/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

June 2008
2021992Board games every fa/tg/uy should ownList of some board games and why people play themboard game dice catan carcassonne talisman2008-06-18 4 
September 2008
2695937Carboard Fortressa simple d6 system where the cardboard contraptions you made as a child were real. A meta roleplaying gameCardboard, Boxes, Kids, Squash Monster2008-09-30 5 
November 2009
6782428Fuck You I'm A DragonThe crunch behind a dragon-based looting and pillaging boardgame is launched, plus useful drawfag contributions FROM NOWHERE.board game, dragons2009-11-20 1 
6814254FYIAD: The GameThe launch of the dragon based looting and pillaging board game.FYIAD, board game, dragons2009-11-22 1 
February 2010
8248910D&D public job boardRequest is made for ideas postable on a public messageboard for jobs, wanted posters, etc. The fa/tg/uys deliver in epic amounts.public job board, messages, D&D2010-02-24 20 
March 2010
8540474Board Games/tg/ lists its favorite board games. Excellent resource page.Board Games2010-03-12 2 
April 2010
8941465Wizard BattleOP invented a WIZARD BATTLE boardgame, /tg/ playtests it and finds out that, yes, this is a fun game.boardgame, game, original, 2010-04-03 12 
May 2010
9587327VeloCITY Part DeuxDiscussion of the /tg/ homebrew continues. It mostly concerns the fluff of the setting, but it's still a nice read.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Mirror's Edge, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-04 12 
9605580VeloCity part 3More fluff discussion. People pitch ideas for equipment, places, and other things.VeloCity, homebrew, tagging, Jet Set Radio, Aire Gear, running, blading, biking, boarding, skating, 2010-05-04 8 
9613988VeloCITY Part FourEven more fluff is discussed. Things start getting organized, and the PDF gets cleaned up.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-05 6 
9619371VeloCITY Part FiveThe discussion of the quickly-blossoming homebrew continues even *further*. The system gets a little crunchier, concepts are clarified and ideas are pitched.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-06 5 
9653086VeloCITY Part 6More VeloCITY stuff. Thread gets temporarily derailed by stupid bullshit about somehow making a canyon with dam below sea level for some reason, but gets back on track fast enough.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-07 5 
9659445VeloCITY Part 7More of the awesome homebrew. Amongst other things, jumping gets covered, status ailments, gang organisation and Velo City's power supply are discussed, and gear barely gets considered despite Nothing Man's request.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-08 5 
9696982VeloCITY Part 9More fluff discussion from all and progress reports from Nothing Man. Part 8 was never archived.Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-10 5 
9741714VeloCITY #10The big tenth thread as it enters autosage. Character sheet, pictures, little bit of trolling and some stories. Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Mirror's Edge, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-11 5 
10011240Arkham HorrorAn attempt to run the classic board game on /tg/.board game2010-05-24 4 
10029644Arkham Horror 2The continuation of everyone's favorite board game of horror and madness.board game2010-05-25 3 
100504684chan D&D gameEvery board of 4chan makes a character for a D&D game. /tg/ is a dorf paladin, /x/ is an alienist, /a/ is a swordsmage, /b/ is a cancer mage, fittingly.4chan house, boardfaggotry, campaign ideas2010-05-26 3 
100554334chan D&D Game pt. 2Continuation of 100504684chan house, boardfaggotry, campaign ideas2010-05-26 1 
100773774chan D&D Game pt. 3Continuation of 10055433 -saved only for continuation purposes-4chanhouse, boardfaggotry, campaign ideas2010-05-27 0 
10141807Arkham Horror Attempt #2In which we shrink the playerbase to get more things done. Pete goes Ol' Yeller on his dog. Sadness ensues.board game, Arkham Horror, Collective Game2010-05-30 1 
