Thread Title Description Tags Added Score November 2008 3074010 Online Tabletop Horror Stories /tg/ starts off with some decent ones, then out of nowhere gets hit with the epic tale of Uzgob the orc barbarian vs the annoying dick fighter PC. More Uzgob is demanded, and delivered. horror stories , online tabletop , Uzgob , orc barbarian 2008-11-28 11 3081763 Continued tales of Uzgob Continued from Online Tabletop Horror Stories, Uzgob faces off against a "dragon". Uzgob , dragon , wyvern 2008-11-29 9 February 2009 3654446 The Flight of Uzgob Rokkitranga The results of Uzgob Rokkitranga being shot into the air while strapped to a rocket. orks , PIERCE THE HEAVENS , Uzgob Rokkitranga 2009-02-09 31 September 2009 5923961 Goblin Markets ctl: Goblin Markets is shared. Discussion is had, stories are shared, and ideas are fielded for how to make your market the best it can be Changeling , nWod , Goblin Markets, 2009-09-20 3 November 2009 6868629 The Adventures of Bruce Killfist pt1 You are a goblin, and you clan is dead. What will you do? Why you'll don the latest in cat fashion, catch a bat, pay a farmer to sleep in a shed, and go on a quest for revenge! That's what! quest thread , goblin , bruce , batman , revenge 2009-11-26 3 6880035 Motherfucking (Dragon) Quest Thread A dragon hatches and is greeted with the sight of a cave with several dead dragon wyrmlings. It sets out on an adventure and discovers some local history. "Red dragon , Black dragon , Goblin , Wolves , Cave 2009-11-27 3 March 2010 8682575 Settler Quest Starting with a choose your race settler quest /tg/ elects to go Goblin. They proceed to become Glorious Leader. Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs. "Goblins , Bears , Quest , Settler" 2010-03-21 14 8702610 Settler Quest II The goblin tribe expands with another generation added to its ranks and plots to assimilate and conquer. The Glorious Leader is a clever bastard. Goblins , settler , quest , bears 2010-03-21 10 8702610 Settler Quest 2 Glorious Leader. Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs. Goblins , Bears , Quests , Settler 2010-03-21 10 8709150 Settler Quest 2.5 A bugbear burial ground is defieled and a dangerous new enemy is discovered. Settler Quests Goblins 2010-03-22 10 8725635 Settler Quest III Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs. Crusher of bugbears, Impaler of the Slayers. settler , quest , goblins , goblin , village 2010-03-23 9 8802115 Settler Quest IV The Glorious Leader gets his interrogation on and uses his incredible charisma (and the soul of the old bugbear chieftain) to convince the bugbears to join him in his mission to destroy the humans. Goblin , Goblins , Settler , Quest , Collective Game,Bears 2010-03-27 7 8871718 Enter the Sarge Fairly normal "what if" thread leads to our first encounter with Sarge, a badass wood elf on the edge, and leading role in the upcoming film epic: Full Metal Bodkin. Elves , Eldar , Sarge , All Goblins must fucking Hang , Fluff 2010-03-30 14 April 2010 8971811 Warhammer Question/Animosity Suggestions A question about an all-goblin army for Warhammer Fantasy evolves into a discussion about how to fix the animosity rule Warhammer Fantasy , orcs , goblins 2010-04-04 -2 9003741 Settler Quest V The Glorious Leader is back in action, with both the bugbears and another generation of gobs to command--and new targets for pillage and conquest. Short but sweet. Goblin , Goblins , Settler , Quest , Collective Game , Bears 2010-04-06 5 May 2010 9779793 Urist Rackwhispered, Dorfen child. A Fortress is annihilated by a goblin siege, leaving only one dorf child, will she survive? Dorf , Goblin , Siege , Sacrifice 2010-05-13 7 October 2010 12624754 Goblin Nation The story of a goblin village's conflict with the local hobgoblins spiraling way out of control. Writefaggotry , goblin 2010-10-31 1 November 2010 12704192 Goblin Nation II The war against the hobgoblins heats up as foreign powers get involved. goblin , Writefaggotry 2010-11-07 1 12786539 Goblin Nation III The war against the hobgoblins comes to its trollish conclusion. Suddenly, sequelhooks! goblin , Writefaggotry , fairies , hobgoblins 2010-11-14 0 December 2010 13333975 Six races A bunch of fa/tg/uys come up with alternate races for a fantasy setting. races , goblins , brainstorming 2010-12-30 1 January 2011 13581298 Sir Reginald Goldensteel Part One Writefag tells the tale of a fighter, a goblin shaman, and a thri-kreen dragoon. writefaggotry , thri-kreen , goblin 2011-01-20 2 13683280 Sir Reginald Goldensteel Part Two Reginald takes on a blackguard that's holding a town hostage. writefaggotry , thri-kreen , goblin 2011-01-28 0 July 2011 15702313 Fantasy Racial Equality in the Modern Era /tg/ discusses (in-character) the state of race relations in a modern-day world populated by elves, dwarves, goblins, liches, dragons...the works. stories , racial tensions , race , affirmative action , goblins , elves , dwarves , dragons , liches , mind flayers 2011-07-26 10 October 2011 16717231 King Alfonso Civilization Game 4 New races made, new races discovered, and gunpowder. Decisions, decisions... civilization game , alfonso , sanguine kingdom , fucking dorfs , collective game , lizardmen , goblins 2011-10-24 12 November 2011 17037845 Concerning Goblins Anon asks what goblins were like in the original folktales. Cue discussion of goblin lore, Red Caps re-fluffed as rebels against Faerie, and decent writefaggotry. goblins , folklore , red caps , setting 2011-11-28 10 January 2012 17469578 Pimpin' is easy, Genocide is hard Elves discussing the best race to ally with whilst killing the rest before the talks go downhill Elves , Humans , Goblins , confusion 2012-01-09 22 17743432 Goblin Quest We kill our chieftain, raid a wagon, and set up camp Goblin Quest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2012-01-31 1 October 2012 21179959 /tg/ Goblin healthcare Someone starts posting creepy fap material. /tg/ derails everything gloriously. Goblin healthcare , Skeletons , Elves still suck , Derailing 2012-10-18 45 December 2012 21963885 Dragon Clan War: Desert Storm 2 The dragons save their goblins. Get them some slaves. Check on the lizard bros and find some Orcs who are being forced to fight for a Red...who gets her ass whooped. D&D , Collective , Dragon , Goblins , badass 2012-12-10 1 February 2013 22933569 Guy's Civilization Game: Arctic Goblins #1 Just getting a feel for the land around us, we find some food sources, a tower with a golem inside, and prepare for a blizzard. Also we plan to kill all the gods. Guy , civilization game , civ game , civ , collective game , arctic goblins , goblins 2013-02-02 6 23073087 Guy's Civilization Game: Arctic Goblins #2 Fucking humans fucking our shit up, we find some giants living underground, and build a bat/spider farm. Civilization game , arctic goblins , goblins , guy , civ game , civ , collective game 2013-02-10 4 23348526 Victorian Bogeymen Go to bed on time, don't play in the dirt, and don't talk to strangers, or Nicky Nocks, Mr. Sweeps, and Penny Pinchfingers are going to pay you a visit. Boogeymen , Bogeys , folklore , horror , fae , creepy , steampunk , Victorian , England , goblins 2013-02-24 15 23376067 Anon the Mad: The Greatest Goblin Threads start out with a lot of butthurt discussion of chaos gods and orcs, and get derailed by an anon posting his army list for warhammer fantasy... with 63 fanatics. Thus Anon the Mad is born, greatest Goblin Warboss under the mountains Warhammer , Fantasy , Goblin , Orcs and Goblins , Anon the Mad 2013-02-26 20 June 2013 25159170 Micro-civilisation Thread: ohgodwhy edition In which more computer problems force CouncilAdvisor to start up a new civilization for /tg/ to guide and shape. We go with demon-worshipping saytrs and goblin slaves this time. Collective Game , MNB , NB , Micro-Civilization , Civilization Builder , CouncilAdvisor , Goblins , Saytrs , Demons 2013-06-01 0 December 2013 29160409 Goblin Quest I The humblest of possible beginnings, barring non-sentients. Collective Game , Goblin Quest? , Goblins , Caves , Quests , Bones , Boners 2013-12-30 6 29179682 Goblin Quest II The Headless Guardsman, and pyrotechnics. Collective Game , Goblin Quest? , Goblins , Caves , Quests , Fires , More Fires 2013-12-31 3 January 2014 29220662 Goblin Quest III In which our Gobbo drops panties, learns to do various things, and place Ace Harding Collective Game , Goblin Quest? , Goblins , Caves , Quests , Learning , Dead Guys 2014-01-02 6 29277103 Oversized Weapon Quest You get a big sword, get to be the boss, and find some people to boss around! Collective Game , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-01-04 39 29293825 Oversized Weapon Quest 2 4chan cut things short. But you got the boys organized and trained, and got some presents! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-01-05 39 29331722 Oversized Weapon Quest 3 You train the boys up a bit, get a little discouraged, and get into a little fight. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Dwarves 2014-01-07 37 29426044 Pokemon Quest #7 We set up camp, think about our life for a little while and start training our team in the early morning. Pokemon Quest , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Gobble 2014-01-11 27 29442632 Pokemon Quest 8 Part 1 We challenge trainers and get to Kindletown finally Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer, 2014-01-12 24 29449033 Pokemon Quest #8 Part 2 In which we get Vance to agree to pay for food to train him, and see Kindletown Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer, 2014-01-12 24 29469054 Pokemon Quest #9 We confront Robins dad, and turn down the chance to battle him. We confront the scientist that ripped us off, let him go after a short chase, and confess to Robin we stole and lied about it. Vance wrestled a goddamn Ursarang Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , badass , thief , 2014-01-13 21 29476392 Pokemon Quest #9 part 2 We treat Devon to a flute solo, bond with Robin, shed many tears, and decide where to head next Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , emotions 2014-01-13 23 29474500 Oversized Weapon Quest 5 You start your journey! With a dungeon! And your first real fight! A very important system is revealed. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-01-13 31 29564051 Oversized Weapon Quest 6 Things heat up a bit! Fight for your life! Collective Quest , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-01-17 31 29564027 Pokemon Quest #10 We sign an NDA with the museum, spend money on our friends, and battle a hiker Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-01-17 25 29612189 Pokemon Quest #11 part 1 We train Trunks, Zappy Dan, and Vance. Robin catches a Joltik, and we humiliate a strong trainer and avoid a fight. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-01-19 23 29636534 Pokemon Quest #12 We hang out with hippies, argue about romance, argue some more, and distract guards by sabotaging their truck Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-01-20 22 29659165 Oversized Weapon Quest 7 You complete your first real raid, and get roped into some sorta quest. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Elemental Spirits 2014-01-21 29 29713051 Pokemon Quest #13 Vance fights a Stunfisk, we bond with Robin in the showers, and we win big at the casino Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer. casino , gambling 2014-01-23 22 29734929 Oversized Weapon Quest 8 You help that annoying rock guy out, and find more about the forest you're staying in for now. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Big Swords , Elementals , Goblins 2014-01-24 29 29775921 Civilization Quest: Goblins Gorlnash Tribe seeks to take over the world! Collective Game , Civilization Quest , Gorlnash Tribe , Goblins 2014-01-25 1 29781442 Pokemon Quest #14 part 1 We pool our money to buy Robin a Dratini, we name our Abra, we sing Karaoke, and we thwart Team Imperiums Pokemon nabbing Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-01-26 21 29783750 Oversized Weapon Quest 9 You raid the Quarry! And then get a windfall of presents. Rollin' in the progress. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , all dem item upgrades and abilities 2014-01-26 28 29805342 Pokemon Quest #15 part 1 We have breakfast, meet Junior again, and head on over to the Chloroville gym to battle for our first badge Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-01-27 21 29812883 Pokemon Quest #15 Part 2 We conclude the fight for our badge, we learn some valuable lessons, Vance learns lessons from us, and Robin goes for a badge! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , trees 2014-01-27 21 29883511 Oversized Weapon Quest 10 Witches can't be boys! You identify some items, too. It was a relaxing day. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Witches , Curses , Poison 2014-01-30 28 29907683 Pokemon Quest #16 We battle Junior again, give him a lesson, and coach Vance for his gym battle. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-01-31 21 February 2014 29954733 Pokemon Quest #17 Vance catches a Stunky, we train Abra, Vance fights the Chloroville gym, we get into a into a tickle fight. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-02 20 29972989 Pokemon Quest #18 Part 1 We get new clothes, train Raistlin, try to seduce Robin, train Trunks and Devon, and run to catch out ferry Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-03 21 29980378 Pokemon Quest #18 Part 2 We train Trunks to almost learn Horn Leech, Devon learns Counter, we win an obscene amount of money at the ferry casino, and we battle a trainer. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-03 20 30002022 Oversized Weapon Quest 11 Set out for adventure! Find and take pity on an annoying girl, and also get a lot of work done. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Chain Raiding 2014-02-04 29 30047689 Pokemon Quest #19 One of our Pokemon evolves, we get pampered, Vance bonds with Ursaring, and we battle wild Magikarp and Gyarodos Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Gyarodos , Magikarp 2014-02-06 21 30104665 Pokemon Quest #20 part 1 We go to the ships brig and meet a con-man named Antonio Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , cons 2014-02-09 21 30110384 Pokemon Quest #20 Part 2 We try to read Antonio, verify at least part of his story at dinner with the captain, and decide to just leave it alone instead of getting mixed up in some con Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-09 21 30125389 Pokemon Quest #21 We study, walk up the mountain to Aquapolis, and catch a Vulpix with Robin and Vance's help. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-10 22 30152843 Oversized Weapon Quest 12 Your sidequests spawn more sidequests. You meant another elemental and take his trial by fire! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Gnolls , Elementals 2014-02-11 28 30261354 Pokemon Quest #22 Part 1 We arrange for Prof Fir to take care of our extra Pokemon, give Vulpix to Robin, bond a bit, and get a suspicious hotel room Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-16 24 30267526 Pokemon Quest #22 Part 2 We solve the Mystery of the Haunted Hotel with Vance catching a new Pokemon! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-16 21 30307243 Pokemon Quest #23 We get a whole lot of training in and bond with each of our Pokemon, including our new Gyarados, Leviathan. We learn more about Vance and Robin over free dinner Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Gyarados 2014-02-18 22 30334263 Oversized Weapon Quest 13 I prefer my elves medium rare! Meet some wacky gnoll guy. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Gnolls , Roasted Marshmellows 2014-02-19 26 30411928 Pokemon Quest #24 Part 1 We take turns impersonating our friends and making light hearted cracks, and fight the Aquapolis gym leader, Brook. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-23 21 30420160 Pokemon Quest #24 part 2 We cheer on Robin for her gym battle, learn more about Vance's love life and his sister, and confess our feelings to Robin okemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-23 21 30437513 Oversized Weapon Quest 14 You finish up the gnoll side quests with little fanfare, plan a big raid, and then the thread gets cut short. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-02-24 26 30440955 Pokemon Quest #25 part 1 We run from our feelings, get drunk, wander into a cave, and almost get caught by Hornbeam. We save a Zubat and call the police! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-24 21 30446522 Pokemon Quest #25 part 2 We have a really awkward conversation with Robin about our relationship Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-24 25 30508442 Pokemon Quest #26 We set ground rules for our relationship, determine how to handle more than six Pokemon, and fight some tough trainers in a three on three battle. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-02-27 25 30525404 Oversized Weapon Quest 15 Loadse Raiding! You encounter a fated rival! You control destiny briefly! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Huge Weapons , Goblins , Chain Raid , /tg/ tactics 2014-02-28 25 March 2014 30587349 Oversized Weapon Quest 16 Finish up a raid! Get loot! Get lost! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , So Lost Without You , Goblins 2014-03-02 27 30589604 Pokemon Quest #27 We don't get lewd on Robin, train with Levi have a mock battle and train with Vance, learn about a festival, and start a battle with a stranger Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-03-03 22 30598189 Pokemon Quest #27 part 2 We suffer our first loss, go to the festival, have fun with Robin, and get an ominous fortune telling Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , fortune telling 2014-03-03 22 30660845 Pokemon Quest #28 We get an aura reading, get depressed at ourselves, meet Vance's childhood friend Jeanine, and play festival games Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , aura , festival 2014-03-06 21 30675713 Oversized Weapon Quest 17 Scratch another sidequest off the list! Is this the start of a love triangle?! Some new guys show up. You make plans to knock out a dungeon! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Hexblade Spell List 2014-03-07 28 30736903 Oversized Weapon Quest 18 Exposition time! You meet a bunch of people, and a floating skull. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , demilich , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-03-10 24 30736631 Pokemon Quest #29 We cheat at a friendly berry picking contest (totally justified, honest), have Jeanine join the group, and make progress to Braundalin Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-03-10 21 30753404 Knightly Discourse. A knight comes to the court of /tg/ with a most pressing quandary. The knights of /tg/ offer their advice. Knights , problem , squire , hobgoblins , roleplay , chivalry , sodomy 2014-03-11 15 30796824 Oversized Weapon Quest 19 We do the whole tournament! We meet an old friend. People like talking a lot. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Diplomancy , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-03-13 23 30804812 Pokemon Quest #30 We make Robin jealous, chat with Vance about Jeanine, chat with Jeanine about her attitude problem, do some training and have a battle! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-03-13 21 30854375 Pokemon Quest #31 We meet Vance's parents, bury the hatchet with Jeanine, and start an investigation into a mugging Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , investigation 2014-03-16 21 30873690 Pokemon Quest #32 The group goes vigilante on Tony and Team Imperium, and does some investing! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , crime 2014-03-17 24 30940888 Pokemon Quest #33 We get girly with Jeanine, go shopping, and challenge the Braundalin City Gym with Robin Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , gym , battle 2014-03-20 22 31001601 Pokemon Quest #34 We bond with our friends and have an incredibly lewd drunken game of truth or dare Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , NSFW , smut , lewd 2014-03-23 29 31010161 Pokemon Quest #34 part 2 Short thread. We clear things up with Vance's parents and decide to travel to Clairborough Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , hangover 2014-03-23 21 31039237 Oversized Weapon Quest 20 You recruit a bard lady, dork around with rock elementals, and raid a town. What is this strange sense of dissatisfaction?! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Ennui 2014-03-24 24 31087073 Pokemon Quest #35 We exchange stories with Jeanine, meet Junior again, discuss potential rivals, and fight a mysterious horde of angry flying Pokemon Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Pidgey 2014-03-27 23 31101420 Oversized Weapon Quest 21 We go fishing! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Choppa 2014-03-28 24 31141861 Pokemon Quest #36 We stumble into a hidden lab, discover the Elite 4 Geno's dirty secret and associations, have an ethical debate over his actions, and remove out bugs. Dan evolves! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , 2014-03-30 22 31161169 Oversized Weapon Quest 22 You save some tree guys, and bring an end to act one. Good job! You make all kindsa decisions that may or may not have big impacts and meet a dragon disciple and her dragon master. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Thighs , Goblins , Kuo-toa , Big Swords 2014-03-31 23 31163397 Pokemon Quest #37 Part 1 We avoid an ethics debate, have a battle, then have a fight Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer, 2014-03-31 23 31171135 Pokemon Quest #37 Part 2 Bitches be Crazy Edition (Char Dev Edition) We confess our accidental kleptomania, study 'bout Evolution and teach Destiny Signal Beam! The night ends with everyone piled in one tent, Jeanine trying hard with Vance and Kat changing and teasing Robin. All is finally well! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Destiny , Rain, 2014-03-31 21 April 2014 31246293 Pokemon Quest #38 We go on a trip down memory lane and glimpse into Kat's childhood. We also do minor training on the road Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , 2014-04-04 23 31279473 Oversized Weapon Quest 23 You enjoy some relaxing time in camp, and so do your subordinates. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Big Swords , Goblins , Parties 2014-04-06 22 31302417 Pokemon Quest #39 We engage in a very long battle with Eddie. Nibbles fights for all he's worth Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Eddie , battle , Nibbles , Tyrunt 2014-04-07 22 31310207 Pokemon Quest #39 Part 2 We finish our long grueling battle with Eddie and a Pokemon evolves! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Eddie , Battle, 2014-04-07 22 31371688 Pokemon Quest #40 Eddie owes us a favor, we promise to help Vance challenge his sisters gym, hitchhike and buy moonshine, and set up a date with Robin Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-04-10 23 31385441 Oversized Weapon Quest 24 We do some leadering, some shopping, some fashion shopping, and then get on a boat and fight some pirates. It was a busy day. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Fashion , Shopping , Leadership , Big Swords 2014-04-11 21 31431666 Pokemon Quest #41 We convince Vance to go for Jeanine, have a date with Robin, and run into a burning building and buy moonshine , and set up a date with Robin Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-04-13 21 31452050 Oversized Weapon Quest 25 You land on an awful continent filled with awful people. You help them with their awful problems. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Adventure Party , Big Swords , Goblins 2014-04-14 22 31453997 Pokemon Quest #42 We deal with the fallout of the fire, talk about the relationship with Robin, evolve a Pokemon and work out a solid training plan. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-04-14 23 31498025 Oversized Weapon Quest 26 You solve a case, get drunk, find a friendservant, and start your new adventure! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Alcohol , Lizardmen 2014-04-16 22 31548242 Pokemon Quest #43 We get a lot of training in and challenge Vance to a friendly battle. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2014-04-18 21 31602182 Oversized Weapon Quest 27 You summon a dryad, fight a golem, and reincarnate a party member. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Skeletons , Reincarnate 2014-04-21 22 31664085 Oversized Weapon Quest 28 You get god like powers, and start setting Utalaga ablaze! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Turtles , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-04-24 20 31763290 Pokemon Quest #45 Jeanine adopts Pokemon, we go to get our fourth badge, meet Clair, and have a psychic standoff before the gym battle Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , psychic 2014-04-28 22 31803267 Oversized Weapon 29 You kill a shoujo love interest before it exists. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Vampires 2014-04-30 18 May 2014 31830379 Pokemon Quest #46 We venture into Clair's mind, learn about her and Vance's past, her inner demons, and come out with out brain unfried. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , psychic 2014-05-01 22 31848516 Oversized Weapon Quest 30 You find another OWU! And fight them. your domain grows. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Librarian 2014-05-02 20 31893745 Pokemon Quest #47 We fight our gym battle with Clair using a machine that lets us enter our Pokemon's minds. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Psychic , Gym Battle , Clair 2014-05-04 22 31916355 Pokemon Quest #48 We deal with the fallout from the match, bond with the team, help Vance with his issues, and play dress-up with the crew Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Cosplay 2014-05-05 22 31983078 Pokemon Quest #49 We get dressed up, play a drinking game, spend quality time training and decide to head to Sandorp issues , and play dress-up with the crew Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Cosplay 2014-05-08 22 31998126 Oversized Weapon Quest 31 In which we finish up a big sidequest. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Light , Demi-Goddess 2014-05-09 20 32043658 Pokemon Quest #50 part 1 We name Jeanine's Pokemon, get Clair to join, think about our trust issues and challenge trainers Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer, 2014-05-11 22 32051871 Pokemon Quest #100 Part 2 We have a quick battle and manage to keep our cool and act mature. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , battle , Magenzone 2014-05-11 21 32061492 Oversized Weapon Quest 32 You recruit a smith, and find a ride! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Monks Everywhere , Goblins , Big Swords , Q&A 2014-05-12 16 32123517 Oversized Weapon Quest 33 You get lost, fight a lady, complete a sidequest, level up, grab items, and get rid of something pointless. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Wedding Dress 2014-05-15 16 32128804 Pokemon Quest #51 We act like decent sports, train with Raistlin, get a little closer with Clair, and consider our other goals Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , training, 2014-05-15 22 32262375 Oversized Weapon Quest 34 We kill the QM Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Turtles , Lasers , Metal Gear Solid 2014-05-22 20 32353005 Oversized Weapon Quest 35 Killing people results in boring paperwork. We managed to file all the forms correctly. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-05-26 16 32437444 Oversized Weapon Quest 36 You finish the coup, reunite with the boys, and get a move on with the next objective. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Big Swords , Goblins , Forests , Army Management 2014-05-29 16 June 2014 32546532 Oversized Weapon Quest 37 You get some help from some trees, and bully an elf to help and elf you bully Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , All nat 20s 2014-06-03 16 32657757 Oversized Weapon Quest 38 Roll d20 to apply blackface Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Elves 2014-06-09 23 32801395 Oversized Weapon Quest 39 You make a deal, and then sorta disobey orders but not really? Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Tactical Goblin Action 2014-06-16 15 32861619 Oversized Weapon Quest 40 In which the QM loses focus and rambles for an hour and a half. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Unprofessional 2014-06-19 13 33085241 Oversized Weapon Quest 41 We get the best puppy ever Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , big lizards 2014-06-30 13 July 2014 33167101 Oversized Weapon Quest 42 Shax gets back in town, and starts raiding random stuff again. Starting with a circus. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , goldfish 2014-07-04 14 33231300 Oversized Weapon Quest 43 A clown shows up. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , clowns 2014-07-07 14 33316059 Oversized Weapon Quest 44 Tokimeki Axe Girl's Side Story Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , Inter-Planar Relations , big swords 2014-07-11 14 33399489 Oversized Weapon Quest 45 there, at the shrine of the silver monkey, you must assemble all three pieces to continue further into the Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , legend of the hidden temple 2014-07-15 12 33472864 Oversized Weapon Quest 46 Rise of the Cyber Kobolds Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Intermission , goblins , big swords 2014-07-18 12 33560011 Oversized Weapon Quest 47 You recap things for an old guy and Blaise reveals her ambitions. Oversized Weapon Quest , Collective Game , big swords , goblins , bdsm 2014-07-22 12 33678367 Oversized Weapon Quest 48 fairies skeletons beltbras Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , big swords , goblins , beltbras 2014-07-27 11 33722800 Oversized Weapon Quest 49 3spooky5me: Critfail Edition Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , ghost house 2014-07-28 11 August 2014 33893132 Oversized Weapon Quest 50 And there appeared another wonder in Manderlay; and behold a great black dragon, having seven owls and ten horns, and a crown upon her head. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , shax could join a knight order now 2014-08-05 12 34014942 Oversized Weapon Quest 51 In which Shax is the most demure Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , old natty 1 2014-08-10 12 34090879 Oversized Weapon Quest 52 Shax reunites with some old friends, talks to some demons. A magical evening is experienced. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , magic tricks 2014-08-13 11 34347289 Oversized Weapon Quest 53 Shax deals with another boss! Makes a plan to fill an elven forest with undead. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , boss points are a decent mechanic 2014-08-24 13 34392916 Oversized Weapon Quest 54 Shax wanders into a tower and finds out how awful it is to fight an arcane caster in 3.5 Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , caster edition 2014-08-26 11 September 2014 34534690 Oversized Weapon Quest 55 You go to the beach, then make a decision. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , Final Chapter Start 2014-09-01 11 34676456 Oversized Weapon Quest 56 Allonces' mom is hot Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , allonces' mom is hotter than anyone else 2014-09-07 11 34838120 Oversized Weapon Quest 57 You help some nerds. Oh, and also Ascend, I guess. That might matter. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , neeeerrrds 2014-09-14 13 34861114 Oversized Weapon Quest 58 You win! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , the real winners are the audience 2014-09-14 27 34867262 Oversized Weapon Quest The End Last few things since the thread died. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , goblins , big swords , alls well that ends well 2014-09-15 25 December 2014 36761332 Victarian Mortas necromancer thread Mortas goes to parley with the goblins and a disaster befalls him and octavia Victarian Mortas , necromancy , collective game , civilization , goblins , undead , octavia 2014-12-14 2 37047332 Pokemon Quest #52 Kat has a nightmare.
GOBBLE LIVES! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer, 2014-12-30 25 37052234 Pokemon Quest #52 Part 2 We stumble onto a ditto mating ball, manage not to get eaten, and Jeanine catches one. Also, we act like a friend to the group. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer, 2014-12-30 23 January 2015 37109584 Pokemon Quest #53 Part 1 Kat battles for a fake badge! Trunks is a beast! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer, 2015-01-02 22 37117510 Pokemon Quest #53 Part 2 We convince Clair to help Connie, do some long awaited training and Raistlin evolves! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer, 2015-01-02 20 37159179 Pokemon Quest #54 We encounter Delmer, save Robin, bond with friends and leave for Sandorp Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , hostage 2015-01-05 20 37169734 Pokemon Quest #54 Part 2 We hit the road with traveling merchants, then head off to explore ruins in the desert. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-01-05 21 37290320 Pokemon Quest #55 Part 1 We explore the ruins, solve puzzles and don't die to traps. We find abandoned Team Imperium members Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-01-11 20 37301074 Pokemon Quest #55 Part 2 We have a grueling battle against the legendary Regirock Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-01-11 20 37311332 Pokemon Quest #56 Part 1 We finish the dungeon, get a new flute, and a trap is sprung! A shitstorm trap! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-01-12 20 37319483 Pokemon Quest #56 Part 2 We scramble to heal Robin, come close to killing ourselves in the attempt, and head out into the desert! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , cyclops 2015-01-12 20 37400560 Pokemon Quest #57 We make up with Robin, wander the desert, scare off bandits and meet Emma of the Elite Four Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-01-16 20 37447001 Pokemon Quest #58 We talk with Emma of the Elite Four, have a relaxing time at the baths, and meet another legendary Pokemon! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-01-18 20 37556165 Pokemon Quest #59 We promise not to get obsessed, get lewd with Robin while Clair watches, and get down to some good old training! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-01-23 20 37576201 Pokemon Quest #60 We do some intense training with all our Pokemon, literally fight Trunks, get Devon to mega-evolve, and meet the Ghost gym leader. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-01-24 20 37664857 Pokemon Quest #61 We chat with Schechina the Ghost Gym leader, befriend our mean dream version of ourselves, and begin our 5th official badge battle Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Ghost , Gym 2015-01-28 23 February 2015 37757778 Pokemon Quest #62 We battle for our 5th badge, bury our old life, learn Robin's secret and make a promise not to hold back at the league. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Ghost , Gym 2015-02-01 20 37780990 Pokemon Quest #64 We go on a date at the ice rink, talk to Clair about relationships, and battle Emma of the Elite Four Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Ice , Elite Four , Emma 2015-02-02 20 37824821 Pokemon Quest #64 (actual) We work out a deal to become an idol for Devon Corp, discover Emma was mind-diddled by Hornbeam, and convinced Clair to stay
Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-02-04 20 37885873 Pokemon Quest #65 Part 1 We spend time at the beach, reconnect with Destiny, and somehow swap bodies with friends Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , bodyswap, 2015-02-07 20 37893475 Pokemon #65 Part 2 We act like a skank in Robin's body Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-02-07 20 37939039 Pokemon Quest #66 part 2 We destroy Eddie in a battle using Nibbles, offer some advice, and hit the road to Alloycaster Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-02-09 20 37931291 Pokémon Quest #66 part 1 We train with Robin, Vance and Jeanine, have some issues with Sneasel and Eevee evolves. We challenge Eddie to a battle. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-02-09 20 38360172 Pokemon Quest #67 We arrive at Alloycaster and have a very public battle with the obscenely rich Dick. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , battle , 2015-02-28 21 March 2015 38499030 Pokemon Quest #68 We make a big impact on TV with Robin, learn Vlad has gone missing, and do training with Junior Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Junior 2015-03-06 20 38542716 Pokemon Quest #69 We council Junior, go shopping, and things get hot on the dance floor. 4chan breaks Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , 2015-03-08 20 38591906 Pokemon Quest #70 We work out a deal with Devoncorp to get our own reality show, and start some training! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , idol 2015-03-10 20 38613644 Pokemon Quest #71 We convince Vance to keep Sneasel, give him some rough treatment, evolve Destiny and Raistlin, and have a surprise encounter with Team Imperium! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , training 2015-03-11 20 38683013 Pokemon Quest #72 We battle Team Imperium in a lopsided fight, turn them over to the police, and have conversations with Jeanine's mom then Robin's dad. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , parents 2015-03-14 21 38705069 Pokemon Quest #73 You get a little bonding time with your Pokemon and Sneasel, tell the police about Robert's threats, evolve Nibbles and start the gym battle Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , 2015-03-15 20 38724701 Pokemon Quest #74 Part 1 We fight in the Alloycaster gym alongside Robin for our sixth badge. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , gym battle 2015-03-16 20 38732204 Pokemon Quest #74 part 2 We conclude our tense battle with Furby, get a pair of rings with Robin, meet the TV crew and decide where to go next Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , gym battle 2015-03-16 20 38835596 Pokemon Quest #75 We have an interview for TV, shill for Devon Corp and work out our future shilling, decide to get involve in shutting down Lapras poaching, and have a talk with Vance. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , teenagers 2015-03-21 20 38854746 Pokemon Quest #75 We talk with Clair about Vance, arrive at Lace Point and get some world-shattering news from the royal family Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , parents 2015-03-22 20 38876313 Pokemon Quest #77 part 1 We take an airship to the Fennekin reserve/hunting grounds while learning more about our possible family Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , parents 2015-03-23 20 38883407 Pokemon Quest #77 part 2 We have an encounter in the forest with Meloetta and some Fennekin! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Meloetta , Fennekin 2015-03-23 20 38917618 Pokemon Quest #78 We bond with princess Beatrix, earn some respect from the king and prince, and begin out capture-the-flag style gym battle Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , CTF 2015-03-25 20 38975186 Pokemon Quest #79 We conclude our battle for our 7th badge Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , CTF 2015-03-28 20 38995030 Pokemon Quest #80 We spend the day with the family, encourage Vance in his fight with a guard, and have a pleasant dinner Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , parents 2015-03-29 20 39009363 Pokemon Quest #81 Part 1 We find a bug, investigate, and find the answer to if we're really a princess or not Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , parents 2015-03-30 20 39019237 Pokemon Quest #81 part 2 We learn about Hornbeam's plan, turn down a major offer from the king, and prepare for a massive battle Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , parents 2015-03-30 20 April 2015 39113265 Pokemon Quest #82 We fight the horde of Pokemon, learn Hornbeams plans, and almost have Meloetta in the group Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Meloetta 2015-04-04 21 39245225 Pokemon Quest #83 We say our goodbyes to the royal family, practice the flute, bond with Jeanine and chat with the prince about responsibility Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , royalty 2015-04-10 20 39286823 Pokemon Quest #84 We battle Arledge, practice the flute, and get lewd in celebration Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , battle , lewd 2015-04-12 20 39311076 Pokemon QUest #85 We watch out show, Clair fesses up to Vance, run into Dick, and we have a disagreement with the director Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-04-13 20 39424494 Pokemon Quest #87 We have a scuffle with Dick, entertain some kids, hash things out with Kroustou and start training Vance Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-04-19 20 39451261 Pokemon Quest #87 We train with Vance and Vlad, finally impress Meloetta with the flute, and fight with her against Slaking Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Meloetta 2015-04-20 20 May 2015 39775855 Pokemon Quest #88 We escape the Slakings, rescue Meloetta from opportunistic poachers, and go see the stars at night until an old enemy shows up. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Meloetta , Slaking , Delmer , kidnap 2015-05-06 20 39848768 Fenrir's Goblin Civ pt.1 The jungle Goblins set out to strengthen their homely clearing; but with mishap after mishap, they don't make much headway. There's promise though, and the chance to become something great. collective game , goblin , civ , fenrir , thread , civilisation , jungle 2015-05-10 1 39877823 Pokemon Quest #89 We deal with the Delmer and Poacher's attacking us Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Meloetta 2015-05-11 20 40021431 Pokemon Quest #90 We stop a counter attack from the poachers, try to mega-evolve with Raistlin and do some bonding and research with friends. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , poachers 2015-05-18 21 40184688 Pokemon Quest #91 We recover from our wounds, solve the mystery of the missing ring, get to Faeden, catch Metapod and begin our battle to catch Meloetta Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Bulbasaur , Meloetta , Sneasel , mystery , metapod 2015-05-26 20 40247300 Pokemon Quest #92 We battle Meloetta for the right to capture and train her. A large crowd watches. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Bulbasaur , Meloetta 2015-05-29 20 June 2015 40305440 Pokemon Quest #93 part 1 We deal with an attempted Pokemon stealer, arrange Robin's new eye, talk mega-evolution and arrive at the 8th gym Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , fairy 2015-06-01 20 40312392 Pokemon Quest #93 Part 2 We begin our battle for our 8th badge! Short thread Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , fairy 2015-06-01 20 40413214 Pokemon Quest #94 We battle for our 8th badge at the Faeden Fairy gym Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , fairy , gym 2015-06-06 20 40454411 Pokemon Quest #95 Part 2 We conclude our 8th gym battle and talk with the current champion Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , fairy , gym 2015-06-08 20 40462229 Pokemon Quest #95 Part 2 You enjoy a romantic date with Robin until an uninvited guest shows up Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , fairy , parents , family drama 2015-06-08 20 40287078 On Hobgoblins and other golbinoid creatures Hobgoblins, how are they used in different settings? What differentiates them from orcs or common gobbos? And also some goblin lore. fluff , goblin , hobgoblin , oc , orc , race , setting 2015-06-08 6 40545329 Pokemon Quest #96 We get more insight into Robin's mom, meet the old champion, and challenge him to a battle Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , pervert , old man 2015-06-12 20 40605617 Pokemon Quest #97 part 1 We battle Vernon, the former champion, then take Meloetta out for that jam session we promised. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , old man , battle , Gyarados , Poliwrath 2015-06-15 20 40611887 Pokemon Quest #97 Part 2 We nickname and train Meloetta, inspect Robin's new eye, and walk her to the surgery room Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , surgery , paranoia , cyborg 2015-06-15 20 40723903 Pokemon Quest #98 We bond with Raistlin, Robin goes for surgery, and we get paranoid! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , surgery , paranoia , cyborg , alakazam , meditation 2015-06-21 20 40863543 Pokemon Quest #99 Robin gets her new eye. We plan our future training and get ranted at by Robin's mom Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , crazy 2015-06-28 22 July 2015 40995427 Pokemon Quest #100 We say goodbye to our friends and begin our training with Vernon. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-07-04 20 41355688 Pokemon Quest #101 We venture into the jungle and stumble on a wild Pokemon fight. We meet a mysterious Tangrowth too! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Seviper , Tangrowth , Jungle 2015-07-21 20 41439986 Pokemon Quest #102 We help a wounded Seviper and ask for guidance in return. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-07-25 20 41550503 Pokemon Quest #103 We start our training by climbing a mountain under Vernon's increasing arbitrary conditions. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-07-30 20 August 2015 41834968 Pokemon Quest #104 We do a whole lot of planning for training to make our Pokemon OP Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-08-13 20 41896685 Pokemon Quest #105 We figure out the rest of the training plans and having a teaching moment with Aria Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-08-16 20 42095282 Pokemon Quest #106 We do training and bonding, mega-evolve Levi, and challenge Raistlin and Aria to a battle! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-08-26 20 42154259 Pokemon Quest #107 We have our battle with Raistlin and Aria, then have a discussion about ethics with Robin Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-08-29 20 September 2015 42482839 Pokemon #108 We have another psychic trip with Raistlin in the hopes of triggering mega-evolution. Things don't go perfectly. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , alakazam , 2015-09-14 20 42588102 Pokemon #109 We connect with Raistlin on a whole new level and go out to soothe the savage beast. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-09-19 20 42765137 Pokemon Quest #110 We fight Garchomp and take a beating. It ends with a new addition to the team Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , garchomp , meloetta , injury 2015-09-28 20 October 2015 42857005 Pokemon Quest #111 We get back to the cabin, Robin threaten Garchomp and we have some tension because of it, and we go find the jungle girl! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-10-03 20 42894501 Pokemon Quest #112 We bring the jungle girl in, have a moment with Vernon, and get what we need to run a DNA test Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-10-05 20 43130425 Pokemon Quest #113 We fight a giant robot, celebrate, find the truth about the jungle princess, and we're told our dad has been found. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , giant robot 2015-10-18 20 43284501 Pokemon Quest #114 We become a viscountess and finally arrive at the Pokemon league. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-10-26 20 November 2015 43416924 Pokemon Quest #115 We register, meet Hunter again, study and prepare for our first Pokemon League match. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-11-02 20 43527687 Pokemon Quest #116 We have our first Pokemon league battle and the dice try to ruin everything Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-11-08 21 43630484 Pokemon Quest #117 We deal with our actions from the last match, watch Robin's battle and prepare for the next round. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-11-14 20 43658255 Pokemon Quest #118 We have our second Pokemon League match, and a run in with Dark Kat. Is Mega-evolution no longer possible? Disaster! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-11-16 20 43774091 Pokemon Quest #119 We deal with the round 2 aftermath, meet our next opponent, become popular and make friends, and tease the shit out of Clair. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-11-23 20 December 2015 43908563 Awoken Overlord Quest I Your Name is Alice and you are the overlord now. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-04 5 43925515 Awoken Overlord Quest II Alice starts her new job as the overlord and recruits the first few followers. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-04 1 43949255 Awoken Overlord Quest III Alice continues her quest, finds mighty allies and some other guys. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-04 1 44008299 Pokemon Quest #120 The first half of our battle with Ritchie. The dice become our ally once again! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-12-06 20 44027157 Pokemon Quest #121 We conclude our battle with Ritchie, Jeanine has a crazy theory, and we do some quick training. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-12-07 20 43980634 Awoken Overlord Quest IV Alice continues her journey to become a supreme overlord, only stopped by OP's schedule Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-07 1 44018196 Awoken Overlord Quest IV.V (NSSF-Edition) Alice again continues her journey, this time with a QM who hasn't slept for two days. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess , No sleep since friday Edition 2015-12-07 1 44118036 Pokemon Quest #122 We watch Robin's match, discuss parents and issues, research our next opponent and train train train Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2015-12-12 21 44138517 Pokemon Quest #123 We train, have an interview, and (almost) meet our dad Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer, 2015-12-13 21 44043160 Awoken Overlord Quest V: Fell asleep in the middle of the last thread edition Alice is back, after being interrupted by sleep. Also, a boar is caught and such. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess , fell asleep edition 2015-12-14 1 44197710 Pokemon Quest #124 We start out match against Dick doing extremely well. Like, really stupidly well. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , regirock , electivire , meloetta 2015-12-16 21 44189651 Awoken Overlord Quest VI Alice is finally back and continues her conquest, even against some pretty bad odds. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess 2015-12-16 1 44348561 Pokemon Quest #125 We finish our match with Dick using Aria and Levi. The dice are on our side Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , regirock , gyarados , gigalith 2015-12-24 26 January 2016 44525160 Pokemon Quest #126 We have a post-match inquiry with the Elite Four, and scheme to free Regirock from Dick. Aria a cute Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , regirock 2016-01-03 21 44694009 Pokemon Quest #127 We go to different ruins with the champ and Vance, and talk Pokemon rights. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-01-11 21 44822405 Pokemon Quest #128 We fight Registeel, Delmer in his new form, and even encounter Dialga Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Registeel , Dialga 2016-01-17 21 45120342 Pokemon Quest #129 We finish up in the temple, arrange rides, have more messed up time with Violet Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-01-31 21 February 2016 45183435 Pokemon Quest #130 We use diplomacy to help Regirock, don't get seduced, talk with fir, and find BEST DUCK Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Porygon2 2016-02-03 22 45429028 Pokemon Quest #131 We figure out a plan for Porygon and train for our Elite Four battle. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Porygon2 2016-02-15 21 45684218 Pokemon Quest #132 Part 1 The first half of our battle with CLiff of the Elite Four Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Elite Four 2016-02-28 20 45694439 Pokemon Quest #132 Part 2 Oberon continues to steal the show in your battle with Cliff. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Oberon , Garchomp 2016-02-28 21 45709978 Pokemon Quest #133 We finish our battle with Cliff of the Elite 4 Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Oberon , Garchomp 2016-02-29 20 March 2016 45821011 Pokemon Quest #134 We have a short thread where we prepare for our next Elite 4 battle Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , crazy 2016-03-06 21 46040787 Pokemon Quest #135 We watch Robin's match, and train our butt off. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-03-16 21 46145763 Pokemon Quest #136 We begin our battle with Emma of the Elite Four. Nibbles takes a beating, but dishes one out, too Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Tyrantrum , Articuno 2016-03-21 22 46276040 Pokemon Quest #137 We continue our match with Emma, and it remains a game of back and forth plays and critical failures. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , elite four , Alakazam 2016-03-27 22 46295654 Goblin civ #1 Goblins are working towards revenge against the dwarven people. Goblin , Civ , dwarves , humans , elves , necromancy , shaman 2016-03-28 2 April 2016 46380799 Goblin civ #2 Goblins are working towards revenge against the dwarven people. Goblin , Civ , dwarves , humans , elves , necromancy , shaman 2016-04-01 1 46443907 Pokemon Quest #138 We come into the last leg of our long battle with Emma Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Elite Four 2016-04-04 23 46598232 Pokemon Quest #139 We have our post matchup roundup, watch Robin's battle, and train train train Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-04-11 21 46737968 Pokemon Quest #140 We start our battle with Robert, the fire type elite four master. We're a status whore. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-04-18 27 46865519 Pokemon Quest #141 Our battle with Robert comes to an abrupt end. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Heatran , Crobat 2016-04-24 27 May 2016 47010372 Pokemon Quest #142 A thread between our third and fouth Elite Four battles. Training, marriage counselling, and more! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Elite Four 2016-05-01 21 47027937 Pokemon Quest #143 We begin our fight with Geno, learn about alligators and crocodiles, and the dice punish us for our hubris. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , meloetta 2016-05-02 21 72146 The Goblin's Quest A little green goblin on his way to become king: The failures, the successes, the atrocities. Goblin , Dragon , Elves 2016-05-07 2 84719 Wizard Quest Adventure on a stick. Wizard Quest , pixies , dwarf , goblin , satan 2016-05-08 11 47239926 Pokemon Quest #144 We continue our fight with Geno Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Dragon 2016-05-14 21 47273107 Pokemon Quest #145 Our battle with Geno reaches its conclusion. Pokemon Quest , Collective Game , Pokemon , Gobble , Flute , Punk , Pokemon Trainer 2016-05-16 21 47494711 Pokemon Quest #146 We work with Geno to stop Team Imperium's plans. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , crime 2016-05-29 21 154180 Greentext Quest 5 James dances and enjoys his friend's handmade meal. , Collective Game , Monter Girls , dice , goblins , Greentext Quest 2016-05-29 1 June 2016 47633858 Pokemon Quest #147 Kat gets arrested and the thread gets derailed by a shitstorm. Collective Game , Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Flute , Punk , Pokemon Trainer 2016-06-06 20 47730411 Pokemon Quest #148 We train, learn about Hornbeam, Violet, and Mewtwo's backstory, and do our music video shoot. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-06-12 20 47747223 Pokemon Quest #149 We finish our training and watch Robin battle Violet. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-06-13 30 47826916 Pokemon Quest #150 Part 1 The battle results are cut short as an old enemy makes an appearance! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , psychic 2016-06-18 21 47830330 Pokemon Quest #151 part 2 You fend off Hornbeams attack. For now. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-06-18 21 47962192 Pokemon Quest 151 We deal with the battle aftermath, planning the fight against hornbeam, and morale. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-06-26 22 July 2016 48541813 Pokemon Quest 152 We get an SOS, make landfall, and start preparing for our attack on Hornbeam Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-07-31 20 August 2016 48558609 Pokemon Quest 153 We rob a drug store like the good guys we are. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-08-01 20 48778660 Pokemon Quest 154 Part 1 We fight General Harris, a high ranking Team Imperium member, as a stalling action. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-08-14 20 48786173 Pokemon Quest 154 part 2 We make our mad struggle to escape Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , colossal screwup 2016-08-14 20 48800055 Pokemon Quest 155 We bond with Violet in captivity, if you know what I mean Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-08-15 24 49029058 Pokemon Quest 156 We bust out and reunite! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , prison break 2016-08-28 20 49047828 Pokemon Quest 157 We have our final confrontation with Hornbeam. Nothing goes as planned for anyone. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-08-29 22 September 2016 517749 Goblin Chieftain Quest After the fall of the last Dark Lords, you will restore the goblins to glory. Collective Game , Goblins , Fantasy , Goblin Chieftain Quest 2016-09-01 7 49171542 Pokemon Quest 158 We deal with Violet and Mewtwo and Giratina. A lot of wrapping things up. Sparkle Cannon is finally used! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-09-05 20 557696 Pokemon Quest 159 We celebrate our victory, decompress, bond with Pokemon and trainers, and chat with Lugia Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-09-12 20 591643 Pokemon Quest 160 The first half of our battle with Robin for the regional championship. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-09-19 21 602882 Pokemon Quest #161 We continue the battle for the championship. Thread ends on a cliffhanger Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-09-21 24 619400 Pokemon Quest 162: Finale We finish our fight for the championship on a high note and everyone lives happily ever after. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer 2016-09-25 29 October 2016 648462 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #1 We do character gen, almost lose an egg, discuss sexually molesting a rock, and get a new companion Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-10-02 34 653540 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #2 We catch our first Pokemon, get pranked, and get an infodump about the island Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-10-03 24 662565 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #3 We act like a hero and get mud and vomit for our trouble, fight some fire Pokemon and get backup from best rock. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game 2016-10-05 40 667016 Goblin Quest #1 we wake up in prison and are rescued by smithy the goblin Goblin Quest , Collective Game 2016-10-09 3 678525 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #4 Two days long! We man up, go into caves, get lost, man up some more, and bond a lot with Laki. Egg hatches too! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-10-10 23 687690 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #5 We bond with our new budew, help a beached wailmer, have a run in with Jane, and meet a fisherman who teaches us a few things Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-10-14 22 705914 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #6 We visit home, battle Polu, train, explore, battle a Nuzleaf and get a palm reading Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-10-17 22 680132 Goblin Quest #2 after escaping the prison we run into an elf Goblin Quest , Collective Game 2016-10-18 1 742635 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #7 We go on a fashion and shopping spree, bond with the girls, encounter ruffians and start a battle with Jane Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-10-26 21 765225 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #8 We finish our battle with Jane, have a conversation over ice cream, get Mace checked out and meet a shady dealer in the spooky forest at nig Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-10-31 21 November 2016 794778 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #9 You, Laki, and Val have lewd misunderstandings. Mace has a close call in a tube. You battle a gym mechanic for valuable info. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-11-07 21 50257032 kobold-purists-btfo another stupid fucking kobold thread gets derailed by goblins and a demon. made me not OD on pills that evening, so I give it a thumbs up Kobold , Goblin 2016-11-17 0 824700 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #10 You do some training and bonding with your pokemon and Hana. Mace learns to go fast Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-11-19 22 848697 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #11 We have a dream, sleep-molest Keira, remember a recipe, and begin our first gym battle. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-11-27 23 December 2016 876860 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #12 You finish your first gym battle at the electric gym at Kaitwe town Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-12-04 22 898861 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #13 We watch Hana's battle, search for a runaway pichu, meet two Pokemon in a cave, and find Keira Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-12-09 20 916565 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #14 You bond with Keira, help free Hydreigon, stand up to a gym leader, ruin Valerie's day and visit home. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-12-12 21 937156 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #15 You chatted with your sister, invited Laki along, hosted dinner for everyone, and had an non-hostile Jane encounter. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-12-18 20 949583 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #16 You bonded with Polu, fished with Hana, and made friends with a dangerous shark (no, not Jane.) Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-12-23 20 966693 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #17 You go to the Electric temple and learn the secret of the difficult but filling baco bread. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2016-12-29 20 January 2017 984165 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #18 Bella evolved! You got involved in a temple debate. You had an underwear adventure with a girl Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-01-05 20 1008839 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #19 You meditate, battle Polu, lose Mace, get capture by wild pokemon, and Gobble is a dick Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-01-09 21 1033223 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #20 You rescued Mace and his boldore friend, ran into Val and Belladonna, and had to discipline the small Grass pokemon for mischief. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-01-15 20 1048983 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #21 Bonding with Bella and Val, Dice the Totodile joins the team, fish, and desecrate the snow of Eelilee Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-01-19 20 1074352 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #22 You met with the high ranking clergy on Eelilee and decided to go on a vision quest to prove your worth. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-01-29 20 February 2017 1100564 Pokemon Island Adventure quest #23 We go on a vision quest and prove we are not dangerous to the priests Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-02-04 20 1128474 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #24 You bond with Dice, have sexy massage time, and have a very awkward conversation with Keira. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-02-12 20 1153121 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #25 You do a lot of overdue training, race Jane, and watch a battle. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-02-19 20 1175308 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #26 You battled over a flaming structure for your second badge, and went fishing with Keira and Hana Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-02-21 18 March 2017 1197087 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #27 Hana gets zapped, we go to Take, awkwardly flirt, and turn down a sidequest Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-03-02 20 51915763 King asks for goblins to be "taken care of" A king asks /tg/ to take care of a goblin infestation. /tg/ misinterprets hilariously. goblins , literal genie , troll 2017-03-04 4 1223118 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #28 We do errands, sleep with Valerie, act like team mom for everyone, train, make Laki blush, and have coffee with Jane Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-03-06 22 1256393 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #29 You hug the shark, have seedy encouners in the sketchy part of Take, train, and start Truth or Dare Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-03-13 20 1279955 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #30 Truth or Dare with the thread ending lewdly. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-03-22 20 1297101 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #31 Truth or dare finally wraps up, Jane's shell begins to crack, and there's a ghostly encounter in the kitchen Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-03-24 16 April 2017 1318271 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #32 You and Polu take on the Teotake island's poison gym and it's strange trials Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-04-09 13 1349132 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #33 We take the Poison Gym leader's mission to take her brother's right to his ship, in order to keep him away from the island. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-04-23 13 1372375 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #34 You had a fashion-off with a pirate captain! You helped Hana catch a Chinchou Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-04-23 13 1390449 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #35 You massage Laki get lewd Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-04-30 20 May 2017 1414140 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #36 We set off once again! Herb, Laki, and Kiera continue with the Fisherman's requests and must capture 30 Kecleon. We meet Max, he's a dick. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-05-08 12 1442952 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #37 You catch a bajillion Kecleon. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-05-14 12 1422875 Amateur Goblin Hunter Quest A child is the only person awake in a house full of goblins. OP disappears and someone else steps in. amateur goblin hunter , londry 2017-05-14 2 1456542 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #38 We negotiated and brought the Kecleon to a new home and engaged in an aura mixing ritual with Keira. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-05-22 13 1483710 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #39 You meet and train a Tauros, find a new power in yourself, have a painful moment with Dice, and more Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-05-23 15 1504223 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #40 We bond with Keira, work out, battle a strong gentleman, and come home to visit Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-05-29 14 June 2017 1536751 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #41 You give Jane a Moon Stone and have a battle. Dice vs Nidoqueen! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-06-16 20 1583730 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #42 We have a date with Jane, almost join a Team, and get indecisive about girls some more Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-06-19 15 1594085 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #43 We have a talk with Hana, go to bed, and head downstairs for breakfast. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-06-21 20 1598713 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #44 We explore the woods, our own motivations and feelings, meet Kat, get the girls Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-06-25 20 July 2017 1630849 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #45 You have a man-to-man with your dad, think up some fashion for your pokemon, and have a Dragonair encounter Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-07-05 14 1651345 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #46 You finish the Rod quest, take the spice challenge, and unlock your pokemon's potential Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-07-16 15 1671016 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #47 You get a new pokemon, give Laki some attention, have a strange moment with her and dream Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking , Vulpix 2017-07-23 13 August 2017 1694345 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #48 We cooked, had an aura journey, and a shard ceremony Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-08-03 12 1721025 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #49 You traveled the long way, had a Burmy swarm encounter, came to a tiny community of mainlanders, meet another trainer, meet Murkrow again Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-08-10 12 1747752 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #50 We agreed to help Murkrow out with his stash. Gobble jobbed a Snorlax. We agreed to help another injured Murkrow Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking , Murkrow 2017-08-20 16 1770079 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #51 You healed a wing, Hana busted a finger, astral projected with Keira Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-08-31 11 1793795 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #5 You and Keira double battle Laki and Abigail using Sorbet Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-08-31 10 September 2017 1855070 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #53 Herb does the deed. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-09-20 11 1895614 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #54 You train each other's Pokemon, visit the Grass Temple, and decide to help fix it Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-09-30 10 October 2017 1908192 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #55 You battled Beauty Branch girls in the grass temple, got the beauty branch leader to agree to a fashion show, and discussed religious doubts Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-10-08 11 55752274 Goblins: Can They Be Civilized? Can they be made into more than just ravenous cannon-fodder for lowbies? Also discussion of WoW and COC gobs. goblins 2017-10-09 -3 1941564 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #56 The conservation "branch" sends Herb on a sidequest. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-10-18 15 2003322 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #57 You got to know Gardevoir, more about Hana's past, got confronted by Fug, called Val, and Bella learned Grass Whistle! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-10-29 12 November 2017 2020909 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #58 You fought your way to see Laki, had a heart to stone heart with Mace, and boned Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-11-05 10 2041239 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #59 You console Keira about her doubts, help prepare the event, and encounter a new entity with Jane while meditating Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-11-13 10 2081510 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #60 You thwarted attempts to ruin the show and dressed up all pretty-like Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-11-19 11 2065342 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #60 (real) (Other one is 61)You thwarted attempts to ruin the show and dressed up all pretty-like. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-11-20 11 December 2017 2117174 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #62 Girl Fight! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-12-16 11 2152014 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #63 Herb fights a polite, racist gym leader. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2017-12-28 14 January 2018 2206958 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #64 Things change, we refuse to let our friends go, and we get spooked. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-01-09 16 2196645 Goblin Quest The adventures of Mook the goblin Collective game , gob , goblin quest. Fantasy 2018-01-18 2 2231796 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #65 Herb explores his inner self, and anons discuss religion. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-01-22 11 2249409 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #66 Laki and Herb battle Kat and Robin in a 12v2 battle. Surprisingly, we haven't lost yet. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-01-29 11 February 2018 2279604 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #67 You & Laki battled Kat & Robin, Kat gave you some battling advice sorta, you learned about aura from Jeanine Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-02-11 10 2299687 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #68 You say have a run in with Jacob who dumps plot hints, say goodbye to Kat and co, and plant a plant Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-02-17 10 2320159 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #69 Got lewd with Laki, trained, crit failed a few times and ended up lost on a beach! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-02-27 6 March 2018 2357042 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #71 You reach your stamina limits and are forced to rest, and had some very complicated discussions about your relationship with Laki and Hana Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-03-11 10 2342661 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #71 You found your way into a hidden Normal type temple/home, earned the trust of the resident/priest, and spent the night. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-03-11 10 2347526 Overlord Lair Quest 1 Welcome to the Dungeon The Magi who sought forbidden knowledge. Made a deal at a fine price. A Dungeon core was given placed in a magma Ocean and Goblins summoned. Genie , Overlord , Dungeon , Worried Dungeon with to many goblins , Of Goblins and Mecha 2018-03-14 4 2375401 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #72 You and Abigail hung out, you trained, and there were moves exchanged between Mace and Gardevoir Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-03-17 7 2396833 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #73 You met most of Laki's family, made a good impression, got drunk and included their only daughter in unprotected late night debauchery. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-03-25 8 April 2018 2415489 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #74 Herb bonds with Abigail and Laki's family, and works at a construction site. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-04-08 11 2442054 Goblin Civ Thread First Thread of this game, as the goblins rise from the dirt Civ , Goblin 2018-04-15 1 2468068 Starborn Quest 48: Purps Does A Mope In the aftermath of her terrible relationship management Purps explores the town and discovers a pretty glaring crisis before it escalated. Collective Game , Starborn , Wagon , Purps , Fox , HawkFox , Honamurei , Lexington , Academy , Dealer , Goblins , Lucky , Double Crit 2018-04-16 1 2448999 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #75 Hana vs. (The hot new reality show) Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-04-18 13 2494572 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #76 Herb pitches expanding the harem to Laki, encounters a Cubone and saves Laki's pole and Laki's feelings, calls Keira Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-04-29 7 May 2018 2505810 Starborn Quest 49: Supernova Real life stops QM from really getting into it. Collective Game , Starborn , Wagon , Purps , Fox , HawkFox , Honamurei , Lexington , Academy , Dealer , Goblins , Lucky , Double Crit 2018-05-02 1 2516480 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #78 Herb protected Cubone against a Mandibuzz attack,got messed up, and had some spiritual journey whole recovering Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-05-03 11 2523501 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #78 You have a spirit journey, Keira came back, you helped Cubone get armed. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-05-12 10 2557003 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #79 You bonded and trained aura with Keira, embraced your girls in front of an audience, and chased after and stopped Cubone Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-05-21 10 June 2018 2580418 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #80 Herb gets his battle on. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-06-01 11 2635854 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #81 Herb finishes getting his battle on. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-06-24 20 July 2018 2673924 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #82 With our Auras COMBINED! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-07-03 10 2682207 Starborn Thread 50: The Fiftieth Thread For Thread 50 Purps deliberately doesn't take the spotlight and just gets some lore from the blacksmith. Collective Game , Starborn , Wagon , Purps , Fox , HawkFox , Honamurei , Lexington , Academy , Dealer , Goblins 2018-07-05 1 2701829 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #83 Herb continues his aura journey from Keira to Hana Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-07-15 11 2733425 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #84 More aura exploration with Hana and Laki Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-07-26 12 August 2018 2760577 Starborn Thread 51: Resolution Star's real life gets him sick and work keeps him away. So Fifty One is very start and stop. Collective Game , Starborn , Wagon , Purps , Fox , HawkFox , Honamurei , Lexington , Academy , Dealer , Goblins 2018-08-06 1 2759089 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #85 Waking up after aura sharing. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-08-08 12 2816699 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #86 Herb finished up at the Fighting Temple and learned to make a hearty soup that's great for stamina recovery. Laki & Hana resolve issues Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-08-26 17 September 2018 2829491 Starborn Quest 52: Resolution Continued Purps has some her time before heading in with the clean up crew Collective Game , Wagon , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Cabin , Lexington , Academy , Tornin , Chiron , Goblins , Cabin , Mission 2018-09-04 1 2836344 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #87 We set off for the fighting gym, and battle a bully. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-09-05 13 2871732 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #88 Herb and Co face difficulty in the Fighting Gym. Complicated 6v6 battle! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-09-17 10 October 2018 2896866 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #89 Recently: Herb, Laki, and Hana all earned a Fighting Spirit badge Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-10-03 10 2913790 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #90 The party splits up to get the maximum help possible in finding Polu Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-10-03 10 2938295 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #91 Herb catches a new Rotom, but there's pokeball trouble! Jane joins Herb and Laki to lead the search for Polu! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-10-14 10 2956615 Consensual Rape: The goblin quest #1 We play as a small band of goblins attempting to survive in a harsh world women don't want to be raped by small horrible green men. Prometheus , Goblins , Civ Quest , Rape , More rape 2018-10-18 0 2964112 Starborn Quest 53: Bug Hunt Time for the fight with the big bug. We learn goblin Matriarch is a walking bug factory, and we clip it's wings. Collective game , Starborn , Star , Wagon , boss fight , Purps , Goblins , Academy , Honamurei , Chiron , Jul 2018-10-20 1 2965522 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #92 Herb and co. spy on Polu! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-10-23 7 2976939 Consensual rape: the goblin quest #2 The goblins continue to rape and expand their hive, as well they met an excellent fish friend and reaped a hero for good measure. Rape,More rape , Goblins,Shota goblins , Civ quest 2018-10-26 -2 November 2018 3013335 Starborn Quest 54: Annihilation The boss is slain, Maria, Purps and Hona combining to take down the goliath. Shipping happens before a POV shift. Collective Game , Wagon , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Cabin , Boss , Academy , Lexington , Chiron , Goblins , Cabin , Mission 2018-11-08 1 3004806 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #94 Polu's gang is given a new direction, and the Halloween spooktacular prank time begins Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-11-11 7 December 2018 3061157 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #94 (real) You engaged in Halloween traditions, learned the background of the fugs with Jane, and had a cultural exchange with a psychic girl! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-12-09 7 3085352 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #95 Herb hangs out with everyone, and has some quality time with his loved ones and pokemon. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-12-12 7 3106794 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #96 Rotom earns the name Ghost Pepper, and Herb begins a long pokemon battle with Polu Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2018-12-22 10 January 2019 3117112 Goblin Civ Thread Goblins start on stone age and lose lots of battles. goblin , goblin civ , civ thread , civilization , civqm 2019-01-02 2 3127595 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #97 We continue the battle with Polu. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-01-04 10 3140837 Neet Weapon Quest 1 Neet reincarnates as a gunblade, teams up with a Demon Loli, and commits Goblin genocide. Neet Weapon Quest , REDthunderBOAR , Goblin Slayer 2019-01-06 5 3151427 Goblin Civ II We don't do much at all because OP is super busy IRL goblin , goblin civ , civ thread , civilization , civqm 2019-01-12 1 3156148 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #98 Laki expresses concern over Gardevoir, Herb and company arrive at the Dark type gym and begin battle Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-01-13 11 3158218 Neet Weapon Quest 2 We find Niph's father, get a new teammate, lose a new teammate, get placed on probation and survive an assassination attempt Neet Weapon Quest , REDthunderBOAR , Collective Game , Goblin Slayer , Niph , LeFay , Chaostear 2019-01-13 2 3173646 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #99 Herb continues his battle against the Dark Gym! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-01-21 10 3175833 Neet Weapon Quest 3 Secrets are revealed, we take a test, and get a new party member. Neet Weapon Quest , REDthunderBOAR , Goblin Slayer 2019-01-29 3 February 2019 3207411 Neet Weapon Quest 4 Traveling Goblin Exterminators (and maybe dragons). Neet Weapon Quest , REDthunderBOAR , Goblin Slayer 2019-02-07 4 3217535 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #100 Herb battled the dark type gym leader, then had an extra-planer encounter with the Rayquaza of ill-intent Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-02-08 7 3241376 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #101 Gym Leader Blues Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-02-18 7 March 2019 3289801 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #102 Herb gave Laki the ol' yogurt cannon without protection! The crew arrives at the festival! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-03-10 12 3334044 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #103 Glass Reflections Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-03-19 7 3354860 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #104 Herb and his pokemon stop the ferris wheel. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-03-28 6 April 2019 3389987 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #105 Fun Conversation edition Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-04-09 6 3431046 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #106 Herb battles in an amateur contest tournament and teases poor Hana Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-04-20 5 3447945 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #107 Herb introduces someone to Abigail, and battles in an amateur contest tournament using Gardevoir Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-04-28 5 May 2019 3465943 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #108 Herb calms down Gardevoir, gets busy with Hana, and continues into the Contest Battle Tournament Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-05-05 6 3484077 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #109 We finish the Amateur Contest Tournament, and begin watching Valerie's show Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-05-19 6 3515954 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #111 The crew watches Valerie's contest and begins Truth or Dare! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-05-29 7 June 2019 3538932 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #111 We finish Truth or Dare, and things got steamy! Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-06-09 6 3563433 Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #112 Herb, Laki, and Hana 'educate' Keira. Short thread Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-06-15 6 3575382 Pokémon Island Adventure Quest 113 Dice gets in trouble and Gobble dies. Quest over, go home. Pokemon Island Adventure Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Fashion , Cooking 2019-06-17 6 September 2019 3805292 Goblin Quest 1 The beginnings of a humble goblin Gob Quest 2019-09-23 0 November 2019 3900176 Slime Quest (pt3) Some time has passed, allowing for new arrivals, fateful encounters, and... a new perspective? slime quest , fenster , draw quest , ser fuzzylad , faerie , slime , sword , bottle , hammer , blunder , goblin , kobold , combat , skeleton , robes 2019-11-23 0 December 2019 3937258 Slime Quest (pt4) Runecraft is performed before going on hiatus. slime quest , fenster , draw quest , ser fuzzylad , faerie , slime , sword , bottle , hammer , blunder , goblin , kobold , combat , skeleton , robes, 2019-12-01 0 January 2020 3994634 New World Goblin Quest Our goblin arrives at the new world, escapes slavery, meet the gods, explore alchemy and starts to leave a mark on this strange new world New world , goblin , collective game , america , jungle , alchemy , rogue 2020-01-18 1 February 2020 4035685 New World Goblin Quest 02 The gods continue their blessings, but shadows make things difficult for Zuzu New world , goblin , collective game , america , jungle , alchemy , rogue 2020-02-09 2 April 2020 4151777 Kobold Quest #2 A near-death Trebol escorts a gnoll kid back to his tribe, hoping to be forgiven for injuring their chieftain and receive medical care Kobold Quest , Collective Game , drawquest , kobold , gnoll , goblin , dragon 2020-04-02 2 May 2020 4261473 Goblin Quest #1 The rape goblins are forced out their home, now they have to survive. They have some victories than came defeat from Scaly hands. Rape , Goblins , Gobson , Collective Game , Gob , Goblin QM , Green and Hard , Kobolds , Dwarf 2020-05-23 12 June 2020 4272162 Goblin Quest #2 Goblins suffer, met new friends, Orks. Urm is killed, the nest moves to Grelob cave. Gobson is taken, he escapes and finds nest and met Jade Collective Game ,Goblins , Gobson , Gob , Goblin QM , Cold Bolt , Jade , Kobolds , Drawquest , Ork , Pale Orcs 2020-06-03 9 4284699 Goblin Quest #3 Gobson fought Griggers, Hunting, Drown, Escaped Underdark, gave his seed, saw things, got closer to Jade, centaur, Fun Dorfs, Evolve Goblin Collective Game , Dorf , Grigger , Goblins , Gobson , Gob , Goblin QM , Cold Bolt , Jade , Kobolds , Drawquest , Centaur , Ork , Pale Orcs 2020-06-13 6 4305149 Goblin Quest #4 Many duels, traveling, learning skills, battles, more cursed edits, drawings. Dorf fortress, meeting the crew and getting some help. Collective Game , Dorf , Grigger , Goblins , Gobson , Gob , Goblin QM , Cold Bolt , Jade , Kobolds , Drawquest , Centaur , Ork 2020-06-23 5 July 2020 4323839 Goblin Quest #5 Going to the Baths, Battles, Preparing for the necromancer, meeting with him, blocking, leveling up, more cursed edits, traveling underdark. Collective Game , Fantasy , Dorf , Grigger , Goblins , Gobson , Gob , Goblin QM , Cold Bolt , Jade , Kobolds , Drawquest , Centaur , Ork 2020-07-08 5 4347861 Goblin Quest #6 Underdark fun, encountered many things, lots of nat 1s, had fun inside a maze and went into the spirit realm, improved relations with others Collective Game , Fantasy , Dorf , Grigger , Goblins , Gobson , Gob , Goblin QM , Cold Bolt , Jade , Kobolds , Drawquest , Centaur , Ork 2020-07-19 5 August 2020 4364503 Goblin Quest #7 Met Louis, Knocked out 3+, Oats, Fought, Learned, Improved Relations, New party members, Got Coin, Learned everyone loves Gobson, Had Fun... Collective Game , Fantasy , Dorf , Grigger , Goblins , Gobson , Gob , Goblin QM , Cold Bolt , Jade , Kobolds , Drawquest , Centaur , Ork 2020-08-03 5 January 2021 4590497 Space Station 13 Quest: Station 1 A new quest in the world of the infamous game of the same name. Otome QM , Badmin QM , Space Station 13 , Space , Clown , Lizard , Weed , Trip , Cyborg , Anime Girl , Douglas MacArthur , Goblin 2021-01-18 8 May 2021 4746140 GG Quest Vol. 1 Iss. 1 The Green Goblin fights the Avenging Spider-Man in the skies over Manhattan. But wait, why's he the hero? This will be explored. Marvel , Earth 1962 , Spider-Man , Green Goblin , Weeaboo , Collective Game 2021-05-05 7 June 2021 4821989 Gaol Quest thread #1 The violent inmate James Calaca had been thrown into the expansive and semi-abandoned Gongalla Gaol, and almost immediately found company. Gaol Quest , Collective Game , James Calaca , Petunia Karachova , Gobson , inmate , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2021-06-09 22 July 2021 4866191 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #2 David captures a pirate, raids a gang HQ, meets an old Grey and goes hunting. HFY , HFW Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2021-07-02 30 4860213 Gaol Quest thread #2 Petunia solves problems in Goblinton while James recovers, Frank's head contemplates better allies, and the gang armors up. Gaol Quest , Collective Game , James Calaca , Petunia Karachova , Gobson G. Gobson , inmate , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2021-07-02 14 August 2021 4900701 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #3 David goes hunting, gets hunted himself, gets into trouble, builds some armor and goes scavenging HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Collective Game 2021-08-01 29 4900749 Gaol Quest thread #3 The gang scares off a boogeyman, meets with nuns on a mission from god, looks for one thing and ended up finding a Warden and a thief. Gaol Quest , Collective Game , James Calaca , Petunia Karachova , Gobson G. Gobson , inmate , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2021-08-07 7 4941633 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #4 David takes care of some pirates, recruits a cabinboy, a robot and the best girl. Also he punches a ghost to death. HFY , HFW Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2021-08-27 26 September 2021 4950509 Gaol Quest thread #4 James apprehends Pedro while evading Dead Numbers, Sierra joins the party, James spoons Petunia, and Goblinton under attack by Black Badges. Gaol Quest , Collective Game , James Calaca , Petunia Karachova , Gobson G. Gobson , Sierra , inmate , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2021-09-14 7 October 2021 4976072 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #5 David forges some funky metal, trains with his crew, finally gets laid and ATF's someone's dog HFY , HFW Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2021-10-02 25 November 2021 4997675 Gaol Quest thread #5 In which we defeated Frank 2.0, diplomanced our way out of a war, learned that Gongalla is dying, & confront an impostor. Boned Petunia too! Gaol Quest , Collective Game , James Calaca , Petunia Karachova , Gobson G. Gobson , Sierra , inmate , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2021-11-02 6 5014552 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #6 David hijacks a ship, makes contact with Gron and decides to change sides. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2021-11-22 27 December 2021 5047274 Gaol Quest thread #6 We turn a nobody into somebody, gets some info from Warden Bianca, try to keep Sierra out of trouble and ended up in a beauty pageant. Gaol Quest , Collective Game , James Calaca , Petunia Karachova , Gobson G. Gobson , Sierra , inmate , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2021-12-24 6 January 2022 5062182 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #7 David and Cylia deal with a worm while Clank flexes on some aliens. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-01-04 26 February 2022 5108810 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #8 Clank partakes in a tournament and the crew meets the red and blue sisters. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-02-13 28 5108352 Gaol Quest thread #7 Gobson gets a gf, Frank gets fixed, nuns vs kobolds, a Ghost Number summoned, sexytimes with Petunia, and post-nut revelations. Gaol Quest , Collective Game , James Calaca , Petunia Karachova , Gobson G. Gobson , Sierra , inmate , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2022-02-15 6 March 2022 5165346 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #9 David and Gron go hunting for a lost crewmember, but encounter trouble almost immediately. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-03-31 28 April 2022 5175886 Gaol Quest thread #8 James gets an eye-popping experience, seance turned therapy session, prepping realitynaut suits, talking to engrams - and then fix Gongalla. Gaol Quest , Collective Game , James Calaca , Petunia Karachova , Gobson G. Gobson , Sierra , inmate , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2022-04-10 7 5175568 Trust a Goblin PART 13 Welcome party, unwelcome guests. Collective Game , I Can't Believe... Quest , Trust a Goblin , CF , CenterField , Mr. Culexus 2022-04-11 18 May 2022 5213826 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #10 David licks his wounds, interacts with the crew and does some cooking. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-05-11 30 June 2022 5263368 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #11 In which David pushes his ship and his equipment to their limits. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-06-22 30 5273761 Gaol Quest thread #9 On the way to the Crack we stop at Wreck, saved a suicidal boogeyman, argued with the devil in Crack, and parley with a god. Gaol Quest , Collective Game , James Calaca , Petunia Karachova , Gobson G. Gobson , Sierra , inmate , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2022-06-27 6 5319064 Gaol Quest ending thread The quest culminates. Rataplan, rataplan. Gaol Quest , Collective Game , James Calaca , Petunia Karachova , Gobson G. Gobson , Sierra , inmate , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2022-06-27 6 5290674 Goblin assassin quest Pine, a goblin assassin does free lance killings and tries to help people medieval fantasy , make your own NPCs , Action , Goblin , Fantasy races 2022-06-30 7 July 2022 5313079 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #12 David and the crew begin work on cleaning up after the battle and discover a little more of the truth behind AI technology. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-07-28 31 August 2022 5354485 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #13 David picks through the wreckage of his spectacular dogfight, kills yet more Wraiths and Demons, and has a not so restful sleep. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-08-11 28 October 2022 5390745 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #14 David meets back up with Clank, takes down some mercs, makes a deal with a gun runner and meets with the owner of a whorehouse. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-10-18 28 5389007 Goblin Assassin - Reopened Wounds Slice of life story about Pine after she leaves teh criminal underworld behind Goblin , Slice of life , Schizo QM , medieval fantasy 2022-10-22 12 5440066 Reopened Wounds - Farewell to the goblin assassin Epilogue of Goblin Assassin and some background notes on the story Goblin , Schizo QM , Epilogue , Medieval fantasy 2022-10-30 10 December 2022 5481242 DUNGEONEER Virtual tabletop adventure inspired by Fighting Fantasy and Heroquest collective game , fantasy , adventure , barbarian , dwarf , elf , wizard , magic , dungeon , fighting fantasy , HeroQuest , goblin , troll , orc , dungeon 2022-12-05 2 5437189 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #15 David cleans up a homeless encampment, turns in some bounties, designs his new ship and goes on the search for a big-ass nanofabricator. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-12-08 30 5441344 A Dragon’s Flash A goblin’s journey to escape from the underworld and spend time in heaven after years of meaningless work. Goblin , Schizo QM , fantasy , based on mythology , horseriding , action 2022-12-12 12 5489899 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #16 David hears worrying news about an outbreak on other stations, takes some time to deal with the captured AI and develops an android body for SHODAN. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2022-12-14 29 5495063 A Dragon's Flash epilogue Epilogue of the Xil, the Goblin horserider, and some background notes Goblin , Schizo QM , fantasy , Epilogue , based on mythology , horseriding 2022-12-16 12 February 2023 5514202 Trust a Goblin part 14 Punch thugs, Steal drugs, Friends make, Cocktail shake. goblin,dating sim,turn based combat,potion business 2023-02-02 14 5533592 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #17 David holds a few spars, has a fight mid-warp and starts clearing out one of the drone ships. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-02-22 29 March 2023 5563672 Trust a Goblin 15 Chiefly about learning about various jobs, that and we ride one of our friends! collective game , goblin , CF , homebrew , goblin game 2023-03-10 17 5577522 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #18 David and SHODAN raid their own ships and do a little hacking. David has another strange dream and meets back up with his crew. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-03-28 26 May 2023 5617991 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #19 David heads back to Xebric station only to discover shit hit the fan. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-05-08 28 5621721 Goblin Chieftain Quest Aknag is the elected as chieftain of the Lugbod goblin tribe and leads them to greatness. Goblin Chieftain , Goblin , Tribe , Fantasy , Resource management , Collective game 2023-05-11 1 5627757 The Goblin King is Bored! The goblins find a Magi-horror inside a giant tortoise leg, bully a witch in Mad Enchanted Forest Hiddledink and voyage on the Metal Ur-sea Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Neigh 2023-05-16 2 June 2023 5658149 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #20 David and crew make their way through the ruined Xebric Station, encounter someone unexpected and (eventually) reach their target. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-06-20 22 July 2023 5667937 Goblin King is Bored #2 Quiet the goblin is given a chance to become a noble. QM ends up regretting doing a solo gob quest and almost flakes. Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Quiet , Sologob 2023-07-06 1 August 2023 5692338 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #21 The assault on Xebric station continues. David faces several dangerous opponents to maintain control of the station. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-08-07 18 5704813 The Goblin King is Bored#3 The Goblin King sends goblin bakers straight to Heck! The trip is educational. The tooth fairy tries to assassinate the QM. Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Vampires , Demons , Baking 2023-08-25 2 5726173 Goblin Chieftain Quest Part 2 The mighty Aknag Trollslayer expands his domain. Goblin Chieftain , Goblin , Tribe , Fantasy , Resource management , Collective game 2023-08-29 0 September 2023 5732362 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #22 David gets Cylia's hand fixed, clears out a hospital and makes a deal with a lizard-person. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-09-22 15 October 2023 5749533 The goblin king is Bored! #4 The goblins go on a quest to restore the nation of Lennessa. However, they crash a ball and end up in a time loop! Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Goblin Nuns , Knights 2023-10-07 0 5779702 Goblin Chieftain Quest Part 3 Aknag learns about some surrounding factions and takes on a tribe of vicious cannibals. Goblin Chieftain , Goblin , Tribe , Fantasy , Resource Management , Collective Game 2023-10-19 0 5770776 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #23 David pieces the station back together and prepares to go home - to earth. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-10-20 14 December 2023 5803136 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #24 David encounters a giant space squid and finally makes it back to earth. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2023-12-05 10 January 2024 5855084 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #25 In which David gets his earthly affairs back in order, starts looking for his old friends and finds a way to take care of his family. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-01-19 8 March 2024 5896153 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #26 In which David secures his fortunes, reveals all to his sister and picks up an old friend. And a method of creating psychics? HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-03-05 7 April 2024 5943919 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #27 David goes looking for a pickle, but ends up finding a man in black first. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-04-19 10 May 2024 6011108 Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 8 Tips' inability to avoid adventure results in another extended trip to the Goblin Wastes and the sanctuar of the Ashurati sand-elves. ReptoidQM , PTSD , exoteric mysticism , Gaia Hypothesis , goblins , ashurati , elves , polyamory , adventure , discovery , smut 2024-05-27 5 5981316 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #28 David works on some guns, spends some time relaxing with the crew, gets attacked by the Chinese and responds proportionally. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-05-27 6 6018544 Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 8.5 Tips pulls out, a 4chan moderator takes it down, and Volume 8 continues... ReptoidQM , PTSD , exoteric mysticism , Gaia Hypothesis , goblins , ashurati , elves , polyamory , adventure , discovery , sfw 2024-05-27 7 June 2024 5995074 Trust a Goblin 16 The gang kills a fruit seller. Goblin , Trust a Goblin , Potion Company , RPG , Homebrew 2024-06-06 6 July 2024 6019065 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #29 Gunny finally returns to Xebric and starts settling back in, but finds some vultures have started picking at the station among other issues. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-07-06 7 6051761 Goblin Cultivator A BTFOd Goblinslayer goblin meets an Evil Cultivator KinoPhageQM , GoblinBreederQM , collective game , cultivator , goblin , slayer , wuxia , xianxia , DnD , evil 2024-07-28 5 August 2024 6068523 Goblin Cultivator II Goblinslayer Goblin meets XianXia Supervillain. Xianxiananigans ensue. Goblin Cultivator , collective game , Wuxia , XianXia , cultivation , evil , necromancy 2024-08-18 2 6044784 Goblin King Quest #1 Weakest goblin aims to become the strongest collective game , DnD , fantasy , goblin , 2024-08-21 0 6052775 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #30 In which Ronnie discovers how fucked up his situation really is, and experiences a little trauma. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-08-28 6 October 2024 6114062 Cambion Quest A nilbog and a demogoblin, twin spawn of a succubus, set out to make something of themselves by starting an adventuring party... ReptoidQM , spinoff , shortstack , goblins , sisters , stigma , adventure , fantasy , demonism , sex , violence , friendship 2024-10-02 -8 6083225 Goblin Cultivator 3 Toady Gobbs does what he does best: stealem n killern n pluppen n annoyen his Seafood. Toady , goblin , cultivator , XianXia , Wuxia , goblinslayer , low fantasy 2024-10-20 0 6091170 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #31 David takes the pirate raiders on a bug-squashing run, and Cochrane announces the end. HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2024-10-28 3 November 2024 6139675 Cambion Quest: Volume 2 CZ and ZZ, two strange sisters, continue their quest to nab a mysterious lake-monster for money, while on a road to self-discovery ReptoidQM , goblins , demons , futanari , amphibians , mysteries , Scooby-Doo , occultism , family , friendship , sailing , fishing , adventure 2024-11-12 2 6109639 Isekai Cheat Harem #1 After being hit by a truck you get a masochistic goddess and start a slave harem in another world. Machines are made and goblins are slain. IseQM , NotIseQM , John Doe , Isekai , Herta , Goddess of Artifice , Steampunk , Mecha , Savant , Slavery , Harem , Slave-Wives , Dungeon , Goblins 2024-11-19 7 December 2024 6126087 Goblin Cultivator GoblinSlayer Goblin meets XianXia Supervillain Toady , goblin , cultivator , XianXia , Wuxia , goblinslayer , low fantasy 2024-12-18 0 January 2025 6160017 Goblin Cultivator A goblin of GoblinSlayer meets an Absolute Heterodox Evil Cultivator Toady , goblin , cultivator , XianXia , Wuxia , goblinslayer , low fantasy 2025-01-02 0 6131428 Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #32 In which Cochrane makes little to no progress in ending the quest HFY , HFY Quest , Humanity , David Rockefeller , David , Cochrane , CochraneQM , Cat-Girl , Goblin , Shortstack , Collective Game , USA , Marine 2025-01-03 5 6179729 Cambion Quest: Volume 4 Two gobbo sisters suffer a false start and an attack by spider-fey as they seek out an ancient dwarven dungeon to plunder with their party. ReptoidQM , dungeon-crawling , ettercaps , unseelie fey , goblins , orcs , dwarves , demons , LGBT , adventure , romance , stigma , drama , lore 2025-01-20 -2 March 2025 6197071 Trust a Goblin 17 We might not be changing history, but we're definitely altering geography. CF,Goblin , Goblin GF , Trust a Goblin,Business Sim 2025-03-09 2