/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2008
1044995How to stop a Time-Traveling BBEGWith sheer BadasseryTime travel BBEG Badass2008-01-21 11 
May 2008
1748599Tome of Greater WishesPlayer gives himself all-powerful artifact that grants him Wishes that cannot be subverted by anyone or anything, including the DM. /tg/ rallies to screw him over.D&D, artifact, bad player2008-05-16 7 
June 2008
1917552SkullmurderedA Dorf Fortress world-generation creates a unique terrain feature. Creepy writefaggotry and BAD ENDS follow.skullmurdered, BAD END, writefaggotry2008-06-06 5 
October 2008
2727253Abby's Singalong HourWhat started with the usual Abbadon's Black Crusade song parody turned into several masterpieces of 40k songparodying.Abbadon, Singalong, 40k2008-10-04 1 
May 2009
4676668Horrible RPG sessionsAnon reveals the horror of bad players.horrror, rpg, bad player2009-05-27 6 
June 2009
4775242Really bad fanfictionFanfiction so bad it rockets straight out the other side and becomes sheer awesome.bad, fanfiction, so bad it's good, awesome2009-06-05 3 
4941851What not to do with little girls.Anonymous asks how to get rid of a little girl NPC stalking his party. Just when the thread can't get any worse, it is saved by a grimdark derail.little girl, bad DM, Dark Heresy, awesome DM2009-06-20 6 
4965691ITT: Worst Story/Player you ever had.Just another bad players/story thread. lulz ensue.Storytime, Bad Players2009-06-23 1 
4993479Terrible Games Masters/tg/ shares Games Master horror stories, including the stories of Vincent and the Fist of the North Dragonstar.bad gm roleplaying vampire mary sue2009-06-25 3 
July 2009
5250511Bad Gay QuestYou are a mad sodomist. Your shit has been packed up really tight. Are you a bad enough dude to get revenge?Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-07-25 10 
5266389Bad Guy Quest 2The mad scientist continues his evil schemeBad Gay Quest, Collective Game2009-07-27 8 
5272014Bad Guy Quest 3Oh no! Giant Robot Attack! Dispatch the Lolis!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-07-28 8 
5290842Bad Guy Quest 4Evil Scientist touches base with his arch nemesis: Elizabeth. Also, lolis.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-07-30 8 
August 2009
5318832Bad Guy Quest 5The Mad Scientist faces down his most dangerous foe yet!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-03 9 
5340128Dad Guy QuestOnly one man has the power to save his beautiful robot daughters from the malevolent disapproval of the world. Take over the world while being the best father you can.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-05 5 
5362714Bad Guy Quest 7The Plan (tm)Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-07 7 
5397064Bad Guy Quest 8The quest for revenge and world domination continue.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-10 7 
5398792Bad Guy Quest 8.1Plots are made, plans pursued. We move against another rival.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-10 7 
5410379Bad Guy Quest 9The quest for vengeance continues. Threads 8 and 8.1 are retconned.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-11 5 
5435695Bad Guy Quest 10The Evil Genius begins tracking down his manliest opponent yet!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-13 5 
5469745Bad Guy Quest 11Drinking contest, HO!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-16 4 
5495170Bad Guy Quest 12The next rival gets The direct approach, plus blitzkrieg.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-18 6 
5542874Bad Guy Quest 13A bit of dicking around, thread derails, not much gets done... IN SPACE!!!Bad Gay Quest, Collective Game2009-08-22 0 
5569271Bad Guy Quest 14After casting our lethargic eye around, we equip our trusty shooting iron & sally forth to impose our leaden will on all who oppose us!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-24 3 
5659581Bad Guy Quest 15Math logic bombs, maniacal mental manipulation, & The Question.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-31 5 
September 2009
5681988Abbadon at the TherapistAbbadon goes to get some counseling. The unexpected happens.Writefaggotry, Abbadon, Creed2009-09-01 39 
5714126Bad Guy Quest 16To catch a psychiatrist.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-09-04 2 
5929987Sad Guy Quest 17Scientist wants hugs!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-09-20 4 
5940037Worst DM/Player StoriesA collection of stories about bad DMs and bad players. Wasteland Warrior shows up at the end with a few of his stories.Bad DMs, Bad players, stories, Wasteland Warrior2009-09-21 21 
October 2009
6271771Jaques Lailang and others tales of MANLYOR Why Cannons Are Unsporting, Unless You're Using Hand-loaded 275kg Shells.Jaques Lailang, manly tears, John Talbot, Emperor Constantine, Hasan, cannons, stab in the face, historical badassery2009-10-15 7 
November 2009
