/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

April 2008
1452657A study of nefarious druids.And their nefarious deeds.Druids, Mystery2008-04-02 6 
November 2009
6801575Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Discusion and Campaign IdeasWhat starts out as an anon asking for info on Starks Pokemon Tabletop quickly turns into discussion about Mystery Dungeon, The Movies, Legendary's, and Glitch pokemon. An Anon promises to deliver a splatbook for glitches and Aura users (among other things) once Stark releases the game.Pokemon, Tabletop, Aura, Mystery Dungeon, Glitches, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark2009-11-21 14 
January 2010
7379393Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers Whos that? Bearing a gift of the new year? Why it is Dr. Mr. Stark and he does not disappoint.Pokemon, Tabletop, Aura, Mystery Dungeon, Glitches, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark, Epic, Zip, Adventuers, Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers 2010-01-02 24 
August 2010
11665005Mysterious, dark and brooding charactersThe OP complains about dark, brooding characters in his campaign. It ends up with an idea of brooding guild and how brooding should be distributed to the publicDark, brooding, mysterious, funny2010-08-14 26 
December 2010
13305334Mysterious OwnerA Mysterious Owner comes to show /tg/ some of his items."Mysterious Owner, Trees, magic items" 2010-12-27 7 
January 2011
13524887The Warehouse InterrogationAn interesting experimental story. The main character is being interrogated, and does not know all the information at the start.quest thread, collective game, adventure, quest, mystery, game, roleplay2011-01-15 11 
13536551The Murder of Jessica MonroeYou are being interrogated for your part in the death of a young woman.quest thread, collective game, adventure, quest, mystery, game, roleplay, detective2011-01-16 12 
November 2011
16885981Strange PricesA mysterious stranger sold me a thread, but his price was that I archive it. I did.mysterious stranger2011-11-09 22 
May 2012
18927361NearFuture Cyborg Quest 6In which SHOPPING SPREE! We get lots of cool stuff, all three AI are awake, and we have a job to do tomorrow.Collective Game, NearFuture Cyborg Quest, Cyborg, Exabyte, Mysterious nat100 futuregirl2012-05-01 15 
August 2012
20307722Amnesiac QuestWake up. Can only remember your name. Wrecked car hanging above you. Walking horrors abound. It begins!Collective Game, Amnesiac Quest, Hazard, The Watch, Hazmat, No Jaw, Mystery, Horror, Future, Crispy2012-08-15 21 
20347115Amnesiac Quest 2More monsters. Alternate timeline deaths. Reunited with the woman of our dreams.Collective Game, Amnesiac Quest, Hazard, The Watch, Hazmat, Mystery, Horror, Future, Martha2012-08-19 9 
20403360Amnesiac Quest 3Find a pool made of Shoggoths. Blow up a monstrosity. Make a few calls.Collective Game, Amnesiac Quest, Hazard, The Watch, Hazmat, Mystery, Horror, Future, Doll, Raptor, Catfish2012-08-24 7 
20483789Amnesiac Quest 4We meet Doll, have an exchange of differences with Alice, plot with holograms, and attempt to steal some tech for Doll's mission.Collective Game, Amnesiac Quest, Hazard, The Watch, Hazmat, Mystery, Horror, Future, Doll, Raptor, Catfish, Alice, Titan, Crazy Earl2012-08-28 10 
September 2012
20675064Amnesiac Quest 6So a one-legged Russian Giant, an android girl with split personalities, and an amnesiac walk into a gun shop...Collective Game, Amnesiac Quest, Hazard, The Watch, Hazmat, Mystery, Horror, Future, Doll, Alice, Titan, Crazy Earl2012-09-13 7 
October 2012
21244750Elvish in Adventure Time/co/ comes by to ask about some Elvish on a book in Adventure Time. /tg/ gets sleuthing.Elvish, adventure time, /co/, mystery2012-10-23 23 
January 2013
22760532Succubus Lord Quest Part 13Join us as we discuss Willpower with Lance and learn what is inside of the MYSTERY BOX!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Mystery Box2013-01-25 20 
February 2013
23034444RaidX: PAD - Paranormal Detectives Case #1 Part 3Shit is going down, next part will be the last in this case probably.Collective game, horror, monsters, RaidX, PAD, paranormal, detectives, investigation, mystery2013-02-08 0 
June 2013
25587475Fantasy Cheers Quest 11Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.Collective Game, Tavern Quest, Deep and Mysterious, Deposed Nobles Are Totally Original2013-06-22 12 
February 2014
30479545Freighter Quest Episode 2: Sean Newell and the Frozen IslandOn Sean Newell's Second Adventure he investigates the mystery of a freezing island while facing off against a cold Rusky.Freighter Quest, Collective Game, Ocean, Post-WW1, Adventurer, Low-Fantasy, South Seas, Alternate Earth, Merchant Seaman, Mystery2014-02-26 5 
May 2014
32329424Homeless Mutant Quest #73Jonathan Green-Creek, Episode 1: The Dashing DaughterHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, detective work, detective, mystery2014-05-24 29 
October 2014
35609359CODE GEASS QUESTBritannian trainee Xinlu Kuu is forced into a deadly simulation battle that turns out to be anything but another training exercise. Barely surviving, she begins to slowly pick herself up and steel herself for the next coming trails, all the while dealing with her deteriorating mind and her desire for revengeCollective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery2014-10-19 10 
35629302Code Geass Quest: Stage 2Shirley Fenette investigates into the reasoning behind Drill Sargent Delson's evil actions. Her quest for truth and revenge quickly unlid and envelope her in the depths of a conspiracy she's completely ignorant of. Blood is spilled and a young girl's mind goes to tatters in Stage 2.Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-10-20 10 
35751375Code Geass Quest: Stage 3Shirley ascends to the rank of Private First class and leaves for the Tokyo Settlement on an escort mission. Tragedies and hatreds are revealed as blood is split once more...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-10-26 7 
