/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2010
8859387Cyberpunk Ain't DeadSelf-explanatory.cyberpunk, fluff, rather off-topic2010-03-29 0 
May 2010
9892286Polearms don't get any attentionPolearms actually get attention and discussionPolearms Earspoon Talhoffer2010-05-18 3 
October 2010
12454018Zeonquest unofficial threadIn which we discuss Zeonquest stuff since Apologised is working and can't do Zeonquest till tomorrow. Includes discussion on the newest generation of Zeonic general production suits, Gihren's loony times, etc.sieg, zeon, zeonquest, unofficial2010-10-16 3 
November 2010
12743245Official ReportSpin the story, or die trying An inter-agency SNAFU RPGhomebrew, official report2010-11-10 6 
December 2010
13012344Planes & Mercs Quest #1After a delayed start due to a power outage in the GM's city, the quest finally gets under way and the team chooses its first mission: Flying air support for a daring prison break in Burma funded by Amnesty International.Planes and Mercs, planes, mercenaries, spin-off, jets, air combat2010-12-03 8 
13058706Travellers guide to EarthAustralia: don't go there also avnari writefaggotry (Warning bromance)avnari, slight humanity fuck yeah, hitch hiker ripoff2010-12-07 13 
13043559Planes & Mercs Quest #2OP still not back, but discussion continues. Mostly on related music and sexy sexy fightersPlanes and Mercs, planes, mercenaries, spin-off, jets, air combat, music2010-12-08 1 
13100396Planes & Mercs Quest #3OP still not back, but discussion continues. Mostly on related music and sexy sexy fighters. Some discussions on the Malasian air force, and some writefaggotry about a guy named Pierre and explosions Planes and Mercs, Planes, Mercenaries, spin-offs, jets, 2010-12-12 2 
March 2011
14252095/tg/ Rap-OffSword n' Board returns and engages in a rap-off with newcomer and character optimizer Master Cleave. A shitstorm ensues.Rap, Rap-off, Rap-battle, 2011-03-16 13 
April 2011
14440533Zeonquest April 1st special April Fools! Anons run a made up Zeonquest episode. April, Fools, quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha, unofficial2011-04-02 3 
May 2011
14958236Casting and ripping off GW IPSo now that GW is ejaculating in the gaping anuses of all the southern hemisphere, how about we have a thread talking about casting our own shit and circumventing the skyrocketing price range.cast, oyumaru, plastic, mold, mould, ripoff, saving, cheap, cheaper2011-05-18 1 
June 2011
15252903Fantasy Races, in a Modern Office Environment.OP Poses question, and challenge, things go from there, with Office Politics, race relations, and really weird pron.roleplay,epic,office,elf,elf wut do,2011-06-13 8 
August 2011
15974215Zerg Quest LIVEcological disaster complete. Mantalisks ahoy! Ooo, charts and graphs!Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Manta Ray Feudalism, Sir Geoffrey of Zerg, Exciting Research, Ballustrades2011-08-18 11 
15994115Fantasy /tg/A forum by the many different races. In it, Drow Racism, Tiefling Lawers, and how and Ogre courts a nice elf lady.awesome, office, fantasy, drow, tiefling, bard2011-08-20 7 
October 2011
16747602Zerg Quest LIXLicky lick LIX! Lots of tongue-wagging. Much less sexy than I just made it sound.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Far too silly, Mexican standoff, chit-chat2011-10-27 11 
January 2012
17595495Chapter Quest II - The StandoffAfter fall of Heidrun Rising Sons find themselves locked in a crysis with their former Tyrian allies. Only intervention and rational negotiation by Onyxian techpriests saves the day and establishes first Rising Sons outpost - Salvation.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Techpriests, negotiations, stand-off, Chapter Master, Space Marines, Chapter2012-01-20 10 
July 2012
19808531Chapter Quest Spin-Off II: PrisonerAfter the boarding action against Adeptus Sororitas Brother Montus is mistakenly listed as MIA in by his brothers while in truth he is taken prisoner. He there meets Sister Judith with whom he gets bonded in a very strange way... No, it's not a fapfic.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, torture, neuro-whip2012-07-10 11 