6569122Homebrew Part 1D&D 3.5 Homebrew Plot Pt.1 People have stated interest in reading this. Shitty spelling, silly pictures, serious plot."D&D 3.5" "Homebrew" "Silly Pictures" "Bad Grammar" "IAMGRATEDEE'EM"2009-11-05 2 
December 2009
7068795Dragonslayer George QuestYou are George the mighty Dragonslayer with amnesia. You reject fate and destiny. You are the maker of your own path, the Lord of your own life. You will be the hero of a thousand lands, saviour of a thousand maidens, chased from the homes of a thousand angry fathers. This world is your oyster and you shall be its hero to... eat it, if you want. I guess. BOUND BY NO INCOHERENT METAPHORS. BECAUSE YOU ARE GEORGE THE MIGHTY DRAGONSLAYER. And nothing can stop you now. Not. A. God. Damn. Thing.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-12-10 4 
7138228Bad Guy QuestScientist trapped on an alien world! Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-12-15 3 
7251082Bad DMing storytime and adviceAnon asks for stories about poor DMing, and /tg/ provides; plenty of advice on how not to be a bad DM is given as well.storytime, DMs, bad, DMing2009-12-23 3 
7262410Bad Guy Quest: The YuletideningHijack & derail Christmas we must.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-12-24 4 
January 2010
7756733Redwall RPGRedwall RPG. Nostalgia ensues. Ends up with the creation of Badgerborn. Redwall, Badgers, Badgerborn, Nostalgia2010-01-25 7 
February 2010
7896144Humanity, Fuck Yeah: Electric BoogalooHumanity a weapon designed by Earth. Also, battle hymns.Humanity, Humans, Humanity fuck yeah, badass2010-02-03 33 
7979986/tg/ - comics and AustrailiaAn image dump of a /tg/-related webcomic leads to a fascinating discussion of Austrailia and its local fauna.Austrailia, awesome, fuck yeah, D&D, bad players2010-02-08 0 
March 2010
8406328The /tg/-teamBrother Sharp is revealed to us, joining Professor Badass and Techno Viking. But is there a fourth member yet to be unveiled? And who stands against our force of unmitigated badassery?badass, technoviking, tgteam2010-03-05 12 
8597154Elven Cutebold Genocide / Adventure Continuation ThreadPart 2 of Janus & co.'s fight against the Nazi Elves of the Forest of Ulthar. WARNING: Cutebolds and Soul-crushing despair ahead.cutebolds, adventure, elves, genocide, bad-ass paladins, 2010-03-15 5 
May 2010
10111656Power Keg of JusticePaladins don't fear falling. They look forward to it.paladin, falling, power keg of justice, bad ass2010-05-28 25 
October 2010
12459883CoC Monster in the MirrorA story of monsters, mirrors, and bad ends.CoC, Call of Cthulhu, Bad End, Creepy2010-10-16 5 
November 2010
12653918Not your ordinary corporate logo threadFrom military badges to discussions over corporate responsibilitylogo badge evil inc. corporation dystopia cyberpunk weyland ocp2010-11-04 15 
12917518LARPing advice threadIn which Anon gets taught how the average LARP works, and tips on being a bard at same.LARP, bard, Blind Guardian bad, advice, tutorial2010-11-25 3 
December 2010
13041503Bad PlayersHow to deal with idiotic players and their retarded PCs. bad players2010-12-06 2 
13082291Abbadon & Co. launch BC 13.5Abbadon attempts to rally the men to launch a new Black Crusade, with interesting resultsChaos, Abbadon2010-12-09 14 
February 2011
13988969Rebellion Quest 6THE REAL PART 5!!!rebellion, quest, badass, space2011-02-22 1 
March 2011
14418182WHY.jpgA thread about DMs and other players being dicks... Or just plain stupid.why, d&d, bad dm, bad player, /d/m, what, whut, wut, wat, stupidity, herp, derp2011-03-30 2 
April 2011
14452600Bad End Adventure SummarySuccessful rescue is not successful...D&D, Elf, Elves, Writefag, Bad End2011-04-03 5 
14634988Maugan-Ra and Kaptin Badrukk: Tyranid Slayers, Cops.A question of Eldar fluff turns into a discussion of how future 40k Codices should be structured, and the ultimate buddy cop duo is forged.maugan-ra, fluff, 40k, codex, badrukk2011-04-19 2 
14694420TITANSAve Imperator! Badass Titan stories and Creed Dickery.Badass, Titans, Creed, Ave Imperator2011-04-24 8 
May 2011
15030699RPGs as Movies and TV seriesEvery movie could just be a retarded session of your favourite movie or show! /tg/ shows us how its donehumor, movie, rpg, tv, DM, bad session2011-05-24 5 
June 2011
15301931Geist the furry hating the BBEGCan you make an awesome BBEG out of shitty character? Yes you can.furry hate, that guy, BBEG, advice, big bad2011-06-18 24 
July 2011
15590031Abaddon QuestThe adventurers of Warmaster Abaddon. Arms are found, Black Crusades are called and bitches are raped.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest2011-07-15 39 
15593949Abaddon Quest IIThe Black Crusade grows. Champions are rallied, the warp get's another psychically asskicking, and Abaddon proves to be extremely badass with bionic arms.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Dice Gods, Doomrider2011-07-16 35 
15596109Abaddon Quest IIIAbaddon becomes Kamina. Punches the warp once more and travels into the past for the 14th Black Crusade.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Punching2011-07-16 37 
