Thread Title Description Tags Added Score March 2008 1423495 The Necron Lord A heartbreaking tale of a Necron Lord's regrets necron , lord , manly tears , writefaggery 2008-03-29 12 April 2008 1451120 Discussion of LARP weapons /tg/ discusses LARP combat, fighting styles, kendo vs fencing, and various related topics such as which sort of fencing is 'for cocksuckers'. larp sword masterwork katana quarterstaff internettoughguy 2008-04-02 0 June 2008 1936214 Tordek, manlyest dwarf alive. A character concepts thread is thrown of course when a player mentions another player's manly creation, who /tg/ quickly grows to love. Tordek, he's in it for all the bitches. Manly Tordek Bitches Epic 2008-06-08 55 July 2008 2240617 tg explains Tolkien wizards tg's Tolkien guru's explain Lord of the Rings settings wizards and demigods Lord of the Rings , Wizards 2008-07-20 1 December 2008 3108744 Of Neutronium Golems and Time Lords /tg/ tries to figure out how to kill the fundamental aspects of reality and their servants. Absurdity follows. time lord neutronium golem stupid 2008-12-04 2 May 2009 4607536 Big Sword Enthusiast Monthly Big sword discussion and image thread. Big sword 2009-05-21 3 June 2009 4819957 star wars names we list all of the possible names for a star wars rpg star wars , same phrase different words 2009-06-09 1 5020019 Overlord Quest? Text adventure. You wake up in a ring of bloody meat, in a lab that seems to be yours. Your servants inform you that a Great Doom is coming. Might be set in 40K. text adventure , writefaggotry , Leibowitz , Overlord Quest 2009-06-28 6 October 2009 6347204 Virus Sword /tg/ discusses an evil, intelligent, magic sword that replicates it's self. intelligent sword , evil , virus , legacy 2009-10-20 5 November 2009 6686132 Totally walking into Mordor Players bitch about their DM and how he kept bending over backwards for those two halflings... It's all strangely familiar. Lord of the Rings , Epic , Lulz , Roleplaying 2009-11-13 8 December 2009 7073593 Lord Quest You are a lord. Get shit done. Collective game , Lord Quest , /tg/ , quest thread 2009-12-10 68 7087298 Lord Quest II Lord Quest, Part II. Digganob, Quarry completion and DOOOBS returns with swords. Lord Quest , Quest, 2009-12-11 38 7101979 Lord Quest III Interrupted by /tg/ downtime, but shit gone done beforehand. We get a kickass hunting dog. Lord Quest , Quest , Collective Game 2009-12-12 35 7113987 Lord Quest IV -The Returning We got shit done, then we stopped getting shit done and looked at fancy rings, Just like a real Lord. I'm so proud. Lord Quest , Quest , Collective Game 2009-12-13 35 7116542 Lord Quest V - The Still at the feast, alchemy ones is on fire -ening We get drunk and make an ass of ourselves. Luckily we regain our honor by freeing our Dorfy friend in a nailbiting contest of hunting. Lord Quest , Quest , Collective Game 2009-12-13 34 7142969 Lord Quest VI Stronger ties are forged between the houses of Green and Sheff, and a prophecy warns of troubles to come. Lord Quest , Quest , Collective Game 2009-12-15 31 7184547 Lord Quest VII We finally return from partying at Seakay. Now we are back to getting shit done. Tannery is almost completed, Urist officially signs on with us, and we squash some Bandit scum. Lord Quest , Quest , Collective Game 2009-12-18 31 7200149 Lord Quest VIII We interrogate the bandit leader and find the bandits that fled. Lord Quest , Collective Game , Quest 2009-12-19 28 7201711 Lord Quest IX It's clearly here already. Lord Quest , Collective Game 2009-12-19 30 7253400 Lord Quest X We begin to make adjustments and successfully haggle with a mage, then the quest abruptly ends when Quest Lord goes off to pack. Lord Quest , Collective Game , Quest 2009-12-23 32 January 2010 7423974 To Warlord or not to Warlord A collection of information about warlord titans as well as templates to build your own titans, also OP decides to get back at his aggressive tournament runners with a Creed-bound warlord titan. Warlord , Titans , Creed , Tournaments , Lists , Templates , 40k , Revenge. 2010-01-04 1 7534792 Lord Quest XI We begin preparations for Wreckvember and have several items enchanted by a hired mage. Urist and Harry return from a trading expedition and bring word of strange happenings in dwarven lands. Lord Quest , Collective Game , Quest 2010-01-11 32 7629364 Lord Quest XII - Arc II Part II Lord Quest gets underway, although early on those pesky /b/tards try and ruin everything for everyone, with predictable results. Also, our feudal society decides to go into the market for... soap? Lord Quest , collective game , Quest , FUCKING AWESOME 2010-01-17 32 7738962 The High Lords of Terra Preparing for the release DH: Ascension, /tg/ speculates on the nature, personality, and appearance of the various High Lords of Terra. An amazing writefag steps in and shit gets off the hook, showing the power of /tg/ to create way better fluff than GW. Thread starts to get awesome around 7740401. 40k , fluff , writefaggotry , high lords of terra , emperor , custodes , navigators 2010-01-24 26 February 2010 7868812 Lord Quest XIII We return from a long hiatus and begin plans to venture into the swamps and visit one of the shrines to the wild gods. Lord Quest , Collective Game 2010-02-01 32 7977717 Lord Quest XIV We explore the temple to the old gods. Lord Quest , Collective Game 2010-02-08 28 8103285 Epic last words Like tears in rain... epic , last words 2010-02-16 1 8162717 Artifact Quest You are a sword. You have been a sword for as long as you can remember, which is roughly three hundred years. Unfortunately for you, you've spent that time languishing in the hoard of a green dragon. Sword , Green , Dragon , Quest , Tg , Game 2010-02-19 5 8164420 Artifact Quest: Part II The sword and the adventuring party arrive in the city of Riverton. Sword , Collective Game , Artifact Quest 2010-02-19 3 8242260 4e Character Builds, Bonus Thread: A Lazy, Lazy Clever Commander A build for a warlord who never makes attacks. D&D , 4e , warlord 2010-02-24 4 March 2010 8496609 If you love that sword so much why don't you marry it? Sentient sword tries to marry PC, thread of hijinx ensues Sword 2010-03-10 15 8558388 Lord Quest XV Lord Quest returns yet again and the people rejoice. We begin by taking steps toward constructing a large well and finding ways to make more gold. In the next month we travel back into the swamps with our adventuring crew. Lord Quest , Collective Game 2010-03-13 29 8832464 Lord Quest XVI We delve underground and into the ancient ruins to search for a treasure guarded by vicious nightstalkers. Lord Quest , Collective Game 2010-03-28 31 April 2010 8904348 SoTS conversion for traveller. Thread containing some stuff about making a Sword of the Stars setting for traveller. Traveller , Sword of the Stars , SoTS , Homebrew 2010-04-01 1 9033864 Lord Quest XVII The aftermath of besting a dragon, where we decide what to do with the remains and explore the rest of the temple ruins. Lord Quest , Collective Game , Quest 2010-04-07 23 9120227 Lord Quest metathread - Arts & Crafts We fulfil Quest Lord's request. Lord Quest 2010-04-11 14 9224379 Lord Faggatron the 3rd and His Flying Mansion A mispost gives way to Lord Faggatron III, who discovers that his house is flying away, his newest maid is half-cat, and his friends are due any minute for a game of cards at the (now flying) house!
/tg/ spontaneity at it's finest Victorian era , Cat-Girl , Meido , Steampunk , Lord , Faggatron , Silliness , WIN , Snake Oil 2010-04-16 2 9265344 Lord Quest XVIII Death has us, but hopefully not for much longer. Lord Quest , Collective Game , Quest 2010-04-18 27 9267046 Lord Quest XIX Confronted by our own mortality, we face the final trials of Death. Lord Quest , Collective Game , Quest 2010-04-18 27 9283100 On the nature of weapons forged from reified concepts A giant gave me a sword that was forged from /tg/ threads. I promptly archived it. Borgstromancy , swords , awesome 2010-04-19 25 9394498 Lord Quest XX After returning to this mortal coil, it's back to business as usual. Lord Quest , Collective Game , Quest 2010-04-24 23 9397145 Lord Quest XXI We visit the Sheff estate to attend a merchant festival and reacquaint ourselves with Sarah. Lord Quest , Collective Game , Quest 2010-04-24 22 9415490 Lord Quest XXII We make our rounds on the first day of the Merchant's Festival. Lord Quest , Collective Game , Quest 2010-04-25 24 9418297 Lord Quest XXIII While attending the Merchant's Festival with Sarah, an unseen foe makes its move. Lord Quest , Collective Game , Quest 2010-04-25 23 May 2010 9869616 Lord Quest XXIV We discover a large plot against the Sheff family and possibly ourselves. In the search for the source of it all we run afoul of an assassination attempt against our life. Lord Quest , Collective Game 2010-05-17 20 9873464 Lord Quest XXV We have ourselves a bar fight! Lord Quest , Collective Game 2010-05-17 21 June 2010 10288410 Lord Quest XXVI We go into detective mode to finally uncover the person responsible for the crimes occurring in Seakay. Lord Quest , Collective Game 2010-06-05 16 10293241 Lord Quest XXVII - The workers shall control the means of production! Lord Quest , Collective Game 2010-06-05 17 10356374 Lord Quest XXVIII We return for another fine edition of Lord Quest, that is until Quest Lord disappears. Australian wildlife and the ghost of Steve Irwin are implicated. Lord Quest , Collective Game 2010-06-08 13 10359261 Lord Quest XXIX We begin our fight with the Virmen band and encounter a surprisingly well trained group of warriors amongst them. Talk of future plans is made and love letters are written. Lord Quest , Collective Game 2010-06-08 11 10793433 Lord Quest XXX We spend several fine months in Teajy and continue to work on our water wheel. Fortune strikes us and we come upon a skilled dwarven brewer who joins our staff. Lord Quest , Collective Game 2010-06-28 13 August 2010 11495938 Sword n' Board's Anniversary Rap thread One year after the initial craze, Sword n' Board's back to put you in a lyrical daze. (yeah im not him, but he's in the thread) Sword n' Board , Rap thread , Awesome 2010-08-03 14 11865919 Gladiator Manager Quest 2.5 In which 'Unstoppable' wins a heroic endurance match and the Thrikreen gets a snack Gladiator Manager , Dark Sun , Quest , Tordek , Gladiator 2010-08-29 13 September 2010 11959468 Gladiator Manager #3 In which training gets introduced, and we make another trip to the arena Gladiator Manager , Dark Sun , Quest , Tordek , Gladiator 2010-09-05 4 11971324 Gladiator Manager #4 In which Unstoppable proves he really is, we make an important contact and purchase more gladiators Gladiator Manager , Dark Sun , Quest , Tordek , Gladiator 2010-09-06 6 November 2010 12785071 Swords from giants Hundreds of swords, all of them thought-provoking. sword giant received 2010-11-14 6 12802197 Catfight: Tactics: Updates: Continued Catfight: Tactics progresses, gains some new features (most notably an out of combat sequence) and generally gets hammered together into something more resembling the finished product. catfight: tactics , catfightgame , homebrew , wargame , necromunda , mordheim 2010-11-18 1 December 2010 13235994 Catfight: Tactics: Probably 4 or 5 Missed a couple threads. ITT: Fluff happens in the most haphazard way possible. Also, the post-combat phase gets completely redone. Catfightgame , Catfight: Tactics , Catfight , Wargame , Mordheim , Necromunda 2010-12-23 1 January 2011 13385827 Why /tg/ cannot be trusted A DM comes to ask /tg/'s advice on his players' genocidal behavior, only to find that one of his players very recently came to /tg/ for the same purpose! hilarity ensues, and much aid is given by the most beneficent board. Orcs , Pathfinder , Genocide , Massacre , Warlord Mustache 2011-01-04 10 13404195 Any sword material you want (part 2?) Metallurgist grognards discuss possible materials to make swords out of and the reasons for doing so, among other things.
Continuation of another thread. swords , metallugy , technology , weapons , discussion 2011-01-05 1 13616393 JTTRPG discussion A short question about Japanese games turns into a pic dump, anon offering scans, and others offering translations: 2 different systems linked, plus buy links for Sword World Japanese gaming , downloads , Japanese , Sword World 2011-01-22 2 13720170 LORDS OF MANNER Anon designs a game, the main setting, adventures in the Victorian era. Homebrew , Lord , Victorian , game design , setting 2011-01-31 14 February 2011 13784418 Unconventional Fantasy Extravaganza In which the OP requests help with a campaign set in Fantasy Numidia. The discussion quickly expands and exceeds expectations, blossoming into an enlightening discussion of cultural development, African and Asian warfare and history, and Islamic poetry. As usual, /tg/ gets shit done. Pathfinder , Worldbuilding , Islam , Traditional Games , Records of the Lodoss War , Rome 2011-02-05 3 14064910 Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IV A return to the Shattered Sun setting in an attempt to make it more cohesive. Thus far, racial descriptions, magic types, a revisit to the more Aztec-like pygmy race, a possible aquatic race thanks to another thread, and more ideas than you can shake a stick at! Shattered Sun , homebrew , writefaggotry , phoenix , sun , Anchordread 2011-02-27 0 March 2011 14112394 Tabletop Deathwatch How the Deathwatch functions within a chapter and what kind of fluff warrants their squads, interesting inspiration for tabletop Deathwatch , Warhammer 40k , 40k , Space Marines , Ordo Xenos , Inquisition , Fluff 2011-03-03 5 April 2011 14428415 Fish in the Fjord /tg/ discuss about the game Fish in the Fjord and the upcoming supplement Fish in the Fjord , discussion , 2011-04-01 1 14583019 All Hail Lord Inglip The Mighty Lord Inglip has blessed us with his divine texts, and using these great scraps of knowledge we will shape the new world.
-The cultists of Lord Inglip gather for a thread full of captcha derived intelligence, imagination and at times downright insanity. Collective game , Setting , Captcha , Lord Inglip , Cult , Characters , roleplay , group , 2011-04-14 13 14584095 Realistic weapons bonuses/penalties Starts out asking for ideas for bonuses and penalties that could be applied to realistic weapons but is primarily more generalized grognardy historical arms discussion goodness. sword , katana , grognard , history , weapons 2011-04-14 0 14608679 Sword World plans for scans in which we find /tg/ is a bunch of weeaboos who wanna play japanese tabletop rpgs Sword World , Japanese gaming , planning 2011-04-17 3 14674927 Fantastic Flora Fantastic Flora thread, plant ideas for a fantasy setting. Not plant type monsters. setting , fantasy , plant , plants , fruit , food , homebrew , world building , wordbuilding , home brew, 2011-04-22 1 14699180 Sword Quest Klar, the maker of Kobold Quest, starts a quest about a kid and his fathers sword.
/tg/ then vows they will make this kid into a Sword Doctor to fight the enemy who killed his father, sickness. Sword Quest , Collective Game , Klar , Sword 2011-04-24 11 May 2011 14893882 Dark Lord Quest The Dark One try to control the entire world with an army of spyders. "Dark Lord Quest , collective game 2011-05-12 9 14897507 Dark Lord Quest Part 2 In which we recruit an assassin, and continue working on our plans for world domination. Also, SPIDERS! quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , witch , contract , bind , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS 2011-05-12 10 14904666 Dark Overlord Quest 3 We meet the old boss. And manipulate him. quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS 2011-05-13 10 14918470 Dark Overlord Quest 4 With success comes annoying adventurers, parasitic merchants, and fucking elves. Oh those fucking elves. quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS 2011-05-14 8 14928381 Dark Overlord Quest 5 We find out who the plotter spying on us was, form a plan for dealing with him, and get closer to Shaiara. We also have a revelation: bonsai is evil! quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS , bonsai , evil bonsai 2011-05-15 10 14939603 Dark Overlord Quest 6 We have a tournament and meet an uppity drow. We also find an orc ronin without a katana folded a million times. quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS , drow , orc 2011-05-16 10 14949512 Dark Lord Quest Part 7 The torture go on, the orc samurai becomes our servant, and our spiders became torturers and can even talk! quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS , drow , orc , torture 2011-05-17 9 14954504 Dark Overlord Quest 8 Taunting the drow, who KEEP ON PISSING US OFF! Also a nice meal. quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , spider , torture , drow 2011-05-17 9 14959956 Letter for GW fa/tg/uys write a collaborative letter for games workshop games workshop hate one word letter 2011-05-18 2 14960957 Dark Overlord Quest 9 Not much gets done, BUT we do learn a lot. And seem to have some horrible Shadow Magic disease. Also, Succubai! quest , collective game , overlord , evil , dark overlord , witch , contract , bind , spiders , spider , SPIDERS , OH GOD SPIDERS , Succubai , Shadow , Archon 2011-05-18 10 14958866 Alternative TTGs Discussion of many TTGs as alternatives to GW TTG malifaux infinity warmahordes flames of war brushfire mercs battletech heavy gear 2011-05-20 -1 15032725 Eyes of Mordred Spess Mahreens New chapter creation thingy Chapter Creation , Eyes of Mordred , 40k , Rites of Battle , Space Marines 2011-05-24 2 15055851 Eyes of Mordred 2 Chapter creation thread 2 - fluffing out the chapter Eyes of Mordred , Chapter creation , Space Marines , WH40k 2011-05-26 0 July 2011 15525924 Sword and Sorcery 40,000 OP wonders what 40k would be like if it was an SnS setting. Turns out it already is. Sword , Sorcery , Sword and Sorcery , 40k , Warhammer , Awesome , Conan , Corny , Epic 2011-07-10 11 August 2011 15949094 Board Quest III After two (and most of three) threads of planning, it looks like Dessex is about to make its first strike against Umbra; we even get a shiny new sword! Collective Game , Board Quest , Quest , Sword , About Fuckig Time 2011-08-16 12 September 2011 16168943 Beyond Re-Animation OP asks for ways to make skeletons more than just XP fodder. Soon branches out into such magnificently macabre creations is the Matryoshka Nesting Ghoul (aka the Undead Turducken) and the epic Mega-Lich-Zord. skeleton , zombie , ghoul , megazord lich , undead turducken 2011-09-04 6 16298389 Con-Quest: The Reboot-ening Con-Quest returns as a vengeful undead creature. Con-Quest , Miss Serkei , Clifford Henderichson Wallerwalt IV 2011-09-15 8 16400194 Con-Quest: 2.0 Con-Quest continues onwards, and Russians are hit on. Con-Quest , Miss Serkei , Clifford Henderichson Wallerwalt IV 2011-09-24 10 October 2011 16497728 Con-Quest 3.0 Con-Quest returns, and we create shapeshifting assassins and flirt with the maid. Con-Quest , Miss Serkei , Clifford Henderichson Wallerwalt IV 2011-10-03 8 16508799 Con-Quest: 4.0 In which we do some squats, gain some grit, and for once not try and get ourselves a waifu Con-Quest , Miss Serkei , Clifford Henderichson Wallerwalt IV , Victoria , Henry 2011-10-04 8 16552682 Con Quest 5.0 We meet a potentially dangerous, spider loving con-maker and do some shopping. Con-Quest , Collective Game , Miss Serkei , Clifford Henderichson Wallerwalt IV , Victoria , Henry 2011-10-09 11 January 2012 17449324 Overlord Quest: Part 1 Overlord quest, where we make some skeletons, swear loudly, and argue till we decide on a badass name. Collective Game , Overlord , Overlord Quest 2012-01-07 17 17469506 Overlord Quest: Part 2 We make first contact with a few new races... those poor, unfortunate souls. Overlord Quest , Collective Game , Overlord 2012-01-09 12 17734087 /tg/ does crosswords We got this /tg/ get shit done , crosswords 2012-01-30 21 February 2012 17756644 Warhammer 40k: Inquisitor Ramsay's Cafeterium Nightmares Pt. 1 Write-faggotry describing the exploits of an Ordo Culinatus Inquisitor as he travels the Imperium to help struggling Cafeteriums. Ordo Culinatus , Inquisitor , Ramsay , 40k , WH 40k , Cafeterium , writefaggotry , story , fluff , Warhammer 40k 2012-02-01 8 17870823 Chaos Space Marine Quest Join the adventures of Decimus Petillius Tiro of the Word Bearers! Chaos Space Marine Quest , Word Bearer , Collective Game 2012-02-09 5 18002985 Jeeves and Wooster go to Mordor How different would Lord of the Rings be if you swapped out Frodo and Sam for Wooster and Jeeves? Jeeves , Wooster , Lord Of The Rings 2012-02-19 24 18102619 What to inscribe on a Sword OP asks for an inscription on his legendary sword. /tg/ delivers. legendary , swords , inscriptions , awesome , funny , scabbards 2012-02-26 11 March 2012 18320539 Overlord Appreciation The people of a newly formed merciless dictatorship thank the overlord for improving their lives. Evil , Evil Overlord , Propaganda , Roleplaying , Campaign Setting , Commoners , Common Folk , Bastard Elves , Asshole Elves , Goodguy Badguy 2012-03-14 51 18447772 Primordial Ocean Evo Game an evolution game where three creatures branch into a multitude of other creatures under the sea. Time is near for a land-based existence, though... Collective Game , Primordial , Fus , Sluck , Worem 2012-03-25 8 18469745 Primordial Land Evo Game Now with plants! The creatures continue to spread and diversify, and a minor ice age happened. Rumors of new places to colonize abound! Collective Game , Primordial , Fus , Sluck , Worem , Frowg , Wesck , Glund , Stalck , Flouz , Pluup , Evola , Yantar 2012-03-27 5 18484092 Primordial Land Evo Game pt 2 Continuation of life in the mainland. The walker-Flouz evolved into Hoppas, and the LemUy slowly light up their environment. Collective Game , Primordial , Fus , Sluck , Worem , Frowg , Wesck , Glund , Stalck , Flouz , Pluup , Hoppa , Slizer , Evola , Yantar 2012-03-28 3 18482230 Primordial Island Evo Game An offshoot of the land evo game, where the Frowg evolve to the Rowgu, flyingStalck into Stelvac, and the Frilla's terrestial descendant became the world's first tree. But there are indigenous creatures that also evolve with them... Collective Game , Primordial , Fus , Sluck , Worem , Frowg , Wesck , Stalck , Rowgu , Stelva , Frilla , Adoni , Kuckar , Hraas 2012-03-28 3 18507183 Ancient Tundra Evo Game offshoot of the main thread. The creatures and flora fight and adapt to the cold winds of the tundra. Collective Game , Primordial , Fus , Sluck , Worem , Frilla , Frowmagnon , Lem , Bord , Rasig , Mevola 2012-03-30 1 April 2012 18521132 Tundra evo game. The evolutions continue. Parasitic moving plants, tribal jelly golems and frog vikings develop. Collective Game , Primordial , Ragas , Bord , Lem , Fluz , Ramel 2012-04-02 2 18557635 Ancient Abyss Evo Game Evolution happens yet again in an isolated underwater ecosystem turned tectonic trench. Collective Game , Primordial , Glub , Crub , Seekeed , Kwenom , Skrimp 2012-04-06 1 18595526 Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game The culmination of the previous evolutionary threads, the sentient creatures now enter the tribal age, where myths are first created, technology developed, and culture blossomed. Seven tribes made themselves known in the Eastern Continent! Collective Game , Primordial , K'Lahk , Nad'Lun , Ta'mirel , Fo'wil , Jenter , Slanera 2012-04-07 6 18614869 The Lich Overlord of Shez B'zahd What starts out as a request for adventure hooks becomes... a thread for adventure hooks. adventure hooks lich overlord shez bzahd 2012-04-08 23 18636178 Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 2 Continuation of previous thread. The tribes weave their own stories into the tapestry of the world. Collective Game , Primordial , K'Lahk , Nad'Lun , Ta'mirel , Fo'wil , Jenter , Slanera , Glud 2012-04-09 5 18654154 Flyting Thread turns into Rap Battles some fa/tg/uys throw down the mic and do some Flyting. Then Sword n' Board makes a magnificent return to form. Rap , Rap Thread , Sword n Board , Flyt , Flyting 2012-04-11 32 18692188 Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 3 Picking up where part two left off. Two tribes begin to merge, the Onolkeshan construct a fortress, and a new tribe comes into play. Collective Game , Primordial , K'Lahk , Nad'Lun , Ta'mirel , Fo'wil , Jenter , Slanera , Burrahn Glud 2012-04-15 5 18750309 Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 4 The Enclave enters the iron age, the Glund reach the tribal stage, and the Adoni stir things up. Also, more Bladeworms. Collective Game , Tribal , Primordial , K'Lahk , Lastér , Nad'Lun , Ta'mirel , Fo'wil , Jenter , Slanera , Burrahn , Glud , Adoni , Enclave 2012-04-18 4 18800565 Ancient desert evo thread 1 Evolution in a harsh desert environment. Monsters are made, bugs with jet engines, sand worms and other lovely things soon call this sand ocean their home. Collective Game , Primordial , Burrog , Sandoni , Usmal , Wespar , Cho , Kaskus 2012-04-22 3 18807264 Ancient desert evo thread 2 The desert is a hostile place... and its inhabitants even more dangerous. Yes, we got monstrosities. Collective Game , Primordial , Burrog , Sandoni , Usmal , Wespar , Cho , Kaskus 2012-04-23 2 18824863 Ancient desert evo game thread 2 SHOGUN GLUND demanded evolution. We gave him Hydralisks and more sentient species. Collective Game , Evolution , Primordial , Burrog , Sandoni , Usmal , Wespar , Cho , Kaskus 2012-04-24 5 18843536 Primordial Evolution Game Info Thread Gaps in evolution are patched, information on some species is expanded, and an acid-spitting goatdog is made. Bord are still somewhat a mystery. Evolution , Primordial , Firdog , Bord , Fluff , Planning 2012-04-26 3 18865858 Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ Game Ten tribes make themselves known on the central continent in this chapter of the Primordial Evo Game. Collective Game , Tribal , Primordial , Hitagan , Zu-Nul , Ry'lai , Hu-raan , Zahrewi , Zorastria , M'wa , Zarethedir , Anee'imay , VietKorburrong 2012-04-27 3 18892469 Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 2 Trials and tribulations of the ten tribes continues. Ry'lai rise up, literally, guests from across the west strait wreck up VietKoBurrog's ambush, and other shenanigans involving new kinds of magickery happens. Collective Game , Tribal , Primordial , Hitagan , Zu-Nul , Ry'lai , Hu-raan , Zahrewi , Zorastria , M'wa , Zarethedir , Anee'imay , VietKorburrong , Simidan 2012-04-29 5 May 2012 18936596 For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIX WORDS. Command tackles the age old 'why we fight' while the Admiralty try to assemble the largest battle formation seen in a century. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , WORDS 2012-05-02 12 18915855 Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 3 The bug war approaches. TO ARMS! Collective Game , Tribal , Primordial , Hitagan , Zu-Nul , Ry'lai , Hu-raan , Zahrewi , Zorastria , M'wa , Zarethedir , Anee'imay , VietKorburrong , Simidan 2012-05-02 6 18960430 Sandbar Island evo game A casual take on the Primordial Evo Game takes a turn toward the weird. "Bordle bor bord!" Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Bord , Sluck , Frowg , Skrimp , Glub , Ykex're , Flurr , Whip Tree , Spine 2012-05-04 5 19038563 Ancient Reef Evo Game Returning to the oceans for this game, life evolves in three coral reefs around the globe. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Reef , Roo , Kafka , Nuro , Slizer , Ojo , Phou , Roha 2012-05-11 5 19064012 Ancient Reef Evo Game II Life continue to evolve in the reefs and mutations go galore. And what are those Rohas up to? Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Reef , Roo , Kafka , Nuro , Slizer , Ojo , Phou , Roha 2012-05-13 5 19084937 Ancient Reef Evo Game part 3 Evolution continues in the reefs and beyond. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Reef , Roo , Kafka , Nuro , Slizer , Ojo , Phou , Roha 2012-05-17 5 19172753 Eastern Continent Evo Game pt 2 Picks up where thread one leaves off. Eastern continent: The savage land of swamps and mountains. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Higitain , Boomer , Joord , Azrach , Tapascu , Vindra , Ngung , Dahon , Ribboner , Ramel 2012-05-22 1 19245066 I Am You & You Are Me OP suspects that every thread on /tg/ is one poster with multiple personality disorder. Anons then proceed to namefag as an entire rogue's gallery of various "subpshyches" and personality entities, representing the many facets of human emotion and the mind, all led by the Manager (the brain) who directs Hardware (the body). roleplay , namefag , multiple personality disorder , subpshyche , hardware , manager 2012-05-26 10 19218964 Eastern Continent Evo Game pt 3 Things get wrapped up, and the LemUy stiol prove to be a driving force in this world. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Higitain , Boomer , Joord , Azrach , Tapascu , Vindra , Ngung , Dahon , Ribboner , Ramel , Skulk , LemUy 2012-05-27 1 19283964 Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2 Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding. Bord Empire , discussion , drawfaggotry , Eastern Continent , evo , evo game , evolution , evolution game , FortuneHost , Gaghiel , Gantu , Govkar , Gwiliak , Indonesian Gentleman , Jungle Fever 3 , Kaze , Nad , namefags , NO TRIP , nongent , Onolkeshan , Primordial Evo , SHOGUN GLUND , Silith , Skulks , Solomon , stupid sexy Skulks… , tribal , Zal'zaz'siel 2012-05-30 6 June 2012 19343530 Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent - Tribal 2 The continued development and adventures of Eastern Tribes. Nad makes a tsundere bug girl, and Fortune's Gantu slay monsters and make contact with the Kaze. The Ca'rethil develop both kung-fu and architechture and the Silith nearly burn the damn forest down in their attempts to discover the secrets of metalworking. Collective Game , Primordial Evo , evolution , Indonesian Gentleman , nongent , Smokey the Bear is pissed 2012-06-07 2 19469528 Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 6-1, "The Parting of the Ways" Now with a thread for each individual climate/region, starting with the forests of Delta continent. Thread kicks off with a long-necked variant of the Grey Wretch and continues on from there. Collective Game , evo game , evo , evolution game , evolution , Father , Fortune Evolution , FortuneHost , Gardenbacks , Grey Wretch , mammal snakes , nongent , part 6 , Stooge , oh my word look all these tags 2012-06-13 6 19480588 Song of Durin's Awakening A real-life bard performs one of Tolkien songs. /tg/ is in awe. Bard Lord if the Rings Music 2012-06-15 45 19592149 Primordial evo game. Southern caves. We plunge into the complex cave systems underneath the surface of the southern continent. Nightmare fuel ensues. Primordial , evo game , Collective Game , emils , raga , hoppa , geist , fus , inoglund , fren , cedya , wirm 2012-06-25 1 19513123 Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent - Tribal 5 Wrapping things up for the Mohu'awane, the Gwiliak, the Silith, the Ca'rethill et al.
