/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2009
5845357Painting ShenanigansDrybrushing troll turned into painting techniques thread.miniatures, paint, techniques, tips, beginner2009-09-13 0 
5946371Tavern owned by lichWhat if a bored lich set up a tavern? Anon involves Drew the Lich in answering the questionDrew, Lich, Tavern, Inn, Great guy2009-09-21 14 
January 2010
7604536Dinners and DessertsAn in depth discussion of the tabletop game, Dinners and Desserts.Setting, Rules, Homebrew, Dinners and Desserts, food, snacks2010-01-16 7 
April 2011
14452498Sorcerer Quest 11We get trolled into waking up as Paima, start being Melane again, and find out from Cagrazod what the creme filling of a Marteau is like (innuendo?).Sorcerer, Quest, Sorcerer Quest, Collective Game, innuendo2011-04-03 5 
September 2011
16173551Innocence: Lost FutureMagnificent homebrewing of original vidya. A childlike android, living its life, learning, until tragedy befalls his vault-esque home and everything goes Terminator. Fantastic concept. Fa/tg/uys are pleased.innocence, robot, monkey, vidya, children, terminator, skynet, original content, yahtzee, manly tears2011-09-04 62 
16219172Innocence: Lost Future 2More brainstorming on Inn0cence, concept art, and the foe is named something other than Skynet. Finally.Terminator, Innocence, vidya, original content, children, many tears2011-09-10 21 
December 2011
17352046Tattúínárdǿla SagaIn which an Anonymous skald, in the Yuletide spirit, shares the tale of Lúkr Anakinsson and Veidr.Vikings, Skalds, Duel, Read Closely, Lúkr Anakinsson, Veidr, Hani, King Falfaðinn, 2011-12-28 14 
February 2012
17759947Finnish Penguin RPG - Ikuisuuden LaaksoAnon shares a Finnish RPG about sapient penguins vying for survival amongst the frozen wastes of the Valley of Eternity. Cool beans!Penguin, Finnish, RPG, translation2012-02-01 16 
July 2012
19689797Lost Future Quest Part 1/tg/ picks a mechanic robot that can bend things, wanders around post-apocalyptic Cancun. Noob questrunner apologizes for noobishness.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Jarritos, Lost Future, Quest2012-07-01 18 
19743015Lost Future Quest Part 2 : The Bending ContinuesClarke meets other humans and gets shot at. Plot is exposited; turns out, everything is all terminator now.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest2012-07-05 14 
19770519Lost Future Quest part 3: Follow the Black Asphalt RoadClarke listens to classical music, gets his shit together, and continues on his quest, Bending anything that gets in his way, alongside his new ally, Cindy the Valley-girl Robot.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest2012-07-07 14 
19850413Lost Future Quest part 4: Internal AlphaClarke and Co dive the Networked SAP, and go all inception/matrix on its ass. Title changed because screw you, it's cooler.lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-07-13 13 
19913270Lost Future Quest part 5: Public BetaWe NOPE past the lair of a killbot, Arrive at Tulum, and after a dazzling display of Cindy's social kung-fu, finally enter the city of Tulum.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest2012-07-17 11 
20039214Lost Future Quest part 6: It's Dangerous to go AloneClarke and Co get fixed up, talk shop with Hyacinth the Seraphim mechanic, and dive into Clarke's memories... right into the plot of Die Hard 6: now with robots!Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest, Die Hard, 2012-07-26 13 
August 2012
20137272Lost Future Quest part 7: No place for CowboysDie Hard 6 continues as Clarke attempts to resolve the hostage situation in the resort.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest2012-08-02 12 
20252613Lost Future Quest part 8: Stay a while, and ListenClarke and his allies engage in a daring rescue operation requiring duct-crawling, seduction, and light switches. Deckard Cain reveals his true nature.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest, Die Hard,2012-08-10 11 
20279609Lost Future Quest part 8.5: Tears in RainCain begins the endgame, drama occurs, and we find out how Clarke wound up in a trash heap.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest, Die Hard,2012-08-12 11 
20407758Totemist Quest XV: Before the BeginningAyren Overwake, Master Totemist, slays a behemoth.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca, Before the Beginning2012-08-21 25 
