Thread Title Description Tags Added Score May 2008 1700785 Epic Campaign Twists /tg/ considers ways to fuck with their players minds D&D , mindfuck 2008-05-10 6 July 2008 2199595 A Warehouse 23-like Idea "Humorous, dangerous, mind-boggling, or mundane" items found in the BBEG's archives. mindfuck , rpg 2008-07-13 4 December 2008 3099809 Mindflayer Twilight Twilight rewritten, without vampires. It's an improvement. Twilight , illithid , mind flayer , writefaggotry , stupid bitch 2008-12-02 7 March 2009 4131937 Ilsenhoon, Illithid Bard The OP asks for help working out how build such a character, writefaggotry ensues. D&D , Illithid , Mind Flayer , Bard , 4e 2009-03-30 20 4137465 The continues misadventures of Ilsenhoon, Illithid Bard The OP, still running through a multi-classing ridden character creation session, continues to detail Ilsenhoon's descent into humanity. D&D , Illithid , Mind Flayer , Bard , 4e 2009-03-31 16 August 2009 5450273 Parasite Quest /tg/ becomes a virus, trying to spread itself by mutating other creatures quest , collective game , metamind , rat , virus , parasite 2009-08-14 7 5484341 /g/ Quest What started in another thread as 4chanShow bullshit inspired a game run by a traveller from /g/. Serious mindfuck, anguish and shitloads of blood followed. But it was good. /g/ , loli , mindfuck , clones 2009-08-17 4 5522923 Gemini Quest pt. 3 The conclusion to Vlad's Game /g/ , Gemini , Quest , Loli , Mindfuck 2009-08-20 1 October 2009 6088875 OH GOD WHAT AM I READING OP tells the story of one of the greatest mindfuck campaigns of all time. mindfuck , god-tier DM 2009-10-01 82 6336206 Neutral/Good Mind Flayers An anon asks for possible ways to make a Neutral illithid. Workarounds, justifications, and plot hooks abound. Alignment , Mind Flayer , Ilithid , DND 2009-10-19 1 6414098 Superhero comics through the ages The OP suggests a campaign for M&M or other system that starts in the bright and colorful Golden Age of comics and becomes progressively more dark and gritty, as comics did. comic books , superheroes , Mutants & Masterminds , writefaggotry 2009-10-25 3 November 2009 6873167 Berserker Retelling: Mindfuck Edition We get a request for an already archived thread, followed by some mild speculation on the identity of the author, followed by the realization that all of /tg/ is actually the same entity. Makes as much sense as anything else around here. copypasta , mindfuck , 40k , writefaggotry 2009-11-26 5 December 2009 7117784 Dr Horrible meets Marvel Comics The PC's are a group of small-time supervillains in some major American city, who hear about a mini-country for sale for less than a million dollars. Mutants and masterminds , Captain Hammer , Captain Retcon 2009-12-14 3 January 2010 7432262 DM storytime obnoxious guy tells stories and says 'you sir are not a gentleman' mindfuck cheerios bitch raisins 2010-01-05 2 7690487 Mutants and Masterminds: Rifts OP tries to stop the edition wars, by saying that M&M was the best system.
Most of /tg/ agree's.
And creates a new setting. It has elves that AREN'T gay. Mutants , Masterminds , Rifts , Setting , Smash Bros , Straight Elves 2010-01-21 0 February 2010 7907530 4e Character Builds: The Three Winds of Thought (Level 14) Thoughts on the new battlemind (defender) in 4e, along with a build that can make it good. D&D , 4e , battlemind 2010-02-04 -3 7965941 I Was a Teenage Elder brain starts a riveting tale of mind flayers Game , quest , mind flayer , elder brain 2010-02-08 10 7989619 Teenage Mind Flayer 2 The Elder Brain is not pleased. Collective Game , Mind Flayer , Quest 2010-02-09 5 March 2010 8581136 The Battlemind Rewritten A reworking of the battlemind that doesn't suck. D&D , 4e , battlemind 2010-03-15 0 April 2010 9143051 /tg/ is trapped in a mind loop A discussion about religious text and edition wars turns into something more sinister. bible , edition wars , 1e , 3e , 2e , 4e , mind , infinite loop, 2010-04-12 3 May 2010 10088662 Opera House Encounter OP asks for help with BBEG encounter in an opera house. Anon swiftly delivers with a BBEG subversion into mindfuck territory. BBEG , mindfuck , opera house 2010-05-27 1 July 2010 11157577 Zerg Quest II Cerebrate Anon was manifested by the Overmind to innovate. It was created to think in new ways, and thus confound the enemies of the Swarm. It has succeeded, and it has grown. Zerg , Quest , Overmind , /tg/ 2010-07-16 25 11272408 Zerg Quest IV On the eve of what would come to be known by some as the Great War, the Overmind created a Cerebrate called Anon...It has gone rogue (OR HAS IT?!) Zerg Quest , rapelings , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Overmind , Planet Glassing 2010-07-22 25 September 2010 12189134 Space Weirdness Thread 2 Some more surprisingly original and creepy ideas for a campaign set on a possibly-haunted spaceship. Space , Sci-fi , Horror , Eldritch , AI , weirdness , mindfuck 2010-09-23 6 12231166 The faces of /tg/ OP asks inflammatory question, invoking a glorious chain reaction of many of the faces of /tg/. The devil's advocate, the voice of reason, the troll, the zerg, the bro. epic , mindfuck , troll , wtfamireading 2010-09-26 -10 October 2010 12354135 Zerg Quest XV The Second Battle of Aiur rages on, the largest conflict in recorded history. It ends with a goddamn bang.
I'm not going to spoil it for you, but damn. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Kerrigan , Overmind , Aiur , EPIC , Goddamn Feneschal , Since when does CA do screenshots? 2010-10-07 14 12430453 Space Horror thread A bunch of great ideas for how to run a horror game in space. Space , Sci-fi , Horror , weirdness , mindfuck 2010-10-14 3 February 2011 13868183 Good Mastermind A fa/tg/uy comes up with an idea - what if a good guy was like an evil mastermind in every way, but was totally good? Awesome writefags join in. Good , Mastermind , Writefag 2011-02-12 22 April 2011 14506111 BBEG Brainwashing Morality Discussion of the moral implications of rewriting a villain's mind. ideas , polymorph , mindwipe 2011-04-08 5 May 2011 14941075 Best Mutants & Masterminds Game Ever The Sovereign, Fishmonger, Ragin' Ronnie Reagan, Lucifer Lass, and the Masked Rider team up to fight crime...or sell action figures...or maybe take over the world? It's really hard to tell with these guys... M&M , Mutants & Masterminds , storytime , The Sovereign , Ragin' Ronnie Reagan , Fishmonger 2011-05-16 28 15007851 the trollman cometh! An idea for a Mutants and Masterminds villain turns interesting due to said villain using troll physics as his power. Problem, superheroes? mutants & masterminds , danananana trollman , u mad? 2011-05-23 13 July 2011 15702313 Fantasy Racial Equality in the Modern Era /tg/ discusses (in-character) the state of race relations in a modern-day world populated by elves, dwarves, goblins, liches, dragons...the works. stories , racial tensions , race , affirmative action , goblins , elves , dwarves , dragons , liches , mind flayers 2011-07-26 10 August 2011 16047950 GM Plot Twists and Mindfucks OP wants a thread about GMs screwing players over with plot, but provides such an example that is an excellent plot twist.
The thread then changes to a discussion about excellent campaign plot twists. GM , dickery , mindfuck , plot , campagin 2011-08-24 5 December 2011 17109073 Androids - New Treatise becomes Cyborgs - Stolen Memories OP starts off with an interesting concept. There is discussion, a bit of derail, and interesting details. Android , Androids , Homebrew , Cyborg , Space , Cybernetics , Cybernetic , Mind , Memory 2011-12-05 7 17383418 ITT: OP tells us of how his GM is godlike. OP wants an ITT: Goddamnit thread, but he tells a story of such awesome GMing that everyone discusses it instead. Worth the read. GM , dickery , mindfuck , plot , campagin , why , sad , xanatos gambit , sad 2011-12-31 7 January 2012 17457400 Black Knight Quest continues Rule of Cool is the way to go.... Collective Game , Black Knight quest , Rule of Cool , Hivemind 2012-01-08 31 17460340 Black Knight Quest continues Part 3 Rule of cool continues as we storm the tower Collective Game , Black Knight quest , Rule of Cool , Hivemind 2012-01-08 30 17476855 Are mind flayers confused by children's scribbles? A question about the written language of the mind flayers turns into a discussion of the Illithid's art and culture, mental greentext, and a psionic internet. illithid , mind flayer , qualith , elder brain , internet 2012-01-10 11 17508586 Alternative Mind Flayer Fluff Inspired by a thread the night before, writefaggotry is made concerning insane Elder Brain supercomputers and the Mind Flayers who came to worship them. Illithid , Mind Flayer , Elder Brain , Writefaggotry , Dungeons & Dragons 2012-01-12 10 17623200 Black Knight Quest part 10 We encounter a burned village were some weird shit and mindraping happens. Black knight quest , Collective game , Rule of Cool , Mindrape 2012-01-22 22 17661099 Chapter Quest VI - The Enemy Within After Iridonia and clearing out Cruiser Nix Mirius Chapter Master notices something strange about his behaviour... And it seems that the worst suspicions are becoming true. Collective Game , Quest , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Space Marines , daemon , mindfuck , deception , artifact , warp , brilliant players 2012-01-25 9 February 2012 17753957 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 8 While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. We bum about in the base for a while. Nothing happens. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Interlude , Writefagging , Writefaggotry , Mastermind , Kali , Butthurt 2012-02-01 6 17768050 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 9 OP sleeps while we argue about the next mission; mainly requisition debate and we cement our choice for dungeon crawl bootleg , Metaquest , Metaquest bootleg , mastermind , Collective Game 2012-02-03 2 17784681 Aberration Wars and crazy geometry. A discussion on how a war between mindflayers and tsochar would go. Also, how to run 4-5+ dimensional labyrinths. Mindflayers , tsochar , Tesseract dungeon 2012-02-03 12 March 2012 18338591 Cans Yet again, a thread is derailed by a more interesting pic than the OP's topic. And then it is put in a can. can , cans , candwich , hivemind, 2012-03-16 32 October 2012 20931788 Hive-Minds and BEES Thread about hive-minds quickly becomes awesome when people who actually know about bees show up. hive-minds , robots , roleplay , characters , bees ,BEES , NOT THE BEES , THEY'RE IN MY EYES , THEY'RE IN MY MOUTH , AAAAAUGH 2012-10-02 18 February 2013 23098241 Alexander Crackedmind: A Real Life BBEG A thread start out fairly innocent, but brings forth an individual who has shattered his own mind using tulpa in the pursuit of fame and recognition. Seems to be a real like BBEG. BBEG , Alexander , Crackedmind , real , life , tulpa , weird 2013-02-11 15 May 2013 24933926 The Adventures of Nyte Force OP shares the story of his train wreck of a session. Magical things happen. Story Time , Mutants & Masterminds , Impact 2013-05-20 12 September 2013 27062950 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 1 In which we get decimated and decimate others Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind 2013-09-07 6 27108806 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part (2 or 3) Giant Spider Tanks. New awesome heroes.
