riot. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-06-14 5 32903923 Dead Gods Quest 13 We clean up the mess from last time and pick a new target. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-06-21 5 32923774 Dead Gods Quest 14 Elsa takes stock of the huge amount of stuff she captured and prepares her allies to fight a powerful Mage. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-06-21 6 33048819 Dead Gods Quest 15 Confronted with a mind-controller, Elsa digs in and prepares for battle. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-06-28 5 July 2014 33170184 Dead Gods Quest 16 minithread Elsa gears up to hunt for the next two mercenaries. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-07-04 5 33342141 Dead Gods Quest 17 Elsa prepares to kill the final two mercenaries in the conspiracy and level up twice in one thread! Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-07-12 5 33498912 Dead Gods Quest 18 Elsa decides which mercenary to pursue next. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-07-19 5 August 2014 33826951 Dead Gods Quest 19 Elsa assembles a team to pursue Wind-thief. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-08-02 5 33991230 Dead Gods Quest 20 After the huge revelations of the previous thread, Elsa gears up to go catch Wind-thief Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-08-09 5 34164199 Dead Gods Quest 21 Finally, Soutri's time has come. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-08-16 5 34326039 Dead Gods Quest 23 We meet the Spymaster and survey Soutri's hideyhole. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-08-23 3 34491117 Dead Gods Quest 24 Elsa recuperates from her killing spree. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-08-30 3 34511416 Dead Gods Quest 25 It's time for public speaking. Gods help us. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-08-30 3 September 2014 34656642 Dead Gods Quest 26 Elsa plots how to finish off the four living conspirators now that her cover is gone. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-09-06 3 34678822 Dead Gods Quest 27 Elsa meets with the families of the people she killed. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-09-06 3 34820350 Dead Gods Quest 28 Elsa attacks Forest's home base. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-09-13 3 34981399 Dead Gods Quest 29 Elsa heals up after the Forest battle and is asked to a ball. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-09-20 3 35135610 Dead Gods Quest 30 Elsa has to attend a ball. Mai'te's tears! Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-09-27 3 October 2014 35287988 Dead Gods Quest 31 Now, it's time to track down Moor. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-10-04 4 35436144 Dead Gods Quest 32 Elsa finishes rallying her allies to attack Moor. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-10-11 4 35592194 Dead Gods Quest 33 It's time to kill Moor. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-10-18 5 35734926 Dead Gods Quest 34 We've spurned a lot of allies. It's time to mend bridges. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-10-25 4 35820704 The Walking Persona Rider Quest, Part 1 A quest born of a conversation in QTG takes off. Collective Game , Kamen Rider , Persona , The Walking Dead , Zombies , 2014-10-29 0 35855806 The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E02 SOCIAL LINK GO! The Walking Persona Rider Quest , Collective Game , Kamen Rider , Persona , The Walking Dead , Shin Megami Tensei , MegaTen 2014-10-31 2 35877265 Dead Gods Quest 35 We select the order of our remaining targets, and prepare to kill them. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-10-31 3 November 2014 35916403 The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E03 The scavenging of the military base goes much worse than expected. The Walking Persona Rider Quest , Collective Game , Kamen Rider , Persona , The Walking Dead , Shin Megami Tensei , MegaTen , Zombies , Demons 2014-11-03 0 35979953 The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E04 Revelations about someone we thought we knew, and the arrival of Legion. The Walking Persona Rider Quest , Collective Game , Kamen Rider , Persona , The Walking Dead , Shin Megami Tensei , MegaTen , Zombies , Demons 2014-11-06 1 36020925 Dead Gods Quest 36 Elsa is saddled with a tremendous new task: keep her new demonic brother alive! Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-11-07 5 36015163 The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E05 Finally, the showdown with Legion! ...and Sariel? The Walking Persona Rider Quest , Collective Game , Kamen Rider , Persona , The Walking Dead , Shin Megami Tensei , MegaTen , Zombies , Demons 2014-11-08 0 36166730 Dead Gods Quest 37 After Kerin's return to his home, Elsa prepares for the final battle. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-11-15 3 36312829 Dead Gods Quest 38 The King and Kerin meet at last. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-11-22 3 36451114 Dead Gods Quest 39 Mercenaries, Sisters, and Al prepare to go find this damn mine. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-11-29 5 December 2014 36525061 Dead Gods Quest 40 We interview the Kotrick family and hire some more people for the attack. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-12-02 5 36590817 Dead Gods Quest 41 The crew visits Kerin again and starts planning for the final battle. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-12-06 5 36739917 Dead Gods Quest 41 We hit the road for the final attack. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-12-13 5 36761332 Victarian Mortas necromancer thread Mortas goes to parley with the goblins and a disaster befalls him and octavia Victarian Mortas , necromancy , collective game , civilization , goblins , undead , octavia 2014-12-14 2 36818416 Necromancer civ quest 4 We diplomance, learn new schools of magic, and qm crashes for the night. Leonin , Octavia , Collective game , necromancy , Civilization , Undead 2014-12-18 2 36864120 Dead Gods Quest 43 The allies sit down to plan the final attack. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-12-20 5 36990919 Dead Gods Quest 44: Epilogue With the last of the conspirators dead, our young Herald basks in victory and prepares for her final challenge. Collective game , Dead Gods Quest , Someone else. , fantasy , quest , elf 2014-12-27 5 January 2015 37166160 Feral Necromancer Quest 1 Necromancer in a tribal setting Necromancer , Collective Game , DeadQM 2015-01-05 39 37443856 Feral Necromancer Quest III Wherein living elves are bastards, and dead elves are bros. Collective Game , Feral Necromancer Quest , Necromancer , DeadQM 2015-01-18 26 37505338 Feral Necromancer Quest IV Wherein we nearly burn the forest down. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-01-20 26 37513547 Feral Necromancer Quest V Wherein we defeat improbable foes Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-01-21 23 37592772 Feral Necromancer Quest VI Wherein DeadQM is drunk Collective Game , Feral Necromancer Quest , Necromancer , DeadQM 2015-01-25 22 February 2015 37752832 Feral Necromancer Quest VII Wherein we timeskip, create a homunculus and NOPE. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-02-01 20 37785405 Blazblue Quest: Destiny's Herald BlazBlue Quest: Herald Of Destiny: 2/2/2015, 9 PM-12 AM
Ben Herald fights for the future (and a cute lieutenant) while stuck in a time loop. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-02-02 5 37906421 Feral Necromancer Quest VIII Wherein we visit the elves. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-02-08 21 37926686 Feral Necromancer Quest IX Wherein we visit the gnolls and practice alchemy Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-02-08 22 37938821 Blazblue Quest: Destiny's Herald Part 3 Ben Herald cuts one elevator shaft and becomes the richest man alive. Also Blazblue. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike , Elevator 2015-02-09 3 38225760 Feral Necromancer Quest X Wherein we go into the mountains. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-02-22 21 38255064 Blazblue Quest: Destiny's Herald 5 >Things have just gone from crazy to FUBAR, as the resident Plot Explainer has just given you a half-assed description of what's going on but never really explains anything.
>At least you have your waifu-to-be, Noel Vermillion, by your side. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-02-23 2 38361746 Blazblue Quest: Destiny's Herald 6 Things go off the rails both literally and figuratively. First use of Drive to do cool shit. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike , Train 2015-02-28 0 March 2015 38377969 Feral Necromancer Quest XI Wherein we make a major plot advancement happen. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-03-01 21 38542000 Feral Necromancer Quest XII Wherein we visit the humans and the servers die Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-03-08 20 38557220 Feral Necromancer Quest XII pt. 2 Wherein we live up to our name. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-03-08 21 38570825 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 7 The QM is still shit, Hazama is still evil, character development, side character gets screen time, more pep talks, yay! Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-03-09 2 38703433 Feral Necromancer Quest XIII Wherein Melandie is the only competent person in the party. Possibly the world. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-03-15 22 38749792 Feral Necromancer Quest XIV Wherein we are dickless, but finally grow some balls Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-03-17 27 38798688 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 8: Truth Be Told Edition Shit's gotten real as Ben begins the first day of his training. Unfortnately, this also means that he has sparred with Jin Kisaragi, who thought it would be a good idea to get in a fight while injured. Collective Game , Blazblue , Ben Herald , Quest , DeadSpike 2015-03-19 3 38852773 Feral Necromancer Quest XV Wherein we bear unbearable misfortunes. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-03-22 22 39019084 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 8: Not This Shit Again Edition Get it? Because it's the second number 8?
...fuck you, that's hilarious.
