/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2010
12658152Otherkin: A Cautionary TaleYou know what's bad? Insanity. You know what's terrifying? Not knowing you're insane. You know what's worse than either? Otherkin.Otherkin, Soulbond, soulbonding, Warning, Caution, Faggotry, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrible, madness, insanity, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here2010-11-03 16 
November 2011
16803032DMing PhilosophersModerately amusing thread about entering a forest and how philosophers would DM itphilosophy philosophers comedy entertaining funny forest DMing2011-11-01 18 
December 2011
17376824Enter the ShadowsideAre you ready to enter the Shadowside?Enter the Shadowside, RPG, new idea, enter, the, shadowside2011-12-30 21 
January 2012
17421533Enter The Shadowside (rules, comics, info)OP of this new RPG discusses rules, fluff and crunch.new, enter, the, shadowside, ghosts, paranormal, comics, thelema, rules2012-01-04 11 
April 2012
18595526Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ GameThe culmination of the previous evolutionary threads, the sentient creatures now enter the tribal age, where myths are first created, technology developed, and culture blossomed. Seven tribes made themselves known in the Eastern Continent!Collective Game, Primordial, K'Lahk, Nad'Lun, Ta'mirel, Fo'wil, Jenter, Slanera2012-04-07 6 
18636178Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 2Continuation of previous thread. The tribes weave their own stories into the tapestry of the world.Collective Game, Primordial, K'Lahk, Nad'Lun, Ta'mirel, Fo'wil, Jenter, Slanera, Glud2012-04-09 5 
18692188Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 3Picking up where part two left off. Two tribes begin to merge, the Onolkeshan construct a fortress, and a new tribe comes into play.Collective Game, Primordial, K'Lahk, Nad'Lun, Ta'mirel, Fo'wil, Jenter, Slanera, Burrahn Glud2012-04-15 5 
18750309Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 4The Enclave enters the iron age, the Glund reach the tribal stage, and the Adoni stir things up. Also, more Bladeworms.Collective Game, Tribal, Primordial, K'Lahk, Lastér, Nad'Lun, Ta'mirel, Fo'wil, Jenter, Slanera, Burrahn, Glud, Adoni, Enclave2012-04-18 4 
May 2014
32359019Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 2Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, Manliness, Anaru, ToothpicksA fallen hero rises from the battleground and enters a fight that only he can settle. With a little help from Mako, of course.2014-05-26 6 
August 2015
41677721Lamenters Quest Part 1Sternguard veteran Antarius of the Lamenters chapter finds himself on a toxic forge world after a faulty warp jump which crashes his ship.Collective game, Lamenters Quest, Sparks2015-08-05 13 
41816777Lamenters Quest Part 2We learn who the marines we rescued are, choose our new homeworld, and otherwise get prep work out of the way.Collective Game, Lamenters Quest, Sparks2015-08-12 13 
41891601Lamenters Quest Part 3We inspect our new fortress monastery and purge a band of mutants.Collective Game, Lamenters Quest, Sparks2015-08-16 10 
41939916Lamenters Quest Part 4We speak with the natives we rescued, then receive some unexpected visitors.Collective Game, Lamenters Quest, Sparks2015-08-18 11 
September 2015
42244966Lamenters Quest Part 5We check on the new initiates, then the planetary governor asks for our help dealing with a space hulk.Collective Game, Lamenters Quest, Sparks2015-09-02 7 
42746128Lamenters Quest Part 6Survival in a heretic-infested space hulk.Collective Game, Lamenters Quest, Sparks2015-09-27 6 
June 2017
53444133/tg/ fixes Enterprise/tg/ anons rewrite the infamously terrible Star Trek Enterprise show into something which would have actually been entertaining.story, worldbuilding, star trek, rewrite, enterprise, shran,2017-06-03 0 
May 2020
72679969The Battle of IgnotiusChaos cults stage an uprising on an Imperial world and all hell breaks loose as various factions advance hidden agendas. 40k, Warpfuckery, IG, Lamenters. Writefaggotry, Chaos, Eldar, Necrons, Tyranids, Orks, Imperium2020-05-27 3 
September 2020
4445159Trust a Goblin Quest PART EIGHTIn which we explore the walled town of Kretch, meet many new faces and learn the basics of ophiachans.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-09-25 23 
November 2020
4504247Trust a Goblin PART NINEIn which we enjoy sharing a room with Highball, make plans and get acquainted with our passenger.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-11-22 20 
December 2020
4545223Trust a Goblin PART TENIn which we stop by Dunnlivin for a shopping trip and make some upgrades to our ship.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-12-23 19 
April 2021
4697909Trust a Goblin PART ELEVENFeel the rhythm, feel the grind, enter the forest it's dwarf killing time.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2021-04-16 20 
May 2021
4754113Trust a Goblin PART 12Time to level up and party down! How is everyone?Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2021-05-16 20 
April 2022
5175568Trust a Goblin PART 13Welcome party, unwelcome guests.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, Trust a Goblin, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2022-04-11 18 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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