20430687Lost Future Quest Part 9: The Saga of Klurk TrollslayerClarke and Cindy go off to slay an insane old killbot, find the spoils of a kwik-e-mart, and encounter people they previously met.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Jarritos, Lost Future, Quest2012-08-23 10 
20534202Lost Future Quest Part 10: Gone with the WindClarke just wants to watch the goddamn thunderstorm, is that too much to ask? Also, we meet Hoss, the Doc Smartgunner, and consider what to do with the deactivated Garry and his ill-gotten swag.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest, Righteous Beatdown2012-08-31 12 
September 2012
20627131Lost Future Quest part 10.5: A Gathering of WidgetsClarke and Co get their shit together, reactivate Ladybird, and dive into the memories of Q1N: Medicine Robot.lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-09-08 11 
20702416Lost Future Quest part 11: Free Boat Ride for 6Clarke and Co get out of dodge, On A Boat. Clarke deals with inter-group friction and sees some dolphins.lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-09-13 11 
20801834 Lost Future Quest Part 12: Smithers; Release the HoundsClarke and his party are attacked by a group of robotic BigDogs, led by a rather menacing Network bot called The Huntsman. lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-09-21 11 
October 2012
21196399Lich's Employee Quest pt 16Daniel goes with Mark and the lads to Adrian's home city, Sileo. You have dinner with his mother.skeleton quest, dinner, elves, home, dinner, spilling2012-10-20 11 
21225612Lich's Employee Quest pt 17Daniel helps Rebecca get ready for her own adventure, and learns to cook. Check up on the bees.skeleton quest, starting off, bees, dinner, food2012-10-22 10 
November 2012
21417377Lost Future Quest part 13: Better, Faster, StrongerThe Huntsman is vanquished, Quinn's psychological issues become apparent, and cuteness returns to the Quest.lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-11-05 12 
21537368Lost Future Quest part 14: The Island of Misfit RobotsClarke and Co butcher the Watcher in the Water, and seek out the source of the mysterious signal. Cindy goes off to scout, and meets a new friend. Or does she...?lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game, kraken, 2012-11-12 11 
21675712 Lost Future Quest part 15: The Life Of C1nd3Cindy explores the troubled pre-loss world, being the most awesome personal assistant she can be.lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-11-21 11 
December 2012
21969458 Lost Future Quest part 15.5: My Life as a Teenager's RobotIn the grim darkness of the near future, Detroit is still a shithole. Searching for Rachel, Cindy finds herself trapped in the middle of a multi-party protest that turns ugly. And after that, there's still a Concert to go to!Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, Lost Future, Quest, Islam, Protest, Robocop, Detroit2012-12-10 12 
22047037Lost Future: ttRPG brainstormingResistor returns, asking for some help piecing together a nWoD mod for his post-apoc setting.Innocence, Inn0cence, Robot, AI, Lost Future, nWoD, crunch, brainstorming2012-12-16 6 
22252818Lost Future Quest part 16: I Know Now Why You CryHoss and Hound stage a daring rescue attempt. Cindy needs an adult.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Jarritos, Lost Future, Quest2012-12-28 11 
January 2013
22497008Lost Future Quest part 17: Bright Lights, Big CityClarke and Co deal with the aftermath of Cozumel, and dock their boat, protecting their hiding place with Cindy's social-fu. But it turns out to be a bit crowded in Cancun...lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2013-01-10 7 
22696654Slime questTest#7 Jade slime is born. sentient and smart jade slime discovers itself and the world around itself as its creator watches and records science.Jade slime quest, beginnings, search for the red hills,2013-01-20 14 
22885537Lost Future Quest part 18: City of Broken GlassClarke and Co prove, unquestionably, for all time, that NO problem cannot be solved with sufficient bending. Also, we meet the wacky leader of the Free Machines, LT. Joshua Percival Cogson.lost future, mexico, bending, mexico, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game, Lost Future2013-01-31 12 
March 2013
23770686The Tale of Keith the Wise, Prophet of the Holy Wilsen and His WayA man departs to work on a Monday morning. Apotheosis ensues.Collective Game, Wilson, One Shot, TRAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNN,2013-03-19 10 