But for reals, filler until suddenly monster from the void. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-03-30 1 April 2015 39165877 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 10: Double-Digits Edition Arakune gets stomped like a bitch, finished off by a Distortion Drive. Now Colonel Clover is coming from Ben's hometown to check on the monster. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-04-06 1 39314122 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 11: Drawfag Delivers Editio More filler and character development. Tsubaki may or may not have gotten the D from Jin. Plus, that goddamn loli vampire insists you call her 'Mom'. Yeah. Shit gets weird. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-04-13 3 39456336 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 12: REEEEEEEEE Edition Ben is pretty much set up to be fucked, both in the good way, with Noel, and the bad way, by Relius. Speaking of Relius, he knows where Ben lives and who to hurt in case Ben AWOLs.
Not good. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-04-20 2 39598270 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 13: He Blinded Me with Science Edition You consider a job offer from Tsubaki's father and how to deal with Relius. Also, your console is acting up for some reason. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-04-27 1 May 2015 40003955 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 14: Back From the Boundary Edition Ben talks down Iron Tager and Kokonoe, negotiating a truce to find and kill Hazama in exchange for Kokonoe handing over Ragna the Bloodedge.
Also, Jin and Tsubaki background drama. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-05-17 1 40025096 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 15: Politics As Usual After pissing off Tsubaki, Jin, and Byakuga, Ben Herald goes drinking with Newton, punches some punks, and then reunites with his... uh... long... lost... father. Kinda. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-05-18 1 40102092 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 16: Ragna the Bloodedge Walks Into a Bar Edition. Ben Herald successfully fights Ragna the Bloodedge, who is now captured.
And then the bad jokes sart happening. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Hero of the NOL , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-05-22 2 40173120 Dark Prince Quest Episode 1: The Jail Astar, former prince of the Empire of Thoden, decides to escape the prison he's been locked in for two years. Amazingly, he does just that. Dark Prince Quest , Collective Game , jail , escape , undead , Chimera 2015-05-25 21 40187770 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 17: Just As Planned Edition. Byakuga and Ben argue over Tsubaki being engaged to Ben and forgeries. Then Relius shows up, and then Terumi shows up, and now Terumi is being a prick par for the course. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-05-26 2 40278533 Undead States of America 1 Divided and overrun by zombies, America faces its greatest challenge Collective Game , Undead States of America 2015-05-30 3 40299134 Dead Guy Quest 1 - Dance with the Devil When you die, you get a chance to play a game for your soul. Today, death is busy, ad his replacement isn't a genius. Collective Game , Dead Guy Quest 2015-05-31 1 June 2015 40334987 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 18: Get Up To Rock Edition After ignoring Hazama's usual bullshit, you actually set up a plan- after managing to dodge a trap set up by Relius. We slice of life now- at least for next session. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-06-02 2 40351720 Lost Primarch Quest 7 We continue on our way and then Kraven dies before final post Collective Game , Lost Primarch Quest , Eleventh , Primarch , STC , Dead , Hive 2015-06-03 8 40440543 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 19: Total Recall Edition Awkward wake-up-naked talk after nightmare. We meet Makoto Nanaya for the first time and get to see Hiruko Yayoi's birth. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-06-07 1 40497082 Feral Necromancer Quest XVI Wherein we do some construction work and do Tepish Diplomacy Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-06-10 20 40506172 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 20: Road Trip Edition After discussing the schedule, Ben and his allies leave for Iwatsuchi. Then Ben checks out the prisoners being held and finds Litchi, ending the fight with a well-placed Sonic Sniper attack. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-06-10 3 40579903 Feral Necromancer Quest XVII Wherein we fight a duel and plan a feast Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-06-14 20 40652099 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest Special Edition: End of Part 1 Some recap, as well as some poems from Noel and a question-answer session with the Ghost Grimoire. Next time we get back to the action. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-06-17 2 40715473 Feral Necromancer Quest XVIII Wherein we hold an epic feast and fight a terrible battle Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-06-21 20 40615049 Undead hunters Anon asks is there a way to write a good, decent and/or original backstory for a character that hunts the undead. fluff , hunter , mercenary , oc , original content , smite , undead 2015-06-23 3 40790158 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest Part 21: Chinese Prostitute Edition After schooling Jin on safety measures, you take a field trip in your own mind to prepare for Iwatsuchi. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-06-24 3 July 2015 40935522 Blazblue: Herald of Destiny Quest 22: Past and Premonitions Edition Arrival in Iwatsuchi, from which we promptly take a feel trip when we get to the orphanage, followed by a revelation as to what happened to *this* timeline's Ben Herald. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-07-01 3 41084340 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest Part 23: Choices and Consequences Edition Less to do with the title than one might think.
After deciding to stick it out with the Major, the story follows Ben meeting General Mutsuki and then his secret club. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-07-08 4 41264630 Feral Necromancer Quest XIX Wherein we go on a rampage and meet a god Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-07-17 15 41305437 Feral Necromancer Quest XX Wherein we bury a friend Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-07-19 14 41310294 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest Part 24: Allies and Adversaries Edition Dealing with women can be so difficult sometimes, especially when one is programmed to fuse with you and make you two into a monster of destruction.
The ride picks up, and it is a little insane at times. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-07-19 2 41464384 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest Part 25: Combat and Casualties Edition The thread where, ironically, nobody actually dies. However, one fight by Noel with Relius later, we go to lunch and meet up with Noel's father, who tells us about assassins. Collective Game , Ben Herald , Blazblue , Dead Spike 2015-07-26 3 August 2015 41607813 Feral Necromancer Quest XXI Wherein we go into the sea and into the desert Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-08-02 14 41731551 Feral Necromancer Quest XXII Part 1 Wherein we follow the desert elves Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-08-08 11 41736039 Feral Necromancer Quest XXII Part 2 Wherein we visit the desert elves Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-08-08 12 41872982 Feral Necromancer Quest XXIII Wherein we traverse the desert. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-08-15 12 42092271 Feral Necromancer Quest XXIV Wherein we meet another god and Lathrien goes through some changes Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-08-26 15 42129549 Bone Quest In which we choose the path of bones, we make a magic crystal admit we are awesome and we meet an agender elemental. Skeleton , Quest , Hadrian Thew , Bones , Undead 2015-08-28 5 42075588 Of roleplaying as christian missionaries and saints Anon asks for a system to roleplay as a priest or missionary, /tg/ delivers and discusses and even creates some OC. demon , exorcism , fluff , GOD , oc , priest , smite , undead 2015-08-28 3 42171543 Feral Necromancer Quest XXV Wherein we find where the spiders come from Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-08-30 11 42176612 Feral Necromancer Quest XXV Part 2 Wherein oh god, so many spiders Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-08-30 11 September 2015 42759570 Feral Necromancer Quest XXVI Wherein we become the hero of what remains of the dwarven kingdoms Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-09-28 12 42780325 The B&hammer drops on virtualoptim. Notorious tripfag shitposter catches a public permaban. /tg/ rejoices ding dong virt is dead 2015-09-29 45 October 2015 42894004 Death Among the Stars Quest 2 The colony of Horizon's Drop gets new visitors from the Osjiic Empire, Jadyk begins hunting the local wildlife lich , sci-fi , space opera , undead , fantasy 2015-10-05 25 42907269 Feral Necromancer Quest XXVII Wherein we find some kobolds. Oh and a dracolich. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-10-06 13 42964341 Death Among the Stars Quest 3 Jadyk deals with a group of Osjiic soldiers and learns more about them and the Galaxy. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-09 23 43000568 Feral Necromancer Quest XXVIII Wherein elves elf elves Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-10-11 12 43002507 Death Among the Stars Quest 4 Jadyk leads his newly created troops in an attack against an Osjiic outpost, hunts some more, creates several new types of weapons, and grows his forces some more. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-11 22 43093720 Death Among the Stars Quest 5 The much-talked about Pirates make an appearance and Jadyk is there to help them up when they are shot down. Jadyk makes new minions and discovers a new threat or possible opportunity quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-16 21 43125839 Feral Necromancer Quest XXIX Wherein we prepare for the greatest battle of our time Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-10-18 11 43130020 Death Among the Stars Quest 6 Osjiic and Dagger Pirate forces are scouted and raids launched on both. The Pirates are tricked into attacking the Osjiic. Jadyk and his forces then lead an attack against the base while the time is opportune quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-18 21 43222657 Death Among the Stars Quest 7 Jadyk reaches out for the Wormstar and senses...something. New weapons and a new force for his army are created. The Osjiic are whittled down and a safehouse constructed. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-23 21 43260445 Death Among the Stars Quest 8 The colony and Osjiic fall before the might of Jadyk. A powerful ally is created and many things researched by the insatiable Think Tank in preparation for returning enemy fleets. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-25 21 43279702 Feral Necromancer Quest XXX Wherein we break the human army and nearly break the land. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-10-26 11 43357512 Death Among the Stars Quest 9 The new fleet grows and learns more adaptions taken from the world. Jadyk receives a visit from the mysterious Masked entity. The undead go to the moon! quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-30 26 November 2015 43489122 Death Among the Stars Quest 10 Jadyk learns more about the history of his old ally while preparing his forces for the incoming fleets. Jadyk finds he has a talent for puns. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-11-06 21 43525788 Death Among the Stars Quest 11 The Osjiic and Dagger fleets arrive within the system and launch into a fierce battle. Jadyk sabotages and tricks the fighters before ambushing them himself and claiming the survivors for his growing empire. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-11-08 21 43540673 Feral Necromancer Quest XXXI Wherein we deal with the consequences of the battle. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-11-09 11 43612721 Death Among the Stars Quest 12 The survivors of the conquered fleets give a short history and insight into their cultures and the state of the galaxy. Jadyk personally visits the scorched planet to investigate the mysterious alien ruins. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-11-13 21 43642570 Feral Necromancer Quest XXXII Wherein we become immortal. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-11-15 13 43643541 Death Among the Stars Quest 13 Jadyk receives a visit and gift from the Masked. Encounters an alien device. Speaks with the Sunscale and learns more of his past. Jadyk's inner circle grows. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-11-15 21 43760118 Death Among the Stars Quest 14 Contact is made with the Plainsrunners. Nekris is sent to explore a nearby system with the first spaceship. Explores an asteroid belt and a moon, discovers strange and deadly aliens. Jadyk enhances the Think Tanks and sends the living to work to earn their keep. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-11-22 18 December 2015 43934165 Death Among the Stars Quest 15 Nekris continues his investigation of the nearby system, discovering an ancient crashed frigate. Jadyk speaks with the Osogo leader for the first time. Much kelp is grown. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-02 17 43970661 Death Among the Stars Quest 16 Jadyk's Generals yearn for battle and conflict and he agrees with their sentiments. Nekris excavates a crashed ship while Agona begins establishing the first off-system outpost. Eyegores are sent to scout nearby systems, discovering something quite strange in a hazardous system. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-04 16 44000395 Feral Necromancer Quest XXXIII Wherein we have a slice of life Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-12-05 10 44006553 Death Among the Stars Quest 17 Nekris inspects a new world and saves a group of locals from the native wildlife, bringing them to Jadyk for a talk. An Eyegore scout moves too close to a world and become the first casualty in dealing with the Confederacy. Think Tanks create aquatic troops to explore alien oceans. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-06 14 44097319 Death Among the Stars Quest 18 On the planet Rukor the Predator Nekris comes under attack by a new enemy. The waters turn dangerous and Nekris prepares to hunt. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-11 15 44131972 Feral Necromancer Quest XXXIV Wherein we meet orcs and dryads. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2015-12-13 11 44135453 Death Among the Stars Quest 19 Agona witnesses a bizarre monster and Nekris hunts down the Sunscale Divers, launching into battle. Jadyk assists with research and builds up defenses. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-13 14 44271638 Death Among the Stars Quest 20 An Eyegore scout witnesses a battle between the Osjiic and Ahkam forces. Armies are built for the Generals and Lorgul begins work on a new ship. Agona expands her grasp on the stonestar moon. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-20 15 44449662 Death Among the Stars Quest 21 Jadyk commands his generals to launch their campaigns sabotaging and attacking the Ahkam worshiping aliens and watches a visitor to the strange planet overgrown with plantlife quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-30 11 44469507 Death Among the Stars Quest 21.5 Jadyk returns the Ructu to their home with gifts and knowledge. Contact is made with the plant-manipulating Armatocere and plans for a formal introduction. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-31 11 January 2016 44528483 Death Among the Stars Quest 22 Capitol ship research is completed. The sudden appearance of an Ahkam fleet in orbit over the world of Rukor leads to new developments. Nekris starts a guerrilla war against the Ahkam forces and Lorgul completes work on his personal ship. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-03 14 44564206 Feral Necromancer Quest XXXV Wherein we watch ourselves around elves. Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-01-05 11 44630173 Undead Civ 1 Yorik Darkemind washes up, recruits a vampire and some zombies. The natives attack. Collective Game , Undead , Lich Pirate King Quest 2016-01-08 1 44643729 Undead Civ 2 In which natives are slaughtered Collective Game , Undead , Lich Pirate King Quest 2016-01-09 2 44675582 Death Among the Stars Quest 23 Advancements in technology are made, numbers crunched. Nekris terrorizes the Ahkam. Jor is sent as a diplomat to meet the Armatocere quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-10 13 44741877 ProxyQuest Part Three You find an actual use for your watch, experience some heart-pounding switch-flipping action, and hope not to be eaten. collective game , drawquest , proxyquest , LIS , scifi , amnesiac soldier , adventure game , power management , dead dude 2016-01-13 2 44777807 Death Among the Stars Quest 24 Jadyk remembers the past. Introductions and trade are made between the Necrotic Armada and it's "allies" quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-15 13 44822904 Death Among the Stars Quest 25 The New Necrotic Armada launches an ambush on the Ahkam force investigating their destroyed ships boarding them in a vicious battle. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-17 14 44852820 Trench Quest #1 Where WW1 is still going, the protagonist gets resurrected as a Trench Walker and butchers the enemy. Trench_Quest WW1 Sci-fi Collective_Game undead 2016-01-18 4 44926441 Death Among the Stars Quest 26 Jadyk speaks with a new ally. A Leviathan appears on Rukor. A new Necrolyte Legion is formed. Much research is gained quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-22 12 44966726 Death Among the Stars Quest 27 Plainsrunners continue their pilgrimage. Eyegores report their findings on new systems and the Necrolyte Legion is sent to invesigate one. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-24 12 45075422 Death Among the Stars Quest 28 Nekris observes the Necrolyte Legion and their efforts to take control of the derelict military facility from its reanimated guards. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-29 14 45117835 Death Among the Stars Quest 29 Jadyk takes on new recruits. Research is traded and much is gained from the Confederate Facility. Jadyk and Nekris go fishing. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-31 11 February 2016 45221035 Death Among the Stars Quest 30 The Beast of Rukor is tracked and guided home. Stonestars progress rapidly and traps are planned. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-05 11 45264259 Death Among the Stars Quest 31 The Lich-Lord makes a bet with the Masked. Think Tanks excel. A child is welcomed and Marked. Decoy attacks are made. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-07 16 45364435 Death Among the Stars Quest 32 The Armada prepares for the upcoming battles. Refugees are taken in, much infrastructure made, and strange undead met. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-12 13 45405395 Death Among the Stars Quest 33 Aid is given to the Ructu with help from the Armatocere. Jor meets the Plainsrunners. Plots against your enemies are well in motion. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-14 13 45501608 Death Among the Stars Quest 34 Jadyk speaks with the Armatocere about common enemies and makes even more trades of knowledge. Profane experiments are planned. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-19 14 45642465 Death Among the Stars Quest 35 Jadyk deals with some trespassers personally and learns more about the motives of his adversaries quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-26 13 45687193 Death Among the Stars Quest 36 Machinations come to fruition, the Osjiic and Ahkam fleets guided into conflict and the Necrotic Generals show of spectacularly quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-28 23 March 2016 45762952 Feral Necromancer Quest XXXVI Wherein we deal with prisoners Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-03-03 10 45824015 Death Among the Stars Quest 37 Jadyk speaks with his captives and converts several into new powerful forms. A long-term project finally completes and another backfires. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-03-06 15 45968491 Death Among the Stars Quest 38 The new Generals launch their first attacks, the Legion fighting by their side. The Osogo join the Colony and Jadyk meets an old friend quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-03-13 13 46231065 Death Among the Stars Quest 39 The Flagship awakens, your Generals see to their missions. Jadyk chats with the Lavafather and makes a deal. Meets the Blackscales. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-03-25 12 46276124 Death Among the Stars Quest 40 Jadyk attempts to show off his telekinetic might in a spectacular way but gets interrupted by partycrashing lizards. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , game 2016-03-27 13 April 2016 46382106 Death Among the Stars Quest 41 The Fury of the Wormstar finally becomes operable, and the Blackscales are recruited. Short thread because GraveQM sick. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , Collective Game 2016-04-01 12 46422083 Death Among the Stars Quest 42 The lost Voidsinger is found; Dominator Valresko is born from the remains of Solar-Blessed Glucors; and the capital city is populated. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , Collective Game 2016-04-03 11 46532307 Death Among the Stars Quest 43 Dominator Valresko interrogates his former comrades. Trades are made and planned with the Armatocere. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-08 12 46676916 Death Among the Stars Quest 44 Jadyk welcomes the Ructu to Horizon's Drop and departs to aid the Armatocere. The Masked stop by for a chat. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-15 12 46719523 Death Among the Stars Quest 45 War has come to the home systems of the New Necrotic Armada while Jadyk is away. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-17 15 46859556 Feral Necromancer Quest XXXVII Wherein we negotiate with Pernites Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-04-24 7 46866131 Death Among the Stars Quest 46 The Ahkam are driven from Bastion and Jor meets the Daggers face to face. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-24 13 May 2016 47063208 Feral Necromancer Quest XXXVIII Wherein we take the God of Knowledge and Magic for a ride Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-05-03 8 110836 Undead Champion Quest 01 An abomination against nature, an undead little girl, wakes up and escapes a dark place with her new servant. Slow in Hex fashion. Undead Champion Quest,fantasy,BQOP,Hexer,undead 2016-05-15 1 115647 Genocide Quest, part 2 The battle wages on inside the Great tree. What dark rituals could be taking place? What horrors will Leo and Thea find waiting ahead? Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore 2016-05-15 7 134169 Genocide quest, part 3 Demons in the great tree? the battle continues against the dark forces in a desperate attempt to shut the portal atop the tree. Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore 2016-05-18 5 148774 Genocide Quest, Part 4 A new companion, A new enemy, another town full of monsters. but where are the corpses? Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore 2016-05-22 5 47388479 Feral Necromancer Quest XXXIX Wherein it all ends Feral Necromancer Quest , Feral Necromancer , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-05-23 6 47446534 Red Throat Ghoul Quest: Recap Jyoti returns to tell the tale of the Red Throat Ghouls collective game , red throat ghoul quest , undead , ghoul , graveqm , 2016-05-26 5 47442369 original undead monster worldbuilding /tg/ worldbuilders invent original types of undead. Nightmare fuel ensues. undead , zombie , body horror , monsters , worldbuilding, 2016-05-26 10 173929 Genocide Quest, Part 5 Fight, new friend Lisa, lucky Duncan, luckier Leo. Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore 2016-05-27 5 189519 Genocide Quest, Part 6 A night to remember, Leo in a duel with Duncan, a natural 100, and another peaceful day behind them. What will the next day bring? Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore,Romance 2016-05-30 4 June 2016 210554 Genocide Quest, Part 7 A strange dream? or an ill omen. The general orders the unthinkable, while Leo becomes suspicious. What could the truth be? Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore,Romance , Boo , Bee 2016-06-06 4 47685771 Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 1 A hiatus is ended and the Tribe observed. A sighting of an old friend leads to a fateful meeting and an Enlightened must fast her guilt. quest , ghoul , fantasy , horror , undead , red throat ghoul quest , collective game 2016-06-09 5 47762522 Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 2 Investigations into the Rippers begins. A new Enlightened is welcomed and diplomacy attempted with old prey. quest , ghoul , fantasy , horror , undead , red throat ghoul quest , collective game 2016-06-14 7 249192 Hill Giant Civ Quest Part II The Cewri Tribe pisses off the humans, gets raided a bunch, kicks the shit out of the raiders. Praise be to Lava Mama and Stronk Dad! hill , giant , civ , quest , II , 2 , hill giant civ quest , collective game , civilization , lava mama , stronk dad , swatrock , dead humans 2016-06-15 4 47915157 Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 3 Rain falls on Meldric as the Ghouls hunt and search for their enemies. New mysteries are discovered and cruel experiments are continued. quest , ghoul , fantasy , horror , undead , red throat ghoul quest , collective game 2016-06-23 5 48015314 Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 4 Fear and Claw have a meeting with the Lord-Governor while the Ghouls discover they are not alone at the mansion. quest , ghoul , fantasy , horror , undead , red throat ghoul quest , collective game 2016-06-29 3 July 2016 48082160 Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 5 The Tribe meets with the Snapped Anvil to discuss their futures and get a potential convert and Fang bribes the goblins to help the tribe quest , ghoul , fantasy , horror , undead , red throat ghoul quest , collective game 2016-07-03 2 48199724 Death Among the Stars Quest 47 The Voidknight Disciples runs afoul of a new world while attempting to prepare for their return home quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-10 11 349245 unDead Quest You awake from a dirt nap and proceed to steal someone's name. unDead Quest , Drawquest , Fantasy , Original Setting 2016-07-13 3 332478 Undead Civ Quest #1 The start of the undead civ quest, they find out theres a bad dude in the basement, and most living people seem to hate them. Civ Quest , Undead 2016-07-14 2 341025 Undead Civ Quest #2 the second part, they kill the dude in the basement and absorb him, they also make friends with another empires which isnt really alive. Civ Quest , Undead 2016-07-14 1 48280693 Death Among the Stars Quest 48 The Disciple must escape the vengeful natives of the alien world and find a place to hide. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-15 8 367460 Undead Civ Quest #3 We fuck about with researching new undead while the dryads and humans call for reinforcements, we also find out the slimes worship us. Civ Quest , Undead 2016-07-16 1 48312095 Death Among the Stars Quest 49 Jadyk leads his fleet against the invading UON forces attacking the Armatocere. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-17 9 373406 unDead Quest 2 Friends and enemies find you underground. unDead Quest , Drawquest , Fantasy , Original Setting 2016-07-22 1 48410322 Death Among the Stars Quest 50 The Voidknight Disciple learns about this strange world, interrogates his guests and receives a challenge. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-23 7 396714 unDead Quest 3 You reach Ardor. Accidentally. unDead Quest , Drawquest , Fantasy , Original Setting 2016-07-25 2 48476311 Death Among the Stars Quest 51 Jadyk returns to Iti'a'Ropku to initiate new necromancers and to reunite with a changed General. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-27 9 424086 unDead Quest 4 You get involved in something you shouldn't have. unDead Quest , Drawquest , Fantasy , Original Setting 2016-07-31 1 48541397 Death Among the Stars Quest 52 Jadyk delivers a warning to Jor. Prisoners are given a choice and soldier reaffirms their loyalty. The Blackscale move in as well. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-31 7 August 2016 48551561 Urban Warlock Quest I Sand, Bones, Neon, and a Faerie Lady Urban Warlock Quest , Urban Warlock , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-08-01 37 48628714 Death Among the Stars Quest 53 The Disciple discovers a strange hidden village and a unique member of the native race and enact a plan to free them from captivity. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-05 11 48661610 Death Among the Stars Quest 54 A secret truth is revealed by a close ally and ruins bearing the sign of an old ally discovered. Jadyk speaks to many people. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-07 11 48670599 Urban Warlock Quest II Larceny, Trade, Terror and a Heist Urban Warlock Quest , Urban Warlock , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-08-07 25 48705024 Urban Warlock Quest III Witchcraft, Wizardry, Cocktails and a Spell of Protection Urban Warlock Quest , Urban Warlock , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-08-09 25 48833545 Death Among the Stars Quest 55 Jadyk has a very intimate conversation with a bunch of trees and shrubs, making new friends. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-17 12 48907227 Death Among the Stars Quest 56 After choosing to move their main base to a more secluded location the Disciple encounters an enemy and speaks to the void-touched native quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-21 13 488522 unDead Quest 5 Minor turbulence on an airship ride. unDead Quest , Drawquest , Fantasy , Original Setting 2016-08-22 1 48936123 Urban Warlock Quest IV Fire, Guns and Faerie Law Urban Warlock Quest , Urban Warlock , DeadQM , Collective Game 2016-08-22 21 469289 DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN A tabletop quest with a group of small sized adventurers!