The Skulcrow Rattle marches to war, invading first the Gwiliak, who retaliate with their order of jedi-esque knights armed with flamethrowers, and later the Silith who take to the beasts with uranium blades.
Some butthurt in the middle when the Enclave arrives, so we end up deciding to blow off some steam by evolving some cavern critters in another thread.
Very much tl;dr, especially when the epilogues come into play, so hunker down for a read. primordial , evolution , borgas 4 , tribal , final , epilogue , tl;dr , butthurt , flamethrowers , skulcrow invasion 2012-06-25 3 19671858 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 2 With the basics of character creation done, Minifig now works on specific animals. Suggestions are made, things are refined, alliances are forged. RPG , rpg , Palladium , Savage Worlds , TMNT , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , homebrew , SW , /tg/ gets shit done , shit gets done , win , character creation , mutants , cordova is awesome 2012-06-30 2 July 2012 19618306 Primordial Evo Game Southern Caverns part 2 Too much subterranean nightmare fuel for just one thread to handle. Here's the overflow. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , South , Cave , Caverns 2012-07-01 1 19684354 Primordial Evo Game: Southern Continent pt. I Things start developing on the surface of the southern continent, from the adorable Puruus to the mighty hammer-headed Smashas. Also, RED GOES FASTA! Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , South , Surface , Orky Names 2012-07-04 1 19774741 Primordial Evo, Southern Continent III Continued development of the Southern Continent. Floating forests of tree-like jellyfish, coral reefs on land, and the final push towards sentience. Collective Game , Primordial Evo , evolution , Indonesian Gentleman , nongent , Southern Continent 2012-07-11 2 19887569 Primordial Evo: Southern Continent IV (Pre Tribal) A wrap-up of evolution of that lovely little island in the south. Geist, Puruu, Elen, Punchaz, and Bladeshwirm. Who shall prevail? Collective Game , Primordial Evo , evolution , Indonesian Gentleman , nongent , Southern Continent 2012-07-19 4 20030197 Primordial Evo Game: Southern Continent Discussion Thread II Last few details are ironed out in the week before the real game begins again. Collective Game , Primordial , Evo , Evolution , Puruu , Geist , Elenii , Shwirm , Log'ead 2012-07-28 2 August 2012 20121477 Submersible Witches Quest 13 We pull the trigger, and Kotters gets autobanned while updating. strike witches , navy , submarines , WWII , Collective Game , Submersible Witches Quest , SubWQ , Kotters , autobanned , ban word 2012-08-01 12 20247080 Primordial South Tribal Game part 3 The south part of the primordial tribal game of the south continent primordial , south , tribal , nongent , evolution game 2012-08-13 2 20346545 Overlord Quest tg/ liberating a desert nation while honoring the memory of your mother, the previous Overlord. Collective Game , Overlord Quest , Mother 2012-08-17 7 20369440 Primordial South Tribal Game part 5 The fifth part of the Primordial south tribal game. Thread count was confused by the co-co-GM. primordial , south , tribal , nongent , evolution game 2012-08-20 2 20510160 A Giant Gave Me a Sword And thus, awesome copy-pasta was born. Giants , swords , awesome , social commentary , penises 2012-08-29 5 20458555 Tribal South Contenint Evo/Cive Game part 6 Sixth thread for south continent tribal. Collective Game , Evolution , Primordial , Tribal , South Continent 2012-08-31 1 September 2012 20653467 My (Necron) Immortal A reimagining of My Immortal as a Necron fanfic necron My_Immortal Phaeron_Phaussett Ekhbeni Drakh'nezh Dimmensha Rhavenn Stormlord 2012-09-09 35 20540543 Primordial South Tribal Game final? The last thread for tribal development before the epilogues. Primordial , South , nongent , Evolution , Tribal 2012-09-10 1 October 2012 20940867 Martial Arts School Round 3! More write fagging gets done, some sage bombs here and there, discussion's and such abound wordbuilding , martial_arts , kung_fu , video_games , school 2012-10-01 2 20990709 Borderlands at the tabletop? Pandora seems like the perfect place for everything from murderhobo-ing to ancient eldritch intrigue. So why not? Some ideas were even thrown around for a system... Borderlands , Setting , System , Handsome Jack , Butt Stallion , Tables , More Tables , Dakka , Moar Dakka 2012-10-05 9 21011512 Borderlands Pen And Paper Sort of continuing where the last one left off, more BL PnP discussion, now with more tables! Borderlands , Setting , System , Tables , More Tables , Dakka , Moar Dakka 2012-10-07 4 21186111 New Galactic Order Quest 1 An Imperial patrol engages a small pirate force, and the young captain of a Carrack-class cruiser is on the receiving end of a missile massacre. Collective Game , New Galactic Order Quest , Imperial , Empire , Star Wars , Carrack 2012-10-19 7 21224312 Super Villain Quest #26 Smith Sterling the Invincible Iron Master Issue 26: "Asrael's Affection" In this exciting instalment Julio gets shot, that lady who gave him the weird crystal gets shot, Cat screens our phone calls and apparently Rica is highly flammable, who knew? Collective Game , Super Villain Quest , system quest , Metal Rica Solid , Okatacon , Liquid Swordsman 2012-10-22 5 21269023 Grimoire Quest III We get a magic shotgun, and then Sours, Arch-Magus of Earth becomes the protag. Eldritch Lord promises candy and happiness. Grimoire Quest , Collective Game , Fae , Warlocks , Witches , Demons , Angels , Eldritch Lord , Narrative Magic 2012-10-25 10 21308228 Goddamn Roombas "Did we just get beat down by a Roomba?!" D&D , Living Greyhawk , Mordenkainen , chocolate golem , gelatine cube , Pelor , scorpions 2012-10-27 21 November 2012 21489423 General Fabrications Civ Quest General Fabrications, a MegaCorp specializing in the research and development of robots and automated manufacturing processes opens its doors 200 years after the apocalypse.
shenanigans ensue. Collective_Game , General_Fabrications , Post_Apocalypse , Vice Lords , GunRover , PostNuclearNerd 2012-11-09 13 21588994 Primordial Evo: Western Civ. Part II Return to West Continent. Collective Game , Evolution , evo , Primordial , civilization , civ 2012-11-25 2 December 2012 21762566 Primordial Evo: Western Civ. Part III K'nia has an adventure in space.
The threat of the Vyrii are eliminated, or so it seems. Collective Game , Primordial , Evo , Evolution , Civilization , Pirates , War , Bord 2012-12-04 1 21901987 First Post Quest We are dead. We are hell's soldier. We can change our soul body. We changed into a naga with a snakedick named Sly and sword waifu. Collective Game , FPQ , snakedicks , sword waifus 2012-12-05 13 21906024 First Post Quest II The further advventures of Snakedick the Magnificent. Collective Game , First Post Quest , Snakedick , sword waifu , utter insanity 2012-12-06 8 21960100 Primordial Evolution Game: South Central When we go to fill in the lands south of the desert, we get forest-backed worms, brain-jacking slugs, and toxic fungal octopodes. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution 2012-12-13 1 21945938 Primordial Evo: Return to South Discussion Thread Wrapping up some loose ends from West, and planning the return to Central. Collective Game , Discussion , Primordial , Evolution , South , Continent 2012-12-13 1 22022838 Primordial Evolution Game: South Central pt 2 Colossal mud-grubs, fungus trees, and psychedelic cats. Also Yu'Mel. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Central Continent , South 2012-12-16 2 22112102 Succbus Lord Quest Part 4 Brooklyn defeats the Science Lords, goes on a date, and visits the Queens with Mina. Succubus , Quest , post apocalyptic , Demon , Winter , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest 2012-12-19 21 22163212 Succubus Lord Quest Part 5 Join Brooklyn as he has a tea party to begin corrupting the local noble girls AND learn how to spell Succubus! Succubus , Quest , post apocalyptic , Demon , Winter , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest 2012-12-23 20 22181221 Succubi Lord Quest Part 5 In which we shit bricks, and the loom of fate does not tell us when we can slap succubutt succubus , quest , lord , post apocalyptic 2012-12-23 12 22225267 Primordial Evolution Game: North Central The northern taiga of Central Continent is developed. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Central Continent , North , Taiga 2012-12-27 1 22240457 Primordial Evolution Game: North Central More development for north of the desert. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Evo 2012-12-28 1 22261914 Succubi Lord Quest: Part 7 Join us for a flashback where we play as Demon Queen Miyu, Demon of SCIENCE! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , mad science , SCIENCE! 2012-12-28 20 January 2013 22316221 Succubus Lord Quest Part 8 The trilling conclusion of Miyu's flashback and followed by Mina stealing Brooklyn's innocence. Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , mad science , SCIENCE! , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-01-01 20 22368848 Succubus Lord Quest Part 9 Brooklyn goes out on his date with the twins and the Demon Lord comes to town! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-01-04 23 22500075 Succubus Lord Quest Part 10 The long awaited fight with Demon Knight Blizzarios! Also slapping of Mina's ass. Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-01-10 20 22527155 Succubus Lord Quest Part 11 Where we met a grumpy old man with a rifle, Queen's mock a pedophile, followed by long term planning. Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-01-12 20 22486926 Primordial Evo Game: Central Civ Returning to the tribes of the central desert, along with some newcomers to the north and south. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Civilization , Tribal 2013-01-14 0 22627992 Succubus Lord Quest Part 12 In this Quest, we go to the bath house, use Hokuto Shinken to vaporize bandits, and play DnD Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , Fist of the North Star , DnD 2013-01-17 20 22680856 GW gets new management Matt Ward meets the Emperor and they take over GW. Dark times follow.
"The other writers will not sit still for this." Matt Ward , star wars , emperor , dark side , GW , order 66 2013-01-20 16 22592601 Primordial Evo Game: Central Civ part 2.5 Trade deals, empire expansions, enclave tech, slavery, shipwrecked Aluns, and someone finally makes usable paper. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Civilization , Tribal 2013-01-24 1 22760532 Succubus Lord Quest Part 13 Join us as we discuss Willpower with Lance and learn what is inside of the MYSTERY BOX! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , Mystery Box 2013-01-25 20 22886959 Succubus Lord Quest Part 14 Join as we melt Brooklyn's mind with a hard new book and continue our corruption with the noble girls! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-01-31 23 February 2013 22926079 Succubus Lord Quest Part 15 Join Brooklyn as he continues to corrupt the noble girls! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-02-02 20 23016285 Succubus Lord Quest Part 16 Join us as Brooklyn meets with two of the noble girls and then meets up with Mina in a bar! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-02-07 20 23055416 Succubus Lord Quest Part 17 Join Brooklyn as he meets Amanda and has happy fun time! Also part 17 should be in the title in the thread. Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-02-09 25 22860167 Primordial Evolution Game: Central Civ 4 Wrapping up the end of Central and preparing for the return to East. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Civilization , Central 2013-02-13 1 23229598 Succubus Lord Quest Part 18 Join Brooklyn as he performs the summoning ritual in front of the girls! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-02-18 22 23250894 Succbus Lord Quest Part 19 Join Brooklyn as he races to help Erika from danger! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-02-19 20 23270352 Succbus Lord Quest Part 20 Join Brooklyn as he begins to plan how to take on an Adventurer party! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-02-20 20 23289078 Succbus Lord Quest Part 21 Join Brooklyn has he and his group go head to head over a group of Adventurers! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , Paladumb 2013-02-21 20 23343269 Succbus Lord Quest Part 22 Join us for Erika's transformation party where she becomes an Ayarian Succubus! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , Paladumb 2013-02-24 21 23419511 Succbus Lord Quest Part 23 Brooklyn gets snazzy new armour and makes the plan of how to get Erika out of the castle! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-02-28 22 March 2013 23550141 Succubus Lord Quest Part 24 Join Brooklyn as he heads to the bar, meets friends, and plays card games! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , Card Games 2013-03-07 23 23584800 Succbus Lord Quest Part 25 We begin the mission to rescue Erika! Nat 100's all about! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-03-09 20 23669420 Succbus Lord Quest Part 26 Join us as we settle Amanda's Teenage angst and talk to the Adventurers! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-03-14 20 23790238 Succbus Lord Quest Part 27 Join us as we train with Brooklyn then take control of Erika for a small arc! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , psychic , telepathy 2013-03-21 20 23639467 Primordial Evo: Return to East Civ Discussion Notes for the return to East Continent. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Civilization , Discussion 2013-03-21 5 23948694 Succbus Lord Quest Part 28 Join us as Erika and Co. investigate a suspicious town where something is admist! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , psychic , telepathy , Necromancy 2013-03-30 20 April 2013 23870640 Primordial Evolution Game: Eastern Civ 1 Return to East Continent. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Evo , Civilization 2013-04-02 0 24112454 Big Fucking Sword Quest We start off as a Big Fucking Sword that talks and proceeds to level an entire forest, then turn into a real boy before slaying a dragon. Big Fucking Sword Quest , Collective Game , Swords , HEUG, 2013-04-08 6 24111246 The Riddle of Steel's Prophet Returns Jimmy Roman, Prophet of Galt, comes to tell us of the imminent return of Dickstabbing. Fectc/tg/uys everwhere rejoice. Also, they possibly rename the whole game. Riddle of Steel , John Galt , Jimmy Roman , Sword 2013-04-08 17 24249484 John Galt Returns, Runs Fecht Thread John Galt himself returns and runs a Riddle of Steel/Song of Swords fecht thread! In it, we fight the Hef, a race of rapetastic minotaurs. Can the sea elf pirate Rade best these foul creatures? Riddle of Steel,John Galt,Jimmy Roman,Song of Swords,Sword,Hef,Rade,Rhade 2013-04-15 22 24405433 Succbus Lord Quest Part 29 Join Brooklyn as he finally fights off against Langy for control of Fort Hope! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , mecha 2013-04-23 20 24409531 Borderlands PnP Ideas Ideas are thrown around about a Borderlands PnP, guncrafting is discussed and the horror that is the Female Psycho, better known as a Slag Harpy, is revealed. Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming 2013-04-24 10 24422100 Succbus Lord Quest Part 30 Join Brooklyn as he attends to the more immediate aftermath of what happened in Fort Hope! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , mecha 2013-04-24 20 24428558 Borderlands PNP thread #2 In which we hammer out HP, the Torgue Midget EOD is proposed, and system arguments begin Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming , 25 Greesy , TORGUE 2013-04-25 5 24458756 Borderlands PNP Thread #3 The Andrews Sisters as Slag Harpies, a unique currency, and a frank discussion of melee weapons Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming , 25 Greesy , TORGUE , Guns - Glorious Guns 2013-04-26 5 24485566 Borderlands PNP Thread #4 Ideas on Slag Harpy powers and mechanics, claptraps, and a dice system. Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Slag Harpy , Claptrap , TORGUE 2013-04-29 5 24516149 Succbus Lord Quest Part 31 Join us for Brooklyn meeting with Amanda+Erika and groping of Mina's ass! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-04-29 20 May 2013 24518837 Borderlands PnP Thread #5 Discussion of possible system titles, a little bit of healthy crunch development takes place, class archetypes and skills get tweaked, corporate factions explained, and more. Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Whack Foo , TORGUE , Claptrap , Greesy , France , Dakka , Moar Dakka 2013-05-01 5 24560756 Succbus Lord Quest Part 32 Join Brooklyn as he becomes Head Mage and is with Erika when she unveils her form to Leona! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , Paladumb 2013-05-01 22 24598986 Song of Swords: The Swords Sing Again Excellently informative discussion on Team Galt's Song of Swords, with extra info on everything from Finnish knives to Japanese swords. Song of Swords , John Galt , Jimmy Rome , Shinto Onna , Japan , Finland , History 2013-05-04 9 24573876 Japanese and other foreign games Discussion about various Japanese and other foreign games of /tg/ related nature. And some official localization input. Meikyuu Kingdom , Make You Kingdom , Golden Sky Stories , Yuyake Koyake , Night Wizard , Tenra Bansho Zero , Nechronica , Touhou Danmaku Yuugi Flowers , Maid RPG , Sword World , Ryuutama , Red Dragon , Record of Lodoss War , Double Cross , Shinobigami , Japanese gaming , Japanese TRPGs 2013-05-06 10 24593221 Borderlands PNP Thread #6 d6fag posts a draft, the janitor does his job for once, and we start hammering out character abilities Borderlands , Homebrew , Game Design , Whack Foo , TORGUE , Claptrap , Greesy , France , Dakka , Moar Dakka , Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming , 25 Greesy , Guns - Glorious Guns 2013-05-07 4 24708013 Succbus Lord Quest Part 33 Join Brooklyn as he gets a new maid and talks the merchant twins into becoming Succubi! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-05-09 20 24770074 The Overlord Quest /TG/ plays an evil overlord. One shot The Overlord Quest , Collective Game 2013-05-12 5 24790756 Slash Gordon! fa/tg/uy discovers a giant inflatable Ultramarine selling mobile homes by his house Ultrasmurfs , Slash Gordon , WTF , Best Value , lawsuit , heresy 2013-05-13 68 24848112 Succbus Lord Quest Part 34 Join us as we talk to Roselle then a really big debate. Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , drama 2013-05-16 20 24931320 SLASH!!!! AwwwWWWwwwwww Figurine of Slash Gordon Slash Gordon , Adaptus Estates , Warhammer 40k 2013-05-20 33 24978522 Succbus Lord Quest Part 35 Join us as we meet Brodin's boss, learn about death, and nearly have a heart attack! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-05-23 18 25007683 Primordial Evo: Return to South Discussion Thread Compiling needed fluff for returning to South Continent. Collective Game , Discussion , Primordial , Evolution , South Continent 2013-05-29 0 25116709 Succbus Lord Quest Part 36 Join us as we reassure the noble girls about a nightmare then have a really big debate about firefighting for some reason! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , firefighting 2013-05-30 20 June 2013 25402027 Succbus Lord Quest Part 37 Join us as we have a talk with Mina then a serious discussion with Amanda! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-06-13 20 25569558 Final Fantasy Quest 3 The one that comes after 4, but only in America. Collective Game , Final Fantasy Quest , Spiky Hair , Pizza Cutters do not make for good swords , Its not quite the same without the soundtrack 2013-06-22 7 25421717 Primordial Evolution Game: Southern Civ 3 Return to south continent, part 3. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Civilization , Tribal 2013-06-22 1 25578100 Primordial Evolution Game: Southern Civ 4 Return to south continent, part 4. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Civilization , Tribal 2013-06-23 0 25662762 Magic Sword Adventure - Part 1 You are a magic sword! Time to groom the next hero-to-be- oh nevermind, let's be villains. Magic Sword Adventure , Magic Sword , Sword , Collective Game , Bizarro Drawfag , Bizarro 2013-06-27 7 25664080 Succbus Lord Quest Part 38 Join as as the twins become Succubi and Queen Janine has a mental breakdown! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-06-27 18 25703302 Magic Sword Adventure - Part 2 You are a magic sword, and today you, your host, and an illithid are gonna kill some barbarians and then move into a new apartment. Magic Sword Adventure , Magic Sword , Sword , Collective Game , Bizarro Drawfag , Bizarro 2013-06-29 3 July 2013 25800578 Succbus Lord Quest Part 39 Join us as we help solve the twins 'accident'! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-07-04 20 25837377 Magic Sword Adventure - Part 3 In which a small amount of things happen. Magic Sword Adventure , Magic Sword , Sword , Collective Game , Bizarro Drawfag , Bizarro 2013-07-06 0 25938555 Succbus Lord Quest Part 40 Where we achieve the thread early to avoid a troll! Stuff happens! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-07-11 20 25951093 Handler Quest: Tyrone Alberswazy A side quest that takes place in the same world as the normal Handler quest, following The adventures of the new Handler Tyrone Alberswazy, a sassy black man who tries to steer his charge away from the dangers of the "Devil juice" Handler quest , collective game , side story , Lord of Sass , Sassy black man , 2013-07-11 6 25987915 Handler Quest: Tyrone Alberswazy No 2 In which Tyrone Streaks, goes to the firing range, fights dirtying in a spar,punches an asshole, goes on his first assignment with Juno, Kills two men, and does his job Handler quest , collective game , Lord of Sass , sidestory , Project ANTIGONE 2013-07-13 5 26044026 Primordial Evolution Game setting discussion Ironing out details on races, creatures, and civilizations. Mostly for cycling back to West Continent. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Discussion 2013-07-21 1 26216580 Succubus Lord Quest: Part 41 Its a legitimate empire building strategy! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , mecha 2013-07-25 5 26181853 Primordial Evo - West Third Cycle West Continent industrial era. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , West Continent , Civilization 2013-07-26 1 August 2013 26629656 Succubus Lord Quest Part 42 Where we archive to beat a troll! Drama! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-08-15 20 26760943 Succubus Lord Quest: Part 43 Join us as we teach the girls about Succubi and have a small emotional outburst. Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-08-22 20 26838541 Lord General Quest 1 Lord General travels to the world of Vitalitas to raise his first Regiment before preparing to liberate the world of Le Keers. Politicking upon a dying world, securing aid, and raising his first Siege Regiment, the Lord General lays the groundwork for his future. Collective Game , Lord General Quest , Warhammer 40k , Imperial Guard , Commissars 2013-08-27 22 26880290 The Knights Repentant A thread about what happens when pre-Heresy Word Bearers travel through the warp and emerge from it in the 41st millennium. Brought to you by two anons. One who thought about this idea, and one who made it flesh. Really cool and probably the sanest homebrew ever. Knights Repentant , Space Marines , Word Bearers , 2013-08-29 18 26876368 Lord General Quest 2 Lord General and the Vitalitas 1st Siege Regiment arrive at Le Keers to find the enemy's numbers larger than expected, but begin their attack undaunted! Perspective shift to a Company Commander's view takes the fight to a crashed Devourer dropship's survivors at the Starport of Omnissiah's Gateway... Guardsman Ronalds will not be forgotten. Collective Game , Lord General Quest , Warhammer 40k , Imperial Guard , Commissars , Invasion , Heretics , Death or Glory 2013-08-29 20 26887458 Succubus Lord Quest Part 44 Join us as Brooklyn finally goes to old TO! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-08-29 20 26917030 Lord General Quest 3 The liberation of Le Keers continues. For the Emperor, boys! Collective Game , Lord General Quest , Warhammer 40k , Imperial Guard , Commissars , Invasion , Heretics , Death or Glory 2013-08-31 20 September 2013 27022240 Lord General Quest Vol. 4 The Lord General and the Vitalis Siege Regiment launch a rescue and begin the Siege. Collective Game , Lord General Quest , Warhammer 40K , Quest Thread , Imperial Guard 2013-09-05 16 27025803 Succbus Lord Quest Part 45 Join as we kick ass and chew bubblegum, but we're all outta gum... Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter 2013-09-05 21 26897383 Primordial Evo Setting Discussion Discussing information on the creatures and cultures of Borgas IV, as well as giving 3.5 stats to some of the races. Setting , Discussion , Primordial , Evolution , Collective Game , homebrew , races 2013-09-10 1 27164629 Succbus Lord Quest Part 46 Join us as Brooklyn has a reunion with his sister and uncle! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2013-09-12 23 27242257 Warlord Quest The hero is Esalar, a steppe nomad near a crumbling Empire. As the call to arms echoes to his homeland, he decides to raise his own troops, and make his own way in the warring world. Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-09-16 15 27262429 Warlord Quest 2 Esalar leads his men to the rescue of a band of Imperial gentry, chooses to visit friendly tribes and deal with them honestly, and is rewarded with an attempted lashing and a spell in detention. Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-09-17 7 27286857 Succbus Lord Quest Part 47 Join us for more adventures in the Library and meeting a shameless Greed Demon! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , Old Spice 2013-09-19 21 27332710 Warlord Quest 3 Esalar is surprised to turn from prisoner into guest. Having learned much news from Dokas, the noble hosting him, he then becomes an accomplice in Dokas' plan to get what he deserves... Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-09-21 7 27364809 Warlord Quest 4 Esalar suggests a plan, and goes on a mission to achieve it, only to be betrayed. After taking heavy losses, he wreaks vengeance on the Sparrow tribe. Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-09-23 8 27344793 Primordial Evolution. Setting building, thread 3. Continuing to work out Borgas 4 into a coherent setting. Focus on player interaction timelines. Primordial , Evolution , Game , Setting , Tabletop , Basic , Role , Playing , BRP 2013-09-25 3 27417248 Warlord Quest 5 Esalar participates in the battle between two tribes, moves south, learns how to read Imperial, and occupies a massive, fortified pass. We are now in the Empire! Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-09-26 6 27418931 Succubus Lord Quest Part 48 Join us as Brooklyn reunites Mary with her mother Oksana! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2013-09-26 23 October 2013 27519382 Warlord Quest 6 Esalar's men win an easy victory, come across some very, very phat loot, and he finally learns to read. Well, minimally. Also, a new village is in the works. Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-10-02 5 27523685 Succubus Lord Quest Part 49 Join us as we fight of a Miyian gang and talk to Arum! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , gattai 2013-10-02 29 27625514 Warlord Quest 7 Esalar's base at Nienshari Pass comes under siege, and he carries out a counterstroke. Collective Game , Warlord Quest , Nomad , Warlord 2013-10-07 7 27598974 Primordial Evolution. Setting building, thread 4. Fixing timelines, design updates, and a tiny bit more crunch. Primordial , Evolution , Game , Setting , Tabletop , Basic , Role , Playing , BRP 2013-10-16 1 27883999 Succubus Lord Quest Part 50 Join us as we escape from, then have tea with Brooklyn-Draugr! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2013-10-23 23 November 2013 28040175 Succubus Lord Quest Part 51 Join us as we have a date with the twins and then find out more about Brooklyn-Draugr! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2013-11-01 25 28253652 Succubus Lord Quest Part 52 Join us for the rescue of Belkarian Knight Fredika! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2013-11-14 25 28363011 Fabrique Generale Quest: Nomad Edition #1 We are John Varkov, medic and survivalist, as he tracks down his missing sister south of Light City and encounters the Pawn-King. Fabrique_Generale_Quest , Fabrique_Generale_Quest_Redux , Collective_Game , Quest , Post_Apocalyptic , Equity_Lord 2013-11-19 3 28549890 Succubus Lord Quest Part 53 Join us as we learn more about the wrath demons, watch as Fredrika gets her act together and try to comfort some of our companions. Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2013-11-30 22 December 2013 28588794 Wugong Landlord Quest 1 We come into a pretty major inheritance. Then we get our first potential tenant... and then we get into a fight. Life in the City. Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-01 20 28605305 Wugong Landlord Quest 2 We accidentally punch out a friend, and then lease her a room. Then, after some pleasant physical activity, an intruder in the most precious portion of the house. 1 room rented, 3 to go... Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-02 14 28640611 Wugong Landlord Quest 3 The Landlord finds a second tenant in Charlie. Then he helps Anna shake a douche bag, has tea, and helps shake a douche bag from a train. Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-04 16 28667474 Wugong Landlord Quest 4 We learn more about our great uncle and get drunk in the process. Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-05 13 28691802 Wugong Landlord Quest 5 We spend some time with a lovely girl, find out that our tenants can get along and help prepare dinner. Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-06 11 28735295 Wugong Landlord Quest 6 The third tenant, Chenglin, arrives and promptly gets into an argument with Anna. Afterward, fun times are had at the movies. Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-09 11 28774359 Wugong Landlord Quest 7 We get information from Callie. Afterwards, we accept a job proposal. Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-10 12 28787019 /tg/ talks swords Complete with manuals by medieval masters, the various murder instruments and their uses, and civilised discussion. swords , getting shit done , helpful info , useful , history , fechtbuch 2013-12-11 7 28810079 Wugong Landlord Quest 8 The Landlord goes to return Janice's pendant to her and meets with her friends. When he returns home, he is greeted by a man who wishes to speak to him about the Fourth Master. Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-13 13 28871482 Wugong Landlord Quest 9 After narrowly dodging a bullet, the Landlord makes remarkable progress in his training through meditation. After engaging in a short match with Anna, the two bond a bit through baths and jazz. Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-15 14 28896447 Wugong Landlord Quest 10 We get invited to a party and arrive early. Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-16 12 28937746 Wugong Landlord Quest 11 The party begins and the Landlord expands his net of relationships. As he enjoys the night's festivities, a rude and drunken interruption arrives... Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-18 11 28950349 Succubus Lord Quest Part 54 Join us as we set up plans for the Succubi village! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2013-12-20 20 28998361 Wugong Landlord Quest 12 The police come and problems are sorted out. The long day closes on a delightful note. Wugong Landlord Quest , Collective Game , Kungfu 2013-12-21 12 29065332 Succubus Lord Quest Part 55 Join us as we talk to the Ayarian leader then take control of Amanda! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2013-12-26 20 29100009 Bord Quest - The Bord Awaken Deep in interstellar space, a massive ship trundles on. A pinnacle of engineering of its kind, its destination is an oasis in the middle of interstellar wasteland... Borgas IV.
Will they reach paradise? Will they reach their doom? Only Engineer Hugo Packagebord knows! collective game , bord quest , primordial , colony ship , bord , shenanigans , drawquest 2013-12-27 13 29176649 Succubus Lord Quest Part 56 Join us as we archive early to avoid a troll! Amanda talks to the Miyian Leader! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2013-12-31 20 January 2014 29277103 Oversized Weapon Quest You get a big sword, get to be the boss, and find some people to boss around! Collective Game , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-01-04 39 29293825 Oversized Weapon Quest 2 4chan cut things short. But you got the boys organized and trained, and got some presents! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-01-05 39 29331722 Oversized Weapon Quest 3 You train the boys up a bit, get a little discouraged, and get into a little fight. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Dwarves 2014-01-07 37 29402288 Bord Quest - Two Bords, No Weapon Hugo Packagebord finds something else as he searches for weapons or weapon-like things with Rando Bornum. collective game , bord quest , primordial , colony ship , bord , shenanigans , drawquest 2014-01-10 6 29474500 Oversized Weapon Quest 5 You start your journey! With a dungeon! And your first real fight! A very important system is revealed. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-01-13 31 29494509 Succubus Lord Quest Part 57 Join us as Brooklyn meets and angelic hit squad and learns about magic classes! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-01-15 16 29564051 Oversized Weapon Quest 6 Things heat up a bit! Fight for your life! Collective Quest , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-01-17 31 29659165 Oversized Weapon Quest 7 You complete your first real raid, and get roped into some sorta quest. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Elemental Spirits 2014-01-21 29 29663498 Succubus Lord Quest Part 58 Join us as we explain our situation to Rebecca about being the son of a Hero Trainer! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-01-21 17 29734929 Oversized Weapon Quest 8 You help that annoying rock guy out, and find more about the forest you're staying in for now. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Big Swords , Elementals , Goblins 2014-01-24 29 29783750 Oversized Weapon Quest 9 You raid the Quarry! And then get a windfall of presents. Rollin' in the progress. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , all dem item upgrades and abilities 2014-01-26 28 29772158 Path of War & Psionics. Or: The platonic ideal of Sword. OP shares Dreamscarred's Path of War book. Anon explains the deliciousness of the Soulknife Swordsage. Much discussion and planning ensues. psionics , pathfinder , path of war , tome of battle , swords , stat me , Fate/Stay Night , magic , galorion , mecha barbarians , martial arts , swordsage , monk , soulknife , dreamscarred press , preview , complete psionics , wilder , win , attempted derail , D&D , fluff , d20 2014-01-26 5 February 2014 30002022 Oversized Weapon Quest 11 Set out for adventure! Find and take pity on an annoying girl, and also get a lot of work done. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Chain Raiding 2014-02-04 29 30149606 Succubus Lord Quest part 59 Join us as the fire as the Pride demons begin a crackdown and we free out Dad! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-02-12 15 30308129 Succubus Lord Quest: Part 60 Join us as Brooklyn gains her father's freedom and we escape from the Pride Demon raid! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-02-18 14 30334263 Oversized Weapon Quest 13 I prefer my elves medium rare! Meet some wacky gnoll guy. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Gnolls , Roasted Marshmellows 2014-02-19 26 30422152 Badass Overlord Quest A oneshot about Overlord Embra's quest to become the most badass evil overlord. Collective Game , Drawquest , Overlord , Oneshot 2014-02-23 21 30437513 Oversized Weapon Quest 14 You finish up the gnoll side quests with little fanfare, plan a big raid, and then the thread gets cut short. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-02-24 26 March 2014 30656703 Succubus Lord Quest: Part 61 Join us as we meet the Leader of the Aides and the Pamille Church and Leona makes a friend for life. Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-03-06 12 30675713 Oversized Weapon Quest 17 Scratch another sidequest off the list! Is this the start of a love triangle?! Some new guys show up. You make plans to knock out a dungeon! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Hexblade Spell List 2014-03-07 28 30736903 Oversized Weapon Quest 18 Exposition time! You meet a bunch of people, and a floating skull. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , demilich , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-03-10 24 30796824 Oversized Weapon Quest 19 We do the whole tournament! We meet an old friend. People like talking a lot. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Diplomancy , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-03-13 23 30802645 Succbus Lord Quest Part 62 Join us as meet a new Miyian Friend and take the twins on a date! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-03-13 13 31039237 Oversized Weapon Quest 20 You recruit a bard lady, dork around with rock elementals, and raid a town. What is this strange sense of dissatisfaction?! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Ennui 2014-03-24 24 31101420 Oversized Weapon Quest 21 We go fishing! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Choppa 2014-03-28 24 31161169 Oversized Weapon Quest 22 You save some tree guys, and bring an end to act one. Good job! You make all kindsa decisions that may or may not have big impacts and meet a dragon disciple and her dragon master. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Thighs , Goblins , Kuo-toa , Big Swords 2014-03-31 23 April 2014 31279473 Oversized Weapon Quest 23 You enjoy some relaxing time in camp, and so do your subordinates. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Big Swords , Goblins , Parties 2014-04-06 22 31327202 Succubus Lord Quest Part 63 Join us for making our sister Excel meet our Dad! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-04-08 13 31372228 Last Calibur Quest Ekard the monster hunter takes his first steps towards kingship. Collective Game , Last Calibur , Last Calibur Quest , Fantasy , Magic Swords , Heroic Adventure 2014-04-10 12 31385441 Oversized Weapon Quest 24 We do some leadering, some shopping, some fashion shopping, and then get on a boat and fight some pirates. It was a busy day. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Fashion , Shopping , Leadership , Big Swords 2014-04-11 21 31452050 Oversized Weapon Quest 25 You land on an awful continent filled with awful people. You help them with their awful problems. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Adventure Party , Big Swords , Goblins 2014-04-14 22 31475390 Last Calibur Quest 2 The second thread. We jump off a cliff. Collective Game , Last Calibur , Last Calibur Quest , Fantasy , Magic Swords , Heroic Adventure 2014-04-15 4 31498025 Oversized Weapon Quest 26 You solve a case, get drunk, find a friendservant, and start your new adventure! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Alcohol , Lizardmen 2014-04-16 22 31601036 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage No cunnilingus. Absolutely disgusting. The MC marries his dead brother's fiance, then fucks her. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut 2014-04-21 4 31602182 Oversized Weapon Quest 27 You summon a dryad, fight a golem, and reincarnate a party member. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Skeletons , Reincarnate 2014-04-21 22 31664085 Oversized Weapon Quest 28 You get god like powers, and start setting Utalaga ablaze! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Turtles , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-04-24 20 31665784 Last Calibur Quest 3 Ekard has a terrible hangover. Collective Game , Last Calibur , Last Calibur Quest , Fantasy , Magic Swords , Heroic Adventure 2014-04-24 6 31650014 Succubus Lord Quest Part 64 Join us as we raid a Vampire base! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-04-24 11 31713995 Swordless Sage Quest 1 Hector, the MC, has his family business wrecked. He seeks restitution for it. Saucy , Swordless Sage Quest , Unarmed Swordsage , Martial Arts , Collective Game 2014-04-26 5 31719645 Forgotten Overlord Quest Part 2 Part 1: Forgotten Overlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-04-26 5 31732432 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage The MC leaves on high adventure! Almost immediately stops to fuck wife and random other girl. Still no cunnilingus. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut 2014-04-27 1 31803267 Oversized Weapon 29 You kill a shoujo love interest before it exists. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Vampires 2014-04-30 18 May 2014 31808787 Succubus Lord Quest Part 65 Join us as we escape the vampire base and have a chat with a new 'friend'! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-05-01 11 31848516 Oversized Weapon Quest 30 You find another OWU! And fight them. your domain grows. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Librarian 2014-05-02 20 31998126 Oversized Weapon Quest 31 In which we finish up a big sidequest. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Light , Demi-Goddess 2014-05-09 20 32061492 Oversized Weapon Quest 32 You recruit a smith, and find a ride! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Monks Everywhere , Goblins , Big Swords , Q&A 2014-05-12 16 32123517 Oversized Weapon Quest 33 You get lost, fight a lady, complete a sidequest, level up, grab items, and get rid of something pointless. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Wedding Dress 2014-05-15 16 32182131 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 5 An anon feels guilty and people decide to go fight a tentacle monster. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut 2014-05-17 4 32262375 Oversized Weapon Quest 34 We kill the QM Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Turtles , Lasers , Metal Gear Solid 2014-05-22 20 32295572 Two Swords Quest 2 The battle for the village is lost. collective game , Two Swords Quest , Zelda , Legend of Zelda 2014-05-23 5 32353005 Oversized Weapon Quest 35 Killing people results in boring paperwork. We managed to file all the forms correctly. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-05-26 16 32404606 Forgotten Overlord Quest Part 3 We get some identification. Forgotten Overlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-05-28 3 32437444 Oversized Weapon Quest 36 You finish the coup, reunite with the boys, and get a move on with the next objective. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Big Swords , Goblins , Forests , Army Management 2014-05-29 16 June 2014 32507676 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 6 The QM of this quest is a massive faggot who I hate. So much. This is the one right after the blue-balling with Cecilia. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut 2014-06-01 0 32511774 Succubus Lord Quest part 66 Join us as we have 'fun' times with Mina and go to our study group! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-06-03 10 32546532 Oversized Weapon Quest 37 You get some help from some trees, and bully an elf to help and elf you bully Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , All nat 20s 2014-06-03 16 32554516 Reclaiming Might Quest The beginning. You recall a small fraction of your power. Reclaiming Might , Evil Overlord , Tactics , Strategy , Exploration , Empire Building , Smut , Collective Game 2014-06-04 9 32577623 Forgotten Overlord Quest Part 4 We meet some new minions. Forgotten Overlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-06-05 2 32633797 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 7 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 7 Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut 2014-06-07 -1 32657757 Oversized Weapon Quest 38 Roll d20 to apply blackface Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Elves 2014-06-09 23 32671533 Succubus Lord Quest part 67 Join us as we go out on a date and corrupt an innocent cleric! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-06-10 8 32686631 Edgelord Design and Implementation Handbook Edited by Anonymous. /tg/ press Edge , edgelords , mary sue , sue , sues , oc 2014-06-11 2 32715050 Reclaiming Might Quest Thread 2 Reclaiming Might , Evil Overlord , Tactics , Strategy , Exploration , Empire Building , Smut , Collective Game 2014-06-11 6 32739476 Forgotten Overlord Quest Part 5 Getting information. Forgotten Overlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-06-13 3 32778617 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 8 With his new wife and his new fucktoy in tow, our hero heads home from his adventure. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut 2014-06-14 2 32801395 Oversized Weapon Quest 39 You make a deal, and then sorta disobey orders but not really? Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Tactical Goblin Action 2014-06-16 15 32861619 Oversized Weapon Quest 40 In which the QM loses focus and rambles for an hour and a half. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Unprofessional 2014-06-19 13 32859503 Reclaiming Might Quest Thread 3 Reclaiming Might , Evil Overlord , Tactics , Strategy , Exploration , Empire Building , Smut , Collective Game 2014-06-19 4 32874954 Edgelord Refugee Camp Discussions of freeform leads to an amusing idea edge , edgelord , freeform 2014-06-19 5 32921096 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 9 Waifu #2 fucks and sucks the MC in a decadent display of marital lovemaking. Then some other shit happens, I dunno what though. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut 2014-06-21 4 32946268 Succubus Lord Quest part 68 Join us as Brooklyn has the meeting with the Succubus heads! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-06-24 8 33065023 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 10 MC breaks Kini in (nicely this time) and then...? Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut 2014-06-28 4 33085241 Oversized Weapon Quest 41 We get the best puppy ever Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , big lizards 2014-06-30 13 33087664 The Overlord Who Could Not Be Evil Storytime of a wannabe Dark Lord whose attempts at "evil" all backfire making him beloved by the people as a great hero, much to his displeasure. Wipes out a religion? Later everyone finds out it was into human sacrifice. Imports evil creatures such as liches? Necro-industry! Kicks a puppy? The damned thing was a plague carrier! Overlord , Evil , Heroic , Failure , Story , Writefag , Heartwarming, 2014-06-30 20 July 2014 33167101 Oversized Weapon Quest 42 Shax gets back in town, and starts raiding random stuff again. Starting with a circus. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , goldfish 2014-07-04 14 33163699 Succubus Lord Quest part 69 Join us as we deal with the aftermath of the meeting! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-07-04 6 33231300 Oversized Weapon Quest 43 A clown shows up. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , clowns 2014-07-07 14 33196649 Vyrii Growth Game In a strange cave-like world, mineral based beings evolve into strange and frightening forms. (Spinoff of the Primordial Evolution games) collective game , vyrii growth game , rocks , crystals , primordial evo , evolution game 2014-07-07 1 33252932 Succubus Lord Quest part 70 Join us as we meet Luna and plan to save he leaders! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-07-09 6 33316059 Oversized Weapon Quest 44 Tokimeki Axe Girl's Side Story Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , Inter-Planar Relations , big swords 2014-07-11 14 33317239 Reclaiming Might Quest 6.1 The battle continues.
