Thread Title Description Tags Added Score January 2009 3497204 Force commander vanilla ice Only one man could aid davian thule against the green menace, Ice, Vanilla Ice Ice,Vanilla,DOWII,Forcecommander,kick it 2009-01-23 7 June 2009 4734623 Dungeons and Dragons: Satan's Tool We discuss of DnD is a tool of Satan and send letters to evangelical Christians. dungeons and dragons , satan , christians , evangelicals , hell 2009-06-02 2 4759736 Vancian Spellcasting Discussion regarding a perspective on D&D's loved and hated magic system D&D , magic , rules , vancian 2009-06-04 -3 4852990 Meat Van A less than civil discussion about where we buy our meat slowly turns into ideas for a Meat-Peddling NPC. food , funny , meat van 2009-06-12 10 November 2009 6758889 Mech System Anon inquires as to a system to run a Gurren Lagann style game in. Other anons begin brainstorming a system made for mechs of the GL variety. Gurren Lagann , SRW , Evangelion , Mecha , System 2009-11-18 -3 6837410 Castlevania as a setting Castlevania as setting in either Exalted or D&D Homebrew , castlevania 2009-11-24 1 December 2009 7124722 Deuspora, the Gypsy Gods OP contemplates a setting where exiled gods from fallen pantheons travel from plane to plane subsisting on stolen prayers. Deuspora Gypsy Gods caravan 2009-12-14 2 7286867 Adeptus Evangelion Release Black Mesa Janitor delivers /tg/ a Christmas present. A 263 page supplement for Dark Heresy based on the Evangelion anime. Someone give that guy a hug. Evangelion , anime , DH , Dark Heresy , mecha , mech , fuck yeah , Christmas , supplement 2009-12-26 29 January 2010 7544679 Adeptus Evangelion 2: The Sequel Black mesa janitor decided that his 263 page book WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH for /tg/, so he asks Anon to tell him how to make it better. Brainstorming ensues with a grimdark bent. Evangelion , anime , DH , Dark Heresy , mecha , mech , fuck yeah , supplement , Adeptus Evangelion , AE 2010-01-12 20 7579758 Vana'diel Quest Bob Robertson, and his trusty friend Leo begin their journey out of the city of San d'oria. quest , vana'diel quest 2010-01-14 1 7572034 Adeptus Evangelion Anonymous had many a question and the Black Mesa Janitor did deliver. A brainstorm followed shortly after as many alternatives and extensions to the setting were discussed. Evangelion , anime , DH , Dark Heresy , mecha , mech , fuck yeah , supplement , Adeptus Evangelion , AE 2010-01-14 12 7725665 AdEva Logs Black Mesa Janitor posts the requested logs of some online Adeptus Evangelion logs, and kicks off another AE brainstorming thread. Evangelion , anime , DH , Dark Heresy , mecha , mech , fuck yeah , supplement , Adeptus Evangelion , AE 2010-01-23 12 February 2010 8151409 Adeptus Evangelion Discussion /tg/ discusses Ad EVA some more, updates about the next version are revealed. Some anon's detail their current campaigns Evangelion , anime , DH , Dark Heresy , Mecha , Mech , Adeptus Evangelion , Fuck yeah , AE 2010-02-18 4 March 2010 8480716 Adeptus Evangelion Fluff BMJ asks for pieces of original content to help make his next gift for /tg/ all the more special. The fa/tg/uys prove their worth like champs. AdEva , AdeptusEvangelion , Evangelion , writefag , epic 2010-03-09 17 8881939 Gundam40k A "really stupid" idea turns out to be awesome in retrospect. Dark Herisy , Adeptus Evangelion , Epic , Setting 2010-03-31 2 April 2010 8904549 LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 6 Isstvan V, the glassing of Rachnus' homeworld, and the capture of Tialoc. RACHNUS , RAGEOUS , LOST , PRIMARCH , ANGRY , SPIDERS , MALORIS , FUCK , ISSTVAN V , SKY SERPENTS , TIALOC , ALPHARIUS , HORUS HERESY 2010-04-01 5 8943116 Adeptus Evangelion Worldbuilding BMJ kinda asks for /tg/ to help expand the Eva universe as a setting. Undersea relic hunters and UN counterinsurgency results. AdEva , Adeptus Evangelion , Setting 2010-04-03 12 9212906 Rei Quest: The Reickoning In which /tg/ becomes the emotionless little girl, attempting to slowly develop emotions whilst attacking beer bottles. It makes about as much sense as Evangelion ever did. Evangelion , quest , TEH REI 2010-04-16 2 9366674 Adeptus Evangelion Progress Another AE thread with reports on what's left to be done, logs of the running games, and people checking in with their experiences. AdEva , Adeptus Evangelion , Logs 2010-04-23 5 May 2010 9568405 Adeptus Evangelion: AT, N2, JA, and other 2LAs Adeptus Evangelion thread discussing the role of Jet Alone, the functioning of the AT Field and its interaction with N2 mines, with a side discussion on the source of the AT Field and its implications for Angel psychology and NGE's philosophical/theological basis. AdEva , Dark Heresy , Adeptus Evangelion , Evangelion , anime , mecha , AE , DH 2010-05-03 4 9692211 Adeptus Evangelion 2.0 Black Mesa Janitor & the dev team deliver the new version of AE. Good times for all. Adeptus Evangelion , Black Mesa Janitor , Dark Heresy , Homebrew 2010-05-08 27 10078442 Adeptus Evangelion: WWE BMJ drops by to ask /tg/ about fluff for World War Eva Adeptus Evangelion , Black Mesa Janitor , Homebrew , Dark Heresy 2010-05-27 7 November 2010 12692444 AdEva Awesomeness Tales from an awesome AdEva campaign Adeptus Evangelion , Awesome , Metal 2010-11-06 1 12975793 Complaints about Adeptus Evangelion Character death in AdEva is too much to handle. adeptus evangelion , adeva , discussion 2010-11-30 2 December 2010 13115808 Tall Tales of AdEva Anon requests stories from other Adeptus Evangelion players. Awesome ensues. AdEva , Adeptus Evangelion , Storytime , My Campaigns , Evangelion 2010-12-13 5 13126445 The AdAngelic Verses Black Mesa Janitor requests draw and writefags to flesh out Angel concepts for a new expansion of AdEva. Dozens of submissions of "forgotten" Dead Sea Scrolls for SEELE ensure. Adeptus Evangelion , AdEva , Drawthreadd , Writethread , BMJ , Original Content , Game Design 2010-12-13 6 13131150 AdEva GMing Advice GM asks for advice for Adeptus Evangelion.
Lots of advice is given. Many tips for running a game of AdEva AdEva , Adeptus Evangelion , NGE , 2010-12-13 5 13311710 Adeptus Evangelion REDACTED Release Team AdEva does it again with a visually stunning GM supplement that they made for /tg/ as a christmas gift. Adeva , Adeptus Evangelion , BMJ , Sachiel , REDACTED , Evangelion , Homebrew 2010-12-28 15 January 2011 13504947 Stargate-inspired AdEva game Some fluff on a really awesome-sounding AdEva game inspired by Stargate, with added pics of Ritsuko Adeva , Adeptus Evangelion , Ritsuko , Stargate , Lovecraft 2011-01-13 6 February 2011 13820130 Adeptus Evangelion: USSR Edition A discussion of possibilities for setting AE in the Soviet Union. adeptus evangelion , russia 2011-02-08 8 March 2011 14200338 AdEva, Indian Style DM proposes Aztec AdEva game (not knowing RaXephon did it better); other anons follow up with their own Amerind inspired campaigns. AdEva , Adeptus Evangelion , Eva , Homebrew , Campaign Settings , Aztec 2011-03-11 1 April 2011 14576739 More Ad-Eva discussion Ad Eva discussion, and a discussion on logic in the Evangelion universe Adpetus Evangelion 2011-04-13 0 14612827 Marche of FFTA "The Stealthiest Lawful Evil Protagonist in the history of Lawful Evil protagonists." Lawful Evil , Lawful Good , BBEG , troll , trolling , final fantasy tactics , final fantasy tactics advance , fft , ffta , fantasy , paladin , discussion 2011-04-16 8 14668953 Portal-Adeva crossover Cave Johnson here. Here at Nerv we're making giant abominations wrapped in four feet of metal armor to defend the Earth from alien attack. Now the lab boys say we should be using well-trained men to pilot these, but the last budget came up a bit short, and so I said to them, "Hey, my boy loves these things! He can pilot one!" Adeva , Adeptus Evangelion , Evangelion , Neon Genesis Evangelion , Portal , Portal 2 , Aperture Science , Cave Johnson 2011-04-21 36 May 2011 14972306 NASCAR Genesis: Einherjar Evangelion + Norse Mythology + Nascar. One of the most inventive and awesome uses of Adeptus Evangelion /tg/ has ever seen Adeptus Evangelion , Homebrew , Storytime 2011-05-19 16 August 2011 16052444 Adeptus Evangelion: Cold War It is 1961. It has been fifteen years since the Second Impact. Pilots are from the respective countries in either NATO and Warsaw. Their mission? Desperately work together while making the other side look weaker. EVA homebrew setting worldbuilding AdEva Adeptus Evangelion AdeptusEvangelion Neon Genesis NGE fluff 2011-08-25 -2 September 2011 16440246 Ad Eva General Features Art dumps, advice, and rules to play traps. AdEva , Evangelion , Trap , Advice , Art 2011-09-27 -3 November 2011 16930200 /tg/ Meta Quest 22 We send probe droids down to various places, and find a cornucopia of horror, from the Mountains of Madness to Silent Hill. We're able to rescue Heather Mason, but then people spill the beans on who we are, necessitating a memory wipe later. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , LotR , Barad-Dur , Ahzek Ahriman , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-13 12 16932479 /tg/ Meta Quest 23 We prep a team of Data and some droids to escort Heather Mason back to Silent Hill. We learn by raiding newspaper offices around the globe that several different cults were at work, ranging from Mythos to d20 Modern, to bring about the end of the world. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-13 16 16958743 /tg/ Meta Quest 24 Heather Mason and Douglas Cartland return to Silent Hill, backed by Data and the droids. They begin exploration when we find out that Silent Hill is not to be underestimated, as it starts mining Data for monsters, and creates steam-clockwork-Borg abominations. We quickly run from them, and begin to explore the Church of the Order. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-19 14 16975328 /tg/ Meta Quest 25 We encounter a boss fight in the form of Data's guilt and regret over the death of his daughter. Douglas goes down, and we desperately try to keep him alive as Spike enters Silent Hill with extra equipment. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-21 15 16994064 /tg/ Meta Quest 26 We save Douglas Cartland, and solve some more puzzles. As we're exploring, we meet Doug's son. His dead son. That he has regrets over. Cue boss-fight. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-23 13 17019510 /tg/ Meta Quest 27 We proceed into the unexplored west wing of the chapel, and come upon a section out of Spike Spiegel's memories. We end up in a boss-fight against Corvus Head, and while Spike is tossed around and heavily injured, we are victorious. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-26 12 17039688 /tg/ Meta Quest 28 We move to the final boss of the Silent Hill portion of this world, and attack its weak point for massive damage. Then we find out who's been pulling the strings of the various horrors. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-28 12 17059442 /tg/ Meta Quest 29 We begin exploring the zombie outbreak in Pennsylvania. We find evidence of at least Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, and quite possibly Return of the Living Dead zombies. We also find some survivors that tell us that Raccoon City has become the domain of some lich-king. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-11-30 12 December 2011 17087235 /tg/ Meta Quest 30 We begin the assault on Raccoon City. However, bad rolls constantly get our troops hammered, and we lose the BLU team respawn tech to magic dickery. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-12-03 12 17095963 /tg/ Meta Quest 31 The tg diceroller continues to have us over a barrel as we continue to lose members of our team. We finally decide enough is enough, and pull out our forces in order to drill a hole down to the lich. Who then promptly uses our weapons' energies to make his escape, leaving us to deal with Vampire-Wesker. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-12-04 12 17109365 /tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread In which the Command Crew discusses plans and theories for the upcoming visit to Transylvania and what vampric horrors await there. Plus the usual chatter about who and what we should requisition next Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-05 6 17117963 /tg/ Meta Quest 32 We land with a small force in Transylvania, and begin chatting up the locals. Strahd and Dracula are at war, and signs point to their respective loves reincarnated in a single body. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-06 13 17137538 /tg/ Meta Quest 33 We dress up two of the White Mages as Tatyana/Lisa, and start poking around town to try to bait Strahd and Dracula to go to open war with each other. While searching, one of our teams spots Tatyana/Lisa, but loses her. Then one of the decoys is kidnapped. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-08 12 17161163 /tg/ Meta Quest: Waiting on OP edition OP gets held up for a couple days and we fall back on plotting against the Counts, and mostly talking about what we want on our requisitions list. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-12 8 17179943 /tg/ Meta Quest 34 Strahd summons Darius and the travelers from Londinium. We bullshit a story about Londinium and the Brittanica Empire, and the Emperor on his Golden Throne. Strahd seems to buy the story, and wants us to kill Dracula. Low rolls result in Strahd refusing to commit the majority of his forces, but he concedes to a diversionary attack as we infiltrate Castlevania. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-12 11 17194517 /tg/ Meta Quest 35 We plan, and then execute, the breaching of Castlevania. Our preparation pays off, and we are able to infiltrate the castle, and face Dracula. It is a pitched battle, but with the strength of our Space Marines, the healing of our White Mages, the protections by our Abjurer and Psion, and 10 X-COM High Explosive charges, we defeat Dracula, and Lyla is promoted to Hero-rank. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-13 11 17196695 Adeva 2.5 Fluff and Art Explosion 2 It continues! The original content being generated by /tg/ could not be contained! BMJ , AdEva , AdeptusEvangelion , Evangelion , Homebrew 2011-12-13 1 17206876 /tg/ Meta Quest 36 We go along with the narrative, trying to catch Strahd backstabbing us in some way. When he finally offers us tainted wine, and we get confirmation of its curse, we open up a 12-pack of whoopass on Strahd and his cronies. They were not prepared to face the Knights Inductor, or battlemechs, or First Age weapons forged by Elves. Strahd goes down like a chump to the two White Mages, and we make off with his gold and a rack of his finest wines. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-14 14 17239971 /tg/ Meta Quest 38 Our Probe Droid reaches the Japan Meteorological Agency offices and makes contact with some scientists. We learn that there are insurgent forces fighting against Griffith's reign, and that Guts appears to be among them. In Antarctica, our Probe Droid there distinguishes itself, and VP-99 is almost ready to become a Hero. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk 2011-12-17 13 17273710 /tg/ Meta Quest 39 More information is collected about the World Pillar in Antarctica, and we have confirmation that Persona 4 characters are part of the insurgents. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-20 11 17284731 /tg/ Meta Quest 40 We begin setting up sniper positions in Tokyo as we make contact with the insurgent forces. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-21 10 17296729 /tg/ Meta Quest 41 We successfully convince Guts to work with us, and prepare to shake up Griffith's world. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-22 11 17306889 /tg/ Meta Quest 42 We begin the second battle of Tokyo, as magic and mutant flesh meets more magic and advanced technology. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-23 12 17316446 /tg/ Meta Quest 43 We defeated Griffith, only to realize that he was just a pawn. The true reality distortion anchor of Tokyo reveals itself. We begin heavily losing troops, and the Leopard dropship goes down. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-24 15 17325929 TG Quest: The Extended Cut Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest thread #43 after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. Discussion of what to tell the Persona heroes and plans for the Antarctic showdown with Ebon Night. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-26 6 17334234 Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 Beta It's Christmas, so that means Black Mesa Janitor is back with mentally damaged children for us all to enjoy! Evangelion , Adeptus Evangelion , AdEva , Black Mesa Janitor 2011-12-26 28 17341283 Adeptus Evangelion 3.5 Alternate Version release Claimed Ex-member of the AdEva development team releases what could have been after the release of the 2.5 Beta in another thread. Adeptus Evangelion , Drama , Alternate , AdEva 2011-12-27 3 January 2012 17397134 TG Quest: The Extended Cut -part 2 Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest: The Extended Cut after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. More discussion, Mostly heroes and mechs this time. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-04 6 17425874 /tg/ Meta Quest 44 We begin cleaning up after the battle against the Idea of Evil. While Cheryl continues her training, we have our Antarctica team attack the Greater Shoggoth in order to access the Old One research facility. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-05 11 17429885 /tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread post-44 The standard arguing of what to requisition and what is just stupid. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-05 6 17446362 /tg/ Meta Quest 45 The Command Crew is contacted by Igor, agent of Philemon, a powerful entity from the Persona Canon. He offers the Command Crew a Contract, and after much debate, the vote narrowly has us accepting. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-07 10 17450144 /tg/ Meta Quest 46 We open up one of the stasis chambers, only to fight a proto-Angel. We open the second stasis chamber, and find a shard of the World Pillar with Adam in fetus form inside. Translating the Elder Thing research reveals that they may have found the Lance of Longinus as well. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-07 10 17456343 TG Meta Quest planning thread part BLARGH Yet more debate over requisitions, and even a little over our current mission. MOST SHOCKING TWIST YET. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-09 6 17468187 /tg/ Meta Quest 47 As Cheryl interfaces with the World Pillar, Ebon Night takes exception to the Command Crew staying safe in orbit, and pulls them down to Antarctica for the final confrontation. Our calculations concerning our ability to defeat his defenses seem to have been...overly optimistic as we lose the entire White Mage Team. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-09 10 17471475 /tg/ Meta Quest 48 After the cataclysmic battle with Ebon Night and Cheryl initiating Second Impact, we awaken in the Kingdom of Zeal. However, it is revealed that this is only a semi-stable time echo, and we recruit the time ghost of Belthasar to aid us. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-09 11 17481740 /tg/ Meta Quest 49 We find that Gaspar and Tosh are locked up with the Mammon Machine, and we execute a daring breaching of the chamber. Queen Zeal proves that she's one tough boss, then the Mammon Machine brings something through. Ebon Night wants a rematch, and the /tg dice seem to have bet against us as our troops drop like flies. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-10 11 17485818 /tg/ Meta Quest 50 The crew of the TGS Oncoming Storm and their taskforce stand bloody and weary, but triumphant over Ebon Night and Queen Zeal. With their new allies, the three Gurus of Time, Life, and Reason, they refit the Blackbird into a trans-space ship and make their escape through the space-time rift eating the temporal echo of the Kingdom of Zeal. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-10 11 March 2012 18180000 OP asks about PvP in DnD, gets storytime Van the turncoat, barters with enemy, steals warship, throws down with other players Dowjin , Daies , Hitsito , Van , Destamona 2012-03-03 12 18193676 Evangelion storytime OP comes to /tg/ with a tale of his characters undying love, /tg/ discusses Evangelion. awesome , adeva , evangelion , storytime 2012-03-04 12 April 2012 18910050 Mass Effect quest thread We meet Vanguard James Rennick, alcohol is had, interspecies relations are discussed, shit hits the fan. TO BATTLESTATIONS! Mass effect , Vanguard , The Illusive Man , Ryncol , Biotics 2012-04-30 10 May 2012 18933377 Mass Effect Quest Part 1 Wendigo and Jackal Squads continue towards mission objective. Sgt. Briggs makes Bro-tier, Newton proves to not be a total Jenkins, and we learn the dice Gods love Vanguards. Mass Effect , Vanguard , Geronimo , Briggs , Biotic 2012-05-01 12 18955531 The Mass Effect quest part 3 It seems Vanguard's are cursed with high dice rolls and strong grappling techniques. Mass effect , Vanguard , The Illusive Man , Geronimo , Nova 2012-05-03 7 19083275 The Tale Of Hitsito The Armory Storytime of an Epic Level DnD game, Dueling Gods, Neverwinter gets destroyed Dowjin , Daies , Hitsito , Van , Destamona , DnD , Epic , Storytime 2012-05-13 10 19137578 /tg/ discusses Evangelion /tg/ has an intellectually stimulating discussion of the Evangelion franchise, useful material for anyone looking to play a game of AdEva. evangelion , adeptus evangelion 2012-05-18 10 19231905 Mass Effect Quest Filler Arc 4 We learn more about our mysterious assailant, Geronimo is promoted to N1. LEVEL UP! We head back to Terra Nova to form up Jaguar Squad and let the ass kicking commence. Mass Effect Quest , Illusive Man , Geronimo , Karrigan , Vanguard , ICT , Briggs , Ajax 2012-05-25 7 June 2012 19401359 Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 Final Release BMJ delivers Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 in its complete form. Adeptus Evangelion , AdEva , Evangelion , BMJ 2012-06-08 15 January 2013 22480480 A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand A nice quest, that just so happens to be set in the world of Neon Genesis Evangelion. After character creation is done things hit the ground running and the first angel battle starts moments later. Collective Game , Some Faggot , Adeptus Evangelion , Neon Genesis Evangelion , World Ending 2013-01-09 14 22536559 A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 2 Adeptus Evangelion Quest continues, this time Samantha emotionally scars a very