The group is trying to relax after the last adventure, but danger is afoot! tabletop , diminutive dungeon delvers , adventurers , undead , skeletons , rpg , mage , rogue , paladin , demons , minibosses , humor 2016-08-23 3 515509 unDead Quest 6 An unwanted reunion awaits. unDead Quest , Drawquest , Fantasy , Original Setting 2016-08-29 1 500815 DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN part 2 Continuation of WoNN. The group fights its way through more undeads and face off against the cause of the invasion tabletop , diminutive dungeon delvers , adventurers , undead , skeletons , rpg , mage , rogue , paladin , demons , minibosses , humor , succubus 2016-08-31 2 September 2016 49155787 Death Among the Stars Quest 57 Jadyk returns home and discusses matters with his Generals and retreats into meditation. Jor must make a big decision for the Armada quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-09-04 8 534413 unDead Quest 7 Visit to Acies. unDead Quest , Drawquest , Fantasy , Original Setting 2016-09-11 2 November 2016 806798 City of Souls Quest Part 1 You discovered your name is Tallia, were joined by the spirit of your deceased dog, and have successfully beheaded another ghoul. City of Souls , MostlyDead , Tallia , Quest 2016-11-12 1 December 2016 50452300 Statting Isaac Clarke 8 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion and stories ensue. The eighth thread, now with added Martian! Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-04 8 909215 What Came Next We die. We also like Crusading and Films. Then we wake up in a weird place and get our afterlife together. Collective Game , Scarlet , Inpu , Hidoi , Starborn , Star , Betty , Afterlife , Dead , Crusader , Film , Murdered , Slums 2016-12-08 4 50535654 Statting Isaac Clarke 9 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-09 3 50597982 Statting Isaac Clarke 10 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-11 3 948903 Death Among the Stars Quest 58 GraveQM returns from the dead. A lot of stuff goes down and resource systems discussed quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-12-18 12 50721232 Statting Isaac Clarke 11 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-21 3 50797896 Statting Isaac Clarke 12 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-26 2 979465 Dead Space Quest #1 A security officer has his first encounters with necromorphs and unitology cultists. Collective Game , Dead Space Quest , Dead Space 2016-12-28 8 980016 Death Among the Stars Quest 59 The Necrotic Armada launches its first true invasion against the Osjiic system B'Nan already in the midst of an invasion by the Ahkam quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-12-28 13 983407 Dead Space Quest #2 Two succesful missions and a big failure that leads the protagonist close to death. Collective Game , Dead Space Quest , Dead Space 2016-12-30 3 50872592 Statting Isaac Clarke 13 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-30 5 990903 Dead Space Quest #3 After waking from a coma the protagonist meets up with other survivors and begins preparing an escape. Collective Game , Dead Space Quest , Dead Space 2016-12-31 3 January 2017 1004729 Dead Space Quest #4 The protagonist and his team defeat a large group of cultists and return to base. Collective Game , Dead Space Quest , Dead Space 2017-01-04 4 1015534 Death Among the Stars Quest 60 Jadyk meets with the Caretaker as Jor recovers. The Armada continues its invasion of Kanda quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-07 7 50944677 Statting Isaac Clarke 14 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2017-01-07 2 1011304 Dead Space Quest #5 The cultist's leader is finally defeated. Collective Game , Dead Space Quest , Dead Space 2017-01-08 2 51062658 Statting Isaac Clarke 15 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2017-01-08 2 1022732 Dead Space Quest #6 The team finally leaves Heinlein station. Collective Game , Dead Space Quest , Dead Space 2017-01-12 3 51080741 Statting Isaac Clarke 16 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2017-01-12 2 1032269 Dead Space Quest #7 A great betrayal occurs. Collective Game , Dead Space Quest , Dead Space 2017-01-13 2 1040520 Death Among the Stars Quest 61 The invasion of Kanda progresses under Valresko's command. The Harbinger is sent to parlay with the Pirate Clans quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-14 9 1038492 Dead Space Quest #8 More betrayal, memory loss, therapy and blowing up a government building. Collective Game , Dead Space Quest , Dead Space 2017-01-15 2 1057422 Dead Space Quest #9 Phil plays operator for a few missions. Collective Game , Dead Space Quest , Dead Space 2017-01-21 2 1073715 Death Among the Stars Quest 62 The Armada lays siege to the last strongholds of Kanda. Pirates give their answers quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-22 8 1084879 Dead Space Quest #10 Interrogation, acquiring a Cargo Hauler as a new base and baiting drug dealers Collective Game , Dead Space Quest , Dead Space 2017-01-26 2 1100852 Death Among the Stars Quest 63 The Invasion of Kanda slowly draws closer to an end while Jor returns home after his trials. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-29 6 February 2017 51490413 original liches /tg/ brainstorms alternate forms of lichdom. lich , undead , worldbuilding, 2017-02-02 0 1128083 Death Among the Stars Quest 64 Jadyk takes stock of the Armada and interacts with his living subjects quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-05 7 1152849 Death Among the Stars Quest 65 Jadyk welcomes the Arc Butchers to the Armada and scouts various star systems. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-12 8 1175081 Death Among the Stars Quest 66 Valresko debates with the Blackscale Cabal while Jadyk deploys humanitarian aid to the Refuge system to combat an undead outbreak quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-19 6 1209564 Death Among the Stars Quest 67 The Necrolytes arrive to rescue the living of Refuge. Eiton investigates Worllunan and the Solar Arbiters are created quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-27 9 March 2017 1230721 Death Among the Stars Quest 68 Reconstruction is attempted on an unsuspecting Clone, the Armada's population grows, and Jadyk inducts the ructu into the necrotic practice quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-03-05 7 1260840 Death Among the Stars Quest 69 The Armada launches multiple raids against its enemies and explores alien worlds quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-03-14 12 1280139 Death Among the Stars Quest 70 Further raids against the enemies of the Armada are conducted and Jadyk has a violent reunion with an old ally quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-03-19 15 April 2017 1325659 Death Among the Stars Quest 71 A new Armadan city is finally opened on Rukor and Jadyks favored living subjects begin a dangerous mission quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-02 12 1349170 Death Among the Stars Quest 72 Jadyk has an illuminating conversation with an important captive and the Wayward Disciple has luck in his hunt. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-09 9 1369205 Death Among the Stars Quest 73 Nekris beings a new hunt for exotic monstrosities while the Commander and Jor confront the source behind the Refuge crisis quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-16 8 1399268 Death Among the Stars Quest 73.2 A special thread dedicate to Necromancer Jor and the Necrolyte Commander tracking down the source of the Refuge Crisis quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-25 10 1414014 Death Among the Stars Quest 74 The future of Refuge is discussed by many and the Armada tends to its wounded quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-30 7 May 2017 1434391 Death Among the Stars Quest 75 Jadyk and Jor fight to save the minds of loyal soldiers while the Wayward Disciple initiates their plans against the Council quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-05-07 9 1456781 Death Among the Stars Quest 76 The Armada plots for war while welcoming newly risen Immortals into their ranks. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-05-14 8 1460029 deadquest chapter one you are dead. you ate a lot of worms and hunted down a fleshy pile of rags. dead , deadquest , skeleton , drawings , death , fun , rags 2017-05-18 1 1483260 Death Among the Stars Quest 76.2 The Armada strikes against the Ahkam while the Wayward Disciple launches their own efforts against the Councils forces quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-05-22 9 June 2017 1532387 Death Among the Stars Quest 77 Tlacex and Ruscuv return victorious from their conquests and the Armada takes stock quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-06-04 7 1592647 Monster Quest Pt:1 We begin our quest to become the biggest baddest monster. Zeldren the wisp gains knowledge and meets a loli Undead , Wisp , Collective game , Burden , Quest , Monster 2017-06-22 14 1609562 Death Among the Stars Quest 78 The Blackscale Cabal meets with distant kin as the Armada prepares for the Ahkam Matriarchs arrival quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-06-25 8 1601929 Monster Quest #2: You Monster.... Zeldren's moved up in the world, becoming a ghost and gaining power. However, what will happen when his plans to ignite war take hold? Quest , Monster , Collective Game , Undead , Wisp , Burden 2017-06-27 11 1610256 Undead Quest We begin our unlife as a newly created undead vampire thing. Our stock of minions rapidly grows. Undead , vampire , CursedQm , Horror , Collective game 2017-06-28 3 July 2017 1620769 Undead Quest pt2: Undead Boogaloo We create a skeletal new minion and begin our infiltration of the town and the black Cats criminal organization Undead , vampire , CursedQm , Horror , Collective game 2017-07-03 2 1618951 Monster Quest #3: The rising power The plot of moster quest Quest , Monster , Collective Game , Undead , Wisp , Burden 2017-07-06 8 1651470 Death Among the Stars Quest 78.2 The Armada suffers an unexpected ambush and receives valuable information from a secretive source within the Confederacy quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-07-09 