/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

June 2008
2072431Peasants and Pestilence/tg/ considers the role of peasants on the tabletop and suitable classes for everyone's favourite underdogs. ..Skilled labourers need not apply.peasants2008-06-25 6 
June 2009
4910681/tg/ creates a sentient race, again/tg/ decides to make a sentient race... again.sentient, race, plants2009-06-17 0 
July 2009
5249757Awesome NPCsITT: DMs share their best NPCs. Contains several merchants, lovable rogues, and even some sad stories. NPC, D&D, Dungeon Master, Merchants, Pathfinder, Eberron, Mafia, Great White Hunter, Ghoul2009-07-25 10 
5250103Shodan mentors CortanaWhat began as an intelligent discourse on Shodan's sentience and underlying motivations immediately devolved into a 'hawt' AI-on-AI Lez Librarian SlashFic."SHODAN, System Shock, Cortana, Halo, LezSlash, Deep Thinking, Sentience, Componants"2009-07-25 9 
August 2009
5581275Ant Quest, pt. 2Ant Quest here. Still awesome.Ant Quest, Ants2009-08-25 2 
October 2009
6317808ant quest 7the aphid rebelioncollective game, ant, ants, ant quest2009-10-18 0 
6414098Superhero comics through the agesThe OP suggests a campaign for M&M or other system that starts in the bright and colorful Golden Age of comics and becomes progressively more dark and gritty, as comics did.comic books, superheroes, Mutants & Masterminds, writefaggotry2009-10-25 3 
December 2009
7117784Dr Horrible meets Marvel ComicsThe PC's are a group of small-time supervillains in some major American city, who hear about a mini-country for sale for less than a million dollars.Mutants and masterminds, Captain Hammer, Captain Retcon2009-12-14 3 
January 2010
7690487Mutants and Masterminds: RiftsOP tries to stop the edition wars, by saying that M&M was the best system. Most of /tg/ agree's. And creates a new setting. It has elves that AREN'T gay.Mutants, Masterminds, Rifts, Setting, Smash Bros, Straight Elves2010-01-21 0 
March 2010
8694943Remnants Quest Part 1: The ShatteringPost apocalyptic quest where we play a soldier on his way to secure shelter and survive.Eagle, Quest, Apocalyptic, Remnants2010-03-21 3 
8703651X-Men New MutantsDetails of an X-men New Mutants campaign, awesome background props.Mutants, X-Men, Superheroes2010-03-21 3 
April 2010
9496804Remnants Quest: Part 2: The ShelterWe reach the base, and go inside.Eagle Remnants Apocalypse Quest2010-04-29 1 
February 2011
138249194X Lessons"What have turn-based games taught you about how you would run a country?" /tg/ shares its vision of the world. Ghandi the Insane Conqueror, Dierdre the Filled With Mindworms, unstoppable spearmen, space travel without engines, cheating AIs, and the Pope.Civilization, SMAC, spearmen, awesome, games, 4X, Ghandi, peasants, Master of Orion2011-02-08 10 
April 2011
14674927Fantastic FloraFantastic Flora thread, plant ideas for a fantasy setting. Not plant type monsters.setting, fantasy, plant, plants, fruit, food, homebrew, world building, wordbuilding, home brew,2011-04-22 1 
May 2011
14941075Best Mutants & Masterminds Game EverThe Sovereign, Fishmonger, Ragin' Ronnie Reagan, Lucifer Lass, and the Masked Rider team up to fight crime...or sell action figures...or maybe take over the world? It's really hard to tell with these guys...M&M, Mutants & Masterminds, storytime, The Sovereign, Ragin' Ronnie Reagan, Fishmonger2011-05-16 28 
15007851the trollman cometh!An idea for a Mutants and Masterminds villain turns interesting due to said villain using troll physics as his power. Problem, superheroes?mutants & masterminds, danananana trollman, u mad?2011-05-23 13 
July 2011
15492650CazaclawCombining two of the most terrifying monsters ever to create the thing of nightmares.Fallout, New Vegas, Cazador, Deathclaw, Pants shitting, tarrasque2011-07-06 10 
15710346A Knight's QuestA knight decides how to rule his newly inherited land.Collective game, Quest, Knight, Filthy peasants2011-07-26 25 
15721967A Knight's Quest part 2A knight decides how to rule his newly inherited land.Collective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-07-27 22 
15733358A Knight's Quest part 3The Empire ComethCollective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-07-28 14 
15745377A Knight's Quest part 4The Kingdom gears up for War.Collective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-07-29 16 
August 2011
15780071A Knight's Quest part 5We become lord of County of Urs and the Kingdom readies itself for war.Collective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-08-01 14 
15791965A Knight's Quest part 6Raiding in the Empire.Collective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-08-02 11 
15804405A Knight's Quest part 7Knight's be questanCollective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-08-03 10 
15864745A Knight's Quest part 8A Wintery Tale.. and a secret pact made.Collective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-08-08 9 
15877568A Knight's Quest part 9Knights and StewardsCollective Game, Quest, Knight, Quest, Filthy Peasants2011-08-09 9 
September 2011
16432973Dryad Capacity ConundrumTG saves dryad from termite infestationdryad, ants, D&D, vagina, Help2011-09-27 7 
November 2011
16908940GiantsWherin /tg/ discusses Giants of various myth and how to make them relevant again.Giants, myth, norse, celtic, russian, RPG,2011-11-11 30 
16923978Giants and dragons- the settingChaos dragons, giants of form, gods of creationgiants, dragons, gods, homebrew, fluff, setting, backstory2011-11-12 10 
16991398Weird, creative races!A selection of weird races for a weird world that is just beginning. Seems neat. lizardpeople, lobster merchants, blade monks, races2011-11-23 16 
January 2012
17739341/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culture/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culturethe slightly overweight redheaded baker's daughter, weeaboos, cuckholding, pastry, NPCs, peasants2012-01-31 -12 
February 2012
17828843On the habits of giants/tg/ turns a "see this, wat do" thread into a legitimate discussion on colonizing sapient cities on giants' backs.See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, Why /tg/ is great2012-02-06 41 
17831503On the habits of giants 2 - On the Backs of GodsA continuation of the thread on colonizing giants. Now with worldbuilding!See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, Why /tg/ is great2012-02-06 17 
17835096On the habits of giants 3 - On the Backs of Gods 2And /tg/ is still going! We've now spawned a quest, a wiki page, and we're steadily fleshing out the setting. We seem to have an official name now too.See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, Why /tg/ is great, On the Backs of Gods2012-02-07 12 