April 2013
24088572Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 53Hito finally find a safe place to stay but he had to deal with the assassins.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Team Fortress 2, Kinnikuman2013-04-07 0 
24215245Beginner Guide to Dungeon MasteringAdvice on how to DM. Templates, instructions, and intermediate advice also.dnd, dnd 3.5, dm, dungeon master, dungeon mastering, advice, help, newbie, beginner, dowjin2013-04-13 14 
September 2013
27033006Djinn Quest You find a lamp and find yourself stuck as a genie with wishes to be granted. Djinn Quest, Genie Quest, Wishes, Anon, Collective Game2013-09-05 6 
October 2013
27773123Mummy InnkeeperSo you all meet in an inn. It's built on top of a tomb and the innkeeper is a deathless guardian that lays a curse on all that leave their room a huge mess when they exit.Mummy, Inn, Innkeeper, Innkeeping2013-10-18 22 
December 2013
28847238Machine: The AbandonedFurther development of the Inn0cence: Future Lost settingSetting Inn0cence Future Lost Robot2013-12-20 2 
January 2014
29536750Washed up Villain quest Redo 3In which Willheim Vallentine finds a new hat, finally gets over his hangover, and gets some new threads (with the side effect of a massive debt)Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Prinny, Debt, Nothing much happens,2014-01-16 0 
February 2014
30212950SW: Infinite Legacy VIDinner goes well enough. Afterward, Leacim looks over the Shadowfall and his YT-1760 Covert InquiryCollective Game, Infinite Legacy Quest, Star Wars, Imperial, In Space, Dinner, Planning2014-02-13 4 
April 2014
31599299Guardian Visage Quest 1A foul Miasma spawns the monstrous Adrift into the world. Standing against them are Quinn Redmond, an androgynous warrior poet, and the guardian Visage, Magdalene.Collective Game, Visage, Quinn, Magdalene, Easter Ensues 2014-04-21 2 
31623240Guardian Visage Quest Episode 2: The Starry SkyA new Visage is obtained. What the hell happened?Collective Game, Visage, Quinn2014-04-22 1 
July 2014
33777600Inn of the WorldWhat would happen if an empress replaced all the inns in the empire with one that links to towns via portals.game ideas, building, fluff, fantasy, Awesome, setting, inn2014-07-31 3 
August 2014
34101223Nanoha: Innocence LostIn which we use Yuuno as a pillow, disregard breakfast to acquire punctuality and have a meeting with a friend we almost forgot.Nanoha:Innocence Lost, collective game, hexer, fanfiction, magical girls2014-08-13 1 
34516147Fate/Stay Night Quest Part 1A witch enters the 5th Holy Grail War by summoning a blue caster. Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Witch, Cu Chulainn, Caster2014-08-31 8 
September 2014
34610195Fate/Stay Night Quest Part 5Where we recover from Archer's NP and meet up with Illya.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Witch, Cu Chulainn, Caster2014-09-04 0 
34861114Oversized Weapon Quest 58You win!Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, goblins, big swords, the real winners are the audience2014-09-14 27 
November 2014
36485004The Alliteration ArmadaWhat starts as an Oglaf thread quickly turns into /tg/ assembling the greatest armada of sexual ships and salty seamen the world has ever seen.funny, ships, innuendo, dirty jokes, seamen, alliteration, puns, boats2014-11-30 23 
January 2015
37386367One Piece Bounty Hunter QuestOur village is attacked and we fight off those scum pirates! We get a captive and show ourselves as cowards.One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-15 6 
37407666One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter IIMia joins our Bounty Hunter crew!One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-16 5 
37431170One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter IIIWe finally get to Fuka Island! We make friends with a marine lieutenant, and we cash in our pirate's bounty!One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-17 5 
37454395One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter IVWe buy supplies and new weapons for us and Mia, and we hear talk of a pirate by the name of Quen the Chameleon.One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-18 2 
37477840One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter VWe have a sleep, then we ask for protection from pirates for our little village! OP has to leave early due to family issues.One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-19 1 
