/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2007
757447Repo Men, a campaign for WushuA nifty game idea for Wushu inspired by Hellraiser and Dead Like Mewushu, game ideas2007-10-31 -2 
December 2007
908902Pun-PunA powergamer brings a kobold sorcerer with a viper familiar to the table.pun-pun, powergaming, shit2007-12-18 5 
March 2008
1406136Tau and ChaosTau-converted Guardsman recounts his experiences with Chaos.Tau, Slaanesh, Geryon2008-03-26 29 
April 2008
1538090Resin mold tutorialFinally, in amongst the ashes of /tg/ comes anonymous, dispensing with minature piracy methods. molds, resin, games workshop, poorhammer2008-04-16 35 
1545250Noh in ShadowrunShadowrun DM wants to add Noh to his campaign. fa/tg/uys suggest giant robots.Shadowrun, Noh, Robots2008-04-18 2 
May 2008
1697978Imperial Battleships Discussion on ships in the GRIMDARK future of the 41st millenia40k, ships2008-05-10 5 
1804769Stygian SharkWhat started out as a random picture of a bricks-shat ultra shark turns into a campaign idea involving gnomes, evil three-headed shark-clerics and a half-water elemental Gnoll. Wait, wut?shark, stygian, leviathan, red garados, ohdeargod2008-05-24 0 
June 2008
1873009Sir Brian Consumpington's Tasteful Emporium of Chique, Well Priced ProductsContinuation of the epic Eliphas's Hobby Shop writefaggotry.Write faggotry, eliphas, hobby shop2008-06-01 4 
1966471SR CannonballA guy gets ideas of stuff to do in a Shadowrun adventure based on The Cannonball RunShadowrun Cannonball teams race2008-06-11 8 
2019049How to make Nod unit conversions for 40KA basic and limited guide on how to convert vehicles and units for the Brotherhood of Nod.Nod, 40K, short2008-06-18 5 
August 2008
2383107Shadowrun editions comparisonA newfag to Shadowrun asks which edition to use and gets a well-thought and informative answer.shadowrun2008-08-20 5 
2435476Good scale for space tabletop?Fa/tg/uy wants ideas for a Space-based Tabletop game with fairly realistic physics.Spaceships2008-08-27 0 
September 2008
2507249Another Informative Shadowrun ThreadInnocent questions about an SR4 excursion to Tir Na nOg lead to missile surfing, rigger strategy, and Mystic Knights nostalgia.Shadowrun, 4e, drones, Missile Surfing2008-09-06 6 
2557308Shadowrun Random EncountersThings to do in Seattle while you're waiting for Mr. Johnson.Shadowrun, Random Encounter Table2008-09-13 6 
2684254Bananaguru's Thoughts on 4eSomeone starts a thread about 4th edition D&D being a MOREPIG. It is actually reasonable and leads to a debate over game design paradims and other such interesting things.4e, MMO, Unaccountably Not A Shitstorm2008-09-28 -2 
2695937Carboard Fortressa simple d6 system where the cardboard contraptions you made as a child were real. A meta roleplaying gameCardboard, Boxes, Kids, Squash Monster2008-09-30 5 
October 2008
2731539WAAAAAUGH OV DA HUMIE SNATCHAS!An Inquisitor investigates a possible case of orky guardsmen...or are they?orky brickshat2008-10-04 41 
2740879EuridEarthflame again, building a transhuman SF world with genetically enhanced super-agents. Basically playing in a completely different league than /tg/ in general.Earthflame Eurid Getting Shit Done2008-10-05 10 
2760891Everyone Got Shrunk, Round 2The setting with everyone on earth shrunk down to 5cm tall, round 2. More brainstorming. More win. Some grimdark.setting, brainstorm, tiny, small, shrunk, powers of ten2008-10-08 3 
2764879The Ends Justify The MeansA serious discussion of how to make a fairly generic "insane scalpel-happy doctor" villain slightly more interesting, and in so doing present a quandary to her would-be assassins.BBEG, morals, discussion, getting shit done2008-10-09 6 
2900429VampireA lazy storyteller searching for clues how to run a high school game in VtM. Quite unprecedented, he actually gets great advice. Archived for the purpose of showing how it should work.Vampire The Masquerade, World of Darkness, Getting Shit Done2008-10-29 10 
November 2008
2986784Dave EldarWhat started with a discussion of Fluff and Crunch changed for the better with a story about Davius, the Space Marine Scout who is supposed to infiltrate an Eldar Craftworld. Now he is known as Dave Eldar. He enjoys Shooting Shuriken Catapults, and Doing Eldar things.Dave Eldar, writefaggotry, Shuriken Catapults2008-11-13 23 
3049699Get out of here M.A.R.T.I.A.NIt seems there has been a time shift! Steampunk STALKER, an not-fully-thought-out cyberpunk setting with some potential and Macross 1942. And More!Steampunk, Time Shift, Macross, STALKER, World War 2, War of the Worlds2008-11-24 5 
3052437GameScience Dice vs Cheap DiceAnon posts a very interesting vid featuring the good Colonel from GameScience explaining why most /tg/ dice aren't in face random.dice, die, cheap, machined, casino, d20, d16, d4, polished2008-11-24 3 
January 2009
3321057Shadowrun sessionsSome spectacularly twisted Shadowrun sessionsshadowrun2009-01-06 3 
3365327The Inquisitorial Land RaiderScriptarius is converting away yet again.Scriptarius, conversion, Land Raider, kitbash2009-01-11 3 
3382385Future: Stagnation or SingularityOnce again /tg/ decides to discuss the future of mankind. Will we advance beyond our limits? And is this a good thing?Transhumanism, Singularity, GITS2009-01-13 1 
3399003Chaotic Shiny GeneratorsAn Anon introduces a random generator site to /tg/. /tg/ amuses itself with them and ideas flow forth.chatoic, shiny, generator, random, shitstorm2009-01-14 2 
3501239Necromancer's Code of Honour/tg/ gets together and discusses how to create a society that does not frown upon Necromancy, or at least one that prevents a Necromancer from experiencing moral dissonance over what they're doing.necromancy, chilvalry, bushido, code of conduct2009-01-24 6 
February 2009
3668696Homeworld in 40k 1What if the Kushani try to take Holy Terra?Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani2009-02-10 12 
3670053Homeworld in 40k 2We just agreed that Kushani are lootier than da orksHomeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani2009-02-10 5 
3671425Homeworld in 40k 3Now we know Orkz can add moar dakka to Kushani Mothership, Progenitors can fuck everyones shit up and are the reason why the nids are running from their previous galaxy, given enough time Hiigarans can be a real pain in the ass or even a major threat to the IoM, and Karan S'Jet is hot and should become The God-Empress if she isn't one already.Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 6 
3674599Homeworld in 40k 4Yes it's still going, yes I'm shocked too, yes this IS getting ridiculous.Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
3677459Homeworld in 40k 5This is the thread that never end, and it goes on and on my friends...Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
3679875Homeworld in 40k 6My God...it's full of stars! Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
3687417Homeworld in 40k 7Ancient ones, they watch and listen, Carry our wishes, Took upon themselves to guide us Through the endless skies. Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-12 3 
3693195Homeworld in 40k 8I can see forever...Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-12 6 
3734899Server CrashIn the near future, the Internet becomes sentient and uploads everyone's brains, forcing them to fight for survival in an insane wasteland full of sentient programs, malicious viruses, and things far worse.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-17 48 
3742406Server Crash, Part 2Awesome homebrew design continues. The internet has gone all post-apocalyptic and anons leap all over it. Hooray for getting shit done!Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-18 18 
3747106Server Crash, Part 3Continuation of homebrewing a world on the series of tubes, with a switch to WoD instead of 4e.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-18 14 
3751634Server Crash, Part 4The discussion has no end. Drawfaggotry and virus discussions are started.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-19 13 
3759067Server Crash, Part 5It just keeps going on. More drawfaggotry, discussion about merging human code with the Internet, and the subsequent madness.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-19 11 
3762660Server Crash, Part 6More development of the fluff, especially the Olds, and some actual discussion of game mechanics.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-20 11 
3767272Server Crash, Part 7It continues. Arguing about the fluff, more discussion of mechanics.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-20 11 
3772129Server Crash, Part 8Crunch time for Server Crash! Seriously this time. A lot of system work. And then an IRC is made. So then we go back to fluff. Yay fluff.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-21 11 
3777665Server Crash, Part 9Things get a bit slower. Some fluff and crunch.Server Crash, game design, homebrew setting, cyberpunk2009-02-22 7 
3806607Server Crash, Part 10slow start sped up near the end. some crunch some ideas, little fluffServer Crash2009-02-25 5 
3821147Server Crash, Part 12The original 10 wasn't archived, so the numbers are messed up. Now with more Crunch.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-26 5 
March 2009
3842504Vampires made betterOP asks for vampires that "dont suck". /tg/ delivers Shadow magic, identity theft and Don Juan De Ceased.RPG, vampire, shadow 2009-03-01 6 
April 2009
4254061Ghost ShipsDiscussion of the idea of a flying ghost ship for a campaignGhost Ship, Airship, Lich, D&D2009-04-12 16 
4281083LINCOLN LIVES!The centuries old rivalry between Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt comes to a head. None of /tg/ is safe. Epic Humor Thread.Lincoln, Gold, Roosevelt, Steam Punk, Showdown, Humor, Epic, Lulz2009-04-15 7 
4418034Photoshopping Ugly D&D Group/tg/ picks up a well written introduction about Anon's time working Costco's photo dept and runs with it. Many lulz are had.photoshop, ugly, writefaggotry2009-04-28 12 
May 2009
4444293Traveller DeckplansMany deckplans are posted.Traveller, sci-fi, space, ships2009-05-01 3 
4518764Transformers RPGAnonymous has a rich discussion on another well setup campaign settingTransformers Getting shit done2009-05-12 0 
4539347Battlefleet HiigaraGeneral Homeworld thread becomes Homeworld in Battlefleet Gothic thread. Shit gets done.homeworld, warhammer 40,000, hiigara, taiidan, kushan, kadesh, battlefleet gothic, bfg2009-05-13 0 
4554170Slaaneshi HedonismOne anon requests how to be a real Slaaneshi Cultist. Whether or not this was a joke, an Anonymous poster gives a thought-out, intelligent, and thorough posting on how to BE a true Slaaneshi Cultist.Devian/tg/uy, Hedonism, Slaanesh, Cultist, Cult, warhammer 40K2009-05-14 13 
4591379Hedonism GuideThread about raising and brainwashing your slaves, as well as general all-around Slaaneshi hedonism and veneration.Slaanesh, Slavery2009-05-19 7 
4597583Two Sentence Campaign Hooks, Mk IIAfter the awesome first thread, /tg/ gives it another go. 2 sentences or less describes what might be your next setting/plot.plot hooks, short campaign ideas2009-05-20 2 
4650108HomebrewanA setting for 3.5 with all the neglected classes is messed about with. Later devolves into MOREPIG discussion.incarnum, 3.5, DND, Shadow, 2009-05-26 1 
4670303Homebrewan IIMore things get discussed, mostly class roles. Less trollan this time, but still slow. D&D, 3.5, Shadow, Incarnum, Psionics2009-05-27 1 
4680410Server Crash 13After a long hiatus, Server Crash returns -- barely.Server Crash2009-05-27 2 
4702559Chaos FurnitureFurniture of the Chaos GodsWarhammer, Furniture, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh2009-05-30 0 
June 2009
4750158Drew the Lich: Plottan part 2Shit hits the fan when Kiara returns. Continuation of previous thread.Drew the lich, OH SHIT, blackguard, we need more kiara porn2009-06-03 49 
4751578The Corporis Sisters 4E4E conversion of the Corporis Sisters.Corporis Fleshforged2009-06-03 0 
4820902Shotgun ModellingAnon gives a tutorial on how to model shotguns for Dark Heresy and Necromunda using a boltgun and some brass rods.modelling, shotgun, warhammer 40k, warhammer, dark heresy, necromunda2009-06-09 3 
4852108All Bards custom gameOP fantasizes about Metal Heads rocking up a literal storm. Him and /tg/ work on making a homebrew music-based system.Getting Shit Done, Music, Homebrew, Metal, Bards2009-06-12 3 
4889030/tg/ creates a setting/tg/ creates a setting which includes pirates, songships, cloudsea, dorfs, cyborgs, Zalgo, trains ran by blood and orcs!setting, orc, dwarf, dorf, songship, pirate, zalgo, elf, elves2009-06-15 0 
4942702The Captain was Dead.Airship writefag tells a gripping tale of airship-to-airship combat with steampunk vibes.Airship, Steampunk, Captain2009-06-20 1 
4974301Yet more Island DorfsAnon asks for dungeon ideas for the Tropical Island setting. Anon provides that, and more.island, dorfs, dwarves, elves, setting, getting shit done2009-06-24 6 
4976381Running Man in ShadowrunRunning a Running Man competition in Shadowrun turns to awesome with great dragon TV execs, Corporate sponsors and 24 hour trid coverage.Shadowrun2009-06-24 8 
July 2009
5067163Toaster AdventureAn rather epic one shot Quest style game done on OmegleCollective Game,Omegle,One Shot2009-07-02 49 
5141144AI discussion part 1Talk about AI bring out a fantastic Cortana character.AI, cortana, SHODAN2009-07-13 6 
5227957Jawfish QuestThe epic tale of one fish trying to make a difference in the Siluric period. Bring it on Pterygotus buffaloensis.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-23 10 
5229995Jawfish Quest 2The Jawfish seperateJawfish, Quest Thread2009-07-23 8 
5231263Jawfish Quest IIITeam Land and Team Deep Ones continue their quest. Team Land eats giant worms, and Team Deep Ones build a society.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-23 6 
5232388Jaawfish Quest IVLand Team grows in large numbers and gets allys and sexfriends while starts to plan their flying evolution. Meanwhile the deep ones kills a Colossal squid and began developing a Religion.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-23 6 
5242358Jawfish Quest VTeam Land continues to struggle to adapt, and learns why not to mate with any dragonfly that comes along. Team Deep encounters a mysterious force at the very bottom of the ocean, and must figure out how to deal with new cults among their shark slaves.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-24 5 
5243753Jewish Quest 5.5PART FIVE POINT FIVEQuest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-24 5 
5243140Cripplegirls and RiskThrough Shizune's love for Risk, /tg/ and 4chan's homebrew visual novel "Katawa Shoujo" were forever entwined. The Classic Game of World Domination is imrpoved tenfold - somehow, you don't mind a girl camping Australia when she's a disarmingly adorable deaf-mute.Risk, Katawa Shoujo, jp, v, text adventure, visual novel2009-07-24 9 
5250103Shodan mentors CortanaWhat began as an intelligent discourse on Shodan's sentience and underlying motivations immediately devolved into a 'hawt' AI-on-AI Lez Librarian SlashFic."SHODAN, System Shock, Cortana, Halo, LezSlash, Deep Thinking, Sentience, Componants"2009-07-25 9 
5272737Jawfish Quest VIThe Deep Ones handle the rebellion, but are they bad enough dudes to defeat Gaia? Jawfish, Quest, Deep Ones, Team Land, Team Deep2009-07-28 3 
August 2009
5322683That Fucking DwarfA new Shadowrun party has its first session and levels a city block.Dwarf, Zus, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2009-08-03 7 
5352392Slaaneshi SalesgirlSlaanesh would just like a moment of your time.Slaanesh, Salesgirl2009-08-06 21 
5459922Abomination QuestTed, Father of all Pimps, Master of all things Fly and Bitchin', is summoned by a foolish mortal. Hilarity ensues.Quest, Collective Game, Slaanesh, Cthulhu2009-08-15 5 
5456402Roll for warp drive mishap 2/tg/ creates another Warp Drive Mishap Table. This time with extra Slaanesh.40k, homebrew, warp drive mishap2009-08-15 0 
5483322That Fucking Dwarf #2Zus and friends return for another week of mayhem.Zus Shadowrun Epic Dwarf Cyberpunk2009-08-17 4 
5516917Zombies, Zombies, and yeah, More Zombies but with statslike the last thread but zombies are statted for All Flesh must be Eatenzombies shit gets done stats AFMBE2009-08-20 3 
5572527That Fucking Dwarf #3Shit hits the fanDwarf, Zus, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2009-08-24 3 
5622166Eclipse Phase - The Roleplaying Game of Transhuman Conspiracy and HorrorDiscussion of new Science Fiction RPG released free under Creative Commons RPG, Transhumanism 2009-08-29 5 
5633355Eclipse Phase #2Discussion continued RPG, Transhumanism2009-08-29 1 
5642930Eclipse Phase Part 3A continuation of the Eclipse Phase threadsTranshumanism, Eclipse Phase, Cyberpunk, PNP, Discussion2009-08-30 1 
5648250Eclipse Phase 4More of the same.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanism, PNP, Discussion, Sci-fi, AI, I wish to be the neotenic2009-08-30 1 
September 2009
5737476Epic RPStandard epic RP thread goes super epic.Epic, Airship, Awakened Tarrasque2009-09-06 45 
5814163Shadowrun goes in every fieldA troll post turns into a 24 hour Shadowrun discussion thread.Shadowrun2009-09-12 2 
5863733The Doctor Is InPlayer wants to make a surgical genius as a character in 3.5 D&D. Advice ranges from Experts to Rogues to the home brewed Chiurgon Class. surgery, homebrew, 3.5 classes, get shit done2009-09-15 3 
5889885The Doctor Is In 2The return of the homebrewed Adventuring Physician class, made overall better by /tg/.surgery, homebrew, 3.5 classes, get shit done2009-09-17 3 
6022254Lich Appreciation threadA long discussion about the infamous skeletal spellcasters reaches its peak with epic-tier writefaggotry about a knowledge-collector, and his reawakening into lichdom - and the elven banshee who loved him beyond even death's grasp.lich, lichdom, banshee, writefaggotry2009-09-27 5 
October 2009
6316513"Deathwish" questThe Blacksmith is Back, and his quests have changed. Lots to talk about, and a town to manage. Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-18 8 
6323855Server Crash reboot/tg/'s "everyone's stuck inside the internet" setting is brought up again.Server Crash, internet, setting, AI, Lovecraftian2009-10-18 2 
6330822Deathwish Quest 2Traveling to the Dwarf Kingdom to enter the competition. Possibly knock up a woman on the way. Impress the king with our badass plan to for his weapon. Kiss the Dwarf princess. Come face to face with a Golden Dragon.Deathwish Quest, Collective Game2009-10-19 7 
6345559Deahtwish Quest 3Cutting deals with dragons. Learning some humility. Deathwish Quest, Collective Game2009-10-20 7 
6348196Deathwish Quest 3.5Returning to the Dwarf city. Attacked on the way. Action packed! Kind of.Deathwish Quest, Collective Game2009-10-20 7 
6360363"Deathwishquest" 4A lot of discussion, finally we ride the Lightning. Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-21 8 
6362283Deathwish Quest 4.5We kill a fucking dragon and finish our fucking axe. I SAID FUCK YEAH!Deathwish Quest, Collective Game2009-10-21 10 
6376902"Deathwish" quest 5We gear up and get ready to rumble. Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-22 7 
6379452"Deathwish" quest 5.5It all comes together at last.Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-22 6 
6381479"Deathwish" quest 5.75Lots of Resolution A violent twist at the end.Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-22 7 
6390866"Deathwish" quest 6Lots of yawn, then an OH SHIT and an OOOH SICK BURN. Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-23 6 
6394382"Deathwish" quest 6.5The BBEG is defeated early, but... the Deathwish still lingers. A decision must be made.Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-23 7 
6442379Alternate Miniature WargamesDiscussion of several alternate miniature wargames ends up listing dozens of companies that produce wonderful spaceship miniatures.Miniatures, Games, Spaceship, Full Thrust, 2009-10-27 4 
6449034Deathwish quest part 7Seriously, I have no idea what deathwish is about but suptg was off line, and now it ain't.Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-27 6 
6451755Deathwish quest 7.5I archive this things because I care.... kinda.Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-27 6 
6476698Deathwish Quest FinaleDeathwish Quest reaches its conclusion.Deathwish Quest, Collective Game2009-10-29 16 
November 2009
6569983Awesome RP moments goes col. workA thread originally about awesome moments or things in a PnP RPG session turns into a thread that (possibly) sparks a collaborative effort into being that will translate one of the most popular Swedish PnP RPG's into english. Thread mostly saved for future reference, but contains many quality posts in its own right.awesome moments, awesome, guitars that shoot lightning, giant church robots, Mutant, collaborative work,2009-11-05 2 
6885970Luke, Plagueson of Nurgle, and Other Guys/tg/ finds catharthic release in relating their experiences of some of the most horrific That Guys to disgrace Creation. If you ever feel down and disheartened, read this thread - you'll know that you're nowhere near as bad as these creatures, and your morale will perk right back up.That Guy, 40k, Dark Heresy, D&D, Edgerunners, Shadowrun, faggotry, nightmare fuel2009-11-27 63 
6898745Luke, Plagueson Of Nurgle Part IIThe legend of The Luke continues, told from the Point of View of one of his other housemates. Remember, this guy could be treating you in hospital.That Guy, 40k, Dark Heresy, D&D, Edgerunners, Shadowrun, faggotry, nightmare fuel, The Luke2009-11-28 30 
6910746Luke, Plagueson of Nurgle: The RelapseSequel to thread nos. 6885970 and 6898745. If any browser of sup/tg/ is feeling down and disheartened, read this thread - your morale will be spurred to new heights with the relief that, whatever troubles may weigh you down, you are not Luke. Some 40k enthusiasts will insist that Nurgle is a good god, who wants only the best for his worshippers and to armour them against the hurt of the universe. THEY ARE WRONG. LUKE IS WHY.That Guy, 40k, Dark Heresy, D&D, Edgerunners, Shadowrun, faggotry, nightmare fuel, The Luke2009-11-29 30 
December 2009
6977334A new Drew the Lich thread?In MY /tg/? It's more likely than you think. Technically, though, it's more a Kiara thread.Drew The Lich, Kiara, Blackfist, OH SHIT2009-12-03 21 
6978929Shinobido: ReduxChildren fighting a Cold War where ninjas are the weapon of choice. They battle in the hopes of becoming the strongest, of being honoured by their villages. They might becomes heroes if they survive. If.Shinobido, ninja, homebrew2009-12-03 0 
6986810Shinobido ReturnsMore work goes into Shinobido. Shinobido, ninja, homebrew2009-12-04 -2 
7018103Fighter Got ShieldWhen a fighter walks in with an itty bitty mace and a big shield in your face...Baby got back, fighter got shield, shield, shields, songs2009-12-06 3 
7040236Shaolin Showdown ItemsOP dumps a metric ton of items he statted up from the show. /tg/ stands back and watches the awesome unfold with little/no comments, so as to give OP the room he needs to postShaolin Showdown, D&D, Items2009-12-08 11 
7044272Catastrophic Cephalapod-Catalysed CatastropheCrapton of crabs. Multitude of molluscs. Copious cuttlefish.crabs, squids, cuttlefish, class struggle2009-12-08 0 
7166575Lictor Quest Part 2The Lictor continues on its mission to consume and subvert for the Hive Mind"Quest, Tyranid, Drugs, Slaanesh"2009-12-17 11 
7168406Lictor Quest 3Doomlictor sneaks into a Chaos cult headquarters"Quest, Tyranid, Drugs, Slaanesh"2009-12-17 10 
7296545Chewy Quest IIChewy manages to escape Kharn, and finally arrives at the center of Slaanesh's palace.tyranid, quest, Doomlictor, Chewy, Kharn, Slaanesh, warp2009-12-27 6 
January 2010
7380901Space ArksGeneration ships float through space between civilisationssci-fi, space ships, setting2010-01-03 7 
7413923Shoujo RPGAnother game of PRETEND where neckbeards act like they're playing a game about shoujo anime cliches.Shoujo, anime, fake game, Morningtong Cresent2010-01-04 1 
7413502Higurashi CampaignOP suggests a campaign based on Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, parallels are drawn between Hinamizawa and Dwarf Fortress. Sagefags attempt to kill thread with little success.Higurashi, campaign idea2010-01-04 2 
7488447/rs/ and Xom's Champion returnXom's Champion returns along with /rs/ and lots of old publications.scans, White Dwarf, rapidshare, /rs/, articles2010-01-09 1 
7569881Starship BoneyardsA discussion about starship boneyards evolves into epic campaign seeds regarding ancient battleships and their vastly outdated AI. /tg/ at its best.Starship Boneyards, Artificial Intelligence, Valiance2010-01-13 22 
7690487Mutants and Masterminds: RiftsOP tries to stop the edition wars, by saying that M&M was the best system. Most of /tg/ agree's. And creates a new setting. It has elves that AREN'T gay.Mutants, Masterminds, Rifts, Setting, Smash Bros, Straight Elves2010-01-21 0 
7723751Huge WH40K shipA request for the stats of an Emperor class battleship scaled up to the length of 1 AU leads to fun for all.WH40k, battleship, chaos, mechanus, DH2010-01-23 137 
7760069Warhammer 50k: Age of ExodusEpic writefaggotry based on earlier giant 40k ship thread. WH40k, Imperium, Ship, writefaggotry2010-01-25 31 
7765640Warhammer 50k - Age of Exodus - Part III/tg/'s radically inventive new take on the Warhammer 40k fluff, thoroughly developed in two previous threads, imagines a future Imperium of Man completely enclosed within a Great Ship of godlike proportions. Many anons contribute everything from writefaggotry to detailed speculation, and the vision is further developed, unified and canonized in Part III. /tg/ geeks out and creates something legitimately amazing.50k, warhammer, wh40k, emperor, imperium, great ship, necrons2010-01-25 33 
7782415Warhammer 50k - Age of Exodus - Part IVWhere we discuss The Ship and a bit of what is happening outside it.50k, warhammer, wh40k, emperor, imperium, great ship2010-01-28 10 
February 2010
7915533Mass Effect characters playing tabletop gamesAn interesting idea is brought up. What kind of players would the characters of Mass Effect make if presented the opportunity? Epic win results. Later turns to noral discussion but stilla good read.Mass.Erect,Efect,Shepard,Win,Epic,Garrus,Tali,Thatguy2010-02-04 2 
7973860Warhammer 50k - Age of Exodus - Part VThe Ship moves...again.50k, warhammer, wh40k, emperor, imperium, great ship2010-02-08 10 
8022037District 9 strategiesA discussion of a nonexistent tabletop wargame based on the movie District 9. Much wishful thinking ensues. "district 9" "homebrew" "wishful thinking"2010-02-11 12 
8038762Anon's last wishYou are the last human, the last spark of life anywhere in the universe, and Death is about to claim you. But, you will get one last wish. What do you do?Death, Eagle, Wish2010-02-12 10 
8086428Post-Valentine's QuestJust a small town dude looking for a woman after Valentine's.Slaneesh?2010-02-15 1 
8105568Lego + 40k = ?FUCKING WIN, THATS WHAT! Screw you, GW!lego, holy shit this is awesome, 40k, orkz2010-02-16 1 
8217390Post-apoc roleyplay threadSome sort of post-apoc roleyplay in a world where apparently demons have joined the general populace. Rather shadowrun. It's good.roleplay postapocalyptic demons bars shadowrun2010-02-22 2 
8224490Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect UniverseSpeculation, Theory and Writefaggotry about how would Eclipse Phase Transhumanity fare in the Mass Effect Universe. Would we enter the Galactic council? Will we fare better on the first contact war?.Should we cure the Krogan's Genophage? and Will Tali continue to be Romanceable?Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Protheans2010-02-23 36 
8236197Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe, Part IIDiscretion is the better part of not getting your face eaten off by nanomachines.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Protheans,Air Quotes 2010-02-23 29 
8254643Traitor Ultramarines.A discussion in which the true nature of the ultramarines as traitors working to undermine the imperium is revealed. As if games workshop would let them become that interesting.Ultramarine, Ultrasmurfs, 40k, Shat bricks2010-02-24 5 
March 2010
8363639Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect UniverseSome follow up to the Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe series. Interesting theories emerge about the possible follow up to contagonist's writefaggotry. Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Batarian Specter,finger quotes, Reapers2010-03-03 6 
8377758ChronoChess/tg/ gets shit done, timetravel chess. Send your queen back in time to save your rook, then have your queens new and old pair up to pin his queen and knight - who then captures your rook the turn before. Chess, shit gets done, Chronochess, TimeTravel2010-03-03 14 
8381512Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe PartVThe speculation continues. Much more is talked on the actual status of the System Alliance and its effectiveness. Thread slightly de-railed over accusations of Transhumans being Mary-sues. Also Quarian fapfiction pasta.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Mary Sue,finger quotes, fapfiction2010-03-04 5 
8388281Tau QuestDespite copious amounts of trolling, the story continuesTau, Quest, Collective Game, System Shock, Survival, Horror, necron2010-03-04 16 
8407630Tau QuestWe destroy a Necron Wraith Moot bans some pesky trollsTau, quest, Necron, System Shock, 2, Collective Game2010-03-05 6 
8413729Zombie themed Irish folksongsAnon needs help with songs for his modern d20 bard. /tg/ delivers.zombie, irish, drunk, drink, folksong2010-03-05 2 
8418383Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe Part VIMuch more talks and discussion is established over the effects of Transhumanity on the Mass Effect Universe.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Xepard, Batarian Specter, Transhepard2010-03-06 5 
8426561Tau QuestNecron Lorf induces paranoia. Surprisngly troll free.Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-06 5 
8434179Tau questIt continuesTau, quest, necron, system shock2010-03-06 5 
8441332Tau QuestFirst flight and victory, but something's not quite right.Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-07 7 
8455287Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe Part VIIPart VII of the Eclipse Phase/Mass Effect crossover threads Nanoswarms, Mind Controling spores, Geth attacks and a writefag that sages his post for some reason. Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,Xepard, Batarian Specter, Transhepard2010-03-08 6 
8456231Tau Quest, the numbers are lost to the agesLike Weaver, the cheeful Nekron lass we meet. And fix. FUCK YEAH.Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-08 5 
8478487Tau QuestWhat Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger. Also Rez OrbTau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-09 5 
8498317taucron questbecause tau quest.... becomes less and less true, as we get lady deathstrike claws :3 Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-10 7 
8538456Tau quest, the after partyIncludes people's thoughts on the whole thing, and a compliation of all the tau quest inspired images.Tau, quest, Necron, System Shock, 2, Collective Game2010-03-12 5 
8624529Eclipse Phase meet Mass Effect VIIIOnce Again, a quality Writefag gifts us with some Mass Eclipse Effect Phase. the crap ones that were between this and the last archived ones don't countEclipse Phase, Mass Effect, Transhumanity, Writefag2010-03-17 5 
8651124Witch Quest Redux: Part IIOur heroine confronts a potential murderer. And runs away screaming like a little girl.Witch, Quest, Collective Game, Shakespear2010-03-19 5 
8709944Terminator QuestYou wake up in a white room, resting easily in a reclined chair. The room itself is featureless with a single door set into the wall in front of you. You look down at yourself to see a rather plain white smock draped on you, fastened losely around your neck. Who are you exactly? What are you? What is your name? The answers to these questions elude you as you sit up to check out your body. Human and female.One Shot Quest, Jimmy Sankis2010-03-22 3 
8723929Eclipse Phase meet Mass Effect IXMostly new writefagottry Eclipse Phase, Mass Effect, Transhumanity, Writefag2010-03-23 5 
8733245Share thread/tg/ pools some resourcesshare, files, dump2010-03-23 1 
8874104Not-so-Bitter BetrothalL5R Storytime about a Mantis Bushi and his drinking, swearing & fighting black sheep of a Crane bride.L5R, marriage, Crane, Mantis, Bushi, Storytime2010-03-30 25 
April 2010
8895534Wormhole Cyberpunk settingAliens seek refuge, but end up crash landing and screwing up the planet big time. Cyberpunk without the 80's feel.scifi apocalypse post-apocalypse post postapocalypse alien refugee immigrant war science fiction SHTF future cyberpunk punk white knight whiteknight2010-04-01 2 
8975844Shadowrun Matrix DiscussionDiscussion about hackers and the Matrix in ShadowrunShadowrun hackers matrix2010-04-05 3 
9015413Elves gone awesome againSHARP. NARROW. POINTED. ANGULAR.elves, awesome, refluffing, Shit Got Done2010-04-06 7 
9063660Champion: The EscalationA discussion on the merits of Princess: the Hopeful (there are none) turns into a surprisingly engaging discussion of how to handle heroes the World of Darkness way.World of Darkness, weeaboo, homebrew, shit gets done2010-04-09 2 
9228209Spaceship discussion/tg/ discusses spaceships and tactics and who is more mary suespaceships, Star Wars, 40k, Star Trek2010-04-16 0 
9329173Touhou40kTouhou wh40k mashupTouhou wh40k mashup2010-04-21 0 
9329948Village drawing RPG 3Continuation from previous threads, we start with another refugee from the fishing village. A new fishing village springs up, and for the first time /tg/ supports neither gods nor demons.Village, awesome, athiest, fish, trade2010-04-21 28 
9331425Science: the HypothesisHot new TCG! exellent theory thread about a game that does not exist but should, templates for the cards, beseechment to GET SHIT DONE. do it /tg/.Science: the Hypothesis, get shit done, TCG 2010-04-22 2 
9441117ITT: Insanely awesome characters you've pulled offDiscussion of crazy awesome characters morphs into discussion of Phase Shift, an insanely awesome upcoming RPG system based around powergaming and kickass characters.story, Phase Shift2010-04-27 31 
May 2010
9692576Frost Giantess Quest 49Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, QuestWe're resistant to the forest Shoggoth's madness-inducing fog, but not immune. Fortunately, the Shoggoth isn't at all resistant to thermite, and runs away with it's tail between it's legs. 2010-05-09 14 
9746989Tinyhammer part 2The tinyhammering spreads over the face of the earth, and not just with wargame minis.Tinyhammer, apocalypse, oshit2010-05-12 5 
9962795ITT:IMTUThis is a collaborative effort that I am attempting to begin on /tg/ involving a Traveller setting that I (and anyone else who is interested) is building on /tg/; the intention is to use it with my (and anyone else's) group(s). Read on for more, and check out the other archive of the previous thread (which I would also like to have archived here): http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/tg/thread/9888897 turnovertherecord@gmail.comTraveller, Transhuman, IMTU, scifi, human2010-05-21 -3 
10032392STORYTIEM ReturnsThird part of Storytime's epic game, includes dwarf pimps, and a new sport, Blood Bowlstorytiem, saburo, awesome, al'sham, blood bowl2010-05-25 25 
10086086Ira A. Shark hires on with Pier √−1A request thread takes a turn for the weird, and /tg/ roleplays the difficulties of running a non-Euclidean home decoration storenon-Euclidean geometry, shark, lulz2010-05-27 1 
10098720Airship game discussion threadNazi zeppelins and steampunk battleships. /tg/ shocks everyone by not shitting all over it. airship, homebrew2010-05-28 1 
10098159Realistic Spaceship ConstraintsWhat do you need to pay attention to when making a hard-physics spaceship? How do you dump heat? Is there really no stealth in space?space, spaceships, discussion2010-05-28 3 
10137456Monster Hunter Tabletop It began as a simple discussion of the vidya, but soon people were volunteering tabletop conversion ideas and information, as well as complaining about 'not getting it'. Monst Hunter, FantasyCraft, TableTop, Get Shit Done2010-05-29 2 
10161398Lego Starships & MechasLego Starships & mechas dumplego starship mecha 2010-05-31 2 
June 2010
10217394Brother RotMagos Joran Bol'van hosts a Create A BBEG thread. /tg/ gets shit done, creates win.BBEG, /tg/ gets shit done2010-06-02 6 
10234092Crab Quest 16The assault on the filthy squid begins. However, Crabmaster dissapears in the middle of battle; possibly due to MAN JELLY donations to his queen or smoking CRAB POT with his crab bro.Crab, Quest, Collective Game, Bloodshell, Wavemaker2010-06-03 4 
10344703Mass Workshop/tg/ discusses a Mass Effect version of 40k from a parallel realityMass Effect, 40k, Games Workshop, crossover2010-06-08 3 
July 2010
10964326craziest shit you have ever done in game/tg/ shares tales of some of the Craziest things they've ever done. New Namefag Waffle House Millionaire all but steals the show with the tale of Old Man Hendersonstorytime, crazy shit, Old Man Henderson, dashingbastard, Waffle House Millionaire2010-07-06 65 
11177294Zerg Quest IIICerebrate Anon encounters the Protoss, gets its shit tossed, and whips out the Siege Canon Ultralisk cavalry. Slow starter, and shorter than the others, but just as much Glory for the Swarm.zerg, Cerebrate Anon, quest, /tg/, fleshlings, starcraft2010-07-17 26 
11385446Archived He madshit thread2010-07-27 -12 
August 2010
11513978Awesome ship namesStarts with Halo universe, moves on to Culture ships, and ends up with some weird names based on captchaships2010-08-04 2 
11513034Zerg Quest VICerebrate Anon obtains Kerrigan, infests Raynor, prevents the destruction of Tarsonis, and meets a human nemesis who flat-out embarrasses it. More to come!Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, fleshlings, KINGSTOOOOON!2010-08-04 14 
11600995Zerg Quest VIIAnon hacks the Confederate Intelligence network, personally organizes the Invasion of Aiur, and THEN the epic starts.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, fleshlings, Starcraft, KINSTOOOOON!!!, Giant fucking crystals, Shit just got real2010-08-10 13 
11658404Engine Heart Deluxe Model EditionViral brings the polished Engine Heart to /tg/. Only $20 for a copy of /tg/ original content in paper form, and a free DL because Viral is a bro like that.Engine Heart, original content, /tg/ gets shit done, Viral2010-08-15 11 
11781189MP&CC Strikes BackA story of a campaign which shouldn't be, but became an epic tale because of the leadership feat.MP&CC, Mahogany, Port, Cuban Cigars, Leadership, Brobarian2010-08-23 21 
11799126Zerg Quest IXAnon finds out that Kingston isn't screwing around with this rivalry, and loses its whole goddamn Brood in the process.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, fleshlings, suddenly nukes, KINGSTOOOOON!!!2010-08-24 14 
11835868Reality checkThis thread needs to be seen. Ork and paranoia in the fleshork, paranoia, tea shop girl, why?2010-08-27 20 
September 2010
11984094Neckbeards May CryShas'o R'myr talks about his experiences at a local tournament, involving the attack of a greasy ultramarine player. Some trolling.Shas'o R'myr, Tau, 40k, Tournament, Neckbeard2010-09-07 12 
11995407Storytiem: part the somethingth.STORYTIEM continues the adventures of Saburo, Al'Sham, Knock, Halfling and co.storytime, storytiem, al'sham, saburo, knock, halfling, blood bowl, awesome2010-09-08 28 
12161023Shadowrun with Segata SaburoSaburo and the gang settle down for some Shadowrun. Lots of blasting, exploding, and running people over with vans ensues. Shadowrun, Saburo, Storytiem, Awesome2010-09-21 14 
October 2010
12281662Trollphysics/tg/ tries out Trollphysics- and it's surprisingly plausible FUCK NO IT ISN'T LOLOLOLOLITROLLUTroll physics, bullshit, fucking magnets2010-10-01 25 
12282007Airship Quest Ch IIIWhile the Rouxfowl is repaired and refitted, the captain and crew take some R&R. The local pirates, however, have other ideas.Airship Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Airship2010-10-01 0 
12310532Steampunk WritefaggotrySteampunk writefaggotry about an airship pilot returning to the site of a massive battle, and regaining the memories of his past.writefaggotry, steampunk, airships2010-10-03 1 
12311732If Movies and TV were campaignsWhat if movies, tv shows and vidya were campaigns?what if, rpg, bullshit2010-10-03 16 
12354135Zerg Quest XVThe Second Battle of Aiur rages on, the largest conflict in recorded history. It ends with a goddamn bang. I'm not going to spoil it for you, but damn.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Kerrigan, Overmind, Aiur, EPIC, Goddamn Feneschal, Since when does CA do screenshots?2010-10-07 14 
12373636Making a GURPS character/tg/ creates an Indian cyborg politician in a dystopian Science fiction/transhumanist universe.Indian, transhuman, transhumanism, cyborg, mooks, politics, GURPS, dice2010-10-08 3 
12373973Just another Joke character threadJoke character thread begins with a golden oldie, Ball of Arms Man. Then come the puns. Then comes Mecha Moussolini, a gay orc, and a very dainty Shadowrun troll.Joke character, D&D, Shadowrun, 2010-10-09 7 
12434786Zerg Quest XVIThe Overmind is dead. Anon assumes direct control. A tentative peace is found. Subversion begins. Cerebrate Anon explains some stuff. Anon must decide whether to push that goddamn button!Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, fleshlings, recovery, The Day After, Beautiful Candy-Like Button2010-10-14 28 
12447189Starship Troopers DiscussionVarious fa/tg/uys sit around the proverbial water cooler and discuss the strengths and merits of the Starship Troopers political system.discussion, Starship Troopers, politics, Fascism2010-10-15 9 
12517127Zerg Quest XVIIRoutine planning meeting to consolidate power takes a turn for the horrific as Nargil initiates something unspeakable. A dark force returns. All hope built over the last 15 threads may be lost.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, fleshlings, Starcraft, WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?, Kerrigan, true evil, Bernie2010-10-21 20 
12526117What happens when a starship goes into a Black Hole? LETS FIND OUT.Some DH players shoot a ship straight into a black hole. Wat do.dark heresy, space, rush, lear, dm, black hole2010-10-22 0 
12527708War of the OceansWhat starts with OP simply telling us of a rapeable dilemma he's having, ends with declarations of war across the ocean.dolphins, funny, rape, chaos, ocean, squid, sharks, war, water2010-10-22 6 
12580929Command and Conquer: TabletopSome dumbass archived a Homestuck thread and gave it THIS thread's proper title.Tabletop, Command and Conquer, shit getting done, fuck yeah2010-10-27 4 
12579180Alright, let's see those character sheetsCharacters in popular shows/games/etc are represented as players presenting their character sheets. Hilarious, with many a lulz to be had.GM and Players, popular shows, lulz, creative2010-10-27 5 
12591492Shi/tg/ets done SaturdayWhats starts as reminiscense of old /tg/ projects that were never finished ends with the resolve to start a weekly thread to actually get shit done on these old projectsshit gets done, /tg/, discussion, homebrew, rules, crunch2010-10-28 3 
12616355Traveller and Haunted SpaceshipsA discussion about Traveller ends up involving haunted, nearly three-century old spaceships, plus some dumps of images and .pdfs.Traveller, Spaceships, Horror, Sci Fi2010-10-30 6 
12627692Skirmish QuestA rather small group of clones is dropped off at an unknown location. Starts off with shitty quips and overall camaraderie, turns into tactical squad-based RPG of some sort.skirmish quest, collective game, multiplayer, tripfaggotry2010-10-31 18 
November 2010
12642940Skirmish QuestA game pitting a squad of clones against terrorists, xenos, and a wealth of other foes.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi2010-11-01 12 
12683190Skirmish Quest Part-2The Clones face off against waves of disgusting and merciless xenoforms.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi2010-11-05 11 
12671890Shin Megami Tensei Card SystemSome dude came up with a card based game system for running a game similar to a few SMT games...namely Persona.SMT Shin Megami Tensei Persona Devil Summoner Digital Card Homebrew System2010-11-05 4 
12689140Skirmish Quest Part-2.2The Clones continue the fight against the foul Xenoforms, hoping to clear Aggoria of their filth.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi2010-11-05 8 
12696704Skirmish Quest Part 4Will our soldiers cleanse Aggoria once and for all?Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-06 8 
12711995Bombardini: The Return (Also his shitty DM rages)Probably staged, but the DM of the game Bomb "Ruined" returns to bitch and whine, interesting things ensueBombardini, Vampirefaggotry, Shit DMs2010-11-07 16 
12715002Airship discussionThe elegant gentlemen of /tg/ discuss the feasibility of airships in modern times.zeppelins, airships, discussion2010-11-08 1 
12716245Skirmish Quest Part 5Episode 5: -High Command-Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-08 5 
12743172B-movie RPG homebrewA whinge thread gets anon back on the horse planning a B-movie RPG. Cool deaths, random monster generators, and Tim Curry await withinHomebrew, Horror, Getting Shit Done2010-11-10 7 
12743039Skirmish Quest Part 6Episode 6: Zerospace to MoveSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-10 5 
12752560Zerg Quest XIXAnon watches Confederate TV, and makes plan for ZergTV. It succeeds in beginning a war between the Protoss and the Terrans. It spends about two hours trying to goad Cerebrate Anon into making giant floating missile ships or something. TUCAMP shares part of his Zerg Quest-inspired stage play (no, really). Very little actually happens.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Let's add shit to it, yea verily Cerebrate, Collective Game, Talk talk talk2010-11-11 13 
12799478ShadowrunShadowrun fans swap epic campaign stories, character building tips, opinions on game mechanics and fanart.Shadowrun, discussion, adventure, character2010-11-19 0 
12867375System of ROCK/tg/ gets shit done by making a system. Ends up revolving around bands, d12s, and has sex, drugs, and Rock & Roll as stats. Glorious/tg/ gets shit done, homebrew, d12, Rock and Roll, Metal, Heavy Metal2010-11-21 5 
12874636Skirmish Quest Part 7Episode 7: Armor at Blacksad. Clones duke it out in our first mainly-armored engagement.Skirmish Quest, Collective Thread, Sci-Fi2010-11-21 5 
12885838Skirmish Quest Part 7.5Episode 7 Part 2: Armor at Blacksad. The battle continues, as Brave attempts to board a giant death tank.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-22 5 
12859843Catfight: Tactics 2Testing happens, discussion happens, giant sweeping changes happen, people making driveby comments solve problems that the OP spent days staring at, etc.catfightgame, catfight: tactics, wargame, skirmish, homebrew, hexes2010-11-22 1 
12910261Skirmish Quest Part 8Episode 8: Capture the Flag. Fierstrom suggests Bravo has a live "simulation" of capture the flag. Two clone squads compete for the flag - R00's panties.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-24 5 
12922254Skirmish Quest Debriefing: AzimuthDebriefing before the Naval/Ground battle on Azimuth, a high gravity moon of Blacksad.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi2010-11-25 3 
12923668Skirmish Quest Part 9Naval/Ground battle over and on the moon of Azimuth, as the clones battle the Makarians once more.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-25 6 
12943002Shattered Uniontg discusses how, and along what socio/politico lines the US would fragment.cool, shattered union2010-11-27 0 
12954519Skirmish Quest GeneralWe get updates on stats and some pretty new pictures.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-28 3 
12958796Skirmish Quest Part 10Chapter 9: Homefront. Bravo receives a distress signal and goes on a rescue/containment mission at the city of Hearth on the Colony of Homefront.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-29 7 
12975246Skirmish Quest General 2We get some fluff on the background and players get to write stories.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-30 3 
December 2010
12995135Ain't No Stealth In SpaceA discussion of how to construct space-based ships and weaponry which would be capable of actually hiding in space. Emphasis on actual physics/engineeringSci-Fi, Space, Getting Shit Done2010-12-02 4 
13009863Skirmish Quest Part 11Bravo moves to the offensive at Homestead, finding themselves deployed underground to attack a newly forming bug hive.Skirmish Quest, Collective Thread, Sci-Fi2010-12-03 5 
13020762Space Marines of the Star ShanksComedy writefaggotry. If Douglas Adams decided to create a Space Marine's Chapter. Much dickwounding. Continuation of 13013334Writefaggotry, story, funny, storytime, writing, Star Shanks, dickwounding 2010-12-04 5 
13029158Skirmish Quest General Thread 3Lots more rules fleshed out this time around, along with an establishment of a command structure. Usual fluffing as well.Skirmish Quest, Collective Quest, writefaggotry, Sci-Fi2010-12-05 2 
13042506Skirmish Quest Part 11.2Second Phase of the Homestead Offensive. Bravo rides an underground train.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-12-06 3 
13056440Skrimish Quest General Thread 4Squad formations, roleplaying, and some decent draw-fagging.Skirmish Quest, Collective Quest, writefaggotry, Sci-Fi2010-12-07 3 
13069575Skirmish Quest 11.3: The HiveBravo Force penetrates the Hive, unfortunately their nuke is set to detonate a little earlier than planned.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-12-08 10 
1307209640K Ship Discussion/tg/ discusses the ships and their technology from the 40K universe, apparently battleships are giant flying cathedrals - with the population of a small city.Warhammer 40K, space ships, technology, Imperium2010-12-08 -2 
13095516Skirmish Quest 11.4/General Thread: Extracting BravoGeneral thread, players end up rping Bravo as the Major digs them out of an irradiated hole.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-12-10 3 
13108836The Rise of Poppa ShasOP asks /tg/ for advice on toppling a monster that he and his party accidentally put into power, only to have it broken to him that God Emperor Shastamannos is the coolest dictator in school, and that he and his party members are complete madmen. Join the Nation!Pathfinder, D&D, Writefaggotry, Epic, Poppa Shas, Now Lay Back and Think of Karthack2010-12-11 27 
13119166Skirmish Quest General 6 (5 is tunnel extraction)A couple of elaboration or writefagging about the ZeroSpace/SkirmishQuest setting by players and Oribitalskirmish quest, quest, collective game, sci-fi, clone2010-12-12 3 
13153384Shy GuardsmanThe story of Klightus Sister Bethany.Klightus Sister Bethany Shy Guardsman2010-12-15 39 
13187338/tg/-related things that confuse you.A simple question, involving Horseshoe Crab, turns into engineering the perfect crab army.crab, horseshoe, hedron, planecrawler2010-12-18 3 
13196209Skirmish Quest 12: King of the HillBravo plays a virtual reality simulation of King of the Hill and discovers that some members have mutated powers.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-12-18 5 
13207075Skirmish General/RP Thread 7Bravo gets some new recruits. And one of them is blue!Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-12-19 3 
13211777Skirmish QuestBravo takes a mission from the Overseer and proceeds to blow everything up.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-12-19 3 
13214827EP/ME XIIIMore of the glorious Mass Effect/Eclipse Phase crossover. Read and be enlightened.eclipse phase, mass effect, writefaggotry, fluff, Transhumanity2010-12-20 5 
13218826Skirmish Quest General 8Turns out that even IF Bravo has no concept of subtly, they can still pull of a Black Ops mission without pissing off High Command. Also the usual fluffin' and storytime.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-12-20 3 
13237239Biggs and Big IronWhat starts out as a wizarding troll thread becomes one of an epic tale of one Goliath and the hammer that broke an entire campaign. Includes a sarcastic bro-priest, a rules lawyer of justice, a little girl and a CE barbarian who gains levels in Paladin of Freedom after killing a man 3 times his level. Contains copious amounts of heroics and fuck the GM.Shit GM, That Guy, Biggs, HAMMERTIME, Little Girl, Paladin, storytime2010-12-21 23 
13243356Skirmish Quest General Thread 8.2More talking, RPing. Not much fluffing, but much more storytime.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-12-22 3 
13302897Dungeon ShopA dungeon shop, run by a beholder. All customers welcome!Dungeon, Shop, Beholder, Dungeons and Dragons2010-12-27 6 
13301810EP/ME XIVRevisioning the First Contact War. More details about Sol, Systems Alliance, Eezo and relationship between ETI/Reapers/Titans.eclipse phase, mass effect, writefaggotry, fluff, Transhumanity2010-12-27 6 
13331994Shy Guardsman IIContinuation of the story of of Klightus and Sister BethanyKlightus Sister Bethany Shy Guardsman2010-12-30 29 
January 2011
13363712Skirmish Quest 14: Garukan DangerousIn which the clones of Bravo launch an attack on superior forces to obtain a very important VIP. ALSO CYBER SPACE CHIMERA SQUID?Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-01-02 3 
13377799Skirmish Quest Gen Thread 9We get new classes, and promises of upgrades for Bravo. Also a review of the near-failed mission.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-01-03 3 
13404436Skirmish Quest 15: Tsiang Tibler ShipyardsBravo goes to the shipyards as promised and finds pirates ransacking the place. Pirates vs. Spec. Classes + Spec. Class droids = annihilation.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-01-05 3 
13410794SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS RPGAnon is running a one shot of Shadow of the Colossus rpg inspired partly by The Mountain Witch. Lots of good ideas here.Shadow of the Colossus, SotC, One Shot, The Mountain Witch, Nico2011-01-06 11 
13409823Skirmish Quest 15 Debrief Debrief. Planning and more RP. Also a little tactical talking.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-01-06 3 
13444943Shy Guardsman IIIThe story of Klightus and Bethany continues to continueShy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-01-09 27 
13406132/tg/ fluff personal adsjust awesome. features various /tg/ type personalities wanting to get a little some./tg/, fluff, wut do?ish?2011-01-09 3 
13458799Big Fucking Ship(s)Starts out with proposal of a 300,000 Light-Year Long spaceship. Discussion and speculation on the engineering and physics of such a vessel ensue. Also some pretty good writefaggotry. Setting, fluff, writefag, space, ship2011-01-10 4 
13475182Catfight: Tactics: Let's say 6A ton of fluff happens more quickly than fluff has ever happened before.skirmish, wargame, catfight, catfightgame, Catfight: Tactics2011-01-11 0 
13476313Skirmish Quest 16: Kruss NightmareTest Game for new faction - The Kruss face off against hordes of bugs on their barren home. FOR THE MOTHERLAND! FOR THE KRUSS!Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-01-11 5 
13485445CastlePeople choose roles within a castle. Shenanigans ensue.Castle, shenanigans2011-01-12 0 
13489227Skirmish Quest 16.5: Victory on KrussConclusion of Kruss Test Battle. Glorious children of Kruss triumph over xenos. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-01-12 3 
13497541End of the universe roleplaying settingAnon has an idea for a setting close to the heat death of the universe. Others pitch in.setting, roleplaying, universe, heat death, space, galaxies, aliens, spaceships, starships2011-01-13 4 
13499509Zerg Quest XXVICerebrate Anon brings the Brood to Dagobah, where it is given the broad and mysterious choice of what other sci-fi plotline will enter into the ZQverse. The result is less catastrophic than it could have been, but still has game-breaker potential. What the hell is going on? Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Quest Thread, Fallout?, Terminator, Crossover, CA has obviously jumped the shark2011-01-13 11 
13501326Skirmish Quest Gen Thread 10Short Stories and World Building, with Concept art for the new faction.Skirmish Quest2011-01-13 3 
13515385Skirmish Quest 17: AmenA gamble to end the xenoform threat. Bravo digs in at the station and attempts to buy time for the hybrid child.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-01-14 5 
13538330Chaos of CrimeChaos gods from Warhammer 40k reimagined as comic book crimelords.warhammer, chaos, tzeench, slaanesh, nurgle, khorne, comic book2011-01-16 11 
13541792Shy Guardsman IVThe final part of Klightus' and Bethany's story.Shy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Wiprecht, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-01-16 29 
13534437Skirmish Quest Gen Thread 11Upgrades and Promotions are passed out. New Specializations are revealed! Oh and the usual RP/WritefaggotrySkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-01-17 3 
13574247Skirmish Quest 18: Moon Baby SimAfter surviving their last stand, Bravo unwinds with a little simulator mission. Copious amounts of explosives, fire, and giant robots follow.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-01-19 6 
13605424Skirmish Quest 19: 33 Days LaterObligatory Beach Episode. After establishing peace with Domino/Abaddon's Xenofleet, Bravo is given a month's leave on a pleasure planet. But not all is fun in the sun...Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-01-22 3 
13604229/tg/ Share ThreadClearly, /tg/ hasn't been sharing enough recently. It would be perfectly rude to start a thread like this without contribution, so I'll display my wares./tg/, share, files, rpgs, many many books, games2011-01-23 5 
13634460ShadowRussia4E Shadowrun game set in St. Petersburg. First session is...odd.Shadowrun, storytime2011-01-24 13 
13634690Skirmish Quest 19.3: 33 Days laterRemainder of the Obligatory Beach Episode. Bravo kicks ass, despite being caught with their pants down, and with no weapons. Conflicting victory, as some members are unsettled by the ruthlessness of their adversaries to get a message across.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-01-24 3 
13668381Whom The Telling ChangedYour people have always gathered in times of trouble to hear the stories, since the time of their ancestors' ancestors. Tonight, as you listen to The Epic of Gilgamesh, your people must make a crucial decision. Depending on what questions you ask and what you point out during the story, the outcome will be vastly different.Gilgamesh, writefaggotry, quest thread, quest, collective game, game, history, storytime, storytelling2011-01-27 9 
13679336Skirmish Quest Gen Thread 12Two new Kruss units are unveiled: Field Marshals and Iron Teams! Comrade Dietary Marshal Petronov warns of the dangers of too much bug bacon. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi 2011-01-28 2 
13685141Skirmish Quest 20: Kruss CountryKrussian assault against pirate controlled ODF-units. Bugs may be here.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-01-28 3 
13709827Skirmish Quest 20.3: Kruss Country Pirate controlled ODF-units, crushed by Glorious Krussian army. Bugs arrive in mass. 20.2 was not archivedSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi 2011-01-30 3 
13717670Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IIFurther fleshing out the Shattered Sun setting. Politics and ethnicities of the Holy City detailed, theories expounded on the nature of The Other EggShattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, drawfaggotry, phoenix, sun2011-01-31 8 
February 2011
13752983Skirmish Quest Gen Thread 1320 TeraZera questions answered. Also the tale of Beta 56Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi 2011-02-04 2 
13773742Skirmish Quest 20.3: Got a Kruss on You. The forces of the 13th Krussian guard defeat the advancing xeno swarm and secure Heidegger Heavy Industries. Bringing Kruss one step closer to liberation from the occupying xeno forces.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi 2011-02-04 2 
13797118Skirmish Quest 21: Boot CampBefore the next push, a group of new recruits go through boot camp. As punishment, one veteran must face off against the group of rookies.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi 2011-02-06 2 
13801279All Teched Up With Nowhere To GoWhat starts as a simple roleplaying horror stories thread turns interesting when one of the named GMs turns up and /tg/ learns the value of Teching Up.That Guy, Freeform, shitty games, horror stories, Tech Up2011-02-06 20 
13808800Skirmish Quest 21.5: Boot Camp Part 2The rookies finish their quest and defeat the dragon. The rookies may or may not have an Angry Marine in their midst.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi 2011-02-07 3 
13820298Skirmish Quest Gen Thread 14 (Wut)Usual fluffin' and Rp-an' and art. Bravo is set on high alert as their CO and Inquisitor go off to stand before an Inquisition Tribunal.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi 2011-02-09 3 
13859223Skirmish Quest 22: Operation KickoffHaving replenished their force with new recruits, the Bravos enter the Iron Line and gain a foothold on the planet Titan. Included is a surprising heroics from the unlikeliest of Bravos.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-02-11 5 
13879469Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IIIA new area is discovered in the growing world under the Shattered Sun, inspiring a plot involving scheming Masters within Terec's Alchemist Guild. Also, more ideas being bounced around for your reading pleasure! Paladins? Magic? People? Non-human races, even!?Shattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, phoenix, sun, Gateway to Hell2011-02-13 7 
13904170Klightus and Bethany get marriedAt long last, Shy Guardsman gives us the long-awaited account of Klightus and Bethany's wedding. What better day than Valentine's Day to tell the story.Shy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Wiprecht, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-02-15 35 
13903766Skirmish Quest General Thread 15Next mission is chosen, some RP is done. Happy Valentines Day!Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Valentines Day special2011-02-16 2 
13918233Skirmish Quest 23 - Battle For Titan part 2The bold members of Bravo heroically hold out against the Insidious XenosSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-02-16 3 
13990856ShadowRussia Pt. 3The group recovers from getting its shit kicked in and somehow our plucky comrades manage to complete their first run. Then Gunbunny starts taking wetwork contracts.ShadowRussia, Shadowrun, story, russia, cyberpunk2011-02-22 2 
14016938Zerg Quest XXXIIAnon tries to convince VoidGate to give up some of its secrets, which turns into a stunted philosophical debate. Over Shakuras, Anon has an hour-long awkward pause before letting the suspicious craft zoom off to one of the most populated planets in the Sector. Cerebrate Anon then ran off for...personal business.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Diplomacy, Awfully Suspicious Ship, Cut Short Due To Coitus2011-02-24 12 
14017323Skirmish Quest General Thread 16Discussion, and the introduction of non-combat actions.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-02-24 2 
14031951Skirmish Quest 23CBravo goes into the city to take down Makarian AA, barely succeeds.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-02-25 3 
14064910Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IVA return to the Shattered Sun setting in an attempt to make it more cohesive. Thus far, racial descriptions, magic types, a revisit to the more Aztec-like pygmy race, a possible aquatic race thanks to another thread, and more ideas than you can shake a stick at!Shattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, phoenix, sun, Anchordread2011-02-27 0 
March 2011
14081361Skirmish Quest General 17More of the usual general thread stuff. Colton's favorite thread yet!Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-03-01 2 
14077407Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal LandStep 1) Post a large and pretty PDF with Touhou selling point. Step 2) Mathfags, rollfags, roleplayers, Touhoufags converge. Step 3) Critiques and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEG. But you have to admit... It's a fairly well done PDF. Let this be a lesson for all those ambitious homebrew makers: Yo shit gonna be picked.touhou toho homebrew rpg critique roleplaying rollplaying pdf d6 rpg rage system testing balance shitstorm fantasy mary_sue magic rules 2011-03-01 16 
14096871Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal Land - Part 2Continuation of previous thread. /tg/ continues to balancing efforts and fixing shit. Autistic samefag from previous sages again.touhou, toho, homebrew, rpg, critique, roleplaying, rollplaying, pdf, d6, rpg,, system, testing, balance, balancing, fix, fixing, fantasy, mary sue, magic, rules, getting shit done2011-03-02 8 
14104585Zerg Quest XXXIIIThe suspicious ship with a long name arrives over Moria and Anon tries to keep shit from getting real. Horrible bluff checks follow. ZergTV makes its debut on the airwaves.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Awfully Suspicious Ship, Bluff Check, /tg/ dice2011-03-03 11 
14120608Skirmish Quest 23F: CullingWhile part of Bravo deals with Anti-Air emplacements, the rest are sent to investigate the disappearance of a Special Forces Squad. All is not as it seems...Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-03-04 3 
14129488GM's Day. Let's fucking celebrateApparently March 4th is GM's Day, so to commemorate such a special day, I'll be uploading any .pdf that I've got to GMs/interested people who would like to try new systems other than D&D/WoD/40k/Cthulhu. Here are 5 screenshots basically showing everything I've got. Just request stuff and I'll upload it to mediafire, so be patient. Also feel free to ask what's in some of the folders I've got, but keep in mind I only save core books, or sourcebooks that are of my interest. Except for 3.5, I won't have splatbook #13. However, I do have settings, campaigns or historical variants.. because they're fun to read when I'm bored. downloads, files, /tg/, bro, awesome, files, pdfs, rapid shares2011-03-05 12 
14134349Lineage Quest A quest full of pseudovikings coming to conquer the Savagelands full of savagethings.Lineage Quest, vikings, ship, Kjorstav2011-03-05 9 
14141001Skirmish Quest General Thread 18A general thread for general SQ stuff. Planning for the rest of the invasion, NCA's, so on...Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-03-06 2 
14168483A Skirmish of Little Importance.In the fringe of Federation controlled space a planet rebelling against Federation control comes under attack by ODF forces. The REG garrison fights back for all they're worth. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-03-08 1 
14188616STORYTIEM: The Final ChapterSTORYTIEM makes his emmy award-winning return to /tg/ and unveils the climactic conclusion to his mind-shatteringly epic campaign.storytiem, saburo, joseph knock, al'sham wyles, evennia, spelljammer, the fist, frank the fiendish centipede, crazy hassan, epic, campaign2011-03-10 53 
14212377Mission 24FEX: Kaiju Busters 64Leading a massive horde of xenos, the mother-of-all bugs appears to destroy the ODF Base on Titan. The only thing standing in their way is the combined might of companies Femto & Ecto and their own xeno allies. Will they prevail?Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-03-12 6 
14211790Magic Shoe HomebrewThe details of a potential homebrew involving 70's films, Kung-Fu action, a future setting, and shoes.shoes, homebrew2011-03-12 7 
14238162Photoshop as a random map generator.Thread detailing the creation of very nice quality random maps, using photoshop. This is a fast, user-friendly method, sure to make life a lot easier on some lazy or time-deprived GM's out there.GM tools, map generator, photoshop2011-03-14 10 
14254645Magic Shoe Homebrew IIA continuation of the Magic Shoe homebrew effort, with a good deal of progress, and a new name; Kicksmagic, shoe, homebrew, kicks2011-03-16 10 
14270233Skirmish Quest 24BAD: Heaven and EarthAs their allies battle on the ground, Bravo and Delta take to the skies to battle the Makarian air fleet. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-03-17 3 
14298759Kicks Homebrew IIIContinuation of the Kicks homebrew, in which many ideas are thrown out and utilized for the purpose of expanding the backstory and building upon the fluff.magic, shoe, homebrew, kicks, fluff2011-03-20 7 
14303627Skirmish Quest Gen Thread 19Usual general thread, now with added time traveling shenanigans! Also, a moment of silence for a dearly departed and beloved man. Skirmish Quest, Collective, Sci Fi2011-03-21 5 
14310642Become DMegucaThe OP and his friend are interested in getting into D&D, but a fateful demonstration of a session makes the OP think twice about becoming a D&D player. Will he give in and take his first steps as a roleplayer, or will he resist and hesitate?D&D, DnD, puella magi madoka magica, mahou shoujo madoka magica, madoka, magical girls, roleplay, parody2011-03-21 7 
14343366Zerg Quest XXXVIWhat starts as a simple bit of subterfuge quickly becomes shit hitting the fan.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Oh shit moment2011-03-24 10 
14352827Alce in Dark Heresy/tg/ succeeds in making a children's character even more Grimdark and will make you shit bricks.Alice, Dark Heresy, Oh shit2011-03-24 2 
14358165Skirmish Quest 25: Paradox ~Unsung Battles~Flung into the past by a temporal explosion of the Makarian Air Fortress, Colonel Walker leads a small band of Bravos and Xenos in an effort to claim new resources for the ODF to use on Titan. Instead, they stumble upon a potential new ally - The Algorhymes, indigenous sentient robots.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-03-25 3 
14381022HU2: Copyright Infringing Random RollsA brave anon from the HU Revised creation thread starts a new one with HU2 to create a comrade for Finesse. A mutant alien, outcast from his own kind for being vaguely more fishy than them, and is Totally Not Abe Sapien, no matter what the dice try to tell you. Old OP joins in as well. To be continued..HU, HU2, Heroes Unlimited, superhero, superheroes, cyborg, Finesse, skeletal fish aliens, Abe Sapien, Totally Not Abe Sapien, Christopher Walken of the Fish People2011-03-27 0 
14374990Magical BurstOP said... "So, the guy that translated Maid RPG watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, liked it, and used it as inspiration for an RPG, Magical Burst." And as it was written, it was done.puella magi madoka magica, loli, magical girl, mahou shoujo, despair, horror, magic, wishes, dark, maid rpg, anime, manga, weeaboo2011-03-29 1 
14407846On The Art Of Ramming The WarpA discussion of things you never want to hear on a ship in 40k turns into a discussion of how to use your entire ship as a melee weapon and destroy all of the daemons.40k, Ship, Funny, 2011-03-30 17 
14401091Shadowrun Discussion ThreadStarts off with the OP requesting "broken builds" for his game, but /tg/ works its magic and manages some in-depth discussion of the setting and mechanics of the game.Shadowrun2011-03-30 1 
April 2011
14428415Fish in the Fjord/tg/ discuss about the game Fish in the Fjord and the upcoming supplementFish in the Fjord, discussion, 2011-04-01 1 
14432270Skirmish Quest General thread 20Last of the time shenanigans, as Bravo prepares for the incoming Makarian fleetSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-04-02 3 
14435926Magical Girl StorytimeA GM recounts his group's military magical girls fighting a mysterious alien enemy in a magitech setting resembling that of the Nanoha series.magical girl, mahou shoujo, military, gm story, setting, storytime, magical girl lyrical nanoha, nanoha, magitech2011-04-02 8 
14448547AK-47 wargame discussionA thread discussing AK-47, wargame where you are fighting a war in africa.wargame, ak-47, africa, dictatorships, miniatures2011-04-03 2 
14486484Slaanesh and his ServantsOP asks for help fluffing out a Slaaneshi cult he has for an upcoming game. /tg/ answers with some truly grotesque things, and some more subtle thingsSlaanesh, fluff, Dark Heresy, cultist2011-04-06 2 
14513175Skirmish Quest General thread 21~ Robotic RelationsWalker deals with the Algorhymes, while the rest of Bravo makes the most of this new allianceSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-04-08 5 
14527687Dicko the GeniePeople attempt to get a wish out of a malicious, very solar-inclined genie.genie, sun, wish, dicko2011-04-09 11 
14528630Shadowrun Discussion ThreadA surprisingly informative Shadowrun thread in which /tg/ builds Lupus Yonderboy from Neuromancer, then concocts a mad scheme to blow up Lofwyr as revenge for a broken van.Shadowrun2011-04-09 1 
14599022Skirmish Quest 26: Sucker PunchBravo and its allies launch a pre-emptive strike on the Makarian Fleet bearing down on Titan.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-04-15 3 
14621029Crows, /tg/. Fucking crows.Intelligent animals, cavitation guns, and why we're fuckedanimals, terrifying, fluff, crows, ravens, shrimp2011-04-18 12 
14651170Skirmish Quest Gen thread 22 The navy has dealt a major blow to the incoming Maks. Bravo digs in and decides what next to do.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-04-20 2 
14675898Skirmish Quest 27: LightningThe Makarian fleet arrives but is met with a surprising obstacle - the very moons of Titan. Taking advantage of their good fortune, Bravo and their allies take to the skies to repel the space chicken threat.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-04-22 2 
14698665Capital Ships/tg/ sinks the Bismarck with the best ship names this side of Gravitasnames, capital ships, battleships, culture2011-04-25 0 
14717864Artificial IntelligenceThe humanity of AI's are conversed for a while, before the topic shits into talking about your favorite megalomaniac AI characters. Briefly visited by MC Vatican.Gerty, Moon, Shodan, Marathon, Durandal, Agent Smith, Matrix, Game, Shodan, WOPR, AM, Friend Computer, AC, nostalgia2011-04-26 1 
14754121The Game (Classroom)/tg/ finds vid of VA teacher running large-scale world RP in classroom. Contacts him for information, win ensues.homebrew, cooperative, getting shit done, original, collective game, loli2011-04-30 12 
14730420Skirmish Quest Gen Thread 23The Titan Campaign is over and the ODF has come out on top with some new allies. Discussion, some more fluff, and plans to save a lost comrade abound.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-04-30 2 
May 2011
14824271Skirmish quest 28 - The CostBravo goes to the Penavol system to rescue one of their own.Skirmish Quest, SQ, Sci-Fi, Collective Game2011-05-06 3 
14890671Random Class Refluffs!Hilarity ensues as the Internet Haet Machine(and a writefag or two) refluffs non-sensical Random Class combinations. Good for a laugh or two.Stupid, refluff, haberdasher, character creation, lollercoaster, internet hate machine, writefaggotry2011-05-12 1 
14900640Biblical ShadowrunReligious Shadowrun character in progress. Awaiting consultation and collaboration with GM to produce game of biblical proportions.Shadowrun, Bible, character2011-05-12 6 
14941075Best Mutants & Masterminds Game EverThe Sovereign, Fishmonger, Ragin' Ronnie Reagan, Lucifer Lass, and the Masked Rider team up to fight crime...or sell action figures...or maybe take over the world? It's really hard to tell with these guys...M&M, Mutants & Masterminds, storytime, The Sovereign, Ragin' Ronnie Reagan, Fishmonger2011-05-16 28 
14941103Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun QUESTThe name's James McClellan. I'm a sheriff recently down on his luck. Nothing seems to be going his way, and then, the three of clubs is handed to him. After enjoying his beans of course.Wild Cards, Wild Cards Quest, Collective Game, Wild West, Sheriff, Cowboy, Three of Clubs2011-05-16 12 
14951576Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun QUEST IIThe name's James McClellan. I'm a sheriff recently down on my luck. I just got myself a Gun, the Three o' Clubs. Didn't get too much done in this one, but I found my brother's diary and a creepy doll that looks like me. Strange things're comin' to surface...Wild Cards, Wild Cards Quest, Collective Game, Sheriff, Cowboy, Three of Clubs2011-05-17 4 
14959956Letter for GWfa/tg/uys write a collaborative letter for games workshopgames workshop hate one word letter2011-05-18 2 
14960957Dark Overlord Quest 9Not much gets done, BUT we do learn a lot. And seem to have some horrible Shadow Magic disease. Also, Succubai!quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, witch, contract, bind, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, Succubai, Shadow, Archon2011-05-18 10 
14976361Girl QuestA girl named Issabella lives alone in the forest, and as far as she can remember, the world. When threatened by an invader, she must use her imagination to win the ensuing battle. But why has someone else appeared so suddenly?collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map2011-05-19 5 
14987470Girl Quest Chapter 2Issabella's instinct to protect Mallory despite her past gets her in trouble.collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map, Issabella, Mallory, Penelope2011-05-20 5 
14958866Alternative TTGsDiscussion of many TTGs as alternatives to GWTTG malifaux infinity warmahordes flames of war brushfire mercs battletech heavy gear2011-05-20 -1 
14996575Skirmish Quest 29 - Lost is foundBravo breaks into the Tabernacle and fights through waves of blues. They use the POWER OF THE SUN and their missing comrade is rescued.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-05-21 2 
14997995Girl Quest Chapter 3The players get a fresh start due to Issabella's sudden defeat. Mild meta-shenanigans ensue, along with hints as to what is actually going on, and another battle.collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map2011-05-21 5 
15008341Girl Quest Chapter 4Titania has tea, cake, and attempts to build an empire out of two girls and a frog.collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map2011-05-22 5 
15019784Girl Quest Chapter 5Titania manages the world that she now owns.collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map2011-05-23 2 
15029972Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #4Sir Scribe's vision continues to take form as /tg/ demonstrates its ability to get shit done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-24 6 
15041421Pencil...Dice?Anon proposes that pencils can be substituted for six-sided dice. Math and SCIENCE! ensue./tg/ gets shit done, science, math, dice2011-05-25 26 
15051875Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #5In which shit continues to get done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-26 5 
15054705Girl Quest Chapter 6Titania gains some magical power from... something. Lawful evil science is used to narrow down what that specific thing is.collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map2011-05-26 4 
15063956Chaos Marine CreationCreating a Chaos Marine warband using OP's messed-up Deathwatch rules.Deathwatch, Chapter Creation, Chaos, Chaos Marines, Slaanesh, Heresy2011-05-27 12 
15065499Tales of the Emperasque 6Someone else. returns to begin the next (and apparently final or second-to-last) arc of the Tales of the Emperasque.writefaggotry, writing, Someone_else., tarrasque, Emperasque, tales, writefaggotry, writefag, oddish2011-05-27 30 
15076519The Glistening HostContinuing the creation of a Slaaneshi Blood Angels Chaos Marine chapter.Deathwatch, Chapter Creation, Chaos, Chaos Marines, Slaanesh, Heresy, Awesome, Homebrew2011-05-28 6 
15069694Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #5More shit getting done. Mostly refinement of the skill system and working on magic. Also some drawfaggotry.Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-28 5 
15078411Blackpowdera Naval homebrew wargame where the player controls a ship and a crewBlackpowder, Wargame, ship, pirates, alchemists, naval, 28mm, homebrew2011-05-29 1 
15091388The Enshrouded #2/tg/ continues fleshing out The Enshrouded, a secretive confederation of DE Haemonculi Covens with various areas of interest between them. Crunch options are investigated and drawfags contribute.Dark Eldar, Chapter Creation, The Enshrouded, Haemonculi, Coven, 40K2011-05-29 3 
15094060Glistening Host 3Another thread discussing /tg/'s homebrew Slaaneshi kill-crazies. Anons try to integrate chapter's history with the Brotherhood of the Gauntlet and OP does some sweet writefaggotry.Deathwatch, Chapter Creation, Chaos, Chaos Marines, Slaanesh, Heresy, Awesome, Homebrew, Writefaggotry, Brotherhood of the Gaunlet2011-05-30 5 
15094464The Garden of EhnkieridianOP gives us a dark and tension-filled tale of a party entering a twisted and terrifying maze, worsened by his slow posting speed.game recap, D&D, Garden, Ehnkieridian, OPISAGOD, shadows, despair 2011-05-30 13 
15091730Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #76th thread was mislabeled as 5. Shit continues to get done, particularly in the combat section.Legend of Zelda RPG, planning, thread, Sir Scribe, Zelda, TriForce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-31 5 
June 2011
15125681Ask a GW Manager Anything Part 3Games Workshop Manager returns. Now with 100% more Finecast and holy shit what is going on with the story?Games Workshop, Manager, Primarch, Finecast2011-06-01 12 
15170866Legend of Zelda RPG #9Thread #8 404'd without an archive. Shit continuous to get done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, Shit gets done2011-06-07 7 
15187045The Epic of John CockburnDrawfag unites with /tg/ to craft a battle scene between two random shmucks. Hilarity ensuesJohn Cockburn, Oswald Jones IV, Fish, Mop2011-06-07 20 
15207274Human Space: Hedonism is our SpecialtyHumanity's "hat" in the interstellar community isn't the warrior race, or the interstellar diplomat, or the explorer. Humans know how to have fun more than any other race in the galaxy!humanityfuckyeah hedonism pleasure slaanesh fluff worldbuilding space2011-06-09 26 
15229712Legend of Zelda RPG #10The RPG continues to take shape. The real crunch begins.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch, drawfag2011-06-12 9 
15253114Legend of Zelda RPG #11More rules, more art, more progress.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch, drawfag2011-06-15 11 
15290183Legend of Zelda RPG #12Magic and equipment gets expanded upon.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch2011-06-18 8 
15297454Candy Land AdventuresOP took the classic board game and then turned it into something more.candy land, board game, getting shit done, expansion2011-06-18 12 
15334060Legend of Zelda RPG #13Shit continues to get done. Magic and music are discussed, and races are revisited and expanded. Also some more new artwork.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch2011-06-24 6 
15375622Legend of Zelda RPG Thread 14Steady progress is made toward getting this thing playtestable. Some discussion of settings and fluff, rules for songs, a few new techniques, and more!Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch2011-06-26 6 
15396589Legend of Zelda RPG 15Compiling, designing, and editing techniques is the focus of this thread, with a few new mechanic ideas and artwork as well.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-06-29 6 
July 2011
15433135Legend of Zelda RPG #16Techniques and Magic gets worked on, and the RPG inches towards being playtest-ready.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-07-04 6 
15474877Void QuestWe awaken floating in the void after 65-thousand years of dormancy. The command staff is brought back from cryostasis and we start repairing our metal body while hoping our crew adjusts and worrying over what has happened while we were asleep.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-05 39 
15492650CazaclawCombining two of the most terrifying monsters ever to create the thing of nightmares.Fallout, New Vegas, Cazador, Deathclaw, Pants shitting, tarrasque2011-07-06 10 
15503489Lord Deathrape and the CazaclawrasqueBecause some PCs just deserve to die.Tarrasque, Horror, Holy shit, BBEG, Cazador, Deathclaw, Cazaclaw, God hates you, FUCK2011-07-07 14 
15527576Void Quest 2We bring back more crew, do repairs, make our first jump, and find an abandoned system surrounded by the wreckage of hundreds of ships.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-10 35 
15539838Iron HeartsA successor to the popular Skirmish Quest, raw recruits are put to the test against a ravenous army of undead.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-07-11 25 
15496100Legend of Zelda Thread #17In which development and discussion continues, along with the odd bit of nice drawfaggotry.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-07-12 6 
15547424Void Quest 3Having set up our resupply, we hack our way into the station - through the past!Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-12 36 
15561063Iron Hearts 2: Battle of NorwoodHaving barely escaped with their lives at Sylvia, the HellGhast Unit is dispatched to Norwood Forest to halt the enemy advance.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-13 12 
15558914Void Quest 4The continuing story of OIS Harbinger.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-13 31 
15572543IRONHEARTS WAR COVERAGEBreaking News from the Front Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-14 7 
15560584The Legend of Zelda RPG - Thread #18Steady progress is made, particularly regarding magic and music. Also the first bits of feedback from playtesting, and of course some lovely artistry.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-07-15 7 
15581324Void QuestThe continuing story of the OIS Harbinger, wherein Parsons paranoia is finally realized.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-15 31 
15603188Void Quest 6The continuing story of the OIS Harbinger, wherein we activate the gate and cut in line. Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-17 31 
15603823Ironhearts Ch.3: VengeanceThe team tries to liberate Stilemar on our first offensive, as well as recover one of our top engineers. Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-17 7 
15613453IRONHEARTS:The Calm before DawnThe ragtag group of Ragnyllians pause to plot their next move. Also Vampires!Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-18 5 
15626860Void Quest 7We blast aliens, salvage stuff, work out how the gates work all over again, then chat with our XO.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-19 26 
15629690Iron Hearts 4: Liberation of StilemarWith some help from their new vampiric ally, the HellGhast unit manages to liberate Stilemar from the Voss, but not without losses.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-19 5 
156352452006 AK-47 Republic released!Anon teases us with a pic of the aforementioned rules on a scanner: shortly, he delivers. Accompanied by glorious Osprey and silly flags.Getting Shit Done, scan thread, delivery, AK-47 Republic, wargame, mercenaries2011-07-21 6 
15646309AK-47 Republic second edition!Updated rules! Redheads! Holy grails of scale-less wargaming!Getting Shit Done, scan thread, delivery, AK-47 Republic, wargame, Promotions, Drow, Redheads2011-07-21 9 
15652026IRONHEARTS War Room: Stilemar DebriefCommand has us sit down and decide out next move.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-21 5 
15663594IRONHEARTS Ch.5: BATTLE ON DANDELION Hellghast goes to rescue our trapped allies the elementalists.SkirmisSkirmish Quest, Iron Hearts, Monday, Journal2011-07-22 4 
15678980IronHearts GeneralRules explanations and random musings Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-24 4 
15681393Void Quest 9The Harbinger plays with armageddon weapons, has a narrow escape, and plans an extraction. Also arguing.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-24 28 
15681780Iron Hearts: Battle of Dandelion pt. 2The HellGhast unit manages to last the night (and the werewolves) long enough to liberate part of the academy.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-24 2 
15683716Legend of Zelda RPG development #20.5Thread 20 vanished into the aether without archival...We won't let this one get away!Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Shit Gets Done2011-07-24 8 
15689428Star Trek RPG rundownSome guy gives a brief rundown on all the official Star Trek RPGs, as well as download links for most of the systems. Worth a look if you ever want to run a game in that setting.Star Trek, RPG, share2011-07-24 6 
15702140Void Quest 10Harbinger defrosts one of the rescued people and gains some informations.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-26 25 
15725852Void Quest 11Where we thaw out the rest of Ketro's science team, and nothing much gets done.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-28 23 
15728822Iron Hearts War Room: Operation SolsticeCommand informs us that the Voss are planning some sort of dark ritual, and have air superiority over our next objective.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-28 2 
15739601Iron Hearts 6: The Battle of SolsticeThe Hellghast begin their assault on the Voss-occupied city of Solstice.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-29 7 
15737311Spaceship Names/tg/ actually manages to stay relatively on topic this time, delivering a wealth of original and awesome new names.spaceship, names2011-07-30 1 
15759678Pirate lords of 40k IIwe get the results of the first playtest, have a debate about the rules, revise movement to be faster, and get in an argument over weather 'nids, Knights, and sisters should be allowed. We also create a dedicated forum, swap shanties, an theres a pic of a parrot with pauldrons.Pirates, 40k, 40k pirates, homebrew, warhammer, space, sci fi, space pirates, skirmish, kill team, battlefleet gothic2011-07-31 3 
15764064Druid QuestShit gets weird when we become a druid after eating mushroom soup; /tg/'s a dick sometimes.druid, quest, mushroom, badger, old, man, malam2011-07-31 2 
15765549Void Quest 13 - Part 2We finish up our game of laser-tag and then start an entirely new and more dangerous version.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-31 23 
August 2011
15773489Iron Hearts 7: The Battle of Solstice pt. 2The HellGhast manage to liberate Solstice, but nearly lose a beloved squad member. What lengths will they go through to save her?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-01 6 
15808361Fallout: UK/tg/ once again gets shit done. We have hooligans, Cromwells, ghoul guards still standing on their spots, and a dreadful lack of tea is what causes the initial anarchy after the bombs fell.Fallout, London, UK, shenanigans2011-08-04 12 
15807704Void Quest 15Two engineers get passive-aggressive, and then shit gets real. Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-08-04 25 
15759263Legend of Zelda RPG development #21Some tweaks and revisions to existing techs and spells, a thorough review/fleshing out of the weapon system, and more - /tg/ gets shit done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-08-04 6 
15836211RONHEARTS War Room: 3rd Takeback OperationHellghast plans to free thier people but find unexpected resistance in the desert.SkirmisSkirmish Quest, Iron Hearts, Monday,2011-08-07 4 
15848189Iron Hearts 8: The Battle of 5 Finger AlleyThe Hellghast advances on Kolstec, but their biggest obstacle is a narrow valley filled with enemy armor.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-07 6 
15852524Most Insane EDH Deck EverThere is no win, only the madness. MTG, EDH, Commander, /tg/ Gets shit done2011-08-07 10 
15856771Void QuestWe freeze Ketro, the xenos try to board Harbinger, and the xenofags start a shitstorm.Void, Quest, AI, Spaceship, Vedibere2011-08-08 21 
15846057Legend of Zelda RPG development #22Some touches on magic and songs, finishing weapon properties, and development of an improved character sheet.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-08-10 3 
15886277Void Quest 7-2in which we learn more about Parson.VoidQuest, Void Ques, Void, Quest, Space, Quest, Collective Game, Sentient Starship2011-08-10 18 
15894168Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon makes a breakthrough with the High Seer, then a hug births Slaanesh and and Abaddon Punches the Warp, again.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love, Slaanesh2011-08-11 20 
15895246Iron Hearts War Room: Shadow Valley CheckpointThe Hellghast reorganizes its command structure after the horrific losses inflicted in the previous battle. Meanwhile, a decision must be made to either approach Kolstec from above or below.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-11 2 
15897590/tg/ lives in spaceold spacers, engineers and pest controlers share storiesshort stories, sky filled with thunder and fire, space, sci-fi2011-08-12 12 
15907230Iron Hearts Ch.8: Battle of KolstecThe Hellghast decide to liberate the undead-infested mines of Kolstec.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-12 7 
15904452Void Quest 18We find an Intel base that turns out to be a bioweapons research facility and possible deathtrap.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-08-12 22 
15916112Iron Hearts ch.8: Battle of Kolstec pt2About half of the mines have been cleared, and the Hellghast have already had to face enemy armor and vampires. What else lies before them in the darkness?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-13 7 
15916825Void QuestMore mucking around with the base, we take our first casualty, and a bunch of idiots whine about it.Void Quest, Collective Game, AI, Spaceship, Vedibere2011-08-13 21 
15926422Iron Hearts War Room: Kolstec DebriefWe get new equipment and vehicles as a reward for liberating Kolstec.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-14 4 
15964072Iront Hearts Ch.9: TrustThe Hellghast are forced to fight their own when a fellow Ragnyllian unit falls to lycanthropy.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-17 5 
15964230Harry Potter RPG developmentGuy who said he'd make a game like, a month ago, returns. More work is done.harry potter, homebrew, /tg/ gets shit done2011-08-18 2 
15983927Iron Hearts War Room: Albane Airfields BriefingThe Hellghast gain new recruits and make plans to attack Vosskon's final foothold in Ragnyll.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-19 3 
15986569Iron Hearts Ch.10: Battle of AlbaneThe Hellghast push into the Voss' final foothold in Ragnyll in hopes of capturing it before the Voss can unleash their secret weapon.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-19 3 
16016834Iron Hearts War Room: Theatre SummaryIn the wake of the successful attack on Albane Airfields, the Ragnyallian Forces have decided to push back. Intel, upgrades, promotions, and secrets abound!Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-22 1 
16037299Traditional Anthropomorphic GamesI canhear yoou groaning from across the net, but I'm saving this thread not just for the wealth of playable furry games, but for >>16038331 this tale of 'HURR DURR YIFF IN HELL' gone too far. Sin is when we treat people as things; this applies to all people, those we feel compatibility with and those who like what we do not like.Anthropomorphism, Furry, Mouse Guard, Storytime, righteous rage, Yiff in Hell, asshole, assault 2011-08-23 -25 
16041527Iron Hearts War Room: Voss CounteroffensiveWe try to come up with defensive strategies in preparation for the Voss offensive, as well as receive even more new equipment.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-24 5 
15957628The Legend of Zelda RPG development #24Finally starting to work our way out of the productivity slump, progress is (slowly) made. A system for "foraging" for rupees and supplies is devised, a basic framework for item prices is laid down, and principles of dungeon and boss design are discussed.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-08-24 3 
16062108Enjou Kosai AdventureIn the wein of being weaboo, this thread is dedicated to enjou kosai(componsated/paid dates). General faggotry started, and somebody is trying to make a RPG for it.rpg,enjou kosai, enjou kosai adventure, prositution, magic girl, mahou shoujo, monster girl, RPG making2011-08-25 12 
16067911Iron Hearts ch.11: Hell NIghtThe Voss counteroffensive begins. Can the Hellghast hold them off?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-26 11 
16068323underappreciated games/tg/ shares what they feel are some games that dont get much exposure. this thread tries to share some games that might get other fa/tg/uys play.games, share, spread2011-08-26 3 
16075942Void Quest 22Jumping around and finally finding some dangerous ?friends/foes? who appear to know how to work Ophidian tech.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-08-27 21 
16078790Considering: a modern fantasy Wilderness settingAnon proposes a setting with some modern tech, encroaching wilderness, and a reason for adventures. We contribute monsters and justifications.Homebrew, Getting Shit Done, original content, pokemon, modern fantasy, setting, world building2011-08-28 8 
16087049Ironhearts Ch.12: DawnHellghast mourns its fallen, and prepares for the coming storm.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-28 5 
16087046Void Quest 23We jump into the mystery system and find an old friend on a magical world.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-08-28 21 
16090341Musical RPing (Shuffle) Starting off as a question of RPGs based off music, something epic spawnedRPG, Shuffle, Music, Magic2011-08-28 0 
16107123Transhumanism discussion/tg/ discusses transhumanism and roleplays a bittranshumanism cyborg robot2011-08-30 -2 
September 2011
16168534Iron Hearts War Room: Kolstec PredeploymentThe Hellghast gets ready for the Voss' next assault.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-09-04 5 
16172270Iron Hearts Ch.13: Battle For KolstecThe tables are turned when the Hellghast are forced to defend Kolstec from the Voss.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-09-04 11 
16182076Void Quest 25We find Charles.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-09-05 22 
16200441Iron Hearts War Room And Plot plus rpMore Iron wars plot.Collective Game, Scifi, Skirmesh Quest2011-09-06 2 
16231827How /tg/ Met Their BrosFa/tg/uys relate their awesome and heartwarming tales of finding friendship. Apparently twins are god-tier bros.friend, friendship, bro2011-09-09 6 
16254954Iron Hearts Ch 14: Battle of FistThe Unsung battle of Hallows Eve has transpired thus; a derelict detachment of an Aeon chapter has sought to intercept the Voss counter offensive only to find themselves drowning in their numbers. They escape here now, when Kolstec is under attack behind them. What truly happened here? Who survived? Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-09-11 11 
16319440Void Quest 28We disconnect from Charles' core and try to leave.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-09-17 23 
16331713Iron Hearts War Room: Invasion Pre-AmbleHaving survived the battle of Hallow's Eve, the Aeon contingent has joined forced with Hellghast. Discussion of team-building skirmish and the naming of the Aeon forces within.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci F2011-09-19 6 
16375960Araby fandex brainstorming/tg/ starts with the creation of their own Araby army book, this brainstorming is saved for future reference.Araby, warhammer fantasy, project, /tg/ gets shit done, 2011-09-21 23 
16418671Five Nations Quest: Part 5You are Yamada Shimaru, a chuunin shinobi of the Hidden Mist. You are specialized in the use of a Greatsword and fast hand to hand combat. You aspire to be one of the great seven swordsmen of the hidden mist. Naruto theme set before the 3rd great war.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-25 9 
16429096Five Nations Quest: Part 6Having achieved his goal of joining the Seven Swordsmen, Shimaru must now revitalize them and give them a new lease on life and a new meaning in the village. Naruto RP set in an alternate universe.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-26 8 
16433257Hallowe'en Thread - now with RPGTender fa/tg/uys everywhere, life's no fun without a good scare! What starts as Hallowe'en general/imagedump turns into the sharing of a Hallowe'en themed RPG for all to share. Hallowe'en, homebrew, gets shit done2011-09-26 5 
16433980Five Nations Quest: Part 7The Seven Swordsmen are ready to go make their name known again.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-26 8 
16437223/tg/ Trailers"What is the worst possible /tg/ based movie?" A few anons forget what "worse" means and decent writefaggotry is had.Movies, Writefaggotry, Trailers, Delta Green, Exalted, Battleship2011-09-27 4 
16440973Five Nations Quest: Part 8The flesh and muscle peeled from our sword arm, we stand triumphant over the bodies of 26 victims, having 3 survivors escape us. The Raikage will be hungry for our blood.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-27 8 
16449397Five Nations Quest: Part 9The old Raikage is quite pissed and we're standing toe to toe with the old bastard. Let's see who's tougher, Mist or Cloud!Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-28 10 
16451641Five Nations Quest: Part 10We start discussing mechanical stuff. After 9 threads I think we can start making some changes. More story to come though!Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-28 10 
16458695Starship Troopers: Medieval editionOP tells of his setting idea and ideas start getting thrown around.grimdark, Starship Troopers, medieval, weapons, bug, bugs, settings2011-09-29 6 
16460457Five Nations Quest: Part 11Making friends and rolling like a baws, now with drawfags.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-29 10 
October 2011
16491215Fish out of WaterCampaign Idea: A PT boat gets sent to a fantasy world, cue survival horror/logistics/the odyssey. game ideas, fantasy, modern, getting shit done, 2011-10-02 12 
16486582Iron Hearts Ch 15: Aeon vs RagnyllIn a show of good faith and cooperation, the Aeon Empire's Legio Aurora faces off against the Hellghasts in a 'friendly' skirmish.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-10-02 6 
16501928Five Nations Quest: Part 12We have a run-in with Akatsuki, and make a diplomatic trip to the Hidden Stone Village.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-03 12 
16509669Shadow of the BatWe're an up-and-coming Batman villain. Tired of petty crime, we steal a superweapon from under the noses of the Joker's henchmen.Quest, Collective Game, Shadow of the Bat, Villain, Batman2011-10-04 8 
16508452Five Nations Quest: Part 13We finish up our fight with two Akatsuki members and leave the Hidden Stone Village. We arrive back home and find out Gen and Aya are getting married.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-04 7 
16515905Five Nations Quest: Part 14Our diplomatic mission to the Hidden Leaf has forced us to leave both our comrade and our trusted blade behind, and so we sit down at the table with Kisame and his friend to talk to the Akatsuki.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-04 8 
16529982Five Nations Quest: Part 16Herein we get our summon, finally.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-06 10 
16534941/tg/ MetaQuestAfter all the talk of the Editors versus the Sues, one anon creates this Quest. THe local metaverse sector has been warped, and we use our poor funding to recruit some Starship Troopers, Spike Spiegel and Ibram Gaunt to investigate./tg/, Editors, Spike, Spiegel, Ibram, Gaunt, Meta, Multiverse, cruiser, Orz, mary sue, fixer, /tg/ starship troopers, UNIT, SPC2011-10-06 23 
16540773/tg/ MetaQuest 2We have encountered and allied with the Orz from Star Control, and have discovered that all life on the station and the planet below was 'removed' at the time of The Event. After clearing the station, we go down to investigate Sarajevo and Temple Prime for more clues, with Orz marines leading the way. Meta, Quest, Orz, Star Control, Command and Conquer, Kane, Cruiser, Ibram Gaunt, Spike Spiegel, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers2011-10-07 12 
16537621Five Nations Quest: Part 17We get ourselves a new sword, finish up our mission, and return home. We chat a little with Yuki, and then meet with the Akatsuki leader to get Orochimaru's medical help for Mangetsu.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-07 10 
16561350/tg/ Meta Quest 3After being resupplied and spending new funds on things like Small Soldiers, Spectres, and Star Destroyers, we go to try and rescue a branch office in distress only to find some Sue-ish drow in the way. In the midst of this, a new hero arises.Collective Game, Orz, Drow Tales, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Shadowrun, Meta, Quest2011-10-09 13 
16583316Shadow of the BatOur wannabe supervillain pulls two duplicates of himself in from parallel worlds, robs a liquor store, and gets arrested. Not in that order.Quest, Collective Game, Shadow of the Bat, Villain, Batman2011-10-11 3 
16580545Ar tonelico RPG Thread/tg/ tries to make the magic system from super-weeaboo jRPG series Ar tonelico work in DnD3.5e. Succeeds.Ar tonelico, DnD, RPG, jRPG, Getting Shit Done, 3.5e2011-10-13 7 
16610118Five Nations Quest: Part 19 pt2We enter the timeskip, Killer B and Hanzo join the Four Winds, and all is not well in the Akatsuki-controlled Five Nations. The Villages begin to chafe under Satori's control, and the Fourth Hokage has had enough. He tasks Shimaru to lead a black ops raid against Akatsuki's secondary HQ. Shimaru, Baki, B, and Hanzo assault the base, but Deidara and Kisame prove to be tougher than we thought, and Baki is killed. Then Kakuzu shows up. Then Satori. This op is now officially FUBARed.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-14 10 
16635946Iron Hearts War Room: Invasion BriefingThe Hellghast plan their next move, which is an invasion into Vosskon itself.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-10-16 3 
16639168Iron Hearts Ch 16: Battle of Stallion - Pt. 1Hellghasts perform a beach assault on a hostile shoreIron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-10-16 5 
16618858/tg/ Meta Quest 4We make contact with the Vault's commander and surviving agents. Apparently there's a SUE controlling the Drow, and that's the source of the reality distortions. We hire runners to collect information, and begin planning our assault.Collective Game, Orz, Drow Tales, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Shadowrun, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest2011-10-16 21 
16649661Necron Lord AssholehotepA thread about the new Necrons turns into stories about a new Necron Lord, Assholehotep, who has the maturity level of a 10 year old.necrons, 40k, assholehotep2011-10-17 14 
16660618/tg/ Meta Quest 4.5An extension of Meta Quest 4, We buy stuff and talk to a spiritCollective Game, Orz, Drow Tales, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Shadowrun, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest2011-10-18 13 
16657281Five Nations Quest: Part 20We plan how to free the captured Swordsmen, when we get help from an unexpected source, as Orochimaru and Sasori defect from Akatsuki. We learn how to break Satori's mind control, and engage Akatsuki and the Kage's in battle as the Hidden Mist Village burns around us. Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-19 8 
16676293Let's Discuss Fantas-PH'NGLUI MGLW'NAFHGATHER SACRIFICES. Also, some interesting discussion on elder gods and eldritch horrors.cthulhu, shoggoth, elder gods, gods, horror, slaanesh, sacrifices, discussion2011-10-20 5 
16687872Geshtinanna, Unbound Daemonhost/tg/ creates a Daemonhost. They had no idea how horribly wrong everything would go.daemonhost, Geshtinanna, dark heresy2011-10-21 10 
16709008Bishop Tristan's Civilization GameA new civrunner appears and proceeds to frolic with desert elves.Civilization Game, Bishop Tristan, Collective Game, Desert Elves2011-10-23 17 
16711708Bishop Tristan's Civilization Game 2When we make elves, we really make magic-loving, magic-using, magic-everythinging elves. Except for the tree hugging part. No trees in the desert.Civilization Game, Bishop Tristan, Collective Game, Desert Elves2011-10-23 13 
16726263*BOOM* *BOOM* *CRASH**BOOM* *BOOM* *CRASH*BOOM,BOOM, CRASH2011-10-24 20 
16739629Five Nations Quest: Part 21We start breaking the Kage's from Satori's mind-control, and engage Kisame in our long-awaited final duel. The last session.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-26 10 
16729747/tg/ Meta Quest 6We finish up on the Fallout world, download the TG station's logs, and head back to Sector HQ. We pick up a team of X-COM scientists, then head to the last Branch Office, located in a Dark Matter setting world, in the Mulder Building.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Fallout, Dark Matter2011-10-27 13 
16760239/tg/ Meta Quest 7On our way back to HQ to get help to deal with the Sandmen that compromised our branch office, we have a run-in with the G-Man. It's time to prepare for unforeseen consequences.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Dark Matter, Half-Life, G-Man2011-10-29 11 
16772808Assholetep the InsufferableAssholetep jokes everywhereAssholetep, necron, jokes2011-10-29 23 
16774964Iron Hearts Ch 16: Battle of Stallion - Pt. 2The Hellghast are plagued by more losses, as well as a demonic ritual gone awry.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-10-30 5 
November 2011
16796063Iron Hearts War Room: Stallion DebriefThe Hellghast receive more promotions and Ghoul specialty gear. Also, Mary Susan informs them about a slight bug problem in Hinzerhaus.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-11-01 5 
16791722/tg/ Meta Quest 8We lose Gaunt in the retaking of the Mulder Building, but are able to capture the Sandmen and retrieve critical base systems, leaving behind sentry guns and nerve gas to deter trespassers. We then head over to the local branch of the TSAB to see how they've fared the past month of raped reality.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Dark Matter, Half-Life, G-Man, TSAB, Nanoha2011-11-01 11 
16803917Iron Hearts Ch 17: Battle of HinzerhausTo celebrate the anniversary of Skirmish Quest, the Hellghast delve deep into the depths of Hinzerhaus to exterminate a certain species of bug...Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-11-01 3 
16811852/tg/ Meta Quest 9We transit back to Sector HQ and report to Holtz the good and bad news. We show him the data we recovered on a world about to break under the reality stress. We request, and are authorized to, deploy a Rewriter Bomb, and wipe and rewrite the entire world in order to save it.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Half-Life, G-Man, Star Wars2011-11-02 11 
16843819/tg/ Meta Quest 12The last 3 minutes before the Rewriter Bomb goes off, and our ground forces are hard pressed even as our forces in space turn to engage a newly created enemy battlefleet. Then consequences of one of our earlier decisions comes back to haunt us.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Star Wars2011-11-05 15 
16852204/tg/ Meta Quest 13We triumphantly return to Sector HQ, where we give Holtz the good news that the Rewriter Bomb went off. We choose what we keep from the forces lent to us, then transit to another world. Middle-Earth this time, and we just found a Chaos gate outside Rivendell.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines2011-11-06 12 
16853181Iron Hearts Ch. 17: Battle of Hinzerhaus pt. 2The battle against the bugs infesting Hinzerhaus continues, and the Hellghast uncover more the secrets this mysterious house hides.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-11-06 6 
16860914Shadowrunners Accomplish Mundane ActivitiesSolve a regular, day-to-day problem like a typical ShadowrunnerShadowrun2011-11-07 14 
16864773Waiting for TG Meta Quest: Server Migration EditionWaiting for Thread 14, Server Migration leaves us waiting for couple days. We discuss tactics, wishlists, and ideas.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-08 6 
16877258/tg/ Meta Quest 14We are able to open negotiations with Ahriman with the help of the Knights Inductor. We capture and interrogate an agent of the Shipper Union. And we find out that instead of wizards, we got a vaudeville act when we asked for Aurors.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-08 10 
16887973/tg/ Meta Quest 15Ahriman says Ring of Power or no deal. We try to brainstorm how to sneak into Barad-dûr to steal a Ring, when someone mentions Ringil, the sword of ice that crippled Morgoth, Sauron's boss. And thus was born a plan to retrieve Ringil from its resting place and troll Sauron as distraction, in order to steal a Ring.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-09 15 
16891353/tg/ Meta Quest 16It takes us a while, and the ghost of an elf face-palming at us, but we finally solve the final riddle protecting Fingolfin's Cairn and Ringil. Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons, Fingolfin2011-11-09 15 
16899605/tg/ Meta Quest 17Darius Forte, newly promoted Hero from among the Knights Inductor, takes possession of Ringil. We then pick up some other magic swords, and prepare to troll Sauron.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons, Fingolfin, Gurthang2011-11-10 13 
16902577IRONHEARTS War Room: HinzerHaus DebriefSecrets get revealed as the contents of Hinzenhaus are exploredIron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-11-11 5 
16933935Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 3You are Shingen Hyuuga, after the festivities of the last night our father gives us a diplomatic mission to join a meeting with the Senju and their allied clans. We partake in a tournament and are caught up in a night raid staged by enemy shinobi. Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-11-15 12 
16956654Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 4We come out of the timeskip, and find that someone's been kidnapping Hyuuga's. We set a trap for them, but end up being the ones caught. Then we are reunited with an old rival.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-11-19 8 
16977503Matsu Shouting Ballista DuelShouting Matsu explains Duels with BallistaL5R, Shouting Matsu2011-11-21 24 
16969080Warring Clans General 4 Part 2We go off on another mission, find an odd spear, and have a hot date with InariFive Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-11-22 10 
16987456Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 5We get dating tips and advice on love from our uncle, track down the other guy who's been going around killing bandits and team up with him. Turns out he's a berserker, and he nearly punches out all of our blood when he goes berserk.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-11-23 8 
17038921Iron Hearts War Room: Phantom Train BriefingThe Hellghast are tasked with using a salvaged Voss train to wreak havoc in the Voss rear.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-11-29 2 
17052387Iron Hearts Ch. 18: Phantom TrainThe Hellghast drive deep behind enemy lines into the heart of the Voss homeland. Fortunately, they have a ridiculously well armed and armored train at their disposal.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-11-29 5 
17065352In the SwamplandsAnon wishes to know how a civilization based in marsh/bog areas would work. /tg/ reponds, and we soon get Cajun bayou-dwelling lizardmen spearhunters who wear armor made from gator leather and giant-swamp-beetle chitin.swamp, marsh, bog, lizardman, hunting, gators, spear-throwers2011-11-30 5 
December 2011
17066065Monsterfluff, Part 2Post a picture of a monster and write the fluff for a monster above, now with a growing setting around the fluff!monsters, writing, game design, resource, Tabula Gloria, For'Channar, Vashial, Phrennoack, Uralaya, Garvenus, Weylos, Drakonid, Benalor2011-12-01 2 
17107493Vinefolk in the Vineyard"why COULDN'T there be a plant race that favored technology and industry?" And thus the vinefolk (or Vinlanders, or vineborn, etc etc) are born.brainstorm, shit gets concept'd, plantfolk, vinefolk, create-a-race2011-12-05 14 
17070010Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 7We mop up the battle between the Senjuu and the Uchiha, and start to track down someone to help Jako control his rage. We start tracking the Black Widow, and work with the Mallard to find her. That being a dead end, we go to the Land of Grass to find a hermit that might help us.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-06 7 
17143108Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 8Mostly mechanics thread as we discuss how to distribute our newly earned points and determine our Unique Abilities.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-09 7 
17154598Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 9After a tense moment with Inair's possible death we finally return home after our extended mission. As a reward for our services we are appointed to an auspicious position and are to act as an ambassador to the Senju and improve clan relations with the outside world. Our first stop is the land of wind.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-10 5 
17175541Narutards shit up /tg/ for the 9th timeSeriously, they're like a plague. Why are they here again?shit, drawthreads, stuff that doesn't belong on /tg/2011-12-11 -11 
17179837Tabula Gloria Dev Thread IVThe monsterfluff threads which became a setting unto itself continues! Also with a wiki now!Tabula Gloria, monsterfluff, settingfluff, original content, setting, worldbuilding, writing, game design, For'Channar, Vashial, Weylos, Benalor, Animar, too many damn tags to count2011-12-13 2 
17196408Iron Hearts Ch. 18: Phantom Train, pt 2The Hellghast continue their mission into Voss territory, trying to evade suspicion from passing trains and checkpoint guards.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-12-13 5 
17198013Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 10-2We are called back from the Land of Earth to mediate between the Senjuu and the Aburame. Diplomatic negotiations turn into a commando raid against the Aburame's rival clan, the Kamizuru.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-14 5 
17212924Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 11We continue debating THAT BASTARDS proposal.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-15 5 
17222079Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 12more plotting and scheming to get out of our position as leader of the clan Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-15 8 
17213660Tabula Gloria Dev Thread VWiki gets built, cultures get a little more fleshed out, and even cosmology and magic systems hard at work! It's Tabula Gloria!Tabula Gloria, monsterfluff, settingfluff, original content, setting, worldbuilding, writing, game design, For'Channar, Vashial, Weylos, Benalor, Animar, too many damn tags to count2011-12-17 1 
17246526Iron Hearts Chapter 18: The Phantom Train pt.3As the Hellghast move deeper into Voss territory, they face deadlier enemies as ancient terrors are encountered.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-12-18 5 
17296597Project n0cA little something different from the mind that has brought forth Skirmish Quest, Zombie Quest, and Iron Hearts. We are Maria Millicent, a free-spirited 16-year-old girl who has just embarked on an adventure in the dangerous, wide-open dream world of The Etha.n0c, Collective Game, Skirmish Quest, n0c Quest, Project n0c2011-12-22 12 
17350616Battleship QuestYou're given command of the German battleship Graf Spee. The year is 1939. You're in the southern Atlantic and low on everything. How do you plan to troll the British, French and survive?Battleship Quest, Collective Game, Quest thread, Quest, quest2011-12-28 11 
17360227Battleship Quest Pt. 2Battle ensues, but then dies off when OP takes an hour or so to resolve actions. Unknown if continuing further.Battleship Quest, Collective Game, Quest thread, Quest, quest2011-12-29 5 
17376824Enter the ShadowsideAre you ready to enter the Shadowside?Enter the Shadowside, RPG, new idea, enter, the, shadowside2011-12-30 21 
January 2012
17390414Iron Hearts: The Storm War RoomWith the worst of their troubles behind them, the soldiers of the Hellghast Armored Unit take some much-needed time to reflect and prepare for the last leg of their journey.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-02 2 
17396681Iron Hearts Chapter 19: Vosskon BlossomThe day of reckoning has finally arrived for the Hellghast, as they speed onward toward their destination, the dreaded Voss stronghold--the Black Fortress.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-02 3 
17421533Enter The Shadowside (rules, comics, info)OP of this new RPG discusses rules, fluff and crunch.new, enter, the, shadowside, ghosts, paranormal, comics, thelema, rules2012-01-04 11 
17488622TG Meta-Quest Planning Thread - Ebon CompleteContinuing from previous planning thread. Wherein we finish arguing over requisition and skill choices for newly minted and leveled-up heroes. Ebon Night is defeated and MetaOP serves up our requisitions at the end of Thread 50. Expect arguments over what to do in our downtime.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, Persona, Chrono Trigger, Starship Troopers, Requisitions2012-01-11 6 
17516668Megalith ver 0.1From Monday, the creator of Skirmish Quest, Iron Hearts, n0c Quest, and Zombie Quest, comes this thing. Part strategy game, part tower defense, the players takes control of a group of kobolds and the Castors, the stone guardians that tower over them, surviving wave after increasingly difficult wave of enemies.Collective Game, megalith, kobolds, Megalith Quest, Skirmish Quest2012-01-13 11 
17523320TG helps inspire children's book(s)Op asks tg for help developing t tg related children's book we offer up cool suggestionsMilly, story,writefaggery,Paladin,writefag, Getting Shit Done2012-01-13 8 
17531267My Little Paranoia: Friendship is MandatoryOP proposes Paranoia set in the universe of My Little Pony. /tg/ keeps its shit together long enough to get things done.Paranoia, ponies, homebrew, setting, My Little Pony, friendship, My Little Paranoia2012-01-14 11 
17547932Kamen Rider WARP CORE BREACHIn what starts as another request for a nonexistent toku RPG, a fa/tg/uy gives a short storytiem about being sent into orbit and then Rule of Cooling back to earth. kamen, rider, warp core breach, henshin, justice, teleporting is for wimps and children2012-01-15 7 
17580591MOI LI'L ORKY, BOYZ IZ WAAGH!Orkz are just like ponies. But with less cuteness and more killing.mlp, fim, ponies, orkz, boyz, 40k, what the fuck is this shit2012-01-18 8 
17582781THEY FOUND OUT WE KNOW ABOUT THE SQUATSOh god GW's soldiers are right outside my door, I don't have much time l-Squats, Heresy, Warhammer 40k, EVERYBODY PANIC, Games Workshop, SPOILERS2012-01-18 24 
17582311Iron Hearts, Volume 2, Chapter 1: The Battle of NirvanaWith the fate of the Hellghast's final mission left unknown, we go now to the other side of the conflict, the Voss Empire, some time before the war between Ragnyll and Voss. We join the Voss on the field of battle, as they race to secure the last remaining heir of an ancient and powerful bloodline from the clutches of a savage cult.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-01-18 11 
17589231Zerg Quest LXIXSomebody rapes Moria, and then we tear part of reality open. Yikes.Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Bernie, Earth-shattering kaboom, Rape monsters, Scheduling changes, 69 Dudes!2012-01-19 10 
17605495Chapter Quest IIIRising Sons are ambushed by pirates in Nordgrim, but manage to bluff their way out and find traces of STC.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Master, ambush, corsairs, pirates, Sororitas, space marines, chapter, simulation2012-01-21 7 
17618098Chapter Quest IV - First BloodRising Sons answer Tyr's plea to bring them food from Stygia(agri-world in Sub-Sector Tyranus). On their way back they are ambushed by Dark Eldar corsairs and Chapter Master himself loses an arm in epic battle aboard Dark Eldar flagship. Despite this, Rising Sons prevail and even manage to take over one of the ships. Tyr is saved and Rising Sons grow even stronger.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Mandrake, Chapter Master, ambush, sub-sector, STC, warhammer 40k, Space Marines2012-01-22 9 
17640412Iron Hearts, Volume 2, Chapter 2: Battle of Armory ParkThe Terrible Children move to eliminate several nobles and conspirators that have planned against the newly-found Prince Vilkas. Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-23 6 
176585132 Iron Hearts, Volume 2, Chapter 3: Battle of Exodus CorridorThe Terrible Children engage an Aeon force in protection of demi-human refugees.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-25 5 
17689085Iron Hearts Warroom: Exodus Corridor Action ReportThe Terrible Children come together to teach the growing Prince Vilkas of shooting tanks, riding wolves, and playing chess, among other things.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-27 1 
17689575Deffwotch once moreShas returns to expound upon the mysteries of very small men, Orkz, and one of the toughest fights our Orkstartes have yet faced.Deffwotch, orkz, deathwatch, shas'o, storytime, WAAAAAGH2012-01-27 10 
17693217Dykes of LondonExploits of an all-girl group of Shadowrunners in England. The team comes together, and shit rapidly hits the fan. Shadowrun, storytime, Dykes of London2012-01-27 10 
17730787Ironhearts Vol.2 VVarroom Dagram PredeployThe Terrible Children get ready to extract a Special Forces team. Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-30 2 
17734087/tg/ does crosswordsWe got this/tg/ get shit done, crosswords2012-01-30 21 
17742614Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 5: Battle of DagramThe Terrible Children march to do war in the desert once again, moving to secure precious cargo.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-31 6 
February 2012
17751827Library of BabelOP creates a world-sized library, based a setting on a short story by Jorge Luis Borges.library,Library of Babel,campaign setting,short story2012-02-01 13 
17759947Finnish Penguin RPG - Ikuisuuden LaaksoAnon shares a Finnish RPG about sapient penguins vying for survival amongst the frozen wastes of the Valley of Eternity. Cool beans!Penguin, Finnish, RPG, translation2012-02-01 16 
1779055240KawaiiWhat started as Fatguy: the listening, turns into an epic creation of "40K: the movie", about a group of players learning the true power of 40K and friendship. Contains epic sideburns and yandere SoB-playing girlfriend.40K, friendship, awesome, kawaii, SIDEBURNS, ward, 2012-02-03 15 
17794854TG Quest 58:We turn around, we make a Plan, ArchSUE dies.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo2012-02-04 15 
17808985Paranoia LIVE Funtime SupremeSeveral confused fa/tg/uys attempt to play Paranoia LIVE, hilarity ensues.paranoia, troubleshooters, game, live, insanity, paranoia live2012-02-05 6 
17812927Dykes of London 2- I wanna DO him!After things go tits-up, the shadowrunning ladies finish their first job, and one of them finds true love.Dykes of London, Shadowrun, storytime2012-02-05 4 
17817039Wise Words From Veteran Adventurers/tg/ muses about what veterans would say to new adventurers. What transpires is awesome.awesome, discussion, getting shit done2012-02-05 38 
17820194Shwig Draws Monsters!Broquest's lead Drawfriend and renowned /tg/ artist Shwigity improves on your shitty MSPaint designs while writefags fluff your creatures! Shwig, Shwigity, Draw, Drawthread, Monsters, MSPaint, fluff, bestiary, kepoo2012-02-06 12 
17785546Another TGquest planning threadarchived so future readers can see our thought processesCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo, Orz, OrzAreStillATagBecauseWeAreWaitingForThemToComeBackAndBiteUsInTheAssForStupidity2012-02-06 6 
17822307Ironhearts Vol.2 Ch.4.2 Battle of DagramThe Terrible Children secured the cargo and took to conquering the rubble.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-02-06 6 
17838457Ironhearts Vol.2 VVarroom Dagram Action ReportThe Terrible Children rescued the priestess, learned the dark secret of the Kashir, and prepare to launch a final assault on the enemy's floating capital city. Also, Oderkonn's lab is completed, and research begins.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-02-08 2 
17888118That Guy stories from mythologyAncient mythology and some Shakespeare plays re-imagined as That Guy stories.mythology, funny, humor, Shakespeare, story, stories, That Guy2012-02-11 16 
17914370Devil-In-TrainingA demon comes to /tg/ for help in landing his first "sell your soul to the devil" Faustian bargain. The neckbeards flex their BBEG muscles and offer what help they can.deal with the devil, demon, devil, evil, Faustian bargain, Punisher’s daughter, Screwtape, sell your soul, Wormwood2012-02-13 10 
17938541Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 5: The Battle of Heaven's GateThe Terrible Children begin their assault on the Kashir stronghold of Makkos Ra, a holy city floating in the skyIron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-02-14 6 
17959606Mahou Shounen QuestWe're not just some pansy magic boy in a skirt, we're a one butler army of pure dapper and class... Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear 2012-02-15 17 
17973355Mahou Shounen Quest 2 WE ARE BUTLER. WE LIVE TO SERVE AND GET LAID. NOT TO GET PAID Drunk traps, Shirou being Shirou, Kraus is onto us. Erica Hartmann partakes of our sausage. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-02-16 21 
17976707Monsterquest/TG/ tries to make a fetish monstergirl, but the quest runner is having none of that shit. We begin as a blue imp named Chlaon WHO IS CLOTHED AND WILL NOT BE WHIPPING HIS DICK OUT AT PEOPLE. Jesus. imp quest, blue imp, monstergirl fetishquest averted?2012-02-16 13 
17981906Mahou Shounen Quest 3Shirou Must die. Also, combat training time against Mike and Santa Clause.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-17 24 
17982923Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 5: Battle of Heaven's Gate, Part 2The Terrible Children press their attack, as dickery from Upper Command cuts off the Terrible Children from any sort of reinforcement from the Voss regular army.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi2012-02-17 6 
17986384Mahou Shounen Quest 4EXTRA SERVINGS! WE LIVE TO SERVE AND GET LAID. Picnic with friends. Sakura blows a gorilla up. Dandy Shirou.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-17 23 
17995372Mahou Shounen Quest 5Rider bro has our back, dinner with mein engel and we share our story.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-18 24 
17997042Hilga's Shop of CuriositiesWherein many strange and mystical items are sold for outrageous prices.Hilga, shop, magic, items, adventurer2012-02-18 11 
18012439Mahou Shounen Quest 6We wake up with twins in our bed. Kraus finds someone to challenge his tea. PIZZA ORGY HUEHUEHUE. Kenji demands to see our penis. MANLY LUNCHEONCollective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-02-19 24 
18015384ITT: things on character sheets you have witnessed/tg/ has seen many weird things on charsheets. This is their stories. Awesome, lulzy and weird descriptions ensuelulz, character sheets, weird, descriptions2012-02-20 7 
18022090Mahou Shounen Quest 7WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA, AND WE MAKE LOVE. Elevator sex. Erica pulls a knife on us. The Doctor tests us. Mike covers up for us. we host a MASQUERADECollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-20 25 
18029935Today I must become That Guy Pt3The horror-trainwreck continuesStorytiem, FATAL, Space, That Guy, /d/M, fetish game, player rebellion, That GM2012-02-20 36 
18032393Today I must become That Guy pt4Part 3 magically 404'd before its time, yet DIRK SOLDERS ON!Storytiem, FATAL, Space, That Guy, /d/M, fetish game, player rebellion, That GM2012-02-21 40 
18033784Mahou Shounen Quest 8WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. The Masquerade continues. We grope Ursula. Kenji goes undercover. Shinku wants Kraus' tea. KEIMA SEDUCTION. Erica punishes us. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid 2012-02-21 24 
18030569/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 14Since the mission was done, we looked around at base. We found out what was going on, had to talk to a giant little girl, played diplomat with a bunch of assholes, and more!Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Sailor Moon, SMAC, Goldshire, Second Life2012-02-21 5 
18035221Iron Hearts Warroom: Heaven's Gate Action ReportIn the aftermath of breaching Heaven's Gate, the Terrible Children lick their wounds, upgrade their armaments, and yet again ready themselves for the next assault.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi2012-02-21 4 
18047793Mahou Shounen Quest 9WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Ursula gets closer. We get a tape. And then a UPGRADE for the TEAM.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-22 24 
18053129Mahou Shounen Quest 10WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. We learn some alchemy. Stare down the Necronomicon. Tested by TTHE DOCTOR. Sit on the Golden Throne. Gain time stop skill. and begin some Time travel shenanigans.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-22 24 
18062057Mahou Shonen Quest 11WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Further time travel shenanigans, talk with Ursula, get CQC training from Mike.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-23 24 
18061278Zerg Quest LXXVDancing with Dyles is dangerous, and humanity is about to find out just how much.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Even More Terran Factions, Shit I'm Late!, OH FUCK2012-02-23 11 
18066295Mahou Shounen Quest 12WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Afternon time travel shenanigans. We go shopping. Fudge cave-in. We unlokc the TWINS route. and who was that with Keima?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-23 24 
18074051Mahou Shounen Quest 13WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Date with the twins. Skating. sensual massages. VANILLA PTSD [archived early since 4chan is on the fritz]Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-24 24 
18080119Mahou Shounen Quest 14THE OBLIGATORY 80's TRAINING MONTAGE. we get loot, skillz and potions with a few rolls of dice. WE out-barter Recette. Dimension hopping shenanigans beginCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-24 24 
18084594Metahuman Renaissance Quest 12Dan kills flesh golems, and doesn't afraid of anythingMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, flesh golem, wolf-girl, advice dan2012-02-25 20 
18087172Mahou Shounen Quest 15TRANS-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS BEGIN. The twins made us become a maid. Gnome tag with MC-NGAF. GNOMING IS HALF THE BATTLE. Lucchinni grabs our buns. End up in the bath with some witches.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-25 12 
18091914Mahou Shounen Quest 16TRANS-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS CONTINUE. WE MEET MORE WITCHES. The SOFTNESS. We lose Kraus. We Cross-counter Rommel. Wear Sakamoto's clothes. ERICA SHAKES THE ISLAND WITH RAGE. Get hit on by a guy with a sword. AND ALL OF IT WAS WHAT?!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-25 20 
18100125Mahou Shounen Quest 17INTER-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS CONTINUE. Tea with new friends. Weird watchmaker touches our bad place. SHOPPING with Erica. SCIENCE with Ursula. We crash and burn.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-02-26 20 
18111646Mahou Shounen Quest 18TRANS-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS CONTINUE! Wake up in the infirmary. Weird dream[?] sequence. We get majicked by MEEYAFOOGEE. Symmetrical docking with SOFTNESS and SOFTNESS2. Prank war with gnomes started?Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-02-27 20 
18119489Mahou Shounen Quest 19TRANS-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS CONTINUE! We fight a dread gazebo. ZA WARUDO. Kick alium butt. Get a war-hardened bike. Perrine goes dere.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-02-27 24 
18128273Mahou Shounen Quest 20TRANS-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS CONTINUE! Post-victory party. we find Erica's second weakness. Make it official with the twins. WHY ARE THERE TWO OF US? Perrine sidestories.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-02-28 23 
18131279Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 6: Battle of Dar VillageA fresh batch of recruits to The Terrible Children embark on a peacekeeping operation after bandits are sighted outside a village in newly conquered Voss territory.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-02-28 14 
18132754Mahou Shounen Quest 21Head back to the Bureau. Prepare to rescue BIKE-KUN. Kraus hate fucks Shinku. Shirou has some problems. LG's fingers go numb.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-02-28 25 
18141396Mahou Shonen Quest 22Back at the Bureau, we pick up a nice pocketwatch for Jakob, go clothes shopping with the Twins, and introduce them to karaoke. We prepare to go back home, where the universe hates us.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-02-29 24 
18148697Fluff a Character PicFluff the pic before yours, add a pic of your own. Featuring legends surrounding the fearsome warrior Shalrad, the fallen noble Arond Yargoldin, the Horizon Knights, and others.writefaggotry, art dump, fluff, Shalrad, Arond Yargoldin, Horizon Knights2012-02-29 11 
18148053Mahou Shounen Quest 23We rescue Bike-kun. Dodge the yakuza. Take the twins around Tokyo. White knight on a train. White knight in a park. DROPKICK A CAR. Go to an amusement park and head back home. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-02-29 24 
March 2012
18157527Mahou Shounen Quest 24WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Combat exercises with the Advanced Classes. Nanoha's jealous, and on an opposing team. We're gonna get BEFRIENDED.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-01 25 
18151339Iron Hearts Warroom: Dar Village Action ReportAs the Terrible Children welcome the surviving recruits into the unit, more upgrades are had and the next assault is planned.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-01 8 
18167507Mahou Shounen Quest 25WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. We clear the first round of combat trials. Shirou has Unlimited Blade Works, and is our next opponent. Nanoha is still upset, and simply nukes her opposition before her team even does anything. We're gonna get BEFRIENDED SO HARD.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-02 25 
18173759Mahou Shounen Quest 26WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Our second match starts against Shirou's team. We are able to take down most of his team with good teamwork, and Shirou himself by initiating Fudgement Day. Sagara Sousuke proves trickier to take out, but we are ultimately victorious. Next is the final match against Nanoha's team. GET READY TO BE BEFRIENDED.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-02 25 
18180326Mahou Shounen Quest 27WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Our match against Nanoha and Vita starts. The instructors throw in some complications, but we end up making them work for us by taming a T-Rex. Then we fight Nanoha, and comfort a little girl with a breaking heart.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-03 22 
18176533Reginald "Ragin' Reggie" DempseyIn the midst of a "What I made..." thread, one anon storytimes the tale of a man in the zombie apocalypse who punched stuff real hard.Ragin' Reggie, Storytime, All Flesh Must Be Eaten2012-03-03 55 
18185534Mahou Shounen Quest 28WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. The match against Our match against Nanoha and Vita is over, we further confuse Keima about his sexuality, server dinner on a rooftop, and the Bureau gets more recruits.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-03 23 
18193357Mahou Shounen Quest 29WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. We sleep in with our ladies, which leads to being late for class and grabbing the first clothes we can. Which, given our luck, happens to be a skirt. Which we now have to wear for 3 days. Oh and Hinagiku is now a fellow trainee.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-04 25 
18199837Mahou Shounen Quest 30WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Shopping/walkabout with the gang. Show Hina the town. Shopping for weaponized violins. Landing gear has rum, becomes sleepy. Twins get handcuffs, but we're not the ones to wear them.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-04 26 
18208295Mahou Shounen Quest 31WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Woke up alone and crippled half the dorm with our violin solo. Gai was set up with some ladies. The men prepare to search UFW for Shirou.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-05 25 
18212280Mahou Shounen Quest 32WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Our team has breached the inner walls of the Dorf Fudgetress, encounter marshmallow men, and find Shirou's diary. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear 2012-03-05 26 
18219626Mahou Shounen Quest 33WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. We pay a visit to the chocolate factory, retrieve Shirou, and forget to turn off our swag.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear 2012-03-06 25 
18225178Mahou Shounen Quest 34WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Sakura and Hinagiku come over for a sleepover, where we watch movies and the girls play dress up with Hayate. We explain our situation to Hina, which goes over surprisingly well.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-06 25 
18228308Shadowrun StorytimeOP begins his story of a Shadowrun That Guy (tm)Shadowrun, Storytime, That Guy, 2D, Street Samurai, Infiltrator, Hacker, Mage2012-03-06 275 
18234392Mahou Shounen Quest 35WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Hina talks to Erica, We sign up for training under sousuke, Cry in front of Keima, consider therapy, and test some striker units.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-07 24 
18237435Shadowrun Storytime 2The continued story of a Shadowrun That Guy, now with more berserk troll.Shadowrun, That Guy, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, DeadMan, Trout, Street Samurai, Hacker, Mage, Infiltrator2012-03-07 93 
18233660Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 7: Battle of Heaven PondThe Terrible Children are tossed into the fray once more, fighting for control of a Kashir air base floating in the clouds.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-07 6 
18239058Mahou Shounen Quest 36WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. We take a striker unit for a test flight, run from the nurse, learn a new potion from Ryuu, disturb Sousuke's patrol, jog and chat with Hina. She wants in? [Jakob and Ted side stories]Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-07 24 
18244120Shadowrun Storytime 3viking-ghost fist fights, ghoul hospitals and all around awesomeness happensShadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Geek the Mage2012-03-08 70 
18246988Mahou Shounen Quest 37WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Hina backpedals like a pro. Wants in on our thing, theoretically. Shopping. We knead the Bakery girl's dough. Hina gets jealous? Run from the Nurse Frank, Hard-gay and Billy. Hina warms up to us. Erica gets into the gummyBEARS, leads to bear threesome.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-08 21 
18251502Mahou Shounen Quest 38WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. We deal with the after-effects of ingesting GummyBEARS, begin making plans to have the Twins move in with us, more Witches incoming, and go on a date with Nanoha.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-08 24 
18258437Mahou Shounen Quest 39WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Date with Nanoha. Watch EXPLOSIONS THE MOVIE. Find Dante's Bar. Help Nanoha accept herself. Pyrotechnic Display of dawwww. Get upgraded accommodations. Twins move in.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-09 24 
18263401Mahou Shounen Quest 40WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. We serve breakfast, set up a training trip with Sagara, return an overdue library book and have misunderstandings with Yuki. Then we get ready to tackle the case file simulation, partnered with Hinagiku.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-09 24 
18268827Ragin' Reggie II: Electric BoogalooRagin' Reggie's back for more storytime.Ragin' Reggie, Storytime, All Flesh Must Be Eaten2012-03-10 31 
18270249Mahou Shounen Quest 41WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Combat Simulations. Go against Caster, Drop-bears and tentacle monsters. Fail but earn Hina points. Shirou makes Erica fail thier simulation, with hilarious results. Erica agrees to the bet.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-10 24 
18273839Mahou Shounen Quest 42WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Shopping for Whiteday. Slaanesh praises us. We get a ballgag a saddle and some lube. Get leads to fix the Cassiopeia. Hina sleeps in our room.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-10 24 
18280380Mahou Shounen Quest 43WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Wake up, provide a Japanese breakfast for a change of pace. Go to our first therapy session with Dr. Ikari, and then get ready to give a picnic.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-11 29 
18279217Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 7: Battle of Heaven Pond, pt 2The Terrible Children press their assault against the Kashir, all the while beating back attacks from both the land and the sky.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-11 6 
18291189Shadowrun Storytime 4The Ares runs begin, Tank gets a SIN, and an interrogation gets...weird.Shadowrun, Storytime, 2D, Geppetto, Dervish, Tank, Teacup Ride, Cyberpunk, Knight Errant2012-03-12 73 
18294193Mahou Shounen Quest 45WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. We become papa bear. Trude wants to talk to us. Date with Erica. Argue about food. *MSQ 44 had wrong tags, can be found under SWQ*Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-12 26 
18297478Mahou Shounen Quest 46WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Dancing on the lake via possible time travel shenanigans. We make love like we make tea, hot, classy and elegant. Talk with Trude, Sakamoto is a bro. See the SUGAR-RUSH Sakura video. Unveil the FRILLY EXPLOSIONCollective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-12 24 
18300506XENO ADVENTURE PART 1In which Xeno and Warrior-kun rescue Drone from Assholetep's dickeryxeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, assholetep 2012-03-12 8 
18305008Shadowrun Storytime 5The hunt for Joy begins, the team has a revelation about Dervish, and Geppetto makes some...dirty dealings.Shadowrun, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytime, 2D, TwoDee, Vegas, Tamanous2012-03-13 72 
18305211Mahou Shounen Quest 47WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. We get Erican into the frilly explosion. Sousuke hands us a second 1911. Lunch with the witches. Perrinne finds out about our living arrangements. Introduce Ryuu to Yoshika. Play the violin for Hina and Perrine, possibly creating lesbians.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-13 24 
18309535MAHOU SHOUNEN QUEST 48WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Date with Ursula. Go shopping for gubbinz. Eat under the sea. CLOUD DANCING. Make love like we make tea. Hot, elegant and satisfying. Perrinne and Hina face-off. Sakamoto gets them drunk. Possible lesbian threesome?Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-13 24 
18303811Legend of Zelda RPG RevivalThe /tg/ Zelda roleplaying game project returns as a new concept is proposed. Efforts to streamline the mechanics of the previous version are discussed and hammered out.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2012-03-13 13 
18313164XENO ADVENTURE PART 2In which Xeno and Warrior-kun open a boxxeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, assholetep 2012-03-14 6 
18320539Overlord AppreciationThe people of a newly formed merciless dictatorship thank the overlord for improving their lives.Evil, Evil Overlord, Propaganda, Roleplaying, Campaign Setting, Commoners, Common Folk, Bastard Elves, Asshole Elves, Goodguy Badguy2012-03-14 51 
18316954Mahou Shounen Quest 49WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Wake up with the 3 more girls in our room. Tankdiving lessons. Try and out-troll Erica. Sakura gets too much sweet in her system. Invite people to manly picnic. Shop at the PXCollective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-14 22 
18322542Mahou Shounen Quest 50WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Prepare for white day. MANLY PARTY. We find some new things out about the guys. Keima gets drunk. Ends up straddling us in a skirt. Twins find us in bed with him.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-14 23 
18324310Let no good deed go unpunished, ConclusionOnce upon a time, OP shared a story of a jackass DM who felt virtue was its own punishment. Now OP returns months later, with his tale of woegood deeds, no good deed goes unpunished, That DM, that guy,2012-03-14 15 
18330446Mahou Shounen Quest 51WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. White Day cometh. We scramble for last minute chocolates as we try to muddle our way through an emotional minefield with Keima.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-15 22 
18328385Iron Hearts VVarroom: Heaven Pond Action ReportIn light of the unintended destruction of the airbase, the Terrible Children debate on their next course of action. Meanwhile, the Science division argues on what applications their newly discovered wonder metal can be used for.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-15 6 
18338330Shwig Draws Monsters 2!Renowned /tg/ artist Shwigity returns to once again improve on your shitty MSPaint designs!Shwig, Shwigity, Draw, Drawthread, Monsters, MSPaint2012-03-15 5 
18350336XENO ADVENTURE PART 3In which Xeno gets a new friend and defeats Assholetep through teamwork .xeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, assholetep 2012-03-17 7 
18391342Mahou Shounen Quest 52WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. LG's back with some worrying blurbs. Hina talks to the girls and confesses. SWAGPILE +1. We find ourselves in Hayate's canon story/universe. Hina seems to be adapting quickly to the girls' crossdressing obsession. Perrinne Sidestories make us feel bad for her. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-20 23 
18384531Legend of Zelda RPG Revival Thread #2With most of the broad concepts figured out, more detailed crunch begins.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2012-03-21 6 
18400401Shadowrun Storytime 6Bend the Infiltrator joins the team, spirits get stoned, 2D jizzes himself, and the Vegas arc comes to a close.Shadowrun, Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, TwoDee, Geppetto, Dervish, Bend, Vegas, Las Vegas2012-03-21 71 
18400824Mahou Shounen Quest 53WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. We go out for a brisk morning jog, get what we want recorded into Nanoha's locket, and have a sword match with Mio.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-21 23 
18403139MAHOU SHOUNEN QUEST 54WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Webake a cake and clear up some misunderstandings by having a girl turnour face into hamburger.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest,quest, Landing Gear2012-03-21 21 
18412405Mahou Shounen Quest 55WE ARE BUTLER. TEA AND BITCHES APLENTY. Battle Royale against the whole class. Sousuke is a bitch to find. Paintball grenades. Perrinne may or may not be pregnant with our child.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest,quest, Landing Gear2012-03-22 22 
18411027Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 8: The Silvia CrisisAs news reaches the Young Prince's ears of a Skyland having disappeared, the Kashir mount an offensive into Voss land. Will a detachment of regular army mooks, led by a handful of soldiers chosen from the Terrible Children, be able to hold back the assault?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-22 11 
18415231Mahou Shounen Quest 56WE ARE BUTLER. TEA AND BITCHES APLENTY. Battle Royale continues. We get a pandabro. Sousuke reveals himself. Fucking minefield. Shirou is a cunt. LG dies of starvation. Nanoha's party is coming upCollective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest,quest, Landing Gear2012-03-22 21 