19833002Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark EldarBrother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, Dark Eldar, Feudal world, webway, Commoragh, slaves, rape, Sororitas2012-07-12 10 
October 2012
21225612Lich's Employee Quest pt 17Daniel helps Rebecca get ready for her own adventure, and learns to cook. Check up on the bees.skeleton quest, starting off, bees, dinner, food2012-10-22 10 
December 2012
21915068Militia QuestThe quest of a young militia officer in the corrupt nation of Kivasu. militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest2012-12-06 13 
21969980Militia Quest IIA soldier is punished for insubordination, the troops are disciplined. Marksman competition is held. The Weavery is re-discovered as a potential resource. militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest 2012-12-10 13 
21997450Militia Quest IIIA convoy from central command comes down for a visit, opens a grave, we get our official promotion. militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest2012-12-12 11 
22059782Militia Quest IVA rape by one of our soldiers is investigated and punished, we now have our own machete-wielding Penal Legionnaire. The town is further fortified and shocking rolling leads to our diplomatic envoy being attacked by the militia of Pierche.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2012-12-16 12 
22105367Militia Quest VOur Penal-Legionnaire bloodies the nose of the attackers from the previous thread, saving a comrade and taking his first step towards redemption. Our intensive training of NASA begins in earnest, we discover that they are experts at camouflage but clearly aren't house-trained. We learn of a massacre of a nearby village. The potentially-hostile militia force of Pierche approaches us for negotiations bearing gifts, some nice others not so nice.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2012-12-19 15 
22139609Militia Quest VIWe conclude our negotiations with the Pierche Militia, plot their untimely demise. Distracted by weapons shopping and FDLR attack on a nearby hamlet. Our NASA troopers bite off more than they can chew... and proceed to chew the fuck out of it with some amazing rolls.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2012-12-21 20 
January 2013
22341225Militia Quest VIIOur victory from last thread is capitalized on. As we continue training we learn that the heated fighting to the South has claimed 1st Company in its entirety. Sharks abound as snake-eyes leads to casualties in a deal-gone-wrong in Doma, LT Nathaniel is among them. Godly rolling leads to Shakira fighting his way out with an RPG. Style is confirmed as a crucial element for good rolling with a 100 at the end of the thread.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2013-01-02 15 
22438929Militia Quest VIII (Part 1)Connection issues lead to a stillborn thread, poor rolling may result in nastiness when the next thread comes up again. We still have that 100 to use at some point.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2013-01-07 10 
22882403Star Wars, Episode VII: The StorytimeA very successful attempt to get off the rail leads to Fecal-Laser-Corpsenado. Also, Hermaphroditic Ewok Jedi.railroading, off the rails, star wars, star wars saga, tornado, ewok, ewoks are sexy2013-01-31 7 
February 2013
22980355Vampire Revenge QuestHe turned you. Made you eat your friends. Now you're going to get some revenge. vampire wayne revenge quest coffin baseball bat Collective game2013-02-05 -3 
March 2013
23600893GoT Knock off QuestWilliam Bordain, the angry murdering lord of Iron, Steel who hates everyone, especially his own population.GoT, Quest, Knock off Quest2013-03-10 23 
23616738GoT Knock off Quest Part IIWilliam Bordain, the angry murdering lord of Iron begins setting his realm right. Mostly by beating the hell out of his loudest detractor.GoT, Quest, Knock off Quest2013-03-11 22 
23688765Knock Off GoT Quest part VWilliam Bordain convinces the hill tribes to follow him, and discovers his own totem animal. The Warpick.Game of Thrones, Knock Off Quest, Quest2013-03-15 23 
23707839Knock Off GoT Quest part VIWilliam Bordain decides that his army isn't big enough, and so he doubles it, and enlists two new banner men.Game of Thrones, Knock Off Quest, Quest2013-03-16 22 
