/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2001
CollectionFrost Giantess QuestYou awaken on a rocky steppe, transformed into a frost giantess.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2001-01-01Thread Collection
April 2008
1552633To bad fantasy book covers.We all have some experience with those awful fantasy/sci-fi books. Let's take a moment to appreciate them (or rather, add a humorous commentary).fantasy, sci-fi, book covers, hilarity2008-04-18 11 
1589262Sir Lucius Maximillian Rhadamanthus Cloverfield IIITouhoufag's terribly awesome half-iron dragon anthropomorphic baleen whale gestalt character gets illustraded [sic] by a drawfag.character concept, anthropomorphic baleen whale, drawfag2008-04-23 -2 
May 2008
1638051/tg/ digs Giant RobotsMegas XLR in 40K? Fa/tg/uys approve!Chicks, Dig, Giant Robots2008-05-01 2 
1684465Dungeon Keeper D&DA DM running the equivalent of Dungeon Keeper in D&D for a "party" of 5 liches asks /tg/ for help with ideas for adventurers to attack, and also talks about how he's been running this game.dungeon keeper, stronghold, evil, lich, variant2008-05-08 5 
June 2008
2072431Peasants and Pestilence/tg/ considers the role of peasants on the tabletop and suitable classes for everyone's favourite underdogs. ..Skilled labourers need not apply.peasants2008-06-25 6 
August 2008
2330098Daemon Santa ClausThe Inquisition sends a report on the Daemon Santa Claus40k, Santa Claus2008-08-13 1 
September 2008
2515817World of BladesOdd, semi-original setting for an unspecified fantasy game. Weapons attached to souls, and the consequences thereofFantasy, Homebrew, World2008-09-06 7 
October 2008
2721122Fantasy Ace CombatAce Combat Moved to a fantasy setting where the Lords of the Skies rule the battlefieldAce Combat, Fantasy, Writefaggotry2008-10-04 24 
2762861Badass Humans in Fantasy LandThe humans are insane thread gets a fantasy makeover.Fluff, Humans, Fantasy2008-10-08 4 
December 2008
31055354E Variant StatsWhy bother with ability scores? The modifiers are all that matters. A simple conversion to remove ability scores from the game entirely.D&D 4E, vaiant rules2008-12-03 0 
3144478Firearms SchoolsAn anon brings up the idea of making schools for firearms in the same vein as schools for magic. After some dicking around, fa/tg/uys start tossing ideas around.firearms in fantasy, rule of cool, exalted, /k/ommandos, pistol clips2008-12-10 9 
3230017Scriptarius Custom Christmas ModelsScriptarius creates a Warhammer 40k model version of Santa and creates a gingerbreadnought with delicious results.Scriptarius, Santa Model, Christmas, 40k Custom Models, Gingerbreadnought, Santa2008-12-23 20 
January 2009
3491186Loyal Like a DogCreepy writefaggotryChangeling, writefaggotry, not sure if want2009-01-23 12 
February 2009
3659566Extinct 40k ComicAnon posts issues of some kind of no-longer-online webcomic about Warhammer 40k, with bits of Fantasy on the side.Warhammer, Fantasy, 40k, webcomic2009-02-09 12 
3700555Wherein fa/tg/uys play God and create a universe."Basically, I think it'd be funny to try and import /tg/'s history and culture, along with various RPG meta-jokes, into a fantasy-esque world. It may sound stupid, and it is, but it might be fun."homebrew, rpg, fantasy, collective game2009-02-13 6 
3701269Wherein fa/tg/uys play God and create a universe... Part 2.Welcome to Tagael. Watch out for wild carp and wandering trolls. Also, do not annoy the Cultists of the Lake God.homebrew, rpg, fantasy, collective game2009-02-13 5 
March 2009
4109376Strange Magic Itemsanother strange Item threadenchanted items 2009-03-29 1 
4139522Fantasy trench warfare/tg/ creates the beginning stages of a fantasy world caught in the throes of WW1 style trench warfare.worldbuilding, homebrew, WW1, alternate fantasy2009-03-31 11 
April 2009
4281495[DnD] The Cavern Of "Ow, My Balls"The OP comes up with a decent idea that, with /tg/'s help, becomes hilarious.balls, inert, unwanted sterilization2009-04-15 17 
4333539HighschoolRPGMaidRPG undergoes a massive overhaul by a namefag and comes out surprisingly well. Calls are made for this to become a canon mod.MaidRPG made better, pleasant surprise, high schoolers, user expansion2009-04-20 16 
May 2009
4581716How To RP An Interesting BarbarianAnon asks for advice on how to play a Barbarian that's more than just a grar-smash musclehead. Some good advice comes up.barbarian, d&d, fantasy, rpg2009-05-18 3 
4657327Liber Chaotica StoriesA question about the social capabilities of Chaos Chosen leads to a dedicated anon typing up some fluff from various books by hand. fluff, warhammer fantasy2009-05-25 6 
June 2009
4732463Sailor moon suddenly invades /tg/Disturbingly, some of our fa/tg/guys know sailor moon in intimate detail.Sailor moon, magical girls, want to be the little girl, wtf2009-06-01 2 
4910681/tg/ creates a sentient race, again/tg/ decides to make a sentient race... again.sentient, race, plants2009-06-17 0 
July 2009
5133778godslaying antagonistscontinuation of previous thread about a party of antagonists bent on killing or subverting every godgod, slaying, antagonist2009-07-12 6 
5249757Awesome NPCsITT: DMs share their best NPCs. Contains several merchants, lovable rogues, and even some sad stories. NPC, D&D, Dungeon Master, Merchants, Pathfinder, Eberron, Mafia, Great White Hunter, Ghoul2009-07-25 10 
5250103Shodan mentors CortanaWhat began as an intelligent discourse on Shodan's sentience and underlying motivations immediately devolved into a 'hawt' AI-on-AI Lez Librarian SlashFic."SHODAN, System Shock, Cortana, Halo, LezSlash, Deep Thinking, Sentience, Componants"2009-07-25 9 
August 2009
5401581FantasycraftThread discussing the newly released Fantasycraft rules. Looks pretty neat, Ents with guns, Pimp Crystal Drakes and Magma Dorfs.fantasycraft, ents, drakes, dorfs2009-08-11 0 
5451127A (not so) brief history of Target Games and Swedish RPGsAs the title says, Lazy DM V takes it on himself to give /tg/ a good long history lesson.Obscure, Target Games,Drakar och demoner,Mutant Chronicles2009-08-14 7 
5470279Multiverse RPGA namefag asks /tg/ for advice on making a game about traveling between universe with different laws of physics.Game Design, Story, Sci Fi, Fantasy2009-08-16 1 
5483589Berserk + Fantasycraft"Don't tell them it's Berserk. Tell them it's, 'Badass Mercenary Quest' or some shit. A little bit of foreshadowing with dark lore, one or two demons, more mercenary shit, then OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK WHY?!"Berserk, Fantasycraft, Dagda2009-08-17 10 
5533208Ant QuestYou're a fucking ant queen or some awesome shit."Ant Quest"2009-08-21 10 
5534211Talking with FRIEND COMPUTERFRIEND COMPUTER kindly assists all CLONES, TROUBLESHOOTERS and RESIDENTS OF ALPHA COMPLEX of suitable CLEARANCE LEVEL in answering QUESTIONS. Do you have BLUE CLEARANCE, CITIZEN?Paranoia, Your Not Cleared For This, FRIEND COMPUTER, Alpha Complex, Commie Mutant Traitors 2009-08-21 5 
5581275Ant Quest, pt. 2Ant Quest here. Still awesome.Ant Quest, Ants2009-08-25 2 
5607982Section 27LawfulNice posts up an interesting-looking card based RPG.homebrew, fantasy, RPG2009-08-27 0 
5645907Ant Quest, pt 3Ant Quest here. Still a fucking awesome ant queen.Ant, Quest, Ant Quest2009-08-30 3 
September 2009
5738885Ant QuestAnt quest continues along -- slow start out, but trudges on for a while. Another group of ants is located, and a new queen is born. . .ant quest, ant, quest2009-09-06 1 
5768383PrisontalkHigh-security prison setting in a fantasy game. fantasy, prison2009-09-08 0 
5927362Ant Quest pt5The continuation of the Tyranid Queen's hive. Many upgrades were earned, several new species found. Decisions to be made.Quest, Ant, Ant Quest2009-09-20 3 
6025775Ant quest -- The world is changingNight falls as the colloney expandsAnt Quest, Ant, Collective Game2009-09-27 1 
6059325Moar Interlude from RightfagYet more sequential writefaggotry from 'Why the Imperium will win, despite GRIMDARK'. Sergeant-Major Briggs is alive, ready for duty and packing heat.40k, Stormtroopers, Imperial Guard, Sergeant-Major Briggs, Writefaggotry2009-09-29 1 
October 2009
6120589Ant Quest 6The may the battle commenceAnt quest, Ant, Collective game2009-10-04 1 
6183147Fantasy Race Wives part IISomeone posts pasta from the original thread, and then some new races are explained.DnD, Fantasy2009-10-08 2 
6271771Jaques Lailang and others tales of MANLYOR Why Cannons Are Unsporting, Unless You're Using Hand-loaded 275kg Shells.Jaques Lailang, manly tears, John Talbot, Emperor Constantine, Hasan, cannons, stab in the face, historical badassery2009-10-15 7 
6317808ant quest 7the aphid rebelioncollective game, ant, ants, ant quest2009-10-18 0 
6414098Superhero comics through the agesThe OP suggests a campaign for M&M or other system that starts in the bright and colorful Golden Age of comics and becomes progressively more dark and gritty, as comics did.comic books, superheroes, Mutants & Masterminds, writefaggotry2009-10-25 3 
6428286ant quest 8Fightin waspsAnt quest, Ant, Collective game2009-10-26 0 
November 2009
6569983Awesome RP moments goes col. workA thread originally about awesome moments or things in a PnP RPG session turns into a thread that (possibly) sparks a collaborative effort into being that will translate one of the most popular Swedish PnP RPG's into english. Thread mostly saved for future reference, but contains many quality posts in its own right.awesome moments, awesome, guitars that shoot lightning, giant church robots, Mutant, collaborative work,2009-11-05 2 
6591145The Common KingWhat if the good king lived as a commoner, his identity a secret, quietly writing edicts from his cottage or hovel? /tg/ makes it sound almost plausible (if you live in a magical world, at least). Homebrew, Setting, Noble, Bright, Noblebright, Fantasy, High Fantasy2009-11-06 6 
6598082Anon's Guide to MappingHelpful anonymous describes how to draw reasonably-realistic fantasy world maps.fantasy worldbuilding map 2009-11-07 5 
6618889Fun with FantasycraftFor once, a FantasyCraft discussion that wasn't 100% 'ZOMFG VIRILE MARKETORZ GTFO'! Lots of keen ideas, including a Dragon BiplaneFantasycraft Awesome2009-11-08 0 
6725440Papa AkuWhen a foster parent is needed most Aku steps up to the platedemons, fantasy, epic2009-11-16 38 
6825362Khorne in Warhammer FantasyWritefag out of nowhere writes up one of the best depictions of Khorne I've seen yet.Warhammer fantasy, epic, Khorn, Chaos2009-11-23 0 
6828109Papa AkuGiving of Thanks, hol-ee-days advise.demons, fantasy, Papa Aku2009-11-23 4 
6871419TrollQuestUrk Deepravines is a Troll. He lives under a bridge, fights adventures and rules over a cave full of Kobolds.quest, Troll, fantasy, cutebold2009-11-26 0 
6900798TrollQuest: Part 2The continued adventures of Urk Deepravine. Urk and the Kobolds raid a caravan, get mad loots and recruit some new helpquest, Troll, fantasy, Kobold2009-11-28 0 
6902634Refluffed racesWhat starts out as someone trying to put an interesting spin on dwarves soon becomes a refluffing of all the races. Dragonborn that have nothing to do with dragons and dwarves that turn into statues when they die.fluff, races, fantasy, dnd, dorf2009-11-28 2 
6929465D&D critters in modern settingSee the title. Also, an interesting side discussion about culture and the music it would give rise to.elves, elf, human, humans, dwarf, dwarves, modern, fantasy, music, kobolds, gnolls, halfling, gnome2009-11-30 2 
6931048TrollQuest 3The tale of Urk Deepravine continued.quest, troll, fantasy, kobold2009-11-30 0 
December 2009
7013523Manly Dwarves"Tell me how to make dwarves awesome" turns into campy fun with fire-breathing landboats, bearded babies, and manly warsongs. dwarf, dwarves, dorf, manly, magma galley, fantasy, race, awesome2009-12-05 3 
7025643Alternate DorfsSomebody posts a reimagined dorf. Writefaggotry ensues.writefaggotry, dorfs, homebrew, settings, fantasy2009-12-06 5 
7095329Fantasy art threadHey /tg/, lets get a good fantasy art thread going, just like old times. Max'd out picture cap, This is some good shitArt, Fantasy, Epic2009-12-12 -3 
7117784Dr Horrible meets Marvel ComicsThe PC's are a group of small-time supervillains in some major American city, who hear about a mini-country for sale for less than a million dollars.Mutants and masterminds, Captain Hammer, Captain Retcon2009-12-14 3 
7161417Hill Giant QuestTheodore Roosevelt the Hill Giant tries to defend his home from hooligan humans. Hilarity ensues.quest, hill, giant, Roosevelt2009-12-16 7 
7164514HILL GIANT QUEST PART 2Theodore Roosevelt's quest continues!Hill Giant Quest, Quest Thread, Theodore Roosevelt2009-12-17 2 
7176789HILL GIANT QUEST PART 3Teddy Roosevelt's quest continues! Now with baseball, druid powers, and mad dorfs!Hill Giant Quest, Quest Thread, Theodore Roosevelt2009-12-18 2 
7245208Xan Tak' Louse, Lord of Snow/tg/ looks at some spells in 3.5's Frostburn supplement and works out how to make a 320-foot tall, 2000-foot wide block of snow. Things then escalate.Santa, Snow, DnD2009-12-22 21 
January 2010
7648044Frost Giant Quest 1You awake on a rocky steppe. You have become transformed into a female frost giant. You have no magical powers beyond those of a baseline frost giant. You were originally a normal human male from modern-day earth surfing 4chan.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-19 44 
7657405Frost Giant Quest 2 You have become transformed into a female frost giant. You have no magical powers beyond those of a baseline frost giant. You were originally a normal human male from modern-day earth surfing 4chan. Part 2 of the critically acclaimed series.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-19 31 
7690487Mutants and Masterminds: RiftsOP tries to stop the edition wars, by saying that M&M was the best system. Most of /tg/ agree's. And creates a new setting. It has elves that AREN'T gay.Mutants, Masterminds, Rifts, Setting, Smash Bros, Straight Elves2010-01-21 0 
7717423Knights of Bloodsteel/tg/ has fun with names.fantasy, humor, satire, wtf2010-01-22 12 
7725747Frost Giant Quest 3You have become transformed into a female frost giant. Shit gets done. Specifically, plowing. Apparently we also have a demon living in our head.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-23 28 
7735825Frost Giant Quest 4You have become transformed into a female frost giant. We hunt, harvest loam for fertilizer, and fire ice from our fingers.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-24 27 
7757289Frost Giant Quest 5You have become transformed into a female frost giant. We learn, plan, work ourselves into exhaustion, and finally figure out how to use magic on our own.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-25 26 
7760828Frost Giant Quest 6The quest continues, as we figure out long-term goals and consider pitfalls along the way. Lots of information about the community and world comes about.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-25 26 
7765656 lets make a high fantasy setting/tg/ re imagines your classic races into a startling panoply of eclectic propositions.fantasy, high-fantasy, orc, elf, dwarf, human, halflig, gnome, world building2010-01-25 14 
7803853Because fuck you gravityStarts out as a basic "Break reality with rules" Turns into hero worship of Don Jorge Antino Martin Velasco-Cabrales.Don Jorge Antino Martin Velasco-Cabrales Deadlands Win Awesome2010-01-28 31 
7828305Frost Giant Quest 7The quest continues as we find acquire some books and continue studying cold based spells. Also-FUCK WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT THING? Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-30 37 
7831571Frost Giant Quest 8We slay a demon and hug a guy, and find out that the thing has many useful parts, among them blades that can be used to TURN OUR AXE INTO A HALBERD, FUCK YEAHFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-30 32 
7833144Frost Giant Quest 9The night winds down with the promise of actual smithing and a test of some more awesome magic.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-30 31 
7845823Frost Giant Quest 10Continuation of Lord Quest with blue vagoo, we repair some buildings, finish windbreaks, explore some cav-HOLY SHIT I'M THE FIST OF THE NORTH STAR.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-31 30 
February 2010
7861503Frost Giant Quest 11After the demon-slaying, we've got money. Lots of it. And no way to spend it without arousing suspicion. Much discussion is had.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-01 30 
7864234Frost Giantess Quest 12Averron is eaten, infrastructure is constructed, and Demon-monies are spent. Life is good.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-01 33 
7936458Frost Giantess Quest 13We continue building up the village. Plus more people + magic types.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-05 29 
7950962Frost Giantess Quest 14Apparently, our head is super valuable...on a pike.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-07 30 
7955181Frost Giantess Quest 15We'll kill if we have to, but we'd rather not. Be good, won't you?Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-07 28 
7968446Frost Giant Quest 16Spam invades, but work continues.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-07 29 
7972055Frost Giant 17Large scale timeskip, much advancement to the town.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-08 28 
8050660Frost Giantess Quest 18We are SimCity for a god. Awesome.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-13 28 
8055304Frost Giantess Quest 19The village gets new villagers, and apparently /tg/ doesn't trust anyone who might be smarter than them.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-13 28 
8067796Frost Giantess Quest 20We take a break, make some snowmen and OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK WAS THATFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-14 28 
8073204Frost Giantess Quest 21Critical roll failures will not stop a god from kicking an elemental in the balls.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-14 30 
8084990Frost Giantess Quest 22We look for a way to be ourselves without fear or reprisal.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-15 27 
8089424Frost Giantess 221 giant vs 2 dozen trolls. THERE WERE NO SURVIVORSFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-15 31 
8173045Frost Giantess Quest 24Oh hey, what's this? A town we haven't seen yet? Well, let's just see what- OH FUCK DEMONSFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-20 28 
8179193Frost Giant 25Dealing with the loot, getting armored up, practicing a new sphere of magic (Healing), time skip to Tax Day.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-20 27 
8208403Frost Giantess Quest 26Blacksmith Acquired! End of the year celebrations commence, and the villagers are introduced to the a certain space opera...Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-22 29 
March 2010
8330221Nukes, Dragons, and WritefagsStarts off with a really nice piece about a dragon talking about the modern world, followed up by various other modern setting with fantasy element pieces.Dragon, Trinity, Modern, Fantasy, Gnoll2010-03-02 9 
8421993Frost Giantess Quest 30We charge headlong into battle, destroying all enemies in our path. But even we cannot save everyone.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-06 25 
8455920Frost Giantess Quest 31Hey. You know what we haven't done yet? Journeyed to the CENTER OF THE EARTH, of course. BURN, BABY BURNFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-08 25 
8549748Frost Spirit/Giantess Quest 32Even in death, we still serve.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-13 25 
8545021Samus StatsSamus Aran is Stated in every system EXCEPT forty-k.Samus, NES, State, me, Fantasy, 2010-03-13 1 
8584677Frost Spirit/Giantess Quest 33Despite hilarious server problems, the quest continues. Reincarnation is a bit like buying a car, only with more potential pitfalls. Like eventual, inescapable insanity.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-15 25 
8652839Paladins! Fuck yeah!Starts out slow, but grows to encompass Paladins that turn into Black Guards when they're angry, Paladins so British they shit crumpets, and Bards creating awesome by impersonating Paladins.Paladin, Fantasy, D&D, Bard, Black Guard2010-03-19 6 
8663665/tg/ Air Mercenary fanbois XThis one is slow, but OP relays Steve info. plane planes jet jets aircraft aviation mercenary sky skies F-4 Phantom2010-03-19 12 
8666502Frost Giantess Quest 34First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes horrible screaming death. Or maybe that one comes first, you can never tell.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-20 24 
8694943Remnants Quest Part 1: The ShatteringPost apocalyptic quest where we play a soldier on his way to secure shelter and survive.Eagle, Quest, Apocalyptic, Remnants2010-03-21 3 
8703651X-Men New MutantsDetails of an X-men New Mutants campaign, awesome background props.Mutants, X-Men, Superheroes2010-03-21 3 
8706196Frost Giantess Quest 35Feasting. Training. Trying to figure out what exactly we are supposed to be feeling. It's all good, man.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-22 24 
8294980Frost Giantess Quest 27Hey, let's go off and explore these ruins by ourselves. Armor? Fuck armor. (manually restored)Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-23 25 
8311245Frost Giantess Quest 28Healing. Meeting a righteous bro-god. Joining the army. Par for the course. (manually restored)Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-23 25 
8332562Frost Giantess Quest 29Finally we get into a fight and manage to NOT ALMOST DIE. (manually restored)Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-23 25 
8768815The joys of multiclassing.In the wake of a previous thread's Final Fantasy Class-rolling mayhem, /tg/ tackles random class hybrids. The strange and awesome ideas quickly take form.Character Classes, Multiclassing, Originality, Final Fantasy2010-03-25 2 
8801449Frost Giantess Quest 36Goal: Become noble. Method: Haggle for it. This is what we do.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-27 24 
8820012Frost Giantess Quest 37We are going to be the best damn alchemist ever. All we need now is some prosthetics, a pocketwatch, and shortness.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-28 24 
8839638Frost Giantess quest 38Today, we go shopping and Bem buys half the town for a nickel and a smile.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-29 24 
8874104Not-so-Bitter BetrothalL5R Storytime about a Mantis Bushi and his drinking, swearing & fighting black sheep of a Crane bride.L5R, marriage, Crane, Mantis, Bushi, Storytime2010-03-30 25 
April 2010
8895534Wormhole Cyberpunk settingAliens seek refuge, but end up crash landing and screwing up the planet big time. Cyberpunk without the 80's feel.scifi apocalypse post-apocalypse post postapocalypse alien refugee immigrant war science fiction SHTF future cyberpunk punk white knight whiteknight2010-04-01 2 
8946543Muna, Lady of Cloudstone MountainAn interesting fantasy piece about the legend of a pagan witch. Pretty cool.setting, witchcraft, fantasy2010-04-03 1 
8971811Warhammer Question/Animosity SuggestionsA question about an all-goblin army for Warhammer Fantasy evolves into a discussion about how to fix the animosity ruleWarhammer Fantasy, orcs, goblins2010-04-04 -2 
8976038Nazis in Fantasyland Part DeuxExcellent writing, the idea gets fleshed out a bit. Political situation is developed, and a dragon gets pwnt by artillery. Nazis, Fantasy2010-04-05 15 
9088542Frost Giantess Quest 39The bad rolls return. At least this time we aren't dying, just failing horribly at alchemy. And this is the skill we want to use to make a nuke.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-10 24 
9108613Frost Giantess Quest 40You know what happens when you give a medieval society plans for generators, locomotives, and rockets? We're about to find out.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-11 24 
9128774Frost Giantess Quest 41Generator test: successful. Also, Forus is apparently centered around a massive volcano that will probably explode and kill us all.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-12 24 
9234259Frost Giantess Quest 42Looks like the universe will do anything to keep us from becoming a noble. Up to and including CREEDing hundreds of thousands of guys directly into our country. Seriously.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-17 25 
9274286Frost Giantess Quest 43Thus did Maya Terrasdottir, Frost Giant mage, royally fuck up the enemy's shit.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-19 37 
9298656RPG SystemsVarious suggestions are made for generic RPG systems.RPG system hero tristat fantasycraft2010-04-20 0 
9382537Frost Giantess Quest 43It's a trap!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-24 25 
9391381Peasant? QuestA surreal trip through the dreamscapes of RICK! the peasant, or possibly hero, in something vaguely resembling classic text game format.Peasant? Quest, quest, Ghoul2010-04-24 1 
9424460Frost Giantess Quest 45Racing through fog, being chased by a shadow beast, then suddenly OH YEAH KOOLAID MAN!"frost" "Giantess" "Quest"2010-04-26 26 
9496804Remnants Quest: Part 2: The ShelterWe reach the base, and go inside.Eagle Remnants Apocalypse Quest2010-04-29 1 
May 2010
9531360Frost Giantess Quest 46Things quiet down a bit. We make some batarangs, cage some lightning, and catch up with Kel. All good.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-01 24 
9549247Frost Giantess Quest 47You can't win 'em all. For us, that usually means death or maiming, but this time, we escaped intact. Does that make it better or worse?Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-02 25 
9652953ITT: Magical Items you really wouldn't want.The Blazing Bowler: A regular looking bowler hat that immolates the wearer. It doesn't give you any resistance to fire or anything, it just sets you on fire.D&D magic items do not want2010-05-07 3 
9672525Frost Giantess Quest 48Yeah, let's just sign this contract forcing us to follow the orders of a bunch of government wizards. WHAT COULD GO WRONGFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-08 24 
9692576Frost Giantess Quest 49Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, QuestWe're resistant to the forest Shoggoth's madness-inducing fog, but not immune. Fortunately, the Shoggoth isn't at all resistant to thermite, and runs away with it's tail between it's legs. 2010-05-09 14 
9710181Sane editions discussion!It's clearly the end of the world!Editions, 4e, 3.5, pathfinder, fantasycraft, no fucking way2010-05-09 0 
9713601Frost Giantess Quest 50GUESS WHO'S BACKFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-10 24 
9817416Frost Giantess Quest 51Soldier. Alchemist. Lumberjack. War is hell.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-15 24 
9856237Frost Giantess Quest 52Men are lost, a beast is slain, and tales, both dread and inspiring are told.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-17 24 
9965818Frost Giantess Quest 53War is a dirty business.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-22 24 
9972391Walk like an EgyptianWorld building thread, with the main nation based on Ancient Egypt, just starting to explore it's surroundings in a strange and hostile world. A low-fantasy, low-tech, rare-magic setting in the works.Setting, World Building, Low fantasy2010-05-22 0 
9986925Frost Giantess Quest 54FIGHT SPIDERS WITH SPIDERSFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-23 24 
10117592Frost Giantess Quest 56Very short session. Link to quest #55. Events after the battle. We finally get to the capital and get our noble title. We countess now.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-29 22 
10137456Monster Hunter Tabletop It began as a simple discussion of the vidya, but soon people were volunteering tabletop conversion ideas and information, as well as complaining about 'not getting it'. Monst Hunter, FantasyCraft, TableTop, Get Shit Done2010-05-29 2 
10161840Frost Giantess Quest 57Good to be back. Hey, you know what this place needs? A railway. And a giant house. And FACTORIES EVERYWHERE. Time to jump-start this revolution.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-31 22 
10182014Commoner RPGPlayers play ordinary folk trying to go through life during interesting time periods instead of being hobo adventurers.normal common peasant mortal mundane life2010-05-31 0 
June 2010
10274944Frost Giantess Quest 58Back to the industrial grind. More people, more resources, more expansion. Some spam near the end, but hell, who doesn't get spammed nowadays.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-05 22 
10320460Frost Giantess Quest 59Knights, mages, and indoor plumbing. The life of a town is a merry one. Also, spam, but it's not like we aren't familiar with it.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-07 22 
10602809Frost Giantess Quest 60Back in the swing of things. Railways, new alliances, plenty of solid discussion. SPAM-FREE!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-20 20 
10739498Frost Giant Quest 61Build up our railroad and town and start making plans to expand outwards.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-26 17 
July 2010
10891493Frost Giantess Quest 63Railroads, zeppelins, Hugo Boss and terrorism. It's great to be back!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-03 14 
10911008Frost Giantess Quest 64Saboteurs are rounded up and made to think real hard about who they're working for. If we'd put in the same amount of thought, that train might still be here.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-04 13 
11035643Frost Giantess Quest 65Construction, archaeological digs, and founding Zeppelin attack squadrons stocked with ridiculous quantities of bombs and machine guns. We've got steam-powered lasers and everyone else is riding our awesome trains. Life is good.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-10 15 
11035643Frost Giantess Quest 65Construction, archaeological digs, and founding Zeppelin attack squadrons stocked with ridiculous quantities of bombs and machine guns. We've got steam-powered lasers and everyone else is riding our awesome trains. Life is good.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-10 15 
11055182Frost Giantess Quest 66Ancient highly advanced city destroyed by fire gods. Let's go in and touch stuff!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-11 13 
11055182Frost Giantess Quest 66Ancient highly advanced city destroyed by fire gods. Let's go in and touch stuff!Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-11 13 
11073680Frost Giantess Quest 67"No, it's IN the system, you idiot! All the medical consoles have been infected" .............................................END OF LINEFrost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, ohgodwhat2010-07-12 15 
11173181Frost Giantess Quest 68Ancient AIs? Techno-viral infections? Difficult choices? ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROLFrost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-17 14 
11191313Frost Giantess Quest 69Going to heal the heir to the throne, do some real good, then suddenly POLITICSFrost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-18 14 
11308994Frost Giantess Quest 70Internal combustion engines. Rail artillery. Nuclear weapons. With our luck, we'll end up fighting in the astral plane.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-24 14 
11329508Frost Giantess Quest 71When you've come as far as we have, well, let's just say an Air Navy is just reward.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-25 13 
11446506A Frost Giant is Thee ★One of the worst, Longest-running quests is still continuing why won't they give it up already?Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-07-31 21 
August 2010
11462073Frost Giantess Quest 73At some point, you ask yourself whether you're doing the right thing. Well, if saving an entire race is wrong...Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-01 14 
11600995Zerg Quest VIIAnon hacks the Confederate Intelligence network, personally organizes the Invasion of Aiur, and THEN the epic starts.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, fleshlings, Starcraft, KINSTOOOOON!!!, Giant fucking crystals, Shit just got real2010-08-10 13 
11656229Frost Giantess Quest 74Bitching. So. Much. Bitching. Later, we capture a SHITTON of feral frost giants for re-education and open up another fleet base.Frost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, bitching2010-08-14 13 
11682951Frost Giantess Quest 75Mistakes are made. Bases are found. One of them full of enough tanks and missiles to win a war in a small desert country. Hooah!Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-16 13 
11756369Frost Giantess Quest 76Yet more cool hardware that we must find a way to use as a weapon. Talking, diplomacy, and even more rage against the nobles. Life is good.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-21 13 
11782555Frost Giantess Quest 77Back to town to see how things are going. Then it's back off into the wasteland to dig up possibly homicidal AIs and have them make chairs. Also laser telescope. Love this job.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-23 14 
11847023Frost Giantess Quest 78Learning. Assessing projects. Working through politics. Sometimes, to take care of the boredom, you just have to go for a walk in the cancerous forest and check for shiny things.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-28 12 
11872738Frost Giantess Quest 79More Zeppelin rides and plenty of politics. Exploration, planning, and the testing of a very important ship designed to kill sky castles.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-30 13 
September 2010
11938570Frost Giantess Quest 79Politics, planning, and nuclear devices everywhere. Also, shit goes down. But not in the manner expected.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-09-04 12 
11965730Frost Giantess Quest 81 - The endand a flight of angels sing thee to thy restFrost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, GAR, The End2010-09-06 21 
12099498TinyHammerWhat happens when all those miniatures you made come to life? The answer pure chaos!Chaos, brilliant writefaggotry, War Hammer2010-09-16 13 
12115417TinyHammer IIWhat happens when all those miniatures you made come to life? The answer pure chaos!Chaos, brilliant writefaggotry, warhammer2010-09-17 10 
12185849Dragon Quest IIA young-adult red dragon, out to see the world, accumulate the requisite dragon-hoard, gain power, wealth, minions, and artifacts. Of course, we start out by robbing a wizard. Perhaps we aren't as bright as we think we are. D&D 3.5 setting. -ish.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing2010-09-23 33 
12227855My palantir has been infected.Middle Earth experiences problems just like anon does.middle earth, palantir, sauron, mcarathorn2010-09-26 23 
12233118Dragon Quest IIIYoung red dragon out to explore the world, gain a hoard, power, and all that. Now with Kobold Manservant and Succubus/Erinyes Consort! [We're still a bit unsure on that.] Finish robbing a Wizard's tower, get laid with aforementioned hell-chick, and get a job that may or may not have a nod to Cthulhu Mythos. fantasy, D&D, dragons, dragon, dragon quest, adventure, RPG, dungeons, wizard, heist, job,2010-09-27 30 
12246179Dragon Quest IVGet paid, look into a cult, win past a wizard, and start learning magic. A busy day for a red dragon, particularly when all done polymorphed as a 'lesser race'. A fun read and installment, with potentially far-reaching events.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic2010-09-28 27 
12269050Dragon Quest VMore investigating a disappearance. For cash and considerations, of course. May have accidentally drowned the person we're trying to find while trying to loot a pirate ship, and ran into Jerrik, our manservant and now P.R. agent again. All in a days work for an dragon among the lesser races. Also: /tg/'s dice are sentient, and hate us. Viciously.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc,2010-09-30 24 
October 2010
12304272Dragon Quest VISlow start, but we get a good start on our hoard, including some magical gubbinz, learn some new things about certain people, and find an elder-god style cult. Damn elder gods always screwing around in our reality.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc, cult, 2010-10-03 23 
12314471Dragon Quest VIICibach Azaladon, young-adult age category red dragon, is out to see the world, gain empire, hoard, love (or at least mate,) and power. Glorious power. Under the 'knowledge is power' theory, we manage to bust up an evil cult, and rescue a servant the local god of knowledge who is as much more than she seems as we are. Also, we get to drop the hammer in dragon-form.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc, cult, gold, VII, 7, seven2010-10-04 24 
12329848Dragon Quest VIIICygnis, the Gold we rescued, offers us an in on local politics, as well as a fairly decent bribe. We accept, and start plotting about how to off her. Necessities are arranged for, and meetings are scheduled. Wonderfully productive. Short, but lots of text. Plotting and maneuvering.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, erinyes, wizard, magic, pirate, cult, gold, VIII, 8, eight2010-10-05 22 
12397403Dragon Quest XIInterrogating a captive, taking care of a few items of business, converting captive to minion, and presenting Scinnari her gift. Finally, a new task, and corroboration that the cult we fought is still in action. Slow night, but fairly productive.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, magic2010-10-11 24 
12433858Dragon Quest XIIIWe further investigate the cult and discover that the wizard Kazmiri is deeply involved with the cult of the Binder. Also, we get arrested.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dungeons, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-10-14 23 
12479383Dragon Quest XIVGet saved by a cultist pretending to be Arman, catch him on it, with Scinnari's help, then get Cygnis to help us walk into an ambush. (and have her on hands so as to manipulate her easier.) Traps, then cult-huntan' ensue. Stop right before we get to save/kill Arman.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, magic2010-10-18 23 
12493266Dragon Quest XVSmash the cult, rescue Arman, use superior memory to trip up W-D, and unveil sinister plans. Manage to get a little closer with Cygnis, too.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, fantasy, magic2010-10-19 23 
12526343Bretonnia Discussion/tg/ discusses The Kingdom of BretonniaBretonnia, knights, warhammer, fantasy, WFB, discussion, knight2010-10-23 2 
12557364Dragon Quest XVIThuron turns out to be a snake creature in disguise and answers some questions about the cult, the Unspeakable One, and what will happen if the cult succeeds. Cygnis continues to grow more dependent on us, Scinnari is a bit tight-lipped when questioned about her past, and we finally get a serious lair up and running with the help of our kobold minions. Also, we get invited to a party by the Sealord.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-10-25 22 
12566665Fantasy Races in Sci-fi/tg/ plots out alternative takes on archetypical fantasy races transplanted into a science fiction setting. OP concedes to not giving a fuck.sci-fi, fantasy, elves, orcs, dwarves, IN SPAAAACE2010-10-26 1 
12570611Dragon Quest XVII We buy some gunpower, find out more about Sealord and council members, get hired(in guise of Ladon "Blackjack") by Scinnari to get rid of Brother Arman and btw the cult of the Unspeakable One has plans concerning the lighthouse. Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-10-26 23 
12592656Dragon Quest XVIIIThe Sealord's ball. One of Drac's minions tries to buy our loyalty, though we opt for keeping our options open for now. Scinnari makes quite a splash, Lydon confirms that Drac is a cultist, and an elderly snake creature crashes the party with the obligatory cryptic warning. Plot, plot everywhere.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-10-28 23 
November 2010
12634766Dragon Quest XIXWe have the displeasure of meeting Cygnis' half-brother Azdukashen, discover that (not)Thuron has been murdered, and make plans for stopping the cult. We finally turn Brother Arman over to Finn and Jassa(Scinnari), overhear that she's up to something on the side, and start looking for our next target, the merchant captain Andarr. We also wine and dine both Asha and Cygnis behind Scinnari's back, but get very possessive about Scinnari herself.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-01 24 
12669869Dragon Quest XXWe go searching for the temple. Along the way we roast a ship, kill a dragon turtle, and find a cursed sword. Cygnis shows up with word that the Sealord and the cult are stepping up their timetable for the lighthouse.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-04 23 
12715111Dragon Quest XXIWe get a ride home and talk to a really knowledgeable crystal, finally getting some long awaited answers. It also seems to like us. Az is less pleased, and we troll him masterfully. The cult is on the move and has started the ritual as well as captured our ladies, so we swoop in to the rescue and prepare for the climax of the cult arc.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-08 23 
12726929Omegle RPFa/tg/uys collectively introduce the concept of roleplay to Omegle. Hilarity- and epic- ensue.omegle, improv, roleplay, epic, adventure, infocom, quest, giant, barbarian, knight2010-11-09 2 
12739376BrainwormsDiscussion of brainworms turns into a brainstorming of concept and ideas. Includes redneck brainworms monster truck racing and ancient greece.brainworm, fantasy, D&D, biopunk2010-11-10 0 
12716581Paladin wat do?Thread starts with a Paladin fucking a god he DIDN'T worship. /tg/ thinks about the ramifications. It is decided that Eilistraee was one of the better gods for a horizontal tango. Then FR gods turn out to be playing some sort of reverse fantasy football with their followers. Eilistraee, gods, Forgotten Realms, Fantasy Football2010-11-10 13 
12752230Dragon Quest XXIIIWe plan how to get rid of Azdukashen, "Blackjack" introduce the Captain Finn to the mr. dagger and reaches agreement with Jassa.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-11 22 
12785071Swords from giantsHundreds of swords, all of them thought-provoking.sword giant received2010-11-14 6 
12797702Dragon Quest XXIVThe council puts us on trial. As a reward for saving Freeport from the cult they try to kick us out of the city. Ungrateful bastards. Mostly debate.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-15 23 
12835112Dragon Quest XXVAz is at our mercy and we finally get a chance to do some good old fashioned villainous gloating before we have Scinnari kill him. Writer-Dude shows off his skills, to the delight of all.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-18 23 
12928664Dragon breeds discussion.Starts out as a question about mongrel dragons (Half this type, half that,). Ends up with lengthy discussion of dragons, lots of random questions, some images, vague stats for the Candy-corn Dragon, and more than some people ever wanted to know about dragons. (And exactly as much as others wanted to know.) Addendum: There are WAAAAAY too many types of dragons.candy corn, candycorn, candy-corn, dragon, dragons, fantasy, mongrel, halfbreed, dungeons, D&D2010-11-26 11 
12948509Unconventional fantasy threadThread filled with unconventional fantasy art, movies, settings, etc. Archived for posterity.unconventional fantasy, settings2010-11-27 0 
December 2010
13030117Goofus and Gallant QuestAre you a Goofus? Or are you a Gallant?Goofus and Gallant Quest, Quest2010-12-05 2 
13032814Goofus and Gallant Quest: The ConclusionAnd so it comes to a disappointing end.Goofus and Gallant Quest, Quest2010-12-05 2 
13041443Dragon Quest XXVIIWe reel Asha in and almost kill her, though eventually decide against it when it comes down to a real vote. We begin fortifying Mza and are attacked by naval forces from Morinth and Rhasver.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-12-06 23 
13072673Serious discussion about slavery in your game.Specifically how it can be used constructively in campaign or character backstory, and its pitfalls in being used such a way.Serious, world building, setting, slavery, fantasy, campaign setting2010-12-08 7 
13103700Not the most most powerful.../tg/ works to create a variety of trivial mutant powers, such as unassisted breathing and turning Coca-cola into Pepsi. mutant, superpowers, weakest, Pepsi2010-12-11 2 
13204751Dragon Quest XXVIII We defeat the Rhasver force sent to take Mza and ransom the prisoners back to them. Then we time skip forward, in which we explore Mza and expand the town. We try to spy on people, but the dice get in the way again. We do, however, snag an Orb of Storms.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dungeons, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-12-19 23 
13244947Dragon Quest XXIX Town of Mza grows, we master the Orb of Storm, get more information about the Binder. We also scavenge few ships from city of Azar, which has been destroyed by Undead.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dungeons, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-12-22 24 
January 2011
13446636Goofus and Gallant Quest II/tg/ continues to ruin the lives of little children.Goofus and Gallant Quest, Quest2011-01-09 3 
13557466Dragon Quest XXXInvestigating Azar. Necromantic apocalypse, reluctant rulers, and Black dragon Lord and Masters.Dragon, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, Collective Game,2011-01-18 21 
13585569Commander Quest LVIWe assault another town, hitting it hard in the night. Slaughter some more guards, when Lena does something reckless....again, we let them go but reserve judgment for later, then the assassin's job is evaluated and found satisfactory.Quest, Pax, Commander, Romans, Fantasy2011-01-20 10 
13637263Construct Artificer Quest 1The story of Carne, a big hulking machine full of the secret knowledge of a dead nation, after he wakes up from a Rip-Van-Winkle-like nap. You awaken. You are in a forest. Vines and vegetation cover your body of cold metal and indestructible crystal. "It is day. The birds are chirping. You can hear animals nearby. Some are eating, some stalking others to eat."quest, construct, magic, fantasy, roleplay, collective game2011-01-24 11 
13645239Dragon Quest XXXIIIWe make our move against the adventurers, though it goes relatively poorly. We capture two, finish our immediate business in Beren, and set to work breaking our new acquisitions. We also have a chat with Scinnari about her loyalties and annex a port city.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-01-25 23 
13646200Construct Artificer Quest 2You're in Port Adder now. So much to do, so much time. And then we meet the NID and have to deal with a Criminal Mastermind. Yay.Construct, Artificer, Quest, Collective Game, Magic, Fantasy, Roleplay2011-01-25 5 
13659845Construct Artificer Quest 3You intimidate the fake guards, and take over a safehouse. You also interrogate one of them, and prepare to raid several other safe houses.Construct, Artificer, Quest, Collective Game, Magic, Fantasy, Roleplay2011-01-26 5 
13672773Construct Artificer Quest 4The continued adventures of the metal man in a fantasyland. Spying and shadow-boxing and playing mind tricks get cut short, with a temp ban for our beloved GM. What the fuck, /tg/.Construct, Artificer, Quest, Collective Game, Magic, Fantasy, Roleplay2011-01-27 6 
13680606Shattered Sun/tg/ gets shit done yet again and discusses a setting in which the sun breaks into pieces and orbits the planet.sun, setting, fantasy, brainstorm2011-01-28 40 
13692388Shattered Sun WritefaggotryThe Shattered Sun setting is given some original content and it is awesome.sun, setting, fantasy, writefag, writing2011-01-28 22 
February 2011
13734638Dragon Quest XXXIVAngst and rage between waifufags and anti-waifufags, Black Dragons causing acid rains, Scinnari being pregnant and we create the storm of the Century.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-02-01 23 
13806562Dragon Quest XXXVAzar is reclaimed by Tashz and the black dragon there is killed. We travel to the court of Tashzmir and start nosing around in the local politics, though the major players don't seem particularly interested in us. Relatively short for a DQ thread.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-02-07 23 
138249194X Lessons"What have turn-based games taught you about how you would run a country?" /tg/ shares its vision of the world. Ghandi the Insane Conqueror, Dierdre the Filled With Mindworms, unstoppable spearmen, space travel without engines, cheating AIs, and the Pope.Civilization, SMAC, spearmen, awesome, games, 4X, Ghandi, peasants, Master of Orion2011-02-08 10 
13891064Dragon Quest XXXVIThe Party Ends. It was fun. Now we Plan.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-02-14 23 
13929039Zerg Quest XXXISimultaneous plotlines show VoidGate getting all nukey, Kingston's fleet getting its ass handed to it, and some mighty peculiar stuff going on in Protoss space. Mighty peculiar.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Planet Glassing, Rampant AI, What's going on over there?2011-02-17 12 
14000966Dragon Quest XXXVIIWe resurrect Mza's volcano, the dwarves strike adamantine, and Scinnari lays an egg. Seffy has also been busy building her domain, and we plot to undermine her. Wraps up with a potential lead on the "Twice-Bound," which might help us learn more about the Binder.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-02-23 22 
March 2011
14077407Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal LandStep 1) Post a large and pretty PDF with Touhou selling point. Step 2) Mathfags, rollfags, roleplayers, Touhoufags converge. Step 3) Critiques and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEG. But you have to admit... It's a fairly well done PDF. Let this be a lesson for all those ambitious homebrew makers: Yo shit gonna be picked.touhou toho homebrew rpg critique roleplaying rollplaying pdf d6 rpg rage system testing balance shitstorm fantasy mary_sue magic rules 2011-03-01 16 
14093360Cyblum Dell/tg/ Gets shit done after the OP requests a low magic setting and post a picture. /tg/ then proceeds to MAKE one just from the picture.original, setting, low magic, fantasy, cyblum, cyblum dell2011-03-02 37 
14096871Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal Land - Part 2Continuation of previous thread. /tg/ continues to balancing efforts and fixing shit. Autistic samefag from previous sages again.touhou, toho, homebrew, rpg, critique, roleplaying, rollplaying, pdf, d6, rpg,, system, testing, balance, balancing, fix, fixing, fantasy, mary sue, magic, rules, getting shit done2011-03-02 8 
14100357Cyblum Dell IIBuilding off of the previous thread, further expounding about a plot hook concerning the Festival of the Solstice is had. Also, military, government, religion, and racism are all touched upon. This is all because of one picture: textbook /tg/ getting shit done!original, setting, fluff, low magic, fantasy, cyblum, cyblum dell, dener, taraklet, brogitarius, yak2011-03-03 7 
14264396Seventh Sanctum MagemakerIt was just an ordinary rollantrollan thread with some funny randomly-generated mage class titles. Then some cunt started conjuring castles, some other guy was destroying the castles, mages were fucking with one another, one omnicidal asshole was messing with time travel, and suddenly it bloomed into a BATTLE FOR THE MULTIVERSE.mage, magic, castle, seventh sanctum, time travel, rollantrollan, roleplay, omnicide, derp2011-03-17 11 
April 2011
14444306After the Bomb: The Spiny Anteater That Could?One anon asks a couple questions about After the Bomb/TMNT, later another anon get pissed at the lack of play due to perverts and declares it a character creation thread. A young escaped slave mutant emerges as a Spiny Anteater with a penchant for recon work and a hate-on for the Empire of Humanity.After the Bomb, AtB, AtB2, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Spiny Anteater, Echidna, mutant animal2011-04-03 1 
14484402Mutant Quest"The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you." We play as 15 year old Finnish girl, Aino, who just enrolled into the Academy. Shit hits the fan pretty soon after.Mutant Quest, Quest, Collective Game, X-Men2011-04-05 35 
14488742Commander Quest LXXXIIIQuintus kinda makes us feel bad for him, not really though, sympathetic is a bit much, but pretty much describes it. Send blackbird with Wulf out. Get an Official head count. Execute Doblis the traitor of the empire. Talk a bit with Sansa about Quintus getting her to wait so we can set it up.Collective Game, Commander Quest, Commander, High Fantasy Rome2011-04-06 14 
14510905Mutant Quest issue 2The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you.Mutant Quest, X-Men2011-04-08 23 
14521867Mutant Quest: Issue ThreeThe year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you. This issue, our heroine pushes her powers, goes to the cinema, and stops a robbery.Mutant Quest, X-Men2011-04-08 23 
14558598Mutant Quest: Issue FourThe year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation, etc, etc. This issue, there are two of our heroine, friendships are strained, and there is more of the Danger Room.Mutant Quest, X-Men2011-04-12 24 
14591373New World WarriorsOP makes Dwarf Badger Riders, and fa/tg/uy creates silly stereotypes on WARwar, homebrew, dwarfs, USA, fantasy, canadians, north america, New World Warriors2011-04-15 0 
14603508Mutant Quest: Issue FiveThe year is 1995, and we are on the hunt for a penguin. This issue, there is a cool jet. There is ice. And there is a giant robot. Oh, and penguins. Mutant Quest, X-Men, Penguins2011-04-16 22 
14612827Marche of FFTA"The Stealthiest Lawful Evil Protagonist in the history of Lawful Evil protagonists."Lawful Evil, Lawful Good, BBEG, troll, trolling, final fantasy tactics, final fantasy tactics advance, fft, ffta, fantasy, paladin, discussion2011-04-16 8 
14630047Gladiatrix Manager Quest IAnon challenges us to chose a lady-warrior and send her into the ring for the amusement of the crowd.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Giant Frog2011-04-18 7 
14635148Mutant Quest: Issue SixThe year is 1995. We are a mutant. This issue starts with a class race straight out of Ender's game, swerves into socialization, and ends with us in an anachronistic vehicle. Read inside for details! Mutant Quest, X-Men, No Penguins2011-04-19 20 
14641861Gladiatrix Manager Quest 2Gneutered does more yelling at various people, figures out how to game the system a bit, and buys a third slave. A training montage ensues, followed by more fighting.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina2011-04-19 7 
14645998Mutant Quest issue 7The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you. This issue sees our heroine in NYC where the girls meet some famous faces, debate the merits of vigilantism, and finally get a penguin!X-Men, Mutant Quest2011-04-20 21 
14674927Fantastic FloraFantastic Flora thread, plant ideas for a fantasy setting. Not plant type monsters.setting, fantasy, plant, plants, fruit, food, homebrew, world building, wordbuilding, home brew,2011-04-22 1 
14711890Final Fantas RPG DMing adviceOP asks for a RPG that has a FF feel. FFRPG is introduced and DMing advice is given.FFRPG, final fantasy, dm, advice, setting2011-04-25 0 
14712324Gladiatrix Manager Quest 3In which Gneutered turns down a deathmatch, coaches said deathmatch anyway, has her fighters take on a dire jackal, makes a pile of money, and gets ready for a party.party, gladiatrix, manager, quest, female, gladiator, gneutered, gnoll, lizardfolk, SSssS, Slicks, Antonina, Septimia2011-04-25 7 
14721967Gladiatrix Manager Quest 4Mostly scheming. Some partying. A bit of gladiatrix managing, of course. No fighting, uncharacteristically.Gladiatrix, Manager, Quest, Gladiator, Female, Antonina, Septimia, Slicks, SSssS, Arena, Gneutered2011-04-26 7 
May 2011
14772442Gladiatrix Manager Quest 5A lot of extremely successful fighting occurs. Also, some scheming with regards to intentionally getting slaves killed (answer: no) and sabotaging reputations of assholes (answer: yes).Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia2011-05-01 7 
14777527Beast WorldHumanity has been laid low by the Gods and their Beastmen descendants must rediscover what it means to be humanbeast world, post apocalyptic, fantasy, homebrew2011-05-02 3 
14784026Gladiatrix Manager Quest 6Very little progress gets made, but shit gets moderately real outside of the fights as all sides involved awkwardly and politely harass each other.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia2011-05-02 7 
14779398Dragon Quest XLVIHammering out details of timeskip. Fucking up a black, considering freeing Soulless, starting on alchemy and wizardry guilds, kobolds again, and invasion of Avariel cities. Oh, and a Draconic Who's-who at the end of the thread.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-05-02 22 
14785826anti-cliches in fantasyCampaign and quest ideas that go against the norm.anti-cliche, D&D, campaign ideas, 2011-05-02 2 
14788292Mutant Quest issue 8Mutant Quest returns after a publishing delay! When an anti-mutant protest in New York turns nasty, the kids are left in the care of Jamie Madrox, the Multiple Man! Mutant Quest, X-Men2011-05-03 18 
14811662Mutant Quest issue 9The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you. With the X-Men beaten down and possibly out for the count, Aino and company steal a plane, stage a rescue in a burning building, and prepare to confront Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants!Mutant Quest, X-Men2011-05-05 17 
14823309Mutant Quest: 10th issue extravaganza!Aino (in the guise of Tachyon) and the other kids tackle the Brotherhood, narrowly avoiding certain death! Gratuitous use of ZA WARUDO and suspense awaits in: Mutant Quest: 10th issue extravaganza!Mutant Quest, X-Men2011-05-06 16 
14825764Tsundere in tabletop gaming.An old Anime cliche is discussed in tabletop gaming situations by /tg/anime, tsundere, baka, /tg/, i-its not like I wanted to archive this thread or anything!2011-05-06 5 
14830436Gladiatrix Manager Quest 7Some spying continues. Also, the fighters learn to speak gnoll (poorly), and presumably some espionage happens off camera. Also, fighting.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia2011-05-06 7 
14845605Mutant Quest issue #0The Marvel mutant cash cow continues with this limited-edition Issue #0! Featuring all-new artwork!Mutant Quest, X-Men2011-05-07 17 
14879755Mutant Quest issue #11The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you. This issue is a surprising deviation from the normal, as Aino and Co. spend a perfectly normal day doing perfectly normal things!Mutant Quest, X-Men2011-05-11 15 
14890705Mutant Quest issue #12The year is 1995, but not for long, as Aino finds herself confronted by a future yet unwitnessed, flung into a past she's never seen, and starring in a simultaneous second story of love and death in the nightmarish Days of Mutant Past!Mutant Quest, X-Men2011-05-11 15 
14898581Gladiatrix Manager Quest 8Very little happens due to OP's shitty sleep schedule, but the plot advances a bit. Things look good for Volcatia, but there might be more happening below the surface.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia, collective game2011-05-12 7 
14917435Dragon Quest XLIXWherein we visit Morinth, find out that some femme-mages just can't be reasoned with, and then go to war with Rhasaver. And win!Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-05-14 23 
14929685Pixiv Fantasia setting threadAn anon start dumping images of Pixiv Fantasia, questions are asked about the general information of the setting. Does /tg care to turn it into some kind of RPG?Pixiv Fantasia, Setting, Plan, Images, Pixiv2011-05-15 3 
14941075Best Mutants & Masterminds Game EverThe Sovereign, Fishmonger, Ragin' Ronnie Reagan, Lucifer Lass, and the Masked Rider team up to fight crime...or sell action figures...or maybe take over the world? It's really hard to tell with these guys...M&M, Mutants & Masterminds, storytime, The Sovereign, Ragin' Ronnie Reagan, Fishmonger2011-05-16 28 
14969814Mutant Quest: Issue ThirteenListen: Aino has come unstuck in time. And the year is no longer 1995...Mutant Quest, X-Men2011-05-19 16 
14980736Mutant Quest: Issue FourteenThe year was 1995, but no longer! Having regained her time-slowing powers, teenage mutant Aino Virta finds herself in the future year 2099, in a world where Four Freedoms Plaza is owned not by the Fantastic Four but by a megacorporation called Stark-Fujikawa! Wanted by agents of a rival megacorp, the for-profit police force known as the Public Eye, fifteen-year old Tachyon finds herself an uneasy employee of Stark-Fujikawa, promised shelter and security in return for the use of her mutant power! Things...don't go as planned. Mutant Quest, X-Men, Uh oh2011-05-20 16 
14997775Vagrant Quest 118 year old Penny, a thief running from a town that falsely accused her of messing with their solar panel finds a new settlement as well as Jim the shopkeeper. We also fixed a tractor and got supplies.Post apocalypse, collective game, quest, Vagrant Quest, thief, Penny2011-05-21 6 
15005410Dragon Quest LThe war with Rhasver ends, we pick up a new city for our troubles. Seffy gets greedy and starts demanding obscene amounts of gold and adamantine as payment unless we marry her and merge our kingdoms. Meanwhile, some devils are making trouble for Scinnari and her superior is cheating her out of recognition for her work.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-05-22 27 
15007851the trollman cometh!An idea for a Mutants and Masterminds villain turns interesting due to said villain using troll physics as his power. Problem, superheroes?mutants & masterminds, danananana trollman, u mad?2011-05-23 13 
15025659Vagrant Quest IIWe trade away our iPod and headphones for a water purifier and a Leatherman, have a nice bath, helped Jim close up his shop, then go have dinner with the council and learn a bit about the town we are inPenny, Vagrant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, apocalypse, thief2011-05-24 4 
15071892Mutant Quest: Issue FifteenThe year was 2099. Now, it isn't. Teenage time-traveller, warper, and all around manipulator Aino Virta faces impossible odds and decisions in this issue of Mutant Quest, and finally learns the truth behind her adventures.Mutant Quest, X-Men, time travel2011-05-28 21 
15084412IrradiantFriendly Mad Max post apoc setting.fluff, Irradiant, post-apocalyptic, cute2011-05-29 8 
June 2011
15118555Commander Quest XCVWe deal with the clean up of the ambush, have a few words with our staff and elementalists. Then we have a quick talk to Quintus, which is actually kinda awkward towards the end.Commander Quest, Roman Fantasy, Pax, Collective Game, Quest, Justinian Trentz2011-06-01 14 
15186356Mutant Quest: Issue SixteenThe year is 1995, and Aino is going home. It won't be easy, but she isn't giving up!Mutant Quest, X-Men2011-06-07 15 
15189000Dragon Quest LIIWe have a chat with Azyra about her new friends and manage our growing kingdom. Slower and shorter thread than usual.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-06-08 23 
15198203Mutant Quest: Issue SeventeenIn the aftermath of her greatest and most costly adventure yet, Aino takes some time to relax with her friends. But it seems trouble followed her...Mutant Quest, X-Men, time travel2011-06-09 16 
15195602Fae mutation list300+ mutations for your after travels into Faerie.fey faerie mutation fluff ideas fantasy2011-06-09 5 
15209620Mutant Quest issue #18The year is 1995, and Aino and her friends battle a Silver Age monster... sort of. They also meet the Avengers, race go-karts and set a new hands-free record at Mortal Kombat!Mutant Quest, X-Men, Avengers, Quinjet2011-06-09 18 
15222327Dragon Quest LIIIYuan-Ti problems, Nehm being strangely curt in obedience, being happy with Azyra, cooling relationship with Seffy, and a new problem warlord to the north. And much too much irreverent arguing between players.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-06-11 26 
15236326Fantasy M.D.Doctors in fantasy settings and the patients they deal with.Medical, Fantasy, Doctor, Writing2011-06-12 37 
15254386Arab mythology for a urbran fantasy settingGuy builds modern fantasy setting in Persia with the help of a history majorhomebrew, setting, fantasy, urban, modern, arab, persian, iran2011-06-14 5 
15276939Mutant Quest issue #19The year is 1995, and Aino heads to work with the Fantastic Four! But things aren't all smiles in the big city, as Sam's family drama threatens to tear our team apart! Plus, Blastaar makes an appearance for like two panels.Mutant Quest, X-Men, Fantastic Four2011-06-16 16 
15298146Mutant Quest issue #20Mutant Quest's double-sized 20th Issue Spectacular! Aino and her friends meet the kids from the Massachusetts Academy, and things threaten to explode at every turn!Mutant Quest, X-Men, Avengers, Hellions2011-06-18 20 
15375337Dragon Quest XLVIMostly dealing with a certain protegee. Some Nehmeska trying to get on our nerves. And someone who may be after Cygnis.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-06-25 22 
July 2011
15492650CazaclawCombining two of the most terrifying monsters ever to create the thing of nightmares.Fallout, New Vegas, Cazador, Deathclaw, Pants shitting, tarrasque2011-07-06 10 
15681622World Setting: Surreal Dark FantasyA horrific yet awesome setting idea, where people end up in a surrel world and always return from death as increasingly bizarre creatures. Brainstorming ensues.dark, fantasy, setting, surreal, world, world-building2011-07-24 28 
15710346A Knight's QuestA knight decides how to rule his newly inherited land.Collective game, Quest, Knight, Filthy peasants2011-07-26 25 
15715013Surreal Dark Fantasy Con'tA sequel to the first thread, where things are hardly the same after a while and people can't die permanently. Czarnosc is the world's name. The discussion continues.homebrew, dark, fantasy, setting, surreal, world, world-building2011-07-27 14 
15721967A Knight's Quest part 2A knight decides how to rule his newly inherited land.Collective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-07-27 22 
15733358A Knight's Quest part 3The Empire ComethCollective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-07-28 14 
15745377A Knight's Quest part 4The Kingdom gears up for War.Collective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-07-29 16 
August 2011
15780071A Knight's Quest part 5We become lord of County of Urs and the Kingdom readies itself for war.Collective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-08-01 14 
15791965A Knight's Quest part 6Raiding in the Empire.Collective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-08-02 11 
15804405A Knight's Quest part 7Knight's be questanCollective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-08-03 10 
15844936Create-A-GodPantheon of /tg/ created gods including the creation of fan-favourite "Lug" the god of Holes. Gods, Pantheon, writefaggotry, original content, Lug, Wry,2011-08-07 20 
15864745A Knight's Quest part 8A Wintery Tale.. and a secret pact made.Collective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-08-08 9 
15877568A Knight's Quest part 9Knights and StewardsCollective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-08-09 9 
15889450Night of the Giant MothWhen you pass the man, his head explodes, and a giant moth crawls out. What do you do?Collective Game, Night of the Giant Moth2011-08-10 9 
15894021Zerg Quest LIIICan't find the monkey in the forest? Burn down the forest. That's thinking with portals!Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Xel'Naga MacGuffin, Manta Rays of the Round Table?2011-08-11 10 
15951797Board Quest IVThe journey to battle is finally under way! But in the night, we are ambushed by werewolves! Some badass glowing and even more badass speeches later, we decide to find out exactly HOW the beasts knew where to find us... And, who may have told them.Collective Game, Board Quest, Quest, Werewolves, Lycanthropes, What a Twist, Epic2011-08-16 12 
15974215Zerg Quest LIVEcological disaster complete. Mantalisks ahoy! Ooo, charts and graphs!Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Manta Ray Feudalism, Sir Geoffrey of Zerg, Exciting Research, Ballustrades2011-08-18 11 
15994115Fantasy /tg/A forum by the many different races. In it, Drow Racism, Tiefling Lawers, and how and Ogre courts a nice elf lady.awesome, office, fantasy, drow, tiefling, bard2011-08-20 7 
16037299Traditional Anthropomorphic GamesI canhear yoou groaning from across the net, but I'm saving this thread not just for the wealth of playable furry games, but for >>16038331 this tale of 'HURR DURR YIFF IN HELL' gone too far. Sin is when we treat people as things; this applies to all people, those we feel compatibility with and those who like what we do not like.Anthropomorphism, Furry, Mouse Guard, Storytime, righteous rage, Yiff in Hell, asshole, assault 2011-08-23 -25 
16060328Fantasy NewsAn update on international news as dragons wreck havoc on Hoboken and golems go on strike in francenews fantasy roleplay2011-08-26 1 
16073747Fantasy and Medieval EconomicsThe cost of boots in silesia and tales of the Math Lich.economy, fantasy economy2011-08-27 3 
16078790Considering: a modern fantasy Wilderness settingAnon proposes a setting with some modern tech, encroaching wilderness, and a reason for adventures. We contribute monsters and justifications.Homebrew, Getting Shit Done, original content, pokemon, modern fantasy, setting, world building2011-08-28 8 
16109529Dragon Quest LIVWherein we play as a group of adventurers investigating Mza and Lord Prestor.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-08-30 20 
September 2011
16204515Unfantastic Fantasy OP wonders why modern fantasy is so earthly and non-bizarre. Discussion is had and one fa/tg/uy tells of his magi-tech setting with robo-dragons and zombie goblins.fantasy, settings, discussion, tolkien, D&D, awesome2011-09-07 7 
16375960Araby fandex brainstorming/tg/ starts with the creation of their own Araby army book, this brainstorming is saved for future reference.Araby, warhammer fantasy, project, /tg/ gets shit done, 2011-09-21 23 
16402290Modern Fantasy EvolutionSemi-Scientific discussion of Magic and Monstrous races evolving side-by-side with humanityModer Fantasy Monstergirls Evolution2011-09-24 5 
16432973Dryad Capacity ConundrumTG saves dryad from termite infestationdryad, ants, D&D, vagina, Help2011-09-27 7 
16436924Deus Ex: MagickaA new spin to the Deus Ex series- magipunk. The main character, one mean satyr with a meaner kick named Ann O'Bedlam, awakes to find that her limbs have been replaced magically augmented metallic limbs. Deus Ex, Cyberpunk, Fantasy, Goat, Satyr2011-09-27 2 
16453010Drakar och DemonerAnon translating Swedish D&D clone, Drakar och Demoner.RPG, Tabletop, project, fluff, fantasy, Drakar_och_Demoner2011-09-29 3 
16457297Dragon Quest LVWe track down the adventurers and bring them back to Mza.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-09-29 22 
October 2011
16487506Dragon Quest LVIWe finally subdue the adventurers and have words with Scinnari and Azyra.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-10-02 22 
16491215Fish out of WaterCampaign Idea: A PT boat gets sent to a fantasy world, cue survival horror/logistics/the odyssey. game ideas, fantasy, modern, getting shit done, 2011-10-02 12 
16635054Dragon Quest LVIIIWe finally get around to killing the sorcerer, have a chat with Azyra about her future, learn Zevaana's true name, and try to figure out what to do about the brass dragon in our basement.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-10-16 21 
16684183/tg/'s Strangest DeathsWith an additional tale about a Lich and Larry.lich, dnd, death, dying, funny, insanity, quantum lich2011-10-20 21 
16748756GigerworldA Horrifying Science-Fantasy World in the Style of H.R.Gigerhorror, giger, fantasy,2011-10-27 21 
16769033Diary of a Trapped LichThe diary of a lich locked in a room. lich, dnd, insanity, quantum lich2011-10-29 26 
16779450Gigerworld 2Work on this gloriously fucked up setting continues; stories begin to emerge, along with discussion of the aesthetic.horror, giger, fantasy,2011-10-30 8 
November 2011
16821463TG Quest 10It's time for the monumental battle against the SUE-infested world with a Death Star hanging over it. With the reinforcements from base, we attempt to set up and defend the Rewriter Bomb long enough to go off...TG Quest, Meta, Editors, Star Wars, Orz, Mobile Infantry, Gundam, Collective Game2011-11-03 10 
16832805TG Quest 11Setting the Sues up the bomb. In related news, we utterly vaporize KOS-MOS by using tactical genius.TG Quest, Meta, Editors, Star Wars, Orz, Mobile Infantry, Gundam, Collective Game, KOS-MOS, Alucard2011-11-04 10 
16857518Tribe to Empire QuestArising from a shitty troll copy paste thread, OP creates a quest thread where we must managed a small tribal empire. tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy2011-11-06 6 
16859102Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIAdvisor Anon continues his quest. Our settlements grow as we meet a mysterious envoy from the foresttribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-06 7 
16869061Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIIThe quest continues, featuring smooth tribal diplomacy checkstribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-07 6 
16882132Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIIIWar is slowly coming. We still havent got a wife. And lots plot deepens a lot. We also build new buildings train some raiders, check on our twin albino slaves and much more. Also shenanigans ensue as Bjorn mixes some stuff into Berserkers meal...tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-08 7 
16906033Tribe to Empire Quest Part VGlorious battle with Aville (there is another part V here as suptg was down http://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/16894414)tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-10 12 
16908940GiantsWherin /tg/ discusses Giants of various myth and how to make them relevant again.Giants, myth, norse, celtic, russian, RPG,2011-11-11 30 
16923978Giants and dragons- the settingChaos dragons, giants of form, gods of creationgiants, dragons, gods, homebrew, fluff, setting, backstory2011-11-12 10 
16947528Tribe To Empire Quest Part VI First HalfAfter the battle with Aville we return to Ravenhold and begin interrogation on the POWstribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-17 5 
16960159I received from a giant a sword forged of XI received from a giant a sword forged of thread. I find it becomes more epic every day.Snowclone, giant2011-11-19 11 
16970602Tribe To Empire Quest Part VI Second HalfAfter the battle with Aville we finish interrogating our prisoners... then join the great feast. Cyrillia confesses some interesting thigs.tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-20 2 
16985534Miniature LinesFa/tg/uys comment on different miniature lines and suggest high quality examples to OP. Lots of nice stuff from some little-known lines.Miniatures, modelling, fantasy, sci-fi, hobby2011-11-22 5 
16989597TribeToEmpireQUESTAftermath of battle... We discuss waifu... Train some soldiers and organize an offense against Aville.tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-22 2 
16991398Weird, creative races!A selection of weird races for a weird world that is just beginning. Seems neat. lizardpeople, lobster merchants, blade monks, races2011-11-23 16 
17052425Fantasy cuisineAnon asks for fantasy foodstuffs to entice his players with. What he gets is speculation on the cuisine of common fantasy races.Food, Cooking, Culture, Fantasy2011-11-30 11 
17056372Realms of Atlantasia/tg/ discovers what maybe the new Synibarr.Atlantasia, Fail, Synibaar 2011-11-30 14 
December 2011
17084727Atlantasia presents: Spider, Dwarf of SteelA noble Anon takes it upon himself to complete Atlantasia character creation, and have a single random encounter. Rants about boots, time, and pincushony death at a quarter mile ensue.Character, game design, fail, atlantasia2011-12-03 14 
17107493Vinefolk in the Vineyard"why COULDN'T there be a plant race that favored technology and industry?" And thus the vinefolk (or Vinlanders, or vineborn, etc etc) are born.brainstorm, shit gets concept'd, plantfolk, vinefolk, create-a-race2011-12-05 14 
17123534Atlantasia presents: Making a random encounter.After Spider, Dwarf of Steel's messy demise, OP reseurects him for an easier random encouner. Making the required NPC then takes 3 hours.Atlantasia, fail, game design, random encounter2011-12-07 10 
17146138Giant Rat Quest part 6featuring a giant magicial rat. parts 1-5 on archive.foolz.usCollective Game, Giant Rat Quest, Giant Rat2011-12-09 7 
17158081Giant rat quest part 7The second part of the worm battle, things get pretty close.Giant rat, rat, Quest, drawfag, draw thread2011-12-10 4 
17202733Greek mythology via /tg/ Greeks invent Steam and Lasers, fluff ensues.Greek, History, Fantasy , Roman, 2011-12-13 16 
17272040living with nonhumansLiving with nonhumansnon-humans, modern fantasy, 2011-12-20 10 
17275130further living with nonhumansLiving with nonhumans, continuednon-humans, modern fantasy2011-12-20 6 
17281176Hell on Highwater/tg/ creates a Colonial Era High Fantasy setting. Highwater an adventure on the seasGame Ideas, Fantasy2011-12-20 8 
17300795Jamhorn GlittergoldThe best Lich ever.Anti-That Guy, Epic, Lich, Badass2011-12-23 22 
January 2012
17586304Trapped in a Fantasy WorldA journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008008 fantasy d&d adventure writefag2012-01-19 132 
17587656Low Fantasy LoggingOP describes a game where a king orders players to build a road through a vast and mysterious forest. Campaign planning and historical discussion ensues.game ideas, game design, fantasy, road, forest2012-01-19 7 
17611378Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 2The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008.008, fantasy, d&d, adventure, writefag2012-01-21 49 
17632664Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 3The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008. Now with more Avery.008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-22 44 
17648894Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 4The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008.008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-24 40 
17663235Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 5 The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008, now with more people.008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-25 37 
17661099Chapter Quest VI - The Enemy WithinAfter Iridonia and clearing out Cruiser Nix Mirius Chapter Master notices something strange about his behaviour... And it seems that the worst suspicions are becoming true.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Space Marines, daemon, mindfuck, deception, artifact, warp, brilliant players2012-01-25 9 
17670989Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 6The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008, now with dragons!008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-25 39 
17685424Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 7The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008, now with mindfuckery and barbarian trolling!008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-27 38 
17705159Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 8The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008. Now with airships!008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-28 38 
17705089Cop Drama in FantasyAnon writing how cops would sound in fantasycops, fantasy2012-01-29 7 
17717365Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 9The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008. Now with close air support!008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-29 38 
17732681Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 10The plot thickens when a distant branch of the Sun Church is revealed to know a little more than they ought to...008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-30 49 
17733889BLACKGUARD QUEST - WITH STARS IN HIS EYESFreed Slave hopes to conquer world. collective game, fantasy, blackguard quest, adventure, 2012-01-30 11 
17739341/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culture/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culturethe slightly overweight redheaded baker's daughter, weeaboos, cuckholding, pastry, NPCs, peasants2012-01-31 -12 
17751162Trapped in a Fantasy World pt 11The epic story draws to a close.008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-31 60 
February 2012
17757543BLACKGUARD QUEST – Vol. 2 – MALIGNANT HOPECut off early due to random URL ban?!? Hero pays a kindness to old slave friends, goes to new land, explores new magicscollective game, magic, fantasy, blackguard quest, adventure, 2012-02-01 3 
17789368BLACKGUARD QUEST – Vol. 3 – HIGH ADVENTUREOur Hero enchants some weapons, delves into a dungeon, slays a necromancer, some lizardmen and some cannibalistic half orcs. collective game, rogues, magic, barbarians, fantasy, blackguard quest, adventure, 2012-02-03 3 
17801539BLACKGUARD QUEST - Vol. 3 pt 2 - The Sands of DespairOur hero accepts a quest to woo a princess and robs a templecollective game, rogues, magic, barbarians, fantasy, blackguard quest, adventure, 2012-02-04 2 
17811020BLACKGUAQUEST - Vol. 3 pt 3 – An Oasis of TalentTakes the Princess to the Prince. Denied reward. Murders prince and all his guards. Rides into sunset with princess in crew. collective game, rogues, magic, barbarians, fantasy, blackguard quest, adventure, 2012-02-05 6 
17828843On the habits of giants/tg/ turns a "see this, wat do" thread into a legitimate discussion on colonizing sapient cities on giants' backs.See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, Why /tg/ is great2012-02-06 41 
17831503On the habits of giants 2 - On the Backs of GodsA continuation of the thread on colonizing giants. Now with worldbuilding!See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, Why /tg/ is great2012-02-06 17 
17835096On the habits of giants 3 - On the Backs of Gods 2And /tg/ is still going! We've now spawned a quest, a wiki page, and we're steadily fleshing out the setting. We seem to have an official name now too.See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, Why /tg/ is great, On the Backs of Gods2012-02-07 12 
17862334On the Backs of Gods 3Continuing design for the setting established in the previous threads.See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, why tg is great, 2012-02-09 4 
17871904BLACKGUARD QUEST - Vol. 4 - Blood From the StarsOur hero enters an ancient temple, and converses through dreams with black godscollective game, magic, fantasy, blackguard quest, adventure, 2012-02-09 2 
18026531Old School FantasyTips & ideas for pulpy fantasy Pulp, Fantasy, Old School2012-02-21 3 
18055443Christian Mythology in Fantasy Settings/tg/ once again proves it is the best board by having an intelligent discussion about various aspects of Judeo-Christian tradition and mythology.Angels, Fantasy, Religion, Christianity, mythology2012-02-22 24 
18113066Zerg Quest LXXVIThe attack on Earth is underway, and we're on the humans' side? Heroic rolls abound!Collective Game, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Dyles, Kerrigan, Anti-Criticals, Earth, Ridge Scratchers, Replacement Robot Butler2012-02-27 11 
March 2012
18164806Dragon Quest LXIII: Silver AgeInfiltrating the hold, and wondering WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2012-03-02 13 
18190325Metahuman Renaissance Quest 16Dan quibbles on modifications to the Hammer, enchants some shit, then decides to learn Necromancy from a masterMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer, necromancy, enchantmen2012-03-04 18 
18291189Shadowrun Storytime 4The Ares runs begin, Tank gets a SIN, and an interrogation gets...weird.Shadowrun, Storytime, 2D, Geppetto, Dervish, Tank, Teacup Ride, Cyberpunk, Knight Errant2012-03-12 73 
18320662The White WallOP wants to know how to end the story of his warrior. /tg/ obliges.writefaggotry, stories, fantasy, warrior, armor, The White Wall,2012-03-15 28 
18443550Planetary Governor Quest: Part fourIn which we finally deal with the Genestealer problem, rebuild infrastructure, settle the Iron Dragons into their new home, and get a visit from your friendly neighborhood Departmento Munitorum Tax Collector.Planetary Governor Quest, Genestealers, Space Marines, Ultramarines, Salamanders, Tyranids, Orks, ork, RT, Rogue Trader, collective game, Rhino, Squats, furry, mutant, Ogryns, Imperium, Warhammer, 40K2012-03-25 20 
18469745Primordial Land Evo GameNow with plants! The creatures continue to spread and diversify, and a minor ice age happened. Rumors of new places to colonize abound!Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, Pluup, Evola, Yantar2012-03-27 5 
18484092Primordial Land Evo Game pt 2Continuation of life in the mainland. The walker-Flouz evolved into Hoppas, and the LemUy slowly light up their environment.Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, Pluup, Hoppa, Slizer, Evola, Yantar2012-03-28 3 
April 2012
18559534Knight-Errant Quest 1Sir Kedrik Connington has been charged to slay a feearsome troll. Things do not proceed smoothly for him.Knight-Errant Quest, Collective Game2012-04-03 5 
18567304Armored Core QuestWe wake up in wrecked Core, and start to learn how we got there via flashbacks.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-04 37 
18579960Armored Core Quest 2We scramble to get back to base, while making detours to make sure family is OK. We get our Core air-dropped to us, then engage an enemy AC.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-05 24 
18587979Dragon Quest LXVIII: Silver AgeWe clean up the worgs with some good rolls for a change, only to walk right into a pair of blue dragons.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2012-04-06 8 
18590965Armored Core Quest 3Get our shit slapped by Nine-Ball. Hope Destroyed, Dave wrecks some traitors, and we end the prologue segment of the game. The real quest is on now.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-06 21 
18603659ARMORED CORE QUEST 4We get hugged and find out that our voice is one of the voices that will decide what the future of what remains of our community. We Leader Now, and it don't feel goodAC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-07 21 
18616965Armored Core Quest 5Viva Los Vegas. We get a new Core, ask Elsie out on a proper Date, and see Nine-Ball in the Arena.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-08 22 
18632716Armored Core Quest 6We Raven now. Almost. We also tell our friends about Nine-Ball, Take a distracting shower, and find out our sister want's to fly a death murder bot like her Big Bro. She also has no idea what proper military dress is.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-09 23 
18647845Armored Core Quest 7We take out a bandit after finding out that the posted difficulty was a lie. Also, HOLY SHIT DAVE.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots, HOLY SHIT DAVE2012-04-10 27 
18660497Armored Core Quest 8We go on a Date with Elsie, Dave and our sister have an awkward if SEXY moment, and Mooch gets kidnapped. Those poor, poor kidnappers.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-11 24 
18674793Armored Core Quest 9The Dice are trying to kill us. No really, they almost got the GM this time.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-12 21 
18686786Armored Core Quest: Crunch ThreadDedicated Crunch thread for making the game system behind AC-Quest. Discussion of past mechanics and characters happen.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots, Crunch Time2012-04-13 13 
18690046Armored Core Quest 10We wrap up a fight, yell at our sister, and then get utterly mind-raped by rapid fire plot twists.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-13 22 
18703755Armored Core Quest 11We wake up, talk to people, and get ready to go get our bones forcibly healed by SCIENCE.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-14 20 
18717273Armored Core Quest 12We go to the doc's, Elsie and Dave have a conversation they think we didn't hear, and Lawrence fucking takes out a ninja with a pipe-wrench.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-15 16 
18708039First World SuperpowersA setting where contemporary youngsters gain magical powers based on their subculture. Necromancer goths, shaman juggalos, time-controlling hipsters and whatever you like.Urban Fantasy, Fluff2012-04-15 20 
18732713Armored Core Quest 13Our day starts with comforting our lover, then we receive sound medical advice, troll our sister, and reveal how bad-ass Alex can be when he puts his mind to it in the sims.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-16 20 
18734234A concept of Human Ingenuity and madnessDurendal shares his idea for a space setting where spaceships are all biological; grown from humans. /tg/ takes the concept and runs with it; yielding interesting results and both clean and slightly-fetishy variants of the setting.setting, development, space, ship, grimdark, transhuman, giant, giantess, war, freaky, biological, bioship, The Archivist2012-04-16 11 
18743876Armored Core Quest: Crunch Thread 2Hit Location rules are revealed, Character Improvement is discussed, and some setting fluff is explained.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots, Crunch Time2012-04-17 10 
18761660Armored Core Quest 15We eat lunch, have a moment, and then Ari trolls Dave while our pelvis is wrecked. OR DOES SHE!?!?AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-18 15 
18774971Armored Core Quest 16We go help Rayleonard's team kill a core. Alex has a near death experience, we see what a high-synch score looks like, and ALEX MAKES ACE.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-19 14 
18783425Dragon Quest LXIX: Silver AgeWe talk our way out of a confrontation with the two blues, the gnome plays dead, and we continue our investigation.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2012-04-20 12 
18787396Armored Core Quest 17We wake up post explosion, talk to team members, and find out Elsie wears reading glasses. Also, Laurie takes off in a mood, and we realize we should have talked to him a while ago.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-20 14 
18799035Armored Core Quest 18We save a girl, Laurie solos ten dudes in a bar-fight and wins, and then AC Guy continues to be cursed by the angry Ghost of Steve Jobs.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-21 13 
18810601Armored Core Quest 19Late start, slightly early finish. Get another look out how fucked up Laurie is, a chance to help fix that, and a plan to go to the Arena.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-22 14 
18823018Armored Core Quest 20, part one.We visit the sims, have an argument, and discover the thread isn't bumping.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-23 12 
18824256Armored Core Quest 20, part two.We finally get to the core of Laurie's issues. It's about as bad as expected.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-23 12 
18837663Armored Core Quest 21We finalize the Arena team, find out Shenanigans happened, and Laurie goes back to hope.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-24 13 
18851385Armored Core Quest 22We visit the hospital, see a movie, and get ready for the Arena battle.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-25 11 
18820079Armored Core Quest: Crunch Thread 3Further discussion on the Crunch, some old ground is re-tread.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots, Crunch Time2012-04-25 7 
18865876Armored Core Quest 23We begin the Arena event fights. LAURIE UNLOCKS THE BEAST!AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-26 14 
18877702Armored Core Quest 24We throw down with Dervish, learn more about the setting, and decide to meet up for drinks.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-27 16 
18891776Armored Core Quest 25Drinks with Team Mo Betta, apparently Laurie's a hero, and Dave and Steve get into a Swag Off. Next round in the tourney, next thread.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-28 11 
18903271Armored Core Quest 26Tunnel Snakes SCHOOLED.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-29 16 
18916521Armored Core Quest 27we talk politics, question how to leverage our fame to help us along, and acquire a second protagonist.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-04-30 13 
May 2012
18929158Armored Core Quest 28AC-Guy bring in lances to satisfy the fans, warning that they are kinda weak. The lance, with the help of the dice gods, then breaks the game, the rules, the enemy, itself, AC-Guy's sanity and patience, and then itself, bringing the rampage full circle.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-01 21 
18943771Armored Core Quest 29Character development, plot twists and downtime. Then those asshole stairs beat us up again.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-02 12 
18956423Armored Core Quest 30More time with Liz. Encounter a plot twist and a surprising development with Abby.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-03 12 
18970219Armored Core Quest 31"Hey, kids. You wanna see a magic trick?"AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-04 16 
18973980Gigerworld 3Over half a year later, /tg/ resumes working on the setting inspired by the artwork of H.R. Giger.Horror, Giger, Fantasy2012-05-05 10 
18982371Armored Core Quest 32Alex and Elsie continue their day on the town. AC Guy ties the streak for longest continuous run.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-05 11 
18994863Armored Core Quest 33RECORD BROKEN. Training montage with Ari, more character insight, and a preview of some things to comeAC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-06 12 
18929465Armored Core Quest: Crunch Thread 4Players submit ideas, feedback is had, etc.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots, Crunch Time2012-05-07 5 
19018100Zerg Quest LXXXVThe Swarm decides that the UED's time has come. Violence ensuesCerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, An important message, Corporate resume-writing, Fauxbot fleet2012-05-08 6 
19033830Armored Core Quest 34Get some surprising info and get pumped for our next match.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-09 12 
19062134Armored Core Quest 35I'm not even going to try to describe this one. It's a flying Mech Zeppelin battle.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-11 13 
19131158Chinaman Quest17 year old Chinese kid arrives in America. /tg/ doesn't want any trouble. Collective Game, Chinaman, Don't want no trouble, Jackie Chan, Martial Arts2012-05-17 27 
19131401Romantic Comedy QuestGetting a girlfriend, matchmaking, and trying to dodge bad romance cliches.Collective Game, Romantic Comedy Quest, Anon-kun2012-05-17 11 
19143286Chinaman Quest #2Continuing adventures of Louie the ChinamanCollective Game, Chinaman, Don't want no trouble, Jackie Chan, Martial Arts, barbarians2012-05-18 22 
19142965Armored Core Quest 36Winding down after the battle, learn something about our friend we didn't expect.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-18 12 
19143428Romantic Comedy Quest IIWe're confessed to and have to break a girl's heart. Our relationship continues its trend of open communication and we stay the night at our girlfriend's house.Collective Game, Romantic Comedy Quest, Anon-kun2012-05-18 5 
19156952Romantic Comedy Quest IIIOur best friend loses his bro status, our Grandma overworks herself, we learn more about our girlfriend's past and we receive a surprise at work.Collective Game, Romantic Comedy Quest, Anon-kun2012-05-19 7 
19165018Romantic Comedy Quest IVWe get our friend a job at the restaurant, our best friend is dead to us and we reach an ending to this tale.Collective Game, Romantic Comedy Quest, Anon-kun2012-05-20 7 
19204254Armored Core Quest 37Shocking developments on Liz's side of things, and we get a Q&A with Dave.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-23 12 
19210035Romantic Comedy Quest - Second StoryWe reconnect with an old friend, meet a new transfer student, and get roughed up by soccer jocks.Collective Game, Romantic Comedy Quest, Anon-kun2012-05-24 6 
19231798Armored Core Quest 38We find out the Captain's side of the story, See some interesting characters, and spend time with our crew.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-25 10 
19228305Chinaman Quest IIIIn which rednecks are battled, a new weapon is acquired, and a new mission is begunChinaman, Quest, Weaboo, Don't Want No Trouble2012-05-26 16 
19253795Romantic Comedy Quest - Second Story IIWe take Foreign-chan out for the day and find out she's more fucked up then we thought. Then we spend the night with Oldfriend-chan only for tragedy to strike in the morning.Collective Game, Romantic Comedy Quest, Anon-kun2012-05-27 5 
19265806Romantic Comedy Quest - Second Story IIIAs Oldfriend-chan recovers, we stay with her. Then Foreign-chan calls us, needing our help.Collective Game, Romantic Comedy Quest, Anon-kun2012-05-28 5 
19283964Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding.Bord Empire, discussion, drawfaggotry, Eastern Continent, evo, evo game, evolution, evolution game, FortuneHost, Gaghiel, Gantu, Govkar, Gwiliak, Indonesian Gentleman, Jungle Fever 3, Kaze, Nad, namefags, NO TRIP, nongent, Onolkeshan, Primordial Evo, SHOGUN GLUND, Silith, Skulks, Solomon, stupid sexy Skulks…, tribal, Zal'zaz'siel2012-05-30 6 
19295075Armored Core Quest 39Plot twists and sudden happenings. Also a Q&A session with Dervish.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-05-30 10 
19302239Grimdark/Necromancer Apprentice ThreadStarted with a lowly peasantborn killing his abusive father to protect his sister and mother, face an unknown power, become a necromancer apprentice with unholy gentleman's natureCollective Game, Necromancer Apprentice Quest, Necromancer, Quest, Peasants, Gentlemen, Undead, Lich, BRAAAAAAIIINSSS2012-05-31 8 
19305370The Necromancer's Apprentice part 2Caim continues on his path as the Necromancer's apprentice, learning the secrets of how to manipulate souls The creepy mask continues to creepy it upCollective Game, Necromancer Apprentice Quest, Necromancer, Quest, Peasants, Gentlemen, Undead, Lich, BRAAAAAAIIINSSS2012-05-31 7 
June 2012
19318611Romantic Comedy Quest - Second Story IVWith Dad's blessing, we allow Foreign-chan to move in with us. Also, Anon begins to become Delinquent Batman.Collective Game, Romantic Comedy Quest, Anon-kun2012-06-01 5 
19321614Armored Core Quest 40Shit gets real, and we get punched in the emotions, in and out of game.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-06-01 10 
19399332Romantic Comedy Quest - Second Story VOldfriend-chan throws a jealous fit over Foreign-chan being present. Collective Game, Romantic Comedy Quest, Anon-kun2012-06-08 5 
19462776Armored Core Quest 41AC-Guy semi-returns from his hiatus, and awesome happens. Also, more plot twists, and Dervish plans to help train us.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-06-13 10 
19562578Armored Core Quest 42Rescue Cass, learn interesting things.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-06-21 10 
19576162Armored Core Quest 43Dave tells us his story, AC-Guy tries to run quest around the un-ending shitstorm his life has become.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant robots2012-06-22 11 
19654427Fate/Stay Night Servants by /tg/Continuing from a previous thread, stats for Baron Samedi as a Servant in the Fate/Stay Night universe are hashed out. Other fa/tg/uys follow in OP's lead, statting up more Servants.Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-06-28 11 
19663543Fate/Stay Night Servants by /tg/, Part 2/tg/ stats up a few more Fate/Stay Night Servants.Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-06-29 6 
19671858Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 2With the basics of character creation done, Minifig now works on specific animals. Suggestions are made, things are refined, alliances are forged.RPG, rpg, Palladium, Savage Worlds, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, homebrew, SW, /tg/ gets shit done, shit gets done, win, character creation, mutants, cordova is awesome2012-06-30 2 
19674077Fate/Stay Night Servants by /tg/, Part 3/tg/ stats even more Fate/Stay Night ServantsFate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-06-30 5 
July 2012
19708702Fate/Stay Night Servants by /tg/, Part 4We continue onward, coming up with concepts and stat sheets for more Servants.Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-07-03 3 
19742564Armored Core Quest 44AC-Guy comes back, and we take on some sick motherfuckers.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant robots2012-07-05 10 
19771395Armored Core Quest 45We resolve the shoot-out, fail a chase-scene, and then save a girl with some quick thinking.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant robots2012-07-07 11 
19852682Armored Core Quest 46We fight Legion, get hints at who the baddies are, and GET TO PLAY AS DERVISH!AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-07-13 12 
19866430Fate/Stay Night Servants by /tg/, Part 6Yet more Servants, including a list of all the ones we've come up with so far. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-07-14 4 
19870590Fate Servants Thread 7Even more Servants created by /tg/.Fate/stay night, ideas, stats, Noble Phantasms2012-07-14 3 
19931286Armored Core Quest 47War comes to Vegas.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-07-18 10 
19973994Armored Core Quest 48Our team gets mind-raped by Legion. Literally.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant robots2012-07-21 6 
20027927Armored Core Quest 49Back to Liz. We see dead people, and apparently nobody understands us.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant robots2012-07-25 8 
August 2012
20171050Armored Core Quest 50We pick up the fight in Vegas, mostly stop the mind-rape, and Ari shoots the biggest gun ever to kick off the real battle.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-08-04 6 
20186784Fate Servants Thread 8Even more Servants created by /tg/. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-08-06 3 
20215522Armored Core Quest 51We take the fight to Legion.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-08-07 5 
20267480Non-Necromantic Lich DiscussionA thread detailing ideas for alternate-school "Liches", including how they would work, what they would be called, etc.Fantasy, Lich, D&D2012-08-12 24 
20281466Gargoyles QuestIn which Nero Noctos, Corporate Wizard and Researcher of mystical knowledge discovers Esther, a cursed Gargoyle whose spent the last 1200 years as a statue. Nero Dubs the Gargoyle Esther, does his best to get her taught english, helps the Department of Defense with a group of soldiers who've been turned to stone and sets up his own corporate department.Collective_Game, Quest, Gargoyles Quest, Nero_Noctos, Esther, Wizard, Gargoyle, Modern Fantasy2012-08-12 10 
20257914Armored Core Quest 52Battle in the core of Legion's AF. We meet Legion "in person"AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-08-12 8 
20329046ITT: Humans Aren't RealA bunch of dwarves and elves discuss the fanwank surrounding the human race in gaming and the people they know who are a bit too into the idea of roleplaying humans.roleplay, thatelf, thatdwarf, fantasy2012-08-15 13 
20333505Gargoyles Quest 2Esther can now speak to us in a bad Boris Karlov Dracula accent, and we take on a job for the FBI. The mission: find out who's been eating werewolves in a werewolf town.Collective_Game, Quest, Gargoyles Quest, Nero_Noctos, Esther, Wizard, Gargoyle, Modern Fantasy2012-08-16 6 
20376298Civ Game: Weird EditionPlant parasites begin growing the grove and trying to find their place in the world.Collective Game, Civ Game, Weird, Quest, Grove, Parasite, Plantling2012-08-19 9 
20380549Armored Core Quest 53We have a long conversation with Archimedes and another conductor and wake up in a med-evac chopper headed back towards Vegas.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-08-19 9 
20478611Pax Americana Quest 1What if, instead of carrying out a psychotic quest to genocide every mutant in the world, half the Enclave rebelled and fled to the american midwest, encountered Brotherhood of Steel outcasts and set out to rebuild America in the image of the old world?Civilization_Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Fallout, Enclave, Brotherhood_of_Steel, Alternate_History, Power_Armor, Vertibird, Robot, Super_Mutant, Ghoul, Human, Cyborg, Mutant2012-08-26 15 
20485061Pax Americana Quest 2The American Union expands its borders, both in terms of territory, and socially.Civilization_Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Fallout, Enclave, Brotherhood_of_Steel, Alternate_History, Power_Armor, Vertibird, Robot, Super Mutant, Ghoul, Human, Cyborg, Mutant, Squirrel Force Recon, Intellapuma2012-08-27 18 
20510160A Giant Gave Me a SwordAnd thus, awesome copy-pasta was born.Giants, swords, awesome, social commentary, penises2012-08-29 5 
September 2012
20576660Elder Scrolls Lore DiscussionA trip into the crazy world of the Elder Scrolls. I am and I are all we, /tg/.Elder Scrolls, Lore Discussion, TES, CHIM, Amaranth, Vivec, Lorkhan, lore2012-09-03 8 
20615861Armored Quest 55After eating the best goddamn eggs in the world, we check out some of the revamped rules by overseeing our sister's simulator run. Part 54 did not get archived and can be found here - http://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/20538771/AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-09-07 6 
20668169Armored Core Quest 56We get some close-combat training with Dervish.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-09-11 10 
20726261Lady Robot Master Quest Part 22In which we deal with Plant Man, Bright Man, and briefly discuss traps and Stalker hypotheses.megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, bright man, plant man, traps illustrated2012-09-15 3 
20747206Iron Hearts Vol. 3: Iffram CampaignThe Iron Hearts saga enters a new chapter with the entry of a new faction, Iffram.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-17 7 
20758272Iron Hearts Vol. 3: Graywind Fields WarroomIffram rules are expanded on and more players are recruited.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-18 5 
20765657Iron Hearts Vol. 3, Chapter 1: Battle of Graywind FieldsIffram forces continue to defend the town of Graywind from invaders.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-18 5 
20831759Armored Core Quest 57Elsie having been kidnapped for a girl's day out with family and friends, we look at guns with Mooch. Then we meet the computer from HELL and a very odd street gang. Such is the life of Alex Raston.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-09-26 6 
20901100Ironhearts Vol. 3: The Exploration of the WyldsGraywind sends out a scouting party to try and make contact with the surrounding towns.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-28 6 
October 2012
20940410Ironhearts Vol. 3 -Ch2.2 The Exploration of the WyldsGraywind's force's "Fort Slimebane" quickly takes shape in the Wyld, but who is that on the horizon?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-01 6 
20951966Fate/Only War Discussion on developing a conversion of the Only War RPG system to run a Fate/Stay Night-esque RPG. Shit gets done. Fate, Fate/Stay Night, F/SN, FSN, Holy Grail War, HGW, System, Homebrew, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas,2012-10-02 4 
20962433Lich's Employee Quest pt 3Sir Daniel deals with more wizards, this time taking down Beric. And the Wolves of Lupin forest.Skeleton quest, werewolf, dice gods, mantis2012-10-03 20 
20975826 Ironhearts Vol. 3 - Chapter 2.3 Battle of WyldsIn which we continue to battle- *Undead Bolivians* from dusk till dawn Perpetrated by~ People in Black Clothes while... a cave is explored. Leading to High Chances of Death and Great Reward.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-03 6 
21019306Embarrassing Spacecraft NamesLocal Space Taliban leader "I suck cocks for a living and you can quote me on that", was caught trying to arm the ship "With As Many Guns As My Wife Has STDs"Anti-authority, Spaceships, Embarrassing Names2012-10-07 43 
21041846Ironhearts vol.3 Chapter 2.4 Battle of the WyldsWhat Starts as a question becomes a continuation! The IRC Revealed, and the siege of unmen and undead continues! What awaits our heroes now?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-09 3 
21064415Armored Quest 58In which Alex is kidnapped. Again. Now with special surprise cast pic by Deculture!AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-10-12 7 
21142699 Ironhearts Vol3 Ch2.5 Battle of the WyldsElderitch Horrors battle, minds melt, waters rise, ghouls nash. The end nears.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-16 3 
21156229Strike Witches Quest 89Carts full of liquor and nightwitches with good memory.Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, planefag, gap an elf, strike witches, World War Pantsu2012-10-17 32 
21158787Strike Witches Quest 90You know, we should let Paddy have his moment. Let's get smashed.Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, planefag, gap an elf, gaiden, strike witches, World War Pantsu2012-10-17 33 
21159859Ironhearts Vol. 3 Warroom - City Of SerpicoThe connection between Greywind and Serpico has gotten off without a hitch- and with a few spare resources and some extra hands, we managed to create a town portal back to Greywind... Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-17 6 
21112076Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 6-11 (Pickle Island)An isolated spit of rock called Pickle Island is the next setting for the continued game of Fortune: Evolution. Also includes a quick spat between Otto von Bismark and the Spirit of Prussia.Collective Game, Fortune Evolution, Part 6, evo, Pickle Island, giant enemy crabs, snakes, blimpies2012-10-22 3 
21248898Ironhearts Vol. 3 Warroom - City Of Serpico Cont.Journies and quests in the city continue, but what lies behind the time locked doors of the Scholomance? Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-23 3 
21262907AC-Quest 60Eliza McAlistair gets a dream sequence Part 59 didn't get archived, so its here http://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/21186952AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant robots2012-10-24 5 
21318727Order of the Black Hats/tg/ gets together to develop Old West Monster Hunters.Game Design, Old West, Fantasy, Western, 2012-10-28 7 
21327089Order of the Black Hats 2/tg/ gets together to develop Old West Monster Hunters.Game Design, Old West, Fantasy, Western,2012-10-28 7 
21358706Order of the Black Hats 3/tg/ Keeps The Seven to hammer out some more crunch for the Black HatsGame Design, Old West, Fantasy, Western, Black Hats2012-10-31 6 
November 2012
21380931Ironhearts Vol. 3 - Chapter 3- The Avalon Scholomance Incident We start the storming of the scholomance - Ghoulified students, bugs, corruption, and one sleepy dog are encountered and fought despite planning a quiet start.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-02 3 
21434972Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.2 Avalon Scholomance IncidentUndead Bolivans threaten to make the very fabric of reality be torn assunder, or something, as the doomsday clock ticks down!Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-05 2 
21447676D&D Jetboats/tg/ works out how to use Decanters of Endless Water as engines for a longship.D&D, Decanter of Endless Water, boat, getting shit done2012-11-06 10 
21451889Lots of Interesting Hard Science Fantasy Setting IdeasArchmage Galileo Galilei invents the telescope, and immediately uses it for line-of-sight teleportation to the Moonsetting idea, alternate magic uses, magitech, hard science fantasy, science fantasy2012-11-07 6 
21469908Magic and Sciencewhy can't they just be friends? :( Interesting discussion, explanations on why settings can/can't have them reconcile one another.magic, science, magitech, science fantasy, derp2012-11-08 7 
21495514Modern NecromancyA girl gets hit by a car and resurrected; asks /tg/ for advice. /tg/ runs with it.roleplay, improv, worldbuilding, setting, necromancy, flesh golem, undead, modern fantasy2012-11-09 6 
21501734Archetypal Fantasy MagicStarts about barefoot characters; /tg/ makes it about magic done by following an archetype like the warrior, the mage, or the thief.Fantasy, World Building, Derailed, /tg/ gets shit done2012-11-09 10 
21505956Archetype Fantasy Magic 2In which the nascent setting is fleshed out significantly. Fantasy, World Building, /tg/ gets shit done2012-11-11 0 
21564441Merchant Quest 3The adventure of Capitalism continuesCollective game, Merchant Quest, Middle Ages2012-11-13 0 
21559761Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.3 Avalon Scholomance IncidentIffram gets another chance, and after a tactical advance in the opposite direction they go toe to toe with Ragnyll in a fierce basement blitz. Giant monsters! Bitank Bisection! Castors on a rampage! Will our heroes prevail? Stay tuned to find out!Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-14 2 
21568917/tg/ Meta Quest 113Task Force 38 brokers a fragile alliance with the Great Crusade's vanguard fleet, Yami and Anzu are still unaccounted for, and Mihoshi wrecks Washu's Lab before we can loot it.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Tenchi Muyo!, Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy2012-11-14 10 
21611939Fantasic Real World, Part 2Magic guns techsupport, djinn wishes, and a thri-kreen's life is savedroleplay, fantasy, advice2012-11-17 0 
21615294iM@S Fantasy QuestYou are a veteran adventurer recently signed on to a small but growing adventurer's guild to help guide the rookies.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2012-11-17 15 
21614632/tg/ Meta Quest 114Queen Tranquility is exorcised from the Silver Crystal, the people of the world are restored, and we build a church to Desna. This world is clean.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Tenchi Muyo!, Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy2012-11-17 9 
21647479 Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.4 Avalon Scholomance IncidentThe exciting conclusion to the Scholomance Incident! What are the Black Deserters really after?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-20 3 
21653814Techno-Kobold Post-apocalyptic QuestIn a Post-apocalyptic science fantasy world, deep within a derelict facility. Kobolds awaken, and they have machine-guns. Collective Game, Techno-Kobold Quest, Post-apocalyptic science fantasy2012-11-20 9 
21671623Techno-Kobold Post-apocalyptic QuestThe kobolds secure their underground base. Then suddenly a perfect imortal machiiiiiine called SHODAN VI convinces some of them to release its bonds. All hope seems lost as OP is pulled into SHODANS reality!Collective Game, Techno-Kobold Quest, Post-apocalyptic science fantasy, SHODAN2012-11-21 7 
21679463Armored Core Quest 61And AC-Guy is back. Mostly. And things get blown up.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant robots2012-11-22 5 
21734917iM@S Fantasy Quest 2Infodumps followed by goblin fighting.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2012-11-25 17 
21754539Armored Core Quest Summary ThreadA summary of the past threads, as told by AC-Guy and the readersAC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant robots2012-11-26 6 
December 2012
21827719iM@S Fantasy Quest 3We get to know the girls and tease them about elves. And we teach a few thugs what happens when you threaten one of our girls. Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2012-12-01 16 
21874999Iron Hearts: ArmorfeightA side game where it's armor vs armor only.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-12-04 5 
21878834Armored Core Quest Summary Thread 2A summary of the past threads, as told by AC-Guy and the readersAC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant robots2012-12-07 6 
21989151Ironhearts Special: PanzerKunst 01- Registrations and the Day AfterSomething of an epilogue to the main Iron Hearts story. The Isara Military Academy is a multinational school dedicated to teaching its students the finer arts of blowing things up with very big tanks. The Academy begins recruiting for its PanzerKunst team.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-12-11 5 
21987641Armored Core Quest 62Liz has ISSUES.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots2012-12-13 10 
22061099iM@S Fantasy Quest 4The twins get up to mischief, and we do damage control.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2012-12-16 15 
22070118Magical Rocket Out Of a Decanter Of Endless Water/tg/ creates a functional rocket for D&D available to lift up to 52 tonnes of cargo with all math needed.decanter of endless water, physics, rocket, D&D, spelljammer2012-12-16 22 
22140358Ironhearts Vol. 3- In Historia... We play as a new faction, Kruss, which is trying to hold off a Voss offensive in the distant past.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-12-21 5 
22190425Strike Witches Quest 91: It's TimeMC is drunk, Minna is high-strung, someone said "Robin" and "fire" in the same sentence... it must be SWQ.Strike Witches, Strike Witches Quest, Collective Game, planefag, World War Pantsu2012-12-24 39 
January 2013
22368625Cyberpunk Magical Girl QuestMission Starts. Joanna Constantine, agent 029 of the Bureau, is given a mission on her day off. She isn't pleased one bit.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-03 12 
22386264Armored Core Quest 6362 wasn't archived, apparently. Dervish tells Mooch to cause a commotion. Chaos ensues. AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant robots2013-01-04 6 
22343531Iron Hearts Vol. 3r Ragnyl "War-room"Monday decides to have a vote on what arc to complete, Ragnyl is chosen and the dead of yesteryear rise once more...Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2013-01-05 5 
22405694Iron Hearts Vol. 3r Ragnyll: AshleafA meeting with an old CO turns nasty when the Hellghast are ambushed by an army of ghouls.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-01-05 3 
22419957iM@S Fantasy Quest 5We explore the strange and dangerous mansion of a slightly off-beat (but ultimately nice) old wizard, and learn some interesting facts about Takane.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-01-06 14 
22423839Grand Ocean QuestYou control Ophelia Reers! Merchant Extraordinaire! At least, that's what you'll say in the future..Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest2013-01-06 26 
22462018Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch4.2 Battle of AshleafThe battle to retake Ashleaf from the dead continues, until the Hellghast are forced to face one of Iffram's feared Guardians.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-01-08 6 
22478164Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 02Homeland security proves to be a minor nuisance as we attempt to gather the team together.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-09 10 
22519125Grand Ocean Quest IIOphelia Reers discoveres buisness oportunities in a city held hostage by pirates. JoJo reveals his awesome power and she eats a devil fruit. Also, Rules of Acquisition.Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ferengi-Wisdom2013-01-11 20 
22548217Revenant Quest IWe get a brief glimpse of our final moments before losing our memories and body. Adventurers free us and we try to figure out who we were.Revenant quest, collective game, revenant, quest2013-01-13 10 
22574572Armored Core Quest 64Elsie forces Alex to act as target practice in the sims. Crazy amounts of "Crazy Ivan" maneuvers are used.AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant robots2013-01-14 11 
22588239Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 03You retrieve Gertrude from the cell, discover that the Lonesome Rose protocol is in effect, and abandon Victor Charlie Alpha on the chance that its been compromised.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-15 10 
22627138Fantasy QuestFat 30-year old neckbeard gets a birthday gift of becoming a Female Elven Bard.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard2013-01-17 34 
22641088Fantasy Quest Part IIThe Continuing Adventures of our Petite Elven-turned Fa/tg/uy.Fantasy, Collective Game, Fantasy quest, elf2013-01-18 18 
22650862Fantasy Quest 3A fat, lonely, 30-year-old neckbeard virgin is turned into a female elven bard. Shit.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard2013-01-18 14 
22659959Fantasy Quest IVGo out adventuring with our Orc Ranger friend, and get ambushed & captured. Fuck.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, bard, elf, girl2013-01-19 10 
22677919Fantasy Quest VWe bluff the hell out of people, meet a racist fuck of a Sheriff and play out Star Wars with illusions.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard2013-01-20 12 
22685106iM@S Fantasy Quest 6We get to know Kotori a little better and plan our next excursion.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-01-20 13 
22696244Fantasy Quest VIWe masturbate furiously in front of everyone, then some serious shit hits the fan.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard2013-01-21 14 
22715392Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 1We are Wyatt Brown, specialist in Applied Dimensional Mechanics and Summoning. We have been tasked to rebuild Team 108 after they disastrously went rogue. We go to grab the first member of the team, and land right in the middle of some Lovecraftian shit they've uncovered.Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Occult Intelligence, Lovecraft Mythos, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Weird Science2013-01-22 5 
22715800Fantasy Quest VIIRelationship troubles start showing, and then suddenly train robbery.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, train, train robbery, robbery2013-01-22 10 
22723262Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 04You invade the Department of Homeland Security's dairy farm, unlock a new power, and search for your kidnapped comrades.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-22 12 
22745010Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 2Doc Brown assembles his team, performs SCIENCE!, interrogates a prisoner, and fights shoggoths beneath Grand Central Station.Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Occult Intelligence, Lovecraft Mythos, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Weird Science2013-01-23 5 
22753651Fantasy Quest VIIIWe evade one of the criminals, meet a ganja-loving Orc and finally get to Newport Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, orc, weed, carriage, guards, reggae2013-01-24 13 
