/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2008
3057050On Those Whom the Stars Fell - Space OperaInterstellar fleets, political intrigue, deadly ambitions, masterful stratagems, victory and loss; the glory and horror of war with an Empire devided against itself. OP summons seriously minded players for LotGH-style campaign.Space, Opera, Galactic, Heroes, Campaign, Stars, Fell2008-11-27 3 
April 2010
9180661HadestownAnon introduces /tg/ to Hadestown, a folk opera that transposes Greek Mythology to Depression Era America. Other anons go on to expand the setting. Greek Myths, Musical, Opera, Setting, Depression2010-04-14 7 
May 2010
10088662Opera House EncounterOP asks for help with BBEG encounter in an opera house. Anon swiftly delivers with a BBEG subversion into mindfuck territory.BBEG, mindfuck, opera house2010-05-27 1 
January 2011
13492769Space Opera BBEG Asks For AdviceHe's a brain in a robot with psychic powers, three planets to start with, and some Mary Sues and Furfags to kill. And he need's /tg/s help to do it.Space Opera, Space, Opera, Scifi, Help, Advice, Mary Sue, Furfag, Lasers, FTL2011-01-12 9 
March 2011
14400895Modern-themed Imperial GuardThread about how to make an I.G army that's closer to modern armies than WW1 soldiers.IG Imperial Guard Modern Operator Warhammer 40000 40k I.G2011-03-29 3 
April 2011
14754121The Game (Classroom)/tg/ finds vid of VA teacher running large-scale world RP in classroom. Contacts him for information, win ensues.homebrew, cooperative, getting shit done, original, collective game, loli2011-04-30 12 
August 2011
16009365 Worldbuilding from scratch/tg/ makes a setting from cosmology to individual cities.Fluff, cooperation2011-08-21 2 
November 2011
17033508"Event Horizon for everyone"/tg/ creates a grimdark space opera setting faturing a Hell dimension, entropy drives, and the adventures of Bill and Dolf the Demon.event horizon, space opera, homebrew2011-11-28 10 
July 2012
19859151Magical Girl Noir Quest 16A maidenly sober magical girl debates the fine line between drink and duty.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, guns, operators operating operationally, 2012-07-13 38 
November 2012
21478303Relive your childhood, make gun shooty noises/tg/ nostalgias hard and relives playing with nerf guns or pointed fingers. Some operators show up and are swiftly ignored.pew pew, guns, operators, childhood, playing pretend, the original traditional game2012-11-08 13 
December 2012
21823940Space Fight Quest 3Norm begins his operation, and commences to operate. Space Fight Quest, Military Sci-Fi, guns, space wizard, SpecOps, Collective Game, Operatan2012-12-01 3 
January 2013
22571179The Payphone NetworkAn anon presents an intriguing setting in which the diminishing numbers of payphones are used to control supernatural beings and summon unworldly favours. Just make sure you have enough minutes left on your card, or the Operator may make you call Collect...setting, payphones, operator, phonecard, occult, unknown armies2013-01-16 33 
February 2013
23302083Space Opera SettingOP created a bunch of awesome tables for designing a space opera settingsspace opera, setting creation, setting, tables, rolling2013-02-21 11 
March 2013
23731956Space Opera without FTL/tg/ discusses the whys and hows of doing space opera when you take out FTL travel. Some good writefaggotry occurs.SF, Space Opera, FTL, writefaggotry2013-03-17 7 
October 2013
27903773Semi-Hard SciFi Space OperaAnon shares details of his space opera setting with a dash of hard scifiSpace Opera, fluff, hard scifi2013-10-24 3 
27950997Asshole Operative QuestWhere we play man who saves a girl from her suicide, getting into deep trouble with mega corporations, and ruining our entire mission and any plans we had. just another day in the Net gain world.Asshole Operative Quest, Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Net Gain2013-10-27 8 
November 2013
28196355Harpies IN SPACE!Harpies IN SPACE opera, their customs and technology.harpies, science fiction, space opera, world building2013-11-11 8 
28506260Polite Society QuestWe have five men coming to kill us, and four bullets in our rifle.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-11-27 36 
December 2013
28655350Polite Society Quest 3We escape the city and meet up with Rachim.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-05 17 
28860128Polite Society Quest 5Maliki is recovered. Polite Society 4 available on foolz.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-15 14 
28942664Polite Society Quest 6Maliki's contact is found.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-19 12 
February 2014
30470525Salvage Operators 1A small team of salvage operatives start work on a wrecked frigate. OP ducks out early.Collective Game, Salvage Operators, ExplodingDice2014-02-25 1 
April 2014
31749898Operator Operator QuestIn which we Operate Operationally. Tell the doctors to go home, we're doing the operations now.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-04-28 16 
May 2014
31904347Operator Operator Quest 2In which we Operationally tickle our unsuspecting prey. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-05 13 
32057200Operator Operator Quest 3In which we prove that Operating in a dream is indeed possible.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-11 12 
32196572Operator Operator Quest 4In which we witness our first critfail and learn a well-guarded secret.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-18 11 
32279175Operator Operator Quest #5: You Will (Not) ProgressFishing and Fortune-tellingOperator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-23 9 
32376085Operator Operator Quest 6In which we visit our clone and get ourselves armed.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-27 11 
June 2014
32515243Operator Operator Quest 7In which we use 6 snipers and drop a chopper on a heli.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-06-03 12 
32752769Operator Operator Quest EXTRA #1: Chekhov's Prophecy You are not Darius Duravi.Operator Operator Quest, collective game, warsim, archivist2014-06-13 6 
32957859Operator Operator Quest 8In which we meet Tina and find out that our social circles are more inclusive than we thought.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-06-23 6 
July 2014
33227464Operator Operator Quest EXTRA #2: Darida's Side Story You are not Darius Duravi. You are simply his clone... gender notwithstanding.Operator Operator Quest, collective game, warsim, darida2014-07-06 5 