23723925Knock Off GoT Quest part VIIWilliam Bordain visits his neighbor, meets his neighbors daughter, and discovers that people consider him a blood drinking, no pants wearing, lunatic. He agrees. Game of Thrones, Knock Off Quest, Quest2013-03-17 23 
23743919Knock Off GoT Quest part VIIIWilliam Bordain, Lord of Murder rides with his betrothed to the Ayrie for Lord Arryn's Fete. Along the way he erects a row of human scarecrows. Game of Thrones, Knock Off Quest, Quest2013-03-18 23 
23759967Knock Off GoT Quest part IXWilliam Bordain, Lord of Murder, is taken to court and proves that he can't be beaten even in a court of law.Game of Thrones, Knock Off Quest, Quest, Collective Game2013-03-19 33 
April 2013
24308072Ripoff Civ: Thread 4This thread was mainly about witches. We also built a wall, had an accident, and met some irritable harpies.LegoCiv quest, Collective Game, cave, LEGO, civ quest, Ripoff Quest2013-04-18 4 
May 2013
24908691Game of Thrones Quest: Iron and HateLord William Bordain returns to action after a hiatus, to begin planning an extravagant weddinggame of thrones, Collective Game, Knock-Off, Iron and Hate Quest2013-05-19 22 
25041888Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 2The returned Knock-Off Game of Thrones Quest continues, with William finsihing up his wedding preparations, his wife slapping him, and a surprise from Tywin LannisterCollective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-05-26 22 
June 2013
25184770 SONG OF IRON AND HATE QUEST: "I STOPPED COUNTING" EDITIONLord Bordain finally greets Lord Oberyn Martell, King Robert Baratheon and chats with Jon Arynn.Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-06-02 21 
25328855IRON AND HATE QUEST 4: THE QUICKENINGWe bro out with Jaime, and then beat the shit out of some people at the Tournament, before our sister breaks our heart.game of thrones, Collective Game, Knock-Off, Iron and Hate Quest2013-06-09 21 
25457068Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 5The Tourney continues. We fight Willas Tyrell, and get knocked unconscious. A brief shitstorm, before we have a surprisingly happy ending.game of thrones, Collective Game, Knock-Off, Iron and Hate Quest2013-06-16 21 
25603965Song of Iron and Hate part VIWilliam Bordain's wedding tournament comes to an end with a bang. William gets married, seals the deal, hires a number of hedge knights, and successfully doesn't die to poison.Game of Thrones, Collective game, quest, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate2013-06-24 21 
25667025Shameless Anime Ripoff Quest 42In which anons from /a/ fail to realize how retreading the same material relentlessly is terrible and boring.Anime, Bad Quest, Shameless Anime Ripoff Quest, Collective Game2013-06-27 39 
July 2013
25862511Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 8William chats with those close to him, impregnates his wife, starts several ambitious plans, and hires 4 men to do 1 job because he's made of DIAMONDS.Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-07-07 22 
25998631Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 9Page finally updates the opening info. WE get called out for ignoring our hillmen allies, and hire an architect to build them nice houses. Then, on our way to the Eyrie, bandits attackCollective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-07-14 23 
26235345Yet Another Meta Crossover QuestWe can never have enough of these! You are so, so clever for doing what has been done a million times before!Collective Game, Meta Quest, Redundancy, About as original as a Chinese knockoff2013-07-26 5 
August 2013
26417703SONG OF IRON AND HATE QUEST 11: I CAN'T FIND 10 IN THE ARCHIVES!William initiates intrigues in the Eyrie, inspects an invitation by Littlefinger, and ingratiates himself with the upper crust.Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-08-04 20 
26551133SONG OF IRON AND HATE QUEST 12: Bordain's Dozen!William goes home, goes hunting, and gets his Dogs sorted outCollective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-08-11 21 
26861593Intelligence Officer QuestAn intelligence officer receives a first, rather irregular assignment. Collective Game, Intelligence Officer Quest2013-08-28 7 