17862334On the Backs of Gods 3Continuing design for the setting established in the previous threads.See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, why tg is great, 2012-02-09 4 
May 2012
19302239Grimdark/Necromancer Apprentice ThreadStarted with a lowly peasantborn killing his abusive father to protect his sister and mother, face an unknown power, become a necromancer apprentice with unholy gentleman's natureCollective Game, Necromancer Apprentice Quest, Necromancer, Quest, Peasants, Gentlemen, Undead, Lich, BRAAAAAAIIINSSS2012-05-31 8 
19305370The Necromancer's Apprentice part 2Caim continues on his path as the Necromancer's apprentice, learning the secrets of how to manipulate souls The creepy mask continues to creepy it upCollective Game, Necromancer Apprentice Quest, Necromancer, Quest, Peasants, Gentlemen, Undead, Lich, BRAAAAAAIIINSSS2012-05-31 7 
June 2012
19671858Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 2With the basics of character creation done, Minifig now works on specific animals. Suggestions are made, things are refined, alliances are forged.RPG, rpg, Palladium, Savage Worlds, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, homebrew, SW, /tg/ gets shit done, shit gets done, win, character creation, mutants, cordova is awesome2012-06-30 2 
August 2012
20510160A Giant Gave Me a SwordAnd thus, awesome copy-pasta was born.Giants, swords, awesome, social commentary, penises2012-08-29 5 
October 2012
21156229Strike Witches Quest 89Carts full of liquor and nightwitches with good memory.Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, planefag, gap an elf, strike witches, World War Pantsu2012-10-17 32 
21158787Strike Witches Quest 90You know, we should let Paddy have his moment. Let's get smashed.Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, planefag, gap an elf, gaiden, strike witches, World War Pantsu2012-10-17 33 
December 2012
22190425Strike Witches Quest 91: It's TimeMC is drunk, Minna is high-strung, someone said "Robin" and "fire" in the same sentence... it must be SWQ.Strike Witches, Strike Witches Quest, Collective Game, planefag, World War Pantsu2012-12-24 39 
March 2013
23506779Whiteshield TrainingThread about whiteshields gets some classic whiteshield training OCwhiteshields, drill sergeants, imperial guard, IG, OC2013-03-05 3 
May 2013
24933926The Adventures of Nyte ForceOP shares the story of his train wreck of a session. Magical things happen.Story Time, Mutants & Masterminds, Impact2013-05-20 12 
August 2013
26468972Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 3Minifig finally gets off his fanny and finishes off the conversion, then gives a storytime.RPG, rpg, Palladium, Savage Worlds, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, homebrew, SW, /tg/ gets shit done, shit gets done, win, character creation, mutants, Savage Worlds2013-08-06 0 
September 2013
27048688Post Apocalypse Civ Quest 2The Think tank loses some people to the toxic environment, sends a goodwill mission to the tribes, gets shot at by a robotic tank, and agrees to meet up with some Post Apocalyptic LawmenCollective Game, CONTROL !R5CmcJTjQI, Post Apocalypse, Civilization, Mutants, Zombies, Robots 2013-09-06 0 
27062950Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 1In which we get decimated and decimate othersMutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind2013-09-07 6 
27108806Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part (2 or 3)Giant Spider Tanks. New awesome heroes. Lots and lots and lots of debate. Memor somewhat elaborated.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Spider tank2013-09-09 5 
27148972Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 4We've gathered enough resource to unlock lower unexplored base. Unbelievable rewards in store. Addition of two new factions and heroes, Richard the Cyborg and the Broodmother.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Cyborg, broodmother2013-09-11 5 
27184550Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 5We are at war with the a new breed of Bandit. Try to hold them off. Develop super-virus, too dangerous to use right now. Manage to bring things to a precarious standstill.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Bandits, War, Virus2013-09-13 5 
27200188Terraformer QuestAKASHA and EDEN awaken, and begin their quests to cause Mechanical or Biological Domination.Collective Game, Terraformer Quest, Robots, Mutants2013-09-14 4 
27204608Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 6Start playing around with super science. Broodmother gets even better. Turn the bandits into tasty glowy radioactive goop. Ghouls fill the swamp. Also getting screwed over by the same nat1 roll like last chapter.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Bandits, War, Radiation2013-09-14 5 
27221371Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 7Our new breed of hunter/scouter mutant comes to fruition. Make many discoveries, but don't have the force to act yet. New areas discovered, attempt to make sense of it all.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Tectus, Map2013-09-15 5 
27284893Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 8Another "bandit" war. The mistakes of the past haunt us again. Lessons relearned. Heroes die, leave, and loyalties come into question. Something is rotten in the state of Memor.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Bandit, War, Political Intrigue,2013-09-18 5 
27317114Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 9Things continue to unravel. More heroes vanish, others thankfully return. Our insignificance becomes more significant. Minor things like spiders and alternate conversion techniques discovered. Conspiracies, revelations, we go down the rabbit hole.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Spiders, Political Intrigue, Impending Doom2013-09-20 5 
27324778Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 10Another of our mighty heroes passes into legend, while another returns from it! We try to get back on our feet after that terrible attack. Richard and Broodmother experiment on something secret. Make good use of spiders, and discover psionic crystals with new possibilities.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Psionic, Crystals2013-09-21 5 
27337711Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 11We witness the final stand of another nation against our great foe, as our own heroes get involved and perish. A sentient crystal arises. Yet another monster is on it's way as we try to reason with it.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Crystal, Battle2013-09-21 5 
