/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2012
17901201/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 10Dwarf Fortress dwarves invade Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. We defeat the dwarves, and make progress towards looting the fuck out of the dungeon.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Crawl, Stone Soup, DCSS, Dwarf, Fort, Fortress, DF, Fuck the world lever2012-02-12 7 
17931031/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 11The players loot the Shoals, Orc mines, Vaults, and part of the Dungeon. Absolutely nothing else happens after that.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Crawl, Stone Soup, DCSS, Orb of Zot, Zot, Scrabble2012-02-15 5 
17978601/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 12Vaults:8, Crypts, Elf Halls, chat with gods, people fail at scrabble.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Crawl, Stone Soup, DCSS, Orb of Zot, Zot, Scrabble, Elyvilon, Writefaggotry, SCP-18922012-02-17 5 
17991681/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 13Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup completed. Witness the shocking final confrontation with the final boss!Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Crawl, Stone Soup, DCSS, Orb of Zot, Zot, Author, Self, Insert2012-02-18 5 
February 2017
1121806Guardsmen QuestGuardsmen quest, OP is a lazy fag but it's worth itGuardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-02-05 3 
1124998Guardsman Quest #2: of Nids and Birds OP is STILL a shit eating lazy faggot. Writes good, doesn't do anything else with his life.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-02-05 1 
1126922Guardsman Quest: A heresy a day.....Players find Chaos shit and immediately touch it all over, much like OP does to his Mom when his Mom passes out drunkGuardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-02-05 1 
1164033Guardsman Quest #4 Hello Grimdark my old friendwe begin once more with guardsman, heresy and shenanigans ensue. OP still lazy.Guardsman quest, Soup, 40k2017-02-25 2 
March 2017
1200269Guardsman quest #5 To walk in another person's shoesOP and friends decide to be a girl, it will be a long time before they are not a girl. also op is still lazyGuardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-03-06 2 
1234721Guardsman Quest #6: mutants and cultists, what could go wrong?continuing being a girl, we get several people killed. also turns out that old "friend" was a daemon.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-03-11 1 
1251827Guardsmen quest #7: and then there was firewell, daemon two down and also answers for why it was so easy. also finally Ordo Hereticus has arrived, they like fire.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-03-19 1 
April 2017
1285539Guardsman Quest #8: One should not tempt fateGuardsman remains a girl, also new recruits to the party loli psyker and complete psychopath. also kinda now stranded on a eldar craftworld.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-04-01 0 
1346148Guardsman quest #9: Only way out is inRecruitment: two Xenos scum, also we are still kinda stuck as a girlGuardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-04-18 1 
1378898Guardsman Quest #10 you have 169 problemswell the hidden masters decide to play puppet master and bullshit with you, also you are the inquisitor nowGuardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-04-30 1 
May 2017
1414351Guardsman Quest #11: Back to the grimdarkwelp traveling though the warp and such, also first attempt with diplomacy with a rogue trader ended baddlyGuardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-05-11 1 
1445840Guardsman Quest #12: Orks, why did it have to be Orkskill one cult and more appear, we are going to be busy for a whileGuardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-05-23 1 
June 2017
1487651Guardsman quest #13: a apple a day keeps Nurgle awayFirst we are the hunter, now we kicked a hornet's nest and zombies are attacking.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-06-02 1 
1524985Guardsman Quest #14: Cruel fates, shattered hopesshit happened, like really bad shit happened.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-06-11 1 
1561285Guardsman Quest #15: Of Orks and MenGood news and bad news. Good news is we are not probably the best chance for big E to return. Bad news we probably will die because of it.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-06-21 1 
July 2017
1602587Guardsman quest #16: old friends, new enemieswelp we found out that loli psyker can swear, also we found out that we may have a traitor in our ranks. Loli psyker is also kinda powerful.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-07-07 1 
1644088Guardsman Quest #17: When the inquisitor comes to playWelp seems we have reached our next target planet and got a royal welcome also we suspect betrayal from one of our inner circle.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-07-20 1 
August 2017
1720815Guardsman Quest #18: Disaster and profit (continued)Well we fought a demon and then got dragged into a game with Tzeentch, mistakes were made.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-08-13 1 