7 1636812 Undead Quest pt3: Blood in the Dark Our base is expanded and improved, our minions upgraded and zombies are gained! We encounter a group of merchants and OP dies. A lot. Undead , vampire , CursedQm , Horror , Collective game 2017-07-11 3 1659214 Undead Quest pt3.5 Our holdings and power grow as merchant traders are butchered. The tables are turned as northern magic is pitted against us. Rip Wick. Undead , vampire , CursedQm , Horror , Collective game 2017-07-19 1 1694216 Death Among the Stars Quest 79 The Armada braces for an inevitable conflict with an approaching storm quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-07-23 7 1687661 Undead Quest pt4: Northern agression Our power grows exponentially with the consumption of dozens of souls. The Kardelheim forces arrive in Islavind. Undead , vampire , CursedQm , Horror , Collective game 2017-07-27 2 1721479 Death Among the Stars Quest 79.2 The Armada makes last moment preparations and dispatches agents quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-07-30 7 August 2017 1713993 Undead Quest 5: Blood and Ice More servants are gained, a new arrival kills Urziel, and we get a fuck ton of souls. Ups and downs. Also, Wick's side-story begins Undead , Collective Game , vampire , CursedQm , Horror 2017-08-09 1 1767481 Death Among the Stars Quest 80 War has come to the Armada, the vengeful Ahkam Dynasty launching their relentless invasion as the Arc Surge increases in strength quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-08-13 8 54693330 Deadlands Discussion and Inspiration Talkin' about the meanest game in the west, pardner. Deadlands , Savage Worlds , Cowboy 2017-08-15 2 1747141 Undead Quest pt5.5: Afterlife Sidestory Wick's back to life, we meet a new demon fellow, and Setgash does some doots. Undead , Collective Game , vampire , CursedQm , Horror 2017-08-17 1 1793990 Death Among the Stars Quest 80.2 The battle in Bastion and Urdir continue. The Voidknights receive a visitor and Agona holds the line. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-08-21 7 1815123 Death Among the Stars Quest 81 The Matriarch attacks! The Armada faces its greatest foe yet quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-08-28 7 September 2017 1853084 Death Among the Stars Quest 81.2 The fierce battle against the Matriarch continues, the battlefield moving across an entire solar system quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-09-10 7 1872052 Death Among the Stars Quest 81.3 Through the dangers of the Arc Surge, the Ahkam Matriarch, and the extradimensional Three, Jadyk fights to ensure the Armadas survival quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-09-17 7 October 2017 1926296 Death Among the Stars Quest 82 With Jadyk indisposed responsibility of the Armada falls to Necromancer Jor as he must deal with the fallout of the Matriarchs defeat quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-10-03 8 1966971 Death Among the Stars Quest 83 As Jadyk recovers Jor continues to oversee the Armada including dealing with a sudden threat quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-10-15 8 2021254 Death Among the Stars Quest 83.2 Betrayal! The Osjiic Empire breaks the peace and it is up to Jor and Vle'Karak to defend the Armadas homeworld quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-10-29 8 November 2017 2006453 South of Styx: Thread 1 Our hero awakens in an unfamiliar and quite unpleasant place. Horror , Fantasy , Undead 2017-11-07 1 2059061 South of Styx: Thread 2 Our hero makes his way to Rinther, accompanied by Liza. Horror , Fantasy , Undead 2017-11-22 1 December 2017 57118226 Skeleton civ Discussion about technologically advanced skeletons(also, puns, but what else did you expect) funny , spooky , undead , differently alive , fluff , ideas , world building , setting 2017-12-27 3 January 2018 2184182 Undead Era Quest Chapter 1 of that dark souls inspired campaign that exists now. Undead Era , Dark Souls , RPG 2018-01-04 1 2207247 Death Among the Stars Quest 84 As the Armada deals with upstart invaders Commander Rethak is forced to work with the Blackscale Cabals concerning secret operations quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-01-07 8 2246299 Death Among the Stars 84.2 The battle between the Deathshead Guardians and the Void Disciples reaches a fever pitch as the Armada defends their home. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-01-21 7 February 2018 2279438 Death Among the Stars 84.3 The final battles between the undead inheritors of the Void comes to a conclusion during the Osjiic invasion quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-02-04 7 2273387 The Dark Lord is Dead: Dark City Siege Then Dark Lord conquered the world, and then he disappeared. What happens next? Dark Lord is Dead , Dark Lord , Fantasy 2018-02-06 3 2302469 Death Among the Stars 85 With Jadyk returned and the Imperial attackers driven off the Armada takes the opportunity to relax and recover until the next crisis. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-02-12 6 2338813 Death Among the Stars 85.2 Jadyk visits and speaks with many who require his attention and deploys agents of the Armada across the galaxy quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-02-25 7 March 2018 2360649 Death Among the Stars 85.3 Jadyk addresses the citizens of the Armada and demonstrates newfound power. Valresko and Ruscuv finally meet with the Charred Knight quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-03-05 11 2397399 Death Among the Stars 85.4 Solar Arbiter Sur-Quro leads her squads into the heart of Barqalan in their attempt to save the space-city from the undead infestation quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-03-18 6 2387357 Overlord Lair Quest 3 The Flood One Orc for a garden, Two Wretch to work, Three Dwarves to forge, and Undead to follow. Genie , Overlord , Dungeon , Undead , Dwarves , Wretch Hive 2018-03-26 1 April 2018 2461527 Death Among the Stars 86 A special thread dedicated to covering the progress made by the Wayward Disciple in their efforts to steal the Wormstars corpse-shard quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-04-09 6 2498833 Death Among the Stars 87 The Armada takes the opportunity to relax after weeks of intense activity and battle quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-04-23 6 May 2018 2565522 Death Among the Stars 87.2 The Pirates and the Legion continue to fight for the survival of Barqalan with the assistance of an eccentric A.I. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-05-15 6 2594889 Death Among the Stars 87.3 The struggle to rescue Barqalan continues while Necromancer Jor enjoys the start of his "vacation" quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-05-27 6 June 2018 60132302 /tg/ makes a pantheon Worldbuilding for a pantheon's worth of original deities for your fantasy games. worldbuilding , setting , pantheon , religion , deity , god , paladin , cleric , Prim Goddess of Apathy Undead and Junkfood, 2018-06-08 1 July 2018 2726139 Black Company Quest #38 The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince crushes the Free Alliance and meets his dread Employer. Black Company Quest , Collective Game , Dark Fantasy , Cutie Paladin , SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD , Mercenary , Dragon , Undead 2018-07-15 10 2704001 School of the Dead A fun quest/oneshot in witch the post mortality institute of advanced learning is staffed and advances the art of necromancy. Quest , School of the Dead , Necromancy , Lich , 2018-07-15 1 2727686 Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #9 Nadja isn't dead! WAQ , Collective Game , Witch Apprentice Quest , Cutesy , Witches , Not Dead 2018-07-16 5 August 2018 2764223 Black Company Quest #39 The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Black Company is Victorious. This means recruits and paperwork. Black Company Quest , Collective Game , Dark Fantasy , Cutie Paladin , SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD , Mercenary , Dragon , Undead , PROMOTIONS! 2018-08-02 13 2799665 Black Company Quest #40 The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The contract is fulfilled. When the dust settles what is left? Black Company Quest , Collective Game , Dark Fantasy , Cutie Paladin , SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD , Mercenary , Dragon , Undead , PROMOTIONS! 2018-08-12 10 61556718 rogue homunculus civilization /tg/ worldbuilds a faction of unintentionally sentient, alchemically-created artificial lifeforms originally intended as a disposable army. golem , homunculus , frankenstein , undead , alchemy , species , steampunk , setting , worldbuilding , army , civilization, 2018-08-26 4 October 2018 2950382 Necromancer Quest 1, the beginnings A story of the Dark Elf Alice, and her new unlife as necromancer Dullahan. Necromancer , Adventure , Dark Elf , Dullahan , Undead , Fantasy , Rise to Power , Collective Game , Necromancer Quest 2018-10-18 6 3004922 Death Among the Stars Quest 89 A special flashback thread dedicated to remembering one of Jadyk's past conquests in the old Necrotic Armada quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-10-28 4 2994664 Necromancer Quest 2, the beginnings pt. 2 Alice and Tina learn more about their situation and decide to go hunt bandits Necromancer , Adventure , Dark Elf , Dullahan , Undead , Fantasy , Rise to Power , Collective Game , Necromancer Quest 2018-10-31 3 November 2018 3033833 Necromancer Quest 3, the beginnings The aftermath of the raid on the banidt camp