15601954Abaddon Quest IIIIThe fall to ancient earth takes an unexpected turn, with the arival of the eldarawesome, abaddon, abadass, eldar, time travel, 40k, chaos,2011-07-17 23 
15612380Abaddon Quest VAbaddon yells at Ahriman, discovers a loyalist Alpha Legion dreadnought, and cock-slams raptors.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-17 22 
15616064Abaddon Quest VIAbaddon experiences the joy of fatherhood.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-18 23 
15626041Abaddon Quest VIIAbaddon informs his waifu about the current situation and chats with his abomination of a child.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-19 25 
15647815Abaddon Quest VIIIAbaddon starts planning for his wedding and the eventually corruption of the Eldar.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-21 22 
15681044Abaddon Quest IXAbaddon plans shit during war council and has a space battle with the Eldar. Awesome ensues.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-24 21 
15701229Abaddon Quest XAbaddon manages to captured a powerful eldar seer after boarding her flagship.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn2011-07-26 21 
15734989Abaddon Quest XISex. Bloody violence. Violent sex. Popcorn. We've got it all, bitches.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Hot, Sex, Violence2011-07-29 23 
15764064Druid QuestShit gets weird when we become a druid after eating mushroom soup; /tg/'s a dick sometimes.druid, quest, mushroom, badger, old, man, malam2011-07-31 2 
August 2011
15770652Abaddon Quest XIIAbaddon and the gang makes planetfall on Terra via bikes to rescue Typhus. More dinosaurs die, a mysterious servant of Malal is discovered/killed and chaos rocks out in the jungle.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-08-01 20 
15818442Abaddon Quest XIIITyphus is rescued, the eldar learn of Nurgle, another Malal cultist is found and captured, warcouncil is called, Kharn shows his true love and Ahriman finally snaps. Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 25 
15823037Abaddon Quest XIVAhriman fucking snaps and gets snuffed by Abaddon.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 23 
15891865Abaddon Quest XVWar council ends, a rape orgy begins, awesomeness ensues and a god is born.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-11 21 
15894168Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon makes a breakthrough with the High Seer, then a hug births Slaanesh and and Abaddon Punches the Warp, again.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love, Slaanesh2011-08-11 20 
15926413Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon explores the plot of the Malal cultists.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Khorne2011-08-14 22 
16047730Do you...Catan?Awesomely hilarious thread. So bad it's funny, then sergal shows up. Catan, so bad, Sergal, lol, funny, lulz2011-08-24 0 
September 2011
16400855Abaddon Quest XVIIIOP returns to us and it may turn out that a senile crazed terminought is behind the Malal cult.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-09-24 22 
November 2011
16831866Give Yourself Goosebumps /tg/ edition no.3/tg/ finds their fate in The Deadly Experiments of Dr Eeeek & Deep in The Jungle of Doom!GOOSEBUMPS, goosbumps, collective game, okay.jpg, badass, monster2011-11-04 0 
16851030Abaddon Quest XIXAbaddon visits the Eldar bitches, becomes a mince pie and grows a tentacle beard.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-11-06 26 
December 2011
17300795Jamhorn GlittergoldThe best Lich ever.Anti-That Guy, Epic, Lich, Badass2011-12-23 22 
17306554That Guy ThreadAnother field reports of horrific That Guys. Everybody is awed and scared.that guy, real life, irl, storytiem, horribad2011-12-24 10 
February 2012
17876480Abaddon Quest XXA Titan is thrown against the ground and broken, learns HOKUTO ZANKAI KENCollective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2012-02-10 25 
March 2012
18320539Overlord AppreciationThe people of a newly formed merciless dictatorship thank the overlord for improving their lives.Evil, Evil Overlord, Propaganda, Roleplaying, Campaign Setting, Commoners, Common Folk, Bastard Elves, Asshole Elves, Goodguy Badguy2012-03-14 51 
18340884Viking QuestWe are Urist McHammerfist, last of the vikings! And we begin our journey to find a wife.collective game, viking quest, viking, dragon, jotun, iceland, barbarian, punch, fist, badass, awesome, boobs2012-03-16 12 
April 2012
18847587The Lost Black CrusadesAn attempt to chronicle the many unrecorded, and failed, Black Crusades of Abaddon.Black Crusade, Abaddon, Warhammer 40k, 40k2012-04-25 7 
May 2012