26913844Intelligence Officer Quest 2William, or Gerald, continues his investigations and draws closer to a suspect. Or a target. Or an innocent. Collective Game, Intelligence Officer Quest2013-08-31 5 
September 2013
26959766Intelligence Officer Quest 3Dinner with Mette goes badly. And then things go downhill. Collective Game, Intelligence Officer Quest2013-09-02 5 
October 2013
27872438Princess Guard Quest 38We foolishly decide to bake a cake.Princess Guard Quest, Collective Game, I want to get off Mr Reinhold's Wild Ride, Cake2013-10-22 39 
March 2014
31044264Escape From Sex zooAnother terrible smut quest. At least it isn't more anime shit this time.Really why do we need more of these?, Fuck off and go outside2014-03-24 10 
August 2014
34498343Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 3 (Part 1)We get down and dirty with some ruskies and talk to a goblin, we currently considering how to or not to teach the goblin the electric boogaloo (Part 2 tomorrow after I improve format and get a new dialog style)MFSKQ, Edgy, Dark, Murder, Funny, Limblesslivingonaholeteasing, short thread, no dice, OP slightly off his game, Nobody gets shot with a 22., Collective Game, Quest, Modern Fantasy Serial Killer, 2014-08-30 1 
December 2014
36706997Mage's Guild Overtime: the power of coffee editionSoros lost his shit! Antruthius charges into the fray! Fryia is back! Coffee all over the place! What the fuck, wizards?mage guild meeting, mage, guild, -omancy, mages, Mage, Wizardry, Wizards, Coffee2014-12-12 1 
January 2015
37087107Mage's Guild Overtime: happy new year editionThe wizards go on with their celebretions and a little overboard with drinks.mage guild meeting, mage, guild, -omancy, mages, Mage, Wizardry, Wizards, Coffee2015-01-01 0 
February 2015
38045705Loli S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Quest (Friday 13th Hijack)In which a dead quest is ruthlessly defiled just for the fun of it.Collective Game, Loli STALKER, Spin-off2015-02-14 4 
March 2015
38395797Surreal Workplacesanon asks for creepy quirks and horror ideas for an office/workplace setting. /tg/ provides.creepy, horror, modern fantasy, office buildings2015-03-02 26 
38465635Surreal Workplaces Part 2/tg/ continues discussing creepy workplaces, provides more ideas and quirks.creepy, horror, modern fantasy, office buildings2015-03-09 15 
38829941Loli S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Quest (Friday 20th Hijack)In which a dead quest is further defiled just to mess with you.Collective Game, Loli STALKER, Spin-off2015-03-21 4 
May 2015
39936935To Protect And Serve QuestWe're a beat cop in the year 2153 that's doing his job and doing it well.To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer2015-05-15 39 
June 2015
40495952To Protect And Serve Quest 2More cop shenanigans in the future To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer, Badge2015-06-10 22 
40550102Coffee QuestYou just want coffee.coffee, quest, collective game, hipsters2015-06-12 5 
July 2015
41369878Blue Rose RPGToday on "Reasons why your board can burn for all I care"Fuck off2015-07-22 0 
41435790Exterminator Quest #4collective game, exterminator questA stupidly short quest, called off for QM reasons.2015-07-25 3 
September 2015
42687766Desolation Quest 1A farmboy loses his family, his hometown, and buries them alongside his ability to give a fuck. Already dead inside, when death comes for him a 1-in-100 chance forces the QM to discard most of their notes.desolation quest, collective game, dice gods, derailment, off the rails, death, grim reaper2015-09-24 39 
February 2016
45537638Maid RPG Storytime/tg/ shares its ridiculous experiences with Maid RPG. Stories are shared, characters are rolled, settings are written, maids are posted.maid rpg, storytime, military, ramping a btr off a drawbridge2016-02-23 29 
July 2016
392358Dungeon Officer Quest #1Varian Engel, former War Magus of Guild Amaranthine, is forced out of his retirement when a threat from the past comes knocking at the door.Collective Game, Dungeon Officer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-07-22 5 
400239Fantasy Officer Quest #1Enter our hero, who finds himself in the middle of a big mess. Shows no mercy, gets a ward under his wings, then gets arrested for murder.commissar, military, officer, Manus2016-07-29 1 
August 2016