22770990Fantasy Quest IXThe train situation is resolved and new problems arise in Newport.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard2013-01-25 18 
22788509Fantasy Quest XPlans are made, holsters are purchased, music duels are fought.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard2013-01-26 10 
22805714Fantasy Quest XIJack and Varaia tell the bard stories and then sail out of the city.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard2013-01-27 10 
22822844Fantasy Quest XIIIn this thread, our Bard once again proves that she can't board a vehicle without having it wrecked along the road. Featuring Deep Ones Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, crash, boat, deep ones, deep, ones2013-01-28 10 
22842711Fantasy Quest XIIIThe Bard struggles with some existential issues before continuing her journey.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard2013-01-29 14 
22879019Fantasy Quest XIVThe Bard and her friends reach the city of Mild and set out to take on the underworld. Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, underworld, seedy, arson, prostitutes2013-01-31 8 
February 2013
22899166Fantasy Quest XVWe recover, explain our situation to Millie, and commence pre-planning warm ups for the next operationFantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard2013-02-01 7 
22917447Fantasy Quest XVIThe Bard meets the Ghost and makes ready to infiltrate the den of depravity.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, infiltration, ghosts, suddenly, sneaky, sneak, sneaking2013-02-02 13 
22924521Teegee Harem Knights S2 Vol 1In which the tales of the knights resumes in truth. The Boss saga comes to a close, a new guy does a bit, and Gale is a cool guy.Teegee, Harem Knights, World Building, Writfaggotry, Fantasy, Monstergirls2013-02-02 -2 
22936067Fantasy Quest XVIINona goes shopping for clothes and a gun, then gets ambushed by the Unseelie Court.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, seelie, unseelie, fae2013-02-03 10 
22972744Stone Wolf Civ: Stoneclaw Pack 1As the race of Stone wolves evolve their magical power in a land full of magical radiation with no man nor other intelligent race that they know of. The Pack fights their way into higher population. With their worst enemy being a magical crystal.Civ, Wolf, Collective Game. Crystals. Earth. Stone. OhgodtheGiantCrystalisEvil2013-02-05 4 
22973497Fantasy Quest XVIIINona untangles an intricate enchantment, then infiltrates a high society event.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, seelie, unseelie, fae2013-02-05 18 
22985164Grand Ocean Quest IIIOphelia Reers explores the use of her powers, talks to her guns in creepy ways, and acts a hero. Sail on the winds of Profit!Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo2013-02-05 12 
22990474Stone Wolf Civ: Stoneclaw Pack 2As the thread goes on, a powerful ally is met. They look like hell but being kind the wolves give them a new home and help them on their feet as they also work out Copper smithing.Civ, Wolf, Collective Game. Crystals. Earth. Stone. OhgodtheGiantCrystalisEvil2013-02-05 3 
22995977Stone Wolf Civ: Stoneclaw Pack 3As the Battle of a Giant Draconic beast was Owned by a lucky roll. Azure kicked some ass and carved out the place of the tribe's hero and Smoothstone honors a Promise as he takes in the monster's egg. Also, the Pack learns how they are suppose to Art. Along with more Earth Magics.Civ, Wolf, Collective Game. Crystals. Earth. Stone. OhgodtheGiantCrystalisEvil2013-02-06 2 
23010408Stone Wolf Civ: Stoneclaw Pack 4As the Stone Wolves go on, they meet gods living in Crystals. A Tribe works to make it's way back to the swamp after killing a monster. And the Young Dragon is given the name Ash.Civ, Wolf, Collective Game. Crystals. Earth. Stone. OhgodtheGiantCrystalisEvil2013-02-06 2 
23003965Ironhearts: Vol. 3 Ch. 5 Intro - Ashleaf ReconstructionWithout realizing it, the Hellghast have claimed the town of Ashleaf for Ragnyll. Caught between the Inquisitors of Aeon and the Queen of Iffram, can Ragnyll proper afford to support them?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-02-07 6 
23029387Blatant Fetish Quest IOur half-incubus protagonist begins her trip to become a student at the Scholomance.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-08 39 
23034410Blatant Fetish Quest IIOur protagonist explores Paris and seeks forgiveness from the girl she wronged.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-08 39 
23037379Grand Ocean Quest IVOphelia Reers "acquires" the spoils from defeating the pirates, and calms down angry villagers. Voyaging to Loguetown...Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo2013-02-08 10 
23048817Blatant Fetish Quest IIIOur protagonist has a romantic evening in Paris, then heads back to the hotel, exhausted.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-09 35 
23056123Blatant Fetish Quest IVOur protagonist soars through the air on a parkour training course.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, parkour2013-02-09 38 
23064813Blatant Fetish Quest VOur protagonist starts seriously studying and flies from Paris to Romania.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-10 34 
23073160iM@S Fantasy Quest 7In which we really ought to have prayed to a god of chance or fate (but didn't).Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-02-10 14 
23084572Blatant Fetish Quest VIIOur protagonist starts meeting classmates and making friends for the coming year.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 34 
23091239Blatant Fetish Quest VIIIOur protagonist finally arrives at the Scholomance and starts learning healthy paranoia.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 33 
23104232Blatant Fetish Quest IXOur protagonist starts properly exploring the site that may be their new sanctum.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 33 
23108216Blatant Fetish Quest XWherein our protagonist encounters an unexpected meta-demonBlatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 34 
23113709Blatant Fetish Quest XIOur protagonist gets to know her estranged father, a prisoner in a magical city.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 35 
23124466Blatant Fetish Quest XIIIn which our protagonist learns about blood bonds and binds her father. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 35 
23130331Blatant Fetish Quest XIIIOur protagonist spends nearly an entire thread deciding how to feed her father, then waits.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-13 39 
23132118 Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch5.2 - Battle of StormWood Battle rages against the ifframi rebels! Will our heroes survive? (Link to Ch5.1 linked from foolz in first post)Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-02-13 5 
23143283Blatant Fetish Quest XIVOur protagonist grills her father for information and prepares to move.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-14 32 
23149687Blatant Fetish Quest XVOur protagonist learns that decisions have consequences, even if you don't see them yet.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-14 34 
23154565Grand Ocean Quest VOphelia Reers ports in Loguetown and find a man and woman arguing.. She sticks her nose right inti it, and what does she smell? PROFIT!Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest2013-02-14 12 
23162303Blatant Fetish Quest XVIOur protagonist gets better-acquainted with the Lotus and their special brand of magic.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, Jeff Bridges2013-02-14 32 
23165116Return To AtlantasiaIt's been slightly over a year since the last time we looked at this train wreck and once more we make a Character for the system.Game Design, Fail, Character Creation, Realms of Atlantasia, Atlantasia2013-02-15 6 
23166502Blatant Fetish Quest XVIIOur protagonist learns more about dryads and her unique mystical physiology.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-15 36 
23174036Grand Ocean Quest VIOphelia Reers continues her adventures in Loguetown! Tending to Nicolas's wound, she finds the Havoc that Jojo and Bartleby have caused. Later, we find out Jojo's secret...Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers2013-02-15 10 
23167385A magus on yahoo answersFa/tg/uy trolls superstitious idiots on yahoo answers while coming up with awesome occult setting ideas.Yahoo Answers, troll, fantasy, magic, occult2013-02-15 37 
23181629Blatant Fetish Quest XVIIIOur protagonist studies and gets a better lay of the land.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-15 29 
23187537Blatant Fetish Quest XIXOur protagonist finds trying to deal with a vampire lord positively infuriating.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-16 31 
23191861Blatant Fetish Quest XXOur protagonist learns what it means to hate.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-16 32 
23193462Grand Ocean Quest VIIOphelia Reers continues her tromp around in Loguetown! She visits the merchant Guild and takes on a deal that directs her to the Grand Line's Alabasta to investigate illegal trade! Also, Jojo gets some real clothes.Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-16 7 
23199993Blatant Fetish Quest XXIOur protagonist makes some use of a Vampire Lord heart.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-16 36 
23209880Grand Ocean Quest VIIIOphelia Reers acquires gun upgrades and buys new gear for her employes/crew.Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-17 9 
23219023Blatant Fetish Quest XXIIOur protagonist spends a lot of her time on phones and learning how to meditate.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-18 31 
23226745Blatant Fetish Quest XXIVOur protagonist has her first day of classes.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-18 30 
23239733Blatant Fetish Quest XXIVOur protagonist acquires the missing second key to her sanctum and learns she has room to improve.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-18 27 
23246185Blatant Fetish Quest XXVOur protagonist passes a week with studies.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-19 29 
23266545Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIOur protagonist forges a metal monster from acid and pain, then ties a pretty bow on it.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-20 35 
23273170Grand Ocean Quest IXOphelia Reers gains a new crew member and bails Bartleby out of jail. Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-20 11 
23282256Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIIOur protagonist's monster wins the pet monster olympics.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-20 27 
23288414Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIIIOur protagonist stands vigil outside Liz's testing, then unwinds at home.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-21 26 
23300890Blatant Fetish Quest XXIXOur protagonist tests modifications to the monster and makes good on a promise.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-21 28 
23305373Blatant Fetish Quest XXXOur protagonist hatches a dryad and becomes a mother.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-22 29 
23319954Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIOur protagonist fails at studying and tries to figure out how to help her baby see.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-22 28 
23325421Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIOur protagonist spends quality time with her girlfriend and baby girl.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-23 28 
23337654Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIIOur protagonist introduces Breakfast to her daughter.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-24 26 
23344801Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIIWe let Breakfast express her motherly instincts, give Liz her due punishment, and FemCOCK's internet dies.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, Miau2013-02-24 25 
23346542iM@S Fantasy Thread 8Down, down to goblin town. Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-02-24 12 
23358747Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVOur protagonist finally figures out some proper Sorcery.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-24 27 
23363513Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIOur protagonist gets some valuable books from the library and chats with the Lotus grand master.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-25 26 
23360620Tale of the Cowardly Knight Quest/tg/ plays a cowardly knight who manages man up in order to save the princess. fantasy, Cowardly Knight Quest, Collective Game2013-02-25 22 
23376729Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIIOur protagonist handles discipline and begins research on new projects.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-25 28 
23376067Anon the Mad: The Greatest GoblinThreads start out with a lot of butthurt discussion of chaos gods and orcs, and get derailed by an anon posting his army list for warhammer fantasy... with 63 fanatics. Thus Anon the Mad is born, greatest Goblin Warboss under the mountainsWarhammer, Fantasy, Goblin, Orcs and Goblins, Anon the Mad2013-02-26 20 
23381753Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIIIOur protagonist hardens her mind and learns even more about dryads.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-26 28 
23394049Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIXOur protagonist crafts a focus to help craft foci.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-26 25 
23398224Blatant Fetish Quest XLOur protagonist teaches her daughter words and helps Liz on her pet project.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-27 27 
23413574Blatant Fetish Quest XLIOur protagonist studies, plays with Selene, makes a dildo ejaculate, and gets a faceful of ethics.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 28 
23421507Blatant Fetish Quest XLIIOur protagonist clears out some more space and deals with the fallout of spell experimentation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 28 
23433860Blatant Fetish Quest XLIIIOur protagonist learns a lot about tattoos.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 27 
March 2013
23438771Blatant Fetish Quest XLIVOur protagonist gets her ass kicked.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-01 27 
23442548Blatant Fetish Quest XLVOur protagonist socializes with the other members of the Lotus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-01 28 
23449450Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIOur protagonist gets a lot of knowledge about the nature of reality dropped on her.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-02 25 
23454705Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIIOur protagonist gets some work done around the tower.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-02 26 
23466054Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIIIOur protagonist improves her custom spell and crafts a healing focus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-03 27 
23472092Blatant Fetish Quest XLIXOur protagonist boosts her strength and has a few family chats.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-03 25 
23473934iM@S Fantasy Quest 9Goblins make all sorts of fun, fiery toys. It's almost ungrateful the way we turn them against their creators.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-03-03 12 
23484324Blatant Fetish Quest LOur protagonist makes a seeing eye golem for her daughter.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 27 
23491855Blatant Fetish Quest LIOur protagonist gets some tattoo design done and then has an awkward family moment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 24 
23503501Blatant Fetish Quest LIIOur protagonist gets a tattoo and then gets into a dangerous situation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 26 
23508021Blatant Fetish Quest LIIIOur protagonist has a bad, bad day.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-05 27 
23506779Whiteshield TrainingThread about whiteshields gets some classic whiteshield training OCwhiteshields, drill sergeants, imperial guard, IG, OC2013-03-05 3 
23510878Blatant Fetish Quest LIVOur protagonist begins recovering from a barely-escaped ambush.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-05 28 
23528551Blatant Fetish Quest LVOur protagonist prepares to ruin a person.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-06 26 
23532345Blatant Fetish Quest LVIOur protagonist learns about real paranoia.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, tengu2013-03-06 29 
23542678Blatant Fetish Quest LVIIOur protagonist lets a little sunshine in.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, tengu2013-03-06 32 
23547323Blatant Fetish Quest LVIIIOur protagonist plans how to subvert the mind of a rival.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-07 27 
23550587Blatant Fetish Quest LIXOur protagonist handles her captive's equipment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-07 29 
23560690Blatant Fetish Quest LXOur protagonist shaves her head and chats with friends and family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 26 
23566280Blatant Fetish Quest LXIOur protagonist gets her tattoos finished.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 27 
23577238Blatant Fetish Quest LXIIOur protagonist starts turning an enemy into something else.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 26 
23581443Blatant Fetish Quest LXIIIOur protagonist breaks in a new ally.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-09 25 
23594254Blatant Fetish Quest LXIVOur protagonist introduces her new pet to the whole family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-10 25 
23601234iM@S Fantasy Quest 10We dine on some bread and then feast on some trouble.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-03-10 12 
23610060Blatant Fetish Quest LXVLiz fixes Lunch and takes some punishment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-11 26 
23629222Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIOur protagonist isn't the main character for once. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-12 28 
23641994Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIIOur protagonist has breakfast and patrols the area outside her base.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-13 24 
23661498Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIIIOur protagonist makes plans and learns lessons.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-13 25 
23667501Blatant Fetish Quest LXIXOur protagonist works on class work and relaxes at home.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-14 26 
23679659On Childhood, Death, and WarhammerAn eleven-year-old girl joins her big brother's Warhammer Fantasy game, his character being a childhood hero of hers. In her first session, a single botched roll leads to both killing her brother's character and her own death as a result; she leaves the table crying. /tg/ has it out.Discussion, WFRP, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, GM, death, girl, PC, player character2013-03-14 49 
23689435Blatant Fetish Quest LXXOur protagonist gets ready to watch a movie with her daughter for the first time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-15 25 
23705732Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIOur protagonist deals with some of her girlfriend's personal issues.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-16 24 
23717547Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIIOur protagonist makes some progress on the learning game and gets a text from Dane.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-17 25 
23733493Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIIIOur protagonist helps Dane with an assassination and has a good meditation session.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-17 24 
23752510Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIVOur protagonist teachers her blind daughter how to see.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-19 25 
23756420The United Crawler's League/tg/ fluffs up teams for a fake sport that's a cross between Ninja Warrior, American Gladiator, and Legends of the Hidden Templefantasy, xcrawl, nfl, sports, mfwdbwdso2013-03-19 5 
23773785Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVOur protagonist gets productive and has family time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-20 24 
23785428Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIOur protagonist has a series of massive frustrations.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-21 26 
23785063Who's the best starfighter pilot in Star Wars?/tg/ geeks out over Wedge Antilles, then discusses the awesomeness and the bullshit of the Star Wars EU.starfighter, star wars, x-wing, wedge antilles, yub yub, wraith squadron, rogue squadron, geeking out2013-03-21 5 
23793405Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIIOur protagonist bakes and contemplates the creation of entire ecosystems from scratch.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-21 24 
23803483Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIIIOur protagonist wants to go fast and read books.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-22 24 
23812082Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIXOur protagonist is apparently a natural when it comes to spiritual ecology and taxonomy.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-22 25 
23820937Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXOur protagonist teaches her family tai chi.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-23 24 
23829492Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIOur protagonist cuddles her girlfriend. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-23 25 
23838393Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIIOur protagonist begins working on some tricky new school work.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-24 25 
23855880Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIIIOur protagonist works on some new spell design in class.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-25 27 
23862328Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIVOur protagonist learns about spirit-forges and applications of areas of effects. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-25 25 
23873611Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVOur protagonist cooks breakfast, meditates, and plans an outfit.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-26 25 
23882642Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIOur protagonist makes plans for fun in Paris and spends time with her family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-26 24 
23899591Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIIOur protagonist refines her class project and tutors a fellow student in the library.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-27 25 
23908600Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIIIOur protagonist suffers frustrating failures and close successes.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-27 24 
23913536Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIXOur protagonist enjoys a specific application of meditation after getting her ass kicked by a former enemy.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-28 24 
23930571Blatant Fetish Quest XCOur protagonist passes the week and proves to be an attentive and caring mother.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-29 24 
23942591Blatant Fetish Quest XCIOur protagonist begins to learn living alchemy from an older member of the Lotus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-29 24 
23946851Blatant Fetish Quest XCII Our protagonist learns gland manipulation. Makes a realty stupid joke and prepares for a night out.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-30 23 
23959086Blatant Fetish Quest XCIVOur protagonist has a fun time with her daughter and works on plans.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-31 24 
23967691Blatant Fetish Quest XCIVOur protagonist explores and enjoys Paris with the girl she loves for the second time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-31 25 
April 2013
23976929Blatant Fetish Quest XCVOur protagonist goes to the first club of the night in Paris and makes a big commitment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-01 24 
23985571Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIOur protagonist transitions back to the club in Paris and relaxes with friends and drinks.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-01 24 
23995831Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIIOur protagonist helps a friend in trouble, and tries to work out if she needs a hospital.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-02 24 
24021340Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIIIOur protagonist is presented with a new social challenge.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-03 24 
24041620Blatant Fetish Quest ICOur protagonist learns that even when things go wrong, some things can still be salvaged.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-04 24 
24052347Blatant Fetish Quest C Our protagonist has coffee and goes shopping with friends.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-05 24 
24079749Blatant Fetish Quest CIOur protagonist begins teaching her daughter how to read.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-06 24 
24078679iM@S Fantasy Quest 11And the light goes out.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-04-06 11 
24088525Blatant Fetish Quest CIIOur protagonist learns about mind magic and puts some finishing touches on her school project.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-07 24 
24099588The United Crawler's League 2/tg/ fluffs up teams for a fake sport that's a cross between Ninja Warrior, American Gladiator, and Legends of the Hidden Templefantasy, xcrawl, nfl, sports, mfwdbwdso2013-04-07 6 
24106236Blatant Fetish Quest CIIIOur protagonist refines her techniques and those of others.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-08 25 
24113225Blatant Fetish Quest CIVOur protagonist leans the utility of sabotage in competitive environments.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-08 25 
24127024Blatant Fetish Quest CVOur protagonist Has an important Talk with her girlfriend.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-09 25 
24136818Blatant Fetish Quest CVIOur protagonist continues preparations for a pivotal class presentation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-09 25 
24155307Blatant Fetish Quest CVIOur protagonist works on the projects due tomorrow.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-10 24 
24210259Drilling for Black ManaBlack Mana can be stored as Oil. Factions fight and scheme to exploit it, birthing eldrich abominations in the process.setting, world building, dieselpunk, fantasy, necromancy, original content2013-04-13 12 
24210931iM@S Fantasy Quest 11We kick some kobold keister and turn in for the night.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-04-13 12 
24239867Blatant Fetish Quest CVIIOur protagonist finally presents her class project to the teacher.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-15 24 
24248013Blatant Fetish Quest CVIIIOur protagonist helps a friend and plans for the future.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-15 24 
24260665Blatant Fetish Quest CIXOur protagonist does the time warp again.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-16 24 
24296685Blatant Fetish Quest CXOur protagonist makes some dresses for the pets, and goes to class on Halloween.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-18 24 
24314837Mecha campaign discussionOP seeks homebrewing advice on making two factions' giant robots and warfare-styles distinctive. Thoughtful discussion of Gundam (UC timeline) mobile-suit design philosophies results.Giant Robots, Gundam, mecha, advice2013-04-18 5 
24317175Blatant Fetish Quest CXIOur protagonist has an interesting and informative series of failures on Halloween.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-19 24 
24323006Blatant Fetish Quest CXIIOur protagonist has a talk with her daughters' biological mother.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-19 24 
24337382Blatant Fetish Quest CXIIIOur protagonist makes her Halloween costume.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-20 24 
24344063Blatant Fetish Quest CXIVOur protagonist has a homecoming of sorts.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-20 24 
24345052iM@S Fantasy Quest 13We get to know the sleepyhead a bit better before the session gets cut short due to sleepiness.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-04-20 10 
24353939Mundus Novus Quest 1Our hero gathers support from the King of Portugal, hires a shifty jewish accountant gnome, and battles sirens.Mundus Novus, Quest, Pirates, Discovery, Fantasy2013-04-21 5 
24356602Blatant Fetish Quest CXVOur protagonist goes trick-or-treating.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-21 24 
24365454Blatant Fetish Quest CXVIOur protagonist works to improve her body.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-21 24 
24377520Blatant Fetish Quest CXVIIOur protagonist is getting more used to this mother thing now.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-21 24 
24383377Blatant Fetish Quest CXVIIIOur protagonist gets a jump on solving new problems.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-22 24 
24399194Blatant Fetish Quest CXIXOur protagonist talks to her daughter about responsible mind control.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-23 24 
24406353Blatant Fetish Quest CXXOur protagonist rings the bell.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-23 24 
24436538Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIOur protagonist learns about the intimately related topics of history and death.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-25 24 
24443305Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIIOur protagonist has a chat with Lin.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-25 24 
24489331Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIIIOur protagonist begins learning about how science and magic mix.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-28 24 
24509259Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIVOur protagonist studies sorcery with Pierre and deals with children fighting.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-29 24 
24518330Skyworld: Developing a SettingIn response to questions about life on a skyworld, /tg/ develops a setting, featuring bird-riding nomads and giant, dew-harvesting spiders.Fluff, Fantasy, Setting, Skyworld, Worldbuilding2013-04-29 16 
May 2013
24595163Yellowman Quest 7Scott Yellowman deals with a wish-granting god, a swamp that lives up to its name, a bunch of really infuriating rats, and saves another racer from an oversized intestinal monster.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online2013-05-04 6 
24629614iM@S Fantasy Quest 14Our sleep is disturbed by a hellish dream, and we come upon some hellish monsters.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-05-05 11 
24641278Captured Chaos CruiserA GM asks /tg/ if the imperium can use a captured chaos ship. /tg/ produces the Reluctant Machine Spirit.Rogue Trader, 40k, Machine Spirit, Event Horizon, Warp, Chaos, Spaceship, Reluctant2013-05-05 7 
24663074Blatant Fetish Quest CXXVOur protagonist has a good fight.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-05-07 24 
24703104Trickster Daemon Quest XIVIn which Anomaly bargains with Jens and Olberek to free the Greatoak citizens. A verbal trainwreck ensues, and we make a surprising recovery. We now have a daemon minion!Trickster Daemon Quest, Collective Game, Daemon, Quest, Quantum Girdin2013-05-09 12 
24690729Yellowman Quest 8With new team member Elyse in tow, Scott and his crew finally escape the Swamp of Despair. They come across a farm, encounter a petulant god-child, witness an airship crash, and find an axe-wielding maniac only a mile behind them.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online2013-05-09 7 
24719644/tg/ gets shit done Anon asks for a homebrew setting, and /tg/ delivers.fantasy, custom, homebrew, setting2013-05-09 23 
24725515Blatant Fetish Quest CXXVIOur protagonist rearranges the rooms of her sanctum.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-05-10 30 
24831832Yellowman Quest 9Scott Yellowman and his group run from a bounty hunter with flying power armor, take refuge in a warded city, get called sluts, and demand to see the manager in order to complain about bad customer service.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online2013-05-16 7 
24869317iM@S Fantasy Quest 15We can't stop here, this is bat country.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-05-17 8 
24933926The Adventures of Nyte ForceOP shares the story of his train wreck of a session. Magical things happen.Story Time, Mutants & Masterminds, Impact2013-05-20 12 
24997191/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - 1Ring Speaker begins a new playthrough of an old /tg/ favorite, King of Dragon Pass. Soon the Sky Sons are raiding, feasting, and having terrible personal relations with others.collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-05-24 3 
25063638Titanic skeleton cityWe come up with a city that lives inside of a giant animated skeleton. Turns out they really enjoy Mexican holidays.Skeletons, Skeleton, Giant, Titan, 2spooky, Mr. Bones, Worldbuilding, Sombreros2013-05-27 6 
June 2013
25162265North American Crawler's LeagueThe National Crawler's League is an organization of 32 teams from the USA, Canada, and Mexico that compete in competitive dungeoncrawls. Two teams enter a dungeon from opposite ends and race to complete various objectives - everything from returning a holy relic to its undead master to stealing emeralds embedded in the eyes of a golem - and are scored on speed, style, and skill. However, the dungeons these crawlers delve aren’t your standard dusty tombs and underground caverns...fantasy, xcrawl, nfl, sports, mfwdbwdso2013-06-01 9 
25183063iM@S Fantasy Quest 15A trap, an ambush, some lewdness, and the final boss!Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-06-02 8 
25307382iM@S Fantasy Quest 17A showdown with cultists brings a dark secret to light.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-06-08 11 
25385565Yellowman Quest 10Yellowman and his group have a run in with the guards, guns almost get beaten by swords and crossbows, and they enter the Sorceress' Castle. Also, statistical analysis confirms that MetaOP rolls low.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online, statistics2013-06-12 7 
25512705Final Fantasy Quest 1The humble beginnings of FF Quest with trying to determine what class to be.The Sage, Collective Quest, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest2013-06-19 14 
25521668Bromont QuestBromont whines about his tripcode and then fucks off for a few hours.Collective Game, erp, porn, lewd, egotist, crybaby, I JUST WANT ATTENTION GUYS2013-06-19 -12 
25517171Imperial Japan in Orient-FantasylandWe are Colonel Tatsuo Miyamoto, of the Empire of Japan. A veteran of the war in China, we have arrived at our new posting due to our firm grasp of military insight and experience. We scope out the various military, scientific, political and potentially criminal powers surrounding our preparation into investigating the mysterious Gate, ultimately favouring the military factions above all else. The unknown world beyond the Gate awaits.Empire of the Sun, Imperial Japan, Fantasyland, Orient, WWII, Collective Game2013-06-19 11 
25532949Final Fantasy Quest 2The continuation of FF quest with a trip to the Bandit's Wood.The Sage, Collective Quest, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest2013-06-20 14 
25517110Yellowman Quest 11Yellowman and his team finally leave the world of Oglaf behind, only to land in a city with a xenomorph infestation, Weyland-Yutani mucking about, and 2 Predators who may or may not be out for trophies. This may be an improvement.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Phantasy Star Online, Alien vs. Predator2013-06-20 9 
25554628Imperial Japan in Orient-Fantasyland IIColonel Tatsuo Miyamoto embarks on a mission for the glory of the Japan, requisitioning the Imperial Army and Marines to brave the unnatural Gate. Almost immediately coming under attack from a lakeside castle, retaliation is swift and merciless. Through the superiority of Japanese technology and the daring of our Marines a beachhead is established and much of the castle laid to waste in short order.Empire of the Sun, Imperial Japan, Fantasyland, Orient, WWII, Collective Game2013-06-21 8 
25548357How to jRPGAnon asks for the framework and design choices behind Japanese console RPGs. Every cliche imaginable is brought up, and discussion of the genre and its mannerisms is conducted.Discussion, JRPG, RPG, trope, cliche, setting, design, Japanese, Final Fantasy2013-06-21 16 
25569558Final Fantasy Quest 3The one that comes after 4, but only in America.Collective Game, Final Fantasy Quest, Spiky Hair, Pizza Cutters do not make for good swords, Its not quite the same without the soundtrack2013-06-22 7 
25607831Final Fantasy Quest 4The hero makes for Corneria, and his destiny.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-06-24 6 
25625474Final Fantasy Quest 5We arrive at Corneria, a lovestruck fighter in tow.Collective Game, Quest, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest2013-06-24 9 
25645771NACL Preseason (take 2)The National Crawler's League is an organization of 32 teams from the USA, Canada, and Mexico that compete in competitive dungeoncrawls. Two teams enter a dungeon from opposite ends and race to complete various objectives - everything from returning a holy relic to its undead master to stealing emeralds embedded in the eyes of a golem - and are scored on speed, style, and skill. However, the dungeons these crawlers delve aren’t your standard dusty tombs and underground caverns...fantasy, xcrawl, nfl, sports, mfwdbwdso2013-06-26 6 
25663385Final Fantasy Quest 6The Warriors of Light come together. Sort of.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-06-27 7 
25647598Yellowman Quest 12The raid on the police station is concluded, there's some talk during a long APC raid, and we attempt to go meet Radical Edward.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Phantasy Star Online, Alien vs. Predator2013-06-27 5 
25683882Final Fantasy Quest 7The Warriors of Light gear up and set off.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-06-28 7 
25705156iM@S Fantasy Quest 18Loot Summary: Lots of silver!... and a half-dead little girl.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-06-29 7 
July 2013
25737478Final Fantasy Quest 8In which the party takes a peaceful ride through the forest.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-01 2 
25743095NACL Week OneThe first week of the North American Crawler's League finally kicks off. Poor, poor Otters.fantasy, xcrawl, nfl, sports, mfwdbwdso, NACL2013-07-01 5 
25742875Ghost QuestYou are a ghost operative of the Terran Dominion, under Emperor Arcturus Mengsk. Your Codename is Delta Phoenix. Possibly, was Delta Phoenix. At 1200 hours you received a transmission from Korhal. "The Emperor is Dead. Long live the Emperor. " Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-01 33 
25761950Final Fantasy Quest 9The party has a pleasant stay at Calim where nothing at all goes wrong.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-02 4 
25764480Ghost Quest 2We continue to be a badass even with broken fingers. We also increase our combat effectiveness by liberating 3 spaceships. Plans to fix the Goliath Class Battlecruiser is delayed even further.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-02 23 
25770783Ghost Quest 2.5We do a little piracy and get ourselves some resources and some recruits. Then we immediately go risk our lives. Again.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Mercenaries2013-07-02 21 
25773465Ghost Quest 3Dark Phoenix gathers the last resources to repair the Hydron. Henderson proves himself again. Will we ever know what was in the box?Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates2013-07-02 16 
25776443Final Fantasy Quest 10A White Mage questions her faith and the party makes for Dorter.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-03 2 
25780411Ghost Quest 4: Uh Oh.Wherein trousers are browned.Collective Game, Adjutant, Ghost Quest2013-07-03 18 
25787209Ghost Quest 5: Grave over JestosThe remaining zerg pose an issue. SCV deployments are confusing. Repairs are made to the Hydron, and a blind jump is made.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Zerg, 2013-07-03 21 
25796476Final Fantasy Quest 11Ferra proves to be no fun at all.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-04 3 
25800902Ghost Quest 6: FreedomJump is successful but resources are scarce. Delta Phoenix deals with the ghosts of the past. A hostage is taken. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates2013-07-04 20 
25806765Ghost Quest 7: Death RaceDelta Phoenix attempts a solo mission as Corporal Henderson races to save the love of his life, Mia Rodriguez. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates, Space Bikers, Vulture bike,2013-07-04 21 
25816979Final Fantasy Quest 12We finally reach the WitchmarshFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-05 2 
25820987Ghost Quest 8: Money, Money, Money. (July 4th Special)The Daluke jumps to Muric, an idyllic paradise compared to the trials so far, and receives a tempting offer...Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, MURRICA, FREEDOM, USA, USA, USA2013-07-05 16 
25801190Yellowman Quest 13Scott Yellowman's trip through this world is marked with critical failures and critical successes, mostly of the former variety. He leads his team to the Sewage Sub-Station, and finds no Ed, but does find the Portal.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Alien vs. Predator, Starcraft, Cowboy Bebop2013-07-05 6 
25825835Ghost Quest 9Delta Phoenix does some ghost things to get her crew some property of their own.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, MURRICA2013-07-05 16 
25836460Final Fantasy Quest 13The party meets Matoya.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-06 1 
25840097iM@S Fantasy Quest 19Tensions run high until the arrival of a new party member.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-07-06 7 
25840292Ghost Quest 10Recruitan' an' minin'. That's what we do here. After a mission and a night full of nightmares, Delta Pheonix talks to only other person who may be more screwed up in the head than she isCollective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft,2013-07-06 15 
25847799Ghost Quest 11: Dark Wings SpreadDelta Phoenix rescues some civilian ships at Kilaro, and helps rebels fight the Dominion. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Poor decision making2013-07-06 15 
25852526Ghost Quest 12: LossDelta Phoenix loses her suit, and can't cope. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, 2013-07-06 17 
25873971Final Fantasy Quest 14I'm on a boat!Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-08 1 
25878409Ghost Quest 13: Delta Phoenix's New GrooveDelta Phoenix trains with Kassix, and murders an Ultralisk 1 on 1. A course is set for Murric. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ultralisk2013-07-08 15 
25878682NACL Week TwoGames continue, the Otters win one, and the Coyotes manage to score just 4 points.fantasy, xcrawl, nfl, sports, mfwdbwdso, NACL2013-07-08 8 
25895335Ghost Quest 14: Liberty or DeathDelta Phoenix returns to Murric under siege. We get a look through the eyes of our crew. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Wraith, Goliath, Firebat, Marine,2013-07-09 20 
25899479Ghost Quest 15: Ghost Quest 15: Don't you let me Die in SpaceHelldog Mercenary squad takes the bridge of the Aeron. Delta Phoenix kills an old squad memeber. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Marine, Battlecruiser2013-07-09 27 
25928126Fantasy Races in MilitaryAnon ask for help about a crazy elf in his squad. Elves, Modern Fantasy, Military, Roleplay2013-07-10 6 
25937168Ghost Quest 17: All Along the WatchtowerThe XO does his best to keep Delta Phoenix's forces alive.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Battlecruiser2013-07-11 16 
25933392Final Fantasy Quest 15A red eye watches as the party reaches Lodestone Cavern.Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Quest, Collective Game, The Sage2013-07-11 2 
25919400Yellowman Quest 14Yellowman and his group finally get a hot meal, get ripped off by a pawnshop, get some cash from a jeweler's, have a run-in with a pair of fellow Racers, and get chased into the sewers when they fail to have the proper papers.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Fullmetal Alchemist, Street Fighter2013-07-11 7 
25953890Ghost Quest 18: From The Ashes. Delta Phoenix speaks to Charlie Phoenix, repairs to the Daluke and Murric begin.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, 2013-07-11 10 
25977043Ghost Quest 20: High NoonDelta determines whether or not to become a Spectre, and hunts bounties on New Albuquerque.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-13 9 
25986612Handler quest twoWe learn more about Project ANTIGONE,meet an asshole, socialize with some workers, get more guns, and bond with Margo a bitHandler quest, collective game, InternalAffairs, Project ANTIGONE2013-07-13 10 
25987915Handler Quest: Tyrone Alberswazy No 2In which Tyrone Streaks, goes to the firing range, fights dirtying in a spar,punches an asshole, goes on his first assignment with Juno, Kills two men, and does his jobHandler quest, collective game, Lord of Sass, sidestory, Project ANTIGONE2013-07-13 5 
25992922Seven Deadly Waifus QuestOP gives as a story where we waifu satan, then everybody fights about the ending. Good read, but ending depends on reader.Seven Deadly Waifus Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2013-07-14 8 
25998145Seven Deadly Waifus Quest: Part IIThe ending to the original quest. We save the girl, defeat god, and go through quite a bit o deus ex machina.Seven Deadly Waifus Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2013-07-14 16 
25995972Play WarhammerI got 99 problems but a tau ain't one.writefaggotry, warhammer fantasy, play it2013-07-14 6 
26017586Ghost Quest 21: Bounty HunterDelta Phoenix completes her bounties on New Albuquerque. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-15 13 
26073880NACL Week ThreeWeek Three of the NACL. Cultists and Coyotes take a beating, Otters lose again.fantasy, xcrawl, nfl, sports, mfwdbwdso, NACL2013-07-18 7 
26101639Ghost Quest 22: Viva la RevolutionDelta Phoenix finishes her work on New Albuquerque. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-19 8 
26097793/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 2After far too long, we return to the Sky Sons. Things are rough to begin with, but after learning a powerful ritual, luck begins to turn around. Will it hold?collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-07-19 0 
26108936Ghost Quest 23: A Duel of PoliticsDelta Phoenix attempts to organize the New Albuquerque rebels to overthrow the corrupt government. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-19 6 
26118210Ghost Quest 24: The Open SkyDelta returns to the Daluke with Lakas' family and Enrique. Whiskey and November report the lottery mission is successful. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-20 6 
26078442Imperial Japan in Orient-Fantasyland IIIThe castle is taken. Prisoners are also taken, one of which claims to be of royal blood. The Gaki & metal called "Mithril" is discovered. Repairs & new constructions around and of the Castle begins.Empire of the Sun, Imperial Japan, Fantasyland, Orient, WWII, Collective Game2013-07-20 6 
26059195Yellowman Quest 15The Mad Alchemist is found, but the stage exit is not. Also, an old foe is killed offscreen.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Fullmetal Alchemist, Street Fighter2013-07-20 3 
26143288Pacific Rim Quest Part 1The fate of the world is in our robotic hands. WE MUST ACTCollective Game, Pacific Rim Quest, Jaeger, Kaiju, Giant Monster, Mech2013-07-21 15 
26154893Ghost Quest 25: Gambling ManDelta Phoenix finishes her macromanagement on Murric and heads to other Fringe World locations. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-21 4 
26150231Dragon x Knight RomanceRomance can blossom in surprising places. Dragon/knight romance isn't surprising on /tg/.dragons, knights, dragon-knight romance, roleplay, fantasy, fetishes2013-07-22 6 
26160234Pacific Rim Quest Part 2The London Event has brought everyone to the brink. The arrival of a new class of Kaiju might push us over the edge...Collective Game, Pacific Rim Quest, Jaeger, Kaiju, Giant Monster, Mech2013-07-22 10 
26194492Pacific Rim Quest Part 3NUKE ITCollective Game, Pacific Rim Quest, Jaeger, Kaiju, Giant Monster, Mech2013-07-24 7 
26194946/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 3Things go rather poorly for the Sky Sons, though things start to turn around with a new year and a few new cows. If things hold up, the clan will be turned around.collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-07-24 1 
26197410NACL Week FourOtters lost, surprising no one.fantasy, xcrawl, nfl, sports, mfwdbwdso, NACL2013-07-24 3 
26208662Halo Covenant StorytiemFa/tg/uy tells story about playing a Halo Homebrew. Also some discussion on Halo in general.Halo, Covenant, Storytime2013-07-24 5 
26237478/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 4The Sky Sons rebound from despair into glory, thanks to a sucessful Hero Quest. Humakt be praised!collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-07-26 0 
26255694Ghost Quest 26: Shout at the Devil Down BelowNovember is dead. Charlie is critically wounded. The few survivors of New Ares are aboard the Hercules. And so is something else...Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-26 4 
26232720MERCWORLD:Thread 5.5The Worst Part's of TG Come to light once again, Ideas are Rejected... Creation comes from Flexibility, not rigidity.worldbuilding, Mercenary, homebrew, fantasy, science, 2013-07-27 -2 
26275827Ghost Quest 27: FUBARDelta Phoenix and other squads attempt a mission on a Dominion battlecruiser, while Zerg are attacking it.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-28 4 
26292705Ghost Quest 28: 3 Weeks LaterDelta Phoenix's crew has recovered from the last mission, but worlds are falling across the sector. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-29 2 
26342580Ghost Quest 29: ExpansionistDelta Phoenix establishes a base on a Jungle World, then looks to unite the fringes. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-31 2 
26335235/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 5Weal and woe visit the Sky Sons this year. Successes and failures in raids and trading, though we always remain honorable. Curse the Vostangs!collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-07-31 0 
August 2013
26360853Ghost Quest 30: Fade OutArmed with new Technology, Delta Phoenix must now determine her next move against the Dominion or Broodmother.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-01 2 
26357377NACL Week FiveAlmost a third of the way into the season, and some teams are starting to break away from the packfantasy, xcrawl, nfl, sports, mfwdbwdso, NACL2013-08-01 4 
26396664Ghost Quest 31: Double TakeThe fringe continues to burn. Dominion fleets mobilize. Zerg disappear mysteriously. Delta Phoenix is slowly becoming the last hope these planets have. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-03 3 
26418227Ghost Quest 32: Round HouseDelta Phoenix destroys the PRNA capital building, but their army seems invigorated by it. The crew of the Daluke prepares for a longer war than they anticipated. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-04 2 
26415781iM@S Fantasy Quest 20In which a friendly local gives us a lift.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-08-04 11 
26437759Ghost Quest 33: Fast PaceAn uneasy peace settles over New Albuquerque. The Dominion tightens their grip, and lays siege to Kilaro. Zerg forces mysteriously abandon Dick's Paradise, but are now spotted on Corendis. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-05 2 
26468972Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 3Minifig finally gets off his fanny and finishes off the conversion, then gives a storytime.RPG, rpg, Palladium, Savage Worlds, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, homebrew, SW, /tg/ gets shit done, shit gets done, win, character creation, mutants, Savage Worlds2013-08-06 0 
26478946Ghost Quest 34: Cocked PistolDelta Phoenix has destroyed the Dominion's fleet and found out information on their bases. However the Zerg and Protoss wage a shadow war on Corendis. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-07 0 
26473540/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 6The Sky Sons recruit a bunch of new workers, make allies and fail to smite the Vostangs. And next thread will begin with a hero quest!collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-08-07 0 
26500691Hive mutantOP somehow managed to roll the most mutated Acolyte we've ever seen.dark_heresy mutant tentacles inquisition monster_girl2013-08-08 18 
26513061/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 7Disaster strikes as our clan chief is slain in a hero quest. The Clan ring is rearranged to avoid Eurmal's wrath, and we find a big-ass hole.collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-08-09 0 
26530430Ghost Quest 35: MidnightThe Daluke is upgraded at Skorpia shipyards when Delta Phoenix receives distress beacons. All of them. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-09 2 
26537791Ghost Quest 36: CheckThe Zerg invasion has crushed worlds. Delta Phoenix attempts to rescue surviving Protoss, while hunting another changeling threat. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-10 3 
26547796Hive Mutant WritefaggotryA writefag delivers on his promise from http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/26500691writefaggotry, mutant, tentacles, inquisition, Varia2013-08-11 13 
26609235Yellowman Quest 18Begins with fighting a dragonCollective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Fullmetal Alchemist, Street Fighter2013-08-14 5 
26605417/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass - The Sky Sons 8The Sky Sons endure much hardship and chaos assaults, but survive them and end up building on their fortunes. Praise be to Urox!collective game, king of dragon pass, sky sons, glorantha, ring speaker2013-08-14 0 
26666192Crossover Magical Girl QuestFantastic Phantasm's first Ep. We assume the role of Itonami Juritsu, a powerful summoner. We dream about fucked up shit, fight a dragon then pass out.Crossover Magical Girl Quest, magical girl, female protagonist, Fantastic Phantasm, Collective Game 2013-08-17 8 
26680643Crossover Magical Girl Quest 2We wander through the desert, find an ally then pass out. We wake up in a city, make new friends and look for Raid.Crossover Magical Girl Quest, magical girl, female protagonist, Fantastic Phantasm, Collective Game 2013-08-18 4 
26739627Yellowman Quest 19Yellowman and his party pay a Toll, and then find themselves in scenic Vienna, as a giant robot fights against an alien monster in the background. Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Fullmetal Alchemist2013-08-21 3 
26752019Ascent Quest 1In which a mysterious stranger enters a mysterious town in search of magic artifacts.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Fantasy Stalker2013-08-21 16 
26789098Ascent Quest 2In which there is a gibbering monster in the shadows.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-08-24 13 
26795478Hard Science-fiction generic fantasyHard Science-fiction generic fantasyScience fiction, fantasy2013-08-24 2 
26810845iM@S Fantasy Quest 21THERE ARE NO BRAKES ON THE TEASING TRAIN!Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-08-25 8 
26839517Ascent Quest 3In which the Wanderer sets things on fire and runs away.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-08-26 12 
26879047Ascent Quest 4Wherein the Wanderer and the Foreigner wander the village, talk about stealing a baby jackalope, and then enter the city proper.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-08-29 12 
26865196Yellowman Quest 20Finding their way through the CORT base the team argues with Ed, agrees with the Ghost, and Elyse shanks an Invader.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Ground Crew Quest2013-08-29 5 
26880290The Knights RepentantA thread about what happens when pre-Heresy Word Bearers travel through the warp and emerge from it in the 41st millennium. Brought to you by two anons. One who thought about this idea, and one who made it flesh. Really cool and probably the sanest homebrew ever. Knights Repentant, Space Marines, Word Bearers, 2013-08-29 18 
26922231Yellowman Quest 21The end of Yellowman Quest. The Ghost makes her wish and redeems herself, Scott gets a mini-vacation, then narrowly escapes a terrible fate in a patchwork craft designed to take him home.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online2013-08-31 8 
September 2013
26937968Ascent Quest 5Wherein we play around in the city, get a hug from an inhabitant, and then make a new friend.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-09-01 11 
26941592Homeless Mutant QuestWe look around for a job, find we have stealth related abilities and try to get around the anti-mutie sentimentHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2013-09-01 45 
26940856Crossover Magical Girl Quest 3We continue our search for Raid. We end up saving a suicidal girl, fight some mooks and run from kidnappers. We also argue with royalty.Crossover Magical Girl Quest, magical girl, female protagonist, Fantastic Phantasm, Collective Game2013-09-01 -1 
26940376Space KnightsA setting where you're an Arthurian knight in space fantasyworld building, sci-fi, space fantasy, original content, game design2013-09-01 6 
26958491Homeless Mutant Quest #2Our First day at work, dropping spaghetti, and being invisible on a subway train. Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-09-02 41 
26983624Ascent Quest 6In which we solve our problems through clever application of explosions, learn a new trick, and our past is starting to haunt us.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-09-03 10 
27023320Time Warriors Thread 2The Time Warriors become more fleshed out. We get a few new characters and a better sense of the direction the setting could take.time, warriors, johnny quick, anti, star, 80's2013-09-05 5 
27042905Ascent Quest 7Wherein we explore some catacombs, get greeted by something, and then receive some mail.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-09-06 9 
27042776Homeless Mutant Quest #3We find Laura a job, we most certainly need an adult, and we acquire fly new threads.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-09-06 41 
27048688Post Apocalypse Civ Quest 2The Think tank loses some people to the toxic environment, sends a goodwill mission to the tribes, gets shot at by a robotic tank, and agrees to meet up with some Post Apocalyptic LawmenCollective Game, CONTROL !R5CmcJTjQI, Post Apocalypse, Civilization, Mutants, Zombies, Robots 2013-09-06 0 
27062950Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 1In which we get decimated and decimate othersMutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind2013-09-07 6 
27105544Ascent Quest 8In which we talk with a lady, get attacked as soon as we stop talking to her. Then we talk with a gentleman about said lady. We get a second glove. Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-09-09 10 
27105423Homeless Mutant Quest #4We trawl the hobo information network, we find ourselves a nice burrow, and We Need to Talk About Kevin. Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-09-09 38 
27108806Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part (2 or 3)Giant Spider Tanks. New awesome heroes. Lots and lots and lots of debate. Memor somewhat elaborated.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Spider tank2013-09-09 5 
27143256Ascent Quest 9Wherein we fail a lot, spend the night in the city, and meet Something.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-09-11 9 
27148972Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 4We've gathered enough resource to unlock lower unexplored base. Unbelievable rewards in store. Addition of two new factions and heroes, Richard the Cyborg and the Broodmother.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Cyborg, broodmother2013-09-11 5 
27184550Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 5We are at war with the a new breed of Bandit. Try to hold them off. Develop super-virus, too dangerous to use right now. Manage to bring things to a precarious standstill.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Bandits, War, Virus2013-09-13 5 
27199333Ascent Quest 10Wherein we find lots of paper, loot part of an entire city, and then give a girl some jewelry.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-09-14 9 
27200188Terraformer QuestAKASHA and EDEN awaken, and begin their quests to cause Mechanical or Biological Domination.Collective Game, Terraformer Quest, Robots, Mutants2013-09-14 4 
27204608Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 6Start playing around with super science. Broodmother gets even better. Turn the bandits into tasty glowy radioactive goop. Ghouls fill the swamp. Also getting screwed over by the same nat1 roll like last chapter.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Bandits, War, Radiation2013-09-14 5 
27214895Homeless Mutant Quest #5We get paid, we get endangered, and we save a druggie electrokinetic from mobsters. Also we bust through a window.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-09-15 36 
27221371Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 7Our new breed of hunter/scouter mutant comes to fruition. Make many discoveries, but don't have the force to act yet. New areas discovered, attempt to make sense of it all.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Tectus, Map2013-09-15 5 
27261895Ascent Quest 11In which we relive our past, and find out some things about our friends. New locations are found.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-09-17 8 
27280677Homeless Mutant Quest #6We don't fry, we temporarily channel Jesus through our supersenses, we poke a bitch in the eyes, and we finish up with some feels.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-09-18 36 
27284893Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 8Another "bandit" war. The mistakes of the past haunt us again. Lessons relearned. Heroes die, leave, and loyalties come into question. Something is rotten in the state of Memor.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Bandit, War, Political Intrigue,2013-09-18 5 
27315437Ascent Quest 12Wherein we get clumsy, get hurt, and find out that there's a lot more behind the disappearance of Kystara than we thought.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-09-20 8 
27317114Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 9Things continue to unravel. More heroes vanish, others thankfully return. Our insignificance becomes more significant. Minor things like spiders and alternate conversion techniques discovered. Conspiracies, revelations, we go down the rabbit hole.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Spiders, Political Intrigue, Impending Doom2013-09-20 5 
27321694Fantasy Criminal Quest 1: The EscapeWe orchestrate a jailbreak and decide to make for orc lands.Collective Game, Fantasy Criminal Quest, Raven2013-09-20 5 
27330793Fantasy Criminal Quest 2: The ChaseWe're on the run from authorities, pick up some wolf puppies, and join Uurlor's tribe.Collective Game, Fantasy Criminal Quest, Raven2013-09-21 2 
27324778Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 10Another of our mighty heroes passes into legend, while another returns from it! We try to get back on our feet after that terrible attack. Richard and Broodmother experiment on something secret. Make good use of spiders, and discover psionic crystals with new possibilities.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Psionic, Crystals2013-09-21 5 
27337711Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 11We witness the final stand of another nation against our great foe, as our own heroes get involved and perish. A sentient crystal arises. Yet another monster is on it's way as we try to reason with it.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Crystal, Battle2013-09-21 5 
27347899Homeless Mutant Quest #7We find out that Parker's had some family crisis, get to know our companions, and finalize our plans for Creeper.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-09-22 33 
27353026iM@S Fantasy Quest 22A meeting with the Chief, and then focus on every adventurer's favorite thing: LOOTCollective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-09-22 11 
27350417Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 12Explosive sides edition. We fix the hivemind problem.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, WhatisthisIdon'teven2013-09-22 5 
27364871Ascent Quest 13In which we walk through the rain, find a shipwreck survivor, and watch Tarda melt.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-09-23 8 
27368841Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 13Continue to heal from what happened last time. Richard goes missing again, for good reason. Alexis comes back with even more opportunities and info. Caravans return and offer a bargain. Unfortunate thread timing.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Exploration, Trade2013-09-23 6 
27386604Seraph: The Mission 1In which our protagonist hits his head and becomes the Seraph of Calamity.Collective Game, Seraph: The Mission, urban fantasy, angel2013-09-24 10 
27399279Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, StealthWe play super-tag with Laura, we cook like a hobo boss, and we finally get round to meeting Creeper again.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-09-25 35 
27392541Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 14We endure the slings and arrows of outrageous dice gods. Encounter more monsters than you can shake a fist at. Manage to push the war somewhere else. As tradition dictates, a hero dies.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Monsters, Misfortune2013-09-25 5 
27412209Hedgehog Quest The sun sets in a small forest in Golsar, Germany as you awaken. You haven't eaten since you fell asleep eight hours ago, so you are famished.Hedgehogs, Adorable, nom ants, fuck the ants, quest2013-09-25 12 
27417538Ascent Quest 14In which we speak with Marcus, go hunt for a book, and things start to get serious.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-09-26 8 
27408005Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 15OP is busy, so mostly discussion. Later returns, and another close call happens. Ironically, peace is restored as we slowly settle into living the perpetual Battle of the 4 armies. New Ghoul hero.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Broodmother, War2013-09-27 5 
27443603Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 16And on this day, the gods of dice smiled on us. New base. New allies. New technologies. New heroes. New victories. But a battle looms over the horizon.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, expansion, discovery, lucky2013-09-27 5 
27450268Homeless Mutant Quest #9We lose our nerve and then find it again, agree to steal for Creeper, and overload our powers.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-09-28 32 
27455234Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 17Another day in the war, another day of gains and victories.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind2013-09-28 5 
27467672Ascent Quest 15Wherein the wanderer learns that petting jackolopes are a bad idea, and then his heart is broken.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-09-29 10 
October 2013
27502657Homeless Mutant Quest #10We encounter fever feels, we get up late and rush to work, and we become a robot.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-10-01 35 
27507334X-Wing, fuck yeah!Thread looking for X-Wing RPG campaign ideas ultimately leads to casting an X-Wing TV series, based on the best part of the Star Wars EU.Aaron Allston, X-Wing, Wedge Antilles, Yub Yub Commander, Zsinj, Rogue Squadron, Wraith Squadron, Star Wars2013-10-01 6 
27512545Canterbury TalesOP posts an oddly familiar tale. /tg/ joins in with their own stories. Canterbury Tales, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Storytime2013-10-01 12 
27521902Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 18Another close encounter with She Who Hungers. Test out a parasite, to undesired effect. We make a mark on the Ghouls, who make their mark on the land. Mutually assured destruction.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, zombies, psionic, parasite, MAD2013-10-02 5 
27553611Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 19Mostly prepping for war. A rather successful day. New good ideas tossed around, manage to avoid too much disaster, get some goods, and create something new and profitable.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, preparation, ideas, alchohol2013-10-04 5 
27567611Ascent Quest 17In which we punch something harder than ever before, and Tarda wants revenge.Collective Game, Exabyte, Ascent, Ascent Quest, Fantasy Stalker2013-10-04 7 
27567682Homeless Mutant Quest #11We break and enter, we taze dudes, and we spend most of our karma.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-10-05 33 
27569625Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 20We continue to hold out until the great Ghoulish charge, but find ourselves intertwined in a bandit war. Our hunter hunts down an enemy hero, but now we have two battles to deal with.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, bandit war, hunt2013-10-05 5 
27590602iM@S Fantasy Quest 23In which we confess our secret to the guild.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-10-06 7 
27604668Homeless Mutant Quest #12We ignore Negative's insane occult collection, we make a quick getaway, and we stumble headfirst into Spider-Man.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-10-07 31 
27607884RuneQuest kicks all kinds of assA pitiful attempt at trolling backfires, and /tg/ ends up talking about how awesome RuneQuest is.glorantha, discussion, Glorantha, RuneQuest, don't fuck with the ducks, King of Dragon Pass, king of dragon pass2013-10-07 5 
27675147Level 0 Peasants vs 5 RatsWe knew they were still inside, the chewing.. The terrible chewing. How did they get out of the basement? we had, in our previous lives, forgotten to close the door behind us.Level 0, Story time, DM, Evil, Bear trap, Peasants, TPK 2013-10-10 143 
27678259Homeless Mutant Quest #13We make a daringly diplomatic escape, we ride a magic van, and we talk about family.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-10-11 33 
27681259Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 21We drive off the bandits, and together we and the Ghouls headway into the zombie infestation. New scientific discoveries are found. A most unfortunate case of 4chan connection error abruptly pauses the thread.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, bandit, zombie2013-10-11 5 
27693404Fookin' PrincessesIn which we decide that sometimes it's better to leave the princess with the dragon, or perhaps rescue the dragon from the princess.humor, knight, dragon, princess, fantasy2013-10-12 55 
27695983Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 22 (The End)This is the way the world ends. Out with a Bang, not a whimper.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, Fin2013-10-13 6 
27723865Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 1Thus begins the story of Aduro Industries. Trying to scratch and claw at resources in hell itself.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry2013-10-14 5 
27742533Homeless Mutant Quest #14We hand the tablet over to Creeper, we go out to celebrate with real person food, and we plan for tomorrow.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-10-15 33 
27735860Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 2We try to find water in a volcano, and scrape for precious resource.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry2013-10-15 6 
27760838Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 3And the dice gods said "let there be light." And there was light.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry, light2013-10-16 5 
27767275AoPH Quest 1Humanity lives in exile. They hide in domes built to protect them from the great beasts that prowl the wilderness. As a young child born into this world, you have just finished the operation needed to become a ranger; superhuman soldiers granted their abilities by organic transplants from the monsters they are trained to hunt. Will you become the very best ranger that the corps will have to offer? Or will you die as ignominiously as the rest?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-16 36 
27793883Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 4The ravagers finally make their move, and we drive them out (with a little providence). Money flows in and out of our pockets like sand, as we bolster our security and technology.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry2013-10-18 5 
27809874Homeless Mutant Quest #15We go to work, we encounter misunderstandings with Peter, and we get ready to go ghostbusting.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-10-19 31 
27812826Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 5Darkness encroaches the light. Will the candle hold?Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry2013-10-19 5 
27826718Homeless Mutant Quest #16We check out Layla's troubles, we Scooby the Doo, and things take a turn for the spooky.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-10-20 31 
27829639Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 6 (The End)The darkness snuffs out the light. The spark must wait to try again once more.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry, fin2013-10-20 5 
27856903AoPH Quest 2 (Part 2)Part 1: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/27848941/ Cerulean feels some self-doubt, but is reassured by Byran's lazy wisdom and begins to do better in training. Brimming with confidence, she challenges a senior cadet to a duel.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-21 28 
27863346Homeless Mutant Quest #17We explore Sacred Tree, we build some theories, and we develop our friendship with Kevin.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-10-22 31 
27872438Princess Guard Quest 38We foolishly decide to bake a cake.Princess Guard Quest, Collective Game, I want to get off Mr Reinhold's Wild Ride, Cake2013-10-22 39 
27882159Homeless Mutant Quest #18We Spidey a wall, we talk about our powers, and we learn some doctor stuff.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-10-23 31 
27884010Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 3 (Hiatus/Fin)We hold out until winter at last blows over, and the spring sun shines. OP bids farewell and shall return after a time.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry2013-10-23 5 
27940241AoPH Quest 3Cerulean participates in cross-gym training drills and sees how everyone has progressed. When they move on to 1-on-1 sparring exercises, Cerulean finds herself matched up against a Saffron gym psychic.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-26 28 
27957820iM@S Fantasy Quest 24Checking up on the aftermath of the confession.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-10-27 8 
27958167AoPH Quest 4Cerulean teams up with her fellow cadets, Bruise and Goldenrod, for their practical test inside the Veridian Wood. Their goal: to hunt down and catch the wild waterfowl monster that nests within.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-27 29 
27989889Hunter Quest: Chapter 3Hunter huntington (not really) used to be an unimportant little village boy until we hunter naoHunter Quest, Quest, Hunter, Fantasy2013-10-29 2 
27988579Homeless Mutant Quest #19Everything goes a bit pear-shaped.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-10-29 32 
28005288Homeless Mutant Quest #20We find out what's been making the orphans comatose, and we try to strangle it.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2013-10-30 33 
November 2013
28043165AoPH Quest 5Cerulean's team encounters a beedrill nest as they enter the wood. After a brief skirmish, an accident forces the group to separate itself, which leads Cerulean into a chance encounter with the prize...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-01 29 
28054059Homeless Mutant Quest #21We accidently the whole orphanageHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-11-02 39 
28067404Tale of the Scholarly Knight QuestA oneshot fantasy quest about a knight who discovers a very peculiar book. Time travelling, alternate time lines, and dragon slaying action all included.Tale of the Scholarly Knight Quest, fantasy, collective game2013-11-03 6 
28095823Fantasy Food GeneralImpressive writefaggotry about the culinary dishes and foci of various fantasy creatures & species. You will love yourself some Minotaur made Fish Curry.Fantasy food, cooking, recipe, dwarf bread2013-11-04 21 
28164354AoPH Quest 6With the prize in hand and Bruise searching for their lost leader, Cerulean and Goldenrod head for the exit to lay claim to their victory. However, as they make their way, they receive a broken transmission telling them to head south...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-08 28 
28176947Homeless Mutant Quest #22We rest, heal up and go to work despite hand fuckage. Possible Punisher cameo.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-11-09 32 
28187316King of Dragon Pass: FimbulvetrHeortson a forms a clan named for the winter preceding Ragnarok and rearranges the clan ring.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, Collective Game, Heortson2013-11-09 3 
28219799Fantasy Fishing GeneralOP describes the variety of sealife a fantastical fisherman might expect.fishing, fantasy, writefag2013-11-11 10 
28220038AoPH 7On a night that should have been filled with celebration and excitement for three newly inducted Rocket Junior cadets, they instead receive a very grim reminder on the reality of the world they live in...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-11 30 
28216972King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 2Success and failure in equal measure. Orlanth and Aroka is performed, and everyone wants a piece of the tribe.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, Collective Game, Heortson2013-11-11 5 
28232260Homeless Mutant Quest 23JJ rolls like a crack bitch. Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-11-12 31 
28233117iM@S Fantasy Quest 25A night on the town with Kotori! Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-11-12 7 
28241983King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 3The clan manages a Fire season without getting raided, performs a heroquest and actually uses that Resurrection ritual.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, Collective Game, Heortson2013-11-12 3 
28256205AoPH Quest 8Cerulean and Bruise enter the Lavendar Spire to bid their fallen friends their final farewell. While there, they meet a strange and bewildering medium named Lilac.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-13 28 
28269461King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulveltr 4The clan's luck starts to turn around, with good omens and successful raids. The winning streak comes to an abrupt end when the Stag Hearths burn ten steads to the ground.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-14 3 
28279345King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 5Revenge against the Stag Hearths begins, but is derailed by an unexpected betrayal.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-14 3 
28306228King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 6The tribe brings down the hammer, and several long term problems come to an end. Tricksters gonna Trickster.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-16 3 
28321943Homeless Mutant Quest #24Smack! Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-11-17 32 
28346281AoPH Quest 9Terrible surgeries, medically questionable walking, and detective work ensue.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-18 28 
28353712AoPH Quest 9 (Part 2)Cerulean and Bruise's search for Goldenrod leads them to Saffron Gym. Entering alone, Cerulean meets Sabrina. The psychic still bears a grudge over Cerulean's previous battle with one of her students and coerces Cerulean into battling Alexis again before permitting her to meet with Goldenrod. Accepting her conditions, Cerulean faces off against a changed Alexis...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-18 30 
28361257Homeless Mutant Quest #25See Homeless Mutant Quest 23.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-11-19 31 
28348686King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 7In which the clan explores Dragon Pass.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-19 5 
28385124AoPH Quest 10Safely meeting with Goldenrod, Cerulean is relieved of all her worries... She spends the remainder of the week recuperating from her operation. Just the day before Rocket training begins, Cerulean decides to pay one of her eerier acquaintances a visit.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-20 28 
28400964King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 8A new leader appears, and the clan forms new alliances.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-21 3 
28421895Homeless Mutant Quest #26We get home, we nightmare, and we bring a friend to work. /tg/ gets paranoid at the end. Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2013-11-22 30 
28422148King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 9Preparations for tribe forming come together, and the Jenestni default on their payments.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-22 5 
28453820Homeless Mutant Quest #27See Homeless Mutant Quest 25.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, Crackbitch2013-11-24 29 
28458817AoPH Quest 11Rocket Training begins in earnest and Cerulean dives into it with gusto. She establishes relationships with fellow Rocket recruits while strengthening her bonds with her friends from before. A year passes by...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-24 29 
28474002Homeless Mutant Quest #28Friendship is mutation. Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2013-11-25 30 
28497517Magia Recreant - Episode 01A pink haired girl finds her world about to come apart at the seams.Magia Recreant Quest, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Crossover, Collective Game, /a/nonymous magica, 2013-11-26 6 
28516047AoPH Quest 12Cerulean makes amends with a psychic. And then she celebrates her birthday. Did someone say "Beach Episode?"Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-27 31 
28522042AoPH Quest 12 (Part 2)A hardcore beach volleyball war begins between Cerulean and Devon's teams! And the conclusion of this fated battle is...? Afterward, Giovanni arrives to the party in all his glory.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-27 29 
28529787King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 10The Colymar tribe bullies, the Goodseller sells goods, cattle raids are dispersed and the Storm Tribe is made. Tribe making time.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-11-28 6 
28563321King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 11Tribe Avaltvar is born, and Elusu is elected to lead it. Hail Fimbulvetr, kings in the North.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson, king me2013-11-30 5 
December 2013
28603274Homeless Mutant Quest #29OP tries to foolishly fight against the parker curse.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2013-12-01 30 
28642439AoPH Quest 13Finishing morning practice, Cerulean is summoned by Giovanni to his office. He has a job he wishes for her to take from a woman that works in Silph Co.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-04 31 
28649635AoPH Quest 13 (Part 2)After selecting her team mates for the job, Cerulean leaves to meet with a friendly face from the distant frozen wastes. The man, named Gustav, bears a message from Cerulean's mother.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-04 28 
28647267Titanor!Crack of thunder! Howl of wind! The will of evil men! When our courage is in doubt, Titanor comes on the scene!Giant Robots, Titanor, only true way to play any D&D, pickpocketing by giant robots, all your power combined2013-12-04 68 
28658549King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 12Tribes for everyone! Also, our enemies are being stupid again.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson, king me2013-12-05 7 
28696329Freighter QuestSean Newell is made. The Master of a Steam-Powered Break-Bulk Freighter. He picks up his first cargo and brings a passenger to a deserted island. Freighter Quest, Collective Game, Ocean, Adventure, Horror, Low-Fantasy, Merchant Seamen, Post-WW1, South Seas, Alternate Earth2013-12-07 5 
28700112A.I. Quest 18 The Wild SpeaksOphion learns of Red's impending demise, and goes to rescue him. When he arrives, however, he finds the entire world is against him.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, Wild, World, Eshareth, Violent, Plants, Mutant, Fauna2013-12-07 15 
28699812King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 13Two more heroquests completed. In the other months, exploration and trading. Derik sees his family killed, starting him on the path to destiny.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-12-07 5 
28717004Homeless Mutant Quest #30We're good at at least one thing.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2013-12-08 29 
28719793King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 14Even more Heroic combatants; Anmangarm clan just won't stop feuding. Sisters-in-law and uncles are revenged for.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-12-08 4 
28723955iM@S Fantasy Quest 26In which drunken decisions have unpleasant consequences.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2013-12-08 4 
28738068Freighter Quest Pilot part 2Sean Newell gets off the beach and delves into the mysteries of FumoaFreighter Quest, Collective Game, Ocean, Adventure, Horror, Low-Fantasy, Merchant Seamen, Post-WW1, South Seas, Alternate Earth, Romance2013-12-09 5 
28763153Homeless Mutant Quest #31We learn of a job opportunity, we talk a little with Laura, and we get ready to learn some smooth moves.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2013-12-10 32 
28822143Homeless Mutant Quest #32We learn us some karate, we have an illegal shower, and we scope out the Tabbycat.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2013-12-13 31 
28825673King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 15Poor Rangor is left forever alone; women burn the tavern of Mule Deers, to be never rebuilt; Elusu tears through "Elmal Guards the Stead". And then Horse-Spawn capture Baranthos in his thrall rescue mission, curse them!King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-12-13 4 
28845506AoPH Quest 14Cerulean meets a belligerent man on the tram and upsets Sanna with her upset stomach. When she goes to visit Lilac, she's met with the rather unfortunate news that she has a phantom possessing her.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-14 28 
28886751AoPH Quest 15Lilac eats a ghost for her friend. Afterward, Cerulean goes to meet the man from the tram to question him about his accounting troubles...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-16 30 
28903988Homeless Mutant Quest #33We meet the manager of the Tabbycat, we out ourselves, and we piano.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2013-12-17 31 
28966548King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 16We please the ancestors, do well in war, and show Saraska Bright-Eyes the door.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-12-20 5 
28971452AoPH Quest 16The team is assembled and the investigation is underway!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-20 28 
29005100Homeless Mutant Quest #34We land the Tabbycat job, we hand out some papers, and we rage at Creeper.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2013-12-22 30 
29024065Homeless Mutant Quest #35We go home, we have some drama, and we head off to face the music.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2013-12-23 30 
29047290AoPH Quest 17Laws are broken. Nightmares are had. Night arrives and comrades are lost. The hunt is on!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-24 27 
29089977Fantasy Prison Quest 1You were known as one of the Orkh'un. A warrior. A mercenary. Now, you are just a murderer and slave. For the crime of killing a noble's son, you have been sent to labor for life on a remote island prison. Your future is bleak, but nothing worth having is ever given easily; and in your new home, you have no choice but to fight for everything.Fantasy Prison Quest, Faateh Dhvann'kur, Orc, Orkh'un, Low Fantasy, Criminals, Prison Gangs, Collective Game2013-12-26 13 
29107743Fantasy Prison Quest 2You see what they do to new arrivals. You hear of a mutiny and betrayal. As you lose the Lizard, you realize once more that you are truly alone here. But you are Orkh'un, and to be Orkh'un is to persevere, to survive. You find an abode to rest, but even the house speaks of the twisted nature of this place.Fantasy Prison Quest, Faateh Dhvann'kur, Orc, Orkh'un, Low Fantasy, Criminals, Prison Gangs, Collective Game2013-12-27 12 
29111366King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 17Omens of war prove false, the carls are buried under mountains of gifts, and Cragspider sends an ineffectual warning.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2013-12-28 3 
29130840Homeless Mutant Quest #36Breaking Point.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2013-12-29 30 
29145695Fantasy Prison Quest 3Convict or not, it is time to take a stand. You feel unease after meeting the two Orkh'un, Sangha and Rakshirr, but Bathoot's open insults tell you that the other Orkh'un are certainly not on your side. A Lizard you later come across suffers your fury. And the Elves, perhaps unwittingly, unravel secrets unknown to you, about the island.Fantasy Prison Quest, Faateh Dhvann'kur, Orc, Orkh'un, Low Fantasy, Criminals, Prison Gangs, Collective Game2013-12-29 10 
29178235AoPH Quest 18Cerulean and Devon come upon a village hidden outside of the Dome. Within, they find the missing repel tech materials, a woman, and... a man with a crooked nose.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-31 27 
29189350Fantasy Prison Quest 4Just what is this prison? You realize that you know little about what goes on in here. You manage to procure food from Artem, the Elven chieftain, but it seems you've signed a deal with the devil. Then there is Jortuum. And the miners. And the those who attacked you in the night. And that face.Fantasy Prison Quest, Faateh Dhvann'kur, Orc, Orkh'un, Low Fantasy, Criminals, Prison Gangs, Collective Game2013-12-31 11 
January 2014
29193473King of Dragon Pass: Sacred Time specialIn honor of the incoming new year, Heortson uploads the myths of King of Dragon Pass. Glorantha scholars answer questions.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson, lore2014-01-01 2 
29234909Homeless Mutant Quest #37JJ saves the day.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-01-03 36 
29268869AoPH Quest 19The situation gets heated as Devon takes the rein.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-04 28 
29309631Kaiju Quest: King Of All MonstersGuide the evolution of a kaiju from birth to become king of all monsters. The first thread deals with figuring out our abilities, exploring the world as an infant Kaiju, gaining a new toy, and fighting off an insect trying to steal our food.Collective Game, Kaiju Quest: King Of All Monsters, Kaiju, Giant Monster2014-01-06 28 
29324763Homeless Mutant Quest #38We get home and explore sewers.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-01-07 30 
29331679Kaiju Quest 2As the light of a new day breaks over the horizon, the Prince awakens to find his growth spurt has finished. He puts his new found strength to the test by punishing some interlopers to his territory.Collective Game, Kaiju Quest: King Of All Monsters, Kaiju, Giant Monster2014-01-07 23 
29354452AoPH Quest 20Devon and Cerulean return to the dome. Cerulean wakes from a dream. The aftermath of the night's events is...?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-08 26 
29353056King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 18A difficult heroquest is accomplished after much frustration, Derik leaves to seek his destiny, and the Jenestni move closer to their doom.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-01-08 3 
29438947King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 19All your treasure are belong to us. We do the last of heroquests - Chalana Arroy with Elusu for absence of Chalani (guess that's their name). Kentvent gets onto the battlefield to prove that even our sages are better than their warriors. Soon.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-01-12 2 
29445086AoPH Quest 21Ceru is back at the dome with her friends and Giovanni has sent a team to take care of the Hypno village. All loose ends in this case have been tied u- where's Chuck?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-12 27 
29462449Homeless Mutant Quest #39We prepare to snitch on Creeper to the Bugle and maybe find Kimura hot on our trail.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-01-13 33 
29490406Homeless Mutant Quest #40Everything goes much better than expected.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-01-14 33 
29489371/tg/ vs a KaijuOP playtests a simple d6 homebrew where CHERNO ALPHA sets a Kaiju on fire and then tesla punches it.playtest, getting shit done, pacific rim, Cherno Alpha, kaiju, giant robots punching giant monsters, mech2014-01-14 1 
29498440Homeless Mutant Quest #41We resupply, we talk about daddy, and JJ fires his silver bullet.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-01-14 32 
29515872King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 20Trading rivalry continues, nobody cares. Got Ernalda's oven. Otherwise, routine stuff: raids, courts, blasting Jensteni's earth...King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-01-15 2 
29539678AoPH Quest 22Ceru and company find Chuck. After a rather sober discussion with Rocket Leader, Ceru leads her team to the Vermillion power plant...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-16 30 
29559786Homeless Mutant Quest #42We are vaguely disturbed by Layla, we read the paper, and we meet a Hellion.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-01-17 32 
29588616/tg/'s flavours of angelspreferred takes on angels in fantasy settings.Fantasy, Angels, magic, heaven, 2014-01-18 5 
29590606iM@S Fantasy Quest 27Papillon the Stinging Butterfly takes to the pits!Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2014-01-18 1 
29661902Homeless Mutant Quest #43We have a pretty successful meeting with the Hellions.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-01-21 32 
29712241AoPH Quest 23With the help of Surge, the Vermillion power plant is secured and cleared of brainwashed personnel. The immediate threat now averted, Ceru and her team close in on the hybrid...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-23 29 
29799784Seafarer of the Stars Quest 1: The AcademyWe play Geo Von Hunter, going to school to become a space-sea captain in a fantastical world of adventure. What follows is swordfighting, waifuing, and lucky rolls.Seafarer of the Stars Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2014-01-27 14 
29810794Seafarer of the Stars Quest 1.5: The Academy FinalPutting a crew and throwing a ship together, we fight in the final Exam of the Maritime Academy, join the Astravan navy, and share heartwarming moments at the end with the rest of the named cast.Seafarer of the Stars Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2014-01-27 15 
29836414AoPH Quest 24With the hybrid detained, the team finally begins to settle down. As the night sky darkens, Cerulean's thoughts are of her friends and companions...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-28 28 
29856010King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 21Good night, sweet Orstalor, you shall forever be missed. Oh, and Jaldon Goldentooth ravages Dragon Pass, but that's not really important.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-01-29 5 
29880474Homeless Mutant Quest #44It returns. Some chilling, some relaxing, and we head out to beat on drug dealers.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-01-30 31 
29893687Can Humans Survive in a Fantasy Setting?The most successful troll in /tg/ history skews the OP's topic into a debate on whether Humans are the worst fantasy race. Humans, Conflict, Discrimination, HFY, Anti-HFY, Cro-Magnons2014-01-30 -6 
February 2014
29928727A.I. Quest 24 Deep RootsOphion investigates the strange fungus found at Aquil, among the pirate ships.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, Wild, World, Eshareth, Violent, Plants, Mutant, Fauna2014-02-01 14 
29927923Homeless Mutant Quest #45Congrats, JJ.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-02-01 32 
29946633Dragon Princess Giant Robot Guard QuestWe are in a giant robot. We are the protector of a princes that is also a Dragon. The castle is under attack, Lets do thisCollective Game, Dragon Princess Giant Robot Guard Quest, 2014-02-01 17 
29945264Seafarer of the Stars Quest 2Having received our first post as Quartermaster, we discover mutinous crew, get captured, and watch as we are separated from our precious friends. in addition we meet a strange doctor, a clumsy carpenter, and the Queen of Astrava herself!Seafarer of the Stars Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2014-02-02 10 
29957770Seafarer of the Stars Quest 2.5Geo von Hunter escapes his execution, chases the traitorous Captain Lignoon down, and survives a sword to the head. Defeating him in a duel, he drags Captain Lignoon to the ship to face trail, before collapsing from exhaustion.Seafarer of the Stars Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2014-02-02 11 
30002131AoPH Quest 25Lilac is offered the chance to make her dream come true, but Ceru is worried of the risks that come with this opportunity. However, as long as she sees the ghost of a chance of success, Lilac presses on...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-04 28 
30022060King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 22The Lonisi literally start shit, a new clan buds off of ours, and the Horse-Spawn have a new queen.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-02-06 1 
30045112Pantsu Getter Quest - OneshotShun's grandfather makes a deathbed wish: steal the panties of the prettiest girl in town!Pantsu Getter Quest, Collective Game2014-02-06 28 
30065115Homeless Mutant Quest #46We talk to our ex. It is awkward.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-02-07 32 
30068197AoPH Quest 26A nightmare causes Ceru to almost harm a friend and her visits to close companions are tinged with melancholy. On the bright side, Ceru receives a free makeover and a few compliments on her looks.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-07 28 
30082748Homeless Mutant Quest #47See Homeless Mutant Quest 27 Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, Crackbitch2014-02-08 32 
30081052 Exiled Prince Quest 1A Medici scion runs to Venice to escape a vengeful family, ignores wenches, and acquires currency.Exiled Prince Quest, Quest, Collective Game, TheBear, Merchant Prince, Venice, Renaissance, History2014-02-08 22 
30107038Exiled Prince Quest 2We cut a deal with a mob boss, hire guards, and look for a priest to play lawyer for us. QM reveals that the MC may be a rapist and our head guard is a multiple murderer. Naturally, we buy guns.Exiled Prince Quest, Quest, Collective Game, TheBear, Merchant Prince, Venice, Renaissance, History2014-02-09 15 
30121329Urban SHAZAM QuestHolly Stone, witch, runs from thugs, kneecaps fools, and gets a taste of delicious, delicious morphine.Collective Game, Urban Shazam Quest, urban fantasy2014-02-09 6 
30125238Homeless Mutant Quest #48Everybody's parents are dead.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2014-02-10 30 
30156251SW: Infinite LegacyLeacim teaches his new Acolyte, and tests her mettle for surprising results.Collective Game, Infinite Legacy Quest, Star Wars, Imperial, Dantooine, Training, Graul, Combat2014-02-11 5 
30166941SW: Infinite Legacy IVLeacim and Dacyna fight off pirate-like treasure hunters, and he decides she needs conditioning.Collective Game, Infinite Legacy Quest, Star Wars, Imperial, Dantooine, Training, Pirates, Combat, I Am the Law2014-02-11 4 
30170801Homeless Mutant Quest #49Growing pains. Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2014-02-12 29 
30169030Exiled Prince Quest 3Today is Guild-day! We reestablish connections with the Tailor's guild and the butcher's guild, get conned, and begin the hunt for the organization that did this. No one robs a Medici.Exiled Prince Quest, Quest, Collective Game, TheBear, Merchant Prince, Venice, Renaissance, History2014-02-12 11 
30176818Homeless Mutant Quest #50Mr Fecal Matter is introduced to Ms Fan. They get along swimmingly.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2014-02-12 32 
30196141Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 2Holly Stone, witch, armors herself with a suit of gravel, METAL GEAR's her way past a bunch of goons, and gets herself stuck in a massive gunfight.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-02-13 7 
30220030King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 23The true horse-shitters are found out, three useful nobles appear, and someone takes a piece out of the Lunars.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-02-14 2 
30255313The King of Fighters Quest Round 16: "Forever Alone"-EditionIn which the QM goes to far and the players revolt in-turn.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Instant Shitstorm2014-02-16 6 
30328585Homeless Mutant Quest #51Father of All Monsters. Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2014-02-19 29 
30354918Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 3Holly Stone, Witch, gets a case, summons a hellhound, and goes against the Soviet Mole People.Collective Game, Urban SHAZAM Quest, urban fantasy2014-02-20 8 
30378453AoPH Quest 27Ceru takes on responsibility for a friend while unloading some of her own burdens on another. Then, a call from Alexis summons Ceru to Saffron for a meeting with the special "guest" being kept there...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-21 25 
30394914King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 24The clan wins a string of victories, bids farewell to a favored elder, and prepares to play peacemaker in a tribal war.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-02-22 4 
30389899Warforged StorytimeFeaturing Tim and Jim the Warforged brothers, Lichforged, Nanoforged, the 3/4ths golem, the Iron Giant, and an obscenely corny yet somehow endearing story of friendship and slapping death's shit, among other things.story, time, storytime, warforged, Pinocchio, lichforged, nanoforged, nanohaforged, 3/4ths golem, FRIENDSHIP, Iron Giant, character concepts2014-02-22 9 
30479545Freighter Quest Episode 2: Sean Newell and the Frozen IslandOn Sean Newell's Second Adventure he investigates the mystery of a freezing island while facing off against a cold Rusky.Freighter Quest, Collective Game, Ocean, Post-WW1, Adventurer, Low-Fantasy, South Seas, Alternate Earth, Merchant Seaman, Mystery2014-02-26 5 
30488020AoPH Quest 28An interview with the hybrid, Ni'Rena, reveals unintended information for Ceru. Loyalties are tested, secrets revealed, and a question is asked without words: Are you a Ranger or a Rocket?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-26 27 
30487808King of Dragon Pass: Fimbulvetr 25Building the town of Hoddmimis, trying to end a feud, and making between between men and wolfmen.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson2014-02-26 5 
30507008Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 4Holly Stone, witch, gets herself an AK-47, suits up in tacticool scrap-metal body armor, and battles her way through the lair of the Soviet Mole People.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-02-27 5 
30519810On PeasantsWere they really dirty, uneducated, ignorant and as expendable as they are portrayed? Or is there something more to the Medieval and Fantasy peasant than what we know? Answers to this and more to be found here.The Archivist, peasants, peasant, peasantry, setting, world building, settings2014-02-27 7 
30525988Homeless Mutant Quest #52Cats mate with dogs, JJ rolls 20's, mass hysteria.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-02-28 29 
March 2014
30569417Homeless Mutant Quest #53See Homeless Mutant Quest #47.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, Crackbitch2014-03-02 29 
30576264Homeless Mutant Quest #54A world without JJ.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-03-02 32 
30617347AoPH Quest 29Ceru fetches Lilac from the hospital and spends a day seeing what Celadon has to offer with her and Sanna. Happy memories are made, yet the day is marred by a coming storm on the horizon.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-04 29 
30677411Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 5Holly Stone, witch, finds her mark, negotiates with a giant talking monolith, and runs for her life when she makes it very, very angry.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-03-07 5 
30714123Homeless Mutant Quest #55Laura investigates the origins of Jack.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-03-09 30 
30718721iM@S Fantasy Quest 28A new arrival, and loot is identified.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2014-03-09 3 
30735027Homeless Mutant Quest #56Rebirth.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, Crackbitch2014-03-10 29 
30741727AoPH Quest 30A freak storm strands a civilian boat out at sea and Ceru is recruited for a salvage and rescue mission. The smell of blood and a sudden fatality mark her squad's entrance to the ship.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-10 20 
30754093What /tg/ does with the drunken sailorWe have discovered a horrifying reality. There are people who have never heard that song and new versions are pitchedSea Shanty, Songs, What Should We Do With The Drunken Sailor, The Drunken fa/tg/uy, Cowardly Guardsman, Muppets Treasure Island2014-03-12 9 
30781923Grow Corp Civ 1Plantpocalypse BeginsPost Apoc, Hivemind, Megacorp, Plants2014-03-12 6 
30819491Homeless Mutant Quest #57Notice anything strange?Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-03-14 27 
30835813Homeless Mutant Quest #58JJ returns, Typhon tries way too hard, and we reach an accord with Barracuda.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-03-15 28 
30858558iM@S Fantasy Quest 29A relatively quiet day at the guildhall. Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2014-03-16 5 
30873440Homeless Mutant Quest #59We go home, we learn about the new mutants of the scar, and we decide to go meet Peter. Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-03-17 29 
30900302AoPH Quest 31Hungry, tired, and lost, what awaits Ceru as she explores the tropical island she's washed up on? However, no matter what mysteries lie in wait for Ceru, one thing's for certain: things are going to be "apeshit" crazy.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-18 29 
30938753Urban SHAZAM Quest, thread 6Holly Stone, witch, fends off a giant spike with magic, has her rage break, and finally escapes the lair of the Soviet Mole People.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-03-20 5 
30976878Homeless Mutant Quest #60We head to Peter's, we catch out one of Creeper's thugs, and we wings.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2014-03-22 29 
31070514AoPH Quest 32Ceru follows her avian companions back to their "shity". There, she is properly acquainted with the Kahkori and receives their help in exchange for "speaking". And while Marine's safety is decided by what could be the most important cultural exchange ever done by a ranger, Ceru gets stalked by a certain angry simian.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-26 27 
31101864Magic Shop Quest #1In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employeee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-03-28 32 
31124714Homeless Mutant Quest #61JJ believes he touch the sky. Reality is only somewhat convinced.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2014-03-29 28 
31127687AoPH Quest 33Warned of a terrible beast that stalks the jungle at night, Ceru sets off to search Marine with Kurojo. Will she find her lost friend in time? Or has Marine succumbed to the "Nar-kage"? Is Ceru next in line?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-29 26 
April 2014
31201721Homeless Mutant Quest #62JJ ties to nurse a fallen angel.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-04-02 29 
31228287AoPH Quest 34With Marine's rescue and Mukon's timely arrival, Ceru's group make their way back to the Kahkori's home. They are beset by wild monsters along the way, but after a short scuffle, Mukon drives them away... and ends up attracting something more fearsome...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-03 32 
31226418King of Dragon Pass FinaleAfter much struggle, the saga of clan Fimbulvetr and the Avaltvar tribe comes to a close. Hail to the Kings of Dragon Pass.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson, Praise Elusu2014-04-03 5 
31236570Major Tom to Ground Control: SO MANY FUCKING STARSAnonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. Of course, /tg/ is delighted and brainstorming ensues.SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-03 67 
31242916Magic Shop Quest #2In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-04-04 25 
31246243Major Tom part 2Anonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. Of course, /tg/ is delighted and brainstorming ensues. Continued from the first thread.SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-04 32 
31282599Major Tom Part 3Anonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. OP returns to tell us what transpired during the first session. More brainstorming is being had.Major Tom ,SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-06 33 
31285376Dead Gods Quest part 1Elsa takes to the forest to track down a gang.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest,2014-04-06 12 
31299995Homeless Mutant Quest #63Prepare for trouble! Make it double!Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, Crackbitch2014-04-07 29 
31330421AoPH Quest 35A young Kahkori named Kurojo, through trial of blood and death, has become a man. But all is not well; the White One and her friend are sick with the Red Tide. To repay a debt, he must seek out the Blue Burst, the only known cure to the illness, to save them from death.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-08 28 
31364705Homeless Mutant Quest #64JJ meets the Young X-Men and picks up the scent of the scar's vampire.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, Crackbitch2014-04-10 28 
31372228Last Calibur QuestEkard the monster hunter takes his first steps towards kingship.Collective Game, Last Calibur, Last Calibur Quest, Fantasy, Magic Swords, Heroic Adventure2014-04-10 12 
31389295Magic Shop Quest #3 In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-04-11 20 
31394287AoPH Quest 36Healed and with Kurojo promising to act as their guide, Ceru and Marine make ready to find their way back home, but not before receiving two gifts from the Kahkori... the spoils of a hunter's conquest... and the gift of Aura.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-11 28 
31415135iM@S Fantasy Quest 30Azusa only gets us a little lost on the way to the farm.Collective Game, iM@S Fantasy Quest, The QUESTM@STER, iDOLM@STER, adventurers2014-04-12 1 
31429476Dead Gods Quest 2Elsa awakens, with an audience and a new mission.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest,2014-04-13 8 
31473909Homeless Mutant Quest #65JJ relearns hygiene.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-04-15 29 
31475390Last Calibur Quest 2The second thread. We jump off a cliff.Collective Game, Last Calibur, Last Calibur Quest, Fantasy, Magic Swords, Heroic Adventure2014-04-15 4 
31478514Exile Quest 6Tike Alicar goes searching for Nic Cage, Power Man.Exile Quest, Collective Game, Exile, Exiles, Mutant, Marvel, Multiverse2014-04-15 2 
31501070AoPH Quest 37The journey back home begins with a giant monster ride. On their first stop along the way, the group goes on a hunt to gain entry to the home of the locals, the Ferrines. The day comes to a close with a hot, hot bath.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-16 23 
31521400Homeless Mutant Quest #66JJ meets up with Julian and builds a snowman.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-04-17 29 
31565474Dead Gods Quest 3We talk to the Captain-General and debate revealing out true power to him.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest,2014-04-19 6 
31630140AoPH Quest 38Ceru finishes up a Hot bath with Kurojo, her heart aflutter with many strange feelings in her heart. What awaits them the now?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-22 24 
31665784Last Calibur Quest 3Ekard has a terrible hangover.Collective Game, Last Calibur, Last Calibur Quest, Fantasy, Magic Swords, Heroic Adventure2014-04-24 6 
31684152Homeless Mutant Quest #67JJ's fell idol grants him perfect dice. He uses them to sneak around and meet a fat teenager.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-04-25 28 
31696931AoPH Quest 39Cerulean sets off on the next part of their adventure!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-25 17 
31687688Magic Shop Quest #4In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-04-25 21 
31714566Dead Gods Quest 4The tutorial officially ends, and Elsa begins her hunt for the conspirators.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest,2014-04-26 6 
31769080Frost Giants the BeginningNew Dm, New Friends and Frost Giants. The Giants band together to protect this land. Then made some clubs, Clubs = Fun. Meet some dwarfs and then spiders made of fire. Where will it end up next.Frost Giants, Clubs, Collective Game, Civ Frost Giants,2014-04-28 0 
31804608Homeless Mutant Quest #68JJ makes headway on that new job and comes by some disturbing information.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-04-30 30 
May 2014
31849991Magic Shop Quest #5 In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-05-02 23 
31875591AoPH Quest 40A Young Rocket finds herself in the company of a rough crowd. A ship is chartered and a dangerous sea traversed! Will Kurojo get his sea legs?!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-03 24 
31872190Dead Gods Quest 5.0We start to prepare for the assault on Feathers until a bored mod decides to sabotage the thread.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest,2014-05-03 6 
31921731AoPH Quest 41Cerulean, Marine, and Kurojo fight against a great beast of the sea with a company of Native Rangers. Will they fend it off from the ship or bag it and tag it?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-05 15 
31891756The Knights of FalconwoodA mysterious shower of magical energy kills off every last female human in the world. What follows are are a surprisingly civil discussion, GALLANTRY and tanks. Also conan.worldbuilding, battletanx, gender, post-apoc, apocalypse, magic, settingbuilding, setting building, world without women, SCIENCE, artificial humans, gallantry, modern knights, matriarchy, conan2014-05-05 0 
31936343Homeless Mutant Quest #69JJ is the best at making friends.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-05-06 30 
32021733Homeless Mutant Quest #70Paige and her friends are acting a little rogue.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-05-10 32 
32022710Dead Gods Quest 6Elsa takes down the first conspiracy member!Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest,2014-05-10 6 
32102991Brouzouf QuestAn epic tale of treachery, deceit, greed, monstrosity, transhumanism and Brouzouf.Brouzouf Quest, Collective Game, QM Botched, Anticlimatic End, Sorry Guys2014-05-14 10 
32147743AoPH Quest 42Cerulean finds herself in the city after her journey between islands, the Smolodhans hunting party leaves, and she, Marine, and Kurojo find themselves alone in the big city!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-16 13 
32166824Dead Gods Quest 7R&R after the first successful hunt. We gather intel on a local cult.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest,2014-05-17 6 
32191093Garden Quest:0So begins the tale of Leonardo Titus, a galbadian student heading to Balamb Garden.collective game, Garden Quest, Final Fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe, GardenMaster-Norg2014-05-18 15 
32200230Homeless Mutant Quest #71 Oh no, they say he's got to go go go Godzilla!Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, rampage, cannibalism2014-05-18 37 
32212164Garden Quest 1: Siren's coveLeonardo and Selphie's Day in the city Galbadia StronkCollective Game, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe, Garden Quest2014-05-19 12 
32222806Sky Rider QuestIn which we meet Cown the protag, his best mate, and the nation's most notorious sky pirate.Sky Rider Quest, Quest, Fantasy, Steampunk, Collective Game2014-05-20 5 
32236060[Setting] A twist on fantasyWe try to make fantasy original again. It work.fantasy, setting, world building, homebrew, god2014-05-20 9 
32247033Deep Breath worldbuildingWe continue the worldbuilding marathon of Solod; it's been 24 hours, and it's still running.fantasy, setting, worldbuilding, homebrew, god, Solod, Deep, halfling are demonic deathseekers and orcs are junkpunk-borgs treants2014-05-21 4 
32263274Homeless Mutant Quest #72Quick Interview with a Supposed VampireHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-05-22 30 
32260830Sky Rider Quest Part 2In which Cown attempts to avenge his friend, suffers a whole lot, and gets madSky Rider Quest, Quest, Fantasy, Steampunk, Collective Game2014-05-22 5 
32238729Garden Quest:- The DiscussionWhat was supposed the 2nd thread turned into a discussion threadGarden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, collective game, final fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe2014-05-22 2 
32273709Garden Quest 2: Balamb GardenLeo's 2nd day at Balamb Garden goes Bizarre and we invoke our inner Fury. Also, the dice gods demand blood Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, collective game, final fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe,Ora Ora2014-05-22 14 
32292288AoPH Quest 43Cerulean talks out the aftermath of her duel to the death with a Smolder leader!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-23 20 
32288311Halfling QuestHeilyn Gallagher got a message from her deceased father. She hates him, so she goes drinking instead of taking it seriously.Collective Game, Halfling Quest, Drunken Antics, Dead Fathers, Deadbeat Fathers2014-05-23 8 
32291512Garden Quest 3: Lions PrideLeonardo Titus's time adjusting to Balamb Continues, emotional healing is had, the plot thickens and Squall laughs.Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Collective Game, Alternate Universe2014-05-23 13 
32313096Dead Gods Quest 8Feathers' interrogation.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-05-24 5 
32317535Garden Quest: The 2nd DiscussionMore discussion is had, suggestions are thrown out and there's a bit of HNNG involved.Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Collective Game, Discussion Thread, Alternate Universe, Hnng,2014-05-24 3 
32329424Homeless Mutant Quest #73Jonathan Green-Creek, Episode 1: The Dashing DaughterHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, detective work, detective, mystery2014-05-24 29 
32349405Possession Quest #2Where Bart learn that we're possessed by a wraith, we learn that we're possessed by a wraith, and we set to meet mad scientists.Possession quest, demon, fantasy, wraith, cultist2014-05-25 6 
32351287Sky Rider Quest Part 3In which Cown learns something rather surprising about a certain sky pirate, gets a lead on Dagg's murderer, and has a quick tour of an airshipSky Rider Quest, Quest, Fantasy, Steampunk, Collective Game2014-05-26 1 
32353617Fantasy/Sci-Fi Machine Civ Quest Part 3We start in medias res, as our bots make preparation for a bandit invasion, amidst a contest of stealth against dark elves, encounter Dryads, and explore ancient laboratories deep under us.Collective game, Fantasy, Sci-fi, civ quest, machine2014-05-26 1 
32358626Garden Quest 4:BeaconVisions of the past, Hope for the future... and the chaos of the present.Garden Quest, Collective Game, Final Fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe2014-05-26 8 
32383355Garden Quest 5: Starlight and MemoriesIn which we find out what Selphie did all day and meet more people!Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Collective Game, Alternate Universe2014-05-27 10 
32417376Sky Rider Quest Part 4In which Cown almost bleeds out, meets a new face, and makes a horrifying discovery.Sky Rider Quest, Quest, Fantasy, Steampunk, Collective Game2014-05-29 1 
32427845Garden Quest 06: DelphinusLeonardo makes his way towards Delphinus Resort. The 1st part of our Obligatory Beach EpisodeGarden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe Collective Game, 2014-05-29 7 
32442765Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 2In which we flood the land, shoot laser beams from our eyes, get brains, and meet an AbominationCollective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant2014-05-30 1 
32460694Homeless Mutant Quest #74See Homeless Mutant Quest #53.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, Crackbitch2014-05-30 28 
