Thread Title Description Tags Added Score April 2008 1627752 Dungeon Chess 1. Chess = DnD
2. ???
3. PROFIT! Chess , DnD , Roleplay 2008-04-29 18 July 2008 2151979 Gaming Traditions DMS and players list traditions or recurring things in all their campaigns. Also muffins. DnD , traditions , muffins 2008-07-06 4 October 2008 2816740 How do your gaming sessions go? (Narrated) Fa/tg/uys take the time to describe how their sessions go about. Roleplaying , DnD , Dungeons , Dragons , Narrated, 2008-10-16 0 December 2008 3096938 Old School Game Extravaganza
Lots of links to old school games... Champions of Krynn, Death Knights of Krynn, Dark Queen of Krynn, Pool of Radiance, Secret of the Silver Blades, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Pools of Darkness, Gateway to the Savage Frontier, Treasures of the Savage Frontier, Hillsfar, Eye of the Beholder I-III, Blood and Magic, Dungeon Hack, Menzoberranzan, Buck Rogers - Matrix Cubed with manual reference card and logbook, Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday with manual and reference card, Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures, etc. epic , dnd , gold box , old school , frpg , forgotten realms 2008-12-02 5 February 2009 3729099 DnD Monster School /tg/ discusses what Cliques and Faculty roles would be filled by which DnD Monsters. D&D , dnd , monsters , school , GREAT LIBRARIAN TORG 2009-02-16 5 3731322 DnD Monster School, part 2 More discussion on the D&D Monster School. More Faculty roles are filled. D&D , dnd , monsters , school , GREAT LIBRARIAN TORG 2009-02-16 5 March 2009 3845328 RPG Achievements Someone from /v/ clicks the wrong board, epic ensues. DND roleplaying achievements 2009-03-01 22 3847719 RPG Achievements Take Two Continuation of the previous thread.
Not that funny, still decent. DND , roleplaying , achievements 2009-03-01 10 3856783 BBEG Bitch Deaths Villains set up to be intimidating and be a threat to the party fail to do so miserably, and people mock them. DnD , Dark Heresy 2009-03-02 47 3875336 In memory of Gary Gygax a salute to Gary Gygax dnd , gary gygax 2009-03-04 3 May 2009 4489468 How to make characters love an NPC A truly magnificent thread with many ideas on how to make the PLAYERS, not the playable characters, fall for an NPC. Includes a masterful summary short of a scientific dissertation by Dr. Baron von Evilsatan DnD , Dr. Baron von Evilsatan , Love , NPC 2009-05-07 8 4650108 Homebrewan A setting for 3.5 with all the neglected classes is messed about with.
Later devolves into MOREPIG discussion. incarnum , 3.5 , DND , Shadow , 2009-05-26 1 October 2009 6092423 Legend of Zelda 3.5 Anon comes to /tg/ looking for a LoZ inspired universe. Everything went better than expected Zelda , DND 2009-10-02 7 6164865 Touhou Help Touhous last thread autosaged and this in the continued 3.5 , Help , Touhou , Broken , D&D , DnD , Dungeon and Dragons , Advice thread 2009-10-07 -1 6183147 Fantasy Race Wives part II Someone posts pasta from the original thread, and then some new races are explained. DnD , Fantasy 2009-10-08 2 6336206 Neutral/Good Mind Flayers An anon asks for possible ways to make a Neutral illithid. Workarounds, justifications, and plot hooks abound. Alignment , Mind Flayer , Ilithid , DND 2009-10-19 1 6395170 Team Dungeons 2 The TF2 gang argue over which game (and edition) to play. tf2 , /v/ crossover , DnD , exalted , 3.5e , 4e , edition , roleplay , avatarfaggotry 2009-10-23 17 6384176 Whats the most fucked up thing you ever did in RPG? Tells all about this thread. Contains decent amount of win and pr0n rpg rp roleplaying rape dh dnd 2009-10-23 0 6482781 Siegeball Rules The fa/tg/uys continue to iron out the rules in their new sport for DnD 3.5e. Also contains chicks with balls. DnD , RPG , 3e , sport , homebrew 2009-10-29 2 November 2009 6704475 The Legend of