November 2014
35895192Code Geass Quest: Stage 4After a fierce battle in the ruins of the Special Administration zone and a gamble of a rescue, Xinlu Kuu finds herself rewarded by a chance to join the Special Corp. But is this really a reward? Or a trap?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-11-02 8 
36040835Code Geass Quest: Stage 5Shirley makes it into the Special Corp but is quickly discovered by Suzaku! After cutting a painful deal she learns what she'll be piloting and has a pleasant reunion with her doctor before ending the day peacefully for once. But will this peace last? Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-11-09 6 
36183699Code Geass Quest: Stage 6Shirley has a long discussion with Suzaku and learns that the Red Barons might have been behind the attack on the Special Administrative Zone of Japan. A request arrives from the military and Shirley goes back to settle the score with the rebels who attacked the Mt. Odake base...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-11-16 5 
36205375Code Geass Quest: Stage 6.5Shirley assists in a raid on the rebel base during her first deployment in the Sutherland Club. Things become complicated when a bomb goes off and wipes out the taskforce sent to deal with them forcing Shirley to pursue the rebels. Ancient ruins, a dark conspiracy, and a strange boy buried in a mountain...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-11-17 5 
36330731Code Geass Quest: Stage 7Shirley's battle against the rebel continues as she clashes against the taiga family and investigates what they were transporting. Her curiosity gets the best of her and she comes face to face with what could only be a monster. Will Shirley win through determination, or is something more needed to survive this fight?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-11-23 5 
December 2014
36605698Code Geass Quest: Stage 8Shirley sleeps into a strange world and awakens to find herself injured, but alive aboard the Avalon. After some bickering and discussion, she decides to head home for a week to heal. All in all, a pretty slow thread due to my sleep schedule issues. Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-12-07 6 
36742202Code Geass Quest: Stage 9Shirley begins her journey down the road of recovery, eating healthily, buying hentai games, and finally chatting with friends. However a trip to the supermarket reveals that she’ll have no time for anything but fighting as her worst enemy has already begun making his move… Also, people lose their minds over sausages.Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-12-14 6 
36877924Code Geass Quest: Stage 10Shirley infiltrates a Black Knights base, questions why the female uniforms are so skimpy, and manages to leak incredibly valuable info before walking out without so much as a suspicious glance. But will the information she sent out be of use? Or have Zero's plans already reached their inevitable conclusion?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-12-21 6 
36897198Code Geass Quest: Stage 11Shirley is invited to the palace expecting praises and promotions, only to wind up with a gun to her head. Zero has made his move and now Shirley needs to make her own...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-12-22 8 
37024042Code Geass Quest: Stage 12Shirley is freed and brought back to the Avalon. After giving a comforting speech to a maddened Princess she goes off to save her friends, only to come face to face with an enigmatic machine. Bad luck forces her into a terrible situation. Will Shirley survive, or will the strong consume the weak?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2014-12-29 7 
January 2015
37161664Code Geass Quest: Stage 13Shirley's crash pits her against fearsome foes and leads her to trying to rescue her comrade. However a rescue attempt leads her coming face to face with the man she set out to kill so long ago... Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-01-05 12 
37287025Code Geass Quest: Stage 14Shirley fights against great foes and succeeds, but does winning a battle mean anything when you're losing the war? Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-01-11 10 
37441617Code Geass Quest: Stage 15Shirley makes some kickass pizza and goes out for some R&R in Hawaii! However those she trusts might not be all they seem to be... Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-01-18 8 
37592164Code Geass Quest: Stage 16OP is late due to internet shenanigans and Shirley wakes up after a horrendous hangover trying to figure out what happened on the beach that night. Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-01-25 6 
February 2015
37750819Code Geass Quest: Stage 17Shirley succeeds in getting Euphemia a new identity but is attacked in her sleep by a mystery assailant. Trust is betrayed and dark truths are revealed, Shirley has only begun her transformation and her journey only just begun. Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-02-01 7 
37904799Code Geass Quest: Stage 18Shirley escapes and is tended to by a strange pair of individuals. Blind and helpless, she finds briefly at peace with the mysterious Nemo and Rai. Are they really what they appear to be? Or are the lies truly unending?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-02-08 7 
38063611Code Geass Quest: Stage 19The day begins with sniffing Nemo's panties and eating Chinese pancakes, and ends with a car chase and the capture of a cute assassin. Will Shirley escape China? Can Nemo be trusted? Can ANYONE be trusted?Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-02-15 8 
March 2015
38376240Code Geass Quest: Stage 20Shirley questions a chocolate assassins, grows suspicious of the unusually helpful Nemo, and ends up nearly killed. Shirley's own war against Zero soon becomes the entire world's war...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-03-01 7 