37500361One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter VIWe sight pirates!One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-20 2 
37522121One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter VIIBOOMOne Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-23 1 
37562266One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter IIXWe go into hospital!One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-23 0 
37606561One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter IXWe improve our gunmanship, and Mia improves her hand-to-hand!One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-25 2 
February 2015
37823911Modern Knight Quest #7Having discovered the evil at work in the museum, Ser Aldrich and Leonardo DeRetti steal priceless artifacts to slay Djinni and a wizard.Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Horseman, Djinn2015-02-05 6 
March 2015
38971390Extranatural Enforcer Quest #1Jason has to save some newbie's asses, is very aware of the dangers of windows, and then hooks his basebal bat up on a few dates with some elves and an ogres nutsacks.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Mittens Made With Love2015-03-28 10 
39033501Extranatural Enforcer Quest #2Amber gets sent out by the EnRA to investigate an aborted casting, meets up with a wizard who has appalling taste in cars and even worse taste in manners, finds a lot of very confusing blood and then gets into a shootout with some thugs and something very un-thug-like.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Goddammit Danzig2015-03-31 8 
April 2015
39180728Extranatural Enforcer Quest #3Jason emulates a cosmetics sales agent when he visits a drug dealer who turned on LL, which is to say he gets into a fight, throws magical crack everywhere and then gets into a car chase. Back at the office he finally gets some info out of the Druid in the basement.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Mittens Made With Love2015-04-07 10 
39200202Extranatural Enforcer Quest #4Jason goes to see Uncle Frank and then heads back to the office to have a chat with his favorite magic crack fiend who decides that he would rather live with bowel and prostate cancer and gives up the goods on his operation. Then Jason finally goes and burns Kendall’s fucking magic crack-den house down. Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Mittens Made With Love2015-04-08 7 
39267904Extranatural Enforcer Quest #5Amber wakes up in hospital where she learns she was briefly a mage but is thankfully saved from joining the Danzig & Friends Fedora Appreciation Society by the nerds at EnRA. She then gets back to work and arrives at the scene of a rather enthusiastic bout of arson and gets to investigating.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Goddammit Danzig2015-04-11 6 
39330338Extranatural Enforcer Quest #6Amber begins connecting the dots that point towards a brewing gang war between LLC and TK15, then gets called out to a ongoing magic incident and gets in an altercation with a crackhead who thinks that throwing fireballs around makes him special, it doesn't.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Goddammit Danzig2015-04-14 7 
39408104Extranatural Enforcer Quest #7Amber get's a visit from The Greater Bathrobe Association of Saintsburgh on her day off, then gets invited to a super secret Christmas party planning session where she finds out one of her coworkers is a lazy cowardly piece of crap and her partner is a bro, hashes out some details for the upcoming festivities, and then resumes her day off activities by drinking with her partner.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Goddammit Danzig2015-04-18 6 
39428640Extranatural Enforcer Quest #8Jason goes full Vaas on some surprisingly well learned drug dealers, finds out he'll be working with the men in black, and then gets his Vader on for meeting the men in black.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Mittens Made With Love2015-04-19 6 
May 2015
39830645TransHuman Hero Quest: Part 1We create our nameless pc, and gain our powersCollective game, TransHuman Hero Quest, Nanomachines, Beginning2015-05-09 5 
39992979The Beginning (??? Quest)Grizzled, Drunk Old Man has a rather down Wednesday. Enter "The Red Lady"The Beginning, The Red Lady, Tarot, Steven Blum, Collective Game2015-05-17 6 
July 2015
41216783Monsters innawoodsAn /x/ poster asks /tg/ how one would defeat various deep-forest monsters and mythical creatures of American lore. /tg/ delivers in spades.innawoods, lore, monsters, skinwalkers, fae, /x/, /k/2015-07-14 18 