32466473AoPH Quest 44Cerulean and her team hunt an Ordile to prove themselves as hunters and start on her first steps to home! Will she capture it dead, alive, or get sent packing? Pokemon Hunter!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-31 28 
32465440Dead Gods Quest 9A riot breaks out across the entire city!Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-05-31 6 
32467468 Homeless Mutant Quest #75We see how deep the rabbit hole goes.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth2014-05-31 29 
June 2014
32479695Possession Quest 3A chance encounter with a friendly merchant and his bodyguard leads to a quick skirmish with bandits, and you even get payed for your troubles!Possession Quest, bandits, fantasy, demon, collective game2014-06-01 2 
32502421Possession Quest 4It seems everyone is busy so OP decided to end the thread early and continue another time.Possession Quest, bandits, fantasy, demon, collective game2014-06-01 1 
32493375Garden Quest 6.5: Delphinus ResortOld Friends are reunited, hints into the past at Galbadia, STRONK Dancing is Stronk and lot's of body shots.Garden Quest, Collective Game, Final Fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe, GardenMaster-NORG2014-06-01 5 
32506095Sky Rider Quest Part 5In which Cown avenges his friend, fights some boarders, and discovers something very strange going on with his bodySky Rider Quest, Quest, Fantasy, Steampunk, Collective Game2014-06-02 0 
32511645Peasant QuestA smarter than average peasant prepares to embark on an adventure. Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand2014-06-02 13 
32533712Peasant Quest 2APart 2: https://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/32524979Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand2014-06-03 10 
32548487Peasant Quest 3We try to reason with our eldritch waifu.Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand2014-06-03 7 
32551168Wandering Spirit Quest You are a Wandering Spirit. With naught but your cloak, a walking stick, and a single gold coin, you are on a journey. You are in search of the Golden Fountain.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Wandering Spirit Quest2014-06-04 13 
32553830Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 3A tale of farming and Umbra.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant2014-06-04 1 
32571376Peasant Quest 4We break out of our prison and find a kindred soul. Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand2014-06-05 10 
32569395Sky Rider Quest Part 6In which Cown beats up a few warlocks, makes a few discoveries, and drops spaghetti EVERYWHERESky Rider Quest, Quest, Fantasy, Steampunk, Collective Game2014-06-05 1 
32613267Homeless Mutant Quest #76At least they're at peace now.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, what the fuck2014-06-07 33 
32616436Dead Gods Quest 10Elsa recuperates from losing her eyes and prepares to kill Hooks.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-06-07 5 
32615583Garden Quest 7: BirthdayRinko's Birthday is in full effect, Leo meet's new people and proves why he was named after a Lion. Also Galbadian steel is still stronk.Collective Game, Garden Quest, Final Fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe, GardenMaster-NORG,2014-06-07 5 
32632695Sky Rider Quest Part 7In which Cown makes a confession, gets some sweet weapons, discovers a new talent, and makes a CONFESSIONSky Rider Quest, Quest, Fantasy, Steampunk, Collective Game2014-06-08 0 
32656527Halfling Quest III: Wyrm EaterHeilyn copes with having just killed someone, and works towards escaping her father's "Training".Collective Game, Halfling Quest, Drunken Antics, Dead Fathers, Deadbeat Fathers, Massive CoC, Wyrm Eater2014-06-08 4 
32655615Peasant Quest 5We try to blend in and meet some of our kin.Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand2014-06-09 7 
32677555Dead Gods Quest 11 minithreadA short thread to catch people upCollective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-06-10 5 
32671912Peasant Quest 6We board a ship and find where our old village was.Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand2014-06-10 7 
32692011Peasant Quest Part 7We do a bad thing and also find out what happened to 'mother'.Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand, Vampires2014-06-11 8 
32692290Sky Rider Quest Part 8In which Cown takes his relationship with Nyra a step further, visits a creepy castle, and meets an old foeSky Rider Quest, Quest, Fantasy, Steampunk, Collective Game2014-06-11 1 
32695056Wandering Spirit Quest #2You are a Wandering Spirit. With naught but your cloak, a walking stick, and a single gold coin, you are on a journey. You are in search of the Golden Fountain.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Wandering Spirit Quest2014-06-11 10 
32697200Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 5How fast can we poison mum and drown the forest edition. Previous thread unarchived. Part 4: https://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/32592522Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant2014-06-12 0 
32724536AoPH Quest 45Cerulean chooses her name amongst the Guild as they welcome her into their ranks. Yet, what might the governer of this city have to say about strangers?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-12 27 
32740955AoPH Quest 46Cerulean listens to the history of the islands from the Kahkori's perspective.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-13 24 
32763860AoPH Quest 47Cerulean makes Lord Hao's acquaintance. Yet what does the lord regent have in mind for the young hunter?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-14 22 
32755755Sky Rider Quest Part 9In which Cown comes to the end of his journey and finally avenges his friendSky Rider Quest, Quest, Fantasy, Steampunk, Collective Game2014-06-14 0 
32762589Dead Gods Quest 12We let the rest of the family in on the secret and reconvene after the riot.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-06-14 5 
32743384Garden Quest 08: FireworksThe exiting End to the Delphinus Beach Arc. Bonds are forged...GardenMaster-NORG, Collective Game, Garden Quest, Final Fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Kill La Kill, Avatar, Korra 2014-06-14 6 
32737851Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 6Double Nat100s, Double Nat1's, Quadruple the fun. We reach Psionic potentials hiterto unseen by any other previous civ.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant2014-06-14 0 
32861931Homeless Mutant Quest #77See Homeless Mutant Quest #74Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, Crackbitch2014-06-19 32 
32885500AoPH Quest 48Cerulean and Marine return from their meeting with Lord Hao, Kurojo faces his fears and doubts, and...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-20 24 
32844199Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 8Shara creates monster warrens, Vece is a big mean, and we roll 69sCollective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant2014-06-20 0 
32877233Peasant Quest 8In which we move to Casablanca, almost get laid and a skeleton makes fun of us.Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand, Vampires2014-06-20 8 
32905295AoPH Quest 49Ceru and her hunting team take on a new hunt, their prey? The Narga-Kage!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-21 22 
32903923Dead Gods Quest 13We clean up the mess from last time and pick a new target.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-06-21 5 
32887295Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 9Special Edition. We salvage a potential death sentence. Paladins, why does it have to be paladins...Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant2014-06-21 0 
32923774Dead Gods Quest 14Elsa takes stock of the huge amount of stuff she captured and prepares her allies to fight a powerful Mage.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-06-21 6 
32951447Garden Quest 09: Forging the BladeThe 1st Arc of the seeD Exam Prep begins!Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Collective Game, Final Fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe2014-06-24 5 
33048819Dead Gods Quest 15Confronted with a mind-controller, Elsa digs in and prepares for battle.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-06-28 5 
33049973AoPH Quest 50White and her party engage a beast known as the Terror of Death. A friend suffers a mortal wound...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-28 6 
33029380Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 11 FinThus ends the Guanyin who were never Guanyin, the Hivemind Mutants who had no hivemind, and the most promising civ to date. But we kept our promise, that we would stick to this civ till the end, even in the offer of another.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, mutant2014-06-28 0 
33072239AoPH Quest 51The Araraki's hiding something. Jojo and Ceru recover after the hunt.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-29 5 
33070340The Verdant MoonOP proposes a setting in which one day in the year 2014, when absolutely nobody was looking, the moon suddenly turns verdant and habitable, accompanied by the mass empowering of prior astronauts. Things get awesome. Deified Neil Armstrong and paladins of SPACE EXPLORATION! are involved.Terraform, Moon, Lunar, Space, NASA, Exploration, Worldbuilding, Astronauts, Verdant, Neil Armstrong,2014-06-29 3 
33069333Homeless Mutant Quest #78JJ did pretty good for himself.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-06-29 32 
33064729Peasant Quest 9Our quest to find some necromancers doesn't get off to the best start.Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand, Vampires2014-06-29 7 
July 2014
33152746AoPH Quest 52Nala's party recovers and returns from the Narga-Kage hunt... There Lord Hao has a surprise for them.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-03 10 
33170184Dead Gods Quest 16 minithreadElsa gears up to hunt for the next two mercenaries.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-07-04 5 
33149503/tg/ deity inventionOP requests ideas for gods and pantheons. Worldbuilding, original content and the TF2 Pyro as a deity results. Also, native amarican raccoon-people.Deity, Deities, Pantheon, God, Gods, Worldbuilding, Brainstorming, Paladin,2014-07-04 3 
33277283AoPH Quest 53Cerulean wakes up hung over... She really overdid it last night... But what did she do? The festival continues!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-09 8 
33271449/tg/ religious discussion/tg/ has a rather civil discussion about religion, including how bullshit some of the gods can be and the idea that gods samefag.deity, deities, god, gods, pantheon, civil discussion, samefagging2014-07-09 5 
33309627Peasant Quest 10We complete a quest and learn time powers!Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand, Vampires2014-07-11 7 
33342141Dead Gods Quest 17Elsa prepares to kill the final two mercenaries in the conspiracy and level up twice in one thread!Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-07-12 5 
33357812Homeless Mutant Quest #79JJ lays down some wisdom on the Hellions.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-07-12 30 
33368973 Garden Quest 10: Sonata De BalambIn the last night before clsses, Leo heads to the opera, get's purified and he finally hears the news!Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Collective Game, Alternate Universe2014-07-13 7 
33393181GodbuildersOP tells of how he got his players to develop a pantheon for an original setting. Awesome and storytime results.Worldbuilding, Pantheon, Gods, Storytime2014-07-14 7 
33399865Homeless Mutant Quest #80Everything's coming up JJ! Horrors to come.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, dolla, dolla dolla, bill y'all, making money2014-07-14 32 
33407766Homeless Mutant Quest #81In which Hisako is nearly as paranoid as /tg/.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-07-15 30 
33489351XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 2Poker NightXWF Quest, Collective Game, Aberrant2014-07-18 0 
33498912Dead Gods Quest 18Elsa decides which mercenary to pursue next.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-07-19 5 
33500444AoPH Quest 54The feast with Lord Hao continues. Leaders bicker and...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-19 12 
33493585Fantasy Noble Ranger Civ Quest Part 1A tale of a noble from a family of hunters and rangers, who seeks to make his place in the world, with the most unlikely band of humans, dryads, and undead knights out there.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Noble, Ranger2014-07-20 0 
33544144AoPH Quest 55Ceru discovers something with potential to shake her world... The way home becomes more clear. Yet not without its dangers.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-21 21 
33583693AoPH Quest 56Ceru and Marine share a moment to decide their future. Akabaron returns after a long trip.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-22 10 
33592505Serico's Fantasy Builder - Thread 1We meet an eclectic group of people, and find out that miscarriages are not a good ice-breaker.Serico, Builder, Collective Game, Serico's Fantasy Builder, 2014-07-23 0 
33607926AoPH Quest 57Ceru r4eadies herself for the hunt and visits the new homeland of the Araraki!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-23 7 
33603338Peasant Quest 11We become a vampire dad!Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Vampires2014-07-24 6 
33634727AoPH Quest 58A long time waiting for Akabaron has worn Ceru's patience thin. A trip to Smelda awaits!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-25 5 
33648483Peasant Quest 12We arrive in New York and set up base in an abandoned hospital. Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand2014-07-25 6 
33658683Garden Quest 11: Seeds Of WarClasses Begin at Balamb GardenGarden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Crossover, Collective Game, 2014-07-26 6 
33659049AoPH Quest 59Cerulean embarks on the final hunt of the Empire Islands! Enter: The Lord Of White Waves!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-26 6 
33723403Homeless Mutant Quest #82Turns out JJ is good at another thing too. The monster.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth,2014-07-29 32 
33757139AoPH Quest 60 (Season Finale)Cerulean and company face of against the Lord Of White Waves, the last thing between them, and home.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-30 -29 
33777600Inn of the WorldWhat would happen if an empress replaced all the inns in the empire with one that links to towns via portals.game ideas, building, fluff, fantasy, Awesome, setting, inn2014-07-31 3 
August 2014
33826951Dead Gods Quest 19Elsa assembles a team to pursue Wind-thief.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-08-02 5 
33866674Peasant Quest 13We struggle to deal with local politiciansPeasant Quest, Collective Game, Vampires2014-08-04 7 
33914630Mesoamerican ElvesA simple question regarding /tg/'s preferred flavour of elf blooms into so much more. Personal Highlight: City Dryadselves, urban fantasy, mayans, inca, fae2014-08-06 2 
33991230Dead Gods Quest 20After the huge revelations of the previous thread, Elsa gears up to go catch Wind-thiefCollective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-08-09 5 
34039945Homeless Mutant Quest #83JJ believes he touch the sky. Reality has been persuaded.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, he can fly, he can fly?, he can fly!2014-08-11 32 
34038740The Magical Green Lantern QuestIn brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might, Beware my power, Green Lantern’s Light!Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-08-11 17 
34068856The Robin Williams Memorial/tg/ mourns Robin Williamsrobin williams, mourning, the feels, oh god the feels, i want to die2014-08-12 39 
34100725Neo Survivor quest 1You awaken in a cryogenic tube, the news feed thats been plugged into your sleeping form tells you its Y2Kx10 shit happens and then more shit happens, its pretty goodNeo Survivor, Quest, First, Robots, Mutants, Mild Humor, Collective Game, Apocalyptic, Pls read, Brain, Agro, 2014-08-13 5 
34144315Need help getting out of Old Detroit. . .After Proposition 21 fails, shit gets serious down in Old Detroit. . .mutant, mutant segregation, ARG, fiction, fluff2014-08-15 2 
34164199Dead Gods Quest 21Finally, Soutri's time has come.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-08-16 5 
34163614Homeless Mutant Quest #84JJ is such a show off.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth, piano man2014-08-16 30 
34298319Homeless Mutant Quest #85JJ drinks, gambles, sleeps and trains. It's an enjoyable time.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-08-21 32 
34326039Dead Gods Quest 23We meet the Spymaster and survey Soutri's hideyhole.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-08-23 3 
34368933Civilization threadInsect civilization threadCivilization, civ, insect, ants2014-08-25 2 
34463277Homeless Mutant Quest #86Searching, seek and destroy! Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-08-29 31 
34491117Dead Gods Quest 24Elsa recuperates from her killing spree.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-08-30 3 
34498343Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 3 (Part 1)We get down and dirty with some ruskies and talk to a goblin, we currently considering how to or not to teach the goblin the electric boogaloo (Part 2 tomorrow after I improve format and get a new dialog style)MFSKQ, Edgy, Dark, Murder, Funny, Limblesslivingonaholeteasing, short thread, no dice, OP slightly off his game, Nobody gets shot with a 22., Collective Game, Quest, Modern Fantasy Serial Killer, 2014-08-30 1 
34511416Dead Gods Quest 25It's time for public speaking. Gods help us.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-08-30 3 
September 2014
34534726The Magical Green Lantern Quest #2Even as the Green Lantern, you can't escape from petty crimes from extraordinary people.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-09-01 14 
34561395Erquest OnlineAster fights slimes without a head, gets eaten by a giant wolf, and makes a friend who totally isn't a guy IRLErquest online quest, collective game, artificial reality, fantasy, Dullahan, ERP, online gaming2014-09-02 18 
34648819Homeless Mutant Quest #87Bishop goes fast and we attempt to ruin a drug dealHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, The Dragon Has Teeth, Liono2014-09-06 29 
34656642Dead Gods Quest 26Elsa plots how to finish off the four living conspirators now that her cover is gone.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-09-06 3 
34678822Dead Gods Quest 27Elsa meets with the families of the people she killed.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-09-06 3 
34708633Garden Quest 11.5: Seeds of WarA duel with Raijin, Classes, and possibly a Side Quest Mission. Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Collective Game, Final Fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe2014-09-08 5 
34824004Garden Quest 12: Tides of BalambLeo embarks on his 2nd side quest mission, team bonding and more dreams? And a whole lot more.Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Collective Game, Alternate Universe2014-09-13 5 
34820350Dead Gods Quest 28Elsa attacks Forest's home base.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-09-13 3 
34981399Dead Gods Quest 29Elsa heals up after the Forest battle and is asked to a ball.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-09-20 3 
34981520Homeless Mutant Quest #88JJ wins at tag, meets Molly, gets /fa/ and is best husbando.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, good golly miss molly, atrophy, fiinally2014-09-20 32 
34976635The Magical Green Lantern Quest #3Red Tornado, the Sky Pirate, Batman and Robin, and some weird guy in a mask all pretty much know where the Green Lantern lives.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-09-20 15 
35015724Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and AntiqueCome down to Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and Antique, where you can find: Priceless vases, both whole and in pieces! Giant cubes of guns! Rare first edition books and records! Irritable Lamia lesbians! Slightly cracked Faberge Eggs! Dragons of all flights and colors! More gold than Midas! And, of course, shopgirls with bumbling behemoth breasts! Feel free to browse, make a purchase, or escape the growing dimensional instability with the staff and head down to the noodle shop for a bowl and a brew.antiques, collective game, shop, store, bidding war, gold, artifacts, lamia, lesbians, giant breasts, dragon attack, spontanious, grail, noodles2014-09-22 15 
35032026Abnormal Academy Quest ep.1Where we meet Alecia a punk girl that totally doesn't want to be a superhero but resigns to her fate anyway. collective game, Abnormal Academy, Abnormal, mutant, superpowers2014-09-22 6 
35135610Dead Gods Quest 30Elsa has to attend a ball. Mai'te's tears!Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-09-27 3 
35131465The Magical Green Lantern Quest #4Justice finds itself in many ways. Through Society, and through vengeance.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-09-27 12 
October 2014
35247303Garden Quest 13: Hunter's PrideIt's the weekend, Upgrades, Party Building and potentially a side mission or two? The Lion's Pride grows.Garden_Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Collective_Game, Final_Fantasy_VIII, Crossover, Alternate_Universe 2014-10-02 1 
35287988Dead Gods Quest 31Now, it's time to track down Moor.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-10-04 4 
35311511Garden Quest 13.5: Hunters PrideThe Lion's Pride grows ever larger.Garden Quest, Collective_Game GardenMaster-NORG, Final_Fantasy_VIII Alternate_Universe Crossover2014-10-05 3 
35298895Modern FantasyWhat starts of as dating advice for dating a Dhampir quickly becomes a series of in character discussions about fantastical people living in a mundane world, from Wizard debates on ethical practice to debates on fae dickery and racial bigotry its a weird thread, even for /tg/.Modern, Fantasy, In Character, Storytime2014-10-06 1 
35324142The Magical Green Lantern Quest #5When Worlds collide.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-10-06 12 
35391748Homeless Mutant Quest #89JJ is swanky, spies on some big bad mafia guys and sees a pumpkin.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-10-09 29 
35413635Khornette Quest #11In which we witness our first meaningful death of the quest, fight through some Rak'gol, and explore the Obscenity EngineCollective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Rak'gol, Nurgelette, Plant Worship, ELH2014-10-10 8 
35436144Dead Gods Quest 32Elsa finishes rallying her allies to attack Moor.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-10-11 4 
35458769Esper Quest: Thread 17Akari and Co. take on Not!Mechagodzilla... and... Co.? Oh boy. Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, GIANT ROBOTS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, THE GREAT EVIL, MAGIC, JUSTICE2014-10-12 2 
35479280The Magical Green Lantern Quest #6The Crisis across infinite dimensions.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-10-13 12 
35501156Homeless Mutant Quest #90By the tingling in my head, something sinister this way... heads.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, hero syndrome2014-10-14 34 
35501753Peasant Quest 14Peasant Quest returns after a long hiatus. Featuring cheeky magesPeasant Quest, Collective Game, Vampires2014-10-14 5 
35514317Garden Quest 14: EclipseIt's still the weekend, Leonardo takes it easy for once and we hang out with some people though dark clouds loom in the future.Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG Collective Game, Final Fantasy VIII, Crossover, Alternate Universe2014-10-14 2 
35545524Poor Trader QuestYou are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-10-16 20 
35567762Esper Quest: Thread 18Akari and Co. learn that Mop-man is a big jerk, just like his robot: REALLY BIG. Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, GIANT ROBOTS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, THE GREAT EVIL, MAGIC, JUSTICE2014-10-16 5 
35592194Dead Gods Quest 33It's time to kill Moor.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-10-18 5 
35629098The Magical Green Lantern Quest #7Delivering Hope.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-10-20 10 
35689290Poor Trader Quest #2You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-10-23 20 
35707194Peasant Quest 15We allow the mages to purge some vampires and learn new tricks.Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Ampersand2014-10-24 5 
35734926Dead Gods Quest 34We've spurned a lot of allies. It's time to mend bridges.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-10-25 4 
35729249The Magical Green Lantern Quest #8Today is not a good day.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-10-25 11 
35737363Fantasy 'MurricaHey there, American smar/tg/uys and intelligen/tg/irls. What would a medieval fantasy setting look like, in your state?america, fantasy, worldbuilding,2014-10-25 7 
35812816Homeless Mutant Sidequest #1And now for something completely different.Homeless Mutant Sidequest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, side quest, side, omake2014-10-28 24 
35834348Poor Trader Quest #3You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-10-30 16 
35877265Dead Gods Quest 35We select the order of our remaining targets, and prepare to kill them.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-10-31 3 
November 2014
35894813The Magical Green Lantern Quest #9Both of our fathers are not very good people.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-11-02 11 
35979007Poor Trader Quest #4You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-11-06 11 
35999419Ivalice Quest 1Our protagonist hits the road with some classmatesCollective Game, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ivalice Quest2014-11-07 5 
36006672/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 3Captain Hinderson takes his new Slug buddy through a friendly Engi-controlled sector, which turns out to be not so peaceful on account of a Mantis invasion. On the plus side, the wrecked battle fleets and less-than-formidable Mantis warriors allow the Crutch4's crew to collect quite a bit of salvageable scrap, some nice new weapons, and even a third Engi crewmember./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, sci-fi, Engi, Slug, Mantis2014-11-07 1 
36020925Dead Gods Quest 36Elsa is saddled with a tremendous new task: keep her new demonic brother alive!Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-11-07 5 
36018611The Magical Green Lantern Quest #10No time like the present.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-11-08 12 
36060644Homeless Mutant Quest #91JJ does pretty well against the Sinister Six, then magical Cajun.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-11-10 31 
36083066Ivalice Quest 2Our protagonist begins to encounter things she can't explain.Collective Game, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ivalice Quest2014-11-11 2 
36122864Poor Trader Quest #5You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-11-13 2 
36166730Dead Gods Quest 37After Kerin's return to his home, Elsa prepares for the final battle.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-11-15 3 
36161918The Magical Green Lantern Quest #11The world is yours.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-11-15 11 
36269519Kancolle: Paradise Arsenal Quest #1Saratoga is the team mom, the Abyssals are assholes, and the setting and characters are established. Character Selection Sucks Balls.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Paradise Arsenal2014-11-20 20 
36288872The Magical Green Lantern Quest InterludeSome filler stuff before the world is yours.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-11-21 8 
36312829Dead Gods Quest 38The King and Kerin meet at last. Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-11-22 3 
36307922The Magical Green Lantern Quest #12The world is not ours, but we know of another.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-11-22 7 
36316393The Buns! Quest Episode 2Miko breaks into a restaurantcollective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, freaking out, in a restaurant, tfw almost bunny get2014-11-22 1 
36327916Ivalice Quest 3Our protagonist gets some confirmationCollective Game, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ivalice Quest2014-11-23 4 
36354377Homeless Mutant Quest #92My homeless elf-lizard cannot be this dense.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-11-24 32 
36376032Kancolle: Paradise Arsenal Quest #2Tea time and dealing with our Abyssal POW. (Fixed troll archive)Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Paradise Arsenal2014-11-25 17 
36428935 Fate/Another Origin Quest 1A fledgling magus is introduced, makes plans, and joins the Fourth Holy Grail War.collective game, nasuverse, fate zero, fate another origin, zero phantasm2014-11-28 3 
36451114Dead Gods Quest 39Mercenaries, Sisters, and Al prepare to go find this damn mine.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-11-29 5 
36454859/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 8 (Bad End)We take a trip to the Engi homeworlds, which are suffering brutal Rebel, Pirate, and Mantis attacks. Our Skyship clashes against several of the invaders on its way through the sector, chasing down rumors an experimental Engi ship that was stolen by the invaders. Sadly, the battles take their toll on us, and when we reach the fleet that has the stolen ship, our own ship and crew meet their end./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, sci-fi, Engi, Slug, Rebels, Mantis, ending, bad end2014-11-29 1 
36468592The Magical Green Lantern Quest #13Two rings are tried on with varying results.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-11-30 11 
36484117Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 1In which the princess assembles her party and gets her starting gear.Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses2014-11-30 20 
December 2014
36487189Homeless Mutant Quest #93Cute muties doing cute things Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-12-01 39 
36525061Dead Gods Quest 40We interview the Kotrick family and hire some more people for the attack.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-12-02 5 
36581571Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 2Princess sets out, picks up a sidequest. Has not yet touched fluffy tail.Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Bunny, Wolf2014-12-05 11 
36590817Dead Gods Quest 41The crew visits Kerin again and starts planning for the final battle.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-12-06 5 
36625583Homeless Mutant Quest #94Will they dare hire Laura?Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, Carlos2014-12-08 31 
36632861Garden Quest 14-2: MeetingLeonardo Meet's Noel Vermillion, Spars with Kimberly and heads out towards the City yet dark clouds slowly loom in the Horizon.Collective Game, Garden Quest, Final Fantasy VIII, GardenMaster-NORG, Alternate Universe, Crossover2014-12-08 3 
36633401Kancolle: Paradise Arsenal Quest #3Dinner... AND a show.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Paradise Arsenal2014-12-08 9 
36667314Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 3Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 3Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Collective Game2014-12-10 3 
36722692The Magical Green Lantern Quest #15Thread #14 here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/36585852/ Kicking it off with Lumi, Eudora, and fellow GLs vs Manhunters! Also, more shenanigans.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest2014-12-12 10 
36685011Fantasy Dwarven Civ Quest AlphaThe pre thread where we voted on, and then worked on fluffing a dwarf civ in the fantasyverse.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves2014-12-13 0 
36739917Dead Gods Quest 41We hit the road for the final attack.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-12-13 5 
36760597Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 4because spike spiegel dies at the end, so we have to archive at the startDaughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Collective Game2014-12-14 11 
36762612The Magical Green Lantern #16The liberation of Gemworld.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-12-15 11 
36747650Fantasy Dwarven Civ Quest with DwarvesOkay, so we're not a dwarf civ but a civ with dwarves. That's cool. We get to work laying down our infrastructure, introducing important characters. And then Genie does something special by ending the thread with a very heartfelt story about a Golem, a girl, and legacy.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2014-12-15 0 
36781460Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves (Hiatus/Fin)The story continues, as Valeria turns out to be the spitting image of the legacy of a person. And yet while flowers bloom in the game, we once more we all must hold out until winter at last blows over, and the spring sun shines. OP bids farewell and shall return after a time.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2014-12-17 1 
36857023The Magical Green Lantern Quest #17The Magical Green Lantern Quest #17Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern2014-12-20 -2 
36860895Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 5We're in bat country now, boys.Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Collective Game, Bat Country2014-12-20 8 
36864120Dead Gods Quest 43The allies sit down to plan the final attack.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-12-20 5 
36860057Homeless Mutant Quest #95JJ gets scared, then helpful, then rolls like shit.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-12-20 31 
36856528Bitch Angel Quest 1Heels, the prideful bitch angel, get thrown out of heaven, commandeers a bike and rider, and visits church.Collective Game, Bitch Angel Quest, PSG, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, Anime, Quest2014-12-21 4 
36896783The Magical Green Lantern Christmas QuestThread #17 here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/36857023/ A very Green Lantern Christmas Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest, steve blum2014-12-21 4 
36900986Homeless Mutant Quest #96Homeless Mutant Quest: EvolutionHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-12-22 37 
36908094Kancolle: Paradise Arsenal Quest #4Prinz Eugen tries to figure out exactly what just happened, and new orders are issued. Destination: Mutsu Bay, Japan.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Paradise Arsenal2014-12-22 9 
36895856Kantai Collection Quest Christmas Special Part 1The shipgirls have come to bring holiday cheer, and there's Christmas presents, or is it?Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Christmas, Christmas special, Quest2014-12-22 -4 
36938491Homeless Mutant Quest #97Peter owes JJ a favor.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, powersperg, people being whiny2014-12-24 37 
36945618Kantai Collection Christmas Special Part 2The plan to save Christmas is underway! No? Then won't you do it for a Scooby Snack? Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Christmas, Christmas special, Quest, Hakarl. Scooby-Doo, Scooby Snax, Scooby Snack2014-12-24 -4 
36990919Dead Gods Quest 44: EpilogueWith the last of the conspirators dead, our young Herald basks in victory and prepares for her final challenge.Collective game, Dead Gods Quest, Someone else., fantasy, quest, elf2014-12-27 5 
37033413 Leviathan Quest 1you come to your senses as black goo and go on to take over sam and find yourself in the amalgam of marvel movieverse and comicsmarvel, Dick Roman, collective game, quest, Arceus Exalted, Supernatural, Leviathan, Black goo, shapeshifter, doppelganger, comic, avengers, mutant2014-12-29 0 
37043281MiniQuest Monster Restaurant #1A Frogacle is chosen, a Legface is trapped and a Pigknight is saved.Monster Restaurant Quest, Collective Game, MiniQuest 2014-12-30 0 
37062899Homeless Mutant Quest #98JJ ponders the meaning of his life and meets his new neighbors.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2014-12-30 33 
January 2015
37112132Khornette Quest #19In which we have fun with Sytili and visit a Feudal World.Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Eldar, Zoanthrope, ELH2015-01-02 13 
37127835The Magical Green Lantern Quest #18In blackest day and brightest night...Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest2015-01-02 7 
37161290The Magical Green Lantern Quest #19Early achive. The Red Lanterns are in need of help.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest2015-01-04 6 
37249121Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves 4Part 3 https://archive.moe/tg/thread/36944878/#36944878 Genie returns, hanging by a thread, as the adventure continues, and we meet strange and spooky friends in a forest.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-01-10 0 
37265830Homeless Mutant Quest #99Romance before mindscrewing.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-01-10 39 
37273628Garden Quest 15: WanderingLeonardo and Company Ease Noel, into daily life at Balamb Garden, Social Links,Missions and yet the storm of warfare begins to brew.GardenMaster-NORG, Collective Game, Garden Quest, Final Fantasy VIII, Crossover, Alternate Universe2015-01-10 2 
37310012Homeless Mutant Quest #100A foray into the dark world of child molestation, led by JJ.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-01-12 41 
37358830Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves 5/6We revive a long lost hero, Sir Richard Didrikson the V, and begin the great Hunt that will expand our territory!Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-01-16 0 
37400710Zoanthrope SidequestIn which we hover behind Sytili's head while she deals with some meddling kids. I mean Acolytes. Collective Game, Zoanthrope, Khornette, Nurglette, ELH2015-01-16 11 
37445107Homeless Mutant Quest #101JJ attends his 6:30 meeting. Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-01-18 30 
37464454The Magical Green Lantern Quest #20Early archive. The liberation of the Red Lanterns.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest2015-01-18 7 
37512267Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 8Part 7 http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/37406884 Despite the ill luck it tends to bring, I'll preemptively archive this thread. We try, and fail, at building wooden homes without our dwarves.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-01-21 0 
37533113Kancolle: Paradise Arsenal Quest #5In the face of the oncoming storm, Maryland comes into her own again. Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Paradise Arsenal2015-01-21 10 
37535189Kant-O-Celle Quest #1We arrive after being transferred to the Yokosuka Naval Base.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-01-22 38 
37557805Garden Quest 15-2:SonataLeo Embarks on several endeavors, social links continue to be formed and grow as the SeeD Field Exam Begins to loom it's head GardenMaster-NORG, Collective Game, Garden Quest, Final Fantasy VIII, Crossover, Alternate Universe2015-01-23 2 
37570198The Magical Green Lantern Quest #21Early archive. To police the world.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest2015-01-23 5 
37578411Demon Quest Part I: Stranger in a Strange LandYou are Balzdeap, a demon warlord summoned in a weakened form to a strange civilization. It's your job to free your people and bring pandemonium to this space age culture, one suicidal girl at a time!collective game, phantom of the cm, demon, quest, demon quest, funny2015-01-24 3 
37592175Demon Quest Part II: The Devil Went Down To GeorgiaBalzdeap begins his unholy cult, kills a mad-haired lawyer, and earns his wings.collective game, phantom of the cm, demon, quest, demon quest, funny2015-01-25 0 
37615984Homeless Mutant Quest #102Short thread Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-01-25 30 
37590645Realms of Atlantasia: RebirthTwo years after the revisiting of the realms of atlantasia, and four years after the original discovery, /tg/ once again makes a character in this shitty game.Atlantasia, Realms of Atlantasia, Fail, Character Generation, Char gen2015-01-27 3 
37650498Gnome Colonization Civilization Quest I: Landfall!The logs of the historian Mr. Heddlesbatch as he records the highs and lows of the Gnomish colonization of the new world!collective game, quest, civilization, phantom of the cm, gnomes, colonization, landfall, fantasy, gnome2015-01-27 2 
37660706Homeless Mutant Sidequest #2The most dangerous game.Homeless Mutant Sidequest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, side quest, side, omake, Homeless Mutant Quest2015-01-27 32 
37667129Gnome Colonization Civilization Quest II: Savages!Sir Pickeringworth proves his (Pickering)worth and that he has balls of steel in a showdown against one of the new world's vicious savages! Truly an exciting read!collective game, quest, civilization, phantom of the cm, gnomes, colonization, landfall, fantasy, gnome, minotaur, minotaurs, hornlings2015-01-28 1 
37662543Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 9We face down two armies, repulsing a barbarian horde, and preparing for an invasion while attempting diplomacy with the vampires. The Prophet of Fate is resurrected. Our commanders debate important issues concerning communication.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-01-28 0 
37683025Kancolle: Paradise Arsenal Quest #6Yamato has business with Maryland, Nagato has business with the Admiralty.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Paradise Arsenal2015-01-28 7 
37689198Gnome Colonization Civilization Quest III: But Wait, There's More!Our Colony faces a threat mightier than any they could have imagined, and make a hard decision to preserve their only allies.collective game, quest, civilization, phantom of the cm, gnomes, colonization, landfall, fantasy, gnome, minotaur, minotaurs, hornlings, cyclops, monoculus2015-01-29 1 
37750427The Magical Green Lantern Quest #22Early archive. Patrolling the world some more.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest2015-01-31 5 
February 2015
37775269Homeless Mutant Quest #103Laura gives JJ's wallet a good shanking. Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-02-02 30 
37715034Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 10The enemy army is checked and repelled with an all out assault, and we bathe in the joy of victory spoils of war, as we plan our next moves carefully.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-02-03 0 
37812770Blazblue: Phantom Genesis QuestThe Heroine arrives on a strange mountain in a storm, and is rescued by the Kaka clan. Also, character creation happens.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest 2015-02-03 10 
37825115Khornette Quest #20Fervious falls and Sytili continues to be Best GirlCollective Game, Khornette, Zoanthrope, Tyranids, Chaos, ELH2015-02-04 11 
37842641Kant-O-Celle Quest #2We get some breakfast, talk with a couple carriers, and get ready for our first mission. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-02-05 20 
37843250American Fantasy (Fantasy in a pre-Europe America setting)/tg/ mulls around ideas and inspiring facts about the land west of the atlantic and all its glory and curiosity before the West got a hold of it.america, american fantasy, setting, fluff, discussion, worldbuilding, collaborative, indians, native americans, atlatl, pueblo, hype as fuck2015-02-06 2 
37905645Homeless Mutant Quest #104The love is real. Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-02-08 34 
37979198Kant-O-Celle Quest #3We meet BURNING LOVE!, stick up for Willie D and start our first battle. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-02-11 18 
38000558Kancolle: Paradise Arsenal Quest #7 (Final)The Kanmusu prove that they are not a provocation to war, but the surest guaranty of peace. Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Paradise Arsenal2015-02-11 8 
38007610Garden Quest 15-3: StanzaThe Lion's Pride potentially Expands, The Fire Cavren Pre-Exam's looms closer and Leo trains himself for the days to come.Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Collective Game, Final Fantasy VIII, Crossover, Alternate Universe2015-02-12 2 
38022283Kancolle: Paradise Arsenal Quest #7.5 (Final)The Paradise Arsenal team finishes the fight.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Paradise Arsenal2015-02-12 9 
37977048Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 12Part 11 https://archive.moe/tg/thread/37830737 We gather the materials we need and realize we're under attack by barbarians and something underground.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-02-13 0 
38032972Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 2The Heroine plays with some kittens, meets an old Cat, and helps train the future protagonist by punching him in the face, before going to take a bath.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-02-13 6 
38063185The Magical Green Lantern Quest #23Early archive. What a girl wants.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest2015-02-14 5 
38132950Homeless Mutant Quest #105Into the lion's den.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-02-17 29 
38135105Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 13Out of the frying pan and into the fireCollective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-02-20 0 
38188633Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 3The Heroine take a bath with a physics professor, decides to advance the power of SCIENCE, and then makes a decision to learn more about her past.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-02-20 6 
38196571Homeless Mutant Quest #106Jonathan Green-Creek, Episode 2: Trouble with TriadsHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-02-20 32 
38187770Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 14The Madness BeginsCollective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-02-25 0 
38316662Kant-O-Celle Quest #4Our first battle concludes with a violent point-blank slugfest between battleships. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-02-26 22 
38336140Homeless Veteran Quest We sign up for some kinda dungeon-diving then get beaten up by an old man.Homeless Veteran Quest, Collective Game, Low fantasy2015-02-27 6 
38298965antasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 15The Cavalry is coming as reinforcements flock to our aid!Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-02-27 0 
38346464Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 4In which the Heroine brews some good coffee, trains Ragna some more, and gets him beat up by a girl.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-02-27 6 
38355111The Magical Green Lantern Quest #24Early archive. "With blood and rage of crimson red..."Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest2015-02-27 6 
March 2015
38395797Surreal Workplacesanon asks for creepy quirks and horror ideas for an office/workplace setting. /tg/ provides.creepy, horror, modern fantasy, office buildings2015-03-02 26 
38388096Tales from African MythologyA kind anon imparts his knowledge of African mythology. Slight xenophobia seepageAnansi's an idiot, african mythology, ashanti2015-03-02 15 
38427299Homeless Mutant Quest #107Heartfelt talk and a home invasion.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-03-03 35 
38449570Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 16We survive another day, and in desperation decide to see our dreams fulfilled now than neverCollective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-03-05 0 
38506121Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 5The Heroine saves a little girl from a kidnapping with the help of a certain mercenary Commander, only to become the kidnapper herself.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-03-06 6 
38515311The Magical Green Lantern Quest #24 and 25Early archive. Continuation of #24.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest2015-03-06 6 
38495860Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 17MASSES AND MASSES OF INFRASTRUCTURE. Also we do dealings with the dwarves and holy hostCollective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-03-07 0 
38525613Garden Quest 16: A Distant Storm.The Stage that is the SeeD Field Exam is being Prepared.Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Crossover, Alternate Universe2015-03-07 1 
38563046Homeless Mutant Quest #108Splinter Cell creeping in this bitch, you couldn't feel the stealthHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-03-09 29 
38570707Garden Quest 16.5: A Distant Storm Part 2The Stage that is the SeeD Exam is being Prepared, Bond are forged and empowered and a new power begins to awaken?Garden Quest, Collective Game, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe, Crossover2015-03-09 1 
38465635Surreal Workplaces Part 2/tg/ continues discussing creepy workplaces, provides more ideas and quirks.creepy, horror, modern fantasy, office buildings2015-03-09 15 
38609463Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 18We build an Organ in our Rock, but have issues building the Church around it. Tech development continues and we get riflesCollective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-03-12 1 
38657254Kant-O-Celle Quest #5Arizona recovers from the battle, but with a nasty surprise...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-03-12 18 
38665330Kant-O-Celle Quest #6The aftermath of the first bloody engagement continues to play out. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-03-13 18 
38655301Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 19 FINThe end of a lot of things, but the beginnings of others and, hopefully, a clean slate.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Dwarf, Dwarves, Golems2015-03-13 1 
38667462Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 6The heroine snuggles with the girl who is not her kidnapping victim and OP passes out repeatedly due to lack of sleep.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-03-13 6 
38676858The Magical Green Lantern Quest #26Early archive. Out of the rut.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest2015-03-13 5 
38708163Garden Quest 17: Situation CriticalThe Situation in Timber reaches a boiling point and Leonardo undergoes specialized training. The SeeD Exam's are Nigh.Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Collective Game, Final Fantasy VIII, Crossover, Alternate Universe 2015-03-15 2 
38731839Garden Quest 17-2: The Fire CavernThe Pre-Requisite for the SeeD Exam comes, Leo must Defeat Ifrit. Garden Quest, Collective Game, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Crossover, Alternate Universe2015-03-16 2 
38747915Homeless Mutant Quest #109Mission CompleteHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-03-16 29 
38753465Extranatural Consultant QuestA pair of Extranatural Consultants get a case about a series of accidents involving ice sculptors and no cold puns are made.Collective Game, Extranatural Consultant Quest, Modern Fantasy, Mystery, MagicalGrill2015-03-17 7 
38771852Extranatural Consultant Quest 2Interviews are held under disguise and some history is revealed about the suspects in this mystery, a cold pun is finally made.Collective Game, Extranatural Consultant Quest, Modern Fantasy, Mystery, MagicalGrill2015-03-18 6 
38818895Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 7The Heroine lives through an average day, and Tsubaki is, in general, very cute.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-03-20 6 
38808660Closeted Mutant Quest: LoreleiA teenage mutant who can turn into gas helps solve a murder.Collective Game, Closeted Mutant Quest, 72oOCCJ12015-03-21 5 
38854099Kant-O-Celle Quest #7In which we have a depressing chat with Naka-Chan, "Idol of the Fleet," and meet a lunatic with an angle-grinder. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-03-21 20 
38862317Kant-O-Celle Quest #8Thread 7 continued. Goddamn anon posting so fast fillin up threadsCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-03-22 20 
38872260Homeless Mutant Quest #110Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-03-22 29 
38936427Shinigami Savant Quest #1Meet the MC: Kusajishi Riku, a street-rat with spiritual talent and nothing to lose. Pre-archived.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-03-25 39 
39009696The Magical Green Lantern Quest #28Early archive. The duel with Legion.Collective Game, DC Universe, Green Lantern, Magical Green Lantern Quest2015-03-29 5 
39011862Homeless Mutant Quest #111The dragon has teeth. And there is just one king in the forest.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-03-30 29 
39051803Shinigami Savant Quest #2Riku learns the ropes to becoming a powerful Shinigami.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-03-31 37 
April 2015
39074082Kant-O-Celle Quest #9Admiral Settle tries to head off a one-man Corgipocolypse and other stuff which I don't know because I haven't written the thread yet shitCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-04-02 20 
39080533Kant-O-Celle Quest #10In which a momentary slip in judgement has severe and dangerous consequences. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-04-02 20 
39092404Shinigami Savant Quest #3Riku talks to her sword, and begins to learn that her afterlife isn't as simple as it seemed.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-02 32 
39092233Homeless Mutant Quest #112Existentialist errands.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-04-03 28 
39101119Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 8The Heroine is invited to do some contract work in another Hierarchical City, helps Tsubaki build her first armagus, and gets into an awkward situation with a drunken cat.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-04-03 6 
39115179Kant-O-Celle Quest #11In which we finally meet the most terrifying ship to wage war on the high seas - SAMMY. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-04-04 20 
39120266Kant-O-Celle #12In which the cutest DE unleashes her wrath on three unsuspecting cruisers. Settle's got his work cut out for him.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-04-04 20 
39130060An Unimportant QuestPrelude. I'll miss you.Collective Game, Unimportant, Forgotten things, goodbye2015-04-04 9 
39134999Homeless Mutant Quest #113Let's fighting love!Homeless Mutant Quest, Quest, Collective Game2015-04-05 34 
39158151Homeless Mutant Quest #114https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I9_pZ85zIQHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-04-06 32 
39201262Shinigami Savant Quest #4To stand against a Gillian, Riku will need all the help she can get.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-07 32 
39241742Shinigami Savant Quest #5Riku gets to meet all the other Captains... from the wrong end of an official inquiry.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-09 31 
39248289Shinigami Savant Quest #6Riku learns how upward mobility works in the Soul Society.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-10 31 
39251778Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 9The Heroine finds out part of what she is, and then Tsubaki makes some adorable assumptions about her mother's relationships. In the morning, Professor Kokonoe prioritizes Coffee. Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-04-10 6 
39285276Peasant Quest RebootWe're back baby.Peasant Quest, Collective Game, Vampires2015-04-12 9 
39345540Shinigami Savant Quest #7Where Riku learns that “balance” in the afterlife isn't the same as “good”.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-14 34 
39385523Shinigami Savant Quest #8When the Wolves of Mibu prowl, Death is never far behind. Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-16 34 
39391969Shinigami Savant Quest #9The match with the Shinsengumi continues, and the Bakumatsu heats up.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-17 36 
39394579Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 10The Heroine gets on the airship to Shinatsu, is captivated by fluffy tail, and shoots at some pirates from the wing of the ship.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-04-17 6 
39419774Peasant Mecha Commander QuestThe peasant finds an ancient mecha during his nettledick gathering trip.Peasant Mecha Commander Quest, Collective Game, PeasantDrawfag2015-04-19 12 
39438531Peasant Mecha Commander Quest 2The Peasant Explores the Golem and recruits a town with MANLY SHOUTINGPeasant Mecha Commander Quest, Collective Game, PeasantDrawfag2015-04-19 12 
39467215Peasant Mecha Commander Quest 3Peasant tries to make a speech, goes alpha on the bakers' daughter and is - maybe - about to get his arse kicked.Peasant Mecha Commander Quest, Collective Game, PeasantDrawfag2015-04-21 11 
39490303Shinigami Savant Quest #10Shunkō: Master and Student.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-21 33 
39530129Shinigami Savant Quest #11Riku and her sword play a game with a powerful magical artifact.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-23 33 
39535743Shinigami Savant Quest #12She who controls the Keikaku, controls the Universe.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-04-24 36 
39607731Homeless Mutant Quest #115Better than I expected, worse than I hoped.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-04-27 36 
39633150Shinigami Savant Quest #13The most trying ordeal of Riku's afterlife to date: parenthood. Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-04-28 33 
39671905Shinigami Savant Quest #14The rise of Captain Urahara Kisuke.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-04-30 31 
May 2015
39673342Kant-O-Celle Quest #13In which the Regia Marina saves the day and no spaghetti is spilled.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest, Il Duce heard you were talking shit2015-05-01 20 
39678861Shinigami Savant Quest #15The fall of Captain Urahara Kisuke.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-01 31 
39682517Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 11The Heroine tucks Tsubaki in and then the QM gets sick again. Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-05-01 5 
39696337Kant-O-Celle Quest #14In which we get woken up KONGOU STYLE. Also Arizona is very protective of us.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-02 20 
39702372Kant-O-Celle Quest #15In which Settle pours his heart out and did nothing wrong.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-02 20 
39764572Magical Realm Quest: Part 1Character Generation and Drow sex hoorah!Collective game, Magical Realm Quest, Smut, Failure, Urban Fantasy, Drow2015-05-05 5 
39772117Shinigami Savant Quest #16Shinigami vs. DeathBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-05 32 
39778186Shinigami Savant Quest #17Why does Captain Kusajishi wear the mask?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-06 30 
39789224Tengu Quest 1Pain, father-to-child talks, and internet problems.Tengu Quest, Collective Game, Plants2015-05-07 3 
39812252Shinigami Savant Quest #18Death of a Swordsman.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-07 31 
39818170Shinigami Savant Quest #19Making the crime fit the punishment. Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-08 32 
39838234Lost in Time Quest #1John Erin Perry (you) begins his adventure, by traveling somewhere and attracting dorfs.Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy2015-05-09 7 
39854272Kant-O-Celle Quest #16Holy shit, the MPs managed to do what many greater could not - if only for a few hours, also we get asked out to dinner.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-10 18 
39860849Kant-O-Celle Quest #17In which we beat our head against a brick wall and speak with God.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-10 18 
39872014Lost In Time Quest #2You fix sewers, discover the wonders of female beards, built gatling guns, and prepare to save Hashan.Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy2015-05-11 6 
39878069Phantasy Star Online Quest #1Pheonixia, a FOnewearl, accompanies three others on her first mission to Ragol.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-05-11 5 
39917819Shinigami Savant Quest #20The Secret Life of (Little) Bees.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-12 33 
39921207KANT-O-CELLE QUEST #18We spend some more time with everyone's favorite Idol-chan and try to talk some sense into harder.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-13 20 
39932921Directors as Game MastersWhat would famous directors be like if they played RPGs instead of directing movies?roleplaying, movies, creepy old men, Tarantino2015-05-13 11 
39957264Shinigami Savant Quest #21Guns of the East.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-14 31 
39963069Shinigami Savant Quest #22Riku ties off some loose ends and the wars begin.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-15 29 
39959439Phantasy Star Online Quest #2Pheonixia get's attacked by a savage wolf and loses her cool.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-05-15 2 
39978158Lost In Time Quest #3You arrive in Hashan, get some crits, learn magic, and begin your war on the humans of Cliffcoast.Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy2015-05-16 5 
39995767Lost in Time Quest #4You defend Hashan negotiate a ceasefire and start making a railroadLost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy2015-05-17 6 
40015482Lost In Time Quest #5We finally return to Roanoke and draft up a truly awesome constitution.Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy, Magitech2015-05-17 5 
40020139Phantasy Star Online Quest #3Pheonixia spents some quality time with Ash and the boys.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-05-18 4 
40023556Kant-O-Celle Quest #20Debriefing after the air raid, then we get trolled by Goto. Again.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-18 20 
40018616Kant-O-Celle Quest #19The Abyssals doing a Pearl Harbor? Not on our watch.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-18 18 
40077773Kant-O-Celle Quest #21Going out to dinner with Shoukaku, totally not a date...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-21 18 
40081556Kant-O-Celle Quest #22Settling on the Gundam Cafe leads to a bombshell. Who's bright idea was this, anyway? Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-21 18 
40091226Homeless Mutant Quest #116Will JJ be knighted? Will Papa Daredevil and Momma Moon Knight get a divorce? Find out in this issue of Homeless Mutant Quest!Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-05-21 30 
40129106Shinigami Savant Quest #23Changing times, desperate measures.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-23 30 
40119009Lost in Time Quest #6You arrive at the human city, get scoffed at (a lot), prepare for Noros Soros back home, and kill elves.Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy2015-05-23 6 
40135411Shinigami Savant Quest #24In the Forest of Menos.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-24 29 
40136816Kant-O-Celle Quest #23In which we make Shoukaku cry.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-24 18 
40143472Kant-O-Celle Quest #24“Oh,” Hate says, his voice husky with lust. “Oh, god yes."Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest, Hate2015-05-24 22 
40147870Kant-O-Celle Quest #25In which Shoukaku and Settle make their escape.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-24 18 
40154115Shinigami Savant Quest #25Conversations with Coyote. Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-24 30 
40159805Shinigami Savant Quest #25.5Overtime thread, because I suck at time allocation.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-25 28 
40160080Phantasy Star Online Quest #4Pheonixia and Elenor find a man in yellow, and make a new friend. PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-05-25 2 
40175379Homeless Mutant Quest #117O Whacking Day, O Whacking Day/Our hallowed snake-skull cracking day/We'll break their backs/Gouge out their eyes/Their evil hearts we'll pulverize/O Whacking Day, O Whacking Day/May God bestow his grace on Thee.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-05-25 34 
40149220Fantasy EurovisionEvery year, a grand pageant is held where each of the twenty-seven kingdoms send a single talented bard to represent them on the world stage. This contest, while supposedly held in the spirit of unity, solidarity and building bridges between the kingdoms is in actual fact highly corrupt, fractious and riven with political intrigue and tactical voting. The PCs are tasked by their government (who are responsible for hosting the tournament this year) to make sure that this year there is no foul play and the event is not marred by the usual politicking, particularly of the smaller, North-Eastern nations.Eurovision, Game Ideas, Fantasy, Humour, Humor2015-05-26 2 
40246634Kant-O-Celle Quest #26In which we converse with GotoCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-29 18 
40251867Kant-O-Celle Quest #27We talk with DesDiv6 and head out to the firing rangeCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-05-29 18 
40267925Weird West Quest 1We meet John, get robbed, and get some fuckin' ropeWestern, Horror, Fantasy, Collective Game, Quest2015-05-30 3 
40278263Shinigami Savant Quest #26White Death at the Messines Ridge.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-30 29 
40301402Shinigami Savant Quest #27All of the worst things happen.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-31 31 
June 2015
40307860Phantasy Star Online Quest #5Pheonixia takes Elenor, Nela, and some new friends to the Central Dome and finds more than what she expected.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-06-01 5 
40321304Homeless Mutant Quest #118Red EveningHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-06-01 30 
40329804Lost Primarch Quest 6It has been five years since Sol Prementus landed on Kilionos...Collective Game, Lost Primarch Quest, Eleventh, Primarch, Mutants, Hive city2015-06-02 6 
40352404Shitty /a/ Fetish Quest CATGIRL SO KOWEII DESU NE~~~Quest, Collective Game, Monstergirl fags are closeted furries, I want /a/ to leave2015-06-03 2 
40355430Weird West Quest 3Jonathan and his rope fight the evil Boss Tull who would have made a better comedian than a werewolf.Collective Game, Weird West Quest, Western, Fantasy2015-06-03 0 
40304800Modern Fantasy Life 1We become David Whiteman, Monsterology graduate and we look for a job as a dungeon squireModern Fantasy Life, Quest, Collective Game2015-06-04 2 
40373172Breast Expansion Fetish Quest Kill yourself Collective Game, I want /d/ to leave2015-06-04 -5 
40374667Kant-O-Celle Quest #28Range time with Arizona, Willie, and DesDiv 6. Willie just can't catch a break.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-04 18 
40380387Kant-O-Celle Quest #29Head problems and shouting matches in the libraryCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-04 18 
40346636More Shitty /d/ Smut QuestYou need help, sonQuest, Collective Game, I want /d/ to leave2015-06-04 -5 
40410848Ivalice Quest: The Five Lions War A hundred years after the original story, Ivalice is at war once again. Chemist Zaren Aphelion joins the imperial troops. Collective Game, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ivalice Quest2015-06-06 6 
40434574Kant-O-Celle Quest #30Talking with Naka and dealing with Sammy.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-07 18 
40458477DMC quest 3Early archive, I DUNNO WHAT WERE DOING IN THIS THREAD BUT IT BETTER BE STYLISHCollective game, quest, DMC, Dante, Nero Demons, Stylish, CUHRAZEE2015-06-08 5 
40458563RE: Human Quest 1You die, and then you're born. And yes that is the right orderQuest, Collective Game, RE: Human Quest, Human, Fantasy, Monstergirls2015-06-08 27 
40456698Phantasy Star Online Quest #6Pheonixia recovers from her recent injuries, then tracks down the dragon that put Ash in the hospital.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-06-08 2 
40481151RE: Human Quest 2You take your first job as an adventurer, and knock some heads.Quest, Collective, Game, RE: Human Quest, Fantasy, Magic, Adria, Monstergirls2015-06-09 23 
40515367Homeless Mutant Quest #119JJ gets Lucas medical attention and hopefully learns stuff about his sister.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-06-10 30 
40534328Antill civ 1Things happen and mutations happen, onwards to world domination, with our friends the Ursine.Collective Game, Insectoid, Civilization, Builder, Civ builder, Ants, Tithonus2015-06-12 3 
40548119Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/ - The Crusade Continues>Our... adept Guardsmen prepare for an attack on a Chaos bakery >The Vostroyan Liaison Officer wants to find the man who stole his sweetheart's picture >The Commissar just gave up >There's some Tallarns around here somewhere doing Emperor knows what A demonic dough monster rises and a lone guardsman makes a brave sacrificeGuardsman Sergeant Joe, Guardsman Lieutenant Joe, Bakers Legion, WarChef Boyzrdees, Guardswoman Kal Teest, Vostroyan Regiment Liaison Alexandr, Tallarn Roughrider Lieutenant Aaliyah, Chimera Sacrifice, Valhalla all shiny and crome, Warhammer 40000, Guardsmen quest, Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/2015-06-12 12 
40533884 Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/ - The Crusade BeginsCommissar Gaurun has the unfortunate task of presiding over the Penal Legion /tg/, and what begins as an innocuous day of alcoholism and heresy soon devolves into a frightful day of pants thieving genestealers, insanity and a full fledged crusade against a chaos bakery.Commissar Gaurun, Weapon Specialist Lyn, Private Lemming, Vostroyan Regiment Liason Alexandr, Jeanstealer, Aaliyah, Ruh, Stephan Meltaman, Guardsman Sergant Joe, Kal Teest2015-06-12 9 
40549604Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 12The Heroine arrives at the 11th Hierarchical City of Shinatsu, gets into a staring contest with one of the leaders of group she's supposed to be helping and then gets into an actual fight with the other. And then you all had tea.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-06-12 6 
40605795Phantasy Star Online Quest #7Pheonixia, Ash, Maiawynn, and Elenor defeat the dragon, at great cost. A relic warns of future troubles.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-06-15 2 
40589034The Deep South of A Fantasy World/tg/ discusses the mythology of the Deep South and how to implement it in a fantasy game.Mythology, America, South, Deep South, Catfish, Fantasy2015-06-15 12 
40617073Penal regiment designation /tg/: another inspectionThe regiment is deeply in ork terriroty and has problems with folding tools and special memberscollective game, penal regiment designation /tg/commissar gaurun, cpt notaneldar,lemming, gibbers, stephen meltaman, Sergeant KommandoInDisguise, james, ruh2015-06-15 5 
40643313Insectoid Civ session 2More interactions with the Ursine, getting to know them more, learning about Dwarves, and fighting a horde of Goblins.Collective Game, Insectoid, Civilization, Builder, Civ builder, Ants, Tithonus, Session 22015-06-17 2 
40658781Insectoid Civ session 3Recovery after the first goblin raids, and some meta talk at the end, Alates!Collective Game, Insectoid, Civilization, Builder, Civ builder, Ants, Tithonus, Session 3, Alates, Tekton2015-06-18 2 
40683775Homeless Mutant Quest #120JJ is the worst Jesus.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-06-19 28 
40682931Modern Fantastic Monster QuestWe wake up and feed as we explore a new world and our body.Collective game, fantasy, modern, hivemind, monster2015-06-19 1 
40703401Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Seven Stand at ShellaThe Crystal Chronicles, the compendium of hundreds of journeys of crystal caravans. All of these stories close with a shared ending- The Brave Tragedy: Seven Stand at Shella.Collective Game, The Red Lady, Crystal Chronicles, Final Fantasy, Multiple POV2015-06-20 5 
40721507Kant-O-Celle Quest #31In which we visit the Mikasa with Willie D and Arizona.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-21 20 
40727081Kant-O-Celle Quest #32In which we look at some new equipment for Kongou and Arizona. Also donuts.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-21 24 
40736875Homeless Mutant Quest #121JJ's genetics are really tweaking today.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-06-21 28 
40756036Field kit inspection penal regiment /tg/Another field kit inspections sees sora taking the penal regiment to purge church desacrated by chaos confectioneryfield kit inspection, penal regiment designation /tg/, collective game, ruh, grenadier sahar, palatani sister theresia, gary the catachan, ruh, gibbers, peasant2015-06-23 5 
40745299Slavery in RPGsOP asks if others have found slavery in their games, interesting talk ensues.fantasy, slavery, storytime, American Civil War, Elves2015-06-23 -3 
40785249Phantasy Star Online Quest #8Pheonixia and friends bring Elenor back to the Lab to be repaired. Pheonixia then confronts Tyrell about Mother Brain.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-06-24 2 
40796921Dry Bread, Cold Steel - Quest #1 A tough world, a mysterious origin, a waiting future. Dry Bread, Cold Steel, Fighting, Strategy, Combat, Diplomacy, Fantasy, Low-Fantasy, Collective Game2015-06-24 1 
40804352Kant-O-Celle Quest #33The girls find out what modern AA looks like, Hornet gets a history lesson, and Settle has the mother of all migraines.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-25 29 
40809479Kant-O-Celle Quest #34The Battle of Los Angeles.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-25 47 
40828903Blazblue: Phantom Genesis Quest 13The Heroine gets into an argument with her hostess, and Tsubaki makes a new friend.Collective Game, Blazblue, Phantom Genesis Quest, shaderic2015-06-26 4 
40862872Shinigami Savant Quest #28God dammit Aizen.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-06-27 30 
40859555Homeless Mutant Quest #122JJ is now very tactical. And Brock is a cock, as always.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-06-28 31 
40867458Homeless Mutant Quest #123Rumble in the Concrete Jungle feat. Spider-Man.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, venom2015-06-28 35 
40865351Kant-O-Celle Quest #35In which we wake up with Arizona doing her best impression of a limpet mine on us. We also talk to Naka and ShoukakuCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-28 26 
40871673Kant-O-Celle Quest #36We talk to REDACTEDCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-06-28 23 
40871545Black Company QuestIn world where the races of the Free Alliance are beset by a myriad of Warlords, Tyrants and Dark Mages, hard men with hard steel fight for cold silver. The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The new employer of the Black Company is decided upon, our gear and corps is selected and a new squad is formed.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Mercenary, Quest, 2015-06-28 30 
40886263Shinigami Savant Quest #29Riku gets punchy, and things go kind of to shit.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-06-28 31 
40889120Phantasy Star Online Quest #9Pheonixia meets Wren and Demi, and learns about what destroyed Pioneer I.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-06-29 2 
40896916Shinigami Savant Quest #29.5Riku continues to be punchy.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-06-29 31 
July 2015
40953581Kant-O-Celle Quest #37In which Hornet is cute, Shoukaku is cute, and we report for duty while stoned on Vicodin.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-02 24 
40959991Kant-O-Celle Quest #38In which we decide who to send into harm's way. Also, Harder can't even girl, or something.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-02 20 
40947836Warhammer: Age of Sigmar playtestPlaytest and review of the Age of Sigmar rules, using Lego figuresWarhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Age of Sigmar, Lego2015-07-04 8 
41018471Black Company Quest #2In world where the races of the Free Alliance are beset by a myriad of Warlords, Tyrants and Dark Mages, hard men with hard steel fight for cold silver. The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Corporal's history is fleshed out a bit, decisions are made and the idea of a band is considered.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Quest, Band2015-07-05 27 
41035653Kant-O-Celle Quest #39Settle gives some advice to Harder concerning women and confirmations are made to the battle planCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-06 24 
41041258Kant-O-Celle Quest #40You are on a plane made entirely of the warmed leavings of a male cow, and on the horizon a fan looms. The hunt for the Abyssal carrier continues.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-06 33 
41037048Fantasy Harem Member QuestWe meet Joanne Nyctoeth, her pretendent, and some of her rival, until OP got kill. Will be continued.Collective Game, Fantasy Harem Member Quest2015-07-06 2 
41082828Phantasy Star Online Quest #10Pheonixia travels between satellites, learning about the Palman civilization. Meanwhile, life on Pioneer II continues on without her.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-07-08 1 
41102120Fantasy Harem Member Quest #2Joanne tells a little about herself, eat dinner, and saves her husbando from some Not!anons. ROAD TO IMPROVEMENT, GO!!Collective Game, Fantasy Harem Member Quest2015-07-09 3 
41123304Homeless Mutant Quest #124FINALLYHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-07-10 41 
41140250Fantasy Harem Member Quest #3Joanne saves a husbando, re-encounter her brothers, and remember the Diana incident, with a bonus wyrm battle.Collective Game, Fantasy Harem Member Quest2015-07-11 1 
41162212Kant-O-Celle Quest #41We thought "Chichi-jima is under attack" was as bad as the Battle of the Bonin Islands could get. WE WERE WRONG. Oh, God, how wrong could we be?Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-12 22 
41166835Kant-O-Celle Quest #42“How can you not understand?” you ask wearily. “How can you, of all *things*, not understand what they *are* to us?” Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-07-12 25 
41186266Phantasy Star Online Quest #11Pheonixia is captured and interrogated by WORKS after she arrives on Zelan.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-07-13 2 
41185840Black Company Quest #3In a world where the races of the Free Alliance are beset by a myriad of Warlords, Tyrants and Dark Mages, hard men with hard steel fight for cold silver. The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Corporal finally does what he does best, which is kill people for money. Something worse than skeletons are found in the cultist's closet.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Quest, Kill People Acquire Currency2015-07-13 23 
41188275Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ QuestWe awaken in our bunker deep beneath a mountain, and don our power armor to face the vicious beasts in the snow!Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, government, remnant, power, armor2015-07-14 2 
41205680Fantasy Harem Member Quest #4We bond with mother, discover that he'll is a hivemind inside a hivemind, and now we know something wrong isn't quite right.Collective Game, Fantasy Harem Member Quest2015-07-14 3 
41226537wankerygot your nose, but not too tightcollective knobrubbing, fantasy harem2015-07-15 -2 
41228248Phantasy Star Online Quest #12Pheonixia works with Demi and Wren to clear the satellite of WORKS soldiers. She reunites with her friends and sets out for Ragol II.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-07-15 6 
41231742Two Souls Quest 6We decide to team up with the Bretonnians after hearing both sides of the story and then proceed to join the battle and go a little bit crazy.Collective Game, Two Souls Quest, Warhammer Fantasy2015-07-15 2 
41246688Fantasy Harem Member Quest #5.5We end the 5th part, with Joanne discovering herself in her last 5 years of life. Be alert to the next, where she remember a hellish experience in the dunes.Collective Game, Fantasy Harem Member Quest2015-07-16 1 
41267162Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 2Power Armor is not 100% guaranteed against giant psionic mutant dog things.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, government, remnant, power, armor2015-07-17 2 
41282825Edgy Grimderp Magical Girl Quest Where You Play As A Dude Who Fixes EverythingBecause THAT'S never been done beforeCollective Game, Oh and also they want to bang you2015-07-17 3 
41319771Yet Another Fetish Worldbuilding ThreadThis time it was spawned by Weekend Smut Thread, no lessTransforming Giantess Vore Robots, The shame we all live with2015-07-19 -10 
41325161Homeless Mutant Quest #125Early archival just in case.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-07-19 29 
41332265Phantasy Star Online Quest #13Pheonixia lands on Ragol II with Ash, Nela, and Maiya, but she gets separated and rescued by locals. PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-07-20 1 
41336210Two Souls Quest 7We are badly poisoned, and Mario makes it worse before making up for it by summoning THE STEED OF LEGEND!Collective Game, Two Souls Quest, Warhammer Fantasy 2015-07-20 3 
41346867Homeless Mutant Quest #126Short thread the second.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-07-20 29 
41352599LowDesert punk Trucker Quest part 1It seems you are awake and heading for Bastardo with not-so-precious cargoDesert Punk, Low Fantasy, Trucker, Collective Game2015-07-21 2 
41359362Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 3Spring cleaning during those long winters is a task that pleases your AI. We find out we're not the only power armored fellows in the underworld.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, government, remnant, power, armor2015-07-21 2 
41377204Phantasy Star Online Quest #14Pheonixia travels with Layla the Esper, gets stoned, and then rides an Owl into the sunset.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-07-22 1 
41438383Shinigami Savant Quest #30Live from Okinawa: Riku vs. Halibel and Starrk.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-07-25 32 
41464173Black Company Quest #4In a world where the races of the Free Alliance are beset by a myriad of Warlords, Tyrants and Dark Mages, hard men with hard steel fight for cold silver. The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Discount prices, oh yeah. Elite mission, oh yeah. Double pay? Oh yeah. Kreigstrom Operators operating? Oh yeah. Giant HellGate summoning portal? ...Oh no.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Quest, Double Pay, Why me?2015-07-26 22 
41436802LowDesertpunk Trucker Quest part 2It seems yo arrived at Retiro del Bandido and delivered your supplies...Desert Punk Quest, Desert punk, Low Fantasy, Trucker, Collective Game2015-07-27 2 
41507612Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 4We venture deep into a deadly research base of frightening fungi, crazed robots, and monsters and mutants, and face both a mad scientist and a moral dilemma.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, government, remnant, power, armor2015-07-28 2 
41545738Homeless Mutant Quest #127TIME TO BE A HERO (Let's hope it works)Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-07-29 28 
41552095Homeless Mutant Quest #127.5What's in a name?Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights2015-07-30 29 
August 2015
41591184LowDesertpunk Trucker Quest part 2It seems you've reached JotaSeta and did some spiritual searchingDesert Punk Quest, Desert punk, Low Fantasy, Trucker, Collective Game2015-08-01 1 
41571465The Cuisine of Fantastical RacesA thread is had in which the food and drink preferences of Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves, Men, Orcs and other fantastical races is discussed at length. Some real world recipes are mulled over as well.worldbuilding, culture, food, drink, fantasy races, cooking, discussion2015-08-01 10 
41592121Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 5We nuke ourselves, and then proceed to disable our base defenses and disarm our weapons and armor and approach an incoming bandit horde in the snow completely vulnerable and in our birthday suits. It was a really good day!Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, government, remnant, power, armor2015-08-01 1 
41612679Two Souls Quest 9We wake up from a week long poisoned knock out, get the king of vampires on our side, learn that Mario now kicks ass and fight alongside him.Two Souls Quest, Collective Game, Mirage, Warhammer Fantasy2015-08-02 1 
41612082Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 6A series of very, very unfortunate eventsCollective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, government, remnant, power, armor2015-08-02 1 
41624000Afterlife Quest 1You are Reginald Clayton a secret agent you kill a lion, some Africans and a manticore. RIP dirtbike.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-03 15 
41631668Phantasy Star Online Quest #15Pheonixia and Layla rescue Maiyawyn, reunite with Ash and Nela, and start a fight with a giant worm in an ice digging tank.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-08-03 2 
41646128Afterlife Quest 2Reginald makes friends with goblins, becomes the tribe’s mightiest warrior and wins a death match without being hurt.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-04 5 
41670248Weird World Quest #1In which our Dwarven protagonist stumbles to work after a drunken night, and realizes that he should have called in for back-up.Weird World Quest, Modern Fantasy, Dwarf Protagonist, Collective Game2015-08-05 4 
41686548Afterlife Quest 3Reginald delves into some ruins, kills some fish, then some spiders and loots everything.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-06 4 
41707367Afterlife Quest 4Reginald heads into a forgotten tomb, gets a bunch of goblins killed but slays the lich in the end.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-07 3 
41715004Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 7Our first battle. Hey, we're not dead! Yes! We manage to repulse the ghouls in an awesome pitched battle and kicked them so hard their leaders had to extract them, and conveniently free up a lot of space from our previous prisoner hold room shortage, also aquired some loot to make up for our loses. Did I mention the nat100 repulsor point defenses? It was a good day.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, government, remnant, power, armor2015-08-07 2 
41729767Weird World Quest 2Rowyn Thorekson exchanges bullets with museum thieves, OP is dead after the first round.Weird World Quest, Modern Fantasy, Dwarf Protagonist, Collective Game2015-08-08 2 
41748185Afterlife Quest 5Reginald spends some time teaching the goblins then convinces the Sickeater tribe unify with the Bonetooth tribe.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-09 5 
41755686Kant-O-Celle Quest #43We're Harder, better, faster, stronger, now....Well, mostly Harder.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-09 21 
41759263Kant-O-Celle Quest #44We're still Hard...er and playing a game of cat and mouse with a destroyer.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-09 22 
41733189LowDesertpunk Trucker Quest part 4It seems that you are now stuck in a serious predicamentDesert Punk Quest, Desert punk, Low Fantasy, Trucker, Collective Game2015-08-10 1 
41792079Fallout: Nuclear winter Quest thread #6 (Cont.)You are Gwyn Grant. Just another soul trying to survive in this unforgiving wasteland. You will face cannibals, raiders, Cloned slavers, Cultists and much more in the Winter wonderland Enjoy your stay...Fallout Quests, Collective Game, Fallout nuclear winter, Gwyn Grant2015-08-11 3 
41789107Afterlife Quest 6Reginald continues his training of the goblins, buildings get built, plants get killed and then suddenly plot.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-11 3 
41828743Homeless Mutant Sidequest #3Juggernaut Joyce & Dynamite Domino have some Sudanese Shenanigans.Homeless Mutant Sidequest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, side quest, side, omake, Homeless Mutant Quest2015-08-12 28 
41826615Afterlife Quest 7The Foulcurse tribe joins up and then Reginald does some magic training with the shamans. Then war is beginning.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-13 3 
41833819Kant-O-Celle Quest #45The attack is set in motionCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-13 20 
41840161Kant-O-Celle Quest #46We run silent and deep.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-13 20 
41849702Afterlife Quest 8Reginald is challenged by the Darkfury tribe. They cheat and use a giant robot. In the end the tribes are unified.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-14 3 
41875841Kant-O-Celle Quest #47The battle continues to unfoldCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-15 18 
41879715Kant-O-Celle Quest #48The battle for Chichi Jima reaches a climaxCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-15 18 
41883382Kant-O-Celle Quest #49We fight under the waves and above them.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-15 18 
41895094Kant-O-Celle Quest #50The battle is rejoined, this time above the waves with Bat Flight!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-16 18 
41889512Fallout: Nuclear winter Quest thread #11You knew more about Goldman, made a deal with a brain in a jar, are on your way to torn up Road cityFallout Quests, Collective Game, Fallout nuclear winter, Gwyn Grant2015-08-16 2 
41889261Afterlife Quest 9Reginald repels an inept attack by the researchers then invades them back via teleport and meets some dudes.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-16 2 
41899843Kant-O-Celle Quest #51We go back under the water to the USS Oregon!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-16 18 
41907853Fallout : Nuclear Winter Quest thread #11(Cont.)you reach Road city, see the damage and try to save what you canFallout Quests, Collective Game, Fallout nuclear winter, Gwyn Grant2015-08-17 1 
41916645Kant-O-Celle Quest #52The battle for the Bonin islands begins anew.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-17 18 
41909259Afterlife Quest 10Reginald continues to explore research ring four, kills Steve, kills a pretty cool guy, then diplomancers everything.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-17 2 
41858814Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 8Robotic Overlord Queens demanding our fealty and to make amends with evil scientists, having to barter our very own stolen vehicles back, blowing up monster nests and sending ghouls to feast on them, and close encounters of the psionic variety with horrific canine abominations after handing them a treat. Another exciting day in the frozen Post Apoc.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, government, remnant, power, armor2015-08-17 1 
41923391Kant-O-Celle Quest #53The battle for the Bonin islands continues!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-17 18 
41927292Kant-O-Celle Quest #54The battle for the Bonin Islands concludes.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-17 25 
41894662LowDesertpunk Trucker Quest part 5It seems you have sacrificed something to get out of your predicamentDesert Punk Quest, Desert punk, Low Fantasy, Trucker, Collective Game2015-08-18 0 
41954315Afterlife Quest 11Reginald spends some time re-exploring ruins and building up the tribe. Then he goes after the flying beasts.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-19 2 
41801691On playing as a slaveAs title describes, would or wouldn't you play as a slave? what are your thoughts on the matter? Are there any games that cover this? Is it just a bad idea? /tg/ discusses.Character, Fantasy, Roleplaying, Setting, Slave2015-08-19 5 
41972155Afterlife Quest 12Reginald battles the flying beast leader, experiments on himself and then awakens a mighty djinn.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-20 2 
41993982Homeless Mutant Quest #128JJ is suspicious of Rao and goes shopping for sports gear.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-08-21 27 
42009026Afterlife Quest 13Reginald researches, takes a blonde trio out on a tour, readies tech advancement, starts training and then names Ayla.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-22 3 
42045781Wayfarers #1A girl from the high plateaus gets on the train to her future. Happenings ensue.Wayfarers Quest, Collective Game, Alteration, Original-ish, Fantasy2015-08-24 2 
42048368Strelok's Post Apoc Government Remnants Civ Quest Part 9We meet and befriend a megacorp on Shrooms, and spend a ton of bling on awesome new gear and tech and a giant train. The bugs get moved into a new home as finally those damn stealth drones are ready. We meet a kickass energy tech hero.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, government, remnant, power, armor2015-08-24 1 
42033192LowDesertpunk Trucker Quest part 6It seems Mikel is having some headaches...Desert Punk Quest, Desert punk, Low Fantasy, Trucker, Collective Game2015-08-24 1 
42047472Afterlife Quest 14Reginald improves the goblin city and resolves a fight between a djinn and an AI, then he enters the AI’s magical realm.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-24 2 
42068649Afterlife Quest 15Reginald meets a herald from hell, then goes to hell and kills the hopes and dreams of the monster proletariat.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-25 2 
42069416Wayfarers #2The trek in the cold snowy mountains starts. More happenings.Wayfarers Quest, Collective Game, Alteration, Original-ish, Fantasy2015-08-25 1 
42087952Afterlife Quest 16Reginald consumes souls and destroys an army then invades research ring three, Ayla adopts Sazglangolor the winged snakeCollective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-26 2 
42075568Post Apoc Swamp Mutant Cultist Civ Quest FINSo lives and dies the sons of Sarnath, who through themselves in their lake as their final sacrifice to their god.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Frogmen2015-08-26 1 
42112899Kant-O-Celle Quest #55The aftermath of the Battle for the Bonin Islands.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-27 18 
42099779Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 1We begin, as we always do, with a bang and a battle, emerging victorious to build anew.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Robot, Megacorp2015-08-27 1 
42106591Afterlife Quest 17Reginald hunts down a giant cat, enters the hyperbolic time chamber, researches the things, then goes to hell for a dateCollective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-27 2 
42118218Kant-O-Celle Quest #56We talk to Goto over drinks.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-27 18 
42127723Afterlife Quest 18Reginald finds a holy warrior and goes to a heaven of sorts, then back to hell to find an ongoing invasion of his city.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-28 3 
42167240Homeless Mutant Quest #129JJ talks with his friends and gets /fit/ & ready for a meeting.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-08-29 27 
42166760Afterlife Quest 19Reginald returns to hell, sets up immigration and tournaments, then makes poor choices backed up by bad rolls.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-30 2 
42175120Kant-O-Celle Quest #57We talk to Goto for a bit, then follow ArizonaCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-30 18 
42181049Kant-O-Celle Quest #58Arizona and doughnuts, an adorable combination.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-08-30 18 
42201100Phantasy Star Online Quest #16Pheonixia drills through the ice worm, and meets two more ghosts of the Elsydeon.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-08-31 1 
42192632Afterlife Quest 20Reginald solves the giant crab and outpost problems. Then kidnaps and interrogates the outpost’s commander.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-31 2 
42204030The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DewarpA short look into how much of a bitch it is to transport a live Zoanthrope across the galaxy.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Zoanthrope, Dewarp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-08-31 115 
42175357Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 2Today, we survived.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Robot, Megacorp2015-08-31 1 
September 2015
42216505Afterlife Quest 21Reginald trains Ayla and himself then fights an army alone to give Hestia the needed time to develop a countermeasure.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-01 2 
42237211Afterlife Quest 22Reginald stops some scouts from spying on the city and meets Director Burgess then gets some social links.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-02 2 
42241590Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 3 FINThis is the story of Marty, the constructor. Who dreamed a better dream for all, and gave the very best anyone could have asked, and did more than anyone could have ever hoped for. He will never be forgotten. Thank you Marty.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Robot, Megacorp, Victory, Marty2015-09-03 1 
42287737Afterlife Quest 23Reginald finds out that there are consequences, then researches, trains, hatches gryphons and goes to the hell arena.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-05 2 
42314991Kant-O-Celle Quest #59Interlude.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-06 17 
42306939Afterlife Quest 24Reginald ditches the rails and eats the second lord, then finds a sphere and a queen. Hestia is a bit clingy too.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-06 2 
42319398Kant-O-Celle Quest #60Interlude Pt2.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-06 18 
42337117Phantasy Star Online Quest #17Pheonixia wakes up injured in Jut. The group makes plans to head for Esper Mansion as zombies attack.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-09-07 1 
42316654Floors General:Nothing DoingThe Ghoul class is introduced and shopping and general rules stuff gets done.Monday, Skirmish Quest, Floors, Collective Game, Fantasy2015-09-07 5 
42356116Homeless Mutant Quest #130A little bit louder now.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-09-08 28 
42352916Afterlife Quest 25Reginald heals a queen, meets some pegasi, humiliates a Marquis, creates some upgrades and is the best at learning.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-08 5 
42377539Afterlife Quest 26Reginald give Hestia an organic physical body, then tries out some power armor, and uses the void to battle some blood.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-09 2 
42397233Afterlife Quest 27Reginald talks with Evangeline before ditching her to solve the horror of the prison, also someone has been watching.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-10 2 
42417102Afterlife Quest 28Reginald invades research ring one, but a trap is triggered. Then takes Evangeline on a mission to the city above.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-11 3 
42456738Shinigami Savant Quest #31Playing catch-up.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-09-12 32 
42455977Afterlife Quest 29Reginald and Evangeline seek out a secure location encounter some wannabe rapists and bump into a nosey thief.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-13 4 
42475508Shinigami Savant Quest #32Guadalcanal diaries.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-09-13 32 
42475524Homeless Mutant Quest #131Urge to bake... risingHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-09-13 28 
42475259Afterlife Quest 30Reginald finds the orange goblin tribe, infiltrates the casino and kills the Don. Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-14 2 
42536957Afterlife Quest 31Reginald consolidates control over the casino, talks to the orange tribe, and then starts to seek out the blue tribe.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-17 4 
42578571Afterlife Quest 32Reginald unites the orange and blue goblin tribes, Aurora is brought to the goblin city, and slavers get killed.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-19 2 
42600424Afterlife Quest 33Reginald locates the slavers auction, kills the slavers, frees the slaves, then becomes the true king of the goblins.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-20 3 
42607182Kant-O-Celle Quest #61In which we attempt to daughteru the Shigure, and Northampton buys enough donuts and coffee to sink a battleship or three. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-20 17 
42612180Kant-O-Celle Quest #62Tea Party...?Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-20 18 
42623996Afterlife Quest 34Reginald fights a Marquis, introduces Hestia to everyone, creates some strange new things, and gets a magical sword.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-21 2 
42683544Homeless Mutant Quest #132Apparently baking a birthday cake gets you some acid trip dreams. Goddamn.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant, weird ass dream2015-09-23 27 
42689268Kant-O-Celle Quest #63Press Conference!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-24 16 
42681161Afterlife Quest 35Reginald gets a crocodile, makes Evangeline all sweaty, and battles a giant endless army of insect demons.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-24 4 
42693414Kant-O-Celle Quest #64A treed destroyer, what can possibly go wrong?Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-24 18 
42718193Afterlife Quest 36Reginald gets a marriage proposal, remembers mom, meets skeleton pirates, gets a familiar, and kills the third lord.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-26 2 
42736909Shinigami Savant Quest #33Trial and fire.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-09-26 28 
42736503Afterlife Quest 37Reginald frees the skeleton pirates from their curse, gets interrupted by A DRAGON, then trains everyone and researches.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-27 3 
42743162Kant-O-Celle Quest #65A discussion with Hate.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-27 16 
42747615Kant-O-Celle Quest #66An agreement is reached.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-09-27 17 
42758882Homeless Mutant Quest 133The Devil in Crusty Jones.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth2015-09-27 29 
42766830Homeless Mutant Quest #134Boogie in the ScarHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-09-28 34 
October 2015
42814981Afterlife Quest 38Reginald ends a lizard invasion, kills a big lizard, frees some phoenixes then meets the djinni heading a hell invasion.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-01 4 
42821582Kant-O-Celle Quest #67We chase the Corgis and planefag flubs it!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-01 17 
42838716Death Among the Stars Quest 1An ancient and weakened undead lord has been released after eons of imprisonment by unlucky minersQuest, Lich, Sci-fi, fantasy, aliens2015-10-02 39 
42849196Afterlife Quest 39Reginald captures the djinni, rushes back to speak with Director Burgess, then accepts a mission from him.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-03 2 
42867665Shinigami Savant Quest #34Aizen fiddles, Naha burns.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-03 28 
42874535Kant-O-Celle Quest #68Continuation/restart of the last thread, we're chasing rogue Corgis.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-04 17 
42878743Kant-O-Celle Quest #69We finally corral the slippery little bastards.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-04 18 
42858078Veteran Adventurer adviceA collection of Vet. Adventurers impart their many wise teachings upon some rookies.RPG, fantasy, funny2015-10-04 3 
42896266Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 1: Waking UpThe Faceless awakens fropm a long slumber, taking the first steps to finding identity through the eyes of one thrust upon them.Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2015-10-05 6 
42894004Death Among the Stars Quest 2The colony of Horizon's Drop gets new visitors from the Osjiic Empire, Jadyk begins hunting the local wildlifelich, sci-fi, space opera, undead, fantasy2015-10-05 25 
42932698Antiquestfag QuestWe ruin a quest, shit post generals, and get banned. We decide Moot must pay.Collective game, Antiquestfag Quest, 2015-10-07 -2 
42945359Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 2: The RunawaysYour new allies are slaves that ran away. So who would pursue them? And where are they going now? Open the curtains, let us find out!Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2015-10-08 3 
42948725Antiquestfag Quest 2: Mute Moot Quest 1A Quenten Tarantino shitpost. We meet moot, we died maybe, and we kill moot. And eat him. Collective game, Antiquestfag Quest2015-10-08 0 
42939892Afterlife Quest 40Reginald kills a mayor, kidnaps a merchant, resolves the Ghaele invasion, rescues? a marquis, and saves the marquis men.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-08 2 
42964341Death Among the Stars Quest 3Jadyk deals with a group of Osjiic soldiers and learns more about them and the Galaxy.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-09 23 
42982632Homeless Mutant Quest #135JJ is smashing pumpkins.Homeless Mutant Quest, quest, collective game, mutant, marvel2015-10-10 34 
42975626Afterlife Quest 41Reginald kills a fire elemental, makes a badass suit and doesn’t get raped by a dragon because it’s obviously consensualCollective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-10 2 
42996353Shinigami Savant Quest #35Back to school.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-10 33 
43007180Kant-O-Celle Quest #71A plan is hatched.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-11 17 
43002909Kant-O-Celle Quest #70A meeting to discuss the Abyssal Issue.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-11 17 
43002507Death Among the Stars Quest 4Jadyk leads his newly created troops in an attack against an Osjiic outpost, hunts some more, creates several new types of weapons, and grows his forces some more.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-11 22 
43069434Afterlife Quest 42Reginald placates Hestia by designing her a new core, says yes to having kids, then trains and goes to slay a dragon.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-15 2 
43088147Homeless Mutant Quest #136JJ is such a silver tongued skink.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-10-15 29 
43092755Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 3: Between Jaws And SpearsThe Faceless slays a scouting party, yet adversaries close in from both sides. How will he fight man and nature with a group of tired slaves?Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2015-10-16 5 
43093720Death Among the Stars Quest 5The much-talked about Pirates make an appearance and Jadyk is there to help them up when they are shot down. Jadyk makes new minions and discovers a new threat or possible opportunityquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-16 21 
43084306How an Imperium Falls?tg ponders upon the age old question of how imperiums end up falling.history, real world, Rome, Byzantine, imperium, British, empire, education, philosophy, 2015-10-16 7 
43087321Afterlife Quest 43Reginald makes plans, lets the twins move in, studies spiders, interrogates and then kills the captive djinni noble.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-16 2 
43104468Afterlife Quest 44Reginald heads off to Djinnistan, kills the annoying king of the djinn, and then has Ayla become their ruler instead.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-17 2 
43123177Afterlife Quest 45Reginald help Ayla look regal, goes shopping, stops a civil war and makes the giant lizard and Ayla his familiars.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-18 4 
43130020Death Among the Stars Quest 6Osjiic and Dagger Pirate forces are scouted and raids launched on both. The Pirates are tricked into attacking the Osjiic. Jadyk and his forces then lead an attack against the base while the time is opportunequest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-18 21 
43130425Pokemon Quest #113We fight a giant robot, celebrate, find the truth about the jungle princess, and we're told our dad has been found.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, giant robot2015-10-18 20 
43144319Homeless Mutant Quest #137JJ helps out Rao, talks to a reporter, then goes to meet the Knights.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-10-18 32 
43203074Kant-O-Celle Quest #72The meeting concludes and we have a...discussion with Goto.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-22 17 
43208043Kant-O-Celle Quest #73We still don't understand the rules. Not even close.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-22 17 
43196822Afterlife Quest 46Reginald purifies a bunch of djinn that have been tainted by the grasp of Iblis, multiple times, and ends a rebellion.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-22 3 
43211561Kant-O-Celle Quest #74A short thread to round out the night.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-22 17 
43223888Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 4: Respite Of RebelsThe Faceless and his party break camp for the first time in quite a while... Spectators present themselves more honestly.Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2015-10-23 5 
43222657Death Among the Stars Quest 7Jadyk reaches out for the Wormstar and senses...something. New weapons and a new force for his army are created. The Osjiic are whittled down and a safehouse constructed.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-23 21 
43245038Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific StrikeWhen humanity is beset by an unknown, seemingly unstoppable threat, new heroes rise to the occasion...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2015-10-24 22 
43235520Afterlife Quest 47Reginald finishes dealing with Djinnistan for now and bonds with Hestia and Nana before being ambushed by succubi.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-24 2 
43253904Shinigami Savant Quest #36White Strawberry.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-24 32 
43259853Kant-O-Celle Quest #75Never bring a baton or a tanto to a sword cane fight.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-25 17 
43265521Kant-O-Celle Quest #76Aftermath of the second Yakuza incident and our drunken rampage.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-25 17 
43253917Afterlife Quest 48Reginald deals with the aftermath of succubi and salt, goes steady with Evangeline, and messed with some mages.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-25 2 
43260445Death Among the Stars Quest 8The colony and Osjiic fall before the might of Jadyk. A powerful ally is created and many things researched by the insatiable Think Tank in preparation for returning enemy fleets.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-25 21 
43276217Afterlife Quest 49Reginald prepares the ball and chain, the goes to hell for undead dinosaurs, skeleton knights, and Nazis.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-26 2 
43288004The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 1The all Guardsmen Party tries to make a simple supply run.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-10-26 161 
43331326Afterlife Quest 50Reginald assumes direct control of the Nazis and some demons, then finds some space elves and takes them home.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-29 2 
43337113Kant-O-Celle Quest #77Breakfast with Willy Dee.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-29 17 
43342478Kant-O-Celle Quest #78“TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATIME TEEEEEIIIIIITOOOOOKUUUUUUUU!”Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-10-29 17 
43352406Homeless Mutant Quest #138JJ lays down the law.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-10-29 28 
43359749Homeless Mutant Quest #139Down down, to Mutant Town/You go, my lad! Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-10-30 28 
43357512Death Among the Stars Quest 9The new fleet grows and learns more adaptions taken from the world. Jadyk receives a visit from the mysterious Masked entity. The undead go to the moon!quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-30 26 
43381161Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 2Hoel gets the lowdown on what's happened, and sees the naval base for the first time.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2015-10-31 20 
43390336Shinigami Savant Quest #37Death and StrawberryBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-31 31 
43395126Shinigami Savant Quest #37.5Death and Strawberry, now with 100% more Strawberry.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-31 29 
November 2015
43389749Afterlife Quest 51 - Halloween SpecialReginald is busy, so the goblins get their stories told for once and manage to get some things done.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-01 3 
43409092Shinigami Savant Quest #38Fox and Providence.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-11-01 32 
43414947Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 5: Over The Mountains And Through The BrushThe Faceless travels as the Reaper of Aurel...Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2015-11-02 5 
43470194Kant-O-Celle Quest #79We have a conversation with Kongou and offer her some advice.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-05 17 
43476029Kant-O-Celle Quest #80Harua is (not) alright?Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-05 20 
43463057Afterlife Quest 52Reginald continues his battle in hell ending four more armies, then manages to get back to Evangeline on time.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-05 2 
43489122Death Among the Stars Quest 10Jadyk learns more about the history of his old ally while preparing his forces for the incoming fleets. Jadyk finds he has a talent for puns.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-06 21 
43510959Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 3Hoel tries to prove herself to the other ships.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2015-11-07 20 
43508887Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 5: And To The Place Of Our KinThe Faceless deals with a particularly bothersome pest that stirs old wounds. The Guisi experience newly pacted members of their Arche and the power of spell.Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2015-11-07 4 
43520479Shinigami Savant Quest #39Riku guest-stars on a popular TV show.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-11-07 28 
43526472Kant-O-Celle Quest #81We have a chat with Haruna in which we make a resolution. Then we act on that resolutionCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-08 18 
43531474Kant-O-Celle Quest #82It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-08 18 
43534300Kant-O-Celle Quest #83: Bonus Theater EditionA few writeups that weren't posted in the last thread for some reason.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-08 18 
43525788Death Among the Stars Quest 11The Osjiic and Dagger fleets arrive within the system and launch into a fierce battle. Jadyk sabotages and tricks the fighters before ambushing them himself and claiming the survivors for his growing empire.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-08 21 
43540761Shinigami Savant Quest #40Kuchiki vs Kuchiki.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-11-08 30 
43478161Kindly Skaven and noble vampires: Bizarro Warhammer!Compiler, Grimgor, the King of the Halflings, and Skeetch spin a tale of knightly vampires and fair Skaven, and the Empire that threatens to destroy the peace.Skaven, Vampire, Empire, Orcs, Warhammer Fantasy, story, Getting Shit Done, worldbuilding2015-11-09 12 
43589340Dragon Knight Quest #3The end of the first arc of cute dragon knights doing warring things.Dragon Knight Quest, Collective Game, Alteration, Fantasy2015-11-11 1 
43596658Kant-O-Celle Quest #84We deliver an AAR of the Yak beatdown to our superiors.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-12 18 
43590598Afterlife Quest 53Reginald powers up some girls, gets a bit distracted between realities and gets confronted by Nantosuelta.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-12 1 
43601149Kant-O-Celle Quest #85We talk with Naka and find out that Arizona took matters into her own hands, as it were.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-12 18 
43612721Death Among the Stars Quest 12The survivors of the conquered fleets give a short history and insight into their cultures and the state of the galaxy. Jadyk personally visits the scorched planet to investigate the mysterious alien ruins.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-13 21 
43627014Homeless Mutant Quest #140JJ lays down some sense in a fuck mugga.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-11-14 30 
43632097Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 4Hoel suffers the aftermath of her embarrassing accident. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2015-11-14 20 
43643541Death Among the Stars Quest 13Jadyk receives a visit and gift from the Masked. Encounters an alien device. Speaks with the Sunscale and learns more of his past. Jadyk's inner circle grows.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-15 21 
43646188/tg/ creates utopiaIn which OP asks how /tg/ posters would create a utopia if given reality warper powers. Discussion of human nature, religions and the need for evil results. Surprisingly civil.ethics, utopia, dystopia, god, power, good, evil, Skull-King The Giant Robotic Scourge Of Mankind,2015-11-15 2 
43663071Xavier Institute Quest Part 1We arrive at the Xavier Institute, try not to fanboy, come up with a superhero name, and join a squad.Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-11-16 14 
43711584Kant-O-Celle Quest #86We watch the destroyers practice.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-19 18 
43706039Afterlife Quest 54Reginald adopts a dragon, chats up some elves, enters his own magical realm and finally catches Director Snow. Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-19 1 
43711072Xavier Institute Quest #2Never punch a man with an adamantium skeleton.Collective Game, Marvel, X-men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-11-19 13 
43746129Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 7: The Ones That ReturnPreparations complete, it's time for the rebels to find their loved ones...Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2015-11-21 3 
43747860Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 5Hoel goes out on her first official combat mission.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2015-11-21 20 
43755725Shinigami Savant Quest #41The keikaku must flow.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-11-21 29 
43761659Homeless Mutant Quest #141JJ plans with Nico and makes sure Megan is fine. Early-ish archive.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-11-22 31 
43760118Death Among the Stars Quest 14Contact is made with the Plainsrunners. Nekris is sent to explore a nearby system with the first spaceship. Explores an asteroid belt and a moon, discovers strange and deadly aliens. Jadyk enhances the Think Tanks and sends the living to work to earn their keep.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-22 18 
43763263The Lost Island QuestA young soldier embarks on a journey to save his country from war. He encounters a storm.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy2015-11-22 13 
43763147Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 8: The Ones That Return Part 2The Faceless attacks the labor camp in the night...Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2015-11-22 4 
43772453Shinigami Savant Quest #42Revere the King, Expel the Invaders.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-11-22 30 
43761669Xavier Institute Quest #3We pass out, lie to our teachers, and go out to a bar. Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-11-23 10 
43791532Homeless Mutant Quest #142JJ fixes up Pixie and prepares for taking down a midlevel crime boss.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-11-23 31 
43793787Lost Island Quest 2The young soldier's journey continues. He learns how to cast magic.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy2015-11-24 12 
43807708Afterlife Quest 55Reginald invades the administration’s holdings with overwhelming force, ‘friendly’ golems assist, but then giant lasers.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-25 3 
43813103Lost Island Quest 3The young soldier's journey finally ends. He goes to a bar with his friends to unwind. collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-11-25 11 
43811996Xavier Institute Quest #4Siris gets kicked out of a bar, has his first kiss, and has a depressing revelation.Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-11-25 10 
43820863Xavier Institute Quest #5Siris trains with Wolverine, has a real discussion with his teachers, and goes to sleep.Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-11-26 10 
43823237Afterlife Quest 56Reginald assists the golems take over, helps an AI, lectures a marquis, then meets up with some cool guys.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-26 0 
43862487Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 6Hoel helps Portland build their new task force.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2015-11-28 20 
43857339Lost Island Quest 4The young soldier protects his new home. He then has a resurgence of fate.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-11-28 12 
43853771Afterlife Quest 57Reginald almost messes with dragons, then trains, but not as good as a lizard and passes out more power to everyone.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-28 0 
43871089Shinigami Savant Quest #43SSQ: After Life Consequences.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-11-28 31 
43877304Kant-O-Celle Quest #87Destroyer practice continues!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-29 18 
43883304Kant-O-Celle Quest #87.5Continuation of the last thread, ended early before anything could really happen...Hornet's got a crush!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-11-29 18 
43876003Lost Island Quest 5The young soldier embarks on his first excursion. He gains the ability to heal and overcomes some past trauma.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-11-29 12 
43890663Shinigami Savant Quest #44Double Death Edition.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-11-29 33 
