/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2009
6390231Real Life QuestThe OP decides to try out a quest thread - Hits home and takes offQuest, Roleplay, Little sister, Life, Real, Real, Life, NeckBeard2009-10-23 3 
December 2009
7088830Warhammer 40k Misspelled.Sisters of Bottle, The Imperial Gourd, Blood Angles, Rouge Traders, Fabulous Bill and more.40k, humor, typos, warhammer, sisters of bottle2009-12-11 6 
October 2010
12300799Sororitas QuestYou are a Sister of Battle. You are in training. This is your final test...Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, 2010-10-03 26 
12307838Sororitas Quest IIYou have completed your final task but at a terrible price. What does the future hold? Only one thing is certain. The body count has only just gotten started.Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, 2010-10-03 18 
12319589Sororitas Quest IIIShit gets real when the terror moves from the planet to your ship. Will /tg/ be able to beat the baddies and save their waifu?Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, 2010-10-04 15 
12329208Sororitas Quest IVThe clash of giants. /tg/ fights a champion of chaos... shit gets fucking awesomeSisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, Awesome2010-10-05 18 
12403737Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm IIWith a bound daemon, /tg/ goes planetside to fight against Daemons in a hive world alongside the sisters of battle.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-10-11 14 
12418678Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm IIIWith Esme back, you can witness first hand her power and grace. But now the sisters know about your daemonette waifu, Filigree, and even more trouble is blooming on the horizon.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-10-13 14 
12441476Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm IV/tg/ meets a pair of Ebon Chalice twins. Two canonesses argue over who has the better weapon. Shits and giggles ensue before everything goes to hell.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-10-15 15 
12506810Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VShit starts getting epic again when /tg/ encounters an Eldar Craftworld. Sensing the shitstorm, they offer their help. The Exalted Martyr is nowhere in sight.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-10-21 13 
12545575Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VIWARP PORTALS!!! EVERYWHERE!!! THOUSANDS OF THEM!!!! Ophelia VII is under attack and its up to badass Inquisitor Delessa to save it! A farseer and a living saint join the party. Filigree does more cute stuff.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-10-24 15 
12601958Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VIIThe attack has finally begun on Ophelia VII. /tg/ declares their loev for their pet daemonette who just somehow KEEPS GETTING FUCKING CUTER!!!Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle, cute2010-10-30 15 
November 2010
12664949ororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VIII/tg/ almost fucks up bad, one of the twins is mortally wounded and Filigree is given a new pleasure appendage... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-11-07 12 
12719005Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm IX/tg/ gets their eldar units and prepares for the upcoming battle. Several key story-related posts, adorable Filigree antics, and Canoness arguing were deleted due to mod faggotry.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-11-10 12 
12768411Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm X/tg/ wins the day through the aplication of more heresy, though unconciousness and an angry caononness are the result.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-11-13 12 
12815395Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XII/tg/ gets attacked by corrupt sisters. Filigree turns into Bruce Campbell. Also, warp tornadoes.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-11-17 12 
12842656Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XI/tg/ epic fails their exorcism roll and wonder where the Inquisitor Lord ran off too. Squad morale restored and OP draws more stuff.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-11-19 12 
12921808Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XIIIAfter some exposition and waifu hoarding, the shit hits the fan... in the worst way... Filigree looses her disguise and Delessa fights Miriael.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-11-30 12 
December 2010
12975487Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XIVWith Esme's return, Miriael is sent packing via vortex grenade. Lucky rolls ensure the waifus survive, except for Anna who is a vegetable. Filigree's powers are unlocked and /tg/ sets out to find survivors with the twins.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-12-02 12 
13026858Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XVDelessa collects several more waifus and... OH SHIT! ADAMANTINE SPACE BEARS!Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-12-10 13 