48858350Systems Are Offline [Test Skirmish]A sword art online bootleg skirmish where magic and projectile weapons are nowhere to be seen. Currently testing out the PvP mechanics. Skirmish Quest, Systems Are Offline, Fenster, Collective Game2016-08-19 0 
491047Dungeon Officer Quest #2Friends in unlikely places. Gifts are given, harsh words exchanged, and what was once lost has been regained.Collective Game, Dungeon Officer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-08-24 5 
September 2016
49321125Ramesh and Kumar Go To the Inventor's FairFun look at artifacts old and new with Kumar, inventor who keeps forgetting the off button, and Ramesh his long suffering roommate. Magic the Gathering, Kaladesh, Kumar, Ramesh, Artifacts, KUMAAARR, off button, funny2016-09-14 22 
November 2016
821794Dungeon Officer Quest #3The aftermath of the dream. Feelings are explored, plans are made, and Guild Amaranthine is reborn anew.Collective Game, Dungeon Officer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-11-24 5 
July 2017
1623385 Imperial Guardman quest Jorg Brets, a newbie imperial guardsman, gets his first taste of battle on his very first mission. A one off guardsman quest, anons had fun one off, mini quest, Imperial Guardsman, warhammer 40K, catachanon, first quest 2017-07-02 1 
August 2017
1693646Coffee Quest 1Coffee is just the thing to get you through a factory shift, but not when eye monsters break things from the inside.Coffee Quest, insomniac, factory, Collective Game2017-08-01 2 
April 2018
2438105办公室女孩阿米 Office Girl AmiA very special April 1st edition of Lego QuestLego Quest, Collective Game, Chinese knockoffs2018-04-03 1 
January 2019
3131597Fate Quest Pt. 3: Arrows and GunsIn which we save our ally's ass from being ripped to pieces, find out that Assassin's not dead and turn Assassin's Master into a Vampire.Fate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Ibaraki, Vampire Autism, Fuck Off Caster of Red With Your Bullshit2019-01-05 1 
May 2019
3452480Spec Ops Witches 2016First ever quest thread also very brief, we meet our MC and find out we are in for a painful mission during the briefing.Strikers 2016, Collective Game, Spin-off, Strike Witches 1989, Strike Witches Quest2019-05-04 -1 
January 2020
3990614SQR: Different Life, Same SoulThe quiet life of Yoshikage Kira continues in the world of ghouls.Stand Quest,STANDOQM,Spin-off,Tokyo Ghoul2020-01-15 6 
March 2020
4112569Hedge Quest Interlude: Ophelie's FinestOfficers Raphael and Monet of the Ophelian Watch begin investigating a murder!Hedge Quest, Ophelie's Finest, Officer Raphael, QM Pk, Peekay2020-03-24 7 
May 2020
4203728Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Milk Delivery Quest Part 2Sent 100 years in the future, can Gohan get back to the past, save the future and deliver the Milk?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Milk Delivery, Sword and Angry Power Hour, Coffee Shop AU, Sing-Along2020-05-10 -1 
July 2020
4320536Panzer Commander Quest #63All of Richter's direct enemies handled, preparations are made for battle, and Alpha Two.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Face Off2020-07-18 1 
4341081SQR: The Other Stands #1Kenny Ackerman tries to find the true man's world inside the walls.Stand Quest,STANDOQM,Spin-off,Attack on Titan, SNK2020-07-26 2 
August 2020
4378815White Rabbit in WonderlandA woman falls into Wonderland and discovers she has a very important role to fill.Office Lady, Kemonomimi, Gore, Horror2020-08-19 1 
December 2020
4552369Get Off My Lawn: A Wizard's TaleZod, a muscle wizard of the 5th Caliber, returns to his tower to discover that a pesky village has sprung up around it. get off my lawn, a wizard's tale, wizard, muscle wizard, watdo, hilarity ensues2020-12-30 1 
April 2021
4735610You Awake in Westeros as Joffrey Baratheon - PrequelIn which the QM performs a post-birth abortion on the fetus of a quest idea just beginning to emerge from the narrative womb. Joffrey SI.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-04-11 29 
4737100Joffrey QuestYou are going to be late for your first day as monarch!Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-04-20 16 
4749924Joffrey Quest #2Choo choo.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-04-21 14 