33419910Operator Operator Quest 9In which we begin our daring escape from Huxley's lab complex.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-07-15 5 
33558078Operator Operator Quest 10In which we Operate the hell out of the laboratory. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-07-22 6 
August 2014
33859547Operator Operator Quest 11Welcome to the jungle. This is where you'll Operate. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-08-04 6 
33979745Operator Operator Quest 12You are not alone. You are never alone in the jungle.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-08-08 7 
34184602PACYOA:TE Operation Metal FuryPart 3 of the 'Opalite Technologies' side-story arc of PACYOA: Teamwork Edition.Collective Game, PACYOA, PACYOA:TE, Power Armor, Operation Metal Fury, Zipline2014-08-17 0 
34231093PACYOA:TE Operation Storm WatchA side mission for PACYOA: Teamwork Edition, in which a tornado turns out to be more than it seems.Collective Game, PACYOA, PACYOA:TE, Power Armor, Operation Storm Watch, Zipline2014-08-19 -2 
34343589PACYOA:TE Operation Eyes Wide OpenPart 1 of the 'Relay' main arc of PACYOA: Teamwork Edition. In which Armor Corps desperately attempts to recapture JORN.Collective Game, PACYOA, PACYOA:TE, Power Armor, Operation Relay, Zipline2014-08-24 -2 
September 2014
34630519PACYOA:TE Operation LurkerA side mission for PACYOA: Teamwork Edition, in which a world-ending entity lurks in the Mariana Trench.Collective game, PACYOA, PACYOA:TE, Power Armor, Operation Lurker, Zipline2014-09-05 -2 
34695482Operator Operator Quest 13The end of the beginning.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-09-07 6 
34913153/tg/ writes a noir storyAs always, it starts with a dame. A dame who was trouble.film noir, story, cooperative writing, dicks, legs that go on forever2014-09-17 18 
34962458Amazon Guard QuestEl Presidente's Amazon guards find themselves out of a job following a US backed Coup. As the girls are extracted from the country on a CIA C130, the squad leader does her best to comfort her sisters.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-09-19 6 
34981585Amazon Merc Quest 2The girls spend the day in Dubai.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-09-20 5 
35171395Operator Operator Quest 14A good drink can wipe the sweat and soot off your mind. Or..?Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-09-28 5 
35203037Amazon Merc Quest 3The girls are on a motherfucking boat!Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-09-30 4 
October 2014
35288600Amazon Merc Quest 4The girls get a new mission.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-10-04 4 
35411506TG Does StrangeOP asks for stories of worst settings. Stories of Stabbings, Space Operas, Fast Food Warriors, and Phallus Themed Islands ensue. Space Opera, Thor, Armadillo God, Fast Food, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Stab2014-10-10 11 
35460166Amazon Merc Quest 5The girls celibrate their last weekend in Dubai.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-10-12 2 
35520304Operator Operator Quest 15Years pass and people change. But some things must be remembered. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-10-14 6 
35625438Operator Operator Quest 16Terrorists attack the lab. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-10-20 5 
November 2014
35900879Amazon Merc Quest 6The girls visit a pirate stronghold and meet their pilot for the next mission.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-11-02 3 
35920567Operator Operator Quest 17Darius plans a daring escape and plays grab ass on the way.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim 2014-11-04 9 
36044269Amazon Merc Quest 7The Girls get into some trouble on their way to Spratly.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-11-09 3 
36187586Amazon Merc Quest 8The girls scout the nearby village, and Kitty goes into withdrawal.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-11-16 1 
36198903Operator Operator Quest 18Darius wakes up and is presented with a bevy of options. Gradually.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-11-17 6 
December 2014
36609397Amazon Merc Quest 9The girls knock over a hornet's nestCollective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-07 1 
36726219Amazon Merc Quest 9.5The girls meet with a rebel representative. Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-13 1 
36748463Amazon Merc Quest 10The girls make plans to head into the jungle.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-14 1 
36881744Amazon Merc Quest 11The girls Travel upcountry.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-21 2 
36891742Operator Operator Quest 19In which not much happens.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-12-22 2 
January 2015
37289823Amazon Merc Quest 12The girls meet with a tribe of headhunters. And character development happens.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-01-11 3 
37445197Amazon Merc Quest 13Lillian takes advantage of an intoxicated minor.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-01-18 4 
37594825Amazon Merc Quest 14The girls make plans for a raid, and get in a drug filled lesbian orgy.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-01-25 4 
February 2015
37757674Amazon Merc Quest 15The girls go on a sneaking mission collect 5 heads.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-02-01 3 
37912729Amazon Merc Quest 16The girls shoot down a patrol plane and evade the army's patrols.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-02-08 1 
38225246Amazon Merc Quest 17In which the girls evacuate the village and the army begins it's counterattack.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-02-22 1 
April 2015
39408973Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 1Amazon Merc Quest begins again.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-04-18 3 
39550626Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 2The girls arrive in the parcel islands and meet some old rivals.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-04-25 2 
39596284Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 2.5Lewds with the twins.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-04-27 4 
May 2015
39696116Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 3The girls rent a shipping container, and get their first real mission.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-02 1 
39735438Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 3.5The Amazons kill a bunch of pirates and keep a Hotel Heiress out of trouble.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-04 3 
