Thread Title Description Tags Added Score January 2009 3339817 ores and stones Up in this motherfucker. stones , ore , bismuth , UP IN THIS MOTHER FUCKER 2009-01-07 6 July 2009 5069446 Modern Day Warring States "it is just as likely that a Warring States-style circumstance could have emerged as local bureaucrats. some enriched by China's experiments with export capitalism, others impoverished by the same, took individual initiative to set up their own fiefdoms" Lu Bu , Campaign Ideas , Other 2009-07-02 2 November 2009 6766926 Ice Planet I From the man who brought us Fast Food Mafia, we now have a chilling (pun intended) new setting, where convicts and wardens struggle to survive sub-zero temperatures Ice , Planet , Geothermal , Campaign , Mafia , Food , Convict 2009-11-19 1 February 2010 8208190 Pokemon Quest. Get your nostalgia goggles Hello there! My name is Oak. Some people call me the Pokemon Professor.
This world is inhabited by creatures we call Pokemon!
Some people play with Pokemon, while others battle them. I study Pokemon.
I am here to serve as your guide through the world of pokemon training. Pokemon , Collective Game , Gary MOTHERFUCKING oak , Treecko , Quest 2010-02-21 -3 8210509 Pokemon Quest 1b. Get your nostalgia goggles You are Sarah a 12 year old pokemon trainer from pallet. Having received your brand new Treecko your are now battleing Red and Gary your childhood friends. Red has a Hoot Hoot named Dr. Hoo and Gary a Whismur. You are Jungle Jack , your pokemon, is on the ground trying to ward of as series of peck attacks from the good doctor as whismur charges into the fray having now deflated to normal size. Pokemon , Collective Game , Gary MOTHERFUCKING oak , Treecko , Quest , Battle 2010-02-22 -4 September 2010 12187108 Brother Testicles, Fastest Apothecary in the West /tg/ creates a Deathwatch character. Some bad math and GM fiat results in hilarity. Deathwatch , Brother Testicles 2010-09-23 41 November 2010 12658152 Otherkin: A Cautionary Tale You know what's bad? Insanity. You know what's terrifying? Not knowing you're insane. You know what's worse than either? Otherkin. Otherkin , Soulbond , soulbonding , Warning , Caution , Faggotry , D&D , Dungeons & Dragons , Terrible , madness , insanity , Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here 2010-11-03 16 May 2011 15014422 Brotherhood of the Megalith 2 continuation of the mystic cavemen Inuit marines creation. We're getting to the cool fluffy bits. Caveman Marines , Chapter Creation , Brotherhood of the Megalith 2011-05-23 3 15040236 Brotherhood of the Megalith 3 Inuit-based Blood Angels successor chapter; fluffing out continues. Naming the Companies and deciding on initiation rites. Caveman Marines , Brothers of the Megalith , Stone 2011-05-25 2 15081716 The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet /tg/ create a Iron Hands successor chapter.
Thus the Knights of The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet are born Space Marines , Warhammer , 40000,40k , Knights , Deathwatch , Brotherhood Of the Gauntlet , Iron Hands , Brotherhood 2011-05-28 6 15092844 The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet: Part 2 Discussion of the Brotherhood continues, leading up to the idea that the Brotherhood's past is linked to the Glistening host. Space Marines , Warhammer , 40000 , 40k , Knights , Deathwatch , Brotherhood of the Gauntlet , Iron Hands , Brotherhood , Glistening Host 2011-05-30 5 15094060 Glistening Host 3 Another thread discussing /tg/'s homebrew Slaaneshi kill-crazies. Anons try to integrate chapter's history with the Brotherhood of the Gauntlet and OP does some sweet writefaggotry. Deathwatch , Chapter Creation , Chaos , Chaos Marines , Slaanesh , Heresy , Awesome , Homebrew , Writefaggotry , Brotherhood of the Gaunlet 2011-05-30 5 15109627 Otherworld Quest Little girl is afraid of the dark, loses control, wakes up in some other world. Short but sweet. otherworld quest , quest 2011-05-31 0 June 2011 15427458 Zerg Quest XLVII The big, glowy crystal spits out a scary Protoss? Diplomacy check! Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Diplomacy , TossTalk , /tg/ dice , Back from the dead motherfucker! 