/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

February 2018
2246095Peasant Lord Quest 2.5Year 768, We encounter the elvesPeasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management2018-02-04 6 
2279903Peasant Lord Quest 3We train for the tournament and deal with the CountPeasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management2018-02-25 4 
May 2018
2583887Fist Wizard Quest In which Kurt Vander, Fist Wizard, arrives at the imperial capitol, fights a wheelchair-bound old man, and out-punches a punch ghost.FWQ, Fist Wizard, FistQM, Collective Game, Cast Fist2018-05-25 20 
June 2018
2585243Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768Start and end of the tourney arcPeasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management2018-06-02 7 
2609914Fist Wizard Quest 1In which Kurt Vander, Fist Wizard, goes through a rather eventful first day at the Imperial College.FWQ, Fist Wizard, FistQM, Collective Game, Cast Fist2018-06-06 12 
2632707Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768: Part 2Grim tidings of future conflict, a lady is chosen, a blow is struck, blood is shed, and a QM neglects to archive their own thread.Peasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management,2018-06-23 3 
2671859Fist Wizard Quest 2In Which Kurt Vander, Fist Wizard, attends a class, is blown away, kills monsters, and meets a princess.FWQ, Fist Wizard, FistQM, Collective Game, Cast Fist2018-06-29 9 
July 2018
2707903Fist Wizard Quest 3In which Kurt Vander, Fist Wizard, indulges in shenanigans before angrily beating off a monster invasion on the Imperial College. FWQ, Fist Wizard, FistQM, Collective Game, Cast Fist2018-07-08 6 
2683491Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768 pt 3We go on a honeymoon trip and strike a deal with the CentaurionsPeasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management,2018-07-10 3 
September 2018
2869410Neet Quest #2We stop a mugger, worked out, learned Mom lost her job, cheer her up by shopping and market get robbed. OP is dying from Hurricane Florence Collective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Hurricane2018-09-17 10 
2902215NEET Quest #3We killed 3 robbers, save the grocery store, became both infamous and famous overnight, save mommy, got Jewed, landed in jail, made friends.Collective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Killed, Jail2018-09-25 10 
October 2018
2924952NEET Quest #4We saved mommy from a drive-by, told her to get lose, get a shotgun, made two friends, worked out and learned a bit of surviving in the wildCollective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Work,2018-10-05 6 
2944233Neet Quest #5Got kidnapped, Escaped, Bought 14 guns and 100 pounds of ammo, tried to get lucky, get attacked by bear, got into a coma, came out of itCollective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Cabin, Bear, Guns, Coma2018-10-13 5 
2957468Neet Quest #6We made to the Cabin after a horrible dinner, Sophia and family gets kidnapped by a gang, we join the White Brotherhood to save them.Collective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Guns, Nazis2018-10-20 5 
2977030Neet Quest #7Met the SS-Team, train with them, got ambushed, came up with a plan, eat some drug pie, kill and saved everyone and dressed up as Muslims.Collective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Guns, Nazis, Allahu Akbar2018-10-24 3 
November 2018
2999749Neet Quest #8Got Paid, lay lowed, shot more gangsters, enrolled in UCLA to bust a drug dealer, and learn some things as well. Got Paid again. Collective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Guns2018-11-02 3 
3021100Neet Quest #9Got good with the revolver going to the shooting range, followed up on a lead on the drug dealer, bought our first business, looking to hireCollective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California,2018-11-13 2 
January 2019
3106804The X-Files Quest Episode 0We create Rookie FBI Agent Elise Rayner and learn about her past and possible future in the X-FilesX-Files, FBI, Special AgentQM2019-01-02 2 
3147189Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768: Part 4The first council meeting and the second harvest ball Peasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management,2019-01-16 2 