Zelda, Cthulu version Imagine a D&D campaign based on legend of Zelda, but Cthulu-esque themed. AWESOME. Zelda , D&D , DnD , Cthulu , setting , homebrew 2009-11-15 5 6742471 Pacifist White Mage for 4E A pacifist White Mage class for 4E, extensivly laid out. 4E , Healer , Class , Houserules , Homebrew , DnD , D&D 2009-11-17 8 6902634 Refluffed races What starts out as someone trying to put an interesting spin on dwarves soon becomes a refluffing of all the races. Dragonborn that have nothing to do with dragons and dwarves that turn into statues when they die. fluff , races , fantasy , dnd , dorf 2009-11-28 2 December 2009 6975776 Awesome DM tips are awesome New DM asks for advice. Kind anon dumps what has the be a must read for DM's of 4th edition. DnD , DMing , 4th Edition 2009-12-03 4 7245208 Xan Tak' Louse, Lord of Snow /tg/ looks at some spells in 3.5's Frostburn supplement and works out how to make a 320-foot tall, 2000-foot wide block of snow. Things then escalate. Santa , Snow , DnD 2009-12-22 21 February 2010 7888910 Exotic D&D Cuisine Eloquen/tg/entlemen discuss exotic dishes made from the finest D&D creatures. food , DnD 2010-02-03 1 March 2010 8810001 1001 horrible ways to die /tg/ discusses some clever albeit often incredibly gruesome trap and spell ideas DnD , traps , spells , gore 2010-03-27 1 May 2010 9560328 Crazy Hassan Stories of Crazy Hassan and his used camel Emporium game design , fluff , DnD 2010-05-02 173 August 2010 11865152 pokemon crusade /tg/ start discussion of what would have happened if the first crusade had pokemons dnd,pokemon , rpg,knights 2010-08-30 22 September 2010 12219097 Awakened housecat Discussion of ways to play Awakened Cat in 3.5 DnD , 3.5 , Awakened , Cat 2010-09-25 21 12248882 What I am no longer allowed to do OP posts the old copypasta, anon delivers a metric buttload of OC, fun is had by all Fun , RPG , Allowed to do , DnD , Games , funny 2010-09-28 12 October 2010 12440149 Slice-of-Life Magical Academy OP tells us about his 3.5 campaign based in the concept of an adventurer's school. D'awww ensues. Dnd , D&D , 3.5 , School , Academy , Adventurer 2010-10-14 9 12561850 Symbol Liches What starts out as an idea for more abstract phylacteries turns into a group of lichs who created written language, paladins who speak in 1337, and cultists with added alliterative appeal. Lich , letters , symbols , unknown armies , dnd , language , 1337 , cultists 2010-10-25 13 November 2010 12853680 THE FUTURE IS FULL OF FUCK An inept DM drives his players mad. Hilarity and awesome ensues. DnD 2010-11-19 34 December 2010 13043740 RPG Character Concepts OP: If you post in this thread, I shall assign you a character concept that you must use the next time the chance arises, even though you don't want to. RP , Name , concept , character , DnD , Dark Heresy , WoD , Halfling , Gnome , Squat 2010-12-06 4 January 2011 13548121 Anger Management An anger management class is attended by several DnD and 40k characters, and take a turn for the worse as a fight breaks out! DnD , roleplaying , warhammer 40k 2011-01-17 5 13655305 Pangolin Race /tg/ discusses and stats an anthropomorphic pangolin race. Also, general discussion of pangolins. pangolin , race , DnD , homebrew 2011-01-26 5 February 2011 13743075 Wailforged OP wants concept art for a Warforged paladin with hammer "this first pic is kind of what I want my character to look like, just with a large hammer"
Posts picture of Wailord
