/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2022
5262293The Mystery Dungeons #7The guild hunts the runaway Team Penultimate in the windy valley, fight against the haughty Diancie, and unwind with some surfing!The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2022-06-06 14 
5297344The Mystery Dungeons #8Treasure Town celebrates the return of Team Poképals (and is promptly destroyed after) and the guild enters taserland.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2022-06-28 5 
July 2022
5320928The Mystery Dungeons #9The Lost Hope Guild finally venture into the Sea of Time to confront Dialga, but become stranded in the Hidden Land.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2022-07-19 3 
August 2022
5350782The Mystery Dungeons #10Ascending Temporal Tower, they breach a realm beyond to clash with gods.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2022-08-14 4 
November 2022
5417897The Mystery Dungeons #12Giant robot fairies and unspeakable horrors. All in a night’s work for LHG.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2022-11-11 2 
December 2022
5461450The Mystery Dungeons #13The guild travels across the continent in a caravan. Meanwhile, they also check out Aegis Cave.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2022-12-22 2 
February 2023
5510217The Mystery Dungeons #14The guild finds adventures hidden in the depths below.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-02-01 1 
March 2023
5557513The Mystery Dungeons #15The nightmare cult has been silenced, and the guild gets their good night rest.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-03-05 4 
April 2023
5597797The Mystery Dungeons #16The guild begins to uncover a plot revolving around Mystery Dungeons through ancient ruins.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-04-09 1 
May 2023
5637501The Mystery Dungeons #17LHG, in pursuit of the past, defies the words of a legendary—soon finding this mystery goes deeper than they thought.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-05-20 1 
July 2023
5669236The Mystery Dungeons #18LHG delves into the mysteries that exceed the normal and breach past the supernatural. Deep below, or high above…The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-07-04 1 
August 2023
5702385The Mystery Dungeons #19Together, the group works together to impede the machinations of the deranged legendary mastermind, all in a bid to save the world.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-08-09 0 
5731296The Mystery Dungeons #20LHG saves the world one last time in the finale.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-08-22 4 
September 2023
5743269The Mystery Dungeons 2e #0The Voice of Life calls out to the void, seeking help from beyond the dimensional veil. New game, new characters!The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-09-26 3 
October 2023
5755695The Mystery Dungeons 2e #1From the burning forests, the exhausted group finds shelter in Baram Town, full of new things to see.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-10-06 2 
November 2023
5790853The Mystery Dungeons 2e #2In the ashes of burnt forests, deep in dreams, and in the wake of grand theft piracy, the ex-humans try to acclimatize in the chaos.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2023-11-23 1 
January 2024
5855707The Mystery Dungeons 2e #3The discomfort of the dreamscape haunts the minds of the humans, troubled further by a restless disease they know nothing of.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2024-01-13 2 
February 2024
5893347The Mystery Dungeons 2e #4A burnt château rises once more from the ash, and the humans take a chance to play in the past.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2024-02-27 0 
April 2024
5947684The Mystery Dungeons 2e #5Beneath the surface, things lurk and lie, waiting to be discovered by the inquisitive ex-humans from above.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2024-04-21 0 
June 2024
5988572The Mystery Dungeons 2e #6Cast before a tumultuous sea to make ends meet and hidden within the shadows of the mind, the group learn and grow.The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2024-06-02 2 
July 2024
6029696The Mystery Dungeons 2e #7The group braves toxic fumes on the northern island for a lost artifact and its history, and uncovers a Magnagate mystery dungeon…The Mystery Dungeons, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2024-07-28 0 
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