18423077Mahou Shounen Quest 57WE ARE BUTLER. TEA AND BITCHES APLENTY. Battle Royale conclusion. Shirou baited with fudge. Sagara has an armslave. The team dukes it out. We get ready for Nanoha's partyCollective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest,quest, Landing Gear2012-03-23 25 
18421888Shadowrun Storytime 72D and the crew head to Tokyo, Shenanigans ensueShadowrun, Storytime, TwoDee, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Tokyo2012-03-23 77 
18428802Mahou Shounen Quest 58WE ARE BUTLER. PARAGON OF PARTY PLANNING. Nanoha's birthday party. DRESSPLOSION! Kharne drops by. Meet some more people from the advanced classes. Ted gets a smaller form. Awesome pyrotechnics display. Solo dinner on the roof.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest,quest, Landing Gear2012-03-23 24 
18436067Mahou Shounen Quest 59Nanoha's birthday party! Spankings and groping are involved.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest,quest, Landing Gear2012-03-24 26 
18445565Katawa Yandere - Lilly Route (Part 23) Exodus Edition Part 1The continuing bloodthirsty antics of insane crippled girls. Now hosted on /tg/ because /a/ sucks.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly2012-03-25 39 
18445020Reginald Quest 001Goushoujin-Sama returns to /tg/ with a clearer mind, and gives us the adventures of Reginald during WW2.Reginald Quest, Collective Game, Goushoujin-Sama2012-03-25 18 
18445953Mahou Shounen Quest 60Dinner for two. We give Nanoha her locket. We dodge bullets. Nanoha trolls Erica. Tower of swag competition vs the Emperor.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest,quest, Landing Gear2012-03-25 24 
18457468 Katawa Yandere - Lilly Route (Part 24) Exodus Edition Part 2Is Lilly Satou gonna have to slap a bitch? It sure sounds like she does.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly2012-03-26 28 
18457122Mahou Shounen Quest 61A bunch of plot. Warnings about the watch, and we see some triplets. Also a new kind of potion! LG takes an early night. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-26 24 
18470332Mahou Shounen Quest 62Find Mike's tobacco plantation. Tell him about the whole A-tan theory. Get clues on a swag palace. Lesbians short circuit our mind for an hour. Set a date with Hina. Mio wants it in her mouth. We meet agent P. Show Ryuu our newest potion. We escape Mio successfully. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-27 24 
18475128Mahou Shounen Quest 63We take Hina out on a date to the Moon.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-27 25 
18482659Mahou Shounen Quest 64WE ARE BUTLER, 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. We experiment with potions, get another nice item from our alchemist teacher, and get ready for the combat trials that mark the end of Basic.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-28 23 
18487550Mahou Shounen Quest 65Combat Trials! We have a pokemon battle. J gets an upgrade, he digimon nao. Lo wants no trabble, and destroys the opposition. Ted has a cakewalk. Erica fights a Centurion. Sakura tries her hand at YUGIOH. Keima tries to outhack ED. Gai kicks through Doomrider. We fight Tama next.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-28 22 
18460001Iron Hearts VVarroom: Silvia Crisis Action ReportTheir defense of Silvia successful, the Terrible Children prepare to enter the tattered ruins of the crashed floating island. Varmach purchases are made, the first masterclass is unlocked, and the Captain gets into a catfight with the Marshal.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-29 7 
18496506Ask a GW Manager Anything Part 4Almost a year later and the GW Manager returns with more answers and infoGames Workshop, Manager, Ask a GW2012-03-29 14 
18495444Mahou Shounen Quest 66WE ARE BUTLER, 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Combat trial against Tama. We put the big kitty to sleep. Then the Idols and Mio crowd around us. Up next: Fight with Mike.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-29 22 
18496211Sci fi plot hooksA huge list of ideas from users for idea/story hooks for a space faring game.Spaceship Game_ideas2012-03-29 5 
18499809Mahou Shounen Quest 67WE ARE BUTLER, 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. The big fight with Mike. We find out he's not playing around the hard way, as most of our attacks bounce off of him. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-29 22 
18506543Mahou Shounen Quest 68Out on the town with Hina, Perrinne and Yuki. Meet Kyon, the Director's assistant. Show them the RCS. Shop for our training trip with Sousuke. Have a moment with frenchy. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-30 23 
18511609Mahou Shounen Quest 69We take a look at the other side. DIvergent timeline adventure. Female Hayate. GenderBender potion worked too well. Get groped by Mio. LESBIANS! Fight with Mike ends in a draw. More LESBIANS!Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-30 22 
18518956Katawa Yandere - Lilly Route (Part 25) Exodus Edition Part 3The legend of the Drill Knight and Lilly's stratagem.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly2012-03-31 20 
18520213Bulter QuestArchiving it early so no troll can mislable it this timeCollective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-03-31 22 
18526223Some faggy quest thingTAKE IT BACK TO /v/ YOU FAGSsome shit, collective game, quest shit2012-03-31 -10 
April 2012
18531180Katawa Yandere - Lilly Route (Part 26) Exodus Edition Part 4The calm before the storm, just regrettably without the pre-final-confrontation Hollywood sex.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly2012-04-01 20 
18535915Mahou Shounen Quest 71We talk to the girls about Perrine's confession. Try and calm Erica down. PRepare for that training trip with Sousuke. Today we DIECollective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-01 21 
18542169Katawa Yandere - Lilly Route (Part 27) Exodus Edition Part 5The Final Yandere Battle.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly2012-04-02 36 
18542674Mahou Shounen Quest 72Training with Sousuke continues.Knife-chan is bestest. We get a surprise guest.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-02 22 
18532456Shadowrun Storytime 8The team goes to Lagos, and runner-on-runner violence happens! Geppetto kills a guy in a really fucked-up way. Also Nextwave!Shadowrun, Storytime, Storytiem, Shadowrun Storyime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Lagos, Nextwave2012-04-02 72 
18548202Mahou Shounen Quest 73Still in training with Sousuke. Get handcuffed to Keima. Shenanigans ensue. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-02 22 
18555196Mahou Shounen Quest 73.5The adventures of Shirou. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-03 22 
18544436Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 9: The Raid on Gorgon FortressWhat dangers await the Terrible Children when they launch an assault on the Skyland fortress felled in the defense of Sylvia?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-04-04 6 
18614869The Lich Overlord of Shez B'zahdWhat starts out as a request for adventure hooks becomes... a thread for adventure hooks.adventure hooks lich overlord shez bzahd2012-04-08 23 
18630154Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 1)The route which reminds you 'Yandere' refers to someone who's earnestly mentally ill.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-04-09 29 
18645891Shadowrun Storytime 92D and crew finally corner Two-Times in Bogota. The Sixth World is marred forever.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Bogota, Sensei, Pirates, Aztechnology2012-04-10 62 
18647310Mahou Shounen Quest 74MSQ IS BACK! Training continues. NO HAYATE, YOU ARE THE ONIICHANS.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-10 22 
18642682Fist of Shadow Quest 1In which we go unarmed Predator on some asses.Collective Game, Fist, Shadow, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow2012-04-10 14 
18647754Shadowrun Storytime 10TwoDee retires.Shadowrun, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytime TwoDee2012-04-10 42 
18647845Armored Core Quest 7We take out a bandit after finding out that the posted difficulty was a lie. Also, HOLY SHIT DAVE.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots, HOLY SHIT DAVE2012-04-10 27 
18659123Mahou Shounen Quest 75CAPTURE THE FLAG! Training trip ends. Head back to the Bureau. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-11 22 
18658585Fist of Shadow Quest 2In which we hunt down a Mucktouched and show it how we do.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow2012-04-11 13 
18664733When /tg/ met Nested Universe Simulator/tg/ jointly explored the Nested Universe Simulator. Amusement and hilarity gradually gives way to creeping horror.universe, god, philosophical, philosophy, creepy, horror, lovecraftian, sharks, ski masks, black holes, simulator, 2012-04-11 22 
18673391Mahou Shounen Quest 76The loli brigade gets too much sugar. Start of advanced classes. Some surprises await us.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-12 20 
18679472Mahou Shounen Quest 77Advanced training starts. New instructor. New Curriculum. New chairs. OH HEY WHATS THAT BEHIND YOU?Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-12 21 
18688904Mahou Shounen Quest 78NOTHING BAD IS GONNA HAPPEN.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-13 21 
18694989Mahou Shounen Quest 79Get our new house. Housewarming party. Surprise guest. THE HOUSE IS PERFECTLY FINECollective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-13 21 
18697008Fist of Shadow Quest 3In which we encounter the Dawnchasers, and steal a Shard.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow2012-04-13 11 
18715542Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 2)Like the Station of Awakening, but without the narcissistic collage of yourself on the floor.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-04-15 21 
18715925Mahou Shounen Quest 80WE ARE BUTLER. Rufflin feathers all day erryday. Move into new house. Mike has a job for us. AND THEN -THAT- HAPPENS Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-15 22 
18730567Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 3)Sleeping is actually kind of dangerous in this yandereverse.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-04-16 22 
18730958Mahou Shounen Quest 81Combat excercises with the freshmen. The idol twins prove tricky. Erica goes on a rampage. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-16 20 
18736992Mahou Shounen Quest 82Take on the idols all together. Excercise ends. Perrine stops holding back. IS YOUR BODY LADY? Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-16 21 
18734234A concept of Human Ingenuity and madnessDurendal shares his idea for a space setting where spaceships are all biological; grown from humans. /tg/ takes the concept and runs with it; yielding interesting results and both clean and slightly-fetishy variants of the setting.setting, development, space, ship, grimdark, transhuman, giant, giantess, war, freaky, biological, bioship, The Archivist2012-04-16 11 
18746346Mahou Shounen Quest 83Hasser Werden Hassen. Erica TKs like a pro. Exercise ends.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-17 24 
18739874Fist of Shadow Quest 4In which we get lost in an underground jungle and horror awaits.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow2012-04-17 11 
18718548Iron Hearts VVarroom: Gorgon Fortress Action ReportIn the aftermath of the near-crisis at Gorgon Fortress, the Terrible Children end up with a sizable amount of Ibonyte and a captured Death God, with nary an idea of what to do with either.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-04-17 8 
18744841Thomas the Space EngineOP comes to /tg/ asking for help with his homebrew setting. It is a setting where in his words: the players get to play a small fleet of sentient, mostly self reliant warships that also have android Avatars.homebrew, GM, sci-fi, A.I, Space Engine, spaceship, space ship, space, sentient ships, The Archivist2012-04-17 12 
18757653Enter The ShadowsideA comic, and all organizations of a new RPG systemshadowside, ghosts, paranormal, indie2012-04-18 5 
18760774Mahou Shounen Quest 84We infiltrate INFINICON. No Majaik, just guts. Beware those that yiff in the dark.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-18 20 
18757535STORYTIEM Swashbuckling AdventureSTORYTIEM is back with an amazing tale of his amazing new campaignSTORYTIEM, epic, swashbuckling adventures, pathfincer2012-04-18 35 
18765413Mahou Shounen Quest 85INFINICON ADVENTURE. The Shogun of Swag claims his throne. We find clues to the whereabouts of our targets.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-18 20 
18774299Mahou Shounen Quest 86INFINICON ADVENTURE. Get closer to finding R. Watchers. Watchers everywhere.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear 2012-04-19 20 
18786190Mahou Shounen Quest 87We dive into the depravity. R is in our reach. TOTALLY GONNA BE FINE.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-20 20 
18792855Fist of Shadow Quest 5In which we arrive at Terec and resolve a hostage situation.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow2012-04-20 11 
18797894Mahou Shounen Quest 88We must go deeper into the darkness. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-04-21 20 
18808656Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 4)If you were going crazy, how would you know?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-04-22 16 
18809023Mahou Shounen Quest 89INFINICON ADVENTURE CONTINUES. R is like a needle in a morbid, sailor-fuku wearing, masochist haystack. YiffYiffYiff. LEAVE NO [WO]MAN BEHIND.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-22 20 
18821478Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 5)The horror of Yamaku is canon. I just accentuate it.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-04-23 16 
18821844Mahou Shounen Quest 90We learn about the LARP forest. Shirt Ninjas get new digs. Party suits up and goes to search for K. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-23 20 
18836056Mahou Shounen Quest 91Encounter with a Black Knight. Where there's smoke there's stuff. Deeper into the woods we go. What manner of man are you?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-24 21 
18829289Fist of Shadow Quest 6In which we fight like 8 dudes at once for a nice amount of cash.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow2012-04-24 11 
18837867Magical Girl DystopiaMagical Girls take over and stunt human emotions by making everything into happy land. Rebels use gene therapy to become monsters and fight them. Fluuuuuuuuufffffluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-04-24 21 
18841375Mahou Shounen Quest 92Infinicon simulation ends. Unexpectedly unacceptable expectations are expected to not be accepted. The Director's jimmies are somewhat rustled.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-24 22 
18848099Shadowrun Storytime 11The Summer episode! The Team tries their hand at a bank heist.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Bank Heist, Bank Job2012-04-25 56 
18849710Mahou Shounen Quest 93Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-25 22 
18863994Mahou Shounen Quest 94All team are BABBIES. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-26 22 
18868514Mahou Shounen Quest 95PLOT ADVANCEMENT ON MSQ?! NO WAY!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-26 21 
18876715Mahou Shounen Quest 96Wrenches and Drawers. We check out the discovery J and the guys made. Ursula Mommy.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-27 21 
18890574Mahou Shounen Quest 97Yep. That totally happened.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-28 21 
18884233Fist of Shadow Quest 7In which we do a bit of bounty hunting, and find a lead about our Sifu.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow2012-04-28 11 
18894815Mahou Shounen Quest 98HAHA. IT'S TIME TO GET VIOLATED.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-28 21 
18897317Fist of Shadow Quest 7-2In which we finally get our bounty and Batman so hard.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow2012-04-28 11 
18901505Mahou Shounen Quest 98.5Mio wants to talk to us. Asks some very interesting questions. HAHAHA. TIME TO GET VIOLATED! -Last thread ended abruptly due to technical difficulties. This is the continuation.-Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-29 20 
18897249Ivory Shadow Pt 1Remi can see into the shadow realm, and the creatures born of magic use. So he kills magical girls. But the rabbit hole goes deeper...Collective Game, Ivory Shadow2012-04-29 5 
18906090Mahou Shounen Quest 99Cannons get fired as more are loaded.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-29 21 
18914620Mahou Shounen Quest 100CANNON HAS BEEN FIRED, THIS IS NOT A DRILLCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-04-30 21 
May 2012
18921230Fist of Shadow Quest 8In which we learn more about the city and blow a lot of cash.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow2012-05-01 11 
18927835Fist of Shadow Quest 8-2In which we finish shopping and... go on a date?!Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow2012-05-01 11 
18932902Mahou Shounen Quest 101WE DADDY NOW. Perrine drops the babby bomb. Erica not very happy with that shit. Oh and we geta surprise visit from _____________.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-05-01 22 
18943106Mahou Shounen Quest 102there will always be a cloud in the sky, no matter how clear and blue it seems.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-05-02 21 
18955759Mahou Shounen Quest 103"Windmills, remember, if you fight with them. May swing round their huge arms and cast you down into the mud." "Or up into the stars!"Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-05-03 21 
18945868Ought To Have A Little More Gravitas/tg/ brainstorms some possible names for starships of The Culture. Everyone is pulled in by its gravitas.The Culture, Culture, ship names, ships, names2012-05-03 12 
18961564Flesh Quest!In a world covered in flesh and bone, a few freaks attempt to survive. Inspired by the giger-verse.giger, freak, mspaint, collective game, flesh quest2012-05-03 11 
18969253Mahou Shounen Quest 104Family Night. Everything is A-OK.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-05-04 21 
18974928Fist of Shadow Quest 9TOURNAMENT ARCCollective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow2012-05-05 11 
18984329Mahou Shounen Quest 105Paths cross. Worlds collide.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-05-05 20 
18941465Iron Hearts VVarroom: Zanzibarland Preparations and PredeployThe Terrible Children receive new and potentially devastating energy weaponry, and the decision is made to strike at the next of the Kashir Skylands, a floating island dominated by lush jungles and ferocious fauna.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-05 8 
18984111Fist of Shadow Quest 9-2The tournament continues with us beating the former champion, a little girl AND NOW WHO WILL EMERGE THE CHAMPION! The answer lies in the heart of battle! Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow 2012-05-05 11 
18988032Fist of Shadow Quest 9-3The tournament comes to a close as Khan, our hero's self-professed ETERNAL RIVAL, gets his rematch.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow 2012-05-05 12 
18990192Shadowrun Storytime 12The team goes back to college. It's not quite how they remember...Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, Geppetto, Bend, Dervish, Wildcard, College, University2012-05-06 36 
18993195Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 6)Psychotic breaks, needless violence, and love stories. What's not to like?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-06 11 
18993499Mahou Shounen Quest 106YOU SHALL NOT PASS!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-05-06 20 
19005462Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 7)The tamer of two festivals.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-07 14 
19006180Mahou Shounen Quest 107Date with Nanoha. We visit the restaurant at the end of the universe. TITTY MONSTER ON THE LOOSE. Haters continue hating. DON'T PANIC. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-05-07 21 
19011960Fist of Shadow Quest 10Our hero and his buddy Khan are invited to dinner with High Master Blaine, the leader of Terec. Revelations are had, and Blaine asks (or is it demands?) a favor.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow 2012-05-07 11 
19021618Fist of Shadow Quest 10-2Though not of his own volition, our hero finally has his confrontation with Master Richards, the man who turned his world upside down. It turns out Richards makes for quite the Bond villain.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow 2012-05-08 11 
19032164Mahou Shounen Quest 108Oh freddled gruntbuggly/thy micturations are to me/As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee. -Did you remember to bring a towel?-Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-05-09 22 
1903303640k Postal ServiceMessaging goes postal in 40kcollective game, mail, warhammer 40k, 40k, spess mahreen, intergalactic postman should be a fucking go in his own right,2012-05-09 12 
19020589Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 10: The Zanzibarland OffensiveThe Terrible Children find them bogged down in the jungle, beset on all sides by dinosaurs, bugs, and one very angry ape.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-09 11 
19048054Mahou Shounen Quest 109Sunday morning.Get ready for the party. Wait for it...Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-05-10 20 
19060798Mahou Shounen Quest 110OBLIGATORY FANSERVICE EPISODE. Party starts. Guests begin to arrive. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-05-11 20 
19067210Fist of Shadow Quest 11In which our hero gains a party member, rodeos a beholder, and brings the mad Master Richards to an ignominious end.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow 2012-05-12 11 
19075436Fist of Shadow Quest 11-2The Shadow Sun reveals itself. The Student ascends. The Adept appears.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-12 13 
19076470Mahou Shounen Quest 111Vodka, Peach Schnapps, Orange Juice, and Cranberry Juice. Mio begins to make her move.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-05-12 20 
19082172The Tale of Patrick O'CallahanWell, citizens of /tg/, gather round. Get yerselves a pint, warm up by the fire, and stop ogling the damn whores for a second so I can tell you the story of the best elf I've ever had the fortune of playing, Patrick O'Callahan.Story, Storytime, Patrick, O', Callahan, Irish, Elf, Awesome, Barfight, Justice, Wish2012-05-13 39 
19090195R&D Perpetual Treason InitiativeVulture Troopers, Intsec Troopers, Troubleshooters--you're here because we want the best, and you were the only people available. So: Who is ready to make some explosions?friend computer, paranoia, treason, multiverse, portal, cave johnson, troubleshooters2012-05-13 12 
19097451Mahou Shounen Quest 112We meet our resort's former owner, Evangeline AK Mcdowell. TIME FOR PRESENTS!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-14 20 
19085077Magical Girl Dystopia IIIMore fleshing out about the girls and the resistancefluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-14 5 
19107205Mahou Shounen Quest 113Zeroing in. Archives still broken? 112 can be found on FOOLZCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-15 20 
19101734Fist of Shadow Quest 12In which we shop, round up the party, and head for the Starry Seas... only to get ambushed in the night.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-15 11 
19093083Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 10: Zanzibarland Offensive, pt 2The Kashir make themselves known, and as the fight wears on, the Terrible Children find themselves dealing with dinosaurs and the undead.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-15 8 
19112522Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew/tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome.Mommy is sick, Daddy gets mad, My brother is dead, Mommy's Icky Friend, Divorced, Little Princess, Beaten, My Little Robot, Bad Touch, Jog Dad, Little Sunshine, In the System, Our Pride, Evil?, On Ritalin, Home Alone, Moving Again, I'm a Mistake2012-05-16 22 
19115940Sir TourettesA demon paladin cursed to do good, but shouting blasphemies and monstrous things the entire time.paladin, asshole2012-05-16 47 
19119419Mahou Shounen Quest 114You are screwed. Or maybe you are gonna get screwed. Either way, it will involve Mio and lots of screwing. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-16 21 
19130664Mahou Shounen Quest 115You have the worst possible luck, end up a sitting duck.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-17 20 
19142235Mahou Shounen Quest 116FREDDIE FUCKING MERCURY wants you to sing with him. FUCK YES.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-18 20 
19119894Magical Girl Dystopia IVThe setting is solidified, ideas are developed, and issues from the last thread are snipped in the bud.fluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-18 2 
19155907Mahou Shounen Quest 117We say our goodbyes.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-19 20 
19149444Fist of Shadow Quest 13Our hero and his party arrive in the coastal town of Sandoval only to realize they're still not going anywhere for a while. Resolving to make some dosh to pay the ferry fare, the party (sans Khan) makes a detour to the dreaded -- and predictably dark -- Darklands.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-19 8 
19165697Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 8)Conclusion of the festival and the rise of the 'Yan'Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-20 12 
19180219Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 9)The hell in her eyes...Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-21 6 
19180374Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 9.01)Can CYOAs survive the summer barbarian invasion? Find out!Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-21 6 
19181234Mahou Shounen Quest 118We use up our free day. 118 threads in, curmudgeons will curmudge.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-21 16 
19186159Fist of Shadow Quest 14In which we find FUCKING VAMPIRES. A TON OF THEM.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-22 11 
19183546Iron Hearts VVarroom: Zanzibarland Action ReportAfter braving the terrors of the jungle, promotions are handed out, a new type of requisition form is introduced, and a group of skeletons decide to make a song. That last one does not end well.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-22 8 
19198947Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 10: The Waterhol IncidentA new Kashir commander, Alfya, makes an appearance and stages a raid on a Voss border outpost.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-23 8 
19204547Mahou Shounen Quest 119Fly back from the forest with our new friend in tow. Quick sjopping trip and then it's off to lunch. A PLANT is fine too.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-23 13 
19208369Mahou Shounen Quest 120Help out in Ursula's lab in the afternoon. TIME FOR SCIENCE!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-23 15 
19223358Fist of Shadow Quest 15In which we lose Khan and Erin, and learn a bit about Pale Luna.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-25 9 
19232448Mahou Shounen Quest 121Test those custom strikers again. Sky bunny face-off. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-25 14 
19247714Mahou Shounen Quest 122Training with Mike. Learn something new. Haha... Shenanigans.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-26 14 
19245066I Am You & You Are MeOP suspects that every thread on /tg/ is one poster with multiple personality disorder. Anons then proceed to namefag as an entire rogue's gallery of various "subpshyches" and personality entities, representing the many facets of human emotion and the mind, all led by the Manager (the brain) who directs Hardware (the body).roleplay, namefag, multiple personality disorder, subpshyche, hardware, manager2012-05-26 10 
19255624Mahou Shounen Quest 123Break out the bubbly. This calls for a celebration. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-27 11 
19257898Mahou Shounen Quest 123bhad to jump ship due to it being scuttled. e sail on. [THIS IS THE CONTINUATION OF MSQ 123]Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-27 13 
19266530Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 10)See, hear, and speak however much evil you want.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-28 6 
19267793Mahou Shounen Quest 124Collision Course. All hands on deck.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-05-28 14 
19279527Zerg Quest LXXXVIIIaPart one, due to mod faggotry. Screw 'em.Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Cerebrate Anon, mod faggotry, Worldship poking2012-05-29 7 
19281105Zerg Quest LXXXVIIIbWe throw Kerrigan a parade. It's everything our little sister could have wanted. Also, Defensebrate is nearly murdered.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Starcraft, Oh shit, I love a parade!, dice don't fail me now, Tassadar2012-05-29 11 
19279925Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 11: The Battle of KolstecThe Terrible Children attack a town on the outskirts of Kashir territory, both to rescue a downed reconnaissance pilot and to attempt to capture a Kashir CO.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-29 7 
19283964Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding.Bord Empire, discussion, drawfaggotry, Eastern Continent, evo, evo game, evolution, evolution game, FortuneHost, Gaghiel, Gantu, Govkar, Gwiliak, Indonesian Gentleman, Jungle Fever 3, Kaze, Nad, namefags, NO TRIP, nongent, Onolkeshan, Primordial Evo, SHOGUN GLUND, Silith, Skulks, Solomon, stupid sexy Skulks…, tribal, Zal'zaz'siel2012-05-30 6 
19302123Biotech? Biotech.How to biotech.WITH FETISHES!, AND LASERS!2012-05-31 5 
19306515Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 11)Welcome to Yamaku. If you're not crippled yet, you soon will be.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-31 12 
June 2012
19341417Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 12)For a school that rejects mental cases, Yamaku students have an alarmingly high rate of psychological disorders.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-06-03 12 
19350780Shadowrun Storytime 13The long-delayed conclusion! The team ends the Granger run in a blast of bullets, bombs, and flower petals.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, 2012-06-04 35 
19366586Fist of Shadow Quest 16In which our hero becomes a narc and cleans up the streets of drugs. Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-06-05 8 
19369009Manic Sousuke QuestYou are Sagara Sousuke. A Mithril operative and Bureau Trainee. These are the chronicles of the less then ordinary days you spend in this less than ordinary place.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Soldier, Landing Gear, getting gungirls, all of the bontas2012-06-05 16 
19377122Mahou Shounen Quest 125Infiltrate an All-girls' School. Lesbiantics 101. 3 Days with Keima, What could go wrong?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-06-06 15 
19390281Mahou Shounen Quest 126Continue investigating St.Vicious' at night. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-06-07 14 
19414660Mahou Shounen Quest 127Second day of the search. St. Vicious' Academy reveals its darker side. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, all of the bitches2012-06-09 13 
19424815Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 13)[Insert clever pun about the inauspicious number]Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-06-10 11 
19425243Mahou Shounen Quest 128We find a statue buried in the garden. WHY IS IT EVEN HERE?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, YOU ARE THIS MAD2012-06-10 11 
19424737Enter The Shadowsidespooky tales of uncanny coincidences at the game tableShadowside precognition cat spooky voce2012-06-10 8 
19438068Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 14)Any successful relationship needs a healthy amount of breaking and entering.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-06-11 7 
19439333Mahou Shounen Quest 129Stuff happens, and then there's that thing to consider. Totally not being vague.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, YOU ARE THIS MAD2012-06-11 12 
19449259Mahou Shounen Quest 130We reach the "climax" of the ST.Vicious mission. We need to get through this on a wing and a prayer.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, YOU ARE THIS MAD2012-06-12 16 
19462028Mahou Shounen Quest 131The Director tells us her decision... Kyon wants to murderate us. Dicegods are a fickle and cruel lot. 4 months in and you are THIS MAD.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-06-13 12 
19474918Mahou Shounen Quest 132That's not good... Not good at all.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-06-14 13 
19474192Ironhearts Clovis Intermission Chapter 1A small Clovis special forces team is sent to extract a VIP being hunted by the Voss.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-06-14 12 
19485578Shwig draws your monstersdrawfriend Shwig takes people's shitscribbles and turns them into awesome monster drawingsdrawthread, Shwig, monsters2012-06-15 10 
19498499Mahou Shounen Quest 133From days of long ago, from unchartered regions of the multiverse, comes a legend. The legend of Swagtron: Seducer of the Multiverse! A mighty butler, loved by girls, feared by evil.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, still mad?2012-06-16 13 
19509020Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 15)Be sure to teach your kids the relationship lessons you learn in these threads.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-06-17 9 
19524357Mahou Shounen Quest 134Things shift into HYPERDRIVE. Time to get stuff cleared up before they get out of hand [again]. SHINY RED BUTTON. DO NOT PRESS.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, still mad?2012-06-18 14 
19523221Iron Hearts Intermission, Chapter 2: The Camel JockeyA Clovis special forces group teams up with the Kashir to route a crushing Voss offensive.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-06-18 10 
19536495Mahou Shounen Quest 135The Doctor isn't very pleased. Time for some long awaited plot progression. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, still mad?2012-06-19 16 
19549715Mahou Shounen Quest 136Team fight against the Basics class. Pull no punches, take no prisoners, show no mercy.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, still mad?, yep2012-06-20 21 
19561278Mahou Shounen Quest 137Dog fighting with witches and IS girls. We take the custom strikers out for a spin. Pressing passing stinging half synthetic fabrication of his-- TimeCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, still mad?2012-06-21 12 
19557997Iron Hearts Intermission: Clovis WarroomThe Clovis task force gains new intel on its next target, and a possible opportunity for when to carry out their next operation.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-06-22 10 
19585345Mage War QuestDave Davesson is the world's unluckiest archaeology grad student. Among other things, he gets kidnapped to Tibet, has to walk from Oman TO Tibet during said kidnapping, gets half of him eaten by a wolf and can never get a straight answer out of anyone.Collective Game, Mage War Quest, Dave Davesson, Magic, Magi, Assholes2012-06-23 14 
19599429Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 16)Do the things you can'tCollective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-06-24 13 
19614246Mahou Shounen Quest 138Face Yuki's team in the final round. Things begin to com together. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, enough mad to power a fleet of Deathstars2012-06-25 18 
19627693Mahou Shounen Quest 139Battle in the library. We see how the others are doing. Oh hey, glowy shit.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, enough mad to power a fleet of Deathstars2012-06-26 13 
19642562Mahou Shounen Quest 140Locked up in the brig with Yuki. Kyon goes into "papa bear" mode. He mad. So mad. "Cast in the name of God, Ye not guilty"Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, still mad after 12000 years2012-06-27 12 
19655071Mahou Shounen Quest 141You didn't think it would be that easy, did you? Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine.2012-06-28 10 
19656383Mahou Shounen Quest 141.5Continuation of the thread that sunk due to board maintenance. NOTHING IS AS EASY AS IT SEEMSCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine.2012-06-28 10 
19670289Mahou Shounen Quest 142Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-06-29 11 
19671858Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 2With the basics of character creation done, Minifig now works on specific animals. Suggestions are made, things are refined, alliances are forged.RPG, rpg, Palladium, Savage Worlds, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, homebrew, SW, /tg/ gets shit done, shit gets done, win, character creation, mutants, cordova is awesome2012-06-30 2 
19681784Mahou Shounen Quest 143Cannonball run simulation. Our weiner is large and in charge. Oh hey, is dat sum VEHICULAR CARNAGE?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-06-30 10 
19681713Tarrasque FursonaTarrasque furry crashes furcon, drawfag deliverstarrasque, furry, draw, airship, Pathfinder2012-06-30 28 
19679204Homebrewed Tea Design Thread 1Anon posts about a little girl mascot for /tg/. This ends up starting discussion on a tea RPG game, where the players get hired to host tea parties and hold tea ceremonies.Tea, Homebrew, Game Design, Get Shit Done2012-06-30 2 
July 2012
19689100Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 17)Are you at your youest yet?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-07-01 11 
19689850Mahou Shounen Quest 144Continuation of the Cannonball Run mission. Things begin to heat up as the fuzz go for broke. Oh hey, BEE LAUNCHERS!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-07-01 9 
19703079Mahou Shounen Quest 145Get to the half-way point. Erica gets some heavy metal. Begin to question some of our decisions.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-07-02 8 
19699755Mage War Quest Part 4 (The Actual Part 4)You are Dave Davesson, and the war between the Magi and the 72 has finally begun. Unfortunately, Dave spends almost all of the first battle encased in metal, before almost losing his mind to a demon duke. Dave's life still sucks.Collective Game, Mage War Quest, Dave Davesson, Magic, Magi, Assholes2012-07-02 12 
19690742Iron Hearts Intermission, Chapter 3: The Peace IncidentThe members of the Exodus Eagles Cloven task force infiltrate the Voss Empire's capitol city to retrieve an high-value individual, all the while trying to keep their cool in the face of arrests, military parades, assassins, and sewer gators.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-07-02 8 
19718742Mahou Shounen Quest 146Into every generation a Butler is born: one man in all the world, a Chosen One. He alone will wield the swag and skill to catch the ladies, dames, and the armies of bitches; to get into their hearts and to add them to the family. He is Hayate, The Combat Butler.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-07-03 8 
19729809Mahou Shounen Quest 147The finish-line is in sight. Cannonball run about to end. back in the real world, stuff happens.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-07-04 8 
19744246Shadowrun Storytime 14The Trout Run starts with a bang! Evil cultists and shit-covered capybaras abound.shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, trout, twodee, capybara, capybaras2012-07-05 43 
19746318Mahou Shounen Quest 148Shopping with Susan. Buy some stuff for our 'twin'. Shenanigans happen, things get done. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-07-05 8 
19749704July 4th Deathstrike gameA store in the U.S. gets a 4th of July present from the U.K. A nuclear present.deathstrike, missile, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k, global games, crazy ass shit, this is why we play, "fireworks show"2012-07-05 20 
19770121Mahou Shounen Quest 149The Dude wants us to storm the Bureau... Or something like that.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-07-07 6 
19783056Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 18)Do ahoges get HD radio?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-07-08 9 
19784246Mahou Shounen Quest 150Raid on R&D. Familiar faces, unfamiliar places. Halfway there.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-07-08 7 
19766361Freeform TaleOp and his friends have made actual good characters in an online Play-by-Post freeform game that's full of Mary Sues. Sit back and watch the magic happen.Freeform, Posting, Mary Sue, Bullshit Powers, OOC Knowledge, Poor Spelling2012-07-08 25 
19797267Legend of Zelda RPG Revival RevivalThe old project gets picked up. Again. Arguments are had.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Shit Gets Done2012-07-09 2 
19812008Mahou Shounen Quest 151Continue our assault on the Bureau. Weird science girl has proposition. Susan acting strange. BIG RED BUTTON.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-07-10 8 
19815150Mahou Shounen Quest 151.5LIFEBOAT. Last thread scuttled. Waifus and butlers first!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-07-10 9 
19820279Legend of Zelda Revival² #2Slowly but surely working our way through the process of reviving the LoZ RPG project. Dice mechanisms are discussed and haters waste their time try to convince us we're wasting our time.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Shit Gets Done2012-07-11 2 
19824908Mahou Shounen Quest 152Now assaulting the Academic building. Big angry black guy with a grenade launcher. Oh hey, is dat sum ______?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-07-11 7 
19837963Iron Hearts: MemorialIn honor of the 1-year anniversary of Iron Hearts, a moment of reverence is given to the fallen.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-07-12 8 
19852377Mahou Shounen Quest 153Try and get through Sousuke's defences. Showdown in the dorm. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-07-13 6 
19850327"Magical" Girl QuestIn which Daedalus begins scouting out the local 'talent' for magical girl candidates.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-13 32 
19867941"Magical" Girl Quest 2Reimu plays doctor, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-14 24 
19844767Legend of Zelda Revival² #3We work on combat mechanics, and make a design document. Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Shit Gets Done2012-07-14 1 
19878633"Magical" Girl Quest 3Daedalus finishes up her aquatic homebase, Anne talks of her all-nighter, and other shenanigans'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-15 24 
19882842Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 19)Insanity. Death. Painting.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-07-15 9 
19883200Mahou Shounen Quest 154We conclude the Bureau Raid simulation. Get back to the real world for some shenanigans and plot.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-07-15 8 
19894317"Magical" Girl Quest 4In which the recruitment is nearing completion, we learn what the Replicators are weak to, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-16 23 
19897554Iron Hearts: Year 1 / Battle of HelThe Hellghast continue trying to find their way out of Hel and back into the world of the living.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-07-16 6 
19896559Legend of Zelda Revival² #4We finish up reactions, up the stat and skill limits, and discuss when the virtue bonus applies.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Shit Gets Done2012-07-17 2 
19808680Fortune: Evolution Game 6-4 (Open Ocean)At last, Fortune returns to its roots in this session of aquatic evolution, though a bunch of folks seem to think we're trying to crawl *out* of the sea.Fortune Evolution, evolution, evo, game, ocean, aquatic, sharks2012-07-17 5 
19923674"Magical" Girl Quest 5We introduce the girls to ALEX L. BARKER, THE RED COMET WHO GRASPS VICTORY FROM DEFEAT, Icarus is born and takes her first steps, and other shenanigans'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-18 22 
19929722Mahou Shounen Quest 155Piracy on the high seas. We swash our bucklers and stuff. also, a taste of plot.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-07-18 5 
19938869"Magical" Girl Quest 6Icarus is a hedonist, Daedalus checks in on the other girls, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence, Hedonism2012-07-19 22 
19941867 /tg/-CraftsA tabletop-related crafts thread with some tutorials from Esh-Esh and Hungarian LARPfag on how to make LED crystals, arts & crafts, /tg/, Esh-Esh, hungarian LARPfag2012-07-19 7 
19945002Mahou Shounen Quest 156Learning to deal with loss.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Osama Bin Haten2012-07-19 6 
19953109"Magical" Girl Quest 7In which Alexa is forked, Manguard Armor happens, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-19 22 
19959329Mahou Shounen Quest 157HOW ABOUT A TASTE OF PLOT? No? Well,screw you.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Osama Bin Haten2012-07-20 6 
19985167Mahou Shounen Quest 158the one where things don't go as plannedCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Osama Bin Haten2012-07-22 5 
19999071Mahou Shounen Quest 159Training with Mike. Work some things out at home. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Osama Bin Haten2012-07-23 5 
20006429"Magical" Girl Quest 8In which we join omnIRC and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-23 22 
20021091"Magical" Girl Quest 9In which Icarus takes a shower, grabs lunch, and something intrudes upon Beta Site.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-25 23 
20026345Mahou Shounen Quest 160 Hands-on exercise with some SCPs. Grab your thinking hats, it's time for some speculative deduction. Also, MILF nurse is MILF-y anf Nurse-y.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Osama Bin Haten2012-07-25 7 
20050515Shreep questA Shreep is you!lego quest, Shreep, Shreep quest, Collective Game2012-07-27 22 
20063058Chapter Quest: Deathwatch IIElegion finishes his mission and finds a way to the webwayCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Deathwatch, Space Marine, Webway Shenanigans2012-07-28 3 
20030197Primordial Evo Game: Southern Continent Discussion Thread IILast few details are ironed out in the week before the real game begins again.Collective Game, Primordial, Evo, Evolution, Puruu, Geist, Elenii, Shwirm, Log'ead2012-07-28 2 
20079456Mahou Shounen Quest 161How about a nice big cup of plot?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Osama Bin Haten2012-07-29 5 
20079343Shreep quest 2; The ShreepeningA Shreep Queen is you!Shreep, Shreep quest, Collective Game, Lego Quest2012-07-29 6 
20080536Shadowrun Storytime 15The team gets a nwe target, Wildcard and Dervish harass a checkpoint guard.shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, trout, twodee, capybara, capybaras2012-07-29 35 
20098196Mahou Shounen Quest 162'Will you walk into my parlour?' said the Spider to the Fly. Date with Mio.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Osama Bin Haten2012-07-30 5 
20098708Shadowrun Storytime 15.5Adversary says hi.shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, twodee2012-07-30 38 
20108717Mahou Shounen Quest 163Combat cook-off against Gordon Ramsay. We show Mio our stuff. She makes her move, we make ours. NO FRANK NOOOOOOOOO!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you only hate this because people told you to2012-07-31 6 
August 2012
20138799Mahou Shounen Quest 164The night comes to an end. Mio finally plays her cards.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Vote down if you're insecure about your sexuality2012-08-02 6 
20127562Hilga's Shop of Curiosities Pt. 2Hilga returns once more to peddle her wares to willing adventurers. Hilga, shop, magic, items, adventurer2012-08-02 4 
20132509Iron Hearts: Year 1 / Battle of Hel 2To fight to get out of Hel continues, with the situation growing more and more desperate. Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-08-02 8 
20155647Mahou Shounen Quest 165Time for some SPEHSS HALK. We go treasure huntan with our pirate witch girlfriend. Waiting to see if Cogbeard comes.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, This one's for you EGO. Thanks for the free publicity.2012-08-03 8 
20171384Mahou Shounen Quest 166Discover a robot girl hidden in the lab. Try and get her to work. Afternoon classes are kicked up a notch. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, If you're angry and you know it clap your hands2012-08-04 5 
20184218Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 20)Will Ghostbusters work against a tulpa?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-08-05 9 
20184892Mahou Shounen Quest 167Cogbeard has arrived. Try and appease his dwarfy rage, see if he can fix the watch. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, If you're angry and you know it clap your hands2012-08-05 5 
20198386Shit Hits the FanHereticRAIDAA's group must overcome the oncoming green tide to...deliver a child.orks, deathwatch, 40k, near-tpk, holy shit2012-08-06 6 
20200776Mahou Shounen Quest 168Sunday morning. Prepare to jump dimensions to get to Nanoha. PREPARE FOR FEELSCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you can't upvote this2012-08-06 6 
20214188Mahou Shounen Quest 169Reunited with Nanoha. Do our diplomatic duties. Find out why time was lost. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, 169 threads 7 months and you're still mad? I like your dedication.2012-08-07 5 
20253633"Magical" Girl Quest 10Icarus discovers Daedalus' modification to her ARglasses, helps Veritas get back on her feet, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-08-10 23 
20255644Mahou Shounen Quest 170Lunch banquet. Make new friends. You can't stop fate.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Tongue in butt, Osama Bin Haten2012-08-10 5 
20269274Mahou Shounen Quest 171I have no idea of what's going on anymore.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-08-11 5 
20243833n00b of Cladestine Quest, Chapt. 1Goose tries to decide which quest to go on. Meanwhile, we follow another Starchild called Peregrine Puck, who finds himself in the middle of a battle against Unmen.n00b of Clandestine, n0c, Collective Game, Skirmish Quest, n0c Quest, Project n0c2012-08-11 5 
20281028Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 21)Don't worry Hisao... We'll protect you...Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-08-12 9 
20318026"Magical" Girl Quest 11In which pancakes are obtained, Omnitube audvids are watched, training happens, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-08-14 22 
20323614Mahou Shounen Quest 172*SPOILERS*Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Nanananananana Batmad!2012-08-15 5 
20305622Legend of Zelda Revival² #5Still alive, what was discussed on Skype is shared.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Shit Gets Done2012-08-15 -2 
20336130"Magical" Girl Quest 12Daedalus distributes the Derivation, freaks out a little over Anne having built it, checks in on the Clean-Up Crew, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-08-16 24 
20338217Mahou Shounen Quest 173Who is this little blond girl that calls you papa? Why is she here? What is going on?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-08-16 6 
20359874Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 3We had out into the Traverse and kill some pirates, the reign of Barnacle Bob, King of Pirates begins. We get two new crew members, Sushoo the Hanar Chef and Rin a Quarian Mechanic.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-18 5 
20365382Mahou Shounen Quest 174Wake up in the largest pile yet. Kyon and P-san are not happy about it. BLOOD AND THUNDER!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear2012-08-18 6 
20366845Shadowrun Storytime 16: The Tale of Felix RamirezThe team initiates their newest member, ex-Aztechnology Eagle Warrior Felix Ramirez.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Felix, Felix Ramirez, Locke2012-08-18 70 
20341656Iron Hearts VVarroom: The PicnicAll of the Voss bigshots gather together in order to decide the future direction of Voss as well as how to proceed with the war with Kashir. Also, there's the possibility of the Statesmen attempting to use this meeting to usurp the throne.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-08-18 6 
20378995Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 22)Just once I'd like to see an oenophile who isn't evil.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-08-19 6 
20379554Mahou Shounen Quest 175Survive through the morning. Head to Dr.Stahl's lab for testing. Time for some SCIENCE!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, SCIENCE!2012-08-19 8 
20378104Mage War Quest Part 6You are Dave Davesson. Your life still sucks, but at least exposition is done, Dave becomes marginally more competent, and suddenly: rebellion.Collective Game, Mage War Quest, Dave Davesson, Magic, Magi, Assholes2012-08-19 10 
20394252Mahou Shounen Quest 176Continue our testing with Dr.STAHL. Our new manatee friends show off their SCIENCE! Try and out-creepy the creepy twinsCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level >2012-08-20 10 
20386688Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 4We return to planet Benning and have a proposition from a certain Cerberus operative. We decide to make a deal with the devil.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-20 6 
20407156Mahou Shounen Quest 177Therapy session. The family are there to support you in full force. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear2012-08-21 9 
20409956Space Opera "Oh Shit Spaceships" wargame crunch A wild OP appeared and gifted us these complete rules for epic spaceship-combat wargame.space, homebrew, rules, Spaceship, crunch, wargame, wargaming2012-08-21 5 
20432613Mahou Shounen Quest 178Round-robin storytime with Yuki and other stuff.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting booklaid2012-08-23 8 
20433929Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Crunch Session #1A little plot, a few brainstorms.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-23 2 
20441363Super Villain Quest #10The joint operation to counter Project Swordsman is launched, the Iron Master and company kidnap the mayor as a simultaneous assult is launched against EdenTech, both run into trouble. We can only hope enough attention is diverted to the kidnapping as time begins to tick.Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest, Fleshbags2012-08-24 5 
20403360Amnesiac Quest 3Find a pool made of Shoggoths. Blow up a monstrosity. Make a few calls.Collective Game, Amnesiac Quest, Hazard, The Watch, Hazmat, Mystery, Horror, Future, Doll, Raptor, Catfish2012-08-24 7 
20457019Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 5Michael takes the crew into the Erebus system, we defeat a small wolfpack of Blue Suns ships, Cerberus decides maybe we're not as worthless as originally believed and an few old faces make an appearance. MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-25 5 
20482318Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 6The crew of the MSV I<3Ponies bonds a little bit, we head to the Citadel and try to recruit the lovely Dr. Kelisa Janios, Berto the Biotic with a God Complex makes his first appearance and knocks it out of the park thanks to an Anon.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-27 7 
20489725Mahou Shounen Quest 179NO RETRIES. NO REPLAYS. JUST CONSEQUENCES.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting manlaid2012-08-27 6 
20501530MAHOU SHOUNEN QUEST: PowerlessMAHOU SHOUNEN QUEST: PowerlessCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest2012-08-28 5 
20483789Amnesiac Quest 4We meet Doll, have an exchange of differences with Alice, plot with holograms, and attempt to steal some tech for Doll's mission.Collective Game, Amnesiac Quest, Hazard, The Watch, Hazmat, Mystery, Horror, Future, Doll, Raptor, Catfish, Alice, Titan, Crazy Earl2012-08-28 10 
20513994Lady Robot Master Quest Part 19In which OP is late but also early, and we help Top Man solve the energy crisis through robot sex. Then, Flash Man is creepy weirdo.megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, top man, evil energy, roll, splash woman, plum, flash man2012-08-29 1 
20523795Zerg Quest CIThe Xel'Naga's testing comes to a head, and the Brood must decide just whose side it's on.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Xel'Naga, Protoss, Sibling Rivalry, Dimplomatic Immunity!, Shit getting real2012-08-30 8 
20538407Mahou Shounen Quest 181It's actually very easy. If you only you knew just what IT was. STOP DANCING, FEEL.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2012-08-31 6 
September 2012
20559713Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 23)If learning the ways of the Samurai didn't interest you, try learning the ways of the Yandere from me instead.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-09-02 6 
20561192Mahou Shounen Quest 182Still haven't figured out how to get out? Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid,2012-09-02 10 
20558506Lady Robot Master Quest Part 20In which Blade Woman seduces a destroyed evil alien computer...megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, pharaoh man, evil alien computer, flash man2012-09-02 3 
20567247Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 7We recruit Dr. Janios, introduce our crew to roleplaying games in the most meta thing to happen in this quest so far and head to Kahje to see about getting a Drell crewmen.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-02 5 
20588969Mahou Shounen Quest 183Will the goddess of victory smile upon you?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, still mad?2012-09-04 7 
20601229Squat Crusade: The MusicalThe first adventure of the last squats in the galaxy rebuilding their race as told by Shas'o R'ymr.Shas'o R'ymr, Squat Crusade: The Musical, Squat Crusade2012-09-05 15 
20619626Magical Girl Noir Quest 43A russian powerful magical girl starts her day someone in her bed and gets interrupted by her underling.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-09-06 38 
20626498Lady Robot Master Quest Part 21In which we deal with Heat Man and Sheep Man, and get some Stalker hints and another Stalker.megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, bizarro, sheep man, heat man, splash woman, cut man, proto man, guts man2012-09-07 1 
20634385Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 8We recruit a Drell bodyguard and head to Thessia to investigate some missing art.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-08 5 
20645072Magical Girl Noir Quest 44A powerful russian magical girl acquires a trophy and is briefed on a murderous incidentMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-09-08 38 
20652158Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 24)Connectivity issues in the begining. I wonder if God ever has this problem.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-09-09 6 
20653467My (Necron) ImmortalA reimagining of My Immortal as a Necron fanficnecron My_Immortal Phaeron_Phaussett Ekhbeni Drakh'nezh Dimmensha Rhavenn Stormlord2012-09-09 35 
20659109Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 9We investigate The Demon of the Night Winds exhibit, we meet Phora the Justicar, and survive yet another huge explosion.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-10 5 
20665005Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 24 ¨þ)Continuing our battle after Angra M00tyu stopped us.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-09-10 6 
20666731Mahou Shounen Quest 184Oh hey, Mike's on tv. 2/10, needs more workCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, still mad?2012-09-10 1 
20671486Magical Girl Noir Quest 45A powerful russian magical girl learn what happened and make a judgement.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Mami, Murderface2012-09-10 38 
20685312/tg/ makes a character sheetMaking a system for said sheets, however, may prove impossible.RPG, characters, sheets, hats, fucking MAGNETS, anal circumference 2012-09-11 11 
20690875Squat Crusade Part 2More poor decisions. More burned fate. The Ancestors put these guys in charge? They must be crazy.Shas'o R'ymr, Squat Crusade: The Musical, Squat Crusade2012-09-12 10 
20703880Mahou Shounen Quest 185Still trying to get out of this goddamned simulation. Running out of options?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-09-13 1 
20693047Scary Shit, DMing Tipssubtle things are the scariestscary, bricks shat, DMing, tips2012-09-13 6 
20709419Magical Girl Noir Quest 46A powerful russian magical girl annoys her subordinate then tries to start a war but get QBblocked.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-09-13 37 
20720158Magical Girl Noir Quest 47A powerful russian magical girl get informations about her new enemy and meet her subordinates. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Mami, Sayaka, Kyouko, Murderface2012-09-14 38 
20727426Mahou Shounen Quest 186Talk to Nishizawa. A possible clue? Still can't get out of the sim?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Mad level maximum2012-09-15 1 
20745669Mass Effect Quest Part 10We manage to get back to the ship and are gonna have to make a decision about our mental health.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-16 5 
20747206Iron Hearts Vol. 3: Iffram CampaignThe Iron Hearts saga enters a new chapter with the entry of a new faction, Iffram.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-17 7 
20765020Mahou Shounen Quest 187Finaly find Susan. Possibly try and get out now?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-09-18 4 
20758272Iron Hearts Vol. 3: Graywind Fields WarroomIffram rules are expanded on and more players are recruited.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-18 5 
20765657Iron Hearts Vol. 3, Chapter 1: Battle of Graywind FieldsIffram forces continue to defend the town of Graywind from invaders.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-18 5 
20772373Magical Girl Noir Quest 48A powerful russian magical girl ride to destr- meet another office. Which is totally not a trap. She also annoys her new subordinate on the way.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Murderface2012-09-18 38 
20809974Magical Girl Noir Quest 49A powerful russian magical girl leaves her weapon at the door and stares at a painting.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Murderface2012-09-21 38 
20823000Magical Girl Noir Quest 50A powerful russian magical girl engages in fruitful negotiations. Also war.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Murderface, Ahriman2012-09-22 38 
20822620Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 30Hito and his friend Koutarou had preparing for the trip to Notthingham and checking out the Warhammer World. And also sidestory with Sasha.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Slender Man, Warhammer World, GW, Games Workshop2012-09-23 2 
20829140Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 25)"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - HamletCollective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-09-23 6 
20864527Magical Girl Noir Quest 51A powerful russian magical girl and her two allies murder ninety-eight enemy magical girls Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Murderface, Ahriman2012-09-26 38 
20855711READ THISThis is a thread dedicated to a re-work of GW rules and shit crunch that happened. Seriously, read it.Homebrews, re-work, WH40K, /tg/getsshitdone2012-09-26 10 
20869372Shy-chan Quest 2A quest revolving around a socially awkward roleplayer.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-09-26 8 
20883057Shy-chan Quest 3Shy-chan suffers a panic attack so massive she ends up in the hospital.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest, all my feels2012-09-27 7 
20891621Magical Girl Noir Quest 52A powerful russian magical girl and her anti-magical aide have a boss fight.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-09-28 37 
20897152Shy-chan Quest 4After an excellent singing performance, the group begins their second session.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-09-28 9 
20901100Ironhearts Vol. 3: The Exploration of the WyldsGraywind sends out a scouting party to try and make contact with the surrounding towns.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-28 6 
20910376Shy-chan Quest 5The session ends and you invite Friend-kun and Waitress-chan over to your apartment.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-09-29 6 
20923227Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 26)All your knowledge is leading up to revelations. Pay attention and avoid the knives.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-09-30 5 
20929809Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 31After Hito get to know Kelly a Warhammer 40k player, he suddenly encounter his challenger in the Warhammer WorldMaid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Warhammer World, GW, Games Workshop2012-09-30 0 
20930586Magical Girl Noir Quest 53A powerful russian magical girl has very bad luck.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-09-30 38 
October 2012
20940410Ironhearts Vol. 3 -Ch2.2 The Exploration of the WyldsGraywind's force's "Fort Slimebane" quickly takes shape in the Wyld, but who is that on the horizon?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-01 6 
20949302Sauces that go with chicken/ck/ request anon takes a left turn at albaquerque, ends up in /tg/. Still gets question answered/tg/ gets shit done, /ck/, chicken sauces2012-10-01 5 
20950596Shadowrun Storytime 17Happy birthday, 4chan! TwoDee returns with a very Dervish-heavy tale.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Felix, Locke, trolls, Fight Club2012-10-02 78 
20951125Shy-chan Quest 6Waitress-chan's tale of space adventure begins.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-02 5 
20959658Magical Girl Noir Quest 54A powerful russian magical girl will protect her dearest friend and her new subordinate, whatever the cost.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-10-02 38 
20967939Mahou Shounen Quest 188IS THAT SOME CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT? Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting self-laid2012-10-03 4 
20965457Shy-chan Quest 7More Space Adventures.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-03 7 
20975826 Ironhearts Vol. 3 - Chapter 2.3 Battle of WyldsIn which we continue to battle- *Undead Bolivians* from dusk till dawn Perpetrated by~ People in Black Clothes while... a cave is explored. Leading to High Chances of Death and Great Reward.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-03 6 
20993133Shy-chan Quest 9Whoops, forgot the archive the last one. Getting this doe ahead of time.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-05 10 
21006070Shy-chan Quest 10After a painting experience with Waitress-chan, Shy-chan feels like everything is wrong.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-06 6 
21019693Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (part 27)ph'nglui mglw'nafh Rin Yamaku wgah'nagl fhtagnCollective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-10-07 4 
21019306Embarrassing Spacecraft NamesLocal Space Taliban leader "I suck cocks for a living and you can quote me on that", was caught trying to arm the ship "With As Many Guns As My Wife Has STDs"Anti-authority, Spaceships, Embarrassing Names2012-10-07 43 
21041846Ironhearts vol.3 Chapter 2.4 Battle of the WyldsWhat Starts as a question becomes a continuation! The IRC Revealed, and the siege of unmen and undead continues! What awaits our heroes now?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-09 3 
21061333Shy-chan Quest 11After missing a day, we continue the quest, and the in game quest as well.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-10 5 
21074067Shy-Chan Quest 12I think OP forgot to archive. /tg/ is still stumped by the living forestCollective Game, Shy-Chan Quest 2012-10-11 3 
21067280The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris 2Shit HarderShit, Warhammer, 40gay, Haas2012-10-11 5 
21087006Shy-chan Quest 13Not too much happens. We walk to the other side of the forest and encounter the sister of the nude woman.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-12 2 
21081671The Journal of Grask HarnlinOne Imperial Guardsman's journal during the campaign known only as The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris. Brought to you by the OP of the original Olenus Primaris thread.The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris, Imperial Guard, writefaggotry,2012-10-12 3 
21083240Wlmart Apocalypse Thread 3: We have a drawfag this time, what's your thrad got?anons homebrew fluff for a setting where walmart buys the world, we get art for the crazy rafter dwelling ninja and more fluff on the Dorfen nevergrows. good times.Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2012-10-12 8 
21093664Walmart Apocalypse Thread 4Some writfagging, draw fagging, class descriptions, Superb Owl Sunday is explained, and the rise of the ambuleceti.Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2012-10-13 4 
21099285Shy-chan Quest 14Shy-chan comes back to the real world; And Friend-kun is in her apartment! Now with 100% more Racism Spam.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-13 10 
21107634Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 33Hito encounter the Chaos Gods who want to turn him into Champion of Chaos against his will.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Chaos Gods, Chaos, Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Doomrider2012-10-14 2 
21103728Walmart Apocalypse: rise of the TeslawattIn this thread we learn that the 'Tronboys worship the Teslawatt, the Topdwellers live in constant migration, running away from an endless horde of omnivourus dire birds, and Hardware isrun by fueding, fuedal merchant houses called "Franchises"Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2012-10-14 4 
21096309Magical Burst ChargensAnon posts a helpful site that randomly generates magical girls. Much fun is had. Magical Girl Gilgamesh is born.Magical Burst, Chargen, Magical Girls, Gilgamesh2012-10-14 12 
21113587Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 28)Thirty Yandere Pileup.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-10-14 3 
21124413Walmart Apocalypse Thread...What are we up to? 6?More Fluff and Draw Faggotry, not much write faggotry this time around.Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2012-10-15 2 
21142699 Ironhearts Vol3 Ch2.5 Battle of the WyldsElderitch Horrors battle, minds melt, waters rise, ghouls nash. The end nears.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-16 3 
21142096Shy-chan Quest 15Shy-chan goes on a date, sort of!Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-16 8 
21136546Magical Girl GilgameshMore work on turning the Epic of Gilgamesh into a story about underage magical lesbians is done.Magical Burst, Magical Girl, Gilgamesh, History2012-10-17 11 
21141286Walmart Apocalypse Thread 7More fluff, faggotry of all sortsWalmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2012-10-17 2 
21155807Shy-chan Quest 16Friend-kun seems a little bit off...Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-17 5 
21159859Ironhearts Vol. 3 Warroom - City Of SerpicoThe connection between Greywind and Serpico has gotten off without a hitch- and with a few spare resources and some extra hands, we managed to create a town portal back to Greywind... Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-17 6 
21164570Magical Girl Gilgamesh 2Yet more work is done on making Gilgamesh into the little girl.Magical Burst, Magical Girl, Gilgamesh, History2012-10-18 11 
21170894Mahou Shounen Quest 189Get caught entering a lovehotel with your sister/genderswapped-alternate-dimension-self . Well this is hawkward.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting self-laid2012-10-18 3 
21169964Shy-chan Quest 17Having cheered up Friend-kun and received a micro confession, we are off to the mall.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-18 3 
21185911Mahou Shounen Quest 190Karaoke with Susan. Tea of Sagitarius route? ONLY IF YOU WANT IT TO BE.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting self-laid2012-10-19 5 
21190429That Feel: The Saddest Thing I KnowOP needs a tragic background story for a character. Halfway through the thread a Dane tells the story that he calls 'The Saddest Thing I Know', /tg/ doesn't have time to brace before the impact and is blown away by what can only be described as possibly the worst feel ever.That Feel, The Saddest Thing I Know, First World War, World War 1, Denmark, Danish, Dane, worst feel ever, feels, sadness, storytime2012-10-19 22 
21198987Shy-chan Quest 18Friend-kun remains aloof and generally unreadable. We remain shy.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-20 -6 
21203058Ghost Ships, 2012OP from /k/ spawns a setting about ghost ship hunters in the 21st century.ghost, ship, setting, fluff, locker, reds, religion, exorcism2012-10-20 24 
21206871Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 34Hito meet one of the Buddhist monk who come to his aid. Now Hito tried to flee from the Chaos Gods.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Chaos Gods, Chaos, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Zombie2012-10-21 1 
21209759Lich's Employee Quest pt 16Daniel settles his bad blood with Clarice, sort of. Then deals with Umbra in the volcano.Skeleton quest, volcano, apprentices, golem, shade2012-10-21 11 
21214815Friend-kun and Shy-chan's Outlandish Journey: PreludeThe prelude to the crazy adventure. Scheduling, grenades, and rescue.Shy-chan, Friend-kun, Shy-Chan's Outlandish Journey, Collective Game, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Dragonline2012-10-21 6 
21196892Choose your PrincessAn OP image with simple sprites and simpler stats leads into a frenzy of greentext princess adventuresPrincesses, Story Time, God I Wish This Was A Real Game2012-10-22 10 
21243872Shy-chan Quest FinalI post in the final volume I will contribute to this quest.Collective Game, Shy-chan Quest2012-10-23 0 
21244750Elvish in Adventure Time/co/ comes by to ask about some Elvish on a book in Adventure Time. /tg/ gets sleuthing.Elvish, adventure time, /co/, mystery2012-10-23 23 
21248898Ironhearts Vol. 3 Warroom - City Of Serpico Cont.Journies and quests in the city continue, but what lies behind the time locked doors of the Scholomance? Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-23 3 
21262114Mahou Shounen Quest 191Nighttime rendezvous with Susan, words are said, stuff gets done.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid2012-10-24 6 
21275979 Friend-kun and Shy-chan's Outlandish Journey: Chapter 1Geomancy and being awkward go together like...oh wait. "The Chain" makes his appearance and Jim is dumb.Shy-chan, Friend-kun, Shy-Chan's Outlandish Journey, Collective Game, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Dragonline2012-10-25 5 
21271988/tg/ Gets a CakeAnon posts pic of cake they decorated for us, thread becomes pile of awesome recipes.cooking, don't need other boards, shit gets done, cake, cookies, scroll addiction, perfect roast2012-10-26 6 
21302711Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 29)Akira's Carnival.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-10-27 6 
2130866140k Children's ShowsChildren's Entertainment in 40k!40k, Children, Kids, Television, Shows2012-10-27 7 
21310032Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 35Hito now need to deal with Slaanesh herself as Slaanesh tried to seduce him.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Chao Gods, Chaos, Slaanesh, Daemonette2012-10-28 0 
21316243Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 30) FinaleThe Yandere Finale in the Chronicles of Rin.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-10-28 13 
21332781Katawa Yandere - Rin Route GaidenRin Route's alternate realities and debriefing, plus questions on KY in general.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-10-29 5 
November 2012
21392361HoboQuest Part IIIYou awake in a hospital, and are confronted with the horror of sobriety. Escape, make out with a wall, get recaptured by military. THE MONSTERGIRLS HAVE COME.HoboQuest, Collective Game, hobo, The-Hobo-King, monstergirls, dimensional shenanigans2012-11-02 10 
21380931Ironhearts Vol. 3 - Chapter 3- The Avalon Scholomance Incident We start the storming of the scholomance - Ghoulified students, bugs, corruption, and one sleepy dog are encountered and fought despite planning a quiet start.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-02 3 
21414240Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 36Hito are working his plans to defeat the rest of the Chaos Gods.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Chaos Gods, Slaanesh, 2012-11-03 2 
21419933Mahou Shounen Quest 192What the hell is going on?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting self-laid2012-11-04 12 
21434972Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.2 Avalon Scholomance IncidentUndead Bolivans threaten to make the very fabric of reality be torn assunder, or something, as the doomsday clock ticks down!Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-05 2 
21447676D&D Jetboats/tg/ works out how to use Decanters of Endless Water as engines for a longship.D&D, Decanter of Endless Water, boat, getting shit done2012-11-06 10 
21495514Modern NecromancyA girl gets hit by a car and resurrected; asks /tg/ for advice. /tg/ runs with it.roleplay, improv, worldbuilding, setting, necromancy, flesh golem, undead, modern fantasy2012-11-09 6 
21501734Archetypal Fantasy MagicStarts about barefoot characters; /tg/ makes it about magic done by following an archetype like the warrior, the mage, or the thief.Fantasy, World Building, Derailed, /tg/ gets shit done2012-11-09 10 
21509308Fabrique Generale Quest: Bow to her MajestyThe vice lords fall, the mollochians learn their place, the Men In White are revealed, and we meet an enemy that may prove to be our greatest challenge yet.Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City2012-11-10 14 
21522687Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 1]Do you wanna know how I got these scars?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-11-11 17 
21505956Archetype Fantasy Magic 2In which the nascent setting is fleshed out significantly. Fantasy, World Building, /tg/ gets shit done2012-11-11 0 
21533075Fabrique Generale Quest: Bickering Gets you nowhereUpgrade our rovers and preform attacks on Majesty units. Lots of development, Joint Project with DBRL and trade for silk producing equipmentFabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City2012-11-12 12 
21566417Fabrique Generale Quest: Muties be hatinWe complete a lot of research and make our troopers awesome, then mutants attack, darwin claims they were from Majesty and we discus better Viktry town protection.Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City2012-11-14 13 
21573705Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: Rock and Roll AngelIn which we upgrade V-Town, work on producing better equipment, and take control of a sattelite and learnj about the machine eat machine world of near Earth orbit.Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City2012-11-14 11 
21559761Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.3 Avalon Scholomance IncidentIffram gets another chance, and after a tactical advance in the opposite direction they go toe to toe with Ragnyll in a fierce basement blitz. Giant monsters! Bitank Bisection! Castors on a rampage! Will our heroes prevail? Stay tuned to find out!Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-14 2 
21611825Fabrique Generale Civilization QuestIn which we execute some slavers, make a treaty with some tribals, finish off one of our tanks, make headway with our satellite, and have a christmas celebration.Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City2012-11-17 12 
21628909Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 2]What 'was' the festival about, anyways?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-11-18 9 
21647479 Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.4 Avalon Scholomance IncidentThe exciting conclusion to the Scholomance Incident! What are the Black Deserters really after?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-20 3 
21662853Old Man Henderson ReduxA screencaps thread turns into a retelling of Old Man Henderson by another of the playersstorytime, crazy shit, Old Man Henderson, Waffle House Millionaire, Cthulhu, plot derailment2012-11-20 27 
21661849I Submitted a Cartoon PilotOP asks /tg/ to help him revise the pilot for his D&D related cartoon. Fun and creativity abounds.Reggie, D&D, Get shit done, cartoon, collaboration, writing, funny2012-11-20 12 
21671657A fun, yet playable sheet (Fedora Masters)OP uploads a blank character sheet, which is quickly filled in by anon. Hilarity abounds.system, creation, character sheet, rpg, Fedora Masters 2012-11-21 14 
21671623Techno-Kobold Post-apocalyptic QuestThe kobolds secure their underground base. Then suddenly a perfect imortal machiiiiiine called SHODAN VI convinces some of them to release its bonds. All hope seems lost as OP is pulled into SHODANS reality!Collective Game, Techno-Kobold Quest, Post-apocalyptic science fantasy, SHODAN2012-11-21 7 
21675770Battleship QuestSole surviving spaceship reanimates its sole surviving crewman, decides where to go from there. Makes preliminary plans to be a creepy ghost ship.collective game, Battleship Quest, space, ship, spaceship, bolo,2012-11-21 18 
21765828Battleship Quest IIFirst contact with two entities. We get to blast one and engage in murky politics with the other. To Prime Directive or Not, that is the question.collective game, Battleship Quest, space, ship, spaceship, bolo,2012-11-27 16 
December 2012
21825767Murdo McRitchie QuestDerailing /a/-quests into the adventures of Scottish Rance for fun and profit!McRitchie Quest, Scottish Rance, Hot Dickings2012-12-01 8 
21828438Let's play a game, /tg/ (Earth/Mars Civil War)OP starts a shipbuilding game with two internet generators. It later becomes a coherent setting with some awesome ideas and fluffspace, spaceship, AI, insane, writefaggotry, Martian, Terran, Angel, storyteim2012-12-01 10 
21836440Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 40Hito slowly recover himself after the fight with Chaos Gods and he finally returned to his more peaceful moment...Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Hospital, Doctor, Medic, Team Fortress, The Rocky Horror Show2012-12-02 1 
21874999Iron Hearts: ArmorfeightA side game where it's armor vs armor only.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-12-04 5 
21874922Battleship Quest IIISignificant contact and nanoweapons.collective game, Battleship Quest, space, ship, spaceship, bolo,2012-12-04 11 
21884087CATastrophe: HomebrewWork Begins yet again on CATastrophe. The diligent fa/tg/uys manage to develop the beginings of The TAIL Roleplayoing system, setting locations such as Star Dust Port and Diver's Bay. Oh and a CATastrophe Dev Team checks in.CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2012-12-05 5 
21886730Halo homebrew Vorked Grimlock reveals his halo homebrew work. discussion and work ensues.homebrew halo /tg/gets_shit_done2012-12-06 7 
21902150CATastrophe Homebrew ThreadThe fa/tg/uys of /tg/ soldier on in the face of no opposition whatsoever. The TAIL development guy checks in, Diaspora is ripped off to develop settlement & Dive site generators and there's talk on having adventures in the Artic Tundra.CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2012-12-07 2 
21930518Egg Quest #1: The Gods Make Omelettes As We March To WarOne noble egg is dropped into the war for the hearts and yolks of eggkind.Egg Quest, Eggs, Ova, Knights, Sunny Side Up, Whiteshell Goldyolk, Collective Game2012-12-08 18 
21934973CATastropheAnother thread where ideas the setting are put forth. This thing really seems to have /tg/'s fancy. Writefaggotry is done and a troll shows up.CATastrophe, homebrew, kemomi, writefaggotry, ruins, parties, diving, shinies2012-12-08 2 
21955344Mahou Shounen Quest [EXTRA FILES]MSQ is back. Well...maybe. We continue the adventures of our intrepid MC as he tries to [redacted] and [redacted]!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear2012-12-09 8 
21962000Not even reporting this one.Nope. Sleep in it.Enjoy your shit thread.2012-12-09 -11 
21989151Ironhearts Special: PanzerKunst 01- Registrations and the Day AfterSomething of an epilogue to the main Iron Hearts story. The Isara Military Academy is a multinational school dedicated to teaching its students the finer arts of blowing things up with very big tanks. The Academy begins recruiting for its PanzerKunst team.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-12-11 5 
21990896Private Linda RedshirtWhat starts as somebody attempting to force a joke transforms into something beautiful.40k, Pvt. Linda Redshirt, Imperial Guard,2012-12-12 28 
22012929Roulette, and the Super Powers Idea Market/tg/ discusses neat new powers and comes up with the epic character RouletteRoulette, Super Powers, Ideas, Doc, Schrodinger, Schrödinger, Visage, Wish, Tattoo, heroes2012-12-13 9 
22040134Creature's Path: A game of mutation and adventureOP wants to know what a Dungeon crawler where people slowly mutate into standard RPG monsters would look like. /tg/ decides that this is a question that needs to be answered.Creature's_Path, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2012-12-15 10 
22076049A Web Between Stars/tg/ takes a spatial map of the internet (internet-map.net) and turns it into a space homebrewhomebrew, worldbuilding, space, internet, game design, internet map, setting, original content, oc, http, browser spaceships2012-12-17 26 
22064088CATastrophe ThreadMore Writefaggotry, Some Quest Hooks, and updates on the crunchCATastrophe, /tg/_gets_shit_done, Homebrew2012-12-17 7 
22080667A Web Between Stars 2A Web Between Stars continued.homebrew, worldbuilding, space, internet, game design, internet map, setting, original content, oc, http, browser spaceships2012-12-17 11 
22124080Animal Raise 1: Or...Fish overlordsOP gives /tg/ animals that gain magic and intelligence from a wizard dumping magical waste in a spring. They...pick fish. All hail the fish overlords?Magic, Fish, Collective Game, WTF, Opbeingdrivencrazy2012-12-20 5 
22146679/tg/ Prophesizes their OWN end-of-the-world/tg/ bands together with an ancient evil, a virgin, a dog, a half-fae catboy, akuuuuuu, and for some reason michael bay to end all timemayan calendar, end of the world, lol, lulz, funny, humourous indeed, greentext, foolish samurai warrior2012-12-21 14 
22140358Ironhearts Vol. 3- In Historia... We play as a new faction, Kruss, which is trying to hold off a Voss offensive in the distant past.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-12-21 5 
22140457Power Rangers Villians and 40KOP posts a picture of Lord Zedd calling him a heretek, one anon points out that Zedd is more of a sorceror than a heretek. Brain Storming Session involving Fluff for reworked Power Rangers villians as Antagonists for Dark Heresy and Black Crusade follows./tg/_gets_shit_done, Power_Rangers, 40K2012-12-22 8 
22248496Iron Hearts in Historia: Battle of Melena Pt. 2The tale of the desperate Krussian defense continues as the Voss march on.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-12-27 7 
January 2013
22343531Iron Hearts Vol. 3r Ragnyl "War-room"Monday decides to have a vote on what arc to complete, Ragnyl is chosen and the dead of yesteryear rise once more...Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2013-01-05 5 
22393171Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 11We leave get our swag on, bed our first Asari, and finally meet Mr. N7.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-05 4 
22405694Iron Hearts Vol. 3r Ragnyll: AshleafA meeting with an old CO turns nasty when the Hellghast are ambushed by an army of ghouls.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-01-05 3 
22433122Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 12We complete insertion onto the planets surface. Sel shows us she can handle ourself, we encounter a crazy redheaded woman ranting about Gods that Cerberus was trying to discover more about. We meet Staff Sergeant Briggs, again.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-07 4 
22462018Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch4.2 Battle of AshleafThe battle to retake Ashleaf from the dead continues, until the Hellghast are forced to face one of Iffram's feared Guardians.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-01-08 6 
22509238"Magical" Girl Quest 13In which the plot is entirely derailed by time shenanigans and sends Anne into a comparatively dystopian alternate timeline.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-10 11 
22528617Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 13We investigate the mine of an uncharted world and find a little bit more than we bargained for.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-12 4 
22571328"Magical" Girl Quest 14In which Anne goes to the MedBay and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-14 11 
22574291Great Cave Civ Quest: Thread 1We learn more about magic and artifice, and the season ends. Suddenly, colors, colors everywhere. Also trade.Great Cave Quest, Ashen Empires, Dragonfall Clan, Collective Game, Quest, Civ Game, Kobolds2013-01-14 10 
22591629Great Cave Civ Quest: Thread 2We have a stand-off with goblins and an aboleth, create a treasure as a result of a strange mood, and find magic rocks. With a bit of luck, we just barely avoid a war with a whole bunch of greenskin nomads.Great Cave Quest, Ashen Empires, Dragonfall Clan, Collective Game, Quest, Civ Game, Kobolds2013-01-15 10 
22612046Great Cave Civ Quest: Thread 3We build some industry and finally get that crystal from the goblins, but then shit gets real when we invite everyone to the seasonal feast. There's absolutely no end of new kobold clans, tech trading starts, and we find books about all the lost technology available this side of the underdark.Great Cave Quest, Ashen Empires, Dragonfall Clan, Collective Game, Quest, Civ Game, Kobolds2013-01-16 6 
22627591"Magical" Girl Quest 15Mother and Daughter bonding, Firewall systems Upgrading, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-17 10 
22647545/tg/'s Nemesis/tg/ finds the ultimate BBEG. And is utterly horrifed by it. Horror, Self-Loathing, Joshua, Madness, Evil, Classic Blunder2013-01-18 13 
22668171Great Cave Civ Quest: Thread 4We make good on our opportunities from last season, unlock the secrets of the healing scroll, and gain new Mul members of our clan. Near season's end, we fight spiders that are trying to eat our people and send our thri-kreen to murder some goblins in glorious combat.Great Cave Quest, Ashen Empires, Dragonfall Clan, Collective Game, Quest, Civ Game, Kobolds2013-01-19 6 
22682271Great Cave Civ Quest: Thread 5We kick off the new season with a feast, buy a gun, hear about some MOTHERFUCKING DUCKS, and then shit gets real as fifteen hundred hobgoblins jump us. Traps and kreen skirmishers and half-dwarves sallying forth from a burning gate is best way to have a battle.Great Cave Quest, Ashen Empires, Dragonfall Clan, Collective Game, Quest, Civ Game, Kobolds2013-01-20 7 
22705310ShadowQuest: Seattle 2072 IThe adventures of Starr, Shadowrunning Gunmage and Professional Texan, Part 1Shadowrun, Collective Game, ShadowQuest2013-01-21 11 
22725688Great Cave Civ Quest: Thread 6We finally learn about guns, see what a bunch of Tohr-Kreen fighting looks like, and start having to clean up after the unruly neighbors when they begin to go around and fuck up the lives of friendly clans.Great Cave Quest, Ashen Empires, Dragonfall Clan, Collective Game, Quest, Civ Game, Kobolds2013-01-22 8 
22758523"Magical" Girl Quest 16Dealing with a cyborg virus, interrogations of a fork of the Emperor, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-24 10 
22781206Fixing Naruto as an RPG settingWhat starts as a question about using Legends of the Wulin for a Naruto RPG ends in a thorough discussion on how to fix its many problems to make it work as a setting, as well as commentary on other shonen series and their strenght as a possible RPG settinghomebrew, shonen, thread derailment, Naruto, One Piece, Soul Eater, setting discussion2013-01-26 5 
22822844Fantasy Quest XIIIn this thread, our Bard once again proves that she can't board a vehicle without having it wrecked along the road. Featuring Deep Ones Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, crash, boat, deep ones, deep, ones2013-01-28 10 
22859765Forever Knight Quest 1Our hero gets slapped around. We learn more about Zia and Brechulf. And another flashback to Shaoram's awful childhood.Forever Knight Quest, Knight, Quest, Forever Knight, Forever, adventurers, interrogation, flashback, Collective Game2013-01-29 6 
February 2013
22905526Magical Girl Noir Quest 79A resolute green haired magical girl decides to aim for all or nothing, and receives a Faustian offer. Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal, Madoka2013-02-01 36 
22919633ERP OmgeleIn which OP is a faggot.Nope, live with your shame.2013-02-01 24 
22988157Murders for wishesWould you kill 10 specific strangers for a wish? Contracts have generous terms. Some supplies are provided such as ten thousand dollars in gold, guns of limitless ammo and blades that kill all they cut.immortality, ethics, wish, murder2013-02-05 0 
22968496Sharpe's Thread/tg/ gathers round to discuss Sharpe, Sean Bean's plot armour, and the King's shilling. Resources are shared and songs are sung. sharpe, napoleonic wars, pdf2013-02-05 9 
23003965Ironhearts: Vol. 3 Ch. 5 Intro - Ashleaf ReconstructionWithout realizing it, the Hellghast have claimed the town of Ashleaf for Ragnyll. Caught between the Inquisitors of Aeon and the Queen of Iffram, can Ragnyll proper afford to support them?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-02-07 6 
23029387Blatant Fetish Quest IOur half-incubus protagonist begins her trip to become a student at the Scholomance.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-08 39 
23034410Blatant Fetish Quest IIOur protagonist explores Paris and seeks forgiveness from the girl she wronged.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-08 39 
23043090Magical Girl Noir Quest 80The bravest magical girl faces the fire.Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal, Madoka2013-02-08 38 
23048817Blatant Fetish Quest IIIOur protagonist has a romantic evening in Paris, then heads back to the hotel, exhausted.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-09 35 
23056123Blatant Fetish Quest IVOur protagonist soars through the air on a parkour training course.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, parkour2013-02-09 38 
23064813Blatant Fetish Quest VOur protagonist starts seriously studying and flies from Paris to Romania.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-10 34 
23084572Blatant Fetish Quest VIIOur protagonist starts meeting classmates and making friends for the coming year.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 34 
23091239Blatant Fetish Quest VIIIOur protagonist finally arrives at the Scholomance and starts learning healthy paranoia.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 33 
23104232Blatant Fetish Quest IXOur protagonist starts properly exploring the site that may be their new sanctum.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 33 
23108216Blatant Fetish Quest XWherein our protagonist encounters an unexpected meta-demonBlatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 34 
23113709Blatant Fetish Quest XIOur protagonist gets to know her estranged father, a prisoner in a magical city.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 35 
23124466Blatant Fetish Quest XIIIn which our protagonist learns about blood bonds and binds her father. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 35 
23130331Blatant Fetish Quest XIIIOur protagonist spends nearly an entire thread deciding how to feed her father, then waits.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-13 39 
23132118 Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch5.2 - Battle of StormWood Battle rages against the ifframi rebels! Will our heroes survive? (Link to Ch5.1 linked from foolz in first post)Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-02-13 5 
23128043Civilization Game Part 61Sadly cut short due to some internet problems, but Chani retrieves her brothers body and the tribe learns of their new enemy.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short2013-02-13 5 
23143283Blatant Fetish Quest XIVOur protagonist grills her father for information and prepares to move.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-14 32 
23149687Blatant Fetish Quest XVOur protagonist learns that decisions have consequences, even if you don't see them yet.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-14 34 
23162303Blatant Fetish Quest XVIOur protagonist gets better-acquainted with the Lotus and their special brand of magic.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, Jeff Bridges2013-02-14 32 
23166502Blatant Fetish Quest XVIIOur protagonist learns more about dryads and her unique mystical physiology.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-15 36 
23181629Blatant Fetish Quest XVIIIOur protagonist studies and gets a better lay of the land.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-15 29 
23187537Blatant Fetish Quest XIXOur protagonist finds trying to deal with a vampire lord positively infuriating.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-16 31 
23191861Blatant Fetish Quest XXOur protagonist learns what it means to hate.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-16 32 
23199993Blatant Fetish Quest XXIOur protagonist makes some use of a Vampire Lord heart.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-16 36 
23205251Shadowrun Cyberloli ArmyWhen a group of runners find themselves with a small army of augmented little girls, /tg/ knows just what to do with them.Shadowrun, loli, fun, adorable, just another day on /tg/, clips, d'aww2013-02-17 24 
23219023Blatant Fetish Quest XXIIOur protagonist spends a lot of her time on phones and learning how to meditate.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-18 31 
23226745Blatant Fetish Quest XXIVOur protagonist has her first day of classes.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-18 30 
23239733Blatant Fetish Quest XXIVOur protagonist acquires the missing second key to her sanctum and learns she has room to improve.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-18 27 
23246185Blatant Fetish Quest XXVOur protagonist passes a week with studies.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-19 29 
23266545Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIOur protagonist forges a metal monster from acid and pain, then ties a pretty bow on it.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-20 35 
23282256Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIIOur protagonist's monster wins the pet monster olympics.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-20 27 
23288414Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIIIOur protagonist stands vigil outside Liz's testing, then unwinds at home.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-21 26 
23300890Blatant Fetish Quest XXIXOur protagonist tests modifications to the monster and makes good on a promise.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-21 28 
23305373Blatant Fetish Quest XXXOur protagonist hatches a dryad and becomes a mother.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-22 29 
23319954Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIOur protagonist fails at studying and tries to figure out how to help her baby see.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-22 28 
23325421Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIOur protagonist spends quality time with her girlfriend and baby girl.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-23 28 
23337654Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIIOur protagonist introduces Breakfast to her daughter.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-24 26 
23347383Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 3]Rumors of my death were somewhat exaggerated. Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-02-24 23 
23344801Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIIWe let Breakfast express her motherly instincts, give Liz her due punishment, and FemCOCK's internet dies.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, Miau2013-02-24 25 
23358747Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVOur protagonist finally figures out some proper Sorcery.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-24 27 
23363513Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIOur protagonist gets some valuable books from the library and chats with the Lotus grand master.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-25 26 
23376729Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIIOur protagonist handles discipline and begins research on new projects.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-25 28 
23381753Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIIIOur protagonist hardens her mind and learns even more about dryads.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-26 28 
23394049Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIXOur protagonist crafts a focus to help craft foci.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-26 25 
23398224Blatant Fetish Quest XLOur protagonist teaches her daughter words and helps Liz on her pet project.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-27 27 
23413574Blatant Fetish Quest XLIOur protagonist studies, plays with Selene, makes a dildo ejaculate, and gets a faceful of ethics.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 28 
23421507Blatant Fetish Quest XLIIOur protagonist clears out some more space and deals with the fallout of spell experimentation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 28 
23433860Blatant Fetish Quest XLIIIOur protagonist learns a lot about tattoos.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 27 
March 2013
23438771Blatant Fetish Quest XLIVOur protagonist gets her ass kicked.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-01 27 
23442548Blatant Fetish Quest XLVOur protagonist socializes with the other members of the Lotus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-01 28 
23449450Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIOur protagonist gets a lot of knowledge about the nature of reality dropped on her.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-02 25 
23454705Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIIOur protagonist gets some work done around the tower.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-02 26 
23466054Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIIIOur protagonist improves her custom spell and crafts a healing focus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-03 27 
23474711Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 4]Just 'facing' your fears is only the first step.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-03 11 
23472092Blatant Fetish Quest XLIXOur protagonist boosts her strength and has a few family chats.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-03 25 
23484324Blatant Fetish Quest LOur protagonist makes a seeing eye golem for her daughter.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 27 
23491855Blatant Fetish Quest LIOur protagonist gets some tattoo design done and then has an awkward family moment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 24 
23503501Blatant Fetish Quest LIIOur protagonist gets a tattoo and then gets into a dangerous situation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 26 
23508021Blatant Fetish Quest LIIIOur protagonist has a bad, bad day.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-05 27 
23506779Whiteshield TrainingThread about whiteshields gets some classic whiteshield training OCwhiteshields, drill sergeants, imperial guard, IG, OC2013-03-05 3 
23510878Blatant Fetish Quest LIVOur protagonist begins recovering from a barely-escaped ambush.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-05 28 
23528551Blatant Fetish Quest LVOur protagonist prepares to ruin a person.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-06 26 
23532345Blatant Fetish Quest LVIOur protagonist learns about real paranoia.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, tengu2013-03-06 29 
23542678Blatant Fetish Quest LVIIOur protagonist lets a little sunshine in.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, tengu2013-03-06 32 
23547323Blatant Fetish Quest LVIIIOur protagonist plans how to subvert the mind of a rival.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-07 27 
23550587Blatant Fetish Quest LIXOur protagonist handles her captive's equipment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-07 29 
23560690Blatant Fetish Quest LXOur protagonist shaves her head and chats with friends and family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 26 
23566280Blatant Fetish Quest LXIOur protagonist gets her tattoos finished.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 27 
23572138Hollow Quest 1 Thread 2We disarm a Shinigami and flee to Hueco Mundo while showing him our best troll face.Hollow Quest, Collective Game, De La Soul, Cheshire Cat2013-03-08 35 
23577238Blatant Fetish Quest LXIIOur protagonist starts turning an enemy into something else.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 26 
23584182Hollow Quest 2Cheshire trolls a group of Shinigami before noping off to Hueco Mundo in the face of backup.Hollow Quest, Collective Game, De La Soul, Cheshire Cat2013-03-09 32 
23581443Blatant Fetish Quest LXIIIOur protagonist breaks in a new ally.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-09 25 
23601650Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 5]Reminder that you should always support cross-dressing and underage drinking.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-10 11 
23594254Blatant Fetish Quest LXIVOur protagonist introduces her new pet to the whole family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-10 25 
23610060Blatant Fetish Quest LXVLiz fixes Lunch and takes some punishment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-11 26 
23614573/tg/ against the FaeOP comes to /tg/ with a tale of mind-control fetishry and bad GM railroading, /tg/ proceeds to create weapons of mass fae destruction.Fae, railroading, shitty_gm, revenge2013-03-11 13 
23617884Hollow Quest 3We volunteer to scout the location of the mass of soul energy, and fight a Fox Hollow.Hollow Quest, Collective Game, De La Soul, Cheshire Cat2013-03-11 30 
23629222Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIOur protagonist isn't the main character for once. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-12 28 
23641994Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIIOur protagonist has breakfast and patrols the area outside her base.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-13 24 
23649973Damned Marines I/tg/ continues to attempt to make a corrupted loyalist, xeno-tech-usin' offshoot of the Ultrasmurfs.custom chapter, chapter creation, emperor, space marines, warp, chaos, eldar, slaanesh2013-03-13 6 
23661498Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIIIOur protagonist makes plans and learns lessons.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-13 25 
23667501Blatant Fetish Quest LXIXOur protagonist works on class work and relaxes at home.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-14 26 
23685882Civilization Game Part 67 Part 1Trym prepares for battle. Just what is with the fox-tails and the bear anyway? (Thread truncated)Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short2013-03-15 3 
23689435Blatant Fetish Quest LXXOur protagonist gets ready to watch a movie with her daughter for the first time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-15 25 
23705732Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIOur protagonist deals with some of her girlfriend's personal issues.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-16 24 
23709372STALKER Civ Quest #2Balalaika and friends shore up their defenses and fight off some unfriendly corpses. Mystery ensues. Exploration of the zone continues as home base begins to take shape in the Junkyard.Collective Game, Staler, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-16 5 
23717547Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIIOur protagonist makes some progress on the learning game and gets a text from Dane.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-17 25 
23729950Shattered Galaxies QuestPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with colony building, alien fighting, and trading.Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-17 15 
23736174Shattered Galaxies Quest Part IIPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with colony building, psionics unlocking, and politics!Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-17 10 
23733493Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIIIOur protagonist helps Dane with an assassination and has a good meditation session.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-17 24 
23752510Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIVOur protagonist teachers her blind daughter how to see.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-19 25 
23753721Shattered Galaxies Quest Part IIIPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with space battles, xenobiology, and slimy merchants.Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-19 10 
23760749Stalker Civ Quest #4Talking Mutant Edition, wherein, we find out the history of how Balalaika and Courier met; also, that Courier is a bad-ass.Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-19 5 
23770686The Tale of Keith the Wise, Prophet of the Holy Wilsen and His WayA man departs to work on a Monday morning. Apotheosis ensues.Collective Game, Wilson, One Shot, TRAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNN,2013-03-19 10 
23773785Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVOur protagonist gets productive and has family time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-20 24 
23764381Shattered Galaxies Quest Part IVPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with boarding actions, xenobiology, and uppity pirates.Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-20 10 
23785428Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIOur protagonist has a series of massive frustrations.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-21 26 
23793405Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIIOur protagonist bakes and contemplates the creation of entire ecosystems from scratch.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-21 24 
23794194Stalker Civ Quest #5Alpha the Blind Dog leads Stitch, Farseer, and Balalaika to the police station, where they meet a new friend; a story filled with terror and peril.Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-21 5 
23803483Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIIIOur protagonist wants to go fast and read books.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-22 24 
23812082Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIXOur protagonist is apparently a natural when it comes to spiritual ecology and taxonomy.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-22 25 
23829027Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 6]Le Sacre du PrintempsCollective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-23 13 
23820937Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXOur protagonist teaches her family tai chi.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-23 24 
23829492Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIOur protagonist cuddles her girlfriend. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-23 25 
23829536Stalker CXiv Quest #6Wherein we see some of Balalaika's history; also, a new type of artifact is discovered in a new anomaly! Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov, artifact, anomaly2013-03-23 5 
23831056Shattered Galaxies Quest Part VA somewhat short thread, but trade is accomplished, and new facilities established. The future is bright!Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-23 11 
23846069Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 7]Hey, Shirou? What's it like to actually get rescued from fires?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-24 14 
23838393Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIIOur protagonist begins working on some tricky new school work.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-24 25 
23855880Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIIIOur protagonist works on some new spell design in class.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-25 27 
23863785Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 8]Why are firework confessions so popular? You think it'd be hard to hear each other talk.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-25 9 
23862328Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIVOur protagonist learns about spirit-forges and applications of areas of effects. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-25 25 
23873611Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVOur protagonist cooks breakfast, meditates, and plans an outfit.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-26 25 
23882642Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIOur protagonist makes plans for fun in Paris and spends time with her family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-26 24 
23899591Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIIOur protagonist refines her class project and tutors a fellow student in the library.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-27 25 
23908600Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIIIOur protagonist suffers frustrating failures and close successes.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-27 24 
23913536Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIXOur protagonist enjoys a specific application of meditation after getting her ass kicked by a former enemy.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-28 24 
23930571Blatant Fetish Quest XCOur protagonist passes the week and proves to be an attentive and caring mother.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-29 24 
23941315Create a Species: Ashagi/tg/ unleashes a race of cave nautuli who speak radiowaves and hear colors.Create a Species, Species, Ashagi, Scifi, Alien2013-03-29 4 
23942591Blatant Fetish Quest XCIOur protagonist begins to learn living alchemy from an older member of the Lotus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-29 24 
23946851Blatant Fetish Quest XCII Our protagonist learns gland manipulation. Makes a realty stupid joke and prepares for a night out.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-30 23 
23945081Rogue Broker Quest: A Net Gain Oneshotwe play a broker in the Net Gain world, who uncovers corporate secrets linked to a strange girl. what follows is a tale of revenge, a bit of romance, and one late-night quest.Net Gain, Rogue Broker Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi, One-shot2013-03-30 10 
23966472Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 9]Katawa Yandere: We do the same action and get different results.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-31 12 
23959086Blatant Fetish Quest XCIVOur protagonist has a fun time with her daughter and works on plans.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-31 24 
23967691Blatant Fetish Quest XCIVOur protagonist explores and enjoys Paris with the girl she loves for the second time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-31 25 
April 2013
23976929Blatant Fetish Quest XCVOur protagonist goes to the first club of the night in Paris and makes a big commitment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-01 24 
23985571Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIOur protagonist transitions back to the club in Paris and relaxes with friends and drinks.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-01 24 
23995831Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIIOur protagonist helps a friend in trouble, and tries to work out if she needs a hospital.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-02 24 
24021340Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIIIOur protagonist is presented with a new social challenge.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-03 24 
24041620Blatant Fetish Quest ICOur protagonist learns that even when things go wrong, some things can still be salvaged.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-04 24 
24052347Blatant Fetish Quest C Our protagonist has coffee and goes shopping with friends.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-05 24 
24079749Blatant Fetish Quest CIOur protagonist begins teaching her daughter how to read.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-06 24 
24088525Blatant Fetish Quest CIIOur protagonist learns about mind magic and puts some finishing touches on her school project.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-07 24 
24106236Blatant Fetish Quest CIIIOur protagonist refines her techniques and those of others.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-08 25 
24113225Blatant Fetish Quest CIVOur protagonist leans the utility of sabotage in competitive environments.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-08 25 
24116667Shadow Quest 1The quest begins. The shadow seeks lost memories and battles a mighty dragon.Collective Game,shadow,quest,1,dragon2013-04-08 40 
24127024Blatant Fetish Quest CVOur protagonist Has an important Talk with her girlfriend.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-09 25 
24130315BioShock multiverseWhat other universes in fiction have a man, a lighthouse and a city? The nature of the multiverse, vidya BioShock, and revolution.multiverse, vidya, BioShock, revolution2013-04-09 10 
24135923Shadow Quest 2The shadow arrives in Jacob's Field and meets Abigail. The town is assaulted by undead.Collective Game,shadow,quest,2,Abigail,Donovan2013-04-09 36 
24136818Blatant Fetish Quest CVIOur protagonist continues preparations for a pivotal class presentation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-09 25 
24155307Blatant Fetish Quest CVIOur protagonist works on the projects due tomorrow.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-10 24 
24155743Shadow Quest 3The shadow seeks out Sir Flint.Collective Game,shadow,quest,3,Flint,Abigail2013-04-10 35 
24195585Shadow Quest 4The shadow, Sir Flint, and Joey investigate the keep. Battle commences.Collective Game,shadow,quest,4,Flint,Joey,master2013-04-12 29 
24213045Shadow Quest 5With the Sun Key secure, Flint, Joey, and the Shadow continue to explore the keep...Collective Game,shadow,quest,5,Flint,Joey,master2013-04-13 26 
24210692Girls und Panzer Quest 1In which our heroes dispatch a Churchill, eat bad festival food, and protect the honor our tank.GuPQ, Girls und Panzer Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Girls, Pershing, Black Jack2013-04-13 38 
24239867Blatant Fetish Quest CVIIOur protagonist finally presents her class project to the teacher.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-15 24 
24248013Blatant Fetish Quest CVIIIOur protagonist helps a friend and plans for the future.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-15 24 
24244313Shadow Quest 6The adventure through the Old Forest Keep comes to a conclusion...Collective Game,shadow,quest,6,Flint,Joey,master2013-04-15 26 
24254030Shadow Quest 6 Part IIA brief continuation of thread 6.Collective Game,shadow,quest,6,part,2,Flint,Joey,master2013-04-15 25 
24260665Blatant Fetish Quest CIXOur protagonist does the time warp again.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-16 24 
24261513Space Princess Battle/tg/ makes a skirmish wargame about 70s pulp scifi shootouts/punchfests.homebrew, wargame, skirmish, scifi, space princess, space princess battle2013-04-17 5 
24284602Shadow Quest 7The shadow's return from the keep is darkened by events in town...Collective Game,shadow,quest,7,master2013-04-17 29 
24285577Girls und Panzer Quest 2In which we inspect our tank, ride on a boat and puke a lot.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks, Vomit2013-04-17 26 
24296685Blatant Fetish Quest CXOur protagonist makes some dresses for the pets, and goes to class on Halloween.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-18 24 
24306058Shadow Quest 8The battle for Jacob's Field rages on.Collective Game,shadow,quest,8,master2013-04-18 25 
24317175Blatant Fetish Quest CXIOur protagonist has an interesting and informative series of failures on Halloween.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-19 24 
24325576Shadowrun Storytime 18A long delay finally bears fruit! The Shadowrun Storytime team goes to HELL!Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, 2D, TwoDee2013-04-19 86 
24323006Blatant Fetish Quest CXIIOur protagonist has a talk with her daughters' biological mother.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-19 24 
24308149Shadowrun GeneralIn which some stories get shared before TwoDee returns.Shadowrun, ShadowRussia2013-04-19 11 
24326035Girls und Panzer Quest 3In which our driver gets slapped by a Sodoclone and we do damage control. GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks, Vomit2013-04-19 25 
24327885Shadow Quest 9Shadow and Sir Flint reach Evinbrook and meet Lord Vellik.Collective Game,shadow,quest,9,master2013-04-19 25 
24337382Blatant Fetish Quest CXIIIOur protagonist makes her Halloween costume.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-20 24 
24344063Blatant Fetish Quest CXIVOur protagonist has a homecoming of sorts.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-20 24 
24363738Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part X]Like rain on the mountains. Like wind in the meadow.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-04-21 13 
24356602Blatant Fetish Quest CXVOur protagonist goes trick-or-treating.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-21 24 
24362245Shadowrun Storytime: Another TaleAnother group tells their story Shadowrun, Storytime2013-04-21 21 
24365454Blatant Fetish Quest CXVIOur protagonist works to improve her body.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-21 24 
24366615Shadow Quest 10The Shadow plays a game of stones with Duke Vellik.Collective Game,shadow,quest,10,master2013-04-21 27 
24377520Blatant Fetish Quest CXVIIOur protagonist is getting more used to this mother thing now.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-21 24 
24346225Bioshock: Nature's LadderFollowing the disaster of the Boer War and the resulting crisis in national confidence, the eminent scientist Sir Edward Dalton proscribed as the only possible solution to the moral degeneration of Britons the new science, in fact a genetic religion of hereditary genius, eugenics - the science of human advancement. He and his colleagues conspired in the construction of a haven from which to escape the Lloyd-George government, completing the underground city and going below during the "dark days" of the post-war Lloyd-George coalition ministry. The city was made possible by the sapling of the Tree of Life from the Himalayas, and the Soma flowers which bloomed from it - symbiotic organisms which made gross cellular mutation achievable; speeding up the construction and the subsequent breeding program immensely.Bioshock, Nature's Ladder, World Building, Setting2013-04-22 10 
24383377Blatant Fetish Quest CXVIIIOur protagonist gets a jump on solving new problems.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-22 24 
24387908Shadow Quest 11Duke Vellik hears the Shadow's final word on his offer. But things don't go as planned...Collective Game,shadow,quest,11,master2013-04-22 39 
24392364 after crash-landing in a lake. Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, PredatorOur hunter fights a space-trout to the death. after crash-landing in a lake. Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-04-22 20 
24399194Blatant Fetish Quest CXIXOur protagonist talks to her daughter about responsible mind control.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-23 24 
24406353Blatant Fetish Quest CXXOur protagonist rings the bell.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-23 24 
24422630Shadow Quest 12The airship makes a landing.Collective Game,shadow,quest,12,master2013-04-24 25 
24426897Shadow Quest 12 Part IISupersonic.Collective Game,shadow,quest,12,master,part,2,II2013-04-24 27 
24436538Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIOur protagonist learns about the intimately related topics of history and death.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-25 24 
24443305Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIIOur protagonist has a chat with Lin.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-25 24 
24445057Shadow Quest 13The shadow arrives back in Jacob's Field.Collective Game,shadow,quest,13,master2013-04-25 26 
24479699Girls und Panzer Quest 6In which we arrive on the carrier, meet the student council, and buy a hat.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-04-27 25 
24462783Yellowman Quest 6YQ5 is in Foolz. Scott is woken up by fire, gets into a firefight with a mob boss, then finds a Shadowrunner who drank from the Fountain of Girl, runs from ghost sharks, and should have just turned the traps back on.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun2013-04-27 7 
24489331Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIIIOur protagonist begins learning about how science and magic mix.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-28 24 
24498987Shadow Quest 14The battle for Evinbrook begins with restoring power to the failing Velarion.Collective Game,shadow,quest,14,master2013-04-28 27 
24509259Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIVOur protagonist studies sorcery with Pierre and deals with children fighting.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-29 24 
24517289Shadow Quest 15The battle of Evinbrook continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 15, master2013-04-29 28 
24506736Changing the Mass Effect PlotGood discussion on what to add and remove to run a good mass effect PnPMass Effect, Sci-Fi, Shepard, Collectors, World Building2013-04-29 6 
24538012Girls und Panzer Quest 7In which we trip over a sleepy Garupan and decide to have some lunch.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-04-30 27 
May 2013
24557216Shadow Quest 16The battle of Evinbrook continues as Mr. Shadow and the mysterious woman gank a squad of mages.Shadow Quest, Collective Game, Shadow Master, CONSUME2013-05-01 25 
24576348Shadow Quest 17The duke manages to pierce the shadow shield.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 17, master2013-05-02 25 
24590290Civilization Game Part 77Mikuhla departs on a pilgrimage, guided, oddly enough, by the Sun People!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short2013-05-03 5 
24607023Shadow Quest 18The battle continues to continue.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 18, master2013-05-04 24 
24598986Song of Swords: The Swords Sing AgainExcellently informative discussion on Team Galt's Song of Swords, with extra info on everything from Finnish knives to Japanese swords.Song of Swords, John Galt, Jimmy Rome, Shinto Onna, Japan, Finland, History2013-05-04 9 
24611818Shadow Quest 18 Part IIThe battle for Evinbrook comes to a conclusion.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 18, master, part, II, 22013-05-04 24 
24617099Shadow Quest 18 Part IIIAn angel, a paladin, and a living shadow walk into a bar. Spaghetti flies everywhere.Collective Game, Shadow Quest, Shadow Master, shadow, quest, master, 18, III, 3, CONSUME2013-05-04 31 
24612304Girls und Panzer Quest 8In which we skip class, watch a film on Senshado, and try not to kill Anzu.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-05-04 25 
24618154Girls und Panzer Quest 8.5In which we successfully keep from murdering anyone. A continuation from thread 8.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks, Blue Jack2013-05-04 25 
24595163Yellowman Quest 7Scott Yellowman deals with a wish-granting god, a swamp that lives up to its name, a bunch of really infuriating rats, and saves another racer from an oversized intestinal monster.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online2013-05-04 6 
24631601Mahou Shounen Quest 193LG back from Hiatus. Fool around with invisibility potion.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear2013-05-05 5 
24641278Captured Chaos CruiserA GM asks /tg/ if the imperium can use a captured chaos ship. /tg/ produces the Reluctant Machine Spirit.Rogue Trader, 40k, Machine Spirit, Event Horizon, Warp, Chaos, Spaceship, Reluctant2013-05-05 7 
24573876Japanese and other foreign gamesDiscussion about various Japanese and other foreign games of /tg/ related nature. And some official localization input.Meikyuu Kingdom, Make You Kingdom, Golden Sky Stories, Yuyake Koyake, Night Wizard, Tenra Bansho Zero, Nechronica, Touhou Danmaku Yuugi Flowers, Maid RPG, Sword World, Ryuutama, Red Dragon, Record of Lodoss War, Double Cross, Shinobigami, Japanese gaming, Japanese TRPGs2013-05-06 10 
24655141Mahou Shounen Quest 193.5continuation of yeterday's thread.Invisibility potion still being tested. Green Goo analysis. WE CHEMISTS NAO. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Today's show is brought to you by the number: -12013-05-06 6 
24651656Shadow Quest 19Pasta in the aftermath of the battle. The journey to find Adavan and Abigail begins.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 19, master, shadow quest2013-05-06 34 
24663074Blatant Fetish Quest CXXVOur protagonist has a good fight.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-05-07 24 
24678380Quaker Q&AA Quaker stops by /tg/ to ask a question, and answers many more. A (mostly) civil discussion takes place.RPG, religion, roleplay, morality, /tg/, advice, Discussion, Real Life, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Call of Cthulu, D&D, Vampire the Masquerade, Dogs in the Vineyard2013-05-07 11 
24686162Shadow Quest 20The party travels from Evinbrook on the trail of Adavan and Abigail.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 20, master, shadow quest2013-05-08 26 
24691625Shadow Quest 20 Part IIThe party arrives at Tarun Gakth.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 20, master, shadow quest,shadow,quest, part, II, 22013-05-08 27 
24690672Girls und Panzer Quest 9In which we enjoy sweet potato ice cream, show off Black Jack, and knock most of the Oorai Senshado club on their ass.GuPQ, Girls und Panzer Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Girls, Pershing, Black Jack2013-05-08 25 
24713554Mahou Shounen Quest 194We go beyond the gate. *laughtrack*Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you 5 guptas can't upvote this2013-05-09 6 
24712147Shadow Quest 21Worms and golems and constructs, oh my.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 21, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest2013-05-09 26 
24690729Yellowman Quest 8With new team member Elyse in tow, Scott and his crew finally escape the Swamp of Despair. They come across a farm, encounter a petulant god-child, witness an airship crash, and find an axe-wielding maniac only a mile behind them.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online2013-05-09 7 
24725515Blatant Fetish Quest CXXVIOur protagonist rearranges the rooms of her sanctum.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-05-10 30 
24755318Shadow Quest 22The party continues through Tarun Gakth.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 22, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest2013-05-11 26 
24755971Girls und Panzer Quest 10In which we look for a tank in the dark damp bowels of the ship. And we find one.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-05-11 26 
24772893Girls und Panzer Quest 11In which we wash tanks, chat amicably with our teammates, and ogle them.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-05-12 28 
24790756Slash Gordon!fa/tg/uy discovers a giant inflatable Ultramarine selling mobile homes by his houseUltrasmurfs, Slash Gordon, WTF, Best Value, lawsuit, heresy2013-05-13 68 
24795163Shadow Quest 23The Shadow and Flint hang out with Kirt.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 23, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest2013-05-13 26 
24807418Shadow Quest 24The shadow meets Taremtis, a sage living in Refuge.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 24, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest2013-05-14 26 
24795063Mr. Welsh's List Thread/tg/ talks about the things they are no longer allowed to do in games.humor, mishaps, mr welsh2013-05-14 21 
24813758Girls und Panzer Quest 12In which we discuss with Miho the selling of old, obsolete tanks to purchase newer, better tanks and how to coordinate with a team.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-05-14 24 
24817286Girls und Panzer Quest 12.5In which we finally put an end to the President's Shenanigans, meet the new Coach and amaze ourselves at her lack of coaching.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-05-14 24 
24833862Mahou Shounen Quest 195Yuki now formally in the family. Kyon is out for blood. The pieces have now fallen into place. Final stretch in sight.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2013-05-15 6 
24831668Shadow Quest 24 Part IIThe shadow fights a shadow.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 24, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest, part, II, 22013-05-15 39 
24832686Girls und Panzer Quest 13In which we get our first taste of Japanese Senshado in a practice match with the rest of Ooarai Senshado Club. GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-05-15 25 
24852516Mahou Shounen Quest 196The fight with kyon takes a turn for the worse. [spoilers]Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear, HERE COMES THE PLOT2013-05-16 4 
24831832Yellowman Quest 9Scott Yellowman and his group run from a bounty hunter with flying power armor, take refuge in a warded city, get called sluts, and demand to see the manager in order to complain about bad customer service.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online2013-05-16 7 
24889966Girls und Panzer Quest 15In which we attend a tank commander meeting, watch Hana become increasingly heated as she fires a tank cannon, and plan a little meetup with Miho.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-05-18 24 
24931320SLASH!!!! AwwwWWWwwwwwwFigurine of Slash GordonSlash Gordon, Adaptus Estates, Warhammer 40k2013-05-20 33 
24945416Girls und Panzer Quest 16In which we talk with the gals of Saint Gloriana, and try to get together an emergency meeting with Miho.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-05-21 25 
24950478Girls und Panzer Quest 16.5In which we talk to our grandfather and have Yukari and Miho over for strategizing.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-05-21 24 
24963736Privateer Quest RebootPrivateer Quest returns, and a new character is born. Unfortunately, some issues come up and the adventure falters for the night.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships2013-05-22 3 
24964444Vampire Quest 1Isabella Katarina Markova awakens to find her castle vandalized by a hunter. She proceeds to scare the piss out of him and then has him dragged away by dolls.Collective Game, Vampire Quest, Tea Party, Ulvenwald, Shadescast, Grand Victoria 2013-05-22 23 
24975262Isabella Katarina Markova: Vampire Doll Quest 2Isabella Markova, child vampire, continues to subvert the mayor of Mark. Plans for slave trading and airship building are discussed. Our dolls eat teeth, and one of them is missing.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party2013-05-23 29 
24983580Mahou Shounen Quest 197Awkward breakfast is awkward. THE PLOT TRAIN CONTINUES UNABATED. Alice and Alice meet. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE.Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear, HERE COMES THE PLOT2013-05-23 6 
24986008Isabella Katarina Markova: Vampire Doll Quest 3Isabella Markova acquires some living property and plans how to make the best use of them.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party2013-05-23 22 
25003354Vampire Doll Quest 4: The Chattel TradeIsabella finds a vampiric buyer for her newly-acquired slaves and begins negotiations for the sale. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party2013-05-24 20 
25019525Shadow Quest 25The Shadow & Party has their questions answered by a strange old man.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 25, master, shadow quest, part, shadow, quest2013-05-25 27 
25023529Bioweapon QuestWe, a Shit Weasel, wake up on a cargo ship and being having lunch.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-05-25 21 
25027141Shadow Quest 25 Part IIA brief finish for the previous thread.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 25, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest, part, II, 22013-05-25 27 
25030626Blacksmith Quest IThe first installment of Blacksmith Quest. We roll a nat 100 on beard quality and end up with the king of all beards. We travel to the main city and set up shop with a Dwarven smith called Urist.Collective Quest, Blacksmith, Shop, Urist, Beard2013-05-25 20 
25037827The Real Bioweapon Quest IIWe get taken in by a pirate ship, we hide in rice and eat some bird people.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt, bird, rice, stinger, giger, real quest2013-05-26 11 
25035807Vampire Doll Quest 5: Blood and BrassWe retrieve a certain musclehead from his time with the dolls, discuss various fleshcrafted horrors to make, and take possession of an airship yard.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Airships2013-05-26 24 
25052735Vampire Doll Quest 6: Lady of the Night SkyWe take full control of our airship yard. Plans for revolution are discussed. Dresses are ordered. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Airships2013-05-27 23 
25061124Mahou Shounen Quest 198Take the kids to the Doctor to try and figure things out. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear, don't cross the streams2013-05-27 4 
25081242Vampire Doll Quest 7: Servants Lost, Servants FoundWe find that one of our servants has gone missing... But the Dolls have made us a number of new horrors to run her down with. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-05-28 20 
25080933The Real Bioweapon Quest 3We sneak around the vents and stealthily eat more pirates before the ship heads to a populated asteroid.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt, legs, hopping, crab, real quest2013-05-28 11 
25102444Shadow Quest 26Mr. Shadow and company trek through graboid mating grounds in pursuit of Adavan and Abigail. Turns out that worms are good news and bad news at the same time.Collective Game, Shadow Quest, Shadow Master, shadow, quest, master, 26, graboids2013-05-29 26 
25121055Vampire Doll Quest 8: Red Like Roses, Red like BloodWe send Scarlet to retrieve Rose from the forests of Ulvenwald, shifting viewpoint character for the first time.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-05-30 21 
25125714Vampire Doll Quest 8, Part 2: Cultivating Roses An interlude in a garden. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-05-30 20 
25122362Shadow Quest 27The party battles the Vog.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 27, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest2013-05-30 26 
25138543Civilization Game Part 79 part 1Despite a complete lack of activity, some interesting facts about the gods are revealed.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short2013-05-31 0 
25141541Vampire Doll Quest 9: My Long List of EnemiesWe entrust one servant to another, review who wants to annoy us, and take a snack break.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Blood Everywhere2013-05-31 21 
25146882Bioweapon Quest 4In which we bite various undelicious things, fry some seafood, but send it back and eat the raw one, and get spotted!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-05-31 10 
June 2013
25163023Vampire Doll Quest 10: InvestigationWe apologize to Scarlet, give Blackford his ship, and discuss leads on who killed us. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Scarlet2013-06-01 21 
25175088Vampire Doll Quest 10: HuntersWe settle our itinerary, find an intriguing individual amongst our chattel, and do some fleshcrafting personally...Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Scarlet2013-06-02 17 
25184837Mahou Shounen Quest 199Wear the Ring of Avarice. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOY, THAT'S A DOOZY. Collective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2013-06-02 4 
25178658Shadow Quest 28The party exits Tarun Gakth.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 28, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest2013-06-02 29 
25197713Vampire Doll Quest 12: Household MattersVampire daily life is strange. Instruct stubborn servants. Plan horrible grisly murders. Pick up dresses from the tailor's.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Scarlet2013-06-02 23 
25207622Shadow Quest 29The party combats the Lich, Magnock, in the city of Palthair.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 29, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest2013-06-03 29 
25226777Girls und Panzer Quest 17In which we discuss tactics with Miho and Yukari on how to defeat the British tanks, and receive a call from the Student Council for a tank commander meeting the following day.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-04 22 
25234611Magical Girl Noir Quest 100A slightly paranoid magical girl attends a party to celebrate her promotion and gets her hair doneMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kumatora, Mami, Sayaka, Kyouko, Misaka, Midori, hair fashion montage2013-06-04 37 
25243712Shadow Quest 30The Shadow delves into the Palthair mines.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 30, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest2013-06-05 28 
25240589Privateer Quest Reboot: Prize CaptainPercius Aurex speaks with his prisoners and gains access to loot! Hat collection grows to 4! Gotta loot 'em all.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-06-05 2 
25248308Girls und Panzer Quest 18In which we discuss our plans with the rest of the team, Momo cries and you wonder what the Anglerfish Dance is.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-05 23 
25252354Shadow Quest 30 Part IIThe Shadow continues its journey through the Palthair mines.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 30, master, shadow quest, part, II, 2, shadow,quest2013-06-05 33 
25269048Girls und Panzer Quest 19In which we try to encourage our teammates before riding off to battle and still remain in the dark over just what the hell the Anglerfish Dance is.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-06 21 
25275115Girls und Panzer Quest 19.5In which we enter combat against Saint Gloriana, and watch as the Freshmen team panics under fire.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-06 22 
25289860Vampire Doll Quest 13: Dresses & AirshipsOutfits are fun, both of the type you wear and the type you finance. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Airships2013-06-07 14 
25292176Vampire Doll Quest 13 Part 2: Airship InterludeWherein we recieve news of Nalus and finalize our airship order. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Airships2013-06-07 11 
25289656Bioweapon Quest 5We get messily ejected before catching a ride. Then we decide that showers are the best way to learn to sing.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-07 10 
25301344Vampire Doll Quest 14: Predators and PreyWe hunt down Nalus like the beast he is... but can we really subdue the feral vampire?Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Wolves2013-06-07 18 
25305374Shadow Quest 31The Shadow is backed into a corner.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 31, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-08 25 
25309035Bioweapon Quest 6We find that having an iron bar shoved into our mouth is not delicious. Not delicious at all! And then we discover what colour we are, in the worst possible way.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-08 10 
25311944Shadow Quest 31 Part IIThe Shadow desperately seeks help from an ally.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 31, master, shadow quest, part, II, 2, shadow,quest2013-06-08 26 
25323379Shadow Quest 32The Shadow meditates on life and shards.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 32, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-09 26 
25329092Shadow Quest 32 Part IIMichael confronts the Shadow once more.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 32, master, shadow quest, part, II, 2, shadow,quest2013-06-09 26 
25330161Vampire Doll Quest 15: Lazing About the CastleWherein we talk a lot and do very little. At least we sorted out Sophia and the chattel.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-06-09 13 
25349111Shadow Quest 33The Shadow makes its way below the city.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 33, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-10 39 
25363764Shadow Quest 34The Shadow battles above the Ringed City.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 34, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-11 33 
25367086Girls und Panzer Quest 20In which we Miho's tank takes a beating but soldiers on, and we set up to ambush Saint Gloriana.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-11 21 
25372078Girls Und Panzer Quest 20.5Wherein we knock out the Matildas and Rommel is a magnificent bastard.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-11 20 
25379021Privateer Quest Reboot: Captain's HatPercius Aurex visits Caseblanco, buys a hat befitting his new rank, and plays a game of Assassin with his officers. If it were in black and white, it might actually be entertaining. Slow as alwaysCollective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-06-12 5 
25385706Vampire Doll Quest 16: A Date with the LocalsA humble worker on a privately-owned airship yard is one thing, but the chief of an entire tribe of professional monster hunters? Now that's something special.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-06-12 15 
25386857Bioweapon Quest 7We snack on a bloated thing and a bouncy thing, and gain new combat evolutions! Also, our rival appears!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-12 10 
25385565Yellowman Quest 10Yellowman and his group have a run in with the guards, guns almost get beaten by swords and crossbows, and they enter the Sorceress' Castle. Also, statistical analysis confirms that MetaOP rolls low.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online, statistics2013-06-12 7 
25405389Shadow Quest 35The Shadow speaks with his allies and takes stock of the situation.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 35, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-13 27 
25404268Girls und Panzer Quest 21In which we go tank hunting street by street in the city.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-13 20 
25410425Girls und Panzer Quest 21.5In which we go URBAN COMBAT, hold our rage for Anzu, and go heaven or hell with St. Gloriana. Let's rock.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-13 20 
25427645Bioweapon Quest 8We talk to a bug, eat a tree, then make a mess of things!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-14 11 
25442200Shadow Quest 36The Shadow scouts around Tarun Gakth.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 36, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-15 27 
25458303Vampire Doll Quest 17: SponsorsWherein we come to a deal with the Espowye tribe and order valuable supplies.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-06-16 15 
25478399Shadow Quest 37The Shadow arrives in Archon.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 37, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-17 30 
25477273Girls und Panzer Quest 22In which we finish the Black Prince and win our training matchGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-17 15 
25497266Girls und Panzer Quest 23In which we are debriefed and argue with Anzu.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-18 15 
25501228Girls und Panzer Quest 24In which we eat ice cream and op learns how to quest; also Miho is the commander nowGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-18 14 
25506817Shadow Quest 38The Shadow goes to class.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 38, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-18 26 
25513613Shadow Quest 38 Part IIThe Shadow deals with the Suen family.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 38, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-06-19 25 
25517084Girls und Panzer Quest 25In which we walk and talk with a pre-sugar-rush-crash Yukari.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-19 20 
25520300Shadow Quest 38 Part IIIThe Shadow learns new things.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 38, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2013-06-19 27 
25520490Bioweapon Quest 9We hide from, then bite an arachnoid. Something strange happens, and we decide to scram. After eating another fleshbag in the bathroom and destroying our rival, of course.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-19 10 
25523116Girls und Panzer Quest 25.5In which we escort Yukari to her house, meet her parents, talk tanks, and watch Kelly's Heroes. Also she borrows our jacket.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-19 21 
25537573Shadow Quest 39The Shadow anoints his first Servant.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 39, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-20 29 
25572733Girls und Panzer Quest 26In which Black Jack becomes Green Jack, and we become Grizzly.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-22 17 
25588053Shadow Quest 40The Shadow visits the home of Councilor Tae Wong.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 40, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-22 26 
25593253Shadow Quest 40 Part IIA continuation of the previous thread.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 40, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-06-23 27 
25590859Girls und Panzer Quest 27In which we plan on how to demonstrate to the girls that Tanking is safe.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-23 17 
25606112"On 4chan", The 4chan role playing game.What starts as a nat 1/20 thread derails into creating a 4chan based rpg.meta, /tg/, game design, /tg/ gets shit done2013-06-24 5 
25630658Shadow Quest 41The archmage Yi Fang plots revenge on the Cheung family...Collective Game, shadow, quest, 41, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-25 26 
25629003Girls und Panzer Quest 28Rose finds out about us and Yukari.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-25 20 
25636117Girls und Panzer Quest 28.5In which we have target practice with the Lee. With us inside it as a target. Also the Rabbit Team names their tank.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-25 18 
25647982Shadow Quest 42The Shadow infiltrates the Cheung family Manor.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 42, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-26 28 
25643997Privateer Quest II #6Percius Aurex embarks upon his first adventure as a pirate Captain. Will his first endeavor bring riches or sorrow?Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships2013-06-26 1 
25647592Girls und Panzer Quest 29: Welcome to Jackass EditionIn which we finish showing the Rabbit Team that their tank is fight and we go to school.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-26 21 
25665415Shadow Quest 43The Shadow launches his attack.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 43, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-27 31 