December 2019
3971731The True Soldier - Part 1The Italians are on the march in North Africa, and Sergeant Verratti is there to lead the way.ErrantQM, WW2, Italians, Tanks, North Africa2019-12-23 1 
January 2020
4003968Akame ga Kill #1Join us as we start our conquest of the Empire as the great demon of the sixth heaven Nobusada Oda.Akame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM, 2020-01-21 1 
4015445The Expedition, Part VIHenry and his friends explore Lemuria, and prepare to bring their vile enemy downexpedition quest, ErrantQM, 19th century, Henry McDermond2020-01-24 0 
February 2020
4055008Akame ga Kill #2Nobusada finds himself picking up party members left and right on his roadtrip to get stronger.Akame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM, 2020-02-20 0 
March 2020
4089683Expedition Quest, Part VIIThe Scarab is close, and the company raids his palaceExpedition Quest, 19th century, ErrantQM2020-03-15 0 
4123488Akame ga Kill #2.5Nobusada discussing and embarking on his most dangerous challenge yet. Part One of the Oarburgh Saga.Akame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM,2020-03-28 1 
April 2020
4161154The Expedition Quest, Part VIIIContinuing the fight against the Scarabexpedition quest, 19th century, errantqm2020-04-16 1 
4186844Akame ga Kill #3After goofing off, Nobusada arrives at the capital and makes some new friends. Part Two of the Oarburgh SagaAkame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM, Jumpman2020-04-26 0 
May 2020
4213037The Free Company, Part ILa Compagnie d'Anthelion marches into battle against pirate scum, and accepts a dangerous contractsci fi, ErrantQM, female protagonist2020-05-09 2 
June 2020
4254522The Free Company, Part IIThe Commander gets in embroiled in Royal subterfuge, and the QM disappears. They hope to returnErrantQM, Free Company, sci fi2020-06-02 1 
July 2020
4336957Conquer The PlanetWE’RE TAKING OVER A PLANET! I don't know what that means, but it sounds badass, so we're doing it, nerds!Drawquest, ShitpostQM, Aliens, Centaur, Conquer2020-07-07 3 
4324657New Light FlightsMelanie Dread, callsign 'Radiant', delivers packages in a cyberpunk world.Cyberpunk, Motorcycle, Radiant. Radiantqm, deliverly, collective quest2020-07-21 2 
August 2020
4353278The Expedition Quest, Part IXHenry manages to defeat the Scarab, and attempts to woo his lady loveexpedition quest, errantqm, 19th century2020-08-12 0 
4381733New Lights Flights 2Radiant continues to deliver packages with upmost carecyberpunk, radiant, Radiantqm, motorcycle, collective quest, new lights flights2020-08-23 1 
March 2021
4670851Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IYou are Hiroshi Nobuyasu, samurai of the Hiroshi. Just as you begin your warrior's pilgrimage, trouble strikes when you least expect it.Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-03-31 5 
April 2021
4719800Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IIAfter competing in the Moriyama Spring Tournament, you set off for Mekura-Ji temple with Tadatoshi to train in the ways of blind combat. Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-04-25 2 
June 2021
4798092Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IIIYou conclude your training at Mekura-Ji temple and head to Nimmyo, where you meet some interesting people and a familiar old threat?Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-06-07 2 
August 2021
4907946Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IVYour fierce training with the Higanbana Troupe in Nimmyo continues, all while you mix with the Taira lords and deal with an old threat.Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-08-07 2 
4924330New Light Flights 3Radiant wins her 2nd race, gets locked up with a killing machine, and has a very important dinner!New Light Flights, Radiant, Radiantqm, cyberpunk, motorcycle, collective game2021-08-29 1 
September 2021
4957209HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management QuestYou're an amnesiac administrator tasked with running one of P-Company's latest facilities. Only coffee is keeping you sane.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Please don't sue me HeartQM, Coffee Addiction 2021-09-21 25 
October 2021
