/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2008
1404465Angry Marines CodexOP suggests putting together a Codex: Angry Marines and asks for some suggestions. /tg/ gets shit done.Angry Marines, epic, rage, sagefags2008-03-26 2 
July 2009
5055372Engine HeartViral makes a game and then goes to bedhomebrew, sage for homebrew2009-07-01 8 
January 2010
7681493Medieval FalloutOP talks about his postapocalyptic fantasy setting. Some interesting discussions are had before the sagefags strike.homebrew, setting, sage2010-01-20 2 
February 2010
8248910D&D public job boardRequest is made for ideas postable on a public messageboard for jobs, wanted posters, etc. The fa/tg/uys deliver in epic amounts.public job board, messages, D&D2010-02-24 20 
March 2012
18494474Zerg Quest LXXXAccountantbrate continues its corporate takeover of the UEDZerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Oh noes autosage!2012-03-29 11 
May 2012
19018100Zerg Quest LXXXVThe Swarm decides that the UED's time has come. Violence ensuesCerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, An important message, Corporate resume-writing, Fauxbot fleet2012-05-08 6 
July 2012
19811519Palantir MaceGuys! Hey listen! Guys! What if, right, what if...we use the Palantir as the head of a mace!pcs, chaotic stupid, stupid pcs, artifacts, magic item, creative magic item usage 2012-07-10 15 
December 2012
22012929Roulette, and the Super Powers Idea Market/tg/ discusses neat new powers and comes up with the epic character RouletteRoulette, Super Powers, Ideas, Doc, Schrodinger, Schrödinger, Visage, Wish, Tattoo, heroes2012-12-13 9 
June 2013
25512705Final Fantasy Quest 1The humble beginnings of FF Quest with trying to determine what class to be.The Sage, Collective Quest, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest2013-06-19 14 
25532949Final Fantasy Quest 2The continuation of FF quest with a trip to the Bandit's Wood.The Sage, Collective Quest, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest2013-06-20 14 
25607831Final Fantasy Quest 4The hero makes for Corneria, and his destiny.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-06-24 6 
25663385Final Fantasy Quest 6The Warriors of Light come together. Sort of.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-06-27 7 
25683882Final Fantasy Quest 7The Warriors of Light gear up and set off.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-06-28 7 
July 2013
25737478Final Fantasy Quest 8In which the party takes a peaceful ride through the forest.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-01 2 
25761950Final Fantasy Quest 9The party has a pleasant stay at Calim where nothing at all goes wrong.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-02 4 
25776443Final Fantasy Quest 10A White Mage questions her faith and the party makes for Dorter.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-03 2 
25796476Final Fantasy Quest 11Ferra proves to be no fun at all.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-04 3 
25816979Final Fantasy Quest 12We finally reach the WitchmarshFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-05 2 
25836460Final Fantasy Quest 13The party meets Matoya.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-06 1 
25873971Final Fantasy Quest 14I'm on a boat!Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-08 1 
25933392Final Fantasy Quest 15A red eye watches as the party reaches Lodestone Cavern.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-11 2 
January 2014
29772158Path of War & Psionics. Or: The platonic ideal of Sword.OP shares Dreamscarred's Path of War book. Anon explains the deliciousness of the Soulknife Swordsage. Much discussion and planning ensues.psionics, pathfinder, path of war, tome of battle, swords, stat me, Fate/Stay Night, magic, galorion, mecha barbarians, martial arts, swordsage, monk, soulknife, dreamscarred press, preview, complete psionics, wilder, win, attempted derail, D&D, fluff, d202014-01-26 5 
April 2014
31599299Guardian Visage Quest 1A foul Miasma spawns the monstrous Adrift into the world. Standing against them are Quinn Redmond, an androgynous warrior poet, and the guardian Visage, Magdalene.Collective Game, Visage, Quinn, Magdalene, Easter Ensues 2014-04-21 2 
31601036Text Adventure Quest: SwordsageNo cunnilingus. Absolutely disgusting. The MC marries his dead brother's fiance, then fucks her.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-04-21 4 
31623240Guardian Visage Quest Episode 2: The Starry SkyA new Visage is obtained. What the hell happened?Collective Game, Visage, Quinn2014-04-22 1 
31713995Swordless Sage Quest 1Hector, the MC, has his family business wrecked. He seeks restitution for it.Saucy, Swordless Sage Quest, Unarmed Swordsage, Martial Arts, Collective Game2014-04-26 5 
31732432Text Adventure Quest: SwordsageThe MC leaves on high adventure! Almost immediately stops to fuck wife and random other girl. Still no cunnilingus.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-04-27 1 
May 2014
32182131Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 5An anon feels guilty and people decide to go fight a tentacle monster.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-05-17 4 
June 2014
32507676Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 6The QM of this quest is a massive faggot who I hate. So much. This is the one right after the blue-balling with Cecilia.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-01 0 
32633797Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 7Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 7Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-07 -1 
32778617Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 8With his new wife and his new fucktoy in tow, our hero heads home from his adventure.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-14 2 
32921096Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 9Waifu #2 fucks and sucks the MC in a decadent display of marital lovemaking. Then some other shit happens, I dunno what though.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-21 4 
33065023Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 10MC breaks Kini in (nicely this time) and then...?Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-28 4 
July 2014
33358021Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 11Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 11Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-07-12 23 
33515486Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 12Immediately after buttfucking Chara, our hero is confounded by a threat which threatens his very sanity: economics.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-07-19 2 
33675165Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 13In which our brave hero goes to a local festival.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-07-26 3 
August 2014
33845348Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 14Post-petting, pre-coppergirl.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-02 3 
34011209Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 15In which our hero fights a coppergirl and probably gets killed for it.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-09 -1 
34184617Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 16After his vicious and humiliating throat rape of the coppergirl, our hero emerges from the mines with her in tow.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-16 2 
34343491Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 17Chara's got a collar, and Patina's still waiting to be raped again? All this and more, on tonight's episode of Child Rapist Quest.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-23 4 