A WAILFORGED IS BORN DnD , Pokemon , Warforged 2011-02-01 24 13831803 Omnitroll What happens when you go stitching troll body parts together? you get the omnitroll, that's what. troll , dungeons and dragons , dnd , omnitroll 2011-02-09 7 March 2011 14125329 33 Wights Challenge OP poses a Challenge to /tg/ on how to destroy 33 wights packed into a small room as adventurers no higher then 3rd level. Devolves into GM dickery involving a Wight using a Wright Bone tension bow to set a oil smeared door on fire. DnD , Undead , Challenge , Dungeons and Dragons 2011-03-05 6 14310642 Become DMeguca The OP and his friend are interested in getting into D&D, but a fateful demonstration of a session makes the OP think twice about becoming a D&D player. Will he give in and take his first steps as a roleplayer, or will he resist and hesitate? D&D , DnD , puella magi madoka magica , mahou shoujo madoka magica , madoka , magical girls , roleplay , parody 2011-03-21 7 April 2011 14475678 How anon ran a game for elderly Well, this kind anon volunteered to host a "game night" at the local old folks house. Although he was supposed to play Scrabble, he decided to run DnD instead. A fun night ensued, with badass old men and lots of people remembering the Biker DnD thread. The thread features the epic storitiem, /tg/ never changing, Watership Down, some guys being faggots and lots more. Surprisingly, no edition wars. DnD , elderly , veteran , storytiem , storytime 2011-04-05 22 July 2011 15528042 Restaraunts of the Gods A throwaway joke leads to an interesting dicussion about dining establishments themed around DnD deities. At Kord's Grill, you must defeat it before you eat it, and Lolth's Cafe is basically Hooters but more evil. DnD , food , diners , restaraunts , kitchen , meals 2011-07-10 12 15614134 Disciple of Decorum A disciple of decorum strives to attain the ultimate ideal of high-class refinement. He is a consummate gentleman, positively brimming with politeness and class. He also looks down upon those who lack such refinement, and strives to teach the ways of gentility to all those he comes across. Since many see this kind of lifestyle as a sign of weakness, the disciple of decorum often finds himself targeted by uncouth ruffians who would seek to take advantage of his apparent meekness. However, anyone expecting a disciple of decorum to be a simpering fop is in for a painful surprise -- and a forceful lesson in proper manners. dnd , homebrew , pathfinder , monk , gentleman 2011-07-17 13 15693710 Awesome DnD Items OP lists his favorite DnD items and gives sources. dnd , magic item , d20 2011-07-25 0 15760526 Killing the Tarrasque /tg/ is trying to find a way to kill the Tarrasque. Tarrasque , Pathfinder , DnD 2011-07-31 3 September 2011 16264580 /tg/ helps the OP kill off his former party. Good trap ideas ensue. Dnd , 3.5 , traps , mary sue , TPK 2011-09-12 6 16423368 The Garden of Ehnkieridian, Part One and Two An amazing tale of a group's quest's to root out an nefarious evil. writefag , garden , ehnkieridian , DnD , evil , DM 2011-09-26 8 October 2011 16580545 Ar tonelico RPG Thread /tg/ tries to make the magic system from super-weeaboo jRPG series Ar tonelico work in DnD3.5e. Succeeds. Ar tonelico , DnD , RPG , jRPG , Getting Shit Done , 3.5e 2011-10-13 7 16684183 /tg/'s Strangest Deaths With an additional tale about a Lich and Larry. lich , dnd , death , dying , funny , insanity , quantum lich 2011-10-20 21 16769033 Diary of a Trapped Lich The diary of a lich locked in a room. lich , dnd , insanity , quantum lich 2011-10-29 26 January 2012 17432768 Tales of paladins and blooming love OP posts the story of his campaign so far, in which he serves as the faithful beyond death of a paladin-turned-necromancer king.
More stories are posted, including a repentant mercenary turned paladin, and one of love blooming on the lists. Paladin , Story , Story thread , Cavalier , Games , Roleplay , DND , Rowan , William 2012-01-05 7 17506545 Knightly Orders /tg/ produces fluff for a whole range of knightly orders. knights , dnd , fluff 2012-01-12 7 February 2012 18025718 4chan Adventuring Company Just what it says on the tin.
A refugee from /b/ seeks to create an RPG with the boards of 4chan as the PCs.