19112522Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew/tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome.Mommy is sick, Daddy gets mad, My brother is dead, Mommy's Icky Friend, Divorced, Little Princess, Beaten, My Little Robot, Bad Touch, Jog Dad, Little Sunshine, In the System, Our Pride, Evil?, On Ritalin, Home Alone, Moving Again, I'm a Mistake2012-05-16 22 
July 2012
20045674The Eye of TeegeeAhriman's Aide intrigues /tg/ with the possibility of our own Eye of Terror campaign.Eye of Terror, 40K, Failbaddon, Eye of Teegee, tabletop, warhammer 40k2012-07-28 13 
August 2012
20238400Bad DM cannot into dramaDouchebag DMing thread is taken over by the rageworthy tale of a DM who despite being a drama major completely fails to deliver any to his group.Bad DMing, storytime, That Guy, That DM, douchebag DM2012-08-09 21 
October 2012
21132374Different 40KA shitty ‘what if’ thread takes a turn for the Sbemailtastic.Warhammer 40K, Derail, Strong Bad, Sbemail, Homestar Runner, Musical2012-10-15 14 
December 2012
21963885Dragon Clan War: Desert Storm 2The dragons save their goblins. Get them some slaves. Check on the lizard bros and find some Orcs who are being forced to fight for a Red...who gets her ass whooped.D&D, Collective, Dragon, Goblins, badass2012-12-10 1 
January 2013
22788717The Legions of Earth/tg/ helps allay the fears of a concerned brother. Then it proceeds to prove just how ridiculously far they can derail a threadPolandball, Abbadon, failure, derail, daemonette, discussion, First Founding, 40k, wut2013-01-26 10 
June 2013
25624074Reasonable Marine Quest AnnouncementThis quest is tearing Storm Raven apaaaart!reasonable marine quest, reasonable marines, knights inductor, Collective Game, bad ideas taken to worse conclusion, ReaSUEnable Marines, there is nothing reasonable about befriending tyranids2013-06-24 1 
25667025Shameless Anime Ripoff Quest 42In which anons from /a/ fail to realize how retreading the same material relentlessly is terrible and boring.Anime, Bad Quest, Shameless Anime Ripoff Quest, Collective Game2013-06-27 39 
August 2013
26473817Imp QuestAn evil little imp is born in Hell and seeks out power, blackest magics, and plots most foulimp, quest, collective game, collective, game, devil, demon, daemon, abaddan, The HypnoJew, evil, souls, summoner, summoning, conjuration, damn, damned, damning2013-08-07 18 
26513155Imp Quest 2Our little Imp goes to earth, and there he finds a loving family, a loving family which he will tear apart and mold into something much more interesting.imp, quest, collective game, collective, game, devil, demon, daemon, abaddan, The HypnoJew, evil, souls, summoner, summoning, conjuration, damn, damned, damning, Wrath, Homicide, Cannibal Mother, corrupting, corruption2013-08-09 12 
October 2013
27689041"That Guy" thread /tg/ shares that guy horror stories, finds that guy among usThat Guy, Bad Player, Bad DM2013-10-13 6 
27759539Wolf QuestStory of a wolf in an unforgiving land, hunted by humans till his demise. Perhaps a reboot one day?collective game, one shot, wolf quest, wolf, bad end2013-10-16 3 
27796127On Sikhs, and SikhismIn which /tg/ learns that Sikhism is pretty much a religion where everyone are paladins, and proceed to have the most civil religion-related thread you'll ever see.Sikhism, religion, paladins, turbans, bad-ass, beards2013-10-18 33 
January 2014
29469054Pokemon Quest #9We confront Robins dad, and turn down the chance to battle him. We confront the scientist that ripped us off, let him go after a short chase, and confess to Robin we stole and lied about it. Vance wrestled a goddamn UrsarangPokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, badass, thief, 2014-01-13 21 
29486770One party and AbsolutionAnon tells the story of his party rising through the ranks to change the world in increasingly extreme ways.Storytime, Writefag, Absolution, Badger god2014-01-13 48 
February 2014
29972934Digger Quest: Chapter 8Bass single-handedly fights a city-destroying Reaverbot, decides to waterproof his gun, and buys crappy gifts for his friends.Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure, No Seriously Bass Is Really Bad At Picking Out Gifts2014-02-03 12 
April 2014
31223288Bad Dragon d20 - THE GAME CHANGEROur favorite animal dildo peddlers bring us THE GAME CHANGERBad Dragon, Dildo, d20, Die, Dice, The Game Changer, lulz, funny2014-04-03 8 
May 2014
31888036Sext Adventure Quest: "Sword" Sucking SagaSee, its quirky and cute when I write poorly written porn because I do it in pictures~Smut, bad writing, good grammar is for nazis, lolsorandumb, lwys2014-05-03 -10 
August 2014
34410626That Guy Thread AgainPlayer wants to feel better about his shitty group.that guy, that group, bad,2014-08-26 1 
October 2014
35348174Assassin School quest 6 Layla goes on a visit to an unspecified European country with Maria and a new friend to kill a count, along the way she steals clothing from a dead girl, jumps on to a chandelier, and faces down a centuries old, suicidal Vampire count who's been feeding on innocent peasant girls for who knows how long, how exciting Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Vampire, bad accents,2014-10-07 14 