2011-06-30 16 January 2012 17425007 /tg/ rap battles MC Warlock drops it like it's hot and /tg/ piles on in rap , rap battles , you will never need the other boards , 2012-01-05 10 March 2012 18518020 Zoids Quest: Episode 2 Fight Bandits, help bro to hangar. zoid , zoids , zoids quest , collective game , zoid mother 2012-03-31 7 April 2012 18639910 The Wraithsun Project Or, how to create a supermassive black hole with the souls of the dead. black hole , game mechanics , physics , holy mother of god 2012-04-09 6 18758684 Big Motherfuckin' Crab Truckers Greatly entertaining thread of some Big Motherfuckin' Crab Truckers play. Collective Game , Crabs , Motherfuckin' , Truckers 2012-04-18 9 May 2012 19112522 Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew /tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome. Mommy is sick , Daddy gets mad , My brother is dead , Mommy's Icky Friend , Divorced , Little Princess , Beaten , My Little Robot , Bad Touch , Jog Dad , Little Sunshine , In the System , Our Pride , Evil? , On Ritalin , Home Alone , Moving Again , I'm a Mistake 2012-05-16 22 19128969 Zoids Quest #13 MOLGA STRONG Tactics are used once again, and surprising backstory chatter is done. zoids quest , zoid mother , zoids , mecha,Collective Game MOLGA STRONG 2012-05-17 12 19243498 Zoids Quest: 14 We get started on finishing up our Red horn, help out a town by building a canal and smashing some rocks, try to fix the situation with Sarah and are evaded by some stealthy stoners. zoids quest , zoid mother , zoids , mecha,Collective Game , MOLGA STRONG 2012-05-26 7 July 2012 19808531 Chapter Quest Spin-Off II: Prisoner After the boarding action against Adeptus Sororitas Brother Montus is mistakenly listed as MIA in by his brothers while in truth he is taken prisoner. He there meets Sister Judith with whom he gets bonded in a very strange way... No, it's not a fapfic. Collective Game , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Chapter Master Quest , Ghosts of Retribution , Space Marine , Warhammer 40,000 , WH40K , Imperium of Man , Power Garrot , Strategic Girth , Spin-Off , Adeptus Sororitas , brother , sister , prisoner , Big Daddy , torture , neuro-whip 2012-07-10 11 19833002 Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark Eldar Brother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER. Collective Game , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Chapter Master Quest , Ghosts of Retribution , Space Marine , Warhammer 40,000 , WH40K , Imperium of Man , Power Garrot , Strategic Girth , Spin-Off , Adeptus Sororitas , brother , sister , prisoner , Big Daddy , Dark Eldar , Feudal world , webway , Commoragh , slaves , rape , Sororitas 2012-07-12 10 August 2012 20136340 Zoids Quest 19 As we scout the uncharted lands we strike gold and capture a wild zoid. zoid , zoids , zoid quest , zoids quest , zoid mother , collective game 2012-08-02 6 20346545 Overlord Quest tg/ liberating a desert nation while honoring the memory of your mother, the previous Overlord. Collective Game , Overlord Quest , Mother 2012-08-17 7 20478611 Pax Americana Quest 1 What if, instead of carrying out a psychotic quest to genocide every mutant in the world, half the Enclave rebelled and fled to the american midwest, encountered Brotherhood of Steel outcasts and set out to rebuild America in the image of the old world? Civilization_Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Fallout , Enclave , Brotherhood_of_Steel , Alternate_History , Power_Armor , Vertibird , Robot , Super_Mutant , Ghoul , Human , Cyborg , Mutant 2012-08-26 15 20485061 Pax Americana Quest 2 The American Union expands its borders, both in terms of territory, and socially. Civilization_Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Fallout , Enclave , Brotherhood_of_Steel , Alternate_History , Power_Armor , Vertibird , Robot , Super Mutant , Ghoul , Human , Cyborg , Mutant , Squirrel Force Recon , Intellapuma 2012-08-27 18 20514001 Zoid Quest 20 We decide to go up against the Guylos Empire to get our Wild Liger back. Zoid Quest , collective game , quest , quest thread , Zoid Mother, 2012-08-30 7 September 2012 20614130 Zoids Quest 21 We return home to find we've been set up with a new match already. Our opponent - The Coyotes. Also we have a nice 'chat' with Tom. zoid , zoids , zoid quest , zoids quest , zoid mother , collective game 2012-09-07 9 20702555 Zoids Quest 22 We return home from our victory, look at some new jobs and watch as Eri does the Zoid Pilot test zoid , zoids , zoid quest , zoids quest , zoid mother , collective game 2012-09-13 7 20802515 Zoids Quest 23 Strange shenanigans going on in the nature preserve we were hired to protect. zoid , zoids , zoid quest , zoids quest , zoid