39853741Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 4The girls spend a night on the island and make a new friend.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-10 1 
39998022Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 5The girls return to Parcel, making new friends and enemies.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-17 3 
40133504Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 6The girls train a bunch of maids in hostage rescue.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-24 3 
40222766Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 7Maria interviews her new recruits in the hot tub and by the pool.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-28 2 
June 2015
40373123Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 8Maria solves a zen koan.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-06-04 2 
40520520Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 9The girls begin their raid on the slaver compound.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-06-11 3 
40666981Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 10The girls finish up the raid.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-06-18 4 
40762479Former Operator Quest 1In which an operator shoots some fuckers and picks up a lady.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cyberpunk2015-06-23 2 
40782276Former Operator Quest 2Getting cash together, escaping the country, and then it all fails.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cybrpunk2015-06-24 0 
40800573Former Operator Quest 3The thrilling conclusion.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cybrpunk2015-06-25 1 
July 2015
40951683Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 11Maria interrogates the Coyote.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-07-02 -1 
October 2015
42894004Death Among the Stars Quest 2The colony of Horizon's Drop gets new visitors from the Osjiic Empire, Jadyk begins hunting the local wildlifelich, sci-fi, space opera, undead, fantasy2015-10-05 25 
42964341Death Among the Stars Quest 3Jadyk deals with a group of Osjiic soldiers and learns more about them and the Galaxy.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-09 23 
43002507Death Among the Stars Quest 4Jadyk leads his newly created troops in an attack against an Osjiic outpost, hunts some more, creates several new types of weapons, and grows his forces some more.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-11 22 
43093720Death Among the Stars Quest 5The much-talked about Pirates make an appearance and Jadyk is there to help them up when they are shot down. Jadyk makes new minions and discovers a new threat or possible opportunityquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-16 21 
43130020Death Among the Stars Quest 6Osjiic and Dagger Pirate forces are scouted and raids launched on both. The Pirates are tricked into attacking the Osjiic. Jadyk and his forces then lead an attack against the base while the time is opportunequest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-18 21 
43222657Death Among the Stars Quest 7Jadyk reaches out for the Wormstar and senses...something. New weapons and a new force for his army are created. The Osjiic are whittled down and a safehouse constructed.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-23 21 
43260445Death Among the Stars Quest 8The colony and Osjiic fall before the might of Jadyk. A powerful ally is created and many things researched by the insatiable Think Tank in preparation for returning enemy fleets.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-25 21 
43357512Death Among the Stars Quest 9The new fleet grows and learns more adaptions taken from the world. Jadyk receives a visit from the mysterious Masked entity. The undead go to the moon!quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-30 26 
November 2015
43489122Death Among the Stars Quest 10Jadyk learns more about the history of his old ally while preparing his forces for the incoming fleets. Jadyk finds he has a talent for puns.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-06 21 
43525788Death Among the Stars Quest 11The Osjiic and Dagger fleets arrive within the system and launch into a fierce battle. Jadyk sabotages and tricks the fighters before ambushing them himself and claiming the survivors for his growing empire.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-08 21 
43612721Death Among the Stars Quest 12The survivors of the conquered fleets give a short history and insight into their cultures and the state of the galaxy. Jadyk personally visits the scorched planet to investigate the mysterious alien ruins.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-13 21 
43643541Death Among the Stars Quest 13Jadyk receives a visit and gift from the Masked. Encounters an alien device. Speaks with the Sunscale and learns more of his past. Jadyk's inner circle grows.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-15 21 
43760118Death Among the Stars Quest 14Contact is made with the Plainsrunners. Nekris is sent to explore a nearby system with the first spaceship. Explores an asteroid belt and a moon, discovers strange and deadly aliens. Jadyk enhances the Think Tanks and sends the living to work to earn their keep.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-22 18 
December 2015
43934165Death Among the Stars Quest 15Nekris continues his investigation of the nearby system, discovering an ancient crashed frigate. Jadyk speaks with the Osogo leader for the first time. Much kelp is grown.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-02 17 
43970661Death Among the Stars Quest 16Jadyk's Generals yearn for battle and conflict and he agrees with their sentiments. Nekris excavates a crashed ship while Agona begins establishing the first off-system outpost. Eyegores are sent to scout nearby systems, discovering something quite strange in a hazardous system.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-04 16 
44006553Death Among the Stars Quest 17Nekris inspects a new world and saves a group of locals from the native wildlife, bringing them to Jadyk for a talk. An Eyegore scout moves too close to a world and become the first casualty in dealing with the Confederacy. Think Tanks create aquatic troops to explore alien oceans.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-06 14 