43890201Dungeon Life Quest #00In which we become ourselves and enter the DungeonCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-11-30 39 
43890055Afterlife Quest 58Reginald spends some time with Nazis, Ghaele, Ayla, and Tslah, then meets a bubbly mermaid who loves chocolate.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-30 1 
43894252/tg/ designs a pantheon/tg/ designs a pantheon and an array of primordials, gods and demigods are created. And the Laughing god. He's there toopantheon, worldbuilding, the Laughing God, gods, demigods, primordials2015-11-30 11 
December 2015
43915684Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 9: The Ball and ChainsThe Faceless sits upon an unplanned massacre in the midst of the labor camp's liberation. When it rains, it pours.Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2015-12-01 3 
43914719Dungeon Life Quest #01We make some supply decisions and bring our first party member back from the dead. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-01 38 
43924087/tg/ designs a pantheon part twoThe concept is fleshed out. Bonds are made, Myths are written and the Laughing god keeps laughing. Oh god.pantheon, worldbuilding, the Laughing God, gods, demigods, primordials2015-12-01 5 
43929359Afterlife Quest 59Reginald makes some new sensors, investigates some demons, and finally gets to his destination in hell.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-12-02 2 
43934165Death Among the Stars Quest 15Nekris continues his investigation of the nearby system, discovering an ancient crashed frigate. Jadyk speaks with the Osogo leader for the first time. Much kelp is grown.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-02 17 
43931279/tg/ designs a pantheon part three This time, we focus less on gods and more on worldbuilding. Everything, from poems to maps, are made, and the Laughing God just laughspantheon, worldbuilding, the Laughing God, gods, demigods, primordials2015-12-02 5 
43954376Kant-O-Celle Quest #88We take a dive and the thread ends early.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-03 18 
43950724Lost Island Quest 6Alan continues his first excursion. He deals with a ruined temple and engages in diplomatic proceedings.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-03 10 
43963808Dungeon Life Quest #02We borrow a house and plot revenge on crocodile-chan. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-03 31 
43965015Afterlife Quest 60Reginald encounters another lord, becomes plant zerg, invades in undead’s lands, and then meets some bugs.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-12-04 1 
43970661Death Among the Stars Quest 16Jadyk's Generals yearn for battle and conflict and he agrees with their sentiments. Nekris excavates a crashed ship while Agona begins establishing the first off-system outpost. Eyegores are sent to scout nearby systems, discovering something quite strange in a hazardous system.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-04 16 
43957751Xavier Institute Quest #6In which Siris learns that his brother has vanished and gathers his friends to investigate.Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-12-04 8 
43947397/tg/ Builds a Pantheon #4/tg/ Builds a Pantheon thread: Now with myths and stories!Pantheon, Creative2015-12-04 3 
43993816Dungeon Life Quest #03EARLY ARCHIVE: In which we discuss the future with Lora and deal with the day after. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-05 30 
43990923The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 2The party slowly limps their way across the galaxy in their shitty ship, while their passenger steadily ruins everything.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-12-05 109 
43979509/tg/ Builds a Pantheon #5/tg/ Builds a Pantheon threadWorldbuilding, Pantheon, Gods, Storytime,2015-12-05 3 
44000501Shinigami Savant Quest #45Riku beats Wolf.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-12-05 30 
44004954Shinigami Savant Quest #45.5Riku beats Beard.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-12-05 30 
44002439Lost Island Quest 7Alan comes back to Seaside after accomplishing his objective. He then has a busy week at the local chapel.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-06 11 
44001045Afterlife Quest 61Reginald discovers an ancient spirit, goes to Alfheim, then talks to everyone and does it at the same time.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-12-06 2 
44006553Death Among the Stars Quest 17Nekris inspects a new world and saves a group of locals from the native wildlife, bringing them to Jadyk for a talk. An Eyegore scout moves too close to a world and become the first casualty in dealing with the Confederacy. Think Tanks create aquatic troops to explore alien oceans.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-06 14 
44028085Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 7Hoel heads out on her first mission as part of a full task force. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2015-12-07 20 
44022596Town Adventurer Quest #1There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2015-12-07 10 
44028183Dungeon Life Quest #04We resume being Brianna and start planning our campaign against the Vintner. Now featuring: Character reference doc!Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-07 29 
44027113The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 2 The SequelThe party slowly limps their way across the galaxy in their shitty ship, while their passenger steadily ruins everything. Part 2.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-12-07 125 
44027934Xavier Institute Quest #7Siris tries to investigate his missing brother but XFag keeps leaving.Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants, Quest2015-12-07 7 
44053626Dungeon Life Quest #05HILARIOUSLY EARLY ARCHIVE: Amy wakes up, and we have a heart-to-heart. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-08 29 
44064996Hive Fleet Chimaera 1Coming up with the fluff for a newfag.Tyranid, Hive Tyrant, Fluff, Collective Game2015-12-09 -1 
43995280Fantasy Modalvania Quest Part 2In which we play a young enobled man in a dark place in dark times, trying to help a village and his noble Lady defend their realm from undead, vampires, and more. http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/43933433 Part 1Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Modalvania2015-12-09 1 
44060082Afterlife Quest 62Reginald finds out a bit too much about elves and lays the ground work to bring the elves he found to Alfheim.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-12-09 2 
44079718Lost Island Quest 8Alan handles the aftermath of the assassination attempt. He then joins the Circle of Mages.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-10 13 
44084033Dungeon Life Quest #06"...Well, there's a good reason," she says at last, her voice soft and sad. "You're an idiot." Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-10 29 
44097319Death Among the Stars Quest 18On the planet Rukor the Predator Nekris comes under attack by a new enemy. The waters turn dangerous and Nekris prepares to hunt.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-11 15 
44095318Lost Island Quest 9Alan gets acquainted with the Circle of Mages. He meets a roommate, buys a squirrel and receives some words of encouragement.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-11 10 
44109941Dungeon Life Quest #07Boss Fight? With the MC totally absent? HERESY! Also begin interlude. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-11 28 
44067029Fantasy Modalvania Quest Part 3In which we meet a double agent, commence reclamation of the lumber mill, finish our schooling and net us a cushy job as an official.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, Modalvania2015-12-11 1 
44119721Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 8Hoel explores a bit more of the naval base.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2015-12-12 20 
44113669Lost Island Quest 10Alan learns some wizardry from Quissonce. He then goes to a bar and fights Gabby multiple times.collective game, fantasy, Lost Island, Lost Island quest2015-12-12 12 
44142804Shinigami Savant Quest #46Riku beats everything?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-12-13 30 
44134165Lost Island Quest 11Alan Rodain joins the Fighters Guild, learns some new stuff, accepts a new job and tries to shed the bonds of rest!collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-13 10 
44132300Dungeon Life Quest #08Begin PART TWO: CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOUCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-13 28 
44135453Death Among the Stars Quest 19Agona witnesses a bizarre monster and Nekris hunts down the Sunscale Divers, launching into battle. Jadyk assists with research and builds up defenses.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-13 14 
44153410Town Adventurer Quest #2There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2015-12-14 6 
44156212Lost Island Quest 12Alan and most of his companions head out on a rescue team. They sucessfully pull of an ambush.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-14 12 
44162495Dungeon Life Quest #09"Shadows," Grandmother la Croix said, "are among the most useful servants." Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-14 27 
44157637Xavier Institute Quest #8Siris learns about his brothers poor life choices and decides to search for his lady friend. Guest Appearance by X-Factor InvestigationsCollective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-12-14 8 
44163116The Sylph And You Quest #01The awakening begins inside the forge, the sylph (you) begins learning about its own body, the struggle that has happened to your family, and what you are left to survive with.Collective Game, TSAYQ, Sylph, Adventure, Fantasy, Magic2015-12-14 3 
44157830Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 10: Through Revenge, Our Bonds Are BrokenThe faceless has a discussion with the Guisi Elders and prepares to take the manor. Also Dran forgot to archiveCollective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2015-12-14 3 
44181097The Sylph And You Quest #02Wherein we speak to the awakened gargoyle, figure out a lot of ominous foreshadowing, obtain a weapon, and see if we are the hunter or the hunted.Collective Game, TSAYQ, Sylph, Adventure, Fantasy, Magic2015-12-15 3 
44183501Dungeon Life Quest #10We are a mercenary, on trial for crimes against the dead, with the dead as judge and jury.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-15 27 
44172416Modern Day Magical ItemsIn this thread /tg/ plays a little game, making up paranormal powers and properties for mundane modern day objects. Some are wonderful, some are wicked, but all are pretty weird.Magic items, modern fantasy, brainstorming, surreal2015-12-15 6 
44195995Lost Island Quest 13Alan finishes his rescue mission, buys a nice cloak and taps into his power.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-16 10 
44203743Dungeon Life Quest #11You are Sir Fetch the Nightfeather, knight in service to the noble and radiant Brianna la Croix, who gave unto you the gift of life-in-death, and you have a very important job.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-16 26 
44222752Dungeon Life Quest #12STUPIDLY EARLY ARCHIVE: War council with la petit merde.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-17 25 
44230931Lost Island Quest 14Alan wakes up and plans out his next mission. He learns how to run, deals with an angry woman stalking him and finally gets around to giving one of his teammates a good poke.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-18 11 
44241508Dungeon Life Quest #13DAYS OFF MEAN STUPID EARLY ARCHIVES: We scout out Split as River la Croix. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-18 27 
44255921Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 9Hoel learns a bit more about the support ships at the base.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2015-12-19 20 
44251557Lost Island Quest 15Alan discovers more about his poking powers, makes a small gaff and then sets his sights on a rather lofty goal.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-19 12 
44260461Dungeon Life Quest #14Begin Interlude II: DANCE THE NIGHT AWAYCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-19 25 
44275762Shinigami Savant Quest #47Riku gets into a sword-measuring contest.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-12-20 34 
44271638Death Among the Stars Quest 20An Eyegore scout witnesses a battle between the Osjiic and Ahkam forces. Armies are built for the Generals and Lorgul begins work on a new ship. Agona expands her grasp on the stonestar moon.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-20 15 
44275097Basement Delve Quest #00Early Archive: In which we establish who we are, lose a squadmate, and get trapped in the Basement. Collective Game, Basement Delve Quest, BDQ, Fantasy, Modern, Horror, Dungeoncrawl2015-12-20 3 
44276901Dungeon Life Quest #15We give our blessing to Best Bird and check up on our (little?) sister. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-20 25 
44289069Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 11: The Impudent LordThe Faceless and his party make way to Bikanel and the Manor over its hill. There they meet one quite undeserving...Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2015-12-21 4 
44288201Kant-O-Celle Quest #89Settle flees the abomination and the quest claims its first life. RIP SCIENCE AnonCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest, Caffeine Poisoning, 2015-12-21 17 
44284596Town Adventurer Quest #3There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2015-12-21 6 
44293921Kant-O-Celle Quest #90: Bonus Theater Electric BoogalooWriteups to round off the previous threadCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-21 18 
44287260Lost Island Quest 16Alan and Gabby get into an argument. He then teaches Rowe magic, tails a guy and ends up getting himself caught in a sticky situation. collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-21 11 
44307787Homeless Mutant Quest #143Mutant Team 6Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2015-12-22 31 
44303503Dungeon Life Quest #16We deal with the aftermath of the festival and ride the Feels Train to Fuckmylifeville, population Brianna. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-22 23 
44323982Dungeon Life Quest #17We get an offer from the Poet.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-23 25 
44328734Lost Island Quest 17A short thread where Alan handily defeats the shape shifting assailants.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-23 11 
44314897Basement Delve Quest #01We get a cursed ring, decide our team is out to get us, and get swept away by an underground river after becoming lost in a cave. Collective Game, Basement Delve Quest, BDQ, Fantasy, Modern, Horror, Dungeoncrawl2015-12-23 1 
44336208Dungeon Life Quest #18Storytime with Cherry and IsoldtCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-23 28 
44348584Kant-O-Celle Quest #91Shoukaku vs a Coffee Maker! Fight!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-24 18 
44352614Kant-O-Celle Quest #92We watch the news and hear of a ghost.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-24 18 
44345612Lost Island Quest 18Alan plans out his next mission.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-24 12 
44367911Dungeon Life Quest #19We finish our spell research and set off to confront Brigette. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-26 26 
44382318Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 10Our sources report a developing incident in Alaska, up the coast from Anchorage. A fishing village has gone dark. We should send in a team to investigate the site and figure out what happened. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2015-12-26 20 
44400272Shinigami Savant Quest #48BOXING DAY OMAKE COLLECTION.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2015-12-27 27 
44395474Lost Island Quest 19Alan finally begins his mission to rescue Speaker.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-27 11 
44390878Dungeon Life Quest #20Begin INTERLUDE 3: LOOSE ENDSCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-27 25 
44412267Kant-O-Celle Quest #93The attack on Iwo Jima, with special guest [REDACTED. READ THE THREAD]Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-28 19 
44417884Kant-O-Celle Quest #93.5 Bonus theater!end of the thread plus writeups!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-28 18 
44410226Lost Island Quest 20Alan fights The Forest Hunter tribe.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-28 12 
44365067Fantasy Dark Adventure Quest Part 2In which our adventurer protagonist having fallen in love with a dungeon keeper consumates with her in her dungeon. First thread http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/44196360 Which also is the end of the Modalvania quest.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, dungeon2015-12-28 2 
44417008Dungeon Life Quest #21We wrap up the interlude and end the thread with a Q&A session. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-29 24 
44449662Death Among the Stars Quest 21Jadyk commands his generals to launch their campaigns sabotaging and attacking the Ahkam worshiping aliens and watches a visitor to the strange planet overgrown with plantlifequest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-30 11 
44439137Dungeon Life Quest #22Begin PART IV: IRON, COLD IRONCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2015-12-30 26 
44449573Lost Island Quest 21Alan returns with refugees in tow.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-30 11 
44469507Death Among the Stars Quest 21.5Jadyk returns the Ructu to their home with gifts and knowledge. Contact is made with the plant-manipulating Armatocere and plans for a formal introduction.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-31 11 
44471196Kant-O-Celle Quest #94Continuation of the battle for Iwo JimaCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-31 18 
44475150Kant-O-Celle Quest #95We prepare to introduce some of the girls to modern warfighting technology.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2015-12-31 18 
44468903Lost Island Quest 22Alan enjoys New Years.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-31 11 
January 2016
44478293Dungeon Life Quest #23We meet a fairy and offer to fuck her corpse. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-01 25 
44448701Fantasy Dark Adventure Quest Part 3A new thread. A new year. A new series of awesome abilities and crazy crits, as we get closer and closer to our ideal death demonic form while helping our GF in her dungeon.Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, dungeon2016-01-01 2 
44512796Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 11Hoel goes out to hunt down some PT boats.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-01-02 20 
44535025Shinigami Savant Quest #49First Light on the Fifth Day: Rukia's Execution?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-03 30 
44515745Dungeon Life Quest #24We meet Amy's mother and learn about harpy culture and murdering habits.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-03 24 
44528483Death Among the Stars Quest 22Capitol ship research is completed. The sudden appearance of an Ahkam fleet in orbit over the world of Rukor leads to new developments. Nekris starts a guerrilla war against the Ahkam forces and Lorgul completes work on his personal ship.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-03 14 
44546883Town Adventurer Quest #4There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2016-01-04 7 
44569096Lost Island Quest 23Rowelan is born!collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-05 17 
44554756Dungeon Life Quest #25We misplace part of our Hero and learn more about the Dungeon.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-05 27 
44573235Xavier Institute Quest #9Siri plays bad cop during an interrogation, and Xfag passes out before archiving the threadCollective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest,Mutant2016-01-06 3 
44579403Dungeon Life Quest #26We leave the Hero in the Company Store and have a somewhat disjointed initial run. Now with more fan art!Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-06 25 
44612947Kant-O-Celle Quest #96The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-07 18 
44631536Quest Of The Faceless: Act 1, Scene 12: The Red Blade of The ManorAs The Faceless corners the would-be Lord, however as it would be, the Lord lies waiting.Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-01-08 4 
44627471Dungeon Life Quest #27We fight for the Company Store and say a prayer. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-08 27 
44656532Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 12Hoel tries to deal with Heerman being critically damaged.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-01-09 20 
44649653Lost Island Quest 24Dream merger is unsuccessful. collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-09 11 
44673013Kant-O-Celle Quest #97We speak to ArizonaCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-10 18 
44670386Lost Island Quest 25Alan does diplomacy.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-10 12 
44679476Shinigami Savant Quest #50The battle against Aizen reaches a climax.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-10 33 
44679008Kant-O-Celle Quest #98We talk with everyone's favorite Fleet Idol: Naka-chan~!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-10 18 
44667839Dungeon Life Quest #28We deal with the aftermath of the battle for the Company Store, talk to Diving Shadow and make minion decisions.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-10 25 
44675582Death Among the Stars Quest 23Advancements in technology are made, numbers crunched. Nekris terrorizes the Ahkam. Jor is sent as a diplomat to meet the Armatocerequest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-10 13 
44697959Dungeon Life Quest #29We rest up after the battle and animate our new minions.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-12 24 
44726134Dungeon Life Quest #30Dungeon Life Quest #30Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-12 27 
44716135Badge and Bullet Case File 01A golem serves the city as a private detective. Today he gets a new partner fresh out of the academy.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-13 7 
44733710Badge and Bullet Quest #2The detective finishes the case and hangs out at the Rivet Club.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-13 4 
44751141Homeless Mutant Quest #144Crusty's back, and we're still Laura.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2016-01-13 37 
44752662Badge and Bullet 3Badge and Bullet 3Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-13 20 
44754913Lost Island Quest 26Cave Shenanigans Ensuecollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-13 11 
44757221Kant-O-Celle Quest #99We talk to Hamp about HornetCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-14 18 
44762456Kant-O-Celle Quest #100YAKUZA INTERRUPTCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-14 18 
44765383Dungeon Life Quest #31We deal with Aunt Carol's (re)suicide attempt. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-14 30 
44774870 Badge and Bullet 4 Badge and Bullet 4Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-14 2 
44776507Fantasy Dark Adventure Quest Part 5Fantasy Dark Adventure Quest Part 5Collective game, fantasy, civ quest, hivemind, dungeon2016-01-15 1 
44777807Death Among the Stars Quest 24Jadyk remembers the past. Introductions and trade are made between the Necrotic Armada and it's "allies"quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-15 13 
44779722Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 0: ConsequencesThe reign of the reaper comes to an end, a Dancer of flame rises from the ashes.Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-01-15 3 
44796583Lost Island Quest 27Alan probably kisses the girl. collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-15 15 
44794964Badge and Bullet Case File 05A drug bust goes terribly wrong when the dirty rat shows his face.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-16 3 
44803195Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 13Hoel waits for Heerman to recover.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-01-16 20 
44822118Kant-O-Celle Quest #101We are Admiral Ryan Settle, and, for once, we don't know what to do.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-17 18 
44823614Dungeon Life Quest #32We participate in the battle for the ShaftCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-17 23 
44828463Kant-O-Celle Quest #102MOTHERFUCKING TELEMARKETERS ALWAYS CALLING AT THE WORST TIME HOLY SHITCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-17 18 
44822904Death Among the Stars Quest 25The New Necrotic Armada launches an ambush on the Ahkam force investigating their destroyed ships boarding them in a vicious battle.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-17 14 
44840119Town Adventurer Quest #5There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2016-01-17 8 
44850312Shinigami Savant Quest #51The aftermath of Aizen's departure.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-18 34 
44861082Badge and Bullet Case File 06Russo cuts her teeth on a simple car theft operation. Open and closed case, right?Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-19 2 
44872716Dungeon Life Quest #33We handle the day after, and meet some friends from above. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-19 22 
44879336Badge and Bullet Case File 07You awake with a mouthful of sawdust and one hand less. It turns out to be a surprisingly good day.Badge and Bullet, Collective Game, noir, modern fantasy2016-01-20 2 
44905410Kant-O-Celle Quest #103Drums, drums in the deep...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-21 18 
44911256Kant-O-Celle Quest #104Writeups from the previous thread!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-21 17 
44925739DCComics Struggling Student QuestOur young "hero" may partially be responsible for the destruction of Metropolis, so he decides to GTFO quick to Gotham.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-22 27 
44926441Death Among the Stars Quest 26Jadyk speaks with a new ally. A Leviathan appears on Rukor. A new Necrolyte Legion is formed. Much research is gainedquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-22 12 
44915312Dungeon Life Quest #34Scribbles makes good on the coffee, and the run is disturbed by real life issues. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-22 24 
44950079Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 14Hoel and her sisters get some leave time!Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-01-23 20 
44941801Badge and Bullet Case File 08Shit gets real.Collective Game, Noir, Badge and Bullet, Modern Fantasy2016-01-23 2 
44943770Lost Island Quest 28Alan fights the demons.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-23 11 
44953714Dungeon Life Quest #35STUPID EARLY ARCHIVE: We spend a day with Nathan. Now featuring: side-story voting. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-23 23 
44946771Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 1: The Adventurer's GuildThe Faceless parts with a friend and initiates reforms.Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-01-23 3 
44969641Kant-O-Celle Quest #105Wherein Settle’s ideas about shipgirl tactics get even *more* insane. (If that’s even humanly possible.)Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-24 17 
44973468Kant-O-Celle Quest #106“Please tell my ship that we haven't forgotten her and have no intention of giving up on her.” Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-24 17 
44977125Shinigami Savant Quest #52Interrogation.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-24 28 
44965020DCComics Struggling Student Quest #2Charlie almost gets mugged, meets a girl, controls some sharks, then meets Superboy.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-24 21 
44979374Kant-O-Celle Quest #107We're in a closet with Naka! Also writeups!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-24 17 
44972273Lost Island Quest 29Alan questions Quissonce.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-24 10 
44966726Death Among the Stars Quest 27Plainsrunners continue their pilgrimage. Eyegores report their findings on new systems and the Necrolyte Legion is sent to invesigate one.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-24 12 
44995154DCComics Struggling Student Quest #3Charlie has a bad dream, fucks up astral projection and then gets questioned by his roommates.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-25 21 
45001414Shinigami Savant Quest #52.5Coming to terms.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-25 32 
45004159Dungeon Life Quest #36EARLY THREAD END/BREAK: We conclude the date with Nathan and begin our chat with Lora. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-26 24 
45037561DCComics Struggling Student Quest #4ShazamQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-27 22 
45056066Kant-O-Celle Quest #108Anon figures out that we can delegate tasks.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-28 17 
45061156Kant-O-Celle Quest #109End of the thread and writeups!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-28 17 
45075422Death Among the Stars Quest 28Nekris observes the Necrolyte Legion and their efforts to take control of the derelict military facility from its reanimated guards.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-29 14 
45079127DCComics Struggling Student Quest #5Shazam 2: Billy Batson BoogalooQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-29 21 
45100788Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 15Hoel and Heerman go enjoy what Disneyland has to offer.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-01-30 20 
45098106Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 2: My Lady, I'll Sing You A Song!ThE faceless runs into a troublesome bard that simply won't keep his hands to himself. Speaking of hands, the Faceless has a strange abilitCollective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-01-30 5 
45117538Kant-O-Celle Quest #110We deal with the PT Corgi menace by giving them actual work to do!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-31 17 
45125952Shinigami Savant Quest #53Making nice... or not.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-01-31 31 
45112746Lost Island Quest 30Alan summons a devil.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-31 11 
45124003Kant-O-Celle Quest #111In which planefag posts one story update and the entire rest of the thread is just anon talkingCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-31 16 
45126979Kant-O-Celle Quest #112Two bombs wasn't enough, apparentlyCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-01-31 16 
45061200Dungeon Life Quest #37We plan the battle for the Baron's mansion and Vox almost forgot to archive the fucking thread. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-01-31 24 
45117835Death Among the Stars Quest 29Jadyk takes on new recruits. Research is traded and much is gained from the Confederate Facility. Jadyk and Nekris go fishing.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-31 11 
February 2016
45129263Dungeon Life Quest #38In lieu of a description, have the theme for this thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcoqR9Bwx1YCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-02-01 22 
45155685Homeless Mutant Quest 145Crusty isn't deadHomeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2016-02-01 40 
45169879Dungeon Life Quest #39Begin INTERLUDE IV: NO REST FOR THE WEARYCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-02-02 24 
45182022A Knight In the Zodiac Court Quest 1We meet James, Isabella, and uncover a conspiracyA Knight in the Zodiac Court Quest, Urban Fantasy, Collective Game2016-02-03 8 
45185683DCComics Struggling Student Quest #6A Haunting in GothamQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-03 26 
45221035Death Among the Stars Quest 30The Beast of Rukor is tracked and guided home. Stonestars progress rapidly and traps are planned.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-05 11 
45201058Dungeon Life Quest #40We meet Jewel and get to know her. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-02-05 25 
45239485Kant-O-Celle Quest #112To sleep, perchance to dream...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-06 16 
45241118Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 3: The Road To PrudenWith a self-invited member, the party makes their way to Pruden. What manner of adventure awaits them on an outskirt road? Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-02-06 4 
45243744Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 16Hoel goes down to San Diego, though things might get more eventful than she expects.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-02-06 20 
45245099Kant-O-Celle Quest #113The battle for the Sunda Strait commences.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-06 16 
45237201A Knight in the Zodiac Court QuestWe investigate, get to know Isabelle and ourself better, level up, and turn down two offers.Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, A Knight in the Zodiac Court Quest, Gally, Magic, Modern2016-02-06 3 
45236834Lost Island Quest 31Alan spends some time in a sewer.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-02-06 13 
45262288Kant-O-Celle Quest #114The battle for the Sunda Strait continuesCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-07 16 
45268334Kant-O-Celle Quest #115YASEN, MOTHERFUCKERS!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-07 16 
45269593Shinigami Savant Quest #54Training Day.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-02-07 32 
45260836A Knight in the Zodiac Court Quest 3We meet Gungnir, hunt a Wendigo, and take our next step on the path to becoming Jon Snow.Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, A Knight in the Zodiac Court Quest, Gally, Magic, Modern, Knight2016-02-07 7 
45254458Dungeon Life Quest #41We head up to the Lichyard and tell Jewel a story. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-02-07 23 
45264259Death Among the Stars Quest 31The Lich-Lord makes a bet with the Masked. Think Tanks excel. A child is welcomed and Marked. Decoy attacks are made.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-07 16 
45288629DCComics Struggling Student Quest #7Charlie bests a hellhound.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-08 22 
45315400Dungeon Life Quest #42The good news just keeps piling up!Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-02-10 22 
45346032Kant-O-Celle Quest #116THANK YOU BASED KTKM-SAMACollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-11 17 
45349948Kant-O-Celle Quest #117The battle for the Sunda Strait continues to evolve as new elements are brought onto the stageCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-11 16 
45344319A Knight in the Zodiac Court Quest 4We meet blacksmiths, brownies, a pixie and a cait as we explore the wonderful world of modern supernatural economics.A Knight in the Zodiac Court Quest, Urban Fantasy, Magic, Modern, Knight, Gally, Collective Game2016-02-11 5 
45343367Lost Island Quest 32Alan encounters undead.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-02-11 10 
45364435Death Among the Stars Quest 32The Armada prepares for the upcoming battles. Refugees are taken in, much infrastructure made, and strange undead met.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-12 13 
45366357DCComics Struggling Student Quest #8I Ain't No ThuleQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-12 23 
45387647Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 17Hoel helps defend San Diego from an Abyssal attack.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-02-13 20 
45354385Dungeon Life Quest #43"Show me on the doll where the Duchess touched you." "She groped me in the /hope/."Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-02-13 27 
45403412Kant-O-Celle Quest #118The battle of the Sunda Strait continues...You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-14 16 
45402875Lost Island Quest 33Love, lust, sex, relationships. Valentine's Day thread. collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-02-14 13 
45409767Kant-O-Celle Quest #119End of the previous thread and writeups because planefag crashed.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-02-14 16 
45411485Shinigami Savant Quest #55Raijuusenkou purrs, a new chapter begins.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-02-14 31 
45405395Death Among the Stars Quest 33Aid is given to the Ructu with help from the Armatocere. Jor meets the Plainsrunners. Plots against your enemies are well in motion.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-14 13 
45432580Shinigami Savant Quest #55.5Continuing where we left off.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-02-15 31 
45392661Dungeon Life Quest #44Shankbird Day!Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-02-15 23 
45447402Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 18The battle for San Diego continues.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-02-16 20 
45466564DCComics Struggling Student Quest #9Man, that cop is a dick.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-17 24 
45446712Dungeon Life Quest #45END INTERLUDE IV, AT LONG FUCKING LASTCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-02-17 22 
45501608Death Among the Stars Quest 34Jadyk speaks with the Armatocere about common enemies and makes even more trades of knowledge. Profane experiments are planned.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-19 14 
45525460Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 19Hoel is long overdue for a much needed refit.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-02-20 20 
45519229Lost Island Quest 34Alan and crew finally enter the temple.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-02-20 10 
45520856Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 4: PrudenBeli gets into an argument with a courtesan, and on the way to the destination of a quest, the party suffers a little surprise....Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-02-20 5 
45492098Dungeon Life Quest #46Begin PART V: TRAITOR'S ROARCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-02-20 23 
45566500DCComics Struggling Student Quest #10It's just one email.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-22 24 
45561698Dungeon Life Quest #47We learn more about Silence and start a fight with a demon.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-02-26 22 
45642465Death Among the Stars Quest 35Jadyk deals with some trespassers personally and learns more about the motives of his adversariesquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-26 13 
45646523Dungeon Life Quest #48We finish the gorger fight; short thread before hiatus. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-02-26 26 
45667473Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 20Preparations are made for the invasion of Midway.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-02-27 20 
45661524Lost Island Quest 35Alan has some freaky dream.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-02-27 12 
45664005Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 5: The Beauty And The Beast Not much happens because Dran falls asleepCollective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-02-27 1 
45687193Death Among the Stars Quest 36Machinations come to fruition, the Osjiic and Ahkam fleets guided into conflict and the Necrotic Generals show of spectacularlyquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-28 23 
March 2016
45748779DCComics Struggling Student Quest #11DCCT fell alseepQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-03-02 20 
45759526Dungeon Life Quest #49We discuss demon summoning, explore the Pit, and UPDATE THE DAMN DOCUMENTCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-03-04 22 
45806725Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 21Hoel gets some much needed upgrades before being briefed on Midway.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-03-05 20 
45803869Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 5: The Beauty and The Beast Part 2The Faceless rediscovers an old folk legend he knew and sets out to rescue the beauty from the beast! What more lies in store?Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-03-05 3 
45802711Lost Island Quest 36Alan has an action packed half hour.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-03-05 13 
45824194Kant-O-Celle Quest #120Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war - Shakespeare's Julius CaesarCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-06 16 
45829229Kant-O-Celle Quest #121“SIC'EM, BOYS!” Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-06 16 
45824015Death Among the Stars Quest 37Jadyk speaks with his captives and converts several into new powerful forms. A long-term project finally completes and another backfires.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-03-06 15 
45860965Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 1You are the anime protagonist's best friend and your goal is to cockblock him so the anime (i.e. the world) doesn't end. This is a dumb idBeware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist, 2016-03-08 40 
45880890Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 2It's Valentine's Day. You forgot. You're playing delivery boy today.Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-09 28 
45906898Kant-O-Celle Quest #122Forward Chuuniboats!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-10 16 
45910836Kant-O-Celle Quest #123The battle for the Sunda Strait reaches a fever pitchCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-10 16 
45855689Dark Power Quest #1An adventure for Agoth, a young farmer to rid a curse that has plagued his family.Dark Power Quest, 1, Curse, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Adventure,2016-03-10 3 
45920618Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 3It's a test of courage episode. How many fillers can there be? Oh, right, all of them.Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-11 28 
45866677Dungeon Life Quest #50Nathan speaks to Natalia for the first timeCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-03-11 23 
45940794Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 4A double episode with both hot springs and the beach! Fillers!Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-12 32 
45952763Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 22Hoel tries to pass on the time on the transit to Midway. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-03-12 20 
45946330Lost Island Quest 37Alan cleans out the Circlecollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-03-12 11 
45948694Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 5: The Beauty and The Beast Part 3The Faceless unifies Belinda and Dramir into something new. Enter, Amalgus: Belfors.Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-03-12 3 
45960209Manticore Quest: 001 HatchingAppearantly Manticores can hunt prey moments after hatching from their eggCollective Game, Manticore Quest2016-03-12 12 
45961040Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 5The second half of the beach episode. The classic harem stuff. Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-13 23 
45968564Kant-O-Celle Quest #124'This is not the beginning of the end, but, perhaps, the end of the beginning'Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-13 16 
45969240Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 5.5The continued second half of the beach episode. Shenanigans.Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-13 23 
45976031Kant-O-Celle Quest #125--but when you speak again, your voice is steadier, harder... hotter. “I don't hear BB-3 laughing much, though.” Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-13 17 
45983886Manticore Quest: 002 Tripact CityQM fails to transition the quest furtherCollective Game, Manticore Quest2016-03-13 7 
45968491Death Among the Stars Quest 38The new Generals launch their first attacks, the Legion fighting by their side. The Osogo join the Colony and Jadyk meets an old friendquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-03-13 13 
45984967Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 6It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-13 24 
45992944Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 6.5It's OVA.Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-14 38 
45993481Lost Island Quest 38Alan tries his damnedest to defend his city.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-03-14 11 
45931189Dungeon Life Quest #51We meet a new friend and break several of her bones.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-03-16 23 
46044459Dungeon Life Quest #52Natalia hires dedicated shitposters to mess with Nate.collective game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancer2016-03-16 22 
46080768Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 4: The Beauty and The Beast(Fin) Amalgus:Belfors dances with a terrifying monster! Dance the beast! Dance it to death! (Also I'm very poor at planning, I'm sorry.)Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-03-18 3 
46102498Homeless Mutant Quest #146He's back!Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant2016-03-19 41 
46104715Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 23The Battle for Midway begins.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-03-19 21 
46084509Dungeon Life Quest #53BEGIN INTERLUDE V: UNFINISHED BUSINESSCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-03-19 25 
46119035Shinigami Savant Quest #56Riku refuses.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-03-19 39 
46118550Manticore Quest: 003 BathtimeFirst salt and shit post appears over a hard DCCollective Game, Manticore Quest2016-03-20 3 
46119033Lost Island Quest 39Alan finally ends the siege.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-03-20 12 
46145763Pokemon Quest #136We begin our battle with Emma of the Elite Four. Nibbles takes a beating, but dishes one out, tooPokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Tyrantrum, Articuno2016-03-21 22 
46154011Dungeon Life Quest #54Praise FeathersCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-03-23 23 
46203337Manticore Quest: 004 The Chilly SnowmanWe arrive at the inn, get cudled by Mina, get sexually harassed and have a date with godCollective Game, Manticore Quest2016-03-23 5 
46207838Kant-O-Celle Quest #126After the battle for Sunda Strait, we visit a hospital.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-24 16 
46213120Kant-O-Celle Quest #127We speak briefly to Tatsuta and Willy Dee tells us that Kongou has a [SPOILER REDACTED]Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-24 16 
46231065Death Among the Stars Quest 39The Flagship awakens, your Generals see to their missions. Jadyk chats with the Lavafather and makes a deal. Meets the Blackscales.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-03-25 12 
46230288Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 6: A Hero's CallingThe Faceless has the citizens of Prudentia deliver justice. Back at the town to celebrate, things get a little out of hand...Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-03-25 3 
46239252Dungeon Life Quest #55BEGIN SUBLEVEL: RULE THE ROOSTCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-03-25 22 
46255417Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 24Hoel goes up against a tough foe.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-03-26 20 
46251542Kant-O-Celle Quest #128Kongo Bongos.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-26 16 
46256787Kant-O-Celle Quest #129Kongou runs a stream, and we get roped into playing Q&A along with Goto and Arizona!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-26 16 
46273254Kant-O-Celle Quest #130Q&A With Kongou, Settle, Goto and Arizona!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-27 15 
46270987MedievalQuest: The BeginningsWe meet our protagonist, Domenico Particino, as he starts his journey to make his family's business great againMedievalQuest, Collective Game, Happy Merchant2016-03-27 6 
46273498The Wilderness (Make a Setting)grimdark fantasy zootopiaSetting, Fantasy2016-03-27 0 
46277895Kant-O-Celle Quest #131We speak with Arizona.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-27 13 
46249234Lost Island Quest 40Rebuilding and Recuperatingcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-03-27 11 
46260459Dungeon Life Quest #56We discover some things about the Roost's state and locate Hunting TalonCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-03-27 22 
46276124Death Among the Stars Quest 40Jadyk attempts to show off his telekinetic might in a spectacular way but gets interrupted by partycrashing lizards.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, game2016-03-27 13 
46289644Shinigami Savant Quest #57That deer in headlights look.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-03-27 36 
46288201Manticore Quest: 005 Courier SempaiWe don't actually get to meet courier sempai just yetCollective Game, Manticore Quest2016-03-27 5 
46288760MedievalQuest #2Chapter 2: The one where we spend some money, and meet a German.Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant2016-03-28 2 
46329502MedievalQuest #3Domenico finds himself a new shipment, and bumps into an old acquaintance.Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant2016-03-30 5 
46350270MedievalQuest #4Domenico hatches a plot to overthrow a patrician family, with an unexpected ally..Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant2016-03-30 5 
46358832Kant-O-Celle Quest #132We prepare to speak to God.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-31 11 
46364656Kant-O-Celle Quest #133End of tonight's threads and some writeups!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-03-31 12 
April 2016
46382106Death Among the Stars Quest 41The Fury of the Wormstar finally becomes operable, and the Blackscales are recruited. Short thread because GraveQM sick.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, Collective Game2016-04-01 12 
46401146Kant-O-Celle Quest #134: SWQ Edition!Just a little April fooling around...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-02 8 
46393070MedievalQuest #5Domenico buys himself another outfit, and goes to a dinner with Lady Francesca.Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant2016-04-02 3 
46403706Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 25 APRIL FOOLS SPECIALAPRIL FOOLS!Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol Collective Game2016-04-02 20 
46396472Dragon Ball MACHINE MUTANT QuestA rapist and a voyeur are off to collect all the waifus in Dragon Ball, even if it kills them.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Machine Mutant, Machine Mutant Quest, Gato, Meatbags2016-04-02 0 
46401180Kant-O-Celle Quest #134I don't even know anymore...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-02 6 
46406917Kant-O-Celle Quest #135(?)Hell if I know anymore, more April fools hijinks?Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-02 6 
46416457Lost Island Quest 41Dart causes mischief.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-04-03 10 
46413519MedievalQuest #6Domenico finally faces Otto again. We spend the day with Francesca!Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant2016-04-03 4 
46422083Death Among the Stars Quest 42The lost Voidsinger is found; Dominator Valresko is born from the remains of Solar-Blessed Glucors; and the capital city is populated.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, Collective Game2016-04-03 11 
46456865MedievalQuest #7Poison! Poison! This entire chapter is spent from a doctor's bed. Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant2016-04-05 8 
46480402Dungeon Life Quest #57We end the second hiatus, have some dinner, and talk with the Lady. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-06 23 
46507628Kant-O-Celle Quest #136'When the landslide has started, it's far too late for the pebbles to vote. There's no deflecting or dodging this, and you both know it..Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-07 12 
46511616Kant-O-Celle Quest #137We receive orders from God (spelled CNO).Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-07 15 
46521332MedievalQuest #8We deal with a traitor. That's pretty much it for this thread.Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant2016-04-08 2 
46532307Death Among the Stars Quest 43Dominator Valresko interrogates his former comrades. Trades are made and planned with the Armatocere.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-08 12 
46535966Giants CivCiv thread for a Giant Race in a Savage Valley.Civ, Giant, Race, 2016-04-08 1 
46541743Dungeon Life Quest #58HILARIOUSLY EARLY ARCHIVE: Now with quest banner!Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-08 22 
46529469Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 7: Audience With The WormThe Faceless meets a powerful upcoming figure among the Hylon with an insatiable curiosity if not weird manners!Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-04-08 3 
46550570Kant-O-Celle Quest #138We speak with Naka and Harder.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-09 9 
46553155Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 26Mulberry finally makes her combat debut.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-04-09 20 
46554343Kant-O-Celle Quest #139Wrap up for the night and maybe writeupsCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-09 7 
46564309Shinigami Savant Quest #58A restless afternoon in the rain.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-04-09 35 
46573094Kant-O-Celle Quest #140We pursue Willy Dee!Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-10 9 
46569230Lost Island Quest 42Mystery in the Circle!collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-04-10 11 
46578379Kant-O-Celle Quest #141Baking with Arizona and Willy Dee.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-10 9 
46575971The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] ConspiracyThe party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution. All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2016-04-10 125 
46630441MedievalQuest #9We get a bit more friendly with our father-in-law, and get married!Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant2016-04-12 4 
46604080Dungeon Life Quest #59We fight the Priestess and check in on Brigette. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-13 23 
46655687Kant-O-Celle Quest #142We finish up a phone call and talk with Arizona some more.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-14 9 
46660337Kant-O-Celle Quest #143Wee Willy Dee wakes up.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-14 9 
46661961Dungeon Life Quest #60The battle for the Perch (see also: why adventurers are scary)Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-14 21 
46676916Death Among the Stars Quest 44Jadyk welcomes the Ructu to Horizon's Drop and departs to aid the Armatocere. The Masked stop by for a chat.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-15 12 
46677183Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 8: The Runaway Komtesse!The Faceless is put into a precarious situation with a strange Hylon girl. Elsewhere, the King's court makes his move...Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-04-15 3 
46699898Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 27Hoel deals with the aftermath of the Second Battle of Midway.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-04-16 20 
46688378Dungeon Life Quest #61We choose lifeCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-16 23 
46709947Shinigami Savant Quest #59Muramasa is cornered.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-04-16 37 
46714460Lost Island Quest 43Alan saves the Archmage and what the fuck?!collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-04-17 13 
46719523Death Among the Stars Quest 45War has come to the home systems of the New Necrotic Armada while Jadyk is away.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-17 15 
46733329Kant-O-Celle Quest #144More dreams, and a dogfish interrupt.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-18 9 
46739108Kant-O-Celle Quest #145Continuation of last thread plus Q&A because planefag craps out.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-18 9 
46726265Dungeon Life Quest #62We talk with Hunting Talon and help decide the future of the RoostCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-20 22 
46799516Kant-O-Celle Quest #146We talk to Shoukaku some over tea.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-21 9 
46804480Kant-O-Celle Quest #147“... I know all about the faeries,” you say sternly. “And if it's where your planes come from, I don't-”Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-21 9 
46787259Dungeon Life Quest #63INTERLUDE VI: ARTS & CRAFTSCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-21 22 
46821171Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 9: Onward to CleptesseOn the run from the doting Count Vladmir, The Faceless's party takes a moment of respite before heading to the Port city of Cleptesse!Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-04-22 3 
46845681Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 28Hoel wakes up in an unfamiliar place.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-04-23 20 
46833944Dungeon Life Quest #64We make a new coat, teach River, and continue to learn. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-23 21 
46843779Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 8: The City Of ThievesSomeone's been following the faceless and party as they arrive in the city of Cleptess. From there, a string of unfortunate events...Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-04-23 3 
46864402The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] Conspiracy Part 2The party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Demonthrope, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2016-04-24 107 
46866131Death Among the Stars Quest 46The Ahkam are driven from Bastion and Jor meets the Daggers face to face.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-24 13 
46882856Dungeon Life Quest #65We make political arrangementsCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-25 22 
46906637Lost Island Quest 44Alan interrogates a demon.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-04-26 12 
46873791The Road Goes on Forever: A Hard Rock WesternWhether you're a lawman, a vigilante or just another long-hauler, you better slam that hammer down and keep on truckin'.Rock, western, truckers, bikers, homebrew, setting, modern fantasy, brainstorming2016-04-26 10 
46923451Basile QuestIn which Hadrian Basile gets ready to leave home for the CapitalCollective Game, Basile, Draco, Fantasy2016-04-27 3 
46935063Dungeon Life Quest #66BEGIN PART VI: SEE NO EVILCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-27 22 
5970Basile Quest 2In which Hadrian sets forth and reaches the Capital of LacusBasile, Draco, Collective Game, Fantasy2016-04-27 3 
7233Upperdark Kobold Civ QuestKobold refugees from the razed kingdom of Drakka struggle to survive in the caverns of the Upperdark.Civ Quest, Civ, Fantasy, Underdark, Survival, Kobold2016-04-27 3 
46949845Kant-O-Celle Quest #148After the events of last night, we wake up with Shoukaku on our lap...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-28 13 
46955101Kant-O-Celle Quest #149Experiments in ballistic trajectories.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-04-28 9 
46963799Dungeon Life Quest #67BEGIN PART VII: DEVIL'S DUECollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-28 21 
46992119Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 29Hoel and her task force are transferred to the Atlantic. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-04-30 20 
46997417Dungeon Life Quest #68EARLY ARCHIVE: We enter the Bazaar in search of informationCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-04-30 21 
47002580Shinigami Savant Quest #60"The Refusal"Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-04-30 33 
May 2016
21205Kant-O-Celle Quest #150Kant-O-Celle Quest on the new boardCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-01 15 
47006902Lost Island Quest 45Conversations, talking, blah blah blahcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-05-01 11 
120Planescape Quest: Fluffy Tails: Impromptu and Casual PrologueAn arcanaloth who is a cute anime foxgirl visits Sigil, befriends other cute anime girls (and a trap), and joins the Society of Sensation.Collective Game, Planescape Quest, Planescape, Fluffy Tails, Magical Girl, Female Protagonist, D&D, Fantasy2016-05-02 3 
34532Black Company Quest #5The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Double Pay isn't worth this. We ditch orphans and break the cutie.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Double Pay, No Parents, Cutie Paladin2016-05-02 26 
40951Playing among the Shadows 2Masquerade begins; criminal intent; the first clues.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-02 4 
47036472Underworld Delve Quest #1 Wherein we meet ourselves, join up with the Russian mob, and then have the QM pass out on us. Colllective Game, UDQ, Underworld Delve Quest, Modern Fantasy, Horror, Dungeoncrawl2016-05-02 0 
47043814Dungeon Life Quest #69We seek Emily in Port AtriumCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-05-03 22 
47043968Underworld Delve Quest #2 In which we meet our team, go into the Basement, and shoot teenagers. Also, we meet our first demon. Colllective Game, UDQ, Underworld Delve Quest, Modern Fantasy, Horror, Dungeoncrawl2016-05-03 1 
47064409Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #1The war against the Fleet of Fog becomes much less one sidedKantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-03 7 
50002Basile Quest 3In which Basile informs the emperor of dragons, and explores the capital.Collective Game, Basile, Draco, Fantasy2016-05-04 1 
47045476Resistance Quest part 1Enzo Aloisi, a student in the occupied country of Awsbet, loses his brother and begins his battle of resistance against the invaders.Collective Game, Red White and Britfag, Resistance, Rebellion, WW2, Fantasy2016-05-04 6 
16387Shipgirl Commander 1.0You are a failed applicant to the Admiralty. You sit on a bench eating anpan... and wait for your bus. But the fates might have a different Kantai Collection, Heavy Dialogue, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-04 18 
19642Hotline '09 QuestWe are Nigriss. We wear a chicken mask and murder gang members.collective game, hotline miami, hotline 09 quest, murder, wanton violence, sex drugs rock and roll2016-05-05 2 
47072181Underworld Delve Quest #3 In which we nearly die, run off a shadow demon, and find out that our heavy weapons guy can survive being cooked like a goose. Colllective Game, UDQ, Underworld Delve Quest, Modern Fantasy, Horror, Dungeoncrawl2016-05-06 2 
47100723Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #2In which we battle a small fleet and get a Mental Model on our sideKantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-06 6 
47104909Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 10: A Dismal Day in CleptessThe Faceless visits the Adventurer's guild in Cleptess and finds an unexpected gift...Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-05-06 3 
47101036Dungeon Life Quest #70We seek new and exciting employment opportunities. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-05-06 21 
47124044Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 30Hoel engages in battle with Kidd.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-05-07 20 
73746Dungeon Life Quest - Jack's Life QuestA side story featuring Jack the Lesser, one of the rejected MC choices from DLQ.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy, Side Story2016-05-07 21 
47133146Shinigami Savant Quest #61The new order of things.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-05-07 35 
86032Lost Island Quest 46Quissonce and Alan attempt to revive Paul.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-05-08 12 
56949Shipgirl Commander 2MC is sent by Tenryuu to the Admiral. Just what is it that he wants?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-08 10 
97108Black Company Quest #6The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We achieve a hat trick of awful rolls. And also kill our other bossBlack Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Shit rolls, No Parents, Daemons2016-05-09 26 
47151481Dungeon Life Quest #71We're gangsters, evidently. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-05-09 22 
106793Playing among the Shadows 3Possibly captured, but the secrets of the twins might be worth it.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-10 5 
93296Genocide QuestEnter the world of Leo Cassius, A boy stripped away from his home and his simple farm life to surrender to the harsh realities of war.Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action2016-05-10 11 
47153982Resistance Quest part 2Our hero Enzo liberates relics from the museum, keeping them out of the Federation's hands. His efforts to find allies are less successful.Collective Game, Red White and Britfag, Resistance, Rebellion, WW2, Fantasy, Resistance Quest2016-05-11 2 
47187155Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #3We don't accomplish much other then learning a little about Houston. The thread died quite early. It is sad.Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-11 0 
85592Early 1700's Adventure Part 1Young farm girl turned mercenary dreams of buying Iceland and learns to never trust cute swedes. Schizophrenia, Mount and Blade, Protestants are scum, 1700's, mercenary, Swedish treachery, Pirates.2016-05-12 1 
81799Shipgirl Commander 3It's time for MC to decide his Division members. But sleep beckons... and maybe something elseKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-12 9 
115691Verdant #1 (Prologue)We be bitchy. Within reason.Verdant, Alteration, Collective Game, Superpowers2016-05-13 0 
117093The Laughing Dog: Chapter 1Kejeral Roericar awakens buried deep within a tomb, surrounded by the undead bodies of his kinsmen. He rallies the few survivors and escapesNobledark fantasy quest2016-05-13 8 
47220655Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #3We finish "interrogating" Houston, and begin learning how to control nanomaterials.Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-13 1 
47241021Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 31Hoel goes on a mission a bit closer to home. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-05-14 20 
47204640Dungeon Life Quest #72Everyone is Feathers in Purgatory. Also lots of discussion.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-05-14 21 
47251305Shinigami Savant Quest #62Riku vs MuramasaBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-05-14 35 
130392Kant-O-Celle Quest #151We re-enact Down Periscope, Chinese-style.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-15 16 
127949The Laughing Dog: Chapter 2Korathi survive the desert, find shelter, and recover some memoriesNobledark fantasy quest2016-05-15 2 
119312OutsideVillager is exiled from his home, the outside is a mysterious place, full of weird creatures. He attempts to survive in this bizarre worldQuest, Outside, Collective game, Dark fantasy2016-05-15 2 
129535Lost Island Quest 47A funeral and the Circle's rebirth.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-05-15 13 
110836Undead Champion Quest 01An abomination against nature, an undead little girl, wakes up and escapes a dark place with her new servant. Slow in Hex fashion.Undead Champion Quest,fantasy,BQOP,Hexer,undead2016-05-15 1 
47256906Dungeon Life Quest #73I lied.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-05-15 22 
115647Genocide Quest, part 2The battle wages on inside the Great tree. What dark rituals could be taking place? What horrors will Leo and Thea find waiting ahead?Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore2016-05-15 7 
137017Black Company Quest #7The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Brothers are saved, faces are ruined and dragons are -not- tamed.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Daemons, not the face, local man ruins everything, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD,2016-05-16 26 
115418Shipgirl Commander 4It's the dawn of a new day, and the Commander undertakes his first Op, but is there more than meets the eye?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-17 6 
140816The Laughing Dog: Chapter 3The Korathi remember a piece of their past and encounter a party of Gnollish scouts. They barter for the fate of two slaves.Nobledark fantasy quest2016-05-17 1 
145671The Laughing Dog: Chapter 4Keje is nearly killed by sandcats. The Korathi buy two slaves from Gnolls, and start to head to the native girl's hometown.Nobledark fantasy quest2016-05-18 1 
134169Genocide quest, part 3Demons in the great tree? the battle continues against the dark forces in a desperate attempt to shut the portal atop the tree.Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore2016-05-18 5 
146797Hive Tyrant Quest We make landing, demolish 3 cities, create a new Tyranid, and piss of the QM with our high rolls.Collective Game, Tyranids, Hive Tyrant, 40k2016-05-18 2 
150592Kant-O-Celle Quest #152The continued operations of the 305 in the Sunda Strait.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-19 11 
47323498Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #5We battle a Fog patrol fleet.Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-19 1 
154453The Laughing Dog: Chapter 5The Korathi and their new companions make the dangerous journey to Kiyya's people. A storm and tragedy strikeNobledark fantasy quest2016-05-20 1 
47342062Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 12Dire wolf hides are haggled to a fair price and a mysterious stranger gives a vital gift to the faceless.Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-05-20 3 
143052Shipgirl Commander 5With their backs to the wall, the Commander's Squad is in dire straits. Will his team survive?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-20 7 
47361489Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 32Hoel gets her chance to meet the President.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-05-21 20 
47370110Shinigami Savant Quest #63Every villain leaves a mess.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-05-21 35 
163980Kant-O-Celle Quest #153We speak to Parker. No, not Peter.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-22 13 
47377872Half-Dragon QuestVanbers Drago, black half-dragon druid is created, and meets with his friendCollective Game, Half-dragon, Miserable Wretch, Druid, dragons, fantasy2016-05-22 0 
148774Genocide Quest, Part 4A new companion, A new enemy, another town full of monsters. but where are the corpses?Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore2016-05-22 5 
168302Lost Island Quest 48Alan and his animal brigade.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-05-23 11 
169688Black Company Quest #8The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We spend ALL our double pay, and fail at both boxing and flirting.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Double Pay, Fist of the North Longhorn, Smoking Kills, Flattery Failures2016-05-23 24 
182485Kant-O-Celle Quest #154We talk to Goto about the [SPOILERS BECAUSE I ARCHIVED IT EARLY]Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-26 14 
158472Shipgirl Commander 6After the disastrous mission, Commander takes a short RnR... right?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-26 6 
163672Outside 2Boyo and his mustached companion visit butterflies.Outside, Collective game, Dark fantasy2016-05-26 2 
186628Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #6We become /qst/ refugees to not die. Also, we go to rescue a newly appeared Shipgirl. Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-27 1 
173929Genocide Quest, Part 5Fight, new friend Lisa, lucky Duncan, luckier Leo.Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore2016-05-27 5 
47474880Superhero Quest Issue #1Meet Jack O'Connor, also known as THE PHENOMENAL FREEDOM EAGLE! A routine work day becomes a crisis of epic proportions!Mutants and Masterminds, Superhero Quest2016-05-28 4 
47488661Shinigami Savant Quest #64What is a Hollow? A miserable pile of misery... and Spanish.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-05-28 35 
195054The Laughing Dog: Chapter 6The Korathi ride out the storm, explore the depths of a cave, and discover a dark secretNobledark fantasy quest2016-05-28 1 
196455Lost Island Quest 49Interrogating birds and elves.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-05-29 12 
176390Shipgirl Commander 7With the dawn of a new day, the Commander has to attend a conference to decide just what is going to happen to his assigned District.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-29 7 
200524Kant-O-Celle Quest #155We converse with Goto on what to do about the Yakuza.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-05-30 14 
189519Genocide Quest, Part 6A night to remember, Leo in a duel with Duncan, a natural 100, and another peaceful day behind them. What will the next day bring?Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore,Romance2016-05-30 4 
June 2016
47580532Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 13The Faceless makes way to the undercity and Dran falls asleep once againCollective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-06-03 3 
180410Judgement's CryAn attempt of a low fantasy quest with gothic elements...maybe.Gothic, Judgement's, Cry, Judgement's Cry, Quest, Dark Fantasy, Low Fantasy2016-06-04 1 
205697Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #7KCoBS, Episode 7: The Shipgirl AwakensKantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection,Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-06-04 1 
47599292Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 33Hoel finally gets to meet Constitution. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-06-04 20 
47610461Shinigami Savant #65The Featherweight Champion of the World tries her hand at diplomacy.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-04 36 
222766Hero Guardian Quest #1Lin is a young girl who's all too ready to become a Guardian. She deals with the first trial and your rival, Chao, is a bitch.Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy2016-06-05 25 
199886Shipgirl Commander 8The Vice-Admiral and the Commander enter a discussion, but not before a shocking fact is revealed.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-05 6 
226262Kant-O-Celle Quest #156“A bald eagle,” you hiss, “named Colbert. Obama might've made pork fly, but I'll be thrice fucked before I let you fly that shit past ME!”Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2016-06-05 20 
227782Ecliptica Quest 1The adventure begins! Join Amber Suarz at the "Temple of the Sun."Ecliptica Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2016-06-06 2 
210554Genocide Quest, Part 7A strange dream? or an ill omen. The general orders the unthinkable, while Leo becomes suspicious. What could the truth be?Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore,Romance, Boo, Bee2016-06-06 4 
213799Shipgirl Commander 9Kaga offers a solution to the Commander's problem - but is it a solution he wants? Hard R. Reader Discretion advised.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-08 5 
222073Lost Island Quest 50Blast from someone's Pastcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-06-08 12 
237914Hero Guardian Quest #2Lin steps up when all hell breaks loose in the Forest Realm.Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ2016-06-09 17 
47685771Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 1A hiatus is ended and the Tribe observed. A sighting of an old friend leads to a fateful meeting and an Enlightened must fast her guilt.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-09 5 
47677551Wierd Fantasy AmericaOP posts a map of the US and asks which state is best for urban fantasy. /tg/ just draws new states/countries over that map instead.fantasy, america, derail, setting2016-06-09 13 
47717447Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 34Hoel learns that her next assignment is to provide some foreign assistance.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-06-11 20 
232292Hill Giant Civ Quest Part 1The first year of the Cewri Tribe's story.Collective Game, Civilization, quest, hill giant, giant, hill, civ, cewri, fantasy2016-06-11 2 
47726570Shinigami Savant Quest #66Live from the former Eastern Bloc.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-11 31 
47699676Quest Of The Faceless: Act 2, Scene 14The Faceless meets an old friend... There's a falling out between the ladies.Collective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-06-11 4 
246046The Laughing Dog: Chapter 7The Korathi escape the subterranean caverns and the serpents within, Kejeral communes with the apparition that has followed themNobledark fantasy quest2016-06-11 2 
4772794310 second fantasy adventure hooksA bunch of fantasy adventure hooks written in 10 seconds or less.Adventure Hooks, Fantasy2016-06-12 8 
47743407Shinigami Savant Quest #66.5A continuation of the last (short) thread.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-12 31 
242418Demonity Quest; EnchantressLilian and her new friend begins their journey to the High Order Ruins.Collective Game, Quest, Enchantress, Priestess, Lilian, Demonity Quests2016-06-13 3 
236567Shipgirl Commander 10The Commander gets out of bed - a week and a half later - to find a backlog of assignments. What a way to start the day.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-13 5 
239678Ecliptica Quest 2Amber and Vakith continue their business in the mysterious Vyrian ruins.Ecliptica Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2016-06-13 2 
47762522Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 2Investigations into the Rippers begins. A new Enlightened is welcomed and diplomacy attempted with old prey.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-14 7 
255364Hero Guardian Quest #33 years have passed since the Humans broke through the First Barrier. Lin is on the brink of becoming a Guardian.Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ2016-06-15 14 
257898Ecliptica Quest 2.5Amber has to decide where to go from here.Ecliptica Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2016-06-15 1 
249192Hill Giant Civ Quest Part IIThe Cewri Tribe pisses off the humans, gets raided a bunch, kicks the shit out of the raiders. Praise be to Lava Mama and Stronk Dad!hill, giant, civ, quest, II, 2, hill giant civ quest, collective game, civilization, lava mama, stronk dad, swatrock, dead humans2016-06-15 4 
251636Lost Island Quest 51Elemental? More like temperamentalcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-06-16 10 
267968Hero Guardian Quest #4Lin finally becomes a Guardian and decides to join the Guardian Branch that ventures outside the safety of the barrier!Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ2016-06-18 13 
47828274Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 35Hoel ends up having to fight a new opponent.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-06-18 20 
254149Shipgirl Commander 11The Commander has a lot on his plate, and even more on his pelvic region. Mission time looms.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-18 5 
47837698Shinigami Savant Quest #67A CLONE OF HER OWN.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-18 32 
273341The Laughing Dog: Chapter 8The Korathi endure the desert, are captured by an Imashet patrol, and brought to the tribe's warlord. We politics now.Nobledark fantasy quest2016-06-19 1 
262027Hill Giant Civ Quest IIIREMOVE HUMAN REMOVE HUMAN yuo are worst human. you are the humie stink you are the humie smell. Return to Brylon.Hill Giant Civ Quest III, hill, giant, hill giant, civilization game, civilization, Stronk2016-06-19 1 
47856948Origin stories for humanity and general mythology worldbuilding/tg/ invents new fantasy mythologies and discusses hybrids.humans, origin, pantheon, mythology, worldbuilding, deities, elf/dwarf hybrid,2016-06-20 4 
282585Hero Guardian Quest #5Captain Lin starts her mission with her team of Guardians.Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ2016-06-21 20 
274365Lost Island Quest 52Alan fights the Etriarchycollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-06-22 12 
276655Hill Giant Civ Quest IVAfter the events of Amberly, the giants and humans agreed to a year-long ceasefire. These are the events that transpired during it.Hill Giant Civ Quest IV, hill giant, Hill Giant Civ Quest, Collective Game, Civilization, civ, shitty dragon battle2016-06-22 1 
274142Nazi Experiment Quest 1A soldier captured by the Nazi's and experimented on at the end of the war, you escape to see a much different world.Collective Hame, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History 2016-06-23 1 
47915157Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 3Rain falls on Meldric as the Ghouls hunt and search for their enemies. New mysteries are discovered and cruel experiments are continued.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-23 5 
294205Nazi Experiment Quest 2Our army grows and so does our powerQuestingQm, Lycanthropy ,Nazi, Collective Game2016-06-24 2 
47948500Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 36Hoel participates in a raid on Argentina.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-06-25 20 
272318Shipgirl Commander 12The Commander earns his stripes with a completed mission. Revelations abound.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-25 5 
47956649Shinigami Savant Quest #68The Reigai strike back.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-25 31 
301486The Laughing Dog: Chapter 9The Korathi meet with Kiyya, learn about the city's politics, and then find a new ally in Imala et SolatheiNobledark fantasy quest2016-06-26 2 
291681Hill Giant Civ Quest Part VThe cease-fire is over, and raids begin in earnest.hill giant civ quest, hill giant, civilization, war2016-06-26 1 
47972472Shinigami Savant Quest #68.5Continuing where we left off last time.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-06-26 29 
298190Hero Guardian Quest #6As the climax for The Grim Knight Arc arrives, Captain Lin comes face to face with more than she bargained for and discovers something new. Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen2016-06-27 25 
301094Black Company Quest #9The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The WORST possible thing happens to poor Corporal Prince.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, PROMOTIONS!2016-06-28 25 
302151Travelling Merchant Quest #3We sell a keg of mead to an inn and hear a tale from a couple of miners.Travelling Merchant Quest2016-06-29 1 
290747Shipgirl Commander 13It's the afternoon of Day 15. On the back of his successful mission, another period of R&R begins.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-29 4 
48015314Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 4Fear and Claw have a meeting with the Lord-Governor while the Ghouls discover they are not alone at the mansion.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-29 3 
308899Hill Giant Civ Quest Part VIThe second half of the post-ceasefire battle, plus Wolfsmeade gets suicide bombed by a boatHill Giant Civ Quest, civilization, allahu akbar2016-06-30 1 
July 2016
306904Lost Island Quest 53Assimilation Investigationcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-07-01 10 
48067141Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 37Hoel gets acquainted with the Falklands.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-07-02 20 
48075842Shinigami Savant Quest #69A change of scenery and a new threat.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-07-02 30 
328805The Laughing Dog: Chapter 10The Korathi enjoy the company of Imala et Solathei, but are set upon by an ambush in the streets of Tel Amarset. Civil war erupts.Nobledark fantasy quest2016-07-03 1 
309808Nazi Experiment Quest 3The resistance gets better equipped while Ivanka keeps getting hungrier and hungrier.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-07-03 0 
48082160Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 5The Tribe meets with the Snapped Anvil to discuss their futures and get a potential convert and Fang bribes the goblins to help the tribequest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-07-03 2 
317066Travelling Merchant Quest #4We buy iron ore, thread and rope, inspect a store-room and visit a blacksmith's forge.Travelling Merchant Quest2016-07-03 2 
321045Hero Guardian Quest #7Raubtier find herself facing a trial of execution and Aiguo, the Human Hunter is introduced.Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-03 15 
333329Black Company Quest #10The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Give Lieutenant Prince battle over paperwork and people any day.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, Battle of Berwick Road2016-07-05 26 
316473Whirlpool Quest - Thread 10You are sent to the hospital after being knocked out by an alcoholic dessert. Afterwards you have a social walk then have an encounter.Whirlpool Quest, Waterworks, Drawquest, GuardianTempest2016-07-05 3 
328132World of Fantasy IYou lost your memories. Armed with only a phone, you go and get them back.ArticQM, Pokemon Quest, Collective Game, World of Fantasy2016-07-06 1 
338441 The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #9We beat up Andy Bogard, make-out with Mai Shiranui off-screen and steal some new clothes as "G-Mantle Lady" runs amok in South Town.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, G-Mantle Lady2016-07-06 7 
327166Lost Island Quest 54Birthday Bashcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-07-07 12 
330450Mutant City Quest 1We discover our inner light and DEUS VULT.Mutant, City, Quest, Mutant City Quest, Collective Game2016-07-08 2 
345116Mutant City Quest 2We commit a felony.Mutant, City, Quest, Mutant City Quest, Collective Game2016-07-08 2 
48163681Dungeon Life Quest #74End Hiatus, BEGIN INTERLUDE VII: NOBLESSE OBLIGECollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-07-08 22 
338353Hero Guardian Quest #8SoL exposition and the Red Flower answers questions. The new fifth member of Team 2 is revealed!Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-08 16 
48184691Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 38Hoel meets a few new faces.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-07-09 20 
48181434Quest Of The Faceless: FinaleThe EndCollective Game, Quest Of The Faceless, Psychological, Adventure, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Dranule2016-07-09 7 
48059415Colonies of Nibiru; First ThreadOrganizations and the nations of Earth colonize a mysterious 10th planet as people turn into fantasy creatures, unit said world is stranded!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-09 5 
340380World of Fantasy...ish IIYou kicked a dark elf in the pridelands and jumped out of a trains path.collective game, ArticQM, World of Fantasy2016-07-09 1 
48194028Shinigami Savant Quest #70Attack of the Clones.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-07-09 34 
48199724Death Among the Stars Quest 47The Voidknight Disciples runs afoul of a new world while attempting to prepare for their return homequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-10 11 
335495Travelling Merchant Quest #5We buy a shortsword, visit an ice cellar, view a map and sail to Seaspray Island where apparently an expedition is taking place.Travelling Merchant Quest2016-07-10 2 
356520The Laughing Dog: Chapter 11The Korathi consider how to restore order to Tel Amarset, consult with Kiyya, and find themselves under siege from rebel insurgentsNobledark fantasy quest2016-07-11 1 
357937Black Company Quest #11The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince accidentally leaves his flirt on while doing paperwork.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Paperwork, Band, PROMOTIONS!2016-07-11 25 
340386Whirlpool Quest - Thread 11The plot thickens as the people you encountered turn out to be affiliated with the Management District. You also have another makeover.Whirlpool Quest, Waterworks, Drawquest, GuardianTempest2016-07-12 3 
48126727Colonies of Nibiru; Second ThreadThe Anglosphere meets and converses, while dirty savages do dirty savage things! Also Newts somehow out-science actual research stations.Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-12 4 
48221537Dungeon Life Quest #75River prepares to face SeraphinaCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-07-12 21 
48234783Dungeon Life Quest #76River meets the parents.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-07-13 20 
353401Hero Guardian Quest #9Captain Lin is informed of her team's mission and they set off towards the western front. Meanwhile, a "new" villain is introduced!Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-13 13 
349245unDead QuestYou awake from a dirt nap and proceed to steal someone's name.unDead Quest, Drawquest, Fantasy, Original Setting2016-07-13 3 
355077Fallout 1Fallout Trader begins, we bought The Drag Special.Fallout, Fallout Trader, Fallout OP, Merchant, Trader, Boats, Drag Queens2016-07-13 9 
48263691Dungeon Life Quest #77We decide Seraphina's fateCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-07-14 17 
48256869Useless or nearly useless magic/special itemsAnons discuss and create enchanted items with fun, but almost always useless (if in hands of uncreative man), properties.magic items, useless magic items, brainstorm, fantasy2016-07-14 3 
370401Mutant City Quest 3Quest over everyone go home.Mutant, City, Quest, Mutant City Quest, Collective Game2016-07-15 1 
48193779Colonies of Nibiru; Third ThreadThe current progress of each and every civilization are shown to the masses: needless to say, the results are most displeasing.Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-15 1 
48280693Death Among the Stars Quest 48The Disciple must escape the vengeful natives of the alien world and find a place to hide.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-15 8 
352491Lost Island Quest 55NTRsome Threesomecollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-07-16 14 
48298478Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 39Hoel meets some Royal Navy girls. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-07-16 20 
48307155Shinigami Savant Quest #71He copied WHICH Unohana!?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-07-16 33 
48312095Death Among the Stars Quest 49Jadyk leads his fleet against the invading UON forces attacking the Armatocere.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-17 9 
48280492Dungeon Life Quest #78We arrange for Seraphina's futureCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-07-17 14 
360078Nazi Experiment Quest 4The soviets are pissed and bomb the city the resistance freed. The resistance save some civilians before laying low and fight a mock battle.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-07-17 0 
370138Hero Guardian Quest #10Captain Lin and her team set out into the Western Front where dangers, loss, and revelations await them!Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-17 15 
380974The Laughing Dog: Chapter 12The Korathi fend off an attack by Imashei rebels, are forced to conceal Kirari's arcane talents, and dive deeper into Imashei politicsNobledark fantasy quest2016-07-18 2 
378378Black Company Quest #12The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT puts duty before lewds, sneaks into town and is afraid of dogs.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cunning Plan, Grenn are NOT furries shut up2016-07-18 25 
48259204Colonies of Nibiru; Fourth ThreadTensions rise as the Free Army and New Albion throw eggs at each other, while the local natives outmaneuver Afairika in the global landgrab.Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-19 4 
48323354Dungeon Life Quest #79River and Bri talk, and Amy visits GlenCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-07-19 14 
373063Nazi Experimental Quest 5Stojan gets drunk, becomes a edgelord but redeems himself. He becomes the king (KANG) of Poland and propose to Ivanka.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-07-20 2 
390600Samsara Quest 1We are Jasmine Angwaz, a young wizard at wizard school. We try to break physics, sell our friend's phone number to people, and are very tinCollective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-07-21 21 
388007Mutant City Quest 4We play mailman.Mutant, City, Quest, Mutant City Quest, Collective Game2016-07-21 1 
373406unDead Quest 2Friends and enemies find you underground.unDead Quest, Drawquest, Fantasy, Original Setting2016-07-22 1 
394819Lizard Queen Quest 1Erika meets some friendly lizard folk, sets her family on fire, and plays some fantasy chess.Collective Game, Fantasy, Lizard Queen Quest, Shou2016-07-22 1 
48410322Death Among the Stars Quest 50The Voidknight Disciple learns about this strange world, interrogates his guests and receives a challenge.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-23 7 
48419411Shinigami Savant Quest #72Tea House Oath.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-07-23 33 
48419861Apex Mutant QuestAckerman arrives in New York after transferring to a school. Yesterday he discovered his powers and today he gets into trouble with his Sis Apex Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Marvel, Psychic, Mutant 2016-07-24 2 
392101Hero Guardian Quest #11A new Human PoV offers some insight while Captain Lin faces the aftermath of Jin's death.Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-24 14 
381181Shipgirl Commander 14RnR continues, with the Commander finding out a little more of his charges.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-07-24 6 
388974Nazi Experimental Quest 6The soviets attack the city, and this time the resistance is forced to fight back.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-07-24 0 
48356962Dungeon Life Quest #80We check in on Jack the Debtor and prepare to have a ball.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-07-24 12 
405516You Awake in Westeros Quest 4Thanatos is retarded. Shakespeare and Tyrioncollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-07-24 1 
48440245Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 40Hoel meets Dorsetshire and the rest of her merry band. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-07-25 20 
396714unDead Quest 3You reach Ardor. Accidentally.unDead Quest, Drawquest, Fantasy, Original Setting2016-07-25 2 
384859The Lost Island Quest 56Somebody important dies!collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-07-25 11 
389674Wave Chasers (Civ Quest) #1Exiles find a new home, fantasy civ styleWave Chasers, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Resplendent Wave2016-07-25 0 
48476311Death Among the Stars Quest 51Jadyk returns to Iti'a'Ropku to initiate new necromancers and to reunite with a changed General.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-27 9 
48437131Dungeon Life Quest #81We have fun (among other things) at the ballCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-07-27 14 
418634You Awake in Westeros Quest 5You spend some time at the Wall and say goodbye to Benjen.collective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-07-30 3 
48526223Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 41It's culture shock when the US and Royal Navy clash!Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-07-30 20 
416863Hero Guardian Quest #12Team 2 finishes their mission, and discovers something disturbing about the Human leader.Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-30 21 
48535636Shinigami Savant Quest #73Senna and Ishida have a bad time.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-07-30 34 
409407Shipgirl Commander 15In which Samidare-Hunting yields a few more surprises than usualKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-07-30 3 
405099Nazi Experimental Quest 7The fighting continues.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-07-30 0 
424086unDead Quest 4You get involved in something you shouldn't have.unDead Quest, Drawquest, Fantasy, Original Setting2016-07-31 1 
423700Samsara Quest 2In which we are still Jasmine Angwaz, researching our new teleportation magic.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-07-31 12 
48541397Death Among the Stars Quest 52Jadyk delivers a warning to Jor. Prisoners are given a choice and soldier reaffirms their loyalty. The Blackscale move in as well.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-31 7 
48487747Dungeon Life Quest #82Damnit Henrietta what are you doing?Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-07-31 12 
432192Hero Guardian Quest #13SoL EditionCollective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-07-31 18 
August 2016
393183Fantasy Civ Quest 8First thread to be archived, Demon/Human tensions flare as an Orcish invasion of Roggar is mounted, headed by 4 dragonsFantasy, Civ2016-08-01 2 
404486Fantasy Civ Quest 9 - Civ BulgarThe Orcish invasion is repelled with allied help, and duels are held to determine rank and titlesFantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-08-01 29 
429326Black Company Quest #13The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. During knifework we meet exciting new Adventurers, then kill them.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Knifework, Adventurers, Rangers lead the way2016-08-01 25 
48555569Dungeon Life Quest #83We conclude the ball and get some bad newsCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-08-03 12 
440290OP QuestThe adventures of Oliver Penelope and his journey to fulfill his destiny to become a magically inclined person and save the world.OP Quest, Oliver Penelope, fantasy2016-08-03 1 
434647RE: Animated Quest 12On the way to uncover one mystery, Lee falls into another. High-flying, high stakes action ensues.Collective Game, Re-monster, skeleton, bard, manticore, RE: Animated, RE: Monster2016-08-04 5 
48603246Dungeon Life Quest #84We comfort Brigette and learn more about the deaths of fairies. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-08-05 12 
48628714Death Among the Stars Quest 53The Disciple discovers a strange hidden village and a unique member of the native race and enact a plan to free them from captivity.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-05 11 
411909Wave Chasers #2 (Civ Quest)In which the Demons all Rule 63 themselves, and Piracy happens.Wave Chasers, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Resplendent Wave 2016-08-05 0 
437071Nazi Experimental Quest 8We become Indiana Jones, don't facemelt a Romanian, order pizza, save Karkmann, and play as Nicolae.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-08-05 1 
48646172Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 42The US and Royal Navies make preparations for their next assault. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-08-06 20 
433084Whirlpool Quest - Thread 12After a hiatus, the quest resumes and you encounter even more people from the Management District.Whirlpool Quest, Waterworks, Drawquest, GuardianTempest2016-08-06 -2 
441678You Awake in Westeros Quest 6We journey to King's Landing.collective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-08-07 2 
48633321Dungeon Life Quest #85We make our final decisions about Silence and talk to LoraCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-08-07 11 
48661610Death Among the Stars Quest 54A secret truth is revealed by a close ally and ruins bearing the sign of an old ally discovered. Jadyk speaks to many people.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-07 11 
426535Shipgirl Commander 16The hours go by and the Commander discovers a thing or two about his charges.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-08-08 2 
451454Nazi Experimental Quest 9We revisit the castle, meet a statue to surpass Metal Gear, and everyone gets a much needed upgrade.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-08-09 0 
450659Whirlpool Quest - Thread 13The action ramps up and you learn more about the people in the Management District, including their mysterious leader: Petroleum.Whirlpool Quest, Waterworks, Drawquest, GuardianTempest2016-08-09 0 
420150Fantasy Civ Quest 10 - Civ BulgarMemes are born, horse pussy is acquired, and elf succ begins to spell trouble for all of RoggarFantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-08-11 14 
427058Fantasy Civ Quest 11 - Civ BulgarCivil war descends upon Roggar, and the land is ripped apart by internal strife, culminating in the fall of Paitras and NayteCollective game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-08-11 10 
437084Fantasy Civ Quest 12 - Civ BulgarRoggar begins to heal from the war, and new factions being to emerge from the ashes, and a portal to hell is opened and exploredCollective game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-08-11 10 
48665391Dungeon Life Quest #86We talk to Natalia, learn about the Lush, and attend Silence's wake. Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-08-11 13 
451871Hero Guardian Quest #14The Climax of the Western Front Arc, in which Captain Lin participates in a huge assault and face off against the Masked Twins! Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, Shounen, Original Setting2016-08-12 23 
48764426Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 43Hoel's barely on the Falklands for a day before getting into a bit of trouble...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-08-13 20 
456673You Awake in Westeros Quest 7King's Landing Anticscollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-08-14 4 
48708373The Lost Colonies: First ThreadA lush fantasy world laden with the mystical leyline grid: not all is as it appears, and dark forces maraud the world's civilized nations!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Lost Colonies, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-08-14 2 
48742404Dungeon Life Quest #87END INTERLUDE VII: NOBLESSE OBLIGECollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-08-14 12 
48792498Dungeon Life Quest #88Begin PART VIII: THE GIANT'S DRINKCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-08-15 15 
435026Wave Chasers #3 (Civ Quest)Part 3, in which the QM haitus-es.Wave Chasers, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Resplendent Wave2016-08-15 1 
457843Samsara Quest 3In which we finally go out to explore other worlds.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-08-16 12 
447917Shipgirl Commander 17Day 17 continues and it's not looking good for the Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-08-16 2 
48833545Death Among the Stars Quest 55Jadyk has a very intimate conversation with a bunch of trees and shrubs, making new friends.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-17 12 
475556Whirlpool Quest - Thread 14We finally meet and recruit Stoddard, head of the Maintenance District. Then we begin the assault on Petroleum and the Management District.Whirlpool Quest, Waterworks, Drawquest, GuardianTempest2016-08-17 -2 
48759006The Lost Colonies: Second ThreadThe orcs of the War Wizard and Troll King clash while nations drop like flies in the face of the scourge of the Huh!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Lost Colonies, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-08-18 1 
473175Nazi Experimental Quest 10+11NOTE:Thread names got messed up, so just work off the basis that this is thread 11. We flee the country and find out about mutation science.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-08-19 0 
48888852Shinigami Savant Quest #74Well THAT escalated quickly.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-08-20 38 
48891825Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 44Hoel meets up with some more ships and gets ready for a massive assault.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-08-20 20 
488904Starborn Quest 1: Disco InfernoPurps adjusts to her new life as a bodyguard for Doctor Lexington by scouting out the town and crashing a festivalCollective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Festival, Grinnsmon, Doc, Lexington, Enigma2016-08-20 7 
48907227Death Among the Stars Quest 56After choosing to move their main base to a more secluded location the Disciple encounters an enemy and speaks to the void-touched nativequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-21 13 
494290Starborn Quest 2: FireflyYou are Purps, you kicked a foxman's ass in a dance off. As a bodyguard you decide the best thing to do is ignore your missing principle.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Festival, Grinnsmon, Doc, Lexington, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Dancing Queen, Magic, Hona2016-08-21 6 
48876421Shrunken PCsA blatant fetish thread with some interesting ideas for shrunken adventures.shrunk, giantess2016-08-21 0 
482666Counselor Quest Reborn 1The king has perished, his heir is still too young to rule, so the Counsel is taking over until he comes of age. May Utland forever prosper!Collective Game, Civ Quest, Civilization, Roleplay, Fantasy2016-08-22 2 
488522unDead Quest 5Minor turbulence on an airship ride.unDead Quest, Drawquest, Fantasy, Original Setting2016-08-22 1 
48831379Forgotten Colonies: Third ThreadThe end of the Huh! Four nations band together to defeat this barbarian threat as the Western Tribes lose their independence!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Lost Colonies, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-08-22 1 
462982Fantasy Civ Quest 13 - Civ BulgarIn this thread we get a new king and they promptly get killed.Collective game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-08-22 6 
457859Fantasy Civ Quest 14 - Civ BulgarNOTE: Misarchival, this is actually thread 13, and the one that says thread 13 is actually thread 14.Collective game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-08-22 5 
473180Fantasy Civ Quest 15 - Civ BulgarDragons attack which may or may not be our fault, and several faction leaders die in the battle.Collective game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-08-22 7 
48924233Fantasy Seinfeld/tg/ comes up with Seinfeld episodes that take place in a generic fantasy setting.fantasy, generic, seinfeld, halfling, orc, gnome, spell, wizard, sorceror, kramer, jerry, elaine, george2016-08-23 61 
479511You Awake in Westeros Quest 8Dragonstone Shenanigans + Miracollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-08-23 2 
48883703Dungeon Life Quest #89We sneak into the lizard pens and get our cluck on.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-08-23 13 
496503Whirlpool Quest - Thread 15The assault on the Management District continues as the group faces a serious opponent after a brief respite.Whirlpool Quest, Waterworks, Drawquest, GuardianTempest2016-08-26 -2 
506656Starborn Quest 3: Undercover OverloadPurps embraces her inner fight club as Anna. She knows when to hold 'em, but it's quiet.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Anna, Grinnsmon, Marie, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Gambling, Magic, Disguise2016-08-26 6 
49012632Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 45Hoel receives a mysterious distress call out of nowhere...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-08-27 20 
515509unDead Quest 6An unwanted reunion awaits.unDead Quest, Drawquest, Fantasy, Original Setting2016-08-29 1 
478975Shipgirl Commander 18The Commander discusses things with Murakumo on just what he expects of her.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-08-29 2 
515522Starborn Quest 4: Street SweeperPurps gets a confession rather easily. She then demonstrates what happens when emotionally crippled starborn fight normal people. Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Terminator, Magic, Feelings2016-08-29 5 
508197Not so Glorious QuestThe dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The comfy chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious2016-08-30 10 
518976Starborn Quest 5: There's No Turning BackEarly Archive; Purps and Hona return to Hona's home. Introspection and Snuggles occur.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Snuggles, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Terminator, Magic, Feelings2016-08-30 5 
48991167Dungeon Life Quest #90We have a battle for the lizard pensCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-08-30 12 
September 2016
507934You Awake in Westeros Quest 9William goes on a whirlwind adventurecollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-09-01 2 
516955Whirlpool Quest - Thread 16After having dinner, the group begins the assault on what could be Petroleum's hideout in the Management District. Violence ensuessWhirlpool Quest, Waterworks, Drawquest, GuardianTempest2016-09-01 -2 
517749Goblin Chieftain QuestAfter the fall of the last Dark Lords, you will restore the goblins to glory. Collective Game, Goblins, Fantasy, Goblin Chieftain Quest2016-09-01 7 
49141261Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 46Hoel assaults the Abyssal infested Atlas oil platform.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-09-03 20 
49072460Dungeon Life Quest #91The Dad Joke ApocalypseCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-09-03 14 
523061Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 2The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Spiritual chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-09-04 3 
49155787Death Among the Stars Quest 57Jadyk returns home and discusses matters with his Generals and retreats into meditation. Jor must make a big decision for the Armadaquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-09-04 8 
527483Starborn Quest 6: Fade to BlackA new foe appears, a cannibal priest of Darna. The title is appropriate.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Boss fight, Enigma, Fail, Red eyes, Terminator, Death, Feelings2016-09-05 3 
532197King of Dragon Pass: Part 1Based on the PC Video game of the same name as they leading a clan into a journey the likes has never seen before. Led by OrlanthOrlanth, Collective Game, King of Dragon Pass2016-09-06 1 
49150645Dungeon Life Quest #92We regale River with a story from the Age of AssholesCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-09-07 13 
529049Medieval Mercenary QuestYou are Griffith of the Golden Lion, a mercenary band leader in the war-torn medieval land of Kivan. Medieval Mercenary Quest, Quest, Low Fantasy, Medieval Fantasy, Dark Fantasy2016-09-09 1 
49267315Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 47The battle around Atlas intensifies.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-09-10 20 
49244258Dungeon Life Quest #93We get up to talking to the rebels, but then thread is cut short by mods.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-09-10 13 
549170Dungeon Life Quest #94Our first thread on /qst/. Early archive so folks catching up don't miss the move.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-09-10 12 
549845Shinigami Savant Quest #75In which everyone is mad, because the people in charge are morons. So fucking topical.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-09-10 33 
537029Fantasy Civ Quest 17 - Civ BulgarWe get visited by a Mysterious northern warrior, we build a colosseum and we elect a new king.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-09-10 5 
542340Starborn Quest 7: Don't Call it a ComebackPurps is back and badder than ever. Real life mostly keeps QM away so ended early.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Boss fight II, Enigma,Medics ,Ressurection, Terminator, Feelings2016-09-10 3 
544516Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 3The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Ghost chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-09-11 2 
534413unDead Quest 7Visit to Acies.unDead Quest, Drawquest, Fantasy, Original Setting2016-09-11 2 
518136Shipgirl Commander 19The Commander continues his investigation and learns that he's not as well-liked as he previously assumed. Also... it's Open Mic NightKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-09-11 2 
549843Fantasy Civ Quest 18 - Civ BulgarWar in the south and a /comfy/ expedition into the barbarian landsCollective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-09-13 5 
566224Starborn Quest 8: Journey of 1000 StepsWe finish the aftermath of Mr Black, talk to Tornin and retrieve TARDIS wagonCollective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Enigma, Terminator, Feelings, Lex,Tornin,Hona,Wagon2016-09-14 3 
544624Samsara Quest 4In which we prepare to take on a villain from the other world!Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-09-15 11 
540507You Awake in Westeros Quest 10Anons around Westeros move the plot forward!collective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-09-15 1 
565376Fantasy Civ Quest 19 - Civ BulgarWe fight in the Barbarian Crusades and by the end 4 kings are dead alongside 2 ice dragons, we hold a contest for a new kingCollective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-09-16 7 
49356089Australian Aboriginal mythological fantasy/tg/ discusses a fantasy setting based on Aborignal Australian mythologyaboriginal, australian, australian aboriginal, fantasy, setting, fluff, australian2016-09-16 3 
582007Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 48The battle at the Atlas platform reaches its conclusion. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-09-17 22 
584469Shinigami Savant Quest #76The Substitute.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-09-17 31 
547270Shipgirl Commander 20The Admiral interrupts Open Mic Night to bring everyone back on duty. For you, Commander, it's time to suit up.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-09-18 5 
579107Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 4The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Boat chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-09-19 5 
579331Fantasy Civ Quest 20 - Civ Bulgaradventures in the east, a wedding that will not be forgotten and the rise of a new threat?Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-09-19 6 
580356Starborn Quest 9: Names and FacesWe begin travelling, meet a Captain and his son/Attendant. Mostly Social chapterCollective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Enigma, Terminator, Feelings, Lex, Tornin, Hona, Wagon2016-09-19 5 
557061Cast OutA young maid is cast out by a cruel mistress. Starts a business with a giant spider and a kobold, and learns she is half dragon.Maids, Dragons, Fantasy2016-09-20 2 
572850Cast Out 2We train our magic more, over did it and mutated a little. Hired an alchemist, started another business, and joined a magic school.Maids, Dragons, Fantasy2016-09-20 3 
598141Starborn Quest 10: Mad WorldWe get to sit down with one of the most in the know people in the setting. It's kinda tense.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Enigma, Terminator, Feelings, Lex, Tornin, Hona, Wagon2016-09-20 4 
598767Whirlpool Quest - Thread 17The group continues to fight their way towards Petroleum, but it seems someone takes the initiative and strikes first! Surprise boss fight!Whirlpool Quest, Waterworks, Drawquest, GuardianTempest2016-09-20 0 
571888Fungeon: Forbidden Love Quest 9We resume the Fungeon Quest after a lengthy time apart. We kiss goodbye to our fiancé and begin trying to form an adventuring party.GenieQuest, Hivemind, Fantasy, Adventure2016-09-22 1 
49363306Monsters/tg/ discusses some spooky beasts and monstershorror, fantasy, monsters, ideas, brainstorming, creatures, beastiary2016-09-23 2 
583431Dungeon Life Quest #95Kneel before the queen of all CreationCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-09-23 10 
615993Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 49Woel has her own problems to deal with in the Pacific.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-09-24 20 
49403764/tg/ talks demons/tg/ discusses a variety of demonsdemon, demons, horror, fantasy, summoning2016-09-25 0 
614997Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 5The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Beauty chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-09-26 3 
587367You Awake in Westeros Quest 11Assassinations and blood magiccollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-09-26 1 
578996Shipgirl Commander 21The mission is successful. But for you, Commander, it's back to the grindKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-09-26 5 
621373Dungeon Life Quest #96BEGIN INTERLUDE VIII: ANVIL AND FORGECollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-09-26 11 
601894Fantasy Civ Quest 21 - Civ BulgarWe meet the Earth Titan near Threemine, a bloody wedding leaves us with many questions that are not fully answered by our investigation.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-09-27 5 
604656Cast Out 3We start magic classes. Get acquainted with some students, make a glowing bow, and plan to adopt a child.Maids, Dragons, Fantasy2016-09-28 2 
610906Fungeon: Forbidden Love Quest 10Where we hear a Shadow School is interested in us, we have an idea for solidly uniting our party (which goes horribly awry), and we get lostGenieQuest, Fantasy, Adventure2016-09-30 1 
October 2016
643872Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 50Hoel prepares to transfer to the next conflict zone.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-10-01 21 
49492001Check Out Anon's Cool Setting #2sequel of sorts to the first one(also has a neat name generator)map, lore, technicolor moustaches, setting, worldbuilding, name generator, fantasy2016-10-01 6 
635455Starborn Quest 11: On the Road AgainLex gets to training Luc the tiny timestoppers. He becomes a sneaky sniper - his daddy gets pissed and we fight him. Things get serious.Collective Game, Purps, Starborn, Lex, Luc, Tiny Dio, Remy, Feelings, Emotions, Combat, Boss Fight, Magic, Fantasy World, Civil War, Hona,2016-10-01 4 
614120Shipgirl Commander 22A well-known Diva looks to join the numbers. You, The Commmander, decide to look deeper into the case of the missing Battleships.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-10-02 5 
643012Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 6The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The School chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-10-02 5 
648366Starborn Quest 12: One Last LessonLexington gears up to stop one of his rampaging students once again. A battle of magic, keikaku and an old man going all in on one last handCollective Game, Purps, Starborn, Remy, Magic, Feelings, Emotions, Combat, Boss Fight, Magic, Fantasy World, Civil War, Lex,2016-10-03 3 
628731Samsara Quest 5In which we take down the Black Witch and gain the spoils.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-10-03 8 
662577Starborn Quest 13: And Then There Were ThreeWe roll through the night to Rono Pass. An old face returns and the village might bring some problems.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-06 3 
635583Cast Out 4We get our senses blighted. Attend a ball. And accidentally destroy our clothes in school.Maids, Dragons, Fantasy, Quest2016-10-06 3 
661650Starborn Quest 14: Undercover OverloadWe finish the aftermath of Mr Black, talk to Tornin and retrieve TARDIS wagonCollective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Anna, Grinnsmon, Marie, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Gambling, Magic, Disguise2016-10-06 2 
637644Werewolf Reich (Name Change)In this thread we attempt to invade Slovakia, fuck up, mutate the pack a little, trigger the QM with Vanu Bullshit, and etc.QuestingQM, Collective Game, Werewolf Reich, Nazi Experimental Quest, Lycanthropy, Cold War2016-10-06 0 
650644Dungeon Life Quest #97Daughterus, daughterus everywhereCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-10-07 6 
631601Fantasy Civ Quest 22 - Civ BulgarNecromancy goes public, new dangers emerge, we wage a successful war against the Barbarian King.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-10-07 5 
658115Dungeon Customs QuestAn average Dungeon Customs officer gets more than he bargained for while doing his job. Fantasy, LeaveQM, Collective Game, Quest, Papers, Please2016-10-07 6 
674590Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 51Hoel returns to Hawaii, but only for a short time before heading off to the next battlefield. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-10-08 21 
676446Shinigami Savant Quest #77Seireitei under siege.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-10-08 28 
673177Starborn Quest 14: The Village/ No Magical Girls for hire EditionWe have some fun in Rono Pass. Fun here meaning investigating the Darnites who apparently don't like us - who knew?Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-09 2 
673851Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 7Usually the dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Special Emily chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-10-10 3 
642767You Awake in Westeros Quest 12Valyria and Harrenhalcollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-10-10 1 
659764Shipgirl Commander 23For you, Commander, the day begins with a rather lusty Houshou.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-10-10 5 
690366Starborn Quest 15: Knuckle DownDown in Rono Pass, when the storms they're a raging. Down by the tavern - the bell is a tolling.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-12 2 
687128Star Wars: Kuat Collection QuestThe Admiral and his Starship Girls fight the Yuuzhan Vong.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-10-12 6 
665936Samsara Quest 6We learn a lot about magic and pocket dimensions, and help with a prison.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-10-14 5 
672493Fantasy Civ Quest 23 - Civ BulgarWe fight a demonic incursion yet again, just barely avoid civil war and make reforms for the betterment of the Kingdom.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-10-14 5 
702227Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 52Hoel shows some of her new friends around Pearl Harbor.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-10-15 20 