4722935Wings Over Atlesia5th Thread. Stanislaw continues his night defense of Baldir Base. Later, Chimera joins Werewolf Flight in a daring rescue mission...Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron, 2021-04-25 4 
May 2021
4771347Joffrey Quest #3To Winterfell we go!Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-03 9 
4786430Joffrey Quest #4A Lion feasts with direwolves at Winterfell.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-10 6 
4764605Wings Over AtlesiaThread #6. A vicious encounter with the Phantom ends in an ace going down. After, Stanislaw and buds head to town. And a new mission beckonsPilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron,2021-05-14 6 
4801100Joffrey Quest #5The Baratheon siblings get some cute pets!Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-21 1 
4799062Joffrey Quest #5.5Fuck you jannies.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-21 2 
4808110Joffrey Quest #5.6Fuck you JanniesGame of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-22 0 
June 2021
4810271Wings over Atlesia#7Stanislaw deals with death. We learn our enemy moniker, and the clock ticks down. The attack on the enemy airbase begins! For Konerland!Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-06-05 2 
4853581Wings over Atlesia#8Stanislaw comes inches within death. We fight a war of the past. A very fat man invites us on his ego trip, and we uncover a traitorous talkPilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-06-25 2 
July 2021
4890459Wings over Atlesia#9Chimera Flight takes matters into their own hands. Stanislaw and the others track down an alleged traitor, as tension builds...Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-07-16 1 
August 2021
4919985Wings over Atlesia #10The time has come. Stanislaw and Chimera engage Foudre Flight. Exams get in the way. Short thread. Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron2021-08-05 1 
4946638Wings over Atlesia#11The Bloody Red Angel vs the Black Lightning. A battle to the death. The end of Part 1. Forwards, pilot!Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-08-26 1 
September 2021
4957209HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management QuestYou're an amnesiac administrator tasked with running one of P-Company's latest facilities. Only coffee is keeping you sane.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Please don't sue me HeartQM, Coffee Addiction 2021-09-21 25 
November 2021
5023776HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #2.1Crossover with a better quest, autistic amounts of catalogs, and some new horrible anomalies. what more could you ask for?Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, guess who the lesbians are, Coffee Addiction2021-11-28 14 
December 2021
5065857Coffee Quest: The quest for coffeeCoffee enjoyer in the caffeine seeking quest!PG-Rated,Coffee,Collective Game,Caffeine,Espresso,Horror,Security2021-12-11 5 
January 2022
5077149HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #3Another floor to manage, some dicking about, and a perspective shift to a certain charming EFT agent.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, QM gets the coof and nearly dies, Coffee Addiction, the wild ride begins2022-01-16 10 
March 2022
5130116HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #4After spending a moment in the shoes of Gamma, your next shift was spent dealing with one anomaly and beating the shit outta another.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, the QM will try to update faster please trust him2022-03-05 10 
April 2022
5196847HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #5 An American soldier is finally put to rest, cowboys prepare to invade, and C-0RA finally took her meds.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, Emily is a good robot2022-04-26 7 
July 2022
5324733The Little Dungeon: Rise of Arthur ValraWherein the new mechanics teased at the end of Thread #6 are put into practice, and the QM is eaten by giant spiders.The Little Dungeon That Could, Spin-Off, Oneshot2022-07-29 4 
December 2022
5433671HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #6After almost half a year of silence, you go back to being the Administrator to put down some fucking cowboys.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, no more long hiatuses without due notice2022-12-02 6 