August 2015
41774483Prinny Overlord QuestThe humble beginnings of a great Prinny.Collective Game, Prinny, Overlord, Lotus Eater2015-08-10 10 
September 2015
42554874Not your typical tavernLots of ideas for making an inn/tavern more interestingtavern, inn, fluff2015-09-19 13 
42643129Star Wars Humble Beginnings Quest 1Dossoxss, or Dox for short, begins his story at the Sabaac Table.Collective Game, Humble Beginnings Quest2015-09-21 3 
42662904Twinned Legend Quest #1Hero does things, things are not as they seem. This is a thing.Twinned Legend Quest, TWQ, Collective Game2015-09-22 6 
42536664a gothic setting plays at Call of cthullhuin the making of a horror campaign some interesting things are discussedInspiration, Gothic, Innistrad, Bloodborne, horror, Brainstorming, insight2015-09-22 3 
42757055Twinned Legend Quest #2Our character grasps the power of a white sun, gaining a goddesses blessing. One of many that he lost. Then he wakes up to a group of mercenaries before dicking around and trying and successfully trying out his activate blessing.Collective Game, Twinned Legend, GodKing, Godking, Quest2015-09-28 1 
January 2016
44940819Fate quest #2The first night of the actual holy grail war.Collective Game, Fate Quest, Fate, Arthur Quinn2016-01-22 13 
June 2016
220818Rex Regum, chapter 1You retake your capital of old, and begin an adventure anewRex Regum, Emperor, Beginnings2016-06-04 2 
47642451The Sun Shines Over InnsmouthInnsmouth has a tourist problem. Later turns into discussing the ghost of Conan as an antagonist in Delta Green and general Bizarro Mythos.lovecraft, deep ones, Innsmouth, plot hooks, Bizarro Mythos, 2016-06-08 11 
August 2016
488904Starborn Quest 1: Disco InfernoPurps adjusts to her new life as a bodyguard for Doctor Lexington by scouting out the town and crashing a festivalCollective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Festival, Grinnsmon, Doc, Lexington, Enigma2016-08-20 7 
494290Starborn Quest 2: FireflyYou are Purps, you kicked a foxman's ass in a dance off. As a bodyguard you decide the best thing to do is ignore your missing principle.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Festival, Grinnsmon, Doc, Lexington, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Dancing Queen, Magic, Hona2016-08-21 6 
506656Starborn Quest 3: Undercover OverloadPurps embraces her inner fight club as Anna. She knows when to hold 'em, but it's quiet.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Anna, Grinnsmon, Marie, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Gambling, Magic, Disguise2016-08-26 6 
515522Starborn Quest 4: Street SweeperPurps gets a confession rather easily. She then demonstrates what happens when emotionally crippled starborn fight normal people. Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Terminator, Magic, Feelings2016-08-29 5 
518976Starborn Quest 5: There's No Turning BackEarly Archive; Purps and Hona return to Hona's home. Introspection and Snuggles occur.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Snuggles, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Terminator, Magic, Feelings2016-08-30 5 
September 2016
527483Starborn Quest 6: Fade to BlackA new foe appears, a cannibal priest of Darna. The title is appropriate.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Boss fight, Enigma, Fail, Red eyes, Terminator, Death, Feelings2016-09-05 3 
542340Starborn Quest 7: Don't Call it a ComebackPurps is back and badder than ever. Real life mostly keeps QM away so ended early.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Boss fight II, Enigma,Medics ,Ressurection, Terminator, Feelings2016-09-10 3 
566224Starborn Quest 8: Journey of 1000 StepsWe finish the aftermath of Mr Black, talk to Tornin and retrieve TARDIS wagonCollective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Enigma, Terminator, Feelings, Lex,Tornin,Hona,Wagon2016-09-14 3 
580356Starborn Quest 9: Names and FacesWe begin travelling, meet a Captain and his son/Attendant. Mostly Social chapterCollective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Enigma, Terminator, Feelings, Lex, Tornin, Hona, Wagon2016-09-19 5 
598141Starborn Quest 10: Mad WorldWe get to sit down with one of the most in the know people in the setting. It's kinda tense.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Enigma, Terminator, Feelings, Lex, Tornin, Hona, Wagon2016-09-20 4 