The neckbeards settle on a class for /tg/, seems we can stat everything... but ourselves. adventurers , boards , class , DnD , Dungeons & Dragons , PCs , RPG , stat me 2012-02-20 6 May 2012 19083275 The Tale Of Hitsito The Armory Storytime of an Epic Level DnD game, Dueling Gods, Neverwinter gets destroyed Dowjin , Daies , Hitsito , Van , Destamona , DnD , Epic , Storytime 2012-05-13 10 July 2012 19962789 Mearls and 3.5 Hot Man to Manual action man on book action , erotica , epic , writefag , storytime , DnD , 3.5 2012-07-20 15 November 2012 21721942 Smoothscale 2, Kobold Boogaloo Some rage, some sage, a few drawings and discussion kobold , elf , Smoothscale , D&D , DND 2012-11-25 7 December 2012 21950414 Necromancer Storytime OP tells a story of a necromancer. /tg/ starts off skeptical, but the thread quickly delves into awesome storytime. Necromancer , storytime , DnD , morality , undead, 2012-12-09 32 22042204 Necromancer Storytime #2 OP returns with more storytime about an NG necromancer and his group of Truthseekers necromancer , storytime , DnD , morality , truthseekers 2012-12-15 15 22116080 The paladin who killed Death A dumbass paladin decides to kill the Reaper to save everyone from death. This has its consequences. World-ruining consequences. DND , Paladins , Death , Undead , Alignment , Godkilling 2012-12-19 -10 January 2013 22627992 Succubus Lord Quest Part 12 In this Quest, we go to the bath house, use Hokuto Shinken to vaporize bandits, and play DnD Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , Fist of the North Star , DnD 2013-01-17 20 22799333 How To Kill A Titan Barbarian Rage, Teamwork, All Aboard The Avalanche Express DnD , 3.5 , Dowjin , Storytime , 2013-01-26 7 22848975 DM Advice Thread DM Advice Thread with some pro tips from pro players. STORYTIEM, who apparently isn't dead, drops by with some commandments and demandments for awesome gameplay. RPG , Advice , DnD , Pathfinder , STORYTIEM 2013-01-29 18 April 2013 24134259 Pigeon Man and other shit first-time players try OP starts a thread about a first-time D&D player's realization that livestock animals can be purchased. A glorious collection of tips, tricks, and storytimes. pigeons , pigeon man , DnD , awesome 2013-04-09 51 24138093 The Tale of Tel`ryn Dowjin tells the story of Tel`ryn and epic level adventures dowjin , daies , tel`ryn , telarin , rpg , dnd , dungeons and dragons , storytime , writefaggotry 2013-04-09 3 24215245 Beginner Guide to Dungeon Mastering Advice on how to DM. Templates, instructions, and intermediate advice also. dnd , dnd 3.5 , dm , dungeon master , dungeon mastering , advice , help , newbie , beginner , dowjin 2013-04-13 14 May 2013 24604445 A Difficult Dilemma A tale of 2 anons whose characters struggle to reconnect & escape a slave-owning mining settlement w/ an ugly secret. character , roleplay , storytime , 4e , advice , oh god why , DnD 2013-05-04 6 June 2013 25725242 The Story of Larry Anon tells the story of a horrible sex offender That Guy DnD , D&D , 3.5 , 3.5e , That Guy , Neckbeard 2013-06-30 9 July 2013 26003249 Fear the Guard /tg/ tells stories of the city guards in their campaigns, many textblocks of how their PC's had their asses handed to them on a pike. Guard , DnD , NPC, 2013-07-14 10 26033613 Worm that Walks Lich /tg/ realises that a worm that walks can also be a lich. /tg/ then realises that the worms that make up a worm that walks can also be worms that walk. worm that walks , lich , phylactery , fun with templates , D&D , DnD , Pathfinder 2013-07-16 7 26179955 Stories of the board /tg/ comes forth with many new stories. Of course it's gonna get archived! story , stories , Undead , Necromancy , necromancer , storytime , DnD , 40k , Dark Heresy 2013-07-23 5 26245330 The Tale of Daies 3 Meet Hitsito's new character Tyranis. Daies reveals his next nefarious plan. storytime , writefaggotry , rpg , dnd , dnd 3.5 , daies , dowjin , tyranis 2013-07-26 4 August 2013 26720471 Alternative Liches from other magical schools OP notes that necromancy is only one school of D&D magic with a means to immortality. Alternatives for the other school are discussed discussion , necromancy , lich , immortality , DnD 2013-08-21 6 November 2013 28152327 /tg/ discovers how to go fast OP realizes that with a simple multiclass, a 3.5 character could achieve insane speeds. Later posters discover you could MACH 10 with these stats, and Ded-Ex is invented. 