25652914Bromont Quest WhateverBromont finally learns how to put quest in the subject field. Maybe he will actually put it to use in the next threadMonstergirl, Collective Game, Bromont Quest, erp, shotacon, lolicon, futanari, monstergirl, is it really proper to call em girls when they all have dicks2013-06-27 -4 
25667025Shameless Anime Ripoff Quest 42In which anons from /a/ fail to realize how retreading the same material relentlessly is terrible and boring.Anime, Bad Quest, Shameless Anime Ripoff Quest, Collective Game2013-06-27 39 
25685591Yet Another Magical Little Girl Quest This time we are evil! SO ORIGINAL.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl, I wish I could think of a joke tag but this shit is already a joke2013-06-28 24 
25687280Girls und Panzer Quest 30: Rustled Jimmies EditionIn which we are locked with Patrick in a stare down and try not to let him get the better of us.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-06-28 18 
25688765Bioweapon Quest 10An attempt to escape goes horribly wrong, then horribly right.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-28 10 
25696036Shadow Quest 44Shadow continues a battle against a shadowy foe.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 44, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-28 28 
25701106Shadow Quest 44 Part IIThe shadow arrives back at camp.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 44, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-06-29 28 
25706783Meta Game Quest : Code Geass 6Rise from the dead, catch a glimpse of our true power, get geass, and do some shanking. Ep. 10 - 11Collective Game, Code Geass, Meta Game Quest, shank2013-06-29 7 
25717468You are an Asshole in the futureSome runners prefer stealth. some, seduction. others hacking. You, on the other hand prefer style which is why you just dropkicked a guy out a windowCollective Game, future asshole, you are a dick, net gain, shadowrun, corp, megacorp, 80s action movie, puns2013-06-30 39 
July 2013
25742811Shadow Quest 45The Shadow and the refugees meet the neighbors.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 45, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-01 28 
25744545Girls und Panzer Quest 31Everyone's favorite tea lover arrives at Oarai uninvited.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks, Tea2013-07-01 24 
25757526Vampire Doll Quest 18: The Lion's CourtWherein we avenge our two untimely deaths.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Lioncourt, Mori, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-07-02 18 
25763912Magical Power Armor/tg/ rationalizes the existence of magical power armorpower armor, magic, worldbuilding, magic, wizards, don't gotta explain shit2013-07-02 3 
25781275Girls und Panzer Quest 32In which we make a bet with GlorianaGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-03 17 
25789102Girls und Panzer Quest 32.5: Everything on Red EditionIn which the bet with Saint Gloriana is finalized. GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-03 17 
25824305Bioweapon Quest 11We escape the grasp of a cyborg, leap between cars and gnaw on a metal box of tastiness!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-07-05 7 
25826870Shadowrun Storytime 19: The Final Run Part 1Lo, the beginning of the end.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Bend, Geppetto, Locke, Sensei, Wildcard2013-07-05 99 
25842338Shadow Quest 46The shadow returns to Evinbrook.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 46, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-06 27 
25862368Girls und Panzer Quest 33: Top Shot EditionIn which our little bet gets underway.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-07 20 
25919146Girls und Panzer Quest 34: Breakfast of Champions EditionIn which we seek to wake up a sleepy garupan with a breakfast chock full of FREEDOM.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-10 15 
25926502Girls und Panzer Quest 34.5: Garupancakes EditionIn which we hope Mako awakens before her breakfast gets cold.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-10 17 
25941184Girls und Panzer Quest 35In which we anger the automotive club and try to figure out what tank we won from Gloriana.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-11 18 
25973211Shadow Quest 47The Shadow speaks with an old acquaintance.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 47, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-12 26 
25975526Vampire Doll Quest: TimeskipWherein we learn that revolution is a delicate art. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Lioncourt, Mori, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-07-12 10 
25984782Shadow Quest 47 Part IIThe Shadow searches for Obis Vin.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 47, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-07-13 24 
25981005Bioweapon Quest 12We tussle with a cyborg, eat a table, hide in a box, then make an entrance, and an exit.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-07-13 5 
25998760Girls und Panzer Quest 36: Ollie Ollie Oxen Free EditionIn which we play Hide and Seek with the rest of the garupans. With tanks.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-14 21 
25999227Bleach Quest 21In which the dice love MexicoBleach Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, Sharktits2013-07-14 35 
26015692Bleach Quest 22In which we have growing pains.Bleach Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, Sharktits2013-07-15 38 
26033324Shadow Quest 48The Shadow continues its battle against the crime lord Damian VonnegutCollective Game, shadow, quest, 48, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-15 24 
26038482Bioweapon Quest 13We defeat the evil fan once more, get shot, go fishing and then bughunting. New powers arise.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-07-16 8 
26044968Shadow Quest 48 Part IIThe Shadow has a talk with Damian Vonnegut.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 48, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-07-16 24 
26036855Girls und Panzer Quest 37: Ollie Ollie Oxen Free Edition: Electric BoogalooWe troll poor, poor Roy.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-16 22 
26051341Privateer Quest II: Forbidden FruitThe adventures of Percius Aurex resume, and his crew goes about searching the aft portion of an Imperial cruiser wreck. Will they find loot or only death?Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot2013-07-17 3 
26073910Shadow Quest 49The Shadow heads back to Haven with Obis Vin and Freja Blackwater.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 49, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-17 24 
26083039Shadow Quest 49 Part IIThe Shadow talks with Fang about the Archonium.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 49, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-07-18 39 
26078864Girls und Panzer Quest 37: Ollie Ollie Oxen Free Edition: Electric Boogaloo The ContinuationThe Hunt Continues! Also spaghetti ejection averted...for now.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-18 22 
26098248Privateer Quest II #8: Ransom BrokerPercius Aurex ransoms his prisoners to the Rogue Trader Alexander Kerr, then looks into some trade optionsCollective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships2013-07-19 1 
26122942Fate/Fuck AgainA Grail War quest. That's new!Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fetish, Genderbender, ERP, More Grail Wars, Redundancy2013-07-20 13 
26121860Girls und Panzer Quest 38The training match continues!GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-20 21 
26135904Detergent Quest - UncappedBecause we really need more quest threads where no one actually runs a quest on this board.Collective Game, Bleach, A reference to that one shitty overblown magical girl anime, recap episodes always suck2013-07-21 21 
26148953Magical Girl Noir Quest 116A somewhat sleepy magical girl briefs Vindicare Squad Hiryu on their mission and finds herself at the center of an unexpected family reunion.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Noriko, Enishi, NECO2013-07-21 38 
26150231Dragon x Knight RomanceRomance can blossom in surprising places. Dragon/knight romance isn't surprising on /tg/.dragons, knights, dragon-knight romance, roleplay, fantasy, fetishes2013-07-22 6 
26163093Shadow Quest 50The Shadow confronts his Humanity.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 50, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-22 28 
26179800Shadow Quest 51Shadow journeys into the maze of his own mind.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 51, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-23 28 
26179369The Lowbishop of Rotree part 1The skaven under the leadership of the lowbishop plot against the goblins and trolls that inhabit the dwarven layer of the undercity.Skaven civ, Lowbishop, rotree, fucking crazy ratmen, horned rat, plaguemonk, Collective game2013-07-23 5 
26179795Girls und Panzer Quest 39The lesson concludes.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-23 20 
26192280Privateer Quest II: That's a Piratin'The adventures of Percius Aurex and his crew continue, a secret of the ship is discovered, and the ship leaves Folkvangr in search of more loot.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-07-24 4 
26220005Shadow Quest 52Shadow meets with Temerity.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 52, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-25 24 
26222087Girls und Panzer Quest 40In which we excite some girls.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-07-25 23 
26240902Girls und Panzer Quest 41The Fight for Water Supremacy Continues!GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks, Panzer2013-07-26 25 
26243119Shadow Quest 53The Shadow sets out into a brave new world.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 53, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-26 31 
26269730Commissar quest: IX - First dayToday we explore our dorm room and being our first day of the Schola progenium on besvir!Collective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2013-07-27 10 
26285707SRR modding thread 1First brainstorm session for a /tg/ Shadowrun Returns Modgame ideas shadowrun2013-07-29 1 
26333854Shadow Quest 54The Shadow rests before speaking with the empress further.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 54, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-30 28 
26332705Privateer Quest II: Return to VectesCaptain Percius Aurex leads his crew back to the forbidden system of Vectes to investigate the previously located Asteroid Base. Will the system's silent guardians catch up with the interlopers upon their return?Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-07-31 5 
26340635Bioweapon Quest 14We climb upwards, Interrupt a heated meeting, and make a friend!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-07-31 7 
August 2013
26360968Shadow Quest 54 Part IIThe Shadow lays it all in the open.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 54, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-08-01 27 
26360729Bleach Quest 35In which we lay our final night of prep in the shadow of a cannon.Bleach Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, Snark, Shiba Clan2013-08-01 28 
26358749Girls und Panzer Quest 42The water war is over, now we deal with the aftermath!GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-01 23 
26379789Girls und Panzer Quest 43In which we discuss the ramifications of the tank-washing incident.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-02 16 
26412366Shadow Quest 55Abigail and Abigail.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 55, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-08-03 28 
26417775Girls und Panzer Quest 44In which we consult with Anzu over finding a way to counsel the rest of the garupans after the tank-washing incident.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-04 16 
26436250Shadow Quest 56The Shadow watches Abigail's back.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 56, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-08-05 25 
26468972Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 3Minifig finally gets off his fanny and finishes off the conversion, then gives a storytime.RPG, rpg, Palladium, Savage Worlds, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, homebrew, SW, /tg/ gets shit done, shit gets done, win, character creation, mutants, Savage Worlds2013-08-06 0 
26479439Bioweapon Quest 15We reach the top of the tower, find a dam for our brood, and a fight breaks out. Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-08-07 6 
26489910Shadow Quest 56 Part IIThe Shadow fights off an army of summoned beasts.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 56, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-08-07 25 
26494514Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, revisitedA revival of the old Eclipse Phase/Mass Effect crossover threads. The story of transhuman expansion and the first contact war is related, and speculation ensues.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity2013-08-08 5 
26496572Shadow Quest 56 Part III (real thread)The Shadow and Abigail try to escape a warped plane.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 56, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2013-08-08 28 
26496414Girls und Panzer Quest 45: Water Balloon Raid EditionIn which we find ourselves being ambushed with water balloons by an unknown assailant.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-08 21 
26505148Magical Girl Noir Quest 121A ticked off magical girl reports her findings to her Incubator and cheers up one of her subordinates.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Sayaka, Sabrina, Enishi, Kyuubey2013-08-08 31 
26515365Girls und Panzer Quest 46In which the water war comes to an end.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-09 21 
26529711That Guy Ruins Psion CampaignA GM tells a player to minmax or gtfo, so along comes a wizard that destroys the universe.Psions, Henderson, 2 full Hendersons, full Henderson, Henderson, That Guy, That, Guy, asshat, plot derailment, total plot derailment, TPK, plot, derailment, rocks fall2013-08-10 44 
26530381Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 2Continued discussion and exposition on the crossover, including Batarians, Reapers, Turian morphs, and those pesky TITANs.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity2013-08-10 5 
26545760Commissar quest: X - First day: part 2, extra shooty editon!Our first day continue as we are exposed to Laz for the first time!Collective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2013-08-10 16 
26550489Shadow Quest 57The Shadow figures out his next move.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 57, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-08-11 26 
26550192Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 3The thread opens with some writing of Nihlus and Shepard meeting, and continues with general discussion.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity2013-08-11 4 
26584709Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 3 With QuestShepard hits dirt on Eden Prime and faces the Geth for the first time.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, Collective Game2013-08-13 1 
26590015Girls und Panzer Quest 47War. War never changes. We get outfoxed by Miho and check out the EXCELSIOR!GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-13 21 
26603176Privateer Quest II: Farewell to DeusCaptain Percius Aurex and his crew rejoin the wolf pack and depart Sector Deus. Will they survive the challenges of the void beyond Imperial space?Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-08-14 4 
26604934Let's Build a World/tg/ has an imagination and creates a unique setting from absolute scratch.world building, original content, fluff, sci-fi, shamanistic horseshoe crabs2013-08-14 12 
26644750Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 4, with quest/tg/ finishes creating a character, Jonathan Sharp, space pilot, and witnesses the beginning of the first contact war.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, collective game, EPME Quest2013-08-16 0 
26648217Girls und Panzer Quest 48In which we look for our errant loader, and try to figure out who he's chatting up.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-16 17 
26656078Shadow Quest 58The Shadow and allies investigate the Ring City's motions in the Great ForestCollective Game, shadow, quest, 58, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-08-16 26 
26661587Shadow Quest 58 Part IIThe Shadow and company reach the encampment.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 58, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-08-16 24 
26646664Let's Build a World 2/tg/ continues to build the Winder Civilizationworld building, original content, fluff, sci-fi, shamanistic horseshoe crabs2013-08-17 3 
26660932Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 5A slow thread, but some storytelling about Shepard being Shepard,mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, writefaggotry2013-08-17 0 
26667739Shadow Quest 58 Part III[Revving intensifies]Collective Game, shadow, quest, 58, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2013-08-17 25 
26679665Shadow Quest 59The Shadow fights for survival on the deck of an airship.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 59, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-08-17 26 
26681769Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 11]So class, what have we learned?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-08-18 7 
26685002Shadow Quest 59 Part IIThe Shadow makes a landing.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 59, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-08-18 24 
26685207Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 11.3233 repeating, of course]Been a while since a thread boiled over like this. Alright, that's a good thing.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-08-18 6 
26674709Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 6A mostly story thread, Shepard fights some people, Hackett gets his data, and a chain smoker thinks about the future.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, writefaggotry2013-08-18 0 
26683155Girls und Panzer Quest 49In which we find our errant loader with a member of the OH WAIT THAT'S A SPOILER and then go look for our driver.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-18 15 
26697248Commissar quest: XI - First day part IIIWe attempt to survive the terror of the practical, all the while the clock keeps ticking for our friends last breaths.Collective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2013-08-18 14 
26695052EP/ME Quest continuationCaptain Jonathan Sharp survives the first battle of Shanxi and undertakes a daring mission.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, collective game, EPME Quest2013-08-19 0 
26723478Girls und Panzer Quest 50The 'Date' Continues. Archived somewhat early. Also holy shit Rose is scary.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-20 18 
26742744Mahou Shounen Quest 200Things change. Life goes on. Deal with it. LG has a special announcementCollective Game, Butler, Mahou Shounen Quest, quest, Landing Gear2013-08-21 2 
26734639Privateer Quest II: Family ReunionCaptain Percius Aurex returns home during an infiltration mission for his pirate wolf pack, finding his noble family in ruins. Emperor help him, he's added two sisters to his pirate crew.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-08-21 0 
26759663Shadow Quest 60The Shadow meets a very, very big dragon.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 60, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-08-22 26 
26759192Girls und Panzer Quest 51In which we continue our double date/date crash. Archived early.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-22 20 
26765522Girls und Panzer Quest 51.5Our movie night with Yukari and a discussion about our tanks.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-22 20 
26793637Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 12].seinohp eht lliKCollective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-08-24 9 
26791613Micro Empires (Working Title)Mutant Plant Seeds and Fungi fight to survive after humanitySetting Thread, Mushrooms, Seeds, Brainstorming2013-08-24 5 
26795395Bioweapon Quest 16We eat a man, squash a slug, carry our princess over our shoulder, and have a few strange encounters.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-08-24 8 
26813598MTG custom Shrek unsetAnon posts his friends custom MTG cards, with a heavy Shrek vs. Peter Griffin theme. So bad they're fantastic.Magic: the Gathering, mtg, Shrek, custom cards, oc2013-08-25 17 
26847633Girls und Panzer Quest 52In which we hang out with Yukari. Archived early.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-08-27 24 
26860574Privateer Quest II #13: Steward's GateCaptain Percius Aurex braves the Imperial Navy stronghold of Steward's Gate and sleeps with the enemy. He acquires her hat, though.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-08-28 1 
26915564Shadow Quest 61Where's Abigail?Collective Game, shadow, quest, 61, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-08-30 26 
26937160Quirks of flying an old, shitty shipSmall touches to make an old ship more... lived in.Traveller, game ideas, roleplay, space ships2013-08-31 66 
September 2013
26944746Girls und Panzer Quest 53In which we're the recipient of a rude awakening by Miho.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-01 15 
26946637Bioweapon Quest 17We balance our base desires, greet guests, and fell a tree!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-09-01 8 
26951647Girls und Panzer Quest 53.5In which we boil water and give out hugs. GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-01 17 
26968144Bioweapon Quest 18We kick a fireball, go hunting, and eat the most Delicious thing ever. The game has changed. Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-09-02 11 
26969275Girls und Panzer Quest 54In which we hug Miho and talk about the Jellyfish doughnut dance.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-02 14 
26989065Esh-Esh Tutorials/tg/s favorite German girl teaches you things, other people eventually join in.Esh-Esh, arts and crafts, tutorial2013-09-03 17 
27007995Privateer Quest II #14: Corgus BoundCaptain Percius Aurex completes his primary mission to obtain the 'Corridor' into Sector Corgus from Sector Paxia by talking his way into an Imperial Navy convoy under an assumed name. A short threadCollective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-09-05 5 
27033006Djinn Quest You find a lamp and find yourself stuck as a genie with wishes to be granted. Djinn Quest, Genie Quest, Wishes, Anon, Collective Game2013-09-05 6 
27046055Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect thread 7Some story with Ashley Williams as a Jovian soldier, a few codex entries, and general discussions.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, writefaggotry2013-09-06 1 
27050010Bioweapon Quest 19We escape the green tide, nap for a while, and fight the undying beast!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-09-06 7 
27049411Lamia Daughter Quest 94The Dawnchasers prepare to storm Castle Newgate. We finally have a clear understanding of Kingfisher's primary motive, that is if he isn't lying again.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-06 22 
27071033Shadow Quest 62The Shadow and company explore new territory.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 62, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-09-07 27 
27071233Girls und Panzer Quest 55In which we talk to Rose about our girl problems.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-07 14 
27067473Lamia Daughter Quest 95The Climax of the series, the conflict with kingfisher, and the commune with citadel.Quest, Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-07 29 
27078135Girls und Panzer Quest 55.5In which we talk to Anzu, (She knows...Knows what?) look at the duck team's new tank, and are asked a favor by some English chick.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-07 15 
27077630lamia daughter quest 96- epilogueDragons turn out to be pretty scary. Ssen is finally off of Citadel's wild ride. Music, jubilations, and possible vacation follow.Quest, Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-07 24 
27114722Girls und Panzer Quest 56We have to fight against a Centurion, American senshado style.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-09 14 
27154619Loli Fight Club QuestWatch little girls brutalize each other for your sick and twisted amusement!Collective Game, Loli Fight Club Quest, Fetish, Guro2013-09-11 39 
27170456Shadow Quest 63The Shadow attempts to explain himself.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 63, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-09-12 26 
27207761Transformation Fetish QuestOh look, another thread about succubus transformation/corruption fetishes trying its damned hardest to be /tg/ related despite being /d/shit.We really dont need any more succubus shit on /tg/, Collective Game, gb2/d/2013-09-14 21 
27219942Asshole in the Future QuestWe play Adam Rand, a jerkass with a bit of Action Hero in him, and run rampant through the futuristic city of Beijing, letting our ex tag along.Asshole in the Future Quest, Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Net Gain2013-09-15 16 
27229350Girls und Panzer Quest 57In which Black Jack still can't remember the names of his crew. Also we continue stalking/being stalked by Darjeeling's tank. Archived somewhat early.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-15 12 
27229374Mahou Shounen Quest 201Talk to the Doctor about the kids. Let the house-staff know about the kids. Dan is setting us up with Jack [?] Swap partners and talk to the kids. The new guy takes the reigns. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting trenchlaid2013-09-15 4 
27206011CATastrophe: The Floor Is Now Seawater Edition/tg/ gets progress reports on CATastrophe beta editions and kicks around fluff while one Anon provides mood music.CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg_gets_shit_done, music2013-09-15 6 
27250224Shadow Quest 64The Shadow and company reach the city on Xile.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 64, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-09-16 25 
27251335Girls und Panzer Quest 58In which we meet the commander of the Centurion, an American like us.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-16 12 
27250486Bioweapon Quest 20We get sent on our next task: To eat Delicious things! Then we eat a pair of delicious things.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-09-16 5 
27269998Shadow Quest 65The Shadow takes two allies to the palace.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 65, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-09-17 24 
27269790Girls und Panzer Quest 59In which we talk to Roy about Akebi and Miho about stuffGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-17 13 
27284836Shadow Quest 66The Shadow stands on the edge of the lake, facing Lucifer.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 65, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-09-18 25 
27291940Samefag QuestDON'T YOU MEAN LOLI FIGHT CLUB QUESTCollective Game, Samefag Quest, Lolis, Fetish, I guess you can't really call it collective when it's just one dude samefagging2013-09-18 0 
27283034Privateer Quest II #15: Entering CorgusPercius Aurex and his crew successfully make their way to Sector Corgus, despite being separated from their convoy. The Captain and the Navigator have a little chat and the Celentis system is investigated...Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-09-19 1 
27307576Clashworld 2The first thread started the world. Now we're making it bigger, better, and easier to read.clashworld, game ideas, game design, original content, /tg/2013-09-19 8 
27338037Shadow Quest 67Flint and the Shadow observe Xile's native inhabitants.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 67, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-09-21 24 
27389803Girls und Panzer Quest 60In which we talk to Miho about our relationship and Anzu about the festival.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-24 13 
27403227Shadow Quest 68Another morning, another day on Xile.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 68, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-09-24 25 
27347152CATastrophe Thread: The Oncoming Storm EditionMore fleshing out of fluff, discussion of crunch, and game artCATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/ gets shit done2013-09-25 2 
27410077Shadow Quest 68 Part IIContinuation of thread 68Collective Game, shadow, quest, 68, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-09-25 25 
27419751Naming the Last BattleshipA standard mix of silly and serious namessci-fi, spaceship, naming,2013-09-26 8 
27452639Void Quest FinalHarbinger returns after two years, and the quest ends.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2013-09-27 36 
27464445CATastrophe Thread: Koin/Monés EditionBusiness as usual, hashing out fluff and weathering the occasional shit storm.CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2013-09-29 1 
27474092Girls und Panzer Quest 61In which we ride in the Excelsior. The ride never ends, even when its over. Also, Saori Knows.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-29 14 
27492011Girls und Panzer Quest 62In which we talk to Saori, and a promise is made.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-09-30 14 
27504317Shadow Quest 69The Shadow and company fly on the Cirrus.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 69, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-09-30 26 
October 2013
27509540Shadow Quest 69 Part IIThe party regroups at Haven, and Shadow seeks out Adavan.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 69, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-10-01 27 
27512545Canterbury TalesOP posts an oddly familiar tale. /tg/ joins in with their own stories. Canterbury Tales, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Storytime2013-10-01 12 
27488162All-children ADVENTURE party ideasOP asks if an all-kids adventuring party would be acceptable. /tg/ jumps on the idea and awesome ensues.campaign ideas, campaign, Children, Adventure, loli, /tg/_gets_shit_done, I wish to be the little girl, Monsters, Digimon, Game Ideas, little fears2013-10-02 16 
27507752ship names and storiesNames for shipsship mes, ship, name, scifi2013-10-02 0 
27522643Privateer Quest II #16: Into the FrontierPercius Aurex rejoins his pirate wolfpack. Short thread due to slow OP and real life.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-10-03 1 
27557991Shadow Quest 70The Shadow returns to Archon with Abigail.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 70, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-10-04 26 
27577079Another CATastrophe Thread!Discussion of the /tg/ original setting. This edition features quest planning, original stories, and lore discussion.CATastrophe, Homebrew, homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2013-10-05 3 
27590961Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 13]'I' am the one who cripples.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-10-06 14 
27591004Friendless QuestIn which an attempt at Haganai fanfiction gets derailed with LESBIANS. Welcome to the /tg/ experience, Nemo.Collective Game, Friendless Quest, Lesbians, LIVE WITH YOUR SHAME2013-10-06 26 
27592089Girls und Panzer Quest 63In which we go to the parade, play some (rigged?) carnival games, and have fun with Miho. Archived early.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-10-06 14 
27613145Shadow Quest 71The Shadow stands in the council chamber.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 71, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-10-07 31 
27633295Girls und Panzer Quest 64In which we practice rapid gunnery and the bracket for the tournament is announcedGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-10-08 13 
27664015Shadow Quest 72A no-holds barred brawl between the Shards of Erebus.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 72, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-10-10 27 
27695341Washed up Villain questThe beginning of Dick Vilian Bethany Dastardly the third's tale. In which he signs a rather dubious contract for freedoms, takes over a gang, executes the former leader via train, Makes his henchmen look presentable, learns the arcane arts, and dabbles with necromancyMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain2013-10-12 22 
27709659Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 14]I wear no mask.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-10-13 12 
27711093Shadow Quest 73The Shadow's shards are reforged.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 73, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-10-13 25 
27710495Girls und Panzer Quest 64In which we talk tactics with Miho and eat chilli.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-10-13 13 
27707106Washed up Villain quest 2In which we start our less than legal businesses, spend a day with a zombie in the town, meet an old woman who isn't as she's seems, hit a demon with a train, see the world from the eyes of John fritz, and decide to set out sights on the Devils Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Train, Evil, Villain, 2013-10-13 12 
27726113Washed up Villain quest 3In which Dick Vilian Bethany Dastardly the third takes up pupeteering creates a drug to control the minds of others, Gets a car and goes for a trip in the woods with Mr.Fritz and Miss Smith, Frees and Binds a fae creature, takes ownership of a cottage fit for a necromancer by fight a horde of skeletons with a cane, Corrupts a sword of justice and heroism into an abomination of a weapon, among other thingsMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain, random events2013-10-14 12 
27749515Shadow Quest 74Shaper.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 74, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-10-15 26 
27749631Girls und Panzer Quest 65In which we talk tactics with Miho and consume magm---I mean our grandfather's chilli. Also meta-talk about tanks.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-10-15 12 
27759539Wolf QuestStory of a wolf in an unforgiving land, hunted by humans till his demise. Perhaps a reboot one day?collective game, one shot, wolf quest, wolf, bad end2013-10-16 3 
27775715nWoD STORYTEIMA slow OP regales /tg/ with tales of THE MACHINE and its OwnernWoD, STORYTEIM, THE MACHINE, Harlem Braxton, Lillum Dawnbreak, crazy shit2013-10-16 14 
27779822Unboxing EorisBeggins with a simple unboxing and then it spi- OH SHIT. Someone actually bought Eoris.eoris, unboxing, begginings, complicated character sheets, why2013-10-17 11 
27800157Shadow Quest 75The Shadow meets with Valeria Kavanere.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 75, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-10-18 26 
27812791Shin Megami Tensei Quest 1In which Charles Paul Underwood experiments with demon summoning, accidentally getting his childhood friend's leg ripped to shreds. And then recruits the demon that did that. Because why not?Shin Megami Tensei, Shin Megami Tensei Quest, Demon Summoning, Pixie, Collective Game2013-10-19 23 
27826257Commissar Quest XII: We're back!CommissarQuest XII: We're back! Continuing the story of Otto schulte and her adveture becoming a Commissar - today: Data slates! Breakfast! Shootin'!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-10-19 8 
27834237Girls und Panzer Quest 66: YukariQuest EditionIn which we, Akiyama Yukari, infiltrate Saunders' carrier.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-10-20 11 
27846496Shin Megami Tensei Quest 2In which Charles Paul Underwood enjoys CHAOS. Shin Megami Tensei, Shin Megami Tensei Quest, Demon Summoning, Underwear, Collective Game2013-10-21 17 
27846385Washed up Villain quest 4We suddenly become a god, plan our villainous marriage to the goddess of justice (out of character) and turn a mighty demon into a little girl because Bethany though it was funnyMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain, God2013-10-21 10 
27848941Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest 2We meet some Gym Leaders, read a disturbing Pokedex, and try to be the very bestAoPH Quest, Collective Game, Pokemon, Shingeki no Kyojin, Monsters2013-10-21 25 
27818954CATastrophe Thread: 'Nipped Out EditionPlenty of fluff development, including new locations for the setting. Also some comedy and ZERO shitstorms.CATastrophe, /tg/ gets shit done, Homebrew2013-10-21 2 
27872242Shadow Quest 76The Shadow faces Wrath.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 76, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-10-22 26 
27886400Washed up Villain quest 5Bethany attends a wedding, learns the meaning of fear and also loses one of his most trusted companionsMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain, god, 2013-10-23 6 
27887967Lamia Legacy Quest 1After the death of your father, you are left a massive plot of land.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2013-10-23 20 
27905793Girls und Panzer Quest 67: YukariQuest Edition PT2In which we make it to the Saunders carrier and meet Kay.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-10-24 11 
27924141Girls und Panzer Quest 68: YukariQuest Edition PT3In which we talk with Kay, see some of Saunders' tanks, and eavesdrop on a meeting.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-10-25 13 
27943369Shadow Quest 77The battle against Wrath continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 77, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-10-26 27 
27952659Commissar Quest XIII: The Tea PartyOur slate recovered, we're finely ready to head forward! What does the future entail? Nobody knows, but rumbelings from bellow speak of a rising foe. Join in as Otto's adventure continue.Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-10-26 8 
27950997Asshole Operative QuestWhere we play man who saves a girl from her suicide, getting into deep trouble with mega corporations, and ruining our entire mission and any plans we had. just another day in the Net gain world.Asshole Operative Quest, Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Net Gain2013-10-27 8 
27956521Washed up Villain quest 6 : End of part 1In which We fight nature itself, start the Apocalypse, fight with our fellow gods, and commit the ultimate Sacrifice with Justice to save the world from the void we opened. Meanwhile two children are born in the world of AlbionMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Villany, Justice, Rebirth2013-10-27 7 
27977013Girls und Panzer Quest 69We now return you back to our regularly scheduled broadcast. In which we talk to Miho.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-10-28 12 
27995335Shadow Quest 78The Black Lady.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 78, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-10-29 25 
27991461Starship 515 QuestYou awake on the floor, naked, next to an open cryogene-unit.Collective Game, Starship 515, Starship 515 Quest, Quest2013-10-29 6 
27992233Childhood Fears for Use in SettingsA bunch of fa/tg/uys came together and talked about their traumatic childhood delusions so that others can adapt them for use in settings.child chlidhood fear setting brainstorm neat cool shit2013-10-29 2 
28008605Washed up Villain quest 7Gunther uses Jimmy's bone to give a bad wolf more than he can chew on, gets a tatoo, and learns THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAYMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Albion, Knothole glade, balverines, random events, THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAY2013-10-30 11 
28004030Lamia Legacy Quest 2We take a trip to the hotsprings, have some coyote scares, and meet our neighbor.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2013-10-30 12 
28028288Girls und Panzer Quest 70In which we look in the bowels of the Oarai Academy ship for Yukari.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-10-31 10 
November 2013
28044977Shadow Quest 79The Shadow considers his next move for the greater alliance.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 79, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-11-01 24 
28041185Washed up Villain quest 8Guther meets Justice 2.0 and they have a lovers spatMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Albion, Demon door, 2013-11-01 10 
28055646A.I. Quest 14 Enemy of my EnemyOphion deals with the fallout of the attack on Nethlos, and as he prepares to investigate several new interesting entries, Rhea attacks.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Rhea, Battleship, Kronos2013-11-02 15 
28070661Shadow Quest 80The Shadow discusses matters with friends at Haven.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 80, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-11-02 24 
28075098Girls und Panzer Quest 71In which we find a tank, but not our tank nerd.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-11-03 11 
28063503CATastrophe Thread: Swimming with Sharks EditionA completed FATE Accelerated alpha, plus more fluff detail and more art from the resident drawfags.CATastrophe, Homebrew, drawfag, /tg/ gets shit done2013-11-03 3 
28092145Time Wizards playtestIt actually happened. Dear god.time wizards, homebrew, /tg/ gets shit done2013-11-04 104 
28088829Thief Shenanigans QuestOur (anti?) hero steals from a small store, steals a diamond ring and drops his spaghetti Thief Shenanigans Quest, Theif, Collective Game, Quest thread2013-11-04 12 
28111691Thief Shenanigans QuestWe buy clothes, get our next job and spit vodka on faces.Thief Shenanigans Quest, Theif, Collective Game, Quest thread2013-11-05 5 
28125732Washed up Villain quest 9Gunther goes Berserk, Removes a mans arm, destroys a forest, becomes a hero, kills some bandits, and encounters and beats the shit out of something not even in this setting Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Albion, THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAY, heroes, 2013-11-06 11 
28144203Shadow Quest 81The Shadow explores the island Aurora.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 81, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-11-07 24 
28138456Lamia Legacy Quest 3We take a trip down to town to look at cattle and take care of business.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2013-11-07 10 
28147088Girls und Panzer Quest 72In which an interview is conducted, we talk with the auto club about their tank, and someone tries to shit up the thread. Archived somewhat early.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-11-07 11 
28124795Privateer Quest II #17: Morix's EscapePercius Aurex spends a bit of time with his sisters, explores the wolfpack's new home planet, and unexpectedly blunders into Captain Morix and her armsmen shooting their way out of the wolfpack.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot2013-11-08 5 
28163102Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 3We meet priests, paramedics, and Peck; get attacked by china in Japan; and slime and plot thickens.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Seto Taisho2013-11-08 30 
28181332A.I. Quest 15 At What CostOphion realizes something is terrible wrong within him, and trusts a human with his very existence. Then The Guild gets tired of waiting around, and attacks UssaihuA.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Rhea, Battleship, Kronos2013-11-09 16 
28184758Girls und Panzer Quest 73In which we review Yukari's espionage footage, screw with Anzu, and prep our crew for the interview.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-11-09 8 
28199534Shadow Quest 82The Shadow battles in the ruins under Aurora.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 82, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-11-10 24 
28219799Fantasy Fishing GeneralOP describes the variety of sealife a fantastical fisherman might expect.fishing, fantasy, writefag2013-11-11 10 
28218341Washed up Villain quest 10 we make men fly and make crab people fly even higher. Trouble involving an irishman, a real bastard and a little demon girl...in space! also we get the voice out of our head and gain another one as a twig loses her eyesMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, albion, Crab people, Space,2013-11-11 5 
28276026Shadow Quest 83The Shadow ponders his next move over fried fish.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 83, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-11-14 24 
28277315Girls und Panzer Quest 74In which the interview commences and we talk to the freshman teamGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-11-14 8 
28247191For House and Dominion: Ballroom EditionAttending a ball organised by our wingman's family we look up old friends and find out how they've fared over the past year. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, dancing, party, ball, assassination, flashback, Dice, Survey2013-11-15 12 
28290654Washed up Villain quest 11Dick dastardly faces his greatest challange yet...a family reunion. He also ruins the story line of fable, by beating jack of blades and goes to a rather bizarre world.Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, albion, Jojo's bizzare adventure2013-11-15 4 
28313029Shadow Quest 84The Lady's banquet ends, but a Shadow's work is never done.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 84, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-11-16 24 
28307635A.I. Quest 16 ReplacedOphion takes it to the ground to explore the research lab located on Ussaihu, and discovers exactly what the UGEI have been up to. And then attempts to convince a Malorian group to side with them.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Rhea, Battleship, Kronos, Malorians2013-11-16 16 
28322670Commissar Quest XV: Technical knockWe return to Commissar Quest, now they know our secret! How will we survive? Will be tech priests be friendly? Tune in for moar!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-11-16 6 
28342578Lamia Legacy Quest 4Discretion is the better part of diamond smuggling, as it turns out. Also, horses on boats.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2013-11-18 10 
28350530Girls und Panzer Quest 75In which the interviews continue.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-11-18 8 
28368146Shadow Quest 85The Shadow speaks with Sir Flint about the future of the alliance.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 85, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-11-19 24 
28425615Shadow Quest 86The Shadow faces a massive nest of Vog.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 86, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-11-22 25 
28443436Shadow Quest 86 Part IIThe Shadow continues to fight the Vog in the Timorian Deep.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 86, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-11-23 20 
28438899A.I. Quest 17 Lost OneOphion investigates a blacked out colony to find a strange loyalist intelligence. After speaking with it, and avoiding death, Ophion learns much more about himself, and possibly the UGEI as well.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, Malorians, Cyborgs, Intelligence, Loyalty2013-11-23 16 
28442628Girls und Panzer Quest 76In which we are now the subject of the interview. We talk about our tank and his history.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-11-23 8 
28454467Commissar Quest XVI: Chest high wallsToday we join the Tech priest in moving boxes.. and possible something more!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-11-23 5 
28445701Soul Quest IErick Valstein is a Shardkeeper, a rare wielder of Soul magic. Here, he slays a great beast and is forced to leave his home behind.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-11-24 28 
28460464Girls und Panzer Quest 77The interview continues to its conclusion, and we avoid releasing our spaghetti.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-11-24 11 
28470261Lamia Legacy Quest 5Friends and enemies are made among the ork businessmen, when veles reveals a linguistic surprise. Later on, ranch hands are hired, and a herd acquired.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2013-11-25 12 
28473714Soul Quest IIShardkeeper Erick Valstein begins his lonesome journey to the far south, and discovers a dangerous scenario in the swamp.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-11-25 21 
28512086Soul Quest IIIIn which Erick Valstein explores the swamp, and fights a close battle with another powerful creature.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-11-27 21 
December 2013
28588845Girls und Panzer Quest 78: GAIJIN SMASH EditionIn which we go to the festival and eat funnel cake. Also we run into Erika and meet Maho.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-12-01 8 
28609421Girls und Panzer Quest 79In which we inform Miho that we spoke to her sister, and try to snap her out of the resulting catatonia.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-12-02 7 
28661282Shadow Quest 86 Part IIIThe Shadow runs from Steward 002.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 86, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2013-12-05 25 
28657261Digger QuestBass Tremble wants to be a digger. But he needs money. Unfortunately he instead finds a man named Metalman, a Giant Purple Refractor with a prize inside, Pirates, and torture! This is ether the start of an adventure, or a legend. Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2013-12-05 17 
28685264Shadow Quest 87The Shadow confronts 002.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 87, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-12-06 24 
28696636Digger Quest: Chapter 2Bass attempts to escape from a pirate ship! How the players forget one important thing; In Megaman Legends, there must always be a crash landing. Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2013-12-07 14 
28704358Girls und Panzer Quest 80In which the therapy session continues, archived a bit early to avoid false archivingGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-12-07 8 
28699827Lamia Legacy Quest 6We get to know our farm hands better, learn a bit about spices, and move the cattle along. Short one.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2013-12-07 11 
28700112A.I. Quest 18 The Wild SpeaksOphion learns of Red's impending demise, and goes to rescue him. When he arrives, however, he finds the entire world is against him.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, Wild, World, Eshareth, Violent, Plants, Mutant, Fauna2013-12-07 15 
28715563Commissar Quest XVII: Return of the PracticalToday we return to the Practical once more! Woods! Guns! Transports! More woods! Singing!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-12-08 5 
28726086Girls und Panzer Quest 81In which we talk to Maho.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-12-08 11 
28734574Iron Father SmashfuckerAnon Mathhammers how one Chapter Master can fuck up other deadly characters.40K, Mathhammer, Iron Hands, Smashfucker, Space Marines2013-12-09 8 
28768709Soul Quest IVShort thread, in which Erick Valstein faces off with a vile spirit.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-10 24 
28787019/tg/ talks swordsComplete with manuals by medieval masters, the various murder instruments and their uses, and civilised discussion.swords, getting shit done, helpful info, useful, history, fechtbuch2013-12-11 7 
28801090Shadow Quest 87 Part IIThe Shadow fights a construct in the core of Va'ad.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 87, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-12-11 24 
28807942Shadow Quest 87 Part IIIThe battle in Va'ad continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 87, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2013-12-12 24 
28808653Girls und Panzer Quest 82In which we eat cake with Kay. Archived earlyGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-12-12 10 
28806075Soul Quest VIn which Erick Valstein establishes the terms of his new partnership, experiments with Soul rituals, and prepares to hit the road again.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-12 21 
28818975Smashfucker revisitedAnon returns again with some corrected results about Iron Father Smashfucker and his battles40K, Mathhammer, Iron Hands, Smashfucker, Space Marines2013-12-12 4 
28842211A.I. Quest 18.5 Left BehindOphion speaks with Red about himself, and learns of the human concept of revenge. All the while Kronos handles an ambush in his own unique way.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2013-12-14 17 
28838955Digger Quest: Chapter 3Bass gets a Digger's License and gains an ally! He gets ready to go on his first dig, but takes it slow and prepares. He has a good time with his new found friend and we learn of his one true fear...Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2013-12-14 14 
28844711Lamia Legacy Quest 7We learn of McCain's past. It's a doozy.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2013-12-14 9 
28862778Shadow Quest 88Under the Timorian Deep.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 88, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-12-15 24 
28859057 Commissar Quest Return of the Practical 2: Electric boogalooCommissar Quest: Return of the Practical returns as we continue the hellish trip through the forest!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-12-15 5 
28889512Girls und Panzer Quest 83The match with Saunders begins!GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-12-16 11 
28908055Shadow Quest 89The Shadow's alliance gathers and sets out for Dobshire.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 89, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-12-17 25 
28903956Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #1In which we make some new friends, become captain of tankery, find and lose a dog, and acquire two new tanksCollective Game, Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Quest, Tanks, Canada 2013-12-17 11 
28914063Over(Human)Limit Quest 1Asher Smith's world suffers from a "reality check." With the loss of an eye, he awakens with power over the force of the sea.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-17 22 
28926658 Rum & Booty Quest 1We're a pirate, and we find booty to plunder.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-18 8 
28926917Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #2In which we find a tank or two, recruit a crew or two and hire an Ace instructor.Girls und Panzer, GuP, Tanks, Canada, Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke2013-12-18 6 
28953379Girls und Panzer Quest 84In which the battle continues.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-12-19 11 
28948239Soul Quest VIIn which Erick Valstein continues south beyond the swamp, and encounters a strange group in the forest.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-19 21 
28959873Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 11Hiding from an enemy that may or may not exist, Anne and her murder of Tagers face the facts....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-19 7 
28955152Nightlight: Toys Vs. Monsters 3Character creation is *finished* also, v0.01 of the character sheet and the first chapters of the rulebook... holy shit guys, it's happening.Game creation, toys, fire, nightlight, brainstorming, nightmares, grim bright, /tg/ gets shit done2013-12-20 1 
28975112Shadow Quest 90Dobshire.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 90, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-12-20 32 
28968696Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #3In which we meet our Mountie team, Find a Tank and find our lost luggage.Girls und Panzer, GuP, Tanks, Canada, Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke, Collective Game2013-12-20 6 
28980969Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 12Prepared for battle, Anne learns what secrets Yen had...and something does come for them. But it isn't what anyone expected...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-20 10 
28984052Nightlight: Toys Vs. Monsters 4The fourth thread of Nightlight... in which things get done.shit guys, it's happening. Game creation, toys, fire, nightlight, brainstorming, nightmares, grim bright, /tg/ gets shit done2013-12-21 1 
28984840Rum & Booty Quest 2In which we trade and help a fellow pirate out.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-21 6 
28991832Over(Human)Limit Quest 1.5Asher meets his savior and finds a drowned out whole foods, the city is in absolute ruins.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-21 14 
28985042Digger Quest: Chapter 420's Galore! Bass Digs in his first ruin, uncovers a Refractor, and fights with a fearsome foe...Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2013-12-21 14 
28988382A.I. Quest 19 MemoriesOphion and Kronos investigate Atil VI more closely and discover long forgotten secrets. Some of which were probably better left forgotten.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2013-12-21 16 
28980626Realistic Space CombatAnons discuss the assumptions integral to various forms of space combat, and the technology necessary to fulfill those future war fantasies. Estimations of feasibility are made, and visions of life as a ship commander are written. Technology is theorized by building on the limitations of others posted.scifi, space, realistic, ship, spaceship, future, combat2013-12-21 7 
29009614Over(Human)Limit Quest 2Asher and Reina find their way through a ruinous San Diego, to be greeted by the strange "enlightened ones." He's told to follow the light.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-22 16 
29016964Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 13Something comes through the wards, but it isn't what Anne expected. Someone has it in for her...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-22 9 
29024813Soul Quest VIIErick Valstein dances with a dragon, and discovers that when it comes to Shardkeepers, the world might be smaller than it seems.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-23 21 
29026431Kamen Rider Myth Quest 1The Hero's Arrival! Clash with the Crimson Crowned Coot!Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Myth Quest, Collective Game, The Gentry, Irish Mythology, Folklore2013-12-23 0 
29030378Girls und Panzer Quest 85In which the hunt for the Firefly begins in earnest.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-12-23 13 
29042703Rum & Booty Quest 3We get into a bar fight and get summoned to the mysterious council of pirates.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-24 5 
29059232Skies of Damocles QuestA Lesser Lord of Earth gets his ship boarded by pirates, and now he's determined to pick up the pieces and get revenge.Skies of Damocles Quest, Ship Captain, Xenoarcheology2013-12-25 5 
29101449Girls und Panzer Quest 86In which we swat a fly and mop upGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-12-27 9 
29100009Bord Quest - The Bord AwakenDeep in interstellar space, a massive ship trundles on. A pinnacle of engineering of its kind, its destination is an oasis in the middle of interstellar wasteland... Borgas IV. Will they reach paradise? Will they reach their doom? Only Engineer Hugo Packagebord knows!collective game, bord quest, primordial, colony ship, bord, shenanigans, drawquest2013-12-27 13 
29104223Skies of Damocles Quest 2A Lesser Lord of Earth gathers a crew and armaments for his new ship. Collective Game, Skies of Damocles Quest, Spaceships, Ship Captain2013-12-27 5 
29115102Soul Quest VIIIErick Valstein learns a bit from his newfound comrades, who begin to introduce him to this unfamiliar location: Callestria.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-28 15 
29114845Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 9Got a little bit of everything today. Started off with a bit of comedy, transitiones into a police procedural and end up in a gameshow. It's like we were really watching TV. Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2013-12-28 22 
29134502Soul Quest IXErick Valstein explores Callestria with Sonia at his side, and discovers the fate of his ancestors.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-29 14 
29107830Nightlight: Toys Vs. Monsters 5Some writefagging and game balancing happens.game creation, toys, fire, nightlight, brainstorming, nightmares, grim bright, /tg/ get shit done2013-12-29 2 
29138254Girls und Panzer Quest 87In which we hunt the rest of Saunders' tanks.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-12-29 8 
29158243Genderbent Everloli Magical Monstergirl Exhibitionist QuestHow did it come to this, /tg/?Fetish, Monstergirls, Loli, Voyeur, Genderbending, Why is this even a thing, It makes me sick; how far we done fell2013-12-30 16 
29151376Rum & Booty Quest 4We find a ship seemingly abandoned. But what is it doing out here?Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-30 6 
29159729Girls und Panzer Quest 88The battle with Saunders continues, archived early.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2013-12-30 11 
29158136Over(Human)Limit Quest 3 Friend holds a brief Q&A session for Asher and two others.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-30 12 
29151389Lamia Legacy Quest 8A hike (slither?) is had, horses are found, a and a house inspected, with a side of hawk wordplay.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2013-12-30 10 
29154670Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #4In which we fulfill the minimum requirements for Tankery by recruiting a couple more crews.Girls und Panzer, GuP, Tanks, Canada, Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke2013-12-30 5 
29172627Genderbent Everjailbait Magical Monstergirl Exhibitionist With Big Hips Transformation QuestThis should be more accurateFetish, Monstergirls, Loli, Exhibition, Yuri, Genderbending, Harem, Why is this even a thing, It makes me sick; how far we done fell2013-12-30 39 
29184433Generic Harem Quest #415Something about a man being assigned to a princess and be her personal toy/guard.Feminism, Harem, Turkish Agenda, Generic, Quest2013-12-31 36 
January 2014
29195523Mushroom Kingdom Quest 1: The Adventure BeginsLeonardo Koocaprio and Sal Guy get ready to kidnap Princess Peach.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-01 14 
29217154Shadowrun Storytime 20: The Final Run Part 2The tension keeps up as the team struggles to hunt down their quarry.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Bend, Geppetto, Locke, Sensei, Wildcard2014-01-02 119 
29216707Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #5In which we have a picnic, recruit a crew, and watch some unsettling news.Girls und Panzer, GuP, Tanks, Canada, Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke, Collective Game2014-01-02 6 
29240119Lamia Legacy Quest 9We first lay eye on some centaurs, books are exchanged, and an animal shot.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-01-03 9 
29259753A.I. Quest 20 CalmOphion discusses the fate of Erebos, and decides to commission several new designs while investigating reports of pirate activity.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-04 15 
29237262Privateer Quest II: #18Percius Aurex returns and heads after the Traitorous Captain Morix, but has to reconcile with the fact that he let her go in the first place. Will Morix escape? Next time on Dragon Ball Z!Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships2014-01-04 5 
29257135Rum & Booty Quest 5We almost die after boarding a ship.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-01-04 6 
29265834Girls und Panzer Quest 89In which Mako receives a phone callGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-01-04 8 
29257905Soul Quest XCallestria is quickly devastated by Erick's battle with an incredibly powerful opponent... and a figure from his past.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-01-04 20 
29282628Mushroom Kingdom Quest Part 2: Of Clones and KoopasLeo and Sal's adventure continues! In this installment, they finish the Peach clone and set the real one on her date with Wario!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-05 11 
29295883Digger Quest: Chapter 5We awake and learn many things. Dicks are punched, enemies are made, friends are enlightened, and we come to question the very nature of our greatest enemy. Oh and we totally forgot it was our birthday tomorrow.Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-01-06 12 
29301897Wage Slave QuestFrank the Troll Social Adept WageMage goes to a meeting. Goes to work, things happen.Collective Game, Wage Slave Quest, Shadowrun2014-01-06 17 
29306276Girls und Panzer Quest 90In which we wake take a trip.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-01-06 9 
29328631 Girls Und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #6In which we find some tanks while digging around the ships bowels, and recruit a new crew.Girls und Panzer, GuP, Tanks, Canada, Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke, Collective Game2014-01-07 6 
29350298Shadowrun Quest #2Go Barhopping, get into a barfight, win, and get picked up by the police and meet some ShadowrunnersCollective Game, Wage Slave Quest, Shadowrun2014-01-08 13 
29347638Dwarf Civ Threadgeneric dwarf civ game, no overt requests for rolls, rather fun, OP Shmeh revealed to be pretty chill. So far we've been exiled, rebuilt, discovered usable ruins, made friends with orcs and enemy with drow.collective game, dwarf civ, shmeh, 2014-01-08 3 
29376259Mushroom Kingdom Quest Part 3: A Peach by Any Other NameLeo, Sal and Lily crash with Broque Monsieur. Meanwhile, we visit Tanoomba and his fast-talkin' boo friend as they bust outta jail.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-09 7 
29389458Bio Shock Quest: Chapter 1Jim Clarke, PI and undercover spook of Rapture, awakens on his floor with a sore head and a ransacked house. With his trusty hand canon he sets off after the looters for vengeance and to reclaim that which is his. Along the way he meets a foppish English teacher named James, who also has a stake in catching the looters. Together, they venture deeper into the city.Bio Shock Quest, Collective Game, Bio Shock2014-01-09 8 
29349398Privateer Quest II #19The chase for Captain Morix concludes, and Captain Aurex decides to not return to the wolfpack empty handed. A new system is discovered, and it has ships ripe for pirating...Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships2014-01-10 0 
29401341Girls und Panzer Quest 91In which we meet Mako's grandmother.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-01-10 8 
29402288Bord Quest - Two Bords, No WeaponHugo Packagebord finds something else as he searches for weapons or weapon-like things with Rando Bornum.collective game, bord quest, primordial, colony ship, bord, shenanigans, drawquest2014-01-10 6 
29402841Washed up Villain quest: RedoThe beginning of former arch villain Wilhelm Valentine's quest to get back on the top after he was insulted one to many times, and deals with demons and assholish super heroes Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Washed up Villain quest:Redo, Demons, Superheroes2014-01-10 3 
29416977A.I. Quest 21 StormOphion finds that his anxious feelings have merit.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-11 13 
29412421BioShock Quest: Chapter 2Upon moving further into the Bounty, Jim and James are invited to help bring down a big daddy by a few desperate splicers. Instead of helping them, the PI and his bumbling sidekick help their target, though Jim receives a harpoon to the shoulder for his troubles. They end up finding a place to rest for the night.BioShock Quest, Collective Game, BioShock2014-01-11 7 
29419418Washed up Villain Quest: Redo 2Washed up Villain Quest: RedoWashed up Villain Quest, Collective Game2014-01-11 0 
29417305Wage Slave Quest #3We go to work. Do some work, make buddies with the boss.Wage Slave Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game2014-01-11 8 
29438527Spirit Detective Quest thread 1We meet a reaper, we meet Koenma, we wake upYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, Quest, Yosuke, collective game, cyoa2014-01-12 11 
29435742 Commissar Quest XVIII: Return Of The Practical Part 3: <Insert Standard Sequel Name Here>As such, Commissar quest return of the practical continues, read more for the awakening, finding out about the beast - rivers! Mud men! Knifes! Stabbing!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2014-01-12 5 
29449266souls in asseswe discuss whether souls live in asses and what that means for the orksork, bum, butt, ass, soul, slaanesh, eldar, 40k, warhammer, epic, lol, funny, fluff2014-01-12 22 
29464754Rum & Booty Quest 6The trip to Tortuga!Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-01-13 7 
29468871Wage Slave Quest #4We get back from lunch, go try to convince a racist to buy water guns, and are late to a meetingWage Slave Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game2014-01-13 7 
29467511Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 4: Tanoomba's TroubleThings get more exciting as Tanoomba joins his friend Darryl Bones in a plot to board the Comet Observatory and Lily dons a strange violet mask...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-13 5 
29474320Girls und Panzer Quest 92: RichardQuest editionIn which we're the incredibly charismatic and awesome driver for Team Grizzly. And we're spying on our commander's date.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-01-13 11 
29489371/tg/ vs a KaijuOP playtests a simple d6 homebrew where CHERNO ALPHA sets a Kaiju on fire and then tesla punches it.playtest, getting shit done, pacific rim, Cherno Alpha, kaiju, giant robots punching giant monsters, mech2014-01-14 1 
29499629Girls und Panzer Quest 93: RichardQuest Edition Pt 2In which we continue to support our commander in his romantic endeavors.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-01-14 9 
29518289Exalted GeneralHolden drops by to answer questions about Exalted Third Edition. Exalted, Holden Shearer, Exalted Third Edition2014-01-16 2 
29536750Washed up Villain quest Redo 3In which Willheim Vallentine finds a new hat, finally gets over his hangover, and gets some new threads (with the side effect of a massive debt)Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Prinny, Debt, Nothing much happens,2014-01-16 0 
29540004Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 5: Rosalina's Last StandShit gets real in Mushroom Kingdom Quest! Tanoomba and friends wreak havoc on the Comet Observatory, while Donkey Kong enters the mix!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-16 10 
29561809Wage Slave Quest #5We call the cops on those creeps, play shadowrunner, stop the creeps, almost get burned in the process, and finally talk to the police.Collective Game, Wage Slave Quest, Shadowrun2014-01-17 8 
29582956Lamia Legacy Quest 10A bandit battle episode. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-01-18 10 
29587084A.I. Quest 21.5 StormOphion deals with the deadly attack on Ussaihu, and is infiltrated by an old enemy.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-18 14 
29589655Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 6In this chapter, The Boo forgets to title his chapters!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-18 5 
29609731Spirit Detective Quest thread #2 We leave the hospital and hang out with some friends before doing some research on the spirit world and going to meet Koenma to tell him we accept the position of Spirit DetectiveYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, Quest, Yosuke, Kuwabara, detective, collective game, cyoa2014-01-19 8 
29611565Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 7: Saving Sergeant Blueford Shit gets REALER in Mushroom Kingdom Quest! Darryl's true nature is revealed and Tanoomba has second thoughts about where his loyalties lie!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-19 5 
29622461Over(Human)Limit Quest 4Asher is sent back out into the city after a little chat with Friend.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-19 10 
29613544Over(Human)Limit Quest 5Asher kills a banshee and meets his old group then heads back to base.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-19 10 
29632800A.I. Quest 22 QuelledOphion deals with the aftermath of Tartarus' attack, and makes several management decisions while realizing how large the universe really is.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-20 16 
29631300Wage Slave Quest #6Frank goes to the doctors, has a talk with a nurse and then a security guard. Meet with the doctor. Have a talk about memories and needles, then get back to work the next day.Collective Game, Wage Slave Quest, Shadowrun2014-01-20 7 
29633723The Hair BeastOP tells the story of a creature he created with a Wish spell.storytime wish monster hair2014-01-20 8 
29635763Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 8: Let's-a Go!Mario and Luigi finally make their appearance in this chapter!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-20 5 
29636181Soul Quest XIWith Callestria in shambles, Erick and company find a brief moment to plan their next move.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-01-20 16 
29631930Digger Quest: Chapter 6Bass convinces Cruiser to turn his beloved AE86 into a amphibious gun touting death machine. He enters the first of the islands three remaining ruins, fights metal crocodiles, and levels up. Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-01-20 12 
29640267Girls und Panzer Quest 94In which the date continues and we try not to lose our coolGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-01-20 9 
29684512Privateer Quest II #22: Sorting the PrizeCaptain Percius Aurex returns to the wolfpack with his first prize and sets about sorting through crew and cargo.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot2014-01-22 1 
29711497Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 9: Despicable DarrylIn this chapter, Donkey Kong gets a second chance in fighting the abominable Darryl Bones!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-23 6 
29716750Princess Guard Quest 113Reinhold discusses swords with Agnes.Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, great job you assholes2014-01-23 28 
29737477Over(Human)Limit Quest 6Asher take a breather and learns more about magic, along with creating his first contract!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-24 10 
29756209A.I. Quest 23 Broadened HorizonOphion takes to the task of interrogating Captain Rhea, and learns far more then he expected. Yet still the truth remains in shadow.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-25 15 
29765945A.I. Quest 23.5Ophion explores the local small world of Aquil, finding a band of strange pirate ships, and something more.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-25 15 
29762417Girls und Panzer Quest 95The date continues and Miho is drunk.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-01-25 11 
29757715Being an Irish monkWhat starts with a description of an Irish monk's life (and a neckbeard's dismissal of his contributions) turns into a historical discussion.Irish monk, history, never change /tg/2014-01-25 7 
29773185Shadow Quest 91Homecoming.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 91, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-01-25 32 
29775921Civilization Quest: GoblinsGorlnash Tribe seeks to take over the world!Collective Game, Civilization Quest, Gorlnash Tribe, Goblins2014-01-25 1 
29778553Spirit Detective Quest #3You begin your first mission as Spirit Detective in an abandoned warehouse where you fight some demons and find some hostagesYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, spirit detective quest, Quest, Yosuke, Kuwabara, detective, collective game, cyoa2014-01-26 7 
29809851Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 10: Sal the GumshoeLeo and Sal get ready to leave for Cackletta's lab, but they get an unforseen visitor...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-27 0 
29816252TSAB Quest Chapter IIIIn which we make preparations and feel the burning fervour of true Japanese Fighting Spirit. Preliminary spell and load-out discussion.TSAB_quest EnforcerStandby, yamato damashi, samurai, male protagonist, Magical guy, magical girl2014-01-27 2 
29851571Ardat-Yakshi Quest - Ch. 1 (Mass Effect)We meet the protagonist, a young Ardat Yakshi by the name Vayle Reitra, who had accidentally murdered her lover. She fled to Omega, made a Quarian friend by the name of Mel, and was coerced into service by the Krogan in charge of Omega.Collective Game, Ardat Yakshi Quest, Mass Effect, Asari2014-01-29 6 
29859618Over(Human)Limit Quest 8The fight in the Assembly Hall rages on against the Government agents...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-29 10 
29861121Shadow Quest 92The first night of the Arland War Summit.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 92, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-01-29 26 
29860248Ardat-Yakshi Quest - Ch. 2 (Mass Effect)Supreme Fuck ups in infiltrating a merc base.Collective Game, Ardat Yakshi Quest, Mass Effect, Asari2014-01-29 6 
29851238Lamia Legacy Quest 11A bit of rest after dealing with bandits, a glittering discovery, and a mysterious letter. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-01-29 8 
29880119Ardat-Yakshi Quest - Ch. 3 (Mass Effect)And the plot thickens with an assault on the Omega mines.Collective Game, Ardat Yakshi Quest, Mass Effect, Asari2014-01-30 6 
29855326Privateer Quest II #23Percius Aurex returns to the wolfpack, has a meal with some of his officers, and reports to Lord WilsonCollective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, techpriests, psyker2014-01-30 1 
29884057Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 11: The DoorIn this chapter, Leo's crew discovers the shocking truth of Broque Monsieur's origin, and Tanoomba finally rids the world of Darryl Bones.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-30 5 
29899902Anal AdventuringWhat happens when OP asks how many druids you can fit into an anus? The answer may surprise youdruids, wildshape, milkmaids, escape artist2014-01-30 39 
29905017Ardat-Yakshi Quest - Ch. 4 (Mass Effect)After killing our salarian captive, we find out a few unsavory things about a friend, and are abut to be told a story of grand proportions.Collective Game, Ardat Yakshi Quest, Mass Effect, Asari2014-01-31 6 
February 2014
29928727A.I. Quest 24 Deep RootsOphion investigates the strange fungus found at Aquil, among the pirate ships.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, Wild, World, Eshareth, Violent, Plants, Mutant, Fauna2014-02-01 14 
29934269Shadow Quest 93Dinner at Dobshire.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 93, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-01 27 
29944697Shadow Quest 93 Part IIDinner continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 93, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-02-01 27 
29948682Digger Quest: Chapter 7Bass continues to explore the Bronze Tower! Keys are found, bodies are discovered, and limbs are nearly lost! Will Bass find treasure awaiting him or will he only find sorrow and death?Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-02-02 14 
29957616Girls und Panzer Quest 96: RichardQuest ReduxWe're Richard, and we're spying on our Commander's date once againGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-02-02 9 
29980679Over(Human)Limit Quest 9In the aftermath of Susej's death.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-03 8 
29972934Digger Quest: Chapter 8Bass single-handedly fights a city-destroying Reaverbot, decides to waterproof his gun, and buys crappy gifts for his friends.Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure, No Seriously Bass Is Really Bad At Picking Out Gifts2014-02-03 12 
29982774Girls und Panzer Quest 97In which we resume our date, go to the movies, and see Frozen.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-02-03 11 
30008887/tg/ fixes a combi-boltgunAnon shows up with a gun tailored for pose striking, and /tg/ can't help but squeal 'makeover!'. Also tech-heresy.dork angles, Dark Angels, 40k, weapons, /tg/ gets shit done2014-02-04 9 
30026703Shadow Quest 93 Part IIIDinner continues to continue.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 93, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2014-02-05 26 
30020961Expendable QuestImperial Guardsman fated to die terribly turns out to be not-so-expendable. One-shotcollective_game, 40K, guardsman, Expendable_Quest, one-shot, oneshot2014-02-05 27 
30040391Imperial ship quirk brainstorming threadIdeas to make 40K ships more unique settings40K, ships, game ideas2014-02-06 8 
30047277Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 11: The Melancholy of Haruhi TanoombaTanoomba, Yelmont and Blueford get on the road again, while our heroes meet back with their boss in this torturously slow 'sode!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-02-06 0 
30021794Privateer Quest II #24Captain Aurex attends a meeting of the wolfpack's Captains and sees to his growing list of assetsCollective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot2014-02-06 2 
30051732Girls und Panzer Quest 98In which the movie continues and we go to the bathroom.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-02-06 11 
30045217Random Dimensional Quest 3: Of Drug Deals and Dream WhalesIn which Nick Trimmers discovers more of his abilities and comes down from his high.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, arms dealers, Arsenal, magic mushroom2014-02-06 1 
30070717Girls und Panzer Quest 99The movie ends and Mako discovers expresso.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-02-07 7 
30084888A.I. Quest 25 ReawakeningKronos awakens from his quick rest, and relays to Ophion his new thoughts.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-02-08 13 
30086310Ardat-Yakshi Quest - Ch. 5 (Mass Effect)We escape from Omega, Quarian in towCollective Game, Ardat Yakshi Quest, Mass Effect, Asari2014-02-08 4 
30121329Urban SHAZAM QuestHolly Stone, witch, runs from thugs, kneecaps fools, and gets a taste of delicious, delicious morphine.Collective Game, Urban Shazam Quest, urban fantasy2014-02-09 6 
30123737Commissar Quest: Return Of The Practical Part 4: OH LORD WE'RE ACTUALLY PLAYINGTonight we finish of the second practical, and perhaps we'll live to see another day yet?Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2014-02-09 6 
30135062Girls und Panzer Quest 100: One-Hundredth Thread Spectacular!In which we are Miho Nishizumi and we have a killer headache.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-02-10 9 
30132013Over(Human)Limit Quest 10Asher and co take a pounding while heading out of the city, Anons argue about OathsOver(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-10 10 
30150239Lamia Legacy Quest 12A shopping trip on up to snake's landing Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-02-11 8 
30178223Shadow Quest 93 Part IVDinner continues to continue to continue.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 93, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 4, IV2014-02-12 23 
30199228Shadow Quest 94Negotiations begin.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 94, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-13 24 
30197975Mushroom Kingdom Quest 13: Time to Pay the PlumberTanoomba, Yelmont and Blueford meet up in the newly-formed Toadsworth Consulate to discuss how to fix Darryl's mess. Meanwhile, a high-stakes MK Grand Prix starts to take shape...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-02-13 2 
30196141Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 2Holly Stone, witch, armors herself with a suit of gravel, METAL GEAR's her way past a bunch of goons, and gets herself stuck in a massive gunfight.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-02-13 7 
30197241Random Dimensional Quest 4 - Quest Long or Die TryingIn which Nick Trimmers visits astral woodstock, does drugs, and gets (spiritually) laid. Wat.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, magic mushroom, astral hippie sex2014-02-13 2 
30222127Shadow Quest 95The adventure in Dobshire continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 95, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-14 24 
30265887Banished Quest 1We are cast out into the desert for slandering a prince.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-02-16 50 
30255313The King of Fighters Quest Round 16: "Forever Alone"-EditionIn which the QM goes to far and the players revolt in-turn.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Instant Shitstorm2014-02-16 6 
30281809Digger Quest: Chapter 8.5Bass goes shopping and does some research at an old ass library. Thread stops short due to shitty OP internet connection during a storm.Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-02-17 10 
30288532Shadow Quest 95 Part IIThrough the catacombs.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 95, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-02-17 23 
30285275A.I. Quest 26 Dominant CultureOphion tackles several rather important issues facing his empire, as well as speaking with a newly birthed A.I., Metis. A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-02-17 13 
30294963Shadow Quest 96Enter the inferno.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 96, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-17 24 
30289279Girls und Panzer Quest 101In which we plan a party and talk to MakoGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-02-17 5 
30305969Banished Quest 2We explore an abandoned fortress and set off north once more.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-02-18 39 
30335062Shadow Quest 96 Part IIThe inferno burns blue.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 96, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-02-19 22 
30334263Oversized Weapon Quest 13I prefer my elves medium rare! Meet some wacky gnoll guy.Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, Goblins, Big Swords, Gnolls, Roasted Marshmellows2014-02-19 26 
30341089Shadow Quest 97The Shadow meets with his allies in the cathedral.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 97, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-19 23 
30331773Shadowrun Hacker QuestIt's 2073, and Echo_TRACER just got a new job. Making the interview might be a little complicated.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-02-19 10 
30357053Shadow Quest 97 Part IIThe Shadow and allies shuffle their cards.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 97, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-02-20 23 
30354918Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 3Holly Stone, Witch, gets a case, summons a hellhound, and goes against the Soviet Mole People.Collective Game, Urban SHAZAM Quest, urban fantasy2014-02-20 8 
30362865Shadow Quest 98The challenge under the fortress.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 98, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-20 24 
30380471Shadow Quest 98 Part IIThe Shadow gains a new ally.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 98, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-02-21 24 
30332000Privateer Quest II #25Percius Aurex embarks upon a short expedition to further explore a planet before embarking upon a raid with other Captains of the wolfpack. A snowstorm leads to an interesting find.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Exploration, Snow, Survival2014-02-21 0 
30380196Girls und Panzer Quest 102In which we're Nishizumi Miho, and we're trying to help Russells unsee what he saw.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-02-21 6 
30395877Shadowrun Hacker Quest 2: The Best Part of Waking Up EditionAfter a night of hacking his way into the most exclusive town in the Seattle Metro, we talk to our girlfriend, go to our interview, and decide to see if we can do this run in 24 hours or lessShadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-02-22 6 
30392208Banished Quest 3We meet a strange huntress, explore a village, and then flee a village. Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-02-22 39 
30398867Over(Human)Limit Quest 11Asher dreams of power.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-22 11 
30389899Warforged StorytimeFeaturing Tim and Jim the Warforged brothers, Lichforged, Nanoforged, the 3/4ths golem, the Iron Giant, and an obscenely corny yet somehow endearing story of friendship and slapping death's shit, among other things.story, time, storytime, warforged, Pinocchio, lichforged, nanoforged, nanohaforged, 3/4ths golem, FRIENDSHIP, Iron Giant, character concepts2014-02-22 9 
30422152Badass Overlord QuestA oneshot about Overlord Embra's quest to become the most badass evil overlord.Collective Game, Drawquest, Overlord, Oneshot2014-02-23 21 
30438299Soul Quest XIIErick and his party embark on their first proper hunting mission, and find something is amiss in a small village.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-02-24 11 
30436630Banished Quest 4We return to the ruined fortress to get our money. Then learn to manipulate fire. Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-02-24 39 
30438672Shadowrun Hacker Quest 3: Digital Shadow EditionEcho_TRACER engages a group of armed men and proves that brains really are better than brawn. With the package in hand, he needs to keep his head low and stay alive long enough to collect his pay.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-02-24 8 
30445799Girls und Panzer Quest 103In which we're Nishizumi Miho and we're looking for Mako. We also recruit the gest--Sodoclones.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-02-24 7 
30442896Over(Human)Limit Quest 12Five hundred and twelve.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-24 11 
30453585BoatmurderedSome Swede-fag tells /tg/ a story of the time he sent his players into boatmurdured.Storytiem, Pathfinder,Exploding Dice, Shitting the queen,D20,Boatmurdered, Dwarf Fortress2014-02-24 17 
30459080Banished Quest 5We reach Anthus, commission a custom weapon, and meet our brother. Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-02-25 39 
30468572Shadow Quest 99The Ring City's representatives arrive in Arland.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 99, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-25 24 
30481435Lamia Legacy Quest 13Business deals are done, and friends are visited.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-02-26 7 
30506828Banished Quest 6A short thread in which Soma has to leave early. We finish up at the Academy and then go to a tannery. Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-02-27 39 
30510054Shadow Quest 100Conflict is never far away.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 100, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-27 22 
30507008Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 4Holly Stone, witch, gets herself an AK-47, suits up in tacticool scrap-metal body armor, and battles her way through the lair of the Soviet Mole People.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-02-27 5 
30509142Over(Human)Limit Quest 13The group hits civilization for some R&R on the way to Vegas.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker2014-02-27 12 
30534454Shadow Quest 101Calamity strikes, but the Shadow marches on.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 101, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-28 20 
30526725Banished Quest 6.5We commission some armor, head for Licae, learn a new spell, and start exploring a dungeon.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-02-28 39 
March 2014
30550560A.I. Quest 27 Tactical SplitOphion speaks with Kronos and several other A.I. of his and realizes it may be wise to split their attentions for now. On top of that matter, Rhea awakens.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-03-01 13 
30548262Banished Quest 7We explore the unknown, purge the unclean, and mess with technology beyond our understanding.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest 2014-03-01 39 
30577727Girls und Panzer Quest 104In which we learn of some new tanks that may be lurking in the bowels of the ship.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-03-02 9 
30597710Shadow Quest 102Let's see what happens...Collective Game, shadow, quest, 102, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-03 23 
30590811Digger Quest: Chapter 9Bass gets his gear and attempts to go to the Silver Tower, but is forced to retreat. He goes searching for a job and gets to search for lost kittens. Word of a murder catches his ear and things taken an unusual turn...Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-03-03 10 
30593220Shadowrun Hacker Quest 4: OP's Skipping the Booze Tonight EditionEcho_TRACER's safehouse has been compromised. With Harriet in tow, his only hope of escape is to lay low in a coffin hotel. While he's busy keeping out of sight, he calls on an ally to aid in his search for knowledge.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-03-03 6 
30599505Girls und Panzer Quest 105In which we get some more details about the missing tanks and introduce the Sodoclones to their tank.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-03-03 11 
30611951Banished Quest 8We solve the generator problem, meet an AI, and take over the ruin. Sorta.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest 2014-03-04 39 
30641120Shadow Quest 103The Shadow recovers and contemplates his plan of action.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 103, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-05 23 
30638206Tim Quest OneshotTim, unknowingly to him, is stuck in a sort of time loop. As the loop goes on, his co-workers gradually disappear before only he is left.Collective Game, Shitty Drawquest, Quest, Tim Quest2014-03-05 0 
30617033Kamen Rider Myth Quest 3Library. Friend of a friend. Goblins!Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Myth Quest, Collective Game, The Gentry, Irish Mythology, Folklore2014-03-05 0 
30639180Over(Human)Limit Quest 14A morning at a Deny's is a poor one for a certain waitress.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-05 11 
30655142Lamia Legacy Quest 14The path through the mountains opens wide.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-03-06 6 
30654661Banished Quest 9We get ambushed by constructs, cause the ceiling to collapse, and discover some phat loot.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-03-06 39 
30665078Banished Quest 10Soma pulls a double feature, then crashes and goes to bed. Hopefully picks up in the morning.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-03-06 39 
30677411Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 5Holly Stone, witch, finds her mark, negotiates with a giant talking monolith, and runs for her life when she makes it very, very angry.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-03-07 5 
30696718A.I. Quest 28 Foreign in NatureThe strange and alien elements of the universe greet Ophion, while he attempts to deal with two fractured minds, one closer to home then the other.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-03-08 14 
30700345Shadow Quest 104Yi Fang makes a move.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 104, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-08 24 
30703744Soul Quest XIIIErick discusses the whereabouts of his Master, with Maraja, the Ocean Spirit.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-03-08 11 
30712323Banished Quest 11We go back to grab the guar, make a break for Anthus, and meet Sadik on the way.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-03-09 39 
30721050Girls und Panzer Quest 106In which we talk to the automotive club about their Porsche Tiger and get other things done.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-03-09 7 
30729189The Night ShiftYou play as a gas station attendant out in Middle-of-Nowhere. You deal with a typical day, interacting with customers and helping out around the Station. As night falls, weird things start to happen. Welcome to the Night Shifthorror, surreal, homebrew, setting, gas station, one shot, brainstorming,2014-03-09 45 
30738110Shadowrun Hacker Quest 5: OP's a tiredfag edition.Though Echo_TRACER wakes the next morning and prepares to meet with his team, OP is not yet ready to face the dawn.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest, OP is a tiredfag2014-03-10 5 
30744550Shadow Quest 105Just before the biggest meeting yet.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 105, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-10 22 
30736109Gundam AGE Quest: Part 66 A generation ends. A new one begins. Heroes fall, tyrants rise, and all light seems to die. However a new light is lit in the seemingly darkest of places...In the form of a living weapon.Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Death, Woolf, Ash, Asemu, Kio, X-Rounder, Leviathan, Flit, 2014-03-10 26 
30745096The Night Shift: Second ShiftThe second thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift (also known as the "Graveyard Shift") is discussed, more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and the merits of NPCs and additional tables are debated.Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming2014-03-10 20 
30766974Shadow Quest 106The Shadow works on preparing himself and his forces before the meeting.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 106, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-11 22 
30763437The Night Shift: Third ShiftThe third thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed, even more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and a talented Anon continues to crunch things out.Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming, crunch2014-03-11 11 
30754093What /tg/ does with the drunken sailorWe have discovered a horrifying reality. There are people who have never heard that song and new versions are pitchedSea Shanty, Songs, What Should We Do With The Drunken Sailor, The Drunken fa/tg/uy, Cowardly Guardsman, Muppets Treasure Island2014-03-12 9 
30783076Ask a (soon to be) Ex-GW staffer anything!A noble GW-Staffer gets the axe. Before he's fired, he does /tg/ a favor and holds an "Ask-Me'Anything" session.Ask a GW, GW, Games Workshop2014-03-12 8 
30796508The Night Shift: Fourth ShiftThe fourth thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed, yet more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and a thoughtful discussion of the crunch and fluff take place. Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming, crunch, fluff2014-03-13 12 
30808334Girls und Panzer Quest 107In which we find parts for tanks and some ammo and keep lookingGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-03-13 8 
30804702Random Dimensional Quest 8: Of Sprites and TimeskipsIn which Nick Trimmers succeeds at many of the goals he set for himself, and achieves a new level!Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, water sprites, salesmanship, timeskip, Palladium, Megaversal2014-03-13 1 
30823904Shadow Quest 107Planning for war.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 107, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-14 23 
30817437The Night Shift: Fifth ShiftThe fifth thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed. This time the crunch takes a more central role in the discussion as Night Shift World Anon works his magic.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2014-03-14 14 
30822843Girls und Panzer Quest 108In which we find a gunGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-03-14 8 
30821351Over(Human)Limit Quest 15Sunday happenings.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-14 11 
30836955A.I. Quest 29 Stubborn PastOphion 'fixes' what he can of his old friend, but it seems they have been changed by the experience, for better or worse.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-03-14 13 
30834186Banished Quest 12We reach Anthus, visit the Academy, and are thrust into the forgotten realm of a dead god.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-03-15 39 
30851473Soul Quest XIVErick learns of a dark Spirit, and binds another Shard with help from his company.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-03-16 9 
30853082Digger Quest: Chapter 10Bass is forced to take kittens home as a women is taken into police custody. He tries to find leads on who the real killer is, but ends up fighting a deadly sniper. He confronts the local militia general and things become heated. Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-03-16 10 
30855048Banished Quest 13A god tells us we're being watched, we eat breakfast, and then relax and read books after our near death experience.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-03-16 39 
30859033Ask a (soon to be) Ex-GW staffer anything Part 2The soon to be Ex-GW-Staffer returns for another "Ask-Me'Anything" session.Ask a GW, GW, Games Workshop2014-03-16 3 
30875607Shadowrun Hacker Quest 5.5: OP's awake, but the thread isn't editionEcho_TRACER gets back to work and gains some info on Harriet, but a lack of participation slows things to a halt.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-03-17 3 
30873380Digger Quest: Chapter 11Bass is sent to the hospital and learns he might not entirely be human. He asks Tom for additional weapons and pays Hunter a visit, only to be attacked by a ridiculous looking robot.Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-03-17 10 
30878639Soul Quest XVIn faint whispers, withering Spirits speak of the traitorous Calizan, whom even the Dark fears.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-03-17 11 
30894754Banished Quest 14We read some scrolls, drag Profectus out of a whorehouse, and negotiate for magic items.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-03-18 38 
30902834Shadow Quest 108With war ahead, the Shadow considers his strategy.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 108, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-18 23 
30903026Banished Quest 14.5We put an AI bent on world domination in a new body, take an another job, and finally reach Master Rank in Water.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-03-18 38 
30889424The Night Shift: Sixth ShiftThe sixth thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed. A slow thread, but one where things get done none the less. More new fluff, more new crunch, and one Anon claiming a TV show may be on the way.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2014-03-18 11 
30918298Privateer Quest II #27Captain Percius Aurex hunts and kills a beast the size of a small tank and plots his escape from the snowstorm that has cut off his exploration group from his ship and crew.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Big Game Hunting2014-03-19 4 
30938753Urban SHAZAM Quest, thread 6Holly Stone, witch, fends off a giant spike with magic, has her rage break, and finally escapes the lair of the Soviet Mole People.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-03-20 5 
30936089Banished Quest 15We finally pick up the weapon and armor we ordered, and then spoil our companions.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-03-20 38 
30942068Over(Human)Limit Quest 16Sunday continues with a battle.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-20 8 
30957749Strike Witches One-Shot QuestYou are the greatest hope for humanity's survival. You are a Strike Witch.Collective Game, Strike Witches, One-Shot, Non-Planefag2014-03-21 5 
30963875Girls und Panzer Quest 109In which we attempt to recover a tank.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-03-21 11 
30961767Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 10I survived a Japanese gameshow edition.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2014-03-21 22 
30978128A.I. Quest 30 Force of NatureOphion arrives at one of the Fringe's richest sources of gas, and realizes there is much about the universe that requires more study.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-03-21 14 
31005857Girls und Panzer Quest 110Miho recieves our gift and we talk to the Hippo team girls.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-03-23 9 
31014638Magical Girl Noir Quest 190A livid magical girl has had it with these cryptic messages and decides to enjoy a nice relaxing shower.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kirika, Enishi2014-03-23 19 
31027932Shadow Quest 109A discussion with a mage after a brief trip to Kan-Abar.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 109, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-24 22 
31000979The Night Shift: Seventh ShiftThe seventh thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed. Another leisurely thread, in which some of the more mundane happenings of the Station are mulled over, some laughs are had, some playtesting is promised, and TV Anon provides updates.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2014-03-24 11 
31060206Lamia Legacy Quest 15Decisions are made on who goes on the expedition, and a horse is brought in.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-03-26 6 
31082200Shadow Quest 110A double date with the Fang of Archon and the Black Lady.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 110, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-26 25 
31066308The Night Shift: Eighth ShiftThe eighth thread in which the setting and game system of the Night Shift is discussed. An IRC channel is set up, new blood is brought in, more fluff if fluffed and more crunch is crunched.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2014-03-26 10 
31087098Over(Human)Limit Quest 17An uphill battle continues within the church! Ancient goddesses are stingy, and Lucifer is... A woman?!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-03-27 10 
31063278CoC Mythos scenarios and plothooksA collection of mostly original plothooks for Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green games. Also has Mister Trashbags, the baby shoggoth.CoC, Mythos, hooks, plothooks, shoggoth,2014-03-27 5 
31101864Magic Shop Quest #1In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employeee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-03-28 32 
31103913A.I. Quest 30 Mini-session 1Q&A, Discussion, and general talk abound, on top of a quick scene into the mind of Moira.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-03-28 10 
31104958Ghostbusters: Japan: Episode 11We go hunting for the Gentlemen's Club with Sachiko, find some stockings, and meet a vampire.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2014-03-28 22 
31108537Girls und Panzer Quest 111In which we work on our tank to the shock of our teammates and prepare Miho to face her sister.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-03-28 11 
31103676The Night Shift: Ninth ShiftThe ninth thread in which the setting and game system of the Night Shift is discussed. The three oldest NPCs are discussed, new Threats are codified using the Night Shift World format, and questions are raised.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2014-03-29 10 
31140171Shadowrun Hacker Quest 6: Afternoon Stroll EditionEcho_TRACER dives deeper into the Barrens to find more information, and finds much more than he bargained for.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-03-29 2 
31148294Over(Human)Limit Quest 18Fuck-all happens and Dranule falls asleep.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism, Not moe2014-03-30 8 
31164755Shadowrun Hacker Quest 6.6: No Distractions EditionEcho_TRACER and co. take on the team of Declan mercs, and manage to learn something about the lady in charge.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-03-31 4 
31169525Over(Human)Limit Quest 19Donner doesn't like mech flesh and Asher fails at summoning a sandworm to carry us to VegasOver(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-31 11 
31169228Girls und Panzer Quest 112In which we practice gunnery, fake damage to our Pershing, and meet Miho's sister.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-03-31 12 
April 2014
31184164Banished Quest 16We're back after a week long break! We invent wargaming in this setting! We go to a bar!Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-01 39 
31223331Banished Quest 17Short thread which Soma calls early due to a caffeine crash. Will hopefully either resume or pick up in a new thread tomorrow.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-03 37 
31229667Shadow Quest 111After the date, the Shadow gets back to business.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 111, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-03 23 
31247134Banished Quest 17.5We get hassled by a racist, break and heal a kid's shoulder, and finally figure out burst.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-04 39 
31242916Magic Shop Quest #2In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-04-04 25 
31247263Ghostbusters Japan Episode 12 We turn an ambush right back onto a bunch of apex predators in a train station. Legacies, evolution and mysteries are discussedCollective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Chinese Vampire, Jiang-shi, 2014-04-04 20 
31246626Over(Human)Limit Quest 20A desert road is walked, an enemy encountered, and a friend lost.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-04 10 
31249116Girls und Panzer Quest 113In which we talk to Maho and Erika, and propose a duel.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-04-04 12 
31267326Shadow Quest 112The Shadow looks to Fang for his next move.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 112, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-05 23 
31260696Banished Quest 18We get a good night's rest. Our robot kills some people. We am become gods.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-05 39 
31283673Banished Quest 19We die, then go on to have a particularly productive day and speak with beings from beyond this world.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-06 39 
31285446Girls und Panzer Quest 114In which we discuss Tiger hunting.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-04-06 12 
31296450A Clash of Class - The wizard sideWizards planning to take out the wyrms and to stop the warriors from getting there firstWyrm, Wizards, Clash of Class, meetings2014-04-06 1 
31297625A Clash of Class - The Warrior sideThe warriors bumble about and circlejerk trying to find out how to get the Wyrms all the while an attack brews from the other side.Wyrm, Warriors, Clash of Class, Meetings2014-04-06 1 
31304086Yuri QuestThis is the story of a normal sixteen year old girl who happened to be a raging fucking lesbian.Collective Game, One-Shot, Yuri2014-04-07 30 
31305422Shadowrun Hacker Quest 7: Sniper Wolf EditionEcho_TRACER shows an enemy shadowrunner what happens when they mess with his team, and then makes contact with his fixer once more.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-04-07 5 
31332736Shadow Quest 113The Shadow regroups with Duke Vellik.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 113, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-08 23 
31323984Banished Quest 20We plan out our assassination attempt, send out our companions to buy supplies and scout, then buy some books and hash out a contract.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-08 39 
31322408Lamia Legacy Quest 16Expedition preparations are made and a military man is talked to.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-04-08 6 
31328439Party BeginningsAnons discuss interesting, memorable, unique, and awesome beginnings to roleplaying campaigns. GMs steal ideas for their games.game ideas, roleplay, game, DM, GM, awesome, /tg/, campaign, Campaign, ideas, Roleplay, original content, brainstorm, getting shit done, brainstorming, roleplaying, Game Design, 2014-04-08 3 
31341207High Octane ShadowrunOP plans on running his players through some Payday-styled heists and asks /tg/ for ideas. Features exploding buses, the Umbrella Corporation, and detailed notes on a drone heist.Shadowrun, Payday, High, Octane, Heists, Umbrella, Grand, Theft, Drone2014-04-08 11 
31353080Shadow Quest 114The Shadow speaks with Raphael.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 114, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-09 23 
31368459Banished Quest 21We scare the crap out of some kids, assassinate a Lord, and then set a house on fire.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-10 39 
31370008Log Horizon Quest 1Our hero begins his life in the DATABASE WOW WOW, discovers the power of levers, and scares a poor merchant senseless.Log Horizon Quest, Quest, TinyShepherd, Collective Game, Levers2014-04-10 39 
31390426Shadow Quest 115The Shadow returns to the Nemesis.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 115, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-10 23 
31385441Oversized Weapon Quest 24We do some leadering, some shopping, some fashion shopping, and then get on a boat and fight some pirates. It was a busy day.Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, Goblins, Fashion, Shopping, Leadership, Big Swords2014-04-11 21 
31397623Shadow Quest 115 Part IIThe Shadow spars with Abigail.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 115, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-04-11 23 
31389295Magic Shop Quest #3 In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-04-11 20 
31395143Girls und Panzer Quest 115In which we name the B1 and begin preparations for our duel with Erika's Tiger II.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-04-11 14 
31390768Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 13We get in a fight with one of our teammates before an assault on a hidden lair of sorcerers. Also, we slime another teammate into revealing some embarassing secrets. Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Chinese Vampire, Jiang-shi, Sorcerer2014-04-11 20 
31411898Banished Quest 22We successfully escape the city, read some books, chat with a friend, and then get our cheek cut off.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-12 38 
31426129Magical Girl Noir Quest 194A spiteful magical girl turns a cat's head into mush and gets into other people's beeswax.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Enishi2014-04-12 19 
31431666Pokemon Quest #41We convince Vance to go for Jeanine, have a date with Robin, and run into a burning buildingand buy moonshine, and set up a date with Robin Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer2014-04-13 21 
31436397Over(Human)Limit Quest 21Helia may not be long for the world and Asherah wants a favor to heal her.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-13 8 
31460328Shadow Quest 116Emergency meeting before the battle.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 116, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-14 23 
31455102Shadowrun Hacker Quest 8: Hotel-Movie Reference EditionEcho_TRACER retreats to a fancy hotel, thinks his way through problems, and wants to look at Harriet's legs.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-04-14 5 
31455476Log Horizon Quest 2Our hero discovers the true power of LEVERS and begins his journey to unlock their potential.Log Horizon Quest, Quest, TinyShepherd, Collective Game, Levers2014-04-14 26 
31476480Banished Quest 23We defeat a party of bandits, rescue a spoiled princess, then proceed to insult her.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-15 39 
31485950Banished Quest 23.5A brief continuation of the previous thread. We investigate a bandit hideout and find instead an abandoned fortress.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-15 37 
31497387Shadow Quest 117The battle at Evinbrook Basin commences.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 117, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-16 24 
31505830Shadow Quest 117 Part IIContinuation of thread 117Collective Game, shadow, quest, 117, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-04-16 25 
31522816Shadow Quest 117 Part IIIThe battle at Evinbrook Basin continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 117, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2014-04-17 23 
31525525Log Horizon Quest 3We venture into the desert and try out the combat systemLog Horizon Quest, Quest, TinyShepherd, Collective Game, Levers2014-04-17 10 
31540286Lamia Legacy Quest 17Prospectors prospect, hawks fly, and preparation completes. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-04-18 7 
31549949Shadow Quest 118The Shadow consults with friends before leaving.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 118, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-18 23 
31549904Girls und Panzer Quest 116In which Rose takes a long shot.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-04-18 12 
31564006A.I. Quest 31 PerceptionOphion makes a deal with Mol, a powerful black market operator, and realizes he knows more then he's let on so far. At the same time, he deals with a significant defeat...A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-04-19 13 
31566385Soul Quest XVIErick and company return to Callestria, to spread word of their successful endeavors.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-04-19 11 
31586807Shadow Quest 119Through the Void.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 119, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-20 24 
31587826What the fuck is this garbage?Seriously, Dran. I saw you started up a thread and I thought it was going to be Dead Last Ninja finally starting at a reasonable time, not this "Over(human)limit" garbage. I'm disappointed. DLN is better anyway, so you should run it more.Collective Game, Dranule, Edgy, Trash, Drop this, trust, me, I'm, doing, you, a, favor2014-04-20 4 
31592419Shadow Quest 120The island in the Void.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 120, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-20 38 
31601036Text Adventure Quest: SwordsageNo cunnilingus. Absolutely disgusting. The MC marries his dead brother's fiance, then fucks her.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-04-21 4 
31605674Shadowrun Hacker Quest 9: Celebrating 420 on the Waterfront EditionEcho_TRACER gets one step closer to realizing the full nature of Harriet's relationship to Declan Futures, and tries to make peace with the mysterious sniper.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-04-21 3 
31609204Dark Age of Technology AIOP's Rogue Trader players found an AI from the DAoT and for some reason decided to plug it into their ship. OP requests inventive ways for this to backfire horribly on them and /tg/ delivers. What comes next is best described as nightmare fuel with a side of Clippy.Rogue Trader, Dark Age of Technology, AI, doomed, skynet, SHODAN, GLADoS, Clippy2014-04-21 7 
31606045Log Horizon Quest 3We try to accept "the best quest in the game"Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-04-21 11 
31631189Soul Quest XVIIErick takes on an eager apprentice.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-04-22 11 
31632976Banished Quest 24BanQ returns after a brief break. We sneak into a ruin, kill some more bandits, and rescue a maiden.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-22 39 
31650380Shadow Quest 120 Part IIThe Shadow finds his answers.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 120, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-04-23 20 
31655496Shadow Quest 120 Part IIIIn the depths of the island.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 120, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2014-04-23 20 
31665144Shadow Quest 120 Part IVConflict in the island's depths.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 120, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 4, IV2014-04-23 20 
31670307Shadow Quest 120 part VA continuation of part IVCollective Game, shadow, quest, 120, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 5, V2014-04-24 23 
31674272A crazy PC's memorialA tribute to a good friend and crazy players like him. Story time, Storytime, awesome, crazy, crazy shit, D&D, Mage, lulz, epic, /tg/ 2014-04-24 10 
31666894Banished Quest 25We further explore the ruins, shove things into our multidimensional cloak, kill a whole bunch of bandits, and very nearly die.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-24 39 
31687688Magic Shop Quest #4In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-04-25 21 
31693370Girls und Panzer Quest 117In whichwe deal with a media circus and Anzu places a bet whose details we are not privy to.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-04-25 11 
31712772A.I. Quest 32 Opening GambitOphion begins his assault on Gaia IV in hopes of assisting the Malorian forces.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-04-26 10 
31716476Over(Human)Limit Quest 23Previous thread at http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/31587826/ Asher returns to Jackie's, preparations are underway for the mission!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-26 10 
31721796A.I. Quest 32.5Ophion decides to assist the Malorians in their time of need, and takes over a dangerous Carrier, before trying to determine how to get back home.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-04-26 12 
31732432Text Adventure Quest: SwordsageThe MC leaves on high adventure! Almost immediately stops to fuck wife and random other girl. Still no cunnilingus.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-04-27 1 
31761435Banished Quest 26We interrogate a bandit, do some looting, and the thread ends a bit early.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-28 37 
31762439Log Horizon Quest 5Murder mansion, fox sluts, and American justice. What more is there to say?Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-04-28 11 
31789290Over(Human)Limit Quest 24A painter is awakened, and a city has an infestation of bad luck.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-29 18 
31785138Banished Quest 27We loot the vault bare, start delving into the mine shaft, and get to know the Captain better.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-04-29 38 
May 2014
31826908Banished Quest 28We discover a disembodied beating heart, battle a plant monster, and then get geised by a spirit to kill a woman and feed him her heart.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-01 38 
31829077Log Horizon Quest 6Welcome to Morning Star CountryLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-01 12 
31849991Magic Shop Quest #5 In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-05-02 23 
31855332Girls und Panzer Quest 118: Twintail Midget EditionIn which we are Kadotani Anzu and we like screwing with Russell's fragile mind.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-05-02 12 
31870839A.I. Quest 33 TargetOphion handles the aftermath of his attempted insurgency, on top of dealing with a wealth of new knowledge.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-05-03 12 
31870270Banished Quest 29We get punched in the gut by an ally, fight off horribly monstrosities, slit our own throat, then take a nap.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-03 38 
31893639Shadow Quest 121Abigail and allies reconvene in Arland.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 121, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-05-04 21 
31916575Shadowrun Hacker Quest 10: Tower Defense EditionEcho_TRACER and his team defend against both bad luck and Declan Futures in the battle over Harriet's freedom.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-05-05 5 
31915719A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman QuestWe wake up, find out most of our friends are dead, fail at STANDING (gg team) and join a Lady Inquisitor.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman, 2014-05-05 34 
31940101Log Horizon Quest 7MEANWHILE IN BIG APPLELog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-06 11 
31962129Log Horizon Quest 8The law and you...Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-07 10 
31960929A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 2We meet the majority of our team, grab a bite to eat, and may or may not get in a fist fight with Sergeant Zi-I mean Commander Vincent.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman,2014-05-07 22 
31978081Nanoha FORCE Quest 21.5Vs Dragon Princess and her Dragon Rulers Part 2Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Childhood Friend, Friendship, 2014-05-08 3 
32002078A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 3We manage to win the sparing match with Vincent, finish our tour, and move on to acquire additional dakka.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman,2014-05-09 20 
32006334Girls und Panzer Quest 119: Twintail Midget II: Trolling Boogaloo Edition.In which we're, once again, Kadotani Anzu, and we enjoy making Russells squirm a bit more.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-05-09 11 
32021581A.I. Quest 34 DivertedOphion's distraction proves useful, but what he does with the time bought has yet to be decided. It certainly doesn't help that there are troubles lurking within his own territory.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-05-10 12 
32015678Ship Crew QuestOP's premise is hijacked into a quest. We assume the role of the First Mate Jacobs taking care of his drunk Captain Raeni and protect our ship from competition.Collective Game, Ship Crew Quest2014-05-10 13 
32020236Banished Quest 30We begin our descent, and then things go horribly wrong and everyone almost dies.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-10 38 
32026044Girls und Panzer Quest 120: Hamster Wheel EditionIn which a hamster is taught how to fire a gun. A big gun.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-05-10 12 
32038685A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 4We acquire dakka, pick up a servo skull butler, and get one step closer to starting our first mission.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-05-11 17 
32043751Soul Quest XVIIIErick receives a history lesson.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-05-11 7 
32061103/tg/ scanlates Orc&Elf comic, derailment ensues/tg/ being /tg/, after /a/ turned out to be unproductive. Scanlation, interpretation and maggot-infested vaginas.derail, elf, orc, comic, doujinshi, doctors feeling physically ill, nostalgia2014-05-11 32 
32085950Banished Quest 31We converse with Ricky and fight a massive construct. Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-13 39 
32112773Over(Human)Limit Quest 25Asher trains in the desert with the mad Jackie. Their time in Vegas has not gone unnoticed...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-14 9 
32108209Log Horizon Quest 9Wacky Races arc is GO!Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-14 10 
32126049A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 5We manage to look out for our servo bro and begin to spend our last day before the mission begins and we die horribly. Or something like that.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-05-15 12 
32127871Log Horizon Quest 10We recreate the steam engine and piss off our dwarf waifuLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-15 11 
32129206Lamia Legacy Quest 18Sasha and party make first contact with the centaurs. Un-expected battles ensue. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-05-15 6 
32142332Banished Quest 32We take a look at those armors we looted when we started this dungeon crawl, run through an irradiated hallway, and discover an ancient nuclear reactor.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-16 38 
32148625Sacred Jewel Quest 1.0Our young heroine enjoys her birthday.Collective Game, InuYasha, SnowLoss2014-05-16 14 
32150207Banished Quest 32.5We argue over the medical terms to call Delirium and it's effects. Also, robot drugs.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-16 37 
32152193Sacred Jewel Quest #2 Our heroine criesCollective Game, InuYasha, SnowLoss2014-05-16 11 
32150186Girls und Panzer Quest 121: Top Tip EditionIn which a Hamster fires a gun.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-05-16 11 
32165810A.I. Quest 35 Strike BackOphion prepares himself as the UGEI make their move, and he prepares his fleet.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-05-17 10 
32163984A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 6We FINALLY kick off the mission, but a mixture of bored players and FUCKING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES causes things to get interesting.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-05-17 12 
32182131Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 5An anon feels guilty and people decide to go fight a tentacle monster.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-05-17 4 
32187052Log Horizon Quest 11Wacky Races has nothing on our plans for Fantasy Steam TankLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-18 11 
32199372Exhume: Ex Cinis CinerisOP begins by asking TG for campaign setting ideas, and starts by sharing one of his own, a setting which tells the tale of a tapestry of human extinction and horrific mechanical life attempting to mimic their forebears.The Archivist, setting, homebrew, campaign, idea, existentialism, transhumanism, posthumanism, horror2014-05-18 21 
32205261Banished Quest 33BWOOOOOONGCollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-19 39 
32204992Shadowrun Hacker Quest 11: You wa Shock! EditionEcho_TRACER has been captured by another 'runner team! Press-ganged into a new run with a dangerous time-frame, Echo can only gather intel and hope to make contact with the outside world.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-05-19 3 
32206170 A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 7We make planet-fall and meet a crazy PDF trooper. The sun sets, the bell tolls, and things start to get... Riddickulous.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-05-19 12 
32228674Sacred Jewel Quest #3Our young heroine makes her escapeCollective Game, InuYasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-05-20 23 
32242399Banished Quest 34We wake up, discover one of our companions is on her deathbed, discover that there is a cure, and are enlightened as to the secrets of the universe.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-21 38 
32246091Log Horizon Quest 12Drawing up plans, prototyping, apologizing to dwarfu, and MiraclesLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-21 12 
32266754Banished Quest 35We chat with Demetrios for a while and then Soma gets banned.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-22 37 
32270403Over(Human)Limit Quest 26Asher fights against an old foe!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-22 11 
32263603A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 8A simple bug hunt turns into a rescue op, and we become Big Damn Hero's. Ignore the agent puddle.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-05-22 16 
32289127A.I. Quest 35 Mini Session 1We spend some time discussing upgrades and have some point of view switches to various NPC characters. A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, POV2014-05-23 10 
32293019Sacred Jewel Quest #4Our young heroine enjoys a moonlit forest rompCollective Game, InuYasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-05-23 20 
32311762A.I. Quest 36 RecognitionOphion finally deals with the impending UGEI attack, and move their way up the UGEI's threat list.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-05-24 10 
32316207Child Rape QuestIts muh fetish, so deal with itShotas Gettin Raped, Quest2014-05-24 18 
32338761Banished Quest 35.5Soma's ban expires, we chat with our companions, then finally reach the ancient device meant to cure our companion.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-25 38 
32343607wh40k rap battlesWarhammer 40k RAP BATTLES OF THE DARK MILLENNIUMrap, rap battles, 40k, warhammer 40k, funny as shit2014-05-25 7 
32357627Shadowrun Hacker Quest 12: Mexican Standoff EditionEcho_TRACER narrowly avoids a gunfight bursting out around him, and calls upon the disparate Shadowrunners in his life to finally plan how to defeat Declan Futures. Also, Echo_TRACER calls himself a faggot in front of everyone.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest, Echo_TRACER is a faggot2014-05-26 3 
32378129Banished Quest 36Nobody fucks up, we gain a basic understanding of Metal Magic, then we discover a horrible experiment and get to enjoy inter-party conflict!Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-27 39 
32389691Banished Quest 36.5We tentatively resolve conflicts within the party and put a horribly mutilated man out of his misery. Then we reach the lift.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-27 37 
32400104Log Horizon Quest 13Finishing the Big Red One and the creation of 1st Panzer DivisionLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-28 12 
32420966Rum & Booty Quest 7new recruits and a few bounty huntersCollective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-05-29 10 
32419406A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 9In the grimdark nightmare of the far future, there is only DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION!A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-05-29 15 
32421077Banished Quest 37We're on the trail of a bandit, tracking him through the magma-filled, dragon-inhabited tunnels deep below the surface.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-29 38 
32444254Shadow Quest 122The party is a step closer to containing chaos, but darkness looms closer...Collective Game, shadow, quest, 122, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-05-30 20 
32447322Over(Human)Limit Quest 27Asher spends some time with Lucifer... And meets Overwatch.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-30 11 
32442286Lamia Legacy Quest 19We visit the centaurs, try some food, and meet some important people. Also, get tailed. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-05-30 6 
32448271Sacred Jewel Quest #5Our young heroine recovers and then 'recovers'Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-05-30 12 
32465687Waifu Robo Quest #5Martini wakes from a frisky night to greet the day of the Neo-Victorian Youth Robot Show.Collective Game, Waifu Robo Quest, Shota, Sexbots2014-05-31 9 
32463065Banished Quest 38You create a massive tomb to avoid an ancient curse, then discover a giant generator.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-05-31 38 
32461889Shoggy the Seldom DogA party pet called Shoggy the Seldom Dog. A friendly dog that randomly polymorphed every few hours.Shoggy, Shoggy the Seldom Dog, Polymorph, Shoggoth, Story, Cute2014-05-31 90 
32467529Sacred Jewel Quest #6Our young heroine gets down to businessCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-05-31 13 
June 2014
32484612Banished Quest 39We investigate the central chamber, discover a tunnel, and wander into a dragon's nest.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-01 37 
32496215Banished Quest 39.5We run away, manage to avoid getting eaten alive, and finally find Baldev.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-01 36 
32507676Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 6The QM of this quest is a massive faggot who I hate. So much. This is the one right after the blue-balling with Cecilia.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-01 0 
32507172Rum & Booty Quest 8We set sail to the Atwoods Keys.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-02 5 
32528147Cute horror-like supernatural happenstancesOP posts the idea of creepy/adorable stuff. /tg/ delivers with OC in the form of Merlin Township. Heartwarming results.horror, monsters, cute, ghosts, haunted, ghost puppy, merlin township2014-06-03 58 
32533307Banished Quest 40We defeat Baldev (sorta), elude the dragons, and fall into a pit.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-03 38 
32542209Banished Quest 40.5Shit gets weird.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-03 38 
32551168Wandering Spirit Quest You are a Wandering Spirit. With naught but your cloak, a walking stick, and a single gold coin, you are on a journey. You are in search of the Golden Fountain.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Wandering Spirit Quest2014-06-04 13 
32556406Girls und Panzer Quest 122In which we talk to Miho about Erika.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-06-04 6 
32550254A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 10We recover from DDR, fence with the captain, and get our leg fixed before reaching our newest stop.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-06-04 15 
32554593Log Horizon Quest 14The Race BeginsLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-06-04 10 
32574774Shadow Quest 123Ila fights within the dark bowels of Xile.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 123, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-06-05 20 
32528706The Ship MovesThe roles of xenos with some ideas for components, construction, maintenance and repair of The Ship as well as speculation of its destination.The Ship, 40k, 50k, xenos, Exodus2014-06-05 1 
32582835Cute Horror-Like Supernatural Happenstances 2More spooky-cute stories of happy hauntings and musings on the magic and mysticism of Merlin Township are to be found in this second thread. Come sit a spell in the Bluebell Diner, have yourself a slice of pie and a damn fine cup of coffee and enjoy.Horror, monsters, cute, ghosts, haunted, town, heartwarming, Merlin Township2014-06-05 26 
32590433Banished Quest 41We ask questions, get answers, and finally learn the Manipulate effect.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-06 38 
32598008Girls und Panzer Quest 123In which we are Richard Hammond and we are trying to interview Itsumi Erika.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-06-06 6 
32599935Banished Quest 41.5We set off to find the Conclave and encounter difficulties.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-06 37 
32620976Shadow Quest 124Darkness is on the horizon.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 124, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-06-07 20 
32633797Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 7Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 7Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-07 -1 
32635614A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 11A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, GuardsmanA Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-06-08 1 
32638863Log Horizon Quest 15We cross a river by summoning General Winter, and that fucking cat gets ahead of usLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-06-08 10 
32659321Rum & Booty Quest 9We board the Repentance.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-09 6 
32661712Shadowrun Hacker Quest #13: Lucky Number 13 EditionEcho_TRACER hatches a plan to get a prototype Comlink so that he and his allies can hack Harriett's legs, and gain enough proof to stop Declan.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-06-09 1 
32659843Banished Quest 42We tame a giant lizard before the server goes down Collective Game, Banished Quest, Somas, Quest, Banished 2014-06-09 39 
32659928Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #1In which we see our character's background, trash a high-spec mobile suit, and convince a Zeon ace to defectShadows of Zeon, Collective Game2014-06-09 35 
32681930Shadow Quest 124 Part IIBattle above the Nemesis.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 124, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-06-10 20 
32680280Sacred Jewel Quest #7Our young heroine enjoys a story and some animal wranglingCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-06-10 11 
32695056Wandering Spirit Quest #2You are a Wandering Spirit. With naught but your cloak, a walking stick, and a single gold coin, you are on a journey. You are in search of the Golden Fountain.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Wandering Spirit Quest2014-06-11 10 
32694314Banished Quest 42.5We reach the Conclave, get shot at, then discuss the finer points of pure imoutos.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-11 36 
32693120 A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 12We begin our first undercover work as an agent of the Inquisition and may get roped into Vincent-related trouble.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-06-11 15 
32698178Log Horizon Quest 16The Race Ends (Disregard Previous 16) Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-06-11 10 
32723004Girls und Panzer Quest 124Just a dream, nothing more.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-06-12 8 
32736594Rum & Booty Quest 10We reach the Atwoods!Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-13 7 
32736673Lamia Legacy Quest 20Thieves are chased, guns shown off, and goods recovered. Not in that order.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-06-13 6 
32741919Sacred Jewel Quest #8Our young heroine gets annoyed, and the situation in the village gets hairyCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-06-13 10 
32757892Banished Quest 43We buy a gun and get accosted by a gang member.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-14 39 
32778617Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 8With his new wife and his new fucktoy in tow, our hero heads home from his adventure.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-14 2 
32781646Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest # 2In which we meet the rest of our team, drink, outfit our machines, and sort out some personal issues before our first major deployment.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha2014-06-15 30 
32799824Commissar QuestWe are back! BACKPAINS, HUNTING, STUFFZCommissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2014-06-15 5 
32805097Shadowrun Hacker Quest 13.5: Call to Action EditionEcho_TRACER makes a few important commcalls, then sets out to invade a UCAS military base.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-06-16 2 
32804222Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest # 3Tonight: Anaheim Electronics sucks at its job, Dominic tries out the Gundam Lilium in mock combat, everyone goes for a swim, and we learn that our first mission will take us to Axis.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha2014-06-16 24 
32800424A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 13We get take a road-trip with a couple badman and meet a (possibly) old friend.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-06-16 14 
32804536Shark worldOp's world where megalodon still exists, world building ensuesworld building, sharks, megalodon2014-06-16 -2 
32811308Shaman King Renegade 2: FateThe seeds of fate have been sown, and Claude unleashes the fires of hell in a dreamworld.GardenMaster-NORG, Shaman King, Alternate Universe, Collective Game, Ghost2014-06-16 -5 
32845771Log Horizon Quest 17The Race's AftermathLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-06-18 10 
32857268Washed Up Quest Old Muscle Wizard forced into the military decides "Fuck the King" and leaves on merry adventuresCollective Game, Washed Up, Muscle Wizard, Monk, Like a Petal 2014-06-18 5 
32861143Banished Quest 44We play with fire, things quickly spiral out of control.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-19 31 
32871929Banished Quest 44.5We meditate, and then decide how to handle the previous threads shenanigans.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-19 39 
32882121Lamia Legacy Quest 21A few supply problems happen, followed by a bovine murder mystery. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-06-20 6 
32889099Shadow Quest 124 Part IIIThe battle on the Nemesis continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 124, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2014-06-20 20 
32886539Sacred Jewel Quest #9Our young heroine meets Yura, and Snow rolls like a beastCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-06-20 10 
32906830Girls und Panzer Quest 125In which we have a chat with Miho about her family.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-06-21 9 
32921096Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 9Waifu #2 fucks and sucks the MC in a decadent display of marital lovemaking. Then some other shit happens, I dunno what though.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-21 4 
32923788Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest # 4Carya confesses to Dominic en route to Axis, a battle takes place in which we destroy a giant mobile armor and capture Haman Karn, along with a miniaturized psycommu.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha2014-06-22 23 
32942453Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest # 5Mostly focuses on trolling Char, interrogating Haman, and the possible need to control advances in weapons design. If you listen very carefully, you can also probably hear the sound of canon shattering.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam2014-06-23 25 
32949055Shadow Quest 125The Shadow plans to finish things once and for all.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 125, master, shadow quest, shadow, quest2014-06-23 20 
32959709Banished Quest 45We finally cut our hostage loose and proceed into the tunnels.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-24 36 
32963043Intelligent Shield Personalities/tg/ suggests personalities for an intelligent shield, with hilarious results.intelligent, shield, personalities, magical item, intelligent item, personality, personalities, dere2014-06-24 4 
32968640Banished Quest 45.5We phone a friend, discover our mutated heart, take inventory, and meditate.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-06-24 39 
32988497Shadow Quest 125 Part IIA meeting of great powers.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 125, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, shadow, quest, part, 2, II2014-06-25 20 
32980621A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 14Though we manage to kill a few gangers and get some guardsmen drunk, all's not well on Sidonas.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-06-25 11 
32984046Log Horizon Quest 18An all American speech.Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-06-25 13 
32988246Girls und Panzer Quest 126In which we check our tank and talk to a reporter for a bit.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-06-25 7 
33009074Girls und Panzer Quest 127In which the grudge match begins in earnest.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-06-26 7 
33014702Unified CCG/TCG Seting OP: Okay /tg/. You know how in these typical "Children's game is obscenely popular and people duel/fight with them all over the world" anime there's the megacorp who basically produces this shit and runs the world almost? Well a thought occurred to me. What if there was a setting where all those corporations had to actually coexist and interact.OC, worldbuilding, ccg, tcg, digimon, yu-gi-oh, yugioh, shadowrun, mmbn, megaman battle network. mtg, magic2014-06-26 10 
33023335Shadowrun General: Humanis EditionShadowrun general starts up all normal like, and then nazisbipolar, nazi, humanis, shadowrun, storytime, storytiem2014-06-27 3 
33020042Brouzouf Quest 5Your scrab is alive and no longer an alarm clock. Your looter team meets a terrible fate.Watcher Quest, Collective Game, Shit Scrabs Say2014-06-27 3 
33024516 Rum & Booty Quest 11We fight Captain Gorne, find a chest and get a shave. Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-27 5 
33031132Shadow Quest 126The inner core.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 126, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, shadow, quest2014-06-27 33 
33028055Sacred Jewel Quest #10Our young heroine toughens up, lawyers up, and blows up a centipede.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-06-27 11 
33053128Shadow Quest 127Shadow Quest wrap-up: The Happening EditionCollective Game, shadow, quest, 127, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, shadow, quest2014-06-28 35 
33046924Lamia Legacy Quest 22Business deals and resupply. Also cougars.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-06-28 6 
33065023Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 10MC breaks Kini in (nicely this time) and then...?Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-28 4 
33065451TransformerQuest Part 1Kracken, an absolute walking nightmare of a Cybertronian, takes to the streets as Shockwave orders an attack on Uraya.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-06-29 14 
33068161Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #6In which a group of Federation soldiers assault our team to get revenge on Haman, and to punish us for working too closely with her. The aftermath takes no small amount of cleaning-up.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam2014-06-29 21 
33076600Transformer Quest 2: Rip and Tear BoogalooWhere Kracken, a retired cop who has had enough of this shit, lays a smackdown on some DecepticreepsTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-06-29 11 
33074513Girls und Panzer Quest 128In which the duel with Erika continues and comes to its conclusion.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-06-29 7 
33088162Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #7The Lilium gets an upgrade that almost ends up destroying the Kyongju, Dominic has a couple of moments with members of his team, and we scratch the surface in investigating Anaheim's backroom dealings. Something is rotten in the Earth Federation...Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam2014-06-30 21 
July 2014
33116278Girls und Panzer Quest 129In which the duel with Erika comes to an end.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-07-01 8 
33116526Transformer Quest 3: A Sight To BeholdTravel gets dangerous as the destruction draws near, Kracken is a very angry bot.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-01 14 
33128968A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsmen Quest 15We (shockingly) don't get purged by the Inquisitor, and go about gathering a team.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-07-02 11 
33131557Log Horizon Quest 19King Coo-coo and the BobsLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-02 10 
33120151Harpy Species, Intelligence and MannerismsWhat starts off as a thread discussing the likelihood of Harpies becoming a world power through aerial martial strength (d)evolves into a discussion about dumb Dodo-Harpies, foul-mouthed Cockney-Harpies and, of course, Harpy mating habits.Harpy, harpies, dodo, dumb, cockney, fetish, world building, monsters, monstergirls, I'll fight u m8 I swear on me mum2014-07-02 21 
33149919Faggot Dragon Waifu Greentext Thread 2SO KAWAII! SO TSUNTSUN! SO UGUU! SO TWO!Dragons are for faggots, Waifus are for losers, Shame is for living with, This will never be good2014-07-03 10 
33167101Oversized Weapon Quest 42Shax gets back in town, and starts raiding random stuff again. Starting with a circus.Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, goblins, big swords, goldfish2014-07-04 14 
33172851Sacred Jewel Quest #11Our young heroine gets her new friend a stylish accessoryCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-07-04 10 
33172909Girls und Panzer Quest 130In which we participate in a post-game press conference and get high praise from Instructor Chouno.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-07-04 7 
33186276A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsmen Quest 16We prepare for our assault on the gangers, go /k/ for a bit, and have sweet dreams.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-07-05 11 
33206647Transformers Quest 4Virtue and the Grim Consequences ThereofTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-06 11 
33233060Shadowrun Hacker Quest 14: Modern Warfare EditionEcho_TRACER and his team face off against the UCAS military in search of a military-grade commlink. They have more than enough power, but Echo must make the last leg of his journey alone.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-07-07 2 
33270046Sora no Y&#333;kush&#257; Quest 3Sora no Y&#333;kush&#257; QuestSora no Y&#333;kush&#257; Quest2014-07-09 -9 
33275972Log Horizon Quest 20Sex, Booze, and Tears. Preparing to meet King Aubron.Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-09 10 
33280350Weeb Quest 1/tg/ gets into some real anime shit. Johnny hones his mack sense. Jay is an asshole.Weeb, Quest, Weeb Quest, Collective Game, Real, Anime, Shit, Magical Girl2014-07-09 10 