October 2016
661650Starborn Quest 14: Undercover OverloadWe finish the aftermath of Mr Black, talk to Tornin and retrieve TARDIS wagonCollective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Anna, Grinnsmon, Marie, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Gambling, Magic, Disguise2016-10-06 2 
751849Dynamic Kid Quest 03Miles decides to take on a few tasks from the bulletin board, resulting in explosions at a dig site, and a fight with a tree!Collective Game, Dynamic Quest, George, Finn, Kimba, mission board2016-10-31 -15 
November 2016
779776Demon Overlord Quest 1Young upstart demon Gneotho enters a tournament to become Overlord.Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny2016-11-02 7 
794988Demon Overlord Quest 2Quest Prinny goes on a 3-day bender. Gneotho meets NPCs, fights a Bear and becomes a badass leader.Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, conspriacy, tournament2016-11-08 7 
806406Dynamic Kid Quest 04It ends before it begins.Collective Game, Dynamic Quest, George, Finn, Kimba, mission board2016-11-08 -14 
807442Demon Overlord Quest 3More allies are gained and the plot thickens! Gneotho fights an obsessive doppelganger and sets the stage for victory! Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, conspriacy, tournament2016-11-10 5 
820139Demon Overlord Quest 4Gneotho and the gang do their legs of the mission preparations, then Quest Prinny gets sleepy.Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, conspriacy, tournament2016-11-14 6 
832659Demon Overlord Quest 5Anasael fights a monk and Gneotho enacts the plan. Victories all around!Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, conspriacy, tournament2016-11-17 6 
December 2016
893943Demon Overlord Quest 6Its the housekeeping thread! Gneotho breaks the news to the gang before announcing her Overlordship to the peasants.Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, conspriacy2016-12-05 6 
901895Innawoods Quest Reincarnated #1: IntroductionThis is the reincarnation of an Innawoods quest that was meant to be but never was...Innawoods, Individual Characters2016-12-05 3 
924885Demon Overlord Quest: The Beach EpisodeAfter cementing her position as Overlord (in training) Gneotho and company go to the beach to relax... New allies and a Volleyball game, tooCollective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, Beach Episode, volleyball2016-12-14 5 
January 2017
1001859Demon Overlord Quest 7Quest Prinny tries to start, but then gets sick.Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere2017-01-05 1 
1049202WinnieQuest Bout 1: Foxes and Wolves 2We play pinball with Winnie and have some adorable moments with White Fell.Collective Game, Questguy, Ghoulquest, Winniequest, Werewolf, Pinball2017-01-28 3 
June 2017
1521797Demon Overlord Quest 8The quest continues after a hiatus!Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere2017-06-01 4 
1549542Demon Overlord Quest 9Gneotho continues to prepare and converses with allies. Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere2017-06-13 2 
July 2017
1683532Teen Titans Sidequest #1: Quinn QuestThe Big Lewbsoki with boobs and guns. Fargo with capes.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor, sidequest, Quinn Quest2017-07-20 5 
October 2017
2000347Kingdom Hearts QuestQuinn becomes a keyblade wielder, starts a game of hide and seek and gets DARKNESS Kingdom Hearts, Cereal, Darkness,Quinn2017-10-23 15 
November 2017
56194507who is this semen demon?No, seriously. Who?vampire the masquerade, jeanette, bloodlines, kirk, vampire, harley quinn2017-11-02 -1 
2045881Kingdom Hearts Quest #2.5Quinn looks inside his heart, he goes to a spooky land and makes some money. Also Ford and Xehanort show up.Kingdom Hearts, Cereal, Darkness,Quinn, Into the Dark2017-11-10 6 
July 2018
2720194Lost In Green #1You wake up innawoods, and are also a solar powered, rusty robot. Do survival things.Collective Game, Lost In Green, Robots, Innawoods2018-07-18 6 
June 2019
3560273Innkeeper Quest #1We arrive on Esthos to take care of business.Innkeeper, Player Choice, Fate, Economic2019-06-24 1 
November 2019
3879830Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #1Innerworld returns in a new, revised setting. Playing as spiderfolk, you finally take up arms against the gnolls who seek to purge you.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2019-11-09 0 