44097319Death Among the Stars Quest 18On the planet Rukor the Predator Nekris comes under attack by a new enemy. The waters turn dangerous and Nekris prepares to hunt.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-11 15 
44135453Death Among the Stars Quest 19Agona witnesses a bizarre monster and Nekris hunts down the Sunscale Divers, launching into battle. Jadyk assists with research and builds up defenses.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-13 14 
44271638Death Among the Stars Quest 20An Eyegore scout witnesses a battle between the Osjiic and Ahkam forces. Armies are built for the Generals and Lorgul begins work on a new ship. Agona expands her grasp on the stonestar moon.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-20 15 
44449662Death Among the Stars Quest 21Jadyk commands his generals to launch their campaigns sabotaging and attacking the Ahkam worshiping aliens and watches a visitor to the strange planet overgrown with plantlifequest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-30 11 
44469507Death Among the Stars Quest 21.5Jadyk returns the Ructu to their home with gifts and knowledge. Contact is made with the plant-manipulating Armatocere and plans for a formal introduction.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-31 11 
January 2016
44528483Death Among the Stars Quest 22Capitol ship research is completed. The sudden appearance of an Ahkam fleet in orbit over the world of Rukor leads to new developments. Nekris starts a guerrilla war against the Ahkam forces and Lorgul completes work on his personal ship.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-03 14 
44675582Death Among the Stars Quest 23Advancements in technology are made, numbers crunched. Nekris terrorizes the Ahkam. Jor is sent as a diplomat to meet the Armatocerequest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-10 13 
44777807Death Among the Stars Quest 24Jadyk remembers the past. Introductions and trade are made between the Necrotic Armada and it's "allies"quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-15 13 
44796847Black Hoods Operative QuestA quiet, relaxing morning by the riverside.Collective Game, Black Hoods Operative Quest, mithril2016-01-16 2 
44822904Death Among the Stars Quest 25The New Necrotic Armada launches an ambush on the Ahkam force investigating their destroyed ships boarding them in a vicious battle.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-17 14 
44926441Death Among the Stars Quest 26Jadyk speaks with a new ally. A Leviathan appears on Rukor. A new Necrolyte Legion is formed. Much research is gainedquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-22 12 
44966726Death Among the Stars Quest 27Plainsrunners continue their pilgrimage. Eyegores report their findings on new systems and the Necrolyte Legion is sent to invesigate one.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-24 12 
45075422Death Among the Stars Quest 28Nekris observes the Necrolyte Legion and their efforts to take control of the derelict military facility from its reanimated guards.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-29 14 
45117835Death Among the Stars Quest 29Jadyk takes on new recruits. Research is traded and much is gained from the Confederate Facility. Jadyk and Nekris go fishing.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-31 11 
February 2016
45221035Death Among the Stars Quest 30The Beast of Rukor is tracked and guided home. Stonestars progress rapidly and traps are planned.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-05 11 
45264259Death Among the Stars Quest 31The Lich-Lord makes a bet with the Masked. Think Tanks excel. A child is welcomed and Marked. Decoy attacks are made.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-07 16 
45364435Death Among the Stars Quest 32The Armada prepares for the upcoming battles. Refugees are taken in, much infrastructure made, and strange undead met.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-12 13 
45405395Death Among the Stars Quest 33Aid is given to the Ructu with help from the Armatocere. Jor meets the Plainsrunners. Plots against your enemies are well in motion.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-14 13 
45501608Death Among the Stars Quest 34Jadyk speaks with the Armatocere about common enemies and makes even more trades of knowledge. Profane experiments are planned.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-19 14 
45642465Death Among the Stars Quest 35Jadyk deals with some trespassers personally and learns more about the motives of his adversariesquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-26 13 
45687193Death Among the Stars Quest 36Machinations come to fruition, the Osjiic and Ahkam fleets guided into conflict and the Necrotic Generals show of spectacularlyquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-28 23 
March 2016
45824015Death Among the Stars Quest 37Jadyk speaks with his captives and converts several into new powerful forms. A long-term project finally completes and another backfires.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-03-06 15 
45968491Death Among the Stars Quest 38The new Generals launch their first attacks, the Legion fighting by their side. The Osogo join the Colony and Jadyk meets an old friendquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-03-13 13 
46231065Death Among the Stars Quest 39The Flagship awakens, your Generals see to their missions. Jadyk chats with the Lavafather and makes a deal. Meets the Blackscales.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-03-25 12 
46276124Death Among the Stars Quest 40Jadyk attempts to show off his telekinetic might in a spectacular way but gets interrupted by partycrashing lizards.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, game2016-03-27 13 
April 2016
46382106Death Among the Stars Quest 41The Fury of the Wormstar finally becomes operable, and the Blackscales are recruited. Short thread because GraveQM sick.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, Collective Game2016-04-01 12 
46422083Death Among the Stars Quest 42The lost Voidsinger is found; Dominator Valresko is born from the remains of Solar-Blessed Glucors; and the capital city is populated.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, Collective Game2016-04-03 11 
46532307Death Among the Stars Quest 43Dominator Valresko interrogates his former comrades. Trades are made and planned with the Armatocere.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-08 12 
46676916Death Among the Stars Quest 44Jadyk welcomes the Ructu to Horizon's Drop and departs to aid the Armatocere. The Masked stop by for a chat.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-15 12 