33292534Island Orc Civ part 8unfinished, On Hiatusisland, orc, civ, civilization, island orc, hiatus, unfinished, civilization game, game, civ game, collective game, orc game2014-07-09 1 
33290015Brouzouf Quest 6Wherein the Hero learns that riding forth against bandits and dragons is stressing business.Brouzouf Quest, Collective Game, White Knighting, Dragon Slaying, Shit Roll Surviving2014-07-10 3 
33299673Weeb Quest 2Johnny battles a magical girl instead of fapping, and hears a tale of demons and sorcery.Weeb, Quest, Weeb Quest, Collective Game, Real, Anime, Shit, Magical Girl2014-07-10 9 
33301677Girls und Panzer Quest 131In which we go for a walk and talk with Erika.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-07-10 8 
33317239Reclaiming Might Quest 6.1The battle continues. Troll tags for 3, 4 and 6: edge, shamelessReclaiming Might, Evil Overlord, Empire Building, edge, shameless, smut, Collective Game2014-07-11 1 
33323866Sacred Jewel Quest #12Our young heroine goes down the rabbithole and then becomes Naked Snake.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-07-11 11 
33323575Girls und Panzer Quest 132In which we FEAST and everyone's favorite mother makes an appearance.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-07-11 11 
33339292Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #8Dominic has 99 problems, and they're all Nina. We also find out that CC is surprisingly tolerant, and that the Federation may be up to a LOT of sketchy shit.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-12 21 
33358021Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 11Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 11Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-07-12 23 
33361504Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #9The shit begins to hit the fan for Dominic and crew, we gain another Newtype crew member, and we get to briefly play as Char Aznable at a crossroads in his life. Will he be best father, or worst father? Only time will tell.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-13 21 
33401672A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 17The assault of the gangers occur, and is overall a success, but comes at a cost.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-07-15 11 
33411100Girls und Panzer Quest 133In which Shiho makes an impression on us.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-07-15 11 
33432097Log Horizon Quest 21A Midsummer Night's FuckupLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-16 13 
33449928Edge Sperg QuestYour older sister was killed by a railroad made out of edges. Now it's time for revenge! Raildex a shit2014-07-16 20 
33450098drow civday 1 of drow civ questDrow,Civ,Dark Elf,Shmeh2014-07-17 0 
33458709Girls und Panzer Quest 134In which we seek medical attention and talk to Anzu.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-07-17 8 
33471055drow civ2Day 2 of the drow civ quest by shmehShmeh, Drow, Dark Elf, Civ, Civ Quest2014-07-18 1 
33473423Lamia Legacy Quest 23Embarrassing social encounters and wilderness adventures abound!Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-07-18 7 
33476223Sacred Jewel Quest #13Our young heroine enjoys social linking. The road to despair is well traveled.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-07-18 10 
33479645Girls und Panzer Quest 135In which a plot is hatchedGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-07-18 8 
33492762Drow civ3Drow Civ quest day 3 by shmehDrow,Civ,Dark Elf,Shmeh, Civ Quest2014-07-19 5 
33495980Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #10The canon GDP Gundams roll out at Von Braun, and Dominic's unit faces overwhelming odds as they defend La Vie en Rose from attack. Also, we may have scarred Haman and Rossweisse for life.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-19 20 
33515486Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 12Immediately after buttfucking Chara, our hero is confounded by a threat which threatens his very sanity: economics.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-07-19 2 
33519286Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #11The damage to our Gundams proves too significant to fix with a coat of paint, so we spend our time keeping our team's shit together and turning potential informants through the liberal application of Yorkshire pudding.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-20 20 
33524730Tass vs. ShadowrunA Shadowrun tale involving a hacker, a rogue AI, and the complete collapse of the Sixth World Economy. (ctrl+f Bloodworx)shadowrun, pink mohawk, tass, derailment, henderson2014-07-21 26 
33588156Log Horizon Quest 22A Midsummer's Night Fuckup Act 2Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-23 11 
33594006Transformers Quest 6: Heaps of RuinationAfter being severely wounded Kracken cuts and runs. Then he goes for a trip through he dilapidated underbelly of Uraya. The dice gods continue to be incomprehensible.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-23 8 
33605632Space Pirate Naga Quest 8Our fearless captain singlehandedly braves the depths on an unknown ship in order to take back the one thing more precious to her than treasure. Space Pirate Naga Quest, Collective Game, Space Pirate, Naga, Mechs, Homemade Dryad Moonshine2014-07-24 12 
33615681Girls und Panzer Quest 136In which we read some mail addressed to us from a mysterious benefactor and a trip is planned.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-07-24 7 
33630721Lamia Legacy Quest 24A trip into foreign markets reveals new profit.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-07-25 7 
33633275Sacred Jewel Quest #14Our young heroine has a pest problemCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-07-25 20 
33650569Transformers Quest 7: Nothin' But MiseryWhere things go better than expected.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-26 8 
33656168A.I. Quest 37 DeceptionKronos is sent to handle matters with the unknown hacker in Malorian space. After a negotiation, and a planetside drop, it is revealed who the hacker is, and what his intentions were. Meanwhile, Apollo and Cephalus attempt to take control of Gaia IV, but things hit a snag.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-07-26 11 
33654816Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #12Haman gets inside Dominic's head, and Rossweisse unlocks HEAVEN AND HELL MODE. Naked Newtype Rainbow Dream Space awaits.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-26 20 
33660810High Mortality Party StorytimeThe most convoluted dark heresy origin story ever and a few more lighthearted stories.Dark heresy, Only War, Shoggy, Storytime, Mortality, Deaths, DnD, Tulip, Shane, Tommy, Troll Fucker, Volg, Paradox, Death2014-07-26 110 
33675165Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 13In which our brave hero goes to a local festival.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-07-26 3 
33676363Banished Quest 46We're back after a two week hiatus! We fight an elephant and meet adventurers.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-07-27 37 
33679043Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #13Dominic meets an old friend and takes turns with the Sisters to thoroughly trounce Monsha and Kou. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Naked Newtype Rainbow Dream Space2014-07-27 20 
33681872Log Horizon Quest 23A Midsummer Night's Fuckup Act 3Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-27 11 
33686105Girls und Panzer Quest 137In which we set off to Anzio's Academyship.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-07-27 7 
33706285Shadowrun Hacker Quest 15: Dem Gams EditionEcho_TRACER assembles the information his team has gathered and, armed with bleeding-edge hardware, hacks the most dangerous node of his entire career.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-07-28 1 
33760878Banished Quest 48We emerge into the city, book a hotel, and order room service. Thread 47: http://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/33750260/#33750260Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-07-30 37 
33755569Log Horizon Quest 24The Wild Adventures of the Boy Wonder Vertigo Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-30 10 
33783918Girls und Panzer Quest 138In which we eat Italian food cooked by a Japanese girl!GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-07-31 7 
August 2014
33800135Stiffs and Prongs/tg/ makes a buddy cop show set in Sigil, starring a young Tiefling and his Warforged partner.Stiffs and Prongs, Planescape, buddy cop show2014-08-01 1 
33800329Lamia Legacy Quest 25Time is spent waiting for nobles, and secret notes are transferred.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-08-01 7 
33808535Transformers Quest 8: Wicked InclinationsBoss battle! Memories of a bitter past.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-01 8 
33815206Cursed_Apprentice_QuestYour a wizards apprentice who gets back-stabbed and turned into a shota wacky hijinks ensue on a quest to reverse the curse before we unage into an infantshota, Agro, Cursed_Apprentice, Quest, huge cocks, pumpkin farming, OP needs to sleep,2014-08-01 12 
33825377A.I. Quest 38 ControlOphion deals with his invasion of Gaia IV, as both his A.I. begin to gain a foothold. Otherwise, there are a number of matters that are coming to his attention now that he has a position of power...and other's attention as well.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-08-02 10 
33824142Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #14The team tracks GP-02 to Africa, Rossweisse is really smart, and South has had enough of Monsha's shit.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-02 17 
33825475Banished Quest 49We read books, chat with Chrys, then get busted by the feds.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-02 38 
33833352Cursed_Apprentice_Quest 2We get some nice threads, hit on a bar maid, trick a pickpocket into touching our dick, ruin our threads after we get shot,befriend pickpocket,and figure this cult shit outshota, Cursed_Apprentice_Quest, 360noscopearrowthrow, wenches, magic, Collective game, quest, brainexplosion, hugs, brown elves, nopumpkins,2014-08-02 10 
33845348Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 14Post-petting, pre-coppergirl.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-02 3 
33848134Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #15Spies, fighter jets, and sabotage. For once it's not Monsha's fault. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-03 16 
33848436Demon Prince Quest #1We meet Percival Wolfric Balam, an exiled demon prince who now only has a village. Also bunnies and bunny abuse.Collective Game, Quest, demons, asshat2014-08-03 2 
33858723Cursed Apprentice Quest 3In this episode we meet a QT spider and make it our familiar, We cuddle it and arwen, We decide to say fuck it with the town and ditch, on a walk to the city, Shit happens.Cursed_Apprentice, Quest, Collective Game, Spiders, Cute, Shota, Fried chicken, brown elf boobage, whyaretherenopicturesofshotawizards,2014-08-03 13 
33867154Banished QuestIn which the thread gets archived.Collective Game, Soma, Banished Quest, Banished, Quest2014-08-04 35 
33841578Another Chapter Master thread: Shit Gets Done versionBased Duke comes out of nowhere with a nearly playable Chapter Master game, including screenshots. Alpha is going to be publicly released in a "few days".Chapter Master, /tg/ Gets Shit Done, Finally2014-08-04 10 
33870142Shadowrun Hacker Quest 16: An Offer You Can't Refuse EditionAfter acquiring the necessary data, Echo-TRACER pays a visit to the Irish Mob.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest2014-08-04 1 
33868703Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #16Alphabet Soup Edition: one of South's pilots gets killed by a nuclear landmine, we interrogate a traitor, and discover the terror called 'Slattern'.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-04 21 
33875142Banished Quest 50.5We read a crazy man's journal and finally enter our companion.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-04 36 
33893132Oversized Weapon Quest 50And there appeared another wonder in Manderlay; and behold a great black dragon, having seven owls and ten horns, and a crown upon her head.Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, goblins, big swords, shax could join a knight order now2014-08-05 12 
33918657Log Horizon Quest 25If we shadows have offended...Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-06 12 
33946433Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E1Overhuman returns! Asher meditates through imprisonment until a new ally(?) releases him!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-07 11 
33939805Banished Quest 51We go white water rafting without a raft and land in a nest of bugs.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-07 39 
33951188Banished Quest 51.5We gib the broodmother, discover a secret, and piss off our companion.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-07 38 
33969184Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E2The VTOL lands and Asher learns about his new allies, what are their goals? Their aim?Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-08 9 
33965309Lamia Legacy Quest 26A meeting is attended, and an uneasy friend made.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-08-08 6 
33972599Girls und Panzer Quest 139In which we are Akiyama Yukari and we are infiltrating Anzio to find out information about their new tanks.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-08-08 6 
33989743A.I. Quest 39 New AlliesOphion deals with the after math of the Losirian rebellion, as he sets other matters in motion, and discovers new allies.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-08-09 10 
33987080Banished Quest 52We get closer to leaving this hell.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-09 35 
33988568Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #17Defrah nails an HLV, Gato takes some taunting, Rossweisse gets the greenlight from Dominic, and the GP-02 is STILL MISSING.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-09 16 
33997206Chapter Master: Shit Finally Getting DoneA Tripfag named Duke came... He finally delivered to us an Alpha build.Chapter Master, tg gets shit done, at last, god walks among us2014-08-09 60 
33993656Sacred Jewel Quest #15Our young heroine watches her dog get slapped aroundCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-08-09 12 
33992055Transformers Quest 10: Adoration For NoneKracken frees some NAILS and eats another Seeker.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-09 8 
33997921Chevalier Quest 1 (pilot)A fully illustrates shonen manga themed quest, as the OP put it. In this thread, we create our character, who ends up being a 13-year-old female knight with slutty armor and mind control magic.Chevalier Quest, Shounen Manga Quest, Character Generation, Lily Aegis, Collective Game, drawquest2014-08-09 1 
33995662Banished Quest 52.5We meditate, engage in a strange phone call, reach expert rank in the Fire element, read, have a talk with Chrys, and go hunting for a witch.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-09 36 
34011209Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 15In which our hero fights a coppergirl and probably gets killed for it.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-09 -1 
34014928Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #18We discover Naked Newtype Nightmare Space, Haman makes Gato cry little bitch tears, and we come one step closer to tracking down the stolen Gundam.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-10 16 
34012287A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 18For once we have a dream that's not trying to kill us, and we try to deal with the aftermath of the mission.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-08-10 11 
34013223Gnome Civilization QuestGnome settlers in fantasy old west make steam cannons, hot air balloons, and genocide some trolls. The troll children are then enslavedGnome Civ, Civilization Game, Steampunk, Collective Game, Milhouse, Sheriff2014-08-10 3 
34017411Log Horizon Quest 26Drink, Break, Yell, Talk. Waiting for the Manifest Destiny.Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-10 11 
34048368Banished Quest 53We capture the witch and heal a guards leg.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-11 39 
34073802Girls und Panzer Quest 140In which we experience some Italian hospitality! (No, not the kind that ends in concrete shoes and a long walk off a short pier!)GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-08-12 6 
34083697Brouzouf Quest 9Your excessive usage of Psi makes you expose yourself to plot. My family sux.Brouzouf Quest, Collective Game, PLOT, Short Session2014-08-12 2 
34095152Raksasha Quest 1Raksasha Quest! WE're sold into slavery to Drow and sent to be a bodyguard. Fun yet?Raksasha Quest, Collective Game, Raksasha, Sorcery, Halfling Punting2014-08-13 0 
34112057Banished Quest 54 We meet the shah, escape with our life and plan a market trip.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-14 37 
34121008Banished Quest 54.5We tell our story, and then get filthy stinkin' rich.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-14 39 
34123241Girls und Panzer Quest 141We are Akiyama Yukari, and two of our friends are sick!GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-08-14 5 
34119302Transformers Quest 11Destruction Overdrive:Kracken and co defeat gunshipkun, punks are straightened out.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-14 6 
34144124Kidpunk Thread #8: Shamefur DisprayThreads 6/7 failed to get archived, but Kidpunk continues on, now getting close to having character sheetsKidpunk, /tg/ gets shit done, homebrew game, game development2014-08-15 0 
34138871Lamia Legacy Quest 27We bring a new ranch hand up to speed, and start breaking secrets to people.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-08-15 6 
34141591Khornette Quest #4In which we obtain a Herald, corrupt a Navigator, discover Heresy is wonderful, and where Mr. Silent the Blank lives. Oh and ritual thing.Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Ship Management, cleaving, lewd, ELH2014-08-15 6 
34161861Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #19We oblige Anavel Gato's death wish, and Admiral Delaz declares war. Zeon may be forgotten, mocked, or used. But understood? Never.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-16 16 
34137934Privateer Quest II #34: No Good Will Come of ThisCaptain Percius Aurex returns after a hiatus. Summary of events and Percius begins to examine the murder of two people who had their skulls removed on his ship.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2014-08-16 1 
34166796Sacred Jewel Quest #16Our young heroine grows stronger, while the party just grows.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-08-16 13 
34170937Girls und Panzer Quest 142In which we are Akiyama Yukari and we watch our two best friends get kidnapped(?) by Anzio.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-08-16 6 
34165789Transformers Quest 12: Fire It UpKracken beats down another Stunticon, then meets a bigger fish.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-16 6 
34184617Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 16After his vicious and humiliating throat rape of the coppergirl, our hero emerges from the mines with her in tow.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-16 2 
34189583A.I. Quest 40 AbandonedWith a solid foothold, Ophion begins scouting out the surrounding territories and sets up his own spy network to counter the UGEI, all the while learning a bit more about the rebels on Gaia IVA.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-08-17 12 
34186290Gnome Civilization QuestOff to a slow start, trolls escape and we learn necromancyGnome Civ, Civilization Game, Steampunk, Collective Game, Milhouse, Sheriff2014-08-17 1 
34188132Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #20We wrap up a few loose ends, try to convince the Admiralty to act against the Delaz threat, and make plans for shore leave in Von Braun. Operation Stardust awaits.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-17 15 
34185818Banished Quest 55We get advice from our master, leave the city, and learn to create illusions.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-17 39 
34200851Banished Quest 55.5In which we go enjoy some liquor with Chryssa.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-17 38 
34190514Log Horizon Quest 27“It'll be okay.”Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-17 11 
34206615Gnome Civilization Quest 3We hold a feast, explore and set up an outpost on the floating island, and find out the island is held up by electric crystals. We also invent our first fullretard rifle and the Wells Fargo Zeppelin arrives.Gnome Civ, Civilization Game, Steampunk, Collective Game, Milhouse, Sheriff2014-08-18 0 
34219937Noble Whore QuestIn which our young heroine inherits the throne from her assassinated father.Noble Whore Quest, Collective Game, oneshot, one shot2014-08-18 8 
34246503Seed Ship Quest We get sent to study an anomaly for the seed ship Excalibur. Seed Ship Quest, collective game, scifi, interstellar, starship2014-08-19 2 
34259610Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E3The tradition of gathering around a bonfire...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-20 7 
34259107Log Horizon Quest 28ALL the bedsLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-20 11 
34262424Girls und Panzer Quest 143In which we have a chat with Anchovy.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-08-20 5 
34308100Girls und Panzer Quest 144In which we are Carpaccio and we're facing off against Maginot Academy.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-08-22 6 
34328186Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E4New friends go through meditation, some are having issue with it.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-23 7 
34301979Privateer Quest II #35 - Green TideThe ork attack on Barivia in sector Paxia goes poorly and we get a first hand look at the fight.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2014-08-23 0 
34323768Lamia Legacy Quest 28Technical issues and heat from the authorities. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-08-23 6 
34333783The Case of the Missing PsykersThe All-Guardsman Party Returns! A PC is lost, and duct tape is used!All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2014-08-23 153 
34320262Transformers Quest 13: Blackend WatersKracken fights some hobos. Red Energon is a hell of a drug.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-23 6 
34343491Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 17Chara's got a collar, and Patina's still waiting to be raped again? All this and more, on tonight's episode of Child Rapist Quest.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-23 4 
34368503Banished Quest 56We famous now! Also do not touch the oud. Ever.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-08-25 39 
34424324Lemonade Quest One-ShotIt hasn't been an hour since you set up shop, and already you want to quit. Time to earn some money to buy Super Quest Brothers.Collective Game, One-Shot2014-08-27 21 
34421877Log Horizon Quest 29Pizza PartyLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-27 10 
34447563Life Quest - OneshotFollow Ronald and his dog on a journey in the field of Corporate RepoCollective Game, Somas, Oneshot, Life Quest2014-08-28 13 
34440423A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 19We talk to Roxy, have a service for Dominic, and get lewd with the Inquisitor.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-08-28 11 
34459836Esper Quest: Thread 11We start with Mami, whose day has been (and will continue to be) full of robots! Then, the plot thickens!Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, JUSTICE, LASERS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, GOOD OLD-FASHIONED NEWFANGLED FISTICUFFS2014-08-28 6 
34470637Girls und Panzer Quest 145In which we assault some of Maginot's tanks.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-08-29 7 
34470708Transformers Quest 14Where we do alot of talking and find out who our creepy stalker is. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-29 6 
34475947The Spoiled Prince QuestWe celebrate our 16th nameday, sex up our riding instructor, and survive an assassination attempt. The Spoiled Prince, Collective Game, smut, one-shot, one shot2014-08-29 5 
34488880A.I. Quest 41 PanicOphion deals with internal affairs-with Lightlings now orbiting Gaia IV. Likewise, he considers some of the more dangerous specimens he has locked away for study.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-08-30 10 
34492165Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E5Asher awakens after a frightful injury.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-30 6 
34490416The Spoiled Prince Quest part 2We visit our mother and consolidate our rule. The Spoiled Prince, Collective Game, smut, one-shot, one shot2014-08-30 4 
34489724Life Quest 2We go to the vet, subsume a spirit, and have a falling out.Collective Game, Somas, Oneshot, Life Quest2014-08-30 7 
34493855Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #21We resume with a double date that ends in a Newtype threesome, and a mafia capo gives us hints of Principality remnants repairing something under Von Braun.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Naked Newtype Rainbow Dream Space2014-08-30 14 
34498343Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 3 (Part 1)We get down and dirty with some ruskies and talk to a goblin, we currently considering how to or not to teach the goblin the electric boogaloo (Part 2 tomorrow after I improve format and get a new dialog style)MFSKQ, Edgy, Dark, Murder, Funny, Limblesslivingonaholeteasing, short thread, no dice, OP slightly off his game, Nobody gets shot with a 22., Collective Game, Quest, Modern Fantasy Serial Killer, 2014-08-30 1 
34509225Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 18Our hero goes to his parents' keep to investigate his older brother's murder.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-30 4 
34515414Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E6Asher's having a hard time sleeping... Later he spars with Saphira.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-31 7 
34511309 A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 20 Post-lewd we get details for a new mission, and for once our psyche throws us a bone.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-08-31 11 
34516355Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #22The gang tracks down the Val Varo, enters into an agreement with Cima Garahau, and shoots Kelley Layzner in his other arm.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-31 15 
34515520Log Horizon Quest 30Grandma Spider and Klepto Kisses: The Road to PuebloLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-31 13 
September 2014
34534080Commissar Quest XX: Emperors DayCommissar Quest: XX - Otto is slowly growing up!Collective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2014-09-01 4 
34538720Life Quest 3We reconcile with our wife, sorta. Then go to work, sign up for an Antarctic vacation, get molested, and seek out an illegal arms dealer.Collective Game, Somas, Oneshot, Life Quest2014-09-01 7 
34560071Banished Quest 57We have a conversation with the Varistha, go to the Apothecary, and then 4chan craps itself.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-02 38 
34589907Transformers Quest 15We finally meet up with the merchants, then it all goes to hell. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-03 4 
34611113Banished Quest 58We do crack to heal a friend's wounds, then vomit blood, talk to aforementioned friend, and meditate.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-04 39 
34611202Girls und Panzer Quest 146In which the match between Anzio and Maginot continues.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-09-04 5 
34632013Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7Someone died during training, the Old Lady is younger.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-05 8 
34627655Lamia Legacy Quest 29Road construction and bounty hunting.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-09-05 6 
34651268Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7.5Asher trains up a new discovery of his magic, an intruder blatantly intrudes, and it's time for a parade.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-05 7 
34651825A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 21We perhaps push ourselves a bit too much, but keep a stiff upper lip and follow our orders.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-09-06 12 
34655588Banished Quest 59Soma is revealed to have shit taste in fruit-based preservatives. Food is eaten and games are played.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-06 36 
34660239The All Guardsmen Party and The BoxThe All Guardsmen Party goes off with their new interrogator to investigate a regiment's new weapons.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Story, Shoggy, The Box, Only War, Guardsmen2014-09-06 276 
34675824Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 19Having finished up with Elisetta's side quest (and fucked her), our hero continues in his investigation of his older brother's murder.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-06 4 
34684983Love Triangle One-shot QuestMaybe possibly probably not a one-shot. Also, bitches be crazy.Collective Game, AnonymousQueste, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-07 5 
34676158Transformers Quest 16: Building a Better MonsterTIME FOR UPGRADES! Kracken awakens from stasis with a shiny new body on mysterious research space station. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-07 3 
34696567Love Triangle One-shot Quest #2The title is definitely misleading.Collective Game, MedicAnon, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-07 4 
34703775Love Triangle One-shot Quest #3Tsubasa, you fool. And this still isn't a one-shot.Collective Game, MedicAnon, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-08 4 
34702819Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #23Good news? New ship, two new operators. Bad news? Operation Stardust happened.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-08 18 
34732251Banished Quest 60We act like a complete asshole, discover the Varistha's secret move, and then rent some books from the library.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-09 35 
34739479Banished Quest 60.5 In this thread we discuss how to corectly call the female equivalent of cockblocking.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-09 34 
34749660Commissar Quest XXI: QCQ and Shots!We go to the medica office, lose our data-slate and roll for titsCollective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2014-09-10 3 
34760111Girls und Panzer Quest 147In which we are Akiyama Yukari and we are continuing to trail our kidnapped(?) friends.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-09-10 7 
34756226Log Horizon Quest 31Blankets and Underpants: Meeting Grandma SpiderLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-09-10 10 
34760065Love Triangle One-shot Quest #4the end? a new beginning maybeCollective Game, MedicAnon, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-10 1 
34772590Commissar Quest XXII: The ring and the damWe return to the ring and have a good battles, testing the new combat system.Collective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2014-09-11 5 
34778391Banished Quest 61Soma post occasionally between long stretches of moot jobbing.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-11 36 
34819097A.I. Quest 42 SleepingOphion speaks with Lawrence, from Gaia IV, and Metis over several concerning matters, before deciding how to deal with the UGEI superweapon.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-09-13 10 
34817794Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #24We rush to defend Side 3 from an attack by the Axis Advance Fleet, and get a few new tools with which to kick ass.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-13 15 
34820089Washed Up Villain Quest/tg/ attempts to recover from the loss of their home and friend, summoning a berserker and robbing a bar in the process.Collective Game, Washed Up Villain 2014-09-13 1 
34817746Lamia Legacy Quest 30Preparations for reverse-banditry ensue. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-09-13 6 
34816454Transformers Quest 17: The Blessed HellrideAfter running into a familiar face (and some not so familiar faces), Kracken finally finds out what happened before he left Cybertron. Suffice to say, somebody is going to pay.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-13 6 
34819232Banished Quest 62We eat pastries, go sailing, discover the scene of a naval battle, gut fish, and talk to an old man.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-13 37 
34832099Banished Quest 62.5We talk to our companion and then talk to the Triskellingtons.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-13 38 
34837564Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 20Our hero plans to head south and meet Sir Arthur.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-13 4 
34841135Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #25The battle at Side 3 draws to a close, we capture Ilia Pazom, and we all find out how far Mars Zeon is willing to go in their ongoing war against the Federation.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-14 24 
34848990Girls und Panzer Quest 148In which we face off against a superior force.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-09-14 6 
34869635Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8Returing from the Parade, Faust has some things to think about. He goes out to do some training and returns to find...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-15 6 
34878166Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8.5Gertrude a monster, Asmodeus a shit.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-15 6 
34909520Banished Quest 63We chat with Fulvia, learn to better create illusions, and then wop our wads on the counter.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-17 36 
34918332Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E9Faust makes a choice for a comradeOver(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-17 7 
34919739Banished Quest 63.5We finish wopping our wads on the counter. Next Time: Obligatory Beach EpisodeCollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-17 36 
34942644Banished Quest 64We build a sandcastle and HI SOMA'S IMOUTO!Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-18 39 
34937912"I Need A Quest" Quest (One-Shot) The life and death of a quest."I Need A Quest" Quest, Collective Game, one-shot, meta2014-09-18 12 
34959953Sekirei Quest 3We fight in a shopping center, then the thread blows up.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo, Shitstorm2014-09-19 6 
34961193Sacred Jewel Quest #17Our young heroines nighttime adventureCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-09-19 15 
34978746Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #26Teen Titans edition. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-20 16 
34977586 A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 22We manage to convince Christina to give us a chance at being human. However, in return, some tinkering of the psyche may or may not go on.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-09-20 12 
34981911Banished Quest 65We spar an elf, watch a cyborg blow shit up, and are compelled to attack a friend.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-20 36 
34992215Banished Quest 65.5We spot an army on the march, host a bonfire party, and convince a friend to stick around.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-20 35 
34978413Transformers Quest 18: House of Doom Kracken kicks some ass, discovers that he's not the weirdest 'bot in the room, then gets some nifty toys.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-20 1 
34985468The All Guardsmen Party and Nubby's GirlfriendThe All Guardsmen Party gets a smokin hot Interrogator and goes to purge some genestealers.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Nubby, Girlfriend, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2014-09-20 157 
35000017Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 21Our hero has a firm suspect: Lorenne, his brother's paramour.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-20 2 
35003039Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #27Dinner at Dominic's: friends, family, and a good deal of fallout when our family finds out what we've been up to.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-21 17 
35010320Banished Quest 66We practice plastic surgery, also return back at the temple.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-21 36 
35009583Girls und Panzer Quest 149In which we are facing down the Char.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-09-21 7 
35022120Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 22Our hero has sex with a small child and then heads off to the mountains on his quest for an heir.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-21 3 
35015724Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and AntiqueCome down to Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and Antique, where you can find: Priceless vases, both whole and in pieces! Giant cubes of guns! Rare first edition books and records! Irritable Lamia lesbians! Slightly cracked Faberge Eggs! Dragons of all flights and colors! More gold than Midas! And, of course, shopgirls with bumbling behemoth breasts! Feel free to browse, make a purchase, or escape the growing dimensional instability with the staff and head down to the noodle shop for a bowl and a brew.antiques, collective game, shop, store, bidding war, gold, artifacts, lamia, lesbians, giant breasts, dragon attack, spontanious, grail, noodles2014-09-22 15 
35053267Banished Quest 67We're going to be a father! Also, we conclude the conversation with a prince and read in the library.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-23 36 
35094002Banished Quest 68We finally give our cybrog a brooch, disembowel ourselves and slit our own throat, then watch our friends play fantasy warhams.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-09-25 37 
35120111Girls und Panzer Quest 150In which we return to our regularly-scheduled tank commanding couple.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2014-09-26 10 
35137172Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10After speaking with the real Faust, there's time to kill as a week goes by. The end? A fashionable enterprise!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-27 7 
35133517Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #28Housekeeping before the mission Titans has lined up. Then things get a little awkward when we get in a game of chicken...Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-27 13 
35137040Martials > Casters Quest [Oneshot]In which a farm boy grabs his destiny.Collective Game, HaikuDeluge, Martials, Casters, Martials > Casters Quest, one shot2014-09-27 3 
35138452Sacred Jewel Quest #18Our young heroine goes shopping and then gets drunk.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-09-27 10 
35152884Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23Our hero adventures in the Allimas, having met Erosette once more.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-27 -5 
35153074Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23Our hero adventures in the Allimas. (Actual thread.)Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-27 4 
35156169Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #29Hot springs on a spaceship, Char turns up, and the Valkyrie launches the first orbital MS assault in history.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-28 21 
35158502Transformers Quest 19: Death MarchKracken tests out his new toys before coming face to face with Carnage.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-28 2 
35174614Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 24After getting his arm slashed open, our hero continues to fuck his way through life.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-28 3 
35173199Log Horizon Quest 32Naked MeasurementsLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-09-29 10 
October 2014
35253871Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10.5Asher shares some time with his allies before the big event...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-02 7 
35246302Sacred Jewel Quest #19Our young heroines murder mysteryCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-10-02 11 
35247887Life Quest 4We buy guns from a stoner.Collective Game, Somas, Oneshot, Life Quest2014-10-02 7 
35253404Sibling Love QuestThe purest loveOne-shot, Collective Game, not incest2014-10-02 13 
35268740Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E11Asher wraps up in Dorothy's shop, trains, and then... It's time for a showstopper.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-03 6 
35276745The Tale of X: A Hedonist's QuestWe meet Xi Tomas, a young woman looking for a job and a dominant in San Francisco.Collective Game, A Tale of X, The Story of O, BDSM, fetish 2014-10-03 7 
35265102Filial Piety Quest (One-Shot)A young man is re-united with his older sister after almost a decade apart. But while his life has been slowly and steadily improving, hers... hasn't.Filial Piety Quest, Collective Game, Incest, Pure Love, One-Shot2014-10-03 7 
35287723A.I. Quest 43 FragmentsOphion must decide how to deal with the wreckage of Carnage, the experimental weapon they destroyed, that remains at Walsh.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-10-04 12 
35284814Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #30Dominic decides to take on the world, and our next mission turns out to be a casino heist.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam2014-10-04 16 
35283784A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 23We bring Roxy along on our adventure with Delmar, play a few tunes, and meet a new friend.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-10-04 12 
35284580Transformers Quest 20: Monster MashKracken and his merry band of misfits take on Swindle and Carnage.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-04 2 
35297070 The Tale of X: A Hedonist's Quest Part 2Job interviews, and interviews that have nothing to do with jobs. Collective Game, A Tale of X, The Story of O, BDSM, fetish 2014-10-04 5 
35302762Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 25Our hero confronts a brown girl on some rocks.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-04 4 
35305895Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #31We pick up a loli Zeon princess and go on a heist.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-05 17 
35311578Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12The battle for fashion continues!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-05 6 
35306715Lamia Legacy Quest 31We get the majority of a swamp in our hair, and we scope out some banditsCollective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-10-05 5 
35310314Log Horizon Quest 33Fade to BlackLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-10-05 10 
35317618The Tale of X: A Hedonist's Quest Part 3The art gallery upstairs, an unusual offer, perhaps a friend?Collective Game, A Tale of X, The Story of O, BDSM, fetish2014-10-05 6 
35347888Shmeh Orc civ day 1Shmeh hosts a new civ threadshmeh,civ quest, collective game, orc civ2014-10-07 0 
35351727Accidental Idol Crime Quest 2 :MurderWhen on a date with an Idol, misunderstandings happen and people think we murdered her.Accidental Idol Crime Quest, Collective Game, Oneshots2014-10-07 12 
35351212Life Quest 5In which an old soldier gives us good advice, we find a strange bistro, and bind a spirit of gluttony.Collective Game, Somas, Oneshot, Life Quest2014-10-07 6 
35372739Log Horizon Quest 34Cardiac ToxicityLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-10-08 8 
35393528Life Quest 6We eat a spirit alive and call our wife.Collective Game, Somas, Oneshot, Life Quest2014-10-09 6 
35407266Shitty Spaceship QuirksIn this thread, ideas are brainstormed for various quirks and oddities that crews of old rustbucket spaceships might have to deal with on a regular basis. If there is one thing we know about this universe, it is that /tg/ loves itself its rusty, retro sci-fi grittiness. space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted2014-10-10 32 
35413762Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12.5 (remaster)A thread's redone because the QM has a problem.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-10 7 
35413635Khornette Quest #11In which we witness our first meaningful death of the quest, fight through some Rak'gol, and explore the Obscenity EngineCollective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Rak'gol, Nurgelette, Plant Worship, ELH2014-10-10 8 
35438361Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E13Asher recovers from the fashion show. Continuing on to bigger and better things?Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-11 7 
35433303Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #32Wrapping things up before the timeskip, and South convinces the silly spacenoids that drop bears and hoop snakes are real.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-11 14 
35436453Banished Quest 69We buy some potions and get ready to hijack a boat, then Soma passes out.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-11 34 
35443140Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #32.5We play as Sayla trying to get Amuro to actually DO something. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-11 12 
35439079Sacred Jewel Quest #20Our young heroine and her intreped friends go mountain hikingCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-10-11 13 
35447821The Tale of X: A Hedonist's Quest Part 3Xi receives her first piercing. Instruction on presentation. The Markhams.Collective Game, A Tale of X, The Story of O, BDSM, fetish2014-10-11 5 
35453839Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 26Having finished raping a brown girl, our hero is shot at by some redhead bitch.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-11 1 
35454497Banished Quest 70We reach the island, bury our stuff, and discover the Shah's corpse.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-12 37 
35457185Lamia Legacy Quest 32Mucking about in the bandit swamps.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-10-12 5 
35457236Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #33The Valkyrie defuses a hostage situation with their new Gundams, and a new enemy makes his first blunder.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-12 15 
35461504The All Guardsmen Party Purge Some HereticsThe All Guardsmen Party checks out why a wasteland world hasn't been praising the Emprah.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Crisp, Fallout, Heretic, Heretics, Purge, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2014-10-12 145 
35471748The Tale of X: A Hedonist's Quest Part 5Nervous Xi, alluring Belle, leather, silk, and metal.Collective Game, The Tale of X, The Story of O, BDSM, fetish2014-10-12 7 
35464942Banished Quest 70.5We explore the island, learn various secrets, and find out the navy got #REKTCollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-12 35 
35460621Log Horizon Quest 35Dark Clouds on the HorizonLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-10-12 7 
35496080The Tale of X: A Hedonist's Quest Part 6Belle's apartment is lovely. Xi is nervous. Things happen.Collective Game, The Tale of X, The Story of O, BDSM, fetish2014-10-13 6 
35509989Banished Quest 71We have a conversation with our companions, do some light reading, and then detonate two kilotons of explosives.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-14 37 
35511879Accidental Idol Crime Quest 3: Idol CultYou are Iori Minase the idol and a cult just kidnapped your boyfriend Protag.Accidental Idol Crime Quest, Collective Game, Oneshots2014-10-14 8 
35512848Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter SevenWe spend the entire thread running over Space Bugs in our BOLO and laughing maniacally, until we get into a fight with some kind of coral...symbiote...thing. Also creepy foreshadowing ignored in favor of arguing about allegations of samefagging.Collective Game, Governors Quest, Governor Quest, SciFi, Science Fiction, Space, Known Space, Pirates, Slavers, Bugs, Wall of text, Starship Troopers, Transmetropolitan2014-10-14 6 
35545524Poor Trader QuestYou are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-10-16 20 
35541637Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 3Makoto Kinushima vs. Kaito Kumon, the nomination of the new leader of Raid Wild, and trying too hard with catchphrases.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider2014-10-16 17 
35554616Banished Quest 72We unleash horrible monstrosities on the world, run away, and then make your way back to the village.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-16 35 
35570484Log Horizon Quest 36Brotherly Consternation and AirshipsLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-10-17 7 
35586462Space Pirate Naga Quest 15Our fearless captain bravely runs away from her unkillable nemesis and toys with ancient sciences that should probably never be touched and makes everyone else uncomfortable.Space Pirate Naga Quest, Collective Game, Space Pirate, Naga, Mechs, Ruin Looting, Lamias are just the worst, Don't think about dirty things while broadcasting your mind to the entire ship2014-10-18 6 
35593742Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E14Wood and Blood.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-18 8 
35589581Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #34Dominic comforts the shit out of Audrey, and Yazan gets violated by some Stutzers in the Shoal Zone.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-18 15 
35603282The Tale of X: A Hedonist's Quest Part 7Xi's first time begins with questions...but those don't last long!Collective Game, The Tale of X, The Story of O, BDSM, fetish, tears2014-10-18 5 
35594796Sacred Jewel Quest #21We deal with the aftermath of the wolf attack, talk with Inuyasha some, and finally reach our intended destination.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-10-18 18 
35592014Transformers Quest 21:Magnetic RagWe have time to meet and greet the crew, then we get all the time.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-18 4 
35608257Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 27Having finished brutally raping Lorenne, our hero deals with the fallout of Erosette's battle.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-18 1 
35611072Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #35Another Newtype is born on the battlefield, and Yazan is one creepy bastard. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-19 17 
35623390The Tale of X: A Hedonist's Quest Part 8The conclusion of Xi's Tale, and some revelations.Collective Game, The Tale of X, The Story of O, BDSM, fetish2014-10-19 9 
35617055Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter ElvenWe clear out our to-do list, start getting ready for a visit from Gubmint' Folk, hatch a nefarious plan to gain pet Pseudo-Arachnids and argue like coked-up monkeys about voting and samefagging. Also BOLO VS Plasma Bug action.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Fuck Yeah, Starship Troopers, faggotry2014-10-19 8 
35631947Lamia Legacy Quest 33Battle is joined, and plans are changed.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-10-20 6 
35637705Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E15Asher is pulled into a pond for a bit of "business" with a nymph in the Otherworld.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-20 8 
35629302Code Geass Quest: Stage 2Shirley Fenette investigates into the reasoning behind Drill Sargent Delson's evil actions. Her quest for truth and revenge quickly unlid and envelope her in the depths of a conspiracy she's completely ignorant of. Blood is spilled and a young girl's mind goes to tatters in Stage 2.Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-10-20 10 
35657424Accidental Idol Crime Quest 4: Child AbductionYour idol girlfriend has come home carrying a young child, and we immediately hear that the Mayor's daughter has been missing since this morning.Accidental Idol Crime Quest, Collective Game, Oneshots2014-10-21 9 
35695012Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E16Pondscum a shit. A SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-23 6 
35689290Poor Trader Quest #2You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-10-23 20 
35686280Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 4 KinushMakotoKinushima off against the Unknown Rider, and we meet the family and the Chairwoman. Shit starts to get dark. Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2014-10-23 12 
35693651Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #9Continuation of a /d/ quest (http://t.co/uysRX1lK44), Makoto Kiryoka, male, is a magical girl dealing with all kinds of dangerous, lewd, and bizzare situations. Today we meet an asshole, dress as a maid, and almost have sex.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-10-23 23 
35694868Banished Quest 73We console a woman, make an announcement, seek out an old dude, and speak with a spirit. Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-23 36 
35711393Lamia Legacy Quest 34First constriction in who knows how long, and criminal dealings. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-10-24 6 
35731444Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #36Syam knows much and tells some. Syam knows many things others do not.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-25 15 
35734293Banished Quest 74Negotiations.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-25 38 
35750114Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 28With Lorenne taken as his rape toy, our hero should be wrapping up his business in the Allimas soon.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-25 3 
35754377Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #10Truly, this is the height of quality /tg/ has to offercollective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest,Maiden White, NSFW2014-10-26 20 
35753450Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #37We make a decision, and meet the Nagato: two kilometers of delicious metal. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-26 15 
35751375Code Geass Quest: Stage 3Shirley ascends to the rank of Private First class and leaves for the Tokyo Settlement on an escort mission. Tragedies and hatreds are revealed as blood is split once more...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-10-26 7 
35756258Banished Quest 75We chat with the Varistha and see him off, then discover the gifts he left us.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-26 36 
35764931Banished Quest 75.5A brief continuation of the previous thread, in which we witness an old man fight.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-26 39 
35802035Banished Quest 76We became master in fire, then became a dad. Congratulations!Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-28 39 
35821782Jackles and the Blind Seer Loli/tg/ at its finest, going from FLGS That Guys to the Blind Seer Sharpshooter Loli to french gaming to the Jackless to legal ages to fuck to meta-talk./tg/, jackless, cult, blind, seer, loli, sharpshooter, That Guy, FLGS, legal, fuck, sex, meta, 4chan, wtf2014-10-29 6 
35834348Poor Trader Quest #3You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-10-30 16 
35831060Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 5The fate of Ryoji Hase is revealed, we make damn good coffee, and we ally with GaimKamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider Gaim2014-10-30 12 
35838818Banished Quest 77We cast permanency on the blanket, chat with some party members, and meet the Void Messenger again.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-30 37 
35846757Banished Quest 77.7We finally kill Kadir, after dolling out some parental life lessons and much preparation.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-10-30 38 
35855806The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E02SOCIAL LINK GO!The Walking Persona Rider Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Persona, The Walking Dead, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen2014-10-31 2 
35862255Imouto Quest Our Imouto has to...you knowCollective Game, Imouto Quest, Oneshot2014-10-31 13 
35857585Transformers Quest 23: Strange WaysGood cop, bad cop, we're the one with the tentacles. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-31 2 
November 2014
35877896SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST 001A terrifying tale of a Chosen of the Neverborn who had a minor dermal malfunction.Golden Lark, Shyft Nine, drawquest, SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST, spooky, scary, skeletons, halloween, Exalted, Abyssal, The Just and Neccesary Executioner, Collective Game2014-11-01 6 
35877648Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #38Something wicked our way came, and the Sisters run into some trouble. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-01 13 
35882305Banished Quest 78We're a spoopy skellington, then we're not. Depression sets in.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-01 39 
35893634Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 29Having impregnated his wife, our hero completes his journey home.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-01 4 
35897971Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #11We finally make it to swimming club, and encounter a new magical girl's trail.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-01 12 
35902074Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E17Asher has a chat with Saph, then goes to see an old friend...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-02 5 
35895192Code Geass Quest: Stage 4After a fierce battle in the ruins of the Special Administration zone and a gamble of a rescue, Xinlu Kuu finds herself rewarded by a chance to join the Special Corp. But is this really a reward? Or a trap?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-11-02 8 
35900497DBZ Human Quest #5Kaguya goes on a mission for Kami and learns a lot about himselfColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Z, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Kami, Popo, Yajirobe, Pilaf, Shu, Mai, Olibu, Saiyans, Lookout2014-11-02 14 
35898006Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #39Space Imouto Edition. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Purus2014-11-02 17 
35894817A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 24The Gauntlet is run, blackmail is created, and we make an executive call.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-11-02 11 
35906809Banished Quest 79Where we save a life, commune with nature, and have a talk with our dragon about burning things. Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-02 39 
35916403The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E03The scavenging of the military base goes much worse than expected.The Walking Persona Rider Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Persona, The Walking Dead, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen, Zombies, Demons2014-11-03 0 
35923989The All Guardsmen Party Buys a ShipThe All Guardsmen Party goes to help purchase a used starship. Nothing could possibly go wrong.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Buy, Ship, Occurrence, Border, Nubby, Warp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2014-11-03 178 
35928090/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 1/tg/ steps into the captain's chair of Skyship Crutch4, tasked to evade the rebel fleet and deliver vital data to the Federation. The good captain and his Engi crewmates cross the first sector of their journey, which mostly involves shooting their way through rebels and pirates./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, Engi, sci-fi2014-11-03 8 
35945210The wizard's wish/tg/ is granted a wish.Wizard, wish, funny, loophole2014-11-04 7 
35960214Diablo Quest: The Sharval Wilds I We meet Adrien, the MC, and fight against the odds in the Cold Forest.collective game, Diablo, quest, sharval wilds, adventure, Adrien, herald2014-11-05 6 
35967775/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 2Captain Tom Henderson of the Skyship Crutch4 continues his journey into an Abandoned Sector, murders countless space whales, and meets a new friend./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, Engi, sci-fi, Lanius, Slug2014-11-05 5 
35980495Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #12We deal with this aquatic magical girl.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-05 11 
35978220Diablo Quest: The Sharval Wilds IIAdrien fights against new foes. Let the Light smite evil wherever it shall stand.Collective Game, Diablo, quest, Diablo Quest, Sharval Wilds, adventure, Adrien, Herald, 2014-11-06 6 
35979007Poor Trader Quest #4You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-11-06 11 
35964720Log Horizon Quest 37Airship Design and The Race for Star WaterLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-11-06 8 
35979953The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E04Revelations about someone we thought we knew, and the arrival of Legion.The Walking Persona Rider Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Persona, The Walking Dead, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen, Zombies, Demons2014-11-06 1 
35975316Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 6Erina Kinushima flirts with Takatora Kureshima, Makoto meets Bravo and Kouta, and Cecile duMont issues a challenge.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider Gaim2014-11-06 10 
35986633Telepathically bound knightsImagining what it'd be like if a group of knights were all able to read and know each other's thoughts leads to amusing discussion.telepathy, knights, lol, shenanigans2014-11-06 43 
36006513Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E18Asher has a conversation with Camille...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-07 7 
36005258Sacred Jewel Quest #22Our young heroine watches a dogfight then goes to hell.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-11-07 13 
36006672/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 3Captain Hinderson takes his new Slug buddy through a friendly Engi-controlled sector, which turns out to be not so peaceful on account of a Mantis invasion. On the plus side, the wrecked battle fleets and less-than-formidable Mantis warriors allow the Crutch4's crew to collect quite a bit of salvageable scrap, some nice new weapons, and even a third Engi crewmember./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, sci-fi, Engi, Slug, Mantis2014-11-07 1 
36015163The Walking Persona Rider Quest S01E05Finally, the showdown with Legion! ...and Sariel?The Walking Persona Rider Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Persona, The Walking Dead, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen, Zombies, Demons2014-11-08 0 
36021051Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #40Settling in three Purus, and figuring out what their story is. Enzo Bernini is a dick.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-08 16 
36022910Banished Quest 80We negotiate with Padishah Kadir for our reward, manage to not screw everything up forever.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-08 35 
36029627Banished Quest 80.5We conclude our negotiations with the Shah, eat lamb skewers, and then finally collect on a debt.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-08 36 
36039362Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 30Having returned home, our hero has to manage his harem some more.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-08 3 
36042513Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #41A Hollow Man looms over the Purus, and Titans finally shows its true colors. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Cute Purus Doing Cute Things2014-11-09 16 
36040835Code Geass Quest: Stage 5Shirley makes it into the Special Corp but is quickly discovered by Suzaku! After cutting a painful deal she learns what she'll be piloting and has a pleasant reunion with her doctor before ending the day peacefully for once. But will this peace last? Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-11-09 6 
36040439A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 25After waking up we get some foreboding news, take a walk with the Inquisitor, and get out of almost blowing ourselves up.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-11-09 11 
36062396Lamia Legacy Quest 35The timeskip skips, leading to new problems with trade routes.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2014-11-10 6 
36081601Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 2We roll all the rolls and catch a theif!collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-11-11 13 
36086434Banished Quest 81We read, read some more, and then get interrupted by some monks.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-11 35 
36090000/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 4Our ship makes its way through another sector of space, this one controlled by the Rebels. There are more friendly faces than expected, but our crew's efforts to aid them leave little time for reaching the exit./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, sci-fi, Engi, Slug, Rebels2014-11-11 1 
36122864Poor Trader Quest #5You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-11-13 2 
36118861Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 7"Inves Hunters". Cecile's challenge is resolved, Jonouchi and Makoto form a plan, and Makoto must decide her fate.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider Sengoku2014-11-13 10 
36129830Banished Quest 82We converse with a companion, get whipped by a muscular homo, then get ready to meditate.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-13 37 
36122187Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 3It's testing time for Grey! How will he fare in the holographic chambers filled with water, logs and moving boulders?collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-11-14 13 
36149524Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E19Asher opens a portal to another world...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-14 5 
36140892Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 4Testing time for Dani followed by Grey's 'punishment' with the Profcollective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-11-14 13 
36164206Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #42Christina pilots a souped-up ball, Carrina minimizes the damage of a colony gassing, and a civil war looms on the horizon. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-15 15 
36162785Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 5We peddle some wares and talk to a cat.collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-11-15 14 
36167718Banished Quest 83We read, meet the Shah, and wrestle a dragon.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-15 33 
36164622Shitty Spaceship Quirks: The SequelEven more wonderful ideas for the beat-up and broken spaceships that /tg/ loves.space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted2014-11-15 7 
36182407Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 31Our hero is home at last, managing his harem.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-15 4 
36186474Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #123We learn about our paparazzi and continue to deal with our aquatic girl before she goes nuts.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-16 11 
36183699Code Geass Quest: Stage 6Shirley has a long discussion with Suzaku and learns that the Red Barons might have been behind the attack on the Special Administrative Zone of Japan. A request arrives from the military and Shirley goes back to settle the score with the rebels who attacked the Mt. Odake base...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-11-16 5 
36191100Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E20The portal is open upon one day within the time of Samhain. Through come the fae in a glorious way...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-16 6 
36185279Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #43Preparations on the edge of a civil war. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-16 17 
36182771A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 26We greet Alpha's new arrivals, run into some old friends, and attend a parade.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-11-16 11 
36189667Sacred Jewel Quest #23Our young heroine and the hunterCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-11-16 12 
36205375Code Geass Quest: Stage 6.5Shirley assists in a raid on the rebel base during her first deployment in the Sutherland Club. Things become complicated when a bomb goes off and wipes out the taskforce sent to deal with them forcing Shirley to pursue the rebels. Ancient ruins, a dark conspiracy, and a strange boy buried in a mountain...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-11-17 5 
36209600Banished Quest 84We open mystery boxes and try to teach a dragon to speakCollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-17 34 
36214791/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 5We take a trip through Zoltan space, where we experience their teachings of peace and harmony, and pick up several deadly new weapons. Also we meet a new crew member. Also there are lots of rebels./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, sci-fi, Engi, Slug, Zoltan2014-11-17 0 
36228684The Buns! Quest Episode 1A young girl discovers that her bunnies are gone. She gets calls from strangers. collective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, 2014-11-18 2 
36232429Banished Quest 85We go hunting, climb a mountain, discover a hermit, and take a bath.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-18 33 
36251501Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #14On the trail of a magical grill.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-19 12 
36264653Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 8Makoto Kinushima chooses her fate, Erina gets tested for Rider capability.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider Sengoku2014-11-20 10 
36276282/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 6The ship travels into a Slug-controlled nebula. Fortunately, their resident Slug crewmate Dr. Mr. Derek is able to help navigate through the dense astral clouds. Unfortunately, the sector seems unsettlingly empty, apart from the occasional band of murderous pirates and the ever-intrepid Slug merchants./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, sci-fi, Engi, Slug, Zoltan2014-11-20 0 
36274818Banished Quest 86We read a book, are taught magic by hallucinatory figures, meditate, and then buy aforementioned book.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-20 34 
36231345Shitty Spaceship Quirks: AgainYet more ideas for the broken-down flying jalopies that /tg/ calls spaceships.Quirks, space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, old and busted2014-11-20 4 
36287629Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 6We say our farewells, disagree with a nurse and finally leave town!collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-11-21 12 
36314108Over(Human)Limit Quest 21Asher fights against the forces that defy the Fae's foothold on the world as he's hunted by an old friend.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-11-22 6 
36310580Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #44We take control of the La Vie en Rose.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-22 15 
36306220Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 7.1It's training time for Grey and his pokemon. We decide to test what moves Apollo knows and help Mittens with her confusion...collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-11-22 11 
36317061Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 7.2Time to catch some pokemon! How's our navigation? Silly question, now which pokemon do we want...collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-11-22 12 
36316393The Buns! Quest Episode 2Miko breaks into a restaurantcollective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, freaking out, in a restaurant, tfw almost bunny get2014-11-22 1 
36328568Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 32Our hero fugs Chara in the butt, again.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-22 4 
36335339Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #15We have some shenanigans after class and keep investigating.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-23 12 
36336536Over(Human)Limit Quest 21.5Asher uses a fossil for a ritual. Frightful company makes an appearance.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-11-23 6 
36330212Banished Quest 87We get a creep to leave a friend alone, read for a bit, and buy some books.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-23 33 
36330731Code Geass Quest: Stage 7Shirley's battle against the rebel continues as she clashes against the taiga family and investigates what they were transporting. Her curiosity gets the best of her and she comes face to face with what could only be a monster. Will Shirley win through determination, or is something more needed to survive this fight?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-11-23 5 
36332039Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #45These are our Purus. There are many others like them, but these are ours. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-23 14 
36308425Positive Starship QuirksPositive spaceship quirks to set off the shitty ones.Quirks, space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, positive, new hotness2014-11-23 2 
36339393Banished Quest 87.5We attempt on attaining grandmaster in water magic.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-11-23 36 
36340628The Buns! Quest Episode 3Wherein Miko gets people to open a fridgecollective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, bunny get, lionhead, aww yiss2014-11-23 1 
36331457Transformers Quest 24: Electric Hellfire part 2In which Kracken picks up a new friend and downs another Seeker. Part 1 can be found in the pastebin.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-11-23 2 
36338781The All Guardsmen Party Teaches SchoolThe All Guardsmen Party goes to train some fresh recruits how be proper Inquisitorial Goons.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Cutter, School, Teach, Train, Necron, Necrons, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2014-11-23 177 
36358814Sacred Jewel Quest #24Our young heroine is the best at hugs.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-11-24 14 
36361032/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 7We make it through the rest of the Slug nebula. Though we barely survive an encounter with some very dangerous pirates, we survive and recover. The Slugs are not so friendly in the latter half of the sector, trying to cheat us and strip our ship for scrap, but they aren't nearly as much of a threat./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, sci-fi, Engi, Slug2014-11-24 2 
36371194Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 8Erica goes pokemon catching, followed by swimsuit episode. Mittens continues to be best cat.collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-11-25 13 
36391548Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 9We train for gains and get Dani wet.collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-11-26 14 
36409184Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 10Dani and Grey conspire to deal with some sandshrews but a scream interrupts your plans!collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-11-26 14 
36415665Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #16We reach the weekend and go on a date with Yui.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-11-27 12 
36410144Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 9"PvP Part 2". Micchy and Erina trade information, and Makoto meets the mysterious K and accepts the Jade Dragon's assistance.Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, 2014-11-27 11 
36436722Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 11It's battling time as we fend of a flock of angry pigeons before going on to tame the shrewcollective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-11-28 12 
36453388Sacred Jewel Quest #25Our young heroine is the Great NegotiatorCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-11-29 13 
36454859/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 8 (Bad End)We take a trip to the Engi homeworlds, which are suffering brutal Rebel, Pirate, and Mantis attacks. Our Skyship clashes against several of the invaders on its way through the sector, chasing down rumors an experimental Engi ship that was stolen by the invaders. Sadly, the battles take their toll on us, and when we reach the fleet that has the stolen ship, our own ship and crew meet their end./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, sci-fi, Engi, Slug, Rebels, Mantis, ending, bad end2014-11-29 1 
36469872Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #17We continue our date with Yui.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-30 18 
36472356Transformers Quest 25: From the SkyWe manage to sneak away from the Decepticons, rescue a war hero, and bond with a friend. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-11-30 2 
36485004The Alliteration ArmadaWhat starts as an Oglaf thread quickly turns into /tg/ assembling the greatest armada of sexual ships and salty seamen the world has ever seen.funny, ships, innuendo, dirty jokes, seamen, alliteration, puns, boats2014-11-30 23 
December 2014
36493589Over(Human)Limit Quest 22Zeitgeist fights on through the night until the morning. It's time for a counterattack!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-01 6 
36483393Desert Aurora Quest #1Unit A-213 follows orders from the mainframe and finds a creator. Desert Aurora Quest, Collective Game, post apocalyptic, one-shot, one shot 2014-12-01 5 
36505671Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 12We browse some 4champ, discuss conspiracies and try to go to sleepcollective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-02 14 
36514819Banished Quest 88We chat with the Varistha, get mouth-raped by a friend, read, and then encounter a God's heart.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-12-02 36 
36502411Strange Shadowstg ponders the ramifications of a shadow not doing what it shouldroleplay, shadows2014-12-02 2 
36525072Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 13We wake and bake (well, cook) then have a mental breakdowncollective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-03 12 
36540698Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #18We continue the weekend, post-coitus.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-12-03 7 
36549859Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #18 [Redo]We continue the weekend, post-coitus. Previous thread attempted a different timeslot. This is the proper thread.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-12-04 11 
36546515Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 14We "train" our Pokemon, have an awkward chat with our mother, and finally meet up with Nick for a battle!collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-04 12 
36552627Banished Quest 89We get ready to leave, say our goodbyes, and then set off for El-Amin. Prof loses his waifu.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-12-04 33 
36544145Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 10"Peace Treaty". Makoto dorks around with Kouta, Erina finally gets some GAR under her belt.Collective Quest, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider Gaim2014-12-04 10 
36559459Banished Quest 89.5We meditate, Prof says goodbye, short thread.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-12-04 32 
36565115Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 15We hit the ranger station and battle Nickcollective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-05 12 
36585441Pokemon: Southern Shores Quest XVIWe plan how to take on a Scythercollective game, pokemon, quest, southern shores, grey, herald2014-12-06 8 
36588303Banished Quest 90We poke a thing, thing stabs our soul, we chat with Ricky and finally reach El-Amin.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-12-06 33 
36596099Banished Quest 90.5We make it to our Master's home and chat for a while, then he agrees to help us delouse our soul.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-12-06 34 
36592314Sacred Jewel Quest #26Our young heroine goes to her "happy" placeCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-12-06 13 
36604642Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 33Our hero probably spends some quality time with Adelle or something.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-12-06 4 
36605698Code Geass Quest: Stage 8Shirley sleeps into a strange world and awakens to find herself injured, but alive aboard the Avalon. After some bickering and discussion, she decides to head home for a week to heal. All in all, a pretty slow thread due to my sleep schedule issues. Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-12-07 6 
36614910Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #46New limbs, new tech, new threats.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-12-07 12 
36611750The Buns! Quest Episode 4Miko loses SAN, and gets soup. collective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, san loss, bun loss2014-12-07 0 
36626350Over(Human)Limit Quest 23The Purging of Faerie Chicago begins...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-08 6 
36633718Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #46.5Things pick up where they left off when server errors caused a problem... and Artesia and Haman speak to the Assembly at Dakar.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-12-08 15 
36650298Banished Quest 91We experience open heart surgery, buy some robes, and meet a strange man in the Noble's District.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-12-09 34 
36685243Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #19We continue with the weekend. Momo found a dangerous source of great power. Good for her.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-12-11 10 
36686092Banished Quest 92We meet our family, tell a story, dole out advice, and then speak with our father.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-12-11 31 
36679511Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 11Makoto and Kouta deal with the Inves, and Ryouji starts his process of waking up.Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Sengoku, Makoto Kinushima2014-12-11 14 
36693612Banished Quest 92.5We read about some weird shit and discover spousal abuse.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-12-11 32 
36701248Pokemon: Southern Shores Quest 17We give Dani a nice time with our pokeflute and become one with the cooking gods as the planets and stars align, blessing us with pure DELICIOUS. Nick is still a dick.Collective Game, Pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-12 12 
36707659DBZ Human Quest #10Kaguya has an interesting match with Chiaotzu, and, with his training nearly complete, takes a trip to the past in the pendulum roomCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Kami, Popo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Goku, King Kai, Raditz, Vegeta, Bardock, Tora, Shugesh, Borgos, Fasha, Dodoria, Frieza2014-12-12 14 
36710827Banished Quest 93We choke out our brother, tell a story, negotiate with our father, and learn to Jew harder.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-12-12 34 
36719793Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 18We finally hunt some scythers. Detailing any more would spoil the thread.collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-13 11 
36723142Banished Quest 94Our brother continues to be a shit and we speak with our parents.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-12-13 33 
36705993Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna IIIPrivateer quest side mission, the continuing adventures of General Hienrich defending his world from orks.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2014-12-13 2 
36732246Banished Quest 94.5We meditate, "play" our Oud, and talk about spiders.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2014-12-13 34 
36741120Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 34Our hero terrifies his captive and continues his investigation.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-12-13 3 
36744585Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #20We examine Robo's human creation, and get back to school.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-12-14 7 
36744844Over(Human)Limit Quest 24(Finale Part 1)The Spirit of the New Age.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-14 7 
36746401Arachnophobia QuestThe crawling terror strikes in your bedroom at your weakest moment! I hate spiders, oh do I hate them very much so! Collective Game, Spiders, oneshot, one-shot2014-12-14 1 
36742202Code Geass Quest: Stage 9Shirley begins her journey down the road of recovery, eating healthily, buying hentai games, and finally chatting with friends. However a trip to the supermarket reveals that she’ll have no time for anything but fighting as her worst enemy has already begun making his move… Also, people lose their minds over sausages.Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-12-14 6 
36748788The Buns! Quest Episode 5Miko is quite afraid.collective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, further san loss2014-12-14 3 
36746600DBZ Human Quest #11Kaguya learns the fate of Bardock, and the clash with the Saiyans beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Bardock, Fasha, Tora, Borgos, Shugesh, Dodoria, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Saibamen, Krillin, Gohan, Yajirobe, Tien, Chiaotzu, Goku2014-12-14 16 
36745477Transformers Quest 26What does one do when lost in darkness? They learn to make their own light.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-12-14 2 
36759550Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 19We ask about Nick's past, confront our Scyther, and call up our mother once again... she's still a bitch and now Dani's involved. Better get some popcorn ready.collective game, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-15 10 
36784473Bug Girl Quest 1We pick find out we've got super powers, then do everything in our power to avoid using them.Bug Girl Quest, Parasite Master, QM swap, Possible one shot, Convenience Store2014-12-16 10 
36789648Sacred Jewel Quest #27Our young heroine has a visitorCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-12-16 10 
36798452Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 20Grey has a... bad dream.collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-17 10 
36822958Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #21Back to school for realsies this time.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-12-18 10 
36821202The Buns! Quest Episode 6Miko joins a game, and makes a friendcollective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, poker, mattias, new friend, ohshit2014-12-18 0 
36816458Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 12Ryouji makes it out of the dream, and Makoto goes full Oni.Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Gaim, Kamen Rider Sengoku, Makoto Kinushima2014-12-18 8 
36819300Just Some Evolution Game 4The fourth thread of this newest addition to the proud family of evo games. Kerps, groombs, fennets, and pholls (oh my!) all get their time in the alien sun. Also, say hello the the Icebreaker Fenish!JSEG, evolution, evo, like spore, except not shit2014-12-18 1 
36836767Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 21We head to Jay City, find out a bit more about Dani's past, encounter some douchebag trainers, and introduce one to our Super Grey Punch™.Collective Game, Pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-19 10 
36853595Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 22Heading back to Jay City the gang find a brawl. Later they check out a museumcollective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-20 10 
36863051DBZ Human Quest #14The Saiyan Saga comes to an endDBZ, Human, Dragonball, Quest, Collective Game, Saiyan, Vegeta, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Piccolo, Gohan, Goku, Yajirobe, Kami, Namek, Bulma, Chi Chi, Roshi, Popo, Korin, Hospital, Yajirobe2014-12-20 14 
36876645Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 35The interrogation of Lorenne continues.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-12-20 2 
36880559Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest - A Kiryoka Christmas2014 Christmas Specialcollective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-12-21 7 
36877924Code Geass Quest: Stage 10Shirley infiltrates a Black Knights base, questions why the female uniforms are so skimpy, and manages to leak incredibly valuable info before walking out without so much as a suspicious glance. But will the information she sent out be of use? Or have Zero's plans already reached their inevitable conclusion?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-12-21 6 
36887369Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #47Cleanup after the actions in Dakar.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-12-21 10 
36882809DBZ Human Quest #15After recovering in the hospital, Goku and Kaguya set course for Namek, and their training begins with a match that makes it clear who's the strongest of the twoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Bulma, Chi Chi, Roshi, Goku, Chiaotzu, Korin, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Frieza, Vegeta, Namek, Kaio-Ken, King, Kai, Capsule Corp2014-12-21 14 
36877879A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 27After a long absence help in an interrogation, find some clues, and meet an old face.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2014-12-21 13 
36881305Transformers Quest 27Short thread. New friends meet new friends and we get a mission.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-12-21 1 
36900348Over(Human)Limit Quest 24(Finale Part 2)All things come to an end.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-22 6 
36897198Code Geass Quest: Stage 11Shirley is invited to the palace expecting praises and promotions, only to wind up with a gun to her head. Zero has made his move and now Shirley needs to make her own...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-12-22 8 
36916886Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 23We find out that Professor Russianman McRussianName is in the museum, finish up our tour of said museum, and go visit a haunted ship.collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-23 12 
36920492Bug Girl Quest 5We accidentally commit suicide, pick a new protagonist, finally conduct ourselves in a manner befitting a hero and then die again. Bug Girl Quest, Parasite Master, Collective Game, Sara Shields2014-12-23 7 
36976298Bug Girl Quest 7We accept a job for the Feds with our Sister, bribe some day laborers, gut check a hero, and start a revolutionary government. Bug Girl Quest, Parasite Master, Collective Game, Sara Shields2014-12-26 5 
36995529Shadowrun Storytime 21Merry Christmas, chummers. Shadowrun Storytime comes to a long-awaited end.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Locke, Wildcard, Bend2014-12-27 92 
36990938The Return Of The Son Of Shitty Spaceship QuirksTheBaneblade is back with a belated Christmas edition.space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted2014-12-28 6 
37016947Shadowrun Storytime 21.5Wrapping up loose ends.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Locke, Wildcard, Bend, Trout, Geppetto2014-12-28 107 
37024042Code Geass Quest: Stage 12Shirley is freed and brought back to the Avalon. After giving a comforting speech to a maddened Princess she goes off to save her friends, only to come face to face with an enigmatic machine. Bad luck forces her into a terrible situation. Will Shirley survive, or will the strong consume the weak?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-12-29 7 
37033413 Leviathan Quest 1you come to your senses as black goo and go on to take over sam and find yourself in the amalgam of marvel movieverse and comicsmarvel, Dick Roman, collective game, quest, Arceus Exalted, Supernatural, Leviathan, Black goo, shapeshifter, doppelganger, comic, avengers, mutant2014-12-29 0 
37043752GuP - Scarridge High Quest - Thread 1We hear rumours, and Emily leads us on a mission to find out the team secret!Collective Game, Girls Und Panzer, GUP, SHQ, Scarridge High Quest, Tanks2014-12-29 5 
37064472GuP - Scarridge High Quest - Thread 2We choose a tank, attend our first training session, go to a team dinner, and cuddle up in bed with the girls!Collective Game, Girls Und Panzer, GUP, SHQ, Scarridge High Quest, Tanks2014-12-31 7 
37063110Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 24We wake up from our failed SAN check induced vision, Herald goes full SASS, and the dice gods insist on us having an epic battle with a Rotom-possessed ship.collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2014-12-31 5 
January 2015
37087819Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 25Herald's sass comes back to haunt him, we escape the deathtrap ship, get teleported, and receive visions of a birdwoman.collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-01 5 
37105387Capitalizing CthulhuOP proposes a CoC campaign based off Ayn Rand. /tg/ proves itself impossible to troll and Bioshock+Lovecraft, Galt as a Mi-Go trying to lure the "best" of humanity into a trap so he can extract their brains, railroads spelling out the Elder Sign and Yithians complaining about people stealing their technology.Objectivism, Bioshock, CoC, Cthulhu, Lovecraft,Cultists, Campaign Hooks, Better then it sounds,2015-01-01 12 
37109581Banished Quest 95We hash out details with our father, tutor our sisters, and discover an old merchant's enclave.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-02 31 
37118423Banished Quest 95.5We explore the ooky spooky mansion.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-02 31 
37126851GuP - Scarridge High Quest - Thread 3We sleep in, clean the tank, get shouted at, then get drunk. Happy New Year!Collective Game, Girls Und Panzer, GUP, SHQ, Scarridge High Quest, Tanks2015-01-03 5 
37138137Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 36Our hero must confront a shadow/slimegirl alone and unarmed. Is this the end for him?Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2015-01-03 3 
37122120Night Shift: Minimum Wage, Maximum Weird. 2015 EditionNight Shift Anon returns with some play test stories and some new event ideas are pitched. Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming2015-01-04 6 
37138851Transformers Quest 28An interrogation leads to an attempted assassination.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-04 1 
37161664Code Geass Quest: Stage 13Shirley's crash pits her against fearsome foes and leads her to trying to rescue her comrade. However a rescue attempt leads her coming face to face with the man she set out to kill so long ago... Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-01-05 12 
37178633The Buns! Quest Episode 7Miko makes a smallish mistakecollective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, poker, riddles, struggles2015-01-05 0 
37181297Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 26Training and chillaxing timecollective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-06 5 
37199894Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 27Scythers, Cats, and Trollscollective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-07 6 
37226511Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #22First thread of the year! *phweet* We investigate the magical girl, who is pretty obviously Hiroko at this point.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-01-07 7 
37219729Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 28It's dreamtime with Mittens, hoist the sails! Yargh!collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-08 6 
37222627GuP - Scarridge High Quest - Thread 4We recover from a hangover, go to planet fitness, go to a real gym, fix the tank, then go to bed.Collective Game, Girls Und Panzer, GUP, SHQ, Scarridge High Quest, Tanks2015-01-08 5 
37240986Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 29Grey goes on his date and watches a wrestling match!collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-09 5 
37262457Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 30Ho boy! We're actually going to get that gym badge!collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-09 5 
37265248Banished Quest 96In witch retards make the mask mistake again.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-10 28 
37271340Banished Quest 96.5We discover the aftermath of Zahak left unsupervised and speak with our Master.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-10 27 
37285544Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 37With the letter of intent in hand, our hero prepares for the last conflict.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2015-01-10 4 
37290948Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #23The appearance of *two* magical auras in the city raises concerns.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-01-11 7 
37287025Code Geass Quest: Stage 14Shirley fights against great foes and succeeds, but does winning a battle mean anything when you're losing the war? Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-01-11 10 
37289202Lamia Legacy Quest 36We're back from the long break, and dealing with mysterious attacks.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-01-11 6 
37286525A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 28We try to get our head straight after it was knocked for a loop and end up murdering everything.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2015-01-11 13 
37315775Esper Quest: Thread 29"The Search for Mato" Some other stuff happens, too, but that's the starting point.Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, Burnination, Freezination, Xenos filth, invasion, SCIENCE!, WHERE'S YOUR WIFE, MATO PLS, Geeze, put that thing on a leash before it glomp-maims somebody!2015-01-12 3 
37331015Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 31We meet a man of the establishment who capers about a bit before more shit hit the helicopter blades.collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-12 5 
37339037The All Guardsmen Party and the Super SpyThe All Guardsmen Party teams up with an Interplanetary man of mystery to investigate corruption in the Imperial Guard.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Tink, Deserter, Bane, Fumbles, Necrons, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-01-13 175 
37359196DBZ Human Quest #34A friendly game of Tag is cut short as a group of planet pirates plant the seeds of destructionCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, tree, Gohan, Goku, Nappa, King, Kai, Turles, Saiyan, of, might, Crusher, Corps, Earth2015-01-14 12 
37360746Sacred Jewel Quest #27 (cont.)Our young heroine returns and plays host.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2015-01-14 10 
37379170Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #24Having succeeded in beating up Glory, Shimada joins the crew! Everything's coming up Millhouse.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-01-15 7 
37391928Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 14Ryoji finally makes it out of the hospital. Takatora and Makoto finally meet, and RA's intentions are shown.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Gaim, Makoto Kinushima2015-01-16 5 
37394066Life Quest 7We learn to teleport and buy body armor, then take a heavily armed walk in the woods.Collective Game, Somas, Oneshot, Life Quest2015-01-16 6 
37413315Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 32In which Grey wakes up in a cellcollective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-16 5 
37436753Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 33Will Grey pull the trigger..?collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-17 3 
37445079Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #25Everything did not come up Millhouse last time. Let's try to make it up with some good times (with Shun).collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-01-18 11 
37441470Banished Quest 97We eat breakfast, chat with our Master, scold our son, and speak with our companions.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-18 25 
37441617Code Geass Quest: Stage 15Shirley makes some kickass pizza and goes out for some R&R in Hawaii! However those she trusts might not be all they seem to be... Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-01-18 8 
37445655Lamia Legacy Quest 37Mystery solving can begin now. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-01-18 6 
37451632Banished Quest 97.5We meet an old friend, buy some goats, and track down a woman.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-18 25 
37467200Another Shitty QuestSOMNIUS pretends he can write, retarded faggots take the bait.Somnius, faggots, retardation, shit, quest, collective game2015-01-19 10 
37468874Banished Quest 98Soma has a long ass phone call, we buy slaves.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-19 25 
37476508Banished Quest 98.5We return to our Master's home and set out for our new setate.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-19 26 
37468679Transformers Quest 29We give the ol'Quantum Processor a whirl, then cut a deal with Swindle.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-19 2 
37484689Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 34Grey continues his journey to the ranger station, treading dangerously as usual...collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-19 3 
37504219Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 35In which sparks fly as we fix the ranger outpostcollective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-21 5 
37514514Banished Quest 99We bring the gang and slaves to our new house, unlock the book, and bother the catCollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-21 28 
37528689Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 01Death and the ClarityCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-01-21 11 
37526828Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 36We phone Dani and catch up on... everything... that... PLADDYDYYYYYYYYYYcollective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-21 5 
37535189Kant-O-Celle Quest #1We arrive after being transferred to the Yokosuka Naval Base.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-01-22 38 
37533290Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #26We meet some new shrine maidens, screw with them, get accused of rumors at school, and ditch swimming club for the day because it's awkward.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-01-22 11 
37548383Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 02Japanese ColdCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-01-22 10 
37549845Banished Quest 100We tour our new estate, make a large investment in improving it, and meditate upon what is wrong with our head.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-23 25 
37560875Banished Quest 100.5We take a nap and get a progress report from a robot, then fix breakfast.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-23 26 
37556035Ignitrix's Sidequest #3In which Waaaaghterworld becomes a thing.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, Waaaaghterworld, Orks, Shoggy, ELH 2015-01-23 11 
37571871Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #48Titans' endgame is in sight.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-23 9 
37567967Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 37Hey, Erwin's finally here! Wait... didn't he say he was coming by skarmory? I know that's a metal bird but it's not what I had in mind...collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-24 3 
37592879Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #49Surprisingly calm Newtype nightmare space.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-24 12 
37594381Banished Quest 100.5.5We become the teacher.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-25 25 
37528300Kabbalah Quest 16Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, FunnyAsh and Trid decide to head through the Woods to the West.2015-01-25 -3 
37592164Code Geass Quest: Stage 16OP is late due to internet shenanigans and Shirley wakes up after a horrendous hangover trying to figure out what happened on the beach that night. Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-01-25 6 
37592462 Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 2nd ChorusAkalade gets laids! The Gorgon Empire Abolishes Slavery! Mycea: Mother & Father of Fungi, Nature Demi-god, ex-slave of Elves and expression of the Moon has been healed! We also dip our toes into the Grasslands.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, Elf, Mushroom, Monster Girl, 2015-01-25 11 
37596977DBZ Human Quest #42Kaguya is invited to a party, but the festivities take a turn for the worse.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Earth, Kami, Piccolo, Nappa, Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Krillin, Bulma, Roshia, Puar, Oolong, Maron, Chi Chi2015-01-25 12 
37593336Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #27Makoto invites Yui for a sleepover, then Yuuki goes through a crisis of self-realisation and humanity. Then lewds.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-01-25 8 
37590130A Fresh Start: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 29In a mad turn of events we find ourselves finding old things ending, and new things beginning.A Fresh Start (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman2015-01-25 11 
37605216Banished Quest teach our son about the facts of life.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-25 27 
37572748Transformers Quest 30We make our way into the station and mix it with the 'ConsTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-25 3 
37589019The Buns! Quest Episode 8Wherein Miko succeedscollective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, victory, chairs2015-01-25 1 
37620769DBZ Human Quest #43Nothing but Garlic, but Garlic was nothing Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonballs, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Demon, Makyo, Star, Krillin, Maron, Yamcha, Bulma, Chi Chi, Master , Roshi, Garlic, Junior, Spice, Mustard, Salt, Vinegar, Popo, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta2015-01-26 12 
37620912Sacred Jewel Quest #28Our young heroine draws the Devil card.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2015-01-26 10 
37634597Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 03Soul Society is a great place to live inCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-01-27 11 
37634228Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 38We make touchdown! Time to raid a towerbase!collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-27 2 
37664808Banished Quest 102We wrap up tutoring our master and then go on a shopping spree.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-28 26 
37677773Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 04Why it eatsCollective Game, Substitute Shinigami, Bleach2015-01-28 10 
37683489Lamia Legacy Quest 38Explore the burnt out ruins of what was probably a very nice town.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-01-29 6 
37704432Banished Quest 103We finish shopping, pick up Chrys, then do some more shopping.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-01-30 26 
37728176Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #50The Grim Guard gets back in the fight.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-30 12 
37721536Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 39We meet an old friend with... explosive consequences.collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-01-31 2 
37752927Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #51Escape and Evasion edition.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-31 11 
February 2015
37749167Banished Quest 104We return to the estate, tutor a friend, and meditate on metamagic.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-01 27 
37747537Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 05First day in schoolCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-01 7 
37750819Code Geass Quest: Stage 17Shirley succeeds in getting Euphemia a new identity but is attacked in her sleep by a mystery assailant. Trust is betrayed and dark truths are revealed, Shirley has only begun her transformation and her journey only just begun. Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-02-01 7 
37750018The Buns! Quest Episode 9Miko takes on a huge challenge; motives revealedcollective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, puzzle, 2015-02-01 0 
37755079Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #28Yui heads home and Saito comes back to school in a weird way.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-02-01 7 
37761542Banished Quest 104.5We meditate, meditate again, and encounter a particularly handsy void creature.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-01 26 
37779632Lamia Legacy Quest 39Firefighting and the defense of the wounded. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-02-02 5 
37796101Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 06Clarissa gets embarrassed at martial arts and interrogatedCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-02 6 
37822978Banished Quest 105We set off for the market and help a little girl find her mother.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-04 27 
37825541Sacred Jewel Quest #29Our young heroine prevails and counsels a aggrieved father.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2015-02-04 10 
37833408Banished Quest 105.5We meet one of the most powerful men in the Shahdom.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-04 26 
37838370Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 03We could be loverscollective game, Substitute Shinigami, Bleach2015-02-04 7 
37842641Kant-O-Celle Quest #2We get some breakfast, talk with a couple carriers, and get ready for our first mission. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-02-05 20 
37858010Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 08Quincy archer hates you (even more than you might think!)Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-05 6 
37864805Banished Quest 106 - Tuesday EditionWe resolve the loli plotline and buy some shit and finally get home.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-06 29 
37876553Pokemon: Southern Shores - Thread 40In space no one can hear you sing about being the very best.collective game, pokemon, quest, the herald, grey, southern shores2015-02-06 2 
37883755A.I. Quest 44 WeaknessOphion must find a way to deal with the enemy's attempt to take advantage of his weakness, all the while the fight for Gaia IV from chaos grows nearer to victory.A.I., Quest, collective, Game, AI, Ophion, ship, robot, android, strategy, sci fi, science, fiction, artificial, intelligence2015-02-07 8 
37906472Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #52The opening salvo of a new war in the Earth Sphere. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-07 12 
37907613Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #29Saito seems fine, but you can detect magic on him. Yui suspects he may actually be a magical girl but Makoto has his doubts.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-02-08 7 
37904799Code Geass Quest: Stage 18Shirley escapes and is tended to by a strange pair of individuals. Blind and helpless, she finds briefly at peace with the mysterious Nemo and Rai. Are they really what they appear to be? Or are the lies truly unending?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-02-08 7 
37933145Lamia Legacy Quest 40Mission of mercy winds up stuck between trolls and a hard place.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-02-09 6 
37949742Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 09The sword is me.Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-09 7 
37972720Banished Quest 107We meditate, toss a goat corpse out a window, and take a bath.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-11 28 
37979198Kant-O-Celle Quest #3We meet BURNING LOVE!, stick up for Willie D and start our first battle. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-02-11 18 
37982710Banished Quest 107.5We learn some metas and encounter the child of a god.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-11 37 
37982846DBZ Human Quest #62His training at the illustrious Satan Castle complete, Kaguya speaks with a trusted mentor, and works to develop new techniquesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Kami, Popo, Mr., Satan, Hercule, Videl, Gohan, Vegeta, Nappa, Icarus, Goku, Krillin, Master, Roshi, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Vegeta2015-02-11 12 
38000934Maiden White: Feudal Spirit - Valentines Special 2015In this special valentines day thread, we explore a alternate universe romantic pairing of the Kitsune Spirit Makoto and Shrine Maiden Umeki in Feudal Osataka.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-02-12 7 
38038820Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 10Quincy archer really hates you!Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-13 6 
38032972Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 2The Heroine plays with some kittens, meets an old Cat, and helps train the future protagonist by punching him in the face, before going to take a bath.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-02-13 6 
38048802Girls und Panzer Quest 151In which BlackJack returns.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2015-02-14 13 
38065869Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #53Dealing with the Leipzig UFO.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-14 12 
38061672Banished Quest 108We kill time before the party starts.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-14 25 
38063611Code Geass Quest: Stage 19The day begins with sniffing Nemo's panties and eating Chinese pancakes, and ends with a car chase and the capture of a cute assassin. Will Shirley escape China? Can Nemo be trusted? Can ANYONE be trusted?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-02-15 8 
38070244Banished Quest 108.5IT LIIIVES, and we get the party started.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-15 25 
38067023Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #30We tell Saito about our magical personas and watch him flail around in a maid outfit for a while.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-02-15 6 
38135745Banished Quest 109We eat, drink, and be merry.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-18 26 
38158161Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #31We arrive home and get Saito scanned. Bunch of dire implications, but she keeps her focus for now. Then Hana cock?-blocks everyone.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-02-19 10 
38171821Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 11Quincy archer doesn't hate you anymoreCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-19 7 
38173015Banished Quest 110We play pest exterminator.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-20 26 
38182929Banished Quest 110.5We return to the party and get ready to give a demonstration.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-20 24 
38181397The All Guardsmen Party and the Greater GoodThe All Guardsmen Party go to Tau space to track down some vile, xenos-loving traitors.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Tink, Deserter, Bane, Fumbles, Tau, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Greater, Good2015-02-20 172 
38188633Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 3The Heroine take a bath with a physics professor, decides to advance the power of SCIENCE, and then makes a decision to learn more about her past.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-02-20 6 
38198872Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #54Assault on the Control Room.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-20 10 
38204439Girls und Panzer Quest 152In which Yukari saves us with woobie-ness.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2015-02-21 10 
38211479Joker Quest 123Joker gives birth. Kazuya shows his true color. Wannabe Utopia Ruler rambles in paranoia.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest, There are still heroes left in men, bros for life, bros before hoes, bitches and whores, beaches and shores, total bromance, papa is proud2015-02-21 13 
38222372Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #55Two Betrayals.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-21 11 
38223682A.I. Quest 45 Guilt & PityOphion rebuilds his forces after the brutal conflict with Prometheus, all the while getting a little more personal with his less than robotic allies.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-02-22 9 
38218126Banished Quest 111We put on a demonstration and negotiate with our father.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-22 25 
38226068Banished Quest 111.1We negotiate with our father, secure a variety of business deals, and mingle.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-22 26 
38249230DBZ Human Quest #79After narrowly escaping from Cell, Kaguya returns from the Lookout, where plans are made to deal with the new threatCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Android, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Cell, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Roshi, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Videl, Piccolo2015-02-23 8 
38249628Lamia Legacy Quest 41Medical evacuation and pertinent letters. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-02-23 6 
38267075Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 12Your friend isn't feeling so goodCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-23 7 
38295767Banished Quest 112We get high and dick around.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-25 24 
38303351Banished Quest 112.5In which the players break a promise to kill our abusive brother, and instead decide to suck his dick.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-25 28 
38314207Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 18Makoto and Ryoji get drunk. A lot of heart to hearts. Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-02-26 2 
38316662Kant-O-Celle Quest #4Our first battle concludes with a violent point-blank slugfest between battleships. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-02-26 22 
38321281Girls und Panzer Quest 153In which Russells and Miho arrive stateside to meet with a mysterious benefactor.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2015-02-26 10 
38315602Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #32We wake up and put on a play at the shrine, then go hunt a magical girl. It doesn't go that well.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-02-26 10 
38332872Banished Quest 113We do some more party stuff.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-27 26 
38343657Banished Quest 113.5We forgive our sister. Party's over. We make some Big Reveals™.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-02-27 25 
38346464Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 4In which the Heroine brews some good coffee, trains Ragna some more, and gets him beat up by a girl.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-02-27 6 
38369930Dark General QuestIn which you, a relatively ordinary office drone, are offered the opportunity of lifetime.Collective Game, Dark General Quest, shaderic2015-02-28 5 
38378089Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #56One Titans lab down, several to go. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-28 9 
March 2015
38376240Code Geass Quest: Stage 20Shirley questions a chocolate assassins, grows suspicious of the unusually helpful Nemo, and ends up nearly killed. Shirley's own war against Zero soon becomes the entire world's war...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-03-01 7 
38380355Banished Quest 114We make bad decisions.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-03-01 25 
38379606Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #33Makoto arrives home and teaches Yuuki to grab life by the oppai. Then everything starts to go bad.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-03-01 7 
38402968Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #57What doesn't kill Titans will simply make it stranger. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-01 11 
38400786Code Geass Quest: Stage 21Shirley recovers her voice but finds it is not her own. The chocolate assassin tells her of a mysterious power and she learns there are even fewer people she can trust then she first believed...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-03-02 7 
38388096Tales from African MythologyA kind anon imparts his knowledge of African mythology. Slight xenophobia seepageAnansi's an idiot, african mythology, ashanti2015-03-02 15 
38421231Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 13Three dead girls and one sick girl try to catch a breakCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-02 5 
38428825Lamia Legacy Quest 42Resting on the homestead and sending layabouts home. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-03-03 7 
38469314Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 19Erina takes the stage! Makoto's been kidnapped!Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-03-05 2 
38492486Khornette Quest #24Cinder goes too hard and then has to travel to the past to try and commit suicide to prevent Ignitrix from being pissed. Needless to say, nothing goes to plan.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Time is bullshit, Not as Planned, Stop Hitting Yourself, ELH2015-03-06 11 
38506121Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 5The Heroine saves a little girl from a kidnapping with the help of a certain mercenary Commander, only to become the kidnapper herself.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-03-06 6 
38517952Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #58The joint strike force tentatively named "Londo Bell" goes on its first adventure.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-06 13 
38519341A.I. Quest 46 UnchainedOphion unlocks the secrets to the being known as Erebos, and announces claim over Gaia IV. What path shall he take next?A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-03-07 11 
38541876Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #59Mayfly of Space edition. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-07 12 
38537571Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 14Things get kind of weirdCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-08 5 
38539871 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #1Osataka is subject to a series of inter scholastic games, heralded by the appearance of the strange idol, Mai Aihara. With Makoto's friends under some kind of spell and the hint of something sinister in the air, Deception Class begins.collective game, MWQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-03-08 7 
38542082Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 19.5The birth of Kamen Rider Eden! And maybe some poison.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider2015-03-08 5 
38608809Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #2We reawaken Naoki, chase after Yui and finally get her back, then confront Mai and her crew, who are terrible, awful people hell-bent on saving magical girls from your wrath! ...Wait what?collective game, MWQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-03-11 7 
38611813Lamia Legacy Quest 43Ancient grudges and bailing out old men.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-03-11 7 
38613982Banished Quest 115 We decide to neglect our son again, and stick with the bad decision from last thread.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-03-11 27 
38631551Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 20MOTHER-DAUGHTER FINISHER HYPE!Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-03-12 5 
38652141Banished Quest 116We depart for Anthus by sea.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-03-12 28 
38657254Kant-O-Celle Quest #5Arizona recovers from the battle, but with a nasty surprise...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-03-12 18 
38665330Kant-O-Celle Quest #6The aftermath of the first bloody engagement continues to play out. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-03-13 18 
38665812Banished Quest 116.5We're on a boat, motherfucker.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-03-13 25 
38667462Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 6The heroine snuggles with the girl who is not her kidnapping victim and OP passes out repeatedly due to lack of sleep.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-03-13 6 
38663934Fungi Monsters/tg/ worldbuilds mushroom monsters, fungus freaks, etc. Loads of interesting ideas are developed. Useful source of new monsters for your next game.fungus, mushroom, monster, ecosystem, dryad, body horror,2015-03-13 2 
38680196Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #60New directions.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-13 11 
38674616Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 15Clarissa receives a threatCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-13 5 
38662709Metal Gear Solid HomebrewAnon asks advice to start an MGS campaign. /tg/ fleshes out setting.Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid, Snake, Big Boss, MGS, homebrew, getting shit done, homebrew setting2015-03-14 8 
38703103Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #61Two targets, one plan, a thousand and one ways to die.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-14 12 
38697868Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 16A friend gets attacked, and... Wait, this doesn't seem right...Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-14 6 
38702660Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #3We run around in a maid outfit at school, head for the Oomura manor, make tons of innuendo, and then drop our true gender on the womaniser Naoki.collective game, MWQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-03-15 7 
38709616Girls und Panzer Quest 154In which we have a chat with Han and Miho.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2015-03-15 10 
38724952Code Geass Quest: Stage 22Shirley arrives in the homeland and plots with an assassin who is no unable to kill to bomb an OSI facility for information...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-03-16 8 
38729549Gentlemen, BEHOLD!Dr. Tory Matheus Sinclair, mad scientist extraordinaire, slaughtering rats without a care, accidentally ignites all the air. All of it. R.I.P.Drawfag, collective game, one-shot, mad science, highly contagious fungal explosive flammable inextinguishable super rat poison, Incendispore2015-03-16 7 
38728143Lamia Legacy Quest 44We settle age old criminal conflicts and house mercenaries. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-03-16 5 
38775750Banished Quest 117We reach Anthus, confuse a dragon, and sprint through the city.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-03-18 28 
38790628Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 21Erina might have just discovered there's a conspiracy involving Yggdrasil. Also the start of Erina vs. Cecile!Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Erina Kinushima2015-03-19 5 
38779851Chronicles of An Unnamed SettingWhat started as a simple post-by-post setting building thread bloomed into a vibrant world with various cultures and original races.Jewel moons, crocarian, draken, lumi, pitchmen, turem'tuthan, walshen, zaar2015-03-19 -1 
38791896Maiden White Quest Omake: Servant GoldTakes place during Deception Class, thread #3. Saito sneaks into the Oomura manor and gets a very... intense encounter with his crush.collective game, MWQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Omake, Deception Class, NSFW2015-03-19 7 
38807680Banished Quest 118We encounter an old man who lets us read a scroll.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-03-20 25 
38813279MORTAL KOMBAT!!!! TG Slowly builds a Mortal Kombat Character. A Biracial Viking biker with ice powers. AwesomeMortal Kombat, TG Get's Shit Done, Worldbuilding, Writefag, Drawfag2015-03-20 1 
38815214Banished Quest 118.5We chat with an old dude, read up on a meta, and talk to a madman.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-03-20 25 
38818895Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 7The Heroine lives through an average day, and Tsubaki is, in general, very cute.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-03-20 6 
38834528Khornette Quest #27We decide to go help Iggy find a very special book.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Dice Gods are Bullshit, ELH2015-03-21 13 
38854099Kant-O-Celle Quest #7In which we have a depressing chat with Naka-Chan, "Idol of the Fleet," and meet a lunatic with an angle-grinder. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-03-21 20 
38862317Kant-O-Celle Quest #8Thread 7 continued. Goddamn anon posting so fast fillin up threadsCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-03-22 20 
38853002A.I. Quest 47 MirrorOphion speaks with the strange newcomer he discovered recently, as well as moving further into UGEI territory while they're weak.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-03-22 11 
38851432Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #4Following on from last time, Makoto finally fixes Saito, allowing him to transform back into a boy. This, naturally, leads to a giant session of experimenting with transformation. Male Yui inbound.collective game, MWQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-03-22 10 
38875280SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST 2A Chosen of the Void meditates; she must first kill the bandit to become the bandit.Golden Lark, Shyft Nine, drawquest, SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST, spooky, scary, skeletons, Exalted, Abyssal, The Just and Neccesary Executioner, Collective Game2015-03-23 6 
38891872Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 17Shopping with MayuriCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-24 6 
38936427Shinigami Savant Quest #1Meet the MC: Kusajishi Riku, a street-rat with spiritual talent and nothing to lose. Pre-archived.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-03-25 39 
38932326Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 22Erina vs. Cecile conclusion.Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Erina Kinushima2015-03-26 5 
38934634Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #5We have a talk with Umeki & Saito, then start up Yui's game, using Twister rather than roulette. QM gets interrupted though and thread cuts short.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-03-26 7 
38960564Girls und Panzer Quest 155In which we schmooze with other tankers.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2015-03-27 10 
38967958Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 18Clarissa makes a promiseCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-27 5 
38991729Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #62The three-way battle at L1 begins.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-28 8 
38972396Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna #4We finally get to Brexen Fortress and set about fortifying and defending it, and while the planet burns around us there is hope yet.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2015-03-29 3 
38990921Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #6We continue the dressup, becoming a terrible dragon obsessed with kidnapping the princess Saito, only to be foiled by Prince Umeki!collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-03-29 8 
39011905Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #63A battle four years in the making continues.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-29 13 
39010176Code Geass Quest: Stage 23Shirley is picked up by a helpful young man who gives her a way straight to her friends. However she learns something horrible and soon finds herself as an enemy of nearly the entire world...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-03-30 6 
39051803Shinigami Savant Quest #2Riku learns the ropes to becoming a powerful Shinigami.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-03-31 37 
April 2015
39048610Banished Quest 119We buy a pretty necklace, have a chat with the Archmagos, and fuck with a friend.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-04-01 26 
39053805Daemonette QuestOn a quest to host a Tea Party, we meet the Blood God, sexualize tax forms, become massively depressed, and so much more.Collective Game, Daemonette, Slaanesh, Excessive Silly, Lewd, Tea Party, ELH2015-04-01 11 
39058367Banished Quest 119.5We participate in a little 'armless fun.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-04-01 25 
39074082Kant-O-Celle Quest #9Admiral Settle tries to head off a one-man Corgipocolypse and other stuff which I don't know because I haven't written the thread yet shitCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-04-02 20 
39080533Kant-O-Celle Quest #10In which a momentary slip in judgement has severe and dangerous consequences. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-04-02 20 
39070989Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 23Makoto manages to create pastries and possibly hallucinate. THIS PARTY'S GONNA BE CRAZY.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-04-02 5 
39073139Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #7Makoto, Shun, and Yui all have a [REDACTED FOR NSFW] and then they [HOO BOY] before she sticks it right up their [THINK OF THE CHILDREN] all night long. Then perspective switches to the children. How nice.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-04-02 12 
39092404Shinigami Savant Quest #3Riku talks to her sword, and begins to learn that her afterlife isn't as simple as it seemed.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-02 32 
39093806Banished Quest 120We read a book, have a coffee meeting, and hit the bar scene.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-04-03 27 
39101119Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 8The Heroine is invited to do some contract work in another Hierarchical City, helps Tsubaki build her first armagus, and gets into an awkward situation with a drunken cat.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-04-03 6 
39108405Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 19Clarissa kills a Hollow and has a chat with herselfCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-04 7 
39115179Kant-O-Celle Quest #11In which we finally meet the most terrifying ship to wage war on the high seas - SAMMY. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-04-04 20 
39120266Kant-O-Celle #12In which the cutest DE unleashes her wrath on three unsuspecting cruisers. Settle's got his work cut out for him.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-04-04 20 
39135356Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #64Carrina vs Voight.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-04 9 
39136734A.I. Quest 48 Unprecedented PowerOphion deals with the aftermath of an explosion, and receives a message from Arman's Gate.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-04-05 10 
39130559Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 20Something nice happens for a changeCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-05 7 
39093314Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna #5We consolidate our forces in Brexen Fortress, search the grounds and prepare for the coming greenskin storm. Also we piss blood.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2015-04-05 4 
39128568Maiden White: Easter Special 2015In this special omake thread, Yui takes the wheel! So yes; very NSFW.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-04-05 8 
39158130Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #65What doesn't kill you only makes things stranger. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-05 11 
39165875The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P1The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-04-06 135 
39185203The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P2The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-04-07 141 
39201262Shinigami Savant Quest #4To stand against a Gillian, Riku will need all the help she can get.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-07 32 
39197768Banished Quest 121.5Women are schmoozed, plots are unveiled.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-04-08 28 
39204936Banished Quest 121.5.5We cash our checks, buy a new guar, and leave for Khmedi. Thread 121.5 is actually thread 121. Someone fucked up.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-04-08 25 
39216951Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 24Rematch against the Green Rider, and Makoto gets caught up with what might be going on.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-04-09 6 
39223334Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #8We get super scared as Yuuki and get Saito to calm us down as best oneechan. Then a weird lolita girl invades and takes us on a trip.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-04-09 7 
39241742Shinigami Savant Quest #5Riku gets to meet all the other Captains... from the wrong end of an official inquiry.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-09 31 
39248289Shinigami Savant Quest #6Riku learns how upward mobility works in the Soul Society.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-10 31 
39251778Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 9The Heroine finds out part of what she is, and then Tsubaki makes some adorable assumptions about her mother's relationships. In the morning, Professor Kokonoe prioritizes Coffee. Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-04-10 6 
39258974Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 21A friend unlocks a special powerCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-11 7 
39279325Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 22Clarissa talks things out with KimikoCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-12 10 
39281799Code Geass Quest: Stage 24Shirley arrives on the Avalon and meets up with her friends. After gaining their support she hatches a plan to strike out against Pluton and finally take the fight to her enemies. Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-04-12 9 
39284306Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #9Yuuki explores Sen's dreamscape and has a talk with her about her powers and family, eventually managing to strike a deal to save Shun's focus. And despite Makoto's fervor, she leaves unpurified. Perhaps with a new outlook on the group though.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-04-12 6 
39345540Shinigami Savant Quest #7Where Riku learns that “balance” in the afterlife isn't the same as “good”.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-14 34 
39342241Banished Quest 122We on the road and Soma giggles at his tendons.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-04-15 26 
39360752Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 25Erina bonks some heads together, and makes a contract. We can only hope it's for the better good. Also designing the first upgrade.Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Gaim, Erina Kinushima.2015-04-16 2 
39385523Shinigami Savant Quest #8When the Wolves of Mibu prowl, Death is never far behind. Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-16 34 
39385080Shadowrun 5e storytimeThat Guy shennanignsthat guy, shadowrun, 5e, storytime2015-04-17 -15 
39391969Shinigami Savant Quest #9The match with the Shinsengumi continues, and the Bakumatsu heats up.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-17 36 
39394579Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 10The Heroine gets on the airship to Shinatsu, is captivated by fluffy tail, and shoots at some pirates from the wing of the ship.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-04-17 6 
39401407Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 23The final dayCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-18 7 
39426198Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #66The Joker brokers a deal with the Devil. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-18 9 
39422294Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 24The perfect banquetCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-19 12 
39423617Banished Quest 123We learn a new method of meditation from hallucinatory figures, wrangle a giant lizard, and finally reach Khmedi.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-04-19 27 
39429548Log Horizon Quest 38Drinking Star-Water and YouLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-04-19 8 
39427452Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #10We FINALLY escape the Oomura manor and make it to school. Saito confesses to Makoto (it goes well), and they salvage the school council. Oh, and uh, Makoto crossdresses to school. No biggie.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-04-19 8 
39490303Shinigami Savant Quest #10Shunk&#333;: Master and Student.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-21 33 
39491041Post-Modern Magical Goyle QuestIt's tough being a gargoyle in the modern age. Back when art and architecture was all Gothic, you could assume a nice, respectable form like a snarling beast or sneering winged gremlin, but nowadays it's all cubes, chrome, and pissing in spaghettios cans.Collective Game, Statues, Gargoyles, There Is A Point Where This Should Have Ended And We Have Clearly Passed It2015-04-22 10 
39513781SitS Quest 00: Chargen>So... You want to see a sockpuppet show, eh? One about corporate espionage, cybercrime, and philosophy? ELH starts another quest: Traveller system based cyberpunk (Shadowrun, Ghost in the Shell, MGR, all that goes in the pot)Collective Game, ELH, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell2015-04-23 8 
39530129Shinigami Savant Quest #11Riku and her sword play a game with a powerful magical artifact.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-23 33 
39535743Shinigami Savant Quest #12She who controls the Keikaku, controls the Universe.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-24 36 
39544837Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 25Cutting looseCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-25 5 
39566818Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #67A trip down memory lane.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-25 9 
39570888Log Horizon Quest 39A Time for ChangesLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-04-26 6 
39604439The Search for KyleAnon posts old GW invitation for Warhammer, /tg/ contacts employee through internet detective skills, OP is re-invited to game.Games Workshop, /tg/ gets shit done, Real Life2015-04-28 97 
39633150Shinigami Savant Quest #13The most trying ordeal of Riku's afterlife to date: parenthood. Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-04-28 33 
39630277Banished Quest 124We chat with friends, search for survivors, and fight some mutant dragons.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-04-29 25 
39641026Banished Quest 124.5We rescue a little girl, return to camp, and scry a dude.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-04-29 24 
39653747Lost Continent Quest 1You are Rugerio, an initiate in the Verducci Family Guild, and cursed with a metal arm. Your memory is shot, but you're working on it. You will take to the skies again.Collective Game, Lost Continent Quest, Steampunk, Airship, Aeroship, 2015-04-30 6 
39648086Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 26Makoto meets with Kaito and Oren, runs into the other Armored Riders, and begins the fight against a possibly legendary Inves.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-04-30 3 
39654450SitS Quest 01We avoid getting off'd by the Mob and find a new job with a bunch of Cyborgs. Also character sheet fixes.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-04-30 11 
39671905Shinigami Savant Quest #14The rise of Captain Urahara Kisuke.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-04-30 31 
May 2015
39673342Kant-O-Celle Quest #13In which the Regia Marina saves the day and no spaghetti is spilled.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest, Il Duce heard you were talking shit2015-05-01 20 
39678861Shinigami Savant Quest #15The fall of Captain Urahara Kisuke.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-01 31 
39676031DBZ Human Quest #133Gete with GarlicCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Dende, King, Kai, Videl, Gohan, Garlic, Jr., Piccolo, King, Frieza, Moori, Porunga, Shenron2015-05-01 7 
39682517Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 11The Heroine tucks Tsubaki in and then the QM gets sick again. Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-05-01 5 
39695009A.I. Quest 49 New FindingsOphion takes advantage of a brief moment of piece to explore the world around him a little more closely.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-05-02 9 
39688637Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 26Kimiko's conclusionCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-02 5 
39696337Kant-O-Celle Quest #14In which we get woken up KONGOU STYLE. Also Arizona is very protective of us.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-02 20 
39702372Kant-O-Celle Quest #15In which Settle pours his heart out and did nothing wrong.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-02 20 
39713208Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #11Back from hiatus, we start recruiting clubs and make up with Hiroko, then hug Shizuko (who sorely needs it). Also Makoto gets whistled at for not knowing how skirts work.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-05-03 10 
39714711Log Horizon Quest 40Fun with HydrogenLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-05-03 8 
39731487Lost Continent Quest 2Rugerio sets out to explore the world a bit, and we get into some business with the Longshoresman's Guild. Collective Game, Lost Continent Quest, Steampunk, Airship, Aeroship, 2015-05-04 5 
39749388Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 27Letting it all outCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-05 6 
39739103Safeguard Quest 1We go towards a distress beacon rescue a fellow Safeguard destroy a cult and some MonstersSafeguard Quest, QM KC's Mouthwash, Collective Game, Post Apocalyptic, Scifi2015-05-05 11 
39758595Shark Tits and Sexual DimorphismAnons have a lengthy chat about gender in fantasy races and aliens, and how to make it interesting.world building, sharks, star trek, sexuality2015-05-05 3 
39772117Shinigami Savant Quest #16Shinigami vs. DeathBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-05 32 
39778186Shinigami Savant Quest #17Why does Captain Kusajishi wear the mask?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-06 30 
39769107Safeguard Quest 2We leave the shelter kill some bats, a Minotaur and a stranger appears.Safeguard Quest, QM KC's Mouthwash, Collective Game, Post Apocalyptic, Scifi2015-05-06 1 
39787058Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 27Finally, the emergence of Dragonslayer Arms against Otachi!Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, DJ Sagara2015-05-07 5 
39794053Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #12We help the crafts club get admittance to become separate, troll a teacher, and compete with Mai at idol-ness. Then Romi Saito makes everyone shit themselves.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-05-07 6 
39812252Shinigami Savant Quest #18Death of a Swordsman.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-07 31 
39818170Shinigami Savant Quest #19Making the crime fit the punishment. Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-08 32 
39816646SitS Quest 02Turns out Weldon's pretty sneaky when he wants to be, spider waifus are confusing, and one should always be wary of shooting people in the dick.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-05-08 10 
39830221Banished Quest 125We meditate, resolve to return to Anthus, and get an update from the home front.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-05-09 27 
39830645TransHuman Hero Quest: Part 1We create our nameless pc, and gain our powersCollective game, TransHuman Hero Quest, Nanomachines, Beginning2015-05-09 5 
39840470Banished Quest 125.5We listen to a robutt tell a story, reach Licae, and get attacked by an old rival.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-05-09 27 
39847121Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 28Cracked skyCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-10 5 
39851999Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #13Makoto & Mai endure Romi's specialised idol course. We find out Mai has a little secret, and then hug Saito. Things seem bleak until someone saves the day...collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-05-10 7 
39851477Lamia Legacy Quest 45In which we get our bearings and take someone up on their offer.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-05-10 5 
39855221Log Horizon Quest 41Science before SexLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-05-10 8 
39860483Soul Quest - The Crystal DragonYou are Kadi Seliance, Soul Master.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2015-05-10 6 
39854272Kant-O-Celle Quest #16Holy shit, the MPs managed to do what many greater could not - if only for a few hours, also we get asked out to dinner.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-10 18 
39860849Kant-O-Celle Quest #17In which we beat our head against a brick wall and speak with God.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-10 18 
39875604TransHuman Hero Quest: Part 2We fight our first villain and get our Hero nameCollective game, TransHuman Hero Quest, Nanomachines, Swarm, Nemesis2015-05-11 4 
39874250SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST 003Fuck ghosts, get swords. Golden Lark, Shyft Nine, drawquest, SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST, spooky, scary, skeletons, Exalted, Abyssal, The Just and Neccesary Executioner, Collective Game2015-05-11 3 
39901216Lost Continent Quest 3 pt 1Rugerio and Andrio meet for the first time in a year, get in a firefight, and get Rugerio kicked out of his Guild, to the relief of all involved. Now assigned to the Acronauts, he is about to embark on a mission aboard the Good Hope.Collective Game, Lost Continent Quest, Steampunk, Airship, Aeroship, 2015-05-12 5 
39917819Shinigami Savant Quest #20The Secret Life of (Little) Bees.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-12 33 
39914699Banished Quest 126We fight a duel and win.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-05-13 30 
39923261Banished Quest 126.5We make up with an old rival, lecture a teenager, and meet a fellow traveler.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-05-13 26 
39921207KANT-O-CELLE QUEST #18We spend some more time with everyone's favorite Idol-chan and try to talk some sense into harder.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-13 20 
39957264Shinigami Savant Quest #21Guns of the East.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-14 31 
39956521Banished Quest 127We prevent a rape, then perform a vivisection.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-05-15 30 