27350417Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 12Explosive sides edition. We fix the hivemind problem.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, WhatisthisIdon'teven2013-09-22 5 
27368841Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 13Continue to heal from what happened last time. Richard goes missing again, for good reason. Alexis comes back with even more opportunities and info. Caravans return and offer a bargain. Unfortunate thread timing.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Exploration, Trade2013-09-23 6 
27392541Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 14We endure the slings and arrows of outrageous dice gods. Encounter more monsters than you can shake a fist at. Manage to push the war somewhere else. As tradition dictates, a hero dies.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Monsters, Misfortune2013-09-25 5 
27412209Hedgehog Quest The sun sets in a small forest in Golsar, Germany as you awaken. You haven't eaten since you fell asleep eight hours ago, so you are famished.Hedgehogs, Adorable, nom ants, fuck the ants, quest2013-09-25 12 
27408005Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 15OP is busy, so mostly discussion. Later returns, and another close call happens. Ironically, peace is restored as we slowly settle into living the perpetual Battle of the 4 armies. New Ghoul hero.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Broodmother, War2013-09-27 5 
October 2013
27675147Level 0 Peasants vs 5 RatsWe knew they were still inside, the chewing.. The terrible chewing. How did they get out of the basement? we had, in our previous lives, forgotten to close the door behind us.Level 0, Story time, DM, Evil, Bear trap, Peasants, TPK 2013-10-10 143 
27767275AoPH Quest 1Humanity lives in exile. They hide in domes built to protect them from the great beasts that prowl the wilderness. As a young child born into this world, you have just finished the operation needed to become a ranger; superhuman soldiers granted their abilities by organic transplants from the monsters they are trained to hunt. Will you become the very best ranger that the corps will have to offer? Or will you die as ignominiously as the rest?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-16 36 
27856903AoPH Quest 2 (Part 2)Part 1: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/27848941/ Cerulean feels some self-doubt, but is reassured by Byran's lazy wisdom and begins to do better in training. Brimming with confidence, she challenges a senior cadet to a duel.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-21 28 
27940241AoPH Quest 3Cerulean participates in cross-gym training drills and sees how everyone has progressed. When they move on to 1-on-1 sparring exercises, Cerulean finds herself matched up against a Saffron gym psychic.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-26 28 
27958167AoPH Quest 4Cerulean teams up with her fellow cadets, Bruise and Goldenrod, for their practical test inside the Veridian Wood. Their goal: to hunt down and catch the wild waterfowl monster that nests within.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-27 29 
November 2013
28043165AoPH Quest 5Cerulean's team encounters a beedrill nest as they enter the wood. After a brief skirmish, an accident forces the group to separate itself, which leads Cerulean into a chance encounter with the prize...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-01 29 
28164354AoPH Quest 6With the prize in hand and Bruise searching for their lost leader, Cerulean and Goldenrod head for the exit to lay claim to their victory. However, as they make their way, they receive a broken transmission telling them to head south...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-08 28 
28220038AoPH 7On a night that should have been filled with celebration and excitement for three newly inducted Rocket Junior cadets, they instead receive a very grim reminder on the reality of the world they live in...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-11 30 
28256205AoPH Quest 8Cerulean and Bruise enter the Lavendar Spire to bid their fallen friends their final farewell. While there, they meet a strange and bewildering medium named Lilac.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-13 28 
28346281AoPH Quest 9Terrible surgeries, medically questionable walking, and detective work ensue.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-18 28 
28353712AoPH Quest 9 (Part 2)Cerulean and Bruise's search for Goldenrod leads them to Saffron Gym. Entering alone, Cerulean meets Sabrina. The psychic still bears a grudge over Cerulean's previous battle with one of her students and coerces Cerulean into battling Alexis again before permitting her to meet with Goldenrod. Accepting her conditions, Cerulean faces off against a changed Alexis...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-18 30 
28385124AoPH Quest 10Safely meeting with Goldenrod, Cerulean is relieved of all her worries... She spends the remainder of the week recuperating from her operation. Just the day before Rocket training begins, Cerulean decides to pay one of her eerier acquaintances a visit.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-20 28 
28458817AoPH Quest 11Rocket Training begins in earnest and Cerulean dives into it with gusto. She establishes relationships with fellow Rocket recruits while strengthening her bonds with her friends from before. A year passes by...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-24 29 
28516047AoPH Quest 12Cerulean makes amends with a psychic. And then she celebrates her birthday. Did someone say "Beach Episode?"Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-27 31 
28522042AoPH Quest 12 (Part 2)A hardcore beach volleyball war begins between Cerulean and Devon's teams! And the conclusion of this fated battle is...? Afterward, Giovanni arrives to the party in all his glory.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-27 29 
December 2013
28642439AoPH Quest 13Finishing morning practice, Cerulean is summoned by Giovanni to his office. He has a job he wishes for her to take from a woman that works in Silph Co.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-04 31 
28649635AoPH Quest 13 (Part 2)After selecting her team mates for the job, Cerulean leaves to meet with a friendly face from the distant frozen wastes. The man, named Gustav, bears a message from Cerulean's mother.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-04 28 
