/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2013
28300637Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Pt 2Faced with a woman from your past, the impending Rite, and the horror of becoming one with something that will live inside you....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-15 14 
28355446Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 3On the trail of an ancient mystery, you find some measure of answers, meet new and amusing people, and might just have room in your heart to comfort a friend in spite of it all. Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-18 18 
28394768Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 4The Rite of Sacred Union may not be a marriage, but it is far more intimate. If you survive it. Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-20 16 
28449699Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 5Anne has become one of the most powerful Tagers....but physical power won't help her with the death of a comrade and her first mission.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-23 15 
28524878Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 6Your confrontation with Yen takes a abrupt turn for the worse, and secrets are divulged. Secrets that could have an awesome toll on the Eldritch Society....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-27 13 
28542326Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 7With the horrifying death of your fellow Tager, you are left with more questions than answers. Also, perverts.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Voyuer, Mommy Issues2013-11-28 16 
December 2013
28594700Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 8The Elder Efreet Towern answers some questions; a funeral is held; and finally...a mission briefing is begun.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-12-01 16 
28671945Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 9The briefing is held, and to the point, but you have at least one day to prepare....or investigate other avenues of inquiry.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-12-05 13 
28853609Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 10Rechert and Viss are just as lost as you are about why Yen wanted you to stay away. A gruesome discovery ensues...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Gross2013-12-14 11 
28959873Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 11Hiding from an enemy that may or may not exist, Anne and her murder of Tagers face the facts....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-19 7 
28980969Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 12Prepared for battle, Anne learns what secrets Yen had...and something does come for them. But it isn't what anyone expected...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-20 10 
29016964Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 13Something comes through the wards, but it isn't what Anne expected. Someone has it in for her...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-22 9 
March 2015
38663934Fungi Monsters/tg/ worldbuilds mushroom monsters, fungus freaks, etc. Loads of interesting ideas are developed. Useful source of new monsters for your next game.fungus, mushroom, monster, ecosystem, dryad, body horror,2015-03-13 2 
August 2015
41938450Flesh Civilization Quest 2In this, we spread more, make a Hand, remember past, and Morgan Freeman spiders go to pizzeria as we become plantflesh civilization quest, collective game, body horror, flesh abomination, civilization game2015-08-18 3 
42031216Flesh Civilization Quest 3We meet humans and find a possible Ally. On top of that, we evolve.flesh civilization quest, collective game, body horror, flesh abomination, civilization game2015-08-23 1 
May 2016
47442369original undead monster worldbuilding/tg/ worldbuilders invent original types of undead. Nightmare fuel ensues.undead, zombie, body horror, monsters, worldbuilding,2016-05-26 10 
October 2016
49905799Horrible Deep Sea MerfolkAfter the success of a previous mermaid thread, Anon renews the idea that more sinister species of merfolk may live deep beneath the waves.Oceans, Deep Sea, Abyss, Mermaids, Merfolk, Abyssal Merfolk, Body Horror, Brainstorming2016-10-24 18 
April 2017
52923212Tomes of Eldritch Lore/tg/ invents various books of dark magic and their effects on their readers and the surrounding world.necronomicon, worldbuilding, horror, lovecraftian, body horror,2017-04-29 2 
September 2017
55292209Can Tomie join the party?NOPE. (and other fine discussion)tomie, uzumaki, hellstar remina, junji ito, immortals, eldricht horror, horror, body horror, japanese horror2017-09-09 9 
November 2018
3048494Body Horror QuestYou wake up in a flesh-corrupted world and come to terms with powers that change what it means to be human.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2018-11-25 56 
December 2018
3068908Body Horror QuestOur protagonist fights a mad puppeteer, duels a vicious chevalier, rescues a girl from a murderous city, and makes a new friend.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2018-12-11 25 
3102295Body Horror Quest - 3rd VeinShu and her allies duel a mystery wrapped in an Enigma, share a heart to heart, and make a decision that changes their path through hell.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2018-12-15 23 