13147755The Emperor's Day MartyrThe Big E is at it again when he spies the heroic sacrifice of a young Battle Sister.Emperor's Day, Sisters of Battle, Writefaggotry2010-12-14 7 
13107162Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XVIAs a new chaos god is about to be born, esme leads the sisters to death or glory. We get left behind to rally the troops. Chapter 2 ends.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-12-14 12 
13153384Shy GuardsmanThe story of Klightus Sister Bethany.Klightus Sister Bethany Shy Guardsman2010-12-15 39 
13193477Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless TaintShit gets real. /tg/ takes control of Esme again and must face the storm. The wrath of a newly-awakened chaos god.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-12-18 12 
13299607Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint IIAfter fighting off hordes of daemons, /tg/ guides The Exalted Marytr into the storm.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-12-27 11 
13331994Shy Guardsman IIContinuation of the story of of Klightus and Sister BethanyKlightus Sister Bethany Shy Guardsman2010-12-30 29 
January 2011
13444943Shy Guardsman IIIThe story of Klightus and Bethany continues to continueShy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-01-09 27 
13451947Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint IIIFighting chaosSororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2011-01-15 12 
13541792Shy Guardsman IVThe final part of Klightus' and Bethany's story.Shy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Wiprecht, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-01-16 29 
13623078Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint IVWith the first visible blow to the realm struck, all eyes turn to Esme and her party. With the fledgeling god aware of them, things will continue to get more and more difficult.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2011-01-23 11 
13693761Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint IV.5A remake of the previous thread which went nowhere. With the first visible blow to the realm struck, all eyes turn to Esme and her party. With the fledgeling god aware of them, things will continue to get more and more difficult.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2011-01-28 10 
February 2011
13787873Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint VWaifu +1 and Tessa is still missing. The Chaos God makes itself known and OP draws more stuff.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2011-02-09 10 
13904170Klightus and Bethany get marriedAt long last, Shy Guardsman gives us the long-awaited account of Klightus and Bethany's wedding. What better day than Valentine's Day to tell the story.Shy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Wiprecht, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-02-15 35 
13957442Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint VITessa is still missing and the exploration of a creepy museum continues. Filigree does silly things and Alessa plays with her really big gun.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2011-02-20 12 
March 2011
14291292Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint VIITessa is resurrected from the dead and some of Ophelia VII gets pulled into the new god's realm as it reveals itself. Waifu +1 as Evelyn and her initiates joins the party. Now Esme is heading to the center to kick ass and take names.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2011-03-19 11 
14341016Random Encounter turned Insane StoriesWhat started as a normal random encounter thread is quickly derailed when a poster begins talking about his girlfriend, who is apparently both ex-Mossad and extremely angry. Entertainment is had by all, along with discussion of whether one beatdown was justifiablestorytime, Sister of Battle, random encounter, crazy woman2011-03-24 8 
April 2011
14462157Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint VIIIA bit of downtime, followed by more fighting and anticsSororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2011-04-16 12 
May 2011
14695376Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint IX/tg/ gets lucky as the Legion of the Damned show up to join the fight. Hopefully they will be enough.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2011-05-08 14 
January 2012
17701129Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint XIEsme and group descend into the sewers to infiltrate the hiveSororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2012-01-28 7 
February 2012
17794180Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint XII/tg/ decides to split the party and progress further with only the assistance of Caramel.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2012-02-05 3 
17858278Warhammer 40K: heretical love part XXIIContinuation of SoB thread from previous.Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, sisters of battle, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus 2012-02-08 25 