28700112A.I. Quest 18 The Wild SpeaksOphion learns of Red's impending demise, and goes to rescue him. When he arrives, however, he finds the entire world is against him.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, Wild, World, Eshareth, Violent, Plants, Mutant, Fauna2013-12-07 15 
28845506AoPH Quest 14Cerulean meets a belligerent man on the tram and upsets Sanna with her upset stomach. When she goes to visit Lilac, she's met with the rather unfortunate news that she has a phantom possessing her.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-14 28 
28886751AoPH Quest 15Lilac eats a ghost for her friend. Afterward, Cerulean goes to meet the man from the tram to question him about his accounting troubles...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-16 30 
28971452AoPH Quest 16The team is assembled and the investigation is underway!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-20 28 
29047290AoPH Quest 17Laws are broken. Nightmares are had. Night arrives and comrades are lost. The hunt is on!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-24 27 
29178235AoPH Quest 18Cerulean and Devon come upon a village hidden outside of the Dome. Within, they find the missing repel tech materials, a woman, and... a man with a crooked nose.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-31 27 
January 2014
29268869AoPH Quest 19The situation gets heated as Devon takes the rein.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-04 28 
29354452AoPH Quest 20Devon and Cerulean return to the dome. Cerulean wakes from a dream. The aftermath of the night's events is...?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-08 26 
29445086AoPH Quest 21Ceru is back at the dome with her friends and Giovanni has sent a team to take care of the Hypno village. All loose ends in this case have been tied u- where's Chuck?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-12 27 
29539678AoPH Quest 22Ceru and company find Chuck. After a rather sober discussion with Rocket Leader, Ceru leads her team to the Vermillion power plant...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-16 30 
29712241AoPH Quest 23With the help of Surge, the Vermillion power plant is secured and cleared of brainwashed personnel. The immediate threat now averted, Ceru and her team close in on the hybrid...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-23 29 
29836414AoPH Quest 24With the hybrid detained, the team finally begins to settle down. As the night sky darkens, Cerulean's thoughts are of her friends and companions...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-28 28 
February 2014
29928727A.I. Quest 24 Deep RootsOphion investigates the strange fungus found at Aquil, among the pirate ships.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, Wild, World, Eshareth, Violent, Plants, Mutant, Fauna2014-02-01 14 
30002131AoPH Quest 25Lilac is offered the chance to make her dream come true, but Ceru is worried of the risks that come with this opportunity. However, as long as she sees the ghost of a chance of success, Lilac presses on...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-04 28 
30045112Pantsu Getter Quest - OneshotShun's grandfather makes a deathbed wish: steal the panties of the prettiest girl in town!Pantsu Getter Quest, Collective Game2014-02-06 28 
30068197AoPH Quest 26A nightmare causes Ceru to almost harm a friend and her visits to close companions are tinged with melancholy. On the bright side, Ceru receives a free makeover and a few compliments on her looks.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-07 28 
30378453AoPH Quest 27Ceru takes on responsibility for a friend while unloading some of her own burdens on another. Then, a call from Alexis summons Ceru to Saffron for a meeting with the special "guest" being kept there...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-21 25 
30488020AoPH Quest 28An interview with the hybrid, Ni'Rena, reveals unintended information for Ceru. Loyalties are tested, secrets revealed, and a question is asked without words: Are you a Ranger or a Rocket?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-26 27 
30519810On PeasantsWere they really dirty, uneducated, ignorant and as expendable as they are portrayed? Or is there something more to the Medieval and Fantasy peasant than what we know? Answers to this and more to be found here.The Archivist, peasants, peasant, peasantry, setting, world building, settings2014-02-27 7 
March 2014
30617347AoPH Quest 29Ceru fetches Lilac from the hospital and spends a day seeing what Celadon has to offer with her and Sanna. Happy memories are made, yet the day is marred by a coming storm on the horizon.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-04 29 
30741727AoPH Quest 30A freak storm strands a civilian boat out at sea and Ceru is recruited for a salvage and rescue mission. The smell of blood and a sudden fatality mark her squad's entrance to the ship.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-10 20 
30781923Grow Corp Civ 1Plantpocalypse BeginsPost Apoc, Hivemind, Megacorp, Plants2014-03-12 6 
30900302AoPH Quest 31Hungry, tired, and lost, what awaits Ceru as she explores the tropical island she's washed up on? However, no matter what mysteries lie in wait for Ceru, one thing's for certain: things are going to be "apeshit" crazy.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-18 29 
31070514AoPH Quest 32Ceru follows her avian companions back to their "shity". There, she is properly acquainted with the Kahkori and receives their help in exchange for "speaking". And while Marine's safety is decided by what could be the most important cultural exchange ever done by a ranger, Ceru gets stalked by a certain angry simian.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-26 27 
31127687AoPH Quest 33Warned of a terrible beast that stalks the jungle at night, Ceru sets off to search Marine with Kurojo. Will she find her lost friend in time? Or has Marine succumbed to the "Nar-kage"? Is Ceru next in line?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-29 26 
April 2014
31228287AoPH Quest 34With Marine's rescue and Mukon's timely arrival, Ceru's group make their way back to the Kahkori's home. They are beset by wild monsters along the way, but after a short scuffle, Mukon drives them away... and ends up attracting something more fearsome...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-03 32 
31330421AoPH Quest 35A young Kahkori named Kurojo, through trial of blood and death, has become a man. But all is not well; the White One and her friend are sick with the Red Tide. To repay a debt, he must seek out the Blue Burst, the only known cure to the illness, to save them from death.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-08 28 