Lots and lots and lots of debate.
Memor somewhat elaborated. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Spider tank 2013-09-09 5 27148972 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 4 We've gathered enough resource to unlock lower unexplored base. Unbelievable rewards in store. Addition of two new factions and heroes, Richard the Cyborg and the Broodmother. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Cyborg , broodmother 2013-09-11 5 27184550 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 5 We are at war with the a new breed of Bandit. Try to hold them off. Develop super-virus, too dangerous to use right now. Manage to bring things to a precarious standstill. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Bandits , War , Virus 2013-09-13 5 27204608 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 6 Start playing around with super science. Broodmother gets even better. Turn the bandits into tasty glowy radioactive goop. Ghouls fill the swamp.
Also getting screwed over by the same nat1 roll like last chapter. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Bandits , War , Radiation 2013-09-14 5 27228304 Hivemind Quest- When Termites Strike A quest in which a termite queen gains sentience, and /tg/ directs it against our foes the bees. Hivemind , Hivemind Quest , Termite , Queen , Collective Game , Bees 2013-09-15 2 27221371 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 7 Our new breed of hunter/scouter mutant comes to fruition. Make many discoveries, but don't have the force to act yet. New areas discovered, attempt to make sense of it all. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Tectus , Map 2013-09-15 5 27284893 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 8 Another "bandit" war. The mistakes of the past haunt us again. Lessons relearned. Heroes die, leave, and loyalties come into question. Something is rotten in the state of Memor. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Bandit , War , Political Intrigue, 2013-09-18 5 27317114 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 9 Things continue to unravel. More heroes vanish, others thankfully return. Our insignificance becomes more significant. Minor things like spiders and alternate conversion techniques discovered. Conspiracies, revelations, we go down the rabbit hole. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Spiders , Political Intrigue , Impending Doom 2013-09-20 5 27324778 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 10 Another of our mighty heroes passes into legend, while another returns from it! We try to get back on our feet after that terrible attack. Richard and Broodmother experiment on something secret. Make good use of spiders, and discover psionic crystals with new possibilities. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Psionic , Crystals 2013-09-21 5 27337711 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 11 We witness the final stand of another nation against our great foe, as our own heroes get involved and perish. A sentient crystal arises. Yet another monster is on it's way as we try to reason with it. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Crystal , Battle 2013-09-21 5 27350417 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 12 Explosive sides edition. We fix the hivemind problem. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , WhatisthisIdon'teven 2013-09-22 5 27368841 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 13 Continue to heal from what happened last time. Richard goes missing again, for good reason. Alexis comes back with even more opportunities and info. Caravans return and offer a bargain. Unfortunate thread timing. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Exploration , Trade 2013-09-23 6 27392541 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 14 We endure the slings and arrows of outrageous dice gods.
Encounter more monsters than you can shake a fist at. Manage to push the war somewhere else. As tradition dictates, a hero dies. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Monsters , Misfortune 2013-09-25 5 27408005 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 15 OP is busy, so mostly discussion. Later returns, and another close call happens. Ironically, peace is restored as we slowly settle into living the perpetual Battle of the 4 armies. New Ghoul hero. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Broodmother , War 2013-09-27 5 27443603 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 16 And on this day, the gods of dice smiled on us. New base. New allies. New technologies. New heroes. New victories. But a battle looms over the horizon. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , expansion , discovery , lucky 2013-09-27 5 27455234 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 17 Another day in the war, another day of gains and victories. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind 2013-09-28 5 October 2013 27521902 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 18 Another close encounter with She Who Hungers. Test out a parasite, to undesired effect. We make a mark on the Ghouls, who make their mark on the land. Mutually assured destruction. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , zombies , psionic , parasite , MAD 2013-10-02 5 27553611 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 19 Mostly prepping for war. A rather successful day. New good ideas tossed around, manage to avoid too much disaster, get some goods, and create something new and profitable. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , preparation , ideas , alchohol 2013-10-04 5 27569625 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 20 We continue to hold out until the great Ghoulish charge, but find ourselves intertwined in a bandit war. Our hunter hunts down an enemy hero, but now we have two battles to deal with. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , bandit war , hunt 2013-10-05 5 27681259 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 21 We drive off the bandits, and together we and the Ghouls headway into the zombie infestation. New scientific discoveries are found.
A most unfortunate case of 4chan connection error abruptly pauses the thread. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , bandit , zombie 2013-10-11 5 27695983 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 22 (The End) This is the way the world ends.
Out with a Bang, not a whimper. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , Fin 2013-10-13 6 27723865 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 1 Thus begins the story of Aduro Industries. Trying to scratch and claw at resources in hell itself. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry 2013-10-14 5 27735860 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 2 We try to find water in a volcano, and scrape for precious resource. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry 2013-10-15 6 27760838 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 3 And the dice gods said "let there be light." And there was light. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry , light 2013-10-16 5 27793883 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 4 The ravagers finally make their move, and we drive them out (with a little providence). Money flows in and out of our pockets like sand, as we bolster our security and technology. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry 2013-10-18 5 27812826 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 5 Darkness encroaches the light. Will the candle hold? Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry 2013-10-19 5 27829639 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 6 (The End) The darkness snuffs out the light. The spark must wait to try again once more. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry , fin 2013-10-20 5 27835372 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 1 Bandits, zombies, and crazy, crazy ravagers. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , bandits 2013-10-20 5 27846610 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 2 They call him Cuban Pete Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , bandits 2013-10-21 5 27884010 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 3 (Hiatus/Fin) We hold out until winter at last blows over, and the spring sun shines.
OP bids farewell and shall return after a time. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry 2013-10-23 5 November 2013 28161905 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 4 OP has returned, and we begin to explore and unite the compound. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , bandits 2013-11-08 7 28181808 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 5 We continue to conquer the compound, when old foes and fears come to haunt us again. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , bandits 2013-11-09 6 28252403 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 6 Our friends in the snow keep things frosty, and a great evil is unleashed as we attempt to appeal to it. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , bandits 2013-11-13 6 28290201 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 7 Where we're going we don't need rails to train. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , bandits 2013-11-16 5 28315936 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 8 I don't think a train is supposed to do that to a ship.
Winter arrives, we have some good, bad, and ugly rolls. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , bandits 2013-11-17 5 28354580 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 9 Or how to lose 6 heroes in one turn. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , bandits 2013-11-20 3 28422641 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 10 Don't try and trick a genie. Dice gods mock us. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , bandits 2013-11-24 3 28515224 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 11 We prepare to leave our beloved island to partake in a great crusade. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , bandits 2013-11-28 3 February 2014 29977874 Dangerous Knowledge Quest A young clerk finds a book of questionable moral standing that teaches spells of equally questionable moral standing. Collective Game , Dangerous Knowledge Quest , Smut , Mind Control 2014-02-03 14 30170247 Post Apoc Robot Civ Quest Start/Fin The end of the hiatus is marked with good intentions, bad executions. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , robots 2014-02-12 3 30194446 Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 1 Thus begins the next tale of Vault 101, who knows what the future will hold for these hopeful scientists. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Vault 2014-02-13 7 30204804 Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 2 Where we meet shifty corporations, discuss SCIENCE, and try to sell things. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Vault 2014-02-14 5 30221345 Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 3 The Monsters Cometh Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Vault 2014-02-14 5 30331956 Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 3 And to think we spent this whole thread trying to get out of one danger. Only to succeed and land in an even BIGGER one Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Vault 2014-02-19 5 30377240 Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 5 It's moving day, welcome to Ashad Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Vault 2014-02-22 3 30483948 Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 6/FIN Yes anon, your fluff did win. Evil does not prevail. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Vault 2014-02-26 11 30527135 Post Apoc Insect Civ Quest Part 1 Evil never dies. Thus begins the start of the great insect brood. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Insects 2014-02-28 1 March 2014 30781923 Grow Corp Civ 1 Plantpocalypse Begins Post Apoc , Hivemind , Megacorp , Plants 2014-03-12 6 30820282 Post Apoc Grow Corp Civ Quest Part 2 We require more minerals Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Grow , Corp 2014-03-14 5 30959451 Post Apoc Grow Corp Civ 4/Fin We get attacked by bandits and die. No surprises there really. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Grow , Corp 2014-03-22 1 April 2014 31204732 Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 4 A day for the fools of April, and ethical conundrums. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , splicer 2014-04-02 2 31243985 Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 5 Where the people who free slaves are getting killed by them Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , splicer 2014-04-04 3 31347992 Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 7 What do you mean our base got up and wandered away? Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , splicer 2014-04-09 3 31390313 Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 8/Fin Our hopes and dreams, our despair and folly. Out with a bang once more. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , splicer 2014-04-11 3 31423707 Hive Queen Quest We awaken in space, land on a fungus world, and meet some humans. Collective Game , Hive Queen Quest , Insect , Hivemind , Queen 2014-04-12 40 31548855 Hive Queen Quest 2 The workers split up to look for food before captcha breaks down. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest 2014-04-18 31 31543618 Post Apoc Grow Corp Civ Quest Part 3 Being really really small fish in a very big very violent pond. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Gearhead 2014-04-18 2 31608551 Hive Queen Quest 3 The Queen searches the land for food and a worker bites off more than it can chew, meanwhile a guest wakes up and introduces himself. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-04-21 31 31648825 Post Apoc Gearhead Garrison Civ Part 4 We almost get wiped, but manage to avoid it through no especially clever means at great cost. Our attempts at growth are frustrated. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Gearhead 2014-04-23 1 31687152 Post Apoc Grow Corp Civ Quest Part 5 The ground is bleeding, falling up into the sky, and monsters are coming. Another day in the adventure of the gearheads. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Gearhead 2014-04-25 1 31740076 Hive Queen Quest 4 The Queen makes good on a promise to return the wounded human and makes first contact with the Union. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-04-27 29 31808378 Post Apoc Gearheads Garrison Civ Part 6/Fin Out with Madness, not Sadness (or so we tell ourselves). Not enough anons around to object to a flawed plan, and the Darklands claim another victim. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Gearhead 2014-04-30 2 May 2014 31827521 Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 1 One night in Kokaido makes the hard man humble. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Outcast 2014-05-01 1 31873167 Hive Queen Quest 5 The Speaker Drone examines the aftermath of the attack. We then have to deal the mods being dicks. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-05-03 25 31877269 Hive Queen Quest 5.2 The Queen encounters the Unity and the marooned Humans flee their camp as the Queen salvages what technology she can. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-05-03 26 31856152 Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 2 Not much between despair and ectsasy.