667406Cast Out 5We run from gypsies. Befriend a werewolf. Hunt treasure. And learn that one of our friends dieMaids, Dragons, Fantasy, Quest2016-10-15 3 
704346Shinigami Savant Quest #78Riku's funeral.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-10-15 26 
704899[ONESHOT] Edgelords of The Outer RimYou are Wedge Hastings, and you make your way to your new home in The Outer Rim.Edge, Edgelords of The Outer Rim, Fantasy, Oneshot, Collective Game2016-10-15 2 
694580A Blue Mage's Tale #1A retelling of Final Fantasy IX. You are Tobias Alderleaf, a blue mage who goes to see a play, but winds up kidnapping the princess.Final Fantasy, Blue Mage, Blue Mage's Tale2016-10-16 8 
685134Dungeon Life Quest #98We settle up with the old necromancerCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-10-16 6 
699880Fantasy Civ Quest 24 - Civ BulgarThe Great Northern Crusade is fought and the Alliance secures a decisive victory.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-10-16 5 
704861Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 8The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Adoption chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands2016-10-17 3 
684299Shipgirl Commander 24Scratching Nachi's itch and coming face to face with our assigned submarine, dechi.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore, Shipgirl Commander2016-10-17 6 
690947Dungeon Customs Quest 2Sometimes following the Law makes things hard, sometimes it makes things easy. Bottom line, we make a couple friends and a pretty big enemy.Fantasy, LeaveQM, Collective Game, Quest, Papers, Please2016-10-17 1 
697637Whirlpool Quest - Thread 18The group finds Petroleum's group already waiting for them in the R&D District! After some dramatic reveals, it's time to finish this quesWhirlpool Quest, Waterworks, Drawquest, GuardianTempest2016-10-17 0 
704590Starborn Quest 16: Sunshine at MidnightWe explore the temple of Minerva. Begin doing some Tomb Raider puzzle solving and roll a nat 1. Also Frank.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-18 2 
724408Starborn Quest 17: The Rono Pass Picture ShowWe continue exploring the temple, get some VERY BAD dice and take part in a lovely show. Then we get revenge.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Frank, Minerva,Lust, Rono Pass, Rocky Horror, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Revenge2016-10-20 0 
710213King of New Avalon QuestA one-shot following Arthur of the Summer Court and his quest for the CrownCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-10-20 21 
711143Dungeon Life Quest #99We talk with Kat and learn the truth about the Blind MarshCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-10-20 7 
709890Fantasy Civ Quest 25 - Civ BulgarWe go on a great Dragon Hunt against the Ice Dragons and an exploratory adventure south, into the lands of Zhongian.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-10-21 2 
734798Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 53Hoel makes her way to Japan, but now without a few detours...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-10-22 21 
706184You Awake in Westeros Quest 13Lannister forces scramble. Velo contacts the others.collective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-10-22 1 
737428[ONESHOT] Edgelords of The Outer Rim 2Wedge and Maria come across a small fishing village, and test their mettle with a dragon.Edge, Edgelords of The Outer Rim, Fantasy, Oneshot, Collective Game2016-10-22 1 
733618Starborn Quest 18: CleansingWe look at the world through smaller, more innocent eyes before technical difficulties ruin everything.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Frank, Minerva,Lust, Rono Pass, Rocky Horror, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Revenge2016-10-23 2 
737549Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 9The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Cat chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands2016-10-24 2 
716450Shipgirl Commander 25It's the day you and Tenryuu have talked about for some time. A trip inland beckons!Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-10-27 3 
49958633/tg/ makes a pantheonPeople discuss deities and religions they invented for their games. Interesting worldbuilding results.clerics, deity, deities, gods, pantheon, religions, worldbuilding, 2016-10-28 3 
732111Fantasy Civ Quest 26 - Civ BulgarA brutal plague is followed by a devastating civil war and two foreign invasions - Roggar loses its independence.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-10-28 2 
750489Starborn Quest 19: Luc Pilgrim vs The WorldLuc Quest continues, real life keeps QM mostly away.Collective Game, Purps, Starborn, Lex, Luc, Tiny Dio, Remy, Feelings, Emotions, Combat, Boss Fight, Magic, Fantasy World, Civil War, Hona,2016-10-29 2 
762230Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 54Hoel drops in to help out some Japanese shipgirls.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-10-29 20 
746248Dungeon Life Quest #100We have a short thread followed by the hiatus beginningCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-10-29 5 
764389Shinigami Savant Quest #79Divinity and profanity.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-10-29 27 
764790[ONESHOT] Edgelords of The Outer Rim FinaleWedge and company finally reach the border.Edge, Edgelords of The Outer Rim, Fantasy, Oneshot, Collective Game2016-10-29 1 
736919Samsara Quest 7In which we settle down after the events of the past few weeks.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy, Wizards, Samsara Quest2016-10-30 5 
743282Dungeon Customs Quest 3Assembling a team to work with, Dick soon finds out that his job might get a little harder from now on.Fantasy, LeaveQM, Collective Game, Quest, Papers, Please2016-10-30 1 
766378Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 10The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Shimilia duel chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands2016-10-31 2 
November 2016
770940Starborn Quest 19.5: Luc the Vault HunterLuc Quest ends. Purp Quest resumes. The dice gods giveth and they taketh too.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Crits, Enigma, Temple, Feelings, Village2016-11-01 2 
773280Whirlpool Quest - Thread 19We finally defeat Petroleum. Now the plot winds down as we begin to wrap things up. Thank you for playing (or lurking/reading at least).Whirlpool Quest, Waterworks, Drawquest, GuardianTempest2016-11-02 0 
759951Fantasy Civ Quest 27 - Civ BulgarAfter the devastating war, Roggar enters a Golden Age as part of the growing Holy Pantheonic Empire.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-11-04 2 
789892Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 55Hoel tries to get adjusted to the antics of Yokosuka. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-11-05 21 
756323Byzantine Life QuestWe are born into the Byzantine Empire, and begin life as a soldier.Collective Game, Byzantine Life Quest2016-11-05 4 
781659Starborn Quest 20: Purple RainPurps is up and fighting with a mysterious blue coated man, the dice gods are on board with her until they aren't. Luc Quest 2.0 anybody?Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Wounded, Combat, Rono Pass, Enigma, Fail, Red eyes, Wolfmen, Death, Luc2016-11-05 2 
792375Shinigami Savant Quest #80As above, so below.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-11-05 26 
759743You Awake in Westeros Quest 14Marriage and Meereencollective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-11-06 0 
798209Starborn Quest 21: We Happy FewWith the dice fails of the past we instead look to party cohesion. With a divine chat, party tension and we cap it off by voting lewd.the dice gods are on board with her until they aren't. Luc Quest 2.0 anybody? Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Woun2016-11-09 2 
792079Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 11The Final Chapter of the Adventures of our Super SWOLE Heroine: Ilin! Time to become Glorious!drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands2016-11-09 7 
777582Cast Out 8We get Hornier, Get two familiars, Learn that a religious sect wants us dead and a knight swears service to usMaids, Dragons, Fantasy, Quest2016-11-09 3 
777128Shipgirl Commander 26The day with Tenryuu and Iowa nears its end - It's almost time to head back to Yokosuka, Commander. Shadilay.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-11-09 3 
787563Fantasy Civ Quest 28 - Civ BulgarWe still rule the Empire. We launch an invasion of the North that ultimately fails, but we manage to later take over the New Ogre Haven.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-11-11 2 
816606Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 56More Yokosuka antics ensue.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-11-12 21 
818826Shinigami Savant Quest #81Blowback.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-11-12 25 
811757Starborn Quest 22: Tuesday's GoneWe travel, talk to Hona, flesh out her character, DOUBLE CRIT PASS, Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Singing, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Zen2016-11-13 2 
786407Werewolf Reich 4We go to another dimension, fuck up, and realize living underground is decent enough. Oh, and QM dies for this as well.Collective Quest, RIP QM, QuestingQM, Werewolf Reich, Nazi Experimental Quest, Werewolves, Lycanthropy,2016-11-13 0 
787722Byzantine Life Quest II: IconiumConstantine spends their final day in the city before heading offCollective Game, Byzantine Life Quest2016-11-14 2 
809749Shipgirl Commander 27A new day arrives on Yokosuka base. Your weekend continues, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-11-14 3 
823973Hero Guardian Quest #15: ResurrectionCaptain Lin wakes up from her unconscious state, and learns what's happened since she's been unconscious, both outwardly...and inwardly.Collective Game, Awoo, Fantasy, Hero Guardian Quest, HGQ, MGHandler, Original Setting2016-11-15 3 
797730You Awake in Westeros Quest 15Assassination and revival. MAGA.collective game, Westeros, fantasy, Velo, Trick, Shakespeare2016-11-17 2 
814567Fantasy Civ Quest 29 - Civ BulgarBuilding up our nation and going on expeditions and adventures in the southCollective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-11-18 2 
844179Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 57Hoel gets thrust into East Pacific operations. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-11-19 23 
835363Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #2The final liberation of Dantooine.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-11-19 8 
819124Dungeon Life Quest #101BEGIN PART IX: WHAT THOU WILTCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-11-19 6 
842771Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest 1Our (anti-)hero carefully considers his first steps into the world of killing and pillaging.warlord, low fantasy, durwin, outlaws, medieval2016-11-19 5 
846373Shinigami Savant Quest #82Too many Gins on the dance floor.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-11-19 23 
837810Starborn 23:Crime and Punishment Where we scare the hell out of luc, chastise him, go to deal with a trol, and get some sweet sweet backstory.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Troll, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Brutal, Richter, Giants, Flashback2016-11-20 2 
840492Black Company Quest #14The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The town is seized, doggos are dominated and we suffer casualties.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Grenn are NOT furries shut up, Casualties of War2016-11-21 28 
826534Dungeon Customs Quest 4Stuck in a city of the Dead, Dick and his friends fight their way up to the Necromancer responsible for it all. Fantasy, LeaveQM, Collective Game, Quest, Papers, Please2016-11-22 1 
827501Shipgirl Commander 28The die is cast and you're about to embark where no fat man has gone before: on a black ops mission into hostile territory.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-11-23 5 
858514Starborn Quest 23: The Violet DemonWelcome to the past! You've been murdering your way through the giants' town; sanity? What's that? Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Troll, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Brutal, Richter, Giants, Flashback2016-11-24 2 
868325Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 58Hoel goes to rescue some missing shipgirls in the Straits of Malacca.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-11-26 20 
846504Dungeon Life Quest #102We decide how history will remember the LushCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-11-27 5 
859045 Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest # 2You are Sir Durwin, Bandit Chief of the south-lands of Entor. ready to do intelligent banditry and get your dick wet. ignoble king, low fantasy, medieval, banditry, smut,2016-11-27 4 
873645 Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest # 3You are Sir Durwin, Bandit Chief of the south-lands of Entor. time to figure out what to do with all that loot.ignoble king, low fantasy, medieval, banditry,2016-11-27 4 
842033Fantasy Civ Quest 30 - Civ BulgarA devastating plague, followed by a crusade to the demonic AshlandsCollective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-11-27 2 
855591Fantasy Civ Quest ep.31An world war erupts as the HPE invades Ezirin, and then gets invaded by the Norse and Zhong.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-11-29 2 
871773Black Company Quest #15The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince struggles to cope with his comrades, dead or dastardly.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War2016-11-30 25 
December 2016
894759Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 59Hoel skirmishes with some Abyssals with Kumano. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-12-03 20 
886555Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #3MyGeeto.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-12-03 6 
875698Fantasy Civ Quest 32 - Civ BulgarThe great war ends, devastating both the Empire and its enemies - an Ice Titan awakens in the North and the Dark Age beginsCollective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-12-03 2 
50512930AtlantaAsiaAnon run a 16-charatcer tournament of 1v1 battles in a completly borken system. Fun ensues.AtlantaAsia2016-12-04 38 
50519158AtlantaAsia pt 2Second half of the epic tournament.AtlantaAsia, Broken system, cat-o-nine-tails2016-12-04 27 
901636Shinigami Savant Quest #83Guess who's back?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-12-04 26 
865063Shipgirl Commander 29In the aftermath of the mission, you learn a few things... and not all of them good, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-12-04 6 
877382Dungeon Life Quest #103We assume command of the PallbearerCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-12-05 7 
873636Lost Island Quest 57Gang prepares to confront an Angelcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-12-06 10 
892645Fantasy Civ Quest 33 - Civ BulgarWe wage the Second Northern Crusade and battle the Ice Titan Frostfangs.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-12-09 1 
905953Fantasy Civ Quest 34 - Civ BulgarAfter the success of our crusade we peacefully advance, engage in diplomacy and watch a changing world Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-12-09 1 
921962Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 60Hoel has to break some bad news to Portland.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-12-10 21 
924018Shinigami Savant Quest #84Five Dragons.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-12-10 22 
903313Shipgirl Commander 30In which we have a very short thread which ends with the mission select screen. The Commander is back in the saddle.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-12-10 3 
924938Black Company Quest #16The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Prince makes his mark as a brutal disciplinarian. And a sex maniac.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, No Brakes On The My Blood For His Train2016-12-11 23 
904794Scarred by Thorns QuestJesse the Darkling comes home to find things are not as they ought to be.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-12-12 13 
907872Lost Island Quest 58Divine Resolution and a new Missioncollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-12-16 11 
50634760Giant GuardiansEvery village has a giant that protects it from monsters and other giants. /tg/ tries to figure out how it would work.Worldbuilding, Collaborative Creation, Giants, Titans, Game Design2016-12-16 11 
946407Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 61Hoel meets more new and familiar faces at Yokosuka. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-12-17 22 
945172Black Company Quest #17The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We hire a doctor and convince comrades to let bygones be bygones.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War2016-12-17 25 
948046Shinigami Savant Quest #85Land of the Dead.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2016-12-17 22 
940073Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #4The rivalry.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-12-17 5 
948903Death Among the Stars Quest 58GraveQM returns from the dead. A lot of stuff goes down and resource systems discussedquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-12-18 12 
919566Fantasy Civ Quest 35 - Civ BulgarWe elect our first ruling Queen, conquer some land from the Zhongi and fight against Father MountainCollective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2016-12-18 1 
940621Newfound Magic Quest- Part 1In which Norman Fusilier is a wizard, and he is not happy about it. Newfound Magic, Collective Game, Never archived anything before oh god I hope i'm doing this right, Fantasy, Quest, Flexing Is Intimidating2016-12-19 1 
936577Dungeon Life Quest #104The Great Pixie RescueCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-12-20 7 
948302A Cold Common Quest: Chapter 1Join young Wilge in his new life as a Nature magician in a very cold world. A new beginning! drawquest, fun, Wilge, Nature, fantasy, Magic, dumb, glorious, Collective Game2016-12-20 3 
954298Newfound Magic Quest- Part 2In which Norman Fusilier is in the woods, and kills some stuff. Newfound Magic, Collective Game, Fantasy, Quest, Slimes, Wearing peoples feet, 2016-12-23 1 
970199Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 62Hoel participates in a mine clearing operation. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-12-24 20 
955323July At Christmas Quest - Thread 1Zoe "Zippo" Morris is asked to ensure a seasonal celebration takes place, and everyone decides to be dicks about itCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-12-27 11 
979788Monstergirl Legend Quest 1: REBIRTHA Legend is Reborn...as a Monster girl? Will they accept or deny their old destiny?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2016-12-27 25 
958908Dungeon Life Quest #105We discuss the fate of /Pallbearer/ with the Quell and wonder why gods cannot seem to have conversations like normal people.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2016-12-28 7 
980016Death Among the Stars Quest 59The Necrotic Armada launches its first true invasion against the Osjiic system B'Nan already in the midst of an invasion by the Ahkamquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-12-28 13 
992841Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 63Preparations are made for the liberation of Singapore. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2016-12-31 20 
976880July At Christmas Quest - Thread 2We meet back up with an old rival, an old enemy, and our old-ass KingCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, One-Shot, Modern Fantasy2016-12-31 13 
January 2017
972967Multi Faction Nationgame: CHAPTER 1 - DEMONS AND ANGELS COLLIDE! THE COALITION FORMS!Bug people are massacred. A man hijacks a civ. Demons get strafed by f16s. Come on down fuckers.collective game, NationDawnQM, fantasy, civ game, multiple factions2017-01-02 4 
1005544Monstergirl Legend Quest 2:DragonMay Mcnarren, Now a dragon, begins her life as a monster girl in Tartarus city. Maybe the countryside's fresh air will calm her down a bit.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-03 21 
982285Dungeon Life Quest #106At some point I'm going to be able to post regularly again god fucking damn itCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-01-04 5 
1005656Kant-O-Celle Quest- Hate GaidenHate brings the German shipgirls back to baseCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest, GhostDivision2017-01-04 13 
969319Slasher Quest: Cabin of Carnage 1Its slay-bell season in this installation of Slasher Quest. 4 teenagers. 1 private island. 1 killer dressed as Santa Claus.Collective Game, Questguy, Slasher Quest, Slasher, Holiday, Christmas, Santa2017-01-05 2 
997624Deamon quest 2Deamon 1995 1242 are rushing to evacuate from the ship before they die horribly Daeday, tentacles, sifi, anthro, action-packed2017-01-06 3 
980226Plant Powers: The BeginningLance starts his adventure of plant fun, meets a girl, and fights a dead bearPlant-Powers2017-01-06 2 
1016664Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 64Hoel runs into a new face...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-01-07 21 
1015534Death Among the Stars Quest 60Jadyk meets with the Caretaker as Jor recovers. The Armada continues its invasion of Kandaquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-07 7 
1016204Black Company Quest #18The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Erhus are acquired as we tune up our bro-skill for a troubled Mask.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Always Bet on Red, Erhu, Band, Wuxia2017-01-07 23 
988039Lost Island Quest 59Alan looks for roscoli navigation charts and gets friendly and not so friendly firecollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-01-07 13 
1001659Fantasy Civ Quest 37 - Civ BulgarThe Fourth Barbarian War is bloody as we fight The Mighty yet again. NOTICE, thread 36 can be found in the pastebin. Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-01-08 1 
1020736RWBY Quest: Remnant Knights 1An old woman tells a young girl the story of the island of Scintilla, and of Nemo the Mercenary.RWBY, Remnant Knights, RWBY Quest, Collective Game2017-01-08 5 
1019001A Cold Common Quest: Chapter 2Join young Wilge in his new life as a Nature magician in a very cold world. Vs. Fist Magicians!drawquest, fun, Wilge, Nature, fantasy, Magic, dumb, glorious, Collective Game2017-01-10 1 
992737Shipgirl Commander 31The day comes to a close for you, Commander. Time to suit up.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-01-10 3 
1029584Monstergirl Legend Quest 3:LegendMay adjusts to living with a roommate, Yvette the dryad.But a story for a legend is begging to be told.Will it be a peaceful tale?Not likelyCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-10 20 
1007795Dungeon Life Quest #107We learn surprising amounts about Rachael TrustCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-01-11 5 
1018643Fantasy Civ Quest 38 - Civ Bulgar The Dwarven Age is upon us, we fight pirates and help the Akeshisu reclaim independence.Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-01-14 2 
1001082Multi Faction Nationgame: CHAPTER 2Shit happens, rocks fall, skeletons die.collective game, NationDawnQM, fantasy, civ game, multiple factions2017-01-14 2 
1041834Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 65The operation to liberate Singapore begins.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-01-14 21 
1040520Death Among the Stars Quest 61The invasion of Kanda progresses under Valresko's command. The Harbinger is sent to parlay with the Pirate Clansquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-14 9 
1044028Shinigami Savant Quest #86Bureaucracy: the TRUE face of Hell.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-01-14 21 
1032617Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #5Arrival of the Grand Admiral.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-01-14 5 
1046240RWBY Quest: Remnant Knights 2Nemo awakens on an airship heading to Scintilla.RWBY, Remnant Knights, RWBY Quest, Collective Game2017-01-15 5 
1031947Dungeon Life Quest #108We battle with the /Lonesome Dirge/Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-01-17 5 
1028411Multi Faction Nationgame: CHAPTER 3more shit happens, I don't even know anymorecollective game, NationDawnQM, fantasy, civ game, multiple factions2017-01-17 1 
1026755Lost Island Quest 60Alan returns home and argues.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-01-17 11 
1057919Monstergirl Legend Quest 4:BonesWhat can a cat do to a dragon? What can a whole gang of cats do to one? The fishbone gang steps up its efforts to make May show some respectCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-17 16 
51248833Kulmorost Dividedfa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting.Kulmorost Divided, Kulmorost, worldbuilding, setting, fantasy, humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, trolls2017-01-18 24 
1028642Shipgirl Commander 32The mission begins - and there may be more than meets the eye.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-01-18 3 
1057114Dungeon Life Quest #109BEGIN INTERLUDE IX: THE WHOLE OF THE LAWCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-01-20 6 
1068336Kant-O-Celle Quest #157In which a certain Greek gets back into the groove after a long time of paying debts. Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2017-01-21 10 
1069908Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 66The liberation of Singapore continues, with an unexpected guest...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-01-21 22 
1070641Kant-O-Celle Quest #158In which our intrepid Argie A-4 Skyhawk pilot continues his deadly dance in the sky.Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2017-01-21 10 
1050013Black Company Quest #17The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. A traitor is in the ranks, and Prince meets Prince.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War, Mute Flirting2017-01-21 24 
1072554Shinigami Savant Quest #87The Beach.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-01-21 21 
51288620Kulmorost Divided 2fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 2Kulmorost Divided, Kulmorost, worldbuilding, setting, fantasy, humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, trolls, grimbright2017-01-21 12 
1073592A Cold Common Quest: Chapter 3?Join young Wilge in his new life as a Nature magician in a very cold world. The Non-episode.drawquest, fun, Wilge, Nature, fantasy, Magic, dumb, glorious, Collective Game2017-01-22 1 
1074390RWBY Quest: Remnant Knights 3Nemo arrives in Alsatia, and visits an old friend...RWBY, Remnant Knights, RWBY Quest, Collective Game2017-01-22 5 
1038698Fantasy Civ Quest 39 - Civ BulgarWe fight the Rat Plague, meet a new Empire and journey to Hajatas.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2017-01-22 4 
1073715Death Among the Stars Quest 62The Armada lays siege to the last strongholds of Kanda. Pirates give their answersquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-22 8 
51307588Ancient Magitek AI SettingA fantasy setting based in the remnants of an apocalyptic singularity with superhuman magitech AIs.Arcane Intelligences, AI, pantheon, worldbuilding, setting, spirits, magic system, apocalyptic,2017-01-23 22 
51380847Kulmorost Divided 3fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 3Kulmorost Divided, Kulmorost, worldbuilding, setting, fantasy, humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, trolls, grimbright2017-01-24 10 
1088921Monstergirl Legend Quest 5: Brawl1 Dragon and 1 minotauress vs a whole lot of cat girls and 1 Griffin. I like those odds, lets get this party started.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-25 17 
1089782Unto Death QuestA lich wakes up with no memory in some sort of tomb. Unto Death, Death Lord, Serial, fantasy, worldbuilding, magic system2017-01-26 6 
1076971Shipgirl Commander 33You return from the successful mission, battered but otherwise alive. But your short stay in Ominato... might not be so event-free, either.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-01-27 5 
1093411Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 67The battle for Singapore reaches its endgame.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-01-27 20 
1099002Shinigami Savant Quest #88Two Zanpakuto.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-01-28 22 
1088749Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #6Battle with the Yuuzhan VongCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-01-28 6 
1101551RWBY Quest: Remnant Knights 4Nemo dreams more about the past.RWBY, Remnant Knights, RWBY Quest, Collective Game2017-01-29 5 
1100688Kant-O-Celle Quest #159We follow Settle into the depths...Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest2017-01-29 10 
1100852Death Among the Stars Quest 63The Invasion of Kanda slowly draws closer to an end while Jor returns home after his trials.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-29 6 
1079735Dungeon Life Quest #110We hash things out with Gemma and Red Troth.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-01-29 7 
1072649Lost Island Quest 61Alan meets a rat.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-01-30 12 
1077229Multi-Civ Quest #2First thread was not archived here in time: https://boards.4tan.org/qst/thread/1039619/ No more room for description. Fun stuf happens thCiv Quest, Fantasy, Factions, Hardcore Survival, Rare Magic, Butterlord, Quarterly-Seasonal Turns2017-01-31 1 
1065133Multi Faction Nationgame: CHAPTER 4Magical Arms Race Faggotry and QM gets a life. collective game, NationDawnQM, fantasy, civ game, multiple factions2017-01-31 1 
51485832Kulmorost Divided 4fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 4Kulmorost Divided, Kulmorost, worldbuilding, setting, fantasy, humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, trolls, grimbright2017-01-31 6 
February 2017
1085035Fantasy Civ Quest 40 - Civ Bulgar Soviet tactics, PTSD and the spread of lizlam.Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-02-01 2 
1116893Monstergirl Legend Quest 6: ReputationWord spreads about May trashing the Fishbone gang. And she gets a lot of unwanted attention.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-01 16 
1125012Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 68Hoel battles against the Abyssal Summer Princess.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-02-04 20 
1104408Dungeon Life Quest #111I regret nothingCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-02-05 7 
1128083Death Among the Stars Quest 64Jadyk takes stock of the Armada and interacts with his living subjectsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-05 7 
1128653Black Company Quest #20he Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We influence Saint, and have our Dragonbluff called by the Vampires.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War, Vampires, Bluds and Crypts2017-02-05 24 
1115768Shipgirl Commander 34You return to Yokosuka after your frightening experience with Shigure. A Commander's work is never done.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-02-06 3 
1086281Shattered Sky Quest #1First day at school.Shattered Sky, Collective Game, Fantasy2017-02-07 2 
1113512Experimental RPG Quest - Part 1A lighthearted JRPG-inspired quest where an orphaned village boy goes to the Witch’s Tower to fight the Evil Witch. ExperimentalQM, Experimental RPG Quest, Collective Game, JRPG, Fantasy2017-02-08 2 
1123560Experimental RPG Quest - Part 2A lighthearted JRPG-inspired quest where an orphaned village boy goes to the Witch’s Tower to fight the Evil Witch.ExperimentalQM, Experimental RPG Quest, Collective Game, JRPG, Fantasy2017-02-08 2 
1143279Monstergirl Legend Quest 7: Lion's denThe Truth is revealed, and May Goes clubbing. Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-08 16 
1116254Fantasy Civ Quest 41 - Civ Bulgar We recover from the horrible war and obtain blackpowder and plate armor.Collective Game,Fantasy,Civ,Civ Bulgar2017-02-11 5 
1150077Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 69With Singapore freed, celebrations are in order...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-02-11 21 
1151782Shinigami Savant Quest #89Chilly reception.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-02-11 21 
1153323RWBY Quest: Remnant Knights 5The new arrivals face their first test in the Half-Pike Forest.RWBY, Remnant Knights, RWBY Quest, Collective Game2017-02-12 5 
1143140Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #7Hunting the Worldship.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-02-12 6 
1128677Dungeon Life Quest #112Illness interrupt means slow, short, weird thread.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-02-12 5 
1152849Death Among the Stars Quest 65Jadyk welcomes the Arc Butchers to the Armada and scouts various star systems.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-12 8 
1122937Resistance Quest pt1The nation of Awsbet has been conquered and subjugated, but Iwo Malinowski will fight for his nation's freedom.Red White and Britfag, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest2017-02-13 5 
1160713Fantasy Crusader QuestIn which Victor Reis, Teutonic Knight-Captain finds himself... elsewhere, after fighting Saracens.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight2017-02-14 12 
1132732Divine Demoness QuestAsheroth goes through her character generation. Demon, Fantasy, Paladin, Succubus2017-02-14 5 
1142425God's of a sundered world You controll Excanib a god and begin to spread your dominion across the eitherDeity, prometheus, fantasy, 2017-02-14 1 
1164471Monstergirl Legend Quest 8: MagicDo you believe in magic and fairytales? A witch seeks out May...or is it the otherway around?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-15 16 
1133537Lost Island Quest 62Succeeded in not shitting pants in front of a dragon. Alan still has to take down the head vampire, thoughcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-02-17 11 
1146896Antimage QuestOur hero(?) kills a strange peasant, stalks a butcher, and fights pig abominations.antimage, quest, violent, grimdark2017-02-18 12 
1171743Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 70Hoel is tasked with a critical objective...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-02-18 20 
1142718Shipgirl Commander 35Returning from Ominato, you find yourself (unwillingly) back in the full swing of things. A busy day awaits you, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-02-18 3 
1169788Fantasy Crusader Quest #2In which Victor leaves camp, enters a forest, and meets elves.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-02-18 5 
1173329Shinigami Savant Quest #90TALES OF INTERESTBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-02-18 21 
1175081Death Among the Stars Quest 66Valresko debates with the Blackscale Cabal while Jadyk deploys humanitarian aid to the Refuge system to combat an undead outbreakquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-19 6 
1175868Black Company Quest #21The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We acquire a Soul. And get our hands on some Drugs for our Dragon.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Drugs, Cutie Paladin2017-02-19 22 
1167504Fantasy Civ Quest 42 - Civ BulgarSome infected werehyenas save Alex Jones who gets hunted down by Darth Vader god edition and then we escape and he is revealed to be Conan.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2017-02-20 5 
1184486Fantasy Crusader Quest #3In which Victor Reis travel through the woods.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-02-21 3 
1161890Dungeon Life Quest #113Kat meets an old ladyCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-02-21 6 
1193087Monstergirl Legend Quest 9: NidhoggrThe past is finally revealed and May's world is turned upside down.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-22 17 
1193784RWBY Quest: Remnant Knights 6The melee in the forest begins.RWBY, Remnant Knights, RWBY Quest, Collective Game2017-02-23 2 
1194101Fantasy Crusader Quest #4In which Victor Reis survives the Wild Hunt. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-02-24 3 
1158328Just Another Civ QuestKobolds are blessed by the Volcano God and Faerie Lucifer falls from grace. Then, Goblin Monk meditates and fasts to overcome hunger.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Low-Magic, Stone Age, Deities, Gods, Divine Influence2017-02-24 2 
1174034Kobold Quest #1A group of Kobolds has been ousted from their previous home, and now must make dew in new lands if they hope to survive and get revenge.Kobold Quest, Brushwood, Kobold, Quest, 3d6, Giant Enemy Crab,2017-02-25 2 
1171348Antimage Quest IIIn which we deal with the consequences of biting off more than we could chew.antimage, quest, violent, grimdark, low fantasy2017-02-25 4 
1200896Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 71Hoel crosses paths with the President again. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-02-25 20 
1202847Shinigami Savant Quest #91Diplomatic immunity.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-02-25 21 
1203720The Coldran Odyssey: Book 1 Thread 1We wake up, discover some things about the world, and start our adventure!Collective Game, The Coldran Odyssey, Fantasy, Lance, 12017-02-26 1 
1205158RWBY Quest: Remnant Knights 7Nemo and company come across the objective, but encounter a small problem.RWBY, Remnant Knights, RWBY Quest, Collective Game2017-02-26 1 
1143428Of Bloodied Claw and Steel The restart of a certain quest involving wolfpeoples battling humans, and the pain that war brings.Collective Game, Awoo, MGHandler, Fantasy2017-02-26 1 
1200580Fantasy Crusader Quest #5Where Victor buries his fallen brothers, and rests. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-02-26 3 
1209233Improv Quest I You awake in a prison cell, along with several others. Why are you here? What did you do? What now? That's up to you.Prison Break, RPG, Fantasy2017-02-27 1 
1209564Death Among the Stars Quest 67The Necrolytes arrive to rescue the living of Refuge. Eiton investigates Worllunan and the Solar Arbiters are createdquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-27 9 
1181357Shipgirl Commander 36You approach the end of Day 44 at the Army Mobile Command, where you encounter faces new.. and old.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-02-28 3 
March 2017
1216085Fantasy Crusader Quest #6Where Victor Reis takes a walk and has a talk. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-03-01 3 
1189967Dungeon Life Quest #114Kat handles her first Feisty Old LadyCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-03-01 7 
1219352Monstergirl Legend Quest 10:Confusion May starts to try to adjust to her new world of legends and her new relationship with YvetteCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-01 17 
1212747From Pleb to Hero Quest #1Join Nora's unexpected adventure to become a hero! drawquest, Nora, Collective Game, fantasy2017-03-02 5 
51955995Gigerworld thread #4After a long hiatus, work on Gigerworld and the Gigerverse continues. Now with more detailing about the noble houses. horror, giger, fantasy,2017-03-02 7 
1184405Fantasy Civ Quest 43 - Civ BulgarBlackpill dropped,A legend dies and we fight at Stalingrad.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2017-03-02 1 
1227363Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 72Hoel finds herself in the midst of a fancy dinner party. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-03-04 20 
1226658Black Company Quest #20The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. A surefire plan goes bad and then Prince accidentally a Dragon.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Drugs, Cutie Paladin, Dragon, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD2017-03-04 23 
1229280Shinigami Savant Quest #92A Higher LevelBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-03-04 23 
1231905The Coldran Odyssey: Book 1 Thread 2Early archive, we made it to a spooky forest!Collective Game, The Coldran Odyssey, Fantasy, Lance, 22017-03-05 1 
1230721Death Among the Stars Quest 68Reconstruction is attempted on an unsuspecting Clone, the Armada's population grows, and Jadyk inducts the ructu into the necrotic practicequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-03-05 7 
52015084Gigerworld thread #5Worldbuilding on Gigerworld continues.horror, giger, fantasy,2017-03-06 6 
1210341Admor CivQuest 3Vvardenfell Goblins become chinaboo shaolin monks. Gnolls rise from troubled past and become artisans. Dorfs fight wurm, troll and shrapnel.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Deities, Gods, Divine Influence2017-03-07 1 
51900239a lesser god takes the role of a greater god for a day/tg/ discusses theology and the spread of myths through cultures.theology, myths, pantheon, worldbuilding2017-03-07 6 
1219253Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #8Arrival at KuatCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-03-07 6 
1216288The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #15The MC plays some D&D while stuck in the hospital, we get our masked vigilante on and conclude with some women's pro-wrestling.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Fortuna Mistral, G-Mantle, Ultima2017-03-07 6 
1205056Lost Island Quest 63Vampire Fight concluded.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-03-07 10 
1225811Fantasy Crusader Quest #7Victor rescues his men from the Dark elves, but is left with several scars.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-03-08 2 
1221508Dungeon Life Quest #115We sue for peace and prepare for the final confrontation.Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-03-08 5 
1247690Monstergirl Legend Quest 11: Day outMay has a day out. Wonder if its going to be nice or bloody.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-09 13 
1241711From Pleb to Hero Quest #2Join Nora's bureaucratic journey to pay her debt!... wait, that doesn't sound exciting at all.drawquest, Nora, Collective Game, fantasy2017-03-10 5 
1252636Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 73Hoel heads into Russian waters...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-03-11 20 
1254415Shinigami Savant Quest #93Second in CommandBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-03-11 23 
1220722Shipgirl Commander 37It's Day 45, Commander. Time for you to settle a few things before you turn it in.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-03-11 2 
1227528Mythic World - The Wildlands IMinor nations attempt to escape overbearing empires by settling in unclaimed lands. These lands are inhabited by savages, monsters, + loot!Collective Game, Builder, Builder Game, Civilization Builder, Civ Builder, Civ Builder Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civilization2017-03-12 1 
1260874Exterminator Quest Requiem 2A very very short thread.extermiantor quest, qmsimmons2017-03-13 2 
1252072Wizard ExplorerPip uses his American meme magic to help fend off waves of skeletons.Dolomite, Wizard Explorer, Wizard, Fantasy, Skeleton2017-03-13 1 
1236445European Dragon Quest 56In this episode, we take our son to school, try to be romantic, and find out Elizabeth can't drink worth a damn. And become loving, no lustBlatant Lies, QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, Cold War, Collective Game2017-03-13 2 
1251511Fantasy Crusader Quest #8In which Victor returns to camp, and Natalia tells a story. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Natalia2017-03-14 2 
1260840Death Among the Stars Quest 69The Armada launches multiple raids against its enemies and explores alien worldsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-03-14 12 
52139661/tg/ makes Builds 9 Fantasy Armies out of Random Pictures #1/tg/ grabs a large amount of random army art, divides it among 9 factions, and attempts to construct a setting and wargame from the results.worldbuilding, setting, fantasy, collaborative creation, game design2017-03-15 11 
1226342Fantasy Civ Quest 44 - Civ BulgarThe war comes to a close, but the thread is archived too soon.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2017-03-15 1 
1271186Monstergirl Legend Quest 12:AttackWho would attack a dragon? May is about to find outCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-15 15 
1244845Dungeon Life Quest #116"Then what good are you?"Collective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-03-16 7 
1264379From Pleb to Hero Quest #3Join Nora's life changing decision of what type of hero she wants to become!drawquest, Nora, Collective Game, fantasy2017-03-16 2 
52099134Gigerworld Thread #6Yet more Gigerworld worldbuilding. Now with more Baryx related argumentshorror, giger, fantasy, Worldbuilding2017-03-16 5 
1277158Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 74Hoel finds herself in a 3 way conflict between herself, the Russian Navy, and a mysterious shipgirl...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-03-18 21 
1245060Shipgirl Commander 38Another day comes... and with it, more problems than you're comfortable with. Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-03-18 2 
1239189Admor CivQuest 4Trees move. Elves get spooked. Gnolls build fortress of archers and plot against orcs. Fae and Sneks build houses.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Deities, Gods, Divine Influence2017-03-19 1 
1280139Death Among the Stars Quest 70Further raids against the enemies of the Armada are conducted and Jadyk has a violent reunion with an old allyquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-03-19 15 
1274408Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #9Some time on Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-03-19 5 
1280388Black Company Quest #23The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Prince cows the Vamps with his Dragon. The offensive is launched.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Drugs, Cutie Paladin, Dragon, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD2017-03-20 23 
1279875Wizard Explorer 3Pip harasses some girl in a libraryDolomite, Wizard Explorer, Memes, Fantasy, Magic, Trump, Wizard2017-03-20 1 
1257671Mythic World - The Wildlands IIThe so-called knights of Arianthea attempt a pre-emptive attack on the local savage gnollish fanatics, but will this bid for dominance win? Collective Game, Builder, Builder Game, Civilization Builder, Civ Builder, Civ Builder Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civilization2017-03-22 2 
1272785Shipgirl Commander 39The meeting over and done with, you decide to accompany Kongou and Tenryuu Addendum: This is Day 45. Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-03-22 2 
1272122Dungeon Life Quest #117BEGIN EPILOGUE: LIFE IS FOR THE LIVINGCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-03-22 8 
1263833Admor CivQuest 5Human Pirates meet giant scorpions. Gnolls massacre Orcs. Dezert Kangs wuz frian chikunz.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Deities, Gods, Divine Influence2017-03-23 1 
1288114From Pleb to Hero Quest #4Join Nora's search for the Magical Red Crystal in a mine full of dangers!drawquest, Nora, Collective Game, fantasy2017-03-23 2 
1293249Dungeon Life Quest #118The final threadCollective Game, Dungeon Life Quest, Fantasy, Necromancy2017-03-23 18 
1260573Fantasy Civ Quest 45 - Civ BulgarThe final battle, the post-war, chess, new threats and trippy Hajatas journeys.Collective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2017-03-23 1 
1279234Fantasy Crusader Quest #9Where Natalia finishes telling her story.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Natalia2017-03-24 1 
1300298Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 75Hoel meets a rather interesting Polish destroyer. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-03-25 22 
1301608Shinigami Savant Quest #94Those who prove worthy.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-03-25 22 
1303124Wizard Explorer 4Pip convinces a slightly crazy geomancer to share his knowledge.Dolomite, Wizard Explorer, Wizard, Fantasy, memes2017-03-27 1 
1291505WildStar QuestClyde Starwalker, an Exile Human Stalker, awakens from cryo-sleep and gets prepared for a trip to the mysterious planet Nexus.WildStar Quest, WildStar, Collective Game, Clyde Starwalker, Exile, Dominion, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Space2017-03-29 6 
1315085Monstergirl Legend Quest 13: TyrantChanges aren't just skin deepCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-29 13 
1308130From Pleb to Hero Quest #5Join Nora's attempt to free her friend Gretchen from jail!drawquest, Nora, Collective Game, fantasy2017-03-30 2 
1278898Lost Island Quest 64Expedition to Khagh Moldircollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-03-30 10 
1263683God of Edge: The Beta Uprising part 1A diety quest that very quickly falls into untold levels of degeneracy.Deity, prometheus, fantasy, rape,edge,nc172017-03-30 2 
52252594original fantasy races/tg/ worldbuilds ideas for original fantasy races and what their cultures might be like.species, races, worldbuilding, fantasy, setting2017-03-31 4 
April 2017
1321544Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 76During a much needed break, Hoel tries to show the new ships a good time. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-04-01 22 
1292229Mythic World - The Wildlands IIIThe so-called knights of Arianthea did not win their bid for dominance, & died. The Deathtouched Empire makes itself known to the new world. Collective Game, Builder, Builder Game, Civilization Builder, Civ Builder, Civ Builder Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civilization2017-04-01 1 
52429923Statting Black MantaShitty Stat Me thread turns epic as /tg/ learns the purity of hate that is Black Mantastat me, /co/, hate, Black Manta, Fuck Aquaman2017-04-01 39 
1323833Shinigami Savant Quest #95Those who strive.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-04-01 21 
1296117Admor CivQuest 6Kobolds ride dragons under new management. Gnoll Chief goes hunting on an acid trip. Faerie King gets lost in the Underdark.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Low-Magic, Stone Age, Deities, Gods, Divine Influence2017-04-02 1 
1325659Death Among the Stars Quest 71A new Armadan city is finally opened on Rukor and Jadyks favored living subjects begin a dangerous missionquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-02 12 
1325299Black Company Quest #24The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Skalds are in LT Prince's way. So he removes them. Brutally.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Drugs, Cutie Paladin, Skalds, BRUTAL2017-04-02 25 
1314806Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #10LusankyaCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-04-05 5 
1311512Shipgirl Commander 40It is the morning of your weekend... you meet with The Court of Admirals for the first time.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-04-06 1 
1342663Monstergirl Legend Quest 14: Bad PuckBad Luck rides on the wings of PuckCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-04-06 12 
1341207DaemonQuest ReduxDaemon-1995 returns, finds a dog and enters a mysterious maze.Daeday, scifi, anthro2017-04-07 2 
1336399From Pleb to Hero Quest #6Join Nora's comfy days in a boat.drawquest, Nora, Collective Game, fantasy2017-04-08 3 
1346733Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 77The "date" with Anna continues. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-04-08 21 
52535995Implementing shinto in D&Dthread full of ideas, mechanics, adventure hooks, and comfy all about everyone's favorite weeaboo animism religionD&D, fantasy, fluff, touhou, catgirls, foxgirls, cute, comfy, not-trash-I-Promise, gods, mythology,2017-04-08 5 
1348164Shinigami Savant Quest #96A moment of calm.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-04-08 22 
1349821Frontier Knight QuestThe Knight awakens to a new land filled with adventure and danger...Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-04-09 37 
1349170Death Among the Stars Quest 72Jadyk has an illuminating conversation with an important captive and the Wayward Disciple has luck in his hunt.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-09 9 
1352939Wizard Explorer 5Due to low responses the quest is cancelled early.Dolomite, Wizard Explorer, Wizard, Fantasy2017-04-10 1 
1349722Black Company Quest #25The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. A Traitor is revealed, foul misfortune dooms LT Prince.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Traitor, Crits2017-04-10 30 
1346314Fantasy Crusader Quest #10Training and rotten luck.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-04-12 2 
1363269Monstergirl Legend Quest 15: Territory May discovers just how bad territorial disputes between dragons can beCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-04-13 12 
1299043Fantasy Civ Quest 46 - Civ Bulgar Recovery from the war is halted by plague and civil war, followed by a Roggarian becoming EmpressCollective Game, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Bulgar2017-04-14 1 
1323869Fantasy Civ Quest 47 - Civ Bulgar Empress Wave plays 4d chess, proxy wars and a New WorldCollective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-04-14 1 
1366794Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 78Hoel continues to hang out at the base before the next missionKantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-04-15 20 
1337096Shipgirl Commander 41Your trial/meeting with the Court of Admirals has its ups... and downs, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-04-15 3 
1368228Shinigami Savant Quest #97The Monk burns?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-04-15 26 
1369743Frontier Knight Quest 2The Templar gets his first taste of life on the Frontier. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-04-16 25 
1349216WildStar Quest 2Clyde's shuttle to Nexus crashlands in the frozen Northern Wilds. A new comrade is rescued, and a plan is hatched to get out of this mess.WildStar Quest, WildStar, Collective Game, Clyde Starwalker, Exile, Dominion, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Space2017-04-16 5 
1369205Death Among the Stars Quest 73Nekris beings a new hunt for exotic monstrosities while the Commander and Jor confront the source behind the Refuge crisisquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-16 8 
1372129Black Company Quest #26The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. A disfigured LT Prince awakes to his anxious comrades and Captain.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Will Senpai Notice Me, Highlander, NE2017-04-18 20 
1327931Admor CivQuest 7Kobolds reappear and disappear again. Three races of bird people plot evil. Moths and Cats enslave gobs and dorfs. Merfolk pirates reappear.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Divine Influence, Underdark2017-04-18 1 
1370219Pacific Rim: Resurgence Quest 1We are Zane Jacobs. No we're not, we're Zack Warwick, ex-Ranger. We decide to protect the daughteru and become a Ranger again.Pacific Rim: Resurgence Quest, Pacific Rim, Giant Mechs, Daughteru, Collective Game2017-04-20 3 
1387963Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 79Hoel heads out to find some new allies.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-04-22 20 
1391106Frontier Knight Quest 3The Templar tries to deal with some unexpected guests.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-04-23 24 
1399268Death Among the Stars Quest 73.2A special thread dedicate to Necromancer Jor and the Necrolyte Commander tracking down the source of the Refuge Crisisquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-25 10 
1372160Fantasy Crusader Quest #11Victor has a sparring match with his friend Marcus.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-04-26 2 
1373390Shipgirl Commander 42In which a whole thread is dedicated to your visit to your Senpai, the First Admiral. Oh, and Bismarck, if you're into that kind of thing.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-04-27 2 
1411502Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 80Hoel searches for some marauding Russian shipgirls.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-04-29 21 
1412581Shinigami Savant Quest #98Riku ain't afraid of no ghosts.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-04-29 21 
52911245FOODFa/tg/uys discuss gastronomy, interesting (and somewhat pointless) fluff ensues.food, fluff, conversation, D&D, Pathfinder, Fantasy2017-04-29 7 
1414449Frontier Knight Quest 4The Templar heads out on his first official Frontier quest.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-04-30 26 
1414014Death Among the Stars Quest 74The future of Refuge is discussed by many and the Armada tends to its woundedquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-30 7 
May 2017
1417623Black Company Quest #27The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The boy-heir is handed over, Prince reaffirms his love for the 7th.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, No Parents, Mecha, PROMOTIONS!2017-05-01 24 
1406055Fantasy Detective QuestYou are Sean Brannigan, an Irish Detective living in Boston. Oh, and you're a wizard as well. Fantasy Detective Quest, Detective, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Boston2017-05-02 2 
1428143Monstergirl Legend Quest 16: KidBeing a little kid can feel like a curse. Especially when it is one! Can May break it?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-04 10 
1361892Admor CivQuest 8Elves and Fae fight zombies in caves. Birds build a trading post. Gnolls build temples, walls and wheels. Fae plan a giant library.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Divine Influence, Underdark2017-05-06 1 
1391684Admor CivQuest 9Elves accidentally summon a god and then go canoeing. Gnolls finish building the greatest stronghold on the planet.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Divine Influence, Underdark2017-05-06 1 
1431396Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 81Hoel tries to escort the Russian shipgirl fleet to safety.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-05-06 22 
1432612Shinigami Savant Quest #99The Banished.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-05-06 20 
1434941Frontier Knight Quest 5The Templar continues his journeys.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-05-07 24 
1434391Death Among the Stars Quest 75Jadyk and Jor fight to save the minds of loyal soldiers while the Wayward Disciple initiates their plans against the Councilquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-05-07 9 
1430382From Pleb to Hero Quest #7Join Gretchen's shenanigans inside an artistic airship.drawquest, Nora, Collective Game, fantasy, Gretchen2017-05-08 2 
1414799WildStar Quest 3Clyde makes first contact with the Dominion on Nexus as he and his comrades raid a local camp and make their escape from the Northern Wilds. WildStar Quest, WildStar, Collective Game, Clyde Starwalker, Exile, Dominion, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Space2017-05-08 3 
1424110Fantasy Crusader Quest #12You meet the other Teuton Knight-Captains for a tactical meeting, and bring Kathrin along, as well. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-05-09 1 
1425006Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #11More time at Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-05-11 6 
1451724Monstergirl Legend Quest 17: Two DragonsMay finally confronts Faith, who cursed her into being a little brat again. Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-12 8 
1452820Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 82Interesting times occur when Russians arrive in Yokosuka...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-05-13 20 
1442799Fantasy Detective Quest #2You get a job, and run into your landlady.Fantasy Detective Quest, Detective, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Boston2017-05-13 1 
1457442Frontier Knight Quest 6The Templar tries to track down Solaire by fighting an abnormally large pig. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-05-14 23 
1456781Death Among the Stars Quest 76The Armada plots for war while welcoming newly risen Immortals into their ranks.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-05-14 8 
1459238Shinigami Savant Quest #100Mothers' Day.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-05-14 22 
1424177Shipgirl Commander 43The rest of the weekend proceeds as well as it could. Many a hardship, however, remains lurking just beyond the horizon, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-05-14 3 
1457345Fantasy Crusader Quest #13You resolve the meeting and run into a serious problem.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-05-17 1 
1432630Fantasy Civ Quest 48 - Civ BulgarWe explore the west to find a new continent and race, host a Grand Tournament and receive a prophecy.Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-05-18 2 
1477279Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 83Hoel heads out to investigate some suspicious Abyssal activity.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-05-20 20 
1478512Shinigami Savant Quest #101Counter-Attack of the Dissidents.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-05-20 20 
1440448Lost Island Quest 65Vrimkis does a few things. Quest is cancelled.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-05-20 5 
53279065Holy Sites/tg/ invent the holy sites of fantasy religions and generally worldbuild. worldbuilding, religion, pantheon, dungeon design,2017-05-20 3 
1480492Frontier Knight Quest 7The Templar hangs out with Solaire for a bit.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-05-21 22 
1483260Death Among the Stars Quest 76.2The Armada strikes against the Ahkam while the Wayward Disciple launches their own efforts against the Councils forcesquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-05-22 9 
1471010Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #12Even more time on Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-05-25 6 
1472033Fantasy Crusader Quest #14In which Victor talks to St. Herard and Gabriel.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-05-26 1 
1489840Anarchy Accountant Quest 1This world of constant war has but two nations; Dystopia and Utopia. You are Michael Firm, the accountant and you are the government.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-05-26 3 
1500700Monstergirl Legend Quest 18:Hammer TimeMay's made a hammer worthy of legend, but is she worthy of it? Who cares its fucking awesome!Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-26 8 
1476026Fantasy Civ Quest 49 - Civ BulgarThe turn of the 9th century and more 4d chess.Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-05-26 1 
1508656Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 1:A world of MonstersMagic has returned,to a world that already has its own and plenty of monsters.To protect against the intruders, new Magical Girls are neededCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-05-28 11 
1517429Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 2:Atomic Legionnaire, The Tireless and Radioactive ProtectorCarol Hiral, or rather Atomic Legionnaire continues taking her first lessons in being a magical girl in a world of monsters.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-05-30 11 
1521345Monstergirl Legend Quest 19: Old ProblemsOld problems come under new faces. May's day might end up going bad.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-31 10 
June 2017
1505824Anarchy Accountant Quest 2Michael gets to safety, and leaves it for suffering.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-06-01 1 
1525158Cabal:Era Quest 1Smith's Journey Begins.Cabal:Era, Detective, Fantasy, InazumaQM2017-06-02 1 
1489422Shipgirl Commander 44The Super Dreadnought Musashi pulls you in - literally and figuratively - for a discussion.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-06-02 2 
1529015Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 84Hoel is tasked to go on a particularly dangerous scouting mission into the Dark Zone. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-06-03 21 
53587392Will Artificial Intelligence be capable of humanity?Anons discuss if AIs capable of self-awareness, sentience, sapience, and emotion are considered human, and more related discussion follows.science, Artificial Intelligence, robots, machine, soul, emotion, human, sapience, self-awareness, semantics, intelligence, consciousness2017-06-03 5 
1530880Shinigami Savant Quest #102A rebellion's end.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-06-03 21 
1497214Lost Realm Quest: First ChapterThe heroes are summoned and the adventure begins! But it turns out the heroes are really, really bad at this.Fantasy, LostOP, Multi-PC2017-06-03 1 
1532974Frontier Knight Quest 8The Templar sets out on another adventure. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-06-04 22 
1532387Death Among the Stars Quest 77Tlacex and Ruscuv return victorious from their conquests and the Armada takes stockquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-06-04 7 
1522271Anarchy Accountant Quest 3Michael makes a return to safety and meets some powerful people.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-06-04 1 
1509842Fantasy Crusader Quest 15In which we tell our friends about what happened.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-06-06 1 
1536284Anarchy Accountant Quest 4Michael gets good news in real life and drunk in a simulation. He's also bad at pool and not a wizard.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-06-07 1 
1521381Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #13The battle of Kuat begins.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-06-07 4 
1552539Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 3: The Monsterous TrioThree monsters at once? and Carol has to protect a girl who can't see them?! This is going to be a long day!Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-06-08 8 
1557303Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 85It's time to see what the Dark Zone hides...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-06-10 20 
1559129Shinigami Savant Quest #103Back in the saddle again.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-06-10 21 
1561290Frontier Knight Quest 9The Templar decides to investigate some suspicious Elf activity.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-06-11 24 
1548403Anarchy Accountant Quest 5Isabelle enters the real world and gets a new face. Michael meets his new assistant. The search for militia leaders begins.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-06-11 1 
1542999Shipgirl Commander 45It's time to go about with the rest of the day; your line of questioning with Shigure continues, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-06-13 3 
53757201quantum physics, nuclear waste waste disposal and succubiA Magical Realm is derailed into a discussion of thermodynamics, atomic waste disposal and Satan weaponizing the heat death of the universe.derail, succubi, succubus, thermodynamics, heat death, entropy, quantum physics, nuclear waste,2017-06-13 2 
53754134The Bush Fang Correctionals.Lizard mutant Imperial Guard regiment.40k, Imperial Guard, Mutant, creation,2017-06-13 -3 
1563574Anarchy Accountant Quest 6Michael meets with Charles and Tauri's superior show's up at The Firm.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-06-14 1 
1555382Reality Fallacy Quest #1You are Xander Stevenson- and as far as you know, you are the first magic user on Earth. Your abilities? Summoning from fictional worlds.Collective Game, Quest, Blacklight, Urban Fantasy, Reality Fallacy Quest, DBQM, Magic, Summoning2017-06-15 2 
1578517Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 4: Back upTwo Magical girls VS two monsters and a fallen magical girl!. Carol receives some much needed back up.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-06-16 7 
1579494Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 86Hoel continues to unearth disturbing secrets in the Dark Zone. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-06-17 23 
1582273Shinigami Savant Quest #104Mens rea.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-06-17 21 
1584824Frontier Knight Quest 10The hunt for some rogue elves begins. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-06-18 23 
1571312Shipgirl Commander 46It's Day 48 and some developments are running a little more wild than you had previously expected. Hard R. Reader discretion advised.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-06-21 2 
1575343Fantasy Crusader Quest #16In which Victor and his fellow knights head out on a Crusade to the north, through the mountains.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-06-21 1 
1572847Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #14The Battle of KuatCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-06-24 6 
1606059Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 87Hoel reports on her disturbing findings in the Dark Zone. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-06-24 20 
1608271Shinigami Savant Quest #105What is a Lieutenant?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-06-24 21 
1610191Frontier Knight Quest 11The Templar meets the shadowy head of the Mage Tower.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-06-25 21 
1602845Black Company Quest #28The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day One. There is much weeping an gnashing of teeth.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, No Parents, Punished Kid2017-06-25 22 
1609562Death Among the Stars Quest 78The Blackscale Cabal meets with distant kin as the Armada prepares for the Ahkam Matriarchs arrivalquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-06-25 8 
1612855Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 5: New LifeLyra finds herself in a strange, scary new world. And its up to Carol (and maybe Juniper) to help her out!Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-06-25 6 
1598509Space Empire Civ QuestFive Mighty empires begin the journey of dominance.Space civ quest, Bailey's Quadrant, Sci fi2017-06-26 1 
1610868Space Empire Civ Quest 2>A faction rears its ugly head and those who can try to devise a way to deal with this new threat. Pirate shinanigans and Equalist bond.Space civ quest, Bailey's Quadrant, Sci fi2017-06-30 1 
1624519GoT builderHistoryOP's GoT builderHistoryOP, GoT builder, Giants, Children of the Forest2017-06-30 1 
1624503Teen Titans Quest #3Adam meets the new teammate and beats the Black Canary in a spar.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-06-30 7 
1595009Shipgirl Commander 47It's a showdown with destiny - will the late Atago finally get the resting place her sister so covets? That's up to you, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-06-30 3 
July 2017
1628088Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 88With the threat identified, it's time to push into the Bering Sea...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-07-01 21 
1629623Shinigami Savant Quest #106Tea time for Riku.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-07-01 21 
1636784Frontier Knight Quest 12The Templar seeks out a group of Elven raiders, with a bit of help. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-07-04 21 
1616072Innerworld Civ Quest #1 Ooga booga ghouls live by a river, giants also live by the river, and then winter happens.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-07-06 11 
1648303Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 89Hoel ventures into the Dark Zone once again...Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-07-08 21 
1629925 Medieval Fantasy Conquest 1A quest combining medieval fantasy literature with turn based strategy games. Medieval Fantasy Conquest, Andalf, Medieval, Fantasy, Conquest, Strategy, War, Collective Game2017-07-08 1 
1650489Shinigami Savant Quest #107The two swordsmiths.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-07-08 21 
1651843Frontier Knight Quest 13The Templar takes on a tough Elven opponent.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-07-09 23 
1641095Teen Titans Quest #4Adam helps foil a theft and then goes on a lovely date.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-09 6 
1651470Death Among the Stars Quest 78.2The Armada suffers an unexpected ambush and receives valuable information from a secretive source within the Confederacyquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-07-09 7 
1643258Cinderella Sanction Quest #1Prologue: They Are A-Changin' & BEGIN PART ONE: TAKE ME TO WONDERLANDCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-07-10 21 
1629090Shipgirl Commander 48Apparently, after all this time, it turned out that you did believe in a higher power, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-07-10 1 
1625741Space Empire Civ Quest 3AI dies and i forget to archive, also star beings invade.Space civ quest, Bailey's Quadrant, Sci fi2017-07-11 1 
1667640Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 90The situation starts to look desperate as the odds become increasingly stacked against Hoel. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-07-15 22 
1643415Innerworld Civ Quest #2A leader is chosen, expeditions done, and spring... springs.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-07-15 6 
1664490Go On An AdventureFollow a chef on his journey to become a hero! THE BEST HERO! And also maybe save his best friend that's kind of a big thing too I guess...Fantasy, GOAA, Comedy2017-07-15 2 
1671582Shinigami Savant Quest #108Release//Consume.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-07-16 21 
1671586Frontier Knight Quest 14The Templar wonders what to do after breaking up a group of Elven bandits.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-07-16 24 
1661490Teen Titans Quest #5Adam, Beast Boy and Terra head to Star City to recruit/rescue M'gann, but they find that the situation is more complicated than you'd expeTeen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-16 5 
1670571Gemini Quest #1Whitaker Schnee is created and given place in Remnant. Family drama ensues, schedules are ruined, and new friends (kinda) are met. Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant2017-07-17 28 
1677697Gemini Quest #2Initiation! Guilt is accrued, but in exchange, a not-so-solemn vow is kept. The twins make quite a team.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant2017-07-18 26 
1654718Fantasy Crusader Quest #17Wherein Victor and company charge the enemy, and meet them in combat.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-07-19 1 
1683272Monstergirl Legend Quest 20: All fatherMay Meets the all father... or all daughter rather. Will the grudges of the old world finally die?Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-07-19 6 
1683532Teen Titans Sidequest #1: Quinn QuestThe Big Lewbsoki with boobs and guns. Fargo with capes.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor, sidequest, Quinn Quest2017-07-20 5 
1683357Gemini Quest #3Whitaker meets up with his team, becomes the biggest brother, and accidentally implies that he is a robot. Smiles continue to be protected.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant2017-07-21 25 
1661464Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #15CoruscantCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-07-22 3 
1690754Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 91Hoel gets some rest in before the next big mission. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-07-22 20 
1668718Cinderella Sanction Quest #2We lose our shit on Fancy and learn more about our new alliesCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-07-22 11 
1693869Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 6:Night terrorsThis epidermis, something is going bump in the nights of Brausrburge. Will the girls be able to bump it back?Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-07-22 6 
1694840Frontier Knight Quest 15The Templar and his party head for some nearby ruins.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-07-23 22 
1694843Shinigami Savant Quest #109Citadel.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-07-23 21 
1694216Death Among the Stars Quest 79The Armada braces for an inevitable conflict with an approaching stormquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-07-23 7 
1694129Teen Titans Quest #6Adam finishes off the Brotherhood's attack and pounds a clown.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-23 5 
1689655Gemini Quest #1Cracks begin to form as team SPWB threatens to fall apart. Whitaker tries his best to keep the team together.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant2017-07-25 24 
1702597Black Company Quest #29The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day Two. God versus Gold, Prince kills some brave men.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Drugs, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD2017-07-25 21 
1673533Return of the Sorcerer Quest: OneThe last living descendant of an infamous Sorcerer-King gains a dangerous position in the court of his families ancient enemies.Return of the Sorcerer, Quest, Collective Game, Axebeard Beardaxe, dynasty, intrigue, Empire, fantasy, sorcerer, necromancer, alchemist2017-07-26 1 
1701629Fantasy Crusader Quest #18In which you win a battle, Cellica leaves, and you learn more about the valley.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Dwarves2017-07-27 2 
1681210Innerworld Civ Quest #3The one where we get some info, have a meeting, and Hare has to go away on holiday.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-07-28 5 
1688996Go On An Adventure (Pt.2)With mysteries abound, the party vows to uncover all of them! For glory, heroics, and LOOT! And so the adventure continues...GOAA, Fantasy, Comedy2017-07-28 1 
1680077Shipgirl Commander 49Due to real life circumstances, this is a very short thread with little to nothing happening. Apologies. - QM/DM/GM (MECHANIC)Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-07-29 3 
1717960Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 92Hoel does her part in the Battle of the Bering Sea.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-07-29 21 
1692740Cinderella Sanction Quest #3We have a dream about hamCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-07-29 11 
1710050Beast Wars Quest #1A stasis pod lands and left off on a cliffhanger.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-07-29 10 
1721525Shinigami Savant Quest #110The self-cleaning clan, and other tales of interest.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Questi2017-07-30 21 
1721560Frontier Knight Quest 16The Templar happens across a girl claiming to be a runaway princess. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-07-30 21 
1721479Death Among the Stars Quest 79.2The Armada makes last moment preparations and dispatches agentsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-07-30 7 
1713520Teen Titans Quest #7Adam tells Raven everything, fights off a big guy, then goes to work.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-30 5 
1719366 Metahuman Quest: Issue #4So an archer, a cheetah, and a magician walk into a bar...Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Artemis, Wildcat, Cheetah, Constantine2017-07-31 10 
August 2017
1716509RWBY: Gemini Quest #5Whitaker discovers what's under Penny's skin, a plot to rob beacon, his acting abilities, and some monkey troubles.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant, Little Snowman2017-08-02 24 
1734050Beast Wars Quest #2Save the girl, slag some Preds and meet some fellow MaximalsBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-03 10 
1716414Go On An Adventure (Pt.3)Puzzles bring many new challenges to the party as they work out how to solve their new hell with the help of new fighting mechanics!GOAA, Fantasy, Comedy2017-08-03 1 
1737868Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 7:Framed BatThe girls face a crafty foe. Something unknown is leaving people drained of blood, but alive and influenced by chaos.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-08-03 9 
1709152Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #16Lusankya again.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-08-05 2 
1741671Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 93The battle intensifies at the Bering Strait. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-08-05 23 
1718417Cinderella Sanction Quest #4We investigate Carroll HouseCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-08-06 11 
1720414Seeker Quest 1A fantasy RPGSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG2017-08-06 23 
1744324Seeker Quest 2A fantasy RPGSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG2017-08-06 7 
54724370Fictitious Theology & Mythology Worldbuilding DiscussionWorldbuilding fictitious religions for use in games. theology, mythology, pantheon, deity, deities, worldbuilding, religions, philosophy,2017-08-06 2 
1748270Frontier Knight Quest 17The Templar sees that Eisenwand is a bit... different today.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-08-07 20 
1734163Teen Titans Quest #8Adam goes on an island adventure, gets married and gets divorced in the same day.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-07 5 
1712692Fantasy Civ Quest 54- Civ BulgarWe meet with a Zhongi general, save prisoners from captivity and enjoy some comfy events.(Thread 50-53 can be found in the pastebin)Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-08-07 1 
1751566Monstergirl Legend Quest 21:Knight nightModern day "knights". Or angry people who want to prove that normal humans are better than any kind of monster girl, by fighting them.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-08-08 7 
1720445Freelancer Quest 1In a world under siege, where magic and science are one, you and your fellow Freelancers are humanity's last defenders.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-08-09 18 
1734328RWBY: Gemini Quest #6In which the cat is let out of the bag, Yang and Whitaker duke it out, Whitaker makes a pun and a plan to crash a club.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant, Little Snowman2017-08-09 24 
1697785Cold Soldier Quest 3You are an elite soldier of the 13th legion, scouting an unknown world 4231 years after you were cryogenically frozen.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-10 3 
1709083Cold Soldier Quest 4You are an elite soldier of the 13th legion, scouting an unknown world 4231 years after you were cryogenically frozen.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-10 3 
1720224Cold Soldier Quest 5In which you fight a fairy and ally with two shapeshifters and a bard.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-10 3 
1757635Beast Wars Quest #3Visiting the Axalon, you get a few upgrades and a strange vision.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-10 1 
1729094Shipgirl Commander 50Kaga's gone. Maybe for good, maybe not. Nonetheless, you must push on. War doesn't wait.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-08-10 1 
1752926Cold Soldier Quest 6In which you fight for the fate of Inis and have a moment with Almeda at a harvest festivalCold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-11 3 
1764855Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 94Anna does what she can to help Hoel. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-08-12 20 
1744605Cinderella Sanction Quest #5We dredge up a whole lot of shit from the pastCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-08-13 10 
1768146Frontier Knight Quest 18The Templar tests his mettle against the warriors of the Orient.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-08-13 21 
1767481Death Among the Stars Quest 80War has come to the Armada, the vengeful Ahkam Dynasty launching their relentless invasion as the Arc Surge increases in strengthquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-08-13 8 
1761985Cold Soldier Quest 7In which the party enters the Titan's Arm mountain range and obtains an airship before landing on the sky fortress Lothos.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-14 3 
1760420Teen Titans Quest #9Some cooldown time and a nice date.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-14 5 
1716619Innerworld Civ Quest #4In this one, we fight a battle that ends with flames after a battle that goes unexpectedly onesidedly.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-08-14 6 
1767163RWBY: Gemini Quest #7Solid Whitaker busts a club, arrests the crook, goes bowling and wakes up in a strange place.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant, Little Snowman2017-08-16 23 
1778514Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 8:Wicked ThingsEven a nice day, can hide the most wicked of things. Carol and her friends have a day to "relax", hopefullyCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-08-16 9 
1772007Cold Soldier Quest 8In which the party meets the madman and is cured of fae corruptionCold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-17 2 
1767640Seeker Quest 3A fantasy RPGSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG2017-08-17 7 
1759454Fantasy Civ Quest 55- Civ BulgarBattle of the Necropolis, Badlands Blitz and Big reveals at the peace talks.Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-08-19 1 
1786807Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 95Hoel takes a trip down south.Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-08-19 20 
1789527Shinigami Savant Quest #111The fence.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Questi2017-08-19 22 
1790525Frontier Knight Quest 19The Templar wakes up to find himself in a sticky situation.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-08-20 22 
1780855Reckoning Quest 1Strange dreams make us shook. We head to Lake Ceryana to investigate.Reckoning Quest, Reckoning, Quest, Olas, OlasQM, fantasy, worldbuilding, LORE2017-08-20 8 
1781431Cold Soldier Quest 9In which Professor Jeremy Trost gains control of the fortress, and Artoria is freed of her programmingCold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-20 1 
1768574Cinderella Sanction Quest #6We have a date with Fancy in a slow threadCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-08-20 10 
1779365Beast Wars Quest #4Bonding cat to cat and setting up your new outpostBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-21 2 
1793990Death Among the Stars Quest 80.2The battle in Bastion and Urdir continue. The Voidknights receive a visitor and Agona holds the line.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-08-21 7 
1790017Seeker Quest 4A fantasy RPGSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG2017-08-22 4 
1778698Teen Titans Quest #10Well, he tried.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-23 2 
1795629Reckoning Quest 2We poke corpses with sticks, be sneaky, have more strange dreams, and finally make it to the lake.Reckoning Quest, Reckoning, Quest, Olas, OlasQM, fantasy, worldbuilding, LORE2017-08-24 4 
1778726RWBY: Gemini Quest #8Team SPWB takes a day off to go to check out the beach.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant, Little Snowman2017-08-24 23 
1804229Monstergirl Legend Quest 22: Beach fightMay's Beach party is interrupted by a glory seeking knightCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-08-24 7 
1772562Innerworld Civ Quest #5In which the war ends(?), we have some comfy times, and realize we may have gone to war due to language barriersHareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-08-25 5 
1807657Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 96Hoel gets caught up on a raid on the Falklands. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-08-26 21 
1811568Frontier Knight Quest 20The Templar ventures out into the wilds again to steer clear of some political drama.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-08-27 20 
1792556Cinderella Sanction Quest #7We perform a blessing and start the fight.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-08-27 10 
1765088Fantasy TribesIn a unexplored world; various tribes set out and attempt to survive in this world, despite each being beset by a number of threatsFantasy, tribes, civilization, multiple players, Stone Age2017-08-27 3 
1815123Death Among the Stars Quest 81The Matriarch attacks! The Armada faces its greatest foe yetquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-08-28 7 
1802323Beast Wars Quest #5A visit to the energon groveBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-28 1 
1792375Cold Soldier Quest 10In which you recover Clark, travel to another world, and get betrayed by a kindly scientistCold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-29 1 
1793077Freelancer Quest 2The Freelancer recruits are soon called to their second mission, the defense of a mobile mining arcology against Scav raiders.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-08-29 10 
1793475Alien Resistance Quest 1Tactics were used, aliens were slayed, and mutants made from alien weapons turned into our weapon. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-08-30 2 
1808849Reckoning Quest 3We finish up at the lake and start training upReckoning Quest, Reckoning, Quest, Olas, OlasQM, fantasy, worldbuilding, LORE2017-08-30 4 
1802102Teen Titans Quest #11Someone got Violated©™Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-31 3 
55142736/tg/'s made up wargame./tg/ discusses a Wargame that doesn't exist. collective game, fantasy, wargame, 2017-08-31 33 
September 2017
1819263Cold Soldier Quest 11You meet up with FEATHER, loot some things, and then kill a monstrous creatureCold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-01 1 
1830282Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 9:Among wolvesThis episode, a crimson cat sows chaos among wolves. Carol and co meet a dangerous and wily foe.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-09-01 8 
1831237Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 97Hoel makes preparations to meet the Stranger once again. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-09-02 20 
1801926Star Wars: Kuat Collection #17The New PlanCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-09-02 2 
1830681Black Company Quest #30The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day Three. A time of harsh measures and grim examples.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Will Senpai Notice Me2017-09-02 20 
1795926Fantasy Civ Quest 56- Civ BulgarA change in leadership, the war shifts to the west, an expedition to Hajatas begins.Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-09-02 1 
1813361Cinderella Sanction Quest #8END PART ONE: TAKE ME TO WONDERLAND & BEGIN INTERLUDE: HEATHENSCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-09-02 5 
1833331Shinigami Savant Quest #112Riku puts her affairs in order.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-09-02 26 
1834710Frontier Knight Quest 21The Templar heads out to hunt a Manticore.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-09-03 20 
1810789Seeker Quest 5A fantasy RPGSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG2017-09-04 3 
1828886Cold Soldier Quest 12In which the hazard soldier is recruited, a new vehicle is obtained, and two mercenaries are hired.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-04 1 
1814822Alien Resistance Quest 2We did some research and found out what happens when mutants stay locked up.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-05 1 
1811598Shipgirl Commander 51You begin the first of a series of offensive campaigns, more than a little unprepared.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-09-06 1 
1839566Cold Soldier Quest 13In which you recruit a fae and a scavenger, burn through a faerie forest, argue with a mech, and loot the hell out of a field lab.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-07 1 
1824490RWBY: Gemini Quest #9The Schnees take a break from the rest of the team, forgetting a constant of the universe: Whitaker Schnee does not get to take breaks.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant, Little Snowman2017-09-07 22 
1845712Beast Wars Quest #6A forest game of cat and spider Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-09-08 4 
1849694Lost in Da'ta Quest 1Da'ta, a popular VRMMO set in the world of Da'ta, a place of fantastical horror and terrifying beauty.Sounds fun besides what could go wroCollective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-09-08 20 
1850806Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 98Hoel heads out to meet the Stranger one final time. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-09-09 21 
1853503Frontier Knight Quest 22The Templar continues his battle against the manticore. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-09-10 21 
1853084Death Among the Stars Quest 81.2The fierce battle against the Matriarch continues, the battlefield moving across an entire solar systemquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-09-10 7 
1847105Cold Soldier Quest 14In which you return to your world, mend a bond between siblings, and then return to California to make one faerie queen.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-10 1 
1855293Monstergirl Legend Quest 23: DragonslayerMay has an "interesting" Day, as a few old grudges come a calling.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-09-10 10 
1810325Innerworld Civ Quest #6A time of peace followed by war again; with the same people, no less. Yet this time, something's different...HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-09-13 5 
1854600Cold Soldier Quest 15In whuch you assemble a mech army, make Alleria queen, and unleash vengeance on Dr. Krasis.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-13 1 
1835637Reckoning Quest 4Truly finish up our training with Moest, and prepare to set off and slay the possessed. Short thread cause QM is a terrible personReckoning Quest, Reckoning, Quest, Olas, OlasQM, fantasy, worldbuilding, LORE2017-09-13 3 
1863000Lost in Da'ta Quest 2Sadie, a fun loving griefer, gets trapped in the world of da'ta and ends up leading a mob as Belua Pangolynn. But is she in over her head?Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-09-13 12 
1845592Teen Titans Quest #12No time for Snu-Snu.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-09-14 5 
1845189Cinderella Sanction Quest #9We talk to a friend, accept a favor, and have a slow threadCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-09-15 5 
1869499Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 99Hoel is sent on a critical mission to destroy the Abyssal Colossus. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-09-16 21 
1863416Beast Wars Quest #7Spider's tend to be venomous, but they certainly squashBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-09-16 2 
1853154Seeker Quest 6A fantasy RPGSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG2017-09-16 3 
1870768Shinigami Savant Quest #113Deadberry.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-09-16 22 
1872724Frontier Knight Quest 23The Templar heads back to Eisenwand to see if the heat has died down. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-09-17 22 
1872052Death Among the Stars Quest 81.3Through the dangers of the Arc Surge, the Ahkam Matriarch, and the extradimensional Three, Jadyk fights to ensure the Armadas survivalquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-09-17 7 
1870830You Are The Drawing Quest #1.Pr0t0We begin our RP with a simple thought: What if we could roleplay our characters that we had drew so we could go on a simple questCollective Game, You Are The Drawing, The DeviantArt RPG2017-09-17 -1 
1840538Alien Resistance Quest 3 A chemist took some alien drugs, a mutant became to smart, and we survived a supply raid. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-18 1 
1832648Fantasy Civ Quest 57- Civ BulgarContinued expedition in Kamborash and a great battle for Gobbotopia.Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-09-18 1 
1863207Teen Titans Quest #13Fighting off a demon incursion.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-09-19 3 
1845732Lord of the Ivory Tower QuestDrykos, the demonic protector of an ancient repository of forbidden knowledge is revived and must to remove some unwanted squatters.Collective Game, Lord of the Ivory Tower Quest, Fantasy2017-09-19 1 
1863107RWBY: Gemini Quest #10Whitaker and Weiss do exercises and learn exactly how much damage you can do with a single Fire Dust crystal.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant, Little Snowman2017-09-20 22 
1872858Seeker Quest 7The seeker hunts down monsters in a cave. Control temporarily switches to another character.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG2017-09-22 3 
1862000Cold Soldier Quest 16in which you hang around FEATHER... this is just exposition.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-22 1 
1889574Lost in Da'ta Quest 3Sadie/Belua tries to adapt/accept her new reality and sees the consequence of her actions. While dealing with the crap of the other players.Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-09-22 10 
1890767Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 100 ENDThe final battle against the Abyssals commences. Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Collective Game2017-09-23 21 
1884438Beast Wars Quest #8Mission to the Jungle as a stasis pod landsBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-09-23 2 
1860839Innerworld Civ Quest #7A very short thread, with an argument, and a battle.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-09-23 3 
1896108Frontier Knight Quest 24The Templar finds that Eisenwand has some new visitors.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-09-24 20 
1867883Cinderella Sanction Quest #10We talk to King Raven and Queen RamonaCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-09-24 6 
1867223Alien Resistance Quest 4Recruiting, it was once a simple thing. Now a weapon to surpass gauss. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-25 1 
1884303Teen Titans Quest #14Cooldown time after that Slade and Violator stuff. Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-09-25 3 
1884279RWBY: Gemini Quest #11Jaune puts up a shockingly good fight and Whitaker calls home to mother.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant, Little Snowman2017-09-25 22 
1880150Shipgirl Commander 52Alongside Musashi and Nachi, you move to do acquire as solid a foothold as you're able. OOC: Screw clutch rolls.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-09-30 2 
1888518Cold Soldier Quest 17The long awaited beach episode. Oh, and a death machine being excavated.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-30 1 
1867786Fantasy Civ Quest 58- Civ BulgarResolution in Zhongian and a perspective on the Eagle front.Fall of a God.Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-09-30 1 
1895867Seeker Quest 8Finished some quests and collected rewardsSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG2017-09-30 3 
1917324Shinigami Savant Quest #114YOU MUST BE SWIFT AS A COURSING RIVERBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-09-30 21 
October 2017
1919631Frontier Knight Quest 25The Templar heads out to find some missing Mages. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-10-01 21 
1898870Freelancer Quest 3The Freelancers are tasked with raiding valuable supplies from a Scav encampment, and have their first encounter with enemy spellcasters.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-10-01 10 
1897121Cinderella Sanction Quest #11Surprise hiatus to handle the QM's stress levelsCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-10-01 5 
1926296Death Among the Stars Quest 82With Jadyk indisposed responsibility of the Armada falls to Necromancer Jor as he must deal with the fallout of the Matriarchs defeatquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-10-03 8 
55657420Central Asia as a Fantasy SettingTired of Euro and weeaboo fantasy worlds? Anon has the cure, a thread devoted to the cultures of Central Asia to inspire you.central asia, culture, fantasy, education, professor anon, you gon' learn today2017-10-04 27 
1908406Beast Wars Quest #9AftermathBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-10-05 1 
1908158Teen Titans Quest #15Lex Luthor is surprisingly helpful and talkative.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-06 3 
1896296Alien Resistance Quest 5Went to down to the office for some paper work. Ended up kicking the hornet nest. Called in weeds to help. Ask the base to deliver roundup.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-10-07 1 
1939623Incidents at an Orphanage - 1 Hekah is an orphan at Edgewood Home for Troubled Children. Someone is disturbing her fellow orphans; she's going to find out who - or what.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, horror, hand holding, cats2017-10-07 12 
1940221Shinigami Savant Quest #115WITH ALL THE FORCE OF A GREAT TYPHOONBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-10-07 22 
1917395Fantasy Civ Quest 59- Civ BulgarA campaign of raids against priority targets is launched. A madman goes out with a blast.Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-10-07 2 
1894839Innerworld Civ Quest #8A war ends, allies are made in the giants, and the plot thickens as the weather grows colder than ever before...HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-10-08 2 
1942025Frontier Knight Quest 26The Templar has to find a way to get past a camp full of hostile Elves.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-10-08 20 
1919628Seeker Quest 9Our heroes track down some bandits to bring them to justice.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG2017-10-08 3 
1935351Quest without Subject13 strangers awake in a cave filled with smoke, evidence of violence, strange objects, sinister shapes outside, and no memories of anything.Subject Quest, Quest Subject, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi,2017-10-08 3 
1920396Black Company Quest #31The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day Four. Training, talking, bathing and speaking. Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary2017-10-08 14 
1939932Wild Hunter, a (Failed) Digimon AdventureMechanic fails miserably to start a Digimon campaign due to his own retardation. A shining example of what NOT to do when starting a quest! Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-10-08 5 
1922764Fantasy Nation Builder In a world that no one has bothered to name yet, tribes of freaks and weirdos crawl out of the woodwork.Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys2017-10-09 10 
1944484Fire Emblem: Annaquest-IOne of many Annas ventures into Valentia to get rich and assist a hero.Fire Emblem, Annaquest, Fantasy, Economy2017-10-09 6 
1949021Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 10: Bloody Boss!This episode, Carol and co fight the furious Crimson Count, who's gone completely rabid with rage!Can they overcome their first Boss battleCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-10-09 8 
1878744Fantasy Crusader Quest #19In which you break the siege of Ardon Glen.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Dwarves2017-10-10 1 
1928478Hell's Artbook QuestThe granddaughter of avid satanist practitioner, Julia Piral, is thrown into thrown into a world of apocalyptic calamity.Image Heavy, Fantasy, Magic, Hell's Artbook Quest2017-10-10 1 
1916734Cold Soldier Quest 18in which you meet the council of the Archivum, Recall Cyer's expedition, and finally get a world map.science fantasy, cold soldier quest2017-10-12 1 
1931327RWBY: Gemini Quest #12Whitaker and Blake share a lesson about the importance of family, and one of Whitaker's hidden enemies finally makes her move.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant, Little Snowman2017-10-12 20 
1934188Teen Titans Quest #16Finishing a shoot, picking up Rose and preparing for the mission.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-12 2 
1957197Incidents at an Orphanage - 2Hekah recovers from an illness; meeting friends and talking with enemies; dreadful things.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, comedy, hand holding, cats2017-10-12 7 
1958872Monstergirl Legend Quest 24:Melee a troisMay's "Honorable" Duel with the "modern day" knight is interrupted by a legendary ThotCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-10-12 8 
1923264Alien Resistance Quest 6Not much to say. We killed the plants, we got the info, and now we gotta get our boys home. If the game ever gets picked back up.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-10-12 1 
1934680Cinderella Sanction Quest #12We meet about the future of the motleyCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-10-14 5 
1966342Lost in Da'ta Quest 4Sadie/Belua tries to make the best of/ have some fun in her new world, but trouble/danger won't let her!Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-10-14 10 
1942033Seeker Quest 10Christof gets rekt by some bandits and then tries to reenact Iron Man's origin story.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2017-10-15 4 
1967824Frontier Knight Quest 27The Templar learns some disturbing secrets about Morgan.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-10-15 21 
1942197Innerworld Civ Quest #9Yetis, giants with blue skin, and a giantess distinctly unlike a giantess named Vade. She seems to know your guide...HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-10-15 1 
1966971Death Among the Stars Quest 83As Jadyk recovers Jor continues to oversee the Armada including dealing with a sudden threatquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-10-15 8 
1966357Fire Emblem:Annaquest 2The Merchant doles out vitamin C, goes to jail, and rejoins with family. Meanwhile, The Thief awakens on an island...Annaquest, Fire Emblem, Economy, Fantasy2017-10-16 4 
1955532Teen Titans Quest #17An ace in the sleeve.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-16 5 
1949287 Fantasy Nation Builder 2In a world that no one has bothered to name yet, the tribes of freaks and weirdos have build some shit and kill each other.Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys2017-10-17 5 
1955475Beast Wars Quest #10Things get messy; Reboot needed Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus 2017-10-17 2 
1943211Shipgirl Commander 53Your mission continues, but as always, things aren't as they seem. It's the final stretch - but what lurks beneath the waters?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-10-17 2 
1955038Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #18LothalCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-10-18 3 
1958960RWBY: Gemini Quest #13Neo gives team SPWB the runaround.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant2017-10-19 20 
1984855Incidents at an Orphanage - 3New neighbors; assisting Lyrica; the situation becomes more dire. Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats2017-10-19 6 
1938867Emily Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Emily's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy, elves2017-10-19 5 
1956530Emily Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Emily's quest concludes.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy, elves2017-10-19 5 
1944729Fantasy Civ Quest 60 - Civ BulgarLion King, blackpills, climatic battle and fateful meeting at world's end.Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-10-19 2 
1957216Quest Subjects I13 strangers awake in a cave with strange objects and no memories of anything. A wounded man goes on a vision quest.Subject Quest, Quest Subject, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi, Vision Quest,2017-10-20 3 
1968905Seeker Quest 11After some auditions two new party members join the team.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2017-10-21 4 
1993846Shinigami Savant Quest #116WITH ALL THE STRENGTH OF A RAGING FIREBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-10-21 22 
1993839ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #1Domestic violence and trigger happy peasantsSailors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2017-10-22 29 
1996148Frontier Knight Quest 28The Templar and Niko head out to take care of some spies. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-10-22 21 
1983106Teen Titans Quest #18Joker's Wild Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-23 2 
1964514Cinderella Sanction Quest #13Justice is doneCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-10-23 6 
1954680Fantasy Tribe BuilderThe game begins! Also, dark clouds eat frogs, must be french.Fantasy tribe builder, Evola2017-10-23 1 
1989671Beast Wars Quest 2 #1A new beginning with a new protoform. Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-10-25 7 
1976638Hell's Artbook Quest Ch. #2We find ourselves in the Mid-Realm LIVING QUARTER, with our main guy, Curtis Mire. Image Heavy, Fantasy, Magic, Hell's Artbook Quest2017-10-26 1 
1969138Shipgirl Commander 54You wake up, dazed and confused ... but when are you ever not, Commander?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-10-26 1 
2012717Incidents at an Orphanage - 4Hekah seduces a sorceress; Jake is confronted; Lyrica pays her dues.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-10-26 6 
1974552Fantasy Nation Builder 3In a world that still no one has bothered to name, the players wait patiently for OP while Merpires team up with orcs for the first war.Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys2017-10-26 1 
1968377Innerworld Civ Quest #10Your guide gets brutally murdered, gnolls get brutally murdered, and then Khop decides to begin his brutal murder of Lar, for reasons.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-10-27 1 
1987910Quest Subjects II13 strangers awake in a cave with strange objects and no memories of anything. Be the Little GirlSubject Quest, Quest Subject, Quest Subjects, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi, Little Girl,2017-10-27 2 
1996576Seeker Quest 12The party fights skeletals and levels upSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2017-10-28 4 
2021768Frontier Knight Quest 29The Templar must decide what to do when a high ranking knight makes her way to the Frontier. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-10-29 20 
2021254Death Among the Stars Quest 83.2Betrayal! The Osjiic Empire breaks the peace and it is up to Jor and Vle'Karak to defend the Armadas homeworldquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-10-29 8 
2016092Eidolon QuestA search for an artifact.Eidolon Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2017-10-30 2 
2005095Shipgirl Commander 55'I told you not to touch the white girl, but you didn't listen. How many times did I warn you? Masha'Allah!' - MECHANIC (GM/QM/DM)Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-10-30 2 
November 2017
2010859Teen Titans Quest #19What a tough crowd.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-11-02 2 
1985751Fantasy Civ Quest 61 - Civ BulgarJourney through the Afterlife and, at last, The End.Collective Game, Civ, Fantasy, Civ Bulgar2017-11-02 11 
2033930Incidents at an Orphanage - 5Jake spills it; graveyard visitations; lessons in time.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-11-02 6 
2001847Cinderella Sanction Quest #14We conclude our day at courtCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-11-03 5 
2015043Quest Subjects III13 strangers trapped in a cave with strange objects, sinister creatures outside, and no memories of anything. The Nurse burns a witch.Subject Quest, Quest Subject, Quest Subjects, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi,2017-11-03 2 
2039621Shinigami Savant Quest #117MYSTERIOUS AS THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOONBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-11-04 22 
1997552Resistance Quest pt2At long last, Iwo resumes the resistance, making an ally of Aneta and leading a daring but unsuccessful attack on the Federation's censors.Red White and Britfag, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest2017-11-04 3 
2041660Frontier Knight Quest 30The Templar meets the infamous Ozen the Iron Crusher. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-11-05 22 
2013761Innerworld Civ Quest #11A hill with secrets, a survivor's tale of the Light, and further progress as a neighbor comes into contact with foreigners from the sea...HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-11-05 3 
2006453South of Styx: Thread 1Our hero awakens in an unfamiliar and quite unpleasant place. Horror, Fantasy, Undead2017-11-07 1 
2032529Beast Wars Quest 2 #2Nightracer gets to know her new comrades Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-11-07 8 
2014920Fantasy Nation Builder 4In a world that still no one has bothered to name, the cold war arms race is in full effect and hostilities start bubbling up...Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys, Builder, Builders2017-11-08 2 
56265579Word Creation and FluffAnons come together to make up fantasy terms and write out lore for them. May be a fun and useful resource!Fluff, Lore, Lore Creation, Terminology, Fantasy, Fluffing Thread, Resource2017-11-09 6 
2054970Incidents at an Orphanage - 6Lovin' your twins; hunting haunts; grave situations.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-11-09 7 
2032859Teen Titans Quest #20Not much happenedTeen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-11-10 2 
2036438Quest Subjects IVA group of strangers awoke in a strange cave with deadly night creatures outside and no memories of anything. The Wounded Guy wakes up!Subject Quest, Quest Subject, Quest Subjects, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi,2017-11-10 1 
2026093Shipgirl Commander 56After making an important phone call, our Commander attempts to recruit Grand Master Tenryuu.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-11-10 1 
2041105Seeker Quest 13Party member backstory and leveling up charactersSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2017-11-11 3 
2063338Frontier Knight Quest 31With Ozen now occupying the Monastery, the Templar plans for his next course of action. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-11-12 20 
2035568Cinderella Sanction Quest #15Winter retail work kidnaps the QMCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2017-11-13 6 
2044149Eidolon Quest 2A detour for a delectable.Eidolon Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2017-11-14 1 
2070167Winter Ball Quest/qst/-tan looks for a partner to go to the ball with him./qst/-tan, -tans, Winter Ball, anthropomorphic personifications, boards2017-11-14 5 
2052973Fantasy Nation Builder 5In a world that still no one has bothered to name, WW1 is about to start and OP mysteriously vanishes...Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys, Builder, Builders2017-11-15 1 
2053227RWBY: Gemini Quest #14Whitaker and Blake have a few choice words with Ms. Goodwitch, and Ruby asks a friend for help.Gemini Quest, Collective Game, BrotherQM, RWBY, Remnant, Little Snowman2017-11-15 20 
2073685Lost in Da'ta Quest 5Sadie/Belua faces both the living and the dead with her wonderful tainted sidekick, Erret Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-11-15 10 
2058232Quest Subjects VA group of strangers awoke after an accident in a strange cave with no memories of anything. The final struggle to escape!Subject Quest, Quest Subject, Quest Subjects, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi,2017-11-16 2 
2076808Incidents at an Orphanage - 7New friends, old enemies, and grave errors.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-11-17 7 
2077743Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 11:Deserved RestCarol and the girls get some much deserved rest for their hardwork. Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-11-17 7 
2066325Merchant Supreme?A prodigial alchemist decides she wants to be a merchant instead, and sets out on a new journeyMerchant Supreme, Merchant, Lynnette Alintine2017-11-18 1 
2070609Caravan Quest 1Dim Palmfast lands in a new shard of the old world. He continues his duty to guide survivors away from the insidious Vice.Strategy, Management, Fantasy, Apocalypse, Caravan Quest2017-11-18 4 
2082444Frontier Knight Quest 32The Templar delves into the underdepths of Eisenwand to find what ails the city from within.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-11-19 21 
2073918Beast Wars Quest 2 #3Nightracer goes out on a mission with Dinobot and Cheetor before going on a walk with a spiderBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-11-21 6 
2059265Innerworld Civ Quest #12The new government makes some changes, the weather out to sea grows fierce, and an old rival comes bearing gifts and news.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-11-21 2 
2059061South of Styx: Thread 2Our hero makes his way to Rinther, accompanied by Liza.Horror, Fantasy, Undead 2017-11-22 1 
2057312Shipgirl Commander 57It's the weekend, but it doesn't feel like a break at all, does it, Commander?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-11-23 2 
2079999ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #3Ten heartbreaking photos that make you say "fuck having boarders and shit"Sailors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2017-11-24 20 
2097871Incidents at an Orphanage - 8Confrontations; Rules and rights; hunting the haunters.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-11-25 6 
2073783Star Wars: Kuat Collection #19The Battle of Lothal continues.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-11-25 3 
2098583Shinigami Savant Quest #118No fighting in the war room.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-11-25 23 
2099432Lost in Da'ta Quest 6Belua leads a raid of players against a bandit fort. People are probably going to die!Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-11-25 7 
2100709Frontier Knight Quest 33The Templar and his party now face down a mighty water elemental.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-11-26 20 
2087092Fantasy Crusader Quest #20We play as Cellica, briefly, before returning to Victor, and regaining our resolve. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Dwarves2017-11-26 1 
2081466Seeker Quest 14A goblin fort is razed and the party meet a witch with some informationSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2017-11-27 4 
2092470Beast Wars Quest 2 #4Aftermath of the caverns from a different point of view, followed by a trip to the coast.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-11-27 7 
2093476Reckoning Quest 5We fight the possessedReckoning Quest, Reckoning, Quest, Olas, OlasQM, fantasy, worldbuilding, LORE2017-11-29 3 
2087536Shipgirl Commander 58Thought For The Day: 'Learn to keep it in your pants, Commander. This is getting out of hand.'Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-11-30 2 
December 2017
2113401Incidents at an Orphanage - 9Darkling vs Vampire again; what happened to Crookie; revenge and final death.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-12-01 8 
2091585Dwarf Politician Quest #1The fate of all dwarfkind rests on the shoulders of a belligerent, substance-abusing noble.Dwarf, Politician, Collective Game, Political, Fantasy2017-12-01 2 
2075257Aku's Fantasy Nation Builder #1Another fantasy nationbuilder, another world no one bothers to name. Following mudkips rulesetqm aku, fantasy nation builder, mudkip2017-12-02 1 
2103266You are the Dungeon!Dungeon Dwellers fight of three adventurers, the adventurers die nicely.Collective Game, Skirmish, MrDoggyPants, Dungeon, Dweller, Seth, Gamba, Balas, Illusionist, Commander, Tinkerer2017-12-02 6 
2117770Frontier Knight Quest 34While recovering, Templar gets a surprise visit from Ozen herself.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-12-03 20 
2096431Black Company Quest #32The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day Four. Holy warriors are slain, an ex-pirate falls.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Pirate2017-12-03 11 
2098832Marvel Quest: Issue#000Before a new Marvel Quest begins, eleven choices are presented for the protagonist. Those are narrowed down quickly to 2 in a tight race.Marvel Quest, FaceripperQM, Character Selection, Vibrant, Intuition Drive,2017-12-03 3 
2081952Freelancer Quest 4To prepare for future assaults on the Machine City, the company must establish a green zone by reactivating an old defense battery.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-12-03 13 
2104545Seeker Quest 15Slime extermination missionSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2017-12-04 3 
2121658Monster Girl Legend Quest 25: FateFate makes itself known in nasty ways for May. But is it fate? or just bad dreams? Either ways its pissing her off Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-12-04 8 
2111293Beast Wars Quest 2 #5Nightracer's latest task of scanner duty takes an unusual turn.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-12-05 5 
2112205Fantasy Soldier: The Quest [Chapter 1]The men of Lars marches off to the north to eradicate the barbarian threat it houses.Fantasy Soldier, DesertRedQM, Collective Game, quest2017-12-06 4 
2110429ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #4What could possibly go wrong?Sailors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy, 2017-12-06 20 
2090250Innerworld Civ Quest #13A poorly formatted OP (getting the thread incorrectly numbered), the end of one conflict, and the start of another.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-12-07 2 
2108195Shipgirl Commander 59The day begins with a lengthy argument, some revelations and you, once more, proving that you are the most unorthodox of the unorthodox.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-12-08 2 
2123401Stranded Mech QuestJoin Captain Alex of the Proxima Aquarii Federation and his mech as he tries to figure out where the hell he is!isekai, science fantasy, mech2017-12-10 6 
2134984Frontier Knight Quest 35The Templar and Morgan spend the night with a Princess.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-12-10 23 
2117284Seeker Quest 16Mud golem leg amputation partySeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2017-12-10 2 
2136153ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #1Song of Blood and WineKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2017-12-10 20 
2131127Beast Wars Quest 2 #6Nightracer's adventures in maintenance hits a few snags but pays off in the end Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-12-12 5 
2112123Reckoning Quest 6Head back to Moest's Cabin after fighting the possessed, chaos ensues.Reckoning Quest, Reckoning, Quest, Olas, OlasQM, fantasy, worldbuilding, LORE2017-12-12 1 