3117545Body Horror Quest - 4th VeinShu and friends begin their trek up the calcite cliffs, clear some air between them, then check out an aspiring artist's gruesome gallery.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2018-12-24 22 
January 2019
3147018Body Horror Quest - 5th VeinShu and friends negotiate an art deal, pick a new wardrobe, and encounter two ghosts...one far more disturbing than the other. Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-01-10 22 
3180375Body Horror Quest - 6th VeinShu deals with the past, fights for the heart of a city, learns a terrible truth, and reunites with old friends.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-01-21 24 
3197660Body Horror Quest - 7th VeinShu's team expands as she fights a titan, plays a drinking game with friends, and is offered a choice by an unlikely host.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-01-28 23 
February 2019
3215073Body Horror Quest - 8th VeinShu and friends traverse a swamp, learn more about their newest ally, find a relic from the past and finally look in the mirror.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-02-06 21 
3236024Body Horror Quest - 9th VeinShu and company fight an endless cycle, enter a shared dream, discover one ally's unusual skills, and have a sit-down that is long overdue.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-02-12 21 
3253856Body Horror Quest - 10th VeinShu and her allies discuss the past, venture into the unforgiving dark, and learn about the Choice, for better or worse.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-02-19 24 
3276235Body Horror Quest - 11th VeinShu and company fight a foe from myth, help Gina make a Choice, journey to the Monastery, and struggle with the weight of a new bond.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-02-26 22 
March 2019
3299300Body Horror Quest - 12th VeinShu and friends hear out a proposal, learn about the Cord, and stage an intervention that changes everything.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-03-05 24 
3320414Body Horror Quest - 13th VeinShu and her allies continue through an eerie forest, find the manor of a reclusive genius, and have a long overdue talk with a gun.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-03-12 21 
3342376Body Horror Quest - 14th VeinShu and allies assemble a new team, encounter a good boy, fight an aspiring god, and blow up a house.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-03-18 21 
3360187Body Horror Quest - 15th VeinShu and allies meet another team, sail across a river, design new clothes, and get a third visit from Mother.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-03-27 20 
April 2019
3397754Body Horror Quest - 16th VeinShu and friends get ambushed, Encounter with a Cyborg Tank Commander, and raid a Doctor's Lab. Meanwhile B'ni goes on a long walk.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-04-07 20 
3419959Body Horror Quest - 17th VeinShu and allies return to the monastery, Forge some relics, exorcise a relic, get some sleep, and study. BHOP gives anons a giant infodump.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-04-13 21 
3453544Body Horror Quest - 18th VeinShu and Friends go Amalgam hunting, encounter a Magpie, and return to find the Monastery beginning to crumble under new leadership. Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror2019-04-30 20 
May 2019
3488238Body Horror Quest - 19th VeinOut of the Monastery, into the Mountains, meeting the Midnight Crew along the way. And the start of "Quack Season and B'ni Season".Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror, B'ni, West, Quack Doctors2019-05-12 21 
3506531Body Horror Quest - 20th VeinA Destroyed Monastery, defeat, despair, and death. Yet the lone trumpet of defiance sings its tune. Act 1 Comes to a close.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror, B'ni, Gina, Defiance2019-05-18 21 
June 2019
3537263Body Horror Quest - 21st VeinOne shot, one opportunity, to save everything they love from the Crucible-Ender that is SPIRALING FEAR. Will they kill it?.. Or let it slip?Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Defiance, SPIRALING FEAR, Mountain, Midnight Crew, bamboozles2019-06-01 20 
3553578Body Horror Quest - 22nd VeinDream Daughters, Downtime, and a Drinking Party at The Dragon's Lair. A well-deserved respite for Shu's Friends and Family.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror, downtime, Dreams, Drinking party, Respite, Family2019-06-09 21 
3570737Body Horror Quest - 23nd VeinShu, fam, and friends raid a Hexxane Armory, only to find they weren't the first thieves. The plot of Act 2 thickens. Mother makes her moveBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 22019-06-18 15 
3601795Body Horror Quest - 24th VeinA desperate gambit in the face of Mother's deathtrap, Shu’s family descends deep into a city of the dead. In a race to stop a god’s revivalBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 22019-06-29 17 
July 2019
3637465Body Horror Quest - 25th VeinAn unseen Bamboozle that breaks the plans of many. A desperate battle that breaks a broken B'ni. Act 2 ends with a bittersweet taste.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 2, Bamboozles, B'ni2019-07-13 15 