38400786Code Geass Quest: Stage 21Shirley recovers her voice but finds it is not her own. The chocolate assassin tells her of a mysterious power and she learns there are even fewer people she can trust then she first believed...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-03-02 7 
38724952Code Geass Quest: Stage 22Shirley arrives in the homeland and plots with an assassin who is no unable to kill to bomb an OSI facility for information...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-03-16 8 
38753465Extranatural Consultant QuestA pair of Extranatural Consultants get a case about a series of accidents involving ice sculptors and no cold puns are made.Collective Game, Extranatural Consultant Quest, Modern Fantasy, Mystery, MagicalGrill2015-03-17 7 
38771852Extranatural Consultant Quest 2Interviews are held under disguise and some history is revealed about the suspects in this mystery, a cold pun is finally made.Collective Game, Extranatural Consultant Quest, Modern Fantasy, Mystery, MagicalGrill2015-03-18 6 
39010176Code Geass Quest: Stage 23Shirley is picked up by a helpful young man who gives her a way straight to her friends. However she learns something horrible and soon finds herself as an enemy of nearly the entire world...Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-03-30 6 
April 2015
39281799Code Geass Quest: Stage 24Shirley arrives on the Avalon and meets up with her friends. After gaining their support she hatches a plan to strike out against Pluton and finally take the fight to her enemies. Collective Game, Code Geass, Mechs, Crosswire, Geass, Drama, Mystery, Shirley, Zero2015-04-12 9 
May 2015
40184688Pokemon Quest #91We recover from our wounds, solve the mystery of the missing ring, get to Faeden, catch Metapod and begin our battle to catch MeloettaPokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Bulbasaur, Meloetta, Sneasel, mystery, metapod2015-05-26 20 
June 2015
40816856Superhuman Legacy Quest 11Thomas exorcises a spirit, fails at sneaking, oh god why, and Mystery BoxCollective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark, Mystery Box2015-06-26 6 
January 2016
44546011Clockwork of the Void QuestCallisto and Europa stations have gone dark, and it's up to us to find out and fix things. Are we being shoved into a suicide mission? Clockwork of the Void Quest, Collective Game, Space, Horror, Mystery2016-01-04 1 
44596176Clockwork of the Void Quest #2We find out what the new booster does, and take a brief trip outside reality. Then we find out the surface of Callisto is messed up, so we set out to land on the surface ourselves.Clockwork of the Void Quest, Collective Game, Space, Horror, Mystery2016-01-06 1 
44691260Clockwork of the Void Quest #3There has been a murder spree on the Europa base. We find a survivor, and head to put an end to this madness.Clockwork of the Void Quest, Collective Game, Space, Horror, Mystery2016-01-11 2 
44759663Clockwork in the Void Quest #4The situation got a little more murderous. The Mess Hall needed mopping up. Clockwork of the Void Quest, Collective Game, Space, Horror, Mystery2016-01-14 20 
44865511Clockwork in the Void Quest #5Something far more sinister is afoot. We resist the urge to see the scary things stalking us from behind.Clockwork of the Void Quest, Collective Game, Space, Horror, Mystery2016-01-19 3 
April 2016
16860Quest thing3 adventurers enter, but only 1 leaves alive.notapaladin, collective game, Muchaaaaaaaa lucha, Portal Wizard, Holy Bones, Loch, Mystery Box2016-04-30 14 
May 2016
21435A Good Man?A drunken bar patron listens to an old man recount his life story from birth to the present.Collective Game, WWII, Mystery, Second Person Narration2016-05-02 66 
71514Digimon World Mystery AdventureYour journey begins as a human sucked into the digital world! But wait, there's a catch! A journey and adventure begins for our protagonCollective Game, D-mon, Digimon World Mystery Adventure, Digimon, adventure, Consume and Evolve, Benevolent MC2016-05-08 5 
June 2016
47925720LighthousesIn this thread, /tg/ brainstorms various mysterious and horrific happenings that can take place at a lonely, isolated lighthouse.lighthouse, mystery, horror, sci fi, cthulhu mythos2016-06-26 28 
47992137Creepy LighthousesLighthouse Brainstorming 2: Electric Boogaloo lighthouse, mystery, horror, mythos2016-06-28 6 
July 2016
48140768Creepy LighthousesLighthouse Brainstorming 3: Solitude's Revenge lighthouse, mystery, horror, mythos2016-07-11 5 
August 2016
477225Modern Inquisitor Quest Thread 1A retired spy is given a reason to work again after getting a message from the departed.Collective Game, Quest, Mystery, LeaveQM2016-08-18 3 
October 2016
661271The End of the Aftermath: A Ryukuza Side Quest 2Cassilda takes her new companion to Lake Hali near her home....but was it the wisest choice? For now she is the sought sister.Collective Game, Cassilda, The King in Yellow, horror, blood, pain, madness, strange, mystery, love2016-10-04 7 
666142Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #1In which we cry like a baby and get roped into helping some fox become a guild master.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice2016-10-07 8 
696787Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #2Where we buy some shit, get a skill, bite the shit out of a ghost, and get a new companion.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-10-16 7 
728653Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #3Where we dream, get kissed by a ghost, spaghetti spews from our every hole, nibble the earlier mentioned ghost, and we begin a new dungeon.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-10-24 6 
757268Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #4We continue onward into the dungeon, make funny faces at a trio of ghosts, and end up learning a new move.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-10-31 5 
November 2016