39963069Shinigami Savant Quest #22Riku ties off some loose ends and the wars begin.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-15 29 
39936935To Protect And Serve QuestWe're a beat cop in the year 2153 that's doing his job and doing it well.To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer2015-05-15 39 
39998549Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #14We deal with the aftermath of Romi; calling Mai out on her bullshit and spreading the love with Saito. Then Makoto gets spread pretty wide as things get NSFW.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-05-17 11 
39998668Log Horizon Quest 42ButcheryLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-05-17 11 
40017930SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST 004 TAKE 1A fuck up in thread titling made this one collapse. Trying again next week! Golden Lark, Shyft Nine, drawquest, SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST, spooky, scary, skeletons, Exalted, Abyssal, The Just and Neccesary Executioner, Collective Game2015-05-18 1 
40023556Kant-O-Celle Quest #20Debriefing after the air raid, then we get trolled by Goto. Again.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-18 20 
40018616Kant-O-Celle Quest #19The Abyssals doing a Pearl Harbor? Not on our watch.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-18 18 
40038318Lamia Legacy Quest 46Learning proves to be food for the mind, whereas venison is just food. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-05-19 6 
40056762Banished Quest 128We burn a corpse, have a chat, read some books, and get wished a happy birthday.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-05-20 26 
40058836SitS Quest 03A quest for Pizza turns serious when the Not!Dragon comes to visit.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-05-20 9 
40072187Banished Quest 129We inspect a dragon corpse, destroy our cloak, and reach the Academy.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-05-21 24 
40069357Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 28Downtime. Short thread. Recovering from the Dragonslayer, and taking the next steps.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-05-21 3 
40076144Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #15We hug with Saito, freak out, then relax. Also, Yuuki built another robot; the power-mimicking MantiCore! Hai. Also Mai is jealous and Naru is angry. Hai.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-05-21 7 
40077773Kant-O-Celle Quest #21Going out to dinner with Shoukaku, totally not a date...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-21 18 
40081556Kant-O-Celle Quest #22Settling on the Gundam Cafe leads to a bombshell. Who's bright idea was this, anyway? Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-21 18 
40082519Banished Quest 129.5We build a shrine and enter a magical realm where a surprise awaits us.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-05-21 25 
40110014Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 29Menos GrandeCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-23 5 
40129106Shinigami Savant Quest #23Changing times, desperate measures.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-23 30 
40134653A.I. Quest 50 Leaps and BoundsAfter cycles of research and development, finally Ophion has cracked the secrets of Anti-Matter containment. With this new discovery how will he face future threats?A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-05-24 9 
40135411Shinigami Savant Quest #24In the Forest of Menos.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-24 29 
40136816Kant-O-Celle Quest #23In which we make Shoukaku cry.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-24 18 
40136203Quest Quest 3 Episode 1Quest Quest returns, this time following the story of a lucky mage named Abby McSwag!Collective Game, drawfag, quest quest, abby mcswag, shortstack2015-05-24 13 
40143472Kant-O-Celle Quest #24“Oh,” Hate says, his voice husky with lust. “Oh, god yes."Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest, Hate2015-05-24 22 
40147870Kant-O-Celle Quest #25In which Shoukaku and Settle make their escape.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-24 18 
40136567Log Horizon Quest 43King of the SkyLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-05-24 11 
40154115Shinigami Savant Quest #25Conversations with Coyote. Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-24 30 
40159805Shinigami Savant Quest #25.5Overtime thread, because I suck at time allocation.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-25 28 
40157883Lamia Legacy Quest 47Reporting our findings and questioning our casualty. In that order.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-05-25 5 
40202809Quest Quest 3 Episode 2Abby and Rabbit take on a band of bandits! After some luck, they make it out unscathed and journey to the casino!Collective Game, drawfag, quest quest, abby mcswag, shortstack2015-05-27 13 
40216672Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 30Force of natureCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-28 5 
40215778Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 29short episode. Resolving to get Ryoji back in the Rider game.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-05-28 1 
40238091Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 31White coats, white liesCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-29 5 
40238130Just Plane ScaryThe setting: a transatlantic flight. The system: Cthulu Dark. OP's request: strange and scary things that can happen aboard a large aircraft.surreal, horror, cthulu, aircraft, planes, brainstorming, one-shot,2015-05-29 2 
40246634Kant-O-Celle Quest #26In which we converse with GotoCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-29 18 
40251867Kant-O-Celle Quest #27We talk with DesDiv6 and head out to the firing rangeCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-29 18 
40257565Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 32Mad CircusCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-30 3 
40278263Shinigami Savant Quest #26White Death at the Messines Ridge.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-30 29 
40275412Disciple of Elshhu Quest 1After getting ditched (and robbed) by his masters, Jareth, warrior-priest of Elshhu, goes looking for a way to make some gold.Disciple of Elsshu Quest, Collective Game2015-05-30 12 
40278819Banished Quest 130We get a fancy new gauntlet from some skellies, do some experimentation, and find our rooms.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-05-31 24 
40281594Disciple of Elshhu Quest 2Jareth and party explore the blue tower in search of moss as befits good rookie adventurers.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-05-31 14 
40286623Banished Quest 130.5We experiment with our new toy and go hunting for weird souls.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-05-31 24 
40284426Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #16We discuss some plot with Naru (and her girlcrush), then bring Yui and Shun closer. Very close, NSFW close. After that, cheering for Saito as 'Minako' returns!collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-05-31 10 
40284829Log Horizon Quest 44Bleak SnowLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-05-31 10 
40301402Shinigami Savant Quest #27All of the worst things happen.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-31 31 
June 2015
40305659SitS Quest 04My Tank Killer can't possibly be this cute! Also making a deal with a Not!Dragon. Shadowrunners everywhere cringe.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-06-01 8 
40326437Banished Quest 131We wander around a spirit's mind and Soma gets to write the war he's been waiting for.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-02 25 
40347118Banished Quest 132The battle kicks off, we kill the disciple of a spirit, and get ready for the counter attack.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-03 26 
40349489Lamia Legacy Quest 48Combat starts, bridges fall, centaurs charge. Above all the plot thickens.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-06-03 5 
40355372Banished Quest 132.5With the help of a cat, we defeat a disciple and the spirit realm is conquered.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-03 27 
40371255Quest Quest 3 Episode 3Abby and Rabbit hit up the Oracle Casino! Will they get lucky?Collective Game, drawfag, quest quest, abby mcswag, shortstack2015-06-04 14 
40374667Kant-O-Celle Quest #28Range time with Arizona, Willie, and DesDiv 6. Willie just can't catch a break.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-04 18 
40380387Kant-O-Celle Quest #29Head problems and shouting matches in the libraryCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-04 18 
40385805I Just Read A Lewd Manga And Now I Want To Run A Quest Based On It?You are so impressionable and feeble minded, anon-kun!collective game, catgirls are scum, /a/ is shit, /d/ is worse2015-06-04 2 
40386837Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 33A bus drive with a madmanCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-05 3 
40393260SitS Quest 05A Date with a Not!Dragon ends with our pelvis somehow intactCollective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-06-05 8 
40399240Retired Mascot QuestYou are retired, after a long and distinguished career serving the Core... And you're also bored out of your mind. Collective Game, Retired Mascot Quest, shaderic, 2015-06-05 3 
40425991Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 34Playing with dollsCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-07 3 
40406548Death's Shadows IIn which a new /tg/ Chapter is rolled. Sniper terrorist Dark Angels no less.Death's Shadows, Chapter Generator2015-06-07 2 
40432836banished quest 33banished person collective game, banished quest, quest2015-06-07 23 
40432182Katawa MegucaIn which the conductor takes our kneecaps and players metagameRailroad, cripple, fetish, magical realm, Collective Game2015-06-07 10 
40432156Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #16We piss off Saito and take photos with Shizukocollective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-06-07 8 
40423778Disciple of Elshhu Quest 3Jareth cashes in on his first adventure and deals with the aftermath of drinking with a giant man-bat.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-06-07 13 
40432727Lost Primarch Quest 9Sol Prementus spends the year building the perfect DAOT flagship to lead his fleetCollective Game, Lost Primarch Quest, Eleventh, Primarch, Flagship, DAOT2015-06-07 6 
40434574Kant-O-Celle Quest #30Talking with Naka and dealing with Sammy.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-07 18 
40426333Runner QuestQuest gets off to a slow start with the finale of the Komun'go JobCollective Game, Shadowrun2015-06-07 3 
40421026Death's Shadows IIFluff developments and some writefaggotry to go alongDeath's Shadows, Chapter Generator2015-06-07 2 
40458477DMC quest 3Early archive, I DUNNO WHAT WERE DOING IN THIS THREAD BUT IT BETTER BE STYLISHCollective game, quest, DMC, Dante, Nero Demons, Stylish, CUHRAZEE2015-06-08 5 
40455652Life Quest 8We have a tea party, Gluttony a shit, and we reunite with our wife.Collective Game, Somas, Oneshot, Life Quest2015-06-08 6 
40477290Banished Quest 134We return to the mortal coil and test for our Grandmaster's robes.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-08 24 
40479846Lost Primarch Quest 10In which Sol Prementus finds himself embroiled in the middle of a fleet engagement against foul Greenskins and Kraven dies again.Collective Game, Lost Primarch Quest, Eleventh, Primarch, Flagship, Invictus, Orks2015-06-09 6 
40495952To Protect And Serve Quest 2More cop shenanigans in the future To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer, Badge2015-06-10 22 
40501090SitS Quest 06We meet Aria's sister and rejoin the SCU. Oh and Cathy finds out about the date.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-06-10 8 
40521456Edgy Grimderp Magical Girl Quest SO ORIGINAL JUST LIKE MY MADORKAS 11/10Collective Game, Edgy bullshit, Magical Girls are all sluts anyways 2015-06-11 21 
40522832Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #18Thursday classes end, we go apologise to Saito for being too sexy yesterday. Makoto can't help it.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-06-11 7 
40520024Banished Quest 135We finally test for our GM robes and discuss the finer points of lolis.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-11 26 
40529567Banished Quest 135.5We prove ourselves to be quite handy in the arena. Short thread, just wrapping up the previous one.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-11 24 
40548119Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/ - The Crusade Continues>Our... adept Guardsmen prepare for an attack on a Chaos bakery >The Vostroyan Liaison Officer wants to find the man who stole his sweetheart's picture >The Commissar just gave up >There's some Tallarns around here somewhere doing Emperor knows what A demonic dough monster rises and a lone guardsman makes a brave sacrificeGuardsman Sergeant Joe, Guardsman Lieutenant Joe, Bakers Legion, WarChef Boyzrdees, Guardswoman Kal Teest, Vostroyan Regiment Liaison Alexandr, Tallarn Roughrider Lieutenant Aaliyah, Chimera Sacrifice, Valhalla all shiny and crome, Warhammer 40000, Guardsmen quest, Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/2015-06-12 12 
40549604Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 12The Heroine arrives at the 11th Hierarchical City of Shinatsu, gets into a staring contest with one of the leaders of group she's supposed to be helping and then gets into an actual fight with the other. And then you all had tea.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-06-12 6 
40563615A.I. Quest 51 The HarvestThe collection and use of the crystal alien as a building material is finally put into motion-with unexpected side effects.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-06-13 9 
40556696Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 35Spontaneous complexesCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-13 2 
40576122Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 36The swords are mineCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-13 2 
40582642Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #19Makoto spends a night at home, but Yuuki takes the night out.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-06-14 6 
40574241Disciple of Elshhu Quest 4Jareth sends a panicked cow on a rampage through a busy market and engages in exciting sister-saving action.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-06-14 13 
40583899Log Horizon Quest 46He Bids you GoodbyeLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-06-14 12 
40605905Spirit Detective Quest #1A young man has a very eventful weekend. Collective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, 2015-06-15 5 
40589034The Deep South of A Fantasy World/tg/ discusses the mythology of the Deep South and how to implement it in a fantasy game.Mythology, America, South, Deep South, Catfish, Fantasy2015-06-15 12 
40625174Lamia Legacy Quest 49Birthrights, Reserves, and Kingfishers abound. How many more problems can rear their head?Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-06-16 4 
40626838Spirit Detective Quest #2Koenma's new Spirit Detective has his first run-in with a demonCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-06-16 4 
40625877Banished Quest 136We go hunting for room decorations.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-16 27 
40647079Spirit Detective Quest #3After meeting Koenma, the Spirit Detective is given his first caseCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-06-17 5 
40667012Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #19.5Continuation of the previous thread. Shun tells her weird story and we continue on to the last day of the week.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-06-18 6 
40666248Banished Quest 137We present a gift to a teenager, dump corpses in our bathtub, and fuck with a friend.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-18 25 
40684504Spirit Detective Quest #4The detective meets the one behind the demonic activityCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-06-19 5 
40682734SitS Quest 07We dig a little deeper to find out how the Spice flows. Then we meet a mysterious third party.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-06-19 6 
40696594Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 37 + RecapAudience with the king (+ Recap)Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-19 5 
40700035Cognis Quest 1Our Protagonist, Sergei steals the experimental super mecha: Cognis, so he can pawn it off for dosh.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool2015-06-20 7 
40700715Banished Quest 138We go drinking, make a dramatic exit, and get laid.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-20 25 
40721507Kant-O-Celle Quest #31In which we visit the Mikasa with Willie D and Arizona.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-21 20 
40727081Kant-O-Celle Quest #32In which we look at some new equipment for Kongou and Arizona. Also donuts.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-21 24 
40741913Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #68So long, fare well, auf wiedersehen, goodbye.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-06-21 9 
40675471Ice Cream Magical RealmFor when a cigar is not just a cigar and Ice Cream is not just Ice Cream. Anons try to describe their fetish using only ice cream./tg/, magical realm, fetishes, ice cream2015-06-21 3 
40747009The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Acquisition ExpertsWorking alongside Astartes! Meeting Orks and 'Nids again! Critfails galore! It's episode 12.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Sarge, Twitch, Nubby, Doc, Tink, Aimy, Interrogator Greg Sargent2015-06-22 170 
40744156Log Horizon Quest 47King's Bishop takes Queen's RookLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-06-22 11 
40761942Banished Quest 139In which we deal with the fallout of the previous night´s events.Collective Game, Banished Quest, Soma, Banished,2015-06-22 23 
40756851Disciple of Elshhu Quest 5Jareth spends quality family time with his sister.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-06-23 12 
40760715Cognis Quest 2Sergei meets up with his partners in crime: Lev and Anya. Together they escape Surden Nevik. Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool2015-06-23 5 
40766839Spirit Detective Quest #5The Detective undergoes training, and learns about his enemyCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-06-23 5 
40769898Banished Quest 139.5We exit the spirit's realm a little too soon and encounter a tribe of the Suteimi in the desert.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-23 24 
40785101Spirit Detective Quest #6After intense training, the Detective faces off with his enemy, determined to settle things once and for all.Collective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-06-24 5 
40795028Wild City QuestWelcome to Wild City, the weirdest place in the world. Not that anyone besides you seems to notice. You like it.Collective Game, Wild City Quest, shaderic, 2015-06-24 8 
40800361Cognis Quest 3Our crew set up camp in an abandoned factory. Dialogue and exposition ensue.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool2015-06-25 2 
40800161Banished Quest 140We feast with nomads, learn much about their culture, and agree on a tattoo.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-25 25 
40804352Kant-O-Celle Quest #33The girls find out what modern AA looks like, Hornet gets a history lesson, and Settle has the mother of all migraines.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-25 29 
40809479Kant-O-Celle Quest #34The Battle of Los Angeles.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-25 47 
40823994SitS Quest 08We parse through the data from Qwin and learn about some closet demons in the process.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-06-26 6 
40828903Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 13The Heroine gets into an argument with her hostess, and Tsubaki makes a new friend.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-06-26 4 
40835791Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 38Cloudy dayCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-26 2 
40842228A.I. Quest 52 The WarpGuild space proves unsafe once more, and Ophion must look into ways to make them safe once more.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-06-27 9 
40840162Banished Quest 141We get a tattoo, cry like a bitch, finally make it to Anthus, and walk in on degenerates being degenerate.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-27 24 
40832890Your Favorite Tavern and Shop Names/tg/ lays out it's best names for stores in their settings, both old and new.shop, tavern, setting, clever, funny2015-06-27 3 
40857324Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 39RegicideCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-27 2 
40862872Shinigami Savant Quest #28God dammit Aizen.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-06-27 30 
40864876Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #20Umeki transforms into a magical girl before we deal with the final day of the competition week.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-06-28 6 
40865351Kant-O-Celle Quest #35In which we wake up with Arizona doing her best impression of a limpet mine on us. We also talk to Naka and ShoukakuCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-28 26 
40871673Kant-O-Celle Quest #36We talk to REDACTEDCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-28 23 
40886263Shinigami Savant Quest #29Riku gets punchy, and things go kind of to shit.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-06-28 31 
40885957Lamia Legacy Quest 5050 Threads! A message decoded, and a trip is in order.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-06-29 4 
40896916Shinigami Savant Quest #29.5Riku continues to be punchy.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-06-29 31 
40900905Disciple of Elshhu Quest 6Jareth and party acquire a new quest to engage in some good old fashioned tomb robbing.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-06-30 12 
40904650Banished Quest 142We spend some time with Zahak and officially become a dragon rider.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-06-30 27 
July 2015
40947033Cognis Quest 4The Cognis faces down a black ops team in an abandoned factory.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-01 2 
40953581Kant-O-Celle Quest #37In which Hornet is cute, Shoukaku is cute, and we report for duty while stoned on Vicodin.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-02 24 
40959991Kant-O-Celle Quest #38In which we decide who to send into harm's way. Also, Harder can't even girl, or something.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-02 20 
40986288Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 40The nightly patrolCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-04 2 
41016601Log Horizon Quest 48Candy SteakLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-07-05 6 
41028238Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me.You still have not learned and I am ashamed.The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens, that's why I shitpost on the archives, coming out of retirement, I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is, please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works, it takes two seconds of your time, consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too, thanks, sincerly LWYS, XOXO2015-07-05 -21 
41035653Kant-O-Celle Quest #39Settle gives some advice to Harder concerning women and confirmations are made to the battle planCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-06 24 
41041258Kant-O-Celle Quest #40You are on a plane made entirely of the warmed leavings of a male cow, and on the horizon a fan looms. The hunt for the Abyssal carrier continues.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-06 33 
41054734Banished Quest 143We return to the estate and spar with a friend.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-07-07 24 
41062903Banished Quest 143.5We take a bath and have a disappointing conversation with a companion, then prepare for a meeting.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-07-07 21 
41075043Cognis Quest 4.5We play the Black Ops team and Foeskodal Army against each other then make our escape.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-07 2 
41096012Banished Quest 144We give a grown woman "the talk" and learn to shoot lightning from our fingers.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-07-09 25 
41101251Spirit Detective Quest #8The Detective visits a farm, and things quickly get strangeCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-07-09 5 
41120370Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #21We join our last day of the week, already in progress.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-07-10 6 
41134241Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 41Substitute CupidCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-11 2 
41138030Banished Quest 145We plan out our route to Elaudia, meditate, and spar with a friend.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-07-11 23 
41146031Banished Quest 145.5We divvy up a reward with our adoptive son, chat with a friend regarding tuition, and get dragged into an ice cream parlor by a little girl.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-07-11 23 
41154707Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 42Disappearance trickCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-11 2 
41153912Disciple of Elshhu Quest 7Jareth and friends manage to deal with a demon without terrible repercussions, and the tomb raiding continues.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-07-12 13 
41165174Girls und Panzer Quest 156In which we schmooze a bit more and perhaps talk to Pravda. Archived early.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2015-07-12 11 
41162212Kant-O-Celle Quest #41We thought "Chichi-jima is under attack" was as bad as the Battle of the Bonin Islands could get. WE WERE WRONG. Oh, God, how wrong could we be?Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-12 22 
41166835Kant-O-Celle Quest #42“How can you not understand?” you ask wearily. “How can you, of all *things*, not understand what they *are* to us?” Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-12 25 
41162961Log Horizon Quest 49Hello, King.Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-07-12 5 
41204180Lamia Legacy Quest 51Travel, combat, and a heretofore undiscovered aptitude as a flammenschlangeCollective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-07-14 5 
41246582Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #22Makoto and his friends compete in Competitive Cleaning to win the competition. Will they succeed? Will they look cute? Probably! Tune in to find out.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-07-16 6 
41239957Matryoshka Partition - Transforming Robot HomebrewFollow-up thread of developing a setting for a human/transforming robotic partner styled game. Rules and system being decided upon. Further elaboration.Matryoshka Partition, mecha, game mechanics, game design, game ideas, robots, transformers, homebrew2015-07-17 -5 
41280377Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 43Who am I?Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-18 2 
41288635Spirit Detective Quest #9The Detective has trouble with the bossCollective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-07-18 5 
41306941Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #23With the power out from a magical Blackout, Makoto and his friends go to confront Mai for the last time. But what will they find in the darkness of the city?collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-07-19 4 
41301202Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 44Sibling bondingCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-19 3 
41302743Cognis Quest 5We make camp near the city of Glesk, Anya leaves us to contact the Zanvrans, while we agree to perform a little side job for some better equipment.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-19 1 
41311703Girls und Panzer Quest 157In which we finally talk to Nonna and KatyushaGuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2015-07-19 10 
41319771Yet Another Fetish Worldbuilding ThreadThis time it was spawned by Weekend Smut Thread, no lessTransforming Giantess Vore Robots, The shame we all live with2015-07-19 -10 
41324494Banished Quest 146Soma is a slow poke, we try to play matchmaker for our little bro, talk with our master, and go see our family.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-07-20 24 
41327325Showtime Quest Part 4A clash between you and a Russian mercenary gets awesome.Collective Game, Showtime Quest, Drawquest2015-07-20 5 
41332598Spirit Detective Quest #10The Detective is fired, and receives an offerCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-07-20 5 
41337923Banished Quest 146.5We catch up with our family and then go shopping.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-07-20 22 
41370655Cognis Quest 6Sergei and Lev face off against some hired goons at the bar.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-22 2 
41375696Log Horizon Quest 50Pour Booze on itLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-07-22 8 
41398130Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #24Time is ticking away for Sen whilst Makoto agonises over how to defeat Black Pepper.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-07-23 6 
41401053Matryoshka Partition - Transforming Robot Homebrew #4Follow-up thread of developing a setting for a human/transforming robotic partner styled game. Rules and system being finalized. WorldbuildingMatryoshka Partition, mecha, game mechanics, game design, game ideas, robots, transformers, homebrew2015-07-23 -2 
41398561Spirit Detective Quest #11Taking the day offCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-07-23 6 
41435790Exterminator Quest #4collective game, exterminator questA stupidly short quest, called off for QM reasons.2015-07-25 3 
41438383Shinigami Savant Quest #30Live from Okinawa: Riku vs. Halibel and Starrk.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-07-25 32 
41431234Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 45The closed room vandalism caseCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-25 3 
41459625Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #25Sen is saved, but now transferred into the MantiCore, Pepper is more dangerous than ever. The final battle of Deception Class begins...collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-07-25 9 
41451022Disciple of Elshhu Quest 8Jareth and his party finish up their second adventure.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-07-26 12 
41454099Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 46Creeping shadowsCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-26 2 
41455297Cognis Quest 7Segei and Lev make good on their deal with Dvorak.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-26 1 
41461054Disciple of Elshhu Quest 8.5Jareth collects the first of his rewards for a successful adventure, and makes another valuable contact.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-07-26 12 
41466873Matryoshka Partition - Transforming Robot Homebrew #5Developing a homebrew game and setting focused on human/transforming mecha partner. Crunch and fluff development.Matryoshka Partition, mecha, game mechanics, game design, game ideas, robots, transformers, homebrew2015-07-26 -1 
41463291Spirit Detective Quest #12Suiting upCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirt, Detective2015-07-26 5 
41483230Showtime Quest Part 5A gladiatorial game ends in defeat for the noble lawyer, and members of the Orphan Patrol find themselves in trouble.Collective Game, Showtime Quest, Drawquest2015-07-27 5 
41482056Lamia Legacy Quest 52Dealing with the Fallen and seeing hussars in action. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-07-27 5 
41486115Spirit Detective Quest #13Hunting in a cursed forest. What could go wrong?Collective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-07-27 4 
41479120Girls und Panzer Quest 158In which we meet our mysterious benefactor and find out who he is.GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2015-07-27 11 
41490913Flesh Planet QuestWe rape Her, and start out our questCollective Game, Planet Quest, Grunling Shroom2015-07-27 1 
41510793Planet Quest 2We refuse to pay child support, steal moons, and charge towards a giant.Collective Game, Planet Quest, Grunling Shroom2015-07-28 2 
41520476eyy my manhow's it goingcollective shit2015-07-28 -6 
41521626Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 47DecisionCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-28 3 
41529865Spirit Detective Quest #14The timely arrival of a friend saves the Detective's lifeCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-07-29 5 
41532210Planet Quest 3Grunling starts late, nobody shows up, Giant wrecks our shit.Collective Game, Planet Quest, Grunling Shroom2015-07-29 1 
41542546Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 48Ill tempersCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-30 5 
41544928Cognis Quest 75.The Cognis faces off against a pair of deadly mercenaries, and we get our first upgrade.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-30 1 
41570429Spirit Detective Quest #15A letter is found, and the enemy's name is revealedCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-07-31 4 
41574770Planet Quest 4We eat the Gas Giant, pass out, and wake up to see the world has moved on without us.Collective Game, Planet Quest, Grunling Shroom2015-07-31 1 
41570242Banished Quest 147Cat fights and artifact shopping.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-07-31 24 
41578482Banished Quest 147.5Very short thread, just wrapping up the previous thread.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-07-31 23 
41584287Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 49A fuzzy feelingCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-31 5 
August 2015
41589965A.I. Quest 53 DownfallOphion's promise to Saylor requires attention-will he keep it as promised, or not has yet to be seen. On top of matters, a disturbance is detected.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-08-01 8 
41595032Dwarf Civ 2We settle into our new fortress home, and plow and sow our fieldsCollective Game, Dwarf Civ, Grunling Shroom2015-08-01 1 
41608350Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #1Makoto awakens after the chaos to give everyone a hug and sort some priorities out. Shorter thread.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, so many hugs2015-08-02 6 
41626316Cognis Quest 8We switch to Anya's perspective for a little while and learn a bit about her past before escaping a black ops team in the present day.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-03 3 
41622556Disciple of Elshhu Quest 9Jareth makes good on a promise to meet up with a new friend.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-08-03 14 
41630969Spirit Detective Quest #16The Detective meets his replacementCollective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-08-03 4 
41627844Girls und Panzer Quest 159In which we continue our discussion with Boone and AnchovyWriter reappears!GuPQ, Collective Game, Girls und Panzer, /ak/, Girls und Panzer Quest, Black Jack, Pershing, Tanks2015-08-03 12 
41582827Matryoshka Partition - Transforming Robot HomebrewFollow-up thread of developing a setting for a human/transforming robotic partner styled game. Thread didn't last long. Minor rules noted. Awaiting anon's playnotes.Matryoshka Partition, mecha, game mechanics, game design, game ideas, robots, transformers, homebrew2015-08-04 -3 
41670204Cognis Quest 9We fight to link up with Anya, while cloaked Black Ops units ambushes us in the industrial sector. Also: The AESR Rep becomes our truck driver.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-05 2 
41674583Spirit Detective Quest #16.5Short update while finding ways to deal with the upcoming mission Collective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-08-05 5 
41691568Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #2We continue relaxing and hug our friends (then feel them up). Also Saito is a little wimp and Makoto is the most charming. Bin girl name will continue. FOREVER.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, so many hugs2015-08-06 5 
41725256Dipshit's Amazing Plane Quest - Thread 1Pierre wakes up in his room and then proceeds to shit on Ivan.Collective Game, Boys und Flugzeuge, Plane Quest, Dipshit's Quest2015-08-07 0 
41725854Dipshit's Amazing Plane Quest - Thread 2After finishing shitting on Ivan, Pierre grabs food and inspects the aircraft he will use for the special shipment.Collective Game, Boys und Flugzeuge, Plane Quest, Dipshit's Quest2015-08-08 0 
41745471Disciple of Elshhu Quest 10Jareth meets a friendly new cult, out for his blood for reasons unknown.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-08-09 13 
41755686Kant-O-Celle Quest #43We're Harder, better, faster, stronger, now....Well, mostly Harder.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-09 21 
41750352IshidaQuest: Drill OneYour name is Uryu Ishida, a young Quincy who decided to forge his own fate using nothing but his drill.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-08-09 17 
41750281Showtime Quest Part 6We infiltrate the Bronx estate with Slick in a thrilling, unprofessional night.Collective Game, Showtime Quest, Drawquest, McLinskey2015-08-09 4 
41755387Spirit Detective Quest #18The Detective is hunted by a powerful demonCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-09 3 
41759263Kant-O-Celle Quest #44We're still Hard...er and playing a game of cat and mouse with a destroyer.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-09 22 
41752428Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #3Makoto consults Yuuki on what to wear, and the date with Hiroko and Saito begins. The rest of the group follows in secret.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-08-09 5 
41775403Spirit Detective Quest #19The Detective Runs for his life, but not fast enoughCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-10 4 
41773214Lamia Legacy Quest 53A meeting of lords and fae.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-08-10 5 
41777649Corsair Quest 1Darmund and his ship leave on a diplomatic mission, and are attacked mid-voyage.Collective Game, Pirates, Ships, Corsair2015-08-10 1 
41810629Cognis Quest 10We make camp in a forest, get to know Sang and kill a giant turtle.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-12 2 
41808425Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 50The bus stopCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-12 3 
41826654Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 51Haunted houseCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-13 3 
41833819Kant-O-Celle Quest #45The attack is set in motionCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-13 20 
41828724IshidaQuest: Drill TwoIn this thread, Uryu learns the meaning of friendship, gets free candy from a strange man, and decides to embrace the path of the Spiral.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-08-13 15 
41840161Kant-O-Celle Quest #46We run silent and deep.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-13 20 
41809637It is actually you, who is inside the skeletonnecromancers use all parts of the body separately, wasting none.Skeleton, Nervous System, Necromancy, Body World, Low Waste, Flesh Golems, Spooky, Plastination2015-08-14 7 
41869639Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 52PreparationsCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-15 3 
41875841Kant-O-Celle Quest #47The battle continues to unfoldCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-15 18 
41879715Kant-O-Celle Quest #48The battle for Chichi Jima reaches a climaxCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-15 18 
41883382Kant-O-Celle Quest #49We fight under the waves and above them.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-15 18 
41894078A.I. Quest 54 ClashOphion prepares his forces for the final assault from Admiral Thanatos-reflecting on many of the decisions that have brought him thus far. Will he defeat Thanatos?A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-08-16 7 
41889632Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 53Shattered puzzleCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-16 5 
41895094Kant-O-Celle Quest #50The battle is rejoined, this time above the waves with Bat Flight!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-16 18 
41891525Cognis Quest 11Team Cognis fucks up, and it's up to the ruthless mercenaries of the Blood Dragons PMC to save them.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-16 2 
41899843Kant-O-Celle Quest #51We go back under the water to the USS Oregon!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-16 18 
41891201IshidaQuest: Drill ThreeThis time, Uryu hugs it out with his new sibling, punches some meathead at a dojo, and tells Ichigo exactly who he needs to believe in!Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-08-16 11 
41894164Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #4We continue the double-date and butt heads with Hiroko until Saito finally manages a compromise. The girls continue to spy, with poor success.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-08-16 6 
41894820Corsair Quest 2The battle with the black ship begins. We find our affinity with decay, and use it to grapple with a Kraken.Collective Game, Pirates, Ships, Corsair, hugesquids2015-08-16 1 
419138871 Flesh Civilization QuestA lump of flesh remembers its human name, gains minions, makes them sound like Morgan Freeman and lures in cats. Also hobo.Flesh Civilization Quest, Collective Game, Flesh Abomination, Body Horror2015-08-17 1 
41916645Kant-O-Celle Quest #52The battle for the Bonin islands begins anew.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-17 18 
41918937Corsair Quest 3Our new corsair returns homes, and is given a test. We finally have our own ship.Collective Game, Pirates, Ships, Corsair2015-08-17 1 
41920199The Assimilator (Flesh Civilization Companion Quest)The Flesh Comes in from space, infests the bottom of the ocean and a tuna sandwichThe Assimilator, Flesh Civ, Collective Game2015-08-17 5 
41918473Spirit Detective Quest #20Koe's training nearly ends as quickly as it beginsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-17 5 
41923391Kant-O-Celle Quest #53The battle for the Bonin islands continues!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-17 18 
41927292Kant-O-Celle Quest #54The battle for the Bonin Islands concludes.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-17 25 
41936632Exterminator Quest #10We win at pool, fail at flirting, and decide to go shopping. It's the weekend!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-08-18 7 
41938450Flesh Civilization Quest 2In this, we spread more, make a Hand, remember past, and Morgan Freeman spiders go to pizzeria as we become plantflesh civilization quest, collective game, body horror, flesh abomination, civilization game2015-08-18 3 
41944397 The Assimilator Part 2 (Flesh Civilization Companion Quest)Where we plot a massacre, create Puppets of The Flesh, and head for a new place to growThe Assimilator, Flesh Civ, Collective Game2015-08-18 3 
41954276Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 54EnvyCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-19 2 
41906563Floors [skirmish]" Be you traveler ? Survivor ? conqueror ? Well friend, I don't believe you know the meaning of the words do you.. after all we all fall under the same banner: Runners. Aye, Runners. For all we've remembered we've been running, running for all our lives from the darkness rising up from below only to consume worlds at every corner, and every time... The Malebolgia. And if you sit with us, then you are welcome to partake in our violent days of danger and fighting. Ah, life is quite tiring isn't it. I wish it never ended... " -Anonymous Bardskirmish quest, Monday, Floors2015-08-19 11 
41958427The Assimilator Part 3 (Flesh Civilization Companion Quest)The Flesh begins its massacre. The Infestation grows inside the happiest place on earth. The Assimilator, Flesh Civ, Collective Game2015-08-19 3 
41958753Spirit Detective Quest #21Training comes to an end, and the mission beginsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit Detective2015-08-19 2 
41960677Exterminator Quest #11Vincent picks up some threads and tries to check on his boyfriend. (He's a boy who's a friend, ok?!)collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-08-19 6 
41947355 FLOORS: Floor 1. Part 2 [skirmish] The night of blood continues as the reaper men come.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-19 8 
41965362FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 1. Part 3 Malebolgia arrives and the real terror beginsFloors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-19 6 
41972574Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 55MinefieldCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-20 3 
41978563Spirit Detective Quest #22Assault on the compoundCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-20 5 
41978599Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #5We have breakfast with Saito and a very special Hiroko, post-date. Then we go shopping with Yuuki, and give him a new perspective.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-08-20 5 
41983401The Assimilator Part 4The Party undergoes a makeover and leaves Disney refreshed and happyflesh quest2015-08-22 1 
42009454Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 56Hanging on a revelationCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-22 3 
42010957Spirit Detective Quest #23The Battle with Balor pushes the Detective to his limitsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-22 3 
42014204The Assimilator Part 5 (Flesh Civilization Companion Quest)The Flesh gets on the love train to spore town and experiments with its sexuality.The Assimilator, Flesh Civ, Collective Game2015-08-22 3 
41992302 Floors General: Nothing Doing.Q&A,erreta, shopping, weapon fusion and more!Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-22 6 
42025884Disciple of Elshhu Quest 11Jareth recovers from last night's fight and goes to check up on his party.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-08-22 13 
42028252Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 57Two worlds' secretsCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-23 3 
42031216Flesh Civilization Quest 3We meet humans and find a possible Ally. On top of that, we evolve.flesh civilization quest, collective game, body horror, flesh abomination, civilization game2015-08-23 1 
42032505Showtime Quest Part 7Post-apocalyptic gang wars have never been more exciting! Or filled with so much sexual tension!Collective Game, Showtime Quest, Drawquest, McLinskey2015-08-23 4 
42029942IshidaQuest: Drill FourIn this episode, Uryu goes to a friend's house, only to find Quincies apparently make the best snack for wolves.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-08-23 11 
42031468Spirit Detective Quest #24Set Sail for the Dark TournamentCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-23 6 
42033929Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #6We find out Yuuki was trolling us (and enjoying himself), then meet a stranger from space.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-08-23 5 
42036195Boruto Quest 01Takeshi meets the rest of his team, and they face off against their Sensei Hanto.Collective Game,Naruto,Boruto Quest, Shippuden2015-08-23 34 
42045781Wayfarers #1A girl from the high plateaus gets on the train to her future. Happenings ensue.Wayfarers Quest, Collective Game, Alteration, Original-ish, Fantasy2015-08-24 2 
42053114Spirit Detective Quest #25The Dark Tournament BeginsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-24 3 
42057282Boruto Quest 02Takeshi spars with a Hyuuga and meets Rock LeeCollective Game, Naruto, Boruto Quest, Shippuden2015-08-24 22 
42069416Wayfarers #2The trek in the cold snowy mountains starts. More happenings.Wayfarers Quest, Collective Game, Alteration, Original-ish, Fantasy2015-08-25 1 
42074582Boruto Quest 03Meeting a few classmates, and the first mission.Collective Game,Naruto,Boruto Quest, Shippuden2015-08-26 20 
42109415Cognis Quest 12Sergei and company plan their next move.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-27 2 
42112899Kant-O-Celle Quest #55The aftermath of the Battle for the Bonin Islands.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-27 18 
42118218Kant-O-Celle Quest #56We talk to Goto over drinks.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-27 18 
42110264Banished Quest 148The Mask 2: Crown BoogaloCollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-08-27 26 
42112945Boruto Quest 04dem ninja bitches thocollective game, naruto, boruto, shippuden2015-08-27 20 
42148262Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 58The negotiationCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-29 3 
42152049Banished Quest 149We meditate on the effects of wearing the crown, find out the belt doesn't work, and spar.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-08-29 23 
42159667Banished Quest 149.5Crying, out brother a shit, and leaving for Elaudia.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-08-29 23 
42172807A.I. Quest 55 TitansOphion attempts to find some way of cracking into Thanatos' defenses-and perhaps faces the truth as well.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-08-30 11 
42167269Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 59Talking with KimikoCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-30 5 
42175120Kant-O-Celle Quest #57We talk to Goto for a bit, then follow ArizonaCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-30 18 
42181049Kant-O-Celle Quest #58Arizona and doughnuts, an adorable combination.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-30 18 
42174946Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #7Makoto helps the strange, Doctor K, find Cinnamon. Still not sure if he should trust her... Then Yuuki and Makoto have sexy dressup times.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-08-30 5 
42167061FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 2. The crew find themselves in an airship graveyard, make some new friends and run into ghosts!Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-30 6 
42180923FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 2. Part 2GHOSTS, SHOTGUN EXORCISMS, REVERSE EXPLOSIONS, AND BLOOD LOTS OF BLOODFloors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-30 6 
42189266Joker Quest 141Bell Zephyr whines. Enfer whines. Explosions engulf the battlefield and let Joker be reborn.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, Only a flesh wound2015-08-30 10 
42190297Disciple of Elshhu Quest 12Jareth develops his abilities and enjoys some quality family time.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-08-30 13 
42195873Cognis Quest 13Sergei and Sang infiltrate an FAF supply base to try and get an IFF transponder.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-31 2 
42194490Lamia Legacy Quest 54Kitting up and tailing horses.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-08-31 3 
42195539IshidaQuest: Drill FiveIn this episode, Uryu has heartfelt conversations with his siblings-in-all-but-blood.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-08-31 10 
42204030The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DewarpA short look into how much of a bitch it is to transport a live Zoanthrope across the galaxy.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Zoanthrope, Dewarp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-08-31 115 
42193732Floors General: Nothing Doing.A long day lead to a sudden bout of GM sleep and a general thread full of rules clarifications.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-31 6 
September 2015
42224365Spirit Detective Quest #26The first round comes to an endCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-01 5 
42222624Banished Quest 150Retcon of the previous sessionCollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-09-01 22 
42217651Floor 2. Part 2 [Skirmish] The Slowening.The runners advance, the mountain crumbles,and the darkness calls.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-01 6 
42231686animeweebshit, #norugrats2015-09-02 -10 
42239249Cognis Quest 14Lev and Anya have to pull Sergei and Sang out of the fire.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-03 2 
42237075Floor 2. Part 3 [Skirmish] The Quickening.The darkness advances and the runners hatch a desperate plan.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-03 5 
42256260Banished Quest 151Banished Quest 151Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-09-03 22 
42258330Spirit Detective Quest #27John is given an offerCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-03 4 
42256303Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #8Makoto goes back to regular school- but wait, Yuuki still has him stuck as a girl. Makoto has to avoid being found out!collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-09-03 7 
42277620Spirit Detective Quest #28Options are considered for the next roundCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-04 3 
42288488Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 60Conversation in the darkCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-09-04 4 
42266679FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 2.Part4- The Hoard of Education.The Darkness is slain and a hope is born.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-04 6 
42297084Spirit Detective Quest #29Round two heats upCollective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-09-05 4 
42289757Floors [Skirmish]:FLoor 2.Part 5 - The Ascent.Flying into the unknown, the runner take stock of both the treasures they've gained and the friends they've lost.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-05 6 
42296087Boruto Quest 07Punk bitch ninjas get wrecked, battle cries are unleashed, and takeshi almost gets turned into pink mist by a stone cold pink haired bitchBoruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden2015-09-05 20 
42308046Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 61See you againCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-09-05 7 
42300312Floors [Skirmish] - Crystal Cooridor 2MORE Q&A, Death is defined and profits are made.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-06 7 
42314991Kant-O-Celle Quest #59Interlude.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-06 17 
42314015Spirit Detective Quest #30An eye for an eye, or twoCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-06 3 
42309768IshidaQuest: Drill SixUryu learns about his fellow spiral's humble beginnings, and officially begins his Quincy training!Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-09-06 6 
42319398Kant-O-Celle Quest #60Interlude Pt2.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-06 18 
42315086Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #9Makoto and Saito deal with Naoya... by sicking Yui on him. Then Saito gets to play nurse~collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-09-06 6 
42337465Spirit Detective Quest #31Round threeCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-07 5 
42316654Floors General:Nothing DoingThe Ghoul class is introduced and shopping and general rules stuff gets done.Monday, Skirmish Quest, Floors, Collective Game, Fantasy2015-09-07 5 
42380714Cognis Quest 15In which we get ambushed by IF peacekeepers.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-09 1 
42383787Spirit Detective Quest #32The fire risesCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-09 4 
42401479Exterminator Quest #12Things get badly out of hand.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder, gun fighting, thieves2015-09-10 8 
42407148Boruto Quest 08We guard a prisoner, Sensei goes all Jackie Chan and an ambush happens.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2015-09-10 20 
42419503Cognis Quest 16We fuck up the Peace Keeper's shit and get high caliber cannon rounds to the face.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-11 2 
42436569Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 62The means to an endCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-09-11 5 
42441183Banished Quest 152LAST THREAD HERE: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/42256260/Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-09-11 25 
42441831A.I. Quest Aftermath DiscussionWe take one final look at A.I. Quest, and I attempt to answer any last pressing concerns that I can. Thank you everyone that participated, and read A.I. Quest.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-09-12 7 
42456738Shinigami Savant Quest #31Playing catch-up.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-09-12 32 
42458391Floors General: 3rd Floor Pre-deploymentIn which new class abilities are revealed.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-12 5 
42458690IshidaQuest: Drill SevenUryu's second day of Quincy Training ends up in him entering the Land of the Hollows: Hueco Mundo.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-09-13 5 
42463450Spirit Detective Quest #33The final round beginsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-13 3 
42475508Shinigami Savant Quest #32Guadalcanal diaries.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-09-13 32 
42460965Floors [skirmish] - Floor 3. Part 1In which we find the coordinates to the Astral Whale, Bismuth, in an abandoned observatory...Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-13 6 
42481797Spirit Detective Quest #34The final round ends Collective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-09-14 4 
42505047Spirit Detective Quest #35Things get hotCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-15 5 
42502574Lamia Legacy Quest 55In which we try to unravel the mystery of the hussars through tactical espionage action.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-09-15 3 
42507672Boruto Quest 10Takeshi fights of immortal mooks, makes it to the land of lightning and Mini pulls a Kubo. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-09-15 17 
42484334FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 3. Part 2The Volgon 5th warmachine arrives for pest control.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-15 7 
42518844Banished Quest 153Banished Quest 153Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-09-15 23 
42516894Floors [skirmish] - Floor 3. Part 3The 5th Volgon Warmachine [Pest Control] has pressed their assault into the [Moth's Flame]. An observatory said to be at the front seat of Celestial affairs. Its usefulness as uncharted territory ended when the stars indeed had become charted [and outdated] but has found life again as a summoning conduit. Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-15 7 
42521826Exterminator Quest #13We make a deal and have a lot more fun than we usually do.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-09-16 11 
42543926Banished Quest 154ARCHIVE OF THE PREVIOUS THREAD HERE: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/42518844/Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-09-17 22 
42544956Spirit Detective Quest #36John and Koe discuss the futureCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-17 5 
42545992Boruto Quest 10 (the real one) Death Flags are raised, and we jobber our Zabuza equivalent. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-09-17 17 
42541111Floors General:Nothing DoingWe unlock the WeissKrieger and Alquemist classes.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2015-09-17 5 
42579588Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 63EpilogueCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-09-18 6 
42579304 Floors [Skirmish] - Floor 4. Crystal CorridorsWe have arrived at the Crystal Corridors ... beyond these steps will be our first town in a while. I was beginning to forget what a bed felt like ! Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-19 5 
42602748Cognis Quest 17We get ambushed while performing repairs in the woods.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-20 3 
42607182Kant-O-Celle Quest #61In which we attempt to daughteru the Shigure, and Northampton buys enough donuts and coffee to sink a battleship or three. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-20 17 
42612180Kant-O-Celle Quest #62Tea Party...?Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-20 18 
42607961Spirit Detective Quest #37It's a trap!Collective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-09-20 5 
42604882Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #10Makoto gets a super suit, and we skip through some restful weeks, straight on into summer!collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-09-20 5 
42599863Floors-Floor 4 Crystal Corridors Part 2More shopping, more questions, more preparation to enter the town.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2015-09-20 5 
42624179Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #69The End begins.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-09-20 9 
42633611Insane Asylum QuestWe start out, and talk to an old man. Grunling passes outCollective Game, Asylum Quest, Grunling Shroom2015-09-21 1 
42633128Boruto Quest 11Takeshi and the team come home from the land of lightning. He also manages to learn some new justsu, go shopping and????Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-09-21 13 
42652009Banished Quest 155Archived early. We (probably) resolve the slaver plotline.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-09-21 21 
42653645Spirit Detective Quest #38Things changeCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-22 5 
42655104Insane Asylum Quest 2We go outside, get sprayed with shit, and attack Johnson with our new friendCollective Game, Asylum Quest, Grunling Shroom2015-09-22 2 
42651668Exterminator Quest #14The old man and the KFC.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder, sea monsters, british girls, espionage2015-09-22 7 
42665944moeshitmoeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit 2015-09-22 -11 
42671902Boruto Quest 12The Chunin Exams begin. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-09-23 12 
42690630Banished Quest 156Freaky dreams and rallying the troops.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-09-24 23 
42689268Kant-O-Celle Quest #63Press Conference!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-24 16 
42693414Kant-O-Celle Quest #64A treed destroyer, what can possibly go wrong?Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-24 18 
42689781Metal Gear: Rise from Ashes #1Mother Base falls, but the Junkyard Dogs rise.Collective Game, Mercenary, Metal Gear, Metal Gear: Rise from Ashes Quest, Private Force 2015-09-24 14 
42709247Boruto Quest 13 Takeshi and the team pick a fight in the Forest of Death. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-09-25 15 
42736909Shinigami Savant Quest #33Trial and fire.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-09-26 28 
42739371weekly weeb shitweekly weeb shitweekly weeb shit2015-09-27 -4 
42735373Disciple of Elshhu Quest 14Jareth punches out crooked guildsmen at the arena and finishes up his day out with his sister.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-09-27 13 
42743162Kant-O-Celle Quest #65A discussion with Hate.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-27 16 
42738719IshidaQuest: Drill EightUryu awakens the sleeping dragon of Hueco Mundo.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-09-27 5 
42742824Maiden White Quest: Smouldering Hearts #1Makoto and co. prepare for their summer getaway!collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-09-27 6 
42747615Kant-O-Celle Quest #66An agreement is reached.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-27 17 
42752062Floors General: Patch 4.2PATCH NOTESFloors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-27 5 
42764526Spirit Detective Quest #39We switch protagsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-28 1 
42782444Lamia Legacy Quest 56Tackling the issues of Cossacks and Hussars. Then heading home.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-09-29 6 
42782384Exterminator Quest #15We finally save our sonfu and bring our bad luck to an end.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder, sonfu2015-09-29 7 
42761441Floors- Floor 4-Town of LuxendarcWe finally enter the town floor of Luxendarc, and there are reports of ghoul attacks. We investigate, and shop.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, Collective Game2015-09-29 7 
42801353Exterminator Quest #16Had to end it, almost forgot to archive. Haiku description.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-09-30 7 
42805466Metal Gear: Rise from Ashes #2Burgers and haram. Collective Game, Mercenary, Metal Gear, Metal Gear: Rise from Ashes Quest, Private Force 2015-09-30 14 
October 2015
42820993Boruto Quest 14Takeshi and co. try to survive in the Forest of Death. What's a cardboard box doing here? Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-01 16 
42821582Kant-O-Celle Quest #67We chase the Corgis and planefag flubs it!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-01 17 
42795424FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc: Dusk of 1st Day The sun sets, and a mob collects outside Cracky's Wand Shop for a lynching.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-10-01 7 
42851844Cognis Quest 18The Final Act, where we face off against Proxy; a second super mech made by the manufacturers of Cognis.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-10-02 2 
42854706Banished Quest 157Early archival, we finally start the battle with the bandits.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-10-03 22 
42853381Boruto Quest 15 The team's struggle in the Forest continues. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-03 16 
42867665Shinigami Savant Quest #34Aizen fiddles, Naha burns.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-03 28 
42866713Floors General:Ask a Runner Scholar AnythingWe get to have a question and answer session with our guiding Scholar. Lots of lore.Floors, Monday, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game2015-10-03 5 
42874535Kant-O-Celle Quest #68Continuation/restart of the last thread, we're chasing rogue Corgis.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-04 17 
42878743Kant-O-Celle Quest #69We finally corral the slippery little bastards.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-04 18 
42873658Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #2We arrive on the island and do our meet and greet with a bunch of people. Then Makoto gets drunk and gets to makeout with an older girl.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-10-04 5 
42887759Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #70Pezun: the Newtypes Assemble.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-10-04 12 
42863885FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc: Night of 1st Day - Dawn of 2nd Day. Wyrd Hunt discovers and fends off the town's weasel infestation, and a new monster is revealed.Floors, Monday, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game2015-10-04 5 
42910390Banished Quest 158See the previous thread's description!Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-10-05 24 
42889010Renegade Space marine creation threadAn odd thought turns into a good idea that is well thought out and fluffed into a usable chapter./tg/ get shit done, Space Marines, Renegade Space Marines, fluff, good ideas, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, At the edge of known space,2015-10-07 -1 
42925977New Spirit Detective Quest #1Siegfried and his family move to a new townCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-10-07 8 
42904170Floors General:Ask a Floors Scholar AnythingLore Q&A, mechanics clarifications, a bit about summoning from Latvian.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, Collective Game2015-10-07 5 
42944358Trapped in Da'ta Quest 1Katie Warner, a bored and somewhat sad girl, is gifted the popular VRMMO Da'ta, as well as the immersion kit, by friends.Having nothing better to do, she enters the world of Da'ta, a place of fantastical horror and terrifying beauty.But something's...wrong? Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-10-07 20 
42947410Trapped in Da'ta Quest 1 part 2Katie Warner, a bored and somewhat sad girl, is gifted the popular VRMMO Da'ta, as well as the immersion kit, by friends.Having nothing better to do, she enters the world of Da'ta, a place of fantastical horror and terrifying beauty.But something's...wrong? Early archive, Part 2Collective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-10-08 11 
42958251New Spirit Detective Quest #2The first day of school comes to an end, while Siegfried learns that something strange is happeningCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-10-08 6 
42961825Boruto Quest 16More Forest of Death, and fucking Tigers Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-09 14 
42980731Trapped in Da'ta Quest 2Katie/Krovachi wakes up, confused and sore from the previous day's battles...and wait, why is she still in Da'ta!! What's going on here!? Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-10-09 11 
42979659Banished Quest 159We battle void creatures and shitpost. Business as usual.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-10-10 23 
42981155New Spirit Detective Quest #3Siegfried learns that a lot of people are keeping secrets, and Jim isn't the only one acting strange anymoreCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-10-10 1 
42988899Banished Quest 159.5We rescue a friend and then Soma gets sleepy.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-10-10 22 
42996353Shinigami Savant Quest #35Back to school.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-10 33 
43004248Boruto Quest 17Takeshi and Co. fight some smug assholes, and that's saying something. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-11 15 
43007180Kant-O-Celle Quest #71A plan is hatched.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-11 17 
43002909Kant-O-Celle Quest #70A meeting to discuss the Abyssal Issue.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-11 17 
43000852Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #3Makoto gets a little tipsy and goes to the bath. Then Mai steals another of Saito's first- the bitch! She's quick to apologize though.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-10-11 5 
43021588New Spirit Detective Quest #4The truth comes outCollective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-10-12 1 
43054477New Spirit Detective Quest #5With his mother's blessing, Siegfried gets some trainingCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-10-14 3 
43056284Lamia Legacy Quest 57Returning home and winding down. Kind of. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-10-14 4 
43074412Banished Quest 160We wrap up the battle against horrible monsters from beyond reality and then suffer at the hands of our brother.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-10-15 21 
43085206Disciple of Elshhu Quest 15Jareth and party finally get around to the obligatory rat-killing quest of all new adventurers.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-10-16 13 
43093277Life Quest 9We explore our bindings, do some research, and investigate a cult.Collective Game, Somas, Oneshot, Life Quest2015-10-16 5 
43084306How an Imperium Falls?tg ponders upon the age old question of how imperiums end up falling.history, real world, Rome, Byzantine, imperium, British, empire, education, philosophy, 2015-10-16 7 
43166839Dish Washing Quest 1It's your first day as a dishwasher, can you handle the heat? or will you walk out of the kitchen?Collective Game, Dish Washing Quest2015-10-20 10 
43081579Home brewed reworking of Bioshock RPGOP asks for input to work Tonics into spell systems. /tg/ runs off with it into the direction of it's own game system. Crunch ensues.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-20 6 
43183483Trapped in Da'ta Quest 3After the mirror turned out to be useless Krovachi and "Miss" Lucy, try to figure out how they and everyone else got trapped in Da'ta...or at least understand this new world, and get used to their new bodies. What fortune await them? Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-10-20 9 
43190081Trapped in Da'ta quest 3 part 2Krovachi finishes up dealing with some annoying goblins. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-10-21 9 
43203074Kant-O-Celle Quest #72The meeting concludes and we have a...discussion with Goto.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-22 17 
43208043Kant-O-Celle Quest #73We still don't understand the rules. Not even close.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-22 17 
43211561Kant-O-Celle Quest #74A short thread to round out the night.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-22 17 
43184855"Welcome to the Night Shift: Minimum Wage, Maximum Weird." - Abandoned EditionAn anon resurrects a /tg/ favoriteNight Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, supernatural, gas station2015-10-23 32 
43219967Home brewed Bioshock RPG #2Continuing from the first thread.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-24 0 
43239562Banished Quest 161We bring a kid back to life and return to Nazir.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-10-24 23 
43253904Shinigami Savant Quest #36White Strawberry.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-24 32 
43259364Boruto Quest 18Takeshi and co. manage to stumble across another fight except this time they're not the ones fighting. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-25 12 
43259853Kant-O-Celle Quest #75Never bring a baton or a tanto to a sword cane fight.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-25 17 
43265521Kant-O-Celle Quest #76Aftermath of the second Yakuza incident and our drunken rampage.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-25 17 
43276559Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #71The Battle of Axis begins.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-10-25 23 
43286600Boruto Quest 19Some short Filler episodes Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-26 13 
43288004The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 1The all Guardsmen Party tries to make a simple supply run.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-10-26 161 
43284011Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #4Makoto rejoins Yuuki and his two girlfriends. he learns not to abuse time powers to pause awkward situations, and makes up for it by dressing all pretty for them. 4chan broke somewhere around 227 posts, so this thread may have no definite end.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-10-26 6 
43104303Floors General: Races and MonstersIn which runners describe races and monsters Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-10-26 5 
43216300Floors [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Day 2. Pumpkin Faery Pre- DayIn which the second day begins, awesome hunter weapons are made, and the schola bridge opens. Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-10-26 5 
43302621Dish Washing Quest 2John's first Friday night shift, he survived by a hair and has a day off tomorrow.Collective Game, Dish Washing Quest2015-10-27 6 
43337113Kant-O-Celle Quest #77Breakfast with Willy Dee.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-29 17 
43334996Lamia Legacy Quest 58Taking criminals to the proper authorities. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-10-29 6 
43342478Kant-O-Celle Quest #78“TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATIME TEEEEEIIIIIITOOOOOKUUUUUUUU!”Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-29 17 
43335604Banished Quest 162We return to the city of Nazir, vote on things, and save a boy's life for the second time.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-10-29 22 
43336674Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #5Makoto retires for the night with Yui- but not much sleep is had. Then in the morning, Saito gets randy. Everyone is horny... why is everyone so horny? This is freaking Makoto out.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-10-29 7 
43273739Night Shift: Minimum Wage, Maximum WeirdDay Shift are assholes edition: More reminiscing and fleshing out of the setting. Motel, apartment, and other variants discussed and explored. Night Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, supernatural, gas station, motel, Dave2015-10-30 12 
43375809Trapped in Da'ta Quest 4Krovachi continues to try to ease out a living in the world of Da'ta with her friends, but it seems trouble is afoot. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-10-30 7 
43332824Home brewed Bioshock RPG #3More crunch added along with discussions about how real life tech on building on the bottom of the sea. Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-31 1 
43389650Disciple of Elshhu Quest 16Jareth and party try to help a poor, oppressed greater demon return home.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-10-31 13 
43390336Shinigami Savant Quest #37Death and StrawberryBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-31 31 
43395126Shinigami Savant Quest #37.5Death and Strawberry, now with 100% more Strawberry.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-31 29 
November 2015
43395003Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #6It's Halloween, but we had a regular session! Makoto's friends are all crazy for him- literally. It's suspected that Cocoa's spell may have made him more attractive than he can handle. Then Makoto teleports away from his problems.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-11-01 7 
43397594Disciple of Elshhu Quest 16.2Jareth and party conclude their thrilling rat-slaying adventure with added pay, despite having slain no rats.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-11-01 15 
43409092Shinigami Savant Quest #38Fox and Providence.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-11-01 32 
43403681How A Game Almost Fell Apart"Alright /tg/ let me tell you about how my game nearly fell apart. This tale involves autism, Shadowrun, betrayal, friendship, and approximately $12,000 in dragon dildos."storytime, autism, dragon dildos, addiction, that guy, shadowrun2015-11-01 45 
43432482Dish Washing Quest 3John goes on a date with Jenna and races go-kartsCollective Game, Dish Washing Quest2015-11-03 5 
43301070 Floors [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Day 2. Pumpkin Faery Pre Day pt 2More business is done, and the sewer exploration begins.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-11-04 5 
43453917Home brewed Bioshock RPG #4New Homebrew guy posts up parts of the Alpha phase RPG and anons start to dig in to get shit done.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-11-05 0 
43470194Kant-O-Celle Quest #79We have a conversation with Kongou and offer her some advice.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-05 17 
43476029Kant-O-Celle Quest #80Harua is (not) alright?Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-05 20 
43466618Banished Quest 163We explore a forgotten palace, teleport into a tomb, and spoop some explorers.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-11-05 25 
43488531Trapped in Da'ta Quest 5Player killers are on the rise, but will Krovachi do anything to help stop their vile trade? Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-11-05 6 
43489446Boruto Quest 20The preliminaries begin!Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2015-11-06 13 
43520479Shinigami Savant Quest #39Riku guest-stars on a popular TV show.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-11-07 28 
43526472Kant-O-Celle Quest #81We have a chat with Haruna in which we make a resolution. Then we act on that resolutionCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-08 18 
43523436Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #7Cocoa, hung over and angry, chases the group away, so Makoto and Shun go hump each other on the beach in the meantime. Then they return and get this spell altered. Then Makoto is a bad girl for his teacher.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-11-08 6 
43531474Kant-O-Celle Quest #82It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-08 18 
43534300Kant-O-Celle Quest #83: Bonus Theater EditionA few writeups that weren't posted in the last thread for some reason.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-08 18 
43540761Shinigami Savant Quest #40Kuchiki vs Kuchiki.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-11-08 30 
43478161Kindly Skaven and noble vampires: Bizarro Warhammer!Compiler, Grimgor, the King of the Halflings, and Skeetch spin a tale of knightly vampires and fair Skaven, and the Empire that threatens to destroy the peace.Skaven, Vampire, Empire, Orcs, Warhammer Fantasy, story, Getting Shit Done, worldbuilding2015-11-09 12 
43565270Dish Washing Quest 4The Sunday Shift was busy but John pulled through, Jenna gathered the courage to ask John out on her own and you two plan to go shooting next weekend.Collective Game, Dish Washing Quest2015-11-10 5 
43563371Banished Quest 164We acquire a few new servants, chat with a cat, and traverse the spirit realm to return to our meat prison.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-11-10 22 
43540626Home brewed Bioshock RPG #5Status effects, Melee weapons and conditions are worked on. 3D IRL table top figurines are made as well.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-11-11 0 
43596658Kant-O-Celle Quest #84We deliver an AAR of the Yak beatdown to our superiors.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-12 18 
43601149Kant-O-Celle Quest #85We talk with Naka and find out that Arizona took matters into her own hands, as it were.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-12 18 
43611649Life Quest 10We engage in an orgy of carnage and destruction before cracking open a safe and finding what we came for.Collective Game, Somas, Oneshot, Life Quest2015-11-13 5 
43622655Shinigami Quest Thread 1Humble beginningsCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-11-13 11 
43622036Disciple of Elshhu Quest 17Jareth begins his investigation on the Scaled God's cult.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-11-14 14 
43584194BIONICLE RPG Thread #2In this thread, we brainstorm ideas for the BIONICLE RPG and make puns out of Onua's name. (Just the one, really.)BIONICLE, RPG, WIP, /tg/ gets shit done2015-11-15 3 
43642108Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #8Makoto and Shun head back and start curing people of their burning hearts! They have... mixed success. Love makes people crazy.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-11-15 6 
43675980Trapped in Da'ta Quest 6Krovachi and friends suffer the hardships of traveling on the road, and the lack of modern comforts...but why is sam acting all weird?Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-11-16 7 
43616285Floors [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Night 2. Pumpkin Faery. The aftermath of a rogue Pump-Kin. The collection of a spoon, explosions in the north. Things are getting real.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-11-18 6 
43711253Boruto Quest 21More preliminary matches. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-11-19 14 
43711584Kant-O-Celle Quest #86We watch the destroyers practice.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-19 18 
43709968Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #9Makoto regroups with the girls to plan ahead. We cure Yuuki, and create a body double so Makoto can double-date the girls. Also Saito cries about his pretty hair.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-11-19 6 
43710712Banished Quest 165We return to our body, resolve to go to a party, and get spoopy.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-11-19 21 
43707780Fallout 2k, continuedMore roleplay in a universe where Fallout is a tabletop war game, with some actual getting shit donefallout, alternate reality game, roleplay, au, homebrew, getting shit done2015-11-20 4 
43739108Shinigami Quest Thread 2Staring at a golden flowerCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-11-20 9 
43744660Banished Quest 166We burn captives alive as sacrifice to the god of war, then get visited by his messenger.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-11-21 22 
43755725Shinigami Savant Quest #41The keikaku must flow.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-11-21 29 
43749295Aurora Quest 1The setting and starting game stats are explained by the Quest-Master. We begin fleshing out the senate, task science to be done, and un-fuck our pre-wrecked shit.Collective Game, Quest, Aurora Quest, Spreadsheet Monkey, ROME IN SPAAAAACE2015-11-22 5 
43763265Dish Washing Quest 5John has a shift with just Kim this time and had a great time, and is now gonna be carpooling with Kim and Wally for now. Collective Game, Dish Washing Quest2015-11-22 3 
43772453Shinigami Savant Quest #42Revere the King, Expel the Invaders.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-11-22 30 
43774037Lamia Legacy Quest 59A chat with the good captain.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-11-23 5 
43779943Aurora Quest 2we design our first engine and ships. general R&D along with production.Collective Game, Quest, Aurora Quest, Spreadsheet Monkey, ROME IN SPAAAAACE2015-11-23 3 
43817453It's Too Late for this Shit QuestIt's 8 AM. In the last two days, you've gotten three hours of sleep. And now, someone's pounding on your door.Collective Game, Tired, Shaderic, Too Late For This Shit, 2015-11-25 5 
43697273Floors [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Night 2 pt 2 Bleeding DragonPump-kin invade while the Pumpkin Faery gives out gifts. The Schola's main library is invaded, and the Restricted Section is found!Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-11-25 5 
43815149Aurora Quest 3The Senate receive a general report of tech progress, political agendas, and a space monkey in a toga. Unfortunately, activity is minimal in the thread this time around.Collective Game, Quest, Aurora Quest, Spreadsheet Monkey, ROME IN SPAAAAACE2015-11-26 -1 
43828283Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #10Makoto and fake Makoto, aka Yuuki, enact their plan to separate and cure the girls. Yui is taken down by a skillful play by Makoto- and subsequent lewding, but Hiroko proves to be... interesting.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-11-26 8 
43846241Heritage Ship Quest #2Onboard the Hot Needle of Inquiry, Captain Solomon chooses his favourite radio station.Collective Game, Heritage Ship Quest, Heritage, Fractured Galaxy, Sci fi2015-11-27 8 
43826037The /tg/ "Justice" LeagueSuperman comes to /tg/ for help against the forces of evil and /tg/ decides they don't need Superman. Odd god tier heroes emerge and hilarity ensues.DC comics, superman, heroes, fowlweatherfriend, /tg/, Stupidity, Funny, Hilarity, Justice, League, Overpowered bullshit, why is everyone god tier, plz buff superman, too low tier, 2015-11-27 10 
43853861Shinigami Quest Thread 3Analytical MindCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-11-27 7 
43858083Trapped in Da'ta 6.5Continued from last thread, Krovachi and friends get a move on and...find something terrible. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-11-27 6 
43859282Boruto Quest 22Even More Preliminaries Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-11-28 12 
43871089Shinigami Savant Quest #43SSQ: After Life Consequences.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-11-28 31 
43869580Disciple of Elshhu Quest 18Jareth deals with the aftermath of divining the wrong people and takes in a stray.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-11-29 12 
43877304Kant-O-Celle Quest #87Destroyer practice continues!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-29 18 
43876119Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #11Makoto decides to enact his plan to cure Hiroko: by multiplying her. As silly as it, it works quite well. He then convinces Mai's manager to give her a break, and everyone relaxes on the beach.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-11-29 7 
43883304Kant-O-Celle Quest #87.5Continuation of the last thread, ended early before anything could really happen...Hornet's got a crush!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-29 18 
43890663Shinigami Savant Quest #44Double Death Edition.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-11-29 33 
43851577Aurora Quest 4Viva la Roma! This thread marks the Empire's first steps into space.Collective Game, Quest, Aurora Quest, Spreadsheet Monkey, ROME IN SPAAAAACE2015-11-29 1 
43897039Heritage Ship Quest #3Solomon makes a deal, shoots guns, and finds a new friend, all while listening to Felinid dance music.Heritage Ship Quest, Collective Game, Heritage, Fractured Galaxy, Sci fi2015-11-30 7 
December 2015
43912707Banished Quest 167Courtly intrigue leads to a foiled assassination attempt and the prevention of all out war.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-12-01 23 
43936569Boruto Quest 23Takeshi's Preliminary match Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-02 12 
43950928Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #12Makoto wakes up on the beach, buck nekkid. Another day on holiday. He gives out love advice, comforts his brother, and has a relaxing day all around.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-12-03 11 
43954376Kant-O-Celle Quest #88We take a dive and the thread ends early.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-03 18 
43950796Banished Quest 168We wrap up the intrigue plotline of last thread.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-12-03 21 
43964948Disciple of Elshhu Quest 19Jareth catches up with Hilda, watches golems beating the hell out of each other, and tries to avoid a golem beating the hell out of him.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-12-04 14 
43973798Dish Washing Quest 6John faces a Boss Fight on his second friday shift and does very well, Tomorrow is his second date with Jenna at the gun range.Collective Game, Dish Washing Quest2015-12-04 3 
43906867Aurora Quest 5Jump points are discovered, and the monkey is unveiled.Collective Game, Quest, Aurora Quest, Spreadsheet Monkey, ROME IN SPAAAAACE2015-12-04 3 
43983413Shinigami Quest Thread 4The Human WorldCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-04 7 
43935716Heritage Ship Quest #4The Hot Needle of Inquiry arrives at the relic site, and make a wondrous discovery. The thread is cut unfortunately short due to a sibling's car crash.Heritage Ship Quest, Collective Game, Heritage, Fractured Galaxy, Sci fi2015-12-05 4 
43990122Boruto Quest 24Continuation of thread 23Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-05 13 
43990923The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 2The party slowly limps their way across the galaxy in their shitty ship, while their passenger steadily ruins everything.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-12-05 109 
43986517Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Beta MissionA band of merc pilots assault a mountain stronghold. Cognis, mech, tacticool, skirmish, quest, collective game, robots2015-12-05 2 
44000501Shinigami Savant Quest #45Riku beats Wolf.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-12-05 30 
44004954Shinigami Savant Quest #45.5Riku beats Beard.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-12-05 30 
44022596Town Adventurer Quest #1There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2015-12-07 10 
44027113The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 2 The SequelThe party slowly limps their way across the galaxy in their shitty ship, while their passenger steadily ruins everything. Part 2.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-12-07 125 
44023984Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #13Makoto is the surf king and everybody gets ready for dinner!all around. collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-12-07 8 
44045718Trapped in Da'ta 7Flee, or fight? as Johnny twosteps and his undead army threaten to over run the town of Mapleburrow, there seems to be only two options left for Krovachi and friends, Flee or fight. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-12-07 9 
44062792Lamia Legacy Quest 60A discussion on beasts and magic. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2015-12-09 3 
44108754Shinigami Quest Thread 5Responsibilities and moralsCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-11 6 
44112707Boruto Quest 25 Takeshi searches for a teacher. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-11 16 
44134145Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #14Makoto and Co. meet Princess Saito for dinner, then retire for lovemaking. Makoto gives Shizuko some joy, before Mai's video closes out their vacation.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-12-13 6 
44142804Shinigami Savant Quest #46Riku beats everything?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-12-13 30 
44153410Town Adventurer Quest #2There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2015-12-14 6 
44171316Princes and Tsars Quest: 000 Our hero is created, and he makes his way to campus. (Early Archive)Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Collective Game, Soviet expats2015-12-14 5 
44173628Skirmish Sketch SuperheroesThe Grinch threatens the festive spirit of New Metroville, but handily a handful of c-list superheroes were in the areaCollective Game, Skirmish, Sketch, Superheroes, Hero Builder, art?2015-12-15 5 
44175959Banished Quest 169We meet a strange priest, get some sleep, and poke a tremendously powerful artifact.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-12-15 24 
44195470Trapped in Da'ta Quest 8It's time to say goodbye to Mapleburrow and get back on the road, but not before a chance meeting occurs once again. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-12-15 7 
44196177Boruto Quest 26Takeshi's training continues. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-16 13 
44196461Princes and Tsars Quest: 000.5 The thread that should've never happened. But at least something did happen or may happen.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Shameless 80s references, drinking2015-12-16 1 
44210003Princes and Tsars Quest: 001We find our way back in time, get arrested, and then involved in a conspiracy.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Romanov, Intrigue2015-12-17 1 
44215890Banished Quest 170REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE RAILROADERS GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-12-17 25 
44216402Boruto Quest 27Takeshi's training concludes. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-17 17 
44221297Banished Quest 170.5The infodump to end all infodumps. Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-12-17 26 
44230327Boruto Quest 28Takeshi fights a jinch&#363;riki.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-17 15 
44253445Princes and Tsars Quest: 002We make some important decisions, share a bunch of feels, and begin to plot the ruination of a young man's life.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Romanov, Intrigue2015-12-19 1 
44264601Shinigami Quest Thread 6HomeCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-19 7 
44275762Shinigami Savant Quest #47Riku gets into a sword-measuring contest.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-12-20 34 
44269489Skirmish Sketch Superheroes II: Noodle IncidentThe vigilantes visit a noodleshop and finds it less than abandoned. Guns! Explosions! Collateral damage! ROBOTS! Skirmish, collective game, quest, art?, explosions, superheroes, skirmish sketch2015-12-20 5 
44288201Kant-O-Celle Quest #89Settle flees the abomination and the quest claims its first life. RIP SCIENCE AnonCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest, Caffeine Poisoning, 2015-12-21 17 
44284596Town Adventurer Quest #3There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2015-12-21 6 
44293921Kant-O-Celle Quest #90: Bonus Theater Electric BoogalooWriteups to round off the previous threadCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-21 18 
44291928Corsair Quest 4Darmund ends up having to fight his way to some new clothes and recruits. Collective Game, Pirates, Ships, Corsair, Psychic, Monks2015-12-21 1 
44302006Shinigami Quest Thread 7Investigating the disappearancesCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-22 7 
44329432Quest/Oneshot: Snow and AshA short story about the silver haired girl, Lamb, and the ash-grey hound, Wolf.Collective Game, Snow and Ash, mithril2015-12-23 4 
44330892Banished Quest 171We finally once and for all remove the Entity's influence over our mind and meet a special visitor.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-12-23 27 
44346167Trapped in Da'ta Quest 9Krovachi and her friends continue of their journey, Plus one. But things don't seem to be all right, not at all. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2015-12-23 6 
44342756Shinigami Quest Thread 8Love CarrierCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-24 6 
44348584Kant-O-Celle Quest #91Shoukaku vs a Coffee Maker! Fight!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-24 18 
44352614Kant-O-Celle Quest #92We watch the news and hear of a ghost.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-24 18 
44390793Shinigami Quest Thread 9Century old conspiraciesCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-26 7 
44391623God of Creation [QUEST]You are a god of creation at the dawn of time. Atet-Ri, the god of light, born from the sun, has descended upon the barren earth to create stuff, in his own, smug way. He created the mountains, a large hole, an orb of light and a golden race: the Alwé. What will happen next? Who knows! Atet-Ri, Creation, quest, god, god of creation, light god, alwé, Tenen-Ru, Oracle of Giberish2015-12-27 13 
44400272Shinigami Savant Quest #48BOXING DAY OMAKE COLLECTION.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-12-27 27 
44391210[Skirmish] Sketch Superheroes III: Ground Control to...Opening to a strange underground mine, less explosions more gribbly terrorsSkirmish, collective game, quest, art?, explosions, superheroes, skirmish sketch2015-12-27 3 
44406724God of Creation [QUEST] part2You are a god of creation at the dawn of time. Atet-Ri, the god of light, born from the sun, has descended upon the barren earth to create stuff, in his own, smug way. This time we created cattle, monkey guys, hung out with our cool new music/water friend, grew a tree and OHFUCKWHATTHEHELLJUSTHAPPENED?!Atet-Ri, Creation, quest, god, god of creation, light god, alwé, Tenen-Ru, Oracle of Giberish, Helitaur, Fredd-Murc2015-12-28 6 
44412267Kant-O-Celle Quest #93The attack on Iwo Jima, with special guest [REDACTED. READ THE THREAD]Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-28 19 
44417884Kant-O-Celle Quest #93.5 Bonus theater!end of the thread plus writeups!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-28 18 
44430030 [Skirmish] Sketch Superheroes IV: ICE DefenceDeeper we go into the alien invested mine! ICE proves more incompetent than ever.Skirmish, collective game, quest, art?, superheroes, skirmish sketch2015-12-30 2 
44451730Boruto Quest 29The tournament continues. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-30 20 
44471196Kant-O-Celle Quest #94Continuation of the battle for Iwo JimaCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-31 18 
44475150Kant-O-Celle Quest #95We prepare to introduce some of the girls to modern warfighting technology.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-31 18 
44468343Banished Quest 172We buy a Meseeks Box and discover a murder mystery.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2015-12-31 23 
January 2016
44496286'Lost Source' setting worldbuilding thread #2/tg/ continues worldbuilding a post-singularity setting in the spiritual tradition of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne.engine heart, eclipse phase, demon's souls, dark souls, bloodborne, singularity, posthumans, transhumans, exhumans, cyborgs, robots, AI, worldbuilding, setting,2016-01-01 7 
44506095Trapped in Da'ta Quest 10Tol'Rathar, also known by its more common name, the living marsh. A place where fledgling monsters and dabblers of darker arts are born and nursed. However, Bailey is apparently living inside it somewhere, and a friend can't be left behind, now can they? Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-01-01 6 
44524667Princes and Tsars Quest: 003Not much happened this thread, and the QM decided to end early.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Romanov, Intrigue2016-01-02 2 
44527176Boruto Quest 30More tournament matchesBoruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-02 16 
44522463Shinigami Quest Thread 10Ryouta's determinationCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-03 6 
44535025Shinigami Savant Quest #49First Light on the Fifth Day: Rukia's Execution?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-03 30 
44546883Town Adventurer Quest #4There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2016-01-04 7 
44563617Shinigami Quest Thread 11Almost a buddy cop action movieCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-05 7 
44569548SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #1The protagonist wakes up in a strange location, but makes some new friends along the way. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-05 23 
44587052Become the VAmpirebullshit about the werewolves i mean fucking really? When are they going to become a fuckmothering Vampire?becometheqm, collective game, furry, waifu bullshit2016-01-05 3 
44588581Assassin School Quest 65The battle between the two first generations continues, but now Layla fights alone. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-01-05 8 
44589751Boruto Quest 31The Tournament continues, again.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-05 26 
44595024Boruto Quest 32Takeshi fights a mecha. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-06 36 
44588977SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #2The protagonist makes his first non-human friend, and has second thoughts about being a medical student.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-06 17 
44603961Disciple of Elshhu Quest 20Jareth puts in an order for a magic item, and heads to the Arena to cash in on a promised reward.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2016-01-07 14 
44612947Kant-O-Celle Quest #96The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-07 18 
44609931SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #3In which the protagonist and his friends try to make new allies, have a more than one bad time in the process.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-07 15 
44632204Boruto Quest 33Takeshi's life as a Chunin starts. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-08 17 
44643654Shinigami Quest Thread 12A web of intrigueCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-09 5 
44647354Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Beta Mission 2A band of Elite mercs gets contracted by the bombastic Haxton Guye to perform industrial sabotage on the A.E.S.R corporation.Cognis, mech, mercs, mecha, tacticool, skirmish, quest, collective game, robots2016-01-09 2 
44656679SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #4In which the protagonist and his friends kill a ghoul, escape from the hospital and receive a hot welcoming party. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-09 14 
44648067Banished Quest 173HUUUUURRR DUUUUUURRRRRRCollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-01-09 21 
44669226Boruto Quest 34Takeshi runs some errands. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-09 12 
44673013Kant-O-Celle Quest #97We speak to ArizonaCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-10 18 
44679476Shinigami Savant Quest #50The battle against Aizen reaches a climax.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-10 33 
44679008Kant-O-Celle Quest #98We talk with everyone's favorite Fleet Idol: Naka-chan~!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-10 18 
44674319SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #5In which the protagonist wakes up in yet another hospital and receives a full debriefing and explanation. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-10 13 
44712971Boruto Quest 35We fight stuff and get angry. Real #34 is here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/44543526/Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2016-01-12 -35 
44735526Trapped in Da'ta Quest 11The Living Marsh, a breeding ground for monsters and foul things, and our "heroes" have to go in it to get their friend back. early archivCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-01-12 7 
44735719SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #6In which the protagonist spends time with his family and takes a late-night call from a friend. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-13 14 
44674365Floors [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc MidnightMidnight is reached, Pump-Kin explode, the town descends into chaos. Order folks sit with their thumbs up their bums.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-01-13 13 
44757221Kant-O-Celle Quest #99We talk to Hamp about HornetCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-14 18 
44759233SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #7In which our protagonist attends Devil Summoner Bootcamp.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-14 29 
44762456Kant-O-Celle Quest #100YAKUZA INTERRUPTCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-14 18 
44775134Banished Quest 174We delve the ruins beneath our family's palace.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-01-14 22 
44791518Shinigami Quest Thread 13The other paranormal investigatorCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-15 5 
44801725kids next door into shadowrunWe are converting kids next door so it fits shadowrunshadowrun2016-01-16 -11 
44814189Shinigami Quest Thread 14Kirino MoekaCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-17 4 
44822736Boruto Quest 35 (The real one)Mission: StartBoruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-17 13 
44822118Kant-O-Celle Quest #101We are Admiral Ryan Settle, and, for once, we don't know what to do.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-17 18 
44828463Kant-O-Celle Quest #102MOTHERFUCKING TELEMARKETERS ALWAYS CALLING AT THE WORST TIME HOLY SHITCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-17 18 
44840119Town Adventurer Quest #5There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2016-01-17 8 
44850312Shinigami Savant Quest #51The aftermath of Aizen's departure.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-18 34 
44847235SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #8In which our protagonist makes new friends and allies at Devil Summoner Bootcamp.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-18 14 
44882178Trapped in Da'ta Quest 12Lantern's Light, a town seeped in shadows and the smell of things rotten. At least for the former npcs. What will our heroes find inside itCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-01-19 8 
44787923 Floors [Skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Midnight of 2nd DayDeeper into the darks, more threats and more terrors abound in the night. Will Dawn ever come? Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-01-20 5 
44905410Kant-O-Celle Quest #103Drums, drums in the deep...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-21 18 
44911256Kant-O-Celle Quest #104Writeups from the previous thread!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-21 17 
44909070SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #9In which our protagonist becomes a big damn hero, faces a hard decision, and engages in a show-off contest. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-21 12 
44926085SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #10In which the protagonist learns about the history of the Task Force and the dark side of Demon Fusion.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-22 11 
44942601Boruto Quest 36The mission continues. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-22 13 
44959663Shinigami Quest Thread 15The cost of traditionCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-24 3 
44969641Kant-O-Celle Quest #105Wherein Settle’s ideas about shipgirl tactics get even *more* insane. (If that’s even humanly possible.)Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-24 17 
44973468Kant-O-Celle Quest #106“Please tell my ship that we haven't forgotten her and have no intention of giving up on her.” Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-24 17 
44977125Shinigami Savant Quest #52Interrogation.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-24 28 
44979374Kant-O-Celle Quest #107We're in a closet with Naka! Also writeups!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-24 17 
44965019Banished Quest 175We travel through a portal to a ancient temple and get stabbed in the gut by a monster.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-01-24 21 
45001414Shinigami Savant Quest #52.5Coming to terms.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-25 32 
44993153SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #11In which our protagonist is given his first objective, leads a fire team, and channels his inner Rambo.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-25 11 
45011147Lamia Legacy Quest 61Magic theory and a bloody incursion. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-01-26 3 
45015886Banished Quest 176We fight a spirit larva and then imprison it within a gemstone.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-01-26 23 
45015915SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #12In which our protagonist handles an explosive situation and meets a special guest character. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-26 11 
45056066Kant-O-Celle Quest #108Anon figures out that we can delegate tasks.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-28 17 
45051039Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 1War comes to the great interior desert. The Legend of the Camel Corps begins.Cognis, mech, mercs, mecha, tacticool, skirmish, quest, collective game, robots2016-01-28 3 
45061156Kant-O-Celle Quest #109End of the thread and writeups!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-28 17 
45058207SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #13In which our protagonist is assigned his first official mission, takes a road trip, and rejects a very persuasive recruitment offer. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-28 11 
45074798Trapped in Da'ta Quest 13Threatening shop keepers is rarely a good idea. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-01-28 9 
45084461Real Life ShadowrunnersDisturbing real-life tales that would make great inspiration for Shadowrun games! And whose participants are essentially shadowrunners.Holy fucking shit, the fuck did I just read, is this shit for real, oh god this is real isn't it, Shadowrun2016-01-29 23 
45089447Shinigami Quest Thread 16Final piecesCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-30 4 
45108739The Lonely Vampire Quest #1French vampire hobo visits post-apocalyptic city and finds hanged womanCollective Game, Vampire, Lonely Vampire Quest, Polaroid Camera, Old Protagonist, Hobo, Shitforbrians, Drawquest2016-01-30 1 
45110045Shinigami Quest Thread 17The bustCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-31 3 
45117538Kant-O-Celle Quest #110We deal with the PT Corgi menace by giving them actual work to do!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-31 17 
45125952Shinigami Savant Quest #53Making nice... or not.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-31 31 
45124003Kant-O-Celle Quest #111In which planefag posts one story update and the entire rest of the thread is just anon talkingCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-31 16 
45126979Kant-O-Celle Quest #112Two bombs wasn't enough, apparentlyCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-31 16 
45114454Banished Quest 177We unseal an ancient ruin and immediately get in way over our heads.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-01-31 28 
45120443SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #14In which our protagonist goes on a not-date, postulates conspiracy theories, and scopes the site before the big day. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-31 11 
February 2016
45135307Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 2The Camel Corps attack a pair of heavily armoured assault servers.mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-01 2 
45071363Floors [Skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Dawn of Day 3.The book is found, the enemy defeated, but the stench of death pervades all below. Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-02-01 5 
45161327Lamia Legacy Quest 62In which we decide how to repel an incursion.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-02-02 3 
45174569Floors [Skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Dawn of Day 3 - Finale.At long last, the dawn breaks, and things are made right. A friend is lost, an ally gained? Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-02-03 5 
45199567Banished Quest 178We return to the surface and try out a suit of armor.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-02-04 22 
45205326SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #15In which our protagonist is most certainly not a lady killer. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-04 11 
45201333Damsel Dagger Quest #1We become a cursed armor, and attack the enemy's base from within with the help of an elf who has become a shield.Collective Game, Quest, Damsel Dagger, 1shot2016-02-04 4 
45218841Trapped in Da'ta Quest 14Every action has a reaction. Katie's mercy and golden heart has made her a new friend, and other things. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-02-04 11 
45214520Disciple of Elshhu Quest 21Jareth meets some of his fellow gladiators and awaits his first exciting foray into the world of professional bloodsports.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2016-02-05 14 
45221958SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #16In which the protagonist is still most certainly not a lady killer (Continuation of previous thread).Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-05 11 
45197730Floors - Floor 4.5 Corridor AscensionDragon pacts, shopping, summoning mechanicsFloors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-05 5 
45239485Kant-O-Celle Quest #112To sleep, perchance to dream...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-06 16 
45232609Shinigami Quest Thread 18Formulating a planCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-02-06 4 
45245099Kant-O-Celle Quest #113The battle for the Sunda Strait commences.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-06 16 
45240354SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #17In which our protagonist prevents the mission title from coming to further fruition.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-06 11 
45258001Boruto Quest 37The mission still continues.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-02-06 13 
45243360Floors - Floor 4.5 Crystal CorridorShopping, rewards, tall(and not so tall) tales, and fusions abound. Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, Collective Game2016-02-06 5 
45254805Shinigami Quest Thread 19Analytical Mind: CCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-02-07 7 
45262288Kant-O-Celle Quest #114The battle for the Sunda Strait continuesCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-07 16 
45268334Kant-O-Celle Quest #115YASEN, MOTHERFUCKERS!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-07 16 
45269593Shinigami Savant Quest #54Training Day.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-02-07 32 
45257949Dwarf Civ Day 1- ShmehStarted off the dwarf civ, got shaken down by some Palmese tradersDwarf,Civ,Shmeh2016-02-07 0 
45271339Floors 4.5 Corridor Ascension ContinuedWe visit the understairs, do more shopping, and more fusionFloors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-08 5 
45306273Banished Quest 179We spar with a friend and get our ass kicked, then share a drink.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-02-09 23 
45346032Kant-O-Celle Quest #116THANK YOU BASED KTKM-SAMACollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-11 17 
45349948Kant-O-Celle Quest #117The battle for the Sunda Strait continues to evolve as new elements are brought onto the stageCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-11 16 
45362930Trapped in Da'ta Quest 15Krovachi/ Katie, following a last request, has squandered what little was left of her humanity, Becoming a Hiver Queen. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-02-11 20 
45308607Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 3 part 2Despite multiple setbacks and horrendous bad luck the Camel Corps grind the Anuncians into the dust, but at what cost.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-12 3 
45381926Lamia Legacy Quest 63Snake plus espionage plus sabotage yields detonation.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-02-13 5 
45387566SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #17.5In which the protagonist is Solid Snake, makes a promise and takes a nap. (Continuation from previous thread)Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-13 11 
45403143Katawa Yandere - Resurrection Hanako Route (Part 1)No one cared who I was until I put on the suit.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira2016-02-14 34 
45395975Shinigami Quest Thread 20Back to Soul SocietyCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-02-14 4 
45403412Kant-O-Celle Quest #118The battle of the Sunda Strait continues...You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-14 16 
45409767Kant-O-Celle Quest #119End of the previous thread and writeups because planefag crashed.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-14 16 
45411485Shinigami Savant Quest #55Raijuusenkou purrs, a new chapter begins.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-02-14 31 
45396983Quest One Shot: The Devil's DaughterThe life of an adorable Princess/Apprentice Thief, and the start of many adventures to come!Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, One Shot, The Devil's Daughter2016-02-14 10 
45397137Banished Quest 180Meditate with a companion and meet with our brother.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-02-14 25 
45407039Banished Quest #180.5HOTDOG DOWN THE HALLWAYCollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest 2016-02-14 24 
45432580Shinigami Savant Quest #55.5Continuing where we left off.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-02-15 31 
45398850Floors- Floor 5- HighroadWe enter the fifth Floor, seeking a location to perform a summoning.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-15 5 
45431073Overpowered Magic User QuestA oneshot where /tg/ is handed both unreliable ultimate power and complete freedom and proceeds to piss it all away on making anime real.Collective Game, Oneshot, smug anime girl2016-02-15 8 
45444945Boruto Quest 38Takeshi fights a Jonin. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-02-15 11 
45394420Mecha Mercs: Hanger Thread 1The Caramel Camel Corps become subsidiaries of Noblesse Oblige and proceed to spend their big pay out on new gear.mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-16 2 
45447950SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest - Interlude 1Annette Turner takes the stage as our protagonist for our 1875 interlude sessions, with 75% Guns and 25% Family Issues. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-17 11 
45479337Banished Quest 181Gas the mutants waifu wars nowCollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest 2016-02-18 27 
45450793Floors- Floor 5 Highroad AfternoonWe continue clearing the forest of MoblinsSkirmish Quest, Floors, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-18 5 
45500606Trapped in Da'ta Quest 16From the ashes of a selfless sacrifice, Katie rises again as a Castussimex, a kind of weird moth angel thing.But now things get dangerous.EACollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-02-18 12 
45514484Shinigami Quest Thread 21New HomeCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-02-20 5 
45303492Floors GeneralDiscussion before the floor, we discover more about moblins and plan for what is to come. Skirmish Quest, Floors, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-20 5 
45519424Banished Quest 182We finish the fight with a giant worm, build a shrine, and pet a cat.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-02-20 23 
45525443SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #18In which deductions are had, information received, and Victoria channels her inner speed demon. [Thread cut short due to QM getting ill.]Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-20 11 
45541220Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 2)The air was filled with smoke. And blood. And tea.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Emi, Rin, reboot2016-02-21 26 
45534209Shinigami Quest Thread 22FakerCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-02-21 4 
45493198Floors- Floor 5 Highroad DuskWe encounter bounty hunters and a detachment from the Order as Midnight approaches.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-21 5 
45539164Banished Quest 182.5Shitposting, more shitposting, and we get some swag for our son.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-02-21 22 
45543037Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 1Vanquish fights a foe, meets a friend, and walks towards her destiny.Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest2016-02-21 7 
45547069Banished Quest 182.75We decide to run out to the store for some cigarettes and never come back.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-02-21 23 
45516067Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 4The Caramel Camel Corps get a taste of real war and sustain their first casualty.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-22 3 
45569380Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 2We get our interview on to become a Peacekeeper! The mystery surrounding Hurricane thickens.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest2016-02-22 5 
45573156Floors- Floor 5 Highroad MidnightMany things are summoned. Most of them are demons.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-25 5 
45641109Trapped in Da'ta Quest 17Being an angel is hard, or at least annoying, but you can't stay at church for ever, so onwards, to Light's edge! Hopefully. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-02-25 12 
45645143Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 3We gain a power beyond understanding. A conspiracy is afoot.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest2016-02-26 5 
45637841SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #19In which the protagonist impresses his comrades, defies genre expectations, and makes a startling deduction about the culprit. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-26 13 
45583238Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 4 part 2The 3C finish off the 2nd wave. Back at base they pay tribute to their fallen comrade and decide their next move.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-26 3 
45660257Banished Quest 183Baby I'm not like all the other guys, I'll be there for you and the kid. I'm just gon run to the store real quick for some cigs and be riCollective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-02-27 25 
45684134Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 3)Crippled insane Japanese schoolgirls - still more credible villains than Kylo Ren.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2016-02-28 25 
45684081Boruto Quest 39The Mission ends. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-02-28 12 
45682685Banished Quest 184We rescue our niece, arrest our rivals, and scare the shit out of our sister.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-02-28 23 
45646574Floors- Floor 5 Highroad DeepnightWe battle against demons and summoners and fallen paladins. The Three Headed King waits to feast.Floors, Collective Game, Skirmish Quest, Monday2016-02-28 5 
45711857Boruto Quest 40The mission with the Hidden Sand continues. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-02-29 12 
45711577Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 4, Part 1We take our physical exam and meet more new heroes. The thread gets cut short cause no one showed up.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai2016-02-29 3 
March 2016
45747271SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #20In which the protagonist makes more connections, spares a life, and enters the home stretch of the case.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-02 13 
45721378Floors- Floor 5 Highroad Dawn of 2nd DayDawn arrives and an unexpected incident leads to a demon battle.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-02 5 
45763626Lamia Legacy Quest 64Dealing with the aftermath. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-03-03 3 
45712543Floors GeneralWe discuss tactics, receive some new mechanics information.Collective Game, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday2016-03-03 5 
45783166Trapped in Da'ta Quest 18Light's end, the biggest city in Tol'rathar, it is often said to hold as many secrets as the swamp around it.Sounds pretty scary, EACollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-03-03 11 
45786214SitS Quest 09 (Reboot)Reboot of SitS Quest - We recover from an attempt on our life and catch up on lost time.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2016-03-04 9 
45797471Shinigami Quest Thread 23A fight against a ShinigamiCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-05 6 
45805210Boruto Quest 41The Hidden Sand collaboration mission is successful, what's next on Takeshi's plate?Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-03-05 13 
45803452Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 4, Part 2We give some good advice, and have some bad injuries, and some weird revelations.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai2016-03-05 2 
45806257SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #21In which the protagonist is young blood, splits the party and gaslights someone’s paranoia. The first case is almost finished!Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-05 11 
45778623Earth is a Magical RealmAnon is educated in the Magical Realm of Earth, hosted by our beloved DM: Mother Nature.nature, learning, magical realm, dolphin suicide, necrophilia, traumatic insemination, CAWWWING IIIIN MY SKIIIIN, fish onaholes, hyenas2016-03-05 22 
45823952Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 4)We were doing yandere-simulators before it was cool.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-03-06 24 
45817111Shinigami Quest Thread 24It's that girl again...Collective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-06 7 
45824194Kant-O-Celle Quest #120Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war - Shakespeare's Julius CaesarCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-06 16 
45829229Kant-O-Celle Quest #121“SIC'EM, BOYS!” Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-06 16 
45787574Floors General- HighroadWe discuss mechanics, determine our plans for the ChimeraFloors, Collective Game, Skirmish Quest, Monday2016-03-07 5 
45814910Floors- Floor 5 Highroad Afternoon of 2nd DayWe continue our battle with the demons and Three Headed King, Quaga. But then, moths.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-08 5 
45865996SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #22In which the protagonist is an Ace Detective and connects all the dots together. Also includes Brady’s Night in the Limelight. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-08 11 
45798844Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 5The Caramel Camel Corps take on some police work from the IF and move to apprehend an arms dealer.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-08 2 
45889030MOTHERFUCKING ONE-SHOT QUESTA corp security guard fights off augs and robots to defend robot idols.Collective Game, one-shot, ULTRAWHORE2016-03-09 11 
45906898Kant-O-Celle Quest #122Forward Chuuniboats!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-10 16 
45910836Kant-O-Celle Quest #123The battle for the Sunda Strait reaches a fever pitchCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-10 16 
45907720SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #23In which the protagonist and his friends close the first case by setting two weary souls to rest, with varying permanence. [End of Arc 3]Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-10 15 
45869064Advanced Weenie Cartographer Character Sheet/tg/ makes a character sheet. Then decides it needs more pages. The fields, of course, make as much sense as one would expect.RPG, character sheet, /tg/, anal circumference2016-03-10 4 
45880593D&D: the animated series/tg/ becomes /co/ and designs a D&D-based cartoon.Cartoon, D&D, WotC, Hasbro, Faerun, Realms, Bards, Druids, Pseudodragons, Drow Appeal, Friendship, Is, Magic2016-03-10 7 
45925048Boruto Quest 42Takeshi talks to the Hokage. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-03-10 14 
45925525Trapped in Da'ta Quest 19After a long and dangerous Journey, the group finally meets up with Bailey, and isn't it just lovely to get a friend back? EarlyarchiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-03-10 8 
45879551Sanguine Shields: Less Shitposting EditionWe get some shit done with Aleksander, talk about dicks briefly, and get an emblemSanguine Shields, Sanguine, Shields, 40k, Space marines, mahreens, space, homebrew, chapter2016-03-11 -1 
45927028Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 5We find someone to beat up, and someone to love.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, harem2016-03-11 5 
45882007Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 5 part 2The Arms Dealer escapes, but the 3C still get a decent payout.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-11 1 
45838905Floors General- Veritas' DispleasureVeritas demands truth. General thread stuff.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-12 4 
45947665Banished Quest 185We advance in nature magic, read some of the Varistha's notes, meet with the Satrap, and visit the library.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-03-12 26 
45900055Floors- Floor 5 Highroad Second NightThe finale of the floor.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-12 3 
45945451Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadMore stuff to buy and the 3C is approached by some mysterious new employers.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-12 1 
45968406Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 5)When AN ANCIENT EVIL oversleeps...Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-03-13 22 
45962021Shinigami Quest Thread 25Little sisterCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-13 6 
45968564Kant-O-Celle Quest #124'This is not the beginning of the end, but, perhaps, the end of the beginning'Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-13 16 
45965880Lamia Legacy Quest 65A debt and new additions. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-03-13 3 
45976031Kant-O-Celle Quest #125--but when you speak again, your voice is steadier, harder... hotter. “I don't hear BB-3 laughing much, though.” Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-13 17 
45970201Banished Quest 186We explore an ancient library whilst avoiding a potential rival.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-03-13 24 
45987806SitS Quest 10We chat with Qwin and get ready to shut down a group of Not!ShadowrunnersCollective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2016-03-14 6 
45960255Floors- Floor 5.5 Corridor AscensionWe have 4 new advanced classes introduced, and various bookkeeping is done.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-14 3 
46017700Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 6We come head-to-head with the Union, and learn how far this fight will take us.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot, harem2016-03-15 2 
46002754Floors GeneralWe discuss things, do bookkeeping, and prepare for the corridors.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-16 3 
46036272Floors- Floor 5.5 Corridor AscensionWe reach the Corridors, where we encounter a familiar shop and a new one.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-16 3 
46052428Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadMore shopping and rules clarificationsMecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-17 2 
46078781Trapped in Da'ta Quest 20Darkness creeps at the edge of joy. Even after being finally reunited with her friend, Danger still creeps close to Katie/Krovachi. EACollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-03-17 11 
46077971SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #24In which the protagonist gains ethereal insight, recruits a new friend, and gives someone a precious memory. ['Epilogue' to Arc 3]Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-18 13 
46094516Shinigami Quest Thread 26Two facing mirrorsCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-19 6 
46100310Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 7We go on a date, and have some bad decisions to make.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot, harem2016-03-19 2 
46095195Saving Anime QuestExactly like what the title say. Except you're stupid and you don't really know about anime so good luck.Collective Game, Shit Thread Op, Saving Anime Quest2016-03-19 6 
46088924Floors- Floor 5.5 Corridor InvestigationWe begin investigating in the Understairs for clues to the location of our lost friends.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-19 3 
46119035Shinigami Savant Quest #56Riku refuses.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-03-19 39 
46121538Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 6)Like the notebook. Except instead of sonorizing placidly, you're stabbing bitches in the face. I prefer this.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-03-20 25 
46096012Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6The 3C decide to do the IF's dirty work.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-20 3 
46111885Floors- Arena - "Yang" and "Twisted Daggers"We engage in arena battles for fabulous prizes.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-21 5 
46159995Saving Anime Quest (2)We play ping-pong, escape from a trap, and overall discover that anime people are dicks.Shit Thread Op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest2016-03-22 4 
46188204Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 8We do something ambiguous, and something whole-heartedly.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot, harem2016-03-23 2 
46181558Saving Anime Quest (3)In which we obtain the Behelit, also dude prophecies lmaoShit thread op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest2016-03-23 3 
46207838Kant-O-Celle Quest #126After the battle for Sunda Strait, we visit a hospital.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-24 16 
46213120Kant-O-Celle Quest #127We speak briefly to Tatsuta and Willy Dee tells us that Kongou has a [SPOILER REDACTED]Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-24 16 
46158283Floors- Floor 5.5 Corridor Ascension Part 2We continue investigating the kidnappings of our allies and the Scifax Mendele.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-24 5 
46228441Trapped in Da'ta Quest 21No matter how far or fast you run, you can't escape trouble when it's hot on your tail, as Katie/Krovachi and co will soon find out. EACollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-03-24 11 
46226448SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest - Interlude 2Annette Turner returns to the stage of 1875 with a ballad of ice and fire. Mostly fire, though. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-25 8 
46224849Saving Anime Quest (4)Anons get mad, other characters get really irritatingly smugShit Thread Op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest2016-03-25 2 
46244667Shinigami Quest Thread 27Helping a golden flowerCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-26 6 
46251542Kant-O-Celle Quest #128Kongo Bongos.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-26 16 
46256787Kant-O-Celle Quest #129Kongou runs a stream, and we get roped into playing Q&A along with Goto and Arizona!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-26 16 
46165453Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadThe 3C get contacts in the black market and promptly buy illegal things.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-26 2 
46273254Kant-O-Celle Quest #130Q&A With Kongou, Settle, Goto and Arizona!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-27 15 
46266664Shinigami Quest Thread 28Raw Breath of DangerCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-27 5 
46277895Kant-O-Celle Quest #131We speak with Arizona.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-27 13 
46289644Shinigami Savant Quest #57That deer in headlights look.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-03-27 36 
46295654Goblin civ #1Goblins are working towards revenge against the dwarven people.Goblin, Civ, dwarves, humans, elves, necromancy, shaman2016-03-28 2 
46268717Saving Anime Quest (5)We take a trip to the sport-shounen sector.Shit Thread Op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest2016-03-28 2 
46313964Boruto Quest 43Takeshi and co. continue to fight his sinister doppelganger. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-03-28 12 
46314075Lamia Legacy Quest 66Illusion training goes awry.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-03-29 4 
46316393Banished Quest 187We polish a pole and hang out in the clouds.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-03-30 23 
46341374Tarnished Chrome Quest 1An Eclipse Phase Quest by a first time QM. Australian brown skinned scorpion girl ensuesCollective Game, Tarnished Chrome Quest, Eclipse Phase2016-03-30 0 
46311613Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6The 3C deploy to protect the Principality and face an onslaught of tanks.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-30 1 
46358832Kant-O-Celle Quest #132We prepare to speak to God.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-31 11 
46364656Kant-O-Celle Quest #133End of tonight's threads and some writeups!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-31 12 
April 2016
46378801Boruto Quest 44Takeshi has some time off. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-04-01 13 
46380799Goblin civ #2Goblins are working towards revenge against the dwarven people.Goblin, Civ, dwarves, humans, elves, necromancy, shaman2016-04-01 1 
46379404Beast in the Sky QuestYou are Isaac, a revolutionary that steals a government-owned flying fortress in the land of Prism.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship2016-04-01 12 
46380019Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 9We confront Paragon Supreme himself.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot2016-04-01 2 
46393445Shinigami Quest Thread 29RecapCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-04-02 3 
46401146Kant-O-Celle Quest #134: SWQ Edition!Just a little April fooling around...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-02 8 
46401180Kant-O-Celle Quest #134I don't even know anymore...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-02 6 
46406917Kant-O-Celle Quest #135(?)Hell if I know anymore, more April fools hijinks?Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-02 6 
46399780Beast in the Sky Quest 2You discover the source of the mysterious light out on the lake, spend a day in the clockwork town of Peck, then see something unusual.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-02 8 
46399268SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #25In which our protagonist has massive gains, receives another mission, and meets some unusual vendors. [Start of Arc 4]. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-04-02 12 
46419411Trapped in Da'ta Quest 22Mapleburrow burns. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-04-02 9 
46421000Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 7)It's just like Jesus says - stabbing is a form of love.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-03 23 
46419421InFilInc Test II - Hostage Rescue [Skirmish]Agents of Solstar Company must rescue agent Hedgehog from the White Moon. Agent shenanigans ensue.Solstar Company Quest, Skirmish, Quest, Solstar Company, Company Command, Agent, White Moon, Collective Game2016-04-03 4 
46347842Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6 part 2The battle for the Principality continues and the despite inflicting massive casualties on the enemy, the defense line starts to falter.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-04-03 2 
46238280Floors - Floor 5.5 War RoomA Floors skirmish game: The Wyrd Hunt plans out their next move in rescuing their kidnapped comrades and uncover what might be a larger plotFloors, monday, collective game, skirmish2016-04-04 5 
46440392Lamia Legacy Quest 67Dealing with a national crisis. For our own sake.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-04-04 3 
46440352SitS Quest 11We meet with a Johnson, then plan how to deal with the Johnson's true planCollective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2016-04-04 6 
46436764Sheepgirl Civilization Quest Part 1Sheepgirl sheeptaurs starting a new settlement in a woodland vale. First strides in building and stocking for the winter are taken.Collective Game, Civilization, sheep, sheeptaurs, monstergirls2016-04-04 20 
46438969InfilINC Test III Operation Red MoonAfter the capturing of Agent Bees, Solstar moves on an old estate to get him back. Tanks! Guns! Hacking! Unfortunate drug overdoses!Collective game, skirmish, skirmish sketch quest, art?, Solstar Security2016-04-04 1 
46461023Saving Anime Quest (6)In which we gain a powerful albeit dark ally.Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest, Shit Thread Op2016-04-05 1 
46507628Kant-O-Celle Quest #136'When the landslide has started, it's far too late for the pebbles to vote. There's no deflecting or dodging this, and you both know it..Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-07 12 
46511616Kant-O-Celle Quest #137We receive orders from God (spelled CNO).Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-07 15 
46523503Banished Quest 188We escape from the realm of the ancient enchantress and nearly release untold horror upon the world.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-04-08 22 
46530151Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest Interlude Episode: KnightmareWe cut back to focus on the enigmatic enemy of the Peacekeeper's.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot, Interlude Episode2016-04-08 2 
46482970InfilINC Test IV: Desert DustupAfter two near-botched rescue missions, Solstar sends their agents on a simple milk run to find a truck. Everything soon goes wrong.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-04-08 1 
46535715Banished Quest 188.5We BUILD A WALL, it's hyueg.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-04-08 24 
46531774Beast in the Sky Quest 3Isaac and crew rescue a damsel in distress, then make their way to Ao, only to run into two more.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-08 8 
46531708SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #26In which our protagonist performs demon fusion, takes a road trip, and receives a rude awakening. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-04-08 11 
46351909Sanguine Shields: Full Swing EditionThe first Sanguine Shields thread to be archived. You lazy bastards.Sanguine, Shields, Sanguine Shields, Blood Angels, Space Marine, Homebrew2016-04-08 0 
46460980Sanguine Shields: Army of Lions EditionThe Shields get a little less snow flakeySanguine, Shields, Sanguine Shields, Blood Angels, Space Marine, Homebrew2016-04-08 0 
46543829Shinigami Quest Thread 30Menos GrandeCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-04-09 3 
46550570Kant-O-Celle Quest #138We speak with Naka and Harder.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-09 9 
46554343Kant-O-Celle Quest #139Wrap up for the night and maybe writeupsCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-09 7 
46564309Shinigami Savant Quest #58A restless afternoon in the rain.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-04-09 35 
46569908Trapped in Da'ta Quest 23Mapleburrow lives on, crippled but breathing. After easily beating the knight of hunger, Krovachi has some time to think. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-04-09 9 
46571749Boruto Quest 45Takeshi continues his day off. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-04-10 13 
46572374Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 8)Katawa Yandere: According to TvTropes, we don't exist!Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-10 39 
46564511Shinigami Quest Thread 31About Tsukuda RyoutaCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-04-10 6 
46573094Kant-O-Celle Quest #140We pursue Willy Dee!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-10 9 
46578379Kant-O-Celle Quest #141Baking with Arizona and Willy Dee.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-10 9 
46575971The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] ConspiracyThe party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution. All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2016-04-10 125 
46589404Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 1A ghost ship is discovered in deep space, and the first link in a new chain of events is forged.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-04-10 12 
46560213InfilINC V: Operation House ArrestAll Solstar has to do is babysit The Client. Every assassin around needs to kill him. The Client needs to pick a tie. Their goals collide.Collective game, skirmish, skirmish sketch quest, art?, Solstar Security2016-04-10 1 
46600041The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] Conspiracy Part 1.5The party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution. Part 1.5 because it's very small.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Demonthrope, Tyranid, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2016-04-11 101 
46616424Grid-Lock Combat [Skirmish] #1Fledgling adventurers enter The Cave of Blunders for fame and glory or to save the smith kidnapped from the nearby town.Skirmish Quest, Grid-Lock Combat, Collective Game, Fenster2016-04-13 2 
46582411Floors- Subfloor 4, Salt Flats 1st LightWe enter the Salt Flats seeking the location of our lost allies.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-04-13 5 
46655687Kant-O-Celle Quest #142We finish up a phone call and talk with Arizona some more.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-14 9 
46660337Kant-O-Celle Quest #143Wee Willy Dee wakes up.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-14 9 
46657202Beast in the Sky Quest 4Isaac and crew work out plans to get into the governor of Ao's palace, then are treated to an unwelcome surprise...Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-14 6 
46674791Trapped in Da'ta Quest 24The building of the hall continues. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-04-14 9 
46591227InfilINC VI: Property ValueIt turns out assassination wetwork squads give a bulk discount. Peopl die.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-04-14 1 
46643590Grid-Lock [Skirmish] Town #2The group returns to town to recover from their failure and to prepare for the next expedition.Skirmish Quest, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-04-15 1 
46670179Banished Quest 189We take a nap, read some books, meditate on the nature of self, and meet with a spirit disciple.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-04-15 23 
46675887Beast in the Sky Quest 5Isaac and crew escapes the governor's palace with him in tow and makes it to his brother's, only to be given a new task.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-15 6 
46680181SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #27In which the protagonist is Mad Max in Kentucky, interrogates a mercenary, and undergoes PTSD.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-04-15 11 
46696515Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 10We face off against Ivory and come to grips with what we're meant to do.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, Plot2016-04-16 2 
46692821Saving Anime Quest (7)Half of the riddle is solved, questionable figures are met.Collective Game, Shit Thread Op, Saving Anime Quest2016-04-16 2 
46709947Shinigami Savant Quest #59Muramasa is cornered.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-04-16 37 
46716962Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 9)Some kids wanted to be the little girl. Some wanted to be Darth Vader. I say: Is it too much to ask for both?Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-17 39 
46710133Shinigami Quest Thread 32Honey cakeCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-04-17 4 
46632314Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6 part 3The NORD armored assault is repelled and the 3C consider their next move.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-04-17 1 
46730898Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 2Life on Mars.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-04-17 13 
46733329Kant-O-Celle Quest #144More dreams, and a dogfish interrupt.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-18 9 
46739108Kant-O-Celle Quest #145Continuation of last thread plus Q&A because planefag craps out.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-18 9 
46663351Grid-Lock Combat [Skirmish] #3 The 2nd Expedition Part 1The group returns to The Cave of Blunders yet againSkirmish Quest, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-04-18 1 
46732108Saving Anime Quest (8)The OP was a mistake, apart from that, new characters are introduced and we're off to a good startSaving Anime Quest, Collective Game, Shit Thread Op2016-04-18 0 
46756817Lamia Legacy Quest 68A Carriage Too Small. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-04-19 3 
46758297Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 10 Part 2We do some crime fighting and move onto the next arc.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai2016-04-19 2 
46766232Shitty Spookym QuestCertainly lives up to it's name.Shitty, The Spookster, SSQ, Collective Game2016-04-19 7 
46746496Grid-Lock Combat [Skirmish] #4 The 2nd Expedition Part 2 and TownSmith in tow, the group returns to town with victory in their hearts and riches lining their pockets.Skirmish Quest, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-04-20 2 
46675737InfilINC VII: Ethics Oversight Pt. 1We begin a new mission searching for a missing person.Collective Game, Skirmish Quest, Skirmish Sketch Quest, Agent, Solstar Security, art?2016-04-20 1 
46799516Kant-O-Celle Quest #146We talk to Shoukaku some over tea.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-21 9 
46804480Kant-O-Celle Quest #147“... I know all about the faeries,” you say sternly. “And if it's where your planes come from, I don't-”Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-21 9 
46796196Banished Quest 190We shoot Cthulhu and then break into R'lyeh to wreck up his shit.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-04-21 24 
46803220SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #28In which MacKay gets his turn to shine and channels his inner Crusader as our protagonist lies unconscious.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-04-21 13 