3.5 , dnd , dungeons and dragon , 3.x , min-maxing 2013-11-07 9 January 2014 29360104 D&D Alignment: How very Neutral of you. A few guys actually make some gods-damned sense of D&D alignment. DnD , D&D , Dungeons , Dragons , Planescape , Neutral , Zapp , Brannigan , good , evil , law , chaos , sense , fluff , alignment , explanation , succubus 2014-01-08 13 February 2014 30540055 Frank the Balor Farmer A new (potential) piece and character for awesome writefaggotry emerges from an intelligent discussion on allignment biassing and NPS morals DnD , Balor , Farmer , Carrots 2014-02-28 6 March 2014 31058461 This goddamn moment from a game you can't forget Memorable moments that define tabletop gaming. Crit successes that shatter the plot, crit fails that cause TPKs on the first enemy encountered, everything's here. Story , storytime , stories , nat 20 , natural 20 , DnD , D&D , 3.5 , 4 , Crit , Crit fail , fail , awesome , epic 2014-03-26 10 July 2014 33660810 High Mortality Party Storytime The most convoluted dark heresy origin story ever and a few more lighthearted stories. Dark heresy , Only War , Shoggy , Storytime , Mortality , Deaths , DnD , Tulip , Shane , Tommy , Troll Fucker , Volg , Paradox , Death 2014-07-26 110 August 2014 33785942 Karl Pilkington Cleric Karl Pilkington is a Cleric in Eberron. What could go wrong? head like a fucking orange , Karl , Pilkington , DnD , Cleric , Atheist 2014-08-01 3 33971823 /tg/ fixes 3.x casters newbie OP asks how to fix casters and /tg/ delivers with suprisingly good ideas that work casters , 3.x , 3.5 , pf , dnd, 2014-08-08 -2 April 2016 46613644 How to roleplay a cleric of Bane /tg/ gives a thorough, informative answer to a question about roleplaying a devout follower of the Black Hand. humor , derail , baneposting , master plan , dnd , d&d , bane 2016-04-12 13 June 2016 47582966 Wizard rhymes How would spells be cast, if they'd have to be rhymed? Fellow wizard anons don't seem to have any problem with that. rhyming , rhymes , wizards , magic , dnd 2016-06-05 23 September 2016 49496804 Heroes of the Spiderwoods What begins as a greentext about the dangers of wild magic spirals into an epic tale of sacrifice and determination. storytime , DnD , Dietrich , Eisen , Fiona , Gunnar 2016-09-26 93 January 2017 51420033 Psycho Hero /tg/ learns how to CE properly monster , DnD , 2017-01-27 14 August 2017 54792272 Tinkle the Jester A story of Tinkle the Jester story , d&d , dnd , 5e , tiefling , jester 2017-08-10 1 December 2018 63535258 Baby Dragon /tg/ debates about what to do with a chromatic baby dragon dragon , chromatic , DnD 2018-12-20 1 63582978 >party encounters tiamat at level 1 /tg/ discusses about encountering Tiamat at level 1 dnd , tiamat , dragon 2018-12-24 1 March 2019 65057692 Good liches TG discusses good aligned liches dnd , lich , aligment 2019-03-15 -1 June 2019 66709472 /tg/ discusses Tiamat /tg/ has a long discussion about Tiamat dnd , tiamat , dragon , discussion 2019-06-16 1 66781999 /tg/ and dragon-human relationships /tg/ discusses how to deal with humans with dragons dnd , human , dragon , heresy 2019-06-21 -4 December 2019 70017307 /tg/ talks about being an aboleth TG talks about what to if you became an aboleth in our world. dnd , aboleth , discussion 2019-12-21 2 70073232 /tg/ talks about being a gold dragon /tg/ talks about what they would do if they got transformed intoa gold dragon. Not related with 7001730 gold dragon , dnd , discussion 2019-12-25 1 February 2020 4103897 BOW Quest Resident Evil DnD DnD , Resident Evil , RPG 2020-02-25 0 June 2020 73394301 D&D Designer Kate Welch breaks up with Boyfriend Anons discuss Kate Welch's