mother , collective game 2012-09-22 7 October 2012 20931608 Chapter Master Quest XXX - Yipikayee Motherfucker One does not simply stroll into the mothersip, except THE DON Collective Game , Chapter Quest , Ghosts of Retribution , Space Marine , Warhammer 40,000 , WH40K , Imperium of Man , Power Garrot , die hard , yipikayee , motherfucker 2012-10-01 8 21271988 /tg/ Gets a Cake Anon posts pic of cake they decorated for us, thread becomes pile of awesome recipes. cooking , don't need other boards , shit gets done , cake , cookies , scroll addiction , perfect roast 2012-10-26 6 November 2012 21767432 Zerg Quest CXIII The FINAL Zerg Quest. After 2 years and 113 threads, the Swarm finally meets its end. Zeratul stands with his blade poised. Will he strike us down? Will the Swarm end here, or will it be assured of its immortality? Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , /tg/ dice , I'm too young to die , Big Brother , Death , Rebirth , Alpha and Omega , Metaquest OP , Portent? 2012-11-27 25 February 2013 23205251 Shadowrun Cyberloli Army When a group of runners find themselves with a small army of augmented little girls, /tg/ knows just what to do with them. Shadowrun , loli , fun , adorable , just another day on /tg/ , clips , d'aww 2013-02-17 24 August 2013 26513155 Imp Quest 2 Our little Imp goes to earth, and there he finds a loving family, a loving family which he will tear apart and mold into something much more interesting. imp , quest , collective game , collective , game , devil , demon , daemon , abaddan , The HypnoJew , evil , souls , summoner , summoning , conjuration , damn , damned , damning , Wrath , Homicide , Cannibal Mother , corrupting , corruption 2013-08-09 12 September 2013 27148972 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 4 We've gathered enough resource to unlock lower unexplored base. Unbelievable rewards in store. Addition of two new factions and heroes, Richard the Cyborg and the Broodmother. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Cyborg , broodmother 2013-09-11 5 27408005 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 15 OP is busy, so mostly discussion. Later returns, and another close call happens. Ironically, peace is restored as we slowly settle into living the perpetual Battle of the 4 armies. New Ghoul hero. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Broodmother , War 2013-09-27 5 January 2014 29814791 New Faggot Quest (Waifu Summoning v.II) WE FIGHT, WE LEARN, WE LOVE. Fara , icetear...really? , futaamazon , crazy , niggers , fucking , christ , another , collective game , parafaggot quest 2014-01-27 7 August 2014 33915461 Outcast Pantheon The small gods and their characteristics. gods , magic , setting , small gods , religion , religions , faith , old gods , new gods , otherworldly , death , 2014-08-07 11 34302752 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 31 The grandsmothers try to find a wife for Daisuke, parents aren't much use and we look like a pedophile as young girls think ghostbusting is wicked cool. Until a foxy witch rescues us just like in the movies. Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Youkai , Kitsune , Grandmothers, 2014-08-22 13 November 2014 36268341 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 1 Ed wakes up in a world filled with bizarre trees and has no recollection of his past at all. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-11-20 6 36307888 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 2 An encounter with a bear, a boar, and some herb picking. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-11-22 6 36352176 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 3 The conclusion of Otherworldly Arboretum Quest. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-11-24 2 36428029 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 3.5 (Revamp) A new addition to the group, and a tenuous bridge crossing. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-11-28 3 36428935 Fate/Another Origin Quest 1 A fledgling magus is introduced, makes plans, and joins the Fourth Holy Grail War. collective game , nasuverse , fate zero , fate another origin , zero phantasm 2014-11-28 3 36467861 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 4 The group meets with the warden and then discusses a plan with a dissenter. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-11-30 3 December 2014 36549261 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 5 A day of investigating the claims of the treefolk and playing with some rocks. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-04 6 36585852 Magically Green Steve Blum Quest In Stevest Blum, in Blumest Steve, no quest shall escape my shitposting! I like to discuss this quest in the middle of other quests! 2014-12-05 7 36681867 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 6 An intense battle with a warden and a new found weapon. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-11 5 36742087 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 7 A converstation with Ryg, an encounter with a old enemy, and an encounter with a young mage. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-14 5 36782988 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 8 An unsightly harvesting of magic, an encounter with a pair of forest trolls, and finally entering the next piece. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-16 3 36820577 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 9 The group stumbles upon a strange woman in the sand, an invisible tower is climbed, and some scorpions are dealt with. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-18 4 36896621 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 10 Difficult questions were asked and answered, an oasis was reached, and the group took down some strange creatures. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-22 4 36987734 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 11 A nighttime chat, a strange dream, and meeting with a merchant. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-27 3 37044823 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 12 The group enters a maze of giant rocks and finds their way to the warden's fortress. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2014-12-30 3 January 2015 37333429 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 13 Recovery from the encounter with the warden and a new pet. Collective Quest , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-01-13 2 37530924 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 14 A second attempt to infiltrate Talrith's fortress. Collective Game , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-01-22 1 37614891 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 15 Talrith is finally dealt with and the group progresses to the next piece. Collective Game , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-01-26 0 37661221 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 16 An argument with an archer, some down time, and the group travels into the next piece. Collective Game , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-01-28 0 February 2015 37801389 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 17 Some tea and a discussion with a warden. Collective Game , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-02-03 0 37956613 Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 18 A long night at the hands of the warden. Collective Game , Otherworldly Arboretum Quest , Auri 2015-02-10 0 July 2015 41028238 Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me. You still have not learned and I am ashamed. The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens , that's why I shitpost on the archives , coming out of retirement , I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is , please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works , it takes two seconds of your time , consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too , thanks , sincerly LWYS , XOXO 2015-07-05 -21 41288310 Weekend Smut Thread The best thread on /tg/! Smut , Lewd , You don't even need other boards! 2015-07-18 -8 October 2015 43192350 The Elder Scrolls: Dark Brotherhood Quest The Elder Scrolls: Dark Brotherhood Quest collective game , elder scrolls , arena , skyrim , daggerfall , morrowind , oblivion , dark brotherhood , quest, 2015-10-21 3 February 2016 45313053 Another Life Quest Walker is given the option to "upgrade" his position in a VR-Simulation program, but declines the offer and then 4 months later an heroes. Collective Game , Depressing , Another Life Quest , Virtual Reality 2016-02-09 -1 March 2016 45679194 Mountain Civ Quest 1 Varkton settles down into a cave in the middle of a vast mountain range, discovering their new home with each step. Collective Game , The Motherfuckin' Mailman , Mountain Civ, 2016-03-02 1 June 2016 243887 FINAL ROUND - Act 1 