November 2014
36454859/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 8 (Bad End)We take a trip to the Engi homeworlds, which are suffering brutal Rebel, Pirate, and Mantis attacks. Our Skyship clashes against several of the invaders on its way through the sector, chasing down rumors an experimental Engi ship that was stolen by the invaders. Sadly, the battles take their toll on us, and when we reach the fleet that has the stolen ship, our own ship and crew meet their end./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, sci-fi, Engi, Slug, Rebels, Mantis, ending, bad end2014-11-29 1 
March 2015
38538049Space Crusade Quest 19We participate in the Space battle and wreck everyoneCollective game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Space battle, badass2015-03-10 2 
April 2015
39511955Bad Luck AnonAn anon says he only rolls bellow 5 on d20s and demonstrates it in 4chan.Bad Luck Anon2015-04-23 38 
June 2015
40495952To Protect And Serve Quest 2More cop shenanigans in the future To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer, Badge2015-06-10 22 
40785780THAT guy threadVarious THAT Guy stories, some funny, some Oh God Why?!bad, faggotry, gaming, storytime, that group, that guy2015-06-29 2 
August 2015
41901253Mandala of FortunePut your character up. Name their greatest deeds and virtues. Now their greatest sins. Spin the Mandala of Fortune and see what (often epic!) afterlife your protagonist/antagonist will suffer before Enlightenment!writefaggotry, Hinduism, Buddhism, allignment, writefag, fluff, awesome, religion, afterlife, player character, good end, bad end, allignment, epic2015-08-17 31 
December 2015
43908563Awoken Overlord Quest IYour Name is Alice and you are the overlord now.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess2015-12-04 5 
43925515Awoken Overlord Quest IIAlice starts her new job as the overlord and recruits the first few followers.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess2015-12-04 1 
43949255Awoken Overlord Quest IIIAlice continues her quest, finds mighty allies and some other guys.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess2015-12-04 1 
43980634Awoken Overlord Quest IVAlice continues her journey to become a supreme overlord, only stopped by OP's scheduleCollective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess2015-12-07 1 
44018196Awoken Overlord Quest IV.V (NSSF-Edition)Alice again continues her journey, this time with a QM who hasn't slept for two days.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess, No sleep since friday Edition2015-12-07 1 
44043160Awoken Overlord Quest V: Fell asleep in the middle of the last thread editionAlice is back, after being interrupted by sleep. Also, a boar is caught and such.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess, fell asleep edition2015-12-14 1 
44189651Awoken Overlord Quest VIAlice is finally back and continues her conquest, even against some pretty bad odds.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess2015-12-16 1 
January 2016
44716135Badge and Bullet Case File 01A golem serves the city as a private detective. Today he gets a new partner fresh out of the academy.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-13 7 
44733710Badge and Bullet Quest #2The detective finishes the case and hangs out at the Rivet Club.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-13 4 
44752662Badge and Bullet 3Badge and Bullet 3Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-13 20 
44774870 Badge and Bullet 4 Badge and Bullet 4Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-14 2 
44794964Badge and Bullet Case File 05A drug bust goes terribly wrong when the dirty rat shows his face.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-16 3 
44861082Badge and Bullet Case File 06Russo cuts her teeth on a simple car theft operation. Open and closed case, right?Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-19 2 
44879336Badge and Bullet Case File 07You awake with a mouthful of sawdust and one hand less. It turns out to be a surprisingly good day.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-20 2 
44941801Badge and Bullet Case File 08Shit gets real.Collective Game, Noir, Badge and Bullet, Modern Fantasy2016-01-23 2 
March 2016
45773792The Imperal Guard writes a Letter to AbaddonA letter is written to Abbadon, and he responds. Finally, the tau recieve a letter of their own. All one word at a time.40k, imperial guard, abaddon, tau, letter, funny2016-03-03 48 
December 2016
976408Starborn Quest 26: Wake Me Up, Before You Go GoWe wake up, Catch up, Fuck up, Put up, Wake something up, Shut up, Man Up, Level Up, Then Clean upCollective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, DRAGON, Boss Fight, Bridge, Divine Zen, Badass, Luc,2016-12-29 3 
January 2017