We buy pleasure slaves from traders, hold off starvation and dehydration, and spend time elaborating on a tactically sound operation to raid some farmers. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Outcast 2014-05-03 0 31961297 Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 3 Another raid successful raid with our fast growing friends, more recruitment, members, encounters and events; and we host a funeral for the Old Man. A good thread. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Outcast 2014-05-07 0 31989518 Mind Quest #1 First thread of character creation. Kinda. Collective Game , Mind Quest , MindQuest 2014-05-08 3 32000034 Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 4 Today, we tried raiding a, didn't go so well. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Outcast 2014-05-09 0 32007628 MindQuest #2 Infodumps ahoy. We reject our Shadow and beat up zombies. Collective Game , Mind Quest , MindQuest 2014-05-09 3 32047786 Mind Quest #3 We go to class and fail and hitting a man in the head with a shovel. Collective Game , Mind Quest , MindQuest 2014-05-11 2 32068560 Hive Queen Quest 6 The Queen makes a long distance call, but it turns out to be a party line, meanwhile research efforts bear fruit. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-05-12 27 32091979 Mind Quest #4 Jack tries to slap our shit so we spray him with a fire hose. Also, Puca takes off our clothes. We are horrified. Collective Game , Mind Quest , MindQuest 2014-05-13 2 32149480 Mind Quest #5 We run away and then talk to Puca. Also we tell Marc about the Hour. Collective Game , Mind Quest , MindQuest 2014-05-16 1 32144906 Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 5 Of Ravagers and Super Tanks Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Outcast 2014-05-17 1 32206764 Hive Queen Quest 7 The queen saves the day behind the scenes, and then wonders if it was worth it. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-05-19 25 32209456 Mind Quest #6 We talk to our buddies, go to school, stalk a girl, save that girl, then meet our idol. Damn, son. Collective Game , Mind Quest , MindQuest 2014-05-19 2 32250354 Mind Quest #7 We learn stuff about Shadows, and our idol Meinart drops some hints as to what's going on. Collective Game , Mind Quest , MindQuest 2014-05-21 3 32245380 Post Apoc Grow Corp Civ Quest Part 6 We are called to a summons of the vile, and must eliminate zombies who have taken up the dark pact. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Outcast 2014-05-21 1 32358170 Hive Queen Quest 8 The humans celebrate rescue while the queen gathers more food and learns much more about the Union's secrets. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-05-26 26 32399247 Post Apoc Outcast Civ Quest Part 7 FIN Thus ended Outcast civ, nuked themselves, eaten by feral ghouls, and the leftovers eaten by zombies Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Outcast 2014-05-28 0 32442765 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 2 In which we flood the land, shoot laser beams from our eyes, get brains, and meet an Abomination Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-05-30 1 June 2014 32513626 Hive Queen Quest 9 The hive begins to grow at a more rapid pace as fortune strikes and a vast treasure is found. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-06-02 27 32553830 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 3 A tale of farming and Umbra. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-04 1 32662381 Hive Queen Quest 10 Uninvited visitors threaten the Hive, and the warriors finally get to test their mettle. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-06-09 27 32697200 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 5 How fast can we poison mum and drown the forest edition.
Previous thread unarchived. Part 4: Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-12 0 32737851 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 6 Double Nat100s, Double Nat1's, Quadruple the fun. We reach Psionic potentials hiterto unseen by any other previous civ. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-14 0 32806162 Hive Queen Quest 11 The hive concludes the battle at the mercenary ship, and then the Queen makes several interesting discoveries from a conversation with Theseus. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-06-16 30 32844199 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 8 Shara creates monster warrens, Vece is a big mean, and we roll 69s Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-20 0 32903891 Hive Queen Quest 12 The queen replenishes her drone's numbers and focuses on expansion before the visitors can move again against the hive. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-06-21 24 32887295 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 9 Special Edition. We salvage a potential death sentence. Paladins, why does it have to be paladins... Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-21 0 32914512 Hive Queen Quest 12.5 The Queen works to recover her losses in a race against time as the visitors repair their ship. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-06-21 33 33029380 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 11 Fin Thus ends the Guanyin who were never Guanyin, the Hivemind Mutants who had no hivemind, and the most promising civ to date.
But we kept our promise, that we would stick to this civ till the end, even in the offer of another. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-28 0 33060206 Post Apoc Lost Space Explorer Civ Quest Part 1 Space: the last border. That was the voyage of the Expeditionary Mission 8472. But it's interstellar journey interrupted by a crash landing on a Type II civilization in a state of eternal war. Now this far flung band of humans from another world must learn to survive in this hostile alien planet of zombies, monsters, and eternal war.
Join us, as we brashly go where no man has gone before, In another exciting episode of Expedition 8472! Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Explorer 2014-06-29 0 33090557 Hive Queen Quest 13 After a pitched battle, the Queen finally has time to focus on growing the hive. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-06-30 29 July 2014 33168538 Post Apoc Lost Space Explorer Civ Quest Part 2/Fin Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, we regret to inform you that the continued production of Expedition 8472 episodes has been cancelled until further notice. We suffered a technical breakdown due to a lack of water. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Explorer 2014-07-04 0 33192092 Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest II Part 5 Thus germinates the seed of our cult, the gods are both angered and appeased, as blood flows as it must. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Cult 2014-07-06 1 33233991 Hive Queen Quest 14 On the heels of discovery, the Queen tries to pry knowledge from her guests to find the best way to proceed. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-07-07 25 33275551 Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest II Part 2 The last archive before this should be Part 1. Despite the previous edition of "Anon can't number the threads right" today is another stunning success following last times shedding of zombie blood, as we sacrifice the corruption for our temple and perform our dark festival to the gods via combat to the death, the winners now our chosen warriors of the gods. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Cult 2014-07-09 2 33317712 Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest Part 3 And only now I realize I left the "II" when this is the first of such quests.