34509225Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 18Our hero goes to his parents' keep to investigate his older brother's murder.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-30 4 
September 2014
34675824Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 19Having finished up with Elisetta's side quest (and fucked her), our hero continues in his investigation of his older brother's murder.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-06 4 
34837564Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 20Our hero plans to head south and meet Sir Arthur.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-13 4 
35000017Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 21Our hero has a firm suspect: Lorenne, his brother's paramour.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-20 2 
35022120Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 22Our hero has sex with a small child and then heads off to the mountains on his quest for an heir.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-21 3 
35152884Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23Our hero adventures in the Allimas, having met Erosette once more.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-27 -5 
35153074Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23Our hero adventures in the Allimas. (Actual thread.)Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-27 4 
35174614Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 24After getting his arm slashed open, our hero continues to fuck his way through life.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-28 3 
October 2014
35302762Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 25Our hero confronts a brown girl on some rocks.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-04 4 
35453839Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 26Having finished raping a brown girl, our hero is shot at by some redhead bitch.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-11 1 
35608257Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 27Having finished brutally raping Lorenne, our hero deals with the fallout of Erosette's battle.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-18 1 
35750114Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 28With Lorenne taken as his rape toy, our hero should be wrapping up his business in the Allimas soon.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-25 3 
November 2014
35893634Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 29Having impregnated his wife, our hero completes his journey home.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-01 4 
36039362Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 30Having returned home, our hero has to manage his harem some more.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-08 3 
36182407Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 31Our hero is home at last, managing his harem.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-15 4 
36328568Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 32Our hero fugs Chara in the butt, again.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-22 4 
December 2014
36604642Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 33Our hero probably spends some quality time with Adelle or something.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-12-06 4 
36741120Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 34Our hero terrifies his captive and continues his investigation.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-12-13 3 
36876645Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 35The interrogation of Lorenne continues.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-12-20 2 
January 2015
37138137Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 36Our hero must confront a shadow/slimegirl alone and unarmed. Is this the end for him?Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2015-01-03 3 
37285544Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 37With the letter of intent in hand, our hero prepares for the last conflict.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2015-01-10 4 
September 2015
42332769Neolithic Pokemon Quest 2Where Cain eats a Beedrill, finds water, helps kill a Slowpoke and parties with Prehistoric Irishmen. Collective Game, Neolithic Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Neolithic, Sage Hickory 2015-09-07 25 
42460528Neolithic Pokemon Quest 3Where Cain rescues his drunk swinub, meets a social pariah, gets slammed through a table by JOHN CENA and prepares for the future. Collective Game, Neolithic Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Neolithic, Sage Hickory 2015-09-13 25 
42479547Neolithic Pokemon Quest 4Where we leave the village with our new social outcast, change war forever and hunt a Shieldon. Collective Game, Neolithic Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Neolithic, Sage Hickory 2015-09-14 25 
42604637Neolithic Pokemon Quest 5Leg DayCollective Game, Neolithic Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Neolithic, Sage Hickory 2015-09-20 20 
42626860Neolithic Pokemon Quest 6We say goodbye to best husbando, train Dire to shoot snow then HOLYSHIT IT WANTS TO EAT ME!!!Collective Game, Neolithic Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Neolithic, Sage Hickory 2015-09-21 18 
May 2019
3498141Sakura Haruno QuestWe play as a young Sakura Haruno and proceed to be not completely useless.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-05-19 13 
3518606Sakura Quest #2We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-05-29 10 
June 2019
3539638Sakura Quest #3We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-06-10 10 
3566851Sakura Quest #4We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-06-21 10 
July 2019
3591381Sakura Quest #5We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-07-05 10 
3629659Sakura Quest #6 We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-07-17 10 
August 2019
3667222Sakura Quest #7 We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-08-01 10 
3715772Sakura Quest #8We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-08-15 10 
September 2019
3758181Sakura Quest #9We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-09-04 8 
3795936Sakura Quest #10We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-09-10 7 
October 2023
5753672Zodiac Cultivation Quest An amnesiac drawn to the Rat Zodiac falls from the sky and starts to fight bandits before the QM Curse kicks in.Collective Game, Heavenly Sage, Cultivation, Martial Arts, 2023-10-10 2 
November 2023
5789853Zodiac Cultivation Quest #1.5The QM makes a brief return, as Shu the Rat Sage learns the Doctor's Arts and takes on two pupils in preparation for revenge on bandits.Collective Game, Heavenly Sage, Cultivation, Martial Arts2023-11-20 0 
May 2024
5995477Tales from Thulzar 3Fhor is on a hunt, but a strange being is making her feel and remember things. Very nice things.Sword & Sandal, Drawquest, Fantasy, Alt History, Melons, Orange Massage, Triple Fun2024-05-08 10 
July 2024
6027314Rise of the Awakened #14Ursus hunts info, meets Sage, question a raccoon-squid, question and kidnap Gawain, rescue Bobby, uncover a lizard plot, Ursus vs Lincoln.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Jessica, Gawain, Bobby, Lincoln, Sage, Canis Lupin, Intrigue, Quest2024-07-23 1 
November 2024
6109463Rise of the Awakened #16The crew thaw Dr.Wallace, work on curing June and Hogar begins, another chat with the queen is had, the gang raids the hotel for their guns.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Sage, Dr.Wallace, Queen, Dib, Canis Lupin2024-11-09 1 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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