5436375Beings of Creation 6.66 - #1Beings of Creation's spinoff. The cycle of Gods nears its conclusion.Civ, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multyplayer, boc, boc666, beings of creation, spinoff2022-12-08 4 
January 2023
5493112HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #7A jobbed fight, a bizarre dream, two temporary anomalies to wrangle, and the Eye staring down at you. You're shocked you haven't gone mad.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, I actually fear my players when they shitpost2023-01-15 5 
5491036Beings of Creation 6.66 - #2There's a bit of a lull due to the holidays, but the game chugs on. Civ, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, boc, boc666, beings of creation, spinoff2023-01-16 2 
February 2023
5533728 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #8A child finally leaves the nest, time itself crashes down upon the facility, and an AI has to wrangle the facility after the fact.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, people kinda forget Spamton isn't a funny haha man2023-02-21 6 
5538117Beings of Creations 6.66 - #3The curse strikes the glorious MOP, but faith shall reveal BoC is Forever EverCiv, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multicrawl, boc, boc666, beings of creation, spinoff2023-02-26 0 
November 2023
5796950Cleaner QuestYou are Nicole Smith, a Cleaner with untapped anomalous powers. Your goal is succeed in your missions and get THAT CASH.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, schizo girls are neat2023-11-09 30 
December 2023
5806810OFFQUESTBoromir sets out on a journey. Death and whales are a common occurrence.MortisFriend, Boromir, The Jury, OFF, Zacharie, Dahlia, Combat, Drawquest, High Quality, Whales2023-12-09 3 
January 2024
5850165Cleaner Quest #2After wiping out a gang and helping an old man with his regrets, you now have to worry about someone hunting you down. Good luck.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Nicole is rapidly approaching your location. 2024-01-11 22 
February 2024
5893937Cleaner Quest #3After gambling your way out of a bad situation, you managed to kill a fed and talked to a weird abnormality. Life's looking okay so far.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Nicole loves you.2024-02-27 17 
April 2024
5944282Cleaner Quest #4After suddenly growing antlers and beating a powerful anomaly in chess, you wonder if this job is good for your health. Probably isn't!Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Nicole is totally not a furry.2024-04-15 15 
May 2024
5982952Cleaner Quest #5After saving a rich kid trapped inside of a mine, you dive right back underground to explore a P-Corp facility. Odd habit you're developingCollective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Casey is a funny girl, Nicole Smith knows you're reading thi2024-05-29 14 
July 2024
6028147Cleaner Quest #6 After killing an anomaly and some feds in your way, you sealed a P-Corp facility shut. You also threw a road roller at a bug. Life is good.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, everything Nicole says is a joke and you should not trust her2024-07-18 12 
September 2024
6071053Cleaner Quest #7 You dealt with the Handler's ex, met an anomaly version of yourself, and killed a gigaspook and doppelganger in District 9. Life's a bitchCollective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Quentin and Lex are best boys, Kill all Glowniggers2024-09-12 6 
October 2024
6114062Cambion QuestA nilbog and a demogoblin, twin spawn of a succubus, set out to make something of themselves by starting an adventuring party...ReptoidQM, spinoff, shortstack, goblins, sisters, stigma, adventure, fantasy, demonism, sex, violence, friendship2024-10-02 -3 
6085308Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Fatale AlbionAn orphan, a rich girl, and a girl with a crush find themselves with the misfortune of having been born in the UK. And magical girls?Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, wcae, Fatale Albion, spin-off2024-10-20 1 
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