17889147Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint XIIIThe snake daemon is defeated and a wild Filigree is encountered.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2012-02-12 1 
17993785Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint XIV/tg/ blunders into a trap. Not that much gets done.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2012-02-20 3 
March 2012
18286800Planetary Governor Quest Part TwoWe uncover a Genestealer infestation under our capitol and begin containment. Sisters of Battle and Ultramarines are called in and we begin preparation for Operation NapalmCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Warhammer, 40K, Eldar, Guns, discussion, Ultramarines, Sisters of Battle, RT, Rogue Trader, Genestealer2012-03-11 23 
18269826Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint XV/tg/ manages to defeat a giant tentacle abomination and enters a new area with a power generator.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2012-03-12 7 
April 2012
18904408Sisters of CleaningA rehash of classic Sisters of Cleaning tales and a few new ones.40k, warhammer, Sisters of Battle2012-04-30 13 
May 2012
19243277Planetary Governor Quest: Part EightWe hammer out space-combat, acquire several ships that we were apparently supposed to have the entire time, come to an agreement with the Sisters of Battle regarding setting up a Mission, visit the site of the Chaos Raid, and have a Zombie scare. Also Homesteading and Editor dropping more epic speeches.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle2012-05-26 13 
19255653Planetary Governor Quest: Part NineAnother short session. Not very much is accomplished, but we do lay the groundwork for future plans and start on building the Sisters a moon base.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle2012-05-27 12 
June 2012
19330283Planetary Governor Quest: Part TenIn which we get the lowdown on local politics and factions from the Arbites Judge, make more plans, argue about Power Weapons, and learn a bit of Daysimir history and the background of the Iron Dragons.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Space Battle2012-06-02 11 
19497943Planetary Governor Quest: Part TwelveThe first decent session in a while. We continue dismantling the Space Hulk, Get Skitarii help, and fight a mob of "evolved" Cyborks with huge, angry squigs and a really messed up mutant Warboss.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle, Orks, warboss, Blood Axes, Fang, Dreadnought2012-06-16 20 
July 2012
19769356That guy thread, BBB EditionThe tale of Big Boy Blue is finally told. It involve a fox skull and attempted knifing.That Guy, Fox, Fox Skull, Furry, Sister, Necrophilia, BBB2012-07-07 77 
19808531Chapter Quest Spin-Off II: PrisonerAfter the boarding action against Adeptus Sororitas Brother Montus is mistakenly listed as MIA in by his brothers while in truth he is taken prisoner. He there meets Sister Judith with whom he gets bonded in a very strange way... No, it's not a fapfic.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, torture, neuro-whip2012-07-10 11 
19833002Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark EldarBrother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, Dark Eldar, Feudal world, webway, Commoragh, slaves, rape, Sororitas2012-07-12 10 
19868766Planetary Governor Quest: Part FourteenWe talk about politics, Democracy up, make some good headway in dismantling the Hulk, and accidentally wake up something terrible in the core of the Hulk by abysmally failing a roll.Planetary Governor Quest, Collective Game, Space Marines, Astartes, Imperial Guard, IG, PDF, RT, Rogue Trader, Xenos, Warhammer, 40K, Tyranid, Tyranids, Genestealer, Pirates. spiders, oh god why, SOB, Sisters of Battle2012-07-14 11 
19885035Planetary Governor Quest: Part 14.5We get off to a late start and are forced to move threads after a mod slaps down an early autosage.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Space Battle2012-07-15 12 
19886971Planetary Governor Quest: Part 15The continuation from 14.5, we bro it up with insect Xenos, piss of the SOB, and finally finish with that HulkCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Space Battle, Orks, RT, Rogue Trader, HTML, Space Hulk, Politics, Spiders2012-07-15 13 
August 2012
20245732Blood Jaguars 4A fourth Blood Jaguar thread, with info on their Sisters allies, artwork, and the like.Blood Jaguars, Sisters, homebrew2012-08-10 8 
20259461TG cries over Metal SistersWhat happens when a new release is impending? The Metal Sisters get melt! /tg/ cries like babies.sisters of battle, warhammer 40k, rumors, sad2012-08-10 10 
September 2012
20759908Codex: Sisters of Battle I/tg/ takes a look at the sisters and awesome ensuessisters of battle, game design, codex, sororitas, awesome, act of faith, acts of faith, sensei, living saint2012-09-18 9 
20863758Hangover Mechanicus 2The second thrilling installment in Vyrius' quest to not piss off an order of Adepta Sororitas. Turns out he's pretty terrible at it. 40K, writefaggotry, Sororitas, AdMech, Techpriest, Sister of Battle, alcohol, butthurt2012-09-26 10 