987176Starborn Quest 27: The World Keeps SpinningTinton is reached, Hona,Luc and Purps park the wagon - Purps goes full Italian and invents pizza before we bet against Hona. Short Thread.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Lexington, Money Touble, Tinton, Divine Zen, Badass, Luc,2017-01-01 2 
February 2017
1151634Starborn Quest 28: Is This The Town By Murillo?Starborn Quest returns with Recaps, Healing, Messengers, Races and Discovery!Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Lexington, Money Touble, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-14 2 
1164659Starborn Quest 29: Ancestry.AwooWe meet our Oracle who is a relative of ours? Then she tells us a story, which the anons play! Reynes of Castmaere know that feel.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Murillo, Flashback, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-17 1 
1163749Starborn Quest 29: Ancestry.Awoo We meet our Oracle who is a relative of ours? Then she tells us a story, which the anons play! Reynes of Castmaere know that feel.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Murillo, Flashback, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-18 3 
1192472Starborn Quest 30: A Man Named SueA probably ill advised midweek thread considering OP is on GMT and his players US. Coupled with early rises for OP, not much gets done :(Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Murillo, Cleanup, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-24 2 
1208750Starborn Quest 30.5: A Man Named Sue [CONT] The man named Sue makes an appearance, we fight a skeleton warrior (dadadada) and also TALKCollective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Murillo, Cleanup, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-28 2 
March 2017
1222037Masterpiece of a Shattered GodPlayers are a god. They make commands and OP draws it...God, Sandbox, Bad_Art2017-03-08 2 
1250249Masterpiece of a Shattered God 3Anons play the role of a god. They make commands, I draw them...God Game, Sandbox, Bad Art2017-03-13 1 
1283045Masterpiece of a Shattered God 4A draw game, the premise being that anons are the shattered consciousness of a God seeking to create his masterpiece...God Game, Sandbox, Bad Art2017-03-26 2 
April 2017
1313959Masterpiece of a Shattered God 5A draw game, the premise being that anons are the shattered consciousness of a God seeking to create his masterpiece...God Game, Sandbox, Bad Art2017-04-06 2 
1347950Masterpiece of a Shattered God 6A draw game, the premise being that anons are the shattered consciousness of a God seeking to create his masterpiece...God Game, Sandbox, Bad Art2017-04-15 1 
1384313Masterpiece of a Shattered God 7A draw game, the premise being that anons are the shattered consciousness of a God seeking to create his masterpiece...God, Sandbox, Bad Art2017-04-26 1 
May 2017
1416060Masterpiece of a Shattered God 8A draw game, the premise being that anons are the shattered consciousness of a God seeking to create his masterpiece...God, Sandbox, Bad Art2017-05-06 1 
1450650Masterpiece of a Shattered God 9A draw game, the premise being that anons are the shattered consciousness of a God seeking to create his masterpiece...God Game, Sandbox, Bad Art2017-05-21 1 
November 2017
56231624Magic: The Gathering Investors get BTFOWho spends $20,000 on a children's trading card game?magic the gathering, wizards, investors, collectibles, reprints, card economy, bad investments, you made this bed now get fucked in it2017-11-08 3 
March 2018
2387194Starborn Quest 47: RessurectionPurps' bad return to life continues, but some old faces return to make it all better.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Purps, School, Academy, Dealer, Crete, Twins, Halfling, Minerva, Sunshine Fist, Angst, Bad Day2018-03-20 1 
May 2018
2522505Worm: One Bad Day #1In which our plucky abuse victim gains superpowers, and Nearly kills Armsmaster in session 1Worm, Worm: One Bad Day, Zion, Collective Game2018-05-06 29 
2534905Worm: One Bad Day - Issue #2In which Canon happens, and Barnaby discovers that he's scary.Worm, Worm: One Bad Day, Zion, Collective Game2018-05-07 26 
2540682Worm Quest:One Bad Day Issue #3In which Manic finds some buddies and irritates Coil.Worm, Worm: One Bad Day, Zion, Collective Game2018-05-09 26 
2545334Worm Quest:One Bad Day Issue #4In which Manic gains a gang, and mutates a little bit. Just a little though.Worm, Worm: One Bad Day, Zion, Collective Game2018-05-10 23 
2549379Worm Quest: One Bad Day Issue #5In which a heist is performed, and a declaration of war is made.Worm, Worm: One Bad Day, Zion, Collective Game2018-05-12 32 
2559832Worm Quest: One Bad Day Issue #6In which Armsmaster has a breakdown/revelation and shit gets pretty bad. Worm, Worm: One Bad Day, Zion, Collective Game2018-05-16 22 
2569415Worm Quest: One Bad Day Issue #7Wherein lots of things go poorly and mistakes are made.Worm, Worm: One Bad Day, Zion, Collective Game2018-05-20 22 