67202225combination monster bestiary /tg/ designs weapons for when wizards with owlbear-tier magics capable of combining animals to create new monsters fight a biotech war.monsters, worldbuilding, owlbears, chimera, body horror, umbrella corporation, wizards, no sense of right and wrong,2019-07-13 7 
3660660Body Horror Quest - 26th VeinShu lays B'ni to rest, feasts with her family on level-ups, and meets the Hexane race face to face. Goodnight, Isabelle.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 32019-07-20 15 
August 2019
3693736Body Horror Quest - Ischemia Intermission Intermission Thread Between the 26th and 27th Vein, Anons contribute write-faggotry and discuss the future. Bhop prepares for the next vein.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Ischemia, Intermission2019-08-02 11 
3729692Body Horror Quest - 27th VeinShu says goodbye to the Midnight Crew, goes to meet Good SHODAN, finally lets go of Sam, takes in a good Doctor, and prepares for THE HUNTBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Sam, West, Francine, the hunt2019-08-15 15 
3765579Body Horror Quest - 28th VeinShu meets a Polish meme girl and a posse of Hyenas with Assless chaps; then finds prey, only to find she's not the only hunter on the prowlBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Polish, hyenas, assless chaps, Protean2019-08-25 12 
September 2019
3780059Body Horror Quest - 29th VeinShu’s catch of the week: 1 Silver Fish, 1 Stealth Panther, and 1 Frost Wolf. FuzzBuzz gets adopted by Ants, and unexpected visitors arrive.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Ants, FuzzBuzz, bamboozle2019-09-08 12 
3805827Body Horror Quest - 30th VeinShu has tea with Charon, talks to a 4-D Doggo, chats with many dream daughters, and tells a story about Ants to Amara.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Ringo, 4-D Doggo, Charon, Amara, infodump2019-09-16 15 
October 2019
3848948Body Horror Quest - 31st VeinA simple visit to Madam Yurei’s Mansion to talk about her proposal for the Crucible turned into a ballroom blitz of escalating violence.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Madam Yurei, Ballroom Blitz, Violence, boss phases2019-10-05 12 
3863033Body Horror Quest - 32nd VeinShu and family dive into a ghost's past to lay her to rest, and a certain bunny comes back from the dead to start her road to redemption.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Madam Yurei, exorcism, redemption, B'ni2019-10-16 14 
November 2019
3894141Body Horror Quest - 33rd VeinShu entertains a variety of guests in her house, from the Barbers to the Dream Daughters, with a phone call from 'Mother' Ozmas in betweenBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, dream daughters, slice-of-life, slow thread2019-11-07 14 
3917562Body Horror Quest - 34th VeinToday was a good day. Shu got to meet the Ant Queen and took her family on a relaxing day trip to Laoc...until a flying kaiju came along.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Francine, slice-of-life, Laoc, Ant Queen, a good day2019-11-19 14 
December 2019
3933303Body Horror Quest - CapillaryAn Interlude where bhop explores the perspectives of other characters in the Crucible world: Featuring: Sam, 'A', and Isabelle.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, interlude, Capillary, slice-of-life, Isabelle, Sam, 'A'2019-12-02 12 
3951968Body Horror Quest - 35th VeinHunger Riots are the worst. They can easily swallow up a town like Laoc whole if Shu doesn't put down the hunger-mad fast enough. Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, Hunger Riots, town event, combat, hunger-mad, a good day2019-12-12 13 
January 2020
4006160Body Horror Quest - 36th VeinAnd now for the tedious part after the Laoc hunger riots: cleaning up , level-ups and some heart-to-heart talks for those who need it.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, a good day, clean-up, Julia, Gemma2020-01-13 13 
4038281Body Horror Quest - 37th VeinShu leaves Laoc to kill a giant anteater for Ants, and helps out a pair of lovers before being gently reminded that they are being HUNTED.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, Ant Queen, a good day, the hunt, hexane2020-01-30 11 
February 2020
4067810Body Horror Quest - 38th VeinShu meets a big-name Skinternet streamer, asks google “how to stop a Terminator”, and has dinner with her family.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Francine, skinternet, planning, level up2020-02-13 11 
March 2020
4105787Body Horror Quest - 39th VeinShu destroys Dr. West's Skynet, West Alpha forces them to flee their mountain home, and an ally becomes a rogue terrorist. End of Act 3.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, West Alpha, Magpie, skynet,2020-03-09 11 
4142662Body Horror Quest - 40th VeinWhile prepping for an counterattack on West Alpha, Shu tries to talk Magpie out of murdering entire settlements. It doesn't end well. Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, West Alpha, Magpie, Midnight Crew, Altered Altar2020-03-28 8 
April 2020
4168332Body Horror Quest - 41st VeinDinner and Downtime before the Big Raid. Shu hosts a body horror fashion show, and God itself talks to Shu asking why she got brain surgery.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, West Alpha, Midnight Crew, Barbers, downtime, level up2020-04-11 8 