December 2012
21826031Drawfag requests some fapfic for a comic. /tg/ delivers.Inquisitor Arken visits the Covenant of St. Jezebel the Magnificent. Shit gets hot, heavy, and then downright heretical.Lewd, Writefaggotry, Arken, Sisters of Battle, HERESY, fapfic2012-12-01 16 
February 2013
22949454Sisters of SteelPlaceholder name. /tg/ gets working on a group of Sisters of Battle that work closely with some members of the Adeptus Mechanicus.Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Adaptus, Mechanicus, 40K, Homebrew, WIP2013-02-05 2 
June 2013
25221138These fine upstanding imperial citizens are in no way xeno infiltrators.Humorous 40k banterwarhammer 40000, 40k, sisters of battle, funny2013-06-04 5 
July 2013
25765853Sisters of Battle video game ideasA fairly normal SoB thread gets interesting when one anon idly wishes for an SoB video game. /tg/ gets to work and brainstorms three of them.Sisters of Battle, SoB, video game, vidya2013-07-02 12 
August 2013
26744169TA GIT DA PREDATORChriz Orksen and his team of grots lure in the sexual predators of the 40k universe, for the good of everyone (and their viewership ratings), waiting for that one predator that'll get their show renewed for sure!Chriz Orksen, Orks, Ork, Predator, erotica, Macha, SoB, Sister, Battle, Catch, Predator, WAAAGH!, 'flamer'2013-08-21 37 
November 2013
28044523Order of the Obsidian Mirror/tg/ rolls up some sisters of battle and gets CIA/GRU battle spies in space instead.40k, Sisters of Battle, Custom2013-11-02 9 
July 2014
33413732Chaos Sisters Fandex Ep3Third attempt at a chaos sisters of battle fandex after /tg/ sperged out previously.chaos, sisters of battle, corruption, fandex, sperglords, edgy, dull, codex, fan,2014-07-15 -2 
February 2015
37902779Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 1You are Bellatrix Curis, in training to become a Sister of Battle. Some stuff happens, and then some lewd stuff happens with a xeno witch, and she passes out before you can get her name! The nerve!Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM2015-02-08 11 
37997548Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 2Bella finds the Eldar's spear, learns that her name is Alirye, puts the moves on the poor pointy-eared gal, and the both of them head into the spooky forest!Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Dire Chicken, Spooky Forest, Hylophobia, 2015-02-12 9 
38174648Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 3Bellatrix lectures Alirye on how snazzy the Emperor is, meets a felinid techpriestess, pets said techpriestess, and discovers HERESY.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, TECH HERESY, Necrodermis, Double headpats2015-02-20 6 
38246094Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 4Bella takes a dip, becomes strong like (strong thing), kisses (and gets kissed), gets a Multi-melta for free, and is attacked by an invisible butt!Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, Goo, Super-strength, Invisibility2015-02-23 8 
March 2015
38403397Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 5Bella and Alirye infiltrate the Ork camp, and Bella promptly sets some tank-thing on fire, then some Orks on fire, then tries to set a building on fire and gets krump'd by a Nob.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Lots'o'fire, Krump'ing2015-03-02 6 
38630544Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 6Bella and Alirye kick some ork arse, Aila performs a super-duper-extra delicate field operation and jams Bella's severed arm back into place, and, most importantly, Bella does some one-liners. Oh, and Aila barges in and ruins the lewd mood Alirye and Bella had been cultivating.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Catgirl Techpriestess, Awkward conversations, mood-ruining, lewd-interrupting, power nap2015-03-12 5 
38723571Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 7Bella takes up the flamer, engages Alirye in a duel of lewd, half-listens to some tech-priests, and finds out that Alirye is a cougar during the cult-purging road trip!Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, ear lewdness, flamer time!, cougars, lewdvengeance, Aila heard all of that2015-03-16 4 
39010444Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 8Short thread (sorry). Bella and Alirye arrive at their destination, talk to some civilians, find the heresy, and have several benches tossed at them. Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, reasonable people, crazy psykers, cultists, spooky artifacts, telekinetically-propelled benches2015-03-30 4 
May 2015
40201823Sister and Chaos Gods Quest 1Only through the love and affection our step sister Maya has for us, can she endure the constant Chaos God corruption that looms over her.Sister and Chaos Gods, Quest, Collective Game2015-05-27 7 