First installment of a quest about a man who fights and also doesn't fight sometimes. Fight Quest , Punch , Other Punch 2016-06-14 3 258206 FINAL ROUND - Act 2 Gerardo eats noodles, reminisces, and solves some shit. Fight Quest , Punch , Other Punch , boxing , training 2016-06-18 2 July 2016 311211 FINAL ROUND - Act 4 Gerardo trains, loves, and generally was tricked! Oh goodness. Fight Quest , Punch , Gangs , violence , fight fight fight , other punch , lewd 2016-07-04 1 339231 FINAL ROUND - Act 5 Gerardo gets into a shitty situation, but then breaks something and it's cool. Fights. Fight Quest , Punch , Gangs , violence , fight fight fight , other punch , flex , alley 2016-07-11 1 357913 FINAL ROUND - Act 6 Gerardo narrowly doesn't get fucked up, feels emotionally drained, chills for a bit. Fight Quest , Punch , Gangs , violence , fight fight fight , other punch , flex , lot , female 2016-07-21 1 393590 FINAL ROUND - Act 7 Gerardo remembers the old days and gets a dog maybe? (yes.) Kind of a short one. Fight Quest , Punch , Gangs , violence , fight fight fight , other punch , flex , lot , female , dog , doggo 2016-07-27 1 September 2016 49163480 Basing your hero/villain on Mother Teresa In which Anon has surprisingly in-depth discussions on the Church, utilitarian vs absolutist morality, and ethics in general. Religion , ethics , morals , discussion , debate , Mother Teresa , Catholic , Christianity 2016-09-05 2 July 2017 1670571 Gemini Quest #1 Whitaker Schnee is created and given place in Remnant. Family drama ensues, schedules are ruined, and new friends (kinda) are met. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant 2017-07-17 28 1677697 Gemini Quest #2 Initiation! Guilt is accrued, but in exchange, a not-so-solemn vow is kept. The twins make quite a team. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant 2017-07-18 26 1683357 Gemini Quest #3 Whitaker meets up with his team, becomes the biggest brother, and accidentally implies that he is a robot. Smiles continue to be protected. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant 2017-07-21 25 1670606 yet another jojo's bizarre adventure quest. mk 3. France is late edition Josh's battle with Oswald comes to a head when a terrible secret is revealed Jojo , jojo's bizarre adventure , yet another 2017-07-24 2 1689655 Gemini Quest #1 Cracks begin to form as team SPWB threatens to fall apart. Whitaker tries his best to keep the team together. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant 2017-07-25 24 August 2017 1716509 RWBY: Gemini Quest #5 Whitaker discovers what's under Penny's skin, a plot to rob beacon, his acting abilities, and some monkey troubles. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-02 24 1706685 Yet another jojo's bizarre adventure quest Pillar of Hell Edition jojo's bizarre adventure , yet another 2017-08-04 2 1734328 RWBY: Gemini Quest #6 In which the cat is let out of the bag, Yang and Whitaker duke it out, Whitaker makes a pun and a plan to crash a club. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-09 24 1767163 RWBY: Gemini Quest #7 Solid Whitaker busts a club, arrests the crook, goes bowling and wakes up in a strange place. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-16 23 1778726 RWBY: Gemini Quest #8 Team SPWB takes a day off to go to check out the beach. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-24 23 1793960 Yet another jojo's bizarre adventure quest 7#. The wonder's of family edition Josh discovers the wonders of his family, and his great grandpa discovered the ultimate anti aging cream yet another , jojo's bizarre adventure 2017-08-31 1 September 2017 1824490 RWBY: Gemini Quest #9 The Schnees take a break from the rest of the team, forgetting a constant of the universe: Whitaker Schnee does not get to take breaks. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-09-07 22 1863107 RWBY: Gemini Quest #10 Whitaker and Weiss do exercises and learn exactly how much damage you can do with a single Fire Dust crystal. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-09-20 22 1884279 RWBY: Gemini Quest #11 Jaune puts up a shockingly good fight and Whitaker calls home to mother. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-09-25 22 October 2017 1931327 RWBY: Gemini Quest #12 Whitaker and Blake share a lesson about the importance of family, and one of Whitaker's hidden enemies finally makes her move. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-10-12 20 1958960 RWBY: Gemini Quest #13 Neo gives team SPWB the runaround. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant 2017-10-19 20 November 2017 2053227 RWBY: Gemini Quest #14 Whitaker and Blake have a few choice words with Ms. Goodwitch, and Ruby asks a friend for help. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-11-15 20 January 2018 2200211 Miraculous Quest Paris is attacked by some form of mountainous giant, and a teenage boy plays with his snake. BrotherQM , Miraculous Quest , Collective Game , Miraculous Ladybug 2018-01-11 22 2221301 Miraculous Quest #2 Lucas finishes his fight with a stone giant, then talks to a variety of interesting people, including an ancient snake god and the Avatar. BrotherQM , Miraculous Quest , Collective Game , Miraculous Ladybug 2018-01-21 20 2246096 Miraculous Quest #3 Lucas joins a club and bangs out a schedule for his weekly group meetings. BrotherQM , Miraculous Quest , Collective Game , Miraculous Ladybug 2018-01-31 20 February 2018 2273921 Miraculous Quest #4 Lucas takes a crash course in temporal anomalies. BrotherQM , Miraculous Quest , Collective Game , Miraculous Ladybug 2018-02-13 20 March 2018 2298775 Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 1 Another Post Apocalyptic Game begins, run by Strelok with the system developed by Genie Strelok , Civ , Post Apocalyptic , Zombie , Mutant , Tribal , Bandit , Fungus , Swamp , Headhunter , Brewed Mother , Psionic. Hybrid 2018-03-03 2 2350346 Smee Quest The biggest quest since the silent era. Smee , CIA , Bane , Kino , Kinoplex , Collective Game , Nolan , Bravo , Smee Quest , Wreckage Brother , Interlinked , UUUU 2018-03-10 5 2337270 Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 2 Nat 1 makes us black out for 5 turns and our giant serpent brain to leave, control all the zombies, and fight monsters from the deep caves. Strelok , Civ , Post Apocalyptic , Zombie , Mutant , Tribal , Bandit , Fungus , Swamp , Headhunter , Brewed Mother , Psionic. Hybrid 2018-03-12 1 2366791 Miraculous Quest #5 The Chevaliers send Timebreaker packing, and Lucas gets involved in some risking business. BrotherQM , Miraculous Quest , Collective Game , Miraculous Ladybug 2018-03-15 12 2374870 The Fate of that Blood #1 In the Stormlands of Westeros, an old and distinguished, if small, family stands proud. BrotherQM , Fate of that Blood , Collective Game , JoJo's Bizarre Adventure , A Song of Ice and Fire , Game of Thrones 2018-03-16 5 April 2018 2393470 Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 3 As the Grave Tribe is returning to normalcy, we sense a target of opportunity and send our hunters, but things are never simple Strelok , Civ , Post Apocalyptic , Zombie , Mutant , Tribal , Bandit , Fungus , Swamp , Headhunter , Brewed Mother , Psionic. Hybrid 2018-04-04 1 May 2018 59871442 Modern Byzantium Anons consider the possibility and implications of the Byzantine Empire surviving the 1400s. alternate history , byzantine empire , roman empire , what if , /his/ , don't need other boards 2018-05-23 6 June 2018 2658793 My Older Brother Can't Be This Hard To Seduce Quest A frustrated little sister has had enough of waiting. Collective Game , Autism , Anime , My Older Brother Can't Be This Hard To Seduce 2018-06-19 5 September 2018 2853677 Once More Another Isekai Dying in a train fire by god's will, Fuuma Nagaro has been transported to another world. What will the future have in store? Collective Game , Isekai , Fantasy , Father Sheep , Once More Another Isekai 2018-09-05 7 2859940 Once More Another isekai #2 Fuuma exits the forest and arrives at Alia, the Piladium Kingdom's capital. Collective Game , Isekai , Fantasy , Father Sheep , Once More Another Isekai 2018-09-09 7 2871127 Once More Another Isekai #3 Fuuma annihilates a troop of orcs and explores Aliasa. Meanwhile, Cheru's story develops further as she searches for her "mommy". Collective Game , Isekai , Fantasy , Father Sheep , Once More Another Isekai 2018-09-14 6 2885309 Once More Another Isekai #4 Coming in contact with Cheru, Fuume takes it upon herself to be her mother. Sadly, the scars that mark the bunny's mind cannot be healed. Collective Game , Isekai , Fantasy , Father Sheep , Once More Another Isekai 2018-09-18 5 2897520 Once More Another Isekai #6 Fuuma encounters her classmate, as well as one of the Piladium Kingdom's heroes, Kita Ruiji. Things didn't go too well. Collective Game , Isekai , Fantasy , Father Sheep , Once More Another