4982127New Light Flights 4Radiant finishes up her date, meets her new techhead RR, shit hits the fan, and OP gets a life.New Light Flights, Radiant, Radiantqm, cyberpunk, motorcycle, collective game 2021-10-22 0 
January 2022
5078086Kenshi Monogatari Quest - VI(Thread V link here) The Kikotei Tournament commences in earnest. THE FINAL THREAD.Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2022-01-06 1 
February 2022
5115118Attendant Quest - Alice 1A Quest about fighting monsters and hippies with your government-mandated shoulder loli.Loli, Action, Male Protag, Alice Quest, AttendantQM, Urban Fantasy, Narrative Quest, 2022-02-15 13 
5156274Spineless Quest Episode 1F-Inal Drone mk.IV, a Formicidaean-powered corporation project escapes her holding facility. Solenopsis V. Sparrasid.Spineless Quest, insectqm, arthropods, female MC, mutants, dystopia, genetic enhancements, 2022-02-21 1 
March 2022
5160960Records Of Honour - IThe tale of Guan Ling, the Yellow Exorcist, who travels south to investigate a profound evil.Records Of Honour, Xianxia, Wuxia, KismetQM2022-03-19 1 
April 2022
5171068Attendant Quest - Alice 2You and your shoulder loli gang up on a little girl, then get in a fight with her drug-dealing father. Features your college debut. Again.Loli, Action, Male Protag, Single Dad, Alice Quest, AttendantQM, Urban Fantasy, Narrative Quest,2022-04-05 12 
5170799Spineless Quest Episode 2Final Drone tries to blend in. Spineless Quest, insectqm, arthropods, female MC, mutants, dystopia, genetic enhancements2022-04-16 1 
May 2022
5220646Attendant Quest - Alice 3You and your shoulder loli get a first look at your new life. It is decidedly humbling. Also, you crush a woman's dreams, you cad.Loli, Action, Male Protag, Single Dad, Alice Quest, AttendantQM, Urban Fantasy, Narrative Quest2022-05-15 5 
July 2022
5291293The Dead Don't Dream - A Vampire Hunter QuestAfter months spent in a haze of drugs and booze, ex-detective Roland Wozniak gets the first lead on his daughter's killer in a long time.Collective Game, The Dead Don't Dream, The, Dead, Don't, Dream, Vampire Hunter, Vampire, Hunter, TQM2022-07-03 7 
5306089Jade-Sworn Quest IWei Rudan, after being fired from his job, logs onto JSQ to meet an interesting player... Is he friend or foe?Jade-Sworn Quest, Wuxia, Xianxia, KismetQM2022-07-21 7 
August 2022
5356880The Dead Don't Dream - Part TwoRoland learns the name of The Killer, along with his current location, in exchange for indebting himself to a peculiar club owner.Collective Game, The Dead Don't Dream, The, Dead, Don't, Dream, Vampire Hunter, Vampire, Hunter, TQM2022-08-11 3 
November 2022
5427077Jade-Sworn Quest - II Tensions with the Ebonwill rise, culminating in a fearsome battle at the gates of Ximen. Skyfrost reveals his motives.Jade-Sworn Quest, Wuxia, Xianxia, KismetQM2022-11-25 4 
December 2022
5480946Warhammer 40K: Christian Cult in The UnderhiveIn the Boiadero underhive a young scavenger makes a miraculous discovery, and begins working on his dream to change the underhive.Collective Game, TQM, Warhammer, 40k, Christian, Cult, Underhive, Warhammer 40k, Kvar2022-12-30 30 
January 2023
5478287Unimportant Truant QuestTruant travels to hobby store, is assaulted by classmate and little children before being thrown off a bridge and waking back at school.UTQM, 2023-01-01 1 
5493144Jade-Sworn Quest - IIIWei Rudan gathers a group to raid the Igneous Domain, and then Kismet dies.Jade-Sworn Quest, Wuxia, Xianxia, KismetQM, RIP2023-01-16 0 
February 2023
5515343Warhammer 40K: Christian Cult in The Underhive #2Kvar continues to work towards his goals alongside his temple and the Jags. He later tries to solve the mystery behind some disappearances.Collective Game, TQM, Warhammer, 40k, Christian, Cult, Underhive, Warhammer 40k, Kvar2023-02-07 14 
April 2023
5614105Warhammer 40k: Christian Cult in The UnderhiveKvar makes some progress on his hunt for the kidnappers, holds a public feast with his fresh harvest, and begins taking in newcomers.Kvar, Collective Game, Warhammer, 40k, TQM, Christian, Cult, Underhive2023-04-29 21 
October 2023
5747577Warhammer 40k: Christian Cult in The Underhive 4Our holyman recruits a lot of new and worthy members, meets with a potential ally, and goes on a date with everyone's favorite psycho.Kvar, Collective Game, Warhammer, 40k, TQM, Christian, Cult, Underhive2023-10-01 11 