40222320Sister and Chaos Gods 2We meet Uncle Zen at the tournament, as annoying as that may be; we level up our bond with Maya and we go play roleplay games - but we got into a discussion with our sis! Also a drawfag did Maya!Sister and Chaos Gods, Quest, Collective Game2015-05-29 7 
June 2015
40262919Sister and Chaos Gods 3We play roleplay with Maya's friends, and then roleplay with Maya, and fall into the clutches of Slaanesh. Then we go to the doctor to try to fix it - but Dr. Nelson is too much of a lazyass jerk to help us.Sister and Chaos Gods, Quest, Collective Game2015-06-01 3 
40322314Sister and Chaos Gods 4We go to a LARP with Maya, an meet Mr.Köhl there, who is quite a bro. Unluckily, Zen is there too, to fuck with us, but we manage to handle it.Sister and Chaos Gods, Quest, Collective Game2015-06-02 4 
40756036Field kit inspection penal regiment /tg/Another field kit inspections sees sora taking the penal regiment to purge church desacrated by chaos confectioneryfield kit inspection, penal regiment designation /tg/, collective game, ruh, grenadier sahar, palatani sister theresia, gary the catachan, ruh, gibbers, peasant2015-06-23 5 
40769848Sipahi Marines & Luckless SistersIn which Sisters are lost by bet to the White Scars' more Turkic descendants.40k, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Arabs, Mongols, Turks, Sipahi, Custom Chapter,2015-06-23 6 
40775800Sipahi Marines & Luckless Sisters 2The "Mad Mamluk" Biker Marines with their scantily-clad Byzantine Beach Sisters get some colors and fluff, and now with a War Boys PDF.40k, Custom Chapter, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Arabs, homebrew, Mongols, Turks, Sipahi, Sororitas2015-06-24 7 
40808475Sipahi Marines & Luckless Sisters 3The "Mad Mamluk" Biker Marines and the Byzantine Beach Sisters get more colors and even more fluff, now with Trooper Hoplites IG and Desert Tribe War Boys PDF and even some stroytime.40k, Custom Chapter, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Arabs, homebrew, Turks, Sipahi, Sororitas2015-06-28 5 
40901015Penal regiment /tg/ - field kit inspection - ibram gaunt is my waifu editionThe penal regiment /tg/ is sent to a space hulk to clear out a maximum of genestealers before the karskin can come in and sweep all the glory. Gibbers descends more fully into madness, a Cadianite turns out to be a disciple of nurgle and voxes the sororitas to the displeasure of the commissar, who was just inviting the quartermaster to a drink if they survived the ordealcollective game, penal regiment designation /tg/,commissar gaurun, gary, ruh, lemmings, gibbers, gary the catachan, cadianite, palatine sister theresia, captain alexandr mikhailovicht, quartermaster nihaonyan2015-06-29 5 
July 2015
41027807Penal regiment /tg/ - field kit inspection - fucking this again editionThis time the regiment is facing off against Chaos spawn, as they are joined by the Inquisition, sister Theresia and the navigator, while a plot appears to stow away the commissar to safety.field kit inspection, penal regiment designation /tg/, collective game, ruh, lemming, gibbers, palatine sister theresia, navigator elena, inquisitor vilhelm, quartermaster nihaonyan, commissar gaurun2015-07-05 8 
October 2015
43081579Home brewed reworking of Bioshock RPGOP asks for input to work Tonics into spell systems. /tg/ runs off with it into the direction of it's own game system. Crunch ensues.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-20 6 
43219967Home brewed Bioshock RPG #2Continuing from the first thread.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-24 0 
43332824Home brewed Bioshock RPG #3More crunch added along with discussions about how real life tech on building on the bottom of the sea. Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-31 1 
November 2015
43453917Home brewed Bioshock RPG #4New Homebrew guy posts up parts of the Alpha phase RPG and anons start to dig in to get shit done.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-11-05 0 
43540626Home brewed Bioshock RPG #5Status effects, Melee weapons and conditions are worked on. 3D IRL table top figurines are made as well.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-11-11 0 
43805023Nuns with glaivesDesign thread for a Sororitas order devoted mainly to melee weapons, writing and drawings in progress.Sisters of Battle, Melee only, No power armour2015-11-25 2 
43821682Order Of The Armoured Heart-Nuns With GlaivesMore writefaggotry and drawfaggotry in this second installment, now with the adventures of Canoness Superior Boudicea!Sisters of Battle, Melee only, No power armour, Order Of The Armoured Heart, Drawfaggotry, Writefaggotry.2015-11-26 3 
April 2016
46737037Covert Ops SoB Creation #1Dice rolls result in a sneaky under-strength order. Arguing ensures about everything from theme to name.Creation thread, Sisters of Battle2016-04-19 1 
July 2016
47946038Give Sisters of Battle an UpdateA thread where an anon challenged /tg/ to update SoB without going overboard or making them weak space marines. /tg/ obliged.Warhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew2016-07-01 1 