Isekai 2018-09-22 5 2907047 Once More Another Isekai #6 Fuuma becomes a maid after her debacle with Ruiji. Lewdness ensues. Collective Game , Isekai , Fantasy , Father Sheep , Once More Another Isekai 2018-09-27 5 October 2018 2921838 Once More Another Isekai #8 Fuuma gets a spider daughter and makes an alter ego of herself. More lewds. Collective Game , Isekai , Fantasy , Father Sheep , Once More Another Isekai 2018-10-02 5 2937336 Once More Another Isekai #8 It's Fuuma's first day of being a teacher at Lionheart. Things go well...Somewhat. Collective Game , Isekai , Fantasy , Father Sheep , Once More Another Isekai 2018-10-08 5 November 2018 3043519 The Tainted Horde - 1 OP puts us as the leader of the Darkspawn in an alternate world where all the old gods are dead. Also we get a brood mother. And crap WIFI. Key , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-11-19 3 3057371 The Tainted Horde - 1.5 We continue where we left off. Meet some demons, and gather a raiding party. Yay! Key , KeyQM , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-11-25 1 December 2018 3076055 The Tainted Horde - 2 We raid a Wilder village. Make a human Broodmother, and find out we're about to be attacked by Dwarves. KeyQM , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-12-03 1 3099245 Sentient Weapon Quest - 1 A NEET who died from a random truck accident finds himself as an ancient spear, deep within a dungeon. Collective Game , Fantasy , Adventure , Another World , Isekai , Sentient Weapon Quest , SeaUrchin 2018-12-17 1 February 2019 3239593 AFDBQ 1 Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest begins. Poorly. AFDBQ , Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest , Ultraman , Ultraseven , Dragon Ball 2019-02-14 1 3260532 AFDBQ 2 Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest CONTINUES STILL POORLY AFDBQ , Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest , Dragon Ball , Collective Game 2019-02-18 1 March 2019 3325514 999 Quest, A Blue Sky Blue awakens within an abstract void, fights against some broken shades, meets a man in red and faces a bunch of really nasty spiders. 999 Quest , SCP , World Of Darkness , /qst/ , SMT , Destiny , motherfucking darkness 2019-03-26 1 April 2019 3386927 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #1 Selling nude photos of high school girls is hard work, and totally professional! Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen 2019-04-02 6 3401882 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #2 Mary's a fellow woman of the trade, Goldilocks is a pervert, and Little Red Riding Hoods has become leashed! Also, cleavage factory. Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen 2019-04-08 2 3416319 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #3 Morioka starts to break minds, grab ass, grope titties, and make love for eight hours straight. Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-04-13 1 3429492 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #4 Morioka experiences a special Saturday and Kitasawa finally arrives, neatly packaged. Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-04-19 1 3445322 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #5 A decadent-breasted clash between Hanami and Mary has begun at day, Kita's Robin Hood reveal at night! Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen 2019-04-23 1 3456685 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #6 Goldilocks shows a sign of Morioka's consequence. He later ends up having sex with three of Hanami's personas. Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-04-29 1 May 2019 3470733 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #7 Morioka might've brought a dark elf to his world. But that matters not -- the N.R.O. has come! Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-05-04 0 3481461 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8 Morioka begins tested copulation with Kitasawa. But QM gets a warning and the thread is archived for some reason. Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-05-04 1 3483261 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8.5 Morioka is given a late night surprise! The tower is attacked! Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-05-09 1 July 2019 67231534 COBRAAAAAAAA! /tg/ talks about G.I. Joe, Cobra, how to bring them to the tabletop, and a bit of Transformers. g.i. joe , cobra , transformers , cartoon action hour , don't even need other boards 2019-07-17 5 August 2019 3755939 Samurai widow quest 1 Your name is Kasumi soon mother to twins. Your husband and lord are dead. That calls for revenge. Samurai widow quest , Samurai , mother , Collective Game 2019-08-22 3 September 2019 3770032 Samurai widow quest 2 Planning for revenge Samurai widow quest , samurai , mother 2019-09-15 0 June 2020 4287846 Body Horror Quest - 44th Vein QM BHOP finds out his mother's health is in critical condition, and stops the session early. Feels are shared, Anons send their condolences Body Horror Quest , Body Horror , bhop , BHOP , Female MC , Gore , Horror , Act 5 , irl INTERRUPT , Mother , feels , 4 is death 2020-06-12 7 April 2021 4757808 My Brother's Machine A man arrives at his dead brother's apartment to find a strange, polaroid-spewing machine. Collective Game , My Brother's Machine , One-Shot , Drawquest , Surreal 2021-04-24 4 May 2022 5207193 Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 13 The half-human agent of a dark dynasty returns home to her people, brings a race to ruin, and inscribes her lasting legacy forevermore. ReptoidQM , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , romance , motherhood , duty , villainy , victory , sacrifice , destiny , endings , coom 2022-05-01 5 July 2023 5676561 Jail Quest thread #1 The traveling con artist Rosa Montagni gets roped into forming a team to save the world of Gongalla from a reality storm. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-07-08 10 August 2023 5709159 Jail Quest thread #2 The gang continues their journey to Goblinton, Rosa gets surprise reunion'd, and they investigate some strange men. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-08-28 8 September 2023 5735953 Yet Another Civilisation II Collaborative quest in which a tribe of the beast-bringers fight for mercantile supremacy Civilisation , Civilization , tribe , Yet Another Civilisation , Numpty 2023-09-28 3 October 2023 5761275 Jail Quest thread #3 We recount our travels to the Southern anchor's deity, Sierra, heard a story about Gobson, got Craig a book, and headed North. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-10-11 7 November 2023 5791812 Jail Quest thread #4 We head North, Craig learns 2 spells, we failed to shoot at a thief, and was about to stop at Crypt. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-11-22 5 February 2024 5880376 Jail Quest thread #5 We fix a broken thief at Crypt, arrive at Pinewatch early, and Craig passes out in a brothel. Jail Quest, Collective Game, Rosa Montagni, Nemo, Craig Snorlison, Brother Valencio, con artist, prison, Gongalla Gaol 2024-02-12 5 March 2024 5908887 Yet Another Space NRP Turns 0-5 of Yet Another Space NRP, a Nation Roleplaying Game. NRP , Space , Yet Another Space NRP 2024-03-17 3 April 2024 5934576 Jail Quest thread #6 Rosa plans and mounts a not-so-daring rescue of Craig! Rumors, secret passages, secret room?? Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2024-04-01 5 May 2024 5958737 Space NRP #2 A kitchen sink space exploration Nation Role Play Game. NRP , Space , Yet Another Space NRP 2024-05-08 0 June 2024 6015759 Space NRP #3 A Space Nation Roleplay game, set in a high science fiction universe NRP , Space , Yet Another Space NRP 2024-06-30 0 July 2024 6023968 Jail Quest thread #7 Craig finally rescued, we change into cold weather gear, and slog through fanfiction in order to investigate a lumberyard. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2024-07-09 5 August 2024 6029286 Reincarnated as a Peasant Quest #1 A quest about reincarnating in another world. Certain things will be randomly decided like your parent's professions, nature and terrain of quest , isekai , reincarnation , reincarnated in another world , peasant 2024-08-01 2 6048752 Space NRP #4 Yet Another Space NRP NRP , Space , Yet Another Space NRP 2024-08-02 0 6056634 Yet Another Civilisation III The beast-bringer tribe becomes the Croglatovic Chiefdom. Civilisation , Civilization , Civ , Yet Another Civilisation , Numpty 2024-08-29 3 October 2024 6098726 Jail Quest thread #8 The raid on the cultist cave begins in earnest, with an unexpected ally. Kids get rescued and a new enemy confronted. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2024-10-22 5 January 2025 6143578 Jail Quest thread #9 We defeat a serial killer, confront Millie's past, and return to a suspicious autowagon. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2025-01-08 5