784468Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #5Finally clear the dungeon, find a sealed book, collapse from pain on the way home, and start to learn about our aura.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-11-07 6 
811720Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #6We get grounded. Get roommates. Get a VERY thorough medical examination. And we get swoler.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-11-18 6 
835372DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 1Plot twists, suicide, seduction, and one big mystery at the mall. Danganronpa, Dangan Ronpa, mystery, bait and switch2016-11-21 2 
864543Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #7We get punished... again. Cry like a bitch... again. Help Alice move, and get Bella in a bit of a pickle.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-11-27 6 
December 2016
856933DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 2We hang out around the mall waiting for the first life to be taken. Danganronpa, Dangan Ronpa, mystery2016-12-01 1 
889442Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #8We find some missions, we make our way through another dungeon, eat mud, and rescue a Caterpie.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-12-04 5 
892704DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 3The 1st trial comes and goes. Also, the new kids show up and distrust is in the air. Danganronpa, Dangan Ronpa, mystery2016-12-10 1 
932525DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 4More stuff happened, someone died, lots of blood. No big deal.Danganronpa, Dangan Ronpa, mystery2016-12-24 1 
965849 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #9.0We try and make our way deeper into the dungeon, but due to holidays thread is canceled. Next thread will go over and continue off this one.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-12-24 5 
January 2017
994979DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 5 All the clues are found, the stage is set for the 2nd trial. Danganronpa, Dangan Ronpa, mystery2017-01-11 1 
1066981Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #9.1Less shit version of 9. We completed all of our missions and escaped the dungeon.QuestMM, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2017-01-23 4 
1038382DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa QuestTrial #2 gets going, the 2nd floor is opened, and more questions arise. Danganronpa, Dangan Ronpa, mystery2017-01-24 1 
February 2017
1084719DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 7A lot of people hand out and get to know each other better. And someone kind of died again.Danganronpa, Dangan Ronpa, mystery2017-02-04 1 
1149038Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #10The obligatory bath episode. QuestMM, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2017-02-12 3 
June 2017
1556857Nowhere NoireDetectives Gumshoe Bernitz and Olesya solve a hanging.drawquest, detective, mystery2017-06-10 1 
1590690Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #11We meet with Guild Master Drake and then try to bargain with Kek and Leon.QuestMM, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2017-06-22 1 
August 2017
1727834WUNIAFWAR 2Bears are bad news. Jippy is the first player to die. Anne is the first player to fall into a coma and get rescued by another, Cory.Wake Up Naked Quest, WUNIAFWAR Quest, Multiplayer RPG, Action-Adventure, Survival, Mystery, Rust, Ramtide QM2017-08-25 1 
1749600WUNIAFWAR 3 - OP Has Problems EditionPatrick's quarantine fails. Poopfist burns the hospital. Jippy takes Poopfist captive. Anne and Cory leave Canopy.Wake Up Naked Quest, WUNIAFWAR, Survival, Mystery, Multiplayer RPG, Action Adventure, Rust, Ramtide QM, Ramtide, 2017-08-27 1 
1784275WUNIAFWAR 4Jippy realizes he's sick. Anne and Cory make a town. Joseph wreaks havoc.Wake Up Naked Quest, WUNIAFWAR, Collective Game, Survival, Mystery, Multiplayer RPG, Action Adventure, Rust, Ramtide QM, Ramtide, 2017-08-27 1 
October 2017
1948165DANGANRONPA International 125 years after the events of the Hope's Peak Academy saga, another Killing Game has begun. You are the Ultimate Film Director. Survive.Danganronpa, Mystery, Puzzle, Anime2017-10-17 5 
1975812DANGANRONPA International 2A murder has happened, and now you must unmask the killerDanganronpa, Mystery, Puzzle, Anime2017-10-23 2 
November 2017
2002343DANGANRONPA International 3A new world opens up, and things take a turn for the surprising.Danganronpa, Mystery, Puzzle, Anime2017-11-05 1 
2048137DANGANRONPA International 4Right at the moment of freedom, things suddenly become too much to bear.Danganronpa, Mystery, Puzzle, Anime2017-11-17 1 
2076289DANGANRONPA International 5The survivors deal with the fallout of capturing Joshua, and Kyoko flies to Finland.Danganronpa, Mystery, Puzzle, Anime2017-11-27 1 
2061142SugarSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #1A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers.pokemon mystery quest, comic, sugarsnot, sugarsmear, magby, gothita, kecleon, psyduck, magnezone2017-11-28 2 
2089038SugarSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #2 A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers.pokemon mystery quest, comic, sugarsnot, sugarsmear, magby, psyduck, magnezone, ferrothorn, lilypaddle2017-11-28 2 
December 2017
2107565arSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #3A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers.pokemon mystery quest, comic, sugarsnot, sugarsmear, magby, psyduck, magnezone, donut, lilypaddle, shuckle2017-12-03 1 
2106185DANGANRONPA International 6OP gets his ass kicked, Kyoko continues to investigateDanganronpa, Mystery, Puzzle, Anime2017-12-09 1 
2151493Awakened Quest, Part 1A mysterious stranger claws from his own grave and begins the journey of discovering his past. ComfyQM, Mystery, Quest, Fantasy2017-12-17 1 
2133309Danganronpa International: Sweden Quest 2Kyoko gets to the bottom of the leakDanganronpa, Puzzle, Mystery, Anime2017-12-18 1 