48009418More SoB Updates and DiscussionA continuation of a previous Sisters of Battle thread, which led to some good discussion and homebrew.Warhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew2016-07-01 2 
48049810 /tg/'s 7th Edition Sister of Battle PDF UpdateThe latest (and probably final) thread of /tg/'s 7th edition update for sisters of battleWarhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew2016-07-03 4 
48348811/tg/'s 7th Edition Sister of Battle PDF UpdateMore work being done on the /tg/ fandex for SoB 7th edition.Warhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew2016-07-22 0 
September 2016
49425553Sisters of Battle talk threadA thread that began with Sisters players nerding out and ended with more brainstorming for the /tg/ 7th edition fandexWarhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew2016-09-23 2 
49461055/tg/'s 7th Edition Sister of Battle threadA thread discussing the /tg/ 7th Edition AdSor fandexWarhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew2016-09-24 -3 
December 2016
50572576Sisters of Battle as Daemons of the Emperor/tg/ writes a new backstory for Living Saints and other warp-spawned manifestations of Imperial faith. An army of Imperial Daemons results.worldbuilding, daemons, sisters of battle, imperial cult, ecclesiarchy, chaos, warp,2016-12-09 15 
February 2018
57923689/tg/ makes a homebrew SoB Order/tg/ generates a new Sister of Battle Order using the 1d4chan Order Creation rules, coming up with a Spartan ordersisters of battle warhammer 40k 40,000 homebrew2018-02-13 5 
April 2018
2401990From Nothing QuestA poor slave child escapes to the woods only to emerge a year later and be adopted by a magic merchant.Magic, Amon, adoption, Fantasy, adventure, RPG, sister,2018-04-03 3 
May 2018
2572796Sibling RivalryA girl undergoes alien puberty and becomes part furry I guess. A girl struggles with her identity crisis leading to her possible demiSplit protag, collective game, sisters, sibling rivalry, 2018-05-26 1 
May 2019
65977935Predator Marines Part 2A continuation of the first Predator Marines thread fleshing out the glorious clusterfuck of a sector they're based in.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Predator Marines, Iron Hands, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, 40k, Writefaggotry2019-05-01 12 
65998356Predator Marines part 3ITT, we finally get around to rolling the ork klan. Also, cyborg Xenomorph combat servitors and Jew Necrons.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Predator Marines, Iron Hands, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, 40k, Writefaggotry2019-05-03 10 
66035693Predator Marines part 4We continue working on the Venaro sector, Jewish dark mechanicus, and move towards Genestealers.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Predator Marines, Iron Hands, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, 40k, Writefaggotry2019-05-09 5 
August 2019
67603168The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 3The Saga continues, Imperials have finally claimed Groxbridge, but then Tau invade, and other old foes haven't given up yet, also maps40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tau, Chaos, Necrons, Orks, Space Marines, Navy, Admech, Sisters of Battle2019-08-07 8 
3745255My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GFIn the cybernetic future, you sign up for a government issue big titty goth girlfriendGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-08-21 28 
67952063The Battle For Arazonia SecundusThe Americus 10th Mechanized scour the desert of foul xenos. Featuring; Ork Cowboys, Eldar Tavern Wenches, Tempestus Scions, Stoner Tank 40k, writefaggotry, IG, Orks,Tau, Necrons, Eldar, Sisters of Battle, Daemonette, Krieg2019-08-29 3 
September 2019
68123185Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry Regiment Part 2Short lived second part to the Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry Regiment40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tau, Dark Eldar, Sisters of Battle2019-09-02 2 
3785625My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 2You take your Goth GF to DennysGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-09-09 14 
68113304The battle of Damnatum Lutum, part 4With winter rolling in and the Tau having settled down, the anons of the thread worldbuild with some giant battles on the side40k, writefaggotry, world building, IG, Eldar, Tau, Rogue Trader, Chaos, Orks, Imperial Fists, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition2019-09-10 6 
October 2019
3824506My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 3Trash a cat, face gets sat, girlfriend spatGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-10-01 8 
68704690The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 5In the thick of winter, the Imperials try to advance into Tau territory but old and new enemies appear to complicate their plans.40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition, Grot2019-10-12 6 
3857237My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 4Sleepy Time, Tower Climb, Meet the boss, Is this loss?Goth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-10-17 8 