56839859Firearms advice threada /k/ommando who works with modern and antique firearms as a job offers to answer questions, kicking off weapon discussion, guns, wheelocks, historical, fantasy, weapons, modern, /k/, artillery, brass, iron, steel, weapons, bow, crossbow2017-12-13 6 
2113986Fantasy Peasant Lord QuestYou are Sir William of Olmsville, peasant turned lordFantasy Peasant Lord Quest, Peasant Lord, Civ Quest, City-builder2017-12-13 10 
2134296Stranded Mech Quest 2The adventure of Captain Alex continues! Join him as he earns the favor of the elves with a gift from their god.isekai, science fantasy, mech2017-12-15 5 
2133398Fantasy Soldier Quest Chapter 2The brave men of Lars finally launches their assault on the barbarian tribes at the heart of the mountain. More mysteries emerges.Fantasy Soldier, DesertRedQM, Collective Game, quest2017-12-16 1 
2137221Seeker Quest 17Taking on an orc with lots of traps and weaponsseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2017-12-16 3 
2150528Shinigami Savant Quest #119Arisawa Tatsuki's Wild RideBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2017-12-16 23 
2152644Frontier Knight Quest 36The Templar decides it's time to get back into things, especially before the banquet. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-12-17 20 
2151493Awakened Quest, Part 1A mysterious stranger claws from his own grave and begins the journey of discovering his past. ComfyQM, Mystery, Quest, Fantasy2017-12-17 1 
2152691Black Company Quest #33The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince does not fall to the dark side, he leaps in feet first.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, PROMOTIONS!2017-12-17 11 
56913333Bizarre Botany/tg/ worldbuilds new fictitious plants and plant monsters for their games.plants, worldbuilding, setting,2017-12-18 2 
2163018Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 12: Royal troubleThere's a city wide party today,b something that is like candy to chaos. So the girls don't get to join in on the fun sadly or ... do theyCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-12-20 7 
2146522Stranded Mech Quest 3Join Captain Alex as he delves into the secret shrine of Mirna and deals with a beast known as a Sculptor!isekai, science fantasy, mech2017-12-22 1 
2159042Overwatch Gakuen1-Year Anniversary Bonus Episode: Transfer student Logan King begins his first day at his new school in Japan, Overwatch Gakuen.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Highschool, Harem, Romantic Comedy2017-12-22 10 
2136336Marvel Quest Presents: Vibrant and Intuition Drive Issue#001 Vibrant explores the possibility of salvaged tech and, later, more of the alternate world. ID discovers the internet as an extra superpower.Marvel Quest, FaceripperQM, Superhero, Vibrant, Intuition Drive,2017-12-23 6 
2171831Lost in Da'ta Quest 7Belua and her motley raid group deal with a "little" Bandit Problem. Lets hope seven is their lucky numberCollective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2017-12-23 8 
2172670Frontier Knight Quest 37The Templar and Morgan head for a fancy banquet hosted by a likely enemy.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-12-24 20 
2135337Shipgirl Commander 60"There is no try. There is only ... do."Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-12-25 2 
2156005Seeker Quest 18Fight against Alina's familyseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2017-12-25 3 
2124265Innerworld Civ Quest #14As the war ends, a golden age with one of the longest periods of relative peace begins.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2017-12-28 2 
2145189Stray Demon Quest #1A demoness escapes from hell, seduces a man, corrupts a farm house, acquires two more party members, and kills a man for his home.Stray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game 2017-12-28 5 
2167793ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #2Christmas TourneyKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2017-12-29 20 
2188381Frontier Knight Quest 38The Templar continues his face off with Semiramis.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2017-12-31 21 
2161774Shipgirl Commander 61Your stance is apparently ... beside the rest of humanity. You choose not to be drawn into politics, yet ...Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-12-31 2 
January 2018
2166903Stranded Mech Quest 4Mirna's quest takes Alex to the heart of his foes. Can he retrieve her artifact?Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-01-01 1 
2192138Lost in Da'ta Quest 8Belua gets a day of well deserved rest, to check out her new cursed house. and is given an offer she can refuse, to be a "noble" knightCollective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-01-01 7 
2189831Final Fantasy Comrades Quest Part 1A former guard to the king fighting off the daemons and trying to keep the world alight. Acquired weapons and a locket. Short opener thread.FFXV, Final Fantasy, Wanks, Collective Game, Melisk2018-01-02 2 
2180258Beast Wars Quest 2 #7A small prank leads to a mission Beast Wars Quest, CovenantofPrimus 2018-01-04 3 
2206422Monster Girl Legend Quest 26: SistersMay spends some quality time with her older sister.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2018-01-06 6 
2207796Frontier Knight Quest 39The Templar returns after Ozen makes her opening move against the Elves. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-01-07 20 
2207247Death Among the Stars Quest 84As the Armada deals with upstart invaders Commander Rethak is forced to work with the Blackscale Cabals concerning secret operationsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-01-07 8 
2180662Black Company Quest #33.5The Black Company is good at avoiding paperwork and skirting duties. Not a whole lot is achieved in this thread. But that's okay.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Punished Kid2018-01-08 8 
2181881Marvel Quest Presents: Vibrant and Intuition Drive Issue#002Vibrant meets the mysterious"Mister" the leader of the alternate world colony. ID encounters another group of criminals.Marvel Quest, FaceripperQM, Superhero, Vibrant, Intuition Drive,2018-01-10 1 
2218818Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 13: Joy & SorrowLike Chaos and Order, Joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin, Carol and Co find out today.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2018-01-10 6 
2182493Stray Demon Quest #2The demoness gets a job, meets a vampire, acquires a bodyguard, gets back her foothold in hell, and discovers the secret of the stolen houseStray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game2018-01-11 5 
2202480ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #3Multi-chair driftingKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-01-11 10 
2191236Stranded Mech Quest 5Alex makes a deal with a shady hag in the black market, and sets off to steal from Mera, but what will the real cost of this heist be?Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-01-13 0 
2194822Cinderella Sanction Quest #16We journey into the Hedge 'neath the blood moonCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-01-13 5 
2226114Shinigami Savant Quest #120The ground war continues.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-01-13 21 
2206785Seeker Quest 19Hobos, giant trees and professional wrestlingseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-01-13 4 
2227940Frontier Knight Quest 40The Templar decides on the next course of action after the forest is burned down. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-01-14 21 
2209653Stranded Mech Quest 6Alex claims his prize from the goddess, Mirna, but not all is well. Can Alex recover what was lost?Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-01-14 0 
2223983Black Company Quest #34The Black Company is good at avoiding paperwork and skirting duties. LT Prince breaks not one, but two legions. Today is a day for Eagles.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Eagle, Hail to the Prince2018-01-14 8 
2219148Beast Wars Quest 2 #8Nightracer and the Maximals head out to plant a listening device.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-01-15 3 
2194156Ashes of RhysodeIt's the day of your graduation, and everyone is taking their first uneasy steps ... none more so than you.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-01-15 6 
2235374ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #4Harrenhal bogalooKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-01-16 10 
2196645Goblin QuestThe adventures of Mook the goblinCollective game, gob, goblin quest. Fantasy2018-01-18 2 
2225519Stranded Mech Quest 7Captain Alex purchases a new mech and sets out into unknown lands, but dangers lurk unseen. Can Alex survive?Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-01-20 0 
2227085Seeker Quest 20The temple of disrespected god statuesseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-01-20 4 
2246803Frontier Knight Quest 41The Templar heads off to deal with a little ogre problem. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-01-21 21 
2246299Death Among the Stars 84.2The battle between the Deathshead Guardians and the Void Disciples reaches a fever pitch as the Armada defends their home.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-01-21 7 
2229871Cinderella Sanction Quest #17We pay off our debt and enjoy the hospitality of the RookCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-01-25 5 
57408867Skaven aren't realSir Harumphington heads to /tg/ to set the record straight about these so-called "rat-people"Warhammer, Fantasy, Skaven2018-01-25 8 
2244781Stranded Mech Quest 8Alex makes his way into the unknown region once more, now with a new ally! But the plot thickens as Levi the mechanic enters...Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-01-26 0 
2246141Seeker Quest 21The hat episodeseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-01-27 3 
2262287Shinigami Savant Quest #121Riku's Counterattack.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-01-27 20 
2242819Beast Wars Quest 2 #9A race for two stasis pods (part one)Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-01-28 3 
2263797Frontier Knight Quest 42The Templar finds out he has to deal with more than just ogres on this quest...Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-01-28 21 
2236411Stray Demon Quest #3The demoness loses her job, does some punishment, leads astray few humans for their souls, gets raped, and starts house renovation.Stray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game2018-01-29 4 
2258073Stranded Mech Quest 9Captain Alex has a string of good luck and infiltrates the colony, but what awaits just might kill him...Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-01-31 0 
February 2018
2237365Ashes of Rhysode 2You step into the simulator, intent on following your friend's lead in cracking the exercise.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-02-01 3 
2264960ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #5Beating up rich kids for money: The QuestKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-02-03 10 
2279142Lost in Da'ta Quest 9Belua/Sadie finishes looking through her new, slightly cursed home. What darkness still lurks inside it?Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-02-03 7 
2243174Innerworld Civ Quest #15The borders are protected by an unlikely figure, some developments with Reptia, and little else as thread dies for some reason (:thinking:)HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-02-04 1 
2246095Peasant Lord Quest 2.5Year 768, We encounter the elvesPeasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management2018-02-04 6 
2280253Frontier Knight Quest 43The Templar meets a stranger who may know more about Morgan's origins.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-02-04 20 
2275397Gantz Quest DC[Thread 1]We are Erik Vanders, and we just died. Between hunting aliens and being an assistant manager at Wal-Mart, how much worse can our life get?Gantz, Bolivar, Erik Vanders, Aliens, 2018-02-04 31 
2279438Death Among the Stars 84.3The final battles between the undead inheritors of the Void comes to a conclusion during the Osjiic invasionquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-02-04 7 
2266105Seeker Quest 22World building library episodeseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-02-05 4 
2256505Cinderella Sanction Quest #18We see the Rook's dreamCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-02-05 5 
57778614No End Times, What Do?Discussion of how Warhammer Fantasy might ought to have looked if it carried on from the Storm of ChaosWarhammer Fantasy, netwd2018-02-06 3 
2273387The Dark Lord is Dead: Dark City SiegeThen Dark Lord conquered the world, and then he disappeared. What happens next? Dark Lord is Dead, Dark Lord, Fantasy2018-02-06 3 
2271527Stranded Mech Quest 10Alex turns in for the night, but not all is well... It's up to Levi the mechanic to get to the bottom of this! Can she succeed?Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-02-06 0 
2294622Which, Craft, Witch - Part 1Caitrin Foster is a young lady in college. She is a typical student - except for the nighttime dances, spells, and the curse, of course....Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-02-09 3 
2276266Beast Wars Quest 2 #10Race for the second stasis pod aka the Dice Gods Wild RideBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-02-09 3 
2290123Gantz: Quest - Episode 2We survived the first hunt, but our normal lives are all messed up. Police interrogations, human drama and our love life take center stage.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens, 2018-02-10 22 
2297950Shinigami Savant Quest #122Vs. Sad BatBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-02-10 20 
2299953Frontier Knight Quest 44The return to Eisenwand is not as reassuring as one would hope. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-02-11 23 
2265010Marvel Quest Presents: Vibrant and Intuition Drive Issue#003aVibrant's conversation speaks with "Mister" the leader of the alternate world colony gets interrupted. Faceripper gets hit with the QM cuMarvel Quest, FaceripperQM, Superhero, Vibrant2018-02-11 2 
2267270Freelancer Quest 5The Freelancer company assaults a Scav depot to impair the alien reinforcement efforts, and for the first time must directly engage a Thane.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-02-12 8 
2302469Death Among the Stars 85With Jadyk returned and the Imperial attackers driven off the Armada takes the opportunity to relax and recover until the next crisis.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-02-12 6 
2274034Stray Demon Quest #4The demoness fights pirates, turns women into fly, upgrades her domain in hell, corrupts her friends, throws a party and acquires followersStray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game2018-02-12 6 
2284435Warlord Quest #1Arch Magnus returns to wreak havoc upon the lords of the Moon and their puny knightsWarlord Quest, Warlord, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus 2018-02-12 17 
2271099Shipgirl Commander 62You sort your business out. Sorting out the District, fulfilling requests and everything else in between. Just another day, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-02-13 2 
2287672Stranded Mech Quest 11Join Levi and Alex as they search for a shrine of Acarit... and recruits.Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-02-14 0 
2310591Monster Girl Legend Quest 27:DenyPuck is once again a thorn in may's side, but with an actual purpose this time? What's her problem anyways?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2018-02-14 10 
2278441The Wizard's Apprentice Chapter 1A young lady starts her apprenticeship with the great Wizard of the West. But first, meeting sone of the faces in the wizard's village.DesertRedQM, TWA, Collective Game, quest, fantasy, magic, wizard2018-02-15 2 
2279689Innerworld Civ Quest #15.5Some development followed by a new race in the underground; once their invasion is fought it's time to meet some foreign... Lopenei?HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-02-16 2 
2282607Operator in FantasylandDelta Force operator at the other side of fantasy gate.HeroQM, fantasy2018-02-16 1 
2314405Which, Craft, WitchSchool and coffee and fairies, not to mention a diamond as big as her thumbnail. A witch's dilemmas.... Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-02-16 2 
2301178ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #6Fucking finallyKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-02-16 10 
2285021Cinderella Sanction Quest #19We attend the Feast of StrengthCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-02-17 5 
2320552Frontier Knight Quest 45Janice and Artya seek an audience with the powers of Eisenwand.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-02-18 21 
2302362Freelancer Quest 5.5The slugfest in the Scav reinforcement center comes to a end as Thane Elsis falls.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-02-18 6 
2299167Seeker Quest 23Fight against an illusionistseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-02-18 4 
2301844Warlord Quest #2: The RaideningMagnus sets out to raid and pillage and other warlordly things. Giants are befriended and berserk sheriffs thoroughly rektWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-02-18 12 
2323021Lost in Da'ta Quest 10Belua's new home still has evil lurking.but there are more pressing matters. Like her first knightly duties,and how she's going to clean iCollective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-02-18 7 
2296157Black Company Quest #35The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. 7th Platoon cements their reputation as the Best at what they Do.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Highlander, Double Crits2018-02-19 11 
2292661Shipgirl Commander 63You really shouldn't have gone drinking that night, Commander ... but maybe some TLC will get you right as rain!Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-02-21 3 
2322657Warlord Quest #3: Magnus RisingArch Magnus leads his warparty through the valley of the moon, bedding a pair of lovely new Thralls and dueling everyone.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-02-22 11 
2335093Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 14:Sister SisterCarol's search for her lost little sister brings her a world of trouble and chaos beyond her imagining, this episodeCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2018-02-23 10 
2336789Which, Craft, Witch - Part 3More campus life, and perhaps a clue or two. Also, people hitting on people.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-02-24 3 
2337643Shinigami Savant Quest #123Face of FearBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-02-24 21 
2339504Frontier Knight Quest 46The Templar sets out on an expedition, but his new companions may prove to be more dangerous than the enemies...Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-02-25 21 
2338813Death Among the Stars 85.2Jadyk visits and speaks with many who require his attention and deploys agents of the Armada across the galaxyquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-02-25 7 
2279903Peasant Lord Quest 3We train for the tournament and deal with the CountPeasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management2018-02-25 4 
2323524Seeker Quest 24Fight against a really tough guy with and axeseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-02-25 4 
2335608Kaleidoscope QuestA witch goes on an expedition for feathers from a roc.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Incredible Decision Making 2018-02-26 5 
2314330Shipgirl Commander 64Your adventures with Samidare in dissecting the perils of leadership continue ... and you find something shocking regarding an old friend.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-02-26 5 
2327581Gantz: Quest - Episode 3The second hunt begins, and the horror starts before we even arrive. With new members and a horrifying foe, the rain rises as do the bodies.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-02-26 25 
2309397Stranded Mech Quest 12Join Levi and Alex as they... fail to recruit elves. (not a filler episode we swear!)Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-02-26 0 
2316186Beast Wars Quest 2 #11Planning in the aftermath of the Pod missions Beast Wars Quest, CovenantofPrimus, Beast Wars 2018-02-26 4 
2332276Warlord Quest #4:Bloodsoaked CasanovaMagnus gets to his share of MoonBend's treasure, gets to know Keera and gets really drunkWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-02-26 10 
2326081Fantasy Civs 1#A rather well written fantasy game recently made inhabited by odd creatures.civ, Fantasy Civs, Collective game,Sancturary2018-02-28 1 
March 2018
2333884Absolute Omnipotence Quest #1The quest beginsOmnipotence, Fantasy, Homage, Massive Text2018-03-01 1 
2344340Warlord Quest #5: Spiritual Steroids.Magnus spends some time at home, upgrading his skills and gear before being cockslapped in the soul. OP delivers some tasty loreWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-01 7 
2352764Which, Craft, WitchPre-date dates, pixies and fairies, the fateful phone call.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-02 2 
2298775Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 1Another Post Apocalyptic Game begins, run by Strelok with the system developed by GenieStrelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-03-03 2 
2325843Cinderella Sanction Quest #20We finish our duel and enjoy the FeastCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-03-03 5 
2357509Frontier Knight Quest 47The expedition continues through thick, uncharted forest. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-03-04 22 
2342456ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #7Operation Sea Demon is a go Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-03-04 10 
2360649Death Among the Stars 85.3Jadyk addresses the citizens of the Armada and demonstrates newfound power. Valresko and Ruscuv finally meet with the Charred Knightquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-03-05 11 
2354018Kaleidoscope Quest 2There is an unparalleled amount of discomfort.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Lack of Book Eating2018-03-05 5 
2351106Warlord Quest #6 Poached Eggs editionArch Magnus and Co. go hunting for beasts and make like foxes in the roost. Only a few griffins were punched.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-06 7 
2335553Stray Demon Quest #5The demoness pays a visit to nobility, meets another demoness, seduces ton of people (and kills them) and temporarily acquires a dullah.Stray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game2018-03-08 1 
2368648Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 15:Devilish DelightThis episode, Carol has to deal with her sister's sadistic/silly side, as well as the confusion of her friends, and more! fun isn't it? Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2018-03-08 8 
2370750Black Company Quest #36The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. In the wake of a great victory, LT Prince plans a vampire raid.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Vampire2018-03-10 10 
2373230Shinigami Savant Quest #124Left hand, right hand.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-03-10 20 
2349330Innerworld Civ Quest #16A diplomatic visit results in the start of a war that draws in the entire continent, while invaders from the sea show a new race.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-03-10 2 
2374644Lost in Da'ta Quest 11Belua is bored. Carolton is safe, her new home is mostly safe and she isn't in mortal danger anymore (for now, at least).so what to do now?Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-03-10 6 
2356868Seeker Quest 25Upgrading and purchasing magic items from the relic shopseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-03-11 3 
2343508Stranded Mech Quest 13The custodian is recruited and Mirna appeased, but it's back into the MEran empire to obtain the blessing of the Trickster...Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-03-11 1 
2337270Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 2Nat 1 makes us black out for 5 turns and our giant serpent brain to leave, control all the zombies, and fight monsters from the deep caves.Strelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-03-12 1 
2379064Frontier Knight Quest 48The expedition continues their perilous journey west.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-03-12 21 
2371023Kaleidoscope Quest 3A royal wants something, and a herbalist attempts to perform surgery on a necklace.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Lack of Witch Activities2018-03-12 4 
2354795Cinderella Sanction Quest #21We adopt a dogCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-03-13 5 
2364213Warlord Quest #7 Batshit CrazyMagnus has bad dreams, a conversation with a shaman and hunts a giant bat monster. OP sucks a lot of dick but shit gets done.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-13 4 
2353081Gantz: Quest - Episode 4 - Part 1The second week of our 'normal' life starts, along with the fallout of the previous hunt. Pacts, trust and strange powers abound.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-03-14 21 
2386817Monster Girl Legend Quest 28:KAIJU MAYMay may want to keep her head out of other people's bullshit about fate. But they just won't leave her alone! AND NOW SHE'S THE BIG PROBLCollective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-03-14 9 
2344072Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 1In which our party begins their adventure.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy 2018-03-15 5 
2388587Which, Craft Witch - Part 5Lynne is once again your sister in witchcraft; meeting werewolf number two; Karen and Lynne meet finally.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-15 2 
2372720ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #8Into the Lion's Den Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-03-15 10 
2367503Beast Wars Quest 2 #11Killing time while Optimus determines next operation; Dinobot proposes training exercise Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-03-17 4 
2393388Kaleidoscope Quest 4The first premonition.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Flexing Recollection Ability2018-03-17 3 
2383230Cinderella Sanction Quest #22END INTERLUDE: HEATHENS & BEGIN PART 2: THAT PAIN AGAINCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-03-17 3 
2392153Fleet Maidens Quest #1Wise up, it's the 21st century and global warming is here to stay. Humanity's newest Fleet Maiden is given a rude awakening.Fleet Maidens, PixelAxon, Kantai Collection, Shipgirls, Collective Game2018-03-18 5 
2397696Frontier Knight Quest 49The Templar and the expedition find themselves at the foot of some very tall mountains...Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-03-18 21 
2357971Omnipotence Quest #2Yet more shennanigansomnipotence, fantast, Homage, Massive Text2018-03-18 1 
2397399Death Among the Stars 85.4Solar Arbiter Sur-Quro leads her squads into the heart of Barqalan in their attempt to save the space-city from the undead infestationquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-03-18 6 
2394975Elf Slave Quest #3We are become Toad, destroyer of thievesWatdo, Elf Slave Quest, Fantasy2018-03-18 15 
2375319Seeker Quest 26Return to Leefside to deal with the orc problem once and for all. Also Ulric and Alina polymorph into birds.seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-03-18 3 
2369637Stranded Mech Quest 14Join Alex and Levi as we hunt for the missing body of Alex... however, it seems he is wrapped up in something else...Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-03-19 0 
2402636Lost in Da'ta Quest 12Its time to go tomb raiding. Our hero decides to spend some time with her best friend/favorite servant, looting the dead.Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-03-19 8 
2366924Ashes of RhysodeYour last day of cadet life continues. It's time so say goodbye to old friends and hopefully not embarrass yourself at the graduation party2nd Person, Mecha, Fantasy2018-03-19 2 
2383901Warlord Quest #8 Tribal BeatdownArch Magnus and Co. encounter rival tribals and maybe start a small war. Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-19 3 
2389298Gantz: Quest - Episode 4 (Part 2)Our second week continues, and things get much more hectic. Stalkers, smart little girls, and the promise of a better life in the future...Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-03-22 21 
2402444Warlord Quest #8.5 Tomb Raider EditionArch Magnus and Co. murder the dogfuck out of some Servants of Nyx. Sick insults are tossed and a carefully crafted miniboss is rekt. Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-22 4 
2411075Which, Craft, Witch - Part 6A disturbing incident's aftermath; Cats Do Dance; speaking with werewolves.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-23 2 
58640150A wargame that doesn't existIn which /tg/ complains in a general for a tabletop game that isn't real.fantasy, wargame2018-03-23 5 
2374527Innerworld Civ Quest #17The invaders make some strange moves, and bring stranger creatures; only to seemingly turn tail and move on other targets...HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-03-23 2 
2400589Seeker Quest 27Alina and Ulric perform espionage in the form of birdsseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-03-24 4 
2413798Shinigami Savant Quest #125The Ninth Advances.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-03-24 20 
2416118Frontier Knight Quest 50The expedition finally arrives at Janice's village. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-03-25 20 
2406074ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #13Out of the Lion's Den (ft. Kraken War)Male Powder Fantasy, Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns2018-03-26 10 
2415858Kaleidoscope Quest 5Out of the Forest of Spirits and into Iorina Ruthaena’s grace.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Complete Disregard for Privacy2018-03-27 4 
2396824Stranded Mech Quest 15Join Levi as she secures more recruits for the colony! Then, join smol alex as she faces the consequences of relying on someone else's mindCollective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-03-27 0 
2430220Which, Craft, Witch - Part 6.5Continuing the previous thread, with Cat dancing and Werewolfs.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-30 2 
April 2018
2436325Frontier Knight Quest 51The Templar meets the leader of Janice's tribe. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-04-01 20 
2428841Witch-For-Hire Quest 1Meet Solana Portula, a wandering Witch turned new homeowner!Witch-For-Hire Quest, Collective Game, Witch, Fantasy, LeaveQM2018-04-01 5 
2417742Gantz: Quest - Episode 5 (Part 1)The third hunt kicks off, as an unexpected guest is taken with us. New faces arrive, cathedrals are huge and Carol learns what begets hate.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-04-02 21 
2410109Cinderella Sanction Quest #23Now featuring side blog linkCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-04-02 5 
2401990From Nothing QuestA poor slave child escapes to the woods only to emerge a year later and be adopted by a magic merchant.Magic, Amon, adoption, Fantasy, adventure, RPG, sister,2018-04-03 3 
2403548Ashes of Rhysode 4It's the AEGIS graduation party. Everyone's having a good time, saying their last goodbyes, knowing tomorrow is a new chapter in lives.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-04-03 3 
2410749Oekaki Quest CHA0.2Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. NOTE: This is NOT the 1st threadDark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-03 12 
2393470Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 3As the Grave Tribe is returning to normalcy, we sense a target of opportunity and send our hunters, but things are never simpleStrelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-04-04 1 
2447913Fleet Maidens Quest #2Mahan acquits herself well in her first skirmish, and gets debriefed.Fleet Maidens, PixelAnon, Kantai Collection, Shipgirls, Collective Game2018-04-06 2 
2415782Seeker Quest 28Salaman and Christof receive a ransom letterseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-04-06 3 
2411808Innerworld Civ Quest #18The Vanead conflict fades, a tyrant retires, and a hunt for a creature results in the end of an old foe, partially out of mercy.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-04-07 2 
58971906Dwarven Political PartiesA group of anons attempt to come up with a dwarven nation's political factionsdwarf, dwarves, fantasy, worldbuilding2018-04-07 5 
2454830Which, Craft, Witch - Part 7Rituals, school, and secrets.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-07 3 
2426607Beast Wars Quest 2 #13Dinobot & Nightracer vs Team Vermin Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-04-07 3 
2455735Shinigami Savant Quest #126Pure Imagination.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-04-07 24 
2458217Frontier Knight Quest 52The Templar heads with the expedition to inspect the dying weirwood trees.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-04-08 20 
2422523Stranded Mech Quest 16Daichi attempts to get to know Miriam. We react normally...Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-04-08 0 
2433024Black Company Quest #37The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince leads the first ever draconic vamp-air raid.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Closed Waifu Route2018-04-08 10 
2452491Gantz: Quest - Episode 5 (Part 2)The third hunt continues, with Erick and the team taking the fight to the Cathedral itself. With time running out, the aliens get desperate.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-04-09 24 
2441455Cinderella Sanction Quest #24The scent of flowersCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-04-09 3 
2461527Death Among the Stars 86A special thread dedicated to covering the progress made by the Wayward Disciple in their efforts to steal the Wormstars corpse-shardquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-04-09 6 
2453556Kaleidoscope Quest 6A new dress for a new job.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Syrup Tastes Things2018-04-09 2 
2444978Shipgirl Commander 65Or should it be Vice-Admiral now? Be it Unofficial, or Official, you have a whole new world ... of bureaucracy and tasks to maneuver.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-04-10 5 
2449789ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #14The Man who robbed a Mountain. Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-04-12 10 
2471762Which, Craft, Witch - Part 8Werewolf discussion, dating discussion, and confronting Karen.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-13 2 
2462330Witch-For-Hire Quest 2A nightmare is not a fun way to wake up. (Limited session)Witch-For-Hire Quest, Collective Game, Witch, Fantasy, LeaveQM2018-04-15 2 
2476341Frontier Knight Quest 53The Templar delves into the depths to figure out the mystery of the dying weirwoods.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-04-15 23 
2410420Warlord Quest #9: BloodthirstArch Magnus upgrades his spirit and OP sails the oceans of faggotryWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-04-15 3 
2451526Oekaki Quest CHA0.3Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread we figure out combatDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-16 7 
2453223Innerworld Civ Quest #19Heightened tensions on the continent lead to the formation of blocs, diplomatic relations are established, and a journey south goes wrong...HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-04-19 2 
2489463Which, Craft, Witch - Part 9Learning new things, coping with old things, stepping out for the first time in a long time now.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-20 4 
2486875Oekaki Quest CHA0.4Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread we figure out combat. You awaken in a strange place...Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-21 5 
2452672Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 2In which our party runs afoul of various NPCs.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy 2018-04-21 2 
2463094Cinderella Sanction Quest #25We journey into the Deep HedgeCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-04-21 2 
2494908Frontier Knight Quest 54The Templar continues to pursue his dragon quarry. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-04-22 23 
2475637Witch-For-Hire Quest 3Defiance! And also waking up in the real world!Witch-For-Hire Quest, Collective Game, Witch, Fantasy, LeaveQM2018-04-22 2 
2459988A New Mutant Quest Issue #2We kill a crime boss, have some soul food and make Yellow T-shirt pay for it, get mindfucked by cosmic forces, and go to bed.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Marvel, Afungi, Collective Game2018-04-23 8 
2498833Death Among the Stars 87The Armada takes the opportunity to relax after weeks of intense activity and battlequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-04-23 6 
2490873Kaleidoscope Quest 7Someone brings a broom to a sword fight.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Compliant Currency Exchange2018-04-23 2 
2467869PantheonQuest 1: Birth of a GodAnons take control of Karagon, the Owl God of knowledge, and experience a variety of adventures.PantheonQuest, Pantheon, Karagon, Owl God, Syss'syeth, Snekbro, Satrigo, Owlmen, Owlman2018-04-24 7 
2489570ASOIAF Reincarnation: A Male Powder Fantasy – Thread 15The Maester Wars, or how I learned to stop waorrying and blow glassKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-04-24 11 
2467355Ashes of Rhysode 5It's your first day, but may also be your last. Enemy forces come in from left and right ... and you're smack dab in the middle.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-04-26 3 
2479057Seeker Quest 29A little skirmish against the orcs before the liberation commencesseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-04-27 3 
2510082Which, Craft, Witch - Part 10Wits craft, witch craft, and wish craft; love and other things that make people stupid; fear of the unknown.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-28 3 
2509160Kaleidoscope Quest 8A curse, a shrine, and a keeper.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Bear Stew for Breakfast2018-04-28 2 
2510835Shinigami Savant Quest #127What is Love?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-04-28 21 
2513016Frontier Knight Quest 55The Templar takes a moment to revel in his victory over a dragon. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-04-29 22 
May 2018
2478352Warlord Quest #10 Jolly CoooperationMagnus consults Throth and sets out on a joint raid with Dagmar and his boi'sWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-05-02 3 
2501118Warlord Quest #10.5 Jolly Cooperation Cont.Magnus continues on his journey with Dagmar and his increasingly cuntish boi's. Real life arises and OP's free time is slainWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-05-02 3 
2495027Cinderella Sanction Quest #26We hunt for high fashionCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-05-02 5 
2466480Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 3In which our party dabbles in art and commerce.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy2018-05-02 2 
2485775Stranded Mech Quest 17The false Miriam attempts to gather information, starting with the princess of the Meran empire.Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-05-03 0 
2490032A New Mutant Quest Issue #3We meet Death, torch our soiled pants, get in a high-speed pursuit with the police, and temporarily become /k/.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Marvel, Afungi, Collective Game2018-05-04 8 
2529079Oekaki Quest CHA 1Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. Jackson And Kae travel to the next town...Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-05-05 3 
2530907Which, Craft, Witch - Part 11Dealing with untimely interruptions; Karen's faces; blood of wolves.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-05-05 3 
2534282Frontier Knight Quest 56The Templar and his party return to Village to report the good news.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-05-06 21 
2504055Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 4In which our party searches for various artifacts.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy2018-05-08 2 
2506825Shipgirl Commander 66It's a busy continuation of your responsibilities as a ... Vice-Admiral? Whatever. You're always busy, anyway.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-05-09 3 
2486342Innerworld Civ Quest #20The Cold War advances, humans are offended and Reptia moves towards the brinkHareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-05-10 1 
2522705Cinderella Sanction Quest #27End PART TWO: THAT PAIN AGAINCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-05-11 3 
2524039Ashes of Rhysode 6As Knight-Commander of the 401st Named Chapter, you begin your period of acclimatization as a leader to those you once called your peers.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-05-13 2 
2557973Frontier Knight Quest 57The Templar and the expedition begin their long return journey. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-05-13 20 
2532629Gantz: Quest - Episode 0We're Chris Bowery, and tonight's our second hunt. In a dark forest near the city, the moon brings back horrid memories of pain and blood.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-05-14 12 
2540673Mid Boss QuestIn the struggle of heroes against the forces of evil a Mid Boss will distingish himself for better or worseMid Boss Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Dark Fantasy2018-05-15 13 
2565522Death Among the Stars 87.2The Pirates and the Legion continue to fight for the survival of Barqalan with the assistance of an eccentric A.I.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-05-15 6 
2534010Witch-For-Hire Quest 4A slow night in Narrowater turns bloody fast.Witch-For-Hire Quest, Collective Game, Witch, Fantasy, LeaveQM 2018-05-16 2 
2527320Stranded Mech Quest 18Miriam (Alex) encounters her friend Tillie, discovering a secret and makes a promise.Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-05-19 0 
2570027Demonologist QuestYou are Marcus Fowler. Demonologist, merchant, heretic. Summon demons for fun and profit. Try not to get broken on a wheel.Demonologist Quest, Demon, Demonology, Demonologist, Demonologist QM, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-05-19 33 
2536403ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #16Feast Beast Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-05-19 10 
2576535Shinigami Savant Quest #128SCIENCE!Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-05-19 20 
2534694Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 5In which our party faces the final boss.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy2018-05-19 2 
2577858Frontier Knight Quest 58The caravan heads home, but not without casualties. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-05-20 21 
59871442Modern ByzantiumAnons consider the possibility and implications of the Byzantine Empire surviving the 1400s.alternate history, byzantine empire, roman empire, what if, /his/, don't need other boards2018-05-23 6 
2552277Cinderella Sanction Quest #28June hiatus beginsCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-05-23 4 
2576690 ASOIAF Reincarnation: A Male Powder Fantasy – Thread 17How hard could it be to set up a court? Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-05-25 12 
2550381A New Mutant Quest Issue #4We call a cab, listen to a fun radio news station, get a warning from an "unknown" mutant, and go to a club to meet with Silvermane.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Collective Game2018-05-26 3 
2593325Oekaki Quest CH.1.2Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae is drunkDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-05-26 2 
2594889Death Among the Stars 87.3The struggle to rescue Barqalan continues while Necromancer Jor enjoys the start of his "vacation"quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-05-27 6 
2579538Seeker Quest 30At the army camp, waiting for the battle to beginseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-05-27 3 
2561073Shipgirl Commander 67It's Day 59, "Vice-Admiral". You have promises to keep, deadlines to meet and an array of tasks to sort out. The day is yours to seize.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-05-28 2 
2592467Kaleidoscope Quest 9The night is spent at a shrine.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Broken Promises and Plums2018-05-28 2 
59950336What animal species do you have in your setting?Several anons come together to create several random creatures that anyone can steal for their fantasy settingsworldbuilding, comfy, creature, fantasy, monster,2018-05-30 3 
2572851Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 6In which our party's tale concludes.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy2018-05-31 2 
June 2018
2585243Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768Start and end of the tourney arcPeasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management2018-06-02 7 
2613687Shinigami Savant Quest #129Reunion.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-06-02 20 
2588157Beast Wars Quest 2 #14Wrapping up Team Vermin vs Team Predators in the forest.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-06-03 3 
2615945Frontier Knight Quest 59The Templar finds out Nino is in bad shape.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-06-03 20 
2592031Gantz: Quest - Episode 6 (Part 1)Our normal lives have taken a turn for the sinister as both the police and another unknown force begin to act on our and our friends' livesGantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-06-03 11 
2574425Innerworld Civ Quest #21Election, Siege of Isarn and the death of IerHareQm, Civ, Fantasy2018-06-04 3 
2619210Kaleidoscope Quest 10Return to Ristella.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Solaria's Gifts and Blessings2018-06-04 2 
2600932Demonologist Quest #2Wherein we take care of Selkirk, get paid, wrap up business in San Laurent, and hit the road heading north to Rathburg.Demonologist Quest, Demon, Demonology, Demonologist, Demonologist QM, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-06-05 20 
2594646Witch-For-Hire Quest #5 Questions answered, and hands thrown. Featuring a chronically sick QM.Witch-For-Hire Quest, Collective Game, Witch, Fantasy, LeaveQM2018-06-08 1 
60132302/tg/ makes a pantheonWorldbuilding for a pantheon's worth of original deities for your fantasy games.worldbuilding, setting, pantheon, religion, deity, god, paladin, cleric, Prim Goddess of Apathy Undead and Junkfood,2018-06-08 1 
2634373Wars of the Free: Chapter 0Call of the GraveWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game2018-06-09 13 
2636426Frontier Knight Quest 60The Templar continues to wait to see if Nino's operation is successful.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-06-10 21 
2575671Stranded Mech Quest 19Follow the daring covert operations of Bret Casey as he hunts for what happened to Alex!Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-06-10 1 
2596629Venerable Ancient Quest #1Rude AwakeningsVenerable Ancient Quest, Dreadnought, Fantasy,2018-06-11 1 
2629825Warlord: sidestory-oneshotThallos the defiler adventures with ultraviolence. GuestQM.Warlord Quest, Warlord, Collective Game, Fantasy, Thallos2018-06-11 5 
2602448Shipgirl Commander 68It's the weekend, Vice-Admiral. Time for you to take a well-earned ... break?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-06-12 3 
2628798Prometheus Quest A short startBonesinger, Stolen Quest, Faggot Guarantee, Mage2018-06-12 1 
2624904Gas Giant Evo Game800 million years after Gefjun was seeded with life, its organisms begin to diversify while maintaining an uneasy balance.Evo game, Evogame, Gas Giant Evo, Evolution2018-06-13 2 
2615276Teen Titans Quest #21A half-assed return by ManThor.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2018-06-14 0 
2653567Oekaki Quest CH.1.3Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae Hangs out with a new friendDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-06-16 2 
2611469A New Mutant Quest Issue #5We make the old lion bow, have another run in with Spider-boy that pretty much outs us, and decide to go on a date.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2018-06-16 2 
2653994Wars of the Free: Chapter 1Call to adventureWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game2018-06-16 14 
2654191Shinigami Savant Quest #130Acts of God.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-06-16 20 
2656018Frontier Knight Quest 61The Templar can now properly deal with the aftermath of the expedition. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-06-17 20 
2655475Meldric Adventurers QuestA newcomer to the sprawling city-state of Meldric must prove himself worthy of joining a famous Adventurers Guildquest, collective game, meldric adventurers quest, fantasy2018-06-17 2 
2608381Sophie Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Sophie's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Sophie Jones, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-06-17 1 
2632213Gantz: Quest - Episode 6 (Part 2)Our week continues as we head to museum with Yukino, uncover a web of conspiracy, and glimpse a little deeper on the meaning behind Gantz.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-06-18 6 
2646930Warlord Quest #11 Life in The ValleyArch Magnus returns! A mysterious woman is immediately boned and Magnus skates through a duel yet againWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-06-20 3 
2642610Demonologist Quest #3Wherein we deal with the merfolk/demon problem in Rathburg and hear more about a mysterious cabal. Fish politics prove cutthroat.Demonologist Quest, Demon, Demonology, Demonologist, Demonologist QM, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-06-21 15 
2625081Grid-Locked Skirmish [p1]Starts as a simple request which quickly spirals out of hand. Too many rats at this birthday bash.collective game, fenster, grid-lock, grid-locked skirmish, skirmish, vermintide, warhammer, fantasy battles, fantasy2018-06-21 1 
2614996Innerworld Civ Quest #22The continental order is shattered and Ieran dominance established, before a strange expedition west...HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-06-22 2 
2638473Soulless Quest #1Birthed as a being without a soul with the gift of [DESTINY] from a goddess, your journey begins here.DesertRedQM, SQ, quest, Collective Game, fantasy2018-06-22 2 
2627611Sophie Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Sophie's quest concludes.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Sophie Jones, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-06-22 1 
2672239Wars of the Free: Chapter 2What makes an adventurerWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game2018-06-23 12 
2632707Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768: Part 2Grim tidings of future conflict, a lady is chosen, a blow is struck, blood is shed, and a QM neglects to archive their own thread.Peasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management,2018-06-23 3 
2674479Frontier Knight Quest 62The main Templar army arrives, but this creates as many problems as it solves. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-06-24 21 
2665885Gantz: Quest - Episode 6 (Part 3)We finish arguably our most unfortunate week so far. Revelations continue to turn up as our weekend takes an turn for the most unexpected.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-06-25 6 
2665040Dungeon Rebirth Quest Episode 1: Danger NoodleWe die, are born, almost die again, learn magic and become the most spicy of noodles. Praise the Tiny Snake God!Dungeon Rebirth, Snake, CursedQm, Collective Game, Fantasy,2018-06-25 21 
60492600Setting Worldbuilding "Moth Balls"Crazy mishmash of postapo, bio and cyberpunk, eldritch horrors, kaiju making a unique setting began in:archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/60471109settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax_holiday, moth_balls, megacorps2018-06-27 5 
2624840Stranded Mech Quest 20Brett Casey infiltrates a fuel depot, and proceeds to steal vital information. Also fuel.Collective Game, Stranded Mech, isekai, fantasy, mech2018-06-28 1 
2688188Oekaki Quest CH.1.4Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae runs away from Jackson.Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-06-29 1 
60529899Moth Balls The ThirdFunny/Disturbing Write-faggotry is deployed and some of Moth Balls' more bestial inhabitants are described.settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-06-30 5 
2691908Wars of the Free: Chapter 3Nightmare made manifestWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game2018-06-30 11 
2692012Shinigami Savant Quest #131The First and LastBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-06-30 20 
July 2018
2693838Frontier Knight Quest 63The Templar goes off to try and avert an international incident.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-07-01 20 
2686449Witch Hunter Quest 1A medieval lord and his men hunt witches in a haunted forest. Creepy things start to happen very soon. Witch Hunter Quest, Horror, Witches, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, WitchHunterQM2018-07-01 13 
60587793Moth Balls The FourthNations other than the US get a little screen time, the nature of the Mega-cities is discussed and the Cyber is put in Cyberpunksettingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-03 4 
2686982YouOnlyGetOneShot #1The adventure beginsFantasy, YouOnlyGetOneShot, YOGOS, Warrior, Collective Game, JeremyQm2018-07-04 2 
2685040Beast Wars Quest 2 #15Finishing up in the forestBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-07-04 3 
2675038Delphi and the Argo-Nots #1Delphi Brooks, daughter of Persephone, is asked to deliver the Golden Fleece to BrookylnCollective Game, Scion: Hero, Urban Fantasy, Road Trip, High Action, Music2018-07-04 3 
2666944Grid-Locked Skirmish [p2]A missing persons case, a whole lot of blunders, and a town growing once more.collective game, fenster, grid-lock, grid-locked skirmish, skirmish, fantasy battles, fantasy2018-07-04 1 
2682683Warlord Quest #12. Bloody CrescentWe improve our relationship with Urhost, claim a steed and begin the assault. Anon sees the future but cannot change his fate.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-07-05 3 
2701969Meldric Adventurers Quest 2The Martialist, Jackob Verrucal, is assigned his next contract and experiences more of Meldricquest, collective game, meldric adventurers quest, fantasy2018-07-06 1 
60647720Moth Balls the FithMore Beasties. More Writefaggotry. More Moth Balls. At least, until the thread is ended prematurely and shoved to /qst/settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-06 2 
2680538Demonologist Quest #4Wherein we deal with the aftermath in Rathburg, question a cabalist, and sort out what we're doing with all the loot.Demonologist Quest, Demon, Demonology, Demonologist, Demonologist QM, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-07-06 11 
2657561Soulless Quest #2: ImperialAfter much hardships, the Soulless finally reached the Imperial City, only to land yet into more trouble.DesertRedQM, SQ, quest, Collective Game, fantasy2018-07-07 2 
2689716Gantz: Quest - Episode 7 (Part 1)Our fourth hunt starts with an unexpected and deadly guest. Even with a familiar setting, the mission turns deadly even before our arrival.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-07-08 4 
2713384Wars of the Free: Chapter 4Mercenary workWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game2018-07-08 10 
2706205Warlord Quest #12.5 Brush with DeathMagnus fights in the raid of crescent hall, performs his best Koolaid man impression, fights some more and very nearly bites it.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-07-08 3 
2668203Innerworld Civ Quest #23Ieran rivals subjugated, an election, and the beginnings of a new continental order.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-07-09 1 
2683491Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768 pt 3We go on a honeymoon trip and strike a deal with the CentaurionsPeasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management,2018-07-10 3 
2702529YouOnlyGetOneShot #2You meet a guard and visit your companions uncleFantasy, YOGOS, YouOnlyGetOneShot, Warrior, Collective Game, JeremyQm2018-07-12 2 
2710582Post apocalyptic tribe quest A small tribe tries to survive in a world devastated and turned to fantasy. Fantasy, post apocalyptic, tribe, clan, civ, iron age, low technology 2018-07-12 1 
2684590A New Mutant Quest Issue #6We go on that date with Ren, give a speech to Itsuki's recruits, and choose to go after Kingpin's lawyer.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2018-07-12 3 
2716034Witch Hunter Quest 2A dark fantasy story about a sadistic priest sent to hunt down witches and heretics. Witch Hunter Quest, Horror, Witches, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, WitchHunterQM2018-07-13 12 
2727668Shinigami Savant Quest #132Burnout blizzard.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-07-14 21 
2690017Shipgirl Commander 69In which we find the GM's updates becomes sporadic until its too late.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-07-15 2 
2729906Frontier Knight Quest 64The Templar and Morgan set out to find Solaire... again.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-07-15 21 
2726139Black Company Quest #38The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince crushes the Free Alliance and meets his dread Employer.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Undead2018-07-15 10 
2704485Delphi and the Argo-Nots #2We meet the Goth TimelineCollective Game, Scion: Hero, Urban Fantasy, Road Trip, High Action, Music2018-07-16 2 
2697222Seeker Quest 31The human and orc forces clash in the town of Clarcton.seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-07-16 3 
2736777New God QuestThe old gods lie dead, and the old world rests on their graves. But hope is not gone. As a new divine, can you make a new world from ash?Collective Game, New God Quest, God, Divine, Divinity, Godhood, Post apocalypse, after the end, Fantasy, dark fantasy2018-07-16 9 
2714714Dungeon Rebirth #2 The Noodle-PocalypseWe treat the Tarspider citadel to several kilotons of get-rekt and upgrade our skills. Toxic salt levels force cursed to fleeDungeon Rebirth, Snake, Magic, fantasy, CursedQm, collective game, The Snake Report2018-07-17 7 
2719724Warlord sidestory: 2, its not a oneshot at all!Thallos is back, and visits a familiar face.warlord, collective game, ultra violence, fantasy2018-07-17 2 
2729122Knightress QuestWe get introduced to Bonny Francis and quest for a bit.Knightress Quest, Fantasy, Adventure2018-07-17 2 
60784267Moth Balls The SixthThe Church and the Powers get more detail, we meet some more nasty beasties, including some Kaiju and more general miscellanea is described.settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-18 3 
2703206Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Rosalyn's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-07-19 1 
2738331Knightress Quest #2Bonny Francis gets imprisoned and rescued by the demon king. We make a deal, and learn more about the war. Also wine.Knightress Quest, Fantasy, Adventure2018-07-20 3 
2727943Gantz: Quest - Episode 7 (Part 2)Erick's leadership and resolve are tested as things take an even more unfortunate turn. There is no turning back now, something has to giveGantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-07-20 3 
2747486Wars of the Free: Chapter 5Deadly PremonitionWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game 2018-07-21 10 
2748919Frontier Knight Quest 65The search for Solaire continues.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-07-22 21 
2751344Monster Girl Legend Quest 29: KAIJU problemsSo turns out being big and living her dream isn't as easy as May thought it'd be. Ah well! no time to worry! time to be a STARCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2018-07-22 7 
2756228Lost in Da'ta Quest 13In search of treasure, what sorts of terrors will Belua stumble onto under the earth, in this long forgotten tomb.Collective Game, Lost in Da'ta Quest, The Headmaster, Isekai, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Trapped in a fantasy world, Trapped in a video game,2018-07-25 6 
2756625OVERLORD QUEST IAwaken, Master! Your slumber is ended, and it is time to conquer once more!Fantasy, Collective Game, Overlord, Dark Lord, Evil, Magic, Orange Juice2018-07-25 1 
2751453Witch Hunter Quest 3A young prince returns home after a year of adventure and suspects that witches have corrupted the capital in his absence.Witch Hunter Quest, Horror, Witches, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, WitchHunterQM2018-07-26 11 
2752391Dungeon Rebirth Quest Gaiden 0: CRABNEET is killed by a meteorite. Somewhere along the line he ends up as a Mecha Crab Kaiju. Mostly a shitpost.Dungeon Rebirth, CRAB, Magic, fantasy, NonGent, collective game, The Snake Report, Shitpost, Mecha, Robots2018-07-26 3 
2764681Oekaki Quest CH.1.5Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae Figures out what to do with her life.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-07-28 2 
2737044Demonologist Quest #5Wherein we craft some magical items, save some kids, and the QM reaches new levels of flakiness.Demonologist Quest, Demon, Demonology, Demonologist, Demonologist QM, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-07-28 6 
2765414Shinigami Savant Quest #133Ties that BindBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-07-28 20 
2737556Warlord Quest #13 A Beast of Iron, A Lady of the WoodArch Magnus has a vision of a terrible warlord in the north. Cameera's blossom is planted and Magnus recieves big newsWarlord Quest, Warlord, CursedQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-07-28 2 
2767340Frontier Knight Quest 66The Templar tries to get Solaire to safety.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-07-29 20 
2722361Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Rosalyn's quest continues.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-07-29 1 
2762515Witcher QuestOur intrepid witcher pissed off a witch and got teleported awaywitcher,fantasy2018-07-31 8 
August 2018
2731869Wandering Swordsman Quest #1Escartes Ihagen is looking for his missing teacher and juniorWandering Swordsman Quest, SwordieQM, Low Fantasy2018-08-01 2 
2764223Black Company Quest #39The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Black Company is Victorious. This means recruits and paperwork.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Undead, PROMOTIONS!2018-08-02 13 
61049391Moth Balls The EightIn which there are a series of long, in-character, religious arguments and a certain amount of dickwavery. Seventh thread died far too youngsettingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-08-02 2 
2729461Innerworld Civ Quest #24The annexation of rivals continues to cause issues, a chat with the Ringbearers, and a festival before a new threat appears.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-08-03 1 
2738033Disenchanter QuestWe break an expensive thing and get sent to the dungeon. Looting ensues.enchantment, dungeoneering, wlvdeh2018-08-03 2 
2750726Seeker Quest 32Trying to fight in a room covered in grease and spider webs.seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-08-03 3 
2737642Ashes of Rhysode 7More tutorials ... seriously?2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-08-03 2 
2781947Wars of the Free: Chapter 6MassacreWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game2018-08-04 7 
2784085Frontier Knight Quest 67The Templar spends some quality time with Solaire's family. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-08-05 20 
2754094Cinderella Sanction Quest #29PART THREE: LORD HERE I COMECollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-08-05 3 
2765962Warlord Quest #13.5 Dreams of BloodMagnus visits the villagers of the Wolves Belly and is pulled into a dream of ancient battle. Cursed is forced to leave, once again .(Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-08-08 2 
2765899Gantz: Quest - Episode 8 (Part 1)You are Paula Torrez and fourth hunt is not over yet. With a countdown approaching, the hunt turns desperate for the team and the aliens.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-08-09 2 
2797294Frontier Knight Quest 68Great powers are gathering to determine the fate of the Frontier.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-08-11 20 
2759681Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part ThreeIn which Rosalyn's quest continues, again.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-08-11 1 
2773632Dark Queen Questyou are Freya Godsbloods, the princess of the kingdom of Ordamark, And you find yourself married against your will to the dark lord Lazarus.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess,Medieval, Fantasy, Amex,2018-08-11 28 
2767976Warlord sidestory: 3The adventures of Thallos and son. I am dissapoint.Warlord Quest, Warlord, Collective Game, Fantasy, Thallos2018-08-12 2 
2799665Black Company Quest #40The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The contract is fulfilled. When the dust settles what is left?Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Undead, PROMOTIONS!2018-08-12 10 
2792924Young Justice #1 Chargen, a chat with the league, then the boys check in on a fire at Cadmus...Young Justice, Quest, Collective Game, Manthor, DC2018-08-16 10 
2775488Ashes of Rhysode 8After going over many format changes, I've decided to stick with the narrative-based style. A thousand apologies2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-08-18 1 
2814093Frontier Knight Quest 69While Morgan is off on her own mission, the Templar continues to search for the Elves with his remaining party.Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-08-18 20 
2787035Freelancers 6After weathering an aurora cascade, the strike team continues their work against the Scavs, only to encounter some uninvited guests.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-08-18 8 
2785810Cinderella Sanction Quest #30Overly. Dramatic. POLITICS!Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-08-18 3 
2816835Oekaki Quest CH.1.6Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae is held captive by Jeraldo.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-08-19 1 
61434851creation myths of your setting/tg/ discusses and worldbuilds ideas for in-setting fictitious religions. worldbuilding, setting, pantheon, religion, gods, deities, creation myths, mythology,2018-08-19 2 
2819231Wars of the Free: Chapter 7The DealWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game 2018-08-19 5 
2809168Young Justice #2Clash at the Museum! Combat and awkward flirting ensue. Young Justice, Quest, Collective Game, Manthor, DC2018-08-19 6 
2786841Seeker Quest 33Part I of the fight against the orc generalseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-08-20 3 
2802420Seeker Quest 34Part II of the fight against the orc generalseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, rpg, drawquest2018-08-20 4 
61460915/tg/ makes a hexmap - Mundane EditionOnce again they attempt to create another world in a team effort with a hexmap, except this time there's no more ridiculous science-fantasyhexmap, worldbuilding, lore, fluff, medieval fantasy, fantasy2018-08-21 1 
2799006Dark Queen Quest 2In which we burn a maid, meet stupid heroes, free slaves, acquire an orc servant, and have prophetic dreams. a normal day for a dark queen.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-08-23 21 
61576895/tg/ makes a hexmap - Mundane Edition ContinuationIn which they carry on, adding several new things.hexmap, worldbuilding, lore, fluff, medieval fantasy, fantasy2018-08-24 1 
2794030A New Mutant Quest Issue #7We get a new mutant recruit, devise a master plan, take our first step to ascendance, hear our father's name, and begin to move on Kingpin.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2018-08-24 2 
2833389Frontier Knight Quest 70Plans are made to provoke a final confrontation with the Elves. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-08-25 20 
2834427Shinigami Savant Quest #134Guess who's back?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-08-25 17 
2803616Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part FourIn which Rosalyn's quest approaches its conclusion.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-08-27 1 
2778601Innerworld Civ Quest #25Troubles at home, a new tyrant, and a move to war against the island alliance.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-08-28 1 
2826609Death Among the Stars Quest 87.4An invasion is planned while worlds both new and changed are exploredquest, collective game, meldric adventurers quest, fantasy2018-08-28 5 
2809004Gantz: Quest - Episode 8 (Part 2)Our first week begins in earnest as we track down a mysterious lead, intensify our training, and deal with the night's gruesome aftermath. Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-08-28 2 
2816506Dungeon Rebirth Quest Gaiden 1: CRABHeroic MechaCrab goes to hell to battle for justice, honor, friends and tiddies. Mostly a shitpost.Dungeon Rebirth, CRAB, Magic, fantasy, NonGent, collective game, The Snake Report, Shitpost, Mecha, Robots2018-08-29 2 
2815686Cinderella Sanction Quest #31We talk to Natalia and remain trapped in short thread hellCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-08-29 3 
2845136Saonast, the mind rustingA quest following a magical weapon as it endeavors to rise above its status as a weapon and wield its holders.Fantasy, Intrigue2018-08-30 2 
2822789Young Justice #3New teammate to meet, new tricks to learn, new trouble afoot...Young Justice, Quest, Collective Game, Manthor, DC2018-08-30 5 
2841421Young Justice #4Evil is punched and tailed.Young Justice, Quest, Collective Game, Manthor, DC2018-08-31 6 
September 2018
2851029Frontier Knight Quest 71The Templars make their move against Semiramis and her forces. Frontier Knight Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-09-01 21 
2852029Wars of the Free: Chapter 8Grave MythWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game 2018-09-01 6 
2813911Shipgirl Commander 70Bismarck, Prinz Eugen and the First Admiral arrive for a casual visit, allowing you to catch up.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-09-02 1 
61552704what happens to the supernatural world in event of AI apocalypseWhat happens to an urban fantasy in event of killer robots derails into worldbuilding Skynet as Ravenloft's newest Darklord.worldbuilding, robots, apocalypse, terminator, urban fantasy, ravenloft, setting, infinitely respawning John Conner is Skynet's Curse2018-09-02 0 
2853071Scion #1Enter Brad Ericson bastard offspring of some viking god, muscle bound physicist. Oh there is a 7-11! Manthor Scion Norse 2018-09-03 2 
2831289Dark Queen Quest 3Where we enter a magical place, talk to a deer, recruit a zealot kid, find ourselves in a bloody hunt, and learn about our husband's past.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-09-03 12 
2845618Cinderella Sanction Quest #32We remain imprisoned in short thread hellCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-09-04 3 
2853677Once More Another IsekaiDying in a train fire by god's will, Fuuma Nagaro has been transported to another world. What will the future have in store?Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-05 7 
2862520Death Among the Stars Quest 88New heroes ascend to the highest ranks in the Armada. The invasion against the Ahkam Dynasty is launchedquest, collective game, meldric adventurers quest, fantasy2018-09-05 6 
2833270SKULL QuestSKULL is born. He feasts on wolves and men.Fantasy, SKULL Quest2018-09-05 1 
2859439Young Justice #5Chilling with Aquabro and meet a pretty girl that fell from the sky.Young Justice, Quest, Collective Game, Manthor, DC2018-09-06 2 
2839196Seeker Quest 35The battle is all but won, some warriors desert the battle to loot the town.seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, draw quest2018-09-07 2 
2838579Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part FiveIn which Rosalyn's quest concludes.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-09-08 1 
2870046Shinigami Savant Quest #135Riku vs BirbsBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-09-08 16 
2843938Stranger Quest #1A Stranger finds himself involved in something far beyond his paygrade.Stranger Quest, Weird Fantasy, 90s America, Religion, Supernatural, Collective Game2018-09-09 3 
2859940Once More Another isekai #2Fuuma exits the forest and arrives at Alia, the Piladium Kingdom's capital.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-09 7 
2881194Dark Queen Quest 4In which we act as Cupid for a boy and a dark elf, meet a circus, kill zombies, take a bath, meet the black moon and are crowned Empress.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-09-12 12 
2858575Dark Queen Quest 4 (real)In which we act as Cupid for a boy and a dark elf, meet a circus, kill zombies, take a bath, meet the black moon and are crowned Empress.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-09-12 12 
2851981A New Mutant Quest Issue #8The master plan is executed with few unexpected surprises, and Kingpin is toppled. Partying and revelations ensue before meeting a lion.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2018-09-13 2 
2871127Once More Another Isekai #3Fuuma annihilates a troop of orcs and explores Aliasa. Meanwhile, Cheru's story develops further as she searches for her "mommy".Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-14 6 
2856338Seeker Quest 36After battle celebration, Christof takes the opportunity to speak with the Arch-DukeSeeker Quest, fantasy, dolomite, draw quest2018-09-14 3 
2888744Wars of the Free: Chapter 9The BallWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game2018-09-15 5 
2835720Innerworld Civ Quest #26The old world conquered, rebels enslaved, and the emergence of two large powers with connections to the Tribal Confederation.HareQM, Civ, Fantasy2018-09-16 1 
2885309Once More Another Isekai #4Coming in contact with Cheru, Fuume takes it upon herself to be her mother. Sadly, the scars that mark the bunny's mind cannot be healed.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-18 5 
2900536Death Among the Stars Quest 88.2Jadyk and Jor continue to Reconstruct new Heroes and agents of the Armada continue their missionsquest, collective game, meldric adventurers quest, fantasy2018-09-19 3 
2864951Shipgirl Commander 71"Got carried away with Monster Hunter World - GM/DM/QM"Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-09-20 2 
2869605Gantz: Quest - Episode 8 (Part 3)Our week continues as our first training session has an unexpected guest, we try to get closer to Chris and his father tries to interfere.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-09-21 1 
2897520Once More Another Isekai #6Fuuma encounters her classmate, as well as one of the Piladium Kingdom's heroes, Kita Ruiji. Things didn't go too well.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-22 5 
2908901Shinigami Savant Quest #136The fire in which we burn.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-09-22 16 
2894607Freelancers 7With the next objective located in a hot zone where Scavs and Worms are battling it out, the Freelancer team must fight on two fronts.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-09-26 6 
2907047Once More Another Isekai #6Fuuma becomes a maid after her debacle with Ruiji. Lewdness ensues.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-09-27 5 
2907129Paranormal Agent Quest #1We meet our protag, who gets involved with some shady types and goes on a trip to an ice place.Collective Game, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-09-29 2 
2929308Wars of the Free: Chapter 10 Treachery Wars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game 2018-09-29 5 
October 2018
2921838Once More Another Isekai #8Fuuma gets a spider daughter and makes an alter ego of herself. More lewds.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-10-02 5 
2901072Shipgirl Commander 72"Writer's block and GM's mercy are friend and foe locked in a dizzying dance" - Procrastinating GMKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-10-04 0 
2915320Dark Queen Quest 6We burn another person, make one of our friend ruler of Asoevia, then celebrate the new year. We also meet a strange man from the east.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-10-04 12 
2927202Paranormal Agent Quest #2We meet interesting creatures and murder them before they can devour us.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-10-06 5 
2905549A New Mutant Quest Issue #9Structure and operation changes, cleaning up more pitiful enemy factions, making a new ally, and learning about warehouses.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2018-10-06 1 
2946944Shinigami Savant Quest #137The Predator.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-10-06 13 
62291323Xianxa, Wuxia and Thunderbolt Fantasy DiscussionAnons talk Chinese fantasy, including cross-cultural influences between China and Japan. Also puppets.Xianxa, Wuxia, China, Thunderbolt Fantasy2018-10-06 5 
2906934Gantz: Quest - Episode 8 (Part 4)Our training get's more serious and we have to deal with the consequences of the disappearances of our allies.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-10-07 1 
2927237Long Lost Stars #1The tale of a horned girl wandering through eternal night. Of meetings and partings. Of trials, of seeking, and of dimming light.mitts, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, autistichornedgirls2018-10-07 8 
2937336Once More Another Isekai #8It's Fuuma's first day of being a teacher at Lionheart. Things go well...Somewhat.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Father Sheep, Once More Another Isekai2018-10-08 5 
2939616Freelancers 7.5The conclusion of Operation Lightning Rod.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-10-08 5 
62369809A Giant Forged Me a SwordA humungous selection of short but clever stories of a Giant who gave swords to many, many peopleWritefaggotry, , Creative, Poetry, Giant, Sword2018-10-09 2 
62262342Swords of Avalon #9ByZant EditionMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons. ByZant2018-10-10 0 
2913571Seeker Quest 37Christof and Ulric have a disagreementSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2018-10-10 2 
2920477Cinderella Sanction Quest #33We settle up with Erin for the ritualCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-10-10 2 
2953993A Quest of Adventure and TruthCome along for a journey through a fantasy land with the three adventurers, assorted anons, and LORD GRIMDARK and his demonic GRIMGOBLINS!collective game, worldbuilding, dice, funny, fantasy, gay,2018-10-12 2 
2948613City of Games – Session 1We arrive in Reíve, the great City of Games, seeking glory or death in the arena; off the boat and into the clutches of war.City of Games, Reive, Arena, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-10-12 3 
2963755Wars of the Free: Chapter 11The road to the CapitalWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game2018-10-13 5 
2936905Demonologist Quest #6DQM reappears, makes a few posts, then disappears.Demonologist Quest, Demon, Demonology, Demonologist, Demonologist QM, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-10-14 2 
2943066Dark Queen Quest 7We meet our husband "ex-lovers", tame an ancient beast (?) and beat up an arrogant elf. We also learn about a prophecy.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-10-16 11 
2956871Magical Girl - LovesickWe are Nawakubi Hanano, an onee-san who just loves her brother too much.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush,2018-10-16 10 
2972988Magical Girl - Lovesick #2Things doesn't go well for Nawakubi too fast...Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush2018-10-18 8 
2950382Necromancer Quest 1, the beginningsA story of the Dark Elf Alice, and her new unlife as necromancer Dullahan.Necromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2018-10-18 6 
2950839Seeker Quest 38Christof beats the shit out of Ulric and then the party gets surrounded by bloodthirsty jabberwocksseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2018-10-18 3 
2945212Paranormal Agent Quest #3The Pacific operation ends and we chat to a bunch of people about things.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-10-20 5 
2984625Shinigami Savant Quest #138Sheep in wolf's clothing?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-10-20 12 
2960082Adventure &Truth #1Our adventurers begin by heading to the village of Dimblewort to speak with the Chief, and then go off to the desert. Anons are thereadventure, truth, fantasy, magic, hero, anon, collaborative game, quest,2018-10-20 1 
2932990Overmaster Quest #1No good deed goes unpunished. Or without a chance at redemotionfantasy, monsters, dungeon, overlord, 2018-10-21 1 
2957335Cinderella Sanction Quest #34"Suzie Bee?"Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-10-21 3 
2961643Long Lost Stars #2The hunters, and their prey. The will of those that came before. Wishes, and light.mitts, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, autistichornedgirls2018-10-21 5 
2980253Sworn to Valour QuestA Knight is Sworn to Valour. Ser Gabriel Rousseau, Kingsman of Aubres, sets out on Errantry to prove himself as the world's greatest knightSworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed2018-10-21 44 
2953350Gantz: Quest - Episode 8 (Part 5)The veil of mystery surrounding Gantz begins to clear as new Allies are met, and secrets discussed; adding to Paula's pressure. Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2018-10-21 1 
2954051Shipgirl Commander 73In which the GM had to handle the unholy mix of 4chan bans and real life commitment. Filler.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-10-23 2 
2977432Magical Girl - Lovesick #3Nawakubi escapes a month of captivity, but on the other hand, QM disappears from existence. Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush2018-10-25 3 
2987660ASOIAF Reincarnation: Male Powder Fantasy - Thread 18Staruku-dono, give me shekels kudasai~Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy2018-10-25 8 
2963408Postman Knight quest! Part 2Op died then revived then died again. Also picked a fight with a midgetDraw Quest, Postman Knight, Gpqm Collective Game, Fantasy, 2018-10-25 1 
2974460Dark Queen Quest 8You take a boat to Lynn, the capital of Hagëndorff's Empire, made a promise to the deer god. and finally reach the great city.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-10-26 12 
2963691A New Mutant Quest Issue #10We convince everyone we’re a good guy, get a vision of HMQ, decide how we’ll move on Kingpin’s leftovers, reveal our nature, and have some A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2018-10-27 0 
3003555Wars of the Free: Chapter 12The murk of the city Wars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game2018-10-27 3 
3004922Death Among the Stars Quest 89A special flashback thread dedicated to remembering one of Jadyk's past conquests in the old Necrotic Armadaquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-10-28 4 
2967748Everwood Civ #1We start as Lightwatchers, an island people who worship Galoris, a sea goddess. Our territories soon expand, gaining us allies and rivals.Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2018-10-31 7 
2994664Necromancer Quest 2, the beginnings pt. 2Alice and Tina learn more about their situation and decide to go hunt banditsNecromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2018-10-31 3 
November 2018
2984390Overmaster Quest #2Landscape check in every sense of the word. A little overlording arounddungeon, fantasy, overlord, monsters,2018-11-01 1 
3005762Abandoned Quest 1We are abandoned in the woods and left to diefantasy, survival2018-11-03 1 
2985472Paranormal Agent Quest #4We step into the shoes of a big, angry Brit who just wanted a nice pint and some decent company...Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-11-03 5 
2987289Cinderella Sanction Quest #35We talk to Astrid Moore and visit the old prison.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-11-03 2 
3021489Wars of the Free: Chapter 13Crime, morality and truth Wars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game2018-11-03 3 
3021496Shinigami Savant Quest #139A time to be born, a time to die.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-11-03 12 
3001789Long Lost Stars #3Silkworm Quest! Silkworm Quest! Long Live Silkworm Quest! Broken light, lost hope. New meetings, new mysteries.mitts, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, autistichornedgirls2018-11-04 4 
3018178Sworn to Valour Quest #2His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Emile Andrei of Romaine aids his father in battle and travels west to hunt the Creeping Horror of Grenmire.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Monster2018-11-05 26 
3001004Dark Queen Quest 8 part 2After meeting the Great Emperor, Irene, Ruriska and Shelur won a gladiator fight, we recruited Aleanor the Valkyrie, then we went shopping !Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-11-05 11 
62637832polytheistic america religion/tg/ devises a pantheon based on americana.americana, worldbuilding, pantheon, alternate history2018-11-06 2 
2994037Ashes of Rhysode 9Exploring the Yamato, you run into a few new faces.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-11-09 1 
3033833 Necromancer Quest 3, the beginnings The aftermath of the raid on the banidt camp and some moral dilemmasNecromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2018-11-09 3 
2988610Everwood Civ #2Relations are strengthened with Copal and weakened with Samir. After that, a strange expedition out west, and the king passes on.Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2018-11-11 4 
3024341ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #19Wildlings attack. Everybody dies. Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-11-11 11 
3036072Fleet Maidens Quest Mahan wakes up, and gets situated on base. Fleet Maidens, PixelAnon, Kantai Collection, Shipgirls, Collective Game2018-11-11 3 
3022694City of Games – Session 2Short session in which we learn more of Reive and the origins of Devil's Chapter.City of Games, Reive, Arena, Fantasy, Collective Game2018-11-12 1 
63012315Anabasis: The vast plainsanon designs his low fantasy desert-steppe-mountain campaign world inspired by mongolian, Himalayan, and other eastern culture low fantasy, detting, anabasis2018-11-14 2 
3020018Paranormal Agent Quest #5We get to know our new home and some of its denizens a little better.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-11-17 3 
3052571Wars of the Free: Chapter 14The chopping block Wars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game 2018-11-17 2 
3052675Shinigami Savant Quest #140Riku's Rebirth.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-11-17 12 
3019133A New Mutant Quest Issue #11We accept our past and avoid killing Marcus, then chat with Cuda, call up some supers, and finish the first chapter!A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2018-11-17 1 
3024049Cinderella Sanction Quest #36We meet with the Queen of Flowers. One day, threads will stop being short.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-11-18 3 
3036521Long Lost Stars #4Things that mimic life, or live? Strange and stranger creatures. Strange and stranger places. The dreamer dreams of lost wonders.mitts, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, autistichornedgirls2018-11-18 4 
3056436Death Among the Stars Quest 88.3Jadyk addresses captive gods, delivering an important choice. Final preparations are made for the upcoming conflicts and a monster forgedquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-11-19 4 
3024415Overmaster Quest #3We get our first hired lackey, and learn about the guardian of the Bazaardungeon, fantasy, overlord, monsters, short,2018-11-21 1 
3033954Dark Queen Quest 9We face the trials to unlock our potential, then learn the true identity of the deer god. Then we start our journey to the Old Forest.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-11-21 11 
3024573Everwood Civ #3A prophecy by our goddess reveals the location of powerful artifacts and uncovers the betrayal planned by our allies.Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2018-11-23 2 
3037760Dark Elf QuestYou are a dark elf! campy, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-11-24 2 
3029298Shipgirl Commander 74A complete session? Impossible! - Everyone, probablyKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-11-24 1 
3065654Serf Quest Part 1Young serf with aspirations of priesthood throws it all away in a desperate gamble to save his murder-waifu.Serf Quest, Fantasy, Murder2018-11-25 7 
3049678Sworn to Valour Quest #3His Blade Defends the Helpless. On his way to the Capital Sir Andrei apprehends a murderous false knight, political consequences be damned.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Crime2018-11-26 24 
December 2018
3057564ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #20From hunting in the woods to scrambling for a reception. Lording is hard.Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-12-01 10 
3080267Necromancer Quest 4, the beginningsAlice, Tina and their new companion Sierra come to blows with the misterious Anubis creature.Necromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2018-12-01 2 
3083738Wars of the Free: Chapter 15RazakWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game 2018-12-02 1 
3053544Cinderella Sanction Quest #37Vox gets a new job and it kicks his bitch assCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-12-02 2 
3050564Lanternlight [Skirmish]Trying to deal with an infestation of spritelings, the Lanterns find much larger prey.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2018-12-03 11 
3045533Shipgirl Commander 75You wander around town, hoping to encounter something that's out of the norm for once.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-12-03 1 
3069699Seeker Quest 39Suspiciously well equipped bandits ambush the party in a crystal cave.Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2018-12-04 3 
3088833Shinigami Savant Quest #141Hell or High WaterBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-12-04 12 
3091021Death Among the Stars Quest 90The Armada launches a counter invasion against the Ahkam Dynasty to take advantage of the chaos from the death of the Matriarchquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-12-06 7 
3060873Dark Queen Quest 10We meet Queen Titania, who's quite the liberated woman, Dillon play the champion of a goddess and get an harem, then we catch assassins.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-12-07 11 
3078769Long Lost Stars #5Doubt and uncertainty. An answer, a wish. An ending that can't be reached. Tonight too, the dream marches on.mitts, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, autistichornedgirls2018-12-09 4 
3061211A New Mutant Quest Issue #12We meet and talk with mercs, win over the Tinkerer, and spend time with Ren who stops being quite herself...A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2018-12-09 0 
3087623Seeker Quest 40The illusion wielding bandits are defeated. Christof takes his team onwards to the lair of the dark wizards and meets a hostile transmuter.Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2018-12-10 3 
3060774Overmaster Quest #4short session about learning new magics, and getting new friends,dungeon, fantasy, overlord, monsters,2018-12-10 1 
3073025Freelancers 8Foxhole comes under attack by worm biomorphs, and the Freelancers must scramble to defend their outpost against an overwhelming force.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-12-14 6 
3091872ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #21Talking to Stannis, Talking to Manderly, building botes and future planningKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-12-14 10 
3078679Paranormal Agent Quest #6We chat with a few more people and head off to occupied France to hunt a demon.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-12-14 4 
3096948Oekaki Quest ReCapIn This Thread we recap everything before starting up again!Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-12-14 1 
3112515Wars of the Free: Chapter 16Kicking the hornets nestWars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game 2018-12-15 2 
3086875Cinderella Sanction Quest #38We take a tour of BetsoniaCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-12-16 2 
3114673Necromancer Quest 5, the beginningsAlice, Tina and Nar start the thread in Jail, well, sort of.Necromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2018-12-16 2 
3099627Seeker Quest 41Fight against the traitorous Salaman and his sister IkaraSeeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2018-12-16 3 
3099245Sentient Weapon Quest - 1A NEET who died from a random truck accident finds himself as an ancient spear, deep within a dungeon.Collective Game, Fantasy, Adventure, Another World, Isekai, Sentient Weapon Quest, SeaUrchin2018-12-17 1 
3117969Oekaki Quest CH.1.7Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae returns after a hiatus Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-12-18 2 
3104733Caravan Quest 1: Take TwoDim Palmfast lands in a new shard of the old world. He leads his caravan eastward, facing stubborn figments from the old world. Strategy, Management, Fantasy, Apocalypse, Caravan Quest2018-12-18 1 
3120652Shinigami Savant Quest #142In the beginning.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2018-12-20 11 
3083744Everwood Civ #5A miscommunication with the empire to the west, and helping out our oldest enemy. 4 can be found at https://archived.moe/qst/thread/3044297/Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2018-12-21 2 
3091143Stranded Mech Quest 21Happy anniversary. We rejoin alex to head to the desertCollective Game, stranded, mech, isekai, fantasy2018-12-22 1 
3096455Dark Queen Quest 10 part 2We deal with the assassins, meet the goddess Luna, spank Titania, and pull a little prank on Lazarus. We go back home and talk to Metraton.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-12-22 11 
3109617Freelancers 8.5Base defense mission continues. Reinforcements are near, but the Freelancers first must survive a last desperate hold against the worms.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-12-24 3 
3129955ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #22Last Thread of the YearKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-12-28 10 
3127729Long Lost Stars #6New wishes fall to frozen earth. Night grows darker, and hunger threatens their light. A meeting with a young star.mitts, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, autistichornedgirls2018-12-28 2 
3110580Paranormal Agent Quest #7A lead is followed up on in Southern France. (Thread cut short due to IRL fuckery)Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-12-30 2 
3118614Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 1A 15 year-old villager named Zhu Zhexian becomes a cultivator and begins his rise to glory with Zhaotian Kingdom.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy 2018-12-30 8 
3115597Seeker Quest 42The group leaves Salaman in jail and goes on to complete the mission without him. A strange necromancer offers some potions to help. Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2018-12-31 2 
3103035Shipgirl Commander 76Dechi fails at stealth. Apply headpats to soothe.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-12-31 1 
3143140Death Among the Stars Quest 90.2Operations across the galaxy continue as agents of the Armada discover new secrets and plots while war with the Dynasty begins anewquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-12-31 2 
3113425Cinderella Sanction Quest #39A short hiatus beginsCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2018-12-31 2 
January 2019
3132271Unlucky Servant Quest #1You're Solomon, Saul for short, and occasionally, Sally.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, pelican, Unlucky Servant Quest2019-01-01 8 
3115513A New Mutant Quest Issue #13We figure out Ren a little, have some training, chat with inner circle, then go begin handling the Triads.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-01-02 2 
3129672Dark Queen Quest 11Our husband is back, we rule our empire, and declare our interest in other women, as our birthday and the threat of a rebellion, draw near.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-01-05 12 
3153988Oekaki Quest CH.1.8Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae meets up with JacksonDark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-01-05 2 
3139520Unlucky Servant Quest #2From a flat plain to massive tracks of land. Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, pelican, Unlucky Servant Quest2019-01-05 3 
3140876Sworn to Valour Quest #4His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei skirts the political fallout of the trial of the murderous knight and ensures that justice is done.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Justice2019-01-05 27 
3155212Wars of the Free: Chapter 17The town Wars of the Free, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Collective Game 2019-01-05 2 
3156963Shinigami Savant Quest #143Inside ManBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-01-06 11 
3114773Everwood Civ #5.5The war is won, a new emperor comes and goes, and under his sister, we face our strongest foe yet: the Sunset Imperium.Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2019-01-06 2 
3153268Fleet Maidens Quest #4Short thread. Mahan goes to sickbay and talks a lot. Fleet Maidens, PixelAnon, Kantai Collection, Shipgirls, Collective Game2019-01-06 2 
3142801Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest Chapter #2Zhu Zexian is promoted to a state-sponsored bounty hunter and returns to Blue Ridge City.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-01-10 5 
3159460Seeker Quest 43The party flees through the night under hail and torrential rain. A creature of the night ambushes them.Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2019-01-13 3 
3154986Dark Queen Quest 12We celebrate our birthday, get awesome presents, become the pillow fighting champion, before working on a baby with our dork of a husband.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-01-15 11 
3149140Paranormal Agent Quest #7.5Business in France is concluded with a lot of gunfire and a narrow escape.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-01-16 2 
3147189Peasant Lord Quest, Year 768: Part 4The first council meeting and the second harvest ball Peasant Lord Quest, PeasantQM, fpciv, town management,2019-01-16 2 
3151782Unlucky Servant Quest #3Vivi the cuddle bug.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, pelican, Unlucky Servant Quest2019-01-18 2 
3186759Shinigami Savant Quest #144How the other half die.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-01-18 9 
3151170A New Mutant Quest Issue #14Triads are handled, Felon gives info on pro/anti mutant groups, and Kojo talks to himself.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-01-18 1 
3187508Oekaki Quest CH.1.9Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, its the day of the harvest festival. Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-01-19 1 
3189312Devil May Cry: The RingA hero awakens as he sleeps through his call to adventure. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't take 'no' for an answer.Collective Game, Devil May Cry, Stylish, Power fantasy, Fanwank2019-01-19 8 
3173679Sworn to Valour Quest #5His Word Speaks Only Truth. Sir Andrei witnesses the execution of the false knight and battles against foul beastmen on the King's Highway.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Shekels2019-01-20 26 
3177187Seeker Quest 44A large wizard battle commences. Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2019-01-21 3 
3166025Cinderella Sanction Quest #40Short thread! Archived due to attacks of depression. We'll be back, folks.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2019-01-21 1 
3150395Shipgirl Commander 77Everything's beginning to settle in nicely. Tomorrow might not be such a bad day after all.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2019-01-22 1 
3193689Hello, ScarecrowWe begin the operation after the death of our beloved mentor. Things never go easy.Hello Scarecrow, Combat Heavy, Quest, Fantasy2019-01-27 1 
3194255Seeker Quest 45The wicked sorcerers are defeated but their leader manages to escape.Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2019-01-27 3 
3176091Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 3Zhu Zexian finishes the contract with Hu Qiang before taking on a contract that's more dangerous than he could have ever expected.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-01-27 5 
3184496Dark Queen Quest 13You have a party in town, meet Dillon chilhood friends, a mercenary grope you in a bar, and you make a huge mistake with an ogre.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-01-28 11 
3172286Beyond the Pale Civ #1We start as Taelia, a human nation on the southern shores of a wild continent, before competing with the religious Natoyans to the west.Hare, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-01-30 1 
3204867Magical Girl Lovesick: Another Red StringThe being that is Hanano Nawakubi returns.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick, Yandere, Hairbrush2019-01-31 2 
February 2019
3223244Oekaki Quest CH.1.10Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae sneaks back into the fortress.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-02-01 3 
3188459A New Mutant Quest Issue #15Two assassins, time spent with crew and best bro, another side of Kojo revealed, and sorcery lessons with a strange man.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-02-02 2 
3226153Shinigami Savant Quest #145De los MuertosBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-02-02 11 
3195188Lich QuestA Lich decides to murder a vampire. A party is formed. Shit's fucked yo.Lich, Fantasy, Comedy, Collective Game, Bishop2019-02-02 1 
3196368Unlucky Servant Quest #4Revival of Quest, New QM. Garden AdventuresUnlucky Servant, NekoMancer, Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic2019-02-03 1 
3200114Stickman TribesThis is when everything starts evotribes, questchan, hurantal, emor, icryllian, dagonian, stickman, tribes 2019-02-03 0 
3200451Married To A Giant Spider QuestWe figure out what to do with the thief, have the eggs harch into abominations, attempt to civilize the goblins, and hire household help.Married To A Giant Spider Quest, Collective Game2019-02-04 2 
3220949Magical Girl Lovesick: Episode MordredWe follow the mishmashed being that is Mordred. We gain two maids too.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick,, Hairbrush2019-02-04 1 
3211514Seeker Quest 46In which we round up all the evil sorcerer clone children.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2019-02-04 2 
3212812Dark Queen Quest 14We celebrate Silviana 18th birhtday, and make love to her for the first time, and negociate with the wood elves and dark elves respectively.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-02-04 12 
3203248The Great Tribulation - An apocalyptic QuestYou are Jane Rayner, a promising young girl from Great Britain who woke up at an abandoned hospital with a broken leg. The Great Tribulation, Collective Game, Drawquest, Apocalypse, Mutants, Angels, Demons2019-02-06 5 
3231768Episode Mordred #2Maids are nice!~Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick,, Hairbrush2019-02-07 1 
3204139Paranormal Agent Quest #8Following the aftermath of the escape from France, we kick back and have a chat with the team plus others.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-02-08 2 
3198982Shipgirl Commander 78We have a nice talk with Nachi and nearly fuck up our relationship with her. Again.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2019-02-08 1 
3206247Beyond the Pale Civ #2Natoya is kept in check as Taelia expands, and as religious reformation occurs, a strange cult spreads across the Bay of Seals.HareQM, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-02-08 1 
3243078Reborn A Dragon Quest 1: new beginningsA dragon cannot be born without death, they say. Welcome to your second childhood, as a newly reborn dragon. Try not to disappoint motherReborn a Dragon Quest, Collective Game, The Headmaster, Dragon, Dragons, Rebirth, Fantasy, Original setting2019-02-08 4 
3210007Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 5Zhu Zexian travels to the capital and enrolls in the Royal Academy, a place where young elites from across Zhaotian Kingdom gather.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-02-09 5 
3221640Sworn to Valour Quest #6His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei brings grim tidings to House Rousseau and the caravan finally arrives at the great Capital, Aubrey. Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Homecoming2019-02-10 25 
3229193Hello, Scarecrow #2Take the job, take down the beast. It would seem I was overzealous in starting this up.Hello Scarecrow, Combat Heavy, Quest, Fantasy2019-02-13 1 
3228357Unlucky Servant Quest #5: ChoicesWe avoided flaming fartsCollective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-02-14 1 
3251561Seeker Quest 47After some discussion with Shornas and Shawel Shawel joins the party. Kalim arrives but some of the children have run away.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2019-02-15 2 
3234351Warhammer Fantasy Battle: Blood of the ReikWhen the Empire calls, all must answer.Collective Game, Warhammer, Knight, Fantasy, The Empire2019-02-15 2 
3226706A New Mutant Quest Issue #16We meet a tin can, talk to ourselves more, suffer, and go burner shopping.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-02-15 1 
3266003Oekaki Quest CH.1.11Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, we reach the climax of the chapter. Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-02-16 3 
3267534Shinigami Savant Quest #146One Stock, Final Destination, Bankais OnlyBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-02-16 8 
3240273Dark Queen Quest 15We deal with scientific, magical and religious matters, learn with Luna, and have a barbecue party with Shelur and the maids of the palace.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-02-17 11 
64640636 What if dragons were based on owls instead of snakes?/tg/ brainstorms on the concept of owl-dragons as cold and stealthy counterparts to traditional dragons, before finally getting stat blocks.great owl, owldrake, dragon, scathe, stat block, fantasy2019-02-17 24 
3258739Sworn to Valour Quest #7His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei and his companions celebrate, sparking a tryst with the foreign Wastelander woman. The Vigil awaits.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Knight is Sworn to Child Support2019-02-18 24 
3240109Stickman Tribes IIHurantals go to war against pirates, Emor catches up with the rest, Dagonians get taken over by a coup d'etat & Icryllia scouts aroundevotribes, questchan, hurantal, emor, icryllian, dagonian, stickman, tribes2019-02-18 1 
3273645Reborn A Dragon Quest 2:LessonsBaslin and his new siblings are given their first lessons by their mother's mad servant. Lessons in what it means to be a dragonReborn a Dragon Quest, Collective Game, The Headmaster, Dragon, Dragons, Rebirth, Fantasy, Original setting2019-02-18 3 
64668774Manticore/tg/ has to draw a picture of a manticore and post it in this thread or else the manticore will eat it.drawthread, manticore, art2019-02-19 6 
3243942Beyond the Pale Civ #3After a regional effort against strange beasts from the south, a brief war with Natoya sets Taelia back a bit. The Lavingi conquer Hilgot.HareQM, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-02-19 1 
3244332Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Actual Chapter 5Zhu Zexian gets accustomed to the Royal Academy and prepares for a duel. Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-02-20 2 
3279842Necromancer Quest 6, the beginnings Alice, Tina, Sierra and Nar-Khur have a little shopping trip and then decide to drink and play dice, what could go wrong.Necromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2019-02-20 2 
3236731The Great Tribulation #2 - An Apocalyptic Quest The adventure continues The Great Tribulation, Collective Game, Drawquest, Apocalypse, Mutants, Angels, Demons2019-02-22 2 
3268439Seeker Quest 48The party searches for the runaway children. Christof almost purges a uncooperative goblin and the party fights a band of slavers by a riverSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2019-02-23 3 
3261670Unlucky Servant Quest #6: ClassesQM Got the Flu, but he killed it [Small Thread]Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-02-23 1 
3281240Superpowered Neckbeard QuestDerek, 342 pound neckbeard leaves his mommy's home, stabs a kickboxing cricket man to death, and spontaneously develops superpowers.Collective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-02-26 14 
3256917Piratical QuestIn which we take a job from a pirate, get into a gunfight, and a free ship. Also, some political intrigue! Also curses!Pirates, Piratical, Fantasy, Sailing, Ships, Original, QuestPhreak2019-02-26 1 
3300692Death Among the Stars Quest 90.3The battle for Barqalan comes ever closer to an end while stories are exchanged.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2019-02-27 3 
3271518Dark Queen Quest 15 part 2We take a bath with the maids, learn Feral Form, celebrate the Day of the Drack Empire, and the traitors finally reveal themselves.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-02-27 11 
3302386Shinigami Savant Quest #147Kurosaki-GaidenBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-02-27 8 
3264631Paranormal Agent Quest #9We chat with a Russian about a sensitive topic while an old man meets with an old friend and an adventure begins in a swamp.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-02-27 2 
3268598A New Mutant Quest Issue #17More magic time with Doc Strange, more crew division planning, and time with Marcus and Alex.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-02-28 2 
March 2019
3308211Oekaki Quest CH.1.12Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae fights her way through a blazing city.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-03-02 1 
3286702Gantz: Quest - Episode 9 - Part 1Gantz Quest returns from hiatus. Paula's investigation into Yukino's killer takes a strange turn as well as the mental state of thGantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2019-03-04 2 
3283178Guns, Magic and Madness IIn an highly industrial fantasy world, Amelia Weisseblume, a young idealistic cleric, is thrown into a new kind of war.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror2019-03-05 3 
3300653Guns, Magic and Madness IIAmelia and her squad experience a brutal reality of urban warfare as an unknown danger draws closer.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action 2019-03-05 2 
3290450Seeker Quest 49While planning to sneak attack a band of partying goblins the slavers return and force a fight.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2019-03-05 4 
3278440Flamboyant Jumpchain Quest #01We create our character and stab the digital wildlife for exp. Jumpchain SAO Fantasy Action2019-03-05 0 
3300768Warlord Quest 14:Short and continuedMagnus awakes in the valley and engages in some arm wrestling to prove a pointArch Magnus, Warlord Quest, CursedQm, Fantasy, Collective game, Command, Role Play2019-03-06 2 
3278978Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 6Zhu Zhexian finishes a duel and attends some social events.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-03-06 2 
3317906Guns, Magic and Madness IIIAmelia and her new companion find themselves trapped in the middle of hell on earth. Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action2019-03-09 1 
3289390Unlucky Servant Quest #6.5: ClassesSaul & Vivi go to class, & Charles dies from exhaustionCollective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-03-09 2 
3302498Dark Queen Quest 16We fight an angel until Metraton save us, we punish the traitors, and Ellisa burns her father, then we go back to ruling our empire.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-03-09 11 
3299177Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode TwoDerek's sad life continuesCollective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-03-10 10 
3331755Fantasy Restaurateur QuestA fired cook opens a restaurant in the borderlandsWatdo, Fantasy Restaurateur Quest, Restaurant Management, Cooking2019-03-11 8 
3319647Tribal Ranger Quest #2After a long hiatus, Sho-Kai returns to continue the quest for his missing heartTribal Ranger Quest, Fantasy2019-03-11 1 
3274835The Great Tribulation #3 - An Apocalyptic QuestWe venture towards the Pentagon to blow up the Nazis camping thereThe Great Tribulation, Collective Game, Drawquest, Apocalypse, Mutants, Angels, Demons2019-03-12 3 
3314189Everrwood Civ #10A war to decide the fate of a continent is fought. Many die and we are on the brink of defeat but in the end a few heroes save the day.Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy 2019-03-12 1 
3342928Shinigami Savant Quest #148Silver and White.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-03-12 9 
3328618Fate/City Akeldama Part IIThe Grail War begins, and the participants meet (mostly).Sweets-Loving QM, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon2019-03-13 16 
3325931Necromancer, the beginnings. pt 7Alice, Tina, Nar and Sierra leave Wyverns bazar and head to Oaksberg, with an unpleasend encounter along the way.Necromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2019-03-13 1 
3314697A New Mutant Quest Issue #18We study magic some more, visit the End, have an early dinner, and confront ourself before going on a pimp hunt.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-03-16 1 
3321250Warlord Quest 14. 1:Shorter and continuederMagnus takes a short walk and visits some old friends.Arch Magnus, Warlord Quest, CursedQm, Fantasy, Collective game, Command, Role Play2019-03-17 1 
3322617Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 7Zhu Zhexian goes to Tan Xun's birthday and it takes an expected turn of events.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-03-19 1 
3329105Gantz: Quest - Episode 9 - Part 2Paula suffers another alien break-in and explores further into the mystery behind them. Training starts again and some go worse than others.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2019-03-19 1 
65177142What do YOU romanticize in your settings?A thread discussing what we romanticize in our settings and what elements of storytelling we find most comfy.worldbuilding, storytelling, romanticism, brainstorming,discussion, themes, ideas, settings2019-03-19 9 
3344132Fate/City Akeldama Part IIIA gathering of all 7 Servants ends in disaster. After recovering, Rushorou has a training montage and defeats Saber. More romantic drama.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon2019-03-19 14 
3353266Fantasy Restaurateur Quest #2Gaston deals with sentient fungi, dwarf contractors, and thieves Watdo, Fantasy Restaurateur Quest, Restaurant Management, Cooking 2019-03-19 5 
3333941Sworn to Valour Quest #8A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Emile Andrei stands the Vigil and agrees to protect pilgrims on the way to the next holy site in Fallavon.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM,2019-03-21 23 
3368627Oekaki Quest CH.1.13Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, we may actually finish this chapter.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-03-22 1 
3331622Unlucky Servant Quest #7:Solomon learns magic. Solomon helps the Prince. Solomon becomes a cute small Fisherman.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-03-22 1 
3328765Beyond the Pale Civ #5https://archive.b-stats.org/qst/thread/3285510/ - Thread 4. A successful war against the Natoyans, and the death of the chief.HareQM, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-03-22 1 
3340617Dark Queen Quest 17We have a little argument with our husband, meet the Tharque ambassador and his legionaries, and are being called a furry by an angry girl.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-03-23 11 
3355870I Fell in Love with the Hero Party's Wizard - Chapter 1Ulysses, the demon king's guard dog of his castle's gates, is lovestruck by the hero party's wizardess."Questionably-Long-Title"QM, Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Comedy, Demon Knight, Wizard, Ulysses2019-03-23 2 
3345097The Brass Companions #1Kanard, the son of a horse-breeder from a small village in the country Logiti, sets out to joined a famed mercenary company. TheCompanionMercs, Mercenary, Low Fantasy, OC2019-03-23 5 
3361948Fate/City Akeldama Part IVRushorou learns Caster's true name, meets Berserker for coffee, and walks right into a trap set by Archer and Rider. Losses on both sides.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon2019-03-24 11 
3334373Freelancers 9Preparations complete, the grand assault on the citadel begins. The Freelancers will become dragonslayers, or die trying.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-03-24 11 
3339984Tribal Ranger Quest #3Sho-Kai journeys into the Sylvan to seek gemsTribal Ranger Quest, Fantasy2019-03-24 3 
3376510Shinigami Savant Quest #149Inside TatsukiBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-03-24 10 
3353905A Thief's Quest: 1st RunThe up and coming thief Ailas realizes he's been thinking small, and moves on up.Quest, A Thief's Quest, Sneaking, Robbery, Fantasy, SleepyQM2019-03-26 8 
3351006SRW Quest A new adventure begins, with hot blood and robots!Collective Game, SRW Quest, Giant Robots2019-03-26 5 
3341092Shipgirl Commander 79You try to sort out the trickier nuances of your Division. An old friend gives some insight on your current ... "methodology".Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2019-03-27 1 
3374576Fate/City Akeldama Part VRushorou captures and brainwashes the Master of Archer, but her final command spell is insufficient to compel the Servant to commit suicide.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon2019-03-29 11 
3357886Post Apocalyptic Government RemnantsIn the post-apocalyptic remnants of what was once the megacity of London, the old government of the UK remains alive, fighting for survivalSimucrom, post apocalyptic, civ, government remnants2019-03-30 1 
3373494A Thief's Quest: 2nd RunAilas completes a tricky job and buys a serious amount of gear in preparation for the manor job, his own project.Quest, A Thief's Quest, Sneaking, Robbery, Fantasy, OC Setting, SleepyQM2019-03-31 6 
April 2019
3359320A New Mutant Quest Issue #19We eat a pimp, learn some more magic, talk with the crew, and go out to eat with best bro.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-04-01 2 
3394830Nanodesu! Quest #1Wherein we start our adventure as Inazuma, alongside Smugzuma and Miyuki!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-04-02 5 
3361403Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 8The most exciting trial yet of Tan Xun's birthday begins and a battle begins with the whole city and beyond as the playing field.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy 2019-04-02 1 
3386927The Big Bad Wolf Quest #1Selling nude photos of high school girls is hard work, and totally professional!Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-02 6 
3372883Fantasy Restaurateur Quest #3Gaston visits the farmers, strikes a deal, then plans for the dwarf's feast.Watdo, Fantasy Restaurateur Quest, Restaurant Management, Cooking2019-04-03 2 
3372045Dark Queen Quest 18We build our empire and train, lick Titania's ears, then we catch Shelur, who seduced ALL the maids of the palace, before flirting with herDark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-04-03 12 
3377787Seeker Quest 50The end of the clone children arc.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2019-04-04 2 
3377689Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 2Tristan lies to, then kills an overweight pastor before running awayCollective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-04-05 1 
3409500Shinigami Savant Quest #150Empty mind, empty hand, clear eyesBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-04-05 10 
3385048Fate/City Akeldama Part VIRushorou learns the basics of magic from Caster, has a none-too-edifying conversation with Cid, and kills the Master of Berserker.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon2019-04-05 10 
65451378Chimerae GaloreAnons name three random animals and write feasibly fantastical monsters out of them.worldbuilding, monsters, chimera, fantasy2019-04-06 3 
3377472Unlucky Servant Quest #8: Sally EditionWe transform into our mistress. Go on a scavenger hunt. Evade a Criminal Organization Feel disgusted for killing something&-? ourLively hoodCollective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-04-06 2 
3380252Gantz: Quest - Episode 9 - Part 3Paula's resolve is pushed to the limit, as she tries to help Chris and is forced to ask how far she's willing to go to save her loved onesGantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2019-04-07 1 
3406019Nanodesu! Quest #2In which we acquire Ooi and Kitakami, oh and somehow we were able to get advice from two odd Abyssals. Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-04-07 6 
3375369Freelancers 9.2The battle becomes bloody, and reality itself frays around the Freelancers in their desperate fight against the dragon and its priests.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-04-07 11 
3401882The Big Bad Wolf Quest #2Mary's a fellow woman of the trade, Goldilocks is a pervert, and Little Red Riding Hoods has become leashed! Also, cleavage factory.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-08 2 
3381913SRW Quest -2-Reinforcements arrive and your powers develop. What really lurks behind the name of 'Newtype'?Collective Game, SRW Quest, Giant Robots2019-04-09 3 
65570456Skaven IN SPACETg discusses what a spacefaring skaven empire would look like.skaven, warhammer, 40k, fantasy, space 2019-04-09 2 