2158012DANGANRONPA International 7Kyoko continues investigating the computer of Emile Delacroix when the QM fucking dies.Danganronpa, Mystery, Puzzle, Anime2017-12-31 1 
January 2018
57591980Weird Little Western TownA brainstorming thread about a weird little western town, built in the shadow of a strange mountain, low on luck and high on mystery.Brainstorming, western, supernatural, paranormal, horror, mystery, plot hooks, worldbuilding2018-01-27 30 
February 2018
2294622Which, Craft, Witch - Part 1Caitrin Foster is a young lady in college. She is a typical student - except for the nighttime dances, spells, and the curse, of course....Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-02-09 3 
2314405Which, Craft, WitchSchool and coffee and fairies, not to mention a diamond as big as her thumbnail. A witch's dilemmas.... Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-02-16 2 
2336789Which, Craft, Witch - Part 3More campus life, and perhaps a clue or two. Also, people hitting on people.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-02-24 3 
March 2018
2352764Which, Craft, WitchPre-date dates, pixies and fairies, the fateful phone call.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-02 2 
2388587Which, Craft Witch - Part 5Lynne is once again your sister in witchcraft; meeting werewolf number two; Karen and Lynne meet finally.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-15 2 
2411075Which, Craft, Witch - Part 6A disturbing incident's aftermath; Cats Do Dance; speaking with werewolves.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-23 2 
2430220Which, Craft, Witch - Part 6.5Continuing the previous thread, with Cat dancing and Werewolfs.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-30 2 
April 2018
2454830Which, Craft, Witch - Part 7Rituals, school, and secrets.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-07 3 
2471762Which, Craft, Witch - Part 8Werewolf discussion, dating discussion, and confronting Karen.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-13 2 
2489463Which, Craft, Witch - Part 9Learning new things, coping with old things, stepping out for the first time in a long time now.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-20 4 
2510082Which, Craft, Witch - Part 10Wits craft, witch craft, and wish craft; love and other things that make people stupid; fear of the unknown.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-28 3 
May 2018
2530907Which, Craft, Witch - Part 11Dealing with untimely interruptions; Karen's faces; blood of wolves.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-05-05 3 
June 2018
2634244Danganronpa Quest: Thread 1After an edgy start, Will Alison Frank enters New Hope's Peak Academy, escapes a room, meets some students... then the game begins.danganronpa, mystery, puzzle, anime2018-06-18 1 
August 2019
3722252Child of a Dead Empire #1Twenty years after the war, a young girl is caught up in the legacy of the Valkans.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-08-18 18 
September 2019
3765021Child of a Dead Empire #2Tiiris continues on the trail of Valkan relics, although all she seems to be finding is a trail of corpses and relics.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-09-07 7 
3805020Child of a Dead Empire #3In a junkyard, Tiiris makes a new discovery and a new friend.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-09-29 6 
October 2019
3852454Child of a Dead Empire #4Tiiris spends time with a few friends and brings a few into her inner circle while adjusting to her new 'assistants'.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-10-19 6 
November 2019
3882927Child of a Dead Empire #5Tiiris almost gets hammered on her day off, and has a pleasant day trip through the countryside.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-11-10 6 
3914806Child of a Dead Empire #6Tiiris begins making big plans - and makes a very strange new ally.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-11-29 6 
December 2019
3959126MAGICAL MURDER MAYHEM~DANGANRONPA: IPerseus Meigma is selected to attend Pagus Academy, a prestigious magic school. He doesn’t get what he signed up for. Nor do his classmates.Danganronpa, Magical Murder Mayhem-Danganronpa, Bait and switch, magic, school, murder, mystery, whodunit2019-12-10 14 
3947359Child of a Dead Empire #7Now with the ticket into Y'avel she needs, Tiiris just needs to figure o- well, everything else.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2019-12-19 6 
3969350MAGICAL MURDER MAYHEM~DANGANRONPA IIPerseus gets to know more classmates, elects a leader, and shoots down contradictions. Meanwhile, OP’s schedule nosedives. Magical Murder Mayhem: Danganronpa, Magic, School, Murder, Danganronpa, Mystery, Whodunit, Quest2019-12-19 10 
January 2020
3980982Child of a Dead Empire #8Breaking into a military facility couldn't be any easier, but why does that fill Tiiris with fear?Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-01-12 6 
4019100Child of a Dead Empire #9Tiiris explores the grave of her ancestors.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-01-28 6 
4047710MAGICAL MURDER MAYHEM:DANGANRONPA~IIIOP is alive. Perseus helps plan a party, makes drinks, watches 80s action kino, sucks at racing games, and witnesses death.Danganronpa, Magical Murder Mayhem: Danganronpa, Mystery, Character Death2020-01-30 11 
February 2020
4065477Looks like you're a Pokémon QuestYou wake up in the world of Pokémon and make some new friends!Looks like you're a Pokémon Quest, Collective Game, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest, Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Dratini, Treecko2020-02-14 2 
4055315Child of a Dead Empire #10Robots and augments and crayons, oh my.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-02-21 6 
March 2020
4099480Child of a Dead Empire #11Tiiris starts to experience the magic of space puberty.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-03-17 6 
April 2020