10144522D&D 4chan part 4continuation of 10077377boardfaggotry, 4chanhouse, campaign, ideas2010-05-30 0 
10147868Arkham Horror #2.. the Second ComingIn which our heroes defeat the forces of evil attempting to summon Hastur, the King in Yellow, and prove that running cooperative board games on /tg/ is possible.board game, Arkham Horror, Collective Game2010-05-30 1 
10162640VeloCITY RevivalRevival of the VeloCITY system/setting. Repost of some fluff, discussion and plans to actually get a game started contained within. Also, Nothing Man returns!homebrew, Mirror's Edge, Velocity, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2010-05-31 4 
August 2010
11495938Sword n' Board's Anniversary Rap threadOne year after the initial craze, Sword n' Board's back to put you in a lyrical daze. (yeah im not him, but he's in the thread)Sword n' Board, Rap thread, Awesome2010-08-03 14 
December 2010
13177880Lamias and Janitors/tg/ reacts intelligently to the janitor's rampage, and makes a board game out of it. Or two.lamias, development, board game, janitor2010-12-16 15 
January 2011
13367402Cluedoquest, Part IA quest based on the board game Clue. /tg/ has taken the role of Miss Scarlett, and is investigating the murder of the billionaire, Mr. Boddy.cluedoquest, clue, quest, board game2011-01-02 10 
13414692Cluedoquest, Part I.IIContinuing from the previous thread, Miss Scarlett continues her investigations. The weapon is discovered, but who is the murderer? And has she trusted the wrong people? Also, things begin taking a turn for the bizarre.Cluedoquest, clue, quest, board game2011-01-06 5 
13558737Dating Sim: The Board GameGame design. /tg/ trying to make a Dating Sim board game from scratch.Dating Sim, Board Game, Game Design2011-01-18 2 
June 2011
15297454Candy Land AdventuresOP took the classic board game and then turned it into something more.candy land, board game, getting shit done, expansion2011-06-18 12 
15295966Space HulkAnon brings us news of a vidya game modeled after the Space Hulk 1st edition board game. Many manly tears are shed for the fallen. Scrubs take point!40k, Warhammer, Space Marine, Terminator, Boardgame, Vidya, Video Game, Genestealers2011-06-20 6 
15372313Space Hulk 2DEATH BRINGAN, STORM BOLTAN, SECTOR PURGAN, XENO KILLAN, OVERWATCHA- what do you mean my bolter jammed?40k, Warhammer, Space Marine, Terminator, Boardgame, Vidya, Video Game, Genestealers2011-06-25 5 
August 2011
15902571Dorfs Vs. DragonsA new traditional game is spawned. A simplistic yet very replayable game. The game of... DORFS VERSUS DRAGONS.dwarf, dorf, dragon, board game, programming, clay models, fire, homebrew2011-08-11 6 
15926550Board Quest, Part IIn a world where the various boards of 4chan form their own nations, lord Bidhill of Dessex seeks to gain revenge, and later, the world!Collective Game, Board Quest, Dwarves, /b/arbarians2011-08-14 22 
15936890Board Quest, Part IILord Bidhill of Dessex receives a magic ring, we see UST between a Priestess and a Druid, and we get silver weapons to fuck up werewolves with.Collective Game, Board Quest, Dwarves, Silver Weapons, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Quest2011-08-15 17 
15949094Board Quest IIIAfter two (and most of three) threads of planning, it looks like Dessex is about to make its first strike against Umbra; we even get a shiny new sword!Collective Game, Board Quest, Quest, Sword, About Fuckig Time2011-08-16 12 
15951797Board Quest IVThe journey to battle is finally under way! But in the night, we are ambushed by werewolves! Some badass glowing and even more badass speeches later, we decide to find out exactly HOW the beasts knew where to find us... And, who may have told them.Collective Game, Board Quest, Quest, Werewolves, Lycanthropes, What a Twist, Epic2011-08-16 12 
15972097Board Quest VWe finally get to have fun storming the castle, and play tennis with a lich!Collective Game, Board Quest, Quest, Lich, Boss Battle, Tunnels, About Fucking Time2011-08-18 15 