46811798 Dear Battle brother, I am in need of advice!Astartes Dating advice. Turns out Kriegers got the best moves. 40k, Space Marines, Chaos, Dating, Stupid silly /tg/ shit2016-04-22 2 
46822729Beast in the Sky Quest 6Isaac and crew face off against a group of bandits holed up in the Longfall mountains, then make their way back to Ao.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-22 6 
46743528InfilINC Ethics Oversight Pt IITeraline has been tracked to an inconspicious bar in the middle of nowhere. It's probably not going to be a trap.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-04-22 1 
46817052Saving Anime Quest (9)Somewhat of a slower episode with fewer anons playing. It's the beginning of the end (of this arc!)Saving Anime Quest, Collective Game, Shit Thread Op2016-04-22 2 
46790915 Dearth of Gods [skirmish]Dare You Die in My Magical Realm ?Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Dearth of Gods2016-04-22 2 
46818918Dearth of Gods 0.1 [skirmish]The dying drags onSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Dearth of Gods2016-04-23 1 
46842747Banished Quest 191We fight a disciple, launch an invasion, and dissect some poor bastard's soul.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-04-23 25 
46857981Be the BEG Chapter 22What mysteries do the relics hold?Collective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Evil Shit2016-04-23 7 
46840672Random Power Generation GameA champion of Slannesh is coming to do things to your orifices you cannot even imagine. Do you survive?Random Power Generation, Emperors Children, 40k, orifice invasion, slannesh, 2016-04-23 2 
46862526Trapped in Da'ta Quest 25Other players arrive at mapleburrow, and with them, trouble and drama. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-04-23 11 
46864093Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 10)Don't you wish your girlfriend was psycho. Like. Me?Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-24 31 
46864402The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] Conspiracy Part 2The party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Demonthrope, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2016-04-24 107 
46864573Banished Quest 192We dissect a mutant's soul, destroy reality, and then build it back up in our image.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-04-24 37 
46774253Grid-Lock Combat [Skirmish] #5 Faux Pass Part 1The group heads towards to Faux Pass to investigate an uprising of Inanimalia.Skirmish Quest, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-04-25 1 
46908531Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest Interlude Episode: Ivory MoonWe take a look at the origin of our greatest rival.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot, Interlude Episode2016-04-26 2 
2098Remilia QuestRemilia gets an abrupt awakening, and then decides to explore the forest. We also mess with oekaki.Remilia Quest, one shot, oekaki, drawquest, touhou, cirno2016-04-27 6 
3343Playing in the Shadows 1A metaquest style prologue with the shapeshifting MC deciding on how to spend his sabbatical.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC2016-04-27 6 
46949845Kant-O-Celle Quest #148After the events of last night, we wake up with Shoukaku on our lap...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-28 13 
46949672Banished Quest 193We recover after the trials of war.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-04-28 31 
46955101Kant-O-Celle Quest #149Experiments in ballistic trajectories.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-28 9 
46948039Marvel providing Lawyer Chum Never thought i would see the day that i would want GW to sue someonediscussion, lawsuit, IP, Lawyer, Marvel, Games Workshop, venom,2016-04-28 11 
46951386Beast in the Sky Quest 7Isaac and company have a night out on the town only to discover that someone hasn't been completely honest with them.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-28 5 
2454Ukrainian Landser Quest The story of Maksim, a conscripted Ukrainian on the eve of Operation Deadstick.WW2 Vignette, Collective Game, One Shot2016-04-28 6 
46945073Saving Anime Quest -Arc Finale-The Gran Finale we were waiting for. Also last quest on /tg/Saving Anime Quest, Collective Game, Shit Thread Op2016-04-28 0 
46917470Dearth of Gods [Skirmish] - The 2nd Offering"This was not the Death promised to us."Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Dearth of Gods2016-04-28 3 
46916178Grid-Lock Combat [Skirmish] #6 Faux Pass Part 2Armed with new weapons and skills, the group returns to the Faux Pass.Skirmish Quest, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-04-29 2 
46983702Shinigami Quest Thread 33A Dragon atop a mountainCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-04-30 4 
12922Banished Quest 194We begin the process of healing our soul and teach our companions the nature of the universe.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-04-30 35 
47002580Shinigami Savant Quest #60"The Refusal"Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-04-30 33 
4423Marvel comics quest. Choose your own superhero and go on an adventure, True Believer! This may involve weird sex fantasies and incredible journeys.Marvel, Comics, Capeshit, OPchooses2016-04-30 0 
May 2016
47008898Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 11)It just wouldn't be an RPG without save-scumming.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-05-01 35 
21205Kant-O-Celle Quest #150Kant-O-Celle Quest on the new boardCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-01 15 
46930685InfilINC Ethics Oversight 3It turns out the inconspicous bar in the middle of nowhere was a trap. Explosions, data, run-away AI and genetic tampering!Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-05-01 2 
18287Fate/THE Grand Order #1BIG MASTER nearly dies in a not-Stargate incident and wakes up with a robot arm and a Rider waifu. This week: setup. Next week: ACTION.Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Grand Order, Punished "Venom" Master, anime2016-05-01 3 
3861Australian World Domination QuestIt's literally all shitposting. Recommended for Australians.Collective Game, Australia, shitposting, drawquest, poorly drawn,2016-05-01 1 
47021388Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 3Standoff and Sabotage.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-05-01 15 
46996010Grid-Lock Combat [Skirmish] #7 General DiscussionDiscussion on changing the mechanicsSkirmish Quest, Wargame, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-05-01 1 
47025589Boruto Quest 46Takeshi hangs out with Ai, what could possibly go wrong?Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-05-02 14 
47006307 Dearth of General ThreadsGeneral Dearthing. Factions, campingSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Dearth of Gods2016-05-02 1 
10535Shadowrun Quest 1A Shadowrun Quest,we are a snake bodyguard.Shadowrun, Snake, Naga, Bodyguard2016-05-02 12 
9285Planet Forger Quest An ancient of the cosmos sets it's sights on a piece of the stars and builds a solar system. Filled with inspiration, /qst/ becomes God.Collective Game, Planet Forger Quest, So Much Kubo, Taman-Shud 2016-05-02 3 
40951Playing among the Shadows 2Masquerade begins; criminal intent; the first clues.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-02 4 
36336Your name is Neil Mcman - Act 2You wake up in a strange roof, your leg is broken and your home on fire.Collective Game, Drawquest, Neil Mcman, Healing Vodka, Mass Shooting, Yiff in Hell2016-05-02 6 
44321Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 11We go into the underground fight club to beat out some info.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot2016-05-03 1 
1752CIA QuestA journey into the mind of CIA agent Bill Wilson.Collective Game, CIA, Bane, Baneposting, Crashing This Plane2016-05-04 1 
47017743Grid-Lock Combat [Skirmish] #8 Gameplay UpdateThe mechanics of the game are changed and the characters are updated to reflect the new system. Skirmish Quest, Wargame, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-05-05 1 
51770Shadowrun Quest #2 snek on a boatShadowrun themed quest that puts the thread as a adept nagashadowrun, naga2016-05-05 0 
41675Shadowrun #2Snek on a boatshadowrun, snek, naga, adept2016-05-05 13 
47088343Beast in the Sky Quest 8Isaac and crew take some things up with Kakei regarding his "employees" and learns of a darker side to Tabby.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-05 6 
16737MSQ Rafale: Session 0Landing Gear came back with Rafale. . .Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear2016-05-06 1 
66456Contractor QuestWe go on our first big mission where we demonstrate our poor marksmanship, steal a safe and adopt a dog, while saving a VIP.Contractor, Collective Game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune,2016-05-06 10 
47040781ExfilINC I: Jailhouse RockOur misfit band of ne'rdowells wake up in a prison cell, about to be harvested for organs. Things escalate.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-05-06 1 
72480Contractor Quest #2Back home, we train, discover the base, meet our flatmate and the handler Tiffany, get more guns and gear, and choose our next missionContractor, Collective Game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-05-06 6 
47122658Beast in the Sky Quest 9Isaac discovers something deadly serious and must get to the bottom of it before things get much, much worse.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-07 5 
51273Fate/Broken Destinies As Frederick Ainsworth, join the Holy Grail War and bring fame to your familyFate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo2016-05-07 6 
47133146Shinigami Savant Quest #61The new order of things.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-05-07 35 
47137431Trapped in Da'ta Quest 26A drunken kiss, but was it regretted? At least Krovachi can't get hungover, because a certain bastard is coming to town, to make trouble.E Collective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-05-07 9 
47130927Grid-Lock Combat [Skirmish] #9 Bone Jangles part 1The Group suddenly find themselves in an unknown location.Skirmish Quest, Wargame, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-05-08 1 
47057365Dearth of Gods [Skirmish]-The 3rd OfferingThe Dearth of Light, of Hope of Safety. In the dark crawls a horror in red. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Dearth of Gods2016-05-08 1 
97108Black Company Quest #6The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We achieve a hat trick of awful rolls. And also kill our other bossBlack Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Shit rolls, No Parents, Daemons2016-05-09 26 
106793Playing among the Shadows 3Possibly captured, but the secrets of the twins might be worth it.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-10 5 
74836Shadowrun Quest #3 Snek HarderThe continued adventures of Frazzles the snek on a boatshadowrun, snake, naga, snek, adept2016-05-11 12 
47207354Beast in the Sky Quest 10Isaac gets closer and closer to solving the murder and discovers something that was almost left behind.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-12 5 
85592Early 1700's Adventure Part 1Young farm girl turned mercenary dreams of buying Iceland and learns to never trust cute swedes. Schizophrenia, Mount and Blade, Protestants are scum, 1700's, mercenary, Swedish treachery, Pirates.2016-05-12 1 
47209003SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #29In which our protagonist meets an Entity, praises MacKay’s initiative and explores the realm of the fae.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-05-13 11 
111956Contractor Quest 3We leave for Jakarta, get our first kill with the company, free future sex slaves, and collect more hard drives than we know what to do withContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-05-13 5 
74785Fate/Broken Destinies (2)We explore Yamaku and have our first fights. More main characters are introduced and we quarrel a bit with Saber.Fate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo 2016-05-13 2 
47233119Shinigami Quest Thread 34Shield and spear paradoxCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-05-14 2 
47251305Shinigami Savant Quest #62Riku vs MuramasaBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-05-14 35 
47250985Shinigami Quest Thread 35The girl with white hairCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-05-15 3 
47256263Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 12)I summon the Red-Eyes Blonde Dragon. In attack mode.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-05-15 29 
130392Kant-O-Celle Quest #151We re-enact Down Periscope, Chinese-style.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-15 16 
47267359Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 4Siege.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-05-15 14 
130635Contractor Quest 4We go clubbing, wake up in a hotel room, and agree to be on Solomon's tournament teamContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-05-15 4 
119739SUDSVENTUREControl three quasi-mobsters attempting to escape a small prison. Crit roll shenanigans occur.SUDSVENTURE, Prison, Crits, Multiple characters, Short,2016-05-16 1 
106207Fate/Broken Destinies (3)We join an alliance of magi to fight against the Masters at the school, and we learn more about the settingFate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo 2016-05-16 1 
47291019Boruto Quest 47Tailed beast edition. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-05-17 13 
47292901Shinobi Quest #1We ride through character creation, create the most spoiled ninja princess there ever was, and get team assignmentsCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-17 29 
123188Genre Shift 2Shift into the Japanese Dating Sim Genre. Hilarity EnsuesGenre Shift, Quest, Jaqk, Japanese, Dating Sim, Collective Game2016-05-17 4 
47207743Dearth of Gods [General] Faction loreSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Dearth of Gods2016-05-18 1 
47309315Shinobi Quest #2This thread, we do a bit of teambuilding, pick our weapons, meet Dad and your totally unassuming butler-teacher. Ohohoho~Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-18 23 
150592Kant-O-Celle Quest #152The continued operations of the 305 in the Sunda Strait.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-19 11 
47243833Dearth of Gods [Skirmish] - The 4th OfferingIn the hallowed crypts of the Dearth we continue to fight for our very souls. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Dearth of Gods2016-05-19 2 
142271Contractor Quest 5Solomon fanboys over an olympic sharpshooter, we play with new toys, and put down a competing squadContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-05-19 3 
142748Genre Shift 3Starting to Wrap up the Dating sim genre, we grow closer to our eventual allyGenre Shift, Quest, Jaqk, Japanese, Dating Sim, Collective Game2016-05-20 1 
47342116Beast in the Sky Quest 11Isaac and Tabby pay their respects at Blakkaz, then head back to the ship for more intrigue regarding the murders.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-20 3 
155090Banished Quest 195We're back after a long hiatus. We talk to a priest, read a book, and a companion reveals their PTSD.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-05-20 25 
47370110Shinigami Savant Quest #63Every villain leaves a mess.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-05-21 35 
47373387Trapped in Da'ta Quest 28The demon of smoke and burning moves against the Angelic Castussimex, and he's playing for keeps.The specter of death grins, but for whom?ECollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-05-21 8 
47375019Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 13)You wonder if aliens learn dances like the earthwalk instead of the moonwalk? And it's just stumbling in normal gravity? At KY,we do.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-05-22 39 
163980Kant-O-Celle Quest #153We speak to Parker. No, not Peter.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-22 13 
47359854SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #30In which our protagonist settles a disputed territory claim with explosive results. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-05-22 12 
123377Fate/Broken Destinies 4Fight with Berserker, Assassin and the theft of our precious music boxFate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo2016-05-22 3 
47387978Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 5Trace evidence.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-05-22 14 
47149881Grid-Lock Combat [Skirmish] #10 Bone Jangles part 2A member is lost and the party splits up in.Skirmish Quest, Retro-brawler, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-05-22 1 
47391838Shinobi Quest #3In this thread, we initiate a muffin heist, meet our Sensei Ebisu, take our first test as Genin, poke the bear (fox?), and go shopping. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-23 22 
47415244Shinobi Quest #4In this thread, we wax sentimental with our Maid, learn a bit about our father, head to Danzo's secret lair, and burn some chakra paper.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-24 25 
156681Genre Shift 4In which we complete the dating sim and gain an allyGenre Shift, Quest, Jaqk, Japanese, Dating Sim, Collective Game2016-05-24 3 
141390Fate/Broken Destinies 5This is it, guys! The narrative's arc finale!Fate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo2016-05-24 1 
47431719Shinobi Quest #5In this thread, we begin our training under Danzo, specifically the Shadow Clone Technique, then go out for a spa trip with Hinata.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-25 22 
163279Contractor quest 6We continue fighting in the tournament, and eliminate several teamsContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-05-25 4 
182485Kant-O-Celle Quest #154We talk to Goto about the [SPOILERS BECAUSE I ARCHIVED IT EARLY]Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-26 14 
47458885Trapped in Da'ta Quest 29The battle between angel and Demon continues. Smoke and ash vs Flame and fluff. Of course, one side doesn't play fair at all. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-05-26 8 
173691Genre Shift 5Puns, Murders, Genres, and wizard/monksGenre Shift, Quest, Jaqk, Fishing Sim, Collective Game2016-05-27 2 
191342Banished Quest 196We get our ass kicked and meditate with our companions all while Soma shitpost.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-05-28 26 
47488661Shinigami Savant Quest #64What is a Hollow? A miserable pile of misery... and Spanish.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-05-28 35 
47494701Shinobi Quest #6In this thread, Tsuki and Company go on their first official mission. (And it doesn't involve cats or weeds!) Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-29 24 
200524Kant-O-Celle Quest #155We converse with Goto on what to do about the Yakuza.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-30 14 
47509621Lamia Legacy Quest 69Hurry up and fret.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-05-30 4 
47511689Shinobi Quest #7In this thread, feels. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki, Ebisu2016-05-30 37 
June 2016
47540346Super Substitute Shinigami Quest #1Enter, The New Substitute Shinigami! The Revival of Sasaki Kojiro!Collective Game, Bleach, Super Substitute Shinigami2016-06-01 4 
190236Genre Shift 6Slow Updates and Bad Drawing. The normal ShtickGenre Shift, Quest, Jaqk, Collective Game, Drawquest2016-06-01 1 
47547792Shinobi Quest #8In this thread, post-mission chats with Guy & Lee, Nori & Kushina, Danzo, and Hinata. We also plan release training, and meet smug Neji.Collective Game, Shinobi Quest, Naruto, Tsuki2016-06-01 22 
47408380Grid-Lock Combat [Skirmish] #11 Bone Jangles part 3An abomination is discovered and then slain shortly after.Skirmish Quest, Retro-brawler, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-06-01 1 
47557554Super Substitute Shinigami Quest #2Our heroine faces the most diabolical opponent of all: Japanese Middle-School bullying.Collective Game, Bleach, Super Substitute Shinigami Quest, Shinigami2016-06-02 3 
212248Banished Quest 197We learn of an interesting meditation technique, fug the waifu, and receive an ominous warning.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-06-02 24 
47582962Beast in the Sky Quest 12Isaac talks business with some fellow traders.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-06-03 3 
204454Contractor Quest 7We keep fighting and the tournament endsContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-06-03 2 
208134Shallow Waters Evo Game Part 1The first thread of the shallow waters biological evo game.evo, shallow, waters, evolution, Shallow Waters,2016-06-03 7 
47589791Shipping Container ContentsThe party has inherited a storage facility, what do?RPG, Shipping Container, Not That Kind of Shipping, Brainstorming, Delta Green, Campaign Fodder2016-06-04 27 
47599084Shinobi Quest #9In this thread, we theorize with Hinata, talk about weapons with Tenten, work on our release with Danzo, and meet our new sensei.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-04 22 
47610461Shinigami Savant #65The Featherweight Champion of the World tries her hand at diplomacy.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-04 36 
47613680Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 14)Akira was supposed to be an optional boss in the new DOOM but the fight was pulled for being too violent.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-06-05 39 
47615666Shinobi Quest #10In this thread, we get poked by Itachi, and initiate timeskip training. Results Guaranteed! Also, we finally develop the Stellar Release.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-05 22 
209097Genre Shift 7We bought a hill. Slight art upgrade. Slight.Genre Shift, Quest, Jaqk, Collective Game, Drawquest2016-06-05 2 
217294Shallow Waters Evo Game part 2Shallow Waters continues, now with land and humanoids!evo, evolution, shallow waters, shallow, waters, evogame, Shallow Waters2016-06-05 3 
226262Kant-O-Celle Quest #156“A bald eagle,” you hiss, “named Colbert. Obama might've made pork fly, but I'll be thrice fucked before I let you fly that shit past ME!”Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-06-05 20 
47631043Trapped in Da'ta Quest 30Krovachi's adventure's in her and Katie's shared body.They'll probably be bloody and horrible, if she doesn't behave at least. Early arCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-06-05 11 
47611943SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #31In which our protagonist bonds with his squad, exchanges information, and visits a museum.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-06-06 13 
47654023Shinobi Quest #11In this thread, Tsuki meets a military dictator, learns about her dad's business practices, and watches Neji's semi-final match against HyCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-07 23 
47669812Shinobi Quest #12In this thread, Tsuki watches the final two matches of the chunin exams, and buys snacks for the group. Feat. Naruto, Neji and Sai.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-08 22 
47602706 Dearth of Gods [Skirmish] - The 5th Offering We f o u g h t on. Not knowing what was here in this world. In fact only knowing how to fight.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Dearth of Gods2016-06-08 1 
47663147ExfilINC I: Jailhouse Rock p2Crashing a mid-riot prison facility, shots are fired and wardens are tackled.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-06-08 1 
243850Banished Quest 198Our son gets a new toy and we build our wizard tower in the middle of the ocean.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-06-11 23 
47726570Shinigami Savant Quest #66Live from the former Eastern Bloc.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-11 31 
47743407Shinigami Savant Quest #66.5A continuation of the last (short) thread.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-12 31 
47741446Lamia Legacy Quest 70Where we arrive too late.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-06-13 3 
47764560Shinobi Quest #13In this thread, we have the ultimate in Daddy/Daughter moments, and have a nice dream. Thread cut short by the evils of Comcast. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-14 25 
47780329Shinobi Quest #14In this thread, our teams interact before heading off to separate missions. Tsuki gets briefed, and we settle into our campsite. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-15 24 
252997The Island Rogue-like Take 1The Survival Quest with frequent Permadeath. Choose your gifts and try to survive longer than a single thread.Island One-Shot Rogue-like Permadeath2016-06-16 5 
261555The Island Rogue-like Take 2The Survival Quest with frequent Permadeath. Choose your gifts and try to survive longer than a single thread.Island One-Shot Rogue-like Permadeath2016-06-16 3 
238811Mage Academy 001Please archive your stuff here as well! // A normie with high magic potential ends up in a mage academy. He has no idea what he's in for.Collective Game, Mage Academy, Hardmode, Handshaking2016-06-17 1 
254197Contractor Quest 8We party the night away, choose a mission, buy some gear, and get on a plane.Contractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-06-17 4 
47801590Wonderful Days [Skirmish]Upon the 15th Spring of your birth you have begun your education to serve your nation here in the Helena River Camp.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Wonderful Days2016-06-18 8 
47827336Beast in the Sky Quest 13Isaac has some chats with his crew.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-06-18 2 
47825573Irinora Quest (Oneshot)The tale of a demon princess and her efforts to retrieve her missing crown. Also includes a duo with stupid amounts of sexual tension.Collective Game, Irinora Quest, Oneshot2016-06-18 5 
47810191Skirmish General: Floors PortraitsSkirmish general thread.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Floors, Monday2016-06-18 5 
270676Banished Quest 199We meditate, experiment a little, meditate some more, talk about dicks, and then meet the emissary of the Gods.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-06-18 22 
47837698Shinigami Savant Quest #67A CLONE OF HER OWN.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-18 32 
47841823Trapped in Da'ta Quest 31An invitation to the capital city of Toladar? Well isn't that quite an honor. But it seems not everyone loves our angel. Early archiveCollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-06-18 8 
47842975Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 15)E3 refuses to show the KY video game due to 'nightmarishly excessive violence'. So for the time being, we're doing it here.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-06-19 9 
47844386Shinobi Quest #15 (Big Money Edition)In this thread, Tsuki and friends come across a village under attack, suffer from nightmares,and hunt brigands while engaging in capitalism!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-19 23 
254525Genre Shift 8Jrpg stuff. Exp, Level up, the works.Genre Shift, Quest, Jaqk, Collective Game, Drawquest2016-06-19 1 
47856286Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 6STRAIGHT TO THE MOON, ALICE.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-06-19 14 
47837763Vanguard I: Old Farm Blues [Skirmish]A new skirmish game, most of us do nothing while Barnaby kills everything.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Vanguard, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2016-06-20 5 
47834972Wonderful Days [General]Character advancement, school teams and refugees, oh my!Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Wonderful Days2016-06-21 6 
47882119Shinobi Quest #16In this thread, maximum ohohos, Tsuki gets backhanded, and the team infiltrates the brigand hole-in-the-wall.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-21 22 
282994The Island Rogue-like Take 3The Near-sighted Bodybuilder Bill still doesn't manage to break the 70 post record. It might be time to shift some rules.Island, One-Shot, Rogue-like, Permadeath2016-06-22 2 
47901790Shinobi Quest #17In this thread, Tsuki, Lee, and Itachi fight the samurai, Yojimbo. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-22 23 
276655Hill Giant Civ Quest IVAfter the events of Amberly, the giants and humans agreed to a year-long ceasefire. These are the events that transpired during it.Hill Giant Civ Quest IV, hill giant, Hill Giant Civ Quest, Collective Game, Civilization, civ, shitty dragon battle2016-06-22 1 
282042Contractor Quest #9We landnin Nepal, take a Buddhist temple, and get some important bits shot off.Contractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-06-23 3 
47916886SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest - Interlude 3We return to 1875, and Annette Turner descends into the rabbit hole. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-06-24 7 
47940265Wonderful Days Cycle 01 [General]Gunshow PatchSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Wonderful Days2016-06-24 5 
47956649Shinigami Savant Quest #68The Reigai strike back.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-25 31 
47960045Trapped in Da'ta Quest 32The road to Toladar is long...and very boring. Of course that's if all goes well, who knows when a monster can come searching for a fight.ECollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-06-25 9 
47961141Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 16)Nothing is what it seems.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-06-26 30 
302585Banished Quest 200We converse with the Paramatma, agree to inform the Shah of its existence, and hopefully reach Elaudia.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-06-26 23 
47972472Shinigami Savant Quest #68.5Continuing where we left off last time.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-26 29 
47944201Wonderful Days [Skirmish] - Skirmish on the Transatlantic SuperHighwayTeam Lupe and Team Dragon fight each other to determine the acceptance of new students. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Wonderful Days2016-06-27 5 
47980552Shinobi Quest #18In this thread, Tsuki and friends go to the hot springs, and meet some VERY interesting people. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-27 23 
298190Hero Guardian Quest #6As the climax for The Grim Knight Arc arrives, Captain Lin comes face to face with more than she bargained for and discovers something new. Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen2016-06-27 25 
48016867Shinobi Quest #19In this thread, Tsuki and friends return home to give their report- and exchange harsh words with a bitter old man. Also, headpokes. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-29 23 
309752Cyborg Mercenary Quest: Thread IWe're introduced to our go-getter cyborg heroine, cause chaos in a night club and are stylish as hell. At least five people die.cyborg mercenary quest, cyberpunk, masheenQM2016-06-30 2 
July 2016
315597Contractor Quest #10We defeat the human wave attack, get shot again, and put down an internationally wanted killerContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-07-01 2 
48067048Shinobi Quest #20In this thread, Tsuki says hi to dad, grills Danzo about Orochimaru and Akatsuki, and declares her intent to win the Chunin Exams! Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-02 23 
48075842Shinigami Savant Quest #69A change of scenery and a new threat.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-07-02 30 
48024743Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadAfter a long hiatus, 3C is back, and it's members organize for the next mission.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-02 5 
321081Cyborg Mercenary Quest: Thread IIWe meet some of our associates, get a new contract and buy some upgrades. The QM also wrestles with their Internet connection a lot.cyberpunk, Cyborg Mercenary Quest, masheenQM2016-07-03 1 
330036Banished Quest 201We read some books, chat with an old man, and finally leave Nazir. Last thread's description slightly inaccurate.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-07-03 22 
321045Hero Guardian Quest #7Raubtier find herself facing a trial of execution and Aiguo, the Human Hunter is introduced.Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-03 15 
47980290 Wonderful Days [Skirmish] - Skirmish on the Transatlantic SuperHighway. Final.Smoke cleared the klaxons blare as the blue car carrying a wounded android lurches its way across the finish line signalling the match's enSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Wonderful Days2016-07-04 5 
48094202Lamia Legacy Quest 71We find out about family.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-07-04 5 
48135734Shinobi Quest #21In this thread, fan favorite Team MEGA MILK unites, and Tsuki begins a training montage.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-06 24 
301942Ultimate Human Civ quest! Part 1The birth of the Callassian Empirecollective game, Ultimate Human Civ, shmeh, Civ,2016-07-08 1 
338353Hero Guardian Quest #8SoL exposition and the Red Flower answers questions. The new fifth member of Team 2 is revealed!Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-08 16 
351463Beast in the Sky Quest 14RIPSky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-07-09 0 
48194028Shinigami Savant Quest #70Attack of the Clones.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-07-09 34 
48196126Trapped in Da'ta Quest 33The whispering canyons, cut off the eastern forests and plains of Toladar from the rest kingdom. And it's a haven for bandits and beasts. ECollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-07-09 8 
48208471Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 7Bloody pirates.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-07-10 11 
342044Contractor Quest #11We get yelled at by mom, get a new hand, and Handler is misled concerning errands.Contractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-07-11 2 
48214977Shinobi Quest #22In this thread, Tsuki greets her returning sensei, and embarks with her team into a dangerous new mission into the Land of Wind.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-11 24 
356970Banished Quest 202We get insulted, slit our throat, and set off for Elaudia on dragonback.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-07-11 23 
48153739Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 8/9The Mad Kaus are put down and several people step on a mine.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-11 3 
48217177SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #32In which our protagonist finds some clues, stakes out an orphanage, and runs in the nineties.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-07-12 12 
353401Hero Guardian Quest #9Captain Lin is informed of her team's mission and they set off towards the western front. Meanwhile, a "new" villain is introduced!Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-13 13 
48120569Wonderful Days [Skirmish] - Fire DownTeams Dragon and Magick investigate the aftermath of a down-town bombing, but find cultists, salamanders and alcohol. Encrypt decrypt is hOiSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Wonderful Days 2016-07-13 5 
48265221Shinobi Quest #23In this thread, Tsuki and company meet the shinobi working with Lemeza's competitors, watch the sun rise, and start exploring some ruins. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-14 23 
48279620Trapped in Da'ta Quest 34After finally reaching the capital, Krovachi discovers a new danger in the world, Politics. This is going to be a long day. Early archive.Collective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-07-14 8 
48238231Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 9 part 2The Mountain stronghold is slowly and painfully cleared out. Mech, Merc, Collective Game, Mecha Mercs, Cognis, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-15 2 
358015Contractor Quest #11.5We get home from Athens, do some shopping, and prepare for a dateContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-07-15 1 
338297Ultimate Human Civ quest! Part 2We win a war and tech upcollective game, Ultimate Human Civ, shmeh, Civ, Callassia2016-07-15 1 
48307155Shinigami Savant Quest #71He copied WHICH Unohana!?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-07-16 33 
48300893Mecha Mercs Skirmish Hanger ThreadThe 3C honour their dead and the command structure gets reorganized.Mech, Merc, Collective Game, Mecha Mercs, Cognis, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-17 3 
370138Hero Guardian Quest #10Captain Lin and her team set out into the Western Front where dangers, loss, and revelations await them!Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-17 15 
378378Black Company Quest #12The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT puts duty before lewds, sneaks into town and is afraid of dogs.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cunning Plan, Grenn are NOT furries shut up2016-07-18 25 
384840Banished Quest 203We promise a little girl magic lessons and discover and alchemical wonderland.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-07-19 24 
48346020Shinobi Quest #23In this thread, Tsuki and Co. continue exploring the ruins. Grim truths and grisly secrets await in it's depths, along with an old friend. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-19 22 
48340789ExfilINC I: Parking Lot BluesThe hunt for a car leads to interrupting a mexican stand off.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-07-20 2 
48338349Mecha Mercs Skirmish Hanger ThreadThe 3C consider their options and organize for their next deployment.Mech, Merc, Collective Game, Mecha Mercs, Cognis, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-21 2 
394819Lizard Queen Quest 1Erika meets some friendly lizard folk, sets her family on fire, and plays some fantasy chess.Collective Game, Fantasy, Lizard Queen Quest, Shou2016-07-22 1 
48419411Shinigami Savant Quest #72Tea House Oath.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-07-23 33 
390650Contractor Quest #12We go on a date, have a timeskip, get bamboozled, kidnap a billionaire,and steal a boatContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-07-24 2 
392101Hero Guardian Quest #11A new Human PoV offers some insight while Captain Lin faces the aftermath of Jin's death.Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-24 14 
48434491Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 8... and the cargo was people!Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-07-24 11 
405516You Awake in Westeros Quest 4Thanatos is retarded. Shakespeare and Tyrioncollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-07-24 1 
48386710Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 10The 3C escort a refugee convoy and pwn some bandits.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-25 2 
48440682Shinobi Quest #24In this thread, Tsuki and friends stave off the Zetsu hoard, generally roll well, and escape the ruins- the welcoming party sucks, though.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-25 27 
390997Stuck in an RPG QuestWe're back! With plot twists galore!Stuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Punished 'Venom' Bob2016-07-26 1 
414249Banished Quest 204We meditate upon the heart of a city and adopt a little girl after teaching her magic.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-07-27 23 
48451308Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 11The 3C raid a suburban distillery and encounter their first B.O.S.SCognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-29 2 
418634You Awake in Westeros Quest 5You spend some time at the Wall and say goodbye to Benjen.collective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-07-30 3 
48517642Altered Human Quest 2Mike feels out his powers some more and finds that his mysterious assassin is something else.Collective Game, Altered Human, superpowers, MIND CRUSH2016-07-30 4 
424186Starship Idols Quest #1The formation of the Starship Idols GroupCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-07-30 10 
416863Hero Guardian Quest #12Team 2 finishes their mission, and discovers something disturbing about the Human leader.Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-30 21 
48525283Shinobi Quest #25In this thread, Itachi and Shisui square off, and the horde of Zetsu make their return. &#6050;&#6098;&#6035;&#6016;&#6016;&#6070;&#Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-30 23 
48535636Shinigami Savant Quest #73Senna and Ishida have a bad time.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-07-30 34 
48539204Trapped in Da'ta Quest 35Life in big cities is different than life on the road, but no less dangerous, when its a city of fanatics. Early Archive.Collective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-07-30 7 
48376920Wonderful Days [Skirmish] - Operation DOWNFIRE pt 2Giant fire breathing not-dragons, shenanigans, and a trial of the dragon take place.skirmish quest, monday, wonderful days, collective game,2016-07-31 0 
48542064Shinobi Quest #26In this thread, Tsuki interacts with some rabbits, and departs from the Land of Wind. Asian Moot is revealed as the true villain all along. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-31 23 
48535884Vanguard II: Neighbourhood WatchAfter the screw-up in Argetina, things are re-organized and Vanguard deploys to a perfectly normal suburban home. Owned by vampires.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Vanguard, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2016-07-31 2 
432192Hero Guardian Quest #13SoL EditionCollective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-31 18 
August 2016
48555856Lamia Legacy Quest 72In which we unwind.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-08-01 5 
48586784The Martian War/tg/ dicusses the idea of a campaign set during WWII fighting Martians from War of the Worlds. war, world building, mars, warships, creative, HMS Exeter, War of the Worlds, WW22016-08-04 6 
48516474Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 11 part 2 and Mission 12The second part of the B.O.S.S fight and raid while the recruits get their first mission escorting a Red Crux charity teamCognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-08-04 3 
48548107Wonderful Days [General]=ARMS SECURITY PATCH Cycle 2.5=Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Wonderful Days2016-08-04 3 
443568Starship Idols Quest #2The last Idol to recruit and assigning the ClassesCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-08-05 5 
441678You Awake in Westeros Quest 6We journey to King's Landing.collective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-08-07 2 
48569222Vanguard III: PartycrashersVanguard operatives infiltrate into a seemingly normal party. Hosted by an invoker.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Vanguard, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2016-08-07 2 
48467089Grid-Lock [Skirmish]: High TidesAfter repairing the house, the group explores the nearby swamp. (Spring Cleaning here: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/48260624/)Skirmish Quest, Retro-brawler, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-08-07 1 
441240Contractor Quest #13We call our boss, find a fucked up trophy room, and engage in gratuitous brutalityContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-08-08 3 
48698389Shinobi Quest #27In this thread, Tsuki has a long chat with Danzo, and meets Hiruzen Sarutobi. Exam planning begins.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-09 23 
48708304Traveller Character Creation Part 2After rolling Captain Denglebert Jones, we roll Eszeph Ryan, semi-corrupt Star Lawyer.Shou2016-08-10 5 
48653807Mecha Mercs Skirmish Hanger ThreadA nuke has been dropped, nothing is the same and the 3C argue furiously over the course their future will take.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-08-10 2 
48691803Vanguard IV: StakeoutHankering for some R&R, Vanguard goes spelunking in a perfectly normal cave system. It's full of 9 century old vampires.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Vanguard, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2016-08-10 2 
48719849/tg/ plays tic-tac-toeOP challenges /tg/ to tic-tac-toe, hilarity ensues.tic-tac-toe, /tg/, shitposting2016-08-11 38 
48639588Grid-Lock [Skirmish] High Tides Finish and HubThe group finishes off the last few hostiles in the swamp and take a well deserved break.Skirmish Quest, Grid-Lock Combat, Fenster, Collective Game2016-08-11 1 
451871Hero Guardian Quest #14The Climax of the Western Front Arc, in which Captain Lin participates in a huge assault and face off against the Masked Twins! Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-08-12 23 
48748011Shinobi Thread #28In this thread, Tsuki and Team hold a strategy conference, Tsuki plays chicken with Shikamaru, and we get SWOLE.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-12 23 
48762624Shinobi Quest #29In this thread, Tsuki sees some of the foreign competition for the exam, discusses her worries with Danzo, then hopefully the Exams start.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-13 22 
456673You Awake in Westeros Quest 7King's Landing Anticscollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-08-14 4 
48740386Vanguard V: WolfdenVanguard goes to Münich and enjoy the serene city. They visit perfectly normal noodle shop. It turns out to be full of gunmen and demons.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Vanguard, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2016-08-14 2 
48783388Shinobi Thread #30In this thread, the Chunin Exams begin! We meet Neji's mystery partner, intimidate Shikamaru, and take a test. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-14 24 
471693Bullshit Quest - Thread #1Where the goals don't matter, the enemies are shit, and OP is a faggot.bullshit, quest, comedy, fun, RPG, Manhorse, karma, combat, PvP, PvE, demons, angels, challenging2016-08-14 5 
478630JJBA:HV????????????????????????????????????????Meme, Collective Game, Shitpost2016-08-16 0 
447985BioArmor Quest: 1st VHS80's cult classic Bio Armor Manu Beetalion presented in glorious low definition. Contains all of episode one and part of episode two.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-08-16 -9 
48826928Spanish Civil War Jojo questWe make a character and flee from THE LAW. Early archive.Collective Game, JoJo, Spanish Civil War, SCWJ, Quest,2016-08-16 2 
48845717Spanish Civil War Jojo quest #2Enter: The Pillar Men.Collective Game, JoJo, Spanish Civil War, SCWJ, Quest, DungeonQM2016-08-17 2 
466134Starship Idols #3Lunch time and home timeCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-08-19 3 
486355Starship Idols Quest #4Camp Sugar WatkinsCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-08-19 6 
48858350Systems Are Offline [Test Skirmish]A sword art online bootleg skirmish where magic and projectile weapons are nowhere to be seen. Currently testing out the PvP mechanics. Skirmish Quest, Systems Are Offline, Fenster, Collective Game2016-08-19 0 
48874838Shinobi Quest #31In this thread, Tsuki and Company go over the aftermath of the 1st round of exams, and enter the Forest of Death for the revamped 2nd round!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-19 24 
48888852Shinigami Savant Quest #74Well THAT escalated quickly.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-08-20 38 
484582Movie Crashing Quest: Wrecked it RalphLed by the God tier QM, we crash a classic movie.Collective Game, Movie Crashing Quest, God Tier GM, God Tier QM2016-08-20 25 
48876421Shrunken PCsA blatant fetish thread with some interesting ideas for shrunken adventures.shrunk, giantess2016-08-21 0 
48926594Shinobi Quest #32 (Stellar Edition)In this thread, Tsuki meets a Snake. (We also finally drop the Stellar Bomb.)Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-22 32 
48903031Vanguard VI: MoonwolfThe annual company picnic looks to be cancelled because of a pending apocalypse. Vanguard travels to outer space to preserve the picnic. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Vanguard, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2016-08-23 2 
479511You Awake in Westeros Quest 8Dragonstone Shenanigans + Miracollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-08-23 2 
48941402Am I shadowrunA thread where people compare how Shadowrun they are.Shadowrun2016-08-25 2 
504017Banished Quest 205Short thread after a long hiatus, we introduce the spoopy loli to our son and decide to clone ourself.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-08-25 22 
48844446Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 13The 3C attempt to capture an arms dealerCognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-08-25 6 
48994395Shinobi Quest #33In this thread, Tsuki meets a sad rabbit, escapes from the Forest of Death, and smooches a psychopath.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-26 26 
486853Contractor Quest #14We loot a yacht, steal a bed, talk to our team, and get a tour of the TitanContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-08-26 0 
49026403Trapped in Da'ta Quest 36An Angel locked up in a cage away from her friends.Krovachi is going a bit stir crazy from being kept in the grand chapel alone for weeks.EACollective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-08-27 10 
49028966Shinobi Quest #34In this thread, the Prelims of the Third Round begins! Matches 1 - 7, including Tsuki's match with Dosu. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-28 26 
September 2016
507934You Awake in Westeros Quest 9William goes on a whirlwind adventurecollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-09-01 2 
512440Movie Crashing Quest: Wrecked it Ralph Pt.2The Crashing of a Beloved Disney Film that serves as a love-letter to Video Games continues as led by a God Tier GM.Collective Game, Movie Crashing Quest, God Tier GM, God Tier QM2016-09-01 0 
49122876Shinobi Quest #35In this thread, we resume the Chunin Exams in control of Hinata for her fight against Neji!Prelims end~Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-02 27 
522673Starship Idols Quest #5The Dismounted Citadel Course and a bit of drinking to go with it.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-09-03 5 
49153436Boruto Quest 48Takeshi gets back to the village after his mission. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-09-04 20 
519369Contractor Quest #14.5We get home, do some shopping, complain about head, and descend on some urban youthsContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-09-04 1 
531225Movie Crashing Quest: The Crashing of Evangeleon (or, The End of Evangelion)As Requested by an Anonymous Player, we are going to crash the anime film that was The End of Evangelion as led by Ishmael.Ishmael, Collective Game, Movie Crashing Quest, God Tier GM, God Tier QM2016-09-04 0 
49169225Lamia Legacy Quest 73In which we poke at mysteries.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-09-05 4 
49190183Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 1: RebirthKimi Kemuri, a girl with white hair, wakes up in the Rukongai with only tattered memories of her old life and a grand destiny. Early archiveCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-05 20 
49071539Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 14The 3C prepare to defend the HQ of the International Desert Task Force from a Zanvran assault.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-09-06 2 
515627Planetary Governor Quest #1Planetary Governor Quest, run by ShmehWarhammer 40k, Planetary Governor Quest, Shmeh2016-09-06 12 
542442Crashing End Of Evangelion: Thread Two (AKA, Movie Crashing Quest: The Crashing of Evangeleon (or, The End of Evangelion) Part 2)Ishmael continues the epic crashing of The End Of Evangelion.Ishmael, Collective Game, Movie Crashing Quest, God Tier GM, God Tier QM 2016-09-07 0 
49232347Shinobi Quest #36In this thread, more feels. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-08 25 
538234Planetary Governor Quest #2In which we raise our PDF, see off an ork WAAAGH, argue for hours, give band-aids to an inquisitor, and attend a party.Warhammer 40k, Planetary Governor Quest, Shmeh2016-09-09 7 
49250139Shinobi Quest #37In this thread, Tsuki talks to a Goddess- and makes a choice on her upcoming training. Promise!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-09 24 
506638The Garden of CripplesAfter a mysterious accident, Hisao Nakai wakes up with a strange power: he can see the 'death' of things, and a strange creature haunting The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-09 13 
49262605Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 2: StudyKimi starts to study and train to become a proper soul reaper, along with her cheerful little friend Aya. Early archive.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-09 18 
49269207Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 2: Study part 2Kimi draws attention to herself after she beat the Shin'&#333; academy's zanjutsu instructor in a drawn out duel.But is it good or bad attCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-10 14 
49200368Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 14 part 2The defence is wrapped up and the 3C pause to mull over the implications.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-09-10 2 
49273753Final Solution of Quest Question Quest 47A mod cracks, loses control of their life at 4AM server time, sneakily banning quests 4ever. Conclusion of his long-run quest thread series.Autism, Samefagging, Ignorance, Incompetent Management, Zero Wage, Live With Your Shame2016-09-10 23 
515623The Garden of Cripples-2With the help of Professor Mutou, we discover more about the nature of our powers and about the organization known as the Demon HuntersThe Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-10 8 
549845Shinigami Savant Quest #75In which everyone is mad, because the people in charge are morons. So fucking topical.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-09-10 33 
551593Trapped in Da'ta Quest 37A member of the party has died. The old warrior thunder has passed on. And Krovachi and friends have to deal with his passing.Early archive.Collective Game, Trapped in Da'ta Quest, The headmaster, trapped in a video game, trapped in a MMO, fresh start2016-09-10 7 
552811Banished Quest 206We try to figure out what's going on with our clone.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-09-11 21 
555892Bullshit Quest - Thread #2A small group finds a strange new world full of memes and evil-- good thing nobody knows what the fuck they're doing.bullshit quest, hard, bullshit, fighting, memes, karma, lewd, Collective Game2016-09-11 1 
513726BioArmor Quest: 2nd VHSIn which we continue our marathon of the early 90's OVA classic Bio Armor Manu: BeetalionCollective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-09-12 -10 
557229Hyuga Quest #1The IJN Hyuga supports the Wake Island invasion, sinks the USS Louisville, and gets a small refit.Hyuga Quest, Wargame, WW2, Collective Game, Hyuga, Pacific, Pacific War, Battleship2016-09-13 2 
555791Movie Crashing Quest: The Crashing of Evangeleon aka, 42 Crashing End Of Evangelion: Thread 3"LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Ishmael pulls a full on Rocky in The final showdown of The End Of Evangelion.Ishmael, Collective Game, Movie Crashing Quest, God Tier GM, God Tier QM2016-09-13 1 
567971Shinobi Quest #38In this thread, we migrate to /qst/, and have a very serious conversation with Danzo, and see Yoru's true face.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-14 23 
49321125Ramesh and Kumar Go To the Inventor's FairFun look at artifacts old and new with Kumar, inventor who keeps forgetting the off button, and Ramesh his long suffering roommate. Magic the Gathering, Kaladesh, Kumar, Ramesh, Artifacts, KUMAAARR, off button, funny2016-09-14 22 
540507You Awake in Westeros Quest 10Anons around Westeros move the plot forward!collective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-09-15 1 
575362Boruto Quest 49Takeshi trains with his teammate Ai.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-09-16 13 
576988Shinobi Quest #39Tsuki finally trains for the final round of the exams.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki, finally2016-09-16 23 
525533The Garden of Cripples-3Hisao starts looking for Kenji, his former classmate, who is also suspected of being a Vampire. The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-16 8 
580324Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 3: HollowKimi has learned the name of her Zanpakut&#333;, and has become the talk of the Seireitei, much to her dismay. Early archive.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-16 15 
580430 Movie Crashing Quest: The Crashing of Evangeleon (or, ) Thread 4 The Final Showdown Continues in The End of EvangelionIshmael, Collective Game, Movie Crashing Quest, God Tier GM, God Tier QM2016-09-16 0 
584469Shinigami Savant Quest #76The Substitute.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-09-17 31 
571305Starship Idols Quest #6Suits and MarsCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-09-17 5 
557577Planetary Governor Quest #3Had some fun with the chaos space marinesWarhammer 40k, Planetary Governor Quest, Shmeh2016-09-18 5 
579217Cyber Demon Quest #1Your name used to be John Smith, mild mannered cracker in the city of Neo York. Now you're the Steelshape called Saurian, and you're hungrCyber Demon Quest, Collective Game, Game-Like Quest, Cyberpunk, Shin Megami Tensei, Deus Ex, Creative Deaths, Gore, OP protagonists2016-09-19 12 
597492To CallMeIshmael and Other Players who successfully crashed The End of EvangelionA Special Statement by God Tier GM for the Successful Crashing of The End of EvangelionCollective Game, Movie Crashing Quest, God Tier GM, God Tier QM, Thank You.2016-09-19 -3 
593689Hyuga Quest #1Hyuga scores three more kills at the opening of the invasion of the Dutch East Indies. We also decide technologies to request from Germany.Hyuga Quest, Wargame, WW2, Collective Game, Hyuga, Pacific, Pacific War, Battleship2016-09-19 2 
599357Shinobi Quest #40In this thread, the Exam Brackets are released, Tsuki concocts a cunning scheme, buys a business, and develops afterglow. Anons get scared. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-20 23 
563024Contractor Quest #15We unfuck the flashbang situation, capture an HVT, and try out the 3d10 systemContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-09-20 2 
607807Lamia Legacy Quest 74Testing the waters. Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-09-22 2 
555354The Garden of Cripples-4Kenji is dead, and for the first time you have to face your nature. At the same time, school accidents are multiplying. The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-22 6 
606293BioArmor Quest: 3rd VHSIn which we finally become the BioArmor.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-09-23 -13 
614659Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 4: Bloodless PeaceA week after Killing her first hollow, Kimi returns to her studies. But will she find any peace in them? Early archiveCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-23 13 
612411Shinobi Quest #41 "Fucking Long" EditionIn this thread, Tsuki learns things, talks to people, and the Finals of the Third Round begin. Hinata vs. Lee and Tsuki vs. Nori. Long.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-25 25 
625740Hyuga Quest #3 The Indian Ocean raidHyuga Quest, Wargame, WW2, Collective Game, Hyuga, Pacific, Pacific War, Battleship2016-09-26 1 
625447Banished Quest 207A friend saves our ass, we take a nap, and enter aforementioned friend to meditate and fuck around with their thoughts.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-09-26 24 
587367You Awake in Westeros Quest 11Assassinations and blood magiccollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-09-26 1 
632432Boruto Quest 50Takeshi makes his way to the Owl village. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-09-28 15 
600413Spanish Civil War Jojo quest #3We find a Hamon master, and forget where we left the mask...Collective Game, JoJo, Spanish Civil War, SCWJ, Quest, DungeonQM2016-09-28 2 
589584The Garden of Cripples-5It's time. We will rescue our friend and kill the Dead Apostle, no matter what!The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-28 5 
49420254Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 15The 3C nab Dr. Ammerit and discover the truth about the ongoing war.Mecha, Mercs, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish, Cognis, mech2016-09-28 4 
638657Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 5: ChoicesKimi continues tutoring her student,Byakuya Kuchiki.But,She also has to make some choices that will forge her destiny,or at least her futureCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-29 17 
October 2016
643217Shinobi Quest #42In this thread, Tsuki wakes up in the hospital, talks to family, teases some boys, and watches Hinata fight Gaara. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-01 24 
635282Starship Idols Quest #7GraduationCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-10-02 5 
648462Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #1We do character gen, almost lose an egg, discuss sexually molesting a rock, and get a new companionPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-02 34 
651566The End of the Aftermath: A Ryukuza Side QuestA 1-4 shot sidequest, of what may happen in other places after the end of Ryukuza Quest...Collective Game, madness, Hastur, Cassilda, the King in Yellow, Yellow Sign, blood, sex, weird, short, monsters2016-10-02 8 
653540Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #2We catch our first Pokemon, get pranked, and get an infodump about the islandPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-03 24 
665271The End of the Aftermath: A Ryukuza Side QuestPart three begins with Cassilda and Nyean parting ways at the shore of Lake Hali....what dangers lurk in Carcosa for the young mystic?Collective Game, madness, Hastur, Cassilda, the King in Yellow, Yellow Sign, blood, sex, weird, short, monsters2016-10-05 5 
663863Shinobi Quest #43In this thread, Tsuki Norihime fights Sai Hatake and talks to Nori. (Lots of Art and Wrestling!Holy Grail War talk on the side. A+ Thread)Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-05 23 
49631502Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAetherBe You Runner ? Prisoner ? Or an unfortunate Soul whisked away from your dying world and sent here to this growing purgatory in a time that Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-10-07 2 
670209Shinobi Quest #44In this thread, Tsuki Norihime fights Gaara. The anons make a very important choice that changes the fate of the world. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-07 24 
673230Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 6:FriendsFriends,life isn't worth living without a few. Kimi grows accustomed to the soul society,and looks for some excitement to ease the mundanitCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-10-07 15 
676446Shinigami Savant Quest #77Seireitei under siege.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-10-08 28 
49591185Nobledark 40k part deuxAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. First chapter was not archived.Eldar, human, nobledark, emperor, Isha2016-10-09 31 
678525Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #4Two days long! We man up, go into caves, get lost, man up some more, and bond a lot with Laki. Egg hatches too!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-10 23 
642767You Awake in Westeros Quest 12Valyria and Harrenhalcollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-10-10 1 
49723017Releasing PrometheusShould modern humanity should try to rescue Prometheus from his eagle torture? Of course we should. The dude did us a huge solid.setting, ethics, heartwarming, debt, greek mythology, gods, titans, zeus, zeus is an asshole, prometheus, eagle, liver, chains, hfy,2016-10-11 7 
687128Star Wars: Kuat Collection QuestThe Admiral and his Starship Girls fight the Yuuzhan Vong.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-10-12 6 
49693414Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 2.The Battle is Met. The Wardens are sounded of your attempt to escape. Prepare for the worst. Expect no miracles to save you this hour.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-10-12 5 
688819Shinobi Quest #45In this thread, the Konoha Crush begins in earnest. Old Faces, New Faces, and fateful choices. Struggle, Konoha- and grow strong.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-13 23 
687690Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #5We bond with our new budew, help a beached wailmer, have a run in with Jane, and meet a fisherman who teaches us a few thingsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-14 22 
700774Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 7: Smoked HareSmoke and Rabbit meet. Kimi goes on another hollow hunt, this time to show the splintered Kenpachi Asagi that she isn't plotting to kill heCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-10-14 18 
704346Shinigami Savant Quest #78Riku's funeral.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-10-15 26 
694088Starship Idols Quest #8The Last Day on MarsCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-10-15 5 
704899[ONESHOT] Edgelords of The Outer RimYou are Wedge Hastings, and you make your way to your new home in The Outer Rim.Edge, Edgelords of The Outer Rim, Fantasy, Oneshot, Collective Game2016-10-15 2 
705914Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #6We visit home, battle Polu, train, explore, battle a Nuzleaf and get a palm readingPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-17 22 
710339Lamia Legacy Quest 75In which the Casimiran Troubles are found.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-10-17 2 
711112Hyuga Quest #4Midway Part 1Hyuga Quest, Wargame, WW2, Collective Game, Hyuga, Pacific, Pacific War, Battleship2016-10-17 1 
684299Shipgirl Commander 24Scratching Nachi's itch and coming face to face with our assigned submarine, dechi.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore, Shipgirl Commander2016-10-17 6 
697134Starcaller Quest: Episode 1A starship captain has a misunderstanding with a pretty girl, says a pun, meets his biggest fan, and talks with a grand admiral. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2016-10-17 16 
678075Dorne Quest point five We meet a targ and get gearDorne Quest, collective game, Taman Shud2016-10-18 2 
714107Shinobi Quest #46In this thread, Tsuki Norihime and company pay tribute to Home Alone in an effort to repel the Akatsuki from the Norihime Manor. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-20 22 
710213King of New Avalon QuestA one-shot following Arthur of the Summer Court and his quest for the CrownCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-10-20 21 
725776Shinobi Quest #47In this thread, the fight with Deidara and Sasori comes to a close- and Tsuki makes a friend. Perspective change cliffhanger! I'm evil. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-20 21 
702421SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #33In which our protagonist has a second 'date', raids a grocery store, and recruits a new DemonCollective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-10-20 7 
49864582Vanguard VII: MoonwolfierStuck on the moon, lost in space, out of time. Will the picnic (and world) be saved?Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Vanguard, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2016-10-21 2 
49707496Nobledark 40k part tetheraAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. A sequal threadEldar, human, nobledark, emperor, Isha2016-10-21 28 
733253Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 8:The Kuchiki's HoundFive years have past, and Kimi's Adventure continues from her tutoring, studying and training.Maybe now, she'll become a full soul reaper.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-10-21 20 
49886288Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 3We continue our grueling march upwards . . .Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-10-22 6 
706184You Awake in Westeros Quest 13Lannister forces scramble. Velo contacts the others.collective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-10-22 1 
736696Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 9Black Stars.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-10-22 10 
737428[ONESHOT] Edgelords of The Outer Rim 2Wedge and Maria come across a small fishing village, and test their mettle with a dragon.Edge, Edgelords of The Outer Rim, Fantasy, Oneshot, Collective Game2016-10-22 1 
743106Hyuga Quest #5Midway Part 2Hyuga Quest, Wargame, WW2, Collective Game, Hyuga, Pacific, Pacific War, Battleship2016-10-24 2 
49889220Nobledark 40k Part Quadra-something(?)Alternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Another sequel thread, gone too soon.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha2016-10-25 27 
697511BioArmor Quest: 4th VHSIn which we take a quick jump into a possible future, a future of hunger and desperation.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence, Post-Apocalypse, 2016-10-25 1 
49940009Culture Thread/tg/ explores non-European/Japanese culturesSikh, Berber, Bedouin, Pashtun, world building, culture, Africa, Middle East, Asia2016-10-26 14 
742635Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #7We go on a fashion and shopping spree, bond with the girls, encounter ruffians and start a battle with JanePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-26 21 
728998Starcaller Quest: Episode 2A starship captain arrives on Mars, buys some chairs, does some gangster things, and gets a dog. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2016-10-26 10 
760682Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 9: Sixth DivisionKimi Joins the Sixth Division, Becoming a proper soul reaper. But with that title, comes duties.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-10-28 14 
744997Shinobi Quest #48In this (short) thread, we take control of Nori Uzumaki, accompanying Jiraiya in the hunt for Minato in the besieged Konohagakure.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-29 21 
764389Shinigami Savant Quest #79Divinity and profanity.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-10-29 27 
764790[ONESHOT] Edgelords of The Outer Rim FinaleWedge and company finally reach the border.Edge, Edgelords of The Outer Rim, Fantasy, Oneshot, Collective Game2016-10-29 1 
734225Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 4 The Collectors. A cadre or law enforcers their jagged hands wrench a terrible will upon their victims leaving no shape or sense of of liFloors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-10-30 4 
765225Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #8We finish our battle with Jane, have a conversation over ice cream, get Mace checked out and meet a shady dealer in the spooky forest at nigPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-10-31 21 
761644Shinobi Quest #49In this thread, Anons start as Nori, and implement a daring plan.Later they switch to Tsuki, who plays with bugs and talks to a bad Uchiha.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-31 22 
50033219The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1The party prepares to get ready for their new mission, while being hated by their new boss and everyone else.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition,2016-10-31 101 
761062Boruto Quest 51Takeshi saves his teammates. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-10-31 14 
751191Contractor Quest #16We get our nose broken, spend a lot of money, and choose a missionContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-10-31 3 
November 2016
755017Starcaller Quest: Episode 3A starship captain gets patched up, has a nightmare, goes shopping, and discovers something interesting about his ship.Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2016-11-01 7 
49948023Nobledark 40k The FifthAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Attempts to focus on War of the Beast, derails quickly.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-02 26 
736886SKETCHER : Waystation Wanderlust [Skirmsh]A ragtag band of wanderers find themselves at a waystation, a momentary solace.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2016-11-03 4 
751298Slasher Quest: The Cenotaph SlayerThe test run of a new Slasher Skirmish game system. A Halloween party must struggle to survive a spirit of vengeance.Collective Game, Slasher Quest, Questguy, Horror, Halloween, Skirmish, Prototype2016-11-03 -10 
50032069Floors General. Halloween EditionHalloween events! Ask Questi anything!Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-11-03 3 
769487InfilINC: TS Liren and The Pumpkin Processor [Skirmish]In the future on a busted, mothballed planet too out of place to be worth much to anyone but still too big to be conveniently forgotten Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-11-04 3 
50096488Of Ratfolk and ElvesStarting with the bizarre idea that elves are in fact shapeshifting rats, posters discuss various ideas featuring both ratfolk and elves. Brainstorming, Elves, Rats, Shapeshifting, Ratfolk, OC, 2016-11-04 12 
788258Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 10: SisterAya's been hurt and insulted by a comrade, and Kimi is filled with the rage of an older sister.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-11-04 15 
759492You Awaken in Banished Quest QuestWe assume the roll of a young autist and commit suicide in lieu of our QM's disappearance.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2016-11-05 13 
781982Starship Idols Quest #9The first performanceCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-11-05 5 
792375Shinigami Savant Quest #80As above, so below.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-11-05 26 
792895Suns, Stars & Sins Quest 1In the distant future of 1999, the planet of New Arizona calls for a new hero...Space, Western, Space Western, Suns Stars & Sins, Oneshot, Collective Game2016-11-05 1 
50077670Nobledark 40k de la SixAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Died too soon, again.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-05 26 
759743You Awake in Westeros Quest 14Marriage and Meereencollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-11-06 0 
772363The Island Rogue-like Take 4The Survival Quest with frequent Permadeath. After a slight rule change, we manage to survive a whole thread. Things might be looking up.Island, One-Shot, Rogue-like, Permadeath, Dj Jizzy2016-11-06 2 
798128Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 10Upgrade.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-11-06 7 
799309Hyuga Quest #6The Battle of Midway comes to a conclusion, being a draw.Hyuga Quest, Wargame, WW2, Collective Game, Hyuga, Pacific, Pacific War, Battleship2016-11-07 2 
794778Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #9You, Laki, and Val have lewd misunderstandings. Mace has a close call in a tube. You battle a gym mechanic for valuable info.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-11-07 21 
764043Slasher Quest: Camp Red Water part 1Edition 0 of Slasher Skirmish. Camp Counselors vs immortal wizards with the souls of children on the line!Collective Game, Slasher Quest, Questguy, Horror, Halloween, Skirmish, Prototype2016-11-08 -9 
790153Shinobi Quest #50In this thread, Tsuki and Danzo fight Kisame Hoshigaki, and Tsuki pays a visit to everyone's favorite controversial Moon Goddess. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-08 21 
784608Starcaller Quest: Episode 4A starship captain has mechanical problems, meets a pirate, and goes to a festival on Ganymede.Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2016-11-08 5 
777017Contractor Quest #17: Halloween Special 1We talk tactics with the team, spend a lot of money, and get on a planeContractor, Collective Game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-11-09 2 
784189XCOM Quest 2We play good & bad cop with torture rules before becoming an actual cop, reenact a scene from a Schwarzenegger film, then learn ninjitsu.XCOM Quest, X-Com, Shifty, ADVENT,2016-11-11 7 
816275Shinobi Quest #51In this thread, Tsuki leaves Kaguya behind, and has her first true interaction with The Four. Afterwards, she wakes to an ailing Kushina. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-12 21 
791193Lace and Tux 1You signed up to serve and protect your master, but as it turns out, you might be doing much more of the latter than the former.Action, Collective Game, LeaveQM, Maidshit, Combat-focused2016-11-12 2 
783586Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 5The Floor stretches on and their foes grow stronger. Can the Wyrd Hunt make it to the stairs in time?Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-11-12 3 
818826Shinigami Savant Quest #81Blowback.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-11-12 25 
819181Sons, Stars & Sins Quest 2Simon travels to Fool's Gold Gulch, but meets someone unexpected.Space, Western, Space Western, Suns Stars & Sins, Oneshot, Collective Game 2016-11-12 1 
816933Tribal Chieftain QuestPre;ude to Main Quest. Do some char gen, learn about world and then attend a Council before seeking advice from a sage.Tribal Chieftain Quest, Nomad, Arsheg, Hawk and Sun2016-11-13 3 
819720Lamia Legacy Quest 76Royalty and Direct Intervention.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-11-13 3 
824663Hyuga Quest #7The First Naval Battle of GuadalcanalHyuga Quest, Wargame, WW2, Collective Game, Hyuga, Pacific, Pacific War, Battleship2016-11-14 3 
827163Persona Quest #1Ashley 'Ash' Hayes arrives in her temporary home of Progress, Oregon. Spaghetti is eaten and dogs are pet. Persona, Ash Hayes, Collective Game, Persona Quest, Shin Megami Tensei, Progress OR2016-11-14 2 
812350Starcaller Quest: Episode 5A starship captain defuses a bad situation, meets some interesting people, and hires a new crew member.Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2016-11-15 5 
50119235Nobledark 40k de la Six part IIAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Krieg is chillingly fleshed out and Sangy's tale is finished.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-16 25 
797868InfilINC: FreeRider ProblemWe play the beligerent opposition in a simulated live fire exercise, to stress-test the RIDERs in an as-close-to-real situation as we can Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?,2016-11-16 3 
797730You Awake in Westeros Quest 15Assassination and revival. MAGA.collective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-11-17 2 
832403Shinobi Quest #52In this thread, a wild Neji appears! Tsuki and Kushina take the fight to Kurama, to end the Crush once and for all. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-18 21 
842832Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 11: Lost SoulKimi is given the task of guiding a stubborn spirit into the afterlife. And her friend Tora is sent along with her, into the mortal world.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-11-18 11 
835363Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #2The final liberation of Dantooine.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-11-19 8 
50205050Floors General.=On The Finer Points of Potency, Escalation and Collapse=Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-11-19 5 
846373Shinigami Savant Quest #82Too many Gins on the dance floor.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-11-19 23 
846882Sons, Stars & Sins Quest 3 FinaleSimon deals with the fallout of his actions.Space, Western, Space Western, Suns Stars & Sins, Oneshot, Collective Game2016-11-19 1 
824700Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #10You do some training and bonding with your pokemon and Hana. Mace learns to go fastPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-11-19 22 
837810Starborn 23:Crime and Punishment Where we scare the hell out of luc, chastise him, go to deal with a trol, and get some sweet sweet backstory.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Troll, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Brutal, Richter, Giants, Flashback2016-11-20 2 
851560Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 11Role reversal.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-11-20 8 
840492Black Company Quest #14The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The town is seized, doggos are dominated and we suffer casualties.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Grenn are NOT furries shut up, Casualties of War2016-11-21 28 
811344XCOM Quest 3We begin the assault on the train, Lose our mentor but gain a brother, and become the Shadow CommanderXCOM, Shifty, XCOM Quest, ADVENT, 2016-11-21 1 
844776Persona Quest #1 Part 2Ash witnesses a student have a seizure. She then discovers a parallel world and awakens to her Persona, Gilgamesh.Persona, Ash Hayes, Collective Game, Persona Quest, Shin Megami Tensei, Progress OR2016-11-21 0 
838314Starcaller Quest: Episode 6A starship captain tells some war stories, goes shopping again, leaves Ganymede, and finds a ghost ship. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2016-11-22 5 
827437Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 6Our Heroes Fight the Gaolers valiantly and the sounds of battle is met with the stomp of prisoner uprisings ascending the steps.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-11-23 1 
858514Starborn Quest 23: The Violet DemonWelcome to the past! You've been murdering your way through the giants' town; sanity? What's that? Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Troll, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Brutal, Richter, Giants, Flashback2016-11-24 2 
867160Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 12:Day offA day off away from a soul reaper's usual duties?What will Kimi do with this free time? Will She even accept it?Since being lazy is a bit..Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-11-25 14 
861339Starship Idols Quest #10Photoshoots and Fleet Battlestation KnoxCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-11-26 6 
848697Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #11We have a dream, sleep-molest Keira, remember a recipe, and begin our first gym battle.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-11-27 23 
876440Hyuga Quest #8The Second Naval Battle of GuadalcanalHyuga Quest, Wargame, WW2, Collective Game, Hyuga, Pacific, Pacific War, Battleship2016-11-27 2 
50263743Nobledark 40k 8.040k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Cleaned up fluff, did Eldrad & Corax, beginning to overhaul 1d4chan page.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-27 23 
871901One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 1We set off on an adventure as Raine Wave, a new bounty hunter seeking out Yuto. Things get complex when Yuto turns out to be super lovable.One Piece, Piracy, YOB OP, Shining Seas2016-11-28 7 
849522SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #34 In which the protagonist receives a queen’s favor, uncovers an ancient truth, and completes the mission given to him and his squad.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-11-30 8 
831705Boruto Quest 53Takeshi and his team mates fight for their lives. Boruto, Naruto, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2016-11-30 13 
December 2016
851515InfilNC: Stern Resolutin [Skirmish]bringing tactical display up resetting targetting perimeters testing validity ... operational testing fuzzy logic ... operationalSolstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?,2016-12-01 2 
50437971What do demons want with souls anyway?/tg/ is asked why demons want to collect souls for. Worldbuilding and a discussion of brainwashing, free will and programing results.demons, worldbuilding, souls, afterlife, free will, brainwashing, programing,2016-12-01 3 
887171One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 2We say goodbye to Yuto and Big Bean, and make our way to Rougetown. After accepting a mission from a shady woman, shit hits the fan. One Piece: Shining Seas, Quest, Pirates, Cyborgs, YOB OP2016-12-02 5 
848798Noble MagicsThis was a test. Lessons were learned by all involved. Warriors of light. Dark streets smelling of spent gunpowder and death. skirmish, noble magics, 2016-12-02 3 
893344Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 13: Unlucky?While Kimi's hunting Hollows, Someone's hunting Shinigami.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-12-02 12 
886555Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #3MyGeeto.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-12-03 6 
887230Shinobi Quest #53In this thread, Post-Crush happenings. A nice thread, where absolutely nothing bad happens. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-03 21 
861969Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 7The Dust Clears, and naught is left of our friends. Despair, runners for the first of many thunderstrikes have resoundedFloors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-12-03 3 
876860Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #12You finish your first gym battle at the electric gym at Kaitwe townPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-04 22 
901636Shinigami Savant Quest #83Guess who's back?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-12-04 26 
902346Hyuga Quest #9The Second Naval Battle of Guadalcanal Part 2Hyuga Quest, Wargame, WW2, Collective Game, Hyuga, Pacific, Pacific War, Battleship2016-12-05 2 
885365Loto's Fate/Quest 1Loto's attempt at running a Fate/Quest. Shenanigans ensue.Fate/Quest, Loto, Fate, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Shirou2016-12-05 3 
50535024The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1 ReduxThe party gets on the trail of "The Conspiracy" while having to deal with Sciscitat, his team, and other assorted bullshit.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition,2016-12-05 109 
50542253Floors General. With the soft end to Floor 6 valuable data has been gathered Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-12-06 2 
890354Starcaller Quest: Episode 7A starship captain investigates a derelict war wreck, finds some gold, and has a nightmare.Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2016-12-07 5 
50568400Another 40k letter writing threadIn this episode: we write to Draigo, Digganobz, Marbo and several more40k, letters, shitposting2016-12-07 5 
898861Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #13We watch Hana's battle, search for a runaway pichu, meet two Pokemon in a cave, and find KeiraPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-09 20 
889046Vanguard VIII: Great Victoria Wasps Escaped the moon only to be stuck in an even worse place: Australia! Still no picnic.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Vanguard, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2016-12-09 1 
904599Loto's Fate/Quest 2This one ends really early because the author got hit with writer's block.Fate/Quest, Loto, Fate, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Shirou2016-12-10 2 
920796Shitty Bard Quest: #1A commoner with a guitar passes as a bard. Carnival games ensue.SBQ, Shitty Bard Quest, Shitty, Bard, BardQM, Collective Game2016-12-10 12 
924018Shinigami Savant Quest #84Five Dragons.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-12-10 22 
912455Starship Idols Quest #11MyrmidoCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-12-10 5 
924784Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 14: TodesjagerShinigami vs Quincy. Blade vs Gun. A fight to the death. Kimi and Tosen face a mad woman.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-12-10 16 
924551Lamia Legacy Quest 77An interrogation and other sundries.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2016-12-11 3 
911985Battle Harem Anime Character QuestA QM that really shouldn't be writing makes a quest where you're an anime character!Collective Game, Anime, SEP, Mechs, Flying Battleships, High School, Kiting2016-12-11 3 
892841Supernatural Sheriff #2In which we chase some guy on a horse for a bitCollective Game, Supernatural Sheriff, KudoQM, JUSTICE2016-12-11 1 
928652Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 12Head on straight, Mask on crooked.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-12-11 6 
913539Shinobi Quest #54In this (short) thread, Tsuki eats breakfast and heads off to the Aburame Clan compound to facilitate an alliance. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-11 20 
921146Phoenix Knight Quest #1.5We make planetfall on the 5th, but the QM cuts it short b/c technical difficulties.PKQ, Space, Phoenix Knight Quest, Sci-Fi, Spaceship2016-12-12 1 
916565Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #14You bond with Keira, help free Hydreigon, stand up to a gym leader, ruin Valerie's day and visit home.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-12 21 
904794Scarred by Thorns QuestJesse the Darkling comes home to find things are not as they ought to be.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-12-12 13 
886571Boruto Quest 53 (Prev. is 52)Takeshi relaxes.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2016-12-12 12 
50647430 Fading Embers Wargame Origin ThreadStarted out as a "Let's collaboratively build a thing" thread, blew up into an original wargaming setting.Fading Embers, Wargame, Skirmish Game, Homebrew, Awesome, Original Content, Collaborative Creation2016-12-13 10 
50425952Nobledark 40k 8.140k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Russ firmed up, planning for Lion and Horus being started.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-12-13 21 
50669075Fading Ember GeneralContinuation of Fading Ember Wargame Creation.Fading ember, wargame, skirmish game, homebrew, setting2016-12-14 7 
914005Speedster Quest - Episodes 3~6Your name is Bee Artemisa, and you are the fastest woman alive. Live Fast, Flirt Hard, and keep your harem happy. Speedster Quest, The Flash, Alternate Universe, Cozy, Feels, Harem, Yuri2016-12-15 1 
902314Noble Magics 2Martyrs fall. The cannon crew reveals itself.noble, magics, skirmish2016-12-15 1 
920923Starcaller Quest: Episode 8A starship captain arrives on Triton, makes preparations to fence some gold, and meets a strange character living in the vents. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2016-12-15 4 
50684106Nobledark 40k Niner40k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Died too soon, again.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-12-16 21 
948046Shinigami Savant Quest #85Land of the Dead.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-12-17 22 
940073Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #4The rivalry.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-12-17 5 
948634Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 15:Promotion Kimi's getting promoted! About damn time right?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-12-17 12 
50692803Fading Embers General #3The third thread in the series. Started out as a "Let's collaboratively build a thing" thread, blew up into an original wargaming Fading Embers, Wargame, Skirmish Game, Homebrew, Awesome, Original Content, Collaborative Creation2016-12-18 6 
937156Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #15You chatted with your sister, invited Laki along, hosted dinner for everyone, and had an non-hostile Jane encounter.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-18 20 
952402Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 13It's always a trap.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-12-18 7 
952202Doll Shop - 1We start off with Akira, our personal assistant doll, and meet a childhood friend and a fetishist. Doll Shop, Valencia2016-12-19 13 
903431Shadowrun Occultist Quest #2We do legwork to find where our target is hiding, and receive an offer from some comedians for a data switch.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist2016-12-19 1 
919515Shadowrun Occultist Quest #3We plan, start, and finish the run, successfully pin blame on Ares, and get a sweet ride out of it.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist2016-12-19 2 
916341Vanguard 9: Desert BeatVanguard goes to a Perfectly Normal Town. A little too normal.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Vanguard, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2016-12-20 3 
942502Starcaller Quest: Episode 9A starship captain remembers the past, talks with his mechanic, and meets up with his crew while shopping.Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2016-12-21 5 
939471European Dragon Quest 43In this episode we give the QM some feedback, tumble a mage, and we all realize Ren should really stop fucking around. Liz's boobs get big.QuestingQM, Irony, Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Dragons BTFO Shit, MUTATIONS!2016-12-21 1 
962927Doll Shop - 2We learn about Doll pregnancy and more consequences.Doll Shop, Valencia2016-12-22 6 
959841Shinobi Quest #55In this thread, Shinobi Quest returns in a blaze of glory! Tsuki and Kogoto discuss the ethics of power, and Tsuki argues with the very godsCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-22 21 
949583Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #16You bonded with Polu, fished with Hana, and made friends with a dangerous shark (no, not Jane.)Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-23 20 
50792782Swordborne [XmasSkirmish event] The Year is 7989 of Avalon. And on the cusp of a bitter solstice, supplies began to thin, but the children knew little of it. Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-12-23 3 
943492Classic Quest [Co-op Skirmish]Retro style rpg system brought to the format of a skirmish. Features simultaneous multi-path operation, and dice!fenster, collective game, skirmish, quest, retro, pixel art, sprite, dice, classic quest,2016-12-24 1 
972331Loto's Fate/Christmas QuestIn which Jeanne Santa delivers presents and stomps on GilgameshFate/Quest, Loto, Fate, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Shirou2016-12-25 1 
946511Shadowrun Occultist Quest #4We give some psych advice to Rhûn, get backstory on Redd, and then go to a concert with the team, Barbie, and her psycho comedian brother.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist2016-12-26 2 
50801892SWG Vaders SceneGoes with fucking ANYTHINGSWG, Vader, Mashup2016-12-26 2 
955323July At Christmas Quest - Thread 1Zoe "Zippo" Morris is asked to ensure a seasonal celebration takes place, and everyone decides to be dicks about itCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-12-27 11 
976921Doll Shop - 3We convince a Doll and meet a whaleDoll Shop, Valencia2016-12-27 4 
959356Starcaller Quest: Episode 10A starship captain meets a paranoid officer, opens a long box, and prepares to leave Triton. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2016-12-28 4 
944872Sn@kevin buisnessOne of the best mind fuck quests ever madeSnake, true_love, death, mind_contro,l middle_management, short2016-12-28 2 
966693Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #17You go to the Electric temple and learn the secret of the difficult but filling baco bread.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2016-12-29 20 
988458Doll Shop - 4We get Akira some tits and arrange to become a Doll broker for a guy who wants to use them for lethal experiments.Doll Shop, Valencia2016-12-30 3 
940383Boruto Quest 54Takeshi gets back into the swing of things.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2016-12-30 12 
991561Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 17:TwinsRevenge is a nasty thing, but to those who chase it, it is oh so sweet. Kimi is once again being huntedCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-12-30 16 
976880July At Christmas Quest - Thread 2We meet back up with an old rival, an old enemy, and our old-ass KingCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-12-31 13 
January 2017
973449Rune Inscriber Quest #0We're introduced to the protagonist - Balthazar Grayson. A rune inscriber. Things escalate rather quickly.Collective Game, Shroud, Rune Inscriber Quest2017-01-01 3 
970043Shadowrun Occultist Quest #5We figure out and foil The Fool's plan, collect on the bounty from GOD, have a Yithian trip down Time Lane, and go to Bavaria with Rhun.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-01 1 
971538Starship Skirmish 6You know you're living in the future when your pests are self-replicating automated interstellar probes.Collective Game, Skirmish2017-01-01 1 
967787Swordborne: Battle of LindloreSound the alarm ! The Enemy has made themselves known ! Villagers and children are to vacate in the cellar under the church ! Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-01-01 2 
980281Starcaller Quest: Episode 11A starship captain has a much-needed talk with his engineer, makes an FTL jump, and discusses alien space wizard politics. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-01-01 3 
50874097Nobledark 40k X(mas)Some seriously good writefaggatory including but not limited to WotB, slice of life and the origin of the Greater GoodEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-01 20 
970352Kaz's Christmas Special Part 1Task force 666 fights to save ChristmasCollective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest, Kaz2017-01-02 5 
969164Classic Quest [Co-op Skirmish] Chapter 2The party deals with dastardly never-do-wells, gains recognition of the Gobbo, and encounters the puppetmaster behind these events.fenster, collective game, skirmish, quest, retro, pixel art, sprite, dice, classic quest,2017-01-02 2 
50942189Swordborne Generalit's a skirmish style wargame/tabletop rpg where players band together in groups of 12 or more as a commissioned fighting companySwordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-01-02 1 
955910Civ quest that won't be abandonedMyceloids in the Haunted Forest. Civ Quest, Myceloid, Haunted Forest, Mushroom, Aborted, Abandoned, Collective Game2017-01-02 1 
1005656Kant-O-Celle Quest- Hate GaidenHate brings the German shipgirls back to baseCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest, GhostDivision2017-01-04 13 
975989Demonity Quests; Bishop pt. 1A slow start to a new character's story. Bishop Wiliam's shenaningans begins.quest, collective game, Bishop, Demonity Quests2017-01-04 1 
984165Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #18Bella evolved! You got involved in a temple debate. You had an underwear adventure with a girlPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-01-05 20 
969319Slasher Quest: Cabin of Carnage 1Its slay-bell season in this installation of Slasher Quest. 4 teenagers. 1 private island. 1 killer dressed as Santa Claus.Collective Game, Questguy, Slasher Quest, Slasher, Holiday, Christmas, Santa2017-01-05 2 
991432Banished Quest 208Mik does some shit inside Fulvia then there's a timeskip. Soma fucks off yet again. Next thread never.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest, Kill yourself Soma2017-01-05 18 
1004919Starship Skirmish 6 part 2The finishing strikes are made. Overpowered drones and typos galore.Collective Game, Skirmish2017-01-06 1 
51015795Swordborne General [Nothing Doing]Currently. We are patching parts of the sheet and expanding the map with more rendered assets.Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-01-06 1 
50992723Nobledark 40k XIA.I. overlords, military structure, Jubblowski, Q'orl and attempts to unfuck up the technocracy.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-07 20 
973811HEXCOM: Resuable AssetsA dusty desert town, some clones, and 4 missions that all go various shades of wrong.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-01-07 3 
1008484Starship Idols Quest #12Heading to Titan StationCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-01-07 5 
992966Shadowrun Occultist Quest #6We get a glimpse of the future, see the Big D's last act, piss off our boss again, then fail to ambush a team of operators.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-07 1 
998391Starcaller Quest: Episode 12A starship captain makes a phone call, arrives on New Albany, and meets a rebel commanderScience Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-01-08 3 
1019399Lamia Legacy Quest 78Partisans and ArtificersCollective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2017-01-08 4 
51034567Sea Serpent SettingA discussion on sea serpents and their potential effects on ocean travel. Worldbuilding and hypothetical biology discussion results.sea serpent, worldbuilding, sailing, ships, ocean, ecosystem, monsters,2017-01-08 3 
1008839Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #19You meditate, battle Polu, lose Mace, get capture by wild pokemon, and Gobble is a dickPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-01-09 21 
996514Rune Inscriber Quest #1We interrogate our captive and make some assurances.Collective Game, Shroud, Rune Inscriber Quest2017-01-10 1 
997469Mecha Mercs Skirmish Remastered (Beta 1)A band of mercs is contracted to assault a heavily fortified holding pen for giant turkeys. Scrap metal and giblets ensue.Mecha, Mercs, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish, Cognis, mech2017-01-10 1 
1001769Classic Quest [Co-op Skirmish] Chapter 3Not much happens in this chapter, due to problems behind the screen. The party faces the real Fawkes though!fenster, collective game, skirmish, quest, retro, pixel art, sprite, dice, classic quest,2017-01-10 1 
1019998Starcaller Quest: Episode 13A starship captain gets a truck, goes to a party, and finds himself in a world of trouble. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-01-13 3 
1028790Hexcom: A Short, Victorious CampaignFort Valor has fallen to the invaders. While the legion marches deeper into the country, a small company tries to hold a smaller town.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Art?, Skirmish Sketch 2017-01-13 2 
1003777Kaz's Christmas Special Part 2The fight to save Christmas continues and finishes with a revelation.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2017-01-13 2 
1020732Mass Effect:IndoctrinationWhere Bret Carney rescue a group of civillians, battle husks and escapes earthCollective Game, Mass Effect, Shadow Collector, Mass Effect:Indoctrination2017-01-14 1 
51105718Nobledark 40k X + IIDetail of military organization and equipment, notes on the Chaos Eldar and their relationship with Dark Eldar and Orks, slice of life etcEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-14 18 
1044028Shinigami Savant Quest #86Bureaucracy: the TRUE face of Hell.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-01-14 21 
1032617Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #5Arrival of the Grand Admiral.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-01-14 5 
1045174Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 18: AizenSosuke Aizen, a somewhat strange and lonely man.He seems nice enough but what is going on in his head?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-01-14 12 
1048538Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 14The Truth?Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-01-15 5 
1033223Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #20You rescued Mace and his boldore friend, ran into Val and Belladonna, and had to discipline the small Grass pokemon for mischief.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-01-15 20 
1045139Cat and Canary: A Shop Keeper's Quest 1A certain demihuman finds herself with the run of an item shop. As bills come due though, there's only one way out. Economics!Collective Game, item shop, cat girl, economics, bananon2017-01-16 6 
1017697Shadowrun Occultist Quest #7We handoff the dream observatory to the Draco Foundation, locate and retrieve a little lost rich girl, then take a trip to Arkham.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-16 1 
1040639You are a warhammer 40k cultist #1 v2The harbringer of doom returns and with him a new warhammer quest. We now play a brave guardsman descended into the depths of depravit.Slannesh, harbringer of doom, 40k, boot camp, cultists,no pain no gain 2017-01-17 2 
1029070Classic Quest [Co-op Skirmish] Chapter 4The final encounter begins, and the Fawkes storyline comes to a close?fenster, collective game, skirmish, quest, retro, pixel art, sprite, dice, classic quest,2017-01-18 1 
1060667Trainwreck QuestRails? We're in the ocean now. Became simulation, anhero, nukes. What the fuck even happened here?trainwreck, shitstorm, abstergo?, collective game2017-01-18 1 
1032985Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission Remastered Beta 1 part2The turkeys are freed and a small discussion about the new system takes place.Mecha, Mercs, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish, Cognis, mech2017-01-18 1 
1048983Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #21Bonding with Bella and Val, Dice the Totodile joins the team, fish, and desecrate the snow of EelileePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-01-19 20 
1032819Doll Shop - 5We go for itDoll Shop, Valencia2017-01-20 1 
1068145Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 19:RecoveryIts been a week since kimi fought Sosuke Aizen in a friendly duel, but she's still sore from it.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-01-20 12 
51257007Nobledark 40k XIII: Based Horus editionSome drawfagging, some ushankas, some speculation on the pantheons and the great game. Other stuff.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-20 18 
1068336Kant-O-Celle Quest #157In which a certain Greek gets back into the groove after a long time of paying debts. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2017-01-21 10 
1070641Kant-O-Celle Quest #158In which our intrepid Argie A-4 Skyhawk pilot continues his deadly dance in the sky.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2017-01-21 10 
1049974Shinobi Quest #56In this thread, Tsuki Norihime gets a letter from her father, and goes to the moon. Slow Wargle posts an Omake.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-01-21 21 
1072554Shinigami Savant Quest #87The Beach.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-01-21 21 
1061320Starship Idols Quest #13Back on Titan Station...Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-01-22 5 
1077221Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 15Sweetwater.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-01-22 5 
1044728Starcaller Quest: Episode 14A starship captain escapes from a place of great danger, makes some new friends, and returns to his ship. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-01-23 3 
1043864Magical Girls Skirmish Beta testA team of magical girls participates in a vicious combat practice. Cheese is done and ice cream privileges are lost.Collective Game, Skirmish, Magical Girls2017-01-23 3 
1042958Shadowrun Occultist Quest #8We play cards with some Catholic priests, then take Barbie to scenic Arkham, MA. Her little sis tags along and we try to scare her straight.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-23 1 
1078754Shinobi Quest #57In this thread, Tsuki talks to the denizens of the Moon, teases boys, and rolls some cursed dice. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-01-24 20 
1043888Swordborne- Battle of Lindlore II A new day begins, and the blizzard has passed for now. The gleaming warmth of New Heaven's Sun greets us.Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-01-24 1 
1039357HEXCOM: Howart's CrossingAfter retreating from Imai, the company attempts to hold Howarth's Crossing. It goes fairly well, except for the fantatic assassins.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-01-26 3 
1085232Magical Girls Skirmish (beta test) part 2It's a boss fight! Versus a stuffed cat! It makes sense in context.Collective Game, Skirmish, Magical Girl2017-01-26 3 
1054747Boruto Quest 55Takeshi worries about his future.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2017-01-26 11 
1099002Shinigami Savant Quest #88Two Zanpakuto.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-01-28 22 
1088749Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #6Battle with the Yuuzhan VongCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-01-28 6 
1074352Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #22You met with the high ranking clergy on Eelilee and decided to go on a vision quest to prove your worth.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-01-29 20 
1086327Boruto Quest 56 Happy Birthday TakeshiBoruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2017-01-29 12 
1095260Cat and Canary: A Shop Keeper's Quest 2Felicity goes cat hunting and stumbles on a valuable and possibly dangerous secret. Negotiations ensue.Collective Game, item shop, cat girl, economics, bananon2017-01-29 2 
1100688Kant-O-Celle Quest #159We follow Settle into the depths...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2017-01-29 10 
1105198Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 16Sweetwater, Part II.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-01-29 5 
1070323Shadowrun Occultist Quest #9We follow the breadcrumb trail to an early human digitization experiment and release them to the Matrix.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-29 1 
51441824Nobledark 40k XIV: Remember, No Gothic editionAdBio, writefagging, list of godly things, Calgar and the Swarmlord and the 1st Bug WarEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-30 18 
February 2017
1100474Boruto Quest 57Takeshi makes gains and trains in the use of a second Chakra.Collective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-01 10 
1088403Runner Quest #1You are the elven Adept/Decker Mercurio, and your past is catching up to you. Try to live through it and get paid.Collective Game, Shadowrun2017-02-01 4 
1092118Starcaller Quest: Episode 15A starship captain heads to a boneyard, finds a mysterious new weapon, and runs into a militia roadblock. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-02-02 3 
1098283Joker Quest 151Joker once again finds himself trapped in the Hell that forged him. At least this time he has company.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game, Daegal, Team Bro Wins, Shits Fucked2017-02-03 10 
1094805HEXCOM: Howart's Crossing P2The Pytherians are pretty good engineers. The Company is pretty good at getting stabbed.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-02-03 3 
1100564Pokemon Island Adventure quest #23We go on a vision quest and prove we are not dangerous to the priestsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-02-04 20 
1102116Shinobi Quest #58In this (very short) thread, Tsuki tells a story to some rabbits and signs a contract in blood. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-02-05 20 
51524369Nobledark 40k XV: Bug-hunt, crazy Necrons Sororitas discussion, Kryptman, Nemesor Zahndrekh, Vampires, Big Ships and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-05 16 
1117097Boruto Quest 58 Takeshi and friends go on a new missionCollective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-05 11 
1116723Starship Idols Quest #14Charlie's first concertCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-02-05 5 
1127591Lamia Legacy Quest 79Acquisitions and adventure planning.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2017-02-05 1 
1127019One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 3.5After some difficulty, we make our way into the Grand Line. We meet Crorcus, get a Jolly Roger, and end up captured by bounty hunters.One Piece: Shining Seas, Quest, pirates, bounty hunters, YOB OP2017-02-06 1 
1137231Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 20:Stolen BirdAYA'S IN DANGER!Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-02-06 14 
1086281Shattered Sky Quest #1First day at school.Shattered Sky, Collective Game, Fantasy2017-02-07 2 
1120957Starcaller Quest: Episode 16A starship captain escapes from the Militia's clutches, tests out a new gun, and has a conversation or two on the way to Thalos. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-02-09 4 
1151782Shinigami Savant Quest #89Chilly reception.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-02-11 21 
1152442Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 21:Confrontation between black and whiteA Showdown between mad Quincy and a scarred Soul reaper, and probably a few friends.Kimi heads to rescue AyaCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-02-11 13 
1128474Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #24You bond with Dice, have sexy massage time, and have a very awkward conversation with Keira.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-02-12 20 
1143140Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #7Hunting the Worldship.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-02-12 6 
51646615Nobledark 40k XVI: War of the Wiki Edition Chaos Eldar warrior fluff, religions of the Imperium, stuff about Erebus, a mad bastard elder called Rommel and more oh my!Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-12 16 
1128276Boruto Quest 59The mission concludesCollective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-12 11 
1155795Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 17Action phase.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-02-12 5 
51665003Thoughts on Magical GirlsMagical Girls are discussed; Anons give storytime on a Fantasy WWII Magical Girl Campaign.Magical Girk, Mahou Shoju, Storytime2017-02-14 3 
1151990One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 4 The endOne Piece: Shining Seas, Quest, pirates, bounty hunters, YOB OP2017-02-15 1 
1122183Hexcom III: Isvind Forest BumpThe company goes on an enjoyable forest stroll. Pointedly, nothing explodes. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-02-16 3 
1164659Starborn Quest 29: Ancestry.AwooWe meet our Oracle who is a relative of ours? Then she tells us a story, which the anons play! Reynes of Castmaere know that feel.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Murillo, Flashback, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-17 1 
1163749Starborn Quest 29: Ancestry.Awoo We meet our Oracle who is a relative of ours? Then she tells us a story, which the anons play! Reynes of Castmaere know that feel.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Murillo, Flashback, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-18 3 
1173329Shinigami Savant Quest #90TALES OF INTERESTBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-02-18 21 
1146416Starcaller Quest: Episode 17A starship captain arrives on Thalos, goes to a funeral, and discusses space wizard politicsScience Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-02-19 3 
1153121Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #25You do a lot of overdue training, race Jane, and watch a battle.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-02-19 20 
51730871Nobledark 40k XVII: What The Fuck Is Going On editionPrimarchfag writes some stuff about Fulgrim,more stuff on vampires, sororitas, religion and Imperial policy.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-19 16 
1179046Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 18Battle of Sweetwater.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-02-19 5 
1178889Hyuga Quest #10 - CrescendoThe finale. A really really overdue finale.Hyuga Quest, Wargame, WW2, Collective Game, Hyuga, Pacific, Pacific War, Battleship2017-02-19 1 
1179559What Came Next 3: Slumdog DeputySukaretto tracks down the mysterious Pervert and is given a lesson on how weak she is, before she learns how strong she is!Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Training, Crusader, Film, Suk&#257;retto Sutorenj&#257;, Slums2017-02-20 2 
1152811Boruto Quest #60Stuff happensCollective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-20 12 
1164790Boruto Quest #61Even more stuff happens Collective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-20 12 
1160048Starship Idols Quest #15Titan Station Raid.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-02-20 5 
1147142Swordborne- Battle of Lindlore IIIScreams can be heard in the west echoing the daemon fever treatments that their number must now endure to purge the sickness.Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-02-20 1 
1180534Boruto Quest 62Something Something stuff happensCollective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-20 14 
1157387Loto's Fate/Quest 3In which the QM is stuck in final fantasy crafting hell and doesn't have enough ram to run the quest at the same time. Please send help.Fate/Quest, Loto, Fate, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Shirou2017-02-20 1 
51775926American Pantheon/tg/ comes up with the mythos of a post-apocalyptic American Pantheon.worldbuilding, setting, religion, cult, apocalyptic, rushmore,2017-02-21 4 
1185058Spirit Detective Quest #1The protag started out dead. Your move, SomCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-02-21 21 
1175308Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #26You battled over a flaming structure for your second badge, and went fishing with Keira and HanaPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-02-21 18 
1179499This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #1You are Lieutenant Commander Reynolr, of the Citadel Empire, recently-promoted captain of the CAS Brora (PS-4-917), an armed trawlersea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-02-22 33 
1174034Kobold Quest #1A group of Kobolds has been ousted from their previous home, and now must make dew in new lands if they hope to survive and get revenge.Kobold Quest, Brushwood, Kobold, Quest, 3d6, Giant Enemy Crab,2017-02-25 2 
1202847Shinigami Savant Quest #91Diplomatic immunity.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-02-25 21 
51833468Nobledark 40k XVIII: Perils of the Warp EditionThe Prince gets a rewrite, Chaos Eldar get some good shit, Dr Bile is getting shit done, Outsider be crazy, Phoenix Lords, Orks getting realEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-25 16 
1193605This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #2The crew explores the ruins of Rinyak Island, speak at length with a prisoner, and find intelligence that leads to the Battle of Sbvysek. sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-02-25 25 
1208658Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 19Hearts and Minds.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-02-26 5 
1164964HEXCOM: Isvind Forest Barricadin'The Company lives through the night, but now have to deal with the messy business of stopping a Pytherian advanceSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-02-26 3 
1209372Spirit Detective Quest #2William has some run-ins with the school bullies, and meets a familiar faceCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-02-27 20 
1200036Boruto Quest 68ChuggaChuggaChugga Choo Choo!Collective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime, Train enthusiasts2017-02-27 11 
1212928Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 22: MasksKimi faces her deadliest foe yet, an aged quincy with a vendetta against her, wearing a dead hollow's mask. But will he be the only one to?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-02-27 12 
March 2017
1217049Spirit Detective Quest #3William takes on his first caseCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-03-01 18 
1205444This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #3Reynolr travels to Scrap Bay after the Battle of Sbvysek, learns more about the enemy Republic, and meets two scientists and Céleste Chapuissea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-01 25 
1192069Masterpiece of a Shattered GodA draw game, the premise being that anons are the shattered consciousness of a God seeking to create his masterpiece.Collective Game, Masterpiece, Shattered, God, Masterpiece of a Shattered God, MSG, MSG Quest, Draw, Draw Thread, Draw Quest2017-03-01 1 
51943786Cybering Up a Character Portrait.An Anon asks for assistance with a Shadowrun character. For once, /tg/ get shit done.Shadowrun, Character Art, Edits2017-03-02 10 
1199802Starcaller Quest: Episode 18A starship captain thinks back to his time in the military, watches a fight, breaks some bones, and returns to his ship. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-03-02 3 
1197087Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #27Hana gets zapped, we go to Take, awkwardly flirt, and turn down a sidequestPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-03-02 20 
1200568Kobold Quest #2An encounter with some Bullywugs puts Khum and his tribe on the path to adventure. Also waifu's.Kobold Quest, Brushwood, Kobold, Quest, 3d6, Snooter, Bullywug,2017-03-04 2 
1226815Spirit Detective Quest #4Will teaches Damon about spiritual power, and things start getting more intenseCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-03-04 18 
1213659Loto's Fate/Quest 4Patch day special. Died because of a tie after a mystery box. To be continued eventually.Fate/Quest, Loto, Fate, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Shirou2017-03-04 1 
1229280Shinigami Savant Quest #92A Higher LevelBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-03-04 23 
1230328Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 23: ReapercussionsEvery actions has repercussions, Even the smallest choice can change everything.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-03-04 11 
1223118Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #28We do errands, sleep with Valerie, act like team mom for everyone, train, make Laki blush, and have coffee with JanePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-03-06 22 
51972949Nobledark 40k XIX: Whose Grimdark Is It Anyway EditionArguments over Tau, Tau Doomguy, Ursh, Navigators, Armageddon and the lunatics who live on it, and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-03-07 15 
1238421Spirit Detective Quest #5The hunter becomes the huntedCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-03-07 16 
1219253Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #8Arrival at KuatCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-03-07 6 
1223759Boruto Quest 64Takeshi has a club fight with a fight club.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime, 2017-03-07 10 
1238682Boruto Quest 65Takeshi finds out he's a pretty slick dude.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime, 2017-03-07 11 
1203319E.V.A Skirmish BetaSome random guys brutalize drones as part of a training scenario.EVA, Collective Game, skirmish, tacticool, cognis, space, sidescrolling, zero G2017-03-07 2 
1228801Commanders of an Evil Empire 1A mass combat game where you're playing the bad guysskirmish mass combat Ostrich Commanders Evil Empire2017-03-08 5 
1223626This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #4Reynolr attends the celebration ball with Céleste, settles some business, and learns more about some strange jewels and the Old Empire.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-10 23 
1223272Starcaller Quest: Episode 19A starship captain witnesses a fight, goes out on the town, and receives some job offers. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-03-10 3 
1254415Shinigami Savant Quest #93Second in CommandBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-03-11 23 
1251219What Came Next 4: Slumdog Fight ClubSukaretto vs Ishi to the death! Who will win? The dice gods decide!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-03-12 2 
51980267Frontier Freaks Setting WorldbuildingA setting which can basically be described as "biopunk wild west" is invented.worldbuilding, western, wild west, bioengineering, biotech, biopunk, bioshock, transhumanism, Pasteur, 1800s pseudoscientific beliefs,2017-03-12 5 
52005009CATastrophe threadWhatever happened to CATastrophe?CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/ doesn't get shit done2017-03-12 6 
1259194Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 20The Time CapsuleCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-03-12 5 
1256393Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #29You hug the shark, have seedy encouners in the sketchy part of Take, train, and start Truth or DarePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-03-13 20 
1264240Spirit Detective Quest #6Will faces his first failure, and finds he has some explaining to doCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-03-14 18 
1244320Kobold Quest #3In which Brushwood only lasted 30 posts before tapping out. VERY short thread.Kobold Quest, Brushwood, Kobold, Quest, 3d6, Snooter, Bullywug,2017-03-15 1 
1244256Starship Idols Quest #16Apollo CityCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-03-15 6 
52094866Nobledark 40k Part 20: Fuck Roman Numerals editionOld Eldar Empire was fucked up, attempts to make some new eldar characters, Chaos Soldiery fleshed out, a bit more writefagging Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-03-15 15 
1244300Commanders of an Evil Empire 2Iverding fallsostrich, skirmish, mass combat, evil, commanders2017-03-16 2 
1251749Starcaller Quest: Episode 20A starship captain goes to a temple, sends his first officer on a job, and goes into town for parts. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-03-17 3 
1274408Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #9Some time on Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-03-19 5 
1264470Boruto Quest 66Takeshi beats off a clingy girl and discovers his weakness.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime,2017-03-19 10 
1280473This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #5Reynolr parts with Céleste, disposes of his Republic prisoner, and fights a brutal battle to a draw south of the Kraegsk, in the Interim Seasea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-20 -4 
1260105This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #5Reynolr parts with Céleste, disposes of his Republic prisoner, and fights a brutal battle to a draw south of the Kraegsk, in the Interim Sea sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-20 24 
1288062Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 24:FutureBut what does the future hold?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-03-20 13 
1279955Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #30Truth or Dare with the thread ending lewdly.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-03-22 20 
1293862Boruto Quest 67While Shozuku is bedridden by a fever, Takeshi plans for the future.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2017-03-23 11 
1294127Spirit Detective Quest #7Will and the gang enter the demon lairCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-03-23 5 
1297101Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #31Truth or dare finally wraps up, Jane's shell begins to crack, and there's a ghostly encounter in the kitchenPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-03-24 16 
1255681Hexcom: Forest StrollAfter a long time setting up, we hold the line (maybe)Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-03-25 5 
1301608Shinigami Savant Quest #94Those who prove worthy.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-03-25 22 
1304687Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 21Shadows of Char.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-03-26 5 
1274832Starcaller Quest: Episode 21A starship captain buys a much-needed appliance, visits an old friend, reminisces about the War, and leaves Thalos. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-03-26 3 
52262671Nobledark 40k Part XXI: Return of the Roman NumeralsAngry renegade Dark Eldar, bit moar on Fulgrim, bit on Dr. Bile, the shadier things of the Alpha Legion, Monty Python.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-03-27 15 
1293544Starship Idols Quest #17Naka's big debutCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-03-28 6 
1320645Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 25:Nearly HollowKimi and Aizen deal with the Revelation of what she is.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-03-31 11 
April 2017
1320674Lamia Legacy Quest 80In which we deal with the fallout of the assassination attempt.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2017-04-01 1 
1323833Shinigami Savant Quest #95Those who strive.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-04-01 21 
1320731Spirit Detective Quest #8The battle with the gang continuesCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-04-02 7 
1314806Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #10LusankyaCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-04-05 5 
1307704Commanders of an Evil Empire 3The hordes of the Overlord arrive in GrimershallEvil, Commanders, Skirmish, Mass Combat, Ostrich, Evil Empire, Commanders of an Evil Empire2017-04-06 2 
1318307Starcaller Quest: Episode 22A starchip captain goes to Mars, meets up with a mechanic, and not much else happens.Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-04-07 3 
52451994Nobledark Imperium: The Shining Bunkers of Civilization EditionTimeline hammerin out, Necron Titans, Gutsmek Wazdakka, Macharius, A &#937; Hydra, Kinebrach blades and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-04-07 14 
52535995Implementing shinto in D&Dthread full of ideas, mechanics, adventure hooks, and comfy all about everyone's favorite weeaboo animism religionD&D, fantasy, fluff, touhou, catgirls, foxgirls, cute, comfy, not-trash-I-Promise, gods, mythology,2017-04-08 5 
1348164Shinigami Savant Quest #96A moment of calm.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-04-08 22 
1318271Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #32You and Polu take on the Teotake island's poison gym and it's strange trialsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-04-09 13 
1326099MOE Drone SkirmishCute robots kill vegetable monsters, there are also giant mobile factories.collective game, skirmish, moe, drone, cognis, tacticool, pumpkin2017-04-09 2 
1352060Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 22The PLOT.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-04-09 5 
52513662Space Encounters and Adventure Hooks/tg/ invents plot hooks for scifi games.worldbuilding, space, starship, scifi, plot hooks, encounters, adventure hooks,2017-04-11 6 
1332699Landskirmish Quest 2 - Battle of Crow ManorIt is an age of mercenaries in a fantasy land. Join a small band of Landsknechts as they assault a rebel controlled manor.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Landskirmish2017-04-13 2 
1366089Spirit Detective Quest #9Will and Stephanie must fight as a team to defeat Kainsokan. But questions continue to emerge even as the conflict comes to an endCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-04-15 15 
1368228Shinigami Savant Quest #97The Monk burns?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-04-15 26 
1343875Starcaller Quest: Episode 23A starship captain arrives on Mars, does some things, and leaves. Oh, and he gets stopped by the authorities on the way out. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-04-15 3 
1348324Breachers: Burnout [Skirmish]A collection of contractors embark on a simple mission to investigate a cult, and surprisingly light very litle on fireSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Breachers, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-04-16 5 
1328305Space Hero Quest 1In which the hero recounts how he survives a Calvonian assault qmsimmons, space, spaceship, combat2017-04-16 1 
52634996Nobledark 40k Part 23: Return of the Thread Numbering editionTankred Enduring, character of Isha All-Mother discussed, more of Fulgrim's story, on Kinebrach blades, Khine awaits his Chariot and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-04-16 14 
1345969This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #6The wounded Brora seeks refuge in from the storm in a leering fortress, and Reynolr discovers some horrors and wonders of the past. sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-04-17 23 
52624149The Mummy as an RPGA writefag answers that age old question "why didn't they just tie a cat to stick"The Mummy, d&d, writethread, shoggy2017-04-17 15 
1378438Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 26: StudyKimi and Aizen work to understand her strange abilityCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-04-18 11 
1349132Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #33We take the Poison Gym leader's mission to take her brother's right to his ship, in order to keep him away from the island.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-04-23 13 
1372375Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #34You had a fashion-off with a pirate captain! You helped Hana catch a ChinchouPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-04-23 13 
1376244Star Wars: Dark Empire #1You are the Reborn Emperor Palpatine, are you a bad enough dude to retake your Galaxy from Rebel Scum and traitorous warlords?star wars, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev2017-04-23 30 
1393963Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 27: Against the selfThe hardest battle, is one against the self.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-04-23 10 
1368907Starcaller Quest: Episode 24A starship captain is stopped by the authorities, learns a bit about his passengers, and arrives on Earth. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-04-24 3 
1375464Shroom Man Civ #1You are shroom people. Enjoy being a fungiDrachtma, Crab, Civ, Co-Qm, Shrooms, 2017-04-24 5 
52769445Nobledark 40k Part 24: Fyodor Flips His Shit editionInquisition Schism, Angron writefaggatory, 5 Big Bastards written about, Chaos Eldar are dicks, Dark Mechanicus origins, Fenris Ultramar etcEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-04-25 12 
1389866Star Wars: Dark Empire #2The Retaking of Coruscant and the rather bloodless aftermath. Oh and an Imperial Captain's first taste of real combat.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-04-25 30 
1369122Breachers: Hotel Holiday [Skirmish]Hunting for Father Meloch, The Company visits a down-town hotel. They can check in any time they like, but. . . Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, breaches, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-04-29 5 
1412581Shinigami Savant Quest #98Riku ain't afraid of no ghosts.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-04-29 21 
1397888Shroom Man Civ 2Mining, Maps, Military. MushroomsDratchma, Crab, Co-QM, Civ, Shrooms2017-04-29 3 
1390449Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #35You massage Laki get lewdPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-04-30 20 
1416270Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 23It's always Jupiter.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-04-30 5 
May 2017
1413103Bastard's Boars 1The Bastard's Boars first mission.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Mercenaries2017-05-01 13 
1391560SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 #35In which our protagonist reflects on the mission, suspects the fey, and prepares to go grave robbing.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2017-05-01 7 
1404884Star Wars: Dark Empire #3Plans are laid and the reunification of the Galactic Empire starts in earnest.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-02 15 
1420996What Came Next 6: The Magnificent 4Let's get down to business - to defeat, the huns did they send me heathens. When I asked, for nuns!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-05-04 2 
1421822Star Wars: Dark Empire #4Our Imperial Captain has her Finest Hour yet by coming to the aid of a planet beset by Rebel Scum. Afterwards, the Empire then consolidates.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-04 13 
52931666Nobledark 40k Part 25: ROADTRIP YEAAAAAAAAAH editionHell that is Cadia, Caerys, Kayleth, Relationships of the gods, moar on Arrotyr, moar Chaos Eldar troops/atrocitiesEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-05-05 11 
1401936 [WD] Paper Heist=Readers Wanted= - Must have an open mind - Willing to risk bodily harm for the creative process - Day to Day PaymentPaper Heist, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-05-06 2 
1432612Shinigami Savant Quest #99The Banished.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-05-06 20 
1430538Star Wars: Dark Empire #5Palpatine determines the Hierarchy of his Dark Side organizations, including the ascension of Mara Jade into his new Sith Apprentice.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-07 12 
1436365Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 24Rose of Luna.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-05-07 5 
1414140Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #36We set off once again! Herb, Laki, and Kiera continue with the Fisherman's requests and must capture 30 Kecleon. We meet Max, he's a dick.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-05-08 12 
1436290Lamia Legacy Quest 81Keeping our heads down.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2017-05-09 1 
1440428Spirit Detective Quest #10Will and Stephanie part ways, and Will takes some much deserved restCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-05-09 12 
1400761Primarch Thread/qst/ attempts to fix the emperors mistakes with new primarchscollective game, 40k, primarch, Taman Shud, 2017-05-10 1 
1440506Star Wars: Dark Empire #6Alana deals with mutinies aboard her warships and attempts to resolve a hostage crisis.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-10 12 
1425006Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #11More time at Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-05-11 6 
1451963Spirit Detective Quest #11Pizza deliveryCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-05-13 14 
1442952Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #37You catch a bajillion Kecleon.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-05-14 12 
1439782Shroom Man Civ 3.5Trading with Lizards, getting Giant Shrooms, and winter is coming early. (Thread 3.0 is labeled as Zatch Bell Quest 17)Drachtma, Crab, Co-QM, Civ, Shrooms2017-05-14 1 
1425670Landskirmish Quest IIIIt is an age of mercenaries in a fantasy land. Join a small band of Landsknechts as they defend an abbot and his order from a siege.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Landskirmish2017-05-14 1 
1459217Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 25Picking up where we left off.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-05-14 6 
1459238Shinigami Savant Quest #100Mothers' Day.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-05-14 22 
1413759This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #7Reynolr embarks on a stealth mission to sink a capital ship, and encounters moral questions and strange old world machinery along the waysea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-05-15 20 
53143370Nobledark 40k Part XXVI: Roman Numerals ReloadedNature of Preatoria and Mordia, Dark City social changes, Crone Eldar, Malal deamon-prince, Hrud, Qah, Unnaground, Hubworlders, Legienstrass Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-05-16 11 
53209134Lord Farquaad's Bounty OfficeLord Farquaad accepts bounties on all fairy-tale creatures.Farquaad, Shrek, Funny, Shillings, Schillings, Swamp2017-05-16 24 
1455606Bastard’s Boars 2The Boars defeat the Badger and and their last employer, Barrand of the Black Suns. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Mercenaries, Bastard's Boars2017-05-16 4 
1470951Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 28: Conquer Kimi has defeated many enemies in both of her lives. But can she overcome one that is part of her?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-05-17 10 
1456857Star Wars: Dark Empire #7Immediately after dealing with mutinous scum, Alana gets into a brawl with a Rebel Fleet carrying the newest model starfighter: The E-Wing.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-18 13 
53150680/tg/ decides to create an AIAn anon vastly overestimates "/tg/ gets shit done" and tries to convince /tg/ to create a sentient AI. This goes predictably ineffectively/tg/ gets shit done, /tg/ doesn't get shit done, failure, AI, artifical intelligence, futile,2017-05-20 -8 
1465373Shroom Man Civ 4Winter passes early, Capstone's first expansion starts, and the shrooms turn their attention upwards.Drachtma, Crab, Co-QM, Civ, Shrooms2017-05-20 1 
1478512Shinigami Savant Quest #101Counter-Attack of the Dissidents.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-05-20 20 
1482114Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 26Artesia's revelation.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-05-21 3 
1482743Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 29: Tommorow HoldsSo must has changed for Kimi so quickly. But what does tomorrow hold for her in the soul society? Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-05-21 10 
1468689Star Wars: Dark Empire #8Darth Cythera and Sedriss go off in search of Luke Skywalker while Palpatine is presented a most wonderful gift by Isard.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-22 12 
1456542Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #38We negotiated and brought the Kecleon to a new home and engaged in an aura mixing ritual with Keira.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-05-22 13 
1483710Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #39You meet and train a Tauros, find a new power in yourself, have a painful moment with Dice, and morePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-05-23 15 
1452083Breachers: Hotel Holiday [Skirmish]After capturing father Meloch,the teams accepts a job from MerkalinSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, breaches, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-05-24 5 
1456825Landskirmish Quest IV: Ambush at Mt. Gotthard PassIt is an age of mercenaries in a fantasy land. Join a small band of Landsknechts as they capture an enemy commander for ransom.Landskirmish, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game2017-05-25 1 
1471010Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #12Even more time on Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-05-25 6 
53338185Nobledark 40k Part 27: Roman Numerals are Shit EditionSomeone steps up to the plate for Dorn, Crone Eldar WMDs, Badab War, Feast of Blades, Interex and their warriors, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-05-26 11 
1486268Shroom Man Civ 5Capstone gets a second wall just in time for the first large scale battle. Also time to choose the second hero unit.Drachtma, Crab, Co-QM, Civ, Shrooms2017-05-27 1 
1491184Star Wars: Dark Empire #9Palplatine holds a meeting with his Admirals, Thrawn included regarding the next step of his Campaign while Alana finally gets a break.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-05-28 11 
1504223Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #40We bond with Keira, work out, battle a strong gentleman, and come home to visitPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-05-29 14 
1494947Starcaller Quest: Episode 25A starship Captain makes a rather unpleasant trip to Earth. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-05-30 3 
1488652SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #35.5In which our protagonist pretends to be Sam Winchester, banters with a king, and witnesses Queen Titania's justice.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest2017-05-31 5 
1494734Starship Idols Quest #17Accepting a new mission.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-05-31 2 
1482416SKETCHER: Shady SandsA ragtag group of wanderers assemble at a waystation and band together to put down a spitescorp infestation.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-05-31 8 
June 2017
1504495Star Wars: Dark Empire #10Alana goes into what may be the hardest fight of her life: A High Society Gala. Meanwhile, Darth Cytera gets Sith-style Pep talk.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-06-02 11 
53444133/tg/ fixes Enterprise/tg/ anons rewrite the infamously terrible Star Trek Enterprise show into something which would have actually been entertaining.story, worldbuilding, star trek, rewrite, enterprise, shran,2017-06-03 0 
1513353Shroom Man Civ 6A short thread that features molemen and a bad decision.Drachtma, Crab, Co-QM, Civ, Shrooms2017-06-03 1 
1530880Shinigami Savant Quest #102A rebellion's end.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-06-03 21 
1521915Another Dragon Ball Quest #1You're a young, red skinned child with no memory of your life past a year ago, good luck.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-04 5 
1535915Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 27Door to door.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-06-04 2 
1525008Star Wars: Dark Empire #11With the Imperial Victory Ball taken care of. Darth Cythera closes in on her target of Rhen Var, Luke Skywalker, and the hidden Jedi Academystar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-06-06 7 
53619604/tg/ enters the Magical RealmA collection of the worst fetish settings /tg/ has ever seen.That gm, fetish, magical realm, cringe2017-06-07 5 
1536253Metahuman Quest: Issue #1Morgan Barrett moves into Gotham with his mother and makes some interesting new acquaintances.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, density, Batman, cape, capeshit, SleepyQM, Sleepy2017-06-07 21 
1521381Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #13The battle of Kuat begins.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-06-07 4 
1517496Starcaller Quest: Episode 26A starship captain begins a dicey operation on Ganymede. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-06-08 3 
53557919Nobledark 40k 28: Imperial Grand Tour editionSavlar, felinids, Damocles Gulf, more Old Earth, Silent King, what are Zoats and should (the tyranids) be eating them, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-06-09 11 
1554706Copper Age Draw QuestA shaman works in the communitycopper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest2017-06-09 4 
1521639This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #8The Brora fights another sea battle, and Reynolr joins a drunkard's quest by airship to loot an ancient spire in the north.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-06-10 20 
1559129Shinigami Savant Quest #103Back in the saddle again.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-06-10 21 
1548544Another Dragon Ball Quest #2After a couple month's worth of training Saff now has to deal with RaditzDragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-11 5 
1563218Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 28The investigation continues.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-06-11 3 
53716563Blu Toof and the Strayt Shootas: Part 2In which the Strayt Shootas are expanded upon. Great draw, and writefaggotry is posted, and a space hulk is rolled up. 40k, Ork, tau, Strayt Shootas, Chimera Legion, inquisition, writefaggotry, drawfaggotry2017-06-13 5 
1560339Another Dragon Ball Quest #3The battle with Raditz is handled better than expected, but now Saff and the others have to prepare for the other Saiyans.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-14 2 
1549315Starship Idols Quest #19Mission to Thrace.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-06-16 1 
1536751Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #41You give Jane a Moon Stone and have a battle. Dice vs Nidoqueen!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-06-16 20 
1560366Star Wars: Dark Empire #12In this thread: Luke Skywalker shows just why he's a Jedi Master and deals with Darth Cythera just like his father did with Dooku.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, like father like son2017-06-17 5 
1582273Shinigami Savant Quest #104Mens rea.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-06-17 21 
1575903Star Wars: Dark Empire #13Brakiss investigates Alana's backroom dealings, Alana accidentally gets involved in Dark Side Politics, and gets a new assignmentstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists 2017-06-18 7 
53827480The 108 Pearlworlds of the Nerakan ReclusiamAnon starts up a non-Imperium human realm, becomes zen Buddhist Chaos monks in space.40k, warhammer, human, get, shit, done, tg2017-06-19 13 
1583730Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #42We have a date with Jane, almost join a Team, and get indecisive about girls some morePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-06-19 15 
1581996Trick Shitpost Series: White Rhino QuestYou are the last survivor of an extinct speciesTrick shitpost series, white rhino quest, Trick2017-06-19 2 
1573112Another Dragon Ball Quest #4Everyone arrives at the lookout in time for Kami to drop some bad news, and Saff must choose someone to train under.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-20 2 
1593945Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 30: Continue onDespite the pains and memories of the past, we must continue on down the road of life.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-06-20 8 
1594085Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #43We have a talk with Hana, go to bed, and head downstairs for breakfast.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-06-21 20 
1593056drawing stuff IIIa break out is botched and we return to the foldcopper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest, era draw quest2017-06-22 1 
53787726Nobledark 40k 29: Multi-Drug withdrawal edditionUrkrathos the Chaos Fleet Master, more on Savlar, Saharduin, Indigo Crow and the Raid, Tyrant Star and Harrowing, nature of AssassinsEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-06-23 11 
1572847Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #14The Battle of KuatCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-06-24 6 
1608271Shinigami Savant Quest #105What is a Lieutenant?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-06-24 21 
1602845Black Company Quest #28The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day One. There is much weeping an gnashing of teeth.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, No Parents, Punished Kid2017-06-25 22 
1598713Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #44We explore the woods, our own motivations and feelings, meet Kat, get the girlsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-06-25 20 
1612022Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 29Cannoli and paper trails.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-06-25 5 
1584383This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #9 Reynolr returns to scrap bay and meets an old friend.Heartfelt conversations are had as he uses his leave to embark on a personal adventure.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-06-27 20 
1591181Starcaller Quest: Episode 27A starship captain completes his mission on Ganymede. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-06-29 3 
July 2017
1608645E.V.A Beta 2Power armour contractors deploy to a comet and encounter infested miners!collective game, skirmish, EVA, tacticool, power armour, cognis2017-07-01 1 
1629623Shinigami Savant Quest #106Tea time for Riku.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-07-01 21 
1609123Gyrocite: Beta CaveA crew of handymen look for their employer's missing merchandise while something crawls about.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-07-02 2 
1627387Lamia Legacy Quest 82Return to the Ranch.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2017-07-02 1 
1608565Bastard’s Boars : Spring CleaningThe Boars clean up their base. Then promptly make a mess of it again Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Mercenaries, Bastard's Boars2017-07-04 2 
1630849Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #45You have a man-to-man with your dad, think up some fashion for your pokemon, and have a Dragonair encounterPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-07-05 14 
1617204Frilled to Run #1A Frilled Shark decides she should, nay, MUST become President of the United States. Her campaign begins in earnest.Frilled Shark, Shark, Politics, Ceerie, Ceerie2020, Gamaliel, Under da Sea2017-07-05 5 
1626737Another Dragon Ball Quest #5A week of training has led to Saff getting stronger, plus she gets to learn some new moves from RaijinDragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-05 5 
53972235Nobledark 40k 30:Lost and Damned guide to Shaa-Dome real estate EditionGods, Tau, Changeling, Ceggers, Daemonculaba, Adoption, Hector Rex, Dark Mechanicus, Eisenhorn, 1st Dorn draft, Malal, Dark Sun, WarpstoneEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-07-05 11 
1629305Star Wars: Dark Empire II #1After a nearly month long hiatus, Dark Empire returns with Dark Side politics and Alana climbing up the ladder.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-07-07 6 
1646825Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 31: Panic10 years have passed. Secrets have been stolen, changes have come, and new threats rise up.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-07-07 6 
