Thread Title Description Tags Added Score May 2008 1702455 Lawful Good Stories Thread The traditional arguments about lawful good characters give way to epic stories, especially the paladin and the medusa LG , Paladins , writefaggotry 2008-05-11 17 March 2009 4016968 Zalgo and the day of Zalgoing Zalgo comes to the land of /tg/. Zalgo ensues.
ZALGO Zalgo , Cthulhu , Dagon , Hydra , Epic 2009-03-19 20 June 2009 4889030 /tg/ creates a setting /tg/ creates a setting which includes pirates, songships, cloudsea, dorfs, cyborgs, Zalgo, trains ran by blood and orcs! setting , orc , dwarf , dorf , songship , pirate , zalgo , elf , elves 2009-06-15 0 September 2009 5718433 Opening a FLGS Tech Priest Naile is actually making progress on setting up his shop FLGS 2009-09-04 5 5756362 Opening a FLGS #2 (4 or 5?) Tech Priest Naile showing off other game stores and some more discussion. FLGS , Business , Advice , Nostalgia 2009-09-07 0 5770742 Opening a FLGS #3 Webstore shenanigans. FLGS , Business , Advice , Nostalgia , Webstore 2009-09-08 2 5867345 Opening a FLGS #4 Tech Priest Naile discussing his shop's ideal location. FLGS , Business , Advice , Nostalgia , Lease 2009-09-15 0 January 2010 7537970 Quest Quest What begins as a metaquest slowly descends into utter madness quest , zalgo , he comes 2010-01-11 6 7756733 Redwall RPG Redwall RPG. Nostalgia ensues. Ends up with the creation of Badgerborn. Redwall , Badgers , Badgerborn , Nostalgia 2010-01-25 7 February 2010 7906596 2e gaming, I'd forgotten how much fun it was Discussion of the merits of AD&D, second edition, with surprisingly few and underfed trolls. I nostalgia'd hard. 2e , nostalgia , THAC0 2010-02-04 6 8079986 Redwall Statted Leman Russ provides racial stats for the creatures of Redwall. Redwall , homebrew , nostalgia 2010-02-14 4 8160505 Animorph Nostalgia A single picture sparks a massive Animorphs nostalgia thread. May be responsible for 25% of the world's furry. animorphs , awesome , childhood , nostalgia 2010-02-19 5 April 2010 8984749 LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 10 FULGRIM, NOOOOOOO RACHNUS , RAGEOUS , LEMAN RUSS , VULKAN , CORAX , FULGRIM , OMEGON 2010-04-05 5 9340810 Doppelganger Damacy Quest III A replacement DM takes over temporarily, we meet an aspiring wizard, and we prove, among other things, that we are so hungry we can eat a horse. Doppleganger Damacy , Doppelganger , Quest , Collective Game 2010-04-22 45 9341854 /tg/ on classic videogames /tg/ brings out great vidya recommendations yet again. video , games , videogames , nostalgia , classics 2010-04-22 1 9428391 Doppelganger Damacy Quest V We buy and eat a rabbit for great hearing, become a rooftop runner, and make a young wizard girl happy. Then we get ready for serious omming and nomming. Doppleganger Damacy , Doppelganger , Quest , Collective Game 2010-04-26 45 August 2010 11848994 Doppleganger Damacy XXI our beloved doppleganger gets slightly drunker, and TempDM passes out!
MAGIK! Doppleganger Damacy XXI doppelganger damacy quest thread 2010-08-28 31 October 2010 12319596 Toonami RPG Intros What starts as an awesomesauce way to intro your favorite RPG systems & games gets more awesome as the nostalgia bomb hits. TOM is a power fist wielding badass Rogue Trader teaching you about Anger, Courage, Brains vs. Brawn, Individuality & Experience. So, until we meet again, stay gold. Bang. Toonami , nostalgia , RPG 2010-10-04 25 November 2010 12776666 Doppleganger Damacy XXIV The much awaited meeting with Gaul ends with a surprise. Also some rage. Doppleganger Damacy , OM NOM NOM , Cult , Doppelganger Quest , Growth 2010-11-13 28 12969266 The Inquisition, here we go! Calgar as 'spiritual liege' - heresy? Calgar , Heresy , Warhammer , 40k 2010-11-30 2 January 2011 13433753 FLGS board-tan quest Part 1 You must guide /tg/ through the difficult world of commerce. Capitalism, ho! "Collective Game , /tg/ , FLGS" 2011-01-08 4 13438915 FLGS board-tan quest Part 2 Furniture purchases for the new store have been arranged, but something strange seems to be going on in the sub sub sub basement collective game , /tg/ , FLGS 2011-01-08 3 13522387 FLGS board-tan quest Part 3 In which we rent out the sub-sub-sub basement to /d/ for a hefty sum. collective game , /tg/ , FLGS 2011-01-15 3 13668381 Whom The Telling Changed Your people have always gathered in times of trouble to hear the stories, since the time of their ancestors' ancestors. Tonight, as you listen to The Epic of Gilgamesh, your people must make a crucial decision. Depending on what questions you ask and what you point out during the story, the outcome will be vastly different. Gilgamesh , writefaggotry , quest thread , quest , collective game , game , history , storytime , storytelling 2011-01-27 9 February 2011 13880692 Doppelganger Quest Bootleg In which a valiant anon takes over for the long-missing storyteller of the first Doppelganger Damacy story. Doppelganger , Doppelganger Damacy , Let's Play , Game , Collaborative , Horror 2011-02-13 12 13953219 Doppelganger Quest Bootleg II Doppelganger Bootleg continues! We flee from the scene of the crime, and eat a prostitute and a priestess. Doppelganger , Doppelganger Damacy , Game , Quest , Horror 2011-02-19 12 March 2011 14141709 Doppelganger Quest Bootleg IV The Doppelvourer screws around a city for half a day. Late that night, he finds himself outmatched by an elf in the slums. Conversation ensues. Doppelganger , Doppelganger Damacy , Game , Quest , Horror 2011-03-06 6 14176140 Comparing National LARPing Systems A Bulgarian, a Hungarian, and an American discuss how LARPing is done in their home countries and why it is done that way. Balgaria , Hungary , LARP 2011-03-10 2 14221427 Doppelganger Quest Bootleg IV (for real this time) The shape-eater strikes again! We leave the elf's hut and eat a gnome and a merchant. Also, gnomes are scary? Doppelganger , Doppelganger Damacy , Game , Quest , Horror 2011-03-13 5 14232459 Doppelganger Quest Bootleg V The doppelvourer eats a couple thugs, steals a hookah, and resolves to become the Demon Seer of Rokos. In other news, Gnomes are indeed scary after all. Doppelganger , Doppelganger Damacy , Game , Quest 2011-03-14 3 14243127 Doppelganger Quest Bootleg VI Shit goes down. We kill a thug, and a boar and shit, but that's not important. After a botched home invasion, the doppel is smashed unconscious. Time to face the courts. Doppelganger , Doppelganger Damacy , Pathfinder , Quest 2011-03-15 2 14290234 Doppelganger Quest Bootleg VII Why can't these get labeled properly? The doppelvourer gets put on a hard labor detail by the courts. Thread's cut short by 4chan servers dying. Doppelganger , Doppelganger Damacy , Pathfinder , Quest 2011-03-19 3 14377318 Doppelganger Quest Bootleg VIII Not much happens tonight. The doppel sleeps on a rooftop, gets a new dagger, and gets evicted. Doppelganger , Doppelganger Damacy , Pathfinder , Quest 2011-03-27 3 April 2011 14562668 Stories from your FLGS Surprisingly, largely filled with fond tales of bro owners and great games. It's good to hear about the brighter side of LGS. We get plenty of horror stories. FLGS , stories 2011-04-12 3 14717864 Artificial Intelligence The humanity of AI's are conversed for a while, before the topic shits into talking about your favorite megalomaniac AI characters. Briefly visited by MC Vatican. Gerty , Moon , Shodan , Marathon , Durandal , Agent Smith , Matrix , Game , Shodan , WOPR , AM , Friend Computer , AC , nostalgia 2011-04-26 1 May 2011 14800654 OP wants to open a FLGS FLGS advice requested, arrives in spades. Plenty of useful business advice. Includes tales of awesome local gaming stores and hives of scum villainy. But mostly scum. FLGS , original content , business , store , advice , game , gaming , advice 2011-05-04 8 14929409 Doppelganger Quest Bootleg IX The hiatus is over and the bootleg is back. The doppelganger considers joining a caravan, but eats a stable instead. Doppelganger , Doppelganger Damacy , Pathfinder , Quest 2011-05-15 6 June 2011 15237774 FLGS rivalry with not so FLGS part 2. OP follows up the previous thread with the latest tournament. Trolls get smacked and kindness is done. FLGS rivalry , 40k 2011-06-12 11 August 2011 15908737 A glimpse of old /tg/ A request for a book goes awry and transforms into a monstergirl fap thread. Discussions about old /tg/ are made. Nostalgia is had. fap , old , /tg/ , monstergirl , nostalgia 2011-08-12 22 September 2011 16222803 Nostalgia storytime Op was going through some old things, and felt a big ol' wave of fond nostalgia. larp , storytime , nostalgia 2011-09-08 8 December 2011 17054066 Kids in Gaming Fa/tg/uys exchange stories of their experiences with children and traditional gaming, both good and bad awesome , daww , flgs , kids , stories 2011-12-01 7 February 2012 17877454 Unity, Duty, Destiny-Bionicle general. Op makes a thread about making a Bionicle RPG.
