Thread Title Description Tags Added Score December 2007 925367 BOYZ UV DA DAMNED A cunning ork's plan to imitate the Legion of the damned Orks , Damned , lulz 2007-12-22 0 March 2008 1312058 The scariest Traitor Guardsmen ever By the Dark Gods I've never been so afraid. Traitor , lost and the damned , COMMISSAR SCARECROWS 2008-03-11 21 1316306 The Eclipsion Terrorguard A continuation of >>1312058, further fleshing out of the scariest Traitor Guards ever created. Eclipsion Guard , Lost and the Damned , Corrupted Starchild, 2008-03-11 14 1321750 Eclipsion Terrorguard, part 3 Continuation of >>1316306 Eclipsion Guard , Lost and the Damned , Corrupted Starchild 2008-03-13 5 September 2008 2654786 This Just Happened In A Game I'm DMing Game absentees and menstruating male dragons and gnomes in tall hats, oh my this just happened 2008-09-24 -3 2683686 Dirk A traumatised Stormtrooper with a shitty history gets the chance to spit in the face of Tzeentch himself. Not as planned , Zuvassin is pleased , luck , Dirk , Stormtrooper , man 2008-09-28 41 October 2008 2782503 Epic Failure /tg/ discusses the times their party has screwed up badly. horrible failure , stupidity , awakened pineapple 2008-10-12 10 2901271 This Just Happened In A Game I'm DMing FUCKING KENDER! this just happened , kender 2008-10-29 5 November 2008 3052437 GameScience Dice vs Cheap Dice Anon posts a very interesting vid featuring the good Colonel from GameScience explaining why most /tg/ dice aren't in face random. dice , die , cheap , machined , casino , d20 , d16 , d4 , polished 2008-11-24 3 May 2009 4458881 FUCK YOU II'M A D'awww A "This Just Happened Comic" two parter with an unexpected and amusing ending. This Just Happened , Dragonborn , dawww , FUCK YOU I'M A DRAGON 2009-05-04 -2 September 2009 5737476 Epic RP Standard epic RP thread goes super epic. Epic , Airship , Awakened Tarrasque 2009-09-06 45 March 2010 8695350 Zhakuvaan Gets Served Zhakuvaan makes a gay thread not even worth fucking archiving... then Sword n' Board and some anon rappers lay the smackdown. Rap is apparently his weakness and he gets owned hard. I kind of feel bad archiving this, but the ownage was so righteous it must be remembered. S&B , rap , tripfag , served , owned 2010-03-21 12 September 2010 12219097 Awakened housecat Discussion of ways to play Awakened Cat in 3.5 DnD , 3.5 , Awakened , Cat 2010-09-25 21 March 2011 14151430 Rebellion Quest 9 In which the OP gets banned. Rebellion Quest , banned 2011-03-06 0 14218107 Project: Traitor Guard /tg/ works on writing a modern Lost and the Damned codex. Homebrew , Warhammer 40000 , 40k , Chaos , Lost and the Damned , Traitor , Heretic 2011-03-13 1 December 2011 17293888 Zerg Quest LXVI Anon tears Dyles' forces apart, and engages the Protoss in the political arena. Thread called "the most effective in recent history". Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Diplomacy , Pauldrons , Drunk OP , I assure you I have not been banned 2011-12-22 10 February 2012 17951864 Assemble Your Team /tg/ puts together a squad and a plan to steal the Golden Throne from Terra. Warhammer 40k , crossover , heresy , CREEEEEEEEEED , Mass Effect , just as planned 2012-02-15 21 18097081 Playing 1st Edition DnD story, short game, quest, demon goblin things Ned , Jack , Dowjin 2012-02-26 7 July 2012 20115173 Summoned Hero Quest #1 Anon, the summoned hero, is brought to a floating island to act as their guardian, fails at making friends with his summoner, suffers a bout of Dimensional Crossover Psychosis, and beats up another Guardian. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-07-31 24 August 2012 20121477 Submersible Witches Quest 13 We pull the trigger, and Kotters gets autobanned while updating. strike witches , navy , submarines , WWII , Collective Game , Submersible Witches Quest , SubWQ , Kotters , autobanned , ban word 2012-08-01 12 20129990 Summoned Hero Quest 2 Anon learns more about the world he finds himself in. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-01 7 20176571 Summoned Hero Quest 3 Anon reads some books, learns the basics of magic, hopes that spaghetti didn't fall out of his pockets, and then gets his Shadow of Colossus on as he takes down a Godzilla-wannabe. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-04 5 20206524 Summoned Hero Quest 4 Anon finishes off the Three Stooges, learns more of the Remnants, and meets the King. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-06 5 20221027 Summoned Hero Quest 5 A short but informative session. We talk with a historian and have a drinking contest with a bear. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-07 6 20248933 Summoned Hero Quest 6 Anon recovers a shard of a memory, then gets into a gentlemanly duel of fisticuffs with the Captain of the Knights, and engages in pugilism of the highest caliber. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-09 7 20275975 Summoned Hero Quest 7 We start and then complete our two weeks of training. We meet up with Albert the Bear Historian and Brunstault the fox-girl. We go off to search a Lunarian ruin with only a cursory farewell to Candencia. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-12 5 20289159 Summoned Hero Quest 8 Anon decides to play the Hero and bust up a whorehouse, ends up buying a dog-girl, and gets into a fight with another Guardian. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-13 6 20303017 Summoned Hero Quest 9 We finish our fight with Clive, who taunts and trolls us, becoming our very own personal Gary Oak. We shut down the brothel and meet back up with Albert, and discuss what to do next with all these girls. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-13 5 20318177 Summoned Hero Quest 10 Anon has a sparring match with the fox-girl, and talks about some of his more intact memories. Now we remember our last name! Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-15 5 20332695 Summoned Hero Quest 11 Anon goes to hunt down a friend and mentor. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-16 7 20374741 Summoned Hero Chapter 13 Anon and friends continue to explore the ruins and eventually Gestalt shows them her toy. Anon's sister also makes a brief return. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-19 6 20390301 Summoned Hero Chapter 14 Anon spends time contemplating his future and getting to know Cadencia a little more. A surprise guest then visits the two in a potentially awkward moment. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-20 5 20402479 Summoned Hero Chapter 15 Anon catches up with his sister and she introduces herself to some of his allies. Thread slows down due to real life issues but ends off with roleplaying and magic. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-21 6 20413620 Summoned Hero Chapter 16 Anon finds Brunstault in a duel with someone out of his league and Cadencia tells him somebody called the remnant-busters. Anon is pretty awesome at piloting Gestalt. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-22 5 20426010 Summoned Hero Chapter 17 Anon wakes up after battle and goes to see how people are. Cadencia is scared of Candice and Brunstault has odd ways of showing appreciation. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-23 5 20456636 Summoned Hero Chapter 18 Anon talks to Gestalt for a bit before she wants to be alone, and then attempts to relax after all the chaos with Cadencia. Not that it lasts. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-25 5 20495484 Summoned Hero Chapter 19 Anon spends some time with Candice after waking up and then tries his hand at diplomacy. Short session due to OP not feeling well. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-27 5 20509480 Summoned Hero Chapter 20 Anon finally gets the chance to relax with Cadencia and then gets a history lesson on the first summoned hero. Also fluffy tails. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-29 6 20519593 Summoned Hero Chapter 21 Candice has a private talk with someone, breakfast with the girls then a visit to Albert and the brothel girls Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-08-30 6 September 2012 20543752 Summoned Hero Chapter 22 Anon spends time catching up with Albert and the girls he saved. Another sparring session with Brunstault and than rage at Clive. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-09-01 6 20609893 Summoned Hero Chapter 23 Anon decides to attempt to help Gestalt try to remember her past and runs into issues. Also, more reasons to blame the Lunarians. Short thread due to Darnell being sick. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-09-06 2 20624157 Summoned Hero Quest Chapter 24 Perspective Switch! We learn a bit about Gestalts past, do some sick tricks and make a boo boo. Also /tg/ dice hate us, as always. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-09-07 6 20673712 Summoned Hero Chapter 25 Short session where we deal with the after effects of Gestalt remembering her past. Clive makes another appearance to annoy us and Anon becomes the bringer of light. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-09-10 3 20758664 Summoned Hero Chapter 26 Anon gets another history lesson and info on his powers from Brunstault, talks to Cadencia and then Clive wrecks her shit. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-09-18 5 20787093 Summoned Hero Chapter 27 Jumps right in to Clive vs. Frederick and the consequences of said fight. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-09-20 5 20853761 Summoned Hero Chapter 28 Gestalt and Brunstault travel to the Moon! The Lunarians are still dicks and suddenly Dead Space. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-09-25 5 October 2012 20947801 Summoned Hero Chapter 29 Gestalt and Brunstault continue exploring the Lunarian base in an attempt to help Frederick. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-10-02 5 21041349 Summoned Hero Chapter 30 While Gestalt and Brunstault have fun on the moon, we get to see what Frederick has been up to during his vacation. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-10-09 6 21096477 Summoned Hero Chapter 31 An important person appears, and Anon is on his way back from vacation. Summoned Hero Quest , Collective Game 2012-10-13 6 November 2012 21420351 Humanity: Dethroned /tg/ makes a setting. In brief, humanity used to have a galaxy wide empire, but it collapsed when the leaders of humanity decided to have everything descend into chaos for fun. Sol system is a militaristic fortress system, there are monster people (who are really just gentically deviant humans) Mechs, power armor, and bioengineered monsters everywhere (some of them are even space capable.) Make_A_Setting , Scifi , grimdark , Humanity Dethroned 2012-11-04 5 February 2013 22920665 Red Dragon Quest 011 Having taken control of the island, the Red Dragon consolidates his power and implements