May 2020
4208306Body Horror Quest - 42nd VeinNuclear Diplomacy with W. Alpha, 60 minutes with Orwell, checkups for the Altered Altar, & preaching to the Cult: Just another day for Shu.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, West Alpha, Orwell, Cults, Nuclear diplomacy2020-05-06 7 
4248673Body Horror Quest - 43rd VeinShu preaches to the cult with a sermon in order to tell them to stop behaving like a cult. Anons crank out lots literal essays of write-ins.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, Cults, lotsa write-ins, philosophical speechcraft, SMT, choices2020-05-24 10 
June 2020
4287846Body Horror Quest - 44th VeinQM BHOP finds out his mother's health is in critical condition, and stops the session early. Feels are shared, Anons send their condolencesBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 5, irl INTERRUPT, Mother, feels, 4 is death2020-06-12 7 
July 2020
4342085Body Horror Quest - 45th VeinA simple investigation of infighting in a mountain settlement reveals politics and a plot by a culprit who has the broken power of "NOTHINGBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 5, Arcadia, Politics, Nothing is scarier2020-07-25 7 
August 2020
4386337Body Horror Quest - 46th VeinThere was much ado about "nothing". For even in Acadia, there Shu was. End of the 5th Arc/Act.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 5, Arcadia, nothing2020-08-20 7 
September 2020
4430305Body Horror Quest, 47th VeinShu meets a Centaur intent on walking the old town road. IRL circumstances puts the vein on pause. Vein is promptly archived for safety.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 62020-09-14 10 
June 2021
79693580prosthetics and mutations/tg/ creates a post-apocalyptic setting where on account of radiation and bioweapon damage, everyone's got mutations and cybernetics.worldbuilding, mutation, cybernetics, prosthetics, cyborg, mutant, body horror, tables2021-06-22 11 
79894893prosthetics and mutations thread #2A continuation of thread >>79693580. Backstory and skinwalkers are involved.worldbuilding, mutation, cybernetics, prosthetics, cyborg, mutant, body horror, tables2021-06-27 6 
July 2021
80023768prosthetics and mutations thread #3A continuation of >>79693580 and >>79894893, in which mutation tables are made and backstory and stats written.worldbuilding, mutation, cybernetics, prosthetics, cyborg, mutant, body horror, tables2021-07-03 4 
September 2021
4931101The Graverobber's DaughterChlotsuintha, a Witchlet, might have lost her father. She prepares to flee her home, while trying to maintain her cover as a gravedigger. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-09-05 22 
4974827Body Horror Quest, Thrombolysis Intermission Eldritch QM Bhop returns after a 1 year hiatus to provide side stories and Succor of both comfort and horror in this Intervening thread. Body Horror Quest, bhop, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Intermission, side-stories, slice of life2021-09-15 11 
October 2021
5004033Body Horror Quest - 48th VeinShu meets BIGGEST BIRD and NUCLEAR SNOWBIRD, fights a Tree-piloting Dryad, and befriends a lost child before stopping at an IKEA store. Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Birbs, BIGGEST BIRD, West Alpha, Snowbird, act 6, Ikea, eldritch ikea2021-10-22 8 
November 2021
4994632The Graverobber's Daughter IIChlotsuintha has a run in with the Inquisition, realizes she has implicated herself as magic user, and will eventually be hunted by them. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-11-04 20 
December 2021
5045064Body Horror Quest, 49th VeinShu hears a Dragon's confession, relaxes at Ikea, talks to a Rumia face-claim, and gets into a sword-fight with one of God's messengers.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, touhou, ikea, swordfights with an Angel, Old Testament Angels, archeology2021-12-10 6 
January 2022
5061777Graverobber's Daughter IIIAfter buying clothes, Chlotsuintha's escape plan is hampered by a new curfew in the Midden, and aided by an unexpected gift from mother.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2022-01-04 13 
February 2022
5125916Body Horror Quest, Intermezzo IntermissionAn interlude thread featuring: An honorable Bumblebee, A titanic thunderbird, a Socratic sage, a living battleship, and a simple woman.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, intermission, interlude, side stories, slice-of-life, Yamato, birbs2022-02-09 5 
5120915The Graverobber's Daughter IVWhere His Gaze falls, Judgement comes. After, Chlotsuintha has to kill. Then the Lifting Oil Refinery she is robbing goes all Chernobyl.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-02-23 8 
March 2022
5175718Body Horror Quest, 50th VeinShu engages in tough negotiations with Two of the Three Apocalypse Amalgams, one of whom has delivered an Ultimatum.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Apocalypse Amalgams, Ziz, Leviathan, Behemoth, Negotiations, Lore bombs2022-03-18 5 
April 2022
5180605The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IThe QM's schedule implodes just as he starts to work through a massive backlog. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-04-17 5 
