/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

June 2010
10670113OctoSamurainew villain octosamuraisamurai, octopus, new villain, villain2010-06-22 15 
April 2011
14540230TG RAP BATTLETry as they might, to keep up the fight, Monk pwns them all day and night.Rap battle, TG, monk, pedo cleric, gunslinger, samurai2011-04-10 3 
14631553The Rising SonA weeabo hate thread turn into a creation of a Samurai space marine chapterSamurai, Japan, Japanese, Warhammer, 40k, Space Marine, Deathwatch2011-04-18 3 
14638189The Rising Son official threadNow with 100% more historical discussionSamurai, Japan, Japanese, Warhammer, 40k, Space Marine, Deathwatch2011-04-19 0 
March 2012
18228308Shadowrun StorytimeOP begins his story of a Shadowrun That Guy (tm)Shadowrun, Storytime, That Guy, 2D, Street Samurai, Infiltrator, Hacker, Mage2012-03-06 275 
18237435Shadowrun Storytime 2The continued story of a Shadowrun That Guy, now with more berserk troll.Shadowrun, That Guy, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, DeadMan, Trout, Street Samurai, Hacker, Mage, Infiltrator2012-03-07 93 
December 2012
22146679/tg/ Prophesizes their OWN end-of-the-world/tg/ bands together with an ancient evil, a virgin, a dog, a half-fae catboy, akuuuuuu, and for some reason michael bay to end all timemayan calendar, end of the world, lol, lulz, funny, humourous indeed, greentext, foolish samurai warrior2012-12-21 14 
January 2014
29816252TSAB Quest Chapter IIIIn which we make preparations and feel the burning fervour of true Japanese Fighting Spirit. Preliminary spell and load-out discussion.TSAB_quest EnforcerStandby, yamato damashi, samurai, male protagonist, Magical guy, magical girl2014-01-27 2 
April 2014
31740784Samurai Jack Quest One-Shot"Time and time again, I have come so close to destroying Samurai Jack. Yet time and time again, he has escaped my wrath!" I slammed my fist against my fiery walls, "But this time, you will not fail me... it is clear none of the fools of this future-present era can defeat Jack, so sending a message to me, Aku, the ancient evil many years past, I have beseeched myself to send you here, into the future! Where you, one of the greatest warriors of millenias past can defeat Jack!" Jack and The Cow[REDACTED].Collective Game, Samurai2014-04-27 11 
31779240Katanas/tg/ haves a civil, academic discussion. SeriouslyHistory, awesome, samurai, japan2014-04-29 10 
February 2015
38332832Librarian Jack -- Samurai Jack Stat for Wh40kOP asks for help stating Samurai Jack in Wh40k, and the fa/tg/uys take note, he wounds on 4s with ANYTHING.Wh40k, tabletop, 40k, samurai jack, stat thread2015-02-26 2 
April 2017
52364366L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Greentext thread about a party of Jade Magistrates in Legend of the Five RingsL5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-04-05 31 
52474763L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 2The continuing tale of Crab-anon and his party of Jade Magistrates in Legend of the Five RingsL5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-04-08 21 
52587795L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 3Goddammit Monkey! Edition. The continuing tale of Crab-anon and his party of Jade Magistrates in Legend of the Five RingsL5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-04-08 22 
52685301L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 4Phoenix Father-in-Law is a douche Edition. Crab Adventures fighting evil and stupid people.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-04-18 20 
52759929L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 5The continuing adventures of Hida Isagaki and his merry band of MagistratesL5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytimr, Crab, Samurai2017-04-19 20 
52819543L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 6Shaming the Phoenix, The tournament continues, Much to the Crab's joy.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-04-22 20 
52859722L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 7The tournament ends. Maho-Tsukai shenanigans. Haikus.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-04-25 17 
52918691L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 8A convoluted Scorpion plot is foiled. Now our brave Crab hero has to deal with assassins, blood magic, and worst of all... politics.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-04-27 17 
May 2017
52964044L5R: Memories of a Stonewall Part 9Ishigaki Mura grows, a new Crab is born, and feels are had by all. L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-05-04 14 
53051554L5R: Memories of a Stonewall Part 10In which Ishigaki and company accidentally a whole village. L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-05-10 13 
53150670L5R: Memories of a Stonewall Part 11The war between the Crab and the Scorpion heats up with Ishigaki and his comrades right in the middle.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-05-16 14 