46719523Death Among the Stars Quest 45War has come to the home systems of the New Necrotic Armada while Jadyk is away.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-17 15 
46866131Death Among the Stars Quest 46The Ahkam are driven from Bastion and Jor meets the Daggers face to face.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-24 13 
June 2016
47585205Opera ImperialisTHE PIRATES OF THE EXPANSE or THE LOST SON OF SCINTILLA. Comic Opera in Warhammer 40K. opera, Warhammer 40k, 40k, awesome, funny, rogue trader2016-06-03 23 
47597039Opera Imperialis Act.IITHE PIRATES OF THE EXPANSE or THE LOST SON OF SCINTILLA. Comic Opera in Warhammer 40K. Second and last part.opera, Warhammer 40k, 40k, awesome, funny, rogue trader2016-06-04 20 
July 2016
48199724Death Among the Stars Quest 47The Voidknight Disciples runs afoul of a new world while attempting to prepare for their return homequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-10 11 
48280693Death Among the Stars Quest 48The Disciple must escape the vengeful natives of the alien world and find a place to hide.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-15 8 
48312095Death Among the Stars Quest 49Jadyk leads his fleet against the invading UON forces attacking the Armatocere.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-17 9 
48410322Death Among the Stars Quest 50The Voidknight Disciple learns about this strange world, interrogates his guests and receives a challenge.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-23 7 
48476311Death Among the Stars Quest 51Jadyk returns to Iti'a'Ropku to initiate new necromancers and to reunite with a changed General.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-27 9 
48541397Death Among the Stars Quest 52Jadyk delivers a warning to Jor. Prisoners are given a choice and soldier reaffirms their loyalty. The Blackscale move in as well.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-31 7 
August 2016
48628714Death Among the Stars Quest 53The Disciple discovers a strange hidden village and a unique member of the native race and enact a plan to free them from captivity.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-05 11 
48661610Death Among the Stars Quest 54A secret truth is revealed by a close ally and ruins bearing the sign of an old ally discovered. Jadyk speaks to many people.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-07 11 
48833545Death Among the Stars Quest 55Jadyk has a very intimate conversation with a bunch of trees and shrubs, making new friends.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-17 12 
48907227Death Among the Stars Quest 56After choosing to move their main base to a more secluded location the Disciple encounters an enemy and speaks to the void-touched nativequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-21 13 
September 2016
49155787Death Among the Stars Quest 57Jadyk returns home and discusses matters with his Generals and retreats into meditation. Jor must make a big decision for the Armadaquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-09-04 8 
December 2016
948903Death Among the Stars Quest 58GraveQM returns from the dead. A lot of stuff goes down and resource systems discussedquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-12-18 12 
980016Death Among the Stars Quest 59The Necrotic Armada launches its first true invasion against the Osjiic system B'Nan already in the midst of an invasion by the Ahkamquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-12-28 13 
January 2017
50935040Space Opera Adventure HooksPlot hooks and worldbuilding for running space opera games.plot hooks, adventure hooks, space opera, worldbuilding,2017-01-01 3 
1015534Death Among the Stars Quest 60Jadyk meets with the Caretaker as Jor recovers. The Armada continues its invasion of Kandaquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-07 7 
1040520Death Among the Stars Quest 61The invasion of Kanda progresses under Valresko's command. The Harbinger is sent to parlay with the Pirate Clansquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-14 9 
1073715Death Among the Stars Quest 62The Armada lays siege to the last strongholds of Kanda. Pirates give their answersquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-22 8 
1100852Death Among the Stars Quest 63The Invasion of Kanda slowly draws closer to an end while Jor returns home after his trials.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-29 6 
February 2017
1128083Death Among the Stars Quest 64Jadyk takes stock of the Armada and interacts with his living subjectsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-05 7 
51586269Space Opera plothooks, adventures and hazardsOP requests adventure hooks for an upcoming space opera game. /tg/ delivers.plot hooks, setting, space opera, worldbuilding2017-02-07 5 
1152849Death Among the Stars Quest 65Jadyk welcomes the Arc Butchers to the Armada and scouts various star systems.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-12 8 
1175081Death Among the Stars Quest 66Valresko debates with the Blackscale Cabal while Jadyk deploys humanitarian aid to the Refuge system to combat an undead outbreakquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-19 6 
1209564Death Among the Stars Quest 67The Necrolytes arrive to rescue the living of Refuge. Eiton investigates Worllunan and the Solar Arbiters are createdquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-27 9 
March 2017
1230721Death Among the Stars Quest 68Reconstruction is attempted on an unsuspecting Clone, the Armada's population grows, and Jadyk inducts the ructu into the necrotic practicequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-03-05 7 
1260840Death Among the Stars Quest 69The Armada launches multiple raids against its enemies and explores alien worldsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-03-14 12 
1280139Death Among the Stars Quest 70Further raids against the enemies of the Armada are conducted and Jadyk has a violent reunion with an old allyquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-03-19 15 
April 2017
1325659Death Among the Stars Quest 71A new Armadan city is finally opened on Rukor and Jadyks favored living subjects begin a dangerous missionquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-02 12 
1349170Death Among the Stars Quest 72Jadyk has an illuminating conversation with an important captive and the Wayward Disciple has luck in his hunt.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-09 9 