3913949Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #2The gnoll conflicts boil over several times more, and we encounter strange, dark magic harnessed by them and their god.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2019-11-30 0 
January 2020
3956599Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #3We continue to fight the gnolls, but begin to gain the upper hand with our population size. Lastly, a quick visit to Ier.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-01-03 0 
3994136Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #4A new ally, a near wipe, and finally, a successful war against the gnolls, hopefully the first of many.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-01-18 0 
February 2020
4032689Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #5A massive civil war erupts in Nichitin, two faiths finally coming to blows...HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-02-08 0 
April 2020
4139944Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #7https://archived.moe/qst/thread/4075520/ - 6 can be found here. The civil war is over, and a golden age begins.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-04-04 0 
August 2020
74398585The Omnisssiah invents AM:tGSasha Vyoks-childer/The God-Emperor's Waifu fixes WoTC's cowardice.MTG, Magic, purple MTG, yellow MTG, brown MTG, orange MTG, pink MTG, deeplore, color-theory, color theory, cyan MTG, cinnabar MTG, cream MTG2020-08-19 -1 
September 2020
4397421Embedded: Space War Journo #1Intrigue abounds as Martin Cronkite finds himself assigned to covering increased tensions between two insterstellar powers on a border worldInnkeep, Space War Journo, I havent run in 8 years2020-09-01 0 
March 2021
4711824Inner District Blues [01]A visionary street kid in a neon city harnesses exotic technology in an uphill battle to protect his block from the corporate machine.Inner District Blues, IDB, Tech Noir, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Chairman, Action, Collective Game2021-03-31 6 
July 2021
4892835Inner District Blues [02]New players are entering the Freeland game. We explore sites of importance and learn the word on the streets.Inner District Blues, IDB, Tech Noir, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Chairman, Action, Collective Game2021-07-16 5 
December 2022
5433485Touhou: Unthinkable Fantasy Migration #2Albert Perry continues his adventure in the land of fantasy, learns about a world-ending threat, and falls prey to peer pressure.collective game, touhou, isekai, Fortune Telling QM, CLOWN KEEPS WINNING2022-12-05 12 
5442528Rise of the Awakened #1A post apocalyptic RP where you play as animals. Follow Mog and Kinny as they pull off a heist and discover the truth of the Old Ones.Collective Game, Roleplay, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Post Apocalypse, Talking Animals, Mog, Kinny, Bobby2022-12-06 5 
5481679Hazbin Henchman.Ever wanted to be a demon who fights in an endless hell gang war? Ever wanted to work for a cartoon villain as a boss? Then come on down.Slice of life, Hell, Gangwars, Angelic, Demonic, Ablities, Imps, Sinners, Birds, Hazbin Hotel, 2022-12-21 4 
January 2023
5493415Rise of the Awakened #2The human asks for some clothes, Kinny and Bobby rob a store, Mog and the human make a deal, revelations abound, a fox is rescued.Collective Game, Roleplay, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Goddamn Lizard People, Mog, Kinny, Bobby, Jenkins, Rick's creepy robot, Draconians2023-01-14 5 
February 2023
5513389Hazbin Henchman #2John Aenon goes against Valentino's gang, agrees with Alastor's plan but has a heart to heart with Angel and decides to help start a riot.Hazbin Hotel, Sinners, Imps, Birds, Hell, Abilities, Priest MC, John Aenon2023-02-06 4 
5534447Rise of the Awakened #3A fox is recruited, a grisly scene is witnessed, the truth is unveiled, the vault is unlocked, and the hellbot was the true enemy all along.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Bobby, Maggie, Jenkins, We're goin' to Canada bois, Unveiled secrets, Hellbot2023-02-19 5 
March 2023
5590114Inner District Blues [03]Back after a "brief" hiatus for the Marion run. The search for experimental technology continues.Inner District Blues, IDB, Tech Noir, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Chairman, Action, Collective Game2023-03-05 8 
April 2023