31394287AoPH Quest 36Healed and with Kurojo promising to act as their guide, Ceru and Marine make ready to find their way back home, but not before receiving two gifts from the Kahkori... the spoils of a hunter's conquest... and the gift of Aura.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-11 28 
31501070AoPH Quest 37The journey back home begins with a giant monster ride. On their first stop along the way, the group goes on a hunt to gain entry to the home of the locals, the Ferrines. The day comes to a close with a hot, hot bath.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-16 23 
31630140AoPH Quest 38Ceru finishes up a Hot bath with Kurojo, her heart aflutter with many strange feelings in her heart. What awaits them the now?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-22 24 
31696931AoPH Quest 39Cerulean sets off on the next part of their adventure!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-25 17 
31769080Frost Giants the BeginningNew Dm, New Friends and Frost Giants. The Giants band together to protect this land. Then made some clubs, Clubs = Fun. Meet some dwarfs and then spiders made of fire. Where will it end up next.Frost Giants, Clubs, Collective Game, Civ Frost Giants,2014-04-28 0 
May 2014
31875591AoPH Quest 40A Young Rocket finds herself in the company of a rough crowd. A ship is chartered and a dangerous sea traversed! Will Kurojo get his sea legs?!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-03 24 
31921731AoPH Quest 41Cerulean, Marine, and Kurojo fight against a great beast of the sea with a company of Native Rangers. Will they fend it off from the ship or bag it and tag it?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-05 15 
32147743AoPH Quest 42Cerulean finds herself in the city after her journey between islands, the Smolodhans hunting party leaves, and she, Marine, and Kurojo find themselves alone in the big city!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-16 13 
32247033Deep Breath worldbuildingWe continue the worldbuilding marathon of Solod; it's been 24 hours, and it's still running.fantasy, setting, worldbuilding, homebrew, god, Solod, Deep, halfling are demonic deathseekers and orcs are junkpunk-borgs treants2014-05-21 4 
32292288AoPH Quest 43Cerulean talks out the aftermath of her duel to the death with a Smolder leader!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-23 20 
32466473AoPH Quest 44Cerulean and her team hunt an Ordile to prove themselves as hunters and start on her first steps to home! Will she capture it dead, alive, or get sent packing? Pokemon Hunter!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-31 28 
June 2014
32724536AoPH Quest 45Cerulean chooses her name amongst the Guild as they welcome her into their ranks. Yet, what might the governer of this city have to say about strangers?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-12 27 
32740955AoPH Quest 46Cerulean listens to the history of the islands from the Kahkori's perspective.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-13 24 
32763860AoPH Quest 47Cerulean makes Lord Hao's acquaintance. Yet what does the lord regent have in mind for the young hunter?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-14 22 
32885500AoPH Quest 48Cerulean and Marine return from their meeting with Lord Hao, Kurojo faces his fears and doubts, and...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-20 24 
32905295AoPH Quest 49Ceru and her hunting team take on a new hunt, their prey? The Narga-Kage!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-21 22 
33049973AoPH Quest 50White and her party engage a beast known as the Terror of Death. A friend suffers a mortal wound...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-28 6 
33072239AoPH Quest 51The Araraki's hiding something. Jojo and Ceru recover after the hunt.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-29 5 
July 2014
33152746AoPH Quest 52Nala's party recovers and returns from the Narga-Kage hunt... There Lord Hao has a surprise for them.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-03 10 
33277283AoPH Quest 53Cerulean wakes up hung over... She really overdid it last night... But what did she do? The festival continues!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-09 8 
33500444AoPH Quest 54The feast with Lord Hao continues. Leaders bicker and...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-19 12 
33544144AoPH Quest 55Ceru discovers something with potential to shake her world... The way home becomes more clear. Yet not without its dangers.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-21 21 
33583693AoPH Quest 56Ceru and Marine share a moment to decide their future. Akabaron returns after a long trip.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-22 10 
33607926AoPH Quest 57Ceru r4eadies herself for the hunt and visits the new homeland of the Araraki!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-23 7 
33634727AoPH Quest 58A long time waiting for Akabaron has worn Ceru's patience thin. A trip to Smelda awaits!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-25 5 
33659049AoPH Quest 59Cerulean embarks on the final hunt of the Empire Islands! Enter: The Lord Of White Waves!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-26 6 
33757139AoPH Quest 60 (Season Finale)Cerulean and company face of against the Lord Of White Waves, the last thing between them, and home.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-30 -29 
August 2014
34100725Neo Survivor quest 1You awaken in a cryogenic tube, the news feed thats been plugged into your sleeping form tells you its Y2Kx10 shit happens and then more shit happens, its pretty goodNeo Survivor, Quest, First, Robots, Mutants, Mild Humor, Collective Game, Apocalyptic, Pls read, Brain, Agro, 2014-08-13 5 
34368933Civilization threadInsect civilization threadCivilization, civ, insect, ants2014-08-25 2 
May 2015
39789224Tengu Quest 1Pain, father-to-child talks, and internet problems.Tengu Quest, Collective Game, Plants2015-05-07 3 
June 2015
40329804Lost Primarch Quest 6It has been five years since Sol Prementus landed on Kilionos...Collective Game, Lost Primarch Quest, Eleventh, Primarch, Mutants, Hive city2015-06-02 6 
40534328Antill civ 1Things happen and mutations happen, onwards to world domination, with our friends the Ursine.Collective Game, Insectoid, Civilization, Builder, Civ builder, Ants, Tithonus2015-06-12 3 
40643313Insectoid Civ session 2More interactions with the Ursine, getting to know them more, learning about Dwarves, and fighting a horde of Goblins.Collective Game, Insectoid, Civilization, Builder, Civ builder, Ants, Tithonus, Session 22015-06-17 2 