2579321Wrom Quest 8 Barnaby does more cool shitWorm One Bad Day, Worms, Collective Game 2018-05-20 4 
January 2019
3119500An Exalted Game! Prologue Part 1/? Sinbad in the making. Starting in a trade city in the south. Exalted Quest, Sinbad, Brown Girls, Collective Game,2019-01-11 0 
3143535Duel Monsters Quest #1We create our mc, win a duel by skin of our teeth and do some tournament anouncing.Duellinky, Yugioh, GX, BadDeck2019-01-12 4 
3178930Duel Monster Quest 2 Electric BoogalooDavy tells some people off and starts a duel with burkeDuellinky, Yugioh, GX, BadDeck, Collecttive Game2019-01-29 2 
February 2019
3217517Duel Monsters Quest 3: Revenge of the SetoDavy finishes his Duel with Burke and heads to the StationDuellinky, Yugioh, GX, BadDeck, Collective Game2019-02-10 3 
April 2019
3386927The Big Bad Wolf Quest #1Selling nude photos of high school girls is hard work, and totally professional!Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-02 6 
3401882The Big Bad Wolf Quest #2Mary's a fellow woman of the trade, Goldilocks is a pervert, and Little Red Riding Hoods has become leashed! Also, cleavage factory.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-08 2 
3416319The Big Bad Wolf Quest #3Morioka starts to break minds, grab ass, grope titties, and make love for eight hours straight.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-13 1 
3429492The Big Bad Wolf Quest #4Morioka experiences a special Saturday and Kitasawa finally arrives, neatly packaged. Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-19 1 
3445322The Big Bad Wolf Quest #5A decadent-breasted clash between Hanami and Mary has begun at day, Kita's Robin Hood reveal at night! Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-23 1 
3456685The Big Bad Wolf Quest #6Goldilocks shows a sign of Morioka's consequence. He later ends up having sex with three of Hanami's personas.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-29 1 
May 2019
3470733The Big Bad Wolf Quest #7Morioka might've brought a dark elf to his world. But that matters not -- the N.R.O. has come!Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-04 0 
3481461The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8Morioka begins tested copulation with Kitasawa. But QM gets a warning and the thread is archived for some reason.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-04 1 
3483261The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8.5Morioka is given a late night surprise! The tower is attacked! Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-09 1 
December 2019
3966505Bad Art QuestThomas wishes to spread the word of Classic Italian Disco but it goes beary wrong.Bear, disco, art, bad, bad art, Thomas, corn, Conopolis2019-12-19 0 
May 2020
4218451Ironbloods Civ ThreadOrcs of the Ironbloods Tribe go on a badly planned swamp attack on the undead lose all warriors then get enslaved by humansciv thread, civilization, bad end, ironbloods, orcs2020-05-11 -2 
October 2020
44306032nd US Civil War: Sun Belt CrusadersDuring the chaos of the 2nd American Civil War, a meth cook forms a cult of crusaders to retake America, starting with rural Arizona.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-10-01 11 
44738662nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #2The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with unexpected events, meet strange characters, & continue to build up their presence. Features a major battle.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-10-30 6 
December 2020
45141852nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #3The Crusaders grow in size, develop a patron/client relationship, get a quest, and have a Thanksgiving dinner in a slight breather episode.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-12-05 6 
January 2021
45592722nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #4Two simultaneous missions give a look into two very different parts of Arizona during the war. Features guns, beer, & cow manure!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-01-03 6 
4590497Space Station 13 Quest: Station 1A new quest in the world of the infamous game of the same name.Otome QM, Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Lizard, Weed, Trip, Cyborg, Anime Girl, Douglas MacArthur, Goblin2021-01-18 8 
77042930anaconda-pocalypseIn a moment from now, an anaconda instantly materializes in a random location no more than ten feet away from every living human on earth.anaconda, snakes, apocalypse, posters are snakes, bad advice,2021-01-22 2 
February 2021
4611224Space Station 13 Quest: Station 2A new station, a new adventure for our new cyborg MC.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Lizard, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Changelin2021-02-02 5 
45929692nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #5The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with industrial meth production, Indian intrigue, deranged raiders, UFO-Lizardperson-NWO conspiracies, and more!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-02-05 5 
