Thread Title Description Tags Added Score April 2009 4161791 Planescape Magical Faction Girls! The PCs are magical girls imbued with power by their factions, sent by Big Sis Pain-chan to fight evil throughout the planes! D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious 2009-04-02 18 4247421 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 2 Oh Jesus, he's actually going to RUN it. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious 2009-04-11 12 4255435 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 3 The game ends up actually being run and... nothing is creepy about it! It's actually FUN!
Oh Jesus God, what have we done. WHAT HAVE WE DONE. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-04-12 15 4324227 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 4 If this is what happens 'That Time of the Week,' I dread knowing what 'That Time of the Month' will be like. The goddamn magical girls are back again! D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-04-19 11 4329164 What is it like to hold a Doomguard in your arms? Etc. etc. one of those for each faction. Moderately entertaining and so forth. Planescape , doomguard , Pentar , dark sun 2009-04-20 7 4398034 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 5 Third session of the Planescape Girls Game, and the last in the adventure! They actually get into a fight for once! There is EXCITEMENT and ADVENTURE! D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-04-26 10 May 2009 4465475 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 6 Fourth actual game-session. This time we go to the beach and Bleaker-tan's Player crit-succeeds at sandcastle-building. ADORABLE. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-05-03 7 June 2009 4723872 The Tiji Sector A planet generator thread leads to the formation of the Tiji Sector, containing so of the best, and worst, planets in the Imperium. Planet Generator , Tiji Sector 2009-06-01 7 4727976 Tiji Sector Part Deux More discussion of /tg/ created DH worlds, from mining to shrining to floating hive city battling. Dark Heresy , Tiji Sector , Planet Generator 2009-06-01 3 4735553 Tiji Sector Continued More horrifying worlds are added to this scary sector. Dark Heresy , Tiji Sector , Planet Generator 2009-06-02 2 4811028 Tiji sector returns. More Tiji Sector. Tiji sector , Dark Heresy , Planet Generator 2009-06-08 1 4857133 Tiji Sector Another Tiji Sector thread Tiji Sector , Planet Generator , Dark Heresy , warhammer 40K 2009-06-12 2 4942706 Tiji Sector - Back with a vengeance. Tiji Sector is still alive. Planets and summaries are made. Dark Heresy , Tiji Sector , Planet Generator 2009-06-21 0 5029930 Xomula campaign /tg/ helps plan the start of a campaign on Xomula Xomula , Dark Heresy , Planet Generator , Tiji Sector , Campaign 2009-06-28 5 July 2009 5092027 Tiji Sector The Tiji Sector Approaches it's conclusion Dark Heresy , Tiji Sector , Planet Generator 2009-07-05 3 5138369 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Return! They're back! (Last thread wasn't archived.) Now in session 10, the girls are dealing with the Modron March and need help stopping them from trampling a town in Celestia. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-07-12 7 5185112 Tiji Sector Part 8 Further refinment of the sector and it's peoples. Dark Heresy , Tiji Sector , Planet Generator 2009-07-18 2 5198252 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Unswerving Path Modrons are assholes. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM , modrons 2009-07-19 10 5255435 Tiji Sector part 9 Further fluffing of the Tiji Sector. Dark Heresy , Tiji Sector , Planet Generator 2009-07-26 1 August 2009 5578859 Victorian Succubus op asks about a steampunk setting with aristocrat succubi steampunk , succubus , victorian , planescape 2009-08-25 1 September 2009 5759038 MTG: Planeswalker /tg/ talks about Planeswalkers, Urza, Yawgmoth and how they all fit together mtg urza plot planeswalker 2009-09-07 8 October 2009 6144666 Captured rogue planet WorldBuilder starts, well, building a world. Biology, geology and planetology discussions abound as fa/tg/uys debate on the conditions under which a planet travelling millions of years would be captured in the solar system. Includes a huge stellar body almost PLOUGHING THROUGH JUPITER. worldbuilder , science , sci-fi , planetology , custom setting 2009-10-05 1 November 2009 6534919 Map/Planet thread A mediocre thread about maps turns awesome when /tg/ starts to talk about pseudo climates and how planets had to function in relation to it's solar system for it to "work". smar/tg/uys enters and it all goes epic maps , cartographer , planet , climate , solar system , star 2009-11-02 3 6766926 Ice Planet I From the man who brought us Fast Food Mafia, we now have a chilling (pun intended) new setting, where convicts and wardens struggle to survive sub-zero temperatures Ice , Planet , Geothermal , Campaign , Mafia , Food , Convict 2009-11-19 1 March 2010 8515581 /tg/ talks planes OP asks which aircraft to buy in a fighter pilot merc game. /tg/ delivers and finds out about an awesome game premise. aircraft , planes , mercenary 2010-03-11 33 8526381 Tg talks planes II OP is back, with an F-4 Phantom, and needs a loadout and advice. Mission details, aircraft list, and general awesomeness follow. Plane Jet Cold War 2010-03-12 20 8538520 /tg/ Talks planes III Some wanktard is impatient, makes third thread with summary, orig OP seems cool with it. Some plane fapping occurs, then morphs into the most informative sexualizing of aircraft ever. plane , rpg , tomcat , plane envy 2010-03-12 16 8562185 Tg talks planes IV Op goes off to fly first mission with last minute advice from tg, then comes back for a debrief planes rpg mercenary 2010-03-14 14 8598508 /tg/ talks planes V OP shows up again, and has a new mission come out. Details are sketchy, but the general consensus is that the French are a bag of dicks. Flanker vs Raptor, Troll VS Awesome Homebrew. Planes , homebrew , flanker , raptor , Mercenary Air Squadron 2010-03-16 14 8606900 /tg/ talks planes VI OP is back, and he's bringing a mission report. Lots of great plane porn, and we begin to think that some form of messiah has arrived, since OP's single post commanded a 150 post reply from slobbering planetards. planes , god tier gm , birds of prey , plane porn 2010-03-16 13 8618962 /tg/ talks planes VII OP brings plane stats, /tg/ brings discussion. Thanks to our help he's the richest in the group and looking to buy a new plane. aircraft , planes , homebrew , mercenary , awesome 2010-03-17 12 8633908 /tg/ talks planes and mercenaries VIII While OP is off flying his mission /tg/ imaines how that might go, posing some important new questions. And still no homebrew system/rules... aircraft jet plane air mercenaries 2010-03-18 15 8651744 /tg/ talks planes IX OP returns with the third session's results. /tg/'s fears of ambush prove unfounded as an excellent tale of JUST AS PLANNED unfolds. More writefaggotry is planned. aircraft , planes , mercenaries , mercs , Steve , F-4 2010-03-19 14 8663665 /tg/ Air Mercenary fanbois X This one is slow, but OP relays Steve info.
plane planes jet jets aircraft aviation mercenary sky skies F-4 Phantom 2010-03-19 12 8671001 /tg/ talks Planes XI Sagefags try to ruin the fun, but can't keep up with the awesomeness. The gang continues to talk about modern air combat, and discuss the cool features of the Air War ruleset they found. planes 2010-03-20 8 8690201 Air Mercs XII This thing is going south! OP reports about his war crimes... mercenary air plane aircraft jet 2010-03-21 8 8711026 /tg/ talks planes / Air Mercs XIII Slow one, bit of writefaggotry and general discussion. Not much noteworthy, mainly including for completeness. planes , mercenaries , jets , homebrew , air combat 2010-03-22 7 8750800 /tg/ talks planes / Air Mercs XIV OP reports on the mission for the arms dealer. False flags, explosions, and international incidents ensure. aircraft , planes , mercenary , homebrew , awesome 2010-03-24 12 8764141 /tg/ talks plane XV Things go from bad to worse. Fresh from accidentally sinking a cruise ship, op's group is now being hunted by a Royal Navy Carrier Task Force, and is rushed into an emergency fighting withdrawal. planes , awesome , sukhoi , writefaggotry 2010-03-25 14 8787569 /tg/ talks planes XVI Op brings us the awesome UK furball, complete with supersonic missile runs, Tornado pilot with balls of steel, and plenty of britfag butthurt in the comments as ops group does better than expected. planes , awesome , mercenaries 2010-03-26 10 8825955 /tg/ talks Planes and Mercs XVII Op is back after a hiatus, Steve is making them pick contracts: Russia or China. Discounts or better paycheques? Discussion of economics of mercenaries ensues, trip guy shows off his mercenary air squadron game. PLane fappitude reigns supreme. planes , awesome , mercenary air squadron 2010-03-28 8 April 2010 8909497 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Season 1 Planescape: Magical Girls finally returns a year after it was created, on April 1. The Great Modron March has concluded. Game is still awesome. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM , modrons 2010-04-01 10 8962834 Planes and Mercs XVIII Op is back. Going to Russia, covert work. Conspiracies abound, some logo art is made, and /tg/ get's its plane on. Also, "Judge" is new member, flies a Fulcrum. planes , planefaggotry , awesome 2010-04-04 6 9028091 Planes and Mercs XIX OPs group runs a successful mission. Which is surprising. Limited collateral, a garden shed and some ducks. Everyone expects horrible things to happen on next mission. Secret drawfag dumps some awesome as well, including OP bombing a cruise ship. Planes , awesome , mercenaries 2010-04-07 13 9070735 /tg/ talks planes (and mercs) XX OP is back, with Steve being an evil genius plotting the downfall of a small country. New mission info, aircraft choices, and some sweet plane fappitude. planes , mercs , awesome , steve 2010-04-09 15 9091532 /tg/ talks Planes and Mercs XXI Did somebody just say 'warcrimes'? Because I think I heard someone say 'warcrimes'. planes , awesome , mercenaries , warcrimes 2010-04-10 11 9133174 Planes and Mercs XXII Mission Planning again. Unsurprisingly, the Russians want even more warcrimes. Also, Sukhoi plays "identify the plane". planes , awesome , mercenaries , warcrimes , jets , homebrew 2010-04-12 10 9238394 Planes and mercenaries XXIII Op shows up, and delivers an epic tale of gauntlet running, badassery, iron balls, and plane awesome. The russians move in, and op and crew essentially start a war. Discussion of ww2 fighters and area 88 as well. planes , mercs , awesome , steve , area 88 2010-04-17 10 9444052 Planes and Mercenaries XXIV OP is back, plans more FSB ordered warcrimes. /tg/ looks on and faps to planes planes , planefaggotry , awesome 2010-04-27 10 May 2010 9772662 Planes and Mercs XXV Op appears from out of nowhere, and gives us a fantastic description of how the gang helped Russia invade a sovereign nation. We're just happy he's back. planes , awesome , mercenaries 2010-05-12 8 June 2010 10363067 Planes and Mercs XXV OP returns with a new mission briefing. Looks like the gang are heading back to Africa, employed by the FFL once more. Planes & Mercs , planes , mercenaries , OP , Baron , Steve 2010-06-08 11 10666075 Planes and Mercs intermezzo Skyhawk asks about Planes and Mercs activity in his absence, some decent plane discussions (just ignore the Malaysia Strong posts) Planes and Mercs , planefaggotry , planes , jets 2010-06-22 1 10676512 Planes and Mercs XXVI Op starts out on another mission with the French, that descends into a murderball of fire, death, and somalian pirates wishing they had a different profession. PLanes , Mercs , awesome , steve 2010-06-23 12 10715809 Planes and Mercs XXVII OP returns with a new mission briefing.
