Thread Title Description Tags Added Score July 2009 5250103 Shodan mentors Cortana What began as an intelligent discourse on Shodan's sentience and underlying motivations immediately devolved into a 'hawt' AI-on-AI Lez Librarian SlashFic. "SHODAN , System Shock , Cortana , Halo , LezSlash , Deep Thinking , Sentience , Componants" 2009-07-25 9 December 2009 7182564 MIGHTY WARRIOR LINK QUEST LINK wakes up after being ASS-RAPED by his UNCLE. He then becomes a MIGHTY WARRIOR, and with GANON travels to the SHADOW REALM. ZELDA , LINK , GANON , MIGHTYWARRIOR 2009-12-18 14 January 2010 7414042 Links Links to a few lesser known systems. system , link 2010-01-04 -3 February 2010 8022037 District 9 strategies A discussion of a nonexistent tabletop wargame based on the movie District 9. Much wishful thinking ensues. "district 9" "homebrew" "wishful thinking" 2010-02-11 12 March 2010 8413729 Zombie themed Irish folksongs Anon needs help with songs for his modern d20 bard.
/tg/ delivers. zombie , irish , drunk , drink , folksong 2010-03-05 2 April 2010 9094939 How do I made Link? Anon asks /tg/ how to make Link in D&D. /tg/ brainstorms for him. Zelda , Link , stats , rules , the thing that goes ping 2010-04-10 0 August 2010 11732554 Edition Wars Distilled The cast of Futurama, Freakazoid, and Pinky and the Brain summarize every 4e v. 3.5e thread for your convenience. Funny , 4th Edition , 3.5 Edition , Futurama , Freakazoid , Pinky and the Brain 2010-08-20 15 November 2010 12705930 Horror thread general What's on the tin. Goes from some generic description help to a good thread with youtube links and pics abounding. Sleeping optional Horror , links , number stations , terror , fright , scary 2010-11-07 0 12843556 Random Bits of Info A helpful anon comes by and proceeds to hand out a bunch of links related to world building GM , info , links 2010-11-19 0 December 2010 13108836 The Rise of Poppa Shas OP asks /tg/ for advice on toppling a monster that he and his party accidentally put into power, only to have it broken to him that God Emperor Shastamannos is the coolest dictator in school, and that he and his party members are complete madmen.
Join the Nation! Pathfinder , D&D , Writefaggotry , Epic , Poppa Shas , Now Lay Back and Think of Karthack 2010-12-11 27 May 2011 15063051 Pink colored custom Magic: The Gathering OP makes a custom Magic set with the color pink.
Hugs and rainbows ensue. Magic , MTG , MtG , Pink , Bunnies , Rainbows , Puppy Orphanage , Love 2011-05-27 2 August 2011 15971901 Brink Quest You are Jessica Stahl, a Field medic on the Ark, caught in the middle of all the shit getting real as the first riots start to break out. Brink , Collective game 2011-08-18 4 December 2011 17072435 dark heresy archives All dark heresy books... HERESY!! HERESY EVERYWHERE!!! Dark Heresy , 40k , RP , Megaupload links, 2011-12-01 14 17139997 Kobold Sorcerer Quest Chapter 6 You begin the quest to find your secret weapon and head for the surface! Kobold , Quest , Kobold Sorcerer Quest , Collective Game , Who the Hell do you think we are?! 2011-12-10 5 January 2012 17637446 Zerg Quest LXX Sunday Zerg Quest? Inconceivable! In this thread, LOTS of internal politics. Nuclear politics. Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Cerebrate Anon , Collective Game , Bernie , Kerrigan , Nukes , Lying to genocide/rape survivors , Not even thinking twice about it , Group Therapy 2012-01-23 10 March 2012 18410001 Zerg Quest LXXIX Dyles is dead. So...what now? Collective Game , Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Zoinks , Capitalism! 2012-03-22 10 June 2012 19545733 Trinkets and Powers A rare example of an item/power choice that led to engaging discussion and interesting stories. Items , Trinkets , Powers , Choices , 2012-06-20 17 August 2012 20208022 Bank Robber Quest Bank Robber ingests a PINK MOHAWK PILL and saves the world. Collective Game , Bank Robber Quest , Modern , Pink Mohawk 2012-08-07 6 October 2012 21084480 Lich's Employee Quest pt 10 Daniel returns home for the harvest festivities. Skeleton quest , frenemies , drinking , seduction 2012-10-12 11 21238483 Magical Girl Noir Quest 59 An instantaneously sober magical girl faces danger and gold. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Kharn , Pinky 2012-10-22 38 December 2012 22021634 Oinkbane The Wereboar Assassin A GM declares the genius of a wereboar assassin. And thus Oinkbane is born. His tactics are too subtle for you. Hilarious Wereboar Oinkbane Assassin Funny Tactics Subtle 2012-12-13 47 January 2013 22722665 First Response quest OP decides to take the first suggestion given to him
Oh god... first , suggestion , quest , transcend , crazy , sinks , loki 2013-01-22 35 March 2013 23608199 Magical Girl Noir Quest: Recap thread A pink haired, cheerful eldritch horror hosts a recap of previous threads. With guest appearances and Q&A! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Mami , Sayaka , Pinky , 2013-03-10 37 23871034 Magical Girl Noir Quest 84 A complete-again magical girl starts her trip home, but is accosted by presents, cryptic messages, and dreams. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , sweet hat , Chiaki , Pinky , Malal , Wendy 2013-03-25 38 May 2013 25109115 Magical Girl Noir Quest 97 A desperate magical girl really needs a drink, she heads to her favorite bar. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kumatora , Pinky, 2013-05-29 37 25152871 Magical Girl Noir Quest 98 An agitated magical girl delivers her gruesome package and makes a dangerous decision. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kyuubey , Pinky, 2013-05-31 31 June 2013 25338961 Magical Girl Noir Quest 101 An indifferent magical girl, awakens with a new hair style and brings a certain eldritch horror the gift of pancakes. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Pinky, 2013-06-09 34 25374626 Magical Girl Noir Quest 102 A weary magical girl suppresses various urges and get's ready for her first assignment since returning from Siberia. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Pinky , Midori , Just a Hat, 2013-06-11 33 25467444 Magical Girl Noir Quest 103 An on edge magical girl takes her hate buddy along on a mission and will never look at her in the same way again. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Pinky , Sayaka , Just an idol, 2013-06-16 37 25685591 Yet Another Magical Little Girl Quest This time we are evil! SO ORIGINAL. Collective Game , Evil Precure Quest , Preure , Pretty Cure , Magical Girl , I wish I could think of a joke tag but this shit is already a joke 2013-06-28 24 July 2013 26305437 Magical Girl Noir Quest 118 A Irritated magical blueberry can't stay away from the strange pink haired girl and reaches her boiling point. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Sayaka , Malal , Kirika , Pinky , Mary, 2013-07-29 30 August 2013 26692324 Magical Girl Noir Quest 125 A well rested magical girl prepares for the concert and gets thrown off balance by Pinky. fixed thread numbering, there are two 121. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Ruri , Sayaka , Noriko , Pinky, 2013-08-18 28 September 2013 27407662 Magical Industry Quest Sir Roderick William Gallowglass negotiates with elves for a slice of prime real estate. collective game , magic , industry , quest , pinkerton , gho , gallowglass 2013-09-25 18 January 2014 29294659 Pokemon Quest #4 Steal a wallet, catch a zubat, swipe some booze and precious stones, and get Robin plastered Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , drinking , zubat 2014-01-06 24 29303736 Pokemon Quest #4 Drinks are had, Robin learns we lied about our name and like to steal stuff, she nicknames us Kat ('Robin' when we're alone), and we catch a Horsea Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Quest , drinking , lesbian , horsea , zubat 2014-01-06 24 29788974 Pokemon Quest #14 Part 2 We collect our Pokemon and have a drunken game of truth or dare. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Quest , drinking , lesbian 2014-01-26 21 May 2014 32180822 Ink Quest Super Criminal Quest, fight with Ink Collective Game , Ink Quest , Ink , Super , Criminal , Villain 2014-05-18 10 32329978 Ink Quest 2 Super Criminal with the powers of Ink Ink Quest , Ink , Collective Game , Super , Criminal , Villain 2014-05-25 5 June 2014 32481094 Ink Quest 3 We hang out with our dad, arguably make a mistake then ally with Doctor Apocalypse. Collective Game , Ink Quest , Ink , Super , Criminal , Villain 2014-06-01 2 32632487 Ink Quest 4 Pulled a very, very successful heist with Doctor Apocalypse, and began plans for a lair. Collective Game , Ink Quest , Ink , Super , Criminal , Villain 2014-06-08 2 July 2014 33524730 Tass vs. Shadowrun A Shadowrun tale involving a hacker, a rogue AI, and the complete collapse of the Sixth World Economy. (ctrl+f Bloodworx) shadowrun , pink mohawk , tass , derailment , henderson 2014-07-21 26 August 2014 34317475 Magical Girl Noir Quest 229 A fully ratified magical Warmaster suffers through part of the celebration and inspects her shield... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Pinky 2014-08-22 18 34340893 Magical Girl Noir Quest 230 A stressed magical girl suffers some more and returns to the party. Time for a show! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Pinky 2014-08-23 18 34476934 Marines are Really Girls in Mech Suits Inkeranon drew some things Inkeranon , Drawthread , 40K , Space Marines 2014-08-30 12 October 2014 35586462 Space Pirate Naga Quest 15 Our fearless captain bravely runs away from her unkillable nemesis and toys with ancient sciences that should probably never be touched and makes everyone else uncomfortable. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Ruin Looting , Lamias are just the worst , Don't think about dirty things while broadcasting your mind to the entire ship 2014-10-18 6 January 2015 37339037 The All Guardsmen Party and the Super Spy The All Guardsmen Party teams up with an Interplanetary man of mystery to investigate corruption in the Imperial Guard. All Guardsmen Party , Storytime , Dark Heresy , 40k , Warhammer , Story , Shoggy , Tink , Deserter , Bane , Fumbles , Necrons , Only War , Guardsmen , Guardsman 2015-01-13 175 37629415 Coconut and Lychee Juice: a Story of Endurance An anon's foray into a possible DM-side drink has gone wrong. Oh so horribly wrong. drink , fortitude save , CON check , put the juice in the coconut , possible trading card game , /ck/ related , just go to the hospital already 2015-01-26 7 February 2015 38181397 The All Guardsmen Party and the Greater Good The All Guardsmen Party go to Tau space to track down some vile, xenos-loving traitors. All Guardsmen Party , Storytime , Dark Heresy , 40k , Warhammer , Story , Shoggy , Tink , Deserter , Bane , Fumbles , Tau , Only War , Guardsmen , Guardsman , Greater , Good 2015-02-20 172 38245546 Khornette Quest #22 Cinder works on raising her social links. Then THE HAPPENING happens. Collective Game , Khornette , Lady of Change , The Happening , Social Links , Infodump , ELH 2015-02-23 13 March 2015 38928908 Magical Girl Noir Quest 263 A concerned magical girl resigns herself to the silent room, tries to get a new outfit and ... Oh no. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Pinky 2015-03-25 18 April 2015 39066322 Magical Girl Noir Quest 264 A careful magical girl walks a very thing line across the pink abyss. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Pinky 2015-04-01 14 39105800 Magical Girl Noir Quest 265 An out of breath magical girl did reasonably well. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Pinky 2015-04-03 16 39137395 Magical Girl Noir Quest 267 Risa did nothing wrong. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Risa , Jager , Chiakipuss , Pinky 2015-04-05 9 June 2015 40747009 The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Acquisition Experts Working alongside Astartes! Meeting Orks and 'Nids again! Critfails galore!