5755137Gotham City Beat Cop Quest (1)We join the GCPD as fresh faced rookie, Mark DeLucia, a meta-human with the ability to speak to the city but wears a badge not a mask. Gotham City Beat Cop Quest, GCPD, DetectQM, Batman, DC2023-10-02 37 
November 2023
5778682Vacuo QuestThe beginning of Picaro Calavera's journey to becoming a huntsman. Or maybe to uncovering a global conspiracy, who knows.Vacuo Quest, DesertQM, RWBY, Collective Game2023-11-03 10 
5787542Warhammer 40k: Christian Cult in The UnderhiveMarella and Kvar become fiancés, a new evil springs up in the underhive, and the kidnappers finally meet their end.Collective Game, TQM, Warhammer, 40k, Christian, Cult, Underhive, Warhammer 40k, Kvar2023-11-15 6 
5788584Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 2We save the Dent's life only to later be harassed by him and a federal agent. We also hunt the SIM Killer with Kimble while Hawthorne healsDetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2023-11-17 23 
December 2023
5835012Warhammer 40k: Christian Cult in The Underhive 6Marella and Kvar become husband and wife, we learn who was leading the kidnappers, and a strange Tech-Priest becomes a guest of the Cult.Collective Game, TQM, Warhammer, 40k, Christian, Cult, Underhive, Warhammer 40k, Kvar2023-12-23 5 
5832876Gotham City Beat Cop 3We deal with our second home invasion, bite off more than we can chew, warn Banks and form a crew to handle the SIM Killer case on the DL. DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2023-12-29 21 
5833482Vacuo Quest 2After dealing with Gillian, Picaro goes to Atlas to help Isaac get prosthetics limbs while shenanigans ensues, with a hint of conspiracy.Vacuo Quest, DesertQM, RWBY, Collective Game, Mystery, Fantasy2023-12-30 6 
January 2024
5873540The Wandering Headband 1Rokutaro begins his journey to reach the number one headband. Along the way he fights bandits, an archer and even a tiger. Collective Game, TQM, Afro Samurai, Afro, Samurai, The Wandering Headband, The, Wandering, Headband, Rokutaro2024-01-28 10 
February 2024
5877169Gotham Beat Cop Quest #4We start the hunt for SIM, Sweet-talk a mobster, and sign up for undercover work.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-02-08 17 
March 2024
5924120The Wandering Headband 2Rokutaro continues his journey to Neo Tokyo, finding the family he's helped before and being robbed of his headbands along the way. Collective Game, TQM, Afro Samurai, Afro, Samurai, The Wandering Headband, The, Wandering, Headband, Rokutaro2024-03-23 4 
5920234Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 5We get closer to the sting, get covered in shit, and make some headway in the case. DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-03-25 15 
May 2024
5960920Gotham City Beat Cop Quest #6We handle family drama, pull off the sting, get diagnosed, and come face to face with Firebug once again.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-05-10 16 
June 2024
6003328Gotham City Beat Cop 7We attend an award ceremony, meet up with an old flame, and meet the SIM Killer face to face. Bonus Mark Lore Included.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-06-21 13 
August 2024
6041189Gotham City Beat Cop 8We admit the (partial) truth to Gordon and get an unofficial sign off to catch the mole. Meet SIM. And build our case.Gotham City Beat Cop Quest, GCPD, DetectQM, Batman, DC2024-08-03 11 
October 2024
6076455Gotham City Beat Cop 9We die (kinda), enjoy two pizza dates, rob a prison of it's trash boy scout style, and finally handle the green light.. (kinda x2)DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-10-07 10 
December 2024
6118483Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 10We rummage through a boat, bring Gorkachov to justice, and pay a visit to the House of Mysteries, courtesy of The Dark Knight.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-12-04 10 
January 2025
6152302Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 11We let a magician fiddle with our brain, put Hawthorne in the dog house, chat with both Dents and sit down for a "friendly" interview.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2025-01-30 8 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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