and some moral dilemmas Necromancer , Adventure , Dark Elf , Dullahan , Undead , Fantasy , Rise to Power , Collective Game , Necromancer Quest 2018-11-09 3 3056436 Death Among the Stars Quest 88.3 Jadyk addresses captive gods, delivering an important choice. Final preparations are made for the upcoming conflicts and a monster forged quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-11-19 4 December 2018 3080267 Necromancer Quest 4, the beginnings Alice, Tina and their new companion Sierra come to blows with the misterious Anubis creature. Necromancer , Adventure , Dark Elf , Dullahan , Undead , Fantasy , Rise to Power , Collective Game , Necromancer Quest 2018-12-01 2 3091021 Death Among the Stars Quest 90 The Armada launches a counter invasion against the Ahkam Dynasty to take advantage of the chaos from the death of the Matriarch quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-12-06 7 3114673 Necromancer Quest 5, the beginnings Alice, Tina and Nar start the thread in Jail, well, sort of. Necromancer , Adventure , Dark Elf , Dullahan , Undead , Fantasy , Rise to Power , Collective Game , Necromancer Quest 2018-12-16 2 3143140 Death Among the Stars Quest 90.2 Operations across the galaxy continue as agents of the Armada discover new secrets and plots while war with the Dynasty begins anew quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-12-31 2 January 2019 3138289 Undead Minion Quest getting revived becoming a servant and hunting a nigger Undead Minion Quest, 2019-01-09 -2 3159351 Undead Minion Quest 2: Living la Vida Muerta we eavesdrop explore a tomb and the QM disappears Undead Minion Quest, 2019-01-12 1 3180815 Undead Minion Quest 3 we get a monster possessed sword, try to blend in with a group of nerds and get the shit kicked out of us again Undead Minion Quest , Collective Game 2019-01-29 1 February 2019 3201080 Dead Man's Hand 1 In the untamed West, a gang of desperados comes together to rob the Goldenvale bank. Simple job, right? Wrong. Dead Man's Hand , Skirmish , Western , Bandits , Horror 2019-02-03 3 64518341 Night of the Lively Dead - tales from the tombcity /tg/ worldbuilds a city-state populated entirely by miscellaneous varieties of undead. undeadtopia , setting , worldbuilding , city-state , undead , zombies , liches , vampires , paladin hate crimes, 2019-02-11 3 3229637 Dead Man's Hand 1.2 Continuation from the first thread. The bank job is getting crazy with bandits, lawmen, and hooded strangers in a three-way showdown. Dead Man's Hand , Skirmish , Western , Bandits , Horror 2019-02-13 5 3268662 Children of sin thread sadly gets hijacked by imposters but the story's...meh and cliche ridden CoS , collective game , demon , half-demon , seven deadly sins , children of sins quest 2019-02-19 -2 3279842 Necromancer Quest 6, the beginnings Alice, Tina, Sierra and Nar-Khur have a little shopping trip and then decide to drink and play dice, what could go wrong. Necromancer , Adventure , Dark Elf , Dullahan , Undead , Fantasy , Rise to Power , Collective Game , Necromancer Quest 2019-02-20 2 3258208 Dead Man's Hand 2 A peaceful night's camp is disturbed by ravenous monsters. Dead Man's Hand , Skirmish , Western , Bandits , Horror 2019-02-24 4 3300692 Death Among the Stars Quest 90.3 The battle for Barqalan comes ever closer to an end while stories are exchanged. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2019-02-27 3 March 2019 3291040 Dead Man's Hand 2.2 In the aftermath of the wendigo attack, the bandits send a delegation to speak with the Crow Tribe and engage in a little monster carving. Dead Man's Hand , Skirmish , Western , Bandits , Horror 2019-03-09 3 3325931 Necromancer, the beginnings. pt 7 Alice, Tina, Nar and Sierra leave Wyverns bazar and head to Oaksberg, with an unpleasend encounter along the way. Necromancer , Adventure , Dark Elf , Dullahan , Undead , Fantasy , Rise to Power , Collective Game , Necromancer Quest 2019-03-13 1 3323394 Construct Necromancer Quest #1 We make the Reanimator Necromancer Henri, find a weird cave, accidentally make a Dark Souls boss, save a fighter's life, and get jumped. Collective Game , Quest , Undead , Skeleton 2019-03-18 1 3360795 Construct Necromancer Quest #2 We maim some dwarves, find many mushrooms, become paraplegic, and discover Aaron is surprisingly capable. and also drinks paint stripper. Collective Game , Quest , Undead , Skeleton , Construct Necromancer Quest 2019-03-30 3 April 2019 3401765 Construct Necromancer Quest #3 - Finale We make our Spiderchair, go into the deeps, and die happily Collective Game , Quest , Undead , Skeleton , Construct Necromancer Quest 2019-04-07 2 3417991 Necromancer, the beginnings. pt 8 The group reaches Oaksberg, Tina gets to training and everyone passes their time with some selfimprovement Necromancer , Adventure , Dark Elf , Dullahan , Undead , Fantasy , Rise to Power , Collective Game , Necromancer Quest 2019-04-10 1 3418224 A Necromancer Quest Our not so intrepid sort-of heroine Alexa finds her way to an Ork tent city, ruled by a few Orcs that she now works for. Necromancer , Undead , Skeleton , Orcs , Orks 2019-04-20 1 May 2019 3456605 A Necromancer Quest #2 We deliver Enzo the wyvern to The Boss, and the QM has trouble with homework and leaves. Necromancer , Undead , Skeleton , Orcs , Orks , A Necromancer Quest 2019-05-05 1 3506539 Necromancer, the beginnings. pt 9 Our Group of misfits continues their stay in Oaksberg, training and curious happenings included Necromancer , Adventure , Dark Elf , Dullahan , Undead , Fantasy , Rise to Power , Collective Game , Necromancer Quest 2019-05-16 1 3482020 Criminals & Catacombs: Dream Catchers Interlude [Skirmish] A newly discovered crypt dungeon is unearthed, leading to a guild with lacking manpower to host an amnesty expedition... using bandits. fenster , collective game , collaborative game , skirmish , tonberry , skeleton , skeletons , undead , skelemen , anonymous , anon , crypt , isometric, 2019-05-17 1 3508939 Ancient Evil Reborn Quest #1 The Wight-Lord awakens from his slumber and resumes his campaign of carnage. Op gets autobanned and thread stalls. Wight-Lord , Undead , Collective Game , Quest , Storyteller , Fantasy , Magic , Necromancer , Ancient Evil 2019-05-20 1 July 2019 3598145 Redneck Sword Hero Quest #2 Our hero throws a victory party and then runs off to the border questing. Continuation of schizoprenic hero quest. Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , Crusade , Undead 2019-07-02 10 3684790 Child of a Dead Empire: Prologue The Valkans are on the rampage, and our captain has to survive and stop them. But not everything is as it seems... Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2019-07-30 20 August 2019 3722252 Child of a Dead Empire #1 Twenty years after the war, a young girl is caught up in the legacy of the Valkans. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-08-18 18 September 2019 3765021 Child of a Dead Empire #2 Tiiris continues on the trail of Valkan relics, although all she seems to be finding is a trail of corpses and relics. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-09-07 7 3794357 Into the Deadlands Quest #1 Leon Amun, a lone Nomad ventures into the dead city in search of fortune. In the town of Scrag, mutants are fought and supplies needed. Deadlands Quest , Leon , Mutants , post apocalyptic , Cyborg , Nomad , wasteland , survival , collective game 2019-09-11 1 3805020 Child of a Dead Empire #3 In a junkyard, Tiiris makes a new discovery and a new friend. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-09-29 6 October 2019 3852454 Child of a Dead Empire #4 Tiiris spends time with a few friends and brings a few into her inner circle while adjusting to her new 'assistants'. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-10-19 6 November 2019 3882927 Child of a Dead Empire #5 Tiiris almost gets hammered on her day off, and has a pleasant day trip through the countryside. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-11-10 6 3914806 Child of a Dead Empire #6 Tiiris begins making big plans - and makes a very strange new ally. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-11-29 6 December 2019 69780101 Nechronica thread and Port Storytime continues Port storytime continues. Answers and even more questions about the party’s past! Book art is problematic. Advice and Dwarf Fortress. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Port , Tachi , Protoca , Art , System , Chainsaw , memory , story , time , Dwarf Fortress , mod , undead , doll 2019-12-12 5 3947359 Child of a Dead Empire #7 Now with the ticket into Y'avel she needs, Tiiris just needs to figure o- well, everything else. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-12-19 6 January 2020 3980982 Child of a Dead Empire #8 Breaking into a military facility couldn't be any easier, but why does that fill Tiiris with fear? Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-01-12 6 4019100 Child of a Dead Empire #9 Tiiris explores the grave of her ancestors. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-01-28 6 February 2020 4055315 Child of a Dead Empire #10 Robots and augments and crayons, oh my. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-02-21 6 4089888 Dead Man's Hand 3.1 The gang heads into town, intending to hand over their mysterious cargo. Instead they find trouble. Big, fiery, exploding trouble. Dead Man's Hand , Skirmish , Western , Bandits , Horror 2020-02-28 0 March 2020 4099480 Child of a Dead Empire #11 Tiiris starts to experience the magic of space puberty. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-03-17 6 April 2020 4142774 Child of a Dead Empire #12 Tiiris tries to settle back into some normalcy, only to discover that she's not normal anymore. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-04-05 6 4177401 Child of a Dead Empire #13 Tiiris stumbles through finals and gets accused of being edgy. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-04-24 6 May 2020 4214653 Child of a Dead Empire #14 Tiiris finds herself wishing her friends were just coming out of the closet. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-05-16 6 72655511 Nechronica Thead Storytime Double Feature Aqen & Gravel Aqen storytime happens: Tactical adventure! Gravel Storytime begins: Russian desert undead action! | Tokens, houserules, bombs, & head cases Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Violet , Dahlia , Aster , Aqen , Adrian , Altina , Aida , Alexis , Art , System , story , time , undead , Gravel , Port 2020-05-24 5 June 2020 4257809 Child of a Dead Empire #15 Tiiris does some investigating, finds new questions and gets uncomfortable answers. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-06-06 6 July 2020 4296555 Child of a Dead Empire #16 Tiiris has a heart to heart with some friends, and meets someone new. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-07-02 6 73453448 Nechronica Discussion With Extra Storytime Insect-girls have heartfelt conversations, whereas dolls in Africa get irresponsibly drunk and bomb-children go up like bugspray nukes. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , undead , Coleo , Gravel 2020-07-03 4 August 2020 4334802 Child of a Dead Empire #17 Tea and a heart to heart with an old Valkan gardener. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-08-02 6 74472758 spacefaring undead OP suggests that spaceflight becomes much more convenient once you no longer need life support. Then the writers and worldbuilders show up. space , undead , liches , blindsight , carmen miranda's ghost , dawson's christian, 2020-08-26 5 September 2020 4397831 Child of a Dead Empire: Redshift In celebration of one year, we shift perspectives to someone a little unusual. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-09-04 6 October 2020 4436677 Child of a Dead Empire: Redshift #2 + #17.5 Netana discovers exactly what lies at the heart of the cloister- and so does Tiiris. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-10-04 6 November 2020 4478480 Child of a Dead Empire #18 Meeting someone precious, an escape, and soon enough, a reunion. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-11-04 6 December 2020 4520564 Child of a Dead Empire #19 Tiiris has a tearful reunion (Offscreen: Bentus has a mental breakdown). Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2020-12-07 6 January 2021 4567363 Child of a Dead Empire #20 Tiiris discusses plans for the future and has some meetings. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2021-01-12 6 February 2021 4612535 Child of a Dead Empire #21 Tiiris goes on a Road Trip Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2021-02-16 6 April 2021 4679040 Child of a Dead Empire #22 Tiiris meets some potentially hallucinatory critters. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2021-04-04 6 May 2021 4726165 Child of a Dead Empire #23 Tiiris meets someone new and discusses plans (and arson). Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2021-05-05 6 June 2021 4790767 Child of a Dead Empire #24 Tiiris observes a cultist drug drop and heroically goes back to relaxing with her friends. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2021-06-13 6 August 2021 4885879 Lord of the Dead A young recruit and his crossbow fight an unknown enemy. Thread sadly died before it took off. crossbow , military , fantasy , lord , dead, 2021-08-02 0 November 2021 82137752 skinwalker tyranids, tzeentch-worshiping miners and radical inquisitor Samus /tg/ plays with creation tables and makes skinwalker tyranids, tzeentch-worshiping miners and radical inquisitor Samus. Creation Tables , Tyranids , Cultists , Chaos Cultists , Inquisitor , Skinwalker , Wendigo , Dead Space , Metroid, 2021-11-18 3 December 2021 5044142 Isekai'd into being a necromancer in a shithole city #1 Necromancer Isekai Quest Necromancer isekai quest , quest , isekai , necromancer , undead , drugs , crime , under-city 2021-12-16 8 January 2022 5087827 Necromancer Isekai #2: Working with/for a fat bastard Anon continues his adventure, at least until a elf communist derails the whole thing. Necromancer isekai quest , quest , isekai , necromancer , undead , drugs , crime , under-city , communism , QM fucked up 2022-01-21 6 February 2022 83424106 Nechronica Thread: Homebrew & Sanctuary Storytime 1. PortAnon's Sanctuary Storytime begins with a boat trip into the unknown. Dinosaurs. Multiple Anon's post homebrew. Homebrew is discussed. Nechronica , Homebrew , parts , class , position , Storytime , Story Time , Sanctuary , M3LT1E , Meltie , Sofia , story , time , undead , Port 2022-02-23 2 March 2022 5129959 Necromancer Isekai #3: Blueberry's magic now Anon raises a big boi. Too big. He needs a upgrade to his lair. Necromancer isekai quest , quest , isekai , necromancer , undead , drugs , crime , under-city , cute elf 2022-03-05 6 83635837 Nechronica Thread: Homebrew, drawing & Sanctuary Storytime 2. An artfag makes art. Sanctuary Storytime part 2. Anon posts a custom class. Nechronica , Homebrew , parts , tokens , class , position , Storytime , Story Time , Sanctuary , M3LT1E , Meltie , Sofia , story , time , undead , Port 2022-03-15 -2 5166064 Knight of a Dead Empire: Backflash Nineteen years before the events of COADE, we spend a day in the life of Jeanne Elson- also known as Kallis aust Tanoh. Valentine's special Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2022-03-26 5 83846747 apocalypses on a space opera rather than planetary scale Space opera apocalypses. worldbuilding , setting , apocalypse , space , dead space , alien , dark forest, 2022-03-31 0 July 2022 5291293 The Dead Don't Dream - A Vampire Hunter Quest After months spent in a haze of drugs and booze, ex-detective Roland Wozniak gets the first lead on his daughter's killer in a long time. Collective Game , The Dead Don't Dream , The , Dead , Don't , Dream , Vampire Hunter , Vampire , Hunter , TQM 2022-07-03 7 August 2022 5356880 The Dead Don't Dream - Part Two Roland learns the name of The Killer, along with his current location, in exchange for indebting himself to a peculiar club owner. Collective Game , The Dead Don't Dream , The , Dead , Don't , Dream , Vampire Hunter , Vampire , Hunter , TQM 2022-08-11 3 October 2022 5386853 Degenesis Quest #2 300 gets his meds, refuses an offer, refrains from meming everyone, appoints Jurvaz as his 2IC, then QM flakes. Collective Game , Quest , Degenesis , Dead Quest 2022-10-16 0 5387684 Pike and Shot Civil War Quest #1 It is the start of the English Civil War, we are Sir Edward Cormont, a cavalier. We raid Cornwall, then win a small and large battle. Collective Game , Quest , English Civil War , Historical Quest , Dead Quest 2022-10-16 1 November 2022 86570855 Nechronica Thread: Halloween 2022 Scarlet March translation and storytime Fanbook Scarlet March is translated into English. PortAnon's England Storytime. Melico hatches crack a hostile information network. Nechronica , translation , Halloween , Storytime , Story Time , England , story , time , centipede , Coleo , Melico , Imp , England , port , heist , undead 2022-11-15 -5 December 2022 5460371 The Necromancer of Eden Academy In which you are reborn as the stalwart protector to the heiress of a dying noble house. Stay strong. Undead , Eden Academy Quest , Necromancer Quest , GuardianQM 2022-12-20 27 February 2023 5517206 Gay Wizard Ethnostate Quest Surprisingly good worldbuilding depiste the name. The QM quit tho. Fantasy , Gay , Wizard , Ethnostate , dead quest 2023-02-09 3 March 2023 5574143 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $1 In which Aug "Only Dead" Heart is sent to the Graveyard Frontier by a girl who made deal with the Devil. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story , 2023-03-19 10 April 2023 5586735 Thronelands Quest #2 A life is spared, the consequences of such mercy follow, the quest dies, but for how long? Collective Game , Storyteller , Thronelands Quest , Ashlad , Original Setting , Original System , Fantasy , Cliffhanger , Dead Quest? 2023-04-07 3 5610047 Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #2 After two fucking months the story continues. A new meguca is born, our girls find what the Magical Relay is and start flimsy alliances. Puella Magi Madoka Magica , pmmm , obcm , Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires , SEAnannigans is DEAD , no Wooly Mammoth , being Emma is suffering 2023-04-25 10 5607729 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $2 In which Aug and Goldie traverse through the frontier in search of ill-famed El Dorado Warren: the mine of found riches and trapped souls. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-04-29 17 June 2023 5650031 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $3 In which Aug enters the fabled El Dorado Warren, gets separated from Goldie, and has to make his way from mine that wishes to keep him. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-06-10 6 5653429 Draugr Quest A jarl's undead attendant gets a second chance at an adventurous life when he's called upon to collect a stolen ring Fantasy , Norse mythology , undead , witchcraft , subterfuge , honor 2023-06-17 1 July 2023 5684431 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $4 In which August and Goldie leave the El Dorado Warren behind only to be met with lead, bones, and gallows. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-07-28 6 September 2023 5722847 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $5 In which August and Goldie enter the ghostown of Ruetown to be met with a talking wanted poster, Perry, gamblers, and the sheriff's man. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-09-08 5 October 2023 5758308 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $6 In which August, separated from Goldie, confronts a woman he had killed. Instead of revenge, she demands an odd ask: slaying a Wendigo. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-10-10 6 November 2023 5791574 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: Goldie's 50¢ In which Goldie is abandoned by August to deal with a voracious pack of demonic black fur beasts on her own. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Female Protagonist , Female MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-11-10 3 December 2023 5825689 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $8 In which August, trapped in a nightmare by a twisted shade, battles for his memories by reliving the last moments of those he killed. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-12-24 3 March 2024 92099874 Nechronica Storytime part 2 More of the storytime. Nechronica , storytime , story time , story , time , undead 2024-03-19 0 92238370 Two Nechronica Storytime (s) update: puzzles. update: Continent found. Nechronica , storytime , story time , story , time , undead , planes 2024-03-29 -1 October 2024 6101844 Digimon: Dead Site A website that allegedly grants you the ability to resurrect the dead…
Such a thing could never exist but…
What if it did? Digimon Dead Site , Digimon , Mystery , Anime , 2024-10-07 5 December 2024 6125909 Monster Reincarnation Quest Reincarnated into a bone turtle, the nameless protagonist starts farming EXP and completing quests. Monster Reincarnation , fantasy , litRPG , undead , isekai , monster 2024-12-18 2