4142774Child of a Dead Empire #12Tiiris tries to settle back into some normalcy, only to discover that she's not normal anymore.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-04-05 6 
4177401Child of a Dead Empire #13Tiiris stumbles through finals and gets accused of being edgy.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-04-24 6 
May 2020
4249974Mystery Investigation Quest: Rumors of ClubsAce and Lorelei summon a demonMystery Investigation, Lorelei, drawthread, Peekay2020-05-14 8 
4214653Child of a Dead Empire #14Tiiris finds herself wishing her friends were just coming out of the closet.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-05-16 6 
June 2020
4257809Child of a Dead Empire #15Tiiris does some investigating, finds new questions and gets uncomfortable answers.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-06-06 6 
4283646Mystery Investigation Quest: Rumors of MembershipAce and Lorelei recruit their succ, Jubilee, and then Peekay loses motivation to continue the thread. It will return.Mystery Investigation, Ace, Lorelei, Jubilee, drawthread, Peekay2020-06-27 8 
July 2020
4296555Child of a Dead Empire #16Tiiris has a heart to heart with some friends, and meets someone new.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-07-02 6 
August 2020
4334802Child of a Dead Empire #17Tea and a heart to heart with an old Valkan gardener. Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-08-02 6 
4386887Dratini Quest #2After dealing with the Arbok, you tangle with some monkeys, get a sweet scarf, then ask questions about a weird berry.Dratini Quest, Looks like you're a Pokémon Quest, Collective Game, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Quest, Pokémon Quest, Pokémon, Dratini, Treecko2020-08-17 2 
4418334In Your Room Quest - HijackedA draw thread unfinished by the original QM was hijacked by none other than your resident drawfriend! qst, drawquest, drawfriend, hijacked, in, your, room, mystery, anon2020-08-25 0 
September 2020
4397831Child of a Dead Empire: RedshiftIn celebration of one year, we shift perspectives to someone a little unusual.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-09-04 6 
4418935Mystery Investigation Quest: Rumors of Membership Part DeuxThe mystery continues as Ace, Lorelei, and Jubilee investigate rumors about the old principalMystery Investigation, Ace, Lorelei, Jubilee, drawthread, Peekay2020-09-07 9 
October 2020
4436677Child of a Dead Empire: Redshift #2 + #17.5Netana discovers exactly what lies at the heart of the cloister- and so does Tiiris.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-10-04 6 
4446865Duke of Darkness QuestGob gets summoned into a secret research facility and tries to escape, among other things.Drawquest, Duke of darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-10-09 6 
November 2020
4478480Child of a Dead Empire #18Meeting someone precious, an escape, and soon enough, a reunion.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2020-11-04 6 
4486682Duke of Darkness Quest #1.5Gob frees some prisoners, opens a bunch of doors, fights against an 'Alpha' guard and finds the engine roomDrawquest, Duke of Darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-11-10 4 
December 2020
4532009Duke of Darkness Quest #2Gob gets a power rush and discovers he just basically caused a prison riotDrawquest, Duke of Darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-12-08 4 
February 2021
4592630American ArcanaIt is 1979. Atticus Hart is a junior at Southeil Preparatory School. A girl has committed suicide. The QM tragically flakes.american arcana, low fantasy, disco elysium, atticus hart, mystery, RIP2021-02-03 0 
May 2021
4726165Child of a Dead Empire #23Tiiris meets someone new and discusses plans (and arson).Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2021-05-05 6 
June 2021
4790767Child of a Dead Empire #24Tiiris observes a cultist drug drop and heroically goes back to relaxing with her friends.Child of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2021-06-13 6 
September 2021
4942283Born Irrelevant #1Aware in a world that barely acknowledges him, Asa Minoru becomes involved in a mystery involving the Cast the world serves.Born Irrelevant, Mob Character, Mystery, Anime, RomCom2021-09-03 6 
December 2021
5026018Born Irrelevant #2Time skip happens, QM decides to drop the quest due to getting bad luck since starting it.Born Irrelevant, Mob Character, Myster, Anime, RomCom2021-12-10 -3 
March 2022
5166064Knight of a Dead Empire: BackflashNineteen years before the events of COADE, we spend a day in the life of Jeanne Elson- also known as Kallis aust Tanoh. Valentine's specialChild of a Dead Empire, COADE, Space, Scifi, Mystery, Valkans2022-03-26 5 
May 2022
5235409Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 8Short-ish Thread. Your Mystery Egg hatched into a Riolu, you made it to a pokemon center out of the rain, met an old friend and more.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Rain, Mystery Egg, SuperBusy2022-05-17 5 
June 2022
5262293The Mystery Dungeons #7The guild hunts the runaway Team Penultimate in the windy valley, fight against the haughty Diancie, and unwind with some surfing!The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2022-06-06 14 
5297344The Mystery Dungeons #8Treasure Town celebrates the return of Team Poképals (and is promptly destroyed after) and the guild enters taserland.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2022-06-28 5 
July 2022
5320928The Mystery Dungeons #9The Lost Hope Guild finally venture into the Sea of Time to confront Dialga, but become stranded in the Hidden Land.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2022-07-19 3 
August 2022
5338893You're Invited! - IThe mystery begins. A resort with no staff. Our protagonist, a detective, and the other guests. Strange red mannequins. A sudden seizure.You're Invited, Mystery, Limited Cast, Detective2022-08-13 5 
5350782The Mystery Dungeons #10Ascending Temporal Tower, they breach a realm beyond to clash with gods.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2022-08-14 4 