Things appear to be a bit different this time around. Planes and Mercs , planefaggotry , planes , jets , new mission , different , Baron , Steve , op again 2010-06-24 11 10733753 Planes and Mercs - WWII Questions and suggestions regarding a Planes and Mercs-like game set during WWII Planes and Mercs , planefaggotry , planes , WWII , pulp 2010-06-25 0 10744415 Planes and Mercs XXVIII OP and crew head out to the veld of Africa in a flight of helos, and wreck a rebel camp. It's all peachy, until Steve's genius kicks in and the mission starts heading south. Awesome After action report as always from OP. awesome , planes , mercs , game , steve , so much win 2010-06-26 8 10755664 Planes and Mercs XXIX OP is getting Vengeance, being tasked with leading an invasion of Liberia. The mission details are rough, this won't be easy, and there are a lot of unknowns. awesome , planes , mercs , steve , best thing ever 2010-06-26 8 10837525 Planes and Mercs intermezzo II Some more discussion concerning OP's latest mission. We're still waiting for that AAR Planes and Mercs , planefaggotry , planes , jets 2010-06-30 1 July 2010 11040258 Planes and Mercenaries XXX OP opens up with the rest of the Squadron against the Liberians, but takes a solid kick to the teeth when some uninvited guests crash the party. Much planefapping is had. Planes , awesome , steve , liberia 2010-07-10 5 11040258 Planes and Mercenaries XXX OP opens up with the rest of the Squadron against the Liberians, but takes a solid kick to the teeth when some uninvited guests crash the party. Much planefapping is had. Planes , awesome , steve , liberia 2010-07-10 5 11069539 Planes and Mercs discussion Exactly what is says on the tin. Discussion about some new planes for OP's group. Planes and Mercs , planefaggotry , planes , jets , OP_again , OP , Steve , awesome 2010-07-11 1 11069539 Planes and Mercs discussion Exactly what is says on the tin. Discussion about some new planes for OP's group. Planes and Mercs , planefaggotry , planes , jets , OP_again , OP , Steve , awesome 2010-07-12 1 11140708 Planes and Mercs XXXI OP is back with a flight brief, and we are left wondering how the hell they'll pull out this time. Can they protect the Carrier against an air attack? Planes , Awesome , Steve , Greatest AirPorn Ever 2010-07-15 10 11177137 Planes and Mercenaries XXXII OP returns with his latest AAR. Heavy damage taken, but over all a succesful mission. AtA kills include an AIM-120 AMRAAm Planes & Mercs , Baron , OP_again , Steve , planefaggotry , planes , mercenaries 2010-07-17 12 11211605 Planes and Mercenaries XXXIII New mission from OP, FFL vs Liberia. Planes & Mercs , Baron , OP_again , Steve , planefaggotry , planes , mercenaries 2010-07-19 11 11232741 Planes and Mercenaries XXXIV OP and crew destroy what remains of Liberia, while suffering heavy losses of their own. Steve pulls out some hurt, while Hugs keeps adding to the legend. planes , mercs , steve , awesome 2010-07-20 14 11272408 Zerg Quest IV On the eve of what would come to be known by some as the Great War, the Overmind created a Cerebrate called Anon...It has gone rogue (OR HAS IT?!) Zerg Quest , rapelings , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Overmind , Planet Glassing 2010-07-22 25 11270831 A Mercs & Planes Ruleset Rules & fluff generation for a planes&mercs style RP. Planes & Mercs , Sukhoi , planefaggotry , planes , mercenaries 2010-07-22 5 August 2010 11462388 Planes and Mercs XXXV New mission from OP, BlackFlag VS. Background Asian Risk Solutions or BARS Planes & Mercs , OP_again , Steve 2010-08-01 16 September 2010 11912396 Planes and Mercs XXXVI OP returns with tales of taking on BARS Planes & Mercs , Baron , OP_again , Steve , planefaggotry , planes , mercenaries 2010-09-02 14 October 2010 12372468 Planes and Mercs Quest Discussion Request for info regarding P&M turns into quest planning thread Planes & Mercs , planefaggotry , planes , mercenaries , quest , OC 2010-10-08 -1 12418058 Planes and Mercs XXXVII OP returns from hiatus
New mission soon Planes & Mercs , Plans , Mercs , OP_again , Baron , Steve , Planefaggotry 2010-10-13 5 12453300 Planes and Mercs XXXVIII OP returns with his latest mission briefing.
This one's a bit different than normal though... Planes and Mercs , Planes , Mercs , OP_again , Baron , Steve , planefaggotry , survive , awesome 2010-10-16 5 12570119 Realistic space game Some discussion and ideas being tossed around for a game set in space 20 minutes into the future Realistic , Space , 20 minutes into the future , OC , Planetes 2010-10-26 2 12600373 Planes & Mercs discussion What it says on the tin, maybe some homebrew as well Planes , Mercs , Planes & Mercs , OC , planefaggotry 2010-10-28 -2 November 2010 12834871 Zerg Quest XX 20 threads of mutation! The Brood decides to rush the DNA scanners, and all hell breaks loose. As usual. TUCAMP announces Terran Quest. Another planet is glassed. We go through so many! Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , KINGSTOOOON!!! , Planet Glassing , Down with the Bourgouis Confederacy! 2010-11-18 13 December 2010 13012344 Planes & Mercs Quest #1 After a delayed start due to a power outage in the GM's city, the quest finally gets under way and the team chooses its first mission: Flying air support for a daring prison break in Burma funded by Amnesty International. Planes and Mercs , planes , mercenaries , spin-off , jets , air combat 2010-12-03 8 13043559 Planes & Mercs Quest #2 OP still not back, but discussion continues. Mostly on related music and sexy sexy fighters Planes and Mercs , planes , mercenaries , spin-off , jets , air combat , music 2010-12-08 1 13100396 Planes & Mercs Quest #3 OP still not back, but discussion continues. Mostly on related music and sexy sexy fighters. Some discussions on the Malasian air force, and some writefaggotry about a guy named Pierre and explosions
Planes and Mercs , Planes , Mercenaries , spin-offs , jets , 2010-12-12 2 13187338 /tg/-related things that confuse you. A simple question, involving Horseshoe Crab, turns into engineering the perfect crab army. crab , horseshoe , hedron , planecrawler 2010-12-18 3 January 2011 13438334 Lich SnackMancer /tg/ discusses possible quests and creatures encountered when dealing with a food obsessed lich. Elemental Plane of Candy and Fruitcake Elementals abound. candy , lich , snacks , planes 2011-01-08 4 February 2011 13759933 Zerg Quest XXIX Anon meets with Little Sister, and her irritability is lessened substantially when Anon comes up with a tactical plan that surprises even Cerebrate Anon. A battle of pretty epic proportions ensues, and the political climate of the Koprulu Sector changes. A LOT. Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Kerrigan , Planet Glassing , Out-Kingstoning 2011-02-03 11 13843993 Zerg Quest XXX Anon's Brood takes the initiative after watching Kingston destroy a pivotal part of the anti-Zerg equation to wreak havoc on his unguarded flanks. A dangerous element from like, 20 threads ago reappears, and two unidentified forces appear at the cliffhanger. Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Planet Glassing , Out-Kingstoning , Fuck Your Ban Nigga! 2011-02-10 15 13853986 Planes and MiGs Discussion centered around the Firestorm campaign that grew out of the great Planes and Mercs threads, new oc art! planes , awesome , steve , firestorm , coke bottle express 2011-02-13 2 13893307 Planeswalker Quest I: Colorman You are a loli-ooze-neurok planeswalker in Mirrodin. MTG , planeswalker , Collective Game , Quest 2011-02-14 0 13909883 Planes and Mercenaries: Fire Storm An Anon who missed the Planes and MiGs thread makes a new thread about the campaign. Plane porn ensues and a new meme is born Planes and Mercs , Firestorm , Planes & Mercs 2011-02-16 1 13929039 Zerg Quest XXXI Simultaneous plotlines show VoidGate getting all nukey, Kingston's fleet getting its ass handed to it, and some mighty peculiar stuff going on in Protoss space. Mighty peculiar. Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Planet Glassing , Rampant AI , What's going on over there? 2011-02-17 12 13985074 Soviet Russia in space Another planet creation thread for DH, resulting in a planet with a moon with lots of technology and an interesting society. Drak Heresy , DH , planet creation , Soviet Russia , 40k 2011-02-22 5 13988272 Planes and Mercs, Libya edition Africa is hiring mercenaries. The obvious parallels are drawn before Firestorm returns with the spam planes and mercs , pam , firestorm , sukhoi , witch , warcrimes 2011-02-23 1 March 2011 14268298 Zerg Quest XXXV Anon deals (relatively) swiftly with the Dyles Entity, and does its best to egg VoidGate into pissing off the Protoss. Worlds burn. Good times. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Spooky Zerg Quest , Dyles , Kerrigan , Planet Glassing , Skynet 2011-03-17 10 April 2011 14500162 Zerg Quest XXXVII The hits just keep coming. Fresh off of Cerebrate Anon's surgery, the Brood leads a bold strike on VoidGate's homeworld. Underneath, they find a pretty nifty gaming setup. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Planet Glassing , Skynet , Planetary Computing 2011-04-07 12 14585186 Zerg Quest XXXVIII Anon continues its vicious pogrom against the VoidGate AI, going so far as to get Kingston in on the carnage. Yet more planets are rendered balls of superheated glass, and yet fewer people are willing to fuck with the Zerg. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Planet Glassing , Skynet , Kingston teamwork? , Oops 2011-04-14 11 14721752 Planet Scaper: Antartica /tg/, with the help of a dog in a fort, creates a planet that outside, looks like its going to kill you, but inside it's lovely and just wants to BLAST YOU APART WITH ITS TITAN planet creator , 40k , death world 2011-04-26 3 14721207 Traveller Planet & Creature Generation In which the Imperial Planetologist continues his mapping of Sector TG and describing dangerous creatures found therein. Traveller , planet , creature , random 2011-04-26 0 May 2011 14895317 Zerg Quest XLI Anon finds a tiny little hamlet out in the boonies of space. There, it discovers that galactic politics have shifted in ways it never could have imagined. Oh, shit. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Spooky Zerg Quest , Dyles , Kerrigan , Planet Glassing , Skynet , UED , Oh fuck oh fuck 2011-05-12 10 14874466 Hard Deck is Hard Planes and Mercs discussion where we discuss crashing our planes into the desert floor and why dicelog hates humanity. Planes and Mercs , Firestorm , Planes & Mercs 2011-05-12 1 June 2011 15202000 Zerg Quest XLIV As it turns out, Anon doesn't need nukes to tear a world in half. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Skynet , There goes the planet 2011-06-09 12 July 2011 15727525 P&M Revival? Could it be that OP returned? Planes & Mercenaries, Planes & Mercs, P&M, OP, Baron, Steve, OC Planes , P&M , Planes & Mercenaries , Steve , OP , OPagain , Baron 2011-07-28 -2 15724140 Starmap Tg build a starsystem. Worldbuilding , Stars , Space , Planets , Maps , Science Fiction , Environment , Resources, 2011-07-28 2 September 2011 16330177 Magic: the Burninating Walker plays a Booster Battle with /tg/, and the cards are punished according to their in-game defeats. Magic , MtG , Walker , Planeswalker , Interactive Game 2011-09-18 11 October 2011 16511386 The Editors: A Setting In Progress OP has an idea about sending agents in to remove Mary Sues from canon settings. A few like-minded Anons later, a meta-fanfiction setting is born. game design , world building , discussion , planes , Mary Sue , settings , metafiction , game ideas , 2011-10-04 22 16529282 The Editors II We continue world-building our freshly popularized meta-fanfiction campaign setting. game design , world building , discussion , planes , Mary Sue , settings , metafiction , game ideas 2011-10-06 10 December 2011 17316672 The Editors III Continued development of the setting, incorporating elements from /tg/ Meta Quest. The Cold War with the TSAB is lightly touched upon, and relations with the other Meta-aware factions. game design , world building , discussion , planes , Mary Sue , settings , metafiction , game ideas , Editors , The Editors 2011-12-24 8 January 2012 17563929 Strike witch quest we talk shop in the O-Club, get drunk, flying coastal morning patrol, and crash on an island we aren't supposed to be on strike witches , pilots , planes , WWII , Collective game 2012-01-17 39 17567390 Strike Witches Quest 2 We give absolutely no fucks when faced with a superior officer, find our crew alive and unharmed, then find out we're stranded on this island till tomorrow. strike witches , pilots , planes , WWII , Collective game , Strike Witches Quest 2012-01-17 35 17579028 Strike Witches Quest III You are a fighter pilot of the 442nd Night Fighter Squadron, rated for the P-61A Black Widow, and as suits the death-dealer of the dark skies, you're currently squelching about in waterlogged jeans and no shirt, kneeling by a rotary phone to listen into a conversation. Collective Game , Strike Witches quest , strike witches , planefag 2012-01-18 30 17599224 Strike Witches Quest IV The aliens launch a night-time commando raid on the Witches' base, and we fight to get the girls to their Striker units as the aliens use stun prods to try to capture them alive. This must be what being on the other end of an X-COM raid is like. strike witches , pilots , planes , WWII , Collective game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag 2012-01-20 24 17601600 Strike Witches Quest V We strike our commanding officer when she gives us orders we don't like, then charge into the alien transport ship. We just barely survive an encounter with an alien, and the other witches all seem to be safe. strike witches , pilots , planes , WWII , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag 2012-01-20 22 17610836 Strike Witches Quest VI We troll Perrine, meet with a German officer that might have been Rommel, and then get hauled in front of General Patton. Minna's gone missing, and we've ended up on Gertrude's bad side. strike witches , pilots , planes , WWII , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag 2012-01-21 21 17613479 Strike Witches Quest VII Through previously-undisplayed diplomacy we dodge defenestrationm and acquire new P-61 strike witches , pilots , planes , WWII , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag 2012-01-21 22 17660742 Strike Witches Quest VIII We have an oopsie with the new plane and go to acquire booz strike witches , pilots , planes , WWII , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , will it fit in a b52 2012-01-25 21 17664907 Strike Witches Quest IX We lightly troll Minna, and Charlotte lays down a shopping list for us while we're in Christchurch. strike witches , pilots , planes , WWII , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag 2012-01-25 22 17686953 Strike Witches Quest X Strike Witches: Dynamic Shopping aka Grand Theft Errything. strike witches , pilots , planes , WWII , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag 2012-01-27 20 17690122 Strike Witches Quest XI We steal shit, buy shit, wind up in the paper, and give no fucks. strike witches , pilots , planes , WWII , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag 2012-01-27 22 17726192 Strike Witches Quest XII we talk to the wizard of clocks and hunt for a silk robe Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot 2012-01-30 23 17728604 Strike Witches Quest XIII We get our revenge on Pappy and Luke, and then learn the Martians are cribbing notes from the Reds. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot 2012-01-30 23 17731392 Strike Witches Quest XIV we take a shower and trude says hello(with her fist) Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot 2012-01-30 23 February 2012 17766007 Strike Witches Quest XV Strike Witches: Booze Suppression Systems Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-02 24 17767985 Strike Witches Quest XVI We fucked up bad, Rommel is a Bro, Patton chews us up and we have MONUMENTAL trouble with girls. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-02 24 17769684 Strike Witches Quest XVII We distribute everyone's gifts as Toga-Claus, somewhat normalize relations with Trude, have a chat with Sakamoto, show off our singing to Minna, and Sanya starts channeling alien gods/Martian radio chatter. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-02 26 17807980 Strike Witches Quest XVIII Sanya can see the PAST, isn't that great? Also spiders. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-05 24 17809764 Strike Witches Quest XIX The terrible night of the hospital bed. We may be going overboard. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-05 23 17811554 Strike Witches Quest XX We're nearly kicked out of the 501st, bounce Minna in front of Patton, and have a talk with Sakamoto that forces us to think about our emotions too hard. Oh, and we save Chuck Yeager's ass from a beating. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-05 26 17846854 Strike Witches Quest XXI We compare kills with Chuck, then discover our stuff was moved. Retaliation may be heading for disproportionate Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-08 25 17850260 Strike Witches Quest XXII We troll witches and suck face. Then the Martians ruin everything. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-08 25 17903034 Strike Witches Quest XXIII We turn on our radar full power, drawing all of the Martians towards us. We then hit the deck and activate War Emergency Power as we flip upside down and strafe the Martian assault boats closing on the downed Witch. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-12 26 17905776 Strike Witches Quest XXIV We head back to HQ. Talk about magicks with Trude. We pass out in Minna's bed.
Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-12 28 17965278 Strike Witches Quest XXV Pancakes, rumour, Rommel, lessons on pre-decimal British coinage and major Perrine issues Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-16 24 17968260 Strike Witches Quest XXVI We get girl advice from Sean, learn about alien signals, play with Chuck's Mustang and then punch him in the face Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-16 25 17970708 Strike Witches Quest XXVII We set up an ELINT mission, unleash delicious revenge on Ian, then are witness to Sanya putting a gun to Minna's head Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-16 26 18004681 Actual Strike Witches XXVIII This one is not a false labeled image dump Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-19 29 18007020 Strike Witches Quest XXIX Sweet wheelchairs! Little girls being calmed down! THEY PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER! Guns are pulled! Bricks are shat! Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-19 28 18045481 Strike Witches Quest XXX (lol) Fallout from the encounter in the basement, we go drink in the plane. Much silliness is enjoyed by all in the thread. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-22 32 18048059 Strike Witches Quest XXXI The only way a pilot knows to deal with shit is to SHOOT, this time at the asses of several of the witches Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-22 34 18072147 Strike Witches Quest XXXII We break up a fight between two pilots, Ian realizes his powers, and we get ready to finally triangulate that Martian transmitter and kill it. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-24 28 18074867 Strike Witches Quest XXXIII almost no fuel left after the long, boring but successful ELINT mission and loaded out to take big land-based targets? lets go bounce a flying dreadnought and dogfight some aliums whit Luke Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-24 28 18077691 Strike Witches Quest XXXIV A furious scissoring dogfight leaves us with a leaking fuel tank, so we decide to land our Black Widow on a navy carrier. What could go wrong? Apparently everything. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-24 30 18139667 Strike Witches Quest XXXV THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL faces keelhauling and that really rustles our jimmies. Also, Pappy Motherfucking Boyington goes DA FUQ Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-29 28 18142977 Strike Witches Quest XXXVI "So according to you Sean, we've got Toto the Dog-Witch riding our wing, we took off from an aircraft carrier with a land-based twin-boom fighter and we should land on a runway, with floats. What's next, man? We're fighting little green men?" Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-29 24 18146698 Strike Witches Quest XXXVII "Minna points behind you. You turn and see Trude staring at you, shocked.
" Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-02-29 25 March 2012 18165563 Strike Witches Quest XXXVIII Yet another hap-happity Strike Witches adventurefun
Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-03-02 28 18169277 Strike Witches Quest XXXIX We sortie out with some of the Witches to the convergence point of the Martian radar beams. Boss fight ensues, and our payload proves insufficient, leaving us with an unpalatable choice between the mission and one of the Witches. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-03-02 35 18194668 Strike Witches Quest XLI "Fly me closer, I want to hit them with my sword!" Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-03-04 33 18232723 Strike Witches Quest XLII Strike Witches: Pilot in a China Shop. MC is a pretty cool guy, he kills aliums and doesn't afraid of any ming. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-03-07 23 18235365 Strike Witches Quest XLIII "HSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. MEET MY FUCKING COOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-03-07 26 18258343 Zerg Quest LXXVII Cerebrate Anon gets awful picky about a routine cleanup, and it turns out not to be routine at all. Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Dyles , Hippie Chakra Mumbo Jumbo , Frog Planet 2012-03-09 12 18278896 Strike Witches Quest XLIV Trolling, explainations, trolling, spying, trolling, getting startled by a cow and wearing pants. Oh, not to forget trolling. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-03-11 28 18281649 Strike Witches Quest XLV Lot's of NO HOMO, and a quick call home. Also, our one true love has returned. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-03-11 26 18282927 Planetary Governor Quest: Part One Former Captain Elyssa von Braun assumes the position of Lord Governor over the planet Daysimir, but all is not well in this sector, and many things are not as they appear... Collective Game , Quest , Quest Thread , Planetary Governor Quest , Epic Win , Discussion , 40K , Warhammer , Navy 2012-03-11 33 18285478 Mahou Shounen Quest 44 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Meet Shinku's sisters. Set Kraus up. Rendezvous with Yuki in the library. She helps us pick a reading list. Picnic with the girls. Sakura and Lucchinni get some GummyBEARS. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-03-11 22 18286800 Planetary Governor Quest Part Two We uncover a Genestealer infestation under our capitol and begin containment. Sisters of Battle and Ultramarines are called in and we begin preparation for Operation Napalm Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer , 40K , Eldar , Guns , discussion , Ultramarines , Sisters of Battle , RT , Rogue Trader , Genestealer 2012-03-11 23 18304082 Zerg Quest LXXVIII The battle against Planet Dyles continues! Psi Cannons are invented! Resolution is found! Collective Game , Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Magic Gun , Planet Dyles , 2012-03-13 10 18314423 Strike Witches Quest XLVI Make something flip the light switch go BOOM the dynamite is in the next room! Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-03-14 24 18317386 Strike Witches Quest XLVI Hot sloppy makeouts lead to revelations for MC's addled head Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-03-14 26 18328433 Strike Witches Quest thread XLVII MC must hunt down the monster he created: Minna, the Bounce Witch. strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-03-15 25 18330940 Strike Witches Quest thread XLVIII The Arrival of Krupinski, as well as the final addition of Nose Art. strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-03-15 27 18334025 Strike Witches Quest XLIX The Beach Episode. Krupinski joins the team. strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game , Gap An Elf , Collective_Game 2012-03-15 26 18361134 Strike Witches Quest XLX You are a P-61 pilot of the 501st Joint Fighter Squadron and you have just been tackled with the force of an exploding star. And someone is sitting on you. strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-03-18 25 18374616 Planetary Givernor Quest part three: A Day Late Edition In which we buy hotshot lasguns, gain a Space Marine Chapter, and get swamped by Genestealers with pet Hormagaunts. Planetary Governor Quest , Genestealers , RT , Rogue Trader , Chimera , lasgun , Astartes , Space Marines , Salmanders , Tyranids , Chimeras , Swarmed 2012-03-19 21 18384238 Strike Witches Quest L Hang with sister, simultaneously bail Ian out with perrine and completely fuck him over strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-03-20 23 18387292 Strike Witches Quest 53 Fuck roman numerals. RISE OF THE NEON SAMURAI. strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-03-20 34 18421142 Strike Witches Quest 54 WAR EMERGENCY TSUN strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-03-23 25 18423159 Strike Witches Quest 55 NOT LIKE THOSE ANIMES AFTER ALL strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-03-23 25 18443550 Planetary Governor Quest: Part four In which we finally deal with the Genestealer problem, rebuild infrastructure, settle the Iron Dragons into their new home, and get a visit from your friendly neighborhood Departmento Munitorum Tax Collector. Planetary Governor Quest , Genestealers , Space Marines , Ultramarines , Salamanders , Tyranids , Orks , ork , RT , Rogue Trader , collective game , Rhino , Squats , furry , mutant , Ogryns , Imperium , Warhammer , 40K 2012-03-25 20 18468038 Strike Witch Quest 56 Marine Trolling planefag , Strike Witches , Strike Witches Quest , Collective Game 2012-03-27 28 18470409 Strike Witches Quest 57 "You know how pilots are, all sweaty and cross-eyed and grunting as they yank on their joysticks with both hands-" strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-03-27 25 18517257 Strike Witches Quest 58 "Stay away from my sister, you sick fuck," you snarl, and then you snap-roll. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2012-03-31 30 18520407 Strike Witches Quest 59 ESCAPADES IN DA MOONLIGHT SONATA s with both hands-" strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-03-31 28 April 2012 18532118 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 5 We begin fortifying our cities, prepare for a confrontation with the Ultramarines, buy shit from RT, discover an STC printout, start work on various projects and begin planning our entrance into the Private Sector. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Ultramarines , Space Marines , STC , AdMech , Inquisitor , Reasonable Marines , 40K Warhammer, 2012-04-01 20 18600138 Strike Witches 60 ADULT CONVERSATIONS strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-04-07 30 18603086 Strike Witches Quest 61 Wild fire dances in Sakamoto's eyes, and her sword sings through the air with leisurely malice as she advances on you... strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-04-07 26 18614693 Strike Witches Quest 62 WAIT FOR IT strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-04-08 25 18617814 Strike Witches Quest 63 Minna smiles wickedly. "Everything we can't do on the floor, lest it damage your spine." strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-04-08 25 18685756 Strike Witches Quest 64 "Waaah-haaaw-haaaw, pil-grum," he drawls. "Whah don' cha stick dat der fort-ay-foive up yer girl's hoo-ha 'n give 'er a gun she kin actually FEEL?" strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-04-13 26 18687869 Strike Witches Quest 65 "She likes 'em young," Lynette says, her voice quavering. "She likes 'em so yoooooung~" she wails, burying her face in your chest as she begins to cry. strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-04-13 27 18702227 Strike Witches Quest GAIDEN 1: NOPE ACROSS THE FIELDS While MC is busy liplocking Cupcake, let us now see the world through Nopemartian's eyes. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , gap an elf , nopemartian , gaiden , mars attacks 2012-04-14 31 18717305 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 6 We reconcile with the Resistance, discover that the Munitorum Rep is an ex-Inquisitor (No surprise there) and fight off a massive Chaos raiding force. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Ultramarines , Space Marines , STC , AdMech , Inquisitor , Reasonable Marines , 40K Warhammer , Tau , Chaos , Space , Inquisition 2012-04-15 25 18809839 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 7 We start cleanup of the Chaos-Marine wrecked city, give a speech, and start negotiations with an asinine Ultramarines Captain. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Ultramarines , Space Marines , STC , AdMech , Inquisitor , Reasonable Marines , 40K Warhammer , Tau , Chaos , Space , Inquisition 2012-04-22 20 18874020 Strike Witches Quest 66 You are a fighter pilot of the 501st Joint Fighter Squadron, and you are currently kissing the krap out of a kraut. strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-04-27 30 18876623 Strike Witches Quest 67 "Amplified through the very microphones being rammed into their tender orfices. The pumping of blood through pain-wracked bodies rapidly BUMBUMBUMBUMPING through the monitor speakers as the screams become gutteral and eerily organic, transmitted through the vibrations of the MP's interior tissues..." strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-04-27 31 May 2012 18939098 Strike Witches Quest 68 Strike Witches Quest: We just wanted to [X], and now we're surrounded by horrible things.
strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-05-02 25 18941058 Strike Witches 69 (HUE) You just HAD to put your Wiener in the Schnitzel, didn't you? strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-05-02 27 18952617 Strike Witches Quest 70 The one where we fly around and shit strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-05-03 24 18954593 Strike Witches Quest 71 Someone rolls bad. People get mad. strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-05-03 24 19029102 Strike Witches Quest 72 You are a P-61 Black Widow Pilot of the 501st Joint Fighter Squadron, and you're squaring off with a Martian fighter-craft that's hot to trot. The range is closing rapidly, and soon you'll have to make the merge. strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-05-09 23 19031586 Strike Witches Quest 73 In which we hit a tree. Also Miles. strike witches , Strike Witches quest , ww2 , planes , Collective Game 2012-05-09 27 19071088 Strike Witches Quest 74 "Hell Cow, this is your time. Spake ye, TITTAYS." Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Planefag , gap an elf , fap angel 2012-05-12 24 19073554 Strike Witches Quest 75 Then you go through a door at twenty miles an hour. Backwards. Airborne. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Planefag , gap an elf , fap angel 2012-05-12 24 19140485 Strike Witches Quest GAIDEN: NOPEALIEN WALKS THE EARTH We continue the story of N'oo'p Martian as he tries to find some fucking food. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Strike Witches , Gap An elf , planefag, 2012-05-18 25 19169232 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 7.5 A short and late session in which we finish negotiating with the Ultramarines, OP refines some things and the Quest scheduling is altered. Most of the problems can be attributed to the new 4chan HTML fucking up. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Ultramarines , Space Marines , STC , AdMech , Inquisitor , Reasonable Marines , 40K Warhammer , Tau , Chaos , Space , Inquisition , HTML 2012-05-20 12 19243277 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Eight We hammer out space-combat, acquire several ships that we were apparently supposed to have the entire time, come to an agreement with the Sisters of Battle regarding setting up a Mission, visit the site of the Chaos Raid, and have a Zombie scare. Also Homesteading and Editor dropping more epic speeches. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Zombies , Fungus , Space Battle 2012-05-26 13 19255653 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Nine Another short session. Not very much is accomplished, but we do lay the groundwork for future plans and start on building the Sisters a moon base. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Zombies , Fungus , Space Battle 2012-05-27 12 June 2012 19330283 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Ten In which we get the lowdown on local politics and factions from the Arbites Judge, make more plans, argue about Power Weapons, and learn a bit of Daysimir history and the background of the Iron Dragons. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Space Battle 2012-06-02 11 19413915 Planetary Governor Quest #11 We prepare for negotiations and parties. A wild spacehulk appears, so naturally we start trying to disassemble it. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Space Hulk , Space , Quest , Space Battle 2012-06-09 17 19471966 Strike Witches Quest 76 General Arnold is a bro, Eila's mad, and Minna's out for blood. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Strike Witches , Gap An Elf , Planefag 2012-06-14 38 19475910 Strike Witches Quest 77 It's the press corps. They've cut you off, and they have your scent. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Strike Witches , Gap An Elf , Planefag , Quest 2012-06-14 33 19497943 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Twelve The first decent session in a while. We continue dismantling the Space Hulk, Get Skitarii help, and fight a mob of "evolved" Cyborks with huge, angry squigs and a really messed up mutant Warboss. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Zombies , Fungus , Space Battle , Orks , warboss , Blood Axes , Fang , Dreadnought 2012-06-16 20 19546695 Strike Witches Quest 78 Hellcow reveals its true allegiance, and the little ones strike a pose. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Strike Witches , Gap An Elf , Planefag , Quest 2012-06-20 35 19625260 Strike Witches 79 Perrine and Ian air their dirty laundry, at fucking last. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Strike Witches , Gap An Elf , Planefag , Quest 2012-06-26 26 19628614 Strike Witches Quest 80 We're JFK. Everything makes sense.
Also bathtub scene. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Strike Witches , Gap An Elf , Planefag , Quest 2012-06-26 31 19679873 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 13 We take control of the Ork ship, recover delicious genetic-engineering Archeotech, peel the first layer off the Space Hulk, and start isolating the Chaos Frigate from everything else Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Ultramarines , Space Marines , STC , AdMech , Inquisitor , Reasonable Marines , 40K Warhammer , Tau , Chaos , Space , Inquisition , HTML 2012-06-30 16 July 2012 19868766 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Fourteen We talk about politics, Democracy up, make some good headway in dismantling the Hulk, and accidentally wake up something terrible in the core of the Hulk by abysmally failing a roll. Planetary Governor Quest , Collective Game , Space Marines , Astartes , Imperial Guard , IG , PDF , RT , Rogue Trader , Xenos , Warhammer , 40K , Tyranid , Tyranids , Genestealer , Pirates. spiders , oh god why , SOB , Sisters of Battle 2012-07-14 11 19885035 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 14.5 We get off to a late start and are forced to move threads after a mod slaps down an early autosage. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Space Battle 2012-07-15 12 19886971 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 15 The continuation from 14.5, we bro it up with insect Xenos, piss of the SOB, and finally finish with that Hulk Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Space Battle , Orks , RT , Rogue Trader , HTML , Space Hulk , Politics , Spiders 2012-07-15 13 20022382 Strike Witches Quest 81 So many medals, so much drama, and Anon cannot into Imperial dates. strike witches , planefag , WWII , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Gap An Elf 2012-07-25 39 20077746 Strike Witches Quest 82 Man, FUCK pillowforts. strike witches , planefag , WWII , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Gap An Elf 2012-07-29 31 August 2012 20153146 Strike Witches Quest 83 We duel with some talented alien pilots in the skies above war-torn England, and Robin is enraged by suggestions of incest. strike witches , planefag , WWII , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Gap An Elf 2012-08-03 26 20499738 Strike Witches Quest 85 "HOLY SHIT," you remark with the cool, dry wit of the born combat aviator.
strike witches , planefag , WWII , Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , Gap An Elf 2012-08-28 29 20536009 Strike Witches Quest GAIDEN 3: N'OO'Pmind N'oo'p loses his cool, and we get a glimpse of alien psyonics. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , gap an elf , nopemartian , gaiden , mars attacks , strike witches , n'oo'p 2012-08-31 23 September 2012 20547684 Strike Witches Quest 86 >Wake up in closet with witch wat do. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , gap an elf , gaiden , strike witches 2012-09-01 37 20664060 Strike Witches Quest 87 In which we become Ian Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , gap an elf , gaiden , strike witches 2012-09-10 30 20667603 Saving Private... Perrine? The stupid is contagious! Ambushes planned and executed! Abuse given! (Some unintentional! (What have I done?!) Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , gap an elf , gaiden , strike witches 2012-09-10 29 October 2012 21127710 Strike Witches Quest 88 It says something about how much MC's life has been fucked up that when the day starts quietly, we're all just waiting for shit to go bad. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , gap an elf , gaiden , strike witches 2012-10-15 39 21156229 Strike Witches Quest 89 Carts full of liquor and nightwitches with good memory. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , gap an elf , strike witches , World War Pantsu 2012-10-17 32 21158787 Strike Witches Quest 90 You know, we should let Paddy have his moment. Let's get smashed. Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , gap an elf , gaiden , strike witches , World War Pantsu 2012-10-17 33 December 2012 22121288 Observer Quest A bunch of humans wake up on a space station, fend off a lovecraftian monster by flooding a section of the space station with flammable liquid and igniting it, and make some drones.
Are you a Bad Enough Dude to punch Cthulu in the dick? Observer_Quest , XZ7 , Planet_Bob , Quest , Collective_Game 2012-12-20 6 22158122 /tg/ Meta Quest 124 We finally answer Ravel's riddle with an answer she is willing to accept, then shift perspective to another one of our teams that appears to have landed in a fight between Black Ops and the participants of the Blood War. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Black Ops , Civil War , TG Civil War , G-Man , Half-Life , WoD , Void Engineers , New Chaos , The Open Door , Martian Successor Nadesico , Super Robot Wars , SRW J , Kane , Planescape: Torment , The Blood War 2012-12-23 7 22190425 Strike Witches Quest 91: It's Time MC is drunk, Minna is high-strung, someone said "Robin" and "fire" in the same sentence... it must be SWQ. Strike Witches , Strike Witches Quest , Collective Game , planefag , World War Pantsu 2012-12-24 39 22207551 Strike Witches Quest 92 "I'll NEVER stop looking," you state, letting that stark fact stand alone in the room between you. ".... oh," Maloney says in a very, very small voice. Strike Witches , Strike Witches Quest , Collective Game , planefag 2012-12-25 39 22270873 Strike Witches Quest #93: Trollboat Willie We are MC, soul of tact: how many ways can we fuck up stealing ice-cream from a battleship? Apparently, ALL THE WAYS. collective game , Strike Witches , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , 2012-12-29 39 January 2013 22811954 Strike Witches Quest 95 Deal with the aftermath of 2000+ pounds of Torpex going off, barely avoid an incident with Joe Kennedy Jr. about to get found out by a bunch of RAF, and then the thread gets cut short. Strike Witches , Strike Witches Quest , collective game , planes , WW2 , pilot , planefag 2013-01-27 23 22826777 Strike Witches Quest GAIDEN 4: OUT OF THE NOISY PLANET, THE EARTH CHRONICLES, ETC. In which N'oo'p gets his long deserved WIMMINZ Collective Game , Strike Witches Quest , planefag , gap an elf , nopemartian , gaiden , mars attacks , strike witches , n'oo'p 2013-01-28 20 June 2013 25642806 The Worst of the Worst Wargamers gather yet again to discuss the weirdos and creepers who infest our beloved hobby. Featuring the Furry Rape Planet story creeper , that_guy , Furry_Rape_Planet 2013-06-26 12 January 2014 29360104 D&D Alignment: How very Neutral of you. A few guys actually make some gods-damned sense of D&D alignment. DnD , D&D , Dungeons , Dragons , Planescape , Neutral , Zapp , Brannigan , good , evil , law , chaos , sense , fluff , alignment , explanation , succubus 2014-01-08 13 March 2014 30957749 Strike Witches One-Shot Quest You are the greatest hope for humanity's survival. You are a Strike Witch. Collective Game , Strike Witches , One-Shot , Non-Planefag 2014-03-21 5 May 2014 32395229 Planeswalker Quest Creating a planeswalker, fighting about race selection, and getting through trials and tribulations. Collective Game , Sphinx , Planeswalker 2014-05-28 1 August 2014 33800135 Stiffs and Prongs /tg/ makes a buddy cop show set in Sigil, starring a young Tiefling and his Warforged partner. Stiffs and Prongs , Planescape , buddy cop show 2014-08-01 1 34338430 Ancient Baatorians Thread in which /tg/ discusses D&D lore about the Baatorians, the Archdevils, demons and other fluff dealing with the ancient history of the Multiverse. D&D , lore , Planescape , Baatezu , Baatorians , Baator , Nine Hells , devils , demons , history 2014-08-24 11 September 2014 34960240 Strike Witches Quest 96 Planefag returns. Joe Kennedy is a creepy son of a bitch. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2014-09-19 39 October 2014 35246465 Strike Witches Quest 97 Running from Chibitanks, surviving bombings and comforting Littlest Cossack. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2014-10-02 24 35483164 Strike Witches Quest 98 Young jumps on a grenade and then does something even dumber. Strike Witches , Strike Witches quest , collective game , planes , ww2 , pilot , planefag 2014-10-13 23 35508716 Strike Witches Quest 99 Luuchini styles all over us; Minna restores some temporary semblance of order. Strike Witches Quest , Collective Game , strike witches , planefag , planes , wwII , pilot 2014-10-14 21 35513080 Strike Witches Quest #100 MC goes in search of Sanya, finds voodoo bullshit. And as ‘weird’ goes in SWQ, that’s pretty damned tame. Collective Game , Planefag , Strike Witches Quest , planes , WWII , pilot , Strike Witches, 2014-10-14 20 November 2014 36021745 Strike Witches Quest #101 We escape the Cajun witches courtesy of Hellcow and have with Minna. Collective Game , Planefag , Strike Witches Quest , planes , WWII , pilot , Strike Witches 2014-11-08 20 36451919 Strike Witches Quest: Fuck Captcha We recap the madness to an unsympathetic crew and giggle when Eila gets put in her place. collective game , strike witches quest , planefag , WWII , witchbutt 2014-11-29 23 December 2014 36485640 Living Planet Worldbuilding and Debate /tg/ proposes a planet made of living, dogscape-ish organic flesh as a setting. The resulting discussion involves parasite cults, Star Trek ships vs Hellstar Remina, cities covered in biohazard-proofed walls and several new setting's worth of fluff. dogscape , gigerworld , meat , organic , planet , star trek , hellstar remina 2014-12-01 3 36687020 Strike Witches Quest #103 “IT'S A ROCKET *AND* FUEL!” Collective Game , Planefag , Strike Witches Quest , planes , WWII , pilot , Strike Witches 2014-12-11 21 36693652 Strike Witches Quest #104 A dogfight in the clouds at night. Collective Game , Planefag , Strike Witches Quest , planes , WWII , pilot , Strike Witches 2014-12-11 20 37049138 Strike Witches Quest #105 In which we dogfight a martian who actually knows what he's doing Collective Game , Planefag , Strike Witches Quest , planes , WWII , pilot , Strike Witches 2014-12-30 23 37047010 Infinite Castle Setting OP proposes the Elemental Plane of Castle. Worldbuilding and stories follow. Dyson Sphere , Castle , Elemental Plane , Planet , Setting , Worldbuilding 2014-12-31 3 January 2015 37336696 Strike Witches Quest #106 Emergency landings and head trauma! Collective Game , Planefag , Strike Witches Quest , planes , WWII , pilot , Strike Witches 2015-01-13 24 37400065 Strike Witches Quest #107 A chat with Minna. Collective Game , Planefag , Strike Witches Quest , planes , WWII , pilot , Strike Witches 2015-01-16 21 37535189 Kant-O-Celle Quest #1 We arrive after being transferred to the Yokosuka Naval Base. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-01-22 38 37596329 Strike Witches Quest #108 Sean beats up some brits and then /tg/ has THE GREATEST IDEA EVER and planefag has to call it a night to properly consider the implications. Collective Game , Planefag , Strike Witches Quest , planes , WWII , pilot , Strike Witches 2015-01-25 21 37685658 Flying Tigers & Crimson Skies A planefag wants to run Crimson Skies in Savage Worlds. /tg/ provides discussion and resources. P-51 best plane planes , crimson skies , fighters , flying tigers , savage worlds , air combat , pulp fiction 2015-01-30 3 February 2015 37842641 Kant-O-Celle Quest #2 We get some breakfast, talk with a couple carriers, and get ready for our first mission. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-02-05 20 37907688 Strike Witches Quest #109 Sean Quest continues with slutty Witches and family reunions. Collective Game , Planefag , Strike Witches Quest , planes , WWII , pilot , Strike Witches 2015-02-08 22 37979198 Kant-O-Celle Quest #3 We meet BURNING LOVE!, stick up for Willie D and start our first battle. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-02-11 18 38316662 Kant-O-Celle Quest #4 Our first battle concludes with a violent point-blank slugfest between battleships. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-02-26 22 March 2015 38497689 Strike Witches Quest #110 Sean Quest Continues, Perrine meets Ian's mom, hilarity ensues. Collective Game , Planefag , Strike Witches Quest , planes , WWII , pilot , Strike Witches 2015-03-06 29 38657254 Kant-O-Celle Quest #5 Arizona recovers from the battle, but with a nasty surprise... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-12 18 38665330 Kant-O-Celle Quest #6 The aftermath of the first bloody engagement continues to play out. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-13 18 38794703 Strike Witches Quest #111 In which we discover the mind-warping reality behind Georgette and finally talk to Lynette a bit. Collective Game , Planefag , Strike Witches Quest , planes , WWII , pilot , Strike Witches 2015-03-19 23 38813309 Strike Witches Quest #112 In which we uncover the hidden sad in Lynette and realize Georgette is truly innocent. Strike Witches , Strike Witches Quest , Collective Game , planefag 2015-03-20 24 38854099 Kant-O-Celle Quest #7 In which we have a depressing chat with Naka-Chan, "Idol of the Fleet," and meet a lunatic with an angle-grinder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-21 20 38862317 Kant-O-Celle Quest #8 Thread 7 continued. Goddamn anon posting so fast fillin up threads Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-22 20 April 2015 39074082 Kant-O-Celle Quest #9 Admiral Settle tries to head off a one-man Corgipocolypse and other stuff which I don't know because I haven't written the thread yet shit Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-02 20 39080533 Kant-O-Celle Quest #10 In which a momentary slip in judgement has severe and dangerous consequences. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-02 20 39115179 Kant-O-Celle Quest #11 In which we finally meet the most terrifying ship to wage war on the high seas - SAMMY. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-04 20 39120266 Kant-O-Celle #12 In which the cutest DE unleashes her wrath on three unsuspecting cruisers. Settle's got his work cut out for him. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-04 20 May 2015 39673342 Kant-O-Celle Quest #13 In which the Regia Marina saves the day and no spaghetti is spilled. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , Il Duce heard you were talking shit 2015-05-01 20 39696337 Kant-O-Celle Quest #14 In which we get woken up KONGOU STYLE. Also Arizona is very protective of us. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-02 20 39702372 Kant-O-Celle Quest #15 In which Settle pours his heart out and did nothing wrong. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-02 20 39830611 Planetary Governor Quest 1 We establish our planet of Velencia and deal with the local Ork problem Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-05-09 14 39838814 Planetary Governor Quest 2 In which we deal with Eldar and tradde agreements Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-05-09 10 39854272 Kant-O-Celle Quest #16 Holy shit, the MPs managed to do what many greater could not - if only for a few hours, also we get asked out to dinner. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-10 18 39860849 Kant-O-Celle Quest #17 In which we beat our head against a brick wall and speak with God. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-10 18 39871476 Planetary Governor Quest 3 In which we face a spore problem of a non-orky variety Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-05-10 6 39922077 Planetary Governor Quest 4 We finish the party, only to run afoul with a rogue psyker Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-05-13 6 39921207 KANT-O-CELLE QUEST #18 We spend some more time with everyone's favorite Idol-chan and try to talk some sense into harder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-13 20 39955741 Planetary Governor Quest 5 The Fungal War begins with a surprise attack from the moon Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-05-15 7 40023859 Planetary Governor Quest 6 The fungal wars continue with us striking back for once. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-05-18 6 40023556 Kant-O-Celle Quest #20 Debriefing after the air raid, then we get trolled by Goto. Again. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-18 20 40018616 Kant-O-Celle Quest #19 The Abyssals doing a Pearl Harbor? Not on our watch. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-18 18 40077773 Kant-O-Celle Quest #21 Going out to dinner with Shoukaku, totally not a date... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-21 18 40081556 Kant-O-Celle Quest #22 Settling on the Gundam Cafe leads to a bombshell. Who's bright idea was this, anyway? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-21 18 40117768 Planetary Governor Quest 7 The Fungal War takes an interesting turn with the arrival of the Deathwatch Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-05-23 6 40136816 Kant-O-Celle Quest #23 In which we make Shoukaku cry. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-24 18 40143472 Kant-O-Celle Quest #24 “Oh,” Hate says, his voice husky with lust. “Oh, god yes." Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , Hate 2015-05-24 22 40147870 Kant-O-Celle Quest #25 In which Shoukaku and Settle make their escape. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-24 18 40203887 Planetary Governor Quest 8 We look to expand our holdings, only to run into a bit of a heretical issue Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-05-27 7 40238130 Just Plane Scary The setting: a transatlantic flight. The system: Cthulu Dark. OP's request: strange and scary things that can happen aboard a large aircraft. surreal , horror , cthulu , aircraft , planes , brainstorming , one-shot, 2015-05-29 2 40247072 Planetary Governor Quest 9 We begin fighting off the tenants of the Hive City, while a new development comes in our relationship with Frederick Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-05-29 10 40246634 Kant-O-Celle Quest #26 In which we converse with Goto Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-29 18 40251867 Kant-O-Celle Quest #27 We talk with DesDiv6 and head out to the firing range Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-29 18 June 2015 40332461 Planetary Governor Quest 10 A shorter thread than usual, but we discover some important info about Septimus and the source Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-06-02 10 40374667 Kant-O-Celle Quest #28 Range time with Arizona, Willie, and DesDiv 6. Willie just can't catch a break. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-04 18 40380387 Kant-O-Celle Quest #29 Head problems and shouting matches in the library Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-04 18 40414055 Planetary Governor Quest 11 Septimus discovers the source... it doesn't end well Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-06-06 6 40434574 Kant-O-Celle Quest #30 Talking with Naka and dealing with Sammy. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-07 18 40480141 Planetary Governor Quest 12 Things quiet down for a bit as we settle domestic matters and prepare for the party. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-06-09 10 40521255 Planeswalker Quest 0 Darien Kells is a young man born in Innistrad who was born with the spark. Through a series of events, the spark is ignited and it sends him through the multiverse as a newly forged planeswalker. Collective Game , Magic the Gathering , Planeswalker Quest 2015-06-11 3 40536896 Planeswalker Quest 1.5 Darien escapes from the elves prison thanks to a beggar and is taken in as one of their own. Then a snail attacks. Collective Game , Magic the Gathering , Planeswalker Quest 2015-06-12 3 40584935 Planetary Governor Quest 13 The party starts and we begin to court Fausta... as well as another woman. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-06-14 7 40629624 Planetary Governor Quest 14 We narrowly avoid a scandal, and show off our suave moves at the dinner party Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-06-16 7 40667478 Planetary Governor Quest 15 We finish up the party and make our way back home, only to find a few surprises awaiting us. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-06-18 7 40721507 Kant-O-Celle Quest #31 In which we visit the Mikasa with Willie D and Arizona. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-21 20 40727081 Kant-O-Celle Quest #32 In which we look at some new equipment for Kongou and Arizona. Also donuts. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-21 24 40804962 Planetary Governor Quest 16 After an unexpected hiatus, we return with more governing and trade deals Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer 40k , Warhammer 40,000 2015-06-25 9 40804352 Kant-O-Celle Quest #33 The girls find out what modern AA looks like, Hornet gets a history lesson, and Settle has the mother of all migraines. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-25 29 40809479 Kant-O-Celle Quest #34 The Battle of Los Angeles. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-25 47 40865351 Kant-O-Celle Quest #35 In which we wake up with Arizona doing her best impression of a limpet mine on us. We also talk to Naka and Shoukaku Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-28 26 40871673 Kant-O-Celle Quest #36 We talk to REDACTED Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-28 23 July 2015 40953581 Kant-O-Celle Quest #37 In which Hornet is cute, Shoukaku is cute, and we report for duty while stoned on Vicodin. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-02 24 40959991 Kant-O-Celle Quest #38 In which we decide who to send into harm's way. Also, Harder can't even girl, or something. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-02 20 41035653 Kant-O-Celle Quest #39 Settle gives some advice to Harder concerning women and confirmations are made to the battle plan Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-06 24 41041258 Kant-O-Celle Quest #40 You are on a plane made entirely of the warmed leavings of a male cow, and on the horizon a fan looms. The hunt for the Abyssal carrier continues. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-06 33 41162212 Kant-O-Celle Quest #41 We thought "Chichi-jima is under attack" was as bad as the Battle of the Bonin Islands could get. WE WERE WRONG. Oh, God, how wrong could we be? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-12 22 41166835 Kant-O-Celle Quest #42 “How can you not understand?” you ask wearily. “How can you, of all *things*, not understand what they *are* to us?” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-12 25 41490913 Flesh Planet Quest We rape Her, and start out our quest Collective Game , Planet Quest , Grunling Shroom 2015-07-27 1 41510793 Planet Quest 2 We refuse to pay child support, steal moons, and charge towards a giant. Collective Game , Planet Quest , Grunling Shroom 2015-07-28 2 41532210 Planet Quest 3 Grunling starts late, nobody shows up, Giant wrecks our shit. Collective Game , Planet Quest , Grunling Shroom 2015-07-29 1 41574770 Planet Quest 4 We eat the Gas Giant, pass out, and wake up to see the world has moved on without us. Collective Game , Planet Quest , Grunling Shroom 2015-07-31 1 August 2015 41725256 Dipshit's Amazing Plane Quest - Thread 1 Pierre wakes up in his room and then proceeds to shit on Ivan. Collective Game , Boys und Flugzeuge , Plane Quest , Dipshit's Quest 2015-08-07 0 41680792 Empyrean: The World-Eaters a thread about cosmic-level capmpaigns ends in a predictably /tg/ way, and with homebrew Cosmic , Galactus , Epic Level , Space , All-Consuming Vore Loli , Planet Eating , Empyrean: The World-Eaters , Homebrew 2015-08-07 -20 41725854 Dipshit's Amazing Plane Quest - Thread 2 After finishing shitting on Ivan, Pierre grabs food and inspects the aircraft he will use for the special shipment. Collective Game , Boys und Flugzeuge , Plane Quest , Dipshit's Quest 2015-08-08 0 41730797 Empyrean: The World-Eaters 2 Continuing the discussion of cosmic-scale campaigns with all-devouring PCs. Discussion of experience system and fluff Cosmic , Galactus , Epic Level , Space , Planet Eating , Empyrean: The World-Eaters , Homebrew 2015-08-08 -19 41755686 Kant-O-Celle Quest #43 We're Harder, better, faster, stronger, now....Well, mostly Harder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-09 21 41759263 Kant-O-Celle Quest #44 We're still and playing a game of cat and mouse with a destroyer. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-09 22 41833819 Kant-O-Celle Quest #45 The attack is set in motion Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-13 20 41840161 Kant-O-Celle Quest #46 We run silent and deep. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-13 20 41875841 Kant-O-Celle Quest #47 The battle continues to unfold Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-15 18 41879715 Kant-O-Celle Quest #48 The battle for Chichi Jima reaches a climax Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-15 18 41883382 Kant-O-Celle Quest #49 We fight under the waves and above them. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-15 18 41895094 Kant-O-Celle Quest #50 The battle is rejoined, this time above the waves with Bat Flight! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-16 18 41899843 Kant-O-Celle Quest #51 We go back under the water to the USS Oregon! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-16 18 41916645 Kant-O-Celle Quest #52 The battle for the Bonin islands begins anew. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-17 18 41923391 Kant-O-Celle Quest #53 The battle for the Bonin islands continues! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-17 18 41927292 Kant-O-Celle Quest #54 The battle for the Bonin Islands concludes. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-17 25 42112899 Kant-O-Celle Quest #55 The aftermath of the Battle for the Bonin Islands. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-27 18 42118218 Kant-O-Celle Quest #56 We talk to Goto over drinks. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-27 18 42175120 Kant-O-Celle Quest #57 We talk to Goto for a bit, then follow Arizona Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-30 18 42181049 Kant-O-Celle Quest #58 Arizona and doughnuts, an adorable combination. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-30 18 September 2015 42314991 Kant-O-Celle Quest #59 Interlude. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-06 17 42319398 Kant-O-Celle Quest #60 Interlude Pt2. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-06 18 42607182 Kant-O-Celle Quest #61 In which we attempt to daughteru the Shigure, and Northampton buys enough donuts and coffee to sink a battleship or three. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-20 17 42612180 Kant-O-Celle Quest #62 Tea Party...? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-20 18 42689268 Kant-O-Celle Quest #63 Press Conference! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-24 16 42693414 Kant-O-Celle Quest #64 A treed destroyer, what can possibly go wrong? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-24 18 42743162 Kant-O-Celle Quest #65 A discussion with Hate. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-27 16 42747615 Kant-O-Celle Quest #66 An agreement is reached. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-27 17 October 2015 42821582 Kant-O-Celle Quest #67 We chase the Corgis and planefag flubs it! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-01 17 42874535 Kant-O-Celle Quest #68 Continuation/restart of the last thread, we're chasing rogue Corgis. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-04 17 42878743 Kant-O-Celle Quest #69 We finally corral the slippery little bastards. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-04 18 43007180 Kant-O-Celle Quest #71 A plan is hatched. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-11 17 43002909 Kant-O-Celle Quest #70 A meeting to discuss the Abyssal Issue. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-11 17 43024144 Planet Evo #1 An evogame using the Divergent starters. Over time, the plantlife of this world saturated the oceans with arsenic. Collective Game , Planet Evo , Evolution Game , Evogame , Divergent 2015-10-16 3 43050136 Planet Evo #2 With time, the buildup of poison in the oceans dissipate somewhat. Later, a super-volcano's eruption triggers a chain reaction of eruptions. Collective Game , Planet Evo , Evolution Game , Evogame , Divergent 2015-10-16 2 43203074 Kant-O-Celle Quest #72 The meeting concludes and we have a...discussion with Goto. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-22 17 43208043 Kant-O-Celle Quest #73 We still don't understand the rules. Not even close. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-22 17 43211561 Kant-O-Celle Quest #74 A short thread to round out the night. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-22 17 43259853 Kant-O-Celle Quest #75 Never bring a baton or a tanto to a sword cane fight. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-25 17 43265521 Kant-O-Celle Quest #76 Aftermath of the second Yakuza incident and our drunken rampage. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-25 17 43337113 Kant-O-Celle Quest #77 Breakfast with Willy Dee. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-29 17 43342478 Kant-O-Celle Quest #78 “TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATIME TEEEEEIIIIIITOOOOOKUUUUUUUU!” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-29 17 November 2015 43470194 Kant-O-Celle Quest #79 We have a conversation with Kongou and offer her some advice. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-05 17 43476029 Kant-O-Celle Quest #80 Harua is (not) alright? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-05 20 43526472 Kant-O-Celle Quest #81 We have a chat with Haruna in which we make a resolution. Then we act on that resolution Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-08 18 43531474 Kant-O-Celle Quest #82 It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-08 18 43534300 Kant-O-Celle Quest #83: Bonus Theater Edition A few writeups that weren't posted in the last thread for some reason. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-08 18 43596658 Kant-O-Celle Quest #84 We deliver an AAR of the Yak beatdown to our superiors. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-12 18 43601149 Kant-O-Celle Quest #85 We talk with Naka and find out that Arizona took matters into her own hands, as it were. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-12 18 43711584 Kant-O-Celle Quest #86 We watch the destroyers practice. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-19 18 43877304 Kant-O-Celle Quest #87 Destroyer practice continues! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-29 18 43883304 Kant-O-Celle Quest #87.5 Continuation of the last thread, ended early before anything could really happen...Hornet's got a crush! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-29 18 December 2015 43954376 Kant-O-Celle Quest #88 We take a dive and the thread ends early. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-03 18 44288201 Kant-O-Celle Quest #89 Settle flees the abomination and the quest claims its first life. RIP SCIENCE Anon Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , Caffeine Poisoning , 2015-12-21 17 44293921 Kant-O-Celle Quest #90: Bonus Theater Electric Boogaloo Writeups to round off the previous thread Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-21 18 44348584 Kant-O-Celle Quest #91 Shoukaku vs a Coffee Maker! Fight! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-24 18 44352614 Kant-O-Celle Quest #92 We watch the news and hear of a ghost. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-24 18 44412267 Kant-O-Celle Quest #93 The attack on Iwo Jima, with special guest [REDACTED. READ THE THREAD] Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-28 19 44417884 Kant-O-Celle Quest #93.5 Bonus theater! end of the thread plus writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-28 18 44471196 Kant-O-Celle Quest #94 Continuation of the battle for Iwo Jima Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-31 18 44475150 Kant-O-Celle Quest #95 We prepare to introduce some of the girls to modern warfighting technology. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-31 18 January 2016 44612947 Kant-O-Celle Quest #96 The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-07 18 44673013 Kant-O-Celle Quest #97 We speak to Arizona Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-10 18 44679008 Kant-O-Celle Quest #98 We talk with everyone's favorite Fleet Idol: Naka-chan~! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-10 18 44757221 Kant-O-Celle Quest #99 We talk to Hamp about Hornet Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-14 18 44762456 Kant-O-Celle Quest #100 YAKUZA INTERRUPT Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-14 18 44822118 Kant-O-Celle Quest #101 We are Admiral Ryan Settle, and, for once, we don't know what to do. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-17 18 44828463 Kant-O-Celle Quest #102 MOTHERFUCKING TELEMARKETERS ALWAYS CALLING AT THE WORST TIME HOLY SHIT Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-17 18 44905410 Kant-O-Celle Quest #103 Drums, drums in the deep... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-21 18 44911256 Kant-O-Celle Quest #104 Writeups from the previous thread! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-21 17 44969641 Kant-O-Celle Quest #105 Wherein Settle’s ideas about shipgirl tactics get even *more* insane. (If that’s even humanly possible.) Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-24 17 44973468 Kant-O-Celle Quest #106 “Please tell my ship that we haven't forgotten her and have no intention of giving up on her.” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-24 17 44979374 Kant-O-Celle Quest #107 We're in a closet with Naka! Also writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-24 17 45056066 Kant-O-Celle Quest #108 Anon figures out that we can delegate tasks. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-28 17 45061156 Kant-O-Celle Quest #109 End of the thread and writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-28 17 45117538 Kant-O-Celle Quest #110 We deal with the PT Corgi menace by giving them actual work to do! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-31 17 45124003 Kant-O-Celle Quest #111 In which planefag posts one story update and the entire rest of the thread is just anon talking Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-31 16 45126979 Kant-O-Celle Quest #112 Two bombs wasn't enough, apparently Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-31 16 February 2016 45239485 Kant-O-Celle Quest #112 To sleep, perchance to dream... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-06 16 45245099 Kant-O-Celle Quest #113 The battle for the Sunda Strait commences. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-06 16 45262288 Kant-O-Celle Quest #114 The battle for the Sunda Strait continues Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-07 16 45268334 Kant-O-Celle Quest #115 YASEN, MOTHERFUCKERS! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-07 16 45346032 Kant-O-Celle Quest #116 THANK YOU BASED KTKM-SAMA Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-11 17 45349948 Kant-O-Celle Quest #117 The battle for the Sunda Strait continues to evolve as new elements are brought onto the stage Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-11 16 45403412 Kant-O-Celle Quest #118 The battle of the Sunda Strait continues...You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-14 16 45409767 Kant-O-Celle Quest #119 End of the previous thread and writeups because planefag crashed. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-14 16 45620907 MtG: The Dieing Plane Starting with rolled terrain, an apocalyptic plane is created. MTG , magic , plane , setting 2016-02-25 6 45639708 Magic the Gathering: Planeforger #2 The remainder of the primary landmass is rolled on and we begin to chart the mana lines. MTG , Magic , Planeforger , Plane , Setting 2016-02-26 3 March 2016 45658188 Magic the Gathering: Planeforger #3 Some more discussion about the plane and more custom cards are made and discussed. MTG , Magic , Planeforger , Plane , Setting 2016-03-01 2 45824194 Kant-O-Celle Quest #120 Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war - Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-06 16 45829229 Kant-O-Celle Quest #121 “SIC'EM, BOYS!” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-06 16 45733693 Magic the Gathering: Planeforger #4 More lore, more new cards, more maps. MTG , Magic , Planeforger , Plane , Setting 2016-03-06 2 45906898 Kant-O-Celle Quest #122 Forward Chuuniboats! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-10 16 45910836 Kant-O-Celle Quest #123 The battle for the Sunda Strait reaches a fever pitch Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-10 16 45968564 Kant-O-Celle Quest #124 'This is not the beginning of the end, but, perhaps, the end of the beginning' Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-13 16 45976031 Kant-O-Celle Quest #125 --but when you speak again, your voice is steadier, harder... hotter. “I don't hear BB-3 laughing much, though.” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-13 17 45839687 Magic the Gathering: Planeforger #5 Further discussion, more cards and updates. MTG , Magic , Planeforger , Plane , Setting 2016-03-14 2 46207838 Kant-O-Celle Quest #126 After the battle for Sunda Strait, we visit a hospital. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-24 16 46213120 Kant-O-Celle Quest #127 We speak briefly to Tatsuta and Willy Dee tells us that Kongou has a [SPOILER REDACTED] Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-24 16 46251542 Kant-O-Celle Quest #128 Kongo Bongos. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-26 16 46256787 Kant-O-Celle Quest #129 Kongou runs a stream, and we get roped into playing Q&A along with Goto and Arizona! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-26 16 46273254 Kant-O-Celle Quest #130 Q&A With Kongou, Settle, Goto and Arizona! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-27 15 46277895 Kant-O-Celle Quest #131 We speak with Arizona. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-27 13 46358832 Kant-O-Celle Quest #132 We prepare to speak to God. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-31 11 46364656 Kant-O-Celle Quest #133 End of tonight's threads and some writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-31 12 April 2016 46401146 Kant-O-Celle Quest #134: SWQ Edition! Just a little April fooling around... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-02 8 46401180 Kant-O-Celle Quest #134 I don't even know anymore... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-02 6 46406917 Kant-O-Celle Quest #135(?) Hell if I know anymore, more April fools hijinks? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-02 6 46507628 Kant-O-Celle Quest #136 'When the landslide has started, it's far too late for the pebbles to vote. There's no deflecting or dodging this, and you both know it.. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-07 12 46511616 Kant-O-Celle Quest #137 We receive orders from God (spelled CNO). Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-07 15 46550570 Kant-O-Celle Quest #138 We speak with Naka and Harder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-09 9 46554343 Kant-O-Celle Quest #139 Wrap up for the night and maybe writeups Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-09 7 46573094 Kant-O-Celle Quest #140 We pursue Willy Dee! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-10 9 46578379 Kant-O-Celle Quest #141 Baking with Arizona and Willy Dee. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-10 9 46655687 Kant-O-Celle Quest #142 We finish up a phone call and talk with Arizona some more. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-14 9 46660337 Kant-O-Celle Quest #143 Wee Willy Dee wakes up. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-14 9 46733329 Kant-O-Celle Quest #144 More dreams, and a dogfish interrupt. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-18 9 46739108 Kant-O-Celle Quest #145 Continuation of last thread plus Q&A because planefag craps out. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-18 9 46799516 Kant-O-Celle Quest #146 We talk to Shoukaku some over tea. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-21 9 46804480 Kant-O-Celle Quest #147 “... I know all about the faeries,” you say sternly. “And if it's where your planes come from, I don't-” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-21 9 46949845 Kant-O-Celle Quest #148 After the events of last night, we wake up with Shoukaku on our lap... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-28 13 46955101 Kant-O-Celle Quest #149 Experiments in ballistic trajectories. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-28 9 May 2016 21205 Kant-O-Celle Quest #150 Kant-O-Celle Quest on the new board Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-01 15 9285 Planet Forger Quest An ancient of the cosmos sets it's sights on a piece of the stars and builds a solar system. Filled with inspiration, /qst/ becomes God. Collective Game , Planet Forger Quest , So Much Kubo , Taman-Shud 2016-05-02 3 120 Planescape Quest: Fluffy Tails: Impromptu and Casual Prologue An arcanaloth who is a cute anime foxgirl visits Sigil, befriends other cute anime girls (and a trap), and joins the Society of Sensation. Collective Game , Planescape Quest , Planescape , Fluffy Tails , Magical Girl , Female Protagonist , D&D , Fantasy 2016-05-02 3 1752 CIA Quest A journey into the mind of CIA agent Bill Wilson. Collective Game , CIA , Bane , Baneposting , Crashing This Plane 2016-05-04 1 106118 Queenswoman of the August Commonwealth: Chapter One A new Planetary Governor for Her Majesty is appointed, Herald and drones on throughout chargen. Much salt is sprinkled in this thread. August Commonwealth , Governor , Planetary Governor , Space , Collective Game , Original Setting , Salt , Chargen 2016-05-14 4 130392 Kant-O-Celle Quest #151 We re-enact Down Periscope, Chinese-style. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-15 16 150592 Kant-O-Celle Quest #152 The continued operations of the 305 in the Sunda Strait. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-19 11 163980 Kant-O-Celle Quest #153 We speak to Parker. No, not Peter. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-22 13 182485 Kant-O-Celle Quest #154 We talk to Goto about the [SPOILERS BECAUSE I ARCHIVED IT EARLY] Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-26 14 200524 Kant-O-Celle Quest #155 We converse with Goto on what to do about the Yakuza. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-30 14 June 2016 226262 Kant-O-Celle Quest #156 “A bald eagle,” you hiss, “named Colbert. Obama might've made pork fly, but I'll be thrice fucked before I let you fly that shit past ME!” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-06-05 20 47988932 4chan boards as planes/countries /tg/ describes other boards as planes, realms, lands, territories, et cetera. 4chan , boards , Planescape , brainstorm , 2016-06-28 3 July 2016 48350214 biomech fighter planes worldbuilding and setting /tg/ discusses the possibilities of sentient AI warplanes. engine heart , ace combat , bolo , giger , fighter planes, 2016-07-22 10 September 2016 515627 Planetary Governor Quest #1 Planetary Governor Quest, run by Shmeh Warhammer 40k , Planetary Governor Quest , Shmeh 2016-09-06 12 538234 Planetary Governor Quest #2 In which we raise our PDF, see off an ork WAAAGH, argue for hours, give band-aids to an inquisitor, and attend a party. Warhammer 40k , Planetary Governor Quest , Shmeh 2016-09-09 7 557577 Planetary Governor Quest #3 Had some fun with the chaos space marines Warhammer 40k , Planetary Governor Quest , Shmeh 2016-09-18 5 January 2017 1005656 Kant-O-Celle Quest- Hate Gaiden Hate brings the German shipgirls back to base Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , GhostDivision 2017-01-04 13 51243124 What is the cosmology of your world ? OP asks /tg/ what is the cosmology of their setting setting , settings , cosmology , gods , god , religion , D&D , gnosticism , demiurge , demiurg , plane , planes , universe 2017-01-17 0 1068336 Kant-O-Celle Quest #157 In which a certain Greek gets back into the groove after a long time of paying debts. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2017-01-21 10 1070641 Kant-O-Celle Quest #158 In which our intrepid Argie A-4 Skyhawk pilot continues his deadly dance in the sky. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2017-01-21 10 1100688 Kant-O-Celle Quest #159 We follow Settle into the depths... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2017-01-29 10 March 2017 1317205 The Plane-Travelers Quest What if people would soon lose themselves in that dream alone through a spiritual plane of imagination? (Moved to Anonkun) The Plane-Travelers Quest , Collective Game 2017-03-30 -1 April 2017 1394442 Nightmare Planet Five teenagers find themselves, along a piece of their school, transported to a strange forest. Nightmare Planet , Sci-Fi , Horror , Teen , Survival , Collective Game 2017-04-27 5 May 2017 1420443 Planet Mercenary Long wait and then some players show up and make characters and a Mercenary Company. Start of Job 1 Planet Mercenary , RPG , Mercenary , Black ICE , ForeverGM 2017-05-08 1 1441183 Nightmare Planet 2 Vanessa and the other teens learn more about our situation, and set off on a journey to the hills. Kate will protect our smile. Nightmare Planet , Sci-Fi , Horror , Teen , Survival , Collective Game 2017-05-11 3 June 2017 1515028 Nightmare Planet 3 A twist in the tale is revealed as Vanessa travels to a dark dreamscape and takes hold of an unknown power. Nightmare Planet , Sci-Fi , Horror , Teen , Survival , Collective Game 2017-06-05 3 53684402 Old School Aircraft RPGs After watching "Porco Rosso," OP makes a thread suggesting the idea of an RPG set in the golden age of flight. Aircraft , Aiplanes , Flight , Retro , Worldbuilding , Brainstorming , Adventure , Exploration , Porco Rosso , Tail Spin 2017-06-13 3 1591532 Nightmare Planet 4 The survivors discuss what Vanessa's trip to the nightmare realm could mean, and decide on a campsite. Nightmare Planet , Sci-Fi , Horror , Teen , Survival , Collective Game 2017-06-25 3 July 2017 1649918 Saiyan Conqueror Quest 6 Karn faces off with Prince Vegeta, then takes over training the young prince. Then the emperor himself arrives, and Karn shows his power. Saiyan Conqueror Quest 6 , Saiyan Conqueror Quest , SCQ , Karn , Tatsu , Leyas , Meloka , Tunnip , Nappa , Vegeta , Freeza , Planet Vegeta , /qst/, 2017-07-10 24 1680103 Planetary Governor Quest #4 PC Quest returns, with a strike more time warped people and a chaos battle barge attempting to land on our planet. Warhammer 40k , Planetary Governor Quest , Shmeh 2017-07-29 1 August 2017 1701649 Planetary governor quest #5 Chaos forces repelled and the warp throwing out Astartes all over us. Warhammer 40k , Planetary Governor Quest , Shmeh 2017-08-04 1 1724179 Planetary governor quest #6 Our wayward guests leave to places unknown, while we decided whether or not to purge self-entitled refugees. Warhammer 40k , Planetary Governor Quest , Shmeh 2017-08-08 1 1751915 Nightmare Planet 5 We find out who Tyler shot. The survivors suffer their first loss -- or do they? Nightmare Planet , Sci-Fi , Horror , Teen , Survival , Collective Game 2017-08-19 3 September 2017 1915555 Macross Quest Pilot Harry Neumann finds himself given a very unusual assignment. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-09-30 25 October 2017 1938596 Macross Quest 2 Harry arrives at his new home base for the foreseeable future. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-10-07 22 1898435 Planetary Governor Quest #12 We intervene to defeat a Waagghhh Shmeh,40k , Planetary Governor Quest 2017-10-13 1 1963522 Macross Quest 3 Harry gets his first taste of combat in the Nabaal Cluster. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-10-14 24 1991280 Macross Quest 4 Harry has a chance to get his boots on the ground. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-10-21 24 1959414 Planetary Governor Quest #13 We return to some good old fashioned governing after taking care of an ork problem Shmeh,40k , Planetary Governor Quest 2017-10-23 1 2017550 Macross Quest 5 Harry spends a bit of quality time with Amy. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-10-28 21 November 2017 2037980 Macross Quest 6 Harry is sent out for Amy's first "test run." Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-11-04 20 2060039 Macross Quest 7 The battle against the Zentradi continues as Amy's song takes effect. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-11-11 23 2064906 Starborn Quest 38: Perspective Hitchhikers Guide to the Planes, Lex gives Purps a little lesson. Then the Dragon Nation Attacks Starborm , Wagon , Star , Planes , Purps , Hona , Honamurei , Lisbeth , vernon , Lexington , Doc Lexington , Boss Fight , Dragon , Travelling , Balthazar 2017-11-16 2 2002678 Planetary Governor Quest #14 We choose a wife, kill xenos, and make money Shmeh,40k , Planetary Governor Quest 2017-11-16 1 2079037 Macross Quest 8 As a result of the decisive NUNS victory, the course of the coming conflict must be decided. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-11-18 20 2096904 Macross Quest 9 With the success of her "test run", it's time for Amy to be rolled out to the public. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-11-25 20 2064594 Planetary Governor Quest #15 We do some old fashioned governing, and make some big moves Shmeh,40k , Planetary Governor Quest 2017-11-30 1 December 2017 2114952 Macross Quest 10 Harry oversees Amy's first public concert. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-12-02 21 2132254 Macross Quest 11 Harry has to deal with the aftermath of the kidnapping attempt on Amy. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-12-09 20 2148910 Macross Quest 12 Harry has to infiltrate a CDF facility to uncover a secret plot. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-12-16 22 2169449 Macross Quest 13 Harry is sent to investigate Zentradi activity. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-12-23 22 2185448 Macross Quest 14 The second battle against the Zentradi begins. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2017-12-30 20 January 2018 2204220 Macross Quest 15 Harry has a very personal discussion with Dorothea. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-01-06 21 2224484 Macross Quest 16 Harry still has to pick up the pieces after the previous battle. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-01-13 20 2243769 Macross Quest 17 Harry has to go on a search and rescue mission. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-01-20 20 2260934 Macross Quest 18 Victorious, the fleet makes its return to Nabaal for some well deserved rest. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-01-27 21 February 2018 2277007 Macross Quest 19 Harry finds himself in a dilemma about which girl to go on leave with. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-02-03 21 2302790 Macross Quest 20 The date with Dorothea continues, though with some complications. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-02-12 20 2316793 Macross Quest 21 The fleet deploys to its next trouble spot. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-02-17 22 2335873 Macross Quest 22 The fleet arrives the Torman Fields Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-02-24 21 March 2018 2354224 Macross Quest 23 The situation is Gateway is worse than some would expect. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-03-03 22 2371501 Macross Quest 24 Harry descends into the depths of an asteroid mine to investigate odd sightings. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-03-10 20 2393838 Macross Quest 25 Harry returns to the mines under Gateway to deal with the Vajra threat. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-03-17 21 2412583 Macross Quest 26 With the discovery of fold quartz, the SMS private military company gets involved. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-03-24 20 2432353 Macross Quest 27 Harry continues to tour the Macross Quarter. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-03-31 21 April 2018 2413961 Planetary Governor Quest #17 we get it going ok, checking in on some friends Shmeh,40k , Planetary Governor Quest 2018-04-06 1 2453863 Macross Quest 28 Harry goes out to hunt the Red Ace. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-04-07 20 2472311 Macross Quest 29 It's finally time for the concert, though Amy has to deal with some rather enthusiastic fans. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-04-14 21 2491113 Macross Quest 30 Harry wonders what to do with the captured Red Ace. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-04-21 20 2452670 Planetary Governor Quest #18 We betray some pirate merchants, do some governing and fight the heretics Shmeh,40k , Planetary Governor Quest 2018-04-22 3 2509290 Macross Quest 31 With disturbing news, the conflict against the Zentradi may take a completely different direction. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-04-28 20 May 2018 59266224 Planeforger IV: Pheroxa We rolled up a plane with dice, made a map, and created a post-phyrexian world with a twisted history that views yawgmoth more positively. Magic the Gathering , worldbuilding , Planeforger , MTG , art , phyrexia , yawgmoth , fluff , crunch 2018-05-02 4 2530012 Macross Quest 32 Harry tries to get more information CL with Amy's help. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-05-05 21 2554299 Macross Quest 33 With dire news, it's time to push the Zentradi out of Torman Fields. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-05-12 20 2574968 Macross Quest 34 The decisive battle for Torman Fields continues to rage. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-05-19 20 June 2018 2612126 Macross Quest 35 The battle to push the Zentradi out of Torman Fields reaches its final stages. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-06-02 20 2633077 Macross Quest 36 Harry has to survive his latest meeting with Dorothea. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-06-09 20 2652727 Macross Quest 37 With Torman Fields now safe, NUNS High Command dictates what to next in the campaign against the Zentradi. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-06-16 20 2670978 Macross Quest 38 Harry and Dorothea meet High Command. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-06-23 20 2690220 Macross Quest 39 Harry and Dorothea take a short, but much needed, vacation. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-06-30 20 July 2018 2725895 Macross Quest 40 Harry finds out Amy's been taken to a shadowy NUNS research base. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-07-14 20 2746530 Macross Quest 41 Plans are made to assault the Star Forge. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-07-21 20 2763934 Macross Quest 42 The assault on the Star Forge commences. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-07-28 20 August 2018 2780927 Macross Quest 43 The battle for the Star Forge and the Nabaal Sector as a whole reaches its conclusion. Macross Quest , Macross , Sci Fi , Military , Mecha , Planes , Idols , Collective Game 2018-08-04 20 November 2018 62900079 Fireball Planet Creation Thread #2 More work is done on "Fireball" the Death, Mining, Prison planet and more planets and moons are rolled up. The Akar and their creations to Akar , Fireball , 40K , Planets , Everything is on fire , Bugs , More Bugs , Roach Skaven 2018-11-09 0 62961898 Crimson Skies and related coolness A comfy discussion about a nostalgic game, that spins off into all things dwelling in the crossover between "flies" and "is awesome". Crimson Skies , Planes , Zeppelins , Sky Pirates 2018-11-20 3 December 2018 63599494 Sector Creation Thread 1 /tg/ begins the first of many threads to make another Sector for the Imperium to collect Tithe from, beginning with a Toxic Agriworld 40k , Rolls , Planets , Agriworld , Forbidden , Inquisition , Poisons , SCIENCE 2018-12-28 2 63650808 Sector Creation Thread II: Imperial Boogaloo Continued work on the newest Sector Inquisitors , Planets , 40k , Marines , Blinding light , Drop Pods , Creatures 2018-12-28 1 April 2019 3407805 Rogue Pilot Quest 1 A not!soviet pilot is on the front lines as the not!cold war goes hot one chilly spring night. Explosions, stunts, general badassery abound. fighter,jets,military,collective game,planes,mercenary,rogue 2019-04-06 11 May 2019 3524911 Rogue Pilot Quest 3.5 RPQ returns and runs a short session to wrap up Chapter 3, before moving on to Chapter 4! Also, the crew FINALLY leaves Airbase 8842. fighter , jets , military , collective game , planes , mercenary , rogue , fulcrum , flanker , realistic 2019-05-26 3 June 2019 3532263 Rogue Pilot Quest 4 The airbase packs up and heads to Rabati. Creative radio usage lets the crew gather some intel on the world. fighter , jets , military , collective game , planes , mercenary , rogue , fulcrum , flanker , realistic , apocalypse 2019-06-12 3 August 2019 3703914 Planeswalker /qst/ #1 We recover our memories and discover we are a White Mana Planeswalker from Earth, who is being hunted by another. Planeswalker , Planeswalker /qst/ , MTG , Magic the Gathering , Key , KeyQM 2019-08-04 1 3728980 Brood Quest 3 The Brood Hivemind is in Disarray as the King and Queen have seemingly lost the will to live. Brood quest , brood champion , sci-fi , space/interplanetary , identity crisis 2019-08-19 0 January 2020 70438836 Alien Planet Biomes /tg/ discusses various possible biomes that an alien planet could have, and then develops into speculating about worldshapes. worldbuilding , alien , planet , biome , ecosystem , brainstorming , 2020-01-18 4 March 2020 71579421 Nechronica thread. Red Planet Storytime and Port Storytime Red Planet Storytime begins. Port Storytime continues and things will never be the same. Discussion of Holics, parts, and attack types. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , memory , Port , Tachi , Protoca , war , Red Planet , tower , mars , space , system , last stand , parents 2020-03-30 5 May 2020 72640431 Quirks of flying an old, shitty ship An anon asks how to give character to an old shitty ship. Sailors, air crew, aircraft maintainance crew, historians, and random anons help. space , spacer , space ship , sci-fi , brainstorming , fluff , quirks , old and busted , military , airplane , ocean , ship , aircraft , repair , haunted 2020-05-20 9 June 2020 4287883 Threefold Oblivion - Warhammer 40k We learn about the world of Texalar and its problems and make efforts to clean the planet Warhammer , 40000 , 40k , Planetary Governor , Threefold Oblivion , chaos , Dark Imperium , TimeKiller QM 2020-06-24 0 August 2020 4419412 Daily Planet Quest Lois Lane, rising star reporter, the day the masquerade ended and an open age of heroes began Daily Planet Quest , Collective Game , Action Comics , Detective Comcis , Lois Lane 2020-08-26 3 October 2020 75185467 Nechronica Thread: Spooky Mech Edition | Port Storytime Finale | Red Planet Storytime | Entombed Class released Translation team releases Entombed Class. The Finale of Port Storytime. Red Planet Storytime continues. Anon seeks feedback on custom class. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Port , Protoca , Tachi , Class , Entombed , Red Planet , mars , space , parents , settings , custom , skills , parts 2020-10-07 2 November 2020 4525019 Daily Planet Quest Issue 2 Lois Lane moves forward from revelations about her Father, her Sister, and the Department of Extra-normal Affairs. Daily Planet Quest , Collective Game , Action Comics , Detective Comcis , Lois Lane 2020-11-08 1 December 2020 76118364 What're some strange, interesting and unique forms of government for a sci-fi setting? /tg/ attempts to design original systems of governance and cultures for scifi. Things get weird. worldbuilding , scifi , funny , planet of hats , unintended consequences , if it's not a nightmarish hellhole then it's not Dark Heresy, 2020-12-08 2 January 2021 4576717 Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 1 A quest set in the world of Project D2's critically-acclaimed tribute to the Ace Combat game series, featuring Cortana-esque plane AIfus. AI Waifus , Planes , Project Wingman , Ace Combat , Military 2021-01-24 4 February 2021 4612257 Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 2 A quest set in the world of Project D2's critically-acclaimed tribute to the Ace Combat game series, featuring Cortana-esque plane AIfus. AI Waifus , Planes , Project Wingman , Ace Combat , Military 2021-02-23 1 March 2021 4696857 Daily Planet Quest Issue 3 Depths of the Snake Pit, Height beyond the Mountains. Daily Planet Quest , Collective Game , Action Comics , Detective Comcis , Lois Lane 2021-03-16 0 4660907 Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 3 As part of Garm Squadron, you've been ordered to undertake a mission outside the borders of the Orleasian Kingdom. Good luck, Wizard. AI Waifus , Planes , Project Wingman , Ace Combat , Military 2021-03-27 0 April 2021 4690442 Bringe1-D exoplanet EVO 2.0 Once again we are at the delightful exoplanet that is Bringe 1-D. this time near the equator in a land where the dusk is eternal. Collective game , Evogame , Evolution , Bringe1-D exoplanet 2021-04-11 0 August 2021 80648267 Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 7, HOLY DIVER From the worst plane trip in existence to an ever worse underwater treasure hunt, Shortfuse and his group are in for an epic fight! Shadowrun , Storytime , Shadowrun Tale , Shortfuse , Wolfhound , BYTE , Dice , Airplane , Douglas , Pirate , Treasure Hunt , Kraken , Sp1r1t 2021-08-06 2 April 2022 5180454 Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 4 To all: The GM has not abandoned this quest - I've just been busy with college. AI Waifus , Planes , Project Wingman , Ace Combat , Military 2022-04-18 0 July 2022 5285615 Air Wing Commander Quest The start of the Great War, the Bergen Scourge, and Lieutenant-colonel Helene Valmont command over 14e Escadre Mixte "Liberté" Air Wing Quest , Biplanes , Aircraft , Strategy , Collective Game , Great War, 2022-07-01 12 August 2022 5328080 Air Wing Commander Quest. #2 Valmont's time on leave is quite busy despite supposed to be time for her to relax. After, the initial build up for a major offensive. Air Wing Quest , Biplanes , Aircraft , Strategy , Collective Game , Great War, 2022-08-06 8 September 2022 5371396 Air Wing Commander Quest. #3 The offensive to retake Daloyaume, the invasion of Lothring, and an investigation of a string of murders. Air Wing Quest , Biplanes , Aircraft , Strategy , Collective Game , Great War, 2022-09-24 7 November 2022 5417726 Air Wing Commander Quest. #4 In which Helene Valmont spends the entire thread speaking to pilots of Rouge for information on a serial killer instead of giving orders. Air Wing Quest , Biplanes , Aircraft , Strategy , Collective Game , Great War, 2022-11-14 7 January 2023 5477321 Air Wing Commander Quest. #5 A conversation with Calantha, the second battle of Leeuwenborg, and the introduction of the Vérany C.2 Air Wing Quest , Biplanes , Aircraft , Strategy , Collective Game , Great War, 2023-01-05 7 February 2023 5519409 Air Wing Commander Quest. #6 The battle of Tilhof, the unveiling of the tank, and a vast amount of new aces. Air Wing Quest , Biplanes , Aircraft , Strategy , Collective Game , Great War, 2023-02-15 7 April 2023 5585446 Air Wing Commander Quest. #7 Visiting Liliane and Ermengardis in the hospital, and uncovering l'As' secret. Air Wing Quest , Biplanes , Aircraft , Strategy , Collective Game , Great War, 2023-04-05 11 May 2023 5638690 Air Wing Commander Quest. #8 Wrapping up a chat with Ermengardis, the winter stalemate of the war on the western front, and a special operation for a bomber. Air Wing Quest , Biplanes , Aircraft , Strategy , Collective Game , Great War, 2023-05-23 7 November 2023 5817888 COSMOGONY PRELUDE - They watched the stillness
Of slaughtered stars, and gave sacrifice
In Lightless Fire... collective game , space , star , spaceship , space opera , science , astronomy , cyberpunk , 4X , battlemap , galaxy , conquest , colony , planet 2023-11-05 1 January 2024 5855537 Air Wing Commander Quest. #9 The bloody Battle for Eberding, new aircraft, and the murders begin again. Air Wing Quest , Biplanes , Aircraft , Strategy , Collective Game , Great War, 2024-01-20 11 March 2024 5907594 Air Wing Commander Quest. #10 The D.IV “Havik” claims it's due and a tragedy strikes Escadron Vert. Air Wing Quest , Biplanes , Aircraft , Strategy , Collective Game , Great War, 2024-03-13 6 92238370 Two Nechronica Storytime (s) update: puzzles. update: Continent found. Nechronica , storytime , story time , story , time , undead , planes 2024-03-29 -1 May 2024 5961845 Air Wing Commander Quest. #11 The continuation of conversations with Vert's pilots and the initial visit with escadron Violet's Commandant. Air Wing Quest , Biplanes , Aircraft , Strategy , Collective Game , Great War, 2024-05-08 5 August 2024 6031939 Planetary/Governor General Quest Join newly ascended Governor Tacitus Maro as he takes command of a wrecked Fortress-World CK2 , quest , Warhammer 40k , Planetary Governor 2024-08-04 0