unfortunate Nicolas. She also heads off to school and learns of the cut throat world of the inter school tournament. We all get to know our other pilots better. Collective Game , Some Faggot , Adeptus Evangelion , Neon Genesis Evangelion , World Ending 2013-01-12 17 22592074 A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 3 Samantha finishes up her day at school by watching a duel between Terrance and Nicolas. Afterwards she is invited by the pair for lunch. Then they show her around town before heading back to NERV. Collective Game , Some Faggot , Adeptus Evangelion , Neon Genesis Evangelion , World Ending 2013-01-15 15 22630838 A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 4 We finish our fight with the thugs, and Nicolas practically tears them to shreds. Then after getting to NERV we step into our Eva, unfortunately something rather odd happens inside the plug. Collective Game , Some Faggot , Adeptus Evangelion , Neon Genesis Evangelion , World Ending 2013-01-17 14 February 2013 23031407 The return of Ivan D. Strelnikov The glorious leader and hero of /tg/'s Chickensmoothie Invasion returns and tells us about his adventures on other Freeform RPGs. Ivan Dmitri Strelnikov , Communism , Communist , Russian , Stalker ,Chicken Smoothie , Infiltration , Invasion , Freeform , RPG 2013-02-08 5 March 2013 23757275 AdEva base on crazy religion OP asks for crazy religious things to fuel his game. /tg/ provides. setting , adeptus evangelion , adeva , future alien jews , time cube , wat , religion , cazy 2013-03-19 24 23872011 The Sundered Realm of Jhalom /tg/ makes a cool setting. freeform , vanillamancy , world building 2013-03-25 5 April 2013 23945399 Adeptus Evangelion Thread OP asks for advice on his Taoism mythos inspired setting for AdEva, and general discussion is had. AdEva , AdeptusEvangelion , Evangelion , setting , epic , NGE 2013-04-01 6 24135923 Shadow Quest 2 The shadow arrives in Jacob's Field and meets Abigail. The town is assaulted by undead. Collective Game,shadow,quest,2,Abigail,Donovan 2013-04-09 36 June 2013 25381032 A History of Mages Someone refluffed Vancian magic, and for once it actually makes a lot of sense. Dungeons & Dragons , Vancian magic , fluff 2013-06-12 20 25533767 Lamia Daughter Quest 64 I think Mario has a cameo somewhere. Collective Game , Lamia Quest , Ssen , EchoGarrote , Lamia Daughter Quest , Lesbians , ERP , Entomophilia , Vanity , thats at least two Paladin Threads you fuckers have derailed now , 2013-06-20 24 25678818 The Advancement of Gnolls: Civ 1 Gnoll civ game; a band of gnolls form a gang in a town with wizards, goblins, and a relaxed city guard captain. Lion King references and humor abound. Collective Game , The Advancement of Gnolls , Civ , Quest 2013-06-28 2 July 2013 25940768 Ad Eva Discussion and Stortime Anons talk about Adeptus Evangelion, also, storytime about AdEva game with Pacific Rim material in it. Adeptus Evangelion , Neon Genesis Evangelion , Pacific Rim , Evas , Jaegers , Storytime 2013-07-11 1 September 2013 27415006 Touhouvania Quest Exactly what it sounds like. Touhouvania Quest , Collective Game , Touhou , SDM 2013-09-26 9 October 2013 27960246 Lamia Vagrant Quest/Humanity’s Vanguard Quest Prologue The tale of a young, homeless lamia girl trying to scrape by in the city quickly takes a turn for the dark. Collective Game , Lamia , Paladins , Humanity’s Vanguard Quest , Lots of hate 2013-10-27 31 28013529 Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest - 1. Baptism by Fire We are Freja-Signi Bjornsdottir, Valkyrie-pilot of an Enherjar, 14 years old. Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest , evangelion , quest , collective game 2013-10-30 8 November 2013 28129963 Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest - 1. Baptism by Fire pt. 2 We are Freja-Signi Bjornsdottir, a 14 year-old Einherjar pilot. And currently, a Nibelwinter Wolf is charging at you. Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest , evangelion , quest , collective game 2013-11-06 3 28330795 Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest - 1. Baptism by Fire pt. 3 We are Freja-Signi Bjornsdottir, a 14 year-old Einherjar pilot. The Wulf is dead and we have no casualty, but terror looms in the near future. Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest , evangelion , quest , collective game 2013-11-17 3 December 2013 28627692 Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest - 2. Yggdrasil Days We are Freja-Signi Bjornsdottir, a 14 year-old Einherjar pilot. Hakarl pizza for dinner is bad for your health, especially if it makes you dream prophetic of things. And talk to Karl about things not involving punching him. Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest , evangelion , quest , collective game 2013-12-03 3 28868310 Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest - 2. Yggdrasil Days pt. 2 We are Freja-Signi Bjornsdottir, a 14 year-old Einherjar pilot. We piss off a school diva and beat her in her own arena. Did I mention that the school has mandatory arena fights? Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest , evangelion , quest , collective game 2013-12-15 4 28998709 Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest - 2. Yggdrasil Days pt. 3 We are Freja-Signi Bjornsdottir, a 14 year-old Einherjar pilot. Things took an unpleasant turn when we encounter a Jotunn. Neon Ragnarok Einherjar Quest , evangelion , quest , collective game 2013-12-21 3 29089977 Fantasy Prison Quest 1 You were known as one of the Orkh'un. A warrior. A mercenary. Now, you are just a murderer and slave. For the crime of killing a noble's son, you have been sent to labor for life on a remote island prison. Your future is bleak, but nothing worth having is ever given easily; and in your new home, you have no choice but to fight for everything. Fantasy Prison Quest , Faateh Dhvann'kur , Orc , Orkh'un , Low Fantasy , Criminals , Prison Gangs , Collective Game 2013-12-26 13 29107743 Fantasy Prison Quest 2 You see what they do to new arrivals. You hear of a mutiny and betrayal. As you lose the Lizard, you realize once more that you are truly alone here. But you are Orkh'un, and to be Orkh'un is to persevere, to survive. You find an abode to rest, but even the house speaks of the twisted nature of this place. Fantasy Prison Quest , Faateh Dhvann'kur , Orc , Orkh'un , Low Fantasy , Criminals , Prison Gangs , Collective Game 2013-12-27 12 29145695 Fantasy Prison Quest 3 Convict or not, it is time to take a stand. You feel unease after meeting the two Orkh'un, Sangha and Rakshirr, but Bathoot's open insults tell you that the other Orkh'un are certainly not on your side. A Lizard you later come across suffers your fury. And the Elves, perhaps unwittingly, unravel secrets unknown to you, about the island. Fantasy Prison Quest , Faateh Dhvann'kur , Orc , Orkh'un , Low Fantasy , Criminals , Prison Gangs , Collective Game 2013-12-29 10 29189350 Fantasy Prison Quest 4 Just what is this prison? You realize that you know little about what goes on in here. You manage to procure food from Artem, the Elven chieftain, but it seems you've signed a deal with the devil. Then there is Jortuum. And the miners. And the those who attacked you in the night. And that face. Fantasy Prison Quest , Faateh Dhvann'kur , Orc , Orkh'un , Low Fantasy , Criminals , Prison Gangs , Collective Game 2013-12-31 11 April 2014 31736311 Pacific Rim + EVA Crossover What starts out as figuring out a system to run a Pacific Rim game almost immediately turns into a Pacific Rim and Evangellion crossover thread. Pacific Rim , Evangelion , ADEVA , Homebrew , Lore , Crossover 2014-04-27 22 31753617 Pacific Rim + Evangelion Crossover Thread #2 The development of the JaEVA crossover universe continues. Pacific Rim , NGE , Evangelion , AdEVA , Crossover , Lore 2014-04-27 17 31764373 Pacific Rim + Evangelion Crossover Thread #3 In this thread we begin developing some more detailed lore Pacific Rim , NGE , Evangelion , AdEVA , Crossover , Lore , Homebrew 2014-04-28 7 31780494 Pacific Rim + Evangelion Crossover Thread #4 We lay down some actual mechanics since the whole point was a system to play this in. Pacific Rim , NGE , Evangelion , AdEVA , Crossover , Lore , Homebrew , JAEVA Project 2014-04-29 7 May 2014 31812335 Pacific Rim + Evangelion Crossover Thread #5 In which rules are codified, lore is forged, and /tg/ gets shit done. Pacific Rim , Evangelion , Crossover , Lore , Homebrew , JAEVA Project 2014-05-01 6 31854928 Pacific Rim + Evangelion Crossover Thread #6 In which we refine the rules, start to generate example characters, and argue over it being a crossover Pacific Rim , Evangelion , Crossover , Lore , Homebrew , JAEVA Project 2014-05-04 6 June 2014 33085570 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 2 In which we spend time with the Third Child. tangfag , eva , NGE , section_two , evangelion , collective_game 2014-06-30 16 33098096 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 3 In which we practice firearm skills with Shinji and the dirty Russians threaten Tokyo-3. tangfag , eva , NGE , section_two , evangelion , collective_game 2014-06-30 14 July 2014 33131241 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 4 Anon plays paint-ball and becomes the office drone. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-07-02 16 33207982 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 5 Anon attends a funeral, reviews A case file, engages sleeper agents in a gunfight speeding down a road, and discovers the Third doesn't like human touch. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-07-06 20 33275610 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 6 Anon survives nightmares, plane bombs, and parachuting out of the back of a 'malfunctioning' C-141, before meeting Johann. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-07-09 16 33318659 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 7 Anon talks to an Admiral, traumatizes a 14 year old girl, and tang launches a discussion on Japanese federal versus state law, while the mystery deepens in Nevada! tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-07-11 14 33404018 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 8 In which it is revealed that MC might be out of his depth,Smith can fist fight, and Mari wants to smoke. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-07-15 14 33476714 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 9: You Can (Not) Operate Anon improvises an explosive, meets Dr. von Franken, and swears at a possible hallucination. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-07-18 12 33588883 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 10: You Can (Not) Operate Anon manages to lure out the TRUE MOLE, dodge being asked out by a fourteen year old, and stop things from going CATASTROPHICALLY wrong! tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-07-23 14 33633138 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 11: You Can (Not) Operate Anon argues, tang messes up at blackjack, and the waifu arguments begin in ernest! Oh, and Anon yells at a hallucination. Again. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-07-25 13 33725820 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 12: You Can (Not) Operate Anon meets the Second and Ryoji, has an adult discussion with the Fourth, and learns he's fucked up very badly with his eternal soul. And then he kisses his superior officer. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-07-29 15 August 2014 33850415 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 13: You Can (Not) Operate Anon tries to shoot an Angel, rides a bomb down to the Angel's mouth, and lands in a hand. Archived early because Moot buggered 4chan in the ass. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-08-03 11 33895740 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 14: You Can (Not) Operate Anon dreams of his failure, how he can prevent it, and then kicks his own ass. And then he makes another deal. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-08-05 13 34067851 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 15: You Can (Not) Operate Anon finds out the Great Game is still a thing, there are missing nuclear weapons, and doesn't really do anything else of note, actually. Kind of a slow thread. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-08-12 11 34118350 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 16: You Can (Not) Operate Anon makes thinly veiled threats at a school official, talks to Asuka about Shinji, and gets into a shoot out. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-08-14 11 34191163 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 17: You Can (Not) Operate Anon has talks with the Pilots, and Captain Katsuragi. Misato may or may not have used Anon for relationship advice. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-08-17 12 34282208 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 18: You Can (Not) Operate Anon dreams a dream of something that might have(had)been, cooks breakfast, and pep talks Shinji! Cut short due to tang's lack of time skill. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-08-21 11 34327507 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 19: You Can (Not) Operate Anon chews Asuka out, gets bombarded by paint, and discovers deeper levels of self-loathing! tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-08-23 11 34491044 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 20: You Can (Not) Operate Anon drives like a mad man and sort of confronts affairs of the heart. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-08-30 9 34514794 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 21: You Can (Not) Operate Anon saves a kid, insults an Australian, and learns they have a reputation that has preceded them. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-08-31 10 September 2014 34653531 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 22: You Can (Not) Operate Anon has problems with dreams. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-09-06 10 35156429 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 23: You Can (Not) Operate Anon doesn't like hospitals or waiting in them, and Anon doesn't like sending kids to fight. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-09-28 10 October 2014 35464100 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 23: Operator No Operating! We take a shower, make some arrangements, stand outside a door, and fend off Section 1 agents with a chair. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-10-12 7 35551163 Adeptus Evangellion AAR An After Action Report of OP's AdEva quest. Staring Pete, LaKeitha and Lilly as they adventure through SAN LOSS and NERV. AdEVA , AAR , SanLoss , NERV , Evangellion, 2014-10-17 14 35590495 Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 24 Anon interrogates a prisoner and meets a friend. tangfag , eva , NGE , section two , collective game , neon genesis evangelion quest 2014-10-18 8 March 2015 38936427 Shinigami Savant Quest #1 Meet the MC: Kusajishi Riku, a street-rat with spiritual talent and nothing to lose. Pre-archived. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-03-25 39 39051803 Shinigami Savant Quest #2 Riku learns the ropes to becoming a powerful Shinigami. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-03-31 37 April 2015 39092404 Shinigami Savant Quest #3 Riku talks to her sword, and begins to learn that her afterlife isn't as simple as it seemed. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-04-02 32 39201262 Shinigami Savant Quest #4 To stand against a Gillian, Riku will need all the help she can get. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-04-07 32 39241742 Shinigami Savant Quest #5 Riku gets to meet all the other Captains... from the wrong end of an official inquiry. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-04-09 31 39248289 Shinigami Savant Quest #6 Riku learns how upward mobility works in the Soul Society. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-04-10 31 39345540 Shinigami Savant Quest #7 Where Riku learns that “balance” in the afterlife isn't the same as “good”. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-04-14 34 39385523 Shinigami Savant Quest #8 When the Wolves of Mibu prowl, Death is never far behind. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-04-16 34 39391969 Shinigami Savant Quest #9 The match with the Shinsengumi continues, and the Bakumatsu heats up. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-04-17 36 39490303 Shinigami Savant Quest #10 Shunkō: Master and Student. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-04-21 33 39530129 Shinigami Savant Quest #11 Riku and her sword play a game with a powerful magical artifact. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-04-23 33 39535743 Shinigami Savant Quest #12 She who controls the Keikaku, controls the Universe. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-04-24 36 39633150 Shinigami Savant Quest #13 The most trying ordeal of Riku's afterlife to date: parenthood. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-04-28 33 39671905 Shinigami Savant Quest #14 The rise of Captain Urahara Kisuke. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-04-30 31 May 2015 39678861 Shinigami Savant Quest #15 The fall of Captain Urahara Kisuke. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-01 31 39772117 Shinigami Savant Quest #16 Shinigami vs. Death Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-05 32 39778186 Shinigami Savant Quest #17 Why does Captain Kusajishi wear the mask? Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-06 30 39812252 Shinigami Savant Quest #18 Death of a Swordsman. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-07 31 39818170 Shinigami Savant Quest #19 Making the crime fit the punishment. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-08 32 39917819 Shinigami Savant Quest #20 The Secret Life of (Little) Bees. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-12 33 39957264 Shinigami Savant Quest #21 Guns of the East. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-14 31 39963069 Shinigami Savant Quest #22 Riku ties off some loose ends and the wars begin. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-15 29 40129106 Shinigami Savant Quest #23 Changing times, desperate measures. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-23 30 40135411 Shinigami Savant Quest #24 In the Forest of Menos. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-24 29 40154115 Shinigami Savant Quest #25 Conversations with Coyote. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-24 30 40159805 Shinigami Savant Quest #25.5 Overtime thread, because I suck at time allocation. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-25 28 40278263 Shinigami Savant Quest #26 White Death at the Messines Ridge. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-30 29 40301402 Shinigami Savant Quest #27 All of the worst things happen. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-05-31 31 June 2015 40862872 Shinigami Savant Quest #28 God dammit Aizen. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-06-27 30 40886263 Shinigami Savant Quest #29 Riku gets punchy, and things go kind of to shit. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-06-28 31 40896916 Shinigami Savant Quest #29.5 Riku continues to be punchy. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-06-29 31 July 2015 41438383 Shinigami Savant Quest #30 Live from Okinawa: Riku vs. Halibel and Starrk. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-07-25 32 September 2015 42456738 Shinigami Savant Quest #31 Playing catch-up. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-09-12 32 42475508 Shinigami Savant Quest #32 Guadalcanal diaries. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-09-13 32 42532242 Castlevania Quest: Endless Dirge 1 Altrich Belmont vs Count Dracula! Who will claim victory?! Castlevania , Castlevania Quest , Dracula , Collective Game , Belmont 2015-09-16 3 42736909 Shinigami Savant Quest #33 Trial and fire. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-09-26 28 October 2015 42867665 Shinigami Savant Quest #34 Aizen fiddles, Naha burns. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-10-03 28 42996353 Shinigami Savant Quest #35 Back to school. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-10-10 33 43253904 Shinigami Savant Quest #36 White Strawberry. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-10-24 32 43359102 Castlevania: Dracula War 1977 Quest 1 It is April 4, 1977. One month earlier an earthquake tore through Romania with the epicenter being in Vrancea County. As an operative for the United States Government you are being sent into Soviet aligned Romania to investigate what may be the Kremlin's newest weapon. A large structure, codename SKYSCRAPER, has appeared at lake Vidraru's deepest point... Collective Game , Castlevania , Dracula War , 1977 , Quest , Metal Gear 2015-10-30 4 43390336 Shinigami Savant Quest #37 Death and Strawberry Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-10-31 31 43395126 Shinigami Savant Quest #37.5 Death and Strawberry, now with 100% more Strawberry. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-10-31 29 November 2015 43409092 Shinigami Savant Quest #38 Fox and Providence. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-11-01 32 43520479 Shinigami Savant Quest #39 Riku guest-stars on a popular TV show. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-11-07 28 43540761 Shinigami Savant Quest #40 Kuchiki vs Kuchiki. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest , AU 2015-11-08 30 43589170 AdEva Discussion /tg/ discuss AdEva indepth for the first time in...well, forever. AdEva Evangelion BMJ 2015-11-15 5 43755725 Shinigami Savant Quest #41 The keikaku must flow. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-11-21 29 43772453 Shinigami Savant Quest #42 Revere the King, Expel the Invaders. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-11-22 30 43871089 Shinigami Savant Quest #43 SSQ: After Life Consequences. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-11-28 31 43890663 Shinigami Savant Quest #44 Double Death Edition. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-11-29 33 December 2015 44000501 Shinigami Savant Quest #45 Riku beats Wolf. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-12-05 30 44004954 Shinigami Savant Quest #45.5 Riku beats Beard. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-12-05 30 43995280 Fantasy Modalvania Quest Part 2 In which we play a young enobled man in a dark place in dark times, trying to help a village and his noble Lady defend their realm from undead, vampires, and more.