Today is Genie's birthday, so we gift him with tripple nat100s. We manage to oust the zombies, but end up finding an ocean more in our quest to get to the holy grail of resources. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Cult 2014-07-11 0 33385087 Hive Queen quest 15 After building the hive in secret, the Queen ventures for the first time into space. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-07-14 24 33429740 Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest Part 4 More zombie blood is spilled, as we imbue weapons with the power of the Jungle in the name of our Gods. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Cult 2014-07-17 1 33473911 Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest Part 5 We seek forth the names of our gods, and further intertwine ourselves with our bandit allies. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Cult 2014-07-18 0 33493585 Fantasy Noble Ranger Civ Quest Part 1 A tale of a noble from a family of hunters and rangers, who seeks to make his place in the world, with the most unlikely band of humans, dryads, and undead knights out there. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Noble , Ranger 2014-07-20 0 33542765 Hive Queen Quest 16 The Queen begins construction on a fledgling fleet and the hive starts to expand beyond a single world. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-07-21 24 33551791 Hive Queen Quest 16.5 The queen continues to explore distant systems, and unearths ancient secrets buried beneath the sands of an alien world. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-07-21 34 33585868 Fantasy Noble Ranger Civ Quest Part 2 We acquire tools, survive an ambush, and gain several heroes. We continue to wait until someone in the region has need for Rangers for hire. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Noble , Ranger 2014-07-23 0 33707448 Hive Queen Quest 17 After exploring surrounding star systems, the Queen decides to explore closer to home and scouts the planet for new research opportunities. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-07-28 23 August 2014 33765380 Sci-Fi Nomade Civ Quest Part 1 In which we propose numerous sci-fi civs, capture a mysterious ghost vessel with a loose AI, and OP tries to deceive us into believing railguns aren't magical. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Nomad , Space 2014-08-01 0 33871407 Hive Queen Quest 18 The queen continues to spy on the Union, and Theseus prepares to return home. Meanwhile, the Humans show their curiosity in the Hive. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-08-04 24 33917470 Sci-Fi Nomad Civ Quest Part 2 We lost some guys to a critfail, but by a miracle found them again in unprecedented fashion. We also constructed better labs and repaired the fleet. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Nomad , Space 2014-08-07 0 34042647 Hive Queen Quest 19 The Queen takes advantage of an opportunity and strikes at the Union on Raligha. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-08-11 25 34092195 Sci-Fi Nomad Civ Quest Part 4 Part 3
Space exploration edition Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Nomad , Space 2014-08-14 0 34138579 Sci-Fi Nomad Civ Quest Part 5 Meet the Mastermind. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Nomad , Space 2014-08-16 0 34213389 Hive Queen Quest 20 A quick raid becomes a siege as the few remaining humans of Raligha dig in. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-08-18 24 34258072 Sci-Fi Nomad Civ Quest Part 7 A tale of food, movies, and masterminds. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Nomad , Space 2014-08-20 0 34372921 Hive Queen Quest 21 As the Queen’s new guests make themselves comfortable the Union is becoming more and more curious about the strange events within the expanse. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-08-25 23 34371192 Sci-Fi Nomad Civ Quest Part 8 Yet again, a nat1 turns our civ on its head as we scramble to make sense of it all and figure out which one doesn't lead to a (sooner) death. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Nomad , Space 2014-08-27 0 34427651 Sci-Fi Nomad Civ Quest Part 9 We prepare the defense of our lives, and hold the fate of our civ in our hands, sucess has brought us this far but will our choices bring us through? Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Nomad , Space 2014-08-30 0 September 2014 34539991 Hive Queen Quest 22 The queen entertains her hosts to keep them busy, the doctor's condition proves more complicated than first thought, and the humans prove to be more curious than they have let on. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-09-01 24 34549455 Hive Queen Quest 22.5 After dealing with John Smith, Lee and the Union marines make to leave while the queen turns her attention to other pressing matters. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-09-01 23 34582973 Sci-Fi Nomad Civ Quest Part 10 Blessed reinforcements arrive, as we fight, think, and squeeze out yet another day of life from this great battle. Can we truly win this one? Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Nomad , Space 2014-09-05 0 34651470 Sci-Fi Nomad Civ Quest Part 10.5 Anniversary of the Memor edition. Many questions asked, some new things attempted, but on the whole the mark of a great year. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Nomad , Space 2014-09-06 0 34752998 Sci-Fi Nomad Civ Quest Part 11/Fin We are the Hax, and today is our independance day. Our brave commander sacrificed his life so that we could stand here today, free men, not under the shackles of the alien bootheel. In his memory, we give thanks. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Nomad , Space 2014-09-10 2 35028025 Hive Queen Quest 23 The hive repairs the damage done by the human intruder, and rallies the natives of Raligha to defend the ancient ruins from human discovery. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-09-22 28 35180410 Hive Queen Quest 24 With a new batch of pods finished, the queen scouts the space around the hive. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-09-29 23 35192277 Hive Queen Quest 24.5 The hive's scouts find a great item of interest drifting in the void of space, and the Doctor reveals secrets from both her and a friend's past. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-09-29 29 October 2014 35328454 Hive Queen Quest 25 The hive learns of the history and struggle of the long dead Skyl and discovers that some of what they left behind may yet be of use. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-10-06 30 35484273 Hive Queen Quest 26 The queen makes an effort to learn more about her past, as well as the pasts of her friends and foes alike. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-10-13 28 35586462 Space Pirate Naga Quest 15 Our fearless captain bravely runs away from her unkillable nemesis and toys with ancient sciences that should probably never be touched and makes everyone else uncomfortable. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Ruin Looting , Lamias are just the worst , Don't think about dirty things while broadcasting your mind to the entire ship 2014-10-18 6 35632491 Post Apoc Jungle Cult Civ Quest Part 6 At long long last, the Hiatus is over, and we return once more to our Jungle Cult Civ Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Cult 2014-10-20 0 35777339 Hive Queen Quest 27 The queen founds the first of many new colonies on the surface of Raligha. Meanwhile the hive keeps tabs on the affairs of those nearby. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-10-27 24 35776689 Assassin School quest 11 Layla and Maria go to the big apple to visit a costume ball in a newly opened hotel, to assassinate a corrupt frenchman before he can be killed by two other assassins. Along the way they buy costumes, see a statue that looks disturbingly like Layla, and we see the world through Maria's eyes Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , Costume Ball , mind control , witch 2014-10-27 10 November 2014 35922149 Hive Queen Quest 28 The queen listens in on the Union politics and discusses strategy with Theseus. Research moves forward in leaps and bounds as Elizabeth agrees to assist in the lab, and the queen wrestles with her options with the captured human, Lyle. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-11-03 27 35930719 Hive Queen Quest 28.5 The queen probes Lyle's mind for information regarding his past and decides on what to do with his future. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-11-03 25 36064826 Hive Queen Quest 29 Elizabeth tries to calm the fears of her human companions and the new hive on Raligha discovers something interesting. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-11-10 25 36074456 Hive Queen Quest 29.2 The Queen ponders the notion of entering the game of interstellar politics while her scouts uncover clues to the past. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-11-10 37 36102458 Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 1 Thus begins the story of the Blackwood Republic, deep in the forest they had lived for countless generations. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Government 2014-11-13 0 36144349 Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 2 Glorious biofuel! Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Government 2014-11-14 0 36209541 Hive Queen Quest 30 The queen barters with Theseus and uncovers many secrets, both of her own kind and of the humans. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-11-17 26 36217992 Hive Queen Quest 30.2 The new and improved Lyle is awoken for the first time, and the hive starts plotting against the enigmatic broker. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-11-17 28 36250452 Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 3 What's this? A civ quest woefully underpopulated by bees? My research into bees will put a stop to this. Also flamethrowers. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Government 2014-11-19 3 36290122 Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 4 Viva la Revolución! We pick a new path, and get awesome heroes. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Government 2014-11-21 0 36357182 Hive Queen Quest 31 The queen sends Lyle to search for something of interest to Theseus on Earth, and a package arrives from Valen space. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-11-24 27 36398457 Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 5 It is the day of the Zombies Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Government 2014-11-27 0 December 2014 36453622 Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 6 And then something really bad happened. We experience a disaster and try to brace ourselves. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Government 2014-12-02 0 36518972 Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 7/FIN Thus ends Blackwoods Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Government 2014-12-03 0 36533029 Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 1 Once there was an evil genius who wanted to take over the world. But you can't take over the world if it's destroyed. Now he seeks to rebuild it, so he can destroy it! Or something, don't question the boss Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Evil , Genius 2014-12-04 0 36559260 Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 2 We rise in strength as our foes fall and become as slaves to us. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Evil , Genius 2014-12-05 1 36667115 Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 3 We get attacked by sirens and lose all our women, find some tanks, and a secret facility under a volcano. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , Evil , Genius 2014-12-10 -1 36685011 Fantasy Dwarven Civ Quest Alpha The pre thread where we voted on, and then worked on fluffing a dwarf civ in the fantasyverse. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves 2014-12-13 0 36766468 Hive Queen Quest 32 The Queen investigates the past, and humans study drones while being studied themselves. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-12-15 24 36747650 Fantasy Dwarven Civ Quest with Dwarves Okay, so we're not a dwarf civ but a civ with dwarves. That's cool.
We get to work laying down our infrastructure, introducing important characters.
And then Genie does something special by ending the thread with a very heartfelt story about a Golem, a girl, and legacy. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2014-12-15 0 36775989 Hive Queen Quest 32.2 The Queen's drones escape their laboratory confinement and cause mayhem in the human facility. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-12-15 26 36781460 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves (Hiatus/Fin) The story continues, as Valeria turns out to be the spitting image of the legacy of a person. And yet while flowers bloom in the game, we once more we all must hold out until winter at last blows over, and the spring sun shines. OP bids farewell and shall return after a time. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2014-12-17 1 36901116 Hive Queen Quest 33 The Queen continues to assist Theseus with a number of matters while excavation efforts on Earth move forward under Lyle's watchful eye. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-12-22 23 36910131 Hive Queen Quest 33.2 The Queen offers to reunite old acquaintances, and Theseus finds a lead on Lee's fate. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-12-22 26 37027385 Hive Queen Quest 34 The Queen deals with several simple matters before diving into Coil's past. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2014-12-29 22 January 2015 37249121 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves 4 Part 3
Genie returns, hanging by a thread, as the adventure continues, and we meet strange and spooky friends in a forest. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-01-10 0 37358830 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves 5/6 We revive a long lost hero, Sir Richard Didrikson the V, and begin the great Hunt that will expand our territory! Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-01-16 0 37512267 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 8 Part 7
Despite the ill luck it tends to bring, I'll preemptively archive this thread.
We try, and fail, at building wooden homes without our dwarves. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-01-21 0 37620832 Hive Queen Quest 35 The Queen splits her attention between Lyle's mission to Tau Ceti and her newly born agents. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-01-26 22 37662543 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 9 We face down two armies, repulsing a barbarian horde, and preparing for an invasion while attempting diplomacy with the vampires.
The Prophet of Fate is resurrected.