What follows is a lengthy thread full of nostalgia, system building and general Bionicle fun. homebrew,bionicle,nostalgia,lego, 2012-02-10 12 17900321 Riddles and Rahi - Bionicle RPG Part Deux The second Bionicle RPG thread, in which levels are adjusted, dice are rolled and shit possibly gets done. bionicle , 2 , design , matoran , nostalgia 2012-02-12 5 17997042 Hilga's Shop of Curiosities Wherein many strange and mystical items are sold for outrageous prices. Hilga , shop , magic , items , adventurer 2012-02-18 11 March 2012 18435438 Zoid Quest WE MOLGA NOW. Also ace a lisence test and get a rival? Collective Game , Zoid Quest , Molga 2012-03-24 18 April 2012 18532801 Toonami April Fools Night A night to remember, /tg/ gathers around for nostalgia as it watches the April Fools Toonami line up of old shows on Adult Swim, nostalgia ensures. Toonami , fuck yea , nostalgia , manly tears , /tg/ 2012-04-01 31 18743633 Zoids quest part 5 Own some bandits, soo much loot. First team-battle in a few days (open challenge from the sand-strikers accepted). Kissing...lots of kissing.. MOLGA STRONG tactics stay STRONG. Collective Game , Zoids , Zoids Quest , MOLGA STRONG 2012-04-17 13 May 2012 19128969 Zoids Quest #13 MOLGA STRONG Tactics are used once again, and surprising backstory chatter is done. zoids quest , zoid mother , zoids , mecha,Collective Game MOLGA STRONG 2012-05-17 12 19243498 Zoids Quest: 14 We get started on finishing up our Red horn, help out a town by building a canal and smashing some rocks, try to fix the situation with Sarah and are evaded by some stealthy stoners. zoids quest , zoid mother , zoids , mecha,Collective Game , MOLGA STRONG 2012-05-26 7 August 2012 20127562 Hilga's Shop of Curiosities Pt. 2 Hilga returns once more to peddle her wares to willing adventurers. Hilga , shop , magic , items , adventurer 2012-08-02 4 20150253 /tg/ Remembrance Thread Discussing of post-4chan life, introspection, remembrance and nostalgia. nostalgia , meta , philosophy 2012-08-03 18 October 2012 21096309 Magical Burst Chargens Anon posts a helpful site that randomly generates magical girls. Much fun is had. Magical Girl Gilgamesh is born. Magical Burst , Chargen , Magical Girls , Gilgamesh 2012-10-14 12 21136546 Magical Girl Gilgamesh More work on turning the Epic of Gilgamesh into a story about underage magical lesbians is done. Magical Burst , Magical Girl , Gilgamesh , History 2012-10-17 11 21164570 Magical Girl Gilgamesh 2 Yet more work is done on making Gilgamesh into the little girl. Magical Burst , Magical Girl , Gilgamesh , History 2012-10-18 11 December 2012 21851801 Everyone Hates That Guy Mike OP tells the story of "That Guy Mike" and how after being invited to a Pathfinder game he proceeded to systematically make each person leave, each for a different reason! That Guy , Pathfinder , Storytime , game , writefag , mtg , magic , FLGS 2012-12-02 33 22301807 Lich's Employee Quest pt 22 Daniel goes and helps Rebecca in a court case, and sorts out some twisted laws. skeleton quest , collective game , court room , trial , lawyer , pilgrims , laws 2012-12-31 13 February 2013 23329622 Viral's Big Kickstarter Scam: Part 1 (The prequel) Act 2 defies any description viral , engine heart , free , robot , wall-e , kickstarter , print , flgs 2013-02-25 9 April 2013 23980235 Lesbian Schoolgirls: The RPG 2 First draft of rules PDF posted, suggestions and discussion follows. Game Ideas , Homebrew , Lesbian Schoolgirls , Yuru Yuri 2013-04-01 12 24453954 /tg/ gets shit done. Holy shit! Viral gets icons made for Engine Heart while the Kickstarter is building up to $10,000 and there's dice for everybody. Viral , Viralgames , Engine Heart , Robot , Robots , Kickstarter , KS , Dice , Icon , Icons , Symbol , Symbols 2013-04-28 6 May 2013 24768783 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 9 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And a Wizard. A proud new owner of a golden snake Illya named Gilgamesh. But more importantly, you're finally done shopping. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception , Gilgasnake 2013-05-12 26 June 2013 25574911 Meta Game Quest : Code Geass 3 Because the only thing better than bad anime is bad anime and That Guys Collective Game , Meta Game Quest , Insert just as planned joke here , metagaming is for faggots , I recognize that bulge 2013-06-22 10 July 2013 26253543 Freedom Fighting FLGS Owner A FLGS owner fights competitors, their addicts, and GW's trade agreement to provide us with low prices product. FLGS , StrikeForceGames 2013-07-27 11 August 2013 26506066 Coming Out In D&D Mom, Dad, I have a confession to make... lulz , d&d , wizard , monk , ranger , /tg/ , vampire , lgbt. gay , queer 2013-08-08 8 October 2013 27812454 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest Prologue The main conflict is established and we board the Lafayette Girls Academy ship. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , 2013-10-19 39 27864045 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #1 We get on the hunt for tanks and recruit a new crew. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , 2013-10-22 28 27935581 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #2 We get dicked over by Fredendall and recruit some more crews. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , 2013-10-26 23 27952511 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #3 We recruit another crew, raise some money, and have dinner. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-10-27 21 27971849 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #4 We find a new tank, run into trouble with the law, and start a thread late. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-10-28 21 November 2013 28053677 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #5 We go to school, raise some money at the club fair, and get shitposted. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-02 20 28068729 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #6 We make an interview without punching anybody, encounter the Ace tankers, and watch the BEST FUCKING MOVIE EVER. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-03 20 28087910 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #7 We encounter the Ace Tankers again, meet the Instructor, train, shower, and accidentally post in the wrong thread. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-04 15 28178021 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #8 We have run ins with Hall Monitors, get lost and find a new tank, and get banned from 4chan. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-09 16 28288778 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #9 We meet one of the Ace Tankers, become a play director, help build sets, and get unbanned from 4chan. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-15 20 28305893 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #10 We get dressed, get our head eaten off by some Ace tankers, get interviewed, meet a Film club, and do other stuff. Not necessarily in that order. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-16 14 28322668 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #11 We go to school, help a Freshmen learn how to swim, get our tanks fitted with judging equipment, and have dinner with Officer O'Hara Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-17 16 28340726 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #12 We flash Officer O'Hara, see some Swedish tanks, and get in our first mock battle. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-18 14 28436126 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #13 We get a new feature in the shop, have some auditions, then cry our eyes out. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-23 15 28454124 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #14 We learn some things about Heinlein Academy, practice some Tankery, refuse a bet, tickle our Kitten, and get banned from 4chan. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-24 14 28472360 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #15 We break up a fight, start on our history project, hold a strategy meeting, and keep on the sunny side. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-11-25 16 28506260 Polite Society Quest We have five men coming to kill us, and four bullets in our rifle. Polite Society Quest , Collective Game , Turban , Operator , Military , Algeria , Maxim 2013-11-27 36 December 2013 28581413 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #16 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Robert A. Heinlein Military Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-01 25 28600231 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #17 We get a girl into her club of choice, and that's it, because we got banned again. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-02 16 28619384 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #18 We wash some tanks, do some BUSINESS, and meet an old friend. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-03 11 28655350 Polite Society Quest 3 We escape the city and meet up with Rachim. Polite Society Quest , Collective Game , Turban , Operator , Military , Algeria , Maxim 2013-12-05 17 28676963 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #19 We advertise, goof off, do some tanks, and buy some swimsuits. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-06 14 28697005 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #20 We have a POOL PARTY! And that's it, filler episode. We also purchase a tank. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-07 11 28716743 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #21 We get mentioned in the news, make a deal with a Hall Monitor, practice more tanks, then end a thread early. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-08 12 28739779 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #22 Part 1 We play matchmaker, get some dresses, and our ensuing shitstorms cause a new thread to be created. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-09 14 28744513 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #22 Part 2 We start a new thread, Nancy visits us, and then laze around for a while. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-09 13 28839332 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #23 Homecoming! New people to meet and dances to be had! Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-14 11 28859703 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #24 Books are had, an Ace is recruited, we learn about the enemy, and we play World of Tanks. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-15 12 28860128 Polite Society Quest 5 Maliki is recovered. Polite Society 4 available on foolz. Polite Society Quest , Collective Game , Turban , Operator , Military , Algeria , Maxim 2013-12-15 14 28881199 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #25 We return to our studies, direct a play, get our hair cut, then almost burn our dorm down. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-16 11 28942664 Polite Society Quest 6 Maliki's contact is found. Polite Society Quest , Collective Game , Turban , Operator , Military , Algeria , Maxim 2013-12-19 12 28985424 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #26 We go to school, and practice some tanks, and Wendy tells us off. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-21 11 29003516 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #27 We immediately sell a tank, lay a foundation, learn some stuff about our Aces, and go shooting. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-22 11 29022453 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #28 We get in a 4v4 Flag match, get an A+ on a History paper, and read a COOKBOOK. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-23 11 29112195 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #29 We go to the Dentist, unlock a Loyalty Subquest, then travel to Dorset. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-28 11 29131533 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #30 “Have you heard this saying? This is a Jackdaw, my children, and I saw him attempt to sweep upon a great ram as an Eagle does. Remember that, because he would claim to be an Eagle.” Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-29 14 29151228 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #31 We go to the Rally, meet William Adams and Walter Christie, cameo some characters, and finally learn how to cook. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2013-12-30 13 January 2014 29256694 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #32 We do some get some BUSINESS done, both tanks and otherwise. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-04 11 29281102 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #33 We get rained out, practice tanks anyway, and help the injured, physically and emotionally. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-05 11 29295269 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #34 We get the band back together. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-06 14 29413628 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #35 We run the Pacer into the ground, practice with our tanks, and prepare for tomorrow. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-11 11 29437241 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #36 We rally up some pep and watch the Saunders vs. Walter Christie match. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-12 14 29463417 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #37 We meet the Girl Scouts of America and then have dinner with William Adams and Walter Christie. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-13 11 29583211 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #38 We visit a spa and Walter Christie. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-18 11 29606083 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #39 We get banned, Angelic takes over along with MachineSpirit, and along the way we find some planes. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-19 13 29753112 Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest #41 We wake up, shave our Kitty and go find planes. Then we get a surprise call. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-25 11 29777154 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #42 We deliver, we practice, and we drink and slumber. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-26 11 29802805 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #43 We plan for tomorrow. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-01-27 11 29811326 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #-- Holy shit what the hell is going on this is a crazyass dream Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , Don't , Lose , Your , Way 2014-01-27 20 February 2014 29925267 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #44 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. William Adams Naval Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-01 23 29934367 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #44 Part Two The immediate aftermath of the Lafayette Girls Academy versus William Adams match. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-01 11 29948152 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #45 We enjoy the last day of Shore Leave. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-02 11 29972120 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #46 We wear a scarf because it's cold, then work on some council business. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-03 21 30081522 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #47 We find Waldo, switch around a team, and practice. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-08 10 30102310 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #48 We get a surprise visitor. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-09 11 30124804 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #49 We watch the Kursk Girls versus Black Forest Peak match, our instructor leaves, and dress rehearsal occurs. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-10 11 30215954 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #50 We attend the play, Red Dawn: The Musical Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-14 11 30237559 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #51 We're welcomed to the jam, meet the Anime Club, and get a bit sick. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-15 11 30258049 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #52 We get some Questing done, and get even more sick. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-16 10 30280651 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #53 We are Carol "Kitten" Smith. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-17 12 30347627 The 90s Anon who grew up in the 90s asks /tg/ to help him design a setting set in the 90s. What follows is a discussion on 90s pop culture, music, movies, entertainment, and everything else. Warning, Nostalgia. The Archivist , homebrew , setting , worldbuilding , modern , 1990 , 90s , nineties , world building , nostalgia 2014-02-19 22 30392562 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #54 Our new instructor arrives, we get practice done, and we kick each other in the feet. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-22 10 30413563 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #55 We witness the aftermath of a successful panty raid, then travel aboard the Venture. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-23 10 30436017 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #56 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Saunders High School Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-02-24 21 30447299 girl gamer looking for group Anon post a flyer he found at his FLGS. Other anons join in to share stories both amusing and horrifying. There is also some discussion about just HOW and WHY people could sperg out this hard. FLGS , LGS , horror , neckbeard , autist , girl gamer , gurl gaymer , nerd , geek , nerd girl , nerdlings , pop culture , culture , 2014-02-24 16 March 2014 30547299 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #57 We repair our tanks, learn to read the map, plan the match, then pray for tomorrow. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-01 10 30568762 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #58 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-02 22 30589779 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #59 We return to LGA and celebrate Kitten's birthday. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-03 13 30693380 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #60 We go to school, then try and Stand and Deliver. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-08 11 30712114 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #61 We practice the tanks, receive our gift from Black Forest Peak, then study harder. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-09 15 30734466 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #62 We make some money and recruit and other things. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-10 10 30833889 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #63 We celebrate Halloween aboard LGA. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-15 11 30852652 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #64 We earn the loyalty of a crew. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-16 11 30873176 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #65 We go camping innawoods. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-17 12 30975202 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #66 We earn some more loyalty and spend the day with Bernadette F. Fairless. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-22 11 30982807 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #--- fuck i should not be QMing i'm so tired so sleepy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , Don't , Lose , Your , Way , NUDIST , BEACH 2014-03-22 12 30998257 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #67 We get our physicals and do some council business. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-23 10 31019248 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #68 We do the midterms, practice, and debate. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-24 10 31082498 Philosophy of Donut Justice 'Why not paladin' thread, derailed into donut-based explanations of philosophy Donut , philosophy , paladin , derail , LG 2014-03-26 5 31120369 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #69 We spend some time with Bernadette Fairless after school and catch the Domino Lady. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-29 11 31140088 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #70 We practice our tanks again and prepare for a visit from Black Forest Peak. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-30 11 31161012 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #71 We get a visit from Black Forest Peak and travel all the way to Spain. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-03-31 10 April 2014 31260296 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #72 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Chi-Ha-Tan Women's Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-04-05 21 31279383 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #73 We visit Black Forest Peak, shoot the shit with Bernadette Fairless and Elouise Buchalter, and try to do yoga again. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-04-06 11 31271134 How to Avoid a Boss Fight in Dark Heresy Anon tells the story of how attempting to talk his way out of a boss fight landed him a daemonette girlfriend. Additional storytime follows. Dark Heresy , Storytime , Story , Time , Warhammer , 40k , daemonette , Scott Pilgrim 2014-04-06 5 31693332 Skullgirls Quest We take a short trip into the world of Skullgirls, following a robot-controlling nerd named Natalie on her quest to find the Skull Heart. Skullgirls , Skullgirls Quest , Collective Game , drawquest 2014-04-25 5 31709362 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #74 We leak nudes, get our grades, earn loyalty, operate, and repair tanks. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-04-26 14 31733223 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #75 We read smut, play Halo, practice tanks, find a book, and build a (small) tank. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-04-27 12 May 2014 31889199 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #76 We swim, comment on relationships, get wrecked in the boxing ring, and have dinner with an Ace. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-04 10 31912991 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #77 We pelt Fredendall with snow, practice tanks, review the exchange students, work on some sponsorships, then learn how awesome a kotatsu is. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-05 10 32018858 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #78 We do our part as good citizens and vote and assist in firefighting duties. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-10 13 32039547 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #79 We fix up things in the aftermath of the fire. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-11 11 32061103 /tg/ scanlates Orc&Elf comic, derailment ensues /tg/ being /tg/, after /a/ turned out to be unproductive. Scanlation, interpretation and maggot-infested vaginas. derail , elf , orc , comic , doujinshi , doctors feeling physically ill , nostalgia 2014-05-11 32 32063502 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #80 We raise funds and go on a date with a surprise visitor. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-12 10 32182624 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #81 We get Council Business done and bunk with Bernadette Fairless. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-18 10 32201686 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #82 We wake up with Bernadette Fairless, fix the tanks, practice with them, and sleep with Kitten. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-19 11 32308517 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #83 We introduce the Japanese Girls and work on some loyalty. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-24 10 32331944 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #84 We practice with our tanks, resolve a small feud, and head on the way to Australia. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-25 10 32353820 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #85 We plan for the Match and camp out. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-05-26 10 June 2014 32483140 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #86 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Pravda High School Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-01 21 32508319 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #87 We arrive back home and earn more loyalty. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-02 10 32612207 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #88 We recruit the 20th Crew and return home. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-07 10 32634606 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #89 We see some classic cars, practice with some of our crews, and get kissed by Bernadette Fairless. (On the cheek). Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-08 10 32757625 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #90 We meet Jo Ekins. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-14 10 32779873 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #90.5 We are Ramirez. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-15 11 32801428 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #91 We celebrate Thanksgiving. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-16 12 32900135 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #92 We jog, watch Crimson Skies, and try some team building exercises. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-21 10 32921850 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #93 We watch Saint Gloriana versus Kursk and then sing the Star Spangled Banner. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-22 10 32940310 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #94 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Anzio Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-23 21 33044345 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #95 We work and strut our stuff. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-28 10 33086261 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #96 We practice tanks, work on the Pep Rally, promote a new Officer, watch the Nations of the World argue, and sleep with Bernadette Fairless. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-06-30 12 July 2014 33186152 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #97 We practice the tanks, make up some work, and Kitten learns how to draw an owl. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-05 10 33208069 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #98 We work on tanks, practice with them, then drive them into ditches innawoods. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-06 10 33229859 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #99 Part One We wrestle Clara Savage, plan for the match, work on the Pep Rally, and head to Dinner. And work on starting a new thread. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-07 10 33237880 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #99 Part Two We arm wrestle with Oryola Kuznetsov, talk to Francis Dales for once, and head onto the match. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-07 10 33337116 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #100 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Konigsberg Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-12 22 33359105 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #101 We defeat Clara Savage and brainstorm for a play. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-13 11 33381005 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #102 We write, practice, resolve, and read. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-14 11 33493340 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #103 We are a Naval Studies Student for the day, then help some people get over things. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-19 10 33516564 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #104 We work, get into a snowball fight, and buy a pencil for Clara Savage. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-20 11 33652100 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #105 Part One We work, finish a script, work with the Magicians, and start a new thread. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-26 10 33661051 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #105 Part Two Things happen. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-26 11 33660810 High Mortality Party Storytime The most convoluted dark heresy origin story ever and a few more lighthearted stories. Dark heresy , Only War , Shoggy , Storytime , Mortality , Deaths , DnD , Tulip , Shane , Tommy , Troll Fucker , Volg , Paradox , Death 2014-07-26 110 33676193 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #106 More things happen, school rally Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-27 10 33683798 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #106 Part Two We practice, earn the loyalty of others, then head to bed with the girls. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-07-27 10 August 2014 33821963 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #107 Part One Winter Ball Happens Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-08-02 11 33845290 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #107 Part Two and #108 We have a duel with an Ace and learn a little from her. We also finish off the Winter Ball. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-08-03 11 34159785 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #109 We train with Black Forest Peak. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-08-16 10 34208829 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #110 We boost the spirits of our crews and get ready for Freddy. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-08-18 10 34484732 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #111 Part 1 We dig a few holes, teach some math, and then begin recording animation. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-08-30 10 September 2014 34677021 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #112 We practice with Oryola Kuznetsov. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-09-07 10 34700029 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #113 We work for tomorrow. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-09-08 11 34838515 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #114 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Ooarai Girls Academy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-09-14 21 34862630 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest Epilogue The main conflict is finished and we save Lafayette Girls Academy ship. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-09-15 39 October 2014 35821782 Jackles and the Blind Seer Loli /tg/ at its finest, going from FLGS That Guys to the Blind Seer Sharpshooter Loli to french gaming to the Jackless to legal ages to fuck to meta-talk. /tg/ , jackless , cult , blind , seer , loli , sharpshooter , That Guy , FLGS , legal , fuck , sex , meta , 4chan , wtf 2014-10-29 6 November 2014 36113764 slutty mcslut nostalgia an anon asks for some stats for slutty mcslut nostalgia (and after over 24 hours stats) ensue nostalgia , stat me , forkheads 2014-11-14 10 December 2014 37033413 Leviathan Quest 1 you come to your senses as black goo and go on to take over sam and find yourself in the amalgam of marvel movieverse and comics marvel , Dick Roman , collective game , quest , Arceus Exalted , Supernatural , Leviathan , Black goo , shapeshifter , doppelganger , comic , avengers , mutant 2014-12-29 0 37088733 Girls und Panzer: LGA Quest - New Years We celebrate the New Year. Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks, 2014-12-31 16 March 2015 38616336 Primarch Thread, Be everyone Be Primarch
The shit you put up with... Rogal Dorn , Primarch , Fulgrim , Greentext , Kharn , Warhammer 40k , Humor 2015-03-13 11 38753465 Extranatural Consultant Quest A pair of Extranatural Consultants get a case about a series of accidents involving ice sculptors and no cold puns are made. Collective Game , Extranatural Consultant Quest , Modern Fantasy , Mystery , MagicalGrill 2015-03-17 7 38771852 Extranatural Consultant Quest 2 Interviews are held under disguise and some history is revealed about the suspects in this mystery, a cold pun is finally made. Collective Game , Extranatural Consultant Quest , Modern Fantasy , Mystery , MagicalGrill 2015-03-18 6 April 2015 39051232 Galge Quest 1 Our protagonist wakes up in anime land, kisses his childhood friend, pisses off the ojou-sama, finds out the transfer student is half-yokai, and enlists the aid of the chuuni in escaping from this realm of terror. Collective Game , 72oOCCJ1 , Galge Quest 2015-04-01 6 39134729 Galge Quest 2 Our hero has a flashback with his childhood friend, kisses the tsundere ojou-sama, and gets the shit kicked out of him by transfer student's dad. Collective Game , 72oOCCJ1 , Galge Quest 2015-04-05 2 39200607 Galge Quest 3 We accidentally marry Natsuki and Aiko becomes an angel?! Collective Game , 72oOCCJ1 , Galge Quest 2015-04-08 4 39241090 Galge Quest 4 Natsuki kills Minato's father for being Illuminati, Aiko tries to seduce the MC, and Yuki's parents approve of him. Collective Game , 72oOCCJ1 , Galge Quest 2015-04-10 2 39344956 Galge Quest 5 Protagonist deflowers Natsuki and Minato, comedy ensues. Collective Game , 72oOCCJ1 , Galge Quest 2015-04-15 1 39385063 Galge Quest 6 Players do some really stupid shit and die. Collective Game , 72oOCCJ1 , Galge Quest 2015-04-17 -9 July 2015 41083331 Of angel ruled kingdoms Anon asks what would be the repercussion of having a kingdom being ruled by a Lawful Good solar angel, /tg/ discusses. angel , funny , LG , setting , solar , trap 2015-07-15 3 October 2015 43247321 Skull-Mask Monster Species Worldbuilding OP posts a picture of a weird creature and asks /tg/ for ideas for backstory. Interesting wordbuilding and sentient mystical hivemind algae result. species , monster , worldbuilding , skull , mask , ghosts , sentient mystical hivemind algae, 2015-10-25 1 November 2015 43562585 Bionicle Homebrew /tg/ has a long talk about Bionicle Lore and decides to start making a RPG system for it. Bionicle , Homebrew , Nostalgia 2015-11-10 11 January 2016 44551658 Wendigos and were to find them. Anon got books on wendigos for Christmas and shares their incite. Also Wendigo Apocalypse setting. Wendigo Information , Apocalypse , Algonquian Legends , Indian Lore 2016-01-06 10 44822405 Pokemon Quest #128 We fight Registeel, Delmer in his new form, and even encounter Dialga Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Registeel , Dialga 2016-01-17 21 February 2016 45659526 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 In which we arrive on board LGA, receive our first salute, a couple hunna bucks, and take a look at some tanks. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-02-27 25 45679305 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #1 In which we go to the club fair and meet some members of the crew. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-02-28 15 March 2016 45799778 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #2 In which we drive around a Centaur and have a picnic. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-05 12 45819157 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #3 In which we have our first practice battle. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-06 13 45944160 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #4 In which we learn more about Kursk and Ingrid and find a place to buy parts. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-12 11 45988195 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #5 In which we buy things. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-14 10 46095698 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #6 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Kursk Girls Boarding School (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-19 10 46116943 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #7 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Kursk Girls Boarding School (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-20 11 46246771 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #8 In which we embark on our first job. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-03-26 11 April 2016 46438168 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #9 In which we get wet and we dump more money into things. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-04 10 46545350 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #10 In which we attend to the Captain's needs and go on adventure below decks. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-09 8 46566610 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #11 In which we go to the pool. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-10 11 46692889 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #12 In which we search rooms, cook lunch, and get ready for the Gagetown set. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-16 8 46837986 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #13 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Camp Gagetown (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-23 11 46859660 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #14 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Camp Gagetown (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-24 10 46985667 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #15 In which we find a tank and need to find an engine. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-04-30 10 May 2016 47023281 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #16 In which we get a personal assistant and build some strength. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-02 10 47117653 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #17 In which we polish a statue and get firearms training. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-07 9 47135124 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #18 In which we get promoted and get painted GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-08 11 47152627 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #19 In which we meet Perrine Hobart and Commission Durocher. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-09 11 47234963 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #20 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Robert A. Heinlein Military Academy (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-14 11 47253044 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #21 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Robert A. Heinlein Military Academy (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-15 11 47354819 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #22 In which we get our personal office and investigate a mystery. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-21 11 47371709 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #23 In which we meet the Griffiths GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-22 11 47389604 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #24 In which we spend a day having fun. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-05-23 11 June 2016 47592870 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #25 In which we spend a lot of money and get pelted with paint again. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-06-04 11 47628442 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #26 In which we celebrate the 3rd of July. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-06-06 11 47822042 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #27 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. George Washington Military Academy (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-06-18 11 47858092 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #28 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. George Washington Military Academy (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-06-20 10 July 2016 48077222 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #29 In which we start becoming a celebrity and start camping. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-03 11 48194069 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #30 In which we gain a new retinue member and learn some maneuvers. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-10 8 48210450 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #31 In which we recruit a new crew. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-11 9 48308598 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #32 In which we experiment with fashion and run out in full kit. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-17 11 48323896 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #33 In which we take a lot of pictures and plan for tomorrow. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-18 11 48396710 Evolution Game We start with 3 basic creatures and evolve them, the results - as always - are horrific. evolution , Collective Game , Dimos , Scrump , Elget 2016-07-25 2 48537162 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #34 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Sherbrooke Girls High School (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-07-31 12 August 2016 48554175 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #35 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Sherbrooke Girls High School (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-08-01 11 404486 Fantasy Civ Quest 9 - Civ Bulgar The Orcish invasion is repelled with allied help, and duels are held to determine rank and titles Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-08-01 29 420150 Fantasy Civ Quest 10 - Civ Bulgar Memes are born, horse pussy is acquired, and elf succ begins to spell trouble for all of Roggar Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-08-11 14 427058 Fantasy Civ Quest 11 - Civ Bulgar Civil war descends upon Roggar, and the land is ripped apart by internal strife, culminating in the fall of Paitras and Nayte Collective game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-08-11 10 437084 Fantasy Civ Quest 12 - Civ Bulgar Roggar begins to heal from the war, and new factions being to emerge from the ashes, and a portal to hell is opened and explored Collective game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-08-11 10 48776101 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #36 In which we recruit a new crew. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-08-14 11 48918864 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #37 In which we learn a new tactical maneuver, greet some visitors, and spray each other with water. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-08-22 10 462982 Fantasy Civ Quest 13 - Civ Bulgar In this thread we get a new king and they promptly get killed. Collective game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-08-22 6 457859 Fantasy Civ Quest 14 - Civ Bulgar NOTE: Misarchival, this is actually thread 13, and the one that says thread 13 is actually thread 14. Collective game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-08-22 5 473180 Fantasy Civ Quest 15 - Civ Bulgar Dragons attack which may or may not be our fault, and several faction leaders die in the battle. Collective game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-08-22 7 49023957 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #38 In which we learn a horrifying secret and hang around with Jeep Jockey a bit. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-08-28 12 49043182 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #39 In which we discipline an entire shift and unlock a loyalty quest. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-08-29 10 September 2016 537029 Fantasy Civ Quest 17 - Civ Bulgar We get visited by a Mysterious northern warrior, we build a colosseum and we elect a new king. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-09-10 5 550571 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #40 GuP moves to Quest GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-09-11 10 556889 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #41 The NATO Team vs. the ITL Team GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-09-12 10 549843 Fantasy Civ Quest 18 - Civ Bulgar War in the south and a /comfy/ expedition into the barbarian lands Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-09-13 5 565376 Fantasy Civ Quest 19 - Civ Bulgar We fight in the Barbarian Crusades and by the end 4 kings are dead alongside 2 ice dragons, we hold a contest for a new king Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-09-16 7 591586 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #42 In which we have a Tank Exhibition Fair GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-09-19 10 579331 Fantasy Civ Quest 20 - Civ Bulgar adventures in the east, a wedding that will not be forgotten and the rise of a new threat? Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-09-19 6 619037 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #43 In which everyone but you is sick. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-09-25 7 625320 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #44 In which we're a little sick. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-09-26 7 601894 Fantasy Civ Quest 21 - Civ Bulgar We meet the Earth Titan near Threemine, a bloody wedding leaves us with many questions that are not fully answered by our investigation. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-09-27 5 October 2016 631601 Fantasy Civ Quest 22 - Civ Bulgar Necromancy goes public, new dangers emerge, we wage a successful war against the Barbarian King. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-10-07 5 676908 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #45 In which we help Stack GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-09 6 681490 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #46 In which we get to know the retinue a bit more and realize we're bad at video games. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-10 10 672493 Fantasy Civ Quest 23 - Civ Bulgar We fight a demonic incursion yet again, just barely avoid civil war and make reforms for the betterment of the Kingdom. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-10-14 5 704978 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #47 In which we duel the Roberts sisters. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-16 11 699880 Fantasy Civ Quest 24 - Civ Bulgar The Great Northern Crusade is fought and the Alliance secures a decisive victory. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-10-16 5 710437 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #48 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Hugo Gernsback School for the Arts (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-17 9 709890 Fantasy Civ Quest 25 - Civ Bulgar We go on a great Dragon Hunt against the Ice Dragons and an exploratory adventure south, into the lands of Zhongian. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-10-21 2 737279 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #49 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Hugo Gernsback School for the Arts (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-23 6 742775 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #50 In which we start the week long Expansion and get a new Loyalty Quest. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-24 6 732111 Fantasy Civ Quest 26 - Civ Bulgar A brutal plague is followed by a devastating civil war and two foreign invasions - Roggar loses its independence. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-10-28 2 764799 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #51 In which we start plugging a hole and start mending some fences. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-30 6 771058 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #52 In which we talk with Iris a bit and remember something we forgot. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-10-31 6 November 2016 776242 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #?? the fuck is going on GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest , War of the Worlds 2016-11-01 6 759951 Fantasy Civ Quest 27 - Civ Bulgar After the devastating war, Roggar enters a Golden Age as part of the growing Holy Pantheonic Empire. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-11-04 2 792920 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #53 In which we discover something below LGA and find out who our new sponsor is. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-06 5 798696 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #54 In which we spend the day with Winona. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-07 6 787563 Fantasy Civ Quest 28 - Civ Bulgar We still rule the Empire. We launch an invasion of the North that ultimately fails, but we manage to later take over the New Ogre Haven. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-11-11 2 814567 Fantasy Civ Quest 29 - Civ Bulgar Building up our nation and going on expeditions and adventures in the south Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-11-18 2 846933 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #55 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Candido Mariano Da Silva Rondon University(ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-20 6 851887 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #56 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Candido Mariano Da Silva Rondon University(FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-21 6 870791 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #57 In which we dig our way out of some financial trouble. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-27 8 842033 Fantasy Civ Quest 30 - Civ Bulgar A devastating plague, followed by a crusade to the demonic Ashlands Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-11-27 2 875854 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #58 In which we meet a spy in our midst. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-11-28 8 855591 Fantasy Civ Quest ep.31 An world war erupts as the HPE invades Ezirin, and then gets invaded by the Norse and Zhong. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-11-29 2 December 2016 875698 Fantasy Civ Quest 32 - Civ Bulgar The great war ends, devastating both the Empire and its enemies - an Ice Titan awakens in the North and the Dark Age begins Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-12-03 2 897334 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #59 In which we grab our first Unlimited Tankery chassis. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2016-12-04 7 892645 Fantasy Civ Quest 33 - Civ Bulgar We wage the Second Northern Crusade and battle the Ice Titan Frostfangs. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-12-09 1 905953 Fantasy Civ Quest 34 - Civ Bulgar After the success of our crusade we peacefully advance, engage in diplomacy and watch a changing world
Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-12-09 1 919566 Fantasy Civ Quest 35 - Civ Bulgar We elect our first ruling Queen, conquer some land from the Zhongi and fight against Father Mountain Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2016-12-18 1 948302 A Cold Common Quest: Chapter 1 Join young Wilge in his new life as a Nature magician in a very cold world. A new beginning! drawquest , fun , Wilge , Nature , fantasy , Magic , dumb , glorious , Collective Game 2016-12-20 3 January 2017 1001659 Fantasy Civ Quest 37 - Civ Bulgar The Fourth Barbarian War is bloody as we fight The Mighty yet again.
NOTICE, thread 36 can be found in the pastebin.
Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-01-08 1 1019024 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #60 In which we return from a long break. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-08 8 1023221 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #61 In which we build up more of Winona's tank. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-09 5 1019001 A Cold Common Quest: Chapter 2 Join young Wilge in his new life as a Nature magician in a very cold world. Vs. Fist Magicians! drawquest , fun , Wilge , Nature , fantasy , Magic , dumb , glorious , Collective Game 2017-01-10 1 1018643 Fantasy Civ Quest 38 - Civ Bulgar The Dwarven Age is upon us, we fight pirates and help the Akeshisu reclaim independence. Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-01-14 2 1044515 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #62 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Glenn Curtiss School of Engineering and Technology (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-16 7 1048901 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #63 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Glenn Curtiss School of Engineering and Technology (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-16 6 1073592 A Cold Common Quest: Chapter 3? Join young Wilge in his new life as a Nature magician in a very cold world. The Non-episode. drawquest , fun , Wilge , Nature , fantasy , Magic , dumb , glorious , Collective Game 2017-01-22 1 1038698 Fantasy Civ Quest 39 - Civ Bulgar We fight the Rat Plague, meet a new Empire and journey to Hajatas. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2017-01-22 4 1072876 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #64 In which we do a lot of subquesting. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-22 5 1077485 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #65 In which the players refuse to let me go to sleep. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-23 5 1099254 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #66 In which we clear things up. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-30 6 1105798 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #67 In which we talk about dreams and tradition. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-01-30 6 February 2017 1085035 Fantasy Civ Quest 40 - Civ Bulgar Soviet tactics, PTSD and the spread of lizlam. Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-02-01 2 1127272 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #68 In which our parents arrive. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-02-06 5 1132877 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #69 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-02-06 6 1116254 Fantasy Civ Quest 41 - Civ Bulgar We recover from the horrible war and obtain blackpowder and plate armor. Collective Game,Fantasy,Civ,Civ Bulgar 2017-02-11 5 1156060 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #70 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-02-14 8 1173693 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #71 In which we welcome the newcomers. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-02-20 6 1179395 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #72 In which we dance and sling mud. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-02-20 5 1167504 Fantasy Civ Quest 42 - Civ Bulgar Some infected werehyenas save Alex Jones who gets hunted down by Darth Vader god edition and then we escape and he is revealed to be Conan. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2017-02-20 5 March 2017 1184405 Fantasy Civ Quest 43 - Civ Bulgar Blackpill dropped,A legend dies and we fight at Stalingrad. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2017-03-02 1 1229759 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #73 In which we earn a girl's loyalty. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-07 5 1233190 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #74 In which we practice and that's about it. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-07 6 1226342 Fantasy Civ Quest 44 - Civ Bulgar The war comes to a close, but the thread is archived too soon. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2017-03-15 1 1278735 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #75 In which a rival becomes a friend. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-20 6 1283898 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #76 In which we help Jeep Jockey train. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-20 6 1260573 Fantasy Civ Quest 45 - Civ Bulgar The final battle, the post-war, chess, new threats and trippy Hajatas journeys. Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2017-03-23 1 1301716 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #77 In which we spend a day with Josephina. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-28 5 1304908 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #78 In which we welcome more tankers to LGA. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-03-28 5 April 2017 1324330 Girls Und Volksport: Lafayette Girls Academy #162 In which Ingrid pitches the game of her life. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest , Baseball , April Fools 2017-04-05 5 1328711 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #79 In which we have a spar with Mei. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-04-05 6 1352336 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #80 In which someone gets arrested and Elodie is proposed to. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-04-12 8 1299043 Fantasy Civ Quest 46 - Civ Bulgar Recovery from the war is halted by plague and civil war, followed by a Roggarian becoming Empress Collective Game , Fantasy , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2017-04-14 1 1323869 Fantasy Civ Quest 47 - Civ Bulgar Empress Wave plays 4d chess, proxy wars and a New World Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-04-14 1 1371367 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #81 In which we strike gold. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-04-20 7 52841660 Army Men Nostalgia Op wondered what a War game set in the universe would be like nostalgia ensues. Army Men , Nostalgia , Videogames , vidya 2017-04-24 3 1389313 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #82 In which a boy goes flying. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-04-27 5 1393519 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #83 The All-Star Game GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-04-27 7 May 2017 53132945 Awakening Thread 1 We think up a setting where demons are commonplace for humans and are more like moths to magic. Awakening , Setting , Amalgam , Demon , Familiar 2017-05-10 6 1432930 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #84 In which we have a day learning things from other commanders. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-05-11 6 1432630 Fantasy Civ Quest 48 - Civ Bulgar We explore the west to find a new continent and race, host a Grand Tournament and receive a prophecy. Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-05-18 2 1478801 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #84 In which we try to reunite the crew of Thaddeus. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-05-25 6 1482246 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #86 In which we help Athena and Tessa get back on the team. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-05-25 7 1476026 Fantasy Civ Quest 49 - Civ Bulgar The turn of the 9th century and more 4d chess. Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-05-26 1 June 2017 1608517 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #87 In which we learn to DEUS VULT GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-06-30 5 1612319 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #88 In which we meet Ingrid's mother. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-06-30 6 July 2017 1632791 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #89 In which we go to a ball. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-07-08 5 1650550 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #90 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Joan D'Orleans Women's Academy GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-07-15 5 1663472 Anime Delinquent Thread #1 From humble beginnings on a rooftop, the journey to become the strongest, least-assholey delinquent begins. Anime Delinquent Quest , Collective Game , PrincipalGM 2017-07-15 15 1682993 Anime Delinquent Thread #2 The journey continues. Chie fights a New Challenger, we meet our mother, get in some good cardio, and meet a familiar face. Anime Delinquent Quest , Collective Game , PrincipalGM 2017-07-21 10 1670023 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #91 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Joan D'Orleans Women's Academy (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-07-22 5 1708655 Anime Delinquent Thread #3 After a Perfectly Normal trip to the store, we bring Takashi home with us, severely piss off Chie, and learn about our mysterious father. Anime Delinquent Quest , Collective Game , PrincipalGM, 2017-07-27 10 August 2017 1733679 Anime Delinquent Thread #4 Starting with testing gone awry, a vaguely familiar face returns, we get challenged to a fight, and Chie learns the power of friendship. Anime Delinquent Quest , Collective Game , PrincipalGM 2017-08-05 9 1712692 Fantasy Civ Quest 54- Civ Bulgar We meet with a Zhongi general, save prisoners from captivity and enjoy some comfy events.(Thread 50-53 can be found in the pastebin) Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-08-07 1 1759252 Anime Delinquent Quest Fighting a woman sends shivers down the spine. Because she's a Snow Woman. Yay. Anime Delinquent Quest , Collective Game , PrincipalGM 2017-08-17 7 1777877 Anime Delinquent Quest 6 Oue best friends little sister forms a diabolical plot for her brother. And we meet the principal Anime Delinquent quest , Collective Game , PrincipalGM 2017-08-19 6 1759454 Fantasy Civ Quest 55- Civ Bulgar Battle of the Necropolis, Badlands Blitz and Big reveals at the peace talks. Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-08-19 1 1788959 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #92 In which we give our parents a visit. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-08-26 5 September 2017 1795926 Fantasy Civ Quest 56- Civ Bulgar A change in leadership, the war shifts to the west, an expedition to Hajatas begins. Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-09-02 1 1809366 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #93 In which we learn an awful truth. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-09-04 5 1820470 Skullgirls quest #1, A Gigan with a mission Our protagonist is sent on a mission from Gilgamesh himself to hunt down the Skullgirl and get's tangled up in it's colorful cast! Skullgirls quest , 2017-09-05 1 1832648 Fantasy Civ Quest 57- Civ Bulgar Continued expedition in Kamborash and a great battle for Gobbotopia. Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-09-18 1 1855066 Skullgirls quest. Our favorite Gigan hunts down a regenerating cat lady, almost gets killed by an egyptian queen and finally puts beowulf on the chopping bloc skullgirls , skull , 2017-09-21 2 1894209 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #94 In which we spend a little more time with Ingrid. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-09-30 5 1867786 Fantasy Civ Quest 58- Civ Bulgar Resolution in Zhongian and a perspective on the Eagle front.Fall of a God. Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-09-30 1 October 2017 1917395 Fantasy Civ Quest 59- Civ Bulgar A campaign of raids against priority targets is launched. A madman goes out with a blast. Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-10-07 2 1944729 Fantasy Civ Quest 60 - Civ Bulgar Lion King, blackpills, climatic battle and fateful meeting at world's end. Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-10-19 2 1994276 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #95 In which we give a classroom lecture. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-10-26 5 November 2017 1985751 Fantasy Civ Quest 61 - Civ Bulgar Journey through the Afterlife and, at last, The End. Collective Game , Civ , Fantasy , Civ Bulgar 2017-11-02 11 2039989 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #97 In which we spy on Zhou Enlai. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-11-11 5 56291640 comfy art that takes you back to those days nostalgia thread nostalgia , comfy , art , tg , age of wonders 2017-11-12 5 2080568 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #97 (Part One) Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics. (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-11-25 5 December 2017 2116362 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #97 (Part Two) Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics. (ELIMINATION) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2017-12-11 5 January 2018 2226349 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #98 (Part One) Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics. (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-01-20 5 2245458 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #98 (Part Two) Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics. (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-01-31 5 2262492 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #98 (Part One) Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics. (FLAG) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-01-31 5 February 2018 2298311 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #98 In which we spend some time with the boyfriend. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-02-18 5 2319140 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #100 In which some stuff gets broken. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-02-26 5 March 2018 2355921 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #101 In which Ingrid's loyalty is earned. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-03-11 5 2395724 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #102 In which Winona is a little sick and we welcome a new crew. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-03-26 6 2414295 Titanic Tournament Quest Part 1 Rickert Volgunsen, bitter super soldier enters a giant robot tournament, makes a friend, and kills a kaiju Titan , Tournament , Rickert , Algol , Kaiju 2018-03-29 5 April 2018 2414402 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #103 In which we spend some time with Miss Dillon. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-04-02 5 2406275 Skyfallen Civ Quest #1 A race is chosen, a region is settled, ears grow sharp. Two tribes of the Folk of Heaven unite into a Kingdom and factions begin to emerge. Collective game , Skyfallen , Civ , Civ Bulgar 2018-04-03 5 2434434 Titanic Tournament Quest Part 2 Rickert Returns punishes an asshole pilot and hangs out with his friends Titan , Tournament , Rickert , Algol , Kaiju 2018-04-04 5 2434678 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #104 In which we meet Josephina's parents. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-04-08 5 2461822 Titanic Tournament Quest Part 3 The second match of the tournament begins and Rickert kicks some serious ass, and then works on some of his social issues Titan , Tournament , Rickert , Algol , Kaiju 2018-04-14 3 2478288 Titanic Tournament Quest Part 4 Rickert kills another rampaging titan, wins a boxing match with a kaiju, and single handedly destroys a space fortress for decent payday. Titan , Tournament , Rickert , Algol , Kaiju 2018-04-20 3 2493272 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #105 In which we try to convince Josephina's parents that tanks are fun. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-04-30 5 May 2018 2511348 Titanic Tournament Quest Part 5 Rickert experiences flashbacks to his time during the war, and kills a member of the noble family he reallr really hates. Titan , Tournament , Rickert , Algol , Kaiju 2018-05-04 4 2555638 Titanic Tournament Quest Part 6 Rickert makes progress with his personal demons, and then faces off against Grimmly during the third match. Titan , Tournament , Rickert , Algol , Kaiju 2018-05-16 4 2556159 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #106 In which we learn the postseason seedings and spend the day with Iris. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-05-20 4 June 2018 2593959 Titanic Tournament Quest #8 Rickert celebrates his victory in the 3rd match by having a small party and then a hunting trip. Titan , Tournament , Rickert , Algol , Kaiju 2018-06-01 2 2594156 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #107 In which we show Josephina's Mom some Tankery. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-06-06 2 2614247 Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #108 In which we spend some time with Oryola GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-06-12 3 2634836 Titanic Tournament Quest #8 (the actual 8th thread) After the big hunt Rickert takes some time off to race, drink, and remember some of his earlier days before looking for work. Titan , Tournament , Rickert , Algol , Kaiju 2018-06-16 2 July 2018 2672775 Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #108 In which we give a lecture. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-07-01 2 2692373 Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #110 In which Jeep Jockey arrives. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-07-11 2 2728218 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #111 In which Elodie does this and that. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-07-23 3 August 2018 2747889 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #112 In which a certain someone arrives. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-08-02 2 2782573 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #113 The last day. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-08-18 2 2815856 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #114 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Camp Gagetown GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-08-28 3 September 2018 2870527 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #115 In which we spend a day relaxing before the match with JWC. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-09-17 3 October 2018 2929894 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #116 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-10-11 4 2968703 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #116 Part Two Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-10-27 3 November 2018 3003878 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #116 Part Three Lafayette Girls Academy vs. J. Walter Christie Polytechnical Institute GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-11-05 3 3038813 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #117 In which the rules change. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-11-23 2 December 2018 3065861 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #118 In which we get some help. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-12-09 2 3095945 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #119 The match begins. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2018-12-22 2 January 2019 3140129 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #120 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics (PART ONE) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-01-07 5 3173070 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #121 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics (PART TWO) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-01-24 2 February 2019 3226528 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #122 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics (PART THREE) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-02-11 2 3247038 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #123 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics (PART FOUR) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-02-13 2 March 2019 3289473 Revival civ #1 We pick a nation and get wiped quickly, so we pick a new one instead. Ancap, anprim, pagan slavs fight vikongs and encounter monotheism. Collective Game , Civ , Revival , Civ Bulgar 2019-03-09 5 3310580 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2 #124 Lafayette Girls Academy vs. Zhou Enlai School of Business and Economics (PART FIVE) GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-03-10 2 3337683 Bio Armored Titan 1: Heroes Rise Again We select our armor and get to know how to use it somewhat before finding out that Gilgamesh is a pacifistic pussy. Cut short by GM retard. Bio Armored Titan , Biotech , Alien Invasion , Not Earth , Mr.C , Collective Game , That Warrior is totally coming back , Titan Gilgamesh 2019-03-17 2 3353948 Girls Und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2: Epilogue In which we say goodbye. GuP , Girls und Panzer , LGA , Collective Game , GuP:LGA2 Quest 2019-03-18 5 3332331 Revival civ #2 Dvoreshka expands southwards, builds its navy and has inner conflict behind the scenes Collective Game , Civ , Revival , Civ Bulgar 2019-03-22 3 April 2019 3367990 Revival civ #3 After a failed invasion of Dabar, political and religious tensions finally reach a breaking point and civil war breaks out. Collective Game , Civ , Revival , Civ Bulgar 2019-04-04 2 3437789 Revival Civ #5 After the Civil War, Dvoreshka licks it's wounds, but an unexpected threat comes in the guise of an old name from the North Collective Game , Civ , Revival , Civ Bulgar 2019-04-28 1 May 2019 66143666 The Fading Sea /tg/ creates and fluffs out the Fading Sea and the City of Galgeleth, where the danger is great and the treasure is greater. Fading Sea , Galgeleth , City of Wheels , setting 2019-05-13 16 66235775 The Fading Sea II /tg/ continues to discuss the Fading Sea, touching upon roll tables, the Sawtooth Isles, Knot Madness, slavery and angels. Fading Sea , Galgeleth , City of Wheels , setting 2019-05-21 6 January 2020 3998715 The Holy Writ - Settlers Civ Kutcher is founded, infrastructure is set in place, and Jonas' people begin exploring the political tensions of their neighbours. comfyqm , civ , settlers , cult , pilgrims , frontier , medieval 2020-01-11 5 3988895 Space civ quest ep.0 - trial run The story of the Free Colony of Eterani in the span of the years 2150-2200 - a tale of solar radiation, pioneer spirit and crypto currency. Collective Game , Civ , Space , Civ Bulgar 2020-01-15 10 4023578 The Holy Writ - Settlers Civ 2 Kutcher fights off the militia from Ashton, makes trades with Medris and Tessin, and continues to grow. comfyqm , civ , settlers , cult , pilgrims , frontier , medieval 2020-01-21 3 March 2020 4093082 Space Civ Quest ep.1 Continuing on what was built during the trial episode, the Free Colony of Eterani grows and encounters a new threat in the Demon Star. Collective Game , Civ , Space , Civ Bulgar 2020-03-14 8 April 2020 4141735 Space Civ Quest ep. 2 Alien contact is made before the bloody war with the Black Sun Reich begins Collective Game , Civ , Space , Civ Bulgar 2020-04-06 4 4185311 Space Civ Quest ep.3 The war with the Black Sun Reich continues as the allies gains significant ground. Meanwhile, the Free state mobilises for the final push Collective Game , Civ , Space , Civ Bulgar 2020-04-24 3 May 2020 4227905 Space Civ Quest ep.3 The Invasion of Valhalla begins as the war with the Black Sun nears its end Collective Game , Civ , Space , Civ Bulgar 2020-05-19 1 June 2020 4275206 Space Civ Quest ep.5 The Black Sun Reich War ends and we enter a post war boom Collective Game , Civ , Space , Civ Bulgar 2020-06-20 3 August 2020 4354904 Space Civ ep. 6 Alien Diplomacy and Raiding abounds as we continue to dev the Free State Space Civ , Collective Games , Civ Bulgar , Civ 2020-08-17 1 September 2020 4413570 Space Civ Quest ep.7 We engage in diplomacy and new colonies are set up as a surprising artefact is spotted heading towards Dagda Collective Game , Civ , Space , Civ Bulgar 2020-09-16 2 November 2020 4484912 Space Civ Quest ep.8 Crises, terror attacks, raids on aliens and the dawn of a new human golden age? Collective Game , Civ , Space , Civ Bulgar 2020-11-10 3 December 2020 4530064 Space Civ Quest ep.9 The Human alliance attacks the Drazerii in a daring war. Meanwhile new technology and developments continue in the EFS. Space Civ , Collective Games , Civ Bulgar , Civ 2020-12-15 3 January 2021 4583704 Space Civ Quest ep.10 The EFS and Federation clash over the Agrippina system as the Black Fleet expands its raids to Megacorp space while the UN reforms on Earth Space Civ , Collective Games , Civ Bulgar , Civ 2021-01-29 4 March 2022 5175718 Body Horror Quest, 50th Vein Shu engages in tough negotiations with Two of the Three Apocalypse Amalgams, one of whom has delivered an Ultimatum. Body Horror Quest , bhop , BHOP , Body Horror , Female MC , Gore , Apocalypse Amalgams , Ziz , Leviathan , Behemoth , Negotiations , Lore bombs 2022-03-18 5 April 2022 5211274 Body Horror Quest, 51st Vein Shu arranges a cosmic phone call to contact God, watches a rocket launch with the family, and engages in emotional therapy for a friend. Body Horror Quest , bhop , BHOP , Body Horror , Female MC , Apocalypse Amalgams , Lore bombs , calling God , rocket launch , surprisingly wholesome 2022-04-28 7 September 2022 5391397 The LIGHTNING SEA PRELUDE: Life is the stag pierced by arrows
Made into wounded wings. collective game , quest , cyberpunk , gilgamesh , sci-fi , fantasy , adventure , horror , spaceship , sword , sorcery , guns , poem , poetry , dystopia 2022-09-02 0 January 2023 5534306 Sworn to Valour Quest #31 His Word Speaks Only Truth. Cathagi at last, the City of Cities. It is the final step on Sir Andrei's pilgrimage. The Long Walk awaits... Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Pilgrimage 2023-01-16 25 April 2023 5623965 Sworn to Valour Quest #32 His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. As the Long Walk begins Sir Andrei will find himself tested. Body, mind and soul. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Pilgrimage 2023-04-02 25 88282893 How do you deal with Ice Planet, /tg/?" /tg/ discusses the state of the Lego wargame, moans about Ice Planet being op, dies of nostalgia overload Lego , worldbuilding , Sci-Fi , fictional wargame , pure imagination , transparent orange chainsaw , space , castle , awesome , childhood , nostalgia 2023-04-07 7 October 2023 5751430 My best friend is a (trans)catgirl~!! A skeptical detective befriends a mysterious (trans) catgirl coroner to solve a mysterious (magical?) murder CatOP , LGBT , detective , crime , frienship , trans rights , youkai , Japanese culture , catgirl 2023-10-01 -20 July 2024 6037271 Loving a Superhero Jay Nakamura, Superboy's boyfriend, stumbles upon a criminal conspiracy tied to the CCP DC , Superman Family , Justice League of China , LGBT , Adopted Quest 2024-07-06 0 6052846 Loving A Superhero: Part 2 Jay Nakamura, Superboy's boyfriend, returns from overseas and grapples with horror beneath Metropolis' own streets DC , Superman Family , Justice League of China , CCP , LGBT , Judaism , Jewish Tunnels , Adopted Quest 2024-07-21 -2 September 2024 93851184 Post Pictures of You LGS /tg/ posts pictures of their LGS LGS , FLGS 2024-09-16 0 January 2025 6179729 Cambion Quest: Volume 4 Two gobbo sisters suffer a false start and an attack by spider-fey as they seek out an ancient dwarven dungeon to plunder with their party. ReptoidQM , dungeon-crawling , ettercaps , unseelie fey , goblins , orcs , dwarves , demons , LGBT , adventure , romance , stigma , drama , lore 2025-01-20 -2