/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2012
18399415Boone Quest Episode 11Featuring coin stealing, heretic decapitations, and psyker-on-psyker sexual harassment.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Mr. Culexus, Colossal Fagot2012-03-21 26 
May 2012
19029468Boone Quest Episode 12In which our protagonist runs over heretics with a car, brings warm beer to a catatonic Britishman, and gets locked in the freezer.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus2012-05-09 27 
July 2012
19897335Boone Quest Episode 13In which our heroes attempt vehicular homicide on a rogue psyker, recruit an Emperor-fearing mutant soldier, and unearth Demogirl.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus2012-07-16 27 
September 2012
20802078Boone quest FifteenWe head out to the scholam and break in, searching for the last batch of clues.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege2012-09-21 26 
20860329Boone Quest Episode 16Boone regroups with the rest of the squad to new upgrades and party members before returning to the mining facility. Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege2012-09-25 27 
October 2012
21258695Boone Quest 17We finally activate our coin necklace, and battle a giant Heretek.Collective Game, Boone, Boone Quest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege, boss fight2012-10-24 27 
November 2012
21660129Boone Quest 18In which our heroes finally achieve Krieger Hug.Collective Game, Boone, Boone Quest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege, krieger2012-11-20 30 
September 2014
35094410Boone Quest #24The adventure continues! Boone faces off against Waldrip and climbs a ladder.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege2014-09-25 21 
February 2015
38370843Boone Quest Episode 25Boone finally faces off against the mastermind behind everything.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, Raege, Sapp2015-02-28 27 
May 2017
53104859Same teeth?A thread is made for the appreciation of Cultist-chan, in which the original artist turns up. Also rare Wakfu lewds.Cultist-chan, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus2017-05-12 14 
July 2019
3637272I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin QuestIn which strange bedfellows must work together to escape a prison.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-07-16 35 
3664294I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #2In which we meet the people behind this operation and find the exit.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-07-26 29 
August 2019
3718163I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #3In which we get this show on the road and reach our first destination.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-08-09 28 
September 2019
3800042I can't believe I have to trust a goblin #4In which we explore a forest, gain new companions, make our first big haul, and spend the night with Highball!Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-09-16 24 
3825507I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #5In which we chill in our ship, restock at Dunnlivin, and Anon gets into a fight about thighs.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-09-26 24 
February 2020
4073948I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #6 In which we save Scadam and rescued the citizens.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CentreField, Collosal Faggot, Mr. Culexus2020-02-28 23 
March 2020
4110431Trust a Goblin PART SEVENIn which we take in stock of what we've achieved so far and have a pleasant airship ride.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CentreField, Collosal Faggot, Mr. Culexus2020-03-13 23 
September 2020
4445159Trust a Goblin Quest PART EIGHTIn which we explore the walled town of Kretch, meet many new faces and learn the basics of ophiachans.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-09-25 23 
November 2020
4504247Trust a Goblin PART NINEIn which we enjoy sharing a room with Highball, make plans and get acquainted with our passenger.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-11-22 20 
December 2020
4545223Trust a Goblin PART TENIn which we stop by Dunnlivin for a shopping trip and make some upgrades to our ship.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-12-23 19 
April 2021
4697909Trust a Goblin PART ELEVENFeel the rhythm, feel the grind, enter the forest it's dwarf killing time.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2021-04-16 20 
May 2021
4754113Trust a Goblin PART 12Time to level up and party down! How is everyone?Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2021-05-16 20 
April 2022
5175568Trust a Goblin PART 13Welcome party, unwelcome guests.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, Trust a Goblin, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2022-04-11 18 
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