Our commanders debate important issues concerning communication. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-01-28 0 February 2015 37781137 Hive Queen Quest 36 Lyle and the clones make landfall on Gemini, and the drones fight to defend a discovery on Earth. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-02-02 25 37715034 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 10 The enemy army is checked and repelled with an all out assault, and we bathe in the joy of victory spoils of war, as we plan our next moves carefully. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-02-03 0 37977048 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 12 Part 11
We gather the materials we need and realize we're under attack by barbarians and something underground. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-02-13 0 38091704 Hive Queen Quest 37 Lyle investigates Lee's trail on Gemini, and the Queen ramps up drone production. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-02-16 22 38100870 Hive Queen Quest 37.5 Lyle questions a hired gun, the Queen helps two friends get to know each other, and a newly forged alliance defends against an invader. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-02-16 38 38135105 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 13 Out of the frying pan and into the fire Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-02-20 0 38251896 Hive Queen Quest 38 Lyle continues his search for Lee, and the Queen discovers strange creatures in the depths of Huron's ocean. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-02-23 22 38260904 Hive Queen Quest 38.5 The hive studies alien life, and something arrives at the edge of Hive space. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-02-23 27 38187770 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 14 The Madness Begins Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-02-25 0 38298965 antasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 15 The Cavalry is coming as reinforcements flock to our aid! Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-02-27 0 March 2015 38449570 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 16 We survive another day, and in desperation decide to see our dreams fulfilled now than never Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-03-05 0 38495860 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 17 MASSES AND MASSES OF INFRASTRUCTURE. Also we do dealings with the dwarves and holy host Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-03-07 0 38566317 Hive Queen Quest 39 The Queen takes account of her holdings while solidifying defenses and alliances. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-03-09 21 38575057 Hive Queen Quest 39.2 Lyle continues his search for Lee, and uncovers the start of a conspiracy within the Union in the process. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-03-09 20 38609463 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 18 We build an Organ in our Rock, but have issues building the Church around it. Tech development continues and we get rifles Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-03-12 1 38655301 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 19 FIN The end of a lot of things, but the beginnings of others and, hopefully, a clean slate. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-03-13 1 38675307 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part 1 Where we join the combine and try to figure out whats in a name. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-03-14 1 38731807 Hive Queen Quest 40 The hive scouts out several new positions, investigates a new neighbor, and makes plans for the future on Gemini. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-03-16 21 38740820 Hive Queen Quest 40.5 The Queen discusses plans for the humans with Elizabeth, and begins a new research project with the help of Theseus. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-03-16 20 38771095 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part 2 Now we switch perspective on Abigail, once a young street rat now a young student in a Combine sponsored Academy. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-03-20 1 38818426 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part 3 The continued training of our heroes, as we fight at school and learn more information from a rich conspiracy theorist. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-03-25 1 39014538 Hive Queen Quest 41 The Queen launches a scouting campaign to head off a potential attack. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-03-30 33 39024646 Hive Queen Quest 41.5 After making an interesting discovery, the Queen must think quickly to avoid defeat after suffering heavy losses. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-03-30 31 April 2015 39105759 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part 6
Part 4
Part 5
The Easter Holiday Special complete with story time, crits, grizzled old vets, and mysterious powers. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-04-06 1 39170573 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part 7 Don't mind us, just stealing a mad AI here Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-04-08 1 39345513 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part 9 Part 8
We pass a fleet exam, cry our heart out, and graduate to a higher level of education Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-04-16 0 39386037 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part 10 In which we make leaps and bounds in our education, get lobotomized, and join a crime clan. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-04-18 1 39451727 Hive Queen Quest 42 The queen examines an artifact from Earth and makes a tremendous discovery while agents of the hive continue to spread beneath the streets of New Prescott. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-04-20 23 39421166 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part 11 Part 11 (prematurely 404)
We get conscripted into a haunted ship, then punch it so hard it explodes, and then make another ship explode as we sail to the explosions.
This was a good day. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-04-21 1 39530392 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part 12/Hiatus We get thrown in the brigg for trying to steal loot, also the OP decides to take a break as we do a sidegame thing Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-04-26 1 39593258 Hive Queen Quest 43 The Queen's forces continue their investigation on Gemini, and uncover a plot within the Union government. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-04-27 20 39603181 Hive Queen Quest 43.5 The queen has Lyle lead a raid against a Union office. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-04-27 28 39633756 Post Apoc Paramilitary Civ Quest Part 1 We awake from our frozen slumber as Aegis Securities, ready to continue our protective services for a fair price. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Paramilitary , Aegis 2015-04-30 1 May 2015 39657672 Post Apoc Paramilitary Civ Quest Part 2 The day of Crits is upon us, as Volcanoes rip through the terrain and that nice new vault we found too. But Judgement day is upon us as the Judge arrives. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Paramilitary , Aegis 2015-05-01 1 39735407 Hive Queen Quest 44 The Queen's drones scouting the ancient dockyard of the Builder finds activity deep within its halls. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-05-04 23 39744982 Hive Queen Quest 44.5 As Lyle, Lee, and the others discuss plans to leave Gemini, the Queen and Theseus move into place to observe the negotiations between the Union and the Commonwealth. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-05-04 21 39771672 Aegis Security Fantastic Sci Fi Post Apoc Civ Quest 3 Crits. . .Crits everywhere. We feed a lot of ghouls and zombies and spill our spaghetti in diplomacy. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Paramilitary , Aegis 2015-05-06 1 39853815 Hive Queen Quest 44.6 The Queen directs her new sleeper agent on Gemini in the wake of the hive's attack. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-05-10 20 39878383 Hive Queen Quest 44.7 The Queen examines the systems of the Union and Commonwealth, and begins teaching the locals of Raligha the secrets of agriculture. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-05-11 21 39918253 Aegis Security Fantastic Sci Fi Post Apoc Civ Quest 5 Part 4
Something really really really bad is about to happen. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Paramilitary , Aegis 2015-05-14 1 40161731 Hive Queen Quest 45 Lyle and his allies arrive on Leeland with Ryan Lee. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-05-25 22 40170768 Hive Queen Quest 45.5 The Union and the Commonwealth convene for their annual negotiations, but all is not as it seems. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-05-25 25 June 2015 40309833 Hive Queen Quest 46 Lyle, Dillon, and Jackob discuss the past with Lee, and the Queen expands construction efforts across the hive's worlds. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-06-01 21 40317202 Hive Queen Quest 46.5 The Queen explores Commonwealth space, and a strange miscalculation in a pod's navigation attempt reveals a new sector of space. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-06-01 39 40391612 Aegis Security Fantastic Sci Fi Post Apoc Civ Part 8 FIN Victory. Sweet and delicious, and best of all, we kept our honor as Goodguys. Aegios Security protected, and we united the factions against the bandit menace and prevailed. Well done.
Thank you Genie.
Missed parts:
Part 6 -
Part 7 - Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Paramilitary , Aegis , Victory 2015-06-05 1 40607626 Hive Queen Quest 47 The hive and its allies discuss their plans for the future, and the Queen spies on the Union as it does the same. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-06-15 21 40616667 Hive Queen Quest 47.5 The Hive keeps a close eye on the Union as it reacts to the recent events. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-06-15 23 40682931 Modern Fantastic Monster Quest We wake up and feed as we explore a new world and our body. Collective game , fantasy , modern , hivemind , monster 2015-06-19 1 40747791 Hive Queen Quest 48 The political climate of the Union begins to shift as the Queen works with the hive's allies to form a plan. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-06-22 21 40755023 Hive Queen Quest 48.5 After making a deal with the Taidaren underground, the hive's agents move out across Union space while Lyle and friends continue to recover in the hive. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-06-22 21 July 2015 40955013 Spore Quest (1) - Spore Rising Anons take up the life of an alien spore and its attempt to take control over the crew of the vessel, which mostly go unimpeded. For now... Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-07-02 16 41039197 The Spore Quest (Ep. 2) - Theft of the Glimmering Golden Galleon In this episode of Spore Quest: the spore tries to infect the rest of the ship, and Richardson plays around in engineering! What could possibly go wrong? Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-07-06 12 41102092 The Spore Quest (Ep. 3) - Life on the Fringe With the Golden Galleon under its control, the spore contemplates changing the crew into more ideal forms, and where it will consume its next bounty. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-07-09 15 41187824 The Spore Quest (Ep. 4) - Its First Steps The spore begins expanding its information and control of the Joker system, and decides how to proceed with the Golden Galleon's transport mission. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-07-13 15 41400061 The Spore Quest (Ep. 5) - A Gas of A Time The Spore deals with the newly-acquired and newly-vacated Charlie gas refinery, and tries to figure out its next move. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-07-23 10 41458303 Car Quest 4 Tank quest! Yay, wait what do you mean this isn't a happy ending? Where are these soldiers taking us? Collective Game , Drawquest , Car Quest , fff , mindfuck 2015-07-26 6 41486352 Hive Queen Quest 49 The Hive monitors its agents and reveals personal knowledge of the Hive to its allies. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-07-27 21 41481742 Car Quest 5 We meet a certain Colonel, who answers a lot of questions... Collective Game , Drawquest , Car Quest , fff , mindfuck 2015-07-27 7 41494950 Hive Queen Quest 49.5 A Valen arrives in Gemini and causes uproar, we check on the BFI Agent Michael Devon and his merry band of organ donat- I mean crack spy team, and our flies shadow a doctor. Also, ship plans! Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-07-27 21 August 2015 41608106 Car Quest 6 We mount a daring escape from Colonel Summers, and finally settle things with _someone_. Collective Game , Drawquest , Car Quest , fff , mindfuck 2015-08-02 6 41632407 The Spore Quest (Ep. 6) - Celestial Navigation The Spore is given a secret mission by the FMC. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-08-03 10 41631353 Hive Queen Quest 50 The Hive's agents continue to work to gather data and circumvent Union politics, and the Gemini hive continues to grow. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-08-03 21 41641753 Hive Queen Quest 50.5 Union and Commonwealth vie for control of the planet Ghenna, and the Queen makes plans to play the Union's efforts against them. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-08-03 21 41752257 Car Quest 7 Field dressing a fractured arm, we wade through the depths of hell to take the fight to Summers. Maybe we go a little crazy. Collective Game , Drawquest , Car Quest , fff , mindfuck 2015-08-09 6 41773481 Car Quest 8 FINAL We confront Colonel Summers for the final time. Collective Game , Drawquest , Car Quest , fff , mindfuck 2015-08-10 11 41919263 Hive Queen Quest 51 The hive makes introductions to the Commonwealth while making preparations for future plans with the Union. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-08-17 23 41944447 Happening Skyline Quest Part 3 Ellie is taken on a trip through time and finally finds someone that tries to explain what is going on. Collective Game , Drawquest , Happening Skyline Quest , Luth , pixel art , space animals , horror , mindfuck , cute 2015-08-19 9 41979698 The Spore Quest (Ep. 7) - The Terror From the Deep The hosts of the spore invade and terrorize the staff of the Gates-Lyon outpost and the Surveyor of Opportunity. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-08-20 6 42034396 The Spore Quest (Ep. 7.5) - Submarine Subversion The spore continues its takeover of the Surveyor of Opportunity, and the Gates-Lyon Research Station. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-08-23 6 42075568 Post Apoc Swamp Mutant Cultist Civ Quest FIN So lives and dies the sons of Sarnath, who through themselves in their lake as their final sacrifice to their god. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Frogmen 2015-08-26 1 42099779 Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 1 We begin, as we always do, with a bang and a battle, emerging victorious to build anew. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Robot , Megacorp 2015-08-27 1 42175357 Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 2 Today, we survived. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Robot , Megacorp 2015-08-31 1 42203439 Hive Queen Quest 52 The hive initiates official contact with the Commonwealth, sending a representative to speak with the humans openly at the Commonwealth capital. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-08-31 23 42211594 Hive Queen Quest 52.2 Michael deals with an annoyance on Bedrock and the Queen discusses plans with Theseus regarding potential contacts on Path. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-08-31 22 September 2015 42241590 Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 3 FIN This is the story of Marty, the constructor. Who dreamed a better dream for all, and gave the very best anyone could have asked, and did more than anyone could have ever hoped for. He will never be forgotten.