September 2022
5371911The Mystery Dungeons #11"The Mystery Dungeons" is a text-based role-playing game based on the Pokemon spin-off game "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon"PMD, Mystery Dungeon, Pokemon2022-09-20 0 
November 2022
5417897The Mystery Dungeons #12Giant robot fairies and unspeakable horrors. All in a night’s work for LHG.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2022-11-11 2 
December 2022
5461450The Mystery Dungeons #13The guild travels across the continent in a caravan. Meanwhile, they also check out Aegis Cave.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2022-12-22 2 
February 2023
5510217The Mystery Dungeons #14The guild finds adventures hidden in the depths below.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-02-01 1 
5539794A Starscoured Serenade (Part 1)The heavens descend upon the city of Serenade. We follow four individuals slated for greater things as they contend with mystery and horror.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Art?, SkirmJam2022, Deity+Mystery2023-02-28 3 
March 2023
5557513The Mystery Dungeons #15The nightmare cult has been silenced, and the guild gets their good night rest.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-03-05 4 
April 2023
5588947PMD QUEST #1You wake up as a Pokémon in the Pokémon world, and soon befriend a Buneary! Antics and dungeon-delving soon ensues!PMD QUEST, PMD, Pokémon, Pokémon quest, Pokemon, Pokemon quest, Isekai, Mystery Dungeon, Suezite, /qst/2023-04-05 5 
5597797The Mystery Dungeons #16The guild begins to uncover a plot revolving around Mystery Dungeons through ancient ruins.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-04-09 1 
May 2023
5623493Mystery Investigation Sidequest: Impish WilesJubilee returns to Hell for a bit and gets her very own Imp servant. The building of a hellish empire beginsMystery Investigation, Gloomsday, Gloomy, Jubilee, Peekay2023-05-09 10 
5637501The Mystery Dungeons #17LHG, in pursuit of the past, defies the words of a legendary—soon finding this mystery goes deeper than they thought.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-05-20 1 
5668924PMD QUEST #2 [incomplete]PMD QUEST continues with Indie and Erna having an honest conversation about Indie's human origins. Then OP ends up having to abandon ship.PMD QUEST, PMD, Pokémon, Pokémon quest, Pokemon, Pokemon quest, Isekai, Mystery Dungeon, Suezite, /qst/2023-05-29 1 
June 2023
5682932The ODALISQUEPRELUDE - We shall sit together by the river, beneath the summer trees. collective game, mystery, horror, Victorian, Edwardian, 19th Century, occult, mannerpunk, ww1, poetry2023-06-08 1 
July 2023
5669236The Mystery Dungeons #18LHG delves into the mysteries that exceed the normal and breach past the supernatural. Deep below, or high above…The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-07-04 1 
August 2023
5702385The Mystery Dungeons #19Together, the group works together to impede the machinations of the deranged legendary mastermind, all in a bid to save the world.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-08-09 0 
5731296The Mystery Dungeons #20LHG saves the world one last time in the finale.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-08-22 4 
September 2023
5743269The Mystery Dungeons 2e #0The Voice of Life calls out to the void, seeking help from beyond the dimensional veil. New game, new characters!The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-09-26 3 
October 2023
5755695The Mystery Dungeons 2e #1From the burning forests, the exhausted group finds shelter in Baram Town, full of new things to see.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-10-06 2 
November 2023
5790853The Mystery Dungeons 2e #2In the ashes of burnt forests, deep in dreams, and in the wake of grand theft piracy, the ex-humans try to acclimatize in the chaos.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-11-23 1 
December 2023
5806381The False-Woman: A Warhammer 40k Quest #1You are a tankborn: a customized person made to serve the highborn. Yet, you are imperfect.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2023-12-06 23 
5810404The Monster Girl Facility #1Mikhail and his men enter the ruins of the facility for the first time. They encounter two subjects and a scientist and kill 3 guardsmen.Monster Girls, Sci-fi, Death Squads, Mystery, Collective game, Original Setting2023-12-07 22 
5833482Vacuo Quest 2After dealing with Gillian, Picaro goes to Atlas to help Isaac get prosthetics limbs while shenanigans ensues, with a hint of conspiracy.Vacuo Quest, DesertQM, RWBY, Collective Game, Mystery, Fantasy2023-12-30 6 
January 2024
5855707The Mystery Dungeons 2e #3The discomfort of the dreamscape haunts the minds of the humans, troubled further by a restless disease they know nothing of.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2024-01-13 2 
5857674The False-Woman #2: A Warhammer 40k QuestThe tankborn begins to develop a sense of purpose, crossing the depths of the hive, but also hearing a calling.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2024-01-22 17 
5860474The Monster Girl Facility #2Mikhail and his men enter the green section, Zaria is hurt by a chameleon subject, and a side-story reveals just how bad things can get...Monster Girls, Sci-fi, Death Squads, Mystery, Collective game, Original Setting2024-01-23 16 
February 2024
5893347The Mystery Dungeons 2e #4A burnt château rises once more from the ash, and the humans take a chance to play in the past.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2024-02-27 0 
March 2024
5899265The False-Woman #3: A Warhammer 40k QuestThe calling matures, and the tankborn hears the whispers of the machine.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2024-03-09 11 
5904571The Monster Girl Facility #3 Mikhail and his men deal with some more guards, terrible scientists, a friendly yet simple mosquito subject and a murderous rabbit subject.Monster Girls, Sci-fi, Death Squads, Mystery, Collective game, Original Setting2024-03-12 15 