Part 1 Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Modalvania 2015-12-09 1 44067029 Fantasy Modalvania Quest Part 3 In which we meet a double agent, commence reclamation of the lumber mill, finish our schooling and net us a cushy job as an official. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Modalvania 2015-12-11 1 44142804 Shinigami Savant Quest #46 Riku beats everything? Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-12-13 30 44275762 Shinigami Savant Quest #47 Riku gets into a sword-measuring contest. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-12-20 34 44400272 Shinigami Savant Quest #48 BOXING DAY OMAKE COLLECTION. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2015-12-27 27 January 2016 44535025 Shinigami Savant Quest #49 First Light on the Fifth Day: Rukia's Execution? Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-01-03 30 44679476 Shinigami Savant Quest #50 The battle against Aizen reaches a climax. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-01-10 33 44850312 Shinigami Savant Quest #51 The aftermath of Aizen's departure. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-01-18 34 44977125 Shinigami Savant Quest #52 Interrogation. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-01-24 28 45001414 Shinigami Savant Quest #52.5 Coming to terms. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-01-25 32 45114494 Nerv Bridge Simulator "Ah Major, you're finally here. The third angel has arrived." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-01-31 39 45125952 Shinigami Savant Quest #53 Making nice... or not. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-01-31 31 February 2016 45269593 Shinigami Savant Quest #54 Training Day. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-02-07 32 45305261 Nerv Bridge Simulator II "The battle is getting more heated. Major, what are your orders?" Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-02-09 21 45359645 Nerv Bridge Simulator II - Interim 1 "Going doing to Boston to pick up the Fourth Child. You ready Major?" Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-02-12 20 45411485 Shinigami Savant Quest #55 Raijuusenkou purrs, a new chapter begins. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-02-14 31 45432580 Shinigami Savant Quest #55.5 Continuing where we left off. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-02-15 31 45515664 Nerv Bridge Simulator III The fourth angel is here Major. How shall we proceed? Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-02-20 20 45600097 Nerv Bridge Simulator IV "The 4th angel has crossed the shoreline and is approaching HQ! We need to act now Major!" Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-02-24 20 45620611 Nerv Bridge Simulator IV - Interim 2 "Major, wake up. It's time to deal with the consequences of our actions, for better or worse." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-02-25 21 March 2016 45742827 Nerv Bridge Simulator V "The 5th and 6th angel will arrive at Montreal 3 within the next few weeks. How shall we proceed with preparations Major?" Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-03-02 20 45883252 NERV Bridge Simulator VI Everything goes horribly wrong. Again. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ , you must (not) lose hope 2016-03-08 20 45922964 Nerv Bridge Simulator VII "HQ has sustained heavy damage and the 5th Angel is getting closer. Major, we need your orders!" Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-03-11 23 46035766 Nerv Bridge Simulator VIII "Major we ne-" "I know. Just, give me some time to collect myself." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-03-16 21 46119035 Shinigami Savant Quest #56 Riku refuses. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-03-19 39 46183499 Nerv Bridge Simulator IX "Dead bodies. LCL in the air. At least Second Impact had a better view than this." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-03-23 20 46289644 Shinigami Savant Quest #57 That deer in headlights look. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-03-27 36 46307292 One Foot in the Grave Quest 6 James gets thrown about like a ragdoll, then goes hunting. Collective Game , Redemptor , One Foot in the grave , Advanced Bear. 2016-03-28 1 46332319 Nerv Bridge Simulator X "Major! The attack on the 6th Angel is about to begin. What are your orders? " Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-03-30 20 46342450 NERV Bridge Simulator XI "It's all downhill from here, folks!" Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-03-30 21 April 2016 46390998 Angel Commander Simulator "The third EVA has arrived. Our reports indicate that the target is smugly advancing through RURAL AREA 01..." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ , You Must (not) Laugh 2016-04-01 21 46481620 Nerv Bridge Simulator XII "We may have just finished an operation but now is not the time to slack off major." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-04-06 20 46524008 Nerv Bridge Simulator XIII "Looking forward to a good dinner, though I can't shake the feeling that we forgot something..." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-04-08 20 46564309 Shinigami Savant Quest #58 A restless afternoon in the rain. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-04-09 35 46632335 Nerv Bridge Simulator XIV "It'll take a while to get Florence out of there. Maybe it's time to start planning Major." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-04-13 20 46709947 Shinigami Savant Quest #59 Muramasa is cornered. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-04-16 37 46816098 Nerv Bridge Simulator XV Tactical operations on Vancouver are beginning. Major, are you ready? Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-04-22 20 46824532 NERV Bridge Simulator XVI "Hey, I can see my house on this map! ...Oh. Crap." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-04-22 20 46923872 Nerv Bridge Simulator XVII "Major, I know this is a service ceremony but there's a situation, follow me" Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-04-27 20 47002580 Shinigami Savant Quest #60 "The Refusal" Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-04-30 33 May 2016 47133146 Shinigami Savant Quest #61 The new order of things. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-05-07 35 47251305 Shinigami Savant Quest #62 Riku vs Muramasa Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-05-14 35 47303215 Nerv Bridge Simulator XVII "Tim Horton's?! Finally?! Thank you Major, this is the best welcome home gift!" Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-05-18 14 47370110 Shinigami Savant Quest #63 Every villain leaves a mess. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-05-21 35 47425486 Nerv Bridge Simulator XIX "Movie night going fine, though Eileen is still reclusive. Let's see what is going on with her." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-05-25 13 47488661 Shinigami Savant Quest #64 What is a Hollow? A miserable pile of misery... and Spanish. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-05-28 35 June 2016 47541487 Nerv Bridge Simulator XX Angel attack on Nerv-HQ, crit fails everywhere. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-06-01 20 47610461 Shinigami Savant #65 The Featherweight Champion of the World tries her hand at diplomacy. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-06-04 36 47726570 Shinigami Savant Quest #66 Live from the former Eastern Bloc. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-06-11 31 47743407 Shinigami Savant Quest #66.5 A continuation of the last (short) thread. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-06-12 31 47773876 Nerv Bridge Simulator XXI "Roll to avoid Third Impact." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv HQ 2016-06-16 25 47837698 Shinigami Savant Quest #67 A CLONE OF HER OWN. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-06-18 32 47837763 Vanguard I: Old Farm Blues [Skirmish] A new skirmish game, most of us do nothing while Barnaby kills everything. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Vanguard , Art? , Skirmish Sketch 2016-06-20 5 47927843 Nerv Bridge Simulator XXII The Major deals with the aftermath of the 8th Angel and begin a small investigation. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-06-24 16 47956649 Shinigami Savant Quest #68 The Reigai strike back. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-06-25 31 47972472 Shinigami Savant Quest #68.5 Continuing where we left off last time. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-06-26 29 48010444 Nerv Bridge Simulator XXIII Secret rendez-vous, cryptic videos, clones and getting it on with Rachel. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-06-29 16 July 2016 48075842 Shinigami Savant Quest #69 A change of scenery and a new threat. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-07-02 30 48128634 Nerv Bridge Simulator XXIV New portraits, Riot Shield and Anna's release. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-07-06 14 48194028 Shinigami Savant Quest #70 Attack of the Clones. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-07-09 34 48245347 Nerv Bridge Simulator XXV The Ninth Angel makes an explosive introduction. No Riot Shields are in sight. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-07-13 14 48263803 Nerv Bridge Simulator discussion A small discussion, archived for flavour. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-07-14 10 48307155 Shinigami Savant Quest #71 He copied WHICH Unohana!? Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-07-16 33 48419411 Shinigami Savant Quest #72 Tea House Oath. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-07-23 33 48535636 Shinigami Savant Quest #73 Senna and Ishida have a bad time. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-07-30 34 48537103 Nerv Bridge Simulator XXVI Preparing the orbital interception mission. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-07-31 12 48535884 Vanguard II: Neighbourhood Watch After the screw-up in Argetina, things are re-organized and Vanguard deploys to a perfectly normal suburban home. Owned by vampires. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Vanguard , Art? , Skirmish Sketch 2016-07-31 2 August 2016 48569222 Vanguard III: Partycrashers Vanguard operatives infiltrate into a seemingly normal party. Hosted by an invoker. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Vanguard , Art? , Skirmish Sketch 2016-08-07 2 48691803 Vanguard IV: Stakeout Hankering for some R&R, Vanguard goes spelunking in a perfectly normal cave system. It's full of 9 century old vampires. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Vanguard , Art? , Skirmish Sketch 2016-08-10 2 48740386 Vanguard V: Wolfden Vanguard goes to Münich and enjoy the serene city. They visit perfectly normal noodle shop. It turns out to be full of gunmen and demons. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Vanguard , Art? , Skirmish Sketch 2016-08-14 2 48888852 Shinigami Savant Quest #74 Well THAT escalated quickly. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-08-20 38 48903031 Vanguard VI: Moonwolf The annual company picnic looks to be cancelled because of a pending apocalypse. Vanguard travels to outer space to preserve the picnic. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Vanguard , Art? , Skirmish Sketch 2016-08-23 2 September 2016 549845 Shinigami Savant Quest #75 In which everyone is mad, because the people in charge are morons. So fucking topical. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-09-10 33 584469 Shinigami Savant Quest #76 The Substitute. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-09-17 31 October 2016 676446 Shinigami Savant Quest #77 Seireitei under siege. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-10-08 28 704346 Shinigami Savant Quest #78 Riku's funeral. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-10-15 26 49864582 Vanguard VII: Moonwolfier Stuck on the moon, lost in space, out of time. Will the picnic (and world) be saved? Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Vanguard , Art? , Skirmish Sketch 2016-10-21 2 764389 Shinigami Savant Quest #79 Divinity and profanity. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-10-29 27 764692 Nerv Bridge Simulator XXVII NBS comes back from the dead! We proceed with the orbital interception mission. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2016-10-30 10 November 2016 792375 Shinigami Savant Quest #80 As above, so below. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-11-05 26 818826 Shinigami Savant Quest #81 Blowback. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-11-12 25 846373 Shinigami Savant Quest #82 Too many Gins on the dance floor. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-11-19 23 December 2016 901636 Shinigami Savant Quest #83 Guess who's back? Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-12-04 26 889046 Vanguard VIII: Great Victoria Wasps Escaped the moon only to be stuck in an even worse place: Australia! Still no picnic. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Vanguard , Art? , Skirmish Sketch 2016-12-09 1 924018 Shinigami Savant Quest #84 Five Dragons. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-12-10 22 948046 Shinigami Savant Quest #85 Land of the Dead. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2016-12-17 22 916341 Vanguard 9: Desert Beat Vanguard goes to a Perfectly Normal Town. A little too normal. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Vanguard , Art? , Skirmish Sketch 2016-12-20 3 January 2017 1027028 Nerv Bridge Simulator XXVIII The fight with the 9th Angel continues. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2017-01-10 6 1044028 Shinigami Savant Quest #86 Bureaucracy: the TRUE face of Hell. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-01-14 21 1072554 Shinigami Savant Quest #87 The Beach. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-01-21 21 1099002 Shinigami Savant Quest #88 Two Zanpakuto. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-01-28 22 February 2017 1073357 Nerv Bridge Simulator XXIX Getting drunk with Rachel and Ji Eun. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2017-02-01 6 1151782 Shinigami Savant Quest #89 Chilly reception. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-02-11 21 1173329 Shinigami Savant Quest #90 TALES OF INTEREST Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-02-18 21 1202847 Shinigami Savant Quest #91 Diplomatic immunity. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-02-25 21 March 2017 1229280 Shinigami Savant Quest #92 A Higher Level Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-03-04 23 1254415 Shinigami Savant Quest #93 Second in Command Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-03-11 23 1233246 Nerv Bridge Simulator XXX Getting drunk with Sophie. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2017-03-13 9 1301608 Shinigami Savant Quest #94 Those who prove worthy. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-03-25 22 April 2017 1323833 Shinigami Savant Quest #95 Those who strive. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-04-01 21 1348164 Shinigami Savant Quest #96 A moment of calm. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-04-08 22 1368228 Shinigami Savant Quest #97 The Monk burns? Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-04-15 26 1412581 Shinigami Savant Quest #98 Riku ain't afraid of no ghosts. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-04-29 21 52956802 Saint Dracula and the Romanian Reformation Vlad Tepes sells his soul for the power to drive off the Turkish invasion of Christendom and unintentionally starts a reformation. crusade , dracula , vlad tepes , vlad the impaler , reformation , theology , castlevania , faustian bargain, 2017-04-29 13 May 2017 1432612 Shinigami Savant Quest #99 The Banished. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-05-06 20 1459238 Shinigami Savant Quest #100 Mothers' Day. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-05-14 22 1478512 Shinigami Savant Quest #101 Counter-Attack of the Dissidents. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-05-20 20 June 2017 1530880 Shinigami Savant Quest #102 A rebellion's end. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-06-03 21 1559129 Shinigami Savant Quest #103 Back in the saddle again. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-06-10 21 1582273 Shinigami Savant Quest #104 Mens rea. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-06-17 21 1608271 Shinigami Savant Quest #105 What is a Lieutenant? Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-06-24 21 July 2017 1629623 Shinigami Savant Quest #106 Tea time for Riku. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-07-01 21 1650489 Shinigami Savant Quest #107 The two swordsmiths. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-07-08 21 1671582 Shinigami Savant Quest #108 Release//Consume. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-07-16 21 1694843 Shinigami Savant Quest #109 Citadel. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-07-23 21 1673884 Nerv Bridge Simulator XXXI Getting ready for a fancy event when suddenly- Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2017-07-23 5 1721525 Shinigami Savant Quest #110 The self-cleaning clan, and other tales of interest. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Questi 2017-07-30 21 August 2017 1789527 Shinigami Savant Quest #111 The fence. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Questi 2017-08-19 22 September 2017 1833331 Shinigami Savant Quest #112 Riku puts her affairs in order. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-09-02 26 1870768 Shinigami Savant Quest #113 Deadberry. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-09-16 22 1917324 Shinigami Savant Quest #114 YOU MUST BE SWIFT AS A COURSING RIVER Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-09-30 21 October 2017 1940221 Shinigami Savant Quest #115 WITH ALL THE FORCE OF A GREAT TYPHOON Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-10-07 22 1993846 Shinigami Savant Quest #116 WITH ALL THE STRENGTH OF A RAGING FIRE Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-10-21 22 November 2017 2039621 Shinigami Savant Quest #117 MYSTERIOUS AS THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-11-04 22 2070609 Caravan Quest 1 Dim Palmfast lands in a new shard of the old world. He continues his duty to guide survivors away from the insidious Vice. Strategy , Management , Fantasy , Apocalypse , Caravan Quest 2017-11-18 4 2098583 Shinigami Savant Quest #118 No fighting in the war room. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-11-25 23 December 2017 2150528 Shinigami Savant Quest #119 Arisawa Tatsuki's Wild Ride Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2017-12-16 23 January 2018 2226114 Shinigami Savant Quest #120 The ground war continues. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-01-13 21 2262287 Shinigami Savant Quest #121 Riku's Counterattack. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-01-27 20 February 2018 2275397 Gantz Quest DC[Thread 1] We are Erik Vanders, and we just died. Between hunting aliens and being an assistant manager at Wal-Mart, how much worse can our life get? Gantz , Bolivar , Erik Vanders , Aliens , 2018-02-04 31 2290123 Gantz: Quest - Episode 2 We survived the first hunt, but our normal lives are all messed up. Police interrogations, human drama and our love life take center stage. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens , 2018-02-10 22 2297950 Shinigami Savant Quest #122 Vs. Sad Bat Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-02-10 20 2270386 Nerv Bridge Simulator : EoNBS "... The Major has gone missing." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2018-02-11 1 2337643 Shinigami Savant Quest #123 Face of Fear Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-02-24 21 2304688 Civilization Thread Sharz Avanzer #1 Civilization Thread Humans in a Desert, built a city called Sharz Avanzer
Civilization Thread , Sharz Avanzer , Humans 2018-02-24 1 2327581 Gantz: Quest - Episode 3 The second hunt begins, and the horror starts before we even arrive. With new members and a horrifying foe, the rain rises as do the bodies. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-02-26 25 March 2018 2337839 Civilization Thread Sharz Avanzer 2 The end of the tale of Sharz Avanzer Civilization Thread , Humans , Sharz Avanzer 2018-03-04 1 2330594 Nerv Bridge Simulator : EoNBS II We begin preparation to prevent Third Impact Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2018-03-07 5 2373230 Shinigami Savant Quest #124 Left hand, right hand. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-03-10 20 2353081 Gantz: Quest - Episode 4 - Part 1 The second week of our 'normal' life starts, along with the fallout of the previous hunt. Pacts, trust and strange powers abound. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-03-14 21 2389298 Gantz: Quest - Episode 4 (Part 2) Our second week continues, and things get much more hectic. Stalkers, smart little girls, and the promise of a better life in the future... Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-03-22 21 2413798 Shinigami Savant Quest #125 The Ninth Advances. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-03-24 20 April 2018 2417742 Gantz: Quest - Episode 5 (Part 1) The third hunt kicks off, as an unexpected guest is taken with us. New faces arrive, cathedrals are huge and Carol learns what begets hate. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-04-02 21 2455735 Shinigami Savant Quest #126 Pure Imagination. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-04-07 24 58889492 creatively negligent precursors Worldbuilding about precursor civilizations leads to hilarity and the realization that Zeus is That Guy. worldbuilding , precursors , sufficiently advanced , setting , Autism on a Kardashev Scale , goddammit zeus , REEEEEEEE PAPERCLIPS , REMOVE QU, 2018-04-07 5 2418228 Nerv Bridge Simulator : EoNBS III Scouting expedition into the MAGI Core commences. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2018-04-08 3 2452491 Gantz: Quest - Episode 5 (Part 2) The third hunt continues, with Erick and the team taking the fight to the Cathedral itself. With time running out, the aliens get desperate. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-04-09 24 2510835 Shinigami Savant Quest #127 What is Love? Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-04-28 21 May 2018 2532629 Gantz: Quest - Episode 0 We're Chris Bowery, and tonight's our second hunt. In a dark forest near the city, the moon brings back horrid memories of pain and blood. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-05-14 12 2576535 Shinigami Savant Quest #128 SCIENCE! Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-05-19 20 June 2018 2613687 Shinigami Savant Quest #129 Reunion. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-06-02 20 2592031 Gantz: Quest - Episode 6 (Part 1) Our normal lives have taken a turn for the sinister as both the police and another unknown force begin to act on our and our friends' lives Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-06-03 11 2654191 Shinigami Savant Quest #130 Acts of God. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-06-16 20 2632213 Gantz: Quest - Episode 6 (Part 2) Our week continues as we head to museum with Yukino, uncover a web of conspiracy, and glimpse a little deeper on the meaning behind Gantz. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-06-18 6 2665885 Gantz: Quest - Episode 6 (Part 3) We finish arguably our most unfortunate week so far. Revelations continue to turn up as our weekend takes an turn for the most unexpected. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-06-25 6 2692012 Shinigami Savant Quest #131 The First and Last Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-06-30 20 July 2018 2676214 Nerv Bridge Simulator : EoNBS IV Rolled 1.11 (1d10) Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2018-07-02 3 2689716 Gantz: Quest - Episode 7 (Part 1) Our fourth hunt starts with an unexpected and deadly guest. Even with a familiar setting, the mission turns deadly even before our arrival. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-07-08 4 2727668 Shinigami Savant Quest #132 Burnout blizzard. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-07-14 21 2727943 Gantz: Quest - Episode 7 (Part 2) Erick's leadership and resolve are tested as things take an even more unfortunate turn. There is no turning back now, something has to give Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-07-20 3 2765414 Shinigami Savant Quest #133 Ties that Bind Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-07-28 20 August 2018 2765899 Gantz: Quest - Episode 8 (Part 1) You are Paula Torrez and fourth hunt is not over yet. With a countdown approaching, the hunt turns desperate for the team and the aliens. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-08-09 2 2798183 Fallout Van Buren Quest #1 Our main character, Theseus escapes from the Tibbets Prison, is joined by two companions, and fights off a giant robot. Fallout , Van Buren , Collective Game, 2018-08-15 5 2834427 Shinigami Savant Quest #134 Guess who's back? Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-08-25 17 2809004 Gantz: Quest - Episode 8 (Part 2) Our first week begins in earnest as we track down a mysterious lead, intensify our training, and deal with the night's gruesome aftermath. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-08-28 2 September 2018 2870046 Shinigami Savant Quest #135 Riku vs Birbs Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-09-08 16 2869605 Gantz: Quest - Episode 8 (Part 3) Our week continues as our first training session has an unexpected guest, we try to get closer to Chris and his father tries to interfere. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-09-21 1 2908901 Shinigami Savant Quest #136 The fire in which we burn. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-09-22 16 October 2018 2946944 Shinigami Savant Quest #137 The Predator. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-10-06 13 2906934 Gantz: Quest - Episode 8 (Part 4) Our training get's more serious and we have to deal with the consequences of the disappearances of our allies. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-10-07 1 2984625 Shinigami Savant Quest #138 Sheep in wolf's clothing? Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-10-20 12 2953350 Gantz: Quest - Episode 8 (Part 5) The veil of mystery surrounding Gantz begins to clear as new Allies are met, and secrets discussed; adding to Paula's pressure. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2018-10-21 1 November 2018 3021496 Shinigami Savant Quest #139 A time to be born, a time to die. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-11-03 12 3052675 Shinigami Savant Quest #140 Riku's Rebirth. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-11-17 12 December 2018 3088833 Shinigami Savant Quest #141 Hell or High Water Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-12-04 12 3104733 Caravan Quest 1: Take Two Dim Palmfast lands in a new shard of the old world. He leads his caravan eastward, facing stubborn figments from the old world. Strategy , Management , Fantasy , Apocalypse , Caravan Quest 2018-12-18 1 3120652 Shinigami Savant Quest #142 In the beginning. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2018-12-20 11 January 2019 3132271 Unlucky Servant Quest #1 You're Solomon, Saul for short, and occasionally, Sally. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , pelican , Unlucky Servant Quest 2019-01-01 8 3139520 Unlucky Servant Quest #2 From a flat plain to massive tracks of land. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , pelican , Unlucky Servant Quest 2019-01-05 3 3156963 Shinigami Savant Quest #143 Inside Man Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-01-06 11 3151782 Unlucky Servant Quest #3 Vivi the cuddle bug. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , pelican , Unlucky Servant Quest 2019-01-18 2 3186759 Shinigami Savant Quest #144 How the other half die. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-01-18 9 February 2019 3178109 Nerv Bridge Simulator : EoNBS V Take care of yourself. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2019-02-01 2 3226153 Shinigami Savant Quest #145 De los Muertos Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-02-02 11 3196368 Unlucky Servant Quest #4 Revival of Quest, New QM. Garden Adventures Unlucky Servant , NekoMancer , Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic 2019-02-03 1 3228357 Unlucky Servant Quest #5: Choices We avoided flaming farts Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , Nekomancer , Unlucky Servant Quest , Unlucky Servant 2019-02-14 1 3267534 Shinigami Savant Quest #146 One Stock, Final Destination, Bankais Only Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-02-16 8 3261670 Unlucky Servant Quest #6: Classes QM Got the Flu, but he killed it [Small Thread] Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , Nekomancer , Unlucky Servant Quest , Unlucky Servant 2019-02-23 1 3302386 Shinigami Savant Quest #147 Kurosaki-Gaiden Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-02-27 8 March 2019 3286702 Gantz: Quest - Episode 9 - Part 1 Gantz Quest returns from hiatus.