1369205Death Among the Stars Quest 73Nekris beings a new hunt for exotic monstrosities while the Commander and Jor confront the source behind the Refuge crisisquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-16 8 
52803944Space Opera Conspiracy Theories The deluded theories of a space opera setting's equivalent of the Ancient Aliens guy.conspiracy theories, worldbuilding, space opera,2017-04-21 2 
1399268Death Among the Stars Quest 73.2A special thread dedicate to Necromancer Jor and the Necrolyte Commander tracking down the source of the Refuge Crisisquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-25 10 
1414014Death Among the Stars Quest 74The future of Refuge is discussed by many and the Armada tends to its woundedquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-30 7 
May 2017
1434391Death Among the Stars Quest 75Jadyk and Jor fight to save the minds of loyal soldiers while the Wayward Disciple initiates their plans against the Councilquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-05-07 9 
1456781Death Among the Stars Quest 76The Armada plots for war while welcoming newly risen Immortals into their ranks.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-05-14 8 
1483260Death Among the Stars Quest 76.2The Armada strikes against the Ahkam while the Wayward Disciple launches their own efforts against the Councils forcesquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-05-22 9 
June 2017
1532387Death Among the Stars Quest 77Tlacex and Ruscuv return victorious from their conquests and the Armada takes stockquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-06-04 7 
1609562Death Among the Stars Quest 78The Blackscale Cabal meets with distant kin as the Armada prepares for the Ahkam Matriarchs arrivalquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-06-25 8 
July 2017
1651470Death Among the Stars Quest 78.2The Armada suffers an unexpected ambush and receives valuable information from a secretive source within the Confederacyquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-07-09 7 
1694216Death Among the Stars Quest 79The Armada braces for an inevitable conflict with an approaching stormquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-07-23 7 
1721479Death Among the Stars Quest 79.2The Armada makes last moment preparations and dispatches agentsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-07-30 7 
August 2017
1767481Death Among the Stars Quest 80War has come to the Armada, the vengeful Ahkam Dynasty launching their relentless invasion as the Arc Surge increases in strengthquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-08-13 8 
1793990Death Among the Stars Quest 80.2The battle in Bastion and Urdir continue. The Voidknights receive a visitor and Agona holds the line.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-08-21 7 
1815123Death Among the Stars Quest 81The Matriarch attacks! The Armada faces its greatest foe yetquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-08-28 7 
September 2017
1853084Death Among the Stars Quest 81.2The fierce battle against the Matriarch continues, the battlefield moving across an entire solar systemquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-09-10 7 
1872052Death Among the Stars Quest 81.3Through the dangers of the Arc Surge, the Ahkam Matriarch, and the extradimensional Three, Jadyk fights to ensure the Armadas survivalquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-09-17 7 
October 2017
1926296Death Among the Stars Quest 82With Jadyk indisposed responsibility of the Armada falls to Necromancer Jor as he must deal with the fallout of the Matriarchs defeatquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-10-03 8 
1966971Death Among the Stars Quest 83As Jadyk recovers Jor continues to oversee the Armada including dealing with a sudden threatquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-10-15 8 
2021254Death Among the Stars Quest 83.2Betrayal! The Osjiic Empire breaks the peace and it is up to Jor and Vle'Karak to defend the Armadas homeworldquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-10-29 8 
January 2018
2207247Death Among the Stars Quest 84As the Armada deals with upstart invaders Commander Rethak is forced to work with the Blackscale Cabals concerning secret operationsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-01-07 8 
2246299Death Among the Stars 84.2The battle between the Deathshead Guardians and the Void Disciples reaches a fever pitch as the Armada defends their home.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-01-21 7 
February 2018
2279438Death Among the Stars 84.3The final battles between the undead inheritors of the Void comes to a conclusion during the Osjiic invasionquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-02-04 7 
2302469Death Among the Stars 85With Jadyk returned and the Imperial attackers driven off the Armada takes the opportunity to relax and recover until the next crisis.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-02-12 6 
2338813Death Among the Stars 85.2Jadyk visits and speaks with many who require his attention and deploys agents of the Armada across the galaxyquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-02-25 7 
March 2018
2360649Death Among the Stars 85.3Jadyk addresses the citizens of the Armada and demonstrates newfound power. Valresko and Ruscuv finally meet with the Charred Knightquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-03-05 11 
2397399Death Among the Stars 85.4Solar Arbiter Sur-Quro leads her squads into the heart of Barqalan in their attempt to save the space-city from the undead infestationquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-03-18 6 
April 2018
2461527Death Among the Stars 86A special thread dedicated to covering the progress made by the Wayward Disciple in their efforts to steal the Wormstars corpse-shardquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-04-09 6 
2498833Death Among the Stars 87The Armada takes the opportunity to relax after weeks of intense activity and battlequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-04-23 6 
May 2018
2565522Death Among the Stars 87.2The Pirates and the Legion continue to fight for the survival of Barqalan with the assistance of an eccentric A.I.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-05-15 6 
2594889Death Among the Stars 87.3The struggle to rescue Barqalan continues while Necromancer Jor enjoys the start of his "vacation"quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-05-27 6 
October 2018