Thank you Marty. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Robot , Megacorp , Victory , Marty 2015-09-03 1 42257003 Post Apoc Bandit Brood Civ Quest Thus starts the journey of our Bandits, the Brood, and the Supersoldier in these monster and zombie infested megacity ruins. Collective Game , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Bandits , Super Soldier , Brood 2015-09-04 1 42339024 Hive Queen Quest 53 The urgency of the Union's situation increases with a new revelation regarding their clandestine activities, and the hive plays chess with a Commonwealth diplomat. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-09-07 29 42346621 Hive Queen Quest 53.2 A signal is detected in hive space of unknown origin, and discoveries are made from the remains of the Builder's hive. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-09-07 23 42317263 Post Apoc Bandit Brood Civ Quest 3 Another day of survival, of growth of the Hive and of Bandits as we gain new powers, new weapons, new challenges Collective Game , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Bandits , Super Soldier , Brood 2015-09-07 1 42362301 Hive Queen Quest 53.3 The Queen sends boarders in an attempt to secure the Obsidian Queen's psionic relay. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-09-08 23 42371875 Hive Queen Quest 53.4 The hive's clones arrive at the valen trade station of Deep Song and make preparations for the future. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2015-09-08 27 42379847 Hive Mind - Insect Civ #1 Thus begins the story of a hive on a flying island who hunt some rabbits, capture alligators and of course try to welcome them into the hive. We also build some walls and FARMS. Collective Game , Hive Mind , Civ Quest , Insect Civ , GodKing 2015-09-09 5 42394729 Hive Mind - Insect Civilization #2 We continue forth, leading an attack against the blacks. Then throwing them into the prisoner pit before mindmolesting them into submission. We continue to build our colonies infrastructure with a high focus on farms. It's a bugs life. Collective Game , Hive Mind , Civ Quest , Insect Civ , GodKing 2015-09-10 4 42448183 Happening Skyline Quest Part 4 Ellie and Jack set out on a quest to find eyes and end up crucifying someone and finding a sea of purple goo. Collective Game , Drawquest , Happening Skyline Quest , Luth , pixel art , space animals , horror , mindfuck , cute 2015-09-13 9 42564004 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part 15 Our male MC tries to find his place in the world, and desperately attempts to make something amazing. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-09-20 1 42672702 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part 16 Today was a very good day. We invented a SUPER SHRINK RAY, got into the classes we wanted, got some sweet mods, and are finally interning. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-09-25 1 October 2015 43183120 Fantastic Sci Fi Civ WAR Quest Part ~18 After a long period of failing to archive threads properly, here is the first archived Sci-FI Civ War quest thread in a while. Collective game , civ quest , hivemind , Combine , WAR , Space 2015-10-23 1 43247321 Skull-Mask Monster Species Worldbuilding OP posts a picture of a weird creature and asks /tg/ for ideas for backstory. Interesting wordbuilding and sentient mystical hivemind algae result. species , monster , worldbuilding , skull , mask , ghosts , sentient mystical hivemind algae, 2015-10-25 1 December 2015 43995280 Fantasy Modalvania Quest Part 2 In which we play a young enobled man in a dark place in dark times, trying to help a village and his noble Lady defend their realm from undead, vampires, and more.
Part 1 Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Modalvania 2015-12-09 1 44021265 Good Mindflayers: A Philosophical Study In which /tg/ engages in a sophisticated discussion on the morality of the Illithids. mind flayer , illithid , good-aligned , paladin , monk , cuisine 2015-12-10 1 44067029 Fantasy Modalvania Quest Part 3 In which we meet a double agent, commence reclamation of the lumber mill, finish our schooling and net us a cushy job as an official. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Modalvania 2015-12-11 1 44251546 Happening Skyline Quest Part 5 Ellie and Jack make their final attempt at destroying the Happening Skyline and fleeing from the hellish ship. Collective Game , Drawquest , Happening Skyline Quest , Luth , pixel art , space animals , horror , mindfuck , cute 2015-12-19 10 44365067 Fantasy Dark Adventure Quest Part 2 In which our adventurer protagonist having fallen in love with a dungeon keeper consumates with her in her dungeon.
First thread
Which also is the end of the Modalvania quest. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , dungeon 2015-12-28 2 January 2016 44448701 Fantasy Dark Adventure Quest Part 3 A new thread. A new year. A new series of awesome abilities and crazy crits, as we get closer and closer to our ideal death demonic form while helping our GF in her dungeon. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , dungeon 2016-01-01 2 44776507 Fantasy Dark Adventure Quest Part 5 Fantasy Dark Adventure Quest Part 5 Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , dungeon 2016-01-15 1 May 2016 47474880 Superhero Quest Issue #1 Meet Jack O'Connor, also known as THE PHENOMENAL FREEDOM EAGLE!
A routine work day becomes a crisis of epic proportions! Mutants and Masterminds , Superhero Quest 2016-05-28 4 47511329 Hive Queen Quest 53.5 Dedicated to recapping the past events and discussing changes to system crunch. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-05-30 32 47517403 Hive Queen Quest 53.6 The Queen's agents negotiate with the Valen as the humans within the hive grow restless from their self imposed exile from the Union. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-05-30 32 June 2016 47632547 Hive Queen Quest 54 The crew of the Cortez continues the search for Lyle, while Lyle prepares a trap for them. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-06-06 27 47638615 Hive Queen Quest 54.2 The Queen searches the jungle planet of Refuge for the source of the strange mental signal the Obsidian Queen seemed so obsessed with. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-06-06 29 47978791 Hive Queen Quest 55 The Hive's agents begin moving into position, and the many plots in place across the stars begin to come to fruition. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-06-27 24 47985936 Hive Queen Quest 55.2 Lyle and his team prepare on Aral as the Cortez arrived in orbit, both with surprises of their own ready to be unveiled. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-06-27 24 July 2016 48064465 Hive Queen Quest 55.3 Lyle and his team confront the Union, finally facing the drop trooper Mauser and the cybernetically enhanced agent Smith. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-02 24 48096387 Hive Queen Quest 56 As the battle on the surface of Aral continues, the hive must tend to growing urgencies across hive and human space alike. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-04 24 48103589 Hive Queen Quest 56.2 While the Hive's agents complete their dirty business on Aral, trouble brews between the Commonwealth and the Union. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-04 25 48213906 Hive Queen Quest 57 The Hive observes with growing concern as the Union's experiments in psionics begin to become a major threat in unforeseen ways. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-11 28 48264190 Hive Queen Quest 57.2 The hive's agents arrive on Path as the Queen's fleet watches the events of Tenebris, waiting to intervene in the inevitable disaster. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-14 29 48295904 Hive Queen Quest 57.3 The Hive assaults the Union research facility, capturing a marine transport as Theseus engages the facility staff. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-16 25 48300749 Hive Queen Quest 57.4 Elizabeth leads a swarm of drones to the source of the psionic interference caused by the Union project, and confronts an old acquaintance. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-16 25 48327383 Hive Queen Quest 58 The Hive tends to its agents and secret hives within Union space in the wake of the nearly devastating events on Tenebris. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-18 26 48333715 Hive Queen Quest 58.2 The Hive tends to its clone agents on Path and discusses matters with the leader of the local rebel organisation. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-18 24 48440181 Hive Queen Quest 59 The crew of the Cortez have been captured, and the Hive manages its dealings with the underground elements of the Union. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-25 24 48446300 Hive Queen Quest 59.2 As chaos grows throughout known space, the Hive puts into motion its plans of official introductions to the Union. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-25 25 48523245 Hive Queen Quest 59.3 The Hive arrives over Gemini and initiates first contact, while the Queen ponders how to deal with the Union in the field of public policy. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-30 27 48517642 Altered Human Quest 2 Mike feels out his powers some more and finds that his mysterious assassin is something else. Collective Game , Altered Human , superpowers , MIND CRUSH 2016-07-30 4 48528217 Hive Queen Quest 59.4 The Hive opens negotiations with the Union while the hive agents on Path discuss matters with the rebel leader. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-07-30 25 August 2016 48676134 Hive Queen Quest 59.5 The Hive discusses battle strategy with the Admiral of the Commonwealth regarding how to deal with the Scavenger incursions. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-08-08 27 49010398 Hive Queen Quest 59.6 The Red Queen and the Barren Queen discuss matters on the surface of Refuge's jungle moon. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-08-27 24 September 2016 49171303 Hive Queen Quest 60 The Hive speaker discusses matters with the admiral of the Commonwealth fleet. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-09-05 27 49177846 Hive Queen Quest 60.1 The Hive defends a Union world from an enemy Queen. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-09-05 24 49191936 Hive Queen Quest 60.2 The Hive fleet assists the Commonwealth fleet as Scavenger forces invade human space. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-09-06 25 49199906 Hive Queen Quest 60.3 The Hive officially opens a dialog with the Union, and founds its embassy on Gemini. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2016-09-06 29 571888 Fungeon: Forbidden Love Quest 9 We resume the Fungeon Quest after a lengthy time apart. We kiss goodbye to our fiancé and begin trying to form an adventuring party. GenieQuest , Hivemind , Fantasy , Adventure 2016-09-22 1 December 2016 944872 Sn@kevin buisness One of the best mind fuck quests ever made Snake , true_love , death , mind_contro,l middle_management , short 2016-12-28 2 January 2017 998554 Hive Queen Quest 61 Gilliam begins a new research project as Lee slips into the rabbit hole of interstellar politics. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-01-02 37 March 2017 1233890 Hive Queen Quest 61.2 The Union continues to descend into chaos as the Hive assists the Commonwealth in matters of war. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-03-06 37 1284708 Hive Queen Quest 62 The Hive continues its efforts of diplomacy with the Union while more questions arise in the labs of Path. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-03-20 23 1305694 Hive Queen Quest 62.2 Trouble brews in the undercity of Path's sprawl as chaos spreads across the Union in more ways than one. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-03-27 27 April 2017 1329637 Hive Queen Quest 62.3 Events unfold over Aral as the Hive introduces itself to the Valen. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-04-03 25 1371977 Hive Queen Quest 63 The Union research facility continues under lockdown as a mysterious creature remains on the hunt. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-04-17 22 1394302 Hive Queen Quest 63.2 The Hive's heavy handed gunboat diplomacy spreads panic across known space as its special operations leave chaos in the wake of success. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-04-24 22 May 2017 1416982 Hive Queen Quest 63.3 Lyle and the gang deal with their new passengers while Lee and the Speaker attempt to give the Hive a boost in public relations. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-05-01 23 1460458 Hive Queen Quest 64 The research team on Path struggle to survive as the alien infestation continues to spread. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-05-15 28 1487290 Hive Queen Quest 64.2 The Queen makes contact with an ancient acquaintance from long before the time of man. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-05-23 22 53383831 Heroic Hiveminds Hive-minded cultures and species which aren't villainous and general hivemind-related worldbuilding. assimilation , altruism , eusociality , hive , hivemind , worldbuilding, 2017-05-27 2 1509097 Hive Queen Quest 64.3 Visitors arrive at the embassy as the Union weighs their few options. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-05-29 23 June 2017 1564246 Hive Queen Quest 64.4 The battle of Elvanine begins as the Hive helps the Commonwealth repel the Scavenger invasion. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-06-12 21 1588109 Hive Queen Quest 64.5 The battle of Argos continues as the Hive begins its full assault. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-06-19 22 1613288 Hive Queen Quest 64.6 The Hive sends its drones to capture an enemy commander as it prepares the final push in the liberation of Argos. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-06-26 23 July 2017 1654506 Hive Queen Quest 64.7 The Hive's agents assist in a matter of domestic espionage on the surface of Path. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-07-10 23 1674718 Hive Queen Quest 64.8 The Hive's agents infiltrate deep within a corporate facility, but not is all as it seems. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-07-17 20 1698270 Hive Queen Quest 65 The Hive's merchants run into some issues in valen space while the Queen determines how to deal with the hive's most recent guests. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-07-24 21 1724920 Hive Queen Quest 65.2 The situation on Path begins to deteriorate in more ways than one as the Hive and Union both seek to perform damage control. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-07-31 22 August 2017 1748036 Hive Queen Quest 65.3 The Hive attempts to talk reason into an old Theseus instance as the Hive's agents flee the scene of a crime before things get too heated. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-08-07 21 1764221 Hive Queen Quest 65.4 The Queen establishes her dynasty as the hive reacquaints itself with an ancient being. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-08-12 20 1744629 Wicked Waters Quest 1 We were given a golden ticket by our grandpa. Soon used it to become our own boss in a new world colony, with our skills as a shipwright. Golden ticket , 1800esk , Exploring New world , Genie , Swole of body and mind 2017-08-17 1 September 2017 1837515 Hive Queen Quest 65.5 Diplomacy becomes strained as Union society begins to buckle under the stress of its actions. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-09-04 23 1899725 Hive Queen Quest 66 Elizabeth and the Queen examine the Hive's hidden past. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-09-25 26 October 2017 1923321 Hive Queen Quest 66.2 The Hive ties up loose ends on Path and the Union make a hard choice. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-10-02 22 1975118 Hive Queen Quest 66.3 Lee begins work managing the Expanse as the Hive attempts to tie up loose ends. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2017-10-17 25 February 2018 2278838 Anon Hivemind Quest #1 Anon wakes up, gets a job on Mercury and meets some important people. Collective Game , Sci Fi , strategy , Hivemind-Chan , Transhumanism , Hivemind 2018-02-12 1 2307889 Star WarMachine Minds Quest Act One: Powering Up. A Clone of a CIS Admiral practices jewjitsu, builds an army and just misses the death star. Good times all around.
Star Wars , MachineMinds , CIS 2018-02-15 15 2317999 Star WarMachine Minds Quest Act One: Episode II Admiral Spider E. Lee learns about the power of friendship and crazy mando chicks, and many boarding actions are had. ALL HAIL THE NCR!!! Star Wars , MachineMinds , out with the CIS , in with the NCR 2018-02-18 12 2322430 Machine Minds Quest: Act 2: Rising Dragon. In which we Unite the New Confederate Rebellion. Star Wars , MachineMinds , CIS 2018-02-20 10 2328351 Machine Minds Quest Act two: Dead Man's Summit In which we meet space Big Boss and 0070 faces off with space scaramanga. Star Wars , MachineMinds , out with the CIS , in with the NCR 2018-02-24 7 March 2018 2353601 Anon Hivemind Quest #2 Anon arrives to Mercury and things start to quickly go south. Collective Game , Sci Fi , strategy , Hivemind-Chan , Transhumanism , Hivemind 2018-03-15 1 June 2018 60272130 hivemind religions What kind of religious beliefs would a sentient eusocial species develop? worldbuilding , religions , hivemind , eusociality , aliens , species , missionaries , space vatican, 2018-06-21 -2 July 2018 2695720 Synthetic Gods Quest Agatha wakes up 2000 years in the future following an experimental treatment, later saving a girl by making a monsters head explode. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-07-11 25 2728437 Synthetic Gods Quest #2 In this session we return the girl back to her family, get accepted into the village and save it from yet another disturbing threat. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-07-23 14 2747406 Synthetic Gods Quest #3 In this session we build up some infrastructure, explore the copper mine and kill a whole load of bandits... hopefully. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-07-28 11 August 2018 2765516 Synthetic Gods Quest #4 In this session we craft some gear, utterly demolish the bandit invasion and re-establish communications with nearest town Mirangi. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-08-04 10 2782236 Synthetic Gods Quest #5 In this session we kill the giant snake, have some conflicting feelings and rebuild almost the entire village. Also our house is bitchin' Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-08-11 9 2798907 Synthetic Gods Quest #6 In this session we build a lot, meet returning veterans, see a supersonic dragon and beat up some giants. OP gets a bit carried away. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-08-18 9 2815813 Synthetic Gods Quest #7 In this session we manage to get some penicillin which was a huge pain, save an underground elf and set off to investigate a cult with Haven Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-08-25 8 September 2018 2834672 Synthetic Gods Quest #8 In this session we infiltrate a cult, beat up a four dimensional squid-virus-thing and acquire a damaged pod. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-09-01 8 2852545 Synthetic Gods Quest #9 In this session we build a wall, get chlorate gunpowder and join a Cup Bearer on parasite extermination. It doesn't go as planned. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-09-08 8 2870413 Synthetic Gods Quest #10 In this session RNGesus absolutely hates Mad Goddess and we completely wreck her. So much for the strongest opponent yet. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-09-15 6 2889249 Synthetic Gods Quest #11 In this session we test some powers in the gulf, beat up a killer whale creature and meet a member of previously unknown subhuman species Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-09-22 5 October 2018 2909121 Synthetic Gods Quest #12 In this session we show the surface world to our new friend and get challenged to a game of volleyball Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-10-01 5 2958920 Hive Queen Quest 67 The Hive's latest recruit attempts to head off any problems on Talgo as the recent redrawing of borders sows chaos across the Union. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2018-10-12 37 2994912 Hive Queen Quest 68 The Hive expands its espionage as Devon attempts to throw the shadow of suspicion off of him. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2018-10-24 23 3008202 Hive Queen Quest 69 The Hive begins settling its new territory, and an old acquaintance drops by for a visit. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2018-10-29 23 November 2018 3015191 Hive Queen Quest 69.2 An ancient being reveals itself, and the heavy burden of knowledge is placed upon the new generation. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2018-11-01 24 3025957 Hive Queen Quest 69.3 There is trouble in Builder's Gift, and the Hive's espionage continues to spread. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2018-11-05 27 3069393 Hive Queen Quest 69.4 The battle of Argos continues as the Hive and the Commonwealth move in on the planet's capital city. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2018-11-26 22 December 2018 3065211 Synthetic Gods Quest #13 In this session we return Elpis back home, discover an underground cave ecosystem and get literally chewed up by a freaking tyrannosaurus Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-12-01 5 3079965 Synthetic Gods Quest #14 In this session we check out the dwarven Underhome and after a long walk and chat with Nike’ we finally return back to our village. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-12-08 5 3095087 Synthetic Gods Quest #15 In this session we spar with Nike’, build a bunch of stuff and Oisin gets into a pickle with the new villagers Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-12-15 5 3119880 Hive Queen Quest 70 The battle of Argos enjoys a momentary respite before the final push against the Scavenger forces. Hive Queen Quest , Hivemind , Collective Game , Queen , Quest , sci fi 2018-12-20 25 3111888 Synthetic Gods Quest #16 In this session we calm down a raging crowd and perform a court session on Oisin. Then OP’s PC dies which causes an early end of the thread. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-12-21 5 3119042 Supernatural Cult Leader Quest 1 You are Bread, a socially awkward teenage boy. Your entire cult was eradicated, and now it's up to you to bring it back. Praise T'Kahn. Supernatural , Cult , Cult Leader , SCL , Dreamer , Mind Control , College 2018-12-25 4 3124313 Synthetic Gods Quest #17 In this session we try to socialize with the villagers, invite Haven and experiment with telekinesis Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2018-12-28 5 January 2019 3137825 Synthetic Gods Quest #18 Dwarven settlement exploration! And other things. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-01-06 5 3153089 Synthetic Gods Quest #19 In this session we fight the monster and get the treasure. Well… some of it. Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-01-11 5 3170186 Synthetic Gods Quest #20 In this session we create village mail, officially hire Rheia and try to get the protective scales to work by diving into a geyser Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-01-18 5 3186337 Synthetic Gods Quest #21 In this session we heal from the burns and save our miners from stone age people that live in yet unexplored area of the forest Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-01-27 5 February 2019 3205445 Synthetic Gods Quest #22 In this session we save some slaves and decide to not hide our powers from villagers any longer. We also plan to celebrate New Year Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-02-03 6 3225391 Synthetic Gods Quest #23 In this session we fix the housing crisis and prepare for the New Year Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-02-09 5 3245981 Synthetic Gods Quest #24 In this session we have a talk with Nike’ and celebrate New Year. Haven decides to permanently join us and DM is forced to wrap up early Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-02-16 5 3266639 Synthetic Gods Quest #25 In this session we upgrade village militia gear and set off to meet some dwarves Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-02-23 5 March 2019 3288365 Synthetic Gods Quest #26 In this session we discuss city reclamation with the dwarven court, buy some stuff and get black out drunk Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-03-02 5 3309640 Synthetic Gods Quest #27 In this session we discover the reason for our blackout, wake up in someone else’s bed and defend dwarven expedition from not!gonarch Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-03-11 5 3352954 Synthetic Gods Quest #28 In this session we finally finished with the dwarf stuff, discussed the elf refugees and attended to the official dinner with Burim's court Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-03-24 5 3371596 Synthetic Gods Quest #29 In this session we did some building and discovered a statue of us in one of the escape tunnels. Looks like Ag finally has a real cult Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-03-30 6 April 2019 3391395 Synthetic Gods Quest #30 In this session we wrap up with our cult and travel to Platania. Then we accept Nike’ invitation to go to “Valhalla” to see other “gods" Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-04-12 10 August 2019 3755405 Synthetic Gods Quest #31 In this session we observed Pantheon’s “War Council” and then spent some time chatting with Nike’. This thread is shorter than usual Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-08-24 6 September 2019 3773744 Synthetic Gods Quest #32 In this session we wrap up with the dinner and later we visit the Platania’s Hall of Huntsmen along with Nike’ Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-09-01 5 3786716 Synthetic Gods Quest #33 In this session we participate in Hall of Huntsmen’s emergency subjugation assignment and tag team some weird giant monster Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-09-14 5 3816194 Synthetic Gods Quest #34 In this session we deal with the aftermath and gather our bounty to haul it away and hide it. But then we were unlucky and got caught Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-09-29 5 October 2019 3845017 Synthetic Gods Quest #35 In this session we bullshit our way out of the mess, decide to meet Elspeth after the birthday and start the party preparations Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-10-12 5 3868095 Synthetic Gods Quest #36 In this session we finish the preparations for the birthday, get surprised by Nike’s present and turn 29… or 2097, depending on how to count Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-10-27 5 November 2019 3890030 Synthetic Gods Quest #37 In this session we launch some fireworks, beat up some monsters and discover a new psi technique from Nike' Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-11-10 3 3913668 Synthetic Gods Quest #38 In this session Helena finished with her healing, we build some stuff and former slaves decide whether they want to stay in Farsalos Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-11-24 3 December 2019 3937842 Synthetic Gods Quest #39 In this session we build some ships, ship off some people and finally design a banner Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-12-09 4 3956298 Synthetic Gods Quest #40 In this session we spar with Mina, assemble some basic metallurgic industries and finally meet with Elspeth Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2019-12-25 6 January 2020 4001699 Synthetic Gods Quest #41 In this session we hide the second pod, finish with the new village, defeat a wave of monsters and start Labyrinth exploration Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-01-19 3 February 2020 4046318 Synthetic Gods Quest #42 In this session we torched the ghoul hive, played some D&D with our friends and finished the steel mill which warranted a gear upgrade Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-02-11 1 4088746 Synthetic Gods Quest #43 In this session we bait the Monster King, almost lose Farsalos and show Elspeth the pod Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-02-29 2 March 2020 4111948 Synthetic Gods Quest #44 In this session we ship Irma back home and build a lot of stuff for the underground elves in the dwarven ruin Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-03-14 2 71653010 How many mind controlling parasites can a person have? What firsts starts off as an anon referencing a book series, turns into a discussion on how many mind control parasites one person can have. Parasite , mind control , animorphs , crossover 2020-03-28 10 4137935 Synthetic Gods Quest #45 In this session we started our journey to Elspen with Haven and Rheia, but a seemingly simple monster hunt doesn’t go as planned Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-03-28 1 April 2020 4161066 Synthetic Gods Quest #46 In this session we get to Elspen, hire people, buy stuff and get a mechanical owl. Then we make our way to Valhalla and receive our halo Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-04-11 3 4189077 Synthetic Gods Quest #47 In this session we participate in the god moot, learn how to make psi circuits and get a tour around Ninmah’s Gardens Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-04-25 2 May 2020 4216655 Synthetic Gods Quest #48 In this session we wrap up with the Valhalla, hire some former students and return home for a rude surprise Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-05-10 2 4244815 Synthetic Gods Quest #49 In this session we save our villagers from Holy Nation’s raiders and prepare for a retaliation by their pantheon Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-05-23 1 June 2020 4271575 Synthetic Gods Quest #50 In this session we finish the fight and sway HN for peace talks. Then we finalize the design for the city and debate the terms with Chorus Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-06-13 3 July 2020 4304835 Synthetic Gods Quest #51 In this session we finish diplomacy, build a fortress/village and visit the Ihmisetian elves Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-07-04 2 4338424 Synthetic Gods Quest #52 In this session we take Amiya for a surface visit and observe the battle between HN and Ceno Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-07-18 2 August 2020 4362292 Synthetic Gods Quest #53 In this session we try to deal with the Monster King, but it ends up tougher than anticipated Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-08-15 2 September 2020 4438144 Synthetic Gods Quest #54 In this session Monster King is defeated, both armies retreat to prepare for a rematch and we build first firearms and cannons production Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-09-27 2 October 2020 4468679 Synthetic Gods Quest #55 In this session we build some fortifications for Ceno army and accompany Rheia to Elspen for her entrance exams Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2020-10-25 2 January 2021 4591559 Synthetic Gods Quest #56 In this session we end up owing Valentina to fix our mistake that endangered Haven and we finally meet the Teryian queen Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2021-01-29 3 June 2021 4812600 Synthetic Gods Quest #57 In this session we discussed the status quo of the Ihmisetian refugees in Teryia, which turned to be not that easy to untangle… Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2021-06-12 4 July 2021 4868612 Synthetic Gods Quest #58 In this session we toy with the new item, commission some new clothes and go shopping with the cash that we had left Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2021-07-16 4 September 2021 4925921 Synthetic Gods Quest #59 In this session we buy some stuff including Rheia’s birthday present and head out to meet Nike’ Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2021-09-03 2 October 2021 4975653 Mindflayer Quest In which our physically superior illithid goes on a quest to secure two drow nobles, adventure shenanigans, and plots to take over Marveil! Mindflayer Quest , Collective Game , Idle Thoughts , Fantasy , DnD , Mindflayer , Illithid , Underdark , Yphor , Marveil , Great Quest 2021-10-20 4 November 2021 5014941 Synthetic Gods Quest #60 In this session Nika answers some questions and decides to show us what “afterlives” look like and how they work Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2021-11-26 0 January 2022 82656869 what risk is acceptable in exchange for superpowers? There's a drug that either gives you superpowers or kills you. What'd be the ratio of death versus success before people stopped using it? superpower , superpowers , superhero , superheroes , Mutants & Masterminds , M&M , worldbuilding , setting, 2022-01-01 0 February 2022 5109177 Synthetic Gods Quest #61 In this session we lose a basketball match to Nika and Elspeth answers a bunch of our questions Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2022-02-14 0 March 2022 5174490 Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 12 A lizard-lady molests and murders her way through allies and enemies to fulfill a dark pact and a darker destiny in this penultimate thread ReptoidQM , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , dark fantasy , villainy , assasination , spycraft , mind-control , transformation , cuckoldry , reptilians 2022-03-25 5 April 2022 5171485 Synthetic Gods Quest #62 OP has to call for a prolonged hiatus due to "interesting times" in their home country Collective Game , Synthetic Gods Quest , Hivemind-Chan 2022-04-10 0 October 2022 5437870 Sword Chich You are a Chich with a sword. Congratulations. But your sword has needs. You don't wanna. But you gotta. Try not to kill anyone you love. drawquest , sword , chich , halp , collective game , mind-bending 2022-10-22 -1 March 2023 5542054 Tyrant Queen Quest Princess Isabella tries to take the throne after a coup by her brother, through any means necessary, indulging in cruelty along the way. fantasy , evil protagonist , action , mindbreak , protagonist mindbreaks a twink by raping him , oneshot , has fanart near the end 2023-03-02 10 September 2023 5745384 Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 14 Abandoned by his gods, the Dragonborn hunts down a former friend to regain his power... And risks losing everything he loves and holds dear. ReptoidQM , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , demonology , necromancy , mind control , bad end , good end , harem ending 2023-09-26 9