1650489Shinigami Savant Quest #107The two swordsmiths.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-07-08 21 
1619056This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #10Violence and intrigue aboard the airship Maitresse.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-07-08 12 
54191269Night Shift: Working OvertimeWe join the Attendants at the Gas 'n Go for another Night Shift where we discuss mechanics, inspiration and the future of the Station.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2017-07-09 12 
1654899Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 30VBPD You.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-07-10 2 
1650667What Came Next 7: Brother Who Art Thou?Just a day of teaching, nothing to see here. Why would anyone be concerned?Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-07-11 3 
1656074Slasher Villain Quest/qst/ plays the role of the villain in a slasher movie and hilarity ensues.Collective Game, Villain, Slasher, Movie2017-07-12 3 
1651345Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #46You finish the Rod quest, take the spice challenge, and unlock your pokemon's potentialPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-07-16 15 
1671582Shinigami Savant Quest #108Release//Consume.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-07-16 21 
1675354Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 30Whoops.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-07-17 2 
1659467Star Wars: Dark Empire II #2After meeting her new subordinates and comrades, Alana leads an attack on the Yevethan world of Aradiastar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-07-17 10 
1655250Skirmish] Gyrocite Beta Cave IIThe crew dives deeper into the cave. Fires are lit and mistakes are made.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-07-18 1 
1671566Another Dragon Ball Quest #6Saff deals with the dreaded Cottontail tribe, finally gets underway with some serious training, and goes to the Otherworld market.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-18 4 
1673449I'll draw you stuff VITublat has a frightening conversation with a tainted spirit.copper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest2017-07-19 1 
1652938Moe Drones Skirmish: Londry EditionCommanders, drones, and mobile factories fighting for the dietary health of mankind. Maintenance mission, wrestling with awkward controls.skirmish, moe drones, Londry, veggies, pumpkin2017-07-19 1 
54215770Nobledark 40k: Bureaucrat's Wetdreams (or nightmare) editionCurrency, Draco is a freak, Angron and slavery, Minotaurs,Doomtau Kais, Preatorians and sexy nuns, floaty skulls, Titus is building a LegionEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-07-21 11 
1663743Starcaller Quest: Episode 28A starship captain escapes Ganymede, speaks with some of his crew on the way to Ceres, and takes a nap. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-07-21 3 
1661464Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #15CoruscantCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-07-22 3 
1671016Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #47You get a new pokemon, give Laki some attention, have a strange moment with her and dreamPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking, Vulpix2017-07-23 13 
1694843Shinigami Savant Quest #109Citadel.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-07-23 21 
1699073Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 32The Lunar Connection. (Previous thread is mis-archived)Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-07-24 2 
1666872Storm Demigod Quest #7Aisha presses the limits of Kasai's sanity and gets married.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Demigod Quest, sappy shit2017-07-24 6 
1680184Gyrocite: Beta Cave IIIThe crew secure the last of the prototypes and find something unexpected. Also more cave spider things.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-07-24 1 
1680835Star Wars: Dark Empire II #3The conclusion of the Battle of Aradia and a return to Palpatine star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-07-25 6 
1689884Another Dragon Ball Quest #7The Yamcha EpisodeDragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-25 1 
1677516Slasher Villain Quest Episode IIThe grand adventures of /qst/'s chosen slasher villain continue, now with more spooking, shouting and... waiting?Collective Game, Villain, Slasher, Movie2017-07-27 1 
1681447Slayer Kaiju Attack [Testfire]Bootleg monster hunter in a skirmish format. Get your carves now!!!!fenster, collective game, skirmish, monster hunter, kaiju, slayer, attack, bootleg2017-07-27 1 
54578358 The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 2The All Guardsmen Party Returns!All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2017-07-29 80 
1682772Moe Drones Skirmish: Londry Edition 2The mission is jeopardized. veggies, londry, moe drones skirmish2017-07-29 1 
1680103Planetary Governor Quest #4PC Quest returns, with a strike more time warped people and a chaos battle barge attempting to land on our planet.Warhammer 40k, Planetary Governor Quest, Shmeh2017-07-29 1 
1719882Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 32:ParanoiaSomeone is trying to kill Kimi,or worse in the land of the living, as she leads a few soul reapers in training on a field trip. Oh dear.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-07-29 11 
54594909The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 3The party assists in the acquisition of a spooky box. All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2017-07-30 82 
1721525Shinigami Savant Quest #110The self-cleaning clan, and other tales of interest.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Questi2017-07-30 21 
1715693Another Dragon Ball Quest #8In which we meet the Champ himself, and make a trip to the past with some terrible results.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-30 4 
1688886 World Tree [Skirmish][Floors]A Scholar Looking: For hearty adventurers experienced or new to explore a recent phenomenon that is [Dungeons]World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-07-30 4 
1657098HexCOM - ReUsable Assets [Skirmish]The hot wind scours the skin out here. A small patrol responds to a emergency beacon for a weatherlogging station. And then, the bugs.skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-07-30 5 
1705797Star Wars: Dark Empire II #4 Alana deals with the "lost" Super Star Destroyer Intimidator. The Empire plans next steps and Palpatine gets a new Admiral.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-07-31 5 
August 2017
1701234Starcaller Quest: Episode 29A starship captain docks his ship for upgrades, wanders the town, and runs into someone familiar at a War memorial. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-08-01 4 
54503379Nobledark 40k 32: Survivor Civilization editioTaldeer has Slutty Ears, Ultramar Draft 1, Iybraesil, Damocles Crusade, Tigurius, Demiurg, Titus and Mira, Savlar wear vault suits.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-08-03 11 
1694345Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #48We cooked, had an aura journey, and a shard ceremonyPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-08-03 12 
1701113Gyrocite: Felman HollowThe crew try to find an engineer and encounter their creations skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-08-03 1 
1701649Planetary governor quest #5Chaos forces repelled and the warp throwing out Astartes all over us.Warhammer 40k, Planetary Governor Quest, Shmeh2017-08-04 1 
1698144This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #11 wThe Maîtresse reaches its destination. Reynolr and his team explore an auxiliary port. sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-08-04 11 
1709152Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #16Lusankya again.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-08-05 2 
1748955Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 33Vist.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-08-07 2 
1724179Planetary governor quest #6Our wayward guests leave to places unknown, while we decided whether or not to purge self-entitled refugees.Warhammer 40k, Planetary Governor Quest, Shmeh2017-08-08 1 
1731183Star Wars: Dark Empire II #5Alana is tasked with Taking the young Duchess Ederlathh Palopides to Byss and keeping her entertained on the way.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-08-09 5 
1720445Freelancer Quest 1In a world under siege, where magic and science are one, you and your fellow Freelancers are humanity's last defenders.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-08-09 18 
1712827Slasher Villain Quest Episode IIITorture happens, some words are exchanged between Molar and the local law enforcement, plans are made for crashing of a rich kids' party.Collective Game, Villain, Slasher, Movie2017-08-09 1 
1747639Lamia Legacy Quest 83Setting forth once more in the lands of the Casimiran.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2017-08-09 1 
1757108Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 33: GrudgeGrudges do an awful things to the soul. Kimi and Tosen once again face a quincy.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-08-09 8 
1721025Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #49You traveled the long way, had a Burmy swarm encounter, came to a tiny community of mainlanders, meet another trainer, meet Murkrow againPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-08-10 12 
1750907Another Dragon Ball Quest #9Saff finally learns about her mysterious past, and has a birthday party!Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-08-11 3 
1729225World Tree-Day 2, The First City [Skirmish]The party rests in Avalon, before returning to Dunndirk World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-08-13 1 
54715863 Nobledark 40k 33: Orkz is da greenist and bestest edition Featuring the Saruthi, Lady Celestine, Cyrene Valantion, actual agreement on Eversors, Ulthran Cartel politics, and (attempts at) OrksEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 402017-08-16 11 
1747988HexCom: Mission MeltdownEveryone is dead, Dave. Except the bugs.skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-08-17 5 
1751639Gyrocite: Felman Hollow IIThe crew take on automatons and find the engineer.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-08-19 2 
1789527Shinigami Savant Quest #111The fence.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Questi2017-08-19 22 
1747752Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #50We agreed to help Murkrow out with his stash. Gobble jobbed a Snorlax. We agreed to help another injured MurkrowPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking, Murkrow2017-08-20 16 
1793303Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 34The Screaming StarCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-08-20 3 
1765921World Tree- Day 3. Midnight of the Third Day.The Night dips for our enemies, and here we are given the first taste of our adversary.World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-08-23 2 
55001131Nobledark 40k 34: Orkz IIDied far too young, but contains discussion and Bjorn writefaggotry worthy of archiving.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 402017-08-24 11 
1775693Star Wars: Dark Empire II #7Plans are made for the conquest of the Southern reaches of the Galaxystar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-08-27 3 
1786005Starcaller Quest: Episode 30A starship captain spends his downtime on Mars chatting with contact and his crew. On the horizon, another party looms...Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-08-28 2 
1798898Star Wars: Dark Empire II #8The Battle for Corellia, meta discussion about dice systems and the Emperor takes matters into his own hands in the Rock Crab Nebulastar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-08-29 4 
1809804Another Dragon Ball Quest #10Saff gets into an argument with Kami, and goes off to train with Piccolo and Raditz, plus Janken happens.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-08-29 2 
1793077Freelancer Quest 2The Freelancer recruits are soon called to their second mission, the defense of a mobile mining arcology against Scav raiders.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-08-29 10 
1820701Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 34: Deaths vs the deadA horde of the dead against two deaths. Kimi and Tosen once again find themselves outnumbered. But are they out matched?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-08-29 10 
1793475Alien Resistance Quest 1Tactics were used, aliens were slayed, and mutants made from alien weapons turned into our weapon. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-08-30 2 
1770079Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #51You healed a wing, Hana busted a finger, astral projected with KeiraPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-08-31 11 
1793795Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #5You and Keira double battle Laki and Abigail using SorbetPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-08-31 10 
September 2017
1801926Star Wars: Kuat Collection #17The New PlanCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-09-02 2 
1833331Shinigami Savant Quest #112Riku puts her affairs in order.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-09-02 26 
1837337Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 35JUPITEEEER!Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-09-04 2 
55066206Nobledark 40k part 35: the Old (and new) Gods editionMostly Necrons, C'tan, and Blood Angels, along with associated things.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-09-04 11 
1802772World Tree- Day 3, What Comes Down from the TreeThe party retreats to Avalon to lick wounds and rethink their strategyWorld Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-09-04 1 
1814822Alien Resistance Quest 2We did some research and found out what happens when mutants stay locked up.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-05 1 
1821051Star Wars: Dark Empire II #9After the Battle of the Rock Crab Nebula, the Empire regroups and plans next stepsstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-09-08 5 
1804824Gyrocite: Felman Hollow IIIThe crew finish off the last automaton and prepare for the Vitas Fair. Assets are acquired and the plot thickens. skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-09-12 1 
1870768Shinigami Savant Quest #113Deadberry.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-09-16 22 
1860939Star Wars: Dark Empire II #10Alana gets intimate with Lobkin, Sedriss and Cythera's rivalry comes to a head, and Palpatine leads a Raid on Dac.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists,2017-09-17 5 
1874604Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 36Vs JupiterCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-09-17 3 
1840538Alien Resistance Quest 3 A chemist took some alien drugs, a mutant became to smart, and we survived a supply raid. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-18 1 
1875682Lamia Legacy Quest 84A return trip, and associated detours.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2017-09-18 1 
1839603World Tree- Day 4, The First Knot ExterminationAs darkness falls a storm rolls in while monsters roam.World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-09-18 1 
1878417Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 35: HollowedThe battle against the quincy reaches its head. Kimi faces a massive horde of hollows as Tosen takes on the quincy's "puppets"Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-09-18 8 
55313386Nobledark 40k part 36: Citizen Khaine editionSquats, shrikes, Slaugh and the Rangdan Xenocides, adorable proto-orks, more Ultramar, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-09-19 11 
1855070Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #53Herb does the deed.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-09-20 11 
1855383Hero Academia QuestUshi is defined, robots are beaten and a talk with Endeavor happens at a mall. He was pretty bored. A bit of family issues happen too.MHA Quest, Ushi Walker, Present Mic2017-09-20 100 
1863812Shroom Civ /Gen 2 part 1Shroom civ revival part 1Drachtma, Shroom, Civ, 2017-09-23 1 
1867223Alien Resistance Quest 4Recruiting, it was once a simple thing. Now a weapon to surpass gauss. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-25 1 
1874607World Tree- Day 5 - A Town called DunndirkMidnight breaks and the weather clears- the battle may have concluded below but the feathers above shadow us still. World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-09-28 2 
1895614Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #54You train each other's Pokemon, visit the Grass Temple, and decide to help fix itPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-09-30 10 
1917324Shinigami Savant Quest #114YOU MUST BE SWIFT AS A COURSING RIVERBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-09-30 21 
October 2017
1898870Freelancer Quest 3The Freelancers are tasked with raiding valuable supplies from a Scav encampment, and have their first encounter with enemy spellcasters.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-10-01 10 
1921791Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 37Retreat.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-10-01 4 
1919109Raidou Kuzunoha the XVI Quest #1You are Pablo Salvador, a Japanese descendant of a Spanish immigrant. You are also the next Raidou Kuzunoha...also, a spy.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Raidou Kuzunoha the XVI2017-10-03 1 
1887552Gyrocite: Vitas FairThe crew travel to Capital for the Vitas fair in Capital. They begin their tech demo in earnest while complications arise.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-10-03 1 
1930897Shitty Acting Quest 1The adventures of Gabriel Lincoln, newbie actor and crit-addict.shitty acting quest, collective game2017-10-06 30 
1896296Alien Resistance Quest 5Went to down to the office for some paper work. Ended up kicking the hornet nest. Called in weeds to help. Ask the base to deliver roundup.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-10-07 1 
1903234Starcaller Quest: Episode 31A starship captain speaks with a sergeant, oversees the construction on his ship, and runs some errands. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-10-07 2 
55583946Nobledark 40k part 37: Hive Architecture 101 and Remedial Political History EditionWe finally talk about the Tau. General Eldar stuff, Black Legion, the Imperial Aquila.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-10-07 10 
1940221Shinigami Savant Quest #115WITH ALL THE FORCE OF A GREAT TYPHOONBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-10-07 22 
1918763Star Wars: Dark Empire III #1Dark Empire returns, Alana deals with intruders, Isard deals with the Imperial Council, Palpatine deals with the Mon Calamaristar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists,2017-10-08 4 
1908192Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #55You battled Beauty Branch girls in the grass temple, got the beauty branch leader to agree to a fashion show, and discussed religious doubtsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-10-08 11 
1930201Shipwrecked QuestWe've been shipwrecked. We fight a goat-tiger creature, eat it and then fight some natives.Shipwrecked Quest2017-10-11 1 
1918796Hero Academia Quest 2Walker is accepted into U.A, and into class 1-A. Makes friends with Shoto, defines her costume and does well in a Quirk Aprehension test. MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2017-10-11 54 
1923264Alien Resistance Quest 6Not much to say. We killed the plants, we got the info, and now we gotta get our boys home. If the game ever gets picked back up.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-10-12 1 
1898435Planetary Governor Quest #12We intervene to defeat a WaagghhhShmeh,40k, Planetary Governor Quest2017-10-13 1 
1929406Gyrocite: Vitas Fair IIThe crew continue their demonstration and subterfuge while the Gyre siblings overcome and go under.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-10-13 1 
1951449Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna #6It's been a long time. But Heinrich's back to finish the fight.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2017-10-14 3 
1943656Shadow PlayA former cop with locked-in syndrome is forced to take over other people's bodies in order to save his niece from a group of kidnappers.Collective Game, Shadow Play, Idiom Alpha, First Person, Image Quest2017-10-14 2 
1952527Star Wars: Dark Empire III #2A meeting in the Tion Cluster reveals where loyalties lie and Alana gets a new assignmentstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists,2017-10-15 3 
1970228Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 38Dealmaker.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-10-15 3 
1940681Starcaller Quest: Episode 32A starship captain meets a paranoid tech genius, returns to his mechanics, and gets a phone call. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-10-16 2 
1955038Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #18LothalCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-10-18 3 
1941564Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #56The conservation "branch" sends Herb on a sidequest. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-10-18 15 
1979401Star Wars: Dark Empire III #3Palpatine navigates his way around the Maw and through Hutt Space on his journey back to the Core star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-10-18 5 
55824461Nobledark 40k part 38: Master of Meatkind EditionMore of Lion's story, Tarellian colonies and culture, Xun'bakyr and the Maynarch Dynasty, and the crazy stuff on GanymedeEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-10-19 10 
1978593Lamia Legacy Quest 85In which we try our hand at playing wagon master.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2017-10-20 1 
1993846Shinigami Savant Quest #116WITH ALL THE STRENGTH OF A RAGING FIREBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-10-21 22 
CollectionShitty Acting Quest 2Gabriel continues training for his first big role. Crits put QM on suicide watch.shitty acting quest, collective game2017-10-22 0 
1954538Shitty Acting Quest 2Gabriel continues training for his first big role. Crits put QM on suicide watch.shitty acting quest, collective game2017-10-22 7 
1967816Hero Academia Quest 3Walker shows she loves cooking and motors, teen awkwardness is had and her Battle Trial begins with her and Mineta vs Tokoyami and Todoroki.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2017-10-22 45 
1960032World Tree- Day 6 - The Battle of HachibanaWe arrived at night to assist in relieving the previous group from a day's worth of fighting.World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-10-23 1 
1955266World Tree General [Nothing Doing]General generalynessWorld Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-10-23 1 
1959414Planetary Governor Quest #13We return to some good old fashioned governing after taking care of an ork problemShmeh,40k, Planetary Governor Quest2017-10-23 1 
1981858Raidou Kuzunoha the XVI Quest, Part 2 We're sent on our first mission- investigate the disappearance of a school's entire faculty and student body. Things quickly get spooky.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Raidou Kuzunoha the XVI2017-10-24 1 
1978687Magical Invasion #1You are a hard-boiled Japanese schoolboy detective fighting alongside other resistance fighters against invading magical girls. Lettuce, Magical Invasion, Magical Girls, Mahou Shoujo, Comedy, Collective Game2017-10-26 1 
2001800Magical Invasion #2You are a hard-boiled Japanese schoolboy detective fighting alongside other resistance fighters against invading magical girls. Lettuce, Magical Invasion, Magical Girls, Mahou Shoujo, Humor, Comedy, Collective Game 2017-10-26 2 
55979433Night Shift: Halloween EditionEmployee guides are shared and games are planned as we return to the Stop n' Gas this Halloween to discuss a favorite /tg/ homebrew.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2017-10-27 13 
2003322Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #57You got to know Gardevoir, more about Hana's past, got confronted by Fug, called Val, and Bella learned Grass Whistle!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-10-29 12 
2023386Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 39Second effort.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-10-29 5 
1970106Gyrocite: Vitas Fair IIIThe crew's demonstration reaches its finale while the others take care of the bagmen.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-10-31 1 
November 2017
56144646Horrible Deep Sea Thread"I'll be posting factual information about horrible creatures from the deep sea..."deep, sea, deep sea, ocean, wildlife, fish, whales, mermaids, salt, sharks, eels, biology, horror2017-11-03 10 
1998678Hero Academia Quest 4Walker and Mineta take on Tokoyami and Todoroki, with an unexpected turn at the end. Ushi and Shoto have moment that tears up All Might.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2017-11-04 59 
56059361Nobledark 40k part 39: Spooky Scary Necrons EditionMore on the Silent King and Maynarkh Dynasty, more High Lords, spess combat, and Bile's projects and relationship with Commorragh.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-11-04 11 
2039621Shinigami Savant Quest #117MYSTERIOUS AS THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOONBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-11-04 22 
2020909Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #58You fought your way to see Laki, had a heart to stone heart with Mace, and bonedPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-11-05 10 
2028627Shinobi Support Quest 1QM introduces Yoko Yamisaki to her team, sensei, and a certain someone on her first week of being a GeninCollective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-11-05 22 
2001115World Tree- Day 7 - Midnight of Day 7. Battle of HachibanaThrough artillery barrage and moblin charge, the battle wages on.World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-11-05 1 
2050112What Came Next 12: What Came BeforeNothing bad happens as we flashback to a red haired teenager on her first date.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Sukaretto, Flashback, Living, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Rukongai, Ukitake, Lucifer, Crusader, God, Christian2017-11-10 2 
2032610Star Wars: Dark Empire III #4Alana takes control of the Naboo sector fleet and Palpatine makes plans to destroy the Rebellion. And executes them.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2017-11-11 5 
2064405Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 40Push to target.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-11-12 3 
2041239Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #59You console Keira about her doubts, help prepare the event, and encounter a new entity with Jane while meditatingPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-11-13 10 
2067226Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 36: Menos-ing ReturnKimi and Tosen destroy the last of the quincy puppets, and back up is on the way. But can they survive a battle against 2 menos?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-11-13 7 
56344476Kamigakari Thread storytimesA Kamigakari thread sees the resumption of a storytime and the beginning of another. Mages infiltrate school. Yakuza and ghosts are trouble.Kamigakari, storytime, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Jagasaki, high school, roll202017-11-14 4 
2002678Planetary Governor Quest #14We choose a wife, kill xenos, and make moneyShmeh,40k, Planetary Governor Quest2017-11-16 1 
56286128Nobledark 40k part 40: Skiing in Space Austria editionAsdrubael Vect and the Dark Eldar, Reri Hesperax, Ratlings, Eldar Empire logistics, Asurmen and Phoenix Lords, Legienstrasse & Draco storiesEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-11-16 11 
2067104Boruto Quest 68Our QM comes back to /qst/ after 8 months away, Takeshi takes care of some bullies and talks down his newly declared rival.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Ninja, Anime, Takeshi2017-11-16 11 
2061719Support Shinobi Quest 2Yoko Yamisaki goes on a C-rank mission with another team!Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-11-18 21 
2044407 Hero Academia Quest 5 Cocoa is had, unilateral friendships and normal ones are made, Kaminari asks for a date and gets it and Eiji, Mina and Ushi deal with sushi.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2017-11-18 41 
56403336Kamigakari Thread storytimesMisfits in Osaka continues.Kamigakari, storytime, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Jagasaki2017-11-18 3 
2081510Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #60You thwarted attempts to ruin the show and dressed up all pretty-likePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-11-19 11 
2047172Gyrocite: Capital BallThe crew start their second shift in Capital all on separate assignments.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-11-20 1 
2064680Hellsing Quest 3We have a reunion with our brotherHellsing quest, Hellsing, Eldritch, Erishel2017-11-20 1 
2065342Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #60 (real)(Other one is 61)You thwarted attempts to ruin the show and dressed up all pretty-like.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-11-20 11 
2066979Shellstorm: Pawns of War, Knights of NewThe beginning of an era within the RAC of the British Commonwealth in the 1960's...WeaverQM, Shellstorm, 2017-11-20 1 
2081819Shinobi Quest #59/The Return!! #1THE BIG RETURN THREAD! After 9 months away, Tsuki Norihime returns to get shit done!Naruto, Collective Game, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-11-22 22 
56461002mipuiOP shares his online map editor (collaborative too!) with /tg/ for testing and input.map editor, mipui, map, maps, collaboration, free, online, open source, /tg/ gets shit done, shit gets done2017-11-22 22 
2071051Silent Stars Quest pt1Captain Samson Iskander Wick takes his place among the stars as captain of the Malcontent. We begin our career as glorious space piratesPunishedCursed, Space, Scifi, aliens, Piracy, ship combat, Collective game2017-11-23 3 
2073783Star Wars: Kuat Collection #19The Battle of Lothal continues.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-11-25 3 
2098583Shinigami Savant Quest #118No fighting in the war room.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-11-25 23 
2103098Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 41Formalities(?)Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-11-26 5 
56468501Nobledark 40k part 41: Fear and Loathing in Savlar editionMore on the Phoenix Lords, Tau, Inquisitor Valeria, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-11-27 10 
2069346Grid Lock [Skirmish] Free Range GolemsNew land, new grid, familiar faces, familiar places.fenster, collective game, grid-lock, grid lock, skirmish,2017-11-27 1 
56586721Kamigakari Thread storytimeStatting Mononoke, Misfits in Osaka continues, advice on searching for images to use and games. Kamigakari, storytime, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Jagasaki, Pixiv, image search,2017-11-28 3 
2086934Boruto Quest 69Nice. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Ninja, Anime, Takeshi2017-11-28 6 
2104162Hellsing Quest 4Erishel finds a Jap, has a fight, and then Mcsirman had to deal with another questHellsing quest, Hellsing, Eldritch, Erishel2017-11-29 1 
2064594Planetary Governor Quest #15We do some old fashioned governing, and make some big movesShmeh,40k, Planetary Governor Quest2017-11-30 1 
December 2017
56684946Nobledark 40k part 42: Unpronounceable Tau name editionDied way too soon, but a little done including a complete writeup for Kryptman.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-01 10 
2085278Gyrocite: Capital Ball IIThings get hectic when the crew face off against their main adversaries.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-12-02 1 
2109027What Came Next 13: A Happy EndingSukaretto fights a tentacle monster while her brother watches.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Sukaretto, Flashback, Living, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Rukongai, Ukitake, Lucifer, Crusader, God, Christian2017-12-02 2 
2103266You are the Dungeon!Dungeon Dwellers fight of three adventurers, the adventurers die nicely.Collective Game, Skirmish, MrDoggyPants, Dungeon, Dweller, Seth, Gamba, Balas, Illusionist, Commander, Tinkerer2017-12-02 6 
2092597MAR Quest 1Onishi Kana beats up bullies before being teleported into a world of fairy tales and legends. Teams up with Pirates and kicks ass!MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2017-12-03 5 
2089392Silent Stars Quest ep2Captain Samson Iskander Wick and his trusty crew sell slaves, upgrade The Malcontent, almost buy a alien catgirl but buy a Banth instead!PunishedCursed, Space, Scifi, aliens, Piracy, ship combat, Collective game2017-12-03 2 
2099661Support Shinobi Quest 3Yoko snitches, sees Orochimaru again, is so excited she hisses in her room for a week, and then reenacts Weekend at Bernie's for an arm.Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-12-03 20 
2107565arSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #3A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers.pokemon mystery quest, comic, sugarsnot, sugarsmear, magby, psyduck, magnezone, donut, lilypaddle, shuckle2017-12-03 1 
2081952Freelancer Quest 4To prepare for future assaults on the Machine City, the company must establish a green zone by reactivating an old defense battery.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-12-03 13 
56714893Kamigakari Thread storytimeAnswers and info from a player in Crazy Isekai Storytime, More Misfits in Osaka, Battle with an undead Samurai.Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Mononoke, summoning, mages2017-12-04 5 
2112418Silent Stars Quest ep3Captain Wick breaks in a alien murderbeast and then goes full Jolly Roger on a Frigate and station. Asskickery and balls to the wall ensue.PunishedCursed, Space, Scifi, aliens, Piracy, ship combat, Collective game2017-12-08 1 
56706040Nobledark 40k part 42a: Unpronounceable Tau name edition part IIFulgrim returns, Catachan, Slaugth get a writeup, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-08 10 
2114990Punisher QuestWe stab some mobsters, then their oriental friends.Punisher Quest, Rook, RookQM, Punisher, Marvel, Collective Game2017-12-09 1 
2109343Boruto Quest 70The last fight.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Ninja, Anime, Takeshi2017-12-09 5 
2100452Hero Academia Quest 6Class prez and VP are elected, and the class takes a bus to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint for their rescue training. What can go wrong?MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2017-12-09 39 
56774869Kamigakari Thread storytimesMisfits in Osaka & Crazy Isekai Storytiming. Slavery, Social Awkwardness, Akira in a Plugsuit! Advice on building and rebuilding characters.Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, plugsuit, pdf2017-12-10 4 
56930616Nobledark 40k part 43: WAAAGH! editionThread died too quickly again, but some discussion of Vandire and the Imperial Civil WarEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-15 10 
2144211Lamia Legacy Quest 86Trade, Diplomacy, and Warfare.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2017-12-15 1 
56856351Kamigakari Thread storytimesMisfits in Osaka continues. A giant snake woman and a spirit detective. Kamigakari, storytime, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Jagasaki, Ren2017-12-16 5 
2113972Starcaller Quest: Episode 33A starship captain discusses an interview, plans the interview, and indulges his second-in-command's spy LARPing tendencies. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2017-12-16 2 
2117174Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #62Girl Fight!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-12-16 11 
2150528Shinigami Savant Quest #119Arisawa Tatsuki's Wild RideBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-12-16 23 
2128812Silent Stars Quest Ep4Captain Wick goes in search of a missing Corpse on his ship and instead meets an original occupant. As always, Cursed dies a lotPunishedCursed, Space, Scifi, aliens, Piracy, ship combat, Collective game2017-12-17 2 
2117587Gyrocite: Capital Ball IIIThe final waltz begins and in the park danger lurks.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2017-12-17 1 
2155048Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 42Cold WarCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-12-17 5 
2149299Fate/Altered Type Thread 1In which we summon a Servant, meet our childhood friends, and see a priest about a war. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2017-12-18 7 
2121735Boruto Quest 71Defeating the enemyBoruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Ninja, Anime, Takeshi2017-12-18 6 
2137589Shinobi Quest #60/The Return!! #2In this thread, NEGOTIATION! The once-vaunted mechanic makes it's return, with two subjects and new rules! Tsuki's silver tongue never dieCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-12-20 15 
56947494Nobledark 40k part 44: Coming around for another go editionFenris versus the Olamic Quietude, more squats, Cain's assistant, more Vulkan, are Orks edible, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-21 10 
2146766Support Shinobi Quest 4Yoko goes home, discovers a dark family secret, and deals with its fallout.Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-12-22 13 
2147638E.V.A Skirmish Beta 3Civil War erupts and mercs seize control of an enemy drone carrier.collective game, skirmish, eva, tacticool, cognis, power armour, E.V.A2017-12-23 1 
2144304MAR Quest 2Kana changes clothes, trains up, and deals with the Chess's nefarious activities.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2017-12-25 5 
2112216World Tree- Day 7 - Festival of MonstersWorld Tree, Noon of Day 7 The Roots undergo a test by the Gods[Skirmish][Floors]2017-12-26 1 
2178438Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 37: Salvation AidReinforcements and salvation have arrived, and the long battle draws to a close. But something much more concerning still remainsCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-12-26 7 
57055511Nobledark 40k part 45: SCREEE! editionFinally get the fluff of the Astronomican fixed, Elysian Drop Troopers, Octarius, Tarellian religion, Cthonia, and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-28 10 
2177010Slaanesh Quest: Chaotic beginningsWe start off with a bang of being born and end with getting a ship.Slaanesh, Soup, NSFW, Slaanesh Quest2017-12-28 3 
2152014Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #63Herb fights a polite, racist gym leader.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2017-12-28 14 
January 2018
2158902Rural Worm Quest Thread OneLeah Redd goes out, finds evidence of mysterious goings-on, makes a friend on a field trip, and investigates some cavesRural Worm Quest, Collective Game, Earth Bet, Worm, Capeshit2018-01-01 4 
2158714Hero Academia Quest 7 Jiro, Kaminari, Walker, Yaoyorozu manage to get their teacher's skull mostly whole, survive the attack and go rescue their classmates.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-01-01 32 
2151242SMT Devil Summoner - Task Force 666 Quest #36In which our protagonist and his team take some much-needed down time, and prepare for the next missionCollective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2018-01-02 7 
2158825Starcaller Quest: Episode 34A starship captain does an interview, returns home, and reminisces about a certain mission during the War. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2018-01-02 3 
2159373Gyrocite: AcquisitionsThe crew receive their pay and find out where they'll be going next.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2018-01-02 1 
57159049Kamigakari Thread storytimesMisfits in Osaka continues. Crazy Isekai Storytiming, a retelling of how it began. Anon speculates on stating things.Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Shizune, stats, demons, Su2018-01-05 1 
57242663Nobledark 40k part 46: One Crusade Man editionIsha worship, tyranids, and some other discussion. Died way too early, archived for completeness sake.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-01-05 10 
2167930Animal Tribes Evo 1Animal Tribes Evo begins off to a high pace start from the spring to fall seasons.Civs, Zookeeper, Discord, Evo, Animals, Rats, Dogs, Sheep, Raccoon Jews2018-01-06 4 
2182710Fate/Altered Type- Thread the SecondIn which we die. At least twice. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-01-08 4 
2192130Slaanesh Quest #2: The balance of pleasure and painwell we took over the ship and now are beginning to corrupt everyone on it, also we have a champion nowSlaanesh, Soup, NSFW, Slaanesh Quest2018-01-08 2 
2180662Black Company Quest #33.5The Black Company is good at avoiding paperwork and skirting duties. Not a whole lot is achieved in this thread. But that's okay.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Punished Kid2018-01-08 8 
2206958Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #64Things change, we refuse to let our friends go, and we get spooked.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-01-09 16 
2182318Gyrocite: Praia de OroThe crew venture into the criminally hot slums to find some hostagesskirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2018-01-10 1 
57265950Nobledark 40k part 47: The End Times editionHopefully not the End Times. Craftworld Kaelor, Khaine, Taldeer, Wyverns, Obliterators, Kroot, Genehounds, Moons of Shaa-Dome, and more. Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-01-12 12 
2226114Shinigami Savant Quest #120The ground war continues.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-01-13 21 
2192620Rural Worm Quest Thread TwoLeah Redd spies on the terrorists, lets the Protectorate know, gets info on some capes, and joins the art clubRural Worm Quest, Collective Game, Earth Bet, Worm, Capeshit2018-01-14 2 
2230786Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 43Through rosy glass.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-01-14 4 
2197281Animals Tribes Evo IIWinter is coming, tribes are still developingEvo, Zookeeper, Animal Tribes, Rats, Dogs, Sheep2018-01-15 1 
2216875Fate/Altered Type- Thread the ThirdIn which we get another truce, and meet a black knight. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-01-16 3 
2218443Metahuman Quest: Issue #10Morgan begins his dive into Metabrawl.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Roulette, Short Thread2018-01-17 5 
2218239Slaanesh Quest #3: Damning a planet for fun and profit [NSFW]well we managed to fuck a planet so hard it now is a daemon world. good job people.Slaanesh, Soup, NSFW, Slaanesh Quest2018-01-17 2 
2206060Hero Academia Quest 8Denki and Ushi and Eijiro and Mina have a date and Kaminari proves himself charming. Class 1-A returns to USJ to train and all is well.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-01-18 31 
57452096Nobledark 40k part 48: Not The End Times editionQah died for your sins subedition. Hrud, Tau-Imperium cultural friction, pre-Raid Macha, wraithguard, Crone Eldar abominations, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-01-21 12 
2231796Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #65Herb explores his inner self, and anons discuss religion. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-01-22 11 
2219479Gyrocite: Praia de Oro IIThings get hotter as an armory ignites and the heavy guns are brought out.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2018-01-23 2 
2245440Metahuman Quest: Issue #11Morgan finishes the fight in Vegas.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Roulette, Royal Flush Gang 2018-01-24 5 
2249786Lamia Legacy Quest 87The siege of Purobka.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2018-01-25 1 
2227279Starcaller Quest: Episode 35The war flashback nears its conclusionScience Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2018-01-26 2 
2262287Shinigami Savant Quest #121Riku's Counterattack.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-01-27 20 
2264630Qoob-ka-dilista 1Annagu waxaannu ku beddelannay lamadegaankaaga aawadiis.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest2018-01-28 2 
2265037Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 44The Snail.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-01-28 3 
2268377Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 38After a seemingly endless battle, Kimi spends some quality time with her little sister. But not all is as serene as it seems.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2018-01-29 9 
2249409Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #66Laki and Herb battle Kat and Robin in a 12v2 battle. Surprisingly, we haven't lost yet.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-01-29 11 
February 2018
57632629Kamigakari Thread translation and storytimesAnon comes through with scans. Help with translation and character sheet use and development. Misfits in Osaka continues Shizune is awkward.Kamigakari, character sheet, translation, books, scan, google docs, storytime, Ito, Misfits in Osaka, Akira, Shizune, stats, demons2018-02-01 2 
57739952/tg/ makes a mapThe anons create a beautiful mixed-genre clusterfuck congealed into an amazing little hexcrawlmap, worldbuilding, robots, Getting Shit Done2018-02-02 7 
2238527SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #36.5In which a lot of heavy shit happens.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2018-02-02 6 
2249092Hero Academia Quest 9Class 1-A returns to the USJ to get some actual rescue training, but are interrupted once more. Ushi and Matchstick have a chat.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-02-03 30 
57661171Nobledark 40k part 49: Big Slapfight in Heaven editionBloodtide, Marines Malevolent, Sisters fluff starts to get fixed, Celestine, Imperial Civil War, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-02-05 10 
2261020Gyrocite: Praia de Oro IIThis start coming together as the crew happen upon some information about things happening behind the scenesskirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2018-02-08 1 
2255408Slaanesh Quest #4: The most Dangerous GameWe find and invade a eldar craftworld, now to make it fall without getting killedSlaanesh, Soup, NSFW, Slaanesh Quest2018-02-09 1 
2263052This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #12Reynolr decides this exploration is no place for an honest sailor and opts to leave with the Maîtresse sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22018-02-10 6 
2297950Shinigami Savant Quest #122Vs. Sad BatBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-02-10 20 
2266425A Man Chooses: A Bioshock QuestA horribly flakey QM takes us on a magical adventure, down where it's wetter. Take it from me.Bioshock, SilverQM, A Man Chooses, Delta2018-02-11 1 
2279604Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #67You & Laki battled Kat & Robin, Kat gave you some battling advice sorta, you learned about aura from JeaninePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-02-11 10 
2301319Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 45Human ConditionCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-02-11 2 
2267270Freelancer Quest 5The Freelancer company assaults a Scav depot to impair the alien reinforcement efforts, and for the first time must directly engage a Thane.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-02-12 8 
2274803Hunter Quest 1The young, unblooded hunter Ebon-Fang completes his trial.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Yautja, FishQM2018-02-12 13 
57828105Nobledark 40k part 50: Big 5-0 editionLion finally gets finished, Khorne's Avatar, more debate over non-militant Sisters, Stern, Titus, Morty was right: vermin get the last word Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-02-12 10 
57853937/tg/ makes a map: episode 2In which our fine elegan/tg/entlemen come together once more to create another awesome hexcrawl as our board culture slowly returns.collab, worldbuilding, robots, Getting Shit Done, /tg/ gets shit done, hexcrawl, map2018-02-12 3 
2278838Anon Hivemind Quest #1Anon wakes up, gets a job on Mercury and meets some important people.Collective Game, Sci Fi, strategy, Hivemind-Chan, Transhumanism, Hivemind2018-02-12 1 
57974535Slaanesh vs. Tenacious ESlaanesh is challenged to a rock-off.Warhammer 40k, Slaanesh, songs, grimdark songwriting2018-02-15 17 
2299687Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #68You say have a run in with Jacob who dumps plot hints, say goodbye to Kat and co, and plant a plantPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-02-17 10 
2302362Freelancer Quest 5.5The slugfest in the Scav reinforcement center comes to a end as Thane Elsis falls.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-02-18 6 
57999291Nobledark 40k part 51: Galactic. Eldar. Conspiracy. EditionOlamic Quietude, [Redacted] about the Cabal and Gahet, A.I. related stuff, Viskeon, Luther's world in the Eye, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-02-23 10 
2302208Hero Academia Quest 10Walker has a nice birthday party and some medication issues. They are oddly related.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-02-24 28 
2337643Shinigami Savant Quest #123Face of FearBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-02-24 21 
2304688Civilization Thread Sharz Avanzer #1Civilization Thread Humans in a Desert, built a city called Sharz Avanzer Civilization Thread, Sharz Avanzer, Humans2018-02-24 1 
2298325Tide of StarsWe try to stop a dangerous group on a space station before the QM stops writingTide of Stars, Quest, Oneshot, Collective Game, Consul2018-02-25 1 
2305487Starcaller Quest: Episode 36More flashback stuff.Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2018-02-25 2 
2322907Hunter Quest 2The newly blooded Ebon-Fang goes through his ascension ceremony, gets in a barfight, almost kills his dad, and receives his first mission.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Yautja, Aliens, Alien, FishQM2018-02-25 11 
58159093The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 4The return of the nightmare superiors.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-02-25 97 
2341424Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 46Advanced Robotics EditionCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-02-25 3 
2300912IronBorne: Defense of GrinNorr [Skirmish]Mountain Pass-An operation to quell as much numbers possible using the terrain and an old fortress there is limited escape so its do or dieIroneBorne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-02-25 2 
58177335The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 5In which a lot of shit blows up.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-02-26 80 
2303325Gyrocite: Praia de Oro IVFire and mortar consume Jove as the crew make their escape.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2018-02-27 1 
2320159Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #69Got lewd with Laki, trained, crit failed a few times and ended up lost on a beach!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-02-27 6 
March 2018
2337790Hero Academia Quest 11Ushi studies with Momo, gets rid of unlicenced drugs, explains why she wants to be a hero to her Class-B pals and spars with Shoto.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-03-03 29 
58286435The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 6Shit goes down with Bane, and Asshat lives up to his name.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-03-04 90 
2337839Civilization Thread Sharz Avanzer 2The end of the tale of Sharz AvanzerCivilization Thread, Humans, Sharz Avanzer2018-03-04 1 
2342189Lamia Legacy Quest 88Exploring the ruins of Purobka.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2018-03-04 2 
2355707Hunter Quest 3The young-blood Ebon-Fang searches an abandoned human laboratory to find out what happened to a missing Yautja tracker.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Yautja, Predator, Predators, Xeno, Xenos, Alien, Aliens, Collective Game, FishQM2018-03-07 8 
2338898Starcaller Quest: Episode 37A starship captain finishes a story, gets some sleep, and begins talking over some important things with a crew member. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2018-03-07 1 
2345589Gyrocite: Praia de Oro VThe rescue is complete but not without cost.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2018-03-09 1 
2333630Crashed Colony Ship Civ QuestA colony ship crashes and we, the Priest AI, wake up 300 years later to take control of a surviving settlement.Crashed Colony Civ Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, robot, machine, Aitee Bahgyoo2018-03-09 6 
2373230Shinigami Savant Quest #124Left hand, right hand.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-03-10 20 
2357042Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #71You reach your stamina limits and are forced to rest, and had some very complicated discussions about your relationship with Laki and HanaPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-03-11 10 
2342661Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #71You found your way into a hidden Normal type temple/home, earned the trust of the resident/priest, and spent the night.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-03-11 10 
2377623Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion #47Fallout.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-03-11 3 
2364361Metahuman Quest: Issue #14Morgan wins a boxing match with a gorilla, and is struck by lightning.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Kid Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Speed Force2018-03-11 5 
58264906Nobledark 40k part 52: Prospero University EditionTaskmaster of Shaa-Dome, Pastoral Worlds, Anval Thawn, an alternate future, Siege of Terra, AdMech and the Fab-General, DOOMRIDER, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-03-12 10 
2355222MAR Quest 4Kana meets with the important members of the Cross Guard and spars, while a certain Pawn wakes up to a pleasant surprise.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, Albern Aylmer, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-03-12 3 
2366447HERETICAL CULTIST QUESTSlaaneshi psyker heretic "big dick" Crowley does not into subtlety and meets a bad-end at the hands of a band of freestyling RedemptionistCollective Game, Warhammer 40k, Slaanesh, Chaos, Heresy, Cult, Cultist2018-03-12 1 
2367322HERETICAL CULTIST QUEST REDUXTraitor Guardsman Waltram Reichart welcomes Nurgle's embrace and does his best to spread His sickening love to all corners of an Agri WorldCollective Game, Warhammer 40k, Slaanesh, Chaos, Heresy, Cult, Cultist2018-03-12 6 
2353601Anon Hivemind Quest #2Anon arrives to Mercury and things start to quickly go south.Collective Game, Sci Fi, strategy, Hivemind-Chan, Transhumanism, Hivemind2018-03-15 1 
2375096Hunter Quest 4The young-blood Ebon-Fang returns to Yautja Secunda and receives his next mission.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, FishQM, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Predators, Yautja, Collective Game, Rules of Nature2018-03-17 6 
2375401Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #72You and Abigail hung out, you trained, and there were moves exchanged between Mace and GardevoirPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-03-17 7 
2392153Fleet Maidens Quest #1Wise up, it's the 21st century and global warming is here to stay. Humanity's newest Fleet Maiden is given a rude awakening.Fleet Maidens, PixelAxon, Kantai Collection, Shipgirls, Collective Game2018-03-18 5 
2387194Starborn Quest 47: RessurectionPurps' bad return to life continues, but some old faces return to make it all better.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Purps, School, Academy, Dealer, Crete, Twins, Halfling, Minerva, Sunshine Fist, Angst, Bad Day2018-03-20 1 
2413798Shinigami Savant Quest #125The Ninth Advances.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-03-24 20 
2396833Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #73You met most of Laki's family, made a good impression, got drunk and included their only daughter in unprotected late night debauchery.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-03-25 8 
2417785Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion #48All things must end.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-03-25 5 
58563280Nobledark 40k part 52: Szarekh Does Not Serve EditionOrk diplomats (now making more sense than the ones in canon), the cost of eternal war, blanks and Sisters of Silence, dreadnaughts, and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-03-26 10 
2384821SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 #37In which our protagonist dons his DEMONICA.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2018-03-28 6 
2402083Crashed Colony Ship Civ Quest #2We get robbed by cats, then befriend said cats and have many conversations with many people. Crashed Colony Civ Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, robot, machine, Aitee Bahgyoo2018-03-29 5 
2396836Rapture Labyrinth Ghosts of an era past linger in this city...Collective game, rapture, bioshock2018-03-30 2 
April 2018
2404605Mar Quest 5Kana does her morning routine.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-04-02 2 
2401243Gyrocite: Acquisitions IIAfter their adventure in Foz de Plato the crew take some time off.skirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2018-04-03 1 
58818593Nobledark 40K Pt 54: Let's Number This Right EditionDiscussion of unsaved old ideas, coop Imperial Army units, the Laer, and wonder metal neutronium. Died early, archived for organization.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-04-05 10 
2447913Fleet Maidens Quest #2Mahan acquits herself well in her first skirmish, and gets debriefed.Fleet Maidens, PixelAnon, Kantai Collection, Shipgirls, Collective Game2018-04-06 2 
2403286Welcome to Rapture Quest 1We awaken to a doctor who saved our live before setting out on a quest to save our wife and daughter while killing splicers.Bioshock, Big Daddy, Splicers, plasmids, Adam, Eve, 2018-04-06 1 
2413546Hero Academia Quest 12Ushi trains with Shoto, leaves Tin with some support kids for an overhaul in and attends to her wrestling class.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-04-06 29 
2413961Planetary Governor Quest #17we get it going ok, checking in on some friendsShmeh,40k, Planetary Governor Quest2018-04-06 1 
2438744Princess Guard QuestAutistic Blast from the PastCollective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow2018-04-07 10 
2452421Princess Guard Quest 2We Meet Nicolette and Get MagicCollective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow2018-04-07 10 
2455735Shinigami Savant Quest #126Pure Imagination.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-04-07 24 
58889492creatively negligent precursorsWorldbuilding about precursor civilizations leads to hilarity and the realization that Zeus is That Guy.worldbuilding, precursors, sufficiently advanced, setting, Autism on a Kardashev Scale, goddammit zeus, REEEEEEEE PAPERCLIPS, REMOVE QU,2018-04-07 5 
2451895Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest GameWherein our thermite-breathing reploid fish heroine gets filleted and demoted, then resolves to work her way back up.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-04-08 22 
2415489Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #74Herb bonds with Abigail and Laki's family, and works at a construction site.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-04-08 11 
2450892Fate/Altered Type- Thread the FourthIn which a QM's hiatus ends, and we wind up with a houseguest. Or four. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-04-13 1 
2474835Princess Guard Quest 3Did Marianne finally find a friend?Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow2018-04-15 9 
2473390Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 2Wherein our heroine goes on safari.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-04-15 14 
2464873Failure Useless fags suck cocks Collective Game, Failure, Shame2018-04-16 -10 
59020817Nobledark 40k part 55: Dorn's Last Stand editionElysium system, Blacklaw the Freeboota, discussion and planning of various aspects of the setting, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-04-16 10 
59147529Koloshi Staljers and Medvennian Hussars/tg/ making a Guard regiment based of tlingit indiantribe and einged hussars riding on flying bearskoloshi stalker, medvennian hussar2018-04-17 8 
2448999Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #75Hana vs. (The hot new reality show)Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-04-18 13 
2484184Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #1Alana fights for the Hutts and Palpatine rebuilds his navy, talks with Bothans, and has a vision in the Force.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-04-20 6 
2452670Planetary Governor Quest #18We betray some pirate merchants, do some governing and fight the hereticsShmeh,40k, Planetary Governor Quest2018-04-22 3 
2497998Princess Guard Quest 4Reinhold's day offCollective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow2018-04-22 7 
2460510Hero Academia Quest 13Ushi is a bad child. Plans events the day off without consulting mom.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-04-23 29 
2466230Banisher QuestThe Case of The Naked Lady.Detective, Supernatural, Collective Game, Banisher Quest, Gritter2018-04-23 2 
2455298Hexpedition: Desert Rose [Skirmish]A waystation, eager traders, weatherworn travellers and a mysteriously missing garrison adds up to a sunbleached shootout.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2018-04-26 5 
59183440Nobledark Imperium Part 56: Bug War EditionMore Blacklaw, armored warfare, Space hulks, Brain Boyz, Tau-Imperial relations, Angron and his children, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-04-27 10 
2510835Shinigami Savant Quest #127What is Love?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-04-28 21 
2481685Fate/Altered Type- Thread the FifthIn which OP makes two posts and disappears into gacha. And we buy time with Taiga. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-04-29 1 
2510387Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 3Wherein our heroine goes on a deer hunt through a lumber plant.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-04-29 13 
2494572Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #76Herb pitches expanding the harem to Laki, encounters a Cubone and saves Laki's pole and Laki's feelings, calls KeiraPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-04-29 7 
2518661Princess Guard Quest 5Reinhold goes to townCollective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow2018-04-30 6 
May 2018
2473111Crashed Colony Ship Civ Quest #3We hire the cats to plunder our ruins. Then our knights fight undead. Afterwards we track dwarven bandits to a ruined city.Crashed Colony Civ Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, robot, machine, Aitee Bahgyoo2018-05-01 1 
2516480Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #78Herb protected Cubone against a Mandibuzz attack,got messed up, and had some spiritual journey whole recoveringPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-05-03 11 
2521513Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #2Alana deals with the Hutts and Palpatine takes his next steps to Galactic domination.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-05-03 6 
2501239Banisher Quest 2We finished our job but the danger is not over yetDetective, Supernatural, Collective Game, Banisher Quest, Gritter2018-05-06 2 
59412072Nobledark Imperium Part 57: Gold And Silver EditiionRedneck Tau, vox-warfare in Navy doctrine, Blacklaw finished, and a "cute HumanxEldar romance" - an Anon who had their wish fulfilled.Nobledark,Eldar,Human,Emperor,Isha,40K,Warhammer 40K2018-05-07 10 
2547436Princess Guard Quest 6Reinhold spends the day in bedCollective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow2018-05-09 5 
2508478World Tree: 1st Spring - 1st Night of MosstoneNight has arrived.Monday, World Tree, Skirmish2018-05-11 2 
2518451Another halfway threadShit QM can't pay attention to one questshit2018-05-11 1 
2519372Starcaller Quest: Episode 39A starship captain speaks with his first officer about some things. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2018-05-12 1 
2553907Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 4Wherein our heroine goes to college.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-05-12 13 
2523501Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #78You have a spirit journey, Keira came back, you helped Cubone get armed.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-05-12 10 
2521310Hero Academia Quest 14The long awaited end to the Slumber Party Saga.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-05-15 28 
59566862Nobledark Imperium Part 58: Doom'Tau EditionDeathwatch, Nazdreg da Git, more writing, Sons of Antaeus, Mortifactors, Novamarines, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-05-17 10 
2532401Metahuman Quest: Issue #17Morgan gets the cold shoulder and has a talk with KaldurQuest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, The Flash, Martian Manhunter, Killer Frost, Aqualad2018-05-17 5 
2564192Lamia Legacy Quest 89Retreat from Purobka and Fae Spirit Squabbles.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2018-05-17 1 
2550729Galactic Fleet Civ #1The Tang Shogunate begins acting as a true galactic empire. Renegade captains are killed and Rebellions are a bad ideaSci-fi,Civilization, Empire, Tang Shogunate, Strategy2018-05-18 2 
2567772Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #3Alana finishes her dealings with the Hutts and engages with the Rebels. The Battle of Da Soocha V,star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-05-18 10 
2576535Shinigami Savant Quest #128SCIENCE!Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-05-19 20 
2544146Attack On Titan Quest.Julius Arigi joins the Army because he wants to fly, not kill titans.AOT, Attack On Titan Quest, Despair, ShifterQM2018-05-20 7 
59824958New Terran Rangers regiment creationAs aboveSlaanesh2018-05-21 20 
2557003Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #79You bonded and trained aura with Keira, embraced your girls in front of an audience, and chased after and stopped CubonePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-05-21 10 
59767125Nobledark Imperium Part 59: SPESS MARINE EditionHereteks, life of the average Joe, the expedition of Por'O M'arc, Chief Psykana of the Adeptus Astronomica, location of Cthonia, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-05-23 10 
2585990Getting FatterHe's getting fatter. getting, fatter, one-shot, one, shot, drawing, draw, art, image, picture, cool, fun, saved, for, posterity2018-05-23 0 
2573395Galactic Fleet Civ #2Our Campaign against the Rebels on Blessed orchard continues. A mysterious enemy assassin is nearly captured and outside influence is suspecSci-fi,Civilization, Empire, Tang Shogunate, Strategy, The Contact, Galactic Fleets2018-05-24 1 
2551431World Tree: 1st Spring - 2nd Dawn of MosstoneCranidyne makes a splash. Preparations for a new dat. Mission thread 3. Thread 1: https://archived.moe/qst/thread/2472826Monday, skirmish, world tree2018-05-26 1 
2584889Slaanesh Quest #5: And those who see far fall far as wellWe continue our attempt to take the eldar craftworld, ends poorlySlaanesh, Soup, NSFW, Slaanesh Quest2018-05-27 1 
2576664Metahuman Quest: Issue #18Morgan takes on a mission of supernatural causes.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Blood, Short Thread2018-05-28 5 
2563727Hexpedition: Ocean Bloom [Skirmish]Surviving the wreckage of the waystation, the Crew makes their way to the Expedition to restock, then set out again for wetter places.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2018-05-30 5 
2589630Galactic Fleet Civ #2.5The rebellion on Blessed Orchard comes to an end with an imperial victory. We begin exploring the derelict mining rig with Dr.Hyza. spoopy!Sci-fi,Civilization, Empire, Tang Shogunate, Strategy, The Contact, Galactic Fleets2018-05-31 0 
June 2018
2604000Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #4Palpatine decides on new ship designs, Alana deals with the aftermath of Da Soocha and goes drinking with Vellsstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-06-01 10 
2580418Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #80 Herb gets his battle on.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-06-01 11 
2613687Shinigami Savant Quest #129Reunion.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-06-02 20 
2583475Starcaller Quest: Episode 40A starship captain discusses gainful employment with his first-officer.Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2018-06-02 1 
59905153Nobledark Imperium Part 60: Ringworld EditionIron Minds versus Old Empire, galaxy map, Interex society and government, Rednecks versus Aliens, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-06-03 10 
2613211Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 5Wherein our heroine exterminates a rat infestation.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-06-03 12 
2584002Hero Academia Quest 15Ushi tests her ability to dodge, has a couple chats with some classmates with mixed results and takes some advise from Midnight.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-06-05 26 
2624043Dragonball Quest: Revenge of SOMNIUSBecause he's a hack and the fan epilogue apparently wasn't good enough, SOM's back.collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius, Rocks Fall, Unnecessary Sequel, Trash, SOM is a faggot2018-06-06 12 
2584430Crashed Colony Ship Civ Quest #5We establish trade with bugs, get besieged by undead, respond to attacks by satyrs against our outer villages, and pick up a lost child.Crashed Colony Civ Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, robot, machine, Aitee Bahgyoo2018-06-06 1 
2622184Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! Quest : 1Dad handbooks should include how to talk to your daughter about the dangers of becoming a magical girl.Quest, Collective Game, HaikuDeluge, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun Dad2018-06-06 29 
2625318Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! Quest : 2In which we do dad things - Remodeling, Family Talks, Grilling, and Killing DemonsQuest, Collective Game, HaikuDeluge, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun, Dad2018-06-08 23 
2605742Metahuman Quest: Issue #19Morgan fights a blood cult in his efforts to find the source of the nightmares.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Blood, Short Thread2018-06-09 6 
60232637The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape?Internment in and escape from the laundry-brig All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-06-10 82 
2590600Code 214: A Darling in the Franxx Quest - Prelude Futoshi of Darling in the Franxx taking his first steps as a fat little shit.Quest, Collective Game, /qst/oshi, Franxx, Futoshi2018-06-10 -4 
2605204Code 214: A Darling in the Franxx Quest - Prelude IIFutoshi weaves his web to sow discord.Quest, Collective Game, /qst/oshi, Franxx, Futoshi2018-06-10 -6 
2621868Code 214: A Darling in the Franxx Quest - Prelude IIIFutoshi and Ikuno take Ichigo from both ends.Quest, Collective Game, /qst/oshi, Franxx, Futoshi2018-06-10 -5 
2596515World Tree: 1st Spring - 2nd Afternoon: Battle of MosstoneWe rest, recuperate and begin our attack with the sunrise. Previous mosstone threads archived under Monday, Skirmish, World TreeWorld Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-06-11 2 
2639338Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #3In which we drink, acquire a haunted sword, meet other dads, and maybe start a mafiaShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-06-14 25 
2637698Code 214: A Darling in the Franxx Quest - Prelude IVFutoshi gains cute allies and teaches Hiro the true meaning of victory.Quest, Collective Game, /qst/oshi, Franxx, Futoshi2018-06-16 -5 
2642903Transforming Knight Quest: Episode 1Street brawler Arthur Campbell lives in a town where Henshin heroes and monsters duke it all the time, and now he's one of the heroes.Henshin, Knight, Magic sword, Fighting, Collective Game2018-06-16 1 
2648573Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! quest: 4The first pieces of the legitimate business come together and the company's first hostile takeover.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-06-16 21 
2654191Shinigami Savant Quest #130Acts of God.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-06-16 20 
60121526Nobledark Imperium Part 61: Rednecks v. Xenos EditionMinor xenos backgrounds fluffed out, Mont'Kau suit finished, Chaos commanders get developed, & Imperial architectural trends are discussed.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-06-17 10 
2643985Umbra City QuestQM has rocky start but tries his best to maintain. Thread died due to lack of interest before the action could pick up, sadly.cyberpunk, biopunk, action, henshin, henshin heroes, tranformation, original setting, original quest, 1/1, Taleteller, Bio-Armor2018-06-21 1 
2625081Grid-Locked Skirmish [p1]Starts as a simple request which quickly spirals out of hand. Too many rats at this birthday bash.collective game, fenster, grid-lock, grid-locked skirmish, skirmish, vermintide, warhammer, fantasy battles, fantasy2018-06-21 1 
2663416Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #5The Battle of Zalloriis and decisions about the future Slice Campaign.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-06-22 3 
2660302Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #5In which we make a deal with a dragonShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-06-22 22 
2635854Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #81Herb finishes getting his battle on.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-06-24 20 
2653217 Code 214: A Darling in the Franxx Quest - Prelude V Training Zorome and finally the end to the pre-beginning.Quest, Collective Game, /qst/oshi, Franxx, Futoshi2018-06-25 -3 
2670323Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 6Wherein our heroine goes spelunking, then visits Australia.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-06-25 15 
2632389Everwinter company: Part 1 The company is introduced, goblins and hobgoblins are fought, someone gets possessed by a fairy, and we defeat a minor daemon.DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-06-26 1 
2642599Gyrocite: Line PK72 IIThe crew look for their target and mingle with fellow passengersskirmish, gyrocite, steampunk2018-06-28 1 
60371811Nobledark Imperium Part 62: Imperial Propaganda EditionUllanor, New Men writefaggotry, the Ilmaea of Commorragh, the voyage of Por'o M'arc, Space Marines on Old Earth, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-06-29 10 
2647716World Tree: 1st Spring - 2nd Night: Battle of MosstoneFika becomes a maid, Vickens plays boardgames, and two new classes are introduced after we take care of a moblin invasion. World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-06-30 2 
2678398Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #6Finally visit the in-laws, none of it goes well.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-06-30 22 
2692012Shinigami Savant Quest #131The First and LastBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-06-30 20 
July 2018
2659614Hero Academia Quest 16Walker recovers her robot and participates on the Sports Festival, finishing the Obstacle Race.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-07-01 26 
2659440Starcaller Quest: Episode 40.5A starship captain goes to work as a carpenter.Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2018-07-01 2 
60621322The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape? pt.2Oak has a drink with the boys and the final mission is plannedAll Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-07-02 82 
2673924Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #82With our Auras COMBINED!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-07-03 10 
2686982YouOnlyGetOneShot #1The adventure beginsFantasy, YouOnlyGetOneShot, YOGOS, Warrior, Collective Game, JeremyQm2018-07-04 2 
2666944Grid-Locked Skirmish [p2]A missing persons case, a whole lot of blunders, and a town growing once more.collective game, fenster, grid-lock, grid-locked skirmish, skirmish, fantasy battles, fantasy2018-07-04 1 
2677337Code 214: A Darling in the Franxx Quest - #1: The Reunion that was (not) to Be The start of the beginning starts with friendly fire at the start of the first encounter with the "enemy".Quest, Collective Game, /qst/oshi, Franxx, Futoshi2018-07-08 -2 
2698451Code 214: A Darling in the Franxx Quest - #2: Tunnel Rats in the FranxxMiku shows her worth on assignment. Sometimes it's the little things that set off lost memories.Quest, Collective Game, /qst/oshi, Franxx, Futoshi2018-07-08 -3 
2698672Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #7In which we complete out visit to the in-laws, and things go to HellShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-07-09 24 
2681209Trenchers: Veiled Heart [Skirmish]After restructuring, the Trenchers are sent to Foltern to capture a Pytherian intelligence asset. skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2018-07-10 5 
2692108Trenchers: Buried Souls [Skirmish]After acquring Asset Tveilirisk, Command concocts a plan to send the Trenchers on a mission to win hearts for later use.skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2018-07-10 5 
2702529YouOnlyGetOneShot #2You meet a guard and visit your companions uncleFantasy, YOGOS, YouOnlyGetOneShot, Warrior, Collective Game, JeremyQm2018-07-12 2 
2706083Trencher: Masked Spirit [Skirmish]With the heart of the Archtheurge dug out from an old grave, the Trenchers prepare to leave Imai. An Pytherian battlegroup interrupts. skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2018-07-13 5 
2719041Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #6The counter attack against the Consortium and the Slice Campaign gets underwaystar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-07-13 5 
60604925Nobledark Imperium Part 63: Lady Malys' Quotebook EditionLineup for the Raid, nature of humanity and abhumans, Codex entries, Rak'gol, the corrupted Man of Gold, the Cthonian Ring, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-07-14 10 
2727668Shinigami Savant Quest #132Burnout blizzard.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-07-14 21 
2724478An Animated Dealing: An Animated Dealing: Multiplayer Toon RPG Quest (Part 2: Fuck It)This Multiplay Quest is a bad idea, don't even try to bother.An Animated Dealing, Multiplayer Quest, Toon RPG, It's Shit.2018-07-14 0 
2720467Trencher: Ravenpoint [Skirmish]The trenchers deploy to Far Sareth to breach a facility. They arrive to find it already breached by a black ops team. Then a Scholae arrivesskirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2018-07-15 5 
2701829Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #83Herb continues his aura journey from Keira to HanaPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-07-15 11 
2690756Everwinter company: Part 2 goblin cavesThe company after returning from Bolton and getting a few new hires heads over to flush the goblins. Tloxotl becomes light attuned!DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-07-16 1 
2716637Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #8A small talk with Sue about the dangers of becoming aristocracy during daylight. Friendly Magical Girl fights at the quarry by Moonlight.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-07-16 22 
2731848Trenchers: Mission Improbable [Skirmish]After attacking Ravenpoint, a rookie was captured by Black Rebus agents. The trenchers go to get them back - and find more than a Rookieskirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2018-07-17 5 
60859322Nobledark 40k part 62a: Yet another Man of Gold Awards editionDIed far too soon, but contains good writing that needs to be archived.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-07-17 7 
2703206Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Rosalyn's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-07-19 1 
2715121Starcaller Quest: Episode 41A starship captain chats with coworkers. Science Fiction, Starships, Original Setting, Quest, Lore2018-07-21 2 
2693954World Tree: 1st Spring - 3rd Foray: The Black PearlYggdra's Roots deploy to defeat an ancient magus menace. Battle is had, friends are lost!World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-07-22 1 
2712901Hero Academia Quest 17Walker forms a warhorse and participates in the cavalry battle.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-07-22 26 
2744980Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 7Wherein our heroine comes back from one bug hunt and starts another.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-07-23 11 
60985974Space Marine working in modern office?OP asks how a biologically augmented superhuman would fare in a modern office setting, writefaggotry ensues. How would X do in 40k thread, But strangely not shit, Miracle of miracles2018-07-25 18 
2733425Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #84More aura exploration with Hana and LakiPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-07-26 12 
2752391Dungeon Rebirth Quest Gaiden 0: CRABNEET is killed by a meteorite. Somewhere along the line he ends up as a Mecha Crab Kaiju. Mostly a shitpost.Dungeon Rebirth, CRAB, Magic, fantasy, NonGent, collective game, The Snake Report, Shitpost, Mecha, Robots2018-07-26 3 
60898868Nobledark 40k part 62a: Wrapping Things Up edition?Crone Berserkers, Demiurg, Goge Vandire, naval battles, life in the Cadian Gate region, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-07-28 9 
2765414Shinigami Savant Quest #133Ties that BindBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-07-28 20 
2753283Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #9In which we guilt our sister into visiting, and things get just a touch crazier.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-07-29 20 
2722361Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Rosalyn's quest continues.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-07-29 1 
2737768Trenchers: Cloaked Essence [Skirmish]While the trenchers were away, their prize from Ravenpoint got stolen. Time to get it back before the Pytherian main force reaches it.skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2018-07-29 6 
2736278Everwinter company: Part 3"The gods may be dead, but the new world whispers and lives with life." The company defeats the goblins and pursues higher contracts.DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-07-31 1 
August 2018
61049924Starblazers Setting Worldbuilding/tg/ makes a setting combining pulp scifi flash gordon retrofuturism and lovecraft.starblazers, worldbuilding, setting, flash gordon, retrofuturism, zeerust, cosmic horror, lovecraft, call of cthulhu,2018-08-02 6 
2775089Persona: Dreamlands Quest #1After the death of his mother, Phil Murphy moves in with his rich father in LA and stumbles upon strange cases of people who won't wake upPersona, Shin Megami Tensei, Dreamlands, Philemon2018-08-03 5 
2770968Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #10In which we deal with the morning after, and fight a demon lord, and eat pizzaShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-08-05 21 
2760626Xiaolin Showdown Quest BeginningWe are Oliver Turei, the last of the Maori. And we embark on the journey of a thousand steps... Starting from elsewhere.Star, Wagon, Starborn, Xiaolin, Showdown, Cartoon, Maori, Oliver, Turei, Haka, New Zealand, Maori2018-08-06 3 
61123571Nobledark imperium part 65: This is (Not) The End editionMotivations of Lady Malys, Tindalosi and Ordo Chronos, High Lady of the Psykana, Death of Argel Tal, Davinite Lodges, Blood Pact, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-08-06 10 
2759089Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #85Waking up after aura sharing.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-08-08 12 
2776692Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #7The Conquest of the Slice continues against the Consortium.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-08-09 2 
2761900Trenchers: Whispered Invective [Skirmish]Lieutenant General Aranski performs a heroic last stand against the advancing Pytherians. Will the trenchers manage to relieve him in time? skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2018-08-10 5 
2759681Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part ThreeIn which Rosalyn's quest continues, again.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-08-11 1 
2794273Shadowrun AU Episode 1Amnesiac gunbunny goes on milkrunShadowrun AU Quest, Collective Game, Virgil, Grim Fenris, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2018-08-13 6 
2794179Persona: Dreamlands Quest #2While looking for a way into Rebecca's Nightmare, Phil and Cel uncover a dark secret. The rescue of Rebecca begins. Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, Dreamlands, Philemon2018-08-13 5 
2766227Hero Academia Quest 18 The Tournament starts, and Walker faces her first foe.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-08-13 26 
2789222Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #11In which we finish the pizza, have some very normal days at work, go drinking with our new assistant, and give a PSA about drugs.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-08-14 21 
2755272BulletHazard: Case RedChurchAt 0300 Central Command 5 has sent out a muster order for the abandoned building formerly known as the Eagle Tower.BulletHazard, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-08-15 1 
2787035Freelancers 6After weathering an aurora cascade, the strike team continues their work against the Scavs, only to encounter some uninvited guests.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-08-18 8 
2803747Shadowrun AU Quest Episode 2Grimm hunts endangered enemies at the zoo.Shadowrun AU Quest, Collective Game, Virgil, Grim Fenris, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, Zoo2018-08-18 4 
61372827Nobledark imperium part 66: Get in Luther, We're Going Black Crusading editionMalys and Be'lakor, Duke Severus XIII, Sly Marbo, webway gates of Sol, eldar psychology, Saim-Hann, Inquisitor Valeria, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-08-21 10 
2806271Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #12In which we take our wife on a date, and find out it's mating seasonShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-08-22 22 
2811197Boruto Quest 72QM returns after long hiatus. Takeshi returns to the village and then most of his friends and the Hokage witness him "tossing salad".Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Ninja, Anime, Takeshi2018-08-23 9 
2808982Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #8Alana makes plans at Byss and visits with the Grand Inquisitor. Palpatine plots his next steps.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-08-23 2 
2830410The Very Bad SamuraiA Samurai Jack One Shot narrated by the mysterious "Uka"dolomite, Samurai, Samurai Jack, one shot, draw quest2018-08-25 10 
2834427Shinigami Savant Quest #134Guess who's back?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-08-25 17 
2798238Trenchers: Unity Falls [Skirmish]The trenchers need to sneak into a cave complex and destroy the Unity Swarm control centre. If they fail, all is lost. No pressure.skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2018-08-25 8 
2816699Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #86Herb finished up at the Fighting Temple and learned to make a hearty soup that's great for stamina recovery. Laki & Hana resolve issuesPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-08-26 17 
2832635Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 8Wherein our heroine gets asked out on a date and then continues her streak of bug-hunting.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-08-27 11 
2803616Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part FourIn which Rosalyn's quest approaches its conclusion.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-08-27 1 
2807755Hero Academia Quest 19Walker watches her classmates and friends fight their matches.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-08-27 26 
2815120Shadowrun AU Quest Episode 3Man & Troll goes shopping, meets angry elves. Shadowrun AU Quest, Collective Game, Virgil, Grim Fenris, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2018-08-28 2 
2803584Everwinter company: Part 4 Drow boogalooThe company gathers it's strength and under the instruction of their new employers head off towards to liberate a town from drowish cultistDawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-08-28 1 
2816506Dungeon Rebirth Quest Gaiden 1: CRABHeroic MechaCrab goes to hell to battle for justice, honor, friends and tiddies. Mostly a shitpost.Dungeon Rebirth, CRAB, Magic, fantasy, NonGent, collective game, The Snake Report, Shitpost, Mecha, Robots2018-08-29 2 
September 2018
2836344Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #87We set off for the fighting gym, and battle a bully. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-09-05 13 
2831745Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #13In which we deal with hormonal issues and witness the creation of a goddess.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-09-05 20 
2853677Once More Another IsekaiDying in a train fire by god's will, Fuuma Nagaro has been transported to another world. What will the future have in store?Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-05 7 
61588973Nobledark imperium part 67: Daemons 101 for Dummies editionLynn Mywin and Ephrael Stern, Freri and Geki, Ahriman, Blood Pact, Medusae, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-05 6 
2864290Star Wars: Dark Empire IV #9Palpatine deals with the Jedi attack on the Imperial Palace, Alana dates Vende.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-09-06 6 
2838579Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part FiveIn which Rosalyn's quest concludes.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-09-08 1 
2870046Shinigami Savant Quest #135Riku vs BirbsBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-09-08 16 
61836127shity segmentum: valentine battle edition welcome to 40k roleplay parody at the better autistic style of /tg/,enjoy.40K,roleplay,shity segmentum2018-09-09 0 
2859940Once More Another isekai #2Fuuma exits the forest and arrives at Alia, the Piladium Kingdom's capital.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-09 7 
61833502Nobledark imperium part 68: I Am Alpharius editionDied far too soon, but included good discussion on the Harrowing, Thexians, Enoulians, more Quietude, and TerranisNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-10 6 
2843366SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 #37.5In which our protagonist meets, greets and defeats the Mother of Spiders, and makes the move on Fitz.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2018-09-10 5 
2863642Persona: Dreamlands Quest #3Short thread. Rebecca gets her Persona and we fight Shadow Lucas.Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, Dreamlands, Philemon2018-09-10 3 
2871127Once More Another Isekai #3Fuuma annihilates a troop of orcs and explores Aliasa. Meanwhile, Cheru's story develops further as she searches for her "mommy".Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-14 6 
2859733MAR Quest 6Cecily returns from her training and the Chess separate the wheat from the chaff.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-09-14 2 
2855672 Iron Street Orphans: WaystationTwo sisters reach into the aether to find their saviors. What finds them are Orphans.skirmish, rpg2018-09-15 1 
2868354Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #14In which we host a barbeque and uncover a government conspiracy? Also, another rat fight.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-09-16 21 
2871732Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #88Herb and Co face difficulty in the Fighting Gym. Complicated 6v6 battle!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-09-17 10 
2885309Once More Another Isekai #4Coming in contact with Cheru, Fuume takes it upon herself to be her mother. Sadly, the scars that mark the bunny's mind cannot be healed.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-18 5 
2864988Everwinter company: Part 5:The company fight the drow, THEY WIN! David get's buff, Brassheart and skitter come back, and it's a good time unless your Batter or a DroDawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-09-18 1 
61899944Nobledark Imperium part 68b: [planet]-chan editionMen of Gold get a writeup, bolters, Istvaan, Prometheanism, Fra'al, Hruds and Terranis, and FEELSNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-19 7 
2864997Sword Sovereign [Skirmish]a hurried dispatch was needed at the Southwest border of the Praedatoria Range where a critical border fortress laysword Sovereign, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-09-19 1 
2869077Hero Academia Quest 20Walker fights Todoroki on her second match of the Tournament, and tastes her own boots again.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-09-20 25 
2897520Once More Another Isekai #6Fuuma encounters her classmate, as well as one of the Piladium Kingdom's heroes, Kita Ruiji. Things didn't go too well.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-22 5 
2875819Lamia Legacy Quest 90Returning home and getting affairs in order.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2018-09-22 0 
2908901Shinigami Savant Quest #136The fire in which we burn.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-09-22 16 
62080203Nobledark Imperium part 69: Two Year Anniversary, Boyz editionDied too soon, but more Ulmeathic League, Alpha Legion versus Be'lakor, felinids, gretchen rebellion, Rogue Traders, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-25 8 
2894607Freelancers 7With the next objective located in a hot zone where Scavs and Worms are battling it out, the Freelancer team must fight on two fronts.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-09-26 6 
2907047Once More Another Isekai #6Fuuma becomes a maid after her debacle with Ruiji. Lewdness ensues.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-27 5 
2927022Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 9Wherein our heroine goes on a date and takes on her last Maverick.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-09-29 12 
2894714Moe Drone Skirmish 3The Moe Drones return, and the mission to save crawlers Fis'kiire and Akolon commences.collective game, moe drone, cognis, skirmish, pumpkin, tacticool2018-09-30 2 
October 2018
2902261Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #15In which we sort of catch up with and old friend, and just generally make sure things are ok.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-10-01 20 
2903052You Are Billy #1Roll for Shoes game. Billy mugs people, get cash, learns the power of the REE, buy clothes and defeat a tentacle monster, learns skillsCollective Game, Roll for shoes, Billy, Quest,2018-10-01 3 
2890442 Iron Street Orphans: Waystation IIThe crew fight their way through the darkness and past the massesskirmish, rpg, stiles2018-10-01 1 
2921838Once More Another Isekai #8Fuuma gets a spider daughter and makes an alter ego of herself. More lewds.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-10-02 5 
2896866Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #89Recently: Herb, Laki, and Hana all earned a Fighting Spirit badgePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-10-03 10 
2913790Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #90The party splits up to get the maximum help possible in finding PoluPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-10-03 10 
2925703Iron Hearts 3: Bartham's FallThe sleepy border town of bartham falls to the first wave of Voss' new invasion of ragnyll, set 8 years after the end of the last chapterSkirmish Quest, Iron Hearts, Ragnyll, Ibon Drake2018-10-04 6 
2940537 Ironhearts 3 - Battle of StallionThe Ebon Drakes arrive at the town of Stallion just as Vossan forces begin an assultSkirmish Quest, Iron Hearts, Ragnyll, Ibon Drake2018-10-04 5 
2896803Metahuman Quest: Issue #24Morgan fights an assassin, encounters a certain cat-themed thief, and successfully captures the Black & WhitesQuest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Robin, Cheshire, Catwoman, The Black & Whites 2018-10-06 5 
2939798I'm in a shitty parody movie, get me out of here! #1Part one of a Two-shot parody movie parody quest.Two Shots, Quest, Parody2018-10-06 0 
62171748Nobledark Imperium Part 70: Tau Secretary EditionBlanks, M'kar, Barbarus and Typhon, Féin-Cineál, Sslyth pirates, more Ingethel, life and death of empires, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-10-06 7 
2946944Shinigami Savant Quest #137The Predator.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-10-06 13 
2911363Hero Academia Quest 21Walker discovers that maybe she's not as friendly as she thought.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-10-07 29 
2937336Once More Another Isekai #8It's Fuuma's first day of being a teacher at Lionheart. Things go well...Somewhat.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-10-08 5 
2939616Freelancers 7.5The conclusion of Operation Lightning Rod.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-10-08 5 
2915964Dream Catchers: First Night [Skirmish]The first three dives into the dreamscape take place, as new catchers find their footing and flesh out their world.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, dream, realm, dreamscape, nightmare, nightmares, collective game, puns2018-10-11 5 
2936173You Are Billy #2You are Billy, a young boy who befriends a ghost girl, finds a magic revolver, shoots another kid with said revolver, and defeats a demon.Collective game, Roll for shoes, Billy, Quest, Magic2018-10-12 0 
2938295Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #91Herb catches a new Rotom, but there's pokeball trouble! Jane joins Herb and Laki to lead the search for Polu!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-10-14 10 
2944977Moe Drone Skirmish 3(part2)The mission to save the Fis'kiire goes horribly wrong and the Amida is forced to retreat.Collective Game, Moe Drone, skirmish, cognis2018-10-14 1 
2956871Magical Girl - LovesickWe are Nawakubi Hanano, an onee-san who just loves her brother too much.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush,2018-10-16 10 
2955728Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #16In which we have an encounter with a young man in our bedroom, and get involved in a legal discussion.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-10-16 22 
2972988Magical Girl - Lovesick #2Things doesn't go well for Nawakubi too fast...Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush2018-10-18 8 
2984625Shinigami Savant Quest #138Sheep in wolf's clothing?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-10-20 12 
2949721Changeling: Lost Monk Quest #2We meet with a leader among the Colorless and go with a friend to a fight club.Collective Game, Changeling, Monk, Lost Monk Quest, Shugendo 2018-10-21 2 
62359978 Nobledark Imperium Part 71: Ssylth Shenanigans EditionAhmontekh and Suhbekhar Dynasty, Lucius, Word Bearers and Monarchia, Idranel, building inspectors (really), Lynn Mywin, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-10-21 7 
2949541 Iron Street Orphans: The HiveThe crew work to find Kingly and bring him to justice.skirmish, rpg, stiles2018-10-22 1 
2965522Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #92Herb and co. spy on Polu!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-10-23 7 
2957423Dream Catchers: Third Night [Skirmish]A dive to a seemingly tranquil field leads into a hidden factory which houses a champion of the abyss. The first fatality befalls the party.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, dream, realm, dreamscape, nightmare, nightmares, collective game, puns2018-10-24 3 
2977432Magical Girl - Lovesick #3Nawakubi escapes a month of captivity, but on the other hand, QM disappears from existence. Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush2018-10-25 3 
2964024Shovelhead Quest 1Juan has a bad day and a worse night as his life takes a very strange, very bloody turn.Shovelhead Quest, Vampire, World of Darkness, Sabbat2018-10-26 7 
2976939Consensual rape: the goblin quest #2The goblins continue to rape and expand their hive, as well they met an excellent fish friend and reaped a hero for good measure.Rape,More rape, Goblins,Shota goblins, Civ quest2018-10-26 -2 
2966846Hero Academia Quest 22 Ushi carries on to the finals. Then Mic is hit by RL and lets the thread die. Sorry about that.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-10-27 25 
2967574 Ironhearts 3 - Battle of Gran Lake. The history books ,should any of them survive, would refer to this as a singularly pivotal battle in Ragnyll's history. Skirmish Quest, Iron Hearts, Ragnyll, Ibon Drake2018-10-28 5 
2981741MAR Quest 7Kana unwinds after the deadly prelim roundMAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-10-30 1 
November 2018
2993093Shovelhead Quest 2Juan adapts to his new life and family as he heads north on his first mission.Shovelhead Quest, Vampire, World of Darkness, Sabbat2018-11-01 5 
3005750The Thing in the WoodsA group of teenagers go camping in the woods and strange things start to happen. How many of them will survive to return home?The Thing in the Woods, Horror, Slasher, Modern, Oneshot, Cryptid, CryptidQM2018-11-01 6 
62597893Nobledark Imperium Part 72: BLOODQUEST editionLelith Hesperax, more Lucius, servitors, treatment of mutants, Istvaan V, and assorted miscellaniaNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-11-02 6 
3005960Where the Seas Lay StillThe fires of a battle have you reborn.Where the Seas Lay Still, Collective Game, Scifi, Shipgirls2018-11-02 1 
3021496Shinigami Savant Quest #139A time to be born, a time to die.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-11-03 12 
3015612Slasher KillerA final girl who survived a slasher attack dedicates herself to hunting down and killing other slashers.Slasher Killer, Halloween, Horror2018-11-04 5 
2997953Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #17In which we perform fatherly and brotherly actions to assuage the damaged hearts of various girls and women.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-11-04 20 
2983739Everwinter company: Part 6The mission starts, constructs are awakened then DawnQm's real life strike. ;_;DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-11-05 1 
2992681Dream Catchers: Fourth Dive [Skirmish]The final hours of The Mire, for now. Party then proceeds to run into more problems realm-bound and internal after a quite short night rest.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, dream, realm, dreamscape, nightmare, nightmares, collective game, puns2018-11-05 2 
3016279Ironhearts 3 - Battle of Bagram ExpressThe gang takes the express and meets some civilians and a traveling clown troop. Zombies appear and chaos ensues. Honk HonkSkirmish Quest, Iron Hearts, Ragnyll, Ibon Drake2018-11-11 5 
62828193Statting the Pushmi-PullyuA conjoined centaur gets some art, stats, and a nice greentext or twoworldbuilding, pushmi-pullyu, doubletaur, monstergirls2018-11-11 29 
3004806Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #94Polu's gang is given a new direction, and the Halloween spooktacular prank time beginsPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-11-11 7 
3036072Fleet Maidens Quest Mahan wakes up, and gets situated on base. Fleet Maidens, PixelAnon, Kantai Collection, Shipgirls, Collective Game2018-11-11 3 
62972087The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.1The Guardsmen get sentenced to a penal legion and Oak forgets that they are not, in fact, trained Inquisitorial infiltrators.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-11-12 85 
62813095Nobledark Imperium Part 73: Mystery Tech editionDemiurg, Crone Wild Hunt, more Ulumeathic League, more Fulgrim, Hubworlder Grudges, Void Dragon dreams, Crone plots, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-11-13 6 
3031412Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #18In which the party continues. And we encounter a faery circle.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-11-14 21 
62964795Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu part 2A continuation of the previous thread, with further worldbuilding and several stories.worldbuilding, pushmi-pullyu, doubletaur, monstergirls2018-11-16 27 
3034477Shovelhead Quest 3Juan and his pack attack the Camarilla semi-fortified outpost of Laredo, achieving victory with surprising ease. Things get spiritual.Shovelhead Quest, Vampire, World of Darkness, Sabbat2018-11-17 3 
3052675Shinigami Savant Quest #140Riku's Rebirth.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-11-17 12 
3018750Hero Academia Quest #22.5Mic's work continues to drain his free time. Also Ushi has a heart-to-heart with MidnightMHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-11-17 25 
3025142Moe Drone Skrimish 3 part 3The crew of the Akolon fight for survival in the heart of veggie territory.Collective Game, Moe Drone, Moe, Drone, skirmish, cognis, tacticool2018-11-17 1 
3035246Capeshit QuestMcDonald's employee Charles Wolf gains superpowers in a mysterious event and adjusts to the resulting world.Collective Game, Capeshit Quest2018-11-19 1 
3043844Ironhearts 3 - Battle of Bagram ExpressInfiltrators, pumpkins, ghouls, and insane voss warmachines round out the escape!Skirmish Quest, Iron Hearts, Ragnyll, Ibon Drake2018-11-19 3 
3024415Overmaster Quest #3We get our first hired lackey, and learn about the guardian of the Bazaardungeon, fantasy, overlord, monsters, short,2018-11-21 1 
63073544Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu Part 3In this third thread, posters continue to brainstorm the origins of the Pushmi-Pullyu and many more stories by different authors are shared.worldbuilding, pushmi-pullyu, doubletaur, monstergirls, brainstorming, fae, magical creatures, fairytales, writing, greentext2018-11-22 25 
3049473Dickweed QuestDickweed the short man of the waves lives and dies in this amazing quest.Dickweed, shit quest, one shot2018-11-22 3 
3064141Visual Novel Quest!A cute and light-hearted quest about finding love at your new school!Collective Game, cyoa, Visual Novel Quest!, drawfag, meta, horror, grimdark, gore, oneshot, anime2018-11-26 32 
63044149Nobledark Imperium Part 74: Fleshing out the Great and Bountiful Human Dominion editionSurprisingly lively debate of Spirit of Integrity, Malal, Isha, Hubworlders, Tarellians, Vespid, more Legi and Draco, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-11-28 7 
December 2018
3080376Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 10Wherein our heroine's star shoots to its end.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-12-01 12 
63304763Reforged Creation Thread #3While it started out good, the OP is left to themselves to write up things.Once is the loneliest number, Marines, Cripples, Chaos, Knights, Bishie Marines2018-12-02 0 
3068873ShellStorm Command: The African FrontCursedQm returns! We embark for the African front to assist the exiled French against a German offensive!CursedQm, Shellstorm, shell Command, mechs, dieselpunk, Althistory, ww1, strategy, collective game 2018-12-02 2 
3050564Lanternlight [Skirmish]Trying to deal with an infestation of spritelings, the Lanterns find much larger prey.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2018-12-03 11 
3088833Shinigami Savant Quest #141Hell or High WaterBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-12-04 12 
63332675Paragons and BrotherhoodA patir of Chaos Cults are rolled up that subvert the usual paradigmsSubversive, Khorne, Slaanesh, The Betrayer, Null, Cults2018-12-05 2 
3068668Shovelhead Quest 4The pack moves out from Laredo. Short thread.Shovelhead Quest, Vampire, World of Darkness, Sabbat2018-12-08 1 
3061157Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #94 (real)You engaged in Halloween traditions, learned the background of the fugs with Jane, and had a cultural exchange with a psychic girl!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-12-09 7 
3079498Ironhearts 3 - Nocturne ExtractionThe Ibon Drakes send a team to retrieve Mrs.Bartram from Nocturne but all hell breaks looseSkirmish Quest, Iron Hearts, Ragnyll, Ibon Drakes, Monday, Skirmish2018-12-09 2 
3085352Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #95Herb hangs out with everyone, and has some quality time with his loved ones and pokemon.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-12-12 7 
3077141Lamia Legacy Quest 91Handling affairs in house.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2018-12-12 1 
63265340Nobledark Imperium Park 75: Missing Pieces of Malal EditionMore Malal, Crone "Society", Geography of the Eye, Ingethel, Czevak, Jubbowski gets a rewrite, Order of the Old Tree, Handmaidens, and morNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-12-12 6 
3083150Warship AI Quest Part 1Six hundred year old ship AI is reactivated on her wrecked derelict super-dreadnought by a space-princess, adventure ensues.Warship, AI, Athena, Naval, Space2018-12-13 15 
3073025Freelancers 8Foxhole comes under attack by worm biomorphs, and the Freelancers must scramble to defend their outpost against an overwhelming force.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-12-14 6 
3120652Shinigami Savant Quest #142In the beginning.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-12-20 11 
3108813One Piece: Broken ChainsMako escapes slavery and makes some friends OP has internet problems One piece, Fishman, Early Archive2018-12-20 1 
3109131Star Wars: Dark Empire V #1Aftermath of Amenge date and the Empire getting back to businessstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2018-12-21 3 
3106794Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #96Rotom earns the name Ghost Pepper, and Herb begins a long pokemon battle with PoluPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2018-12-22 10 
3109617Freelancers 8.5Base defense mission continues. Reinforcements are near, but the Freelancers first must survive a last desperate hold against the worms.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-12-24 3 
3117261Warship AI Quest Part 2Shakedown cruise, met Tametomo, activated code. Fever dream self repairs, made(?) Persephone, and old memories return. Confusing stuff.Warship, AI, Athena, Naval, Space, Persephone, Tametomo, Christmas2018-12-26 6 
3098446Hero Academia Quest 23Face rolls are failed and Ushi and Pony talk.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-12-26 24 
63512037Nobledark Imperium Part 76: Tenta-Crones and Wyches EditionNightbringer versus Khorne, more Tarellians, Isha's daemons, more Czevak and Jubblowski, central themes, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-12-29 5 
3107823Starship Quest: Away Team Mark IThe Alliance starship Quest, run by an elite crew of ensigns, led by misfit officers, encounters a derelict space station and investigates.Starship, sci-fi, away team, Dork West, 2018-12-31 2 
January 2019
3134247Warship AI Quest Part 3Opened Freya's letter, celebrated the solstice, and got ready to fuck up some pirates.Warship, AI, Athena, Naval, Space, Persephone, Tametomo, Freya, Christmas2019-01-02 5 
3127595Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #97We continue the battle with Polu. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-01-04 10 
3132565Dream Catchers: Fourth Dive (Deeper) [Skirmish]After an extended rest, the party ventures into a train station, leading to highs and lows with a beloved party member departing suddenly.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, doomtrain, doom train, wizard lizard2019-01-04 2 
3131597Fate Quest Pt. 3: Arrows and GunsIn which we save our ally's ass from being ripped to pieces, find out that Assassin's not dead and turn Assassin's Master into a Vampire.Fate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Ibaraki, Vampire Autism, Fuck Off Caster of Red With Your Bullshit2019-01-05 1 
3156963Shinigami Savant Quest #143Inside ManBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-01-06 11 
3153977Gumby's CYOA Simulator!A CYOA Simulator starring you and an empty house!Collective Game, cyoa, Gumby's CYOA Simulator, drawfag, meta, horror, grimdark, gore, oneshot, anime2019-01-06 26 
3128417Fractured, Part 1 Mutant boogalooDruskof introduces the job, the trappers are introduced and the job is performed although mind the mutants and the hive king incoming. DawnQm, Fractured, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, Skirmish2019-01-06 1 
3153268Fleet Maidens Quest #4Short thread. Mahan goes to sickbay and talks a lot. Fleet Maidens, PixelAnon, Kantai Collection, Shipgirls, Collective Game2019-01-06 2 
3134601Hero Academia Quest 24The long awaken conclusion and epilogue to the Sports Festival.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-01-08 25 
3156148Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #98Laki expresses concern over Gardevoir, Herb and company arrive at the Dark type gym and begin battlePokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-01-13 11 
3170881Gumby's CYOA Simulator v2.0A CYOA Simulator starring you and an empty house...again!Collective Game, cyoa, Gumby's CYOA Simulator, drawfag, meta, horror, grimdark, gore, oneshot, anime2019-01-13 20 
3150724Dream Catchers: Fourth Dive (Final pt1) [Skirmish]The party takes the fight from the station and out onto the rails, chasing down Doomtrain only to discover other runners... helping it?fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, doomtrain, doom train, wizard lizard2019-01-14 2 
63751904Nobledark Imperium Part 77: Fleshing Things Out EditionInquisitor Heldane, Vect and Malys have a spat, Yvraine's social life, Aun'va and the Emperor, capital ships, Vandire's rise, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-01-16 3 
3158019Fractured, [Skirmish] Part 2 Hive king boogalooThe hive king comes! Our trappers bag what they can before they get out. Also Gregory gets a taste of mega corp brutality...DawnQm, Fractured, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, Skirmish2019-01-16 1 
3159298Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! #19In which we encounter Actually Satan. And he's not that bad a guy?Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-01-16 20 
3168162Boruto Quest Shippuden 1Takeshi returns, believe it! It's post timeskip and we're back in the Leaf Village. Also, Takeshi develops a Femdom fetish.Collective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime, Ninja, Shippuden, Boruto Quest Shippuden 2019-01-17 16 
3168123Star Wars: Dark Empire V #2Handling unfinished business on Byss and dealing with an invasion.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-01-18 2 
3150551Fleetcom: No Sky BeyondThe Pax Solar Federation is under siege. You and your fellows are Task Force Viking, fighting to defend against the Valentian Empire.Fleetcom Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi 2019-01-18 4 
3186759Shinigami Savant Quest #144How the other half die.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-01-18 9 
3152669Starship Quest: Away Team Mark IIThe away team encounters more stasis chambers and their occupants; Exposition and unexplained events ensue. Starship, sci-fi, away team, Dork West,2019-01-19 1 
3189312Devil May Cry: The RingA hero awakens as he sleeps through his call to adventure. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't take 'no' for an answer.Collective Game, Devil May Cry, Stylish, Power fantasy, Fanwank2019-01-19 8 
3173679Sworn to Valour Quest #5His Word Speaks Only Truth. Sir Andrei witnesses the execution of the false knight and battles against foul beastmen on the King's Highway.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Shekels2019-01-20 26 
3187108Spider-Verse Quest #1J.J. Jameson is bitten by a radioactive spider, saves his best friend, and becomes the Shutterbug.Spider-Verse Quest, Collective Game, PatternmakerQM, Marvel, Shutterbug2019-01-21 14 
3173646Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #99Herb continues his battle against the Dark Gym!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-01-21 10 
3187826Nothing Short of a MiracleYou are a thaumaturge, and today, you have a dream to achieve.Nothing Short of a Miracle, drawquest2019-01-22 12 
3178404Dream Catchers: Fourth Dive (Final pt2) [Skirmish]The party takes the fight to the tracks, chasing down the DOOMTRAIN to prevent its escape. First the hunt, then the feast!fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, doomtrain, doom train, wizard lizard2019-01-25 2 
64088456Biotech/Biomechanics Worldbuilding/tg/ discusses organic technology.biotechnology, biomechanics, genetic modification, cloning, biomancy, fleshcrafting, posthuman, transhuman, bionicle, worldbuilding, setting2019-01-26 2 
3188948Unseen Ruins Civ - Thread 1A tribe of Unseen begins in the ruins of a lost civilization. Hallucinogenic mushrooms are discovered, and exploration is conducted.Cornishman, Civ, Unseen2019-01-26 1 
64206468Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu Part 4The fourth thread. Posters brainstorm new characters, campaign ideas, and some new stories are shared (including the start of a novella).worldbuilding, pushmi-pullyu, doubletaur, brainstorming, fae, magical creatures, fairytales, writing, greentext2019-01-29 25 
3204867Magical Girl Lovesick: Another Red StringThe being that is Hanano Nawakubi returns.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick, Yandere, Hairbrush2019-01-31 2 
February 2019
3202410Star Wars: Dark Empire V #3The Battle for the Core commences!star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-02-01 2 
3217699Halo: Wolfpack (1)The quest begins, and Lieutenant Commander Norman Wells get a promotion and a ship.Halo, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-02-01 23 
64151956Nobledark Imperium Part 77: Manifest Ectasy EditionWritefag delivers on a lot of Sisters of Battle writing, Necrons versus tyranids (twice), how humans and eldar see each other, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-02-02 3 
3201066Dream Catchers (Fifth Dive pt1) [Skirmish]Down into the Industrial realm the party delves, discovering not all is what it seems and some strange new companions.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, ser fuzzylad, minserva, lazer guns2019-02-02 2 
3226153Shinigami Savant Quest #145De los MuertosBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-02-02 11 
3195188Lich QuestA Lich decides to murder a vampire. A party is formed. Shit's fucked yo.Lich, Fantasy, Comedy, Collective Game, Bishop2019-02-02 1 
3181159Fractured, [Skirmish] Part 2 Hive king boogalooThe job is done and our group moves on!!!DawnQm, Fractured, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, Skirmish2019-02-03 1 
3196298Hero Academia Quest 25After the Sports Festival, Ushi takes some time to study and relax.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-02-03 26 
3201080Dead Man's Hand 1In the untamed West, a gang of desperados comes together to rob the Goldenvale bank. Simple job, right? Wrong.Dead Man's Hand, Skirmish, Western, Bandits, Horror2019-02-03 3 
3220949Magical Girl Lovesick: Episode MordredWe follow the mishmashed being that is Mordred. We gain two maids too.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick,, Hairbrush2019-02-04 1 
3223954SacrificeA cute and fun quest about school politics and the escapades of you and your blind little sister!Collective Game, cyoa, Sacrifice Quest, drawfag, horror, grimdark, gore, oneshot, anime2019-02-04 21 
3226521Nothing Short of a Miracle 2You tackle the task of weeding a courtyard.Nothing Short of a Miracle, drawquest2019-02-04 7 
3204118Spider-Verse Quest #2In which our hero designs a costume, gets a job, and somewhat manages to stalk a supervillain.Spider-Verse Quest, Collective Game, PatternmakerQM, Marvel, Shutterbug2019-02-05 10 
3206573Metahuman Quest: Issue #28Grey Ghost decides to work with a retired soldier and has a brief brawl in the Shadow Realm.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Rose Wilson, Shade2019-02-05 5 
3202305Boruto Quest Shippuden 2boruto quest! collective game, naruto, boruto, boruto quest, takeshi, ninja, anime, shippuden, boruto quest shippuden2019-02-06 11 
3208581SwordBorne: Dark Age Pt.01A newly gathered band of mercenaries take a contract in defense of a villageSwordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-02-06 2 
3223218Halo: Wolfpack (2)Commander Norman Wells arrives at Anchor 5, names his ship, and gets underway.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-02-06 17 
3231768Episode Mordred #2Maids are nice!~Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick,, Hairbrush2019-02-07 1 
3217535Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #100Herb battled the dark type gym leader, then had an extra-planer encounter with the Rayquaza of ill-intentPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-02-08 7 
3229637Dead Man's Hand 1.2Continuation from the first thread. The bank job is getting crazy with bandits, lawmen, and hooded strangers in a three-way showdown.Dead Man's Hand, Skirmish, Western, Bandits, Horror2019-02-13 5 
3225396Dream Catchers: Blackout (Sixth Dive) [Skirmish]The party takes to a realm of secrets stored deep within a hidden warehouse, discovering strange experiments with mysterious intentions.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, area 51, warehouse, karz, jojo reference2019-02-15 2 
64394033Nobledark Imperium Part 79: Rise of the Imperium The Musical Edition More Sisters, Arrotyr gets the Monty Python treatment, Nightsiders, Imperial bureaucracy, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-02-15 2 
3241361Star Wars: Dark Empire V #4War plans are made against Thrawn and Alana gets a chance to spend quality time with Ederlathhstar wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-02-15 5 
3228161Hero Academia Quest #26Ushi finishes up a jog and heads to the spa.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-02-16 26 
3267534Shinigami Savant Quest #146One Stock, Final Destination, Bankais OnlyBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-02-16 8 
3237120SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.2The Uncrowned marches into the Ghru swamp, the mist of waterfall, and an unmistakable scent of death followed. Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-02-18 1 
3241376Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #101Gym Leader BluesPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-02-18 7 
3237902Halo: Wolfpack (thread 3)The "Dawn's Early Light" arrives at Edrianus II, doesn't find the wolfpack, but gets a kil instead. Thunderhead sleeps through the last Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-02-18 13 
64476922night shift 2019tg contiunes to brew the setting it creatednightshift2019-02-20 5 
3267884Nothing Short of a Miracle 3You get to know the Anima Forest uncomfortable well.Nothing Short of a Miracle, drawquest2019-02-21 7 
3270159Shaggy and Scooby's Bizarre Adventure 1Another Fucking QM's second quest begins. Where it will go, nobody knows. Scooby DooBites Za Dusto!jojo, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Scooby Doo, Shaggy, Jojo's2019-02-23 2 
3244262Gumby's CYOA Simulator v3.0The third thread where walking out without any hearing protection results in an instant bad end. It does contain meta knowledge however.Collective Game, cyoa, Gumby's CYOA Simulator, drawfag, meta, horror, grimdark, gore, oneshot, anime2019-02-23 0 
3243429Hexpedition: The Pit [Skirmish]A band of lost sacrifices wake up in a pit, and soon encounter scavengers, salesmen and water with an aftertaste of eldritchSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-02-23 5 
3254459Hexpedition: The Greenspan [Skirmish]Having left the Pit, a small band of lost sacrifices find sunlight, a pile of corpses and people with spores for brainsSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-02-23 8 
64663397Nobledark Imperium Part 80: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD KING OF THE GALAXY editionRatlings, space battles, tabletop in the nobledark, Blood Pact society, Gathrog and Dregruk, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-02-23 4 
3258208Dead Man's Hand 2A peaceful night's camp is disturbed by ravenous monsters.Dead Man's Hand, Skirmish, Western, Bandits, Horror2019-02-24 4 
3276365Shaggy and Scooby's Bizarre Adventure 2This much more uneventful thread.. continues the story. Not much else, honestly.jojo, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Scooby Doo, Shaggy, Jojo's2019-02-26 2 
3281240Superpowered Neckbeard QuestDerek, 342 pound neckbeard leaves his mommy's home, stabs a kickboxing cricket man to death, and spontaneously develops superpowers.Collective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-02-26 14 
3256917Piratical QuestIn which we take a job from a pirate, get into a gunfight, and a free ship. Also, some political intrigue! Also curses!Pirates, Piratical, Fantasy, Sailing, Ships, Original, QuestPhreak2019-02-26 1 
3267695 Spider-Verse Quest #3in which our hero takes down a supervillian, goes on a date and prepare a sting operationSpider-Verse Quest, Collective Game, PatternmakerQM, Marvel, Shutterbug2019-02-27 5 
3302386Shinigami Savant Quest #147Kurosaki-GaidenBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-02-27 8 
64847319night shift locationsdiscussion of alt nightshift locationsnightshift2019-02-28 3 
March 2019
3272312SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3A meeting with former adversaries and preparation to confront the NecromancerSwordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game 2019-03-01 1 
3281235Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #20In which we make a lot of phone calls, some involving gods and others who should be long dead.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-03-01 17 
3283910Star Wars: Dark Empire V #5Holonet problems foreshadow even worse events to come. Is this the End of the Empire?star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-03-01 2 
3275357Hero Academia Quest #27Ushi finishes hanging with Momo, gets a new costume, and chooses a name.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-03-04 26 
3282061Wendigo: A Worm Quest 8We give a speech, Coil is doing something shady, and the Crab Shack opens. At long last.Collective Game, Wendigo Worm Quest, Worm, He Who Meddles, Quest, wendigo, Crab Shack2019-03-05 6 
3311365Nothing Short of a Miracle 4A field trip to the barrens.Nothing Short of a Miracle, drawquest2019-03-07 6 
3289476Hexpedition: Legio ForlornA small lost band of sacrifices find memories, chemically questionable munitions and a monster the size of a small mountain.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-03-09 8 
3291040Dead Man's Hand 2.2In the aftermath of the wendigo attack, the bandits send a delegation to speak with the Crow Tribe and engage in a little monster carving.Dead Man's Hand, Skirmish, Western, Bandits, Horror2019-03-09 3 
3299177Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode TwoDerek's sad life continuesCollective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-03-10 10 
3289801Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #102Herb gave Laki the ol' yogurt cannon without protection! The crew arrives at the festival!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-03-10 12 
3311209So coldIT'S A SNOW DAY! TIME TO HAVE SOME FUN!Collective Game, cyoa, meta, So cold, drawfag, horror, gore, oneshot, anime2019-03-11 2 
3318685Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #21In which we talk to more gods and generally prepare for battle.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-03-11 8 
65062546skeleton showdownPeople create Their Guy on heroforge and do battle. Skeletons, Lizardmen, bad dudes and horrible monstrosities ensue. Shortage of shirtsshowdown, lizardmen, skeleons, skellies, heroforge2019-03-11 2 
3301661Godzilla QuestA Kaiju QM doesn't finish a thread.Kaiju, Godzilla, Destoroyah, Unfinished, goddammit OP, goddammit me2019-03-12 -9 
3342928Shinigami Savant Quest #148Silver and White.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-03-12 9 
3302441Halo: Wolfpack (thread 4)Commander Wells comes to a decision on the alien, meets the rest of the wolfpack, and kills the remaining Covenant ships in the system.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-03-12 11 
64830871Nobledark Imperium Part 81: Milk for the Khorne Flakes EditionChaos Felinids, the World that Wasn't/Veiled Region, Kiavahr, Spirit of Integrity, more space battles, leader of Carlos McConnell, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-03-13 3 
3308936SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3: The Seige of Ingram Armoury & The Gambler's WifeThe Uncrowned try to seize Ingram Armory from the Necromancer!Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game 2019-03-14 1 
3326304Star Wars: Dark Empire V #6The threats to the Empire mount and the loyalists spring into action against all enemies, internal and external.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-03-15 7 
3337683Bio Armored Titan 1: Heroes Rise AgainWe select our armor and get to know how to use it somewhat before finding out that Gilgamesh is a pacifistic pussy. Cut short by GM retard.Bio Armored Titan, Biotech, Alien Invasion, Not Earth, Mr.C, Collective Game, That Warrior is totally coming back, Titan Gilgamesh2019-03-17 2 
3355185Nothing Short of a Miracle 5The local shard offers a revelation.Nothing Short of a Miracle, drawquest2019-03-19 5 
3334044Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #103Glass Reflections Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-03-19 7 
3367803Star Wars: Dark Empire - End of EmpireThis is the end. It's all come down to this.star wars, collective game, dark empire, palpatine, legends, EU, UNLIMITED POWER, can't peev the sheev, imperial captain, two protagonists2019-03-22 15 
3337168Hero Academia Quest #28Ushi learns about internships, talks to Shoto about his meeting with his mom, then gets ready for an assignment. MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-03-23 26 
3334373Freelancers 9Preparations complete, the grand assault on the citadel begins. The Freelancers will become dragonslayers, or die trying.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-03-24 11 
3376510Shinigami Savant Quest #149Inside TatsukiBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-03-24 10 
3314269Planetary governor #19We secure a planet and discover Xenotech of great power, also get some good old fashioned governning inshmeh, 40k, pgq2019-03-24 1 
3363554Lamia Legacy Quest 92Boot camp and recruitment drive.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2019-03-25 1 
3331577Hexpedition: Odd Hearts [Skirmish]A small band of sacrifices find a town, a fire, leftover gods and early signs of a ConspiracySkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-03-26 8 
3345024SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3: The Seige of Ingram Armoury & The Gambler's Wife pt. 2Inside the armory, Ghouls, Midians, and Thespians!Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game 2019-03-27 1 
3363276Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #22In which we deal with several people and watch TV, in preparation for going in on the rats.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-03-27 6 
3354860Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #104Herb and his pokemon stop the ferris wheel. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-03-28 6 
3348845Halo: Wolfpack (thread 5)Wells finds out just how many people died in the last battle, and sets a course to the next one.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-03-30 10 
65114001Nobledark Imperium Part 82 : Eldar Tallarnian Holidays editionThe idiot playboy of McConnell Corp, mythical Trials of Isha, Zarakynel tries to be a homewrecker, daemon weapons, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-03-30 2 
3358095Persons of Interest #1Start to Persons of Interest. The protagonist finds out his abusive father has mind-control abilities. Can he save his little sister?Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-03-31 9 
April 2019
3386927The Big Bad Wolf Quest #1Selling nude photos of high school girls is hard work, and totally professional!Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-02 6 
3368295SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #38In which our protagonist deals with interpersonal problems, goes on a deadly picnic, and confronts the voice inside his head.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 6662019-04-04 5 
3374618Hero Academia Quest #28.5Ushi & Company go on a rescue mission class, then Mic gets burnout. Get well soon, Mic!MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-04-05 24 
3409500Shinigami Savant Quest #150Empty mind, empty hand, clear eyesBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-04-05 10 
65418021Nobledark Imperium Part 83: Nurglite Wight King Edition Necron terriforming, writeups for Obyron's duel and Veiled Region, Mandragora and the lost Necron homeworld, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-04-06 3 
3375369Freelancers 9.2The battle becomes bloody, and reality itself frays around the Freelancers in their desperate fight against the dragon and its priests.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-04-07 11 
3390130Persons of Interest #2Chris also needs to deal with the legal consequences of his actions while assuring of his sisters mental well-being and how to move forward.Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-04-07 7 
3401882The Big Bad Wolf Quest #2Mary's a fellow woman of the trade, Goldilocks is a pervert, and Little Red Riding Hoods has become leashed! Also, cleavage factory.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-08 2 
3382761 SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3: The Seige of Ingram Armoury & The Gambler's Wife pt. 3Conclusion of the Armory. Then a botched job happens in townSwordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-04-08 1 
3389987Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #105Fun Conversation editionPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-04-09 6 
3406255Lamia Legacy Quest 93Succession crisis, marital issues, and black box dilemmas.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2019-04-10 1 
3410775 The Quest of the Branded Ones Pt 1A viking is named, a Princess is found, and a royal guard is confused.Ursd, Edgar, Ana, Prison, Brand, Immortal, Viking, ShogunRyuusha2019-04-11 2 
3402787Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #23In which we talk to people as part of continuing preparations. Dear god, these threads are getting shorter and shorter.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-04-12 6 
3416319The Big Bad Wolf Quest #3Morioka starts to break minds, grab ass, grope titties, and make love for eight hours straight.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-13 1 
3400249Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl Quest! APRIL FOOLS! In which we ask about our dad in an April Fool's futureShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad, April Fools2019-04-13 5 
3410643SOSAnother day on the grind... or so you thought. Looks like this is gonna be a long one.Collective Game, cyoa, SOS, drawfag, horror, gore, oneshot, anime, military, violence2019-04-14 10 
3425169The Quest of the Branded Ones Pt 2In which they ride a stolen boat to a dwarven island and meet an old friend.Branded Ones Quest, Ursd, Edgar, Ana, Boat, Brand, ShogunRyuusha, Collective Game2019-04-17 1 
3429492The Big Bad Wolf Quest #4Morioka experiences a special Saturday and Kitasawa finally arrives, neatly packaged. Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-19 1 
3446834Shinigami Savant Quest #151Oh No PlateauBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-04-19 6 
3384471Vanguard: Property InspectionRIPPER team comes out of the dark to find a missing dog, end up finding a lost citySkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Vanguard, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2019-04-19 6 
3416364SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.4: The Raid on the Roadside MonasteryUncrowned members captured, a rescue mission!Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-04-20 1 
3431046Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #106Herb battles in an amateur contest tournament and teases poor HanaPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-04-20 5 
3417325SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #38.5Continuation of the previous thread. A drug-busting operation in the demon world begins, featuring Dante from the "Devil May Cry" series.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 6662019-04-21 5 
3418258Nightgaunts: Field Stroll [ Skirmish ]The Lanterns are sent to destroy a mountain Infestation and get more than they bargained for. (At least they have tea)Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight, Nightgaunts2019-04-21 7 
3403347Nightgaunts: Farm House [Skirmish]Sent to investigate an farm-house, the players end up surrounded by terror and trouble, meddling with forgotten gods and government agentsSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight, Nightgaunts2019-04-21 7 
65759207Fractured Singularity Thread 1Work begins on the world of Fractured Singularity, home to the advancement obsessed ISA and the rather tech-conservative Jovian FederationFractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-04-21 11 
3428490SOS (Part 2)Survive the wasteland. Or run out of time trying.Collective Game, cyoa, meta, SOS, drawfag, horror, gore, oneshot, anime, military, violence2019-04-23 7 
3425382Persons of Interest #3In the hospital, Chris spends his time learning more about his abilitiesPersons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-04-23 4 
3441608The Quest of the Branded Ones Pt 3Entering a Dwarven Ruin, they are conscripted to repair it.Branded Ones Quest, Ursd, Edgar, Ana, Boat, Brand, ShogunRyuusha, Collective Game2019-04-23 1 
3445322The Big Bad Wolf Quest #5A decadent-breasted clash between Hanami and Mary has begun at day, Kita's Robin Hood reveal at night! Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-23 1 
3437110Outsiders Invasion Quest #1The hack and slash adventure of Alfonzo Robella in a world being invaded by demons, which was cut short by bad luck with the dice.#outsiders #invasion #quest #demons #hackandslash2019-04-25 2 
3444459Comiket Question: Episode #1Ouji Kaiji, a retired doujin artist, goes to Comiket, but is drawn into a series of ridiculous events he could've never predicted.anime, manga, Comiket Quest, comiket, collective game, Japan, otaku, ridiculous, short2019-04-28 2 
3447945Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #107Herb introduces someone to Abigail, and battles in an amateur contest tournament using GardevoirPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-04-28 5 
3456685The Big Bad Wolf Quest #6Goldilocks shows a sign of Morioka's consequence. He later ends up having sex with three of Hanami's personas.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-29 1 
65850840Fractured Singularity Thread 2Work continues on the world of Fractured Singularity. Factions fleshed out, micro fiction written, sample locations proposed and more.Fractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-04-29 2 
May 2019
3449558Fap Fairy QuestA guy was having his 10,000th fap when a fairy showed up to grant him a wish.fapfairy, fap, fairy, quest, shitpost2019-05-02 -4 
3462264The Rising of the Shield HeroFour heroes, summoned into another world. And you are one with the spear. Prologue to the story so far. Isekai, Rising of The Shield Hero, Collective Game2019-05-02 5 
3447696Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Magical Girl! Quest: #24In which we perform hig-priestly duties, despite claiming we are in no way a high priest, despite what everyone says.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-05-04 5 
3470733The Big Bad Wolf Quest #7Morioka might've brought a dark elf to his world. But that matters not -- the N.R.O. has come!Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-04 0 
3483025Shinigami Savant Quest 152ConfrontationBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-05-04 6 
3481461The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8Morioka begins tested copulation with Kitasawa. But QM gets a warning and the thread is archived for some reason.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-04 1 
3465943Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #108Herb calms down Gardevoir, gets busy with Hana, and continues into the Contest Battle TournamentPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-05-05 6 
3483879MvA: Muppets Vs. Alien skirmish quest 1In the first session, the Muppets scour around the USCSS Nostromo before entering into a one-way fight for survival with an alien threat.What Ifs, Skirmish, Alien, Muppets, Collective Game2019-05-06 2 
65973574Fractured Singularity Thread 3Our collaborative creation expands, further filling the lore with micro-factions, defined technologies, and more.Fractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-05-06 3 
3452579Nightgaunts: Crackcrown [Skirmish]The Lanterns find a nice hut, some tea and a promise - then the hut blows up, the tea gets cold...Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight, Nightgaunts2019-05-07 7 
3477988The Rising of the Shield Hero quest #2More Irish hero and his party!Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Kami Turtle2019-05-08 5 
3459349SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.4: The Raid on the Roadside Monastery. pt. 2 A chaotic rescue, the Uncrowned make their escape and regroupSwordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-05-09 1 
3460652Solo Experience QuestWe log into Tarnished Glory Online, a new VRMMO with an unusual take on PvP balance. Then we die twice and are inflicted with a tutorialSolo Experience Quest, Tarnished Glory Online, VRMMO, Kobold2019-05-09 11 
3483261The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8.5Morioka is given a late night surprise! The tower is attacked! Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-09 1 
66179418The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.2The infiltration attempts beginAll Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2019-05-12 72 
3497845MvA: Muppets Vs. Alien skirmish quest 2In the second session, A caveman gets freaky with technology, Steve and Rizzo try to hide elsewhere, and a Beaver gets geeky at the garage.What Ifs, Skirmish, Alien, Muppets, Collective Game2019-05-12 2 
3464465InfilInc: Prospect Mining [Skirmish]We are smooth tactical operators, let no one tell you otherwise. Collective Game, skirmish sketch quest, Liren, Company Command, Agent, InfilInc, SMOOTH TACTICAL OPERATORS2019-05-15 5 
66163187Night Shift no.<#night shiftnightshift, homebrew2019-05-16 4 
3474118Comiket Quest: Episode #2Ouji Kaiji finally gets the doujins of his waifu that he so desires and his feud with Higeki Enno heats up.anime, manga, Comiket Quest, comiket, collective game, Japan, otaku, ridiculous, short 2019-05-17 1 
3482020Criminals & Catacombs: Dream Catchers Interlude [Skirmish]A newly discovered crypt dungeon is unearthed, leading to a guild with lacking manpower to host an amnesty expedition... using bandits.fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, tonberry, skeleton, skeletons, undead, skelemen, anonymous, anon, crypt, isometric,2019-05-17 1 
3484077Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #109We finish the Amateur Contest Tournament, and begin watching Valerie's showPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-05-19 6 
3469065Persons of Interest #4Sorting out some more issues, like their father's funeral, Chris gets ready to move to a more permanent residence. Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-05-20 4 
3522596Shinigami Savant Quest #153Final FormsBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-05-21 6 
3514945Young Justice: Meta Human Slave QuestWe create our character, fight for our life, meet a princess, and go to villain school.The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game2019-05-25 17 
3530507MvA: Muppets Vs. Alien skirmish quest 3In this session, Steve suffers a weird dream while binge drinking at the gallery.What Ifs, Skirmish, Alien, Muppets, Collective Game2019-05-27 1 
3504097Tales From The Library 1The first edition! High Stakes, a game of poker is interrupted and a life or death tournament is started for a wish coinTales From The Library, One Shot, Collective Game, Boss Fights2019-05-28 3 
3504621Solo Experience Quest 2We complete the tutorial, get ambushed, go on a nighttime cruise down the river, and then get chased through the woods.Solo Experience Quest, Tarnished Glory Online, VRMMO, Kobold2019-05-28 7 
3515954Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #111The crew watches Valerie's contest and begins Truth or Dare!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-05-29 7 
3503053The Rising of the Shield Hero quest #3I Ain't afraid of no ghosts.Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Kami Turtle,Flathri2019-05-29 3 
3525922Persons of Interest #5Finally moving on, Chris and Cam move in with the Millers in the new city of Tall Oaks.Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-05-31 3 
June 2019
3503259Hero Academia Quest #29Ushi finishes her rescue mission assignment, talks with Kyoka, gets exerted at the dojo and follows Pony home. MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-06-01 23 
3529455Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 2We learn how to become a Big Guy, expand our (literal?)gang, learn about the conspiracy to brainwash us, and butt heads with Snowball. The Monitor of E-16, Meta Human Slave Quest, Body Horror?, Cape Shit, Collective Game, Fuck Psychics, Shape Shifting, 2019-06-03 7 
3513423Irregular heroes Thread 1 Ruins boogalooNever underestimate lead poisoning, never...DawnQm, Skirmish Quest, Irregular heroes quest, 2019-06-07 1 
3541964Runic Weapon QuestA short oneshot , begotten by the creativity of Anons and ended by a lack of mutual intrest on all partsWeapon, Dwarves, Cleric, Paladin, Sentient Weapon, One-Shot, Runic Weapon Quest2019-06-08 1 
3538932Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #111We finish Truth or Dare, and things got steamy!Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-06-09 6 
3567014Shinigami Savant Quest #154Of Gods and GoddessesBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-06-10 6 
3526405Halo: Wolfpack (thread 6)Wells and the "Dawn" rendezvous with Patrol Group Theta, gets into a fight, deals with the fallout, and get some upgrades and new skills.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-06-12 10 
3563433Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #112Herb, Laki, and Hana 'educate' Keira. Short threadPokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-06-15 6 
3575382Pokémon Island Adventure Quest 113Dice gets in trouble and Gobble dies. Quest over, go home.Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Fashion, Cooking2019-06-17 6 
3539742Solo Experience Quest 3We make a tentative deal, become a target of disproportionate response and enter another instance.Solo Experience Quest, Tarnished Glory Online, VRMMO, Kobold2019-06-18 4 
3564953Lamia Legacy Quest 94The weapon shipment arrives.Collective Game, CanidChemlab, Lamia Legacy Quest, Sasha2019-06-19 1 
3550734Freelancers 10Accolades, promotions, and recovery follows the dragonslaying. Graves sets up an intrasquad arena match to keep skills sharp in the offtime.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-06-19 6 
3587092Stories From (Slightly Before) the Second WeltkriegIn this short story, a drinking game between vietnamese generals causes an uprising.SFTSW:AKQ, Kaiserreich, Short2019-06-20 1 
3527120Hexpedition: Starlit Stationwho are you to be here, weatherworn and dusty? A traveller, a tinker, a tradesman, a troubador, a tourist or perhaps... trouble?Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-06-20 5 
3536277Hexpedition: Starfall GardensPushed by the rising winds and hungry hounds, the seekers investigate the old garden. The leaves rustle and the roots are hungry.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-06-20 5 
3540399Hexpedition: Starlit WaystationHounded by loss and lost, in retreat from the Garden, the seekers find a tradesman, a vast expanse and a cult with views on human sacrifice.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-06-20 5 
3550816Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode ThreeDerek continues his one-man crusade on crime, and has a chance encounter with a minor baseball celebrity.Collective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-06-21 8 
3553173Hero Academia Quest #30Walker Ushi starts her internship and meets some people.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2019-06-21 26 
3553097Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 3Where we visit Caitlin in the hospital and OP flakes.The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game, RIP2019-06-22 6 
3569636Schizophrenic Hero Quest (A Shield Hero Quest)Meet ya boy Jim. He shall bring the word of god and raise some coons.Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Jim Borris Jr, Sword, Dolly2019-06-22 13 
3561893Irregular heroes Thread 2 Treant boogalooJust wrapping up stuff from last session before we head off.DawnQm, Skirmish Quest, Irregular heroes quest, 2019-06-23 1 
3602433Shinigami Savant Quest #155The worst-laid plansBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-06-25 6 
3584974Freelancers 10.2The friendly PvP bout has become something else entirely now that aliens have crashed the party.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-06-29 6 
3571317Persons of Interest #6Chris and Cam get to know their new Foster Family a little better.Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-06-30 3 
July 2019
3583246Solo Experience Quest 4We begin executing a plan to deal with the instance boss. Very short thread due to various IRL issues.Solo Experience Quest, Tarnished Glory Online, VRMMO, Kobold2019-07-01 2 
3598145Redneck Sword Hero Quest #2 Our hero throws a victory party and then runs off to the border questing. Continuation of schizoprenic hero quest.Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Jim Borris Jr, Sword, Crusade, Undead2019-07-02 10 
3585906Halo: Wolfpack (thread 7)While waiting for the rest of the wolfpack to return from their mission, the Dawn is sent to counter piracy and rebels.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-07-03 9 
3644802Shinigami Savant Quest #156Lending a HandBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-07-10 7 
3607782Trenchers: Unity CavesThe rest of The Tallspire Cave Complex remains. Patrols, wards, guards, embedded defensive positions. All hewn from rock with one purposeskirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2019-07-12 7 
67207516The Beach EpisodeBunch of IG get sent to a pleasure world. Beach themed shenanigans including tiki statues and sand castles. Also Kriegers fight Stalin40k, writefaggotry, IG, Krieg, Slaanesh2019-07-13 7 
3599683Trenchers: Unity FallsThrough the perimeter, just past that barricade. The Trenchers take a compound, fight a tank and find a fancy crystal skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2019-07-15 7 
3636691Moe Drone Skirmish: Operation Coldfront 1Our commanders and their moe drones must fix crawler Nabaal's engines and return to base, but can they drive responsibly?collective game, moe drone, cognis, skirmish, pumpkin, tacticool2019-07-15 1 
67213307Stranded at a Sci-Fi Desert Outpostin an abandoned mining station on a desolate desert planet, a stranded crew of spacers must endure a harsh environment and the paranormal.Horror, sci-fi, brainstorming, oneshot, worldbuilding, eldritch entities, paranormal, supernatural, outer space, space ship, space station2019-07-15 24 
3629295The Rising of the Shield Hero quest #3The humble rise of the President King!Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Jim Borris Jr, Sword, Crusade, Jolly Courpuration2019-07-15 6 
3606664SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.5: The Melee at the Unkinned LandsThe Uncrowned prepare to oust the GoldJoys, with infromation from the Merchant Gram they decide to set the field at the Unkinned lands.Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-07-16 1 