It's episode 12. All Guardsmen Party , Storytime , Dark Heresy , 40k , Warhammer , Story , Shoggy , Drone , Mechanicus , Tech-priest , Xenotech , Only War , Guardsmen , Guardsman , Sarge , Twitch , Nubby , Doc , Tink , Aimy , Interrogator Greg Sargent 2015-06-22 170 August 2015 41571465 The Cuisine of Fantastical Races A thread is had in which the food and drink preferences of Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves, Men, Orcs and other fantastical races is discussed at length. Some real world recipes are mulled over as well. worldbuilding , culture , food , drink , fantasy races , cooking , discussion 2015-08-01 10 December 2015 44196461 Princes and Tsars Quest: 000.5 The thread that should've never happened. But at least something did happen or may happen. Collective Game , Rus , Sergei , Menshikov , Quest , Soviet expats , Shameless 80s references , drinking 2015-12-16 1 January 2016 44720826 ProxyQuest Part Two You stop dragging a body around behind you, nearly make an even more lethally stupid mistake, and worst of all: you're out of smoothies. collective game , drawquest , proxyquest , LIS , scifi , amnesiac soldier , adventure game , even worse critical thinking , balancing the budget 2016-01-13 2 September 2016 580143 Pink Haired Savior Quest A wealthy woman with pink hair picks you up from the street Quest , pink hair 2016-09-29 3 October 2016 635170 Pink Haired Savior Quest thread 2 continuing the story of travis quest , pink hair 2016-10-03 4 June 2017 1578523 DC Cape Quest: Issue #5 PapaSlink doesn't like doing quests any more and the quest is put on indefinite hiatus PapaSlink,DC Cape Quest , Cancelled 2017-06-23 -1 August 2017 1743573 Metahuman Quest: Issue #5 Time flies as Morgan readies himself to be a full fledged hero. Quest , Metahuman Quest , Collective Game , DC , SleepyQM , Gray Ghost , Social Links , Teen Titans 2017-08-07 8 December 2017 2103266 You are the Dungeon! Dungeon Dwellers fight of three adventurers, the adventurers die nicely. Collective Game , Skirmish , MrDoggyPants , Dungeon , Dweller , Seth , Gamba , Balas , Illusionist , Commander , Tinkerer 2017-12-02 6 January 2018 2197283 Quest Lyoko 7: Resurgence Xana & Co wake up to some changes. After all, there wasn't a sports festival before we returned to the past; was there? Collective Game , Star , Wagon , Quest Lyoko , Lyoko , Xana , Time Travel , Jeremy , Odd , Ulrich , Yumi , Sissi , AI , Sci Fi , School , Social Links 2018-01-11 2 March 2018 2350346 Smee Quest The biggest quest since the silent era. Smee , CIA , Bane , Kino , Kinoplex , Collective Game , Nolan , Bravo , Smee Quest , Wreckage Brother , Interlinked , UUUU 2018-03-10 5 January 2019 3143535 Duel Monsters Quest #1 We create our mc, win a duel by skin of our teeth and do some tournament anouncing. Duellinky , Yugioh , GX , BadDeck 2019-01-12 4 3178930 Duel Monster Quest 2 Electric Boogaloo Davy tells some people off and starts a duel with burke Duellinky , Yugioh , GX , BadDeck , Collecttive Game 2019-01-29 2 February 2019 3217517 Duel Monsters Quest 3: Revenge of the Seto Davy finishes his Duel with Burke and heads to the Station Duellinky , Yugioh , GX , BadDeck , Collective Game 2019-02-10 3 June 2019 3553578 Body Horror Quest - 22nd Vein Dream Daughters, Downtime, and a Drinking Party at The Dragon's Lair. A well-deserved respite for Shu's Friends and Family. Body Horror Quest , Body Horror , Female MC , Gore , Horror , downtime , Dreams , Drinking party , Respite , Family 2019-06-09 21 July 2020 73880485 MTG Card design derailed by schizo Someone derails a boring Custom Card General with surprisingly well thought-out 10-color Magic schizophrenia they found on the internet. MTG , Magic , purple MTG , yellow MTG , brown MTG , orange MTG , pink MTG , deeplore , color-theory , color theory 2020-07-22 3 August 2020 74398585 The Omnisssiah invents AM:tG Sasha Vyoks-childer/The God-Emperor's Waifu fixes WoTC's cowardice. MTG , Magic , purple MTG , yellow MTG , brown MTG , orange MTG , pink MTG , deeplore , color-theory , color theory , cyan MTG , cinnabar MTG , cream MTG 2020-08-19 -1 74432909 ADVANCED Magic the Gathering shitposting Omnissiah is Sasha Vykos' IRL/Sims-childr, Digimon is dark MTG , Magic , purple MTG , yellow MTG , brown MTG , orange MTG , pink MTG , deeplore , color-theory , color theory 2020-08-23 -1 March 2021 4669323 STAR WARS - Interregnum #3 Farren talks with Troxl, Kreia and Scrapper Squad, gets branded like cattle, interviews younglings, and finally takes a padawan. Collective Game , Star Wars Interregnum , Star Wars , Kaz , Sith BDSM , Youthful Hijinks on the Front Line , Traditional Jedi Child Grooming 2021-03-31 20 June 2021 79831083 Let's Stat Mr Blobby /tg/ learns about the UK's #1 horrible pink monster, reacts with fascinated horror, amusement, nostalgia and statting. Mr Blobby , UK TV , 90s , Call of Cthulhu , Delta Green , Infohazard , The King in Pink and Yellow , horror 2021-06-25 12 October 2022 5377769 Kobolt Klan Adoption 7 The gang reaches a wizard, and some sad things happen. Also features a lewd story. And deep lore kobolts , Reynauld , dragon , curse , plague doctor , lewd omake , sad things , wizard ogg , pink , snikt , Chad , William , Knight , fantasy , post post 2022-10-02 7 5424694 Returned to High School, Became Successful QUEST Having returned to his younger days to attain wealth, the protagonist turns his attention to matters of romance and revenge. Modern Quest , Schizo QM , Adopted Quest , Family Drama , Romance , Revenge , Kinky Sex , Family Dysfunction , Time Travel 2022-10-31 11 March 2023 5542054 Tyrant Queen Quest Princess Isabella tries to take the throne after a coup by her brother, through any means necessary, indulging in cruelty along the way. fantasy , evil protagonist , action , mindbreak , protagonist mindbreaks a twink by raping him , oneshot , has fanart near the end 2023-03-02 10 September 2023 5717926 Nation on the Brink Quest We select our background and prepare for and join the war BrinkQM , Collective Game , ww2 2023-09-04 11 October 2023 5753859 Nation on the Brink Quest 2 The war continues on as our MC gains more power a promotion and cuases the Junta problems BrinkQM , Collective Game , ww2 2023-10-09 7 November 2023 5789164 Nation on the Brink Quest 3 We take a city and gain a promotion and a noble title BrinkQM , Collective Game , ww2 2023-11-20 5 January 2024 5837295 Nation on the brink quest #4 We finish Building political ties and then take the fight to the monarchists and bandits for the first time BrinkQM , Collective Game , ww2 2024-01-05 3 February 2024 5882792 Nation on the brink quest #5 We continue fighting the monarchists and do some light politicking BrinkQM , Collective Game , ww2 2024-02-19 2 April 2024 5929746 Nation on the Brink #6 Drayton focuses on the monarchist front and eventually pushes to the city of clarks landing BrinkQM , Collective Game , ww2 2024-04-02 3 May 2024 5967685 Nation on the Brink #7 Drayton Defeats the Monarchists does some politicking and finally snuffs out the Bandits BrinkQM , Collective Game , ww2 2024-05-18 3 June 2024 6009297 Nation on the Brink #8 Drayton has some difficulty facing the professional forces of the Junta BrinkQM , Collective Game , ww2 2024-06-28 1 August 2024 6046941 Nation on the Brink #9 We attack the capital city and enter the final stages of the war BrinkQM , Collective Game , ww2 2024-08-24 1 October 2024 6087516 Nation on the Brink #10 Finale The ferrovian civil war ends and Drayton does his best BrinkQM , Collective Game , ww2 2024-10-18 2 December 2024 6123499 Ships and Stars Quest #1 IN which we engage and defeat two different enemy fleets and start to learn about the enemy BrinkQM , Collective Game , sci-fi , Naval 2024-12-12 2 February 2025 6156388 Stars and Ships Quest #2 We make our way to our capital,rescue civilians and take our first real casualties BrinkQM , Collective Game , sci-fi , Naval 2025-02-08 1