3388152Kancolle: Frog QuestIn which we awaken as the good ship ProvenceCollective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-04-10 2 
3417991Necromancer, the beginnings. pt 8The group reaches Oaksberg, Tina gets to training and everyone passes their time with some selfimprovementNecromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2019-04-10 1 
3400552Fate/City Akeldama Part VIIRushorou makes a contract with Berserker and learns about the difficulty of Odic management.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon2019-04-10 10 
3425290A Dark Fantasy Quest CH.1.EpilogueThe chapter is over? But what will Kae do now?Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-04-11 1 
65548468Modern Fantasy/tg/ discusses modern times with fantasy creaturesmodern times, fantasy2019-04-12 -2 
3403803Brass Companions #2: Into the Goblin’s den Kanard delves into a nest of goblins, kills a few, find one big and nasty hobgoblin and kills him too. He saves a few innocents on the way.TheCompanionMercs, Mercenary, Low Fantasy, OC2019-04-13 5 
3383449Shipgirl Commander 80The mission briefing goes as well as it should.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2019-04-13 3 
3416319The Big Bad Wolf Quest #3Morioka starts to break minds, grab ass, grope titties, and make love for eight hours straight.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-13 1 
3406300Dark Queen Quest 19Lazarus go on a little journey, We go out with Gweyr, learn about her past, and spend a whole day riding on the back of our Giant wolf Sif.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-04-14 12 
3399876A New Mutant Quest Issue #20We have brunch with best bro, talk a bit with our inner circle, and teach some magic.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-04-15 2 
3415582Everwood Civ #12Midgets have been subjugated and now we move to strike Belinos who reels from beastmen. Thread 11: https://archived.moe/qst/thread/3376043/Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2019-04-15 1 
3410657Nightmare Weaver QuestIn which we give a little girl scary dreams, almost find a dream pirate, and suffer as the QM is kill due to The Curse(tm).dreaming, dreams, nightmares, magic, fantasy, weaver, original setting2019-04-16 1 
3413603Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 3Tristan helps wash dishes, studies, and learns pyromancyCollective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-04-16 1 
3429492The Big Bad Wolf Quest #4Morioka experiences a special Saturday and Kitasawa finally arrives, neatly packaged. Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-19 1 
3421216Fate/City Akeldama Part VIIIRushorou spends some much-needed downtime with his Servants and allies, and learns some magic from Caster.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon2019-04-19 10 
3446834Shinigami Savant Quest #151Oh No PlateauBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-04-19 6 
3417830 Unlucky Servant Quest #9: FriendsSolomon goes to town with his new friend Marcie Alabaster. They read books, get followed by shady people, and go to dinner. :)Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-04-20 1 
3401746Beyond the Pale Civ #7https://archived.moe/qst/search/subject/beyond%20the%20pale%20civ%20/results/thread/ (Missing threads) Development, and little else.HareQM, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-04-20 -1 
3450717A Dark Fantasy Quest CH.1.Epilogue p2The chapter is over? But what will Kae do now?Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-04-21 1 
3418258Nightgaunts: Field Stroll [ Skirmish ]The Lanterns are sent to destroy a mountain Infestation and get more than they bargained for. (At least they have tea)Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight, Nightgaunts2019-04-21 7 
3403347Nightgaunts: Farm House [Skirmish]Sent to investigate an farm-house, the players end up surrounded by terror and trouble, meddling with forgotten gods and government agentsSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight, Nightgaunts2019-04-21 7 
3419579Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #1Restart of the Game after QM lost his notes. This time as heir of a stellar conglomerate.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-04-22 3 
3428043Gantz: Quest - Episode 10 - Part 1The fifth hunt begins after a horrifyingly close call in Paula's apartment. With new gear on hand, the hunt moves to the tunnels beneath DCGantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2019-04-22 1 
3445322The Big Bad Wolf Quest #5A decadent-breasted clash between Hanami and Mary has begun at day, Kita's Robin Hood reveal at night! Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-23 1 
3435315Nanodesu! Quest #3Wherein we meet some familiar faces, fight some new Abyssals, get to meet two very Zuiun-minded battleships, and bond with our friends!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-04-26 3 
3428132Beyond the Pale Civ #7.5Yeah yeah yeah. Short thread again, fight me. A war starts.HareQM, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-04-27 1 
3436558The Brass Companions #3 Explorig Gabriel’s RestAfter waking up in the surgeon’s wing, Kanard gets a few days rest and relaxation around the city of Gabriel’s Rest.TheCompanionMercs, Mercenary, Low Fantasy, OC2019-04-27 5 
3439658Dark Queen Quest 20We rule our empire, learn the localisation of Wells of Magic, welcome our parents, plan the End-Year and face an assassination attempt.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-04-28 11 
3427569Kancolle: Frog Quest 2Provence reminisces with her sisters.Collective Game,Kantai Collection,Kancolle,Draw me like one of your french boats2019-04-28 2 
3456685The Big Bad Wolf Quest #6Goldilocks shows a sign of Morioka's consequence. He later ends up having sex with three of Hanami's personas.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-29 1 
May 2019
3445671Fate/City Akeldama Part IXRushorou prepares for the final battle with Archer and Rider by improving his magical knowledge and getting an enchanted item.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-05-01 10 
3438556A New Mutant Quest Issue #21We talk with Alex, sleep, go out for breakfast with best bro, and revisit our old home.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-05-01 1 
3442241SRW Quest -3-We get to meet Shirou Kabuto, commander of the Mazin Corps, and we start shedding some light on our powers. Collective Game, SRW Quest, Giant Robots2019-05-01 4 
3476173Phantasm Limb~IA weary Knight awakens to find his right arm removed.Phantasm Limb, Collective Game, Fantasy, Knight, Dismemberment2019-05-02 3 
3447023Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 4We talk to our operator in Paris, spar with an old man, and decide to go drinking.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-05-03 1 
3471311Nanodesu! Quest #4Wherein we go for a bit of exercise, talk with our older sister and start exploring the island's interior! (Short Thread)Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-05-03 1 
65960580Realms of Lord Killblood DeathbaneA fairly metal science-fantasy setting with battlemutants and hover-longship riding void-vikings.Lord Killblood Deathbane, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Science Fantasy, World Building, brainstorming, Brainstorming, mutant, 2019-05-03 14 
3447454Unlucky Servant Quest #10: Proper Numbering EditionSolomon invades a gang base. Also Finds a magical flying talking dog, that cause him smelly.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-05-04 1 
3470733The Big Bad Wolf Quest #7Morioka might've brought a dark elf to his world. But that matters not -- the N.R.O. has come!Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-04 0 
3483025Shinigami Savant Quest 152ConfrontationBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-05-04 6 
3482620Male Powder Fantasy, Thread # 23It's aliveSailors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2019-05-04 10 
3481461The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8Morioka begins tested copulation with Kitasawa. But QM gets a warning and the thread is archived for some reason.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-04 1 
3468181Revolutionary Prince Quest #1Our Prince flees the castle, gathers a crew, and successfully avoids even thinking of flirting with his sisterCollective Game, Revolutionary Prince Quest, Fantasy, Royalty2019-05-05 0 
3451500Everwood Civ Thread #13Vikings, a big dragon, swamp niggers and snooty doppalgangers dogpile and invite us for a fun time. Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2019-05-06 1 
3452579Nightgaunts: Crackcrown [Skirmish]The Lanterns find a nice hut, some tea and a promise - then the hut blows up, the tea gets cold...Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight, Nightgaunts2019-05-07 7 
3490570Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #2Space Merchant Prince chats with Rural friend about girl problems.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-05-07 4 
3455650Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #2 (actual)Miss archived thread 3 as thread 2. This thread we talked to Rural friend about girl problems.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-05-07 3 
3450542Dark Souls: Forossa #1An undead rises in Forossa to set off on a journey across the cold land of the Tsardom.Dark Souls, drawquest, fantasy2019-05-07 2 
3474662Fate/City Akeldama Part XThe conclusion to Fate/City Akeldama. A final battle is fought, and the ending arrives.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-05-09 10 
3483261The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8.5Morioka is given a late night surprise! The tower is attacked! Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-09 1 
3471644Dark Queen Quest 21We meet the Goddess Gefian and conviced her to return. You then visited a wood elf village and get to know Dillon's childhood friends.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-05-12 11 
3488794Everwood Civ Thread #14Due to an unlikely turn of events, the war ends in our favour. However relations with our western allies take a massive downturn.Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2019-05-12 1 
3466476Jewels of Guldar Quest #1Uhtred finds a group of companions and embark on a quest to acquire the fire jewel of Guldar.Collective Game, Jewels of Guldar, Fantasy, 2019-05-13 10 
3473857Paranormal Agent Quest #10An adventure in the swamp comes to a hectic close and Adam starts work on a few social links.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-05-14 1 
3477317Dark Souls: Forossa #2After defeating the Tsar, the Disturbed Champion visits the cathedral and outland caves next, continuing the journey.Dark Souls, Souls, drawquest, fantasy2019-05-15 2 
3506539Necromancer, the beginnings. pt 9Our Group of misfits continues their stay in Oaksberg, training and curious happenings includedNecromancer, Adventure, Dark Elf, Dullahan, Undead, Fantasy, Rise to Power, Collective Game, Necromancer Quest2019-05-16 1 
3476402A New Mutant Quest Issue #22We rage against ourselves, relax in the park, attend the conference, master the advanced magics, and go to the Daily BugleA New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-05-19 1 
3520295ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #24Turns out spamming explosive rounds is pretty effective against a hellenic navy Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2019-05-20 10 
3508939Ancient Evil Reborn Quest #1The Wight-Lord awakens from his slumber and resumes his campaign of carnage. Op gets autobanned and thread stalls.Wight-Lord, Undead, Collective Game, Quest, Storyteller, Fantasy, Magic, Necromancer, Ancient Evil2019-05-20 1 
3522596Shinigami Savant Quest #153Final FormsBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-05-21 6 
3476017SRW Quest -3.5-An angel is coming, and it threatens to destroy everything on its path...Collective Game, SRW Quest, Giant Robots2019-05-21 1 
3481027Unlucky Servant Quest #11Solomon goes to class, Learns more about Marcie, & gets a date for the Gala.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-05-21 1 
3491019Fate/Awakening Mirror Part IOur protagonist, Saber, is summoned to replace his dead foe; returns to Tokyo; learns about the true Holy Grail War.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-05-22 13 
3490722Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 5Tristan meets the Maverick Exorcist, gets reassigned to another city, and visits an empty church at night.Collective Game. Modern Fantasy Quest2019-05-23 1 
3495586Cinderella and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Cinderella's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Cinderella, Lego, fantasy, elves2019-05-24 1 
3531654A Dark Fantasy QuestDark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae seems to be lost in the woods.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-05-26 3 
3506611Dark Queen Quest 22We work on the relationship between the elves, welcome our guests for the End-Year Celebration and witness the birth of our little brother.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-05-29 11 
June 2019
3527420Cinderella and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Cinderella's quest continues.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Cinderella, Lego, fantasy, elves2019-06-04 1 
3508255Kancolle: Frog Quest 3Provence tours Bretagne's kingdom. Lorraine wanders the barracks in a drunken stupor.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-06-05 2 
3515827 Jewels of Guldar Quest #2 Uhtred is killed and resurrected, goes to prison for killing a man, and hand sigils to teleport into Red Hand facilities to authorities.Collective Game, Jewels of Guldar, Fantasy, 2019-06-07 9 
3555742ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #25I see you at a feast, I see you with the Crown and a lot of expenses. Jesus that's a lot of expenses.Feasts, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2019-06-09 11 
3567014Shinigami Savant Quest #154Of Gods and GoddessesBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-06-10 6 
3526921Vestige Civ #1We start as the Faredi, a Baradi tribe in the north of the continent. We make steadfast allies and fight off beastmen invasions.Vestige Civ, KnezQm, Civ, Fantasy 2019-06-10 2 
3522822SRW Quest -4-PN5-2 is in big trouble! An enormous enemy fleet is approaching...Collective Game, SRW Quest, Giant Robots2019-06-10 2 
3535306Everwood Civ Thread #15We become allies with a new kingdom and beat down an old rival one. (In-thread title is a misnomer, QM accidentally skipped ahead one)Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2019-06-11 1 
3550013Paranormal Agent Quest #11A boy comes to us with a problem regarding a red-haired telepath.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-06-11 3 
3520577A New Mutant Quest Issue #23We figure out Spider-boy's identity, teach magic, do the press conference, meet someone who knew both our parents, and sit down with N&M.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-06-11 0 
3530031Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 6 MoleQMTristan looks through a woman's purse, returns said purse, and talks about employment prospects in Winterpine.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-06-12 0 
3530230Retired Hero QuestA retired hero takes on an apprenticefantasy2019-06-12 3 
3525359Fate/Awakening Mirror Part IIThe War begins in earnest, and Alberich has his first two meetings with the enemy.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-06-16 11 
3536539Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #4Bedroom conversation with a female mecha fanatic.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-06-18 2 
3535095SRW Quest -4.5-The independentists have infiltrated the base... we must oust them! Collective Game, SRW Quest, Giant Robots2019-06-18 1 
3533847Unlucky Servant Quest #12We learned about 2 more forms of magic, & finished the Bellabona book Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-06-18 1 
3544910Dark Queen Quest 23Lazarus is finally back but only with the remains of Orelliel, your guests for the End-Year Celebration are here, and the party begins.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-06-18 11 
3550734Freelancers 10Accolades, promotions, and recovery follows the dragonslaying. Graves sets up an intrasquad arena match to keep skills sharp in the offtime.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-06-19 6 
66727157religions of the future/tg/ worldbuilds fictitious religious and/or cult beliefs in an attempt at predicting the future.worldbuilding, pantheon, religion, deity, deities, god, gods, future, setting,2019-06-20 -2 
3550816Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode ThreeDerek continues his one-man crusade on crime, and has a chance encounter with a minor baseball celebrity.Collective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-06-21 8 
3559231Sworn to Valour Quest #9His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei escorts the pilgrims through the glades of Fallavon. A fell creature stalks them in the night.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Black Company Quest2019-06-22 24 
3560371Jewels of Guldar Quest #3Uthred dies for good. We roll a new character, Skol the cleric of war.Collective Game, Jewels of Guldar, Fantasy, 2019-06-25 3 
3562913Undying King Quest #1In which we awaken to insolent adventurers and a broken kingdom.King, Kingdom, Ghost, Wraith, Fantasy, Cleric, Addventurers, Will eventually become a Civ Quest, Undying King Quest, Goodbye QM2019-06-25 3 
3602433Shinigami Savant Quest #155The worst-laid plansBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-06-25 6 
3566389Fate/Awakening Mirror Part IIIAlberich explains the battle against Saber to Ayaka, plans a new fight, and seizes his first victory.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-06-26 11 
3567338SRW Quest -5-A terrible and powerful entity creeps towards the base...Collective Game, SRW Quest, Giant Robots2019-06-27 2 
3572888Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 1Liu Zhu comes upon a lucky chance, trains with the Yu family, and after danger closes in on him he goes to the Northern Wastes for training.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus2019-06-28 5 
3576024Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 7Tristan bumps into a Winterpine Ghoul, heads to Winterpine Chapel, and meets a fellow Templar. QM flakes for two days straight.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-06-28 1 
3584974Freelancers 10.2The friendly PvP bout has become something else entirely now that aliens have crashed the party.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-06-29 6 
3595409Seeker Quest 51Christof leads the party to Castle Malgrave.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2019-06-29 2 
3581032Everwood Civ Thread #"16" We fuck the Mexicans a bit, get parasites and beaten up, go home and then get a lot of Asians dumbed on us.Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2019-06-29 1 
July 2019
3587324Nanodesu! Quest #5Wherein we finally journey up the hill and meet a certain narcoleptic ship girl.Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-07-01 3 
3582364Elf Femboy Civ 1Turns 1 to 13Dolomite, Civilization, Civ, draw quest, fantasy, elf, elves2019-07-02 2 
3579598Kancolle Frog Quest 4Lorraine pays a social call.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-07-02 2 
3579431SRW Quest -5.5-A desperate fight against the antispiral... can that monster even be defeated? Collective Game, SRW Quest, Giant Robots2019-07-02 1 
3588472Dark Queen Quest 2 part 2We discuss with our guests, make some deals and plan our next projects for next year. We also reveal our pregnancy to everyone.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-07-02 12 
3587212Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #5Try to check into a hotel for the night and the hotel staff make several mistakes.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-07-04 2 
3599087Sworn to Valour Quest #10His Blade Defends the Helpless. Having safely escorted the pilgrims to Motte-Fallavon, Sir Andrei goes to attend a small tournament nearby.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM,2019-07-04 25 
3591517Paranormal Agent Quest #12More social links are had and then the team is sent to a spooky lakeside resort.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-07-06 2 
3613751Seeker Quest 52The party attacks some unusual demons. It seems they know you by name.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2019-07-07 3 
3603951Fate/Awakening Mirror Part IVAlberich tries out some new magic, then learns just how hard it is to keep a good man down.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-07-09 11 
3609060Unlucky Servant Quest #13Tiny thread, QM sorts through personal issuesCollective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-07-09 1 
3621285Runaway Prince Quest #1Prince Liliwin makes a daring escape. Along the way, he meets a morbid joke cracking ghost, and brings the court mage along for the ride.Uri, Runaway Prince, Quest, Fantasy, Medieval, Spirits, Collective Game2019-07-10 2 
3644802Shinigami Savant Quest #156Lending a HandBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-07-10 7 
3612415Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 2Liu Zhu comes across a lucky chances, learns about gathering herbs, and competes to become an expert refiner's apprentice.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus2019-07-11 5 
3615503Undying King Quest #2A much shorter thread, in which we arrive at a riverside fort, get kingnapped, and then used as a flailKing, Kingdom, Ghost, Wraith, Fantasy, Cleric, Adventurers, Will eventually become a Civ Quest, Undying King Quest, Goodbye QM2019-07-12 1 
3620137Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 8Tristan experiences Italian cuisine, questions Ike about Winterpine, and almost gets killed by a Ghoul.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-07-15 1 
3616650A New Mutant Quest Issue #24We go to prison, befriend some supers, are judged not guilty, and confront Strange.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-07-15 1 
3620610Elf Femboy Civ 2Turns 14 to 25Dolomite, Civilization, Civ, draw quest, fantasy, elf, elves2019-07-15 1 
3632706Fate/Awakening Mirror Part VAlberich meets the Servant behind the mysterious fires, and has a few unusual conversations.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-07-16 13 
3634637Dark Queen Quest 24Short thread, where Metraton make us choose something that could change the future.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-07-16 11 
3630522Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #6Purchase designer clothes for two girls (one of which proposed to us)2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-07-18 6 
3663075Six Pillars #1: Divine AwakeningThe Temptress, young goddess of forbidden temptations, awakens and heads to the Orclands to spread her name and raise a champion.godstuff, deitymc, Six Pillars, Drivenqm, quest, fantasy2019-07-19 -1 
3637029Six Pillars #1: Divine AwakeningTemptress of the Night. A young goddess of forbidden temptations, awakens and heads to the Orclands to find a champion and spread her name.godstuff, deitymc, Six Pillars, Drivenqm, quest, fantasy2019-07-19 0 
3636068Seeker Quest 53The party is forced into a difficult battle against some demonettes. They're forced to retreat, but an undead adversary blocks their path.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest 2019-07-20 2 
3676492Errant Shopkeep QuestLegends tell of an errant shopkeep that appears on the road whenever someone is in need, but legends are only legends, after all.drawquest, errant shopkeep quest, capitalism,2019-07-21 5 
3648285Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 3Liu Zhu searches for treasure in the Black Swamp, arrives at Green City, ventures into the forest, and gets trapped in 12th Canyon.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-07-23 3 
3648621Sworn to Valour Quest #11His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei forms rivalries and friendships alike at the tournament. Meanwhile, plots thicken on the sidelines.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Why did you have to Crit2019-07-23 24 
3644674SRW Quest -FINALE-It's time for the final showdown. Who will fall, and who will stand? A bright light casts away the shadows of the past...Collective Game, SRW Quest, Giant Robots2019-07-25 2 
3695095Shinigami Savant Quest #157The final stretch.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-07-26 6 
3682212Guns, Magic and Madness IV3 months later, Amelia and other survivors try to deal with their trauma as their own goverment turns against them.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action2019-07-28 1 
3679801Frozen Civ Quest Redux #1A young elf in an icy and blighted land, can we survive with what little we have and the help of our new friend?Frozen Civ Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2019-07-29 12 
3687743Warlord Quest #15: A return to ArmsMagnus returns to the Valley of the Moon, upgrades his shield a bit and ventures off to reclaim a ancient fortressArch Magnus,CursedQm,Collective Game, Warlord quest, collective game, Fantasy2019-07-30 2 
3664289Elf Femboy Civ 3Turns 26 to 35Dolomite, Civilization, Civ, draw quest, fantasy, elf, elves2019-07-30 0 
3663180Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 9Tristan has a long chat with DelilahCollective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-07-30 1 
3702113The Times of Ending (Civ Quest) #1Lead a Human expedition to the shores of a foreign land, the races, easy prey for the servants of evil. The Kobold Home Island is invadeCollective Game, Civ, Evil, Gunpowder, Fantasy.2019-07-30 1 
August 2019
3664681SRW Quest -FINALE OVERTIME-The conclusion to a long journey. A fight to the end of the GalaxyCollective Game, SRW Quest, Giant Robots2019-08-01 3 
3663740Fate/Awakening Mirror Part VIAlberich has an argument with his sister then later meets his other sister, and Ayaka has a truly awful day.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-08-02 16 
3675896Dark Queen Quest 25We start the negotiations with Hagëndorff, Parsifal and Titania for an alliance between the four kingdoms, but things did not go as planned.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-08-02 11 
3679760Everwood Civ Thread #17We fight a war in the east against beastmen but get betrayed. Also our mommy femdom god comes down to say whatsup. P.S. RIP BalEverwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2019-08-03 1 
3678088Fate/OvergrowthEdgar Rood, son of the Holy Grail War's overseer, enters the War on principle and exhibits his many flaws.Integer, Fate/Overgrowth, Collective Game, Type-Moon, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy2019-08-03 6 
3676052Seeker Quest 54Reunion with the SalamanSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest 2019-08-05 4 
3704809Runaway Prince Quest #2A prince dons the identity of a mercenary, leaves the crown city for the desert, and meets a strange man and his bird...Runaway Prince Quest, Fantasy, Medieval, Comfy2019-08-06 2 
3690462Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 4Liu Zhu duels Duan Pin, is inaugurated as Highblood of Horned Island, makes a breakthrough, and trains under Refiner Long in Border City. Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-08-06 2 
3687406Frozen Civ Quest Redux #2The fight for survival in the icy Great Silent continues with encounters, a mystery box and critical failures.Frozen Civ Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2019-08-08 1 
3705180Frozen Civ Quest #2 (ACTUAL)The fight for survival in the icy Great Silent continues with encounters, a mystery box and critical failures. Other entry is wrong thread.Frozen Civ Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2019-08-08 10 
3706668Warlord Quest 15.5: The Gathering StormMagnus and Co. venture to the fortress of Grimspear to confront a growing threat. Magnus punks out a ancient god and becomes ThorArch Magnus, Warlord Quest, CursedQm, Fantasy, Collective game2019-08-11 1 
3707664Elf Femboy Civ 4Turns 36 to 45Dolomite, Civilization, Civ, draw quest, fantasy, elf, elves2019-08-11 2 
67616337What if Warhammer 40k was a french production ?OP asks /tg/ what 40k would look like if the french made it. A lot of old french /tg/ content & art are then brought up for discussion40k, Sci fi, Awesome, Metal Hurlant, French, Old School, discussion, Lore, knights, Tanks2019-08-11 14 
3702035Guns, Magic and Madness VAmelia rushes straight into the danger and finds herself fighting for her life yet again.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action2019-08-12 1 
3682105Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 7The day continues.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-08-12 2 
3739270Warlord Sidestory #4 Restless DreamsThallos the Defiler makes his way further north in search of his fate. Fury sees him through a hellish dreamscape where he accepts his pastThallos, Warlord Quest, Warlord Sidestory, Collective Game, Nongent, Fantasy 2019-08-12 1 
3725756Sworn to Valour Quest #12His Word Speaks Only Truth. Having resolved to find his brother, Sir Andrei first makes preparations and stands the Vigil at Motte-Fallavon.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Spooky Visions2019-08-14 23 
3713201Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 11Tristan has a conversation with Benjamin, tries to visit Jungczant, and has the crap kicked out of him by an unexpected enemy.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-08-16 1 
3732685Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 5Liu Zhu returns to the Liu family, duels with his brother, and after several incidents kickstarts a new business plan. Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-08-16 1 
3755789Shinigami Savant Quest #158All Good Things (Finale)Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-08-17 7 
3732877Frozen Civ Quest Redux #3The fight for survival in the icy Great Silent continues with bot-building, positive progress and a battle with bandits.Frozen Civ Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2019-08-17 5 
3756906Fate/Overgrowth - Thread IIEdgar nearly scores his first kill, discovers a predator's existence, learns more about his enemies, and has a heart-to-heart with Saber.Integer, Fate/Overgrowth, Collective Game, Type-Moon, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy2019-08-18 4 
3739559Everwood Civ Thread #18A minor, inconclusive conflict takes place followed by years of peaceful development.Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2019-08-18 1 
3724463Dark Queen Quest 26After talking with the gods we have a private party with our friends before starting the Royal Council meeting.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-08-18 10 
3749361Blood of Heroes QuestLord Mentioc Auberon of Cambrey Keep begins his journey to reclaim the Deepwood for his family.Collective Game, Lorekeeper, Civ, Fantasy, Blood of Heroes, Lord Auberon, Roleplay, Strategy2019-08-20 2 
3719063Fate/Overgrowth - Thread II.2Actual archive of thread 2 because QM is a dunce and improperly archived thread 3 as thread 2.Integer, Fate/Overgrowth, Collective Game, Type-Moon, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy2019-08-21 2 
3717488Fate/Awakening Mirror Part VIIAlberich betrays the Emiya family and discovers the true identity of Otto Niemand.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-08-22 13 
3739222Elf Femboy Civ 4Turns 45 to EndDolomite, Civilization, Civ, draw quest, fantasy, elf, elves2019-08-26 3 
3765489Blood of Heroes Quest 1.5Lord Auberon ventures out to cleanse his lands of a bandit clan. Extremely short due to Op being a fagLord Mentioc Auberon, Blood Of Heroes, Civ, Fantasy, Role Play, Fantasy, Collective Game, Strategy2019-08-26 1 
3776424Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 6FCollective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-08-29 0 
3734252Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #8The Fishers come to Mishima with a proposal (heh)2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy, Collective Game2019-08-29 1 
3747738Paranormal Agent Quest #15The resort operation finally comes to a close.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-08-29 0 
3740948Threshold Quest - Chapter 1Twenty-five years after moving away from our D&D group, we arrive at a funeral for a friend.Threshold Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Isekai, DIE2019-08-31 0 
September 2019
3744923A New Mutant Quest Issue #25We have a dream of the past, find out what Deirdre knows, become a demon cat, pick out a place, breakdown, and learn of The-One-Above-All.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-09-01 0 
3778400Broken Soul Quest 1A crippled mage tries to fix his problem, and accidentally binds himself to the God of Sin.Exabyte, Urban Fantasy, Mage, Sin, BSQ2019-09-01 3 
3752026Modern Fantasy Quest ACTUAL Thread 11Tristan gets captured by Jungczant's men, escapes, sprains his ankle, and tells Ike to pick up his luggage.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-09-02 0 
3756651Frozen Civ Quest Redux #4The fight for survival in the icy Great Silent takes a turn for the worse as the nature of the world is partially revealed. The final part.Frozen Civ Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2019-09-02 1 
68141968How would fantasy races adapt to modern warfare?OP posits the question: How would fantasy races adopt to modern warfare? and /tg/ answers.Warfare, fantasy, modern warfare, centaur, dwarf, elf, orc, discussion2019-09-03 4 
3793701Shinigami Savant Quest #159All Good Things (Finale 2/2)Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest2019-09-03 25 
3748335Stranded Mech Quest 22A vision from a different land, follow a Necrolord Paladin and their acts to improve their position.Collective Game, stranded, mech, isekai, fantasy2019-09-06 -1 
3780059Body Horror Quest - 29th VeinShu’s catch of the week: 1 Silver Fish, 1 Stealth Panther, and 1 Frost Wolf. FuzzBuzz gets adopted by Ants, and unexpected visitors arrive.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Ants, FuzzBuzz, bamboozle2019-09-08 12 
68162646Nechronica thread with storytimesTwo nechronica storytimes get going, weapons are stats are created, parts are discussed, and more. 1880's England.nechronica, storytime, story time, parts, guns, doll, system, england, british, japanese, america, portugal, atlantic, centipede2019-09-08 5 
3759006Fate/Awakening Mirror Part VIIIAlberich goes on an amusement park date, then meets a new potential collaboratorSweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-09-08 11 
3778725Dark Queen Quest 27We throw a birthday party for Ellisa, talk with Kazeel Thorn himself and prepare our unofficial involvement in the war in the south.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-09-09 10 
3793996Kancolle Frog Quest 5 (Papa Petain's Immeasurable Disappointment Edition)Provence weighs her options for escape and Lorraine fights to break through and save her sister.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-09-10 1 
3794357Into the Deadlands Quest #1Leon Amun, a lone Nomad ventures into the dead city in search of fortune. In the town of Scrag, mutants are fought and supplies needed.Deadlands Quest, Leon, Mutants, post apocalyptic, Cyborg, Nomad, wasteland, survival, collective game2019-09-11 1 
3794389Catalyst QuestFather Richard Anscham fights demons. He seeks the cure for humanity's greatest weakness: The Catalyst.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2019-09-14 32 
3803080Sworn to Valour Quest #13His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei and his companions set out in the Fallavon woods in search of his brother. Much danger awaits them.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Into the Woods2019-09-14 22 
3783098Lanternlights: Ostroskon Manor [Skirmish]The Lanterns travel to an isolated mansion to liaise with a certain eccentric inventor, but soon discover that all is not what it seems.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2019-09-16 10 
3776841Lanternlights: Forest Paths [Skirmish]Coming across a town overtaken by bandits, the Lanterns find more explosions and otherworldly manifestations than they expected.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2019-09-16 7 
68322089Cassette Futurism Number 5OP submits another thread for the discussion of cassette futurism and anons discuss Cassette futurism, scifi, 70s, 80s, classic, fantasy, science fiction2019-09-20 1 
68385450Cassette Futurism Number 6Once again, with feeling.Cassette futurism, scifi, 70s, 80s, classic, fantasy, science fiction2019-09-20 0 
3793027Fate/Overgrowth - Thread IVEdgar narrowly escapes an attempt on his life, defeats his first enemy Servant, shows mercy to a Master, and suffers his worst wounds yet.Integer, Fate/Overgrowth, Collective Game, Type-Moon, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy2019-09-21 2 
3794669Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 12Tristan is on the run from both Jungczant and the police, but that won't stop him from catching a quick nap.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-09-22 0 
3793184Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #9It's party night.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-09-26 1 
3843850Catalyst Quest #2Father Anscham fights his own demons.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback2019-09-27 23 
3835431You are a DemigodSynchronos, the Son of Time begins his journey at the behest of the Fates, and only time will tell wherein it ends.Collective Game, Demigod, Mythology, Fantasy2019-09-28 6 
3800064A New Mutant Quest Issue #26It's the Right Time, we go through SoL hell, get our paperwork done, and meet with Phineas again.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-09-28 0 
3801069Fate/Awakening Mirror Part IXAlberich has a disastrous family reunion, vents his frustration on Saber, and trips over an obstinate Master. Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-09-29 11 
3819581Everwood Civ Thread #18.53.6 fucked. Not great, not terrible.Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2019-09-30 1 
3819877SkyHeist QuestA fresh start, the actual run of a heist on a train suspended on a chain high up in the Endless Sky. Who will survive to see the end?Collective Game, Skyheist Quest, Fantasy, Multi POV, Observer2019-09-30 0 
October 2019
3805718Seeker Quest 55Meeting the Wish GranterSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest 2019-10-02 2 
3814765Dark Queen Quest 28We find ourselves face to face with Filarion, and after playing with his pride we finally put an end to the trouble he is causing us.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, 2019-10-04 14 
3848849Sworn to Valour Quest #14A Knight is Sworn to Valour. A secret war brews in the depths of the Fallavon woodlands. In the midst of this, two brothers are reunited.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War2019-10-06 22 
68686655Fuck sieges.A castle is besieged, and elaborate plots unfold.medieval, roleplay, fantasy2019-10-08 20 
3849123Runaway Jedi Quest 1: PrologueJedi Knight Gohl and the Youngling Dove flee the jedi temple and Corsucant after Order 66Starborn QM, Starborn, Star Wars, Runaway, Jedi, Youngling, Corsucant, Smuggler, Undercity, Temple, Clones, Order 66, Noorian, Palliduvan 2019-10-08 4 
3829858Fate/Overgrowth - Thread VIAngela, Ursula, Ilonasviel, three unknowns, and a gap in memory. Later, Edgar and his mother have a strange - and harsh - conversation.Integer, Fate/Overgrowth, Collective Game, Type-Moon, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy2019-10-10 1 
3838400Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 13Tristan contacts Benjamin and explores Winterpine Chapel's basement, before completely losing track of time.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-10-11 0 
3861157Dark Elf QuestYou are a creature of evil! A denizen of the under realm! A blight on all things good! You are... A DARK ELF!Antagonist, Dark, Fantasy, MySojourn, Elf, Comedy2019-10-13 1 
3840922Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XAlberich summons a cat, discovers the true identity of the female Saber, confronts his mental basis, and learns a new form of magic.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-10-15 8 
3839427Kancolle Frog Quest 6: (Family Therapy Edition)Provence makes her escape and sexually harasses the UNCollective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-10-16 1 
3864555Hunter Quest: A Slayers JourneyA unnamed hunter ventures into the forest to slay a foul beast. A child is saved, monsters are poisoned and barmaids wooed. Hunter Quest, MoTH, Slayer, Monster Hunter, Fantasy, Collective Game, Monsters2019-10-19 2 
3879593Catalyst Quest #3Father Anscham and his new allies are on a divine mission, deep within the ruins.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2019-10-19 20 
3827968Isekai Yet Again #1Another damn Isekai questIsekai, Fantasy, New Management2019-10-20 0 
3858507Seeker Quest 56Three wishes are made. The party encounters the demon Al'GokozSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest 2019-10-21 2 
3844362Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #10The partying continues2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-10-22 1 
3856666A New Mutant Quest Issue #27Super Satan Quads, check-ups all around, company business, familiar strangers, and two X chromosomes in 23 pairs.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-10-22 0 
3861311Castlevania - Elegy of InheritanceArthur has a horrible morning in which he is forced to flee from his home before finding that he's the target of a shady supernatural groupWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance2019-10-23 13 
3874553Halo: Covenant Elite QuestA Special Operations Elite prepares to drop on an unsuspecting Outer Colony planet.Halo, Covenant, Stealth, Assassinations, Sci-Fi2019-10-25 4 
3865009Fate/Overgrowth - Thread VI ActualActual archive of thread 6 because QM is terrible at archiving. Edgar spends an evening with Saber, gets scolded, and meets some new faces.Integer, Fate/Overgrowth, Collective Game, Type-Moon, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy2019-10-25 2 
3866691Dark Queen Quest 29Short thread, where we help the three elves leaders establish the elven council and have their people gain citizenship in our empire.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-10-26 10 
3869399Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 14Tristan tries to set up a ward, faints, and ends up staying with Ike's family instead.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-10-27 0 
November 2019
3881876Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Can't Escape From Crossing FateGohl's desperate flight continues. Ace Pilot Iso and Youngling Dove watch on in horror as The Chosen One himself chases the edi survivorsStarborn QM, Starborn, Star Wars, Runaway, Jedi, Youngling, Corsucant, Smuggler, Undercity, Temple, Clones, Order 66, Noorian, Palliduvan2019-11-01 1 
3893979Nanodesu! Quest #6Wherein we continue off from last time, taking care of Kako a probably narcoleptic ship girl, and bond with Hibiki!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-11-03 0 
3870504Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XIAlberich triumphs over a dangerous foe, takes in an important ally, and experiences a terrible revelation.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-11-03 7 
3860331Everwood Civ Thread #19 The war resumesEverwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2019-11-04 0 
3894083Sworn to Valour Quest #15His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei throws in his lot with his brother, a desperate gambit while the main battle rages. The die is cast.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War, No dice yet2019-11-04 22 
3888764Fate/Overgrowth - Thread 7A ferocious battle, an altered state, a deception revealed, a hiatus, and a taste of things to come.Integer, Fate/Overgrowth, Collective Game, Type-Moon, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy2019-11-06 2 
3879830Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #1Innerworld returns in a new, revised setting. Playing as spiderfolk, you finally take up arms against the gnolls who seek to purge you.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2019-11-09 0 
3912347Catalyst Quest #4Father Anscham swears to aid an archdemon, in exchange for everything he's searched for.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2019-11-10 13 
3887587Seeker Quest 57Algokoz fight part 1Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest 2019-11-10 2 
3885926Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance Part 2Arthur spends a night in a bunker and has a rather unsatisfactory breakfast before going to assault the alchemist's headquarters.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance2019-11-11 3 
3877413Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #11More meetings, more partings ...2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-11-12 1 
3908721Multiplayer Isekai Quest (Mythic RPG) #1OH SHIT! After a tragic combine harvester accident, ten and counting anons are given bullshit cheat powers and thrown into fantasyland!Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Autism2019-11-13 5 
69109695MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPGThe Pinoy anon behind Karanduun returns to share the English-translated version of their new RPG, MAHARLIKA. Meching ensues.Homebrew, pdf share, Philippines, Filipino, Pinoy, Maharlika, Mecha, Sci-fi, Mystical, game design, giant robots2019-11-13 21 
3895794Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 15Tristan talks about whether it's safe to stay at Ike's home, enjoys dinner with Ike's family, and sets off on an investigative foray.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-11-17 0 
3917562Body Horror Quest - 34th VeinToday was a good day. Shu got to meet the Ant Queen and took her family on a relaxing day trip to Laoc...until a flying kaiju came along.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Francine, slice-of-life, Laoc, Ant Queen, a good day2019-11-19 14 
3902086Dark Queen Quest 30After spening time in Uirebglad with our friends, we are blessed by Luna as she gift us the Blood of the Eldars. We then return home.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-11-20 10 
3915052Freelancers 11A new chapter begins. The company is hired to establish a new outpost by powering up a golden age facility, deep in worm territory.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-11-22 6 
3924727Sworn to Valour Quest #16His Blade Defends the Helpless. The rescue mission is successful. But there is a darker, terrible secret at the heart of this conspiracy.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War, Blasphemy2019-11-24 23 
3903364Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XIIAlberich travels to the site of the Greater Grail, spending some quality time with Liliesviel in the process.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-11-25 7 
3917143Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance Part 3Arthur explores the Alchemist's Mansion, finds out some information on the alchemists and fights plants.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance2019-11-28 1 
69566972MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPG, thread 2 further updates to MAHARLIKA and it's english translation.Homebrew, pdf share, Philippines, Filipino, Pinoy, Maharlika, Mecha, Sci-fi, Mystical, game design, giant robots2019-11-29 8 
3913949Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #2The gnoll conflicts boil over several times more, and we encounter strange, dark magic harnessed by them and their god.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2019-11-30 0 
3919883Multiplayer Isekai Quest (Mythic RPG) #2The adventures of Shi and his party. This could have been the best quest in at least 3 months, but the OP disappeared in a tragic accident.Collective Game, Isekai, Fantasy, Autism2019-11-30 2 
3946406Catalyst Quest #5Father Anscham finds Mercy in a different form.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2019-11-30 15 
December 2019
3909545Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 12The prelude to the prelude to madness.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-12-04 1 
3926638A New Mutant Quest Issue #29We redpill someone on souls, realize we've been repressing some memories of being molested spiritually, meet a patriot, and go to Parker'sA New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2019-12-08 0 
3938445Blood of Heroes Quest Redux: The Stone Shore Ser Harald StoneBreaker is created and makes his first moves as a free knight. Op has to leave but will returnBlood of Heroes, House Stonebreaker, Stone Shore, Raider, Sea King, Fantasy, Collective Game, Civil War2019-12-08 0 
3929946One Last Trick Quest #1Just when I think I'm out . . . they pull me back in! Collective Game, One Last Trick, Trick, Westeros, Fantasy, ASOIAF, Velo2019-12-08 0 
3935131Dark Queen Quest 31We manage our empire, start some ambitious projects with the dwarves, try purifying Lazarus harem and celebrate Aleanor birthday.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-12-08 7 
3931569Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 16Tristan and Ike discuss their teacher's teacher's teacher's before embarking on a ... productive ... investigative foray.collective game, modern fantasy quest2019-12-10 0 
3944718Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Chain Ganggohl and co. land on an outer rim world to purchase supplies for their stay in the wilderness.Starborn QM, Starborn, Star Wars, Runaway, Jedi, Youngling, Corsucant, Smuggler, Undercity, Temple, Clones, Order 66, Noorian, Palliduvan2019-12-10 1 
3967771Catalyst Quest #6Father Anscham has never had a vacation.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Downtime2019-12-13 10 
3938623Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XIIIAlberich undergoes one important ritual, survives a highly localized earthquake, then returns home to conduct a very different ritual.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2019-12-15 6 
3951227Late Night: Sequence 1An amnesiac awakens in a bathroom at a club and begins their quest.Late Night, cyberpunk, fantasy, magic 2019-12-16 0 
3958282Sworn to Valour Quest #17His Might Upholds the Weak. A foul evil is defeated. Sir Andrei survives a trying ordeal only to nearly be eaten alive by a serpent. Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War, SNEK2019-12-21 26 
3955938The Fall of a Dwarven FortressIn a besieged Dwarven Fortress, where wheat worths more than gold, try to survive as a civilian and get your family out of here!Dwarf Fortress, Steampunk, Survival, Dwarf, Dwarves, Civil War, Fantasy, fantasy, dwarf, dwarves, Collective Game2019-12-23 2 
3971731The True Soldier - Part 1The Italians are on the march in North Africa, and Sergeant Verratti is there to lead the way.ErrantQM, WW2, Italians, Tanks, North Africa2019-12-23 1 
3966654Elf Lord Quest You are Lord Eldarel Vartheon, you took upon yourself lordship near the border territories. Fun times ahead.Elf Lord Quest, Elf Lord, Management, Fantasy2019-12-24 8 
3956457Seeker Quest 58End of Malgrave Arc. The party builds a raft to travel up the river to the city of the dead. Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest 2019-12-25 3 
3951775Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 13The invasion is under way. Hang tight, pilot.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-12-27 1 
3973849Bane of Order Quest #1A shady band of drifters journey throughout the lands. From taking on crime lords and storming the palaces of gods, nothing is off the tableThe Bane if Order Quest, Fantasy, Adventure, 2019-12-27 0 
3954434Monstergirl Highschool #2In which Terry and the gang try to get their principal to change the location of their field trip.monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2019-12-29 1 
3961977Modern Fantasy Quest: Thread 17Isolde visits Tristan and drops off his Atelier before abruptly giving him and Ike an errand to do.Collective Game, Modern Fantasy Quest2019-12-31 0 
January 2020
3982014Monstergirl Highschool #3In which Gekky convinces Mrs Attercop to let them go to a museum for a field trip.monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2020-01-01 1 
3965998Dark Queen Quest 32We manage our empire, spend time with Lazarus and take a look with Gweyr at the vault where your husband kept Thoreric's treasure.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-01-02 7 
3956599Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #3We continue to fight the gnolls, but begin to gain the upper hand with our population size. Lastly, a quick visit to Ier.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-01-03 0 
4004914Catalyst Quest: AvowedFather Richard Anscham conquered the ruins. Is the rest of the world ready for his return?Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Avowed, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-01-06 10 
3966628Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XIVAlberich faces his rival, and reclaims his lost ServantsSweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2020-01-07 6 
3968360A New Mutant Quest Issue #30We finish having dinner at the Parkers, have a vision of the past, and chill by a lake.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2020-01-07 0 
4001267Monstergirl Highschool #4In which we fight a pair of formidable villains at a museum in an attempt to steal artifacts before they do.monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2020-01-10 0 
3976551Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 5https://archived.moe/qst/thread/3945137/ QM is a retard and forgot to archive Thread IVWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance2020-01-11 2 
3991146Fate/Overgrowth - Thread 8: Waking NightmareHiatus ends, Edgar loses consciousness a lot, chaos ensues, and secrets come to light.Integer, Fate/Overgrowth, Collective Game, Type-Moon, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy2020-01-13 0 
3997667Skrimland [Skirmish]The start of the Skrimland Saga begins! Three realms in contention with one another, a monstrosity from the swamp, and a feast for Curse!fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, skeleton, slime, junkie, bagmen, high fantasy, dark fantasy, high lethality, dog,2020-01-15 1 
3994136Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #4A new ally, a near wipe, and finally, a successful war against the gnolls, hopefully the first of many.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-01-18 0 
3997052Bane of Order Quest #2Your group fights a fire mage, raids a bandit fort, and you get involved in a hostile takeover.The Bane of Order Quest, Fantasy, Adventure, Rogues2020-01-19 0 
4020169Monstergirl Highschool #5In which Terry and the gang leap from realm to realm, snatching up cool stuff on the way.monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2020-01-19 0 
4015252ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #26Back from hiatus Feasts, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2020-01-19 10 
4003968Akame ga Kill #1Join us as we start our conquest of the Empire as the great demon of the sixth heaven Nobusada Oda.Akame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM, 2020-01-21 1 
4022337Fate/Overgrowth - Thread 9: Bleeding HeartA pivotal encounter begins and QM has to go on hiatus again.Integer, Fate/Overgrowth, Collective Game, Type-Moon, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy2020-01-22 0 
4003396Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XVAlberich spends a productive evening investigating a dead man's legacy and working to bring his companions together.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2020-01-22 6 
4003940Seeker Quest 59The lobster monster thingy episodeSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2020-01-23 2 
4042082Catalyst Quest: Avowed #2Even a land of Gods and demons was not ready for Father Anscham's return.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Avowed, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-01-23 7 
4009927Onslaught SkirmishKaldorei are scrambling to save as many civilians as possible from overwhelming eldrazi invasionskirmish, collective game, eldrazi, fantasy, kaldorei, old ones, great ones2020-01-24 0 
4015445The Expedition, Part VIHenry and his friends explore Lemuria, and prepare to bring their vile enemy downexpedition quest, ErrantQM, 19th century, Henry McDermond2020-01-24 0 
3998786Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 14The QM would like to apologize as two things happened: he went to Singapore ... and was hit by the ban-hammer. Please understand.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-01-24 0 
4014473Castlevania Elegy of Inheritance: Part 6Arthur puts an end to the scheme of the Director before finding out what he truly is.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance2020-01-26 1 
4021592Sworn to Valour Quest #18His Word Speaks Only Truth. Sir Andrei is unsure which is deadlier, the monsters lurking within the forest or the machinations of the Fae.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Fae Banquet2020-01-27 22 
4038281Body Horror Quest - 37th VeinShu leaves Laoc to kill a giant anteater for Ants, and helps out a pair of lovers before being gently reminded that they are being HUNTED.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, Ant Queen, a good day, the hunt, hexane2020-01-30 11 
4033284Bane of Order Quest #3After a close battle, you make a deal with an entity to save your life. With the others missing, holding up your end will prove difficult.The Bane of Order Quest, Fantasy, Adventure, Rogues2020-01-31 0 
February 2020
4049004Male Powder Fantasy, Thread # 27That's a lot of bloodDoctors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2020-02-02 10 
4032701Dark Queen Quest 33We spend some time in the city with Gweyr, get an idea for an imperial zoo, learn more about Lazarus past and get taught a new spell.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-02-02 7 
4037873King of WolvesAn aging King nearing his end protects the kingdom he forged of blood, sweat, and tears.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-02-07 4 
4073467Catalyst Quest: Avowed #3Father Anscham commits to his recovery.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Avowed, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-02-08 7 
4032689Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #5A massive civil war erupts in Nichitin, two faiths finally coming to blows...HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-02-08 0 
4047219Gantz: Quest - Episode 10 - Part 2The fifth hunt continues as the enemy appear in greater number and strength than previously imagined. Paula's will may reach its limit hereGantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2020-02-10 1 
4040106Seeker Quest 60The party reaches the necropolis of Tywardreath, Alina and a group of summoned minions scale the walls to open the gates from the inside.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2020-02-11 1 
4041946Lanternlights: Quicksilver SkiesThe Lanterns arrive at a small hamlet, and leave 4 friends the poorer. But we do find old associates!Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2020-02-12 6 
4038156Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XVIAlberich and Liliesviel complete the second ritual. Later, Alberich summons a rabbit-eared goddess and is shocked by the her ineptitude.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2020-02-12 3 
4057155Sworn to Valour Quest #19His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. At last returning to civilisation after an arduous expedition, Sir Andrei prepares to continue his pilgrimage.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Forest Hunt2020-02-13 22 
4048464Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 7Arthur has a very strange meeting with a girl during a dream. Then has a rather stressful reunion.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance2020-02-14 2 
4064147Everwood Civ Thread #23The decade long war to purge the everwood is over. Now we turn to colonizing vast new lands while no dangers at all grow around us.Everwood Civ, Swift, Civ, Fantasy2020-02-17 0 
4059413Cinderella Sanction Quest #41The long hiatus ends at last! We begin a thread from Vickie's perspective.Collective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2020-02-17 1 
4072536Lanternlights: Seaside House [Skirmish]Heading to the big city, the Lanterns are waylaid by a gaggle of cultists, captives and crooks.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2020-02-18 6 
4055008Akame ga Kill #2Nobusada finds himself picking up party members left and right on his roadtrip to get stronger.Akame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM, 2020-02-20 0 
4087341ASOIAF Reincarnation: Male Powder Fantasy, Thread # 28Bad dice Doctors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2020-02-21 11 
4078247Rat QueenRat swarm animated by the will of the queenThe Giant Rat, Rat Queen, Collective Game2020-02-22 5 
March 2020
4077130Dark Queen Quest 34A short session, where we spend most of our time with our friends.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex2020-03-01 6 
4080808Seeker Quest 61The party infiltrates Tywardreath, then has to rendevouzSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2020-03-05 2 
4125648Catalyst Quest #10The King's city is in turmoil, and He's charged you with saving it.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-03-07 7 
4076108A New Mutant Quest Issue #31We sort out some of our collection issues, talk with Alex, go to therapy, and talk with Alex againA New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game 2020-03-08 0 
4110199Hunter X Hunter Distant Horizons: Episode 1In a distant setting within the world of HxH, a young man named Innis Morganach finds another odd-job, just trying to survive in a big city.Hunter X Hunter, HxH, HxH Distant Horizons, Collective Game2020-03-09 1 
4082329Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XVIIA raid on the home of Alberich's enemies bears unexpected fruit.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2020-03-11 4 
4086443Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 8Arthur finally looks to put an end to his vampire troublesWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance2020-03-12 2 
4081908Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 15Combat, delays ... the usual2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-03-12 0 
4104172Sworn to Valour Quest #20A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Andrei travels further west, testing his mettle against ruthless knights and perfidious bandits alike.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Captain Canton2020-03-12 23 
4089683Expedition Quest, Part VIIThe Scarab is close, and the company raids his palaceExpedition Quest, 19th century, ErrantQM2020-03-15 0 
4100984Gantz: Quest - Episode 11 - Part 1Paula makes a stand as the last stage of the hunt takes place, with familiar guests intruding once more.Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2020-03-17 0 
4103218Cinderella Sanction Quest #42Vickie talks to Arthur about things back at homeCollective Game, Changeling: the Lost, New Avalon, Modern Fantasy, Broken Masquerade2020-03-18 2 
4129960The Great Fearannmor Adventure #1A woman crashes through our wall and convinces us to head east.Boat-Kun, Collective Game, Quest, The Great Fearannmor Adventure, Fantasy2020-03-18 -1 
4123677Dark Queen Quest 35We use the Far Sight spell and watch around important places we visited, then spend time with Dillon, Emelyne, Adeleine and Isabella.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-03-24 6 
4098544House Rimward Quest - Part 1The bastard son of a demigod king gains the opportunity to found a colony on the far shores of a newly discovered continent.LordQM, Collective Game, House Rimward, Fantasy2020-03-27 1 
4123802King of Wolves #2An aging King nearing his end protects the kingdom he forged of blood, sweat, and tears. King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-03-28 2 
4123488Akame ga Kill #2.5Nobusada discussing and embarking on his most dangerous challenge yet. Part One of the Oarburgh Saga.Akame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM,2020-03-28 1 
4159591Catalyst Quest #11The Goddess, your lover, old allies, new enemies, and a city in peril.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-03-29 7 
4153917Monstergirl Highschool #7The Theo/Vireen Vainglory arc reaches its chilling conclusion as the story actually starts to make sense!monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2020-03-29 0 
4133692Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 9Arthur has to deal with a sudden outbreak of giant molluscs and betrayal.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance2020-03-31 0 
April 2020
4137489Across the Sea: Awakening Thread 1Our heroine explores the colony, makes some unlikely allies, and starts her first voyage in her quest to save this dying world. Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Aberrant Dilettante, Across the Sea: Awakening2020-04-02 2 
4132230Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XVIIIAlberich does battle with several monsters, discovers the secret of the island, and undertakes to regain his lost power.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2020-04-02 1 
4139944Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #7https://archived.moe/qst/thread/4075520/ - 6 can be found here. The civil war is over, and a golden age begins.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-04-04 0 
4133765Seeker Quest 62The party creeps through the dead city to the Archduke's forward baseSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest 2020-04-04 3 
4128780Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 16In which the writer does a giveaway no one participates in ... and gets kittens.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-04-05 0 
4136452The Quarantine of a Harbor City #1In a City under quarantine, where extreme measures are taken by local authorities and foreign invaders, clean your honour an find a curePlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-04-05 4 
4159371Nanodesu! Quest: Miyuki EditionWherein Miyuki tries to go scouting, gets sent back by Abyssal shenanigans and instead bonds with the people left in the base!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2020-04-06 0 
4170284Monstergirl Highschool #7.5The gang returns to school, gets jumped by a pair of drug running yukionna, and investigates a field making Terry's symbiote malfunction.monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2020-04-08 0 
4176970Catalyst Quest #12You try to learn what it means to be healthy.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-04-09 7 
4160863Sworn to Valour Quest #21His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Determined to prove his squire's innocence, Sir Andrei thrashes his third Fallavon knight on the way to PascaeSworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Lard Kitchener2020-04-10 23 
4141921House Rimward Quest - Part 2Bayside prospers, contact made with the natives, a council formed and Takkil's leg gets poisoned. LordQM, Collective Game, House Rimward, Fantasy2020-04-11 0 
4168609Gantz: Quest - Episode 11 - Part 2Erick's emotional return is put to a halt as Gantz reveals an unexpected surprise for the group. Gantz, Gantz: Quest, Bolivar, Erick Vanders, Aliens2020-04-12 2 
4168742The Quarantine of a Harbor City #2In a City under quarantine, where extreme measures are taken by local authorities and foreign invaders, clean your honour and find a curePlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-04-14 2 
4159741A Road of FewDonovan runs into a familiar face, meets a new companion, kills a corrupted demon hunter, and takes someones soul from a chapel. Fantasy, Dark Souls, medieval2020-04-15 0 
4161745Dark Queen Quest 36We get giant eagle eggs from Ellisa, contract the service of a certain mercenary, and welcome Titania as the birth of our child draw near.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-04-16 6 
4161154The Expedition Quest, Part VIIIContinuing the fight against the Scarabexpedition quest, 19th century, errantqm2020-04-16 1 
4175370Scorched Earth: A Wasteland StoryA unnamed wasteland medic begins his journey, finding himself unconscious on the streets of a Dead City. Hobos get punched and bodies burnedPost Apocalyptic, Wasteland, Sci-fi, Low Tech, High Tech, Apocalypse, CursedQm, Scorched Earth, Mutant, Scrapping2020-04-18 0 
4165989Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 10Arthur finally gets to relax a little.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires2020-04-18 0 
4170241Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XIXAlberich at last completes the ritual that brought him to the mythic island and returns home.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2020-04-21 4 
4172176A New Mutant Quest Issue #32We gain a worshiper, therapize with Laura, and visit our grandparents for a bloody dream.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2020-04-22 0 
4200658Catalyst Quest #13You are a man of alliances.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-04-23 7 
4174773Seeker Quest 63The coomer episodeSeeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2020-04-23 2 
4186844Akame ga Kill #3After goofing off, Nobusada arrives at the capital and makes some new friends. Part Two of the Oarburgh SagaAkame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM, Jumpman2020-04-26 0 
May 2020
4198134Sworn to Valour Quest #22His Blade Defends the Helpless. Arriving in Pascae, Sir Andrei enters a fourth duel and accidentally slays the challenger. Penance follows. Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Miracle Man2020-05-01 24 
4195533The Quarantine of a Harbor City #3You befriended a Witch and rescued an Alchemist, the plague has claimed more than a thousand lives already Plague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-05-01 1 
4226210Girls Und Panzer Quest 1Fritz is defines and we board the Ōoarai schoolship. We also kill a Pershing.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther Girls, Tanks, 2020-05-03 25 
4209613Hyper Police Quest #1A man made from origami sets out to capture a dimension-hopping thief.bounty, hunter, urban fantasy, gonzo, surreal2020-05-04 0 
4202533Dark Queen Quest 37In which we give birth to a daughter, and organise a meeting of the Royal Coucil to discuss on what to do during the following months.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-05-07 6 
4200730Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance Part 11Arthur continues his relaxation on the ship. Movies are watched.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires2020-05-08 1 
4213037The Free Company, Part ILa Compagnie d'Anthelion marches into battle against pirate scum, and accepts a dangerous contractsci fi, ErrantQM, female protagonist2020-05-09 2 
4189390Shipgirl Commander 81In which a doughnut proves to be most elusive.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2020-05-10 2 
4210193 I made a deal with a Devil! Quest #1 A teenager named Solomon Attenborough makes a deal with a devil which makes his life very strangeDemon Quest, Urban Fantasy, City, Demon, Solo, Solomon2020-05-12 0 
4237903Girls Und Panzer Quest 2We face off against the St. Gloriana and Maginot Sensha-Do teams as well as St. Gloriana's secret weapon. We also get a girlfriend.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2020-05-13 21 
4212044Seeker Quest 64The quest is now a skirmish.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest 2020-05-16 1 
4209651Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XXEverything goes up in smoke.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2020-05-16 2 
4229753The Quarantine of a Harbor City #4The Plague is spreading, Elves are turning into an occupation force, you rescued your mate's wife from a Militia's concentration camp. Plague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-05-20 0 
4218375The Last of the Rinim CivilizationOur story begins with a group of rat-people refugees seeking a new home to restart their civilization.Civilization, Civ, ratkin, The Last of Rinim, MGHandler, Collective Game, Fantasy2020-05-20 5 
4245139Catalyst Quest #14A flight for your life, legendary heroism, old enemies, and a revolutionary alliance.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback2020-05-22 7 
4266268Butcher Block Quest A mercenary finds a princess.Butcher Block Quest, drawquest, fantasy2020-05-24 6 
4257125Dark Fantasy Inquisition QuestYou are a freshly graduated official of the inquisition, a most honorable organisation, sent to the local chapter to begin your service.Dark Fantasy Inquisition, Inquisitor, Collective Game2020-05-25 1 
4254650Girls Und Panzer Quest 3We help Anzio; fight our first league duel; get some new tanks; fight Maho and then Saunders. There is also a beach episode.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2020-05-25 16 
4243407Dark Queen Quest 38We agree to follow Ellisa when she'll go meet the witches, commissioned ships and celebrated several birthdays.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-05-26 6 
4275002Butcher Block Quest #2A mercenary comes across some heisters and another caravan.Butcher Block Quest, drawquest, fantasy2020-05-28 5 
4248478Sworn to Valour Quest #23His Might Upholds the Weak. The big city of Port Bounty wears against Sir Andrei like a tongue against a sore tooth. Rotten to the core.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Port Bounty 992020-05-29 24 
4242422Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 12Everything quickly goes horribly wrong.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Alucard2020-05-30 3 
June 2020
4254522The Free Company, Part IIThe Commander gets in embroiled in Royal subterfuge, and the QM disappears. They hope to returnErrantQM, Free Company, sci fi2020-06-02 1 
4249198Bad Drawing Fun Time QuestA short one-shot adventure following Reginald the Reluctant Knight in his Quest to overcome his Reluctance and win back his Rubber Ducky.halp, reluctant, knight, qst, drawquest, drawfriend, improvised2020-06-02 0 
4289454Butcher Block Quest #3A mercenary returns the princess.Butcher Block Quest, drawquest, fantasy2020-06-05 5 
4274153Catalyst Quest #15Well over 489 lives at stake, dual invocations, a hidden congregation in need of your aid, and one VERY long day.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-06-06 7 
4259008Last of the Rinim Civilization #2Year 1: relationships established with the neighboring kingdom and it's people. In one case, these relationships get too close...Civilization, Civ, ratkin, The Last of Rinim, MGHandler, Collective Game, Fantasy2020-06-06 1 
4288707DARK FANTASY INQUISITION QUEST #2 You are a freshly graduated official of the inquisition, a most honorable organisation, sent to the local chapter to begin your service.Dark Fantasy, Inquisition, Inquisitor, Gore, Collective Game2020-06-07 0 
4259550Seeker Quest 65Lich boss fight.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2020-06-07 2 
4277661No Retreat, Last Defender!: Justice Arrives! TLD fight giant bugs, an edgelord, and demons. He also steals a pirate ship with some help from his new friends.TLD, The Last Defender, Isekai, Action, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Parody2020-06-08 7 
4271331King of Wolves #3The plot reveals itself; somewhat.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-06-10 2 
4264770The Quarantine of a Harbor City #5The Plague is spreading, infected children are rotting alive, horrible religious sacrifice and the Organ Harvester is still active.Plague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Fantasy, Inquisition, Dark Fantasy, fantasy, alchemy, disease, dark fantasy, Collective Game 2020-06-12 0 
4260362A New Mutant Quest Issue #33We meet old surrogate parents, make ammends, meet our real parents, and face down with our old self.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2020-06-12 0 
4275332Girls Und Panzer Quest 4We get a sponsor; dine with Shiho; duel Erika, Darjeeling and some internationals; meet our sister; put on a tinfoil hat and spend money.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2020-06-14 9 
4292764Mutant!Quest #05I'm Blink. Hi Blink, I'm Dad. In which we meet up with a grieving CEO and Bernard's backstory is revealed. Superpower, Urban, Slice-of-life, Action, Siren_QM, Mutants, Quest, Drawquest, Well I tried right?2020-06-14 12 
4278474Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 13: Arthur goes to the circus and then visits a church. WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Circus, Demons2020-06-18 2 
4283160Gas Giant Evogame - Part 3Gas giant evogame is an evogame set on a Gas Giant. It continues on the story after part 2. It's also probably a mistake. Evo game, Evogame, Gas Giant Evo, Gefjun, Evolution, Space, 2020-06-23 1 
4278149Ashes of Rhysode 18The defense of Rhysodes continues. You, Wray and the others begin the charge to what you hope to be victory.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-06-24 0 
4289306Dark Queen Quest 39A thread where we spend the most time managing our empire, everything seems to be fine.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-06-27 5 
4303639Blood and Coin: A Blade for hireExiled outlaw Bagal Rattan takes a job rooting out cultists with questionable methods. Op has to leave unexpectedly but returns in chapter 2Monster hunter, Bounty hunter, medieval, fantasy, collective game, horror, magic, mercenary, CursedQm, Slow paced2020-06-27 1 
4302797No Retreat, Last Defender!: Down the Rabbit Hole!TLD takes on elemental martial artists, goes even further beyond, and travels to a swamp filled with frog-men slavers.TLD, The Last Defender, Isekai, Action, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Parody2020-06-28 3 
4318546Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 1Shinji Matou suddenly finds himself with memories of somebody who is overly familiar with his world and attempts to avert his dead ends.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator2020-06-30 42 
July 2020
4305245Assistant to the wizard #1start hereqst, fantasy2020-07-01 1 
4292792Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XXIIAlberich regains good fortune, but nearly loses an important subordinate. Part XXI here: https://archived.moe/qst/thread/4252332/ Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2020-07-02 1 
4313892Catalyst Quest #16Harvey Jay Algrith is a cunning loyalist, and the bravest man you've ever met. He promised to tell you his story.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback2020-07-02 7 
4295894Last of the Rinim Civilization #3More issues pop up, which leads to paying a visit to the rulers of the Helias Kingdom.Civilization, Civ, ratkin, The Last of Rinim, MGHandler, Collective Game, Fantasy2020-07-02 0 
4329861Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 2Shinji takes a trip to Misaki Town with an ally in order to meet a certain magician.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest2020-07-05 22 
4309917Girls Und Panzer Quest 5We play as Erika, Have a sleepover, Sell tanks, buy things and beat Anzio. Erika also almost commits several homocides.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2020-07-06 8 
4316752Sworn to Valour Quest #24His Word Speaks Only Truth. The investigation leads to a bloody raid in the worst slums of Port Bounty. Next up, the Duke's Ball.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Battle in the Streets2020-07-06 23 
4306285Seeker Quest FinalThe final showdown between Christof and the djinn Dhabul the Tyrant.Seeker Quest, Dolomite, Fantasy, RPG, drawquest2020-07-08 2 
4323839Goblin Quest #5Going to the Baths, Battles, Preparing for the necromancer, meeting with him, blocking, leveling up, more cursed edits, traveling underdark.Collective Game, Fantasy, Dorf, Grigger, Goblins, Gobson, Gob, Goblin QM, Cold Bolt, Jade, Kobolds, Drawquest, Centaur, Ork2020-07-08 5 
4302874The Quarantine of a Harbor City #6After many revelations, romances and political games, you are setting the final stage and prepare for the final dungeon to save th CityPlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Fantasy, Inquisition, Dark Fantasy, fantasy, alchemy, disease, dark fantasy, Collective Game 2020-07-11 0 
4304404Shipgirl Commander 82[QUEST CANCELLED]Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2020-07-11 0 
4310544Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 14Arthur explores a demon infested city.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Demons, Dark Lords2020-07-12 3 
4324253Mutant!Quest #06In which Elise discovers the identity of Pharos and has her first brush with FutureLabs' task force.Siren_QM, Superpower, Action, Slice-of-Life, Urban, Mutants, Quest, Collective Game2020-07-13 8 
73702746Anon Makes African SettingAnon posts a really detailed post-apocalyptic African fantasy setting, /tg/ adds some detail.Africa, fantasy, grimdark2020-07-13 4 
4338676Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 3Shinji finishes up in Misaki Town before meeting a certain princess a few months later...WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Vampires2020-07-14 21 
4339365Catalyst Quest #17An archdemon of Time. Love. Mourning. Cults, betrayal, and an unexpected destination. The conclusion to your investigation!Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-07-14 7 
4356289Alterac Resurgent Quest 1Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Kingdom of Alterac starts his journey to reclaim and restore Alterac back to its former glory.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2020-07-17 23 
4347861Goblin Quest #6Underdark fun, encountered many things, lots of nat 1s, had fun inside a maze and went into the spirit realm, improved relations with othersCollective Game, Fantasy, Dorf, Grigger, Goblins, Gobson, Gob, Goblin QM, Cold Bolt, Jade, Kobolds, Drawquest, Centaur, Ork2020-07-19 5 
4318301Zuko Quest #1You're young Prince Zuko. At the age of fifteen you're Captain of the 41st Division and heir of Fire Lord Ozai.Collective Game, Zuko, ATLA, MenaceMantis, Avatar, alternate2020-07-20 6 
4324657New Light FlightsMelanie Dread, callsign 'Radiant', delivers packages in a cyberpunk world.Cyberpunk, Motorcycle, Radiant. Radiantqm, deliverly, collective quest2020-07-21 2 
4355176Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 4Shinji successfully heals Kiritsugu and a few years later takes a trip to Germany to secure an alliance.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi2020-07-23 14 
4354356Sworn to Valour Quest #25His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. The Duke's Ball, the social event of the year. A perilous viper's den of courtship and intrigue for our knighSworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Smile Protec, Vancewell Train2020-07-23 31 
4336761King of Wolves #4A Moot is called.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-07-27 2 
4361214Mutant!Quest #6.5Matt versus the hacker mutantSiren_QM, Collective Game, Superpower, Action, Urban, Mutants, Quest2020-07-27 7 
4346181Girls Und Panzer Quest 6: End of the Half term! Match with Pravda!We fight Pravda; go to a ball; go on a scavenger hunt and Erika has an accident. We also score.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2020-07-31 7 
4371173Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 5Shinji begins plotting to deal with his Grandfather once and for all.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi2020-07-31 12 
August 2020
4336980Dark Queen Quest 40We leave for Asoevia with our friend Ellisa, and witness the gathering of witches before discussing with their leader.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-08-01 5 
4373245Catalyst Quest #18Royal affairs, countless answers, bitter good-byes, new friendships, and the start to a grand homecoming.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-08-01 7 
4334946Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XXIIIAlberich recovers from his wounds and seems to settle an old score.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2020-08-03 -4 
74033962lycanthropic generatorsIf werewolves spontaneously gain mass when transforming from human to wolf, how can this be exploited to generate vast amounts of energy?werewolves, werwolf, lycanthropy, troll physics,2020-08-03 1 
4364503Goblin Quest #7Met Louis, Knocked out 3+, Oats, Fought, Learned, Improved Relations, New party members, Got Coin, Learned everyone loves Gobson, Had Fun...Collective Game, Fantasy, Dorf, Grigger, Goblins, Gobson, Gob, Goblin QM, Cold Bolt, Jade, Kobolds, Drawquest, Centaur, Ork2020-08-03 5 
4350362The Quarantine of a Harbor City #7The endPlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Fantasy, Inquisition, Dark Fantasy, fantasy, alchemy, disease, dark fantasy, Collective Game 2020-08-08 1 
4382803 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 6 Shinji puts his plan to deal with Zouken into action.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi, 2020-08-09 12 
4353266Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 15Everything goes horribly wrong... again.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Demons, Dark Lords2020-08-10 1 
4364344Fate/Overgrowth - Thread 10: Back in BlackHiatus ends again, and the final night spirals further out of control.Integer, Fate/Overgrowth, Collective Game, Type-Moon, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy2020-08-10 0 
74256898Dark Catholic Inspired World BuildingAnon played Blasphemous and got inspired to start world building and run a game. A bunch of other anons help out too.World Building, Story Ideas, Game Ideas, Homebrew, Setting, Grimdark, Creepy, Fantasy2020-08-11 -9 
4332631Ashes of Rhysode 18 (Actual)Another hiatus because the QM/GM/DM actually has a big project IRL that he hopes gets off the ground.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-08-12 0 
4353278The Expedition Quest, Part IXHenry manages to defeat the Scarab, and attempts to woo his lady loveexpedition quest, errantqm, 19th century2020-08-12 0 
4364568A New Mutant Quest Issue #34We finish talking to ourselves, leave the Moons' house, and go back to ours to find our pets inside.A New Mutant Quest, /qst/, Afungi, Marvel, Collective Game2020-08-18 0 
4396360Alterac Resurgent Quest 2With the imminent threat from the gnolls is over, Alric speaks to Uther the Lightb, returns a bounty and goes to solve Tarren Mills problemsAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2020-08-18 21 
4385218Girls Und Panzer Quest 7: The End of the Duelling League! Build up to the finals!We enter the second stage of the duelling league and prepare for the finals. Werewolf team also gets a job offer.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2020-08-22 7 
4404551Catalyst Quest #19When you hit the road in Corcaea, the road hits back.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-08-22 7 
4372468Assistant to the wizard #2part3qst, fantasy2020-08-23 0 
4398571Fate/Overgrowth - Thread 11: Self-Propelled ServantEdgar's journey comes to an unexpected end.Integer, Fate/Overgrowth, Collective Game, Type-Moon, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy2020-08-23 1 
4381733New Lights Flights 2Radiant continues to deliver packages with upmost carecyberpunk, radiant, Radiantqm, motorcycle, collective quest, new lights flights2020-08-23 1 
74474446/tg/ designs an original fantasy pantheon/tg/ designs an original fantasy pantheonworldbuilding, setting, pantheon, deity, deities, god, gods, godess, goddesses, monotheism,2020-08-23 0 
74513689Let's Roll an Incestuous PantheonIn the beginning, there was the Sun and the Moon, and they begat six sons and daughters. Some say everything from there was a mistake.worldbuilding, pantheon, deity, deities, god, goddesses, forge, myth, incest2020-08-24 14 
4396189Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 7The Grail War finally beginsWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi,2020-08-24 11 
74520663Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #2The Eldest brother of the Forge made himself known, the anvil to his younger brother's hammer, and did it again... and again... and again..worldbuilding, pantheon, deity, deities, god, goddesses, forge, myth, incest2020-08-25 8 
4403667Sworn to Valour Quest #26A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Andrei grapples with the end of Ball, meeting with Sir Gilbern and paying a midnight visit to Lady Vancewell. Thread is subsequently derailed by samefag and mod politics.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Vancewell Train2020-08-25 23 
4383093Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XXIVAlberich faces an uncomfortable breakfast, a subordinate's concerns, and a murderous brother.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2020-08-25 1 
74540969Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #3Demigods start being born and the Harvest Goddess starts proves how fertile her fields are.worldbuilding, pantheon, deity, deities, god, goddesses, forge, myth, incest2020-08-26 6 
4420645Sworn to Valour General #1A thread to discuss the recent ban of Forgotten QM and the virtues of Erotic Roleplay.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, All Jannies Must Hang, ERP2020-08-26 22 
4387870Dark Queen Quest 41A short session, where we persuade the Dragon Rimmirra to let us meet with Queen HelennaeDark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2020-08-26 4 
4428910Sworn to Valour #27A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Andrei finishes his affairs in Port Bounty and makes ready to depart for the foreign shores of Cathagi.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Smile Protec, Vancewell Train2020-08-30 24 
September 2020
4432008Male Powder Fantasy - Final Season #1 (Thread 29) Guess we're backQuest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy2020-09-01 8 
4397757Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 16Arthur grows more powerful while he is trapped within his dreams.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Demons, Dark Lords2020-09-02 1 
4422023Girls Und Panzer Quest 8Meeting Yuzu's Parents! Two weeks to the finals!collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, Pedobear2020-09-02 7 
4399462STAR WARS - Interregnum #2.2The Battle of Nest's End. The origins of the Herald are revealed, as is its connection to Bos; and the rescue of Master Kosa begins...Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Space Vietnam, Giant Kaiju Battles2020-09-05 21 
4419628Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 8The true extent of the changes wrought by his actions begin to reveal themselves to ShinjiWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi,2020-09-08 11 
4429270Alterac Resurgent Quest 3The bandit problem of Tarren Mill has been solved, but an expedition has been organized by Lord Uther against the gnollsAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2020-09-12 20 
4453601Girls Und Panzer Quest 9Fighting Black Forest! Ooarai vs the All-Stars!collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2020-09-18 6 
4442124Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 9An unexpected setback is found, and Shinji has a close call with an enemy Servant.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi,2020-09-19 11 
4427869Flooded QuestIn an alternative world, our MC has to survive while handling his curse. K8 the 8 QM, Flooded World, Mutant, Non-human MC2020-09-27 2 
October 2020
4432627Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 17Arthur finally awakens.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Demons, Dark Lords2020-10-02 2 
4472727Daemon Civilization QuestWe follow an exiled Daemon Prince as he tries to build his own empire in the mortal worldCivilization, Civ, Daemons, Demons, Giants, Empire-Builder, RPG, Nether,2020-10-05 0 
4456310Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 10A day of relaxation and planning before the oncoming battleWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi, Servants2020-10-05 11 
4445977Flooded Quest 2The MC completes there quest, sends the Kin to war with another species, signs a peace treaty, and starts a new adventure.K8 the 8 QM, Flooded World, Mutant, Non-human MC2020-10-08 1 
4476525Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 1In which we meet Jakob Absol, lord of the swamp, inter our father, have a vision of our own death, and go to a partySwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-10-09 18 
4441657Fate/Awakening Mirror Part XXVAlberich settles things with his brother.Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/Awakening Mirror, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game2020-10-10 -1 
4470276Alterac Resurgent Quest 4The expedition and the fight against the gnolls in DurnholdeAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2020-10-14 20 
4486372Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 2Minor Lightning Stroke, apply directly to the foreheadSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-10-21 10 
75487733Frog WorldAmphibian focused Fantasy Worldbuildingworld building, fantasy, setting, original, races2020-10-23 2 
4480248Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 11Shinji meets with a certain oni once again.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants2020-10-23 11 
4504360Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 12A new Servant is recruited and the quest goes on a short hiatus.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants2020-10-29 11 
4477151Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 18Arthur and the gang take a train before getting rudely interrupted by a powerful being.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Demons, Dark Lords2020-10-29 3 
4495380Catalyst Quest #20The Father of Compassion returns to the Church of Mercy, and we put the dark back into dark fantasy.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-10-29 10 
November 2020
4501524Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 3The first day of lordshipSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-11-04 8 
75778206Of Trolls and TreesA short writing prompt about trolls under bridges inspires /tg/ to create a charming fantasy setting with an interesting history.trolls, bridges, Oak, worldbuilding, kings, fantasy2020-11-05 30 
4484948Flooded Quest 3A clever deal is made with the metal man, the MC discovers a new, even larger archipelago, A party member dies, and they all head back home.K8 the 8 QM, Flooded World, Mutant, Non-human MC2020-11-10 1 
4522639Beyond the Door EvoCreatures evolve in a sealed away dimension of magic and darkness while their creator slowly molds the world. Collective game, evogame, evo, evolution, fantasy, magic 2020-11-10 2 
4520521Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 4The First BattleSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-11-15 6 
4522193Catalyst Quest #21There are a lot of things that mankind was not meant to witness, and distorting concepts of reality is one of them.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-11-17 10 
4505648Dragon Slayer Quest #1We meet a ninja, narrowly avoid death a handful of times, and have a breakdownCollective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2020-11-17 8 
4516002Girls Und Panzer Quest 10: After the All-Stars! The Show match and the Unlimited Class!We fight a show match and learn of Tankathlon. We also leave for Americacollective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2020-11-18 5 
4494155Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #21It took us 18 months, but we're finally off Rhysode.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-11-18 0 
76018207Distant Broken Stars #1Follow-up to "/tg/ Accidentally Creates a Sci Fi Setting #2", now with a name, Lego and 3D modelsDistant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models2020-11-22 5 
4533170Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 5In which Jakob receives the delegation from the Ryd Mountains and interrogates the Night HuntersSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-11-28 7 
76070596Distant Broken Stars General #2Innumerable Years Ago edition 8e Coming subeditionDistant Broken Stars2020-11-28 5 
December 2020
76170625Distant, Broken Stars General #3/tg/ continues to work on a setting/game it accidentally created. Now with concept art, subfactions and rule prototypes.Distant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models2020-12-01 6 
4550865Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 6Battle plans, catfights, and the basic rundown on MihtoismSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-12-09 6 
76276813Distant, Broken Stars General 4Tg continues work on the setting/rules of a (currently) fictional wargameDistant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models 2020-12-13 4 
4538212Dragon Slayer Quest #3We meet some urban ninjas and narrowly avoid death yet again.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2020-12-14 8 
4528860Flooded Quest 4The shrine is completed, but the magma woke up a mechanical vault.K8 the 8 QM, Flooded World, Mutant, Non-human MC2020-12-14 0 
4539644Ashes of Rhysode XXArriving in the Administratum, there are reunions aplenty.2nd person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-12-21 0 
76408976Distant, Broken Stars General 5Tg continues work on DBS, expanding on the Ashen and the Avar, and setting up a 1d4chan pageDistant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models 2020-12-22 5 
76454598Draw your party threadPeople talk about their games, share advice, & post cool drawings. Campy musicals, grim mythology, treacherous techpriests, & more.draw, painting, party, byzantine, human sacrifice, dnd, Savage Worlds, 40K, nechronica, robotica, pathfinder, FATE, Rogue Trader, musical2020-12-22 1 
4558294Catalyst Quest #22War is declared on the cult of Inertia. The lord of judgement has a field day, and news reaches you from across Time, memory, and the sea.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2020-12-23 7 
4548523Heroforge - Peasant QuestA peasant girl's adventuresHeroforge, Peasant Quest2020-12-27 1 
January 2021
4564094Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 7The TrialSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-01-03 6 
76580570Distant, Broken Stars General 6Shorter thread hashing out some of the less detailed factions.Distant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models 2021-01-04 2 
4582898Catalyst Quest #23Weaponizing trauma, confessions from 7 traitors, and surgery within the tunnels dug under your city.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2021-01-09 7 
4582439Ex-Fighter Chimera Quest After being abandoned by his teammates for being weak, Zedek find a way to become stronger with the help of a Lustful witch.FlakemanCometh, FlakemanCometh QM, Hero, Chimera, Witch, Dungeon, Fantasy, Revenge, Date, First Thread2021-01-12 17 
4571537Dragon Slayer Quest #4We have chinese food with our mom and learn forbidden magic.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2021-01-13 8 
4570856Jesus Christ QuestJesus returns from his trials in the desert only to find himself in the strange new world of the 21st century.jesus, christ, pope, vatican, catholic, protestant, muslim, debate, orthodox, constantinople, greece2021-01-13 3 
76673101Distant, Broken Stars General 7Another DBS thread focusing on rules rather than lore as anons get ever closer to producing something playableDistant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models2021-01-13 1 
76960319Different GiantsA discussion on frsh new takes on giants.Giant,giants, Worldbuilding, worldbuilding2021-01-15 2 
4573185Zerak Rise Quest #1You're King Andros III of Zerak and you got the responsibility to rule your country since your father passed away.Zerak, Rise, medieval, fantasy, kingdom simulator, crusader kings, court, king, zerak rise quest2021-01-17 1 
4576693Girls Und Panzer Quest 11: Trip to America! Fighting in the unlimited classWe explore Los Angeles and fight in the Unlimited class. We also go to the beach.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2021-01-19 6 
4591798Mutant!Quest #8 In which Elise attempts to take control of her berserker mode, John does a nope, and the Huber conference happens.Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest, Now with improved art! 2021-01-19 6 
4596211L5R Chanbara QuestIn which we meet Daisuke, a student of the Hiruma Bushi school and a man with a profound hatred of goblins. Many bandits die.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-01-21 24 
4576661Leave the Wizard's Tower QuestAmnesiac wizard must leave a mysterious tower. Unique magic word system, visual dungeoncrawl with tokens and drawings.Fantasy, Collective Game, Dungeon2021-01-22 0 
76931891Distant, Broken Stars General 8More work is done on the setting of DBS, which is starting to become a little lovecraftian Distant Broken Stars, Sci-Fi, Writefaggery, settings, game ideas, ship models 2021-01-26 2 
4609430L5R Chanbara Quest #2In which Daisuke and Sayaka reach the village, then the castle, and things continue to go awry.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-01-26 20 
4611203Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 13Paradox Reincarnator returns after its hiatus.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants 2021-01-27 11 
4600195Catalyst Quest #24A sermon with the Goddess of Mercy, nightmare fuel, open roads, and a new beginning.Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion2021-01-29 8 
February 2021
4623343Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 14Shinji gets engaged. Unwillingly.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants 2021-02-01 11 
4592630American ArcanaIt is 1979. Atticus Hart is a junior at Southeil Preparatory School. A girl has committed suicide. The QM tragically flakes.american arcana, low fantasy, disco elysium, atticus hart, mystery, RIP2021-02-03 0 
4630905Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 15Shinji finds himself in a completely different city, huh?! WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Vampires2021-02-04 11 
4606975Ex-Fighter Chimera Quest #2Our MC was beggining to head to a new mission with his new group, but unfortunately QM suffered the curse before we could properly startFlakemanCometh, FlakemanCometh QM, Hero, Chimera, Witch, Dungeon, Fantasy, Revenge, Date, Cancelled Quest2021-02-05 2 
4595830Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 8Well, Well!Swamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-02-06 2 
4592567Another Mutant!QuestEnter Kyle Parris. College student, mutant, part-time super— wait, what?! Sprout QM, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Collective Game, Quest-of-a-quest, Mutant!Quest2021-02-07 4 
4636569Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 16Shinji deals with a Dead Apostle Ancestor.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Oni2021-02-08 11 
4605195Dragon Slayer Quest #5Noah calls for backup, and investigation of the school homunculus continues. Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2021-02-09 8 
4622752L5R Chanbara Quest #3In which Takeshi is a scumbagL5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-02-10 15 
4604478The Silver Marches 1Ulf the Giant ventures into untamed north in search of new fortunes and adventures.Silver Marches, Silver Marches Quest, Fantasy, Giant, Collective Game, Quest, World Building, Archer2021-02-15 5 
4611443Chalco Civ 1The first thread of Chalco civ, the founding of the village begins. And the meeting of some of the local entities.Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-02-17 10 
4610638Zerak Rise Quest #2We go around getting witches naked.Zerak, Rise, medieval, fantasy, kingdom simulator, crusader kings, court, king, zerak rise quest2021-02-18 1 
4642362Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 17Shinji plays kingmaker, accidentally.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Kings2021-02-20 11 
4622666Open Roads Quest #1; Setting OutWe arrive in Angelsfield and conduct our business. A route is set for Jironth, and we have a physical alteraction with a Capwell lackey.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-02-21 5 
4661477Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 18Shinji ends up meeting a witch and a wizard that he would've rather not met at all.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Wizards2021-02-28 10 
March 2021
4638311Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 9The aftermath of the Well and arrival at Kidney LakeSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-03-05 2 
4645229Dragon Slayer Quest #6We lock up the homunculus in a safe and then have the Uber ride of a lifetime.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2021-03-09 8 
4673670Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 19A dragon is summoned and nothing goes as plannedWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Dragons2021-03-09 10 
4682032Swamp Lord Quest #10In which O-Tora and Daisuke cross bladesSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-03-14 2 
4646341L5R Chanbara Quest #4O-Tora and Daisuke cross bladesL5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-03-15 11 
4687801Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 20Not featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Dragons2021-03-16 10 
4648931Girls und Panzer Quest 12: Return to Japan! Doing Tankathlon!We fight in Tankathlon as Azusa and the Commemorative cup begins. We also treasure hunt.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2021-03-17 6 
4657565Lowlife Ghost #1: Undead COOMerAfter escaping execution, boning a witch, dying to wolves and reviving, our COOMer outlaw continues his quest.Collective Game, High Fantasy, Humor, High Fantasy2021-03-21 0 
4697313Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 21An Eldritch Diversion means Dante from the Devil May Cry Series still doesn't feature.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Eldritch2021-03-21 10 
78221475Fantasy Race Street FoodWhat do the various classic races have for street food?Lore, fantasy, food, discussion, urban, races2021-03-23 3 
4671772Open Roads Quest Quest #2: Leaving AngelsfieldWe uncover a gunpowder plot and OP is stricken with the Curse.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Mercantile, Journey, Caravan2021-03-23 2 
4656814Chalco Civ 2The village develops, the first wave of migrants arrives. Two cultures are met; camel riding raiders and bronze working traders.Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-03-24 7 
4672285Reptilian Infiltrator QuestHalf-human reptilian agent from beneath the earth infiltrates a fantasy city to subvert human civilization, but finds it strangely alluringreptilian infiltrator quest, reptoidqm, collective game, spy, reptoid, fantasy, secret agent, coom2021-03-25 13 
4689350Last Few Fae - Guarding Innocence Pierre, a teddy bear, defends his human from the bogeyman. He explores the City looking for ways to kill it while a war rages in plain sidrawquest,supernatural,surreal,urban fantasy,last few fae,2021-03-25 6 
4704663Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 22Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry seriesWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Dante2021-03-26 10 
April 2021
4711859Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 23Shinji starts trying to reassemble his allies.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Oni2021-04-01 10 
4671958A Giant in the Silver Marches 2We track down a caravan of settlers and acquire a new bow. More giants arrive in town.Silver Marches, Silver Marches Quest, Fantasy, Giant, Collective Game, Quest, World Building, Archer2021-04-02 5 
4721222Fate/Paradox Carnival + Paradox Reincarnator Part 24April Fools Special Thread. Latter half of thread contains Thread 24WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, April Fools2021-04-06 10 
4688819Dragon Slayer Quest #7We have an uncomfortable dream and then an uncomfortable school day.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2021-04-08 6 
4729480Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 25Planning for the Battle in the Forest.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Heroes2021-04-10 10 
4735940Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 26The Battles Begin. A new fairy is born.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Battle2021-04-13 10 
4742170Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 27A battle is won, and an ally finds herself in great peril WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Bromance2021-04-15 10 
4747569Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 28The battle against Orochi is planned for.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Nobu2021-04-17 10 
4735931Last few fae - #2 Guarding InnocencePierre, a teddy bear, defends his human from the bogeyman. He has his final confrontation and the quest ends.drawquest,supernatural,surreal,urban fantasy,last few fae,2021-04-17 5 
4699480L5R Chanbara Quest #5In which everything goes tits up, Daisuke beheads his way to the top, skewers a Takeshi, and force feeds Miho some healthy greens.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-04-19 5 
4752061Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 29The Battle ContinuesWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator2021-04-20 10 
78644134Let's Design a Dungeon/tg/ fills a dungeon map with silly rooms.map, fantasy, game ideas, D&D, DnD, RPG, rpg2021-04-20 2 
4758455Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 30The battle against Yamata-no-Orochi reaches a climactic finale WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Gods2021-04-20 10 
4764817Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 31The battle continues, your greatest foe having usurped Yamata-no-Orochi's power. WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Gods2021-04-23 10 
4711732Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Volume 2A subversive subterranean snake-girl's attempts to purge underworld rivals from a fantasy metropolis o awry in interesting & disastrous wayReptoidQM,Collective Game,fantasy,lewd,crime,conspiracy,Reptilian Infiltrator Quest2021-04-24 6 
4771388Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 32Shinji begins to wonder if this day will ever end.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Merlin2021-04-26 10 
4723763Open Roads Quest #3; Gunpowder Plots and Nasty ThoughtsWe navigate through some social encounters, discover a cheat, and prepare for the road to the city of IskanderOpen Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-04-27 3 
4777271Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 33Shinji finally gets to take a break. WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Harem2021-04-29 10 
4715063Chalco Civ 3You battle the Djenak Balai warriors, some assholes steal all your food, and a giant pig shows upChalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-04-30 5 
May 2021
4784048Fate/Paradox Carnival 2Another Carnival Moment Begins - Potentially contains Thread 34 too. WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Carnival2021-05-02 10 
4735471Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 11Ignore the description of the last one, it's WRONG! Mea culpa! After taking the Sunken Tower, Jakob deals with victory and new treacherySwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-05-02 2 
4732266Dragon Slayer Quest #8You have a chill homework day until your investigative instincts take hold.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2021-05-05 6 
4790770Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 35Shinji deals with a pesky goddess.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Goddess2021-05-05 9 
4718671Little Lord Misadventures #01A young lord travels to a far province, joins a council thanks to a technicality, and the QM dies from college finals.Fantasy2021-05-09 2 
4798364Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 36Shinji's "Break" continues.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, SoL2021-05-09 9 
4746257L5R Chanbara Quest #6In which one story ends, and another begins. The second-last chapter of the first arc.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-05-11 2 
4726209King of Wolves #5The Moot is informed, and things come to a head.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2021-05-12 0 
4737767A Giant in the Silver Marches 3Ruins, Wyverns, Skeletons and Stampedes.Silver Marches, Silver Marches Quest, Fantasy, Giant, Collective Game, Quest, Archer2021-05-12 5 
4806968Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 37Shinji figures out a few relationship problemsWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, SoL2021-05-13 8 
4750312Girls und Panzer Quest 13: The Commemorative Cup! The Saunders Culture Festival!The Commemorative Cup continues. We also fight as Erwin.Collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks,2021-05-15 5 
4813891Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 38Shinji continues his day off, despite the efforts of his enemies.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, SoL2021-05-16 8 
4767144Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Volume 3A sinister reptilian agent advances her dark masters' agenda with a combination of mystical manipulation, anal sex, and sewer violence.ReptoidQM, Collective Game, lewd, fantasy, adventure, spycraft, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest 2021-05-18 5 
4824536Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 39Shinji prepares for the banquet.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, SoL2021-05-21 7 
4837374Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 40The Feast begins.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, SoL2021-05-27 6 
4778408Open Roads Quest #4; Meander to IskanderTristan Stonyfield solves some disputes, has a heart to heart moment, and stiffens his resolve before visiting the Trunk Family.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-05-28 2 
4793657Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 12A council of war and a short breakSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-05-29 1 
4794105Dragon Slayer Quest #9Noah Lee has a seizure.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2021-05-30 2 
4829762L5R Chanbara Quest #7The epilogue of the first storyL5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-05-31 0 
June 2021
4845134Fate/Paradox Carnival + Paradox Reincarnator Part 41Carnival Time once again!WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Carnival2021-06-01 4 
4785874Chalco Civ 4Winter rain! Mountain Climbing! Beer Brewing! The birth of a monstrous giant spider industry!Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-06-02 6 
4827347Medieval Fantasy Punk - Part 1 - "Fucking Why?"Diedre "Corpse Girl" McCabre, a young witch, sets off to brew a great potion.medieval fantasy punk, drawquest, potion, witch, TaleTeller2021-06-02 0 
4792504Demigod Civ QuestIn the lands of titans, a ripped natural philosopher aspires to godhood.civ, Demigod Civ Quest, fantasy2021-06-03 0 
4801139Ruler Quest 1Young Alaric has a rough childhood growing up holding some painful grudges.Collective Game, Ruler QM, Grudges, Alaric, Orcs, Barbarian, Fantasy, Dwarves, Bastard, High King2021-06-08 10 
4829850Dynastic Ruler Quest 2: GrudgesAlaric awakens in the care of Dwarves and sets out to build his army a year before the coming battle.Collective Game, Ruler QM, Grudges, Alaric, Orcs, Barbarian, Fantasy, Dwarves, Bastard, High King, Greentext2021-06-09 6 
4812638Summoner Assassin QuestJakim Massem-Hasserchmitt runs a honest business of killing people for money with summoned beastsSummoner Assassin Quest, demons, fantasy, Collective Game, male protagonist, first person2021-06-09 1 
4798191Civilization Quest: TURBO editionThe newly-sentient Giant Insects of Earth 2828AD must compete with humanity, demon-kind, and even robo-bulls from the future! Part 1Fae Smelter, Civ, Civilization, Giant Insects, Wigglin2021-06-09 4 
4867777Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 42The Arm Wrestling Tournament is interrupted?WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon2021-06-13 4 
4821393Reptilian Infilrator Quest Vol. 4A half-human agent of serpentine subversion navigates boardrooom meetings, occult incidents, and a special job for her boss at the bordello.ReptoidQM, reptilian infiltrator quest, collective game, seductio, negotiation, spycraft, fantasy, furries2021-06-14 5 
4822108Girls und Panzer Quest 14: The end of the Cup! Filming a movie!The last battles of the cup happen and we begin filming a movie.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2021-06-17 6 
4821863A Giant in the Silver Marches 4Gold Rush EditionSilver Marches, Silver Marches Quest, Fantasy, Giant, Collective Game, Quest, Archer2021-06-20 2 
4860994Dynastic Ruler Quest 3The first hold of Man is established, Alaric unites the tribes, and meets destinyCollective Game, Grudges, Alaric, Orcs, Barbarian, Fantasy, Dwarves, Bastard, High King, 2021-06-20 4 
4882952Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 43Manaka shows herself.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Goddess2021-06-21 3 
79693580prosthetics and mutations/tg/ creates a post-apocalyptic setting where on account of radiation and bioweapon damage, everyone's got mutations and cybernetics.worldbuilding, mutation, cybernetics, prosthetics, cyborg, mutant, body horror, tables2021-06-22 11 
4846607Open Roads Quest #4; Big City DealingsTristan Stonyfield squares away a few minor matters before escorting cousin Hettie to a fancy party at Lady Tabitha Blackmoore's residence.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Mercantile, Journey, Caravan2021-06-25 2 
4843024Dragon Slayer Quest #10We consult a doctor about our seizure and almost get recrooted by a priest.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2021-06-27 4 
79894893prosthetics and mutations thread #2A continuation of thread >>79693580. Backstory and skinwalkers are involved.worldbuilding, mutation, cybernetics, prosthetics, cyborg, mutant, body horror, tables2021-06-27 6 
4896611Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 44Shinji speaks with his mother. Also the Fourth Carnival is probably here. Probably.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Goddess2021-06-29 4 
July 2021
4868199Alterac Resurgent Quest 5Solving problems at home and leaving back to Durnholde at request of Lord Blackmoore to visit one of his gladiator tournaments.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2021-07-02 20 
80023768prosthetics and mutations thread #3A continuation of >>79693580 and >>79894893, in which mutation tables are made and backstory and stats written.worldbuilding, mutation, cybernetics, prosthetics, cyborg, mutant, body horror, tables2021-07-03 4 
4868078Chalco Civ 5Contact with the Killa warriors in the South East forests. Metalworking and watch towers. Battles against the bandits.Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-07-09 3 
4871016Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 5A serpentine secret agent's mission to subvert a human metropolis is complicated by the summoning of a succubus.ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, demon, prostitution, posession, spycraft, murder, conspiracy, romance2021-07-13 5 
80146160Turning real places into RPG locationsWe take real life locales into places easily insertable into our fantasy settings.worldbuilding, geography, places, fantasy2021-07-14 1 
4921059Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 45Shinji does some last minute preperations.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Danger2021-07-17 2 
4883951Dynastic Ruler Quest 4In which the King learns the perfidy of the Elves and makes things Godly.Collective Game, Grudges, Alaric, Orcs, Barbarian, Fantasy, Dwarves, Bastard, High King, 2021-07-20 1 
4907538Enclave Remnant Quest 1In which /qst/ decides to head to the west coast and the grand adventure of Rutherford Jefferson-Jackson IV begins.Fallout, Enclave, Enclave Remnant Quest, Warden2021-07-20 21 
4893557Girls und Panzer Quest 15: Investigating the gold! Ooarai Drift!We film a movie and go to port.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks,2021-07-23 3 
4894465Dragon Slayer Quest #11We dig up our past and ancestry, and do some stat grinding.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2021-07-28 2 
August 2021
4885879Lord of the DeadA young recruit and his crossbow fight an unknown enemy. Thread sadly died before it took off.crossbow, military, fantasy, lord, dead,2021-08-02 0 
4924776Dynasty Ruler Quest 5: The Third King Foric starts consolidating his rule and avenges his father after ending the rule of the traitor in the cold north.Collective Game, Ruler QM, Grudges, Alaric, Barbarian, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Theoric, Arsonist, Foric2021-08-03 2 
4956419 DF:DARP - Dwarf Fortress - Dealings with Armok Reap FuryDwarf Fortress Adventure Mode /qst/Dwarf Fortress, Guayo, DARP, DF, DF:DARP, fantasy, player-driven, drawfag, drawings, 2021-08-13 1 
4943402Dynasty Ruler Quest 6: Rule of the GrudgebearerForic tames a new beast to serve as his steed and an agreement is struck with the west king.Collective Game, Ruler QM, Grudges, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Foric, West King2021-08-13 2 
4915470Alterac Resurgent Quest 6After having made a deal with Blackmoore, Alric did some scouting and fought bandits. With spring came business opportunities.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2021-08-16 18 
4918227Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 6A reptilian secret agent goes on a cute date, makes peace with her inner demon, gains divine favour, and resolves to save a small businessReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, spycraft, demonology, prostitution, drugs, merchantalism, romance2021-08-19 5 
4917859Mutant!Quest #09In which we rescue a healer mutant, the M-Guard gains a probationary member, and we try to incite a gang war before everything goes to shit.Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2021-08-23 7 
80949796How to make fantasy genre more interestingDiscussion on merits of high fantasy and low fantasy, how to make them better, and how to better DM.Worldbuilding, Fantasy, DMing2021-08-25 1 
4924330New Light Flights 3Radiant wins her 2nd race, gets locked up with a killing machine, and has a very important dinner!New Light Flights, Radiant, Radiantqm, cyberpunk, motorcycle, collective game2021-08-29 1 
