/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2009
4489468How to make characters love an NPCA truly magnificent thread with many ideas on how to make the PLAYERS, not the playable characters, fall for an NPC. Includes a masterful summary short of a scientific dissertation by Dr. Baron von EvilsatanDnD, Dr. Baron von Evilsatan, Love, NPC2009-05-07 8 
September 2009
5881187NobleDark GrimBrightness!Someone makes an odd sentence construction. Anons bicker for a while. Then, Dr. Baron von Evilsatan arrives and generates win.Dr. Baron von Evilsatan, Evil, Satan, Noble, Dark, Grim, Bright, Grimdark, etc, too many tags, oh god how did this get here.2009-09-16 17 
October 2009
6167237Bandit QuestAfter the fall of a particularly powerful organization of thieves, some of the surviving members band together to start a new reign of greed and lawlessness. Led by Victor Von Strupp, this ragtag group of disgruntled ne'er do wells will seize wealth and power as they see fit and rise once again to the top of the food chain.Bandit, Quest, Victor, Von, Strupp2009-10-07 1 
September 2011
16396062Ork Dakka Discussion & PhilosophyOP wonders what would happen if enuff dakka would be reached if an ork was revealed to Slaanesh. Discussion then turns to what is enuff dakka can can it be reached. Von Neumann Bullets and universe guns are conceived in an attempt to reach enuff dakka. Then a wise orky anon shares the wisdom of Sorkatez, Shillork and other ork philosophers.ork, 40k, dakka, more dakka, never enuff dakka, Von Neumann bullets,2011-09-23 5 
September 2013
27322964Waifu Quest 4Konoko causes an accident while "discovering" her powers and Nayu barely manages to get into the cheer squad with Riritu's help. In the midst of all this, tension rises between Konoko and Riritu as the former becomes more paranoid of the latter's intentions. Later back at home, Nayu and Konoko bask in the healing power of cats.Waifu Quest, Collective Game, Metafiction, Twen, Memetic Parasite, Naya von Archimboldi2013-09-20 39 
27442581Waifu Quest 5A mysterious, self-narrating voice beckons for Naya in the night. Curious, Naya decides to find the source of the voice, but not before telling Konoko about the special link the two had made when they cemented their partnership. Parting on cordial terms, Naya leaves to meet with her mysterious stranger at a familiar diner...Waifu Quest, Collective Game, Metafiction, Twen, Memetic Parasite, Naya von Archimboldi2013-09-27 39 
27474570Waifu Quest 6Naya annoys Anon-kun with her refusal to act as his damsel in distress. The next day, after an annoying breakfast talk with Riritu and making plans with Konoko to improve Anon's mood, Naya leaves for school. Before she can even step into class, however, Naya meats an old creation of hers who seems to have gained sentience.... in addition to a major douche streak.Waifu Quest, Collective Game, Metafiction, Twen, Memetic Parasite, Naya von Archimboldi2013-09-29 39 
October 2013
27509331Waifu Quest 7Naya meets Leopold, an old acquaintance from one of her past lives, who traps her in the bathroom. After a stiff conversation between the two, Leopold lets Naya go back to take part in the story. With her help, Konoko K.O.'s THE SKELEREX and becomes Best Girl.Waifu Quest, Collective Game, Metafiction, Twen, Memetic Parasite, Naya von Archimboldi2013-10-01 39 
27612747Waifu Quest 8Anon nearly kills Naya and gets kicked to the curb, but an unexpected betrayal leaves Naya reeling.Collective Game, Waifu Quest, Twen, Metafiction, Naya von Archimboldi, Memetic Parasite2013-10-07 39 
27684504Waifu Quest 9Broke 1000 posts. Also plot occurs, and brief make outs with Leo in the middle of a storm and maintenaceWaifu Quest, Collective Game, Metafiction, Twen, Memetic Parasite, Naya von Archimboldi2013-10-11 39 
27783551Waifu Quest 11What kind of idiot kisses a succubus?! Also, a new sentinent is introduced!!Waifu Quest, Collective Game, Metafiction, Twen, Memetic Parasite, Naya von Archimboldi2013-10-17 39 
July 2014
33751236Digimon QuestMC gets kidnapped by digimon, partners with pompous claw, and saves friend in digital worldDigimon Quest, Collective Game, Levonsong, Quest, Digimon2014-07-30 2 
August 2014
33817976Digimon Quest #3In which Betamon stops being so beta and we get some plotCollective Game, Digimon Quest, Levonsong, Digimon, Quest, Keramon2014-08-01 1 
33912793Digimon Quest #4We say goodbye to Arukenimon and clear the air with JordanDigimon Quest, Digimon, Quest, Keramon, Collective Game, Levonsong2014-08-05 1 
August 2015
41611413You Still Can't Fuck the Princess! QuestThe sequel to the hit quest about the challenges of finding true lesbian peasant love with a princess. Second thread.Collective Game, You Can't Fuck The Princess! Quest, You Still Can't Fuck the Princess!, Raban Vonelle, Idiom Alpha, You Can't Fuck the Princess!, You Still Can't Fuck the Princess! Quest2015-08-02 21 
September 2016
520605Space Miner Quest 0 You are Cassidy Von Maur. Just another miner in Hermia Domain. You are funding a project which might save the very life of your true mother.Collective Game, Space Miner, Cassidy Von Maur2016-09-06 1 
May 2017
53006207self-replicating megadungeon settingWorldbuilding for a setting entirely inside a single absolutely massive dungeon enchanted to continually expand itself.dungeon crawl, worldbuilding, setting, von neumann,2017-05-08 4 
October 2017
2017910German Vampire Quest 1Your name is Oz Van Werinsten. The second oldest vampire to ever exist, hemomancer, father and lord of the night. You've had guests.Star, Castle, Wagon, Germany, Vampire, Nosferatu, Oz, Ozymandis, Von Werinsten, Mia, Jack, Monsters, Homunculi, Eva, Dwarf, Hunter, Elf2017-10-30 4 
December 2017
2109048German Vampire Quest 2Everyone gears up for a roadtrip. We jump into the eyes of our maid Eva for a while!Star, Castle, Wagon, Germany, Vampire, Nosferatu, Oz, Ozymandis, Von Werinsten, Mia, Jack, Monsters, Homunculi, Eva, Dwarf, Hunter, Elf2017-12-02 1 
June 2023
5655115STAR WARS - Interregnum #3.4Farren returns from Kessel with the Conclave, checks in with the Kakari, wakes up a Vong sleeper ship, and begins training Ceyla in earnest.Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Potkin Kangaroo Court, Lizard Bros, Vong Invasion RSVP, Traditional Jedi Child Abuse2023-06-23 21 
June 2024
6006957The Butterfly Wars (a turn-based strategy game)Choose your character and lead him to victory in the Butterfly Isles. Ano von Nymous, Ano von Nymous QM, Strategy, turn-based, Fantasy2024-06-19 1 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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