4631602Space Station 13 Quest: Space Station 13 Quest: Station 3 - Booze StationThird time's the charm or so they say.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Slime, Tesla Ball, Russians, Vodka2021-02-18 3 
March 2021
46390602nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #6The unexpected death, burial, and resurrection of the Sun Belt Crusaders.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-03-13 4 
4664076Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4, High Security Nuking.McSnickers Dickerson attempts to advance the field of science and his faith. But can he survive the Syndicates deadliest ops team?Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, McSnickers Dickerson2021-03-20 0 
4686103Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4.5, Rust In Peace. . . McSnickersMcSnickers spreads disease like a dog, discharge his payload, a mile high rotten egg, air of death, wrestles syndi nostrils.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, maintenance, Nuclear Holocaust, MacArthur did nothing wrong, Revenge2021-03-26 0 
April 2021
4705736Space Station 13 Quest: Station 5, Mining Station Inquisition.McSnickers gets a feel for his new warmachine body and joins the Inquisitorial Emergency Response Team.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Mechanicus, McSnickers Dickerson, Cult, monster slaying, Inquisition, Russians, lavaland, one month hiatus2021-04-11 0 
July 2021
48821932nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #7The "second season's" first thread, featuring action packed combat, big-brain discussion, intrigue, a coup, a new faction, & also sufferi2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders, Second Season2021-07-27 4 
September 2021
49355652nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #8A breather episode focusing on introducing new faces, gaining influence, and setting up for conflicts to come. Features salary negotiations!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-09-11 3 
November 2021
49924432nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #9A fierce fight in Phoenix followed by a country doctor distributing charity (i.e. meth) to the poor and needy (i.e. junkies) of Maricopa!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-11-05 5 
December 2021
50478712nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #10Scouting south of Maricopa as the Messenger playing peacemaker. Brace for gallant charges, eccentric elders, a red sickle's specter, & more2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-12-24 3 
February 2022
50965882nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #11The rogues' gallery grows as the fated POZ-Maricopa face off takes a turn for the strange. Comes with limited edition Advent box art!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2022-02-10 5 
March 2022
51592702nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #12A quieter episode with preparations before anticipated action.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2022-03-27 4 
February 2023
5542291WalterquestYour name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. Today is your 50TH birthday. What will you do?Breaking Bad, Walterquest, BANEQM, Indefinite Hiatus, Drawquest2023-02-03 13 
September 2023
5745384Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 14Abandoned by his gods, the Dragonborn hunts down a former friend to regain his power... And risks losing everything he loves and holds dear.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, demonology, necromancy, mind control, bad end, good end, harem ending2023-09-26 9 
November 2023
5848264Walterquest: ReduxYour name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. Today is your 50TH birthday. You are driving your son and yourself to J.P. WYNNE HIGH SCHOOL. Your adventure is reduxed, what will you do?Breaking Bad, Walterquest, Walterquest Redux, BANEQM, Drawquest2023-11-23 9 
May 2024
5976207Walterquest: REDUX 2Your name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. You have just woken up after your 50TH birthday. It's time to go to the hospital.Breaking Bad, Walterquest, Walterquest Redux, BANEQM, Drawquest2024-05-06 5 
October 2024
60890482nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #13A daring counter-raid to the one against the caravan floods the Gila region in blood in the most intense fighting up to now. Plus hydration!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2024-10-26 3 
February 2025
61649352nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #14A desert madman's visions forge a secret pact against another as the Crusaders explore west simultaneously to last time's fight in the eas2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2025-02-09 3 
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