his policies. Collective Game , Red Dragon Quest , Red , Red Dragon , Dragon , power , gained , consolidation , policies , governing 2013-02-02 17 March 2013 23685183 Quest goes horribly wrong "what the fuck is happening here?" Collective Game , What Just Happened 2013-03-14 6 23772524 Entwined Quest Our hero, the Channeler James Thomson, is generated and begins his journey to the academy. He is to begin training to be entwined with his Knight partner, and battle against the forces of evil. He meets the kindly Gwain, bids farewell to Mom and Dad, and meets some others bound for the academy on the same cart. Also, the prattling of gulls. Collective Game , Entwined Quest , Lillian , James Thomson , Channeler , Knight , Gulls 2013-03-20 9 23792422 Entwined Quest 2 James Thomson faces the horror of orientation at the Academy. He promptly decides the best course of action is to make an ass of himself. The gulls approve, results are better than expected. Entwined Quest , Lillian , Collective Game , Channel , Knight , Entwine , Weiss , James Thomson, 2013-03-21 10 April 2013 24302214 Entwined Quest 3 Sparring and talking an illicit summoning, oh my. Entwined Quest is back, and Lillian isn't dead. Be excited, and so on. Entwined Quest , Lillian , Collective Game , Channel , Knight , Entwine , Weiss , James Thomson, 2013-04-18 6 June 2013 25574911 Meta Game Quest : Code Geass 3 Because the only thing better than bad anime is bad anime and That Guys Collective Game , Meta Game Quest , Insert just as planned joke here , metagaming is for faggots , I recognize that bulge 2013-06-22 10 July 2013 25739079 The Ascention of Credast Epic chaos storytime Black Crusade , Just As Planned , Warhammer 40000 , 40k , Tzeench 2013-07-01 7 26179369 The Lowbishop of Rotree part 1 The skaven under the leadership of the lowbishop plot against the goblins and trolls that inhabit the dwarven layer of the undercity. Skaven civ , Lowbishop , rotree , fucking crazy ratmen , horned rat , plaguemonk , Collective game 2013-07-23 5 August 2013 26473817 Imp Quest An evil little imp is born in Hell and seeks out power, blackest magics, and plots most foul imp , quest , collective game , collective , game , devil , demon , daemon , abaddan , The HypnoJew , evil , souls , summoner , summoning , conjuration , damn , damned , damning 2013-08-07 18 26513155 Imp Quest 2 Our little Imp goes to earth, and there he finds a loving family, a loving family which he will tear apart and mold into something much more interesting. imp , quest , collective game , collective , game , devil , demon , daemon , abaddan , The HypnoJew , evil , souls , summoner , summoning , conjuration , damn , damned , damning , Wrath , Homicide , Cannibal Mother , corrupting , corruption 2013-08-09 12 26654765 Skippy's List of Roleplay /tg/ compares things it was banned for in RP skippy's list , funny , banned 2013-08-17 12 September 2013 26986427 ITT: the fugg is going on in Holy Terra? Questions about Terra lead to the greatest poop joke of all time Holy Terra , Funny , Poop Joke , Just as Planned , 2013-09-03 13 November 2013 28340649 Eldritch Souls quest The story of out hero begins with her death and her adoption of the name Owlman after awaking from death to find herself with the head and talon hands of an owl. She then proceeds to do fuck all besides get clothes and interact with some fellow former humans ScholarofSouls , Eldritch soul quest , Owlman , The godamned Owl man , Death , Dark souls , Strange, 2013-11-18 1 December 2013 28647267 Titanor! Crack of thunder!
Howl of wind!
The will of evil men!
When our courage is in doubt,
Titanor comes on the scene! Giant Robots , Titanor , only true way to play any D&D , pickpocketing by giant robots , all your power combined 2013-12-04 68 March 2014 30931645 XWF Manager's Quest Season2 Ep 42 We move up the plans for Bomber Lord's arrest, and get some info on Zenit, one of Lyann's friends. XWF Quest , Collective Game , XWF , Ned Salter 2014-03-19 -1 August 2014 34259772 Khornette Quest #5 In which we avoid space combat, get a shiny new outfit (and hat), fake being an Inquisitor, and kill a Grey Knight. Oh and something with feathers towards the end. Collective Game , Khornette , Nurglette , Space Marines , Tzeentchette , Just as planned , ELH 2014-08-20 4 34459836 Esper Quest: Thread 11 We start with Mami, whose day has been (and will continue to be) full of robots! Then, the plot thickens! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , JUSTICE , LASERS , ROBOT DINOSAURS , GOOD OLD-FASHIONED NEWFANGLED FISTICUFFS 2014-08-28 6 September 2014 34631967 Tzeentchette Quest Oneshot In which we play as everyone's favorite birdbrain, Ignitrix, in the tale of her Ascension to Lady of Change-dom. Collective Game , Khornette , Lady of Change , Just as planned , Red Bull , ELH 2014-09-05 1 34880963 Joker Quest 106 Anon and Mio spend pleasant time together at the festival, despite the shadow of the end creeping ever closer. Collective Game , Joker , Joker Quest , something nice happened 2014-09-15 12 October 2014 35268258 Tzeentchette Quest Oneshot (#2) In which we once again play as Iggy the Change Lady in a SPACE HULK EXPEDITION. Collective Game , Khornette , Nurglette , Tzeentchette , Lady of Change , Not as planned , SPACE HULK , ELH 2014-10-03 17 November 2014 36045537 Disney Villains Victorious: VI The sixth thread, in which we discuss skills and traits and heroes Disney , Disney villains , worldbuilding , brainstorming , setting , homebrew , heroes , fluff , crunch , game design , Scar , Grimhilde , Maleficent , Horned King , Jafar , Facilier 2014-11-09 14 36418009 Leigion of the Damned Quest #1 In which we become aware, save some guardsmen, and meet another legionarie like us. Collective Game , Leigion of the Damned Quest , WH40k, 2014-11-27 23 36434531 Khornette Quest #16 In which we decide to go after a Ghost Ship and partially learn about the Obscenity Engine's origins Collective Game , Khornette , Nurglette , Tyranids , ELH , Just as Planned 2014-11-28 13 December 2014 36705284 Legion of the Damned Quest #2 We check up on our newest awakened brother, explore the ship some more and then get called to battle. Collective Game , Legion of the Damned Quest , WH40k 2014-12-12 8 36744929 Legion of the Damned Quest 3 As the battle for the ice world continues, Arhan and company pick up a passenger. Legion of the Damned Quest , Collective Game , Quest , 40k 2014-12-14 6 36825105 Ignitrix Sidequest #1 In which we attend an Opera as a maid and discover that everyone else is actually the daemons Collective Game , Khornette , Lady of Change , Tzeentchette , Just as Planned , Not as Planned , daemons , ELH 2014-12-18 13 36863490 Ignitrix Sidequest #2 In which Iggy gets her own Rosette and starts corrupting some acolytes. Collective Game , Khornette , Lady of Change , Tzeentchette , Just as Planned , Irony , daemons , ELH 2014-12-20 12 January 2015 37556035 Ignitrix's Sidequest #3 In which Waaaaghterworld becomes a thing. Collective Game , Khornette , Lady of Change , Tzeentchette , Just as Planned , Not as Planned , Waaaaghterworld , Orks , Shoggy , ELH 2015-01-23 11 37611750 Legion of the Damned Quest 4 The war upon the ice world continues, and we link up with the redoubtable commissar and his group, returning to the capital city as the battle begins. Legion of the Damned Quest , Collective Game , Quest , 40k 2015-01-26 6 37686919 Ignitrix's Sidequest #4: Waaaaaghterworld pt 2 In which we mess with a Repentia's dreams and meet the Dea'cin. Collective Game , Waaaaghterworld , Orks , Khornette , Lady of Change , Tzeentchette , Just as Planned , Not as Planned , ELH 2015-01-29 12 February 2015 37845597 Ignitrix Sidequest #5 Alia and Iggy escape certain doom, only for the Bird Brain to nearly send them into the Warp healing her. Antics with Orks ensue as a result. Collective Game , Orks , The Hunt for Red Orktobrah , Khornette , Lady of Change , Tzeentchette , Just as Planned , Not as Planned , ELH 2015-02-05 11 38137708 Khornette Quest #21 Cinder fights with a Lord of Change. Said Lord of Change pulls a Fuklaw. Collective Game , Khornette , Lord of Change , BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD , Benny Hill , Not as planned , Tyranids , Over the top Combat , ELH 2015-02-18 15 March 2015 38462667 Exterminatus games An anon finds a neat website. Comedy ensues. Hunger Games , Not as Planned , Squirrels , Kharn 2015-03-04 55 38492486 Khornette Quest #24 Cinder goes too hard and then has to travel to the past to try and commit suicide to prevent Ignitrix from being pissed. Needless to say, nothing goes to plan. Collective Game , Khornette , Lady of Change , Time is bullshit , Not as Planned , Stop Hitting Yourself , ELH 2015-03-06 11 38900940 Khornette Quest #28 We fight over a book and it turns out Tzeentch is kinda a bitch. Collective Game , Khornette , Lady of Change , Just as Planned , Fuklaw , ELH 2015-03-24 12 May 2015 40118201 Game of the Damned We become Steve Duncan, caught in the Game of the Damned. We meet our succubus familiar and start to hunt Ang-za-haru. Game of the Damned , Quest , Collective Game , Cheesecake 2015-05-23 5 40133847 Game of the Damned 2 We hunt down Ang-za-Haru, and defeat him by fucking Kiki into him to bits. Kiki grows, gets a new power and we recieve a new mission. Game of the Damned , Quest , Collective Game , CheeseCake 2015-05-25 5 June 2015 40501261 Lost Primarch Quest 11: Worldbuilding Edition We take a break from Sol and do some weird worldbuilding for Kilionos! Collective Game , Lost Primarch Quest , Eleventh , Primarch , Worldbuilding , Not much really happened plotwise but it was still fun 2015-06-10 6 September 2015 42662904 Twinned Legend Quest #1 Hero does things, things are not as they seem. This is a thing. Twinned Legend Quest , TWQ , Collective Game 2015-09-22 6 42757055 Twinned Legend Quest #2 Our character grasps the power of a white sun, gaining a goddesses blessing. One of many that he lost. Then he wakes up to a group of mercenaries before dicking around and trying and successfully trying out his activate blessing. Collective Game , Twinned Legend , GodKing , Godking , Quest 2015-09-28 1 November 2015 43460515 Abandoned Moonbase Worldbuilding OP requests ideas for encounters and backstory of a lunar outpost abandoned since nuclear war broke out on earth, now rediscovered by the rebuilt terrestrial civilization. Good ideas, nightmare fuel and Moon Morlocks result. worldbuilding , setting , moonbase , space , moon , abandoned , morlocks , mutated monstrosities, 2015-11-04 22 December 2015 44021265 Good Mindflayers: A Philosophical Study In which /tg/ engages in a sophisticated discussion on the morality of the Illithids. mind flayer , illithid , good-aligned , paladin , monk , cuisine 2015-12-10 1 May 2016 31063 HANGRY QUESTS A hungry girl eats weed, goes down on herself, and changes into sexy batman. Bn , Hangry , hungry , Whatever , Arby's , weed , stoned , lewd 2016-05-05 11 January 2017 955910 Civ quest that won't be abandoned Myceloids in the Haunted Forest. Civ Quest , Myceloid , Haunted Forest , Mushroom , Aborted , Abandoned , Collective Game 2017-01-02 1 1033713 Damned World Quest Immortality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Damned World Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-15 1 February 2017 1139904 European Dragon Quest 51 In this episode, Elizabeth gets even more motherly, we make giant trees to sell for a shitload of money to the kobolds, who we learn about. QuestingQM , European Dragon Quest , CapitalismDragonEdition , LongLiveBritannia, 2017-02-15 1 October 2018 2927237 Long Lost Stars #1 The tale of a horned girl wandering through eternal night. Of meetings and partings. Of trials, of seeking, and of dimming light. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-10-07 8 2961643 Long Lost Stars #2 The hunters, and their prey. The will of those that came before. Wishes, and light. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-10-21 5 November 2018 3001789 Long Lost Stars #3 Silkworm Quest! Silkworm Quest! Long Live Silkworm Quest! Broken light, lost hope. New meetings, new mysteries. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-11-04 4 3036521 Long Lost Stars #4 Things that mimic life, or live? Strange and stranger creatures. Strange and stranger places. The dreamer dreams of lost wonders. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-11-18 4 62957707 Abandoned Space Station Adventure Hooks Plothooks for scifi PCs boarding derelict spacecrafts. abandoned , space station , encounters , plothooks , scifi , space hulk , alien , event horizon, 2018-11-25 5 December 2018 3078769 Long Lost Stars #5 Doubt and uncertainty. An answer, a wish. An ending that can't be reached. Tonight too, the dream marches on. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-12-09 4 3127729 Long Lost Stars #6 New wishes fall to frozen earth. Night grows darker, and hunger threatens their light. A meeting with a young star. mitts , post-apocalyptic , fantasy , autistichornedgirls 2018-12-28 2 January 2019 3148921 Drowned Quest 1 In which Ellery Routh drowns. drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game 2019-01-12 13 3179238 Drowned Quest 2 In which Ellery Routh sees double, asks and answers some questions, and has unlicensed medical procedures performed upon him. drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game 2019-01-21 6 February 2019 3223949 Drowned Quest 3 In which Ellery Routh is too much and not at all himself. drowned quest , bathic , collective game , drowned , quest 2019-02-11 5 3270912 Drowned Quest 4 Short thread. In which Ellery Routh gets some R&R. drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game 2019-02-26 3 March 2019 3303154 Drowned Quest 5 In which Ellery Routh has a bad day. drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game 2019-03-10 5 3359573 Drowned Quest 6 In which Ellery Routh doesn't get murdered in a crab hotel. drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game 2019-03-30 3 April 2019 3394830 Nanodesu! Quest #1 Wherein we start our adventure as Inazuma, alongside Smugzuma and Miyuki! Nanodesu! Quest , Kantai Collection , KanColle , CannedCoalQM 2019-04-02 5 3406019 Nanodesu! Quest #2 In which we acquire Ooi and Kitakami, oh and somehow we were able to get advice from two odd Abyssals. Nanodesu! Quest , Kantai Collection , KanColle , CannedCoalQM 2019-04-07 6 3410671 Drowned Quest 7 In which Ellery Routh has a breakdown and begins an investigation. drowned quest , bathic , collective game , drowned , quest 2019-04-16 3 3435315 Nanodesu! Quest #3 Wherein we meet some familiar faces, fight some new Abyssals, get to meet two very Zuiun-minded battleships, and bond with our friends! Nanodesu! Quest , Kantai Collection , KanColle , CannedCoalQM 2019-04-26 3 May 2019 3449345 Drowned Quest 8 In which the quest ends. See you guys in the fall. drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game , RIP 2019-05-02 2 3471311 Nanodesu! Quest #4 Wherein we go for a bit of exercise, talk with our older sister and start exploring the island's interior! (Short Thread) Nanodesu! Quest , Kantai Collection , KanColle , CannedCoalQM 2019-05-03 1 July 2019 3587324 Nanodesu! Quest #5 Wherein we finally journey up the hill and meet a certain narcoleptic ship girl. Nanodesu! Quest , Kantai Collection , KanColle , CannedCoalQM 2019-07-01 3 September 2019 3789381 Drowned Quest Redux Charlotte Fawkins commands a legion of alligators, becomes a private investigator, and is forced to make friends. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , quest , collective game 2019-09-18 16 October 2019 3847410 Drowned Quest Redux 2 Charlotte Fawkins, Ace Mind Detective drowned quest redux , drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game 2019-10-18 10 November 2019 3893979 Nanodesu! Quest #6 Wherein we continue off from last time, taking care of Kako a probably narcoleptic ship girl, and bond with Hibiki! Nanodesu! Quest , Kantai Collection , KanColle , CannedCoalQM 2019-11-03 0 3898353 Drowned Quest Redux 3 Charlotte Fawkins takes one step forward and two steps back. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2019-11-18 7 January 2020 3985031 Drowned Quest Redux 4 Charlotte Fawkins is a master of social interaction. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2020-01-13 7 February 2020 4046874 Drowned Quest Redux 5 Charlotte Fawkins continues to be a master of social interaction. Thread ends early. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2020-02-11 8 March 2020 4091909 Drowned Quest Redux 6 Charlotte Fawkins goes urban exploring. drowned quest redux , drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game 2020-03-13 7 April 2020 4159371 Nanodesu! Quest: Miyuki Edition Wherein Miyuki tries to go scouting, gets sent back by Abyssal shenanigans and instead bonds with the people left in the base! Nanodesu! Quest , Kantai Collection , KanColle , CannedCoalQM 2020-04-06 0 4167383 Drowned Quest Redux 7 Madrigal Fitzpatrick deals with an evil motherfucker. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2020-04-16 7 72111866 warning the Emperor If an anon got transported to the Great Crusade era, would they be morally obligated to warn the Emperor, and how could they manage it? storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned, 2020-04-22 56 72167194 warning the Emperor thread #2 A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. Now with extra storytime. storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , time travel 2020-04-24 30 72198499 warning the emperor #3 A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , time travel 2020-04-27 28 May 2020 4199530 Drowned Quest Redux 8 Charlotte Fawkins meets Charlotte Fawkins. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2020-05-07 8 4213296 Returned Quest 1 Cyrus returns from beyond the river of death to fufil a broken vow, and makes a deal with the Ferryman. Returned Quest , Collective Game 2020-05-11 2 72654633 warning the emperor #4 A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , time travel 2020-05-20 38 72796998 Warning the Emperor #5 A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. Now featuring Leman Russ. storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , time travel 2020-05-26 73 June 2020 4264396 Drowned Quest Redux 9 Charlotte Fawkins discovers her daddy issues. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2020-06-09 7 July 2020 4312380 Drowned Quest Redux 10 Charlotte Fawkins reenacts the plot of The Hangover (2009). Thread ends early. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2020-07-14 7 August 2020 4368291 Drowned Quest Redux 11 Charlotte Fawkins is a good friend and model citizen. drowned quest redux , drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game 2020-08-19 7 4417979 Drowned Quest Redux 12 Charlotte Fawkins continues to set things on fire. drowned quest redux , drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game 2020-08-28 6 September 2020 74638599 Warning the Emperor #6 A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , time travel 2020-09-02 37 74732945 Warning The Emperor #7 A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , time travel 2020-09-05 65 October 2020 4466908 Drowned Quest Redux 13 Charlotte Fawkins ethically strangles a man and raises more questions than she answers. drowned quest redux , drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game 2020-10-16 6 75487548 Warning The Emperor #8 A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , time travel 2020-10-19 81 December 2020 76228931 Warning The Emperor #9 A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , time travel 2020-12-01 73 January 2021 76720490 Boring Future Mundane uses for cyberpunk technology. cyberpunk , cyborg , cybernetics , transhuman , posthuman , DRM , planned obsolescence , spyware , dystopia, 2021-01-02 1 February 2021 4598674 Drowned Quest Redux 14 Charlotte Fawkins meddles with worms and Wyrms. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2021-02-09 7 77635575 Warning The Emperor #10 A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , time travel 2021-02-21 44 77703486 Warning The Emperor #11 A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , time travel 2021-02-23 42 77704221 Saving Private Mon'Keigh What if cupanon was a craftworld Eldar? storytime , Writefag , eldar , 30k , time travel , not as planned 2021-02-24 53 77782960 Warning The Emperor #12 Prelude A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy storytime , writefag , Emperor , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , time travel 2021-02-28 66 March 2021 4651931 Drowned Quest Redux 15 Charlotte Fawkins negotiates with criminals. drowned quest redux , drowned quest , bathic , drowned , quest , collective game 2021-03-19 4 April 2021 4714272 Drowned Quest Redux 16 Charlotte Fawkins wins some and loses some. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2021-04-24 5 May 2021 4781265 Drowned Quest Redux 17 Charlotte Fawkins has a fun time with her friends. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2021-05-28 4 June 2021 4846463 Drowned Quest Redux 18 Charlotte Fawkins embarks on a fetch quest. drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , drowned redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2021-06-26 4 August 2021 4908956 Drowned Quest Redux 19 Charlotte Fawkins is not a bad person. drowned , drowned quest , drowned quest redux , quest , bathic , collective game 2021-08-09 3 October 2021 5018317 Drowned Quest Redux 20 Charlotte Fawkins is saddled with unnecessary... feelings. bathic , drowned quest , drowned quest redux , drowned , quest , collective game 2021-10-31 3 December 2021 5058560 Drowned Quest Redux 21 Charlotte Fawkins has memory problems. drowned , drowned redux , drowned quest redux , drowned quest , quest , collective game 2021-12-15 3 January 2022 5092296 Drowned Quest Redux 22 Charlotte Fawkins performs brain surgery. drowned , quest , drowned redux , drowned quest redux , bathic , collective game 2022-01-26 2 March 2022 5153904 Drowned Quest Redux 23 Charlotte Fawkins takes charge. drowned , drowned redux , drowned quest redux , drowned quest , quest , collective game 2022-03-05 2 5196739 Drowned Quest Redux 24 Charlotte Fawkins is (un)invited. Thread ends very early. drowned , drowned quest , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2022-03-21 2 April 2022 5214636 Drowned Quest 33 In which Ellery Routh goes on a date. april fools , drowned , drowned quest , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2022-04-11 2 June 2022 5257818 Drowned Quest Redux 25 Charlotte Fawkins follows instructions. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2022-06-06 4 July 2022 5306388 Drowned Quest Redux 26 Charlotte Fawkins awakens her MAGYCKAL ABILITIES. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2022-07-17 3 August 2022 5353518 Drowned Quest Redux 27 Charlotte Fawkins confronts her past. drowned , drowned quest , drowned quest redux , bathic , quest , collective game 2022-08-11 4 October 2022 5404792 Drowned Quest Redux 28 Madrigal Fitzpatrick makes her own plotline, with blackjack and hookers. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2022-10-16 1 November 2022 5441069 Drowned Quest Redux 29 Charlotte Fawkins speaks with the dead. Thread ends early. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2022-11-20 2 December 2022 5442528 Rise of the Awakened #1 A post apocalyptic RP where you play as animals. Follow Mog and Kinny as they pull off a heist and discover the truth of the Old Ones. Collective Game , Roleplay , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Post Apocalypse , Talking Animals , Mog , Kinny , Bobby 2022-12-06 5 January 2023 5478738 Drowned Quest Redux 30 Gil Wallace tries his best. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2023-01-02 2 87277920 Saving Private Mon'Keigh #2 Mon'Keigh Eldar's attempts at preventing the Horus Heresy storytime , writefag , Eldar , Great Crusade , Not As Planned , Time Travel , 30k 2023-01-09 38 5493415 Rise of the Awakened #2 The human asks for some clothes, Kinny and Bobby rob a store, Mog and the human make a deal, revelations abound, a fox is rescued. Collective Game , Roleplay , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Goddamn Lizard People , Mog , Kinny , Bobby , Jenkins , Rick's creepy robot , Draconians 2023-01-14 5 February 2023 5527502 Drowned Quest Redux 31 Charlotte Fawkins is in a dark place. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2023-02-10 4 5534447 Rise of the Awakened #3 A fox is recruited, a grisly scene is witnessed, the truth is unveiled, the vault is unlocked, and the hellbot was the true enemy all along. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Bobby , Maggie , Jenkins , We're goin' to Canada bois , Unveiled secrets , Hellbot 2023-02-19 5 March 2023 5579854 Drowned Quest Redux 32 Charlotte Fawkins answers more questions than she raises. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2023-03-20 4 April 2023 5584052 Rise of the Awakened #4 Ursus and "Simon" join the party, the party becomes extraordinarily wealthy, a gunstore is looted, some player drama occurs, the party sho Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Bobby , Maggie , Ursus , "Simon" , Plato , Lanesboro 2023-04-01 5 5617784 Drowned Quest Redux 33 Charlotte Fawkins plays God. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2023-04-25 2 5616811 Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #5 It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun slowly settles into life as a public figure and becomes a dad! Gundam , Sci-fi , UC , 0079 , MSG , The Origin , Felix Zos Deikun , Mecha , Political Intrigue , Newtype bullshit , Waifus , unplanned pregnancy , oh no 2023-04-30 13 May 2023 5626225 Rise of the Awakened #5 Shopping, logistics&dragons, and finances are finally put in order, the truth about Lanesboro is revealed, the party fights an owlbear. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Bobby , Maggie , Ursus , Plato , Lanesboro , Combat again finally , logistics&dragons 2023-05-10 5 June 2023 5657189 Drowned Quest Redux 34 Charlotte Fawkins takes a shortcut. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2023-06-05 3 5693395 Elf Maiden Quest IV Lagneia the sacred prostitute makes her glorious returns as she attempts to extract her quarry from al-Fasek & his harem of deadly femboys Elf Maiden Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Elves , World Building , Cleric , Divine Magic , Thirsty MC , Sacred Prostitute , Warned for Gay 2023-06-24 28 5680436 Hajimete no Hitozuma A young salaryman uncovers a shocking secret which ties his estranged father and new bride, and must decide what to do with this information Abandoned Quest , Adopted Quest , Cuckoldry , Family Drama , Oneshot , Suprisingly Wholesome , Japanese Culture 2023-06-24 -12 5664976 Rise of the Awakened #6 The party beats the owlbears, get blown up, narrowly survives, get kidnapped and robbed, escape, and accidentally warcrime their kidnappers. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Potato , Ord , Horny Deer , Accidental Warcrimes , Prison Break , Q Wolf Cult 2023-06-29 5 August 2023 5703153 Rise of the Awakened #7 Kinny zaps a mob, the cultists kill some heretics, Mog gets his sword back, finds a slime, has a tantrum, Ursus wins a duel. qst on hiatus. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Adler , Harold , Deer Paladin Bros , Quest Hiatus , d-d-d-duel , Long-ass arc 2023-08-15 5 5718133 Drowned Quest Redux 35 Charlotte Fawkins has a pretty good day. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2023-08-27 2 September 2023 5752819 Tales from Thulzar In an age before recorded history, Man eked out a life bound by blood and tradition across his ancestral homeland of Thulzar. Sword & Sandal , Drawquest , Fantasy , Alt History , Seemingly Abandoned 2023-09-28 17 October 2023 5774217 Rise of the Awakened #8 The gang beat the deer, recover their gear minus their guns, confront history in a museum town, experiment with polymorph rings, and relax. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Maggie , Back from hiatus , Yawn chain , R&R , Downtime , Worldbuilding , Quest 2023-10-24 4 November 2023 5796133 Drowned Quest Redux CODICIL God spirals. side story , drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2023-11-22 3 December 2023 5806023 Rise of the Awakened #9 The gang chat a lot the whole thread, steals a lute, finds a love letter, sells their wares to rabbits, relaxes with some vidya and alcohol. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Maggie , Swift , Relm , Velveteen and Frou Frou Tribes , R&R , Downtime , Quest 2023-12-01 2 January 2024 5851077 Drowned Quest Redux 36 Charlotte Fawkins flies solo. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2024-01-01 2 5854953 Rise of the Awakened #10 The party continue to party for the rest of the night while learning lore, gaining dosh, and finding out about a new quest. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Maggie , Swift , Relm , Rabbit Tribes , R&R , Party , Downtime , Quest 2024-01-20 2 February 2024 5894868 Drowned Quest Redux 37 Charlotte Fawkins fails forward. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2024-02-23 2 March 2024 5900197 Rise of the Awakened #11 The party finally enter the Canis Lupin, insult the border patrol guard, and go into hiding for a bit until they come up with a plan. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Maggie , Quest , Canis Lupin , Poco the Muscle Cat , in hiding 2024-03-07 2 April 2024 5943514 Drowned Quest Redux 38 Charlotte Fawkins has double trouble. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2024-04-04 2 5949105 Rise of the Awakened #12 A new human thaws, a soul put to rest, spiders slain, a will told, info gathered, and horrors unveiled. The Canis Lupin arc truly begins. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Arsene , Jessica , Gawain , Kuma , Canis Lupin , Intrigue , Horror's back , Ques 2024-04-23 2 June 2024 5990341 Rise of the Awakened #13 The party kills squids, capture Kuma, squid explodes before interrogation, the party sics Sunny on Gawain, Superman is met, a spy is caught. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Sunny , Kuma , Cephalopods , Superman , Retard Raccoon , Canis Lupin , Quest 2024-06-06 2 5998032 Drowned Quest Redux 39 Charlotte Fawkins breaks and enters. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2024-06-09 2 July 2024 6027314 Rise of the Awakened #14 Ursus hunts info, meets Sage, question a raccoon-squid, question and kidnap Gawain, rescue Bobby, uncover a lizard plot, Ursus vs Lincoln. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Jessica , Gawain , Bobby , Lincoln , Sage , Canis Lupin , Intrigue , Quest 2024-07-23 1 6041226 Drowned Quest Redux 40 Charlotte Fawkins breaks and exits. Slow thread. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2024-07-23 1 September 2024 6072720 Drowned Quest Redux 41 Gil Wallace fucks up. Another slow thread. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2024-09-07 1 6074760 Rise of the Awakened #15 Mog & Kinny retrieve Gawain's scroll & meet the queen. Ursus tracks down the kidnapped & warped June & Hogar. The party fights the culprits Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Canis Lupin , June , Hogar , Nihm , Queen 2024-09-24 1 October 2024 6110455 Drowned Quest Redux 42 Charlotte Fawkins tempts fate. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2024-10-26 1 November 2024 6109463 Rise of the Awakened #16 The crew thaw Dr.Wallace, work on curing June and Hogar begins, another chat with the queen is had, the gang raids the hotel for their guns. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Sage , Dr.Wallace , Queen , Dib , Canis Lupin 2024-11-09 1 December 2024 6136429 Drowned Quest Redux 43 Charlotte Fawkins heralds destruction. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2024-12-07 2 January 2025 6159297 Drowned Quest Redux 44 Charlotte Fawkins is not a good person. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2025-01-13 2 February 2025 6180580 Drowned Quest Redux 45 Charlotte Fawkins learns the truth. drowned , drowned quest , bathic , drowned quest redux , quest , collective game 2025-02-23 1 March 2025 6177481 Rise of the Awakened #16.5 We're back from hiatus! Kinny mugs Sage, Mog freezes her. Gawain explodes, his squid escapes, then dies. Cats vanish, the crew tracks them. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Canis Lupin , Squid , Back from hiatus , Ord , Apes , Cliffhanger 2025-03-03 1