1773032Guardsman Quest #19: End of a small game, start of the grand game.we beat the god in a children's card game, sure we cheated but what are rules anyways? also Markal and Thera are back.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-08-25 1 
September 2017
1815710Guardsman Quest #20: At last the pieces fall into place.We meet Markal and Valrisa again. Have some drinks, and get punched. Also we find out that it seems we have a big target on us now.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-09-09 1 
1856121Guardsman Quest #21: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.welp we learned from our eldar friend that we cannot in fact brush off the farseer who wants to see us, also Valrisa enjoys her chainswordsGuardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-09-21 1 
October 2017
1887312Guardsman Quest #22: Flame for the hereticsThe fight with the cultists continues, because we cannot just kill them all in one go.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-10-02 1 
1924149Guardsman Quest #23: If you will it, so shall it be.Well we won and things happened, and some really bad things happened. Like the base we were at before has been taken by fucking heretics.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-10-12 1 
November 2017
2000129Guardsman Quest #23: the good the bad and the hereticalbreaking into a cultists and demon infested building was not a good decision, somehow we made a worse one.Guardsmen Quest, Soup, 40k2017-11-04 1 
December 2017
2177010Slaanesh Quest: Chaotic beginningsWe start off with a bang of being born and end with getting a ship.Slaanesh, Soup, NSFW, Slaanesh Quest2017-12-28 3 
January 2018
2192130Slaanesh Quest #2: The balance of pleasure and painwell we took over the ship and now are beginning to corrupt everyone on it, also we have a champion nowSlaanesh, Soup, NSFW, Slaanesh Quest2018-01-08 2 
2218239Slaanesh Quest #3: Damning a planet for fun and profit [NSFW]well we managed to fuck a planet so hard it now is a daemon world. good job people.Slaanesh, Soup, NSFW, Slaanesh Quest2018-01-17 2 
February 2018
2255408Slaanesh Quest #4: The most Dangerous GameWe find and invade a eldar craftworld, now to make it fall without getting killedSlaanesh, Soup, NSFW, Slaanesh Quest2018-02-09 1 
May 2018
2584889Slaanesh Quest #5: And those who see far fall far as wellWe continue our attempt to take the eldar craftworld, ends poorlySlaanesh, Soup, NSFW, Slaanesh Quest2018-05-27 1 
June 2021
4813203MANAGER, HELP! Thread #2In which video kills the radio star, our minions kick a fat lunatic to death, and the Overseer confronts Ben on his behavior.Overseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup2021-06-12 8 
July 2021
4885508MANAGER, HELP! Thread #3In which a bright and dark cityscape is witnessed, then an old madman is haggled with, as the QM cannot post and thread is sparse.Overseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup2021-07-29 7 
November 2021
4992519MANAGER, HELP! Thread #4In which the Admin kicks a bitch in the $%&!, disarms a bomb, eats an arm, and has a very nice day.Overseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup2021-11-05 5 
January 2022
5089129MANAGER, HELP! Thread #5In which one hour is completed, an epiphany is engaged, and thread is sparse.Overseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup2022-01-21 5 
April 2022
5191644MANAGER, HELP! Another Facility Management Quest #6Puzzles are shown, a poker game finishes, the thread is sparseOverseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup2022-04-25 5 
July 2022
5285508MINIMUM WAGE COMMANDOIn which an unwitting and formerly dead(?) Agent is thrown into the sewers, QM gives up, and the thread is sparse.Collective Game, Alphabet Soup, Thread is Sparse2022-07-03 0 
April 2023
5588130NOW HIRING: Still Another Facility Management Quest You are the MANAGER. You must make PRODUCT. In the remote facility with an ocean view, a guy transforms into a giant stone giraffe.Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup, Reboot2023-04-08 3 
May 2023
5636870NOW HIRING: Still Another Facility Management Quest #2In a facility by the false ocean shores, the Manager showboats for a shrimp farm, we talk with Ed, and a centipede knight is captured. Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup, Reboot2023-05-27 3 
September 2023
5737416NOW HIRING #3: Still Another Facility Management Quest:A few works are done, a zipper is seen, nothing much else happens. a centipede knight is captured. Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup, Reboot2023-09-20 2 
October 2023
5776609Moth Agent QuestFollow the adventures of a humanoid mothman that works for a company dealing with supernatural shenanigans. You also have a cute pet.Alphabet Soup, Mothman, Moth, supernatural, USA, Gunslinger, anomaly, pet2023-10-31 7 
March 2024
5912510Bobbert Quest 1Voices urge Bobbert to leave her home after months of burn out recovery and get a job. Lateralis Heavy Industries provide. Madness follows.Collective Game, Bobbert Quest, Alphabet Soup, The City, Lateralis Heavy Industries, Madness, Female Protagonist2024-03-20 2 
June 2024
6002986Moth Agent Quest #2You are a mothman. You have a gun. You are shooting gas masked bastards in a sewer then the thread became sparse. Alphabet Soup, Mothman, Moth, USA2024-06-18 2 
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