5584052Rise of the Awakened #4Ursus and "Simon" join the party, the party becomes extraordinarily wealthy, a gunstore is looted, some player drama occurs, the party shoCollective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Bobby, Maggie, Ursus, "Simon", Plato, Lanesboro2023-04-01 5 
May 2023
5626225Rise of the Awakened #5Shopping, logistics&dragons, and finances are finally put in order, the truth about Lanesboro is revealed, the party fights an owlbear.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Bobby, Maggie, Ursus, Plato, Lanesboro, Combat again finally, logistics&dragons2023-05-10 5 
5638663Paranomal Crossdressing School, Part 1Denied the peace in death, Yui Nakamura once again proves his name is NOT yet Aki...Girl(male), Trap, RESistance, Escape, Cosmic Horror, 'Innsmouth' People, Trap-On-Trap Yaoi, Quasi-Yuri!2023-05-28 -22 
June 2023
5664976Rise of the Awakened #6The party beats the owlbears, get blown up, narrowly survives, get kidnapped and robbed, escape, and accidentally warcrime their kidnappers.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Potato, Ord, Horny Deer, Accidental Warcrimes, Prison Break, Q Wolf Cult2023-06-29 5 
August 2023
5703153Rise of the Awakened #7Kinny zaps a mob, the cultists kill some heretics, Mog gets his sword back, finds a slime, has a tantrum, Ursus wins a duel. qst on hiatus.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Adler, Harold, Deer Paladin Bros, Quest Hiatus, d-d-d-duel, Long-ass arc2023-08-15 5 
October 2023
5774217Rise of the Awakened #8The gang beat the deer, recover their gear minus their guns, confront history in a museum town, experiment with polymorph rings, and relax.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Back from hiatus, Yawn chain, R&R, Downtime, Worldbuilding, Quest2023-10-24 4 
December 2023
5806023Rise of the Awakened #9The gang chat a lot the whole thread, steals a lute, finds a love letter, sells their wares to rabbits, relaxes with some vidya and alcohol.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Swift, Relm, Velveteen and Frou Frou Tribes, R&R, Downtime, Quest2023-12-01 2 
January 2024
5854953Rise of the Awakened #10The party continue to party for the rest of the night while learning lore, gaining dosh, and finding out about a new quest.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Swift, Relm, Rabbit Tribes, R&R, Party, Downtime, Quest2024-01-20 2 
March 2024
5900197Rise of the Awakened #11The party finally enter the Canis Lupin, insult the border patrol guard, and go into hiding for a bit until they come up with a plan.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Quest, Canis Lupin, Poco the Muscle Cat, in hiding2024-03-07 2 
April 2024
5949105Rise of the Awakened #12A new human thaws, a soul put to rest, spiders slain, a will told, info gathered, and horrors unveiled. The Canis Lupin arc truly begins.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Arsene, Jessica, Gawain, Kuma, Canis Lupin, Intrigue, Horror's back, Ques2024-04-23 2 
June 2024
5990341Rise of the Awakened #13The party kills squids, capture Kuma, squid explodes before interrogation, the party sics Sunny on Gawain, Superman is met, a spy is caught.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Sunny, Kuma, Cephalopods, Superman, Retard Raccoon, Canis Lupin, Quest2024-06-06 2 
July 2024
6027314Rise of the Awakened #14Ursus hunts info, meets Sage, question a raccoon-squid, question and kidnap Gawain, rescue Bobby, uncover a lizard plot, Ursus vs Lincoln.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Jessica, Gawain, Bobby, Lincoln, Sage, Canis Lupin, Intrigue, Quest2024-07-23 1 
September 2024
6074760Rise of the Awakened #15Mog & Kinny retrieve Gawain's scroll & meet the queen. Ursus tracks down the kidnapped & warped June & Hogar. The party fights the culpritsCollective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Canis Lupin, June, Hogar, Nihm, Queen2024-09-24 1 
November 2024
6109463Rise of the Awakened #16The crew thaw Dr.Wallace, work on curing June and Hogar begins, another chat with the queen is had, the gang raids the hotel for their guns.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Sage, Dr.Wallace, Queen, Dib, Canis Lupin2024-11-09 1 
March 2025
6177481Rise of the Awakened #16.5We're back from hiatus! Kinny mugs Sage, Mog freezes her. Gawain explodes, his squid escapes, then dies. Cats vanish, the crew tracks them.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Canis Lupin, Squid, Back from hiatus, Ord, Apes, Cliffhanger2025-03-03 1 
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