40658781Insectoid Civ session 3Recovery after the first goblin raids, and some meta talk at the end, Alates!Collective Game, Insectoid, Civilization, Builder, Civ builder, Ants, Tithonus, Session 3, Alates, Tekton2015-06-18 2 
August 2015
42075568Post Apoc Swamp Mutant Cultist Civ Quest FINSo lives and dies the sons of Sarnath, who through themselves in their lake as their final sacrifice to their god.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Frogmen2015-08-26 1 
42099779Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 1We begin, as we always do, with a bang and a battle, emerging victorious to build anew.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Robot, Megacorp2015-08-27 1 
42175357Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 2Today, we survived.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Robot, Megacorp2015-08-31 1 
September 2015
42241590Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 3 FINThis is the story of Marty, the constructor. Who dreamed a better dream for all, and gave the very best anyone could have asked, and did more than anyone could have ever hoped for. He will never be forgotten. Thank you Marty.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Robot, Megacorp, Victory, Marty2015-09-03 1 
November 2015
43663071Xavier Institute Quest Part 1We arrive at the Xavier Institute, try not to fanboy, come up with a superhero name, and join a squad.Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-11-16 14 
43711072Xavier Institute Quest #2Never punch a man with an adamantium skeleton.Collective Game, Marvel, X-men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-11-19 13 
43761669Xavier Institute Quest #3We pass out, lie to our teachers, and go out to a bar. Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-11-23 10 
43811996Xavier Institute Quest #4Siris gets kicked out of a bar, has his first kiss, and has a depressing revelation.Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-11-25 10 
43820863Xavier Institute Quest #5Siris trains with Wolverine, has a real discussion with his teachers, and goes to sleep.Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-11-26 10 
December 2015
43957751Xavier Institute Quest #6In which Siris learns that his brother has vanished and gathers his friends to investigate.Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-12-04 8 
44027934Xavier Institute Quest #7Siris tries to investigate his missing brother but XFag keeps leaving.Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants, Quest2015-12-07 7 
44157637Xavier Institute Quest #8Siris learns about his brothers poor life choices and decides to search for his lady friend. Guest Appearance by X-Factor InvestigationsCollective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest, Mutants2015-12-14 8 
May 2016
85592Early 1700's Adventure Part 1Young farm girl turned mercenary dreams of buying Iceland and learns to never trust cute swedes. Schizophrenia, Mount and Blade, Protestants are scum, 1700's, mercenary, Swedish treachery, Pirates.2016-05-12 1 
47474880Superhero Quest Issue #1Meet Jack O'Connor, also known as THE PHENOMENAL FREEDOM EAGLE! A routine work day becomes a crisis of epic proportions!Mutants and Masterminds, Superhero Quest2016-05-28 4 
November 2016
837810Starborn 23:Crime and Punishment Where we scare the hell out of luc, chastise him, go to deal with a trol, and get some sweet sweet backstory.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Troll, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Brutal, Richter, Giants, Flashback2016-11-20 2 
858514Starborn Quest 23: The Violet DemonWelcome to the past! You've been murdering your way through the giants' town; sanity? What's that? Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Troll, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Brutal, Richter, Giants, Flashback2016-11-24 2 
December 2016
50634760Giant GuardiansEvery village has a giant that protects it from monsters and other giants. /tg/ tries to figure out how it would work.Worldbuilding, Collaborative Creation, Giants, Titans, Game Design2016-12-16 11 
June 2017
1624519GoT builderHistoryOP's GoT builderHistoryOP, GoT builder, Giants, Children of the Forest2017-06-30 1 
August 2017
1793475Alien Resistance Quest 1Tactics were used, aliens were slayed, and mutants made from alien weapons turned into our weapon. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-08-30 2 
September 2017
1814822Alien Resistance Quest 2We did some research and found out what happens when mutants stay locked up.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-05 1 
1840538Alien Resistance Quest 3 A chemist took some alien drugs, a mutant became to smart, and we survived a supply raid. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-18 1 
1867223Alien Resistance Quest 4Recruiting, it was once a simple thing. Now a weapon to surpass gauss. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-25 1 
October 2017
1896296Alien Resistance Quest 5Went to down to the office for some paper work. Ended up kicking the hornet nest. Called in weeds to help. Ask the base to deliver roundup.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-10-07 1 
1923264Alien Resistance Quest 6Not much to say. We killed the plants, we got the info, and now we gotta get our boys home. If the game ever gets picked back up.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-10-12 1 
December 2017
2103266You are the Dungeon!Dungeon Dwellers fight of three adventurers, the adventurers die nicely.Collective Game, Skirmish, MrDoggyPants, Dungeon, Dweller, Seth, Gamba, Balas, Illusionist, Commander, Tinkerer2017-12-02 6 
56913333Bizarre Botany/tg/ worldbuilds new fictitious plants and plant monsters for their games.plants, worldbuilding, setting,2017-12-18 2 
February 2019
3203248The Great Tribulation - An apocalyptic QuestYou are Jane Rayner, a promising young girl from Great Britain who woke up at an abandoned hospital with a broken leg. The Great Tribulation, Collective Game, Drawquest, Apocalypse, Mutants, Angels, Demons2019-02-06 5 
3236731The Great Tribulation #2 - An Apocalyptic Quest The adventure continues The Great Tribulation, Collective Game, Drawquest, Apocalypse, Mutants, Angels, Demons2019-02-22 2 
March 2019
3274835The Great Tribulation #3 - An Apocalyptic QuestWe venture towards the Pentagon to blow up the Nazis camping thereThe Great Tribulation, Collective Game, Drawquest, Apocalypse, Mutants, Angels, Demons2019-03-12 3 