April 2024
5947684The Mystery Dungeons 2e #5Beneath the surface, things lurk and lie, waiting to be discovered by the inquisitive ex-humans from above.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2024-04-21 0 
5947474The False-Woman #4: A Warhammer 40k QuestA change of fortune diverts you from the cliffs, to a place you never expected to be - the heart of the Omnissiah's worship in Odrev.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2024-04-23 11 
5950624The Monster Girl Facility #4Mikhail and his men defeat the rabbit, meet Morgan the knight subject, fight some extremely paranoid guardsmen and learn of a queen subject.Monster Girls, Sci-fi, Death Squads, Mystery, Collective game, Original Setting2024-04-26 12 
May 2024
5993366Jacob’s Ladder QuestAtticus dies of a mysterious illness and finds himself on a dirt path surrounded by nothing. Storytelling and bonding with strangers ensues.Oneshot, afterlife, mystery, short stories, nature.2024-05-29 1 
June 2024
5988572The Mystery Dungeons 2e #6Cast before a tumultuous sea to make ends meet and hidden within the shadows of the mind, the group learn and grow.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2024-06-02 2 
5984806The False-Woman #5: A Warhammer 40k QuestYou're not entirely sure why you're here, in this place of worship. The fact that this bothers you at all is more troubling than anything.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2024-06-02 11 
5987532The Monster Girl Facility #5: Burnt rabbit editionMikhail and his men discover and barely survive a secret lair and encounter some of the queen's forces. Meanwhile, Kiyohime hunts for boozeMonster Girls, Sci-fi, Death Squads, Mystery, Collective game, Original Setting2024-06-04 12 
July 2024
6027666The Monster Girl Facility #6: Regicide editionArtyom gets injured from a trapped corpse, Mikhail and his men ambush some of the queens forces, and make more sinister discoveries.Monster Girls, Sci-fi, Death Squads, Mystery, Collective game, Original Setting2024-07-17 13 
6029696The Mystery Dungeons 2e #7The group braves toxic fumes on the northern island for a lost artifact and its history, and uncovers a Magnagate mystery dungeon…The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2024-07-28 0 
August 2024
6035047The False-Woman #6: A Warhammer 40k QuestYou begin to have the unsettling realization that you might believe in something. Also, rats.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2024-08-06 10 
October 2024
6075485The False-Woman #7: A Warhammer 40k QuestYou descend to the mess and find a new friend.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2024-10-04 10 
6101844Digimon: Dead SiteA website that allegedly grants you the ability to resurrect the dead… Such a thing could never exist but… What if it did?Digimon Dead Site, Digimon, Mystery, Anime, 2024-10-07 5 
6077160The Monster Girl Facility #7: Monster girl Adoption editionAfter taking the girls somewhere safe, Mikhail and his men encounter Vinisha, trick Nikita and face more of the Queen's forces.Monster Girls, Sci-fi, Death Squads, Mystery, Collective game, Original Setting2024-10-08 11 
6090662The Mystery Dungeons 2e #8The Wayfarers learn the truth of the idol that cures Twilight Syndrome. Afterwards, a sketchy request to survey a secluded temple…The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2024-10-24 1 
November 2024
6139675Cambion Quest: Volume 2CZ and ZZ, two strange sisters, continue their quest to nab a mysterious lake-monster for money, while on a road to self-discoveryReptoidQM, goblins, demons, futanari, amphibians, mysteries, Scooby-Doo, occultism, family, friendship, sailing, fishing, adventure2024-11-12 2 
December 2024
6122821The Caretaker Quest #3The new Hogwarts Caretaker and his companion battle the ghost of an Ancient Wizard and work on unraveling what is happening at the SchoolHogwarts, Harry Potter, Caretaker Quest, Adventure, Kektus, Caretaker, Mystery, Collective Game2024-12-02 4 
6116693The False-Woman #8: A Warhammer 40k QuestYou participate in a ritual.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2024-12-04 4 
6121545Mystery Investigation Quest: King of the ForestThe Mystery Investigation Team gains a new member and plays pretend in the woodsMystery Investigation, Ace, Lorelei, Calamitas, Jubilee, drawthread, Peekay2024-12-05 4 
6121388Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Sirop QuestYour QM attempts to get into the swing of running an investigation and then crashes into the worst couple of months, quest on hiatus! Sorry.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle Quest, Dragon Ball TQ Mystery, chocolat, AA, tbh most of the above tags don't figure in until way late2024-12-10 -1 
6122269 The Monster Girl Facility #8: Roasted Soldier EditionMikhail and his men get beaten by Feng's forces and discover a beast in the flooded parts. A sidestory showcases the past of the facility.Monster Girls, Sci-fi, Death Squads, Mystery, Collective game, Original Setting2024-12-11 11 
January 2025
6151986The False-Woman #9: A Warhammer 40k QuestIn flames, you come face to face with a serpent and a raven at the peak of the temple.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2025-01-27 0 
February 2025
6159531The Caretaker Quest - Part 4We experience a POV shift, get to be a fit German girl after the MC lands in the hospital and continue to oppose the plots of a vile wizard.Hogwarts, Harry Potter, Caretaker Quest, Adventure, Kektus, Caretaker, Mystery, Collective Game2025-02-09 3 
6157764The Monster Girl Facility #9: Spider-wife editionMikhail and his companions travel through Titania's chamber, encounter more subjects and traverse a high threat level containment sector.Monster Girls, Sci-fi, Death Squads, Mystery, Collective game, Original Setting2025-02-09 8 
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