September 2011
16301023Timecube Chess RulesAnon proves self not educated stupid by having six causally linked games of chess going simultaneously on 4Corner BoardRules, Board Game, Collaboration, Educated Stupid2011-09-15 8 
January 2012
17425007/tg/ rap battlesMC Warlock drops it like it's hot and /tg/ piles on inrap, rap battles, you will never need the other boards, 2012-01-05 10 
17508118The Return of VeloCITYThe free-running, Jet Set Radio-ing, love love loveing /tg/ homebrew is back!Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding2012-01-13 7 
February 2012
17960493/tg/ Turns Five: A RetrospectiveOn February 15, 2012, /tg/ celebrated its fifth anniversary with a look back at some of the board's more memorable moments. Happy birthday, /tg/. Here's to five more years.Discussion, story, birthday, anniversary, meta, /tg/, board2012-02-15 13 
17964414/tg/ Turns Five: A Retrospective Part 2Too much awesome nostalgia for just one thread.Discussion, story, birthday, anniversary, meta, /tg/, board2012-02-16 3 
180257184chan Adventuring CompanyJust what it says on the tin. A refugee from /b/ seeks to create an RPG with the boards of 4chan as the PCs. The neckbeards settle on a class for /tg/, seems we can stat everything... but ourselves.adventurers, boards, class, DnD, Dungeons & Dragons, PCs, RPG, stat me 2012-02-20 6 
April 2012
18654154Flyting Thread turns into Rap Battlessome fa/tg/uys throw down the mic and do some Flyting. Then Sword n' Board makes a magnificent return to form.Rap, Rap Thread, Sword n Board, Flyt, Flyting2012-04-11 32 
September 2012
20620932Medieval Game RoomOP shows us an awesome medieval style room for playing roleplaying, board games & wargaming.medieval room, tavern, roleplaying, rpg, wargaming, board game2012-09-06 6 
October 2012
21271988/tg/ Gets a CakeAnon posts pic of cake they decorated for us, thread becomes pile of awesome recipes.cooking, don't need other boards, shit gets done, cake, cookies, scroll addiction, perfect roast2012-10-26 6 
November 2012
21645749VeloCITY ReloadedInterest in the /tg/ homebrew game "VeloCITY" is rekindled. Archived for posterity and information.VeloCITY, The Wind in Your Hair, /tg/, homebrew, discussion, Jet Set Radio, Tony Hawk, Air Gear, parkour, freerunning, rollerblade, skateboard, bike2012-11-21 5 
January 2013
22605710/tg/ tries to play chess.Someone comes with a game of chess, /tg/ acts like it always does. The battle of the century ensues. Down with White!chess, /tg/, stupid, boardgame, derail2013-01-15 10 
February 2013
23176588/tg/'s Sixth Birthday/tg/ celebrates its sixth birthday on February 15 2013. Stories and memories are shared and urethras discussed.Discussion, story, birthday, anniversary, meta, /tg/, board2013-02-16 11 
March 2013
23642451You will not go to space todayA homebrew space race boardgame betwen kerbals and goblins. Also bunny people?space, homebrew, board game, ksp2013-03-13 6 
June 2013
25300550/tg/ plays Mornington Crescent/tg/ plays a classic game, Docklands rules. As you'd expect, things get buggered up fast.Mornington Crescent, board game, card game, what kind of game is this, funny2013-06-07 6 
July 2013
26217789Whiteboard Quest - Conquering the Whole White WorldThe quest of our 2-Dimensional self to attain a goal in life and to conquer the world... after we get better at drawing.Collective Game, Whiteboard Quest2013-07-25 14 
September 2013
27429855/tg/ tries to play Chess... againA continuation of the former adventures of /tg/ and a grim look into the reality that is how little we know about this fucking gamechess, /tg/, boardgame, stupid, derail2013-09-26 22 
March 2014
31172536Boom De YadaIt's that time of year and /tg/ lets the geek flag fly!Collective Song, Boom De Yada, Board Initiative2014-03-31 20 
August 2014