4928039Enclave Remnant Quest 2The west coast enclave cell builds in stature is prepares to resettle.Fallout, Enclave, Enclave Remnant Quest, Warden2021-08-31 8 
September 2021
4926327Panzer Commander Quest #72The Battle of Sundersschirm takes place- Richter's part in it, at least. An odd child is found in its midst.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2021-09-03 6 
4942283Born Irrelevant #1Aware in a world that barely acknowledges him, Asa Minoru becomes involved in a mystery involving the Cast the world serves.Born Irrelevant, Mob Character, Mystery, Anime, RomCom2021-09-03 6 
4928012A Giant in the Silver Marches 5We recruit giants from Iron Hills and Fire Peaks and lead them north in search of lost history. Silver Marches, Silver Marches Quest, Fantasy, Giant, Collective Game, Quest, Archer2021-09-04 2 
4936182Dragon Slayer Quest #12We fight a dragon, one on one.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2021-09-05 4 
4931101The Graverobber's DaughterChlotsuintha, a Witchlet, might have lost her father. She prepares to flee her home, while trying to maintain her cover as a gravedigger. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-09-05 22 
4982368Elin Veteran Quest: PrologueThis world's magic has waned, yet the consequences of a new natural order are begin to show themselves for our protagonist.Elin Veteran Quest, Elin, Tera, Fantasy, Collective Game2021-09-06 10 
4948874Girls und Panzer Quest 16: The Saunders Culture Festival!We attend the festival and do some treasure hunting. We also prepare for the Unlimited-lite. collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2021-09-08 5 
4950018Final Fantasy: Choco RiderA Western-themed Final Fantasy questFinal Fantasy, western, cowboy, collective game2021-09-18 2 
4960519Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 46Things start taking a turn for the worse.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon2021-09-20 -1 
4957061Sheep Cultivator QuestXianxia quest following a sheep who joins a sect and rises from Outer to Inner Disciple.Quest, Fantasy, Chinese Fantasy, Xianxia, Cultivator Story, Progression Story, Martial Arts, Drawquest2021-09-22 3 
4965421Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 7A half-lizard secret agent ties up some loose ends in a bloody and brutal fashion, in between study dates and steamy threesomes.ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, Collective Game, spycraft, fantasy, combat, paranoia, threesomes, romance, occultism2021-09-23 5 
4963026Alterac Resurgent Quest 7You left for a diplomatic tour of Dalaran, Hillsbrad and Southshore. During it you met with Jaina and solved Hillsbrads problems.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2021-09-23 15 
4958097Border Princes QuestFlaviana Messore, a Tilean exile moves to the Border Princes to establish herself.Warhammer fantasy, Warhammer, Border Princes Quest2021-09-24 6 
4960900Dynastic Ruler Quest 7: Last in the Reign of ThreeThe last few years of Foric's life, the King must prepare for the coming of what his dynasty feared. Collective Game, Ruler QM, Grudges, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Foric, West King, Darkness2021-09-29 1 
4978921Dynastic Ruler Quest 8: The Great WarThe bells toll as Daedric ascends to the throne. In these times he must face off against the Dark Lord!Collective Game, Ruler QM, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Daedric, Dark Lord, 2021-09-29 0 
4995716Dynastic Ruler Quest 9: The War ContinuesDaedric must recover from his previous wounds inflicted by the Dark Lord himself. He will not stop fighting though!Collective Game, Ruler QM, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Daedric, Dark Lord,2021-09-29 0 
October 2021
5011759Dynastic Ruler Quest 10: A War to RememberWith the siege of the fortress housing the Dark Lord, the battle for humanity and dwarvenkind is at hand. Collective Game, Ruler QM, Fantasy, Dwarves, High King, Daedric, Dark Lord, Ritual, Epic Battle2021-10-16 2 
4989244Dragon Slayer Quest #13We have an out-of-body experience and end up in the hospital.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2021-10-19 2 
4975653Mindflayer QuestIn which our physically superior illithid goes on a quest to secure two drow nobles, adventure shenanigans, and plots to take over Marveil!Mindflayer Quest, Collective Game, Idle Thoughts, Fantasy, DnD, Mindflayer, Illithid, Underdark, Yphor, Marveil, Great Quest2021-10-20 4 
4982127New Light Flights 4Radiant finishes up her date, meets her new techhead RR, shit hits the fan, and OP gets a life.New Light Flights, Radiant, Radiantqm, cyberpunk, motorcycle, collective game 2021-10-22 0 
5007143Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 8A shapeshifting lizardgirl must stay one step ahead of the law, and her many enemies, as she precariously balances her many identities.ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, collective game, fantasy, spycraft, occultism, crime, romance, drugs, sex, violence. commerce2021-10-30 5 
November 2021
4991642Elin Veteran Quest #1Elewyn and a group of companions venture to the desert cities of Chebika and Tulufan to investigate a lead on an Elin slave shipment. Elin Veteran Quest, Elin, Tera, Fantasy, Collective Game2021-11-01 9 
4994632The Graverobber's Daughter IIChlotsuintha has a run in with the Inquisition, realizes she has implicated herself as magic user, and will eventually be hunted by them. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-11-04 20 
5003228Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 47The Quest ends, not with a bang but with a whimper WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Death2021-11-09 -14 
5009747Alterac Resurgent Quest 8In which Alric scouted and trekked through the Strahnbrad Hills, saved a warlock and then fought off a raiding party of Blackrock Orcs.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2021-11-12 15 
5044717Elin Veteran Quest #1: Slaver Arc EpilogueElewyn and company finish their rescue mission in the slaver camp and sail home.Elin Veteran Quest, Elin, Tera, Fantasy, Collective Game2021-11-14 6 
5054156INVULTUA PreludeFrom the sun-scarred edge of darkness the LADY Of SORROWS descends, a jewelled dagger transfixed upon the pale throat of the city below. fantasy, witch, intrigue, occult, emperor, city, tarot, collective game,2021-11-16 8 
5007312Border Princes Quest 2Flaviana Messore expands her territory and forms alliances. The QM also kills the quest (Sorry)Warhammer fantasy, Warhammer, Border Princes Quest2021-11-20 2 
5009140TavernkeeperPaul Aleman, a retired adventurer turned Tavernkeeper, fixes up his haunted manor, gets his business working, and other assorted shenanigansTavernkeeper, Fantasy, Adventurer, Tavern, Management, Great Quest2021-11-27 1 
5017055Sellsword's Code Quest #0We meet our protagonist, Joseph SaintswoodCollective Game, Fantasy, Sellsword's Code2021-11-28 5 
December 2021
82409791Atmospheric Vore HellWhat if a perpetually airborne ecosystem similar to that of the deep sea existed?deep sea, monsters, speculative evolution, speculative biology, sky, gas giant, upper atmosphere, worldbuilding, The Horror of the Heights,2021-12-04 2 
5014911SCARY QUESTIn which the Dark Knight Odysseus tries to find his head before Halloween! Many shenanigans, hot babes, and an inconclusive ending.MySojourn, Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, Comedy, Halloween, Dark Knight, Headless Horseman, Odysseus, WickedQM2021-12-06 -1 
5032301Dragon Slayer Quest #14Our mom is awesome. Our grandpa is a mad scientist.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2021-12-09 4 
5026018Born Irrelevant #2Time skip happens, QM decides to drop the quest due to getting bad luck since starting it.Born Irrelevant, Mob Character, Myster, Anime, RomCom2021-12-10 -3 
5044429Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 9A subversive serpent-girl seduces friends, bimbofies enemies, uncovers origins, and falls in love as she prepares for an important mission.ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infltrator Quest, collective game, fantasy, romance, coom, spycraft, dungeon-crawling, politicking, crime, drama2021-12-10 5 
5040335Heretic Cultivator Quest 1The Demonic Cat Huanliuxue begins her cultivation under the tutelage of the "Toad Witch", following the Heretical Dao of ghosts and grudgeHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2021-12-14 40 
5041762Orzhov Pimp Chronicles Quest: Staking It OutAn urban crime quest centred around an Orzhov brothel in the MTG universeMagic The Gathering, prostitution, urban fantasy, crime, brainwashing, lewd2021-12-15 2 
5040377Girls und Panzer Quest 17: Another match! The holidays approach!We fight in the Japanese Unlimited Classcollective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2021-12-16 2 
5062162Alterac Resurgent Quest 9Your trip to Stormwind has begun and you have met with a plenty interesting characters like King Varian, Edwin VanCleef and Calia Menethil. Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2021-12-21 15 
5049208Antichrist QuestA successful media personality awakens to his true nature as the Antichrist, and sets to workAntichrist Quest, 666, modern fantasy, religion, satanism, politics2021-12-24 2 
5094509G A L E R N EPRELUDE Beyond the jewelled isles of the Thalassarchy of Galerne, all that separates the conqueror from the vanquished is the Dreamsend Seafantasy, gothic, adventure, sword, gun, witch, magic, tarot, pirate, island, horror, barbarian, monk, collective game, quest2021-12-27 9 
5070761Mage Quest Tucson Thread #1The Esoteric College of Tucson, Arizona, tries to educate an influx of new magic users. We follow these students in their personal questsCollective Game, multiplayer, Magic, Urban Fantasy, magic, wizards, witches, Tucson2021-12-29 1 
January 2022
82656869what risk is acceptable in exchange for superpowers?There's a drug that either gives you superpowers or kills you. What'd be the ratio of death versus success before people stopped using it?superpower, superpowers, superhero, superheroes, Mutants & Masterminds, M&M, worldbuilding, setting,2022-01-01 0 
5062453Last Snow Giant Quest #1A young giant struggling to survive helps a dying elder and saves a mammoth herd from hunters.Snow Giant Quest, Collective Game, ASoIaF2022-01-03 -1 
5097216Berserk Quest #1vlad santana embarks on a journey to rescue his parents and fights the enemy army of Tudor.Berserk, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-01-03 34 
5061777Graverobber's Daughter IIIAfter buying clothes, Chlotsuintha's escape plan is hampered by a new curfew in the Midden, and aided by an unexpected gift from mother.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2022-01-04 13 
5060599Elin Veteran Quest #2In the town of Impel, Elewyn investigates a connection to the beheading of Elin, and recruits the help of human companions.Elin Veteran Quest, Elin, Tera, Fantasy, Collective Game2022-01-04 6 
5074815Dwarf Druids Survival CIVYou and 30 other Dwarves have just been banished from EmeraldHall the old mountain fortress city where you lived all your life. Your crime? Dwarfs, Civ, Fantasy, Collective Game, D&D, Druids, Survival 2022-01-04 -1 
5075383Scumbag Antipaladin QuestA crazed deserter goes on a hunt for blood, meets an orc, and has an unholy amount of luck.Collective Game, Edgy, Edgelord, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Scumbag Antipaladin2022-01-07 27 
82843513/tg/ makes a hexcrawl In which we fill an empty hexmap with a campaign setting.hexmap, hexcrawl, worldbuilding, australians, canadians, setting, geography, places, fantasy2022-01-08 7 
5075730Sellsword's Code Quest #1Joseph sets out to investigate weapon convoys only to find halflings and goblins.Collective Game, Fantasy, Sellswords Code2022-01-15 2 
5121867GOLGOTHAPRELUDE You dwell not in yourself when the night bleeds in. Through the thousand eyes of the city you see only the abyss.collective game, quest, modern, gothic, tarot, magic, gun, phone, urban, dark fantasy, horror, adventure, vampire, wizard, witch2022-01-16 9 
5083216Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 10It is the evening of the Mages' Tower Gala, but in their midst lurks a sexy, snakey spy with her sights set on their secrets!ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, dungeon, combat, wizards, dragons, demons, parties, romance, drama, lewd2022-01-18 5 
5110885I'm a demon?Anon gets summoned into a fantasy world. The fucks who did it are certain he is a demon. hijinks ensuesfantasy, Colective game2022-01-19 11 
5085259Heretic Cultivator Quest 2Huanliuxue, princess of beasts, adventures in search of the Dao of blood as she nurtures her nascent court of cultivators and own power Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2022-01-23 26 
5105510Mutant!Quest #10In which Elise and co. pull off a sick, GTA-style heist! Antics ensue!Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2022-01-23 10 
5100406Mage Quest Tucson Thread 2The quest dies from lack of players. Shame.Collective Game, multiplayer, Magic, Urban Fantasy, magic, wizards, witches, Tucson2022-01-23 0 
5085315Local Lord Quest IA XIIIth century French Knight is transported to a fantasy world. Medieval Mudcore Fantasy 2022-01-23 15 
5083609Dragon Slayer Quest #15We confront Father Benedict.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2022-01-24 1 
5090250Panzer Commander #74A secret operation with an important mission takes place. Yet Richter is nowhere near it...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2022-01-30 6 
February 2022
5129996Berserk Quest #2Vlad intercepts Griffith from becoming king and learns more about the Silver Eyed Clan.Berserk, Berserk Quest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-02-06 30 
5131732GOLGOTHA: Afterlife (includes Golgotha meta at beginning)Urban dungeon crawl mode to GOLGOTHA story campaign, after the main narrative concluded. The Descent Into The Underworld begins...collective game, quest, modern, gothic, tarot, magic, gun, phone, urban, dark fantasy, horror, vampire, wizard, witch, dungeon, crawl, OSR2022-02-07 6 
5095453Civ Quest Multiplayer fantasy civ quest. On hiatus.Civ Quest, Multiplayer, Fantasy2022-02-08 1 
5106549Magic Militia School QuestAntosha starts his 3rd year of school, gets horny, some pussy, and gets painted.Magic Militia School Quest, Modern Fantasy, Collective Game2022-02-10 7 
5114740Alterac Resurgent Quest 10As Alric finishes his business in Stormwind, he has to deal with Thrall's escape from Durnholde Keep and everything that means.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-02-14 13 
5109195Elin Veteran Quest #2.5: Sanctuary ArcElewyn delves further into the bowels of the Sanctuary's plot, as her human allies run into numerous hardships as they venture to Impel.Elin Veteran Quest, Elin, Tera, Fantasy, Collective Game2022-02-15 5 
5110944Girls und Panzer Quest 18: The End of the Match! Holidays are here!In which we take the time to enjoy our holiday.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2022-02-15 3 
5111607Scumbag Antipaladin Quest #2The paladins arrive in Dalhurst, Melvin gets new followers, Sadie and Melvin fight, we meet a Antipaladin, our sacrifices begins, QM flakes.Collective Game, Edgy, Edgelord, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Scumbag Antipaladin2022-02-15 8 
5115118Attendant Quest - Alice 1A Quest about fighting monsters and hippies with your government-mandated shoulder loli.Loli, Action, Male Protag, Alice Quest, AttendantQM, Urban Fantasy, Narrative Quest, 2022-02-15 13 
5125865Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 11A shapeshifting lizard lady's tidying up of loose ends is waylaid by romantic drama and the threat of her conspiracy's discoveryReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, romance, demons, spycraft, sexwork, murder, drama, fantasy, crime2022-02-19 5 
5156274Spineless Quest Episode 1F-Inal Drone mk.IV, a Formicidaean-powered corporation project escapes her holding facility. Solenopsis V. Sparrasid.Spineless Quest, insectqm, arthropods, female MC, mutants, dystopia, genetic enhancements, 2022-02-21 1 
5115951King of Stonekeep #1Branford Bronzebiter ascends the throne as 28th king of Stonekeep and the siege of Blue Ridge begins.collective game, male protagonist, fantasy, magic, demons, kingdom management, civ, war2022-02-21 3 
5120915The Graverobber's Daughter IVWhere His Gaze falls, Judgement comes. After, Chlotsuintha has to kill. Then the Lifting Oil Refinery she is robbing goes all Chernobyl.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-02-23 8 
5143225Im a demon? #2Anon gets a pass from the inquisitor Travels with difficulty to a city Investigates this world prepares for another expedition intodrawquest,fantasy2022-02-24 7 
March 2022
5135851Dragon Slayer Quest #16We have a training session with Ken while the QM slowly succumbs to the QM's Curse.Collective Game, Dragon Slayer Quest, Dragons, Urban Fantasy2022-03-04 1 
5133540Heretic Cultivator Quest 3Huanliuxue, Princess of graves, meets a kindly old deity, obtains blood Qi, heals her mother, trounces five assassins and builds her sectHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2022-03-06 24 
5134375Local Lord Quest IIOur XIIIth century knight learns more about the world, survives an assassination attempt and defends a lady's honor.Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy, History2022-03-07 7 
5135743Sellsword's Code Quest #2Joseph helps take back Blotto the Halfling's cartCollective Game, Fantasy, Sellswords Code2022-03-09 1 
5146871Panzer Commander Quest #75The operation to destroy Garten comes to a close. Richter's unit pushes forth into Netilland.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2022-03-12 5 
5180533Late Stage Cultivator QuestShort one-shot quest following an immortal through yet higher states of cultivation.Quest, Fantasy, Chinese Fantasy, Xianxia, Cultivator Story, Progression Story, Martial Arts, Overpowered, One-Shot2022-03-13 7 
5169763Berserk Quest #3A coliseum is found, along with some old and new faces to support and antagonise our protagonist.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-03-14 28 
83616992Fae as Old OnesOP requests help fleshing out his fae folk themed campaign with ideas for weird, eldritch horror. /tg/ obliges.Fae, Fairy, fantasy, horror, folk, weird, worldbuilding, DMing, ideas, Aberrations, roleplaying, rpg, RPG, Fair Folk2022-03-18 11 
5174490Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 12A lizard-lady molests and murders her way through allies and enemies to fulfill a dark pact and a darker destiny in this penultimate threadReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, dark fantasy, villainy, assasination, spycraft, mind-control, transformation, cuckoldry, reptilians2022-03-25 5 
5186643Girls und Panzer Quest 19: The End of the Holidays! Back in Business!We prepare for the first match of the Winter Cupcollective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2022-03-29 6 
5165966 Elin Veteran Quest #2.75: Sanctuary Arc [Form]Elewyn begins to set the stage for her counterattack as her allies arrive at Impel and immediately are greeted by the Sanctuary. Elin Veteran Quest, Elin, Tera, Fantasy, Collective Game2022-03-31 5 
April 2022
5165666Magic Militia School Quest Part 2Antosha returns home, scares his mother into fainting, and watches anime with his Homies and Long.Magic Militia School Quest, Modern Fantasy, Collective Game2022-04-02 1 
5174571King of Stonekeep #2 Branford Bronzebiter, the 28th king of Stonekeep, engages in battle.collective game, male protagonist, fantasy, magic, demons, kingdom management, civ, war2022-04-05 3 
5171068Attendant Quest - Alice 2You and your shoulder loli gang up on a little girl, then get in a fight with her drug-dealing father. Features your college debut. Again.Loli, Action, Male Protag, Single Dad, Alice Quest, AttendantQM, Urban Fantasy, Narrative Quest,2022-04-05 12 
5167732Alterac Resurgent Quest 11With the business in Durnholde done, Alric has to deal with the Alliance and the news that are coming from Strahnbrad Hills.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-04-06 14 
5197007Im a demon? #3Anon travels to the demon capital and get answers to many questions without getting shotdrawquest,fantasy2022-04-09 8 
5214651Elin Veteran Quest #2.9: Sanctuary Arc [Form]The fleshscape evolves as Elewyn presses further to discover what lies within its depths. Elin Veteran Quest, Elin, Tera, Fantasy, Collective Game2022-04-09 5 
84039691Post Image Get BackstoryAnons are given images as writing prompts to explain. Some are harshly criticized for the city planningfantasy, creative writing2022-04-14 1 
5170799Spineless Quest Episode 2Final Drone tries to blend in. Spineless Quest, insectqm, arthropods, female MC, mutants, dystopia, genetic enhancements2022-04-16 1 
5180605The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IThe QM's schedule implodes just as he starts to work through a massive backlog. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-04-17 5 
5184655Kobolt Klan Adoption 3Local knight adopts more kobolts, slays more monsters, uncovers a terrible conspiracy, gets drunk with friends.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Dreygaun, Mutants, Sci-fi Fantasy2022-04-18 12 
5198601Berserk Quest #4Vlad loses his money, his armor, his cape and his dignity. But at least he gets the girl at the end, right?Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-04-20 22 
5205185Enclave Remnant Quest 3Where Rutherford Jefferson-Jackson captures Granite, talks with his family, and plans for the future.Fallout, Enclave, Enclave Remnant Quest, Warden2022-04-21 7 
5197683Sellsword's Code Quest #3Joseph's adventure comes to an end for nowCollective Game, Fantasy, Sellswords Code2022-04-22 1 
5195343Barovian Legends #1Aranuel Caniella, Cleric of Kossuth, searches for her sister, protects a girl from a vampire, and gets acquainted with the land of Barovia.Fantasy, D&D, Magic, Female Protagonist, Gothic Horror, Vampires2022-04-24 6 
5188067Heretic Cultivator Quest 4Claiming a portion of the catacombs as her own fiefdom, Huanliuxue recruits three young magical beasts to the Palace of Natural Laws sectHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2022-04-24 24 
5241666Mutant quest 1In which we try to guess what the hell is going on and scream a lot.Mutant Quest2022-04-25 0 
5194246Local Lord Quest IIICharles de Villeroi wins a duel, makes alliances and hunts witchesMedieval, Mudcore, Fantasy2022-04-26 8 
May 2022
84409765Fantasy African Nations/CulturesEmpire Comparison, Yoruba Culture, lots of linksAfrica, Fantasy, not!Africa, Worldbuilding, Setting2022-05-08 3 
5219247Panzer Commander Quest #76A duel with a devil. The end of the Lances' war, the long awaited return home.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities, terrible romance, ginger midget in lingerie2022-05-12 6 
5220646Attendant Quest - Alice 3You and your shoulder loli get a first look at your new life. It is decidedly humbling. Also, you crush a woman's dreams, you cad.Loli, Action, Male Protag, Single Dad, Alice Quest, AttendantQM, Urban Fantasy, Narrative Quest2022-05-15 5 
5223197Alterac Resurgent Quest 12In which Alric finishes scouting Strahnbrad Hills, deals with Syndicate agent and prepares for the invasion of the hills. Also Capital City!Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-05-15 14 
5265138Song Of The Oath And WildPRELUDE The pathless forest whispers and beckons.fantasy, fairy tale, elf, sword, viking, adventure, wizard, poem, legend, myth, economics2022-05-19 2 
5223723Renovatio Imperii QuestManuel is taken from his village for something grander. Will this young man achieve greatness or will he be forgotten by history ?Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2022-05-23 26 
5219329King of Stonekeep #3New allies arrive, and the diplomatic situation with the camp begins to complicate.collective game, male protagonist, fantasy, magic, demons, kingdom management, civ, war 2022-05-30 1 
5232198The Graverobber's Daughter VChlotsuintha returns from the Refinery and after a few hours of sleep and a false start manages to make a decoy graven ball. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-05-31 6 
5247847Berserk Quest #5Vlad and his team return to their hideout and plan their next steps as Midland is invaded by the ruthless Emperor Ganishka.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-05-31 20 
June 2022
5232674 Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante QuestSimon P. Campbell awakens to the power of superdurabilty, and begins his one man war on all the scum strangling the life out of the megacityCollective Game, Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante Quest, Grimdark, Capeshit, Cyberpunk, Vigilante, Quest, Slumlord2022-06-02 11 
5236717Kobolt Klan Adoption 4Local knight finds a friendly wizard to help his issues, additional shenanigans ensueKobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Dreygaun, Mutants, Sci-fi Fantasy 2022-06-04 11 
5240998Heretic Cultivator Quest 5Huanliuxue and her disciple Qiang fight in an underworld tournament held by the king of the crow demons, Baoli-WuyawangHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2022-06-05 24 
5272525Mutant Moshers: Disco Division!The funky tale of uniquely-gifted individuals fighting against the mainstream trends. A Multiplayer Skirmish Quest. Fae Smelter, Skirmish, Riptail, Bard, Palewalker, Dance, Hex, Mutant, Mosh, Moshers, Disco, Division, Tango, Polka, Skirmjam, Skirm, Jam2022-06-06 0 
5242633Barovian Legends #2Aranuel meets the devil Strahd face-to-face. She leaves knowing that Ireena is in trouble, but now she's driven by a new lead on her sisterFantasy, D&D, Magic, Female Protagonist, Gothic Horror, Vampires2022-06-07 1 
5290379Mutant Quest 2Mission time.Mutant Quest, Alaska, Asgard2022-06-11 0 
5248985Girls und Panzer Quest 20: The first match of the Winter Cup! The Beginning of the End!We fight Pravda and begin preparing for what's next.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2022-06-11 4 
5269197Alterac Resurgent Quest 13Alric continues his visit to Capital City, meets with the Alteracis and takes his first steps in the complex road of romanceAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-06-14 14 
5265023Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 1An engineered agent of a reptilian conspiracy sets forth on a quest to subjugate some unruly kobolds and restore the glory of Dragonkind!ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, adventure, chad, shamanism, bros, hoes, social injustice2022-06-15 9 
5258206Forgotten Realms AdventuresIn which our drow protagonist is driven from her hime intk a world of adventure and friendshipGreenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-06-16 20 
5313250Agent of the Magisterium #1A magus in the employ of the Office of Special Investigations is suddenly reassigned.Collective Game, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Original Setting, Agent, Magisterium, AotM2022-06-25 2 
5279354Renovatio Imperii Quest 2 Manuel makes preparations for the oncoming war. Hard and costly battles are fought but then NewbQM goes on hiatus because of a work trip.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2022-06-26 16 
5288520Dark Ones Return #1The return of a powerful forceCollective game, Dark Ones Return, Fantasy2022-06-29 1 
5290674Goblin assassin questPine, a goblin assassin does free lance killings and tries to help peoplemedieval fantasy, make your own NPCs, Action, Goblin, Fantasy races2022-06-30 7 
July 2022
5289203The Graverobber's Daughter VIChlotsuintha has a close call in a public house, then comes across a gull that has Scarification Glyphs, possibly scrivened by her father.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-07-05 5 
5293419Kobolt Klan Adoption 5Local knight partners with a troubled waif of a knight to exterminate werewolves along the way to stop the dragon apocalypse.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Dreygaun, Werewolves, Sci-fi Fantasy2022-07-09 10 
5311845Final Fantasy: Heaven's CataractYou're Lorelai Lufaine. You wake up in a strange, new world with even stranger people.Final Fantasy, Quest, Female protagonist2022-07-10 6 
5294578Heretic Cultivator Quest 6Proving she alone is peerless beneath the heavens, Huanliuxue battles and defeats her mightiest foe yet to win the underworld tournamentHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2022-07-10 24 
5300829Berserk Quest #6On the way to the sea, Vlad and his team make their stop in a strange town infested by Mandragoras.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-07-13 12 
5308951Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IIJezyrene impresses the locals and prepares for her next quest.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-07-14 12 
5299975Barovian Legends #3Still in search of her sister, Aranuel uncovers the horrors of the Abbey of Saint Markovia.Fantasy, D&D, Magic, Female Protagonist, Gothic Horror, Mutants, Vampires2022-07-14 2 
5307134Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Vol. 2A young dragon-man conquers kobolds, bangs a bug-woman, ends his enemies and appeases his allies in an effort to realize a divine destiny.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, adventure, monstergirls, family, friendship, war2022-07-14 5 
5305728Alterac Resurgent Quest 14You returned to Dawnholme and launched your invasion of Strahnbrad Hills. You fought bandits, while Eligius managed to spot an enemy warlockAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-07-14 15 
5340590Sworn to Valour Quest #28His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei takes his first step on foreign shores, disembarking at Langland before continuing his voyage.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Copper Clipper Nation2022-07-17 28 
5340783The USURPERPRELUDE - Eftsoones com'st thou, with ill impartations yburdened, by secret sorrow distrained. Experiment with Shakespearean Englishcollective game, quest, horror, magic, Shakespeare, castle, Aztec, occult, medieval, fantasy, dungeon2022-07-17 1 
5307214Mutant!Quest #11In which Elise hides some mutants, takes a trip to the land of dreams, and uncovers another sinister plot.Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2022-07-18 7 
5318319Im a demon? #4Anon goes around the demon city, meets new characters, gets more game breaking loot and escapes. The future is grim.drawquest,fantasy2022-07-22 8 
5321454Dark Ones Return #2The dark one travels around. Commits theft and makes "friends"Collective Game, Dark Ones Return, Fantasy2022-07-27 1 
5314154Local Lord Quest IVWhere our hero tortures witches, plants apple trees, hang adventurers, courts a lady, mocks a mage and kills a goatMedieval, Mudcore, Fantasy, History2022-07-27 7 
August 2022
5329258Elven Selv Discovery Quest #1We play as an Elf, sent to explore the seas. The journey begins here.Elf, Collective Game, quest, experimental, civ, civilization, colony, builder, magic, fantasy, faceless, exploration2022-08-09 0 
5327075Girls und Panzer Quest 21: Round 2! Fighting Jatkosota!We spend the week recovering and preparing to fight Jatkosota.collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2022-08-10 4 
5340343Berserk Quest #7Vlad is healed of his wounds and finds new magicians to upgrade his arsenal in the upcoming fights.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-08-10 10 
5333328Kobolt Klan Adoption 6Local knight meets some of the archmage's people and has a small touch of drama as a result. Addendum: squire goes bald and freaks out.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Werewolves, Sci-fi Fantasy, Paracelsus, magic is lead poisoning2022-08-14 10 
5339760Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 3An unholy warrior forms a multicultural axis of evil to conquer dwarves. Along the way, he learns a difficult lesson about love and loss.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, warfare, politics, sex, slavery, shortstacks, genocide, grief2022-08-15 5 
5346371Mutant!Quest #12In which some best-laid-plans are set into motion, and the extraction for Conduit begins!Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2022-08-15 8 
5338309Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IIIJezyrene enjoys a pleasant camping trip and continues to reevaluate her worldview.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-08-19 12 
5340842Alterac Resurgent Quest 15The Invasion of Strahnbrad Hills continues. Alric handles logistics, hears about very bad news, fights gnolls and meets with the BarovsAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-08-20 15 
5343551Barovian Legends #3.5Aranuel's fate takes a turn for the worst, as she discovers a new ally and meets the girl she has been looking for... to disappointment.Fantasy, D&D, Magic, Female Protagonist, Gothic Horror, Vampires2022-08-22 1 
5340808The Graverobber's Daughter VIIAfter dealing with the Glyphed Gull, Chlotsuintha finds two sets of Strange footprints, partially cleansed, possibly by magic. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-08-22 5 
5386312Sworn to Valour #29His Blade Defends the Helpless. Sir Andrei enjoys his time ashore in Langland, provided that he is not embroiled in foreign intrigues.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Copper Clipper Nation2022-08-28 27 
85854233Fantasy races react to humans for the first time./tg/ wonders what the first few thoughts of a fantasy race would be upon seeing humans for the first time.Fantasy races, Hobbits, Setting2022-08-31 1 
5353610Draw your own adventureOP makes low effort quest and flakes, NewQM turns it into a early medieval fantasy adventure where MC abuses a peasant, kills a monster etc.redsek, drawfquest, medieval, fantasy2022-08-31 0 
September 2022
5351830Final Fantasy: Heaven's Cataract 2The journey of Lorelai Lufaine continues as she meets someone who can actually teach her White Magic.Final Fantasy, Quest, Female protagonist, Heaven's Cataract2022-09-02 2 
5391397The LIGHTNING SEAPRELUDE: Life is the stag pierced by arrows Made into wounded wings.collective game, quest, cyberpunk, gilgamesh, sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, horror, spaceship, sword, sorcery, guns, poem, poetry, dystopia2022-09-02 0 
85887781How can OP put giantesses in his setting without being horny?/tg/ assists OP in trying to help insert giantess stuff, actually does a pretty good job.Setting discussion, Giantess, not!porn (probably)2022-09-05 0 
5356480Ashes of Rhysode 21The Administratum, a hub for Imperial Bureaucracy2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2022-09-10 0 
5377799Berserk Quest #9The Holy City of Vritannis is within sight, but as the group approaches their exit of Midland, they are struck by mixed emotions.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-09-13 7 
5378858Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 4A reptilian race's dark prophet expands his empire, discovers new dangers, and gets a glow-up, then fights a cthulhu on a drow roadtrip.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, conquest, logistics, love, loss, dwarves, elves, diplomacy, makeover2022-09-19 5 
5369312Heretic Cultivator Quest 7.5On her journey to achieve human form and wisdom, Huanliuxue visits a Buddhist temple to learn and is invited to the Emperor's courtHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2022-09-19 24 
5373312Fate City Akeldama 2 [Under new management]Anon and his Avenger fight off a Servant's doppelgangers, blast some ships, shoot the breeze, and investigate leylinesFate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2022-09-24 5 
5386675Im a demon? #5Anon has a few encounters with the weirdest of this world, trades, goes “demon” hunting with friends.drawquest,fantasy2022-09-25 5 
5383948Alterac Resurgent Quest 16Alric talks with Barovs, handles the invasion of Strahnbrad Hills and acquires his first vassal before the winter arrives.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-09-30 12 
5378692Isekai’d in inadequate inclinationA civil engineer gets isekai’d but can’t even speak the language, being the hero she tries to gain any luxury a medieval society can offnot-a-NEET isekai, female protagonist, fantasy2022-09-30 4 
October 2022
5377769Kobolt Klan Adoption 7The gang reaches a wizard, and some sad things happen. Also features a lewd story. And deep lorekobolts, Reynauld, dragon, curse, plague doctor, lewd omake, sad things, wizard ogg, pink, snikt, Chad, William, Knight, fantasy, post post 2022-10-02 7 
5381816Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IVJezyrene tries recreational drinking and prays to the moon for guidance.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-10-06 10 
5385528Final Fantasy: Heaven's Cataract #3Lorelai's quest continues with Bucklin giving his backstory. Afterward, Bucklin and Lorelai go check on the sick prisoner.Final Fantasy, Heaven's Cataract, Quest, Female protagonist2022-10-14 2 
5394381DrawAdventureQuest 2!!!MC DillRick & friends kills some cultists, witness Cosmic horror then enter a swamp only to be pressured by entities into moral dilemas etc.redsek, drawquest, medieval, fantasy, cosmic horror2022-10-19 0 
5383072The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IIChlotsuintha investigates the Strange footprints, and the QM’s schedule implodes again.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-10-20 3 
5389007Goblin Assassin - Reopened WoundsSlice of life story about Pine after she leaves teh criminal underworld behindGoblin, Slice of life, Schizo QM, medieval fantasy2022-10-22 12 
5391649Girls und Panzer Quest 22: Another day, another fight!We begin our fight with Jatkosotacollective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, 2022-10-22 3 
5393710Renovatio Imperii 3The war for the isles rages on, but a new threat emerges shortly after Manuel makes a monumental decision.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2022-10-23 13 
5401278Elin Veteran Quest #2: Sanctuary Arc Part 5Elewyn finds an old acquaintance within the shadow of the Sanctuary and compels the town of Impel to fight against its suffering.Elin Veteran Quest, Elin, Tera, Fantasy, Collective Game2022-10-26 3 
5410693Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Vol. 5A draconic antipaladin enters the realm of the dark elves on a missionary mission, to win their worship by any means necessary.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, politics, religion, drow, psychic dogmen, gender studies2022-10-28 5 
5439476Another BS Isekai QuestA Salary Man is reincarnated in a low fantasy world with a rather dubious cheat power.Collective Game, isekai, low fantasy2022-10-28 6 
5440066Reopened Wounds - Farewell to the goblin assassinEpilogue of Goblin Assassin and some background notes on the storyGoblin, Schizo QM, Epilogue, Medieval fantasy2022-10-30 10 
November 2022
5451870Sworn to Valour Quest #30His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei sets sail for the Cathagi Strait across open water, facing all the perils the sea has to offer.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Ship, Boat, Pirates, Sea Shanty2022-11-04 26 
5402550Second Youth QuestA centenarian archwizard discovers the formula for immortality after saving the kingdom, but it greatly changes his body. Anonymous QM, Incomplete, Wizard, ArchWizard, Immortality, Fantasy, Loli, Demon, Succubus2022-11-06 1 
5409033Heretic Cultivator Quest 8Huanliuxue obtains human wisdom, plots the death of a worthless dog of an emperor and encounters an Ogress of the Ling Clan.Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2022-11-06 23 
5413369Berserk Quest #9 (The real one)Last one was #8 named #9 by mistake. Anyway, the boat arc begins, hopefully this one doesn't last 5+ years like the real one.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-11-08 7 
5413620Fate City Akeldama 3 (reboot)Anon et al fight Aka no Rider and an unidentified Archer, withdraw to the starter-zone, encounter the overseer, and opt to recover civiliansFate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2022-11-15 5 
5417723Crossing the RubiconKicker, a herreras claw of the Great Mountain's Grand Army, is on a mission in bug territory.fantasy, drawquest, dinosaurs, guns, bugs2022-11-20 0 
5462556Crossing The Rubicon Kicker, a herreras claw of the Great Mountain's Grand Army, is on a mission in bug territory.Collective Game, rubicon, dinosaur, fantasy, drawquest,rubicon2022-11-20 0 
5422744Local Lord Quest VCharles de Villeroi judges adventurers, courts a lady, fights a Guelph, visits a tomb and an old Centaur.Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy2022-11-23 7 
5421222Barovian Legends: Twice-Told TalesWith her sister in tow, Aranuel heads off to rescue a friend. Pointy-eared and porcelain complications ensue Fantasy, D&D, Magic, Female Protagonist, Gothic Horror, Vampires2022-11-28 1 
5426197Alterac Resurgent Quest 17In which Alric visits Dalaran, retrieves a new armour, learns secrets of the city and starts to walk a new path in his life.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-11-28 14 
December 2022
5426249Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VJezyrene praises the sun and goes to a mountain retreat.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-12-01 10 
5451197Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 01The Twaryian Invasion of Vynmark begins- and a motley force goes to their first battle.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2022-12-01 12 
5426219Kobolt Klan Adoption 8The gang meets up with a really big lizard and climb down a mountain.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu2022-12-01 10 
5448278Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Vol. 6A draconic agent of dark deities deigns meddle in the affairs of drow. Through subversion, coercion, warfare, waltzing, and even... Love?!ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, subterfuge, race-mixing, big butts, big egos, true love2022-12-01 5 
5481242DUNGEONEERVirtual tabletop adventure inspired by Fighting Fantasy and Heroquestcollective game, fantasy, adventure, barbarian, dwarf, elf, wizard, magic, dungeon, fighting fantasy, HeroQuest, goblin, troll, orc, dungeon2022-12-05 2 
5441396Renovatio Imperii 4The war for the isles continues and reaches a pivotal point, just as an unexpected opportunity presents itself to the East.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2022-12-07 11 
5435965Remnant God Quest Sedjet, the reborn Goddess of Love, finds humanity weak and on the brink of extinction. Remnant God Quest, Sedjet, The Eye, Goddess, Ancient Egypt, Love2022-12-12 10 
5443579Elin Veteran Quest #2: Sanctuary Arc Part 6Elewyn fights her way back to the Maturation Pit to fulfill her long-awaited mission, and meets with what resides below that low place. Elin Veteran Quest, Elin, Tera, Fantasy, Collective Game2022-12-12 2 
5441344A Dragon’s FlashA goblin’s journey to escape from the underworld and spend time in heaven after years of meaningless work. Goblin, Schizo QM, fantasy, based on mythology, horseriding, action2022-12-12 12 
5457614Im a demon? #6Killed a dinosaur, almost died to kobold jihadist, adopted mothmen becouse god cares not and started a civ quest + moredrawquest,fantasy2022-12-12 5 
5495063A Dragon's Flash epilogueEpilogue of the Xil, the Goblin horserider, and some background notes Goblin, Schizo QM, fantasy, Epilogue, based on mythology, horseriding2022-12-16 12 
5454402Heretic Cultivator Quest 9Huanliuxue defies the will of the heavens and withstands their fury, becoming the first beast in many generations to attain a human form! Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2022-12-18 23 
5501769Heretic Cultivator Quest 10Heretic Cultivator Quest 10Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2022-12-19 22 
5459697Elf Maiden QuestThe story of an elf maiden's Travails as she seeks the renewal of ancient treaties between Hume, Stout, and Elf.Elf Maiden Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Elves, World Building, Cleric, Divine Magic, Thirsty MC, Sacred Prostitute, Smut Serves Plot2022-12-22 31 
5476475Shitty Isekai QuestA not very interesting adolescent MC who occasionally goes to church trips and fucking dies, then gets isekai'd into low fantasy. Shitty Isekai Quest, Sh QM, Sh, Isekai, Low Fantasy2022-12-26 0 
January 2023
5475120Fate City Akeldama 4A few civvies are rescued, a strange new vampire is born, Anon passes out from overwork.Fate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2023-01-01 5 
5481565Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 02Immediately after their first battle, the Ad-Hoc battalion assaults the town of Kobberhus- and finds mysteries in wait.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-01-01 12 
5481424Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VIJezyrene goes for a hike and interacts with the local wildlife.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-01-03 10 
5482107Alterac Resurgent Quest 18Alric continues his visit to Durnholde and is caught in a blizzard. Marriage issues, rumours and life threatening situations!Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-01-05 10 
5481886Kobolt Klan Adoption 9 Reynauld chills in the city for a bit and then decides to head to fantasy england.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Wa$ifu2023-01-06 10 
5481110Local Lord Quest VICharles de Villeroi judges some peasant, debates with an "atheist" and travels through valley and fields towards Count's Careless CastleMedieval, Mudcore, Fantasy2023-01-07 7 
5504679Enclave Remnant Quest 4In which Ford resolves some family tension, causes more family tension, and heads to Santa Rosa and discovers old world wondersFallout, Enclave, Enclave Remnant Quest, Warden2023-01-08 6 
5493538Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 6The dragonborn comes home to be a family man, only to find his burgeoning kingdom under threat by an envious necromancer and rival champion.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, family, love, tactics, religion, nationbuilding, dragons2023-01-10 5 
5489116Renovatio Imperii 5The Eastern campaign starts swimmingly and Armentarius wages a dangerous battle that could prove decisive.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2023-01-15 8 
5534306Sworn to Valour Quest #31His Word Speaks Only Truth. Cathagi at last, the City of Cities. It is the final step on Sir Andrei's pilgrimage. The Long Walk awaits...Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Pilgrimage2023-01-16 25 
5495138Elin Veteran Quest #2: Sanctuary Arc Part 7The path of escape from Impel is no less grueling for Elewyn and her group, but allies both expected and unexpected are found along the way.Elin Veteran Quest, Elin, Tera, Fantasy, Collective Game2023-01-18 3 
5516281Ring Grandpa: A Cultivation QuestAn ancient ring housing the soul of a member of a long-gone civilization lands on a planet inhabited by intelligent life.xianxia, wuxia, weak to strong, fantasy, collective game, cultivation, Ring Grandpa, sci-fi, aliens2023-01-22 8 
87315526Mesoamerican FantasyDiscussion about Mesoamerican mythology, how to use it properly in a game, etc. etc.Mesoamerican, native, mexico, fantasy, art, mythology, nahua, aztec2023-01-22 3 
5511746Another BS Isekai Quest 2In true anime fashion the MC fails to get laid.Collective Game, isekai, low fantasy2023-01-25 5 
5505378Elf Maiden Quest #2Continuation of Lagneia, the elf maiden, and her journey to renew the ancient treaties. She finds a spear that can make people orgasm. Elf Maiden Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Elves, World Building, Cleric, Divine Magic, Thirsty MC, Sacred Prostitute, Smut Serves Plot 2023-01-26 28 
87472712/tg/ makes a setting 0 Crumbiung Giantstep thread 39-1/tg/ makes a setting, it's a setting /tg/ makes, yeahCrumbling Giantstep, Feet2023-01-31 -22 
February 2023
87550989/tg/ makes a setting 38 - Witch Supremacy Editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Crumbling Giantstep 2023-02-01 -22 
5520797Alterac Resurgent Quest 19The dangerous activities continue in Durnholde as Alric has to navigate through some dangerous waters.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-02-02 11 
5517206Gay Wizard Ethnostate QuestSurprisingly good worldbuilding depiste the name. The QM quit tho.Fantasy, Gay, Wizard, Ethnostate, dead quest2023-02-09 3 
5517237Beneath the Moaning MountainA group of adventurers seek to plunder the depths of a cursed, haunted mountain.Fantasy, Quest, Drawquest, Horror, Dice, Dungeon, Treasure Focused, Dungeon Crawler2023-02-10 4 
5519244Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VIIJezyrene meets new friends and tells tall tales.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-02-11 10 
5520216Fate City Akeldama 5Anon learns some magic, begins to relocate the base, tries out rock-climbing, and prepares to fight the Archer from earlier.Fate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2023-02-12 5 
87627406/tg/ makes a setting 39-2 - Greedy Gods and Goddess EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep.Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-02-15 -22 
5533885Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 8A dark lord takes some time for family (and to set in motion a proxy race-war) before setting out to kidnap a princess. Classic dragon move.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, religion, politics, date-night, erectile dysfunction, kidnapping2023-02-20 5 
5534877Renovatio Imperii 6The war for the isles enters a new phase of hte conflict, whilst deals are struck in the EastRenovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2023-02-22 7 
5536650Elin Veteran Quest #2: Sanctuary Arc FinaleThe QM's gambit to stop using numbers and finish up the arc go awry as he disappears. The escape continues and Elewyn gets a power-up.Elin Veteran Quest, Elin, Tera, Fantasy, Collective Game2023-02-22 3 
5539838Skirmish of the incel deitiesIsekai'd incels escape their imprisonment in a facility for reeducation camp.skirm jam 2023, fantasy, SchizoQM, skirmish2023-02-23 3 
5537756Kobolt Klan Adoption 10 Turns out there was a bit of trouble actually reaching Oileana, and a ship arc startedKobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu2023-02-26 10 
5540956Enclave Remnant Quest 5In which Ford and the Enclave continue their search for the few scattered remnants in California before their exodusWarden, Enclave Remnant Quest, Fallout, Enclave2023-02-27 5 
5544110Heretic Cultivator Quest 11Huanliuxue defeats a demonic assassin, increases her sect's number of disciples, Frees Lei of his curse and plans a family reunion.Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2023-02-28 21 
March 2023
5542054Tyrant Queen QuestPrincess Isabella tries to take the throne after a coup by her brother, through any means necessary, indulging in cruelty along the way.fantasy, evil protagonist, action, mindbreak, protagonist mindbreaks a twink by raping him, oneshot, has fanart near the end2023-03-02 10 
5537153Thronelands Quest #1Ashlad embarks on a journey to the old Samam tree at the edge of the world. He accepts patronage from the Sheish, makes friends, saves a catCollective Game, Storyteller, Thronelands Quest, Ashlad, Original Setting, Original System, Fantasy, Cliffhanger2023-03-02 3 
5546421Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 1A bunch of camp work is done up, then, despite the victories on the front, the unit must retreat...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-03-02 12 
5544775Ring Grandpa: A Cultivation QuestYou - er, you all? - begin cultivating among an atmosphere of rising tensions. xianxia, wuxia, weak to strong, fantasy, collective game, cultivation, Ring Grandpa, sci-fi, aliens2023-03-02 8 
5548589Fantasy Neckbeard Warlock QuestAfter his witch mother dies, Lucas commits a massacre, gets a bird's eye view, and pioneers drone warfare. Much spaghetti is spilled.Collective Game, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Warlock, Neckbeard, Fantasy Neckbeard Warlock Quest2023-03-03 12 
5549493Into the WildlandsOregon Trail like quest Oneshot, but in a fantasy setting with some eldritch horror momentsdrawquest,fantasy2023-03-04 3 
87775238Biology in fantasy and sci-fiFantasy creatures discussed from the scientific point of view.Biology, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Monsters, Worldbuilding2023-03-04 2 
5551351Elf Maiden Quest #3Lagneia receives a very indecent proposition from a baron, fights her way through mercenaries and tries to capture an ugly nobleElf Maiden Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Elves, World Building, Cleric, Divine Magic, Thirsty MC, Sacred Prostitute, Smut Serves Plot2023-03-06 28 
87795959/tg/ makes a setting 40 - Weird Monsters Out of Nowhere Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep.Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-a-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-03-06 -22 
5561322Local Lord Quest VIIOur local lord travels to meet his liege, fights strange Lombards, gets quite drunk, is jailed, and then must explain himself while hungoverLocal Lord, Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy, Intrigue, Battle, Nearly Naked Guelphs2023-03-11 11 
5570860Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VIIIJezyrene learns a new language and meets an eccentric person.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-03-16 10 
5576391Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 9An Antipaladin finally faces the knight who killed his mother... But discovers there is more than meets the eye to this foe, and this city.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, gore, vore, demons, more, princess, romance, surprisingly little rape2023-03-19 7 
5574143Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $1In which Aug "Only Dead" Heart is sent to the Graveyard Frontier by a girl who made deal with the Devil.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story, 2023-03-19 10 
87956630/tg/ makes a setting 41 - Empress on a Coin EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-a-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-03-20 -22 
5575746Fate City Akeldama 6Another Servant skirmish (finally) against an Archer and Berserker, but QM was too busy IRL to write as much as he would have liked.Fate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2023-03-26 5 
April 2023
88125000 /tg/ makes a setting 42 - Fucking Snoloths, how do they work? EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-01 -22 
5623965Sworn to Valour Quest #32His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. As the Long Walk begins Sir Andrei will find himself tested. Body, mind and soul.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Pilgrimage2023-04-02 25 
5584998Heretic Cultivator Quest 12 Huanliuxue guides three of her juniors to enter the realm of foundation establishment, deals with nosey cultivators and a horned apeHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2023-04-04 21 
5593108Sira cannot run a brothel!A lazy brothel keeper finally decides to care about his business. Spinoff of Goblin Assassin.drawquest, renaissance fantasy, Schizo QM, swordfighting, SEA inspired mythology, brothel managment2023-04-04 29 
5594684Quest Within #1The glorious city of Url'Ryoness has fallen into deepest dark, you Vank the court jester seek your missing wife in the warped castleDungeon Crawl, Fantasy, Steller, Jester, Collective Game, Darkness2023-04-05 3 
5587251Transcendence: A Delta Green Quest #1Max Jacobson, a USMC SOF officer, finds himself in a world of the supernatural after a bad fate befalls his team. Welcome to Delta Green.Modern, Modern Fantasy, Delta Green, Horror, Eldritch, Monsters2023-04-05 15 
5588058Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 2The Battle of Jagterfisk Pools continues- right when it seems to be over, there is another foe...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-04-06 10 
5586735Thronelands Quest #2A life is spared, the consequences of such mercy follow, the quest dies, but for how long?Collective Game, Storyteller, Thronelands Quest, Ashlad, Original Setting, Original System, Fantasy, Cliffhanger, Dead Quest?2023-04-07 3 
5587171Ring Grandpa: A Cultivation Quest #3Tetsuya deals with the consequences of joining the militia and winter deepens.xianxia, wuxia, weak to strong, fantasy, collective game, cultivation, Ring Grandpa, sci-fi, aliens2023-04-07 5 
88278726 /tg/ makes a setting 43 - Birds with Plenty of Eyes EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-08 -22 
5589826Kobolt Klan Adoption 11The Klan arrives in fantasy england, fight off some fellas, and then they go get drunk.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, cute family stuff2023-04-13 20 
88372296/tg/ makes a setting 44 - Cowboy Aliens from Outer Space EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-16 -24 
5599014Shinigami Savant Quest #4, Part 1The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself.Shinigami Savant Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, KingWormmy2023-04-19 1 
5618051The Demon Prince isn't even born yet!Taking place before the story of The Demon Prince goes to the Academy, anons create Hearl, a street rat who attends the Temple.Collective Game, TempleQM, Fantasy2023-04-23 1 
88465385/tg/ makes a setting 45 - The Great Temples EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-23 -22 
5614284Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 10Dragon(born) who's above kidnapping a princess decides gaslights her and kills her family instead. Demons prove duplicitous, heroes pesky.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, dreams, nightmares, date-night, gaslight, near-death-experiences2023-04-26 25 
5603889Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IXJezyrene learns how to teleport and meets her first crush.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-04-27 10 
5607729Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $2In which Aug and Goldie traverse through the frontier in search of ill-famed El Dorado Warren: the mine of found riches and trapped souls.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-04-29 17 
5629008Sira can run a brothel!A brothel keeper gets involved in the darker schemes of his crime organization.drawquest, renaissance fantasy, Schizo QM, SEA inspired mythology, horror, brothel management2023-04-29 29 
May 2023
88563258/tg/ makes a setting 45 - Dark Sorcerers EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-01 -22 
5636306Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 03 Part 3The Battalion finds victory, in spite of all the weapons deployed against them. Yet will it last?Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-05-03 10 
88666593/tg/ makes a setting 47 - You've been gnomed EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-08 -22 
5624385Fate City Akeldama 7A few preparations are made, then the battle against Sun Wukong and his allies beginsFate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2023-05-11 1 
5621721Goblin Chieftain QuestAknag is the elected as chieftain of the Lugbod goblin tribe and leads them to greatness.Goblin Chieftain, Goblin, Tribe, Fantasy, Resource management, Collective game2023-05-11 1 
5624062Local Lord Quest VIIICharles de Villeroi sees his count's court, leaves his beloved lady, catches criminals and goes back to Local.Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy2023-05-13 10 
5647273NeckBiterQuest 1A boy starts his (un)life as a vampire, and discovers new things about his world. NeckBiterQuest, NBQM, Vampires, Modern, Fantasy2023-05-13 5 
5626318Heretic Cultivator Quest 13Huanliuxue slays an eater of corpses, meets her long dead sister reunites her adopted family and plans the downfall of their enemiesHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2023-05-14 16 
5663865Sira won’t be running a brothel!A brothel keeper confronts his past.drawquest, renaissance fantasy, Schizo QM, SEA inspired mythology, brothel management2023-05-14 31 
88762012/tg/ makes a setting 48 - Funny Turtles EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-16 -22 
5627757The Goblin King is Bored!The goblins find a Magi-horror inside a giant tortoise leg, bully a witch in Mad Enchanted Forest Hiddledink and voyage on the Metal Ur-seaGoblins, Collective Game, Total Goblin Death, Labyrinth-like goblins, Roguelite, Fantasy, Folklore, Fae, Steller, Neigh2023-05-16 2 
5636145Ring Grandpa: A Cultivation Quest #4 The situation grows worse in Fogtop and conflict arises both within and without.xianxia, wuxia, weak to strong, fantasy, collective game, cultivation, Ring Grandpa, sci-fi, aliens2023-05-20 3 
5654217Archimedean Quest: IIIn which a great War starts, a noble Lady enjoys a Leisure Cruise, receives a Piece of Jewellery, and has to deal with a boarding Action.Archimedean, Alchymy, Steam Powered Flying Battleships, Airships, The Great Game, Secret Despatches, Gallivanting with our Tits out2023-05-21 10 
88855281/tg/ makes a setting 49 - Maps in need of Completion EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-23 -22 
5647515Constructing a Slave Harem in Your AtelierA reclusive and perverted artificer retires to a private seaside tower to make constructs he can fuck. It is more complicated than expected.Artificer, NotArtificer, adopted quest, coom, harem, fantasy, adventure2023-05-26 2 
5642742Night Without StarsMultiplayer adventure with a focus on exploration and dice mechanics.Fantasy, Quest, Drawquest, Multiplayer, Dice, Dungeon, Wizard2023-05-27 3 
88948871/tg/ makes a setting 50 - All I see I give to me EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-30 -23 
June 2023
5650178Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 11The Antipladin weds his blushing bride... Then reveals he's a monster, kills her brother, kidnaps her, and introduces her to his girlfriendReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, love, marriage, villainy, assassination, subterfuge, subterraneans2023-06-01 8 
5680534Sworn to Valour Quest #33A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Having completed his long pilgrimage, Sir Andrei must consider what to do during his time in Cathagi.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Cathagi High2023-06-05 26 
89035095 /tg/ makes a setting 51 - Have at thee, Snoloth! EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-06-07 -23 
5673394Little Princess Quest #1Helman soldier trainee Leopold Maier goes on a quest to kill Demon King Little Princess.qst, Rance, fantasy2023-06-07 8 
5647403Alterac Resurgent Quest 20Alric's dealings and attempts to find the assassin in Durnholde Keep continue and he does have several successes in things unrelated to thaAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-06-08 11 
5650031Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $3In which Aug enters the fabled El Dorado Warren, gets separated from Goldie, and has to make his way from mine that wishes to keep him.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-06-10 6 
5653209Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XJezyrene tries on makeup and takes a nap in a rose garden.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-06-13 10 
89127240/tg/ makes a setting 52 - A year of Giantstep EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-06-14 -23 
5653429Draugr QuestA jarl's undead attendant gets a second chance at an adventurous life when he's called upon to collect a stolen ringFantasy, Norse mythology, undead, witchcraft, subterfuge, honor2023-06-17 1 
5693395Elf Maiden Quest IVLagneia the sacred prostitute makes her glorious returns as she attempts to extract her quarry from al-Fasek & his harem of deadly femboysElf Maiden Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Elves, World Building, Cleric, Divine Magic, Thirsty MC, Sacred Prostitute, Warned for Gay2023-06-24 28 
5656104Kobolt Klan Adoption 12The gang continues travelling through fantasy england and pick up a new freak of nature.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, cute family stuff2023-06-26 10 
89309033/tg/ makes a setting 54 - Witchbog Trade Shenanigans EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-06-28 -23 
5663384Heretic Cultivator Quest 14Journey back to hell, Huanliuxue escorts Ping to his audience with ancient sages, receives her armor and her throneHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2023-06-29 14 
5661862The Graverobber's Daughter VIIIChlotsuintha extricates herself from the 'Poonist's Perch, she retrieves her riding dress and buys a coach. But time is truly running out.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-06-29 6 
5678076Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 12A dragon king comes home to find his kingdom changed. The politics are ALMOST as complicated as his harem. He leaves to visit the neighbors.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, factionalism, imeprialism, abolitionism, polygamy, politics, Pride2023-06-30 6 
July 2023
89389607/tg/ makes a setting 55 - Weird Creatures from the Jungle EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-06 -23 
5667732Fate City Akeldama 8Anon and the gang slug it out with Sun Wukong, getting through the battle by the skin of their teethFate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2023-07-06 0 
5667937Goblin King is Bored #2Quiet the goblin is given a chance to become a noble. QM ends up regretting doing a solo gob quest and almost flakes.Goblins, Collective Game, Total Goblin Death, Labyrinth-like goblins, Roguelite, Fantasy, Folklore, Fae, Steller, Quiet, Sologob2023-07-06 1 
5672748Ring Grandpa: A Cultivation Quest #5Winter comes to a close. xianxia, wuxia, weak to strong, fantasy, collective game, cultivation, Ring Grandpa, sci-fi, aliens2023-07-10 1 
5699236Nightlife QuestA Quest about hunger, youth, and the dark. May your thirst be sated.AlucardQM, urban fantasy, supernatural, modern, vampires?2023-07-12 1 
5677441Dark Kingdom's MookA mid-ranking soldier in a dark kingdom's army is assigned to an outpost full of gross goblins, rebels, and opportunityVaillin Quest, fantasy, mook, soldier, adventure2023-07-12 3 
89472549/tg/ makes a setting 56#1 - Comfy Wooden Palace EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-13 -23 
5678107Dungeon Heart 1Where our main character has her heart ripped out and replaced with an evil artifact, but at least it comes with the powers of a dungeon.Dungeon Heart, Dungeon Core, Fantasy2023-07-15 13 
5683621Alterac Resurgent Quest 21Alric's adventure in Durnholde comes close. He deals with politics, relationship foes, gets his moustache burned off. The usual stuff.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-07-18 8 
89552939/tg/ makes a setting 56 - Goblins in the Snow EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-20 -23 
89637453/tg/ makes a setting 58 - Flags of the wold EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-27 -23 
5684431Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $4In which August and Goldie leave the El Dorado Warren behind only to be met with lead, bones, and gallows.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-07-28 6 
August 2023
89718352 /tg/ makes a setting 59 - Behemoths in the Field EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-03 -23 
5688657Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIJezyrene interacts with the one percent and plays Among Us.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-08-03 10 
5690175Night Without Stars p2The Crown Crusaders search a cursed island for their grand treasure.Fantasy, Quest, Drawquest, Multiplayer, Dice, Dungeon, Wizard2023-08-03 1 
5692166Im a demon? #7Anon leads the Remnants, makes a lot of changes and tries to bring whats left of human civilization to a golden age. He also meets a god.drawquest,fantasy2023-08-05 5 
89797226/tg/ makes a setting 60 - Maps, Maps and more Maps EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-10 -23 
5701851An Old Man's QuestThe First Thread, where Fredrick fights a strangely formed horde that is assailing the town of Oxenhall.Old Man Quest, Fantasy, Guns2023-08-11 3 
5698975Heretic Cultivator Quest 15Huanliuxue forms a golden core of unrivaled quality, and The Palace of Natural Laws' sect existence is revealed to the world.Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2023-08-11 14 
5694520Berserk Quest #10Vlad goes through his highest highs and his lowest lows.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2023-08-12 5 
5705849Little Princess Quest #2Former Helman soldier trainee, now full time adventurer Leopold Maier continues his quest to find Little Princess, with the help of his teamqst, Rance, fantasy2023-08-15 5 
5707096Troll Quest 2Second thread of a completed quest about a very adaptable troll moving out from under a bridge to become a burgmeister.Troll Quest, Fantasy, Adventure, Politics, Magic, Romance, Billy Goat2023-08-15 1 
5700233The Graverobber's Daughter IXChlotsuintha extricates herself from another mess in another public house, finishes shopping, and then begins to investigate Aldoin's house Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-08-15 5 
5702220Renovatio Imperii 7More is learnt about the barbarians of the East and a breakthrough is achieved upon the isles.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2023-08-15 7 
89868753 /tg/ makes a setting 61 - The Ogre Ride Never Ends EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep.Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-17 -23 
5707978Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Vol. 13Chickens (uh, dragons) come home to roost. The Antipaladin's nemeses move, alliances are shaken, and an empire & marriage are in the balancReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, court intrigue, betrayal, grief, love, lies, character growth, climax2023-08-18 6 
5702984Local Lord Quest IXCharles goes back to his lordship, sees his projects, judges a murderer almost drowns brings justice to his people and deals with kids.Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy2023-08-19 7 
5710673Bretonnian Peasant Quest 1A Peasant, whose life has gone to ruin thanks to a Vampire, now works to become someone that can slay her. Collective Game, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2023-08-22 32 
89944865/tg/ makes a setting 62 - Wizards and Magic EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-23 -24 
5704813The Goblin King is Bored#3The Goblin King sends goblin bakers straight to Heck! The trip is educational. The tooth fairy tries to assassinate the QM.Goblins, Collective Game, Total Goblin Death, Labyrinth-like goblins, Roguelite, Fantasy, Folklore, Fae, Steller, Vampires, Demons, Baking2023-08-25 2 
5709549Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish Operation 04The final battle begins- the fate of Vynmark is unknowingly decided as east and west converge.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-08-28 10 
5726173Goblin Chieftain Quest Part 2The mighty Aknag Trollslayer expands his domain.Goblin Chieftain, Goblin, Tribe, Fantasy, Resource management, Collective game2023-08-29 0 
90013461/tg/ makes a setting 63 - Back to the Bestiary EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-30 -24 
5727779Night Without Stars p3The adventurers finally locate the crown- but who will wear it?Fantasy, Quest, Drawquest, Multiplayer, Dice, Dungeon, Wizard2023-08-31 0 
5715687Alterac Resurgent Quest 22Alric's stay in Southshore came to an end. There was an important meeting, new closer alliance was forged and step by step spring arrivesAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-08-31 7 
September 2023
5715265Kobolt Klan Adoption 13 The gang travels through a forest and meet up with some big spider. Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, Fae2023-09-02 10 
5714029Fate City Akeldama 9Some rest/recovery downtime, and Koko's suggestion to rebel against the overseer gets some tractionFate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2023-09-02 0 
5718342Prinzessin QuestTroupe flutist Emi gets involved in her colleagues' shenanigans while juggling responsibilities of adulthood. prinzessin quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration2023-09-03 26 
90087220/tg/ makes a setting 64 - Caves for Sporggo EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-09-06 -24 
5721828Dungeon Heart 2: The City of RangoIdrid and crew go shopping, help a smuggler, struggle with the spider in her head, and murder a cult leader.Dungeon Heart, Dungeon Core, Fantasy2023-09-07 5 
5722847Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $5In which August and Goldie enter the ghostown of Ruetown to be met with a talking wanted poster, Perry, gamblers, and the sheriff's man.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-09-08 5 
90241895/tg/ makes a setting 64 - The Fields of ExcretiumAnons continue to discuss the scatlogical aspects of Giantstep Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-09-14 -7 
5750090Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish - FinaleThe war does not end for Vynmark- but the story of the Hageldorf Combined Battalion does.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, Skirmish, War, Armor, Tanks Appear in Oddly Large Quantities2023-09-16 10 
5731191Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XII Jezyrene goes to a rave and trespasses on private property.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-09-20 10 
5771373Heretic Cultivator Quest 16Huanliuxue defeats a cultivator party, converts them to her side and prepares to fight her mother's ex-lover.Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2023-09-23 13 
5745384Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 14Abandoned by his gods, the Dragonborn hunts down a former friend to regain his power... And risks losing everything he loves and holds dear.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, demonology, necromancy, mind control, bad end, good end, harem ending2023-09-26 9 
5736603Renovatio Imperii 8The wars finally draw to a conclusion and Manuel can shift his attention to the inner needs of the realm.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2023-09-26 10 
5752819Tales from ThulzarIn an age before recorded history, Man eked out a life bound by blood and tradition across his ancestral homeland of Thulzar.Sword & Sandal, Drawquest, Fantasy, Alt History, Seemingly Abandoned2023-09-28 17 
5736783Berserk Quest #11The war between Ilos and Falconia finally begins, with hopes of the Blood Moon and Vlad's efforts being enough to overthrow Griffith.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2023-09-28 5 
5737272The Graverobber's Daughter XChlotsuintha continues investigating, though both the emitter-Organs of the Constructs and what exactly transpired there still elude her.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-09-29 9 
October 2023
5742568Bretonnian Peasant Quest 2Lucian Heir of Ruin faces necromancers and an Ork Warboss. With nobility comes honour and Quarrel as a Peasant Knight.Collective Game, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2023-10-01 24 
5776263Seeker of the Esoteric: A Mage Apprentice's QuestBefore she was the greatest mage of a generation, she was just your classmate at wizard school. And remind me... Who were you again?ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, occultism, esoterica, fantasy, wizard school, child abuse, race-mixing, school life, rivals, fairies2023-10-01 27 
90389784/tg/ makes a setting 68 - Mischievous Wisps EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-05 -6 
5749767Lovers of The Sun: IYOU are a Lover of The Sun. Do Heroism, and maybe someday you too will feel Her embrace!Lovers of The Sun, LoTS, quest, SunQM, knights, medieval, fantasy, drawquest, lighthearted2023-10-05 1 
5749533The goblin king is Bored! #4The goblins go on a quest to restore the nation of Lennessa. However, they crash a ball and end up in a time loop!Goblins, Collective Game, Total Goblin Death, Labyrinth-like goblins, Roguelite, Fantasy, Folklore, Fae, Steller, Goblin Nuns, Knights2023-10-07 0 
5754561Alterac Resurgent Quest 23Alric ends up dealing with relationship drama, gets stuck in a cabin due to a storm and handles a lot of small thingsAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-10-08 7 
5788801Tales from Thulzar 2Galrick was now going to have to face the greatest challenge of them all.Sword & Sandal, Drawquest, Fantasy, Alt History2023-10-09 -13 
5783943Be My Fantasy QM QuestReverse-Quest experiment where the players take the role of the QM. Not successful.Fantasy, Quest, Drawquest, Reverse-Quest, Experimental2023-10-10 -3 
5758308Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $6In which August, separated from Goldie, confronts a woman he had killed. Instead of revenge, she demands an odd ask: slaying a Wendigo.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-10-10 6 
5766180Unnatural Gifts & Gifted Students #1Altair begins his first day in an adventurer academyfantasy, ServoSkull552023-10-10 1 
5761600Mage Quest #1Mona mac Muirgen seeks to become the very pinnacle of hydromancy, and she's more than willing to bend a few rules for her ambition.Collective Game, Quest, Mage Quest, Fantasy, Dungeons, Adventurers, Hydromancy, World Building, Childhood Friend Wins2023-10-11 20 
90469380/tg/ makes a setting 69 - The Witches' Tree EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-12 -6 
5763254Orb QuestThe 6 elemental spheres are sought after for millenia and fuel catastrophic wars. You're Willow Ashsong, an elf and new orb master of air. Orb Quest, Fantasy, Elemental Orbs, Female MC, Elf, Adventure, QM AWOL2023-10-12 2 
5768100The Checkpoint #1A tale of intrigue and personal exploration navigated by Cthaii Agent Burden Deo. The world is dark and blood soaked, but not without hope.The Checkpoint Quest, Burden Deo, Dark, Fantasy, Checkpoint Guy, Collective Game, 2023-10-13 3 
90556756/tg/ makes a setting 70 - The Old Druid Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-19 -6 
5779702Goblin Chieftain Quest Part 3Aknag learns about some surrounding factions and takes on a tribe of vicious cannibals.Goblin Chieftain, Goblin, Tribe, Fantasy, Resource Management, Collective Game2023-10-19 0 
5767766Fate City Akeldama 10A plot against the overseer is put forward, Hecate shows up out of left field, and Anon has a friendly spar against a Servant.Fate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2023-10-20 0 
5769081IsekaiGods #1The players send a succession of suicide bombs to defeat the Demonlord and the QM is struck down by bad internet and a cursed stone.Steller, Isekai, Collective Game, Demonlord, Fantasy, Gods2023-10-21 0 
5774070Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIIIJezyrene politely settles a disagreement and goes blind.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-10-23 10 
90644647/tg/ makes a setting 71 - Yet Again, Maps EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-26 -6 
5792391Mystic Harvest 2We have our shopping delivered by a cute patch-face girl and we start clearing more of the farming field.Mystic Harvest, SysQm, Farming, Cozy, Fantasy, Supernatural2023-10-29 4 
5779152Bretonnian Peasant Quest 3Having sequestered for a while with Count Remon, Lucian gains the companionship of a Lizardman and finally begins the long journey to AlbionCollective Game, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucia2023-10-31 15 
5772094Kobolt Klan Adoption 14In which Reynauld fights a spider and gets poisoned, also there's a transhumanist debate.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, Transhumanism2023-10-31 6 
November 2023
5777018Renovatio Imperii 9Manuel celebrates his 20th birthday and a religious council begins.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2023-11-01 11 
5794787The Checkpoint #2Cthaii Agent Burden Deo continues his story which is peppered with suffering, danger, and hard choices. Hopefully it will be told again.The Checkpoint Quest, Burden Deo, Dark, Fantasy, Checkpoint Guy, Collective Game 2023-11-01 1 
90721419/tg/ makes a setting 72 - The Bonefort EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-02 -6 
90795696/tg/ makes a setting 73 - Surprise in the Crops EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-09 -6 
5791574Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: Goldie's 50¢In which Goldie is abandoned by August to deal with a voracious pack of demonic black fur beasts on her own.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Female Protagonist, Female MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-11-10 3 
5785267Local Lord Quest XWhere Charles de Villeroi hunts a boar, saves a damsel in distress and discovers a nefarious plot.Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy2023-11-14 6 
90871350/tg/ makes a setting 74 - Trading across the South Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-16 -7 
5787489Nightgaunts: Glimmervelt CollieryThe Lantern corps investigates a town that shouldn't be empty. A squad is assigned to the local mines.Lanterns, Lanternlights, IsolationRequest, skirmish, cooperative2023-11-16 3 
5789162Alterac Resurgent Quest 24Alric handles business with Dark Irons, has a serious incident that throws all the plans sideways, but at least his studies progressAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-11-18 7 
90944099/tg/ makes a setting 75 - Witches Having Fun Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-23 -6 
5793943The Graverobber's Daughter XIChlotsuintha continues investigating Aldoin's house, but after some successes she accidentally ends up injuring one of the Constructs.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-11-27 5 
5832322Fate Catastrophe/Superposition10 Years after the Fuyuki Grail War came to an end, Marshall Vrilizadre is chosen by the Grail and summons his Servant. AvengerFate, Type-Moon, Fate Catastrophe/Superposition, Servants, Grail War2023-11-29 0 
91020650/tg/ makes a setting 76 - Running Away from the Monster EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-30 -7 
December 2023
5805575The Lady Knight's Quest #1In which you play Dame Louise le Blanc, a titan of a woman who leads a cadre of men-at-arms to fight heretics in the highlands.The Lady Knight's Quest, Lady Knight Quest, Lady Knights, Paladins, Chivalry, Fantasy, Fanaticism, Heretics, Worldbuilding, Armor is OP, Rip and Tear Orc Guts2023-12-01 30 
5802986Heretic Cultivator Quest 18Huanliuxue reaches the stars, attains cosmic nature, paints the moon red with her blood and faces her fiercest opponent yet, Xue Laohue.Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2023-12-03 14 
5813629Bretonnian Peasant Quest 4While passing through Castle Bastonne, Lucian investigates the disappearance of a magic sword and discovers an infestation of Skaven.Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2023-12-05 10 
5804756Fate City Akeldama 11 reduxAnon processes a shift in his being, tries out cooking, and prepares to meet the first dedicated enemy attack since Sun WukongFate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2023-12-05 0 
5807148Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIVJezyrene gives hugs and goes to a restaurant.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-12-06 10 
91093365/tg/ makes a setting 77 - There be Whales Here EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-07 -8 
5813050Kobolt Klan Adoption 15 You leave the forest and talk to people. For once, things aren't horrible for a bit.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, Fantasy scotland2023-12-08 5 
5814196Future FadesA simple electrician onboard a nomadic trade station resolves a power crisis, beats up a cult leader, and catches the attention of a noble.KrakenQM, Collective Game, feMC, Space Opera, Space Fantasy2023-12-11 10 
5815814Unwanted Children and Forgotten GhostsA tale of a retainer, a family in its twilight years, and spirits unseen. With one heir at death's door, their lives intertwine once more.unwanted children quest, drawquest, historical fantasy, inspired by TCOAAL2023-12-12 7 
5832976Unnatural Gifts & Gifted Students #2The hunt for the vampire begins with unsettling revelationsfantasy, ServoSkull552023-12-13 1 
5827414Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy WorldCrash landed on a strange alien world with limited supplies, you must fight your way out, and maybe save your partner along the way...fantasy, sci-fi, drawquest, female protagonist, original setting2023-12-13 8 
91159667 /tg/ makes a setting 78 - Merfolk Summer Palace EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-14 -6 
5811050Vampire the Dark Ages: Athens By NightKalina of Damascus is initiated into as a NeonateVampire the Dark Ages, Athens By Night, World of Darkness, WoD, Crassus, Tzimisce, Byzantium, Constantinople2023-12-14 7 
5763949Prinzessin Quest 2Troupe flutist Emi and stage combat choreographer Zorn take part in a play and meet others in the industry.prinzessin quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, romance, theater troupe2023-12-19 9 
91224988/tg/ makes a setting 79 - Demon Tieflings EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-21 -5 
5859064Fate Catastrophe/Superposition #2After a heart to heart with Avenger, Marshall finds out he is to head off to Russia. Meeting the competiton before his plane crashesFate, Fate Catastrophe/Superposition, Grail War, Servants, Hassan of 1,000 IP Addresses2023-12-23 0 
5825689Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $8In which August, trapped in a nightmare by a twisted shade, battles for his memories by reliving the last moments of those he killed.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-12-24 3 
5836536Alterac Resurgent Quest 25The spring finally arrives and Alric does a lot of decisions regarding the future of Alterac. Also Black Gold.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-12-24 7 
91291528/tg/ makes a setting 80 - The Wicked Witch of Littlestep EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-28 -7 
5833482Vacuo Quest 2After dealing with Gillian, Picaro goes to Atlas to help Isaac get prosthetics limbs while shenanigans ensues, with a hint of conspiracy.Vacuo Quest, DesertQM, RWBY, Collective Game, Mystery, Fantasy2023-12-30 6 
January 2024
91353551/tg/ makes a setting 81 - Vampire Cult EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-04 -6 
91432606/tg/ makes a setting 82 - The Cosmic Staircase Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-11 -6 
5856712Enclave Remnant Quest 6In which Ford and company steal secrets from the Shi and attempt to stop the Enclave from collapsing in on itselfWarden, Enclave Remnant Quest, Fallout, Enclave2024-01-14 4 
5875308Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World #2Our heroes explore new land, meet new people and find out more about the world they've crashed into. Meanwhile, something lurks in the darkfantasy, sci-fi, drawquest, female protagonist, original setting, Stork2024-01-15 10 
5850982The Graverobber's Daughter XIIAfter answering a few of her many questions and some unexpected finds, Chlotsuintha concludes investigating Aldoin's house.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-01-17 6 
91525253/tg/ makes a setting 83 - Small Magical Argument EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-18 -6 
5865235Lodestar: Dawn of a New AgeRamza Valentine helps to discover a sinister plot by one of the Merchant Kings and goes on a journey to Threespice to investigate it.Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age, Lodestar, Sky Pirates, Fantasy, Hollow World, Magic, Original, Homebrew, Collective Game, Quest, Watcher2024-01-18 17 
5852900 Heretic Cultivator Quest 19Emerging victorious once again, Huanliuxue kills Xue Laohue, Contests with inter-sect politics and hunts down a wretched corpse thief.Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2024-01-19 11 
5855948The Lady Knight's Quest IIIn which our heroine confronts the Witch of Depravity inside of her mind, and receives her new orders from the King himself.The Lady Knight's Quest, Lady Knights, Paladins, Chivalry, Fantasy, Fanaticism, Heretics, Worldbuilding, Armor is OP, Rip and Tear Orc Guts2024-01-20 22 
5855463Despot of LanuVimal Bista, the cult leader of the sect of the Black lady finds himself leading a rebellion against both the Fu family and the KommunalistsDespot of Lanu, Lanu, Strategy, Politics, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Fiction2024-01-21 10 
5862458Bretonnian Peasant Quest 5In the mountain of dwarves, Lucian defeats foes, recovers the cursed sword, and swears the oath of a grail knight Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2024-01-22 7 
5862796Student of Mage 3Wherein Mel makes it to Spellbreak, picks up a sidequest, and falls in a hole.Student of magic, Fantasy, Magic2024-01-23 5 
5858896Errant Knight QuestThe High Middle Ages of Europe:You are Roland von Fritzlkeller, Knight-errant from the Kingdom of Teutonia travelling for fortune and glory.ESL_QM, Unteralterboot Prequel, Knight, UOHH, Romantic Idealism, Mild Schizophrenia, Medieval Germany2024-01-23 1 
5861389Dark Lord QuestAn insane dark lord on a quest to destroy the world leads an army of golems and bandits to conquer parts of the kingdom of Noen.Dark Lord Quest, Fantasy, Strategy, BBEG2024-01-24 3 
91607015/tg/ makes a setting 84 - A Small Summoning Mishap EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-25 -8 
5883654Fantasy PeregrinationA boy with a prosthetic arm and heart for adventure seeks treasure (but ends early due to the QM Curse).Collective Game, Peregrination, adventure, fantasy, treasure2024-01-26 1 
5866325Future Fade 2A simple electrician talks ideologies with a noble, refuses an offer she can't refuse, and quits her job with no notice.KrakenQM, Collective Game, feMC, Space Opera, Space Fantasy2024-01-27 10 
5865859Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVJezyrene gets a beating and the QM curse hits harder than expected.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-01-28 10 
February 2024
91698476/tg/ makes a setting 85 - Long Leng Labyrinths Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-02 -5 
5898842Despot of Lanu #2The end of the Lanu rebellion ending with a compromise and a diplomatic agreement with the Kommunalists and Ren Fu.Despot of Lanu, Lanu, Strategy, Politics, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Fiction2024-02-02 5 
5877267Loveless Gal (and those damned females)Addicted to masturbation and bloodletting, Gal feels stuck in life - but one fateful evening puts him on the path of healing once more. loveless gal quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, romance, addiction, incest, historical trivia2024-02-06 7 
5881442Alterac Resurgent Quest 26The stay in Tarren Mill continues as the army marches into Strahnbrad Hills. Excitement! Assassins!Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2024-02-06 7 
5906360Sworn to Valour Quest #34His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei's search for a missing companion takes him deep into the Old City of Cathagi.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Cathagi High2024-02-07 24 
5871209The Prodigal Son ReturnsThe long-fled heir to Blackthorn Keep returns from the crusades to confront old hurts and fulfill his responsibilitiesfantasy, crusader, knight, lord, romance, drama, trauma, healing2024-02-08 6 
91779025/tg/ makes a setting 86 - Dark Gods EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-09 -6 
5893221NO MORE HEROES QUEST! [NMHQ4: FORU?!]In a world ruled by ruthless corporations, our heroine in distress gets hew own anime mech and seeks the frightening Number 6!Fuckhead, No More Heroes, No More Heroes Quest, Female MC, Assassins, Mecha, Video Games, Russians, Blood, GIANT MECH, University, Violence!2024-02-14 6 
5906767Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 5Returning from the heavens, a half-elf catches up with his old flame(s), makes a world-changing discovery, and encounters a familiar face...ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, polygamy, spycraft, hippies, elves, dragons, religion, post-scarcity2024-02-15 6 
91852462/tg/ makes a setting 87 - The Bone Dome EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-16 -6 
91919615/tg/ makes a setting 88 - Tragic Werespiders EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-23 -6 
5899427Another BS Isekai Quest 3Nero fights a Mid Boss.Collective Game, isekai, low fantasy2024-02-28 3 
5911465Curse Carrier 2After barely surviving an encounter with the agency, Weaver decides to focus on increasing his magic and possibly leave this fucked up town.Curse Carrier, Magic, Drawing, Quest, Urban Fantasy2024-02-29 10 
March 2024
5901404Dark Lord Quest 2Abrupt end and epilogue.Dark Lord Quest, Fantasy, Strategy, BBEG2024-03-02 0 
5895635Heretic Cultivator Quest 20Huanliuxue stands trial, improves the reputation of ascended beasts, and plots to steal a special sapling from The Thousand Lotus Hall.Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2024-03-04 10 
5895788The Graverobber's Daughter XIIIFrom Aldoin's, Chlotsuintha heads to a Clerking House, avoiding Guards, servants and neighbors as she prepares to forge a Family Patent.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-03-04 7 
5903865Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 2)Gigas fields investigations in Threespice, touching base with Lobo, recruiting Gremory the Demon, and interrogating Stillwater.Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age, Lodestar, Sky Pirates, Fantasy, Hollow World, Magic, Original, Homebrew, Collective Game, Quest, Watcher2024-03-08 13 
5901470Bretonnian Peasant Quest 6On a ship to Albion, Lucian unwittingly breaks two oaths, suffers a fall from grace and is separated from his companions.Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2024-03-11 2 
92084027/tg/ makes a setting 89 - Back to Work EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-03-11 -6 
5905293Enclave Remnant Quest VIIWhere in the cell begins to attempt to avoid a civil war.Warden, Enclave Remnant Quest, Fallout, Enclave2024-03-11 5 
5905776Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVIJezyrene gets touchy-feely and does some shopping.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-03-13 10 
5912911Multiplayer civ quest #1First thread of a multiplayer civilization game.Civilization, Multiplayer, Characters, Fantasy2024-03-17 0 
5915215Future Fades 3A simple hijacker eats good food, uses bureaucracy to her advantage, and decides to become a warcrime merchant.KrakenQM, Collective Game, feMC, Space Opera, Space Fantasy2024-03-17 4 
5915513The Lady Knight's QuestIn which our heroine departs from Liliendorf after a dear servant reveals herself as an adherent of the Dark One...The Lady Knights Quest, Lady Knight Quest, Lady Knights, Paladins, Chivalry, Fantasy, Fanaticism, Heretics, Worldbuilding, Armor is OP, Rip2024-03-18 20 
5916511Kobolt Klan Adoption 17We arrive in a city, enjoy ourself, and then make ourselves miserable with family drama. ARCHIVE OF 16 AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS THREADKobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Dragons, Fantasy scotland, Family Drama, Sads, cutes2024-03-21 5 
5920163Local Lord Quest XIWhere Charles has fun with his bride, trouble with messengers and armed vagrants and has to travel under the earth to meet a new baron.Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy2024-03-23 10 
5924398Alterac Resurgent Quest 27Alric's stay in Tarren Mill comes to an end, he learns to handle fire and Stonemason's finally arrive to Dawnholme.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2024-03-25 6 
5936800Im a demon? #8Anon manages to rescue the newborn god with great difficulty, returns to prepare against the Empire's retaliation.drawquest,fantasy2024-03-26 4 
April 2024
5948262Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 6A young mage is forced to play diplomat in his own homeland, to confront personal prophecies, and to strike a balance between light and darkReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator, Dragonborn Antipaladin, ethnic tension, world peace, imperialism, predestination, relativism, futanari2024-04-06 6 
5942189Curse Carrier 3God game turned family raising simulator. Still has to take care of a few loose ends though.Curse Carrier, Draw Quest, Magic, Urban Fantasy2024-04-06 7 
5933971Classic Fantasy Adventure 1You're Princess Eliana of the Kingdom of Brithnia.fantasy2024-04-07 0 
92346917/tg/ makes a setting 90 - Party through the Wheat EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-04-08 -7 
5942943Heretic Cultivator Quest 21Huanliuxue saves a little girl, prepares for a tournament to bring new blood into her sect, and challenges the forgotten king of ghosts.Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2024-04-13 7 
5940975Antegrian Occupation QuestLt. Col. Gennady Nasirovich Liptsov is appointed military governor of Gordon District. He must establish control over the districtAntegrian Occupation Quest, Antegria, Republia, Occupation, Military Occupation, Gennady Liptsov, Papers Please2024-04-14 2 
5951440Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 3)Val Lasombra learns a great deal about Demons, dived into Stillwater's blackmail, saved Aito, and encountered the Gaoth raidship Skyseer.Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age, Lodestar, Sky Pirates, Fantasy, Hollow World, Magic, Original, Homebrew, Collective Game, Quest, Watcher2024-04-14 6 
5946861The Inside PlaceUnderachieving renter finds a mysterious, impossible tunnel in his storage room.Quest, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Weird fiction, liminal space, One-Shot, drawquest2024-04-14 4 
5946039The Graverobber's Daughter XIVChlotsuintha leaves the Clerking house without forgeries, then a terrible realization compels a reckoning over her actions of late.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-04-18 5 
5948692Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World #3Our heroes explore The Capital, in search of the Elf Queen's staff.fantasy, sci-fi, drawquest, female protagonist, original setting, Stork2024-04-20 3 
5949349Bretonnian Peasant Quest 7Lucian scours Albion from evil, reclaims favor of the gods and sets his sights on returning to BretonniaWarhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2024-04-21 1 
5952532Berserk Quest #12The world is born anew as Vlad's journey comes to an end.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2024-04-24 5 
5953011Multiplayer civ quest #2Premature end to this quest due to player abandonment.Civilization, Multiplayer, Characters, Fantasy2024-04-24 0 
5950010Loveless Gal and those damned kidsIn pursuit of thieves, Kommgal “Gal” and his colleagues steps further and further into the world of low company. loveless gal quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, romance, espionage, historical trivia2024-04-26 6 
5963640Mippi Glittershine's Final HoursThe last survivor of a royal house faces her due fate. But how did she get there?Collective Game, interview, fantasy, post-apocalypse, magical, girl2024-04-28 8 
May 2024
5959038 Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVII Jezyrene dyes her hair and encounters a woodland creature.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-05-06 8 
5960681Alterac Resurgent Quest 28Alric deals with Stonemasons, meets with someone familiar and fights a terrible enemy.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2024-05-07 6 
5995477Tales from Thulzar 3Fhor is on a hunt, but a strange being is making her feel and remember things. Very nice things.Sword & Sandal, Drawquest, Fantasy, Alt History, Melons, Orange Massage, Triple Fun2024-05-08 10 
92669064 /tg/ makes a setting 91 - The Cosmic Staircase EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-05-08 -7 
5996957Sworn to Valour Quest #35His Blade Defends the Helpless. Sir Andrei joins the illustrious Dragon Guard, an elite army of the fiercest warriors in the known world.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Cathagi High2024-05-10 26 
5962747Kobolt Klan Adoption 18Reynauld meets the inlaws. Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, Fantasy scotland2024-05-12 5 
5985311Bretonnian Peasant Quest 8Lucian challenges The Monster of Mann before leading his Albion allies back to Bretonnia and fulfil his destinyWarhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2024-05-16 3 
5976163The Prodigal Son: Another LifeYour name is Caden Blackthorn and you're back to your early years, before the crusade. Why do you feel that something seems off about this fantasy, crusader, knight, lord, romance, drama, Writer, Writer QM, The Prodigal Son 2024-05-17 6 
5977488Antegrian Occupation Quest #2Gennady Liptsov tries to find a radio to contact the army battalion before the quest goes on hiatusAntegrian Occupation Quest, Antegria, Republia, Occupation, Military Occupation, Gennady Liptsov, Papers Please2024-05-18 2 
5968231Dragon's CadenzaA girl finds a baby dragon and tries to save her prince from slavers.Collective Game, Post-Apocalypse, Science Fantasy2024-05-18 10 
5972351Fate City Akeldama (redux) 12Their base under attack, Anon and Avenger set out to eliminate the besiegers; they engage the enemy and eventually reunite with Sophia.Fate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2024-05-19 0 
5976698Heretic Cultivator Quest 22Reaching the bottom of the catacombs, Huanliuxue duels the fierce ghost of the forgotten king Aodasheng, and adopts two moon rabbitsHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2024-05-22 7 
5976148Warlords of Chaos #1The old Everchosen is dead. Instead called by a Raven headed Sorcerress the Warlords are called to bring ruin and destruction upon the SouthMultiplayer, Turn-Based, Rolpelaying, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Chaos2024-05-26 6 
5980900Curse Carrier 4Okay so I lied this isn't the final thread. Mostly taking care of the kids as they grow up.Curse Carrier, Draw Quest, Magic, Urban Fantasy2024-05-26 6 
5986131Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 4)The crew learns more about Gaoth culture, participates in a revenge raid on The Raven and his crew, and meets a True Dragon on the way home.Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age, Lodestar, Sky Pirates, Fantasy, Hollow World, Magic, Original, Homebrew, Collective Game, Quest, Watcher2024-05-29 4 
5993280Mixed Civ QuestImmortan Sybrog unites the neighbourhood and protects denizens of the city from pillaging owlmen.cybernetic, fantasy, postapoc, improvisation, trains, civ2024-05-30 0 
5982823The Graverobber's Daughter XVChlotsuintha allows a Thief-Taker to chaperone her at a Coaching house dinner to collect her stage and hear of the disturbance on the roads.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-05-31 5 
June 2024
5986965Taken and ForsakenRue, our talentless peasant if facing off against some goblins... or more like trying to run!Drawquest, Medieval Fantasy2024-06-02 8 
6012984The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #1In which Demon King's General breaks into your house and declares you the prophetic hero destined to destroy the Demon King!TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story, 2024-06-07 3 
92951280/tg/ makes a setting 92 - Designing Cards EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-06-08 -7 
5988019The Demon King's General Proposes to the Hero #1"Become my husband, Yuusha! Together we can overthrow the demon king and rule the kingdom as equals!"Demon, Romance, Demon Wrangler, Fantasy, Comedy, 2024-06-10 10 
6015083The Demon King's General Proposes to the Hero #2We prepare for our date with the demon king's top general!Demon, Romance, Demon Wrangler, Fantasy, Comedy, Elf, Bard, Succubus2024-06-10 10 
5996380Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVIIIJezyrene plays matchmaker and anons finally figure it out.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-06-10 7 
6023981Curse Carrier 5The ending and epilogue of Weaver and his family.Curse Carrier, Draw Quest, Magic, Urban Fantasy2024-06-11 6 
5992483Death of a Tyrant IThe corpse of King Suial the Third lies crumpled before you, the fury that just minutes ago burned in your chest subsiding.Death of a Tyrant, Collective game, Original Setting2024-06-11 8 
6010971Death of a Tyrant IIThe newly crowned king fights his would-be assassins in a gladiatorial arena.Death of a Tyrant, Collective game, Original Setting2024-06-11 8 
5999763Alterac Resurgent Quest 29Alric deals with the aftermath of previous fighting, makes Tari a happy girl and battles kobolds and ogresAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2024-06-15 5 
5999532Warlords of Chaos #2Hobgobs as well as Beast are hunted, Villages raided, References found and Plots spun as new Warriors join the ranks of Chaos Warlords. Multiplayer, Turn-Based, Rolpelaying, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Chaos2024-06-16 2 
6006957The Butterfly Wars (a turn-based strategy game)Choose your character and lead him to victory in the Butterfly Isles. Ano von Nymous, Ano von Nymous QM, Strategy, turn-based, Fantasy2024-06-19 1 
6012263Silver Knight Quest You play as Argia Candente, a cursed trainee Knight with silvery hair, fighting to show your valour and free your family.Silver Knight Quest, Argia Candente, Sunseeker QM, Fantasy, Paladins, Knights, Medieval, Worldbuilding Galore2024-06-26 21 
6008984Classic Fantasy Adventure 2You're Princess Eliana of the Kingdom of Brithnia.fantasy2024-06-28 0 
6013373 Heretic Cultivator Quest 23Huanliuxue sends out invitations, contends with crows, growing ghostly hunger pangs of the curse afflicting her, and an unusual stampedeHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2024-06-28 6 
6011182Local Lord Quest XIICharles swears allegiance to the new baron, sees the town, plots with the Neutral Lord and goes back to Local to see his irrigation system. Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy2024-06-30 8 
July 2024
6025658The Iscariot Contingency: Holliday's Rhapsodyyou are Fluellen Holliday: Wanderer, unlicensed bounty hunter, unregistered mercenary, ekeing out a living. FHQM, collective game, fantasy, bounty hunter2024-07-05 1 
6021519Kobolt Klan Adoption 19In an embarrassingly small thread, the plot inches forward towards something akin to a conclusion.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism2024-07-05 5 
6033253Haunted Game QuestPlay as an eldritch god stuck in a video game, but you might not be the only one in this predicament...Drawing, Modern Fantasy, Horror2024-07-08 4 
93217145/tg/ makes a setting 93 - Two years going and only now we're moving on to the game part? EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-07-08 -7 
6046623Death of a Tyrant IIIThe new king accepts his brother-in-law's call for aid against a barbarian horde. Thread is then prematurely archived by the jannies.Death of a Tyrant, Collective game, Original Setting2024-07-09 6 
6053959Sworn to Valour Quest #36His Might Upholds the Weak. With his induction into the Dragon Guard, Sir Andrei must settle into the duties of his term of service. Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Cathagi High2024-07-10 24 
6031360Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 5)Val recruits a chatty shipwitch, Gigas is tricked into helping Nocturne kill Stillwater during a prison break, and Ramza recruits minions!Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age, Lodestar, Sky Pirates, Fantasy, Hollow World, Magic, Original, Homebrew, Collective Game, Quest, Watcher2024-07-14 2 
6023448The Isekai Inquisition 3Lorina heads back to the Capital and starts to look into an attack on her (royal) family along with her coworkers (friends).The Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, Fantasy, designated waifu, anime2024-07-22 11 
6028804Mass Exodus Quest #1Dim Palmfast, anointed shepherd, hops his flock to a new otherworld. A new cycle. The caravan presses on, but a dead city stirs nearby.Mass Exodus, QM Kippler, Fantasy, Apocalypse, Management2024-07-22 0 
August 2024
6031468Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIXWe are SO back.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-08-01 6 
6029286Reincarnated as a Peasant Quest #1A quest about reincarnating in another world. Certain things will be randomly decided like your parent's professions, nature and terrain ofquest, isekai, reincarnation, reincarnated in another world, peasant2024-08-01 2 
6036387Alterac Resurgent Quest 3030 threads! Summer is here, rest of the Stonemasons have arrived. Alric fought an orc and Malevus found her courage.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2024-08-02 4 
6030753Meguca Royale: Osaka #1On the other side of the world, a new story begins. Three new gucas start their descent into hell.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Osaka, Lumina Canima, Nigger, Cock, these tags are relevant I swear2024-08-04 5 
6050681Escape the Dungeon! #1You wake up in a goblin den without memories of how you got here, your only hint being the small pain in your chest and abdomen.Qoomer, Qoomer QM, Femc, Dungeon, Fantasy, Shadow Step, Slut MC, Oblivious NPC2024-08-05 2 
6074442Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 10In the final chapter of Ezreal's adventures, he makes peace with his gods & himself, and tries to spread that peace to the rest of the worlReptoidQM, sacrifice, penance, faith, family, diplomacy, free will, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, finale2024-08-09 7 
6037055The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #2In which the Demon General Miranna and you breach into the Demon King’s Banefroth Citadel in search of the divining Grub Hag.TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2024-08-11 1 
6077358Orange Lantern QuestThe story is about Eliot Grayne as one of the newest Orange Lanterns in the entire universe. Ready to take what is rightfully his! DC, Superman, Metropolis, Orange Lantern Corp, S.T.A.R. Labs, Green Lantern Corp2024-08-16 0 
6046965Heretic Cultivator Quest 24Huanliuxue fights a sea monster, makes a grand entrance, and the Tournament hosted by the Palace of natural laws begins!Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2024-08-20 7 
6044784Goblin King Quest #1Weakest goblin aims to become the strongestcollective game, DnD, fantasy, goblin, 2024-08-21 0 
6047599Rogue Sorcerer QuestA rogue sorcerer with a strange name begins his journey by clearing a ratman hideout and investigating a nymph's quest.Rogue Sorcerer Quest, fantasy, adventure, magic2024-08-23 1 
6051065Resistance Quest pt3Resistance Quest returns from the mists of time, albeit not without difficulties. In this thread: Racism!Red White and Britfag, SaltyStoryteller, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest2024-08-25 0 
6049645Silver Knight Quest #2Argia faces her hardest trial in the Night Well, and then faces its consequences. At least she’s making friends. Will it be enough?Silver Knight Quest, Argia Candente, Sunseeker QM, Fantasy, Paladins, Knights, Medieval, Worldbuilding Galore2024-08-26 21 
6053771The Graverobber's Daughter XVIChlotsuintha extricates herself and stage from the Coaching house to board at another, as time runs out she must make a difficult decision.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-08-29 6 
6054930Randomized Civ Quest with MiceMice that tamed giant cats establish a colony in the magic wastes feat. individual characters and randomization.Randomized Civ Quest with Mice, fantasy, civ, mouse, mice, randomized generation2024-08-30 1 
September 2024
6095219Petty Gods - The Pact of SolomonAnons create their own Gods and compete with each other for influence over mankindMultiplayer, Fantasy, Mythology, Historical2024-09-06 1 
6065973Primitive fantasy survivalHerder flees scalemen, survives, meets a friend, kills a scaleman and makes its hide into dog armor, and deals with a suspicious human.Collective Game, Primitive, Fantasy, Survival2024-09-11 2 
6062047Kobolt Klan Adoption 20They reach the wizard in this one. Things don't go terrible yet!Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, wizard, Dragons2024-09-15 5 
6100752Swords and Little Girl; Dark Fantasy One-shotYou are a Knight in a desolate world, pursued by many who wish to claim the young princess under your protection.Fantasy, Medieval, Dark Fantasy, Grimdark, Knight, Princess, Loli, Child, Little girl, Vermis2024-09-18 5 
6081536meguca royale: miniFive megucas enter a labyrinth. All seeking to kill a witch. The major issue is that they can only speak like cavemen, three word sentences.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, meguca royale: mini, Lumina Canima, Circles, Autism, Cliffhanger, these tags are irrelevant I promise2024-09-19 3 
6071179Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XXJezyrene buys a house and goes on a shopping spree.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-09-24 5 
6072789Alterac Resurgent Quest 31Alric visits Strahnbrad Hills, acquires a girlfriend, sends his spymaster into a merry goose chase. Durnholde Campaign is here too!Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2024-09-25 4 
6072622Loveless Gal in a BindOn the path to rectitude, Kommgal encounters the low company he intended to pursue… and ones he did not. Old wounds do not fade so easily.loveless gal quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, romance, espionage, self harm, buddhism2024-09-27 6 
October 2024
6114062Cambion QuestA nilbog and a demogoblin, twin spawn of a succubus, set out to make something of themselves by starting an adventuring party...ReptoidQM, spinoff, shortstack, goblins, sisters, stigma, adventure, fantasy, demonism, sex, violence, friendship2024-10-02 -8 
6108238Primitive Fantasy Survival: Thread 2Mlakli and Iladj confront hateful scalemen, befriend a traitor, appease a tiger, and find a family.Primitive, Fantasy, Survival, Adopted Quest2024-10-05 1 
6079405Local Lord Quest XIIIWhere Charles wins a hunt but loses a duel goes to a feast and fails at intrigue.Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy2024-10-10 5 
6084664Heretic Cultivator Quest 25 The tournament at the Garden of the Wild Empress temple continues, as its first stage nears its conclusionHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2024-10-18 6 
6081348The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #3In which you and Miranna wade through the Demon King's citadel, avoiding demons, bumping into Wardens, and even the King himself!TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2024-10-18 3 
6083225Goblin Cultivator 3Toady Gobbs does what he does best: stealem n killern n pluppen n annoyen his Seafood.Toady, goblin, cultivator, XianXia, Wuxia, goblinslayer, low fantasy2024-10-20 0 
6095278Dark Quest #1: A Shadow of a DoubtA ritual gone wrong thrusts a frycook smack dab into a land shrouded in impenetrable darkness. Friends are met and goals are set! Dark Quest, DemBones, Collective Game, Anton Peas, Drawquest2024-10-24 10 
November 2024
6098808Silver Knight Quest #3Our Knight goes on a 'diplomatic' mission on behalf of the Angel of Ansàrra. Along the way, Salicera involves Argia into her deepest secrSilver Knight Quest, Argia Candente, Sunseeker QM, Fantasy, Paladins, Knights, Medieval, Mages, Isekai, Worldbuilding Galore2024-11-02 20 
6100557USS Enterprise QuestYou are the USS Enterprise, the world's first nuclear supercarrier, stuck in the middle of nowhere. Kantai Collection2024-11-11 6 
6106280Warlords of Chaos #3Third thread of the warlords of chaos, focusing on the assault on Ostrosk and the confrontation with the crow-headed sorceress.Multiplayer, Turn-Based, Lanu, Rolpelaying, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Chaos2024-11-12 1 
6109639Isekai Cheat Harem #1After being hit by a truck you get a masochistic goddess and start a slave harem in another world. Machines are made and goblins are slain.IseQM, NotIseQM, John Doe, Isekai, Herta, Goddess of Artifice, Steampunk, Mecha, Savant, Slavery, Harem, Slave-Wives, Dungeon, Goblins2024-11-19 7 
6116662 The Monster ReviewerA female adventurer who got the highest level lives in boredom until one day she manages to reset with a New Game+ to feel something again.The Monster Reviewer, The Monster Reviewer Quest, FeMc, New Game+, Fantasy, Adventure, Horny MC, Unfinished2024-11-24 -1 
6134429False God QuestYou are a god of nothing, It has been a very long time since you last heard a prayer. False God Quest, Mythology, OC setting, Fantasy, Adventure, Hexagons2024-11-27 6 
6111138Alterac Resurgent Quest 32The campaign begins, Alric gets caught in an illusion and duels GarithosAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2024-11-28 4 
December 2024
6114140Kobolt Klan Adoption 21The story reaches its conclusion, and ADORABLE EPILOGUE!Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Kobolds2024-12-02 5 
6113574Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XXIJezyrene finally has an honest conversation and starts her new career as a teacher.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-12-02 5 
6114716The Graverobber's Daughter XVIIChlotsuintha extricates herself from another Coaching house after another reversal, leaving stage behind in a bid to get inside the walls. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-12-03 5 
6120773The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #4In which you cross paths with a childhood friend, and a Demon General too, in a village cast under the curse of eternal exhaustion.TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2024-12-04 3 
6124998Fate City Akeldama (redux) 13The subway-tunnel battle concludes, Anon gets a powerup, a first kiss, and a challenge to a mace-duelFate, Akeldama, Urban Fantasy, Low Speed Anti Divine QM2024-12-11 0 
6125063 Heretic Cultivator Quest 26 Lian Luli makes her grand entrance in the tournament hosted and planned by Huanliuxue at the garden of the wild empress temple!Heretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2024-12-14 3 
6127076Ultimate Civilization Quest: Vol 1In an Age of Marvels, a Mutant Nation risesMarvel, comics, hypercrisis bro, superhero, mutant, x-men, civ, 2024-12-16 1 
6126087Goblin CultivatorGoblinSlayer Goblin meets XianXia SupervillainToady, goblin, cultivator, XianXia, Wuxia, goblinslayer, low fantasy2024-12-18 0 
6125909Monster Reincarnation QuestReincarnated into a bone turtle, the nameless protagonist starts farming EXP and completing quests.Monster Reincarnation, fantasy, litRPG, undead, isekai, monster2024-12-18 2 
6137389Dark Quest #2: Shady DealingsAnton and the gang delve into Crossroads' seedy underbelly with the goal of making FAT STACKZ! But what lurks in the shadows of the city?Dark Quest, DemBones, Anton Peas, Drawquest, Collective Game2024-12-28 7 
January 2025
6160017Goblin CultivatorA goblin of GoblinSlayer meets an Absolute Heterodox Evil CultivatorToady, goblin, cultivator, XianXia, Wuxia, goblinslayer, low fantasy2025-01-02 0 
6140211Warlords of Chaos #4Fifth thread in warlords of ChaosMultiplayer, Turn-Based, Lanu, Rolpelaying, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Chaos2025-01-13 0 
6146522Necromancer QuestA Necromancer in a fantasy worldSpookQM, Necromancer, Fantasy2025-01-16 1 
6136025One Knight StandsFormer Knight Infiltrates Troll infested Cave to retrieve the THING!Drawquest, Medieval Fantasy2025-01-16 1 
6149927Isekai Cheat Harem #2You go to a city, add a cute fox hag to your harem, get money, repel a bandit invasion, and have a mandatory beach episode.NotIseQM, John Doe, Isekai, Herta, Goddess of Artifice, Steampunk, Mecha, Savant, Slavery, Harem, Slave-Wives, War, Bandits, Trade2025-01-23 4 
6165574Slave Gnoll QuestOneshot about a gnoll that worships demons.Slave Gnoll Quest, oneshot, fantasy, gnoll, demons, narrative2025-01-23 0 
6150759Alterac Resurgent Quest 33The campaign against the gnolls continue. Alric fights an ambush and duels gnoll mage. Eligius makes a huge revealAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2025-01-27 4 
6152350The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #5In which you alongside Demon King's ex-General Miranna journey into the fiery exile enclave of Haunted Armours to retrieve Count Whiskers.TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2025-01-29 2 
6151529Yule QuestA gingerbread elf must pay a dodgy debt with a dangerous journey o collect magical cookbooks.Christmas, Yule, Festivus, Elves, Fantasy, Gambling, Adopted Quest2025-01-30 0 
February 2025
6154957Silver Knight Quest #4You explore the Temple, get quints, and discover the truth about some of your friends. Also your Master gets arrested. Oops.Silver Knight Quest, Argia Candente, Sunseeker QM, Fantasy, Paladins, Knights, Medieval, Mages, Isekai, Worldbuilding Galore, Mogging2025-02-02 11 
6153604Fog of War: OvertureWherein Viscount Alessandro Galliota, our hero, is called forth to raise an regiment of troops by his Prince, invades the Republic of Nera, and fights off a regiment of Condottieri. A military strategy quest set in the era of Pike and Shot.Collective game, Strategy, Tactics, Gunpowder, Pike and Shot, War Game, Early Modern, Fantasy, Politics, Fog of War, Management, TercioQM2025-02-02 7 
6157472 Heretic Cultivator Quest 27 Huanliuxue talks with a Jiangshi maker, secret heretics, and fallen gods as her tournament enters the foundation Establishment stageHeretic Cultivator Quest, Xianxia, Chinese Fantasy, Cultivation, Wuxia, Collective Game, Quest, Our-Grandfather2025-02-03 5 
6157669Local Lord Quest XIVCharles passes the winter and begins to go to the capital. He meets a friendly baron and kills a monster from the valley of weeb.Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy2025-02-08 5 
6189036Fog of War: Overture (Conclusion)Wherein the Battle of Costat Hill has been won and Alessandro seizes the city of Panergo. The conclusion to the first thread of Fog of WarCollective game, Strategy, Tactics, Gunpowder, Pike and Shot, War Game, Early Modern, Fantasy, Politics, Fog of War, Management, TercioQM2025-02-12 1 
6161727Loveless Gal bows outThe roadway they are on is nearing its end. Fresh wounds are made. Teeth are unmade. Low company does not bow out empty-handed. loveless gal quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, historical trivia2025-02-16 2 
6168593Deities Adrift, Chapter OneA multiplayer god game using rules created by GodScribe, ran by GodScribe as well.Multiplayer, God Game, Fantasy, Mythology, GodScribe, Collective Game, Rules, God, Creation, Worldbuilding2025-02-24 0 
94921297/tg/ creates a settingThe days of the Sybellon Empire are long gone. Now, various nations squabble in the ashes.Setting, Worldbuilding, Fantasy2025-02-24 0 
6169408One Life #5Johan goes on a date.Johan, Mimi the Mime, Taxi Driver, Restaurants, Bartender, Ryan Barnaby, Dingo, Fugue Amnesia, Etheric Color Dynamics, The QM Without A Name2025-02-28 1 
March 2025
6174244Black Dragon: Just Deserts 1Where a proud dragon is turned into a weak human femaleBlack Dragon, HijackerQM, Fantasy, Adventure, Female Protagonist2025-03-05 0 
6178658Dark Quest #3: Murky MischiefAnton gets a little closer to his friends, memories, and the truth behind SEVERAL sinister plots... Dark Quest, DemBones, Anton Peas, Drawquest, Collective Game2025-03-10 1 
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