3640227Artificer Quest One-Shot Thread #1It’s a Cold Day in Airgrid, the City of Fog. John and Dutch have a shady job to perform.Artificer Quest, One Shot, StorytellerQM2019-07-19 2 
3676492Errant Shopkeep QuestLegends tell of an errant shopkeep that appears on the road whenever someone is in need, but legends are only legends, after all.drawquest, errant shopkeep quest, capitalism,2019-07-21 5 
3644620Trenchers: Broken CoresFrom the dark to the deeper caves, a hundred eyes stare outskirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2019-07-21 10 
3651822Comiket Quest: Episode #6Kaiji enjoys the third day of Comiket, meets his favorite manga artist, and the story comes to a close. anime, manga, Comiket Quest, comiket, collective game, Japan, otaku, ridiculous, short, QMWalrus2019-07-23 1 
3642273Halo: Wolfpack (thread 7)Wells and the Dawn take a mission from ONI to hunt down a rebel base.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-07-23 8 
3647055Hero Academia Quest #31Walker goes on patrol with her mentor and does some heroics, then stares at rocks.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2019-07-24 24 
3648083Persons of Interest #7Shopping adventure ensues, but not without its hickups, and not without your powers being questionedPersons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist, Slice of Life2019-07-25 5 
3695095Shinigami Savant Quest #157The final stretch.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-07-26 6 
67512797The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.3In which Tink and Twitch bring the dead back to life.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2019-07-29 66 
August 2019
3679295Moe Drone Skirmish: Operation Coldfront 2Our commanders must drive the Nabaal back to base and find an AWOL commando droid. All while fending off killer onions and potatoes.collective game, moe drone, cognis, skirmish, pumpkin, tacticool2019-08-01 1 
3693362Redneck Sword Hero Quest #4People need somthing to belive in and heroes are no gods.Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Jim Borris Jr, Sword, God, Mountain OP pliz nerf2019-08-05 5 
3680878Trenchers: Shattered Souls [Skirmish]What short of shadow does a planet cast? from the vast stellar void, the Nightgaunts come. Murder, treason, kidnapping and a surprise visit!skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2019-08-05 8 
3679961Earth Tau 2Preparations for a fight in a new home, learning more about yourself, and experimenting with powers lie within.Quest, Earth Tau, worm, powers, ShardOfNothing, Cyberpunk2019-08-06 2 
3669249SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.5: The Melee at the Unkinned Lands. 1st MovementThe battle begins in earnest, and ends only a short time later after a shocking show of force from The Uncrowned. End of Part One.Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-08-08 1 
3717085GenesisFortunaQM tries a bit of purple prose and is struck by QM bad luck in the form of an illness. An attempt at emulating Sumero-Akkadian epics.Sumer, Abzu, Collective Game, Cut Short, QM Curse, Mythic, Female Protagonist, Sorcery2019-08-09 1 
3727251Super Quest - 1We become a superhero celebrate at a bar and capture our first criminal. A fun day all in all.Capeshit, Super Quest, Hero, Powers, Key, KeyQM2019-08-12 0 
3695992Artificer Quest One-Shot: Cold Day in Airgrid Thread #2It's a Cold Day in Airgrid, the City of Fog. The job continues and the situation deteriorates.Artificer Quest, One Shot, StorytellerQM2019-08-12 2 
3726533Redneck Sword Hero Quest #5Trail of bow hero what could posibly go wrong?Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Jim Borris Jr, Sword, Justice, date2019-08-14 7 
3717261Trenchers: United Front [Skirmish]Closer to the facility, the Trenchers need to push through an artillery barrage - and then, diplomacy happensskirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2019-08-16 9 
3755789Shinigami Savant Quest #158All Good Things (Finale)Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-08-17 7 
3710151Hero Academia Quest #32 - Misnumbered EditionMorning training and talking with your fellow intern ensues, followed by lessons on merchandising and toys. Ushi figma soon to follow. MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2019-08-18 24 
3753307Redneck Sword Hero Quest #6Intrigue and sadly the end do to QM RL obligationsIsekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Jim Borris Jr, Sword, Queen2019-08-22 6 
3765579Body Horror Quest - 28th VeinShu meets a Polish meme girl and a posse of Hyenas with Assless chaps; then finds prey, only to find she's not the only hunter on the prowlBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Polish, hyenas, assless chaps, Protean2019-08-25 12 
3742378Persons of Interest #8Coincidences keep aligning for Chris to get a coupon for a free massage. What's the worst that could happen?Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist, Slice of Life2019-08-27 0 
3740643Planetary Governor Quest #2:Lost ColonyWe defeat the Disciples and trade with some Xenos merchantsPGQ, 40k, Shmeh2019-08-28 0 
374987340k Chaosfag ShitquestOn a Feudal world in the 42nd millennium, a narcissistic ex-monk declares himself 'New Emperor' and starts a heretical Chaos Cult.Collective Game, 40k, Chaos, Shitquest2019-08-29 6 
3770289Beastman QuestQuest about a beastman surviving in the world. Went to get some food, human meat to be exact.Beastman Quest, Beastman, Oneshot, Beasty, Collective Game2019-08-29 -1 
3740803Working at the Mermaid Aquariumwe work at an aquarium with a mermaid on display. Is she a girly fish? A fishy girl? Who cares, she's cute.Mermaid, Aquarium, Collective Game, fish, Dee Kaptain2019-08-30 2 
3737868Trenchers: In Unity CladThe Engine awaits, through wards, guards, walls and the edge of it all. It ends as it began: With a betrayal.skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2019-08-30 9 
3740948Threshold Quest - Chapter 1Twenty-five years after moving away from our D&D group, we arrive at a funeral for a friend.Threshold Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Isekai, DIE2019-08-31 0 
September 2019
67964177Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry RegimentDysfunctional Imperial Guard camp fights off wave after wave of enemies. Featuring: a cat, frenchmen, Commissars, a deathclaw, and fapbait40k, writefaggotry, IG, Felinid, Necron, Custodian, Chaos, Slaanesh, smut, Tau, Dark Eldar2019-09-01 4 
3793701Shinigami Savant Quest #159All Good Things (Finale 2/2)Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-09-03 25 
3762509World Tree : The BoughsThe manor is assaulted and we encounter Fithson, keeper of hunts. World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-09-08 0 
68162646Nechronica thread with storytimesTwo nechronica storytimes get going, weapons are stats are created, parts are discussed, and more. 1880's England.nechronica, storytime, story time, parts, guns, doll, system, england, british, japanese, america, portugal, atlantic, centipede2019-09-08 5 
3784890Mermaid Quest 2The fishtits get competition... and get competitive. At the same time, the Navy decides to offer Ian a job.Mermaid, Aquarium, Collective Game, fish, Dee Kaptain2019-09-11 3 
378398340k Chaosfag Shitquest, #2In the 42nd millennium, the Communion continues to spread its heretical doctrine and their New Emperor finds himself gripped with Clarity.Collective Game, 40k, Chaos, Shitquest2019-09-15 2 
3783098Lanternlights: Ostroskon Manor [Skirmish]The Lanterns travel to an isolated mansion to liaise with a certain eccentric inventor, but soon discover that all is not what it seems.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2019-09-16 10 
3776841Lanternlights: Forest Paths [Skirmish]Coming across a town overtaken by bandits, the Lanterns find more explosions and otherworldly manifestations than they expected.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2019-09-16 7 
3843850Catalyst Quest #2Father Anscham fights his own demons.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback2019-09-27 23 
3799353Halo: Wolfpack (thread 9)The Dawn continues it's operation in the rebel held system.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-09-28 7 
3803194World Tree : 2nd Night of the BoughsCasualties and disasters mount up, yet we snatch the from the jaws of defeat a victory all the same. World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-09-30 0 
October 2019
3805270Hero Academia Quest #33Ushi poses for too long, goes for lunch and is hit on by a creep, then gets ready for her mission, simple as it were.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2019-10-02 24 
3799401Champagne HighA jealous ex exacts her revenge Collective Game, Champagne High, One Shot, Rape, Wedding2019-10-02 1 
3808670Planetary Governor Quest #3:Lost ColonyWe consolidate our power over the planet, improve our economy and capture a Tau warshipPGQ, 40k, Shmeh2019-10-05 0 
3817799Sesshomaru's Quest - The rising of the True Demon LordSesshomaru awakens in a land he doesn't recognizeSesshomaru Inuyasha Sesshomaru'squest2019-10-06 3 
3867947Second American Civil War Command Quest oneshot./qst/ tries to hold off a nationalist assault on their town. Second American Civil War, Oneshot, Collective Game2019-10-14 0 
3848369Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 4 Qm comes back, we make some sweet gains, and we get Cait to open up about her traumaThe Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta human slave quest, Cape Shit, collective game2019-10-20 2 
3861387Sesshomaru's Quest - The rising of the True Demon Lord #2Sesshomaru finds a most disturbing islandSesshomaru Inuyasha Sesshomaru'squest2019-10-23 1 
3862807Hero Academia Quest #34Mission starts, rolls are rolled and Mic fucking dies. Again.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2019-10-26 24 
3871077Necromancer Detective 45The gang manages to beat the Ooze Queen, nobody dies, and everything is amazingThe Lorekeeper Is A Liar And An Asshole, Necromancer Detective Quest, Necromancer, Detective, Horror, Adventure, Collective Game2019-10-31 0 
November 2019
3889492Slasher Killer 2The survivor of Blackwell Asylum dedicates herself to a new cause, while in the dark woods of the Ozarks, a hunter stalks his prey.Slasher Killer, Halloween, Horror2019-11-02 6 
3874844Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest #5We spar with Caitlin. That's about it since OP was too "busy" to update much. The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave Quest, Cape Shit, Collective Game, 2019-11-04 2 
3901984Where the Seas Lay Still #2For the first time in a long time, you find Sanctuary.Where the Seas Lay Still, Collective Game, Scifi, Shipgirls2019-11-11 0 
69109695MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPGThe Pinoy anon behind Karanduun returns to share the English-translated version of their new RPG, MAHARLIKA. Meching ensues.Homebrew, pdf share, Philippines, Filipino, Pinoy, Maharlika, Mecha, Sci-fi, Mystical, game design, giant robots2019-11-13 21 
3903347Hero Academia Quest #34.5Early archive because Anon got a bit salty.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-11-16 25 
3890512Halo: Wolfpack (thread 10)The Dawn and her crew attempts to prevent rebel reinforcements from driving the UNSC away from their base.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-11-17 6 
3915052Freelancers 11A new chapter begins. The company is hired to establish a new outpost by powering up a golden age facility, deep in worm territory.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-11-22 6 
3905887Medaka Box #1Join us as we start our story of Delinquent Banchou Keichi Hakumasa and his path to becoming the true main protagonist of Medaka BoxMedaka Box, Collective Game, AU, Anshin'inQM, 2019-11-24 13 
69566972MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPG, thread 2 further updates to MAHARLIKA and it's english translation.Homebrew, pdf share, Philippines, Filipino, Pinoy, Maharlika, Mecha, Sci-fi, Mystical, game design, giant robots2019-11-29 8 
3945618Medaka Box #2Join us as we're getting the Student Council Crew together. Banchou Devil Style.Medaka Box, Collective Game, AU, Anshin'inQM, 2019-11-30 11 
3907167Vexcom: The Flow [ Skirmish ] This place is haunted by monsters. Someone has to do something. On the trail of a serial killer, monsters are found.Art?, skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, Skirmish Sketch2019-11-30 6 
3930370My Hero Academia Quest: First Year #1With the help of her Quirk: Caffeine Rush, Kokoro Shibui tackles UA's entrance exam and earns herself a seat in the experimental class 1-Z.My Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist2019-11-30 5 
December 2019
3938445Blood of Heroes Quest Redux: The Stone Shore Ser Harald StoneBreaker is created and makes his first moves as a free knight. Op has to leave but will returnBlood of Heroes, House Stonebreaker, Stone Shore, Raider, Sea King, Fantasy, Collective Game, Civil War2019-12-08 0 
3941309SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #39In which our protagonist makes unlikely allies, rescues hostages of a trafficking operation, and battles the Daimyo of the Hill of Swords.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2019-12-15 6 
3944897Halo: Wolfpack (thread 11)Wells decides to return home, and talks with people of both the friendly and unfriendly sorts.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-12-19 7 
3949109ZeroSpace: HyperiaThe first mission of the ODFCollective Game, ZeroSpace, Skirmish Quest2019-12-24 4 
3957481 ZeroSpace: Hyperia. Ch.1 - The Anvil in the DarkThe first formal mission of the 26th Hyborian Reserve RegimentZero Space, Zerospace, Monday, Skirmish 2019-12-30 3 
70071839Which genre of setting has the best girls?Anon's discuss which genre has best girls, devolves into Arthurian Lady Kight and Squire Boy lewdsLady Knight, Girls, Lewd, Writefags, Fetish, Cyberpunk, Arthurian2019-12-30 0 
January 2020
3993966Deep Space Recon QuestA recon team investigates a derelict ship.Scifi, Space, Aliens, Recon, Oneshot2020-01-04 2 
4000070ZeroSpace:Hyperia Ch2. WarroomThe 26th Regiment Descends Pascal Colony and dives into a digital sleep. Meanwhile the Naval Fleet Divine Host makes ready to greet the xenoZerospace, zero space, collective game, skirmish2020-01-08 0 
3976812Medaka Box #3Part one of the student council chronicles. Kenichi gets a blast from the past that leads to some serious growth.Medaka Box, Collective Game, AU, Anshin'inQM2020-01-10 8 
3997667Skrimland [Skirmish]The start of the Skrimland Saga begins! Three realms in contention with one another, a monstrosity from the swamp, and a feast for Curse!fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, skeleton, slime, junkie, bagmen, high fantasy, dark fantasy, high lethality, dog,2020-01-15 1 
3991331Halo: Wolfpack (thread 12)We take our mother to the promotion ceremony, only to find out we are soon to be whisked away on another spook missionHalo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2020-01-16 6 
4008215ZeroSpace: Hyperia. Ch.2 Battle of Mt. Red HelenaMasses of xenoforms erupt from the ground - we have arrived. And we have a job to do.Zerospace, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2020-01-22 4 
4005752Hero Academia Quest #35Hospital Visit Time!MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-01-23 24 
4008120Artificer Quest One-Shot: Cold Day in Airgrid Thread #3It's a Cold Day in Airgrid, the City of Fog. With a lull in the job, John finds himself in the business of the Scale Knights.Artificer Quest, One Shot, StorytellerQM2020-01-23 0 
4009927Onslaught SkirmishKaldorei are scrambling to save as many civilians as possible from overwhelming eldrazi invasionskirmish, collective game, eldrazi, fantasy, kaldorei, old ones, great ones2020-01-24 0 
4017229Medaka Box #4Part Two of the student council chronicles arc. New School, New Friends Same old Bancho lifestyle. Medaka Box, Collective Game, AU, Anshin'inQM, 2020-01-28 7 
February 2020
4034246Heat City Nights 1It was a setup. The boss is dead. Make them pay.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2020-02-01 27 
4014815Skeleton Island 2, part 1The skellies return. This time it's Shotasniffer that's the protagonist. notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-02-02 2 
4046636Skeleton Island 2, part 2The shenanigans continue as Shotasniffer tries to rescue Rasputin from their Great Grandmanotapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-02-02 1 
4048986Heat City Nights 1.2Crashing the Jacks' party at Nebula. Cutting through punks isn't so hard, but their leaders are made of stronger stuff.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2020-02-04 26 
4041946Lanternlights: Quicksilver SkiesThe Lanterns arrive at a small hamlet, and leave 4 friends the poorer. But we do find old associates!Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2020-02-12 6 
4043584My Hero Academia Quest #36Farewells and WelcomesMHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-02-14 23 
4042892Halo: Wolfpack (thread 13)Preparations for Arcadia are completedHalo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2020-02-15 6 
4077618What The Fuck Quest #1Gary's a 4chan anon isekai'd to a world with random weirdness, crazy girls, and dangerous flora and fauna. He finds a crystal & an ally.What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ, ShortTrip, Gary, random, weirdness,2020-02-16 14 
4053378ZeroSpace: Hyperia. Ch.3. Battle for Hyperia SystemWith the 26th Regiment pushing to end the Red the Queen, all of Hyperia tunes in and awaits.Zerospace, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2020-02-17 1 
4072536Lanternlights: Seaside House [Skirmish]Heading to the big city, the Lanterns are waylaid by a gaggle of cultists, captives and crooks.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2020-02-18 6 
4060119ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #1Captain Aurion Shryke, a lowborn dragonseed, sets the founding moments of his House in motion with a sellsword company at his back.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-02-26 27 
4089888Dead Man's Hand 3.1The gang heads into town, intending to hand over their mysterious cargo. Instead they find trouble. Big, fiery, exploding trouble.Dead Man's Hand, Skirmish, Western, Bandits, Horror 2020-02-28 0 
4078494Skirmish Quest] ZeroSpace: Hyperia. Ch.3. Battle of the Red Hive. We continue with the assault on the Astro Terran Hive, everything about it swells with corruption.Zerospace, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2020-02-29 1 
4082411Skeleton Island 2, part 3The first confrontation against Grandma! notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-02-29 1 
March 2020
71235429Night Shift: Different Night, Same Supernatural ShitThe Attendants assemble for another shift, discussing personal experiences and brainstorming more paranormal happenings at the gas station.Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming, crunch, fluff2020-03-08 5 
4128279What The Fuck Quest #2Gary's journey in a world with random weirdness, crazy fairies, and the odd skeleton sets out again with greater understanding.What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ, ShortTrip, Gary, random, weirdness,2020-03-09 9 
4087229Halo: Wolfpack (thread 14)Captain Wells, if he were any better he'd be a Spartan.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2020-03-13 11 
4100027ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #2In which you finally return home and make friends and enemies alike.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-03-17 18 
4116312Earth Defense Force [Skirmish][Recruiting]The World once again comes together to form a new organization. The EDF. A symbol of that Peace and every kid dreamed of joining it.EDF, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2020-03-17 0 
4107148TenshiQuest = IEpisode One of Tenshi Quest: A1 Steak Sauce gets a new job, and gets Poem's number.tenshiquest, tenshi quest2020-03-21 3 
4119767Skeleton Island 2, part 4Doing crimes and letting bad things happen to Quattro notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-03-23 0 
4124722Hero Academia Quest #37Half of Ushi's first day back at school from her internship.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-03-27 23 
4166313What The Fuck Quest #3Gary braves the random weirdness, crazy fairies, and sharp-toothed elven waitresses as he tackles the continued threat of orcs pursuing him.What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ, ShortTrip, Gary, random, weirdness,2020-03-31 8 
April 2020
4133369ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #3Negotiations and plots along with a brief POV shift.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-04-01 16 
4153250Skeleton Island 2, part 5Prepping and planning an elf kingdom invasion notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-04-04 0 
4142839Earth Defense Force. Episode 2 [Skirmish][Recruiting]Class 86 fights bugs at Harper docksEDF, Skirmish, Monday, Collective Game2020-04-05 0 
4147510Halo: Wolfpack (thread 15)Wells gets a nap, so Dyad finishes the job.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2020-04-12 6 
4153696Planetary governor Quest #1 The FrontierHouse Blackwood, a rogue trader house, takes control of the Governorship of a lost world on the Frontier of Imperial spacePGQ, 40k, Shmeh2020-04-13 3 
4169642Dragon Ball Reincarnation #1Yu Tatsumaki, a boy from another world is given a second chance at life as he reincarnates into the dragon ball world as Okazu Ryoma.Collective Game,Dragon Ball, AU, Shenron2020-04-16 1 
4201527What The Fuck Quest #4Gary continues north, facing random weirdness, crazy fairies, and eyeless golems as he strives to make something of himself in this world.What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ, ShortTrip, Gary, random, weirdness,2020-04-18 7 
4174684Skeleton Island 2, part 6Shotasniffer infiltrates the elf kingdom. Then travels to an alternate dimension.notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-04-18 0 
4167440ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #4The Calm Before the StormCollective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-04-19 13 
4167826Hero Academia Quest #38Ushi goes through some shit.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-04-20 24 
4196315Skeleton Island 2, part 7The search for Quattro continuesnotapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-04-22 1 
4210296Skeleton Island 2, part 8Big ol' fight against the ALT-Yellows!notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-04-28 0 
4185783Planetary governor Quest #2 The FrontierSecure our second planet, explore a spacehulk and enslave some XenosPGQ, 40k, Shmeh2020-04-28 0 
May 2020
4195167SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #40In which our protagonist comforts a victim, recruits some new friends, and assaults the stronghold of Jack's Crew.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2020-05-05 5 
4203985MHA Quest #1Starting from the beginning we kick off Nanako Shimura's origin storyMy Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM2020-05-05 5 
4203477ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #5Separating lies from truths and then forcing others to do the same.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-05-06 13 
4207029Labyrinth [Skirmish] Missions 1 & 2Mission 1: [The Nightwatch Begins] sees Dasani Squad taking their first steps into the dungeon. Mission 2: [Maze of Minos]fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, drones, gynoid, gynoids, dasani squad, labyrinth, cultists, cult, crystals, crystal2020-05-08 0 
4245808What The Fuck Quest #5In Arbor, Gary juggles random weirdness, a witch's coven, and a demon loli guardian as he tries to make something of himself in this world.What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ, ShortTrip, Gary, random, weirdness,2020-05-10 8 
4203728Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Milk Delivery Quest Part 2Sent 100 years in the future, can Gohan get back to the past, save the future and deliver the Milk?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Milk Delivery, Sword and Angry Power Hour, Coffee Shop AU, Sing-Along2020-05-10 -1 
72640431Quirks of flying an old, shitty shipAn anon asks how to give character to an old shitty ship. Sailors, air crew, aircraft maintainance crew, historians, and random anons help.space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted, military, airplane, ocean, ship, aircraft, repair, haunted2020-05-20 9 
4245139Catalyst Quest #14A flight for your life, legendary heroism, old enemies, and a revolutionary alliance.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback2020-05-22 7 
4222471Planetary governor quest #3Third governor quest of the halon systemShmeh,pgq,40k2020-05-22 0 
4231955Skeleton Island 2, part 9Returning to the island, Shotasniffer finds that it has been significantly fucked since she last left itnotapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-05-23 0 
4238035MHA Quest #2Part II of Nanako Yakumo - The Origin. We learn the truth and continue to break our limits. My Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM2020-05-23 4 
4238752ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #6Tying up loose ends.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-05-25 12 
4246546Labyrinth [Skirmish] Mission 3Dasani Squad takes on their third region and in no means do they have to retreat and try again. Nosiree.fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, drones, gynoid, gynoids, dasani squad, labyrinth, cultists, cult, crystals, crystal2020-05-31 0 
June 2020
4263426Hero Academia Quest #39Ushi beats up some metal, gets payed and gets another invite.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-06-13 26 
4271761MHA Quest #3Nanako confronts her past and sets her sights on becoming an underground hero.My Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM2020-06-14 5 
4271854Planetary governor Quest #4 The FrontierBattle a pirate fleet, do some planetary development and generally serve the ImperiumPGQ, 40k, Shmeh2020-06-16 0 
4277121Skeleton Island 2, part 10The mechapocalypse continuesnotapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-06-16 1 
4274280ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #7Plotting and drinking and making new friends. You also become more learned. Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-06-18 12 
4324237Sailor Bear QuestA normal morning for Usagi Tsukino, just your normal 14 year old highschool girl who is also a 7'9" Bear weighing 1,430 lbsSailor Moon, Bear, Shitpost, Eclipsed Moon, Eclipsed Moon Quest, Quest, Pbta2020-06-27 5 
73379914Pooping in the woods In which anons discuss being attacked while pooping and bags of holding full of shit. poop, pooping in the woods, survival, poopinginthewoods, adventuring, bag of holding, shit, campaign ideas2020-06-27 -12 
4286317The CabinSix college freshman goes to an isolated cabin in Michigan. Strange things begin to happen.The Cabin, Horror, Slasher, Collective Game, Explicit, Murder, Thriller2020-06-28 6 
4305937Skeleton Island 2, part 11The Quattro and Marian episode notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-06-28 0 
July 2020
4313892Catalyst Quest #16Harvey Jay Algrith is a cunning loyalist, and the bravest man you've ever met. He promised to tell you his story.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback2020-07-02 7 
4338579Vexcom: Slicer [ Skirmish ] Here's what the Red Market needs, fortune. The Slice Rats have been getting clever. Your job? Make 'em get broken.skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, art?, Skirmish Sketch2020-07-06 5 
4336957Conquer The PlanetWE’RE TAKING OVER A PLANET! I don't know what that means, but it sounds badass, so we're doing it, nerds!Drawquest, ShitpostQM, Aliens, Centaur, Conquer2020-07-07 3 
4307322Hero Academia Quest #39.5 - Not Done Yet EditionUpgrades, friends, and a theme park! MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-07-11 24 
4309462MHA Quest #4Nanako goes underground fighting to let off some steam but instead making new friends through hotblooded fighting.My Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM2020-07-13 2 
4308075Planetary Governor Quest #5: The Frontiertook an asteroid base from pirates, dealt with some alpha legionaresPGQ, 40k, Shmeh2020-07-13 1 
4348252Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of AingstgaardCooli tried and tried so hard that a mech quest materialized.mech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot2020-07-13 8 
4326826Skeleton Island 2, part 12The end of the Mechapocalypse and the start of doing crimes. Probably. notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-07-19 0 
4355321Bastard's Boars IThe Boars fight against brigands and a surprise guest. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Mercenaries, Bastard's Boars2020-07-23 2 
August 2020
73990291the future of medicineWorldbuilding and speculation as to the future of medical technology.worldbuilding, future, medicine, medical, doctors, transhumanism2020-08-03 -4 
4344804Floors: HellIn the darkest din of the deepest of depth...Floors, Collective Game, Skirmish, Monday, Hell2020-08-04 1 
4341421ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #8You rub a head for good luck and incite a mobCollective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-08-05 12 
4354646MHA Quest #5Quirks' gonna quirk; and we become closer with our best friend. This night is turning out longer than anticipated.My Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM2020-08-08 1 
4354240Hero Academia Quest #40Ushi is jumped on at a forest and is promptly slaughtered.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-08-12 25 
4383696WTF Isekai Zero Quest (Mythic RPG) #1The classical WTF Quest revisited with Mythic RPG and two new MC's. This is the first regular quest using Mythic.Collective, Mythic, Random, RPG, ShortTrip, What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ2020-08-12 -4 
4384641Skeleton Island 2, part 14The solo missions continuesnotapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-08-13 1 
4384165Heat City Nights 2The Dirty Dogs biker gang's clubhouse, out on the edge of town, is the next target of the gang's bloody rampage.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2020-08-16 22 
4368161Planetary governor Quest #6 The FrontierWe visit Antioch station, deal with Xenos, do some development and explore the undergroundPGQ, 40k, Shmeh2020-08-19 1 
74410233o/nWoDg gets crashed by The OmnissiahThe God-Emperor's waifu/Sasha Vykos's childer invades WoDg with SASS and VULGAR MAGIC ADVICE FOR /tg/ CUCKS!oWoD, nWoD, AdMech, Sasha Vykos, MtG, deeplore, 40k, Warhammer 40k, Vampire, Vampire 2020, cyberpunk, CCGs, lolcows2020-08-19 -4 
4421709Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of Aingstgaard 1.5Second part of the wacky adventure of Zaur Givi and his crewmech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot, cooli, mug, cegremo, bbwhen, rebuidnbs2020-08-25 7 
4412533ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #9Dice are cast with lives on the line. A storm brews.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-08-28 12 
September 2020
4407544Skeleton Island 2, part 15End of the solo quests and prelude to the moon mission!notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-09-03 0 
4421310Lamia QuestReverse Isekai, Isekai, LamiaA lamia is Isekai'd into the Falkland Islands where she notices strange things are afoot...2020-09-05 2 
4428487Heat City Nights 3The crew has a line on a stash house in the projects.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2020-09-14 22 
4413945Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the ApocalypseYou are a the resident animal control officer of a small town in northern Maine. Prepare for the hardships of a nuclear winter.TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2020-09-17 12 
4419463Hero Academia Quest #41Be fancy, punk.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-09-20 24 
4432931Skeleton Island 2, part 16The "heroes" get to the moon while shenanigans happen at home.notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-09-29 1 
October 2020
4438920Floors:Hell Ch.2Torso falls. Yet we are not done. For from times of yore emerges one whom seek the unjust. Do we fight?Floors, Collective Game, Skirmish, Monday, Hell2020-10-06 1 
4474611Delinquent in Love QuestYou are a DELINQUENT, and y-you're totally not into your NEW CLASSMATE, b-baka.delinquent in love, drawquest, sakura, delinquent, school, oneshot, collective game, quest2020-10-09 6 
75300357Nechronica Thread: Hair Metal Horror EditionMetalhead updated. Work on homebrew classes & shooting rebalance. Building enemies & encounters. Reskinning parts to fit character concepts.Nechronica, class, update, classes, custom, advice, encounter, reskin, rebalancing, homebrew, shooting, ranged, enemies2020-10-12 1 
4458535Destroy the Godmodder: Image not related editionA Destroy the Godmodder ThreadCollective game, Lewd, Random, Shitpost2020-10-14 1 
4453899ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #10The AftermathCollective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-10-14 11 
4495689Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of Aingstgaard 1.7Finalémech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot, cooli, mug, cegremo, bbwhen, rebuidnbs, whereismycommission2020-10-17 4 
4458026Hero Academia Quest #42Studying is done, friendships strengthened and uncomfortable talks are had.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2020-10-18 25 
4455000Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #2R. Mantle tried to restore order after a nuclear strike, but instead got tortured by the Maine National GuardTrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2020-10-19 5 
4487084Archimedean Submersible Quest : IIn which a naval Officer on half-Pay plays Cards, dines with Alchymists, navigates a Rivalry, and is given a most peculiar Opportunity.Archimedean, Submersible, Submarine, Alchymy, Steam Powered Flying Battleships, Infodumps2020-10-19 8 
4466997Shadowrun: The Neo-80s Thread #1The team is formed through FOOD FIGHT, we make a thrill gang break up, have fun with Karaoke, and go our separate ways for downtime.Shadowrun: The Neo-80s, Afungi, /qst/, Collective Game2020-10-25 3 
4471579Skeleton Island 2, part 17Moon and island troubles continue.notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-10-28 0 
4488427Floors: Hell - Chapter 03: The Long Dark" As the eastern forest stirred the stench of death wafted over to us, and its ravenous residents began to move in earnest.Floors, Collective Game, Skirmish, Monday, Hell2020-10-30 0 
November 2020
4472054Primeval Shinigami Quest #1Lost in the eternal night of the demonic realm.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Primeval, Shinigami, Barbatos2020-11-02 5 
4483733Cultivation Quest #1You're Wen Shan Yi, wandering scholar in search of the Dao. A fateful meeting brings you into the mystic world of the immortal cultivators.Cultivation Quest, Xianxia, Collective Game, Fate QM, Wen Shan Yi2020-11-09 11 
75875749Airship threadDiscussion on riding balloons from fantasy to modernairship, blimp, dirigible, zeppelin, nuclear reactor, logistics is sexys, 2020-11-11 3 
4524958Megami Tensei Convergence Quest #1High School student Hideo Emushi starts his day not expecting to get attacked by demons, but that's what he getsCollective Game, Megami Tensei Convergence Quest, SMT, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen2020-11-16 2 
4513956Metal Fist [Skirmish]You wonder why after a long stupor you find yourself here, with the dread realization that your world was bigger than you realized.Metal Fist, Collective Game, Skirmish, Monday2020-11-17 1 
4497853Hero Academia Quest #42.5Something something examMHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2020-11-22 24 
4530027Metal Fist - Battle of Osaka 23c. [Skirmish]You have been inserted to the direct past of 10years ago. Records show that this location will be condemned to the effects of Ragnarok.Metal Fist, Collective Game, Skirmish, Monday2020-11-22 1 
76018207Distant Broken Stars #1Follow-up to "/tg/ Accidentally Creates a Sci Fi Setting #2", now with a name, Lego and 3D modelsDistant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models2020-11-22 5 
4506798Slasher Killer 2.5Sarah and Grace prepare for their showdown with the Hunter.Slasher Killer, Halloween, Horror2020-11-27 1 
4504670Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #3In which R. Mantle makes it back to the homestead to find further complicationsTrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2020-11-27 5 
December 2020
4506554Bug Army of the Locustmotive [Skirmish]Under the purview of a scorching sun lies the remnants of Dry Hive. Early one morning scouts notice a train stationed nearby. Hope perhaps?fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, drones, bug army, bugs, bug, army, locustmotive, train, bug puns2020-12-01 1 
76170625Distant, Broken Stars General #3/tg/ continues to work on a setting/game it accidentally created. Now with concept art, subfactions and rule prototypes.Distant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models2020-12-01 6 
4511553Skeleton Island 2, part 18Fleshbob attack!notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2020-12-04 0 
76162495Nechronica Thread - Happy Thanksgiving EditionGeneral discussion and mechanics talk, plus an undead trio's happy home life goes off the rails in a one-shot storytime.Nechronica, Storytime, Ethwyn, Nephele, Shirley2020-12-07 0 
76118364What're some strange, interesting and unique forms of government for a sci-fi setting?/tg/ attempts to design original systems of governance and cultures for scifi. Things get weird.worldbuilding, scifi, funny, planet of hats, unintended consequences, if it's not a nightmarish hellhole then it's not Dark Heresy,2020-12-08 2 
4526665Cultivation Quest - IIYou're Wen Shan Yi, wandering scholar in search of the Dao. A fateful meeting brings you into the mystic world of the immortal cultivators.Cultivation Quest, Xianxia, Collective Game, Fate QM, Wen Shan Yi2020-12-08 7 
76386969The World of Transperentia A new campaign setting is started as a trope filled joke, but unintentionally does every trope better than any modern author.game ideas, awesome, campaign, writefaggotry, world building, homebrew, character concepts, getting shit done, brainstorming 2020-12-11 12 
4549934Pokemon Clover 1: BaneghostingYou are Alex Mason, a pokemon terrorist and it gets worse. Based on a the Romhack. Mostly offensive, never funny.Collective Game, Pokemon Clover Quest, Vandashlane, mynameismimikyu, pokemon, pokemon clover2020-12-13 3 
76276813Distant, Broken Stars General 4Tg continues work on the setting/rules of a (currently) fictional wargameDistant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models 2020-12-13 4 
76439786The World of Transparentia 2Second thread for the transparentia settinggame, ideas, awesome, campaign, writefaggotry, world building, homebrew, character, concepts, getting shit done, brainstorming2020-12-16 8 
4543958Beastars Shonen QuestKuchi, a spotted hyena in the Beastars universe, begins a journey of personal growth. Drawquest.Beastars, Furry, Anime, Shonen, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-12-17 1 
4543683Megami Tensei Convergence Quest #2Our hero Hideo Emushi fights off a Wendigo, visits his parents, then heads to a locked down part of the city to find his brotherCollective Game, Megami Tensei Convergence Quest, SMT, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen2020-12-21 0 
76408976Distant, Broken Stars General 5Tg continues work on DBS, expanding on the Ashen and the Avar, and setting up a 1d4chan pageDistant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models 2020-12-22 5 
4553383A Chunni in Hogwarts #1SASHA SAGAN-STARBOUND is a muggleborn witch who dreams of spaceflight. The start of an AUTISTIC journey with shitty SPACE metaphors.A Chunni in Hogwarts, chunni, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Pot QM, Sasha Sagan-Starbound, Collective Game, autism2020-12-24 8 
4545216Hero Academia Quest #43Friends are pretty great to have.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2020-12-26 24 
4548147Essari Spaceship EvoSpin-off adventure where players evolve different spacecrafts piloted by the different races of the Essari EvogameCollective Game, Evolution Game, Essari, Spaceship2020-12-27 0 
January 2021
76720490Boring FutureMundane uses for cyberpunk technology.cyberpunk, cyborg, cybernetics, transhuman, posthuman, DRM, planned obsolescence, spyware, dystopia,2021-01-02 1 
76580570Distant, Broken Stars General 6Shorter thread hashing out some of the less detailed factions.Distant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models 2021-01-04 2 
4563107Cultivation Quest - IIIYou further your training, working through the Body Tempering Realm to the next realm... The Qi Condensing Realm!Cultivation Quest, Xianxia, Collective Game, Fate QM, Wen Shan Yi2021-01-10 6 
4568669Skeleton Island 2, part 19The skellies comes up with a disgusting plannotapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2021-01-11 1 
4581890Pokemon Clover 2: Tomboy Outback SteakhouseAlex Mason gets a rival and breaks into a graveyard. Based on a the Romhack. Mostly Offensive, never funny.Collective Game, Pokemon Clover Quest, Vandashlane, mynameismimikyu, pokemon, pokemon clover2021-01-13 1 
76673101Distant, Broken Stars General 7Another DBS thread focusing on rules rather than lore as anons get ever closer to producing something playableDistant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models2021-01-13 1 
4583098Devil Prints [Skirmish]Though the priority is search and rescue, your team's job is to go in force and subdue the very obvious devil presence.Devil Prints, Collective Game, Skirmish, Monday2021-01-15 0 
76931891Distant, Broken Stars General 8More work is done on the setting of DBS, which is starting to become a little lovecraftian Distant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models 2021-01-26 2 
4583804Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #4In which R. Mantle might have been caught in a serious lie, and has to buy back something stolen from him.TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2021-01-30 3 
4585243Megami Tensei Convergence Quest #3Our hero Hideo Emushi fights alongside his brother to escape the domain of OmoikaneCollective Game, Megami Tensei Convergence Quest, SMT, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen2021-01-31 0 
February 2021
4586159A Chunni in Hogwarts #2SASHA's plan to achieve spaceflight begins.A Chunni in Hogwarts, chunni, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Pot QM, Sasha Sagan-Starbound, Collective Game, autism2021-02-04 3 
77348674Corpse MyconidsWhat starts as a myconid art thread quickly evolves into darker ideas about parasitic mushrooms and myconids who grow on corpses.Myconid, myconids, mushroom, mushrooms, 2021-02-05 4 
4633673HuscarlA skirmish made in 24 hours for Skrimjam. Vikings cross the sea to raid England, but their return is blocked by the lord's soldiers.Huscarl, Skirmish, Vikings, Medieval2021-02-19 1 
4621306Dream Catchers 2nd Edition [Skirmish]The slumbering realms open to those who wander dreamland once more, allowing those lucid to reshape both hex and denizen for a new awakeningfenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, dream catchers, dream, denizen, lucid, catcher, catchers2021-02-22 0 
4626670Pokemon Clover 3: Suicide with DripAlex Mason faces Logan Paul, and learns the true meaning of spooky. Based on a the Romhack. Mostly Offensive, never funny.Collective Game, Pokemon Clover Quest, Vandashlane, mynameismimikyu, pokemon, pokemon clover2021-02-22 0 
4613861Skeleton Island 2, part 20Shotasniffer and her siblings somehow blunder their way into the top...of the heroes.notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2021-02-22 1 
4624564Hero Academia Quest #44Friends, more friends, an accident and some advice.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2021-02-24 24 
March 2021
4635062My Daughter's a Magical Girl! (not actually a one shot)Local Dad discovers daughter is a magical girl, goes on magical demonslaying adventure, more at 9.Quest, Collective Game, Anon, Anonymous, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun Dad, dad, magic, My Daughter's a Magical Girl!2021-03-01 5 
4628417 Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #5In which R. Mantle enjoys some success in the boardroom, his Greenly expedition is green lit, and his idea for his group name is accepted. TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2021-03-04 3 
4632582Jotunheim, A SkirmJam SkirmishA remote research facility goes silent, a squad of operatives are deployed to investigate.Skirmish, Multiplayer, Narrative-focus, Horrible-mistakes2021-03-04 0 
4647511Halo: Wolfpack (thread 16)Cleaning up after our last mission.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2021-03-13 6 
4645734Wild Wasteland V2 NRP Thread #1HWD is a lazy bastard who only does 1 turn every week and a half. Let's hope things get better. The Wasteland opens to it's new denizens.NRP, Collective Game, map game, HWD, Wild Wasteland V2, Grunling Shroom, He Who Meddles 2021-03-16 0 
4663783Dream Catchers 2nd Edition (p2) [Skirmish]Enter the Norzlands, empty realms where storms ravage the flora and fauna leading to naught but the coldest of reception.fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, dream catchers, dream, denizen, lucid, catcher, catchers2021-03-18 0 
78144460demobilizing veteran cyborg supersoldiersOnce the war is over, what happens to the cybernetically augmented veterans?worldbuilding, cyberpunk, supersoldier, robocop, six million dollar man, cyborg, transhuman, posthuman, storytime, writefag,2021-03-22 0 
4676551Lute and Pillage: A Skirmjam SkirmishCognis' entry for Skirmjam. Vikings loot lutes for random loot!cognis, skirmish, skirmjam, lute, viking, gatcha, loot box2021-03-23 0 
4667909Skeleton Island 2, part 21Family reunions are the worst. Oh and Marian and Quattro get kicked out of the main quest.notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2021-03-29 0 
4670851Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IYou are Hiroshi Nobuyasu, samurai of the Hiroshi. Just as you begin your warrior's pilgrimage, trouble strikes when you least expect it.Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-03-31 5 
April 2021
4682416Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #6In which the Greenly Expedition goes all to Hell, and the QM gets banned on /tv/ TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2021-04-05 1 
4686148Hero Academia Quest #45Friends, tickets, shopping oh my!MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2021-04-08 25 
4686688Magical Girl PeaceMaker QuestNot-Madoka gets shanked, then post avalanches, then gay, then nigga. Read thisMagical Girl, PeaceMaker, Hush, peaceful2021-04-10 2 
4690852My Daughter's a Magical Girl! PT2Local father learns magic and is paranoid.Quest, Collective Game, Anon, Anonymous, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun Dad, dad, magic, My Daughter's a Magical Girl!2021-04-16 2 
4708520Dragon Doing Dragonly Deeds QuestA young dragon hatches from its egg and must survive in the wilderness. dragon doing dragonly deeds, dragonop, survival, dragon, arguing, so much arguing, OP vanishes2021-04-20 -1 
4700116Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue HorizonYou're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-04-22 5 
4757808My Brother's MachineA man arrives at his dead brother's apartment to find a strange, polaroid-spewing machine.Collective Game, My Brother's Machine, One-Shot, Drawquest, Surreal2021-04-24 4 
4719800Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IIAfter competing in the Moriyama Spring Tournament, you set off for Mekura-Ji temple with Tadatoshi to train in the ways of blind combat. Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-04-25 2 
May 2021
4764403Mega Mercs Skirmish: Overdue Halloween Special1A down on their luck merc group gets sent into a radioactive wasteland.Mega Mercs, Cognis, mecha, tacticool, Collective Game, skirmish2021-05-05 1 
4732930Skeleton Island 2, part 22Ancient evils are banished to the Moon while OP avoids drawing bikinis as much as possiblenotapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2021-05-12 0 
4791072ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #11You travel West.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2021-05-13 7 
4745612My Daughter's a Magical Girl! Pt3Local Dad goes mole hunting, almost dies. Quest, Collective Game, Anon, Anonymous, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun Dad, dad, magic, My Daughter's a Magical Girl!2021-05-13 2 
4761071Slave to Martial Artist (Gloria Etalia Quest)An abandoned quest about the rise of a slave to a martial artist.Gloria-Etalia, GE5k, Wuxia, Xianxia, Unfinished2021-05-19 1 
4771098Blades: Quiet Waters [Skirmish]"Some things are worth dying for." Quality summaries are overrated. Cool non-descript sword go swish-swoosh.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2021-05-22 6 
4799219Heat City Nights 4Following a lead from the stash house, the gang breaks into a secret underground drug lab to loot and destroy.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2021-05-28 24 
June 2021
4846781Megaman: Zero Hour QuestZero has awoken to begin the cataclysm.Megaman, Zero, Zero Hour, Bass, Treble, Protoman, Roll, Rush, Beat, Wily, Dr. Light, Quest2021-06-02 0 
4798092Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IIIYou conclude your training at Mekura-Ji temple and head to Nimmyo, where you meet some interesting people and a familiar old threat?Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-06-07 2 
4843141Mega Mercs Skirmish: Overdue Halloween Special 3The mercs storm an abandoned satellite comms facility with an autonomous defence grid.Mega Mercs, cognis, mecha, tacticool, Collective Game, skirmish2021-06-08 0 
4800592Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #7In which the Second Greenly Expedition is outfitted and departs, to immediately run into resistance on the road. TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2021-06-10 1 
4804619Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 2You're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-06-11 0 
4805081Blades: Sea Storm [Skirmish]"Some things are worth dying for." Moths are cute but make for poor camouflage. Also, it turns out that crime does occasionally pay.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2021-06-14 5 
4839262ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #12You set sail for home and have a fateful encounter.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2021-06-17 2 
79834434Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 4, Subarban Mad MaxA team of shadowrunners joins a racing competition as a way to make a quick buck, gain street cred and earn the respect of the shadow communShadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, racing, destruction derby2021-06-18 3 
4827112Wyld Hoont pt. 1 Part 1 of Wyld Hoont. In which we explore the unsettling silence of the Vonnegut clan. Wyld Hoont, skirmish, Monday, Collective Game2021-06-22 0 
July 2021
4840680Skeleton Island 2, part 23Beach time shenanigansnotapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2021-07-02 0 
80153668Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 5, Calm before the stormThe Shadowrunners profit of some R&R after winning the race and decide to celebrate their hacker's birthday with more experienced shadowrunShadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Party, Birthday, Wuxing, Drones, Walmart2021-07-05 0 
4874362ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #13You return to your lands after a long absence and set your house in order.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2021-07-07 3 
80171648The Mushroom ThreadA compendium of resources for everything mushroom-related in tabletop RPGs.mushrooms, mushroom, fungus, fungi, worldbuilding, monster, myconid, myconids, shrooms, shroom2021-07-07 0 
80265688Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 6, A WAR ON TWO FRONTSWanting to claim an abandoned brewery for a greek god and the Commune, Shortfuse and his team never expected how quickly a run can turn sourShadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Brewery, WYLD DAWGS, Firesnakes, RipNTear, Ares, Homie2021-07-13 0 
4865172Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 3I was side-tracked by several new purchases for my game library and duly apologize for this detour. - The QM2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-07-16 0 
4892767Heat City Nights 5Tracking down the Triads from the drug lab leads to the Golden Tiger restaurant and adjacent kung fu school.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2021-07-21 22 
4880169Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #8In which the Second Greenly Expedition meets with resistance. Shorter Thread.TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2021-07-26 0 
August 2021
4912288Saiyan Awakening QuestRettace and his squad wake up to find that they have been frozen for years. Royalty and Gods are met.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-08-03 15 
4897223Skrimbots (Under Construction) [Skirmish] [wip p1]Dive deep into the surface of an uncharted realm and squash some bugs while you're at it. Keep them off the mole tank or risk termination.fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, drones, gynoid, gynoids, labyrinth, skrimbots, diceless2021-08-04 0 
4894770Remorse - a minimalistic one-shotA small, one-shot quest, almost fully improvised from a simple sentence : "I bet you feel no remorse". one-shot, remorse, improvised, investigation2021-08-05 4 
80648267Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 7, HOLY DIVERFrom the worst plane trip in existence to an ever worse underwater treasure hunt, Shortfuse and his group are in for an epic fight!Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Airplane, Douglas, Pirate, Treasure Hunt, Kraken, Sp1r1t2021-08-06 2 
4925190Evolution Tabletop A bunch of creatures duke it out on a fledgling world, striving against each other to become the most thriving species.Evogame, Collective Game, Skirmish, Evolution, PVP2021-08-06 1 
4919401Heat City Nights 5.2In the back office, the gang discovered Spider, the man they were looking for. He escaped in a car, and now the gang is chasing after him.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s 2021-08-06 22 
4907946Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IVYour fierce training with the Higanbana Troupe in Nimmyo continues, all while you mix with the Taira lords and deal with an old threat.Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-08-07 2 
4904464Skeleton Island 2, part 24Beach time shenanigans are over, now time for MOON SHENANIGANSnotapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2021-08-10 1 
80661561Mages and WandsOriginally a conversation regarding the point of wands, then the wand appraiser comes inMagic, Mages, Wands, Review, Cool Shit, world building2021-08-14 15 
80736338Draw your party thread: Bug, Glug, and ChugDrawings of parties and people people talk about games. A Lasgun happens.Draw, party, storytime, d&d, 5e, Only War, dark heresy, cyberpunk, Pathfinder, shadowrun, Lasgun, Black Crusade, Nechronica, template2021-08-17 0 
4921257The Demon RingA being from time immemorial is trapped in the form of a ring, buried with his friend/traitor deep in a tomb. But it wouldn't last long.DRQM, Elf, Elves, Human, Slave, Manipulation, Unfinished, QM dropped2021-08-24 6 
4952419Skeleton Island 2, part 25The Finale! notapaladin, drawquest, skeletons, skeleton island, shotasniffer2021-08-27 3 
September 2021
4919710Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 4You're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander. 2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-09-03 1 
4931101The Graverobber's DaughterChlotsuintha, a Witchlet, might have lost her father. She prepares to flee her home, while trying to maintain her cover as a gravedigger. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-09-05 22 
4943212Saiyan Awakening Quest 2Rettace's continuing efforts to destroy a time distorting space monster.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-09-07 13 
4946647Evolution Tabletop: OutlandsA new round of the last hex-based Evolution tabletop. 10 new creatures do battle on a new world.Evogame, Collective Game, Skirmish, Evolution, PVP2021-09-11 0 
4980367Mega Mercs Skirmish: Overdue Halloween Special 3The mercs meet their client face to face and embark on their final mission.Collective Game, Skirmish, Cognis, Mecha, Mercs, tacticool, spooky, mecha2021-09-11 0 
October 2021
4965870IronSeaA Naval Skirmish by Monday. Based on IronheartsNaval, Skirmish, Monday, Ironhearts2021-10-01 1 
4969552IronSea. Battle of Kon , Bagrahm, and 4 FingerA collection of battle scenes for IRON Sea Mission 1Naval, Skirmish, Monday, Ironhearts, IronSEA2021-10-05 1 
5014403Star Craft: Respite Quest #1Voters decide to play as a hybrid. We escape the facility that created us, then we get acquainted with controlling things.Starcraft, Zerg, Hybrid, MetamorphQM, Short2021-10-12 2 
4991798Hero Academia Quest #46Death threat for your thoughts?MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2021-10-26 24 
November 2021
4993283Saiyan Awakening Quest 3Rettace prepares for his final battle with LavosWukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-11-03 12 
4994632The Graverobber's Daughter IIChlotsuintha has a run in with the Inquisition, realizes she has implicated herself as magic user, and will eventually be hunted by them. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-11-04 20 
4983794Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 5You continue your assignments for the day, playing chaperone and failure in the same stride.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-11-05 1 
5014552Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #6David hijacks a ship, makes contact with Gron and decides to change sides.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2021-11-22 27 
December 2021
5034999Thereafter Beneath Empyrean #1...Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, S_I_T_S_2021-12-07 4 
5054120Evolution Tabletop: Outlands Part 2The conclusion and continuation of an Evolution tabletop, after a two-month Hiatus. The remaining creatures continue to duke it out. Evogame, Collective Game, Skirmish, Evolution, PVP2021-12-12 1 
5046393Saiyan Awakening Quest 4Lavos is defeated at last, and Rettace becomes the legend.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-12-15 11 
5041762Orzhov Pimp Chronicles Quest: Staking It OutAn urban crime quest centred around an Orzhov brothel in the MTG universeMagic The Gathering, prostitution, urban fantasy, crime, brainwashing, lewd2021-12-15 2 
5063306Evolution Tabletop: ArchipelagoAnother round of Evolution Tabletop, run by a different QM. Creatures compete and evolve on a tropical island chain.Evogame, Collective Game, Skirmish, Evolution, PVP2021-12-24 1 
5054659The Apprentice & The Dwarf Quest Part 1Join Julian, an apprentice, as he attempts to complete a hard-to-make-masterpiece -and- woo his shortstack dwarf master at the same time.Quest, Oneshot, Slice Of Life, Male MC, Adventure, Romance2021-12-25 8 
5058462Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Eraser #1Your name is Jack Lake, and you have a magic robot arm and a demon buddy with a hat.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, SMT Devil Eraser, SMT2021-12-27 10 
January 2022
5047906Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 6[Same as the last one]2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-01-02 1 
5061777Graverobber's Daughter IIIAfter buying clothes, Chlotsuintha's escape plan is hampered by a new curfew in the Midden, and aided by an unexpected gift from mother.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2022-01-04 13 
5062182Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #7David and Cylia deal with a worm while Clank flexes on some aliens.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-01-04 26 
5057625Pokémon Wish QuestA drawquest with a comic format. Sableye meets new friends and helps them.Pokemon Wish, Impo, Comic, Drawquest, Sableye2022-01-06 0 
5078086Kenshi Monogatari Quest - VI(Thread V link here) The Kikotei Tournament commences in earnest. THE FINAL THREAD.Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2022-01-06 1 
5082606Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 5You started hiking around Lake Clarity, battled Team Green against, handed evidence to the police after lunch and did some fishing. Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, Team Green, Fishing, SuperBusy2022-01-09 6 
5075530Filler AdventureWacky, nonsensical adventures ranging between bedding Lady Liberty, becoming a Twitch thot, defying Mickey Mouse, and buying Wonder Bread.shitpost, drawquest, filler, filler adventure2022-01-17 2 
5096648Evolution Tabletop: OriginsThis round, the players revisit the setting of the original unfinished game. The denizens have vanished, leaving only mysterious sinkholes..Evogame, Collective Game, Skirmish, Evolution, PVP2022-01-19 1 
5086614Saiyan Awakening Quest 5Rettace finishes up some things on Temperus.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2022-01-24 10 
5117686Battlecruiser Captain QuestPlayers design and captain a WW2-era Battlecruiser in a fictional setting on a surface raiding mission.Battlecruiser Captain Quest, Collective Game, WW2, Ships2022-01-31 12 
February 2022
5098319The Apprentice & The Dwarf Quest Part 2Julian and his shortstack master Carinda continue with their task to collect the ingredients necessary to complete Julian's masterpiece.The Apprentice & The Dwarf Quest, Quest, Oneshot, Slice Of Life, Male MC, Adventure, Romance, Dwarf2022-02-02 6 
5088234Slavegirl QuestKimsey, Halfling Beguiler and Priestess of Liberation, becomes friends with a catgirl amazonian and a magi, liberates herself from slavery.Slavegirl Quest, Kimsey, Slavegirl, Halfling Beguiler, Benjamin Walsh, King of Liberation, Firearms, DnD, Catgirl Amazonian, Great Quest2022-02-06 -7 
5107197Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Eraser #2Your name is Jack Lake, and you put a gremlin in your arm.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, SMT Devil Eraser, SMT2022-02-07 3 
5108810Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #8Clank partakes in a tournament and the crew meets the red and blue sisters.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-02-13 28 
5120915The Graverobber's Daughter IVWhere His Gaze falls, Judgement comes. After, Chlotsuintha has to kill. Then the Lifting Oil Refinery she is robbing goes all Chernobyl.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-02-23 8 
March 2022
5136498Saiyan Awakening Quest 6Ayla and Glenn return to their own times.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2022-03-11 6 
5180533Late Stage Cultivator QuestShort one-shot quest following an immortal through yet higher states of cultivation.Quest, Fantasy, Chinese Fantasy, Xianxia, Cultivator Story, Progression Story, Martial Arts, Overpowered, One-Shot2022-03-13 7 
5149278The Apprentice & The Dwarf Quest Part 3 Julian and his shortstack master Carinda continue with their task to collect the ingredients necessary to complete Julian's masterpiece.The Apprentice & The Dwarf Quest, Quest, Oneshot, Slice Of Life, Male MC, Adventure, Romance, Dwarf2022-03-15 6 
5147047Hero Academia Quest #47A barnyarn sleepover and some bike practice.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2022-03-18 24 
5166269Hard Vaccum [Skirmish]Test game for hard vacuum. The Proenze Space Force defend their home from the Solar Union and Saurians.Collective Game, skirmish, cognis, hard vaccum, space, spaceships2022-03-23 0 
5146245Azur Lane: Beyond The Blue Horizon 7These are your first steps ...2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-03-26 1 
5165346Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #9David and Gron go hunting for a lost crewmember, but encounter trouble almost immediately.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-03-31 28 
April 2022
83841016Astraplex RPG Zoomer OP requests feedback for his homebrew RPG system and is met by helpful advice and nostalgia for the 2000s internet.worldbuilding, system, homebrew, RPG, anime, shonen, weeaboo2022-04-05 8 
5180605The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IThe QM's schedule implodes just as he starts to work through a massive backlog. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-04-17 5 
52043122022 Skirmish Jam Sign UpThe sign up thread for the 2022 skirmish jam.skirmish, skirmjam, skirmish jam, 2022, Collective Game2022-04-22 2 
5187049The Testament of Tatamu (One Shot) Part #1In a post-apocalyptic, Flooded World, PUEXO Pilot Sinleq Unami dives hundreds of meters below the ocean to pay off a 25 million ducat debt.Collective Game, Testament of Tatamu, Original Setting, Post-Apocalyptic, Kaz, One Shot2022-04-24 6 
5194190Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest!A low-tier, water-themed rogue starts his supervillainous journeySuperhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM2022-04-25 17 
5191950Saiyan Awakening Quest 7Rettace begins preparing to fight Freeza, the quest goes on a break.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2022-04-25 1 
5196133The Apprentice & The Dwarf Quest Part 4Julian and his shortstack master Carinda tie loose ends at the mining city of Quarry.The Apprentice & The Dwarf Quest, Quest, Oneshot, Slice Of Life, Male MC, Adventure, Romance, Dwarf2022-04-28 4 
May 2022
5252007Shinigami Schemer Quest #1It takes great talent and skill to hide one’s talent and skill.Shinigami Schemer Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, KingWormmy2022-05-03 15 
5213826Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #10David licks his wounds, interacts with the crew and does some cooking.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-05-11 30 
5246640The Apprentice & The Dwarf Quest Part 4Julian and his shortstack master Carinda conclude their adventure.The Apprentice & The Dwarf Quest, Quest, Oneshot, Slice Of Life, Male MC, Adventure, Romance, Dwarf2022-05-13 6 
84573052Can au/tg/ists fix Harry Potter's magic system?In which the partially organized chaos of JK Rowling's imagination is attempted to be deciphered and fixed.Harry Potter, Magic System, /tg/ gets shit done, Potterverse, Magic, Wizarding World2022-05-19 3 
5232198The Graverobber's Daughter VChlotsuintha returns from the Refinery and after a few hours of sleep and a false start manages to make a decoy graven ball. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-05-31 6 
June 2022
5232674 Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante QuestSimon P. Campbell awakens to the power of superdurabilty, and begins his one man war on all the scum strangling the life out of the megacityCollective Game, Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante Quest, Grimdark, Capeshit, Cyberpunk, Vigilante, Quest, Slumlord2022-06-02 11 
5272525Mutant Moshers: Disco Division!The funky tale of uniquely-gifted individuals fighting against the mainstream trends. A Multiplayer Skirmish Quest. Fae Smelter, Skirmish, Riptail, Bard, Palewalker, Dance, Hex, Mutant, Mosh, Moshers, Disco, Division, Tango, Polka, Skirmjam, Skirm, Jam2022-06-06 0 
52559122022 Skirmish Jam awards ThreadThe second thread of the 2022 Skirmish Jam in which the winners are announced.skirmish, jam, Collective Game, SkirmJam, skirmish jam, 20222022-06-08 1 
5240896Azur Lane: Beyond The Blue Horizon 8Don't look at me like that. You know that I'm slow. Also, you just finished a meeting. Ain't life grand?2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-06-09 0 
84774616New /tg/ makes a setting thread/tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensuethrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-06-09 -22 
84847594New /tg/ makes a setting thread 2/tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-06-10 -22 
5249472Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 2)Our brave and elegant super thief discovers a new power and escapes prisonSuperhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM2022-06-11 8 
84882054The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.4Everything goes sideways repeatedly. Again.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2022-06-12 88 
5265023Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 1An engineered agent of a reptilian conspiracy sets forth on a quest to subjugate some unruly kobolds and restore the glory of Dragonkind!ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, adventure, chad, shamanism, bros, hoes, social injustice2022-06-15 9 
84864673New /tg/ makes a setting thread 3/tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensuethrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-06-15 -22 
84877899New /tg/ makes a setting thread 4/tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensuethrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-06-15 -22 
84890048New /tg/ makes a setting thread 5 /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensuethrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-06-15 -22 
5258206Forgotten Realms AdventuresIn which our drow protagonist is driven from her hime intk a world of adventure and friendshipGreenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-06-16 20 
84918731New /tg/ makes a setting thread 6/tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensuethrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-06-17 -22 
84930206New /tg/ makes a setting thread 7/tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensuethrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-06-17 -22 
84908693/tg/ makes a Bioshock gameA discussion of steampunk vs dieselpunk aesthetics leads to worldbuilding a setting based around a Company Town.bioshock, alternate history, worldbuilding, setting,2022-06-17 -1 
5273502Eden Down - A SkirmJam SkirmishDemons use a DJ booth to drag a small part of a certain Garden down to Hell and plunder it for fruits and profit.Collective Game, Skirmish, Skirmjam, Skirmjam2022, Eden Down, Garden, Demon, Music, Fruits2022-06-22 0 
5263368Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #11In which David pushes his ship and his equipment to their limits.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-06-22 30 
5263897The Testament of Tatamu (One Shot) Part #2The story of Sinleq Unami continues with the Calypso's return to safe harbor in the wake of Sinleq and Gully's dive's messy aftermath.Collective Game, Testament of Tatamu, Original Setting, Post-Apocalyptic, Kaz, One Shot2022-06-22 6 
84963046/tg/ throws shit at the wall #9yet another worldbuilding threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-06-23 -22 
84990296/tg/ throws shit at the wall #10yet another worldbuilding threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-06-23 -23 
5286113Gunship QuestYou work for the suppression bureau as a gunship pilot. Animated.Animated, Sci-Fi, Original Setting, Gunship Quest2022-06-24 20 
July 2022
5290397Mahou Shoujo AcademiaA quest about an Academy that trains magical girls in a far future post-apocalyptic setting. Our MC is a holy maiden, diligent and pure.Collective Game, Magical Girl, Mahou Shoujo Academia, Demons, Magic, Artificial Gods, Shrine Maiden, Post-Apocalypse, School Setting, Nudism2022-07-03 25 
85001905/tg/ throws shit at the wall #11yet another worldbuilding threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-07-03 -22 
85025361/tg/ throws shit at the wall #12yet another worldbuilding threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-07-03 -22 
85034498/tg/ throws shit at the wall #13yet another worldbuilding threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-07-03 -22 
5289203The Graverobber's Daughter VIChlotsuintha has a close call in a public house, then comes across a gull that has Scarification Glyphs, possibly scrivened by her father.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-07-05 5 
5298973Shinigami Schemer Quest #2We should not be upset that others hide the truth from us, when we do often hide it from ourselves.Shinigami Schemer Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, KingWormmy2022-07-06 6 
5308951Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IIJezyrene impresses the locals and prepares for her next quest.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-07-14 12 
5307134Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Vol. 2A young dragon-man conquers kobolds, bangs a bug-woman, ends his enemies and appeases his allies in an effort to realize a divine destiny.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, adventure, monstergirls, family, friendship, war2022-07-14 5 
85074457/tg/ throws shit at the wall #14yet another worldbuilding threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-07-15 -24 
85181021/tg/ throws shit at the wall #15yet another worldbuilding threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-07-15 -22 
5340783The USURPERPRELUDE - Eftsoones com'st thou, with ill impartations yburdened, by secret sorrow distrained. Experiment with Shakespearean Englishcollective game, quest, horror, magic, Shakespeare, castle, Aztec, occult, medieval, fantasy, dungeon2022-07-17 1 
85273765/tg/ throws shit at the wall #15-2yet another worldbuilding threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-07-22 -22 
85357735/tg/ throws shit at the wall #16 - grundiddy-i gromplos edition/tg/ adds add grundiddy-i gromplos and the nomadic kopwunrias to the setting.grundiddy-i gromplos, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-07-24 -22 
5316456My childhood best friend is a (trans)girl?!A clever anon baits the /pol/locks of /qst/ by being wholesome, just long enough to cost a bold-but-foolish player his left nut.KING, trans rights, human rights, friendship, social justice, bait, trolling2022-07-26 -14 
5308399Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 3)Fresh out of prison, the Dick Man builds his crew and begins plotting the heist that will finally make his reputation.Superhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM2022-07-27 5 
5313079Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #12David and the crew begin work on cleaning up after the battle and discover a little more of the truth behind AI technology.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-07-28 31 
5324019WishEnder Quest Player arrives home to a much more advanced city, and is drafted into a city-wide fighting league. Didn't get to go anywhere due to issues.Unfinished, Mech, Mecha, Battle Royale, these are just ideas that came up in the quest dont get excited2022-07-29 0 
5324733The Little Dungeon: Rise of Arthur ValraWherein the new mechanics teased at the end of Thread #6 are put into practice, and the QM is eaten by giant spiders.The Little Dungeon That Could, Spin-Off, Oneshot2022-07-29 4 
5345264FrogcoreA frog explores a new world, using his masterful disguise skills to pose as other speciesFrog, frogcore, collective game, oneshot2022-07-30 6 
August 2022
5317832Gunship Quest IIYou terminate something with too many arms and start recruiting your team. QM will continue once he stops being a faggot. Animated, Sci-Fi, Original Setting, Gunship Quest2022-08-02 10 
85505196Buying a book means the DM has to let me use itOP tries to spark the playertariat revolt and finds a crowd of Russian peasants telling him to fuck off.shitfest, op is a fag2022-08-03 1 
85499731Grundiddy-i Gromplos World #17Grundiddy-i Gromplos is discussed further.grundiddy-i gromplos, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-08-04 -22 
85442583/tg/ throws shit at the wall #17yet another worldbuilding thread, grundiddy troll forgot to archive this one, 85499731 is also a part of this setting throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-08-05 -22 
5316452Evolution SkirmishBug vs Machines adapt to the environment and each other on a strange frozen planet.Collective Game, skirmish, Cognis, evoution2022-08-06 1 
85554910/tg/ throws shit at the wall #18yet another worldbuilding threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-08-07 -22 
85565926The World of Grundiddy-i Gromplos #1/tg/ comes together and makes an interesting settinggrundiddy-i gromplos, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-08-08 -22 
85580942/tg/ throws shit at the wall #21yet another worldbuilding threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-08-09 -23 
5354485Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #13David picks through the wreckage of his spectacular dogfight, kills yet more Wraiths and Demons, and has a not so restful sleep.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-08-11 28 
5335721Shinji IsekaiDude that was forced to watch neon genesis evangelion by his weeb roommate gets Isekai as Shinji. "Hell is anime. Anime is hell!"Shinji Isekai, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, collective game, GameMaster2022-08-11 1 
5337401Your Little MermaidYour girlfriend proposes to you and reveals that she's actually part fishwoman. A mix of slice-of-life fluff and supernatural marriage prepmermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Delta Green, Lovecraftian, fishfucker2022-08-11 7 
5332516Mahou Shoujo Academia #2Parva and friends continue through the survival training they were thrown into as punishment for missing orientation.Collective Game, Magical Girl, Mahou Shoujo Academia, Demons, Magic, Artificial Gods, Shrine Maiden, Post-Apocalypse, School Setting, Nudism2022-08-11 21 
5339760Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 3An unholy warrior forms a multicultural axis of evil to conquer dwarves. Along the way, he learns a difficult lesson about love and loss.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, warfare, politics, sex, slavery, shortstacks, genocide, grief2022-08-15 5 
85686282/tg/ throws shit at a wall #22will probably get downvoted below -20 by the grundy troll, but still useful so link can be included in next threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-08-18 -22 
5338309Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IIIJezyrene enjoys a pleasant camping trip and continues to reevaluate her worldview.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-08-19 12 
5340808The Graverobber's Daughter VIIAfter dealing with the Glyphed Gull, Chlotsuintha finds two sets of Strange footprints, partially cleansed, possibly by magic. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-08-22 5 
85775039/tg/ throws shit at a wall #23will probably get downvoted below -20 by the grundy troll, but still useful so link can be included in next threadthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-08-25 -22 
5344524Final Girl QuestA small town with a dark past. A sprawling mansion. A party gone wrong. A maniac with an axe. Help Stephanie survive the night.Final Girl Quest, Collective Game, Horror, Slasher Movie, Teen Drama, '80s, Female Protagonist, Violence, Gore, Strong Language, NC-172022-08-27 20 
September 2022
85804514Really Short Swords: a TreatiseSmaller weapons are more nimble and therefore better, right? Anon demonstrates how YOU can shortify your weapons, with pictures!Weapons, swords, short swords, photoshop2022-09-01 10 
5391397The LIGHTNING SEAPRELUDE: Life is the stag pierced by arrows Made into wounded wings.collective game, quest, cyberpunk, gilgamesh, sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, horror, spaceship, sword, sorcery, guns, poem, poetry, dystopia2022-09-02 0 
5359398Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 4))A regrettably short episode of the drawquest, in which our heroes walk from floor 2 to floor 1, before QM disappears into the netherSuperhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM2022-09-07 4 
5366180Monsterpunk Quest #2Our hero stumbles from one felony to the next, ending up making a powerful friend and moving to the capital of Arcadia.MPQ, Monsterpunk, monsters, humans, mecha, post-apocalypse, adventure, shopping2022-09-17 4 
5371325Gunship Quest IIIYou recruit a team, upgrade your bird, and make an accord with something questionable. faggot. Animated, Sci-Fi, Original Setting, Gunship Quest2022-09-21 12 
5402943One Piece: Game of the SeasA man wakes up in the World of One Piece and quickly discovers that the government sucks.ShiveringTimber, Collective Game, One Piece, Pirates, Marines, Revolutionaries, Isekai, One Piece: Game of the Seas2022-09-23 10 
86150840/tg/ makes a setting 26 - Good dogs and puking cats Editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-09-25 -22 
October 2022
5379135Your Little Mermaid #2After some discussions with the waifu about personal issues, you meet her mother and possibly her ancestor. Some bonus content, too.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Delta Green(?), Lovecraftian, fishfucker, mermaid II mer harder2022-10-02 7 
86258892/tg/ makes a setting 27 - Lucy's present to the Emperor Editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-10-05 -22 
5381816Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IVJezyrene tries recreational drinking and prays to the moon for guidance.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-10-06 10 
86355397/tg/ makes a setting 28 - Vengeful spirits from the pastfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-10-13 -22 
86390441The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DebriefDon't worry, everything's going Just As Planned. Or it WOULD BE IF YOU HADN'T-All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2022-10-16 66 
5387684Pike and Shot Civil War Quest #1It is the start of the English Civil War, we are Sir Edward Cormont, a cavalier. We raid Cornwall, then win a small and large battle.Collective Game, Quest, English Civil War, Historical Quest, Dead Quest2022-10-16 1 
5390745Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #14David meets back up with Clank, takes down some mercs, makes a deal with a gun runner and meets with the owner of a whorehouse.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-10-18 28 
5383072The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IIChlotsuintha investigates the Strange footprints, and the QM’s schedule implodes again.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-10-20 3 
5392504Final Girl Quest - Chapter II There's a storm raging outside, and someone's at the door. Twenty bucks says it's not the pizza boy...Final Girl Quest, Collective Game, Horror, Slasher Movie, Teen Drama, '80s, Female Protagonist, Violence, Gore, Strong Language, NC-172022-10-22 15 
5405011Pikmin QuestOne-Shot. Your spaceship crash lands on an alien world, home to strange creatures called Pikmin.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Pikmin, Video Games, Nintendo, One-Shot2022-10-30 4 
86504173/tg/ makes a setting 29 - We still need more dates editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-10-31 -22 
November 2022
5414507Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #1It is the year 0068 of the Universal Century, and the journey of Felix Zos Deikun begins.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, PTSD, BIG ZAM, DOZLE PILL2022-11-03 31 
5451870Sworn to Valour Quest #30His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei sets sail for the Cathagi Strait across open water, facing all the perils the sea has to offer.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Ship, Boat, Pirates, Sea Shanty2022-11-04 26 
5412943One Piece: Game of the Seas 2Copper recruits a crew, hunts for bounties and sets sails to take down Arlong.ShiveringTimber, Collective Game, One Piece, Pirates, Marines, Revolutionaries, Isekai, One Piece: Game of the Seas2022-11-05 3 
86662491/tg/ makes a setting 30 - Smiling Gnoll editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-11-19 -22 
5467881Mega Mercs: Operation Dust BunnyYOLO!Collective Game, skirmish, cognis, tacticool, mega mercs, mecha, tanks2022-11-30 0 
December 2022
5426249Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VJezyrene praises the sun and goes to a mountain retreat.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-12-01 10 
5451197Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 01The Twaryian Invasion of Vynmark begins- and a motley force goes to their first battle.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2022-12-01 12 
5428920Gunship Quest IIIYou look for a recon team and kill some mushrooms. QM flakes out early. Animated, Sci-Fi, Original Setting, Gunship Quest2022-12-02 5 
5431180You Fucked UpAce Amaze has done a lot in his life and now has to answer for the less than savory parts in a press meeting.Ace Amaze, oneshot, Quebec Matt, press, conspiracy2022-12-04 2 
86786745/tg/ makes a setting 31 - The fuck is a neepus? editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-12-04 -22 
5437189Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #15David cleans up a homeless encampment, turns in some bounties, designs his new ship and goes on the search for a big-ass nanofabricator.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-12-08 30 
5444794Space Peon Wrecker QuestAfter surviving an unscheduled heart attack, Enoch pulls a shift on a new arrival in the boneyard - a dangerously infested smuggler's ship.Space Quest, Science Fiction, Sci-Fi, Space Peon Wrecker Quest, TrashQM, Collective Game2022-12-14 1 
5489899Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #16David hears worrying news about an outbreak on other stations, takes some time to deal with the captured AI and develops an android body for SHODAN.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-12-14 29 
5448110The Game of GamesMitch arrives at his late uncle's home the day before his university's orientation and wakes up to an unpleasant surprise.collective game, horror, slice-of-life, short, male protagonist, survival2022-12-16 0 
5476874Blue Lock Quest #1 by EgoAnon !!fB6M1GhipRKBased and epic Blue Lock Quest. The dice steal the show.Blue Lock, Blue Lock Quest, EgoAnon, Shounen, Shounen Dice2022-12-17 6 
86924239/tg/ makes a setting 31#2 - Just Alchemists having fun editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2022-12-19 -22 
5461059Moonbase Quest #1James Chapham works for his father in the Triton Trading Company as a subversive advisor under Ksumi Kariya, princess of Arien IV.Collective Game, Quest, LunaticQM, Moonbase Quest, Sci-fi, goddamnitIdidn'tfinishmyreviewbeforethethreadexpired2022-12-26 1 
5476475Shitty Isekai QuestA not very interesting adolescent MC who occasionally goes to church trips and fucking dies, then gets isekai'd into low fantasy. Shitty Isekai Quest, Sh QM, Sh, Isekai, Low Fantasy2022-12-26 0 
5471260Your Little Mermaid #3: Family MattersSlow thread. You introduce waifu to the hometown and reveal the secret to Mom. Grandad was a monster hunter, a doctor offers help and a job.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Delta Green(?), Lovecraftian, fishfucker, mermaid III revenge of the mer2022-12-28 5 
January 2023
87072460/tg/ makes a setting 32 - We need a bigger compass edition for archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2023-01-01 -22 
87171716/tg/ makes a setting 33 - Seasons Greetings editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2023-01-01 -22 
5481565Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 02Immediately after their first battle, the Ad-Hoc battalion assaults the town of Kobberhus- and finds mysteries in wait.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-01-01 12 
5481424Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VIJezyrene goes for a hike and interacts with the local wildlife.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-01-03 10 
5478100Final Girl Quest - Chapter IIIPower's out at Hughes Mansion, but it looks like the cavalry's on the way. Will Megan and Sarge get there in time...?Final Girl Quest, Collective Game, Horror, Slasher Movie, Teen Drama, '80s, Female Protagonist, Violence, Gore, Strong Language, NC-172023-01-04 13 
5489400Dragon Ball Origins # 1The Beginning Adventures of Konzen Douji as he embark on his warrior's journey. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle,2023-01-05 3 
5492260Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #2It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun finds himself living among the Zabi family, biding time for revenge.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, DOZLE PILL, Kycilia's hai2023-01-11 21 
5499822The Game of Games: 2nd HandOur battle concludes, and secrets are uncovered.collective game, horror, slice-of-life, short, male protagonist, survival, finished, complete2023-01-11 0 
5493112HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #7A jobbed fight, a bizarre dream, two temporary anomalies to wrangle, and the Eye staring down at you. You're shocked you haven't gone mad.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, I actually fear my players when they shitpost2023-01-15 5 
87267880/tg/ makes a setting 34 - Moths the size of albatross editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2023-01-17 -22 
87388478/tg/ makes a setting 35 - Lore, lore, lore! Editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2023-01-17 -22 
5517262Hexbound Mystery Dungeon [Skirmish]Part of the 2023 Skrimjam. Players investigate a randomly generated dungeon!fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, top down, hexbound2023-01-17 1 
5499649Space Peon Wrecker Quest IIEnoch continues to work through the dangerously infested ship, until his suit breaches, and he must find his way out of the hulk quickly.Space Quest, Science Fiction, Sci-Fi, Space Peon Wrecker Quest, TrashQM, Collective Game2023-01-21 2 
5486321Wizard Tower 1Armed with only a handful of mildly useful cantrips, we make our way through the 50 challenges of the Wizard Tower.wizard, wizard tower, shitpost, drawquest2023-01-22 6 
5516457Space Scourge SkirmishPlayers design their own cruisers and face off against the Scourge, giant space bacteria.Collective Game, Skirmish, Space, Ships, Skirm Jam2023-01-22 1 
5533615Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #3It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun visits Von Braun to fulfill a promise to his childhood friend Elena.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, surprise gift, Elena2023-01-26 15 
February 2023
87550989/tg/ makes a setting 38 - Witch Supremacy Editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Crumbling Giantstep 2023-02-01 -22 
5508329STAR WARS - INTERREGNUM #3.3The MSA discusses their fleet, and Farren launches a rescue operation to save the Jedi at the Kessel Conclave!Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Kessel Rescue, Mineshaft Madness, Potkin Plodkin2023-02-03 23 
5532638Dragon Ball Origins #2Drafted into a partnership with the former lord of time Aeos, Douji finds his soulmate and starts finding something worth fighting for. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle, KokuGM2023-02-06 3 
5509147Broken Vessels Online #1Sibyllan plays an experimental VRMMO to pay her debts, skips to the boss early, is first to enter a new zone, and nearly joins a hivemind.Collective Game, VRMMO, RPG, Strelok, Sibyllan, Broken Vessels Online, WE NEED MORE SHARDS, Quest, QM remember to archive your threads2023-02-06 5 
5519244Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VIIJezyrene meets new friends and tells tall tales.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-02-11 10 
87627406/tg/ makes a setting 39-2 - Greedy Gods and Goddess EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep.Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-02-15 -22 
5521410Voidship Bridge Simulator #1Assemble your crew Acting Captain Annon, your Voidship awakes.Collective Game, Voidship Bridge Simulator, Chartman, Space, Sci-fi2023-02-16 13 
5572653Voidship Bridge Simulator #2Prepare the ship for battle, Captain, the enemy closes in.Collective Game, Voidship Bridge Simulator, Chartman, space, sci-fi, drawquest2023-02-19 12 
5524326Hero Academia Quest #48Ushi greets her classmates, then hunts for answersMHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2023-02-19 21 
5529930Wizard Tower 2Armed with only a handful of mildly useful cantrips, we make our way through the 23 remaining challenges of the Wizard Tower.wizard, wizard tower, shitpost, drawquest2023-02-21 3 
5552267Shinigami Schemer Quest #3It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted in a profoundly sick society.Shinigami Schemer Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, KingWormmy2023-02-22 2 
5533592Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #17David holds a few spars, has a fight mid-warp and starts clearing out one of the drone ships.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-02-22 29 
5539838Skirmish of the incel deitiesIsekai'd incels escape their imprisonment in a facility for reeducation camp.skirm jam 2023, fantasy, SchizoQM, skirmish2023-02-23 3 
5534759Your Little Mermaid #4 - Bridging the GapGeneral backstory expansion, especially with regards to the nuclear family. Some fun chats with Meryl, too. A bit short, new device.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Lovecraftian, Lovecraft Lite, fishfucker,2023-02-23 5 
5539794A Starscoured Serenade (Part 1)The heavens descend upon the city of Serenade. We follow four individuals slated for greater things as they contend with mystery and horror.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Art?, SkirmJam2022, Deity+Mystery2023-02-28 3 
5538522Skirm Jam 2023 pt2The second thread of the 2022 Skirmish Jam in which the votes are tallied.skirmish, jam, Collective Game, SkirmJam, skirmish jam, 20232023-02-28 0 
March 2023
5580836Corner SolitaireOneshot. Spooky things occur while playing Solitaire facing the corner of a room.Quest, One-Shot, Horror, Spooky, female MC, Creepypasta, Card Games, Short2023-03-02 4 
5542054Tyrant Queen QuestPrincess Isabella tries to take the throne after a coup by her brother, through any means necessary, indulging in cruelty along the way.fantasy, evil protagonist, action, mindbreak, protagonist mindbreaks a twink by raping him, oneshot, has fanart near the end2023-03-02 10 
5537153Thronelands Quest #1Ashlad embarks on a journey to the old Samam tree at the edge of the world. He accepts patronage from the Sheish, makes friends, saves a catCollective Game, Storyteller, Thronelands Quest, Ashlad, Original Setting, Original System, Fantasy, Cliffhanger2023-03-02 3 
5546421Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 1A bunch of camp work is done up, then, despite the victories on the front, the unit must retreat...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-03-02 12 
87795959/tg/ makes a setting 40 - Weird Monsters Out of Nowhere Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep.Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-a-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-03-06 -22 
5558269The Obligation (Space Opera) #1creation of Character and some chenanigans happen: trading, making friends and getting shot at.Obligation, space Opera, Mikhail 'Misha' Ivanovich Volkov, space2023-03-09 3 
5570860Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VIIIJezyrene learns a new language and meets an eccentric person.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-03-16 10 
5581367Dragon Ball Origins #3With the sudden appearance of the Demon Queen Mirayo, Douji does a risky move that lands a massive payoff on all fronts. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, DBZ, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle, KokuGM2023-03-18 4 
87956630/tg/ makes a setting 41 - Empress on a Coin EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-a-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-03-20 -22 
5575952Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #4It is the year 0075 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun attends the academy... and becomes a Zabi?!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, BIG ZAM, DADZLE PILL2023-03-21 18 
5575162Hero Academia Quest #49Ushi confronts Deku, talks about hero philosophy, and finds out that Bakugo knows more than she thought he did.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2023-03-23 22 
5578842Love Is War QuestYu Ishigami decides to actually be a part of the Student Council and becomes involved in their antics.Love is War, Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, The Narrator, Yu Ishigami, Kaguya Shinomiya, Miyuki Shirogane, Chika Fujiwara2023-03-27 -3 
5576095Wizard Tower 3We make our way through the final floors of the Wizard Tower, then back out the other way.wizard, wizard tower, shitpost, drawquest2023-03-27 4 
5577522Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #18David and SHODAN raid their own ships and do a little hacking. David has another strange dream and meets back up with his crew.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-03-28 26 
April 2023
88125000 /tg/ makes a setting 42 - Fucking Snoloths, how do they work? EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-01 -22 
5588058Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 2The Battle of Jagterfisk Pools continues- right when it seems to be over, there is another foe...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-04-06 10 
5586735Thronelands Quest #2A life is spared, the consequences of such mercy follow, the quest dies, but for how long?Collective Game, Storyteller, Thronelands Quest, Ashlad, Original Setting, Original System, Fantasy, Cliffhanger, Dead Quest?2023-04-07 3 
5602595Hexpedition: Lonely Lights [Skirmish]A band of hired hands help a heister make a clean getaway, defying the laws of reality and exploding buildings in the process. Plus lemons!Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2023-04-08 10 
88278726 /tg/ makes a setting 43 - Birds with Plenty of Eyes EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-08 -22 
5607307Heat City Nights 6Word has it Spider's hiding out on a boat at the South Harbor docks. A gang of Marielitos, Cuba's worst criminals, stands in the crew's wHeat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2023-04-09 22 
88372296/tg/ makes a setting 44 - Cowboy Aliens from Outer Space EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-16 -24 
88453902Wargame Political Compass #1/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-18 21 
5599014Shinigami Savant Quest #4, Part 1The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself.Shinigami Savant Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, KingWormmy2023-04-19 1 
88499775Wargame Political Compass #2/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-21 12 
88521841Wargame Political Compass #3 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-22 -6 
88465385/tg/ makes a setting 45 - The Great Temples EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-23 -22 
5599265Your Little Mermaid #5 - Collecting Yourself Lots of trials and tribulations lead into the most important choice in the whole quest- your daughter's name. Marilyn joins your family.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Lovecraftian, Lovecraft Lite, fishfucker,2023-04-24 25 
88546020Wargame Political Compass #4/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-24 -20 
88573764Wargame Political Compass #5/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-27 -21 
5603889Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IXJezyrene learns how to teleport and meets her first crush.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-04-27 10 
88609944Wargame Political Compass #6/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-30 -21 
5616811Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #5It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun slowly settles into life as a public figure and becomes a dad!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, unplanned pregnancy, oh no2023-04-30 13 
May 2023
88563258/tg/ makes a setting 45 - Dark Sorcerers EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-01 -22 
88644608Wargame Political Compass #7 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-01 -21 
88673440Wargame Political Compass #8/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-03 -21 
5636306Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 3The Battalion finds victory, in spite of all the weapons deployed against them. Yet will it last?Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-05-03 10 
88692518Wargame Political Compass #9/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-04 -21 
88708594Wargame Political Compass #10/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-06 -21 
5617991Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #19David heads back to Xebric station only to discover shit hit the fan.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-05-08 28 
88666593/tg/ makes a setting 47 - You've been gnomed EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-08 -22 
88727682Wargame Political Compass #11 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-09 -21 
88762012/tg/ makes a setting 48 - Funny Turtles EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-16 -22 
88778228Wargame Political Compass #12 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-18 -21 
5632128Hexpedition - Archives of Intention [Part 1]Eager Pups playhunt for intrigue. Scheduling conflicts spoil well-lain plans. Siphoned starlight strains a shell of steel and sigilry.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2023-05-20 7 
5636950Dragon Ball Origins#4Koku disappeared and in his place the warriors of light came to being. Late April Fools gig. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, DBZ, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle, KokuGM2023-05-20 0 
88870359Wargame Political Compass #13/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-21 -21 
5654217Archimedean Quest: IIIn which a great War starts, a noble Lady enjoys a Leisure Cruise, receives a Piece of Jewellery, and has to deal with a boarding Action.Archimedean, Alchymy, Steam Powered Flying Battleships, Airships, The Great Game, Secret Despatches, Gallivanting with our Tits out2023-05-21 10 
88855281/tg/ makes a setting 49 - Maps in need of Completion EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-23 -22 
5636366Final Girl Quest - Chapter IVThe carnage at the Hughes House is broken up by the arrival of an alcoholic rookie cop and her trusty canine companion.Final Girl Quest, Collective Game, Horror, Slasher Movie, Teen Drama, '80s, Female Protagonist, Violence, Gore, Strong Language, NC-172023-05-24 9 
5663591Evolution Tabletop: Digital WorldEvolution Tabletop returns with a new look. This time, it takes place within a virtual world, with a cast of 10. Evogame, Collective Game, Skirmish, Evolution, PVP2023-05-25 2 
88914758Wargame Political Compass #14/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-25 -21 
88977888Wargame Political Compass #15/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-30 -22 
88948871/tg/ makes a setting 50 - All I see I give to me EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-30 -23 
June 2023
89025754Wargame Political Compass #16 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-07 -22 
89035095 /tg/ makes a setting 51 - Have at thee, Snoloth! EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-06-07 -23 
5653209Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XJezyrene tries on makeup and takes a nap in a rose garden.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-06-13 10 
89115225Wargame Political Compass #17/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-14 -22 
89127240/tg/ makes a setting 52 - A year of Giantstep EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-06-14 -23 
5658149Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #20David and crew make their way through the ruined Xebric Station, encounter someone unexpected and (eventually) reach their target. HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-06-20 22 
89200203Wargame Political Compass #18 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-21 -22 
5680436Hajimete no HitozumaA young salaryman uncovers a shocking secret which ties his estranged father and new bride, and must decide what to do with this informationAbandoned Quest, Adopted Quest, Cuckoldry, Family Drama, Oneshot, Suprisingly Wholesome, Japanese Culture2023-06-24 -12 
5681456The Difficult Life of a K-Pop CEOThe wastrel son of a South Korean is gifted his own K-POP company, and immediately turns it into a black company.Koreaboo, idol management, Korean culture, sex, abuse, villain quest, slice-of-life, oneshot2023-06-25 -9 
89297989Wargame Political Compass #19 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-28 -22 
5670248Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #6It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun hones his newtype powers, recruits a new ally, and gets engaged to Elena!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Ensared by Earthnoid Bazookas2023-06-28 7 
89309033/tg/ makes a setting 54 - Witchbog Trade Shenanigans EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-06-28 -23 
5661862The Graverobber's Daughter VIIIChlotsuintha extricates herself from the 'Poonist's Perch, she retrieves her riding dress and buys a coach. But time is truly running out.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-06-29 6 
July 2023
89382116Wargame Political Compass #20/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-05 -22 
89389607/tg/ makes a setting 55 - Weird Creatures from the Jungle EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-06 -23 
5685485Primodial God Quest #3 Part 1In a reality where most universes are dead, one still stands with a single spark. It gives birth to the gods, and then Rheas, the World.gods, Primordial God Quest, Shi the QM, Collective Game, freeform, READ THE RULES, multiplayer, God, creation 2023-07-08 2 
5671876Archimedean Quest #3In which a noble Lady finds herself in strange vessels, kisses a man and learn the true nature of Alchymysts.Archimedean, Alchymy, Steam Powered Flying Battleships, Airships, The Great Game, Secret Despatches, Submersible, Submarine, Geber2023-07-10 10 
89461008Wargame Political Compass #21 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-12 -23 
89472549/tg/ makes a setting 56#1 - Comfy Wooden Palace EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-13 -23 
5687015VENGEANCE BURNS RED - ARC 1A CIA analyst gets thrusted into an operation gone awry in Ukraine. Her case officer then invites her to a special operations unit. Jormungand, CIA, military, thriller, adventure, glowie, action, Kate Marsh2023-07-15 13 
89544852Wargame Political Compass #22/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-19 -23 
89552939/tg/ makes a setting 56 - Goblins in the Snow EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-20 -23 
89631080Wargame Political Compass #23/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-26 -23 
89637453/tg/ makes a setting 58 - Flags of the wold EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-27 -23 
August 2023
5685111Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #3/Ritalinda/ have fun at the tightrope, /Erimena/ see the face of god, Helen suffers from success and Emma... you know the rest.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, Lumina Canima, being Emma is suffering, Hush, yuri, hardcore yuri desuwa2023-08-02 10 
89713196Wargame Political Compass #24 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-02 -24 
89718352 /tg/ makes a setting 59 - Behemoths in the Field EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-03 -23 
5688657Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIJezyrene interacts with the one percent and plays Among Us.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-08-03 10 
5691057A little adventure maybe (Oneshot)You are a bartender, doing some bartending, and some other things tooBar, Bartender, Bartending, Alcohol, Paint, Drawquest, Dice, Diceroll, Anon, Anonymous, Collective Game, A little adventure maybe, Oneshot2023-08-07 1 
5692338Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #21The assault on Xebric station continues. David faces several dangerous opponents to maintain control of the station.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-08-07 18 
5697599Slice Quest #1: Mind Your ManorsA Pizza Delivery Boy crashes a Grad Party on a private island and catches the interest of several key players... and more.Diesel Crash, Slice Quest, DemBones, Collective Game2023-08-07 25 
89797226/tg/ makes a setting 60 - Maps, Maps and more Maps EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-10 -23 
89792722Wargame Political Compass #25 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-10 -23 
5700233The Graverobber's Daughter IXChlotsuintha extricates herself from another mess in another public house, finishes shopping, and then begins to investigate Aldoin's house Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-08-15 5 
89868753 /tg/ makes a setting 61 - The Ogre Ride Never Ends EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep.Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-17 -23 
89869127Wargame Political Compass #26/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-17 -23 
89944865/tg/ makes a setting 62 - Wizards and Magic EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-23 -24 
89947037Wargame Political Compass #27/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-24 -24 
5709549Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 04The final battle begins- the fate of Vynmark is unknowingly decided as east and west converge.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-08-28 10 
5710873Swordsman Quest, OneshotA wandering blade enters town with conspiracy, murder and his own guilt.Swordsman Quest, Oneshot, Collective game, Draw Quest, Samurai2023-08-30 7 
90013461/tg/ makes a setting 63 - Back to the Bestiary EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-30 -24 
September 2023
90025795Wargame Political Compass #28/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-02 -23 
5720288Europe 1000 A.D.The nations of Medieval Europe contest each other between long wait times and rolls. Alliances are forged and two power blocs emerge.Collective Game, Skirmish, Nations, Europe, Medieval, Middle Ages, 1000ADMapGameHost, Christianity, Paganism, Multiplayer, Crusade2023-09-05 0 
5732591VENGEANCE BURNS RED - ARC 2: "INDUCTION" A CIA analyst meets up with a British man and her superior in an Irish pub before parting ways to leave the country. To be continued.Jormungand, CIA, military, thriller, adventure, glowie, action, Kate Marsh2023-09-05 7 
90087220/tg/ makes a setting 64 - Caves for Sporggo EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-09-06 -24 
90105561Wargame Political Compass #29/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-08 -20 
90241895/tg/ makes a setting 64 - The Fields of ExcretiumAnons continue to discuss the scatlogical aspects of Giantstep Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-09-14 -7 
90181640Wargame Political Compass #30/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-16 -8 
5750090Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish - FinaleThe war does not end for Vynmark- but the story of the Hageldorf Combined Battalion does.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-09-16 10 
5733791Slice Quest #2: Slice Guys Finish LastA delivery boy discovers the truth behind Hauser Island and kicks of ass protecting his new friends from beasts, madmen, and crappy dice.Diesel Crash, Slice Quest, DemBones, Collective Game2023-09-18 20 
5746899Heat City Nights 7The crew robs a bank, acting on a tip from none other than their sworn enemy, Spider. It's a shady lead, but there's money in it either waHeat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2023-09-19 25 
5731191Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XII Jezyrene goes to a rave and trespasses on private property.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-09-20 10 
90255685/tg/ Makes a Setting 1Anons begin to discuss an epic new settingWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2023-09-22 -2 
90307311/tg/ makes an industrial setting #1/tg/ begins a many thread long worldbuilding session Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2023-09-22 0 
90325677/tg/ Makes a Setting - #1/tg/ makes a new and unique settingthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2023-09-22 -1 
5733886Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #7t is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun spreads the good word and finds potential allies in Riah.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit2023-09-22 10 
5732362Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #22David gets Cylia's hand fixed, clears out a hospital and makes a deal with a lizard-person.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-09-22 15 
90257150Wargame Political Compass #31/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-23 -6 
5737272The Graverobber's Daughter XChlotsuintha continues investigating, though both the emitter-Organs of the Constructs and what exactly transpired there still elude her.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-09-29 9 
90336310Wargame Political Compass #32/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-30 -6 
October 2023
5751430My best friend is a (trans)catgirl~!!A skeptical detective befriends a mysterious (trans) catgirl coroner to solve a mysterious (magical?) murderCatOP, LGBT, detective, crime, frienship, trans rights, youkai, Japanese culture, catgirl2023-10-01 -20 
5743221Fisherman QuestFather died, now we are the man of the house. Through intelligent and wise decisions, we achieve wealth, but not peace. Fisherman Quest, Collective Game2023-10-02 9 
90389784/tg/ makes a setting 68 - Mischievous Wisps EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-05 -6 
90413108Wargame Political Compass #33/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-08 -6 
5774516Shadows of Order 66 Quest I Jedi Master Kessarion survives the Order 66 and tries to stay alive while the galactic chaos starts unfoldingCollective Game, Star Wars, Jedi, Shadows of Order 662023-10-10 3 
90469380/tg/ makes a setting 69 - The Witches' Tree EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-12 -6 
90499203Wargame Political Compass #34/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-14 -5 
5777511Onion Adventures OneshotAn Onyun protagonist is born into a world of monsters, makes friends with Krebs, then stops a shadowy spooky conspiracyOnion, Onion Adventures, Oneshot, Collective Game, Quest2023-10-16 11 
5771739Slice Quest #3: A Midnight SmackA delivery boy thwarts a wicked plot, has a run-in with family, and enjoys some well-earned respite.Diesel Crash, Slice Quest, DemBones, Collective Game2023-10-19 21 
90556756/tg/ makes a setting 70 - The Old Druid Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-19 -6 
5770776Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #23David pieces the station back together and prepares to go home - to earth. HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-10-20 14 
90584650Wargame Political Compass #35 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-21 -6 
5773343Hotshot Hooper Quest #1You are Marcus Shields, a talented Point Guard drafted to the American Basketball League. Marcus makes a friend and loses his first game.Hotshot Hooper Quest, Collective Game, HoopsQM, Basketball2023-10-23 2 
5774070Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIIIJezyrene politely settles a disagreement and goes blind.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-10-23 10 
90644647/tg/ makes a setting 71 - Yet Again, Maps EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-26 -6 
90673309Wargame Political Compass #36/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-29 -6 
5772094Kobolt Klan Adoption 14In which Reynauld fights a spider and gets poisoned, also there's a transhumanist debate.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, Transhumanism2023-10-31 6 
November 2023
90721419/tg/ makes a setting 72 - The Bonefort EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-02 -6 
5817888COSMOGONYPRELUDE - They watched the stillness Of slaughtered stars, and gave sacrifice In Lightless Fire...collective game, space, star, spaceship, space opera, science, astronomy, cyberpunk, 4X, battlemap, galaxy, conquest, colony, planet2023-11-05 1 
90753468Wargame Political Compass #37 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-05 -6 
5805551Seeker of the Esoteric: Volume 2In pursuit of hidden truths, a mage apprentice discovers his friend's dark origins and illness; to heal her, they will alter the very worldReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, theosophony, spiritualism, animal experimentation, ethics, friendship, transhumanism2023-11-06 16 
90795696/tg/ makes a setting 73 - Surprise in the Crops EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-09 -6 
5802571ChudQuestChud reaches 30 years old without having sex and becomes a WIZARD.chud, chad, meme, shitpost2023-11-11 3 
90829747Wargame Political Compass #38 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-13 -5 
90871350/tg/ makes a setting 74 - Trading across the South Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-16 -7 
5787489Nightgaunts: Glimmervelt CollieryThe Lantern corps investigates a town that shouldn't be empty. A squad is assigned to the local mines.Lanterns, Lanternlights, IsolationRequest, skirmish, cooperative2023-11-16 3 
5788584Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 2We save the Dent's life only to later be harassed by him and a federal agent. We also hunt the SIM Killer with Kimble while Hawthorne healsDetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2023-11-17 23 
90908926Wargame Political Compass #39 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-21 -5 
90944099/tg/ makes a setting 75 - Witches Having Fun Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-23 -6 
5793943The Graverobber's Daughter XIChlotsuintha continues investigating Aldoin's house, but after some successes she accidentally ends up injuring one of the Constructs.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-11-27 5 
90986494Wargame Political Compass #40/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-27 -5 
91020650/tg/ makes a setting 76 - Running Away from the Monster EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-30 -7 
5794828Settler Lord Quest 6The Duke of Greifswald attends a tournament while nomadic warriors from the east approach.Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty,2023-11-30 6 
December 2023
5804752Hero Academia Quest #50Work life balance is important, kidsMHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2023-12-01 21 
91065344Wargame Political Compass #41 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-04 -5 
5803136Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #24David encounters a giant space squid and finally makes it back to earth.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-12-05 10 
5807148Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIVJezyrene gives hugs and goes to a restaurant.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-12-06 10 
91093365/tg/ makes a setting 77 - There be Whales Here EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-07 -8 
5813050Kobolt Klan Adoption 15 You leave the forest and talk to people. For once, things aren't horrible for a bit.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, Fantasy scotland2023-12-08 5 
5822120VENGEANCE BURNS RED - ARC 2-B: "INDUCTION"A CIA paramilitary officer is introduced to her new team, and later hires a military contracting firm for assistance in a future operation.Vengance Burns Red, Kate Marsh, CIA, spy, thriller, adventure, action2023-12-12 10 
91137325Wargame Political Compass #42 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-12 -5 
91159667 /tg/ makes a setting 78 - Merfolk Summer Palace EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-14 -6 
5826377Concrete Stratosphere Quest #1In a futuristic crime-filled dystopia, an average unremarkable guy decides to put on a mask and do something about it.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Dystopian, Collective Game, Capeshit, Superhero, Detective,2023-12-18 3 
5846486Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 3Transformed forever by his lover's selfish act, a half-elven mage apprentice returns to his roots in search of answersReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, Seeker of the Esoteric, transhumanism, humanitaranism, fairies, lizardmen, parental estrangement2023-12-18 8 
91204984Wargame Political Compass #43 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-19 -5 
5855057Mega Mercs Skirm/Quest: Assault on Yagmur AirbaseThe climactic battle for Yagmur Airbase in which the mercs face off against the deadly Red Riders.Collective Game, mega, mercs, mega mercs, mecha, tacticool, cognis, skimish2023-12-20 2 
91224988/tg/ makes a setting 79 - Demon Tieflings EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-21 -5 
91275538Wargame Political Compass #44/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-27 -5 
91291528/tg/ makes a setting 80 - The Wicked Witch of Littlestep EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-28 -7 
5832876Gotham City Beat Cop 3We deal with our second home invasion, bite off more than we can chew, warn Banks and form a crew to handle the SIM Killer case on the DL. DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2023-12-29 21 
91312886Tallarn on an Ice WorldA Christmas themed greentext where an unlikely alliance is formed to stop a Khornate ritual40k, IG, Tallarns, Skitarii, Slaanesh, Khorne, Orks, Chaos, Valhallans, Felinids, writefaggotry, Candlemas, Christmas2023-12-31 3 
January 2024
91338794Wargame Political Compass #45/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-02 -6 
91353551/tg/ makes a setting 81 - Vampire Cult EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-04 -6 
5841462Hexaldry: Quiet Tenacity [Skirmish]Welcome to the greatest city in the wide world, Razorwind. You are a Mask(ed vigilante) hired on the the Red Market Whisper Trade.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexaldry2024-01-07 6 
91416168Wargame Political Compass #46/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-10 -5 
91432606/tg/ makes a setting 82 - The Cosmic Staircase Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-11 -6 
5850982The Graverobber's Daughter XIIAfter answering a few of her many questions and some unexpected finds, Chlotsuintha concludes investigating Aldoin's house.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-01-17 6 
5849152The von Adlershorst Dynasty Albrecht von Adlershorst is sent on crusade by his father to far-off Mithras, but the road is long Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty,2024-01-17 3 
91525253/tg/ makes a setting 83 - Small Magical Argument EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-18 -6 
5855084Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #25In which David gets his earthly affairs back in order, starts looking for his old friends and finds a way to take care of his family.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-01-19 8 
5854340Heat City Nights 8While the gang is still figuring out their next step, the main safehouse comes under siege from Heat City's finest.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2024-01-19 21 
5849374Classic NRP thread 1Nation Roleplay GameNRP, ClasicishNRP, 2024-01-19 1 
91510472Wargame Political Compass #47/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-19 -6 
5853578Noir Detective One-Shot #1An introduction to the world of Los Diablos where Detective Arsene LeBlanc is put on the case of a missing lawyer.AurebeshQM, Detective Quest, Noir, Crime, Detective2024-01-21 1 
5868076Hexaldry: Little Dreams [Skirmish]Rat Port investigationSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexaldry2024-01-21 5 
91592820Wargame Political Compass #48/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-24 -6 
91607015/tg/ makes a setting 84 - A Small Summoning Mishap EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-25 -8 
5865859Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVJezyrene gets a beating and the QM curse hits harder than expected.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-01-28 10 
February 2024
91698476/tg/ makes a setting 85 - Long Leng Labyrinths Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-02 -5 
91701936Wargame Political Compass #49 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-02-02 -6 
5877169Gotham Beat Cop Quest #4We start the hunt for SIM, Sweet-talk a mobster, and sign up for undercover work.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-02-08 17 
91779025/tg/ makes a setting 86 - Dark Gods EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-09 -6 
91784100Wargame Political Compass #50 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-02-11 -7 
91852462/tg/ makes a setting 87 - The Bone Dome EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-16 -6 
5924948Cross-Contamination QuestA college student asks for help on 4Chan.org after a mass disappearance and a mysterious emergency knocks out the internet. Very short.Quest, Real, Realistic, Roleplaying, Immersive, Experimental, One-Shot2024-02-16 1 
91857566Wargame Political Compass #51/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-02-17 -7 
91919615/tg/ makes a setting 88 - Tragic Werespiders EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-23 -6 
5896061Heat City Nights 8.2The crew is bloodied and the safehouse is burning, but the cops are paying in lives for every inch of ground.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2024-02-24 21 
March 2024
91925480Wargame Political Compass #52/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-01 -7 
5890254Classicish NRP#2NRP run in the classic styleNRP, ClasicishNRP, 2024-03-01 0 
5895788The Graverobber's Daughter XIIIFrom Aldoin's, Chlotsuintha heads to a Clerking House, avoiding Guards, servants and neighbors as she prepares to forge a Family Patent.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-03-04 7 
5896153Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #26In which David secures his fortunes, reveals all to his sister and picks up an old friend. And a method of creating psychics?HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-03-05 7 
5926092Star Wars: Strings in The Shadow QuestA disillusioned Jedi begins his journey to change the galaxy.Collective Game, Star Wars, Stellar Turmoil, Strings in The Shadow, Autism2024-03-09 2 
92084027/tg/ makes a setting 89 - Back to Work EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-03-11 -6 
5905776Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVIJezyrene gets touchy-feely and does some shopping.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-03-13 10 
5914295Halo: Wolfpack (thread 17)Ex-Captain Commander Wells finds himself rebuilding corrupted data in the UNSC systems. Then he gets ONI a present. Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2024-03-15 10 
92067118Wargame Political Compass #53/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-18 -9 
92133409Wargame Political Compass #54/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-18 -8 
92198903Wargame Political Compass #55/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-18 -8 
5920234Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 5We get closer to the sting, get covered in shit, and make some headway in the case. DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-03-25 15 
April 2024
5951757DB The Next Evolution #0 Enter our heroine Son Koku as we embark a journey of wonder through the sixth universe.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Martial Arts, Shonen, DBZ, DBEvolution, ProfessorQM2024-04-05 1 
5935291Final Girl Quest - Chapter VMiles survived, Sheriff Campbell's on his way, and Stephanie is about to unmask the horned brute. Is the nightmare finally over...?Final Girl Quest, Collective Game, Horror, Slasher Movie, Teen Drama, '80s, Female Protagonist, Violence, Gore, Strong Language, NC-172024-04-07 8 
92268614Wargame Political Compass #56/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-08 -9 
92338736Wargame Political Compass #57/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-08 -8 
92346917/tg/ makes a setting 90 - Party through the Wheat EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-04-08 -7 
5940353Voidship Bridge Simulator #3 - AwakenYou wake up from your simulated nightmares and find out that this has all happened before. Time to investigate.Collective Game, Voidship Bridge Simulator, VBS, Chartman, Space, Sci-fi2024-04-09 2 
5940124Horus Heresy Quest #1Alpha Legion renegades emerge, swindle a hive planet, then meddle with fate on Prospero...Warhammer 30k, Warhammer, 30k, Horus Heresy, Horus Heresy Quest, AurebeshQM, Sci-fi2024-04-13 4 
5946861The Inside PlaceUnderachieving renter finds a mysterious, impossible tunnel in his storage room.Quest, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Weird fiction, liminal space, One-Shot, drawquest2024-04-14 4 
5972521Corpo Clash - Cyberpunk 2020 Qst. A short quest set in the Cyberpunk IP's universe. qsts,quests,qm,cyberpunk,cyberpunk2020,short2024-04-14 5 
5946039The Graverobber's Daughter XIVChlotsuintha leaves the Clerking house without forgeries, then a terrible realization compels a reckoning over her actions of late.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-04-18 5 
5943919Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #27David goes looking for a pickle, but ends up finding a man in black first.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-04-19 10 
5945726The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 2Albrecht von Adlershorst makes his way from Tautenland to Castana. Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty,2024-04-20 2 
92416368Wargame Political Compass #58/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-22 -7 
92493882Wargame Political Compass #59/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive. One year anniversary!Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-22 -7 
May 2024
92579565Wargame Political Compass #60 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive. One year anniversarySetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-05-01 -8 
5959038 Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVII Jezyrene dyes her hair and encounters a woodland creature.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-05-06 8 
5958948Halo: Wolfpack (thread 18)We board a Covenant cruiser and begin writing the rulebook for boarding operations.Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2024-05-08 10 
92669064 /tg/ makes a setting 91 - The Cosmic Staircase EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-05-08 -7 
5966131Amulet questA sadistic hoodlum Vinestalker delves headfirst into a dungeon in search of a mythical amulet that can grant her most deep desires.Drawquest, Roguelike, One-shot, Two-shot, DCSS, Dungeon Crawler, amulet quest2024-05-09 10 
92646124Wargame Political Compass #61/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InqWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2024-05-09 -7 
92679993Wargame Political Compass #62/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InqWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting2024-05-09 -7 
5960920Gotham City Beat Cop Quest #6We handle family drama, pull off the sting, get diagnosed, and come face to face with Firebug once again.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-05-10 16 
5962747Kobolt Klan Adoption 18Reynauld meets the inlaws. Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, Fantasy scotland2024-05-12 5 
5972247Star Wars: Strings in The Shadow Quest #2Chris is on a journey to get laid and paid.Collective Game, Star Wars, Stellar Turmoil, Strings in The Shadow, Autism2024-05-14 1 
5976517Shogun Isekai Quest #1You are David, a modern American high school student, who was transported to 1600's Japan after being run over by a truck. Shogun, Isekai, Shogun Isekai Quest, Blue Eyed White Samurai, Historical, Save Scumming2024-05-20 0 
92748455Wargame Political Compass #63/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-05-24 -7 
5980958Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #8It is the year 0077 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun participates in the Dawn Rebellion, marries Elena, and strikes a deal with Revil.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifu, Dawn Rebellion, BIG ZAM2024-05-25 4 
92815189Wargame Political Compass #64 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-05-25 -7 
5981619RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 1Shelly Suzume, a Huntress from Haven Academy, starts her journey after getting out of her early retirement.Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2024-05-25 2 
6011108Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 8Tips' inability to avoid adventure results in another extended trip to the Goblin Wastes and the sanctuar of the Ashurati sand-elves.ReptoidQM, PTSD, exoteric mysticism, Gaia Hypothesis, goblins, ashurati, elves, polyamory, adventure, discovery, smut2024-05-27 5 
5981316Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #28David works on some guns, spends some time relaxing with the crew, gets attacked by the Chinese and responds proportionally.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-05-27 6 
6018544Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 8.5Tips pulls out, a 4chan moderator takes it down, and Volume 8 continues...ReptoidQM, PTSD, exoteric mysticism, Gaia Hypothesis, goblins, ashurati, elves, polyamory, adventure, discovery, sfw2024-05-27 7 
5999229Legio, Advance: Sunlit Patrols [Skirmish]Desert Sun Force Legion, 10th 'Sandstone'Composite Cohort saves Fireskellians 2nd Cohort from disaster and secures supply lineSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Legio Advance2024-05-28 5 
5993366Jacob’s Ladder QuestAtticus dies of a mysterious illness and finds himself on a dirt path surrounded by nothing. Storytelling and bonding with strangers ensues.Oneshot, afterlife, mystery, short stories, nature.2024-05-29 1 
5982823The Graverobber's Daughter XVChlotsuintha allows a Thief-Taker to chaperone her at a Coaching house dinner to collect her stage and hear of the disturbance on the roads.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-05-31 5 
June 2024
92886259Valhallans in a BuildingThe Valhallan 545th raid a Munitorum building to find the clerk who keeps giving them bad missions. Chaos tries to intervene.40k, IG, valhallans, skitarii, chaos, writefaggotry, felinids, titans, inquisition, slaanesh, khorne, tzeentch2024-06-01 8 
92951280/tg/ makes a setting 92 - Designing Cards EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-06-08 -7 
5991241Heat City Nights 9The Yakuza are holding out at the Sakura Garden. They're all that's left of the syndicate. Take them out.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2024-06-09 21 
5996380Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVIIIJezyrene plays matchmaker and anons finally figure it out.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-06-10 7 
6025490COUNTING SHEEPba-dump, ba-dump. ba-dump.Collective Game, Drawquest, counting sheep2024-06-12 7 
5999826Hoodlum - Amulet questMeepis continues her dungeon delve, desecrating a god and death itself, as well as narrowly escaping a beast, all for the mythical amulet.Drawquest, Roguelike, One-shot, Two-shot, Three-shot, DCSS, Dungeon Crawler, amulet quest2024-06-12 7 
92949461Wargame Political Compass #65/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-06-13 -7 
93012689Wargame Political Compass #66 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-06-16 -7 
6003328Gotham City Beat Cop 7We attend an award ceremony, meet up with an old flame, and meet the SIM Killer face to face. Bonus Mark Lore Included.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-06-21 13 
6006235Horus Heresy Quesy #2Captain Alpharius agrees to Magnus' gambit, but things suddenly go very wrong when he summons Kairos Fateweaver...Warhammer 30k, Warhammer, 30k, Horus Heresy, Horus Heresy Quest, AurebeshQM, Sci-fi2024-06-24 1 
93073590Wargame Political Compass #67 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-06-24 -7 
6019359Space Shipyard QuestA one shot quest in which players sell space ships and buy dubious things from aliensCollective Game, cognis, space ship, shipyard2024-06-30 4 
July 2024
6029548Legio, Advance: Heatshimmer Hearts [Skirmish]Preparation for the Spanway Attack that never cameSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Legio Advance2024-07-01 2 
6016690RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 2You discovered more about your past, being officialy branded 'dead' by Haven Academy, even when you're alive.Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2024-07-01 2 
6017840Halo Wolfpack (thread 19)With the cruiser captured, preparations are made to bring it home.Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2024-07-03 5 
6021519Kobolt Klan Adoption 19In an embarrassingly small thread, the plot inches forward towards something akin to a conclusion.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism2024-07-05 5 
6019065Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #29Gunny finally returns to Xebric and starts settling back in, but finds some vultures have started picking at the station among other issues.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-07-06 7 
6050283Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 9A mage apprentice is transformed, splits his waifu in two, betrays his least-reliable allies, and negotiates with former (?) homeland & godsReptoidQM, ultraterrestrials, fairies, demons, relationship drama, cloning blues, capital punishment, homesteading, diplomacy, apostasy2024-07-07 6 
93142524Wargame Political Compass #68/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-08 -7 
93213106Wargame Political Compass #69 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-08 -7 
93217145/tg/ makes a setting 93 - Two years going and only now we're moving on to the game part? EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-07-08 -7 
6028147Cleaner Quest #6 After killing an anomaly and some feds in your way, you sealed a P-Corp facility shut. You also threw a road roller at a bug. Life is good.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, everything Nicole says is a joke and you should not trust her2024-07-18 13 
6052846Loving A Superhero: Part 2Jay Nakamura, Superboy's boyfriend, returns from overseas and grapples with horror beneath Metropolis' own streetsDC, Superman Family, Justice League of China, CCP, LGBT, Judaism, Jewish Tunnels, Adopted Quest2024-07-21 -2 
6029381Voidship Bridge Simulator #3.5 - AwakenLCdr. Dallas Annon and his loyal crew continue to investigate the Voidship's mysteries and run some Not-missile command and not-starfox simCollective Game, Voidship Bridge Simulator, Chartman, space, sci-fi, drawquest2024-07-27 2 
93343390Wargame Political Compass #70/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitiveand Inquisitive Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-30 -7 
93406555Wargame Political Compass #70 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-30 -7 
August 2024
6031468Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIXWe are SO back.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-08-01 6 
6030011Heat City Nights 9.2A continuation of the attack on the Yakuza's commercial center.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2024-08-03 14 
6050681Escape the Dungeon! #1You wake up in a goblin den without memories of how you got here, your only hint being the small pain in your chest and abdomen.Qoomer, Qoomer QM, Femc, Dungeon, Fantasy, Shadow Step, Slut MC, Oblivious NPC2024-08-05 2 
6047752Shin Megami Tensei: Demon DevourerYou were chosen to deliver demon meat and had your body modified for that purpose, your compliance not being a factor. Lucii, Lucii QM, Shin Megami Tensei, SMT, JRPG, Party, Demons2024-08-05 2 
6035800hoodlum - amulet quest 0.9Meepis deals with a grumpy Archsivir and finds religion in dance with Uskaltarew. However some unsavory individuals soon find her.Drawquest, Roguelike, One-shot, Three-shot, DCSS, Dungeon Crawler, amulet quest2024-08-09 6 
6049681RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 3Your investigation was at a nearly dead end, so you turned to look for help in unlikely places Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2024-08-18 2 
6042174The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 3Albrecht von Adlershorst has made it to the Empire of Mithras, and must now campaign against the infidels. Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty,2024-08-20 3 
93679484$20 Dollars a Dwarf/tg/ bemoans some truly egregious pricing shat out by Games Workshop yet againGames workshop, cost, Hall of cost, dawrves, miniatures, Warhammer, WHFB, the old world2024-08-21 1 
93611222Wargame Political Compass #72/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-08-26 -9 
6052775Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #30In which Ronnie discovers how fucked up his situation really is, and experiences a little trauma.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-08-28 6 
6053771The Graverobber's Daughter XVIChlotsuintha extricates herself and stage from the Coaching house to board at another, as time runs out she must make a difficult decision.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-08-29 6 
93679678Wargame Political Compass #73/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-08-31 -7 
September 2024
6073358Hexpandables: Containment Scream [Skirmish]A group of subjects in a research facility wake up, stretch and -- oh no! The alarm! Time to get out of here, before Security guns you down!Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpandables2024-09-01 5 
93813764Wargame Political Compass #74 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitiveand Inquisitive Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-09-13 -7 
6062047Kobolt Klan Adoption 20They reach the wizard in this one. Things don't go terrible yet!Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, wizard, Dragons2024-09-15 5 
6073055Heat City Nights 9.3Half the gang boards a train in pursuit of the enemy boss. The rest have to finish the job and escape, before the building burns down.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2024-09-17 14 
6067385The Emperor's GameThe Emperor's health is failing but he is without an heir to take his place. A game will be played to find one.TheEmperor'sGame, ImperialJester, CollectiveGame, MarshallKabot, 2024-09-22 0 
6082887Hexpendables: Floor -3 [Skirmiish]After recovering from a violent descent, the Subjects must contend with theological schisms, hostile wildlife, and a janitorial apocalypse.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpandables2024-09-22 2 
6071179Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XXJezyrene buys a house and goes on a shopping spree.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-09-24 5 
93876241Wargame Political Compass #75 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-09-29 -7 
October 2024
6114062Cambion QuestA nilbog and a demogoblin, twin spawn of a succubus, set out to make something of themselves by starting an adventuring party...ReptoidQM, spinoff, shortstack, goblins, sisters, stigma, adventure, fantasy, demonism, sex, violence, friendship2024-10-02 -8 
6083581RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 4Finally you joind a new faction. And also, discovered a conspiracy.Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2024-10-02 1 
93937759Wargame Political Compass #76/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-10-03 -7 
6103513Cyberpunk Clone Cannibal Chef (Oneshot)Hope Bernice Jr., 28-year-old diner owner and clone of her mother, makes a daring escape from both wageslavery and actual slavery.cyberpunk, oneshot, Hope Bernice Jr., Mossless Stone2024-10-05 5 
6076455Gotham City Beat Cop 9We die (kinda), enjoy two pizza dates, rob a prison of it's trash boy scout style, and finally handle the green light.. (kinda x2)DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-10-07 10 
6106470A Bluebird's TaleIn which our best birb escapes from an orc invasion, finds a friend, and talks to her uncle before QM fell of the internet. Bluebird, Bluebird's Tale, Bluebird Tale, Shapeshifter2024-10-22 1 
94053855Wargame Political Compass #77 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-10-22 -7 
6091170Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #31David takes the pirate raiders on a bug-squashing run, and Cochrane announces the end.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-10-28 3 
94152611Wargame Political Compass #78 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-10-29 -8 
November 2024
6107123Hero Academia Quest #51 - Undying EditionUshi shows off in front of Endeavor then gets blocked at her school gate.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2024-11-02 9 
6094341Hexpandables: Ticket to Ride [Skirmish] Have you ever wanted to . . . take a detour for no good reason?Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpandables2024-11-02 1 
6139675Cambion Quest: Volume 2CZ and ZZ, two strange sisters, continue their quest to nab a mysterious lake-monster for money, while on a road to self-discoveryReptoidQM, goblins, demons, futanari, amphibians, mysteries, Scooby-Doo, occultism, family, friendship, sailing, fishing, adventure2024-11-12 2 
94264995Wargame Political Compass #79/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitiveand Inquisitive Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-11-17 -7 
6116662 The Monster ReviewerA female adventurer who got the highest level lives in boredom until one day she manages to reset with a New Game+ to feel something again.The Monster Reviewer, The Monster Reviewer Quest, FeMc, New Game+, Fantasy, Adventure, Horny MC, Unfinished2024-11-24 -1 
6108817Hexpedition: Atlas Improbable [Skirmish] An expedition picking through the Wrackwastes. A supply wagon seized by the wind. An empty town set to feast.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpandables2024-11-27 3 
December 2024
6115274RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 5You fought in a sparring match and had a good result! And also you're fighting a psycopath nowCollective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2024-12-02 1 
6113574Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XXIJezyrene finally has an honest conversation and starts her new career as a teacher.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-12-02 5 
6114716The Graverobber's Daughter XVIIChlotsuintha extricates herself from another Coaching house after another reversal, leaving stage behind in a bid to get inside the walls. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-12-03 5 
6118483Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 10We rummage through a boat, bring Gorkachov to justice, and pay a visit to the House of Mysteries, courtesy of The Dark Knight.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-12-04 10 
6124057Fog of War: Prelude to an EpicA one-shot quest about a nondescript commander leading his army through a river crossing battle during the age of Pike and ShotCollective game, Strategy, Tactics, Gunpowder, Pike and Shot, One-Shot, War Game, TercioQM2024-12-06 4 
6125081Space Shipyard: ReduxA soft reboot to Space Shipyard Quest.Collective Game, cognis, space ship, shipyard2024-12-13 1 
94405801Wargame Political Compass #80/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-12-14 -7 
January 2025
6131428Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #32In which Cochrane makes little to no progress in ending the questHFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2025-01-03 5 
6131057The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 4We go on campaign, get a bit involved in crusading politics and delve into the secrets of the pastSettler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty,2025-01-03 3 
94653077Tallarns on an Ice World 2Assorted characters fight to save Candlemas. Again. See https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Valhallans_on_a_x_world for links to all threads40k, IG, Tallarns, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Orks, Necron, Felinids, Eldar, writefaggotry, Candlemas, Christmas2025-01-04 2 
94653077Tallarns on an Ice World 2Assorted characters fight to save Candlemas. Again. See https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Valhallans_on_a_x_world for links to all threads40k, IG, Tallarns, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Orks, Necron, Felinids, Eldar, writefaggotry, Candlemas, Christmas2025-01-04 2 
94589801Wargame Political Compass #81/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2025-01-06 -7 
6139420Hexpedition: Atlas Improbable II [Skirmish]Short thread 2Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2025-01-11 0 
6145818Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 28After a long hiatus, you finished battling tri-athletes, made it to the Route 4 Roadhouse and beat Fie's dad in a 1v1 battle.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Battle, Hiatus, Short2025-01-14 1 
6165574Slave Gnoll QuestOneshot about a gnoll that worships demons.Slave Gnoll Quest, oneshot, fantasy, gnoll, demons, narrative2025-01-23 0 
6178360NEMESIS Quest #1Kyle Mercer wakes up with a dead woman in a hotel room and no memory of who she is. Things only get worse from there.NEMESIS, dark, spooky, creepy, murder, slasher, occult, witch, horror, blood2025-01-23 9 
6150931RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 6You survived! You had a sauna, got high and met a weirdo. And an important meeting, too.Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2025-01-26 0 
6157556Infilinc: Green Dreams [Skirmish]ARC agents try (and fail) to protect an eccentric client from his employers, gangsters, and himself. Things swiftly go downhill from there.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Infilinc2025-01-29 1 
6152302Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 11We let a magician fiddle with our brain, put Hawthorne in the dog house, chat with both Dents and sit down for a "friendly" interview.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2025-01-30 8 
February 2025
6153604Fog of War: OvertureWherein Viscount Alessandro Galliota, our hero, is called forth to raise an regiment of troops by his Prince, invades the Republic of Nera, and fights off a regiment of Condottieri. A military strategy quest set in the era of Pike and Shot.Collective game, Strategy, Tactics, Gunpowder, Pike and Shot, War Game, Early Modern, Fantasy, Politics, Fog of War, Management, TercioQM2025-02-02 7 
6164729Infilinc: Red Market Nights [Skirmish]ARC agents investigate a wet market frequented by their (late) client, searching for more clues and trying to prevent a mutagenic outbreak.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Infilinc2025-02-08 1 
6189036Fog of War: Overture (Conclusion)Wherein the Battle of Costat Hill has been won and Alessandro seizes the city of Panergo. The conclusion to the first thread of Fog of WarCollective game, Strategy, Tactics, Gunpowder, Pike and Shot, War Game, Early Modern, Fantasy, Politics, Fog of War, Management, TercioQM2025-02-12 1 
6170987Infilinc: Black Tie Nights [Skirmish]Arc agents are tasked with protecting a VIP and earning positive customer feedback for a local nightclub. They fail on both accounts.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Infilinc2025-02-12 2 
6161985You're DATING a Magical Girl! You're a regular janitor with an admiration for magical girls that discovers that your girlfriend is one. Chaos ensues.Tenders, Tenders QM, You're DATING a Magical Girl! Quest, Magical Girl, Mahou Shoujo, Genderbender, Ecchi, Yandere, Crossdress, Prejudice2025-02-12 0 
94893612Wargame Political Compass #82 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2025-02-14 -6 
6170571Concrete Stratosphere Quest #2Max Montagu, or his crime fighting alter-ego "The Mask", prepare to do battle with the strongest punk on Level 5; the Viking.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Dystopian, Collective Game, Capeshit, Superhero, Detective,2025-02-26 1 
March 2025
95024451Wargame Political Compass #83 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2025-03-07 -4 
6208018NEMESIS Quest #1Kyle completes the job for Truesdale and has a recollection about the past. Things continue to get worse. memory of who she is. Things only get worse from there. NEMESIS, dark, spooky, creepy, murder, slasher, occult, witch, horror, blood2025-03-13 1 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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