breakup and try to make a big deal of it. breakup , Dungeons and Dragons , DnD , 5E , Wotc , Wotchstaff , Brap 2020-06-25 -10 December 2020 76454598 Draw your party thread People talk about their games, share advice, & post cool drawings. Campy musicals, grim mythology, treacherous techpriests, & more. draw , painting , party , byzantine , human sacrifice , dnd , Savage Worlds , 40K , nechronica , robotica , pathfinder , FATE , Rogue Trader , musical 2020-12-22 1 April 2021 78644134 Let's Design a Dungeon /tg/ fills a dungeon map with silly rooms. map , fantasy , game ideas , D&D , DnD , RPG , rpg 2021-04-20 2 October 2021 4975653 Mindflayer Quest In which our physically superior illithid goes on a quest to secure two drow nobles, adventure shenanigans, and plots to take over Marveil! Mindflayer Quest , Collective Game , Idle Thoughts , Fantasy , DnD , Mindflayer , Illithid , Underdark , Yphor , Marveil , Great Quest 2021-10-20 4 February 2022 5088234 Slavegirl Quest Kimsey, Halfling Beguiler and Priestess of Liberation, becomes friends with a catgirl amazonian and a magi, liberates herself from slavery. Slavegirl Quest , Kimsey , Slavegirl , Halfling Beguiler , Benjamin Walsh , King of Liberation , Firearms , DnD , Catgirl Amazonian , Great Quest 2022-02-06 -7 July 2022 85293565 Made in Abyss as a TRPG setting /tg/ examines the series and its titular Abyss as a setting. Two sets of D&D homebrew, a CoC campaign recap and general discussion included. anime , Call of Cthulhu , DnD , D&D , homebrew , horror , Made in Abyss , manga , setting 2022-07-20 -22 September 2022 85845122 >would you like to upgrade your roll to a Nat20™ for $1.99? /tg/ pontificates on the games-as-services hellscape that WotC plans to implement in the near future. dndone , 6E , WotC , corporate bootlickers , dndrones 2022-09-02 3 85877633 Ardlings vs Tieflings Despite the initial picture, there isn't (much) porn here. Dnd , Dnd one , not actually porn 2022-09-02 -22 November 2022 5411624 Urist Fonderferson and the Slit of Secrets Uri Fonder is the Dwarf with a cursed cock! It's DnD meets Hogwarts, but raunchy! Smelty picks up after a flaker, but has no clue how to DM DnD , 5e , Fonderferson , Dwarf , Fae Smelter , Harry Potter , Hogwarts , r34 , Bootyholder , Myhernee 2022-11-14 -6 December 2022 5442528 Rise of the Awakened #1 A post apocalyptic RP where you play as animals. Follow Mog and Kinny as they pull off a heist and discover the truth of the Old Ones. Collective Game , Roleplay , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Post Apocalypse , Talking Animals , Mog , Kinny , Bobby 2022-12-06 5 January 2023 5493415 Rise of the Awakened #2 The human asks for some clothes, Kinny and Bobby rob a store, Mog and the human make a deal, revelations abound, a fox is rescued. Collective Game , Roleplay , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Goddamn Lizard People , Mog , Kinny , Bobby , Jenkins , Rick's creepy robot , Draconians 2023-01-14 5 February 2023 5534447 Rise of the Awakened #3 A fox is recruited, a grisly scene is witnessed, the truth is unveiled, the vault is unlocked, and the hellbot was the true enemy all along. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Bobby , Maggie , Jenkins , We're goin' to Canada bois , Unveiled secrets , Hellbot 2023-02-19 5 April 2023 5584052 Rise of the Awakened #4 Ursus and "Simon" join the party, the party becomes extraordinarily wealthy, a gunstore is looted, some player drama occurs, the party sho Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Bobby , Maggie , Ursus , "Simon" , Plato , Lanesboro 2023-04-01 5 May 2023 5626225 Rise of the Awakened #5 Shopping, logistics&dragons, and finances are finally put in order, the truth about Lanesboro is revealed, the party fights an owlbear. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Bobby , Maggie , Ursus , Plato , Lanesboro , Combat again finally , logistics&dragons 2023-05-10 5 June 2023 5664976 Rise of the Awakened #6 The party beats the owlbears, get blown up, narrowly survives, get kidnapped and robbed, escape, and accidentally warcrime their kidnappers. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Potato , Ord , Horny Deer , Accidental Warcrimes , Prison Break , Q Wolf Cult 2023-06-29 5 August 2023 5703153 Rise of the Awakened #7 Kinny zaps a mob, the cultists kill some heretics, Mog gets his sword back, finds a slime, has a tantrum, Ursus wins a duel. qst on hiatus. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Adler , Harold , Deer Paladin Bros , Quest Hiatus , d-d-d-duel , Long-ass arc 2023-08-15 5 October 2023 5774217 Rise of the Awakened #8 The gang beat the deer, recover their gear minus their guns, confront history in a museum town, experiment with polymorph rings, and relax. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Maggie , Back from hiatus , Yawn chain , R&R , Downtime , Worldbuilding , Quest 2023-10-24 4 December 2023 5806023 Rise of the Awakened #9 The gang chat a lot the whole thread, steals a lute, finds a love letter, sells their wares to rabbits, relaxes with some vidya and alcohol. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Maggie , Swift , Relm , Velveteen and Frou Frou Tribes , R&R , Downtime , Quest 2023-12-01 2 January 2024 5854953 Rise of the Awakened #10 The party continue to party for the rest of the night while learning lore, gaining dosh, and finding out about a new quest. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Maggie , Swift , Relm , Rabbit Tribes , R&R , Party , Downtime , Quest 2024-01-20 2 March 2024 5900197 Rise of the Awakened #11 The party finally enter the Canis Lupin, insult the border patrol guard, and go into hiding for a bit until they come up with a plan. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Maggie , Quest , Canis Lupin , Poco the Muscle Cat , in hiding 2024-03-07 2 April 2024 5949105 Rise of the Awakened #12 A new human thaws, a soul put to rest, spiders slain, a will told, info gathered, and horrors unveiled. The Canis Lupin arc truly begins. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Arsene , Jessica , Gawain , Kuma , Canis Lupin , Intrigue , Horror's back , Ques 2024-04-23 2 June 2024 5990341 Rise of the Awakened #13 The party kills squids, capture Kuma, squid explodes before interrogation, the party sics Sunny on Gawain, Superman is met, a spy is caught. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Sunny , Kuma , Cephalopods , Superman , Retard Raccoon , Canis Lupin , Quest 2024-06-06 2 July 2024 6027314 Rise of the Awakened #14 Ursus hunts info, meets Sage, question a raccoon-squid, question and kidnap Gawain, rescue Bobby, uncover a lizard plot, Ursus vs Lincoln. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Jessica , Gawain , Bobby , Lincoln , Sage , Canis Lupin , Intrigue , Quest 2024-07-23 1 6051761 Goblin Cultivator A BTFOd Goblinslayer goblin meets an Evil Cultivator KinoPhageQM , GoblinBreederQM , collective game , cultivator , goblin , slayer , wuxia , xianxia , DnD , evil 2024-07-28 5 August 2024 6044784 Goblin King Quest #1 Weakest goblin aims to become the strongest collective game , DnD , fantasy , goblin , 2024-08-21 0 September 2024 6074760 Rise of the Awakened #15 Mog & Kinny retrieve Gawain's scroll & meet the queen. Ursus tracks down the kidnapped & warped June & Hogar. The party fights the culprits Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Canis Lupin , June , Hogar , Nihm , Queen 2024-09-24 1 November 2024 6109463 Rise of the Awakened #16 The crew thaw Dr.Wallace, work on curing June and Hogar begins, another chat with the queen is had, the gang raids the hotel for their guns. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Sage , Dr.Wallace , Queen , Dib , Canis Lupin 2024-11-09 1 March 2025 6177481 Rise of the Awakened #16.5 We're back from hiatus! Kinny mugs Sage, Mog freezes her. Gawain explodes, his squid escapes, then dies. Cats vanish, the crew tracks them. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Canis Lupin , Squid , Back from hiatus , Ord , Apes , Cliffhanger 2025-03-03 1