Paula's investigation into Yukino's killer takes a strange turn as well as the mental state of th Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2019-03-04 2 3289390 Unlucky Servant Quest #6.5: Classes Saul & Vivi go to class, & Charles dies from exhaustion Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , Nekomancer , Unlucky Servant Quest , Unlucky Servant 2019-03-09 2 3342928 Shinigami Savant Quest #148 Silver and White. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-03-12 9 3329105 Gantz: Quest - Episode 9 - Part 2 Paula suffers another alien break-in and explores further into the mystery behind them. Training starts again and some go worse than others. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2019-03-19 1 3331622 Unlucky Servant Quest #7: Solomon learns magic. Solomon helps the Prince. Solomon becomes a cute small Fisherman. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , Nekomancer , Unlucky Servant Quest , Unlucky Servant 2019-03-22 1 3376510 Shinigami Savant Quest #149 Inside Tatsuki Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-03-24 10 April 2019 3409500 Shinigami Savant Quest #150 Empty mind, empty hand, clear eyes Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-04-05 10 3377472 Unlucky Servant Quest #8: Sally Edition We transform into our mistress. Go on a scavenger hunt. Evade a Criminal Organization Feel disgusted for killing something&-? ourLively hood Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , Nekomancer , Unlucky Servant Quest , Unlucky Servant 2019-04-06 2 3380252 Gantz: Quest - Episode 9 - Part 3 Paula's resolve is pushed to the limit, as she tries to help Chris and is forced to ask how far she's willing to go to save her loved ones Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2019-04-07 1 3446834 Shinigami Savant Quest #151 Oh No Plateau Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-04-19 6 3384471 Vanguard: Property Inspection RIPPER team comes out of the dark to find a missing dog, end up finding a lost city Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Vanguard , Art? , Skirmish Sketch 2019-04-19 6 3417830 Unlucky Servant Quest #9: Friends Solomon goes to town with his new friend Marcie Alabaster. They read books, get followed by shady people, and go to dinner. :) Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , Nekomancer , Unlucky Servant Quest , Unlucky Servant 2019-04-20 1 3428043 Gantz: Quest - Episode 10 - Part 1 The fifth hunt begins after a horrifyingly close call in Paula's apartment. With new gear on hand, the hunt moves to the tunnels beneath DC Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2019-04-22 1 May 2019 3447454 Unlucky Servant Quest #10: Proper Numbering Edition Solomon invades a gang base. Also Finds a magical flying talking dog, that cause him smelly. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , Nekomancer , Unlucky Servant Quest , Unlucky Servant 2019-05-04 1 3483025 Shinigami Savant Quest 152 Confrontation Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-05-04 6 3522596 Shinigami Savant Quest #153 Final Forms Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-05-21 6 3481027 Unlucky Servant Quest #11 Solomon goes to class, Learns more about Marcie, & gets a date for the Gala. Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , Nekomancer , Unlucky Servant Quest , Unlucky Servant 2019-05-21 1 June 2019 3567014 Shinigami Savant Quest #154 Of Gods and Goddesses Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-06-10 6 3533847 Unlucky Servant Quest #12 We learned about 2 more forms of magic, & finished the Bellabona book Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , Nekomancer , Unlucky Servant Quest , Unlucky Servant 2019-06-18 1 3602433 Shinigami Savant Quest #155 The worst-laid plans Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-06-25 6 July 2019 3609060 Unlucky Servant Quest #13 Tiny thread, QM sorts through personal issues Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , Nekomancer , Unlucky Servant Quest , Unlucky Servant 2019-07-09 1 3644802 Shinigami Savant Quest #156 Lending a Hand Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-07-10 7 3695095 Shinigami Savant Quest #157 The final stretch. Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-07-26 6 August 2019 3720623 Nerv Bridge Simulator Final Thank you. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ 2019-08-03 7 3755789 Shinigami Savant Quest #158 All Good Things (Finale) Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-08-17 7 September 2019 3793701 Shinigami Savant Quest #159 All Good Things (Finale 2/2) Bleach , Collective Game , Shinigami Savant Quest 2019-09-03 25 October 2019 3849123 Runaway Jedi Quest 1: Prologue Jedi Knight Gohl and the Youngling Dove flee the jedi temple and Corsucant after Order 66 Starborn QM , Starborn , Star Wars , Runaway , Jedi , Youngling , Corsucant , Smuggler , Undercity , Temple , Clones , Order 66 , Noorian , Palliduvan 2019-10-08 4 3861311 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance Arthur has a horrible morning in which he is forced to flee from his home before finding that he's the target of a shady supernatural group WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2019-10-23 13 November 2019 3881876 Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Can't Escape From Crossing Fate Gohl's desperate flight continues. Ace Pilot Iso and Youngling Dove watch on in horror as The Chosen One himself chases the edi survivors Starborn QM , Starborn , Star Wars , Runaway , Jedi , Youngling , Corsucant , Smuggler , Undercity , Temple , Clones , Order 66 , Noorian , Palliduvan 2019-11-01 1 3885926 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance Part 2 Arthur spends a night in a bunker and has a rather unsatisfactory breakfast before going to assault the alchemist's headquarters. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2019-11-11 3 3917143 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance Part 3 Arthur explores the Alchemist's Mansion, finds out some information on the alchemists and fights plants. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2019-11-28 1 December 2019 3944718 Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Chain Gang gohl and co. land on an outer rim world to purchase supplies for their stay in the wilderness. Starborn QM , Starborn , Star Wars , Runaway , Jedi , Youngling , Corsucant , Smuggler , Undercity , Temple , Clones , Order 66 , Noorian , Palliduvan 2019-12-10 1 January 2020 3976551 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 5 QM is a retard and forgot to archive Thread IV WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2020-01-11 2 4014473 Castlevania Elegy of Inheritance: Part 6 Arthur puts an end to the scheme of the Director before finding out what he truly is. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2020-01-26 1 February 2020 4047219 Gantz: Quest - Episode 10 - Part 2 The fifth hunt continues as the enemy appear in greater number and strength than previously imagined. Paula's will may reach its limit here Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2020-02-10 1 4048464 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 7 Arthur has a very strange meeting with a girl during a dream. Then has a rather stressful reunion. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2020-02-14 2 March 2020 4086443 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 8 Arthur finally looks to put an end to his vampire troubles WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2020-03-12 2 4100984 Gantz: Quest - Episode 11 - Part 1 Paula makes a stand as the last stage of the hunt takes place, with familiar guests intruding once more. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2020-03-17 0 4133692 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 9 Arthur has to deal with a sudden outbreak of giant molluscs and betrayal. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2020-03-31 0 April 2020 4168609 Gantz: Quest - Episode 11 - Part 2 Erick's emotional return is put to a halt as Gantz reveals an unexpected surprise for the group. Gantz , Gantz: Quest , Bolivar , Erick Vanders , Aliens 2020-04-12 2 4165989 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 10 Arthur finally gets to relax a little. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires 2020-04-18 0 May 2020 4200730 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance Part 11 Arthur continues his relaxation on the ship. Movies are watched. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires 2020-05-08 1 4242422 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 12 Everything quickly goes horribly wrong. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Alucard 2020-05-30 3 June 2020 4278474 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 13: Arthur goes to the circus and then visits a church. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Circus , Demons 2020-06-18 2 July 2020 4310544 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 14 Arthur explores a demon infested city. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-07-12 3 4354356 Sworn to Valour Quest #25 His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. The Duke's Ball, the social event of the year. A perilous viper's den of courtship and intrigue for our knigh Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Smile Protec , Vancewell Train 2020-07-23 31 August 2020 4353266 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 15 Everything goes horribly wrong... again. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-08-10 1 4403667 Sworn to Valour Quest #26 A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Andrei grapples with the end of Ball, meeting with Sir Gilbern and paying a midnight visit to Lady Vancewell. Thread is subsequently derailed by samefag and mod politics. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Vancewell Train 2020-08-25 23 4428910 Sworn to Valour #27 A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Andrei finishes his affairs in Port Bounty and makes ready to depart for the foreign shores of Cathagi. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Smile Protec , Vancewell Train 2020-08-30 24 September 2020 4397757 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 16 Arthur grows more powerful while he is trapped within his dreams. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-09-02 1 October 2020 4432627 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 17 Arthur finally awakens. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-10-02 2 4456310 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 10 A day of relaxation and planning before the oncoming battle WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Homunculi , Servants 2020-10-05 11 4480248 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 11 Shinji meets with a certain oni once again. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Servants 2020-10-23 11 4504360 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 12 A new Servant is recruited and the quest goes on a short hiatus. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Servants 2020-10-29 11 4477151 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 18 Arthur and the gang take a train before getting rudely interrupted by a powerful being. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-10-29 3 December 2020 4549934 Pokemon Clover 1: Baneghosting You are Alex Mason, a pokemon terrorist and it gets worse. Based on a the Romhack. Mostly offensive, never funny. Collective Game , Pokemon Clover Quest , Vandashlane , mynameismimikyu , pokemon , pokemon clover 2020-12-13 3 January 2021 4581890 Pokemon Clover 2: Tomboy Outback Steakhouse Alex Mason gets a rival and breaks into a graveyard. Based on a the Romhack. Mostly Offensive, never funny. Collective Game , Pokemon Clover Quest , Vandashlane , mynameismimikyu , pokemon , pokemon clover 2021-01-13 1 4611203 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 13 Paradox Reincarnator returns after its hiatus. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Servants 2021-01-27 11 February 2021 4623343 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 14 Shinji gets engaged. Unwillingly. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Servants 2021-02-01 11 77268004 Nechronica Thread: Big and Tall edition - More Gravel storytime Secrets come to light for the A-team as the intro arc of Gravel Storytime concludes.