33898471Checkerboard WorldIdea for a world where people become the "gods" of a small 5x5 mile plot of land, with complete control over it's appearance and it's inhabitants.world building, World Building, settings, Settings, setting idea, Setting Building, Original Setting, original setting, setting creation, checkerboard world2014-08-05 2 
July 2015
41288310Weekend Smut Thread The best thread on /tg/!Smut, Lewd, You don't even need other boards!2015-07-18 -8 
June 2016
479889324chan boards as planes/countries/tg/ describes other boards as planes, realms, lands, territories, et cetera. 4chan, boards, Planescape, brainstorm, 2016-06-28 3 
October 2016
751849Dynamic Kid Quest 03Miles decides to take on a few tasks from the bulletin board, resulting in explosions at a dig site, and a fight with a tree!Collective Game, Dynamic Quest, George, Finn, Kimba, mission board2016-10-31 -15 
November 2016
806406Dynamic Kid Quest 04It ends before it begins.Collective Game, Dynamic Quest, George, Finn, Kimba, mission board2016-11-08 -14 
798209Starborn Quest 21: We Happy FewWith the dice fails of the past we instead look to party cohesion. With a divine chat, party tension and we cap it off by voting lewd.the dice gods are on board with her until they aren't. Luc Quest 2.0 anybody? Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Woun2016-11-09 2 
February 2017
51734047/tg/'s 10th Anniversary: A RetrospectiveOn February 15, 2017, /tg/celebrates its tenth birthday by discussing memorable moments, and the state of the board. Here's to 10 more! Discussion, story, birthday, anniversary, meta, /tg/, board2017-02-16 38 
November 2017
2070167Winter Ball Quest/qst/-tan looks for a partner to go to the ball with him./qst/-tan, -tans, Winter Ball, anthropomorphic personifications, boards2017-11-14 5 
May 2018
59871442Modern ByzantiumAnons consider the possibility and implications of the Byzantine Empire surviving the 1400s.alternate history, byzantine empire, roman empire, what if, /his/, don't need other boards2018-05-23 6 
July 2019
67231534COBRAAAAAAAA!/tg/ talks about G.I. Joe, Cobra, how to bring them to the tabletop, and a bit of Transformers.g.i. joe, cobra, transformers, cartoon action hour, don't even need other boards2019-07-17 5 
August 2019
3694305/qst/-tan Quest: A New Adventure!A board-tan quest with /qst/-tan as the protagonist. /cm/-tan joins the party, and the two of them defeat Van Darkholme at the Lockerroom.Board-tan, /qst/-tan2019-08-13 1 
3733375/qst/-tan Quest: A New Adventure! #2/qst/-tan burns down /tv/'s shitpost film studio and Bane offers his jet to help the party. Then the party finds /pol/'s dead body./qst/-tan, /qst/-tan quest, board-tan, board-tan quest2019-08-27 1 
September 2019
3770821/qst/-tan Quest: A New Adventure! #3The party takes a quest from /vr/ to try and find a way to calm /v/-tan down./qst/-tan, board-tan, /qst/-tan quest, board-tan quest, -tans, boards2019-09-10 1 
October 2019
3798307/qst/-tan Quest: A New Adventure! #4The finale of /qst/-tan Quest!/qst/-tan, board-tan, /qst/-tan quest, board-tan quest, -tans, boards2019-10-01 0 
June 2020
73202826Tic-Tac-Toe ReduxThe time has come for /tg/ to play tic-tac-toe once more. Or, welll...It is Tic-tac-toe, right?Tic Tac Toe, MS Paint, /tg/, boardgame2020-06-17 6 
June 2021
4788445STAR WARS - Interregnum #3.1Annie gets an interlude, we gather information about Nomi and the Blazing Chain, and Larid's tragic backstory is revealed.Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Dark, Si(th)ck, and Twisted Arthurian Backstory, Boardroom Meeting, Dweemward Bound2021-06-04 20 
July 2022
85350538Wizard ChessAnon stops taking his meds and invents a board game using super gluesuper glue, schizo, board game, chess, playing cards, armies2022-07-21 7 
April 2023
88336125A Necrologue for Klaus TauberIn this thread, /tg/ mourns a man inseparably tied to its memes, and the boardgames boom of the nineties. Do you Catan?boardgames, sticky, Catan, Settlers of Catan2023-04-11 2 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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