53248930L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 12There are stones, and there are walls, but there is only one stone wall. The continuing tale of Crab-anon and his party of Jade Magistrates.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-05-20 14 
53335675L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 13I see a red Stone Wall and I want it painted black. The continuing tale of Crab-anon and his party of Jade Magistrates. L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-05-23 14 
53439299L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 14Shine on you crazy Stone Wall. Crab-anon's continuing tale of Hida Ishigaki and his party of Jade Magistrates.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-05-30 13 
June 2017
53584343L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 15Hey there Stone Wall, doesn't it feel like our time is running out? The continuing tale of Hida Ishigaki and his party of Jade Magistrates.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-06-04 14 
53693251L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 16Stone Walls don't fear the reaper. Crab-anon's continuing tale of Hida Ishigaki and his party of Jade Magistrates.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-06-13 14 
53833232L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 17Do you know where you are? You're in the Jungle, Stone Wall! Crab-anon's continuing tale of Hida Ishigaki and his party of Jade MagistrateL5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-06-17 15 
53965244L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 18We are the Wall!L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-06-28 14 
54040351L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 19See you, Stone Wall. The climax of Crab-anon's continuing tale of Hida Ishigaki and his party of Jade Magistrates.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-06-29 15 
July 2017
54095900L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 20A continuation of Crab-anon's wrap up. Char-sheets are shared, and links to the missing threads are posted.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai2017-07-06 15 
April 2018
59220808Hip-Hop in roleplayingAn anon seeks help for rhyme-based casting, worldbuilding ensuesetting, Samurai Champloo, worldbuilding, Hip Hop, hip-hop, brainstorming2018-04-24 6 
August 2018
2830410The Very Bad SamuraiA Samurai Jack One Shot narrated by the mysterious "Uka"dolomite, Samurai, Samurai Jack, one shot, draw quest2018-08-25 10 
November 2018
3001149Sengoku Quest IYositomu Morisada, old servant of Otagaki, finds himself as a ronin after losing his master.Sengoku, quest, collective game, Yositomu, Morisada, Japan, Samurai, Ronin2018-11-02 1 
December 2018
3084325Three Wolves Samurai QuestEliko of the Land of Iron begins his journey Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2018-12-09 5 
3101967Three Wolves Samurai Quest #2Eliko gets messed up, saved by a girl, and messes up.Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2018-12-20 1 
January 2019
3124591Three Wolves Samurai Quest #3Eliko channels his inner Napoleon and leads a town garrison into battleNaruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-01-02 2 
3155444Three Wolves Samurai Quest #3.5Continuation of 3, once more Eliko is savedNaruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-01-12 1 
3184519Three Wolves Samurai Quest #4Tactical genius Eliko saves the day and disarms an army's head.Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-01-22 1 
February 2019
3215258Three Wolves Samurai Quest #5Eliko returns home for a short while then sets out once more.Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-02-03 1 
3246873Three Wolves Samurai Quest #6Eliko begins a brisk winter's trip to the beach.Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-02-13 1 
March 2019
3289441Three Wolves Samurai Quest #7Quest goes in indefinite hiatus.Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-03-04 1 
August 2019
3755939Samurai widow quest 1Your name is Kasumi soon mother to twins. Your husband and lord are dead. That calls for revenge.Samurai widow quest, Samurai, mother, Collective Game2019-08-22 3 
September 2019
3770032Samurai widow quest 2Planning for revenge Samurai widow quest, samurai, mother2019-09-15 0 
February 2020
4099115Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #1Kentaro gets a promotionCollective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-02-29 7 
March 2020
4117291Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #2Kentaro hires a netrunner guideCollective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-03-17 1 
4143080Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #3Kentaro gets told by Kyune to join her rival's camp.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-03-30 0 
April 2020
4167114Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #4Kentaro commits to helping Akira with her addictionCollective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-04-13 0 