Anon talks characters and cannibalism. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Gravel , Adrian , Altina , Aida , cannibalism , Nine , Nai , Ivana , necromancy , gothic 2021-02-05 1 4622666 Open Roads Quest #1; Setting Out We arrive in Angelsfield and conduct our business. A route is set for Jironth, and we have a physical alteraction with a Capwell lackey. Open Roads Quest , Collective Game , WeldyQM , Merchantile , Journey , Caravan 2021-02-21 5 77467554 Nechronica thread. Anon asks for help GMing Nechronica. Storytime happens.
Melico, Imp, & Coleo deal with the morning after the battle.
Nai's intro se Nechronica , rules , advice , Storytime , Story Time , Nai , Nine , Ivana , England , Melico , Imp , Coleo , Denver , Cersei , centipede , necromancer , red 2021-02-22 1 4626670 Pokemon Clover 3: Suicide with Drip Alex Mason faces Logan Paul, and learns the true meaning of spooky. Based on a the Romhack. Mostly Offensive, never funny. Collective Game , Pokemon Clover Quest , Vandashlane , mynameismimikyu , pokemon , pokemon clover 2021-02-22 0 March 2021 4671772 Open Roads Quest Quest #2: Leaving Angelsfield We uncover a gunpowder plot and OP is stricken with the Curse. Open Roads Quest , Collective Game , WeldyQM , Mercantile , Journey , Caravan 2021-03-23 2 April 2021 4697729 Neon Terminus Evangelion - 01 - The Same as it Ever Was 2017 AD. Seventeen years after Second Impact. The Angels have returned. It's time to fight back. Neon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , NTE , Neon Terminus Evangelion , multiple protagonists , TimeKillerQM 2021-04-05 10 4708520 Dragon Doing Dragonly Deeds Quest A young dragon hatches from its egg and must survive in the wilderness. dragon doing dragonly deeds , dragonop , survival , dragon , arguing , so much arguing , OP vanishes 2021-04-20 -1 4723763 Open Roads Quest #3; Gunpowder Plots and Nasty Thoughts We navigate through some social encounters, discover a cheat, and prepare for the road to the city of Iskander Open Roads Quest , Collective Game , WeldyQM , Merchantile , Journey , Caravan 2021-04-27 3 4731368 Neon Terminus Evangelion - 02 - Heaven's Servant Ethan deals with the fallout of the fight against the Sixth Angel and Sayid delves further into Nerv. Neon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , NTE , Neon Terminus Evangelion , multiple protagonists , TimeKillerQM 2021-04-30 7 May 2021 4778408 Open Roads Quest #4; Meander to Iskander Tristan Stonyfield solves some disputes, has a heart to heart moment, and stiffens his resolve before visiting the Trunk Family. Open Roads Quest , Collective Game , WeldyQM , Merchantile , Journey , Caravan 2021-05-28 2 4790721 Neon Terminus Evangelion - 03 - Who Can Stand Against A God Nerv lays plans for the future, the pilots grow closer together. Aaliyah prepares for a dangerous mission. Neon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , NTE , Neon Terminus Evangelion , multiple protagonists , TimeKillerQM 2021-05-30 6 June 2021 4846607 Open Roads Quest #4; Big City Dealings Tristan Stonyfield squares away a few minor matters before escorting cousin Hettie to a fancy party at Lady Tabitha Blackmoore's residence. Open Roads Quest , Collective Game , WeldyQM , Mercantile , Journey , Caravan 2021-06-25 2 July 2021 4870603 Neon Terminus Evangelion - 04 - The Great Below Korine finally sees combat, Aaliyah infiltrates Nerv and finds what they're hiding. eon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , NTE , Neon Terminus Evangelion , multiple protagonists , TimeKillerQM 2021-07-14 6 August 2021 4923765 Neon Terminus Evangelion - 05 - The Weight of a Soul Angel attacks increase in number and severity. Nerves fray. Attrition takes its toll. What is the weight of one life? Neon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , NTE , Neon Terminus Evangelion , multiple protagonists , TimeKillerQM 2021-08-19 6 September 2021 4942283 Born Irrelevant #1 Aware in a world that barely acknowledges him, Asa Minoru becomes involved in a mystery involving the Cast the world serves. Born Irrelevant , Mob Character , Mystery , Anime , RomCom 2021-09-03 6 October 2021 4995537 Neon Terminus Evangelion - 06 - The Abyss's Gaze An Angel is detected in the depths of the Pacific and an operation is launched Neon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , NTE , Neon Terminus Evangelion , multiple protagonists , TimeKillerQM 2021-10-23 3 December 2021 5026018 Born Irrelevant #2 Time skip happens, QM decides to drop the quest due to getting bad luck since starting it. Born Irrelevant , Mob Character , Myster , Anime , RomCom 2021-12-10 -3 82606823 interesting quirks for ancient vampires How would something which had been alive for most of human history act in the modern world? vampires , quirks , history , autism , OCD , thulsa doom , vandal savage, 2021-12-22 8 February 2022 5124869 Neon Terminus Evangelion - 07 - See No Evil The recovery operation is complete and the fleet returns home. Katya faces another Angel. Truths are revealed. Neon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , NTE , Neon Terminus Evangelion , multiple protagonists , TimeKillerQM 2022-02-25 2 August 2022 5335721 Shinji Isekai Dude that was forced to watch neon genesis evangelion by his weeb roommate gets Isekai as Shinji. "Hell is anime. Anime is hell!" Shinji Isekai , Neon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , collective game , GameMaster 2022-08-11 1 September 2022 5367434 Neon Terminus Evangelion - 08 - The Waltz of Life and Death Katya faces her fears. Ethan strengthens his relationships. A mystery develops and a storm is brewing. Neon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , NTE , Neon Terminus Evangelion , multiple protagonists , TimeKillerQM 2022-09-05 2 October 2022 5397658 Neon Terminus Evangelion - 09 - Everywhere at the End of Time Hurricane Delta approaches New Tampa. The resistance are contacted. Plans are revealed. Neon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , NTE , Neon Terminus Evangelion , multiple protagonists , TimeKillerQM 2022-10-20 2 February 2023 5514043 Rage Across Pennsylvania #1 A high school student called Sam finds out he's a werewolf. Weird shit ensues. Collective Game , Quest , World of Darkness , Werewolf the Apocalypse , Rage Across Pennsylvania 2023-02-05 26 5563412 Neon Terminus Evangelion - 10 - Right Where it Belongs The Dance under the Sea. Neon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , NTE , Neon Terminus Evangelion , multiple protagonists , TimeKillerQM 2023-02-28 3 March 2023 5562590 Rage Across Pennsylvania #2 Sam completes his initiation rite and gets into a fight. Collective Game , Quest , World of Darkness , Werewolf the Apocalypse , Rage Across Pennsylvania , Hench 2023-03-08 12 5558269 The Obligation (Space Opera) #1 creation of Character and some chenanigans happen: trading, making friends and getting shot at. Obligation , space Opera , Mikhail 'Misha' Ivanovich Volkov , space 2023-03-09 3 April 2023 5594651 Neon Terminus Evangelion - The End of Evangelion It all returns to nothing. Neon Genesis Evangelion , Evangelion , NTE , Neon Terminus Evangelion , multiple protagonists , TimeKillerQM 2023-04-09 6 5599014 Shinigami Savant Quest #4, Part 1 The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself. Shinigami Savant Quest , Bleach , Collective Game , KingWormmy 2023-04-19 1 May 2023 5654217 Archimedean Quest: II In which a great War starts, a noble Lady enjoys a Leisure Cruise, receives a Piece of Jewellery, and has to deal with a boarding Action. Archimedean , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Airships , The Great Game , Secret Despatches , Gallivanting with our Tits out 2023-05-21 10 November 2023 5832322 Fate Catastrophe/Superposition 10 Years after the Fuyuki Grail War came to an end, Marshall Vrilizadre is chosen by the Grail and summons his Servant. Avenger Fate , Type-Moon , Fate Catastrophe/Superposition , Servants , Grail War 2023-11-29 0 December 2023 5859064 Fate Catastrophe/Superposition #2 After a heart to heart with Avenger, Marshall finds out he is to head off to Russia. Meeting the competiton before his plane crashes Fate , Fate Catastrophe/Superposition , Grail War , Servants , Hassan of 1,000 IP Addresses 2023-12-23 0 May 2024 5999229 Legio, Advance: Sunlit Patrols [Skirmish] Desert Sun Force Legion, 10th 'Sandstone'Composite Cohort saves Fireskellians 2nd Cohort from disaster and secures supply line Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , SKETCHER , Art? , Skirmish Sketch , Legio Advance 2024-05-28 5 July 2024 6029548 Legio, Advance: Heatshimmer Hearts [Skirmish] Preparation for the Spanway Attack that never came Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , SKETCHER , Art? , Skirmish Sketch , Legio Advance 2024-07-01 2 August 2024 6030753 Meguca Royale: Osaka #1 On the other side of the world, a new story begins. Three new gucas start their descent into hell. Puella Magi Madoka Magica , pmmm , obcm , Meguca Royale: Osaka , Lumina Canima , Nigger , Cock , these tags are relevant I swear 2024-08-04 5 September 2024 6081536 meguca royale: mini Five megucas enter a labyrinth. All seeking to kill a witch. The major issue is that they can only speak like cavemen, three word sentences. Puella Magi Madoka Magica , pmmm , obcm , meguca royale: mini , Lumina Canima , Circles , Autism , Cliffhanger , these tags are irrelevant I promise 2024-09-19 3 November 2024 6109639 Isekai Cheat Harem #1 After being hit by a truck you get a masochistic goddess and start a slave harem in another world. Machines are made and goblins are slain. IseQM , NotIseQM , John Doe , Isekai , Herta , Goddess of Artifice , Steampunk , Mecha , Savant , Slavery , Harem , Slave-Wives , Dungeon , Goblins 2024-11-19 7 January 2025 6149927 Isekai Cheat Harem #2 You go to a city, add a cute fox hag to your harem, get money, repel a bandit invasion, and have a mandatory beach episode. NotIseQM , John Doe , Isekai , Herta , Goddess of Artifice , Steampunk , Mecha , Savant , Slavery , Harem , Slave-Wives , War , Bandits , Trade 2025-01-23 4