3004922Death Among the Stars Quest 89A special flashback thread dedicated to remembering one of Jadyk's past conquests in the old Necrotic Armadaquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-10-28 4 
November 2018
3031049Cyberpunk Operative Quest: Department 7Main character Deltorian Tessan deals with a terror attack at the English Canal Mag Rail tunnel.Cyberpunk Operative Quest, Department 7, Sci-fi, cyberpunk, action,2018-11-10 1 
3056436Death Among the Stars Quest 88.3Jadyk addresses captive gods, delivering an important choice. Final preparations are made for the upcoming conflicts and a monster forgedquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-11-19 4 
December 2018
3091021Death Among the Stars Quest 90The Armada launches a counter invasion against the Ahkam Dynasty to take advantage of the chaos from the death of the Matriarchquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-12-06 7 
63326780Island Pulp AdventureDiscussion of how an island can be used in a pulp adventure game. The mysterious island, Lost World, and Jungle Opera Genre are discussedWorldbuilding, Brainstorming, Homebrew, Lost World, Pulp, Jungle Opera2018-12-07 11 
3062367Cyberpunk Operative Quest: Department 7, Part 2Del shows some rookies around Department 7.Cyberpunk Operative Quest, Department 7, Sci-fi, cyberpunk, action,2018-12-19 1 
3143140Death Among the Stars Quest 90.2Operations across the galaxy continue as agents of the Armada discover new secrets and plots while war with the Dynasty begins anewquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-12-31 2 
February 2019
3300692Death Among the Stars Quest 90.3The battle for Barqalan comes ever closer to an end while stories are exchanged.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2019-02-27 3 
April 2019
3404311Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.2In which captain Ford gains a new crew member and spends some downtime aboard a Quarian liveship before embarking on a new adventure...Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-04-14 5 
3436928Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.3In which Henri Ford returns to Earth, pays visit to an old friend and finds himself set on course of a dangerous and unexpected missionMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-04-27 5 
May 2019
3468189Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 4In which Henri Ford gains a burdensome secret, a friend and a new crew mate. And a new job.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-05-13 2 
3464465InfilInc: Prospect Mining [Skirmish]We are smooth tactical operators, let no one tell you otherwise. Collective Game, skirmish sketch quest, Liren, Company Command, Agent, InfilInc, SMOOTH TACTICAL OPERATORS2019-05-15 5 
3505381Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 5In which Henri Ford spends a day in the office with Lea as his boss and once again gets into more than he bargained for.Mass effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-05-30 2 
June 2019
3544140Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep.6In which Henri Ford And his crew tidy up, visit a dark place and embark on a rescue jobCollective Game, Mass Effect, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-06-19 2 
July 2019
3588226Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.7In which Henri Ford goes to investigate the silent outpost on the icy moon Enceladus and finds himself plunged into another mysteryMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-07-04 3 
3626688Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 8Where Henri Ford and his friends unravel the icy moon’s mystery and are rewarded by yet more heavy secrets to bear.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-07-16 3 
August 2019
3673931Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.9In which Henri Ford gets debriefed, learns another secret and dances.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-08-04 2 
3723090The Elements - a nrp game: Thread 3The Age of Expansion draws to a close as international diplomacy takes center stage. Lots of wars, disputes, and general disorder. Sky, NatRP, NRP, Civ Game, Cooperative storytelling2019-08-20 1 
3728144Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, Ep. 10 pt1Where the Chariot heads off to its new destination and the crew comes together to watch a vicious fightMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-08-21 1 
September 2019
3785103Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep.10 p2Where Henri Ford returns to Earth, visits an Asari outpost and reunites with his Spectre friend.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space opera2019-09-18 1 
October 2019
3838849Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.10 p3In which Henri Ford concludes his reunion with a friend and sets out towards AfricaMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-10-12 1 
3868445Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.11 pt1Where Henri Ford and his crew head to the wayward Krogan camp on a mission of peace and industryMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-10-28 2 
November 2019
3904744Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 11, pt 2In which Henri Ford hatches an ambitious projectCollective Game, Mass Effect, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-11-27 1 
December 2019
3945484Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 11 pt 3In which Henri Ford and his colleague Kris engages in politics and diplomacyCollective Game, Mass Effect, Space opera, Henri Ford2019-12-18 1 
January 2020
3984510Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt1In which some hope is gained and two hunts initiatedMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-01-13 2 
March 2020
4081562Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt2In which Henri Ford takes on the role of a private investigator.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-03-09 1 
April 2020
4167319Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt3In which doctor Ford continues his investigation into the missing adventurersMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-04-17 1 
May 2020
4226808Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt4In which Henri Ford delves into the mystery of the missing adventurers and makes some disturbing discoveries...Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-05-17 1 
June 2020
4289429Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 12 pt 5In which Henri Ford explores a corporate black site gone wrongMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-06-28 1 