3357886Post Apocalyptic Government RemnantsIn the post-apocalyptic remnants of what was once the megacity of London, the old government of the UK remains alive, fighting for survivalSimucrom, post apocalyptic, civ, government remnants2019-03-30 1 
September 2019
3780059Body Horror Quest - 29th VeinShu’s catch of the week: 1 Silver Fish, 1 Stealth Panther, and 1 Frost Wolf. FuzzBuzz gets adopted by Ants, and unexpected visitors arrive.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Ants, FuzzBuzz, bamboozle2019-09-08 12 
3794357Into the Deadlands Quest #1Leon Amun, a lone Nomad ventures into the dead city in search of fortune. In the town of Scrag, mutants are fought and supplies needed.Deadlands Quest, Leon, Mutants, post apocalyptic, Cyborg, Nomad, wasteland, survival, collective game2019-09-11 1 
June 2020
4292764Mutant!Quest #05I'm Blink. Hi Blink, I'm Dad. In which we meet up with a grieving CEO and Bernard's backstory is revealed. Superpower, Urban, Slice-of-life, Action, Siren_QM, Mutants, Quest, Drawquest, Well I tried right?2020-06-14 12 
July 2020
4324253Mutant!Quest #06In which Elise discovers the identity of Pharos and has her first brush with FutureLabs' task force.Siren_QM, Superpower, Action, Slice-of-Life, Urban, Mutants, Quest, Collective Game2020-07-13 8 
4361214Mutant!Quest #6.5Matt versus the hacker mutantSiren_QM, Collective Game, Superpower, Action, Urban, Mutants, Quest2020-07-27 7 
October 2020
4472727Daemon Civilization QuestWe follow an exiled Daemon Prince as he tries to build his own empire in the mortal worldCivilization, Civ, Daemons, Demons, Giants, Empire-Builder, RPG, Nether,2020-10-05 0 
4456310Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 10A day of relaxation and planning before the oncoming battleWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi, Servants2020-10-05 11 
4480248Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 11Shinji meets with a certain oni once again.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants2020-10-23 11 
4504360Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 12A new Servant is recruited and the quest goes on a short hiatus.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants2020-10-29 11 
January 2021
76960319Different GiantsA discussion on frsh new takes on giants.Giant,giants, Worldbuilding, worldbuilding2021-01-15 2 
4591798Mutant!Quest #8 In which Elise attempts to take control of her berserker mode, John does a nope, and the Huber conference happens.Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest, Now with improved art! 2021-01-19 6 
4611203Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 13Paradox Reincarnator returns after its hiatus.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants 2021-01-27 11 
February 2021
4623343Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 14Shinji gets engaged. Unwillingly.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants 2021-02-01 11 
4592567Another Mutant!QuestEnter Kyle Parris. College student, mutant, part-time super— wait, what?! Sprout QM, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Collective Game, Quest-of-a-quest, Mutant!Quest2021-02-07 4 
August 2021
4917859Mutant!Quest #09In which we rescue a healer mutant, the M-Guard gains a probationary member, and we try to incite a gang war before everything goes to shit.Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2021-08-23 7 
January 2022
82656869what risk is acceptable in exchange for superpowers?There's a drug that either gives you superpowers or kills you. What'd be the ratio of death versus success before people stopped using it?superpower, superpowers, superhero, superheroes, Mutants & Masterminds, M&M, worldbuilding, setting,2022-01-01 0 
5105510Mutant!Quest #10In which Elise and co. pull off a sick, GTA-style heist! Antics ensue!Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2022-01-23 10 
February 2022
5156274Spineless Quest Episode 1F-Inal Drone mk.IV, a Formicidaean-powered corporation project escapes her holding facility. Solenopsis V. Sparrasid.Spineless Quest, insectqm, arthropods, female MC, mutants, dystopia, genetic enhancements, 2022-02-21 1 
April 2022
5170799Spineless Quest Episode 2Final Drone tries to blend in. Spineless Quest, insectqm, arthropods, female MC, mutants, dystopia, genetic enhancements2022-04-16 1 
5184655Kobolt Klan Adoption 3Local knight adopts more kobolts, slays more monsters, uncovers a terrible conspiracy, gets drunk with friends.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Dreygaun, Mutants, Sci-fi Fantasy2022-04-18 12 
June 2022
5236717Kobolt Klan Adoption 4Local knight finds a friendly wizard to help his issues, additional shenanigans ensueKobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Dreygaun, Mutants, Sci-fi Fantasy 2022-06-04 11 
July 2022
5299975Barovian Legends #3Still in search of her sister, Aranuel uncovers the horrors of the Abbey of Saint Markovia.Fantasy, D&D, Magic, Female Protagonist, Gothic Horror, Mutants, Vampires2022-07-14 2 
5307214Mutant!Quest #11In which Elise hides some mutants, takes a trip to the land of dreams, and uncovers another sinister plot.Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2022-07-18 7 
August 2022
5346371Mutant!Quest #12In which some best-laid-plans are set into motion, and the extraction for Conduit begins!Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2022-08-15 8 
January 2023
87472712/tg/ makes a setting 0 Crumbiung Giantstep thread 39-1/tg/ makes a setting, it's a setting /tg/ makes, yeahCrumbling Giantstep, Feet2023-01-31 -22 
February 2023
87550989/tg/ makes a setting 38 - Witch Supremacy Editionfor archival purposesthrow-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Crumbling Giantstep 2023-02-01 -22 
87627406/tg/ makes a setting 39-2 - Greedy Gods and Goddess EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep.Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-02-15 -22 
March 2023
87795959/tg/ makes a setting 40 - Weird Monsters Out of Nowhere Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep.Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-a-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-03-06 -22 
87956630/tg/ makes a setting 41 - Empress on a Coin EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-a-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-03-20 -22 
April 2023
88125000 /tg/ makes a setting 42 - Fucking Snoloths, how do they work? EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-01 -22 
88278726 /tg/ makes a setting 43 - Birds with Plenty of Eyes EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-08 -22 