4193893Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #5Kentaro discovers an experimental enforcer training program while Yoji raids an Ishii stockpile.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-04-28 0 
May 2020
4224373Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #6Kentaro gets infected with a virus again. This time he isn't so lucky.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-05-18 0 
June 2020
4266087Cyberpunk Princess Quest #1We get to know our new POV character, KaguyaCollective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-06-14 3 
July 2020
4307743Cyberpunk Princess Quest #2Kaguya takes an excursion into cyberspace before learning about Hosoda-san's addiction.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-07-11 0 
August 2020
74206746original scifi gangs and post-apoc raider factions/tg/ worldbuilds ideas for original scifi gangs and post-apoc raider factions.worldbuilding, scifi, cyberpunk, post-apoc, street samurai,2020-08-09 0 
4357445Cyberpunk Princess Quest #3Kaguya takes an excursion into the upper-middle class part of Noir.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-08-12 0 
4406708Cyberpunk Princess Quest #4Kyune fights her duel with her Father and Kaguya answers for the crime of going outside.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-08-27 0 
October 2020
4443474Cyberpunk Princess Quest #5Kaguya meets her mother, meets her other mother, then maybe gets a Handmaid killed.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-10-09 1 
November 2020
4501672Cyberpunk Princess Quest #6Kaguya hires a nightrunnerCollective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-11-19 0 
December 2020
4548553Cyberpunk Princess Quest #7Kaguya switches from archery to firearms, and finally gets her gothloli dress.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-12-26 0 
January 2021
4585545Cyberpunk Princess Quest #7Kaguya learns of an upcoming social visit and Judas hacks into the Muramoto Corporation system.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2021-01-31 0 
March 2021
4640730Cyberpunk Princess Quest #8Kaguya meets a charming Ishii prince and spoiled princess.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2021-03-12 0 
4670851Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IYou are Hiroshi Nobuyasu, samurai of the Hiroshi. Just as you begin your warrior's pilgrimage, trouble strikes when you least expect it.Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-03-31 5 
April 2021
4719800Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IIAfter competing in the Moriyama Spring Tournament, you set off for Mekura-Ji temple with Tadatoshi to train in the ways of blind combat. Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-04-25 2 
4721293 Cyberpunk Princess Quest #10Kaguya plays the part of a good hostess, spills tea on her guest, then the QM gets infected with the flake virus.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2021-04-28 0 
June 2021
4798092Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IIIYou conclude your training at Mekura-Ji temple and head to Nimmyo, where you meet some interesting people and a familiar old threat?Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-06-07 2 
4844864 Cyberpunk Princess Quest #11Kaguya witnesses a duel between Kuro-kun and Kyune Onee-chan before lying to Winslet-san.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2021-06-20 0 
July 2021
4913374Cyberpunk Princess Quest #12QM loses motivation and flakes.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2021-07-25 0 
August 2021
4907946Kenshi Monogatari Quest - IVYour fierce training with the Higanbana Troupe in Nimmyo continues, all while you mix with the Taira lords and deal with an old threat.Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2021-08-07 2 
January 2022
5078086Kenshi Monogatari Quest - VI(Thread V link here) The Kikotei Tournament commences in earnest. THE FINAL THREAD.Kenshi Monogatari Quest, Samurai, KismetQM2022-01-06 1 
August 2023
5710873Swordsman Quest, OneshotA wandering blade enters town with conspiracy, murder and his own guilt.Swordsman Quest, Oneshot, Collective game, Draw Quest, Samurai2023-08-30 7 
January 2024
5873540The Wandering Headband 1Rokutaro begins his journey to reach the number one headband. Along the way he fights bandits, an archer and even a tiger. Collective Game, TQM, Afro Samurai, Afro, Samurai, The Wandering Headband, The, Wandering, Headband, Rokutaro2024-01-28 10 
March 2024
5924120The Wandering Headband 2Rokutaro continues his journey to Neo Tokyo, finding the family he's helped before and being robbed of his headbands along the way. Collective Game, TQM, Afro Samurai, Afro, Samurai, The Wandering Headband, The, Wandering, Headband, Rokutaro2024-03-23 4 
May 2024
5976517Shogun Isekai Quest #1You are David, a modern American high school student, who was transported to 1600's Japan after being run over by a truck. Shogun, Isekai, Shogun Isekai Quest, Blue Eyed White Samurai, Historical, Save Scumming2024-05-20 0 
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