/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2008
2801017Steampunk Outsider NPCsVarious ideas for a steampunk setting in which outsiders sneak in to mess with shit.steampunk, npcs, outsiders2008-10-14 -2 
April 2009
4150125Our Mascot is a CookDiscussion on all the ways to make a friendly, often overlooked NPC into BBEG bait, an interesting side quest, or just plain awesome.NPCs, Plot hooks, food, cute2009-04-01 6 
August 2009
5386461Damsels in DistressGeneric "let's discuss females and their role in fantasy" turns into demon and paladin-related highjinks.chicks, females, women, saving NPCs, Quest2009-08-09 4 
September 2009
6045231An SG named BreakDM asks for advice on handling his group's beloved sidekick, a Metabot-like construct. Anon instantly loves the little chap and offers several creative and awesome ways to maim or murder him.Awesome, D&D, Manly_Tears, NPCs2009-09-28 13 
May 2010
9903852Unimportant, Awesome NPCsYou know the story: The GM pulls an obviously unimportant NPC out of his ass, and the PCs like the NPC. They like it so much they make it ascend to awesomeness. This has happened to all of us. So tell me about yours, as a GM and as a PC.NPCs, storytime, GMing2010-05-19 6 
December 2010
12999733Ideas for NPCsSome fellow is going to make a Neverwinter Nights module, and asks for aid making NPCs. /tg/ obliges.Neverwinter Nights, NPCs, Ideas2010-12-02 0 
March 2011
14156868Evil PCsA thread about evil PCs and an epic story about a human fucking over his party.Evil, PCs, awesome2011-03-07 8 
May 2011
14888359things to do for Cosmic Level PCsexactly what it says on the tincosmic level, PCs2011-05-11 2 
14977000Making the Perfect Villain (tm)How do you make a villain your PCs love to hate? Make him their antithesis, and then make him a perfectly normal human being.evil, villain, mundane, space, furry, furries, human, humans, reasonable, trolling, troll, maximum, decency, PCs, psychopaths, BBEG, original content, original, advice2011-05-19 29 
January 2012
17739341/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culture/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culturethe slightly overweight redheaded baker's daughter, weeaboos, cuckholding, pastry, NPCs, peasants2012-01-31 -12 
February 2012
180257184chan Adventuring CompanyJust what it says on the tin. A refugee from /b/ seeks to create an RPG with the boards of 4chan as the PCs. The neckbeards settle on a class for /tg/, seems we can stat everything... but ourselves.adventurers, boards, class, DnD, Dungeons & Dragons, PCs, RPG, stat me 2012-02-20 6 
July 2012
19811519Palantir MaceGuys! Hey listen! Guys! What if, right, what if...we use the Palantir as the head of a mace!pcs, chaotic stupid, stupid pcs, artifacts, magic item, creative magic item usage 2012-07-10 15 
June 2013
25252239A PC's accomplishment/tg/ discusses which is more important - character development, or saving the worldrpg, PCs, FATE2013-06-09 4 
25625236Secrets of GMingGMs let us /tg/ in on their dirty little secretsDM, dm, gm, GM, DMing, GMing, NPC, NPCs, npcs, npc, railroading, Railroading, players2013-06-25 6 
July 2013
25763413What PCs say afterwards/tg/ discusses things our characters would say about us after the sessionD&D, PC, pc, pcs, PCs, god damn it, what the hell2013-07-02 7 
August 2014
33786075PC QuotesFunny and memorable quotes from PCsQuotes PCs Funny2014-08-01 4 
June 2015
40392795Story ThreadStories from the table game, wizards, great succeses, no luck from the dice gods, those guys or that DM.epic, funny, gaming, PCs, that guy, that DM, original content, story, storytime, wizard2015-06-06 6 
40588807Most Fun You've Had With A CharacterStory time thread, great succeses and other pc's achievements.fun, funny, gaming, PCs, that guy, that DM, original content, story, storytime2015-06-15 3 
August 2016
48986588unique/weird sapient species worldbuildingA discussion of nonhuman PCs and worldbuilding original species.species, race, PCs, monsters, worldbuilding, sentient ducks,2016-08-27 2 
November 2016
50350758Touhoufag asks for help with NPC behaviorDetailed discussion on generating NPC behavior which feels realistic and satisfying, especially with regards to irrationality end emotionadvice, GMing, DMing, NPCs, roleplay, roleplaying2016-11-24 7 
April 2017
52706646Historic figures who were /tg/ charactersA discussion of real people throughout history whose lives resembled the ridiculously implausible adventures of PCs.real people, characters, PCs,2017-04-22 3 
June 2022
5290674Goblin assassin questPine, a goblin assassin does free lance killings and tries to help peoplemedieval fantasy, make your own NPCs, Action, Goblin, Fantasy races2022-06-30 7 
February 2025
6184019The AVENGERS Quest! Assemble!In one of many realities, The Avengers are formed! But this is not the story you may expect, and not the Avengers you might know! Assemble!Fuckhead, Marvel, Team, Avengers, Multiple PCs, Co-Op, Superheroes, Comics2025-02-16 3 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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