88372296/tg/ makes a setting 44 - Cowboy Aliens from Outer Space EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-16 -24 
88465385/tg/ makes a setting 45 - The Great Temples EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-04-23 -22 
May 2023
88563258/tg/ makes a setting 45 - Dark Sorcerers EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-01 -22 
88666593/tg/ makes a setting 47 - You've been gnomed EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-08 -22 
88762012/tg/ makes a setting 48 - Funny Turtles EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-16 -22 
88855281/tg/ makes a setting 49 - Maps in need of Completion EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-23 -22 
88948871/tg/ makes a setting 50 - All I see I give to me EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-05-30 -23 
June 2023
89035095 /tg/ makes a setting 51 - Have at thee, Snoloth! EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-06-07 -23 
89127240/tg/ makes a setting 52 - A year of Giantstep EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-06-14 -23 
89309033/tg/ makes a setting 54 - Witchbog Trade Shenanigans EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-06-28 -23 
July 2023
89389607/tg/ makes a setting 55 - Weird Creatures from the Jungle EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-06 -23 
89472549/tg/ makes a setting 56#1 - Comfy Wooden Palace EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-13 -23 
89552939/tg/ makes a setting 56 - Goblins in the Snow EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-20 -23 
89637453/tg/ makes a setting 58 - Flags of the wold EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-07-27 -23 
August 2023
89718352 /tg/ makes a setting 59 - Behemoths in the Field EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-03 -23 
89797226/tg/ makes a setting 60 - Maps, Maps and more Maps EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-10 -23 
89868753 /tg/ makes a setting 61 - The Ogre Ride Never Ends EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep.Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-17 -23 
89944865/tg/ makes a setting 62 - Wizards and Magic EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-23 -24 
90013461/tg/ makes a setting 63 - Back to the Bestiary EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-08-30 -24 
September 2023
90087220/tg/ makes a setting 64 - Caves for Sporggo EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-09-06 -24 
90241895/tg/ makes a setting 64 - The Fields of ExcretiumAnons continue to discuss the scatlogical aspects of Giantstep Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-09-14 -7 
October 2023
90389784/tg/ makes a setting 68 - Mischievous Wisps EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-05 -6 
90469380/tg/ makes a setting 69 - The Witches' Tree EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-12 -6 
90556756/tg/ makes a setting 70 - The Old Druid Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-19 -6 
90644647/tg/ makes a setting 71 - Yet Again, Maps EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-10-26 -6 
November 2023
90721419/tg/ makes a setting 72 - The Bonefort EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-02 -6 
90795696/tg/ makes a setting 73 - Surprise in the Crops EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-09 -6 
90871350/tg/ makes a setting 74 - Trading across the South Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-16 -7 
90944099/tg/ makes a setting 75 - Witches Having Fun Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-23 -6 
5832322Fate Catastrophe/Superposition10 Years after the Fuyuki Grail War came to an end, Marshall Vrilizadre is chosen by the Grail and summons his Servant. AvengerFate, Type-Moon, Fate Catastrophe/Superposition, Servants, Grail War2023-11-29 0 
91020650/tg/ makes a setting 76 - Running Away from the Monster EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-11-30 -7 
December 2023
91093365/tg/ makes a setting 77 - There be Whales Here EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-07 -8 
91159667 /tg/ makes a setting 78 - Merfolk Summer Palace EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-14 -6 
91224988/tg/ makes a setting 79 - Demon Tieflings EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-21 -5 
5859064Fate Catastrophe/Superposition #2After a heart to heart with Avenger, Marshall finds out he is to head off to Russia. Meeting the competiton before his plane crashesFate, Fate Catastrophe/Superposition, Grail War, Servants, Hassan of 1,000 IP Addresses2023-12-23 0 
91291528/tg/ makes a setting 80 - The Wicked Witch of Littlestep EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2023-12-28 -7 
January 2024
91353551/tg/ makes a setting 81 - Vampire Cult EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-04 -6 
91432606/tg/ makes a setting 82 - The Cosmic Staircase Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-11 -6 
91525253/tg/ makes a setting 83 - Small Magical Argument EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-18 -6 
91607015/tg/ makes a setting 84 - A Small Summoning Mishap EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-01-25 -8 
February 2024
91698476/tg/ makes a setting 85 - Long Leng Labyrinths Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-02 -5 
91779025/tg/ makes a setting 86 - Dark Gods EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-09 -6 
91852462/tg/ makes a setting 87 - The Bone Dome EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-16 -6 
91919615/tg/ makes a setting 88 - Tragic Werespiders EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-02-23 -6 
March 2024
92084027/tg/ makes a setting 89 - Back to Work EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-03-11 -6 
April 2024
92346917/tg/ makes a setting 90 - Party through the Wheat EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-04-08 -7 
May 2024
92669064 /tg/ makes a setting 91 - The Cosmic Staircase EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-05-08 -7 
June 2024
92951280/tg/ makes a setting 92 - Designing Cards EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-06-08 -7 
July 2024
93217145/tg/ makes a setting 93 - Two years going and only now we're moving on to the game part? EditionAnons continue to discuss the world of GiantstepWorldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep2024-07-08 -7 
February 2025
6169408One Life #5Johan goes on a date.Johan, Mimi the Mime, Taxi Driver, Restaurants, Bartender, Ryan Barnaby, Dingo, Fugue Amnesia, Etheric Color Dynamics, The QM Without A Name2025-02-28 1 
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