/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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April 2013
24338691Doomquest part 2In which the skrulls of Slovakia are dealt with, and our dinner date isn't a total failureDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-04-20 11 
24358152Doomquest3 threadDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-04-21 11 
24380074Doom quest 4In which Valeria Richards becomes a magical girl, construction begins on not-hogwarts, and we get presents from NamorDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-04-22 11 
24418674Doomquest part 5In which we recruit Morgana le fey to be our new headmistress, Valeria invents the hoverboard and the fantastic 4 return from marsDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-04-24 10 
24438264Doom quest 6In which relations with the fantastic 4 become more rocky, and we chat with Morgana le fay. Shortest one, due to our useless servant OP being ill. You just can't build the staff these daysDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-04-24 7 
24491084Doomquest 7 In which we go to the UN, Learn how to scry and run out of fantaDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-04-28 7 
24530468Doomquest part 8In which Valeria stays briefly, we give Morgan le Fey a lot of fanta, and Magneto moves to MarsDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-04-29 7 
May 2013
24550561Doom Quest part 9In which our faithful servant needs repairs, we give Namor a present, and we attend and almost win an Atlantean tournament without personal participationDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-01 7 
24570341Doom Quest 10In which we talk with the victor of the atlantean tournament, We get richards to allow Valeria to go to magic school, and we plan the school's openingDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-02 6 
24623905Doom Quest part 11In which Mutants attack during our school opening, OP gets killed and Deadpool gets ready to record his best show yetDoom Quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-05 6 
24644348Doom Quest 12In which deadpool interrogates our prisoners, Richards gets caught out and lessons begin at the Latverian institute of thaumaturgy and technologyDoom Quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-06 6 
24665069Doom Quest part 13In which we interrogate Wolverine, Rehabilitate X-23, and learn of the IlluminatiDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-06 6 
24683861Doom Quest 14In which we talk to Xavier, Attend an illuminati meeting and go on a picnicDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-08 6 
24704495Doom Quest 15In which we deal with teen angst, pass sentence on prisoners and get Wolverine out of the countryDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-09 6 
24765970Doom Quest 16In which we take a break, Talk with Nick Fury, defeat some skrulls and eat some cakeDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-11 7 
24786650Doom Quest 17In which we talk with Magneto, fix an inconvenience in our school, and arrange our appearance on the Daily showDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-13 11 
24806290Doom Quest 18In which we appear on the Daily show. Then Richards shows up. Probably drunk.Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-14 24 
24863634Doom Quest 20In which we read a Skrull's mind, Ward the School better and make everyone at the UN shit themselvesDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-17 13 
24938861 Doom Quest 21We develop further the plans of counter attack the enemy. Also there is deep discussion on how to troll Stark for not brining us the take out.Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-21 12 
24958007Doom Quest 22in which we begin an counter attack against the SkrullsDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-22 10 
25034174Doom Quest 24In which we meet with the Shi'ar, learn about our birthday party and show off our floating gardensDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-26 12 
25071822Doom Quest 25In which we send deadpool to North Korea, Repaint our spaceships after Stark interference and spy on parents eveningDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-28 10 
25092431Doom Quest 26In which we catch Doctor Strange in our school, Send Lyja to talk to Johnny Storm, and then Endure Richards' Presence Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-29 10 
25136460Doom Quest 27In which we mingle, have our Chandelier replaced by a North Korea fanboy and have a "surprise" Birthday partyDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-05-31 10 
June 2013
25176235Doom Quest 28In which we receive our birthday gifts, drive Richard in alcoholism, and have a serious talk with Susan.Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-06-02 10 
25220748Doom Quest 29In which we send Richards family home, have a chat with Doctor Strange and hire the villains for scineceDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-06-04 10 
25261713Doom Quest 30In which we get Namor to wear more, Build Robo-wizards and bicker incessantly Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-06-06 11 
25320400Doom Quest 31In which we plan to undermine Russia's economy, Find the Thing in our courtyard and our Prime Minister is surprisingly effective at counterterrorismDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-06-09 10 
25360247Doom Quest 32In which we give Doctor Strange a tour of our school, Get shouted at by an imprisoned Richards and wake half the people in New York up in the middle of the nightDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-06-11 11 
25397676Doom Quest 33In which She hulk visits, we interrogate Richards, and discover he'd got Susan to wipe his memoryDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective game2013-06-13 10 
25452935Doom quest 34In which we get to search Richards' lab, get Hank Pym to make a memory restoring solution, and Foot Dive RichardsDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective game2013-06-16 10 
25490072Doom Quest 35In which we find out Richards was going to teleport to a skrull ship, capture the skrull ship, and find out about their new infiltration programDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-06-18 11 
25530501Doom Quest 36In which we earn lots of money, buy more doombots and get presents from Morgana left FeyDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective game2013-06-20 10 
25584652Doom Quest 37In which we invent magic grenades, visit faraway places and then go to hell, in with h we fail miserablyDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective game2013-06-23 7 
25622454Doom Quest 38In which we freeze a giant monster without making any puns, realize Doctor Strange is ki and of incompetent and go medieval on mephistoDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective game2013-06-25 7 
25680468Doom Quest 39In which we get mother's soul back, Plan our new armour convention, and explain why we don't have any grandkids to momDoom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-06-28 10 
25718020Doom QuestThe next thread will be in a week due to a Funeral for OP. Doom quest, Doctor Doom, Collective Game2013-06-29 7 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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