November 2019
69181640The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 6As winter ends, deep fog engulfs the region, and all sorts of spooky enemies appear40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Inquisition, Genestealers2019-11-11 5 
December 2019
69925790The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7First part of the final chapter in the DL series. Nids show up and are fought with a mix of nukes, volcanos, guns, and good ol' melee comba40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tyranids, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Inquisition, Orks, Tau2019-12-22 3 
January 2020
70060601The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.5Part 2 of the final thread. As another nuclear explosion goes off in the distance, our remaining heroes continue to fight the Tyranid horde.40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tyranids, Tau, Chaos, Inquisition, Orks, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar2020-01-03 4 
70248496The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.5.5Part 3 of the final thread, the forces of Chaos return in force while our heroes struggle to survive across the map.40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tau, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Inquisition2020-01-05 2 
70300545The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.6Part 4 of the final thread. The story comes to an end with an epic titan fight. Epilogue in another thread.40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition, Tyranids2020-01-22 4 
70585421The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, EpiloguePosters discuss the fates of their characters, their favorite parts of the seven month saga, and next steps.40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition2020-01-27 6 
April 2020
4185830My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Sidestory Oneshot Super Deluxe Edition A sidestory in the My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF about a hacker and his GF. Goth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2020-04-14 10 
4206590My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 5Trailer Life, Future Strife, Emotion Rife, Get a WifeGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2020-04-27 9 
July 2020
73737103The Sister and the CommissarAnons come up with some silly interactions between Sisters of Battle and other characters and OP sketches up some of them40k, writefaggotry, Sisters of Battle, Commissar, Admech, Tau, Chaos, Space Marines, Orks2020-07-16 11 
73774964Silly Thread (Silly Sisters of Battle Thread Part 2)Continuation of the previous thread, a group of Sisters continue to post snarky comments at each other on an anonymous image board.40k, writefaggotry, Sisters of Battle, Admech, Chaos, Space Marines, Blood Ravens, IG, Krieg2020-07-16 2 
73781135Silly Thread 2 (Silly Sisters of Battle Thread Part 3)In case you didn't get enough snark in the last two threads, the Sisters return for more name calling and bizarre updates40k, writefaggotry, Sisters of Battle, Chaos, Space Marines, Blood Ravens, IG2020-07-18 2 
August 2020
4386142Decree Passive: A 40k QuestSister Martha is born. Imperial strike forces begin to assault void shield emitters on a traitor world; Martha leads a small command.40k, Sister of Battle, Decree Passive2020-08-25 3 
July 2023
5687808My Sister, My Writer1 QM makes a low-effort quest based on the premise of a siscon light novel; another QM with no knowledge of the series picks it upMy Sister My Writer, Adopted Quest, anime, alternate timeline, slice-of-life, lewd, romance, Japanese Culture2023-07-11 3 
September 2023
90104816Valhallans on a shrine worldThe Valhallan 545th armored are deployed to a shrine world40k, IG, valhallans, skitarii, chaos, genestealers, tyranids, titans, deathwatch, writefaggotry, sisters of battle2023-09-08 7 
90184044Valhallans on a shrine world 2The Valhallan 545th and other forces continue their misadventure on the shrine world40k, IG, valhallans, skitarii, chaos, genestealers, tyranids, deathwatch, writefaggotry, sisters of battle2023-09-15 7 
5737876My Sister, My Writer Quest (2)The occult-influenced alternate take on the thin siscon premise adds combat and business mechanics, an occult air, and then... Stops?My Sister My Writer, Adopted Quest, anime, alternate timeline, slice-of-life, lewd, romance, combat, occult2023-09-28 1 
October 2024
6114062Cambion QuestA nilbog and a demogoblin, twin spawn of a succubus, set out to make something of themselves by starting an adventuring party...ReptoidQM, spinoff, shortstack, goblins, sisters, stigma, adventure, fantasy, demonism, sex, violence, friendship2024-10-02 -8 
January 2025
6172201Six Sisters Quest! <3Six sisters share a home, and squalor. You are the youngest sister, and you are special. 1 QM starts a quest, abandons; another takes it up.six sisters, adopted quest, sisterhood2025-01-09 -1 
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