5211274Body Horror Quest, 51st VeinShu arranges a cosmic phone call to contact God, watches a rocket launch with the family, and engages in emotional therapy for a friend.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Apocalypse Amalgams, Lore bombs, calling God, rocket launch, surprisingly wholesome2022-04-28 7 
May 2022
5232198The Graverobber's Daughter VChlotsuintha returns from the Refinery and after a few hours of sleep and a false start manages to make a decoy graven ball. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-05-31 6 
June 2022
5271145Body Horror Quest, 52nd VeinShu suffers a mental breakdown, commits mass murder, holds a feast with the masses, and undergoes a metamorphosis. Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, level-up, it makes sense in context 2022-06-16 7 
July 2022
5289203The Graverobber's Daughter VIChlotsuintha has a close call in a public house, then comes across a gull that has Scarification Glyphs, possibly scrivened by her father.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-07-05 5 
5328857Body Horror Quest, 53rd Vein Amara goes full Anime in a sword duel, Shu begins to raise an army of Tenno Warframes, and powerful factions/people are stirring the pot.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, level-up, duel, Amara, side stories, lots of side stories2022-07-28 6 
August 2022
5340808The Graverobber's Daughter VIIAfter dealing with the Glyphed Gull, Chlotsuintha finds two sets of Strange footprints, partially cleansed, possibly by magic. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-08-22 5 
September 2022
5374818Body Horror Quest, 54th VeinInto the No Man's land, where chaos reigns supreme, where Shu builds a hotel in the middle of it all complete with continental breakfast.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, it's free real estate, hotel tycoon2022-09-10 8 
October 2022
5383072The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IIChlotsuintha investigates the Strange footprints, and the QM’s schedule implodes again.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-10-20 3 
March 2023
87927878MEATWARS Political Compass/Tg fills in a political compass that measures Flesh, Steel, Rot, and Robustness, and does a little worldbuildingSetting, Political Compass, Meatwars, Body horror, Worldbuilding2023-03-14 11 
88069752Meatwars fluff pt.1: Making Maps/tg/ begins hammering out the world of Meatwars, with several factions added, and a world built.Wordbuilding, Meatwars, Factions, Setting, Body horror,2023-03-20 1 
June 2023
5661862The Graverobber's Daughter VIIIChlotsuintha extricates herself from the 'Poonist's Perch, she retrieves her riding dress and buys a coach. But time is truly running out.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-06-29 6 
August 2023
5700233The Graverobber's Daughter IXChlotsuintha extricates herself from another mess in another public house, finishes shopping, and then begins to investigate Aldoin's house Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-08-15 5 
September 2023
5737272The Graverobber's Daughter XChlotsuintha continues investigating, though both the emitter-Organs of the Constructs and what exactly transpired there still elude her.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-09-29 9 
November 2023
5780952Meatwars Quest #1Zanasai, an agent of a once great empire goes on a seemingly routine mission to destroy a cultmeatwars, sci-fi, body horror, post-apocalyptic, survival2023-11-13 -1 
5793943The Graverobber's Daughter XIChlotsuintha continues investigating Aldoin's house, but after some successes she accidentally ends up injuring one of the Constructs.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-11-27 5 
January 2024
5850982The Graverobber's Daughter XIIAfter answering a few of her many questions and some unexpected finds, Chlotsuintha concludes investigating Aldoin's house.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-01-17 6 
March 2024
5895788The Graverobber's Daughter XIIIFrom Aldoin's, Chlotsuintha heads to a Clerking House, avoiding Guards, servants and neighbors as she prepares to forge a Family Patent.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-03-04 7 
April 2024
5946039The Graverobber's Daughter XIVChlotsuintha leaves the Clerking house without forgeries, then a terrible realization compels a reckoning over her actions of late.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-04-18 5 
May 2024
5982823The Graverobber's Daughter XVChlotsuintha allows a Thief-Taker to chaperone her at a Coaching house dinner to collect her stage and hear of the disturbance on the roads.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-05-31 5 
August 2024
6053771The Graverobber's Daughter XVIChlotsuintha extricates herself and stage from the Coaching house to board at another, as time runs out she must make a difficult decision.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-08-29 6 
December 2024
6114716The Graverobber's Daughter XVIIChlotsuintha extricates herself from another Coaching house after another reversal, leaving stage behind in a bid to get inside the walls. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-12-03 5 
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