September 2020
4428112Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 12, pt. 6In which Henri Ford and his friends reach the heart of the compromised installationMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-09-26 1 
November 2020
4490150Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.13 pt 1In which doctor Tufferson Kris and his allies set out to investigate origin of the mysterious artificial beast.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-11-10 1 
July 2021
4854545Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 13 pt 2In which doctor Tufferson Kris explores a clandestine lab and attends a business meetingMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2021-07-01 3 
4854243Supreme Space Monke Ruler QuestMulti-generational quest following the Supreme Rulers of a race of primates as they enter the space age.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2021-07-04 23 
September 2021
4933956Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 14 pt 1In which Henri Ford takes part in a negotiation, a brief interview and spends some downtime with his crewMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2021-09-05 3 
November 2021
5007154Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 2The Jaxtians encounter their first intelligent aliens while Supreme Rulers grapple with eugenics and the Hegemony's society as a whole.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2021-11-03 13 
December 2021
5053823Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 3Unlocking the secrets of fusion power, the Hegemony advances into the interstellar stage.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2021-12-25 11 
January 2022
5092900Operation ISEKAI QuestGlowstick dies, goes to hell, then goes on an adventure. Conspiracy, Isekai, MKUltra, Operation ISEKAI Quest2022-01-19 1 
February 2022
5120724Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 4After a succession crisis, the first indigo Supreme Ruler rebuilds and deals with an insidious alien threat.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, Netorare2022-02-21 12 
April 2022
5207039Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 5The Jaxtians incorporate new alien races while the Supreme Ruler changes a fundamental part of the Hegemony forever.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2022-04-19 11 
May 2022
5250565Supreme Space Monke Sidequest - Boys & GirlsSidestory. On Jaxt, a young girl grows up in the repressive Hegemony.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, Sidestory2022-05-23 9 
June 2022
5284677Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 6The Supreme Ruler goes on a grand crusade while trouble brews at home.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2022-06-21 6 
September 2022
5371032Supreme Space Monke Sidequest - UnspeakableSidestory & Prequel. The origin of the very first Supreme Ruler; Akule the Unspeakable.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, Sidestory2022-09-08 0 
November 2022
5452534Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 7The Supreme Ruler returns home and has to make a very difficult choice.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2022-11-22 0 
December 2022
5476181Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 8After the fallout of the political crisis, the Hegemony explores new frontiers.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2022-12-18 6 
March 2023
5558269The Obligation (Space Opera) #1creation of Character and some chenanigans happen: trading, making friends and getting shot at.Obligation, space Opera, Mikhail 'Misha' Ivanovich Volkov, space2023-03-09 3 
April 2023
5605303Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 9The Hegemony begins its first war against a galactic rival while a family drama brews in the HVS.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, Netorare2023-04-13 4 
September 2023
5752107Supreme Space Monke Ruler Sidequest- DreamsSidestory. Follows three different storylines from three different species.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2023-09-20 5 
November 2023
5817888COSMOGONYPRELUDE - They watched the stillness Of slaughtered stars, and gave sacrifice In Lightless Fire...collective game, space, star, spaceship, space opera, science, astronomy, cyberpunk, 4X, battlemap, galaxy, conquest, colony, planet2023-11-05 1 
5787489Nightgaunts: Glimmervelt CollieryThe Lantern corps investigates a town that shouldn't be empty. A squad is assigned to the local mines.Lanterns, Lanternlights, IsolationRequest, skirmish, cooperative2023-11-16 3 
December 2023
5814196Future FadesA simple electrician onboard a nomadic trade station resolves a power crisis, beats up a cult leader, and catches the attention of a noble.KrakenQM, Collective Game, feMC, Space Opera, Space Fantasy2023-12-11 10 
January 2024
5866325Future Fade 2A simple electrician talks ideologies with a noble, refuses an offer she can't refuse, and quits her job with no notice.KrakenQM, Collective Game, feMC, Space Opera, Space Fantasy2024-01-27 10 
February 2024
5879681Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 10The final battle of the Stand and the aftermath.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2024-02-10 5 
March 2024
5915215Future Fades 3A simple hijacker eats good food, uses bureaucracy to her advantage, and decides to become a warcrime merchant.KrakenQM, Collective Game, feMC, Space Opera, Space Fantasy2024-03-17 4 
April 2024
5967460Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest April FoolsFake Thread #11 for April Fools. Political shitposting within.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2024-04-05 0 
May 2024
5981751Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 11The Supreme Ruler welcomes new people into the Hegemony and chooses a successor.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, BQM2024-05-28 5 
November 2024
6107725Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 12The Supreme Ruler slowly colonizes a new star cluster and engages in politics with the Hegemony's rivals.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, BQM2024-11-05 6 
January 2025
6142656Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 15 pt. 2In which Eve, Henri's infiltrator friend, penetrates deep into Ambition movement's headquarters in search of evidence of evildoing.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2025-01-11 1 
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