Troll tags for 3, 4 and 6: edge, shameless Reclaiming Might , Evil Overlord , Empire Building , edge , shameless , smut , Collective Game 2014-07-11 1 33358021 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 11 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 11 Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut 2014-07-12 23 33399489 Oversized Weapon Quest 45 there, at the shrine of the silver monkey, you must assemble all three pieces to continue further into the Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , legend of the hidden temple 2014-07-15 12 33413732 Chaos Sisters Fandex Ep3 Third attempt at a chaos sisters of battle fandex after /tg/ sperged out previously. chaos , sisters of battle , corruption , fandex , sperglords , edgy , dull , codex , fan, 2014-07-15 -2 33451186 Succubus Lord Quest 71 Join us as we prepare for the big fight! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-07-18 7 33472864 Oversized Weapon Quest 46 Rise of the Cyber Kobolds Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Intermission , goblins , big swords 2014-07-18 12 33515486 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 12 Immediately after buttfucking Chara, our hero is confounded by a threat which threatens his very sanity: economics. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-07-19 2 33560011 Oversized Weapon Quest 47 You recap things for an old guy and Blaise reveals her ambitions. Oversized Weapon Quest , Collective Game , big swords , goblins , bdsm 2014-07-22 12 33605642 Lamentations of the Flame Princess Storytiem: Edge edition A little girl, the ghost of her necromancer grandfather, a fourteen year old boy still traumatized by the time his parents were raped to death by bears, and a priest team up to murder the shit out of some people, no matter how many people they have to murder in order to do it. Lamentations of the Flame Princess , LotFP , lotfp , storytime , storytiem , BEARS , edge , edgy , edgelord 2014-07-23 10 33675165 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 13 In which our brave hero goes to a local festival. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-07-26 3 33678367 Oversized Weapon Quest 48 fairies skeletons beltbras Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , big swords , goblins , beltbras 2014-07-27 11 33722800 Oversized Weapon Quest 49 3spooky5me: Critfail Edition Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , ghost house 2014-07-28 11 August 2014 33845348 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 14 Post-petting, pre-coppergirl. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-02 3 33871813 Succubus Lord Quest 72 Join us for the fight against Lord Dio! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life 2014-08-04 10 33893132 Oversized Weapon Quest 50 And there appeared another wonder in Manderlay; and behold a great black dragon, having seven owls and ten horns, and a crown upon her head. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , shax could join a knight order now 2014-08-05 12 34011209 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 15 In which our hero fights a coppergirl and probably gets killed for it. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-09 -1 34014942 Oversized Weapon Quest 51 In which Shax is the most demure Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , old natty 1 2014-08-10 12 34090879 Oversized Weapon Quest 52 Shax reunites with some old friends, talks to some demons. A magical evening is experienced. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , magic tricks 2014-08-13 11 34094243 Succubus Lord Quest 74 Join us as we start policy making for Old TO! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , politics 2014-08-13 6 34184617 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 16 After his vicious and humiliating throat rape of the coppergirl, our hero emerges from the mines with her in tow. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-16 2 34259195 Succubus Lord Quest 75(!) Join us as we defuse a hostage situation! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , politics 2014-08-20 7 34343491 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 17 Chara's got a collar, and Patina's still waiting to be raped again? All this and more, on tonight's episode of Child Rapist Quest. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-23 4 34347289 Oversized Weapon Quest 53 Shax deals with another boss! Makes a plan to fill an elven forest with undead. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , boss points are a decent mechanic 2014-08-24 13 34392916 Oversized Weapon Quest 54 Shax wanders into a tower and finds out how awful it is to fight an arcane caster in 3.5 Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , caster edition 2014-08-26 11 34509225 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 18 Our hero goes to his parents' keep to investigate his older brother's murder. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-30 4 September 2014 34534690 Oversized Weapon Quest 55 You go to the beach, then make a decision. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , Final Chapter Start 2014-09-01 11 34675824 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 19 Having finished up with Elisetta's side quest (and fucked her), our hero continues in his investigation of his older brother's murder. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-06 4 34676456 Oversized Weapon Quest 56 Allonces' mom is hot Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , allonces' mom is hotter than anyone else 2014-09-07 11 34756635 Succubus Lord Quest 76 Join us fpr the Celestian invasion! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , politics 2014-09-10 5 34819240 Hoard Quest You are Zokarth, freshly hatched from your egg you acquire a magic book, a minion and most importantly GOLD! Collective Game , Dragons , hording , Hord Quest 2014-09-13 12 34837564 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 20 Our hero plans to head south and meet Sir Arthur. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-13 4 34838120 Oversized Weapon Quest 57 You help some nerds. Oh, and also Ascend, I guess. That might matter. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , neeeerrrds 2014-09-14 13 34861114 Oversized Weapon Quest 58 You win! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , the real winners are the audience 2014-09-14 27 34867262 Oversized Weapon Quest The End Last few things since the thread died. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , alls well that ends well 2014-09-15 25 34866206 Ordo Xeno Tyranid Problem Hello fellow Ordo Xenos Inquisitors. Welcome to our Centurial Ordo meeting.
First order of business, it is becoming increasing clear that we need to develop a final solution for the Tyranid problem. Now if you'll open your folders to page 3 we'll begin... 40k , Ordo Xeno , Warhammer 40k , Tyranid , Inquisitor 2014-09-15 2 35000017 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 21 Our hero has a firm suspect: Lorenne, his brother's paramour. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-20 2 35022120 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 22 Our hero has sex with a small child and then heads off to the mountains on his quest for an heir. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-21 3 35152884 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23 Our hero adventures in the Allimas, having met Erosette once more. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-27 -5 35153074 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23 Our hero adventures in the Allimas. (Actual thread.) Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-27 4 35174614 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 24 After getting his arm slashed open, our hero continues to fuck his way through life. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-28 3 October 2014 35302762 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 25 Our hero confronts a brown girl on some rocks. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-04 4 35398922 Assassin School quest 7 part 2 Lyla's African adventure continues, her guide dies to mysterious circumstances (Layla), and invades the camp of a warlord, things quickly go sour and the hunter becomes the hunted Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , African warlord, 2014-10-09 10 35453839 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 26 Having finished raping a brown girl, our hero is shot at by some redhead bitch. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-11 1 35509987 Succubus Lord Quest 77 Join us as the Greed Demon's drop a bombshell of information at us! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , politics 2014-10-15 7 35608257 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 27 Having finished brutally raping Lorenne, our hero deals with the fallout of Erosette's battle. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-18 1 35750114 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 28 With Lorenne taken as his rape toy, our hero should be wrapping up his business in the Allimas soon. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-25 3 November 2014 35893634 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 29 Having impregnated his wife, our hero completes his journey home. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-01 4 35923989 The All Guardsmen Party Buys a Ship The All Guardsmen Party goes to help purchase a used starship. Nothing could possibly go wrong. All Guardsmen Party , Storytime , Dark Heresy , 40k , Warhammer , Story , Shoggy , Buy , Ship , Occurrence , Border , Nubby , Warp , Only War , Guardsmen , Guardsman 2014-11-03 178 36039362 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 30 Having returned home, our hero has to manage his harem some more. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-08 3 36182407 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 31 Our hero is home at last, managing his harem. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-15 4 36181067 Orc Warlord Quest 1 A young orc hunts, loots tombs, and plans treachery. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-11-16 40 36244890 Orc Warlord Quest 2 Ur'shal seizes control of his clan with the aid of two good friends and a big axe. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-11-19 31 36254106 Orc Warlord Quest 3 Ur'shal, Chieftain of the Stonetusk Clan, celebrates his victory. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-11-19 27 36285129 Orc Warlord Quest 4 Ur'shal organizes his new clan and prepares to head north against a potential threat. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-11-21 27 36328568 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 32 Our hero fugs Chara in the butt, again. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-22 4 36390759 orc warlord quest 5 We bang an ogress orc warlord quest , collective game 2014-11-26 29 36405164 The Bard Quest #1 You are an aspiring battle-bard. Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2014-11-27 2 36423083 The Bard Quest #2 You are an aspiring battle-bard in bard college. Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2014-11-27 1 36429479 Orc Warlord Quest 6 The Stonetusk Clan celebrate their victories and plan their next move. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-11-28 27 36438757 The Bard Quest #3 Your girlfriend starts doing drugs. Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2014-11-28 0 36457473 The Bard Quest #4 You save your girl. Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2014-11-29 1 December 2014 36523119 Orc Warlord Quest 7 Koz'rak launches a raid on the human Cloud Tribe for slaves and loot. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-02 25 36565590 Orc Warlord Quest 8 Ur'shal goes out hunting strange creatures spotted on the borders of his clan's lands. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-05 26 36573438 The Bard Quest #5 She's gone, man. Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2014-12-05 -2 36596857 The Bard Quest #5 Retcon Continuous connection errors prevented OP from updating. Will continue another time. Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2014-12-06 0 36604642 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 33 Our hero probably spends some quality time with Adelle or something. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-12-06 4 36618118 The Bard Quest #5.5 Another victim of site maintenance. Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2014-12-07 0 36630025 The Bard Quest #5.75 Prepare for danger. Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2014-12-08 0 36662484 Orc Warlord Quest 9 Ur'shal leads his clanmates in pursuit of a necromancer hiding out in The Wastes. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-09 26 36700399 Orc Warlord Quest 10 The Dead Fall. The Fire Rises. Orc Warlord , Collective Game 2014-12-12 24 36731503 Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story Another SAO quest, this time without a clusterfuck of character generation. Samuel logs into SAO and does stuff Sword Art Online , Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story , SAO , Collective Game 2014-12-13 6 36741120 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 34 Our hero terrifies his captive and continues his investigation. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-12-13 3 36741834 Orc Warlord Quest 11 A study in proper warbeast care and the dangers of unexpected weather conditions. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-14 26 36745985 Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 2 We get a pimpin' new coat, channel our inner berserker, beat overgrown bugs with our bare hands, and become big damn heroes to two scrubs. collective game , sword art online , sao , samuel , kayaba akihiko 2014-12-14 6 36743632 Succubus Lord Quest 78 Join us as we see the eyes of the world through Brodin! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , politics 2014-12-14 7 36798584 Orc Warlord Quest 12 Ur'shal battles a rock troll and celebrates with his clan in the traditional orcish manner. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-16 25 36837092 Orc Warlord Quest 13 Ur'shal plans his next move against rival clans and learns more about one of his slaves. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-19 25 36840855 Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 3 The dangers are made clear after a loss but it only steels our resolve. collective game , sword art online , sao , samuel , kayaba akihiko 2014-12-19 10 36876645 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 35 The interrogation of Lorenne continues. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-12-20 2 36867798 Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 4 We finish up our quests, get some new gear, and prepare to head towards the dungeon. collective game , sword art online , sao , samuel , kayaba akihiko 2014-12-21 7 36883613 Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 5 The dice gods spare a party member, we play truth and dare, finally reach Horunka, become blacksmith apprentices, and find out that, indeed, Kobolds a shit. collective game , sword art online , sao , samuel , kayaba akihiko 2014-12-22 6 36902139 Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 6 We brutally slaughter a horde of kobolds and face off against a lizard dragon miniboss thing. The dice gods also fuck with OP. collective game , sword art online quest , sao , kayaba akihiko 2014-12-22 6 36921319 Gunderson Nuts Presents: Succubus Lord Quest 78 Join us for this holiday special by Gunderson nuts! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , politics , buy Gunderson Nuts 2014-12-23 5 36935575 Orc Warlord Quest 14 Ur'shal makes plans for his conquest of the Stormhowler and Goatfoot Clans. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-24 25 36941707 Orc Warlord Quest 15 Ur'shal prepares to challenge the Stormhowler Chieftain and reaps the benefits of strange magics. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-24 25 37005877 Orc Warlord Quest 16 Ur'shal duels Ya'zada, chieftain of the Stormhowler Clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-28 25 37051951 Succubus Lord Quest 80 Join us for the aftermath of the Old TO battle! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , politics 2014-12-30 5 37066341 Orc Warlord Quest 17 In which Ur'shal negotiates complex inter-clan politics by way of bloody duels to the death. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2014-12-31 24 January 2015 37107613 Orc Warlord Quest 18 Ur'shal organizes his rapidly growing clan and has a good night ruined by strange magic. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-02 24 37138137 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 36 Our hero must confront a shadow/slimegirl alone and unarmed. Is this the end for him? Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2015-01-03 3 37138699 Orc Warlord Quest 19 Ur'shal faces down a horror of the Abyss and deals with the real world fallout of his impromptu dream quest. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-04 24 37140820 Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 8 We butcher some tentacle worm things, timeskip, and purchase some new equipment in preparation for Illfang. (Last thread: collective game , sword art online , sao , samuel , kayaba akihiko 2015-01-04 3 37201141 Orc Warlord Quest 20 Ur'shal organizes his clan and goes to recruit the Wargriders and Wyrmkillers before his enemies can destroy them. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-07 24 37202465 Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 9 We play as the worlds best pet, then make a guild collective game , sword art online , sao , samuel , kayaba akihiko 2015-01-07 1 37243700 Orc Warlord Quest 21 Ur'shal battles the undead to defend his newest clanmates, and fate proves most unkind to his mate. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-09 23 37245355 SAO Quest; Samuel's Story 10 We start Shadowruns and plan to end a guild collective game , sword art online , sao , samuel , kayaba akihiko 2015-01-09 1 37251259 Orc Warlord Quest 21.2 Ur'shal returns from his mission with new clanmates and finally gets some time to relax and unwind. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-09 24 37285544 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 37 With the letter of intent in hand, our hero prepares for the last conflict. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2015-01-10 4 37284555 Orc Warlord Quest 22 Ya'zada, lieutenant of the Stonetusk Clan, fights off an abyssal parasite in a very strange place. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-11 24 37378736 Succubus Lord Quest 81 Join us as we sort out our after battle prizes! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , politics 2015-01-15 5 37384219 The Bard Quest #6 Dragonslayer. Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2015-01-15 0 37393227 Orc Warlord Quest 23 Ur'shal, chieftain of the Stonetusk Clan, prepares for his first go at the time honored orcish tradition of raiding elf villages. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-16 24 37407354 The Bard Quest #7 Boring middle part. Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2015-01-16 0 37431400 The Bard Quest #8 You begin a quest. Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2015-01-17 0 37438066 Orc Warlord Quest 24 Ur'shal enters the jungle and launches his attack on the elven settlement. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-18 24 37448031 Orc Warlord Quest 24.2 Ur'shal battles a dangerous adversary, narrowly cheats death, and finishes his first ever raid. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-18 23 37472441 The Bard Quest #9 Assandra died! Quest , Bard , Bard Quest , Collective Game , Mandolin , Longsword 2015-01-19 -6 37505504 Orc Warlord Quest 25 Ur'shal returns to his camp with the spoils of victory, but encounters another foe along the way. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-21 24 37533837 Succubus Lord Quest 82 Join us for Matriarch Ishtar's secret! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , politics 2015-01-22 5 37549625 Orc Warlord Quest 26 Ur'shal organizes the spoils of his clan's raid and gets to know his new slave a little better. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-23 24 37587295 Orc Warlord Quest 27 Ur'shal celebrates his victory with his clanmates and slaves, and learns more about the lands to the south. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-25 25 37658640 Orc Warlord Quest 28 Ur'shal holds a council to plan his clan's next move. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-28 23 37727037 Sellsword's Quest Part 1 We are introduced to Eirik, our hero who was banished from his homeland Sellsword's Quest , Sellsword , Collective Game , Quest , Mercenary, 2015-01-31 8 February 2015 37752440 (Not)Overlord Quest The Lich Overlord is dead. All hail the Lich Overlord! Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , Bello , Human of LousEngelus 2015-02-01 15 37755599 Sellsword's Quest Part 2 We meet Valka, and orc warrior and get acquainted with out weapons Sellsword's Quest , Sellsword , Collective Game , Quest , Mercenary, 2015-02-01 6 37752291 Orc Warlord Quest 29 Ur'shal finishes up the council meeting and we take control of Vor'zal hunting down his clanmate's mysterious killer. Cut short due to internet issues. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-01 22 37769775 Orc Warlord Quest 29.2 Vor'zal, priest of the Stonetusk Clan, hunts a strange creature in the mountains to avenge the death of a clanmate. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-01 23 37778952 Sellsword's Quest Part 3 Eirik and Valka decide to kill some bandits. Sellsword's Quest , Sellsword , Collective Game , Quest , Mercenary, 2015-02-02 5 37780413 (Not)Overlord Chapter 2 Max takes the job as the new Lich Overlord. And he does a bang-up job in it too. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-02 11 37802505 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 3 Max makes his first decree as Overlord.
Then he get's to meet the other Pillars. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-03 11 37818481 Orc Warlord Quest 30 Contact is made with the Skyhunter Mining Camp, and a betrayal is planned. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-04 23 37825659 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 4 Having personal time with our main boys Zimbil, Poly, and the Kappa team. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-04 7 37842101 Sellsword's Quest Part 4 We burn downn a house, kill Po and find some secrets Sellsword's Quest , Sellsword , Collective Game , Quest , Mercenary, 2015-02-05 3 37846929 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 5 Meet the humans Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-05 10 37859446 Orc Warlord Quest 31 Ur'shal springs his trap on the Skyhunter Chieftain Dra'koz, despite unexpected complications. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-06 20 37931065 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 6 Meet the hero. Also, go out for a quest. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-09 7 37954580 (Not)Overlord Lich Quest Chapter 7 Meet the bandits Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-10 7 37972975 Orc Warlord Quest 32 Ur'shal claims the Skyhunter Clan and spends some time enjoying their former chieftain's possessions. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-11 21 38018856 Orc Warlord Quest 33 Ur'shal returns to camp and finds out who is the spy. Orc Warlord , Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-13 20 38116799 Status Quo Quest In which a Hero decides to assassinate the demon lord and makes friends with orcs. Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord , Status Quo Quest 2015-02-17 11 38130692 Orc Warlord Quest 34 Ur'shal finishes up the interrogation of his captive, and plans for how to deal with a spy. Thread cut short due to IRL. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-17 20 38138432 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 8 Who do you choose? Poly or Poly? Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich , ChoosePoly 2015-02-18 7 38137708 Khornette Quest #21 Cinder fights with a Lord of Change. Said Lord of Change pulls a Fuklaw. Collective Game , Khornette , Lord of Change , BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD , Benny Hill , Not as planned , Tyranids , Over the top Combat , ELH 2015-02-18 15 38215578 Orc Warlord quest 35 Ur'shal engages in a time-honored orcish tradition. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-21 20 38222143 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 9 Choosed Poly. So Poly needs to fight you now. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich , WhyDidntYouChoosePoly 2015-02-22 7 38250789 (??? Quest) Holy Sword Quest Part 1 In which we do guard shit, convince our friend to try and pick up the McGuffin, attack a boss from behind, and accidentally become the new Big Damn Hero. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , ??? Quest , Sparks 2015-02-23 26 38274460 Holy Sword Quest Part 2 In which we figure out what to do now that we've got a magic McGuffin sword. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-02-24 24 38275734 (Not)Overlord Lich Quest Chapter 10 Previous overlord did not do such a goodjob Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-24 8 38251124 Status Quo Quest 2 Kobolds are cute, and we finally reach the Free City. Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord , Status Quo Quest 2015-02-24 7 38317946 (Not)Overlord Lich Quest Chapter 11 Choo Choo! Make way for the Mind Train. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich 2015-02-26 7 38330195 Orc Warlord Quest 36 The battle with the Tongueripper Clan begins. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-26 20 38359025 Holy Sword Quest Part 3 We say goodbye to the family, tell Reinhardt and the captain we're leaving, and celebrate our last day in town by getting drunk. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-02-28 22 March 2015 38386445 Holy Sword Quest Part 4 We leave our home town and head for the White Watchtower to the east. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-01 15 38415142 Holy Sword Quest Part 4.5 We finish up our tour of the Watchtower. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-02 13 38429902 Holy Sword Quest Part 5 We start our first day of training, and meet new faces. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-03 13 38543374 Holy Sword Quest Part 6 We learn about magic with Daniel, then finish the rest of our first day of training. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-08 11 38590379 Holy Sword Quest Part 7 We try to get Justine and Erika to get along, then the shit hits the fan. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-10 16 38602906 Orc Warlord Quest 37 The battle with the Tongueripper Clan is concluded, and preparations are made for the celebration. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-03-10 23 38565257 Status Quo Quest 3 In which a deal is struck, a devil is saved, and a fight is had. Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord , Status Quo Quest 2015-03-12 7 38686019 Holy Sword Quest Part 8 We start investigating the Watchtower, trying to find the demon spy. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-14 14 38710396 Holy Sword Quest Part 9 In which we deal with our kidnapper and try to escape back to the Watchtower. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-15 12 38754257 Holy Sword Quest Part 10 We make it back to the tower, and talk security with the Knight-Captain. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-17 13 38744527 Status Quo Quest 4 In which we take an unusual detour on the way to our bath, and bear our paranoia for all to see. Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord , Status Quo Quest 2015-03-20 5 38856417 Holy Sword quest Part 11 We go out on our first patrol, and learn that someone went missing at a nearby town. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-22 10 38882132 Holy Sword Quest Part 12 We investigate the raven we caught on patrol, and make plans to look for the girl that went missing. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-23 12 38975734 Holy Sword Quest Part 13 In which we face our first day in the demon's farm, and plot our escape. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-28 11 39036810 Holy Sword Quest Part 14 We fight the missing girl in the arena, and manage to convince Alastor to let us spare her. For now, at least. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-03-31 12 April 2015 39028315 Status Quo Quest 5 In which we smell smoke and negotiate for grain. Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord , Status Quo Quest 2015-04-02 5 39115141 Holy Sword Quest Part 15 In which we break out of prison, fight a giant thing, and finally make it back to the watchtower. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-04-04 20 39161826 Holy Sword Quest Part 16 We talk with the captain about an Honor Guard, and learn more about Gavren. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-04-06 10 39203178 Holy Sword Quest Part 17 In which we look for people to join the honor guard. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-04-08 11 39229784 Holy Sword Quest Part 17.5 The continuation of the last thread, where we get our first lesson in enchanting and make a final decision about the Honor Guard. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-04-09 11 39238405 Orc Warlord Quest 38 The celebration begins and Ur shares some stories with two of his lieutenants. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-04-10 20 39306136 Lamentations of the Flame Princess Storytiem: 2 edgy, 2 egregious A little girl, the ghost of her necromancer grandfather, a orphan whose parents were eaten and/or raped to death by bears, and a priest who has a cuddle pillow of his goddess team up to murder hundreds of innocents and summon a demon. Also kill a bear I guess. Lamentations of the Flame Princess , LotFP , lotfp , storytime , storytiem , BEARS , edge , edgy , edgelord , sitcom 2015-04-13 4 39309952 Holy Sword Quest Part 18 We finish our enchantment lessons with Festus, practice in the training yard with our friends, and escort some of the survivors to their new home. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-04-13 12 39382577 Orc Warlord Quest 39 The celebration continues, now with drunken knife throwing contests. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-04-17 20 39448435 Holy Sword Quest Part 19 In which we decide what to do now that demons are invading. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-04-19 11 39449267 Status Quo Quest Thread 7 In which we relax, briefly. Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord , Status Quo Quest 2015-04-23 6 39527186 Orc Warlord Quest 40 The Stonetusk Clan's celebration draws to a close. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-04-24 20 39532597 Succubus Lord Quest 783 Join us as we drink a Mocha and capture a Sloth demon! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , politics 2015-04-24 5 39587872 Holy Sword Quest Part 20 The defense of Morsland. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-04-27 12 May 2015 39669075 Orc Warlord Quest 41 Plans are laid down for the future of the clan, and Slaagyr's spy is uncovered. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-01 16 39731151 Holy Sword Quest Part 21 We have a serious talk with Galadriel, and do some more training. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-05-04 13 39808817 Orc Warlord Quest 42 The caverns are explored and Ur discovers the value of trading. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-08 16 39838696 Holy Sword Quest Part 22 Breakfast with our family and we introduce our parents to the team. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-05-09 14 39843362 Status Quo Quest Thread 8 In which we go to bed. Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord , Status Quo Quest 2015-05-10 3 39868640 Orc Warlord Quest 43 Ur'shal finishes up his trading and takes loot back up to his clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-11 16 39876116 Orc Warlord Quest 43.2 Ur'shal tests out magic items and makes plans to deal with a troublesome corpse. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-11 15 39941617 Succubus Lord Quest 84 Join us as we meet Nalika's sister, Pride Demon King Kaj! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , slice of life , politics 2015-05-14 6 39951033 Orc Warlord Quest 44 Ur'shal deals with some issues around the camp, then gathers a force to deal with the Kulakin nest. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-15 15 39995354 Holy Sword Quest Part 23 We track down the pickpocket, learn more about him, and get a new recruit. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-05-17 10 40055688 Holy Sword Quest Part 24 We visit Arniel's shop, go to the tavern with Reinhardt, establish that he is a bro, and then the rest of the honor guard join in. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-05-20 14 40092161 Orc Warlord Quest 45 Ur'shal clears out the kulakin, and makes a poor decision. Orc Warlord Quest , collective game 2015-05-22 20 40099090 Orc Warlord Quest 46.2 Ya'zada and the survivors of the raiding party make a tactical retreat Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-22 13 40136463 Unexplored World Quest 1 We set off on an adventure as a swordmage named Tiberius Collective Game , Unexplored World Quest , Swordmage , Tiberius 2015-05-24 1 40160317 Status Quo Quest Thread 9 In which we loot bodies and find more questions. Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord , Status Quo Quest 2015-05-26 3 40183581 Holy Sword Quest Part 25 In which we visit Daniel, learn some new enchantments, learn more about the demon lords, and talk to Roland and Ganelon about their home countries. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-05-26 12 40239998 Orc Warlord Quest 47 Ya'zada engages in orcish negotiation tactics, while Ur'shal wakes up on a strange island. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-29 17 40275470 Three Word Quest Three is all, all we have. And in three, our story starts. First with one, then with two. Where to next? Not a clue. Collective Game , Three Word Quest , 3WQ , surreal , strange , waifu , /tg/ never changes 2015-05-30 21 June 2015 40350633 Holy Sword Quest - A Side Story As promised, Sparks runs a one-shot for one of the HSQ side characters. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-06-02 12 40387449 Orc Warlord Quest 48 Ur'shal escapes the dream realm and returns to his Clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-06-05 15 40501629 Holy Sword Quest Part 26 We return to the watchtower, and start our training as Galadriel's official Champion. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-06-10 12 40414882 Status Quo Quest Thread 10 Interlude: In the Halls of Darkness, Pt1
Cake of Mystery Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord , Status Quo Quest 2015-06-12 4 40539388 Orc Warlord Quest 49 Ur'shal meets with his lieutenants to discuss the clan's future, and reunites with his mates. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-06-12 15 40564025 Holy Sword Quest Part 27 In which we finish training and start our journey to Galloway. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-06-13 10 40584041 Holy Sword Quest Part 28 Our first day at the Red Watchtower in Galloway Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-06-14 11 40586568 Dark Observer Quest: Into Gen II The story goes back to Jim finally. The Dark observer helps him along for the next generation to begin. Dark Observer Quest , Overlord , Demon 2015-06-14 1 40607961 Dungeon Lord Quest Chapter One We are the most well mannered Demon Lord to ever grace humans with our presence. We take an airship ride to the new world out west, and we meet our intended brides. Collective Game , Dungeon Lord Quest , Quest , Strategy , Dungeon , Monster , Building , Maou 2015-06-15 4 40627858 Dungeon Lord Quest Chapter Two Dungeon planning and building begins Collective Game , Dungeon Lord Quest , Quest , Strategy , Dungeon , Monster , Building , Maou 2015-06-16 0 40647060 Holy Sword Quest Part 29 Our second day at the Red Watchtower, in which we learn where to go next to rally Galloway's support. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-06-17 11 40668950 Holy Sword Quest Part 30 In which we learn what's behind the brass door. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-06-18 12 40707484 Status Quo Quest Thread 11 In the Halls of Exposition Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord , Status Quo Quest 2015-06-22 3 40785567 Holy Sword Quest Part 31 Our last day at the Red Watchtower before heading for the king of Galloway's palace. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-06-24 10 40835125 Orc Warlord Quest 50 Ur'shal organizes his clan for a raid on the dwarf camp. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-06-27 13 July 2015 40932833 Holy Sword Quest Part 32 We arrive at Galloway's capital and enter the king's palace. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-07-01 10 41028146 Orc Warlord Quest 51 Ur'shal leads a raid on the dwarven camp and plans for the future of his clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-06 13 41081808 Holy Sword Quest Part 33 Our second day in Tarrin, in which we prepare for the tournament. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-07-08 10 41247743 Holy Sword Quest Part 34 Continuing our day of training. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-07-16 10 41290793 Status Quo Quest Thread 12 In which the party begins! Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord , Status Quo Quest 2015-07-19 3 41376907 Holy Sword Quest - Side Story #2 A look at the world through the many eyes of Galadriel. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-07-22 10 41441059 Holy Sword Quest Part 35 The first day of the tournament. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-07-25 10 41519945 Orc Warlord Quest 52 Ur'shal organizes his clan for their move south. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-28 12 41524794 Orc Warlord Quest 52.2 Ur'shal gets some first-hand experience of Szar Tzasian culture. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-28 13 41551145 Holy Sword Quest Part 36 Roland leaves to deal with family issues, and we go have a chat with house Lione before the second day of the tournament. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-07-30 10 August 2015 41634166 Holy Sword Quest Part 37 In which Galloway pledges it's support to the Watchtowers. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-08-03 10 41666817 Orc Warlord Quest 53 Ur leads his raiding party into the dream realm for loot. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-05 14 41737426 Holy Sword Quest Part 38 We return to the Red Watchtower, and have a meeting with the three watchtower captains. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-08-08 10 41774483 Prinny Overlord Quest The humble beginnings of a great Prinny. Collective Game , Prinny , Overlord , Lotus Eater 2015-08-10 10 41838389 Holy Sword Quest Part 39 We make it to the Grey Watchtower, and learn what we'll have to do to earn Belmore's support. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-08-13 10 41866507 Orc Warlord Quest 54 The Stonetusk Clan moves south to the jungle in search of better hunting grounds and new enemies. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-15 14 41872348 Orc Warlord Quest 54.2 Zaria's past. It's not a fun tale. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-15 13 41971022 Orc Warlord Quest 55 Ur'shal leads his raiding party into the southern jungle. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-20 12 41977241 Orc Warlord Quest 55.2 The Harpies are finally raided, salt is had, and the harpies don't mind (yet?) Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-20 12 42075143 Holy Sword Quest Part 40 Day one of our week of trial in Belmore. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-08-25 10 42105954 Orc Warlord Quest 56 Ur'shal returns to his camp following the raid, and sets off into the Deep Wastes. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-27 12 42155789 Holy Sword Quest Part 41 We get reinforcements from the Order of the Righteous Sword, learn some new spells, and do some more enchanting. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-08-29 10 42176770 Holy Sword Quest Part 42 We start our journey into the swamp, and already we run into problems. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-08-30 8 September 2015 42234513 Orc Warlord Quest 57 Ur'shal continues his journey to the ruins in the wastes. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-01 13 42433300 Orc Warlord Quest 58 Ur'shal leaves the ruins, which proves to be a lot bloodier than getting into them. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-12 12 42444438 Holy Sword Quest - Side Story #3 I'll berry my holy sword so deep that whoever pulls it out will be crowned king of England. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-09-12 7 42484275 Holy Sword Quest Part 43 In which we complete our trial in the Swamp Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-09-14 6 42557631 Overlord (Light Novel) Quest #0 Initial planning and discussion. Overlord (Light Novel) Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-17 -1 42567671 Overlord Light Novel Quest 1 The start and happenning Collective Game , Overlord Light Novel Quest , Cocktease 2015-09-18 0 42606912 Overlord Light Novel Quest 2 Get finished with introduction, make and meet our first guild NPC. Overlord Light Novel Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-20 8 42612160 Holy Sword Quest - Side Story #4 A day in the life of everyone's favorite demon lord. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-09-20 7 42652968 Overlord Light Novel Quest 3 We have our first fight, find our new servant, and hire a dwarf. Overlord Light Novel Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-22 7 42663397 Orc Warlord Quest 59 Ur'shal returns to camp with the new addition to his clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-22 13 42708561 Overlord Light Novel Quest 4.1 In which we get some loot and run into a pack of kobolds. Overlord Light Novel Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-25 3 October 2015 42847877 Orc Warlord Quest 60 Ur'shal spars, sets his clan to work preparing for new arrivals, and takes some time to relax. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-03 12 42856617 Orc Warlord Quest 60.2 Ur has an unexpected visitor and prepares to potentially walk into a trap. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-03 11 42865048 Horde of homeles skeletons A horde of like 80 skeletons tire of their old-fashioned dungeon, and go on a quest for equality and acceptance. *rattle rattle* Skeletons , Spooky , Collective Game , Horde of homeles skeletons 2015-10-03 20 42870560 Holy Sword Quest Part 44 We teleport back to Iseria, visit Anna, and receive a warning about the upcoming council meeting Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-10-04 7 42922065 Orc Warlord Quest 61 Ur makes a deal with a completely untrustworthy individual, and inducts the new orcs into his clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-07 13 43056569 Overlord Light Novel Quest 4.2 Very short thread, though we finish off thread 4. Overlord Light Novel , Collective Game , Dull 2015-10-14 4 43109625 Holy Sword Quest Part 45 We arrive at Iseria's capital, meet Erika's dad, and run into some thugs. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-10-17 6 43122554 Orc Warlord Quest 62 The stonetusk clan prepares for its raid on the dragon cultists and heads south into the jungle. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-17 12 43177535 Orc Warlord Quest 63 The assault on the dragon cultist compound continues. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-21 13 43187139 Orc Warlord Quest 63.2 Ur'shal secures the cultist compound and celebrates his victory. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-21 16 November 2015 43575749 Orc Warlord Quest 64 Ur returns home from the raid on the cult compound and ambushes some pursuing adventurers. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-11 21 43595461 Holy Sword Quest Part 46 We talk to Nerillian's daughter, learn more about him, and talk to Lord Bernadotte about how to convince the other councilmen. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-11-12 7 43789904 Orc Warlord Quest 65 Ur'shal sends scouts into the tunnels in preparation for a sneak attack on the Shifter camp. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-24 12 43821682 Order Of The Armoured Heart-Nuns With Glaives More writefaggotry and drawfaggotry in this second installment, now with the adventures of Canoness Superior Boudicea! Sisters of Battle , Melee only , No power armour , Order Of The Armoured Heart , Drawfaggotry , Writefaggotry. 2015-11-26 3 43898298 Holy Sword Quest Part 47 In which we do politics and discuss a possible breach in security with Leviathan. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-11-30 6 43894252 /tg/ designs a pantheon /tg/ designs a pantheon and an array of primordials, gods and demigods are created. And the Laughing god. He's there too pantheon , worldbuilding , the Laughing God , gods , demigods , primordials 2015-11-30 11 December 2015 43924087 /tg/ designs a pantheon part two The concept is fleshed out. Bonds are made, Myths are written and the Laughing god keeps laughing. Oh god. pantheon , worldbuilding , the Laughing God , gods , demigods , primordials 2015-12-01 5 43931279 /tg/ designs a pantheon part three This time, we focus less on gods and more on worldbuilding. Everything, from poems to maps, are made, and the Laughing God just laughs pantheon , worldbuilding , the Laughing God , gods , demigods , primordials 2015-12-02 5 43926594 Rise of the Swarmlord The first thread of 'Nid Quest. MIGHT be extended. Collective Game , Swarmlord , Tyranid 2015-12-03 3 43908563 Awoken Overlord Quest I Your Name is Alice and you are the overlord now. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-04 5 43925515 Awoken Overlord Quest II Alice starts her new job as the overlord and recruits the first few followers. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-04 1 43949255 Awoken Overlord Quest III Alice continues her quest, finds mighty allies and some other guys. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-04 1 43974811 Swarmlord Quest II Pie Collective Game , Swarmlord , Tyranid 2015-12-04 1 43980634 Awoken Overlord Quest IV Alice continues her journey to become a supreme overlord, only stopped by OP's schedule Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-07 1 44018196 Awoken Overlord Quest IV.V (NSSF-Edition) Alice again continues her journey, this time with a QM who hasn't slept for two days. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess , No sleep since friday Edition 2015-12-07 1 44056530 Orc Warlord Quest 66 Ur enters into a contest with Aza'ra to pass the time until the Shifter raid, and takes his second visit to a dream realm, this time for more pleasant reasons. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-08 21 44119224 Holy Sword Quest Part 48 In which we deal with the aftermath of finding Lord Kraemer's body. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2015-12-12 6 44043160 Awoken Overlord Quest V: Fell asleep in the middle of the last thread edition Alice is back, after being interrupted by sleep. Also, a boar is caught and such. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess , fell asleep edition 2015-12-14 1 44189651 Awoken Overlord Quest VI Alice is finally back and continues her conquest, even against some pretty bad odds. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-16 1 44212488 Overlord Civ3 Based on the RPG, as a Civ instead. Overlord Quest , Overlord , Civilization , Civ 2015-12-17 2 44243892 Orc Warlord Quest 67 Ur puts his plan to deal with the shifters into action. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-19 21 44342153 Orc Warlord Quest 68 Ur duels the shifter alpha. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-24 18 January 2016 44610661 Quest Reincarnate as a Magical Sword A thread gets Hickjacked by Dremur, QMing his first quest. We become a sword, meet our new owner, start to train to get her swollen and meet a crazy blacksmith. Colletive game , Quest , Reincarnate , Magical sword , Reincarnate as a Magical Sword , Dremur 2016-01-07 5 44644203 Orc Warlord Quest 69 Sascha begins her infiltration of Slaagyr's forces. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-09 11 44674956 Holy Sword Quest Part 49 In which we search for clues to who the demon spy is. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2016-01-10 6 45067949 Orc Warlord Quest 70 Sascha arrives at Slaagyr's camp and begins her investigation. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-28 11 February 2016 45586661 Holy Sword Quest Part 50 In which the council votes, and shit hits the fan. Collective Game , Holy Sword Quest , Sparks 2016-02-23 8 45598329 Orc Warlord Quest 71 Sascha's investigation of Slaagyr's Camp continues. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-24 10 45699941 Orc Warlord Quest 72 Ur sends his scouts out investigating his enemies, and potential allies, in preparation for the battles to come. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-29 11 March 2016 45719393 Yordle Quest You are a random YORDLE.
Since you never did amount to much your Yordle parents KICKED YOU OUT.
>What do you do? Collective Game , Yordle , Yordle Quest , League of Legends , Mimic , Drawquest 2016-03-01 9 46132238 Primordial God Cult Quest Things start of well, and things start to look like a fairytale when we get our first follower Primordial God Cult Quest , Collective Game , Ymmos 2016-03-20 1 46237752 Primordial Evolution Game: Tiny islands Primordial is revived for its 4 year anniversary with an evogame taking place on a small chain of volcanic islands. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution game , evogame , evo 2016-03-26 5 46295002 Fluff for loyalist Nightlords Fluff for the Death consuls, a Chapter made of loyalist nightlords Space Marine , Night lords , Loyalists , Tigers , Edgy 2016-03-29 1 46275898 Primordial Evolution Game: Tiny Islands 2 The Lem'Uy meteor strikes the mainland, oxygen levels rise, and crabs rule heaven and hell. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution game , evogame , evo 2016-03-31 1 April 2016 46412265 Orc Warlord Quest 73 Ur'shal and friends go hunting in the jungle while they await the return of the clan's scouts. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-03 16 46499191 Orc Warlord Quest 74 Ur returns from his hunting trip and hears back from two of his scouting parties. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-07 13 46567800 Orc Warlord Quest 75 Sascha carries out her very first assassination on behalf of the Stonetusk Clan. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-10 14 46667304 Orc Warlord Quest 76 Sascha returns home and Ur prepares for the assault on Slaagyr's camp. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-14 14 46750368 Orc Warlord Quest 77 Ur'shal begins his assault on Slaagyr's lair. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-19 12 46814677 Orc Warlord Quest 78 Ur'shal and the Stonetusks fight Slaagyr. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-22 10 46820603 Orc Warlord Quest 78.2 Ur'shal explores the remainder of Slaagyr's lair. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-22 14 46941066 Orc Warlord Quest 79 Ur finishes investigating Slaagyr's lair and clears out the rest of the tunnels. Orc Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-27 11 May 2016 18287 Fate/THE Grand Order #1 BIG MASTER nearly dies in a not-Stargate incident and wakes up with a robot arm and a Rider waifu. This week: setup. Next week: ACTION. Fate/Stay Night , Fate/Grand Order , Punished "Venom" Master , anime 2016-05-01 3 47031191 Evilord Quest Oneshot A good evil overlord starts his day by connecting with his daughter and grabbing sandwiches. Evilord Quest , Collective Game , Evilord , Supervillain , Drawquest , evil , villainy , drawing, 2016-05-02 6 47154906 Evilord Quest 2 It's tutoring time for the young Princess, and Evilord gets to know the elf Teresa. Evilord Quest , Collective Game , Evilord , Supervillain , Drawquest , evil , villainy , drawing , elf , archer , archery , draw , art , 2016-05-09 6 109699 Sword Quest An experimental story about a cursed sword, and the protagonist who holds it. Whoever that protagonist may be from moment to moment #SwordQuest 2016-05-11 2 127388 Sword Quest - Chapter 2, Night Mother In which we play Julian Provost, the aged wife of Platon, as she tries to keep her two strange children alive. Or whatever anon decides. #SwordQuest 2016-05-14 1 152044 Sword Quest - Chapter 3: The Sea Section In which we play a murderous, black hearted thief who doesn't want to die just yet. Not until he can bribe the Gods for paradise. #SwordQuest 2016-05-19 1 168230 Beetle Lord Quest Giant beetle is born, eats humans, gains cultist. Collective game , Beetle Lord Quest , Asteroid of Creation, 2016-05-23 2 173906 Beetle Lord Quest 2 We Meet a Worm Lord, Go blind, and find out that familial love is the best. Collective game , Beetle Lord Quest , Asteroid of Creation, 2016-05-24 3 June 2016 173614 Star Wars: Jedi Lord Quest 1 1100 BBY, Republic Dark Age. In which we are introduced to Jedi Lord Kraton Reed, liberator of Telos IV and opposition of the Sith Empire. Jedi Lord Quest , Darth Swag , Collective Game , Star Wars 2016-06-05 6 192064 Star Wars: Jedi Lord Quest 2 In which Reed deals with the Sith knocking at his doors. Jedi Lord Quest , Darth Swag , Collective Game , Star Wars 2016-06-06 5 209593 Star Wars: Jedi Lord Quest 3 In which Reed tidies up before meeting the envoy of the Jedi Council Jedi Lord Quest , Darth Swag , Collective Game , Star Wars 2016-06-06 1 238474 Knight Order Quest A journey of a young noble requested to form a knight order for the greater good of the kingdom. Knight Order Quest , Medeival 2016-06-12 3 251924 Knight Order Quest II: Where Sir Cazal and party take back a castle, visit a village, buy some equipment, and plan a quest! ... to beg for money Knight Order Quest , Medeival 2016-06-16 2 276530 Overlord Quest An evil lad trains for his rite of passage Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-06-23 6 306461 Beetle Lord Quest 3 We destroy the humans, talk with lizard men, and gain Fire Powers. Collective Game , Beetle Lord Quest , Asteroid of Creation, 2016-06-27 2 293214 Overlord Quest Ch. 2: A Fallen Star The Overlord Begins His Reign Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-06-29 2 304569 Yordle We get a few images in this and time runs out or the questmaker. Sadly 3 hours is not a lot. Yordle quest , mimic, 2016-06-29 1 266990 Star Wars Jedi Lord Quest Thread #5 The battle for Ferro has begun! Jedi Lord Quest , Darth Swag , Collective Game , Star Wars 2016-06-30 3 July 2016 300041 Star Wars Jedi Lord Quest Thread #6 The battle for Ferro continues! Jedi Lord Quest , Darth Swag , Collective Game , Star Wars 2016-07-03 2 315581 Overlord Quest Ch. 3: History of Evil The Overlord expands his domain and finds the Reds Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-07-06 1 340173 Overlord Quest Ch. 4: Heroes' Folly The Overlord discovers the location of the Greens and gets in a drinking contest Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-07-11 1 364385 The Factory Recordings: Log #1 The first night in an abandoned factory. Collective Game , The Factory Recordings , BurningSigil , PuddOmega 2016-07-22 1 371313 Star Wars Jedi Lord Quest #7 The battle of Ferro concludes! Jedi Lord Quest , Darth Swag , Collective Game , Star Wars 2016-07-22 1 365710 Overlord Quest Ch. 5: Eyes In The Darkness The Overlord looks for Isa, finds a spine (Short because OP is a faggot) Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-07-25 1 394763 Jedi Lord Quest Thread #8 Intermission Jedi Lord Quest , Darth Swag , Collective Game , Star Wars 2016-07-30 1 August 2016 410744 Overlord Quest Ch. 5.1:More Questions, Less Delays The Overlord heads to the pirate cove and removes a new spine along the way. Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-08-02 1 422231 Star Wars Jedi Lord Quest Thread #9 The battle for Mirial begins! Jedi Lord Quest , Darth Swag , Collective Game , Star Wars 2016-08-09 3 437859 Overlord Quest Ch. 6: A Pirate's Life For Me The Overlord, having successfully taken the pirate cove, begins look for the Blues. Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-08-09 1 472870 Sentient Sword 1 We wake up and help a man kill a monster. Collective Game , Sentient Weapon , Sentient Sword 2016-08-14 1 458550 Overlord Quest Ch. 7: A Mermaid's Melody The Overlord heads into mermaid caves to get the blues back. Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-08-18 1 September 2016 555691 Sword Art Online Quest #1 The First thread, in which we name ourselves after a wine and discover a cat girl. Sword Art Online , Quest , Sauska 2016-09-12 13 563116 Sword Art Online Quest #2 In which we found out our cat girl is bipolar and we have the face of an eight year old. Oh and we met Kirito Sword Art Online , Quest , Sauska , IncogNegro 2016-09-13 7 575760 Sword Art Online Quest #3 In which we are stabbed by a sociopath who also happens to be Kirito Sword Art Online , Quest , Sauska , IncogNegro 2016-09-16 8 589783 Sword Art Online Quest #7, Thread 4 In which we explore the second floor and realize Kibaou is Uncle Sam Sword Art Online , Quest , Sauska , IncogNegro , Sweet Ass Coat 2016-09-18 6 598365 Sword Art Online Quest #8, Thread 5 In which CIA cat interrogates an elf and Wolf-man gets drugged. Sword Art Online , Quest , Sauska , IncogNegro , Bane 2016-09-22 5 618264 SAO Quest Part 11.5 In which we beat Sword Art Online on floor 6 Sword Art Online , Sauska , IncogNegro , Argo , Kayaba 2016-09-25 4 624838 Wolfgang's (SAO) Quest Part 12 In which we find ourselves in the real world, and enter Gun Gale Online. Sword Art Online , Gun Gale Online , Sauska , IncogNegro , Argo , Kirito 2016-09-26 3 639142 Wolfgang's (SAO) Quest Thread 8 In which we look for some new weapons and fight in the Bullet of Bullets! Sword Art Online , Gun Gale Online , Sauska , Wolfgang , IncogNegro , Argo , Kirito , Sinon , FIST 2016-09-30 2 October 2016 704899 [ONESHOT] Edgelords of The Outer Rim You are Wedge Hastings, and you make your way to your new home in The Outer Rim. Edge , Edgelords of The Outer Rim , Fantasy , Oneshot , Collective Game 2016-10-15 2 718256 DWMA Quest #1 We meet Tony Starbrine, a Meister at the DWMA. He meets an island girl, lights her on fire, stands up to a god... And that's just day one. DWMA Quest , Lord Death , Tony Starbrine , Soul Eater 2016-10-18 23 737428 [ONESHOT] Edgelords of The Outer Rim 2 Wedge and Maria come across a small fishing village, and test their mettle with a dragon. Edge , Edgelords of The Outer Rim , Fantasy , Oneshot , Collective Game 2016-10-22 1 732114 DWMA Quest #2 Tony does well on a test, has private time with two girls, and encounters a Kishin Egg. Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-10-25 20 753623 Saiyan Swordsman A 16 year-old low-class Saiyan warrior by the name of Kaido crash lands on a planet after narrowly escaping the destruction of Vegeta Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , DBZ , Saiyan , Anime , Sword , Martial Arts , Fighting, 2016-10-28 6 764790 [ONESHOT] Edgelords of The Outer Rim Finale Wedge and company finally reach the border. Edge , Edgelords of The Outer Rim , Fantasy , Oneshot , Collective Game 2016-10-29 1 November 2016 779776 Demon Overlord Quest 1 Young upstart demon Gneotho enters a tournament to become Overlord. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny 2016-11-02 7 775676 DWMA Quest #3 Tony has his first real fight, gets ambushed by a witch, and somehow comes out unharmed. Also, he bullies the little girl. Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-11-02 22 794988 Demon Overlord Quest 2 Quest Prinny goes on a 3-day bender. Gneotho meets NPCs, fights a Bear and becomes a badass leader. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , conspriacy , tournament 2016-11-08 7 803390 DWMA Quest #4 Tony meets the Elite Neet, discusses 2D harem strats, and is caught alone with a girl by her father. Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-11-08 16 794038 Sayan Swordsman Quest 2 Kaido spars with Kō of the three bat brothers, passes out, and wakes up in West City Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , DBZ , Saiyan , Anime , Sword , Martial Arts , Fighting, 2016-11-09 3 807442 Demon Overlord Quest 3 More allies are gained and the plot thickens! Gneotho fights an obsessive doppelganger and sets the stage for victory! Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , conspriacy , tournament 2016-11-10 5 792258 Former Demon Lord Quest 01 I remembered having been the Demon Lord, but I am happy just being an ordinary school girl. Former Demon Lord Quest , quest , demon , Collective Game , FDLQ 2016-11-10 8 822486 The Raiders - Part 1 A gish and her dragon enjoying some time between raids are interrupted by the possibility of capturing a princess of their very own.... Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2016-11-13 16 820139 Demon Overlord Quest 4 Gneotho and the gang do their legs of the mission preparations, then Quest Prinny gets sleepy. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , conspriacy , tournament 2016-11-14 6 825319 DWMA Quest #5 Tony trains his soul, gets a part-time job, and finally goes to a real class... only to get stomped. Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-11-14 15 832659 Demon Overlord Quest 5 Anasael fights a monk and Gneotho enacts the plan. Victories all around! Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , conspriacy , tournament 2016-11-17 6 842771 Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest 1 Our (anti-)hero carefully considers his first steps into the world of killing and pillaging. warlord , low fantasy , durwin , outlaws , medieval 2016-11-19 5 851071 The Raiders - Part 2 Akko indulges herself, while Gero causes her trouble. But Akko needs one or two more people for her cadre to be complete.... Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2016-11-20 12 869633 The Raiders - Part 3 Akko consoles her friends post-possession, seeks out information, and meets a potential cadre member. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2016-11-26 10 December 2016 900733 The Raiders - Part 4 Aeuna agrees to the duel; Akko assesses two potential recruits Falna offers; and rest time occurs before the duel. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2016-12-04 9 893943 Demon Overlord Quest 6 Its the housekeeping thread! Gneotho breaks the news to the gang before announcing her Overlordship to the peasants. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , conspriacy 2016-12-05 6 927752 The Raiders - Part 5 Yashi shows up at an inopportune time; spells are prepared; the duel is set to begin! Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2016-12-11 9 933424 DWMA Quest #7 Tony gets to his dorms, works a job, and gets caught red-handed. Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-12-13 11 924885 Demon Overlord Quest: The Beach Episode After cementing her position as Overlord (in training) Gneotho and company go to the beach to relax... New allies and a Volleyball game, too Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere , Beach Episode , volleyball 2016-12-14 5 911768 Evogame - Tale of Two Moons Part 1: Dawn on Janus an evogame set on the moon worlds of Janus and Rienia. Starting on Janus during its Ordiamentian era much life is made, most of it weird Collective Game , evo , evolution , Janus , evogame , Ordiamentian era , Lunt system 2016-12-17 5 951597 The Raiders - Part 6 Akko, Yzia, and Aeuna in the Garden of the Dead Gods... Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2016-12-18 6 953734 DWMA Quest #8 Tony has classes, increases stats, and learns magic! Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-12-22 11 943362 New Overlord Quest Ch.1: New Beginnings A New Overlord Has Been Found Overlord , Evil , Mastah 2016-12-23 2 50792782 Swordborne [XmasSkirmish event] The Year is 7989 of Avalon. And on the cusp of a bitter solstice, supplies began to thin, but the children knew little of it. Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2016-12-23 3 952839 EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 2: Twilight of Rienia We move over to the less watery moon of Rienia, fill its (temporarily ash-filled) oceans with life and hit the image bump limit Collective Game , evo , evolution , Rienia , evogame , Ordiamentian , Lunt system 2016-12-26 5 January 2017 967787 Swordborne: Battle of Lindlore Sound the alarm ! The Enemy has made themselves known ! Villagers and children are to vacate in the cellar under the church ! Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-01-01 2 1000966 The Raiders - Part 7 How does one discipline a dragon? Preparation for the Raid. And what about your slaves? Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2017-01-02 6 50942189 Swordborne General it's a skirmish style wargame/tabletop rpg where players band together in groups of 12 or more as a commissioned fighting company Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-01-02 1 1001477 Spiral Warrior Quest #1 We are introduced to Jace. One day, he'll break through the heavens themselves, but he doesn't know that yet. Tengen , Toppa , Gurren , Lagann , TTGL , Lordgenome , 2017-01-02 11 992305 Status Quo Quest Thread 13 In the Halls of Exposition, Part 4 Status Quo Quest , Collective Game , Hero , Demon Lord 2017-01-03 1 1001859 Demon Overlord Quest 7 Quest Prinny tries to start, but then gets sick. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere 2017-01-05 1 998777 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #1 EPISODE I: Character creation, and a job for a Hutt. Then, a homecoming, to Carida, where a battle rages... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-05 6 51015795 Swordborne General [Nothing Doing] Currently. We are patching parts of the sheet and expanding the map with more rendered assets. Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-01-06 1 1022255 The Raiders - Part 8 Akko faces off against unknown assailants. Gains new strange abilities. Calls in a LOT of favors. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2017-01-08 7 1009967 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #1.5 An overflow thread, continuing the last one. SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-09 5 1020716 DWMA Quest #9 Tony plays wingman, goes it alone, and runs away to victory. Soul Eater , DWMA Quest , Tony Starbrine , Lord Death 2017-01-09 14 51111821 Scarlet Phalanx/Red Lords Thread 1 We first roll up the chapter and begin work on fleshing it out. 40k , Chapter Creations , Red Lords , Scarlet Phalanx 2017-01-10 2 1006007 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 13/SLQ: Part 85 Join us for a crossover session starring Succubus Lord Quest! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Sci-fi 2017-01-10 1 1047880 The Raiders - Part 9 Akko comforts Kteine as only she could. Yzia offers a present. Resting should happen soon! Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2017-01-15 6 1035175 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #2 EPISODE II: In which there are politics, dogs, and war plans. SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-17 2 1054931 Star Wars: Warlords Quest #2.5 We win the battle over Carida, at heavy cost. From there, we decide to head to Phaeda, by way of Anobis, where a civil war rages... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-21 1 1043888 Swordborne- Battle of Lindlore II A new day begins, and the blizzard has passed for now. The gleaming warmth of New Heaven's Sun greets us. Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-01-24 1 1073579 Star Wars: Warlords Quest #2.5.5 TRAINING MONTAGE! Star Wars , Star Wars Warlords Quest , Empire , Space , Sci-Fi , Collective Game 2017-01-26 1 1089782 Unto Death Quest A lich wakes up with no memory in some sort of tomb. Unto Death , Death Lord , Serial , fantasy , worldbuilding , magic system 2017-01-26 6 1081711 /RTQ/ Rogue Trader Quest 0 Glorious Rogue Trader Character Generations, made a Captain, a ship, and a crew Rogue Trader , RTQ , Warhammer , 40K , Quest , Lord-Captain Pallas 2017-01-29 3 1077229 Multi-Civ Quest #2 First thread was not archived here in time:
No more room for description. Fun stuf happens th Civ Quest , Fantasy , Factions , Hardcore Survival , Rare Magic , Butterlord , Quarterly-Seasonal Turns 2017-01-31 1 February 2017 51499073 Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 9 The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers. And Ogryns and Orks and Witches, oh my! writefag , story , Love and Krieg , Krieger , WH40k , BataviAnon , High Proctor Kraellen , MyNameisMimikyu , 76-Records 2017-02-01 8 1094211 Dark Lord's Concubine Quest Nialla Virden is a young beautiful pure maiden, that caught the eye of a Dark Lord, who lusted after her and claimed her as his own. Collective Game , Dark Lord's Concubine Quest 2017-02-02 6 1099138 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #3 Mystery and intrigue abound as we go planetside to track down the dissidents. We go to a town, and learn of a man called Silaf... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-02-04 1 1105476 The Extraordinary Adventures of Timothy Burns The adventure begins. Timothy learns that the jungle is a terrible place for injuries. Extraordinary , adventure , quest , collective game 2017-02-05 1 1091845 RTQ Chapter One: Port Iridescence With the paperwork finally filed, our hero strikes out for adventure! Rogue Trader , RTQ , Warhammer , 40K , Quest , Lord-Captain Pallas 2017-02-06 1 51527767 Red Kings Thread 1 Tg rolls up and starts to fluff the "Red Kings", a chaos marine warband from the Night Lords who are vampire pirates Chaos , Warhammer 40k , warband creation , Night Lords , Red Kings 2017-02-06 1 1106119 Multi-Civ Quest 3 Things start to get magical then OP gets burnt out. New Management happens. Civ Quest , Factions , Hardcore Survival , Butterlord , Seasons 2017-02-07 1 1158822 The Raiders - Part 10 Akko hosts a party for her interesting and eventful party. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-02-13 6 1117792 RTQ Chapter Two We beat off the collective fleet and consolidate our hold on Othhaw Rogue Trader , RTQ , Warhammer , 40K , Quest , Lord-Captain Pallas 2017-02-16 1 1147142 Swordborne- Battle of Lindlore III Screams can be heard in the west echoing the daemon fever treatments that their number must now endure to purge the sickness. Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-02-20 1 1187646 The Raiders - Part 11 A draconic Akko plays games with Yzia; Rana gets what's coming to her in a couple of ways. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-02-21 6 1165276 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #4 OJ returns after a long slumber. We blitzkrieg into Silaf's estate, where a Rebel taskforce awaits... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-02-22 1 51703670 Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 11 Commissar Edition writefag , story , Love and Krieg , Krieger , WH40k , BataviAnon , High Proctor Kraellen , MyNameisMimikyu , 76-Records 2017-02-27 6 March 2017 1192635 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #5 We catch Silaf, but he loses his head in the interrogation. We hunt down two snipers, and take one of them to the miners... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-03-04 1 51918644 Love and Krieg 12: Thudd Edition A new person joins and Mimikyu finally finishes his story. writefag , story , Love and Krieg , Krieger , WH40k , BataviAnon , High Proctor Kraellen , MyNameisMimikyu , 76-Records 2017-03-05 6 1277178 Vault Hunter Quest 1 Welcome to Pandora! You are former middle manager, Baal, and you do awesome things with your new friends! Also loot! Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars 2017-03-20 4 1303161 Underlord Quest #1 The Underlord awakens and summons his first minions, finds a champion, gets some sick Basilisks, and murders some dudes. Underlord Quest , Dungeon Keeper , Dungeon Heart , Dungeon , Villain protagonist 2017-03-31 4 April 2017 1314992 Vault Hunter Quest 2 Baal and crew enter town, things get dark, then QM has to leave Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars 2017-04-01 3 1331965 The Raiders - Part 12 The Raiders returns after a too long hiatus with the spanking of an ifrit, an exploration of jewels and glass, and a lesson in teaching. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-04-03 6 1331641 A Sword's Exile: Shooting Stars A girl carrying a stained blade. A hunt for a great and dangerous beast. Parallel tales, and the two that seek their conclusions. swordexile , mitts 2017-04-05 8 1324946 Underlord Quest #2 The Underlord gathers various minions to his cause, completes a summoning circle, and deals with the amateur adventurers Underlord Quest , Dungeon Keeper , Dungeon Heart , dungeon , Villain Protagonist 2017-04-10 2 1354848 The Raiders - Part 13 Jiyua gets her rewards, good and bad; Yashi and Rana help your pretty slave; Tzanzi makes her appearance. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-04-10 4 1353574 Underlord Quest #3 The Underlord learns more about daemons and decides to finally take the mine from the dwarves and their human workers. Underlord Quest , Dungeon Keeper , Dungeon Heart , Dungeon , Villain Protagonist 2017-04-18 1 1376048 Underlord Quest #4 Not much is accomplished, QM probably shouldn't run on a monday Underlord Quest , Dungeon Keeper , Dungeon Heart , Dungeon , Villain Protagonist 2017-04-24 1 1396870 The Raiders - Part 14 Tzanzi arrives as Akko and friends 'fix' her mindbroken slave...Siobhan seems terribly amused. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-04-24 4 1387449 A Sword's Exile #2 A sudden pursuit. A place of shadows that belong elsewhere. A meeting with one left behind. swordexile , mitts 2017-04-24 5 May 2017 1419099 The Raiders - Part 15 Akko faces off with Her Majesty's Inquisitor. Tzanzi - the real one - arrives. Biting. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-05-01 3 1430755 A Sword's Exile #3 A madness. A town, a land dyed red. A girl that seeks answers, and another chance. swordexile , mitts 2017-05-10 5 1463823 The Raiders - Part 16 Falna gets what is coming to her; Kteine makes a decision; Tzanzi gets what she wants. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-05-15 3 1489673 The Raiders - Part 17 In the aftermath of Tzanzi's lusts, Akko researches a variety of things, and explores the possibilities before her. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-05-23 2 1516054 The Raiders - Part 18 Akko achieves a new level of power, and makes some heavy decisions; preparations for the Raid truly begin. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-05-30 3 June 2017 1521797 Demon Overlord Quest 8 The quest continues after a hiatus! Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere 2017-06-01 4 1568752 The Raiders - Part 19 Draconic world Problems; The Master Smiths; The Conclave of Dunzamn. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-06-13 2 1549542 Demon Overlord Quest 9 Gneotho continues to prepare and converses with allies. Collective Game , Demon Overlord Quest , Disgaea , Silly Names , Quest Prinny , waifus everywhere 2017-06-13 2 1615492 The Raiders - Part 20 The Conclave begins; meeting other Leaders; your Cadre assembles. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-06-26 1 1617969 The Raiders - Part 21: Three Princesses A Raiders Side Tale concering three princesses; in honor of 21 threads. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-06-27 1 July 2017 1637636 The Raiders - Part 22 Last minute details; The Twins Blades; Dunzamn and Akko; making a place in the Lair. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-04 3 1631117 Knights Order Quest We visit Viscather Keep, and form the Order of Demon's Bane. Knights , Order , Collective Game , 2017-07-04 4 1641228 Vault Hunter Quest 3 QM returns and Baal and the gang assault the Triumvirate. QM also tries to explain his level system. Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars 2017-07-08 3 1656187 The Raiders - Part 22 Redux Last minute details; The Twins Blades; Dunzamn and Akko; making a place in the Lair. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-10 5 1676559 The Raiders - Part 23 Akko's Cadre takes their place in the lair; planning for assault; making good on some lovely threats. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-17 2 1657751 Knights Order Quest #2 We fight an archdemon and discover the identity of the Blackbird Lord Knights , Order 2017-07-20 1 1700230 The Raiders - Part 24 Tzanzi's issues; the blade and the illusionist; setting up shop. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-24 2 1703809 The Raiders - Part 25 Yzia focuses on Auena; arranging for assistance; preparations and resting. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-25 2 1726760 The Raiders - Part 26 Carnal dreams, charnel dreams....who knew how much difference two letters would make? Silver Swords to your acolytes! Battle plans. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-31 3 August 2017 1753400 The Raiders - Part 27 The Ceremony....and then The Raid Commences! Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-08-08 3 1775701 Vault Hunter Quest 4 Baal begins his less subtle mission with Henrietta. QM falls asleep for far too long and has to resume in a new thread. Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars , Robots , Hyperion , Dahl 2017-08-19 3 1787985 Vault Hunter Quest 4.5 The dramatic conclusion to the thread. Baal does some badassery. QM gets sleepy again. Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars , Robots , Hyperion , Dahl 2017-08-20 2 1797480 The Raiders - Part 28 The Raid begins in earnest; elves everywhere; the capture. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-08-22 3 1816772 The Raiders - Part 29 Alliances achieved, slaves settled in, and companions pleased. Now the work begins. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-08-28 3 September 2017 1839519 The Raiders - Part 30 The elves try and figure out what hit them, as Akko and her cadre take their first steps into kidnapping a bunch of elven youth. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-09-04 6 1857148 The Raiders - Part 31 The githyanki invasion of the Elven Home Tree continues; a discovery is made; Yashi's Dilemma. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-09-11 5 1852281 Forgetful Swordsman Quest 1 The Forgetful Swordsman strikes a deal with a witch and heads out on a quest to become king. Forgetful Swordsman Quest , Collective Game 2017-09-17 6 1845732 Lord of the Ivory Tower Quest Drykos, the demonic protector of an ancient repository of forbidden knowledge is revived and must to remove some unwanted squatters. Collective Game , Lord of the Ivory Tower Quest , Fantasy 2017-09-19 1 1901398 The Raiders - Part 32 The aftermath of Yzia's rage; deeper into the Home Tree; a true Challenge for Akko. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-09-25 5 October 2017 1924897 The Raiders - Part 33 Negotiations with the elves; transportation issues; unpleasant truths. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-10-02 3 1947566 The Raiders - Part 34 Akko makes her decision; the slaves are put in their places; the aftermath of the first raid. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-10-09 3 1977038 The Raiders - Part 35 Akko returns to her cadre to deliver rewards above and beyond; the slaves are seen to; preparations are made for the next sortie. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-10-17 3 2001716 The Raiders - Part 36 Akko deals with her cadre members first post battle euphoria; making more deals; Dunzamn calls. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-10-23 2 November 2017 2045553 The Raiders - Part 37 Akko meets with Dunzamn; Tzanzi renders her decision; the issue with Falna. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-11-06 3 2069521 The Raiders - Part 38 The plans are made and revealed; the reactions to them; and a fateful meeting. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-11-14 3 2108533 The Raiders - Part 39 With Falna dead, her mate's fate lies in Akko's hands; the Elan's Offer; dragons. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-11-28 5 December 2017 2113986 Fantasy Peasant Lord Quest You are Sir William of Olmsville, peasant turned lord Fantasy Peasant Lord Quest , Peasant Lord , Civ Quest , City-builder 2017-12-13 10 January 2018 2167930 Animal Tribes Evo 1 Animal Tribes Evo begins off to a high pace start from the spring to fall seasons. Civs , Zookeeper , Discord , Evo , Animals , Rats , Dogs , Sheep , Raccoon Jews 2018-01-06 4 2211502 The Raiders - Part 40 Akko indulges herself and Yzia like; a serious question is asked; recruiting the new warrior. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-01-08 3 2251089 The Raiders - Part 41 Collecting a new warrior for your cadre; causing a little more trouble; decisions on how to deal with a githzerai killing machine. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-01-22 2 2269429 The Raiders - Part 42 Akko bullies and elf; recruiting another cadre member; knightmares. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-01-30 2 February 2018 2246095 Peasant Lord Quest 2.5 Year 768, We encounter the elves Peasant Lord Quest , PeasantQM , fpciv , town management 2018-02-04 6 2284844 The Raiders - Part 43 Rescuing fair maidens; actually resting; playing mind-games with dangerous creatures. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-02-05 2 57761266 Sword and sorcery thread Anons make a sword and sorcery setting Sword and sorcery , worldbuilding 2018-02-06 7 2273387 The Dark Lord is Dead: Dark City Siege Then Dark Lord conquered the world, and then he disappeared. What happens next? Dark Lord is Dead , Dark Lord , Fantasy 2018-02-06 3 2284435 Warlord Quest #1 Arch Magnus returns to wreak havoc upon the lords of the Moon and their puny knights Warlord Quest , Warlord , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-02-12 17 2306776 The Raiders - Part 44 Welcoming Lywedra to the Cadre; scaring the neighbors; the Elan problem. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-02-13 5 2301844 Warlord Quest #2: The Raidening Magnus sets out to raid and pillage and other warlordly things. Giants are befriended and berserk sheriffs thoroughly rekt Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-02-18 12 2322657 Warlord Quest #3: Magnus Rising Arch Magnus leads his warparty through the valley of the moon, bedding a pair of lovely new Thralls and dueling everyone. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-02-22 11 2279903 Peasant Lord Quest 3 We train for the tournament and deal with the Count Peasant Lord Quest , PeasantQM , fpciv , town management 2018-02-25 4 2332276 Warlord Quest #4:Bloodsoaked Casanova Magnus gets to his share of MoonBend's treasure, gets to know Keera and gets really drunk Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-02-26 10 2346293 The Raiders - Part 45 The new cadre member; dealing with the elan; a strange decision. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-02-27 2 March 2018 2344340 Warlord Quest #5: Spiritual Steroids. Magnus spends some time at home, upgrading his skills and gear before being cockslapped in the soul. OP delivers some tasty lore Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-03-01 7 2361829 The Raiders - Part 46 Akko explores a life that never was in trade for healing Tzanzi; a strange dragon is dealt with. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-03-05 3 2351106 Warlord Quest #6 Poached Eggs edition Arch Magnus and Co. go hunting for beasts and make like foxes in the roost. Only a few griffins were punched. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-03-06 7 2364213 Warlord Quest #7 Batshit Crazy Magnus has bad dreams, a conversation with a shaman and hunts a giant bat monster. OP sucks a lot of dick but shit gets done. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-03-13 4 2347526 Overlord Lair Quest 1 Welcome to the Dungeon The Magi who sought forbidden knowledge. Made a deal at a fine price. A Dungeon core was given placed in a magma Ocean and Goblins summoned. Genie , Overlord , Dungeon , Worried Dungeon with to many goblins , Of Goblins and Mecha 2018-03-14 4 2383901 Warlord Quest #8 Tribal Beatdown Arch Magnus and Co. encounter rival tribals and maybe start a small war. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-03-19 3 2364694 Overlord Lair Quest 2 Magma Rising Goblin Boss was a mistake. We did some upgrades to the dungeon and the goblins called forth 4 factions, with 1 bomb.Then someone bigger came Genie , Overlord , Dungeon , Lava Lord cometh 2018-03-19 1 2402444 Warlord Quest #8.5 Tomb Raider Edition Arch Magnus and Co. murder the dogfuck out of some Servants of Nyx. Sick insults are tossed and a carefully crafted miniboss is rekt. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-03-22 4 2387357 Overlord Lair Quest 3 The Flood One Orc for a garden, Two Wretch to work, Three Dwarves to forge, and Undead to follow. Genie , Overlord , Dungeon , Undead , Dwarves , Wretch Hive 2018-03-26 1 2422399 The Raiders - Part 47 The Temporral Dragon Soliqui shows her hand; Tzanzi is healed by the elan; Akko make a point.... Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-03-27 5 April 2018 2444474 The Raiders - Part 48 Akko decides on an investigation into the githzerai monk in the astral plane, and discovers a veritable nest of trouble. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-04-03 5 2452247 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord With presents delivered, other things recieve valuable attention: family, warriors, guardian spirits, and pregnant loli-dragons. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-04-06 6 2418770 Overlord Lair Quest 4 Enlightening Ordeals Minions lacking leadership made good gains. We summoned again with out protection and lacking equipment. Outsiders became mad at our waste. Genie , Overlord , Dungeon , Summoning in the wrong neighborhood 2018-04-10 1 2410420 Warlord Quest #9: Bloodthirst Arch Magnus upgrades his spirit and OP sails the oceans of faggotry Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-04-15 3 2482401 The Raiders - Part 49 Akko and Tzanzi take on the githzerai monk who guards the human princess; a secret is revealed. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-04-17 5 2456745 Overlord Lair Quest 5 Complex Problems Dungeon Growing Genie , Overlord , Dungeon, 2018-04-25 1 May 2018 2520598 The Raiders - Part 50 Akko's death proves a chance to meet with Siobhan on her terms; rising from death Akko lays waste to her enemies. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-05-01 4 2478352 Warlord Quest #10 Jolly Coooperation Magnus consults Throth and sets out on a joint raid with Dagmar and his boi's Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-05-02 3 2501118 Warlord Quest #10.5 Jolly Cooperation Cont. Magnus continues on his journey with Dagmar and his increasingly cuntish boi's. Real life arises and OP's free time is slain Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-05-02 3 2532496 Sword and Sorcery Quest #1 Alexandros an idealistic young adventurer leaves home, meets a cyclopes and help solve a mystery Alexandros , Sword , Sorcery , Adventure , Iron age , Bronze age 2018-05-08 2 2576336 Sword and Sorcery quest #2 Alexandros is on a mission from the sun god to get help for the besieged town. He meets new companions on the way. Alexandros , Sword , Sorcery , Adventure , Iron age , Bronze age 2018-05-25 1 June 2018 2585243 Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768 Start and end of the tourney arc Peasant Lord Quest , PeasantQM , fpciv , town management 2018-06-02 7 2613914 Sword and Sorcery quest #3 Alexandros and his companions join the march on the lich's tomb, and encounter fey and undead. Alexandros embraces his inner wrestler. Alexandros , Sword , Sorcery , Adventure , Iron age , Bronze age 2018-06-08 2 2618233 Idle Demon Lord You are the 52nd Demon Lord, and you've got a certain hero on your mind. idle demon lord , anime , drawquest 2018-06-11 5 2629825 Warlord: sidestory-oneshot Thallos the defiler adventures with ultraviolence. GuestQM. Warlord Quest , Warlord , Collective Game , Fantasy , Thallos 2018-06-11 5 2642903 Transforming Knight Quest: Episode 1 Street brawler Arthur Campbell lives in a town where Henshin heroes and monsters duke it all the time, and now he's one of the heroes. Henshin , Knight , Magic sword , Fighting , Collective Game 2018-06-16 1 2646930 Warlord Quest #11 Life in The Valley Arch Magnus returns! A mysterious woman is immediately boned and Magnus skates through a duel yet again Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-06-20 3 2654388 Sword and Sorcery quest #4 Alexandros duels an ancient undead warrior, gains a magical item and his party faces down the lich to end the undead threat. Alexandros , Sword , Sorcery , Adventure , Iron age , Bronze age 2018-06-21 1 2632707 Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768: Part 2 Grim tidings of future conflict, a lady is chosen, a blow is struck, blood is shed, and a QM neglects to archive their own thread. Peasant Lord Quest , PeasantQM , fpciv , town management, 2018-06-23 3 July 2018 2639117 Idle Demon Lord Idle Demon Lord idle demon lord , anime , drawquest 2018-07-02 2 2682683 Warlord Quest #12. Bloody Crescent We improve our relationship with Urhost, claim a steed and begin the assault. Anon sees the future but cannot change his fate. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-07-05 3 2706205 Warlord Quest #12.5 Brush with Death Magnus fights in the raid of crescent hall, performs his best Koolaid man impression, fights some more and very nearly bites it. Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-07-08 3 2683491 Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768 pt 3 We go on a honeymoon trip and strike a deal with the Centaurions Peasant Lord Quest , PeasantQM , fpciv , town management, 2018-07-10 3 2719724 Warlord sidestory: 2, its not a oneshot at all! Thallos is back, and visits a familiar face. warlord , collective game , ultra violence , fantasy 2018-07-17 2 2756625 OVERLORD QUEST I Awaken, Master! Your slumber is ended, and it is time to conquer once more! Fantasy , Collective Game , Overlord , Dark Lord , Evil , Magic , Orange Juice 2018-07-25 1 2737556 Warlord Quest #13 A Beast of Iron, A Lady of the Wood Arch Magnus has a vision of a terrible warlord in the north. Cameera's blossom is planted and Magnus recieves big news Warlord Quest , Warlord , CursedQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-07-28 2 August 2018 2731869 Wandering Swordsman Quest #1 Escartes Ihagen is looking for his missing teacher and junior Wandering Swordsman Quest , SwordieQM , Low Fantasy 2018-08-01 2 61049924 Starblazers Setting Worldbuilding /tg/ makes a setting combining pulp scifi flash gordon retrofuturism and lovecraft. starblazers , worldbuilding , setting , flash gordon , retrofuturism , zeerust , cosmic horror , lovecraft , call of cthulhu, 2018-08-02 6 2765962 Warlord Quest #13.5 Dreams of Blood Magnus visits the villagers of the Wolves Belly and is pulled into a dream of ancient battle. Cursed is forced to leave, once again .( Warlord Quest , Warlord , WarlordQm , Collective Game , Fantasy , Arch Magnus 2018-08-08 2 2773632 Dark Queen Quest you are Freya Godsbloods, the princess of the kingdom of Ordamark, And you find yourself married against your will to the dark lord Lazarus. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess,Medieval , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-08-11 28 2767976 Warlord sidestory: 3 The adventures of Thallos and son. I am dissapoint. Warlord Quest , Warlord , Collective Game , Fantasy , Thallos 2018-08-12 2 2799006 Dark Queen Quest 2 In which we burn a maid, meet stupid heroes, free slaves, acquire an orc servant, and have prophetic dreams. a normal day for a dark queen. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-08-23 21 September 2018 2831289 Dark Queen Quest 3 Where we enter a magical place, talk to a deer, recruit a zealot kid, find ourselves in a bloody hunt, and learn about our husband's past. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-09-03 12 2868472 999 Quest 2 999 successfully lands in the Arcadian domains, avoids getting eaten and meets some old friends, along with a mysterious stranger. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , SMT 2018-09-10 6 2881194 Dark Queen Quest 4 In which we act as Cupid for a boy and a dark elf, meet a circus, kill zombies, take a bath, meet the black moon and are crowned Empress. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-09-12 12 2858575 Dark Queen Quest 4 (real) In which we act as Cupid for a boy and a dark elf, meet a circus, kill zombies, take a bath, meet the black moon and are crowned Empress. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-09-12 12 2888821 999 Quest 3 999 ends up in an alien realm of gold, meets up with his friends once more, and face down things not meant to be. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2018-09-19 5 2864997 Sword Sovereign [Skirmish] a hurried dispatch was needed at the Southwest border of the Praedatoria Range where a critical border fortress lay sword Sovereign , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2018-09-19 1 2894319 Court of Swords #1 Some law can only be settled by the sword. Sofia, aspiring public defender and rookie duellist, finds a strange first case awaiting her. Court of Swords Quest , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2018-09-20 24 2910136 Court of Swords #2 Sofia fights not only a duel but also her own personal despair. Court of Swords Quest , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2018-09-27 16 2908760 999 Quest 4 999 and Dr Spanko get through the city's defensive systems, take down some unpleasant constructs, meet up with Blackwood and face pure evil 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Dr Spanko , Slenderman 2018-09-29 6 October 2018 2915320 Dark Queen Quest 6 We burn another person, make one of our friend ruler of Asoevia, then celebrate the new year. We also meet a strange man from the east. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-10-04 12 62369809 A Giant Forged Me a Sword A humungous selection of short but clever stories of a Giant who gave swords to many, many people Writefaggotry , , Creative , Poetry , Giant , Sword 2018-10-09 2 2948098 Court of Swords #3 A dispute over stolen gold brings Sofia up against a uniquely frustrating enemy. And what does her godmother think she's doing? Court of Swords Quest , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2018-10-15 11 2943066 Dark Queen Quest 7 We meet our husband "ex-lovers", tame an ancient beast (?) and beat up an arrogant elf. We also learn about a prophecy. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-10-16 11 2946268 Petty Conqueror Quest In the aftermath of an eldritch apocalypse, narcissistic monarchist mutant Malcardor Grey attempts to conquer the Himalayas Collective Game , Petty Conqueror Quest , Post-Apocalyptic , Eldritch , Warlord 2018-10-17 2 2932990 Overmaster Quest #1 No good deed goes unpunished. Or without a chance at redemotion fantasy , monsters , dungeon , overlord , 2018-10-21 1 2985898 Court of Swords #4 Trapped in a mansion, one Sofia finds a mystery where a duel should be. The other Sofia finds only existential horror. Part 1 of 2. Court of Swords Quest , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2018-10-23 11 2974460 Dark Queen Quest 8 You take a boat to Lynn, the capital of Hagëndorff's Empire, made a promise to the deer god. and finally reach the great city. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-10-26 12 2975657 Planetary Governor Quest #1 You take the Governorship of Galantis IV PGQ , 40k , Lord Gideon 2018-10-27 1 November 2018 2984390 Overmaster Quest #2 Landscape check in every sense of the word. A little overlording around dungeon , fantasy , overlord , monsters, 2018-11-01 1 3001004 Dark Queen Quest 8 part 2 After meeting the Great Emperor, Irene, Ruriska and Shelur won a gladiator fight, we recruited Aleanor the Valkyrie, then we went shopping ! Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-11-05 11 3022609 Court of Swords #5 Part 2 of 2. Sofia has her a duel to win. But when every mystery only spawns more, does she have a chance! Court of Swords Quest , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2018-11-12 10 3003619 Planetary Governor Quest #2 We join in a joint venture with a rogue trader and expand our operations on Xanthia, as well further developing our planet Lord Gideon , 40k , PGQ 2018-11-17 1 3043519 The Tainted Horde - 1 OP puts us as the leader of the Darkspawn in an alternate world where all the old gods are dead. Also we get a brood mother. And crap WIFI. Key , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-11-19 3 3024415 Overmaster Quest #3 We get our first hired lackey, and learn about the guardian of the Bazaar dungeon , fantasy , overlord , monsters , short, 2018-11-21 1 3033954 Dark Queen Quest 9 We face the trials to unlock our potential, then learn the true identity of the deer god. Then we start our journey to the Old Forest. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-11-21 11 3057371 The Tainted Horde - 1.5 We continue where we left off. Meet some demons, and gather a raiding party. Yay! Key , KeyQM , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-11-25 1 December 2018 3069367 Court of Swords #6 A situation with a quickpig rapidly gets out of hand. Sofia tries her best. Court of Swords Quest , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2018-12-03 11 3076055 The Tainted Horde - 2 We raid a Wilder village. Make a human Broodmother, and find out we're about to be attacked by Dwarves. KeyQM , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-12-03 1 3060873 Dark Queen Quest 10 We meet Queen Titania, who's quite the liberated woman, Dillon play the champion of a goddess and get an harem, then we catch assassins. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-12-07 11 3052360 999 Quest 6 999 and co land in a park, encounter mad mercs, face a demon car and meet up with an old acquaintance. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Zelda , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , SMT 2018-12-07 2 3060774 Overmaster Quest #4 short session about learning new magics, and getting new friends, dungeon , fantasy , overlord , monsters, 2018-12-10 1 3096625 Court of Swords #7 Sofia's day gets off to an awkward start, she fights amidst the roses and then runs into a small problem. Court of Swords Quest , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2018-12-17 11 3096455 Dark Queen Quest 10 part 2 We deal with the assassins, meet the goddess Luna, spank Titania, and pull a little prank on Lazarus. We go back home and talk to Metraton. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2018-12-22 11 3095262 999 Quest 7 999 and friends, led by Stephen, enter a bizarre 'network' reality and face a fierce angel. They then meet some not too pleasant werewolve 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Stephen Hawking , SMT , Werewolf The Forsaken 2018-12-29 1 3104780 Medieval Lord Quest p0 After saving the king's life you, a lowly soldier, are granted lordship over a small fief. medieval lord quest , Advisor 2018-12-30 2 January 2019 3129672 Dark Queen Quest 11 Our husband is back, we rule our empire, and declare our interest in other women, as our birthday and the threat of a rebellion, draw near. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-01-05 12 3156442 Court of Swords #8 As Sofia takes on a foreigner's case, she finds her identity under attack in more ways than one. Court of Swords Quest , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2019-01-13 13 3154986 Dark Queen Quest 12 We celebrate our birthday, get awesome presents, become the pillow fighting champion, before working on a baby with our dork of a husband. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-01-15 11 3147189 Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768: Part 4 The first council meeting and the second harvest ball Peasant Lord Quest , PeasantQM , fpciv , town management, 2019-01-16 2 3155153 999 Quest 8 999 and co enter the woods, being led to the grounds of the local wolf pack. As expected, things end poorly, in tides of flesh & bone. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Werewolf: The Forsaken 2019-01-25 1 3184496 Dark Queen Quest 13 You have a party in town, meet Dillon chilhood friends, a mercenary grope you in a bar, and you make a huge mistake with an ogre. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-01-28 11 February 2019 3212812 Dark Queen Quest 14 We celebrate Silviana 18th birhtday, and make love to her for the first time, and negociate with the wood elves and dark elves respectively. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-02-04 12 3208581 SwordBorne: Dark Age Pt.01 A newly gathered band of mercenaries take a contract in defense of a village Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-02-06 2 3231073 Court of Swords #9 Left unsettled by the events of her last duel, Sofia finds time to try and heal. Court of Swords Quest , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2019-02-14 7 3209710 999 Quest 9 999 and company face down Varis in a final fight, but casualties are had, and Blue is down 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Werewolf: The Forsaken 2019-02-15 1 3240273 Dark Queen Quest 15 We deal with scientific, magical and religious matters, learn with Luna, and have a barbecue party with Shelur and the maids of the palace. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-02-17 11 3237120 SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.2 The Uncrowned marches into the Ghru swamp, the mist of waterfall, and an unmistakable scent of death followed. Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-02-18 1 3258479 Behind the Door A Fantasy/God-like quest where you play as a Dark Lord banished to a plane of nothingness. Behind the Door Quest , Dark Lord Quest , Collective Game 2019-02-20 2 3271518 Dark Queen Quest 15 part 2 We take a bath with the maids, learn Feral Form, celebrate the Day of the Drack Empire, and the traitors finally reveal themselves. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-02-27 11 March 2019 3272312 SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3 A meeting with former adversaries and preparation to confront the Necromancer Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-03-01 1 3295084 Court of Swords #10 Sofia meets an old rival, fights in a tournament, torments a maid and climbs a very long stairwell. Court of Swords Quest , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2019-03-05 6 3300768 Warlord Quest 14:Short and continued Magnus awakes in the valley and engages in some arm wrestling to prove a point Arch Magnus , Warlord Quest , CursedQm , Fantasy , Collective game , Command , Role Play 2019-03-06 2 3270636 999 Quest 10 999 and a now-braver Red dive into the very soul of Blue to save him, but find something wholly unwanted. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-03-06 1 3302498 Dark Queen Quest 16 We fight an angel until Metraton save us, we punish the traitors, and Ellisa burns her father, then we go back to ruling our empire. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-03-09 11 3308936 SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3: The Seige of Ingram Armoury & The Gambler's Wife The Uncrowned try to seize Ingram Armory from the Necromancer! Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-03-14 1 3321250 Warlord Quest 14. 1:Shorter and continueder Magnus takes a short walk and visits some old friends. Arch Magnus , Warlord Quest , CursedQm , Fantasy , Collective game , Command , Role Play 2019-03-17 1 3354982 Court of Swords #11 A visit to Lanzo's new class quickly goes sour as an intruder intervenes! And then the thread ends due to QM telecom circumstances. Court of Swords Quest , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2019-03-19 5 3340617 Dark Queen Quest 17 We have a little argument with our husband, meet the Tharque ambassador and his legionaries, and are being called a furry by an angry girl. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-03-23 11 3345024 SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3: The Seige of Ingram Armoury & The Gambler's Wife pt. 2 Inside the armory, Ghouls, Midians, and Thespians! Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-03-27 1 April 2019 3372045 Dark Queen Quest 18 We build our empire and train, lick Titania's ears, then we catch Shelur, who seduced ALL the maids of the palace, before flirting with her Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-04-03 12 3369286 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings We meet Henry Ford, Bad ass marine turned explorer and xeno archaeologist, his first mission should have been a milk run, should have... Mass Effect , Collective Game , archeologist , N7 , Henry Ford , space 2019-04-03 7 3382761 SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3: The Seige of Ingram Armoury & The Gambler's Wife pt. 3 Conclusion of the Armory. Then a botched job happens in town Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-04-08 1 3406300 Dark Queen Quest 19 Lazarus go on a little journey, We go out with Gweyr, learn about her past, and spend a whole day riding on the back of our Giant wolf Sif. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-04-14 12 3404311 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.2 In which captain Ford gains a new crew member and spends some downtime aboard a Quarian liveship before embarking on a new adventure... Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-04-14 5 3416364 SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.4: The Raid on the Roadside Monastery Uncrowned members captured, a rescue mission! Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-04-20 1 3436928 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.3 In which Henri Ford returns to Earth, pays visit to an old friend and finds himself set on course of a dangerous and unexpected mission Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-04-27 5 3439658 Dark Queen Quest 20 We rule our empire, learn the localisation of Wells of Magic, welcome our parents, plan the End-Year and face an assassination attempt. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-04-28 11 May 2019 65960580 Realms of Lord Killblood Deathbane A fairly metal science-fantasy setting with battlemutants and hover-longship riding void-vikings. Lord Killblood Deathbane , Fantasy , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Science Fantasy , World Building , brainstorming , Brainstorming , mutant , 2019-05-03 14 3459349 SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.4: The Raid on the Roadside Monastery. pt. 2 A chaotic rescue, the Uncrowned make their escape and regroup Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-05-09 1 3471644 Dark Queen Quest 21 We meet the Goddess Gefian and conviced her to return. You then visited a wood elf village and get to know Dillon's childhood friends. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-05-12 11 3468189 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 4 In which Henri Ford gains a burdensome secret, a friend and a new crew mate. And a new job. Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-05-13 2 3508939 Ancient Evil Reborn Quest #1 The Wight-Lord awakens from his slumber and resumes his campaign of carnage. Op gets autobanned and thread stalls. Wight-Lord , Undead , Collective Game , Quest , Storyteller , Fantasy , Magic , Necromancer , Ancient Evil 2019-05-20 1 3506611 Dark Queen Quest 22 We work on the relationship between the elves, welcome our guests for the End-Year Celebration and witness the birth of our little brother. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-05-29 11 3505381 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 5 In which Henri Ford spends a day in the office with Lea as his boss and once again gets into more than he bargained for. Mass effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-05-30 2 June 2019 3544910 Dark Queen Quest 23 Lazarus is finally back but only with the remains of Orelliel, your guests for the End-Year Celebration are here, and the party begins. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-06-18 11 3544140 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep.6 In which Henri Ford And his crew tidy up, visit a dark place and embark on a rescue job Collective Game , Mass Effect , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-06-19 2 3569636 Schizophrenic Hero Quest (A Shield Hero Quest) Meet ya boy Jim. He shall bring the word of god and raise some coons. Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , Dolly 2019-06-22 13 July 2019 3588472 Dark Queen Quest 2 part 2 We discuss with our guests, make some deals and plan our next projects for next year. We also reveal our pregnancy to everyone. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-07-02 12 3598145 Redneck Sword Hero Quest #2 Our hero throws a victory party and then runs off to the border questing. Continuation of schizoprenic hero quest. Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , Crusade , Undead 2019-07-02 10 3588226 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.7 In which Henri Ford goes to investigate the silent outpost on the icy moon Enceladus and finds himself plunged into another mystery Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-07-04 3 3607224 Dark Lord Civ Quest The evil Sorcerer-Lord of the Crumbling Palace begins his quest for immortality and conquest of the material world. Collective Game , Sword & Sorcery , Dark Lord , Civ 2019-07-07 39 3637644 Quests in The New Order After the Axis victory of WW2, one German soldier gets himself to the Caucasus under the service of Reichskommisar Josias. vm , The New Order , TNO , quest , 2019-07-09 1 67213231 Dramatic Dame Duelists OP presents the idea of a setting where honor duels among highborn ladies have evolved into dramatic spectacles of swordplay and pageantry. worldbuilding , brainstorming , nobles , royalty , swordplay , sword fighting , sport , martial arts , lady knights 2019-07-13 20 3629295 The Rising of the Shield Hero quest #3 The humble rise of the President King! Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , Crusade , Jolly Courpuration 2019-07-15 6 3606664 SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.5: The Melee at the Unkinned Lands The Uncrowned prepare to oust the GoldJoys, with infromation from the Merchant Gram they decide to set the field at the Unkinned lands. Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-07-16 1 3647318 Quests in The New Order 2 The quest follows the story of Monika Weiss, a girl who become a radio operator in the capital of the Reich. vm , The New Order , TNO , quest , 2019-07-16 1 3626688 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 8 Where Henri Ford and his friends unravel the icy moon’s mystery and are rewarded by yet more heavy secrets to bear. Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-07-16 3 3636849 Dark Lord Civ Quest, #2 The evil Sorcerer-Lord of the Crumbling Palace sires a herculean paragon of martial prowess and continues his studies into golem-craft Collective Game , Sword & Sorcery , Dark Lord , Civ 2019-07-16 27 3634637 Dark Queen Quest 24 Short thread, where Metraton make us choose something that could change the future. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-07-16 11 3612928 999 Quest 13 The battle to save Red and Blue rages on, complete with the addition of several new allies, and 999 gains some new powers for his troubles. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-07-18 1 3687743 Warlord Quest #15: A return to Arms Magnus returns to the Valley of the Moon, upgrades his shield a bit and ventures off to reclaim a ancient fortress Arch Magnus,CursedQm,Collective Game , Warlord quest , collective game , Fantasy 2019-07-30 2 3669591 Super Robot Pilot Thing #10 Space cowboy Fester Winchester kills some mecha beasts with his new friend, space cop Jester Frenks. notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-07-30 1 August 2019 3675896 Dark Queen Quest 25 We start the negotiations with Hagëndorff, Parsifal and Titania for an alliance between the four kingdoms, but things did not go as planned. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-08-02 11 3673931 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.9 In which Henri Ford gets debriefed, learns another secret and dances. Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-08-04 2 3693362 Redneck Sword Hero Quest #4 People need somthing to belive in and heroes are no gods. Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , God , Mountain OP pliz nerf 2019-08-05 5 3687090 Dark Lord Civ Quest, #3 The evil Sorcerer-Lord of the Crumbling Palace runs away from a slug and consumes the soul of his firstborn son. Collective Game , Sword & Sorcery , Dark Lord , Civ 2019-08-06 18 3669249 SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.5: The Melee at the Unkinned Lands. 1st Movement The battle begins in earnest, and ends only a short time later after a shocking show of force from The Uncrowned. End of Part One. Swordborne , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2019-08-08 1 3680441 999 Quest 14 999 and allies continue a frantic battle against an unfathomable evil,new tactics are created, and 999 enters the belly of the beast. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , fucking wizards , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-08-11 1 3706668 Warlord Quest 15.5: The Gathering Storm Magnus and Co. venture to the fortress of Grimspear to confront a growing threat. Magnus punks out a ancient god and becomes Thor Arch Magnus , Warlord Quest , CursedQm , Fantasy , Collective game 2019-08-11 1 3713942 Super Robot Pilot Thing #11 Jester fucking dies notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-08-12 1 3739270 Warlord Sidestory #4 Restless Dreams Thallos the Defiler makes his way further north in search of his fate. Fury sees him through a hellish dreamscape where he accepts his past Thallos , Warlord Quest , Warlord Sidestory , Collective Game , Nongent , Fantasy 2019-08-12 1 3726533 Redneck Sword Hero Quest #5 Trail of bow hero what could posibly go wrong? Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , Justice , date 2019-08-14 7 3724463 Dark Queen Quest 26 After talking with the gods we have a private party with our friends before starting the Royal Council meeting. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-08-18 10 3749361 Blood of Heroes Quest Lord Mentioc Auberon of Cambrey Keep begins his journey to reclaim the Deepwood for his family. Collective Game , Lorekeeper , Civ , Fantasy , Blood of Heroes , Lord Auberon , Roleplay , Strategy 2019-08-20 2 3728144 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, Ep. 10 pt1 Where the Chariot heads off to its new destination and the crew comes together to watch a vicious fight Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-08-21 1 3753307 Redneck Sword Hero Quest #6 Intrigue and sadly the end do to QM RL obligations Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , Queen 2019-08-22 6 3765489 Blood of Heroes Quest 1.5 Lord Auberon ventures out to cleanse his lands of a bandit clan. Extremely short due to Op being a fag Lord Mentioc Auberon , Blood Of Heroes , Civ , Fantasy , Role Play , Fantasy , Collective Game , Strategy 2019-08-26 1 3751302 Slime Quest (p2) The second installment of the series, long awaited and too small to be satisfying. slime quest , fenster , draw quest , ser fuzzylad , faerie , slime , sword , bottle , hammer 2019-08-29 1 September 2019 68085623 Epic Song of Swords fecht thread. What started as a Song of Swords thread quickly turned into an epic fecht thread : Katana vs Sword and Oberyn Martell VS Gregor Clegane. Song of Swords , SoS , Game of Thrones , Oberyn Martell , Gregor Clegane , Katana , Sword , Fecht , Ronin , Knight 2019-09-01 2 3747555 Super Robot Pilot Thing #12 Shenanigans happen as Space Pirate Edward is assailed by voices in his head. notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-09-07 1 3778725 Dark Queen Quest 27 We throw a birthday party for Ellisa, talk with Kazeel Thorn himself and prepare our unofficial involvement in the war in the south. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-09-09 10 3785103 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep.10 p2 Where Henri Ford returns to Earth, visits an Asari outpost and reunites with his Spectre friend. Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space opera 2019-09-18 1 3800701 Super Robot Pilot Thing #13 Edward proves himself to be a much more effective protagonist. Unfortunately Fester is revived. notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-09-22 1 October 2019 3814765 Dark Queen Quest 28 We find ourselves face to face with Filarion, and after playing with his pride we finally put an end to the trouble he is causing us. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Empress , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-10-04 14 3849123 Runaway Jedi Quest 1: Prologue Jedi Knight Gohl and the Youngling Dove flee the jedi temple and Corsucant after Order 66 Starborn QM , Starborn , Star Wars , Runaway , Jedi , Youngling , Corsucant , Smuggler , Undercity , Temple , Clones , Order 66 , Noorian , Palliduvan 2019-10-08 4 3838849 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.10 p3 In which Henri Ford concludes his reunion with a friend and sets out towards Africa Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-10-12 1 3852954 Super Robot Pilot Thing #14 Fester bumbles his way through the plot as a new enemy group is discovered notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-10-26 0 3866691 Dark Queen Quest 29 Short thread, where we help the three elves leaders establish the elven council and have their people gain citizenship in our empire. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-10-26 10 3868445 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.11 pt1 Where Henri Ford and his crew head to the wayward Krogan camp on a mission of peace and industry Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-10-28 2 November 2019 3881876 Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Can't Escape From Crossing Fate Gohl's desperate flight continues. Ace Pilot Iso and Youngling Dove watch on in horror as The Chosen One himself chases the edi survivors Starborn QM , Starborn , Star Wars , Runaway , Jedi , Youngling , Corsucant , Smuggler , Undercity , Temple , Clones , Order 66 , Noorian , Palliduvan 2019-11-01 1 3881903 999 Quest 17 999 and company return to the physical world, meet an old friend, and finally complete a long quest. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , fucking wizards , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-11-02 1 3890315 Super Robot Pilot Thing #15 Fester bumbles his way through the plot some more as OP dies repeatedly notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-11-15 0 3902086 Dark Queen Quest 30 After spening time in Uirebglad with our friends, we are blessed by Luna as she gift us the Blood of the Eldars. We then return home. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-11-20 10 3900176 Slime Quest (pt3) Some time has passed, allowing for new arrivals, fateful encounters, and... a new perspective? slime quest , fenster , draw quest , ser fuzzylad , faerie , slime , sword , bottle , hammer , blunder , goblin , kobold , combat , skeleton , robes 2019-11-23 0 3904744 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 11, pt 2 In which Henri Ford hatches an ambitious project Collective Game , Mass Effect , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2019-11-27 1 December 2019 3937258 Slime Quest (pt4) Runecraft is performed before going on hiatus. slime quest , fenster , draw quest , ser fuzzylad , faerie , slime , sword , bottle , hammer , blunder , goblin , kobold , combat , skeleton , robes, 2019-12-01 0 3916100 999 Quest 18 999 and company awake to a brand new day and finslly hit the city. They then encounter some desperate friends in need. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , fucking wizards , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2019-12-02 0 3930603 Soul Eater Grim Tales #1 Join us as we start off this coming of age adventure with our three protagonist Francis, Candace and Miguel as they head to Shibusen. Soul Eater Quest , Lord Death , AU , Multiple Protagonists , Collective Game 2019-12-07 0 3935131 Dark Queen Quest 31 We manage our empire, start some ambitious projects with the dwarves, try purifying Lazarus harem and celebrate Aleanor birthday. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2019-12-08 7 3925622 Super Robot Pilot Thing #15 It's almost the end, and Fester is still incredibly cursed by shit rolls. notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2019-12-09 0 3944718 Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Chain Gang gohl and co. land on an outer rim world to purchase supplies for their stay in the wilderness. Starborn QM , Starborn , Star Wars , Runaway , Jedi , Youngling , Corsucant , Smuggler , Undercity , Temple , Clones , Order 66 , Noorian , Palliduvan 2019-12-10 1 3945484 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 11 pt 3 In which Henri Ford and his colleague Kris engages in politics and diplomacy Collective Game , Mass Effect , Space opera , Henri Ford 2019-12-18 1 3966654 Elf Lord Quest You are Lord Eldarel Vartheon, you took upon yourself lordship near the border territories. Fun times ahead. Elf Lord Quest , Elf Lord , Management , Fantasy 2019-12-24 8 3973849 Bane of Order Quest #1 A shady band of drifters journey throughout the lands. From taking on crime lords and storming the palaces of gods, nothing is off the table The Bane if Order Quest , Fantasy , Adventure , 2019-12-27 0 January 2020 3965998 Dark Queen Quest 32 We manage our empire, spend time with Lazarus and take a look with Gweyr at the vault where your husband kept Thoreric's treasure. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2020-01-02 7 3971627 999 Quest 19 999 and company encounter a very upsetting Grandma, meet an old friend, and venture into places old and terrible. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , fucking wizards , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood 2020-01-04 0 3982045 Super Robot Pilot Thing #17 The final episode. Everything is incredibly cursed both in and out of thread notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2020-01-06 0 3971432 My Hero Academia Mentor's Quest #1 Join us as we go through the day in the life of the No.5 Hero Tempress aka Mikumo Midoriya as she begins her life being a teacher at U.A MHA , My Hero Academia , Collective Game , AU , GordonGM, 2020-01-07 2 3975385 Star Wars New Jedi Order #1 Ten years after the fall of the Emperor, Raysh Vayzahk, a young former Inquisitor has been recruited to join the New Jedi Order. New Jedi Order Quest , Collective Game , Star Wars 2020-01-08 2 3984510 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt1 In which some hope is gained and two hunts initiated Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2020-01-13 2 3997052 Bane of Order Quest #2 Your group fights a fire mage, raids a bandit fort, and you get involved in a hostile takeover. The Bane of Order Quest , Fantasy , Adventure , Rogues 2020-01-19 0 4003968 Akame ga Kill #1 Join us as we start our conquest of the Empire as the great demon of the sixth heaven Nobusada Oda. Akame ga Kill , Collective Game , AU , Lord TyrantQM , 2020-01-21 1 70716203 Superman versus the Edgelords In which Supes and Mr Rogers tag team the edgies Superman , Mr. Rogers , Edgelords 2020-01-29 0 4033284 Bane of Order Quest #3 After a close battle, you make a deal with an entity to save your life. With the others missing, holding up your end will prove difficult. The Bane of Order Quest , Fantasy , Adventure , Rogues 2020-01-31 0 February 2020 4013244 999 Quest 20 999 and company take down a werewolf, and finally begin to search for the local wolf packs, as all kinds of things go astray. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2020-02-01 0 4032701 Dark Queen Quest 33 We spend some time in the city with Gweyr, get an idea for an imperial zoo, learn more about Lazarus past and get taught a new spell. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2020-02-02 7 4055008 Akame ga Kill #2 Nobusada finds himself picking up party members left and right on his roadtrip to get stronger. Akame ga Kill , Collective Game , AU , Lord TyrantQM , 2020-02-20 0 4049316 999 Quest 20.1 999 and friends enter a gaping wound in reality to combat its horrors, face a woof cult and confront their dark master. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2020-02-22 0 March 2020 4077130 Dark Queen Quest 34 A short session, where we spend most of our time with our friends. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex 2020-03-01 6 4081562 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt2 In which Henri Ford takes on the role of a private investigator. Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2020-03-09 1 4123677 Dark Queen Quest 35 We use the Far Sight spell and watch around important places we visited, then spend time with Dillon, Emelyne, Adeleine and Isabella. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2020-03-24 6 4098544 House Rimward Quest - Part 1 The bastard son of a demigod king gains the opportunity to found a colony on the far shores of a newly discovered continent. LordQM , Collective Game , House Rimward , Fantasy 2020-03-27 1 4123488 Akame ga Kill #2.5 Nobusada discussing and embarking on his most dangerous challenge yet. Part One of the Oarburgh Saga. Akame ga Kill , Collective Game , AU , Lord TyrantQM, 2020-03-28 1 April 2020 4141921 House Rimward Quest - Part 2 Bayside prospers, contact made with the natives, a council formed and Takkil's leg gets poisoned. LordQM , Collective Game , House Rimward , Fantasy 2020-04-11 0 4161745 Dark Queen Quest 36 We get giant eagle eggs from Ellisa, contract the service of a certain mercenary, and welcome Titania as the birth of our child draw near. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2020-04-16 6 4167319 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt3 In which doctor Ford continues his investigation into the missing adventurers Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2020-04-17 1 4186844 Akame ga Kill #3 After goofing off, Nobusada arrives at the capital and makes some new friends. Part Two of the Oarburgh Saga Akame ga Kill , Collective Game , AU , Lord TyrantQM , Jumpman 2020-04-26 0 May 2020 4202533 Dark Queen Quest 37 In which we give birth to a daughter, and organise a meeting of the Royal Coucil to discuss on what to do during the following months. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2020-05-07 6 4203728 Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Milk Delivery Quest Part 2 Sent 100 years in the future, can Gohan get back to the past, save the future and deliver the Milk? Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , Tuffle , Tuffle Quest , Milk Delivery , Sword and Angry Power Hour , Coffee Shop AU , Sing-Along 2020-05-10 -1 4226808 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt4 In which Henri Ford delves into the mystery of the missing adventurers and makes some disturbing discoveries... Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2020-05-17 1 4243407 Dark Queen Quest 38 We agree to follow Ellisa when she'll go meet the witches, commissioned ships and celebrated several birthdays. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2020-05-26 6 June 2020 4289306 Dark Queen Quest 39 A thread where we spend the most time managing our empire, everything seems to be fine. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2020-06-27 5 4289429 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 12 pt 5 In which Henri Ford explores a corporate black site gone wrong Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2020-06-28 1 July 2020 4300458 999 Quest 21 999 and company engage in a discussion with Linggan Zhao and receive some ominous answers. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2020-07-09 0 4310544 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 14 Arthur explores a demon infested city. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-07-12 3 4363572 Skeleton Island 2, part 13 Separate storylines n shieet notapaladin , drawquest , super robot pilot thing , mecha , cowboy , communist overlords , quest , collective game , SPAAAAAAACE 2020-07-30 0 August 2020 4336980 Dark Queen Quest 40 We leave for Asoevia with our friend Ellisa, and witness the gathering of witches before discussing with their leader. Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2020-08-01 5 4353495 999 Quest 21.1 999 and company finally finish their discussion with a powerful spirit, gain new info and new goals, and 999 finds something quite strange. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2020-08-07 0 4353266 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 15 Everything goes horribly wrong... again. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-08-10 1 4387870 Dark Queen Quest 41 A short session, where we persuade the Dragon Rimmirra to let us meet with Queen Helennae Dark Queen Quest , Dark Lord , Princess , Medieval , Queen , Fantasy , Amex, 2020-08-26 4 September 2020 4397757 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 16 Arthur grows more powerful while he is trapped within his dreams. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-09-02 1 4384264 Fief Quest RIP A one-shot quest about local lord, stored for potential sequel or reboot local lord , fief quest , RIP , dropped 2020-09-03 0 4428112 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 12, pt. 6 In which Henri Ford and his friends reach the heart of the compromised installation Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2020-09-26 1 October 2020 4432627 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 17 Arthur finally awakens. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-10-02 2 4474137 White Tower #2 Kid learns the true meaning of friendship. white tower , drawquest , collective game , vavilonica , quest , kid , sword time , scarily existing pleistocene megafauna 2020-10-08 21 4476525 Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 1 In which we meet Jakob Absol, lord of the swamp, inter our father, have a vision of our own death, and go to a party Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2020-10-09 18 4486372 Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 2 Minor Lightning Stroke, apply directly to the forehead Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2020-10-21 10 4477151 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 18 Arthur and the gang take a train before getting rudely interrupted by a powerful being. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-10-29 3 November 2020 4501524 Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 3 The first day of lordship Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2020-11-04 8 4490150 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.13 pt 1 In which doctor Tufferson Kris and his allies set out to investigate origin of the mysterious artificial beast. Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2020-11-10 1 4520521 Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 4 The First Battle Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2020-11-15 6 4533170 Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 5 In which Jakob receives the delegation from the Ryd Mountains and interrogates the Night Hunters Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2020-11-28 7 December 2020 4550865 Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 6 Battle plans, catfights, and the basic rundown on Mihtoism Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2020-12-09 6 4553068 999 Quest 22 999 wakes up from an exhausting night, meets with Blue, and ends up encountering a very startling revelation. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2020-12-21 0 January 2021 4555200 Sword Art Online: Foreign #1 Wide data-miner ISN'T stuck in SAO, steals from a corpse, pretends to be an NPC, gets Shanghai'd by the government to help out. Sword Art Online Foreign , Sword Art Online , Quest , sao , SAOF , 4reign , Collective Game 2021-01-03 0 4564094 Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 7 The Trial Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2021-01-03 6 February 2021 4595830 Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 8 Well, Well! Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2021-02-06 2 March 2021 4638311 Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 9 The aftermath of the Well and arrival at Kidney Lake Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2021-03-05 2 4682032 Swamp Lord Quest #10 In which O-Tora and Daisuke cross blades Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2021-03-14 2 77961635 Would you be the mini-boss and husband for a doting lawful evil empress? /tg/ is asked an ethical question and responds by concluding that it'd make a great anime and arguing over potential titles. ethical question , morality , alignment discussion , BBEG , Evil Overlord , Waifu, 2021-03-15 2 4651674 999 Quest 23 With the threat of the Robber Barons overhead, 999 and his friends end up being taken by surprise at an odd stranger and his situation. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , Dr Spanko , Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood , Magic 2021-03-21 0 April 2021 78580874 Word Bearer Isekai Thread 1 Another Based Isekai Thread arrives storytime , writefag , time travel , word bearers 2021-04-10 33 May 2021 4735471 Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 11 Ignore the description of the last one, it's WRONG! Mea culpa! After taking the Sunken Tower, Jakob deals with victory and new treachery Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2021-05-02 2 4793657 Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 12 A council of war and a short break Swamp Lord Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Jakob Absol 2021-05-29 1 July 2021 4854545 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 13 pt 2 In which doctor Tufferson Kris explores a clandestine lab and attends a business meeting Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2021-07-01 3 80126761 Word Bearer Isekai Thread 2 Orator-Anon continues the adventure of Anon as he and the Word Bearer to change the course of Warhammer 30k. storytime , writefag , time travel , word bearers , Warhammer40k , Warhammer30k 2021-07-04 30 August 2021 4885879 Lord of the Dead A young recruit and his crossbow fight an unknown enemy. Thread sadly died before it took off. crossbow , military , fantasy , lord , dead, 2021-08-02 0 4919200 Borderlands Civ Quest: Pre-Quest Admiral Mikey awakes with the smarts and heads to Pandora to slap General Noxx. QM's job interferes with updates and thread dies early Admiral Mikey , ATLAS , Borderlands , Collective Game 2021-08-28 1 September 2021 4933956 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 14 pt 1 In which Henri Ford takes part in a negotiation, a brief interview and spends some downtime with his crew Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2021-09-05 3 4958097 Border Princes Quest Flaviana Messore, a Tilean exile moves to the Border Princes to establish herself. Warhammer fantasy , Warhammer , Border Princes Quest 2021-09-24 6 4978921 Dynastic Ruler Quest 8: The Great War The bells toll as Daedric ascends to the throne. In these times he must face off against the Dark Lord! Collective Game , Ruler QM , Fantasy , Dwarves , High King , Daedric , Dark Lord , 2021-09-29 0 4995716 Dynastic Ruler Quest 9: The War Continues Daedric must recover from his previous wounds inflicted by the Dark Lord himself. He will not stop fighting though! Collective Game , Ruler QM , Fantasy , Dwarves , High King , Daedric , Dark Lord, 2021-09-29 0 October 2021 5011759 Dynastic Ruler Quest 10: A War to Remember With the siege of the fortress housing the Dark Lord, the battle for humanity and dwarvenkind is at hand. Collective Game , Ruler QM , Fantasy , Dwarves , High King , Daedric , Dark Lord , Ritual , Epic Battle 2021-10-16 2 4985519 Living Armour Quest 1 A living armour wakes up with a soul, and begins wandering in search for adventure and a purpose in life. Living Armour Quest , Mordragon , Collective Game 2021-10-26 7 November 2021 5007312 Border Princes Quest 2 Flaviana Messore expands her territory and forms alliances. The QM also kills the quest (Sorry) Warhammer fantasy , Warhammer , Border Princes Quest 2021-11-20 2 5017055 Sellsword's Code Quest #0 We meet our protagonist, Joseph Saintswood Collective Game , Fantasy , Sellsword's Code 2021-11-28 5 December 2021 5045064 Body Horror Quest, 49th Vein Shu hears a Dragon's confession, relaxes at Ikea, talks to a Rumia face-claim, and gets into a sword-fight with one of God's messengers. Body Horror Quest , bhop , BHOP , Body Horror , Female MC , Gore , touhou , ikea , swordfights with an Angel , Old Testament Angels , archeology 2021-12-10 6 5046025 Living Armour Quest 2 Mordragon breaks the Geneva Convention and fails at riddles. Living Armour Quest , Mordragon , Collective Game 2021-12-21 5 5094509 G A L E R N E PRELUDE Beyond the jewelled isles of the Thalassarchy of Galerne, all that separates the conqueror from the vanquished is the Dreamsend Sea fantasy , gothic , adventure , sword , gun , witch , magic , tarot , pirate , island , horror , barbarian , monk , collective game , quest 2021-12-27 9 January 2022 5075383 Scumbag Antipaladin Quest A crazed deserter goes on a hunt for blood, meets an orc, and has an unholy amount of luck. Collective Game , Edgy , Edgelord , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Scumbag Antipaladin 2022-01-07 27 5075730 Sellsword's Code Quest #1 Joseph sets out to investigate weapon convoys only to find halflings and goblins. Collective Game , Fantasy , Sellswords Code 2022-01-15 2 82847470 We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #3 Ghost and Kyrus become separated after fighting Drukhari, they now advance their missions, alone. Story time , write fag , Warhammer30k , word bearers , time travel , daemons 2022-01-16 27 February 2022 5111607 Scumbag Antipaladin Quest #2 The paladins arrive in Dalhurst, Melvin gets new followers, Sadie and Melvin fight, we meet a Antipaladin, our sacrifices begins, QM flakes. Collective Game , Edgy , Edgelord , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Scumbag Antipaladin 2022-02-15 8 March 2022 5135743 Sellsword's Code Quest #2 Joseph helps take back Blotto the Halfling's cart Collective Game , Fantasy , Sellswords Code 2022-03-09 1 5145112 Living Armour Quest 3 Mordragon loots an asp temple and sets out on an expedition against necromancers. Living Armour Quest , Mordragon , Collective Game 2022-03-17 5 5160960 Records Of Honour - I The tale of Guan Ling, the Yellow Exorcist, who travels south to investigate a profound evil. Records Of Honour , Xianxia , Wuxia , KismetQM 2022-03-19 1 April 2022 5197683 Sellsword's Code Quest #3 Joseph's adventure comes to an end for now Collective Game , Fantasy , Sellswords Code 2022-04-22 1 May 2022 5203611 Living Armour Quest 4 Mordragon strikes a deal with the Burnt God, defeats a demonic invasion and reaches the Silver Eye fortress. Living Armour Quest , Mordragon , Collective Game 2022-05-02 4 5265138 Song Of The Oath And Wild PRELUDE The pathless forest whispers and beckons. fantasy , fairy tale , elf , sword , viking , adventure , wizard , poem , legend , myth , economics 2022-05-19 2 June 2022 5232674 Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante Quest Simon P. Campbell awakens to the power of superdurabilty, and begins his one man war on all the scum strangling the life out of the megacity Collective Game , Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante Quest , Grimdark , Capeshit , Cyberpunk , Vigilante , Quest , Slumlord 2022-06-02 11 84877180 Why doesn't the modern surveillance state immediately unmask the secret identities of all superheroes? The modern equivalent of Local Lordposting turns into a serious discussion on vigilantism and the state monopoly of force. superheroes , cyberpunk , local lord 2022-06-18 -1 5282682 Lordtech Sketchy young adult inherits a few mechs but loads of other things. Based on the Battletech Cyoa. Collective Game , Battletech , Lordtech , Mech , ASF 2022-06-30 1 July 2022 5315699 Lordtech Part 2: Still in Prologue On buying and selling on the Station in the asteroid belt. Collective Game , Battletech , Lordtech , Mech , ASF , Quest 2022-07-29 0 September 2022 85804514 Really Short Swords: a Treatise Smaller weapons are more nimble and therefore better, right? Anon demonstrates how YOU can shortify your weapons, with pictures! Weapons , swords , short swords , photoshop 2022-09-01 10 5391397 The LIGHTNING SEA PRELUDE: Life is the stag pierced by arrows
Made into wounded wings. collective game , quest , cyberpunk , gilgamesh , sci-fi , fantasy , adventure , horror , spaceship , sword , sorcery , guns , poem , poetry , dystopia 2022-09-02 0 October 2022 5437870 Sword Chich You are a Chich with a sword. Congratulations. But your sword has needs. You don't wanna. But you gotta. Try not to kill anyone you love. drawquest , sword , chich , halp , collective game , mind-bending 2022-10-22 -1 November 2022 5404015 Settler Lord Quest Dietrich Von Adlershorst is named the count of the frontier by his granduncle Albrecht, and must manage his lands to thrive Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management 2022-11-06 11 December 2022 5459740 Living Armour Quest 5 Mordragon defeats the Silver Eye, kills some spiders and travels to Orbrin, meeting the White Lady on the way. Living Armour Quest , Mordragon , Collective Game 2022-12-24 1 5462082 Future Blades - A Cyberpunk Story A blackpilled incel in 22nd century Thailand joins a gang and tries to rebuild his life after being disowned by his family and friends Cyberpunk , Schizo QM , Swordfighting , Action 2022-12-26 14 February 2023 5510993 Settler lord quest 2 In which we find a crown,hunt, found a city, hold a tournament and explore a tower. Settler Lord Quest,Collective game,Politics,Medieval,Management, 2023-02-06 5 March 2023 5561322 Local Lord Quest VII Our local lord travels to meet his liege, fights strange Lombards, gets quite drunk, is jailed, and then must explain himself while hungover Local Lord , Medieval , Mudcore , Fantasy , Intrigue , Battle , Nearly Naked Guelphs 2023-03-11 11 5559320 Settler Lord Quest 3 In which, we meet an elf, read a book, marry, start a family and begin the rebellion Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management 2023-03-11 6 88069752 Meatwars fluff pt.1: Making Maps /tg/ begins hammering out the world of Meatwars, with several factions added, and a world built. Wordbuilding , Meatwars , Factions , Setting , Body horror, 2023-03-20 1 April 2023 5593108 Sira cannot run a brothel! A lazy brothel keeper finally decides to care about his business. Spinoff of Goblin Assassin. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , swordfighting , SEA inspired mythology , brothel managment 2023-04-04 29 June 2023 5664976 Rise of the Awakened #6 The party beats the owlbears, get blown up, narrowly survives, get kidnapped and robbed, escape, and accidentally warcrime their kidnappers. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Potato , Ord , Horny Deer , Accidental Warcrimes , Prison Break , Q Wolf Cult 2023-06-29 5 July 2023 5665694 Settler lord Quest 4 The rebellion is finished, and now the newly independent duke looks toward the future Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management 2023-07-05 3 5685485 Primodial God Quest #3 Part 1 In a reality where most universes are dead, one still stands with a single spark. It gives birth to the gods, and then Rheas, the World. gods , Primordial God Quest , Shi the QM , Collective Game , freeform , READ THE RULES , multiplayer , God , creation 2023-07-08 2 August 2023 5710873 Swordsman Quest, Oneshot A wandering blade enters town with conspiracy, murder and his own guilt. Swordsman Quest , Oneshot , Collective game , Draw Quest , Samurai 2023-08-30 7 September 2023 5734102 Settler Lord Quest 5 Justice is held, an early financial sector is founded, a new castle is build, children are disciplined and more Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management 2023-09-27 3 5752819 Tales from Thulzar In an age before recorded history, Man eked out a life bound by blood and tradition across his ancestral homeland of Thulzar. Sword & Sandal , Drawquest , Fantasy , Alt History , Seemingly Abandoned 2023-09-28 17 October 2023 90441338 We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #4 Ghost slowly becomes acquainted with being with Perturabo. Kyrus furthers his psychic might by training directly under Malcador. Story time , Word Bearer , write fag , time travel , daemons , Warhammer 30k , isekai 2023-10-03 27 5788801 Tales from Thulzar 2 Galrick was now going to have to face the greatest challenge of them all. Sword & Sandal , Drawquest , Fantasy , Alt History 2023-10-09 -13 5774516 Shadows of Order 66 Quest I Jedi Master Kessarion survives the Order 66 and tries to stay alive while the galactic chaos starts unfolding Collective Game , Star Wars , Jedi , Shadows of Order 66 2023-10-10 3 5762853 Warlord's Legacy Dagur Khan leads a small horde of nomadic horsemen across a sea of golden grass. Warlord 2023-10-15 10 5769081 IsekaiGods #1 The players send a succession of suicide bombs to defeat the Demonlord and the QM is struck down by bad internet and a cursed stone. Steller , Isekai , Collective Game , Demonlord , Fantasy , Gods 2023-10-21 0 November 2023 5790785 Dragon of Middle-Earth Quest A young drake leaves home to garner his own hoard, sixty years after Smaug’s invasion of Erebor. Dragon , Lord of the Rings , Middle-Earth, 2023-11-20 5 91014901 Valhallans on an Anchor world The Valhallan 545th are redirected to an Anchor world to reinforce other regiments 40k , IG , valhallans , skitarii , chaos , tyranids , dark angels , writefaggotry , mordians , felinids , beastmen 2023-11-29 5 5794828 Settler Lord Quest 6 The Duke of Greifswald attends a tournament while nomadic warriors from the east approach. Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management , Adlershorst dynasty, 2023-11-30 6 December 2023 91097573 Valhallans on an Anchor World Part 2 The Valhallan 545th and their allies fight chaos and tyranids while an Inquisitor goes on a secret mission 40k , IG , valhallans , skitarii , chaos , tyranids , deathwatch , writefaggotry , mordians , felinids , eldar , harlequins 2023-12-08 4 5809593 Warlord's Legacy #2 Tarkhan annexes the Erkin Tribe and takes his first concubine. Warlord 2023-12-11 5 January 2024 5849152 The von Adlershorst Dynasty Albrecht von Adlershorst is sent on crusade by his father to far-off Mithras, but the road is long Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management , Adlershorst dynasty, 2024-01-17 3 5861389 Dark Lord Quest An insane dark lord on a quest to destroy the world leads an army of golems and bandits to conquer parts of the kingdom of Noen. Dark Lord Quest , Fantasy , Strategy , BBEG 2024-01-24 3 February 2024 5871209 The Prodigal Son Returns The long-fled heir to Blackthorn Keep returns from the crusades to confront old hurts and fulfill his responsibilities fantasy , crusader , knight , lord , romance , drama , trauma , healing 2024-02-08 6 March 2024 5901404 Dark Lord Quest 2 Abrupt end and epilogue. Dark Lord Quest , Fantasy , Strategy , BBEG 2024-03-02 0 5893490 Dragon of Middle-Earth Quest #2 Thrakaburzum seeks out a group of orcs and interrogates them to learn more about their presence in the Grey Mountains. Dragon , Lord of the Rings , Middle-Earth, 2024-03-03 3 April 2024 5945726 The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 2 Albrecht von Adlershorst makes his way from Tautenland to Castana.
Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management , Adlershorst dynasty, 2024-04-20 2 May 2024 5959572 Evo Quest EvoMan #1 "I used to come on here years ago and there were always 2-3 evo quests and i loved them. don't see any anymore. lets change that" Collective Game , EVOgame , evo , Evolution , Primordial , EvoMan 2024-05-06 1 5995477 Tales from Thulzar 3 Fhor is on a hunt, but a strange being is making her feel and remember things. Very nice things. Sword & Sandal , Drawquest , Fantasy , Alt History , Melons , Orange Massage , Triple Fun 2024-05-08 10 5976163 The Prodigal Son: Another Life Your name is Caden Blackthorn and you're back to your early years, before the crusade. Why do you feel that something seems off about this fantasy , crusader , knight , lord , romance , drama , Writer , Writer QM , The Prodigal Son 2024-05-17 6 August 2024 6042174 The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 3 Albrecht von Adlershorst has made it to the Empire of Mithras, and must now campaign against the infidels. Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management , Adlershorst dynasty, 2024-08-20 3 October 2024 6081106 Normal cultivator quest 6 Quiet word rises higher as a Rising Pheonix in the capital competition. Normal cultivator Quest , Quiet word , Cultivation , Collective Game , DrDragonfagQM 2024-10-17 5 January 2025 6131057 The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 4 We go on campaign, get a bit involved in crusading politics and delve into the secrets of the past Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management , Adlershorst dynasty, 2025-01-03 3 6142656 Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 15 pt. 2 In which Eve, Henri's infiltrator friend, penetrates deep into Ambition movement's headquarters in search of evidence of evildoing. Mass Effect , Collective Game , Henri Ford , Space Opera 2025-01-11 1 March 2025 6177481 Rise of the Awakened #16.5 We're back from hiatus! Kinny mugs Sage, Mog freezes her. Gawain explodes, his squid escapes, then dies. Cats vanish, the crew tracks them. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Canis Lupin , Squid , Back from hiatus , Ord , Apes , Cliffhanger 2025-03-03 1